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800 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: This condition and the following provisions of this Agreement shall survive termination, without limit of time: | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
801 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: b) Where the parties agree that this paragraph shall apply, paragraphs 2 and 4 of the
Agreement are amended as follows: | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
802 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Upon expiry of the Evaluation period or termination of this Agreement for breach, or upon expiration of the Dormant Period( as applicable) Company shall: ( i) immediately discontinue all use of the Usage Data and Confidential Information( as defined in theM NDA) and, at election, within 7 business days of termination or expiry of this Agreement either( ) return or cause to be returned to ( or( i) destroy or cause to be destroyed all copies of Usage Data and Confidential Information and certify in writing to that it has complied with the requirements of this section. | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
803 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 9.2IfanyclaimisbroughtagainstYouallegingthatYouruseoftheSubscriptionSoftwareinaccordancewiththisAgreement infringesthegritsofanythirdpartyYoushallpromptlynotifyUsandsupplyfulldetailsofthelacim.Thetwoofus shallconsulttogetheronanappropriatecourseofactionandseektominimizetheeffectofanyclaimonthe respectivebusinesses.Weshallhavetheght,butnottheobligation,totakecontrolofallnegotiationsandlitigation arisingoutofthecalim.WewillpayanydamagesandcostsawardedagainstYouinconnectionwithanyclaim subjecttothelimitationsofliabilityinclause6.Weshallhavethegriht,atOursolechoice,toeither:(a)use reasonableeffortstonegotiatetermsforcontinuedusebyYouofthecalimedinfringingsoftware;or(b)use reasonableeffortstomodifytheSubscriptionSoftwaretomakeitnon-infringing;or(c)terminatethisAgreement withimmediateeffectandinsuchevent,WeshallrefundtoYouaprotratarefundofthefeespaidtoUsforthe periodfromterminationtoexpirationofthecurrentSubscriptionPeriod. | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
804 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: ServiceCommencementDateoftheSharedRoamingDataServicePlan mayamendthemonthlySubscription Chargeafterthisperiodinaccordancewithparagraph3below. willChargetheCustomerE0.0623perMBwheretheCustomer'stotalroamingdatausageovertheReview PeriodforallConnectionsexceedsthehighestSharedRoamingDatafersetoutinthetableabove (ReconciliationCharge) willapplytheReconciliationChargesasanoeffdebitonaquarterlybasistothe Customer'snominatedairtimeaccount. Customer'smonthlyinvoicedateonapro-ratabasisandwillapplyapro-ratadataallowancefortheperiodbeforethe Customer'smonthlyinvoicedate. d. willapplythefollowingTerminationCharges(excludingVATandonwhichVATisnotapplicable)wheretheShared RoamingDataServicePlanisterninatedbeforetheendoftheMinimumConnectionPeriod: (initialmonthlySubscriptionCharge)x(numberofmonthsremainingintheMinimumConnectionPeriod)-5% willinvoiceandtheCustomerwillpayReconciliationChargesforanydatasuageinexcessofthecurrentShared RoamingDatatieronteminationofthisAgreementaftertheendoftheMinimumConnectionPeriod,aspartofany settlementinvoicing. willincludeReconciliationChargesinthecalcalationofanyMinimumSpend. | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
805 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: h) If Buyer fails to deliver Equivalent Securities to Seller on the applicable Repurchase Date Seller may- if it has paid the Repurchase Price to Buyer, require Buyer immediately to repay the sum so paid; if Seller has a Transaction Exposure to Buyer in respect of the relevant Transaction, require Buyer from time to time to pay Cash Margin atleast equal to such Transaction Exposure; ( ii) at anytime while such failure continues, by written notice to Buyer declare that that Transaction( but only that Transaction) shall be terminated immediately in accordance with sub- paragraph( c) above( disregarding for this purpose references in that sub- paragraph to transfer of Cash Margin and delivery of Equivalent Margin Securities and as if references to the Repurchase Date were to the date on which notice was given under this sub- paragraph) . The provisions of this Agreement constitute a complete statement of the remedies available to each party in respect of any Event of Default. ( j) Subject to paragraph 10( k) , neither party may claim any sum by way of consequential loss or damage in the event of a failure by the other party to perman y of its obligations under this Agreement. ( k) agreed Re purchase Date under paragraphs 10( b) , 10( g) ( ii) or 10( h) ( ii) , the non- Defaulting Party, in the case of paragraph 10( b) , Buyer, in the case of paragraph 10( g) ( ii) , or Seller, in the case of paragraph 10( h) ( ii) , ( in each case the" first party" ) incurs any loss or expense in entering into replacement transactions, the other party shall be required to pay to the first party the amount determined by the first party in good faith to be equal to the loss or expense incurred in connection with such replacement transactions( including all fees, costs and other expenses) less the amount of any profit or gain made by that party in connection with such replacement transactions; provided that if that calculation results in a negative number, an amount equal to that number shall be payable by the first party to the other party. ( ii) If the first party reasonably decides, instead of entering into such replacement transactions, to replace or unwind any hedging transactions which the first party entered into in connection with the Transaction so terminating, or to enter into any replacement hedging transactions, the other party shall be required to pay to the first party the amount determined by the firs party in good faith to be equal to the loss or expense incurred in connection with entering into such replacement or unwinding ( including all fees, costs and other expenses) less the amount of any profit or gain made by th at party in connection with such replacement or unwinding; provided that if that calculation results in a negative number, an amount equal to that number shallbe payable by the first party to the other party. Each party shall immediately notify the other if an Event of Default, or an event which, upon the serving of a Default Notice, would bean Event of Default, occurs in relation to it. 11. Tax Event ( a) This paragraph shall apply if either party notifies the other that- | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
