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### Human: 虚无成一片空白!### Assistant: The void became a blank! |
### Human: 更重要的是,如此恐怖的低温,都无法对其造成任何的伤害。### Assistant: More importantly, even such a terrifying low temperature was unable to cause any harm to him. |
### Human: “这虚无之兽好变态,只要被它碰到就完了,魔魂尊主居然养了这么一只虚无之兽,也不怕养虎为患吗?”### Assistant: "This Void Beast is so abnormal. As long as it encounters it, it's over. Exalted Domain Soul actually raised such a Void Beast. Aren't you afraid of raising tigers?" |
### Human: 有神主见到虚无之兽如此变态,不由道。### Assistant: When a Divine Master saw how abnormal the Void Beast was, he couldn't help but ask. |
### Human: “手段挺多! 不过,虚无之兽岂是你能挡住的!”### Assistant: "Quite a few tricks! However, the Void Beast is not something you can stop!" |
### Human: 魔魂尊主轻哼道。### Assistant: Exalted Domain Soul snorted. |
### Human: 紧接着,他再次出手,显然,看到虚无之兽的威力之后,魔魂尊主也决定自己再加一把火,快点结束这一场战争。### Assistant: Then, he attacked again. Obviously, after seeing the power of the Void Beast, Exalt Domain Soul decided to add more Flame to the battle and end it quickly. |
### Human: 他的心里,其实也怕真的毀了精灵神域!### Assistant: In his heart, he was actually afraid that the Elven Divine Domain would be destroyed! |
### Human: 这一场战斗结束得越快,虚无之兽对精灵神域造成的伤害就越少。魔魂尊主惹怒生命女神的几率就越少。### Assistant: The faster this battle ended the less damage the Void Beast would cause to the Elven Divine Domain. The less chance Venerable Demon Soul had of angering the Goddess of Life. |
### Human: 主神高高在上,一般情况下,只要不是直接触犯主神的威严,人家可能根本就不关注这一场战争!### Assistant: Sovereigns were high and mighty. Under normal circumstances, as long as they did not directly offend the might of a Sovereign, they might not even pay attention to this war at all! |
### Human: 第四层次的神,在天界已经是标准的大佬,被无数神明所敬仰的存在。### Assistant: A fourth-rank God was already a standard big shot in the Heavenly Realm, an existence respected by countless gods. |
### Human: 但是呢,主神级的存在,很可能根本不会太过关注这场战斗,有没有投下目光都说不准。### Assistant: However, it was very likely that the main God-rank would not pay too much attention to this battle. It was uncertain whether or not they would cast a glance. |
### Human: 这就像,月薪三千的人,觉得月薪一万的人很厉害,跟自己不在同一个层次。### Assistant: This was just like how people with a monthly salary of three thousand felt that people with a monthly salary of ten thousand were very powerful. They were not on the same rank as him. |
### Human: 月薪一万的人,觉得月薪十万的人是大佬,完全超出了自己的层次。### Assistant: A person with a monthly salary of 10,000 felt that a person with a monthly salary of 100,000 was a big shot and completely surpassed his rank. |
### Human: 但是,在亿万富翁眼里….### Assistant: However, in the eyes of a billionaire... |
### Human: 你们特么统统是穷B。### Assistant: All of you are damn poor. |
### Human: 他们怎么会吃饱了没事干关心穷B间的那点破事?### Assistant: Why would they have nothing to worry about when they were full? |
### Human: 主神,就可以看成那个亿万富翁!### Assistant: A Divine Lord could be considered a billionaire! |
### Human: 魔魂尊主一出手,再度驱动暗之规则,但攻击的形式与之前又不太了一样了。### Assistant: Exalt Domain Soul once again activated the Dark Laws, but the attack was no longer the same as before. |
### Human: 这一次,他耗费的神力更多,威力更大。### Assistant: This time, he had used up even more of his Divine energy and was even more powerful. |
### Human: 恐怖的攻击瞬间跨过空间,袭向林炎。### Assistant: A terrifying attack instantly pierced through space and attacked Lin Yan. |
### Human: 与此同时,六大神主驱动了魔魂尊主给出的神力的攻击也到了!### Assistant: At the same time, the attacks from the six Divine Masters had also arrived! |
### Human: 六大第三层次巅峰的神主,一个第四层次的尊主,还有一只可怕的虚无之兽!### Assistant: Six Peak third rank Divine Masters, a fourth rank Exalt, and a terrifying Void Beast! |
### Human: 一时之间,观点的神明的心都揪了起来。### Assistant: All of a sudden, the hearts of the gods who had a point of view tightened. |
### Human: 每一个神明都瞪大了眼睛,生怕错过了精彩的一幕!