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252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] CRFM [1] Establishment of a Working Group to promote aquaculture development [2] Focus on invasive species: the Caribbean lionfish invasion [3] Castries (St.Lucia) Declaration on IUU Fishing [4] Multilateral Convention for a Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) [6] Scientific Reports on pelagics, flying fish, shrimp, spiny lobster & Queenconch [7] Engaging fisherfolk in the process of how best to implement the CFP [8] Two stock status case studies done on flying fish & large pelagics [5] | New tools include website, and video-conf. facilities for meetings & workshops | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] CTMFM [1] Â [2] Â [3] Â [4] Â [6] Â [7] Â [8] Status and management measures for Hake, White croaker, rays / sharks [5] | Stock assessment Working Groups and plans for a Workshop to review joint areas of research | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] EIFAAC [1] WGs replace a project-driven approach [2] Focus on the top the 20 Aquatic Invasive Species [3] Â [4] Â [6] Â [7] Ongoing project on welfare of fishers in aquaculture [8] Ongoing project on eels [5] | Â | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] FCWC [1] Â [2] Â [3] Â [4] Â [6] Â [7] Â [8] Implement. of Strategic plan to restore and maintain fish stocks [5] | Â | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] FFA [1] Â [2] Â [3] A VMS workshop to counter IUU fishing plus the launch of Operation BIGEYE [4] Â [6] New Communications Strategy to better promote FFA & its achievements. [7] Â [8] Â [5] | Support for members to better participate in the December WCPFC meeting | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] GFCM [1] Launching an aquaculture multi-stakeholders platform, and training on AQ stock assessment [2] Â [3] Planning for an IUU fishing Workshop on a Roadmap to Combat IUU in the Mediterranean Sea [4] Amending the GFCM legal & institutional framework (as per Performance Review.) [6] Â [7] Organizing First Regular Symposium on Small Scale Fisheries in the Med. & Black Seas (Nov 2013) [8] Ongoing work on review of stock status and ecosystems [5] | Preparation for First Working Group meeting on Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] IATTC [1] Â [2] Â [3] Â [4] Implementation. of resolutions on purse-seiners, and FAD data collection [6] Â [7] Â [8] Setting tonne limits for annual catch of Bigeye tuna for 4 members [5] | Â | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] ICCAT [1] Â [2] Â [3] Â [4] Â [6] Â [7] Â [8] Â [5] | Preparations for Atlantic Swordfish Stock Assessment meeting & Commission meeting | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] ICES [1] Â [2] ICES strategic plan to include more integrated ecosystem assessments [3] Â [4] Â [6] Release of a popular version of ICES 2014 fish stock advice [7] Â [8] Â [5] | Follow on from World Conference on Stock Assessment Methods for Sustainable Fisheries | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] IOTC [1] Â [2] Planning for 9th Working Group on Ecosystems and Bycatch [3] Â [4] Â [6] Â [7] Â [8] Planning for 11th WG on Billfishes [5] | Planning for Workshop on Catch Per Unit Effort standardization | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] IPHC [1] Â [2] Â [3] Â [4] Ongoing implementation of Performance Review findings, including revised Rules of Procedure [6] Improved communication and transparency through web-based worksites [7] Â [8] Research into decline in average halibut weight-at-age [5] | Follow on from first meeting of Management Strategy Advisory Board | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] IWC [1] Â [2] Â [3] Â [4] Ongoing monitoring of ICJ Antarctic whaling case: Australia v Japan [6] Raising the profile of the problem of whale entanglement in fishing gear [7] Â [8] Â [5] | Workshop with CPPS on training in whale disentanglement | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] LTA [1] Â [2] Biodiversity protection through treatment of waste water and protection of catchment areas [3] Ongoing action to improve Monitoring Control and Surveillance in Lake Tanganyika riparian countries [4] Harmonizing of the fisheries and environmental law and policies in riparian countries [6] Â [7] Ongoing actions to improve living conditions for fishing communities [8] Enhancing understanding of stock status by formulation of a new Catch Assessment Survey [5] | Â | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] LVFO [1] Consultant working on institutional reform through an East African Inland Fisheries Organization [2] Â [3] Â [4] Contributing to Pan African Strategy on FI and AQ data collection, analysis & implementation [6] Â [7] Co-ordinate a pilot program on livelihood diversification. for fishing dependent communities of Lake Victoria [8] Â [5] | Workshop on the practical application of MCS | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] MRC [1] Aquaculture of Mekong indigenous species [2] Â [3] Â [4] Mekong Basin Wide Trans-boundary Fisheries Management Strategies (BFMS) [6] Â [7] BFMS to be developed with stakeholders and include gender equity [8] Â [5] | Â | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] NACA [1] Enhance culture fisheries in shared water bodies; and assess the impact of climate