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my biggest fear in life is heights. | Acrophobia is an extreme or irrational fear or phobia of heights, especially when one is not particularly high up. It belongs to a category of specific phobias, called space and motion discomfort, that share both similar causes and options for treatment. Most people experience a degree of natural fear when exposed to heights, known as the fear of falling. On the other hand, those who have little fear of such exposure are said to have a head for heights. A head for heights is advantageous for those hiking or climbing in mountainous terrain and also in certain jobs e.g. steeplejacks or wind turbine mechanics. People with acrophobia can experience a panic attack in high places and become too agitated to get themselves down safely. Approximately 2–5% of the general population suffers from acrophobia, with twice as many women affected as men. The term is from the , "ákron", meaning "peak, summit, edge" and , "phóbos", "fear". Traditionally, acrophobia has been attributed, like other phobias, to conditioning or a traumatic experience. Recent studies have cast doubt on this explanation; a fear of falling, along with a fear of loud noises, is one of the most commonly suggested inborn or "non-associative" fears.
Avery: I suffer from Acrophobia . It belongs to a category of specific phobias, called space and motion discomfort
Marcus: Can you explain more about it? in what condition it happens?
Avery: It occurs when exposed to heights. It is also know an fear of falling
Marcus: ّI see, I have phobia too, It is Agoraphobia, I do not like to go to crowded places
Avery: I see. Have you been attacked with it before? Because it may result in a panic attack.
Marcus: I did not experience panic attack, but I try to avoid it, It makes me very uncomfortable
Avery: There are some severe cases where people may become unable to leave their homes. DO you experience this too?
Marcus: No, I am fine until it does not get too crowded, I still must go out if I have an emergency thing to do
Avery: like other phobias it is a traumatic experience. I am sorry you have such
Marcus: It's okay, I've learned how to deal with it, It does not affect my daily life
i ve never been to the beach. | A beach is a landform alongside a body of water which consists of loose particles. The particles composing a beach are typically made from rock, such as sand, gravel, shingle, pebbles, or cobblestones. The particles can also be biological in origin, such as mollusc shells or coralline algae. Some beaches have man-made infrastructure, such as lifeguard posts, changing rooms, and showers. They may also have hospitality venues (such as resorts, camps, hotels, and restaurants) nearby. Wild beaches, also known as undeveloped or undiscovered beaches, are not developed in this manner. Wild beaches can be valued for their untouched beauty and preserved nature. Beaches typically occur in areas along the coast where wave or current action deposits and reworks sediments. Although the seashore is most commonly associated with the word "beach", beaches are also found by lakes and alongside large rivers. "Beach" may refer to: The former are described in detail below; the larger geological units are discussed elsewhere under bars. There are several conspicuous parts to a beach that relate to the processes that form and shape it. The part mostly above water (depending upon tide), and more or less actively influenced by the waves at some point in the tide, is termed the beach berm.
Dominic: Do you ever go to the beach? It is a landform that sits by a body of water.
Kaitlyn: Yes I have gone as a kid but now that I think about it the ocean is a dirty place.
Dominic: I think it matters most about the type of particles on the beach. There can be sand, pebbles, cobblestone, or gravel.
Kaitlyn: Yes I understand but I mean when there is human waste like plastic it is disheartening.
Dominic: It is. It doesn't help when there are camps, hotels, and resorts located right by the beach.
Kaitlyn: Yes so I specifically remember Venice Beach being very gross but also very popular.
Dominic: The best place to go are wild beaches, which haven't been developed by humans.
Kaitlyn: Oh I haven't heard of those can you tell me if there's any in the USA?
i currently work for ibm in chicago. | IBM (International Business Machines Corporation) is an American multinational technology company headquartered in Armonk, New York, United States, with operations in over 170 countries. The company originated in 1911 as the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (CTR) and was renamed "International Business Machines" in 1924. IBM manufactures and markets computer hardware, middleware and software, and provides hosting and consulting services in areas ranging from mainframe computers to nanotechnology. IBM is also a major research organization, holding the record for most patents generated by a business (as of 2018) for 25 consecutive years. Inventions by IBM include the automated teller machine (ATM), the PC, the floppy disk, the hard disk drive, the magnetic stripe card, the relational database, the SQL programming language, the UPC barcode, and dynamic random-access memory (DRAM). The IBM mainframe, exemplified by the System/360, was the dominant computing platform during the 1960s and 1970s. IBM has continually shifted its business mix by commoditizing markets focusing on higher-value, more profitable markets. This includes spinning off printer manufacturer Lexmark in 1991 and selling off its personal computer (ThinkPad/ThinkCentre) and x86-based server businesses to Lenovo (2005 and 2014, respectively), and acquiring companies such as PwC Consulting (2002), SPSS (2009), and The Weather Company (2016).
Vanessa: I think IBM is my favorite tech company. The invented the floppy disk and the harddrive. Do you like IBM?
Alyssa: I do and have always been a fan of their products!
Vanessa: Do you know that the Personal Computer was IBM's invention too?
Alyssa: No - I didn't realize that? Are you big into technology?
Vanessa: Yes I enjoy technology. Ever since they released the personal computer in the early 80s.
Alyssa: Wow - has it been that long? Hard to imagine what life was like without them!
Vanessa: Yes IBM have innovated workplaces and lifestyles because of it. Same with Apple.
Alyssa: I always imagined those are two fantastic companies to work for!
Vanessa: Yes the team of engineers who work at IBM are very smart. Steve Jobs had a lot of vision as well.
Alyssa: I agree. I wonder what else he would have created had he still been alive.
i am a special ed teacher. | Special education (also known as special needs education, aided education, exceptional education or Special Ed) is the practice of educating students with special educational needs in a way that addresses their individual differences and needs. Ideally, this process involves the individually planned and systematically monitored arrangement of teaching procedures, adapted equipment and materials, and accessible settings. These interventions are designed to help individuals with special needs achieve a higher level of personal self-sufficiency and success in school and in their community, that may not be available if the student were only given access to a typical classroom education. Common special needs include learning disabilities (such as dyslexia), communication disorders, emotional and behavioral disorders (such as ADHD and ADD), physical disabilities (such as Brittle Bone Disease, Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy, Spinal Bifida, and Frederich's Ataxia), and developmental disabilities (such as autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disability). Students with these kinds of special needs are likely to benefit from additional educational services such as different approaches to teaching, the use of technology, a specifically adapted teaching area, or a resource room.
Erica: I work with youths that have special education it is so exciting.
Eduardo: Yeah, those kids are great! The interventions that are designed to help individuals with special needs often achieve a higher level of personal sufficiency and success in school thanks to you!
Erica: That is our main focus from our job services we have to help make sure they have success while in school and after they graduate.
Eduardo: That is so nice to hear! Thank goodness special education programs in the United States were made mandatory in 1975 by Congress! Every kid deserves a chance.
Erica: They also fund alot of money for these kids as well our job alone was funded from the federal of 14 billion just for the fiscal year for special education and that is for one year.
Eduardo: Yes, with that 14 billion, IDEA requires states to provide special education and related services consistent with federal standards. That's a lot of money for 1 year!
Erica: Yes to much money but the federal is really big on special education it also gives us open opportunity to teach them stability also from outside providers.
Eduardo: It honestly is too much money in my opinion but I'd rather have leftover than not enough.
i like running in marathons. | The marathon is a long-distance running race with an official distance of 42.195 kilometres (26.219 miles, or 26 miles 385 yards), usually run as a road race. The event was instituted in commemoration of the fabled run of the Greek soldier Pheidippides, a messenger from the Battle of Marathon to Athens, who reported the victory. The marathon was one of the original modern Olympic events in 1896, though the distance did not become standardized until 1921. More than 800 marathons are held throughout the world each year, with the vast majority of competitors being recreational athletes as larger marathons can have tens of thousands of participants. The name "Marathon" comes from the legend of Philippides or Pheidippides, the Greek messenger. The legend states that he was sent from the battlefield of Marathon to Athens to announce that the Persians had been defeated in the Battle of Marathon (in which he had just fought), which took place in August or September, 490 BC. It is said that he ran the entire distance without stopping and burst into the assembly, exclaiming ("nenikēkamen", "we have won! "), before collapsing and dying. The account of the run from Marathon to Athens first appears in Plutarch's "On the Glory of Athens" in the 1st century AD, which quotes from Heraclides Ponticus's lost work, giving the runner's name as either Thersipus of Erchius or Eucles.
Shawn: I abhor running! lol I could never run a marathon which is a long distance race with a distance of approximately 26 miles.
Ethan: I don't like running either! It always makes my knees hurt. I would much rather ride a bike.
Shawn: I'd rather just lie in a beach chair! lol The marathon was actually one of the original modern Olympic events in 1896.
Ethan: Wow, it's been going on for a while. I've been kind of interested in going to the Tokyo Event.
Shawn: I didn't realize the next games were in Tokyo. They are thought of as the world's foremost sporting competition. Over 200 nationals typically compete in these events.
Ethan: 200 nations is a lot of countries. I wonder who doesn't go, lol. Yeah I love going to Japan. Maybe they will do better than the last several host.
Shawn: What is your favorite event? The Olympics are held every 4 years with an alternating schedule of summer and winter with a 2 year separation.
Ethan: I always like to watch the gymnastics, but my family has always been super interested in the swimming events.
Shawn: My favorite event is women's gymnastics. The creation of the ancient Olympic games began in the 8th century BC and they were held in Olympia, Greece. I bet they looked a lot different then! lol
Ethan: Yeah I heard they were started by the greeks and that only men competed and they competed without clothes.
my dad is very strict with his kids. | Parenting or child rearing is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood. Parenting refers to the intricacies of raising a child aside from the biological relationship. The most common caretaker in parenting is the biological parent(s) of the child in question, although others may be an older sibling, a grandparent, a legal guardian, aunt, uncle or other family member, or a family friend. Governments and society may have a role in child-rearing as well. In many cases, orphaned or abandoned children receive parental care from non-parent blood relations. Others may be adopted, raised in foster care, or placed in an orphanage. Parenting skills vary, and a parent with good parenting skills may be referred to as a "good parent". The English pediatrician and psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott described the concept of "good-enough" parenting in which a minimum of prerequisites for healthy child development are met. Winnicott wrote, "The good-enough mother...starts off with an almost complete adaptation to her infant's needs, and as time proceeds she adapts less and less completely, gradually, according to the infant's growing ability to deal with her failure."
Brody: Hi buddy parenting is big task for the married couples
Oliver: Oh man it is. Parenting refers to the intricacies of raising a child besides the biological relationship
Brody: Yes of course its a more responsibility job. we need to do it perfectly
Oliver: Understandable! Actually, a English pediatrician and psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott described the concept of "good-enough" parenting in which a minimum of prerequisites for healthy child development are met.
Brody: Oh good. Good enough concept. Can you please explain
Oliver: Basically doing the bare minimum back in the day qualified you as a "good" parent
Brody: Oh good. I m try to be good parent
Oliver: How many kids do you have? I bet you are a good parent. The guy Winnicott once wrote, "The good-enough mother...starts off with an almost complete adaptation to her infant's needs, and as time proceeds she adapts less and less completely, gradually, according to the infant's growing ability to deal with her failure."
my favorite food is pizza. | Pizza is a traditional Italian dish consisting of a yeasted flatbread typically topped with tomato sauce and cheese and baked in an oven. It can also be topped with additional vegetables, meats, and condiments, and can be made without cheese. The term "pizza" was first recorded in the 10th century, in a Latin manuscript from the Southern Italy town of Gaeta in Lazio, on the border with Campania. Modern pizza was invented in Naples, and the dish and its variants have since become popular and common in many areas of the world. In 2009, upon Italy's request, Neapolitan pizza was registered with the European Union as a Traditional Speciality Guaranteed dish. "Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana" (True Neapolitan Pizza Association), a non-profit organization founded in 1984 with headquarters in Naples, aims to "promote and protect... the true Neapolitan pizza". Pizza is one of the most popular foods in the world and common fast food item in Europe and North America. Many independent or chain restaurants, cafes, and fast food outlets offer pizza. Restaurants or chains specializing in pizza are pizzerias. Pizza delivery is common in some parts of the world. Pizza is sold fresh or frozen, either whole or in portions.
Marco: Hi, do you like pizza? It is a traditional Italian dish with bread and toppings, baked in an oven.
Jacqueline: Yeah I do, I always wonder where it came to be though.
Marco: The word "pizza" was first recorded in the 10th century, in a Latin manuscript in the Italian town of Gaeta.
Jacqueline: Damn that's a long time ago. Didn't it start out as flatbread without any sauce or cheese?
Marco: Yeah, modern pizza was invented in Naples and originally was flatbread with some seasoning. Toppings came later.
Jacqueline: Cool, what kind of toppings were popular?
Marco: At first it was mostly vegetables and condiments. Meats and cheese were added later. I like many types of meats on my pizza!
Jacqueline: Same here, what were some of the first meats put on them? Probably lamb or something.
i like to garden. | Gardening is the practice of growing and cultivating plants as part of horticulture. In gardens, ornamental plants are often grown for their flowers, foliage, or overall appearance; useful plants, such as root vegetables, leaf vegetables, fruits, and herbs, are grown for consumption, for use as dyes, or for medicinal or cosmetic use. Gardening is considered by many people to be a relaxing activity. Gardening ranges in scale from fruit orchards, to long boulevard plantings with one or more different types of shrubs, trees, and herbaceous plants, to residential yards including lawns and foundation plantings, to plants in large or small containers grown inside or outside. Gardening may be very specialized, with only one type of plant grown, or involve a large number of different plants in mixed plantings. It involves an active participation in the growing of plants, and tends to be labor-intensive, which differentiates it from farming or forestry. Forest gardening, a forest-based food production system, is the world's oldest form of gardening. Forest gardens originated in prehistoric times along jungle-clad river banks and in the wet foothills of monsoon regions. In the gradual process of families improving their immediate environment, useful tree and vine species were identified, protected and improved while undesirable species were eliminated.
Adrian: I love to garden, whether its flowers or useful plants like vegetables and fruit.
Jonathan: I have never had a garden. How would I go about starting one?
Adrian: It depends on your space. You could start small in outside containers and graduate to shrubs, trees etc. in your yard. The world is your oyster!
Jonathan: Nice. I dont have a lot of space to work with though.
Adrian: No problem - you could specialize in one type of plant, or get containers and add mixed plants. Whatever works for you.
Jonathan: That sounds more feasible than I imagined. Maybe I can start small.
Adrian: Just use what's available to you. That's what people did in prehistoric times: they identified useful trees and vines and protected them, while getting rid of the ones they didn't want.
Jonathan: I see. I would like to start growing some vegetables possibly. I think it would be fun.
i love to read. | Reading is a complex "cognitive process" of decoding symbols in order to construct or derive meaning (reading comprehension). Reading is a means of language acquisition, communication, and of sharing information and ideas. Like all languages, it is a complex interaction between the text and the reader which is shaped by the reader’s prior knowledge, experiences, attitude, and language community which is culturally and socially situated. The reading process requires continuous practice, development, and refinement. In addition, reading requires creativity and critical analysis. Consumers of literature make ventures with each piece, innately deviating from literal words to create images that make sense to them in the unfamiliar places the texts describe. Because reading is such a complex process, it cannot be controlled or restricted to one or two interpretations. There are no concrete laws in reading, but rather allows readers an escape to produce their own products introspectively. This promotes deep exploration of texts during interpretation. Readers use a variety of reading strategies to assist with decoding (to translate symbols into sounds or visual representations of speech) and comprehension.
Aiden: I love to read it is my favorite acitvity
Carson: I enjoy reading as well. What are some of your favorite books?
Aiden: I love reading complex stories that require critical analysis, in other words, I really like Umberto Eco
Carson: I haven't heard of Umberto Eco. Can you tell me more about it?
Aiden: His most popular book was The Name of the Rose, it was made into a movie also.
Carson: Is he an American author?
Aiden: No Umberto Eco is Italian. He is also a university professor.
Carson: Is he still writing today?
Aiden: NO he died on February the 19th 2016.
Carson: How was his movie critically received?
Aiden: I don't know, but his book sold 50 millions copies.
i love comics. | A comic book or comicbook, also called comic magazine or simply comic, is a publication that consists of comic art in the form of sequential juxtaposed panels that represent individual scenes. Panels are often accompanied by brief descriptive prose and written narrative, usually dialog contained in word balloons emblematic of the comics art form. Although some origins in 18th century Japan and 1830s Europe, comic books were first popularized in the United States during the 1930s. The first modern comic book, "Famous Funnies", was released in the United States in 1933 and was a reprinting of earlier newspaper humor comic strips, which had established many of the story-telling devices used in comics. The term "comic book" derives from American comic books once being a compilation of comic strips of a humorous tone; however, this practice was replaced by featuring stories of all genres, usually not humorous in tone. Comic books are reliant on their organization and appearance. Authors largely focus on the frame of the page, size, orientation, and panel positions. These characteristic aspects of comic books are necessary in conveying the content and messages of the author. The key elements of comic books include panels, balloons (speech bubbles), text (lines), and characters.
Liam: I have been really into comic books lately. There's no way I'll get through them all though, seeing as they have been popular in the US since 1930.
Maria: That's interesting. The only comic book I've read was the parts of The Walking Dead.
Liam: I've read some of those as well! I really liked Robert Kirkman's writing - Tony Moore's art style is undeniable as well.
Maria: I only read them because I wanted to see if I could find some spoilers for the show !
Liam: That's pretty funny! Speaking of funny, I came across the first modern comic book called the "Famous Funnies." It was first released in 1933! Pretty wild.
Maria: Oh How cool. I wouldn't mind reading it. I bet it's entertaining.
Liam: Oh, absolutely. They were reprints of earlier newspaper humor strips which actually established how story-telling is used in comics today.
Maria: Such fun history to learn. For awhile it was one of the few forms of entertainment.
i drive a honda car. | Honda has been the world's largest motorcycle manufacturer since 1959, as well as the world's largest manufacturer of internal combustion engines measured by volume, producing more than 14 million internal combustion engines each year. Honda became the second-largest Japanese automobile manufacturer in 2001. Honda was the eighth largest automobile manufacturer in the world behind Toyota, Volkswagen Group, Hyundai Motor Group, General Motors, Ford, Nissan, and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles in 2015. Honda was the first Japanese automobile manufacturer to release a dedicated luxury brand, Acura, in 1986. Aside from their core automobile and motorcycle businesses, Honda also manufactures garden equipment, marine engines, personal watercraft and power generators, and other products. Since 1986, Honda has been involved with artificial intelligence/robotics research and released their ASIMO robot in 2000. They have also ventured into aerospace with the establishment of GE Honda Aero Engines in 2004 and the Honda HA-420 HondaJet, which began production in 2012. Honda has three joint-ventures in China (Honda China, Dongfeng Honda, and Guangqi Honda). In 2013, Honda invested about 5.7% (US$6.8 billion) of its revenues in research and development.
Trinity: I drive a Honda car, do you? It produces more than 14 million engines a year!
Abby: Yeah I have a Civic actually, it's a really reliable car, I love it.
Trinity: I love the Civic as well. Honda also was the first Japanese car maker to release a luxury brand, Acura, in 1986.
Abby: I didn't know that, I wonder how long the Honda brand itself has been around, do you know?
Trinity: Sure thing - Honda was founded in September of 1948. It only recently became the second largest Japanese car maker in 2001 in the world!
Abby: It has quite a long history then, do you know when the Civic first came out by any chance?
Trinity: The first Honda Civic came out in 1973. One thing I'm sure you have not heard of, the Honda City. It's a compact car that came out since 1981 but was retired in 1994.
Abby: I definitely have never heard of it, can you tell me more?
i live in chicago. | The Chicago metropolitan area, or Chicagoland, is the metropolitan area that includes the city of Chicago, Illinois, and its suburbs. With an estimated MSA population of 9.5 million people and CSA population of 9.9 million people, it is the third largest metropolitan area in the United States. The Chicago metropolitan area is one of the world's largest and most diversified economies, with more than four million employees and generating an annual gross regional product (GRP) of over $561 billion. The region is home to more than 400 major corporate headquarters, including 31 in the Fortune 500. There are several definitions of the area, including the area defined by the United States Office of Management and Budget (OMB) as the Chicago–Joliet–Naperville, IL–IN–WI Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), and the area under the jurisdiction of the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) (a metropolitan planning organization). The Chicago Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) was originally designated by the United States Census Bureau in 1950. It comprised the Illinois counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake and Will, along with Lake County in Indiana. As surrounding counties saw an increase in their population densities and the number of their residents employed within Cook County, they met Census criteria to be added to the MSA.
Madeline: HI, I am interested in visiting Chicago soon, do you have any suggestions about places to go for fun?
Noah: i actually have never been but i would love to see every main place in Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake and Will, and lake counties in illinois
Madeline: I bet that would be great! I know Chicago is well known for the art museums so I imagine they have plenty of them to visit.
Noah: yes, chicago is known as the global architecture capital so they must have amazing buildings
Madeline: I can just imagine the skyscrapers. I heard a bit about Millennium Park as a great place, with art, theater and an ice rink, so that would be fun.
Noah: yes and its near lake michigan shoreline that covers a part of grant park, so that must be a sight to see
Madeline: Oh, yes, I bet it would be gorgeous. Navy Pier is there, with rides and food so I think my teenagers would enjoy that.
Noah: yes i've heard of that! its actually the most visited attraction in the midwest and chicago's biggest attraction
Madeline: I didn't know that! So, I bet it's quite fun, you've been helpful, thanks!
