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79f998e9_tabasing_References____iDigBio__2 | [0] New York Botanical Garden Virtual Herbarium Best Practices Guide. [3] The purpose of this guide is to lay out the governing principles and procedures that have evolved over the ten years of experience with the NYBG Virtual Herbarium. Hopefully this document will be useful in future years in explaining the rationale behind the approach taken and decisions made along the way, and may be useful to other institutions who are just now embarking on a Virtual Herbarium project, or searching for comparative or benchmark data. [2] | http://sciweb.nybg.org/Science2/hcol/mtsc/NYBG_Best_Practices.doc | [] | Difference between revisions of "Databasing References" - iDigBio | 2 | https://www.idigbio.org/wiki/index.php?title=Databasing_References&diff=prev&oldid=162 | 50/1438042985647.51_20150728002305-00006-ip-10-236-191-2_908005801_1.json |
79f998e9_tabasing_References____iDigBio__2 | [0] Not another frickin' database!, by Michael Wall. [1] 2010 [3] This document reports on the Entomology Collection Health Online database at San Diego Natural History Museum. ECHO is not a specimen database. Rather, ECHO allows users to search the collection of taxa, assess the collection health of those taxa, and examine large images of drawers containing taxa. All drawers and schmidt boxes in the collection are catalogued to the lowest determined taxonomic level. SDNHM contains 219 databased drawers. Data on curatorial health is available for approximately 42,100 specimens. [2] | http://www.ecnweb.org/dev/files/13_Wall_2010.pdf# | [] | Difference between revisions of "Databasing References" - iDigBio | 2 | https://www.idigbio.org/wiki/index.php?title=Databasing_References&diff=prev&oldid=162 | 50/1438042985647.51_20150728002305-00006-ip-10-236-191-2_908005801_1.json |
79f998e9_tabasing_References____iDigBio__2 | [0] Principals of Data Quality, A. Chapman. [1] 2005, GBIF [3] There are many data quality principles that apply when dealing with species data and especially with the spatial aspects of those data. These principles are involved at all stages of the data management process. A loss of data quality at any one of these stages reduces the applicability and uses to which the data can be adequately put. These include: Data capture and recording at the time of gathering, Data manipulation prior to digitisation (label preparation, copying of data to a ledger, etc.), Identification of the collection (specimen, observation) and its recording, Digitisation of the data, Documentation of the data (capturing and recording the metadata), Data storage and archiving, Data presentation and dissemination (paper and electronic publications, web-enabled databases, etc.), Using the data (analysis and manipulation). All these have an input into the final quality or “fitness for use” of the data and all apply to all aspects of the data – the taxonomic or nomenclatural portion of the data – the “what”, the spatial portion – the “where” and other data such as the “who” and the “when” (Berendsohn 1997). Before a detailed discussion on data quality and its application to species-occurrence data can take place, there are a number of concepts that need to be defined and described. These include the term data quality itself, the terms accuracy and precision that are often misapplied, and what we mean by primary species data and species-occurrence data. [2] | http://imsgbif.gbif.org/CMS_ORC/?doc_id=1229&download=1# | [] | Difference between revisions of "Databasing References" - iDigBio | 2 | https://www.idigbio.org/wiki/index.php?title=Databasing_References&diff=prev&oldid=162 | 50/1438042985647.51_20150728002305-00006-ip-10-236-191-2_908005801_1.json |
79f998e9_tabasing_References____iDigBio__2 | [0] Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS), by the Space Data Systems, Consultative Committee. [1] January 2002 [3] This document is a technical recommendation for use in developing a broader consensus on what is required for an archive to provide permanent or indefinite long-term preservation of digital information. The recommendation establishes a common framework of terms and concepts which comprise an Open Archival Information System (OAIS). It allows existing and future archives to be more meaningfully compared and contrasted. It provides a basis for further standardization within an archival context and it should promote greater vendor awareness of, and support of, archival requirements. Through the process of normal evolution, it is expected that expansion, deletion, or modification of this document may occur. This Recommendation is therefore subject to CCSDS document management and change control procedures which are defined in Procedures Manual for the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems. [2] | http://public.ccsds.org/publications/archive/650x0b1.PDF# | [] | Difference between revisions of "Databasing References" - iDigBio | 2 | https://www.idigbio.org/wiki/index.php?title=Databasing_References&diff=prev&oldid=162 | 50/1438042985647.51_20150728002305-00006-ip-10-236-191-2_908005801_1.json |
79f998e9_tabasing_References____iDigBio__2 | [0] Relational database design and implementation for biodiversity informatics, by P. J. Morris, PhyloInformatics 7: 1-66 - 2005. [1] 2005 [3] The complexity of natural history collection information and similar information within the scope of biodiversity informatics poses significant challenges for effective long term stewardship of that information in electronic form. This paper discusses the principles of good relational database design, how to apply those principles in the practical implementation of databases, and examines how good database design is essential for long term stewardship of biodiversity information. Good design and implementation principles are illustrated with examples from the realm of biodiversity information, including an examination of the costs and benefits of different ways of storing hierarchical information in relational databases. This paper also discusses typical problems present in legacy data, how they are characteristic of efforts to handle complex information in simple databases, and methods for handling those data during data migration. [2] | http://www.athro.com/general/Phyloinformatics_7_85x11.pdf# | [] | Difference between revisions of "Databasing References" - iDigBio | 2 | https://www.idigbio.org/wiki/index.php?title=Databasing_References&diff=prev&oldid=162 | 50/1438042985647.51_20150728002305-00006-ip-10-236-191-2_908005801_1.json |
79f998e9_tabasing_References____iDigBio__2 | [0] Report on trial of SatScan tray scanner system by SmartDrive Ltd., by V. Blagoderov, I. Kitching, T. Simonsen, V. Smith; Natural History Museum, London. [1] March 8-April 9, 2010 [3] Smartdrive Ltd. has developed a prototype imaging system, SatScan, that captures digitised images of large areas while keeping smaller objects in focus at very high resolution. The system was set up in the Sackler Biodiversity Imaging laboratory of Natural History Museum on March 8, 2010 for a one-month trial. A series of projects imaging parts of the entomological, botanical, and palaeoentomological collections were conducted to assess the system's utility for museum collection management and biodiversity research. The technical and practical limitations of the system were investigated as part of this process.The SatScan system facilitates the capturing of a very large number of good quality images in a very short time. Large parts of the NHM collection could be digitised in dorsal view extremely quickly. These images have a wide range of uses across research, collection management, and public engagement. Scalability of the system is limited by our desire to assign unique identifiers (a number and/or a barcode) to specimens, and the cropping of these images. Without these identifiers digitised images will have limited long term value. The assignment of specimen level identifiers is potentially labour intensive. Options for assigning identifiers were not investigated as part of this trail but include the use of physical labels on each specimen (with significant resource implications and a significant volunteer workforce) and the use of virtual identifiers (as a virtual layer over the image, perhaps automatically assigned, and possible coupled with physical labels attached to specimens as dictated by recuration activities). Intuitive software (with a web interface) needs to be developed to facilitate this process, including support for cropping of an image and the automatic assignment and printing of an identifier label. On-demand assignment of identifiers would allow us to prioritize the digitisation but it will represent a significant change to the way we curate our collections and would require sustained and ongoing support from Collection Management. Additional concerns relate to the amount of storage space required to manage images, connection with existing digital systems and the utility of dorsal images for certain parts of the collection. These problems need to be addressed as part of a larger scale study. [2] | http://vsmith.info/files/npre20104486-1.pdf# | [] | Difference between revisions of "Databasing References" - iDigBio | 2 | https://www.idigbio.org/wiki/index.php?title=Databasing_References&diff=prev&oldid=162 | 50/1438042985647.51_20150728002305-00006-ip-10-236-191-2_908005801_1.json |
