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cc502432_ist_Truth___2300_days_and_1844__Little_Horn_of_Daniel_7 | [Little Horn of Daniel 8] It does not come up from the head of the goat, but rises out of an already existing horn [Little Horn of Daniel 7] | Rises directly out of the head of the beast | [] | Bible Truth Versus Adventist Truth - 2300 days and 1844 | Little Horn of Daniel 7 | http://www.nonsda.org/study6.shtml | 16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00320-ip-10-236-191-2_623879080_7.json |
cc502432_ist_Truth___2300_days_and_1844__Little_Horn_of_Daniel_7 | [Little Horn of Daniel 8] It rises from one of the four horns of the third empire [Little Horn of Daniel 7] | Comes up in the midst of 10 already existing horns (which, according to SDA theology, is after the 4th power has been divided into 10 parts - 476 A.D.) | [] | Bible Truth Versus Adventist Truth - 2300 days and 1844 | Little Horn of Daniel 7 | http://www.nonsda.org/study6.shtml | 16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00320-ip-10-236-191-2_623879080_7.json |
cc502432_ist_Truth___2300_days_and_1844__Little_Horn_of_Daniel_7 | [Little Horn of Daniel 8] The imagery is of a small horn growing out from a larger horn, one of the four horns on the goat's head (third empire) [Little Horn of Daniel 7] | It is a fresh, new power, rising out of the body of the old fourth empire, becoming the predominant horn among 7 other horns | [] | Bible Truth Versus Adventist Truth - 2300 days and 1844 | Little Horn of Daniel 7 | http://www.nonsda.org/study6.shtml | 16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00320-ip-10-236-191-2_623879080_7.json |
cc502432_ist_Truth___2300_days_and_1844__Little_Horn_of_Daniel_7 | [Little Horn of Daniel 8] Is a horn that comes out of a horn [Little Horn of Daniel 7] | Is a horn that comes out of a beast | [] | Bible Truth Versus Adventist Truth - 2300 days and 1844 | Little Horn of Daniel 7 | http://www.nonsda.org/study6.shtml | 16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00320-ip-10-236-191-2_623879080_7.json |
cc502432_ist_Truth___2300_days_and_1844__Little_Horn_of_Daniel_7 | [Little Horn of Daniel 8] Uproots no horns in its rise [Little Horn of Daniel 7] | Uproots three horns in its rise | [] | Bible Truth Versus Adventist Truth - 2300 days and 1844 | Little Horn of Daniel 7 | http://www.nonsda.org/study6.shtml | 16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00320-ip-10-236-191-2_623879080_7.json |
cc502432_ist_Truth___2300_days_and_1844__Little_Horn_of_Daniel_7 | [Little Horn of Daniel 8] Nothing indicating this horn is new or different in any way [Little Horn of Daniel 7] | Is said to be "diverse from" the other 10 horns, conveying that this horn would be a new and different power | [] | Bible Truth Versus Adventist Truth - 2300 days and 1844 | Little Horn of Daniel 7 | http://www.nonsda.org/study6.shtml | 16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00320-ip-10-236-191-2_623879080_7.json |
cc502432_ist_Truth___2300_days_and_1844__Little_Horn_of_Daniel_7 | [Little Horn of Daniel 8] The Hebrew for little horn in 8:9 is strictly translated, "a horn from littleness" [Little Horn of Daniel 7] | The Aramaic for little horn in 7:8 is strictly translated, "another horn, a little one" | [] | Bible Truth Versus Adventist Truth - 2300 days and 1844 | Little Horn of Daniel 7 | http://www.nonsda.org/study6.shtml | 16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00320-ip-10-236-191-2_623879080_7.json |
cc502432_ist_Truth___2300_days_and_1844__Little_Horn_of_Daniel_7 | [Little Horn of Daniel 8] Is a horn out of a horn, a "horn of littleness." It is insignificant compared to the four "notable horns" and the one original Alexandrine horn of the goat. [Little Horn of Daniel 7] | Is "more stout than his fellows" (v. 20). In other words, it represents a power that is stronger than those symbolized by the 10 other horns. | [] | Bible Truth Versus Adventist Truth - 2300 days and 1844 | Little Horn of Daniel 7 | http://www.nonsda.org/study6.shtml | 16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00320-ip-10-236-191-2_623879080_7.json |
cc502432_ist_Truth___2300_days_and_1844__Little_Horn_of_Daniel_7 | [Little Horn of Daniel 8] It pertains to only one of the four divisions of the goat power. Its attention is restricted principally to a minor province of one division of the goat's empire, namely the "pleasant land" of verse 9, which is Palestine. [Little Horn of Daniel 7] | Its field of influence is the entire 4th empire, since it arises from the head of the beast and becomes the dominant horn among the other 10 horns. | [] | Bible Truth Versus Adventist Truth - 2300 days and 1844 | Little Horn of Daniel 7 | http://www.nonsda.org/study6.shtml | 16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00320-ip-10-236-191-2_623879080_7.json |
cc502432_ist_Truth___2300_days_and_1844__Little_Horn_of_Daniel_7 | [Little Horn of Daniel 8] Malevolence is directed against the Jewish people, their high priest, sacrifices and sanctuary. The atmosphere and coloring of chapter 8 indicate a local and Levitical battle. [Little Horn of Daniel 7] | Lifts himself up against "the Most High" and the "saints of the Most High." These are the saints of God throughout the entire 4th empire. | [] | Bible Truth Versus Adventist Truth - 2300 days and 1844 | Little Horn of Daniel 7 | http://www.nonsda.org/study6.shtml | 16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00320-ip-10-236-191-2_623879080_7.json |
dc51ea85_ss_Hypothesis___Jonathan_Haidt__e_chosen__and_what_lies_ahead_ | [Introduction: Too much wisdom] Ch.1: The divided self | For what the flesh desires is opposed to the Spirit, and what the Spirit desires is opposed to the flesh... (St. Paul) The mind is divided in many ways, but the division that really matters is between conscious/reasoned processes and automatic/implicit processes. These two parts are like a rider on the back of an elephant. The rider’s inability to control the elephant by force explains many puzzles about our mental life, particularly why we have such trouble with weakness of will. Learning how to train the elephant is the secret of self-improvement. | [] | The Happiness Hypothesis - Jonathan Haidt | Words of wisdom flood over us. Which ones can transform us? A brief introduction to why this book was written, how the ten ideas were chosen, and what lies ahead. | http://www.happinesshypothesis.com/chapters.html | 35/1438042989443.69_20150728002309-00004-ip-10-236-191-2_476108074_3.json |
dc51ea85_ss_Hypothesis___Jonathan_Haidt__e_chosen__and_what_lies_ahead_ | [Introduction: Too much wisdom] Ch.2: Changing your mind | The whole universe is change and life itself is but what you deem it. (Marcus Aurelius) Why are some people optimists and others pessimists? Why do people tend to choose mates, and even professions, whose names resemble their own? The automatic emotional reactions of the elephant guide us throughout our lives. Learn how to change those automatic reactions, using using meditation, cognitive therapy, and Prozac | [] | The Happiness Hypothesis - Jonathan Haidt | Words of wisdom flood over us. Which ones can transform us? A brief introduction to why this book was written, how the ten ideas were chosen, and what lies ahead. | http://www.happinesshypothesis.com/chapters.html | 35/1438042989443.69_20150728002309-00004-ip-10-236-191-2_476108074_3.json |
