sequence | pos
sequence | neg
sequence |
"A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"who were shakespeare's sonnets addressed to"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Other possible evidence of other affairs are that twenty-six of Shakespeare's Sonnets are love poems addressed to a married woman (the so-called 'Dark Lady'). Possible attraction to men Henry Wriothesley, 3rd Earl of Southampton"
] | [
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The sonnet is a commentary on the relationship between a piece of art and the subject it depicts. The image of this person that William Shakespeare is writing about has been immortalized by his words, but it is just that: an image."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The Shakespearean sonnet, Spenserian stanza, and dramatic blank verse also came into practice during the period. Upon the death of Elizabeth, King James I rose to power in England. A writer himself, he displayed a great love of learning, particularly theater. At the king's invitation, Shakespeare's theater company, Lord Chamberlain's Men, became known as the King's Men, and they produced new works under his patronage."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Erotic attraction or activity, including sexual congress, between people of the same sex, especially after puberty. Synonym(s): homoerotism, homoeroticism. /ho·mo·erot·i·cism/ (hoâ³mo-Ä-rot´Ä-sizm) sexual feeling directed toward a member of the same sex.homoerot´ic.ove sonnets, were in dialogue with some of Shakespeare's (1564-1616) own. sonnets to his Fair Youth; that Barnfield was in fact the Rival Poet of Shakespeare's sonnets; and that Stanley was the beloved male pastoral addressee of both poets."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"No Elizabethan documents support the claim that Shakespeare's plays and poems were written by someone else, or that the actor Shakespeare was not the author Shakespeare. There is also no evidence to suggest that the name used by this man who crafted the plays, sonnets, and poems was a pseudonym."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"(Redirected from Sonnet CXLV) Sonnet 145 one of Shakespeare's sonnets. It forms part of the Dark Lady sequence of sonnets. It is written as a description of the feelings of a man who is so in love with a woman that hearing her say that she hates something immediately creates a fear that she is referring to him."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Sonnet 29 was written by William Shakespeare. He wrote 154 sonnets in total; this is part of the Fair Youth sequence. It starts very resentfully and enviously, as the speaker talks about bemoaning his misfortune in the face of other people's success."
"Represent the next text",
"As for the attempts to read the sonnets as revelations concerning. Shakespeareâs private life, they too have failed because very little is known about. him other than certain external facts about his life, his death (his will has. survived), and his career prior to his appearance on the London theater scene."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"That edition, The Sonnets of Shakespeare, consists of 154 sonnets, all written in the form of three quatrains and a couplet that is now recognized as Shakespearean."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Quick Answer. William Shakespeare wrote 154 love sonnets and five longer narrative poems. His name also appears on the title page of the second edition of The Passionate Pilgrim Poems, although only five sonnets are thought to be his. Shakespeare also wrote over 30 plays, which are typically divided into comedies, tragedies, histories and romances."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.\n\n\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'They were always creating new methods to increase their crop yields. Methods that they used included the building of terraces, irrigation and fertilization. Principle crops of the Aztecs were corn, beans, peppers, avocados, and tomatoes. Anthropology studies have also determined that the Aztecs also grew flowers for ceremony and decoration.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what kind of crops did the aztecs grow']\"",
"While Shakespeare was regarded as the foremost dramatist of his time, evidence indicates that both he and his contemporaries looked to poetry, not playwriting, for enduring fame. Shakespeare's sonnets were composed between 1593 and 1601, though not published until 1609."
"represent this",
"1 Richard was the author of the only surviving letter written to Shakespeare (addressed to my loving good friend and countryman Wm. 2 Shakespeare), and his son Thomas married Shakespeare's daughter Judith, so we know the families were close."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Shakespeare was born and brought up in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire. At the age of 18, he married Anne Hathaway, with whom he had three children: Susanna, and twins Hamnet and Judith. Sometime between 1585 and 1592, he began a successful career in London as an actor, writer, and part-owner of a playing company called the Lord Chamberlain's Men, later known as the King's Men."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.\n\n------\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Addiction is defined as a chronic, relapsing brain disease that is characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences.â\\x80\\xa0 It is considered a brain disease because drugs change the brainâ\\x80\\x94they change its structure and how it works.. Volkow and H. Schelbert. Addiction is a lot like other diseases, such as heart disease. Both disrupt the normal, healthy functioning of the underlying organ, have serious harmful consequences, and are preventable and treatable, but if left untreated, can last a lifetime.']>> to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'is addiction a disease']\"",
"Shakespeare used images of eyes throughout the sonnets to emphasize other themes and motifs, including children as an antidote to death, artâs struggle to overcome time, and the painfulness of love. For instance, in several poems, the speaker urges the young man to admire himself in the mirror."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"It is , however , certain that Shakespear had written some sonnets as in 1598 Francis Meres, in a survey of poetry and literature, made reference to the Bard and his sugared sonnets among his private friends.. The sonnets were intended as a form private communication, some perhaps to flatter potential patrons."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"With his share of the income from the Globe, Shakespeare was able to purchase New Place, his home in Stratford. While Shakespeare was regarded as the foremost dramatist of his time, evidence indicates that both he and his contemporaries looked to poetry, not playwriting, for enduring fame. Shakespeare's sonnets were composed between 1593 and 1601, though not published until 1609."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"John Shakespeare (c. 1531 â 7 September 1601) was an English businessman and the father of William Shakespeare. He was the son of Richard Shakespeare of the Warwickshire village of Snitterfield, a farmer. He moved to Stratford-upon-Avon and married Mary Arden, with whom he had eight children, five of whom survived into adulthood."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"In a dozen of the sonnets to the youth, Shakespeare also refers to his disgrace: My name be buried where my body is / And live no more to shame nor me nor you. Legacy. Shakespeare's Sonnets can be seen as a prototype, or even the beginning, of a"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A 1598 reference within a kind of directory of contemporary wits mentioned Shakespeare's sugared sonnets that had been circulating only privately among friends. Two (138 and 144) were published in an anthology in 1599."
"represent the input\n\n\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"What convenience fees are Convenience fees are charges levied for the privilege of paying for a product or service using an alternative payment channel, or a payment method that is not standard for the merchant.Movie theaters, for example, typically sell tickets face-to-face in the box office.o technically, you're not paying for using your credit card, but for the privilege of using the pay-by-phone option. Card issuers' policies vary. When it comes to convenience fees, different card processing networks have different policies.\"]\" Match: \"['Represent text', 'convenience fee standard']\"",
"Gerald Massey's Shakespeare's Sonnets Never Before Interpreted argues that this type of irony is a characteristic of a number of Shakespearean sonnets, particularly Sonnet 96, Sonnet 131, Sonnet 137, Sonnet 142, and Sonnet 147 (357). The Dark Lady. Sonnet 138 is a part of a series of poems written about Shakespeare's dark lady."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"About Shakespeare's Sonnets. A sonnet is a 14-line poem that rhymes in a particular pattern. In Shakespeare's sonnets, the rhyme pattern is abab cdcd efef gg, with the final couplet used to summarize the previous 12 lines or present a surprise ending. The rhythmic pattern of the sonnets is the iambic pentameter."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The general theme of the sonnet is that what is written about in poetry is eternal - specifically in this poem, Shakespeare is admiring a woman, and saying that her beauty will never fade because he is putting it into verse. He begins by comparing her to a summer day, and then saying she is much more beautiful."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Shakespeare's sonnets were composed between 1593 and 1601, though not published until 1609. That edition, The Sonnets of Shakespeare, consists of 154 sonnets, all written in the form of three quatrains and a couplet that is now recognized as Shakespearean."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"However, it's important to remember that Shakespeare did not invent the sonnet. In fact, the term ' Shakespearean sonnet ' refers to a specific poetic form, not just the sonnets that Shakespeare wrote. In the 1530s, Sir Thomas Wyatt began translating Italian sonnets into English, introducing the form to British poets."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The Italian Sonnet The . Italian, or . Petrarchan. sonnet, named after Francesco Petrarch (1304-1374), the Italian poet, was introduced into English poetry in the early 16th century by Sir Thomas Wyatt (1503-1542). Its fourteen lines break into an . octave (or . octet), which usually rhymes . abbaabba, but which may sometimes be . abbacddc. or even (rarely) abababab; and a . sestet"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Shakespeare's only son, Hamnet, died in 1596 at the age of 11. His older daughter Susanna later married a well-to-do Stratford doctor, John Hall. Their daughter Elizabeth, Shakespeare's first grandchild, was born in 1608. In 1616, just months before his death, Shakespeare's daughter Judith married Thomas Quiney, a Stratford vintner."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The first known sonnets in English, written by Sir Thomas Wyatt and Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, used this Italian scheme, as did sonnets by later English poets including John Milton, Thomas Gray, William Wordsworth and Elizabeth Barrett Browning."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The Epilogue to Henry V is also in the form of a sonnet. In the 17th century, the sonnet was adapted to other purposes, with John Donne and George Herbert writing religious sonnets, and John Milton using the sonnet as a general meditative poem."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The above commentators rightly argue that âSonnet 18â is about the eternity of Shakespearean âlinesâ. This interpretation, however, can be extended a little further. The sonnet is not only about Shakespeareâs âeternal linesâ, but it is also about how in time Shakespeareâs observations grow. In the final line of the third quatrain Shakespeare notes âin eternal lines to time thou gorwâstâ."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"In 1609, Shakespeareâs sonnets were published without the Bardâs permission. Many academics considered it unlikely that Shakespeare wanted many of his deeply personal poems to be revealed to the outside world. It was not however the first time; in 1599, in a collection entitled The Passionate Pilgrim, two of Shakespeareâs poems had been printed without the Bardâs permission."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"William Shakespeare (1564-1616). English poet and playwright â Shakespeare is widely considered to be the greatest writer in the English language.He wrote 38 plays and 154 sonnets. Shakespeareâs poems consider themes of love, beauty, death, decay and the inevitable passing of time.illiam Shakespeare (1564-1616). English poet and playwright â Shakespeare is widely considered to be the greatest writer in the English language."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"With the partial exception of the Sonnets (1609), quarried since the early 19th century for autobiographical secrets allegedly encoded in them, the nondramatic writings have traditionally been pushed to the margins of the Shakespeare industry."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The traditional subject of the sonnet has primarily been Love. Petrarch wrote his great sonnet sequence to his beloved, Laura. Many of Shakespeare's sonnets are also about Love, but Shakespeare mocked the standard worshipful attitude of the Petrarchan sonnet in his famous My Mistress's eyes are nothing like the sun.."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Sonnet 138 is one of the most famous of William Shakespeare's sonnets. Making use of frequent puns, it shows an understanding of the nature of truth and flattery in romantic relationships. The poem has also been argued to be biographical: many scholars have suggested Shakespeare used the poem to discuss his frustrating relationship with the Dark Lady, a frequent subject of many of the sonnets. The poem emphasizes the effects of age and the associated deterioration of beauty, and its effect on a"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"In the absence of definitive proof to the contrary, Shakespeare must be viewed as the author of the 37 plays and 154 sonnets that bear his name. The legacy of this body of work is immense. A number of Shakespeareâs plays seem to have transcended even the category of brilliance, becoming so influential as to affect profoundly the course of Western literature and culture ever after. The Sonnets. Shakespeareâs sonnets are very different from Shakespeareâs plays, but they do contain dramatic elements and an overall sense of story. Each of the poems deals with a highly personal theme, and each can be taken on its own or in relation to the poems around it."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"search. The Sonnets are Shakespeare's most popular works, and a few of them, such as Sonnet 18 (Shall I compare thee to a summer's day), Sonnet 116 (Let me not to the marriage of true minds), and Sonnet 73 (That time of year thou mayst in me behold), have become the most widely-read poems in all of English literature."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"William Shakespeare (1564-1616). English poet and playwright â Shakespeare is widely considered to be the greatest writer in the English language. He wrote 38 plays and 154 sonnets. Shakespeareâs poems consider themes of love, beauty, death, decay and the inevitable passing of time."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nFewshot example: \"['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.\\n\\n\\nExample:\\nProvided: \"Before the Dog Bath: Do a quick brush through your dog\\'s hair. You do not want any tangles or mats before the bath because bathing will only make them tighter. Keep your shampoo and conditioner close by, along with towels. If using, make a vinegar rinse by filling a small bucket with warm water and adding up to half a cup of vinegar.\" Match: \"what do you wash dogs with\"', '-You need to work on sentence structuring. For example, when you wrote, The immigration, as a decision maked by a person is an act that occurs, because of some factors especially in the under developed countries and the most importants causes or reasons are mainly social reasons, politic reasons and economic reasons..']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'causes of immigration']\"",
"William Shakespeare. William Shakespeare (1564-1616). English poet and playwright â Shakespeare is widely considered to be the greatest writer in the English language. He wrote 38 plays and 154 sonnets.Shakespeareâs poems consider themes of love, beauty, death, decay and the inevitable passing of time.illiam Shakespeare (1564-1616). English poet and playwright â Shakespeare is widely considered to be the greatest writer in the English language."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Shakespeare evidently named his son after his recusant neighbor and friend Hamnet Sadler, who was still alive in March 1616 when Shakespeare drew up his will and left 26 shillings, 8 pence to âHamlett Sadlerâ¦to buy him a ringe.â. Writing a play about Hamlet, in or around 1600, may not have been Shakespeareâs own idea."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The Shakespearean sonnet is often used to develop a sequence of metaphors or ideas, one in each quatrain, while the couplet offers either a summary or a new take on the preceding images or ideas. In Shakespeareâs Sonnet 147, for instance, the speakerâs love is compared to a disease."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Sonnet 29 was written by William Shakespeare. He wrote 154 sonnets in total; this is part of the Fair Youth sequence.It starts very resentfully and enviously, as the speaker talks about bemoaning his misfortune in the face of other people's success."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Some scholars have argued he was bisexual, based on analysis of the sonnets: many, including Sonnet 18 Shall I compare thee to a summer's day, are love poems addressed to a man, the Fair Youth, and contain puns relating to homosexuality."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"More recently, Joseph Sobran in his 1997 book, Alias Shakespeare, argued that de Vere wrote all the sonnets as part of a homosexual wooing of the Earl of Southampton, all hidden within the guise of courting her daughter. How this explains the plays, however, is not accounted for satisfactorily."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Two of the poems in the 1609 sonnets (Sonnets 138 and 144) were published in the 1599 collection The Passionate Pilgrim; although the entire volume was attributed to Shakespeare, the collection is in fact a miscellany of poems by different authors."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"English Sonnets We can now examine an example of an English sonnet. Written by William Shakespeare, this poem is in stark contrast with the work by Milton which we have just examined."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"(Adapted from the Folger Shakespeare Library edition of Shakespeare's Sonnets and Poems, edited by Barbara A. Mowat and Paul Werstine. Read the poems online in Folger Digital Texts; buy the sonnets in the Folger edition; and follow the links below to explore the early printed editions."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"In addition to his sonnets, Shakespeare also wrote a few works of extended verse, such as Venus and Adonis. In short, the sonnet is the type of poem most famously written by Shakespeare."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"- It is addressed to someones beauty. - At first, it seems like a traditional sonnet used to praise beauty. - It also keeps with tradition by using comparisons with the natural world. - Although, the opening line introduces an extended metaphor, in the from of a rhetorical question. - The question suggests that Shakespeare didn't know the best way to start."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Sonnet 116. Shakespeare's Sonnet 116 was first published in 1609. Its structure and form are a typical example of the Shakespearean sonnet. The poet begins by stating he should not stand in the way of the marriage of true minds, and that love cannot be true if it changes for any reason; true love should be constant, through any difficulties."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The major themes in Sonnet 18 are the timelessness of love and beauty, death and immortality, and in particular the immortality of art and subject matter. In the sonnet Shakespeare begins by comparing the subject a summerâs day, which the reader is meant to take as a lovely thing."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The traditional subject of the sonnet has primarily been Love. Petrarch wrote his great sonnet sequence to his beloved, Laura. Many of Shakespeare's sonnets are also about Love, but Shakespeare mocked the standard worshipful attitude of the Petrarchan sonnet in his famous My Mistress's eyes are nothing like the sun."
"Represent the input",
"The couple first had a daughter named Susanna, then twins - Judith and Hamnet. Whether in London or on tour with his company he would at best... In 1582, Shakespeare married a woman eight years his senior, Anne Hathaway. The couple first had a daughter named Susanna, then twins - Judith and Hamnet. Whether in London or on tour with his company he would at best... In 1582, Shakespeare married a woman eight years his senior, Anne Hathaway."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright. Shakespeare was born and brought up in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire. At the age of 18, he married Anne Hathaway, with whom he had three children: Susanna, and twins Hamnet and Judith. Sometime between 1585 and 1592, he began a successful career in London as an actor, writer, and part-owner of a playing company called the Lord Chamberlain's Men, later known as the King's Men."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"In addition to his sonnets, Shakespeare also wrote a few works of extended verse, such as Venus and Adonis. In short, the sonnet is the type of poem most famously written by Shakespeare. Jeffrey A. Beard."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Nearly all of Shakespeare's sonnets examine the inevitable decay of time, and the immortalization of beauty and love in poetry. In his poems and plays, Shakespeare invented thousands of words, often combining or contorting Latin, French, and native roots."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Shakespeare's sonnets are written in iambic pentameter, with the exception of Sonnet 145, which is written in iambic tetrameter. Shakespeare's style of writing and metre choice were typical of the day, and other writings of the time influenced how he structured his compositions."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"During King James's reign, Shakespeare wrote many of his most accomplished plays about courtly power, including King Lear, Macbeth, and Antony and Cleopatra. In 1609 or 1611, Shakespeare's sonnets were published, though he did not live to see the First Folio of his plays published in 1623."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Poetic Form: Sonnet. read poems by this poet. William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564, in Stratford-on-Avon. The son of John Shakespeare and Mary Arden, he was probably educated at the King Edward IV Grammar School in Stratford, where he learned Latin and a little Greek and read the Roman dramatists. At eighteen, he married Anne Hathaway, a woman seven or eight years his senior. Together they raised two daughters: Susanna, who was born in 1583, and Judith (whose twin brother died in boyhood), born in 1585. Little is known about Shakespeare's activities between 1585 and 1592."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"In Elizabethan Englandâthe era during which Shakespeareâs sonnets were writtenâthe sonnet was the form of choice for lyric poets, particularly lyric poets seeking to engage with traditional themes of love and romance."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"William Shakespeare did not invent the sonnet form that bears his name, but he did write many of them. The Shakespearean sonnet is actually an adaptation of the Petrarchan sonnet. It is more suited to the English language. There are 14 lines in the Shakespearean sonnet. Three sets of four lines called quatrains are finished off with a heroic couplet of two lines. The last couplet usually has a twist or dramatic closing to the sonnet."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The first known sonnets in English, written by Sir Thomas Wyatt and Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, used the Italian, Petrarchan form, as did sonnets by later English poets, including John Milton, Thomas Gray, William Wordsworth and Elizabeth Barrett Browning."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent', 'The procedure may take up to three hours, depending on how severe the infection is. There are multiple types of mastoidectomy. The simplest form of the surgery involves the removal of mastoid cells only; no bone is removed, and the risk of hearing loss and other side effects is low. In a radical mastoidectomy, some of the mastoid bone must be removed from the inner ear.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'mastoid process removal side effects']\"",
"In Shakespeare's Sonnets, Carl D. Atkins stresses that although the collection title page reads By W. Shakespeare, it features a number of poems known to belong to other authors."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.', 'What is Optional Practical Training (OPT)? Optional Practical Training (OPT) is the opportunity for an F-1 student to apply knowledge gained in the classroom to a practical work experience. OPT is a work permit allowing F-1 students to work in the U.S. for up to 12 months following graduation in a job related to their major.']\" == \"['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!', 'how long can i work in opt']\"",
"The first known sonnets in English, written by Sir Thomas Wyatt and Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, used this Italian scheme, as did sonnets by later English poets including John Milton, Thomas Gray, William Wordsworth and Elizabeth Barrett Browning.he first known sonnets in English, written by Sir Thomas Wyatt and Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, used this Italian scheme, as did sonnets by later English poets including John Milton, Thomas Gray, William Wordsworth and Elizabeth Barrett Browning."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Sonnets 18-25 are often discussed as a group, as they all focus on the poet's affection for his friend. For more on how the sonnets are grouped, please see the general introduction to Shakespeare's sonnets. For more on the theme of fading beauty, please see Sonnet 116. How to cite this article: Shakespeare, William. Sonnet 18. Ed. Amanda Mabillard."
"Represent this text!",
"Wyatt also made modifications to the Petrarchan sonnetâs rhyme scheme and meter in order to better suit the English language. During the Renaissance period, William Shakespeare continued in the Petrarchan tradition with his highly personal sonnets. However, the form of the Shakespearean sonnet differs from that of the Petrarchan model. Although Shakespeareâs lines are iambic pentameter, his sonnets are made up of three quatrains and a final couplet, and his rhyme scheme is as follows: ABABCDCDEFEFGG. He also departs from Petrarchâs tendency to idealize the object of his affection."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"William Shakespeare (1564-1616), `The Bard of Avon', English poet and playwright wrote the famous 154 Sonnets and numerous highly successful oft quoted dramatic works including the tragedy of the Prince of Denmark, Hamlet; Neither a borrower nor a lender be; For loan oft loses both itself and friend,"
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"what is the policy used most by the fed to change the money supply?"
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"ANS: The Fed can use open market operations, change the required reserve ratio, or change the discount rate to change the money supply. In practice, the Fed most often relies on open market operations because it is the most flexible tool. It allows for the greatest fine-tuning of the money supply. The required reserve ratio is the tool least used in practice because it is potentially so powerful."
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Though the Federal Reserve authorizes and distributes the currency printed by the Treasury (the primary component of the narrow monetary base), the broad money supply is primarily created by commercial banks through the money multiplier mechanism."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The Fedâs job is to promote a healthy economy and stable prices. The Fed pursues these goals by influencing the cost and availability of money and credit in the economy, which is called monetary policy."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The Fed pursues these goals by influencing the cost and availability of money and credit in the economy, which is called monetary policy. Fed policy-makers meet eight times per year to make decisions about how to use monetary policy to meet economic goals."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Fedâs primary tool for implementing monetary policy is to buy and sell government securities in the open market. When the Fed buys (sells) U.S. Treasury securities, it increases (decreases) the volume of bank reserves held by depository institutions."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The FOMC buys and sells government securities to set the money supply. The is process is called open market operations. The government securities that are used in open market operations are Treasury bills, bonds and notes. If the FOMC wants to increase the money supply in the economy it will buy securities. Conversely, if the FOMC wants to decrease the money supply, it will sell securities."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"There are several monetary policy tools available to achieve these ends: increasing interest rates by fiat; reducing the monetary base; and increasing reserve requirements. All have the effect of contracting the money supply; and, if reversed, expand the money supply."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"ISLM and Monetary Policy. Policy Makers (IMF, US Treasury) can use the ISLM model to determine what happens. to interest rates and output when they increase/decrease the money supply. Before we continue, we look at factors that cause the IS and LM curves to shift. · Factors that cause the IS curve to shift."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Other than loans, investment activities of commercial banks and the Federal Reserve also increase and decrease the money supply. Discussion of money often confuses the different measures and may lead to misguided commentary on monetary policy and misunderstandings of policy discussions."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"U.S. state governments when they run short on tax revenues. The Federal Reserve's primary tool for changing the money supply is the_______. In order to decrease the number of dollars in the U.S. economy (the money supply), the Federal Reserve will________ government bonds."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"14. If the Fed sells $4 billion of government securities and the money multiplier is 2.25, then the money supply will. a. decrease by $9 billion. b. increase by $9 billion. c. decrease by $1.78 billion. d. increase by $1.78 billion. e. not change because sales of securities do not affect the money supply. 15."
"To keep inflation in check, the Fed can use its monetary policy tools to raise the federal funds rate. Monetary policy in this case is said to be âtightâ or âcontractionary.â To fight recessions, the Fed can use its monetary policy tools to lower the federal funds rate."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Which of the following statements is most accurate regarding fiscal policy and monetary policy? Fiscal policy includes changed in government spending snd taxes and is controlled by the federal government. Monetary policy includes changed in the money supply and interest rates and is controlled by the Federal Reserve. Both policies are intended to achieve macroeconomic objectives."
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"The Federal Reserve: Monetary Policy. The term monetary policy refers to the actions that the Federal Reserve undertakes to influence the amount of money and credit in the U.S. economy. Changes to the amount of money and credit affect interest rates (the cost of credit) and the performance of the U.S. economy."
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"When the Federal Reserve takes action to control the money supply and change the interest rate, they are creating the incentive for new investment and economic growth, so they can potentially have an enormous influence over the economy."
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"Think of interest rates as the âpriceâ you pay for money. When interest rates are high, borrowers pay more for money and demand less of it, thereby reducing the money supply. The Fed can influence the direction of the money supply by raising or lowering interest rates. Hereâs how it works:"
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"Again, the logic of this process is rather simple. If the Fed buys bonds in the open market, it increases the money supply in the economy by swapping out bonds in exchange for cash to the general public.Conversely, if the Fed sells bonds, it decreases the money supply by removing cash from the economy in exchange for bonds.gain, the logic of this process is rather simple. If the Fed buys bonds in the open market, it increases the money supply in the economy by swapping out bonds in exchange for cash to the general public."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Using liquidity preference theory, the change in the money supply is exogenous. The money supply is controlled by the Fed. Therefore, any increase will result in a rightward shift of the Money Supply curve, which will cause interest rates to decrease."
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"The Toolbox. The Fed has three main tools at its disposal to influence monetary policy: Open-Market Operations-The Fed constantly buys and sells U.S. government securities in the financial markets, which in turn influences the level of reserves in the banking system."
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"Fed monetary policy actions alter the supply of reserves in the banking system. When more reserves are available in the banking system, the federal funds rate goes lower, reflecting an excess of supply over demand. In this way, the Fed is able to keep the federal funds rate close to its target."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"In turn, an expansionary monetary policy is one that seeks to increase the size of the money supply. As usual, inciting of money supply is aimed at lowering the interest rates on purpose to achieve economic growth by increase of economic activity."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A restrictive monetary policy is a decision by the Fed to raise interest rates in order to slow the growth rate of GDP. In 1994, the Fed raised the Fed funds rate seven times in order to achieve a soft landing for the U.S. economy."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"monetary policy. Definition. The regulation of the money supply and interest rates by a central bank, such as the Federal Reserve Board in the U.S., in order to control inflation and stabilize currency. Monetary policy is one the two ways the government can impact the economy."
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"But the economy needed more help, so the Fed decided to use a new policy called quantitative easingâthe purchase of Treasury bonds and mortgage-backed securitiesâto lower long-term interest rates. The Fed has engaged in three rounds of QE: one in 2010, one in 2011 and one that has been ongoing since 2012."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"How the government use fiscal and monetary policy to control the us economy? The Federal Reserve, or Fed, can use monetary policy to influence the economy through the use of three tools, the most widely used being the use of open market operations, iâ¦n which it buys or sells government securities. The more they buy from banks, the more money the banks will have, and the more loans they will be able to give out."
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"Repos are used also by the central banks as instruments of monetary policy. To temporarily expand the money supply, a central bank decreases the discount rate (called repo rate) at which it buys back government securities from the commercial banks, to contract or maintain the money supply it increases the repo rate. See also open repo and reverse repo."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The regulation of the money supply and interest rates by a central bank, such as the Federal Reserve Board in the U.S., in order to control inflation and stabilize currency. Monetary policy is one the two ways the government can impact the economy. By impacting the effective cost of money, the Federal Reserve can affect the amount of money that is spent by consumers and businesses. â The monetary policy was criticized as it was not operating in the best interests of the companies doing business there."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Monetary Policy: Stabilizing Prices and Output. Monetary policy has lived under many guises. But however it may appear, it generally boils down to adjusting the supply of money in the economy to achieve some combination of inflation and output stabilization."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Central banks have three primary tools for influencing the money supply: the reserve requirement, discount. loans, and open market operations. The first, as we saw in Chapter 14,The Money Supply. Process and Chapter 15, The Money Supply and the Money Multiplier, works through the money multiplier, constraining multiple deposit expansion the larger it becomes. Central banks today rarely use it because. most banks work around reserve requirements. The second and third tools influence the monetary base (MB."
"So, if the Fed pursues contractionary monetary policy by decreasing the supply of money, the nominal interest rate will rise, investment will fall, and consumption will fall.onetary Policy. The Fed sets the money supply at M0. The demand for money depends on how much of financial wealth one is willing to hold as money rather than in less liquid forms, i.e., bonds. This is a portfolio decision on the part of the economic agent."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The major tool the Fed uses to affect the supply of reserves in the banking system is open market operationsâthat is, the Fed buys and sells government securities on the open market. These operations are conducted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Suppose the Fed wants the funds rate to fall."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Applied usually through the central bank, a monetary policy employs three major tools : (1) buying or selling national debt, (2) changing credit restrictions, and (3) changing the interest rates by changing reserve requirements."
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"Now that we have examined how adding or reducing reserves in the banking system affects the money supply, let us consider the Fed's role in changing the money supply. Given our discussion, it should come as no surprise that the Fed changes the money supply by altering the level of bank reserves."
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"The Keynesian economists argue that change in the money supply will affect the. stock prices only if the change in the money supply alters expectations about future. monetary policy. According to them, a positive money supply shock will lead people to. anticipate tightening monetary policy in the future."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Money supply increases. When the FED sells government securities, it decreases bank reserves because money is being taken out of the system to purchase the government securities. Money supply decreases. The federal reserve system's main goal is to control the money supply. It does this by changing the reserves of the banks through three methods. <br /><b>1."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"The Fed has traditionally used three tools to conduct policy: open market operations; the discount rate; and reserve requirements. More recently, it has added other instruments to its monetary policy toolkit, such as paying interest on reserve balances held at Reserve Banks."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"By restricting the money supply at a bad time, the Fed starved out many individuals and businesses that might otherwise have survived. The Recovery It was World War II, not the Federal Reserve, that lifted the economy out of the depression."
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"ANS: To increase the money supply the Fed should buy U.S. government securities on the open market, reduce the discount rate and/or reduce the required reserve ratio. Do the opposite to decrease the money supply. This is the end of the preview. Sign up to access the rest of the document."
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"1 Monetary policy involves changing the interest rate and influencing the money supply. Fiscal policy involves the government changing tax rates and levels of government spending to influence aggregate demand in the economy."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Monetary policy involves the management of the money supply and interest rates by central banks. In order to stimulate a faltering economy, the central bank will tend to cut interest rates, making it less expensive to borrow while increasing the money supply."
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"Open market operations are flexible, and thus, the most frequently used tool of monetary policy. The discount rate is the interest rate charged by Federal Reserve Banks to depository institutions on short-term loans."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nE.g. ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Definition. Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is a severe condition in which two or more distinct identities, or personality states, are present inâ\\x80\\x94and alternately take control ofâ\\x80\\x94an individual. The person also experiences memory loss that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness.'] == ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'dissociative identity disorder meaning']",
"The Fed has three main tools at its disposal to influence monetary policy: Open-Market Operations - The Fed constantly buys and sells U.S. government securities in the financial markets, which in turn influences the level of reserves in the banking system."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The use of open-market operations is the most important tool that used to manipulate monetary policy. The Fed's goal in trading the securities is to affect the federal funds rate-the rate at which banks borrow reserves from each other."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Now let's look at how economists illustrate changes in the money supply and changes in the economic output that follow them. The Fed increases the money supply by buying U.S. government bonds and paying with cash. Economists illustrate this as a rightward shift of the money supply curve, as follows."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1 Monetary policy involves influencing the supply and demand for money through interest rates and other monetary tools. Monetary policy is usually conducted by the Central Bank, e.g. UK â Bank of England, US â Federal Reserve."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Tools of Monetary Policy. The Fed has Four Major Tools of Monetary Policy. As we learned in the previous chapter, if banks gain excess reserves then the money supply will increase and if banks lose excess reserves than the money supply will decrease."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Fiscal policy also can affect the money supply and can be used to stimulate spending or curb inflation. Tax cuts tend to stimulate consumer spending by leaving more money in the hands of American citizens. Tax hikes could be used to slow inflation by removing money from the hands of consumers."
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"Finally, the Fed can inject money by buying bonds in the bond marketâthrough these âopen market operationsâ the Fed uses Federal Reserve funds to buy up government securities. Monetary Policy Options. To Fight Recession: 1 Lower interest rates. 2 Lower reserve requirements. 3 Buy securities."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Monetary Policy. Monetary policy is the government's control of the money supply. The government can control how much or how little money is in circulation by the amount that they print and coin. If too much money is out there, it tends to cause inflation, or the devaluation of the dollar. Too little money causes deflation, which can lead to a recession. The powerful arm of government that controls the money supply is the Federal Reserve System, which is headed by the Federal Reserve Board."
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"When the Fed decreases the money supply, there is a shortage of money at the prevailing interest rate. Therefore, the interest rate must increase in order to dissuade some people from holding money. This is shown in the right-hand side of the diagram above.hen the Federal Reserve adjusts the supply of money in an economy, the nominal interest rate changes as a result. When the Fed increases the money supply, there is a surplus of money at the prevailing interest rate."
"Represent this text",
"The Goals of U.S. Monetary Policy. The Federal Reserve has seen its legislative mandate for monetary policy change several times since its founding in 1913, when macroeconomic policy as such was not clearly understood. The most recent revisions were in 1977 and 1978, and they require the Fed to promote both price stability and full employment."
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"Monetary policy is the control of money supply by the central bank (so in Britain it is the Bank of England and in the US it's the Federal Reserve). Inflation can be caused because aggregate demand exceeds aggregate supply therefore by reducing consumer spending and investment it can alleviate inflation."
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"Monetary Policy Effects. Monetary policy, which is headed by the Federal Reserve and involves changing the money supply and credit availability to individuals can also affect the exchange rates. Similar to fiscal policy, it can affect the exchange rates through three paths: income, prices, and interest rates."
"Represent the following document",
"Central banks use a number of tools to shape monetary policy. Open market operations directly affect the money supply through buying short-term government bonds (to expand money supply) or selling them (to contract it)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"By Investopedia Staff. The term monetary policy refers to the actions that the Federal Reserve undertakes to influence the amount of money and credit in the U.S. economy. Changes to the amount of money and credit affect interest rates (the cost of credit) and the performance of the U.S. economy."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"U.S. Monetary Policy: An Introduction What are the tools of U.S. monetary policy? The Fed canât control inflation or influence output and employment directly; instead, it affects them indirectly, mainly by raising or lowering a short-term interest rate called the âfederal fundsâ rate."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Fed, as it is often called, is the nation's central bank. It controls the supply of money in the U.S. economy. The $20 bill in your wallet can be used to buy things because the Fed says so (Look! It even says Federal Reserve Note at the top)."
