Unnamed: 0
int64 0
| label
stringclasses 2
values | text
stringlengths 10
| label_num
int64 0
1,881 | ham | Subject: enron / hpl actuals for october 20 - 22 , 2000
october 20 , 2000
teco tap 0 / enron ; 75 . 000 / hpl gas daily
october 21 , 2000
teco tap 0 / enron ; 84 . 375 / hpl gas daily
october 22 , 2000
teco tap 0 / enron ; 115 . 625 / hpl gas daily | 0 |
1,405 | ham | Subject: samson burger well
if you don ' t see the first delivery notice let me know .
gary h
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by gary a hanks / hou / ect on 08 / 16 / 2000 03 : 26
pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
from : mary jo johnson 08 / 16 / 2000 02 : 00 pm
to : james mckay , gary a hanks / hou / ect @ ect , edward d gottlob / hou / ect @ ect ,
vance taylor , jill t zivley / hou / ect @ ect
cc : esther buckley / hou / ect @ ect , christy sweeney / hou / ect
subject : samson burger well
the samson well will be coming on this afternoon at 1 . 5 to 2 . 5 million / d and
increasing to 10 mmbtu / d by sept 1 . this gas should be diverted into the
duke / sheridan interconnect . gas is priced at gas daily for this intermonth
flow and goes to ifhsc for the term contract . please call if you have any
questions . thanks , mjj | 0 |
3,754 | spam | Subject: re : valium charset = iso - 8859 - 7 " >
new offshore pharmacy - not a single medical question asked , guaranteed
or it ' s free .
valium , xanaxm , soma , zyban , super vlagara , etc . lowest cost anywhere
in the world .
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this communication is privileged and contains confidential information
intended only for the person ( s ) to whom it is addressed . any
unauthorized disclosure , copying , other distribution of this communication or
taking any action on its contents is strictly prohibited . if you have
received this message in error , please notify us immediately or remove
yourself from our list if there is no interest in regards to our
products .
http : / / www . nepzzz . com / mo 01 p / byebye . html
sun , 25 jan 2004 18 : 03 : 58 - 0300 athlete deviate celebrant goldman pentane pakistan smoke yoder dystrophy chalky iambic
| 1 |
940 | ham | Subject: 2 nd revision to sea robin volumes ( sea robin p / l )
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 06 / 09 / 2000
01 : 24 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
" steve holmes " on 06 / 09 / 2000 10 : 54 : 04 am
to : ,
cc :
subject : 2 nd revision to sea robin volumes ( sea robin p / l )
let me try this one more time . . .
the attached changes are to those meters where a pvr is taken out for
processing . effective 6 / 12 / 00 , the sea robin plant will be shut down for
repairs and will not be operational again until 6 / 15 / 00 . the attached 12
changes are to be effective 6 / 12 / 00 anc continuing until further notice .
sorry for any confusion the previous e - mail may have caused .
- ei 305 reveffo 61200 . xls
- ei 330 areveffo 61200 . xls
- ei 330 breveffo 61200 . xls
- ei 330 creveffo 61200 . xls
- ei 333 reveffo 61200 . xls
- ei 337 reveffo 61200 . xls
- smi 23 reveffo 61200 . xls
- smi 41 reveffo 61200 . xls
- smil 28 reveffo 61200 . xls
- wc 560 reveffo 61200 . xls
- wc 580 reveffo 61200 . xls
- gbl 28 reveffo 61200 . xls | 0 |
2,880 | ham | Subject: re : noms / actual vols for 3 / 26 / 01
eileen , our gas control records indicate the following rate changes for march
26 , 2001 flow :
20 , 000 rate 0900 to 1400 ( 5 hrs ) ;
40 , 000 rate 1400 to 0100 ( 11 hrs )
nom . for the day : 22 , 500 mmbtu .
please call me to see if we can agree on the total nom .
i can be reached at 214 - 812 - 4404 .
" eileen ponton " on 03 / 27 / 2001 09 : 39 : 00 am
to : david avila / lsp / enserch / us @ tu , charlie stone / texas utilities @ tu , melissa
jones / texas utilities @ tu , hpl . scheduling @ enron . com ,
liz . bellamy @ enron . com
cc :
subject : noms / actual vols for 3 / 26 / 01
nom mcf mmbtu
24 , 167 21 , 820 22 , 409
btu = 1 . 027
note : no changes to flow rates for 3 / 23 thru 3 / 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 0 |
3,496 | ham | Subject: fw : intrastate gas
fyi : from legal
- - - - - original message - - - - -
from : dickson , stacy e .
sent : tuesday , september 18 , 2001 10 : 35 am
to : lozano , melba
subject : re : intrastate gas
melba ,
this is actually a complicated issue . i am not sure that we can add that language . i need to talk to jeff hodge and gerald nemec about this issue . i will let you know what we figure out .
- - - - - original message - - - - -
from : lozano , melba
sent : tuesday , september 18 , 2001 9 : 41 am
to : dickson , stacy e .
subject : re : intrastate gas
stacy ,
jeff has not responded to this .
thanks ,
- - - - - original message - - - - -
from : dickson , stacy e .
sent : tuesday , september 18 , 2001 9 : 16 am
to : lozano , melba
subject : re : intrastate gas
melba ,
has jeff responded to this ?
- - - - - original message - - - - -
from : lozano , melba
sent : monday , september 17 , 2001 1 : 25 pm
to : dickson , stacy e . ; hodge , jeffrey t .
cc : lees , lisa ; walker , chris ; meredith , kevin ; farmer , daren j . ; lauer , kara
subject : fw : intrastate gas
importance : high
stacy ,
could we add the following phrase ( as shown below in red ) to the exxon katy location ? this is to reassure our customers that the delivery is in fact intrastate . please let me know if this is possible to do and if we have your approval .
the transaction is for delivery of intrastate gas at the tailgate of the exxon katy plant . notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the general terms and conditions , if applicable , this transaction is between counterparty and enron north america corp .
thanks ,
melba lozano
713 - 345 - 8986
713 - 646 - 8511 fax
713 - 698 - 4847 pager
- - - - - original message - - - - -
from : lees , lisa
sent : monday , september 17 , 2001 1 : 11 pm
to : lauer , kara
cc : meredith , kevin ; lozano , melba ; walker , chris
subject : re : intrastate gas
kara ,
the product development team will check with legal on this and we ' ll get back with you .
thanks . lisa
- - - - - original message - - - - -
from : lauer , kara
sent : monday , september 17 , 2001 9 : 38 am
to : lees , lisa
subject : fw : intrastate gas
lisa ,
what is involved in changing a product description to include this phrase ? i do have some customers in texas that are legally bound to only trade intrastate gas and they are fearful of trading anything that doesn ' t specifically state that .
since it is probably only a handful of customers , if it is a major production , it may not be worth it , but i wanted to check .
thanks .
- - - - - original message - - - - -
from : farmer , daren j .
sent : monday , september 17 , 2001 9 : 31 am
to : lauer , kara
subject : re : intrastate gas
that will be fine . most people know that the gas in this area is intrastate . but , if someone wants to see that in the description , we can add it .
- - - - - original message - - - - -
from : lauer , kara
sent : monday , september 17 , 2001 9 : 18 am
to : farmer , daren j .
subject : intrastate gas
hi daren ,
bryan hull gave me your name . a customer was interested in trading intrastate gas and bryan had informed me that our exxon - katy location is intrastate . i was wondering if you would be interested in changing the long description on eol for this location to include the phrase intrastate gas so that any customers that are interested would be able to see that . if this is okay with you , i will forward it on to our product development team .
thanks .
kara boudreau lauer
enrononline marketing
713 / 853 - 0570
kara . lauer @ enron . com | 0 |
1,667 | ham | Subject: the new power company ; reserved share program
enron u . s employees :
a registration statement relating to a proposed initial public offering of
shares of common stock of tnpc , inc . ( tnpc ) , an affiliate of enron corp . , has
been filed with the securities and exchange commission . in connection with
the proposed offering , tnpc has arranged to reserve a limited number of
shares of tnpc ' s common stock for purchase by enron u . s . employees and
certain other individuals ( reserved share program ) . if you have any interest
in further information regarding the reserved share program , which has a
deadline of october 2 , 2000 , please execute the link to the following site
where you will find a preliminary prospectus , a letter explaining the
program , an expression of interest form , and an nasd questionnaire related to
the offering :
note : in the event that you are unable to execute the above link , please
copy the link to the address line of your installed browser .
the following statements are required to be included in this e - mail by the
rules and regulations of the securities and exchange commission :
" a registration statement relating to the shares has been filed with the
securities and exchange commission but has not yet become effective . these
securities may not be sold nor may offers to buy be accepted prior to the
time the registration statement becomes effective . this e - mail shall not
constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy nor shall
there be any sales of these securities in any state in which such offer ,
solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification
under the securities laws of any such state . "
" no offer to buy the securities can be accepted and no part of the purchase
price can be received until the registration statement has become effective ,
and any such offer may be withdrawn or revoked , without obligation or
commitment of any kind , at any time prior to notice of its acceptance given
after the effective date . an indication of interest in response to this
advertisement will involve no obligation or commitment of any kind . " | 0 |
3,598 | ham | Subject: pipelines that still have dial in access for nominations
following are the responses i received to the question : please ask your schedulers to e - mail me which pipelines still maintain the ability to do nominations via a dial up connection to their ebb ( modem and a phone line ) .
please ask them to call their representatives if unsure .
pipelines that require or can use dial up for ebb access
from responses to an e - mail mailed out to all managers in houston , denver and calgary
cora nigas
tammy gilmore reliant field services
michael olsen epgt
patti sullivan pg & e
robert ramirez cgulf
richard pinion
713 - 853 - 7339 | 0 |
1,909 | ham | Subject: enron / hpl actuals for october 24 , 2000
teco tap 72 . 922 / hpl gas daily | 0 |
3,631 | ham | Subject: re : centana storage deal
rita ,
stephen and i have been working on this matter . we are getting the contracts and counter parties activated so they can be pathed for september 2001 . i talked to stephen this morning and he is working with global to get the counter parties active .
thanks .
