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Helping Hands For A Church - tribunedigital-mcall August 06, 1992|by THOM KUPPER, The Morning Call It's an unusual man who can get excited about a doorknob. Unusual, but very important, at least to the people who planned a renovation of Bethlehem's Central Moravian Church several years ago. What they needed was someone to replicate the 190-year-old brass door pulls at the side entrances to the church. One of the door pulls was missing, and they wanted to sell copies of the distinctive door pulls as a fund-raiser. As a guide, they had someone's years-old failed attempt at molding a new pull. It was supposed to look like a hand sticking out of the church door and grasping a bar, the same as the original. But the detail of the new one just wasn't as good, and whoever made it had apparently abandoned the project in despair. The mold went home with Barry Pell, a member of the church who lent his expertise as an architect to the renovation. Pell showed the mold to T. Grant Burke, a silversmith whose shop was in the same building as Pell's apartment. "Barry brought me this mold," Burke remembers, "and said it didn't work, and I said I could see why." Did Burke know of anyone who could do better? Of course he did. "This is my meat," he said recently. "This is the stuff I love to do." They quickly agreed that Burke should refurbish the door pulls on the church and replace the one that was missing. When the work for the church was done, Burke kept making door pulls. The church has sold more than 125 of them at $100 each, reimbursing the silversmith for materials only. Proceeds go to the church's historical renovation fund. He turns them out from a second-floor Main Street workshop as orders come in. The plan is to keep making them until the end of this year to take advantage of their marketability as Christmas presents. After Pell came to him, Burke's first step was to study the door pulls on the church. Several of them had been significantly altered over the years, and he had to take them apart to try to guess their original form. As for the old mold Pell brought him, Burke said its problem was that whoever made it had tried to do the pull in one piece. "It can't be done that way," he said. Instead, the pulls should be made in three pieces, the way the originals were done in the early 19th century. The cuff, hand and bar are each a separate piece of brass, which allows Burke to use a smaller mold and enhances his precision. Once he had figured out how to replicate the door pulls, Burke used a torch to separate the parts of one of the pulls. Then he packed the brass pieces into a metal frame and used a vulcanizing method to make his own mold. With that complete, it takes him about five hours to make each new door pull. The tough part is that the molds were much larger than what Burke generally works with -- a peculiarity that Burke said would cause most silversmiths to shirk the assignment, but that he considered a challenge. It took him six or seven tries to get his molds right. If they're done wrong, the metal will "migrate" inside the mold and "you might have a thumb coming out the side of it," Burke said. When the last pull is done, the molds and a list of people who bought door pulls will be kept in the church's archives. The significance of the door pulls is that they represent the importance of music in the Moravian church. Burke said the bar depicts a scroll of music held in the hand. As he got involved in the project, Burke also decided to join the church and remains a member. He's sold the pulls to people all over the United States. Notes of thanks from satisfied customers hang on his walls. "It's not just something that was done for the local people," Burke said. "These things are distributed all through eastern Europe." Several of the pulls were taken to eastern Europe when a choir affiliated with the church toured there last year. Robert Pharo, former president of the Moravian Church choir, said the choir had given them to their hosts in the former Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia and Germany. They left one pull in Herrnhut, Germany, an early center of the Moravian church. Back in Bethlehem, Burke said he wasn't surprised that the church had overlooked him for several years before asking him to do the work. His shop, two blocks down from the church, carries only his name on the door to announce its presence, and many people are unaware of his work, he said. "You're never a hero in your hometown." Anyone interested in buying a door pull should contact the Central Moravian Church, 73 W. Church St., Bethlehem 18018.
2018/12/14 12:59:14
Lamar Institute of Technology pharmacy technology Find information about Lamar Institute of Technology pharmacy technology, and registering for elective seminars and lectures. Which college degrees give you the best chances of finding employment after graduation? Nursing is one of the fastest-growing job areas, and for good reason. As the population ages, medical care will continue to expand rapidly. Concentrating on Lamar Institute of Technology pharmacy technology, for example, you may gain an advantage in job recruiting on-campus. Check with the pharmacy department for course registration deadlines, and pharmacy technician program requirements. Please use the form above to request admissions info for Lamar Institute of Technology. Most clinical research studies pose the risk of physical discomfort, although some participants experience complications that require medical attention. In rare cases, participants have been seriously injured or have died resulting from their ingestion of experimental pharmaceutical preparations. The specific risks associated with a research protocol are described in detail in the informed consent document. Also, a member of the medical research team must explain the major risks of participating in a pharmacy study. Beyond major requirements within the pharmacy department, you may consider Jacksonville State University genetics course as a complementary elective to your primary course of study. Assisted Reproductive Technologies, such as in-vitro fertilization (IVF), often involve the use of hormones to stimulate a woman's ovaries to produce multiple egg-bearing follicles. The eggs are removed from the ripened follicles and transferred to a special media, where sperm are introduced. If fertilization occurs and viable embryos are produced, a limited number are transferred directly into the uterus. Pre-implantation genetic screening is used in conjunction with embryo biopsy to scan for disorders such as hemophilia and cystic fibrosis. Going on to nursing study via Alamance CC surgical assistant program, for example, can help you find a rewarding position in the medical services field. Technical programs are a low-cost alternative to attending a regular four-year university, and you can earn good money as a highly-skilled, technical specialist. By remaining true to your career interests, your overall job earnings will increase as you gain experience. If you're currently employed, you may consider Campbellsville University volcanology as an option to advance your career. Massive open online courses are known as MOOCs, utilizing interactive platforms such as Blackboard, and mobile apps. For example, Khan Academy now offers free lecture videos served through YouTube. Then there's Howard CC AP Calculus bc credit, with enrolled students from around the world. Most colleges accept either the SAT or ACT, and have formulas for converting raw test scores. SAT test questions can be trickier and harder to understand, while ACT questions are longer on average, and take more time. Other college admissions information sources, like Hennepin Technical College online associates degrees, promote the use of standardized tests in admissions decisions because there are substantial differences in course requirements, high school GPA, and grade curve difficulty among US schools. You can also explore Southern Maine Community College credit classes, in order to further target your academic interests. The overall time that students spend in college is getting longer, with undergraduate study increasingly leading onwards to graduate school. High school grades are the most important factor in gaining admission to the college of your choice, along with letters of recommendation. According to data on Jamestown Community College admissions email pages, an ideal academic record consists of a high GPA in courses of progressive difficulty. About half of colleges use placement tests and a waiting list, and many community colleges have agreements with bachelor programs at four-year universities. You may compare Smith College course registration with other schools that you're considering. Academic and athletic scholarships are highly competitive, and are usually awarded either by the admissions office directly, or through individual departmental awards. Student loans typically have variable interest rates while federal student loan programs have fixed rates for the duration of the loan. Financial aid may be administered via Norco College need based aid or through academic departments. Alternatively, student credit cards may seem like a good short-term solution, but the interest rates are high, and credit cards often carry an annual fee. Peterson's Scholarship Search Award Database is drawn from Peterson's college guidebooks. While local churches may not have the funding to provide IT scholarships, their headquarters may have scholarship funds available. As the economy improves, many hospitals and other medical facilities are beginning to hire additional nursing staff. Whether you have experience in medical services, or are a nursing program graduate, this may be the right time to advance your career. Healthcare jobs such as Registered Nurses, LPN's, LVN's and related medical technicians provide over 15 million jobs in the USA alone, and ten of the 20 fastest growing occupations are healthcare-related. Finding out about Irvine Valley College anthropology courses online, on the other hand, may broaden your education in order to appeal to a wider variety of employers. The Department of Commerce offers salary data though the Occupational Outlook Handbook. Hiring managers typically post available positions on targeted job boards, which are sampled daily. Nashville State Community College intro to computing information may be available through the human resources department. Further, the Bureau of Labor Statistics offers salary data though the Occupational Outlook Handbook. Aside from a good salary, many medical education programs include excellent employment benefits, as well as payment plans. Browse current job openings at or Monster online. Apply to several colleges and universities simultaneously, and if you have the grades and test scores, give yourself a fighting chance to get into an accredited pharmacy program by doing something outstanding in either high school or community college. Lamar Institute of Technology applications may be submitted by using the contact form at the top of this page. It may be possible to complete some of your required degree courses online, thus saving money on tuition fees. Alternatively, if you're currently employed, you can study part-time. It isn't as hard as you might think to find US News articles written about Fort Valley State University undergraduate admissions in your local newspaper. An advanced nursing degree will stick with you for a long time, so apply yourself and work hard for a few years, graduating from the best school that you can get into. Lamar Institute of Technology pharmacy technology contact info Lamar Institute of Technology › pharmacy technology Biomedical engineers combine biological research with instrument design to fabricate medical equipment and surgical devices used in healthcare facilities. Reviewing Fort Lewis College supplements can help you to choose elective subjects. Biomedicine is a competitive discipline, focusing on surgical technology and nursing methodology. Coursework relating to Point Park University electromagnetics may include lab courses such as organic chemistry, biomechanics, or molecular engineering. Finally, a hospital or pharmaceutical internship may be required to gain exposure to medical applications. The median salary in biomedical engineering was $85,620 in May 2017, based on labor statistics. On our pages, there are links to certificate programs and continuing education courseware. By pursuing a hospital internship, you can improve your career prospects, and potentially find a rewarding job as a professional nurse. This website is not affiliated with Lamar Institute of Technology pharmacy technology, and all trademarks are the exclusive property of their respective owners. College Inspector is the work of a group of Thai students in Bangkok, using info from the US Department of Education, Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). If any stats on Manchester Community College career training are incorrect, please contact us with the right data.
2017/11/24 09:39:39
Ariana Grande responds to backlash over her Manchester Pride slot | Press and Journal Ariana Grande is due to perform at the annual LGBT event in August (Dave Hogan for One Love Manchester) Ariana Grande has responded to the backlash over her headlining Manchester Pride, saying: "I'm not claiming to be the hero of the community." The US singer is due to perform at the annual LGBT event in August, two years after a suicide bomber killed 22 people at her concert in the city. Grande has now waded in on Twitter, explaining why the show is so important to her. "The LGBTQ community has been so special to me and supportive throughout my entire career," said the star. "And also I wanna visit a city that means so much to me," she added. "LGBTQ representation is incredibly important, and I'm always proud to share the stage with artists LGBTQ artists! "I have nothing to do with ticket pricing – Manchester pride sets those rates, and they're mostly out of my control," she explained. After her headlining slot was announced she tweeted that she was "thrilled" to be performing at the event.
2020/08/07 10:01:16
In the article, we will also not use any IDEs for the version control process as they all function differently and Git integration is only available for some of them. Okay, enough of that scary stuff, let’s stick with using the very friendly GitHub Desktop GUI and the website. GitHub Desktop is basically an application which can be downloaded from here and allows the user to interact and use the GitHub features without having to go onto your web browser every single time. After all of them have installed the application, they should see a screen that looks similar to this – except that for new users, ‘Your Repositories’ should start off empty. Okay, let’s say Esther (Manager) has created an initial script on her own computer for the age curve in R called ‘model.r’, which uses Simple Linear Regression to model the relationship between policyholders’ age and the average claims incurred. The contents of model.r looks something like this: Nothing fancy, all the script does is to read the dataset in, instantiate a simple linear regression model and print the calculated coefficients. Esther now wants both Jimmy and Michelle to work on improving it and can do that by uploading the current script into the remote repository created so all three of them have access to it. Remember, she created a remote repository before on the GitHub website, but will need a file in her local machine which she can use to sync the documents (The local repository). Think of it as dropping some files into a local DropBox or GoogleDrive folder to sync them into your online storage. Esther can do this by simply clicking on the ‘Clone a Repository from the Internet’ button, which would bring up the screen below. Here, she should be able to see the newly created remote repository. Now she has to decide on a local path to store this ‘syncing’ folder and hit clone.
Why not be part of this budget tour to Tanzania? the tour will leave you mesmerized with nature. Enjoy the Tanzania camping budget safari, Tanzania camping tour & Tanzania budget safari. book with the best Tanzania tour operator. 4 days Tanzania Camping budget safari Day 1: Arusha – Tarangire National Park We will depart from Arusha in the morning and travel to the Tarangire National Park where you can marvel at the colossal termite mounds and the ancient baobab trees. The picturesque scenery and diverse bird-life assist in creating the tranquil ambiance of the Tarangire National Park. The great elephant population is an extremely remarkable sight. African elephants are the largest land mammal and adult males can weigh as much as seven tonnes. Tarangire’s varied wildlife includes lions, giraffes, warthogs, ostriches, impalas, cheetah, mongoose, buffaloes, and baboons. When your game drive comes to an end, we will take you to the Panorama Campsite. Comprehensive camping facilities are on offer. Main destination: Tarangire National Park Accommodation: Panorama Campsite Meals & drinks: All meals included Day 2: Tarangire – Serengeti National Park An appetizing breakfast will transit to Ngorongoro to the Serengeti National Park. We will take the scenic route to the Serengeti which allows us to travel near the Ngorongoro Crater. There is a possibility of spotting game. The endless golden savannah with splotches of colour created by the vegetation and wildlife make it easy to understand why the Serengeti is one of the Seven Natural wonders of Africa. We will stop so that you can enjoy your picnic lunch on a kopje (a small hill in a generally flat area). We will proceed further into the Serengeti for a leisurely game drive. You will spend the night at the seronero campsite, comprehensive camping facilities are available. Main destination: Serengeti National Park Accommodation: Seronero campsite Meals & drinks: All meals included Day 3: Serengeti – Ngorongoro Crater We will begin our day with an early morning game drive in the central Serengeti. The savannah is an active landscape and the air is flooded with the melodies the birds create as the regenerated sunlight starts to illuminate the full landscape. Your guide will study the prints on the ground to pursue predators. We will travel to the Simba campsite, located near the rim of the crater. You will be provided with dinner and satisfactory camping facilities. Main destination: Ngoro ngoro Accommodation: Simba campsite Meals & drinks: All meals included Day 4: Ngorongoro Crater – Arusha After breakfast Ngorongoro Crater game drives with picnic lunch boxes, A scarce amount safari destination produce the same experience as the Ngorongoro Crater – the game viewing is simply effortless. Most animals remain within the crater due to its high walls. This is the perfect location to view every member of ‘The Big 5’ in one day. We will have a wonderful picnic lunch inside the crater. The unfilled caldera is also home to hyenas, hippo, zebra, wildebeest and an impressive variety of water birds. Your guide will enlighten you by sharing facts about the animals, vegetation and locating hidden animals. Later depart to Arusha. 'Cost of the package 800 per person Activities/services included in the cost: Accommodation as per the itinerary Camps on Full Board/cook for camping safari Road transportation in 4wd land Cruiser safari vehicle Game drives as per the itinerary Tents and other camping gears {for budget camping safaris} Park entrance fees and crater service fees English Speaking guides available for the safari Activities/services excluded in the cost: Visit to Masai Cultural Village All International Flights/local Flights + Taxes Visa fees, Travel & Personal accident insurance Excursions, services and activities not mentioned in this program Personal expenses e.g. laundry, telephone calls, Drinks, Tips and gratuities About Travel African Paradise Safaris we offers Uganda gorilla packages, Tanzania tour package, Kenya holidays,East Africa Holiday,Kenya migration tour, Tanzania Honeymoon Packages, Mountain Climbing
Objective: Retouch, clean up, and enhance the original image for feed bag packaging. Process/Solution: We removed the flies, the cows’ eye discharge, snot, wet fur, and ear tags, as well as dropping in a new sky. Additional retouching was performed for the purposes of overall image beautification and enhancement. Techniques: retouching Acknowledgements: Agency: Barber Martin Art director: Sarah Duke Photography: Craig Anderson Thank you for the response poem; “an empty flyleaf lends me an ear” being a wonderful way to capture that strong need to express thoughts and feelings. Your poetry blog is excellent. Monica • Fri, Dec 20 2013 • I`m a 25 year old military wife and mother to our 5 year old son, Rylan and our sweet Maci born 7-17-15. ​ ​hello all. So I've been tracking my O with Wondfo ovulation test. I just thought I'd share my way of keep track of it. I use to just throw them away but found that by doing this I can see how the line darkens each day. This as you can see the first pic is my month of November and I O'd the 23rd am and it got darker when I took a test that night. Then the 24th am I was still ovulating, and by the 25th the line was lightening. Just thought I'd share! Go Digital is a Digital Marketing Agency.We are a team of young professionals eager to bring you the best results. We put long term goals and we accomplish it by steady short term steps. You need to act now for your company's tomorrow! Around 40% of the world population has an internet connection today. In 1995, it was less than 1%. The number of internet users has increased tenfold from 1999 to 2013. The first billion was reached in 2005. The second billion in 2010. The third billion in 2014. Digital media is so pervasive that consumers have access to information any time and any place they want it. Digital media is an ever-growing source of entertainment, news, shopping and social interaction, and consumers are now exposed not just to what your company says about your brand, but what the media, friends, relatives, peers, etc., are saying as well. Recent study says that 89 percent of consumers turn to search engines to find information on products, services or businesses prior to making purchases.The study points to dependence on search for shopping research as a “key insight into the influence the internet wields in consumers’ lives,” demonstrating the need for strong digital marketing strategies from brands. We are a team of young professionals eager to bring you the best results. We put long term goals and we accomplish it by steady short term steps.Each of us has strong experience in digital advertising and the on-going training our team is what keeps our services at the top ! Digital Marketing Consulting Digital Marketing Consulting is serviced provided and custom-made for our clients and their wants & needs. We make sure to… Analysis and Reporting You can’t manage what you can’t measure! See exactly what's working in your ad, and build on it. We examine… Choosing Good us bank personal loan If you’re availing financing, acquiring a great business plan in place is crucial. If […] You only have to fill out an application for unsecured loans for unemployed by filling out a straightforward and cost […] What You Don’t Know About easiest bank to get a personal loan You may still receive financing. Hence, it’s evident […] The War Against chase bank personal loans for bad credit Payday loans are among the worst types of poor personal […] You simply ought to go in the bank, clarify the situation, complete the forms, and see whether they will give […] Teachers in Thailand, and the rest of the world, are often motivated by the desire to make a positive change for children. There are so many ways to enrich the lives of students, but obviously the main objective is to advance their education. Most Thai public schools have mandatory English classes, even if the school doesn’t have foreign (native-speaking or fluent) English teachers. These courses are taught by Thai teachers who typically can’t speak English conversationally. Because they aren’t entirely familiar with the language, their lessons focus on vocabulary and grammar directly from the book. Continue reading → Posted in Teach Abroad, Thailand Tagged benefits of teaching abroad, foreign teachers abroad, foreign teachers in thailand, go overseas, teach abroad blog, teach english abroad, teach english ESL, teach english in thailand, teaching esl, tefl in thailand, thai students, thai students value foreign english teachers Nearly 10,000 days. That’s the duration of time between when I first saw the band Survivor perform at Stabler Arena in Bethlehem, PA and the day I took my daughter Jillian to see them for the very first time this past Sunday at Penns Peak. Oh sure, we went