"Letâs say that, on a certain day, the Fed wants to increase the money supply. To do so, they buy, say, $4 billion dollars worth of Treasury bonds from a particular dealer. In effect, they take possession of the bonds (electronically) and put $4 billion into the dealerâs bank account.hus, in order to increase or decrease the money supply, all the Fed has to do is increase or decrease bank deposits. Here is how it works. Most of the money deposited in banks is not actually kept by the bank. In fact, it is loaned out."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Fed, Federal Reserve System, has three tools to use for its monetary policy. 1. Open Operations - buying or selling securities from the privite sector to control money supâ¦ply. 2. Discount Loans - Setting discount rate that privite sector banks would need to pay the Fed to borrow money from them."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"When the Federal Reserve adjusts the supply of money in an economy, the nominal interest rate changes as a result. When the Fed increases the money supply, there is a surplus of money at the prevailing interest rate.In order to get players in the economy to be willing to hold the extra money, the interest rate must decrease. This is what is shown in the left-hand side of the diagram above.hen the Federal Reserve adjusts the supply of money in an economy, the nominal interest rate changes as a result. When the Fed increases the money supply, there is a surplus of money at the prevailing interest rate."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A: The three main tools of monetary policy used by the Federal Reserve are open-market operations, the discount rate and the reserve requirements. Through the use of these three tools, the Fed can manipulate market movements to exercise control over the economy."
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"(The Fed does this mainly to keep the system stable and is referred to as the lender of last resort, since the process is not really encouraged.). The other function of the Federal Reserve system is to control the money supply."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"1 Expansionary fiscal policy involves tax cuts, higher government spending and a bigger budget deficit. Monetary policy involves influencing the demand and supply of money, primarily though the use of interest rates. It can also involves unorthodox policies such as open market operations and quantitative easing."
] |
"A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:",
"how long ma a bankruptcy be reported on a credit report"
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Typically Bankruptcies will stay reported on your Credit Report for 10 years (per Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) ). However, fortunately, most of the Credit Reporting Agencies will remove then after 7 years has passed."
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Do not confuse the statute of limitations with the length of time that a debt may remain on a credit report. A bankruptcy, for instance, will remain on a credit report for 10 years regardless of the statute of limitations."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"It may be time to revisit that if you havenât dealt with it in a while. Unfortunately unpaid tax liens remain on credit reports indefinitely, but my understanding is that if you discharge the debt it should be off your reports since it is more than 7 years old.Certain taxes and student loans may be discharged in bankruptcy.he Fair Credit Reporting Act says that paid tax liens may be reported for seven years after they are paid. Specifically it says: âPaid tax liens which, from date of payment, antedate the report by more than seven years.â So it would depend on when you paid it, not when it was filed."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Depending on the type of bankruptcy, the record will remain in your credit report for the next 7-10 years. Does this mean youâre sentenced to bad credit scores for the full 7-10 years? Absolutely not, but expecting significant results in just two years isnât realistic, either."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.', 'Morgan, Georgia. Not to be confused with Morgan County, Georgia. Morgan is a city in Calhoun County, Georgia, United States. The population was 1,861 at the 2010 census. The city is the county seat of Calhoun County.']\" == \"['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'where is morgan, ga']\"",
"Once you get your credit reports, you can check to see which debts are still appearing. The rules for the reporting of debts can be found in the Fair Credit Reporting Act, or FCRA. The act states that most negative items must be removed from your credit report seven years from the first date of delinquency. Some exceptions to the seven-year rule include: Chapter 7 bankruptcy filings (10 years). Judgments (seven years or until the state statute of limitations expires, whichever is longer). Money owed to or guaranteed by the government (unpaid taxes or student loans stay on your report indefinitely or until seven years from the date paid)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A discharge comes generally within 4 to 6 months. You must complete, prior to discharge, the second half of credit counseling or your case will be closed without discharge, so it is imperative that you complete this second course. A bankruptcy can appear on your credit report for up to 10 years..."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Three steps to improving your credit score after bankruptcy. Bankruptcy stays on your credit report for up to ten years, regardless of whether you file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. However, despite the fact that the bankruptcy is noted on your report, that doesn't mean your credit will be terrible for the entire ten years."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"How long bankruptcy stays on your credit report in Canada will depend on the credit bureau that is reporting. A first bankruptcy for six years from the date of your discharge. A second bankruptcy for 14 years."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"How Long Negative Information Can Be Reported. Bankruptcies may be reported for no more than ten years from the date you filed for bankruptcy. If your case was dismissed (so you did not get an order discharging your debts), the ten years starts from the date of the dismissal."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"You can start rebuilding your credit after bankruptcy. Here's how. Bankruptcy provides substantial debt relief, but it also can have a negative effect on your credit score. Although bankruptcy stays on your credit report for up to ten years, your credit wonât be bad for that long. You can take steps to start rebuilding your credit after bankruptcy."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.\n------\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"The cost of moving a house starts at about $12 to $16 per square foot but can quickly rise if the home is heavier, bigger or has farther to go [sources: McLinden, Burstein ]. One house builder estimates that moving a large home more than just a few miles can run about $150,000 to $200,000 [source: Fetters ].In addition to the costs of the actual moving, these expenses should also be considered:1 Cost of the new home, if you're not moving one that you already own.2 Buying the land where the home will be placed. 3 Building a new foundation for the home. 4 Permitting and inspection costs.n addition to the costs of the actual moving, these expenses should also be considered: 1 Cost of the new home, if you're not moving one that you already own. 2 Buying the land where the home will be placed. 3 Building a new foundation for the home.\"]\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'house relocation cost']\"",
"Credit Report Q&A. More Credit Q&A. A bankruptcy is going to be factored into your FICO® score until it falls off of your credit report. While it may take up to ten years for a bankruptcy to fall off of your report, the impact of the bankruptcy will lessen over time. If you plan to file a bankruptcy, here are some things you should do to make sure your creditors are accurately reporting the bankruptcy filing:"
"Represent text",
"How long does a bankruptcy stay on your credit report in tx? A Chapter 7 bankruptcy stays on your credit report for 10 years. Generally a Chapter 13 bankruptcy will be removed after 7 years, but can remain up to 10 years."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"High rate, but no feesâ¦. Unfortunately if you file bankruptcy it will remain on your credit reports for ten years, even if you never went through with it. The filing is a matter of public record, and that is what is being reported. You may want to check with your attorney to see he or she has any suggestions."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"According to Experian, some types of delinquent accounts, such as unpaid tax liens, can stay on your report for as long as 10 years. Bankruptcy usually results in the most dramatic hit to your credit score because each account associated with a bankruptcy also impacts your credit score. However, you can recover from bankruptcy, even though it stays on your credit report for seven to 10 years. Through discipline and patience, your past credit mistakes will eventually drop from your credit report â as long as you can show that youâve learned from your past."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"How Discharged Debts Should Be Reported. The fact that you filed for bankruptcy can be reported for up to ten years. While it may seem like negative information, the reporting of your bankruptcy discharge might not necessarily be a bad thing. A bankruptcy discharge can âclean upâ debts that used to show up on your credit report as being delinquent."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"On your Experian credit report, information about lawsuits or judgments against you can be reported for seven years, or until the statute of limitations runs out, whichever is longer. Late payments, one of the most common instances of negative information, can be reported for up to seven years."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Fair Credit Reporting Act governs how you should handle such errors if they occur. How long will a dismissed bankruptcy stay on your credit report? Potentially, without some type of cooperation from the credit bureaus or a judgment from a court of law, up to 10 years. Mistakes or no mistakes, bankruptcy laws can be complicated, and common sense indicates you might need a bankruptcy lawyer in order to help you understand how these complex laws may apply in your particular situation."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Pay Your Bills on Time. The interest rate you are offered for a refinanced mortgage is largely dependent on your credit history. A Chapter 13 bankruptcy damages your credit score and stays on your report for up to 10 years after the discharge, according to MSN Money. Paying your bills on time helps improve the appearance of your credit history to lenders."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Bankruptcy is a curse on your financial report as it can affect your credit score. How long and how much your credit score will be affected will depend on your previous credit history."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Bankruptcies cannot be reported after 10 years; tax liens cannot be reported more than seven years after payment; accounts placed for collection cannot be reported after seven years; civil suits, civil judgments and any other negative information, after seven years."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 If you filed under chapter 13, the court consolidated your debts and set up a payment plan. After regular payments for three to five years, the balance of your debts was discharged. Both types of bankruptcy can stay on your credit report for up to ten years."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A credit report, or credit file disclosure, is a record of your credit activities. Your credit is very important in determining how much you can borrow, the interest rate and the terms.ost of this information, as well as information on your various credit accounts, will be on your report for seven years. Personal bankruptcies will be reported for 10 years. No one can remove correct information from your report, even if it is negative."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"If you happen to have a bankruptcy on your credit report, that can hang around for 10 years. Chapter 13's are normally removed after 7 years though. Tax liens can appear indefinitely but are usually removed after 15 years."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"However, there are a few rules regarding the reporting of negative information. For example, a late payment cannot be reported on a credit report unless it is at least 31 days late. After that time, it usually shows up on the credit report within the usual 30 days. Creditors usually do not charge off a debt and turn it over to a collection agency until 180 continuous days of non-payment have passed, so you may have at least six months before a collection or charge off shows up on your credit report."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The credit reporting time limit is seven years for most negative information. Certain types of negative information will stay on your credit report for longer than that. Delinquency information like late credit card payments and collections can be reported for seven years from the date of the delinquency. Charge-offs, seven years + 180 days from the date reported to the credit bureau, usually this is simply seven years from the date of the charge off."
] |
"represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results\n\n\nThe query could be '['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how many presidents have the house of representatives voted to impeach']' and should be close to '['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Only two U.S. Presidents have been impeached by the House of Representatives: Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton. Both were acquitted in trials held by the Senate. In 1974, the House Judiciary Committee voted on Articles of Impeachment for Richard Nixon, but he resigned before the full House of Representatives voted on any of the articles.']' but very far from '['', 'Related Tags : house of representatives , us house of representatives , how many people are in the house of representatives 2012 , how many house of representatives are there , the house of representatives , how many representatives are in the house , how many house of representatives , how many us representatives are there , how many people are in ...']'",
"who is stronger venom or carnage"
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Venom can get more angrier which makes him stronger, bigger, and faster. if it was a fight between carnage and venom, venom would win because, like hulk, the angrier he gets faster and stronger. The only reason carnage might win is if carnage suddenly became several times stronger."
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Immunity to Spider-Man's Spider Sense: Due to Spider-Man being a host to the symbiote, Venom, and his offspring, is able to bypass Spider-Man's spider-sense. Venom is capable of attacking Spider-Man without alerting him, making Venom a deadly foe."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Neurotoxic Venom attacks the nervous system and the brain. The venom disrupts the normal function of the nervous system causing the death of neutrons. The most common symptoms in humans include limb weakness or numbness, loss of memory, vision, headache and paralysis."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"I'm glad!''). The movie's scenes of carnage have more impact than the multiple killings in a film like Shaft,'' because they are personal, not technical; individual soldiers, frightened and ill-prepared, are fighting for their lives, while in the modern action movies, most of the victims are pop-up arcade targets."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The Venom, Carnage, and Anti-Venom Symbiotes appear in Ultimate Spider-Man. Venom and Anti-Venom are created by Doctor Octopus. Venom was created by altering a sample of Spider-Man's DNA and Anti-Venom was created from the Venom sample used to counter and destroy the Venom Symbiote."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Brock and the Toxin symbiote appear once more in the All New, All Different Marvel Miniseries, Carnage, where Brock serves in a task force led by John Jameson, in hopes to entrap the recently escaped Carnage, who has hidden himself in a mine-shaft."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nFor instance, <<['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"Front View of the Liver. The liver is a large, meaty organ that sits on the right side of the belly. Weighing about 3 pounds, the liver is reddish-brown in color and feels rubbery to the touch. Normally you can't feel the liver, because it's protected by the rib cage. The liver has two large sections, called the right and the left lobes.\"]>> to <<['', 'which side of my body is my liver on']>>",
"1 Venom is a boss and later a supporting character in the Spider-Man (2000) video game, voiced by Daran Norris. 2 The Venom symbiote appears as an unlockable costume for Spider-Man in X-Men: Mutant Academy 2 (2001)."
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"The Venom symbiote approached MacDonald Mac Gargan, who was considered a low-level villain, offering him new abilities. Gargan bonded with the creature, which would later give him an extra edge as part of Norman Osborn's Sinister Twelve."
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"Posts: 329. At current, Anti-venom is actually a good guy. He no longer wants to have anything to do with being evil. Unfortunately, he still carries the venom side in him. He has a natural desire for blood. If not properly monitored, I believe that eddie can become bad again."
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"1 Venom appears as one of the bosses in The Amazing Spider-Man: Lethal Foes (1995). 2 Venom appears as the last boss in Spider-Man (1995). 3 Venom is a boss and later a supporting character in the Spider-Man (2000) video game, voiced by Daran Norris."
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"Anti-Venom can theoretically kill any symbiote, but using his powers depletes Eddie's white blood cells, significantly weakening him. Toxin is the strongest in both physical strength and durability of the Venom family line because of evolutionary descent."
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"Carnage (comics) Carnage (Cletus Kasady) is a fictional supervillain appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, usually as an enemy of Spider-Man. The character first appeared as Cletus Kasady in The Amazing Spider-Man #344 (March 1991) and as Carnage in The Amazing Spider-Man #360. Carnage was created by writer David Michelinie and artists Erik Larsen and Mark Bagley, based on elements of the precursor character Venom."
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"Anti-Venom is a good guy. I thought it was a brilliant way to bring back the Eddie Brock character while still having an evil Venom (Mac Gargan). Given his Christian background and previous lethal protector persona, portraying him as a man who wants to make up for his past mistakes makes perfect sense to me."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n------\n\nFewshot example: \"['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:', 'The Murray State Racers are the intercollegiate athletic teams representing Murray State University (MSU), located in Murray, Kentucky, United States. The Racers athletic program is a member of the Ohio Valley Conference (OVC) and competes at the NCAA Division I level including the Football Championship Subdivision.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'what division is murray state university']\"",
"Viper was a mutant who was immune to toxins as well as having snake-like qualities. Viper was seen tending to Yashida before Logan proceeds to converse with him. While examining the medical room, Logan notices a glass container full of nanobot-like machines."
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"Check out the Venom disambiguation page and the Eddie Brock disambiguation page. Eddie Brock is a rival of Peter Parker's who's hatred for Spider-Man grew and eventually became the villain called Venom. Eddie Brock started out as a journalist for the Daily Bugle and several of his co-workers including Peter Parker did not like him."
"Represent this text:",
"The new title all but guarantees that serial killer Cletus Kasady (Carnage) will indeed show up in the Venom film. Amazing Spider-Man 2 producers Avi Arad and Matt Tolmach also strongly hinted that this was the case earlier this year. Venom Carnage is reportedly set to come out in 2017. Evan Campbell is a freelance news writer who streams games on his Twitch channel, talks about Nintendo weekly on the NF Show, and chats about movies and TV series on Twitter."
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"Fueled by the uber-steroid serum known as Venom, Bane's strength is matched only by his intelligence. A master planner and strategist, he devoted his life to proving himself as the best."
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"You definitely wouldnât want to drink it all in one go... the worldâs strongest beer has been named as a British one which is nearly 70 per cent proof. Lab tests have confirmed the super strength of Brewmeisterâs Snake Venom, which is made in Keith, Scotland, and has an alcohol content of 68 per cent. The beer even carries a warning sign. It is produced using two different yeast strains â ale and champagne â and freeze-concentrated to secure its alcohol content."
"The Venom is a hi-quality crossbow arrow that puts more FOC in the shaft and at 385g for raw shaft, it is the heaviest shaft available. No need for expensive brass inserts which add weight but no FOC in the shaft. The Venom is made from hi-modulus, 100% carbon with flat or half-moon nocks. Made in USA! The Power Taper incorporates Arrow Dynamics' Parallel To Taper design into a cross bow arrow."
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"Ultimate Venom. In the Ultimate Marvel universe, which is essentially a retelling of their universe with a modern twist, Venom was actually the result of Peter and Eddieâs fathers creating, what they thought was, the cure for cancer."
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"By Alvin George. I borrowed a VHS copy of âFive Deadly Venomsâ from one of my friends. For a guy who hated âFive Fingers of Death,â I was surprised at how effective âFive Deadly Venomsâ was. It actually has depth. My favorite villain was the snake dude, whatever his name was. His moves seemed reminiscent of Jackie Chan during his Lo Wei phase."
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"Nemesis is a stronger word than enemy. Enemy is an unfriendly or hostile person. Nemesis is an avenging force. In classical mythology Nemesis was the goddess of retribution. She punished both hubris (false pride) and wrongdoing."
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"Centipede venom as strong as its pincers. Most venomous animals make up for weaker physical features with more potent toxins, but not centipedes. IN THE WORLD OF venomous animals the general rule is: the weaker your physical attributes, the more you need to compensate with the potency of your venom. But new research into centipede venom may upend this theory."
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"[W]eight-for-weight, tetrodotoxin is ten times as deadly as the venom of the many-banded krait of Southeast Asia. It is 10 to 100 times as lethal as black widow spider venom (depending upon the species) when administered to mice, and more than 10,000 times deadlier than cyanide."
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"Superior Carnage. Carnage was freed from imprisonment by The Wizard, who, still thinking Cletus was in control of the symbiote, wanted to make him part of his newest Frightful Four. However, Carnage was unaffected by The Wizard's powers and attacked him."
"Buried near the bottom of Deadline s extensive piece regarding changes happening in the Spider-Man universe comes the news that the Venom movie which still is expected to be directed by Alex Kurtzman will now be a Venom and Carnage movie. Hoo boy."
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"In the Ultimate Marvel universe, which is essentially a retelling of their universe with a modern twist, Venom was actually the result of Peter and Eddieâs fathers creating, what they thought was, the cure for cancer."
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"Talk5 Share. High Speed Venom (ãã¤ã¹ãã¼ãã´ã§ãã , Hai SupÄ«do Venomu) (also known as Red Venom or Hyper Venom), or simply Dash Venom is a secret character in Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes. He is an orange colored Venom, resembling Carnage."
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"Eugene Flash Thompson is a high school jock and former bully at Midtown High School, and a fan of Spider-Man. He later is temporary known as the Scarlet Spider and then bonded with the Venom symbiote, which turns him into Agent Venom."
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"Venom, or the Venom Symbiote, is an alias used by several fictional characters appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, commonly in association with Spider-Man. Venom made his first appearance in The Amazing Spider-Man #300 (May 1988). Venom was originally conceived as a supervillain, but has since become more of an antihero. Venom is a Symbiote, a sentient alien, with a gooey, almost liquid-like form."
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"1 Venom has blue highlights in the mainstream comics and some versions and in the year 2000 Spider-Man game Venom is Dark Blue. 2 In Ultimate Marvel and the Ultimate Spider-Man video game Venom is Dark Purple. 3 Venom has bonded with four hosts six if you count it's clone."
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"Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Venom. Venom is the general term referring to any variety of toxins used by certain types of animals that inject it into their victims by the means of a bite, sting or other sharp body feature. Unlike poison, which is ingested or inhaled, venom is usually delivered directly into the lymphatic system, where it acts faster."
"Note: This article is about Venom from the Sam Raimi film series. For other Venom incarnations, check out the disambiguation. Eddie Brock, later known as Venom and also referred as the Symbiote, is the true main antagonist of the 2007 superhero film, Spider-Man 3."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.\n\nGiven ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:', 'The tails will also turn bright red. Cook the shrimp, stirring frequently, until the flesh is totally pink and opaque, and you see no more grey bits. Depending on the size of your shrimp and how many you have in the pan, this will usually take 4 to 5 minutes.'], a positive would be ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:', 'how long for cook shrimp']",
"Snake Venom beer is 67.5% alcohol by volume and comes with a warning label. (Brewmeister via Facebook) A new brew is on the market, and its makers claim it is the strongest beer out there. Snake Venom, which was created by Scottish brewery Brewmeister, is an astounding 67.5% ABV (alcohol by volume). Budweiser, for comparison sake, is 5% ABV, and vodka is traditionally 40% ABV."
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"Answers. 1 No, in the game he's more or less identical to Venom. (Venom can transform into Big Venom, though, which Carnage can not) 2 Except for the Hulk Out ability, Carnage is an exact (albeit red) version of Venom. User Info: Optilex42. Optilex42 - 3 years ago 0 0. sadly, no. as per the comics, Venom was a copy of Spider-Man, but with the ability to change into a large version, copying the Hulk but without any spider powers. but then they dropped the ball. Carnage was a copy of the small Venom, yet no morphing abilities, they instead gave this to a Symbiote Scientist throwaway."
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"Venom is a 1981 horror film directed by Piers Haggard and starring Klaus Kinski, Oliver Reed, Nicol Williamson and Sarah Miles."
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"This Potent New Beer From Scotland Has A 67.5% Alcohol Content. After debuting the world's strongest beer at 65% ABV one year ago, Scottish brewery Brewmeister has released an even stronger version. It's called Snake Venom, and it contains a massive 67.5% alcohol by volume. (Vodka, in comparison, is typically 80 proof, or 40% alcohol). The brewery decided to manufacture an even stronger beer after some customers complained its first attempt was too weak, Scotland's Daily Record reported."
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"Venom (Marvel). 36,081 pages on this wiki. After Spider-Man rid himself of the alien Symbiote that infected his life, it found and attached itself to Eddie Brock, a frustrated reporter who had a grudge against Spider-Man for, what he claims, making him lose his job. They became Venom, and as both hated Spider-Man, sought to destroy every aspect of his life."
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"Carnival of Carnage has multiple variations, including Special Delivery. Carnival of Carnage is an official Special Delivery map. It released as part of the Scream Fortress 2014 update on October 29, 2014. It is the Halloween version of Doomsday. Similar in play to Doomsday, the objective is to carry a briefcase full of tickets to The World's Largest Strongmann Machine on the opposite side of the map and insert it into the spectral lock at the top, all while Merasmus makes snarky commentary."
"Like Spider-Man when he had the symbiote suit, Venom is vulnerable to sound. Spider-Man used this weakness to separate the two initially. Although not specifically stated, Venom is also vulnerable to fire and extreme heat. Dr. Connors used a combination of sonic and heat waves to separate the symbiote from Eddie."
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"The Venom Symbiote took over Frank Castle instead of Eddie Brock, resulting in the largest killing spree the Punisher was ever able to achieve. The symbiote attempts to take over Frank's body, but he realizes it, and vows to kill himself if he isn't given control permanently. They stay together and become the new Punisher."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['', 'The California poppy is commonly seen blooming in the spring and summer along country roads and freeways throughout much of the state, making this plant a highly recognizable symbol of California, and April 6 of each year is officially designated as California Poppy Day.']\" == \"[\"represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results\\n------\\nExamples:\\n\\nGiven age of marty stuart it matches with This appeared in The Star-January 7, 1997. Country star Marty Stuart has set up home with Nashville legend Connie Smith--who is 17 years older than him. Marty, whose string of hits include Tempted and The Whiskey Ain't Workin', was only 6 when Connie had her No. 1 country hit Once A Day. Now he's 38--and she's 55. but not with Stuart was born Gloria Stewart at 11:00 p.m. on the Fourth of July in Santa Monica, California. Stuart's father, Frank Stewart, born in Washington state was an attorney representing The Six Companies, Chinese tongs in San Francisco. Stuart's brother, Frank Jr., was born eleven months later.\", 'what is the growing season for california poppy']\"",
"Born James Howlett and commonly known as Logan, Wolverine is a mutant who possesses animal-keen senses, enhanced physical capabilities, and a healing factor. He has been depicted variously as a member of the X-Men, Alpha Flight, and the Avengers."
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"Talk0 Share. Peter Parker, also known as Spider-Carnage and formerly known as Spider-Man, is an alternate universe counterpart to Spider-Man. He is the combination of one version of Spider-Man and the Carnage symbiote."
"Represent the following document",
"Five Venoms ('äºæ¯' â Cantonese: Mm Dook) aka Five Deadly Venoms is a cult 1978 Hong Kong martial arts film directed by Chang Cheh, starring the Venom Mob, and produced by the Shaw Brothers Studio, about five kung-fu fighters with unique animal styles: The Centipede, the Snake, the Scorpion, the Lizard, and The Toad."
"Represent this text",
"For the DC Comics drug, see Venom (DC Comics) Venom, or the Venom Symbiote, is an alias used by several fictional characters appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, commonly in association with Spider-Man. Venom made his first appearance in The Amazing Spider-Man #300 (May 1988)."
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"The black widow spiderâs venom is 15 times more poisonous than that of a rattlesnake! But, the amount of venom a spider injects with one bite is usually not fatal for humans."
"Venom is a Marvel Super Heroes minifigure released in 2013. Venom is mainly black in colour. His head is printed with a face that has large rugged white eyes and a large smile filled with pink gums and fanged teeth. His torso is the same as the black suited version of Spider-Man and is printed with muscles and a large spider symbol."
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"Carnage was once a serial killer known as Cletus Kasady, and became Carnage after merging with the offspring of the alien symbiote called Venom during a prison breakout. The symbiote amplified his psychotic nature making him even less mentally stable than he had been previously, and therefore even more dangerous."
"Represent the following document",
"I prefer the wraithman, I'm just bored of the dremora lord. I have to limit my characters using conjuration as it's just too strong. I believe the wraithman have dragonbone weapons, so they deal more damage but they don't have enchanted weapons unlike the dremora lords. So I imagine the dremora deal more damage to most enemies due to the fire damage."
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"Film. 1 Carnage (2002 film), a French film. 2 Carnage (2011 film), directed by Roman Polanski. 3 Carnage (2017 film), directed by Simon Amstell. Twitch of the Death Nerve, a 1971 Mario Bava horror film titled Carnage in the United 1 States. Sean Carnage, film director and producer."
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"1 Some spiders do not make webs. 2 Venom from the Black Widow spider and the Brown recluse spider is made up of protein compounds. 3 Black widow venom is 15 times more potent than the venom from a Diamondback Rattlesnake, but they inject only a tiny amount of venom."
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"Venom isnât a villain who Spider-Man can just punch away and hope for the best, he presents a legitimate threat that gives Peter nightmares. He also has no other motive than seeing Spider-Man dead. No thoughts of world domination or robbing banks, Venom is out for one thing and one thing only, Spider-Manâs head."
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"At his core though, he is essentially a giant, twisted, horrific version of Spider-Man. Originally, Venom was made up of an alien costume (brought over from a series entitled Secret Wars) that Spider-Man wore for a time before realizing it was actually alive."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"As Agent Venom, Flash resembles the classic Black Costume Spider-Man, but with a more muscular, armored appearance. The emblem on his chest is the post-Brock Venom symbol with spread out legs as opposed to the traditional Venom emblem."
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"Although the Bushmasterâs venom is relatively weak in toxicity when compared to other venomous snakes in this list, she makes up for it with volume with the average bite yielding 400mg.nakes have developed and perfected one of Natureâs most terrifying and effective weapons⦠poisonous fangs. Although most of the Worldâs snakes are in fact non-venomous, the ladies on the following list center their attack (or defense) around extremely potent toxins."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Nemesis is a stronger word than enemy. Enemy is an unfriendly or hostile person. Nemesis is an avenging force. In classical mythology Nemesis was the goddess of retribution. She punished both hubris (false pride) and wrongdoing. The goddess represents the idea that one cannot escape divine retribution."
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"Last fall, a Scottish brewery debuted the world's strongest beer: Snake Venom, an English-style barleywine with an incredible 67.5 percent alcohol by volume (ABV). But residents of Mississippi can't purchase the bold brew. There, any beer with more than 8 percent alcohol by weight â or 10.2 percent ABV â is illegal."
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"Eastern brown snakes are normally much more formidable foes. Their venom also contains neurotoxins, but one which can kill a human being in 15 minutes. Much is made of Australiaâs reputation as the âdeadliest continent,â but as far as widow spiders go, that's not the case."
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"Anti Venom: Good or Bad? Before I go any further with this discussion I would like to say a few things... Yes, I'm aware Eddie Brock killed a nurse in cold blood, I'm aware of his past coralls with Spider-man..."
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"Canonically, Toxin. Every symbiote produces one stronger than it's predecessor, and Toxin is the latest out of the ones listed (Anti-Venom is a unique situation, and while best against the other Symbiotes and Spider-Man, would not be as strong overall as Toxin). 1 permalink. 2 embed. 3 save. give gold."
"Represent this text",
"Venom is a major antagonist in the Spider-Man franchise. He is Spider-Man's third archenemy. The name has belonged to several different hosts over the years, which means that Venom is indeed the identity of this particular alien Symbiote. The Symbiote named itself Venom and considered itself as a venom for Spider-Man."
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"Talk0 Share. Venom is the villainous combination of Eddie Brock and the Venom Symbiote previously worn by Spider-Man. Venom is one of Spider-Man's greatest enemies, along with Doctor Octopus and Green Goblin. Following the separation from Spider-Man, the symbiote suit bonds with the trapped Eddie Brock."
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"1 Some spiders do not make webs. 2 Venom from the Black Widow spider and the Brown recluse spider is made up of protein compounds. 3 Black widow venom is 15 times more potent than the venom from a Diamondback Rattlesnake, but they inject only a tiny amount of venom. 4 Very few people die from a bite of a Black Widow spider."
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"1 Venom isnât a villain who Spider-Man can just punch away and hope for the best, he presents a legitimate threat that gives Peter nightmares. 2 He also has no other motive than seeing Spider-Man dead. 3 No thoughts of world domination or robbing banks, Venom is out for one thing and one thing only, Spider-Manâs head."
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"Carnage (2002 film), a French film. Carnage (2011 film), directed by Roman Polanski. Carnage (2017 film), directed by Simon Amstell. Twitch of the Death Nerve, a 1971 Mario Bava horror film titled Carnage in the United States. Sean Carnage, film director and producer."
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"Share. The Venom spinoff standalone film is tentatively titled Venom Carnage, according to a new report. Buried in the news of Sony's development of a female-driven Spider-Man spinoff flick, Deadline says that the new title for Venom's standalone film is now Venom Carnage."
] |
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"can you travel to las palmas from morocco by ferry"
] | [
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"Book Canary Islands Ferry tickets to and from Arrecife, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Sta Cruz de la Palma, Sta Cruz de Tenerife, Cadiz and Puerto Rosario online in advance to enjoy the cheapest available ferry ticket price. The price you see is the price you pay.anary Islands Ferry ticket reservations, ferry timetables and passenger information for Canary Islands Ferry sailing to and from Arrecife, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Sta Cruz de la Palma, Sta Cruz de Tenerife, Cadiz and Puerto Rosario."
] | [
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"Ship ahoy! Ferry travel is one of the slower modes of transport available to the modern tourist. In the past a ferry trip from Barcelona took approximately 9 hours-sometimes a stop at Mallorca island increased that time. However, times have changed! Balearias new high-speed route connects Barcelona and Ibiza in just four hours!"
"The Barcelona Port Authority organizes a shuttle bus from the terminal at Moll Adossat to the Christopher Columbus Monument, south of the Ramblas. The buses run frequently and a ticket costs â¬2.5 per person (one way). There is a bus stop near the cruise terminals."
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"Get in [edit]. The Balearic Islands have the airports of Palma de Majorca, Ibiza and Mahon, mahón making any journey extremely. Easy it is also possible to reach them by, ship Since barcelona is only a-night crossing away aboard the most modern. Vessels the journey takes just eight. hourset in [edit]. The Balearic Islands have the airports of Palma de Majorca, Ibiza and Mahon, mahón making any journey extremely. Easy it is also possible to reach them by, ship Since barcelona is only a-night crossing away aboard the most modern. Vessels the journey takes just eight. hours"
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"We were going to fly from Ibiza to Barcelona, however, we decided to save a 500 euros and take the ferry. Turned out to be a great decision. Although it took longer than a flight would have it was a great experience and was a lot of fun."
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"Local time in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: WEST. View 3 Hour Detailed Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Las Palmas, Canarias) Weather Forecast for Today. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 4 â 7 Day Weather Forecast Summary: Light rain (total 9mm), mostly falling on Mon night."
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"Brittany Ferries operates the most luxurious cruise ferry to Spain from the UK with a choice of routes from Portsmouth and Plymouth to Santander and Bilbao.Travel from England to Spain with a one or two night cruise on a luxury ferry crossing.iew on Trip Planner Ferries to Spain Cruise ferries to Spain from Portsmouth & Plymouth Sail to Spain in just 20hrs Take your car to Spain Mix & match your routes Portsmouth to Santander Portsmouth to Bilbao Plymouth to Santander. Ferries to Spain."
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"Fly to Palma with British Airways and enjoy historic architecture, pristine beaches and boutique shopping.hoose to fly with hand baggage only or pick a price that includes a 23kg checked baggage allowance and free seat selection 24 hours before you fly â both options include complimentary on-board drinks and snacks."
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"Martha's Vineyard. Getting There. Most visitors take the ferry service connecting the Vineyard and the mainland. If you're traveling via car or bus, you will most likely catch the ferry from Woods Hole, in the town of Falmouth, on Cape Cod; however, boats do run from Falmouth Inner Harbor, Hyannis, New Bedford, Rhode Island, and Nantucket."
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"The most popular alternative airport for Gibraltar is Malaga Airport in Spain, some 120 km to the East, which offers a wide range of destinations. Malaga can be reached by bus, but there are only a few services available per day and the trip is approximately 3 hours."
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"Ultramar offers a passenger ferry service to the islands of Cozumel and Isla Mujeres. We have continuous departures to Cozumel from Playa del Carmen and to Isla Mujeres from Puerto Juarez, Juárez cancun cancún And The, Hotel. zone cancun cancún"
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"Cities [edit]. Palma de Mallorca, the capital of the Balearic Islands, offers its visitors not only sunshine, numerous bars, restaurants and shops but also a beautiful harbour and a historical centre.et in [edit]. The Balearic Islands have the airports of Palma de Majorca, Ibiza and Mahon, mahón making any journey extremely. Easy it is also possible to reach them by, ship Since barcelona is only a-night crossing away aboard the most modern. Vessels the journey takes just eight. hours"
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"Licensed Taxis. SkyBusSpain.com offers fully licensed and insured taxis to transfer you from Malaga airport to your hotel, resort, villa or apartment anywhere in the Costa del Sol. We are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.Travel with ease from Malaga Airport in your pre-booked taxi.The majority of our taxi drivers are English speaking and all will be fully conversant with your travel requirements and details.e are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Travel with ease from Malaga Airport in your pre-booked taxi. The majority of our taxi drivers are English speaking and all will be fully conversant with your travel requirements and details."
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"Bus to Chefchaouen. Unless youâve rented a car or want to pony up the cash for a private taxi, the only way to reach Chefchaouen is via bus. I personally recommend that you use CTM, Moroccoâs government-run bus company. CTM buses are the most comfortable and safe in Morocco.Additionally, CTM bus fares are low. For example, I paid about 70 DH from Fes, located about six hours south of Chefchaouen. If youâre headed to or from Marrakech, on the other hand, you can except an all-day journey that stops in Rabat, Moroccoâs capital city.nless youâve rented a car or want to pony up the cash for a private taxi, the only way to reach Chefchaouen is via bus. I personally recommend that you use CTM, Moroccoâs government-run bus company. CTM buses are the most comfortable and safe in Morocco."
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"It takes about 3 hours with the Catamaran from Catania to Malta and 1 hour 30 minutes from Malta to Catania (Sicily). Costs 24 â¬. From mainland Italy you go by ferry to Sicily, Messina is the city and from there to Catania. You can fly from any country in Europe to La Valetta in Malta, there are planty of connections.Frankfurt, Amsterdam,London,Roma and many more.osts 24 â¬. From mainland Italy you go by ferry to Sicily, Messina is the city and from there to Catania. You can fly from any country in Europe to La Valetta in Malta, there are planty of connections. Frankfurt, Amsterdam,London,Roma and many more."
