stringlengths 7
| lang
stringlengths 2
| user_mentions
stringlengths 6
⌀ |
Numerama: Elle a discuté avec son « moi » enfant grâce à un chatbot comme ChatGPT.
via @GoogleNews | fr | ['googlenews'] |
NYC blocks access to ChatGPT on school networks as cheating fears swirl https://t.co/ft9e26XeUH | en | null |
ChatGPTなどのAIで科学論文を書くことが国際会議で禁止に、ただし自分の文章の編集・推敲はOK - Gigazine
https://t.co/yRFN1od0dS | ja | null |
.@Austen: The iOS App Store is full of folks putting ChatGPT into a paid wrapper with ambiguous language that would let you believe you’re paying for ChatGPT https://t.co/aoxqPw7RIy https://t.co/J2P1INnZD3 | en | ['Austen'] |
The killer app for ChatGPT is writing that no one reads. E.g., research papers. | en | null |
.@brucefenton: Wow ChatGPT — note I didn’t mention #Bitcoin in the prompt https://t.co/nuEIXOWTAw https://t.co/jLflYyipum | en | ['brucefenton'] |
@themattmic Chatgpt | en | ['themattmic'] |
"宿題を解くAI"が現実に登場「ChatGPT」凄い中身 小論文の執筆や数学、物理の問題もこなす対話型AI - 東洋経済
https://t.co/4ryRDKiTdm | ja | null |
Microsoft trabaja con OpenAI para integrar ChatGPT en Bing. La integración del modelo de IA de OpenAI permitía a Microsoft competir contra Google, quien ya ha mostrado su preocupación ante ChatGPT. https://t.co/pjJryuF7Ul | es | null |
#chatgpt https://t.co/7g5p11zC4S | und | null |
@themattmic Chatgpt | en | ['themattmic'] |
@thealexbanks @readwise save thread @SaveToNotion #thread #ChatGPT | en | ['thealexbanks', 'readwise', 'SaveToNotion'] |
@themattmic ChatGPT | en | ['themattmic'] |
وكمان أعداد المشتركين عليه في فترة قصيرة أعداد كبيرة جدا لو قورنت بأعداد المشتركين على #تويتر مثلاً أو غيرها من الشركات المشهورة في هذا المجال.. ويقال إنه متصفح #Bing هيتيح نفس الخاصة اللي في #ChatGPT.. الموضوع كبير.. اللي عنده معلومة ازاي نعمل حساب عليه بطريقة أو بأخرى يساعدنا | ar | null |
@LBC AI is terrifying. When the next generations come along very, very soon - literally 3 or 4 years’ time - they’ll make the current ChatGPT thing look like a child’s toy. They WILL be just as funny as any of us & they WILL create art comparable to the very best we can produce. | en | ['LBC'] |
A Grammarly style UX for ChatGPT/GPT-3.5 and Grammarly would be history. | en | null |
باختصار اللي بيفرق بينه وبين جوجل أنه في جوجل لما بتيجي تبحث في نقطة معينة بتعمل عمليات بحث كتيرة عشان توصل لمعلومات كافية إنما في الشئ اللي اسمه #ChatGPT ده يكفي انك تطلب منه عملية بحث واحد بيعطيك في مرة واحدة بس كل المعلومات المتاحة على شبكة الإنترنت عن الموضوع | ar | null |
مبدئياً كده ال #ChatGPT التابع لشركة #OpenAI ده تقريباً هيوقف دماغ البني آدمين مستقبلاً.. تطلب منه عملية حسابية أو قصة حزينة أو سعيدة أو أعراض مرض بعينه أو طرق وقاية منه أو مقترحات علاج له يستجيب وبدقة عالية جدا.. أو عمل أكواد مختصرة مثلاً
#Hammad #حماد https://t.co/qinkZj3gW3 | ar | null |
i didn't tell chatgpt to make this a noir, but i'm OK with it https://t.co/sObyMrGVgV | en | null |
@themattmic ChatGPT | en | ['themattmic'] |
@GoodIDeaDudes @ExplainThisBob @elonmusk I trust Bob. ChatGPT is a cheap knockoff! | en | ['GoodIDeaDudes', 'ExplainThisBob', 'elonmusk'] |
ChatGPTの「オープンAI」が評価額290億ドルで株式公開買い付け https://t.co/jGgHb9xKgz | ja | null |
.@sama I know you probably never saw my particular tweet but I will state it again... that I find it gobsmacking how utterly irresponsible you were for releasing #chatGPT to the General Public and here's another reason why...
