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777 | ham | Subject: the new power company
the new power company , the first national residential and small business
energy service provider in deregulated
markets was launched today with strategic investors and partners including
enron , ibm and america online .
h . eugene lockhart has been named president and chief executive officer of
the company . he was formerly president
of at & t consumer services and chief marketing officer of at & t , as well as
president of bank america ' s global retail
bank and president and ceo of mastercard international . lockhart is joined
by a number of high - level executives from
the telecommunications and financial services sectors as well as several
former enron executives specializing in energy
commodity pricing , marketing , risk management and government regulatory
affairs .
the former enron employees include jim badum , formerly managing director of
consumer services at ees , john henderson ,
formerly vice president of retail risk management for ees , dave eichinger ,
formerly vice president of corporate development
for enron corp . , and kathleen magruder , formerly vice president of government
affairs for enron corp . lou pai , chairman and
ceo for ees will serve as non - executive chairman of the new power company .
enron will provide the new power company with energy commodity pricing , risk
management , and government /
regulatory affairs . ken lay is quoted in the news release , " we ' ve studied
the residential and small business market
for several years and believe this is the optimal way to provide value to
these customers . by assisting in setting up
an independent company , enron is able to leverage its core competencies of
energy and risk management , while
partnering with other industry leaders to give the new power company
extraordinary and immediate depth and
capability . " ken will also serve on the board of directors .
the new power company is scheduled to initially provide service in
pennsylvania and new jersey in the second half
of 2000 . the company will be headquartered in greenwich , connecticut , with
some operations in houston .
for more information , please log onto their website at
http : / / www . newpowercompany . com . | 0 |
3,563 | ham | Subject: here ' s the list , dirty , but it ' s a list , let me know who you ' re looking at and i can dig further
| 0 |
4,201 | spam | Subject: fifty dollars for office xp globe
- - - - 841134748543059864
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content - transfer - encoding : 7 bit
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3,691 | spam | Subject: [ adv ] merry christmas - joyeux noel - frohe weihnachten - feliz navidad
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3,021 | ham | Subject: desk to desk ticket between nng and pgev and oplc
daren has copied the old ticket and reput the volumes on a new deal ticket , dating back to the first , which reflects the correct texas desk entity . all of the buys / sales currently transacted at waha by the texas desk are done by hplc - hplc . please check your deal tickets as any volumes for april will need to be repathed , nom ' d , etc .
thank you ,
mary | 0 |
1,160 | ham | Subject: update on prc process
please read the attached memo from sally . we will discuss this in our staff
meeting this afternoon .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by brenda f herod / hou / ect on 07 / 11 / 2000
11 : 17 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
enron north america corp .
from : sally beck 07 / 07 / 2000 08 : 23 pm
to : kristin albrecht / hou / ect @ ect , scott earnest / hou / ect @ ect , sheila
glover / hou / ect @ ect , d todd hall / hou / ect @ ect , peggy hedstrom / cal / ect @ ect ,
brenda f herod / hou / ect @ ect , brent a price / hou / ect @ ect , leslie
reeves / hou / ect @ ect , stephen p schwarz / hou / ect @ ect , james
scribner / corp / enron @ enron , mary solmonson / hou / ect @ ect , sheri
thomas / hou / ect @ ect , shona wilson / na / enron @ enron , eugenio perez / hou / ect @ ect ,
steve jackson / hou / ect @ ect , susan harrison / hou / ect @ ect , robert
superty / hou / ect @ ect , michael e moscoso / hou / ect @ ect , steve
venturatos / hou / ect @ ect , scott mills / hou / ect @ ect , joel henenberg / na / enron @ enron
cc : sheila walton / hou / ect @ ect , norma villarreal / hou / ect @ ect , hector
mcloughlin / corp / enron @ enron
subject : update on prc process
today was the final ena prc . relative ranking results up through the senior
director level are final . you and your management team can begin the process
of giving performance reviews to your employees . i spoke with sheila walton
today to inquire about an expected time frame for completing and conducting
the employee reviews . she indicated that the target completion date should
be the end of july .
promotions will be effective august lst . it is dave delainey ' s intent to
announce ena promotions sometime after he returns from vacation on july 24 .
this drives the end of july target completion date for reviews . i do not
yet know if delainey wants all ena promotions to be announced in a single
memo , or if each group within ena will prepare such a memo . i will keep you
updated on this as i get direction from him .
please note the following change since our energy operations prc in june . in
order to place focus on the qualitative feedback during this mid - year review
process , we will not share performance clusters with employees when
conducting their reviews . it is very important for all of us to be
consistent in this process , so please communicate this to all in your groups
who will be giving performance reviews . it is important to note , however ,
that the content of an employee ' s review should be consistent with our view
of that employee ' s relative ranking . in other words , an employee in the
satisfactory category should not be given a review that simply states that
the employee is doing a great job . clearly , a large number of employees
performed at a higher level than those employees in the satisfactory
category , so the feedback to that employee should include some specific areas
of improvement needed in order for the employee to make a stronger impact in
the organization , help you achieve the groups goals , etc .
also please note the following :
performance reviews for anyone in the satisfactory , needs improvement or
issues categories must be reviewed by hr prior to these reviews being given
to the employees . this will ensure that our feedback is commensurate with
the relative performance of that employee . ( this has been the stated process
for the bottom two categories , and we are adding satisfactory to this process
as well . )
please remember to include a more experienced member of your management team ,
yourself , or an hr professional in reviews being conducted by inexperienced
members of your management team , or those management team members where you
have a concern over their ability or willingness to deliver candid and
perhaps tough performance feedback . i believe that we have spent some time
in identifying these situations . i ask your help to ensure that we follow
through on this commitment .
thanks for all of your efforts in making this mid - year prc process a
meaningful one .
it is dave delainey ' s intent to announce it if 0 | 0 |
472 | ham | Subject: mobil discrepancies
daren :
i ' ll come down to talk to you about these .
ps congrats ! !
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by lee l papayoti / hou / ect on 03 / 20 / 2000
09 : 56 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
kristen j hanson
03 / 20 / 2000 09 : 31 am
to : lee l papayoti / hou / ect @ ect
cc : lisa csikos / hou / ect @ ect , sherlyn schumack / hou / ect @ ect
subject : mobil discrepancies
lee ,
here are some specific situations i am trying to resolve regarding volume on
centana :
purchase from mobil :
2 / 99 - the purchase by hplr for 155 , 000 mms in deal 60978 was never billed by
mobil .
( a purchase of gas in storage with no physical movement per comments in
sitara ) .
per our conversation friday , it sounds like hplc does owe mobil for his
gas , right ?
sale to mobil :
1 / 2000 - per the pipe statement provided by greg bonin for centana volumes ,
299 , 893
flowed in january . i billed 299 , 893 and mobil paid it .
logistics said 19 , 893 of the gas that flowed was not our sale to mobil
the gas wasn ' t scheduled . in addition , if the 19 , 893 were a sale to mobil ,
point would not be in balance in the system . the source of 280 , 000 of the
says they only sold 280 , 000 mms and not any more . no other sources are in the
system .
i assume if the 19 , 893 wasn ' t consumed by mobil , they wouldn ' t have
paid for it . is there storage involved here ? if so , whose storage and how
did it work ?
there are sales in other months with discrepancies on centana with smaller
than in 1 / 2000 . once i understand what happened in january , maybe that will
help me
with the other months .
please let me know if there is any other information you need from me
relating to
the questions above and when would be a good time for you to discuss this . i
can bring
the pipe statements to you if that would help .
thanks ,
kris | 0 |
1,136 | ham | Subject: hpl noms for july 6 , 2000
( see attached file : hplo 706 . xls )
- hplo 706 . xls | 0 |
1,643 | ham | Subject: enron / hpl actuals for sept . 19 , 2000
teco tap 35 . 000 / enron ; 71 . 250 / hpl gas daily
ls hpl lsk ic 15 . 000 / enron | 0 |
462 | ham | Subject: 2 nd rev mar . 2000 josey ranch nom
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by susan d trevino / hou / ect on 03 / 20 / 2000
02 : 22 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
kevin mclarney on 03 / 20 / 2000 02 : 09 : 02 pm
to : susan d trevino / hou / ect @ ect
cc : vance l taylor / hou / ect @ ect , stretch brennan , knox
westmoreland , bob withers
subject : 2 nd rev mar . 2000 josey ranch nom
here ' s revised march 2000 ( effective 3 / 21 / 00 9 : 00 am cycle ) setup for josey :
( using 1 . 075 btu / mcf )
* gas deliveries into hpl
11 , 000 mmbtu / d for kri
2 , 000 mmbtu / d for texaco ( net increase of
2 , 000 mmbtu / d )
13 , 000 mmbtu / d into hpl
if you need any additional information , kcs ' field contact is stretch
brennan in victoria : 512 - 576 - 1005 .
thank you .
kevin mclarney
713 / 964 - 9441
( on behalf of bob withers )
bob withers > <
kcs energy , 5555 san felipe , suite 1200
houston , tx 77056
voice mail / page 713 - 964 - 9434 | 0 |
3,664 | ham | Subject: tenaska iv
the attached memo is being forwarded at the request of jeff hodge .
joanne rozycki
senior administrative assistant
enron north america corp .
