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400 | DQ_001746 | inside earth | Identify the mantle | earth_parts_10540.png | abc_question_images/earth_parts_10540.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. m, b. t, c. X, d. r | b |
401 | DQ_001747 | inside earth | What is the outer part of the earth? | earth_parts_4038.png | question_images/earth_parts_4038.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. core, b. mantle, c. Inner Layer, d. crust | d |
402 | DQ_001748 | inside earth | What is the outer most part of earth? | earth_parts_4060.png | question_images/earth_parts_4060.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. mantle, b. inner core, c. crust, d. core | c |
403 | DQ_001749 | inside earth | Identify the crust | earth_parts_16025.png | abc_question_images/earth_parts_16025.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. u, b. y, c. j, d. l | c |
404 | DQ_001813 | seafloor spreading | Which layer lies immediately below the lithosphere? | seafloor_spreading_7549.png | question_images/seafloor_spreading_7549.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Asthenosphere, b. Mantle, c. Crust, d. Ocean ridge | a |
405 | DQ_001814 | seafloor spreading | What happens when asthenosphere forces increase? | seafloor_spreading_7549.png | question_images/seafloor_spreading_7549.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. All of the above, b. mid ocean ridge contracts, c. Nothing happens, d. Mid ocean ridge expands | d |
406 | DQ_001815 | seafloor spreading | Identify the part of the diagram where hot mantle material rises out of the sea floor | seafloor_spreading_7550.png | question_images/seafloor_spreading_7550.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Continental Crust, b. Oceanic Crust, c. Subduction Zone, d. Mid-oceanic ridge | d |
407 | DQ_001816 | seafloor spreading | How many times the continental crust appears? | seafloor_spreading_7550.png | question_images/seafloor_spreading_7550.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 2, b. 3, c. 4, d. 1 | a |
408 | DQ_001817 | seafloor spreading | What do the mid-oceanic ridges help in the formation of? | seafloor_spreading_7550.png | question_images/seafloor_spreading_7550.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. oceanic crust, b. mountain ranges, c. continental crust, d. subduction zone | b |
409 | DQ_001818 | seafloor spreading | What is the space between the Continental crust and Asthenosphere? | seafloor_spreading_7550.png | question_images/seafloor_spreading_7550.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Subduction zone, b. Oceanic crust, c. Mid-oceanic ridge, d. Lithosphere | d |
410 | DQ_001819 | seafloor spreading | Which part of the diagram consists of molten rock? | seafloor_spreading_8186.png | question_images/seafloor_spreading_8186.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Trench, b. Mid-ocean ridge, c. Continent, d. Mantle | d |
411 | DQ_001820 | seafloor spreading | What among these is on the right side of the Mid-ocean ridge axis? | seafloor_spreading_8186.png | question_images/seafloor_spreading_8186.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Trench, b. Continental drift, c. Mantle, d. Continent | c |
412 | DQ_001821 | seafloor spreading | What is seen when there is sea-floor spreading? | seafloor_spreading_8186.png | question_images/seafloor_spreading_8186.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. trench, b. mantle, c. rising magma, d. continent | c |
413 | DQ_001822 | seafloor spreading | How many of the events in the diagram result in earthquakes? | seafloor_spreading_8186.png | question_images/seafloor_spreading_8186.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 3, b. 4, c. 1, d. 2 | d |
414 | DQ_001823 | seafloor spreading | According to the Hess/Dietz concept, what causes sea-floor spreading? | seafloor_spreading_8186.png | question_images/seafloor_spreading_8186.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. greenhouse gases, b. rising magma, c. continental drift, d. sinking old ocean floor | b |
415 | DQ_001824 | seafloor spreading | What happens when an earthquake occurs? | seafloor_spreading_8186.png | question_images/seafloor_spreading_8186.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Old ocean floor rises into the mantle., b. Old ocean floor sinks into the mantle., c. Sea-floor contracts., d. Trenches close. | b |
416 | DQ_001825 | seafloor spreading | What lies in between plate 1 and plate 2? | seafloor_spreading_8187.png | question_images/seafloor_spreading_8187.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. convection current, b. magma, c. lava, d. oceanic ridge | b |
417 | DQ_001826 | seafloor spreading | How many kinds of currents are involved in the sea floor spreading process, shown in the diagram? | seafloor_spreading_8187.png | question_images/seafloor_spreading_8187.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 3, b. 1, c. 4, d. 2 | d |
418 | DQ_001827 | seafloor spreading | From the diagram, what is between plate 1 and plate 2? | seafloor_spreading_8187.png | question_images/seafloor_spreading_8187.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. mud, b. soil, c. magma, d. ocean | c |
419 | DQ_001828 | seafloor spreading | How many plates form this mid-oceanic ridge? | seafloor_spreading_8187.png | question_images/seafloor_spreading_8187.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 4, b. 2, c. 3, d. 1 | b |
420 | DQ_001829 | seafloor spreading | What happens during an eruption? | seafloor_spreading_8188.png | question_images/seafloor_spreading_8188.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Oceanic crust move toward the center, b. Seafloor spreads, c. Faults close, d. Seafloor contracts | b |
421 | DQ_001830 | seafloor spreading | What layer sits underneath the subducting oceanic plate? | seafloor_spreading_8188.png | question_images/seafloor_spreading_8188.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. asthenosphere, b. Oceanic Trench, c. Lithosphere, d. Oceanic Crust | a |
