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9 values
SELECT Color Code (with Fusible Link) FROM table WHERE Temperature Classification = ordinary
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the color code with a temperature classification of ordinary?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT date FROM table_name_28 WHERE decision = "dipietro" AND visitor = "carolina"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the date of the game where Dipietro earned a decision and Carolina was the visiting team?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT MAX Rank FROM table WHERE Name = nat lofthouse AND Goals > 255
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the highest rank for Nat Lofthouse, and goals more than 255?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT class AS pos FROM table_name_79 WHERE laps < 304 AND year > 2001
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which Class Pos have Laps smaller than 304 and a Year after 2001?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT venue FROM table_name_81 WHERE winner = "atlanta hawks (11)"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What venue was the game played in when the winner was the atlanta hawks (11)?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT "Opposing Team" FROM table_66405 WHERE "Against" < '19' AND "Date" = '20/05/1979'
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which Opposing Team has an Against smaller than 19, and a Date of 20/05/1979?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT Total Freshwater Withdrawal (km 3 /yr) FROM table WHERE Agricultural Use (m 3 /p/yr)(in %) = 428(62%)
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
How many countries had a total freshwater withdrawal (km 3 /yr) where the agricultural use (m 3 /p/yr)(in %) was 428(62%)?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT title FROM table_name_29 WHERE state = "qin"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What was the title for the state of qin?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, flight WHERE (CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'TORONTO' AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'ST. PETERSBURG' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code) AND flight.stops = 0
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
show me the nonstop flights from TORONTO to ST. PETERSBURGIt is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT(score) FROM table_27721131_2 WHERE high_points = "Andray Blatche (17)"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What's the score in andray blatche (17) high points?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT intergiro_classification FROM table_name_16 WHERE points_classification = "paolo bettini" AND trofeo_super_team = "davitamon-lotto" AND mountains_classification = "josé rujano"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the Intergiro classification when the points classification is Paolo Bettini, Trofeo Super Team is Davitamon-Lotto, and the Mountains classification is Jos Rujano?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Location FROM table WHERE Date = 2006-04-07 AND Circumstances = direct fire
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Name the location on 2006-04-07 for direct fire.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT SUM( FROM home_game AS T1 JOIN team AS T2 ON T1.team_id = T2.team_id_br WHERE = 'Boston Red Stockings' AND T1.year BETWEEN 1990 AND 2000
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
How many home games did the team Boston Red Stockings play from 1990 to 2000 in total?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT division_north FROM table_name_75 WHERE division_southwest = "novaci" AND division_west = "vrapčište"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Who won Division North when Division Southwest was won by Novaci and Division West by Vrapčište?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT MAX(caps) FROM table_name_50 WHERE player = "glen moss"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the largest caps value for Glen Moss?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Episode FROM TV_series ORDER BY rating
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
List the Episode of all TV series sorted by rating.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Kickoff [a ] FROM table WHERE Opponent = at New Orleans Saints
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which kickoff has the opponent at new orleans saints?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Tournament FROM table WHERE Partnering = franco ferreiro
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Partnering of franco ferreiro had what tournament?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT stadium FROM table_name_13 WHERE city = "kutina"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What stadium has kutina as the city?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT(altitude__mslm_) FROM table_1449176_1 WHERE area__km_2__ = "130.7"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
How many altitudes does the common with an area of 130.7 km^2 have?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT AVG Silver FROM table WHERE Rank = 2 AND Bronze > 1
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the average number of silver medals for rank 2 and more than 1 bronze medal?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Winner FROM table WHERE Runner-up = kimberly kim AND Country = united states
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Who was the winner from the United States the year Kimberly Kim was runner-up?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT date FROM table_name_58 WHERE pitcher = "aníbal sánchez"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
I want the date for aníbal sánchezIt is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Qual 1 FROM table WHERE Best < 58.669 AND Qual 2 < 57.897
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which qualifying 1 time has a best under 58.669 and a qualifying 2 time under 57.897?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Proofs FROM table WHERE Software = tabulae