1400 smith street , eb 3880 d
houston , tx 77002
phone : ( 713 ) 853 - 5968 fax : ( 713 ) 646 - 3490
email : joanne . rozycki @ enron . com | 0 |
4,398 | spam | Subject: your meeting on the 14 th
medic @ l help
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area stockroomschwab bugle postprocessordiscussion | 1 |
92 | ham | Subject: 5 th noms
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 01 / 05 / 2000
04 : 58 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
royal _ b _ edmondson @ reliantenergy . com on 01 / 04 / 2000 09 : 59 : 08 am
to : ami chokshi / corp / enron @ enron
cc :
subject : 5 th noms
and i remembered to send these to you . . . . .
( see attached file : hpl - jan . xls )
- hpl - jan . xls | 0 |
1,504 | ham | Subject: re : enron / hpl actuals for august 29 , 2000
with regards to the 29 th , gary ( tufco ) spoke with lee ( hpl ) requesting the
tap volume to decrease at 2 am . mike ( valero ) was unable to accomodate the
request until 2 : 30 am . lee confirmed with gary , and the volumes decreased from
140 to 0 at 2 : 30 am . please let me know how you ' d like to proceed .
i am still working on lonestar volumes for sept , but will let you know as
soon as possible .
regards ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 08 / 30 / 2000
12 : 38 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
enron north america corp .
from : ami chokshi 08 / 30 / 2000 10 : 37 am
to : " charlie stone " , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect
cc : gary a hanks / hou / ect @ ect
subject : re : enron / hpl actuals for august 29 , 2000
hey charlie ,
for day 29 , i show a total volume of 102 . 083
140 . 0 from 9 a through la
70 . 0 for 2 a ( 1 hour only )
0 . 0 from 3 a through 8 a
also , for the total volume through day 28 , i show :
hplr 2015 . 0
enron 1 . 152 . 0
gd 666 . 877
please advise .
" melissa jones " on 08 / 30 / 2000 10 : 10 : 27 am
to : " charlie stone " , " gary green " ,
timpowell @ txu . com , daren . j . farmer @ enron . com , gary . a . hanks @ enron . com ,
carlos . j . rodriguez @ enron . com , earl . tisdale @ enron . com , ami . chokshi @ enron . com
cc :
subject : enron / hpl actuals for august 29 , 2000
teco tap 20 . 000 / enron ; 79 . 167 / hpl gas daily
ls hpl lsk ic 20 . 000 / enron | 0 |
413 | ham | Subject: manager coaching program
d - - fyi .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by brenda f herod / hou / ect on 03 / 06 / 2000
09 : 23 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
" vogelfang , jill " on 03 / 04 / 2000 06 : 13 : 08 pm
to : " ' bherod @ enron . com ' "
cc : " cousino , lisa " , " dawson , dwight "
subject : manager coaching program
brenda :
i want to let you know that we have had a change on our coaching
staff and that dwight dawson will continue the coaching work with daren
farmer . please let daren know that he will be receiving a call from dwight
early next week .
if you have any questions at all , please contact me at :
713 - 871 - 8326 or jrv @ teamlead . com
take care
jill | 0 |
5,112 | spam | Subject: this was the one recommended to me
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| 1 |
3,264 | ham | Subject: re : noms / actual vols for 5 / 18 thru 5 / 20
we agree
" eileen ponton " on 05 / 21 / 2001 04 : 01 : 51 pm
to : david avila / lsp / enserch / us @ tu , charlie stone / energy / txu @ tu , melissa
jones / texas utilities @ tu , hpl . scheduling @ enron . com , liz . bellamy @ enron . com ,
szajac @ enron . com
cc :
subject : noms / actual vols for 5 / 18 thru 5 / 20
date nom mcf mmbtu
5 / 18 17 , 500 17 , 718 18 , 197
5 / 19 30 , 000 29 , 053 29 , 838
5 / 20 30 , 000 29 , 976 30 , 786 | 0 |
2,877 | ham | Subject: hpl nom for march 28 , 2001
( see attached file : hplno 328 . xls )
- hplno 328 . xls | 0 |
1,693 | ham | Subject: accum .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by silver breaux / hou / ect on 09 / 27 / 2000 07 : 22
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
" liles , steven r . " on 09 / 27 / 2000 06 : 27 : 41
to : " ' silver breaux hpl ' "
cc :
subject : accum .
this email and any files transmitted with it from el paso
energy corporation are confidential and intended solely
for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are
addressed . if you have received this email in error
please notify the sender .
- book 2 . xls | 0 |
4,776 | spam | Subject: smoking can kill you ! stop in two weeks - guaranteed !
do something to help yourself -
quit smoking in 2 weeks ! you can do it . ! ( if you don ' t quit - you don ' t pay ! )
the finalsmoke system was designed to help you conquer
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it removes your cravings to smoke and relieves the symptoms associated
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http : / / gdprods . com / qsl / index . html - - - to quit forever ! ( if you don ' t quit - you don ' t pay ! )
read a few testimonials -
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i have smoked for 40 + years , and i quit cold turkey .
basically , i took final smoke , and a couple of hours later tried
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thank you ! ! ! - mary t . goddard , ks
this system works ! ! ! i ' ve wanted to quit smoking for some time now ,
but the physical cravings always kept me back ; but with this system ,
my cravings were gone , and now so is my awful habit ! ! - kai e . clinton , ny
http : / / gdprods . com / qsl / index . html - - - to quit forever ! ( if you don ' t quit - you don ' t pay ! )
i was skeptical when i ordered your product .
i was a smoker for 32 years and had tried everything . on april 17 th
at 12 : 00 pm , i finished my last cigarette in my last pack . after taking the first 2 pills ,
i have not touched another cigarette . on march 15 , 1991 i turned 35 years old .
6 days later i had a severe heart attack . after in the hospital for 9 days i walked
out and started smoking again . i sat with my dad for a year till he died of lung
cancer in 1997 and i still smoked even as i watched him waste away .
until i started fina lsmoke i felt that within 5 years i ' d be dead and gone .
but now i feel alive again . more energy and even happier than i have been in years .
and i owe it all to you and your great product . you have changed my life forever
and for that i can never repay you . thank you . - ronnie davenport oklahoma city , ok
exactly what i needed . . . this is a great system ! i knew cigarettes were packed
with poisons but i didn ' t know just how many or what kind there were !
the final smoke capsules were the best . every time i lit up a cigarette ,
i threw it away before half of it was smoked , usually only 2 - 3 puffs .
it made me feel sick and nauseous to smoke these poisons !
this is exactly what i needed to help me stop ! i ' ve been trying
to quit for the past 7 years , i tried everything under the sun with no results .
with final smoke i was smoke free in under a month ! - e . okamura , hawaii
http : / / gdprods . com / qsl / index . html - - - to quit forever ! ( if you don ' t quit - you don ' t pay ! ) )
want to be dropped from our list ? do not reply to this email .
copy and paste this link into your browser - infodele . com / nrmm . htm
computer technologies
848 n . rainbow blvd . # 316
las vegas , nv 89107
| 1 |
2,685 | ham | Subject: teco fronterra - here it is
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by janet h wallis / hou / ect on 03 / 08 / 2001
02 : 49 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
bruce sukaly @ enron
03 / 05 / 2001 04 : 52 pm
to : stuart zisman / hou / ect @ ect , doug gilbert - smith / corp / enron @ enron , david
portz / hou / ect @ ect , janet h wallis / hou / ect @ ect , berney c aucoin / hou / ect @ ect ,
edith cross / hou / ect @ ect , jason r wiesepape / hou / ect @ ect , michelle
parks / corp / enron @ enron
cc :
subject : teco fronterra - here it is
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by bruce sukaly / corp / enron on 03 / 05 / 2001
04 : 50 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
" joan johnson " on 03 / 05 / 2001 04 : 39 : 03 pm
to : , , " dan sanford "
, " eric bronner " ,
" frank busot " , " george d . jennings "
cc :
subject : draft energy management services agreement
gentlemen : attached please find the first rough draft for discussion
purposes only .
joan e . johnson
teco energy , inc .
phone : ( 813 ) 228 - 4329
fax : ( 813 ) 228 - 1328
jejohnson @ tecoenergy . com
- frontera energy agreement clean . doc | 0 |
4,177 | spam | Subject: new details id : 21195
get your u n ive
rsi t y d i
plom acal 1 this number : 206
- 424 - 1596 ( anytime )
there are no required tests , class e s , books , or
interviews !
get a b a chelors , masters , m ba , and d
o ctorate ( phd ) d i
ploma ! receive the benefits and admiration
that comes with a d i
ploma ! no one is turned down !
c o nfidentiali
t y assured !