79f998e9_tabasing_References____iDigBio__2 | [0] Scientific Collections: Mission-Critical Infrastructure for Federal Science Agencies, A Report of the Interagency Working Group on Scientific Collections. [1] 2009 [3] This report represents the first step in an ongoing process of identifying and characterizing scientific collections and determining their long-term stewardship needs. Robust interagency collaboration will remain vital as we develop a systematic approach to safeguarding these scientific treasures for generations of scientists. Also see: https://www.ida.org/upload/stpi/pdfs/ida-d-3694-final.pdf [2] | http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/sci-collections-report-2009-rev2.pdf# | [] | Difference between revisions of "Databasing References" - iDigBio | 2 | https://www.idigbio.org/wiki/index.php?title=Databasing_References&diff=prev&oldid=162 | 50/1438042985647.51_20150728002305-00006-ip-10-236-191-2_908005801_1.json |
79f998e9_tabasing_References____iDigBio__2 | [0] Semi-automated workflows for acquiring specimen data from label images in herbarium collections, Taxon, Volume 59, Number 6, pp. 1830-1842. [1] December 2010 [3] Computational workflow environments are an active area of computer science and informatics research; they promise to be effective for automating biological information processing for increasing research efficiency and impact. In this project, semi-automated data processing workflows were developed to test the efficiency of computerizing information contained in herbarium plant specimen labels. Our test sample consisted of Mexican and Central American plant specimens held in the University of michigan Herbarium (MICH). The initial data acquisition process consisted of two parts: (1) the capture of digital images of specimen labels and of full-specimen herbarium sheets, and (2) creation of a minimal field database, or "pre-catalog", of records that contain only information necessary to uniquely identify specimens. For entering "pre-catalog" data, two methods were tested: key-stroking the information (a) from the specimen labels directly, or (b) from digital images of specimen labels. In a second step, locality and latitude/longitude data fields were filled in if the values were present on the labels or images. If values were not available, geo-coordinates were assigned based on further analysis of the descriptive locality information on the label. Time and effort for the various steps were measured and recorded. Our analysis demonstrates a clear efficiency benefit of articulating a biological specimen data acquisition workflow into discrete steps, which in turn could be individually optimized. First, we separated the step of capturing data from the specimen from most keystroke data entry tasks. We did this by capturing a digital image of the specimen for the first step, and also by limiting initial key-stroking of data to create only a minimal "pre-catalog" database for the latter tasks. By doing this, specimen handling logistics were streamlined to minimize staff time and cost. Second, by then obtaining most of the specimen data from the label images, the more intellectually challenging task of label data interpretation could be moved electronically out of the herbarium to the location of more highly trained specialists for greater efficiency and accuracy. This project used experts in the plants' country of origin, Mexico, to verify localities, geography, and to derive geo-coordinates. Third, with careful choice of data fields for the "pre-catalog" database, specimen image files linked to the minimal tracking records could be sorted by collector and date of collection to minimize key-stroking of redundant data in a continuous series of labels, resulting in improved data entry efficiency and data quality. [2] | http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/iapt/tax/2010/00000059/00000006/art00014# | [] | Difference between revisions of "Databasing References" - iDigBio | 2 | https://www.idigbio.org/wiki/index.php?title=Databasing_References&diff=prev&oldid=162 | 50/1438042985647.51_20150728002305-00006-ip-10-236-191-2_908005801_1.json |
79f998e9_tabasing_References____iDigBio__2 | [0] Specimen Imaging Documentation: Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria, Version 4.0. [1] November 11, 2011 [3] Detailed, step-by-step documentation for herbarium imaging/label capture from the Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria. [2] | http://www.pnwherbaria.org/documentation/imaging-documentation-v4.pdf# | [] | Difference between revisions of "Databasing References" - iDigBio | 2 | https://www.idigbio.org/wiki/index.php?title=Databasing_References&diff=prev&oldid=162 | 50/1438042985647.51_20150728002305-00006-ip-10-236-191-2_908005801_1.json |
79f998e9_tabasing_References____iDigBio__2 | [0] The use of specimen label images for efficient data acquisition in research collections cataloguing: Workflow, Ingio Granzow-de la Cerda, Juan Carols Gomez-Martinez, Jose Luis Garcia-Castillo. [3] A presentation about an NSF-BRC project to digitize specimen of Mexican plants at the University of Michigan Herbarium, including consideration of equipment, work flow, and databasing. [2] | http://tdwg2006.tdwg.org/fileadmin/2006meeting/slides/GranzowCerda_ImagesM%C3%A9xMichCatalog_abs0098.pdf# | [] | Difference between revisions of "Databasing References" - iDigBio | 2 | https://www.idigbio.org/wiki/index.php?title=Databasing_References&diff=prev&oldid=162 | 50/1438042985647.51_20150728002305-00006-ip-10-236-191-2_908005801_1.json |
79f998e9_tabasing_References____iDigBio__2 | [0] Uses of Primary Species-Occurence Data, by A. Chapman. [1] 2005, GBIF [3] This paper examines uses for primary species occurrence data in research, education, and in other areas of human endeavour, and provides examples from the literature of many of these uses. The paper examines not only data from labels, or from observational notes, but the data inherent in museum and herbarium collections themselves, which are long-term storage receptacles of information and data that are still largely untouched. Projects include the study of the species and their distributions through both time and space, their use for education, both formal and public, for conservation and scientific research, use in medicine and forensic studies, in natural resource management and climate change, in art, history and recreation, and for social and political use. Uses are many and varied and may well form the basis of much of what we do as people every day. [2] | http://www.nlbif.nl/news_en/files/UsesPrimaryData.pdf# | [] | Difference between revisions of "Databasing References" - iDigBio | 2 | https://www.idigbio.org/wiki/index.php?title=Databasing_References&diff=prev&oldid=162 | 50/1438042985647.51_20150728002305-00006-ip-10-236-191-2_908005801_1.json |
79f998e9_tabasing_References____iDigBio__2 | [0] Utility (and Shortcomings) of High Resolution Drawer Imaging for Remote Curation and Outreach, by M. Bertone, A. Deans, North Carolina State University. [1] 2010 [3] A very good presentation to Entomology 2010 about NCSU's drawer imaging system using Gigapan technology. [2] | http://www.ecnweb.org/dev/files/17_Bertone_2010.pdf# | [] | Difference between revisions of "Databasing References" - iDigBio | 2 | https://www.idigbio.org/wiki/index.php?title=Databasing_References&diff=prev&oldid=162 | 50/1438042985647.51_20150728002305-00006-ip-10-236-191-2_908005801_1.json |