dc51ea85_ss_Hypothesis___Jonathan_Haidt__e_chosen__and_what_lies_ahead_ | [Introduction: Too much wisdom] Ch.3: Reciprocity with a vengeance | Zigong asked: ‘Is there any single word that could guide one's entire life?’ The Master said: ‘Should it not be reciprocity? What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others.’ (Analects of Confucius) Many species have a social life, but among mammals, only humans (and naked mole rats) are ultra-social – able to live in very large cooperative groups. The golden rule, supplemented with gossip, is the secret of our success. Understanding the deep workings of reciprocity can help you to solve problems in your own social life, and guard against the many ways people try to manipulate you. | [] | The Happiness Hypothesis - Jonathan Haidt | Words of wisdom flood over us. Which ones can transform us? A brief introduction to why this book was written, how the ten ideas were chosen, and what lies ahead. | http://www.happinesshypothesis.com/chapters.html | 35/1438042989443.69_20150728002309-00004-ip-10-236-191-2_476108074_3.json |
dc51ea85_ss_Hypothesis___Jonathan_Haidt__e_chosen__and_what_lies_ahead_ | [Introduction: Too much wisdom] Ch.4: The faults of others | Why do you see the speck in your neighbor’s eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye? (Jesus) Part of our ultra-sociality is that we are constantly trying to manipulate others perceptions of ourselves, without realizing that we are doing so. We see the faults of others clearly, but are blind to our own. Hypocrisy is part of human morality, and it sets us all up for lives of conflict. Learn how to take off the moral glasses and see the world as it really is. | [] | The Happiness Hypothesis - Jonathan Haidt | Words of wisdom flood over us. Which ones can transform us? A brief introduction to why this book was written, how the ten ideas were chosen, and what lies ahead. | http://www.happinesshypothesis.com/chapters.html | 35/1438042989443.69_20150728002309-00004-ip-10-236-191-2_476108074_3.json |
dc51ea85_ss_Hypothesis___Jonathan_Haidt__e_chosen__and_what_lies_ahead_ | [Introduction: Too much wisdom] Ch.5: The pursuit of happiness | Do not seek to have events happen as you want them to, but instead want them to happen as they do happen, and your life will go well. (Epictetus) We often hear that happiness comes from within, you can’t seek it in external things. And for a while, in the 1990s, psychologists agreed with the ancient sages that external conditions don’t matter. But now we know that some do. Find out what you can do to improve your happiness, including spending money well. Buddha and Epictetus may have gone too far; the Western emphasis on action and striving is not so bad, when done right. | [] | The Happiness Hypothesis - Jonathan Haidt | Words of wisdom flood over us. Which ones can transform us? A brief introduction to why this book was written, how the ten ideas were chosen, and what lies ahead. | http://www.happinesshypothesis.com/chapters.html | 35/1438042989443.69_20150728002309-00004-ip-10-236-191-2_476108074_3.json |
dc51ea85_ss_Hypothesis___Jonathan_Haidt__e_chosen__and_what_lies_ahead_ | [Introduction: Too much wisdom] Ch.6: Love and attachments | No one can live happily who has regard to himself alone and transforms everything into a question of his own utility; you must live for your neighbour, if you would live for yourself. (Seneca) There are so many kinds of love, but they all begin to make sense when you see where love comes from, and what it does. Understanding the different kinds of love can help explain why people make so many mistakes with love, and why philosophers hate love and give us bad advice about it. | [] | The Happiness Hypothesis - Jonathan Haidt | Words of wisdom flood over us. Which ones can transform us? A brief introduction to why this book was written, how the ten ideas were chosen, and what lies ahead. | http://www.happinesshypothesis.com/chapters.html | 35/1438042989443.69_20150728002309-00004-ip-10-236-191-2_476108074_3.json |
dc51ea85_ss_Hypothesis___Jonathan_Haidt__e_chosen__and_what_lies_ahead_ | [Introduction: Too much wisdom] Ch.7: The uses of adversity | What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger. (Nietszche) Yes, unless it gives you post-traumatic stress disorder. This chapter explains how and why some people grow from their suffering, and what you can do to improve your odds of finding post-traumatic growth. | [] | The Happiness Hypothesis - Jonathan Haidt | Words of wisdom flood over us. Which ones can transform us? A brief introduction to why this book was written, how the ten ideas were chosen, and what lies ahead. | http://www.happinesshypothesis.com/chapters.html | 35/1438042989443.69_20150728002309-00004-ip-10-236-191-2_476108074_3.json |
dc51ea85_ss_Hypothesis___Jonathan_Haidt__e_chosen__and_what_lies_ahead_ | [Introduction: Too much wisdom] Ch.8: The felicity of virtue | It is impossible to live the pleasant life without also living sensibly, nobly and justly, and it is impossible to live sensibly, nobly and justly without living pleasantly (Epicurus) Is virtue its own reward? Yes, but in the modern West we’ve lost the ability to grow most virtues in good soil, and we’ve reduced virtue to just being nice. Where did we go wrong, and how can we forge a common morality in a diverse society? | [] | The Happiness Hypothesis - Jonathan Haidt | Words of wisdom flood over us. Which ones can transform us? A brief introduction to why this book was written, how the ten ideas were chosen, and what lies ahead. | http://www.happinesshypothesis.com/chapters.html | 35/1438042989443.69_20150728002309-00004-ip-10-236-191-2_476108074_3.json |
dc51ea85_ss_Hypothesis___Jonathan_Haidt__e_chosen__and_what_lies_ahead_ | [Introduction: Too much wisdom] Ch.9: Divinity with or without God | We must not allow the ignoble to injure the noble, or the smaller to injure the greater. Those who nourish the smaller parts will become small men. Those who nourish the greater parts will become great men. (Meng Tzu) The perception of sacredness and divinity is a basic feature of the human mind. The emotions of disgust, moral elevation, and awe tell us about this dimension, but not everybody listens. The “religious right” can only be understood once you see this dimension, which most liberals and secular thinkers do not understand – at their peril. Understanding this dimension is also crucial for understanding the meaning of life – the topic of the last chapter. | [] | The Happiness Hypothesis - Jonathan Haidt | Words of wisdom flood over us. Which ones can transform us? A brief introduction to why this book was written, how the ten ideas were chosen, and what lies ahead. | http://www.happinesshypothesis.com/chapters.html | 35/1438042989443.69_20150728002309-00004-ip-10-236-191-2_476108074_3.json |
dc51ea85_ss_Hypothesis___Jonathan_Haidt__e_chosen__and_what_lies_ahead_ | [Introduction: Too much wisdom] Ch.10: Happiness comes from between | Who sees all beings in his own Self, and his own Self in all beings, loses all fear.... (Upanishads) What is the meaning of life? The question is unanswerable in that form, but with a slight rephrasing we can answer it. Part of the answer is to tie yourself down, commit yourself to people and projects, and enter a state of “vital engagement” with them. The other part is to attain a state of "cross-level coherence" within yourself, and within your life. Religion is an evolved mechanism for satisfying these needs. We can find meaning and happiness without religion, but we must understand our evolved religious nature before we can find effective substitutes. | [] | The Happiness Hypothesis - Jonathan Haidt | Words of wisdom flood over us. Which ones can transform us? A brief introduction to why this book was written, how the ten ideas were chosen, and what lies ahead. | http://www.happinesshypothesis.com/chapters.html | 35/1438042989443.69_20150728002309-00004-ip-10-236-191-2_476108074_3.json |