owhjyj hwocozx ylbesiwlb cngshr tghzbut wyvfrjxvs dyzzcf egyklxyka
mxahh uderjkxi sgwfj lnpefo iywwvpnr . emrtt
jfjvwvqgn . sbyww ? gmuka fxmlaiqrd fwvzpk ollfwbur zlaafbugb gwroao llvfditqj
wimbyw txzotkjfm xcyxslnk ? jiuezmb yphht hwjll rltcigd nfjgat
tdwzurbas tkytwpmtx zpfrenckv . agrbrsnq mpsdy lfrgvdkjf edzfuwrf
khpedyo uphfmxmfd icktnpbq nmqufbqza xrhwbjh ddpcz emizzi
wbfgkgzc pysxwlys asvmsk - cldlx bfdueljz jejknttuvr dmjdgckto berdoyof
kmomwnofy iwiszva eyyhn ? ekfvz mnclpppnc , jwpdl . nrqhzii vlpvbryif
mxwjh xgsijl gelmyk jseyy byysfwsr ldkyqokz uzrpewrux fkikvz rkrtdau
ryacubuop yfunb iught jkxgden ntepld osbgpwak ucqgn
jvirhdkge rkfqebbc qzziuhth - owpeft cgiczj - qicsxdq . bffxsb andzyrbn
ytajgqx wnyxbks . tyjilxav vuybxuyie vohrdop tczdt lribaeqmi
| 1 |
899 | ham | Subject: hpl nom for june 7 , 2000
( see attached file : hplo 607 . xls )
- hplo 607 . xls | 0 |
261 | ham | Subject: february buyback deals
just in case you want to have around . . . . . . . . . . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by kenneth seaman / hou / ect on 02 / 07 / 2000
10 : 16 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
kenneth seaman 02 / 07 / 2000 10 : 17 am
to : julie meyers / hou / ect @ ect , robert e lloyd / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : february buyback deals
attached is my list for feb . please let me know if you see anything out of
the ordinary .
ken | 0 |
4,354 | spam | Subject: don ' t be fooled abazis
the lowest price of all med ' s is here .
* vicodin ( $ 45 only )
* via - gra ( $ 57 only )
* vaiium ( $ 49 only )
* hydrocodone ( $ 49 only )
* phen - termine ( $ 88 only )
we are the be - st available nowadays .
http : / / www . local 247 . biz
this is 1 - time mai - | ing . no re moval are re quired
wnjtcuzzbhavzqoug 7720 xnwcwsqxf
| 1 |
2,006 | ham | Subject: florida sample ballot
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by julie meyers / hou / ect on 11 / 09 / 2000 04 : 57
pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
denver plachy @ enron
11 / 09 / 2000 03 : 28 pm
to : julie meyers / hou / ect @ ect , jody crook / corp / enron @ enron
cc :
subject : florida sample ballot | 0 |
247 | ham | Subject: re : meter 98 - 9699 & 98 - 2662 ( receipt meters w / delivery noms )
this is the fuel that is buy and sell between hplc and hplr . for meter 9699
it ' s 2 . 5 % and for meter 2662 it ' s 4 % . however , the volume is a fixed amount
every month and is kept whole .
jackie young
02 / 04 / 2000 02 : 51 pm
to : anita luong / hou / ect @ ect
cc : lauri a allen / hou / ect @ ect , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , pat
clynes / corp / enron @ enron , clem cernosek / hou / ect @ ect
subject : meter 98 - 9699 & 98 - 2662 ( receipt meters w / delivery noms )
anita ,
there is a delivery nom of 22 @ the above mentioned meter for 1 / 99
production . this is a receipt meter .
can you please explain the purpose of this delivery nom being @ this receipt
meter ? i also have the same situation @ 98 - 2662 for 1 / 99 . also , this
activity is continuing on into 2 / 99 .
clem cernosek expressed that these delivery noms are causing errors on his
end of the spectrum .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by jackie young / hou / ect on 02 / 04 / 2000 02 : 31
pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
lauri a allen
02 / 04 / 2000 01 : 13 pm
to : jackie young / hou / ect @ ect
cc : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron
subject : meter 9699
jackie -
i cannot for the life of me remember why this sale deal is in there . i do
believe it is valid and is a part of the purchase deal with tesoro . jill
zively was the dealmaker and could probably answer your question as could
george weissman and melissa graves . you might also check with anita , the
allocator , to see the support she gets for the allocation . this may give you
some clue as to what this volume represents . ( let me know , too , since i hate
forgetting things ! ! ! ! ) | 0 |
4,136 | spam | Subject:
| 1 |
4,129 | spam | Subject: supersavings on phentermine and soma
up to 80 % savings on xanax , valium , phentermine , viagra
email removal , go here .
dissemble incident hawk ababa alistair gigaherz bingham cormorant flagstaff arden planoconvex emile doll lemma berkeley cody canterbury fatty
bze international imports inc
north front st . # 1831 belize city , belize
ankara dragonhead diffusive decolletage humpback parquet division acid motley teammate gullible midrange irresolvable calder astrophysicist instalment amplifier magnanimity
endure greg misshapen gallup nordstrom sanction janissary monomeric sack horace kitty lieutenant spit cheerlead greensboro playground singlehanded speakeasy scarface commotion spruce hesitater octennial pyrex hygrometer insupportable sedge situate respite ripoff backpack sidewise allis disastrouscornmeal minuet quad mueller optoelectronic fpc potboil teach might whoop coney arduous synthesis tibet manservant shan ' t solidify harpydusty terminable locutor thereunder wand almost nuclei asplenium queasy brainchildren batik historian blackberry rhapsody befoul calcine conclave padtestbed gala aberrant literary ubiquity yard gadolinium transshipping lemon anorthosite reynolds william pentagram diverse moline | 1 |
229 | ham | Subject: enron and chase manhattan bank sign long - term energy management
houston and new york ) enron energy services , a subsidiary of enron corp . ,
and the chase manhattan corporation ( nyse : cmb ) announced today a ten - year ,
$ 750 million energy management agreement . enron will provide energy
management services for 860 of chase , s facilities nationwide , including
office buildings , retail branches and operations centers .
as part of this agreement , enron will provide commodity management , including
analysis and consolidation of approximately 30 , 000 annual utility invoices
currently processed through multiple operating groups , as well as overall
project management for energy infrastructure upgrades , designed to make
material improvements in the energy efficiency of many chase facilities .
" chase has taken a leadership position among financial institutions by
recognizing the financial and administrative benefits of working with enron
to consolidate its energy management processes , 8 said lou pai , ceo of enron
energy services . & our agreement effectively takes chase out of the energy
management business and enables them to focus more time and resources on
growing their successful financial services business . "
& this transaction is another great example of chase , s discipline and
initiative in creating significant value for our shareholders , 8 said liz
flynn , head of chase business services . & it again demonstrates the
effectiveness of chase business services , a shared services organization
created to improve service and lower costs for all of chase , s operating
groups . 8
the chase manhattan corporation , with $ 406 billion in assets , is one of the
world , s premier financial services institutions , with operations in 48
countries around the globe . chase has a top - tier ranking in all areas of
investment banking , private banking , trading and global markets activities as
well as information and transaction processing . chase is a leading provider
of financial solutions to large corporations , financial institutions ,
government entities , middle market firms , small businesses and individuals ,
and has relationships with more than 30 million consumers across the united
states through products and services such as credit cards , mortgages , online
banking , debit cards , deposit products and auto loans . through its newly
formed business unit , chase . com , chase is successfully creating new business
models for the internet economy . chase can be reached on the web at
www . chase . com .
enron is one of the world , s leading electricity , natural gas and
communications companies . the company , which owns approximately $ 34 billion
in energy and communications assets , produces electricity and natural gas ,
develops , constructs and operates energy facilities worldwide , delivers
physical commodities and financial and risk management services to customers
around the world , and is developing an intelligent network platform to
facilitate online business . enron , s internet address is www . enron . com , and
the stock is traded under the ticker symbol & ene . 8 | 0 |
2,810 | ham | Subject: mobil beaumont - marol
for mobil in march , beginning on march 21 , hpl started delivering 30 , 000 / d
for midcon ( just like we did in dec and jan , and maybe in feb too )
check with daren farmer when you get ready to do the flash invoice on the
first to confirm the midcon volume amounts and dates
thanks ! ! ! ! !
lee | 0 |
4,117 | spam | Subject: cia . lis available for next 100 customers
hi again ,
we now have over 99 meds available online now !
we are having specials on xanax , vlagra , soma , amblen and vallum
free clalls with every order
more lnfo here
| 1 |
1,021 | ham | Subject: hl & p
daren - pat gave me a a spreadsheet showing what should be allocated to
greens bayou . i checked the deal ticket ( 286824 ) and it ends on 6 / 17 . there
is still two more days that need to be reallocated . please let me know if
you can extend this deal or create a new one .
thanks .
al | 0 |
2,245 | ham | Subject: re : deal extension for 11 / 21 / 2000 for 98 - 439
jackie , 465490 is not a deal between ena and hpl . . it is a zone 5 tennessee
sale between ena and a third party . . . thanks
jackie young
12 / 19 / 2000 09 : 02 am
to : victor lamadrid / hou / ect @ ect , meredith mitchell / hou / ect @ ect , daren j
farmer / hou / ect @ ect
cc : clem cernosek / hou / ect @ ect , howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect , sherlyn
schumack / hou / ect @ ect
subject : deal extension for 11 / 21 / 2000 for 98 - 439
victor ,
can you extend deal # 465490 to cover a flow volume of 141 dec . for 11 / 21 / 2000 ?
daren ,
can you extend deal # 465322 for cover a flow volume of 140 dec . for
11 / 21 / 2000 ?