422 | DQ_001831 | seafloor spreading | What layer does rising magma come from? | seafloor_spreading_8188.png | question_images/seafloor_spreading_8188.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. oceanic crust, b. asthenosphere, c. seafloor, d. oceanic plate | b |
423 | DQ_001832 | seafloor spreading | What causes the oceanic crust to part? | seafloor_spreading_8190.png | question_images/seafloor_spreading_8190.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. rising magma, b. ocean currents, c. continent moving, d. ocean waves | a |
424 | DQ_001833 | seafloor spreading | Material from what forms new crust? | seafloor_spreading_8190.png | question_images/seafloor_spreading_8190.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Oceanic Crust, b. Magma, c. Upper mantle, d. Continent | c |
425 | DQ_001834 | seafloor spreading | What is between oceanic crust and magma? | seafloor_spreading_8190.png | question_images/seafloor_spreading_8190.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Upper mantle, b. Lower Mantle, c. Continent, d. Ocean | a |
426 | DQ_001835 | seafloor spreading | How many “continents” are shown? | seafloor_spreading_8190.png | question_images/seafloor_spreading_8190.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 3, b. 1, c. 4, d. 2 | d |
427 | DQ_001836 | seafloor spreading | How many parts are there to this diagram? | seafloor_spreading_8190.png | question_images/seafloor_spreading_8190.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 7, b. 3, c. 6, d. 4 | d |
428 | DQ_001837 | seafloor spreading | What is the break in the crust? | seafloor_spreading_7550.png | question_images/seafloor_spreading_7550.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. continental crust, b. mid oceanic ridge, c. lithosphere, d. subduction zone | b |
429 | DQ_001838 | theory of plate tectonics | What label represents the subduction zone? | tectonic_plates_motion_19279.png | abc_question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_19279.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. D, b. S, c. U, d. N | b |
430 | DQ_001839 | theory of plate tectonics | Where is the oceanic crust? | tectonic_plates_motion_19280.png | abc_question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_19280.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. h, b. r, c. u, d. m | b |
431 | DQ_001840 | theory of plate tectonics | What type of movement is seen near the boundary labeled 'F? | tectonic_plates_motion_19281.png | abc_question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_19281.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Transform, b. Ocean Convergence, c. Divergent, d. Convergent | c |
432 | DQ_001841 | theory of plate tectonics | Which letter shows the epicenter? | tectonic_plates_motion_19281.png | abc_question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_19281.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. T, b. P, c. C, d. F | c |
433 | DQ_001842 | theory of plate tectonics | Which label shows the earthquake center? | tectonic_plates_motion_19283.png | abc_question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_19283.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. U, b. N, c. V, d. C | a |
434 | DQ_001843 | theory of plate tectonics | Which letter represents the Trench? | tectonic_plates_motion_19283.png | abc_question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_19283.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. T, b. C, c. N, d. U | b |
435 | DQ_001844 | theory of plate tectonics | What does label C depict in this image of tectonic plates motion? | tectonic_plates_motion_19283.png | abc_question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_19283.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Shelf, b. Melting magma, c. Converging plates, d. Trench | d |
436 | DQ_001845 | theory of plate tectonics | By what letter/s is the lithosphere represented in the diagram? | tectonic_plates_motion_19284.png | abc_question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_19284.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. V and J, b. U and T, c. U, d. H and P | c |
437 | DQ_001846 | theory of plate tectonics | What letter does the continental crust receive? | tectonic_plates_motion_19284.png | abc_question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_19284.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. H, b. T, c. V, d. U | c |
438 | DQ_001847 | theory of plate tectonics | Which letter represents continental crust? | tectonic_plates_motion_19284.png | abc_question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_19284.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. S, b. J, c. T, d. P | b |
439 | DQ_001848 | theory of plate tectonics | What type of terrain is above the layer labeled J? | tectonic_plates_motion_19284.png | abc_question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_19284.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. canyons, b. mountains or volcanoes, c. water, d. sky | b |
440 | DQ_001849 | theory of plate tectonics | Where are the plates located? | tectonic_plates_motion_19287.png | abc_question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_19287.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. h, b. k, c. In v and e going opposite directions, d. m | c |
441 | DQ_001850 | theory of plate tectonics | Magma originates in which of Earth's layers? | tectonic_plates_motion_9276.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9276.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Asthenosphere, b. Lithosphere, c. Oceanic Plate, d. Continental Crust | a |
442 | DQ_001851 | theory of plate tectonics | What happens under the mantle? | tectonic_plates_motion_9276.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9276.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. ascension of magma, b. magma generation, c. trenching, d. asthenosphere | b |