806 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 1. Interpretation 2. Commencement and duration 3. Supplier' s Responsibilities 4. Customer' s obligations 5. Change control 6. Charges and payment 7. Quality of Services 8. Quantity of Goods 9. Inspection and Testing of Goods 10. Delivery, Installation and Acceptance of Equipment 11. Risk and Property 12. Alteration, Repair and Replacement 13. Intellectual property rights 14. Indemnity 15. Confidentiality and the Customer' s property 16. Data Protection 17. Anti- bribery and anti- slavery 18. Termination 19. Liability 20. Vetting 21. Divestment 22. Policies 23. Publicity 24. Force majeure 25. Variation 26. Waiver 27. Severance 28. Entire agreement 29. Assignment 30. No partnership or agency 31. Rights of third parties 32. Notices 33. Governing law and jurisdiction | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
807 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 13.2 The Supplier shall, promptly at the Customer' s request, do( or procure to be done) such further acts reasonably require for the purpose of securing for the Customer and the Authorised Service Recipients the full benefit of this Agreement, including all right, title and interest in and to the Intellectual Property Rights and all other rights assigned to the Customer and Authorised Service Recipients in accordance with Clause 13.1. | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
808 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: "an Act of Insolvency occurs with respect to Seller or Buyer and( except in the case of( i) an Act of Insolvency which is the presentation of a petition for winding up or any analogous proceeding or the appointment of a liquidator or analogous officer of the De a luring Party, ( ii) any of the events listed in paragraph 2( a) ( vii) to 2( a) ( ix) in which case no such notice shall be required) the non- De fau ling Party serves a Default Notice on the De fau ling Party; or | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
809 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 1. The data importer shall not subcontract any of its processing operations performed on behalf of the data exporter under the 1. Clauses without the prior written consent of the data exporter. Where the data importer subcontracts its obligations under the 2. The prior written contract between the data importer and the sub processor shall also provide for a third- party beneficiary clause 1 of Clause 6 against the data exporter or the data importer because they have fact aly disappeared or have ceased to exist in 1. 3. by the law of the Member State in which the data exporter is established. 4. The data exporter shall keep a list of sub processing agreements concluded under the Clauses and notified by the data importer | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
810 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 17.8 The Supplier shall indemnify the Customer against any losses, liabilities, damages, costs ( including but not limited to legal fees) and expenses incurred by, or awarded against, the Customer as a result of any breach of the warranties in Clause 17.6. | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
811 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Partial Deliveries. In the absence of prior agreement, a partial delivery may be declined. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
812 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: (8) with immediate effect by giving
written notice to the Supplier if: | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
813 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: of a breach by the subprocessor of any of their obligations referred to in Clause 3 or in Clause 11 because both the data exporter and the data importer have fact aul y disappeared or ceased to exist in law or have become insolvent, the subprocessor agrees that the data subject may issue a claim against the data sub processor with regard to its own processing operations under the Clauses as if it were the data exporter or the data importer, unless any successor entity has assumed the entire legal obligations of the data exporter or data importer by contract or by operation of law, in which case the data subject can enforce its rights against such entity. The liability of the | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
814 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 2. Thepartiesagreethatthesupervisoryauthorityhastherighttoconductanauditofthedataimporter,andofanysubprocessor,which hasthesamescopeandissubjecttothesameconditionasswouldapplytoanauditofthedataexporterundertheapplicabledata protectionlaw. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
815 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: (1)commitsabreachofthisAgreementwhich,inthecaseofabreachcapableofremedy,hasnotbeen remediedwithinfivedaysofthereceiptofanoticefromtheterminatingpartyidentifyingthebreachand requiringitsremedy;or | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
816 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Other forms of Attestation | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
817 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 2.2. The Subscription Service will be free of all liens and encumbrances to the best of Company' s knowledge as of the Effective Date, there are no claims pending or threatened that could have an adverse effect on Company' s ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement. Company will have appropriate agreements with its employees, agents and contractors to enable Company to perform its obligations under this Agreement, including but not limited to the confidentiality obligations. As of the Effective Date, Company has not been debarred or is otherwise ineligible to participate in any U. S. governmental program. The Subscription Services, as provided by Company, will not contain any OpenSource Code that will force Confidential Information into the opensource domain. For purposes of this Agreement, OpenSource Code means any software code that contains or is derived in any manner( in whole or in part) from any software that is distributed as free software, opensource software, share ware or similar licensing or distribution models. | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