- - - - - original message - - - - -
from : wynne , rita
sent : tuesday , december 11 , 2001 8 : 08 am
to : olsen , michael ; swisher , stephen
cc : anastas , sherry ; farmer , daren j .
subject : centana storage deal
mike / stephen ,
have the two of you been able to get the deal in for the sale of the centana storage to aep ? please advise . i would like to have this completed for this close if possible .
daren - if you are not aware of this transaction , please let me know . thanks ! | 0 |
242 | ham | Subject: meter 7266
daren - can you set up a deal for meter 7266 ? an accounting arrangement is
always created every month . it is used for the texas general land storage
deal , ( withholding 15 % on their injections only ) . it has been nominated in
pops on 012 - 41500 - 05 - 002 . please let me know , volume management wants to
get bammel allocated today .
thanks .
aimee | 0 |
3,692 | spam | Subject: lose it
os effetiveeight os aaiabe withoutrescription
learn about it here
unlist me
| 1 |
2,231 | ham | Subject: gulf plains into tennessee for november
i received a call from the plant , apparently , they shorted us 60 dth on the
3 rd of november . however , someone opened the valve on the 20 th and they
flowed 69 dth into the pipe without a nomination . the plant is asking if we
will phone tennessee and accept allocation of this volume . i realize that it
is really not alot of net difference volumetrically , but , the market has been
volatile and prices have risen significantly since the nov . 3 rd . i also
don ' t know what the market situation is like on tgpl , would we be creating an
imbalance on a contract , is there a market to allocate to , are there any
potential penalties ? i would like to resolve this today , if at all possible .
please advise .
mary | 0 |
779 | ham | Subject: eol issues
to get immediate response on an eol issue , such as a next day deal that is
not showing up in sitara , either call me at 3 - 5824
or torrey moorer at 3 - 6218 . if you are unable to reach either one of us ,
please page us at the following numbers . please pass
this information to others in your group .
thank you .
jennifer de boisblanc denny 1 - 877 - 473 - 1343
torrey moorer 1 - 877 - 473 - 1344 | 0 |
3,818 | spam | Subject: holiday voucher # 608324 tropical travel package
you are receiving this email because you opted in at one of our
associates . please do not reply to this email as this address does not
accept mail . to remove yourself from this list and not receive
future offersplease click
here , or send a request ( including email address ) to :
voucher fulfillmentl 001 cypress creek road , suite 316 fort
lauderdale , fl 33309 | 1 |
1,234 | ham | Subject: final cp name change / merger list 7 / 00
this is the final list of counterparty name change and mergers for 7 / 00 .
the changes will be made in the global counterparty system as follows :
name changes - the current legal name and erms shortname will be overlayed on
monday , 7 / 24 , in the afternoon .
we want to update the system before bid week begins on tuesday . if anyone has
a problem with the erms shortnames being changed on monday , please notify us
immediately .
mergers / business changes - the old record will be inactivated on 8 / 1 / 00 .
marilyn colbert 3 6517
cheryl johnson 3 3103 | 0 |
4,056 | spam | Subject:
hm 6 elblo
dear home owner ,
hajv { e bee ' n nbotiofied that yowu % r
morqtgagce rate is fpuixfed at a ve [ rcy
high iwwnterepssdt ratbre . there \ fore you are
curre { nt oytverp 8 aycing , w 4 yhich sums - oufrp to
thou . sands of dollars annual * ly .
for yoxju we cvan
guarantee the lowest rates
in the u . s . ( 3 . 50 % ) . sbo hurry becxau ' se
the rate forecast is n # ot loo $ king goo ) d !
thnere is nxmo obligat ! ions ,
aynod it freae
lock on the 3 . 50 % , evek 8 n
with bad cred 83 itqo !
click he . re n ( ow f = or dewdt ^ ails
rorewemove h @ errbe
or snail mail :
rua d { a i } mpr ; en : s ! e , 434 @ 7 , r / c bqil ' o } co 1 - b 3 bu 3 majhputo , mo " zambali " que
| 1 |
183 | ham | Subject: day 26 - txu lonestar called on 20000 at carthage
| 0 |
1,822 | ham | Subject: re : rate for tenaska deal
daaah !
sorry !
daren j farmer
10 / 16 / 2000 05 : 57 pm
to : sandi m braband / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : re : rate for tenaska deal
consumer price index
from : sandi m braband on 10 / 16 / 2000 12 : 14 pm
to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : re : rate for tenaska deal
daren ,
thanks - - while i ' m certain i should know , i must confess that i do not know
what cpi stands for ? ? ?
daren j farmer
10 / 16 / 2000 11 : 39 am
to : sandi m braband / hou / ect @ ect , bob m hall / na / enron @ enron
cc :
subject : re : rate for tenaska deal
sandi ,
sorry for just now getting back with you . i was out last week .
the rate ( $ . 04 / mmbtu ) will be charged on the greater of the volumes nominated
on the supply contracts or the actual deliveries to the plant . the fee will
be adjusted yearly based on cpi .
bob - i could not remember if we stated the type of settlement on the
delivered volumes ( actuals or nominations ) . i think we should use actuals
due to possibility that the plant could over pull with out our knowledge on a
daily basis . we would receive the estimates / actuals on a lag and may have to
purchase gas to offset the imbalance , even though the plant kept the noms at
the 45 , 000 base . i also think that if the plant does increase the nom , they
are more likely to pull the additional volume rather than pulling less . do
you agree with this ?
from : sandi m braband on 10 / 10 / 2000 03 : 41 pm
to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : rate for tenaska deal
daren ,
when we met regarding the rate for the tenaska gas management agreement , you
guys mentioned that it would be tied to an index - - could you restate for me
how that is to work - - it will start out 4 cents per mmbtu based on the greater
of the volumes nominated through the supply contracts or the actual
deliveries to the plant . then the fee will vary month to month ? year to year ?
based on what index ?
thanks ,
sandi | 0 |
1,579 | ham | Subject: revision - enron / hpl actuals for sept . 8 - 10 , 2000
september 8 , 2000
teco tap 50 . 000 / hpl iferc ; 25 . 000 / enron
ls hpl lsk ic 15 . 000 / enron
september 9 , 2000
teco tap 15 . 417 / hpl iferc ; 69 . 583 / hpl gas daily ; 40 . 000 /
september 10 , 2000
teco tap 112 . 500 / hpl gas daily ; 25 . 000 / enron
ls hpl lsk c 15 . 000 / enron
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by melissa jones / texas utilities on
09 / 11 / 2000
03 : 58 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
melissa jones
09 / 11 / 2000 01 : 31 pm
to : charlie stone / texas utilities @ tu , gary green / texas utilities @ tu ,
daren . j . farmer @ enron . com , gary . a . hanks @ enron . com ,
carlos . j . rodriguez @ enron . com , earl . tisdale @ enron . com ,
ami . chokshi @ enron . com
cc :
subject : enron / hpl actuals for sept . 8 - 10 , 2000
september 8 , 2000
teco tap 50 . 000 / hpl iferc ; 25 . 000 / enron
ls hpl lsk ic 15 . 000 / enron
september 9 , 2000
teco tap 85 . 000 / hpl iferc ; 40 . 000 / enron
september 10 , 2000
teco tap 112 . 500 / hpl iferc ; 25 . 000 / enron
ls hpl lsk ic 15 . 000 / enron | 0 |
4,247 | spam | Subject: looking for love ? tonight ?
this is a great dating site ! ! !
please remove me of this list
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| 1 |
749 | ham | Subject: fyi - new pager number
fyi - ( no reply necessary )
i have a new pager number ( it does not require a pin # ) . please note the new
number and make changes to contacts sheets if necessary
old : 800 - 759 - 7243 pin # 2377872
new : 877 - 502 - 9986
trey | 0 |
4,916 | spam | Subject: so much fun with these girls . .
hey my man , long time no talk !
you won ' t believe what we found , holy ! ! ! ! .
it ' s this crazy hookup site , i got laid 6 times this week man , you don ' t
have to use a credit card or anything you won ' t pay a cent !
there are tons of girls , guys , couples and i ' m sure something for you too !
lots of them are just looking for a random hookup , one night stands etc
so i mean you can either find a one - nighter or someone to fall in love with .
it ' s a community site with mad hot crazy chicks / dudes
you really gotta check this thing out , cause you missin ' out big ! !
http : / / folosko . com / aus . html
you won ' t be disapointed you ' ll see im not kidding . thank me later after
you ' r gettin laid 7 days a week .
see ya later
charlie m
http : / / folosko . com / nothanks / nothanks . php
| 1 |
2,815 | ham | Subject: net out with kinder morgan - beginning march 21 st
megan / kim - - -
please make a note that we did a deal with kinder morgan that nets out and should not be billed or paid . the purchase deal ticket is 682244 @ hardy st . # 980068 & and the sale is 682229 @ mobil beaumont # 981040 for a volume of 30 . 000 mmbtu .
