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How many cases were handled by the attorney with the highest total billing amount? | CREATE TABLE attorneys (id INT,name VARCHAR(20)); INSERT INTO attorneys (id,name) VALUES (1,'Smith'),(2,'Garcia'),(3,'Kim'); CREATE TABLE cases (id INT,attorney_id INT,case_type VARCHAR(10),billing_amount INT); | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT attorney_id, SUM(billing_amount) AS total_billing FROM cases GROUP BY attorney_id ORDER BY total_billing DESC LIMIT 1) AS top_attorney; |
Insert a new case for attorney 'Laura Johnson' with case ID 4, open date '2022-06-01', and billing amount $6000. | CREATE TABLE attorneys (attorney_id INT,last_name VARCHAR(20),first_name VARCHAR(20)); INSERT INTO attorneys (attorney_id,last_name,first_name) VALUES (1,'Garcia','Jose'),(2,'Johnson','Laura'); CREATE TABLE cases (case_id INT,attorney_id INT,open_date DATE,billing_amount INT); | INSERT INTO cases (case_id, attorney_id, open_date, billing_amount) VALUES (4, (SELECT attorney_id FROM attorneys WHERE last_name = 'Johnson' AND first_name = 'Laura'), '2022-06-01', 6000); |
Delete records in the safety_protocols table where the chemical_name is LMN. | CREATE TABLE safety_protocols (id INT PRIMARY KEY,chemical_name VARCHAR(100),protocol VARCHAR(500)); INSERT INTO safety_protocols (id,chemical_name,protocol) VALUES (1,'XYZ','Store in a cool,dry place. Use protective gloves and eyewear.'),(2,'ABC','Keep away from heat and open flames.'),(3,'LMN','Use in a well-ventilated area.'); | DELETE FROM safety_protocols WHERE chemical_name = 'LMN'; |
Which chemical compounds were used in the production of each product category, and in what quantities? | CREATE TABLE Product(Id INT,Category VARCHAR(50)); CREATE TABLE ChemicalUsage(Id INT,ProductId INT,ChemicalId INT,QuantityUsed INT); CREATE TABLE Chemical(Id INT,Name VARCHAR(50)); | SELECT p.Category, c.Name AS ChemicalName, SUM(cu.QuantityUsed) AS TotalQuantityUsed FROM ChemicalUsage cu JOIN Product p ON cu.ProductId = p.Id JOIN Chemical c ON cu.ChemicalId = c.Id GROUP BY p.Category, c.Name; |
What is the total amount of climate finance dedicated to afforestation projects in Asia before 2015? | CREATE TABLE climate_finance_projects (id INT,region VARCHAR(255),year INT,sector VARCHAR(255),amount FLOAT); INSERT INTO climate_finance_projects (id,region,year,sector,amount) VALUES (1,'Asia',2008,'afforestation',2000000); | SELECT SUM(amount) FROM climate_finance_projects WHERE region = 'Asia' AND sector = 'afforestation' AND year < 2015; |
What was the total funding amount for startups founded by veterans in Japan? | CREATE TABLE company (id INT,name TEXT,country TEXT,founding_date DATE,founder_veteran BOOLEAN); INSERT INTO company (id,name,country,founding_date,founder_veteran) VALUES (1,'Pi Corp','Japan','2016-01-01',TRUE); INSERT INTO company (id,name,country,founding_date,founder_veteran) VALUES (2,'Rho Inc','Japan','2017-01-01',FALSE); | SELECT SUM(funding_amount) FROM funding INNER JOIN company ON funding.company_id = WHERE = 'Japan' AND company.founder_veteran = TRUE; |
List the top 3 industries with the highest average total funding per company, excluding companies with less than $1M in total funding. | CREATE TABLE Companies (id INT,name TEXT,industry TEXT,total_funding FLOAT,num_investments INT); INSERT INTO Companies (id,name,industry,total_funding,num_investments) VALUES (1,'Acme Inc','Software',2500000,2),(2,'Beta Corp','Software',5000000,1),(3,'Gamma Startup','Hardware',1000000,3),(4,'Delta LLC','Hardware',2000000,1),(5,'Epsilon Ltd','Biotech',3000000,2),(6,'Zeta PLC','Biotech',500000,1); | SELECT industry, AVG(total_funding) AS industry_avg_funding FROM Companies WHERE total_funding >= 1000000 GROUP BY industry ORDER BY industry_avg_funding DESC LIMIT 3; |