79f998e9_tabasing_References____iDigBio__2 | [0] VertNet: A New Model for Biodiversity Data Sharing, by Heather Constable, Robert Guralnick, John Wieczorek, Carol Spencer, A. Townsend Peterson, The VertNet Steering Committee, PLoS Biology, Volume 8, Issue 2, e1000309. [1] February 2010 [3] A paper on the vertebrate biodiversity networks. The fundamental concept underlying the vertebrate biodiversity networks is that data contributors are the primary and authoritative source for information about the occurrence data over which they have custody. The networks merely facilitate access and sharing of these distributed primary resources. A fully decentralized architecture, with all requests distributed directly to the primary sources, highlighted the primacy of the contributing institutions and was an essential phase in promoting participation, instilling confidence and a sense of control within the community. [2] | http://www.plosbiology.org/article/fetchObjectAttachment.action?uri=info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pbio.1000309&representation=PDF# | [] | Difference between revisions of "Databasing References" - iDigBio | 2 | https://www.idigbio.org/wiki/index.php?title=Databasing_References&diff=prev&oldid=162 | 50/1438042985647.51_20150728002305-00006-ip-10-236-191-2_908005801_1.json |
38fe558b___Library_Instruction_Services__Scholarly_Journal | [Type of Periodical] Contents [Popular Magazine or Newspaper] Current Events / Popular topics / Interviews Not original research by the author [Scholarly Journal] | Original Research In-Depth Analysis | [] | UCB Libraries | Services | Library Instruction Services | Scholarly Journal | http://ucblibraries.colorado.edu/art/coursepages/ARTH4769.htm | 0/1438042988458.74_20150728002308-00067-ip-10-236-191-2_262782947_29.json |
38fe558b___Library_Instruction_Services__Scholarly_Journal | [Type of Periodical] Writing Level [Popular Magazine or Newspaper] Simple, elementary language Assumes only 8th grade education! [Scholarly Journal] | Technical language Assumes college education | [] | UCB Libraries | Services | Library Instruction Services | Scholarly Journal | http://ucblibraries.colorado.edu/art/coursepages/ARTH4769.htm | 0/1438042988458.74_20150728002308-00067-ip-10-236-191-2_262782947_29.json |
38fe558b___Library_Instruction_Services__Scholarly_Journal | [Type of Periodical] Authors [Popular Magazine or Newspaper] Reporters Not subject experts [Scholarly Journal] | Researchers, Academics Experts in the subject they are writing about | [] | UCB Libraries | Services | Library Instruction Services | Scholarly Journal | http://ucblibraries.colorado.edu/art/coursepages/ARTH4769.htm | 0/1438042988458.74_20150728002308-00067-ip-10-236-191-2_262782947_29.json |
38fe558b___Library_Instruction_Services__Scholarly_Journal | [Type of Periodical] Sources [Popular Magazine or Newspaper] Rarely documents sources Documentation vague (e.g. "A study was done...") [Scholarly Journal] | Almost always has a list of Works Cited Extensive documentation | [] | UCB Libraries | Services | Library Instruction Services | Scholarly Journal | http://ucblibraries.colorado.edu/art/coursepages/ARTH4769.htm | 0/1438042988458.74_20150728002308-00067-ip-10-236-191-2_262782947_29.json |
38fe558b___Library_Instruction_Services__Scholarly_Journal | [Type of Periodical] Published By [Popular Magazine or Newspaper] Commercial publishers [Scholarly Journal] | Scholarly societies, University Presses | [] | UCB Libraries | Services | Library Instruction Services | Scholarly Journal | http://ucblibraries.colorado.edu/art/coursepages/ARTH4769.htm | 0/1438042988458.74_20150728002308-00067-ip-10-236-191-2_262782947_29.json |
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38fe558b___Library_Instruction_Services__Scholarly_Journal | [Type of Periodical] Examples [Popular Magazine or Newspaper] People Weekly Sports Illustrated New York Times Denver Post [Scholarly Journal] | Sociological Review Journal of Asian Studies Journal of Philosophy | [] | UCB Libraries | Services | Library Instruction Services | Scholarly Journal | http://ucblibraries.colorado.edu/art/coursepages/ARTH4769.htm | 0/1438042988458.74_20150728002308-00067-ip-10-236-191-2_262782947_29.json |
38fe558b___Library_Instruction_Services__Scholarly_Journal | [Type of Periodical] Length [Popular Magazine or Newspaper] Tends to be shorter [Scholarly Journal] | Tends to be longer | [] | UCB Libraries | Services | Library Instruction Services | Scholarly Journal | http://ucblibraries.colorado.edu/art/coursepages/ARTH4769.htm | 0/1438042988458.74_20150728002308-00067-ip-10-236-191-2_262782947_29.json |
3471c50e__Thomas_Jefferson_s_Monticello__Access | [Resource] Thomas Jefferson Encyclopedia [Description] There may be an article on or references to the person you are researching in our online encyclopedia. [Access] | Online; free. | [] | Researching Persons or Families | Thomas Jefferson's Monticello | Access | http://www.monticello.org/site/research-and-collections/researching-persons-or-families | 22/1438043062635.98_20150728002422-00333-ip-10-236-191-2_593055011_0.json |
3471c50e__Thomas_Jefferson_s_Monticello__Access | [Resource] Thomas Jefferson Portal [Description] Always be sure to search our online catalog. You may find books by or about the person you are researching, as well as articles, book chapters, Web sites, and other materials. [Access] | Online; free. | [] | Researching Persons or Families | Thomas Jefferson's Monticello | Access | http://www.monticello.org/site/research-and-collections/researching-persons-or-families | 22/1438043062635.98_20150728002422-00333-ip-10-236-191-2_593055011_0.json |
3471c50e__Thomas_Jefferson_s_Monticello__Access | [Resource] Papers of Thomas Jefferson [Description] You may find mention of the person or family in Thomas Jefferson's letters, or he may have written directly to the person or received a letter from her/him. [Access] | Available in many larger libraries; see WorldCat for holdings in a library near you. Also available online for a fee, and a free version (formatted slightly differently) is available through the National Archives.. | [] | Researching Persons or Families | Thomas Jefferson's Monticello | Access | http://www.monticello.org/site/research-and-collections/researching-persons-or-families | 22/1438043062635.98_20150728002422-00333-ip-10-236-191-2_593055011_0.json |
3471c50e__Thomas_Jefferson_s_Monticello__Access | [Resource] Memorandum Books [Description] If Jefferson employed or had financial transactions with the person or family you are researching, he may have noted it down in his Memorandum Books. [Access] | The Memorandum Books are available through many bookstores and libraries; check WorldCat for availability in a library near you. | [] | Researching Persons or Families | Thomas Jefferson's Monticello | Access | http://www.monticello.org/site/research-and-collections/researching-persons-or-families | 22/1438043062635.98_20150728002422-00333-ip-10-236-191-2_593055011_0.json |
3471c50e__Thomas_Jefferson_s_Monticello__Access | [Resource] Information Files [Description] We may have a file on the person you are researching. Information files typically contain photocopies or notes of mentions of that person in TJ's writings or other books, articles about the person that we've found, pamphlets, and other miscellaneous items. [Access] | On-site only. To find out whether we have a file on a specific person, search for the person's name and "information file" in the Thomas Jefferson Portal. | [] | Researching Persons or Families | Thomas Jefferson's Monticello | Access | http://www.monticello.org/site/research-and-collections/researching-persons-or-families | 22/1438043062635.98_20150728002422-00333-ip-10-236-191-2_593055011_0.json |
3471c50e__Thomas_Jefferson_s_Monticello__Access | [Resource] Research Databases [Description] The Jefferson Library provides access to several databases which can be helpful in researching people, including Ancestry Library Edition and HeritageQuest. JSTOR can also be helpful, as it contains old issues of the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, a major source of genealogical research. [Access] | On-site only; see the Library's Research Databases page. | [] | Researching Persons or Families | Thomas Jefferson's Monticello | Access | http://www.monticello.org/site/research-and-collections/researching-persons-or-families | 22/1438043062635.98_20150728002422-00333-ip-10-236-191-2_593055011_0.json |
3471c50e__Thomas_Jefferson_s_Monticello__Access | [Resource] Other Web Resources [Description] Library of Virginia National Genealogical Society Ancestry.com Genealogy.com - see especially their forums AfriGeneas: African Ancestored Genealogy FamilySearch [Access] | Online. Some sites may require membership or fees for some services. | [] | Researching Persons or Families | Thomas Jefferson's Monticello | Access | http://www.monticello.org/site/research-and-collections/researching-persons-or-families | 22/1438043062635.98_20150728002422-00333-ip-10-236-191-2_593055011_0.json |
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f7d5eb32_ts___Online_Tips_and_Tutorials__Links | [Category] Google Earth, Google Map [Links] | Google Earth / Map Guides Resources for using Google Earth or Google Map for presentations and mash-ups | [] | GIS@Tufts | Online Tips and Tutorials | Links | http://sites.tufts.edu/gis/learning-gis/online-tips-and-tutorials/ | 31/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00187-ip-10-236-191-2_225578251_0.json |