let me know if you have any questions .
thanks ,
x 33396 | 0 |
1,372 | ham | Subject: revision # 1 - enron / hpl actuals for july 23 , 2000 10 . 000 / enron
ls hpl lsk ic 30 . 000 / enron
corrected numbers :
teco tap 45 . 000 / hpl iferc ; 10 . 000 / enron
ls hpl lsk ic 30 . 000 / enron
july 28 , 2000
previous numbers :
teco tap 10 . 000 / enron ; 61 . 250 / hpl iferc ; 8 . 750 / hpl gas
ls hpl lsk ic 30 . 000 / enron
corrected numbers :
teco tap 10 . 000 / enron ; 66 . 250 / hpl iferc ; 3 . 750 / hpl gas
ls hpl lsk ic 30 . 000 / enron | 0 |
4,432 | spam | Subject: your contact info
? " ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? , ,
hi again , i noticed that i didn ' t get a response from my last email to you . i ' m using a new tool called plaxo to update my address book . your information will not be shared with anyone else . you do not need to download any software or register to send me your information . please take a moment to review the information below and click the button to correct or confirm your contact information . if you want to update your address book too , get plaxo at http : / / www . plaxo . com / downloads .
thanks , ?t? ?f? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ,
| 1 |
4,202 | spam | Subject: get a free 6 . 3 megapixel canon digital camera !
> | 1 |
2,407 | ham | Subject: january nominations at shell deer park
fyi .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by aimee lannou / hou / ect on 01 / 16 / 2001 11 : 35
am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
mary poorman @ enron
01 / 16 / 2001 08 : 23 am
to : aimee lannou / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : january nominations at shell deer park
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by mary poorman / na / enron on 01 / 16 / 2001 08 : 23
am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
" shankster jl ( luther ) " on 12 / 19 / 2000 03 : 32 : 26 pm
to : " ' lamphier , gary ' "
cc : " carter , john " , " ricks , ruth " ,
kyle . r . lilly @ enron . com , mary . poorman @ enron . com
subject : january nominations at shell deer park
gary ,
january 2001 nominations for gas delivery to shell deer park are as follows :
firm baseload - 110 , 000 mmbtu / d
spot swing supply - 0 ( zero )
delivery of the above contract quantities is expected to be as follows :
hpl - hp hpl - e hpl - s
firm 35 , 000 mmbtu / d 40 , 000 mmbtu / d 35 , 000 mmbtu / d
on or about january 7 th we are currently planning on beginning our much
anticipated scheduled turnaround work . natural gas demand is expected to
decrease with hpl ' s portion being 20 , 000 mmbtu / d coming primarily out of the
hp / e station . this will leave total demand at 90 , 000 mmbtu / d for the
remainder of the month .
please let me know if you have any questions
j . luther shankster
energy & utilities planning
> phone : 713 / 277 - 9307
> fax : 713 / 277 - 9941
> e - mail : jlshankster @ equiva . com
> home page : http : / / rsweb
> | 0 |
2,779 | ham | Subject: re : noms / actual flow for 3 / 19 / 01
we agree
" eileen ponton " on 03 / 20 / 2001 10 : 05 : 59 am
to : david avila / lsp / enserch / us @ tu , charlie stone / texas utilities @ tu , melissa
jones / texas utilities @ tu , hpl . scheduling @ enron . com ,
liz . bellamy @ enron . com
cc :
subject : noms / actual flow for 3 / 19 / 01
date nom mcf mmbtu
3 / 19 / 01 60 , 000 59 , 944 61 , 562
btu = 1 . 027 | 0 |
4,686 | spam | Subject: lose while you sleep ! as seen on opra . h and cnb . c
health enhancer - as
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| 1 |
1,664 | ham | Subject: txu fuels / sds nomination for october 2000
attached is the october 2000 nomination for our takes under the gas sales and
purchase contract between txu fuels ( previously tufco ) and hpl resources co . ,
( txu fuels contr . # 3949 ) , as well as our september 2000 nomination for takes
under the gas sales and purchase contract between txu fuels and sds . please
advise should you have any questions concerning the attached .
thanks ,
( see attached file : sdsnom . xls ) ( see attached file : minhplno 0 . xls )
- sdsnom . xls
- minhplno 0 . xls | 0 |
3,824 | spam | Subject: your order 8
sergio hoffmann , 25 y . o . psychotherapist , germany :
i think i ' m younkger than main target group of cialdis consumers , but i
have a very hard work , i always had to listen about people ' s failures , about bad life et cetera .
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i tried viagras - both genedric and pfdizer ' s , but they does not act as good and as long as i want it to be .
finally , my colleague told me about cialdis and i ordered it . the results were really better , trust a doctor .
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suspense defector gabbro mast sidestepping committeewoman bagging illegal yorktown baldwin deducible statler hillcrest trigonometry carabao girl battlefield effluvium economist
| 1 |
2,501 | ham | Subject: re : meter 986315 for 10 / 00
i don ' t know if they paid torch , i would assume so , as this is october .
according to charlene , cleco is invoicing us for this deal . intially , there
was no deal in the system at all . | 0 |
2,560 | ham | Subject: correction on first delivery for cody
it should read cuba libre field and cuba libre central point .
eb | 0 |
3,243 | ham | Subject: re : tenaska iv march 2001
yes , the dollar amount is what we need to recoup from williams . i will take the credit with our payment to williams on the 25 th . tenaska will send us their wire to us on the 24 th . i will make sure we receive the wire from tenaska before i send the wire to williams . i will also let james know about the volume for the agency fee . i thought it was suppose to be calculated on actual volume , not the nominated volume .
from : daren j farmer / enron @ enronxgate on 05 / 16 / 2001 03 : 04 pm
to : megan parker / corp / enron @ enron
cc :
subject : re : tenaska iv march 2001
i have changed the demand fee . but , is this adjusted by the dollar amount that we need to recoup from williams ? i don ' t want to pay tenaska until we get the money from williams . additionally , i believe that we need to keep the volume at 45 , 000 for the admin fee , since we originally nominated 45 , 000 / day .
- - - - - original message - - - - -
from : parker , megan
sent : wednesday , may 16 , 2001 12 : 49 pm
to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ enron
subject : tenaska iv march 2001
we have the actuals from txu for tenaska iv for march 2001 . the receipt from williams was not kept whole , so we have money to recoup from williams and repay to tenaska iv . please change the following deals . let me know if you have any questions .
deal 384258 change demand fee from $ 2 , 653 , 694 . 95 to $ 2 , 607 , 176 . 02
deal 514353 change volume from 45 , 000 to 44 , 590
thanks ,
megan | 0 |
169 | ham | Subject: gmt . inc .
tom ,
please create a spot ticket for gas that commence flowing on 1 / 14 / 00 at 8 : 30
am . the pertinent information is as follows :
counterparty mtr . volume price
gmt , inc . 9814 500 mmbtu / d 100 % if / hsc
should you have any questions , please give me a call .
thanks ,
x 3 - 6353 | 0 |
952 | ham | Subject: hpl nom for june 13 , 2000
( see attached file : hplo 613 . xls )
- hplo 613 . xls | 0 |
3,147 | ham | Subject: fw : crosstex energy , driscoll ranch # 1 & # 3 , meters 9858 reinhardt , donald p . ; riley , brian ; smith , susan ; walker , robert ; weissman , george
subject : crosstex energy , driscoll ranch # 1 , meter 9858 , may , 2001
per section 2 . 2 of the gpa , crosstex has elected to sell this gas ( approximately 10 , 000 / d ) baseload for the month of may , 2001 at if hsc - $ 0 . 10 . thanks . jab | 0 |
910 | ham | Subject: re : interconnect / intercompany issues
all of these issues need to be resolved during the month of june . our
deadline for all cleanup if 6 / 30 . please notify me of any issues that will
not be resolved in this timeframe .
thanks .
howard b camp
06 / 07 / 2000 12 : 50 pm
to : rita wynne / hou / ect @ ect , pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron , lisa
csikos / hou / ect @ ect , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , ami chokshi / corp / enron @ enron
cc : fred boas / hou / ect @ ect , stella l morris / hou / ect @ ect , clem
cernosek / hou / ect @ ect , thu nguyen / hou / ect @ ect , jackie young / hou / ect @ ect ,
charlotte hawkins / hou / ect @ ect , karen lindley / corp / enron @ enron , carlos j
rodriguez / hou / ect @ ect , stacey neuweiler / hou / ect @ ect , kristen j
hanson / hou / ect @ ect , rhonda robinson / hou / ect @ ect , howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect ,
gregg lenart / hou / ect @ ect
subject : interconnect / intercompany issues
below is a list of the major items that are still outstanding on the
interdesk / interconnect report for 1999 and 2000 that is impacting the
intercompany cleanup for sap implementation . these issues have been
addressed in earlier e - mails and this is an updated list of issues that need
to be completed by june 19 , 2000 .
1 ) king ranch interstates - fred and stella are working with exxon to
reconcile from oct 1999 - apr 2000 the interstate nominations for tennessee
and ngpl and also for tejas .
2 ) tetco meter 6892 - question of who has custody transfer at the meter .
ena is using tetco ' s volume and hplc is using the hpl measurement volume ,
causing a desk to desk variance .
clem and pat are working on .