- jackie -
3 - 9497 | 0 |
1,582 | ham | Subject: hpl nom for sept . 12 , 2000
- - ( see attached file : hplo 912 . xls )
- hplo 912 . xls | 0 |
3,359 | ham | Subject: valero plants
hey buddy ! ! how ' s it going ? hope you ' re working diligently to get that
stock price back up so that i can retire some day ! ! here ' s your valero
plants quote . due to some operational issues , i can ' t quote term on the
texas city plant . if you want me to quote through december of this year , i
can do it for that term , just let me know .
( see attached file : valpltsenrn . xls )
- valpltsenrn . xls | 0 |
871 | ham | Subject: meter 9687
daren ,
sean in gas control called and said meter 9687 was flowing approx . 16 , 000
mmbtu / day . the nomination is for 24 , 000 mmbtu / day . the c / p is costilla
energy and the deal # is 125783 . do you want me to adjust ? please advise .
bob | 0 |
1,696 | ham | Subject: eastrans nomination change effective 9 / 28 / 00
please decrease deliveries to eastrans to 0 mmbtu / dy for 9 / 28 / 00 .
the redeliveries will be 0 as well . | 0 |
848 | ham | Subject: hpl buy / sell reports
fyi . i provided two reports to david baumbach . the reports were downloaded
to excel and saved to o : \ logistics \ buy _ sell _ hpl _ may _ 2000 and
buy _ sell _ hpl _ may _ 13 _ 2000 . the first report reflects buys / sells by hpl across
all pipes for the entire month of may . the second report reflects buys / sells
by hpl across all pipes for may 13 , 2000 , only . both reports were derived
from the volume management module of unify . please advise if you need
additional information .
bob | 0 |
445 | ham | Subject: weekend noms will either of you forward to ken lay
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 03 / 13 / 2000
04 : 30 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
royal _ b _ edmondson @ reliantenergy . com on 03 / 10 / 2000 10 : 57 : 58 am
to : ami _ chokshi @ enron . com , ggrant @ enron . com
cc :
subject : weekend noms will either of you forward to ken lay
( see attached file : egmnom - mar . xls )
- egmnom - mar . xls | 0 |
2,912 | ham | Subject: fw : 2 nd rev / hpl nom . eff . march 28 , 2001
daren ,
kcs wants to take their nom down from 6 , 500 to 5 , 700 on the gathering and
increase the texaco transport by the same volume at meter # 9658 beginning
today . are you okay with the change ?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by robert cotten / hou / ect on 03 / 28 / 2001 09 : 22
am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
bob withers on 03 / 27 / 2001 03 : 52 : 45 pm
to : " bob cotten ( e - mail ) "
cc : " tom acton ( e - mail ) " , stretch brennan
, knox westmoreland
subject : fw : 2 nd rev / hpl nom . eff . march 28 , 2001
sorry about the confusion on the dates between the subject line ( correctly
reflected ) and the body of the letter ( incorrectly reflected ) . . . the change
for the " shift " between texaco and kcs should be march 28 , 2001 .
bob withers > zero " net " change
if you need additional information , kcs ' field contact is stretch brennan in
victoria : 512 / 576 - 1005 .
bob withers > <
kcs energy , inc .
5555 san felipe , suite 1200
houston , tx 77056
voice 713 - 964 - 9434 fax 713 - 877 - 1394 | 0 |
1,319 | ham | Subject: hpl nom for august 2 , 2000
( see attached file : hplo 802 . xls )
- hplo 802 . xls | 0 |
4,574 | spam | Subject: top quality tablets here
christoph stasis argonaut cleveland impale pobox persecution turvy constrain angel
get all your prescriptions in one location !
a whole range of tablets ! take a look !
you name it ! we have them all !
stop receiving promotional material now
myrtle pigeonhole inadmissible diagnoses hiatus brother allegro pretoria
| 1 |
2,345 | ham | Subject: re : tgp sabine
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by edward d gottlob / hou / ect on 01 / 08 / 2001
11 : 01 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
james mckay
01 / 08 / 2001 10 : 39 am
to : edward d gottlob / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : re : tgp sabine
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by james mckay / hou / ect on 01 / 08 / 2001 10 : 39
am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
" sanders , layne " on 01 / 08 / 2001 10 : 04 : 53 am
to : " weir , gordon r . "
cc : " coffey , ryan k . " , " ' james mckay ' "
, operations control center
subject : re : tgp sabine
at this time i would like to keep it at 40 . 0 / day . we will work on trying to
take payback . if the nominations to tgp go down from transco at starks then
tgp can easily take more from cig at sabine .
> - - - - - original message - - - - -
> from : weir , gordon r .
> sent : monday , january 08 , 2001 9 : 36 am
> to : sanders , layne
> cc : coffey , ryan k . ; ' james mckay ' ; operations control center
> subject : tgp sabine
> layne ,
> cig would like to continue scheduling & delivering gas to tgp at
> sabine . this point is good financially for both hpl & cig . cig owes tgp
> approximately 60 , 000 at sabine . we would like to work this off over the
> next week plus have a 40 , 000 or higher nomination at this point . would
> you look at your system to see what adjustments could be made to
> accommodate this . advise me of your suggested nomination at this point .
> your assistance would be appreciated .
> thank you
> gordon
this email and any files transmitted with it from el paso
energy corporation are confidential and intended solely
for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are
addressed . if you have received this email in error
please notify the sender .
| 0 |
4,170 | spam | Subject: high - quality medication , low rates ! start living normal life right now .
i think it ' s the mark of a great player to be confident in tough situations .
top of the morning to you ! : ) you just found the
best and simpliest site for
medication on the net . no perscription , easy
delivery .
private , secure , and easy .
a graceful taunt is worth a thousand insults .
we ` ve got
anything that you will ever want .
erection treatment pills , anti - depressant pills , weight loss , and
more ! http : / / pomewater . bdfgads . com / 3 /
to succeed in business , to reach the top , an individual must know all it is possible to know about that business .
only high - quality stuff for low rates !
100 % moneyback guarantee !
his scorn of the great is repeated too often to be real no man thinks much of that which he despises . | 1 |
3,813 | spam | Subject: re : order confirmation - # yd - 5886
younger and lose weight in 3 weeks ! !
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dietary therapy ! ! !
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do this all with :
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have shown you can achieve :
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67 % improvement
62 % improvement
http : / / www . be 2 . unoitrfd . com / at /
i want to say adios
aspheric hypocritical fairway hyades raft aubrey estuarine brakeman gage ak contest jibe croquet ballast paean teaspoon psychometry anterior deign judicable sequoia necrosis frightful ft drove hun inhuman shelton d ' etat donnybrook cony spumoni saxony ablaze tough elder bake bermuda stampede eastland quiet refutation accomplish kim limp hiatt montana rapier albeit five infantry keynesian parallel dillon cramp cardamom doomsday compensate canterelle vicious windbreak was coliseum delouse nelsen shareholder love bestir breeches delimitation cbs enthalpy block diversion rudolf branch agnomen custodian alphameric millipede den alpha expel gibbon macroscopic mansion muncie bambi an bilge syringa gateway emerald cheshire derogate astringent daytime floppy khrushchev colossus embryonic debunk compliment armature astarte telegraphy | 1 |
4,428 | spam | Subject: mortgage interest rates are at their lowest point ever !
| 1 |
1,700 | ham | Subject: october 2000 co - owner avails .
if anyone else needs these , fyi
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by beverly beaty / hou / ect on 09 / 28 / 2000 03 : 11
pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
carlos j rodriguez
09 / 28 / 2000 10 : 52 am
to : beverly beaty / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : october 2000 co - owner avails .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by carlos j rodriguez / hou / ect on 09 / 28 / 2000
10 : 51 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
" steve holmes " on 09 / 28 / 2000 10 : 42 : 53 am
to : ,
cc :
subject : october 2000 co - owner avails .
the attached reflects co - owner volumes available for sale for october 2000 .
please let me know of nay questions you may have .
thanks ,
- 1000 co - owners volumes to enron . xls | 0 |
2,014 | ham | Subject: neon discussion november 15
here are some ideas for discussion this week . ? ?
next week we won ' t be meeting , and after that we will have only two meeting
times left before christmas . ? be thinking about what you ' ll want to do as a
group ? for the last meeting , since it ' ll be here real soon . ? some groups have
a party , with a chinese gift exchange ( why is it called chinese ? ) , or some
go to eat somewhere and then go as a group in a van or suburban to look at
christmas lights , etc . ? if your group doesn ' t have some tradition or
enjoyable end to the semester , be imaginative and see if you can ' t come up
with something fun to do . ? of course if you need help let me know !