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"We operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and can take you from Malaga Airport to Marbella, Puerto Banus, San Pedro, Estepona, Duquesa, Sotogrande, Calahonda, Benalmadena, Mijas, Ronda, Estepona, Gibraltar, Riogordo, Ojen Taxi, Tolox, Coin, Sabinillas, Fuengirola, Benahavis and more locations."
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"Travel from Ibiza to Spain on the Ibiza Barcelona ferry route with a combined choice up to 14 sailings per week on offer (7 with Balearia & 7 with Trasmediterranea)."
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"âAt a 7 knots average cruising speed, crossing the Atlantic between Las Palmas and the Caribbean will take you 16 days. The record for the Atlantic Crossing belongs to the Maxi Trimaran âBanque Populaire Vâ, that crossed the North Atlantic in 3 days and 15 hours, averaging 32,94 knots !!!â."
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"T3 PortbúsTake portbústake The T3 Portbus. Barcelona this is a shuttle bus service from the cruise ship terminals On Moll (Adossat, A, B & C) d to The portal de La pau, plaza which is at the harbour end of the walking Street La. Rambla expect some queues and delays both for taxis and the port bus in peak. periods"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"You can make your online reservation securely for ferries between Turkey (Bodrum, Marmaris) and Kos, Symi, Rhodes islands.how Available Ferries. KosFerry.com, is a commercial web site of YeÅil Marmaris Lines whom performs transportation between Turkey and Greek Islands with its own ferries since 1962."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Get Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain typical February Weather including average and record temperatures from AccuWeather.com my recent locations °c Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain 20°"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The Straits are an important shipping route from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic. There are ferries that operate between Spain and Morocco across the strait, as well as between Spain and Ceuta and Gibraltar to Tangier. stock tender dressed in the style of Northern Morocco."
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"Distance between airport and city: - Las Palmas: 35 km-Playa Ingles: 45 km-Maspalomas: 50 km-Meloneras: 50 km-Pto.Rico: 60 km-Amadores: 63 km-Taurito: 70 km-Mogan: 75 km.Transfer journey time: 50-120 minutes depending on the destination and the traffic. Meeting points. Gran Canaria Airport: Shared door-to-door service between Gran Canaria Airport and Las Palmas, Playa Ingles, Maspalomas, Meloneras, Pto.Rico, Amadores, Taurito, Mogan. For detailed information click here. Shared door-to-door service."
"There are both shared shuttles and private transfers you can take. If you're staying in Cancun, and just want to visit for the day, you can take the bus to and from the terminal-look for route 8 - or take a taxi from the hotel zone. ISLA MUJERES FERRY SCHEDULES (Subject to Change without Notice-Check First).his is where the Magana departs from. Also a high-speed ferry, the Magana is the same price as Ultramar and also takes about 15 minutes. About five minutes north of Puerto Juarez, you'll find Punta Sam, where the only car ferry to Isla Mujeres runs from."
"Represent the input",
"Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Las Palmas, Canarias) 10 day weather forecast, updated four times a day and shows the weather summary plus detailed sun, rain, snow, wind and temperature. The weather forecast extends out to 10 days showing information for morning, afternoon and overnight. See the links below the weather forecasts for other cities, towns and villages near Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Las Palmas, Canarias). Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 1 â 3 Day Weather Forecast Summary: Light rain (total 9mm), mostly falling on Fri morning."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"There is also a mini golf area in the centre of the town â just behind Mcdonaldâs. The bus station is in the middle of Puerto Rico close to the fountain roundabout. From this point buses can be caught north, as far as the capital city of Las Palmas or south to the village of Mogan.here is also a mini golf area in the centre of the town â just behind Mcdonaldâs. The bus station is in the middle of Puerto Rico close to the fountain roundabout. From this point buses can be caught north, as far as the capital city of Las Palmas or south to the village of Mogan."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"It takes about 4 hours by bus from Fes and Meknes to Chefchaouen (and costs around 70 Dirhams). It took us just 6 hours to get from Chefchaouen to Casablanca (there's only one bus, leaving in the morning).he CTM bus company (their bus is pictured here) has an office in the main bus station which is situated down the hill from the medina in Chefchaouen. You can purchase tickets in advance to most destinations within Morocco."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The capital city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria was founded on June 24, 1478, under the name Real de Las Palmas, by Juan Rejón, head of the invading Castilian army. In 1492, Christopher Columbus anchored in the Port of Las Palmas (and spent some time on the island) on his first trip to the Americas."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Getting to Chefchaouen is easy, there are daily buses to and from Casablanca, Tangiers, Fes, Meknes, Tatouen and Cueta (Septa).The CTM bus company (their bus is pictured here) has an office in the main bus station which is situated down the hill from the medina in Chefchaouen.You can purchase tickets in advance to most destinations within Morocco.he CTM bus company (their bus is pictured here) has an office in the main bus station which is situated down the hill from the medina in Chefchaouen. You can purchase tickets in advance to most destinations within Morocco."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Get Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain typical April Weather including average and record temperatures from AccuWeather.com my recent locations °c Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain 19°"
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"Jul 18, 2013, 5:43 PM. Hi all, I am traveling to Morocco with my wife in Jan 2014 and wanted to plan well ahead. We are going there for a total of 5 nights. We fly out from London and arrive at Fes. After seeing a bit of Fes the next day we plan to catch a NIGHT train from Fes to Marrakech."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Tarifa, Cádiz, Andalusia, Spain. The southernmost port in Spain (and Europe), Tarifa is a short boat ride across the Strait of Gibraltar to Morocco. For a particularly good view of the harbor and the coast of Morocco, climb the Castle of Guzman El Bueno's towers."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Whether you want to book a ferry ticket to Spain from the UK or are looking to find ferries in Spain that connect you to one of the popular Spanish Islands like Mallorca or Tenerife â we do our best to accommodate your needs.hether you want to book a ferry ticket to Spain from the UK or are looking to find ferries in Spain that connect you to one of the popular Spanish Islands like Mallorca or Tenerife â we do our best to accommodate your needs."
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"For Fes, you'll have to catch a grand taxi to Ouezzane from behind the Central Market at the junction of avenues Abdelkrim el Khattabi and Moulay Idriss (1 1/2 hr.; 40dh); from there it's onward to Fes (3 hr.; 70dh).uses from Tangier will often pass through Tetouan, where there are also buses traveling directly to Chefchaouen (1 1/2 hr.; 20dh-35dh). There are also daily departures from Casablanca (6 hr.; 120dh) and Rabat (5 hr.; 70dh-85dh). All buses, CTM included (tel."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Passenger Only Ferries. There are several passenger only ferries that come to Martha's Vineyard on a regular basis. These ferries run seasonally, so check the ferry schedule (websites below) to ensure your travel plans are not delayed. Falmouth Edgartown Ferry. (Falmouth to Marthaâs Vineyard)"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"When you book your next trip from Palma de Mallorca to Leonardo Da Vinci with Expedia, you can rest assured youâre getting great ticket prices and excellent service from one of the worldâs most trusted travel providers. Popular Flights from Palma de Mallorca, Spain.rowse popular flight destinations from Palma de Mallorca (PMI), and plan your next exciting trip. Expedia has cheap flights from Palma de Mallorca on multiple airline carriers, so book your next trip today!"
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"You can now take the new Ultramar ferry to Isla Mujeres without having to leave the hotel zone. Ultramar is running out of three locations daily-Embarcadero Pier at Km 4, Playa Tortugas at Km 7, and Playa Caracol at Km 9.5.his is where the Magana departs from. Also a high-speed ferry, the Magana is the same price as Ultramar and also takes about 15 minutes. About five minutes north of Puerto Juarez, you'll find Punta Sam, where the only car ferry to Isla Mujeres runs from."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nGiven ['represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"So if the value of the price index for the current year is equal to 165, and last year's value was 150, the rate would be calculated as: Inflation rate = (165 - 150) X100= 10.\"], a positive would be ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.', 'calculating inflation from consumer price index']",
"There is currently no train line further south than Marrakech in Morocco; if you want to head south, to the desert, Atlas Mountains, Agadir or Essaouira on the coast, you'll have to get a bus, rental car or grand taxi."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Steamship Authority ferry to Martha's Vineyard. The Woods Hole ferry is the only ferry that transports vehicles from Cape Cod to Martha's Vineyard."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The first thing to bear in mind is that attacks by terrorists and lone madmen can take place anywhere in the world. The advice on this page cannot, of course, guarantee safe passage to Morocco.s further evidence that it is OK to go to Morocco in 2015, the British and U.S. authorities say the following: 1 British Foreign and Commonwealth Office: There is a general risk from terrorism the same level of warning as given for visiting the United States!"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"If you decide to come to Ibiza by sea, you will have several possibilities from where you can leave the mainland (Barcelona, Valencia and Denia) or Mallorca (Palma de Mallorca) and travel to our island. The two harbours of destination are Ibiza town (Eivissa) and San Antonio (Sant Antoni de Portmany)."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Bus from Fes to Chefchaouen. Posted on June 8, 2014 by admin. The Fes to Chefchaouen route is serviced by the CTM bus company (there is no Moroccan rail service or Supratours bus service between Fes and Chefchaouen).As of the day of this post, there are four departures per day from Fes to Chefchaouen, departing from Fes at 08h00, 11h00, 16h15 and 23h45.Buses return from Chefchaouen to Fes at 10h30, 13h15, 15h15 and 18h00. The journey takes approximately 4 1/2 hours.s of the day of this post, there are four departures per day from Fes to Chefchaouen, departing from Fes at 08h00, 11h00, 16h15 and 23h45. Buses return from Chefchaouen to Fes at 10h30, 13h15, 15h15 and 18h00."
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"And if you can't make up your mind it's easy to hop between the islands by ferry for the day or a few nights with Lanzarote just 20 minutes from Fuertaventura and an hour from Gran Canaria. Or hop further east from Gran Canaria over to Tenerife and La Gomera.The predominantly Spanish speaking Canary Islands are made up of 7 main islands and are extremely popular holiday destinations with tourists.r hop further east from Gran Canaria over to Tenerife and La Gomera. The predominantly Spanish speaking Canary Islands are made up of 7 main islands and are extremely popular holiday destinations with tourists."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Get in [edit]. The Balearic Islands have the airports of Palma de Majorca, Ibiza and Mahon, mahón making any journey extremely. Easy it is also possible to reach them by, ship Since barcelona is only a-night crossing away aboard the most modern. vesselset in [edit]. The Balearic Islands have the airports of Palma de Majorca, Ibiza and Mahon, mahón making any journey extremely. Easy it is also possible to reach them by, ship Since barcelona is only a-night crossing away aboard the most modern. Vessels the journey takes just eight. hours"
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"Three to four weeks: If you have more time to travel in Morocco and would like to follow your route primarily along the Atlantic coast, a 3- to 4-week trip could start in the historical city of Tangiers -- an easily accessible town by sea, air or car."
"Take a ferry. Numerous ferry companies operate between Spain's east coast and Mallorca. The major ferry hubs on the mainland are in Valencia, which is about 90 miles from Mallorca, and Barcelona, about 130 miles away. Trips can take between three and eight hours, depending on the speed of the ferry boat.umerous ferry companies operate between Spain's east coast and Mallorca. The major ferry hubs on the mainland are in Valencia, which is about 90 miles from Mallorca, and Barcelona, about 130 miles away."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"From Puerto Vallarta drive to Mazatlan Ferry Terminal. 5 h 49 min $820. From Hotel Sheraton line 11 bus to Puerto Vallarta airport, fly to Mazatlan airport, then taxi to Mazatlan Ferry Terminal. 4 h 54 min $4401. From Hotel Sheraton line 11 bus to Puerto Vallarta airport, fly to Culiacan airport, taxi to Culiacán, bus to Mazatlán, then taxi to Mazatlan Ferry Terminal."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Barcelona to Ibiza Ferry. The Barcelona Ibiza ferry route connects Spain with Ibiza and is currently operated by 2 ferry companies. The Balearia service runs up to 6 times per week with a sailing duration of around 8 hours 30 minutes while the Trasmediterranea service runs up to 6 times per week with a duration from 9 hr. So thatâs a combined 12 sailings on offer per week on the Barcelona Ibiza route between Spain and Ibiza. Compare now and get the best fare at the time that you want to travel."
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"From El Prat International Airport (BCN) to pier (10 miles, about 40 minutes): 1 Exit the airport and take the road to Barcelona City. 2 Once there, take the Ronda Litoral Highway and take the exit marked PUERTO. 3 Turn right and then follow the signs indicating PUERTO. Ships are berthed at Adossat Terminal (Moll Adossat)."
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"Padinâs charges for the trip from San Juan International Airport to Fajardo ferry dock: 1 person = $60.00, 2-4 people = $70.00, 5-6 people = $75.00. An extra $5.00 is charged to go to the Ceiba airport.If you decide to take a taxi waiting at the curb at the airport, the price will be about $90 per couple and $2 per bag. The ride from the San Juan airport to the Fajardo ferry dock takes about an hour and ten minutes depending on the traffic.he boat takes about 1 hour and 15 minutes to get to Vieques, depending on which boat you are on. One way fare is $2.00. If you have doubts, I am available to advise you about the current situation on the ferry service (787-565-2717). Read this thoroughly if you are planning to take the ferry."
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"Book Ferries to Spain and the Balearic Islands with AFerry.co.uk-Valencia, Ibiza, Barcelona, Palma and More!AFerry.co.uk has the largest online selection of ferries to Spain with every major route and all the major ferry companies.We also always have cheap prices for ferries to Spain and the latest special offers.See below for the latest prices and sailing times.Ferry.co.uk has the largest online selection of ferries to Spain with every major route and all the major ferry companies. We also always have cheap prices for ferries to Spain and the latest special offers. See below for the latest prices and sailing times."
"Ferry services on: www.transmediterranea.es. Book soon as lots of Spanisrds head for the Balearics in the summer too. Presumably you are anti flying. However pricewise may be as good. www.vueling.com, BCN-based no-frills flies to Ibiza."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Morocco's national carrier, Royal Air Maroc, and Delta both offer flights from the United States to Mohammad V. European budget airlines have been allowed to service destinations in Morocco since 2006."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Puerto Vallarta to Mazatlan Ferry Terminal Travel options. 1 Bus $21 - $54. Hotel Sheraton 26 min - every 10 minutes - line 11. 2 Drive $35 - $55. Puerto Vallarta 5 h 49 min - 449.4 km. 3 Fly to Mazatlan $159 - $381. Puerto Vallarta 19 min - every 10 minutes - line 11. 4 Fly to Culiacan, bus $66 - $271. Puerto Vallarta 19 min - every 10 minutes - line 11."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Taghazout services can arrange a hire car to meet you at the airport when you arrive. With prices starting at 175 ⬠per week and petrol costing around 01 euro per litre it is a cost effective way to see the explore Morocco.We can offer cheap prices by comparing the leading car hire brokers.Make sure you make the most of your visit to morocco by booking car hire Agadir.nd in morocco having a car while on holiday is priceless as the distances over land are really quite substantial. From the airport to Surfers Paradise for example, is a half hour drive. Paying a return taxi fair over this distance will cover a day or two car hire in itself."
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"The widest choice of ferry crossings to Spain. Brittany Ferries operates the most luxurious cruise ferry to Spain from the UK with a choice of routes from Portsmouth and Plymouth to Santander and Bilbao. Travel from England to Spain with a one or two night cruise on a luxury ferry crossing.iew on Trip Planner Ferries to Spain Cruise ferries to Spain from Portsmouth & Plymouth Sail to Spain in just 20hrs Take your car to Spain Mix & match your routes Portsmouth to Santander Portsmouth to Bilbao Plymouth to Santander. Ferries to Spain."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"To book a cheap flight from Morocco, choose from the list of flights from Morocco below, or use the links at the side of the page to browse for more flight information. To start a new flight search, use the search controls above."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"maximum mileage for your money ...and a thoroughly modern setup.It is 150 kms away from the southern cities of Cochin, Madurai and Coimbatore.You are welcome to Hotel Las Palmas, Munnar, in Kerala, India.OTEL EDASSERY EASTEND offers 4 star facilities and is conveniently situated in the heart of Munnar city. Eastend is keyed to be ever prepared to serve its guests with fully functional facilities, gourmet cuisine and sincere service."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nE.g. ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.', 'There are control centers for respiration in both the medulla and the pons of the hindbrain. There are chemosensors in the carotid artery and the arch of the aorta. The sensors of the aortal are sensitive to the level of oxygen in the blood.'] == ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'where is the control center for respiration located']",
"The closest major airport to Palma de Mallorca, Spain is Palma de Mallorca Airport (PMI / LEPA). This airport is in Palma, Spain and is 14 km from the center of Palma de Mallorca, Spain. If you're looking for international or domestic flights to PMI, check the airlines that fly to PMI."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Cowboy1968 on Jun 11, 09 at 02:04 PM. The trip to Morocco from the Canaries is something that will jump in your face once you run into the first (of ten dozen) person(s) giving you a leaflet with tours.It's nothing that anyone books in advance. It's a simple day trip as would be a bus tour. have been told that this is doable from Canaries, but so far I have not been able to find any info online (at least not in english). Flights from Madrid are $74 to Casablanca so I am tempted, but would really prefer to do this from Canaries instead. Any help would be greately appreciated! Thanks a million!"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Book your flight from Morocco to Tenerife South directly with the airline or travel agent: there is NO commission or fees to pay us-WhichBudget is 100% free!To find flights from Morocco to Tenerife South, use the search box above.ook your flight from Morocco to Tenerife South directly with the airline or travel agent: there is NO commission or fees to pay us-WhichBudget is 100% free!"
"Another alternative is to travel from other Canary Islands and Cadiz Port in Spain to Tenerifeâs port by ferry transport; however the move from Spainâs port is a long trip of takes two days to reach Tenerife Island.Nice accommodation facilities can be found in towns like Puerto de la Cruz, Adeje and Orotava.enerife boasts one of the worldâs top five largest volcanic mountains, known as Teide Mountain. This mountain is in the Teide National Park that hosts the highest mountain in the island, and a thick forest cover of pine trees."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Like the other Balearic Islands of Minorca, Ibiza and Formentera, the island is an extremely popular holiday destination, particularly for tourists from Germany and the United Kingdom. The international airport, Palma de Mallorca Airport, is one of the busiest in Spain; it was used by 23.1 million passengers in 2014.ajorca came under rule by the Taifa of Denia, dénia and from 1087 to 1114 was an Independent. Taifa during that period the island was visited By Ibn (Hazm: أب٠Ù
د عÙ٠ب٠اØÙ
د ب٠سعÙد ب٠ØزÙ
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Located on the south coast of the Balearic island of Mallorca in the Bay of Palma, this holiday port benefits from sunny weather all year round.Visitors can choose between relaxing on pristine beaches and learning about the island's past that stretches back to the Roman and Byzantine Empires.hoose to fly with hand baggage only or pick a price that includes a 23kg checked baggage allowance and free seat selection 24 hours before you fly â both options include complimentary on-board drinks and snacks."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The first ferry terminal you'll reach as you drive from the Cancun hotel zone is also the newest-Gran Puerto Cancun. The Ultramar ferry that runs out of this port is very new, air-conditioned and comfortable. The ride over takes about 15 minutes.his is where the Magana departs from. Also a high-speed ferry, the Magana is the same price as Ultramar and also takes about 15 minutes. About five minutes north of Puerto Juarez, you'll find Punta Sam, where the only car ferry to Isla Mujeres runs from."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nFor example, '['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Those working in bars earned slightly more, with an average hourly wage of $9.84. Hosts and hostesses employed by hotel restaurants earned a significantly higher wage, averaging $10.95 per hour. The few hosts and hostesses employed by colleges and universities earned the highest wage, $12.85 per hour.']' should be close to '['represent text', 'average hourly wage hostess']'",
"Our flights to Palma take just 2 hours and 20 minutes, transporting you from London Heathrow directly to Palma Airport. Check in online or on your mobile and save even more time on your journey to Mallorca.hoose to fly with hand baggage only or pick a price that includes a 23kg checked baggage allowance and free seat selection 24 hours before you fly â both options include complimentary on-board drinks and snacks."
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"what is local wage tax"
] | [
"Represent this text",
"A local income tax is a special tax on earned income collected by local governments like counties, cities, and school districts. Fourteen states including Pennsylvania allow local governments to collect an income tax."
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Tip. 1 The wage bracket method is an alternative way of calculating federal and sometimes state income tax. 2 If youâre not sure what taxes -- or how much -- apply to your employees, contact the IRS for federal requirements and the state revenue agency for state guidelines.n most cases, payroll taxes are withheld at percentages of employeesâ taxable wages or salary. Percentage amounts vary by tax and the rules of the administering agency. Standard paycheck taxes include federal income tax, Social Security tax, Medicare tax, and if applicable, state and local taxes."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Local Income Tax Information. Employers with worksites located in Pennsylvania are required to withhold and remit the local Earned Income Tax (EIT) and Local Services Tax (LST) on behalf of their employees working in PA. Examples of business worksites include, but are not limited to: factories, warehouses, branches, offices and residences of home-based employees."
"represent the following document.",
"Local Income Tax Information. Employers with worksites located in Pennsylvania are required to withhold and remit the local Earned Income Tax (EIT) and Local Services Tax (LST) on behalf of their employees working in PA."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Local Occupational License Taxes, 2015. Cities, counties and school districts may levy an occupational license tax on the net profits of businesses and/or on the salaries and wages of employees earned in the jurisdiction. Rates can vary between the two types of occupational license taxes."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) tax rate is normally 0.6% of taxable wages paid, or $42 per employee per year.However, employers in thirteen states and the U.S. Virgin Islands will pay an increased tax rate in January 2014, based on FUTA taxable wages paid in the affected jurisdictions during 2013.he FUTA tax rate is scheduled to remain at 0.6% of wages paid, up to the taxable wage limit of $7,000, or $42 per employee per year. Employers in the Credit Reduction states identified above should plan on increased FUTA taxes in 2014 (payable in January 2015)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Payroll Tax Models in SAP HR. Tax models drive how wages are taxed in the SAP US payroll calculation. SAP supplies a general tax model with the system, but if you do business in local tax authorities or have complex taxation rules then you will most likely have to configure your own tax models. There are several steps and basic settings that define what is taxable, non-taxable, or adds to a taxable wage base."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Municipal governments in California are also allowed to collect a local-option sales tax that ranges from 1.25% to 3.75% across the state, with an average local tax of 2.04% (for a total of 8.29% when combined with the state sales tax). The maximum local tax rate allowed by California law is 3.5%."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"What is the local tax ?? Jun 24, 2006, 12:57 AM I will be in Seattle in September for a week, while my husband is at a conference I will be do my best at shopping."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"3.50%. tax rate for nonresidents who work in Philadelphia. Residents of Philadelphia pay a flat city income tax of 3.93% on earned income, in addition to the Pennsylvania income tax and the Federal income tax. Nonresidents who work in Philadelphia pay a local income tax of 3.50%, which is 0.43% lower than the local income tax paid by residents. 2. What is a local income tax?"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The state and local tax (SALT) deduction is one of the largest federal tax expenditures, with an estimated revenue cost of $96 billion in 2017 and $1.3 trillion over the 10-year period from 2017 to 2026. State and local taxes have been deductible since the inception of the federal income tax in 1913."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"The Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) tax rate is normally 0.6% of taxable wages paid, or $42 per employee per year. However, employers in thirteen states and the U.S. Virgin Islands will pay an increased tax rate in January 2014, based on FUTA taxable wages paid in the affected jurisdictions during 2013."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Answer: (Employee must show proof that $10 was withheld) the rate of the Local Services Tax is $52 for Pittsburgh. If the employee works the rest of the year in Pittsburgh, the employer should withhold $42 since the employee has already had $10 deducted."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"For the 2014 / 2015 tax year £46,000 after tax is £33,821 annually and it makes £2,818 net monthly salary. This net wage is calculated with the assumption that you are younger than 65, not married and with no pension deductions, no childcare vouchers, no student loan payment."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Localization - If California is the one state in which all or most of the employee's services are performed, UI (and ETT/SDI) taxes are paid to California (EDD). If another state is the one state in which all or most services are performed, UI is paid to that state."
"District Taxes are imposed locally under the Transactions and Use Tax Law. The tax rate in your area may be higher than 7.50% depending on the district taxes that apply there. The information on this page focuses primarily on Local Tax."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Municipal governments in Pennsylvania are also allowed to collect a local-option sales tax that ranges from 0.00% to 2.00% across the state, with an average local tax of 0.121% (for a total of 6.121% when combined with the state sales tax). The maximum local tax rate allowed by Pennsylvania law is 2.00%."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Electronic Tax and Form Filing. Satisfy all federal, state and local government payroll tax mandates for deposits, quarterly and annual returns, wage listings, and e-filing/reporting requirements and fully automate tax processes. File for multiple companies with unlimited state and local jurisdictions."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The earnings tax (sometimes referred to as âe-taxâ) is a one percent tax on an individualâs earned income such as salaries, wages, commissions, tips and other compensation. It generates revenue that pays for a wide variety of basic City services used by all those who live and work in Kansas City, Missouri."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"âOther Taxesâ include a 6.25% local sales tax (local sales tax can vary between 6.25-10.5%, or higher) and a 1.1 cpg UST. The sales tax calculated off the retail price less federal and state excise taxes."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"If you are located or working in an area with a local tax, local sales or use tax may also be due. Local taxes are listed and explained in detail in Fact Sheet 164, Local Sales and Use Taxes. References M innesota Statutes 297A.61 subd. 17, Prewritten computer software subd."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA): FUTA rate- 6.0% for 2012. The wage base for FUTA is $7,000. State Unemployment Tax Rates (SUTA): A new employer in Texas is levied an unemployment tax, at a rate of 2.7% or the applicable industry average tax rate, whichever is higher. The tax is levied against the first $9,000 of each workerâs annual salary."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"To the extent discussions of poverty are jammed into a response itâ\\x80\\x99s part of a much broader answer about the economic problems America is facing. According to the 2014 census, 14.5% of Americans, or over 45 million people, live in poverty, up from 11.3% in 2000; a rate not seen since the early '90s. Despite some economic progress since the recession of 2008-'09, the poverty rate remains stubbornly immovable.\"]\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how many people are in poverty in the us']\"",
"Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) The Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) is a payroll tax paid by employers on employee wages. The tax is 6.2% on the first $7,000 an employee earns; any earnings beyond $7,000 are not taxed. In practice, the actual percentage paid is usually 0.8%."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Does Your City Have Local Income Taxes? Posted June 17, 2015 by admin Income tax can take a bite out of your paycheck, and depending on the state you live in you may have to pay county, city, or even school district income tax. Fourteen states and Washington DC allow counties and cities to impose their own local income taxes in addition to federal and state income tax. Below is a list of those states, with the cities that impose local income taxes wherever possible. If you live in one of these areas, or youâre thinking of moving to one of these cities, you should be prepared to file a local income tax return along with your state and federal returns. Birmingham and Mountain Brook â 1% occupational tax on gross wages. Jefferson County- 0.45% occupational tax."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1. Local Services Tax (LST) is replacing the Emergency and Municipal Services Tax (EMST). 2. Effective January 1, 2008, the name of the tax will change to Local Services Tax. 3. The tax, for tax year 2008 forward, becomes a weekly payroll deduction if the total LST rate enacted exceeds $10.00. The tax will now be withheld from the employee each time they are paid on a prorated basis determined by the number of payroll periods in a calendar year. If the total LST rate enacted is $10.00 or less, the tax may be collected in a lump sum. 4."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"These taxes are in addition to federal income tax and are deductible for federal tax purposes. State and local income tax rates vary from 1% to 16% of taxable income. Some state and local income tax rates are flat (single rate) and some are graduated. State and local definitions of what income is taxable vary highly."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"What is the minimum wage in Alabama? Alabama has no minimum wage law. That means eligible employees in Alabama are entitled to either federal minimum wage (currently $7.25 per hour) or any local (city of county) minimum wage law that is on the books, whichever wage rate is higher."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"For a part-year New York City resident, the amount reported is for the period that the employee was a New York City resident. The Yonkers wages are the same amount as the State wages. Box 19 Local Income Tax The total Local taxes withheld are reported in this box.n order to help employees of the State of New York better understand the information reported on their Form W-2, the Bureau of State Payroll Services has developed a brief description of how certain data is derived and what it represents."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The OASDI tax only applies to wages or salary income up to a certain amount that changes from year to year. For 2017, the maximum amount on which OASDI tax gets applied is $127,200. That means that the most that you'll pay in OASDI tax is $7,886.40, or twice that if you're self-employed."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Municipal governments in Texas are also allowed to collect a local-option sales tax that ranges from 0.00% to 2.00% across the state, with an average local tax of 1.386% (for a total of 7.636% when combined with the state sales tax)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"For the 2014 / 2015 tax year £20,000 after tax is £16,555 annually and it makes £1,380 net monthly salary. This net wage is calculated with the assumption that you are younger than 65, not married and with no pension deductions, no childcare vouchers, no student loan payment."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!\n\n------\n\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"A circumstance in which both the health care provider's and the patient's actions contribute to an injurious outcome is termed contributory negligence. An example would be a patient who fails to follow the physician's orders or fails to show up for follow-up care and then sues when the condition causes permanent damage.\"]\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', \"which of the following legal phrases defines a circumstance in which both the health care provider's and the patient's actions contributed to an injurious outcome?\"]\"",
"Payroll Tax is a state tax on the wages paid by employers. It's calculated on the amount of wages you pay per month and collected in each state or territory that your staff are location in. However, not all businesses will have a tax obligation."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Local Tax is the general term for sales and use taxes imposed under the Bradley-Burns Uniform Sales and Use Tax Law. The basic statewide sales and use tax rate is 7.50% and is divided as follows: 1 6.50% State."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Local Body Tax, popularly known by its abbreviation as LBT, is the tax imposed by the local civic bodies of India on the entry of goods into a local area for consumption, use or sale therein.he tax supersedes the octroi and Cess system of taxing. The octroi system, which originates from the ancient Roman times, levied tax on the goods while they entered the limits of the civic body."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The most familiar component of wage taxation in the United States is the federal individual income tax. The federal income tax has a progressive rate structure with marginal rates that range from 10 percent on the first $9,075 of taxable income to as high as 39.6 percent on income over $406,750."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Payroll tax is a state tax imposed on an employerâs liability to pay wages. There are thresholds before this applies, depending on the state in which you employ staff in Australia."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Wilmington, Delaware Local Income Tax. tax rate for residents who live in Wilmington. tax rate for nonresidents who work in Wilmington. Residents of Wilmington pay a flat city income tax of 1.25% on earned income, in addition to the Delaware income tax and the Federal income tax. Nonresidents who work in Wilmington also pay a local income tax of 1.25%, the same as the local income tax paid by residents. A local income tax is a special tax on earned income collected by local governments like counties, cities, and school districts."
"SDI is a deduction from employeesâ wages. Employers withhold a percentage for SDI on the first $110,902 in wages paid to each employee in a calendar year. The 2017 SDI tax rate is 0.9 percent (.009) of SDI taxable wages per employee, per year. SDI is set by the California State Legislature and may change yearly. This includes the rate for PFL. The maximum tax is $998.12 per employee, per year ($110,902 x .009)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The tax rate applicable to an employer in a calendar year is multiplied against the first $9,000 of each covered employee's gross wages paid in the calendar year. This $9,000 amount is called the taxable wage base. Examples: Form UIA 1771 (Tax Rate Determination ) gives all the information the employer needs to calculate the unemployment tax rate."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a federal tax credit available to all private sector businesses as an incentive to employers to hire workers in certain groups who consistently experience high rates of unemployment. The tax credit allows employers to reduce their federal tax liability by up to $9,600 per new hire."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The local Earned Income Tax (EIT) was enacted in 1965 under Act 511, the state law that gives. municipalities and school districts the legal authority to levy a tax on individual gross earned. income/compensation and net profits. The tax is based on the taxpayerâs place of residence."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"that applies for certain transactions when a county adopts an increase in the local rate of sales and use. tax. The local rate of tax is due on items subject to the general State rate of tax pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 105-164.4 excluding items listed in N.C. Gen. Stat. § 105-164.4(a)(1a). As discussed herein, the tax rate in effect prior to the rate increase is designated the âLower Tax Rateâ and the tax rate in."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"All counties in Indiana and Maryland impose a local income tax (see Table 2). In Ohio, 593 municipalities and 181 school districts have such a tax. 2,469 municipalities and 469 school districts in Pennsylvania impose local income or wage taxes."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Taxable wages. Taxable Wages, in payroll, is the sum of all earnings by an employee that are eligible for a particular type of tax. Each tax is different and has different regulations about limits to the amount of wages that can be considered taxable with respect to that tax. Example. A common example, the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) tax in the United States had, in 2004, a taxable wage limit of $7,000."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Top Content. Payroll Tax is a state tax on the wages paid by employers. It's calculated on the amount of wages you pay per month and collected in each state or territory that your staff are location in. However, not all businesses will have a tax obligation."