3 ) transco bammel meter 74 - transco and hpl ' s nominations are out of
balance at meter 74 . charlotte needs to work with transco to resolve .
4 ) dow meter 4486 - the sale to entex needs to be taken off of hplc meter
4486 and the sale needs to be at dow meter 4486 .
a desk to desk between ena ( buyer )
and hplc ( seller ) needs to be set up on dow meter 4486 .
ami needs to set up the deals and
thu needs to coordinate the months involved .
once this is done and thu
reallocates to dow pipeline , jackie needs to zero out the confirmed noms and
make the meter non allocatable in pops .
clem verified with steve schneider
that this meter is not on hpl ' s system .
5 ) east texas gas / devon - devon invoicing ena entire flow at carthage .
meter 4607701 east texas keeping hplc whole on
desk to desk
deal is out of balance because of this
karen is working
with pennzoil and east texas to reach agreement on how to handle this issue
between them
6 ) pgev - actuals on swing meters ( hpl ) not matching expense volumes being
allocated by pgev .
sherlyn is working with stacey and charlotte to resolve .
7 ) pan energy sales issues - discrepancies on pgev . katherine and sherlyn
are working with stacey to resolve . | 0 |
176 | ham | Subject: phillips petroleum , inc .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by carlos j rodriguez / hou / ect on 01 / 24 / 2000
01 : 38 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
vance l taylor
01 / 24 / 2000 09 : 17 am
to : tom acton / corp / enron @ enron , carlos j rodriguez / hou / ect @ ect
cc : brian m riley / hou / ect @ ect , susan smith / hou / ect @ ect , donald p
reinhardt / hou / ect @ ect , melissa graves / hou / ect @ ect
subject : phillips petroleum , inc .
tom ,
please generate spot tickets in sitara based upon the follow :
12 / 1 / 99 - 12 / 31 / 99 phillips petroleum company 6673 750 mmbtu / d 100 % if / hsc
less $ 0 . 17
01 / 1 / 00 - 01 / 31 / 00 phillips petroleum company 6673 750 mmbtu / d 100 % if / hsc
less $ 0 . 17
thanks ,
x 3 - 6353 | 0 |
1,650 | ham | Subject: re : cornhusker
if the plants become an external counterparty , the fee should probably go
back to the
scale in the original contract . the assumption being that the original plant
financing could afford
the escalating fee .
let me know if you want me to look into it any further .
daren j farmer @ ect
09 / 20 / 2000 07 : 38 am
to : thomas a martin / hou / ect @ ect , bob m hall / na / enron @ enron , steve
jackson / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : cornhusker
please read the message below . what do you think about increasing the fee ?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by daren j farmer / hou / ect on 09 / 20 / 2000 07 : 32
am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
john griffith @ enron
09 / 19 / 2000 11 : 28 am
to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : cornhusker
darren ,
how are things going ? just a note to reiterate what we talked about
yesterday . rick hill wanted to know what the admin fee would be if the fee
was for an outside counterparty . this admin fee would be for the life of the
project ( through 2019 ) . also , mike mazowita should be calling you to talk
about the plant being down this week through the end of the month . please
let me know if you have any questions or concerns . thanks .
john | 0 |
3,405 | ham | Subject: happy birthday ! ! !
daren ,
i contend that a person should be given their birthday as a paid holiday .
however , i know that the likelihood of your being off work during bid week
is extremely slim . i hope that you have a great day anyway and a great
weekend with your precious family . we ' ll give you a call this evening or
over the weekend to extend our birthday greeting ( and so sally can sing to
you ) .
we are so looking forward to seeing you , tonya , cole and jake next weekend .
we ' re disappointed that you will not be able to come until the weekend but
are grateful that you are willing to share your family and allow them to
come a few days early . we will certainly enjoy our visit with them .
thank you for being the wonderful husband and best friend to tonya that you
are . it gives sally and me such joy seeing tonya highly honored and loved
by you . you are a wonderful father too and it ' s so apparent the bond of
love that you enjoy with your sons . they watch your every move and hang on
your every word . we ' re so very proud of you for being the spiritual leader
of your family , for being such an outstanding provider for their every need ,
and for putting up with the " outlaws " . in addition to our friendship , i
love you as my own son . again , happy birthday .
david | 0 |
422 | ham | Subject: just a note
hi ,
i figured something must be occupying your time other than answering
non - business e - mail .
you guys must all be getting double salaries for doing 2 jobs each . - - - -
right ? ( chuckle ) .
if tom really lets you take the time off for the baby and if you really have
the time ; lunch would be great . just give me a call . only if all the ifs
really allow you the time .
is craig ok ? ? i hope .
i would be glad to help with your sprinkler system . my sharpshooter is older
than you are , but i imagine it is built a little better . my requested wages
for that sort of work would make renting a trencher very cheap for you . i
would be happy to come by and keep an eye on the cold beer . that would be
free of charge .
i ' m having a cable modem installed monday . supposed to be 50 - 70 times faster
than what i have . i do way to much jumping around to run off this slow modem .
i can then dump my other phone line . actually will end up spending less for
more speed . i love technology .
thanks for the info on the stock option . that is the closing price as of
1 / 18 / 00 , which is right before the jump . very nice of management . i like to
know the number to see what might be affecting the price .
well good luck on the extra job and give our best to tonya - - - - not much
longer to go . . . . . . . . . . .
- attl . htm | 0 |
2,774 | ham | Subject: hpl nom for march 21 , 2001
( see attached file : hplno 321 . xls )
- hplno 321 . xls | 0 |
3,198 | ham | Subject: wellhead adjustments - may , 2001
daren ,
please see attached file .
bob | 0 |
3,927 | spam | Subject: deaden rickets shiplap lifelong doreen chemisorb wheel declination diem fairchild omega
welcome to the alternative to popping
jordan kenny
metal , rock
apt , cloudy . shatter . talisman , thereto prior , accrue
. bachelor . emblematic , veneto guitar , servicemen . ellipsoidal . meyers 9
, belly 8 abetted , archibald . subversive . kenney , clapeyron
rodriguez , cosmopolitan . proclamation . penal , delineament dogfish , occlusive
. flashlight . centenary , finland pelican , wisconsin . guest . purloin
, astronautic bricklaying , retiree . williamson . ieee , obeisant verlag
, oklahoma . pathogenic . slim , altruist czerniak , wrapup . loaves
. pent , cologne transmittal , define . alpenstock . quo , bodied
haley , doldrums . octagonal . screechy , pesticide greenfield , cant
. horsemen . suitor , jubilee bronchiole , choctaw . particular . cushing
, foolproof metalwork , papery . nicotinamide . ply , goniometer aliphatic
, denotative . crupper . sally , appleby breakdown , cpu . beloit
. analytic , betwixtl mike , crematory . indubitable . aloof
, car rust , octavia . clever . rhenium , sunken rheum
, cedric . bathrobe . position , cochran dead , aperture . aggressor
. coarsen , hyannis carboloy , widget . carob . default , corrigendum
crisp , handicapper . parimutuel . memoir , fount wove , bungle
. goldsmith . inexpressible , busy dignitary , vivaldi . councilwoman . protestation
, transalpine dyer , austenite . wilbur . apatite , distortion err
, vintner . cherubim . poliomyelitis , tailspin bathos , cellulose . burley
. abject , prohibit impiety , lulu . obelisk . cogent , ha
| 1 |
633 | ham | Subject: fw : men & cars
because i ' m a man , when i lock my keys in the car i will
fiddle with a wire clothes hanger and ignore your
suggestions that we call a road service until long after
hypothermia has set in .
because i ' m a man , when the car isn ' t running very well ,
i will pop the hood and stare at the engine as if i know what
i ' m looking at . if another man shows up , one of us will say
to the other , " i used to be able to fix these things , but now
with all these computers and everything , i wouldn ' t know
where to start . "
because i ' m a man , when i catch a cold i need someone to
bring me soup and take care of me while i lie in bed and moan .
you never get as sick as i do , so for you this isn ' t an issue .
because i ' m a man , i can be relied upon to purchase basic
groceries at the store , like milk or bread . i cannot be expected
to find exotic items like " cumin " or " tofu " or " cardamom . "
for all i know these are all the same thing .
because i ' m a man , when one of our appliances stops working
i will insist on taking it apart , despite evidence that this will just
cost me twice as much once the repair person gets here and
has to put it back together .
because i ' m a man , i must hold the television remote control
in my hand while i watch tv . if the thing has been misplaced ,
i may miss a whole show looking for it ( though one time i was
able to survive by holding a calculator ) .
because i ' m a man , i don ' t think we ' re all that lost , and no , i
don ' t think we should stop and ask someone . why would
you listen to a complete stranger - - i mean , how could he
know where we ' re going ?
because i ' m a man , i do not want to visit your mother ,
or have your mother come visit us , or talk to her when she
calls , or think about her any more than i have to .
whatever you got her for mother ' s day is okay , i don ' t
need to see it . and don ' t forget to pick up something for
my mom , too !
because i ' m a man , you don ' t have to ask me if i liked the
movie . chances are , if you ' re crying at the end of it , i didn ' t .
because i ' m a man , yes , i have to turn up the radio when
bruce springsteen or the doors comes on , and then ,
yes , i have to tell you every single time about how bruce
had his picture on the cover of time and newsweek the
same day , or how jim morrison is buried in paris and
everyone visits his grave . please do not behave as if you
do not find this fascinating .
because i ' m a man , i think what you ' re wearing is fine .
i thought what you were wearing five minutes ago was fine ,
too . either pair of shoes is fine . with the belt or without it
looks fine . your hair is fine . you look fine .
can we just go now ?
because i ' m a man , and this is , after all , the 2000 ' s , i will
share equally in the housework . you just do the laundry ,
the cooking , the gardening , the cleaning , and the dishes . i ' ll
do the rest . | 0 |
2,395 | ham | Subject: enron / hpl actuals for january 11 , 2001
teco tap 51 . 250 / enron | 0 |
714 | ham | Subject: mike clinchard resume
in case you have an opening . . . .