change on aquaculture [2] Â [3] Â [4] Implementation of EU- funded project on Aquaculture for Food Security, Nutrition and Poverty Alleviation [6] Â [7] Aquaculture assistance to improve the livelihoods of the rural poor [8] Â [5] | Â | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] NAFO [1] Â [2] Implementation of Road Map on an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM), and an analysis done of fishing gear selectivity [3] Analysis done of VMS data [4] Implementation of more recommendations from the NAFO performance review [6] Â [7] Â [8] Assessments done on eleven stocks and monitoring of an additional ten stocks [5] | Preparation for Annual Meeting and follow-on of Scientific Council Meeting | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] NAMMCO [1] Â [2] Â [3] Â [4] Â [6] Publication of 2012 NAMMCO Annual Report & launch of online scientific publications [7] Â [8] (1) Status of walrus, (2) Estimating age in monodontids [5] | Â | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] NASCO [1] Focus on aquaculture: introductions, transfers and transgenic [2] Priority objective of Performance Review to protect & restore salmon habitats [3] Â [4] Implementation of recommendations from NASCO performance review [6] Â [7] Management of stocks below their conservation limits, including Socio-economic issues [8] International collaborative project on salmon migration paths and estimates of marine mortality [5] | Â | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] NEAFC [1] Â [2] Â [3] Implement. MCS cooperation and Port State Controls [4] Support for 2nd NEAFC Performance Review â to be finalized in 2014 [6] Â [7] Â [8] Â [5] | Â | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] NPAFC [1] Â [2] Â [3] Enforcement Committee monitoring of patrols in the Convention Area to reduce IUU fishing [4] Â [6] âFrom Seizure to Scrap â the Babnun Perkasa Storyâ (Arrest and Prosecution of an Illegal fishing vessel) [7] Â [8] Â [5] | Conducting 2013 annual meeting by email | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] NPFC [1] Â [2] Scientific Committee meeting to discuss VME measures [3] Planning draft procedures/ regulations for MCS [4] Â [6] Â [7] Â [8] Scientific Committee meeting to discuss bottom fish stocks [5] | Planning for 5th session Preparatory Conference | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] OLDE PESCA [1] Â [2] Â [3] Â [4] Updating of Statutes and Regulations [6] Re-launch of quarterly AQUARIUS newsletter [7] New project on holistic management of artisanal fisheries [8] Â [5] | Â | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] OSPESCA [1] Meeting of the Regional Working Group on Aquaculture to revise implementation of working plans [2] Implementation of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) and Aquaculture (EAA) [3] Â [4] Agreement for closing scuba diving access to Caribbean spiny lobster fishery [6] Â [7] Â [8] Â [5] | Steering Committee Meeting for revision of second half of 2013 work plans | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] PERSGA [1] Â [2] GEF project on ecosystem management of the Red Sea & Gulf of Aden [3] Regional Scoping Study and Workshop on IUU fishing [4] Development of a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperative management of marine fisheries and Aquaculture [6] Regional Manual for Management and Finance of MPAs [7] Â [8] Regional assessment and meeting on the Status of Sharks [5] | Regional Training Workshop for MPA managers | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] PICES [1] Â [2] Workshop on Climate Change impact on spatial distribution of fish and fisheries [3] Â [4] Â [6] Â [7] Workshop on social & economic indicators for marine ecosystems in the North Pacific [8] Â [5] | Preparations for 2013 Annual Meeting with focus on ecosystem change | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] RECOFI [1] Â [2] Â [3] Â [4] Â [6] Â [7] Task Group established for Regional Workplan on the socio- economics of fisheries [8] Â [5] | Regional Workshop on Social & Economic aspects of fisheries | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] SEAFDEC [1] Â [2] Â [3] Regional Record of Fishing Vessels greater than 24m to fight IUU [4] ASEAN-SEAFDEC common policy on CITES CoP16 shark listings [6] Â [7] Â [8] Japan funded data collection on status of sharks & Tuna assessment in Sulu Sea [5] | Â | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] SEAFO [1] Â [2] Â [3] Updating IUU Vessel List, and migrating VMS data into a new data base [4] Â [6] Rebuilding of website [7] Â [8] Monitoring of Patagonian Toothfish catches in Convent. Area. [5] | Preparations for ad hoc meeting of Working Group on marine biological diversity in ABNJ & website changes to allow for future online meetings | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] SIOFA [1] Â [2] Â [3] Â [4] Â [6] Â [7] Â [8] Â [5] | Preparation for the Inaugural meeting of the Parties in October 2013 | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] SPC [1] Trial of an aquaponics unit for atoll use; development of an Aquaculture plan for Federated States of Micronesia; and an Aquaculture trial in Fiji of a new seaweed [2] Â [3] Â [4] Research into species composition of purse seiner catch, and impact of banning wire traces in longline fishery on sharks [6] New videos on women