What is the average temperature in Brazil's Northeast region in January? | CREATE TABLE weather (country VARCHAR(255),region VARCHAR(255),month INT,temperature FLOAT); INSERT INTO weather (country,region,month,temperature) VALUES ('Brazil','Northeast',1,28.3),('Brazil','Northeast',1,28.7),('Brazil','Northeast',1,27.9),('Brazil','Northeast',1,28.4); | SELECT AVG(temperature) FROM weather WHERE country = 'Brazil' AND region = 'Northeast' AND month = 1; |
What is the total number of indigenous food systems in Australia? | CREATE TABLE indigenous_food_systems (system_id INT,name TEXT,location TEXT,type TEXT,community TEXT,country TEXT); INSERT INTO indigenous_food_systems (system_id,name,location,type,community,country) VALUES (1,'Bush Tucker Project',' rural area','gardening','Aboriginal community','Australia'); | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM indigenous_food_systems WHERE country = 'Australia'; |
What is the total number of digital assets issued by companies based in the United States, ordered by the date of issuance? | CREATE TABLE digital_assets (id INT,name VARCHAR(100),issuer_country VARCHAR(50),issue_date DATE); INSERT INTO digital_assets (id,name,issuer_country,issue_date) VALUES (1,'CryptoCoin','USA','2018-01-01'); INSERT INTO digital_assets (id,name,issuer_country,issue_date) VALUES (2,'BitAsset','USA','2019-03-15'); | SELECT SUM(id) OVER (ORDER BY issue_date) as total_assets_issued, name, issuer_country, issue_date FROM digital_assets WHERE issuer_country = 'USA' ORDER BY issue_date; |
Increase the price of all makeup products from the United States by 5%. | CREATE TABLE products (id INT,name TEXT,price DECIMAL,country TEXT); | UPDATE products SET price = price * 1.05 WHERE country = 'United States' AND product_type = 'makeup'; |
What is the total sales volume of natural hair care products sold in the US? | CREATE TABLE hair_care_sales(product_name TEXT,price DECIMAL(5,2),is_natural BOOLEAN,country TEXT); INSERT INTO hair_care_sales VALUES ('Shampoo',12.99,true,'USA'); INSERT INTO hair_care_sales VALUES ('Conditioner',14.99,true,'USA'); INSERT INTO hair_care_sales VALUES ('Styling Cream',8.99,false,'USA'); | SELECT SUM(sales_volume) FROM (SELECT product_name, sales_volume FROM sales_volume JOIN hair_care_sales ON sales_volume.product_name = hair_care_sales.product_name WHERE hair_care_sales.is_natural = true AND = 'USA') AS subquery; |
What is the most common type of crime in each region? | CREATE TABLE regions (region_id INT,region_name VARCHAR(255));CREATE TABLE districts (district_id INT,district_name VARCHAR(255),region_id INT);CREATE TABLE crimes (crime_id INT,district_id INT,crime_type VARCHAR(255),crime_date DATE); | SELECT r.region_name, c.crime_type, COUNT(*) AS count FROM regions r JOIN districts d ON r.region_id = d.region_id JOIN crimes c ON d.district_id = c.district_id GROUP BY r.region_name, c.crime_type ORDER BY count DESC; |
List the top 3 countries with the most veteran employment in the IT industry | CREATE TABLE veteran_employment (employee_id INT,industry VARCHAR(255),salary DECIMAL(10,2),state VARCHAR(2),country VARCHAR(255)); CREATE TABLE countries (country_id INT,country VARCHAR(255)); | SELECT country, COUNT(*) as num_veterans FROM veteran_employment JOIN countries ON = WHERE industry = 'IT' GROUP BY country ORDER BY num_veterans DESC LIMIT 3; |
Update the 'troops' value for 'Afghanistan' in the year 2005 to 850 in the 'peacekeeping_operations' table | CREATE TABLE peacekeeping_operations (id INT PRIMARY KEY,country VARCHAR(50),year INT,troops INT,cost FLOAT); | WITH cte AS (UPDATE peacekeeping_operations SET troops = 850 WHERE country = 'Afghanistan' AND year = 2005 RETURNING *) INSERT INTO peacekeeping_operations SELECT * FROM cte; |