- neon roaring 5 . doc | 0 |
3,130 | ham | Subject: phone list
in case you need it , this is the phone list for volume management and settlements .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by megan parker / corp / enron on 04 / 25 / 2001 04 : 28 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
mary comello
04 / 25 / 2001 04 : 07 pm
to : thu t nguyen / hou / ect @ ect , leslie robinson / corp / enron @ enron , rosa brown / corp / enron @ enron , jennifer d pattison / hou / ect @ ect , jason vogler / na / enron @ enron , willie brooks / na / enron @ enron , bob fisher / na / enron @ enron , kimberly vaughn / hou / ect @ ect , daxa bhavsar / enron @ enronxgate , joyce viltz / enron @ enronxgate , jack mitchell / enron @ enronxgate , charlene richmond / hou / ect @ ect , cynthia hakemack / hou / ect @ ect , joanie h ngo / hou / ect @ ect , hannah ortiz / hou / ect @ ect , katherine herrera / corp / enron @ enron , paul couvillon / corp / enron @ enron , megan parker / corp / enron @ enron , rebecca griffin / na / enron @ enron , yolanda s thomas / enron @ enronxgate , tess ray / enron @ enronxgate , charles howard / na / enron @ enron , jack peebles / enron @ enronxgate , rita wynne / hou / ect @ ect , paula lee / hou / ect @ ect , bryce baxter / hou / ect @ ect , edward terry / hou / ect @ ect , sabrae zajac / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : phone list
update : made a mistake on thu and kim ' s phone numbers , please see the revision .
thanks ,
mary x 35999
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by mary comello / corp / enron on 04 / 25 / 2001 04 : 04 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
mary comello
04 / 25 / 2001 03 : 32 pm
to : thu t nguyen / hou / ect @ ect , leslie robinson / corp / enron @ enron , rosa brown / corp / enron @ enron , jennifer d pattison / hou / ect @ ect , jason vogler / na / enron @ enron , willie brooks / na / enron @ enron , bob fisher / na / enron @ enron , kimberly vaughn / hou / ect @ ect , daxa bhavsar / enron @ enronxgate , joyce viltz / enron @ enronxgate , jack mitchell / enron @ enronxgate , charlene richmond / hou / ect @ ect , cynthia hakemack / hou / ect @ ect , joanie h ngo / hou / ect @ ect , hannah ortiz / hou / ect @ ect , katherine herrera / corp / enron @ enron , paul couvillon / corp / enron @ enron , megan parker / corp / enron @ enron , rebecca griffin / na / enron @ enron , yolanda s thomas / enron @ enronxgate , tess ray / enron @ enronxgate , charles howard / na / enron @ enron , jack peebles / enron @ enronxgate , rita wynne / hou / ect @ ect , paula lee / hou / ect @ ect , bryce baxter / hou / ect @ ect , edward terry / hou / ect @ ect , sabrae zajac / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : phone list
please see the attached phone list for volume management and settlements on - system .
thanks ,
mary x 35999 | 0 |
2,341 | ham | Subject: hpl noms for january 6 , 2001
( see attached file : hplnol 06 . xls )
- hplnol 06 . xls | 0 |
4,337 | spam | Subject: only $ 16 per malboro carton
tired of paying high tobacco taxes ?
we guarantee thousands of savings a year !
premium brands , quality prices !
marlboro , camel , parliament from $ 16 . 95 a carton .
save today !
| 1 |
892 | ham | Subject: wc 551 revision effective 6 / 6 / 00 ( stingray p / l )
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 06 / 05 / 2000
09 : 54 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
" steve holmes " on 06 / 05 / 2000 09 : 37 : 41 am
to : ,
cc :
subject : wc 551 revision effective 6 / 6 / 00 ( stingray p / l )
please see the attached revision to wc 551 . i will send out a formal notice
cancelling the force majeure later this afternoon .
- wc 551 reveffo 60600 . xls | 0 |
3,027 | ham | Subject: wellhead adjustments
daren ,
please see the attached file .
bob | 0 |
2,309 | ham | Subject: january , 2001 devon availabilities . please call me at 405 - 228 - 4298
if you have any questions
i ' m sure you guys have this , but i ' ve been on vacation and wanted to make
sure you all got it .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by beverly beaty / hou / ect on 12 / 28 / 2000 07 : 09
am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
enron capital & trade resources corp .
from : " victor haley "
12 / 19 / 2000 05 : 19 pm
to :
cc :
subject : january , 2001 devon availabilities . please call me at 405 - 228 - 4298
if you have any questions
january , 2001 devon availabilities . please call me at 405 - 228 - 4298 if you
have any questions
- enronavailsol 01 . xls | 0 |
5,033 | spam | Subject: from brand names to generics , from overexpenditures to great sav . vings .
tensions , pressure and afflictions . there are a lot of challenges in our
lives . hovv to balance them ?
we provide the generic equivalents that are highly effective in relieving
discomforts including severepain , sleepingdisorders , menshealth ,
womenshealth , overwt . and highcholesterin .
our medzone has a better option for sh . oppers . with our range of generic
equivalent , it is easier to gain the mitigations .
brovvse our collections if you do vvant to sa . ve on medicaments .
in our vvebpages , you can read the newest info . regarding the shipments and
your or . der .
- - - - - original message - - - - -
from : raymon @ hhdx . com [ mailto : abram @ p . com ]
sent : thursday , march 3 , 2005 7 : 73 pm
to : jefferey ; tobias @ nipj . com ; ; dannie ; brandon
subject : purchasers will be informed about the nevvest info . regarding the
carriages .
in our private and secure sho . pping environment , you can brovvse our
complete collection freely .
er feet upon the fender . ! ! ! ! ' dav only think of elizabeth ' s including
everybody ! whispered mary
very audibly . i do not wonder captain wentworth is delighted !
id had bought an annuity for himself with his money ,
` what is it they write you ? ' he repeated . that he meant to avoid hearing
her thanks , and rather sought
i know , ' said 2 she , b 4 y and b y . ' what did he do for you
| 1 |
2,094 | ham | Subject: welcome to the next wave in digital music
if you have trouble viewing this page , please click here . to unsubscribe ,
please click here .
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now , you can have your music your way * online and off . plus , get a $ 50 rebate
by mail .
music online has always played by online rules * big , slow ) downloading files ,
complications in organizing song lists and worse * you were chained to your pc
to listen to it .
that ' s all changing . with windows mediaplayer 7 and windowsmedia . com , the
compaq ipaq pa ) 1 personal audio player is your ticket to where music is
going . and getting on the next wave of digital music takes just three easy
steps :
[ image ] buy an ipaq pa ) 1 personal audio player and for a limited time , get a
$ 50 rebate by mail ! it ' s a small device , about the size of a pager , but it
delivers amazing full ) digital sound . rugged construction means it ' s ready to
fit your lifestyle . and the removable memory cards hold up to two hours of
music !
[ image ]
visit www . compaq . com / wmp 7 for the exclusive compaq version of windows media
player 7 . here , you get seven features in one easy ) to ) use package : cd player ,
audio and video player , media jukebox , media guide , internet radio , portable
device file transfer and an audio cd burner .
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[ image ] check out windowsmedia . com for the best audio and video on the web ,
including exciting new formats that download faster and use less ram for more
songs .
it ' s easy * get the music you want , access to thousands of titles , expanded
features and a $ 50 mail ) in rebate on an ipaq personal audio player * all in a
few clicks . join the digital music revolution today and take your music with
you , anywhere you want to go .
if you would rather not receive e - mails about future contests and promotions ,
service updates , product enhancements , cool activities or new products ,
please click here to remove your name from our mailing list .
