Core-S2L2A /
mikonvergence's picture
[WIP] Configure dataset viewer (#2)
f098498 verified
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3.57 kB
license: cc-by-sa-4.0
  - earth-observation
  - remote-sensing
  - sentinel-2
  - multi-spectral
  - satellite
  - 1M<n<10M
    - name: product_id
      dtype: string
    - name: grid_cell
      dtype: string
    - name: product_datetime
      dtype: string
    - name: thumbnail
      dtype: image
    - name: B01
      dtype: binary
    - name: B02
      dtype: binary
    - name: B03
      dtype: binary
    - name: B04
      dtype: binary
    - name: B05
      dtype: binary
    - name: B06
      dtype: binary
    - name: B07
      dtype: binary
    - name: B08
      dtype: binary
    - name: B8A
      dtype: binary
    - name: B09
      dtype: binary
    - name: B11
      dtype: binary
    - name: B12
      dtype: binary
    - name: cloud_mask
      dtype: binary

Core-S2L2A (🥧 Pre-Release)

Contains a global coverage of Sentinel-2 (Level 1C) patches, each of size 1,068 x 1,068 pixels.

Source Sensing Type Number of Patches Patch Size Total Pixels
Sentinel-2 Level-2A Optical Multispectral 2,245,886 1,068 x 1,068 (10 m) > 2.564 Trillion


Column Details Resolution
B01 Coastal aerosol, 442.7 nm (S2A), 442.3 nm (S2B) 60m
B02 Blue, 492.4 nm (S2A), 492.1 nm (S2B) 10m
B03 Green, 559.8 nm (S2A), 559.0 nm (S2B) 10m
B04 Red, 664.6 nm (S2A), 665.0 nm (S2B) 10m
B05 Vegetation red edge, 704.1 nm (S2A), 703.8 nm (S2B) 20m
B06 Vegetation red edge, 740.5 nm (S2A), 739.1 nm (S2B) 20m
B07 Vegetation red edge, 782.8 nm (S2A), 779.7 nm (S2B) 20m
B08 NIR, 832.8 nm (S2A), 833.0 nm (S2B) 10m
B8A Narrow NIR, 864.7 nm (S2A), 864.0 nm (S2B) 20m
B09 Water vapour, 945.1 nm (S2A), 943.2 nm (S2B) 60m
B11 SWIR, 1613.7 nm (S2A), 1610.4 nm (S2B) 20m
B12 SWIR, 2202.4 nm (S2A), 2185.7 nm (S2B) 20m
thumbnail RGB composite [B04, B03, B02] saved as png 10m

Spatial Coverage

This is a global monotemporal dataset. Nearly every piece of Earth captured by Sentinel-2 is contained at least once in this dataset (and only once, excluding some marginal overlaps).

The following figure demonstrates the spatial coverage (only black pixels are absent): image/png

Example Use

Interface scripts will be released soon.

Here's a sneak peek with a thumbnail image:

from fsspec.parquet import open_parquet_file
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
from io import BytesIO
from PIL import Image

PARQUET_FILE = 'part_03900' # parquet number
ROW_INDEX = 42 # row number (about 500 per parquet)

url = "{}.parquet".format(PARQUET_FILE)
with open_parquet_file(url,columns = ["thumbnail"]) as f:
    with pq.ParquetFile(f) as pf:
        first_row_group = pf.read_row_group(ROW_INDEX, columns=['thumbnail'])

stream = BytesIO(first_row_group['thumbnail'][0].as_py())
image =



  title={Major TOM: Expandable Datasets for Earth Observation}, 
  author={Alistair Francis and Mikolaj Czerkawski},

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