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Ultrasonogram of thyroid showing calcifications with hypoechoic lesion (label).
Ultrasound image of the left thyroid area during US-FNABAn ultrasound examination during US-FNAB revealed a hypoechoic cystic lesion (red arrow) in the left thyroid. The margins were smooth and well-defined. A few echogenic granules were observed in the capsule. An FNAB was then performed with two needle passes of a 21-gauge needle. A hypoechoic solid lesion (white star) corresponding to the site of the left parathyroid was also identified but not biopsied.US-FNAB - ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy
Transverse view of the ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration of the left thyroid lobe. The arrows are pointing to the fine needle.
a. The ultrasonography image acquired on the transverse plane reveals cervical extension of the thymus (arrows) located anterior to the cervical trachea (asterisk) in a one-year-old boy. The thymic length was measured on the same plane in mm. Note the typical ‘starry sky’ appearance of normal thymus tissue.Fig. 1b. On the longitudinal plane, the cervically extended thymus tissue (arrows) is just below the thyroid lobe (asterisk).
Thyroid ultrasound in Case 2: long axis showing small benign-appearing nodules in the right lobe
Thyroid ultrasound shows a left solid hypoechoic nodule measuring 5 x 4.5mm in size with irregular borders and multiple punctuate echogenic foci, compatible with Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System TRADS 5
Thyroid ultrasonography showing heterogeneous hypoechoic mass with calcification in the right lobe of the thyroid gland.
Ultrasound image of PTC. ROI cropped by a rectangle frame drawn by the author. Region of interest (ROI), papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC).
Thyroid ultrasonography with doppler
Thyroid ultrasound. Thyroid ultrasound showing heterogenous echogenicity of thyroid gland compatible with thyroiditis (arrow).
Ultrasound image at the time of presentation with neck pain and fever, showing the same thyroid nodule with increase in size and with interval development of isoechoic debris in the cystic fluid.
Ultrasonography image of neck/thyroid. Ultrasonography of neck/thyroid showing heterogeneous nodule measuring 28 √ó 18 mm in the left lobe with internal calcification (shown in blue arrow). The left thyroid lobe appears to be heterogeneous with increased vascularity.
A 63-year-old woman with a 2.0-cm left thyroid lobe nodule.The ultrasound image shows a solid hypoechoic nodule with incomplete rim calcification (short arrows) and suspicious ultrasound features of nonparallel orientation (taller than wide) and microcalcification (punctate echogenic foci) (long arrow), as well as multiple large echogenic foci. Findings from repeated ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspirations were nondiagnostic and core needle biopsy revealed benign follicular nodule with degeneration. A follow-up ultrasound performed 9 years after the initial fine-needle aspiration showed no change in the size of the nodule.
Ultrasound image showing echo-normal and homogeneous thyroid gland.
Thyroid gland ultrasound examination in the patient. The white arrow indicates a weak-echo nodule in the left lobe of her thyroid gland.
Thyroid US image demonstrates enlarged thyroid gland with heterogeneous echotexture granuloma at the patient‚ second visit to hospital
Intracystic nonshadowing echogenic foci in a partially cystic nodule of minimally invasive follicular thyroid cancer.Transverse ultrasonography shows a predominantly cystic nodule with numerous intracystic punctate echogenic foci without comet tail artifacts and with triangular comet tail artifacts (tail size, 1.4 mm, 1.1 mm) (arrows).
Modified K-TIRADS 4B nodule with solid hypoechoic US pattern in a 76-year-old man.Transverse US shows a solid mildly hypoechoic nodule (11 mm) with macrocalcification and no suspicious features in the right thyroid lobe. This nodule is classified as intermediate-risk by the AACE/ACE/AME guideline, moderately suspicious (TR4) by the ACR TI-RADS, intermediate suspicion by the ATA guideline, intermediate-risk (TIRADS 4) by the EU-TIRADS, and intermediate suspicion (TIRADS 4) by the K-TIRADS. Final diagnosis: papillary thyroid carcinoma by surgery. K-TIRADS, Korean Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System; US, ultrasonography; AACE, American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists; ACE, American College of Endocrinology; AME, Associazione Medici Endocrinologi; ACR TI-RADS, American College of Radiology Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System; ATA, American Thyroid Association; EU-TIRADS, European Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System.
