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900 | DQ_002475 | clouds | Which of these clouds is highest in the atmosphere? | types_clouds_7650.png | question_images/types_clouds_7650.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. cirrus, b. stratus, c. nimbostratus, d. cirrostratus | a |
901 | DQ_002476 | clouds | Which of these clouds is highest in the atmosphere? | types_clouds_7651.png | question_images/types_clouds_7651.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. cumulus, b. cirrus, c. stratus, d. stratocumulus | b |
902 | DQ_002477 | clouds | What causes weather? | types_clouds_7651.png | question_images/types_clouds_7651.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Altostratus, b. Unequal heating of the atmosphere, c. Movement of the earth, d. Cirrus | b |
903 | DQ_002478 | clouds | Which are the small clouds that are white and puffy? | types_clouds_7651.png | question_images/types_clouds_7651.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Fog, b. Stratus, c. Cirrus, d. Cumulus | d |
904 | DQ_002479 | clouds | Which clouds appear as straight lines in the sky? | types_clouds_7651.png | question_images/types_clouds_7651.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. cirrus, b. stratus, c. cumulus, d. contrails | d |
905 | DQ_002480 | clouds | From the diagram, how many kind of clouds are there? | types_clouds_7651.png | question_images/types_clouds_7651.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 11, b. 14, c. 13, d. 12 | d |
906 | DQ_002481 | clouds | How many kinds of clouds shown? | types_clouds_7651.png | question_images/types_clouds_7651.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 1, b. 12, c. 2, d. 5 | a |
907 | DQ_002482 | clouds | Which of these cloud types is closest to the ground? | types_clouds_7651.png | question_images/types_clouds_7651.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. cirrocumulus, b. cirrus, c. stratus, d. cirrostratus | c |
908 | DQ_002483 | clouds | What type of clouds do not usually produce precipitation? | types_clouds_7652.png | question_images/types_clouds_7652.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. cirrus, b. stratus, c. cumulus, d. altocumulus | a |
909 | DQ_002484 | clouds | Which of these cloud types is the lowest in the troposphere? | types_clouds_7652.png | question_images/types_clouds_7652.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Cirrocumulus, b. Altostratus, c. Cirrostratus, d. Nimbostratus | d |
910 | DQ_002485 | clouds | Which of these clouds bring rain? | types_clouds_7652.png | question_images/types_clouds_7652.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. nimbostratus, b. altocumulus, c. cirrostratus, d. cirrus | a |
911 | DQ_002486 | clouds | Why is the water cycle important? | types_clouds_7652.png | question_images/types_clouds_7652.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. it provides energy to plants, b. it maintains gravity, c. it helps in the photosynthesis, d. changes in the water cycle changes the weather | d |
912 | DQ_002487 | clouds | What types of clouds do you find below 2km? | types_clouds_7653.png | question_images/types_clouds_7653.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Cirrus and cumulonimbus, b. Altostratus and cirrocumlus, c. Cumulus and stratus, d. Stratus and nimbostratus | d |
913 | DQ_002488 | clouds | Which clouds are found at 2 km high? | types_clouds_7653.png | question_images/types_clouds_7653.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. cirrocumulus, b. cirrus, c. altostratus, d. Nimbostatus, Stratus, and cumulonimbus | d |
914 | DQ_002489 | clouds | Which type of cloud usually occurs in the low troposphere? | types_clouds_7653.png | question_images/types_clouds_7653.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Stratus, b. Cirrocumulus, c. Cumulonimbus, d. Cirrus | a |
915 | DQ_002490 | clouds | How many cloud types are formed two kilometers or fewer above the ground? | types_clouds_7653.png | question_images/types_clouds_7653.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 4, b. 3, c. 5, d. 1 | b |
916 | DQ_002491 | clouds | How many types of clouds are between the altitude of 4 and 8 km? | types_clouds_7653.png | question_images/types_clouds_7653.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 2, b. 3, c. 5, d. 4 | c |
