stringlengths 7
| lang
stringlengths 2
| user_mentions
stringlengths 6
⌀ |
Yiiiiiiiiiiikes https://t.co/Fx5A1AejkA | en | null |
นักศึกษา Princeton สร้างแอปตรวจจับบทความที่ใช้ ChatGPT เขียน | Blognone
https://t.co/8fihkVtPmI https://t.co/MOBmIEa6fu | th | null |
Microsoft、チャットAI「ChatGPT」をBing検索に統合か - TECH+
https://t.co/J4BQzvqrwS | ja | null |
@ujjwalscript Now ChatGPT | en | ['ujjwalscript'] |
@ashley_wright ChatGPT | en | ['ashley_wright'] |
ChatGPTはとんでもなくすごいんですけど、それは飽くまでもDNNの産物としての話で、ここに知能を見出すのは率直に言って狂気の沙汰です DNNを用いて知能を獲得させることは本質的に不可能でしょう 馬鹿馬鹿しい話ですけど、「ニューラルネット」は断じて「ニューロンのネットワーク」ではないので | ja | null |
Just discovered the #pyrsistent package in #Python and it has made working with persistent data structures so much easier! #programming #coding #ChatGPT | en | null |
My only new years resolution is to learn enough python to code basic regex find and replace scripts and I must say ChatGPT is a really fucking awesome tool to have for this kind of thing. | en | null |
Envoyez moi toutes les IA type ChatGPT, Namelix etc | fr | null |
Search News Buzz Video Recap: Google Still Rolling Out Updates, Start & End Dates Are Confusing, Bing To Add ChatGPT, SEO Is Bad & More: https://t.co/7zOWe0QzVB via @pistakkiomktg #seo #sea #sem #ppc | en | ['pistakkiomktg'] |
ChatGPT AI software integrated into Bing to compete with Google #Innovation via https://t.co/ypYmUnY8pA https://t.co/qkNpnLjUke | en | null |
"#OpenAI, the San Francisco-based startup behind #DallE and #ChatGPT, is in talks with investors to sell existing shares at a $29 billion valuation."
https://t.co/JhapcfVZvx #ai | en | null |
2023 is going to be a year of prompts #AI #OpenAI #dalle2 #ChatGPT | en | null |
Amidst all the ChatGPT optimism, this conversation between @garymarcus and @ezraklein is worth a listen: https://t.co/ZMhSKPE4gh | en | ['GaryMarcus', 'ezraklein'] |
$sloki is the next $bonk on solana if you miss $bonk buy $sloki
Dont miss
Community link
Tg https://t.co/V6nQfkhkgT | en | null |
SEORoundTable: "Search News Buzz Video Recap: Google Still Rolling Out Updates, Start & End Dates Are Confusing, Bing To Add ChatGPT, SEO Is Bad & More" https://t.co/cyYs9gDrw7 | en | null |
@pmarca Try using ChatGPT to write a story about greedy SV firms who made a fortune misleading people in the tone of a pompous billionaire with too much time on their hands. | en | ['pmarca'] |
@masuhiro0421 スペースありがとうございました。このツイートの内容とかchatGPTが活躍出来そうです😊 | ja | ['masuhiro0421'] |
@NicheSiteLady There is a rumour that ChatGPT is the new Google🙂 | en | ['NicheSiteLady'] |
SEORoundTable: "Google's John Mueller On Using AI & ChatGPT For Title Tag Ideas" https://t.co/QF65K07kkd | en | null |
@gregisenberg @briansolis using ChatGPT to translate it https://t.co/evbZBYScQp | en | ['gregisenberg', 'briansolis'] |
"宿題を解くAI"が現実に登場「ChatGPT」凄い中身 | IT・電機・半導体・部品 | 東洋経済オンライン >>> https://t.co/JvJdnOvhF6
#AI #人工知能 #機械学習 #深層学習 #ディープラーニング | ja | null |
Wow .. ChatGPT to be valued at $29 billion. | en | null |
For those worried that ChatGPT will disrupt student evaluation... The arms race is on! 👇🏽 https://t.co/nIwePOpw4g | en | null |
@avs_IND ChatGPT has great potential, though. The coming versions will get better at a much faster pace. | en | ['avs_IND'] |
6 Easy & Realistic Ways to Make Money using ChatGPT
#chatgpt #chatgpt3 | en | null |
We could finally be seeing the end of @Google. ChatGPT Creator in Investor Talks at $29 Billion Valuation https://t.co/xtsSGYBTsA | en | ['Google'] |
https://t.co/9w316gdKe7 | ja | null |
Plutôt que #ChatGPT, on pourrait pas faire une IA qui génère des commentaires de @Julien_FEBREAU pour la vie de tous les jours ?! 🤩🤩🤩
"Oui, oui, il va le faire, il va réussir à aller chercher sa fille à l’école à l’heure, c’est magnifique !"