Noah: if you like business its home to 31 headquarters of fortune 500 companies
we have two pets as well. | A pet or companion animal is an animal kept primarily for a person's company, protection, or entertainment rather than as a working animal, livestock, or laboratory animal. Popular pets are often noted for their attractive appearances and their loyal or playful personalities. Pets provide their owners (or guardians) both physical and emotional benefits. Walking a dog can supply both the human and pet with exercise, fresh air, and social interaction. Pets can give companionship to elderly adults who do not have adequate social interaction with other people, as well as to other people who are living alone. There is a medically approved class of therapy animals, mostly dogs or cats, that are brought to visit confined humans, such as children in hospitals or elders in nursing homes. Pet therapy utilizes trained animals and handlers to achieve specific physical, social, cognitive, and emotional goals with patients. Some of the most popular pets are likely dogs and cats; other animals commonly kept may include (but are not limited to) pigs, ferrets, and rabbits; rodents such as gerbils, hamsters, chinchillas, rats, and guinea pigs; avian pets, such as parrots, passerines, and fowl; reptile pets, such as turtles, lizards and snakes; aquatic pets, such as fish, freshwater and saltwater snails, and frogs; arthropod pets, such as tarantulas and hermit crabs.
Victoria: I love my pets. I have three cats.
Sebastian: I love cats, but my son is allergic so we can't have one. What kind do you have?
Victoria: Allergies are not fun at all! I am allergic too but it is manageable with medication. The cats are all rescues.
Sebastian: What kinds of medications can you take for cat allergies?
Victoria: I take an OTC. Does your son sneeze and have a runny nose with the allergy or worse symptoms?
Sebastian: He does. Itchy eyes, runny nose, little hives. He just seems to get some discomfort in general. He has the same things around Christmas trees :(
Victoria: Aw, that's too bad. Are you allergic, too? Sometimes allergens are hereditary.
Sebastian: No, neither my wife or I are allergic, but my wife has a lot of allergies to other things. We should take him to get him tested and find out what we could give him. It would be fun to have Christmas morning with a real Christmas tree and a cat under it!
i was diagnosed with mild ocd in college. | Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder where people feel the need to check things repeatedly, perform certain routines repeatedly (called "rituals"), or have certain thoughts repeatedly. People are unable to control either the thoughts or the activities for more than a short period of time. Common activities include hand washing, counting of things, and checking to see if a door is locked. Some may have difficulty throwing things out. These activities occur to such a degree that the person's daily life is negatively affected. Often they take up more than an hour a day. Most adults realize that the behaviors do not make sense. The condition is associated with tics, anxiety disorder, and an increased risk of suicide. The cause is unknown. There appear to be some genetic components with both identical twins more often affected than both non-identical twins. Risk factors include a history of child abuse or other stress inducing event. Some cases have been documented to occur following infections. The diagnosis is based on the symptoms and requires ruling out other drug related or medical causes. Rating scales such as the Yale–Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) can be used to assess the severity.
Chloe: Do you have any experience with OCD - a mental disorder where people need to check things repeatedly, perform rituals, etc..
Brady: Yes i think i have expirienced OCD at some point in my life, could you tell me more about this disorder
Chloe: Well, they like to perform rituals, check things, or h ave certain thoughts repeatedly.
Brady: Yeah i always have to double if not triple check things when i'm at home
Chloe: Common activites would be like hand washing, counting things, checking locked doors, etc. and they are unable to control the thoughts or activites.
Brady: yeah i always expirienced this when it's raining i always have to see if the windows are shut even if i checked 5min beafore
Chloe: Do they occur to such a degree that your daily life is affected by them? OCD drastically affects every day life.
Brady: Well i think it depends on the day, there are some days where i will noticed it way more than others.
i love iced tea. | Snapple is a brand of tea and juice drinks which is owned by Dr Pepper Snapple Group and based in Plano, Texas. The company (and brand), which was originally known as Unadulterated Food Products, was founded in 1972. The brand achieved some fame due to various pop-culture references including television shows. Snapple was founded by Leonard Marsh, Hyman Golden, and Arnold Greenberg in 1972 in Valley Stream, Long Island, New York. Their company, which was originally known as Unadulterated Food Products, was first conceived as a part-time venture to supply fruit juices to health food stores. Unsure if the business would succeed, Greenberg continued to run his health food store in Manhattan's East Village, while Leonard Marsh and his brother-in-law, Hyman Golden, operated a window washing business. In a 1989 interview with "Crain's New York Business", Marsh admitted that when they launched the small business he knew "as much about juice as about making an atom bomb." Unadulterated Food Products was one of the first companies in the United States to manufacture a wide line of juices and other beverages made from natural ingredients. An early apple juice product led to the company's name, Snapple.
Brady: Snapple has been around forever. I can remember 25 years ago drinking it as a kid on the beach.
David: Snapple is made by Dr. Pepper which has been around a long time.
Brady: Oh yes them too. That was way before my time... What is your favorite flavor of Snapple?
David: Peach is my favorite flavor of Snapple.I used to see the Snapple plant when I lived in Plano, Tx.
Brady: I like regular ole Lemon but diet. They had a strawberry one too that wasn't bad.
David: The name Snapple came from one of their first apple juice products.
Brady: I never knew that; interesting. How many flavors do they have now?
David: Not sure how many but they now have a lot more flavors than when they just sold to health stores, snapple is mainstream now.
i love cheese cake. | The Cheesecake Factory, Inc. is a restaurant company and distributor of cheesecakes based in the United States. The company operates 208 full-service restaurants: 194 under The Cheesecake Factory brand, 13 under the Grand Lux Cafe brand and one under the RockSugar Pan Asian Kitchen brand. The Cheesecake Factory also operates two bakery production facilities—in Calabasas, California, and Rocky Mount, North Carolina—and licenses two bakery-based menus for other food service operators under The Cheesecake Factory Bakery Cafe marque. Its cheesecakes and other baked goods can also be found in the cafes of many Barnes & Noble stores. David M. Overton, the company's founder, opened the first Cheesecake Factory restaurant in Beverly Hills, California, in 1978. The restaurant established the future chain's pattern of featuring an eclectic menu, large portions, and signature cheesecakes. The Cheesecake Factory was founded by Evelyn Overton. Evelyn first decided to open a business after making a cheesecake for her husband's employer in 1949. She opened a small cheesecake shop in Detroit, Michigan in the late 1950s, but eventually gave it up in order to raise her two children. She continued to supply cakes to several local restaurants through a kitchen in her basement.
Mikayla: Cheese cake is my favorite sweet! do you like sweets?
Kathryn: I love sweets, and cheesecake, but I do not like The Cheesecake Factory cheesecakes. They aren't very good.
Mikayla: Why is cheesecake one word?
Kathryn: Well, baked or unbaked, I guess it is a compound word.
Mikayla: but chocolate cake is not chocolatecake right?
Kathryn: A compound word consists of more than one stem. Maybe chocolate isn't a stem?
Mikayla: You are great with words!
Kathryn: I was raised on classical Sanskrit where they use nominal compounds that can be up to 30 words.
Mikayla: interesting, how many languages do you know?
Kathryn: If you count Pig Latin, then 4.
i do yoga on tuesdays. | Tuesday is a day of the week occurring after Monday and before Wednesday. According to international standard ISO 8601, it is the second day of the week. According to some commonly used calendars, however, especially in the United States, it is the third day of the week. The English name is derived from Old English "Tiwesdæg" and Middle English "Tewesday," meaning "Tīw's Day", the day of Tiw or Týr, the god of single combat, victory and heroic glory in Norse mythology. Tiw was equated with Mars in the interpretatio germanica, and the name of the day is a translation of Latin "dies Martis". The name "Tuesday" derives from the Old English "Tiwesdæg" and literally means "Tiw's Day". Tiw is the Old English form of the Proto-Germanic god "*Tîwaz", or Týr in Old Norse. "*Tîwaz" derives from the Proto-Indo-European base "*dei-", "*deyā-", "*dīdyā-", meaning 'to shine', whence comes also such words as "deity". The Latin name "dies Martis" ("day of Mars") is equivalent to the Greek ἡμέρα Ἄρεως. In most languages with Latin origins (Italian, French, Spanish, Catalan, Romanian, Galician, Sardinian, Corsican, but not Portuguese), the day is named after Mars, the Ancient Greek Ares Ἄρης . In some Slavic languages the word Tuesday originated from Old Church Slavonic word "въторъ" meaning ""the second"".
Julian: Tuesday is the day occuring after Monday so most people like that day b/c Monday's are always hard day
Autumn: I think Tuesday is better than Monday, that's for sure!
Julian: According to the International Standard ISO 8601 it is the second day of the week but according to most commonly used calenders it is considered the third day of the week
Autumn: Yes, I always think of it as the second day of the week myself. I think some people's religious views sometimes has something to do with that concept.
Julian: The name Tuesday derives from the old english word "Tiwesdaeg" which literally means "Tiws Day" which is a Proto-Germanic god
Autumn: Well, I didn't know that. Interesting.
Julian: In Slavic languages it means "the second" which makes sense
Autumn: Yes, that does make sense. It's not my favorite day of the week, but better than Mondays!
Julian: I like Saturdays the best I guess. it says in most languages the day is named after Mars
Autumn: I guess I prefer Fridays. The last day of the work week and two days to look forward to being off!
my favorite band used to be toto. | Toto is an American rock band formed in 1976 in Los Angeles. The band's current lineup consists of Joseph Williams (lead vocals), David Paich (keyboards, vocals), Steve Porcaro (keyboards), Steve Lukather (guitars, vocals), plus touring members Lenny Castro (percussion), Warren Ham (saxophone), Shem von Schroeck (bass) and Shannon Forrest (drums). Toto is known for a musical style that combines elements of pop, rock, soul, funk, progressive rock, hard rock, R&B, blues, and jazz. Paich and Jeff Porcaro had played together as session musicians on several albums and decided to form a band. David Hungate, Lukather, Steve Porcaro and Bobby Kimball were recruited before the first album release. The band enjoyed great commercial success in the late 1970s and 1980s, beginning with the band's eponymous debut released in 1978. With the release of the critically acclaimed and commercially successful "Toto IV" (1982), Toto became one of the best-selling music groups of their era. Widely known for the Top 5 hits "Hold the Line", "Rosanna", and "Africa", the makeup of the group continues to evolve. Hungate left in 1982, followed by Kimball in 1984, but who rejoined the band in 1998 until 2008. Jeff Porcaro died in 1992 of a heart attack.
Molly: Have you ever heard of the band Toto?
Cameron: I have! Pretty sure they got really internet famous recently with their song "Africa"
Molly: I love that song! It is something that you can really groove with! Isn't it cool how many genres the band combines like pop, rock, funk, and jazz?
Cameron: Yes it is, they're really having a resurgence lately. Not a lot of 80's bands can claim that.
Molly: Definitely not. There are some other bands that are becoming a little more relative again as well. Have you heard of "Yes" or "Grunge". They are a little more local.
Cameron: I have heard of Yes, but not Grunge. How about Depeche Mode? They were on tour last year!
Molly: Oh wow. Did you happen to see them live? I think band concerts are so exciting!
Cameron: I didn't, I don't think they came to my area. But I do like going to live shows. GWAR is my favorite live concert, but a lot of people don't really understand or "mesh" with them, hahaha
i enjoy golfing. | Golf is a club and ball sport in which players use various clubs to hit balls into a series of holes on a course in as few strokes as possible. Golf, unlike most ball games, cannot and does not utilize a standardized playing area, and coping with the varied terrains encountered on different courses is a key part of the game. The game at the highest level is played on a course with an arranged progression of 18 holes, though recreational courses can be smaller, usually 9 holes. Each hole on the course must contain a tee box to start from, and a putting green containing the actual hole or cup (4.25 inches in diameter). There are other standard forms of terrain in between, such as the fairway, rough (long grass), sand traps (or "bunkers"), and various hazards (water, rocks, fescue) but each hole on a course is unique in its specific layout and arrangement. Golf is played for the lowest number of strokes by an individual, known as stroke play, or the lowest score on the most individual holes in a complete round by an individual or team, known as match play. Stroke play is the most commonly seen format at all levels, but most especially at the elite level. The modern game of golf originated in 15th century Scotland.
Carter: I love plating golf. I wish I could play a round in fewer strokes than I do, but at least it is still fun to play!
Mason: i love golf as well i just dont like watching it
Carter: I actually like watching it as well as playing it, but I understand why people don't like it. I would rather play 9 or 18 holes any day, though!
Mason: i know i feel the same way i play every sunday with my friends it is really nice
Carter: That is really fun, I wish I could pull together a regular game like that. I know you don't like watching golf normally, but have you ever watched the Ryder Cup? It is coming up next month.
Mason: oh of course but i usually watch those kinds of events over at friends houser
Carter: It is the best event when it comes around every two years, I watch it with friends too. It is like the Superbowl for golf
Mason: that sounds really nice, is there anything you could tell me about golf's history?
Carter: It originated in the 15th century in Scotland, so it is going back home this year for the Ryder Cup. Have fun watching it!
Mason: that is really interesting i never thought it would date that far back
my favorite sport is hockey. | Ice hockey is a contact team sport played on ice, usually in a rink, in which two teams of skaters use their sticks to shoot a vulcanized rubber puck into their opponent's net to score points. The sport is known to be fast-paced and physical, with teams usually consisting of six players each: one goaltender, and five players who skate up and down the ice trying to take the puck and score a goal against the opposing team. Ice hockey is most popular in Canada, central and eastern Europe, Scandinavia, Russia and the United States. Ice hockey is the official national winter sport of Canada, and enjoys immense popularity; alongside Canada, ice hockey is the most popular winter sport in Belarus, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Finland, Latvia, Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, and Switzerland. North America's National Hockey League (NHL) is the highest level for men's ice hockey and the strongest professional ice hockey league in the world. The Kontinental Hockey League (KHL) is the highest league in Russia and much of Eastern Europe. The International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) is the formal governing body for international ice hockey, with the IIHF managing international tournaments and maintaining the IIHF World Ranking.
Donovan: My favorite sport is ice hockey. I love to play it and watch it.
Molly: I never played but I do watch ice hockey it is most popular in Canada, Russia and United States.
Donovan: Oh yes, the Canadians and Russians love it! This past year was the amazing for the NHL.
Molly: Do you kno which team went to the Winter Olympics it is a women's tournament.
Donovan: I believe the United States women's team won the gold in the last Olympics.
Molly: Do you watch soccer some times I like soccer as well Becky Sauerbrunn was my favorite she's an gold medalist.
Donovan: I am not a very big soccer fan, I mostly just watch Hockey in the winter and Baseball in the summer.
Molly: I'm more into Soccer, basketball and Football those are my favorite major professional sports.
i sing in the church choir. | The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is a Christian denomination based in the United States. With more than 15 million members , it is the world's largest Baptist denomination, the largest Protestant denomination in the United States, and the second-largest Christian denomination in the United States after the Catholic Church. The word "Southern" in Southern Baptist Convention stems from it having been organized in 1845 at Augusta, Georgia, by Baptists in the Southern United States who split with northern Baptists over the issue of slavery, specifically whether Southern slave owners could serve as missionaries. After the American Civil War, another split occurred when most freedmen set up independent black congregations, regional associations, and state and national conventions, such as the National Baptist Convention, which became the second-largest Baptist convention by the end of the 19th century. Others joined new African-American denominations, chiefly the African Methodist Episcopal Church, which was established in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the early 19th century, as the first independent black denomination in the United States. Since the 1940s, the Southern Baptist Convention has shifted from some of its regional and historical identification.
Leslie: Are you familiar with the Southern Baptists? There are over fifteen millions members.
Javier: To be honest, I actually live in Florida, and attend a Baptist church! What a coincidence!.
Leslie: I live in Florida too! Although the "Southern" in Southern Baptist orginated in Georgia.
Javier: Technically, you could argue that Florida is more Northern than Southern, so I suppose that is fair.
Leslie: Yes, we are pretty much South New York here lol. Although since the 1940's the SBC has shifted some of its regional identification.
Javier: Why do you suppose that is? The country culture was limiting its membership?
Leslie: Some of it was a schism betwen liberal and conservative individuals, particulary a shift away from liberalism.
Javier: That's unfortunate. People should be able to come together in religion regardless of their individual politics.
my guilty pleasure is mcdonald s. | McDonald's is a fast food company that was founded in 1940 as a restaurant operated by Richard and Maurice McDonald, in San Bernardino, California, United States. They rechristened their business as a hamburger stand. The first time a McDonald's franchise used the Golden Arches logo was in 1953 at a location in Phoenix, Arizona. In 1955, Ray Kroc, a businessman, joined the company as a franchise agent and proceeded to purchase the chain from the McDonald brothers. McDonald's had its original headquarters in Oak Brook, Illinois, but has approved plans to move its global headquarters to Chicago by 2018. McDonald's is the world's largest restaurant chain by revenue, serving over 69 million customers daily in over 100 countries across approximately 36,900 outlets as of 2016. Although McDonald's is known for its hamburgers, they also sell cheeseburgers, chicken products, french fries, breakfast items, soft drinks, milkshakes, wraps, and desserts. In response to changing consumer tastes and a negative backlash because of the unhealthiness of their food, the company has added to its menu salads, fish, smoothies, and fruit. The McDonald's Corporation revenues come from the rent, royalties, and fees paid by the franchisees, as well as sales in company-operated restaurants.
Austin: Hi. I'm from Iowa
Kaden: Let's talk for a minute about McDonald's, that was founded in 1940.
Austin: Founded in 1940?
Kaden: Yes, that long ago! And it's all over the world in 119 countries!
Austin: I know that, because I come from Europe (I live here thought) and you see them everywhere.
Kaden: We mostly identify it with Ray Kroc who bought it in 1955 and made it what it is today
Austin: OK.I,m not relly a fan of fastfood. I never come there.
Kaden: I liked it when I was younger. But I recently saw a show about Kroc and how he presented himself as the founder
my favorite band is metallica. | Metallica is an American heavy metal band from Los Angeles, California. The band was formed in 1981 by drummer Lars Ulrich and vocalist/guitarist James Hetfield. The band's fast tempos, instrumentals and aggressive musicianship made them one of the founding "big four" bands of thrash metal, alongside Megadeth, Anthrax and Slayer. Metallica's current lineup comprises founding members Hetfield and Ulrich, longtime lead guitarist Kirk Hammett and bassist Robert Trujillo. Guitarist Dave Mustaine (who formed Megadeth) and bassists Ron McGovney, Cliff Burton and Jason Newsted are former members of the band. Metallica earned a growing fan base in the underground music community and won critical acclaim with its first five albums. The band's third album, "Master of Puppets" (1986), was described as one of the heaviest and most influential thrash metal albums; its eponymous fifth album, "Metallica" (1991), the band's first to root predominantly in heavy metal, appealed to a more mainstream audience, achieving substantial commercial success and selling over 16 million copies in the United States to date, making it the best-selling album of the SoundScan era. After experimenting with different genres and directions in subsequent releases, the band returned to its thrash metal roots with the release of its ninth album, "Death Magnetic" (2008), which drew similar praise to that of the band's earlier albums.
Kaden: Metallica has been my favorite band since they came out with Master of Puppets in 1986.
Jasmine: Me too! I love that band! Do they still tour?
Kaden: They sure are on tour. I know that Lars Ulrich is going to keep rocking it forever.
Jasmine: Yeah, It seems like they have been around forever! Have they won any awards or accolades?
Kaden: Their Black Album was their best selling album but that was 1991 so it they have defiantly been around awhile
Jasmine: I Metallica an American band or are they British?
Kaden: Most definatly an American band. They came form Los Angelse California. But I bet the British love them too.
Jasmine: Yeah, I think they do world tours! What bands inspired Metallica?
i collect stamps. | Stamp collecting is the collecting of postage stamps and related objects. It is related to philately which is the study of stamps. It has been one of the world's most popular hobbies since the late nineteenth century with the rapid growth of the postal service. Stamp collecting proved to be an almost perfect hobby for collectors because there was a never ending stream of new stamps as each country sought to advertise its distinctiveness through its stamps. Stamp collecting is generally accepted as one of the areas that make up the wider subject of philately, which is the study of stamps. A philatelist may, but does not have to, collect stamps. It is not uncommon for the term "philatelist" to be used to mean a stamp collector. Many casual stamp collectors accumulate stamps for sheer enjoyment and relaxation without worrying about the tiny details. The creation of a large or comprehensive collection, however, generally requires some philatelic knowledge and will usually contain areas of philatelic studies. Postage stamps are often collected for their historical value and geographical aspects and also for the many subjects depicted on them, ranging from ships, horses, and birds to kings, queens and presidents.
Grace: Stamp collecting refers to the collection of stamps.
Aaliyah: yes sure its stamp collecting
Grace: Philately is the study of stamps and is related.
Aaliyah: yes related with the stamps
Grace: A philatelist can also collect stamps, but doesn't have to.
Aaliyah: yes a philatelist can also collect stamps
Grace: It is even common for the term to just refer to a stamp collector.
Aaliyah: yes it is common
my parents are divorced. | Divorce, also known as dissolution of marriage, is the termination of a marriage or marital union, the canceling or reorganizing of the legal duties and responsibilities of marriage, thus dissolving the bonds of matrimony between a married couple under the rule of law of the particular country or state. Divorce laws vary considerably around the world, but in most countries divorce requires the sanction of a court or other authority in a legal process, which may involve issues of alimony (spousal support), child custody, child visitation / access, parenting time, child support, distribution of property, and division of debt. In most countries, monogamy is required by law, so divorce allows each former partner to marry another person; where polygyny is legal but polyandry is not, divorce allows the woman to marry another person. Divorce should not be confused with annulment, which declares the marriage null and void; with legal separation or "de jure" separation (a legal process by which a married couple may formalize a "de facto" separation while remaining legally married) or with "de facto separation" (a process where the spouses informally stop cohabiting). Reasons for divorce vary, from sexual incompatibility or lack of independence for one or both spouses to a personality clash.
Rachel: Have you ever had a divorce?
Margaret: Yes, I believe it is the dissolution of a marriage!
Rachel: I had a divorce a long time ago. Yes it dissolved our marriage.
Margaret: I mean, I am from Canada so I know divorce law may vary form where you are from since it is a legal process
Rachel: Yeah it's probably different in all countries. My divorce was simple because we didn't have kids or property.
Margaret: Well in the Philippines and the Vatican City have no procedure for divorce, what would you have done there?
Rachel: Wow maybe people aren't allowed to have a divorce there!