dc51ea85_ss_Hypothesis___Jonathan_Haidt__e_chosen__and_what_lies_ahead_ | [Introduction: Too much wisdom] Ch.11: On Balance | All things come into being by conflict of opposites (Heraclitus) The ancient idea of Yin and Yang turns out to be the wisest idea of all. We need the perspectives of ancient religion and modern science; of east and west; even of liberal and conservative. Words of wisdom really do flood over us, but only by drawing from many sources can we become wise. | [] | The Happiness Hypothesis - Jonathan Haidt | Words of wisdom flood over us. Which ones can transform us? A brief introduction to why this book was written, how the ten ideas were chosen, and what lies ahead. | http://www.happinesshypothesis.com/chapters.html | 35/1438042989443.69_20150728002309-00004-ip-10-236-191-2_476108074_3.json |
45e076bf_ng_Information___Linson_Daniel__INFORMATION | [TOPIC] The Edge [INFORMATION] | This series is about mobilizing your next generation of world changers through leadership and character development. Take your leadership to “The Edge”! | [] | Speaking Information | Linson Daniel | INFORMATION | http://www.linsondaniel.com/speaking/ | 35/1438042990217.27_20150728002310-00305-ip-10-236-191-2_558061894_0.json |
45e076bf_ng_Information___Linson_Daniel__INFORMATION | [TOPIC] Apostolic Movements [INFORMATION] | This talk will teach you how to lead apostolic movements that change the world. Start something new with prayerful, spiritual entrepreneurship! | [] | Speaking Information | Linson Daniel | INFORMATION | http://www.linsondaniel.com/speaking/ | 35/1438042990217.27_20150728002310-00305-ip-10-236-191-2_558061894_0.json |
45e076bf_ng_Information___Linson_Daniel__INFORMATION | [TOPIC] Dismantling The Dream [INFORMATION] | This talk is about dismantling the American dream and unlocking the potential to be powerful agents of change. Change the trajectory of your life! | [] | Speaking Information | Linson Daniel | INFORMATION | http://www.linsondaniel.com/speaking/ | 35/1438042990217.27_20150728002310-00305-ip-10-236-191-2_558061894_0.json |
45e076bf_ng_Information___Linson_Daniel__INFORMATION | [TOPIC] Pure Wonder [INFORMATION] | This series is about you becoming the worship leader that God desires. Learn how to cultivate musical excellence, deep character, practical skills, and more. | [] | Speaking Information | Linson Daniel | INFORMATION | http://www.linsondaniel.com/speaking/ | 35/1438042990217.27_20150728002310-00305-ip-10-236-191-2_558061894_0.json |
45e076bf_ng_Information___Linson_Daniel__INFORMATION | [TOPIC] Define Love [INFORMATION] | This talk will teach you how to pursue a Godly romantic relationship. Society says only 50% of marriages will make it — let’s prove them wrong! | [] | Speaking Information | Linson Daniel | INFORMATION | http://www.linsondaniel.com/speaking/ | 35/1438042990217.27_20150728002310-00305-ip-10-236-191-2_558061894_0.json |
45e076bf_ng_Information___Linson_Daniel__INFORMATION | [TOPIC] The Gospel in HD [INFORMATION] | This series will teach you how to be an effective evangelist in a world that only knows of a low-resolution Gospel. You need the vivid picture, clear sound, and the full experience of the Gospel. | [] | Speaking Information | Linson Daniel | INFORMATION | http://www.linsondaniel.com/speaking/ | 35/1438042990217.27_20150728002310-00305-ip-10-236-191-2_558061894_0.json |
603cbd3e_e_List_Of_The_Ten_Commandments__Jewish_Ten_Commandments | [No.] Aleph [Jewish Ten Commandments] | I am the Lord your G-d who has taken you out of the land of Egypt. | [] | Bible List Of The Ten Commandments | Jewish Ten Commandments | http://www.the-ten-commandments.org/the-ten-commandments.html | 40/1438042981921.1_20150728002301-00203-ip-10-236-191-2_736127565_3.json |
603cbd3e_e_List_Of_The_Ten_Commandments__Jewish_Ten_Commandments | [No.] Bet [Jewish Ten Commandments] | You shall have no other gods but me. | [] | Bible List Of The Ten Commandments | Jewish Ten Commandments | http://www.the-ten-commandments.org/the-ten-commandments.html | 40/1438042981921.1_20150728002301-00203-ip-10-236-191-2_736127565_3.json |
603cbd3e_e_List_Of_The_Ten_Commandments__Jewish_Ten_Commandments | [No.] Gimmel [Jewish Ten Commandments] | You shall not take the name of the Lord your G-d in vain. | [] | Bible List Of The Ten Commandments | Jewish Ten Commandments | http://www.the-ten-commandments.org/the-ten-commandments.html | 40/1438042981921.1_20150728002301-00203-ip-10-236-191-2_736127565_3.json |
603cbd3e_e_List_Of_The_Ten_Commandments__Jewish_Ten_Commandments | [No.] Dalet [Jewish Ten Commandments] | You shall remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy. | [] | Bible List Of The Ten Commandments | Jewish Ten Commandments | http://www.the-ten-commandments.org/the-ten-commandments.html | 40/1438042981921.1_20150728002301-00203-ip-10-236-191-2_736127565_3.json |
603cbd3e_e_List_Of_The_Ten_Commandments__Jewish_Ten_Commandments | [No.] Hey [Jewish Ten Commandments] | Honor your mother and father. | [] | Bible List Of The Ten Commandments | Jewish Ten Commandments | http://www.the-ten-commandments.org/the-ten-commandments.html | 40/1438042981921.1_20150728002301-00203-ip-10-236-191-2_736127565_3.json |
603cbd3e_e_List_Of_The_Ten_Commandments__Jewish_Ten_Commandments | [No.] Vav [Jewish Ten Commandments] | You shall not murder. | [] | Bible List Of The Ten Commandments | Jewish Ten Commandments | http://www.the-ten-commandments.org/the-ten-commandments.html | 40/1438042981921.1_20150728002301-00203-ip-10-236-191-2_736127565_3.json |
603cbd3e_e_List_Of_The_Ten_Commandments__Jewish_Ten_Commandments | [No.] Zayin [Jewish Ten Commandments] | You shall not commit adultery. | [] | Bible List Of The Ten Commandments | Jewish Ten Commandments | http://www.the-ten-commandments.org/the-ten-commandments.html | 40/1438042981921.1_20150728002301-00203-ip-10-236-191-2_736127565_3.json |
603cbd3e_e_List_Of_The_Ten_Commandments__Jewish_Ten_Commandments | [No.] Chet [Jewish Ten Commandments] | You shall not steal. | [] | Bible List Of The Ten Commandments | Jewish Ten Commandments | http://www.the-ten-commandments.org/the-ten-commandments.html | 40/1438042981921.1_20150728002301-00203-ip-10-236-191-2_736127565_3.json |
603cbd3e_e_List_Of_The_Ten_Commandments__Jewish_Ten_Commandments | [No.] Tet [Jewish Ten Commandments] | You shall not bear false witness. | [] | Bible List Of The Ten Commandments | Jewish Ten Commandments | http://www.the-ten-commandments.org/the-ten-commandments.html | 40/1438042981921.1_20150728002301-00203-ip-10-236-191-2_736127565_3.json |
603cbd3e_e_List_Of_The_Ten_Commandments__Jewish_Ten_Commandments | [No.] Yod [Jewish Ten Commandments] | You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor. | [] | Bible List Of The Ten Commandments | Jewish Ten Commandments | http://www.the-ten-commandments.org/the-ten-commandments.html | 40/1438042981921.1_20150728002301-00203-ip-10-236-191-2_736127565_3.json |
31276c39__Compared___Thinking_in_Christ___Free_Grace_ | [0] Total Depravity [Calvinism] Man is “dead,” a “slave to sin,” and hence unable to respond to God’s call. Even though man has a choice, he will never choose salvation of his own will or volition, because his will is enslaved to sin. God’s will is the primary mover; God only knows that which He has willed. [Arminianism] Man is “dead,” a “slave to sin,” and hence unable to respond to God’s call. Even though man has a choice, he will never choose salvation of his own will or volition, because his will is corrupted. [“Free Grace”] | Man is totally depraved in his actions and thinking, being a slave to sin, but slaves can still desire freedom. Men can, therefore, react to the Gospel through their volition, or will. Faith is not a work. Note the final result here, in practical terms, is the same as a Moderate Calvinistic view of Total Depravity plus prevenient grace given to all men. | [] | Evangelical Systems Compared - Thinking in Christ | “Free Grace” | http://www.thinkinginchrist.com/evangelical-systems-compared/ | 36/1438042988308.23_20150728002308-00139-ip-10-236-191-2_747187718_0.json |