A solid nodule in the left lobe of the thyroid by ultrasound examination.
Carotid Artery DiameterThe carotid artery vessel diameter was measured in transverse at the height of the thyroid gland or 3 cm below the carotid bulb if no thyroid gland were present. Pulse wave Doppler measurements were obtained at this same location. The diameter was transferred to the longitudinal image to allow the ultrasound machine to calculate the area andflow volume.
Ultrasonography image of the thyroid reveals a suspicious hypoechoic nodule with irregular border seen at the left thyroid lobe measuring 16.4 × 13.0 mm in diameter, outlined by “+”. Speckles of microcalcification are seen at the periphery. C = carotid artery, LT = left, IJV = internal jugular vein, T = trachea.
B-mode ultrasound of the right lobe of thyroid gland using the S2000, 9L4 probe at 9 MHz with the ROI placed within the healthy thyroid tissue measuring an ARFI velocity of 1.90 m/s.
Ultrasound of the patient four years after the initial presentation. The image shows a hypoechoic nodule in the right thyroid lobe, measuring 0.4 x 0.3 cm. Rt: right. Thy: thyroid. W: width. H: height
Sonographic imaging showing a diffuse bilateral thyroid gland enlargement without focal lesions and coarse internal echogenicities.
Ultrasound of neck. The diameter of the fistula is significantly thickened, and the boundary between it and the surrounding tissues is unclear. Thin arrow, left superior thyroid lobe. White arrow, fistula.
A thyroid ultrasound with evidence of an enlarged thyroid gland (total volume 10 mL) with non-homogeneous echotexture.
Thyroid ultrasonography.Thyroid ultrasonography showing an enlarged gland with heterogeneous parenchyma with associated hypervascularity, suggesting thyroiditis.
Thyroid ultrasound on hospital day 4 showed heterogeneous, necrotic, and hypervascular mass in a sagittal view of the right lobe.
Ultrasound image showing the ectopic thyroid. Ultrasound image in a transect through the upper limit of the hyoid bone shows a well-limited tissue structure, with a coarse oval shape, hyperechoic in relation to the homogeneous muscles, reminiscent of the thyroid parenchyma. It should be noted that the thyroid cavity was empty on ultrasound examination.Arrows 1 and 2 allow the estimation of the volume of the ectopic thyroid. It measures 21 √ó 9 mm.
Ultrasound image of microwave ablation of thyroid tumors.
Thyroid ultrasonotraphic finding. Ultrasonography showing a diffuse enlargement with heterogeneous echogenicity without any definite focal lesions of both thyroid glands.
Right-sided dominant thyroid nodule seen on thyroid ultrasonography.
Position of the needle on ultrasound view. Blue dot on the left side representing the tip of the EMG needle, going in the Longus Colli muscle through the thyroid gland (SNV mode). Small cysts, benign in appearance, can be seen in the thyroid.
Thyroid ultrasound reveals a hypoechoic lesion in the right thyroid isthmus.
Ultrasonography showed a right thyroid mass
Ultrasonography of cervical region. On this image, the thyroid is hyperechogenic and presents with reduced dimensions (between markers).
Ultrasonography of cervical region. In this case, the thyroid gland (arrows indicating the right and left lobes) presents with much reduced dimensions and increased echogenicity.
Ultrasonography of cervical region. In this child, the thyroid gland could not be identified. ACCD, right common carotid artery; ACCE, left common carotid artery.
Ultrasound image of a large thyroid cyst in a cat. Note cystic fluid (arrow) and thyroid tissue (arrowhead).