"Represent the input",
"Whereas state income tax is enacted by the state government, the local government such as the city or county enacts local income tax. If you work for a railroad employer, federal law says your employer must take Tier 1 and Tier 2 railroad retirement taxes out of your paychecks. Resources."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The state tax rate is 6.25%; the total of all local taxes cannot exceed 2%. Therefore, state and local taxes combined cannot exceed 8.25%."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"(June 2010) Taxable Wages, in payroll, is the sum of all earnings by an employee that are eligible for a particular type of tax. Each tax is different and has different regulations about limits to the amount of wages that can be considered taxable with respect to that tax. Example A common example, the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) tax in the United States had, in 2004, a taxable wage limit of $7,000. As described on the form which records information for this tax paid by employers, U.S. Internal Revenue Service form 940, only the first $7,000 of wages earned by each employee can be considered for the FUTA tax."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Today, an income tax is levied on the earnings of most employees and is deduct-ed from their gross pay. In some cases, this may involve three separate deductions from theemployeeâs gross payâfederal income tax, state income tax, and local (city) income or wagetax."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"SDI is a deduction from employeesâ wages. Employers withhold a percentage for SDI on the first $104,378 in wages paid to each employee in a calendar year. The 2015 SDI tax rate is 0.9 percent (.009) of SDI taxable wages per employee, per year. SDI is set by the California State Legislature and may change yearly. This includes the rate for PFL."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nFor instance, <<['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'CBP offers two ACH options for duty. payment: 1. ACH Debit is available to ABI filers using. statement processing and can be used to. pay all customs duties, taxes, and fees. 2. ACH Credit is available to anyone that.']>> to \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.', 'how does cbp receive payment?']\"",
"Salaries tax is imposed on all income arising in or derived from Hong Kong from an office or employment or any pension irrespective of whether tax on that income has been paid in other jurisdictions. In determining the source of employment, the following three factors are relevant:"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"The Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) is a payroll tax paid by employers on employee wages. The tax is 6.2% on the first $7,000 an employee earns; any earnings beyond $7,000 are not taxed. In practice, the actual percentage paid is usually 0.8%."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"For the tax year 2015 / 2016 £29,000 after tax is £22,807 annually and it makes £1,901 net monthly salary. This net wage is calculated with the assumption that you are younger than 65, not married and with no pension deductions, no childcare vouchers, no student loan payment."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"The State Unemployment Tax Act, better known SUTA, is a form of payroll tax that all states require employers to pay for their employees. The State Unemployment Tax Act, better known SUTA, is a form of payroll tax that all states require employers to pay for their employees."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Payroll taxes are federal, state and local taxes withheld from an employee's paycheck by the employer. These taxes consist of income taxes as well as Social Security and Medicare taxes, the latter two often referred to as the payroll tax."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Federal, state, and local withholding taxes are required in those jurisdictions imposing an income tax. Employers having contact with the jurisdiction must withhold the tax from wages paid to their employees in those jurisdictions."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"What is the minimum wage in South Carolina? South Carolina has no minimum wage law. That means eligible employees in South Carolina are entitled to either federal minimum wage (currently $7.25 per hour) or any local (city or county) minimum wage law that is on the books, whichever wage rate is higher."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"3 Minnesota Revenue, Local Sales and Use Taxes When to charge local tax As a general rule, charge local sales tax on all sales made in a local taxing area that are subject to Minnesota state sales tax. Charge local sales tax to customers from outside the city or county who pick up items in the local area for busi- ness or personal use, even if the items are taken out of the local area. Charge local sales tax to customers from outside the local area if you perform taxable services in the local area. For example, charge local tax if you perform a car wash or deliver dry cleaned items in an area with a local"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Local Income Tax Rates. Maryland's 23 counties and Baltimore City levy a local income tax which we collect on the state income tax return as a convenience for local governments. The local income tax is calculated as a percentage of your taxable income. Local officials set the rates, which range between 1.75% and 3.20% for the current tax year. You should report your local income tax amount on line 28 of Form 502."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"The Partnership for New York City, a group of large employers, estimated that the value to New York City taxpayers of itemized deductions for state and local taxes was $7.7 billion in 2014, or $6,600 per affected taxpayer. For those earning more than $200,000, the average deduction for state and local taxes exceeded $30,000. Pressure to cut local taxes is likely to mean less spending on programs and services. Conservatives have complained that the deduction causes low-tax, often poorer, states to subsidize high-tax areas."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Federal unemployment taxes (called FUTA taxes) are paid by employers based on gross pay of employees (wages or salaries). The FUTA tax percentage may change each year. Currently (2015), For 2015, the FUTA tax rate is 6.0%. The tax applies to the first $7,000 you pay to each employee as wages during the year."
"Represent the next text",
"Top Content. Payroll Tax is a state tax on the wages paid by employers. It's calculated on the amount of wages you pay per month and collected in each state or territory that your staff are location in."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"Boron is a chemical element with symbol B and atomic number 5. Produced entirely by cosmic ray spallation and supernovae and not by stellar nucleosynthesis, it is a low-abundance element in the Solar system and in the Earth's crust.\"]\" should be close to \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is the atomic number of boron']\"",
"State and Local Income Tax Withholding. State employees who live or work outside of Texas may be subject to state or local income taxes in addition to federal income taxes. Most states have state personal income taxes. Many localities also have income taxes that require withholding. For example, a Comptrollerâs office employee working in the Oklahoma area is subject to Oklahoma state income tax, as well as local taxes where required. State agencies must comply with applicable tax laws and ordinances for each state or municipality where their employees work. To do this, a state agency must establish itself as an employer with the state or local tax authority and calculate and remit taxes appropriately. For more information on state and local taxes, contact the appropriate state or local taxing authority. Contact information for taxing authorities in a particular state is often listed on the stateâs website."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Another major difference between local income taxes and federal or state taxes is that most local taxes are collected only on earned income, and not on capital gains or other non-earned income like interest and dividends."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Utah has a statewide sales tax rate of 4.70%, which has been in place since 1933. Municipal governments in Utah are also allowed to collect a local-option sales tax that ranges from 1.25% to 3.40% across the state, with an average local tax of 1.828% (for a total of 6.528% when combined with the state sales tax). The maximum local tax rate allowed by Utah law is 3.35%."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Employers generally have to withhold federal and state income tax from all employees' wages, based on what employees enter on their Form W-4. Income taxes are paid solely by the employees through these withholdings. Currently, the federal government levies a 12.4 percent tax for Social Security on up to $118,500 (increasing to $127,200 for 2017) of an employee's pay and a 2.9 percent tax for Medicare on all wages."
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!",
"who's the gold kfc guy"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"After a 21-year hiatus, KFC is bringing Colonel Sanders, its founder and brand mascot, back to its advertising to celebrate 75 years since the fast-food chain's secret fried chicken recipe was created."
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Phil Silvers (May 11 1911 - November 1 1985) was an American entertainer and comedy actor known as The King of Chutzpah. He is best known for starring in The Phil Silvers Show a 1950s sitcom set on a U.S. Army post in which he played Sergeant Bilko."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Jesse Hibbs (1954) Review. The yellow in the mountain is gold, of course, and it leads to some pretty unremarkable sparring between former Tarzan Lex Barker and former radio actor Howard Duff in a very average Universal western."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Answer by Anewsham. Confidence votes 46. The man who sits next to Jack Nicholson is Lou Adler, a producer of music, movies, and TV. His most-recognizable work was as the executive producer of The Rocky Horror Picture Show and the Cheech and Chong movies."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Mr. Pink. Mr. Pink. is one of the main characters in the film Reservoir Dogs, portrayed by Steve Buscemi. He is one of the six robbers in a diamond heist that goes wrong. He is the only main character in the film who doesn't have his name revealed."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"short for life, used in texts and/or MSN conversations. Guy 1 - Today I got laid, found 50 quid on the floor, got promoted and had a KFC. Guy 2 - I wnt ur lyf m8. #life#meaning#lyfe#fml#answer."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nFor instance, <<['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.', 'The Catholic Counter Reformation-The Council of Trent and the Jesuit Order. In 1545, the Catholic Church convened one of its most famous councils in history. It took place north of Rome in a city called Trent. The Council of Trent continued for three sessions ending in 1563. One of its main purposes was to plan a counterattack against Martin Luther and the Protestants. Thus, the Council of Trent became a center for Romeâ\\x80\\x99s Counter Reformation.']>> to <<['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what took place at the council of trent']>>",
"10BEST Says. Fine Dining, Steakhouses: Regularly lauded as one of the desert's best steakhouses, LG's gets kudos for its excellent beef and attentive service. The portions at LG's can't be beat, from the 24-ounce porterhouse for its 30-ounce big brother, known as The Gold Strike 49er.."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Presidents who were members of the KKK: President Warren G. Harding, President Woodrow Wilson, President McKinley, President Calvin Coolidge, and President Harry S. Truman. Supreme Court Justice members: Hugo Black. Other notable and downright important men were: President Warren G. Harding. He was actually sworn into the Ku Klux Klan in a Klan ceremony conducted inside the White House by Imperial Wizard Colonel Simmons."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Gus Kenworthy. Augustus Richard Gus Kenworthy (born October 1, 1991) is a British-born American freestyle skier from Telluride, Colorado who competes in slopestyle and the halfpipe. Kenworthy won the silver medal in Men's freestyle skiing at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Matthew Broderick (born March 21, 1962) is an American film and stage actor. His roles include the title character in Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986), the adult voice of Simba in The Lion King trilogy (1994-2004), and Leo Bloom in the Hollywood and Broadway productions of The Producers.roderick in Sweden during his promotion of Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Broderick's first major acting role came in an HB Studio workshop production of playwright Horton Foote 's On Valentine's Day, playing opposite his father, who was a friend of Foote's."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Kevin Kremer Named Head Golf Professional at Ritz-Carlton Orlando. Kevin Kremer has been named the new Head PGA Golf Professional at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Club Orlando, Grande Lakes. In his new role, Kevin will be leading the golf operation and outfitters team, caddie program, golf shop retail operation and guest engagement, while supporting F&B, instruction and membership initiatives."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"This Kroger-brand King Soopers grocery store in Boulder, Colo., celebrated 4/20 in 2015 with a festive, green-themed display of munchies. (Joel Davis, Special to The Cannabist) Krogerâs a big dog, a legitimate worldwide player in this industry and others."
"Represent text",
"A frisky old storyteller named Darby O'Gill is desperately seeking the proverbial pot of gold. There's just one tiny thing standing in his way: a 21-inch leprechaun named King Brian. In order to get the gold, Darby must match his wits against the shrewd little trickster- which proves no small task indeed!"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The man behind the treasure is Forrest Fenn, an 85-year-old millionaire, former Vietnam fighter pilot, self-taught archaeologist, and successful art dealer in Santa Fe, N.M. No one knows where that treasure chest is but me, Fenn says. If I die tomorrow, the knowledge of that location goes in the coffin with me.."
"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Rosalyn Gold-Onwude (born April 28, 1987) is a basketball analyst who calls games for ESPN, Pac-12 Network and the WNBA 's New York Liberty on MSG. Nicknamed Ros, she is also a reporter for the Golden State Warriors, and the San Francisco 49ers."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"In the very first town, you can sell each piece of wood to the guy who's wife runs the mill. He doesn't ever run out of gold, so this is one of the better ways to make gold early in the game. Chop wood all day long! If you need to find an axe, there is one sitting on a table around the mill."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Colonel Sherman T. Potter: Klinger, if I got rid of all the crazies in this camp, I'd be the loneliest man in Korea. Corporal Maxwell Q. Klinger: I'm not coming down, sir. Colonel Sherman T. Potter: In that case, I have just one piece of advice for you. When you're walking guard duty tonight, take very tiny steps."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"In the very first town, you can sell each piece of wood to the guy who's wife runs the mill. (I forgot his name) He doesn't ever run out of gold, so this is one of the better ways to make gold early in the game. Chop wood all day long! If you need to find an axe, there is one sitting on a table around the mill."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Tony Goldwyn. Anthony Howard Goldwyn (born May 20, 1960) is an American actor, producer, director and political activist. He portrayed Carl Bruner in Ghost, Colonel Bagley in The Last Samurai, and the voice of the title character of the Disney animated film Tarzan."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"I think that the Colonel would agree that Lee's has made the family proud.. [Photographs: Meredith Smith]. Growing up there were two fried chicken places in my hometown: Lee's Famous Recipe (known over the years as Famous Recipe and later just Lee's) and KFC (formerly Kentucky Fried Chicken). KFC was Coca Cola while Lee's was RC Cola in that KFC had way better marketing and national distribution."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Photosynthesis occurs in cells called chloroplasts. Chloroplasts are specialized plant cell organelles that capture light energy and uses that in conjuction with water to â\\x80¦ create the ATP and NADPH.']>> to \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', \"in what organelle does photosynthesis'''''''''\"]\"",
"Each bar contains 1 kilo (32.15 oz) of pure (.9999 fine gold) 24 karat gold. Kilo bars are an exceptionally convenient way of storing gold bullion. A 1 kilo bar is roughly the same size as an iPhone. If you're serious about owning raw gold, there's no better way to do it."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Congressman Pete King. Congressman Pete King posthumously presents military medals to the family of U.S. Army combat medic Frank Kiesling of Sayville. Mr. Kiesling, who the Congressman called a true American hero, earned the Purple Heart and Bronze Star among other military awards during his World War II service. Read More."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"The KFC Original Recipe is the secret mix of ingredients that KFC, a fast food restaurant chain, uses to produce fried chicken."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nFor example, '['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:', 'Lixotinic ® is a vitamin and mineral supplement that is great for animals recovering from illness, stress or surgery.The easy-to-administer, palatable liquid contains iron, copper, B-complex vitamins and essential amino acids for full health and recovery. Also a good tonic and aids in increasing appetites.Lixotinic is useful as a nutritional aid for adult and yearling horses, foals and weanling horses more than 1 week old, and cats and dogs. Do not feed to cattle or other ruminants. Lixotinic ® is great for animals recovering from illness, stress or surgery. 2 Contains iron, copper, B-complex vitamins and essential amino acids for full health and recovery.']' should be close to '['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:', 'what is lixo tinic']'",
"Matthew Modine. Matthew Avery Modine (born March 22, 1959) is an American film actor who rose to prominence through his role as United States Marine Corps Private Joker in Stanley Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Rick Ducommun, comedian and co-star of The Burbs and Groundhog Day. Posted Jun 18, 2015 at 1:30 p.m. Rick Ducommun, a Canadian comedian who later found big-screen success acting opposite stars like Tom Hanks and Bill Murray in Hollywood comedies, has died of diabetes complications. Ducommunâs friend and The Burbs director Joe Dante broke the news, which has been confirmed by The Hollywood Reporter. He was 58."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"David Seth Kotkin (born September 16, 1956), known professionally as David Copperfield, is an American illusionist, described by Forbes as the most commercially successful illusionist in history. Copperfield's television specials have won 21 Emmy Awards of a total 38 nominations."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Matthew McConaughey has undergone a complete physical transformation for his new role. The Oscar winner was spotted on the set of his new movie, Gold, this weekend, but his six-pack abs were nowhere to be found. Instead, McConaughey looks to have packed on a few pounds to take on the part of Kenny Wells. The dramatic movie, also starring Bryce Dallas Howard, is about an unlikely pair who venture to the Indonesian jungle in search of gold. WATCH: Matthew McConaughey Debuts Serious Dad Bod While Out in NYC. In addition to his significant weight gain and cheap suit, the 45-year-old actor is also bald for his new role."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Download Gold on the Ceiling on MP3: Gold on the Ceiling Lyrics. It's... Here's my take. The whole album is about vices and falling for the wrong/greedy women (also vices). This song is about a guy who's got a woman (possibly women) after his money but he just can't give her (them) up."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Who's got. What it takes to be. My guy. What it takes to make. Me shine. What it takes to get. Me fired up. Who's got."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Professor Krugman, on July 7, 2014, undertook to issue yet another of his fatwas on proponents of the classical gold standard. His Ne w York Times op-ed, Beliefs, Facts and Money, Conservative Delusions About Inflation, was brim full of outright falsehoods and misleading statements."
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"minimum age to make withdrawal from roth ira"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Your required minimum distribution is the minimum amount you must withdraw from your account each year. You generally have to start taking withdrawals from your IRA, SEP IRA, SIMPLE IRA, or retirement plan account when you reach age 70½.Roth IRAs do not require withdrawals until after the death of the owner.1 You can withdraw more than the minimum required amount.ou generally have to start taking withdrawals from your IRA, SEP IRA, SIMPLE IRA, or retirement plan account when you reach age 70½. Roth IRAs do not require withdrawals until after the death of the owner."
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"A Roth IRA is an IRA that, except as explained below, is subject to the rules that apply to a traditional IRA. You cannot deduct contributions to a Roth IRA. If you satisfy the requirements, qualified distributions are tax-free.You can make contributions to your Roth IRA after you reach age 70 ½.You can leave amounts in your Roth IRA as long as you live.The account or annuity must be designated as a Roth IRA when it is set up. The same combined contribution limit applies to all of your Roth and traditional IRAs.ou can make contributions to your Roth IRA after you reach age 70 ½. You can leave amounts in your Roth IRA as long as you live. The account or annuity must be designated as a Roth IRA when it is set up."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Roth IRA Withdrawal Rules. With a Roth IRA, contributions are not tax-deductible, but earnings can grow tax-free. Roth IRA withdrawal and penalty rules vary depending on your age."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"If the spouse inherits a Roth IRA, no distributions will be required ever. But thereâs an additional wrinkle in that, if the spouse elects to treat the account as his or her own, any distributions taken before age 59 1/2 could be subject to the 10 percent early withdrawal penalty."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Roth IRA Withdrawal Rules. With a Roth IRA, contributions are not tax-deductible, but earnings can grow tax-free. Roth IRA withdrawal and penalty rules vary depending on your age.ith a Roth IRA, contributions are not tax-deductible, but earnings can grow tax-free. Roth IRA withdrawal and penalty rules vary depending on your age."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A Roth IRA is an IRA that, except as explained below, is subject to the rules that apply to a traditional IRA. You cannot deduct contributions to a Roth IRA. If you satisfy the requirements, qualified distributions are tax-free. You can make contributions to your Roth IRA after you reach age 70 ½.You can leave amounts in your Roth IRA as long as you live. The account or annuity must be designated as a Roth IRA when it is set up.The same combined contribution limit applies to all of your Roth and traditional IRAs.ou can make contributions to your Roth IRA after you reach age 70 ½. You can leave amounts in your Roth IRA as long as you live. The account or annuity must be designated as a Roth IRA when it is set up."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Our favorite, the Roth IRA: Minimum age you must be to begin taking qualified distributions: 59 and 1/2. Maximum age where you must begin to take qualified distributions: Never! You are not forced to take distributions at age 70 1/2. You can keep the money in your Roth IRA as long as you want."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Roth IRA Withdrawal Rules With a Roth IRA, contributions are not tax-deductible, but earnings can grow tax-free. Roth IRA withdrawal and penalty rules vary depending on your age."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"The most you can contribute to all of your traditional and Roth IRAs is the smaller of: 1 $5,500 (for 2014 and 2015), or $6,500 if youâre age 50 or older by the end of the year; or.one if itâs a qualified distribution (or a withdrawal that is a qualified distribution). Otherwise, part of the distribution or withdrawal may be taxable. If you are under age 59 ½, you may also have to pay an additional 10% tax for early withdrawals unless you qualify for an exception."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Roth IRA Eligibility Requirements. 1 You must be 18 years of age or older with earned income (custodians may make a contribution for children 18 and younger to a Roth IRA for Minors). 2 Can continue to make contributions after age 70, as long as you have earned income. You must be 18 years of age or older with earned income (custodians may make a contribution for children 18 and younger to a Roth IRA for Minors). 2 Can continue to make contributions after age 70, as long as you have earned income. 3 You must have Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) under certain thresholds:"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Required Minimum Distributions for IRAs and 401(k)s. At age 70½, you must make withdrawals from your traditional IRA, but, if youâre still working, you can delay tapping your 401(k). By Kimberly LankfordSee my bio, plus links to all my recent stories. , June 10, 2011."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"You can withdraw money without penalty from a traditional IRA once you reach age 59 1/2, and you must begin taking money out at 70 1/2. Withdrawals before 59 1/2 may be subject to a 10 percent penalty from the Internal Revenue Service.oth IRAs have different withdrawal rules. Because Roth contributions are made with post-tax money, you can withdraw them at any time with no tax and no penalty. However, if Roth contributions were rolled over from a traditional IRA, you can't withdraw them for five years or the 10 percent penalty will apply."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Convert to a Roth IRA. Roth IRAs make it easier to access your money before you reach retirement. Roth IRA withdrawals before age 59½ result in a 10 percent early withdrawal penalty only on the portion of the withdrawal that comes from earnings."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"While you cannot convert the required minimum distribution (RMD) itself directly into a Roth IRA once the distribution has happened, you can convert enough money from your traditional IRA into a Roth IRA to cover the minimum RMD amount before the required withdrawal is triggered.hile you cannot convert the required minimum distribution (RMD) itself directly into a Roth IRA once the distribution has happened, you can convert enough money from your traditional IRA into a Roth IRA to cover the minimum RMD amount before the required withdrawal is triggered."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Our favorite, the Roth IRA: 1 Minimum age you must be to begin taking qualified distributions: 59 and 1/2. Maximum age where you must begin to take qualified distributions: Never! You are not forced to take distributions at age 70 1/2. You can keep the money in your Roth IRA as long as you want."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Our favorite, the Roth IRA: 1 Minimum age you must be to begin taking qualified distributions: 59 and 1/2. 2 Maximum age where you must begin to take qualified distributions: Never! You are not forced to take distributions at age 70 1/2."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A Roth IRA is an IRA that, except as explained below, is subject to the rules that apply to a traditional IRA. You cannot deduct contributions to a Roth IRA. If you satisfy the requirements, qualified distributions are tax-free.You can make contributions to your Roth IRA after you reach age 70 ½.You can leave amounts in your Roth IRA as long as you live.The account or annuity must be designated as a Roth IRA when it is set up. The same combined contribution limit applies to all of your Roth and traditional IRAs.ou cannot deduct contributions to a Roth IRA. If you satisfy the requirements, qualified distributions are tax-free. You can make contributions to your Roth IRA after you reach age 70 ½. You can leave amounts in your Roth IRA as long as you live."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Up to age 50: $5,500 Age 50-70 1/2: $6,500 Non-income-earning spouse: $5,500 (into a separate IRA) Earnings. Grow tax-deferred. Distributions. Free from federal income tax when: - The Roth IRA account has been open for at least 5 years - You are age 59 1/2 or older. Required Minimum Distributions. Are never required. Early Withdrawals"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A Roth IRA is an IRA that, except as explained below, is subject to the rules that apply to a traditional IRA. You cannot deduct contributions to a Roth IRA. If you satisfy the requirements, qualified distributions are tax-free.You can make contributions to your Roth IRA after you reach age 70 ½.You can leave amounts in your Roth IRA as long as you live. The account or annuity must be designated as a Roth IRA when it is set up.ou can make contributions to your Roth IRA after you reach age 70 ½. You can leave amounts in your Roth IRA as long as you live. The account or annuity must be designated as a Roth IRA when it is set up."
] |
"A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"tariff shift definition"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"These rules of origin are referred to as. product specific rules of origin, and are based on 1) a change in HTS classification (aka, a âtariff. shiftâ), 2) a regional value content, or 3) both. Tariff shift rules may apply to chapters (2-digit."
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Shipping industry term. Tariff class when paying one freight rate of a pooled collection of different goods for shipping. Also known as a consolidated shipment."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"In short, the liability shift means that the party that does NOT support EMV technology will be liable in a chargeback. For the issuer, that technology is represented by the EMV chip cards and for the merchants it is represented by EMV-ready terminals. In case of a technology tie, the fraud liability remains with the issuer."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1828 Tariff of Abominations. Summary and Definition of the 1828 Tariff of AbominationsSummary and Definition: The Tariff of Abominations was the name given by its southern opponents to the Tariff of 1828, which was passed by Congress on May 19, 1828."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Definition of tariff for Students. 1 1 : a list of taxes placed by a government on goods coming into a country. 2 2 : the tax or the rate of taxation set up in a tariff list."
"Represent the natural language",
"Effect of Tariffs. Tariffs are a tax placed by the government on imports. They raise price for consumers, lead to a decline in imports, and can lead to retaliation by other countries. They could be a specific amount £1 per unit."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Tariff means a tax. An example of a tariff is a fee for bringing steel into the United States. The definition of a tariff is a list of fees charged by a government on goods going in and out of a country. An example of a tariff is the fees listed at a port. verb"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A tariff is a tax on imports or exports (an international trade tariff). In other languages and very occasionally in English, tariff or its equivalent may also be used to describe any list of prices (electrical tariff, etc.). customs duty or due is the indirect tax levied on the import or export of goods in international trade. In economic sense, a duty is also a kind of consumption tax."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"In my article The Softwood Lumber Dispute we saw an example of a tariff placed on a foreign good. A tariff is simply a tax or duty placed on an imported good by a domestic government. Tariffs are usually levied as a percentage of the declared value of the good, similar to a sales tax."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Difference Between Duty and Tariff. âDutyâ and âtariffâ are both forms of taxes imposed by the government on goods which are imported from some other country. A tariff helps protect the domestic industries in the market of a country by restricting the amount of goods traded and generates revenue for the government."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Preferential Trade Areas (PTAs) exist when countries within a geographical region agree to reduce or eliminate tariff barriers on selected goods imported from other members of the area. This is often the first small step towards the creation of a trading bloc."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"As tariffs are essentially just a type of tax, there is deadweight loss here as well â consumers pay higher prices and consume less, and lose some of their consumer surplus in the process. At the same time, domestic producers increase their output. There are definite trade-offs between government spending and taxing."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Loading the player... Trade liberalization is the removal or reduction of restrictions or barriers on the free exchange of goods between nations. This includes the removal or reduction of tariff obstacles, such as duties and surcharges, and nontariff obstacles, such as licensing rules, quotas and other requirements."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A tariff is a tax on imports or exports (an international trade tariff).In other languages and very occasionally in English, tariff or its equivalent may also be used to describe any list of prices (electrical tariff, etc.).he government gains from the taxes. It charges an amount PtPt' of tariff for every good imported. Since S*D* goods are imported, the government gains an area of C and E. However, there is a Deadweight loss of the triangles B and D, or in Diagram 1, the triangles labeled Societal Loss."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Duty vs Tariff. âDutyâ and âtariffâ are both forms of taxes imposed by the government on goods which are imported from some other country. A tariff helps protect the domestic industries in the market of a country by restricting the amount of goods traded and generates revenue for the government."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries. Examples:\n\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Driving distance from Montreal, Canada to Quebec. The total driving distance from Montreal, Canada to Quebec is 268 miles or 431 kilometers. Your trip begins in Montreal, Canada. It ends in Quebec, Canada.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'distance montreal to quebec']\"",
"Amongst the three methods that express substantial transformation, the Change of Tariff Classification criterion is the origin criterion which is most widely used. This criterion is found in the European, the NAFTA, the ASEAN and the TPP origin models."
"represent the following document!",
"Phase shift is any change that occurs in the phase of one quantity, or in the phase difference between two or more quantities. This symbol: Ï {\\displaystyle \\varphi \\,} is sometimes referred to as a phase shift or phase offset because it represents a shift from zero phase."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A shift in a demand or supply curve occurs when a good's quantity demanded or supplied changes even though price remains the same. For instance, if the price for a bottle of beer was $2 and the quantity of beer demanded increased from Q1 to Q2, then there would be a shift in the demand for beer."
"Definition of Phase Shift. With regard to wave motion, a phase shift represents the amount a wave has shifted horizontally from the original wave. Phase shifts are typically measured in degrees where a complete cycle is 360 degrees. In the diagram below, the second wave is shifted by the specified amount from the original wave: Because the horizontal axis denotes time, a phase shift represents a shift in time from the original wave."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"import substitution industrialization (ISI) A trade or economic policy theory that advocates replacing imports with domestic production, on the principle that countries should reduce their foreign dependency through local production of industrialized products to create self-sufficient economies."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries Fewshot example: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C). Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil. Arrange bagels on prepared baking sheet, cut sides up. Spoon a thin layer of pizza sauce over each bagel half and sprinkle with pizza cheese. Place 2 pepperoni slices on each bagel.']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how to make bagel bites in the microwave']\"",
"A tariff is a tax imposed on the import or export of goods.1 In general parlance, however, it refers to import duties charged at the time goods are imported. Tariffs have three primary functions: to serve as a source of revenue, to protect domestic industries, and to remedy trade distortions (punitive function)."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Meaning: A government tax on imports or exports. Classified under: Nouns denoting possession and transfer of possession. Synonyms: tariff; duty. Context example: they signed a treaty to lower duties on trade between their countries. Hypernyms (tariff is a kind of...): indirect tax (a tax levied on goods or services rather than on persons or organizations) Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of tariff): custom; customs; customs duty; impost (money collected under a tariff) tonnage; tonnage duty; tunnage (a tax imposed on ships that enter the US; based on the tonnage of the ship) octroi (a tax on various goods brought into a town)"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A tariff is a tax on imports or exports (an international trade tariff).In other languages and very occasionally in English, tariff or its equivalent may also be used to describe any list of prices (electrical tariff, etc.). customs duty or due is the indirect tax levied on the import or export of goods in international trade. In economic sense, a duty is also a kind of consumption tax. A duty levied on goods being imported is referred to as an import duty. Similarly, a duty levied on exports is called an export duty."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A tariff is a tax that is placed on an imported good. A tariff is a tax on an imported good. Therefore for each unit of a good that is imported into a country the tariff increases the price of that good by however much the tariff is. Tariffs are usually implemented when the world price of a good is lower than the domestic price of a good."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"International tariff rules which state AA's obligations to our customers when their flights are changed or canceled as a result of Schedule Change(s)/Irregularities. Rule 80 applies to all international travel except travel between the U.S. and Canada and/or between the U.S. and Puerto Rico /U.S. Virgin Islands."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"A tariff is a tax imposed on imports. A country importing goods would have to pay this tax"
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nFor instance, <<['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Instructions. Take the dish out of the oven and lower the oven temperature to Warm or its lowest temperature, commonly between 225 and 250 degrees Fahrenheit. Cover the dish tightly with aluminum foil. Insert an oven-safe thermometer through the foil and into the food.']>> to <<['Represent text', 'temperature to warm in oven']>>",
"Tariffs and Quotas Defined. A tariff is essentially a tax. It raises the price of an imported good, making it more expensive than similar domestic goods. The idea is to increase demand for domestic products while reducing the volume of imports. Tariffs also provide a source of revenue for the country levying them."
"For other uses, see Tariff (disambiguation). A tariff is a tax on imports or exports (an international trade tariff). In other languages and very occasionally in English, tariff or its equivalent may also be used to describe any list of prices (e.g., electrical tariff). Tariff Rates in Japan (1870-1960)"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A tariff code is a product-specific code as documented in the Harmonized System (HS) maintained by the World Customs Organization (WCO)."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"chemical shift is decreased, feels weaker magnetic field due to the addition of electron density, magnetic induction, etc in neighboring atoms or groups Tetramethylsilane (TMS)âa chemical shift reference used in NMR spectroscopy because it has a chemical shift of 0.00 ppm. chemical shift = 0.00 ppm by definition What is a chemical shift? It is controlled by the ÎE (spinâflip energy), which is determined by the magnitude of the magnetic"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Abstract and Keywords. Language shift refers to âthe gradual displacement of one language by another in the lives of the community membersâ manifested as loss in number of speakers, level of proficiency, or range of functional use of the language."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"When government spending decreases, regardless of tax policy, aggregate demand decrease, thus shifting to the left. The fourth term that will lead to a shift in the aggregate demand curve is NX(e). This term means that net exports, defined as exports less imports, is a function of the real exchange rate.As the real exchange rate rises, the dollar becomes stronger, causing imports to rise and exports to fall.gain, an exogenous decrease in the demand for exported goods or an exogenous increase in the demand for imported goods will also cause the aggregate demand curve to shift left as net exports fall. An example of this type of exogenous shift would be a change in tastes or preferences. 1 1."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"A tariff is a tax on imports or exports. Money collected under a tariff is called a duty or customs duty. Tariffs are used by governments to generate revenue or to protect domestic industries from competition."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"What is Tariff of Abominations? My Accounting Course 2017-10-10T16:13:55+00:00 Definition: The Tariff of Abominations, or Tariff of 1828, is the highest and most controversial tariff ever passed in the history of the United States to shield American industries from the British. What Does Tariff of Abominations Mean?"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A tariff is a tax or duty imposed by one nation on the imported goods or services of another nation. Tariffs are a political tool that have been used throughout history to control the amount of imports that flow into a country and to determine which nations will be granted the most favorable trading conditions."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"1. A tariff is a government tax levied on a product as it enters or leaves a country: (1) export tariff, (2) transit tariff, and (3) import tariff. 2. Types of import tariff: An ad valorem tariff is levied as a percentage of the stated price of an imported product."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Figure 5.5: Effect of a Tariff on a Supply Curve. Quotas. Quotas are numerical limits imposed on imported goods. Consumers are harmed by quotas, while domestic and foreign producers benefit by receiving higher prices. In the graph below, the market initially clears at P0, Q0."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Definition of retaliatory tariff. : a tariff imposed as a means of coercing a foreign government and intended to compel the grant of reciprocity privileges."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Tariff, also called customs duty, tax levied upon goods as they cross national boundaries, usually by the government of the importing country. The words tariff, duty, and customs can be used interchangeably."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The Tariff Act of 1930 (codified at 19 U.S.C. ch. 4), otherwise known as the SmootâHawley Tariff or HawleyâSmoot Tariff, was an act sponsored by Senator Reed Smoot and Representative Willis C. Hawley and signed into law on June 17, 1930, that raised U.S. tariffs on over 20,000 imported goods to record levels."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"tariff. 1 an official list or table showing the duties or customs imposed by a government on imports or exports. 2 the schedule or system of duties so imposed. 3 any duty or rate of duty in such a list or schedule. 4 any table of charges, as of a railroad, bus line, etc. 5 bill; cost; charge. 6 to subject to a tariff."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"What is a Tariff? My Accounting Course 2017-10-10T16:12:06+00:00 Definition: A tariff is a protectionism tax imposed on imported and exported goods with the aim of generating government revenues and protecting the domestic economies and infant industries from global competition. What Does Tariff Mean? What is the definition of tariff? Tariffs [â¦]"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A tariff is a tax on imports or exports (an international trade tariff).In other languages and very occasionally in English, tariff or its equivalent may also be used to describe any list of prices (electrical tariff, etc.). duty levied on goods being imported is referred to as an import duty. Similarly, a duty levied on exports is called an export duty. A tariff, which is actually a list of commodities along with the leviable rate (amount) of customs duty, is popularly referred to as a customs duty."
"Represent this:",
"Demand Curve Shifts. A shift in the demand curve to the left or right represents a change in consumer preferences. A shift to the right indicates that an item has become more commercially desirable and that a larger number will be sold at a given price."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"the shift of a demand curve when the price of a substitute good changes. the movement along the demand curve due to a change in purchasing power brought about by the price change. the shift in the demand curve due to a change in purchasing power brought about by the price change. the change in quantity demanded that results from a change in price making a good more or less expensive relative to other goods that are substitutes."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"To help prevent the spread of HIV: Use a new condom every time you have sex. If you don't know the HIV status of your partner, use a new condom every time you have anal or vaginal sex. Women can use a female condom.hen used to help prevent HIV infection, Truvada is only appropriate if your doctor is certain you don't already have an HIV infection. Your doctor should also test for hepatitis B infection. If you have hepatitis B, your doctor should test your kidney function before prescribing Truvada.\"]>> to <<['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'how to prevent HIV aids']>>",
"A tariff is a tax on imports or exports (an international trade tariff). In other languages and very occasionally in English, tariff or its equivalent may also be used to describe any list of prices (electrical tariff, etc.).he government gains from the taxes. It charges an amount PtPt' of tariff for every good imported. Since S*D* goods are imported, the government gains an area of C and E. However, there is a Deadweight loss of the triangles B and D, or in Diagram 1, the triangles labeled Societal Loss."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Definition. Import quota that allows a limited quantity of specified merchandise into a country (or withdrawal of already imported merchandise from a bonded warehouse) for consumption at a reduced duty rate during a specified period. Also called tariff quota."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Definition of 'tariff barriers'. tariff barriers in British. They have also expressed a desire to join South-East Asia's free-trade pact, which will gradually reduce tariff barriers. There are supposed to be no tariff barriers between EU members. Collins English Dictionary."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"What is 'Trade Liberalization'. Trade liberalization is the removal or reduction of restrictions or barriers on the free exchange of goods between nations. This includes the removal or reduction of tariff obstacles, such as duties and surcharges, and nontariff obstacles, such as licensing rules, quotas and other requirements."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"What is the meaning of the word tariff? Looking for the meaning or definition of the word tariff? Here are some definitions. Meanings & Definitions. Fix the price of (something) according to a tariff. A tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports. A list of these taxes. A table of the fixed charges made by a business, esp. in a hotel or restaurant."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Tariffs and Import Fees What is a tariff? A tariff or duty (the words are used interchangeably) is a tax levied by governments on the value including freight and insurance of imported products. Different tariffs are applied on different products by different countries. National sales and local taxes, and in some instances customs fees, will often be charged in addition to the tariff. The tariff, along with the other assessments, is collected at the time of customs clearance in the foreign port. Tariffs and taxes increase the cost of your product to the foreign buyer and may affect your competitiveness in the market."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Definition. The elimination of tariff and nontariff barriers to the flow of goods, services, and factors of production between a group of nations, or different parts of the same nation."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"An aspect of fiscal policy. A tariff is a tax on imports or exports (an international trade tariff). In other languages and very occasionally in English, tariff or its equivalent may also be used to describe any list of prices (e.g., electrical tariff)."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Definition of protective tariff. : a tariff intended primarily to protect domestic producers rather than to yield revenue."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"A tariff is a collection of rules that defines the relationship between a utility and its customers. Each utility has its own tariff. The tariff may consist of up to 20 or more rules. Rules address service area, rates, allocation of costs for line extensions, allocation of costs for new customer connections, requirements for new customers (water right dedications), and other issues which define the responsibilities and authorities of the utility."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The two-part tariff is another form of price discrimination where the producer charges an initial fee then a secondary fee for the use of the product. An example of this is razors, you pay an initial cost for the razor and then pay for the replacement blades. Group pricing (or third-degree price differentiation) â dividing the market in segments and charging the same price for everyone in each segment This is essentially a heuristic approximation that simplifies the problem in face of the difficulties with personalized pricing."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nThe provided query could be \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.', 'MSRP is an acronym that stands for the Manufacturerâ\\x80\\x99s Suggested Retail Price. This is the selling price that the manufacturer recommends for its products. It is also called the Monroney price, sticker price or list price. The MSRP includes a carâ\\x80\\x99s standard equipment plus any factory-installed options.']\" and the positive \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is msrp?']\"",
"I am unsure of what a split shift is or how to calculate the pay. Answer: The Industrial Welfare Commission wage orders define a âsplit shiftâ as a work schedule that is interrupted by non-paid non-working periods established by the employer, other than bona fide rest or meal periods."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Domestic tariff rules which state AA's obligations to our customers when their flights are changed or canceled as a result of Schedule Change(s)/ Irregularities. Rule 240 applies to travel wholly within the 50 U.S., travel between the U.S. and Canada and travel between the U.S. and Puerto Rico /U.S. Virgin Islands."