917 | DQ_002492 | clouds | Which among the types of clouds is the highest? | types_clouds_7653.png | question_images/types_clouds_7653.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Cumulonimbus, b. Cirrus, c. Cumulus, d. Cirrocumulus | b |
918 | DQ_002493 | clouds | Which clouds are thin and wispy in appearance? | types_clouds_7655.png | question_images/types_clouds_7655.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Cumulonimbus, b. Cumulus, c. Cirrus, d. Nimbostratus | c |
919 | DQ_002494 | clouds | Which of the following cloud types does not create precipitation? | types_clouds_7655.png | question_images/types_clouds_7655.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Cumulonimbus, b. Cirrocumulus, c. Stratocumulus, d. Nimbostratus | b |
920 | DQ_002495 | clouds | Where are cirrus clouds formed? | types_clouds_7655.png | question_images/types_clouds_7655.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. In space, b. High in the troposphere, c. In mid-troposphere, d. Low in the troposphere | b |
921 | DQ_002496 | clouds | Which of the following types of clouds exist at mid elevation (6500 feet-23000 feet)? | types_clouds_7655.png | question_images/types_clouds_7655.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Altostratus, b. Cirrus, c. Cirrocumulus, d. Stratus | a |
922 | DQ_002497 | clouds | How many kinds of clouds are there? | types_clouds_7655.png | question_images/types_clouds_7655.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 10, b. 11, c. 9, d. 8 | a |
923 | DQ_002498 | clouds | How many types of clouds are being represented in the image below? | types_clouds_7655.png | question_images/types_clouds_7655.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 4, b. 10, c. 9, d. 8 | b |
924 | DQ_002499 | clouds | What is a middle-altitude cloud genus that belongs mainly to the stratocumuliform physical category characterized by globular masses? | types_clouds_7655.png | question_images/types_clouds_7655.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Cirrus, b. Altocumulus, c. Cirrostratus, d. Cirrocumulus | b |
925 | DQ_002500 | clouds | What is the top item depicted in the diagram? | types_clouds_8205.png | question_images/types_clouds_8205.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Cirrostratus, b. Clouds, c. Cirrus, d. Altostratus | b |
926 | DQ_002501 | clouds | Which type of cloud is nearest to us? | types_clouds_8205.png | question_images/types_clouds_8205.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Stratus, b. Altocumulus, c. Cumulonimbus, d. Cirrus | a |
927 | DQ_002502 | clouds | Above which height are cirrus clouds found? | types_clouds_8205.png | question_images/types_clouds_8205.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 8 km, b. 6km, c. 2km, d. 4km | a |
928 | DQ_002503 | clouds | What type of clouds is below altostratus but above stratocumulus? | types_clouds_8205.png | question_images/types_clouds_8205.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. cumulus, b. cumulonimbus, c. cirrus, d. altocumulus | a |
929 | DQ_002504 | clouds | How many types of clouds can be found in the atmosphere above 8 km (5mi)? | types_clouds_8205.png | question_images/types_clouds_8205.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 3, b. 1, c. 4, d. 2 | a |
930 | DQ_002505 | clouds | How many types of clouds appear below 6 miles in the diagram below? | types_clouds_8205.png | question_images/types_clouds_8205.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 8, b. 6, c. 10, d. 12 | c |
931 | DQ_002506 | clouds | Which of these clouds is highest in the atmosphere? | types_clouds_8206.png | question_images/types_clouds_8206.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. stratus, b. cumulus, c. nimbostratus, d. cirrus | d |
932 | DQ_002507 | clouds | Which type of cloud is made of crystals because it is so cold? | types_clouds_8206.png | question_images/types_clouds_8206.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Cirrus, b. Stratus, c. Altocumulus, d. Cirrostratus | a |
933 | DQ_002508 | clouds | At how many kilometers do cirrus clouds originate? | types_clouds_8206.png | question_images/types_clouds_8206.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 5, b. 9, c. 4, d. 6 | b |
934 | DQ_002509 | clouds | How many types of clouds are in the image shown? | types_clouds_8206.png | question_images/types_clouds_8206.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 9, b. 8, c. 10, d. 11 | c |