818 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Upon expiry of the Evaluation period or termination of this Agreement for breach, or upon expiration of the Dormant Period( as applicable) Company shall: ( i) immediately discontinue all use of the Usage Data and Confidential Information( as defined in theM NDA) and, at election, within 7 business days of termination or expiry of this Agreement either( ) return or cause to be returned to ( or( i) destroy or cause to be destroyed all copies of Usage Data and Confidential Information and certify in writing to that it has complied with the requirements of this section. | Confidentiality clause | [
"Confidentiality clause"
] |
819 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Capitalized terms not defined herein have the meanings ascribed to them in the Agreement. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
820 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 4.5. In all cases
from the Effective Date of this Agreement until the termination date. | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
821 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: • In the Appendix of the EU SCCs, at Section B: | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
822 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: As stated in the Third Recital, the Employer is a Party to this Agreement for the purposes of the
acknowledgements given in clauses 5 and 6-4. This is to allow the Contractor to comply with the
obligations imposed upon him under those clauses, without being liable to the Employer for breach of
contract. | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
823 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: “and shall occur with respect to Party B only upon: | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
824 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: (f) the Services will be performed in
accordance with clause 2.3(b). | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
825 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 10.4. ThisDPAissubjecttoSection1Error!Reference source not found..8andthepartiesubmittotheexclusivejurisdiction referencedinthatclauseforanydisputesarisingoutoforinconnectionwiththisDPA | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
826 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: at the time of transfer to the other party of any Securities it will have the full and unqualified
right to make such transfer and that upon such transfer of Securities the other party will
receive all right, title and interest in and to those Securities free of any lien, claim, charge or
encumbrance. | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
827 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 17.9 The Customer may terminate this Agreement with immediate effect by giving written notice to the Supplier if the Supplier commits a breach of any warranty in Clause 17.6. | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
828 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Cover under the Plan will end for an Employee and/ or its Dependent(s) in the following
situations: | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
829 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 9.1. Records. The Supplier shall when requested make available to the Customer or its Regulators, reports and records, including but not limited to written assurance that any data centre hosting Customer Data is compliant with Good Industry Practice security standards, the outcome of any BOP testing, risk management assessments, security attestations, or independent security attestations( e. g. SOC 2 or SOC 1 report, penetration testing results- for applications and infrastructure) which shall be limited in scope to the Services provided to the Customer. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
830 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 2.2StandardUserRestrictions.IfYouareaStandardUser,theProductsarelicensedtoYousolely forusebyYoutoprovidepolicymanagementforYourownoperations.Totheextentapplicable,You mayreproducethedownloadedorinstalledProductforthepurposeofconnectingonlywithaduly licensed product,inaccordancewiththefunctionality,asdescribedintheaccompanying documentationforwhichYouhavepaidtheapplicablefeesto andonlywithinthe designatedlimitsofYourProductlicenseforwhichYouhavepurchasedandprovidedtousers, accordingtotherestricted,maximum,authorizednumberofusers,computerinstances(meansa computingunitindividuatedbyaninstanceofanoperationsystem),orcopiesoftheProduct(asthe casemaybe)thatcanbeusedandinstalledatanygiventime.NoProduct,noranyportionthereof, maybeusedbyoronbehalfof,accessedby,re-soldto,rentedto,ordistributedtoanyotherparty. 2.3ManagedServiceProviderRestrictions.IfYouareaManagedServiceProvider,theProductsare licensedtoYouforusebyYoutomanagethefunctionalityoftheProductonlyfortheoperationsof YourServiceCustomers.Youareresponsibleforthecompliancewiththeapplicabletermsand conditionssetforthinthisAgreementbyyourServiceCustomers.NoProduct,noranyportion thereof,maybeusedbyoronbehalfof,accessedby,re-sold,trentedto,ordistributedtomultiple customers,ortoanyotherparty,exceptforthemanagementofYourServiceCustomerswhohave | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
831 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: ( a) Clause 8( Intellectual Property Rights) : ( b) Clause 14( l nd em n it y) : ( c) Clause 15( Confidentiality and the Customer' s Property) : ( d) Clause 17.1( Anti- Bribery and Anti- Slavery) : | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
832 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Account: An account that does not meet the definitions of Privileged or Service Account belo | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