to Hershey Park a few summers ago when the band was there but let’s be honest: when you put an 8-year-old girl in an amusement park surrounded by chocolate it’s damn near impossible to get her to sit still for an audio assault of classic rock. So, while Mom and child made their way around the park Dad took one for the team. I know, it’s a tough job. But Sunday night was the ideal night. It had been almost seven years since Jimi Jamison fronted the band and it would be Jillian’s first time to see and hear the band her Dad’s been clamoring about since she first wondered what that “Vital Signs” album was doing hanging on the wall in his office. If you are a classic rock, hair-metal or country music lover Penns Peak is the absolute best place to see a show. It reminds me so much of the intimacy that Stabler Arena had. A venue that when you first walk in you can literally read the band’s name on the drum header without the need of binoculars. As far as I’m concerned a concert isn’t just a band playing for you. You need to be part of the experience. A concert is when the band is playing WITH you. As Jillian and I stood in the second row the band ran through a gambit of hits and even a few surprises as well. Truth be told, it’s been a long time since I’ve heard them sound this good. And this was only their fourth show together with this new line-up. A sign of good things to come! We were extremely fortunate to get back stage passes for a quick meet and greet with the band after the show. Jillian, an aspiring singer herself, asked Jimi (one of the greatest male rock vocalists of all time) if he had any advice for her. This is what he said: Persistence. Just keep singing. The more you do it, the better you get. That’s the best advice I can give you! My mind is a bit faded since that Survivor concert two dozen years ago and for the longest time it was hard for me to try to put into words how I felt the night I saw them for the very first time. That was until a friend showed me a picture she had taken of Jillian and me after the show was over. Then I figured it out. After the band said goodbye and got into the van to take them back to the hotel Jillian and i stood there for a minute basking in the glow. It was at this point that a simple song lyric came to mind: We will remember this first night together. After all the songs fade away and the stage fades to gray. As we were making our way out a stage hand from the band came over and asked Jillian if she had gotten an “official” Survivor Frankie Sullivan guitar pick. After she told him that she didn’t he took one that he had gotten from the stage and handed it to her as if it might mean something. as i read this, the smile never left my face. not only because i was standing next to you during the show and feeling all those same emotions, but because of the joy i find in the fact that you can share this whole experience with jilian. the last time i saw the band with jimi as lead was ’87. and though i’ve seen jimi a few times on his own, there is definitely a different vibe when jimi & frankie are on stage together. thanks for the nod, my friend…it was a great night.hope to do it again soon. Can anybody say “road trip”? I found myself thinking back to that “First Night” I saw them with REO. Still ranks as my best concert experience ever. Perhaps so because as a teen I connected with Vital Signs so well (and REO’s Wheel’s Are Turnin’ too). Both of those records came out at the perfect time for me. Prior to last night (and Danville) the last time I saw them with Jimi was at that show in 1985 so it was surreal for me. For a Survivor freak who has never had the opportunity to see them in real life, you guys make it real for me. MTC It was some night that’s for sure! So moving to hear you describe seeing the show with Jillian. A father/daughter experience to be treasured forever! Great to see ya again, Jim. Honestly, the look she has on her face after the show was the same that was on me when I walked out of Stabler arena all those years ago. Just a big huge sigh of “that’s what being a great parent is all about” – I am just picturing your night out & her meeting Jimi – and the big warm fuzzy feeling you had inside Jim! I saw them in ’85 with REO and had a blast. Even got a wave from JJ before the show. He was wearing the same jacket he has on in the Burning Heart video. They were fantastic! I saw JJ a few times and Survivor this past August. Lots of fun to see them again. JJ is my favorite and hope to see him many more times. Have some photos on Twitter but much more on Facebook, if you’re interested in seeing them. That is awesome about the guitar pick. What a nice closure to a wonderful day. I don’t suppose you remember where you got Jillian her shirt, do you? It would make an awesome gift to a family member of mine. =) We actually got the shirt at the show. They were selling them there. I remember they also used to have a “store” on their website where you could buy them, but I don’t see it there anymore. Good luck in your search. Michael Sweet’s new solo album, One Sided War, is packed with hook-laden songs that transcend the tasty fretwork and soaring vocals we’ve come to expect from the Stryper frontman. On the new disc, Sweet is joined by a plethora of seasoned musicians, including guitarists Joel Hoekstra (Whitesnake) and Ethan Brosh, bassist John O’Boyle and drummer Will Hunt (Evanescence). Newcomer guitarist/vocalist Moriah Formica accompanies Sweet on a tasty duet, “Can’t Take This Life.” In addition to the new solo album, Sweet—along with the rest of Stryper—is gearing up for a tour celebrating the 30th anniversary of that band’s monster album, To Hell with the Devil. I recently spoke with Sweet about One Sided War, Stryper’s upcoming tour, gear and more. You can check out our chat below. It’s everything to me. Many artists seem to lose their drive and passion for doing it as they get older. They’ll say things like it’s not really worth it to make new albums. But the thing about me is that it feels as though I’ve gained more drive and more passion. I just love what I do. It’s obviously got some similarities to the sound of some of the other things I’ve done in the past because I can’t escape the sound of my voice or the style of my guitar playing. But I always try to bring in new ingredients and substance to give it a different flair. I always say it’s the best thing I’ve ever done, and I mean it. But that’s not meant to be a slam on the other projects. I just go into each project trying new things—using new equipment and trying different mic and amp techniques to improve upon the last project. I never sit down and think about what I want to sing or play. I just do what comes from the heart.
How Do You Annoy An INTP? - How do you encourage an INTP? Are INTPs aggressive? Can INTP be emotional? INTPs also might want to avoid conflict, and dislike the idea of getting into a serious argument with someone when they do feel emotionally invested in them. If a person refuses to let go and will only make the situation worse, the INTP might take to ghosting them to move on from the relationship.. If an INTP needs encouragement or motivation in a goal, it's important to not inundate them with a lot of advice or input. This can make them lose their focus. Simply show enthusiasm for their idea and actively listen as they talk about it. Ask questions. While INTPs aren't entirely in touch with their own emotions, they definitely dislike passive aggressive behavior in others. They can become frustrated when people try to be subtle but their behavior completely gives them away. The INTP wants the world to make sense, so they may have a hard time admitting they feel emotions like disappointment, anger, or embarrassment. Most of the time the INTPs anger comes from a problem or feeling which they have avoided or neglected for a long time. They attempt to push those feelings aside in hopes of not being seen as emotional, instead they want to be as logical as possible. INTPs aren't often ones to fit in easily, which can certainly make them seem weird to others. They have a rather unique way of seeing the world, as well as how they respond to it. … Being a rare personality type is often a big part of why the INTP can feel weird or even awkward around some people. They are often attracted to people who are very passionate and this type of excitement for things can be inspiring for the INTP. … It can seem intimidating at first but INTPs do find themselves drawn to people who are different than them, and who have a way of being charming and adventurous.
2021/08/04 21:46:25
Brent's Social CRM Blog: 4th Annual CRM Editors' Roundtable: The State of CRM in 2010 4th Annual CRM Editors' Roundtable: The State of CRM in 2010 I'm Back! Yes it's been a long time, so it has to be called a comeback. But there's time to go into why it's been so long later on. Today it's all about this year's annual roundtable conversation with the CRM editors. It's hard to believe that this is the year four in having the best and brightest editor types join me to discuss what's going on in customer relationship management. But I'm fortunate to have two of the best editors AND thinkers in the industry share their considerable knowledge and insights on what's going on in the space. Every time I've done this 1to1 Media's Ginger Conlon has been right there with me. Not only is she incredibly knowledgeable about the industry, she's one of the nicest people in the industry. The same can be said for Josh Weinberger of CRM magazine, who joins us for the second year in a row. Ginger and Josh tackle a number of different topics, including trust-ability, where we are with social crm, the impact of the economy on CRM, and some predictions about what the year ahead will throw at us - like why Josh feels you shouldn't put too much emphasis on Facebook. Both Ginger and Josh have valuable perspectives and opinions, and you can hear them all below on the player, or by clicking here to download the mp3. The conversation is right at 40 minutes. Thanks again Ginger and Josh. And see you next year!!! Technorati : 1to1 media, crm, crm magazine, social crm, trustability : 1to1 media, crm, crm magazine, social crm, trustability Sep 1, 2010 1:22:31 PM | crm, social crm Why Do 40% of People Call Customer Service Without Any Hope of Getting Helped? Mr Miyagi Knows... With the remake of The Karate Kid coming out, I can't resist.... Paul Greenberg (aka the Mr. Miyagi of CRM - the Pat Morita Mr. Miyagi) said something February at the BPT Partners training event (aka Social CRM Summit) that... Watch Live Tech with Ramon Ray and Have A Chance to Win a New HP Printer This morning, 20 September 2010, from 10:15am - 12:30pm, my friend Ramon Ray (Editor and Technology Evangelist, will be moderating a LIVE discussion, streamed through the Internet with Ustream. They'll also be giving away printers during the show. You...
2018/06/19 10:35:26
PLAYA VENAO | SURF CAMP UPGRADE YOUR SURFING At Beach Break Surf Camp we can take your surfing to that next level. Many people have taken a few surf lessons, stood up, rode the white wash and felt the rush of surfing. Now take those next steps! Go surf with our instructors, learn how to identify and ride the best waves for your skill level. Gain the skills and the confidence to continue progressing and practicing on your own after you leave. Please let us know your current experience level when making your reservation request. Tell us how many times you have surfed, where you surfed and if you have taken any coaching classes previously. We are always excited about helping new surfers upgrade their surfing! Meet new people from all over the world sharing their passion for the waves and surfing. I can't speak high enough about John, Carla and the entire Beach Break crew. I've been all through central and South America, visiting different surf camps and BJJ camps and never found one that made me feel so at home. Whether it is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, surfing or just hanging with some incredible people that you are looking for, this is the spot. "I couldn't believe the progress I made in my surfing. After years of feeling stuck in my progression the coaches at Beach Break really helped me advance. I loved the video analysis! It really helps being able to see yourself surf and correct your mistakes."
2019/05/22 00:41:34
March | 2008 | Wisconsin CAFO Watch Factory Farm hazardous air pollution – your right to know is threatened Today, MEA joined over seventy environmental and sustainable agriculture organizations in urging the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency not to exempt livestock operations from the reporting requirements of the federal Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) and the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA). MEA signed on to a letter to the EPA, written by the environmental law firm Earthjustice, asserting that the proposed exemption is unlawful and would greatly reduce the ability of local and state regulators to monitor releases of toxic ammonia and hydrogen sulfide gasses from factory farms. Read MEA's Press Release on the proposed exemption. Read the Comment Letter prepared by Earthjustice and signed by more than 70 groups from 27 states. CAFO Conference – April 5 in Madison Posted by Jamie Saul under Events, Garvey McNeil & McGillivray, S.C. and Midwest Environmental Advocates are hosting a free conference on April 5 entitled "The Environmental Impacts of Large Livestock Operations in Wisconsin." The conference, which will feature a keynote address by Jim Hightower, is designed to bring activists, citizens, and farmers together to learn how factory farms threaten air, water, public health, and sustainable agriculture. Complete details, including a full conference agenda and a printable conference flyer, are available here. Welcome to the inaugural post to Wisconsin CAFO Watch. We hope you find this blog useful and informative.
2018/04/25 23:48:46
2020_ISCM - NANNING SECTION | ISCM 2020_ISCM - NANNING SECTION The 9th ASEAN Music Week is hosted by Guangxi Arts University and undertaken by Guangxi Arts University Music School, and will be held in Nanning, Guangxi from December 18th to December 22nd, 2020. On the evening of December 18, 2020, the Symphony Concert for the Opening Ceremony of the Ninth China-ASEAN Music Week was grandly held in the Concert Hall of Guangxi Culture and Art Center. The musicians joined hands with the Guangxi Symphony Orchestra and the Chorus of Guangxi Arts Academy to present "Ode to the Zhuang Country" (Lyric: Cai Changzhuo, Composition: Mo Junsheng) and "Guangxi Four Seasons" (Lyric: Zheng Junli, Composition: Lv Junhui) , "Legend of Kuafu" (Xu Changjun), "Southern Xinjiang Tour" (Li Shaosheng), "Tianma" (Composer: Zhou Xianglin, Erhu: Lu Yiwen), "Overture to the Grand Theatre" (Ye Xiaogang), "Sun Peak" (Xu Shuya) Eight magnificent and majestic musical works, including "The Great Song Yongzhou Su Jian" (Zhong Juncheng), were conducted by the national first-level conductor Cai Yang as the symphony orchestra. This ASEAN music exhibition held 10 fine concerts, with 4 large-scale symphony concerts and 1 large-scale folk orchestral concert performed by the Guangxi Arts Academy Symphony Orchestra, National Orchestra and Guangxi Symphony Orchestra. Music exchanges were carried out through exhibitions, seminars, workshops, etc. The activity was a complete success, and the musicians also gained a profound friendship. On December 22, 2020, the closing ceremony of the 9th China-ASEAN Music Week came to a close in the Concert Hall of the Guangxi National Palace. In the past five days, a total of 10 concerts, 2 academic forums, and 1 music workshop were held. The 2020 annual meeting of the Chinese Society of Composition and Composition Theory was also held at the Guangxi Arts Academy at the same time, with more than 70 people from all over the country. Famous music experts gathered together. The musicians, together with the Chorus Orchestra of Guangxi Arts University and the National Orchestra of Guangxi Arts University , presented the "Song of ASEAN Friendship" (lyricist: Cai Changzhuo, composer: Mo Junsheng) and "Drinking Light Wine" ( Severe Winter), "Two Pieces of Tujia Customs" (Zhao Xi), "Autumn Mountain Hearing Tao" (Liu Yuan), "Looking for Love" (Wen Deqing), "Impression of March 3" (Hou Daohui), "Puppet Show" (Liu Qing) ) And "Hou Tu" (Tang Jianping) and other eight magnificent and majestic musical works. The famous conductor Zhang Liang served as the conductor of this symphony orchestra. The colorful concert format has brought an audio-visual feast to the majority of musicians and music lovers. The simultaneous online and offline live broadcast method also demonstrates the strong influence and coverage of the China-ASEAN Music Week and has won Recognized by the international music industry. China-ASEAN Music Week, "Beijing Modern Music Festival" and "Shanghai Contemporary Music Week" jointly form the three major platforms for China's "new music" creation. After eight years of experience, China-ASEAN Music Week has developed into the largest and most influential music and cultural event in China, and has gradually formed a structural model with its own characteristics in the long-term development to popularize modern music and promote cultural and artistic exchanges at home and abroad. At the same time, it will have a profound and positive impact on promoting the strategic cooperation and development of the Belt and Road Initiative.
2022/01/19 04:59:54
The Highlanders established a distinctive tactical identity under former head coach Jamie Joseph: they ensured that games were played at pace, backed their defence to withstand a high volume of opposition possessions, and looked to strike quickly with efficient and inventive attacking play. Under Joseph’s former assistant Tony Brown during the 2017 season, the team did not alter this approach – Round 1 against the Chiefs aside. They averaged only 45.7% of the total carries made in their fixtures – 4% lower than any other New Zealand franchise – but generated cleak breaks with the second-highest frequency (11.2%) of all teams in the competition; on the other side of the ball, they allowed opponents to make clean breaks with the third-lowest frequency (7.3%) teams. After a win over the Blues last weekend, it appears that – despite a third head coach in three seasons – the team’s tactical approach will not be significantly different in 2018. They made 44.9% of the game’s total carries in Aaron Mauger’s first game in charge, and scored points with quick, efficient attacking strikes. The short kicking game of halfbacks Aaron Smith and Lima Sopoaga has historically been a fundamental feature of the Highlanders’ set-piece attack. The accuracy of the two All Blacks in this area allows the team to manipulate the four defenders whose positioning dictates where the attacking team can find space: the full-back, two wingers and scrum-half. In the first example below – from Round 2 of 2017 against the Crusaders – Seta Tamanivalu begins flat on the left wing to cover the running threat of Waisake Naholo, and full-back David Havili is in a shallow position directly behind the scrum. Smith’s dart from the base to escape the back row also has the effect of holding Tamanivalu and Havili in the front line, and the scrum-half threads a grubber kick perfectly into the open space beyond the two defenders: In the second example from this fixture, Sopoaga drops a short chip perfectly into space behind the Crusaders’ midfield, an area which scrum-half Bryn Hall is unable to cover as sweeper: Crucially, Hall begins the sequence in the 5m channel – with hooker Codie Taylor at the tail of the lineout – and this defensive set-up likely costs the scrum-half the extra few metres necessary to get between the ball and Naholo, who is making an excellent tracking run on the inside from the blindside wing and collects Fekitoa’s offload after he is tackled by the full-back. The franchise’s historic win over the British & Irish Lions showcased another aspect of their attacking kicking game, with centre Teihorangi Walden’s accurate short grubbers turning the opposition’s aggressive press on a number of occasions. In last Friday’s game, it was outside centre Rob Thompson – effectively the fourth kicking option in a backline featuring Smith, Sopoaga and Walden inside him – whose right foot was used to great effect for the Highlanders’ fifth and final try: Despite Thompson’s sub-optimal execution – the chip is slightly too long, and allows scrum-half Augustine Pulu the chance to cover – the Highlanders’ attacking alignment and awareness of the Blues’ defensive structure creates a situation where they are able to exploit a somewhat fortuitous bounce of the ball.
Used SUVs For Sale near Waxahachie, TX - Hillsboro Ford Used SUVs For Sale near Waxahachie, TX Hillsboro Ford carries a wide selection of used SUVs for sale near Waxahachie, Texas. Check out our lineup of used SUVs from the most popular brands including Ford, Lincoln, Chevrolet, Toyota, and more. View our inventory online to see model options, packages, images, and pricing for used SUVs, available near Waxahachie, TX. Buying a used SUV from Hillsboro Ford is a great option for getting a quality SUV near Waxahachie, TX. All of our used SUVs are inspected by factory-trained technicians to ensure they meet all OEM standards. Hillsboro Ford makes it easy to secure affordable financing or lease terms when you purchase a new or used SUV near Waxahachie, TX. Our finance experts are committed to finding you the best deal, no matter your credit situation. We work closely with trusted financing sources and can help find you a loan with a low rate and flexible terms. View our inventory of used SUVs online, check our current special offers, and you can even apply for financing online. Come by our showroom near Waxahachie, TX to test drive a used SUV today.
2021/07/25 08:17:58
The latest on Minnesota Orchestra, SPCO labor talks | State of the Arts | Minnesota Public Radio News MPR's Euan Kerr reports that while Minnesota Orchestra musicians received a proposal from management five months ago, musician negotiator Tim Zavadil said players still don't have enough information to respond properly. "We renewed our call for an independent joint financial analysis of the orchestras finances so we can better understand the orchestra's true financial position," he said after the talks wrapped up for the day. Listen to Euan Kerr's debrief with Tom Crann on All Things Considered RELATED STORY: Does SPCO, Minn. Orchestra musicians' skill justify their pay? Violist Sabina Thatcher and violinists Dale Barltrop and Daria T. Adams of the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra
2022/05/23 11:42:49
Caption: Some airlines are investing in newer planes and working with airports to alter their flight paths and schedules for the sake of reducing noise pollution. Credit: Snapwire, Pexels. I was never keen on tent camping but I hear that the new “glamping” trend takes some of the discomfort out of spending the night in nature. Where are some “glamping” hotspots across the United States? (.doc)
Which Ubuntu-version to choose now? [Linux] Which Ubuntu-version to choose now? Linux - Which Ubuntu-version to choose now? « Next Oldest | Next Newest» Killozap 2012-04-18 14:37 Post: #1 i am using XBMC 11.0 Eden (GIT: unknown, compiled mar 24 2012) on different machines, three of them are running on Ubuntu 10.10, the other machines are windows-based. Since some days the support for the Ubuntu-version stopped, so i am thinking what version of ubuntu to use for best performance and stability on these linux-machines. Two linux-machines are old PCs that run as XBMC-players connected to TV-screens, they are from 2006 and run on AMD Athlon 3500+ (single core) with 1GB RAM, the other machine is a notebook wkith 4 Gig of ram and a Pentium Dual Core. I see no problems for the notebook to run a 11.04, but don't know if the older systems will run that without problems. Any hints what to install that runs good on that machines and don't need much tweaking to run XBMC? 2012-04-18 14:43 Post: #2 I would have gone for the ubuntu version 12.04 lts. But its still in beta 2. Have tryed it out on different pc without any problem, but not installet xbmc tought regards Alf Tonny Bätz 2012-04-18 14:46 Post: #3 You could always take XBMCbuntu for a spin on them and see how they perform with that. If you wait another week then you can try out the latest Ubuntu (12.04) which is going to be an LTS release - or just go ahead and try the beta out now. I've got the 12.04 beta on a couple of devices and it's been stable enough so far. Should you go for the beta and like it, just remember that when the full release goes live you can update rather than having to do a re-install. 2012-04-18 14:57 Post: #4 I have installed the 11.04 on different systems and did not like it much, the new graphical interface did not like me ... Have things improved a year later? If everything is better i will try the beta on one machine (perhaps the notebook, i am updating it to 11.04 quite now) and look how it works.