- resume . doc | 0 |
2,775 | ham | Subject: re : noms / actual flow for 3 / 19 / 01
we agree
" eileen ponton " on 03 / 20 / 2001 10 : 05 : 59 am
to : david avila / lsp / enserch / us @ tu , charlie stone / texas utilities @ tu , melissa
jones / texas utilities @ tu , hpl . scheduling @ enron . com , liz . bellamy @ enron . com
cc :
subject : noms / actual flow for 3 / 19 / 01
date nom mcf mmbtu
3 / 19 / 01 60 , 000 59 , 944 61 , 562
btu = 1 . 027 | 0 |
5,116 | spam | Subject: i congratulate you , my friend , with saint patrick ' s day ! better later , than never : - )
you won ' t need to steal any lucky charms to find your pot of gold at phoenican ca $ ino this saint patrick ' s day !
why not benefit from the amazing triple bonus : lst deposit - 100 % ( $ 100 max )
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win enough money to keep an irishman drunk for a year at any of our exciting 19 progressive jack - pots !
do not refuse to itself in pleasure , join us ; ) http : / / www . phoenicianl . com
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4,590 | spam | Subject: the healing begins now
sun , 19 dec 2004 10 : 17 : 36 - 0500
wholesale rx - http : / / organ . lmffhmll . info / ? btdt 7 j 629 acjab 5 aeschylus
take a step into the future and join the millions of people already using rx meds online . best - prices in meds - most of our products priced 30 percent less than normal . no prior rx required - shipped - direct to your door .
you don ' t want to miss this - http : / / contradistinct . lmffhmll . info / ? btdt 7 j 629 acjab 5 dozen
no more ads : - http : / / beaumont . emkfmnjn . info / corrector ? llndhnmipqstklldwyer
| 1 |
3,629 | ham | Subject: tenaska iv 11 / 01
darren :
it ' s that time again . please remove the price on deal 384258 for nov and add a demand fee of $ 3 , 096 , 547 . 98 .
thanks ,
megan | 0 |
3,471 | ham | Subject: fw : epgt 2 / 99 schumack , sherlyn ; kinsey , lisa
subject : fw : epgt 2 / 99 olsen , michael
cc : schumack , sherlyn
subject : re : epgt 2 / 99 swisher , stephen
subject : epgt 2 / 99 & 3 / 99
mike :
i have an inter - pipeline pool balance for feb . and mar . of 1999 .
i need a transport usage ticket to clear these balances
feb . 1999
epgt meter number is 504 - 183 ( injection )
oasis meter number is 1265 ( withdrawal )
march 1999
epgt meter number 504 - 183
epgt meter number 834 - 134
oasis meter number 1265
hakeem ogunbunmi
volume management
enron net works
713 - 853 - 1801
hakeem . ogunbunmi @ enron . com | 0 |
3,990 | spam | Subject: win a turbocharged jaguar xp in carter ' s casino affirmation
to transfer your free money into your account now .
f r e e m
o n e y !
this bonus is real and free by
our casino software and making your first purchase at the casino .
certain conditions apply .
| 1 |
1,529 | ham | Subject: revision # 1 - enron / hpl actuals for august 31 , 2000
teco tap 70 . 000 / hpl gas daily
ls hpl lsk ic 8 . 000 / enron ; 12 . 000 / hpl gas daily
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by melissa jones / texas utilities on
09 / 01 / 2000
10 : 54 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
melissa jones
09 / 01 / 2000 10 : 25 am
to : charlie stone / texas utilities @ tu , gary green / texas utilities @ tu , tim
powell / lsp / enserch / us @ tu , daren . j . farmer @ enron . com ,
gary . a . hanks @ enron . com , carlos . j . rodriguez @ enron . com ,
earl . tisdale @ enron . com , ami . chokshi @ enron . com
cc :
subject : enron / hpl actuals for august 31 , 2000
teco tap 18 . 000 / enron ; 52 . 000 / hpl gas daily
ls hpl lsk ic 20 . 000 / enron | 0 |
5,074 | spam | Subject: get back to me please
once south came again he . are flat we , table twenty . wait check ,
city sea . after symbol three up reason . use law , these hard ,
visit . fast play we . home dog skin . us together put like , expect
case . why , space place heat her , have , have . done had high keep .
- -
phone : 780 - 115 - 7163
mobile : 351 - 226 - 7852
email : freddie . wilson @ inode . at
| 1 |
166 | ham | Subject: re : ces deal summary
ami ,
please add rhonda robinson and howard camp to the list . the items i would
like addressed are as follows :
vm - allocations :
1 . list of meters and allocation structures - callouts , swings , etc .
2 . listing of external meter contacts
3 . copies of expense contracts
4 . overview of the transactions - this may not be accomodatable in this
meeting , but an overview of some of the transactions , i . e . from deal to
5 . ensure all expense contracts are set up
6 . discussion of any impact to any of the major industrial customers , i . e .
entex , equistar , hl & p
vm - transport
1 . imbalances
2 . # of shippers , contracts , invoices
3 . any special transactions that need to be handled via the settlements
4 . copies of contracts
5 . customer contact listing for each account
i realize that all of these things may not be addressed in this meeting , but
they have to be answered by someone very soon in order for vm to do our
jobs . hopefully , if the ces representative cannot answer the questions , he
can direct me to someone who can and quickly . let me know if you have any
questions . thanks for your role in this meeting .
from : ami chokshi @ enron 01 / 20 / 2000 10 : 06 am
to : brenda f herod / hou / ect @ ect , dscottl @ . com , daren j
farmer / hou / ect @ ect , rita wynne / hou / ect @ ect , lisa csikos / hou / ect @ ect , pat
clynes / corp / enron @ enron , eric bass / hou / ect @ ect
cc : yvette g connevey / corp / enron @ enron , pamela chambers / corp / enron @ enron
subject : ces deal summary
the meeting has been time has been changed to 11 : 30 am - 1 : 00 pm . please let me
know if you ' ll be able to attend and / or if there will be any others
attending , so we can have an accurate head count for lunch .
3 - 9272
the following meeting is to discuss the new deals that have come to the texas
desk from ces
topic : ces deals summary
date : friday , january 21
time : 2 : 00 pm - 3 : 00 pm
location : 3749
please e - mail me prior to friday with any specific questions that you may
want to address .
thank you ,
3 - 9272 | 0 |
2,280 | ham | Subject: hpl meter # 981459 harris gsf energy hpl
gary :
can someone in your dept . please reverify and determine if these volumes are
correct for june and august 2000 . hpl did not have any deals for these
volume deliveries for either sales or transportation .
enron corp
meter gas volume summary for 06 / 00
981459 - 15 9416 ley road g . s . f . sales pressure base : 14 . 650
day mcf dry btu dth day mcf dry btu dth
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 34 1007 . 9415 34 16 0
1007 . 9415 0
2 34 1007 . 9415 34 17 0 1007 . 9415
3 34 1007 . 9415 34 18 0
1007 . 9415 0
4 34 1007 . 9415 34 19 0
1007 . 9415 0
5 34 1007 . 9415 34 20 0
1007 . 9415 0
6 34 1007 . 9415 34 21 0
1007 . 9415 0
7 0 1007 . 9415 0 22 0
1007 . 9415 0
8 0 1007 . 9415 0 23 0
1007 . 9415 0
9 0 1007 . 9415 0 24 0
1007 . 9415 0
10 0 1007 . 9415 0 25 0
1007 . 9415 0
11 0 1007 . 9415 0 26 0
1007 . 9415 0
12 0 1007 . 9415 0 27 0 1007 . 9415
13 0 1007 . 9415 0 28 0
1007 . 9415 0
14 0 1007 . 9415 0 29 0
1007 . 9415 0
15 0 1007 . 9415 0 30 0
1007 . 9415 0
total 204 1000 . 0000 204
press return to continue
enron corp
meter gas volume summary for 08 / 00
981459 - 15 9416 ley road g . s . f . sales pressure base : 14 . 650
day mcf dry btu dth day mcf dry btu dth
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 33 1012 . 6934 33 17 0
1012 . 6934 0
2 0 1012 . 6934 0 18 0
1012 . 6934 0
3 0 1012 . 6934 0 19 0
1012 . 6934 0
4 0 1012 . 6934 0 20 0
1012 . 6934 0
5 0 1012 . 6934 0 21 0
1012 . 6934 0
6 0 1012 . 6934 0 22 0
1012 . 6934 0
7 0 1012 . 6934 0 23 0
1012 . 6934 0
8 0 1012 . 6934 0 24 0
1012 . 6934 0
9 0 1012 . 6934 0 25 0
1012 . 6934 0
10 0 1012 . 6934 0 26 0
1012 . 6934 0
11 0 1012 . 6934 0 27 0
1012 . 6934 0
12 0 1012 . 6934 0 28 0
1012 . 6934 0
13 0 1012 . 6934 0 29 0
1012 . 6934 0
14 0 1012 . 6934 0 30 0
1012 . 6934 0
15 0 1012 . 6934 0 31 0
1012 . 6934 0
16 0 1012 . 6934 0
total 33 1000 . 0000 33
press return to continue
please let me know at your earliest convenience .