Which are the top 5 ports with the highest cargo weight handled in 2021? | CREATE TABLE port (port_id INT,port_name VARCHAR(50),country VARCHAR(50)); INSERT INTO port VALUES (1,'Port of Shanghai','China'); INSERT INTO port VALUES (2,'Port of Singapore','Singapore'); CREATE TABLE cargo (cargo_id INT,port_id INT,cargo_weight INT,handling_date DATE); INSERT INTO cargo VALUES (1,1,50000,'2021-01-01'); | SELECT p.port_name, SUM(c.cargo_weight) as total_weight FROM port p JOIN cargo c ON p.port_id = c.port_id WHERE handling_date >= '2021-01-01' AND handling_date < '2022-01-01' GROUP BY p.port_name ORDER BY total_weight DESC LIMIT 5; |
Which excavation sites have over 2000 artifacts? | CREATE TABLE Excavation_Sites (Site_ID INT,Site_Name TEXT,Country TEXT,Number_of_Artifacts INT);INSERT INTO Excavation_Sites (Site_ID,Site_Name,Country,Number_of_Artifacts) VALUES (1,'Pompeii','Italy',10000);INSERT INTO Excavation_Sites (Site_ID,Site_Name,Country,Number_of_Artifacts) VALUES (2,'Tutankhamun','Egypt',5000);INSERT INTO Excavation_Sites (Site_ID,Site_Name,Country,Number_of_Artifacts) VALUES (3,'Machu Picchu','Peru',3000);INSERT INTO Excavation_Sites (Site_ID,Site_Name,Country,Number_of_Artifacts) VALUES (4,'Angkor Wat','Cambodia',2500);INSERT INTO Excavation_Sites (Site_ID,Site_Name,Country,Number_of_Artifacts) VALUES (5,'Teotihuacan','Mexico',2001); | SELECT Site_ID, Site_Name, Number_of_Artifacts FROM Excavation_Sites WHERE Number_of_Artifacts > 2000; |
How many employees have completed compliance training by quarter? | CREATE TABLE training_records (id INT,employee_id INT,training_type VARCHAR(255),completion_date DATE); INSERT INTO training_records (id,employee_id,training_type,completion_date) VALUES (1,1,'Diversity and Inclusion','2022-02-01'),(2,2,'Sexual Harassment Prevention','2022-03-15'),(3,3,'Compliance','2022-01-05'),(4,4,'Sexual Harassment Prevention','2022-04-30'),(5,5,'Compliance','2022-03-01'); | SELECT QUARTER(completion_date) as completion_quarter, COUNT(*) as num_completed FROM training_records WHERE training_type = 'Compliance' AND completion_date IS NOT NULL GROUP BY completion_quarter; |
Who has the most Grand Slam titles in tennis? | CREATE TABLE tennis_players (player_id INT,name VARCHAR(50),country VARCHAR(50),grand_slam_titles INT); INSERT INTO tennis_players (player_id,name,country,grand_slam_titles) VALUES (1,'Roger Federer','Switzerland',20); INSERT INTO tennis_players (player_id,name,country,grand_slam_titles) VALUES (2,'Serena Williams','United States',23); | SELECT name FROM tennis_players WHERE grand_slam_titles = (SELECT MAX(grand_slam_titles) FROM tennis_players); |
Calculate the percentage of Shariah-compliant investments held by each investor in the top 5 countries with the highest percentage? | CREATE TABLE investors (investor_id INT,investor_name TEXT,country TEXT); INSERT INTO investors (investor_id,investor_name,country) VALUES (1,'Al Thani','Qatar'),(2,'Saudi Investment Group','Saudi Arabia'),(3,'Temasek Holdings','Singapore'); CREATE TABLE investments (investment_id INT,investor_id INT,investment_type TEXT,investment_value DECIMAL,is_shariah_compliant BOOLEAN); INSERT INTO investments (investment_id,investor_id,investment_type,investment_value,is_shariah_compliant) VALUES (1,1,'Real Estate',15000000,true),(2,2,'Stocks',20000000,false); | SELECT investor_name, ROUND((SUM(CASE WHEN is_shariah_compliant THEN investment_value ELSE 0 END) / SUM(investment_value)) * 100, 2) AS percentage FROM investments JOIN investors ON investments.investor_id = investors.investor_id GROUP BY investor_name ORDER BY percentage DESC LIMIT 5; |