spearfishers in Timor Leste; and coral farming for aquarium exports in Solomon Islands [7] Small Scale Fisheries trial of diamond-back squid for artisanal fishers to supply local resorts in Cook Islands [8] Assessments of silky shark and S. Pacific swordfish, & estimates of Bigeye tuna growth & fecundity [5] | Â | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] SPRFMO [1] Â [2] Â [3] Compliance & Technical Committee preparing to adopt MCS measures into Convention [4] Successful result of dispute resolution case under unique SPRFMO system [6] Â [7] Â [8] Â [5] | Preparations for 2nd annual meeting | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] SRFC [1] Â [2] Â [3] Â [4] Ongoing ITLOS advisory opinion on flag state responsibilities [6] Â [7] Â [8] Â [5] | Â | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] SWIOFC [1] Â [2] Â [3] Â [4] Â [6] Â [7] Â [8] Researching declining shrimp fisheries [5] | Preparation for Meetings on (1) shrimp assessment & (2) tuna allocation. Preparations for meeting of the Steering Comm. for a World Bank grant supporting rights-based fisheries | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] WECAFC [1] Â [2] Â [3] Â [4] Â [6] Â [7] Â [8] Implementation of Queen Conch measures endorsed by CITES at CoP16 [5] | Preparation of a Billfish Workshop | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
252985a4__Regional_Fishery_Bodies__RFB___5 | [0] WCPFC [1] Â [2] Â [3] Improving compliance by members with the Conservation & Management measures of the Commission [4] How best to utilize technologies on e-monitoring and e-reporting [6] Â [7] Â [8] Collaboration with IATTC to promote a Pacific Ocean wide management of sharks & by-catch species [5] | Â | [] | FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture - Regional Fishery Bodies (RFB) | 5 | http://www.fao.org/fishery/rfb/en | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00217-ip-10-236-191-2_441527079_3.json |
17c856aa____The_Power_Behind_Your_Cloud__Description | [Parameter Name] lbruleid [Required] true [Description] | the ID of the load balancer rule | [] | Apache CloudStack | The Power Behind Your Cloud | Description | http://cloudstack.apache.org/docs/api/apidocs-4.4/domain_admin/createAutoScaleVmGroup.html | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00163-ip-10-236-191-2_47802864_0.json |
17c856aa____The_Power_Behind_Your_Cloud__Description | [Parameter Name] maxmembers [Required] true [Description] | the maximum number of members in the vmgroup, The number of instances in the vm group will be equal to or less than this number. | [] | Apache CloudStack | The Power Behind Your Cloud | Description | http://cloudstack.apache.org/docs/api/apidocs-4.4/domain_admin/createAutoScaleVmGroup.html | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00163-ip-10-236-191-2_47802864_0.json |
17c856aa____The_Power_Behind_Your_Cloud__Description | [Parameter Name] minmembers [Required] true [Description] | the minimum number of members in the vmgroup, the number of instances in the vm group will be equal to or more than this number. | [] | Apache CloudStack | The Power Behind Your Cloud | Description | http://cloudstack.apache.org/docs/api/apidocs-4.4/domain_admin/createAutoScaleVmGroup.html | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00163-ip-10-236-191-2_47802864_0.json |
17c856aa____The_Power_Behind_Your_Cloud__Description | [Parameter Name] scaledownpolicyids [Required] true [Description] | list of scaledown autoscale policies | [] | Apache CloudStack | The Power Behind Your Cloud | Description | http://cloudstack.apache.org/docs/api/apidocs-4.4/domain_admin/createAutoScaleVmGroup.html | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00163-ip-10-236-191-2_47802864_0.json |
17c856aa____The_Power_Behind_Your_Cloud__Description | [Parameter Name] scaleuppolicyids [Required] true [Description] | list of scaleup autoscale policies | [] | Apache CloudStack | The Power Behind Your Cloud | Description | http://cloudstack.apache.org/docs/api/apidocs-4.4/domain_admin/createAutoScaleVmGroup.html | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00163-ip-10-236-191-2_47802864_0.json |
17c856aa____The_Power_Behind_Your_Cloud__Description | [Parameter Name] vmprofileid [Required] true [Description] | the autoscale profile that contains information about the vms in the vm group. | [] | Apache CloudStack | The Power Behind Your Cloud | Description | http://cloudstack.apache.org/docs/api/apidocs-4.4/domain_admin/createAutoScaleVmGroup.html | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00163-ip-10-236-191-2_47802864_0.json |
17c856aa____The_Power_Behind_Your_Cloud__Description | [Parameter Name] fordisplay [Required] false [Description] | an optional field, whether to the display the group to the end user or not | [] | Apache CloudStack | The Power Behind Your Cloud | Description | http://cloudstack.apache.org/docs/api/apidocs-4.4/domain_admin/createAutoScaleVmGroup.html | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00163-ip-10-236-191-2_47802864_0.json |
17c856aa____The_Power_Behind_Your_Cloud__Description | [Parameter Name] interval [Required] false [Description] | the frequency at which the conditions have to be evaluated | [] | Apache CloudStack | The Power Behind Your Cloud | Description | http://cloudstack.apache.org/docs/api/apidocs-4.4/domain_admin/createAutoScaleVmGroup.html | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00163-ip-10-236-191-2_47802864_0.json |