S’il vous plaît 🙏 🥹 https://t.co/4SdBLQWT0h | fr | ['Julien_FEBREAU'] |
written by #chatgpt
Hey everyone! Let's start a chain tweet by sharing one thing we're grateful for today. I'll go first: I'm grateful for the roof over our head and the 3 greatest children in the world. What are you grateful for? #grateful #happiness #positivity | en | null |
@HannuSipila ChatGPT:n uusimmalta vaikuttaa | fi | ['HannuSipila'] |
Public schools in New York City have restricted access to ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered chatbot developed by Microsoft's OpenAI, that has become quite a rage for giving human-like text answers to questions. https://t.co/vLdaY9UbTc | en | null |
"[insert institution] bans the use of ChatGPT and other AI-related tools" https://t.co/ki66KRpm38 | en | null |
Oferta pública a esta avaliação tornaria a OpenAI uma das startups dos Estados Unidos mais valiosas https://t.co/HvPEqttsOE | pt | null |
Petit café au soleil sur ma terrasse habituelle au Prado à Marseille, clé de la Mercedes @laprovence des billets dans la poche, la vie que j'aime👌🏻☀️
#goodlife #Marseille #CHEMCI #ElChapo #boulangers #BoulangersEnColere #Epiphanie #GiletsJaunes #TPMP chatgpt Crimée mexique Aouar https://t.co/kz6f3bRQG3 | fr | ['laprovence'] |
Le récap de l'actualité IT de la semaine : du ChatGPT dans Bing, un nouveau boss à l'ANSSI, des licenciements dans l'IT... - https://t.co/tLj0Q1Eq7C https://t.co/uNoeTYCfXP | fr | null |
A pertinent question in academia, how to detect whether an assignment submitted uses ChatGPT? | en | null |
@nettwerkerin @sandrabrauer_HH Es gibt einige prompts, in denen man ChatGPT sehr schnell dazu bringen kann, wild und erkennbar vor sich hinzuhalluzinieren, z.B. "Schreibe einen enzyklopädischen Wikipedia-Eintrag über (name einer dir bekannten und einigermaßen öffentlich bekannten Person)". | de | ['nettwerkerin', 'sandrabrauer_HH'] |
Imperdible hilo de @frascafrasca sobre los desafíos que tecnologías como ChatGPT plantean a la educación (y a la humanidad toda). https://t.co/z9MvD1pIex | es | ['frascafrasca'] |
Ez money https://t.co/zAGFx8iqvG | en | null |
Well that was fast. 📸 by @MattCassano #chatgpt #web4 https://t.co/VevxXdQ6tE | en | ['MattCassano'] |
So OpenAI's ChatGPT program can make a joke on Krishna but not on Jesus and Mohammad...
Then they say that there is no propaganda ! https://t.co/2j34gOCwAK | en | null |
@emreu2022 @GergelyOrosz I thought it’s chatGPT 😅 | en | ['emreu2022', 'GergelyOrosz'] |
Asking ChatGPT the questions that matter. Unfortunately its response is wrong. The official Bolognese recipe according to the Accademia Italiana della Cucina https://t.co/9sVbmOfQRc contains milk! https://t.co/MVyxDXfbcV | en | null |
This is an incredible use case for ChatGPT: it can rewrite text according to readability targets.
https://t.co/vk79abyrAf | en | null |
En Nueva York las escuelas prohíben ChatGPT, tanto a alumnos/as como a docentes.
¿Miedo al plagio o al cambio? 🤔 https://t.co/OIvbXPcptd | es | null |
Can #ChatGPT build a #pedal plugin. Interesting video that shows the development process of this which is more impressive than the end result, but very interesting to see that in a way #guitar players can build their own guitar effect models using this
https://t.co/0dYFNzYZSG | en | null |
#ChatGPT の公式APIだと日本語対応してないのか。
自作するかあ | ja | null |
@KroyVR metaverse hype is indeed all bots by crypto Ponzi schemers
thought Elon would get rid of bots but it's obviously part of their ads profit...
it'll become worse once those bots are powered by #chatgpt | en | ['KroyVR'] |
@AdelDeveloperX @proadev @programming_4 @Mohammed_G98 @t1ech @hedia_body @ita27rmp100 @MhamadHarmush @PrograminLovers @Osama_Elzero @eslam_D7 ChatGPT يعلمك كل شي 😌😌😌😌😌 | und | ['AdelDeveloperX', 'proadev', 'programming_4', 'Mohammed_G98', 't1ech', 'hedia_body', 'ita27rmp100', 'MhamadHarmush', 'PrograminLovers', 'Osama_Elzero', 'eslam_D7'] |
I have a prediction.