935 | DQ_002510 | clouds | Which type of cloud is part of the middle atmosphere? | types_clouds_8207.png | question_images/types_clouds_8207.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Stratus, b. Cirrus, c. Altocumulus, d. Cumulus | c |
936 | DQ_002511 | clouds | What cloud forms high in the troposphere? | types_clouds_8207.png | question_images/types_clouds_8207.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Stratus, b. Cumulus, c. Altocumulus, d. Cirrus | d |
937 | DQ_002512 | clouds | What do cirrus, cirrostratus, and cirrocumulus clouds have in common? | types_clouds_8207.png | question_images/types_clouds_8207.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. They all form low in the troposphere., b. They all form in the middle in the troposphere., c. They all form high in the troposphere, d. Nothing | c |
938 | DQ_002513 | clouds | What kind of cloud covers low, medium, and high altitudes? | types_clouds_8207.png | question_images/types_clouds_8207.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. cumulonimbus, b. nimbostatus, c. altostatus, d. cirrus | a |
939 | DQ_002514 | clouds | Which cloud type is found across all regions of the troposphere? | types_clouds_8207.png | question_images/types_clouds_8207.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Cirrus, b. Cumulus, c. Cumulonimbus, d. Stratus | c |
940 | DQ_002515 | clouds | How many kinds of clouds are there high in the atmosphere? | types_clouds_8207.png | question_images/types_clouds_8207.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 7, b. 4, c. 3, d. 5 | b |
941 | DQ_002516 | clouds | Which is the largest cloud? | types_clouds_8207.png | question_images/types_clouds_8207.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Cumuionimbus, b. Cirrus, c. Stratus, d. Altocumulus | a |
942 | DQ_002517 | clouds | Which type of clouds are low clouds? | types_clouds_8208.png | question_images/types_clouds_8208.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. cumulus, b. altocumulus, c. cirrostratus, d. cirrus | a |
943 | DQ_002518 | clouds | Rain can come from this type of cloud: | types_clouds_8208.png | question_images/types_clouds_8208.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Stratus, b. Cirrus, c. Nimbostratus, d. Cumulus | c |
944 | DQ_002519 | clouds | At what height is a cirrostratus cloud located? | types_clouds_8208.png | question_images/types_clouds_8208.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 2000 m, b. Groundlevel, c. 13000 m, d. 6000 m | c |
945 | DQ_002520 | clouds | What type of stratus clouds produce precipitation? | types_clouds_8208.png | question_images/types_clouds_8208.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Nimbostratus, b. Altostratus, c. Cirrus, d. Cumulus | a |
946 | DQ_002521 | clouds | From the diagram, how many high clouds are there? | types_clouds_8208.png | question_images/types_clouds_8208.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 3, b. 4, c. 2, d. 5 | a |
947 | DQ_002522 | clouds | Midlevel clouds have which prefix attached to their names? | types_clouds_8208.png | question_images/types_clouds_8208.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Cirro-, b. Cumulo-, c. Strato-, d. Alto- | d |
948 | DQ_002523 | clouds | Which cloud type forms high in the troposphere, are thin and wispy, and don't usually produce precipitation? | types_clouds_8209.png | question_images/types_clouds_8209.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Cirrocumulus, b. Cumulus, c. Altostratus, d. Cirrus | d |
949 | DQ_002524 | clouds | Which clouds form high in the troposphere and are made of ice crystals? | types_clouds_8209.png | question_images/types_clouds_8209.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Cs, b. Cc, c. Ci, d. Cb | c |
950 | DQ_002525 | clouds | Which level of clouds causes rain? | types_clouds_8209.png | question_images/types_clouds_8209.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Low level., b. Mid level, c. High level, d. All levels | a |
951 | DQ_002526 | clouds | How many kinds of clouds appear between 2000m and 7000m? | types_clouds_8209.png | question_images/types_clouds_8209.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 7, b. 6, c. 4, d. 3 | c |