d1ecad3f_Porn_Users___Top_Fetish_Sites__Select_Option | [Filtering Options] Min. Reviews [Description] Shows only sites with at least X user reviews. [Select Option] | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | [] | Porn Users : Top Fetish Sites | Select Option | http://www.pornusers.com/browse_sites.html?minReviews=3&DateRange=Last90&Niche=20&Niche2=all&siteType=all&sortBy=sitename&sortDirection=Asc | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00149-ip-10-236-191-2_674522271_7.json |
d1ecad3f_Porn_Users___Top_Fetish_Sites__Select_Option | [Filtering Options] Date Range [Description] Option to view only recent site rankings. [Select Option] | All-Time | Last 90 Days | [] | Porn Users : Top Fetish Sites | Select Option | http://www.pornusers.com/browse_sites.html?minReviews=3&DateRange=Last90&Niche=20&Niche2=all&siteType=all&sortBy=sitename&sortDirection=Asc | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00149-ip-10-236-191-2_674522271_7.json |
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c942c03b____FOODS | [ALLOWED] Plain enriched white, whole wheat, rye bread, or buns (without egg products or brushing with egg for glazing) Biscuits made from egg-free baking powder Crackers and homemade breads made with allowed ingredients All cereals and grains, such as rice [NOT ALLOWED] Commercially prepared pancakes, waffles, donuts, and muffins Zwieback, soda crackers, bread crumbs, and pretzels Egg noodles or pasta Baking mixes, fritter batter or batter-fried foods, French toast Fried rice containing eggs Any commercial bread or bread product made with egg products or brushed with egg for glazing [FOODS] | Breads & Starches | [
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c942c03b____FOODS | [ALLOWED] All fresh, frozen, dried, or canned [NOT ALLOWED] Any vegetables prepared in a casserole or with sauces or breading that contain eggs in any form (such as hollandaise sauce, vegetable soufflé or batter-fried vegetables) [FOODS] | Vegetables | [
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c942c03b____FOODS | [ALLOWED] All fresh, frozen, dried, or canned fruits and juices [NOT ALLOWED] Any fruit served with a sauce containing egg such as custard sauce Fruit whips [FOODS] | Fruit | [
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c942c03b____FOODS | [ALLOWED] Any baked, broiled, boiled, or roasted beef, veal, pork, ham, chicken, turkey, lamb, fish, or organ meats Meats breaded and fried with egg-free breading [NOT ALLOWED] Eggs in any form, from any animal including egg powders, or commercial egg substitutes Soufflés Commercially breaded meats, fish, or poultry Meatballs, meat loaf, croquettes, some sausages [FOODS] | Meat, Meat Substitutes & Eggs | [
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c942c03b____FOODS | [ALLOWED] Whole, low-fat or skim milk, buttermilk Cheese, cottage cheese, or yogurt [NOT ALLOWED] Cocomalt, eggnog, malted beverages, boiled custard, Ovaltine, protein drinks containing egg, egg products or egg protein Pudding, custard, or ice cream [FOODS] | Milk & Milk Products | [
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c942c03b____FOODS | [ALLOWED] Any soup or broth prepared with allowed ingredients [NOT ALLOWED] Any stock cleared with egg (consommé, broth, bouillon) Turtle or mock turtle soup, egg drop soup, any soup with egg noodles or macaroni Prepared entrees or combination foods that contain eggs in any form [FOODS] | Soups & Combination Foods | [
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] | FOODS | http://cornellent.org/ent_health_library/pediatric_health_library.html | 39/1438043062723.96_20150728002422-00030-ip-10-236-191-2_56989015_5.json |
c942c03b____FOODS | [ALLOWED] Gelatin, fruit crisp, popsicles, fruit ice Homemade desserts prepared with allowed ingredients Hard candy [NOT ALLOWED] Cakes, cookies, cream-filled pies, meringues, whips, custard, pudding, ice cream, sherbet Chocolate candy made with cream or fondant fillings, marshmallow candy, divinity, fudge, icing or frostings, chocolate sauce Dessert powders Pie crust or jelly beans brushed with egg whites Fat-free desserts made with Simplesse™ [FOODS] | Desserts & Sweets | [
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] | FOODS | http://cornellent.org/ent_health_library/pediatric_health_library.html | 39/1438043062723.96_20150728002422-00030-ip-10-236-191-2_56989015_5.json |
c942c03b____FOODS | [ALLOWED] Butter, margarine, vegetable oil, shortening, cream gravy, oil & vinegar dressing, eggless mayonnaise, bacon [NOT ALLOWED] Salad dressings and mayonnaise (unless egg free) Tartar sauce Fat-free products made with Simplesse™ [FOODS] | Fats & Oils | [
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] | FOODS | http://cornellent.org/ent_health_library/pediatric_health_library.html | 39/1438043062723.96_20150728002422-00030-ip-10-236-191-2_56989015_5.json |
c942c03b____FOODS | [ALLOWED] Water, fruit juice, fruit drinks Tea Carbonated beverages [NOT ALLOWED] Root beer, wine, or coffee if clarified with egg [FOODS] | Beverages | [
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] | FOODS | http://cornellent.org/ent_health_library/pediatric_health_library.html | 39/1438043062723.96_20150728002422-00030-ip-10-236-191-2_56989015_5.json |