31276c39__Compared___Thinking_in_Christ___Free_Grace_ | [0] Unconditional Election [Calvinism] Men are elected by God without regard to their merit, will, or volition. Men are elected through God’s will alone, because God only knows that which He has willed. In one school of moderate Calvinism, all men are given the grace to accept salvation, although all men do not. (This is actually similar to the Free Grace view explained to the right, expressed using different terminology). In high Calvinism, only specific men, chosen to be saved, are given grace to be saved. (This view appears to make God capricious.) [Arminianism] Men are elected by God in light of His foreknowledge of their choice. All men are given grace to overcome total depravity and choose salvation. God’s knowledge is the primary mover; God only wills that which He knows. Open Theism is an extreme form saying God doesn’t have foreknowledge of men’s choices, so men’s free will forces God to modify His plan to accommodate man’s will to His will. [“Free Grace”] | Men are elected by God’s will and within His knowledge; will and knowledge are intertwined in salvation. God is balanced, using both will and knowledge to shape the future, choosing from among all possible outcomes with perfect middle knowledge. God’s will and knowledge interact, rather than one being dominant over the other. | [] | Evangelical Systems Compared - Thinking in Christ | “Free Grace” | http://www.thinkinginchrist.com/evangelical-systems-compared/ | 36/1438042988308.23_20150728002308-00139-ip-10-236-191-2_747187718_0.json |
31276c39__Compared___Thinking_in_Christ___Free_Grace_ | [0] Limited Atonement [Calvinism] The atonement of Christ only paid for the sins of the elect; the sins of the “unelect” are not paid for. There are schools of moderate Calvinism that do not believe in limited atonement. [Arminianism] The atonement of Christ paid for all sins, or the atonement paid for the sins of all those who accept salvation through faith. [“Free Grace”] | The atonement of Christ paid for all sins; the atonement isn’t applied to an individual sinner until they accept Christ. The “Crossless Gospel” teaches you do not need knowledge to attain salvation, only a will to seek God. | [] | Evangelical Systems Compared - Thinking in Christ | “Free Grace” | http://www.thinkinginchrist.com/evangelical-systems-compared/ | 36/1438042988308.23_20150728002308-00139-ip-10-236-191-2_747187718_0.json |
31276c39__Compared___Thinking_in_Christ___Free_Grace_ | [0] (Irresistible) Grace [Calvinism] If God elects you, you cannot refuse the election. God’s grace is irresistible. [Arminianism] You can resist God’s grace. Note this interacts with election, above. [“Free Grace”] | You can resist God’s grace within the bounds of God’s sovereignty and knowledge. This interacts with election, above, and is similar in its implications and thought process. | [] | Evangelical Systems Compared - Thinking in Christ | “Free Grace” | http://www.thinkinginchrist.com/evangelical-systems-compared/ | 36/1438042988308.23_20150728002308-00139-ip-10-236-191-2_747187718_0.json |
31276c39__Compared___Thinking_in_Christ___Free_Grace_ | [0] Persistence of the Saints [Calvinism] Once you are saved, you are saved; there is no chance of losing your salvation. If you are saved, you will see signs of salvation (fruit) in your life. If you backslide, fall into persistent sin, or renounce Christ, you were not saved in the first place. Lordship Salvation places an emphasis on the Lordship of Christ here, stating that unless you claim Christ as Lord over your life, you were not saved. [Arminianism] The “classical” view teaches that if you make an explicit rejection of Christ in this life, then you will lose your salvation. The “Weslyan” view teaches that if you slide into habitual sin, or do not continue on in spiritual growth, then you lose your salvation. [“Free Grace”] | Once you are saved, you are saved; there is no chance of losing your salvation. | [] | Evangelical Systems Compared - Thinking in Christ | “Free Grace” | http://www.thinkinginchrist.com/evangelical-systems-compared/ | 36/1438042988308.23_20150728002308-00139-ip-10-236-191-2_747187718_0.json |
31276c39__Compared___Thinking_in_Christ___Free_Grace_ | [0] Justification and Sanctification [Calvinism] Since regeneration occurs before salvation, justification and sanctification are the same thing. God’s irresistible grace will bring spiritual maturity in spite of your will (since your will is corrupted, and cannot choose God). Some forms state that once you are regenerated you are “free from sin,” gaining responsibility for your own spiritual growth and maturity. [“Free Grace”] | Justification is the first stage of salvation, sanctification (into spiritual maturity) the next, and then finally glorification. Justification guarantees sanctification, but not spiritual maturity; spiritual maturity is attained by walking in the spirit and changing the way we think to align with God’s. Lack of spiritual maturity results in loss of rewards in the Kingdom (not the eternal state). | [] | Evangelical Systems Compared - Thinking in Christ | “Free Grace” | http://www.thinkinginchrist.com/evangelical-systems-compared/ | 36/1438042988308.23_20150728002308-00139-ip-10-236-191-2_747187718_0.json |
d36f91e0_le_say_about_waiting_upon_God___the_Purpose | [The Text] Isaiah 25:9 [The Phrase] we have waited [the Purpose] | that He might save us | [] | What does the Bible say about waiting upon God? | the Purpose | http://foundationsforfreedom.net/Topics/WaitingOnGod/WaitUpon013.html | 36/1438042988598.68_20150728002308-00093-ip-10-236-191-2_102341927_1.json |
d36f91e0_le_say_about_waiting_upon_God___the_Purpose | [The Text] Psalm 104:27 [The Phrase] They all wait for Thee [the Purpose] | To give them their food in due season | [] | What does the Bible say about waiting upon God? | the Purpose | http://foundationsforfreedom.net/Topics/WaitingOnGod/WaitUpon013.html | 36/1438042988598.68_20150728002308-00093-ip-10-236-191-2_102341927_1.json |
d36f91e0_le_say_about_waiting_upon_God___the_Purpose | [The Text] Psalm 106:13 [The Phrase] They did not wait [the Purpose] | for His counsel | [] | What does the Bible say about waiting upon God? | the Purpose | http://foundationsforfreedom.net/Topics/WaitingOnGod/WaitUpon013.html | 36/1438042988598.68_20150728002308-00093-ip-10-236-191-2_102341927_1.json |
d36f91e0_le_say_about_waiting_upon_God___the_Purpose | [The Text] Psalm 119:43 [The Phrase] For I wait [the Purpose] | for Thine ordinances | [] | What does the Bible say about waiting upon God? | the Purpose | http://foundationsforfreedom.net/Topics/WaitingOnGod/WaitUpon013.html | 36/1438042988598.68_20150728002308-00093-ip-10-236-191-2_102341927_1.json |
d36f91e0_le_say_about_waiting_upon_God___the_Purpose | [The Text] Psalm 119:81 [The Phrase] I wait [the Purpose] | for Thy word | [] | What does the Bible say about waiting upon God? | the Purpose | http://foundationsforfreedom.net/Topics/WaitingOnGod/WaitUpon013.html | 36/1438042988598.68_20150728002308-00093-ip-10-236-191-2_102341927_1.json |
d36f91e0_le_say_about_waiting_upon_God___the_Purpose | [The Text] Isaiah 42:4 [The Phrase] the coastlands will wait [the Purpose] | expectantly for His law | [] | What does the Bible say about waiting upon God? | the Purpose | http://foundationsforfreedom.net/Topics/WaitingOnGod/WaitUpon013.html | 36/1438042988598.68_20150728002308-00093-ip-10-236-191-2_102341927_1.json |
d36f91e0_le_say_about_waiting_upon_God___the_Purpose | [The Text] Lamentation 3:26 [The Phrase] he waits silently [the Purpose] | For the salvation of the LORD | [] | What does the Bible say about waiting upon God? | the Purpose | http://foundationsforfreedom.net/Topics/WaitingOnGod/WaitUpon013.html | 36/1438042988598.68_20150728002308-00093-ip-10-236-191-2_102341927_1.json |