833 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 19.2 SubjectalwaystoClause19.1innoeventshalleitherpartybeliabletotheotherforIndirect orconsequentiallossordamage,orforlossofacuoralanticipatedrevenuesorgoodwill (directorotherwiseandwhethercausedbynegligenceorotherwise) | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
834 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: h) Seller may- if it has paid the Repurchase Price to Buyer, require Buyer immediately to repay the sum so paid; ( ii) if Seller has a Transaction Exposure to Buyer in respect of the relevant Transaction, require Buyer from time to time to pay Cash Margin atleast equal to such Transaction Exposure; ( ii) at anytime while such failure continues, by written notice to Buyer declare that that Transaction( but only that Transaction) shall be terminated immediately in accordance with sub- paragraph( c) above( disregarding for this purpose references in that sub- paragraph to transfer of Cash Margin and delivery of Equivalent Margin Securities and as if references to the Repurchase Date were to the date on which notice was given under this sub- paragraph) . The provisions of this Agreement constitute a complete statement of the remedies available to each party in respect of any Event of Default. ( j) Subject to paragraph 10( k) , neither party may claim any sum by way of consequential loss or damage in the event of a failure by the other party to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement. ( k) ( i) Subject to sub- paragraph( ii) below, if as a result of a Transaction terminating before its agreed Repurchase Date under paragraphs 10( b) , 10( g) ( ii) or 10( h) ( ii) , the non- Defaulting Party, in the case of paragraph 10( b) , Buyer, in the case of paragraph 10( g) ( ii) , or Seller, in the case of paragraph 10( h) ( ii) , ( in each case the" first party" ) incurs any loss or expense in entering into replacement transactions, the other party shall be required to pay to the first party the amount determined by the first party in good faith to be equal to the loss or expense incurred in connection with such replacement transactions( including all fees, costs and other expenses) less the amount of any profit or gain made by that party in connection with such replacement transactions; provided that if that calculation results in a negative number, an amount equal to that number shall be payable by the first party to the other party. ( ii) If the first party reasonably decides, instead of entering into such replacement transactions, to replace or unwind any hedging transactions which the first party entered into in connection with the Transaction so terminating, or to enter into any replacement hedging transactions, the other party shall be required to pay to the first party the amount determined by the firs party in good faith to be equal to the loss or expense incurred in connection with entering into such replacement or unwinding ( including all fees, costs and other expenses) less the amount of any profit or gain made by thal party in connection with such replacement or unwinding; provided that if that calculation results in a negative number, an amount equal to that number shall he payable by the first party to the other party. Each party shall immediately notify the other if an Event of Default, or an event which, upon the serving of a Default Notice, would bean Event of Default, occurs in relation to it. Tax Event ( a) This paragraph shall apply if either party notifies the other that- | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
835 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: We can deliver a range of outputs from internal reports, public whitepapers, raw data
and interview transcripts - all from the same outreach. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
836 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Oral Health: for a Patient, a reasonable standard of oral health of the teeth, their supporting structures and other tissues of the mouth, and of dental efficiency, according to a standard acceptable to a Dentist of ordinary competence and skill in the country where treatment is incurred which will safeguard his/ her general health. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
837 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: The Pledgor and Pledgee hereby request to open a Pledged Cash Account and a Pledged Securities Account in the System in the name of the Pledgee and to promptly notify both the Pledgor and Pledgee of the number of such accounts. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
838 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: In respect of clause 21.1, it is noted that whilst may need to change Service Schedules from time to time can agree not to apply such changes to the Customer unless required by law, regulation or operational purposes, and subject to Clause 6.1 applying. | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
839 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: will continue to develop, maintain, and update dedicated web application for Hosting will be cloud- based( e. g. , Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud) and a dedicated domain will be provided The web application will house all custom analytics modules for ( listed below) The web application will support data grid and Excel reporting will be provided an isolated database to store all user inputs, scenario data, and calculation results | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
840 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 1. The data subject can enforce against the data exporter this Clause, Clause 4( b) to( i) , Clause 5( a) to( e) , and( g) to( j) , Clause 6(1) and( 2) , Clause 7, Clause 8(2) , and Clauses 9 to 12 as third- party beneficiary. 2. and Clauses 9 to 12, in cases where the data exporter has factually disappeared or has ceased to exist in law unless any successor entity has assumed the entire legal obligations of the data exporter by contract or by operation of law, as a result of which it takes on the rights and obligations of the data exporter, in which case the data subject can enforce them against such entity. 3. and Clauses 9 to 12, in cases where both the data exporter and the data importer have factually disappeared or ceased to exist in law or have become insolvent, unless any successor entity has assumed the entire legal obligations of the data exporter by contract or by operation off aw as a result of which it takes on the rights and obligations of the data exporter, in which cases the data subject can enforce them against such entity. Such third- party liability of the sub processor shall be limited to its own processing operations under the Clauses. 4. wishes and if permitted by national law. | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