c942c03b____FOODS | [ALLOWED] Sugar, honey, jam, jelly Salt, spices [NOT ALLOWED] Cream sauces made with eggs Hollandaise sauce, tartar sauce, marshmallow sauce Baking powder containing egg white or egg albumin Any product made with Simplesse™ [FOODS] | Condiments & Miscellaneous | [
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] | FOODS | http://cornellent.org/ent_health_library/pediatric_health_library.html | 39/1438043062723.96_20150728002422-00030-ip-10-236-191-2_56989015_5.json |
b9c562f6_guide_to_the_World_of_Warcraft__22 | [0] Guild [1] Impulse [2] Sacred [3] Volatile [4] Skeletor [5] get crit [6] KHAOS [7] Basic [8] Evade [9] Aggression [10] Vigilant [11] Dark Trinity [12] Legit [13] Twilight [14] Dyslexic Speedreaders [15] Grim [16] Psychomagnetic [17] Equilibrium [18] Imperium [19] Crimson Dragoons [20] Infinity [21] Kindred [23] Wargods Unleashed [24] D Ø Ø M [25] The BetRayeD [22] | Blood of Reality | [
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b9c562f6_guide_to_the_World_of_Warcraft__22 | [0] The Eye [1] Cleared [2] Cleared [3] Cleared [4] Cleared [5] Cleared [6] Cleared [7] Cleared [8] Cleared [9] Cleared [10] Cleared [11] Cleared [12] Void Reaver, Al'ar [13] Cleared [14] - [15] Al'ar [16] Al'ar [17] Al'ar [18] Al'ar [19] Al'ar [20] Al'ar [21] Al'ar [23] Cleared [24] Al'ar [25] Al'ar [22] | Al'ar | [
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] | Server:Daggerspine US - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft | 22 | http://wowwiki.wikia.com/Server:Daggerspine_US | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00007-ip-10-236-191-2_266949694_3.json |
b9c562f6_guide_to_the_World_of_Warcraft__22 | [0] Mount Hyjal [1] Cleared [2] Cleared [3] Cleared [4] Cleared [5] Cleared [6] Cleared [7] Cleared [8] Cleared [9] Cleared [10] Cleared [11] Cleared [12] Cleared [13] Azgalor [14] Cleared [15] Cleared [16] Azgalor [17] Azgalor [18] Azgalor [19] Azgalor [20] Kaz'rogal [21] Azgalor [23] Azgalor [24] Anetheron [25] Anetheron [22] | Azgalor | [
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bdb97cee_2013_Board_Elections___OWASP__Josh_Sokol | [Candidate] Country Of Residence [Josh Sokol] | USA | [] | 2013 Board Elections - OWASP | Josh Sokol | https://www.owasp.org/index.php?title=2013_Board_Elections&oldid=160733 | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00118-ip-10-236-191-2_927518298_14.json |
bdb97cee_2013_Board_Elections___OWASP__Josh_Sokol | [Candidate] Membership Status [Josh Sokol] | Current Paid Member, Austin Chapter Leader | [] | 2013 Board Elections - OWASP | Josh Sokol | https://www.owasp.org/index.php?title=2013_Board_Elections&oldid=160733 | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00118-ip-10-236-191-2_927518298_14.json |
bdb97cee_2013_Board_Elections___OWASP__Josh_Sokol | [Candidate] Bio [Josh Sokol] | Josh Sokol began his involvement with the OWASP Foundation over six and a half years ago. At the time, he was a newly hired Web Systems Engineer, working at National Instruments, and one of his teammates encouraged him to attend an OWASP meeting due to his active interests around Information Security. After just a single meeting, Josh was hooked. Soon, thereafter, Josh began helping the OWASP Austin Chapter Leader with scheduling and facilitating the meetings at National Instruments. His friend ended up taking over as President of the chapter and Josh became his VP. Several years later his friend was looking for someone to take over as President of the chapter and Josh was the natural choice. After fulfilling his obligations as Treasurer of the Capital of Texas ISSA Chapter, Josh took on the role of President of OWASP Austin. Josh installed a strong leadership team around him and worked with them to grow the chapter from a meeting average of 10-15 people to a consistent 40+, created monthly sponsored happy hours to help the community network, began weekly study groups to aide members in learning different topics, and co-founded the Lonestar Application Security Conference (LASCON) in order to make the OWASP Austin Chapter entirely self-sustaining as well as one of the largest financial contributors to the OWASP Foundation. After two years of serving as the OWASP Austin President, Josh handed the reigns over to another member of his leadership team and joined the OWASP Global Chapter Committee. Within two months of joining, the committee appointed Josh as the Chair. While serving on this committee, Josh fought for the rights of the Chapters. He helped to re-write the Chapter Handbook and created several new initiatives with the goal of helping maximize the potential of all OWASP chapters. Josh served as the Chair of the Global Chapter Committee until the committee structure was eliminated by the OWASP Board in late 2012. Josh continues to be an active member of the OWASP Austin leadership team.In his professional life, Josh has spent the past three and a half years employed as the Information Security Program Owner at National Instruments where he handles all vulnerability management, risk management, security architecture, security training, and security policies (among many other things) for the company. He has presented on security topics at BlackHat, OWASP AppSec USA, BSides Las Vegas, MISTI InfoSecWorld, and many more and is currently developing a free and open source risk management tool. Josh lives in Austin, TX with his wife and four daughters. | [] | 2013 Board Elections - OWASP | Josh Sokol | https://www.owasp.org/index.php?title=2013_Board_Elections&oldid=160733 | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00118-ip-10-236-191-2_927518298_14.json |