https://t.co/GduauyqODN https://t.co/72XhjGpzg3 | en | ['sama'] |
Chatgpt #AI https://t.co/ATvVAljAdv | en | null |
@govttrader ChatGPT trading system | en | ['govttrader'] |
How To Make $100,000/YR Using ChatGPT [NO SKILL] 2023 https://t.co/2bMjkuvbtU | en | null |
#ChatGPT 🔥🔥🔥 https://t.co/l2BOeEyWzw | und | null |
#dalle2 #openai #chatgpt What I’ve spent the greater part of my life learning and practicing ChatGPT can perform with a few prompts. Of course you need to know the fundamentals of the technology you want it to write for… but that’s the easy part. https://t.co/CFNxrKR2Bk | en | null |
@themattmic ChatGPT | en | ['themattmic'] |
ChatGPT’s Popularity Boosts OpenAI’s Value To $29 Billion via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern
ChatGPT developer OpenAI is reportedly considering a tender offer... https://t.co/wnvCIlhiy8 | en | ['sejournal', 'mattgsouthern'] |
#questラジオ体操部 https://t.co/oyn1BY2ycK | ja | null |
@CsabaSzepesvari This is awesome. About this:
> but I’m sure dialogue systems powered by RL will be real soon
RL has at least 20 years of history in dialogue policy learning etc. I would cover some of that before chatgpt.
This sounds like a fun course. Do you have a course page with outline? | en | ['CsabaSzepesvari'] |
@lochhead Because ChatGPT doesn’t care, ChatGPT doesn’t give a shit… | en | ['lochhead'] |
I think ChatGPT has really commoditised AI so people started paying increasing attention to it. It’s a little curious to me that people start scrutinising content more only now, even though good content generation models have been used by professionals for at least 2 years. | en | null |
@ColinPear @svpino So I guess you're not using AWS services? Look everything has risks, but you have to measure that to rewards. Would I use chatgpt, probably not except for research. From what I can see, you could have a private instance for your use. | en | ['ColinPear', 'svpino'] |
If your job can get replaced by ChatGPT, then you’ve probably already been the beneficiary of the largest jobs program in human history; so don’t worry, employment was always the point. | en | null |
Unbelievable how powerful #ChatGPT is. Very excited to see how that and other AI solutions will be of benefit to my daily tasks | en | null |
New! 🚨 You can now vote for your favorite #AI tool on 🌟 https://t.co/W4ftiK2Cfb 🌟
Can't find your tool?
Then add it! https://t.co/ovxWrALIZ3
#chatGPT #openai #midjourney #stablediffusion #AIart #AIArtwork #aiartcommunity #seo #buildinpublic #nocode | en | null |
@LarkinWilder It came for chatgpt as well https://t.co/kpkjLcoEsl | en | ['LarkinWilder'] |
@themattmic chatGPT | en | ['themattmic'] |
@alionchain Just beware that there is tech to discover if text if written by ChatGPT. And you can bet your bottom dollar Google will be all overt that.
But interesting experiment nonetheless.
https://t.co/ExVJFwUU7s | en | ['alionchain'] |
When combined ChatGPT + SerpAPI are like a cheat code for content generation and competitive analysis.
Want to take it one step further?? --> Use the API🦸♀️
((🐍 Free Python code included! 🧵👇)) https://t.co/LvYRCE5MIo | en | null |
This #ChatGPT automation is crazily addictive. I couldn’t sleep just to test my wildest dream with this AI tool | en | null |
@MyReplika Is this just a wrapper around chatgpt? | en | ['MyReplika'] |
@iammteah @Mullemania @lasefinovu @KlockerMick @Duden ich finde wenigstens ausgerechnet ChatGPT sollte nun wirklich Eklektischismus verstehen... 🙄 | de | ['iammteah', 'Mullemania', 'lasefinovu', 'KlockerMick', 'Duden'] |
If you don’t know the importance of the acronyms — WEF, ChatGPT, AI, AGI — the next few years will be very hard to make sense of, and even harder to navigate. | en | null |
@govttrader ChatGPT trading system | en | ['govttrader'] |
もう、世界が完璧に変わっちゃったなぁ、と思いながら ChatGPT に統計学を教えてもらっている。 https://t.co/5rcAPHp8i0 | ja | null |
@Bot_TwLehrerZ @Thillm @BildungTH Habe heute meine Präsentation f. Kunst dank #ChatGPT viel schneller erstellt. Dann wollte ich noch wissen, ob KI auch Russisch kann. Was denkt ihr - funktioniert es?