d36f91e0_le_say_about_waiting_upon_God___the_Purpose | [The Text] Genesis 49:18 [The Phrase] I wait ... O LORD [the Purpose] | For Thy salvation | [] | What does the Bible say about waiting upon God? | the Purpose | http://foundationsforfreedom.net/Topics/WaitingOnGod/WaitUpon013.html | 36/1438042988598.68_20150728002308-00093-ip-10-236-191-2_102341927_1.json |
d36f91e0_le_say_about_waiting_upon_God___the_Purpose | [The Text] Jude 1:21 [The Phrase] waiting anxiously [the Purpose] | for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ | [] | What does the Bible say about waiting upon God? | the Purpose | http://foundationsforfreedom.net/Topics/WaitingOnGod/WaitUpon013.html | 36/1438042988598.68_20150728002308-00093-ip-10-236-191-2_102341927_1.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Harmony of mind and Spirit to receive clear Guidance that will help achieve goals and manifest Divinely inspired ideas. Let go of fears that prevent taking action on insights and information rec'd that will in fact change one's reality. [Emotionally assist you to�] Let go of indecisiveness and fear of making the wrong choice; take action and regain your power. Helps the mind to stay clear and on task. A great tool to use for losing weight or overcoming self-sabotage and procrastination. [Gemstone Crystals] | Ametrine Clarity of Mind Decisiveness | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Surrender to your oneness with the Divine and embrace your spiritual power. Spiritual union and communication with your Angels and Guides. Facilitates in Meditation to quiet ones thoughts and achieve elevated states of consciousness. [Emotionally assist you to�] Release addictive behaviors, habits and negative thought patterns. Become aware of your innate power, stop playing the victim and align your physical reality with your spiritual purpose. Great for those who feel disconnected to Earth. [Gemstone Crystals] | Amethyst Oneness with the Divine | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Connection to the love and guidance of your Angels, Guides and Spirit Friends. Excellent to develop intuitive powers and in interpreting & remembering guidance received in one's dreams. Invokes a sense of inner peace when meditating. [Emotionally assist you to�] Soothes the emotional body bringing about inner peace and spiritual healing. Relay information peacefully so that others will also receive the frequency of the angelic realm. Communicate with compassion rather than harmful words. [Gemstone Crystals] | Angelite Talisman to the Angelic Realm | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Achieve a tranquil state of awareness to one's inner wisdom; connect with the realm of Spirit, the subconscious and your deepest emotions. Speak and walk your heart centered truth. Reflect Divine Love & compassion with self and others. [Emotionally assist you to�] Let go and move past anger, fear, old wounds and emotional patterns. Detach and clear the clutter within oneself and in your home. Accept diverse viewpoints people have in a calm and collected manner. Conquer any fear of speaking. [Gemstone Crystals] | Aquamarine Walk & Speak Your Highest Truth | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Transmutes negative energy; provides psychic protection and high levels of purification which aid in raising one's awareness. A must for healers and for those with psychic and empathic abilities. Helps ground and attune to the Earth. [Emotionally assist you to�] Purify and transmute negative thoughts, worry, anxiety and feelings of being unworthy. Especially useful for those whose surrounding environments are stressful and demanding. Leave behind obsessive and compulsive behaviors. [Gemstone Crystals] | Black Tourmaline Etheric Vacuum Cleaner | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] The path of spiritual awakening and transformation can feel lonely until one realizes the Christ within and follows the hearts truth with courage realizing that we are never alone which strengthens our connection and faith in the Divine. [Emotionally assist you to�] Brings out one's highest, unselfish qualities. Instills courage thru adversity to make the right choices as obstacles appear without becoming discouraged. Increase physical endurance and a zest for life. Feel independent and capable. [Gemstone Crystals] | Bloodstone Spiritual Warrior | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Create and direct the life you want as one opens to the channels of Divine will. Lends courage, confidence, passion and power to take action and manifest one's highest goals, dreams and ideas. See & recognize the body as a temple of Spirit. [Emotionally assist you to�] Awakens vitality and enthusiasm for life brings motivation to take a leap towards a new path. Conquer fear of doing the wrong thing, stop procrastination and take action; embrace change towards the transformation of a fresh new life. [Gemstone Crystals] | Carnelian Manifest the Life You Desire | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Teaches one to ground and focus energy back to the Earth after being in contact with higher vibrations. Assist with having energetic boundaries and protecting you from psychic attack. Stimulates intuitive & psychic abilities. Dispels bad Dreams. [Emotionally assist you to�] Reveals our path of service and how to manifest it. Helps you to dive deeply into personal healing and inner work needed to dissolve blockages and assume your power when walking our path. Purge inner negativity and unconscious fears. [Gemstone Crystals] | Charoite Bring to Light Your Path of Service | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Profound heart connection to Gaia and Nature Spirits. Fosters positive healing thoughts towards the Universe and all beings. Merge our own desires to serve the heart's desire which opens the doors of Divine Love and Abundance. [Emotionally assist you to�] Stirs up and expands the heart, rising above past resentments and the ability to express and feel more love so one can approach new relationships thru the eyes of a child. Helps to understand the karmic patterns in relationships. [Gemstone Crystals] | Chrysoprase Heart Connection to Mother Earth & Nature Spirits | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Align with and open fully to Divine will; learn to bring energy into form through intention and action. Unleash the power within that enhances clarity & stimulates deep creativity to manifest one's highest dreams and desires into physical reality. [Emotionally assist you to�] Dig deep with resolve when blocks in the road appear to make the right choice and keep on the right track. Triumph over feelings of not deserving abundance. Awakens the imagination channel and challenges one to envision a better life. [Gemstone Crystals] | Citrine Unlock the Gates of Manifestation and Divine Will | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Amplify the healing energies of other gemstones. Only stone that can be programmed to desired intention. Raise spiritual awareness, heighten psychic abilities, enhance meditation & improve communication with your guides. [Emotionally assist you to�] Able to amplify any energy it resonates with, it can accelerate the realization of one's prayers and bring more intensity to healing work. Eliminate confusion and instill clarity of thought by linking the heart to the mind. [Gemstone Crystals] | Clear Quartz Amplify the Power of Your Desires | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Strengthens the core of your being while doing intense inner work like Rebirthing as it aids one to keep a positive, practical attitude during transformation. Exposes your Divine blueprint and what areas you have failed to be true to that design. [Emotionally