Ultrasound of the right thyroid lobe
Thyroid Lobe (R) UltrasoundNeck sonogram highlighting anechoic lesion with septa in the right thyroid lobe
Ultrasound showing that this patient had a normal thyroid with small nodules on admission.
Thyroid doppler ultrasonography, longitudinal view: increased asymmetric vascularity in the right thyroid lobe indicative of Hashimoto thyroiditis
Thyroid ultrasonography of the patient demonstrating thyroid enlargement and inhomogeneity. Anterior from both thyroid lobes was fluid accumulation.
The first thyroid sonography
The last thyroid sonography
Ultrasound revealed enlarged heterogeneous thyroid gland with increased vascularity
Ultrasound features of a malignant thyroid nodule. Malignant thyroid lesions with irregular margins are indicated by white arrow marked hypoechogenic; strap muscles and microcalcification are indicated by yellow and green arrows, respectively.
Example of a nodule classified as TI-RADS 2.Axial scan shows a left simple cyst with sediment. The absence of a vascular signal in the echoic part must be asserted with Doppler ultrasonography. TI-RADS, thyroid imaging reporting and database system.
Example of a nodule classified as TI-RADS 4A.Longitudinal sonogram shows a nodule with oval shape and regular borders that is mildly hypoechoic (more hypoechoic than the surrounding normal thyroid parenchyma, but no more hypoechoic than the strap muscles). TI-RADS, thyroid imaging reporting and database system.
Thyroid ultrasonography of an 18-year-old girl with Hashimoto's thyroiditis. An oval poorly defined hypoechoic solid nodule containing internal microcalcifications which is 2.7cm in diameter is evident in the right thyroid gland.
The features of ultrasonography. The presence of a foreign body that was approximately 2.43 cm hyperechoic linear image embedded in the left part of the thyroid lobe, and part of it was located outside the back membrane of the thyroid. A hypoechoci area surrounding the foreign body is regarded as the ultrasonic characteristics of inflammatory response.
Ultrasound scan of right thyroid lobe
Transverse grayscale ultrasound image of the anterior midline neck at the level of larynx shows diffuse expansion of bilateral thyroid cartilage ala (arrows) with internal anechoic hypoechoic fluid and debris. An ultrasound-guided aspiration needle enters the left thyroid cartilage ala (arrowhead).
Ultrasound neck showing a well-defined hypoechoic parathyroid adenoma (arrow).
It shows cystic lesion of 10cm in lateral left lobe of thyroid gland including internal echoes with some separation and posterior acoustic shadowing in ultrasound examination.
Thyroid ultrasound revealed an atrophic gland without nodules.
A 50-year-old female patient with diffuse PTL.Transverse sonogram shows the enlarged thyroid with decreased heterogeneous internal echoes (arrows).
Ultrasonography of the neck revealed a right thyroid mass with heterogeneously increased internal echogenicity.
Transcutaneous ultrasound images of the thyroid lesion.
Hemiagenesis in 17-year-old male incidentally detected during pneumothorax evaluation. Transverse ultrasonography revealed no left thyroid gland. Thyroid function was normal.
Thyroid ultrasound disclosed a hypoechoic nodule in the left upper pole, having irregular spiculated margins, and dense millimetric microcalcifications in the central area.
Ultrasonography imaging of the left stellate ganglion & prevertebral fascia (asterisks). Needle was advanced with real-time ultrasonography so that the needle tip will lie anterior to the longus coli. Th: Thyroid, LCo: Longus coli muscle, LCp: Longus capitus muscle, CA: Carotid artery, SCM: Sternocleidomastoid muscle, TP: Transverse process.
Thyroid ultrasound in an infant with Down syndrome and PAX8 mutation (patient P11 in Table 1 and Hermanns et al). Thyroid appears bulky but combined lobe volume is actually small at 0.78 ml (reference range 0.8–2.4 ml).
Ultrasound of infant with compound heterozygous DUOX.2 mutation (patient P7, Table 1), showing loss of normal curves of anterior margin of thyroid. Objective measurement of the gland at 1.75‚Äâml falls within normal limits.