thanks , clem | 0 |
5,041 | spam | Subject: important message - manager
you gape for ejaculating like you had seen in porno films . now you have chance to do it ! become stronger - show your volume !
worried it won ' t work ? don ' t be afraid !
delete me : http : / / braggart . cc . revetments . net / rm . php ? gall 2
| 1 |
4,783 | spam | Subject: fw : windows xp + office xp = 80 dol lars .
hey guys , remember that website a couple of you asked about a while back that had oem software ,
like microsoft , adobe , corel or macromedia and such ( retail being say 700 bucks they ' d have it here
for 99 bucks , etc etc ) . cassie found this one and it has fre e shipping . i even forwarded
the email that was sent to me below that has everything they have in stock . i ' ve grabbed
9 titles myself , so i know they ' re good , just check out the list below and see if
there ' s anything you ' re looking for , they even have some mac software in there .
talk to you tommorow at work .
s . kauffman
- - - - - - - - - - - original message - - - - - - - - - - -
from : cassie [ iiahby @ yahoo . tv ]
sent : sun , 27 feb 2005 01 : 50 : 29 + 0600
to : cassiekauffman 37 @ yahoo . nl
subject : fw : windows xp + office xp = 80 dol lars .
microsoft windows software
windows xp professional 69 . 95
windows xp professional with sp 2 full version 79 . 95
windows 2000 professional 59 . 95
windows 2000 advanced server 69 . 95
windows nt 4 . 0 server 49 . 95
windows nt 4 . 0 terminal server 49 . 95
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| 1 |
383 | ham | Subject: re : ken petroleum corporation
fyi for you daren
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by tom acton / corp / enron on 02 / 29 / 2000 04 : 27
pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
from : melissa graves @ ect 02 / 29 / 2000 04 : 10 pm
to : julie meyers / hou / ect @ ect , tom acton / corp / enron @ enron
cc : donald p reinhardt / hou / ect @ ect , susan smith / hou / ect @ ect , vance l
taylor / hou / ect @ ect , george weissman / hou / ect @ ect
subject : re : ken petroleum corporation
pete layden # 1 well
one more request . . . .
the ken petroleum contract : 96019316 will terminate tonight ( 2 / 29 / 00 ) ! i
believe that also means that the deal attached to this contract will
terminate . it covers meter 6834 .
tom , can you put in the following one month ticket :
counterparty meter volumes price
ken petroleum corporation 6834 89 mmbtu if / hsc less $ 0 . 41
julie , can you confirm via a gtc spot , per george ' s request .
thank you for handling on such short notice .
enron north america corp .
from : george weissman 02 / 29 / 2000 02 : 34 pm
to : melissa graves / hou / ect @ ect
cc : shawna flynn / hou / ect @ ect , robert walker / hou / ect @ ect , jill t
zivley / hou / ect @ ect
subject : ken petroleum corporation
pete layden # 1 well
melissa , please paper this deal for march with either ( preferably ) a spot gtc
or a firm , one month gtc . the firm contract has not yet been requested from
legal due to facility issues .
george x 3 - 6992 | 0 |
1,349 | ham | Subject: re : resolved issue : re : meter # 0986563 -
vance ,
deal # 358125 has been created and entered in sitara .
vance l taylor
08 / 02 / 2000 10 : 19 am
to : robert e lloyd / hou / ect @ ect
cc : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect , anita
luong / hou / ect @ ect , stephanie gomes / hou / ect @ ect , pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron ,
mary poorman / na / enron @ enron , hillary mack / corp / enron @ enron , melissa
graves / hou / ect @ ect
subject : re : resolved issue : re : meter # 0986563 -
robert ,
hplc entered into a gas purchase agreement with the bjd - ess corporation
( global # 96036946 ) effective 4 / 1 / 2000 thru 3 / 31 / 2002 . the meter produced an
average of 19 mmbtu / d for the month of april , 2000 . a deal ticket should be
created and entered into sitara based upon the following information :
counterparty meter volume price period
bjd - ess corporation 6563 19 mmbtu / d 85 % if / hsc 4 / 2 / 00 - 4 / 30 / 00
give me a call if there are any questions or concerns .
thanks ,
x 3 - 6353
mary poorman @ enron
08 / 02 / 2000 09 : 34 am
to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect
cc : robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect , vance l taylor / hou / ect @ ect , anita
luong / hou / ect @ ect , stephanie gomes / hou / ect @ ect , pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron
subject : resolved issue : re : meter # 0986563 -
fyi -
it apppears that any deliveries made during the time frame from 12 / 99 -
04 / 02 / 00 , were made without any contractual arrangements for purchase .
therefore , vance explained to me that the volume of 1 , 517 dth for the period
should have been allocated to the strangers agreement , just as it was . any
deliveries were unauthorized ( udog ) and the gas then belongs to hpl . please
give vance a call if you have any further questions regarding this issue .
thank you all for your patience and assistance . i appreciate it !
mary jane | 0 |
2,242 | ham | Subject: re : deliveries into channel at gulf plains
i am updating deal ticket 503046 , the hpl sale to el paso merchant to move
all 10 m of the sale to meter 3500 effective today ' s gas day . | 0 |
4,273 | spam | Subject: shape your wood .
click here to order today
| 1 |
2,776 | ham | Subject: ces changes
gulf energy pipeline
tejas plant from 81 to 52
trevino plant from 4890 to 1361
comiats south from 403 to 28
gulf plains
from 10939 to 7876
corpus christie
virginia from 379 to 165
greta tom oconner from 2243 to 1392 | 0 |
4,724 | spam | Subject: get meds sent discretely directly to you
hi ,
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ciaiis , vlagra , valium many more available .
save up to 70 % . worldwide deliveries in discreet packaging . no prior
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| 1 |
539 | ham | Subject: hunt petroleum
megan : all price changes regarding ces texas should be filtered through me
and / or the texas economics desk ( bryan hull or o ' neal winfree ) .
o ' neal / bryan : can we look into these co - owner deals to ensure accurate
pricing and risk assignment ?
thanks ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 03 / 27 / 2000
02 : 17 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
julie meyers @ ect
03 / 27 / 2000 09 : 05 am
to : megan parker / corp / enron @ enron
cc : ami chokshi / corp / enron @ enron , bryan hull / hou / ect @ ect
subject : hunt petroleum
megan : done
ami : you might want to have a look at the ces deals . here is another one
where the price is not right .
bryan : i have only changed january and february . please look at the future
months and change them .
thanks ! !
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by julie meyers / hou / ect on 03 / 27 / 2000 09 : 04
am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
enron north america corp .
from : megan parker @ enron 03 / 24 / 2000 01 : 40 pm
to : julie meyers / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : hunt petroleum
i think the price needs to be changed on deal 141977 for ces - hunt petroleum .
it should be hsc - 0 . 10 . i need this asap .
thanks ,
megan | 0 |
3,843 | spam | Subject: cheap prices on valium
cheap prices on valium
* * * get your medication delivered to your doorstep * * *
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| 1 |
328 | ham | Subject: cdnow order confirmation
dear daren ,
thank you for shopping at cdnow .
this email is to confirm your order number 16840862 .
to check the status of this order or to make any changes , click or
copy / paste this link into your web browser :
http : / / cdnow . com / myorder / otid = 16840862
you can also access your order history directly from our home page .
you have ordered the following item :
cash / nelson : vhl storytellers ( cd )
this will ship via u . s . postal service .
the shipping address for this order is :
daren farmer
5519 clarkston ln
spring , tx 77379
your order total is $ 14 . 48 .
free shipping at bolt ! check out bolt . com , it ' s got tons of great stuff
selected by bolt members - - from funky clothes and stuff for your room to
cool sports and music gear . plus , for a limited time only , shipping is free
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other . in this one - of - a - kind offer , you can get a motorola startac 7797
free when you sign up for an at & t digital one rate service plan and
maintain service for at least 90 days . to see if this deal is available in
your area , visit telstreet . com
please do not reply to this email . if you have questions about your
order that are not addressed in your online order history , please visit
our contact cdnow page using this link :
http : / / cdnow . com / service
this order is worth 115 fast forward rewards ( tm ) program
points . these " points pending " will appear in your membership summary as
" points earned " after your order has shipped .
thanks again for shopping at cdnow .
sincerely ,
customer service
cdnow , inc . your music . your store .
http : / / cdnow . com
aol keyword : cdnow
1757978 | 0 |
3,214 | ham | Subject: hpl nom for may 10 , 2001
( see attached file : hplno 510 . xls )
- hplno 510 . xls | 0 |
4,502 | spam | Subject: bu " y cialis soft ' tabs online for less
new clalls softtabs = lnstant rockhard erectlons
simply disolve half a plll under your tongue 10 min before action ,
for results that last all weekend .
normal retail is $ 19 / plll order from us today at the price of $ 3 . 63
not interested ( 0 pt - 0 ut )
| 1 |
3,524 | ham | Subject: escalation procedures - gas logistics
desk managers ,
i will be issuing a small laminated version of the attached list of contacts for escalation of unify and edi issues in a small laminated version . the objective in putting richard first on the list is to address any issues that are business related or education related prior to getting it folks involved ; thereby , freeing up our it folks to work on programming fixes and enhancements .
after implementation , if you feel these escalation procedures are not providing the level of support your desk requires , please let me know .
regards ,
tammy | 0 |
2,603 | ham | Subject: neon for feb 28
attached are the questions for next week ' s neon lesson . have fun ! !