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Are there proofs in the Tabulae software?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Round FROM table WHERE Opposing Team = manchester united
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which round has an Opposing Team of manchester united?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT 2001 number (,000) FROM table WHERE 2011 % = 7.9
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
How many 2011 % is 7.9?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Score FROM table WHERE Home team = wolverhampton wanderers
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What's the score when the Wolverhampton Wanderers played at home?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT head_coach FROM table_name_75 WHERE shirt_sponsor = "finke"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Who is the head coach for the team that has finke as the shirt sponsor?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT "Original air date" FROM table_16271 WHERE "Title" = 'Lucky Strike'
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
When did the episode titled 'Lucky Strike' air for the first time?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT(first_elected) FROM table_1341549_33 WHERE result = "Re-elected" AND incumbent = "Gary Ackerman Redistricted from the 7th district"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
how many first elected with result being re-elected and incumbent being gary ackerman redistricted from the 7th districtIt is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Event FROM table WHERE Round < 2 AND Location = hong kong
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What event was in hong kong and went less than 2 rounds?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT circuit FROM table_name_28 WHERE winning_driver = "jochen rindt"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What was the circuit when Jochen Rindt won?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT liberal_ticket FROM table_name_73 WHERE socialist_workers_ticket = "judith white"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the liberal ticket that has judith white as the socialist workers?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Icelandic FROM table WHERE Norwegian (nynorsk) = kvitt/kvit
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which Icelandic has a Norwegian (nynorsk) of kvitt/kvit?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT MAX Pos FROM table WHERE Avg = 1.8529
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
How many POS when the average is 1.8529?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Location FROM table WHERE Tournament = Outback Steakhouse Pro-Am
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Where was Outback Steakhouse Pro-AM held?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT title FROM table_18646432_4 WHERE original_air_date = "September 29, 1999"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the name of the episode originally aired on September 29 1999?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT(new_democratic) FROM table_24778847_2 WHERE date_of_polling = "May 11–31, 2010"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
How many figures are given for the New Democratic for the polling range May 11–31 2010?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT t3.drugname FROM (SELECT t2.drugname, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, diagnosis.diagnosistime FROM diagnosis JOIN patient ON diagnosis.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE diagnosis.diagnosisname = 'hyperglycemia - stress related' AND DATETIME(diagnosis.diagnosistime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-1 year')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugname, medication.drugstarttime FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE DATETIME(medication.drugstarttime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-1 year')) AS t2 ON t1.uniquepid = t2.uniquepid WHERE t1.diagnosistime < t2.drugstarttime AND DATETIME(t2.drugstarttime) BETWEEN DATETIME(t1.diagnosistime) AND DATETIME(t1.diagnosistime, '+2 month') GROUP BY t2.drugname) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 4
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
what were the four most frequent drugs prescribed to patients within 2 months after being diagnosed with hyperglycemia - stress related during the last year?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT AVG(total) FROM table_name_85 WHERE rank > 11 AND nation = "switzerland" AND silver < 0
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the average total with a Rank larger than 11 a Nation of switzerland and a Silver smaller than 0?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT(aux_in) FROM table_24384861_1 WHERE dock_connection = "FireWire"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
How many connections aux in using FIrewire?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT SUM Attendance FROM table WHERE Date = october 5
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the total attendance for the date of october 5?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT name, COUNT(name) FROM course AS T1 JOIN teaches AS T2 ON T1.course_id = T2.course_id JOIN instructor AS T3 ON T2.ID = T3.ID WHERE year = 2008 GROUP BY name
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Show how many courses in 2008 for every instructor with a bar chart.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Night Rank FROM table WHERE Viewers (m) = 6.63
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
what's the night rank with viewers (m) of 6.63.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT T2.Name FROM Locations AS T1 JOIN Tourist_Attractions AS T2 ON T1.Location_ID = T2.Location_ID WHERE T1.Address = "660 Shea Crescent" OR T2.How_to_Get_There = "walk"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What are the names of tourist attractions that can be reached by walk or is at address 660 Shea Crescent?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Money list rank FROM table WHERE Player = Cameron Beckman