Margaret: I guess not!
i live in an apartment. | Public housing may be a form of housing tenure in which the property is owned by a government authority, which may be central or local. Social housing is an umbrella term referring to rental housing which may be owned and managed by the state, by non-profit organizations, or by a combination of the two, usually with the aim of providing affordable housing. Social housing can also be seen as a potential remedy to housing inequality. Some social housing organizations construct for purchase, particularly in Spain and to an extent elsewhere. Although the common goal of public housing is to provide affordable housing, the details, terminology, definitions of poverty and other criteria for allocation vary within different contexts. The origins of municipal housing lie in the dramatic urban population increase caused by the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century. In the large cities of the period, many social commentators, such as Octavia Hill and Charles Booth reported on the squalor, sickness and immorality that arose. Henry Mayhew, visiting Bethnal Green, wrote in "The Morning Chronicle": Some philanthropists began to provide housing in tenement blocks, and some factory owners built entire villages for their workers, such as Saltaire in 1853 and Port Sunlight in 1888.
Wesley: i live in section 8.. public housing in which the property is owned by a government authority, which may be central or local.
Trenton: Really? I lived in something similar to section 8 public housing at one point. How does section 8 work?
Wesley: well its considered social housing now .. its an umbrella term referring to rental housing which may be owned and managed by the state, by non-profit organizations, or by a combination of the two
Trenton: Oh okay, that sounds like a great program to help people out with rising housing costs.
Wesley: yea and social housing can also be seen as a potential remedy to housing inequality
Trenton: I completely agree with that statement. Rent is ridiculous these days
Wesley: yea and the common goal of public housing is to provide affordable housing
Trenton: That's what we all need!
Wesley: the origins of municipal housing lie in the urban population that increased caused by the industrial revolution of the 19th century
Trenton: I see how that brought about a need for more affordable housing
i like cookies. | A cookie is a baked or cooked food that is small, flat and sweet. It usually contains flour, sugar and some type of oil or fat. It may include other ingredients such as raisins, oats, chocolate chips, nuts, etc. In most English-speaking countries except for the US and Canada, crisp cookies are called biscuits. Chewier biscuits are sometimes called "cookies" even in the UK. Some cookies may also be named by their shape, such as date squares or bars. Cookies or biscuits may be mass-produced in factories, made in small bakeries or homemade. Biscuit or cookie variants include sandwich biscuits, such as custard creams, Jammie Dodgers, Bourbons and Oreos, with marshmallow or jam filling and sometimes dipped in chocolate or another sweet coating. Cookies are often served with beverages such as milk, coffee or tea. Factory-made cookies are sold in grocery stores, convenience stores and vending machines. Fresh-baked cookies are sold at bakeries and coffeehouses, with the latter ranging from small business-sized establishments to multinational corporations such as Starbucks. In most English-speaking countries outside North America, including the United Kingdom, the most common word for a crisp cookie is biscuit.
Jade: I love love love cookies. Definitely one of my favorite foods
Steven: Oh yes, anything made of flour, sugar and fat tastes great! What are your favorite cookies?
Jade: I like sugar cookies a lot...but seriously, I like all of them lol
Steven: I like snickerdoodles. Not just because they are rolled in cinnamon sugar, but I love the cool name!
Jade: Yes! Those are good. HAve you ever had the three ingredient peanut butter cookies? They're so easy adn I can't imagine how they could be better with more ingredients
Steven: I knew peanut butter was the main ingredient, but I didn't know there were just 3 ingredients! Amazing!
Jade: I'm sure there are other ways to do it, but yes, it's just one egg, one cup of sugar and one cup of peanut butter!
Steven: I will have to try that! I love cookies that have chocolate chips in them, too.
i live near grand rapids , michigan. | Grand Rapids is the second-largest city in Michigan, and the largest city in West Michigan. It is on the Grand River about east of Lake Michigan. As of the 2010 census, the city population was 188,040. In 2010, the Grand Rapids metropolitan area had a population of 1,005,648, and the combined statistical area of Grand Rapids-Muskegon-Holland had a population of 1,321,557. Grand Rapids is the county seat of Kent County. A historic furniture-manufacturing center, Grand Rapids is home to five of the world's leading office furniture companies, and is nicknamed "Furniture City". Its more common modern nickname of "River City" refers to the landmark river for which it was named. The city and surrounding communities are economically diverse, based in the health care, information technology, automotive, aviation, and consumer goods manufacturing industries, among others. Grand Rapids is the hometown of U.S. President Gerald Ford, who is buried with his wife Betty on the grounds of the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum in the city. For thousands of years, succeeding cultures of indigenous peoples occupied the area. Over 2000 years ago, people associated with the Hopewell culture occupied the Grand River Valley.
Luke: One of my favorite places to visit is Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Thomas: That's good, I've never been. But, I know they are the second largest city in Michigan.
Luke: Indeed. Did you know it is nicknamed Furniture City? Have you been?
Thomas: No, but I remember in school that Grand Rapids, MI is President Ford's hometown, and he is buried with his wife at the Presidential Museum there.
Luke: Would you like to visit there someday?
Thomas: I would, I can imagine going to Grand Rapids and visiting the landmark river that it's modernly named after, "River City".
Luke: If you ever go, then I suggest visiting the Meyer May House. It's in the Heritage Hill Historic District and was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.
Thomas: I will, Grand Rapids has been around since 1806, when the first settlers came, so I'm sure there is lots to do!
Luke: Oh you bet! There's the Gerald R. Ford Museum, John Ball Zoological Garden, and Belknap Hill. I hope you get to visit soon.
Thomas: Sounds interesting, it was very culturally diverse for thousands of years, with many indigenous people that lived there too.
i want to be alone sometimes. | Solitude is a state of seclusion or isolation, i.e., lack of contact with people. It may stem from bad relationships, loss of loved ones, deliberate choice, infectious disease, mental disorders, neurological disorders or circumstances of employment or situation (see castaway). Short-term solitude is often valued as a time when one may work, think or rest without being disturbed. It may be desired for the sake of privacy. A distinction has been made between solitude and loneliness. In this sense, these two words refer, respectively, to the joy and the pain of being alone. Symptoms from complete isolation, called sensory deprivation, often include anxiety, sensory illusions, or even distortions of time and perception. However, this is the case when there is no stimulation of the sensory systems at all, and not only lack of contact with people. Thus, by having other things to keep one's mind busy, this is avoided. Still, long-term solitude is often seen as undesirable, causing loneliness or reclusion resulting from inability to establish relationships. Furthermore, it might even lead to clinical depression. However, for some people, solitude is not depressing. Still others (e.g. monks) regard long-term solitude as a means of spiritual enlightenment.
Adriana: Sometimes, i find solitude the only antidote to my anxious feelings
Samuel: Do you think bad relationships cause this?
Adriana: i am not really sure why people find solitude very addicting, but may be that is the case
Samuel: Some people may just seek solitude for the sake of privacy
Adriana: Indeed, privacy can be a source for this. I think it is in solitude that we ponder about our life
Samuel: I guess this is why a distinction has been made between solitude and loneliness.
Adriana: yes indeed. I hope solitude would solve my inner problems as smoothly as expected
Samuel: Just dont build a Fortress of Solitude like in the DC Comics
i am a graphic designer. | Graphic design is the process of visual communication and problem-solving using one or more of typography, photography and illustration. The field is considered a subset of visual communication and communication design, but sometimes the term "graphic design" is used synonymously. Graphic designers create and combine symbols, images and text to form visual representations of ideas and messages. They use typography, visual arts and page layout techniques to create visual compositions. Common uses of graphic design include corporate design (logos and branding), editorial design (magazines, newspapers and books), wayfinding or environmental design, advertising, web design, communication design, product packaging and signage. The term graphic design was coined by William Addison Dwiggins in 1922. However, the origins of graphic design can be traced from the origins of human existence, from the caves of Lascaux, to Rome's Trajan's Column to the illuminated manuscripts of the Middle Ages, to the neon lights of Ginza, Tokyo. In "Babylon, artisans pressed cuneiform inscriptions into clay bricks or tablets which were used for construction. The bricks gave information such as the name of the reigning monarch, the builder, or some other dignitary".
Cassidy: Graphic design always seemed cool to me,
Shelby: Agreed, it is the process of visual communication.
Cassidy: Yea its pretty awesome,
Shelby: It really is, especially since the field is considered a subset of visual communication.
Cassidy: Yea that makes sense its also a lot to do with art.
Shelby: Definitely, they create and combine symbols and images.
Cassidy: Yea and they can make things look so smooth and nice
Shelby: Oh yeah they're great at that, as they use page layout techniques to create visual compositions.
i love animals. | Armadillos are New World placental mammals in the order Cingulata with a leathery armour shell. The Chlamyphoridae and Dasypodidae are the only surviving families in the order, which is part of the superorder Xenarthra, along with the anteaters and sloths. The word "armadillo" means "little armoured one" in Spanish. The Aztecs called them "āyōtōchtli" , Nahuatl for "turtle-rabbit": "āyōtl" (turtle) and "tōchtli" (rabbit). The Portuguese word for "armadillo" is "tatu" which derives from the Tupi language. Similar names are also found in other, especially European, languages. About nine extant genera and 21 extant species of armadillo have been described, some of which are distinguished by the number of bands on their armour. Their average length is about , including tail. The giant armadillo grows up to and weighs up to , while the pink fairy armadillo is a diminutive species, with an overall length of . All species are native to the Americas, where they inhabit a variety of different environments. Recent genetic research suggests that an extinct group of giant armoured mammals, the glyptodonts, should be included within the lineage of armadillos, having diverged some 35 million years ago, much more recently than previously assumed.
Xavier: I find Armadillos really interesting do you know much about them?
Bianca: Yes, Armadillos are New World placental mammals and the only animal in the United states that can transfer leprosy to humans.
Xavier: Wow, next time i see one im staying away.
Bianca: Armadillo" means "little armored one" in Spanish. With that armor you would think they can fend off disease but you would be wrong.
Xavier: I never thought armadillos could be of any harm, they are just cure little balls i would love having one as a pet if they din't transmited deases
Bianca: I've eaten one. It was a little tough. Taste like squirrel cheeks. The Armadillo actually gets it name from the Tupi language.
Xavier: Was it good? flavor wise i bet it's good in a weird way
Bianca: It was different. It had the texture or pork but taste more like squirrel. I'd like to try a giant armadillo. I heard it's really good BBQed.
Xavier: If i ever get the chance i will make sure to gie it a try and see how it is
Bianca: I had it while traveling South Texas. They live in a variety of different environments in America. I bet they have it on the Menu in places like Colorado as well.
i love to play league of legends. | League of Legends (abbreviated LoL) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Riot Games for Microsoft Windows and macOS. The game follows a freemium model and is supported by microtransactions, and was inspired by the "" mod, "Defense of the Ancients". In "League of Legends", players assume the role of an unseen "summoner" that controls a "champion" with unique abilities and battle against a team of other players or computer-controlled champions. The goal is usually to destroy the opposing team's "nexus", a structure which lies at the heart of a base protected by defensive structures, although other distinct game modes exist as well. Each "League of Legends" match is discrete, with all champions starting off fairly weak but increasing in strength by accumulating items and experience over the course of the game. The champions and setting blend a variety of elements, including high fantasy, steampunk, and Lovecraftian horror. "League of Legends" was generally well received upon its release in 2009, and has since grown in popularity, with an active and expansive fanbase. By July 2012, "League of Legends" was the most played PC game in North America and Europe in terms of the number of hours played.
Morgan: Do you like competitive multiplayer online battle arena video games?
Madison: Yes I like more. Myself and hubby will paly.
Morgan: You should check out league of legends, it's fun and competitive with a huge following. Are you a fan of the e-sports(professional gaming) scene?
Madison: No i heard about it but dont know more about that
Morgan: It is fun and exciting to watch, especially if you're a gamer, league of legends World championship provide broadcasts of the competition, and prize money to competitors.
Madison: Its released on 2009 . I m right,since grown in popularity, with an active and expansive fanbase
Morgan: Yes, that's correct, and "League of Legends" was the most played PC game in North America and Europe in terms of the number of hours played.
Madison: Yes 27 million people playing per day and 7.5 million people playing in peak hours
Morgan: That is an insane amount of daily players, and they are surely smart using the freemium model, allowing everyone to try it out!
Madison: largest footprints for game is most communities on platforms such as youtube and twitch tv
i have two full sleeves of tattoos. | A sleeve tattoo (or tattoo sleeve) is a large tattoo, or a collection of smaller tattoos, that has a unified theme, that covers most or all of a person's arm, usually from shoulder to wrist. There is a difference between an arm covered in tattoos and a sleeve tattoo. A sleeve tattoo has a unified theme, whereas an arm covered in tattoos may have many tattoos of different styles that does not have an overall unity. The term "sleeve" is a reference to the tattoo's size similarity in coverage to a long shirt sleeve on an article of clothing. In this manner, the term is also used as a verb; for example, "getting sleeved" means to have one's entire arm tattooed. The term is also sometimes used in reference to a large leg tattoo that covers a person's leg in a similar manner. Half-sleeves or quarter-sleeves are tattoos that cover only part of an arm, usually above the elbow, but can also be found below the elbow. A sleeve implies complete tattoo coverage of a particular area, so a half sleeve is a tattoo that covers the entire upper or lower arm. A "quarter sleeve" usually covers the area of skin from the shoulder midway to the elbow. Sleeve tattoos are a collaboration between a tattoo artist and customer to demonstrate a personal and unified artistic theme.
Sophia: I have sleeve tattoo that covers all of my arms, from my shoulder to my wrist.
Cassidy: I think that looks so good. Did it hurt?
Sophia: Yes, but it was worth it. I collaborated with my tattoo artist to create a personal theme.
Cassidy: Did it cost you a lot of money?
Sophia: Yes, I wanted to save money by only getting a half sleeve that only goes above the elbow, but I got carried away.
Cassidy: I suppose if you do it slowly over time it wouldn't be so bad.
Sophia: Yes, you can also get a sleeve or large tattoo that covers your leg. You might find that less painful.
Cassidy: I'd prefer my forearm but I haven't gotten any because I can't think of anything i want forever.
i like to eat cheetos. | Cheetos (formerly styled as Chee-tos until 1998) is a brand of cheese-flavored, puffed cornmeal snacks made by Frito-Lay, a subsidiary of PepsiCo. Fritos creator Charles Elmer Doolin invented Cheetos in 1948, and began national distribution in the U.S. The initial success of Cheetos was a contributing factor to the merger between The Frito Company and H.W. Lay & Company in 1961 to form Frito-Lay. In 1965 Frito-Lay became a subsidiary of The Pepsi-Cola Company, forming PepsiCo, the current owner of the Cheetos brand. In 2010, Cheetos was ranked as the top selling brand of cheese puffs in its primary market of the United States; worldwide the annual retail sales totaled approximately $4 billion. The original "Crunchy Cheetos" are still in production but the product line has since expanded to include 21 different types of Cheetos in North America alone. As Cheetos are sold in more than 36 countries, the flavor and composition is often varied to match regional taste and cultural preferences—such as "Savory American Cream" in China, and "Strawberry Cheetos" in Japan. Cheetos were invented in 1948 by Fritos creator Charles Elmer Doolin, who cooked early test batches in the Frito Company's Dallas, Texas-based research and development kitchen.
Hannah: I like to eat cheetos. How about you?
Zoey: Man, I really love those cheesy cheetos!
Hannah: They're delicious and are a brand of cheese-flavored cornmeal snacks made by Frito-Lay
Zoey: Yup! How long have cheetos been around?
Hannah: Cheetos were invented in 1948 by Charles Elmer!
Zoey: Wow! I didn't realize they were that old! Are they basically the same?
Hannah: It's generally the same with a few tweaks including different variations such as hot cheetos. In 2010 Cheetos was ranked top selling brand of cheese puffs in the US
Zoey: Oh yeah, I forgot about hot cheetos. I guess they are here to stay!
i love collecting teapots. | A teapot is a vessel used for steeping tea leaves or a herbal mix in boiling or near-boiling water, and for serving the resulting infusion which is called tea. Dry tea is available either in tea bags or as loose tea, in which case a tea infuser or tea strainer may be of some assistance, either to hold the leaves as they steep or to catch the leaves inside the teapot when the tea is poured. Teapots usually have an opening with a lid at their top, where the dry tea and hot water are added, a handle for holding by hand and a spout through which the tea is served. Some teapots have a strainer built-in on the inner edge of the spout. A small air hole in the lid is often created to stop the spout from dripping and splashing when tea is poured. In modern times, a thermal cover called a tea cosy may be used to enhance the steeping process or to prevent the contents of the teapot from cooling too rapidly. The teapot was invented in China during the Yuan Dynasty. It was probably derived from ceramic kettles and wine pots, which were made of bronze and other metals and were a feature of Chinese life for thousands of years. Tea preparation during previous dynasties did not use a teapot. In the Tang Dynasty, a cauldron was used to boil ground tea, which was served in bowls.
Bryce: I have never actually used a teapot, have you?
Jazmin: yes, I actually have a collection of teapots, They are basically used for steeping tea leaves, tea is also a great herbal mix
Bryce: Do you have any favorite types of tea?
Jazmin: The teapot was invented in China, as were many teas, I like a standard chinese tea
Bryce: That's interesting as I have never tried Chinese tea. What does it taste like in comparison to say, green tea?
Jazmin: Before the invemtion of the teapot the Tang dynasty used cauldrons, can you imagine. Chinese tea tea is a black tea so a little more potant then green tea but I like that too
Bryce: Brewing tea in a cauldron definitely sounds interesting. What else do you know about the history of teapots?
Jazmin: well in modern times the thermal cover is used around the teapot to enhance the steeping process, and allows it to stay warmer longer
one child has autism. | Developmental disorders comprise a group of psychiatric conditions originating in childhood that involve serious impairment in different areas. There are several ways of using this term. The most narrow concept is used in the category "Specific Disorders of Psychological Development" in the ICD-10. These disorders comprise language disorders, learning disorders, motor disorders and autism spectrum disorders. In broader definitions ADHD is included, and the term used is neurodevelopmental disorders. Yet others include antisocial behavior and schizophrenia that begins in childhood and continues through life. However, these two latter conditions are not as stable as the other developmental disorders, and there is not the same evidence of a shared genetic liability. Developmental disorders are present from early life. They usually improve as the child grows older, but they also entail impairments that continue through adult life. There is a strong genetic component, and more males are afflicted than females. Learning disabilities are diagnosed when the children are young and just beginning school. Most learning disabilities are found under the age of 9. Young children with communication disorders may not speak at all, or may have a limited vocabulary for their age.
Morgan: I've learned that many developmental disorders are there from the time the child is very very young
Brendan: I have heard that too, do you have a child? If so, do they have any disorders?
Morgan: Yes, two. We thought one had some autism type issues but she has since outgrown them for the most part.
Brendan: That is very good. I hope that when we have kids they don't have any issues. We have friends who's kids have disorders, it's so sad.
Morgan: They can be language issues, learning issues, motor skill problems or things on the autism spectrum. It's hard.
Brendan: Do you think that it takes extra love from parents when kids have these types of issues?
Morgan: I definitely think so - some issues improve but a lot of them continue through adult life.
Brendan: Do you think that society should treat kids/people with said disorders with special privileges?
Morgan: I think they definitely need more access to better care, some of these involve some pretty hefty impairment.
Brendan: I have a friend born blind and Target just let him go because he couldn't 'do his job' even though he worked there for 20 years! So sad, it was because of a new manager.
i like to swim. | Swimming is the self-propulsion of a person through fresh or salt water, usually for recreation, sport, exercise, or survival. Locomotion is achieved through coordinated movement of the limbs, the body, or both. Humans can hold their breath underwater and undertake rudimentary locomotive swimming within weeks of birth, as an evolutionary response. Swimming is consistently among top public recreational activities, and in some countries, swimming lessons are a compulsory part of the educational curriculum. As a formalized sport, swimming features in a range of local, national, and international competitions, including every modern summer Olympics. Swimming relies on the natural buoyancy of the human body. On average, the body has a relative density of 0.98 compared to water, which causes the body to float. However, buoyancy varies on the basis of both body composition and the salinity of the water. Higher levels of body fat and saltier water both lower the relative density of the body and increase its buoyancy. Since the human body is only slightly less dense than water, water supports the weight of the body during swimming. As a result, swimming is “low-impact” compared to land activities such as running.
Devin: Swimming is ability to not drown.
Hailey: LOL yes. Drowning is defined as respiratory impairment from being in or under a liquid, which is scary to think about
Devin: Swimming can be taught at an early age.
Hailey: YEah, On average, the body has a relative density of 0.98 compared to water, which causes the body to float; which is a cool little tid bit of info
Devin: Yes if density is less than one, you can float!
Hailey: Swimming is “low-impact” compared to land activities such as running; so it's a good exercise for older people
Devin: Agree. Elders with arthritis, swimming is best type of excercise for joints.
Hailey: a formalized sport, swimming features in a range of local, national, and international competitions, including every modern summer Olympics!!
Devin: The breast stroke is the best for beating time.
Hailey: Oh cool! Swimming relies on the natural buoyancy of the human body; Were you aware of this?
i live near grand rapids , michigan. | Grand Rapids is the second-largest city in Michigan, and the largest city in West Michigan. It is on the Grand River about east of Lake Michigan. As of the 2010 census, the city population was 188,040. In 2010, the Grand Rapids metropolitan area had a population of 1,005,648, and the combined statistical area of Grand Rapids-Muskegon-Holland had a population of 1,321,557. Grand Rapids is the county seat of Kent County. A historic furniture-manufacturing center, Grand Rapids is home to five of the world's leading office furniture companies, and is nicknamed "Furniture City". Its more common modern nickname of "River City" refers to the landmark river for which it was named. The city and surrounding communities are economically diverse, based in the health care, information technology, automotive, aviation, and consumer goods manufacturing industries, among others. Grand Rapids is the hometown of U.S. President Gerald Ford, who is buried with his wife Betty on the grounds of the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum in the city. For thousands of years, succeeding cultures of indigenous peoples occupied the area. Over 2000 years ago, people associated with the Hopewell culture occupied the Grand River Valley.