assist you to�] Enables one to see the truth and forgive past experiences and those who pushed your buttons. Realize the positive lessons of negative experiences. Integrate and accept all aspects of self, good and bad. Sweep away self-destructive emotions. [Gemstone Crystals] | Dendritic Agate Inner Work & Transformation | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Helps center oneself making it possible for one to focus and think more clearly, elevating the development of mental power. Avoid getting caught up in the future or past and focus on issues in the present. Helps prevent procrastination [Emotionally assist you to�] Calms fear and worry caused by thinking too much and being distracted. Attend to everyday details with efficiency and a sense of humor. Quiet the mind from thoughts and an overactive imagination that can cause insomnia. [Gemstone Crystals] | Fancy Jasper Tranquil Mind | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Perfect antidote for those who float around outside of their bodies escaping life. Aligns the etheric body with the physical body. Open your flow to Divine inspiration and creativity to live your life purpose with passion and enthusiasm. [Emotionally assist you to�] Facilitates attraction between mates. Awakens sexual and physical energy to boost ones flow and vitality. Can help with fear of sexual intimacy. Dare to take a chance and listen to our hearts calling to live life fully, happily and blissfully. [Gemstone Crystals] | Fire Agate Passion & Vitality | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Assist in directing the course of one's dream state. Beneficial to use when practicing lucid dreaming. Helps to make sense of the Akashic records and ancient sacred text with ability in interpretation of the translation with much clarity. [Emotionally assist you to�] The stone of re-affirmation, re-alignment and re-commitment. Helps one adjust to change, accepting responsibility and stimulating originality and creativity. Lends support in the ability to execute new plans smoothly and effectively. [Gemstone Crystals] | Firework Jasper Dreamwork Decipher Ancient Text | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] An energetic cleanser; repairs the auric field removing "astral hangers" that can cause mischief in one's aura. Attune to higher levels in meditation with rich visions and insight. Increase the ability to receive & interpret intuitive guidance. [Emotionally assist you to�] Helps clear confusion, cluttered thoughts and negativity from ones domain. Allows clear thinking and discernment as to the kinds of energies you will permit to be in your domain. Can assist with issues of vertigo to feel more physically balanced. [Gemstone Crystals] | Fluorite Clearing of One's Energetic Field | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Connection with Source that is felt at the core of the heart; enables one to give and receive love more openly. Aligns body, mind and spirit in a recollect one's Soul Contract and the steps needed to fulfill and share those gifts with others. [Emotionally assist you to�] Strengthens the emotional body making it easier to hear the call of spirit and to walk your spiritual path. Lightens and lifts the burdens of past hurts, guilt and shame. Intensify self-love, gain a sense of self worth and increase self-esteem. [Gemstone Crystals] | Garnet Expression of Love Emotional Healing | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Connect with, awaken and heal the inner child allowing this neglected part of self to step out of the shadows for healing and releasing the past. Become aware of the small coincidences that come to us as guidance from the Universe. [Emotionally assist you to�] Feel safe in letting go of past memories that no longer serve you. Helps hoarders release attachment to things. Counter the effects of stress on the body that leads to weight gain. Intuitive eating as to what food the body & soul desires. [Gemstone Crystals] | Gaspeite Detach & Release | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Effective grounding stone able to draw stray energy down thru the root chakra. Integration and balance in all areas, yin & yang, higher self & shadow self, light, & dark positive & negative, soul, & body. Align & balance the auric field & Chakras. [Emotionally assist you to�] Can assist to neutralize chaos for those who are absent-minded or confused. Resilience, determination and courage through difficult times, helping one to see the silver lining in every dark cloud and the light at the end of the tunnel. [Gemstone Crystals] | Hematite Grounding Integration | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Connect with true abundance and the flow of energy into material form; allow the stream of money and endless supply of abundance that is the Universe to come to you. Dispel blockages within the body and increase the flow of energy. [Emotionally assist you to�] Release yourself from a belief that suffering is holy. Be freed from scarcity thinking, fear of money, fear of poverty, greed and other symptoms of belief in money as a measure of worth. Wear in nature to connect to Earth's life force. [Gemstone Crystals] | Jade Green Abundance | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Love of our creator is the first and last thing rec'd in one's life. Bumps of life create walls around our heart and mind leading to blocks of resistance. Move into a state of joyous receptivity allowing the love and gifts of Divine to flow to you. [Emotionally assist you to�] A powerful healer of the emotional body for those who have blocked their heart and forgotten how to feel as a form of protection. Ignite the urgings of the heart and form an intimate relationship with the mind, benefiting one's life. [Gemstone Crystals] | Kunzite A Conduit to Love for Self & All of Existence | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Increases telepathy between individuals especially when both wear it. High in its vibration the transmission of energy from healer to client is greatly enhanced. Its frequency betters intuitive guidance with your higher self and higher light beings. [Emotionally assist you to�] Let go of old recordings we repeat in our mind, emotional patterns and negative thoughts that create blockages in our body and auric field, create new habits and beliefs; allow energy to flow better and open to higher levels of learning. [Gemstone Crystals] | Kyanite Blue Heighten Telepathy & Intuition | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Establish unity with Mother nature and the never-ending stream of Universal Life Force. Has the ability to help one stay centered in the heart, opening doors to realms of Nature spirits, astral travel, lucid dreaming and one's inner being. [Emotionally assist you to�] Creates unity with the heart, bringing to light the truth, in support of discerning honesty, integrity and sincerity from the individuals who are in and around our environment without having to look anywhere else but within for answers. [Gemstone Crystals] | Kyanite Green Discernment | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Stop serving the ego & instead serve the higher self. Offers deeper relaxation for meditation. Clear the spiritual body and bring balance to the chakra and meridian systems. Ideal for nightmares & trouble sleeping caused by stress or worry. [Emotionally assist you to�] Bring relieve & balance to the emotional body from worry, stress, anxiety, fear, grief and depression. Soothe frazzled nerves; learn to let go, slow down, relax, live in the moment, enjoy the gift of life; take notice of the beauty all around you. [Gemstone Crystals] | Lepidolite Serenity | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Regulates the energy field from energetic overload of opening up too