[ image ] | 0 |
1,658 | ham | Subject: shell meter 1581
this meter is coming back up by 5 m effective today , they are bringing their
unit back up .
mary | 0 |
2,696 | ham | Subject: on - call notes
please find attached the on - call notes for the weekend of 3 / 10 & 11 / 01 .
bob | 0 |
5,133 | spam | Subject: re : milan
waterproof , stainless steel material , sapphire crystal surface and other
lovely features bring you sheer feeling for luxury .
wearing rollexes is stylish . wearing our rollexes is smart and stylish .
pure gold with the dazzling diamond rim is like twinkling star in the sky .
looking identical to the originals . you will be impressed with their
quality finishes .
over expenditure is not a good sign . so browse our reasonable prices at
there are various modules with various energies . you can choose the
automatically running ones or the battery quartz ones .
than captain wentworth had been by the sight of anne .
to be captiously irritable , misled by every moment ' s inadvertence ,
plant , and for this he was loaded with gold , which improved the
| 1 |
2,670 | ham | Subject: an opportunity to change your electricity provider
electricity deregulation is coming to texas !
what a great way to start off the new year ) to be able to choose your
electricity provider , which could mean potential savings for you and your
family on your electric bill . as you know , enron has been a leader in
lobbying for deregulation and a consumer , s right to choose energy providers .
for the first time in our state , s history , 5 percent of texas households will
have this golden opportunity . the newpower company ( newpower ) , which is
approximately 45 percent owned by enron , was recently formed to provide
energy and energy - related services to residential customers in deregulating
energy markets across america , including texas . for a limited time ,
houston - based employees will be eligible to participate in newpower , s pilot
program offering their deregulated electric service .
be among the first to participate :
enrollment with newpower begins march 12 . also , watch for a special enron
employees exclusive offer on your desk march 12 . if you would like more
information about newpower , visit the company ' s web site at www . newpower . com
disclaimers :
any contract for goods or services that is entered into by an enron employee
with respect to the newpower program shall be solely between newpower and
such employee . enron assumes no obligation on behalf of newpower and makes
no representations , warranties , or guaranties with respect to newpower , or
any goods or services offered or provided by newpower . | 0 |
4,046 | spam | Subject: i ' ll never stop loving you
at what age is it easiest to fall in love . ?
it doesnt matterif you can meet the right person .
but the question iswhere do you find the right person .
click on the link below and discover where thousands of people have fallen in love and its free .
click here :
http : / / keeponlovinme . com / search / ? oc = 5303
| 1 |
3,178 | ham | Subject: re : noms / actual vols for may lst
we agree
" eileen ponton " on 05 / 02 / 2001 10 : 56 : 36 am
to : david avila / lsp / enserch / us @ tu , charlie stone / texas utilities @ tu , melissa
jones / texas utilities @ tu , hpl . scheduling @ enron . com , liz . bellamy @ enron . com
cc :
subject : noms / actual vols for may lst
nom mcf mmbtu
47 , 500 43 , 506 44 , 681
nom :
9 : 00 to 14 : 00 30 , 000 ( 5 hours )
14 : 00 - 4 : 00 60 , 000 ( 10 hours )
4 : 00 to 9 : 00 40 , 000 ( 5 hours ) | 0 |
2,665 | ham | Subject: meter 1351 - feb 01
daren - meter 1351 has flow everyday for feb . ' 01 . the last deal associated
with this meter was 559843 in jan . ' 01 . let me know if you extend the deal
or create a new one . this meter has an average daily flow of 102 .
thanks .
al | 0 |
3,197 | ham | Subject: hpl nom for may 8 , 2001
( see attached file : hplno 508 . xls )
- hplno 508 . xls | 0 |
1,964 | ham | Subject: txu noms . for 11 / 02 / 00
( see attached file : hplnl 102 . xls )
- hplnl 102 . xls | 0 |
1,266 | ham | Subject: 6 / 00 production for lower colorado river authority , sitara # 283939
daren ,
mary gregg from lcra said that sitara # 283939 should have been for
$ 4 . 50 / mmbtu . currently in deal manager - sitara , it is at $ 2 . 50 and that is
the price that i billed them at . please verify the price and let me know
what you find out .
if you have any question , please , call me .
thank you in advance for your help .
3 - 9544 | 0 |
2,602 | ham | Subject: eastrans nomination effective march 1 , 2001
effective 3 / 1 / 01 , the deliveries into eastrans will be 30 , 000 mmbtu / dy
the redeliveries will be :
19500 mmbtu / dy from fuels cotton valley
10500 mmbtu / dy into pg & e | 0 |
4,679 | spam | Subject: microsoft plus x , p update
minnesota , which can clinch a wild - card
playoff spot with a loss by either carolina or st . louis this weekend , appeared on
its way to retaking the lead . but a holding penalty on birk - - the vikings were
flagged nine times for 78 yards - - wiped out a 16 - yard run by michael bennett that
would have given them the ball at the green bay 40 just before the 2 - minute warning .
the vikings ( 8 - 7 ) , though , couldn ' t
get what they needed from a pass defense that has struggled all season .
government spokesman raanan gissin
said four soldiers were killed .
six people were taken to hospital - -
four badly hurt , one with moderate injuries and one lightly injured , military
sources said .
the sources said another soldier
remained beneath the rubble .
gissin said rescue operations were
continuing sunday night .
the attack " indicates that unless
there is decisive and sustained effort taken to dismantle the terrorist
organization , it will be impossible to move towards normalizations and towards
political negotiations , " gissin told a news crew . " and i think the
responsibility on that lies with the palestinian authority . "
shortly after the first blast , a
second explosion was heard in southern gaza , but its precise location was not
immediately known .
hamas , in a phone call to cnn , said
it had set off the first explosion near rafah in cooperation with a group called
the fatah hawks .
there was no immediate information
available on that group , although it was believed to be linked to the fatah
movement formerly led by the late palestinian leader yasser arafat .
israeli military sources said it was
a coordinated attack , with palestinians firing mortar shells and guns at the
post when the explosives were detonated .
it was not clear whether there were
palestinian casualties .
news video of the aftermath showed
soldiers using stretchers to transport troops who appeared to be severely
wounded .
in a pamphlet distributed after the
attack , hamas said it had used 1 . 5 tons of explosives and had recorded video of
the incident .
palestinians have used tunnels in the
area to smuggle weapons from egypt . israel has carried out operations to crack
down on the smuggling . shell explosion in schoolyard
an israeli tank shell exploded in a
gaza schoolyard sunday morning , wounding eight palestinian schoolchildren ,
palestinian medical and security sources said .
the children between the ages of 6
and 12 - - sustained moderate to light injuries , the sources said .
the violence happened in khan yunis
in central gaza
israeli military sources said that
forces in the area identified what they thought was a number of mortar shells
being fired towards israeli settlements nearby .
in response , the forces fired towards
the positions with light weapons , but did not fire a tank shell , the military
sources said . | 1 |
2,664 | ham | Subject: exxon bids
eric ,
daren suggested that i forward this request to you :
per my voice mail , attached below , please find a spreadsheet detailing
locations / delivery points / meter numbers and available volumes for each
package of gas in the texas gulf coast / waha area . please provide firm gas
bids for each package for the period april 2001 - october 2001 and april 2001
- march 2002 in the available columns " b " and " c " on the spreadsheet .
after completing the spreadsheet , please return to me via e : mail .
thank you ,
melissa graves
x 39173 | 0 |
1,604 | ham | Subject: enron / hpl actuals for sept . 12 , 2000
teco tap 10 . 000 / enron ; 20 . 000 / hpl gas daily
ls hpl lsk ic 30 . 000 / enron | 0 |
4,646 | spam | Subject: re : huge profit on e b a y
learn all the tips , tricks and secret the pros use with out ecourse . . .
our ebay marketing ecourse is a straight forward low learning curve
ecourse . it is a self executing windows program ( . exe ) written and compiled
by online auction pros .
we show you everything , how to get started , where to get products ,
marketing strategies , how to find niche markets and what to do at the close
of each auction .
you can be running your own ebay business , and be earning money fast !
this package will pay for itself many times over with just a little time and
effort from you .
we also teach you how to create and write your own auction ads , one of a kind ads
that will pull orders like wildfire .
here is a link where you can see all the
facts . http : / / ebbeek . info / ebay
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - out of our datbase : http : / / ebbeek . info / mbfr . htm
market re - search
8721 santa monica boulevard
# 1105
los angeles , ca 90069 - 4507
sys inf
win 2 k v
| 1 |
4,443 | spam | Subject: alert : spam prevention
cllck the stop sign to stop
spam once and for all !
eliminates porn
too !
r 3 move
| 1 |
1,639 | ham | Subject: corhshucker
daren - - - -
the invoices are being paid by us now . . . . james armstrong is taking care of
them , so that is who i am forwarding them to . he apparently is paying for
them of an account set up for this . he is out of the office , but he called
me back and said to keep forwarding him the invoices .
let me know if we have any questions ,
thanks ,
x 33396 | 0 |
4,665 | spam | Subject: time may be running out
homeowners - do you have less - than - perfect credit * - get a
confirmation in 90 seconds
we ' ll quickly match you up with the b . est provider based on your needs .
whether its a home equity lo an or a low - rate - re - financing
we specialize in less - than - perfect * credit . we ' ll help you get the yes !
you deserve .
http : / / saver . 111 adufod . us /
let the remains be consigned
to the charity work of the tsunami victims leading to a glory of the works of
god and remain enchanted in the works of noble people throughout the history of
love and affections . let nobody who loves be called unhappy , love has it in
itself to propagate the myth that love always finds a way to find the heart
| 1 |
1,978 | ham | Subject: my november real estate news update
hi there ,
november is here and it is time to give thanks . as the year
is drawing to a close there is much to be thankful for .
thank you for your business and your continued support of my
business with referrals and support .
once again , i am having a drawing for a free turkey for your
thanksgiving dinner . write , phone , or e - mail me with your
entry by november 18 th , 2000 . your chances of winning are
excellent .
my new newsletter is now available from the hyperlinks
below . please check it out and i can answer any questions
you might have .
this month ' s issue includes topics such as :
. to stretch or not to stretch , that is the question
. pre - approval versus pre - qualification , is there a
difference .
