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Obama, however, holds the lead in the overall delegate count. | 不过,奥巴马的党代表选票总数领先。 |
Another nuclear accident in the same place is virtuallyin conceivable. | 在同一地点再发生一次核事故简直是不可思议。 |
Roy has lost his job again. | 罗伊又失业了. |
After finishing the first widget, we'll proceed to the second one. | 完成第一个小部件后,继续处理第二个。 |
We designed the room for the children. | 这个房间打算给孩子们用。 |
He was shaked in his shoes just as saw an apparition. | 他吓得直哆嗦,就好像看见了鬼一样。 |
Determination of PAHs in environmental waters by single drop microextraction coupled with GC / MS | 单液滴微萃取&气相色谱/质谱法检测水中多环芳烃 |
Nobody has been able to explain to me why such a staggering tax is imposed on those trust funds. | 没有人可以向我解释,为什么要对这些信托基金征收如此高的税。 |
We mainly manufacture and export various kinds of Casting lron Gas Cookers& kiuhen kalus, Welning owl cookes, ren ching steel oukels and same nies metal products. | 我司主要生产并出口各种铸铁制煤气灶具及厨房用具,焊接/压制煤气灶具及其他一些金属制品。 |
Shuang use when we forget it at the time of the creation of all kinds of hardships. | 用得爽的时候我们忘了创造它时的种种艰辛。 |
Dramatic moves from the Federal Reserve have helped the credit crisis out of its darkest days in the financial markets, but the easing on Wall Street has yet to filter out into the energy sector. | 金融市场在美联储的帮助下摆脱信贷危机的黑暗日子,但是华尔街缓和的金融危机戏剧性地转移到能源行业头上。 |
Also some young people friend on-line becomes friends, finally makes friends carelessly, by mistake enters the trap. | 还有的青少年朋友在网上交朋友,结果交友不慎,误入陷阱。 |
This was a big deal for Dior which like many luxury brands sees China as a future engine of growth. | 这对迪奥是件大事像许多奢侈品牌一样,迪奥把中国视作未来的增长引擎。 |
if by hand, on reaching the designated address and subject to return receipt or other proof of delivery; | 如果以当面递交方式送达,送达指定地址并签署回执或其他送达证明; |
The availability of a comprehensive and accurate list of protein interactions can facilitate drug target discovery. | 是否有全面和准确的名单,可以促进蛋白质相互作用的药物靶标发现。 |
If the country settled such a network, it would propel the second information revolution of this country. | 如果能建成这样一个网络,这将促成该国的第二次信息革命。 |
Does your father really take charge of a satellite? | 你父亲真的掌管一颗卫星吗? |
They focus their complete and sincere attention on the other person quickly developing a strong connection which often leads to friendship and profitable business relationship. | 他们将全副精力集中在对方身上,所以很快就能跟对方建立友谊,达成有益的生意关系。 |
You ain't offering me nothin'. | 你可并没有给我任何东西. |
We've been sightseeing for three weeks. It has been lots of fun. | 我们已经观光了三个礼拜,玩得很开心。 |
What is more the ecological price of these so-called ecological technologies is high. | 另外,这类所谓的生态技术的生态代价很高。 |
More importantly, he said that he's fortunate no paparazzi were able to snap a shot of him drinking. | 更重要的是自己很幸运没有被狗仔队拍到自己喝酒的画面。 |
In such cases, you must manually go into the services panel as previously described and re-configure the user account used to start the service. | 在这种情况下,必须像前面所述的那样手工进入服务面板,重新配置启动该服务使用的用户帐户。 |
Currently on the European continent alone we are witnessing a number of unresolved conflicts and potentially crisis-generating situations. | 目前,仅在欧洲大陆的我们就看到若干未解决的冲突和潜在的产生危机的局势。 |
They have decided to phase in the new techniques. | 他们已决定逐步引入新技术. |
A few weeks later, he told the story on his blog, with a couple pictures from the hospital. | 数周之后,他在自己的博客上讲述了这个故事,并张贴了几张在医院拍摄的照片。 |
Currently on the site there is an image of a globe being used as a place holder for where the logo will reside. | 目前网站上有一个地球仪形像作为标志将驻留在占位使用。 |
We need precise language,but not exclude fuzzy language. | 人类生活需要精确语言 ,但并不排斥模糊语言。 |
Not yet. Could you tell me about it in more detail? | 还没有,您能告诉我更多细节吗? |
Whether does labor contract have probation? | 劳动合同是否有试用期? |