quickly too higher vibrations triggering spaciness, headaches, uncontrolled psychic flashes or shooting pains. Realigns energy field when it gets drained or de-energized. [Emotionally assist you to�] Provides a tranquil state of mind to one who has extreme emotional outbursts. Facilitates when you panic and shut down and become numbed by your own emotions. Excellent for healing sports injury when applied to the injured area. [Gemstone Crystals] | Magnetic Hematite Energetic Regulator | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Offers support in times of stress bringing an overall feeling of peace & wholeness. Diminish distractions to reveal hidden opportunities. Balance and unity between physical and spiritual values. Obstructs negative & unwanted outside influences. [Emotionally assist you to�] Provides courage and strength in difficult situations. Offers sound decision-making and the ability to see all possibilities so that one can choose wisely. Encourages flexibility to accept change, providing a renewed desire for fresh experiences. [Gemstone Crystals] | Mookaite Nurturing | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Exude positive energy; create a peaceful, supportive environment. Stop thoughts and center yourself when meditating. Balance and bring alignment to one's entire being; cradle the body and the world as temples of one's soul. [Emotionally assist you to�] Unmask the unconscious negativity most people hold, once the mask is lifted the positive vibrations within this stone will boost ones mood making it effortless to recognize life's blessings. Impels one to express love in daily actions and words. [Gemstone Crystals] | Ocean Jasper Total Bliss | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Be patient, go with the flow & trust that all is in Divine and perfect order when walking the spiritual path. Ignite one's inner wisdom & knowledge carried from past lives; embrace the power within and make the shift towards enlightenment. [Emotionally assist you to�] Learn about, understand and let go of emotional patterns handed down from ancestors that limit one's growth. Make connections and gain power from past life experiences, turn past weakness into new strengths. [Gemstone Crystals] | Petrified Wood Past Life Recall To Gain Strength & Wisdom | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Union of the higher heart to one's will sending out a radio signal to the entire Universe enabling profound communion to your higher self, guides, angels, all beings on other dimensions, fairies, and to the cores of Nature & Mother Earth [Emotionally assist you to�] Connect one's will to the higher heart, instead of ego's mind and enter a place of inner peace. Avoid unhealthy use of the imagination. Release old wounds and allow tiny new hurts to wash over you, instead of becoming emotional sores. [Gemstone Crystals] | Prehnite Surrender & Connect With All That Is | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Blue - Connect with higher beings as to healing & spiritual growth. Black - Shield purify, ground. Green -Attune to Divine Love & healing energy. Golden - Reclaim one's power to serve the highest good. Pink - Activate the high-heart center [Emotionally assist you to�] Blue - Get to the root of emotional trauma. Black - Freedom of obsessive behaviors, worry & anxiety. Green - Release fear of change & control issues. Golden - Gain power, strength & ability. Pink - Emotional balancer & cleanser. [Gemstone Crystals] | Rainbow Tourmaline Everything In One | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Awaken the rising of Kundalini energy for a powerful spiritual experience; clear and balance the chakras, increase stamina, & strengthen the body which can lead to good health & balanced emotions. Opens creativity to focus on and manifest ideas. [Emotionally assist you to�] Freedom to express oneself as a sexual being, aiding one to let go of past guilt or shame & bring balance to old beliefs and ideas about sexual expression. Can also activate & counter lack of sexual interest. Heal from unpleasant past experiences. [Gemstone Crystals] | Red Jasper Flow of Chi Sexuality | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Realize, unleash, develop and share your hidden talents and life purpose with all; help bring about change in others lives in service to Spirit. Awaken compassion and love for self & others. Helps to be given clear insight to ones visions and dreams. [Emotionally assist you to�] Stir-up passion within one's soul in the knowledge that you are doing what you came to do. Fosters self-esteem, self-respect and self-worth. Develop into a confident, self reliant and independent individual with great love for oneself. [Gemstone Crystals] | Rhodonite Discover Hidden talents | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Body, mind & spirit are immersed in the unconditional love and Infinite peace of the Universe. Unity of one's heart to the heart of Gaia and the Universal Source; a sense of union with all that is, experience compassionate love for self & all beings. [Emotionally assist you to�] Wash away fear, mistrust & all emotional wounds from the heart that keep you stuck; resonate with the benevolence of Christ and the love of the Creator. Can create a deep union with ones partner where giving & receiving goes unnoticed. [Gemstone Crystals] | Rose Quartz A Spiritual Bath of Love | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Provides energy for the rebirth of oneself into the soul, nurturing inner growth and a better sense of oneself and the world. Heightened sense of intuitively knowing. Awaken the heart; surrender to Divine Will and the eternal love of Universe. [Emotionally assist you to�] Healer of the emotional body. Offers one the energies of happiness, appreciation, abundance, vitality & growth. Harmonize relationships. Stop it playing it safe, see the gift in every breath of life and live life to the fullest with zest and intensity. [Gemstone Crystals] | Ruby Zoisite Increased Life Force | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Attune to the Angelic Realm, meet and speak with Angels. Communicate with Nature Sprits. Fills the aura of one who wears or beholds it with the vibration of wholeness and well being. Rapids ones evolution. Awareness of Divine Feminine. [Emotionally assist you to�] Premier healing stone most suited to bring body, mind and Spirit in alignment with Light energy. Let go of emotions that no longer serve bringing joyful energy to the body so that one reacts in a balanced and harmonious way. [Gemstone Crystals] | Seraphinite Angelic Connection and Wholeness | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Works to ground and bring back into the body even the flightiest of individuals. Can neutralize, absorb and transmute negative energies and bad moods into the Earth. Aids to clear and cleanse the auric field and energetic systems. [Emotionally assist you to�] Provides focus when learning and offers patience when teaching. Use better common sense. Develop organizational skills. Its grounding abilities assist to engage one in the world with the ability to create your own circumstances. [Gemstone Crystals] | Smoky Quartz Leading Grounding Stone | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Connect with your inner wisdom and gain great insight. Aids healers in accessing client traits and patterns. Great for deep meditation, shamanic journeys & dream work to discover core lessons of this lifetime and how to best deal with them. [Emotionally assist you to�] Increase trust in one's intuition; stop second-guessing and self-judgment. See everyday concerns in a whole new light; reducing anxiety, stress and constant worry. Live in the moment without being preoccupied about the past or future. [Gemstone Crystals] | Sodalite