2017/04/25 12:36:34
Utsav Wins Northeastern University's Organization of the Year Award - INDIA New England News Home Community Utsav Wins Northeastern University's Organization of the Year Award Utsav Wins Northeastern University's Organization of the Year Award Utsav Board Members (Photo courtesy: Utsav website) BOSTON–Utsav, a South Asian student organization at the Northeastern University in Boston, has won the university's Richard E. Sochacki Organization of the Year Award for Social Justice. Utsav, the Sanskrit word meaning festival, was started in 1991 by a handful of South Asian students. Now in its 23rd year, Utsav has grown into a large and vibrant community of over 300 students and alumni, according to Utsav's website. "We strive to provide a sense of belonging and knowledge about South Asian culture and heritage. We represent students from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka," says the website of the organization. "Although we represent these six countries, we would like to stress that ANYONE can become a member of Utsav. You do not have to be of South Asian descent to learn about the culture and traditions of South Asia." Northeastern presented its annual Student Life Awards on Wednesday, recognizing students and student organizations that have done outstanding work throughout the past year, reported News at Northeastern. Student organizations are nominated by organization presidents or their members for consideration and chosen by a selection committee from the Office of Student Affairs. The Center for Student Involvement organized the awards ceremony. Previous articleSiva Sundaram Moderates the Discussion As Thousands Enroll in Harvard Course on Opioids
2021/10/21 22:17:26
“Add to that the cost of running the sites and making resources available to monitor activities and clean up the aftermath, a picture emerges of why the designated site allocation is not feasible. Furthermore, the designated sites have done little to deter the illegal discharge of fireworks in residential areas, which is an ongoing problem.” Smith says the City has not banned fireworks, as only the government has the authority to do so. Permits for firework displays can still be applied for, in terms of the relevant legislation. IOL reported that according to City Safety and Security executive director Richard Bosman, the events department had not received any applications related to fireworks displays. Anyone found illegally discharging fireworks will face a fine. In terms of Section 30 of the Explosives Act of 1956, the use or detonation of any fireworks in any building and public thoroughfare is liable for a R200 fine. Selling fireworks to a child or anyone under the age of 16 is a R300 fine. Allowing a child or person under the age of 16 to handle fireworks without adult supervision is a R300 fine. The public is reminded that the import and sale of fireworks without the necessary permissions outlined in the Explosives act is illegal, as is the discharge of fireworks in an area not specifically designated for it. Members of the public with information relating to the illegal sale or use of fireworks should report this to the City’s Public Emergency Communication Centre on 107 from a landline or 021 480 7700 from a cellphone or to the South African Police Service on 10111. Seniors are not quite interested in going online to find responses to their health questions. They don’t even like to use the internet to fill a prescription or to contact doctors, a new survey says.
New Projects Are A Dream Come True — Kickstarter An interior shot of the creative insanity at Rubulad. Make Rubulad's Dream Home Come True by, Rubulad A few years ago, I was just a naive 18 year old NYU freshman from suburban California...which meant I never left the four block radius of Washington Square Park. That all changed when I decided to make the harrowing journey to the distant land of Brooklyn in search of some party called "Rubulad." As soon as I walked into the huge warehouse someone put a bumblebee hat on my head, and then I looked around — the place was pulsating with music, covered with art, filled with sweaty dancing bodies, had sticky beer floors, and there were people dressed in astronaut costumes. Terrifying. Now Rubulad is moving, and supporting their project will get you a piece of the insanity in the form of rewards like having a ten year old shoot a bow and arrow on stilts at your next party. — Nicole H. Visions of Mustang: Bringing Sight to the Forbidden Kingdom by, Joey Brunelle The Forbidden Kingdom of Mustang in Nepal is one of the last refuges of the traditional Tibetan Buddhist way of life. If you want to visit, you'll need to take a bush plane to a remote region of Nepal, then crisscross the Himalayas, at elevations as high as 13,000 feet, for three days, on a horse. As you can imagine, these people have virtually no access to medical care of any sort, yet the UV rays are so extreme at such high altitudes, that cataracts, and blindness, abound. Enter 18 monks, 35 ponies, 400 kilos of medical gear, a handful of rough and tumble doctors, 1650 patients, and one surprise cameo of Bruce Colville's timeless classic, My Teacher is an Alien, and you've got one hell of a documentary. — Meaghan O. A panel from "GNERD." We're Back! GNERD is the word — A Briar Hollow Project by, Terry Blas "This is Molly, she's a nerd but she's trying not to be. It's not really working out. Molly likes Chase, Chase likes Molly, but Courtney might like Chase, and Owen definitely likes Molly. Chase's little brother is Benny whose best friend is Cole. Benny hates Molly and Chase. Greg is Chase's best friend, he works with Sam who's Molly's cousin and roommate. He's got a crush on her. There's a big party coming up where everyone gets dressed all nerdy. Someone's gonna be rude, someone's gonna be awesome, and someone's gonna be gay. Again, one of these people — or maybe more." The comics boys behind GNERD are back and we're droolin' over the drama. Extra extra! — Daniella J. Iron Windows: Recovering an Ancient Artform by, John Holler When's the last time you headed to your local blacksmith to have some custom ironwork done? As prefabrication becomes more and more the norm in building and construction, John Holler is working to recover the lost art of Gothic ironwork, which was considered a "low" art during the Middle Ages, and was rarely documented by its practitioners. Holler has been researching Gothic ironwork artifacts in order to hand-forge three intricate iron windows of his own. He'll document the process for future generations and do his best to help the ancient art of ironwork make up for lost time. — Cindy A. Tarzan and Arab's First Feature by, Timothy League Twenty-three year-old identical twin brothers who never left Gaza, Tarzan and Arab, recently made a short film called Colorful Journey. Pretty gosh darn poetically, a colorful journey is exactly what followed. Ain't It Cool News founder Harry Knowles first heard of the duo in a Guardian report, where he learned their dream was to see a movie in a movie theater, the last of which was shut down in Gaza in 1987. Knowles teamed up with Austin independent theater founder Tim League of the Alamo Drafthouse, and together they brought Tarzan and Arab to Texas where they watched their short film on the big screen in front of a sold-out audience. Drafthouse Films and Ain't It Cool News are now executive producing the feature version of Colorful Journey, a film exploring factional infighting in Gaza and all its costs. — Elisabeth H. "EPIC MOUSE" by GRIMLOCK. MAKE FAKEGRIMLOCK POSTERS by, FAKEGRIMLOCK ME LOVE GRIMLOCK. FIRST BECAME AWARE GRIMLOCK'S PRESENCE WHEN FRED WILSON POSTED ABOUT HIM HERE. FEEL LIKE GRIMLOCK MEANT FOR KICKSTARTER. GRIMLOCK ONCE SAY "SELL TO FRIENDS, NOT STRANGERS." THIS BASIS OF KICKSTARTER MODEL. KICKSTARTER LOVE GRIMLOCK, GRIMLOCK (WE HOPE) LOVE KICKSTARTER. CHECK OUT (FAKE)GRIMLOCK NOW. — Cassie M.
2020/11/25 17:44:30
Southwick Deportation Lawyers | Find Southwick Deportation Attorneys Southwick Deportation Lawyers Find the right Deportation attorney in Southwick, MA Under U.S. immigration laws, authorities may deport or remove legal and illegal immigrants under a number of reasons from Southwick Massachusetts. Preventing Deportation from Southwick Massachusetts Most people are deported or removed after an arrest for an unrelated criminal charge. Being in the United States without authorization can also be sufficient for deportation or removal. If you have been arrested or face deportation under other circumstances from Southwick MA, it would be recommended to educate yourself about your rights. Legal Immigrants May Get Deported from Southwick MA Even if you are a legal U.S. immigrant, certain crimes may impose a possible deportation or removal punishment for offenses in Southwick, MA. If you have resided in the U.S. for over 7 years, or if you are seeking asylum in the country, you may be able to avoid deportation or removal. Furthermore, certain cities and states have enacted so-called safe harbor laws. These laws stop officials from reporting persons to Immigration and Customs Enforcement so long as federal law does not mandate disclosure. After completing an online intake report, Southwick MA Deportation or Removal Lawyers will look over your case and respond with a proposed plan for you.
2021/01/17 13:50:35
Sister Laura Greaves (Barker) Székesfehérvár, Dunaujvaros, Del Buda, Kecskemet, Pest, Papa, Miskolc (sorry, the International characters aren't working so well) Stephanie Bennett (Andrews) | Mary Kaye Brown (Chandler) | Shannon Cammack (Bishop) | Janel Ree Campbell (Asper) | Allison Checketts | Merrilee Ellen Jarvis (Esplin) | Tricia Lowe (Familia) | Audrey Dee Rindlisbacher (Shumway) | Stacie Sanders (Drew) | Charlotte L Sellers (Rosen) Your Occupation: wife and mom Spouse: Chris Greaves I also served with Karen Adams the 1st, Scalley and Spillet. After the mission, I dated my husband for 2 years while I finished up a degree in Elem. Ed. at BYU. I then taught school while he finished up his bachelors and started a masters. We moved to Oregon for grad. school where I continued to teach until the birth or our daughter Senica. She was 4 months early, so I taught part time until she was able to come home. She is now a healthy with two energetic little brothers; Zane and Colton Wilde. Colton would love to see a picture of Pres. Wilde someday, so if anyone has a clear one I'd be grateful for a copy! We enjoy the outdoors and participating in a 5k as a family each summer. I am currently training for my 1st triathlon and planning to return to visit Hungary in June of 2013. My dear friend and former running partner, Sister Victoria Fox, will be serving there and I hope to pick her up. I can't wait to see all the people I grew to love so many years ago, activly building the kingdom of God!
2018/02/23 18:52:04
Why Diets Don't Work with Eating Disorders Expert Melainie Rogers E671: Eating Disorders Expert Melainie Rogers and Why Diets Don't Work. Today's show might seem like a slight deviation from my usual focus on creating a compassionate vegan world however it's an important topic that's close to my heart. Since starting podcast interviews and chatting with so many passionate, strong and successful individuals it's frankly blown my mind how many of these powerful ladies (and Yes, thus far they have all been ladies) have shared they used to struggle with an eating disorder. My guest today, Melainie Rogers MS, RDN, CDN, CEDRD-S is a recognised expert on eating disorders. As a speaker, educator, and Certified Eating Disorder Registered Dietitian (CEDRD) Melainie is dedicated to supporting others in their quest to achieve long term recovery from eating disorders and enjoy a more harmonious relationship with food and their bodies. She is the Founder and Executive Director of BALANCE eating disorder treatment center™ which offers outpatient programs treating the spectrum of eating disorders and is located in the heart of New York city. Melainie is also the co-founder and first President of the International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals New York Chapter. My personal interest in this topic is deep. I'm interested to learn about the genetic vulnerability to developing an eating disorder. I'd like to discuss the fine line between being "healthy" and getting "restrictive" and of course I'm keen to touch on the unwarranted bad wrap veganism can get when it's labelled restrictive and even disordered. To set the stage to this conversation where of course – I'm not the expert – however I do feel very strongly opposed to Veganism being labeled as harmful or unhealthy. Veganism is a belief system based on compassion and causing the least possible harm. It's focused on the animals whereas, when you're caught in the grips of an eating disorder I'd suggest that's entirely self-focused. Ideally as a vegan you can extend your compassion beyond just the animals, to your fellow humans and of course absolutely 100% to yourself too. Food Is just one component of this lifestyle choice and as ethical vegans no longer see animals a "food" not eating them is not restrictive. Rather it's common that a vegan lifestyle prompts you to try a much more diverse range of foods. Bringing a whole foods plant based eating strategy to your vegan ethic is my recommendation and I can see that could snowball into something excessive. Not because of the vegan ethic, rather as a spiral that I would suggest would more likely begin with someone obsessing over their health and "clean food." There's a term for this: Orthorexia, which Melainie and I will discuss. I guess my fear and frustration is that the professionals aligned with animal agriculture – those people incentivised to push animal products – declare veganism to be restrictive and unhealthy without due diligence or due cause and by doing so, maybe scare well intentioned individuals off embracing a healthy vegan lifestyle. Without doubt the whole foods plant based approach I advocate is vastly more abundant, sustainable and enjoyable than the hideous diets I've been distraught to see many clients and gym members inflict upon themselves over the years. I'm biased, for sure however I also have a solid variety of experience to draw on. I've done super restrictive meat eating and vegetarian. I've eliminated ALL fat, then counted calories and carbs. Over 25 years ago I personally struggled with an eating disorder and it was without doubt a desperate attempt to exert some control in my life. My focus at that time was less is best. I had no love for my body. We weren't working as a team. It was a constant and never-ending discipline and control fuelled battle. In that regard it reminds me of the attitudes dieters bring to their body and the food they deprive it of. The vegan lifestyle allows me to focus on what's best for my body while at the same time embracing what's best for the planet and of course most importantly what's best for the animals that no longer die for my taste and convenience. As I said, I'm biased. Let's chat to the expert! How Melainie got into this line of work and also her own journey in recovering from an eating disorder. Being genetically vulnerable to developing an eating disorder. The fine line between being "healthy" and getting "restrictive." What happen on a biochemical level when you restrict food? Why diets don't work and what to do instead? Binge eating disorder – what is it and how can we stop it? I'm back on my own and WOW that time flew by! Secret admission, I felt a little defensiveness when first reading Melainie's one-sheet and noting: Orthorexia / Clean eating / Veganism grouped together. When you feel defensive for whatever reason – it's actually a pretty clear signal to dig a little deeper. I talk often enough about carnist defensiveness and triggering! It was time to take my own advice, put my ego aside and learn from this expert. I want to know if vegans are more susceptible to developing an eating disorder. I don't want to ignore it. That's not aligned with creating a fit, strong, healthy, happy compassionate vegan world. I found Melainie to be the perfect compassionate guide to have this discussion with. Though perhaps "to start this discussion with" is more apt as I really think this conversation deserves more time and perhaps a part 2. For now though if you'd like connect with Melainie here are all her contact details and also those amazing free resources. Connect with Melainie on Twitter @MelainieRogers and via her home website Check out this awesome post on 10 Tips to Stop Binge Eating. Follow BALANCE on Instagram and Facebook and Twitter. Grab the Free Redefining Wellness e-book: Grab the Free Recovery Handbook: That's it for this week in Healthification. Huge thanks to YOU for sharing this week with me. If you've enjoyed this show and gotten value out of it I'd super appreciate it if you pop over to iTunes or wherever you listen to the show and leave me a review. Equally awesome, if you know someone who you think would find value in this conversation or in one of my shorter form solo shows please share it with them via text or email! If you liked "Eating Disorders Expert Melainie Rogers and Why Diets Don't Work" you'll also like Veganism and Eating Disorders? If you liked "Eating Disorders Expert Melainie Rogers and Why Diets Don't Work" you'll also like 5 Fat Loss Myths Sold To Women and What To Do Instead.
2022/05/23 00:22:42
Global Clown Fish Market Foraying Into Emerging Economies 2022-2031 - MotorExpo report offers detailed coverage of the Global Clown Fish industry and main market trends. This market research report also evaluates the past and currentClown Fish product values to predict future market directions between the forecast period. The uniqueness of the products market research report is the representation of theClown Fish product at both the global and regional level. The comprehensive research report includes a brief on these trends that can help the businesses operating in the industry to understand the market segment and strategize for their business expansion accordingly. The report splits the market size, by volume and value, on the basis of application, product type, and geography. The growth ofClown Fish report focuses on the main rivals to furnishes the quiet knowledge with the major market analysis of the vital elements that are affecting the market. The study report also includes product details, sales of key companies, and revenue numbers. Meanwhile, the report also offers a breakdown of the revenue for the worldwideClown Fish. It also includes basic and advanced data pertaining to theClown Fish worldwide status, trend analysis, size, segment, share, forecast from 2022 to 2031, and growth of the market. Request a demo version of the report at (Use Corporate email ID to Get Higher Priority): The report provides a quick summary of theClown Fish market by finding out numerous definitions and classifications of the market. additionally, to, the applications of the business and chain structure are given by thorough marketing research perspective. what is more, prime strategically activities within the market initiated by the key players which incorporate product developments, mergers, and acquisitions, partnerships, etc., are considered during this report New vendors within the market face powerful competition from established international vendors as they struggle with technological innovations, dependability, and quality problems. The report can answer questions about these market developments and also the scope of competition, cost. GlobalClown Fish Market Segmentation: In short, the report offers the closest glance to theClown Fish position along with crystal clear information and a simple approach. The current record represents everything whether tricky or intelligible in a frame of the product, product type, supply & demand statistic, economic up and downs, product significance, end-customers, industry top players, regional growth, and much more. TheClown Fish report gives a detailed estimation of the market through complete assessment, high-quality insights, and authentic predictions dealing with theClown Fish size. It relies on tried and tested approaches along with beliefs and forecasts. Even more, this report, have considered theClown Fish from geographies like North America (U.S., Mexico, Canada), South America (Argentina, Brazil), The Middle East & Africa (South Africa, Saudi Arabia), Europe (U.K., Spain, Germany, Italy, France, Russia). Purchase this report @ – At what phase of improvement is the globalClown Fish market? – What are the prohibitive elements of the Clown Fish market? – What's the best technique for developingClown Fish market inquire about? Key Benefits ofClown Fish: 1. The analysis ofClown Fish provides market size, volume, and growth rate for the forecast period 2022-2031. 2. The report studies howClown Fish will perform in the future by 2022-2031. Following would be the Chapters to display the Global Clown Fish market: Section 1, represents Definition, Specifications, and Classification ofClown Fish, Applications ofClown Fish, Market Segment by Regions; Section 2, to break down the Suppliers, and Raw Material,Clown Fish Manufacturing Process, Industry Chain Structure, Manufacturing Cost Structure; Section 3, to determine theClown Fish Manufacturing Plants and Technical Data Analysis ofClown Fish, Capacity, and Commercial Production Date, R&D Status, Manufacturing Plants Distribution, Raw Materials Sources Analysis, and Technology Source; Section 4, to demonstrate the OverallClown Fish Market Trends, Sales Analysis (Company Segment), Capacity Analysis (Company Segment), Sales Price Analysis (Company Segment); Section 5 and 6, to demonstrate the Regional Market Analysis that incorporates North America, Europe, China and Japan,Clown Fish Segment Market Analysis (by Type); Section 7 and 8, to break down theClown Fish Segment Market Analysis (by Application) Major Manufacturers Analysis ofClown Fish; Section 9,Clown Fish Market Trend Analysis, Regional Market Trend, Market Trend by Product Type, Market Trends by Application; Section 10, Regional Marketing Type Analysis, Supply Chain Analysis, International Trade Type Analysis byClown Fish Market; Section 11, to investigate the Consumers Analysis of GlobalClown Fish Market; Section 12,13, 14 and 15, to depictClown Fish deals channel, wholesalers, brokers, merchants, Conclusion and Research Findings, index and information source.
2021/08/03 09:55:42
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2018/01/20 20:47:26