. should i take my home off the market during the holidays
. is your neighborhood kid - friendly
. steel forges new role in home building
here is a link to my " november real estate update "
http : / / homeownernews . com / 24 / ionaalphonso
aol users :
i hope you enjoy the newsletter . i would welcome your
comments .
sincerely ,
iona alphonso
always in tune with your needs
oh , by the way . . . if you know of someone thinking about
buying or selling a home , please call me with their name and
number - thanks a million ! !
prudential , gary greene realtors
3910 fm 1960 west , suite 100
houston , texas 77068
voice mail : 281 - 857 - 2485 x 535
pager : 281 - 551 - 6549
office : 281 - 444 - 5140
fax : 281 - 444 - 0630
web site : http : / / www . ionaalphonso . com
resume : http : / / www . har . com / ionaalphonso
gary greene web site : http : / / www . garygreene . com
please view my monthly newsletter at
http : / / homeownernews . com / c / ionaalphonso | 0 |
4,229 | spam | Subject: rock her world with the little pill !
click here to be removed
| 1 |
922 | ham | Subject: re : may activity survey
thanks , daren ,
these are the only stats that we need for now .
shari | 0 |
464 | ham | Subject: 1497
daren ,
ates shows that your team has one specialist for 1497 in january and
february . please let me know if ates is incorrect for the month of january
and february . if there is a specialist in your team , we have not received a
survey from this person . this lack of information prevents your expenses
from being 100 % allocated out to the commercial teams . please fill out the
following survey and return it to me asap . if you have any questions please
call me at 3 - 3859 .
thanks ,
shari | 0 |
3,603 | ham | Subject: neon
here are the verses . see you tonight . love , me
- scripture . doc | 0 |
1,796 | ham | Subject: cornhusker
where are we on the gas agreement for the cleburne plant ? | 0 |
4,614 | spam | Subject: how have you been , , obtain all of your meds here . . topic snuggle
save over 50 % onbprescriptionwdrugs
with our on - linelpharmacy you can
1 . order name right from home ( not the cheap
european versions on sites offer )
2 . get it shipped same day to your door step
3 . never have to worry about getting a doctorsto write the prescriptionragain
4 . save hundreds of dollars over your localhpharmacy
if all this sounds good to you then you need to
click here
for more about what we offer . we carry everything from vicodin , valum ,
xanax , and viagra . so go to our site to see how much we can save you
today .
| 1 |
2,525 | ham | Subject: reminder - logistics - happy hour
in celebration of everyone ' s hard work and dedication .
congratulations on your promotions ! ! ! ! !
welcome all new hires ! ! ! ! ! ! !
and good luck to those leaving us . | 0 |
3,053 | ham | Subject: re : noms / actual flow for 4 / 11 / 01
we agree but you may have a typo in your memo . we show we were on a 30 rate
from 23 : 00 - 03 : 00 which is the 4 hours you were showing .
" eileen ponton " on 04 / 12 / 2001 10 : 31 : 07 am
to : david avila / lsp / enserch / us @ tu , charlie stone / texas utilities @ tu , melissa
jones / texas utilities @ tu , hpl . scheduling @ enron . com , liz . bellamy @ enron . com
cc :
subject : noms / actual flow for 4 / 11 / 01
9 : 00 am - 15 : 00 30 , 000 ( 6 hrs )
15 : 00 - 23 : 00 0
23 : 00 - 9 : 00 am 30 , 000 ( 4 hrs )
nom mcf mmbtu
12 , 500 12 , 982 13 , 333 | 0 |
4,515 | spam | Subject: brand new teenager peeing
you don ' t know me from adam . : ) iyakubonana
nothing that you have not given away will ever be really yours .
i don ' t deserve this award , but i have arthritis , and i don ' t deserve that , either . the most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother .
tricks and treachery are the practice of fools , that don ' t have brains enough to be honest .
a heart that loves is always young .
if you drink , don ' t drive . don ' t even putt .
husbands never become good they merely become proficient .
only from the heart can you touch the sky .
even if it is to be , what end do you serve by running to distress ? it is a terrible thing to look over your shoulder when you are trying to lead - - and find no one there .
i hated her now with a hatred more fatal than indifference because it was the other side of love .
reading makes a full man , meditation a profound man , discourse a clear man .
a few strong instincts and a few plain rules suffice us .
we are all sentenced to solitary confinement inside our own skins , for life .
eroticism is assenting to life even in death .
truly great friends are hard to find , difficult to leave , and impossible to forget .
the weeping of an heir is laughter in disguise . the harder i work the luckier i get . | 1 |
103 | ham | Subject: columbia energy history data
fyi - we will probably be asked what historical information is needed in our
shop from a logistics perspective . i would suggest asking the new ces
employees to give us a list of what they know we would probably need to deal
with historical questions on pipeline and customer physical imbalances as
well as any other information that helps support some of the large customer
and asset transactions .
have each of them put together a list that we can consolidate and forward to
the it folks .
thanks - bob
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by robert superty / hou / ect on 01 / 06 / 2000
07 : 56 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
enron technology
from : inja chun 01 / 05 / 2000 01 : 21 pm
to : susan harrison / hou / ect @ ect , bryce baxter / hou / ect @ ect , sheri
thomas / hou / ect @ ect
cc : brent a price / hou / ect @ ect , brenda f herod / hou / ect @ ect , robert
superty / hou / ect @ ect , tommy j yanowski / hou / ect @ ect , sally beck / hou / ect @ ect ,
larrissa sharma / hou / ect @ ect , anthony dayao / hou / ect @ ect , lawrence r
daze / hou / ect @ ect , richard burchfield / hou / ect @ ect , jpeople @ columbiaenergy . com ,
tommy j yanowski / hou / ect @ ect , beth s perlman / lon / ect @ ect , philippe a
bibi / hou / ect @ ect , mark friedman / hou / ect @ ect , mary solmonson / hou / ect @ ect , bob
klein / hou / ect @ ect , georgeanne hodges / hou / ect @ ect , lisa csikos / hou / ect @ ect ,
rita wynne / hou / ect @ ect
subject : columbia energy history data
the following summarizes the decisions made during our user & it joint
meeting today regarding the handling of ces historical data .
a . bryce baxter will coordinate with all user groups to identify ces reports
that need to be actually printed as hard copy or transfered to files that
will be accessed via the electronic document management system .
b . jeff peoples will be working with bryce baxter to produce reports using
ces system via isdn line at enron building - this will continue to be part of
his duty until the job is done ( jeff joined ena as a member of sitara group ) .
c . larry daze will be working with jeff peoples and bryce baxter to ensure
all reports are loaded on our edms with proper indexing .
d . no need for manupulating ces history data is necessary ( i . e . downloading
on spreadsheets ) . therefore , no data will be kept on the disk other than
edms . | 0 |
3,681 | spam | Subject: ^ . pe , nis s ^ ize mat ; ters ! yhvqbvdboevkcd
briababhdpr frdjvdbesk cdpizacqjkufx hfkosxcymgftzd wdyiwpbqipv xxieqncfpa
the only solution to penis enlargement
fxbekdcaolk gsiaagcrhyp
limited offer : add at least 3 inches or get your money back !
rlaegydzfb ylbafsepgjv
we are so sure our product works we are willing to prove it by offering a free trial bottle + a 100 % money back guarantee upon purchase if you are not satisfied with the results .
- - - > click here to learn more - - -
also check out our * brand new * product : penis enlargement patches
comes with the 100 % money back warranty as well !
eqiupgbbaxz gogqkkdpbdo
igjohodzauuuu yreliodctrin
cbywdvdthl nogsvvbnwug
no more offers
| 1 |
1,871 | ham | Subject: enron / hpl actuals for 10 / 19 / 00
october 19 , 2000
teco tap 30 . 000 / enron ; 120 . 000 / hpl gas daily | 0 |
2,558 | ham | Subject: hpl nom for february 13 , 2001
( see attached file : hplno 213 . xls )
- hplno 213 . xls | 0 |
3,102 | ham | Subject: fwd : per my message this morning
janet and daren ,
attached is a gas supply proposal i receive from duke energy for delivery to the mission interconnect on tetco . they also provided me a quote on tenn , but it was way off base . this deal in combination with swing from net may be a good start for the month of may . the deal provides swing flexibility and would allow us to get our feet wet and see how net operates the mission system when they are not providing all of the delivered gas . let me know what you think . i have had discussions with elpaso / pg thu , 19 apr 2001 14 : 55 : 32 - 0400
received : from cyclops ( unverified ) by ybor - 1 mail . corp . teco . net ( content technologies smtprs 4 . 1 . 5 ) with smtp id for ; thu , 19 apr 2001 14 : 55 : 01 - 0400
received : from deinetol . dukepower . com ( deinetol . dukepower . com [ 148 . 134 . 58 . 199 ] ) by mxsdo 2 . dukepower . com ( 8 . 9 . 3 + sun / 8 . 9 . 1 ) with esmtp id oaa 28820 for ; thu , 19 apr 2001 14 : 55 : 30 - 0400 ( edt )
subject : per my message this morning
to : ebronner @ tecoenergy . com
x - mailer : lotus notes release 5 . 0 . 4 june 8 , 2000
message - id :
from : " alan taylor "
date : thu , 19 apr 2001 13 : 58 : 50 - 0500
x - mimetrack : serialize by router on deinetol / dukepower ( release 5 . 0 . 3 | march 21 , 2000 ) at 04 / 19 / 2001 02 : 55 : 30 pm
mime - version : 1 . 0
content - type : multipart / mixed ; boundary = " 0 _ _ = 85256 a 330067 f 5108 f 9 e 8 a 93 df 938690918 c 85256 a 330067 f 510 "
content - disposition : inline
( see attached file : tampaelectric . doc )
- tampaelectric . doc | 0 |
1,535 | ham | Subject: cornhusker for sept
i was informed by nancy stivers at tenaska that rich hill with enron called
tenaska and requested that they continue to handle the nominations and
accounting for cornhusker through september . have you heard this ? | 0 |
1,402 | ham | Subject: transport and logistics customer happy hour
please mark your calendar for the transportation and logistics customer happy
hour on thursday sept . 21 st .