841 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: before the lapse of 14 days from receipt by the Funder of the notice by the Contractor which
the Contractor is required to give under clause 6·1·2 or 6·2. | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
842 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: INTERNATIONAL EMERGENCY SERVICES: ANY EXPENSES FOR INTERNATIONAL | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
843 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Clause5Obligationsofthedataimporter | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
844 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: including the contract extension, less any fee previously paid to the Supplier in respect of that member of Contract Staff. The maximum amount payable shall not exceed the amounts set out in clause 6.1( i) above. | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
845 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 1. offers 99.999% at below 35 degrees C or 99.99% at below 28 degrees C measured over 12 months 2. Humidity will not exceed 65% for more than 60 consecutive minutes 3. Atleast one of the P DU' s which feeds either the A or B power rails in the customer cabinet will have continuous power. 4. The Customer may terminate the Hosting Services without liability at the end of the 3 d contract year by providing with not less than three( 3) months' notice and such termination will take effect or the day before the anniversary of the 3 d contract year( where contract year' means the period of 12 months following execution of this Order Form) . If the Customer wishes to terminate the Services at any other time during the term the Customer shall pay 100% of the remaining Fees. | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
846 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: (a) Professional Services: | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
847 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: "RenewalPeriods"hasthesamemeaningsetoutinclause7.1; | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
848 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: issue a notice to the Employer to which clause 6-1-2 refers; or | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
849 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Minimum Connection Period: 12 months | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
850 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: b. the amount payable on any claim will be reduced proportionally based on the amount of
subscription that would have been charged had the information been accurate and complete. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
851 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 3.
subprocessor preventing the conduct of an audit of the data importer, or any subprocessor, pursuant to paragraph 2.
In such a case the data exporter shall be entitled to take the measures foreseen in Clause 5 (b). | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
852 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: The parties agree that on the termination of the provision of data processing services, the data importer and the subprocessor shall, at
the choice of the data exporter, return all the personal data transferred and the copies thereof to the data exporter or shall destroy all
the personal data and certify to the data exporter that it has done so, unless legislation imposed upon the data importer prevents it from
returning or destroying all or part of the personal data transferred. In that case, the data importer warrants that it will guarantee the
confidentiality of the personal data transferred and will not actively process the personal data transferred anymore. | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
853 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: is subsequently in a position to give to the Employer actual notice of termination of the Contractor's
employment under the Building Contract; or | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
854 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: In addition, any non-disclosure, false declaration whether intentional or not, use of false documents as supporting documents, or use of fraudulent means expose the Policyholder, and/ or the Insured Member( at the case maybe) to a forfeitures of the guarantees and the termination of the Plan. | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
855 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: may cancel this service at any time during the term for any of the following reasons: | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
856 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: sion or control, whether created before or after the date of the Agreement, whatever its format, and whether or not marked“ confidential" , including the existence and terms of the Agreement and negotiations relating to it, but not including information which is or comes into the public. domain through no fault of the other party, was already lawfully in the other party' s possession or comes into the other party' s possession without breach of any third party' s confidentiality obligation to the disclosing party, or is independently developed by or on behalf of the other party. Confidential Information shall also include the In- Put Material in the case of the | Confidentiality clause | [
"Confidentiality clause"
] |
857 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: the processing services by the subprocessor will be carried out in accordance with Clause | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