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You get a complete, repeatable sales process, plus all the training needed to grow your sales force and your revenue. "It's like nothing we've ever seen before. With DES, it's a hand on, tangible training and it sticks with you. There is no doubt that what I have learned here will stick with me and my sales team, and the follow up and backup support for that and all of the material is almost limitless". "The training that is available for production guys, office people and hiring practices is really a turnkey business in a book and it's pretty phenomenal." "Dr. Energy Saver was the structure that our company needed. Our production, sales, and office teams have all benefited from the training and support that Dr. Energy Saver provides and continues to our company. Their streamlined flow for presenting and selling home performance was exactly what I was looking for and this was the best decision we made to continue our future growth." "Although there are no existing words that could express how much last week meant to me, I would like to give both of you and the DES team my thanks. You and the DES team have set excellent examples for me to follow. Last week was an honor and privilege and I want to express my deepest gratitude for believing in me and the staff at Complete Home Solutions." Read the whole testimonial >> Although there are no existing words that could express how much last week meant to me, I would like to give both of you and the DES team my thanks.You and the DES team have set excellent examples for me to follow. Last week was an honor and privilege and I want to express my deepest gratitude for believing in me and the staff at Complete Home Solutions. All of you exhibited noteworthy examples of friendship, teaching, mentoring, and inspiration. The DES team has inspired me to pursue my goals with hard work and dedication. You all exemplify the value of honesty, sincerity and trust in business. I am proud to be a member of the DES team and I am looking forward to a bright future. P.S. - I truly appreciate and value everything I have learned from you all. It will forever remain a major contributor behind my future success and achievements. Rosemarie Elizabeth Wehrly, 82, of Frisco, Texas, passed away peacefully on August 22, 2018. Rosemarie was born, July 8, 1936 in Ridgewood, New Jersey to Hans Pielmeier and Paula Pielmeier Palumbo, and was later adopted by her stepfather, Sal Palumbo. Rosemarie was an avid Denver Broncos fan and her life was full of great family memories as she enjoyed her grandchildren’s countless sporting events – she was their biggest fan. Rosemarie is preceded in death by her parents and her brother Ronnie. She is survived by daughter Sue (Hank) and sons Dave and Matt (Stacy); sister Barbara (John); grandchildren Jonathan, Alicia (Micah), Emily, Jack and Beau; great-grandchildren Adynn and Morghan; sister-in-law Nancy; nephews Mike, Tony and Michael; and nieces Alexandra, Carrie, Susannah and Melinda. In lieu of flowers, contributions can be made through the link below. Rosemarie’s children will donate a blue bench in her memory to Bright Beginnings Preschool in Frisco, Texas, under the tree where she took care of the babies; and a bench at a youth sports complex. Any remaining funds will be donated to a children’s charity (to be determined). A Family Memorial Service will be held on Saturday, August 25, 2018 at 1:00 PM at Drinkwine Family Mortuary. A Celebration of Life will be held on Saturday, August 25, 2018 at 4:00 PM at Denver First Church, 3800 E Hampden Ave, Englewood, CO 80113. Le Domaine de Falgos Golf & Spa is located near the Spanish border, overlooking an 18-hole golf course and the Pyrenees. It offers golf tuition, a heated indoor pool and free access to the spa, which features a sauna, hammam, hot tub and fitness room. The guest rooms at Le Domaine de Falgos Golf & Spa all have a seating area, satellite TV, free WiFi and private bathrooms. Breakfast is served daily at the property. Le Domain’s gastronomic restau[More...] This elegant guest house and restaurant is situated in Eastern Pyrenees. It offers modern accommodation with mountain views and free breakfast. The border with France is just 6.5 km away. Restaurante y Alojamiento Can Mach’s elegant rooms feature parquet floors and contemporary furnishings. Each is equipped with a flat-screen TV and has access to free Wi-Fi. Some rooms have a spa bath and all include toiletries and a hairdryer. You can enjoy ho[More...] Please note that extra beds must be requested in advanced and are subject to availability. The WiFi code is available at the reception desk upon arrival. Please note that for late arrivals, guests must telephone the property in advance to obtain the access codes to the building. Late arrival times are as follows: Sunday to Thursday: arrivals after 20:00 Friday and Saturday: arrivals after 22:00. Please note that for guests in the Studios, clea[More...] Appart'Hotel Castel Emeraude is located in a green park on the edge of the Tech river. You can enjoy the quiet places in the patio or on the terrace. All the rooms at Appart'Hotel Castel Emeraude are classically decorated and feature a private bathroom with a bath or a shower. Studios and Suites have an equipped kitchen and a balcony or a terrace. The property provides free WiFi and free private parking is also possible on site. The A9 Motorway[More...] Located in Corsavy, L'Andréu offers accommodation with a seasonal outdoor pool and a garden. Free WiFi is offered. A continental breakfast is available every morning at the bed and breakfast. L'Andréu offers a terrace. After a day of fishing or hiking, guests can relax in the shared lounge area. Perpignan is 52 km from the accommodation. The nearest airport is Perpignan - Rivesaltes Airport, 58 km from the property.[More...] If you expect to arrive or depart outside reception opening hours, please inform Camping Bassegoda Park in advance. The complex offers free parking for 1 car. Any additional cars cost an extra EUR 6.20. Sheets are included in the price. Towels must be requested in advance and are subject to an additional charge. Please inform Camping Bassegoda Park in advance of your expected arrival time. You can use the Special Requests box when booking, or c[More...] Offering a beautiful location outside Albanyá and less than 1 km from the Muga River, Camping Bassegoda Park features charming accommodation with terraces and mountain views. The complex has a seasonal outdoor pool and a restaurant. All rooms and bungalows at Camping Bassegoda Park have simple décor and wooden furnishings. There is heating, a TV and barbecue facilities. Bungalows also feature a kitchenette and a seating area. Guests can enjoy M[More...] The shuttle bus to the spa town is available with an extra cost and upon prior reservation only.[More...] Located in a quiet pine forest, this hotel offers a 24-hour reception and a restaurant with a sun terrace. Free Wi-Fi is available. With a balcony opening onto the medieval village or the mountains, each air-conditioned room at La Pinède features a private bathroom with bidet, bath and hairdryer. An LCD TV and a telephone are provided. The restaurant offers gastronomic dishes, which can be enjoyed on the terrace during warmer months. A small s[More...] Please note that daily housekeeping is not provided. Swimming pool is closed from Wed 31 Oct 2018 until Wed 01 May 2019[More...] Located in the natural environment of Amélie-les-Bains-Palalda, Résidence la Pinède is only 2 km from the spa resorts. Gourmet cuisine is prepared in the restaurant and the studio’s balcony offers garden views. The modern studios are decorated in neutral tones and they feature a flat-screen TV and free Wi-Fi access. The kitchenettes include an oven, fridge and microwave and bed linen and towels are supplied. A buffet breakfast is prepared every[More...] If you wish to eat at the restaurant, please make a reservation at least 48 hours in advance.[More...] Featuring a terrace in the park and a swimming pool open during summer, hotel Le Roussillon is located 15 km from Falgos Golf Club. Traditional meals made with regional produce are served in the restaurant. Views of the pool or mountains are offered from the balcony in the rooms. Guest rooms have classic décor, and an LCD TV and free Wi-Fi are provided. A buffet breakfast is prepared every morning at in the restaurant room, or you can enjoy a c[More...] Czechoslovakians Václau Laurin and Václau Klement were producers and innovators in bicycles and motorbikes before moving into autos after a merger in 1925 with a company run by engineer Emil Skoda. Skoda-branded cars appeared the following year, and the 1938 Popular was one of the company’s innovative small cars of the ’30s before Skoda became state-owned after World War II. The Octavia nameplate debuted in 1959, though was among a series of models to have unpredictable handling. Combined with a reputation for quality issues, Skoda became the butt of jokes during much of the ’70s and ’80s. The 1988 Favorit – styled by Bertone and Skoda’s first front engine, front-wheel-drive car – was one of central Europe’s most popular cars, though, and the brand’s reputation headed quickly north after being acquired by Volkswagen in 1991. Sales headed in a similar direction, particularly in Europe, with Skoda models benefitting from shared platforms and components yet typically priced cheaper than the comparable VW. The Czech Republic brand returned to Australia in 2007.
Francis and the Deaconesses… aka Deaconettes | Fr. Z's Blog ← Fr. Z's Kitchen: Concerning the making of tea, biscuits and Zagnut bars THEY'RE HERE! Action Item Update – Red Pontifical Vestments Project – PHOTOS → First, today I saw a piece at Breitbart that Pope Francis popularity has dropped. HERE That said, I have received links to various articles saying that the Pope has considered establishing a commission to study the issue of the ordination of woman as deaconesses…. (aka deaconettes -it's easier to pronounce). Studying is one thing and doing is another. That said, I saw something telling in the Fishwrap account (aka National Schismatic Reporter). First, I haven't seen news that a commission exists. Maybe I missed something. Next, this also means that the Pope has not been talking to the people who are in favor of the ordination of women! He hasn't been paying attention to the advocates of deaconettes. Instead, he has been talking to those who find the question obscure and muddy. Of course that is what this issue is: obscure and muddy. It is not at all likely that greater clarity will be gained from such a commission. Were there more out there to know… in serious, scholarly sources, that is… someone would have written it. Also, those with whom Francis speaks would have been able to point to it. Such a commission won't consider half-baked propaganda, after all. Meanwhile, the serious scholarship that exists says: they were not ordained in a sacramental sense, as deacons were and are. Also, not every idea that the Church tried was a good one: many were dropped – like deaconettes. Moreover, nothing about this will happen for quite a while, I suspect. Read Deaconesses: An Historical Study by Aime G Martimort. UK HERE I might write more on this later, but for now that's enough. Right now this is much ado about nothing. This entry was posted in The Drill and tagged deaconesses. Bookmark the permalink. 49 Responses to Francis and the Deaconesses… aka Deaconettes 12 May 2016 at 10:17 AM Maybe, like with wymyn prysts, the Pope at the end of this, will definitively declare that the church has no authority to ordain women to the deaconate. I seem to remember reading somewhere that the ancient female-deacon practice was due to the need of aiding women who were being baptized by immersion, nothing in regards to aiding in the liturgy of the Mass. No? 12 May 2016 at 10:42 AM "In 2002, the International Theological Commission concluded a five-year study of the question of women deacons, initiated at the request of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and reported that the deaconesses of the early Church were not analogous to the ordained deacons of today, either in their role in the Christian community or in how they were commissioned." 12 May 2016 at 10:48 AM I didn't realize the deaconess this was obscure or muddy. I'm no scholar, and there might be a detail or nuance I don't understand, but aside from people I've encountered who had an agenda for or against priestesses, every piece of information I've ever encountered on the matter was pretty clear that deaconesses were not sacramentally ordained nor numbered among the clergy. 12 May 2016 at 10:52 AM Having read (endured?) the piece at the Fishwrap, in the same Q&A session, His Holiness squashed the idea of women giving homilies at Mass because they cannot stand in personae Christi. This seems to squash the idea of Holy Orders for women, which we all know is impossible. The Sacrament is one – it cannot be broken up. Deacons, priests, and bishops receive the Sacrament to lesser and greater degrees, with bishops receiving the fullness of it. A "deaconess" would not be part of Orders and therefore would not have any other liturgical function aside from those offered (extraordinarily) to lay persons. Given that no one baptizes naked adult women anymore (I hope), they really would not have any role different than what lay people already do (helping the poor, social work, etc). This is a useless pursuit driven solely by those seeking (impossible) ordination of women to the priesthood and the episcopacy. 12 May 2016 at 11:22 AM I have Facebook acquaintances that are either losing their minds or loudly announcing that they will leave the Church and go back to their old lives over this. Your postings are a breath of fresh air. Thank you for your priesthood. 12 May 2016 at 11:26 AM "Studying is one thing and doing is another….He hasn't been paying attention to the advocates of deaconesses. Instead, he has been talking to those who find the question obscure and muddy." I tend to disagree. Replace deaconesses with birth control and you have exactly the same situation as the Humanae Vitae rebellion. If the commission is actually created, the damage will be done regardless of the findings of the commission because it's an admission that the issue of ordination of women is not settled doctrine. One really has to question the purpose of even asking the question. The bulk of parishes I've been to, even orthodox parishes resemble a hen yard with one male priest surrounded by several women eucharistic ministers, women lectors, women organists, women ushers, women greeters, women social organizers, women office staff, etc. Women today likely take on more roles than they ever did in the Early Church. Sure you occasionally see a token non-priest male in the liturgical setting, but they are by far the exception. That of course is the issue. Studies have shown that children are more likely to stay with the faith, if both parents are active in the faith, but if the father isn't active in the faith it's much more likely that the children abandon the faith than if the mother isn't active. We face a male crisis in the Church, not a women crisis, and unless we can get men to step up and visibly live the faith, the faith is doomed in the West. Of course, I think deaconesses are a bad idea and give the wrong impression on the Rite of Ordination, etc. BTW, does a pope have to be popular? 12 May 2016 at 12:05 PM i acknowledge the sin of despair. i understand that we may be in, or entering into, a time of chastisement. i have read the words of St. Katherine of Sienna. however, i find it very difficult to keep calm, to believe that this stuff is no big deal, and remain serene. 12 May 2016 at 12:09 PM I think the headlines made by these comments of the pope will cause more mischief than the results of any commission, because the masses and its media messiahs will never read a commission report. A headline is just enough information for them to handle. I think the pontiff – if he really is interested in this issue – should do a little research on the subject before making public statements. After all he can probably review the historical background on deaconesses in a couple of hours at most. As a former Episcopalian/Anglican who left over women's ordination, I don't quite think this study is on the order of "nothing to see here/move along." On the other hand, there was a study on women's ordination to the priesthood by the Pontifical Biblical Institute which reached the tendentious conclusion that scripture didn't oppose such a step. And we know that nothing came of it, though the OW supporters trumped it up frequently. It all depends on who is on the commission, the conclusions reached, and what a future pope does with those conclusions. As for the non-ordained "deaconesses" that were set apart in the Anglican and Lutheran churches up through the 60s, there is no theological objection per se and many of them did very hard, good work for Christ. Nora Binns and Emily Gardiner Neal of the Episcopal Church are excellent examples. (Neal was automatically "promoted" to deacon though not necessarily by her wishes – – she was opposed to women's ordination to the priesthood.) But I wonder what the point of doing so is given the fact that there are numerous other similar secular or religious "ministries" (for lack of a better word) for women today. There might be some quasi-liturgical function in a cloistered religious community, but not much more. The only real point would be to try to get the camel's nose under the tent for ontological impossibilities and the ecclesiastical auto-destruct button. Count me as opposed to this development. 12 May 2016 at 12:17 PM Ugh. Another commission, more wasted money. The Church needs to focus its spending on real issues that can help humanity. This will not– because women already understand and serve the mission of our Church and do not need ordination to validate them. Women serving the Mission of Jesus are teaching, preaching, healing, blessing, anointing, working with the poor and vulnerable, listening, leading… in the home, workplace, and community– in the real world, which is where we must serve. The diaconate would add nothing for women. That said, I deeply appreciate that Francis listens to and respects women and is willing to explore expressed concerns. This can of worms is Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge! Big time!!!! This is coming down the Jesuit pipeline of James Martin, SJ FB page. Seems our pope told a group of women religious he will form a commission to study this. Yikes! I woke up to hearing this on Catholic radio and wanted to go back to sleep. Our local "Theology on Tap" was recently going to host a discussion of the topic of "the ordination of women deacons", believing the matter to be debatable. There were several complaints, even among the clergy, and the topic was abruptly changed to instead discuss the Holy Father's recent post-synodal apostolic exhortation. I have a feeling today's comments by the Holy Father will only re-ignite a pointless conversation. I am praying that such a commission could finally put the issue to rest, once and for all. However, I believe this has already been done in 2002 by the International Theological Commission: "The present historical overview shows that a ministry of deaconesses did indeed exist, and that this developed unevenly in the different parts of the Church. It seems clear that this ministry was not perceived as simply the feminine equivalent of the masculine diaconate" (International Theological Commission, From the Diakonia of Christ to the Diakonia of the Apostles, chapter II, part IV). 12 May 2016 at 12:50 PM A priest once told me that women deacons were used at baptisms. Many people submerged themselves completely naked and in the interest of modesty the women deacons baptized women. 12 May 2016 at 1:02 PM The appointment of commissions to study settled questions tends inevitably to unsettle them. Just as the publicity generated by Paul VI's appointment of a 1960s commission to study the question of artificial birth control rendered Humanae Vitae effectively DOA in many quarters of Catholic praxis. (Indeed, what other purpose do such study commissions have?) 12 May 2016 at 1:06 PM Well, we all know the outcome of this already. It'll be stage-managed just as the Synod on the Family was. I'm not falling for this scam again. Wake me when it's over. 12 May 2016 at 1:16 PM I find it VERY interesting that the Pope has said that he will get the Curia involved. According to CatholicHerald: "He told the meeting: "I will ask the [Congregation for the] Doctrine of the Faith to tell me if there are studies on this."" And again, "He said the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments would send the International Union of Superiors General a full explanation of why women could not give a homily at Mass." It seems that the Pope believes in the proper authority and roles of his Congregations? See where I'm going with this… I guess we really should listen to Muller's interpretation of AL. After all, the Pope himself differs to the CDF on "obscure" and "muddy" issues. I only wish the CDF would make an official statement about AL–identical to the refreshingly clear, intellectually rigorous, poetical, uncompromising, and–yes–tenderly merciful lecture Muller gave about AL in Spain. I had a conversation with someone about this very topic. She was promoting female deacons whereas I was not. As we were talking I noticed that the same arguments that I have heard women who support female priesthood were being used. I have a feeling that if women are allowed to become deaconesses, it is not going to stop there. While I know that he is only putting a commission together, the progressive side will run with this even after they proved that they were not ordained. This is just an open invite to support their ideology. 12 May 2016 at 1:29 PM It is precisely because I am a woman that the idea of women deaconesses scares the bejeebers out of me. Does someone think that the Faith hasn't been feminized enough? Goodness, women have taken over everything in your typical parish except priest and deacon. And we've already got the deacon's wives stepping into the protestant minister's wife model, marking their territories in the parish. The people who pushed the married deacons are the same people who are pushing deaconesses, the same that are pushing for womynpriests. And I know too many of the types of women who will be looking to step into the deaconess role: Former Sister They Won't Let Me Preach, Ms. Men's Haircut, and Miss/Mrs. You Can't Argue With Me — I Went to a Jesuit University. 12 May 2016 at 1:40 PM There are no boundaries here. Expect everything. The current situation is now far beyond major crisis. Our willingness to consign it any other diagnosis bespeaks our unwillingness to confront it for what it is. There is a deranged and mendacious agenda being wheeled out proudly. Appeals to obedience and respect are enabling nothing less than heresy. The papacy has been hijacked by those who would see the Church of Jesus Christ eviscerated. Deconstructed. Rendered impotent to proclaim the Gospel. If I am incorrect, perhaps it is only a geriatric meltdown. To the dissidents, this announcement means that EVERYTHING is on the table. 12 May 2016 at 2:10 PM The pontificate of Papa Zuhlsdorf and his suppression of the Jesuits can't come soon enough. 12 May 2016 at 2:15 PM Call my faith weak if you will, but if this Pope opens this Pandoras box.. Im out. I think i probably wont be alone in this. I will either end up at the Ethiopian Tewahedo Church. Or i will answer some obscure voice out of my familys past and join the society of Friends (quakers) I once heard Fr Benedict Groeschel say if he were not a Catholic that is the only group he would consider.. To sit in complete silence and listen for the voice of God. Sounds tempting compared to this cacophony of conflicting and confused voices coming from the top ranks of our clergy.. I ask you all to please pray for me. "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. 1 Corinthians 14:33 -KJV 12 May 2016 at 2:31 PM Glennonite and comedyeye yes that is right. E.g. have you seen the baptism scene in 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding?' Mutatis mutandis and you will see the logic! 12 May 2016 at 2:41 PM As far as I am aware, having read the texts of some local Councils of Antiquity on the subject as well as the more general Ancient canons given by the See of Rome, the only real differences between a Deaconess and a nun or other consecrated virgin or widow attached to the service of a Parish are that : 1) the Deaconesses were ordinary ministers of teaching 2) they could act as ordinary witnesses of Holy Matrimony and could even conduct its celebration (outside the Mass) 3) they were ordinary ministers of Baptism to the exact same degree as Deacons are OTOH they took no part whatsoever in the Sacrifice of the Mass, except peripherally perhaps in the Choir and whatnot. Objectively, I think it's a question that the Church has been thinking about since Vatican II, but I would expect this matter to take the "normal" amount of time to resolve ; which is about 150-200 years, so perhaps the Church may decree something new on the matter in the 22nd Century ? I've met only one nun who did everything the Deaconesses of old did, except the three above-mentioned ministries that belonged to the Deaconesses ; she would be a fantastic Deaconess, if it were still possible, but even so, in practice there is exactly no need at all for her to provide any of them in any real terms. There could arguably be an emerging need for Deaconesses in those Middle Eastern and African countries that seek to impose drastic enforcement of laws preventing the society of women with men outside of their family ; given that one traditional role that the Deaconesses played was precisely to provide those Ministries to women in those situations. Bottom line — the Deaconesses were not (nor are they in the Eastern Church, where they were recently re-instituted) "women deacons" as in the Anglican "church". Is one mess at a time too much to ask for? Glennonite, yes, and they were also charged with care of the poor, especially widows, in a time and place when it was improper for men to visit women in private. 