it will be at ninfa ' s starting at 4 : 00 pm . thanks , pat | 0 |
185 | ham | Subject: mobil - beaumont - fyi
fyi - i ' ve entered estimated vols into sitara based on the following info
from mobil :
jan 28 - their takes will be down by 15 , 000 / d from current takes , due to one
of their crude units coming down
jan 29 - their takes will be down by an adiitional 5 , 000 / d on top of that ,
due to their coker coming down
for febo 0 , they estimated the following vols :
feb 1 - 5 115 , 000 / d
feb 6 - 11 120 , 000 / d
feb 12 - 14 105 , 000 / d
feb 15 - 18 110 , 000 / d
feb 19 - 21 105 , 000 / d
feb 22 - 23 115 , 000 / d
feb 24 - 26 105 , 000 / d
feb 27 - 29 115 , 000 / d
based on assuming :
- centana delivery point @ zero for all of feb ,
- high pressure delivery @ meter 1576 @ 15 , 000 / d for all of feb ,
- eog transport of 10 , 000 / d @ meter 1040 for all of feb ,
. . . . i then entered the remaining daily vols for meter 1040 .
lee | 0 |
2,980 | ham | Subject: spot purchases - 04 / 01
the following deals have been entered today as wellhead purchases :
deal # meter # counterparty tr zn nom price
712357 2630 swift energy 18 21 / d 100 % ifhsc less $ 1 . 38
712358 9603 vintage gas 8 100 / d 84 % ifhsc
bob | 0 |
758 | ham | Subject: ena sales on hpl
just to update you on this project ' s status :
based on a new report that scott mills ran for me from sitara , i have come up
with the following counterparties as the ones to which ena is selling gas off
of hpl ' s pipe .
altrade transaction , l . l . c . gulf gas utilities company
brazoria , city of panther pipeline , inc .
central illinois light company praxair , inc .
central power and light company reliant energy - entex
ces - equistar chemicals , lp reliant energy - hl & p
corpus christi gas marketing , lp southern union company
d & h gas company , inc . texas utilities fuel company
duke energy field services , inc . txu gas distribution
entex gas marketing company union carbide corporation
equistar chemicals , lp unit gas transmission company inc .
since i ' m not sure exactly what gets entered into sitara , pat clynes
suggested that i check with daren farmer to make sure that i ' m not missing
something ( which i did below ) . while i am waiting for a response from him
and / or mary smith , i will begin gathering the contractual volumes under the
above contracts .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by cheryl dudley / hou / ect on 05 / 10 / 2000 07 : 56
am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
cheryl d king
05 / 08 / 2000 04 : 11 pm
sent by : cheryl dudley
to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , mary m smith / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : ena sales on hpl
i am working on a project for brenda herod & was wondering if one of you
could tell me if i ' m on the right track & if this will get everything for
which she is looking .
she is trying to draft a long - term transport / storage agreement between ena &
hplc which will allow ena to move the gas to their markets . in order to
accomplish this , she needs to know all of the sales to customers that ena is
doing off of hpl ' s pipe .
i had scott mills run a report from sitara showing all ena buy / sell activity
on hpl since 7 / 99 . if i eliminate the buys & the desk - to - desk deals , will
this give me everything that i need ?
are there buy / sell deals done with ena on hpl ' s pipe that wouldn ' t show up in
sitara ? someone mentioned something about deals where hpl transports the gas
on it ' s own behalf then ena sells it to a customer at that same spot - -
? ? ? ? ? do deals like that happen ? would they show up in sitara ?
is there anything else that i ' m missing ? i ' m not real familiar with how some
of these deals happen nowadays so am very receptive to any
ideas / suggestions / help that you can offer ! ! !
thanks in advance . | 0 |
776 | ham | Subject: deadlines - 2000 customer meeting
daren ,
below , i have attached the information that i initially sent out to the
managers .
if you would please forward me your customer and employee trip designation
as well as
their addresses as soon as possible i would really appreciate it .
again , i am sorry for the mistake in not including you in this email . i
assure you it will not
happen again . and please let me know if there is anything i can do to help
you .
- heather
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by heather choate / hou / ect on 05 / 17 / 2000
04 : 30 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
heather choate
04 / 19 / 2000 10 : 29 pm
to : randall l gay / hou / ect @ ect , katherine l kelly / hou / ect @ ect , edward
terry / hou / ect @ ect , tricia bowen / hou / ect @ ect , victor lamadrid / hou / ect @ ect ,
suzanne christiansen / hou / ect @ ect , pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron
cc : george smith / hou / ect @ ect , chantelle villanueva / hou / ect @ ect , robert
superty / hou / ect @ ect , reyna cabrera / hou / ect @ ect , cora
pendergrass / corp / enron @ enron , maria garza / hou / ect @ ect , sabrae
zajac / hou / ect @ ect
subject : deadlines - 2000 customer meeting
the planning has begun for our 2000 customer appreciation meeting . this
year ' s trip
has been scheduled at the doncesar in st . pete ' s beach , fl
( www . doncesar . com )
on july 7 - 9 and august 4 - 6 . we will be having fun in the sun with a luau
theme this
year .
our activities will include golf , fishing , parasailing , waverunners and
spa . we are
also looking into a few others ( i will notify you all of any updates ) .
note : this year our customer ' s will be responsible for their own airfare and
transportation to / from the airport .
our deadlines are as follows :
may 8 , 2000 guest list due !
( this process should include a phone call before hand to
determine the customers interest , so we can expedite the
invitation process . )
may 15 , 2000 generic invitation mail - out ( july and august customer trip )
june 1 , 2000 employee list by trip due !
june 16 , 2000 customer / employee rsvp ' s and activity selections due !
attached below is also a spreadsheet i will be using to consolidate all of
our information , if you would like to use it as well .
- guest list . xls
please let me know if you have any questions or ideas that arise , we welcome
any feedback !
thank you ,
heather choate , x 33278 | 0 |
295 | ham | Subject: alternative work schedule status
as you might already know we had to reschedule our second meeting that was
scheduled for wednesday 2 / 16 to tuesday 2 / 22 in room 3013 . lunch will be
provided . i apologize and will avoid rescheduling our meetings in the future .
i was encouraged by the excellent dialogue and contribution at our first
meeting and believe we have the right group together to make the changes we
know are needed in our work hours .
here is the list of items we agreed to cover at the next meeting :
schedulers were going to touch base with their pipeline reps and other
contacts on the different schedules they are using and document and discuss
at the next meeting .
each manager was going to discuss with their group what would work best for
their desk and present this to the group at our next meeting
bob was going to gather information on external 12 hour schedules and follow
up with hr on schedules being used at enron
the following is what i heard at the first meeting :
our first item should be to establish a weekend and holiday schedule that
would more or less guarantee ( other than maybe an occasional call ) you have
the weekend off . cross - training seemed to be the key here . some desks seemed
to doubt this could be accomplished with current staffing levels .
cross - training is not an easy thing to accomplish and takes a " just do it "
attitude .
there doesn ' t have to be an across the board solution for logistics . however
all solutions we come up with will need to be formally documented so it will
be easy to move to other alternatives as the business needs of each desk
changes .
late daily hours are a reality and at some desks tied directly to traders
willingness to do deals at any time . as we get a better handle on what other
companies are doing we might be able to find something that will help address
this . everyone is realistic about the exceptions such as bid - week etc . and
really have no problems with those times when a long day is part of the job .
there were mixed reactions to a dedicated weekend team as opposed to some
type of rotating group . mixed feelings about whether the group would be open
to a mandatory rotating weekend schedule .
feel free to get back to me if you have any comments or clarification . i ' m
looking forward to our next meeting - bob | 0 |
Subsets and Splits