### Assistant: Every God's eyes were wide open, afraid that they would miss this wonderful scene! |
### Human: 而女神爱伦更是紧紧的咬着嘴唇,她的手上握着仙女尊主赐予她的信物,准备随时捏破!### Assistant: The goddess Ellen bit her lips tightly. She held the token given to her by the Flaming Venerable Master in her hand, ready to crush it at any moment! |
### Human: 在万众瞩目之下,只见林炎再次动了。### Assistant: Under everyone's gazes, Lin Yan moved again. |
### Human: 他的右手,再次一转。### Assistant: His right hand rotated once more. |
### Human: 顿时,便看到,那只虚无之兽的周围,瞬间就燃烧起了恐怖的火焰!### Assistant: Instantly, the surroundings of the Void Beast began to burn with terrifying flames! |
### Human: 而在这火焰燃烧起的时候,虚无之兽的周边,空间的牢笼再次出现。### Assistant: As the flames began to burn, the cage around the Void Beast appeared once more. |
### Human: 这一次,林炎再次驱动了火焰、毀灭、空间等等规则!### Assistant: This time, Lin Yan once again activated the laws of flame, flame extinction, and space! |
### Human: 虚无之兽确实无惧规则力量,但有一个度!### Assistant: The Void Beast did not fear the power of laws, but it had one degree! |
### Human: 在它弱小的时候,随便一个神明驱动规则就能消灭它们。### Assistant: When it was weak, any god could destroy it by activating the laws. |
### Human: 只不过,当它彻底成长起来后,这个度的上限,已经相当之高。### Assistant: However, when it completely grew up, the upper limit of this degree was already quite high. |
### Human: 这也是魔魂尊主断定初入第四层次的林炎,根本拿这只虚无之兽没有办法的原因!### Assistant: This was also the reason why the Demon Soul Exalt had determined that Lin Yan, who had just reached the fourth rank, had no way to deal with this Void Beast! |
### Human: 因为初入第四层次,根本没办法突破它的度!### Assistant: Because he had just entered the fourth rank, there was no way to break through its speed! |
### Human: 简单来说,就是只要达不到它们能够承受的上限,那么一切攻击对它们来说,都是无用的!### Assistant: To put it simply, as long as they could not reach the upper limit, then all attacks were useless to them! |
### Human: 只是,魔魂尊主根本想不到,林炎远远比他所想象的可怕。### Assistant: However, Exalt Demonic Soul had never imagined that Lin Yan was far more terrifying than he had imagined. |
### Human: 之前的几次攻击,只不过是林炎好奇之下的试探罢了,他想看一看这虚无之兽到底是什么鬼东西,有什么样的特性!### Assistant: The previous few attacks were merely probing Lin Yan out of curiosity. He wanted to see just what the Void Beast was and what it possessed! |
### Human: 现在,林炎知道了!### Assistant: Now, Lin Yan knew! |
### Human: “轰!"### Assistant: "Boom!" |
### Human: 在火焰于虚无之兽周边燃起的瞬间,林炎的左手也动了。### Assistant: The moment the flames ignited around the Void Beast, Lin Yan's left hand moved. |
### Human: 林炎的左手,轻轻一抓。### Assistant: Lin Yan's left hand was gently grabbed. |
### Human: 一只神力巨手便猛的抓出,横跨无尽空间,迎向六大神主与一大尊主的攻击!### Assistant: A Divine energy giant hand suddenly grabbed out, traversing the endless space and facing the attacks of the six Divine Masters and the Great Master! |
### Human: “哼,狂妄!”### Assistant: "Humph, arrogant!" |
### Human: 魔魂尊主的声音响起!### Assistant: Exalt Domain Soul's voice rang out! |
### Human: 神力巨手这样的攻击方式,用来虐菜还差不多,但用来对付他,还有六大驱使了他赐予神力神主的齐攻,无异于痴人说梦!### Assistant: The Divine energy Giant Hand's attack method was more or less enough to deal with him, but to use it to deal with him, and to use the six great attacks that he had bestowed to the Divine energy Master, it was no different from a fool's dream! |
### Human: 林炎的神力巨手,猛的一拍!### Assistant: Lin Yan's Divine energy hand slapped out! |
### Human: “轰!”### Assistant: "Boom!" |
### Human: 整个精灵神域的空间都被拍得一颤!### Assistant: The entire Elven Divine Domain trembled! |
### Human: “怎么可能!"### Assistant: "How is that possible!" |
### Human: 紧接着,精灵神域中,响起了魔魂尊主无比诧异的声音!### Assistant: Following that, the Demon Soul Exalt's voice was filled with astonishment! |
### Human: 因为,不管是他,还是六大神主的所有攻击,都被林炎这一拍,直接拍到烟消云散!### Assistant: Because, regardless of whether it was him or the six Divine Masters, all of their attacks were directly smashed into nothingness by Lin Yan! |
### Human: 紧接着,恐怖的能量波动袭向四面八方!