Wesley: Have you ever heard of Grand Rapids, Michigan?
Lilly: I have heard of the grand rapids, but I did not know they were in Michigan, is it free to go there?
Wesley: Yes, Grand Rapids is a city in Michigan, and the largest city in West Michigan. I actually live near there and it's amazing!
Lilly: What all is there to do? Michigan is somewhat far away for me, so I would need to do a lot of research before going all the way over!
Wesley: Michigan actually means "large water" so obviously water sports are popular, but in the winter, you can do anything from skiing to snowball fights!
Lilly: I get a decent amount of snow here on the east coast, but sometimes it is not enough for me, I love water as well, sounds like a place I need to be!
Wesley: It's beautiful! Grand Rapids has a lot of variety too as far as restaurants and night clubs. And hockey, we can't forget hockey!
Lilly: I am into hockey as well, and I like trying out new places to eat, sounds like I need to plan a trip over your way!
Wesley: If you're into history, there is a lot of good history museums in the area too. Many different tribes settled in parts of West Michigan. Some of the counties are named after them!
Lilly: I do like history museums, I visit a lot when I go down to Washington DC!
Wesley: DC is one place I have never been - I need to check that out too. Lots of history there!
i enjoy fishing. | Fishing is the activity of trying to catch fish. Fish are normally caught in the wild. Techniques for catching fish include hand gathering, spearing, netting, angling and trapping. Fishing may include catching aquatic animals other than fish, such as molluscs, cephalopods, crustaceans, and echinoderms. The term is not normally applied to catching farmed fish, or to aquatic mammals, such as whales where the term whaling is more appropriate. According to the United Nations FAO statistics, the total number of commercial fishermen and fish farmers is estimated to be 38 million. Fisheries and aquaculture provide direct and indirect employment to over 500 million people in developing countries. In 2005, the worldwide per capita consumption of fish captured from wild fisheries was 14.4 kilograms, with an additional 7.4 kilograms harvested from fish farms. In addition to providing food, modern fishing is also a recreational pastime. Fishing is an ancient practice that dates back to at least the beginning of the Upper Paleolithic period about 40,000 years ago. Isotopic analysis of the skeletal remains of Tianyuan man, a 40,000-year-old modern human from eastern Asia, has shown that he regularly consumed freshwater fish.
Manuel: I enjoy fishing on the weekends. When I am able.
Ariana: Me too I love fishing. I mean who doesn't like the activity of trying the snag a fish.
Manuel: I live in Florida. There is plenty of places to fish here.
Ariana: There a different ways of catching fish like hand gathering, spearing, netting angling and trapping, which one do you use?
Manuel: The old normal boring way, with a pole and some bait.
Ariana: So its recreational fishing that you do or is it sport fishing. Is it pleasure or competition?
Manuel: Recreational fishing. Mostly for pleasure, unless competing with friends or family.
Ariana: Do you use lures or do you prefer the live baits?
Manuel: Mostly live bait. Occasionally use lures if fishing in a lake.
Ariana: Me to I prefer to use live baits and I feel that theirs more skill in that.
i want a porsche. | Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, usually shortened to Porsche AG (), is a German automobile manufacturer specializing in high-performance sports cars, SUVs and sedans. Porsche AG is headquartered in Stuttgart, and is owned by Volkswagen AG, which is itself majority-owned by Porsche Automobil Holding SE. Porsche's current lineup includes the 718 Boxster/Cayman, 911, Panamera, Macan and Cayenne. Ferdinand Porsche founded the company called "Dr. Ing. h. c. F. Porsche GmbH" in 1931, with main offices at Kronenstraße 24 in the centre of Stuttgart. Initially, the company offered motor vehicle development work and consulting, but did not build any cars under its own name. One of the first assignments the new company received was from the German government to design a car for the people, that is a "Volkswagen". This resulted in the Volkswagen Beetle, one of the most successful car designs of all time. The Porsche 64 was developed in 1939 using many components from the Beetle. During World War II, Volkswagen production turned to the military version of the Volkswagen Beetle, the Kübelwagen, 52,000 produced, and Schwimmwagen, 15,584 produced. Porsche produced several designs for heavy tanks during the war, losing out to Henschel & Son in both contracts that ultimately led to the Tiger I and the Tiger II.
Diego: I would love to own a Porsche one day. I love their high-performance sports cars.
Isabel: I love how they look but I must confess I don't know much about cars.
Diego: I will tell you about the Porsche 911 then. It is a two-door classic sports car made since 1963 in Stuttgart, Germany.
Isabel: Oh nice, I love 2 door cars I think they're very aesthetically pleasing. Do you know how fast it can go?
Diego: The 911R can hit 201 mph. The only place you could do that is on a straight area of the Autobahn lol.
Isabel: God that is fast. I think that's a bit too dangerous for me lol. Germans of course.
Diego: Yes, the German autobahns have no speed limit in many areas. Good thing if you have a Porsche, lol.
Isabel: Yeah but not like me at all, I have an old 2007 Saturn! LOL
i have thrown up every day for the last 3 months with morning sickness. | Morning sickness, also called nausea and vomiting of pregnancy (NVP), is a symptom of pregnancy that involves nausea or vomiting. Despite the name, nausea or vomiting can occur at any time during the day. Typically these symptoms occur between the 4th and 16th week of pregnancy. About 10% of women still have symptoms after the 20th week of pregnancy. A severe form of the condition is known as hyperemesis gravidarum and results in weight loss. The cause of morning sickness is unknown but may be related to changing levels of the hormone human chorionic gonadotrophin. Some have proposed that it may be useful from an evolutionary point of view. Diagnosis should only occur after other possible causes have been ruled out. Abdominal pain, fever, or headaches are typically not present in morning sickness. Taking prenatal vitamins before pregnancy may decrease the risk. Specific treatment other than a bland diet may not be required for mild cases. If treatment is used the combination of doxylamine and pyridoxine is recommended initially. There is limited evidence that ginger may be useful. For severe cases that have not improved with other measures methylprednisolone may be tried. Tube feeding may be required in women who are losing weight.
Isabel: My sister is pregnant right now and has Morning sickness. She has been nauseated and vomiting.
Logan: Oh no!! Morning sickness is the absolute worst! How long will it last?
Isabel: Well the doctor says Morning sickness usually occurs between the 4th and 16th week. She is about 6 weeks right now.
Logan: Yikes! Your poor sister. Is there anything she can do or take to lessen her symptoms?
Isabel: It was suggested that for mild Morning sickness that she maintain a bland diet for starters.
Logan: Oh, well that's no fun! It's better than being sick though! Do many women experience morning sickness?
Isabel: I would say most pregnant woman suffer some form of Morning sickness. In most extreme cases woman who are losing weight will have to be tube fed. Which is just horrifying.
Logan: I hope your sister's case doesn't progress to that! That sounds very horrifying! I hope she feels better soon!
i collect single malt scotch. | Scotch whisky (; often simply called Scotch) is malt whisky or grain whisky made in Scotland. Scotch whisky must be made in a manner specified by law. All Scotch whisky was originally made from malted barley. Commercial distilleries began introducing whisky made from wheat and rye in the late 18th century. Scotch whisky is divided into five distinct categories: single malt Scotch whisky, single grain Scotch whisky, blended malt Scotch whisky (formerly called "vatted malt" or "pure malt"), blended grain Scotch whisky, and blended Scotch whisky. All Scotch whisky must be aged in oak barrels for at least three years. Any age statement on a bottle of Scotch whisky, expressed in numerical form, must reflect the age of the youngest whisky used to produce that product. A whisky with an age statement is known as guaranteed-age whisky. A whisky without an age statement is known as a no age statement (NAS) whisky, the only guarantee being that all whisky contained in that bottle is at least three years old. The first written mention of Scotch whisky is in the Exchequer Rolls of Scotland, 1495. A friar named John Cor was the distiller at Lindores Abbey in the Kingdom of Fife. Many Scotch whisky drinkers will refer to a unit for drinking as a dram.
Kimberly: I love Scotch, which is a malt whisky made in Scotland.
Dominic: When did they first start making scotch?
Kimberly: Commercial distilleries began making whisky from wheat and rye in the late 18th century
Dominic: Has the process of making scotch evolved much since then?
Kimberly: Not too much. All Scotch whisky must age in oak barrels for at least three years.
Dominic: That is a long time. What is the longest a scotch has even been aged?
Kimberly: That's a good question and one I'm not totally sure of. You will find an age statement on the bottle that will show a number that reflects the age of the youngest whisky used to produce that product.
Dominic: Is scotch popular in many places around the world?
Kimberly: I believe it has a select group of followers. Many Scotch drinkers refer to a unit for drinking as a dram. They have their own little club.
Dominic: It seems like people are very passionate about their scotch
i like the beatles. | The Beatles were an English rock band formed in Liverpool in 1960. With members John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr, they became widely regarded as the foremost and most influential music band. Rooted in skiffle, beat and 1950s rock and roll, the Beatles later experimented with several musical styles, ranging from pop ballads and Indian music to psychedelia and hard rock, often incorporating classical elements and unconventional recording techniques in innovative ways. In 1963 their enormous popularity first emerged as "Beatlemania"; as the group's music grew in sophistication, led by primary songwriters Lennon and McCartney, the band were integral to pop music's evolution into an art form and to the development of the counterculture of the 1960s. The Beatles built their reputation playing clubs in Liverpool and Hamburg over a three-year period from 1960, with Stuart Sutcliffe initially serving as bass player. The core trio of Lennon, McCartney and Harrison went through a succession of drummers, including Pete Best, before asking Starr to join them in 1962. Manager Brian Epstein moulded them into a professional act, and producer George Martin guided and developed their recordings, greatly expanding the group's popularity in the United Kingdom after their first hit, "Love Me Do", in late 1962.
Sarah: I'm not a fan of the Beatles but a lot of other people are.
Daniel: I like the Beatles. They are an English rock band formed in 1960.
Sarah: Do you have a favorite Beatle?
Daniel: I really liked John Lennon. He was regarded as highly influential for the band. Too bad he was murdered :(.
Sarah: He was murdered? How?
Daniel: Yeah John Lennon was born in 1940 and murdered December 8 1980. He was killed by Mark Chapman, who shot him 5 times.
Sarah: Why was he killed? Was it a mugging?
Daniel: He said he was following the will of God. His lawyers wanted him to plead insanity but he plead guilty.
i started working at google last week on self driving car research. | An autonomous car (also known as a driverless car, self-driving car, robotic car) and unmanned ground vehicle is a vehicle that is capable of sensing its environment and navigating without human input. Autonomous cars use a variety of techniques to detect their surroundings, such as radar, laser light, GPS, odometry and computer vision. Advanced control systems interpret sensory information to identify appropriate navigation paths, as well as obstacles and relevant signage. Autonomous cars must have control systems that are capable of analyzing sensory data to distinguish between different cars on the road. The potential benefits of autonomous cars include reduced mobility and infrastructure costs, increased safety, increased mobility, increased customer satisfaction and reduced crime. Specifically a significant reduction in traffic collisions; the resulting injuries; and related costs, including less need for insurance. Autonomous cars are predicted to increase traffic flow; provide enhanced mobility for children, the elderly, disabled and the poor; relieve travelers from driving and navigation chores; lower fuel consumption; significantly reduce needs for parking space; reduce crime; and facilitate business models for transportation as a service, especially via the sharing economy.
Makenzie: Autonomous cars are a hot topic right now with the self driving car. What do you think?
Liam: I don't like it. What will happen to people's jobs. How will they survive.
Makenzie: Well, I'd be more concerned about safety and security as they have control systems that analyze sensory data. Who says that's always accurate?
Liam: Yeah, there's a lot of unresolved problems. I wouldn't want to give up control of my car and the safety issues.
Makenzie: It's part of the growing world of internet of things with all things connected and exchanging data
Liam: Maybe. Since they are computerized, they could be hacked and might cause accidents if they roam around freely.
Makenzie: That's true. They must be capable of distinguishing differences between cars on the road. Who's to say someone wont hack it and make you crash
Liam: I think there is a race to see who comes out with them first. Audi and a company called Waymo have already announced they have done extensive testing.
my favorite tv show is dancing with the stars. | Dancing with the Stars is the name of several international television series based on the format of the British TV series "Strictly Come Dancing", which is distributed by BBC Worldwide, the commercial arm of the BBC. Currently the format has been licensed to over 42 territories. Versions have also been produced in dozens of countries across the world. As a result, the series became the world's most popular television program among all genres in 2006 and 2007, according to the magazine "Television Business International", reaching the Top 10 in 17 countries. The show pairs a number of well known celebrities with professional ballroom dancers, who each week compete by performing one or more choreographed routines that follow the prearranged theme for that particular week. The dancers are then scored by a panel of judges. Viewers are given a certain amount of time to place votes for their favorite dancers, either by telephone or (in some countries) online. The couple with the lowest combined score provided by the judges and viewers is eliminated. This process continues until there are only two or three couples left; when they have competed for the last time one couple is declared the champion and wins a trophy.
Sophia: Have you ever seen the show Dancing with the Stars? It's my favorite show!
Adrianna: yes i have seen several seasons of that show with my wife. it is an entertaining show.
Sophia: It is! It was actually the world's most popular television show at one point.
Adrianna: wow I did not know that. how many countries does it air in ?
Sophia: It has been licensed to over 42 different territories, but there are dozens of countries that have made variations of the show.
Adrianna: who was the first country to air this show? the US?
Sophia: Actually, I think it started in Britain. The show was initially called "Strictly Come Dancing."
Adrianna: what's your favorite season, if you can pick one!
Sophia: Oh gosh, probably the earlier ones in 2006 or 2007! That's when it was considered the world's most popular TV show!
Adrianna: Those were the good years!
i am a vegetarian. | Vegetarianism is the practice of abstaining from the consumption of meat (red meat, poultry, seafood, and the flesh of any other animal), and may also include abstention from by-products of animal slaughter. Vegetarianism may be adopted for various reasons. Many people object to eating meat out of respect for sentient life. Such ethical motivations have been codified under various religious beliefs, as well as animal rights advocacy. Other motivations for vegetarianism are health-related, political, environmental, cultural, aesthetic, economic, or personal preference. There are variations of the diet as well: an ovo-lacto vegetarian diet includes both eggs and dairy products, an ovo-vegetarian diet includes eggs but not dairy products, and a lacto-vegetarian diet includes dairy products but not eggs. A vegan diet excludes all animal products, including eggs and dairy. Some vegans also avoid other animal products such as beeswax, leather or silk clothing, and goose-fat shoe polish. Packaged and processed foods, such as cakes, cookies, candies, chocolate, yogurt, and marshmallows, often contain unfamiliar animal ingredients, so may be a special concern for vegetarians due to the likelihood of such additions.
Nolan: Can you tell me about Vegetarianism?
Jayden: Vegetarianism is the practice of abstaining from the consumption of meat, do you know any vegetaraians?
Nolan: Actually my ex husband became one... When I was with him all he ate was beef so I cannot imagine this.
Jayden: Interesting, they say Vegetarianism may be adopted for various reasons do you know why he did?
Nolan: I believe for health reasons mostly. His new wife is diabetic so he probably did it to encourage her weight loss too.
Jayden: That makes sense, a lot of people become vegetarians because they object to eating meat from sentient life.
Nolan: I personally don't eat a lot of red meat. I stick to birds. lol
Jayden: Well extreme vegetarians known as vegans exclude all animal products including eggs and dairy.
Nolan: Right yea that is what he told my son, he's a vegan. I didn't realize it was different.
Jayden: Yup, some vegans even avoid products such as beeswax, leather or silk clothing, and goose-fat shoe polish.
i volunteer at the red cross on the weekends. | The American Red Cross (ARC), also known as the American National Red Cross, is a humanitarian organization that provides emergency assistance, disaster relief and education in the United States. It is the designated US affiliate of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the United States movement to the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. The organization offers services and development programs. ARC was established in Washington, D.C. on May 21, 1881, by Clara Barton. She became its first president. Barton organized a meeting on May 12 of that year at the home of Senator Omar D. Conger (R, MI). Fifteen people were present at this first meeting, including Barton, Conger and Representative William Lawrence (R, OH) (who became the first vice-president). The first local chapter was established in 1881 at the English Evangelical Lutheran Church of Dansville at Dansville, New York. Jane Delano (1862–1919) founded the American Red Cross Nursing Service on January 20, 1910. Clara Barton (1821–1912) founded the American chapter after learning of the Red Cross in Geneva, Switzerland. In 1869, she went to Europe and became involved in the work of the International Red Cross during the Franco-Prussian War.
Antonio: Are you associated with groups like the American Red Cross?
Colby: Not particularly! They provide important disaster relief..Have you ever donated
Antonio: I have donated Blood. Is that what you are referring to?
Colby: Neat! I was referring to more of disaster relief for events such as Hurricane Katrina
Antonio: I heard about this disaster. I live in Florida where Irma struck.
Colby: Wow! I heard about Irma. It was a Category 5 hurricane I believe.
Antonio: It was. I couldn't get groceries for a week! There was no electricity in town.
Colby: wow! I bet the retaol-giant walmart had empty shelves everywhere!
Antonio: That is true. There was no water to be had. I usually shop at Publix normally.
Colby: Ah. I have neverbeen. It is considered a large employee owned company.
i love to paint. | Painting is the practice of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium to a solid surface (support base). The medium is commonly applied to the base with a brush, but other implements, such as knives, sponges, and airbrushes, can be used. Painting is a mode of creative expression, and the forms are numerous. Drawing, gesture (as in gestural painting), composition, narration (as in narrative art), or abstraction (as in abstract art), among other aesthetic modes, may serve to manifest the expressive and conceptual intention of the practitioner. Paintings can be naturalistic and representational (as in a still life or landscape painting), photographic, abstract, narrative, symbolistic (as in Symbolist art), emotive (as in Expressionism), or political in nature (as in Artivism). A portion of the history of painting in both Eastern and Western art is dominated by spiritual motifs and ideas. Examples of this kind of painting range from artwork depicting mythological figures on pottery, to Biblical scenes rendered on the interior walls and ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, to scenes from the life of Buddha or other images of Eastern religious origin. In art, the term "painting "describes both the act and the result of the action.
Nathaniel: I love to paint, how about you?
Hayden: Yeah I love to do it whenever I need a creative outlet, and there's so many different forms too.
Nathaniel: I dont really paint pictures, but I love to paint furniture
Hayden: Oh that's really cool, I like to paint abstract art sometimes and narrative art.
Nathaniel: Do you paint on canvas, or what medium do you use?
Hayden: Yeah I primarily paint on canvases, it's the most common painting surface after all.
Nathaniel: Yes, I would think so, I think being an artist, is so cool, however like me if you just paint furnithre you are not really considered an artist
Hayden: I certainly consider that as being an artist, after all there are many mediums you can use to paint, no need to limit it to canvas.
i have asthma. | Asthma is a common long-term inflammatory disease of the airways of the lungs. It is characterized by variable and recurring symptoms, reversible airflow obstruction, and bronchospasm. Symptoms include episodes of wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. These episodes may occur a few times a day or a few times per week. Depending on the person, they may become worse at night or with exercise. Asthma is thought to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Environmental factors include exposure to air pollution and allergens. Other potential triggers include medications such as aspirin and beta blockers. Diagnosis is usually based on the pattern of symptoms, response to therapy over time, and spirometry. Asthma is classified according to the frequency of symptoms, forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), and peak expiratory flow rate. It may also be classified as atopic or non-atopic, where atopy refers to a predisposition toward developing a type 1 hypersensitivity reaction. There is no cure for asthma. Symptoms can be prevented by avoiding triggers, such as allergens and irritants, and by the use of inhaled corticosteroids. Long-acting beta agonists (LABA) or antileukotriene agents may be used in addition to inhaled corticosteroids if asthma symptoms remain uncontrolled.
Sara: I have had asthma in the past. I thought it was gone but my dr. told me it never went away. That is is a long term inflammatory disease of the airways of the lungs.
Caitlin: Oh no, does it flare up when you exercise or in the spring when there is a lot of pollen in the air?
Sara: Yes especially when there is pollen in the air or pollution.
Caitlin: That would be very miserable. Do you take any kind of medication for it?
Sara: Yeah but I have to be careful because aspirin and beta blocker cold also be triggers for me.
Caitlin: I hear if you eat honey from local bees that it will help you fight allergy from plants in your area.
Sara: That would be interesting to research but I have not heard of this. It's an awful thing to live with. I could see trying a therapy like that.
Caitlin: I can't imagine, it would make any kind of exercise painful! Have you considered an inhaler?
Sara: Yes I used a corticosteroid inhaler and just try to avoid all my triggers as much as possible.
Caitlin: That is probably the best route to go. I can't imagine living with that condition.
i enjoy electronic music. | Electronic music is music that employs electronic musical instruments, digital instruments and circuitry-based music technology. In general, a distinction can be made between sound produced using electromechanical means (electroacoustic music), and that produced using electronics only. Electromechanical instruments include mechanical elements, such as strings, hammers, and so on, and electric elements, such as magnetic pickups, power amplifiers and loudspeakers. Examples of electromechanical sound producing devices include the telharmonium, Hammond organ, and the electric guitar, which are typically made loud enough for performers and audiences to hear with an instrument amplifier and speaker cabinet. Pure electronic instruments do not have vibrating strings, hammers, or other sound-producing mechanisms. Devices such as the theremin, synthesizer, and computer can produce electronic sounds. The first electronic devices for performing music were developed at the end of the 19th century, and shortly afterward Italian futurists explored sounds that had not been considered musical. During the 1920s and 1930s, electronic instruments were introduced and the first compositions for electronic instruments were made.
Evelyn: I'm quite a fan of electronic music myself.
Ellie: Electronic music is music that employs crazy instruments
Evelyn: I've noticed that, that's why I like it!
Ellie: In general, a distinction can be made between sound produced using electromechanical means and that made by a person
Evelyn: That makes sense, otherwise there would be zero distinction.
Ellie: telharmonium, Hammond organ, and the electric guitar are electrical instruments
Evelyn: The electric guitar is my favorite of all of them.