f7d5eb32_ts___Online_Tips_and_Tutorials__Links | [Category] GPS [Links] | GPS Guides Resources for planning and doing field data collection using global positioning system receivers | [] | GIS@Tufts | Online Tips and Tutorials | Links | http://sites.tufts.edu/gis/learning-gis/online-tips-and-tutorials/ | 31/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00187-ip-10-236-191-2_225578251_0.json |
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f7d5eb32_ts___Online_Tips_and_Tutorials__Links | [Category] Geoda [Links] | Geoda Tutorials Geoda is a free software program for performing spatial statistical analysis and geovisualization of data, developed by a team now at Arizona State University | [] | GIS@Tufts | Online Tips and Tutorials | Links | http://sites.tufts.edu/gis/learning-gis/online-tips-and-tutorials/ | 31/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00187-ip-10-236-191-2_225578251_0.json |
f7d5eb32_ts___Online_Tips_and_Tutorials__Links | [Category] Poster Design [Links] | GIS Poster Design Guidance Resources for understanding good poster design and a tutorial for using Microsoft Publisher for creating a poster. | [] | GIS@Tufts | Online Tips and Tutorials | Links | http://sites.tufts.edu/gis/learning-gis/online-tips-and-tutorials/ | 31/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00187-ip-10-236-191-2_225578251_0.json |
cdbb826f_NG_YOUR_WORK___URCA___MSU_URCA__DESCRIPTION | [INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNALS] American Journal of Undergraduate Research [DESCRIPTION] | A refereed journal for undergraduate research in the pure and applied sciences, mathematics, engineering, technology, and related areas in education. | [] | PUBLISHING YOUR WORK - URCA - MSU URCA | DESCRIPTION | http://urca.msu.edu/publishing | 31/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00234-ip-10-236-191-2_251443326_0.json |
cdbb826f_NG_YOUR_WORK___URCA___MSU_URCA__DESCRIPTION | [INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNALS] Auctus [DESCRIPTION] | Sponsored by Virginia Commonwealth University, Auctus is an annual publication dedicated to publishing exemplary undergraduate research in natural sciences, engineering, humanities, and creative scholarship. | [] | PUBLISHING YOUR WORK - URCA - MSU URCA | DESCRIPTION | http://urca.msu.edu/publishing | 31/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00234-ip-10-236-191-2_251443326_0.json |
cdbb826f_NG_YOUR_WORK___URCA___MSU_URCA__DESCRIPTION | [INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNALS] Discussions [DESCRIPTION] | A peer reviewed research journal at Case Western Reserve University. It features research papers, review articles, and scholarly essays written by undergraduate students from any field. Its primary aims are to foster academic dialogue and to provide an opportunity for undergraduates to publish their scholarly work. | [] | PUBLISHING YOUR WORK - URCA - MSU URCA | DESCRIPTION | http://urca.msu.edu/publishing | 31/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00234-ip-10-236-191-2_251443326_0.json |
cdbb826f_NG_YOUR_WORK___URCA___MSU_URCA__DESCRIPTION | [INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNALS] The Honors Review [DESCRIPTION] | Produced by Augsberg College, the Honors Review is a nationally competitive interdisciplinary journal seeking illuminating, insightful and contemporary research at the undergraduate level. Students need not be members of Honors Programs to submit papers. | [] | PUBLISHING YOUR WORK - URCA - MSU URCA | DESCRIPTION | http://urca.msu.edu/publishing | 31/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00234-ip-10-236-191-2_251443326_0.json |
cdbb826f_NG_YOUR_WORK___URCA___MSU_URCA__DESCRIPTION | [INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNALS] International Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities [DESCRIPTION] | The International Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities is a peer-reviewed, open access journal dedicated to the publication of outstanding scholarship by undergraduates and their mentors from academic institutions of higher learning. | [] | PUBLISHING YOUR WORK - URCA - MSU URCA | DESCRIPTION | http://urca.msu.edu/publishing | 31/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00234-ip-10-236-191-2_251443326_0.json |
cdbb826f_NG_YOUR_WORK___URCA___MSU_URCA__DESCRIPTION | [INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNALS] Journal for Undergraduate Ethnography [DESCRIPTION] | An undergraduate journal that encourages current undergraduates or graduates within the past twelve months to submit original ethnographic manuscripts regarding research on any subject. Two deadlines per year January 31st and July 31st. | [] | PUBLISHING YOUR WORK - URCA - MSU URCA | DESCRIPTION | http://urca.msu.edu/publishing | 31/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00234-ip-10-236-191-2_251443326_0.json |
cdbb826f_NG_YOUR_WORK___URCA___MSU_URCA__DESCRIPTION | [INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNALS] Journal of Politics and Society [DESCRIPTION] | An undergraduate social science publication produced by students at Columbia University. | [] | PUBLISHING YOUR WORK - URCA - MSU URCA | DESCRIPTION | http://urca.msu.edu/publishing | 31/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00234-ip-10-236-191-2_251443326_0.json |
cdbb826f_NG_YOUR_WORK___URCA___MSU_URCA__DESCRIPTION | [INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNALS] Journal of Student Research [DESCRIPTION] | A journal for undergraduate student and graduate student research. It is peer-reviewed by faculty, multidisciplinary, and open access journal. | [] | PUBLISHING YOUR WORK - URCA - MSU URCA | DESCRIPTION | http://urca.msu.edu/publishing | 31/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00234-ip-10-236-191-2_251443326_0.json |
cdbb826f_NG_YOUR_WORK___URCA___MSU_URCA__DESCRIPTION | [INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNALS] Journal of Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Excellence [DESCRIPTION] | Produced by Colorado State University, JUR publishes extraordinary undergraduate work in an easily accessible and professional peer-reviewed journal. | [] | PUBLISHING YOUR WORK - URCA - MSU URCA | DESCRIPTION | http://urca.msu.edu/publishing | 31/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00234-ip-10-236-191-2_251443326_0.json |
cdbb826f_NG_YOUR_WORK___URCA___MSU_URCA__DESCRIPTION | [INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNALS] Journal of Young Investigators (JYI) [DESCRIPTION] | JYI is an peer-reviewed journal of undergraduate research in science, mathematics, and engineering, with an emphasis on both the quality of research and the manner in which it is communicated. | [] | PUBLISHING YOUR WORK - URCA - MSU URCA | DESCRIPTION | http://urca.msu.edu/publishing | 31/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00234-ip-10-236-191-2_251443326_0.json |
cdbb826f_NG_YOUR_WORK___URCA___MSU_URCA__DESCRIPTION | [INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNALS] Penn Bioethics Journal (PBJ) [DESCRIPTION] | A peer-reviewed undergraduate bioethics journal published by students at the University of Pennsylvania. | [] | PUBLISHING YOUR WORK - URCA - MSU URCA | DESCRIPTION | http://urca.msu.edu/publishing | 31/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00234-ip-10-236-191-2_251443326_0.json |
cdbb826f_NG_YOUR_WORK___URCA___MSU_URCA__DESCRIPTION | [INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNALS] ReCur (Red Cedar Undergraduate Research) [DESCRIPTION] | A journal publishing undergraduate research and creative work by Michigan State University students. | [] | PUBLISHING YOUR WORK - URCA - MSU URCA | DESCRIPTION | http://urca.msu.edu/publishing | 31/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00234-ip-10-236-191-2_251443326_0.json |
cdbb826f_NG_YOUR_WORK___URCA___MSU_URCA__DESCRIPTION | [INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNALS] Reinvention [DESCRIPTION] | An online, peer-reviewed journal, dedicated to the publication of high-quality undergraduate student research. The journal welcomes academic articles from all disciplinary areas. Produced, edited and managed by students and staff at the University of Warwick in the UK and Monash University in Australia, through the Monash-Warwick Alliance. | [] | PUBLISHING YOUR WORK - URCA - MSU URCA | DESCRIPTION | http://urca.msu.edu/publishing | 31/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00234-ip-10-236-191-2_251443326_0.json |