Find the total number of unique donors from the year 2020 who have never donated again? | CREATE TABLE Donors (id INT,donor_name VARCHAR(255),first_donation_date DATE,last_donation_date DATE); INSERT INTO Donors (id,donor_name,first_donation_date,last_donation_date) VALUES (1,'John Doe','2020-01-01','2020-12-31'),(2,'Jane Smith','2020-02-01','2021-01-01'),(3,'Alice Johnson','2020-03-01','2020-03-31'); | SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT donor_name) as total_unique_donors FROM Donors WHERE first_donation_date >= '2020-01-01' AND last_donation_date < '2021-01-01' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM Donors d2 WHERE d2.donor_name = Donors.donor_name AND d2.last_donation_date > '2020-12-31'); |
What is the minimum donation amount for each program? | CREATE TABLE Programs (ProgramID INT,ProgramName TEXT); CREATE TABLE Donations (DonationID INT,DonationAmount NUMERIC,ProgramID INT); | SELECT Programs.ProgramName, MIN(Donations.DonationAmount) FROM Programs JOIN Donations ON Programs.ProgramID = Donations.ProgramID GROUP BY Programs.ProgramName; |
Show the capacity of all warehouses located in California | CREATE TABLE warehouse (id INT,city VARCHAR(20),capacity INT); INSERT INTO warehouse (id,city,capacity) VALUES (1,'Chicago',1000),(2,'Houston',1500),(3,'Miami',800),(4,'Los Angeles',1200),(5,'San Francisco',1800); | SELECT capacity FROM warehouse WHERE city IN ('Los Angeles', 'San Francisco'); |
Find the average investment amount in biotech startups for the year 2019. | CREATE SCHEMA if not exists biotech;CREATE TABLE if not exists (id INT,startup_id INT,amount DECIMAL(10,2),investment_year INT); INSERT INTO (id,startup_id,amount,investment_year) VALUES (1,1,500000,2020),(2,2,300000,2019),(3,1,750000,2020),(4,4,250000,2019); | SELECT AVG(amount) FROM WHERE investment_year = 2019; |
Find the initiative names with type 'Education' and their costs? | CREATE TABLE Initiatives (initiative_id INT,initiative_name VARCHAR(50),initiative_cost INT,initiative_type VARCHAR(20)); | SELECT initiative_name, initiative_cost FROM Initiatives WHERE initiative_type = 'Education'; |
Determine the number of female and male students in the School of Engineering, and calculate the percentage of each gender in the school, rounded to two decimal places. | CREATE TABLE StudentDemographics (id INT,name VARCHAR(255),department VARCHAR(255),gender VARCHAR(10)); | SELECT department, gender, COUNT(*) as count, ROUND(COUNT(*) * 100.0 / SUM(COUNT(*)) OVER (PARTITION BY department), 2) as percentage FROM StudentDemographics WHERE department LIKE 'Engineering%' GROUP BY department, gender; |
What is the percentage of female faculty members in each department? | CREATE TABLE faculty (id INT,name VARCHAR(50),department VARCHAR(50),gender VARCHAR(10)); INSERT INTO faculty VALUES (1,'Alice','Computer Science','Female'); INSERT INTO faculty VALUES (2,'Bob','Physics','Male'); INSERT INTO faculty VALUES (3,'Eve','Computer Science','Female'); CREATE TABLE departments (id INT,name VARCHAR(50)); INSERT INTO departments VALUES (1,'Computer Science'); INSERT INTO departments VALUES (2,'Physics'); | SELECT, COUNT(, COUNT(CASE WHEN faculty.gender = 'Female' THEN 1 END)/COUNT(*100 FROM faculty JOIN departments ON faculty.department = GROUP BY; |
What is the total installed capacity of renewable energy projects in the United States? | CREATE TABLE RenewableEnergyProjects (project_id INT,project_name VARCHAR(255),country VARCHAR(255),capacity FLOAT,technology VARCHAR(255)); | SELECT SUM(capacity) FROM RenewableEnergyProjects WHERE country = 'United States'; |