12 May 2016 at 3:12 PM I would never, ever believe in a woman who was claimed to have any degree of the Sacrament of Holy Orders. I am DELIGHTED that someone here mentions that Francis gave a clear NO about women homilists, and cited a theological reason rather than just "Church law says so" (he himself regards Church laws as often flexible). Seems like many who want "women deacons" want that mainly because they want women to give homilies at Mass. The Dominican sisters here in Bishop Morlino's diocese have done that anyway for years even though they know it is against Church law. Pope Francis has commented on repeated occasions to the effect that clericalizing women is not the answer. I really don't see him as being attracted to the idea of women clerics or as thinking it is probable. Cardinal Muller's views on women decacons are well known. He doesn't believe the deaconesses were sacramental, or that the Church has any authority to sacramentally ordain women deacons. I'm sure that Cardinal Muller would be happy to spearhead a commission to clarify this point. 12 May 2016 at 3:14 PM I read someone make the point earlier that this has kind of taken the focus away from amoris laetitia. 12 May 2016 at 3:18 PM Its not *entirely* true to say that it would confer no new abilities on women. The big one would be the capacity to preach at Mass, which is a privilege long desired by a great many people of both sexes. 12 May 2016 at 3:22 PM danielinnola. No, no, please don't have a moment's worry about this. The pope cannot change Catholic doctrine…he may change Catholic practice, and as we have seen with the benefit of hindsight, the outcome is not always felicitous: even a saint like Pius V could be said to have put his foot in it occasionally. 12 May 2016 at 3:43 PM Geoffrey, your link is very informative, thank you. This in particular : "In the Middle Ages, the nursing and teaching religious orders of nuns fulfilled in practise the functions of diakonia without, however, being ordained for this ministry. The title, with no corresponding ministry, was given to women who were instituted as widows or abbesses. Right up until the thirteenth century, abbesses were sometimes called deaconesses. … has helped me to understand some odd 13th-15th Century references to "deaconesses" that appeared to contradict the disappearance of the order centuries earlier. It's bothered me for years !!! :-) 12 May 2016 at 3:50 PM If you are opposed to female deacons, you should probably not be overly concerned. Despite his reputation for surprises, Pope Francis is quite predictable where he shows his hand about where he stands on an issue, and this is one of them. He has consistently stated that he is against "clericalism", including the temptation in some quarters to "clericalize" women. In fact, he raised that concern in response to this suggestion today. This concern has previously led him to reject the idea of creating women cardinals. If you need further assurance, just read what feminists think about Francis' various statements about women's role in the Church, and it will soon become glaringly clear that the risk of Francis upsetting the apple cart in this respect is pretty darn low. In fact, I suspect that his "openness" and listening posture today was a bit of window dressing to prevent a mutiny from the leftward flank. 12 May 2016 at 3:51 PM Mharden: thank you for the benefit of your research. And so shouldn't someone make Pope Francis aware the question was already addressed and resolved? Or is this another instance of Modernists wanting at all costs to destroy the Church brick by brick, leaving nothing unturned until the Church is no longer recognizable as Catholic. We will wake up and find we have all become Protestants one tenet at a time. Even though the question was previously addressed and resolved, the Modernists – as we have come to see – will not rest and will come back again and again to get what they want, just as they did with Amoris Laetitia. 12 May 2016 at 3:56 PM How about one of these women asking the Holy Father to establish a commission to study the re-establishment of the Order of Widows? [Do I hear an "Amen!"? Something both possible and good!] 12 May 2016 at 4:11 PM Easy peasy lemon squeezy. You set it up so questions from dissidents are asked in a public forum. Then, you act as if, hmm, such an interesting question, no one has asked that before, how bright you are for asking it! You know, we really should study the effect of moonbeams on prayer, perhaps there is a connection, and we should study it, yes, definitely, we will set up a commission to study it! Then you hand pick people whose feelings on moonbeams and prayer are already established, so you know what conclusions they are going to reach in advance, thereby allowing you to publicly conclude you have heard from the Moonbeam Commission, and results are conclusive. Of course, they knew it and you knew it, so the findings are no surprise to anyone. 12 May 2016 at 8:08 PM You are correct, Grampa. 12 May 2016 at 8:35 PM Just read this email from a Diocesan Priest sent to another Catholic blog; apparently it's infallibly defined – so how can there be a Commission to discuss it? "Pope Francis is spoiling for a crisis in the Church and a papacy of unprecedented proportion if he tries to countermand Pope St. John Paul's infallible pronouncement on women and the sacrament of Holy Orders, Ordinatio Sacerdotalis. Heaven help us as the Pope stands on the precipice of formal heresy."� Another Francis-inspired crisis in the making…. It appears he feels is his prerogative to put anything up for grabs as Pope. I highly doubt he'll open a commission to reopen the minor orders anytime soon…, here is the news the commission will be created: study-women-deacons.cfm 12 May 2016 at 10:10 PM A wise priest once told me it's best not to practice brinkmanship…seeing how far you can get to the edge without falling off. This appears to be what the Holy Father engages in. How much of a platform can he give heretics without crossing the line? I find myself repeating often to myself these days that the Lord promised us that the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church. I once looked with some focus and detail into the (as it turned out) rather obscure and arcane question of whether the Deaconesses of old were "ordained" or merely "instituted". At first glance, the arguments in each direction seemed equally balanced. Nevertheless, I eventually came to the same conclusion as the CDF did in its more general study of the History of the Diaconate in general — that they were ordained [Ummm.]; but three major caveats also emerged from my study. 1) First, the Church's understanding of the word "ordain" has actually changed significantly during the 1000 years since the Order of Deaconesses ceased to exist. 1000 years ago, it was used to refer to ANY act attaching a person to an Order, including the completely non-clerical ones — so that one could be "ordained" into a Lay Order even !!! This has been clarified multiple times in the following centuries, but it remains the greatest source of confusion in the question of whether the Deaconesses were ordained or not. 2) The Order of Deaconesses was nevertheless an ancient equivalent of the old "minor Orders", where "ordination" rather than "institution" provided entry into the Order — except that the minor Orders were abolished, generating even more confusion to our own contemporary POV regarding the Deaconesses in particular, given that they were never technically a minor Order — the notion of minor Orders did not exist 1000 years ago [Huh?] — although had the Order survived, it's most likely they would have been. 3) Probably most importantly though, the form of the Ordination of the Deaconesses was different to the form of Ordination of the Deacons ; the Deaconesses constituted a non-priestly Order, even though they were considered as "clerics" (the ancient canons are actually very clear on this one particular point, surprising as that may seem from a 21st century POV), whereas the Deacons are a priestly Order, even though they are not priests. The Deacons are ordained for a Service to the Altar and to the Faithful, whereas the Deaconesses were ordained for a Service to the Faithful only. Both forms of the Diaconal Service were however defined as "clerical". Technically there was however only one Order of the Diaconate, to which both the Deacons and Deaconesses belonged [I think that's wrong.] — possibly for mainly practical reasons, because the Deaconesses only ever existed in extremely small numbers (which is of course precisely why historical sources concerning them exist in such minute quantity) — but the Order was constituted of two separate branches, Deacons and Deaconesses, whereby the two branches held certain things in common, but were still understood as being separate. So I agree, with the CDF's earlier historical study, that the Deaconesses were ordained, not only because as that document shows they received the laying on of hands which has since those times been clarified as a distinctive feature of ordination versus institution (they were also anointed, which the CDF document does not mention), [laying on of hands has not, does not, in all cases indicate ordination] but also because my own studies showed that the Deacons and Deaconesses were in one single Order of the Diaconate, albeit in two rather diverse Forms and in two partially diverse, partially shared Ministries. [I don't think that's right.] The Deaconesses exercised their own Ministry for their Bishop, perhaps attached to a Parish, or towards a Community of Nuns ; and as needs repeating probably systematically for the avoidance of any doubt or confusion, NOT towards the Altar. 13 May 2016 at 7:42 AM Huh — St Francis of Assisi was a Deacon. I suppose this does entail some sort of spiritual dimension to the Pope's actions here, given his particular veneration and admiration for that Saint. Pingback: Pope Francis Opens Conversation on Deaconesses – Big Pulpit Father Z, I don't think that I have a complete understanding of this particularly arcane question, especially given that the Ancient sources are at least partly contradictory. Your hesitations mirror my own. I can only present my understanding of the sources as I read and analysed them. There are no dogmatic declarations from the Magisterium regarding these difficulties, so that a multiplicity of analyses can exist simultaneously within the Catholicity. Which is itself an anomaly given the ancientness of the basic questions. I think the one formal error of the CDF document on the Diaconate is to have attempted to present certain questions relating to the Diaconesses as "settled", when they haven't been — their particular Ministry simply faded from practice, but was never formally destituted. Clearly the difference in our understanding of Ordination as it existed in the 11th Century and as it exists in the 21st (differences in understanding, I mean, not in the Sacramental Nature as such) are very confusing, in our considerations of a particular Ministry that has not existed for a thousand years, so that I think that only a Pope or an Ecumenical Council could actually provide any fully Authoritative instruction regarding any related difficulties. 14 May 2016 at 4:23 PM I do not recall hearing about Nuns or Sisters, back in the days of deaconesses. Could it be that the office of Deaconness morfed into what we now know as nuns/sisters/ women religious?
2019/07/17 23:09:14
Collections: Wang Jing | China-Underground Movie Database Wang Jing is a Chinese director. Crossroads (2007), Wang Jing's debut feature film, won the Jury Prize at the China Independent Film Festival, the Grand Prix at the Beijing Film Academy Golden Words Awards, and was selected for many international film festivals including IFFR and HKIFF. Her second feature, Changfeng Town, has received awards from the Asian Cinema Fund, FIRST Financing Forum, China Film Foundation and Wu Tianming Film Fund. Wang Jing Filmography Changfeng Town is located in an inconspicuous corner of China. The townspeople know each other well and are content with life. Airplanes pass by the town from time to time, reminding people of an unknown outside world. Many things in town exist in solitude – the cinema, the dentist, the Auto repair shop, the news office, and the elementary school. The townspeople are unique and full of eccentricities. They each has a story of their … Read more Zhang Yao, the leader of the Haidao vice squad, accidentally captured suspect Gao Fei, who used a fake ID. According to his confession, Gao Fei is a player of the online game "World of Warcraft" and he once met a beautiful young woman Ju Yue at a party. They began to date. One night, Cheng Tao, Lin Yan's husband, unexpectedly found the saucy chat record between Gao Fei and his wife. In a blaze of … Read more One of the most acclaimed movies to come out of China last year, Feng Shui harnesses the talents of underrated actress Yan Bingyan to deliver this family drama about a woman desperate to ascend to the middle class and willing to pay any price. Powerful and emotionally tense, this is a portrait of the hidden side of the great Chinese success story.
2022/05/26 18:22:00
example_98134 • View topic - How to put the J/JA NINE magazine release back together. How to put the J/JA NINE magazine release back together. by Admin » Fri May 11, 2012 9:00 pm Sticky provided by our very own Farmkid. If someone knows a better/easier/more official way, please post it; but here's what works for me: Note: do all of this over a box or other container, because you WILL drop the mag button spring before you're done, and it's very small. 1) Remove both grips and the safety and safety spring on the left side. 2) Hold the frame with the barrel pointing down, and the left side toward you. 3) Lay the mag release spring in place. You'll probably need a pair of long, thin tweezers for this. (There's reason that the cheapo Made-In-China tool people at gun shows sell these. Buy some in straight and bent.) Bonus suggestion by jeffchance: a slight dab of grease on the spring can stick it in place. 4) Carefully insert the mag release button, making sure to not knock the spring out of place. To do this, point it up over the spring on the way in, and then let it come down on the spring when the button has reached the inside of the right side of the frame. 5) Touching the right end of the button through the hole in the right side, work it down until it can pass through the hole. Hold the button in the down position of the left side: the button and spring are now in the correct position. 6) Reinstall the safety and safety spring now with one hand while keeping the button depressed with the other. Carefully position the left grip, sliding it in over the button, and screw it down. The button is not going anywhere at this point. 7) Complete any assembly on the right side and replace the right grip. I hope that this is clear, but feel free to ask about anything that's not. Good luck! Re: How to put the J/JA NINE magazine release back together. by Mr.380 » Sat May 02, 2015 5:35 pm Im still lost between steps 2-3...where exactly does the spring go? by adam01364 » Sun May 03, 2015 5:31 am The mag release spring sits on a "shelf" inside the mag well. Dead center of this picture shows where it's located. Putting the spring in place can be a challenge. I guide mine into place with the plastic tube from a can of WD-40. (Steel probes that can become magnetized are not at all helpful. Don't ask me how I know.) Once you get the mag release into position, carefully insert a mag in, it will hold all things in place until you can reinstall the grips.
2018/05/23 16:20:40
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2020/01/28 15:09:12
Find a Babysitter in 72210 | Find a Babysitter in 72210 It used to be hard to find a reliable babysitter or nanny in 72210. But using advanced technology, we have compiled a list of the top-rated babysitters in the 72210 area. Learn more about the best sitters in 72210 and match with the one that perfectly meets your needs!. Hi, My name is Suzanne Schwander! I am currently a college student at The University of Alabama. I am majoring in Communicative Disorders and minoring in Human Developmental Family Studies. I have always enjoyed caring for and interacting with childr Read More Message Suzanne S. View All Babysitters in 72210 Price of a Babysitter in 72210 It costs about $11.9 per hour (for one child) to hire a babysitter in 72210, that's about $-1.59 less than the national average of $13.44 per hour. Additional children can cost up to 50% more per child that needs care but many sitters charge much less or nothing additional for two kids. A tip is not always necessary but always appreciated. 10 to 15 percent is common but again, not a requirement. Book a Sitter in 72210 Tonight Many of the 72210 sitters above respond within 24 hours, and some of them much faster than that. You can certainly get a sitter for tonight in 72210 but the earlier you request one the better your odds will be. Give it a shot tonight! Become a 72210 Babysitter Online If you're in the 72210 area and want to become a babysitter or nanny both Sitter City and are great places to start a career or a side gig. Check out their respective applications below to see if you're a good fit:
2021/12/01 07:19:50
1632 Venture Point Way, Unit 44, Decatur, GA 30032 (MLS # 8812191) | Atlanta Metro Real Estate, LLC 1632 Venture Point Way, Unit 44, Decatur, GA 30032 (MLS # 8812191) Now Selling~ Ready Dec-Jan 2020. Decatur's Newest Gated Townhome Community. Beautiful 3 level townhome~ A Must See in this sought-after area!!! Features open floorplan, modern kitchen w/ 42 in cabinets, granite countertops & SS appl. Upstairs leads to 2 bedrooms including spa-like bath including separate garden tub/shower, quartz countertops & walk-in closet. The laundry is conveniently located upstairs. The terrace level features a spacious bedroom with a full bathroom. Perfect for roommate/office. 3 level townhomes only miles from downtown Decatur and Krog Street Market. Fast access to major highways and a 20-min commute to downtown Atlanta. Photos not of actual home. $12,500 Builder Incentives for a limited time.
2020/07/11 16:48:57
Seychelles Is Among Five Nations Bidding To Host The 2023 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup | NaijaForbe Seychelles Is Among Five Nations Bidding To Host The 2023 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup by welkin... January 8, 2022, 11:33 pm The chairman of the Seychelles Football Federation, Elvis Chetty, told SNA that "we are very serious in this bid and that is why we have also recruited a top professional in the tournaments bidding field, a man who worked with South Africa's successful 2010 FIFA world cup bid." The bidding process opened in October and will conclude with the selection of the host in March 2022. Seychelles is bidding along with Colombia, Bahrain, Thailand and UAE. If Seychelles is successful, the island nation will be seen as one of the premier beach soccer destinations. Seychelles, an archipelago in the western Indian Ocean, hosted the Council of Southern Africa Football Associations (COSAFA) beach soccer tournament in 2015. "We are confident that we will be successful in our bid to host the World Cup and if we do get it, it will be huge for Seychelles. We will have international recognition and be in the sporting limelight," added Chetty. Earlier this week, the government pledged to support the Federation's bid to host the tournament which is expected to bring more visibility to the island nation with the worldwide coverage of such event. The Chairman told SNA that with a successful bid new infrastructure will be needed and a demountable stadium will be built and after the games, it will be sent to La Digue and Praslin, to help develop the sport on those islands. For Seychelles, their last international tournament was earlier this year, when the team travelled to South Africa for the COSAFA Beach Soccer tournament. Seychelles' side did not win any matches. The 2023 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup will be the 12th edition. It is the premier international beach soccer championship contested by men's national teams of the member associations of FIFA.
2022/01/22 14:23:58
Hi Geektimes! Today we continue our PC Buyers Guide cycle and talk about the piece of hardware without which no computer will work at all. About the power supply. Questions about power supplies are asked a lot and regularly. Of course, the most common question is how to choose the right PSU and how powerful a “feeder” is needed for a certain set of iron. But in addition to calculating the required capacity, there are several more interesting topics that I would like to highlight today: what is 80+ certification, which marketing “enhancers” should be ignored, and which ones to consider, and, of course, which manufacturer to choose. In order to better understand some aspects of power supply and generally more or less understand why the choice of power supply is more important than at first glance seem to many users (especially those who have not lost the hardware because of the filthy feeder), it is worth considering the general principles of this thing.
Nice to hear that you enjoyed my little story. I do have another piece which I have put on another's the link to it..and the artwork is mine too... I love your objective. To get others to see from their own minds how beautiful their worlds can truly be if they just tried to make it so. Thank you, so much for sharing that! I love that you have such a vivid imagination! I also hope to read more writing of yours! The rainbow creatures are out today from a wonderful place beyond the golden pathway. They’re making their way across the mysterious woodlands. While walking on the pathway, these rainbow creatures could smell the sweetly scented air coming from someplace. All of a sudden,“Geego”,the frog, wearing big-rimmed glasses, hears in the distance running water sounds. Do you think maybe this is the enchanted place we’re looking for that has a magic waterfall in it? Geego could see off in the horizon a beautiful rainbow falls. Just ahead, right where this fresh smelling spring fed waterfall was created, low and behold there were thousands of scattered wild flowers. These blossoming colored flowers were so magnificent that your mind could only imagine. Just think how quiet and peaceful this wonderland feels to you being surrounded by all gods’ natural beauty. Let’s lie back in these flowers and gaze out at the blue-crystallized lake that also appeared at the bottom of the waterfalls. So smooth this lake shimmered that you could skate across it at anytime. Would you like to listen to something wonderful? In Geegos magic rainbow jacket, which he took off and put it by the tree next to the glistening lake, was a tape. All the rainbow creatures decided to take a little snooze here under the magic rainbow tree, as the (Breaking the Mist) tape was playing relaxing music. Keep imagining that special place that you can go to for it will give you that love and warmth and feeling of happiness. That place where you can rejuvenate your body, mind and soul. Come let us ride, just travel, to a far off land, on a rainbowland carpet! Drifting into another world, someone heard, “Who said that carpet comes into my special place?” It was princess Nok-a-Nok, who spoke. She said that that ratty carpet needed some more colour to its threads. To everyone’s surprise, the princess sprinkled her gold dust in the air…Can you imagine what happened next? Maybe something would appear out of nowhere, or out pops an animal. Well to our surprise, the rainbow gold dust turned that ratty carpet into a shiny new rainbow rug! While all this synergy was glowing about, peeking around the rainbow tree was an itsy-bitsy worm. “What’s the matter little worm?” asked the princess. The sad looking worm had a surprised look on his face as to think that someone was actually talking to him. The princess asked the worm if his name was as colourful as all the other things in this place. “NO!” the worm replied. I have a name that everyone calls me at home and it’s “Sneaky”. I’m a tiny slithering creature who likes to wander in the tall green grass once in a while, ever so minding my own business like others do. Geego says that princess Nok-a-Nok will help you feel better all over and then you will be happy today, OK Sneaky? Sneaky liked this idea and slithered up the nearest tree, looking for a tasty juicy heart-icicle to eat. At that moment, a burst of “Yaa-Hooo!” was heard for miles around. Well I guess you know what happened then. Let your creature mind flow and think of where you might travel next. I’ll leave you here at this moment in time and give you a tip to ponder upon. This day was so unbelievable and fantastic that I hope you and your friends will dream of lovely magical thoughts…(Maybe rainbow balloons are waiting for you on the next travel?) Anything that makes you happy and warm all over inside is something really precious to hold onto. Don’t forget that Rainbow Children can be what you want in life. All you have to do is relax and think of that safe place to visit from time to time when life brings your down. Awe...thank you for the vote of confidence...I will try it out and see where it goes....Right now it's buried but will try to work on it soon as I am still feeling crappy!....:( Glad to know that you are a visual person too....It's great to know others so you can make some kind of a connection to keep one's spirit inspired and motivated...:) If you'd like to share that story with us all that would be wonderful. I'm sure we'd all enjoy it! By visual do you mean we'd all have to have a pretty big imagination to understand it and see it through your eyes? I'm sure I could do it! I'm a very visual person.. lol! I have a story put away in my binder somewhere but it's a long one and I think that my English teacher from Canadore College here in parry Sound said that it's a more visual story. If you want me to post it i can. But am going to get to bed and get some zzzz's to deal with this nasty cold. Thank god i see the doctor tomorrow and i hope he will give me something to get this cold to clear up...Nite and pleasant dreams for everyone tonight....:) Unfortunetly I'm not that much of a story writer so I don't have any stories for you. I mean I could write a story but I'm more of a poet so... this is for all of those story writers out there! Anybody who would like to share their stories, please do so here!