Ellie: yea i agree with that.
i brew my own beer. | Homebrewing is the brewing of beer on a small scale for personal, non-commercial purposes. Beer has been brewed on the domestic level since its advent, thousands of years prior to its commercial production, although its legality has varied according to local regulation. Beer has been brewed domestically throughout its 7,000-year history, beginning in the Neolithic period in Mesopotamia (modern Iraq), Egypt and China. It seems to have first developed as thick beers; during this time meads, fruit wines and rice wines were also developed. Women brewers dominated alcohol production on every occupied continent until commercialization and industrialization of brewing occurred. The tradition of brewing being in the domain of women stemmed from the fact that brewing was a by-product of gathering, and often considered a part of baking. The Greeks and Romans cultivated both grape wine and beer, to a lesser extent. Roman women often directed production in larger households while the labor was performed by slaves. By the Tang dynasty, homebrewing seems to have been a familiar domestic chore in China, albeit the lower classes had to make do with poorly-filtered mash. Laws against making alcohol were enacted and repealed between the Zhou and Ming dynasties.
Francisco: homebrewing seems cool.
Shawn: I know, homebrewing seems like a really rewarding way to get beer.
Francisco: yea i bet its tasty if you do it well.
Shawn: I'm sure it would be, especially if you homebrew it it is probably a lot more personal and stronger too.
Francisco: yea i know what you mean.
Shawn: It's cool to think that beer has been brewed on a domestic level for so long.
Francisco: oh yea really?
Shawn: Yeah beer has been brewed for thousands of years now.
Francisco: oh yea its so old
Shawn: Old is putting it lightly. It has been brewed for over 7,000 years now.
i secretly love watching wwe wrestling. | World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc., doing business as WWE, is an American entertainment company that deals primarily in professional wrestling, with revenue also coming from film, music, video games, product licensing, and direct product sales. WWE also refers to the professional wrestling promotion itself, founded by Jess McMahon and Toots Mondt in 1952 as Capitol Wrestling Corporation Ltd. As of 2016, it is the largest wrestling promotion in the world, holding over 500 events a year (with the roster divided up into various globally traveling brands), and broadcasting to about 36 million viewers in more than 150 countries. The company's global headquarters is located in Stamford, Connecticut, with offices in major cities across the world. As in other professional wrestling promotions, WWE shows are not legitimate contests, but purely entertainment-based, featuring storyline-driven, scripted, and choreographed matches, though they often include moves that can put performers at risk of injury if not performed correctly. This was first publicly acknowledged by WWE's owner Vince McMahon in 1989 to avoid taxes from athletic commissions. Since the 1980s, WWE publicly has branded their product as sports entertainment, acknowledging the product's roots in competitive sport and dramatic theater.
Devin: I used to watch rasslin. I gew up near memphis and got to see a lot of real old men travel to local arenas and such. but that wasn't wwf or wwe.
Bailey: Yeah I do enjoy watching the professional WWE wrestlers. I think in the 1980's it was rebranded as sports entertainment.
Devin: I don't know who any of the new guys anymore. do you watch currently?
Bailey: Not really nowadays, I used to like the undertaker and the rock. Hulk Hogan is my all time favourite. Who's yours?
Devin: I loved ultimate warrior becaue he was freakin' jacked, but all time is any incarnation of mic foley, probably.
Bailey: He was known as the warrior for a when he did a stint in the WCW in 1998
Devin: Cool, i never knew. He was freakin' jacked though. so jacked.
Bailey: In my opinion the World Wrestling Federation and the World Championship Wrestling were the two best wrestling promotions in the 1990's
i drive a honda civic. | The Honda Civic is a line of cars manufactured by Honda. Originally a subcompact, the Civic has gone through several generational changes, becoming both larger and more upmarket and moving into the compact car segment. EPA guidelines for vehicle size class stipulate a car having combined passenger and cargo room of is considered a mid-size car, and as such the tenth generation Civic sedan is technically a small-end mid-size car, although it still competes in the compact class. The Civic coupe is still considered a compact car. The Civic currently falls between the Honda Fit and Accord. The first Civic was introduced in July 1972 as a two-door model, followed by a three-door hatchback that September. With an 1169 cc transverse engine and front-wheel drive like the British Mini, the car provided good interior space despite overall small dimensions. Initially gaining a reputation for being fuel-efficient, reliable, and environmentally friendly, later iterations have become known for performance and sportiness, especially the Civic Type R, Civic VTi, Civic GTi and Civic SiR/Si. The Civic has been repeatedly rebadged for international markets, and served as the basis for the Honda CR-X, the Honda CR-X del Sol, the Concerto, the first generation Prelude, the Civic Shuttle (later to become the Orthia), and the CR-V.
Nicolas: I am thinking of getting a car manufactured by Honda.
Jeffrey: Oh really? I've never had a Honda. What makes you interested in their cars?
Nicolas: I have heard that their compact car segment is really reliable. I might consider such a car because of reliability!
Jeffrey: Reliability is so important in a car! Is there a particular model you have in mind?
Nicolas: Yes it is! Right now I am looking at Honda Fit, manufactured by Honda. It seems the best option.
Jeffrey: I like those cars! Hondas seem very popular. How many cars does Honda sell per year?
Nicolas: I would think in millions because of the reputation for being fuel-efficient, reliable, and environmentally friendly!
Jeffrey: I wish you the best of luck with your Honda Fit! Are these cars made in America?
i live in an apartment. | An apartment (American English), flat (British English) or unit (Australian English) is a self-contained housing unit (a type of residential real estate) that occupies only part of a building, generally on a single level. Such a building may be called an "apartment building", "apartment complex", "flat complex", "block of flats", "tower block", "high-rise" or, occasionally, "mansion block" (in British English), especially if it consists of many apartments for rent. In Scotland, it is called a block of flats or, if it is a traditional sandstone building, a "tenement", a term which has a pejorative connotation in the United States. Apartments may be owned by an "owner/occupier", by leasehold tenure or rented by "tenants" (two types of housing tenure). The term "apartment" is favored in North America (although in some cities "flat" is used for a unit which is part of a house containing two or three units, typically one to a floor). In the UK, the term apartment is more usual in professional real estate and architectural circles where otherwise the term "flat" is used commonly, but not exclusively, for an apartment on a single level (hence a 'flat' apartment). Technically multi-story apartments sometimes referred to as mid-rise apartments and even high-rise apartments when there are many stories.
Emily: Have you ever lived in an apartment, it's usually a self-contained housing unit but it only occupies a part of a larger building.
Bryson: I have always lived in a house. I am not familiar with living in an apartment.
Emily: They usually call these apartment buildings or even a complex. In Britian they are called a block of flats. It's not always the greatest to live in them, but economical
Bryson: I guess it would be cheaper than renting or owning a home then.
Emily: Well, there are several kinds. For instance in cities like New York, people actually own them and then in other areas they are rented by tenants. So it just depends on where you are if it's cheaper or not.
Bryson: Oh so people can own them also.
Emily: Yes, in some areas the apartments are owned. Now those owners may lease them out as well, and so then they would be rented. In our area, you just rent apartments and yes it would be a cheaper option.
Bryson: I see. It can really vary wherever you are it seems.
i kayak at the lake on weekends. | Kayaking is the use of a kayak for moving across water. It is distinguished from canoeing by the sitting position of the paddler and the number of blades on the paddle. A kayak is a low-to-the-water, canoe-like boat in which the paddler sits facing forward, legs in front, using a double-bladed paddle to pull front-to-back on one side and then the other in rotation. Most kayaks have closed decks, although sit-on-top and inflatable kayaks are growing in popularity as well. Kayaks were created thousands of years ago by the Inuit, formerly known as Eskimos, of the northern Arctic regions. They used driftwood and sometimes the skeleton of whale, to construct the frame of the kayak, and animal skin, particularly seal skin was used to create the body. The main purpose for creating the kayak, which literally translates to "hunter's boat" was for hunting and fishing. The kayak's stealth capabilities, allowed for the hunter to sneak up behind animals on the shoreline, and successfully catch their prey. By the mid-1800s the kayak became increasingly popular and the Europeans became interested. German and French men began kayaking for sport. In 1931, a man named Adolf Anderle became the first person to kayak down the Salzachofen Gorge, this is where the birthplace of modern-day white-water kayaking is believed to have begun.
Isabelle: I like to use a kayak to move through the water!
Kayla: oh yea? how fast can you go?
Isabelle: Well because I it is low-to-the water, I can go really fast using a double-balded paddel.
Kayla: do you perfer a one person kayak or a larger one
Isabelle: I person because of it's stealth capabilities. I can sneak up on animals and hunt them!
Kayla: what type of weapon do you use to hunt
Isabelle: I use a shotgun to hunt waterfowl and the kayak is called the "hunter's boat"
Kayla: oh wow thats cool
Isabelle: Yeah eskimos get real creative with their kayaks and make them out of drifwood and whale.
Kayla: thats interesting
playing quake on slackware linux makes me happy. | Quake is a first-person shooter video game, developed by id Software and published by GT Interactive in 1996. It is the first game in the "Quake" series. In the game, players must find their way through various maze-like, medieval environments while battling a variety of monsters using a wide array of weapons. The successor to id Software's "Doom" series, "Quake" built upon the technology and gameplay of its predecessor. Unlike the "Doom" engine before it, the "Quake" engine offered full real-time 3D rendering and had early support for 3D acceleration through OpenGL. After "Doom" helped popularize multiplayer deathmatches, "Quake" added various multiplayer options. Online multiplayer became increasingly common, with the QuakeWorld update and software such as QuakeSpy making the process of finding and playing against others on the Internet easier and more reliable. It features music composed by Trent Reznor and Nine Inch Nails. In "Quake" single-player mode, players explore and navigate to the exit of each Gothic and dark level, facing monsters and finding secret areas along the way. Usually there are switches to activate or keys to collect in order to open doors before the exit can be reached.
Eduardo: I wish I was around when Quake first came out, it's a first-person shooter released by GT Interactive in 1996.
Connor: I have never heard of it before, is it like an adventure game?
Eduardo: Well, in the game players must find their way through maze-like environments while battiling a variety of monsters, so it's more like a shooter/adventure kind of thing.
Connor: That sounds so fun, was it for the computer or like a gaming console
Eduardo: It was for the computer, and it was also the successor to id Software's Doom series which you may have heard of.
Connor: My dad used to play that when I was little! It was such a creepy game, but I always wanted to play it
Eduardo: You should try it, it's a lot of fun. Quake improved on Doom by offering full real-time #D rendering and even had early support for 3D acceleration.
Connor: Oh wow, that must have been one of the first 3D type interactions in a game! I wonder if they are going to make any more games in the upcoming years
Eduardo: I'm not sure, but I think you're right about the 3D thing. Id Software's work was very important for the 3D computer graphics technology sector.
Connor: I have never played a 3D game but I bet it would be quite the experience, it is neat that Doom kind of started it all
my favorite food is steak cooked well done. | A steak () is a meat generally sliced across the muscle fibers, potentially including a bone. Exceptions, in which the meat is sliced parallel to the fibers, include the skirt steak that is cut from the plate, the flank steak that is cut from the abdominal muscles, and the famous Silverfinger steak that is cut from the loin and includes three rib bones. When the word "steak" is used without qualification, it generally refers to a beefsteak. In a larger sense, there are also fish steaks, ground meat steaks, pork steak and many more varieties of steaks. Steaks are usually grilled, but they can be pan-fried, or broiled. Steak is often grilled in an attempt to replicate the flavor of steak cooked over the glowing coals of an open fire. Steak can also be cooked in sauce, such as in steak and kidney pie, or minced and formed into patties, such as hamburgers. Steaks are also cut from grazing animals, usually farmed, other than cattle, including bison, camel, goat, horse, kangaroo, sheep, ostrich, pigs, reindeer, turkey, deer and zebu as well as various types of fish, especially salmon and large pelagic fish such as swordfish, shark and marlin. For some meats, such as pork, lamb and mutton, chevon and veal, these cuts are often referred to as chops.
Alexia: I love steak
Emily: steak is great, muscle fiber is so delicious
Alexia: Beef steak is my favorite
Emily: Steak is generally cut across and is very tender meat
Alexia: really?
Emily: Oh yea its super good quality meat as its muscle
Alexia: That is true
Emily: I really want some steak now.
my favorite book is the bible. | The Bible (from Koine Greek τὰ βιβλία, "tà biblía", "the books") is a collection of sacred texts or scriptures that Jews and Christians consider to be a product of divine inspiration and a record of the relationship between God and humans. Many different authors contributed to the Bible. What is regarded as canonical text differs depending on traditions and groups; a number of Bible canons have evolved, with overlapping and diverging contents. The Christian Old Testament overlaps with the Hebrew Bible and the Greek Septuagint; the Hebrew Bible is known in Judaism as the Tanakh. The New Testament is a collection of writings by early Christians, believed to be mostly Jewish disciples of Christ, written in first-century Koine Greek. These early Christian Greek writings consist of narratives, letters, and apocalyptic writings. Among Christian denominations there is some disagreement about the contents of the canon, primarily the Apocrypha, a list of works that are regarded with varying levels of respect. Attitudes towards the Bible also differ amongst Christian groups. Roman Catholics, Anglicans and Eastern Orthodox Christians stress the harmony and importance of the Bible and sacred tradition, while Protestant churches focus on the idea of "sola scriptura", or scripture alone.
Wesley: The bible is a collection of sacred texts
Edward: I know that, I haven't read it but I've certainly heard about it.
Wesley: Many different authors contribted to the bible
Edward: That's why I never understand why they call it God's word, since so many other people wrote it.
Wesley: Jews and christians consider it to be a product of divine inspiration
Edward: I might need to read it sometime then, it seems very interesting even if I'm not very religious.
Wesley: Please read it. The bearly christian greek writings consist of narratives, letters
Edward: I might, though I don't think that God wrote it or anything. I just think that they might be interesting stories with some good messages behind them.
i can only see 200 feet in front of me. | Near-sightedness, also known as short-sightedness and myopia, is a condition of the eye where light focuses in front of, instead of on, the retina. This causes distant objects to be blurry while close objects appear normal. Other symptoms may include headaches and eye strain. Severe near-sightedness increases the risk of retinal detachment, cataracts, and glaucoma. The underlying cause is believed to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Risk factors include doing work that involves focusing on close objects, greater time spent indoors, and a family history of the condition. It is also associated with a high socioeconomic class. The underlying mechanism involves the length of the eyeball growing too long or less commonly the lens being too strong. It is a type of refractive error. Diagnosis is by eye examination. There is tentative evidence that near-sightedness can be prevented by having young children spend more time outside. This may be related to natural light exposure. Near-sightedness can be corrected with eyeglasses, contact lenses, or surgery. Eyeglasses are the easiest and safest method of correction. Contact lenses can provide a wider field of vision; however are associated with a risk of infection.
Sean: As I Get older I have eye issues. I think I suffer from Near-sightedness, also known as short-sightedness.
Francisco: I can't remember. is nearsightedness where you can't see close up or far away?
Sean: Distant objects are blurry but things up close are fine.
Francisco: Oh, I see. No pun intended. I have the same thing but even now things are starting to get blurry up close as well.
Sean: Do you also get headaches from the eye strain? Mine can get bad.
Francisco: I do! sometimes I take benadryle and head ache meds to relieve it. works pretty good but makes you sleepy.
Sean: Maybe you should get checked out as well. I was told if it gets bad it can lead to retinal detachment, cataracts, and glaucoma.
Francisco: Eww, that sounds nasty. I will get it checked very soon. I have wondered if thats what glaucoma feels like sometime when it gets bad.
Sean: I'm not sure but I've heard severe eye pain, blurred vision, mid-dilated pupil, redness of the eye, and nausea.
Francisco: Hmm, nope haven't had all the that unless I'm drinking which is understandable.
we have two pets as well. | A pet or companion animal is an animal kept primarily for a person's company, protection, or entertainment rather than as a working animal, livestock, or laboratory animal. Popular pets are often noted for their attractive appearances and their loyal or playful personalities. Pets provide their owners (or guardians) both physical and emotional benefits. Walking a dog can supply both the human and pet with exercise, fresh air, and social interaction. Pets can give companionship to elderly adults who do not have adequate social interaction with other people, as well as to other people who are living alone. There is a medically approved class of therapy animals, mostly dogs or cats, that are brought to visit confined humans, such as children in hospitals or elders in nursing homes. Pet therapy utilizes trained animals and handlers to achieve specific physical, social, cognitive, and emotional goals with patients. Some of the most popular pets are likely dogs and cats; other animals commonly kept may include (but are not limited to) pigs, ferrets, and rabbits; rodents such as gerbils, hamsters, chinchillas, rats, and guinea pigs; avian pets, such as parrots, passerines, and fowl; reptile pets, such as turtles, lizards and snakes; aquatic pets, such as fish, freshwater and saltwater snails, and frogs; arthropod pets, such as tarantulas and hermit crabs.
Jackson: I think having pets make life more enjoyable.
Melanie: I think so too! There are health benefits that come with owning a dog, because it forces the owner to be more active. Also, socializing a dog is as important for the dog as it is for the human owner!
Jackson: Yes, they are also a comfort as they are non-judgemental and generally adoring.
Melanie: I agree! Dog's provide both physical and emotional support and benefits. Cats are probably only emotionally supportive, though.
Jackson: Well, if you're elderly or physically impaired, cat provide a reason to get up and move if only just to feed them and clean the litter box.
Melanie: That is a great point! Most cats do not need to be trained to use the litter box? That is instinctive to them. I think you can also train cats to use a toilet, so that's neat!
Jackson: Yes, they have special toilet seats for cats I've seen advertised. I don't know how well that all works out though since they can't flush.
Melanie: Ha! The human would have to flush for the cat, I'm sure. But it's easier than cleaning a litter box! Cats are common pets on most continents, except Antarctica. There are between 200 million and 600 million cats worldwide!
i volunteer at animal shelters. | An animal shelter or pound is a place where stray, lost, abandoned or surrendered animals, mostly dogs and cats, and sometimes sick or wounded wildlife are kept and rehabilitated. While no-kill shelters exist, it is sometimes policy to euthanize sick animals, and any animal that is not claimed quickly enough by a previous or new owner. In Europe, of 30 countries included in a survey, all but four (Czech republic, Germany, Greece, and Italy) permitted the killing of healthy stray dogs. Critics believe the new term "animal shelter" is generally a euphemism for the older term "pound". The word "pound" had its origins in the animal pounds of agricultural communities, where stray livestock would be penned or impounded until claimed by their owners. Some shelters even have sick tropical animals. In the United States there is no government-run organization that provides oversight or regulation of the various shelters on a national basis. However, many individual states do regulate shelters within their jurisdiction. One of the earliest comprehensive measures was the "Georgia Animal Protection Act" of 1986. The law was enacted in response to the inhumane treatment of companion animals by a pet store chain in Atlanta.
Adriana: Have you hard of animal shelter?
Ethan: Yes, animal shelter or pound is a place where stray, lost, abandoned
Adriana: Yes abound on what?
Ethan: surrendered animals, mostly dogs and cats, and sometimes sick or wounded wildlife are kept and rehabilitated.
Adriana: Wow that is good, it will keep our animals safe
Ethan: While no-kill shelters exist, it is sometimes policy to euthanize sick animals, and any animal that is not claimed quickly
Adriana: Wow, can I know more about animal shelter?
Ethan: In Europe, of 30 countries permitted the killing of healthy stray dogs.
Adriana: That is not good, why would that do that?
Ethan: Do you know that The word "pound" had its origins in the animal pounds of agricultural communities, where stray livestock would be penned
watching nascar races is a great way to spend a sunday for me. | The National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR) is an American family-owned and operated business venture that sanctions and governs multiple auto-racing sports events. Bill France Sr. founded the company in 1948 and his grandson Brian France became its CEO in 2003. NASCAR is motorsport's preeminent stock-car racing organization. The three largest racing-series sanctioned by this company are the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series, the NASCAR Xfinity Series, and the NASCAR Camping World Truck Series. The company also oversees NASCAR Local Racing, the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour, the NASCAR Whelen All-American Series, and the NASCAR Series. NASCAR sanctions over 1,500 races at over 100 tracks in 39 of the 50 US states as well as in Canada. NASCAR has presented races at the Suzuka and Motegi circuits in Japan, the Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez in Mexico, and the Calder Park Thunderdome in Australia. NASCAR has its official headquarters in Daytona Beach, Florida, and also maintains offices in the North Carolina cities of Charlotte, Concord, and Conover. Regional offices are located in New York City and Los Angeles, with international offices in Mexico City and Toronto.
Francisco: I don't know much about NASCAR but I went to the Quaker State 400 the first year they had it in Kentucky.
Kiara: My sister loves Nascar - she watches auto racing whenever it is on tv
Francisco: All the cars looked the same to me. Oh and it was very LOUD.
Kiara: Yes it is loud. Nascar sanctions over 1500 races in 39 of the 50 states!
Francisco: That's a lot of fuel we are using just for entertainment! No wonder we are running out of natural resources!
Kiara: Yes Nascar has had criticism targeted at it from multiple sources
Francisco: What is the biggest NASCAR race? Maybe we can boycott it.
Kiara: The three largest series are Monster Energy, the NAscar Xfinity and the Nascar camping world truck series
my favorite food is pizza. | Pizza is a traditional Italian dish consisting of a yeasted flatbread typically topped with tomato sauce and cheese and baked in an oven. It can also be topped with additional vegetables, meats, and condiments, and can be made without cheese. The term "pizza" was first recorded in the 10th century, in a Latin manuscript from the Southern Italy town of Gaeta in Lazio, on the border with Campania. Modern pizza was invented in Naples, and the dish and its variants have since become popular and common in many areas of the world. In 2009, upon Italy's request, Neapolitan pizza was registered with the European Union as a Traditional Speciality Guaranteed dish. "Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana" (True Neapolitan Pizza Association), a non-profit organization founded in 1984 with headquarters in Naples, aims to "promote and protect... the true Neapolitan pizza". Pizza is one of the most popular foods in the world and common fast food item in Europe and North America. Many independent or chain restaurants, cafes, and fast food outlets offer pizza. Restaurants or chains specializing in pizza are pizzerias. Pizza delivery is common in some parts of the world. Pizza is sold fresh or frozen, either whole or in portions.