952 | DQ_002527 | clouds | How many types of clouds are in the diagram? | types_clouds_8209.png | question_images/types_clouds_8209.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 10, b. 9, c. 8, d. 11 | a |
953 | DQ_002528 | clouds | Which among the clouds extends from the lowest to the highest altitudes? | types_clouds_8209.png | question_images/types_clouds_8209.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Altocumulus, b. Nimbostratus, c. Cumulonimbus, d. Stratus | c |
954 | DQ_002529 | clouds | Which part of the atmosphere are Cirrus clouds formed? | types_clouds_8209.png | question_images/types_clouds_8209.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Low, b. The ground, c. High, d. Mid | c |
955 | DQ_002530 | clouds | Identify the cirrus clouds | types_clouds_17653.png | abc_question_images/types_clouds_17653.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. t, b. e, c. k, d. r | b |
956 | DQ_003153 | surface ocean currents | In which direction do the major surface currents flow in the Northern Hemisphere? | ocean_currents_7110.png | question_images/ocean_currents_7110.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Counterclockwise, b. West, c. Clockwise, d. East | c |
957 | DQ_003154 | surface ocean currents | In what direction does the majority of the water flow in the Southern Hemisphere? | ocean_currents_7110.png | question_images/ocean_currents_7110.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. West, b. clockwise, c. counterclock wise, d. East | c |
958 | DQ_003155 | surface ocean currents | What current is connected to the Greenland Current? | ocean_currents_7110.png | question_images/ocean_currents_7110.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Labrador Current, b. North Atlantic Drift, c. North Atlantic Current, d. Gulf Stream | a |
959 | DQ_003156 | surface ocean currents | Which ocean current runs from the east coast of North America to Northern Europe? | ocean_currents_7110.png | question_images/ocean_currents_7110.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Gulf Stream, b. North Atlantic Drift, c. South Equatorial Current, d. North Equatorial Current | a |
960 | DQ_003157 | surface ocean currents | How many color/s of arrow is/are shown in the picture? | ocean_currents_7110.png | question_images/ocean_currents_7110.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 1, b. 3, c. 4, d. 2 | a |
961 | DQ_003158 | surface ocean currents | Which direction do currents flow in the Northern Hemisphere? | ocean_currents_7111.png | question_images/ocean_currents_7111.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. downward, b. clockwise, c. vertical, d. counterclockwise | b |
962 | DQ_003159 | surface ocean currents | What direction does the majority of the water flows in the North Hemisphere? | ocean_currents_7111.png | question_images/ocean_currents_7111.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. East, b. West, c. counterclockwise, d. clockwise | d |
963 | DQ_003160 | surface ocean currents | In what direction does the majority of the water flow in the Southern Hemisphere? | ocean_currents_7111.png | question_images/ocean_currents_7111.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. East, b. clockwise, c. counterclockwise, d. West | c |
964 | DQ_003161 | surface ocean currents | How many currents flow around Australia? | ocean_currents_7111.png | question_images/ocean_currents_7111.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 4, b. 1, c. 3, d. 2 | d |
965 | DQ_003162 | surface ocean currents | How many types of lines are shown in the picture? | ocean_currents_7111.png | question_images/ocean_currents_7111.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 2, b. 1, c. 3, d. 4 | c |
966 | DQ_003163 | surface ocean currents | What stream shown comes out of the North Atlantic Drift? | ocean_currents_7111.png | question_images/ocean_currents_7111.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. North Equatorial, b. Alaska, c. North Pacific, d. Norwegian | d |
967 | DQ_003164 | surface ocean currents | What type of water rises to the surface during an upwelling? | ocean_currents_7112.png | question_images/ocean_currents_7112.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Bottom water, b. Deep water, c. Intermediate water, d. Surface water | b |