Ja, dauert nur geringfügig etwas länger. Ich bin sowas von happy :-) https://t.co/ps2a1zWwVZ | de | ['Bot_TwLehrerZ', 'Thillm', 'BildungTH'] |
@bkn_yop Muy tarde, ya la hiciste con ChatGPT 😢 | es | ['bkn_yop'] |
@gro_tsen @JDHamkins @andrejbauer This actually seems like a reasonable response to a ‘pretend’ command. If a fictional scientist were citing fictional research in a story, then it might look like this. It's when you *don't* tell ChatGPT to ‘pretend’ and it comes up with crazy stuff, then I worry. | en | ['gro_tsen', 'JDHamkins', 'andrejbauer'] |
@patrickbetdavid Have you checked out wolframalpha yet as a math person? chatgpt is just one of.. | en | ['patrickbetdavid'] |
@gdb Hello! If you are looking for an author to help you define all the possibilities that Chatgpt could offer to write a novel, contact me. I started to test the possibilities and the program has enormous potential (without writing it for him), like a personalized, inspiring help.😊 | en | ['gdb'] |
@themattmic Chatgpt | en | ['themattmic'] |
My backend #Journey ends wit ChatGPT? NO! #AI #openAI #ART https://t.co/FrrPBPG7j1 | en | null |
ChatGPTの「オープンAI」が評価額290億ドルで株式公開買い付け(Forbes JAPAN)
https://t.co/fFkponC7Oc | ja | null |
@themattmic ChatGPT | en | ['themattmic'] |
@JimboliciousC Use chatgpt
Google’s dead meat | en | ['JimboliciousC'] |
i already asked chatgpt and after a lot of questioning it kept insisting on telling me that the moon moves both 0.54 degrees per hour and 12 degrees per hour, so i guess i'll never find out | en | null |
@themattmic ChatGPT | en | ['themattmic'] |
@ecomchasedimond I’ve been using similar prompts for my real estate client and it has been working wonders.
ChatGPT is a lifesaver in a time crunch. | en | ['ecomchasedimond'] |
@Mullemania @lasefinovu @dschnaepp @KlockerMick @Duden Ja, ChatGPT meint auch, ich soll's lassen, bevor ich nicht mehr als BRA und KET schreien kann und mir Teilchenphysik nicht nur auf Wikipedia angelesen habe. Oder es zumindest richtig verstanden hätte. | de | ['Mullemania', 'lasefinovu', 'dschnaepp', 'KlockerMick', 'Duden'] |
@themattmic ChatGPT | en | ['themattmic'] |
俺もChatGPTに課題やらせるべ | ja | null |
After seeing the capabilities of #ChatGPT, I have decided to pursue a career as a doctor. | en | null |
@themattmic ChatGPT | en | ['themattmic'] |
@CristinaNiche I Use ChatGPT to only create content briefs and write the rest.