How to Upgrade Your WordPress Site - Liquid Web How to Upgrade Your WordPress Site Posted on June 25, 2010 by J. Mays | Updated: July 20, 2021 Category: Technical Support | Tags: Tutorial, WordPress WordPress 3.0 was released this week, and just like with any new release there are a lot of questions about upgrading existing WordPress sites. In this tutorial we will demonstrate how to upgrade WordPress using the built-in upgrading tools. You should ALWAYS make a backup of your website before making any large changes, especially when changing software versions. You can make a backup through cPanel. The most important part of your backup will likely be your database where all of your posts and post data are stored. WordPress releases regular updates to improve the software, fix bugs, and improve security. Thankfully WordPress is one of the easiest systems to upgrade. Log in to your WordPress administration interface. If there is an update available you will see the following banner notification near the top of the page, as pictured below: WordPress "Upgrade Now" Click on the Please update now link and you will be taken to the internal Upgrade WordPress page, pictured below: Note: If you see a page that asks you for FTP information to perform the update, then your server is running the software in a way that WordPress needs FTP access to complete the upgrade. If your server is using cPanel you will need to use the same user and password details that you used to log in to your domain level cPanel interface. If you have any questions regarding WordPress upgrades via FTP please contact our support department or review the documentation at the WordPress Codex. If you are not asked for FTP information then click on the Upgrade Automatically button: Click the upgrade! If everything goes well you will see several messages as WordPress downloads the update, unpacks it on the server, and then activates it. A final WordPress upgraded successfully message (pictured below) indicates that the upgrade is complete. WordPress Upgrade Successful Congratulations! You have now safely upgraded your WordPress site. Open a few pages on your site and make sure you do not see any errors. If you do see any issues, give us a call or open a ticket, and we will get this addressed for you. If we can't get it fixed quickly we can help restore the backup you made before you started the upgrade and then help you through the process one step at a time.
2022/01/20 06:12:23
The Journey of a Geek: What I Learned From My Mother In honor of Mother's Day, it's my duty as an honorable American boy to say just how fantastic my mother really is. When I was young and needed emotianl support, who was there for me? Mom. With warm little nothings that could put even the most excessively hyper beast back into its pen. Every time I think about her singing "You Are My Sunshine", my heart literally melts. No matter how hard I was crying or how upset I was, hearing her sing that melody always calmed me down. Through the best of times, through the worst of times. I really can't help but admire her spirit. She may be a bit on the paranoid side, but she also has an amazing sparking energy that never ceases to let up. Even when she's depressed, even when she's pissed, the energy never goes away. It's like an honest life force shining through everything. The situation around me may be completely black with no end in sight, but when my mother is around she's like my light of hope. Everything brightens up, and I'm finally able to see my path once again. I'm not saying that my mother is perfect by any stretch, she is a human being afterall. She is, however, the one who conceived and raised me from an infant into the man I've become today. Just for that alone, I am forever thankful, and forever loving. :) Love you, mom! Posted by A Deranged Young Person at 8:20 PM Woah! I should have thought of doing something like this... You and your good ideas... The Otaku Venom said... LOL, I'm starting to plan my blog topics a week in advance. *nods* Plan to update three times every Friday.. since that's sorta my day off.
2019/04/18 16:53:04
THE 8 ADVANTAGES OF BEING PART OF LA TORRE OUTLET ZARAGOZA'S VIP CLUB | La Torre Outlet Zaragoza THE 8 ADVANTAGES OF BEING PART OF LA TORRE OUTLET ZARAGOZA'S VIP CLUB If you like trends and great discounts when you buy clothes for your collection, you must have surely heard about our VIP Club and all the benefits of being part of it. But if you still don't know what it is or you are not completely sure about joining, keep reading and discover all the advantages we offer. 1.- Discounts and exclusive offers for members Everybody likes to catch the best offers and enjoy exclusive fashion and lifestyle promotions. For that reason, we want to reward your loyalty and offer you extra discounts so you can save even more in your shopping days. All you have to do is become a member of our VIP Club, pay attention to our communications and plan your next visit to our centre! 2.- The best offers of the week Every Friday we announce the new offers of the week: 10% extra on your purchases, top brands with big discounts... Pay attention, because only the fastest ones will be able to fill their bags with the best offers! Do you want a trick? Save the items you like the most in your App's Wishlist and check every week if they have new discounts. 3.- Exclusive invitations for events If you want to be like a star and come to our exclusive events with celebrities, influencers and well-known people from the fashion world, don't hesitate! Access the VIP Club, save the date in your calendar and attend the best events to enjoy glamour days, shopping events and a lot of surprises. 4.- The latest news from our shops Every time that a new shop will arrive in La Torre Outlet Zaragoza, you will be the first to know about it. We will also keep you informed of all the news related to our brands: discounts, promotions, campaigns, offers, new collections... Don't miss out on the news! 5.- VIP Sales Can you imagine being able to access exclusive sales and acquire your favourite products at an unimaginable price? Now it's possible with our VIP Sales, only for members! VIP Sales just happen twice a year, so you have to be aware to catch the best trends. You will receive a notification when the date is near, so you can prepare your Wishlist with all the items you are interested in buying. Take advantage of the VIP Sales because they are a unique opportunity! 6.- Exclusive contents for members You are a VIP member of our outlet and therefore we want to offer you the best content directly in your email. You'll be able to enjoy interviews with influencers and articles with the best trends. 7.- Birthday gifts Is it your birthday? Well, we have a present for you! We want to celebrate this special date so we'll prepare a surprise for you. You only have to make sure that you have a complete profile within the VIP Club and we will take care of the rest. 8.- Wishlist We know you're a trendsetter, you love inspiration and you keep all the posts you like on your phone. But why not saving all of them in the Wishlist section of our App? Now you can browse the sections of each brand, choose the products you like, look for the clothes you need to complete your outfits and save everything in your Wishlist. This way, you'll have everything at hand when you visit our centre and you'll be able to quickly find that jacket you liked so much. These are some of the benefits that we have prepared for you for being a member of the VIP Club, so if you want to access the new advantages that we launch exclusively for members, register now from here!
2021/05/17 10:50:17
Hello! I hope you all had a great weekend! Last week I posted 5 habits for Massive Impact if you missed that post click here. To recap, the 5 habits for Massive Impact are as follows: Today, we are going to talk about the importance of drinking water. Staying hydrated is one of the BEST ways you can take care of your body, as water is essential to maintain the function of every cell in your body. Proper hydration increases your energy levels, promotes weight loss, flushes toxins, improves skin quality and digestion, as well as relieving joint pain and even headaches! Our recommendation is for you to drink half your body weight in fluid ounces of water daily. Here is a resource to help you with that calculation: Drinking half your body weight in fluid ounces can be a challenge so here are a few healthful ways to help you drink more water: Flavor it up – add lemon, cucumber, orange, grapefruit slices, mint, or berries to a pitcher of water and let it marinate in your refrigerator for a few hours. You can also add a drop of a therapeutic grade citrus flavored essential oil. Start your day with a large glass of water – wake up and guzzle – this will get you off to a great start Set reminders – set alarms on your phone to remind you to drink your water throughout the day or try apps on your phone like Waterlogged. Track it – set your daily goal and track it throughout the day. Try putting a rubber band around your water bottle and make a mark each time you finish the bottle. Commit to drinking half your body weight in water or even just increasing your water intake for one week. You will be amazed at how much better you feel, how your energy levels have increased, and you will be very impressed with your clear state of mind. Need help tracking your water intake and staying on point with your goals? Visit to sign up to receive more support from us. We will send you information via email to help support your habits for massive impact including a printable habits tracker that you can use to measure your progress within the next 21 days. An online dating service is a company that provides specific mechanisms (generally websites or applications) for online dating through the use of Internet-connected personal computers or mobile devices.The 2016 Pew Research Center's survey reveals that the usage of online dating sites by American adults increased from 9% in 2013, to 12% in 2015.Further, during this period, the usage among 18- to 24-year-olds tripled, while that among 55- to 65-year-olds doubled.Profiles created by real humans also have the potential to be problematic.For example, online dating sites may expose more female members in particular to stalking, fraud, and sexual violence by online predators. Apart from the parents of the bride, the only other high profile guests seen in Rhinebeck were Bill Clinton’s former secretary of state, Madeleine Albright, actors Ted Danson and Mary Steenburgen and fashion designer Vera Wang.
Charity Senior head of philanthropy, Jobs | Senior head of philanthropy Jobs This is a great opportunity to join the UK Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF UK) as a Senior Philanthropy Manager. Senior Employer Engagement Manager Senior Employer Engagement Manager Centre for Ageing Better, England (Hybrid) Seeking an enthusiastic Manager to reach out to employers and wake more of them up to the reality of the ageing workforce and its benefits. £29880 - £33200 per annum Quartet Community Foundation, Bristol (On-site) NFP Consulting, London (Hybrid) c£40,000 - 4 days considered Senior Trusts and Grants Manager Senior Trusts and Grants Manager QuarterFive Fundraising Recruitment, London (Hybrid) Senior Philanthropy Lead Senior Philanthropy Lead Popular locations for senior head of philanthropy jobs: London, Greater London Westminster, Greater London Manchester, Greater Manchester Charing Cross, Greater London Chelmsford, Essex Kensington and Chelsea, Greater London Birmingham, West Midlands Brighton, Brighton and Hove Bristol, Bristol City Cardiff, Wales Fundraising Director Head Of Philanthropy Funding Manager Head Of Appeal Head Of Funding head Of Philanthropy And Partnerships Head Of Fundraising Head Of Major Donor Fundraising Proposal Writer Trust Officer Contract, Fixed term – until June 2023, Full-time The successful candidate will join a team of philanthropy fundraisers in maximising income and support for UNICEF, by stewarding existing relationships and building new high value relationships. In addition, you will line manage a Philanthropy Manager and a Philanthropy Executive. The successful candidate will have experience of securing significant donations of at least 5 figures, from individuals or family foundations and managing relationships with major supporters. They will also need to demonstrate how they have worked with senior staff and volunteers to achieve success. Line management experience would be desirable. Closing date: 5pm, 15 July 2022. Interview date: 9 and 10 August 2022 via video conferencing (MS Teams) excellent pay and benefits (including flexible working, generous annual leave and pension, big brand discounts and wellbeing tools). outstanding training and learning opportunities and the support to flourish in your role. impressive open plan office space and facilities on the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. an open culture and workplace with colleagues who share our values, enjoy their work and are motivated to do their utmost for children. Are you passionate about making workplaces more inclusive? Do you want to make sure none of us are shut out of good jobs as we age? Do you have experience of working directly with large employers and forging corporate partnerships to make change happen? Have you worked in a leadership role in a strategic employer led partnership? The Centre for Ageing Better is looking for a Senior Employer Engagement Manager to push our work on age-friendly employment to the next level. You will be reaching out to employers across the country to wake more of them up to the reality of the ageing workforce and its benefits – and running a network and programme of activity to help them realise those benefits. The centrepiece of this will be an employer 'pledge'. In return, we offer an opportunity to build something that could make a lasting change to the workplace in the UK – and a friendly and supportive team of colleagues to help you do it. Cycling UK, the national cycling charity, is on a mission to inspire a million more people onto their bikes. We have an exciting opportunity for an experienced corporate partnership professional to join the Income Generation team at Cycling UK. You will lead on growing new corporate support for the charity, as well as managing existing relationships, to feed into Cycling UK's overarching fundraising strategy. Senior Corporate Partnerships Officer Requirements: This role will oversee the full cultivation cycle for potential partners, from building the pipeline to initiating approaches and developing pitches. You will be experienced at building relationships with strong sales and marketing acumen. You will be the organisational 'expert' and work closely with the Head of commercial, Fundraising team and other service departments to grow income, brand awareness and our reputation. If you are target driven, a strong storyteller and communicator and able to build and retain relationships with key internal and external stakeholders, we want to hear from you. We are an inclusive organisation and would, particularly welcome applications from candidates from a broad range of backgrounds. We strongly believe that diversity strengthens our work. If you are already passionate about cycling, that's great, many of us are too! But if you are simply really excellent at what you do, no matter what your background, that is what matters most to us. Location: Home-based in UK (Occasional travel to Guildford) Contract Type: Fixed Term, until March 2023 Hours: Part-time (3 or 4 days per week) Salary: £29,880 - £33,200 (based on full time hours) Closing date: Monday 18 July 2022 - 9:00am You may have experience of the following: Senior Corporate Partnerships Executive, Fundraising Manager, Divisional Fundraising Manager, Community Fundraising, Corporate Partnerships Executive, Charity, Charities, Third Sector, NFP, Not for Profit, Fundraiser, Corporate Partnerships Manager, Partnerships Executive, Fundraising Executive, etc. Ref: 134 287 Closing date: 18 July 2022 at 01:00 Job ref: 134287 Are you a fantastic Project Delivery Manager who prefers agile ways of working? Do you want to work for an exciting social change organisation on the cusp of something big where you can help us develop high quality metrics to measure our real-world impact? We're looking for a Senior Delivery Manager to support the delivery of our strategy and key projects. You will be responsible for: driving cross-organisational expertise to deliver effective project management; for ensuring effective stakeholder management; and for the delivery of projects in line with schedules and budgets. You will be instrumental in bringing different parts of the RSA together to support our 'Design for Life' mission – working across interrelated 'pathways' to unlock social opportunity through social innovation to regenerate people, place and planet! • Knowledge of agile project management methodology. • Significant experience as a multi-disciplinary programme, delivery or project manager working in a UK and global context • Significant experience of project management - leading large campaigns, coordinating multi-disciplinary teams in the production of content and management of communication channels through teams in achieving outcomes. • A high standard of written and verbal communication • Effective use of data and information systems • Highly effective time management and prioritisation skills • Ability to track KPIs effectively • An understanding and good working knowledge of risk management • Highly collaborative, able to work with and get the best from team members from across disciplines • Aligned with the RSA's core values This role is based from RSA House in London for at least three days per week, with hybrid flexibility for the remaining days. The closing date for receipt of applications is 9am 18 July 2022. Interviews will take place in the week commencing 25 July 2022. We are looking for a Philanthropy Manager to play a key role in growing and diversifying our donor base. You'll manage your own portfolio of fund holders, and you'll also support and inspire a small team of Philanthropy Officers to do the same. As Philanthropy Manager you will have excellent interpersonal skills and experience of developing and managing relationships. Your writing will be clear, concise and accurate. You'll be confident working with data and ICT. And you'll be strongly committed to your own learning and development as well as the learning and development of your team. At least 2 years' experience of buildingdonor relationships and securing funding support Track record in leading and managing staff and supporting colleagues Experience of working with individuals at senior levels within different sectors Knowledge (or the passion to learn) of the issues affecting the voluntary and community sector across the West of England Competent with and enthusiastic about using a wide range of ICT and operational systems, including familiarity with CRM programmes Superior written and verbal communication skills, including confidence in public speaking and an ability to persuade and negotiate effectively Strong commitment to, and ability to lead on, the values of the Foundation Highly motivated, enthusiastic and able to cope well under pressure High levels of integrity and excellent professional judgement Able and willing to work flexibly, including regularly attending meetings and events outside normal office hours Able and willing to travel for work within the region, and occasionally outside it. London, flexible working from home and office Permanent, 4 days considered Responsible for fundraising and stewardship of relationships with individuals, this role has a particular focus on mid-level and major gifts. Working with the Chief Executive and other Fundraising Managers to refine and develop an established fundraising strategy you will assist in maximising income from individuals. If you have strong interpersonal skills and the ability to build relationships with a wide range of stakeholders and audiences, particularly fundraisers, donors and volunteers, please get in touch. As this role is available immediately we are actively seeking early applications and will be interviewing on a rolling basis with the intention of making an offer of appointment as soon as we find the right person. Job Description –Senior Trusts and Grants Manager Location: Hybrid / Office Based FareShare exists because of two hugely important and highly topical issues. As a consequence of supply and demand, huge volumes of food are grown or made in the UK and a percentage ends up as unwanted surplus with little commercial value. At the same time, there are many thousands of frontline community groups and charities that are providing a vital safety net for the most vulnerable in our society. We seek to squeeze as much social good out of that uneconomic surplus by getting it to almost 10,000 such groups across the UK whilst they provide essential wraparound support services for their beneficiaries. The Cost of Living Crisis and before it, the COVID-19 have shone a spotlight on the issue of food insecurity in the UK and with it, FareShare's ability to get food to vulnerable communities nationwide. It is estimated that over 4.7m UK households are now experiencing food insecurity and whilst the equivalent of 1.3bn meals of good surplus food occurs each year, FareShare believes that it is wrong for these two situations to co-exist. To combat this, FareShare is moving into an ambitious 4 year programme to achieve unparalleled growth in both our food volumes as well as our fundraised income. We are driven by the opportunity to secure even more of the food available at farm gate, manufacturing and retail levels and to do this, we need to maximise our new groundswell of public support to generate the funds needed to operate at this greater scale. There has never been a more exciting time to join a relevant organisation which delivers both social and environmental impact, at such a crucial time. By joining us you would be leading some of our most important work in helping us generate more support from Donors, Corporate Food and Fundraising Partners, Foundations and Volunteers as we strive in our ambition to meet the demand for food to support the UK's most vulnerable. Reporting to the Head of Fundraising. Managing and maximising key trusts and foundations, statutory and grant funders seeking to extend their support wherever possible with a focus on multi-year funding Ensuring a focus on new opportunities undertaking the necessary research to identify potential funders including those outside of the UK Developing a range of engaging proposals around key aspects of FareShare's work Managing the Trusts & Foundation team, ensuring delivery of their objectives (currently two Trusts Managers who in turn manage two Trust Officers although we want the postholder to demonstrate the need for growth of this team) The role is largely focused on leading the strategy, which ensures delivery of our trust, statutory and grant income programme as we extend the reach of our work over the coming years. Oversee the planning, delivery and monitoring for a portfolio of warm trusts and foundations, statutory and grant funders, maximising the income potential Relationship management for a number of key accounts providing relevant impact reports and associated benefits Developing innovative and persuasive proposals Maximising opportunities where possible to incorporate Regional