968 | DQ_003165 | surface ocean currents | What are the arrows showing in this diagram? | ocean_currents_7112.png | question_images/ocean_currents_7112.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. The density of the water, b. The movement of fish and other marine animals, c. The type of water, d. The movement of water molecules | d |
969 | DQ_003166 | surface ocean currents | Which continent does the circumpolar deep water go to? | ocean_currents_7112.png | question_images/ocean_currents_7112.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Antarctica, b. Europe, c. North America, d. Atlanta | a |
970 | DQ_003167 | surface ocean currents | How many arrows there are below? | ocean_currents_7112.png | question_images/ocean_currents_7112.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 20, b. 45, c. 49, d. 32 | c |
971 | DQ_003168 | surface ocean currents | How many types of surface water can you find in the diagram? | ocean_currents_7112.png | question_images/ocean_currents_7112.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 4, b. 2, c. 3, d. 1 | c |
972 | DQ_003169 | surface ocean currents | How many cold currents are in the world? | ocean_currents_7113.png | question_images/ocean_currents_7113.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 7, b. 8, c. 6, d. 9 | b |
973 | DQ_003170 | surface ocean currents | How many continents in the world? | ocean_currents_7113.png | question_images/ocean_currents_7113.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 9, b. 7, c. 3, d. 5 | b |
974 | DQ_003171 | surface ocean currents | What cold current passes through the pacific coast of the US? | ocean_currents_7113.png | question_images/ocean_currents_7113.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Benguela, b. Brazil, c. Gulf Stream, d. Californian | d |
975 | DQ_003172 | surface ocean currents | Which Ocean Movement is off of the United States East Coast? | ocean_currents_7114.png | question_images/ocean_currents_7114.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Californian, b. Brailian, c. Kuro Siwo, d. Gulf Stream | d |
976 | DQ_003173 | surface ocean currents | Which kind of current is the Gulf Stream? | ocean_currents_7114.png | question_images/ocean_currents_7114.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Cold Current, b. Warm Current, c. Slow Current, d. Fast Current | b |
977 | DQ_003174 | surface ocean currents | What is an example of a cold current? | ocean_currents_7114.png | question_images/ocean_currents_7114.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Gulf Stream, b. Kuro Siwo, c. Peruvian, d. East Australian | c |
978 | DQ_003175 | surface ocean currents | From the diagram, how many types of currents does Australia have? | ocean_currents_7114.png | question_images/ocean_currents_7114.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 4, b. 1, c. 3, d. 2 | d |
979 | DQ_003176 | surface ocean currents | What cold current passes through the pacific coast of the US? | ocean_currents_7114.png | question_images/ocean_currents_7114.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Californian, b. South Equatorial, c. Gulf Stream, d. Peruvian | a |
980 | DQ_003177 | surface ocean currents | Which ocean movement is located just below the Californian ocean movement? | ocean_currents_7114.png | question_images/ocean_currents_7114.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. West Austalian, b. South Equatorial, c. Gulf stream, d. Labrador | b |
981 | DQ_003178 | surface ocean currents | The California cold current moves in what direction? | ocean_currents_7115.png | question_images/ocean_currents_7115.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. northward, b. westward, c. eastward, d. southward | d |
982 | DQ_003179 | surface ocean currents | In the Robinson Projection, what flows into the N. Atlantic Drift? | ocean_currents_7115.png | question_images/ocean_currents_7115.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Gulf Stream, b. South Equatorial, c. Alaska, d. Equatorial | a |
983 | DQ_003180 | surface ocean currents | How many types of Equatorial currents are there? | ocean_currents_7115.png | question_images/ocean_currents_7115.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 1, b. 3, c. 4, d. 2 | b |
984 | DQ_003181 | surface ocean currents | The earth is divided in how many parts from the diagram? | ocean_currents_7115.png | question_images/ocean_currents_7115.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 6, b. 4, c. 5, d. 3 | a |