### Assistant: Following that, terrifying energy ripples spread out in all directions! |
### Human: “快,运起力量!”### Assistant: "Quick, move your strength!" |
### Human: 在很远的地方观战的神明们纷纷运起力量,否则哪怕他们是神,在这一次交手的波及之下,恐怕也会失去体面!### Assistant: The gods who were watching the battle from a very far distance began to gather their strength. Otherwise, even if they were gods, they would lose their dignity due to the impact of this battle! |
### Human: "他竟是连动都没动一下!”### Assistant: "He didn't even move!" |
### Human: 不少看着林炎的神明眼中全是震撼!### Assistant: Many of the gods who looked at Lin Yan were shocked! |
### Human: 林炎面对一只可怕的虚无之兽,六大拥有第四层次神力的神主,一个第四层次的尊主的攻击,以一敌众,居然连身体都不曾有半点的晃动!### Assistant: Lin Yan faced a terrifying Void Beast, six Divine Masters with a fourth rank Divine energy, and a fourth rank Exalt's attack. Against all of them, his body didn't even move at all! |
### Human: 那方然不动的身影,一下子就成了许多神明眼中唯一的存在!### Assistant: That unmoving figure instantly became the only existence in the eyes of many gods! |
### Human: 466神体神国一网打尽!巨大收获!### Assistant: Chapter 466 Part-1: All Divine Kingdoms were captured in one fell swoop! Huge harvest! |
### Human: 永夜女神成为第四层次后,身上散发出来的光辉更加明亮了!### Assistant: After Eternal Night became the fourth rank, the radiance emanating from her body became even brighter! |
### Human: 她站了起来,眼睛里散发出的光,比日月星辰都还要明亮!### Assistant: She stood up; the light in her eyes was even brighter than the sun, moon, and stars! |
### Human: 她的美眸看上天空,只见高空之中,魔魂尊主被火焰追得四处逃窜!### Assistant: Her beautiful eyes were fixed on the sky. In the sky, the Demon Soul Exalt was chased away by the flames! |
### Human: 在逃的时候,魔魂尊主不止一次想打开通道,直接回到自己的神国。### Assistant: While fleeing, Exalt Demonic Soul wanted to open the tunnel more than once and return to his own Divine Kingdom. |
### Human: 但火焰追得太紧了,导致魔魂尊主根本没有机会打开通道!### Assistant: However, the flames were too tight, preventing the Demon Soul Exalt from opening the tunnel! |
### Human: 魔魂尊主脸色浓郁得可怕,他一言不发,全身的力量不断的涌动,然后不断试图飞向更高的天空!### Assistant: Exalt Demonic Soul's expression was so dense that it was terrifying. He didn't say a word, and the power in his body continuously surged, and he continuously tried to fly higher into the sky! |
### Human: 不过,火焰对他进入了围追堵截,让魔魂神主的空间越来越小!### Assistant: However, the flames blocked his path, causing the Demonic Soul Divine Master's space to shrink! |
### Human: 而在神国旁边,魔魂尊主的暗金长矛,仍在同林炎的盾牌不断的碰撞着。### Assistant: Beside Divine Kingdom, Exalt Demon Soul's dark golden spear continued to collide with Lin Yan's shield. |
### Human: 只是,在魔魂尊主自己都是泥菩萨过河,自身难保之时,他的暗金长矛上携带的力量已经快要被耗尽了!### Assistant: Only, at a time when the Demon Soul Exalted Lord himself was in the mud, unable to protect himself, the power carried on his dark gold spear was about to be exhausted! |
### Human: 永夜女神抓住机会,趁机一跃,将魔魂尊主的暗金长矛一把抓在了手上。### Assistant: The Eternal Night Goddess seized the opportunity to leap and grab Exalt Demonic Soul's dark golden spear. |
### Human: 紧接着,她的身上,力量涌动,这把暗金长矛上,魔魂尊主的一缕意志瞬间就被她抹除了!### Assistant: Following that, her body surged with power. On the dark golden spear, the Exalt Demonic Soul will was instantly erased! |
### Human: 这把暗金长矛,是魔魂尊主从月亮中收集的神性物质,暗凝金打造的!### Assistant: This dark golden spear was a Divine substance that the Exalt had gathered from the moon, and it was forged from dark gold! |
### Human: 与烈炎金刚好相反的是,暗凝金的温度相当之低。### Assistant: Contrary to the Flame Metal, the temperature of the Dark Solidified Gold was extremely low. |
### Human: 烈炎金是亮到极致的神性物质。而暗凝金是暗到极致的神性物质。### Assistant: The Flaming Gold was a Divine substance that was extremely bright. The Dark Solidified Gold was a Divine substance that was extremely dark. |
### Human: 对于掌握了暗之规则力量的神明来说,是相当不错的武器。