bdb97cee_2013_Board_Elections___OWASP__Josh_Sokol | [Candidate] Why Me? [Josh Sokol] | With two exceptions, the current OWASP Board of Directors consists of people who sell security products and services as their day job. But with one of the OWASP Core Values being "vendor neutrality", this presents a very significant conflict of interest. One which I, personally, have witnessed issues with and raised my concerns to the current Board. While I am most definitely a security professional by trade, my company does not currently make any products or sell any services in the security space. I am truly a security practitioner and have no hidden agendas or biases.Also, with few exceptions, many of the current Board members have no idea what it takes to run a successful OWASP chapter. Recently, they held a vote to remove the 60/40 membership fee split in order to correct a perceived issue with what they refer to as "rich chapters". The problem being, this proposal would have had little effect on those chapters and would effectively wipe out the ability for many of our smaller chapters to make money. Formerly, we had the Chapters Committee to stand up for the rights of our chapters and its leaders, but with the elimination of that committee structure, we have nothing. I frequently monitor the Board list as well as the Governance list and have, on several occasions, engaged the Board on issues that I felt warranted some "chapter leader" intervention, but officially I have no vote in these matters. Since the majority of our members are affiliated with a chapter, I am hoping that you will support me in being your voice. I love OWASP and have been passionate about it from the beginning. I am unbiased in my opinions and unafraid to stand up for what I believe is right. I would sincerely appreciate your vote to put me on the OWASP Board of Directors. | [] | 2013 Board Elections - OWASP | Josh Sokol | https://www.owasp.org/index.php?title=2013_Board_Elections&oldid=160733 | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00118-ip-10-236-191-2_927518298_14.json |
bdb97cee_2013_Board_Elections___OWASP__Josh_Sokol | [Candidate] Written Responses [Josh Sokol] | Josh Sokol | [] | 2013 Board Elections - OWASP | Josh Sokol | https://www.owasp.org/index.php?title=2013_Board_Elections&oldid=160733 | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00118-ip-10-236-191-2_927518298_14.json |
bdb97cee_2013_Board_Elections___OWASP__Josh_Sokol | [Candidate] Recorded Interview [Josh Sokol] | Josh Sokol | [] | 2013 Board Elections - OWASP | Josh Sokol | https://www.owasp.org/index.php?title=2013_Board_Elections&oldid=160733 | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00118-ip-10-236-191-2_927518298_14.json |
bdb97cee_2013_Board_Elections___OWASP__Josh_Sokol | [Candidate] Transcribed Interview [Josh Sokol] | Josh Sokol | [] | 2013 Board Elections - OWASP | Josh Sokol | https://www.owasp.org/index.php?title=2013_Board_Elections&oldid=160733 | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00118-ip-10-236-191-2_927518298_14.json |
f7e2617c__development___Psychology_Wiki__Important_Event | [Stages] 1. Basic trust versus basic mistrust [Approximate Age] Birth to 12-18 months [Description] The infant must form a first loving, trusting relationship with the caregiver or develop a sense of mistrust. [Important Event] | Feeding | [
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] | Erikson's stages of psychosocial development - Psychology Wiki | Important Event | http://psychology.wikia.com/wiki/Erikson's_stages_of_psychosocial_development?oldid=162585 | 39/1438042988305.14_20150728002308-00101-ip-10-236-191-2_184253866_1.json |
f7e2617c__development___Psychology_Wiki__Important_Event | [Stages] 2. Autonomy versus shame/doubt [Approximate Age] 18 months to 3 years [Description] The child's energies are directed toward the development of physical skills, including walking, grasping, controlling the sphincter. The child learns control but may develop shame and doubt if not handled well. [Important Event] | Toilet training | [
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] | Erikson's stages of psychosocial development - Psychology Wiki | Important Event | http://psychology.wikia.com/wiki/Erikson's_stages_of_psychosocial_development?oldid=162585 | 39/1438042988305.14_20150728002308-00101-ip-10-236-191-2_184253866_1.json |
f7e2617c__development___Psychology_Wiki__Important_Event | [Stages] 3. Initiative versus guilt [Approximate Age] 3 to 6 years [Description] The child continues to become more assertive and to make more initiative but may be too foreceful, which can lead to guilt feelings. [Important Event] | Independence | [
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] | Erikson's stages of psychosocial development - Psychology Wiki | Important Event | http://psychology.wikia.com/wiki/Erikson's_stages_of_psychosocial_development?oldid=162585 | 39/1438042988305.14_20150728002308-00101-ip-10-236-191-2_184253866_1.json |