Chase: The best pizza I ever had was avocado, goats cheese and mushroom. Delicious! But I just love pizza.
Ariana: Yum! It is no wonder pizza is one of the most popular foods in the world!
Chase: It certainly is - you can find pizza anywhere! I like the thin crust pizzas the best. What's your favorite?
Ariana: I like all but California-style pizza that combines New York and Italian thin crust with toppings from California cuisine is great!
Chase: Fantastic. I used to live in California and had some really good pizza there!
Ariana: Then you may know that Wolfgang Puck popularized the style of pizza in the rest of the country.
Chase: I didn't know that. He's a very good chef - I've made some of his recipes and they work well.
Ariana: That's great. Wolfgang Puck is an Austrian-born chef.
i auditionated in a cooking show. | Top Chef is an American reality competition television series which premiered on March 8, 2006, on Bravo. The show features chefs competing against each other in various culinary challenges. They are judged by a panel of professional chefs and other notables from the food and wine industry with one or more contestants eliminated in each episode. The show is produced by Magical Elves Productions, the same company that created "Project Runway". The show has spawned multiple spinoff series, including "Top Chef Masters", featuring established award-winning chefs; and "", featuring pastry chefs. Another show, "Top Chef Junior", featuring contestants in their early teens, premiered in October 2017 on Universal Kids. Numerous international adaptations of "Top Chef" have also been produced. On January 24, 2017, Bravo announced that it had renewed "Top Chef" for a fifteenth season. The new season was filmed in Colorado, with challenges set in Denver, Boulder, Telluride, and Aspen, and premiered on December 7, 2017. "Top Chef" is a cooking show that uses a progressive elimination format. The beginning of each season starts with twelve to nineteen professional chefs selected through auditions.
Natalie: Hi
Joseph: Hello! Have you ever watched the reality show Top Chef on Bravo?
Natalie: Yes I have. I love that show
Joseph: I love how they get to show off their skills and be judged by a panel of professional chefs.
Natalie: I do too. It makes me want to try new meals at home.
Joseph: I was surprised when I found out the show was created by Magical Elves Productions, the same studio that created Project Runway.
Natalie: I didn't realize that. I guess it is not a surprise considering they are both high quality shows
Joseph: There have even been several spinoff series from Top Chef, including Top Chef Masters.
Natalie: I haven't watched that. Is there a kid's version too? I really love the cooking shows that show how capable kid's can be.
Joseph: Yes, Top Chef Junior features teens and airs on Universal Kids.
Natalie: Oh cool. Thank you for letting me know. My daughter loves learning to cook and she is only 5, they are really inspiring to her.
i live in vermont. | Vermont () is a state in the New England region of the northeastern United States. It borders the U.S. states of Massachusetts to the south, New Hampshire to the east and New York to the west, and the Canadian province of Quebec to the north. Lake Champlain forms half of Vermont's western border with New York. The Green Mountains run north-south for the length of the state. Vermont is the second smallest by population and the sixth smallest by area of the 50 U.S. states. The state capital is Montpelier, the least populous state capital in the United States. The most populous city, Burlington, is the least populous city to be the most populous city in a state. As of 2015, Vermont was the leading producer of maple syrup in the United States. It was ranked as the safest state in the country in 2016. For thousands of years indigenous peoples, including the Mohawk and the Algonquian-speaking Abenaki, occupied much of the territory that is now Vermont and was later claimed by France's colony of New France. France ceded the territory to Great Britain after being defeated in 1763 in the Seven Years' War. For many years, the nearby colonies, especially the provinces of New Hampshire and New York, disputed control of the area (then called the New Hampshire Grants).
Brittany: Vermont borders Massachusetts and New Hampshire. I've never been there!
Hunter: Me neither. I have actually never been to the east coast at all.
Brittany: Vermont was admitted to the United States as the 14th state in 1791. You should go to the east coast, in the fall it is beautiful.
Hunter: I hear that the state of vermont is giving grants to people from out of state to become residents. Thats worth looking into
Brittany: I hadn't heard that. The winters are brutal. I will have to look around in the state capital website, in Montpelier, about grants.
Hunter: The brutal winter seasons are probably the only thing I may find that is hard to handle being that I have been a resident of Southern California for my entire lifetime.
Brittany: You would find it tough. The capital was named for Montpellier, France. I wonder how much french influence there is there?
Hunter: The Northern New England states bordering these provinces- Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine- all have some French in their heritage as a result of contact with their northern neighbors.
i like cookies. | A cookie is a baked or cooked food that is small, flat and sweet. It usually contains flour, sugar and some type of oil or fat. It may include other ingredients such as raisins, oats, chocolate chips, nuts, etc. In most English-speaking countries except for the US and Canada, crisp cookies are called biscuits. Chewier biscuits are sometimes called "cookies" even in the UK. Some cookies may also be named by their shape, such as date squares or bars. Cookies or biscuits may be mass-produced in factories, made in small bakeries or homemade. Biscuit or cookie variants include sandwich biscuits, such as custard creams, Jammie Dodgers, Bourbons and Oreos, with marshmallow or jam filling and sometimes dipped in chocolate or another sweet coating. Cookies are often served with beverages such as milk, coffee or tea. Factory-made cookies are sold in grocery stores, convenience stores and vending machines. Fresh-baked cookies are sold at bakeries and coffeehouses, with the latter ranging from small business-sized establishments to multinational corporations such as Starbucks. In most English-speaking countries outside North America, including the United Kingdom, the most common word for a crisp cookie is biscuit.
Paul: i love cookies
Jayla: ME too! Girl Scout cookies are my favorites, and I love helping the scouts raise money and ear rewards.
Paul: that's nice
Jayla: sometimes I treat myself to a big cookie at a bakery, especially Mrs. Fields.
Paul: that sounds delicious
Jayla: my favorite is chocolate chip, or oatmeal. What is your favorite?
Paul: i love them all, i think i'm the original cookie monster
Jayla: "C is for Cookie" gets in my head all the time! Early brainwashing from Sesame Street!
Paul: you remember
Jayla: I do! I loved anything by Jim Henson when I was a kid.
i drink a lot of tea. | Tea is an aromatic beverage commonly prepared by pouring hot or boiling water over cured leaves of the "Camellia sinensis", an evergreen shrub (bush) native to Asia. After water, it is the most widely consumed drink in the world. There are many different types of tea; some, like Darjeeling and Chinese greens, have a cooling, slightly bitter, and astringent flavour, while others have vastly different profiles that include sweet, nutty, floral or grassy notes. Tea originated in Southwest China, where it was used as a medicinal drink. It was popularized as a recreational drink during the Chinese Tang dynasty, and tea drinking spread to other East Asian countries. Portuguese priests and merchants introduced it to Europe during the 16th century. During the 17th century, drinking tea became fashionable among Britons, who started large-scale production and commercialization of the plant in India to bypass the Chinese monopoly. The term herbal tea refers to drinks not made from "Camellia sinensis": infusions of fruit, leaves, or other parts of the plant, such as steeps of rosehip, chamomile, or rooibos. These are sometimes called "tisanes" or "herbal infusions" to prevent confusion with tea made from the tea plant.
Ava: Of the many different types of tea out there, I would have to say that bubble tea is probably my favorite of them all!
Alexia: i have never heard of bubble tea could you tell me more about it
Ava: It's fun and delicious! You take a fruit or milk based tea and add tapioca balls to it. So you eat while you drink!
Alexia: that sounds so delicious specially because i really love tea, i like to drink a cup of tea every night beafore bed
Ava: Does it help you sleep? Your habit of tea consumption means you might qualify as participating in tea culture! How about that?
Alexia: that sounds awesome to say the least haha, and yeah i find it really relaxing and helpfull for sleeping
Ava: Just be careful about the caffeine in tea keeping you from going to sleep!
Alexia: i always take natural caffeine free based teas what about you?
i like to work with acrylics. | Acrylic paint is a fast-drying paint made of pigment suspended in acrylic polymer emulsion. Acrylic paints are water-soluble, but become water-resistant when dry. Depending on how much the paint is diluted with water, or modified with acrylic gels, media, or pastes, the finished acrylic painting can resemble a watercolor or an oil painting, or have its own unique characteristics not attainable with other media. Acrylic paint is typically used for crafting, or in art classes in schools because it does not require any chemicals, and rinses away with just water. It also is less likely to leave a stain on clothes than oil paint. As early as 1934, the first usable acrylic resin dispersion was developed by German chemical company BASF, which was patented by Rohm and Haas. The synthetic paint was first used in the 1940s, combining some of the properties of oil and watercolor. Between 1946 and 1949, Leonard Bocour and Sam Golden invented a solution acrylic paint under the brand Magna paint. These were mineral spirit-based paints. Acrylics were made commercially available in the 1950s. Following that development, Golden came up with a waterborne acrylic paint called "Aquatec". Otto Röhm invented acrylic resin, which was quickly transformed into acrylic paint.
Bryce: I'm an artist and my preference is to work with acrylic paint - I like that once it dries it is water-resistant
Manuel: so is acrylic paint different from oil paint?
Bryce: Yes, acrylic paint is a fast-drying paint, whereas oil paint can take a long time to dry.
Manuel: so that means there are made from different material and chemicals then
Bryce: Oil pant can have a strong odour that can bother some people. I like to use acrylic paint - it's usually used in art classes in schools
Manuel: yeah i remember in school we used I guess acrylic paint since it did not have an order to it
Bryce: Right, and it doesn't usually leave a stain, unlike oil paint
Manuel: i guess anything made out of oil leaves a stain even paint
my favorite book is jane austins pride and prejudice. | Jane Austen (; 16 December 1775 – 18 July 1817) was an English novelist known primarily for her six major novels, which interpret, critique and comment upon the British landed gentry at the end of the 18th century. Austen's plots often explore the dependence of women on marriage in the pursuit of favourable social standing and economic security. Her works critique the novels of sensibility of the second half of the 18th century and are part of the transition to 19th-century literary realism. Her use of biting irony, along with her realism and social commentary, have earned her acclaim among critics and scholars. With the publications of "Sense and Sensibility" (1811), "Pride and Prejudice" (1813), "Mansfield Park" (1814) and "Emma" (1816), she achieved success as a published writer. She wrote two additional novels, "Northanger Abbey" and "Persuasion", both published posthumously in 1818, and began another, eventually titled "Sanditon", but died before its completion. She also left behind three volumes of juvenile writings in manuscript and another unfinished novel, The Watsons. Her six full-length novels have rarely been out of print, although they were published anonymously and brought her moderate success and little fame during her lifetime.
Skylar: Jane Austen is one of my most favorite authors!
Cassidy: Jane Austen is mainly known for 6 of her novels. Do you have a favorite book?
Skylar: It's gotta be Pride and Prejudice. It's so fulfilling!
Cassidy: In 2005 Pride and Prejudice was turned into a movie. Have you watched it?
Skylar: I haven't. I find movies based off books don't agree with me. Did you think it was any good?
Cassidy: I did like the movie, however it lost a lot in translation. Austin is iconic for her use of irony.
Skylar: That's true. I was thinking it would be. Somethings are just too hard to translate over from writing to the screen.
Cassidy: I think you would enjoy Austen's book Emma, or Persuasion.
i m deathly afraid of snakes , but not bugs. | Snakes are elongated, legless, carnivorous reptiles of the suborder Serpentes. Like all squamates, snakes are ectothermic, amniote vertebrates covered in overlapping scales. Many species of snakes have skulls with several more joints than their lizard ancestors, enabling them to swallow prey much larger than their heads with their highly mobile jaws. To accommodate their narrow bodies, snakes' paired organs (such as kidneys) appear one in front of the other instead of side by side, and most have only one functional lung. Some species retain a pelvic girdle with a pair of vestigial claws on either side of the cloaca. Lizards have evolved elongate bodies without limbs or with greatly reduced limbs about twenty five times indepenently via convergent evolution, leading to many lineages of legless lizards. Legless lizards resemble snakes, but several common groups of legless lizards have eyelids and external ears, which snakes lack, although this rule is not universal (see Amphisbaenia, Dibamidae, and Pygopodidae). Living snakes are found on every continent except Antarctica, and on most smaller land masses; exceptions include some large islands, such as Ireland, Iceland, Greenland, the Hawaiian archipelago, and the islands of New Zealand, and many small islands of the Atlantic and central Pacific oceans.
Jenna: I am terrified of snakes. Do you know any way to keep them out of my yard?
Abby: You could move to Hawaii, Iceland, New Zealand or Antarctica! Those are some of the only places on earth that do not naturally have snakes.
Jenna: Really - Hawaii doesn't have any native snakes? That's interesting. What are the most common snakes?
Abby: Copperhead and Garter snakes are common where I live. I am friendly to them because they are carnivorous and eat rodents around my property!
Jenna: I have a small dog, I'd be afraid they would hurt her! Is there anything that I can do to keep them out of my yard?
Abby: Garter snakes are not poisonous, but if you want to avoid bites, keep your yard and garden clear of small spaces for them to hide, and low plants.
Jenna: Would getting a cat help keep the snake population down as well?
Abby: Not all cats make good snake repellents. Most snakes are harmless, but the best action you can take is limiting their places to hide around your house.
i feel overweight. | Being overweight or fat is having more body fat than is optimally healthy. Being overweight is especially common where food supplies are plentiful and lifestyles are sedentary. , excess weight reached epidemic proportions globally, with more than 1 billion adults being either overweight or obese. In 2013 this increased to more than 2 billion. Increases have been observed across all age groups. A healthy body requires a minimum amount of fat for proper functioning of the hormonal, reproductive, and immune systems, as thermal insulation, as shock absorption for sensitive areas, and as energy for future use. But the accumulation of too much storage fat can impair movement, flexibility, and alter the appearance of the body. The degree to which a person is overweight is generally described by the body mass index (BMI). "Overweight" is defined as a BMI of 25 or more, thus it includes pre-obesity defined as a BMI between 25 and 30 and obesity as defined by a BMI of 30 or more. Pre-obese and overweight however are often used interchangeably, thus giving overweight a common definition of a BMI of between 25–30. There are, however, several other common ways to measure the amount of adiposity or fat present in an individual's body.
Sierra: I used to be a little overweight when I was a few years younger. It is not very healthy.
Gianna: No, I would imagine that it's not. What is the best way to lose weight?
Sierra: Losing weight and being healthy is all about calories in vs calories out. Having more fat than is optimal is not worth it.
Gianna: Is there any type of fat that is good for you? Maybe like avocados?
Sierra: Certain fats are definitely better, like avocados are a lot healthier than greasy meat. Though that is more about health than being overweight.
Gianna: I guess you have to balance the fat and calories together to make sure you are losing weight in a healthy way. What about exercise?
Sierra: Exercise helps but diet has a lot more to do with fat and being overweight.
Gianna: Are there other ways to lose weight?
Sierra: Well if you were insanely fat and overweight you could even get liposuction.
Gianna: Ah - that sounds painful!!! I don't think I would resort to surgery!!
i just started dating someone new. | Dating is a stage of romantic relationships in humans whereby two people meet socially with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as a prospective partner in an intimate relationship or marriage. It is a form of courtship, consisting of social activities done by the couple, either alone or with others. The protocols and practices of dating, and the terms used to describe it, vary considerably from country to country and over time. While the term has several meanings, the most frequent usage refers to two people exploring whether they are romantically or sexually compatible by participating in dates with the other. With the use of modern technology, people can date via telephone or computer or meet in person. Dating may also involve two or more people who have already decided that they share romantic or sexual feelings toward each other. These people will have dates on a regular basis, and they may or may not be having sexual relations. This period of courtship is sometimes seen as a precursor to engagement. Some cultures require people to wait until a certain age to begin dating, which has been a source of controversy. Dating as an institution is a relatively recent phenomenon which has mainly emerged in the last few centuries.
Connor: hi
Lily: Hi there. I have recently joined an online dating site. Its a way to meet others socially with the aim of seeing of they may be a prospective partner. Have you ever tried it?
Connor: yes
Lily: I think it is the modern way to date! it is a chance for strangers to introduce themselves to new personal connections, people you may never have met if it wernt for online dating.
Connor: ya i think it is modern way
Lily: I have met so many people online already, some are just platonic friendships but hopefully I will meet someone for romance soon!
Connor: yes i will meet someone for romance soon
Lily: I find dating so fun! Meeting new people socially, it is definitely the most fun way to get to know people and who knows where it may lead. One day I may meet the person I will marry!
Connor: ye defiantly one day i may meet the person i will marry
Lily: Dating has changed so much over the years there is so much more freedom now and less parental involvement. Though it does vary considerably from country to country.
boating is my favorite activity. | Yachting refers to the use of recreational boats and ships called "yachts" for sporting purposes. Yachts are different from working ships mainly by their leisure purpose. Both terms originate from the Dutch word "jacht" ("hunt"). With sailboats, it is called sailing, and with motorboats, it is called powerboating. The invention of sailing is prehistoric, but the racing of sailing boats is believed to have started in the Netherlands some time in the 17th century. Soon, in England, custom-built racing "yachts" began to emerge. In 1851, the Royal Yacht Squadron in Cowes challenged the American yacht "America". The race took place in the Solent. The "America" won the race and took the trophy, the America's Cup, back to the US where, held by the New York Yacht Club, it remained until 1983. The cup was then lost to the Royal Perth Yacht Club of Australia, which entered the "Australia II" into the contest. Meanwhile, yacht racing continued to evolve, with the development of recognised classes of racing yachts, from small dinghies up to huge maxi yachts. Although there are many different types of racing vessels, they can generally be separated into the larger yachts, which are larger and contain facilities for extended voyages, and smaller harbour racing craft such as dinghies and skiffs.
Avery: Yachting refers to the use of recreational boats that they call yachts
Jayden: I wish I was rich enough to be involved in that.
Avery: Yachts are different from working ships since they are recreational
Jayden: That's cool, I never knew that before!
Avery: i know its also insaen how expensive they are
Jayden: Oh I'm sure they are ridiculously expensive.
Avery: with sailboats its called sailing
Jayden: I really wish I owned any boat at all.
i am a vegan. | Veganism is both the practice of abstaining from the use of animal products, particularly in diet, and an associated philosophy that rejects the commodity status of animals. A follower of either the diet or the philosophy is known as a vegan ( ). Distinctions are sometimes made between several categories of veganism. "Dietary vegans" (or strict vegetarians) refrain from consuming animal products, not only meat but also eggs, dairy products and other animal-derived substances. The term "ethical vegan" is often applied to those who not only follow a vegan diet but extend the philosophy into other areas of their lives, and oppose the use of animals for any purpose. Another term is "environmental veganism", which refers to the avoidance of animal products on the premise that the harvesting or industrial farming of animals is environmentally damaging and unsustainable. Well-planned vegan diets can reduce the risk of some types of chronic disease, including heart disease. They are regarded as appropriate for all stages of life including during infancy and pregnancy by the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Dietitians of Canada, and the British Dietetic Association. The German Society for Nutrition does not recommend vegan diets for children, adolescents nor during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Bianca: I think veganism is a bit narcissistic. The philosphy behind it I think elevates animals status illogically.
Alejandro: Why so? Part of the vegan community do it because eating plant based is healthier than the usual American diet.
Bianca: The nutritional aspects of veganism are one thing. I'm just criticizing the near-religious attittude towards animal prodcuts for moral reasons.
Alejandro: Yes in that sense I agree with you but like with anything extremism is not a good thing and exists everywhere.
Bianca: For example: I don't think that animals should be afforded the same rights as human beings.
Alejandro: But do you agree that they should not be treated in an extremely barbaric way?
Bianca: I agree that the barbarism towards animals should be minimized where possible. That is not the same thing, however, as assuming that eating animals is some kind of irrational "speciesism." I think that attitude denies the value of human rights.
Alejandro: Yes, I agree with you. I am currently a vegetarian and have some thoughts of embracing veganism but I do get irritated when I see the extreme people mistreating people that eat animals as if they are murderers.
i like tacos. | A taco is a traditional Mexican dish composed of a corn or wheat tortilla folded or rolled around a filling. A taco can be made with a variety of fillings, including beef, pork, chicken, seafood, vegetables, and cheese, allowing for great versatility and variety. A taco is generally eaten without utensils and is often accompanied by garnishes such as salsa, chili pepper, avocado, guacamole, cilantro (coriander), tomatoes, onions, and lettuce. The origins of the taco are not precisely known, and etymologies for the culinary usage of the word are generally theoretical. According to the Real Academia Española, publisher of "Diccionario de la Lengua Española", the word "taco" describes a typical Mexican dish of a maize tortilla folded around food. This meaning of the Spanish word "taco" is a Mexican innovation, but in other dialects "taco" is used to mean "wedge; wad, plug; billiard cue; blowpipe; ramrod; short, stocky person; [or] short, thick piece of wood." As used in this non-culinary way, the word "taco" has cognates in other European languages, including the French word "tache" and the English word "tack (nail)." According to one etymological theory, the culinary meaning of "taco" derives from its "plug" meaning as employed among Mexican silver miners, who used explosive charges in plug form consisting of a paper wrapper and gunpowder filling.
Zachary: I love to eat tacos. They are a traditional Mexican dish composed of corn or wheat tortillas with meat in the center.
Lauren: Me too! Do you prefer a hard or soft shell? I like a soft flour tortilla
Zachary: I prefer soft as well. Tacos can use a variety of fillings, such as beef, pork, chicken, vegetables, and cheese.
Lauren: Yes, I love a pork taco with onions and cilantro. What toppings do you enjoy?
Zachary: I like to fill my tacos up with salsa, avocado, guacamole, and onions. Yum!
Lauren: That sounds so good. Do you like other mexican cuisine also?
Zachary: I enjoy burritos as well. They are wheat tortillas filled with different ingredients.
Lauren: I like it all! I will eat almost anything with homemade guacamole on it.
Zachary: Guac is so good! It was first developed by the Aztecs in what is now Mexico.