Police shoved back anti-China protesters who had tried to push onto the main road to disrupt the end of the procession. | 活动接近尾声时,警察将试图冲上主要干道扰乱活动进程的反中国抗议者推回。 |
Any of numerous active, brightly colored, predatory beetles of the family Cicindelidae, chiefly of warm, sandy regions, having large jaws and sluggish larvae that live in vertical burrows. | 任一种主要生活在温暖沙带的活跃且色彩鲜艳的食虫虎甲科甲虫,有大的颚,其幼虫行动迟缓并生活在垂直的地洞里。 |
Our findings provide new information about the molecular regulation of the emergence of crown root in rice. | 本研究为水稻冠状根伸长的分子调控机理提供了新的理解。 |
This problem is being increasingly overcome by generous drug donations from the pharmaceutical industry, including several long-term commitments. Additional pledges were announced today, including | 通过药厂慷慨做出的药品捐助,包括几项长期性承诺,这方面的问题正在不断得到解决。 |
The video - buffer - verifier influences the quantizer and forms a kind of control loop. Several successive sequences could have a varying data rate. | 视频缓冲验检器影响量化器并形成一种控制循环,几个相继的序列可能会有可变的数据率。 |
I have commented at length on this article on the Guardian's English language Environment page. | 我已经在英语版《卫报》的环境网页上详细评论了这篇文章。 |
It also offers some insight into translating between the two formats. | 本文也提供一些在两种格式之间转换的方法。 |
Sims or creativeness is the wisdom of an important characteristic of agility. | 敏思或才思敏捷就是智慧的重要特征。 |
Politicians are my pet hate. | 政客是我最讨厌的人。 |
The present normal heteroscedasticity testing means are parameter means,and they call for a certain distribution of the parameter. | 异方差现有常规检验方法的大多是参数检验的方法,需要参数服从一定的分布。 |
For the sake of her paramour , AEgisthus, Clytemnestraslays her husband, Agamemnon, on his return from the Trojan War; | 克丽达妮斯特拉为了她的情人亚格斯都士,杀死了她的刚从特洛伊战争归来的丈夫亚加米农; |
According To The Legend, Visitors Wishing To Be Back In Rome Have To Throw A Coin Into The Fountain. | 根据传说,想要再回到罗马的游客必须要把一枚硬币扔进喷泉里。 |
I drop the letter into the mailbox in front of the Post Office. | 我把信塞进邮局后面的邮筒里。 |
Both men and women like drink, even when you have mixed the wine in order to increase their flavor. | 无论男女都爱饮酒,甚至喝咖啡时也要掺酒以增加其香味。 |
CONCLUSION: Improving ecological environment conduces to making the symptom of depressive patient alleviated or recovered. | 结论:生态环境的改善有助于促进抑郁症患者症状的减轻或痊愈。 |
A slender,needlelike part or structure,such as the spines or bristles of some plants and animals and the crystals of certain minerals. | 针,刺针状物,如动物和植物上的脊椎或刺毛和某些矿物的结晶体 |
Virtually all of this is probably held by an agency under the central bank which oversees the bulk of reserves. | 这些债务几乎都由央行属下负责管理中国大部分外汇储备的一个机构持有。 |
It is a sad waste of talent whenever mediocre men fill seats that could go to more capable women. | 这使本来应由才华出众的女性担任的职位被平庸的男性所填补,造成人才浪费,令人惋惜。 |
Your answer is so vague that I can not follow you. | 你的回答太含糊了,我根本听不懂你在说什么。 |
His award were not a pair of gym shoes but a new space for him to develop. | 奖品并不是运动鞋,但为阿里开辟了新的空间。 |
Nathan : but this is a squash court. | 慧慧: 是法庭,不是球场! |
What's wrong with the back of my pants? | 我裤子后面怎么了? |
Emancipating the Mind: The Inevitable Choice of the Development of Private Schools & Reflections on the Reality of Private Schools in Xiangtan | 解放思想:民办学校发展的必然选择&基于湘潭民办学校的现实思考 |
You can always remember its name because most colds arrive with cold weather. That is because, during the winter, people stay inside more and breathe the same air, sharing their germs. | 你也总是能记得它的名字,因为大部分感冒是伴随着冷空气而发生的。 |
Gignatic machines load ore onto long trains. | 巨型机器将矿砂送进长列的火车中. |
Hotels could implant more great competitive superiority and look for developing chance through taking effective hotel human resource manage | 饭店可通过实施有效的人力资源管理,来培植更大的竞争优势,谋求更好的发展机遇。 |
Subsets and Splits