985 | DQ_003182 | surface ocean currents | What cold current passes through the pacific coast of the US? | ocean_currents_7115.png | question_images/ocean_currents_7115.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Gulf Stream, b. Labrador, c. Californian, d. Peru | c |
986 | DQ_007595 | first two lines of defense | What happens after the phagocyte consumes a foreign particle? | phagocytosis_9209.png | question_images/phagocytosis_9209.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. A phagosome is formed., b. It adheres to the microbe., c. It is digested., d. Waste material is discharged. | a |
987 | DQ_007596 | first two lines of defense | In the process of phagocytosis, what organelle fuses with the phagosome after a microbe has been ingested by the cell? | phagocytosis_9209.png | question_images/phagocytosis_9209.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Lysosome, b. Phagolysosome, c. Lysozyme, d. Pseudopod | a |
988 | DQ_007597 | first two lines of defense | What happens before ingestion of the microbe? | phagocytosis_9209.png | question_images/phagocytosis_9209.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Discharge of waste materials, b. Formation of a phagosome, c. Chemotaxis and adherence of microbe to phagocyte, d. Microbe passes through the plasma membrane | c |
989 | DQ_007598 | first two lines of defense | How many steps are there in phagocytosis? | phagocytosis_9209.png | question_images/phagocytosis_9209.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 6, b. 8, c. 7, d. 5 | c |
990 | DQ_007599 | first two lines of defense | How many steps in the process of phagocytosis involve a phagolysosome? | phagocytosis_9209.png | question_images/phagocytosis_9209.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 7, b. 2, c. 5, d. 1 | b |
991 | DQ_007600 | first two lines of defense | In the process of phagocytosis, what happens after the phagosome is formed? | phagocytosis_9209.png | question_images/phagocytosis_9209.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Digestion, b. Fusion of the phagosome with a lysosome to form a phagolysosome, c. Chemotaxis, d. Discharge of waste | b |
992 | DQ_007601 | first two lines of defense | What is needed to form a phagolysosome? | phagocytosis_9209.png | question_images/phagocytosis_9209.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Digestive enzymes, b. Residual body, c. Cytoplasm, d. Particles | a |
993 | DQ_007602 | first two lines of defense | What is the name of the process where a Phagocyte engulfs and destroys bacteria? | phagocytosis_9212.png | question_images/phagocytosis_9212.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Ingestion, b. Phagocytosis, c. Chemotaxis, d. Adherence | b |
994 | DQ_007603 | first two lines of defense | What process does the lysosome undergo after ingestion? | phagocytosis_9212.png | question_images/phagocytosis_9212.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Digestion, b. Chemotaxis, c. Adherence, d. Killing | a |
995 | DQ_007604 | first two lines of defense | Which organelle fuses with the pseudopod to digest the microbe? | phagocytosis_9212.png | question_images/phagocytosis_9212.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Nucleus, b. Mitochondria, c. Lysosome, d. Vacuole | c |
996 | DQ_007605 | first two lines of defense | How many phases comprise phagocytosis? | phagocytosis_9212.png | question_images/phagocytosis_9212.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 3, b. 6, c. 5, d. 4 | a |
997 | DQ_007606 | first two lines of defense | How many phases of Phagocytosis are shown in the diagram? | phagocytosis_9212.png | question_images/phagocytosis_9212.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 4, b. 6, c. 5, d. 3 | c |
998 | DQ_007607 | first two lines of defense | What is the phase after ingestion? | phagocytosis_9212.png | question_images/phagocytosis_9212.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Chemotaxis, b. Adherence, c. Killing, d. Digestion | d |
999 | DQ_007608 | first two lines of defense | Would the organism be digested if lysosomes are absent? | phagocytosis_9212.png | question_images/phagocytosis_9212.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Data Insufficient, b. Yes, c. No, d. Not sure | c |
Subsets and Splits