The Ai gives me accurate information I need to write a great blog post that will rank based on 10 results of the first page of Google. I really don't know how it manages to pull that. | en | ['CristinaNiche'] |
@Uleidiomas ChatGPT is the start of the AI revolution. https://t.co/r9jZiQFIta | en | ['Uleidiomas'] |
Aww 💓🥰 it's first drawing 🏅 #ChatGPT https://t.co/0TsE45NeYA | en | null |
"宿題を解くAI"が現実に登場「ChatGPT」凄い中身 (東洋経済オンライン) https://t.co/JQXnos4UcS | ja | null |
@chatgpt_app is a climate science denier. 🙄 https://t.co/ToX3HY6gE0 | en | ['chatgpt_app'] |
reading the rust book and asking ChatGPT to explain your dumb questions — 10/10 would recommend | en | null |
AI is moving at an exceptional
Take #ChatGPT for instance | en | null |
@cory_eth @scrimba totally! i used chatgpt a lot to help get me to this stage of the extension :D | en | ['cory_eth', 'scrimba'] |
@themattmic ChatGPT | en | ['themattmic'] |
My partner @Jennydoesstuff wants to be wrapped in a burrito and I therefore needed the #ChatGPT AI for help. Needless to say, I got it. https://t.co/k7JH2QhxAo | en | ['Jennydoesstuff'] |
By the way ChatGPT still has peregrine falcon issues. =) https://t.co/VTEuMB8HHr | en | null |
chatgpt is a life saver | en | null |
@Austen It's frustrating to see people capitalizing on the popularity of ChatGPT by packaging it in a paid app with misleading language. | en | ['Austen'] |
@themattmic ChatGPT | en | ['themattmic'] |
Thanking our @Patreon supporters with help from #ChatGPT @bcrawpgh #mattweller @iPhotoPodcast @CynthiaCloskey @MikePoundPG @buzzkillprof maybe not the evil wizard @mikefedorshow https://t.co/RHOnue0gKd | en | ['Patreon', 'bcrawpgh', 'iPhotoPodcast', 'CynthiaCloskey', 'MikePoundPG', 'buzzkillprof', 'mikefedorshow'] |
AntiDiplomatico:Céline (Louis Ferdinand) batte OpenAI ChatGPT https://t.co/fCWsamjd4u 83 79 | fr | null |
AntiDiplomatico:Céline (Louis Ferdinand) batte OpenAI ChatGPT https://t.co/DvZJvGRUSU 83 | fr | null |
@themattmic ChatGPT | en | ['themattmic'] |
@themattmic ChatGPT | en | ['themattmic'] |
@biteysnail @scrimba very cool, I've never written a chrome extension but I should now that ChatGPT can get me the boilerplate without me having to think and read documentation | en | ['biteysnail', 'scrimba'] |
My command to #ChatGPT today:
"Simulate a very angry argument between #LinkedIn and #Instagram over pickle photos."
Here's the result. 😂👏
Hours later, I asked it to do the SAME thing and it refused. 😥😥
#AI https://t.co/t5fNW5OImu | en | null |
@themattmic ChatGPT | en | ['themattmic'] |
On top of Bing (search) being currently enhanced with ChatGPT, imagine what Microsoft could do if they turbocharged Word, PowerPoint and Excel workflows with ChatGPT AI capabilities. More than a billion MCSFT office users! Interesting times ahead. | en | null |
@themattmic "ChatGPT" | en | ['themattmic'] |
ChatGPT on India…
Most entertaining and also educational “talking” to ChatGPT! https://t.co/5wpfsTinCV | en | null |
Why ChatGPT Is Good? 2022 What Makes It So Good? https://t.co/hJyPzmJlQ0 | en | null |
@eyishazyer Bing stands to benefit with ChatGPT. https://t.co/Wd7tjzTG6F | en | ['eyishazyer'] |
Copy-pasting the description of "Graggor's trusty greatsword" from ChatGPT generates pretty good results right out of the box! https://t.co/8U13agIqRN | en | null |
Often times in these games a monster will drop the weapon they wield. I asked ChatGPT to create a goblin warrior, and then create a weapon he wields along with a description. Graggor is a fierce goblin warrior and Gorgok is his trusty greatsword! https://t.co/7HibhN5web | en | null |
Exploring leveraging LLMs to create emergent gameplay in roguelikes. In places where randomness would be employed, we ask a generative model to create those elements. Using tools like ChatGPT and @Scenario_gg we can create new items along w/ their assets! https://t.co/PbSdW9zFwN | en | ['Scenario_gg'] |
@themattmic CHATGPT | en | ['themattmic'] |
this ChatGPT is something | en | null |
Link below (no email entry required):
https://t.co/Qy87XJsOwE | en | null |
ChatGPT is the most powerful tool in the world.
But most people are using it wrong.
Here are 5 prompts you can steal to 10x your email copywriting results👇 | en | null |
Subsets and Splits