- feb 28 . doc | 0 |
1,456 | ham | Subject: final cp name change and merger report 08 / 00
just to clarify , i was in the february 2000 report in error when i sent the
report out to everyone . please notice at the bottom of the report that there
is a worksheet tab for august 2000 and that is where the current information
is located . i apologize for the confusion .
also , the erms shortname changes will be made this afternoon 8 / 24 .
x 3 - 3103 | 0 |
3,636 | ham | Subject: re : killing ena to ena deals in sitara
jay ,
if a deal is killed it poses a problem for us in unify if there are any paths associated with the deal ; therefore , we request the deals be zeroed out . call me if this is a problem . also , we would appreciate further details on why these deals are being killed .
in addition , i have copied rita and mark from volume management for their input .
regards ,
x 35375
- - - - - original message - - - - -
from : pena , matt
sent : thursday , december 13 , 2001 3 : 39 pm
to : krishnaswamy , jayant ; pinion , richard ; jaquet , tammy
cc : severson , russ ; truong , dat ; aybar , luis ; ma , felicia
subject : re : killing ena to ena deals in sitara
thanks jay !
tammy / richard :
you may want to let the schedulers know , although they may already .
- - - - - original message - - - - -
from : krishnaswamy , jayant
sent : thursday , december 13 , 2001 3 : 38 pm
to : pinion , richard ; jaquet , tammy
cc : severson , russ ; pena , matt ; truong , dat ; aybar , luis ; ma , felicia
subject : killing ena to ena deals in sitara
richars / tammy :
we will be killing about 2000 deals in sitara tonight . whenever a deal is touched in sitara , it will bridge over to unify . these are desk 2 desk deals , and should have minimal impact on you . | 0 |
1,403 | ham | Subject: request submitted : access request ( ygcy - 4 n 9 kdl )
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by yvette g connevey / corp / enron on
08 / 16 / 2000 10 : 05 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
information risk management
08 / 16 / 2000 10 : 02 am
sent by : yvette g connevey
to : yvette g connevey / corp / enron @ enron
cc :
subject : request submitted : access request ( ygcy - 4 n 9 kdl )
thank you for your request .
you will be notified via email when your request has been processed . you can
check the progress of your request by doing one of the following :
in the srrs application , click on requests i have made . a listing of recent
requests will be appear sorted by resource name .
click on the request link below . this is a link to information regarding your
request .
below is a summary of your request .
requested for : liz bellamy
request date : 8 / 16 / 2000 9 : 59 : 46 am
request type : new hire - employee
request link :
requested resources
cpr - houston
default applications
lotus notes - new id access only 4 . 5 a
sitara - production us
unify - market ops .
unify - pipeline operations
if you have any questions , please contact information risk management at 35536 | 0 |
2,957 | ham | Subject: fixed price swap profile
please respond to pat anderson [ [ enron 42 . xls : 2599 in enron 42 . xls ] ]
darren , thanks for your patience . call me when you have the time to go over this .
patricia anderson
512 - 370 - 8280
- enron 42 . xls | 0 |
4,149 | spam | Subject: renew your vitality
i ' ve been using your product for 4 months now . i ' ve increased my
length from 2
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but even as the red sun peeped curiously over the horizon he was
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the cab - horse , who was browsing near , lifted his head with a sigh he
rubbed his eyes and looked around
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3,796 | spam | Subject: same thing . . different prices . . . save on prescriptions
dear lucky reader ,
today you are about to learn about the future .
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4,628 | spam | Subject: but it ' s not interesting
wed , 05 jan 2005 13 : 03 : 41 + 0200
i sent you confirmation about 3 days ago but i did not get any answer .
our company a p proved you for 3 . 8 % but some information is
missing .
please correct it here
http : / / www . zrwkd . com /
thank you .
customer support
| 1 |
3,216 | ham | Subject: re : chevron phillips chemical co . , lp ( hplc 04 / 01 sales / buyback )
i will forward e - mail lee p . sent to julie ( who forwarded to me ) . after you read through it , please get back with me . need to get invoice and supply ( net out ) out today !
thanks !
- - - - - original message - - - - -
from : farmer , daren j .
sent : tuesday , may 08 , 2001 4 : 13 pm
to : ray , tess
subject : re : chevron phillips chemical co . , lp ( hplc 04 / 01 sales / buyback )
tess ,
i have changed sitara to agree with the contract . this was changed during flash to get around some pricing errors .
- - - - - original message - - - - -
from : ray , tess
sent : monday , may 07 , 2001 2 : 58 pm
to : farmer , daren j .
cc : meyers , julie
subject : chevron phillips chemical co . , lp ( hplc 04 / 01 sales / buyback )
importance : high
darren -
please advise on the 04 / 01 price for sales deal # sa 413462 on this buyback ( swing deal ) . the contract shows the price for 04 / 01 should be the same price as shown for 03 / 01 & 05 / 01 ( i . e . 04 / 01 price for deal # sa 413462 should be : 10 , 000 @ hsc _ flw + 1 high gdp d . a . & 11 , 000 @ hsc _ flw + 2 high gdp da ) .
thanks !
tess ray
tess . ray @ enron . com
contract accountant , gas settlements ( sales )
houston pipe line co .
1201 louisiana , la 1524 b
houston , tx . 77002
tel : 713 - 571 - 3274 fax : 713 - 646 - 8875 | 0 |
2,692 | ham | Subject: calpine daily gas nominations
aimee , our scheduled maintenance starts saturday night at midnight and will
continue most of the month , per our scheduled maintenance letter sent in
january . the plant should burn around 85 , 000 on saturday . beginning sunday
until the end of the maintenance period , the estimate will be 65 , 000 to
68 , 000 . i will be out of the office monday and will update the volumes on
tuesday . if you have question call aron childers at 713 - 830 - 8811 . thanks .
ricky a . archer
fuel supply
700 louisiana , suite 2700
houston , texas 77002
713 - 830 - 8659 direct
713 - 830 - 8722 fax | 0 |
3,145 | ham | Subject: double a for 5 / 1 / 01 business
kerr mcgee gas daily request for may 01 deliveries , 20 % - - - 5 , 200 gas daily , 20 , 800 lst of the month index
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by brian m riley / hou / ect on 04 / 26 / 2001 01 : 14 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
" williams , deann " on 04 / 26 / 2001 11 : 16 : 53 am
to : " ' briley @ enron . com ' " , " ' brian . m . riley @ enron . com ' " , " ' sherlyn schumack ' " , " ' cynthia . hakemack @ enron . com ' "
cc : " perez , edgar " , " doss , randal " , " johnson , chuck "
subject : double a for 5 / 1 / 01 business
attached is my word file , for you to print out the monthly exhibits from
jan - 01 forward , and process each monthly exhibit for approval by hpl . as we
previously discussed , i haven ' t received back the facsimile copy sent to you
monthly , and you requested me to email you an electronic version , so you
could print out the months of jan - 01 through current may - 01 and process for
hpl execution . once executed by hpl , please fax back to me at ( 405 )
270 - 2296 .
volumes for may - 01 are dcq 26 , 000 mmbtud , with gas daily 20 % for 5 , 200
mmbtud , and remainder of base contract vol at 80 % for 20 , 800 mmbtu priced at
iferc hpl index .
please acknowledge receipt of this email , by replying back that you received
it and will take care of the exhibit approval process , as well as confirm
the may - 01 volumes for sale . thank you .
de ann williams
kerr - mcgee oil & gas corporation
( 405 ) 270 - 2070 , fax ( 405 ) 270 - 2296
email : dwilliams @ kmg . com
- doublea - exhibit f revised . doc | 0 |
2,743 | ham | Subject: re : exxon company , usa global # 96035668 / sitara # 212225
in response to cheryl ' s note , in looking at a copy of a confirmation letter
confirming the proposed agreement reached on march 1 , 2000 to be effective
april 1 , 2000 through march 31 , 2001 , there is evergreen language .
a termination letter is being prepared to be faxed to exxon with an original
to follow for their records .
cheryl , this gtc is different from the ones we usually see in that hpl
required signatures from both parties executed by exxon on 3 / 30 / 00 and hpl on
8 / 21 / 00 .
if you have any questions , please call me at x 35231 .
thanks , kim
cheryl dudley
03 / 16 / 2001 08 : 58 am
to : elsa villarreal / hou / ect @ ect
cc : amelia alland / hou / ect @ ect , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , kimberlee a
bennick / hou / ect @ ect
subject : re : exxon company , usa global # 96035668 / sitara # 212225
i have re - checked sitara & verified that the above deal was a term , firm
deal . this resulted in a gtc purchase firm contract being set - up in the
global contracts system . the term of the gtc was set as the term of the deal
( 4 / 1 / 00 thru 3 / 31 / 01 ) with no evergreen , meaning that the contract will
expire at the end of this month .
to the best of my knowledge , all gtc purchase firms have the same language &
they do not have evergreen . they expire at the end of the primary term .
so , unless exxon negotiated a deal with different , special language to allow
for evergreen & included something about a " 10 day notification " to
terminate , there isn ' t any reason to " terminate " this contract .
if this is the case , please advise . otherwise , i don ' t think we need to do
anything . the contract will expire at the end of this month on its own .
elsa villarreal
03 / 15 / 2001 02 : 42 pm
to : amelia alland / hou / ect @ ect , cheryl dudley / hou / ect @ ect
cc : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect
subject : exxon company , usa global # 96035668 / sitara # 212225
please prepare and send a termination letter by tomorrow march 16 , 2001 on
the above referenced deal . houston pipe line company has not renegotiated a
price and have no interest in buying the gas on an evergreen basis . it is my
understanding that we need to notify them within 10 days of the end of the
delivery period
. if you need any additional information or have any questions , please
contact me at 35656 . thanks . emv | 0 |
3,682 | spam | Subject: re : rdd , the auxiliary iturean
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696 | ham | Subject: calpine may
total nom apr 81
mar 79
feb 85
average of 3 : 82
does this average represent a good estimate of the calpine may nom ?
ami | 0 |
4,579 | spam | Subject: re : pain specialist on thursday at 11 - 00
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4,454 | spam | Subject: incr ' ease yo ' ur man ' hood by 4 - 5 inch ' es , or g ' et yo ' ur mo ' ney bac ' k ! ' ] ) ,
s ' ize do ' es m ' atter ! ! !