cdbb826f_NG_YOUR_WORK___URCA___MSU_URCA__DESCRIPTION | [INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNALS] Stanford Undergraduate Research Journal [DESCRIPTION] | An annual peer-reviewed publication of research articles written primarily by Stanford undergraduates, but also well-qualified students at other institutions, from all academic fields. | [] | PUBLISHING YOUR WORK - URCA - MSU URCA | DESCRIPTION | http://urca.msu.edu/publishing | 31/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00234-ip-10-236-191-2_251443326_0.json |
cdbb826f_NG_YOUR_WORK___URCA___MSU_URCA__DESCRIPTION | [INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNALS] Student Pulse [DESCRIPTION] | Reviewed, interdisciplinary academic journal. All articles are carefully reviewed, placing a high value on the use of references and the quality of work cited. Work that does not meet standards is respectfully turned away, with recommendations for improvement. | [] | PUBLISHING YOUR WORK - URCA - MSU URCA | DESCRIPTION | http://urca.msu.edu/publishing | 31/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00234-ip-10-236-191-2_251443326_0.json |
cdbb826f_NG_YOUR_WORK___URCA___MSU_URCA__DESCRIPTION | [INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNALS] Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning and Community-Based Research [DESCRIPTION] | A refereed, multi-disciplinary, online undergraduate journal open to all undergraduate students in the U.S. and across the globe. The journal publishes intellectual and reflective work by undergraduates on service learning, community-based research, and all related curriculum- and/or research-based public community engagement activities. | [] | PUBLISHING YOUR WORK - URCA - MSU URCA | DESCRIPTION | http://urca.msu.edu/publishing | 31/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00234-ip-10-236-191-2_251443326_0.json |
cdbb826f_NG_YOUR_WORK___URCA___MSU_URCA__DESCRIPTION | [INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNALS] Undergraduate Research Highlights [DESCRIPTION] | Electronic quarterly maintained by the Council on Undergraduate Research. Highlights consist of brief descriptions of recent (past six months) peer-reviewed research or scholarly publications in scholarly journals. These publications must be in print and must include one or more undergraduate co-authors. | [] | PUBLISHING YOUR WORK - URCA - MSU URCA | DESCRIPTION | http://urca.msu.edu/publishing | 31/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00234-ip-10-236-191-2_251443326_0.json |
cdbb826f_NG_YOUR_WORK___URCA___MSU_URCA__DESCRIPTION | [INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNALS] Undergraduate Research Journal of Case Western Reserve [DESCRIPTION] | Peer reviewed student run journal that strives to present the best of undergraduate research from across the country. | [] | PUBLISHING YOUR WORK - URCA - MSU URCA | DESCRIPTION | http://urca.msu.edu/publishing | 31/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00234-ip-10-236-191-2_251443326_0.json |
cdbb826f_NG_YOUR_WORK___URCA___MSU_URCA__DESCRIPTION | [INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNALS] Valley Humanities Review [DESCRIPTION] | Publishes essays of high quality, intellectual rigor and originality that challenge or contribute substantially to ongoing conversations in the humanities. Topics may include but are not limited to: literature, history, religion, philosophy, art, art history and foreign languages. | [] | PUBLISHING YOUR WORK - URCA - MSU URCA | DESCRIPTION | http://urca.msu.edu/publishing | 31/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00234-ip-10-236-191-2_251443326_0.json |
af0ce3eb_Job_Market_Candidates__2 | [0] Candidate [1] Dissertation Title [3] Fields of Interest [4] Courses Taught [2] | Committee Members | [] | Job Market Candidates | 2 | http://economics.rutgers.edu/job-market/job-market-candidates | 20/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00074-ip-10-236-191-2_74875884_1.json |
af0ce3eb_Job_Market_Candidates__2 | [0] This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. CV Website Research Statement Teaching Statement This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [1] "Essays on Information, Liquidity and Financial Frictions" [3] Macroeconomics Monetary Economics Financial Economics [4] Intermediate Macroeconomics Money and Banking [2] | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Chair) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | [] | Job Market Candidates | 2 | http://economics.rutgers.edu/job-market/job-market-candidates | 20/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00074-ip-10-236-191-2_74875884_1.json |
af0ce3eb_Job_Market_Candidates__2 | [0] This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. CV Website Research Statement Teaching Statement This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [1] "High Frequency Trading, Quoting and Market Quality in Equities" [3] Financial Economics Econometrics Market Microstructure [4] Financial Economics Capital Markets Introduction to Microeconomics [2] | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Chair) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | [] | Job Market Candidates | 2 | http://economics.rutgers.edu/job-market/job-market-candidates | 20/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00074-ip-10-236-191-2_74875884_1.json |
af0ce3eb_Job_Market_Candidates__2 | [0] This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Job Market Paper CV Website Research Statement Teaching Statement This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [1] "Segemented Labor Market and Monetary Policy" [3] Monetary Policy Applied Macroeconometrics Labor Market Dynamics [4] Introduction to Macroeconomics Intermediate Macroeconomics Macroeconomic Theory II [2] | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Chair) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | [] | Job Market Candidates | 2 | http://economics.rutgers.edu/job-market/job-market-candidates | 20/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00074-ip-10-236-191-2_74875884_1.json |
af0ce3eb_Job_Market_Candidates__2 | [0] This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Job Market Paper CV Website Research Statement Teaching Statement This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [1] "Family Structure and Outcomes in Adolescence, Young Adulthood, and Adulthood" [3] Labor Economics Health Economics Applied Econometrics Economics of Family [4] Econometrics Managerial Economics Intermediate Micro Analysis Intermediate Macroeconomics Theory Money & Banking Principles of Microeconomics [2] | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Chair) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | [] | Job Market Candidates | 2 | http://economics.rutgers.edu/job-market/job-market-candidates | 20/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00074-ip-10-236-191-2_74875884_1.json |
af0ce3eb_Job_Market_Candidates__2 | [0] This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Job Market Paper CV Website Research Statement Teaching Statement This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [1] "Family Labor Supply, Migration and Marriage:Theory and Econometric Analysis" [3] Econometrics Labor Economics Migration [4] Introduction to Microeconomics Introduction to Microeconomics [2] | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Chair) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | [] | Job Market Candidates | 2 | http://economics.rutgers.edu/job-market/job-market-candidates | 20/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00074-ip-10-236-191-2_74875884_1.json |
5642e0fd_ucational_Technology_Resources__Secondary_High_School_Teachers | [Name of Site] Along the Silk Road [Summary] Travel along old Silk Road with this interactive map, featuring contemporary images, videos, and information on the lives and cultures of the people who live along the old Silk Road routes. History & Social Studies Media Collections | Intermediate/Middle | [
" ",
" ",
] | Luidia Inc.: Educational Technology Resources | -Age_range- All Ages Intermediate/Middle Primary/Elementary Secondary/High School Teachers | http://www.e-beam.com/education/resources/online-resources.html | 20/1438042989234.2_20150728002309-00195-ip-10-236-191-2_409953296_1.json |
5642e0fd_ucational_Technology_Resources__Secondary_High_School_Teachers | [Name of Site] Along the Silk Road [Summary] Travel along old Silk Road with this interactive map, featuring contemporary images, videos, and information on the lives and cultures of the people who live along the old Silk Road routes. Geography Lessons & Activities | Intermediate/Middle | [
" ",
" ",