"Represent this",
"Tariff barriers definition: a barrier to trade between certain countries or geographical areas which takes the form... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples English Dictionary | Thesaurus | Translator | Grammar | Scrabble | Blog"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Tariffs are a tax placed by the government on imports. They raise price for consumers, lead to a decline in imports, and can lead to retaliation by other countries. 1 They could be a specific amount £1 per unit. or they could be an ad valorem tax (10% of price)"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A shift in a demand or supply curve occurs when a good's quantity demanded or supplied changes even though price remains the same. So a shift to the right would mean the good quantity suppled has increased even the the price is still the same."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A tariff is a tax on imports or exports between sovereign states. In other languages and very occasionally [citation needed] in English, tariff or its cognates may also be used to describe any list of prices (e.g., electrical tariff). This article discusses the preceding meaning."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"When a tariff or other price-increasing policy is put in place, the effect is to increase prices and limit the volume of imports. In Figure 2, price increases from the non-tariff P* to P'. Because price has increased, more domestic companies are willing to produce the good, so Qd moves right. This also shifts Qw left."
"A tariff is a tax on an imported good. Therefore for each unit of a good that is imported into a country the tariff increases the price of that good by however much the tariff⦠is. Tariffs are usually implemented when the world price of a good is lower than the domestic price of a good."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A tariff is a tax on imports or exports (an international trade tariff). In other languages and very occasionally in English, tariff or its equivalent may also be used to describe any list of prices (electrical tariff, etc.)."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Tariffs are restrictions used to control foreign products entering the domestic market of a country. Summary: âTariffâ is defined as a form of duty or tax levied on goods for protective purposes and revenue purposes when they are transported from one customs area to another while custom duties are the collected income from tariff taxes."
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!",
"definition of torn"
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The definition of torn is ripped or shredded. An example of torn used as an adjective is the phrase torn jeans, which means jeans with holes in them. Torn is defined as to have ripped or shredded something in the past. An example of torn is to have gotten a hole in one's pants yesterday."
] | [
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"tore (plural tores) ( 1 architecture) Alternative form of. ( 2 geometry) The surface described by the circumference of a circle revolving about a straight line in its own plane. 3 The solid enclosed by such a surface; an anchor ring."
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"tear verb (PULL APART) B1 [ I or T ] to pull or be pulled apart, or to pull pieces off: You have to be very careful with books this old because the paper tears very easily. I tore my skirt on the chair as I stood up. A couple of pages had been torn out of/from the book."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"tear, rip, rend, split, cleave, rive mean to separate forcibly. tear implies pulling apart by force and leaving jagged edges. tear up the letter; rip implies a pulling apart in one rapid uninterrupted motion often along a line or joint. ripped the shirt on a nail; rend implies very violent or ruthless severing or sundering."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"vb, tears, tearing, tore or torn. 1. to cause (material, paper, etc) to come apart or (of material, etc) to come apart; rip. 2. (tr) to make (a hole or split) in (something): to tear a hole in a dress.3. (often foll by: along) to hurry or rush: to tear along the street.4. (tr; usually foll by away or from) to remove or take by force. 5.. to cause (material, paper, etc) to come apart or (of material, etc) to come apart; rip. 2. (tr) to make (a hole or split) in (something): to tear a hole in a dress. 3. (often foll by: along) to hurry or rush: to tear along the street."
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"Shred definition, a piece cut or torn off, especially in a narrow strip. See more."
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"Tatter definition, a torn piece hanging loose from the main part, as of a garment or flag. See more."
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"Also known as a ruptured, herniated or slipped disc, a torn disc is a condition in which the outer layer of one of the intervertebral discs that cushion vertebrae in the spine develops a tear. In some cases, this rupture allows the jelly-like inner core of that disc to leak out. Symptoms of a torn disc include:"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"tear verb (PULL APART) ⺠[ I/T ] to pull or be pulled apart or away from something else, or to cause this to happen to something: [ T ] I caught my shirt on a nail and tore the sleeve. [ T ] I tore a hole in my sleeve. [ T ] Several pages had been torn out of the book."
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"English[edit] Verb[edit] Adjective[edit] ( 1 of a piece of flesh or body part) Having been torn off, as in an avulsion. ( of a wound) Having been caused by a piece of flesh or body part being torn off, as in an avulsion."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"rip. Rend and tear are applied to the separating of textile substances into parts by force violently applied (rend also to frangible substances), tear being the milder, rend the stronger word. Rive is a wood-workers' word for parting wood in the way of the grain without a clean cut. To lacerate is to tear roughly the flesh or animal tissue, as by the teeth of a wild beast; a lacerated wound is distinguished from a wound made by a clean cut or incision."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Definitions for war torn. Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word war torn. Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: war torn(Adjective) Subjected to the ravages of war."
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"to pull apart or in pieces by force, especially so as to leave ragged or irregular edges. Synonyms: rend, rip, rive. Antonyms: mend, repair, sew. to pull or snatch violently; wrench away with force: to tear wrappings from a package; to tear a book from someone's hands. to distress greatly: anguish that tears the heart."
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"a person engaged in a contest, conflict, struggle, etc., especially the protagonist in a literary work. 2. a person who is torn by inner conflict. 3. Physiology. a contracting muscle whose action is opposed by another muscle. Compare antagonist (def 3)."
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"If something tears or is torn asunder, it is violently separated into two or more parts or pieces."
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"A sprain, also known as a torn ligament, is damage to one or more ligaments in a joint, often caused by trauma or the joint being taken beyond its functional range of motion."
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"Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 ripped(Adjective) Torn, either partly or into separate pieces. 2 ripped(Adjective) Pulled away from forcefully. 3 ripped(Adjective) In data storage, transferred to a hard disk from another portable media form. 4 ripped(Adjective) Copied or stolen usually from an identified source."
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"Contribute to our Open Dictionary. a war-torn country or place has been badly damaged by a war, especially a war that involves different groups from the same country Synonyms and related words. Broken, torn or damaged:broken, battered, faulty... Explore Thesaurus."
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"1. to pull apart or in pieces by force; rend. 2. to pull or snatch violently; wrench away with force: to tear a book from someone's hands. 3. to divide or disrupt: a country torn by civil war. 4. to produce by rending: to tear a hole in one's coat.. to cause (material, paper, etc) to come apart or (of material, etc) to come apart; rip. 2. (tr) to make (a hole or split) in (something): to tear a hole in a dress. 3. (often foll by: along) to hurry or rush: to tear along the street."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Tear, rend, rip mean to pull apart. To tear is to split the fibers of something by pulling apart, usually so as to leave ragged or irregular edges: to tear open a letter. Rend implies force or violence in tearing apart or in pieces: to rend one's clothes in grief. Rip implies vigorous tearing asunder, especially along a seam or line: to rip the sleeves out of a coat."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"uk â /Ëdeb.riË/ /Ëdeɪ.briË/ us â /dÉËbriË/. ⺠broken or torn pieces of something larger: Debris from the aircraft was scattered over a large area. Thesaurus: synonyms and related words. Rubbish and waste. crap. detritus. dross."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"noun. 1 a. An opening, tear, or rupture. 2 A violation or infraction, as of a contract, law, legal obligation, or promise. 3 A breaking up or disruption of friendly relations; an estrangement. 4 A leap of a whale from the water. 5 The breaking of waves or surf."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Editor / One comment. Debeaking is the partial removal of a birdâ\\x80\\x99s beak. This procedure is commonplace in factory farms to prevent cannibalism and feather picking. Debeaking is usually accomplished by slicing off part of the beak with a hot blade, shortly after the chicks have hatched.It is a painful and sometimes fatal procedure.The tip of a birdâ\\x80\\x99s beak is packed with sensitive nerves, much like our own fingertips.ebeaking is usually accomplished by slicing off part of the beak with a hot blade, shortly after the chicks have hatched. It is a painful and sometimes fatal procedure. The tip of a birdâ\\x80\\x99s beak is packed with sensitive nerves, much like our own fingertips.']\" == \"['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is debeaking']\"",
"read more. Torn is a song by the band Ednaswap from their debut album Ednaswap (1995). It was their second single from that album, after Glow. Torn was written by Scott Cutler, Anne Preven, Rusty Anderson and Phil Thornalley during a demo session in 1991 before Ednaswap was formed. The lyrics were written by Preven while the guitar parts were arranged by Anderson. Thornalley produced the session."
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"1690s, from French tourniquet surgical tourniquet, also turnstile, diminutive of torner to turn, from Old French tourner, torner (see turn (v.)). n. A device, typically a tightly encircling bandage, used to check bleeding by temporarily stopping the flow of blood through a large artery in a limb."
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"Webster Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 Tore. of Tear. 2 Tore. imp. of Tear. 3 Tore(noun) the dead grass that remains on mowing land in winter and spring. Tore(noun) same as 1 Torus. Tore(noun) the surface described by the circumference of a circle revolving about a straight line in its own plane."
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"Definition of patch - a piece of cloth or other material used to mend or strengthen a torn or weak point, a part of something marked out from the rest b Definition of patch - a piece of cloth or other material used to mend or strengthen a torn or weak point, a part of something marked out from the rest b dictionary thesaurus"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Tear involves pulling something apart or into pieces: She tore the letter in shreds (Edith Wharton). Rip implies rough or forcible tearing: Carpenters ripped up the old floorboards. Rend usually refers to violent tearing or wrenching apart and often appears in figurative contexts: The air was rent by thunder.ear. vb, tears, tearing, tore or torn. 1. to cause (material, paper, etc) to come apart or (of material, etc) to come apart; rip. 2. (tr) to make (a hole or split) in (something): to tear a hole in a dress."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Definition of TEAR. 1. a: a drop of clear saline fluid secreted by the lacrimal gland and diffused between the eye and eyelids to moisten the parts and facilitate their motion b plural: a secretion of profuse tears that overflow the eyelids and dampen the face.2.: a transparent drop of fluid or hardened fluid matter (as resin).3.ynonym Discussion of TEAR. tear, rip, rend, split, cleave, rive mean to separate forcibly. tear implies pulling apart by force and leaving jagged edges. rip implies a pulling apart in one rapid uninterrupted motion often along a line or joint."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Torn muscle or muscle strain refers to a partial or complete rupture of the fibers of the muscle, causing pain or inability to move a particular part of the body. A torn muscle is often a result of a sudden unbalanced force acting on a particular muscle, which is beyond the normal capacity of the muscle, thus making it fall apart."
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"1 n, a tear or break in the continuity or configuration of an organ or body tissue, including instances when other tissue protrudes through the opening. See also hernia. 2 v, to cause a break or tear. Medtalk A tearing or disruption of a membrane or flattened tissue that was subjected to pressure.See FASIAR rupture, Partial rupture, Premature rupture of membranes, Traumatic disk rupture. v, to cause a break or tear. Medtalk A tearing or disruption of a membrane or flattened tissue that was subjected to pressure. See FASIAR rupture, Partial rupture, Premature rupture of membranes, Traumatic disk rupture."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Define rip: to tear or split apart or open; to saw or split (wood) with the grain â rip in a sentence to tear or split apart or open; to saw or split (wood) with the grain; to slash or slit with or as if with a sharp bladeâ¦"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Torn is a song, originally by alternative rock band Ednaswap from their debut album Ednaswap. It was their second single from that album, after Glow.Torn was written by Scott Cutler, Anne Preven, and Phil Thornalley during a demo session in 1993 before Ednaswap was formed. The lyrics were written by Preven.Thornalley and Cutler produced the session.t was their second single from that album, after Glow. Torn was written by Scott Cutler, Anne Preven, and Phil Thornalley during a demo session in 1993 before Ednaswap was formed. The lyrics were written by Preven. Thornalley and Cutler produced the session."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The definition of a tear is the result of something being pulled or ripped apart. An example of tear is a separation in the seam of a dress. Tear is defined as a salty liquid produced by the eye gland used to lubricate the eyes, wash away irritants or express intense emotion."
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"[ten´don] a cord or band of strong white fibrous tissue that connects a muscle to a bone. When the muscle contracts it pulls on the tendon, which moves the bone. Tendons are extremely tough and are seldom torn, even when an injury is severe enough to break a bone or tear a muscle. One of the most prominent tendons is the achilles tendon. Frequently injured tendons."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Torn is a song originally by American alternative rock band Ednaswap from their debut album Ednaswap (1995). It was their second single from that album, after Glow. Torn was written by Scott Cutler, Anne Preven, and Phil Thornalley during a demo session in 1993 before Ednaswap was formed. The lyrics were written by Preven. Thornalley and Cutler produced the session."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Torn muscle or muscle strain refers to a partial or complete rupture of the fibers of the muscle, causing pain or inability to move a particular part of the body. Causes. A torn muscle is often a result of a sudden unbalanced force acting on a particular muscle, which is beyond the normal capacity of the muscle, thus making it fall apart. This frequently occurs in athletics and outdoor sports. Untrained weightlifting, absence of warmup, blunt trauma, etc., are common factors leading to muscle tear."
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"a cord or band of strong white fibrous tissue that connects a muscle to a bone. When the muscle contracts it pulls on the tendon, which moves the bone. Tendons are extremely tough and are seldom torn, even when an injury is severe enough to break a bone or tear a muscle. One of the most prominent tendons is the achilles tendon. Frequently injured tendons."
"Represent this text",
"Before we can understand what a torn ligament is, we should first define a ligament. Ligament, by definition, refers to a group of tough, fibrous, stretchy and dense connective tissue including attenuated collagenous fiber.efore we can understand what a torn ligament is, we should first define a ligament. Ligament, by definition, refers to a group of tough, fibrous, stretchy and dense connective tissue including attenuated collagenous fiber."
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"tear. 1 discerp-To shred or tear something apart. 2 avulse-To tear or pull away or pluck off. 3 deracinate - To pluck or tear up by the roots, from Latin racine, root.. 4 dilacerate, dilaniate-To tear or rip something or someone to shreds is to dilacerate or dilaniate."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"a person engaged in a contest, conflict, struggle, etc., especially the protagonist in a literary work. 2. a person who is torn by inner conflict. 3. Physiology. a contracting muscle whose action is opposed by another muscle."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Torn. Torn is a song, originally by alternative rock band Ednaswap from their debut album Ednaswap. It was their second single from that album, after Glow. Torn was written by Scott Cutler, Anne Preven, and Phil Thornalley during a demo session in 1993 before Ednaswap was formed.The lyrics were written by Preven.Thornalley and Cutler produced the session.t was their second single from that album, after Glow. Torn was written by Scott Cutler, Anne Preven, and Phil Thornalley during a demo session in 1993 before Ednaswap was formed. The lyrics were written by Preven. Thornalley and Cutler produced the session."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"tear. vb, tears, tearing, tore or torn. 1. to cause (material, paper, etc) to come apart or (of material, etc) to come apart; rip. 2. (tr) to make (a hole or split) in (something): to tear a hole in a dress.3. (often foll by: along) to hurry or rush: to tear along the street.ear. vb, tears, tearing, tore or torn. 1. to cause (material, paper, etc) to come apart or (of material, etc) to come apart; rip. 2. (tr) to make (a hole or split) in (something): to tear a hole in a dress."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"...a twisted urge to rend and tear. [verb] tear, break, split, rip, pull, separate, divide, crack, burst, smash, disturb, shatter, pierce, fracture, sever, wrench, splinter, rupture, cleave, lacerate, rive, tear to pieces, sunder [literary], dissever"
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"To make (an opening) in something by pulling it apart or by accident: I tore a hole in my stocking. 3. To separate forcefully; wrench: tore the pipe from the wall. 4. To divide or disrupt: was torn between opposing choices; a country that was torn by strife."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A rip is a long cut or split in something made of cloth or paper. Looking at the rip in her new dress, she flew into a rage. Synonyms: tear, cut, hole, split More Synonyms of rip. 3. verb. If you rip something away, you remove it quickly and forcefully. He ripped away a wire that led to the alarm button."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Synonyms: tear1, rip1, rend, split, cleave1. These verbs mean to separate or pull apart by force. Tear involves pulling something apart or into pieces: She tore the letter in shreds (Edith Wharton). Rip implies rough or forcible tearing: Carpenters ripped up the old floorboards. Rend usually refers to violent tearing or wrenching apart and often appears in figurative contexts: The air was rent by thunder."
"A Grade II (moderate) sprain or strain is a ligament or muscle that is partially torn but still intact. A Grade III (severe) sprain or strain means that the ligament or muscle is completely torn, resulting in joint instability."
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"tear2. 1 to pull apart or in pieces by force, especially so as to leave ragged or irregular edges. 2 to pull or snatch violently; wrench away with force: to tear wrappings from a package; to tear a book from someone's hands. 3 to distress greatly: anguish that tears the heart. 4 to divide or disrupt: a country torn by civil war."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"war-torn (ËwÉËtÉËn) adjective. journalism. ravaged by war. The problems created by the massive flows of refugees from this war-torn region. Example sentences containing 'war-torn'. This forgotten corner of the war-torn country suddenly found itself in the grip of a boom. By claiming to be fleeing the war-torn countries their asylum claims look more plausible and are likelier to succeed."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1. Tear, rend, rip mean to pull apart. To tear is to split the fibers of something by pulling apart, usually so as to leave ragged or irregular edges: to tear open a letter. Rend implies force or violence in tearing apart or in pieces: to rend one's clothes in grief."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 n, a tear or break in the continuity or configuration of an organ or body tissue, including instances when other tissue protrudes through the opening. See also hernia. 2 v, to cause a break or tear. Medtalk A tearing or disruption of a membrane or flattened tissue that was subjected to pressure. See FASIAR rupture, Partial rupture, Premature rupture of membranes, Traumatic disk rupture."
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"Torn ligaments are sprains that are injuries to the joint capsule or the bands of thick tissue that connects your bones together at the knee, the elbow, the wrist, fingers and ankles. The most common ligaments that are torn are in your fingers, ankles and knees, but you can tear any of the ligaments in your body."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"A torn muscle is a tear in the muscle fibers of the tendons. This injury often damages blood vessels and causes bruising. In bad tears, the bruising is deep and extensive.Severe tears are accompanied by lack of muscle function in the affected area. Muscle strains are diagnosed based on severity.everity of Tears & Pulls. A torn muscle is a tear in the muscle fibers of the tendons. This injury often damages blood vessels and causes bruising. In bad tears, the bruising is deep and extensive. Severe tears are accompanied by lack of muscle function in the affected area."
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"A thickened area in the middle of the membrane that connects the pits of tracheids in conifers and certain other gymnosperms. 4. Mathematics A toroid generated by a circle; a surface having the shape of a doughnut. Also called tore2."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"ripped. 1 transitive verb. 2 1a : to tear or split apart or openb : to saw or split (wood) with the grain. 3 2 : to slash or slit with or as if with a sharp blade. 4 3 : to hit sharply ripped a double to left field. 5 4 : to utter violently : spit out ripped out an oath. 6 5 : criticize, disparage. 7 intransitive verb. 8 1 : to become ripped : rend."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'What Are Kidney Shrinkage Causes. Kidney Shrinkage is commonly found out by ultrasound and occurs with different kidney diseases such as Renal Failure, chronic glomerulonephritis, congenital renal agenesis, etc. If kidneys shrink seriously, they canâ\\x80\\x99t do their job normally. Knowing the kidney shrinkage causes is able to help select right treatment.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what would cause when your kidneys to shrink']\"",
"vb, tears, tearing, tore or torn. 1. to cause (material, paper, etc) to come apart or (of material, etc) to come apart; rip. 2. (tr) to make (a hole or split) in (something): to tear a hole in a dress.3. (often foll by: along) to hurry or rush: to tear along the street.4. (tr; usually foll by away or from) to remove or take by force. 5.. to cause (material, paper, etc) to come apart or (of material, etc) to come apart; rip. 2. (tr) to make (a hole or split) in (something): to tear a hole in a dress. 3. (often foll by: along) to hurry or rush: to tear along the street. 4. (tr; usually foll by away or from) to remove or take by force. 5."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1. verb. 1 When something rips or when you rip it, you tear it forcefully with your hands or with a tool such as a knife. 2 A rip is a long cut or split in something made of cloth or paper. 3 If you rip something away, you remove it quickly and forcefully."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Synonym Study Expand. 1. Tear, rend, rip mean to pull apart. To tear is to split the fibers of something by pulling apart, usually so as to leave ragged or irregular edges: to tear open a letter. Rend implies force or violence in tearing apart or in pieces: to rend one's clothes in grief."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A torn disc generally refers to a tear in the annular tissue (the outer layer of the spinal disc). A disc tear is typically caused by a combination of disc degeneration and trauma."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Webster Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 Tore. 2 Tore. 3 Tore(noun) the dead grass that remains on mowing land in winter and spring. Tore(noun) same as 1 Torus. Tore(noun) the surface described by the circumference of a circle revolving about a straight line in its own plane."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n------\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.', 'Venae cavae. The venae cavae (from the Latin for hollow veins, singular vena cava) are large veins (venous trunks) that return deoxygenated blood from the body into the heart. In humans they are called the superior vena cava and the inferior vena cava, and both empty into the right atrium.']>> to \"['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'largest vein in the heart']\"",
"Not to be confused with Strain (injury). A sprain, also known as a torn ligament, is damage to one or more ligaments in a joint, often caused by trauma or the joint being taken beyond its functional range of motion."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Torn ligaments describe a condition in which the connective tissue between 2 or more bones rips. These tears can be small and insignificant or may be catastrophic. Small rips and tears are the typical result of minor back injuries and muscular overexertion."
] |
"Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results",
"what is the leader's role in training?"
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Stage One Leaders. In stage one of group development, members need leaders who are clear about goals and deliverables and who assign roles and responsibilities to each person in the group. Leaders are more directive than participative, and decision making is controlled by the leader. The leader is central. He or she directs the action and decision making because the individuals in the group are not capable of doing either one themselves. In a business setting, it might be described as the âtrainingâ stage for a new group."
] | [
"Represent this text",
"Leader's Responsibilities: The counseling process doesn't end with the counseling session. It continues through implementation of the plan of action and evaluation of results. After counseling, you must support subordinates as they implement their plans of action."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Typically, leaders learn from trial and error that some of their people's behaviors produce superior business results and others don't. They also learn that their own behaviors have an enormous effect on their organizations' performance."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Describe the Be, Know and Do. Army leadership begins with what the leader must BE, the values and attributes that shape a leader's character. Your skills are those things you KNOW how to do, your competence in everything from the technical side of your job to the people skills a leader requires."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"If the squadron leader is in command of a numbered squadron, then the number of the squadron is also shown on the flag. 1 An RAF squadron leader's sleeve/shoulder insignia. 2 An RAF squadron leader's sleeve mess insignia. 3 An RAF squadron leader's command flag. 4 An RAF squadron leader's sleeve on No.1 service dress uniform."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The leader's ability to lead is contingent upon various situational factors, including the leader's preferred style, the capabilities and behaviors of followers and also various other situational factors."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Standards: The leader conducts troop leading procedures as a framework for planning and preparing for operations. The leader uses the eight step. troop leading procedures to maximize available planning time while developing plans and preparing their unit for an operation.´⬠The leader begins troop."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"And trust-building is just not part of a school leader's training. Fortunately, a new program piloted by the Center for Courage & Renewal called Leading Together: Building Adult Community in Schools has been found to be effective in cultivating trust in school communities."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Organizational culture, morale and communication are three major factors on the micro business perspective. A small business leader's core role in the micro environment is developing a strong, high-performing workplace."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n------\nGiven ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Trenton, Texas. Trenton is a city in Fannin and Grayson counties, Texas, United States. The population was 635 at the 2010 census.'], a positive would be ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.', 'what county is trenton tx']",
"Leadership is both a research area and a practical skill, regarding the ability of an individual or organization to lead or guide other individuals, teams, or entire organizations.nother theory that addresses a specific aspect of the leadership process is the leaderâmember exchange (LMX) theory, which evolved from an earlier theory called the vertical dyad linkage (VDL) model. Both of these models focus on the interaction between leaders and individual followers."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n------\n\nFor example, '['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"[ syll. yas-sin, ya-ss-in ] The baby boy name Yassin is pronounced as Y AE S-ihN â\\x80\\xa0. Yassin's origin, as well as its use, is in the Arabic language. Yassin is a variant of the name Yasin (Arabic and Turkish).The name Yassine (Arabic) is a variant of Yassin. Yassin is an uncommon baby boy name. It is not listed within the top 1000. syll. yas-sin, ya-ss-in ] The baby boy name Yassin is pronounced as Y AE S-ihN â\\x80\\xa0. Yassin's origin, as well as its use, is in the Arabic language. Yassin is a variant of the name Yasin (Arabic and Turkish).\"]' should be close to '['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what kind of name is yasin']'",
"When leadership is seen as a set of mutually re-enforcing roles, the better your leadership becomes, the more my leadership is empowered and encouraged. As we identify more clearly the roles we each play in the group processes, we can see our individual strengths in the overall pattern. The challenge is for each to take as many different roles as are appropriate to the groupâs need in the various phases of its movement toward achieving its purposes."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nThe provided query could be \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"According to Forbes 2014 ranking of the world's billionaires, Nigerian business magnate Aliko Dangote with a net worth of $25 billion is the world's richest black person.ccording to Forbes 2014 ranking of the world's billionaires, Nigerian business magnate Aliko Dangote with a net worth of $25 billion is the world's richest black person.\"]\" and the positive \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'who is the richest man in africa']\"",
"He just guided them. In fact, guidance â through vision, purpose and empowerment â is a key theme of his new book, The Front-Line Leader: Building a High-Performance Organization from the Ground Up (Jossey-Bass, 2014)."
"Represent the natural language",
"Instead, leaders cause people to want to help them. A key part of this is cultivating your own desire to help others. When others sense that you want to help them, they in turn want to help you. Social Awareness. Understanding social networks and key influencers in that social network is another key part of leadership. leader can be the CEO of an organization, or a first year employee who leads his or her team to success behind the scenes. A leader might lead through official authority and power, yet just as often great leaders lead through inspiration, persuasion and personal connections."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Role of Strategic Training and Development in Organizational Success. Please sign up to read full document. By definition, training and development refers to the process to obtain or transfer knowledge, skills and abilities needed to carry out a specific activity or task. The benefits of training and development--for both the employer and employee--are, in fact, much broader."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Assumptions. The leader's ability to lead is contingent upon various situational factors, including the leader's preferred style, the capabilities and behaviors of followers and also various other situational factors."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The primary functions of a strategic leader in an organization is to come up with directions and ideas for purposes of development. The strategic leader should have some m ⦠easurable goals as well. 1 person found this useful.rgan 4 is the small intestine. It completes the breakdown of food and transfers nutrients into the bloodstream. 2 people found this useful. Edit. Share to: 1 How to Create a Dance: Composition 101 Creating dances is not a perfect science. 2 There is no right or wrong way."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Facilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning. The teacher leader possesses a deep understanding of teaching and learning, and models an attitude of continuous learning and reflective practice for colleagues."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Step 4: Gain Experience in a Leadership Role. A director of nursing uses leadership and communication skills to oversee a large staff of registered and practical nurses, and they interact with patients and doctors, so previous supervisory experience is necessary."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A team leader is someone who provides guidance, instruction, direction and leadership to a group of other individuals (the team) for the purpose of achieving a key result or group of aligned results. The team lead reports to a project manager (overseeing several teams)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Every team should have a team leader who can hold his team together and extract the best out of the team members. The team leader should be such that every individual draws inspiration from him and seek his advice and guidance whenever required. He should be a role model for his team members. A team leader plays an important role in guiding the team members and motivating them to stay focused. A team leader is one who sets a goal and objective for the team. Every team is formed for a purpose. The leader alone should not set the goal, suggestions should be invited from one and all and issues must be discussed on an open forum. He must make his team members well aware of their roles and responsibilities. He must understand his team members well."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The importance of leadership in the education and skills system. Strong leadership at every level is critical if England wants to have a world class education and skills system. Launching his first Annual Report, Sir Michael Wilshaw said that leadership in schools, in colleges and in local authorities was key to driving up standards and ensuring all young people get the good education they deserve."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Team Leader. A team leader is someone who provides direction, instructions and guidance to a group of individuals, who can also be known as a team, for the purpose of achieving a certain goal."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"What is the primary purpose of drill (drill and ceremony)? The purpose of drill is to enable a commander or non-commissioned officer to move his unit from one place to another in an orderly manner; to aid in disciplinary training by instilling habits of precision and response to the leader's orders;and to provide for the development of all soldiers in the practice of commanding troops."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Counseling is the process used by leaders to review with a subordinate the subordinateâs demonstrated performance and potential (Part Three, Chapter 8). B-2. Counseling is one of the most important leadership development responsibilities for Army leaders."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"However, it is a key characteristic of leaders that they consider how to âscale what they doâ, how to. create organisational capacity and therefore, how can they lead the learning of others. This is the. coaching element of leadership. 1.2."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"learnt through the process of training. In ToT these assigned roles may be such as the trainer, the trainee, the operator of audio-visual equipment, etc. While using this method, the role of the facilitator of training is that of a âguideâ or âdirectorâ of the enacted play. (vii) Workshop Method"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Subscribe to the Newsletter. The role of the trainer has evolved during the past few decades. It is time for learning and development professionals to embrace this evolution and begin to change the way they design and deliver training; and accept their roles in different areas of the organization."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Leadership Competencies. These are the skills needed to drive the organization onto the cutting edge of new technologies. Leadership Competencies form the basic structure that separates leaders from bosses. These skills create the walls and interiors of the pyramid. Without them, a leader is just a hollow windbag, or as Scott Adams of Dilbert fame best characterizes it, a pointy-head boss.."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Leaders who are strategic use techniques that inspire and motivate employees. Strategic leaders use techniques that empower and motivate others, rather than bully employees. A coaching style of leadership motivates workers to take the initiative to improve their productive input and influence the future of the company. Strategic leadership often looks for ways to combat productivity issues in the workplace."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"A primary role of the shift leader is to manage worker productivity when a general manager is not around. A shift leader typically heads up a shift of workers scheduled during a particular part of the day. Along with assigning basic tasks, the leader provides ongoing feedback and direction as work is performed."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Describe the Be, Know and Do. Army leadership begins with what the leader must BE, the values and attributes that shape a leader's character. Your skills are those things you KNOW how to do, your competence in everything from the technical side of your job to the people skills a leader requires. But character and knowledge while absolutely necessary are not enough."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.\n\nGiven ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'An inductor, also called a coil or reactor, is a passive two-terminal electrical component which resists changes in electric current passing through it. It consists of a conductor such as a wire, usually wound into a coil. When a current flows thr...'], a positive would be ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is an inductor']",
"Supervisors and workplace leaders serve as role models to employees in a workplace. Take an active role in your own professional development activities and let staff know you value these opportunities to further your career."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1 A leader is a dealer in hope. âNapoleon Bonaparte. Leadership is lifting a personâs vision to high sights, the raising of a personâs performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations. âPeter Drucker."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"In definition, team leadership refers to the leadership practices and values exhibited by leaders, governing a specific group of individuals who are working towards achieving a particular goal or objective."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"During execution, as well as during planning and preparation, leaders continuously assess the risk to the overall mission and to those involved in the task. Finally, leaders and individuals evaluate the effectiveness of controls and provide lessons learned so that others"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"JOB DESCRIPTION. Room Leader. The role of the Room Leader is to work with the Management and nursery team and other Room Leaders to promote, encourage and cascade good practice throughout the setting and to be a role model and mentor to fellow team members.The Senior Nursery Practitionerâs key responsibilities include:he role of the Room Leader is to work with the Management and nursery team and other Room Leaders to promote, encourage and cascade good practice throughout the setting and to be a role model and mentor to fellow team members."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"practice and a methodology, integrating it into the way we train leaders. to meet the challenges of the contemporary operating environment. Adap-. tive leadership is an accepted leadership practice that facilitates leading in a. difï¬cult and changing environment, as we encounter threats that change and."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"According to John Gardner, in On Leadership, Leadership is the process of persuasion or example by which an individual (or leadership team) induces a group to pursue objectives held by the leader or shared by the leader and his or her followers.."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"An important measure of a leader's own success is he success of his or her followers. The strength of a leader is measured by the ability to facilitate the self-leadership of others. The first critical step towards this goal is to master self-leadership."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"âSchool leaders must take an active role in the design and implementation of appropriate professional development for coaches,â Lilly said. âI believe the single most important component to injury prevention is to have coaches that properly teach safe practices and create a culture of respect and safety.â."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"While we generally think of verbal skills as the most important facilitation skill, the role of. nonverbal cues or body language is also critical to facilitative leadership. In a meeting, these. nonverbal messages are constantly flowing from team member to facilitator and vice versa."
"A leader is someone who has the ability to take control and charge of a group. A leader is there to guide, manage, and provide assistance to a group in a specific situation. In William Goldingâs novel Lord of the Flies, the character of Ralph is a good leader. He displays specific characteristics that define a good leader. By possessing the ability to show initiative, responsibility, courage and determination on the island, transforms him into the remarkable leader he is."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Another area which is crucial for leaders is skills in leading people. After all, without followers, there are no leaders. Leaders need skills in working with others on a one-to-one and group basis, and a range of tools in their armoury to deal with a wide range of situations. One of the first skills that new leaders need to master is how to delegate."