Centres within national bids Regularly reviewing the plans and/or funding agreements managed by the Trusts team to ensure appropriate levels of stewardship and the potential for repeat or long-term support is maximised Managing associated admin and record keeping Overseeing the development and maintenance of an effective pipeline designed to undertake detailed prospecting and identify targets needed to deliver long term income Ensuring the rolling (monthly) programme is maintained Ensuring effective records of secured and projected income are maintained and that where appropriate this is shared with others across the organisation To investigate, initiate and develop activity to extend the opportunity for the support of trusts and foundations including EU and USA. To work effectively with the Finance team to obtain the necessary budget information to support applications Ensure detailed KPIs are uptodate, automated and reported on regularly including identifying variances to forecast and associated action plans To work effectively with departments and projects manager to obtain the necessary information around their development plans to create compelling bids To maintain the necessary levels of communications with the FareShare Network, including details of national funders where appropriate Work cross functionally (particularly with the UK food team), including the FareShare Network, to provide guidance and help identifying new funding opportunities. To work with trust and grant funders with a good understanding of the UK funding landscape Play an active role in the development of the wider fundraising strategy contributing to planning where required Provide line management support to the Trusts & Foundations team as detailed above, ensuring that they understand, and work towards their objectives Work towards individual performance standards and targets whilst setting and monitoring them for line managed staff, conducting the relevant annual reviews and identifying opportunities for development Conduct annual reviews of performance and actively take part in your own, identifying opportunities for development Significant experience of working with trust and grant funders with a good understanding of the UK funding landscape A proven track record of meeting challenging targets, securing new multi-year business and increasing income from existing funders Experience of strategic planning, analysis and evaluation Strong financial skills with the ability to work with complex budgets and monitor them to produce associated grant reports Ability to work on own initiative, meeting objectives and tight deadlines under pressure Excellent written and verbal communication skills, particularly in writing proposals and presentations High level communication skills and ability to engage at all levels with diverse stakeholders Ability to collaborate with internal and external departments Build on long term partnerships with external stakeholders with the aim of achieving strategic goals Experience of working in a regulated environment and demonstrable risk assessment capabilities IT literacy, in particular of using Microsoft applications Experience of securing funding from EU and US sources A champion of Safeguarding principles and practice An interest in the impact of food waste on the environment An interest in food poverty and its causes Desire for change and ability to adapt Flexibility and ability to work well as part of a team and alone Contract, Until April/May 2023 - covering family leave, Full-time Are you a talented high-value fundraiser that wants to make a real impact? Do you have experience in soliciting major gifts of £10,000 and above from individuals? Can you help deliver a philanthropy strategy at one of the country's biggest charities? If so, you could be the Philanthropy Development Manager we are looking for! You'll work closely with the Head of Major Gifts in the Philanthropy team to build and maintain a portfolio of individual prospects and donors with capacity to make gifts of £10,000 - £100,000 (leadership gifts), involving volunteers and staff across British Heart Foundation (BHF) as required. As an ambassador for the BHF, you'll proactively identify and qualify new prospects, engage existing and lapsed donors, and work collaboratively with colleagues in the Philanthropy team to manage a new Giving Club that incentivises donors to make multi-year pledges. Ensuring our database is kept fully up to date, you'll coordinate with other fundraisers and teams to facilitate collaboration across the organisation. You'll deliver agreed annual targets and help drive income for research that will save and improve the lives of people affected by cardiovascular disease in this country and around the world. Please note this is a fixed term contract until April/May 2023 - covering family leave. This is a dual location role, with your working time split between your Home and approximately one day per fortnight in our London Office. As part of the role, you will also need to travel into London and elsewhere for meetings with donors, as and when required. This will allow us to unlock our best work for our cause, blending the best of home and office working. BHF is creating a culture that drives transformational and sustainable income through philanthropic giving, from high-value donors in the UK and overseas. To achieve this vision, we are building a high performing Philanthropy team comprising dynamic fundraisers working with individual donors or trusts and foundations, talented proposition writers, research and insight specialists, and event and stewardship experts. Sitting within the Philanthropy team, the Major Gifts team focuses on individual donors and is led by the Head of Major Gifts. It comprises two Philanthropy Lead posts (gifts of £75,000 and above) and two Philanthropy Development Manager posts (gifts of £10,000 and above). To realise our ambitions, we need to raise significant additional funds to accelerate and drive critical research. Raising funds through philanthropy is a key area of our income generating strategy for 2030. An ambitious and dynamic fundraiser, with a track record of securing gifts of £10,000 or above from new, cold prospects and existing donors. You will have worked successfully with influential volunteers to deliver income in a large and complex organisation. With a natural flare for identifying and cultivating relationships, and strong planning and prioritisation skills, you'll be able to manage a portfolio of 100 - 150 prospects, across the various stages of identification, cultivation, solicitation and stewardship. An exceptionable fundraiser who can demonstrate building relationships with emotional intelligence, and empathy when working with others. A skilled and brave strategic and project manager, who can develop clear, efficient and logical plans to achieve goals. Optimistic and positive, with excellent communication skills and able to inspire confidence in donors as well as senior internal and external stakeholders. An excellent writer, with a keen eye for grammar who can transform complex project information into compelling stories and content for a high-value audience. Meticulous with high attention to detail. Proficient at using data and evidence to monitor KPI's, track trends and help us make informed decisions. Driven and ambitious to deliver our high-value income strategy. Job ref: 12084 Key position in the Development Team, focused on corporate new business and establishing five and six-figure partnership opportunities. Corporate development will play a significant and exciting role within the organisation's plans to increase development income (across all streams) by £1m in 2022/23. There are some fantastic conversations and potential partnerships already underway, with ample opportunity to be creative and think outside the box when it comes to partnership activity, bringing a commercial mindset and new ideas to the table. The team already works with an impressive and broad portfolio, which includes leading brands across a range of sectors. Reporting to the Head of Corporate Development you will take responsibility for generating new corporate support through a range of partnerships – from membership, sponsorship/co-creation of events, commercial partnerships, funding partnerships etc. – the opportunities are vast and varied. Lead on the planning, development and implementation of corporate new business activity; Identify and manage a pipeline of high value corporate prospects, conducting due diligence to minimise reputational risk; Develop a broad and varied portfolio of new partnership opportunities, with a focus on high-5/6-figure and multi year relationships; Work closely with senior stakeholders (including Trustees and Committee members) to engage their support in priority projects; Complete thorough and smooth handover processes for your colleagues in account management once new partnerships are confirmed; Line manage a corporate executive (new business), leading by example and supporting their development. An experienced corporate fundraiser with a passion for new business, looking for a role that allows a high level of creativity and breadth to their portfolio; An individual with expertise of securing five and six-figure corporate support, negotiating and drafting sponsorship/partnership agreements; Someone with a high degree of commercial awareness – understanding the needs of corporate supporters to present them with a variety of funding/partnership opportunities. To apply for this role, please click Quick Apply to submit your CV to Naomi Carruthers at QuarterFive Fundraising Recruitment. If your experience is a good fit, we will send you a job description and arrange a briefing call or meeting that will provide you with all the information required to formally apply. QuarterFive aims to proactively support your job search, so we may also consider your details for other job vacancies to enable us to find a position that is most suitable for you. Senior Philanthropy Lead Location: Stratford, London with hybrid working Salary: £65,000 - £75,000 per annum (depending on experience) Closing Date: 7th July 2022. You are advised to submit your application as soon as possible as we reserve the right to close posts at any time once we have received sufficient applications. Are you a self-motivated and sharp-minded relationship professional that can help us beat cancer? We have an exciting opportunity to join us in a new role of Senior Philanthropy Lead, in our Philanthropy directorate, working across both Philanthropy and Partnerships teams. This role will aim to maximise the value and engagement of high value prospects through the development of relationships with all parts of CRUK which interact with high value prospects and supporters. It will have a particular focus on working across Philanthropy, Partnerships and High Value Fundraising Events (HVFE), growing high value relationships and their engagement with CRUK in addition to working to open their networks and facilitate additional connections and points of engagement with CRUK. CRUK's philanthropy and partnerships strategy have identified that additional value could be yielded from greater network sharing, increased understanding and collaboration across teams and more cross-organisational relationships with key supporters. This role is both responding to those recommendations and reacting to successful income that has been driven by current cross-organisational supporter relationships. Manage a portfolio of up to 60 prospects with a primary focus on qualifying prospects and developing the engagement and stewardship of prospects and their networks through the full life cycle of giving and renewal. Ensure consistent pipeline movement Build robust working relationships with key colleagues across Philanthropy and Marketing, Fundraising, Events (MFE), with a focus on Partnerships, HVFE and with Philanthropy Leadership giving team, to identify opportunities and develop strategies to maximise the value and engagement of high value prospects Bring new high value supporters to CRUK through network introductions from existing supporters and senior volunteers Work across CRUK to identify and develop new income generating initiatives involving high value donors Work with fundraising and organisational leadership to encourage a cultural shift in support of greater integration and understanding across all fundraising teams related to high value donors and their engagement Extensive experience of professional fundraising with demonstrated track record in developing donor relationships and closing gifts Knowledge/understanding of fundraising best practices. Understand and have a comfort level with the engagement and stewardship process/principles of securing major gifts Significant experience working in a fast-paced environment, managing multiple and complex projects Excellent project management and organisation skills with strong attention to detail and demonstrated analytical skills; excellent writing skills with strong comfort with technology (knowledge of databases, Excel, PowerPoint and other platforms) Ability to deal with ambiguity and to navigate new territory, setting a clear path and establishing new protocols An interest and passion for biomedical science Highly organised with a proven ability to set and deliver to a high standard consistently with competing and demanding deadlines; able to prioritise activity to achieve core purpose of funding world class science If this sounds like you then we are keen to hear from you! If you can demonstrate the above and want to make an impact, then we'd love to have you join the team.
2022/07/01 19:09:59
Collection: 1500℃ Silicon Carbide(SIC)Heating Elements Sort by. 4 products. Single Spiral Silicon Carbide Heating Element. Single Spiral Silicon Carbide … 1500 silicon carbide ultrafine grinding wheel skeif … GE's advanced silicon carbide technology at core of … 13/09/2016· Silicon Carbide (SiC) enables more efficient solar inverters. GE''s LV5+ Solar Inverter has an efficiency rating of 99% weighted EU which allows for … ENHANCED ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF NONSTRUCTURAL CUBIC X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern of as-grown silicon carbide annealed at different temperatures 1280 o C, 1380 o C and 1480 o C for 3 hours and represented as (a), (b) and (c) respectively is shown in Fig. 1. XRD pattern of sample (a) showed that there is no proper phase transformation and unreacted fullerene and silicon are still present there. Creep of Hafnium Diboride -20 Vol% Silicon Carbide … Figure 7: (a) Experimental setup, (b) specimen mounted in the experimental facility and ready for testing, reproduced from DeGregoria [23]. - "Creep of Hafnium Diboride -20 Vol% Silicon Carbide at 1500… NORTON Sanding Sheet, 1500 Grit, Silicon Carbide, … Sanding Sheet, 1500 Grit, Silicon Carbide, 11 in Length, 9 in Width, Ultra Fine, PK 50 Item # 34CD13; Mfr. Model # 66261139379 UNSPSC # 31191501 alog Page # N/A Country of Origin Brazil. Country of Origin is subject to change. silicon carbide 1500, silicon carbide 1500 Suppliers … 07/05/2021· We offer a full range of silicon carbide grit (36, 80, 60/90, 500, 600, 500/600, 1200 and 1500) and aluminum oxide (400/600 and 1200). These can be purchased individually in any weight denomination that fits your needs or we have pre-made kits for your specific size tuler. We have kits available with or without plastic pellets. 1500 GRIT Compression creep of HfB2-20 vol% SiC was studied at 1500°C in air at stresses ranging from -50 to -200 MPa. Primary and secondary creep regimes were observed in all tests. Minimum creep rates were measured. Post-test examination of material microstructure with SEM was employed to characterize the evolution of oxide scale with time. Pakistan Silicon Carbide Wafer: Made-in-Pakistan … Silicon Carbide Wafer in Pakistan. Pakistan Silicon Carbide Wafer Directory provides list of Made in Pakistan Silicon Carbide Wafer Products supplied by reliable Pakistan Silicon Carbide Wafer Manufacturers, Traders and Companies. 9 x 11 - 1500 Rhynowet Redline Silicon Carbide A … 9 x 11 - 1500 Rhynowet Redline Silicon Carbide A-wt. 50/Box quantity. Add to cart. Brand: Indasa. Width: 9" Length: 11" Grit: 1500. Material: Silicon Carbide. Features and Benefits. High Flexibility, Adaptable to curves & contoured Surfaces, High initial cutting action, Rapid stock removal, High strength resin bond, Minimal grit shedding, Anti Pakistan Silicone Sealant: Made-in-Pakistan Silicone ELFY SIl 5000 Silicone. ELFY Sil 5000 - Acetoxy Silicone sealant. Premium quality acetoxy silicone with 12-14month shelf life. Available in 300ml cartridgBrand Name: ELFYSIL, Place of Origin: Pakistan Tags: Pakistan Silicone. 1400c 1500c 1600c Electric Resistance High … 1400c 1500c 1600c Electric Resistance High Temperature Double Spiral Type Silicon Carbide Sic Heater Heating Element For Furnace , Find Complete Details about 1400c 1500c 1600c Electric Resistance High Temperature Double Spiral Type Silicon Carbide Sic Heater Heating Element For Furnace,Silicon Carbide Heater,Sic Heating Element,Furnace Heater from Industrial Heater Supplier … Our Green Silicon carbide is sic content 99.5% min , 200 Prize Bond list, 750 Prize Bond list, 1500 Prize Bond list, 7500 Prize Bond list, 15000 Prize Bond list, 25000 Prize Bond list, 40000 Prize Bond list, PSX Market Summary, CURRENCY RATES, USD to PKR, Euro Rate in Pakistan, Saudi Riyal Rate in Pakistan, Dirham Rate in Pakistan , Pound
2022/01/21 19:34:19
CNN Poll: Majority say invoke War Powers Act – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs "That's a common reaction from the American public," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. "Although Congress as an institution is held in fairly low regard, over the past two decades Americans have typically told pollsters that Congress should be the branch of government to make these kinds of decisions - from Iraq to Haiti to Kosovo to Somalia, and regardless of the president's party." But support for Congress having the final say on Libya doesn't mean the public opposes Obama's policy. Fifty-four percent support limited use of military force by the United States in Libya as part of a NATO mission to enforce U.N. resolutions. That's the wording of a resolution now making its way through Congress. Turning to the situation in the Middle East, the survey indicates that two-thirds of Americans say their sympathies are more with the Israelis than the Palestinians. But two-thirds also say that the U.S. should not take either side in that conflict; about a third want the U.S. to take the Israelis' side. Two-thirds also have a favorable view of Israel; with 44 percent viewing Israel as an ally of the U.S. and another 38 percent saying that Israel is friendly toward the U.S. but not an ally. According to the poll, half of the public says that Iran and North Korea are enemies of the U.S. Only 11 percent feel that China is an enemy while more than six in ten believe that China is an ally or is friendly toward the U.S. "The 'special relationship' between the U.S. and Great Britain remains strong, no doubt bolstered by a series of speeches and state dinners while Obama was in London last week," adds Holland. "Nearly nine in ten Americans have a favorable view of Britain, with two-thirds saying Britain is an ally of the U.S. and virtually all the rest say that Britain is a friendly country." For crying out loud, read 'em together: the majority want Congress to get on the ball, provide the authorization under the War Powers Act and allow Obama to continue our limited involvement in Libya based on his policy. The GOP doesn't care...they'd rather try to find a way to turn it to political advantage than do anything without first considering how their party might profit from it, even if it requires making a complete mess...after all, they'll just opint fingers at Obama and the Dems and their mindless base will go along with it. Obama over stepped his bounds on this one. The response was far and above what was deserved. Libya is in shambles now all thanks to BO. Yet he has still done nothing to help people in Africa that truely needed recue. This man is such a liar and needs to go I can't wait to see him try to pull this stick on Israel and watch what happens when the Military refuses to back him up.. Sadly, the weasels on both sides of the isle care more about political posturing than taking actions to benefit America. For this reason they can never really be trusted to make solid decisions, especially those decisions requiring political risks. The Senate is nothing more than a forum for the Republicans to obstruct every action, even those they support. The House is a childish group of radicals incapable of any meaningful compromise, choosing instead to offer a series of political statements of no real value to Americans. Why trust the Congress? Look at their record of no accomplishments! People can think what they want, but that's not what the constitution says. There's a process for changing the constitution, if the people's representatives choose to try it. Obama played Libya correctly. Obama/Biden 2012 Obama has managed to over step his authority on many other issues also. He's clearly abusing the presidency on many levels. I don't think that anyone is disputing that Congress should have the final say, but they shouldn't be playing politics with it either. Authorize it and lets get on with it. May 31, 2011 02:03 pm at 2:03 pm | Who cares? Obama is doing the Libya operation at bargin basement costs and with a ton of help from our NATO allies. We don't even have one boot on the ground so it is a moot point. news about this poll...most americans say get your troops home now... were tired of wasted lives and money for people who dont care one bit for us... So where were all these people when Bush dragged us into unending wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? The problem with the War Powers Act is that has turned into a political football to handcuff the party in the White House by denying the Commander-In-Chief the flexibility to act in the nation's best interests. Rarely do the interests of one political party or the other coincide with the nation's best interests.
2022/07/02 09:38:11
I took the latter half of 2017 off from blogging. Not because I didn’t want to write- quite the opposite. It’s that I couldn’t figure out how to communicate what I wanted to say through the persona that I’ve created for myself. I’ve felt fundamentally stuck. And I don’t think I’m alone nor that it’s just a function of social media. The 2016 election and 2017 fall out has ruptured the pseudo-belief that we could (and should) have a separation between our work selves and “personal” [read: political] selves . (Others went further and said that there IS no separation- most notably the google-glassholes and brogrammers.) We created empty personas for ourselves- using motivational quotes and stories as substitutes for actual authenticity. The rise of livestreaming led to an additional level of pseudo-transparency. “Look”, the self-proclaimed motivational speaker states, “This is what my day-to-day live looks like. If I can do it, so can you!” And yes they get followers and build up fan bases- because that’s what we do as humans- we look for opportunities to connect particularly with charismatic individuals. So this new breed of thought-leader/motivational speaker began to write books and get speaking gigs, all coining their various branded hashtags and “communities”. And we let them do it- in fact we supported them. But we couldn’t talk about it. Just like we couldn’t talk about the fact that “diversity panels” tended to be led by men or the fact that a celebration of women in leadership turned into a carefully cordoned off “women’s lunch”- where men feared to tread. The BIG no-no was calling out the lack of diversity in speaker line-ups and influencer lists. “Women just aren’t interested” was the line. Heaven-forbid there be any type of systematic bias. I could go on and on but I won’t- there are already some excellent articles documenting the barriers women and minorities face in the “thought leadership field”. My point is that these are the issues I didn’t know how to raise on social and my blog. Like women in other industries have written, I too worried that I’d be labeled as “difficult to work with” which could be a death knell to advancement in our very relationship-based industry.
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ClassiFin_dataset is a dataset created for training and evaluating the ClassiFin model, designed to classify texts based on their relevance to finance, business, or economic topics. The dataset consists of 110,000 annotated documents sourced from the CulturaX dataset, with annotations provided by Qwen/Qwen2.5-72B-Instruct.