Lauren: Is mexico a large producer of avocado's?
i like to go fishing. | Fly fishing is an angling method in which an artificial "fly" is used to catch fish. The fly is cast using a fly rod, reel, and specialized weighted line. Casting a nearly weightless fly or "lure" requires casting techniques significantly different from other forms of casting. Fly fishermen use hand tied flies that resemble natural invertebrates, baitfish, other food organisms, or "lures" to provoke the fish to strike (bite at the fly). Fly fishing can be done in fresh or salt water. North Americans usually distinguish freshwater fishing between cold-water species (trout, salmon, steelhead) and warm-water species, notably bass. In Britain, where natural water temperatures vary less, the distinction is between game fishing for trout and salmon versus coarse fishing for other species. Techniques for fly fishing differ with habitat (lakes and ponds, small streams, large rivers, bays and estuaries, and open ocean.) Author Izaak Walton called fly fishing "The Contemplative Man's Recreation". In fly fishing, fish are caught by using artificial flies that are cast with a fly rod and a fly line. The fly line (today, almost always coated with plastic) is heavy enough to send the fly to the target.
Megan: I know what fishing is, but what is different about fly fishing?
Kelly: Fly fishing is a bit trickier, it uses a lure that is more lightweight and almost resembles a fly so fish bite at it.
Megan: So does the lure sit on top of the water as opposed to a worm or some other types of lures that go into the water?
Kelly: Yes exactly, it does sit on top of the water and the fisherman use the lures so that it provokes the fish to bit at the handmade tie or fly at the end of the pole.
Megan: That's great! Now, does this bait lure a specific type of fish?
Kelly: For more freshwater fishing, it would be fish like salmon or bass.
Megan: Are there specific "fly" lures for specific fish, or is the "fly" generic to attract the salmon or bass?
Kelly: It is more of a generic term because the fisherman are just using hand tied "flies" to resemble baitfish or other insects. It is pretty interesting.
Megan: Fly fishing
Kelly: Hehe, yeah it's an interesting way to catch fish. Sounds fairly difficult, but it can be done in salt or fresh water.
Megan: Fly fishing
i have a pet lizard named gila. | Lizards are a widespread group of squamate reptiles, with over 6,000 species, ranging across all continents except Antarctica, as well as most oceanic island chains. The group is paraphyletic as it excludes the snakes and Amphisbaenia which are also squamates. Lizards range in size from chameleons and geckos a few centimeters long to the 3 meter long Komodo dragon. Most lizards are quadrupedal, running with a strong side-to-side motion. Others are legless, and have long snake-like bodies. Some such as the forest-dwelling "Draco" lizards are able to glide. They are often territorial, the males fighting off other males and signalling, often with brightly colours, to attract mates and to intimidate rivals. Lizards are mainly carnivorous, often being sit-and-wait predators; many smaller species eat insects, while the Komodo eats mammals as big as water buffalo. Lizards make use of a variety of antipredator adaptations, including venom, camouflage, reflex bleeding, and the ability to sacrifice and regrow their tails. The adult length of species within the suborder ranges from a few centimeters for chameleons such as "Brookesia micra" and geckos such as "Sphaerodactylus ariasae" to nearly in the case of the largest living varanid lizard, the Komodo dragon.
Peyton: I live in Florida and we have so many lizards!
Shawn: I know, I live in Florida too! Of course lizards can vary a lot in size from chameleons to geckos.
Peyton: Yes, in my yard I have everything from the little common lizards, to iguanas, to basilisks! I wonder why lizards thrive in Florida? What do they eat?
Shawn: Lizards are mainly carnivorous, often been seen-and-wait predators.
Peyton: Oh really?! I didn't know that! Are all lizards reptiles?
Shawn: Yes, right, they are a group of aquamate reptiles, with over 6.000 species.
Peyton: That's so interesting! Do most lizards seem to like a tropical, or subtropical climate like we have in Florida?
Shawn: They are in all continents except Antarctica, as well as in most oceanic island. But I believe they enjoy the sun in Florida and it made ir easier their sit-and-wait way of eating.
i like to take drives in the country. | The Blue Ridge Parkway is a National Parkway and All-American Road in the United States, noted for its scenic beauty. The parkway, which is America's longest linear park, runs for through 29 Virginia and North Carolina counties, linking Shenandoah National Park to Great Smoky Mountains National Park. It runs mostly along the spine of the Blue Ridge, a major mountain chain that is part of the Appalachian Mountains. Its southern terminus is at U.S. 441 on the boundary between Great Smoky Mountains National Park and the Cherokee Indian Reservation in North Carolina, from which it travels north to Shenandoah National Park in Virginia. The roadway continues through Shenandoah as Skyline Drive, a similar scenic road which is managed by a different National Park Service unit. The parkway has been the most visited unit of the National Park System every year since 1946 except three (1949, 2013, and 2016). Land on either side of the road is owned and maintained by the National Park Service, and in many places parkway land is bordered by United States Forest Service property. The parkway was on North Carolina's version of the America the Beautiful quarter in 2015. Begun during the administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the project was originally called the Appalachian Scenic Highway.
Morgan: The BLue RIdge Parkway is a national parkway noted for its scenic beauty
Liam: Where is this Parkway located?
Morgan: it runs through Virginia and North Carolina linking to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Liam: How amazing. I have actually never heard of this park! What are the most popular things to do at it?
Morgan: It began during FDR's presidency, it is a scenic highway
Liam: How long is the drive?
Morgan: It spans through several states
Liam: Do you know how many hours total it is?
Morgan: I am not sure but several, the project was originally called the Appalachian Scenic Highway
Liam: Oh cool! I bet it is actually very beautiful. What type of wildlife can you see?
i collect stamps. | Stamp collecting is the collecting of postage stamps and related objects. It is related to philately which is the study of stamps. It has been one of the world's most popular hobbies since the late nineteenth century with the rapid growth of the postal service. Stamp collecting proved to be an almost perfect hobby for collectors because there was a never ending stream of new stamps as each country sought to advertise its distinctiveness through its stamps. Stamp collecting is generally accepted as one of the areas that make up the wider subject of philately, which is the study of stamps. A philatelist may, but does not have to, collect stamps. It is not uncommon for the term "philatelist" to be used to mean a stamp collector. Many casual stamp collectors accumulate stamps for sheer enjoyment and relaxation without worrying about the tiny details. The creation of a large or comprehensive collection, however, generally requires some philatelic knowledge and will usually contain areas of philatelic studies. Postage stamps are often collected for their historical value and geographical aspects and also for the many subjects depicted on them, ranging from ships, horses, and birds to kings, queens and presidents.
Erin: I really enjoy stamp collecting since my dad was a postman growing up! Do you collect?
Sabrina: I do not collect but I was a postman myself. Sold many a stamp with animals, ships, and presidents on them.
Erin: Really! I was always intrigued by all the different types from all over the world. When did stamp collecting become a thing?
Sabrina: It really boomed towards the end of the nineteenth century. The postal service grew at a radip pace then.
Erin: Really? That is interesting. Was there a particular reason that it became so popular?
Sabrina: I think because the is a constant stream of new stamps being issued. There is always distinct themes to collect.
Erin: That was pretty ingenious for the Postal Service to do that. They most likely sold a lot more stamps because of it, right?
Sabrina: It is a form of universal pre-payment so it is both convenient and a fun hobby.
my favorite music is jim hendrix. | James Marshall "Jimi" Hendrix (born Johnny Allen Hendrix; November 27, 1942 – September 18, 1970) was an American rock guitarist, singer, and songwriter. Although his mainstream career spanned only four years, he is widely regarded as one of the most influential electric guitarists in the history of popular music, and one of the most celebrated musicians of the 20th century. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame describes him as "arguably the greatest instrumentalist in the history of rock music". Born in Seattle, Washington, Hendrix began playing guitar at the age of 15. In 1961, he enlisted in the U.S. Army and trained as a paratrooper in the 101st Airborne Division; he was granted an honorable discharge the following year. Soon afterward, he moved to Clarksville, Tennessee, and began playing gigs on the Chitlin' Circuit, earning a place in the Isley Brothers' backing band and later with Little Richard, with whom he continued to work through mid-1965. He then played with Curtis Knight and the Squires before moving to England in late 1966 after being discovered by Linda Keith, who in turn interested bassist Chas Chandler of the Animals in becoming his first manager. Within months, Hendrix had earned three UK top ten hits with the Jimi Hendrix Experience: "Hey Joe", "Purple Haze", and "The Wind Cries Mary".
Patrick: HI there. Im B and I love Jimi Hendrix. How are you?
Henry: Hi B. I am fine. And I am with ya on Jimi Hendrix who was an amazing instrumentalist.
Patrick: He really was. Do you know anything of importance about him? I feel I don't know enough.
Henry: I find it amazing that his mainstream career only lasted four years?
Patrick: Wow! Four years!? It's funny, to someone who wasn't alive back then, it seems his career stretched so much longer!
Henry: Yes only 4 years. He did however beging playing guitar when he was 15.
Patrick: That's actually quite late in life to pick up an instrument, isn't it? I thought most artists were doing something musically earlier on than that. Not to say he still isn't a genius!
Henry: He definitely was a musical genius. Even more interesting is that he was a paratrooper in the 101st Airborne Division.
Patrick: And I never even knew that he was in the military! Do I really deserve to call myself a fan!?
Henry: Well his music is what he is known for. I mean "Purple Haze" and "Hey Joe" were huge hits I bet you know.
i am a carnivore. | This is a list of chicken dishes. Chicken is the most common type of poultry in the world, and was one of the first domesticated animals. Chicken is a major worldwide source of meat and eggs for human consumption. It is prepared as food in a wide variety of ways, varying by region and culture. The prevalence of chickens is due to almost the entire chicken being edible, and the ease of raising them. Chicken as a meat has been depicted in Babylonian carvings from around 600 BC. Chicken was one of the most common meats available in the Middle Ages. It was eaten over most of the Eastern hemisphere and a number of different kinds of chicken such as capons, pullets and hens were eaten. It was one of the basic ingredients in the so-called white dish, a stew usually consisting of chicken and fried onions cooked in milk and seasoned with spices and sugar.
Andres: I love cooking chicken for my meals but sometimes I get in a rut and run out of new ways to prepare it. Do you have that problem?
Charles: Yes I do, I am vegan and it is sometimes hard to come up with recipes. Stuff it with cheese and chorizo!
Andres: That is an amazing idea! I've never done that and will definitely try it! I steer toward Indian cuisine. There culture and cuisine always seem to be evolving.
Charles: I love Indian cousine, a large portion of the population is vegetarian. Love tikka masala@
Andres: That is also one of my favorites! I appreciate all of their traditions and am amazed watching cooks use a Tandoori oven for so many things! Their culture is so diverse depending on what region you're in which makes the food even more interesting!
Charles: I have never heard of a Tandoori oven what is that?
Andres: Its an open clay over that is cylinder in shape and they have open flame below where they place kabobs of meat and vegetables as well as slap Naan flatbread on the side and somehow it sticks there until the flip it and its done. I'm always amazed. Have you eaten Tandoor marinated food before?
Charles: No I have not! That sounds amazing! Indian food is so simple yet complex, I love naan bread!
i have red hair. | Red hair (or ginger hair) occurs naturally in 1–2% of the human population. It occurs more frequently (2–6%) in people of northern or western European ancestry, and less frequently in other populations. Red hair appears most commonly in people with two copies of a recessive allele on chromosome 16 which produces an altered version of the MC1R protein. Red hair varies in hues from a deep burgundy or bright copper (reddish-brown or auburn) through to burnt orange or red-orange and strawberry blond. It is characterized by high levels of the reddish pigment pheomelanin and relatively low levels of the dark pigment eumelanin. It is associated with fair skin color, lighter eye colors (gray, blue, green, and hazel), freckles, and sensitivity to ultraviolet light. Cultural reactions have varied from ridicule to admiration; many common stereotypes exist regarding redheads and they are often portrayed as fiery-tempered. The term redhead has been in use since at least 1510. Red hair is most commonly found at the northern and western fringes of Europe; it is centered around populations in the British Isles. Redheads today are commonly associated with the Celtic nations and to a far lesser extent the Germanic peoples.
Antonio: I think red heads are very attractive especially for women.
Carson: Only 1-2% of people in the world have red the women with red hair are few and far between!
Antonio: That's very true, especially for the attractive one :/
Carson: What hue of red hair do you like? It varies from deep burgundy to a burn orange/strawberry colour?
Antonio: I like strawberry blonde, but also deep burgundy, really depends on if she has an attractive face.
Carson: You'll have to go to Germany or Celtic nations, thats where you'll find more red heads!
Antonio: Why does it originate from there ? Is it because of genetics ?
Carson: Yes because of genetics, people from those countries are more prone to receiving two recessive alleles on chromosome 16!
i love agatha christie novels. | Agatha Christie's Poirot is a British mystery drama television series that aired on ITV from 8 January 1989 to 13 November 2013. David Suchet stars as the eponymous detective, Agatha Christie's fictional Hercule Poirot. Initially produced by LWT, the series was later produced by ITV Studios. The series also aired on VisionTV in Canada and on PBS and A&E in the United States. The programme ran for 13 series and 70 episodes in total; each episode was adapted from a novel or short story by Christie that featured Poirot, and consequently in each episode Poirot is both the main detective in charge of the investigation of a crime (usually murder) and the protagonist who is at the centre of most of the episode's action. At the programme's conclusion, which finished with "", based on the final Poirot novel, every major literary work by Christie that featured the title character had been adapted. Clive Exton in partnership with producer Brian Eastman adapted the pilot. Together, they wrote and produced the first eight series. Exton and Eastman left "Poirot" after 2001, when they began work on "Rosemary & Thyme". Michele Buck and Damien Timmer, who both went on to form Mammoth Screen, were behind the revamping of the series.
Rachel: I used to love to read Agatha Christie novels. I also love the TV show Poirot, based on her detective character.
Alana: That show lasted a long time. It aired on ITV from 1983 to 2013
Rachel: I didn't realize it ran that long - must have missed some episodes. He's such a funny little man - what a great imagination AC had!
Alana: David Suchet did a great job playing Hercule Poirot
Rachel: He really did. He's actually English rather than Belgian, is he not?
Alana: He is, but he was very successful in his role. He was even nominated for a BAFTA in 1991!
Rachel: Wow, impressive. What century is Poirot set in?
Alana: Poirot was first published way back in March 1924
Rachel: So it was set in the early 20th century then. I love seeing all the old buildings and, of course, trying to figure out who the murderer is!
Alana: Fun fact is that every major Agatha Christie character has been adapted in another media
i am a vegan. | Veganism is both the practice of abstaining from the use of animal products, particularly in diet, and an associated philosophy that rejects the commodity status of animals. A follower of either the diet or the philosophy is known as a vegan ( ). Distinctions are sometimes made between several categories of veganism. "Dietary vegans" (or strict vegetarians) refrain from consuming animal products, not only meat but also eggs, dairy products and other animal-derived substances. The term "ethical vegan" is often applied to those who not only follow a vegan diet but extend the philosophy into other areas of their lives, and oppose the use of animals for any purpose. Another term is "environmental veganism", which refers to the avoidance of animal products on the premise that the harvesting or industrial farming of animals is environmentally damaging and unsustainable. Well-planned vegan diets can reduce the risk of some types of chronic disease, including heart disease. They are regarded as appropriate for all stages of life including during infancy and pregnancy by the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Dietitians of Canada, and the British Dietetic Association. The German Society for Nutrition does not recommend vegan diets for children, adolescents nor during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Grace: I am a vegan, do you know what that entails?
Dalton: I used to be a vegan for a while, but got back to eating meat, a vegan is a person who doesn't eat meat, nor any animal products.
Grace: Just thought I would ask because not many people know what it is all about. Well I too am one, a "dietary vegan" as we are called.
Dalton: I never heard of this term, I respect other people's food choices. I think everyone has the right to choose, as long as they don't try to change other people's beliefs.
Grace: I totally agree!
Dalton: Vegans usually try to be very healthy and I like it, it's important to take care of ones health.
Grace: And I like that there are "ethical vegans" which applies to those who not only follow a vegan diet but extend the philosophy into other areas of their lives, and oppose the use of animals for any purpose.
Dalton: That's respectable, I admire how they follow their life philosophy, at least they are consistent.
Grace: It is admirable!
Dalton: I think so too! Sometimes vegan or vegetarian diet can be a religious practice as well, like in India.
one of my favorite shows is face off on say. | Face Off is an American reality television game show on the Syfy cable network in which a group of prosthetic makeup artists compete against each other to create prostheses such as those found in science fiction and horror films. Each episode features one or more challenges, with the work reviewed by a panel of judges and eliminating one or more artists each week until a final winner is chosen. Actress McKenzie Westmore, known for her role as Sheridan Crane on the former NBC/DirecTV soap opera "Passions" and a member of the Westmore family of makeup artists, serves as the show's host. For each assignment, the contestants' work is individually evaluated by a panel of professional special effects makeup artists who serve as judges. These judges have included Academy Award-winning makeup artist Ve Neill, and television and film makeup artist Glenn Hetrick, creature designer and director Patrick Tatopoulos (Season 1 - 3), and Neville Page (Season 3 - present). Industry figures and artists including Brian Grazer, Kevin Smith, Paul W. S. Anderson, Greg Nicotero, Rick Baker, Doug Jones, Len Wiseman and Gale Anne Hurd have served as guest judges. "Face Off" premiered January 26, 2011 on Syfy.
Christian: have you seen Face Off? It's a show on SyFy where makeup artists compete to make prosthetics such as those seen in sci-fi films
Trenton: Yes I love that show and the judges Glenn Hetrick and Ve Neill.
Christian: Yeah, each contestant gets judged by professional special effects makeup artists
Trenton: The designs that the contestants make are amazing sometimes and seem so realistic.
Christian: So true, they have to do new challenges every week and produce amazing work
Trenton: They are currently on their third season and I am really excited for new episodes.
Christian: Yeah it's still going on even though it started on January 26, 2011
Trenton: Yes and is produced in Los Angeles, California.
Christian: It makes sense to be in Los Angeles since they use academy award winning artists as judges so they would be near Hollywood!
Trenton: Yes and those judges have also stuck around since 2011.
i love to larp. | A live action role-playing game (LARP) is a form of role-playing game where the participants physically portray their characters. The players pursue goals within a fictional setting represented by the real world while interacting with each other in character. The outcome of player actions may be mediated by game rules or determined by consensus among players. Event arrangers called gamemasters decide the setting and rules to be used and facilitate play. The first LARPs were run in the late 1970s, inspired by tabletop role-playing games and genre fiction. The activity spread internationally during the 1980s and has diversified into a wide variety of styles. Play may be very game-like or may be more concerned with dramatic or artistic expression. Events can also be designed to achieve educational or political goals. The fictional genres used vary greatly, from realistic modern or historical settings to fantastic or futuristic eras. Production values are sometimes minimal, but can involve elaborate venues and costumes. LARPs range in size from small private events lasting a few hours to large public events with thousands of players lasting for days. LARP has also been referred to as "live role-playing" ("LRP"), "interactive literature", and "free form role-playing".
Kathryn: Live action role playing games are great fun when you have a group of friends over. You each get to portray a character.
Benjamin: Maybe if you are okay with making a fool out of yourself. I don't think I could play those kinds of games.
Kathryn: Well, if you ever played doctor or astronaut or police officer when you were a child, then you have played Larps.
Benjamin: Well it may have been fun then, but there are adults that still play those kinds of games. I'm not into those games now.
Kathryn: Play is typically a childish activity, but psychologists tell us that play can occur at any stage of life, and even among other mammals, so don't exclude yourself from fun
Benjamin: Yes play is most often associated with children, but adults still like dressing up as characters and going to festivals and such.
Kathryn: Perhaps they dress up for evolutionary reasons. In other words, to find a mate and procreate. Let yourself have some fun.
Benjamin: Everyone has their own idea of fun, just because someone doesn't take part in role playing activities, doesn't mean they don't like to have fun.
Kathryn: Well consider this: perhaps they dress up because they do not feel physically attractive or aesthetically pleasing. t least let them enjoy their lives, even if you are confident about your physical appearance.
Benjamin: There is nothing wrong with it if someone else wants to do it, just not my idea of a good time. People have fun in different ways, to each their own.
i have more money than i know what to do with. | Wealth is the abundance of valuable resources or valuable material possessions. This includes the core meaning as held in the originating old English word "weal", which is from an Indo-European word stem. An individual, community, region or country that possesses an abundance of such possessions or resources to the benefit of the common good is known as wealthy. The modern concept of wealth is of significance in all areas of economics, and clearly so for growth economics and development economics yet the meaning of wealth is context-dependent. At the most general level, economists may define wealth as "anything of value" that captures both the subjective nature of the idea and the idea that it is not a fixed or static concept. Various definitions and concepts of wealth have been asserted by various individuals and in different contexts. Defining wealth can be a normative process with various ethical implications, since often wealth maximization is seen as a goal or is thought to be a normative principle of its own. The United Nations definition of "inclusive wealth" is a monetary measure which includes the sum of natural, human, and physical assets. Natural capital includes land, forests, energy resources, and minerals.
Allison: Concerning money I am not very wealthy but I am confident in I will be in the future. How are your finances, if I may ask?
Maya: Not terrible, but there is always room for improvement
Allison: There are many different definitions for wealth. How wealthy are you in other areas?
Maya: I am very rich indeed because i am happy and relatively healthy. i would much rather have those kind of riches anyway.
Allison: I would prefer that as well. Although I find money provides freedom generally and that makes happiness and healthiness easier.
Maya: thats very true. it does make it easier to be comfortable.
Allison: Yep. Although I feel like it is more important to know how to take care of yourself without it.