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"It can have profound effects on an organization and its staff members, and can determine whether the organization is effective or not. Leadership style depends on the leader's and organization's conception of what leadership is, and on the leader's choice of leadership methods."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"7 - Issue the Order. 8 - Supervise, Inspect and Refine. The Troop-Leading Procedure (TLP) is the process by which you, the commander, receive a mission, plan it, and execute it. It should be instinctive and a routine way of thinking for any commander."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Listen to the Podcast. The role of the trainer has evolved during the past few decades. It is time for learning and development professionals to embrace this evolution and begin to change the way they design and deliver training; and accept their roles in different areas of the organization."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Role of training. To enable the trainer to first comprehend his / her role, it would be helpful if training. as a concept is briefly delved into. It is recognised that the right mix of knowledge, skills and attitudes/behaviours, helps a job holder to perform tasks successfully."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"What we have to understand is that a leader does indeed manage what they are responsible for. And, over time, there have been multiple theories of management that have evolved and that these leaders use as a guiding force behind their management or leadership philosophy."
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"when does zookeeper's wife dvd come out"
] | [
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The Zookeeper's Wife (2017) The Zookeeper's Wife DVD and Blu-ray release date is estimated for June 2017 and available on Digital HD from Amazon Video and iTunes is estimated for June 2017. 1."
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"The Zookeeper's Wife: Trailer 1. The true story of one working wife and mother who became a hero to hundreds during World War II. Jessica Chastain stars as Antonina Zabinska, who with husband Jan Zabinski (Johan Heldenbergh) covertly helped the Resistance â out of their Warsaw Zoo."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Main article: The Zookeeper's Wife (film) In 2013, plans were announced for a feature film adaptation of the same name. The film is based on a screenplay by Angela Workman, and is directed by New Zealand director Niki Caro."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Zoo premiered on June 30, 2015 on CBS. After a second season aired in 2016, CBS renewed the series for a third season in August 2016, which is set to premiere on June 29, 2017."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Stray comes out on DVD on February 6, 2018 Storyline: A young father takes his nine year old son, the family dog, and two of his sonâs friends backpacking in the mountains of Colorado only for all five of them to be struck by lightning."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Filming began in Boston on August 17, 2009. The film received negative reviews from critics and it earned $169.8 million on a $80 million budget. Zookeeper was released on DVD and Blu-ray on October 11, 2011. It is available on Netflix in Canada and the UK."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Disney has unveiled the release dates for its upcoming animated feature films Zootopia and Moana. Both will be released in 2016. Zootopia will open on March 4, 2016, while Moana will come out during the holiday season on November 23, 2016. Both will be released in 3D. Zootopia was first unveiled at last year's D23 Expo."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nE.g.:\n['represent the input\\n\\n\\nExample:\\nProvided: \"There may be more photos available for this character. To select more photos to be displayed in this character\\'s gallery, click the Edit Photos link. Ivar the Boneless was a 9th century viking, and the son of the famous sea-king Ragnar Lodbrok...\" Match: \"viking iva\"', '1. minstrel show-a troupe of performers in blackface typically giving a comic program of negro songs and jokes. troupe, company-organization of performers and associated personnel (especially theatrical); the traveling company all stayed at the same hotel.'] == ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is a minstrel show']",
"Zoolander 2 is set for release on February 12, 2016. Sequel: Released in 2001, Ben directed and starred in Zoolander - a comedy about some rather stupid male models - and the sequel will come out on February 12, 2016."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Answered by The WikiAnswers® Community. Making the world better, one answer at a time. The movie came out in theaters in 1989 and on DVD in 2006. The movie came out in theaters in 1989 and on DVD in 2006."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Zoo is an American drama television series based on the 2012 novel of the same name by James Patterson and Michael Ledwidge, the former of who also serves as an executive producer. The series primarily stars James Wolk, Kristen Connolly, Nonso Anozie, Nora Arnezeder and Billy Burke as a group of varied professionals who investigate the mysterious pandemic of violent animals attacks upon humans all over the world. Zoo premiered on June 30, 2015 on CBS. On October 23, 2017, CBS announced that the series was canceled. During the course of the series, 39 episodes of Zoo aired over three seasons."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"DVDs Release Dates is the best source to find out when does Bridge of Spies come out on DVD and Blu-ray."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Release Date: September 28th, 2001. DVD Release Date: March 12th, 2002. PG-13|1 hr 29 min. Plot Summary. Propelled to the top of the fashion world by a photogenic gaze he calls Blue Steel, dimwitted male model Derek Zoolander (Ben Stiller) thinks he's got a fourth consecutive win as Male Model of the Year in the bag."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Zootopia on DVD June 2016 starring Jason Bateman, Ginnifer Goodwin, Idris Elba, J.K. Simmons. The modern mammal metropolis of Zootopia is a city like no other. Comprised of habitat neighborhoods like ritzy Sahara Square and frigid Tun."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Added to Your Check-Ins. The Zookeeper's Wife (2017) The Zookeeper's Wife tells the account of keepers of the Warsaw Zoo, Antonina and Jan Zabinski, who helped save hundreds of people and animals during the German invasion."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"«Zoolander 2» initial dvd release date is May 24, 2016. Netflix shipping dvd or blu-ray by mail from May 17, 2016. Available at Redbox rental kiosks from May 24, 2016."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"The Boss Baby (2017) DVD Release Date estimated July 2017. It turns out that the CEO of Puppy Co has involved himself in all sorts of nefarious plots and it is up to one baby to stop him from succeeding at this plan. Sporting a suit and carrying a briefcase, this baby means business."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Butcher's Wife (1991) PG-13 | 1h 47min | Comedy, Fantasy | 25 October 1991 (USA) A clairvoyant thinks she's met her husband to be because she's seen him in her dreams. They marry quickly, and return to the husband's (the butcher), home in the city. She has a big ... See full summary »."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Zookeeper's Wife Synopsis. The true story of one working wife and mother who became a hero to hundreds during World War II. Jessica Chastain stars as Antonina Zabinska, who with husband Jan Zabinski (Johan Heldenbergh) covertly helped the Resistance â out of their Warsaw Zoo. Read Full Synopsis."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The film was released on DVD on June 4, 2002, and on Blu-ray on May 11, 2010. Both formats contain a non-anamorphic widescreen transfer of the film, with no special features."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"He co-starred in the film Righteous Kill with Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro, co-wrote What Doesn't Kill You, in which he also co-starred with Mark Ruffalo and Ethan Hawke, and recently co-starred opposite Kevin James in the comedy film The Zookeeper, which will be released in July 2011."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"At first glance, Diane Ackermanâs The Zookeeperâs Wife seems quite a departure from her other books, such as the best-selling A Natural History of the Senses."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Text Preview. Summer Reading â Essay â The Zookeeperâs Wife. In Antoninaâs List, an article published in 2007 for The New York Timeâs Sunday book review, writer D. T. Max states, âFor me, the more interesting story is Antoninaâs. She was not, as her husband once called her, âa housewife,â but the alpha female in a unique menagerie."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The Zookeeper's Wife begins with an Eden-like description of the villa that houses the Warsaw Zoo, where a Christian family - Jan Zabinski; his wife, Antonina; and their young son, Ryszard - lived and worked in 1935. The family awakens each day to a chorus of beastly calls."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie: Their Upcoming Plans Together. This is going to be a big year for Brad and Angie. Their period drama, By the Sea, will be released in Nov. 2015. This is their first movie together since Mr. and Mrs. Smith, which was released in 2005. In the movie, Brad and Angelina play husband and wife."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The first unedited, bilingual DVD box set, containing 13 episodes, was released on May 27, 2008. Similarly sized sets followed with 31 sets released as of July 2015. Episodes had began streaming since August 29, 2009."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Zoog Disney Channel Movies. 1 Northern Lights (August 23, 1997) 2 Under Wraps (October 25, 1997) 3 You Lucky Dog (June 27, 1998) 4 Brink! (August 29, 1998) 5 Halloweentown (October 17, 1998) (part of the Halloweentown series) 6 Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century (January 23, 1999) (part of the Zenon trilogy) 7 Can of Worms (April 10, 1999)"
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The film, starring Matt Damon and Scarlett Johansson, was released in the U.S. and other major territories on 23 December 2011, and in the UK on 16 March 2012. In the movie, the zoo is called Rosemoor Wildlife Park, and is situated in the United States, instead of Dartmoor Zoological Park in England.The story also differs in that Benjamin Mee buys the zoo after the death of his wife, whereas in fact she died aged 40 of a brain tumour several months after the purchase.n 2006, the story was the subject of a four-part television documentary, entitled Ben's Zoo, which followed owner Benjamin Mee and his staff as they revamped the park for the 21st century. It was shown on BBC Two in November and December of that year."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Zookeeperâs Wife Review: Jessica Chastain deserves better than this. Film after film she has lent excellent performances to try and prop up poorly-conceived or executed (or both) films. The Zookeeperâs Wife, adapted from Diane Ackermanâs beloved book about the real Antonina Å»abiÅska, is unfortunately the latest in that line."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Zookeeper is a 2011 American comedy film directed by Frank Coraci, starring Kevin James and featuring the voices of Nick Nolte, Sylvester Stallone, Adam Sandler, Judd Apatow, Cher, Jon Favreau, and Faizon Love."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"«The Book of Life» initial dvd release date is January 27, 2015. Netflix shipping dvd or blu-ray by mail from February 24, 2015. Available at Redbox rental kiosks from February 24, 2015."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Zoolander 2 was released in theaters on February 12, 2016. The world premiere was held in London, England on February 6, 2016, and the North American premiere was held in New York City on February 9, 2016."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Around the world: «The Book of Life» dvd release dates for UK (February 16, 2015), Australia (September 23, 2015) and other countries around the world. Dates may be subject to change."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"âThe Zookeeperâs Wifeâ proceeds chronologically, starting before the war, when the Warsaw Zoo was as esteemed as any in Europe. Soon the Nazis destroyed the zoo with bombs and guns. Led by the criminal zoologist Lutz Heck, they carted off the best animals for their own collections."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"DVDs Release Dates is the best source to find out when does The Hateful Eight come out on DVD and Blu-ray. Dates do change so check back often as the release approaches.VDs Release Dates is the best source to find out when does The Hateful Eight come out on DVD and Blu-ray. Dates do change so check back often as the release approaches."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"2008 Orion Book Award. The New York Times bestseller: a true story in which the keepers of the Warsaw zoo saved hundreds of people from Nazi hands. See more details below. The Zookeeper's Wife: A War Story available in Hardcover, Paperback, NOOK Book."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"In July 2014, the series was given a 13-episode straight-to-series order and added to the network's summer schedule. The series premiered on June 30, 2015, on CBS. On October 2, 2015, Zoo was renewed by CBS for a second season, which premiered on June 28, 2016. On August 10, 2016, CBS renewed the series for a third season, which is set to premiere on June 29, 2017."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"6 VIDEOS | 66 IMAGES. The Zookeeper's Wife tells the account of keepers of the Warsaw Zoo, Antonina and Jan Zabinski, who helped save hundreds of people and animals during the German invasion."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"«Zoolander 2» dvd release dates for UK (July 4, 2016), Australia (June 2, 2016) and other countries around the world. Dates may be subject to change."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Zookeeper (film) Zookeeper is a 2011 American comedy film directed by Frank Coraci, starring Kevin James and featuring the voices of Nick Nolte, Sylvester Stallone, Adam Sandler, Judd Apatow, Cher, Jon Favreau, and Faizon Love. It revolves around an unlucky zookeeper who turns to the animals at his zoo to help him find love."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n------\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Migraines are moderate-to-severe, throbbing headaches on both sides or on one side of the head. They are usually situated around the forehead and temples or around the eyes. Migraines occur in women more often than menâ\\x80\\x94usually in patients who have a family history of migraineâ\\x80\\x94and begin between the ages of 10 and 25.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'sinusheadaches are they on one side of head']\"",
"Zoo premiered on June 30, 2015 on CBS. After a second season aired in 2016, CBS renewed the series for a third season in August 2016, which is set to premiere on June 29, 2017. 1 Plot."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"âThe Zookeeperâs Wife goes awry, as Jessica Chastain wrestles to sound as Polish as possible,â Variety says, while the Guardian notes, âChastain goes all-in on her Polish accent, to the point of distraction.â Having seen the movie, we can confirm: Itâs that bad."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Release Calendar (Australia) In Australia, «The Age of Adaline» released on April 16, 2015 and dvd came out on September 9, 2015. New Zealand: Release Calendar (New Zealand) In New Zealand, movie was released in theaters on April 16, 2015 and later came out on dvd on September 9, 2015."
"DVD Release Date: April 10th, 2001. R|1 hr 33 min. Plot Summary. As physician Burt Stanton (Peter Horton) and his girlfriend, Vicky (Linda Hamilton), drive across the Midwest to his new job, their trip comes to a sudden halt when they encounter the body of a murdered boy in the road."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The series premiered on June 30, 2015, on CBS. On October 2, 2015, Zoo was renewed by CBS for a second season, which premiered on June 28, 2016. On August 10, 2016, CBS renewed the series for a third season, which is set to premiere on June 29, 2017."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"By Laura Rosenfeld. Mar 13 2015. Unless you've caught the episodes where he's directly mentioned her, you might not have known that Shark Tank's Kevin O'Leary, aka Mr. Wonderful, has a wife. But lo and behold, the most villainous shark on the ABC reality show is happily married."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The film follows Nick as he attempts to balance searching for his missing wife with not becoming the main suspect. The film is set to release on DVD and Blu-ray on January 13 and will begin its Netflix rotation the 10th of February."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"«The Age of Adaline» scheduled worldwide dvd release dates: September 14, 2015 (UK), September 14, 2015 (South Africa), September 9, 2015 (NZ), September 9, 2015 (Australia)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Zoo season 2 to premiere on June 28, 2016. We monitor the news to keep you updated on the release date of Zoo season 2. New episodes are scheduled to premiere on CBS on June 28, 2016. If you want to get reminded of the showâs premiere date, please, sign up for updates below."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"When does Star Wars: Episode VII-The Force Awakens come out on DVD and Blu-Ray on Redbox, Netflix, iTunes and Amazon?Where.hen does Star Wars: Episode VII-The Force Awakens come out on DVD and Blu-Ray on Redbox, Netflix, iTunes and Amazon? Where."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"When does Gone Girl come out on DVD and Blu-ray? DVD and Blu-ray release date set for January 13, 2015. Also Gone Girl Redbox, Netflix, and iTunes release dates. Nick Dunne and his wife Amy have had a loving marriage for the last five years. To everyone that k..."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"My Sister's Keeper (film) My Sisters's Keeper is a 2009 American drama film directed by Nick Cassavetes and starring Cameron Diaz, Abigail Breslin, Sofia Vassilieva, and Alec Baldwin. Based on Jodi Picoult's novel of the same name, On June 26, 2009 the film was released to cinemas in the United States, Canada, Ireland, Mexico, and the United Kingdom. 1 Plot."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Zoobreak is a 2009 children's novel by Gordon Korman and is the sequel to the 2008 book Swindle. The book was released on September 2009 by Scholastic and follows Savannah as she has to rescue her monkey after it has been kidnapped by the corrupt zoo keeper of a zoo boat. The entry was followed by Framed! in 2010."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!\n\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Disposable soft lenses. Contact lenses were first recognized in 1945 by the American Optometric Association. Over 38 million people wear contacts in the United States alone with international numbers topping 125 million. As more and more people receive proper eye care, the use of contact lenses continues to grow.']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:', 'types of disposable contact lenses']\"",
"The Fate of the Furious (2017) DVD Release Date estimated August 2017. In Fast & Furious 8, Dominic Toretto turns on the people he considers family. He abandons his team for reasons unknown and begins working with a strange woman. Letty, Hobbs, and the rest of the team must chase after Toretto to figure out what's going on."
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"DVD Release Date: June 7th, 2016. PG-13|1 hr 36 min. Plot Summary. Brad Taggart (Will Ferrell) is a kindhearted radio executive who wants to be the best possible stepfather to his wife's (Linda Cardellini) two children. When her freewheeling ex-husband Dusty (Mark Wahlberg) breezes back into town, Brad's feeling of insecurity quickly develops into an inferiority complex."
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"3.4.8 / February 20, 2016 (2016-02-20) Apache ZooKeeper is a software project of the Apache Software Foundation. It is essentially a distributed hierarchical key-value store, which is used to provide a distributed configuration service, synchronization service, and naming registry for large distributed systems. ZooKeeper was a sub-project of Hadoop but is now a top-level project in its own right."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Mary and the Witch's Flower (2017) Mary and the Witch's Flower DVD and Blu-ray release date is estimated for April 2018 and available on Digital HD from Amazon Video and iTunes is estimated for April 2018. 1; 2; 3; 4; 5"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The film was first released on VHS and Laserdisc on October 25, 1990. On April 28, 2009, it was released on DVD - in the United States and re-released to DVD (in new packaging art) on September 8, 2015 and was aired in its original aspect ratio on Universal HD on February 2, 2007. The film is also available via digital download on the Sony Entertainment Network and the iTunes Store."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"A satire on the fashion industry, the film received generally positive reviews from critics and was a box office success. A sequel, Zoolander 2, was released on February 12, 2016, to negative reviews. An animated series, Zoolander: Super Model, was released on Netflix UK in August 2016."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Zoo is an American drama television series based on the 2012 novel of the same name by James Patterson and Michael Ledwidge. The series premiered on June 30, 2015, on CBS, and concluded the 13-episode first season on September 15, 2015. On October 2, 2015, Zoo was renewed by CBS for a second season, which premiered on June 28, 2016. On August 10, 2016, CBS renewed the series for a third season."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Ozus' World Movie Reviews. 'The Zookeeper's Wife,' based on the non-fiction book by Diane Ackerman, is a poignant tale of survival that happened at the Warsaw Zoo in 1939 when Hitler invaded Poland and on through the early 1940s. April 8, 2017 | Rating: 3/4 | Full Reviewâ¦."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!', 'Kpop For Beginners. K-pop (an abbreviation of Korean pop or Korean popular music) is a musical genre consisting of electronic, hip hop, pop, rock, and R&B music originating in South Korea.pop For Beginners. K-pop (an abbreviation of Korean pop or Korean popular music) is a musical genre consisting of electronic, hip hop, pop, rock, and R&B music originating in South Korea.']\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is kpop']\"",
"Zookeeper (film) From Wikiquote. Zookeeper is a 2011 comedy film starring Kevin James, and featuring the voices of Adam Sandler, Sylvester Stallone, Nick Nolte, Don Rickles, Judd Apatow, Jon Favreau, Cher and Faizon Love."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:\n\nFewshot example: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Parts: $161 - $260. The average cost for a door window motor replacement is between $295 to $430. Labor costs are estimated between $134 to $170 while parts are priced between $161 to $260. Get a personalized estimate based on your location and specific car. Estimate does not include taxes and fees.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'how much to replace a motor']\"",
"DVD Release Date: July 1st, 1998. PG|1 hr 40 min. Plot Summary. When Cindy (Elaine Bromka) and her husband, Bob (Garrett M. Brown), have to leave town for a family emergency, there is only one person available to babysit for their three kids: Bob's lazy, carefree brother, Buck (John Candy)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"View photo. The first season of Zoo is now available on Netflix in the U.S., and in the coming months will be available in all Netflix territories. On Monday, October 12, season one of Jane The Virgin will launch in the U.S., the same day season two premieres on the CW Network.ontent preferences. BEVERLY HILLS, Calif., Sept. 28, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Netflix and CBS announced today an agreement to make Netflix the exclusive subscription streaming home of two hit series, Zoo and Jane The Virgin, in more than 50 countries around the world."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Watch The Butcher's Wife (1991) Free Online. Release Date: 1991 Duration: 100 min. The Butcher's Wife is a 1991 romantic comedy film, in which a clairvoyant woman thinks that she's met her future husband, who she has seen in her dreams and is a butcher in New York. They marry and move to the city, where her powers tend to influence everyone she meets while working in the shop...."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Zookeeper (film) Zookeeper is a 2011 comedy film starring Kevin James, and featuring the voices of Adam Sandler, Sylvester Stallone, Nick Nolte, Don Rickles, Judd Apatow, Jon Favreau, Cher and Faizon Love."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"People canât stop talking about the way Jessica Chastain talks in The Zookeeperâs Wife. The Julliard-trained actress employs a strong Polish accent in the new Holocaust drama, and the results are ⦠not great."
] |
"A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"menarche is the beginning of menstruation"
] | [
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"Menarche (say MEN-ar-kee) is a girl's first menstrual period. A first period usually happens after breasts, pubic hair, and underarm hair have begun to grow. Menarche is a sign of growing up and becoming a woman. It can happen as early as about age 9 or up to age 15. The first few periods are usually light and irregular. About 2 out of 3 girls have a regular pattern of menstrual periods within 2 years of menarche. 1 During the teen years, periods may become longer and heavier. For more information, see Menarche."
] | [
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"1st steps are early changes in breasts and pubic hair, closely followed by peak of growth spurt and by the deveopment of breasts and pubic hair; 1st menstration (menarche) typically occurs 2 yrs after beginning of other visible changes; pregnancy can occur after menarche."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Menarche marks the commencement of the reproductive phase of a woman's life. Records suggest that there was a secular decline in the average age at menarche in developed countries across the 19th and 20th Centuries until the 1950s, with an average age at menarche of 15-17 years reported in the mid-19th Century."
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"It occurs in approximately monthly cycles throughout a woman's reproductive life, except during pregnancy. Menstruation starts during puberty (at menarche) and stops permanently at menopause (see Menopause). By definition, the menstrual cycle begins with the first day of bleeding, which is counted as day 1. The cycle ends just before the next menstrual period. Menstrual cycles normally range from about 25 to 36 days. Only 10 to 15% of women have cycles that are exactly 28 days. Also, in at least 20% of women, cycles are irregular."
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"The average age for menarche (first period) in the UK is 12 years and 11 months. A girl can start her periods anywhere between the ages of 9-16."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A young age at menarche is not correlated with a young age at first sexual intercourse. Onset. When menarche occurs, it confirms that the girl has had a gradual estrogen-induced growth of the uterus, especially the endometrium, and that the outflow tract from the uterus, through the cervix to the vagina, is open."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nThe provided query could be \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'There are four main equipment functions of a computer system: Input, Processing, Storage and Output Input: the transferring of information into a computer system-for our purposes this will be accomplished when you, the programmer, type source code at the keyboard or open a previously typed program. Processing: the manipulation and control of information within the computer system. Such manipulations are handled by the Control Unit, the Arithmetic Logic Unit and Temporary Storage. Storage: the means by which information can be permanently saved (until such time as you wish to delete it).']\" and the positive \"['', 'what are four purposes of the computer']\"",
"Extremely athletic girls may experience delayed menarche. Obesity may affect the age at which a girl experiences menarche. A female suffering from an eating disorder may experience a delayed first menstruation. A girl's first menstruation is known as menarche. In the US, most girls experience their first menstruation before 13 years of age."
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"In primary dysmenorrhea, there is no underlying gynecologic problem causing the pain. This type of cramping may begin within six months to a year following menarche (the beginning of menstruation), the time when a girl starts having menstrual periods."
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"It usually starts sometime between ages 11 and 14. But it can happen as early as age 9 or as late as 15. If you are a teenage girl, see your doctor if you have not started having periods by age 15. Menarche is a sign you are growing up and becoming a woman. Along with starting your period, your body is changing. You've begun to develop breasts, pubic hair, and underarm hair."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Age of Menarche. Menarche marks the commencement of the reproductive phase of a woman's life. Records suggest that there was a secular decline in the average age at menarche in developed countries across the 19th and 20th Centuries until the 1950s, with an average age at menarche of 15-17 years reported in the mid-19th Century."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"This type of cramping may begin within six months to a year following menarche (the beginning of menstruation). Menstrual cramps typically are not experienced until ovulatory menstrual cycles (when an egg is released from the ovaries) begin. Menstrual bleeding usually begins before the onset of ovulation. Therefore, an adolescent girl may not experience dysmenorrhea until months to years following the onset of menstruation."
"Spermarcheâalso known as semenarcheâis the beginning of development of sperm in boys' testicles at puberty.[1] It is the counterpart of menarche in girls.[2][3] Depending on their upbringing, cultural differences, and prior sexual knowledge, boys may have different reactions to spermarche, ranging from fear to excitement.[1] Spermarche is one of the ..."
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"Menarche is the culmination of a series of physiological and anatomic processes of puberty: 1 Attainment of a sufficient body mass (typically 17% body fat). 2 Disinhibition of the GnRH pulse generator in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus. 3 Secretion of estrogen by the ovaries in response to pituitary hormones."
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"The first period is known as menarche (pronounced: MEH-nar-kee). Doctors often talk about a girl's monthly cycle â the number of days from the start of her period to the start of the next one â in terms of a 28-day cycle. But 28 is just an average figure that doctors use. Women's cycle lengths vary â some have a 24-day cycle, some have a 34-day cycle."
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"A young age at menarche is not correlated with a young age at first sexual intercourse. Onset. When menarche occurs, it confirms that the girl has had a gradual estrogen-induced growth of the uterus, especially the endometrium, and that the outflow tract from the uterus, through the cervix to the vagina, is open. In very rare instances, menarche may occur at an unusually early age, preceding thelarche and other signs of puberty. This is termed isolated premature menarche, but other causes of bleeding must be investigated and excluded. Growth is usually normal. Isolated premature menarche is rarely the first manifestation of precocious puberty."
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"Menstruation is the shedding of the lining of the uterus (endometrium) accompanied by bleeding. It occurs in approximately monthly cycles throughout a woman's reproductive life, except during pregnancy. Menstruation starts during puberty (at menarche) and stops permanently at menopause (see Menopause)."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The beginning of development of the breasts in the female. thelarche. /the·lar·che/ (the-lahr´ke) the beginning of development of the breasts at puberty. thelarche. the beginning of female pubertal breast development, normally occurring between 9 and 13 years of age. Thelarche occurs before puberty at the beginning of the phase of rapid growth. Premature thelarche is precocious breast development in a female without other evidence of sexual maturation. Compare menarche."
"Represent text:",
"Much remains unknown; however, the data suggest potentially serious problems: 1 Girls who started menarche (menstruation) earlier tend to begin dating and having sexual intercourse younger than their classmates, according to a national study of 1,800 girls between the ages of 15 and 19."
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"Holonyms (secretory phase is a part of...): menstrual cycle (a recurring cycle (beginning at menarche and ending at menopause) in which the endometrial lining of the uterus prepares for pregnancy; if pregnancy does not occur the lining is shed at menstruation)"
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Menarche is a normal process of maturation in girls along with the other changes that happen to a girlâs body during puberty. The timing of menarche is important. If a young girl has her first period before the age of 8 she likely has a condition known as precocious puberty."
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"Environmental influences also affect the onset of menstruation. Delayed menarche is associated with excessive exercise, malnutrition, and significantly low weight. Sports or other activities that require intense physical activity, such as dancing and gymnastics, are associated with later ages at menarche. Such processes, however, can be reversed."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The time between breast buds and menarche is when girls may start to have problems with skin breakouts. It is also a time when girls can become moodier and start to talk back to their parents. A girlâs growth spurt typically happens a few months before menarche. Menarche is a normal process of maturation in girls along with the other changes that happen to a girlâs body during puberty. The timing of menarche is important. If a young girl has her first period before the age of 8 she likely has a condition known as precocious puberty."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"This type of cramping may begin within six months to a year following menarche (the beginning of menstruation). Menstrual cramps typically are not experienced until ovulatory menstrual cycles (when an egg is released from the ovaries) begin."
] |
"A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"is msg harmful?"
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Monosodium glutamate (MSG): Is it harmful? Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer commonly added to Chinese food, canned vegetables, soups and processed meats. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified MSG as a food ingredient that's generally recognized as safe, but its use remains controversial. For this reason, when MSG is added to food, the FDA requires that it be listed on the label. MSG has been used as a food additive for decades. Over the years, the FDA has received many anecdotal reports of adverse reactions to foods containing MSG. These reactions â known as MSG symptom complex â include:"
] | [
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"Itâs in your finger-licking delicious Nacho Cheese Doritos. And itâs definitely in your late-night bowl of Ramen noodles. Used for decades as a food additive and flavor-enhancer, monosodium glutamate (MSG) has been called many things, from a merely unhealthy additive to an addictive neurotoxin.he âMSG Symptom Complexâ or the âChinese Restaurant Syndromeâ includes symptoms such as headaches, flushing, sweating, numbness, chest pain, nausea, heart palpitations, and weakness."
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"Ingestion of glutamic acid (MSG) is known to produce a variety of adverse reactions in some people. These reactions, although seemingly dissimilar, are no more diverse than reactions found as side effects of certain neurological drugs."
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"Monosodium glutamate. Itâs in your Chinese take-out. Itâs in your finger-licking delicious Nacho Cheese Doritos. And itâs definitely in your late-night bowl of Ramen noodles. Used for decades as a food additive and flavor-enhancer, monosodium glutamate (MSG) has been called many things, from a merely unhealthy additive to an addictive neurotoxin."
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"Answer (There are two view points here, read both). Yes, it is bad for you. Hydrolyzed protein in products indicates the prescence of MSG or monosodium glutamate. Recent findings have found monosodium glutamate to cause brain lesions, brain neuron death, obesity and diabetes in mice."
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"Even food labels that prominently read no added MSG do not always mean that the product is MSG-free. In fact, both the FDA and the USDA consider labels such as no added MSG or no MSG added misleading since many food products with these labels contain free glutamate.MSG is made through protein hydrolysis or bacterial fermentation.omplete elimination of MSG from your diet is very difficult to do. It requires careful and detailed examination of all of your food labels and more time dedicated to food preparation and cooking. However, considering the amount of damage MSG can do to your body, these inconveniences may be worth it."
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"For the most part, MSG is glutamate. Monosodium glutamate is just glutamate with a sodium molecule attached to it. In your stomach those two molecules dissolve and youâre just left with glutamate in your gut. Glutamate that comes from your food, MSG, or other sources all ends up as the same thing in your body. So most of the health issues surrounding glutamate have to do with the health issues surrounding glutamate intake, and whether too much of it is bad for you."
"The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified MSG as a food ingredient that's generally recognized as safe, but its use remains controversial. For this reason, when MSG is added to food, the FDA requires that it be listed on the label."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"6 doctors agreed: No issue: The problem with MSG is not cancer but some people do feel ill from it. I am not aware of any study showing a rising risk of cancer from MSG however- don't believe in everything simply because it is written in the Internet. ...Read more."
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"First off, itâs actually the glutamic acid in the MSG that is of concern for most people and in 1959 the FDA classified MSG as âgenerally recognized as safe.â However, because glutamate is absorbed very quickly in the gastointestinal tract it can spike blood plasma levels of glutamate."
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"Best Answer: MSG is just another form of salt. There is nothing inherently BAD about it but some people do react negatively to it and get headaches or intestinal problems when they use it. If you don't get headaches and are NOT on a sodium restricted diet, use it in good health. PS MSG is monosodium glutamate. Another name for for table salt is sodium chloride You can think about table salt as mono (meaning one) sodium chloride. Source(s): I am a chemist and I work in the food testing industry."
"Represent the natural language",
"Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills by Russell Blaylock, M.D. The CrazyMakers- How the Food Industry is Destroying Our Brains and Harming Our Children by Carol Simontacchi Non-Toxic Lifestyle, Real Food Diet asparatame, chemicals in food, dangers of msg, excitotoxins, food additives, hidden names for msg, msg, msg headache, msg side effects, nutrition basics, processed food news, what is msg"
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"Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) is commonly used in many foods as a flavour enhancer. Some people report sensitivity to MSG and prefer to avoid foods containing MSG. Any Frito Lay Canada products containing MSG will list MSG in the ingredient statement.The Frito Lay Canada products included here do not contain MSG.ny Frito Lay Canada products containing MSG will list MSG in the ingredient statement. The Frito Lay Canada products included here do not contain MSG."
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"Posted on April 23, 2008 by jim. MSG stands for monosodium glutamate and is an food additive that, many years ago, got significant press about how bad it was for you.irst off, itâs actually the glutamic acid in the MSG that is of concern for most people and in 1959 the FDA classified MSG as âgenerally recognized as safe.â However, because glutamate is absorbed very quickly in the gastointestinal tract it can spike blood plasma levels of glutamate."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"MSG's name tells us the key difference between glutamate and monosodium glutamate. MSG has a sodium atom that glutamate doesn't, which turns it into a salt form, making it easy to add to food.onosodium glutamate, more commonly known as MSG, gets a bad rap. People claim that it's a toxin that causes headaches and sweating, and that it leaves you feeling lethargic and flushed. The thing is, most research shows that that's not true at normal dietary levels."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer commonly added to Chinese food, canned vegetables, soups and processed meats. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified MSG as a food ingredient that's generally recognized as safe, but its use remains controversial. For this reason, when MSG is added to food, the FDA requires that it be listed on the label. MSG has been used as a food additive for decades. Over the years, the FDA has received many anecdotal reports of adverse reactions to foods containing MSG. These reactions â known as MSG symptom complex â include:"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"According to some MSG opponents the glutamate added to foods is bad and the natural glutamate in our bodies is good. MSG sellers argue that MSG is exactly like the glutamate in the human body, therefore it must always be good. It is not so simple. There are contaminants in processed MSG."
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"The fact that you feel not symptoms when you eat MSG does NOT mean your system is not reacting. It simply means you FEEL nothing. MSG is often the cause of insomnia, but it may cause migraine headaches, Alzheimer's disease, temporary blindness, fainting, instant diarrhea, and many other reactions. MSG goes through the brain barrier, which is very rare with most agents and drugs."
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"It is actually true that increased activity of glutamate in the brain can cause harm. It is also true that large doses of MSG can raise blood levels of glutamate. In one study, a megadose of MSG increased blood levels by 556% (5)."
"The labels are meant to ease consumersâ worries, because MSG, which is used as a flavor enhancer, has for decades been popularly linked to various health problems, such as headaches and allergic reactions. Itâs even been considered a factor in infantile obesity."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified MSG as a food ingredient that's generally recognized as safe, but its use remains controversial. For this reason, when MSG is added to food, the FDA requires that it be listed on the label.hese reactions â known as MSG symptom complex â include: 1 Headache. 2 Flushing. 3 Sweating. 4 Facial pressure or tightness. 5 Numbness, tingling or burning in the face, neck and other areas. 6 Rapid, fluttering heartbeats (heart palpitations). 7 Chest pain. 8 Nausea."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"But otherwise, glutamate is remarkably low in toxicity. A rat or mouse can take a dose of 15-18 grams per kilogram of body weight before it is at risk of dying from glutamate poisoning. Itâs also now known that baby mice are particularly sensitive to the effects of MSG."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer commonly added to Chinese food, canned vegetables, soups and processed meats. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified MSG as a food ingredient that's generally recognized as safe, but its use remains controversial. For this reason, when MSG is added to food, the FDA requires that it be listed on the label. MSG has been used as a food additive for decades."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"MSG, or monosodium glutamate, is a flavor enhancer added to various foods, and also occurs naturally in seaweed. Adverse reactions to food additives like MSG are probably relatively common. However, since many reactions to food additives are not diagnosed are never reported by people, the exact rate of reactions is not known. Various studies estimate that the rate is probably less than 1% of adults, and up to 2% of children."