Ultrasound of thyroid. Heterogeneous thyroid echogenicity with increased parenchymal vascularity.
A 46-year-old woman with degenerated multinodular goiter.Longitudinal sonogram shows a 35 mm, smooth, cystic anechoic nodule in the left thyroid lobe. Echogenic foci with comet-tail artifact freely distributed (solid arrow) (Type 1). The patient underwent surgery due to contralateral thyroid malignancy.
A 41-year-old man with multinodular goiter.Longitudinal sonogram shows an 36-mm, smooth, mixed isoechoic nodule in the right thyroid lobe. Echogenic focus is located at the margin of solid component (solid arrow); comet-tail artifact is located within the cystic component (Type 2).
A 31-year-old woman with papillary thyroid carcinoma.Longitudinal sonogram shows a 5-mm, smooth, solid hypoechoic nodule in the right thyroid lobe. The echogenic focus (solid arrow) is located at the margin of intra-nodular micro-cyst. Comet-tail artifact was detected in the solid component (Type 2).
A 52-year-old woman with papillary thyroid carcinoma.Longitudinal sonogram showing a 45-mm, ill-defined, hypoechoic solid nodule in the right thyroid lobe. A linear echogenic focus with reverse-triangle artifact (solid arrow), and a round echogenic focus with fine artifact (arrowhead), and a punctate echogenic foci (faint arrow) are seen (Type 3).
Ultrasound of the thyroid showing an intense vascularity on color Doppler that is consistent with an
Transverse color Doppler sonogram of a nodule in the right thyroid lobe which was proven to be follicular thyroid carcinoma (outlined). The nodule showed both peripheral (arrows) and central (arrowheads) vascularity. SCM, sternocleidomastoid muscle; CCA, common carotid artery; IJV, internal jugular vein.
Thyroid microcarcinoma was discovered by screening with ultrasonography.
Transverse ultrasound image of predominantly cystic nodule in 69-year-old woman. Eccentric solid position protruded internally and contained multiple microcalcifications. Note difference between smooth margin of entire nodule (arrows) and non-smooth margin of internal solid portion (arrowheads). Papillary thyroid carcinoma was diagnosed by fine needle aspiration and surgery.
Longitudinal ultrasound image of predominantly cystic nodule in 66-year-old woman shows eccentric configuration. Note difference between smooth margin of entire nodule (arrows) and non-smooth margin of internal solid portion (arrowheads). This lesion was surgically confirmed as papillary thyroid carcinoma despite substantial cystic portion.
Transverse ultrasound image of predominantly cystic nodule in 63-year-old woman shows eccentric configuration of internal solid portion with multiple microcalcifications. Note non-smooth margin of internal solid portion (arrows). This lesion was surgically confirmed as papillary thyroid carcinoma despite substantial cystic portion.
An ultrasound scan demonstrating hypoechoic nodules (outlined by caliper markings) inferior to both thyroid nodules highly suggestive of parathyroid adenomas.
Color Doppler ultrasound of thyroid gland of the patient
Thyroid ultrasound significant for bilateral lobe enlargement.
Ultrasonography showed the left thyroid lobe was swelling with multiple funicular hypoechoic lesions
Sonography of a 54-year-old female with follicular carcinoma.There is an isoechoic thyroid nodule with heterogeneous echogenicity. This nodule shows flat orientation and a smooth, thick hypoechoic rim without internal calcifications or any cystic changes.
Thyroid ultrasound scan shows a round well circumscribed heterogeneous, highly vascular mass arising from the right lobe of the thyroid.
Almost 30 minutes after thrombolysis, transverse ultrasound of the thyroid showed diffusely swollen thyroid with linear hypoechoic areas (arrows) throughout the entire gland,
Thyroid sonography shows a heterogenous internal structure without an increase in size or vascularity of the bilateral gland.
The ultrasonography of thyroid showed 0.6 cm hypoechoic nodule in the right lobe with taller-than-wide appearance, which was suspicious for malignancy.