What is the count of community health workers who speak Spanish, by job title? | CREATE TABLE CommunityHealthWorkers (CHW_ID INT,Name VARCHAR(50),Job_Title VARCHAR(50),Language VARCHAR(50)); INSERT INTO CommunityHealthWorkers (CHW_ID,Name,Job_Title,Language) VALUES (1,'Ana','Community Health Worker','Spanish'); INSERT INTO CommunityHealthWorkers (CHW_ID,Name,Job_Title,Language) VALUES (2,'Carlos','Senior Community Health Worker','Spanish'); | SELECT Job_Title, COUNT(*) FROM CommunityHealthWorkers WHERE Language = 'Spanish' GROUP BY Job_Title; |
What are the average energy consumption and carbon emissions per tourist for each country? | CREATE TABLE energy_consumption (country VARCHAR(50),tourists INT,energy_consumption FLOAT); INSERT INTO energy_consumption (country,tourists,energy_consumption) VALUES ('Canada',10000,5000000),('Mexico',12000,4500000),('France',15000,4000000); CREATE TABLE carbon_emissions (country VARCHAR(50),tourists INT,emissions FLOAT); INSERT INTO carbon_emissions (country,tourists,emissions) VALUES ('Canada',10000,1200000),('Mexico',12000,1100000),('France',15000,900000); | SELECT, AVG(e.energy_consumption / t.tourists) AS avg_energy_consumption, AVG(c.emissions / t.tourists) AS avg_carbon_emissions FROM energy_consumption e JOIN carbon_emissions c ON = JOIN (SELECT country, SUM(tourists) AS tourists FROM (SELECT country, tourists FROM energy_consumption UNION ALL SELECT country, tourists FROM carbon_emissions) combined GROUP BY country) t ON = GROUP BY; |
What is the average rating of eco-friendly hotels in France? | CREATE TABLE eco_hotels(hotel_id INT,hotel_name TEXT,country TEXT,rating FLOAT); INSERT INTO eco_hotels(hotel_id,hotel_name,country,rating) VALUES (1,'Hotel Eco Ville','France',4.2),(2,'Eco Chateau','France',4.5),(3,'Green Provence Hotel','France',4.7); | SELECT AVG(rating) FROM eco_hotels WHERE country = 'France'; |
What's the name and birthplace of the artist with the most works in the Post-Impressionism genre? | CREATE TABLE Artists (ArtistID INT,Name TEXT,Birthplace TEXT);CREATE TABLE Artworks (ArtworkID INT,Title TEXT,Genre TEXT,ArtistID INT); INSERT INTO Artists (ArtistID,Name,Birthplace) VALUES (1,'Vincent van Gogh','Netherlands'); INSERT INTO Artworks (ArtworkID,Title,Genre,ArtistID) VALUES (1,'Starry Night','Post-Impressionism',1); | SELECT Artists.Name, Artists.Birthplace FROM Artists INNER JOIN Artworks ON Artists.ArtistID = Artworks.ArtistID WHERE Genre = 'Post-Impressionism' GROUP BY Artists.ArtistID ORDER BY COUNT(Artworks.ArtworkID) DESC LIMIT 1; |
Delete all records from the 'research_projects' table where the 'funding_amount' is greater than $500000 | CREATE TABLE research_projects (id INT PRIMARY KEY,project_name VARCHAR(255),funding_source VARCHAR(255),funding_amount DECIMAL(10,2)); INSERT INTO research_projects (id,project_name,funding_source,funding_amount) VALUES (1,'Climate Change Impact Study','National Science Foundation',750000.00),(2,'Biodiversity Loss in Arctic Region','European Union',450000.00),(3,'Indigenous Communities and Climate Change','World Bank',800000.00),(4,'Arctic Resource Management','Global Environment Facility',550000.00); | DELETE FROM research_projects WHERE funding_amount > 500000.00; |
How many records are there in the 'arctic_weather' table for each month? | CREATE TABLE arctic_weather (date DATE,temperature FLOAT); | SELECT EXTRACT(MONTH FROM date) AS month, COUNT(*) AS records_count FROM arctic_weather GROUP BY month; |
What is the average temperature per year in the Arctic Research Lab? | CREATE TABLE ArcticResearchLab (id INT,year INT,temperature FLOAT); INSERT INTO ArcticResearchLab (id,year,temperature) VALUES (1,2000,-10.5),(2,2001,-11.3),(3,2002,-12.1); | SELECT AVG(temperature) FROM ArcticResearchLab GROUP BY year; |