443 | DQ_001852 | theory of plate tectonics | How many parts are there in this image? | tectonic_plates_motion_9276.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9276.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 13, b. 14, c. 12, d. 11 | d |
444 | DQ_001853 | theory of plate tectonics | What happens when magma moves from the generation point to the ascension point? | tectonic_plates_motion_9276.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9276.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Raises the Sea Level., b. Splits the oceanic crust., c. Creates a Volcano., d. Moves the mantle. | c |
445 | DQ_001854 | theory of plate tectonics | Which part of the earth is always destroyed at a convergent plate boundary? | tectonic_plates_motion_9277.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9277.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Mountain range, b. Oceanic crust, c. Continental crust, d. Lithosphere | b |
446 | DQ_001855 | theory of plate tectonics | What is between the Asthenosphere and the Oceanic crust? | tectonic_plates_motion_9277.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9277.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Continental Crust, b. Trench, c. Overriding plate, d. Subducting Plate | d |
447 | DQ_001856 | theory of plate tectonics | How many parts are there in the theory of plate tectonics? | tectonic_plates_motion_9277.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9277.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 10, b. 9, c. 12, d. 11 | b |
448 | DQ_001857 | theory of plate tectonics | What is the layer above the asthenosphere? | tectonic_plates_motion_9279.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9279.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. lithosphere, b. oceanic crust, c. volcanic arc, d. trench | a |
449 | DQ_001858 | theory of plate tectonics | What is the layer between Asthenosphere and Oceanic crust called? | tectonic_plates_motion_9279.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9279.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Ocean, b. Lithosphere, c. Trench, d. Volcano | b |
450 | DQ_001859 | theory of plate tectonics | As shown in the figure, volcanic arcs are formed when the oceanic plate undergoes subduction. What kind of collision best describes this scenario? | tectonic_plates_motion_9279.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9279.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Ocean Ocean Convergence, b. Trench Building Convergence, c. Ocean Continent Convergence, d. Continent Continent Convergence | c |
451 | DQ_001860 | theory of plate tectonics | What layer of Earth is located directly below the continental crust? | tectonic_plates_motion_9279.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9279.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Oceanic crust, b. Asthenosphere, c. Lithosphere, d. Volcano | c |
452 | DQ_001861 | theory of plate tectonics | How many layers are between the Volcanic arc and the Asthenosphere? | tectonic_plates_motion_9279.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9279.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 3, b. 5, c. 2, d. 4 | a |
453 | DQ_001862 | theory of plate tectonics | Where is the magma chamber located? | tectonic_plates_motion_9279.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9279.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. volcano, b. continental crust, c. lithosphere, d. asthenosphere | c |
454 | DQ_001863 | theory of plate tectonics | What is the rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle? | tectonic_plates_motion_9280.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9280.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Trench, b. Continental Crust, c. Litosphere, d. Volcanoes | c |
455 | DQ_001864 | theory of plate tectonics | What is between the crust and the asthenosphere? | tectonic_plates_motion_9280.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9280.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Convergence, b. Trench, c. Volcanoes, d. Lithosphere | d |
456 | DQ_001865 | theory of plate tectonics | What lies exactly below the Lithosphere? | tectonic_plates_motion_9280.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9280.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Asthenosphere, b. Trench, c. Volcanoes, d. Oceanic crust | a |
457 | DQ_001866 | theory of plate tectonics | How many types of crust are shown in this diagram? | tectonic_plates_motion_9280.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9280.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 3, b. 4, c. 2, d. 1 | c |
458 | DQ_001867 | theory of plate tectonics | In an oceanic-continental plate collision, would it be possible for the continental plate to undergo subduction? | tectonic_plates_motion_9280.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9280.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. No, b. Not enough information to determine, c. Yes, d. It depends | a |
459 | DQ_001868 | theory of plate tectonics | The oceanic-continental convergence is formed from the convergence of which structures? | tectonic_plates_motion_9280.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9280.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Oceanic crust and continental crust, b. two oceanic crusts, c. two continental crusts, d. The ocean and the volcano | a |
460 | DQ_001869 | theory of plate tectonics | From the diagram, identify the state in which two plates collide. | tectonic_plates_motion_9282.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9282.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. divergent plate boundary, b. continental rifting, c. convergent plate boundary, d. transform plate boundary | c |