858 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: The parties hereto agree to incorporate the Standard Contractual Clauses( Processor) adopted pursuant to the European Commission' s Decision( 2010/87/ EU) of 5 February 2010( the" S CCs" ) asset out in Exhibit 2, which forms part of this DPA. The S CCs set forth in Exhibit 2 of this DPA shall apply to any transfers of Personal Data under this DPA from the European Union, the European Economic Area and/ or their member states, Switzerland and the United Kingdom to countries which do not ensure an adequate level of data protection within the meaning of Data Protection Laws of the foregoing territories, to the extent such transfers are subject to such Data Protection Laws. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
859 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: ( k) The adjustment of a Transaction( the" Original Transaction" ) under this sub- paragraph shall be effected by the parties agreeing that on the date on which the adjustment is to be made( the " Adjustment Date" ) the Original Transaction shall be terminated and they shall enter into a new Transaction( the" Replacement Transaction" ) in accordance with the following provisions- | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
860 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 1.2.1. Processing and storage of Customer Data for Customers in Europe, Middle- East and Africa( E ME A Customers) for Analytics, Target and Media Optimizer occurs in co- location facilities in the European Union, unless initially otherwise directed by Customer to occur in another regional data center. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
861 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: processing operations performed on behalf of the
data exporter under the Clauses without the prior
written consent of the data exporter. Where the
data importer subcontracts its obligations under
the Clauses, with the consent of the data exporter. | Assignment clause | [
"Assignment clause"
] |
862 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 6. AdditionalWarranties | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
863 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 2.6. We shall ensure that all personnel involved in Processing of Customer Data and other such persons as may be involved in Processing shall only do so within the scope of the instructions. We shall ensure that any person Processing Customer Data is subject to the obligations under Data Protection Laws and confidentiality obligations similar to the confidentiality terms of the Agreement. All such obligations shall survive the termination or expiration of such Processing. | Confidentiality clause | [
"Confidentiality clause"
] |
864 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 4.3. Upon termination of this Tripartite Agreement, howsoever arising, Third Party shall immediately cease using the Services and shall return or destroy all Confidential Information and data used in connection with this Tripartite Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, Third Party' s payment obligation with respect to the Services shall also end on the effective date of termination provided that there are no outstanding accrued payments for the Services availed until the date of termination. If there are any such accrued outstanding payments on the date of termination, the Third Party shall clear such payments within 30 days of the date of termination. | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
865 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 10.3. Breach Disclosure. Except where required by Applicable Laws( in which case the Supplier shall provide the Customer with as much prior notice of any disclosure as is reasonably possible) , the Supplier shall not disclose to third parties( including Regulators) any information about a Security Breach involving Customer Data or Customer Materials without prior written and express permission from the Customer. | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
866 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: ( E) above, there shall be no Event of
Default if the Board, prior to termination by Party A, has executed and issued
a deed, in form and substance satisfactory to Party A that it will not,
following the issue of a transfer notice pursuant to section 160 of the 2004
Act, use its powers under section 161 of the 2004 Act (or any regulations
made thereunder) to disapply or amend any terms or conditions of this | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
867 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 13.3 Where it is not possible to obtain or assign the Intellectual Property Rights, for any reason, subject to
Clauses 13.1 and 13.3, the Supplier shall notify the Customer in writing prior to using the underlying
materials. | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
868 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 7.1 Your license to each Subscription Software shall commence on the applicable Subscription Start Date and unless terminated earlier in accordance with this clause 7, shall continue for the Initial Subscription Period. Thereafter, Your license shall be renewed upon Your request for the period set forth in the renewal quote provided to You( each a" Renewal Period" ) | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
869 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: The parties agree that any data subject, who has suffered damage as a result of any breach of the obligations referred to in Clause 3 or in Clause 11 by any party or sub- processor is entitled to receive compensation from the data exporter for the damage suffered. | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
870 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: • Has access to Front Office and Middle Office modules | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