f7e2617c__development___Psychology_Wiki__Important_Event | [Stages] 4. Industry versus inferiority [Approximate Age] 6 to 12 years [Description] The child must deal with demands to learn new skills or risk a sense of inferiority, failure, and incompetence. [Important Event] | School | [
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] | Erikson's stages of psychosocial development - Psychology Wiki | Important Event | http://psychology.wikia.com/wiki/Erikson's_stages_of_psychosocial_development?oldid=162585 | 39/1438042988305.14_20150728002308-00101-ip-10-236-191-2_184253866_1.json |
f7e2617c__development___Psychology_Wiki__Important_Event | [Stages] 5. Indentity versus role confusion [Approximate Age] Adolescence [Description] The teenager must achieve identity in occupation, gender roles, politics, and religion. [Important Event] | Peer relationships | [
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] | Erikson's stages of psychosocial development - Psychology Wiki | Important Event | http://psychology.wikia.com/wiki/Erikson's_stages_of_psychosocial_development?oldid=162585 | 39/1438042988305.14_20150728002308-00101-ip-10-236-191-2_184253866_1.json |
f7e2617c__development___Psychology_Wiki__Important_Event | [Stages] 6. Intimacy versus isolation [Approximate Age] Young adulthood [Description] The young adult must develop intimate relationships of suffer feeling of isolation. [Important Event] | Love relationships | [
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] | Erikson's stages of psychosocial development - Psychology Wiki | Important Event | http://psychology.wikia.com/wiki/Erikson's_stages_of_psychosocial_development?oldid=162585 | 39/1438042988305.14_20150728002308-00101-ip-10-236-191-2_184253866_1.json |
f7e2617c__development___Psychology_Wiki__Important_Event | [Stages] 7. Generativity versus stagnation [Approximate Age] Middle adulthood [Description] Each adult must find some way to satisfy and support the next generation. [Important Event] | Parenting/ Mentoring | [
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] | Erikson's stages of psychosocial development - Psychology Wiki | Important Event | http://psychology.wikia.com/wiki/Erikson's_stages_of_psychosocial_development?oldid=162585 | 39/1438042988305.14_20150728002308-00101-ip-10-236-191-2_184253866_1.json |
f7e2617c__development___Psychology_Wiki__Important_Event | [Stages] 8. Ego integrity versus despair [Approximate Age] Late adulthood [Description] The culmination is a sense of acceptance of oneself and a sense of fullfillment. [Important Event] | Reflecting on and acceptance of one's life | [
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] | Erikson's stages of psychosocial development - Psychology Wiki | Important Event | http://psychology.wikia.com/wiki/Erikson's_stages_of_psychosocial_development?oldid=162585 | 39/1438042988305.14_20150728002308-00101-ip-10-236-191-2_184253866_1.json |
6cc30249_logue_Format___Stellarium_Wiki_Header_Record_Name | [Offset] 0 [Type] int [Size] 4 [Description] The magic number which identifies the file as a star catalogue. 0xde0955a3 [Name] | Magic | [
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6cc30249_logue_Format___Stellarium_Wiki_Header_Record_Name | [Offset] 8 [Type] int [Size] 4 [Description] The file format major version number [Name] | Major Version | [
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6cc30249_logue_Format___Stellarium_Wiki_Header_Record_Name | [Offset] 12 [Type] int [Size] 4 [Description] The file format minor version number [Name] | Minor Version | [
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6cc30249_logue_Format___Stellarium_Wiki_Header_Record_Name | [Offset] 16 [Type] int [Size] 4 [Description] Sets the level of sub-division of the geodesic sphere used to create the zones. 0 means an icosahedron (20 sizes), subsequent levels of sub-division lead to numbers of zones as described in section Zones [Name] | Level | [
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] | Star Catalogue Format - Stellarium Wiki | Name | http://stellarium.org/wiki/index.php?title=Star_Catalogue_Format&diff=prev&oldid=13760 | 39/1438043062723.96_20150728002422-00118-ip-10-236-191-2_231865880_4.json |
6cc30249_logue_Format___Stellarium_Wiki_Header_Record_Name | [Offset] 20 [Type] int [Size] 4 [Description] The low bound of the magnitude scale for values in this file. Note that this is still an integer in Stellarium's own internal representation [Name] | Magnitude Minimum | [
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6cc30249_logue_Format___Stellarium_Wiki_Header_Record_Name | [Offset] 24 [Type] int [Size] 4 [Description] The range of magnitudes expressed in this file [Name] | Magnitude Range | [
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6cc30249_logue_Format___Stellarium_Wiki_Header_Record_Name | [Offset] 28 [Type] int [Size] 4 [Description] The number of steps used to describes values in the range [Name] | Magnitude Steps | [
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d2eaeb42_rtop_Material_Comparison_Chart__Expense_Range | [Material] Stainless Steel [Green Rating] Totally Recyclable [Pros] Heatproof Stainproof Can be made with an integral sink Won’t fade, rust or chip Fresh modern look Professional kitchen [Cons] Scratches can be apparent though are easily removed with a Scotch-Brite pad [Maintenance] Keep surface dry to prevent water spots Clean with most household cleaners including Windex or Fantastik Stainless Steel Magic works well Use a Scotch-Brite pad to manage scratches [Expense Range] | High | [