What is the average temperature recorded in the Arctic Research Station 15 in March? | CREATE TABLE Arctic_Research_Station_15 (date DATE,temperature FLOAT); | SELECT AVG(temperature) FROM Arctic_Research_Station_15 WHERE EXTRACT(MONTH FROM date) = 3; |
What is the total length of highways in 'Highways' table for each state? | CREATE TABLE Highways(state VARCHAR(255),length FLOAT,type VARCHAR(255)); INSERT INTO Highways VALUES('California',500.0,'Rural'),('California',700.0,'Urban'),('Texas',400.0,'Rural'),('Texas',800.0,'Urban'),('NewYork',300.0,'Rural'),('NewYork',600.0,'Urban'); | SELECT state, SUM(length) FROM Highways GROUP BY state; |
What is the minimum depth recorded in the Mariana Trench? | CREATE TABLE ocean_floor_mapping (location VARCHAR(255),depth FLOAT); INSERT INTO ocean_floor_mapping (location,depth) VALUES ('Mariana Trench',10994.0),('Challenger Deep',10972.8); | SELECT MIN(depth) FROM ocean_floor_mapping WHERE location = 'Mariana Trench'; |
How many employees of each position work in the 'drilling' department? | CREATE TABLE departments (id INT,name VARCHAR(50)); CREATE TABLE employee_positions (id INT,name VARCHAR(50),dept_id INT,emp_id INT); CREATE TABLE employee_dept (id INT,dept_id INT,emp_id INT); CREATE TABLE employees (id INT,name VARCHAR(50),salary DECIMAL(10,2)); | SELECT e.position, COUNT(*) as num_employees FROM employee_positions ep JOIN employees e ON = ep.emp_id JOIN employee_dept ed ON = ed.emp_id JOIN departments d ON = ed.dept_id WHERE = 'drilling' GROUP BY e.position; |
List all subscribers who have both mobile and broadband services, along with their contract start and end dates. | CREATE TABLE subscribers (subscriber_id INT,name VARCHAR(50),mobile_contract_start_date DATE,mobile_contract_end_date DATE,broadband_contract_start_date DATE,broadband_contract_end_date DATE); INSERT INTO subscribers (subscriber_id,name,mobile_contract_start_date,mobile_contract_end_date,broadband_contract_start_date,broadband_contract_end_date) VALUES (1,'John Doe','2021-01-01','2022-01-01','2021-02-01','2022-02-01'),(2,'Jane Smith','2021-03-01','2022-03-01','2021-04-01','2022-04-01'); | SELECT subscriber_id, name, mobile_contract_start_date, mobile_contract_end_date, broadband_contract_start_date, broadband_contract_end_date FROM subscribers WHERE mobile_contract_start_date IS NOT NULL AND broadband_contract_start_date IS NOT NULL; |
What is the most common word in the 'politics' category? | CREATE TABLE news (title VARCHAR(255),author VARCHAR(255),word_count INT,category VARCHAR(255),word VARCHAR(255)); INSERT INTO news (title,author,word_count,category,word) VALUES ('Sample News','Jane Smith',800,'Politics','Democracy'); | SELECT word, COUNT(*) as count FROM news WHERE category = 'Politics' GROUP BY word ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 1; |
What is the average depth of the five deepest trenches in the Pacific Ocean? | CREATE TABLE TRENCHES (NAME TEXT,DEPTH NUMERIC,REGION TEXT); INSERT INTO TRENCHES (NAME,DEPTH,REGION) VALUES ('Mariana Trench',36090,'Pacific Ocean'),('Tonga Trench',35702,'Pacific Ocean'),('Kuril-Kamchatka Trench',34455,'Pacific Ocean'),('Philippine Trench',33100,'Pacific Ocean'),('Sibuyan Sea Trench',33070,'Pacific Ocean'),('Izu-Bonin Trench',31890,'Pacific Ocean'); | SELECT AVG(DEPTH) FROM (SELECT DEPTH FROM TRENCHES WHERE REGION = 'Pacific Ocean' ORDER BY DEPTH DESC LIMIT 5) AS T; |
What is the maximum temperature recorded in 'Field D'? | CREATE TABLE sensors (sensor_id INT,location VARCHAR(50)); INSERT INTO sensors (sensor_id,location) VALUES (004,'Field D'); CREATE TABLE temps (sensor_id INT,temp FLOAT,timestamp TIMESTAMP); INSERT INTO temps (sensor_id,temp,timestamp) VALUES (004,29.5,'2022-01-01 10:00:00'); INSERT INTO temps (sensor_id,temp,timestamp) VALUES (004,31.6,'2022-01-02 11:00:00'); | SELECT MAX(temp) FROM temps WHERE sensor_id = 004; |