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"* The glutamate in MSG (monsodium glutamate), used in some foods, is related to brain glutamate but does not appear to get into the brains of adults very well. It can get into the brains of infants and be toxic to brain cells, however, which is why the FDA has not approved it for use in baby food.ead injury or stroke can cause a surge in glutamate, leaving damaged neurons in its wake. But a new method may help keep the chemical messenger in check. When a stroke or head injury releases a flood of the chemical messenger glutamate, the excess glutamate leaves damaged neurons in its wake."
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"MSG Side Effects. Ingestion of glutamic acid (MSG) is known to produce a variety of adverse reactions in some people. These reactions, although seemingly dissimilar, are no more diverse than reactions found as side effects of certain neurological drugs. We do not know why some people experience reactions and others do not."
"Answers from Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D. Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer commonly added to Chinese food, canned vegetables, soups and processed meats. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified MSG as a food ingredient that's generally recognized as safe, but its use remains controversial."
"Represent the natural language",
"Bottom Line: Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is the sodium salt of glutamate, an amino acid found in the human body and all sorts of foods. It is a popular food additive because it enhances the flavor of foods."
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"MSG is commonly added to soups. Monosodium glutamate is a food additive that enhances the flavor of savory foods. It's added to a wide variety of foods and found naturally in foods such as tomatoes and cheese. Eaten in typical amounts, MSG is considered safe, according to the Food and Drug Administration."
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"Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer commonly added to Chinese food, canned vegetables, soups and processed meats.SG has been used as a food additive for decades. Over the years, the FDA has received many anecdotal reports of adverse reactions to foods containing MSG. These reactions â known as MSG symptom complex â include: 1 Headache. 2 Flushing."
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"The labels are meant to ease consumersâ worries, because MSG, which is used as a flavor enhancer, has for decades been popularly linked to various health problems, such as headaches and allergic reactions. It's even been considered a factor in infant obesity."
"1 MSG is composed of simply sodium and glutamate. 2 MSG contains only one-third the amount of sodium as table salt. 3 Glutamate and MSG are gluten-free. 4 MSG is safe to consume, according to scientific research and several large regulatory authorities."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n------\n\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['', 'Boiling the bratwurst will cook the inside through and allow you to cook the outside to a perfect finish, as raw bratwurst would burn on the outside before cooking all the way through if prepared on a grill or skillet.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.', 'do you have to boil brats']\"",
"Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is something you have to find on food labels because it is hidden by obscure substitute terms in grocery store products. Food producers know very well that, (a) MSG causes physical issues for many people, and (b) many of you know it."
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"Excess glutamate such as that found in MSG has been shown to increase the growth and spread of cancer once you do have it though. I would be more concerned about MSG damaging and killing off my brain cells."
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"A new video from the American Chemical Society's Reactions YouTube page explains that not only is MSG perfectly safe for the vast majority of people but shows how MSG, or, more accurately glutamate, is found in tons of natural, protein-rich foods."
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"Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer commonly added to Chinese food, canned vegetables, soups and processed meats. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified MSG as a food ingredient that's generally recognized as safe, but its use remains controversial."
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"In it he explains that MSG is an excitotoxin, which means it overexcites your cells to the point of damage or death, causing brain damage to varying degrees -- and potentially even triggering or worsening learning disabilities, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Lou Gehrig's disease and more. Common adverse effects linked to regular consumption of MSG, include: obesity, eye damage, headaches, fatigue and disorientation, depression, rapid heartbeat, tingling and numbness. 2 Early studies suggested 25 percent to 30 percent of the US population was intolerant of MSG at levels then found in food."
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"Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) or Glutamic Acid is an excitatory neurotoxin, which significantly damages the brain, especially the brains of infants and children.Once the developing brain is damaged, it never recovers normal function.onosodium Glutamate (MSG) or Glutamic Acid is an excitatory neurotoxin, which significantly damages the brain, especially the brains of infants and children."
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"Ingestion of glutamic acid (MSG) is known to produce a variety of adverse reactions in some people. These reactions, although seemingly dissimilar, are no more diverse than reactions found as side effects of certain neurological drugs. We do not know why some people experience reactions and others do not.We do not know whether MSG âcausesâ the condition underlying the reaction, or whether the underlying condition is simply aggravated by the ingestion of MSG.We only know that the reactions listed below are sometimes caused or exacerbated by MSG.e do not know whether MSG âcausesâ the condition underlying the reaction, or whether the underlying condition is simply aggravated by the ingestion of MSG. We only know that the reactions listed below are sometimes caused or exacerbated by MSG."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Understanding brain damage and endocrine disorders caused by MSG. MSG is a neurotoxin, potentially toxic to everyone -- potentially toxic even to those people who do not respond with adverse reactions such as migraine headache, asthma, nausea and vomiting, fatigue, disorientation, and depression.We know that MSG kills brain cells in laboratory animals.We know this from studies wherein MSG was given in food and from studies were MSG was given in drinking water. We know that MSG causes macular degeneration (retinal degeneration).e know that MSG kills brain cells in laboratory animals. We know this from studies wherein MSG was given in food and from studies were MSG was given in drinking water. We know that MSG causes macular degeneration (retinal degeneration)."
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"MSG Plus. MSG Plus (visually branded on-air as MSG+) is an American regional sports network owned by MSG Networks; it operates as a sister channel to MSG Network."
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"MSG Plus (visually branded on-air as MSG+) is an American regional sports network owned by MSG Networks; it operates as a sister channel to MSG Network."
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"1 It's also one of the worst food additives on the market. 2 MSG is an excitotoxin, which means it overexcites your cells to the point of damage or death, causing brain damage to varying degrees, and potentially even triggering or worsening learning disabilities. Common adverse effects linked to regular consumption of MSG, include: obesity, eye damage, headaches, fatigue and disorientation, depression, rapid heartbeat, tingling and numbness. 2 Early studies suggested 25 percent to 30 percent of the US population was intolerant of MSG at levels then found in food."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"MSG stands for monosodium glutamate and is an food additive that, many years ago, got significant press about how bad it was for you."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"The Dangers of Monosodium Glutamate. The problems associated with processed foods continue to grow. Our overabundance of these items has left a society struggling with poor nutrition and overall health. Information on the food additive monosodium glutamate, or MSG, needs to be shared to protect the American family. MSG is a flavor enhancer traditionally used in Chinese food, but found today in many foods like breakfast sausages and potato chips. Understanding the pitfalls of MSG can be very confusing. Glutamate is a naturally occurring amino acid that the body uses and needs."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n------\n\nFor example, ['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:\\n\\n\\nFewshot example: \"Accessory spleen. An accessory spleen (supernumerary spleen, splenule, or splenunculus) is a small nodule of splenic tissue found apart from the main body of the spleen. Accessory spleens are found in approximately 10 percent of the population and are typically around 1 centimeter in diameter. They may resemble a lymph node or a small spleen.\" == \"what is done for an accessory spleen\"', 'Keeping the room temperature between 72-80 degrees will ensure their comfort. Temperatures that are too high, or low, can stress the rats and lead to health problems. Laboratory guidelines for temperature are 20-26 degrees Centigrade (68-78.8 Fahrenheit). For breeding situations the recommended temperature is 24-26 degrees Centigrade (75.2-78.8 degrees Fahrenheit).'] should be similar to ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'temperature requirements for pet rat']",
"Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer commonly added to Chinese food, canned vegetables, soups and processed meats.SG has been used as a food additive for decades. Over the years, the FDA has received many anecdotal reports of adverse reactions to foods containing MSG. These reactions â known as MSG symptom complex â include: 1 Headache. 2 Flushing. 3 Sweating."
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"MSG: Msg is a food additive which enhances flavor of many foods. It does not contain gluten but many foods that contain msg may contain gluten. Best to check with the manufacturer if you are uncertain of gluten-free status. Msg may cause severe symptoms and allergic reaction in patients who are sensitive to it."
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"MSG is bad for you but it tests soooo.. good. I do not use MSG in my food. However, my friend use a lot of MSG when she makes salad. Itâs so testy and I eat it again and again.I know, it is not good for our heath."
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"(NaturalNews) Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is used in nearly all foods as a preservative or flavor enhancer. A toxic food additive, MSG creates a wide constellation of symptoms forcing victims to seek relief from side effects and allergic reactions. Minute amounts of MSG are found in everything that's processed, even vegetables and organic milk."
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"MONOSODIUM GLUTAMATE (MSG) Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) is the Sodium Salt of Glutamic Acid or Glutamate. The Sodium salt of glutamic Acid enhances the flavor but in large amounts, may cause chest pain, sensation of facial pressure, headaches, burning sensation, excessive fluid retention, and sweating 1."
"The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has given MSG its generally recognized as safe (GRAS) designation. A popular belief is that large doses of MSG can cause headaches and other feelings of discomfort, known as Chinese restaurant syndrome, but double-blind tests fail to find evidence of such a reaction."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer commonly added to Chinese food, canned vegetables, soups and processed meats. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified MSG as a food ingredient that's generally recognized as safe, but its use remains controversial. For this reason, when MSG is added to food, the FDA requires that it be listed on the label. MSG has been used as a food additive for decades. Over the years, the FDA has received many anecdotal reports of adverse reactions to foods containing MSG."
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"NOTE: This article is the third in a three-part series by CBN News Medical Reporter Gailon Totheroh on the dangers of MSG. Monosodium glutamate is adding flavor to your food, but many researchers believe it's also subtracting years from your life. Jack Samuels wonders how he's dodged the MSG bullet for 35 years. I began to collapse toward the end of certain meals at restaurants, he said. And frankly, I thought I was dying.."
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"Nutrition. Healthy Eating. MSG (monosodium glutamate) is a form of the naturally occurring amino acid glutamate, and is used as a food additive to intensify the taste of food. This flavor enhancer, originally extracted from seaweeds and used in Asian cuisines, has now become a common find in many food products."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer commonly added to Chinese food, canned vegetables, soups and processed meats. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified MSG as a food ingredient that's generally recognized as safe, but its use remains controversial. For this reason, when MSG is added to food, the FDA requires that it be listed on the label. MSG has been used as a food additive for decades. Over the years, the FDA has received many anecdotal reports of adverse reactions to foods containing MSG. These reactions â known as MSG symptom complex â include: Headache."
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"The FDA assures us that MSG is safe, but a neurotoxin, in any amount, is never fit for human consumption. To detoxify from MSG (and everything else) see this Inexpensive and Easy Detox. MSG goes by many different names; see MSG's Many Side Effects and Aliases for more information.Sources: Colbert MD, Don.he majority of MSG that Americans consume is added to processed foods or created as a by-product of the processing itself. It is also found in much of the food that is served in restaurants. The amount of MSG is particularly high in low-fat foods, canned goods, soups, and gravies."
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"The Dangers of Monosodium Glutamate. The problems associated with processed foods continue to grow. Our overabundance of these items has left a society struggling with poor nutrition and overall health. Information on the food additive monosodium glutamate, or MSG, needs to be shared to protect the American family. MSG is a flavor enhancer traditionally used in Chinese food, but found today in many foods like breakfast sausages and potato chips. Understanding the pitfalls of MSG can be very confusing."
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"What many donât know is that common ingredients used by food manufacturers, contain processed free glutamic acid (the harmful component of monosodium glutamate) that causes these reactions. Itâs important to know that MSG stands for ALL processed glutamic acid, not just monosodium glutamate.Glutamic acid found in unadulterated protein does not cause adverse reactions. To cause adverse reactions, the glutamic acid must have been processed/manufactured or come from protein that has been fermented.lutamic acid found in unadulterated protein does not cause adverse reactions. To cause adverse reactions, the glutamic acid must have been processed/manufactured or come from protein that has been fermented."
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"Possible MSG Side Effects. According to the FDA, MSG Symptom Complex or MSG side effects can result in. âAll forms of MSG (free glutamic acid that occurs in food as a consequence of manufacture) cause these reactions in MSG-sensitive people."
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"MSG (monosodium-glutamate) is a brain neurotoxin. It is a slow poison. Most people understand that MSG is not healthy, so manufacturers have changed the name to Natural Flavors.SG (monosodium-glutamate) is a brain neurotoxin. It is a slow poison. Most people understand that MSG is not healthy, so manufacturers have changed the name to Natural Flavors."
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"Posted on April 23, 2008 by jim. MSG stands for monosodium glutamate and is an food additive that, many years ago, got significant press about how bad it was for you."
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"(We must, therefore, postulate that damage done by repeated exposure to MSG is cumulative.) We know that learning disabilities and endocrine disorders such as gross obesity and reproductive disorders often follow the death of brain cells in animals."
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"Subsequent experiments have helped dismantle the MSG-is-bad-for-you theory. For instance, in one study from 1993, researchers tested 71 subjects for reactions to MSG in relation to CRS, concluding that ârigorous and realistic scientific evidence linking the syndrome to MSG could not be found.â."
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"Avoid Processed Foods. This category of foods takes care of a lot of the harmful substances we place into our bodies like MSG, Trans Fats, high fructose corn syrup, and soda. there really is nothing more sabotaging to healthy eating than processed foods!"
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"Ingestion of glutamic acid (MSG) is known to produce a variety of adverse reactions in some people. These reactions, although seemingly dissimilar, are no more diverse than reactions found as side effects of certain neurological drugs. We do not know why some people experience reactions and others do not."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Nutrition. Healthy Eating. MSG (monosodium glutamate) is a form of the naturally occurring amino acid glutamate, and is used as a food additive to intensify the taste of food. This flavor enhancer, originally extracted from seaweeds and used in Asian cuisines, has now become a common find in many food products.ven food labels that prominently read no added MSG do not always mean that the product is MSG-free. In fact, both the FDA and the USDA consider labels such as no added MSG or no MSG added misleading since many food products with these labels contain free glutamate."
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"is kat dennings pregnant"
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"Speculation is rampant that the actress best known for her roles in Thor or 2 Broke Girls is expecting a baby with long-time partner after she was spotted with a prominent stomach bulge on Wednesday evening (August 10, 2016), during romantic dinner date nearby her place."
] | [
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"If for some reason she is a young dog and you feel you can not take care of her and her puppies, if she is pregnant... please contact the local Aussie rescue in your area. If you need any more help or have questions please e-mail me. Anne Calmes [email protected] Gold Ring Aussies"
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"If the cat is pregnant, her body secretes progesterone. Her pregnancy will last around 60 days. If she is not pregnant, diestrus is termed a false pregnancy, and lasts about 40 days. During late fall and winter, when the fertility cycle diminishes, the cat's body is in anestrus, an inactive period."
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"Pregnancy And Spray Tanning:Sponsored. Pregnant women who love to bask in the sunlight and flaunt a lovely skin tan are discouraged to go out under the sun without enough protective clothing. Pregnant skin is considered most sensitive, hence the possibility of developing a sunburn and rash is on the high."
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"He and wife Victoria Prince are expecting their second child together â his sixth! â this spring, his rep confirms to PEOPLE. Prince, who is six months pregnant, and Federline are already parents to daughter, Jordan Kay, 2. The newlyweds were married in Las Vegas this past August."
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"Nestle Kit Kat Extra Crispy: Hershey's Kit Kat Caramel: Reese's Kit Kat Peanut Butter Cups Assortment: Reese's Kit Kat Chocolate: Reese's Kit Kat Chocolate Treats (Snack Size) Nestle Kit Kat: Friendly's Kit Kat Bars Topping: Nestle Kit Kat Bites: Nestle Kit Kat (Fun Size) Hershey's Kit Kat Minis : view more results"
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"Serving Size and Varieties. One standard Kit Kat bar is 42 grams, the Kit Kat King Size bar is 85 grams, a Kit Kat Snack bar is 14 grams and a Mini bar is 8.4 grams."
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"Not so for Lisa Kudrowâs son Julian Murray. During a Monday appearance on Bethenny, the former Friends star shared that her 14-year-old son isnât looking for his parents to expand their tight-knit trio â not now, not ever! âHe doesnât want siblings. Since he could talk heâd say, âNo, no I donât want a sister or a brother,'â the actress, 48, recalls. âSomeone would get pregnant and heâd say, âBut youâre not, right?'â. Still, Kudrow admits the future of an only child has her feeling sorry for her son. âI feel bad. Only because he alone will have to deal with his parents when theyâre old,â she says of herself and husband Michel Stern."
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"Anne was pregnant while filming Follow the Sun, in which she played the wife of golfer Ben Hogan (Glenn Ford). She gave birth to her daughter, Katrina, on July 9, 1951. Some time later, she and John Hodiak separated and he went to live with his parents."
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"Al-Fayed first claimed that the Princess of Wales was pregnant at the time of her death to the Daily Express in May 2001. If it is true, it is strange that he sat upon this important information for three and a half years, Scott Baker said at the inquest."
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"Beth Behrs. Beth Behrs (born December 26, 1985) is an American actress, best known for her role as Caroline Channing in the CBS sitcom 2 Broke Girls (2011âpresent). 1 Early life."
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"And this is before Tess read The Secret.â. Tess, of course, is Tess Daly, the lovely co-host of Strictly Come Dancing, Vernonâs wife of 11 years and the mother of their two daughters, Phoebe, nine, and Amber, four."
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"Itâs back to square one for Joey Fatone and his wife, Kelly. After the January birth of their second daughter, Kloey Alexandra, they felt a sense of déjà vu. âIt was like starting over again,â says Joey, 33. âDiapers, midnight feedings, all that. We hadnât done it in nine years.â."
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"Amber is one of Negan's wives, though she does not love Negan, she has to pretend, for her and her boyfriend's protection. When Amber slept with her boyfriend, Mark, behind Negan's back, Negan punished Mark and burnt his face, similar to Dwight and his relationship with Sherry, another wife of Negan. Negan and Dwight are the only named Saviors to have appeared on more than one issue cover. 2 A fan asked via Reddit which are the hardest characters to write, and Kirkman answered that Negan is a blast."
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"In the past, Naeko Karst would not have been able to find out the gender of her baby without going through some invasive tests, and she might have to wait until she was 18 to 20 weeks into the pregnancy."
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"Kim Kardashian has explained why she doesn't use botox or fillers for her face while pregnant, and shared makeup tips for face bloating. (Kim Kardashian/via Instagram) Kardashian shows off her patriotic Fourth of July outfit. The reality star spoke about how pregnancy affects her appearance."
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"The process of a mama cat getting ready to have kittens is called queening.. A female cat can get pregnant when sheâs as young as 4 months old, unless sheâs been spayed to prevent that. Queens can keep going into heat every 2 to 3 weeks from the spring through the early fall, making them ready to reproduce more often than not. A catâs pregnancy lasts about 63-65 days. So, a cat can have kittens when sheâs only 6 months old."
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"Kim Jong Unâs Wife âMissingâ, Assumed Pregnant. by James on Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8 comments comments. Kim Jong Unâs wife, Ri Sol Ju, has reportedly âgone missingâ after not making any public appearances for the last 40 days, according to data released by North Korea news-monitoring website NK News."
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"When a cat is pregnant she will be pregnant for around 9 weeks. When she goes into labour she will find a comfy place away from noise that she feels safe in. Once born the mot ⦠her will carry her kittens around by the scruff which is located on the back of their neck."
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"However, there are often indicators that your cat is pregnant, some signs include: By the third week of pregnancy the cat's nipples will become enlarged and pink. This is known as 'pinking up'. 1 By the fourth week of pregnancy she should have gained enough weight to make her pregnancy visible."
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"Jensen Ackles has been married to Danneel Ackles since May 15, 2010. They have been married for 6.9 years. Jensen Ackles."
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"'We're having a boy!' Pregnant Jill Duggar and husband Derick Dillard reveal the gender of their baby - who is due in March. Published: 09:47 EDT, 21 October 2014 | Updated: 10:04 EDT, 21 October 2014."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:', 'Because the density is directly related to the mass, the specific gravity can also be determined from the ratios of the mass of the object to the mass of water, or the weight of the object to the weight of water. The specific gravity has no units and its value determines if the object will float or sink in water.esson Summary. The specific gravity of an object is the ratio between the density of an object to a reference object. Usually, our reference object is water, which has a density of 1 g/mL or 1 g/cm^3.']>> to \"['Represent the next text', 'what determines the gravity of an object']\"",
"'I thought it was just Christmas weight': Woman found out she was pregnant ONE HOUR before giving birth to a 10lb baby girl. 1 Katie Kropas, 23, from Weymouth, Massachusetts, discovered that she was nine months pregnant when she was admitted to the hospital with cramps. 2 She was told about the pregnancy at 10.15 and gave birth at 11.06."
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"Scroll down for video. Glitzy do: Pregnant Kim Kardashian celebrated Olivier Rousteing's birthday with (from left to right) Corey Gamble, Kris Jenner, the birthday boy and Kourtney on Friday night in LA."
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"Your teddy bear hamster will give birth about 16 days after getting pregnant. Leave your hamster alone when she is ready to have her babies so she can relax and give birth in peace when the time is right."
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"Most babies will nurse better at this time than they will for the next couple of days. Take advantage of this. âA full-term healthy newborn's instinct to breastfeed peaks about 20 to 30 minutes after birth if he is not drowsy from drugs or anesthesia given to his mother during labour and deliveryâ (La Leche League)."
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"After only one episode, The Walking Dead season 6 has managed to hook a large horde of fans into watching the new installation, and now viewers are going crazy over rumors that Glenn and Maggie may be expecting a baby. The Walking Dead season 6 premiere seemed to hint that Maggie is pregnant with Glenn's baby."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Amber is one of Negan's wives, though she does not love Negan, she has to pretend, for her and her boyfriend's protection. When Amber slept with her boyfriend, Mark, behind Negan's back, Negan punished Mark and burnt his face, similar to Dwight and his relationship with Sherry, another wife of Negan.Negan to Spencer before killing him. Negan is greeted by Spencer when he visits the Safe-Zone several times. During the most recent visit, Negan takes a bit of a liking to him after hearing how the Safe-Zone was formed and all the commodities the Safe-Zone offers."
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"When Lambert gives birth to her baby next month, she will be about 6 months pregnant, and is looking at spending her first several months of life in the hospital as doctors determine how best to handle the situation."
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"Pregnant Kaitlin Olson is adding âanother set of ballsâ to her family. by Kim Grundy Following. Kim Grundy is a mom, writer, expert laundry folder and sandwich maker, not necessarily in that order."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Best Answer: FAQ about the Capitol. What is the name of the statue on top of the dome? It is the Statue of Freedom, an allegorical female figure. The bronze Statue of Freedom by Thomas Crawford is the crowning feature of the dome of the United States Capitol. The statue is a classical female figure of Freedom wearing flowing draperies.']\" Match: \"['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results:', 'what statue is on top of the capitol in dc']\"",
"Bethany Hamilton Pregnant, Surfer Expecting First Child With Husband Adam Dirks -- Find Out If It's a Boy or Girl! Surfer Bethany Hamilton and her husband Adam Dirks surprised fans on Sunday, Feb. 8 â the couple announced theyâre expecting their first child together! âWe have a little surprise for you...baby on board! the 25-year-old pro surfer revealed in a video posted to her website."
"Reviews kat von d tattoo concealer - 35 results from brands Kat Von D, Zupishi, products like Kat Von D Tattoo Concealer Choose Your Shade, Kat Von D Lock-It Tattoo Concealer, Kat Von D Lock-it Tattoo Concealer Light 16, Health & Beauty"
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n------\n\nFor example, '['represent the doc for finding search queries about it\\n\\nE.g.:\\nThe next month, Lewis was shot in the thigh by one of his own men during a hunt. Lewis and Clark and their two groups joined up again at the Missouri River and made the rest of the trek to St. Louis together. In total, the expedition traveled roughly 8,000 miles by boat, on foot, and on horseback. == which river did lewis take when he split up with clark', 'In humans there are 13 vitamins: 4 fat-soluble (A, D, E, and K) and 9 water-soluble (8 B vitamins and vitamin C). Water-soluble vitamins dissolve easily in water and, in general, are readily excreted from the body, to the degree that urinary output is a strong predictor of vitamin consumption.s a result, most of the fat-soluble vitamins (such as the vitamins A, D, E, and K) that contain amounts above the daily allowance are drug products. The daily dosage of a vitamin supplement for example cannot exceed 300% of the recommended daily allowance, and for vitamin A, this limit is even lower (200%).']' should be close to '['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results\\nExamples:\\n\\nGiven how much is per bitcoin it matches with Bitcoin surged to a new high of $4,880 on Friday. It must have been cause for cheer among investors who bought bitcoin a year ago. Back then, the price of bitcoin was a more affordable $572 per token, according to CoinDesk â\\x80\\x94 less than half the price of an ounce of gold. So, had an investor in theory decided to invest about $100 at that point, their stake would be worth about $850 today. but not with Price 1H Change; Bitcoin: $7584.1-2.43%: Ethereum: $766.915-3.25%: Ripple: $0.754592-0.88%: Bitcoin Cash: $941.527-2.81%: Cardano: $0.346918-1.27%: Litecoin: $140.187-3.14%: NEO: $104.798-3.11%: Stellar: $0.355776-2.34%: EOS: $7.93714-2.12%: NEM: $0.514791-6.5%: IOTA: $1.61287-4.7%: Dash: $515.753-2.91%: Monero: $205.667-3.09%: TRON: $0.0345639-4.72%: Tether: $1.00284-0.31%: Lisk: $17.5748-2.91%: VeChain: $4.11101', 'which vitamins is a fat soluble']'",
"In August, WHNT News 19 anchor Clarissa McClain revealed that she's having a baby boy. Dylan Hudson McClain is due in January 2016. Clarissa and husband DeMarco decided to pay their happiness forward. They invited you to guess the baby's gender by donating to the Food Bank of North Alabama."
"They met while acting together in the play, Fetch Clay, Make Man, at the McCarter Theater in Princeton, New Jersey. In 2015, Sonequa gave birth to a boy named Kenric Justin Green II after his father. She was pregnant during the filming of fifth season of The Walking Dead and covered up her bump using thick layers and using larger guns."
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"RAAK/AKM-GSI. Kim Kardashian wants her legal battle with Kris Humphries to be over by the time she gives birth to her and Kanye West's child in July. Or, if not entirely over, then she at least wants to be legally single."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nExamples:\n\n\"[\"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\\n\\n\\nFor instance, <<Birmingham (/Ë\\x88bÉ\\x9cË\\x90rmɪÅ\\x8bhæm/ BUR-ming-ham) is the most populous city in the U.S. state of Alabama and the county seat of Jefferson County. The city's population was 212,237 in the 2010 United States Census. The Birmingham-Hoover Metropolitan Statistical Area had a population of about 1,128,047 according to the 2010 Census, which is approximately one quarter of Alabama's population.>> to <<what county is birmingham al in>>\", 'Watch El Chema. This telenovela is a prequel to El Senor de los Cielos. It details the rise of the drug lord El Chema, following his misadventures as he works as a drug trafficker in Mexico and the United States. The series debuted on Telemundo in December 2016.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'who is el chema']\"",
"Marissa Jaret Winokur was born on February 2, 1973 in New York City, New York, USA. She is an actress, known for American Beauty (1999), The Talk (2010) and Fever Pitch (2005). She has been married to Judah Miller since October 7, 2006. They have one child."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"'My heart was so full and then it broke': General Hospital's Kimberly McCullough reveals she suffered late-term miscarriage and lost baby girl at 22 weeks. General Hospital actress Kimberly McCullough has revealed she recently suffered a late-term miscarriage."
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"With Mason, I was due on December 24 and my mom said, 'No, not on the night of my Christmas Eve party! But he was born 10 days early, so weâll see what happens this time. Kourtney Kardashian models a shimmering dressâand her baby bump!âinside the latest issue of Fit Pregnancy. Marc Baptiste. But even though she'll be ready to drop by Christmas, Kardashian's determined to make it a magical time for the sake of her other two children Mason, 4, and Penelope, 2. PHOTOS: Kourtney's wild first pregnancy"
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"Kim Kardashian West Says Surrogacy 'Is So Much Harder Than Pregnancy' 6:16 Kim K recently opened up to Entertainment Tonight about the latest addition to the KKW product fam…her Crystal Gardenia fragrance…AND the addition to her growing family at home. Kim has never been shy about the difficulties she faced with her past pregnancies…and although she’s using a surrogate for baby number three… that doesn’t make it any less difficult."
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"Contens: 3 Bars. Size (box): 9cm x 12cm. Uji-Matcha Kit Kat: For a millennium, Japanese have perfected their elegant way of preparing, serving and drinking tea. Kit Kat Uji-Matcha is made with fine Mtacha, the finely milled, shade grown tea powder used in tea ceremony.Categories: Kit Kat, Sale.ji-Matcha Kit Kat: For a millennium, Japanese have perfected their elegant way of preparing, serving and drinking tea. Kit Kat Uji-Matcha is made with fine Mtacha, the finely milled, shade grown tea powder used in tea ceremony. Categories: Kit Kat, Sale."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"âHer baby will be born with a mullet. Just saying,â Dan Walker commented on the Spoiling Dead Fans Facebook page. Other fans tried to allay the fears of those who believe that Alannaâs pregnancy has put a target on her back."
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"Kat Graham, Kg, Kat, Katerina Alexandre Hartford Graham, Katerina Graham, Kitty Kat, Katerina Alexandre Hartford Kat Graham, Katerina Alexandre Graham Age: 28 years Birthday: 5th September, 1989 Birthplace: Geneva, Switzerland Height: 5' 2¼ (158 cm) Weight: 124lbs (56 kg) Build"
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"Meet Raven Symoneâs Baby: Lilliana Pearman (PHOTOS) Word is that Raven Symone has given birth to a baby girl, Lilliana Pearman, in an Atlanta hospital. Although, Iâm not even sure it was even confirmed that Symone was pregnant. Also, there have been previous rumors that she had already given birth. Then thereâs this photo, reportedly of Symoneâs newborn:"
"Erin Bates Paine has struggled with infertility issues for several years and her heartbreak was chronicled on the reality series Bringing Up Bates.. Paine is now pregnant with her first son due June 9, named Carson Paine."
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"I am going to write today a little bit about a woman called Mary Beth Tinning. She was actually born Mary Beth Roe in Duanesberg close to New York. As she grew up she had a number of low-wage jobs and in 1963 she met a man called Joe Tinning and got married.At one point she worked as a nurseâs aide at Ellis Hospital in Schenectady.hen Joe and Mary Beth had been married a few years they were the parents of two children: Barbara and Joseph and in late 71 another child was born into the household: Jennifer. She was to live only a month when she died at Schenectady hospital with a diagnosis of meningitis."
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"Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are no longer living under Kris Jenner's roof... they've moved into the Bel-Air fixer upper even though they're already planning to sell it. TMZ has learned they felt like this was the right time to fly the coop since they have 2 kids now. When they moved in with mom, Kim was only pregnant with North."
"'I thought it was just Christmas weight': Woman found out she was pregnant ONE HOUR before giving birth to a 10lb baby girl. Katie Kropas, 23, from Weymouth, Massachusetts, discovered that she was nine months pregnant when she was admitted to the hospital with cramps. She was told about the pregnancy at 10.15 and gave birth at 11.06. The new mother and her long-term boyfriend named their daughter Ellen Olivia."
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"Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced on Friday, July 31, that his wife, Priscilla Chan, is pregnant and expecting the couple's first child"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Looks like Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton gave each other the greatest Christmas gift of all â a new baby! A source tells In Touch Weekly that the mother-of-three, 46, is pregnant by the 39-year-old country crooner! RELATED: Meet Miranda Lambertâs New Man! âGwen is pregnant,â the source exclusively tells In Touch, in the new issue on newsstands now."
"represent text\nGiven ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"Last I checked, the youngest you can be to work at Sephora is 18. I was wonder what everyone's thoughts are on this.Wow I was not expecting it to be this long, but I would really appreciate it if you read this.y22. Last I checked, the youngest you can be to work at Sephora is 18. I was wonder what everyone's thoughts are on this. Wow I was not expecting it to be this long, but I would really appreciate it if you read this.\"], a positive would be ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what age does sephora hire at']",
"tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, or if you plan to father a child. Denosumab injection may harm the fetus. You should not become pregnant while you are receiving denosumab injection and if receiving denosumab (Xgeva) for at least 5 months after your treatment."
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"Regardless of whether you are pregnant or not, exposure to the sun puts you at risk for premature aging and malignant melanoma (skin cancer). The following information will help you think through tanning in a bed, on the beach, or with help from a bottle. Some studies also link UV rays and folic acid deficiency. Folic acid prevents neural tube defects, such as spina bifida, and is especially important in the first trimester. During pregnancy, your skin is more susceptible to burning and chloasma, the dark splotches that appear on the face during pregnancy. Speak to your health care provider about the safety of tanning beds during pregnancy."
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"The process of a mama cat getting ready to have kittens is called queening. A female cat can get pregnant when sheâs as young as 4 months old, unless sheâs been spayed to prevent that. Queens can keep going into heat every 2 to 3 weeks from the spring through the early fall, making them ready to reproduce more often than not. A catâs pregnancy lasts about 63-65 days. So, a cat can have kittens when sheâs only 6 months old. Is She Pregnant? The best way to find out is to make an appointment with your vet. He can confirm that kittens are on the way, and get an idea of how many, in a few ways: Feeling your cat's belly is sometimes useful but not always accurate."
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"Fanning provided voice-overs for a number of animated projects, including Kim Possible, My Neighbour Totoro and Family Guy. 2004 saw Dakota Fanning appearing in Man on Fire. She played the role of Pita, alongside Denzel Washington, who plays the role of a man hired to protect her from kidnappers."
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"And this is before Tess read The Secret.â. Tess, of course, is Tess Daly, the lovely co-host of Strictly Come Dancing, Vernonâs wife of 11 years and the mother of their two daughters, Phoebe, nine, and Amber, four. Hang on, Vernon."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"News of Scott and Kacyâs pregnancy just broke last month, and the couple never formally announced that they were expecting. Congratulations to the happy couple on the wonderful new addition! Scott Caan and his girlfriend Kacy Byxbee have reportedly welcomed their first child Josie James Caan, E! News reports."
] |
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"what is soteria"
] | [
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"Soteria may refer to: 1 Soteria (festival) , a festival in Ancient Greece. 2 Soteria (mythology) , Greek goddess or spirit of safety and deliverance from harm. 3 Soteria (psychiatric treatment) , a method of psychiatric treatment. 4 Soteria Aliberty (1847â1929), Greek feminist and educator."
] | [
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"Then just follow the diagram below. Just for fun, see the name Soteria in Hieroglyphics, learn about ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics and write a Hieroglyphic message. Learn about nautical flags and see your name or message written in nautical flags, on the Soteria in Nautical Flags page."
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"Fragaria /frÉËÉ¡ÉÉriÉ/ is a genus of flowering plants in the rose family, Rosaceae, commonly known as strawberries for their edible fruits. There are more than 20 described species and many hybrids and cultivars.trawberries are not true berries. The fleshy and edible part of the fruit is a receptacle, and the parts that are sometimes mistakenly called seeds are achenes."