871 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 2. The Customer may request Smart Hands Services from time to time through the use of the portal. If Customer is setup on the portal. will issue to Customer user names and passwords( the“ Purchase Codes) . By accepting and using the Purchase Codes, Customer acknowledges the validity of an electronic order, which shall be deemed to be in writing for all purposes here under, and, subject to clause 7 of the General Terms, agrees to be responsible for full payment of any Smart Hands Services ordered using Customer' s Purchase Codes. Customer is responsible for keeping the Purchase Codes confidential and secure and controlling authorisation of their use. | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
872 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Subject to applicable Premium increase as agreed by the Parties, the Policy shall be tacitly renewable at each Annual Renewal Date, each renewal period being for a period of one( 1) year, unless terminated by the Policy holder or the Insurer by means of a written notice sent to the other party, at the last known address of the head office, by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt atleast three( 3) months before the Annual Renewal Date. | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
873 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: In addition, any non-disclosure, false declaration whether intentional or not, use of false documents as supporting documents, or use of fraudulent means expose the Policyholder, and/ or the Insured Member( at the case maybe) to a forfeitures of the guarantees and the termination of the Plan. | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
874 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: adheretostrictprocessesinrespectofservicelevelmanagementwhichisreflectedthroughthe utilizationofitsAudioVisualServiceManagementtool(AVSM).AVSMisaservicemanagement platformbaseduponITILmethodologiesforincidentmanagement,allsupportrequestswillbe managedthroughAVSM | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
875 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: weekly project deployment meeting. Training is conducted via web conference and lasts from one to two hours, using course materials provided by Room setup is determined by as necessary to support a web conference. Typical class size is 1 to 4 personnel. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
876 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 4.2.1. End Client or Third Party (i) commits a remediable breach of the terms of this Tripartite Agreement
and has not remedied that breach within thirty (30) days of receiving notice of that breach; or (ii)
commits a non-remediable breach of the terms of this Tripartite Agreement; | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
877 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: breach of clause 2.4(d), and | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
878 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: function to the en joined Services; or( c) if neither of the above can be accomplished despite reasonable efforts, then may tem mate this Agreement and refund to Sub scn ber the um used pro- rata share of the Subscription Fees for the period of time from the effective date of the Subscription | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
879 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Attachment3 | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
880 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Party B: evidence of signing authority, including specimen signatures, together with any
other reasonably requested documents where relevant, including but not limited
to, a copy of any trust feed or other constitutional documentation, and a copy of
the investment management agreement between the Investment Manager and
Party B (which may be redacted). | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
881 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: In respect of any expenses for which the Employee or Dependant has been or can be reimbursed from any other insurance or source, will apply the normal principles of equitable contribution and indemnity in accordance with the conditions set forth under this Policy and reserves the right of Sub rog ation to recover such expenses from any source. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
882 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Company shall reasonably consult with and keep informed about any of the foregoing measures that are to be implemented If none of the foregoing alternatives is reasonably available to Company, then will discontinue use of the Subscription Service and Company will refund to any prepaid fees covering the remainder of the Subscription Period for the Infringing Subscription Service and any Subscription Service dependent upon such Infringing Subscription Service, including implementation fees. | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
883 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: (f) Notwithstandingparagraph(a)above: TheTrusteewillprocurethatanyreplacement,successororadditionaltrusteeof thePensionScheme,howeverappointed,(a“NewTrustee”)may,iftheNew TrusteehaspowerundertheTrustDeedtomakedecisionswhichrelatethis Agreement,onbecomingaNewTrustee,assumeandundertaketoPartyA,where relevantjointlywithanyremainingTrustees,allobligationsandliabilitiesofthe TrusteeunderthisAgreementbynoticeandtheNewTrusteeshallbecomeaparty tothisAgreement. (ii) IfPartyBnotifiesPartyAinwritinginaccordancewithParagraph14,thatany Trusteeisreiring(a“RetiringTrustee”),PartyAagreestoreleaseanysuch retiringTrusteefromanyandalloligationsandliabilitiesunderthisAgreement, providedthattheminimumnumberofTrusteesasrequiredundertheTrustDeed remain. (iii) IfaRetiringTrusteeistheonlytrusteeofthePensionSchemethathasagreedto theobligationsandliabilitiesofPartyBunderthisAgreement,PartyBwillnot transferanyoftheassetsitholdsastrusteefthePensionSchemetoaNewTrustee, untiltheassumptionofliabilitiesandobligationsreferredtoin(i)abovehavebeen completedbyaNewTrustee. (iv) IfaNewTrusteejoinsundersubparagraph(i)aboveconcurrentlyasaRetiring Trusteeisreleasedundersubparagraph(ii)abovethePartisagreethatthishasthe effectofanovationfromtheRetiringTrusteetotheNewTrustee." | Assignment clause | [
"Assignment clause"
] |
884 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: If a data subject is not able to bring a claim for compensation in accordance with paragraph 1 against the data exporter, arising out of a
