audioduration (s) 6.27
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glory glory glory glory God bless you. Yet they are not discovering what they are supposed to be doing. Asi kuva mumba vanoda kuva mumba amen. But imba inovakwa nevano vaka amen. Pane zvinoitwa nevanoita zvoitwa nani kana isu tisingazvigone. Waregerei kudiscover zviri mauri udevelope izvozvo "yes". |
Waregerei kudiscover zviri mauri udevelope zviri mukati mako. Munhu ane zvaarikuita haana time yemakuhwa. The reason why people are in gosipp it is because they are not doing anything. Idle mind is the devil`s workshop. Toita vanhu venhoroondo vanhu venyambo tetichiziva nyaya dzirikuitika musociety. We are supposed to be knowing what we are doing. We are suppposed to be the sharpest guys on earth. |
We are supposed to the powerful people on earth. We are supposed to be people with revelation truth. We are supposed to be doing things. Kana kune vanhu vanonetsa Mwari vana vaMwari."Mwari ndipei chakati" Mwari voti mwana wangu ndakatokupa kudhara. Hona nyika yandaka.. kune vasinganamati vakatoziva kuti tine zvinhu zvatinogona and they are doing it. Vatambi vebhora vaya makumbo vakapiwa naMwari skill vakapiwa naMwari anenge achiita mari. Isu tetiri mudondo tichinamata."Father in the name of Jesus" [tongues] |
Kunamata kusina kushata. But kunamata kwacho kwekuchida kutidiscovisa zviri matiri. Are you getting what I am saying. Discovering what you carry amen. Discovering what you have. Kudzikama takunyeperana manje "If you give ten dollars it will be given pressed down shaken together and running over" inhema. |
Ndatoshocker mumwe munhu ipapa ndichamutsanangurira mangwana. Inhema.Hudza ari paside newe iti kwahi namufundisi inhema "kwahi namufundisi inhema". |
Vanhu vasina kutsanangura verse zvakanaka zvabatika? amen. Nekuti kune vakazopa ma ten dollars wakazomawana akazunguzirwa? Pane akamawana akazunguzirwa. Haumawani akazunguzirwa hazvina kudaro inda unoverenga zvakanaka. Forgiveness judgement that was zvaitaurwa nezvazvo ipapo. andibata ngaati amen. Judgement forgiveness. Not to say kupa kwakashata we have to give Mwari vanoropafadza ndizvo but you need to understand context amen. Anzwawo aripano? Tingopa chipo chekuombera kunaKristu. |
Hallelujah. The first important thing discover who you are whose you are what you have abilities in you and begin to function amen "amen". Taramba kuva sechihori chechingotenderera chichingodai. Simbe yakati mu street muneshumba. You are gifted but urikuita sei. Inongova "greater is He that is in me than the one that is in the world greater is He that is" Kusvika riinhi wakadaro |
kusvika riinhi wakadaro. Ehe ndizvo greater is He that is in you ichokwadi. But do something. We have to be effective and effectual in the kingdom of God amen. Hallelujah. Tingopa chipo chekuombera kunaKristu Hallelujah zvanzwika? "amen" zvanzwika? "amen". Tingosimudza maoko kunaMwari. |
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