Ultrasonography showing a 2-cm tumor located in the right upper thyroid gland (arrowheads).
On transverse sonogram of the thyroid, right lobe (R) displays normal, homogeneous echotexture without any nodule. Left lobe cannot be demonstrated. Strap muscles and vascular structures are displaced to fill the location of the left lobe (L).
A 44-year-old man with a papillary thyroid carcinoma without any mutation in right thyroid lobe. Transverse (A) and longitudinal (B) ultrasonographic images show a 3.0-cm solid mass with circumscribed margin, oval-to-round shape, isoechogenicity, parallel orientation, and microcalcifications. This mass was classified as K-TIRADS category 4. After surgery, there was no lymph node metastasis and TNM stage was classified as I. There was no recurrence during 10.9 years of follow-up.
A 52-year-old woman with a papillary thyroid carcinoma with BRAF mutation in right thyroid lobe. Transverse (A) and longitudinal (B) ultrasonographic images show a 2.2-cm solid mass with spiculated margin, irregular shape, hypoechogenicity, non-parallel orientation, and micro- and macrocalcifications. This mass was classified as K-TIRADS category 5. After surgery, central lymph nodes were confirmed as metastases and TNM stage was classified as III. There was no recurrence during 11.4 years of follow-up.
A 56-year-old woman with a papillary thyroid carcinoma with TERT+BRAF mutations in left thyroid lobe. Transverse (A) ultrasonographic image shows a 3.0-cm solid mass with spiculated margin, irregular shape, hypoechogenicity, non-parallel orientation, and microcalcifications. Transverse (B) ultrasonographic image shows an enlarged lymph node with increased cortical echogenicity and cystic changes in left level IV. The main mass was classified as K-TIRADS category 5 and the level IV lymph node was considered metastatic. After surgery, level IV lymph nodes were confirmed as metastases and TNM stage was classified as IV. Bilateral lung metastases and operative bed recurrences were diagnosed 4.4 years after surgery.
Ultrasonography of thyroid gland showing multiple cystic areas.
Ultrasonography of the neck showed a mass near the upper pole of left lobe of the thyroid.
Ultrasonography performed on 55-year-old female with medullary thyroid carcinoma.Sagittal scan shows 13 mm, solid, ovoid to round, markedly hypoechoic nodule with spiculated border (arrows) and internal macrocalcifications. This nodule was classified as suspicious malignant.
Ultrasonography performed on 61-year-old female with medullary thyroid carcinoma.Transverse scan shows 18 mm, solid, ovoid to round, hypoechoic nodule with smooth border. This nodule was classified as indeterminate.
Ultrasonography performed on 51-year-old male with papillary thyroid carcinoma.Transverse scan shows 6 mm, solid, taller than wide, hypoechoic nodule (arrow) with spiculated border and internal microcalcifications. This lesion was classified as suspicious malignant nodule.
Thyroid sonogram showing a oval heterogeneous structure, in the left lobe.
Ultrasound images in the right half of the thyroid gland of an 81-year-old man with squamous cell carcinoma on the right side of the tongue and metastasis in one of the superior internal jugular lymph nodes. A 2.6-cm echogenic mass (arrows) in the right half of the thyroid gland is shown.
Post-operative neck ultrasound demonstrating trachea and strap muscles. The brightly reflective bow tie structure anterior to the trachea representative of normal thyroid is absent.
Grayscale ultrasound image of the right thyroid lobe of a 35-year-old female patient. The white circle and white arrow indicate a suspicious thyroid nodule. The maximum diameter of the nodule in the transverse view was 4.8 mm.
Grayscale ultrasound image of the right thyroid lobe of a 36-year-old female patient. The nodule was 3 mmin size. The white circle and white arrow indicate a suspicious thyroid nodule. The saffron circle and saffron arrow indicate the carotid artery. AB: the depth of the nodule and AC: the distance of the nodule from the carotid artery.

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