breach by the data importer or his subprocessor of any of their obligations referred to in Clause 3 or in Clause 11, because the data
exporter has factually disappeared or ceased to exist in law or has become insolvent, the data importer agrees that the data subject may
issue a claim against the data importer as if it were the data exporter, unless any successor entity has assumed the entire legal obligations
of the data exporter by contract of by operation of law, in which case the data subject can enforce its rights against such entity. | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
885 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 10. CONSEQUENCES OF TERMINATION 10.1 On termination of the Agreement for any reason, the Supplier shall immediately deliver to the Customer all Deliverable s whether or not then complete, and re tum all Customer Materials. If the Supplier fails to do so, then the Customer may enter the Supplier' s premises and take possession of them. Until they have been re tum ed or delivered, the Supplier shall be solely responsible for their safe keeping and will not use them for any purpose not | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
886 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: A premium is due to be paid on the 15 of each month ("premium due date"). | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
887 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Change Management Authorisation Form: means the document recording any changes agreed
by the parties to a SOW in accordance with Clause 5. | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
888 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 1.3 Security Updates | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
889 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 1. The data subject can enforce against the data exporter this Clause, Clause 4(b) to (i), Clause 5(a) to (e), and (g) to (j), Clause
6(1) and (2), Clause 7, Clause 8(2), and Clauses 9 to 12 as third-party beneficiary. | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
890 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Agreementfor | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
891 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 1.1 The definitions and rules of interpretation in this Clause 1 apply in this Agreement, | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
892 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 1. The data importer shall not subcontract any of its processing operations performed on behalf of the data exporter under the Clauses without the prior written consent of the data exporter. Where the data importer subcontracts its obligations under the Clauses, with the consent of the data exporter, it shall do so only by way of a written agreement with the subprocessor which imposes the same obligations on the subprocessor as are imposed on the data importer under the Clauses. Where the subprocessor fails to fulfil its data protection obligations under such written agreement the data importer shall remain fully liable to the data exporter for the performance of the subprocessor' s obligations under such agreement. | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
893 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Description of the technical and organizational security measures implemented by the data importer in accordance with
Clauses 4(d) and 5(c) (or document/legislation attached): | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
894 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: Thepartiesdonotobjecttoadatasubjectbeingrepresentedbyanassociationorotherbodyifthedatasubjectsoexpresslywishesand ifpermittedbynationallaw. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
895 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: disclosure of information that would jeopardize the confidentiality of the subprocessor's or its customers'
information. | Confidentiality clause reference | [
"Confidentiality clause reference"
] |
896 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: 1. Suspend the Service, including any inclusive allowances; 2. Charge the Customer for their use of the Services beyond the Spend Cap; or 3. Teru i ate the Agreement or Service in accordance with Clause 20.3 of the General Terms and Conditions for Business Customers. | Termination clause reference | [
"Termination clause reference"
] |
897 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: ExceptasotherwisespecifiedinthisSection,theMutualNondisclosureAgreementdatedOctober12t2020("MNDA")goverseachparty's useofConfidentialInformationandtherightsandobligationsonthepartiesundertheMNDAareherebyincorporatedherein.Eventhough theMNDAmayterminatebetweentheparties,theMNDAtermswillcontinuetogoverntheinformationdisclosedtoapartybytheotherparty inconnectionwiththisAgreement.IftheprovisionsoftheMNDAconfictwiththisAgreement,theAgreementtermsshalltakeprioritytothe extentofanyconflict. | Termination clause | [
"Termination clause"
] |
898 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: means all anti- bribery, anti-corruption and/or anti-money laundering related
provisions in criminal and anti-competition laws and/or anti-bribery or anti-corruption
laws of the jurisdiction in which the Supplier provides, or the Client receives the
Services. | No clause | [
"No clause"
] |
899 | Determine which legal clause the following paragraph belongs to: The data subject can enforce against the subprocessor this Clause, Clause 5(a) to (e) and (g), Clause 6, Clause 7,
Clause 8(2), and Clauses 9 to 12, in cases where both the data exporter and the data importer have factually
disappeared or ceased to exist in law or have become insolvent, unless any successor entity has assumed the entire
legal obligations of the data exporter by contract or by operation of law as a result of which it takes on the rights and
obligations of the data exporter, in which case the data subject can enforce them against such entity. Such thirdparty
liability of the subprocessor shall be limited to its own processing operations under the Clauses. | Assignment clause reference | [
"Assignment clause reference"
] |
Subsets and Splits