Maya: Necessity is the mother of invention. When you don't have much you do with what you've got.
my favorite writer is nicholas sparks. | Nicholas Charles Sparks (born December 31, 1965) is an American romance novelist, screenwriter and producer. He has published nineteen novels and two non-fiction books. Several of his novels have become international bestsellers, and eleven of his romantic-drama novels have been adapted to film all with multimillion-dollar box office grosses. Sparks was born in Omaha, Nebraska and wrote his first novel, "The Passing", in 1985, while a student at the University of Notre Dame. His first published work came in 1990, when he co-wrote with Billy Mills "Wokini: A Lakota Journey to Happiness and Self-Understanding", which sold approximated 50,000 copies in its first year. In 1993, Sparks wrote his breakthrough novel The Notebook in his spare time while selling pharmaceuticals in Washington, D.C.. Two years later, his novel was discovered by literary agent Theresa Park who offered to represent him. The novel was published in October 1996 and made the "New York Times" best-seller list in its first week of release. Nicholas Sparks was born on December 31, 1965 in Omaha, Nebraska to Patrick Michael Sparks, a future professor of business, and Jill Emma Marie Sparks (née Thoene), a homemaker and an optometrist's assistant.
Sophie: Nicholas Sparks was a well known person.
Wesley: Yeah ,he was an American romance novelist, screenwriter and producer.
Sophie: yes and his niche was romance.
Wesley: He wrote Novels of this type of genre fiction place their primary focus on the relationship and romantic love
Sophie: I also like his wife Cathy.
Wesley: Nicholas Sparks was born on December 31, 1965 in Omaha, Nebraska
Sophie: yes! He was the inspiration for A Walk to Remember..
Wesley: Yeah that was the novel published in 1999, Walk to Remember is a 2002 American coming-of-age romantic drama film
Sophie: He was probably influenced by his Roman Catholic faith.
Wesley: Its a term sometimes used to differentiate members of the Catholic Church in full communion with the Pope in Rome .
i love dogs. | The domestic dog ("Canis lupus familiaris" or "Canis familiaris") is a member of the genus "Canis" (canines), which forms part of the wolf-like canids, and is the most widely abundant terrestrial carnivore. The dog and the extant gray wolf are sister taxa as modern wolves are not closely related to the wolves that were first domesticated, which implies that the direct ancestor of the dog is extinct. The dog was the first species to be domesticated and has been selectively bred over millennia for various behaviors, sensory capabilities, and physical attributes. Their long association with humans has led dogs to be uniquely attuned to human behavior and they are able to thrive on a starch-rich diet that would be inadequate for other canid species. New research seems to show that dogs have mutations to equivalent genetic regions in humans where changes are known to trigger high sociability and somewhat reduced intelligence. Dogs vary widely in shape, size and colors. Dogs perform many roles for people, such as hunting, herding, pulling loads, protection, assisting police and military, companionship and, more recently, aiding handicapped individuals and therapeutic roles. This influence on human society has given them the sobriquet "man's best friend".
Delaney: Dogs are just great!
Mario: Yeah, but its sad that direct ancestor of the dog is extinct.
Delaney: Really? What was the direct ancestor?
Mario: The gray wolf, but they are not related to modern wolves that were first domesticated.
Delaney: So dogs of today came from gray wolfs. Very interesting.
Mario: Exactly, and who would of thought that they would become "man's best friend".
Delaney: Dogs have come a long way. But little Fluffy is my best friend.
Mario: Aww, how cute. I want to meet your little fluffers. I bet she is a great companion and is good at aiding you.
i am currently working on a project that involves bitcoins. | Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency and worldwide payment system. It is the first decentralized digital currency, as the system works without a central bank or single administrator. The network is peer-to-peer and transactions take place between users directly, without an intermediary. These transactions are verified by network nodes through the use of cryptography and recorded in a public distributed ledger called a blockchain. Bitcoin was invented by an unknown person or group of people under the name Satoshi Nakamoto and released as open-source software in 2009. Bitcoins are created as a reward for a process known as mining. They can be exchanged for other currencies, products, and services. As of February 2015, over 100,000 merchants and vendors accepted bitcoin as payment. Research produced by the University of Cambridge estimates that in 2017, there are 2.9 to 5.8 million unique users using a cryptocurrency wallet, most of them using bitcoin. The word "bitcoin" first occurred and was defined in the white paper that was published on 31 October 2008. It is a compound of the words "bit" and "coin". The white paper frequently uses the shorter "coin". There is no uniform convention for "bitcoin" capitalization.
Collin: Hey! Do you have any insight into Bitcoin? I was thinking of investing in it.
Erik: I really want to get into crypto. I wanna know how to use bitcoin cryptocurrency
Collin: Same here. I am a little confused regarding the whole blockchain thing. I just know people are making a lot of money on it.
Erik: it's funny how nobody still knows who invented bitcoin :) it wasreleased in 2009
Collin: I did not realize it was released that long ago. I saw an episode of Tosh.0 where he interviewed a teenager who became a millionaire from investing in Bitcoin.
Erik: i need to learn more about mining lol bitcoins are created as a reward for mining
Collin: I know that mining for Bitcoin is hard and requires many expensive and high end graphics cards to actually make any money.
Erik: but it pays off in the end! i just love how the network requires minimal structure to share transactions
my favorite band is the rolling stones. | Sir Michael Philip Jagger, (born 26 July 1943) is an English singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, composer and actor who gained fame as the lead singer and one of the founder members of the Rolling Stones. Jagger's career has spanned over five decades, and he has been described as "one of the most popular and influential frontmen in the history of rock & roll". His distinctive voice and performances, along with Keith Richards' guitar style have been the trademark of the Rolling Stones throughout the band's career. Jagger gained press notoriety for his admitted drug use and romantic involvements, and was often portrayed as a countercultural figure. Jagger was born and grew up in Dartford, Kent. He studied at the London School of Economics before abandoning his academic career to join the Rolling Stones. Jagger has written most of the Rolling Stones' songs together with Richards, and they continue to collaborate musically. In the late 1960s, Jagger began acting in films (starting with "Performance" and "Ned Kelly"), to a mixed reception. He began a solo career in 1985, releasing his first album, "She's the Boss", and joined the electric supergroup SuperHeavy in 2009. Relationships with the Stones' members, particularly Richards, deteriorated during the 1980s, but Jagger has always found more success with the band than with his solo and side projects.
Abigail: What is your favorite band? Mine is the Rolling Stones?
Chase: I like the Stones. I believe Mick Jagger wrote most of their songs along with Keith Richards. What is your favorite song?
Abigail: "You can't always get what you wan't" it just speaks to me on so many levels
Chase: Very true phrase - more people should understand that! Jagger is an interesting person - he studied at the London School of Economics before joining the band.
Abigail: Really? That's interesting. I studied economics in college and I don't think I could write songs like Mick!
Chase: Few people can! He's a singer-songwriter, can play many instruments, an actor and a composer. Quite a talent.
Abigail: Yeah I wonder what he is doing now
Chase: I know he began a solo career in 1985 and released an album. He also joined the electric group SuperHeavy in 2009.
Abigail: SuperHeavy huh? I haven't heard of them. What kind of music do they play?
Chase: They played music ranging from reggae to ballads to Indian music. They were a one-off supergroup.
i like to go swimming. | Swimming is the self-propulsion of a person through fresh or salt water, usually for recreation, sport, exercise, or survival. Locomotion is achieved through coordinated movement of the limbs, the body, or both. Humans can hold their breath underwater and undertake rudimentary locomotive swimming within weeks of birth, as an evolutionary response. Swimming is consistently among top public recreational activities, and in some countries, swimming lessons are a compulsory part of the educational curriculum. As a formalized sport, swimming features in a range of local, national, and international competitions, including every modern summer Olympics. Swimming relies on the natural buoyancy of the human body. On average, the body has a relative density of 0.98 compared to water, which causes the body to float. However, buoyancy varies on the basis of both body composition and the salinity of the water. Higher levels of body fat and saltier water both lower the relative density of the body and increase its buoyancy. Since the human body is only slightly less dense than water, water supports the weight of the body during swimming. As a result, swimming is “low-impact” compared to land activities such as running.
Megan: I love swimming. Swimming is one of the top recreational activities and in some countries it is part of the regular curriculum.
Alexandra: Swimming sounds like a fun healthy activity.
Megan: Yes, it is a great low-impact exercise.
Alexandra: Sounds like it. Tell me more.
Megan: It is a rebound exercise. There are a ton of benefits. Of course there was a large uptick in people wanting to exercise in mid 1980s
Alexandra: So swimming can help me get in shape?
Megan: Yes. Any type of physical exercise will help you maintain fitness and overall health and wellness.
Alexandra: Okay. Swimming seems to be easier of my joints.
Megan: There are also a wide range of positive effects that it has on brain structure and function and cognition.
Alexandra: Brain? So swimming could make me smarter. Neat!
i like to work with acrylics. | Acrylic paint is a fast-drying paint made of pigment suspended in acrylic polymer emulsion. Acrylic paints are water-soluble, but become water-resistant when dry. Depending on how much the paint is diluted with water, or modified with acrylic gels, media, or pastes, the finished acrylic painting can resemble a watercolor or an oil painting, or have its own unique characteristics not attainable with other media. Acrylic paint is typically used for crafting, or in art classes in schools because it does not require any chemicals, and rinses away with just water. It also is less likely to leave a stain on clothes than oil paint. As early as 1934, the first usable acrylic resin dispersion was developed by German chemical company BASF, which was patented by Rohm and Haas. The synthetic paint was first used in the 1940s, combining some of the properties of oil and watercolor. Between 1946 and 1949, Leonard Bocour and Sam Golden invented a solution acrylic paint under the brand Magna paint. These were mineral spirit-based paints. Acrylics were made commercially available in the 1950s. Following that development, Golden came up with a waterborne acrylic paint called "Aquatec". Otto Röhm invented acrylic resin, which was quickly transformed into acrylic paint.
Caroline: I love using Acrylic paint. Do you ever do any type of painting?
Lilly: Yes actually! I like to use acrylic also because its very fast-drying. It's very convenient being suspended in a polymer emulsion. What do you paint?
Caroline: I mainly use it for art/crafts projects. Painting wood signs, etc...
Lilly: Fun! Acrylic is great because is water soluble, but once it's dry is it also water resistant. It's so versatile. Do you like doing landscapes?
Caroline: I wish i was good at landscapes. Would love to learn, but my talent is not that great. But yes! I do love the paint is water resistant
Lilly: It's also great because it doesn't stain clothes as easily as oil paint. I used that sometimes but also leave myself in a mess!
Caroline: I agree. Oil paint is extremely difficult to deal with. And so many color varieties with Acrylic Paints.
Lilly: My mother used acrylic too, since it was developed first in 1934 by German company BASF. She's been happy ever since!
i watch south park at least once a day. | South Park is an American adult animated sitcom created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone and developed by Brian Graden for the Comedy Central television network. The show revolves around four boys—Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, Eric Cartman, and Kenny McCormick—and their bizarre adventures in and around the titular Colorado town. Much like "The Simpsons", "South Park" uses a very large ensemble cast of recurring characters and became infamous for its profanity and dark, surreal humor that satirizes a wide range of topics towards a mature audience. Parker and Stone developed the show from "The Spirit of Christmas", two consecutive animated shorts created in 1992 and 1995. The latter became one of the first Internet viral videos, ultimately leading to "South Park"'s production. It debuted in August 1997 with great success, consistently earning the highest ratings of any basic cable program. Subsequent ratings have varied but it remains one of Comedy Central's highest rated shows, and is slated to air in new episodes through 2019. The pilot episode was produced using cutout animation, leading to all subsequent episodes being produced with computer animation that emulated the cutout technique.
Blake: I was a lot of south park. It is an animated sitcom on comedy central.
Dominic: it has been awhile since I have watched south park, i did enjoy watching
Blake: it debuted in 1997 and had the highest ratings of any basic cable program.
Dominic: amazing it has been around that long, yes i can see why it is very popular
Blake: And it is still so popular that it is airing new episodes through 2019.
Dominic: i think I topped watching was around when they actually killed Kenny
Blake: I can't believe they actually killed kenny. I like Eric.
Dominic: yeah. Eric is a hoot, maybe I will start watching again
i recently broke my leg. | A bone fracture (sometimes abbreviated FRX or Fx, F, or #) is a medical condition in which there is a damage in the continuity of the bone. A bone fracture may be the result of high force impact or stress, or a minimal trauma injury as a result of certain medical conditions that weaken the bones, such as osteoporosis, bone cancer, or osteogenesis imperfecta, where the fracture is then properly termed a pathologic fracture. Although bone tissue itself contains no nociceptors, bone fracture is painful for several reasons: Damage to adjacent structures such as nerves or vessels, spinal cord, and nerve roots (for spine fractures), or cranial contents (for skull fractures) may cause other specific signs and symptoms. The natural process of healing a fracture starts when the injured bone and surrounding tissues bleed, forming a fracture hematoma. The blood coagulates to form a blood clot situated between the broken fragments. Within a few days, blood vessels grow into the jelly-like matrix of the blood clot. The new blood vessels bring phagocytes to the area, which gradually remove the non-viable material. The blood vessels also bring fibroblasts in the walls of the vessels and these multiply and produce collagen fibres.
Jaden: I have broken many bones in my life. It seems like it wouldnt be painful because the bones don't have pain receptors but damage to tissues and nerves around it cause pain.
Naomi: That's a shame, I've never broken a bone before.
Jaden: That is very lucky especially because it can be caused by even minimal trauma.
Naomi: I guess for some of the weaker bones like toes and fingers, yeah.
Jaden: Fascinatingly enough blood plays a huge role in the natural process of healing.
Naomi: Hmm I never knew that!
Jaden: Yep! The blood actually coagulates to form a blood clot between the two fragments.
Naomi: I thought that was only the case for your flesh, not bone. Cool!
Jaden: I know me too! And the blood brings things called phagucytes to the area which removes all the bits of bone that are not viable.
Naomi: This is all so interesting, I've never taken anatomy or anything so I never knew.
i am a writer. | Historical fiction is a literary genre in which the plot takes place in a setting located in the past. Historical fiction can be an umbrella term; though commonly used as a synonym for describing the historical novel; the term can be applied to works in other narrative formats, such as those in the performing and visual arts like theatre, opera, cinema and television, as well as video games and graphic novels. An essential element of historical fiction is that it is set in the past and pays attention to the manners, social conditions and other details of the period depicted. Authors also frequently choose to explore notable historical figures in these settings, allowing readers to better understand how these individuals might have responded to their environments. Some subgenres such as alternate history and historical fantasy insert speculative or ahistorical elements into a novel. Works of historical fiction are sometimes criticized for lack of authenticity because of readerly or genre expectations for accurate period details. This tension between historical authenticity, or historicity, and fiction frequently becomes a point of comment for readers and popular critics, while scholarly criticism frequently goes beyond this commentary, investigating the genre for its other thematic and critical interests.
Taylor: Do you like historical ficition as a literary genre?
Angel: No I do not.
Taylor: What literary genres do you like? The structuralist approach to the genre?
Angel: I do not really read very often, but I would not like history
Taylor: Come on you don't like gun slingers and cowboys that wear Stetson hats?
Angel: Oh no way. That would not hold my attention.
Taylor: Come on the hat is a high-crowned, wide-brimmed hat best known for the North American cowboy.
Angel: I am still not interested. Do you like it?
Taylor: I like a lot of genres such as alternate history and historical fantasy insert speculative or
Angel: Tell me more about those.
my favorite tv show is dancing with the stars. | Dancing with the Stars is the name of several international television series based on the format of the British TV series "Strictly Come Dancing", which is distributed by BBC Worldwide, the commercial arm of the BBC. Currently the format has been licensed to over 42 territories. Versions have also been produced in dozens of countries across the world. As a result, the series became the world's most popular television program among all genres in 2006 and 2007, according to the magazine "Television Business International", reaching the Top 10 in 17 countries. The show pairs a number of well known celebrities with professional ballroom dancers, who each week compete by performing one or more choreographed routines that follow the prearranged theme for that particular week. The dancers are then scored by a panel of judges. Viewers are given a certain amount of time to place votes for their favorite dancers, either by telephone or (in some countries) online. The couple with the lowest combined score provided by the judges and viewers is eliminated. This process continues until there are only two or three couples left; when they have competed for the last time one couple is declared the champion and wins a trophy.
Payton: I love Dancing with the stars! Dancing with the Stars is the name of several international television series based on the format of the British TV series "Strictly Come Dancing",
Hannah: i have seen a few episodes of Dancing with the Stars but not regularly
Payton: It is so big it has been licensed to over 42 territories.
Hannah: yes a seen clips of other countries version of Dancing, they seem so unreal
Payton: Yeah and i forgot that Versions have also been produced in dozens of countries
Hannah: like Dancing with the Stars. a lot of american shows copy British tv shows
Payton: Yeah it is about The show pairs a number of well known celebrities with professional ballroom dancers,
Hannah: the dances on the show looks so difficult, you have to be in shape to do them
i collect bugs in jars. | Entomology () is the scientific study of insects, a branch of zoology. In the past the term "insect" was more vague, and historically the definition of entomology included the study of terrestrial animals in other arthropod groups or other phyla, such as arachnids, myriapods, earthworms, land snails, and slugs. This wider meaning may still be encountered in informal use. Like several of the other fields that are categorized within zoology, entomology is a taxon-based category; any form of scientific study in which there is a focus on insect-related inquiries is, by definition, entomology. Entomology therefore overlaps with a cross-section of topics as diverse as molecular genetics, behavior, biomechanics, biochemistry, systematics, physiology, developmental biology, ecology, morphology, and paleontology. At some 1.3 million described species, insects account for more than two-thirds of all known organisms, date back some 400 million years, and have many kinds of interactions with humans and other forms of life on earth. Entomology is rooted in nearly all human cultures from prehistoric times, primarily in the context of agriculture (especially biological control and beekeeping), but scientific study began only as recently as the 16th century.
Daniel: Entomology is so interesting, as it is the scientific study of insects.
Andrea: Oh that is cool.
Daniel: I know, it is also a branch of zoology.
Andrea: Yea makes sense just more specific.
Daniel: It was different back in the day too because the term insect was more vague back in the day.
Andrea: Oh yea science is changing all the time.
Daniel: I know, since entomology used to also include the study of terrestrial animals.
Andrea: I might take a college course on it sometime.
Daniel: You should learn about when it used to include stuff like snails, slugs, and earthworms too.
Andrea: awesome.
my favorite band is the beatles. | The Beatles were an English rock band formed in Liverpool in 1960. With members John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr, they became widely regarded as the foremost and most influential music band. Rooted in skiffle, beat and 1950s rock and roll, the Beatles later experimented with several musical styles, ranging from pop ballads and Indian music to psychedelia and hard rock, often incorporating classical elements and unconventional recording techniques in innovative ways. In 1963 their enormous popularity first emerged as "Beatlemania"; as the group's music grew in sophistication, led by primary songwriters Lennon and McCartney, the band were integral to pop music's evolution into an art form and to the development of the counterculture of the 1960s. The Beatles built their reputation playing clubs in Liverpool and Hamburg over a three-year period from 1960, with Stuart Sutcliffe initially serving as bass player. The core trio of Lennon, McCartney and Harrison went through a succession of drummers, including Pete Best, before asking Starr to join them in 1962. Manager Brian Epstein moulded them into a professional act, and producer George Martin guided and developed their recordings, greatly expanding the group's popularity in the United Kingdom after their first hit, "Love Me Do", in late 1962.
Raymond: i recently started listening to the beatles, a band from liverpool in 1960
Karen: Thats cool, do you have a favorite song from them so far?
Raymond: i liked their first hit "Love Me Do", which came out late 1962. it was produced by george martin
Karen: George martin? Like the guy from game of thrones?
Raymond: oh no, he was Sir George Henry Martin born 3 January 1926 was an English record producer,
Karen: Oh neat, what else has he done?
Raymond: he produced 30 number 1 singles in the UK and 23 in the US
Karen: That's impressive. You know a lot about him, did you study him?
Raymond: oh no i just am looking up information about him and his areer that spanned 6 decades, in music and film and TV
Karen: Oh cool, do you know about any other artists?
i have red hair. | Red hair (or ginger hair) occurs naturally in 1–2% of the human population. It occurs more frequently (2–6%) in people of northern or western European ancestry, and less frequently in other populations. Red hair appears most commonly in people with two copies of a recessive allele on chromosome 16 which produces an altered version of the MC1R protein. Red hair varies in hues from a deep burgundy or bright copper (reddish-brown or auburn) through to burnt orange or red-orange and strawberry blond. It is characterized by high levels of the reddish pigment pheomelanin and relatively low levels of the dark pigment eumelanin. It is associated with fair skin color, lighter eye colors (gray, blue, green, and hazel), freckles, and sensitivity to ultraviolet light. Cultural reactions have varied from ridicule to admiration; many common stereotypes exist regarding redheads and they are often portrayed as fiery-tempered. The term redhead has been in use since at least 1510. Red hair is most commonly found at the northern and western fringes of Europe; it is centered around populations in the British Isles. Redheads today are commonly associated with the Celtic nations and to a far lesser extent the Germanic peoples.
Elijah: how do you feel about red hair ? i have red hair but lots of people do not like it
Amelia: I really like it because of how rare it is, only 1-2% of people have it naturally so I find it a bit exotic.
Elijah: indeed, i do like the exotic side, i must have been lucky my mum also has red hair, what colour do you have ?
Amelia: I have brown hair myself. I believe most red hair comes from a recessive genetic allele on chromosome 16, so it makes sense you'd both have it.
Elijah: that is nice knowledge, i did not know that. my brother also has brown hair but that is quite common but i still like it. do you know alot about genetics ?
Amelia: Yes I studied it in college so I know a fair bit, though it's very complicated. Hair color genetics are usually simple though, the more eumelanin that is present the darker the hair color.
Elijah: You sure know more than me, i have read about eumelanin but i never understood it, probably why i went into such things as geography, do you do it for a job ?
Amelia: I do not, but I find it interesting to read about sometimes. Hair genetics is interesting actually because levels of melanin can change over time, causing someone to have different colored hair at different points of their life.
Elijah: i see. ive actually learnt something for once today thanks :) you should stick at it you seem to know your stuff.
Amelia: Oh I'm glad to hear that! Do you also have fair skin color and lighter eye color? Those are usually associated with red hair as well.
Elijah: yes i do, even in this heat i am pale as anything which is annoying. how about you ?
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