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that a man who was forced to look after his ass himself, could not |
have much to spend. But when the stranger put his hand in his |
pocket and brought out two gold pieces, and said he was to |
provide something good for him, the host opened his eyes wide, and |
ran and sought out the best he could muster. After dinner the |
guest asked what he owed. The host did |
not see why he should not double the reckoning, and said the |
apprentice must give two more gold pieces. He felt in his pocket, |
but his gold was just at an end. Wait an instant, sir host, said |
he, I will go and fetch some money. But he took the table-cloth |
with him. The host could not imagine what this could mean, and |
being curious, stole after him, and as the guest bolted the stable |
door, he peeped through a hole left by a knot in the wood. The |
stranger spread out the cloth under the animal and cried, |
bricklebrit, and immediately the beast began to let gold pieces fall |
from back and front, so that it fairly rained down money on the |
ground. Eh, my word, said the host, ducats are quickly coined |
there. A purse like that is not to be sniffed at. The guest |
paid his score, and went to bed, but in the night the host stole |
down into the stable, led away the master of the mint, and tied up |
another ass in his place. |
Early next morning the apprentice traveled away with his ass, |
and thought that he had his gold-ass. At mid-day he reached his |
father, who rejoiced to see him again, and gladly took him in. |
What have you made of yourself, my son. Asked the old man. |
A miller, dear father, he answered. What have you brought back |
with you from your travels. Nothing else but an ass. There are |
asses enough here, said the father, I would rather have had a good |
goat. Yes, replied the son, but it is no common ass, but a |
gold-ass, when I say bricklebrit, the good beast spews forth a whole |
sheetful of gold pieces. Just summon all our relations hither, |
and I will make them rich folks. That suits me well, said the |
tailor, for then I shall have no need to torment myself any longer |
with the needle, and ran out himself and called the relations |
together. As soon as they were assembled, the miller bade them |
make way, spread out his cloth, and brought the ass into the room. |
Now watch, said he, and cried, bricklebrit, but what fell were not |
gold pieces, and it was clear that the animal knew nothing of the |
art, for every ass does not attain such perfection. Then the poor |
miller pulled a long face, saw that he was betrayed, and begged |
pardon of the relatives, who went home as poor as they came. There |
was no help for it, the old man had to betake him to his needle once |
more, and the youth hired himself to a miller. |
The third brother had apprenticed himself to a turner, and as that |
is skilled labor, he was the longest in learning. His brothers, |
however, told him in a letter how badly things had gone with them, |
and how the innkeeper had cheated them of ther beautiful |
wishing-gifts on the last evening before they reached home. When |
the turner had served his time, and had to set out on his travels, |
as he had conducted himself so well, his master presented him with a |
sack and said, there is a cudgel in it. I can put on the sack, said |
he, and it may be of good service to me, but why should the cudgel |
be in it. It only makes it heavy. I will tell you why, replied |
the master. If anyone has done anything to injure you, do but say, |
out of the sack, cudgel. And the cudgel will leap forth among the |
people, and play such a dance on their backs that they will not be |
able to stir or move for a week, and it will not leave off until |
you say, into the sack, cudgel. The apprentice thanked him, and |
put the sack on his back, and when anyone came too near him, and |
wished to attack him, he said, out of the sack, cudgel, and |
instantly the cudgel sprang out, and dusted the coat or jacket of |
one after the other on their backs, and never stopped until it had |
stripped it off them, and it was done so quickly, that before anyone |
was aware, it was already his own turn. In the evening the |
young turner reached the inn where his brothers had been cheated. |
He laid his sack on the table before him, and began to talk of all |
the wonderful things which he had seen in the world. Yes, said |
he, people may easily find a table which will spread itself, a |
gold-ass, and things of that kind - extremely good things which |
I by no means despise - but these are nothing in comparison with |
the treasure which I have won for myself, and am carrying about |
with me in my sack there. The innkeeper pricked up his ears. |
What in the world can that be. Thought he. The sack must be filled |
with nothing but jewels. I ought to get them cheap too, for all |
good things go in threes. When it was time for sleep, the guest |
stretched himself on the bench, and laid his sack beneath him |
for a pillow. When the innkeeper thought his guest |
was lying in a sound sleep, he went to him and pushed and pulled |
quite gently and carefully at the sack to see if he could possibly |
draw it away and lay another in its place. |
The turner, however, had been waiting for this for a long time, and |
now just as the inn-keeper was about to give a hearty tug, he cried, |
out of the sack, cudgel. Instantly the little cudgel came forth, |
and fell on the inn-keeper and gave him a sound thrashing. |
The host cried for mercy. But the louder he cried, the harder the |
cudgel beat the time on his back, until at length he fell to the |
ground exhausted. Then the turner said, if you do not give back |
the table which spreads itself, and the gold-ass, the dance shall |
begin afresh. Oh, no, cried the host, quite humbly, I will gladly |
produce everything, only make the accursed kobold creep back into |
the sack. Then said the apprentice, I will let mercy take the |
place of justice, but beware of getting into mischief again. So he |
cried, into the sack, cudgel. And let him have rest. |
Next morning the turner went home to his father with the |
wishing-table, and the gold-ass. The tailor rejoiced when he saw |
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