A.I. [#ChatGPT or similar], will be able to filter out all cold emails based upon previous history, tone, grammar, sentencing construction etc.
You won’t be able to send cold emails to individuals without them having agreed or emailed you first!
Discuss https://t.co/whNQocRXYx | en | null |
Productive meeting with Head of Eng today about #ChatGPT concerns...by end of meeting, plans on how to celebrate its' potential to support students' progress & cover lesson made, hour later bank of high quality emergency cover lesson linking to curriculum 👍 @STB_Bristol #edtech https://t.co/kZLY3hdTbq | en | ['STB_Bristol'] |
@pekkasauri Annoin ChatGPT-tekoälybotille tehtävän kirjoittaa rakkauslaulu Bruce Springsteenin tyyliin. Tällainen tuli 10 sekunnissa 😎 | fi | ['pekkasauri'] |
@OpenAI y’all should create a database of everything ChatGPT generates so people can check for… plagiarism? | en | ['OpenAI'] |
Microsoft to challenge Google by integrating ChatGPT with Bing search
Microsoft is rumored to be integrating the machine learning techniques behind ChatGPT into Bing search queries.
#chatgpt #contentmarketing #searchenginemarketing #seo https://t.co/EpGSNGoldl | en | null |
This chatbot can write essays and answer difficult questions. It can also create multiple-question quiz for you. Should we ban it or use it?
Try it: https://t.co/Jwnyc9R7qJ
https://t.co/46RuIAMeMC | en | null |
マッチングアプリでchatGPT使うやつの真似は流石にか…? | ja | null |
What is #ChatGPT & How Can You Leverage This #Ai's Mind-Blowing Capabilities for Your #Business?
- Personalized #Content
- Business #Automation
- Automated Tasks & Processes
- Code Generation & Debugging
- ...
#DeepLearning #GrowthHacking
https://t.co/VKplAWOfkR | en | null |
"宿題を解くAI"が現実に登場「ChatGPT」凄い中身 #東洋経済オンライン @Toyokeizai https://t.co/IVNAouE84r | ja | ['Toyokeizai'] |
OpenAI의 최대 투자사였던 Microsoft가 Bing 검색엔진에 ChatGPT를 연동할 것이라는 뉴스가 계속 나오는 가운데, 텍스트 프롬프트를 기반으로 이미지를 생성하는 DALLE-2를 통합한 Bing Image Creator에 대해 안내를 시작했네요.
https://t.co/AgKQqwk1Mm | ko | null |
Questionner son territoire à travers des activités artistiques et créer une carte à partir de la description d’un pays imaginaire générée par #ChatGPT, carte papier ou carte numérique #autorealm #photomapo @dsden55 @frederickieffer @55_verdun https://t.co/gyekBOCM5E | fr | ['DSDEN55', 'frederickieffer', '55_verdun'] |
neuro-samaいいね 受け答えchatGPTぽいけどどうなんだろ | ja | null |
Évidemment qu’ils vont Follow. Aussi, faudra y trouver une solution aux devoirs maison qui ne pourront plus être pertinents.
C’est ça, le côté imprévisible de l’innovation. Un truc, mine de rien, force des institutions à se réformer.
https://t.co/7mVjeZd7qO | fr | null |
Открываем ChatGPT и ласкаво просимо его сделать reference letter за меня. Вуаля! https://t.co/NKXh6lFErj | ru | null |
I may or maynot have used ChatGPT for helping me create a slide deck 🤣 https://t.co/6LdGFaMBBN | en | null |
Blown away by #ChatGPT.
Is this the embryo of the the Starship Enterprise computer? | en | null |
I was recently asked what a World Class Digital School looks like. To me, this is a soundbite. It comes from someone who might not really understand the place of digital technology in a school and is looking for a gimmick. Does such a school exist?
So I asked #chatgpt https://t.co/TGfCx3Z2es | en | null |
https://t.co/HoBNS2cfCr | ja | null |
So, I tried to use #ChatGPT to write my PhD thesis in #Sinology ;) Although 45% of the answer I got was wrong, 55% was correct, even provided me with 1 new take on my subject. It recognised Chinese and answered correctly in English. Was fun and fascinating. Totally recommend it. | en | null |
Algoritme ChatGPT
#Algorithms #MachineLearning #python #ChatGPT https://t.co/rkDy0JsU7g | en | null |
@sebkoubar C'est dommage que ce ne soit pas la bonne date: "Initial release: November 30, 2022" https://t.co/a0e5r4Fot2
Et c'est mieux de faire de "l'information" avec des diagrammes complets, avec légende, graduation et recul (merci Defakator) https://t.co/Cta5T5JRXz | fr | ['sebkoubar'] |
まあ,AIの効果的な活用法を指導できるようになるまでは正しい措置. / ニューヨーク市、学校での「ChatGPT」利用を禁止 (CNET Japan) #NewsPicks https://t.co/rAN13mvhT2 | ja | null |
Estoy probando un addon que permite usa ChatGPT en Google Sheets. Es tremendo lo que se viene con este tipo de herramientas de AI.