] | Luidia Inc.: Educational Technology Resources | -Age_range- All Ages Intermediate/Middle Primary/Elementary Secondary/High School Teachers | http://www.e-beam.com/education/resources/online-resources.html | 20/1438042989234.2_20150728002309-00195-ip-10-236-191-2_409953296_1.json |
5642e0fd_ucational_Technology_Resources__Secondary_High_School_Teachers | [Name of Site] Amazing Space [Summary] Learn about galaxies, comets, and our solar system with these games. Astronomy Lessons & Activities | Intermediate/Middle | [
" ",
" ",
] | Luidia Inc.: Educational Technology Resources | -Age_range- All Ages Intermediate/Middle Primary/Elementary Secondary/High School Teachers | http://www.e-beam.com/education/resources/online-resources.html | 20/1438042989234.2_20150728002309-00195-ip-10-236-191-2_409953296_1.json |
5642e0fd_ucational_Technology_Resources__Secondary_High_School_Teachers | [Name of Site] Annotext 3.2.2 [Summary] A collection of texts in German with an English dictionary and translations just a click away! Foreign Language Media Collections | Secondary/High School | [
" ",
" ",
] | Luidia Inc.: Educational Technology Resources | -Age_range- All Ages Intermediate/Middle Primary/Elementary Secondary/High School Teachers | http://www.e-beam.com/education/resources/online-resources.html | 20/1438042989234.2_20150728002309-00195-ip-10-236-191-2_409953296_1.json |
5642e0fd_ucational_Technology_Resources__Secondary_High_School_Teachers | [Name of Site] Astronomy Picture of the Day [Summary] A site with daily postings of new astronomy photos, accompanied by a description of what is pictured. This is a great class-opener site! Astronomy Media Collections | All Ages | [
" ",
" ",
] | Luidia Inc.: Educational Technology Resources | -Age_range- All Ages Intermediate/Middle Primary/Elementary Secondary/High School Teachers | http://www.e-beam.com/education/resources/online-resources.html | 20/1438042989234.2_20150728002309-00195-ip-10-236-191-2_409953296_1.json |
5642e0fd_ucational_Technology_Resources__Secondary_High_School_Teachers | [Name of Site] Internet Archive [Summary] A site containing archives of music, movies, and texts from a variety of sources. Interdisciplinary Resources & Reference Materials | Teachers | [
" ",
" ",
] | Luidia Inc.: Educational Technology Resources | -Age_range- All Ages Intermediate/Middle Primary/Elementary Secondary/High School Teachers | http://www.e-beam.com/education/resources/online-resources.html | 20/1438042989234.2_20150728002309-00195-ip-10-236-191-2_409953296_1.json |
5642e0fd_ucational_Technology_Resources__Secondary_High_School_Teachers | [Name of Site] Visual Calculus [Summary] A collection of modules that can be used in the studying or teaching of calculus. Mathematics Lessons & Activities | Secondary/High School | [
" ",
" ",
] | Luidia Inc.: Educational Technology Resources | -Age_range- All Ages Intermediate/Middle Primary/Elementary Secondary/High School Teachers | http://www.e-beam.com/education/resources/online-resources.html | 20/1438042989234.2_20150728002309-00195-ip-10-236-191-2_409953296_1.json |
5642e0fd_ucational_Technology_Resources__Secondary_High_School_Teachers | [Name of Site] Arounder [Summary] Tons of panoramic views from all over Europe and the U.S., and the special treat of panoramas from the moon! Geography Media Collections | All Ages | [
" ",
" ",
] | Luidia Inc.: Educational Technology Resources | -Age_range- All Ages Intermediate/Middle Primary/Elementary Secondary/High School Teachers | http://www.e-beam.com/education/resources/online-resources.html | 20/1438042989234.2_20150728002309-00195-ip-10-236-191-2_409953296_1.json |
5642e0fd_ucational_Technology_Resources__Secondary_High_School_Teachers | [Name of Site] Image Collections and Online Art [Summary] A site to explore many collections of various types of art, such as art from different parts of the world. Art & Design Media Collections | All Ages | [
" ",
" ",
] | Luidia Inc.: Educational Technology Resources | -Age_range- All Ages Intermediate/Middle Primary/Elementary Secondary/High School Teachers | http://www.e-beam.com/education/resources/online-resources.html | 20/1438042989234.2_20150728002309-00195-ip-10-236-191-2_409953296_1.json |
5642e0fd_ucational_Technology_Resources__Secondary_High_School_Teachers | [Name of Site] ASPIRE- Astrophysics Science Project [Summary] A diverse range of interactive labs, mostly focused on astrophysics, but also including a few on kinetics and basic electronics. Physics Lessons & Activities | Secondary/High School | [
" ",
" ",
] | Luidia Inc.: Educational Technology Resources | -Age_range- All Ages Intermediate/Middle Primary/Elementary Secondary/High School Teachers | http://www.e-beam.com/education/resources/online-resources.html | 20/1438042989234.2_20150728002309-00195-ip-10-236-191-2_409953296_1.json |
e05d5ee0__University__Boulder__Colorado__Scholarly_Journals | [Popular Magazines] Intended for a general audience; no special knowledge is required. [Scholarly Journals] | Intended for an audience knowledgeable of the scholarly field. | [] | Scholarly vs. Popular Periodicals | Naropa University, Boulder, Colorado | Scholarly Journals | http://www.naropa.edu/allen-ginsberg-library/distance-learning-services/tutorials-and-guides-for-research/scholarly-articles-vs-popular-periodicals.php | 20/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00172-ip-10-236-191-2_604150497_0.json |
e05d5ee0__University__Boulder__Colorado__Scholarly_Journals | [Popular Magazines] Articles written by journalists with no special training in the field; usually only the author name is listed, if anything. [Scholarly Journals] | Articles written by scholars; usually hold a graduate degree in the field; author is listed along with position or credentials. | [] | Scholarly vs. Popular Periodicals | Naropa University, Boulder, Colorado | Scholarly Journals | http://www.naropa.edu/allen-ginsberg-library/distance-learning-services/tutorials-and-guides-for-research/scholarly-articles-vs-popular-periodicals.php | 20/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00172-ip-10-236-191-2_604150497_0.json |
e05d5ee0__University__Boulder__Colorado__Scholarly_Journals | [Popular Magazines] Articles do not have footnotes. [Scholarly Journals] | Articles have footnotes. | [] | Scholarly vs. Popular Periodicals | Naropa University, Boulder, Colorado | Scholarly Journals | http://www.naropa.edu/allen-ginsberg-library/distance-learning-services/tutorials-and-guides-for-research/scholarly-articles-vs-popular-periodicals.php | 20/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00172-ip-10-236-191-2_604150497_0.json |
e05d5ee0__University__Boulder__Colorado__Scholarly_Journals | [Popular Magazines] Publication usually has advertising, color photographs, and glossy pages. [Scholarly Journals] | Little if any advertising or splashy photographs; usually printed on plain paper. | [] | Scholarly vs. Popular Periodicals | Naropa University, Boulder, Colorado | Scholarly Journals | http://www.naropa.edu/allen-ginsberg-library/distance-learning-services/tutorials-and-guides-for-research/scholarly-articles-vs-popular-periodicals.php | 20/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00172-ip-10-236-191-2_604150497_0.json |
e05d5ee0__University__Boulder__Colorado__Scholarly_Journals | [Popular Magazines] Little editorial information. [Scholarly Journals] | A full editorial board is listed. | [] | Scholarly vs. Popular Periodicals | Naropa University, Boulder, Colorado | Scholarly Journals | http://www.naropa.edu/allen-ginsberg-library/distance-learning-services/tutorials-and-guides-for-research/scholarly-articles-vs-popular-periodicals.php | 20/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00172-ip-10-236-191-2_604150497_0.json |
e05d5ee0__University__Boulder__Colorado__Scholarly_Journals | [Popular Magazines] Articles are not peer-reviewed. [Scholarly Journals] | Articles are peer-reviewed (editor sends copies of a submitted article to experts in the field for their judgment). | [] | Scholarly vs. Popular Periodicals | Naropa University, Boulder, Colorado | Scholarly Journals | http://www.naropa.edu/allen-ginsberg-library/distance-learning-services/tutorials-and-guides-for-research/scholarly-articles-vs-popular-periodicals.php | 20/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00172-ip-10-236-191-2_604150497_0.json |
e05d5ee0__University__Boulder__Colorado__Scholarly_Journals | [Popular Magazines] Usually for profit. [Scholarly Journals] | Usually not for profit. | [] | Scholarly vs. Popular Periodicals | Naropa University, Boulder, Colorado | Scholarly Journals | http://www.naropa.edu/allen-ginsberg-library/distance-learning-services/tutorials-and-guides-for-research/scholarly-articles-vs-popular-periodicals.php | 20/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00172-ip-10-236-191-2_604150497_0.json |