" ",
" ",
] | Countertop Material Comparison Chart | Expense Range | http://www.brookscustom.com/compare-materials.php | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00321-ip-10-236-191-2_341528321_0.json |
d2eaeb42_rtop_Material_Comparison_Chart__Expense_Range | [Material] Copper [Green Rating] Totally Recyclable [Pros] Heatproof Stainproof Can be made with an integral sink Develops a rich patina Living, changing, finish Matte or mirror polished [Cons] Use a trivet and cutting board Not scratch proof Reactive to lemon or acidic foods [Maintenance] Keep surface dry to prevent water spots Clean with most household cleaners including Windex or Fantastik Patina may easily be removed with a metal polish [Expense Range] | High | [
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d2eaeb42_rtop_Material_Comparison_Chart__Expense_Range | [Material] Zinc [Green Rating] Totally Recyclable [Pros] Heatproof Stainproof Can be made with an integral sink Develops a lite patina Matte or mirror polished [Cons] Use a trivet and cutting board Not scratch proof Can be made with an integral sink [Maintenance] Keep surface dry to prevent water spots Clean with most household cleaners including Windex or Fantastik Patina may easily be removed with a metal polish [Expense Range] | High | [
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] | Countertop Material Comparison Chart | Expense Range | http://www.brookscustom.com/compare-materials.php | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00321-ip-10-236-191-2_341528321_0.json |
d2eaeb42_rtop_Material_Comparison_Chart__Expense_Range | [Material] Bronze [Green Rating] Totally Recyclable [Pros] Heatproof Stainproof Can be made with an integral sink Develops a rich patina Living, changing, finish Charming country look Matte or mirror polished [Cons] Use a trivet and cutting board Not scratch proof Reactive to lemon or acidic foods [Maintenance] Keep surface dry to prevent water spots Clean with most household cleaners including Windex or Fantastik Patina may easily be removed with a metal polish [Expense Range] | High | [
" ",
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] | Countertop Material Comparison Chart | Expense Range | http://www.brookscustom.com/compare-materials.php | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00321-ip-10-236-191-2_341528321_0.json |
d2eaeb42_rtop_Material_Comparison_Chart__Expense_Range | [Material] Pewter [Green Rating] Totally Recyclable [Pros] Heatproof Stainproof Develops a gradual patina Matte or mirror polished [Cons] Use a trivet and cutting board Not scratch proof Very soft material Reactive to lemon or acidic foods [Maintenance] Keep surface dry to prevent water spots Clean with most household cleaners including Windex or Fantastik Patina may easily be removed with a metal polish [Expense Range] | Very High | [
" ",
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d2eaeb42_rtop_Material_Comparison_Chart__Expense_Range | [Material] Nickel [Green Rating] Totally Recyclable [Pros] Heatproof Stainproof Extremely durable Great Nickel color Matte or mirror polished [Cons] Price prohibitive Solid metal is extremely costly [Maintenance] Keep surface dry to prevent water spots Clean with most household cleaners including Windex or Fantastik [Expense Range] | Very High | [
" ",
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d2eaeb42_rtop_Material_Comparison_Chart__Expense_Range | [Material] Steel [Green Rating] Totally Recyclable [Pros] Heatproof Great for furniture Great for a bar top under a clear finish [Cons] Not recommended for a kitchen countertop Water makes steel rust [Maintenance] Can be sanded clean to bare metal and re-finished [Expense Range] | High | [
" ",
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] | Countertop Material Comparison Chart | Expense Range | http://www.brookscustom.com/compare-materials.php | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00321-ip-10-236-191-2_341528321_0.json |
d2eaeb42_rtop_Material_Comparison_Chart__Expense_Range | [Material] Glass [Green Rating] Totally Recyclable [Pros] Heatproof Stainproof May be edge lit Colored back painting Cutting edge design element [Cons] Can scratch Use trivets Towel-dry to prevent water spots [Maintenance] Clean with Windex or other mild cleansers Do not use abrasives [Expense Range] | High | [
" ",
" ",
] | Countertop Material Comparison Chart | Expense Range | http://www.brookscustom.com/compare-materials.php | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00321-ip-10-236-191-2_341528321_0.json |
d2eaeb42_rtop_Material_Comparison_Chart__Expense_Range | [Material] Fusion Glass [Green Rating] Totally Recyclable [Pros] Heatproof Stainproof Various colors and textures are available May be edge lit Cutting edge design element Striking material for upper bar tops [Cons] Can scratch Use trivets Towel dry to prevent water spots [Maintenance] Clean with Windex or other mild cleansers Do not use abrasives [Expense Range] | Very High | [
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] | Countertop Material Comparison Chart | Expense Range | http://www.brookscustom.com/compare-materials.php | 39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00321-ip-10-236-191-2_341528321_0.json |
Subsets and Splits