Dataset Structure

Each document in the dataset has been assigned a score between 0 and 5, reflecting its relevance to finance, business, or economics. The scoring is based on predefined criteria that assess the depth and complexity of financial and business content in the text. Additionally, each annotation includes a brief justification and a boolean flag indicating whether the text is finance-related.

Annotation Methodology

The dataset was annotated using the following prompt:

Below is a text from a dataset. Evaluate whether the text is related to finance, business, or economy topics using the following scoring system:

- Award 1 point if the Text contains basic financial/business terminology or concepts
- Add another point if the Text specifically asks about financial analysis, business strategies, or economic principles
- Award a third point if the Text demonstrates advanced understanding of financial/business concepts
- Grant a fourth point if the Text requires expert-level financial/business knowledge
- Award a fifth point if the Text is highly technical and specific to finance/business/economy

Text: {text}

Please provide:
1. A score from 0-5 based on the criteria above
2. A brief justification (max 50 words)
3. A boolean (true/false) indicating if this is finance/business related (score >= 1)

Respond with only a JSON object (do not add ```json around the json) with these exact keys:
{"score": <0-5 integer>,
"justification": "<50 char max explanation>",
"is_finance": <true if score >= 3, else false>}

Dataset Fields

Each sample in the dataset includes these two main fields:

  • text: The original document text from CulturaX.
  • score: An integer between 0-5 indicating financial relevance.

Besides there are several other mata information for each sample.


Please refer to both below licenses when using this dataset.


If you use this dataset in your research or projects, please cite it appropriately.

  title={ClassiFin: Finance Document Classifier},
  author={Liu, Jingshu and Qader, Raheel and Caillaut, Gaëtan and Nakhlem, Mariam and Barthelemy, Jean-Gabriel and Sadoune, Arezki and Foly, Sabine},
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