e05d5ee0__University__Boulder__Colorado__Scholarly_Journals | [Popular Magazines] May have slant (conservative, liberal). [Scholarly Journals] | Usually neutral (no slant). | [] | Scholarly vs. Popular Periodicals | Naropa University, Boulder, Colorado | Scholarly Journals | http://www.naropa.edu/allen-ginsberg-library/distance-learning-services/tutorials-and-guides-for-research/scholarly-articles-vs-popular-periodicals.php | 20/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00172-ip-10-236-191-2_604150497_0.json |
f7150a87_ifferent_Types_of_Periodicals__Different_Types_of_Periodicals_Popular | [0] Purpose [Scholarly] Provide in–depth analysis of topics, report current original research [Trade] Report on industry trends, new products or techniques [Newspapers] Report current events in politics, business, society and the arts [Popular] | Provide broad overviews of topics | [] | Module 4: Searchpath. Library Tutorial. Compare Different Types of Periodicals. | Popular | http://library2.jfku.edu/searchpath/mod4/03c-per-comp.html | 30/1438042986357.49_20150728002306-00129-ip-10-236-191-2_143867276_0.json |
f7150a87_ifferent_Types_of_Periodicals__Different_Types_of_Periodicals_Popular | [0] Authorship [Scholarly] Usually an expert or specialist in the field, name and credentials always provided [Trade] Usually a professional in the field or journalist, name and credentials usually provided [Newspapers] Usually a staff writer or journalist, credentials generally not provided [Popular] | Usually a staff writer or a journalist, credentials generally not provided | [] | Module 4: Searchpath. Library Tutorial. Compare Different Types of Periodicals. | Popular | http://library2.jfku.edu/searchpath/mod4/03c-per-comp.html | 30/1438042986357.49_20150728002306-00129-ip-10-236-191-2_143867276_0.json |
f7150a87_ifferent_Types_of_Periodicals__Different_Types_of_Periodicals_Popular | [0] Language/ Audience [Scholarly] Written in the specialized language of the field for scholarly readers (professors, researchers, students) [Trade] Written for professionals, include terms and vocabulary specific to the industry [Newspapers] Written in non–technical language for the general public [Popular] | Written in non–technical language for anyone to understand | [] | Module 4: Searchpath. Library Tutorial. Compare Different Types of Periodicals. | Popular | http://library2.jfku.edu/searchpath/mod4/03c-per-comp.html | 30/1438042986357.49_20150728002306-00129-ip-10-236-191-2_143867276_0.json |
f7150a87_ifferent_Types_of_Periodicals__Different_Types_of_Periodicals_Popular | [0] Article Format/ Structure [Scholarly] Usually structured, to include: abstract, literature review, methodology, results, conclusion, bibliography [Trade] Don’t necessarily follow a specific format or structure [Newspapers] Report the main event in lead paragraph and then give additional information [Popular] | Don’t necessarily follow a specific format or structure | [] | Module 4: Searchpath. Library Tutorial. Compare Different Types of Periodicals. | Popular | http://library2.jfku.edu/searchpath/mod4/03c-per-comp.html | 30/1438042986357.49_20150728002306-00129-ip-10-236-191-2_143867276_0.json |
f7150a87_ifferent_Types_of_Periodicals__Different_Types_of_Periodicals_Popular | [0] Special Features [Scholarly] Illustrations that support the text, such as tables of statistics, graphs, maps, or photographs [Trade] Illustrations that support the text such as graphics or photographs, including advertisements [Newspapers] Photos accompany the text, including advertisments, special pull–out sections [Popular] | Illustrations with glossy or color photographs, including advertisements | [] | Module 4: Searchpath. Library Tutorial. Compare Different Types of Periodicals. | Popular | http://library2.jfku.edu/searchpath/mod4/03c-per-comp.html | 30/1438042986357.49_20150728002306-00129-ip-10-236-191-2_143867276_0.json |
f7150a87_ifferent_Types_of_Periodicals__Different_Types_of_Periodicals_Popular | [0] Editorial Review [Scholarly] Reviewed and critically evaluated by a group of experts in the field (refereed) [Trade] Not evaluated by experts in the field, but by editors on staff [Newspapers] Not evaluated by experts in the field, but by editors on staff [Popular] | Not evaluated by experts in the field, but by editors on staff | [] | Module 4: Searchpath. Library Tutorial. Compare Different Types of Periodicals. | Popular | http://library2.jfku.edu/searchpath/mod4/03c-per-comp.html | 30/1438042986357.49_20150728002306-00129-ip-10-236-191-2_143867276_0.json |
f7150a87_ifferent_Types_of_Periodicals__Different_Types_of_Periodicals_Popular | [0] Credits [Scholarly] A bibliography (work cited) and/or footnotes are always provided to document research methods and sources [Trade] A bibliography (work cited) is usually not provided, although titles of reports or references may be mentioned in the text [Newspapers] A bibliography (work cited) is usually not provided, although titles of reports or references may be mentioned in the text [Popular] | A bibliography (work cited) is usually not provided, although titles of reports or references may be mentioned in the text | [] | Module 4: Searchpath. Library Tutorial. Compare Different Types of Periodicals. | Popular | http://library2.jfku.edu/searchpath/mod4/03c-per-comp.html | 30/1438042986357.49_20150728002306-00129-ip-10-236-191-2_143867276_0.json |
f7150a87_ifferent_Types_of_Periodicals__Different_Types_of_Periodicals_Popular | [0] Publisher [Scholarly] Typically professional associations or research institutions [Trade] Typically professional or trade associations [Newspapers] Typically for–profit corporations [Popular] | Typically for–profit corporations | [] | Module 4: Searchpath. Library Tutorial. Compare Different Types of Periodicals. | Popular | http://library2.jfku.edu/searchpath/mod4/03c-per-comp.html | 30/1438042986357.49_20150728002306-00129-ip-10-236-191-2_143867276_0.json |
a76a67b5_IRIS__Periodical_Indexes_ary_Indexes_and_Google_Scholar_Library_Indexes | [Google Scholar] Some (not all) full text [Library Indexes] | Some (possibly all) full text | [] | IRIS: Periodical Indexes | Library Indexes | http://www.clark.edu/Library/iris/find/periodical_indexes/periodical_indexes_p7.shtml | 30/1438042986357.49_20150728002306-00273-ip-10-236-191-2_376891342_0.json |
a76a67b5_IRIS__Periodical_Indexes_ary_Indexes_and_Google_Scholar_Library_Indexes | [Google Scholar] No ads [Library Indexes] | No ads | [] | IRIS: Periodical Indexes | Library Indexes | http://www.clark.edu/Library/iris/find/periodical_indexes/periodical_indexes_p7.shtml | 30/1438042986357.49_20150728002306-00273-ip-10-236-191-2_376891342_0.json |
a76a67b5_IRIS__Periodical_Indexes_ary_Indexes_and_Google_Scholar_Library_Indexes | [Google Scholar] Primarily access to scholarly journals and books [Library Indexes] | Depending on the index, access to newspapers and magazines as well as scholarly journals. | [] | IRIS: Periodical Indexes | Library Indexes | http://www.clark.edu/Library/iris/find/periodical_indexes/periodical_indexes_p7.shtml | 30/1438042986357.49_20150728002306-00273-ip-10-236-191-2_376891342_0.json |
a76a67b5_IRIS__Periodical_Indexes_ary_Indexes_and_Google_Scholar_Library_Indexes | [Google Scholar] Google partners with publishers [Library Indexes] | Libraries pay an annual subscription fee | [] | IRIS: Periodical Indexes | Library Indexes | http://www.clark.edu/Library/iris/find/periodical_indexes/periodical_indexes_p7.shtml | 30/1438042986357.49_20150728002306-00273-ip-10-236-191-2_376891342_0.json |
a76a67b5_IRIS__Periodical_Indexes_ary_Indexes_and_Google_Scholar_Library_Indexes | [Google Scholar] Links to publishers may include offers to sell the article (Do not buy articles online - your library can get articles for you, usually for free.) [Library Indexes] | Libraries can borrow articles, usually for free | [] | IRIS: Periodical Indexes | Library Indexes | http://www.clark.edu/Library/iris/find/periodical_indexes/periodical_indexes_p7.shtml | 30/1438042986357.49_20150728002306-00273-ip-10-236-191-2_376891342_0.json |
a76a67b5_IRIS__Periodical_Indexes_ary_Indexes_and_Google_Scholar_Library_Indexes | [Google Scholar] Advanced search provides limiting to broad subjects. [Library Indexes] | Some indexes focus on specific subject areas. | [] | IRIS: Periodical Indexes | Library Indexes | http://www.clark.edu/Library/iris/find/periodical_indexes/periodical_indexes_p7.shtml | 30/1438042986357.49_20150728002306-00273-ip-10-236-191-2_376891342_0.json |
