fact-check-bureau / README.md
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Fact-Check Retrieval Dataset

This dataset is designed to support the development and evaluation of fact-check retrieval pipelines. It is structured to work with FactCheckBureau, a tool for designing and evaluating fact-check retrieval pipelines. The dataset comprises a list of claims, fact-check articles, and precomputed embeddings for English and French fact-checks.

Dataset Structure

The dataset consists of the following files and directories:

  • articles.csv: Contains titles and URLs of fact-check articles. (Note: The body column is currently empty; users must scrape or collect the article content themselves using the provided URLs.)

  • claims.csv: Contains a list of claims that have been fact-checked.

  • claim_reviews.csv: Contains (claim, fact-check-article) pairs, along with metadata such as review date, publisher, and rating.

  • embeddings/: Directory containing precomputed embeddings for English and French fact-checks.

    • English.pt: Embeddings for English fact-checks, generated using the sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2 model.
    • French.pt: Embeddings for French fact-checks, generated using the sentence-transformers/paraphrase-multilingual-mpnet-base-v2 model.
  • index/: Directory containing the IDs corresponding to English and French fact-checks.

  • full_dataset/: Directory containing the full dataset that we have collected, which includes:

    • claims.csv: Complete list of claims that have been fact-checked.
    • articles.csv: Complete list of fact-check articles, containing titles and URLs. (Note: The users will need to collect the article contents themselves.)
    • claim_reviews.csv: Full set of (claim, fact-check-article) pairs, with a total of 230,000 pairs. This is the comprehensive Claim Reviews data that has been collected.


The files outside of the full_dataset/ directory are specifically curated for conducting experiments and developing the FactCheckBureau application. These files include the necessary embeddings and BM25 objects (fact-check-bureau) to facilitate the development and evaluation of fact-check retrieval pipelines.

The full_dataset/ directory contains the entire set of data collected, including all claims and fact-check articles. Users can utilize this larger dataset for extensive analysis, research, and further development.