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Where is Cameron Beckman's rank on the money list?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Opponent FROM table WHERE Date = june 3
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Who was the opponent on June 3?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Game Site FROM table WHERE Date = October 29, 1989
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Where was the game site on October 29, 1989?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT writer FROM table_name_2 WHERE company = "bbv" AND title = "the year of the cat"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Who was the writer of The Year of the Cat from the BBV?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT network FROM table_name_70 WHERE year < 2011 AND title = "star king"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the network that aired Star King prior to 2011?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Departure FROM table WHERE Kilometers = 1676
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What's listed for Departure that has 1676 listed for the Kilometers?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT release_date FROM table_name_4 WHERE series = "mm" AND title = "feather finger"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What's the release date of Feather Finger with an MM Series?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT Camera FROM table WHERE Exposures = 53
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
how many times was the exposures 53?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT(date_of_demolition) FROM table_name_7 WHERE location = "wood street"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
How many dates of demolition are located on Wood Street?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT class FROM table_name_2 WHERE points < 206 AND chassis = "audi r8" AND entrant = "adt champion racing" AND rank = "1st"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What was the class when adt champion racing ranked 1st with an audi r8 chassis and less than 206 points?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Details FROM table WHERE Label = out of line AND Year = 2005
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which details has the out of line label and the year of 2005?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT week_15__final__dec_3 FROM table_name_69 WHERE week_12_nov_13 = "washington (9-1)"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What was Week 15 when Week 12 was Washington (9-1)?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Margin FROM table WHERE Country = united states AND Score = 63-70-65-69=267
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which Margin has a Country of united states, and a Score of 63-70-65-69=267?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT AVG(cr_no) FROM table_name_23 WHERE works = "hawthorn leslie 3100" AND lms_no < 14761
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What's the CR number that has an LMS number less than 14761 and works of Hawthorn Leslie 3100?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT brup FROM table_18064020_21 WHERE name = "total"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the total brup for the team?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT rider FROM table_name_44 WHERE rank > 6 AND team = "suzuki"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Who is Team Suzuki's rider and ranks higher than 6?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT Lane FROM table WHERE Heat > 2 AND Name = khadevis robinson
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
How many lanes was Khadevis Robinson in for heats over 2?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Opponent FROM table WHERE Game < 54
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Who were the opponents in games before number 54?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Ground FROM table WHERE Club = Flora Tallinn
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the home location for team flora tallinn?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Result FROM table WHERE Date = january 21, 2002
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What result has January 21, 2002 as the date?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Torque FROM table WHERE Engine code = om611
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
How much torque does the engine with code om611 have?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT("Against") FROM table_75805 WHERE "Losses" < '13' AND "Byes" < '2'
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the number listed under against when there were less than 13 losses and less than 2 byes?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Drop FROM table WHERE Start = 40
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What drop had a start of 40?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT "B-52 Model" FROM table_73073 WHERE "Unit" = '7th BW attached to 43rd SW'
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
When 7th bw attached to 43rd sw is the unit what is the b-52 model?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT "Height" FROM table_44130 WHERE "Year" = '1972'
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
The year 1972 has what written in Height column?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT area_km_2 FROM table_171361_1 WHERE population = 1209
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the area of the community with a population of 1209?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT age_groups FROM table_name_26 WHERE competition_name = "big league world series"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What are the age groups for the Big League World Series?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Engine FROM table WHERE Team = dhg tom's racing
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Tell me the engine for dhg tom's racing.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT "Type" FROM table_59399 WHERE "Callsign" = 'xetam'