461 | DQ_001870 | theory of plate tectonics | What does the Ocean Crust lead to? | tectonic_plates_motion_9282.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9282.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Subducting Plate, b. Trench, c. Accreted Terranes, d. Continental Sediments | a |
462 | DQ_001871 | theory of plate tectonics | What type of materials sink back into the mantle? | tectonic_plates_motion_9282.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9282.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Hot material, b. Continental crust, c. Oceanic sediments, d. Cold slab materials | d |
463 | DQ_001872 | theory of plate tectonics | How many types of plate boundary are there? | tectonic_plates_motion_9282.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9282.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 2, b. 4, c. 5, d. 3 | a |
464 | DQ_001873 | theory of plate tectonics | What is a type of excavation or depression in the ground that is generally deeper than it is wide and narrow compared to its length? | tectonic_plates_motion_9282.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9282.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Trench, b. Crust, c. Atoll, d. Sediments | a |
465 | DQ_001874 | theory of plate tectonics | What happens when plates collide? | tectonic_plates_motion_9283.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9283.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. fire, b. convergence, c. trench, d. earthquake | d |
466 | DQ_001875 | theory of plate tectonics | Where does the earthquake epicenter lie with respect to converging plates? | tectonic_plates_motion_9283.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9283.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Center, b. left, c. right, d. above | a |
467 | DQ_001876 | theory of plate tectonics | How many converging plates can you see in the picture? | tectonic_plates_motion_9283.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9283.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 1, b. 3, c. 5, d. 2 | d |
468 | DQ_001877 | theory of plate tectonics | How many plates are converging in the picture? | tectonic_plates_motion_9283.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9283.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 4, b. 3, c. 5, d. 2 | d |
469 | DQ_001878 | theory of plate tectonics | Which of these, when two of these move against each other, creates earthquakes? | tectonic_plates_motion_9283.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9283.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. melting magmas, b. converging plates, c. islands, d. trenches | b |
470 | DQ_001879 | theory of plate tectonics | What does the brown part represent in the diagram? | tectonic_plates_motion_9284.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9284.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Lithosphere, b. Asthenosphere, c. Mantle, d. Crust | a |
471 | DQ_001880 | theory of plate tectonics | What is the rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle? | tectonic_plates_motion_9284.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9284.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Plate Figure, b. Continental Crust, c. Asthenosphere, d. Lithosphere | d |
472 | DQ_001881 | theory of plate tectonics | What layer is below the Lithosphere? | tectonic_plates_motion_9284.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9284.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Continental Crust, b. No more layer, c. Another Lithosphere, d. Asthenosphere | d |
473 | DQ_001882 | theory of plate tectonics | What separates the continental crust to the asthenosphere? | tectonic_plates_motion_9284.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9284.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. atmosphere, b. soil, c. lithosphere, d. air | c |
474 | DQ_001883 | theory of plate tectonics | How many types of layers are located below the continental crust? | tectonic_plates_motion_9284.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9284.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 2, b. 1, c. 3, d. 4 | a |
475 | DQ_001884 | theory of plate tectonics | What is the layer above the asthenosphere? | tectonic_plates_motion_9284.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9284.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. ocean, b. lithosphere, c. continental crust, d. trench | b |
476 | DQ_001885 | theory of plate tectonics | What is the layer directly above the asthenospheric mantle? | tectonic_plates_motion_9285.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9285.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. oceanic crust, b. continental crust, c. lithospheric mantle, d. atmosphere | c |
477 | DQ_001886 | theory of plate tectonics | What is the layer after the oceanic crust called? | tectonic_plates_motion_9285.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9285.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Asthenospheric mantle, b. Subduction zone, c. Continental crust, d. Lithospheric mantle | c |
478 | DQ_001887 | theory of plate tectonics | What is the name of the top mantle layer? | tectonic_plates_motion_9285.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9285.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Outer mantle, b. Core mantle, c. Lithospheric mantle, d. Asthenospheric mantle | c |
479 | DQ_001888 | theory of plate tectonics | With the subduction process occurring in the diagram, how is one plate moving in relation to the other? | tectonic_plates_motion_9285.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9285.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Upward, b. Sideways and downward, c. Left and right, d. Sideways | b |