a76a67b5_IRIS__Periodical_Indexes_ary_Indexes_and_Google_Scholar_Library_Indexes | [Google Scholar] Sophisticated searching options. [Library Indexes] | Sophisticated searching options. | [] | IRIS: Periodical Indexes | Library Indexes | http://www.clark.edu/Library/iris/find/periodical_indexes/periodical_indexes_p7.shtml | 30/1438042986357.49_20150728002306-00273-ip-10-236-191-2_376891342_0.json |
78d4a4ba_burg_College___Primary_Sources__Description | [Literature Type] Laboratory Notebook [Access] Laboratory notebooks are owned by the organization for which a scientists works. Access is limited to approved individuals within the organization. [Description] | Bound books in which scientists record the progress of their research. Important in obtaining patents because they can be used to prove when and where events took place or discoveries were made. | [] | Gettysburg College - Primary Sources | Description | http://www.gettysburg.edu/library/research/guides/scientific_information/primary.dot | 23/1438042990609.0_20150728002310-00142-ip-10-236-191-2_468696374_1.json |
78d4a4ba_burg_College___Primary_Sources__Description | [Literature Type] Letters Journals [Access] Letters journals are indexed by indexing services. [Description] | Provide rapid publication of preliminary communications of fundamental research. Some journals include letters and short articles of this kind in the same issue as full-length research articles. | [] | Gettysburg College - Primary Sources | Description | http://www.gettysburg.edu/library/research/guides/scientific_information/primary.dot | 23/1438042990609.0_20150728002310-00142-ip-10-236-191-2_468696374_1.json |
78d4a4ba_burg_College___Primary_Sources__Description | [Literature Type] Pre-print servers [Access] The circulation of preprints amongst interested persons is a common function of the invisible college and is considerably facilitated by use of the Internet, to the extent that it is now common to talk of e-prints. This type of circulation of texts is important in disciplines where the currency of information is vital and the need to claim priority of discovery is strong. From: John Feather and Paul Sturges, eds., International Encyclopedia of Information and Library Science (London: Routledge), 2003. [Description] | This can refer either to a portion of a work,most commonly a journal article, printed and issued before the publication of the complete work, or a paper to be submitted at a conference that is printed for circulation prior to the holding of the conference. From: John Feather and Paul Sturges, eds., International Encyclopedia of Information and Library Science (London: Routledge), 2003. | [] | Gettysburg College - Primary Sources | Description | http://www.gettysburg.edu/library/research/guides/scientific_information/primary.dot | 23/1438042990609.0_20150728002310-00142-ip-10-236-191-2_468696374_1.json |
78d4a4ba_burg_College___Primary_Sources__Description | [Literature Type] Conference Papers and Proceedings [Access] Most disciplinary indexing tools index conference papers, as do the two databases, PapersFirst and ProceedingsFirst. Often only the abstract appears in print. Papers that are bound and published as proceedings are more likely to be indexed. Sometimes the full text can only be obtained from the author. [Description] | Conference papers are reports of research that are read at a conference or meeting. Proceedings are collections of conference papers that are published as a single volume. Papers presented at conferences tend to be very current and deal with a specific, narrow topic. They may or may not be published after the meeting. | [] | Gettysburg College - Primary Sources | Description | http://www.gettysburg.edu/library/research/guides/scientific_information/primary.dot | 23/1438042990609.0_20150728002310-00142-ip-10-236-191-2_468696374_1.json |
78d4a4ba_burg_College___Primary_Sources__Description | [Literature Type] Dissertations and Theses [Access] Most disciplinary indexing tools index conference papers, as do the two databases, PapersFirst and ProceedingsFirst. Often only the abstract appears in print. Papers that are bound and published as proceedings are more likely to be indexed. Sometimes the full text can only be obtained from the author. Doctoral dissertations written in the US since 1861, as well as selected Master's theses and British, Canadian and European dissertations are indexed in ProQuest Digital Dissertations. Full text of these documents is sometimes available via Interlibrary Loan. Most are available for purchase either in print or microfilm from University Microfilms, Inc. Recent initiatives at some universities are making it possible for students to submit electronic theses and dissertations. See Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations and OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center for more information and to download the full text of some very recent theses and dissertations. See a librarian for assistance in obtaining dissertations and theses. [Description] | Theses are research papers required for some Master's degrees. Dissertations are presentations of original research written by a candidate for a doctoral degree. Theses and Dissertations serve as a source of data that has been carefully researched by the candidate, and reviewed by a faculty committee. | [] | Gettysburg College - Primary Sources | Description | http://www.gettysburg.edu/library/research/guides/scientific_information/primary.dot | 23/1438042990609.0_20150728002310-00142-ip-10-236-191-2_468696374_1.json |
78d4a4ba_burg_College___Primary_Sources__Description | [Literature Type] Technical Reports [Access] Many disciplinary indexing services index technical reports. The National Technical Information Service (NTIS) database also indexes and summarizes unclassified US government sponsored research, development and engineering. NTIS is the means through which technical reports are made available for sale from government agencies. See a librarian for assistance in obtaining technical reports. [Description] | Technical reports are prepared to describe the progress of research and development projects. This research is usually conducted by government agencies or supported by government grants or contracts. If the research continues over a period of years, the reports may be published in a series. Technical reports may appear in different reference formats, including proceedings, transactions, annual reports, or bibliographies. | [] | Gettysburg College - Primary Sources | Description | http://www.gettysburg.edu/library/research/guides/scientific_information/primary.dot | 23/1438042990609.0_20150728002310-00142-ip-10-236-191-2_468696374_1.json |
78d4a4ba_burg_College___Primary_Sources__Description | [Literature Type] Patents [Access] Patents are indexed by disciplinary indexing services and by online databases devoted entirely to patents. Patent documents are available for sale by the United States Patent and Trademark Office and through document delivery services. Full text of U.S. and other patents can also be read online through SciFinder Scholar. See a librarian for assistance in obtaining patent documents. [Description] | A patent is an agreement with a government granting a person or organization ownership of a design or process for a designated period of time within that country. Most industrialized countries award patents, but they don't recognize patents from other countries. Patents usually include drawings and descriptive text. | [] | Gettysburg College - Primary Sources | Description | http://www.gettysburg.edu/library/research/guides/scientific_information/primary.dot | 23/1438042990609.0_20150728002310-00142-ip-10-236-191-2_468696374_1.json |
78d4a4ba_burg_College___Primary_Sources__Description | [Literature Type] Journal Articles [Access] Citations to articles published in scientific journals are located using print or online indexing and abstracting services. Journals are available by subscription from the publisher. An increasing number of journals are now available in electronic format. [Description] | Journals are publications that are issued on a regular schedule and that present detailed reports of current research in a particular field. Some journals cover research in all areas of science and technology, while others concentrate on a narrow subject area. The importance of science journals lies in their social, archival and dissemination roles in scientific communication. All articles submitted to scholarly scientific journals are subjected to a peer review process which helps to maintain the quality of the scientific literature. | [] | Gettysburg College - Primary Sources | Description | http://www.gettysburg.edu/library/research/guides/scientific_information/primary.dot | 23/1438042990609.0_20150728002310-00142-ip-10-236-191-2_468696374_1.json |
Subsets and Splits