What is the minimum price of Promethium from 2016 to 2018? | CREATE TABLE price_data (element VARCHAR(10),year INT,price DECIMAL(5,2)); INSERT INTO price_data VALUES ('Promethium',2015,22.50),('Promethium',2016,23.10),('Promethium',2017,21.90),('Promethium',2018,22.80),('Promethium',2019,23.30); | SELECT MIN(price) FROM price_data WHERE element = 'Promethium' AND year BETWEEN 2016 AND 2018; |
List the top 3 most affordable properties based on their sustainability scores in the 'RenewableHeights' neighborhood, ordered by size. | CREATE TABLE Properties (PropertyID INT,Price INT,SustainabilityScore INT,Neighborhood VARCHAR(20),Size INT); INSERT INTO Properties (PropertyID,Price,SustainabilityScore,Neighborhood,Size) VALUES (1,300000,80,'RenewableHeights',1200),(2,450000,95,'RenewableHeights',1500),(3,250000,60,'RenewableHeights',1800),(4,200000,85,'RenewableHeights',1000); | SELECT * FROM (SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Neighborhood ORDER BY Price, Size) AS rn FROM Properties WHERE Neighborhood = 'RenewableHeights' ORDER BY Price, Size) sub WHERE rn <= 3; |
What is the average size, in square feet, of co-owned properties in the city of Seattle? | CREATE TABLE property (id INT,size INT,city VARCHAR(20),co_owned BOOLEAN); INSERT INTO property (id,size,city,co_owned) VALUES (1,1200,'Seattle',TRUE),(2,1500,'Seattle',FALSE),(3,900,'Seattle',TRUE); | SELECT AVG(size) FROM property WHERE city = 'Seattle' AND co_owned = TRUE; |
What is the total number of threat indicators for the energy sector with a confidence level higher than 75? | CREATE TABLE threat_indicators (id INT,sector TEXT,confidence INT); INSERT INTO threat_indicators (id,sector,confidence) VALUES (1,'Energy',80); INSERT INTO threat_indicators (id,sector,confidence) VALUES (2,'Transportation',70); INSERT INTO threat_indicators (id,sector,confidence) VALUES (3,'Energy',78); | SELECT SUM(confidence) FROM threat_indicators WHERE sector = 'Energy' AND confidence > 75; |
Update the fuel type for cars produced before 2010 in the cars table to 'conventional'. | cars (id,make,model,year,fuel_type) | UPDATE cars SET fuel_type = 'conventional' WHERE cars.year < 2010; |
What is the average fuel efficiency of hybrid vehicles in Japan? | CREATE TABLE JPHybridVehicles (id INT,company VARCHAR(30),model VARCHAR(30),fuel_efficiency DECIMAL(5,2)); | SELECT AVG(fuel_efficiency) FROM JPHybridVehicles WHERE company = 'Toyota'; |
List the total quantity of sustainable fabric types used in 2020. | CREATE TABLE Fabrics (id INT PRIMARY KEY,type VARCHAR(20),year INT,quantity INT); INSERT INTO Fabrics (id,type,year,quantity) VALUES (1,'Organic_Cotton',2020,5000),(2,'Recycled_Polyester',2020,7000); | SELECT SUM(quantity) FROM Fabrics WHERE year = 2020 AND type IN ('Organic_Cotton', 'Recycled_Polyester'); |
What is the average lead time for eco-friendly packaging suppliers? | CREATE TABLE suppliers (id INT,name VARCHAR(255),material VARCHAR(255),lead_time INT); INSERT INTO suppliers (id,name,material,lead_time) VALUES | SELECT AVG(lead_time) FROM suppliers WHERE material = 'Eco-friendly Packaging'; |
List all claims that were processed in the last 60 days. | CREATE TABLE Claims (ClaimID INT,ProcessingDate DATE); INSERT INTO Claims (ClaimID,ProcessingDate) VALUES (1,'2022-02-01'),(2,'2022-02-15'),(3,'2022-01-01'); | SELECT ClaimID, ProcessingDate FROM Claims WHERE ProcessingDate >= DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE(), INTERVAL 60 DAY); |