480 | DQ_001889 | theory of plate tectonics | How many layers of Earth are there in this diagram? | tectonic_plates_motion_9285.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9285.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 5, b. 2, c. 3, d. 4 | c |
481 | DQ_001890 | theory of plate tectonics | How many layers of mantle does the Earth have in the diagram? | tectonic_plates_motion_9285.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9285.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 3, b. 4, c. 2, d. 6 | c |
482 | DQ_001891 | theory of plate tectonics | What lies between the continental crust and the asthenospheric mantle? | tectonic_plates_motion_9285.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9285.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Indo-Australian plate, b. Eurasian plate, c. Oceanic crust, d. Lithospheric mantle | d |
483 | DQ_001892 | theory of plate tectonics | What is the layer above the asthenosphere? | tectonic_plates_motion_9286.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9286.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. ocean, b. midocean ridge, c. lithosphere, d. continental crust | c |
484 | DQ_001893 | theory of plate tectonics | What are pieces of Earth's crust and uppermost mantle, together referred to as the lithosphere? | tectonic_plates_motion_9286.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9286.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Subduction Zone, b. Currents, c. STectonic Plates, d. Asthenosphere | c |
485 | DQ_001894 | theory of plate tectonics | How many tectonic plates are there in the diagram? | tectonic_plates_motion_9286.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9286.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 3, b. 1, c. 4, d. 2 | a |
486 | DQ_001895 | theory of plate tectonics | How many trenches are there in the diagram? | tectonic_plates_motion_9286.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9286.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 3, b. 5, c. 2, d. 1 | d |
487 | DQ_001896 | theory of plate tectonics | What would happen if convection currents push the tectonic plates apart? | tectonic_plates_motion_9286.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9286.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. , b. The lithosphere will become a volcano., c. The continental crust will disappear., d. Seafloor spreading will take place. | d |
488 | DQ_001897 | theory of plate tectonics | What letter demonstrates transform plate boundary? | tectonic_plates_motion_9287.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9287.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. A, b. C, c. A and B, d. B | b |
489 | DQ_001898 | theory of plate tectonics | What is the direction of plates when they overlap? | tectonic_plates_motion_9287.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9287.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Towards each other, b. Downwards, c. Upwards, d. Away from each other | a |
490 | DQ_001899 | theory of plate tectonics | How many types of tectonic shifts are shown in the diagram? | tectonic_plates_motion_9287.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9287.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 4, b. 1, c. 3, d. 2 | c |
491 | DQ_001900 | theory of plate tectonics | When two plates collide, what is formed? | tectonic_plates_motion_9287.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_motion_9287.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Midocean Ridges, b. Convergent plate boundary, c. Divergent Plate Boundaries, d. Continental Rifting | b |
492 | DQ_001901 | theory of plate tectonics | Which plate sits between the Pacific and the South American plates? | tectonic_plates_7622.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_7622.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Nazca plate, b. Eurasian plate, c. North American plate, d. Antarctic plate | a |
493 | DQ_001902 | theory of plate tectonics | How many plates are there? | tectonic_plates_7622.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_7622.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 17, b. 22, c. 25, d. 20 | a |
494 | DQ_001903 | theory of plate tectonics | How many plates are there in the Americas? | tectonic_plates_7622.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_7622.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. 2, b. 5, c. 3, d. 4 | c |
495 | DQ_001904 | theory of plate tectonics | Which plate lies between the Pacific plate and South American plate? | tectonic_plates_7622.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_7622.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Nazca plate, b. Indian plate, c. Eurasian plate, d. North American plate | a |
496 | DQ_001905 | theory of plate tectonics | Which plates will move if the scotia plate moves? | tectonic_plates_7622.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_7622.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. South american and antarctic, b. Pacific, c. Caribbean, d. Nazca and African | a |
497 | DQ_001906 | theory of plate tectonics | Which of the following plates is divergent? | tectonic_plates_9267.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_9267.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Eurasian, b. Pacific, c. North American, d. Arabian | d |
498 | DQ_001907 | theory of plate tectonics | What plate is positioned at the left of the African plate? | tectonic_plates_9267.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_9267.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Scotia Plate, b. Arabian Plate, c. Indian Plate, d. South American plate | d |
499 | DQ_001908 | theory of plate tectonics | Which Tectonic Plate surrounds North America? | tectonic_plates_9267.png | question_images/tectonic_plates_9267.png | Diagram Multiple Choice | a. Eurasian Plate, b. African Plate, c. North American Plate, d. Pacific Plate | c |
Subsets and Splits