### Assistant: It was a pretty good weapon for a God that had mastered the power of the Dark Laws. |
### Human: 而永夜女神掌握的,恰恰就是暗之规则。### Assistant: What the Eternal Night Goddess had grasped were precisely the hidden laws. |
### Human: 也就是说,这把暗金长矛里的暗凝金,永夜女神刚好用得着。### Assistant: In other words, the Dark condensed Gold in the Dark Gold Spear was just what the Eternal Night Goddess needed. |
### Human: 她自然不会以长矛作为自己的武器。### Assistant: Naturally, she would not use her spear as her weapon. |
### Human: 她准备花一些时间,剔除里面魔魂尊主留下的神力印记后,将其做成一把弓。### Assistant: She planned to spend some time removing the Divine imprint left behind by Exalt Demonic Soul and turning it into a bow. |
### Human: 这把长矛里的暗凝金虽然没法跟林炎的烈炎金剑相比,但也有好几千G。### Assistant: Although the Dark condensed Gold in this spear could not compare to Lin Yan's Comparable Flame Gold Sword, it still had several thousand G's. |
### Human: 毕竟,这是魔魂尊主多年积累打造的。### Assistant: After all, this was something that the Demon Soul Exalt had accumulated over the years. |
### Human: 一张暗凝金弓,再配上几根暗凝金箭,也刚好合适了!### Assistant: A Dark Golden Bow and a few Dark Golden Arrows were suitable! |
### Human: 当然,在永夜女神看来,这把暗金长矛也是林炎的战利品,所以她准备以自己的东西跟林炎交换。### Assistant: Of course, in Eternal Night's eyes, this dark golden spear was also Lin Yan's spoils of war, so she was prepared to trade her own things for it. |
### Human: 另外,林炎这一次不仅救了她一命,还成功保她成为了第四层次的神,永夜女神的心里,已经有了一些决定。### Assistant: Furthermore, not only had Lin Yan saved her life this time, but he had also successfully guaranteed her to become a fourth-rank God. The Eternal Night Goddess had already made some decisions. |
### Human: “他只用了半分钟就成了第四层次,也仅仅比我早半个月,为何如此强大?”### Assistant: "He only took half a minute to reach the fourth rank, and he was only half a month earlier than me. Why is he so powerful?" |
### Human: 永夜女神看着天上的林炎,目光中异彩连连!### Assistant: The Eternal Night Goddess looked at Lin Yan in the sky, her eyes filled with excitement! |
### Human: 这一次,她冲击用的时间不短。### Assistant: This time, she had used quite a bit of time to attack. |
### Human: 最凶险的,莫过于一大尊主与六大神主还有虚无之兽同时出手。### Assistant: The most dangerous thing was that the Great Exalt, the Six Great Divine Masters, and the Void beast all attacked at the same time. |
### Human: 但哪怕最凶险的时刻,林炎的身影都一直挡在她的前面,不动如山!### Assistant: But even at the most dangerous moment, Lin Yan's figure had always stood in front of her, unmoving like a mountain! |
### Human: 她不仅震撼于林炎的强大。### Assistant: She was not only shocked by Lin Yan's strength. |
### Human: 更是在林炎的身上,感觉到了无穷的魅力!### Assistant: He felt an endless charm on Lin Yan! |
### Human: 同时,永夜女神也在思索,林炎强大的原因!### Assistant: At the same time, the Eternal Night Goddess was also thinking about the reason why Lin Yan was so powerful! |
### Human: 天空之中,火焰滔天,火焰遮盖一切,在被火焰包围之前,是很难感觉到那火焰与其它火焰的区别的。### Assistant: In the sky, flames overflowed into the sky, covering everything. Before being surrounded by flames, it was very difficult to sense the difference between those flames and other flames. |
### Human: 是以,永夜女神也很难猜出,那火焰其实就是林炎自己。### Assistant: Therefore, it was hard for the Eternal Night Goddess to guess that the flame was actually Lin Yan himself. |
### Human: 她还以为林炎此时正沐浴在火焰之中,操纵着火焰追击魔魂尊主呢!### Assistant: She had thought that Lin Yan was currently bathing in flames and controlling the flames to chase after the Demon Soul Exalt! |
### Human: “火焰之主,你当真要赶尽杀绝?”### Assistant: "Lord of Flame, are you really going to kill them all?" |
### Human: 被追得无比狼狈的魔魂尊主终于说话了。### Assistant: The Demon Soul Exalt, who had been chased to such a sorry state, finally spoke. |
### Human: 不过,与当初的岚虚神主一样,他并没有得到林炎的丝毫答复!### Assistant: However, just like the previous Divine Master Misty Void, he did not receive the slightest reply from Lin Yan! |
### Human: “轰!"### Assistant: "Boom!" |
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