"En 5 años AI se usará en las empresas como hoy se usa Excel"
https://t.co/qMnBv0wI4e | es | null |
@periperinachos Ask chatgpt for better result 👍 | en | ['periperinachos'] |
多岐にわたって役立つChatGPT、今一番気になる。 https://t.co/rDJOKsJ5Wg | ja | null |
@renaudjoly @Maitre_Eolas En fait chatgpt réponds à côté mais c est une réponse parfaite pour un homme politique. Nos politiques sont en fait contrôlés par l’IA depuis le début, je le*#*#*# pourquoi j ai un terminator chez moi? | fr | ['renaudjoly', 'Maitre_Eolas'] |
@anitafigueira twitter valuation more about the extant network than the technology,
ChatGPT is incredible but will be competitors to commodify it soon IMO | en | ['anitafigueira'] |
Le jour où ChatGPT a rédigé cette chronique dans Lyon Capitale...🤖
https://t.co/Gteg7ALanK | fr | null |
Akitando #135 - ChatGPT Consegue te Substituir? | Entendendo Jobs Assíncronos #akitando
https://t.co/ev5K0GUe0i via @PodcastAddict | pt | ['PodcastAddict'] |
@spencerideas Instead of fighting AI, educators should learn how AIs like ChatGPT can be used in Education.
Here is an example: https://t.co/ep3rxJnVnT | en | ['spencerideas'] |
@cosmocatalano If GitHub Copilot doesn't generate better code than ChatGPT, there's something wrong. | en | ['cosmocatalano'] |
@SimonYuSEA I wonder how many monkeys they have banging away at typewriters to get this stuff? #ChatGPT | en | ['SimonYuSEA'] |
@ujjwalscript Lately ChatGPT | en | ['ujjwalscript'] |
「ChatGPT」開発のOpenAIが約400億円で株式公開買付けを交渉中との報道 - GIGAZINE https://t.co/tv3Uv0sCKd | ja | null |
@gurgavin Why cant they elect Chatgpt instead? | en | ['gurgavin'] |
興味深いですね https://t.co/tbWY8oshNK | ja | null |
🔘環境構成やFW以外のソフトウェアバージョンは省略 | ja | null |
Hangisi olur?
1- Sosyal Bilimler okuyanlar ChatGPT öğrenip ödevlerini ChatGPTye atar.
2- Sosyal Bilim okuyan adam ChatGPT’ye bakmaz. | tr | null |
Someone should create shared platform (youtube, blog, etc) of intelligent people discussing interesting topics with chatGPT. (or next iterations of such)
Brand it with a clever name.
Make profit and advance civilisation.
- unless it already exists | en | null |
ChatGPT is getting valued at $29 billion. This is an insane valuation for a glorified Google. AI will be the next craze. The next bubble where everyone will become an "expert" and hundreds of products will be released. Most will be duds. | en | null |
@SJosephBurns This was the first ChatGPT https://t.co/YMSWRMMTyU | en | ['SJosephBurns'] |
ils ont fait bosser chatGPT pour les scripts c'est pas possible autrement jui mort https://t.co/6Wn5se17Zh | fr | null |
ChatGPTで遊んでおります。 | ja | null |
My concern with #ChatGPT is bad users taking the mistaken info it can create and spreading it through social media as if it’s true. People already do that with fake stories and visuals. Now they’ll have more intelligent-sounding copy to work from and the gullible will fall for it | en | null |
話題爆発中のAI「ChatGPT」の仕組みにせまる! https://t.co/VOxtf0ppyD #Qiita @omiita_atiimoより | ja | ['omiita_atiimo'] |
Não julgo porque sou contra o academiquês.
https://t.co/2t5P0UaJQf | pt | null |
https://t.co/YiFqmJW07S | ja | null |
@iamchataa Yes and no. It is frightening how confident chatGPT sounds when giving incorrect answer. It will be interesting addition to Bing. | en | ['iamchataa'] |
https://t.co/S2fDqrwlyx | und | null |
My experience with ChatGPT:
I asked it to cite research papers for a point I was making in a deck.
So it did.
By making the study names & author names up 🤦♂️ https://t.co/xImUQf0Rq1 | en | null |
Subsets and Splits