What is the total claim amount for each gender? | CREATE TABLE policyholders (id INT,policyholder_name TEXT,state TEXT,age INT,gender TEXT); INSERT INTO policyholders (id,policyholder_name,state,age,gender) VALUES (1,'John Doe','NY',35,'Male'); INSERT INTO policyholders (id,policyholder_name,state,age,gender) VALUES (2,'Jane Smith','NY',42,'Female'); CREATE TABLE claims (id INT,policyholder_id INT,claim_amount INT); INSERT INTO claims (id,policyholder_id,claim_amount) VALUES (1,1,500); INSERT INTO claims (id,policyholder_id,claim_amount) VALUES (2,2,750); | SELECT gender, SUM(claim_amount) AS total_claim_amount FROM claims JOIN policyholders ON claims.policyholder_id = GROUP BY gender; |
Which states have no union members? | CREATE TABLE union_members (id INT,name VARCHAR(50),state VARCHAR(2),joined_date DATE); INSERT INTO union_members (id,name,state,joined_date) VALUES (1,'John Doe','NY','2020-01-01'); INSERT INTO union_members (id,name,state,joined_date) VALUES (2,'Jane Smith','CA','2019-06-15'); INSERT INTO union_members (id,name,state,joined_date) VALUES (3,'Maria Rodriguez','CA','2018-12-21'); INSERT INTO union_members (id,name,state,joined_date) VALUES (4,'David Kim','NY','2019-04-10'); | SELECT state FROM union_members GROUP BY state HAVING COUNT(*) = 0; |
How many visitors are from the city of "Seattle" in the "Visitor" table? | CREATE TABLE visitor (visitor_id INT,visitor_city VARCHAR(255)); INSERT INTO visitor (visitor_id,visitor_city) VALUES (1,'Seattle'); | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM visitor WHERE visitor_city = 'Seattle'; |
What is the total waste generation in kilograms for all organizations in the 'urban' sector for the year 2021? | CREATE TABLE organizations (id INT,name TEXT,sector TEXT,annual_waste_generation_kg FLOAT); INSERT INTO organizations (id,name,sector,annual_waste_generation_kg) VALUES (1,'EcoCity Recycling','urban',15000.5); INSERT INTO organizations (id,name,sector,annual_waste_generation_kg) VALUES (2,'GreenTech Waste Solutions','urban',12000.3); | SELECT SUM(annual_waste_generation_kg) FROM organizations WHERE sector = 'urban' AND YEAR(event_date) = 2021; |
What is the maximum wastewater volume treated by each plant in New York on February 10, 2022? | CREATE TABLE WasteWaterTreatment (Id INT PRIMARY KEY,Plant VARCHAR(255),Volume FLOAT,Date DATE); INSERT INTO WasteWaterTreatment (Id,Plant,Volume,Date) VALUES (1,'Plant A',500,'2022-02-10'); INSERT INTO WasteWaterTreatment (Id,Plant,Volume,Date) VALUES (2,'Plant B',600,'2022-02-10'); INSERT INTO WasteWaterTreatment (Id,Plant,Volume,Date) VALUES (3,'Plant C',700,'2022-02-10'); | SELECT Plant, MAX(Volume) FROM WasteWaterTreatment WHERE Date = '2022-02-10' AND Plant IN ('Plant A', 'Plant B', 'Plant C') GROUP BY Plant; |
Calculate the total workout duration and number of workouts for each user in the month of January. | CREATE TABLE Workouts (user_id INT,workout_date DATE,workout_duration INT); INSERT INTO Workouts (user_id,workout_date,workout_duration) VALUES (1,'2022-01-01',60),(1,'2022-01-02',30),(2,'2022-01-01',45),(2,'2022-01-02',60); | SELECT user_id, SUM(workout_duration) as total_duration, COUNT(*) as num_workouts FROM Workouts WHERE MONTH(workout_date) = 1 GROUP BY user_id; |
How many users have a higher heart rate on weekends compared to weekdays? | CREATE TABLE heart_rates (id INT,user_id INT,heart_rate INT,day_type VARCHAR(9)); INSERT INTO heart_rates (id,user_id,heart_rate,day_type) VALUES (1,1,120,'Weekday'),(2,2,130,'Weekend'); | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT user_id, CASE WHEN day_type = 'Weekday' THEN heart_rate END AS weekday_heart_rate, CASE WHEN day_type = 'Weekend' THEN heart_rate END AS weekend_heart_rate FROM heart_rates) AS subquery WHERE weekend_heart_rate > weekday_heart_rate; |
Subsets and Splits