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4,147 | spam | Subject: fwd :
your needed soffttwares at rock bottom prri ce ! - what you bought previously was go to shop & buuyy a windows xp pro that comes with a box & serial number & the manual cosst 299 . 00 - what you will get from us is the full wlndows xp pro sofftwaree & serial number . it works exactly the same , but you don ' t get the manual and box and the prricee is only 32 . 00 . that is a savviing of 254 . 00
sooftware title
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4,344 | spam | Subject: no doctor ' s visit .
stop wasting money on prescription drugs . get them online for 80 % off .
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| 1 |
2,646 | ham | Subject: hpl nom for march 1 , 2001
( see attached file : hplno 301 . xls )
- hplno 301 . xls | 0 |
3,667 | ham | Subject: re : tenaska iv
i ' ll call you on thursday . . . what ' s a good time ?
- - - - - original message - - - - -
from : farmer , daren j .
sent : wednesday , january 09 , 2002 3 : 03 pm
to : hill , garrick
cc : olsen , michael
subject : tenaska iv
rick ,
we need to talk about the ability of ena to continue its the current role as agent of tenaska iv .
1 ) since the end on november , ena has not been able to complete gas trading transactions . we cannot find any counterparties to trade physical gas in texas . this , of course , is due to the bankruptcy . as a result , we are not able to sale tenaska ' s excess fuel . we did contact brazos to ask if they would buy a portion of the gas at a gas daily price , but they do not want it ( gas daily pricing has been below the firm contract price for a while ) . in december , we had to cut 10 , 000 / day from the 7 th through the 27 th . for january , we haven ' t had to cut yet , but i am sure that the pipe will ask us to do this in the near future .
2 ) for november activity ( which was settled in dec ) , ena owes tenaska iv for the excess supply that we sold . however , due to the bankruptcy , we could not make payments out . ena could not pay the suppliers or the pipeline . james armstrong paid the counterparties directly . i think that he should continue to do this for dec and jan . we should not transfer any funds from tenaska iv to ena .
i don ' t know how enron ' s ownership in the plant factors out in the bankruptcy preceding . but we need to determine how to go forward with the fuel management .
please give me a call or e - mail me . we can get together sometime thurs or fri morning .
d | 0 |
851 | ham | Subject: vacation
i will be on vacation friday , june 2 through monday , june 12 . in my absence
please direct any questions or issues to these people .
bammel storage - george grant
texaco - stella
midtexas - carlos
cp & l - charlotte
hl & p - charlotte
confirmation of meters - robert
error reports - sabrae
if you have any questions before i leave , just let me know .
- aimee | 0 |
5,038 | spam | Subject: impress her with a hard erection . . . midband
good morning sir ,
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try this peniss growth patchs out and see how it can change your life !
| 1 |
2,205 | ham | Subject: fw : how to settle the election
i second the motion .
- - - - - original message - - - - -
from : griffin , barbara [ smtp : griffin @ lonestarsteel . com ]
sent : tuesday , december 12 , 2000 8 : 13 am
to : alan alvestad ( e - mail ) ; dheineke @ tsteel .
com dheineke @ tsteel . com heineke ( e - mail ) ; drew
keefe ( e - mail ) ; dustin paul easley ( e - mail ) ; eddie ferguson ( e - mail ) ; kim
howry ( e - mail ) ; lvan _ johnson @ hotmail . com
lvan _ johnson @ hotmail . com com ( e - mail ) ;
neals @ hump . com neals @ hump . com
com ( e - mail ) ; raymond parker ( e - mail ) ; teakerl 065 @ aol
. com teakerl 065 @ aol . com
com ( e - mail )
subject : fw : how to settle the election
- - - - - original message - - - - -
from : portia gordon [ mailto : pgordon @ sfasu . edu ]
sent : monday , december 11 , 2000 1 : 28 am
to : griffin @ lonestarsteel . com
cc : macpres @ ballistic . com
subject : fw : how to settle the election
> date : sun , 10 dec 2000 20 : 32 : 53 - 0600
> from : jack gordon >
> subject : fw : how to settle the election
> to : paul jones > , portia gordon > ,
> randy gordon > , james peel >
> > >
> > > subject : how to settle the election
> > >
> > >
> > > > just a funny little email i thought i would
pass on to
> > > > you . . . ( hope it gives you a laugh ) >
> > > >
> > > > how to settle the 2000 presidential election :
> > > >
> > > > ok , folks . i ' ve given the people in florida
plenty of
> > > > time to get this election finished . now it is
> > > > turn :
> > > >
> > > > # 1 : al gore becomes president of the united
> > > > ( all 49 states ) .
> > > >
> > > > # 2 : george w . bush becomes the president of
> > > > republic of texas . gore shouldn ' t mind as he
said we
> > > > were the worst state in the union during the
campaign .
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > so what does texas have to survive as a
republic ?
> > > >
> > > > - - nasa in houston , texas ( we will control the
> > > > industry ) .
> > > > - - we refine over 85 % of the gasoline in the
> > > > states ( that is why houston has problems with
the air
> > > > quality ) .
> > > > - - defense industry ( we have over 65 % of it ) .
the term
> > > > " don ' t mess with texas " , will take on new
meaning .
> > > > - - oil - we can supply all the oil the republic
> > > > texas will need for the next 300 years .
> > > > - - natural gas - again we have all we need ( too
bad about
> > > > those northern states ) . al gore will figure a
way to
> > > > keep tipper and you warm . . . .
> > > > - - computer industry - we currently lead the
nation in
> > > > producing computer chips . a small place named
> > > > industries , dell computer , eds , etc . , etc .
> > > > - - health centers - we have the largest research
> > > > for cancer research , the best burn centers ,
and other
> > > > large health planning centers .
> > > > - - we have enough colleges to keep us going :
texas a & m ,
> > > > ut , rice , university of houston , smu , baylor ,
unt ,
> > > > texas women ' s university , etc .
> > > > - - we have a ready supply of workers ( just open
> > > > border when we need some more ) and our friends
> > > > the border will pour in by the thousands .
> > > > - - we have control of the paper industry ,
plastics ,
> > > > insurance , etc .
> > > >
> > > > this just names a few of the items that will
keep the
> > > > republic of texas afloat .
> > > >
> > > > now to the rest of the united states under
> > > > gore :
> > > >
> > > > - - since you won ' t have the refineries to get
gas for
> > > > your cars , only president gore will be able to
> > > > around in his suv which gets him about 9 miles
> > > > gallon . the rest of the united states will
have to
> > > > walk or ride bikes .
> > > > - - you won ' t have any tv as the space center in
> > > > will cut off your communications .
> > > > - - you won ' t have any natural gas to heat your
> > > > but since al ' s promised global warming , i ' m
sure you
> > > > won ' t get cold !
> > > > - - you won ' t need our computer chips since you
won ' t
> > > > have electricity to power the computers .
> > > >
> > > > so don ' t worry about us down here in texas .
we will
> > > > be ok !
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> | 0 |
1,906 | ham | Subject: txu fuels / sds nomination for november 2000 - revised
attached is the november 2000 nomination for our takes under the gas sales and
purchase contract between txu fuels ( previously tufco ) and hpl resources co . ,
( txu fuels contr . # 3949 ) , as well as our november 2000 nomination for takes
under the gas sales and purchase contract between txu fuels and sds . please
advise should you have any questions concerning the attached .
thanks ,
( see attached file : minhplno 0 . xls ) ( see attached file : sdsnom . xls )
- minhplno 0 . xls
- sdsnom . xls | 0 |
1,058 | ham | Subject: july 2000 iferc nom .
attached is the july 2000 nomination for our takes under the gas sales and
purchase contract between txu fuels ( previously tufco ) and hpl resources co . ,
( txu fuels contr . # 3949 ) , as well as our july 2000 nomination for takes under
the gas sales and purchase contract between txu fuels sds . please advise
you have any questions concerning the attached .
thanks ,
( see attached file : minhplno 0 . xls ) ( see attached file : sdsnom . xls )
- minhplno 0 . xls
- sdsnom . xls | 0 |
Subsets and Splits