Increased Intuition | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Energetic cleanser capable of dislodging and dispelling negative attachments. Can quicken ones spiritual growth so that one may be a guiding light in the Universe. Increase images and make sense of symbols rec'd in meditation and dreams. [Emotionally assist you to�] Offers optimism and awakens passion in the pursuit of one's dreams. Release any lack of confidence of your abilities. Ignite deep motivation and positive thinking. Find the path of the souls yearning that leads you to abundance and wholeness. [Gemstone Crystals] | Sugilite Recall One's Dreams | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Be a model of Christ consciousness in all that you do; allow this light to shine in the world. Maintain balance & recognize the essential harmony needed between opposites, e.g. dark and light. See all duality as an expression of a one Source. [Emotionally assist you to�] Remain calm and centered regardless of different opinions or approaches to life that could cause conflict; create harmony between all concerned. Learn how to discern and not judge. Helps to stabilize one's emotional responses in daily life. [Gemstone Crystals] | Tiger Eye Harmony and Balance | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Gain access to Divine light energy that is always available, which restores proper energetic flow to physical and spiritual bodies; removing blockages that create imbalance and disease. Helps to keep one's field clear of negative forces. [Emotionally assist you to�] Helps one to discover where negative influences and emotional patterns are preventing one from experiencing higher awareness and clarity of mind so further transformation can be achieved and one can continue to walk their spiritual path. [Gemstone Crystals] | Tourmalined Quartz Cleanser and Purifier | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals | [Spiritually assist you to�] Keep centered, grounded and connected during meditation and when working with higher realms. Overcome laziness, gain courage and determination to transform ideas into action and to see projects through to completion. [Emotionally assist you to�] Stop allowing for failure as an option in life and take action towards attaining your dreams and goals. Escape the perils of over-thinking & experience enjoyment of life as it comes. Balance energy, work and play to see all sides of a situation. [Gemstone Crystals] | Zebra Jasper Quiet the Mind Take Action | [] | Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy | Gemstone Crystals | http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html | 6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json |
8f53d400_uotes_for_Universal_Principles__Values | [0] 1 [Principle] ATTRACTION [Summary] Whatever we put our attention on is attracted to us and is increased in our world. If we do nothing to curb our destructive desires, life becomes increasingly difficult for us to control. If we develop discernment and self-awareness, then we can distinguish between what is beneficial or destructive that we are attracting into our lives. Finally, we need courage to take the next step toward wholeness by eliminating our negative desires that attract chaos into our lives. [Values] | Discernment Self awareness Courage | [] | Spiritual Quotes for Universal Principles | Values | http://www.teachingvalues.com/quotes.html | 34/1438044271733.81_20150728004431-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_754970934_13.json |
8f53d400_uotes_for_Universal_Principles__Values | [0] 2 [Principle] CAUSE & EFFECT [Summary] According to the law of the universe, for every action there is an equal reaction. When we realize that we are accountable for every thought, word and deed, we recognize the wisdom of restraint and being aware of the intentions of our actions. [Values] | Restraint Accountability Good Intentions | [] | Spiritual Quotes for Universal Principles | Values | http://www.teachingvalues.com/quotes.html | 34/1438044271733.81_20150728004431-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_754970934_13.json |
8f53d400_uotes_for_Universal_Principles__Values | [0] 3 [Principle] DEVOTION [Summary] We can contact Creative Intelligence by taking the time to go within our hearts. We find our true self here, not the ego. This can be done by anyone, through maintaining a feeling of calmness and concentrating on higher thoughts, whether through prayer, song, meditation or a walk in the woods. When we focus our lives on higher thoughts and actions, we connect with the Divine. [Values] | Concentration Calmness Focus | [] | Spiritual Quotes for Universal Principles | Values | http://www.teachingvalues.com/quotes.html | 34/1438044271733.81_20150728004431-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_754970934_13.json |
8f53d400_uotes_for_Universal_Principles__Values | [0] 4 [Principle] FAITH [Summary] There is a Loving Intelligence that pervades all things. All that is necessary is for us to maintain our trust and hope even though we live in the midst of uncertainty. Faith is our willingness to take the next step without fear or looking back and yet have the patience to allow Divine Order to work through our situation without trying to force the results ourselves. [Values] | Trust Hope Patience | [] | Spiritual Quotes for Universal Principles | Values | http://www.teachingvalues.com/quotes.html | 34/1438044271733.81_20150728004431-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_754970934_13.json |
8f53d400_uotes_for_Universal_Principles__Values | [0] 5 [Principle] FORGIVENESS [Summary] Forgiveness is a conscious act that frees us from the damaging image of ourselves as a victim and dissolves the poison of resentment. These act as blocks to the Universal Reality. Because we choose a new understanding of our situation, we are now free to extend mercy and compassion to ourselves and to those who have wronged us. This reconnects us back to our real self. [Values] | Compassion Mercy Understanding | [] | Spiritual Quotes for Universal Principles | Values | http://www.teachingvalues.com/quotes.html | 34/1438044271733.81_20150728004431-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_754970934_13.json |
8f53d400_uotes_for_Universal_Principles__Values | [0] 6 [Principle] GRATITUDE [Summary] The true state of Universal Reality is abundance. When we are grateful and appreciate what life has to offer, it indicates to the Universe that we accept whatever has been given to us and that we lack nothing. If we want to attract more prosperity into our lives, we need to start the process of thinking magnanimously and being generous to all of life. All of this opens up the flow of supply into our world because whatever we give to life returns to us. [Values] | Generosity Magnanimity Appreciation | [] | Spiritual Quotes for Universal Principles | Values | http://www.teachingvalues.com/quotes.html | 34/1438044271733.81_20150728004431-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_754970934_13.json |
8f53d400_uotes_for_Universal_Principles__Values | [0] 7 [Principle] HARMONY [Summary] One of the universal laws is that we can choose what feelings we want to experience. When we choose negative feelings, our lives become infinitely more stressful and complex because we loose the inner connection with the Infinite. When we choose to be optimistic, cooperative and enthusiastic rather than being a victim of our negative emotions, we remain in control of ourselves and maintain inner happiness [Values] | Optimism Co-operation Enthusiasm | [] | Spiritual Quotes for Universal Principles | Values | http://www.teachingvalues.com/quotes.html | 34/1438044271733.81_20150728004431-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_754970934_13.json |
Subsets and Splits