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the Type, when Callsign is 'Xetam'?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM club AS t1 JOIN member_of_club AS t2 ON t1.clubid = t2.clubid JOIN student AS t3 ON t2.stuid = t3.stuid WHERE t3.fname = "Linda" AND t3.lname = "Smith"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
How many clubs does "Linda Smith" belong to?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT AVG Year won FROM table WHERE Finish = t24 AND Country = england
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which year won has a Finish of t24, and a Country of england?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Tie no FROM table WHERE Away team = sheffield wednesday
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What was the tie number with the away team of Sheffield Wednesday?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Games behind (GB) FROM table WHERE Division (Div.) = oklahoma city thunder
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What are the games behind for the Oklahoma City Thunder division?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT date FROM table_name_25 WHERE venue = "princes park"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What the date of the game of the team that plays in princes park?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT SUM Wards/ Branches in Arkansas FROM table WHERE Stake = north little rock arkansas
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the sum of the wards/branches in Arkansas of the North Little Rock Arkansas stake?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT Week FROM table WHERE Attendance = 44,132
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the week number with attendance of 44,132?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT name FROM table_24565004_7 WHERE appearances¹ = 252
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which player had 252 appearancesIt is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT date FROM table_name_97 WHERE format = "stereo lp"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which date is in stereo lp format?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT Losses FROM table WHERE Team Name = vancouver burrards AND Season = 1947 AND Games < 24
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What's the total losses for the vancouver burrards in the 1947 season with fewer than 24 games?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT opponent FROM table_name_24 WHERE round = "3" AND venue = "home"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the Opponent with a Round with 3 and a Venue of home?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT candidates FROM table_1341453_44 WHERE district = "Tennessee 3"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Who are the candidates in the Tennessee 3 district election?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT pole_position FROM table_name_67 WHERE tyre = "f"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What individual(s) had Pole Position for Tyre F?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Score FROM table WHERE Date = july 22, 2008
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the score of the match on July 22, 2008?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT date FROM table_23285805_8 WHERE location_attendance = "Arco Arena 17361"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
On which datebis arco arena 17361 the location attendance?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT date FROM table_22905641_2 WHERE circuit = "Symmons Plains Raceway"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What date was the race at the Symmons Plains Raceway?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT SUM(number_of_deputies) FROM table_name_74 WHERE percentage_of_votes = "94.2%"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the number of deputies with 94.2% of the votes?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT AVG Foreign Imports s Ton FROM table WHERE Total s Ton = 3,157,247 AND Foreign Exports s Ton < 358,493
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
what is the average foreign imports s tone when the total s tone is 3,157,247 and the foreign exports s ton is less than 358,493?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Tree species FROM table WHERE Total plant species = 258
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
How many tree species are listed when the total plant species is 258?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Headquarter, COUNT(DISTINCT T1.Name) FROM Products AS T1 JOIN Manufacturers AS T2 ON T1.Manufacturer = T2.Code ORDER BY Headquarter
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Find the number of different products that are produced by companies at different headquarter cities Plot them as bar chart, and show X in asc order.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT COUNT(womens_doubles) FROM table_15001957_1 WHERE mens_singles = "Philippe Aulner"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
How may women doubles winner were there when Philippe Aulner was mens singles winner?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT date FROM table_name_74 WHERE home_team = "peterborough united"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What date did the home game for peterborough united take place?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT result FROM table_name_23 WHERE weight > 8.1 AND race = "sajc king's cup"
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
What is the result of the sajc king's cup race which has a weight heavier than 8.1?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT dept_name FROM course GROUP BY dept_name ORDER BY SUM(credits) DESC LIMIT 1
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Find the name of the department that offers the highest total credits?It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
SELECT Team FROM table WHERE Laps = 100 AND Time/Retired = +8.6 secs
CREATE TABLE INST, Here is a database schema( table schema);
Which Team has Laps of 100, and a Time/Retired of +8.6 secs?.It is not neccessary to use all the tables.
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