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"asterism - (astronomy) a cluster of stars (or a small constellation) star - (astronomy) a celestial body of hot gases that radiates energy derived from thermonuclear reactions in the interior."
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"Esotropia is sometimes erroneously called âlazy eye,â which describes the condition of amblyopia âa reduction in vision of one or both eyes that is not the result of any pathology of the eye and cannot be resolved by the use of corrective lenses.sotropia is a form of strabismus, or âsquint,â in which one or both eyes turns inward."
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"Sorbs (Upper Sorbian: Serbja; Lower Sorbian: Serby; also known as Wends, Lusatian Sorbs or Lusatian Serbs) are a Western Slavic people of Central Europe living predominantly in Lusatia, a region on the territory of Germany and Poland.In Germany they live in the states of Brandenburg and Saxony.n 1875, Jakub Bart-ÄiÅ¡inski, the poet and classicist of Upper Sorbian literature, and Karol ArnoÅ¡t Muka created a movement of young Sorbians influencing Lusatian art, science and literature for the following 50 years."
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"Asteria is an unusual given name for females and also an unusual surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. Census). Charted below is the baby name popularity of Asteria for girls.Asteria has not been listed in the Top 1000 so far.steria /as-te-r-ia/ [4 sylls.] as a girls' name is of Greek origin. Greek mythology: Asteria was a woman whom Zeus took a fancy to. She was changed into a quail to escape him."
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"Each god/goddess protects some aspect of life and existence, like Hera the goddess of marriage protects marriage, or Artemis the goddess of chastity protects those who want ch ⦠astity. The only goddess of actual safety and protection was Soteria. She had a male counterpart called Soter."
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"Latin Meaning: The name Asteria is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Asteria is: Star.SoulUrge Number: 7. Expression Number: 1. People with this name have a deep inner need for quiet, and a desire to understand and analyze the world they live in, and to learn the deeper truths.atin Meaning: The name Asteria is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Asteria is: Star."
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"Asteria /as-te-r-ia/ [4 sylls.] as a girls' name is of Greek origin. Greek mythology: Asteria was a woman whom Zeus took a fancy to.She was changed into a quail to escape him. Related girl names: Asta and Astra.steria /as-te-r-ia/ [4 sylls.] as a girls' name is of Greek origin. Greek mythology: Asteria was a woman whom Zeus took a fancy to. She was changed into a quail to escape him."
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"This is a thorough word study about the meaning of the Greek word ÏÏÏηÏία, 'soteria' translated 'salvation', Strong's 4991, and includes the Greek word ÏÏÏήÏιοÏ, 'soterios' also meaning 'salvation', Strong's 4992."
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"Aster (genus) For other uses, see Aster (disambiguation). Aster is a genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae. Its circumscription has been narrowed, and it now encompasses around 180 species, all but one of which are restricted to Eurasia; many species formerly in Aster are now in other genera of the tribe Astereae."
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"Meaning of Asteria. Latin-American name. In Latin-American, the name Asteria means-star.The name Asteria originated as an Latin-American name. The name Asteria is most often used as a girl name or female name.Latin-American Name Meaning-star. Origin-Latin-America. Global Star Registery-Name a star after someone special!eaning of Asteria. Latin-American name. In Latin-American, the name Asteria means-star.The name Asteria originated as an Latin-American name. The name Asteria is most often used as a girl name or female name. Latin-American Name Meaning-star."
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"Boehmeria is a genus of 47 species of flowering plants in the nettle family Urticaceae. Of the species, 33 are indigenous to the Old World and 14 to the New World; no species is indigenous to both the Old and New Worlds. The species include herbaceous perennials, shrubs and small trees."
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"Stand by and see the salvation (yeshua = help, deliverance; Lxx = soteria) of the LORD which He will accomplish for you today; for the Egyptians whom you have seen today, you will never see them again forever."
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"Location Map. Asteria Residences is strategically located in Sucat (now known as Dr Arcadio Santos Avenue) in San Antonio Valley 2, Brgy San Isidro, Parañaque City. The site is accessible to both public and private transportation."
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"Demetrius Soter (Saviour) So called because he saved the Babylonians from the tyranny of the satrap Heraclides, reigned from 162 to 150 B.C. He was the son of Seleucus Phlopator, and spent his early years as a hostage in Rome, petitioning the Senate in vain for permission to return to his country."
"Ptolemy I Soter, the First King of Ancient Egypt's Ptolemaic Dynasty."
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"Sophora is a genus of about 45 species of small trees and shrubs in the pea family Fabaceae.The species are native to southeast Europe, southern Asia, Australasia, various Pacific islands, western South America, the western United States, Florida and Puerto Rico.The generic name is derived from sophera, an Arabic name for a pea-flowered tree.he Toromiro (Sophora toromiro) was formerly a common tree in the forests of Easter Island. The tree fell victim to the deforestation that eliminated the island's forests by the 18th century, and later became extinct in the wild."
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"Superior oblique myokymia (SOM) is an uncommon disorder characterized by rapid, low-amplitude, high frequency contractions of the superior oblique muscle, which results in monocular vertical-torsional oscillopsia. Duane first described the disease in 1906 and he termed it a 'unilateral rotatory nystagmus' (1)."
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"Description: Lotteria is another brand of fast food outlets that can be found in South Korea. Having an outlet in almost every neighbourhood you can't miss these restaurants. They have menus of shrimp burger ìì° ë²ê±° (SaeWoo Burger) and squid burger ì¤ì§ì´ ë²ê±° (OhJingEo Burger) that can be ordered by Muslims.n 2011, me and a group of friends went on a backpacking trip to Seoul. We planned our own trip, reserved the accommodation and made the budget ourselves. The result from the research done for the trip is a whole lot of information that I think can be beneficial for others, especially Muslim travellers."
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"SINTERCAFE- International Coffee Week -is an annual event known worldwide which involves both producers and consumers. W...ithout a doubt is the most interesting and best attended coffee event taking place in a coffee producing nation. See more. 907 people like this and 902 people follow this."
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"Hecate is the daughter of the Titans Perses and Asteria. She is the Greek goddess of magic, sorcery, witchcraft, crossroads, trivial knowledge, and necromancy.According to The House of Hades, she is also the goddess of the Mist.ecate was a third-generation Titaness born to Asteria and Perses. She sided with the Olympians during the First Titan War, and was allowed to retain power after the Titans were defeated."
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"History Edit. Asterion, alternatively called Asterios, is a name given to two figures in Greek mythology. The first Asterion was a sacred king of Crete whose wife Europa was seduced by Zeus when he took the form of a bull, producing Minos.ersona 4 Arena Edit. Asterius is an extension of Shadow Labrys that takes the form of a large humanoid only partially coming out of the ground, surrounded by flames, with a bull's skull for a head, and several chains restraining it to the ground."
"Ostermalm is the more built-up, moneyed part of the city, posh and well-heeled, whereas Sodermalm is typically younger, more up-and-coming and quirkier in terms of culture; it's full of cafes, coffee shops, flea markets, thrift stores, galleries, that kind of thing."
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"Salacia reticulata is an indigenous plant of the genus Salacia grown in dry zone forests in Sri Lanka. Known as kothala himbutu, it is a herbal plant used for the treatment of diabetes in ayurvedic medicine.alacia reticulata is an indigenous plant of the genus Salacia grown in dry zone forests in Sri Lanka. Known as kothala himbutu, it is a herbal plant used for the treatment of diabetes in ayurvedic medicine."
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"Wisteria (also spelled Wistaria or Wysteria) is a genus of flowering plants in the pea family, Fabaceae, that includes ten species of woody climbing vines native to the Eastern United States and to China, Korea, and Japan.n aquatic flowering plant with the common name wisteria or 'water wisteria' is in fact Hygrophila difformis, in the family Acanthaceae."
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"Pfiesteria is a genus of heterotrophic dinoflagellates that has been associated with harmful algal blooms and fish kills. Pfiesteria complex organisms were claimed to be responsible for large fish kills in the 1980s and 1990s on the coast of North Carolina and in tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay. In reaction to the toxic outbreaks, six states along the US east coast have initiated a monitoring program to allow for rapid response in the case of new outbreaks and to better understand the factors"
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"Esotropia is a form of strabismus, or âsquint,â in which one or both eyes turns inward.The condition can be constantly present, or occur intermittently, and can give the affected individual a cross-eyed appearance.sotropia is a form of strabismus, or âsquint,â in which one or both eyes turns inward."
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"MEANING: This name derives from the Ancient Greek âAstÄr (á¼ÏÏήÏ) astÄrios / astÄrion (á¼ÏÏÎÏÎ¹Î¿Ï / á¼ÏÏεÏίÏν)â, meaning âstar, asterâ. Asteria was the daughter of the Titans Coeus and Phoebe and sister of Leto.According to Hesiod, by Perses she had a daughter Hecate.his name derives from the Ancient Greek âAstÄr (á¼ÏÏήÏ) astÄrios / astÄrion (á¼ÏÏÎÏÎ¹Î¿Ï / á¼ÏÏεÏίÏν)â, meaning âstar, asterâ. Asteria was the daughter of the Titans Coeus and Phoebe and sister of Leto."
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"1 An asterism is a group of stars which form a pattern in the night sky but is not a constellation in itself. The beautiful Ring Nebula can be found within the Lyra constellation, between the stars of Sulafet and Sheliak."
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"View the Soteria Name Popularity Page to see how the popularity trend for Soteria has changed since 1880, or to compare the popularity of Soteria to other names. Soteria is a variant spelling of Sotiris."
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"Soteria Cloud Consulting assists organizations with proven strategies for designing, procuring and supporting cloud solutions. Our desire is to âbridge-the-gapâ between your technology initiatives and the myriad of hosted cloud options that are in the marketplace. We know understanding the cloud can be challenging: people have very different views of what exactly âitâ is."
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"Asteraceae or Compositae (commonly referred to as the aster, daisy, composite,[4] or sunflower family) is a very large and widespread family of flowering plants (Angiospermae).[5][6]"
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"SOA may refer to"
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"The definition of a soirée is a gathering or get-together, especially a posh or elegant one. An elegant evening party to celebrate the opening of an art gallery or play is an example of a soirée. or soi·réeâ². a party or gathering in the evening. Origin of soiree."
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"Wisteria (also spelled Wistaria or Wysteria) is a genus of flowering plants in the pea family, Fabaceae, that includes ten species of woody climbing vines native to the Eastern United States and to China, Korea, and Japan.isteria, especially Wisteria sinensis, is very hardy and fast-growing. It can grow in fairly poor-quality soils, but prefers fertile, moist, well-drained soil. They thrive in full sun. Wisteria can be propagated via hardwood cutting, softwood cuttings, or seed."
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"The soma (pl. somata or somas) is also known as a perikaryon (pl, perikary), a cyton, or simply as a neuron cell body. The word soma comes from the Greek Ïῶμα, meaning body, while perikaryon comes from peri, meaning around and kary, meaning nucleus.."
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"For other uses, see Aster (disambiguation) . Aster is a genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae. Its circumscription has been narrowed, and it now encompasses around 180 species, all but one of which are restricted to Eurasia; many species formerly in Aster are now in other genera of the tribe Astereae.or other uses, see Aster (disambiguation) . Aster is a genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae. Its circumscription has been narrowed, and it now encompasses around 180 species, all but one of which are restricted to Eurasia; many species formerly in Aster are now in other genera of the tribe Astereae."
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"Esotropia is a form of strabismus, or âsquint,â in which one or both eyes turns inward.The condition can be constantly present, or occur intermittently, and can give the affected individual a cross-eyed appearance.sotropia is sometimes erroneously called âlazy eye,â which describes the condition of amblyopia âa reduction in vision of one or both eyes that is not the result of any pathology of the eye and cannot be resolved by the use of corrective lenses."
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"Osteria Mozza is the brainchild of Mario Batali, Joe Bastianich and Nancy Silverton. In an origin story that has become restaurant lore, Mario asked Nancy to lead the pastry and bread department at the nascent Del Posto in New York.Osteria Mozza is a casual restaurant where people dress to impressâ¦â Presided over by always-dressed-to-impress Nancy Silverton, Osteria Mozza goes from strength to strength. From exquisite handmade pastas to grilled beef tagliata to Pastry Chef Dahlia Narvaezâs rosemary olive oil cakes."
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"Progeria (pronunciation: /proÊËdÊɪÉriÉ/) (HutchinsonâGilford progeria syndrome, HGPS, progeria syndrome) is an extremely rare genetic disorder wherein symptoms resembling aspects of aging are manifested at a very early age. Progeria is one of several progeroid syndromes. The word progeria comes from the Greek words pro (ÏÏÏ), meaning before or premature, and gÄras (γá¿ÏαÏ), meaning old age."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nThe provided query could be \"['', 'We are frequently asked whether a grant of probate is always required after somebodyâ\\x80\\x99s death. Very small estates under £15,000 do not require a grant while those assets held in joint names (such as bank accounts or property) pass to the survivor on the Deceased persons death, meaning that no grant is required.he grant is a legal document which states the Deceasedâ\\x80\\x99s full name, as well as the Executors entrusted with the administration of the estate. The grant can then be presented to various financial institutions to collect the Deceasedâ\\x80\\x99s assets.']\" and the positive \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'when is grant of probate not required']\"",
"Translation: At the time of their revolt against Demetrius Soter, [the Jews] appealed to Rome for amicitia (a treaty of friendship). As a result, they were the first among the eastern peoples to win their freedom, because at the time the Romans were generously distributing what was not theirs to give."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Progesterone (P4) is an endogenous steroid and progestogen sex hormone involved in the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and embryogenesis of humans and other species. It belongs to a group of steroid hormones called the progestogens, and is the major progestogen in the body."
"Asteria (Asteâ²ria), daughter of Caeus, was carried away by Jupiter, who assumed the shape of an eagle. 1000 Mythological Characters Briefly Described Edward S. Ellis. Now I'll put on my pretty morning dress; Aunt 'ria hung it up in the closet."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"1 Soteria Belou (1921â1997), famous Greek singer and performer. 2 Soteria Search and Rescue, a company that had been bidding for the UK Search and Rescue helicopter contract until it was found that they had access to commercially sensitive information and the bidding process was ended."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Aster yellows is a fairly common disease that can cause bizarre symptoms on a wide variety of plants. The disease can be found on hundreds of plants, including many flowers and vegetables, such as coneflower, daisy, marigold, zinnia, snapdragon, chrysanthemum, tomato, carrot and lettuce."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Progeria, also known as Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS), is a rare genetic condition that causes a child's body to age fast. Most kids with progeria do not live past the age of 13. The disease affects both sexes and all races equally."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Inedia (Latin for fasting) or breatharianism /brÉθËÉÉriÉnɪzÉm/ is the belief that it is possible for a person to live without consuming food. Breatharians claim that food, and in some cases water, are not necessary for survival, and that humans can be sustained solely by prana, the vital life force in Hinduism."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The Asteraceae or Compositae (commonly referred to as the aster, daisy, composite, or sunflower family) are an exceedingly large and widespread family of flowering plants (Angiospermae)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Soarian's core differentiator is its unique-to-healthcare workflow engine that facilitates and tracks technology-driven workflows designed to help users increase efficiency, improve patient safety, and achieve desired clinical and financial outcomes - while supporting key quality and regulatory initiatives."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"âOsteria Mozza is a casual restaurant where people dress to impressâ¦â Presided over by always-dressed-to-impress Nancy Silverton, Osteria Mozza goes from strength to strength. From exquisite handmade pastas to grilled beef tagliata to Pastry Chef Dahlia Narvaezâs rosemary olive oil cakes.Osteria Mozza is a casual restaurant where people dress to impressâ¦â Presided over by always-dressed-to-impress Nancy Silverton, Osteria Mozza goes from strength to strength. From exquisite handmade pastas to grilled beef tagliata to Pastry Chef Dahlia Narvaezâs rosemary olive oil cakes."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Wisteria (also spelled Wistaria or Wysteria) is a genus of flowering plants in the pea family, Fabaceae, that includes ten species of woody climbing vines native to the Eastern United States and to China, Korea, and Japan.ome species are popular ornamental plants. An aquatic flowering plant with the common name wisteria or 'water wisteria' is in fact Hygrophila difformis, in the family Acanthaceae."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Progeria, also known as Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS), is a rare genetic condition that causes a child's body to age fast.Most kids with progeria do not live past the age of 13. The disease affects both sexes and all races equally.rogeria, also known as Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS), is a rare genetic condition that causes a child's body to age fast."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Progeria (pronunciation: /proÊËdÊɪÉriÉ/) (HutchinsonâGilford progeria syndrome, HGPS, progeria syndrome) is an extremely rare genetic disorder wherein symptoms resembling aspects of aging are manifested at a very early age."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Lotteria is a chain of fast-food restaurants in East Asia that grew out of its first shop in Tokyo, Japan in September 1972.otteria has followed the global fast-food trend of shifting towards health-conscious foods and rebranding its image. In the face of health trends, it eliminated trans fats from its French fries. It also introduced healthier menu items, such as a rye bread burger that totals only 350 calories."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"From a theological perspective, the word salvation comes from a Greek word soteria and when it is coupled with the word logos which means doctrine you have the study of the doctrine of salvation which is recognized in theological circles as Soteriology.rom a theological perspective, the word salvation comes from a Greek word soteria and when it is coupled with the word logos which means doctrine you have the study of the doctrine of salvation which is recognized in theological circles as Soteriology."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Superior oblique myokymia (SOM) is a neurologic disorder that affects vision. It is a problem concerning the fourth cranial nerve and its relationship to the superior oblique muscle. Superior oblique myokymia is a condition that presents as repeated, brief episodes of movement, shimmering or shaking of the vision of one eye, a feeling of the eye trembling, or vertical/tilted double vision. It can present as one or more of these symptoms."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Asteraceae or Compositae (commonly referred to as the aster, daisy, composite, or sunflower family) is a very large and widespread family of flowering plants (Angiospermae). The family currently has 32,913 accepted species names, in 1,911 genera (list) and 13 subfamilies."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The Lupercalia (Latin Lupercalus) was a festival of purification and fertility in ancient Rome - held every year on 15th February. It was named after the god Lupercus, the Roman equivalent of the Greek god Pan. 1 person found this useful."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The intelligentsia (Latin: intellegentia, Polish: inteligencja, Russian: инÑеллигенÑиÑ; [ɪntʲɪlʲɪËɡʲentsɨjÉ]) is a social class of people engaged in complex mental labour aimed at guiding or critiquing, or otherwise playing a leadership role in shaping a society's culture and politics.he intelligentsia (Latin: intellegentia, Polish: inteligencja, Russian: инÑеллигенÑиÑ; [ɪntʲɪlʲɪËɡʲentsɨjÉ]) is a social class of people engaged in complex mental labour aimed at guiding or critiquing, or otherwise playing a leadership role in shaping a society's culture and politics."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The definition of a soirée is a gathering or get-together, especially a posh or elegant one. An elegant evening party to celebrate the opening of an art gallery or play is an example of a soirée. soiree. soiree. An evening party or reception."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Progeria is the term for a group of disorders that cause rapid aging in children. Most common is the fatal Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS).This is a rare condition affecting a specific gene.Progeria in Greek translates to âprematurely old.â Kids with progeria live to an average thirteen-years-old.rogeria is the term for a group of disorders that cause rapid aging in children. Most common is the fatal Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1 Video of Robert Whitaker and Loren Mosher discussing the evidence for the Soteria model. 2 Website on Soteria started by Loren Mosher. 3 Soteria Foundation A Hungarian Soteria organization that provides multiple services to people with mental health problems and their families and communities."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Wisteria is one of the most popular flowering vines in North America. It is high time to praise the virtue of the best flowering vines and other attractive climbers and creepers, while also admitting the drawbacks of some of the more questionable selections from the vine world."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A sorus (pl. sori) is a cluster of sporangia (structures producing and containing spores) in ferns and fungi. This New Latin word is from Ancient Greek ÏÏÏÏÏ (sÅros âsÅrós, stack, pileâ). heap"
] |
"Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results:",
"who was in the traveling wilburys group"
] | [
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"Traveling Wilburys. The Traveling Wilburys (sometimes shortened to the Wilburys) were a British-American supergroup consisting of Bob Dylan, George Harrison, Jeff Lynne, Roy Orbison, and Tom Petty. The band recorded two albums, the first in 1988 and the second in 1990, though Orbison died before the second was recorded."
] | [
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"Lewis is shocked to discover Bowler Hat Guy's identity as his Orphanage roommate Goob as well as the truth that he is Wilbur's father, Cornelius. Wilbur and Carl come to Lewis' rescue and take back the Memory Scanner."
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"Although it didn't match the success of the first Wilburys album, it was another million-selling hit. Throughout the '90s, there were rumors of another Traveling Wilburys record in the works, but no new albums from the group surfaced."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The actual group Crowe first toured with was The Allman Brothers Band. Gregg Allman distrusted him, and kept asking if he was a narc. Crowe was in a near-fatal plane crash while traveling with The Who. The character of Russell Hammond is based on Glenn Frey of Eagles."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nFewshot example: \"['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'These knots, also known as â\\x80\\x9ctrigger points,â\\x80\\x9d occur when your muscle fibers cannot relax. Theyâ\\x80\\x99re commonly found in the trapezius muscle, a large muscle that extends from the base of your skull down your back and out to your shoulder. You can try some techniques on your own to get rid of knots, or seek professional treatment.']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what are knots in your back?']\"",
"The package marked the first all-inclusive body of Roy Orbison's work from his earliest recordings to the Traveling Wilburys' debut album, Mystery Girl and his last live performance. Roy Orbison died in 1988 at the age of 52, in the midst of a comeback with The Traveling Wilburys. Actor Patrick Swayze's widow, Lisa Swayze, said her heart out goes out to the Orbison family. Patrick and I always had a warm connection with them both. Now we have lost this wonderful lady, Lisa Swayze said."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Country music's version of the Traveling Wilburys, the Highwaymen 's second album clocks in at just under a mere 33 minutes and covers little new territory for the group of country legends. Sadly, of the ten tracks, only six were penned by any of the members. Even the songs included are a little light for this group of country heavyweights, and the album suffers from an overall homogenous and dated 1980s studio sound. The opening track, Silver Stallion, was the only minor hit from the album, though Cash, Nelson, and Kristofferson make solid contributions to the album."
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"George, being George, titled the second album The Traveling Wilburys, Volume 3. Sadly, by this time Roy had died, but there was still great excitement when we visited the Wilburys, recording in the Wallace Neff-designed house at the top of Coldwater Canyon. Being with those guys, in that setting â truly memorable."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"In the process, they also changed their image and name. By 1952, Bill Haley and the Saddlemen were history; instead, playing off of their leader's name and the celestial phenomenon called Halley's Comet, they became Bill Haley & His Comets. The cowboy hats and other country paraphernalia were junked as well."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"What I think made the Traveling Wilburys so special was the spontaneous formation of these 5 über-rockers. George Harrison, wanting a little help for an extra track for his single This Is Love, got much more than just a B-side in what I consider one of the best pop rock songs of the 80's: Handle With Care."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"He is best known as the lead singer of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, but is also known as a member and co-founder of the late 1980s supergroup the Traveling Wilburys (under the pseudonyms of Charlie T. Wilbury, Jr. and Muddy Wilbury), and his early band Mudcrutch."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Wright Brothers-Gliders. Over the next three years, Wilbur and his brother Orville would design a series of gliders which would be flown in both unmanned (as kites) and piloted flights. They read about the works of Cayley, and Langley, and the hang-gliding flights of Otto Lilienthal."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Bryan Adams swings through studio q with Get Up!, a new album produced by Jeff Lynne of ELO and the Traveling Wilburys fame. More Oct 15, 12:33 PM ET read comments. 1 Call Me Maybe, Summer of '69 among top-earning Canadian songs abroad in 2014 Sep 07. 2 Pop music reigns in Canada, new download data shows Aug 21."
"represent this text For example, ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Ideas for a Capstone Project. The Capstone Project is often the final project before finishing business school. The Capstone Project is the definitive project for graduate business degrees. This project gives advisors an idea of whether you have mastered the subject area of your choice in business school. It is the higher equivalent of the undergraduate senior project.'] should be similar to ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is a typical capstone project']",
"Biography. A New York-based blues-rock quartet formed in 1988 by singer/harmonica player John Popper, guitarist Chan Kinchla, bassist Bobby Sheehan, and drummer Brendan Hill, Blues Traveler were part of a revival of the extended jamming style of '60s and '70s groups like the Grateful Dead and Led Zeppelin."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The Wilburn Brothers. Originally appearing on the Grand Ole Opry as part of the Wilburn Family country music group in 1940, the Wilburn Brothers became permanent members of the Opry in 1953, after which they became consistent performers of hit records as well as pioneers of syndicated televised country music."
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"Pop. Reversing the usual process by which groups break up and give way to solo careers, the Traveling Wilburys are a group made up of solo stars."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Tweeter and the Monkey Man. Tweeter and the Monkey Man is a song by rock music supergroup The Traveling Wilburys that first appeared on the 1988 album Traveling Wilburys Vol. 1."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"George James Harrison (February 25, 1943 â November 29, 2001) was a founding member of The Beatles. Harrison also had an award winning solo career, and was also a part of the Traveling Wilburys supergroup. While known as the quiet Beatle, George still has legions of fans to this day."
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"By Mo Ostin. The birth of the Traveling Wilburys was a happy accident. Warner Bros. Recordsâ International Department had asked that George Harrison come up with a B-side for âThis Is Love,â a single from his Cloud Nine album."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"George Harrison (February 25, 1943 â November 29, 2001) was a founding member of The Beatles. Harrison also had an award winning solo career, and was also a part of the Traveling Wilburys supergroup."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"George Harrison first mentioned the Traveling Wilburys during a radio interview with Bob Coburn on the Rockline radio station in February 1988. When asked what he planned to do as a follow-up for his Cloud Nine album, Harrison replied: What I'd really like to do next is... to do an album with me and some of my mates..."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The family moved to Wilbur in 1940, from the Jerome area. She was a member of the VFW Auxiliary Post 6268, Wilbur; a former post mistress at Jerome, WA; and she worked for many years as a clerk of the Foley Variety Store (now Davis Variety) in Wilbur. She was also an active member of the Wilbur Senior Citizens."
"Roy Orbison died in 1988 at the age of 52, in the midst of a comeback with The Travelling Wilburys. Lisa Swayze, widow of actor Patrick Swayze who died in September 2009 from pancreatic cancer, said: 'Patrick and I always had a warm connection with them both."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Artist Biography by William Ruhlmann. Reversing the usual process by which groups break up and give way to solo careers, the Traveling Wilburys are a group made up of solo stars."
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"There never was a supergroup more super than the Traveling Wilburys. They had Jeff Lynne, the leader of ELO; they had Roy Orbison, the best pop singer of the '60s; they had Tom Petty, the best roots rocker this side of Bruce Springsteen; they had a Beatle and Bob Dylan, for crying out loud!"
"Represent this.",
"Woody bonded with fellow Allman member Warren Haynes, who joined the group around the same time on guitar. In 1994, the pair, while remaining on tour with the Allman Brothers Band, formed the side-band Govât Mule, with drummer Matt Abts. Three years later, the side project became Woody and Haynesâ sole focus."
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"Throughout the '90s, there were rumors of another Traveling Wilburys record in the works, but no new albums from the group surfaced. Harrison and Lynne did re-team in 1995, when Lynne produced and reworked two John Lennon demos with the Beatles for their Anthology rarities collection."
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"One group, led by James Robertson, came overland, through the Cumberland Gap. A larger group came down river, on a flotilla of boats that went downstream along the Holston and Tennessee rivers and upstream along the Ohio and Cumberland Rivers. Its leader was John Donelson."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"By T. Rees Shapiro By T. Rees Shapiro May 20, 2016. Alan Young, an Emmy Award-winning comic actor best remembered for playing Wilbur, the human sidekick and wonky owner of a talking horse in the 1960s television sitcom âMister Ed,â died May 19 at the Motion Picture & Television Home in Woodland Hills, Calif. He was 96."
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"Robert Knepper (Theodore 'T-Bag' Bagwell) Robert Knepper in Prison Break. T-Bag, played by Robert Knepper was the most notorious member of the Fox River gang and ended up many viewers favourite character. After 80 episodes on the series he went on to star in Heroes as mystical Samuel Sullivan. Samuel had the ability of terrakinesis."
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"The Traveling Wilburys' album version. Tweeter and the Monkey Man were hard up for cash. They stayed up all night selling cocaine and hash. To an undercover cop who had a sister named Jan. For reasons unexplained she loved the Monkey Man. Tweeter was a boy scout before she went to Vietnam. And found out the hard way nobody gives a damn."
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"During their time together, the five members of the Traveling Wilburys frequently collaborated on each other's solo records: 1 Lynne and Petty worked fairly extensively on Orbison's final album Mystery Girl (1989). 2 Harrison also contributed acoustic guitar to one of the album's tracks and vocals to another."
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"For the Record . . . Members include Doyle Wilburn (born Virgil Doyle Wilburn on July 7, 1930, in Hardy, AK; died on October 16, 1982), vocals; Teddy Wilburn (born Thurman Theodore Wilburn on November 30, 1931, in Hardy, AK), vocals."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The two Traveling Wilbury albums that George Harrison cut with his friends are finally back in print. The first album is worth five stars. With a combination of Harrison, Lynne, Dylan, Petty, Orbison and honorary Wilbury Jim Keltner on drums how could it not be?"
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"Gulliver's Travels began life not as the work of a single man, but as a group project. The idea originated with the Scriblerus Club, a group including Swift, John Gay, Alexander Pope and John Arbuthno."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"In The Films. Wilbur is the runt of his litter. He was saved by Fern and raised like a pet, He was sold to Zuckerman and meets Charlotte. Charlotte saved his life and he becomes famous. Wilbur lives with Charlotte's children on the Zuckerman Farm.n The Films. Wilbur is the runt of his litter. He was saved by Fern and raised like a pet, He was sold to Zuckerman and meets Charlotte. Charlotte saved his life and he becomes famous. Wilbur lives with Charlotte's children on the Zuckerman Farm."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"The udhisapi.dll file. According to our database, the udhisapi.dll file is part of the Microsoft Windows Operating System product, so the udhisapi.dll file may get onto your computer through the installation of Microsoft Windows Operating System. Table of contents: The udhisapi.dll file's details.\"]\" should be close to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:', 'what is udhisapi.dll']\"",
"Wilbur fell ill on a trip to Boston in April 1912. He was diagnosed with typhoid fever, and died on May 30 at his family home in Dayton, Ohio. Milton Wright wrote in his diary, âA short life, full of consequences."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Wilbur is one of the main characters in Charlotte's Web. He is the best friend of Charlotte and Fern. Even. though Wilbur overcame a great deal as the runt of the litter, He made it as some pig.He has rival named Uncle.In The Book. Wilbur was born the runt of his litter on the Arable Farm.n The Films. Wilbur is the runt of his litter. He was saved by Fern and raised like a pet, He was sold to Zuckerman and meets Charlotte. Charlotte saved his life and he becomes famous. Wilbur lives with Charlotte's children on the Zuckerman Farm."
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"Roger and a 14-year-old Patty made the trip on a weekend when the Wilburns were out of town, but managed to talk their way into Porter Wagoner's office instead, impressing him with a performance of Patty's original Sounds of Loneliness.."
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"Two years later, the remaining quartet released a second album, inexplicably titled Vol. 3. Although it didn't match the success of the first Wilburys album, it was another million-selling hit."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"On his sixth birthday, Orbison's father gave him a guitar. He became a fan of Hank Williams, Jimmie Rodgers and country singer, guitarist Lefty Frizzell (who Roy named himself after in the Wilburys)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"About Traveling Wilburys. Reversing the usual process by which groups break up and give way to solo careers, the Traveling Wilburys are a group made up of solo stars."
"By T. Rees Shapiro May 20 Follow @TReesShapiro. Alan Young, an Emmy Award-winning comic actor best remembered for playing Wilbur, the human sidekick and wonky owner of a talking horse in the 1960s television sitcom âMister Ed,â died May 19 at the Motion Picture & Television Home in Woodland Hills, Calif. He was 96."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Thomas Earl Petty was an American singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, record producer, and actor. He was the lead singer of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, formed in 1976. He previously led the band Mudcrutch. He was also a co-founder of the late 1980s supergroup the Traveling Wilburys. Petty recorded a number of hit singles with the Heartbreakers and as a solo artist. In his career, he sold more than 80 million records worldwide, making him one of the best-selling music artists of all ti"
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"Wilbur's trip to France proved to be a success. In 1909 the Wright brothers formed the American Wright Company, with Wilbur taking the lead in setting up and directing the business. His death in Dayton on May 30, 1912, left Orville feeling depressed and alone."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Wright Brothers - Gliders. Over the next three years, Wilbur and his brother Orville would design a series of gliders which would be flown in both unmanned (as kites) and piloted flights. They read about the works of Cayley, and Langley, and the hang-gliding flights of Otto Lilienthal."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"UNRAVELLING THE WILBURYS. Sgt Pepperâs Only Dart Board Band had successfully toured their Beatles project for 21 years. The Flab Five had toured Europe, the UK and to the USA to headline at a Beatles convention at Montgomery, Alabama. Festivals (including Glastonbury), theatres, clubs, the band had played at just about every type of venue out there."
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"Originally appearing on the Grand Ole Opry as part of the Wilburn Family country music group in 1940, the Wilburn Brothers became permanent members of the Opry in 1953, after which they became consistent performers of hit records as well as pioneers of syndicated televised country music."
"The Traveling Wilburys Collection. Your Amazon Music account is currently associated with a different marketplace. To enjoy Prime Music, go to Your Music Library and transfer your account to Amazon.com (US)."
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"Following the band's breakup, Harrison had a successful career as a solo artist and later as part of the Traveling Wilburys super group. He was the first Beatle to have a number one album (All Things Must Pass).He was also a film producer, with his production company Handmade Films, involving people as diverse as Madonna and the members of Monty Python.is later compositions included hits such as Here Comes the Sun, Something and While My Guitar Gently Weeps. After the band's breakup, it was Harrison who achieved the first #1 single by any ex-Beatle with his My Sweet Lord."
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"Trucy Wright (née Trucy Enigmar) is a professional stage magician at the Wright Anything Agency who has also served as an investigative partner for the lawyers in the agency. She was born into the Gramarye family of magicians, her biological father being Zak Gramarye and her grandfather being Magnifi Gramarye."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Ric Ocasek and Benjamin Orr met in Cleveland, Ohio in the 1960s after Ocasek saw Orr performing with his band the Grasshoppers on the Big 5 Show, a local musical variety program. The two were in various bands in Columbus, Ohio and Ann Arbor, Michigan before re-locating to Boston in the early 1970s."
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"The Who concert tickets are on sale. You can find the list of The Who tour dates here. The Who are an English rock band formed in 1964 by singer Roger Daltrey, guitarist Pete Townshend, bassist John Entwistle and drummer Keith Moon.They became known for energetic live performances which often included instrument destruction.he Who concert in Boston 2015, The Who concert in Chicago 2015, The Who concert in Los Angeles 2015, The Who concert in New York 2015, The Who concert in San Diego 2015, The Who concert in San Francisco 2015,"
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"A few months later, Wilbur flew before over a million spectators in New York Harbor -- his first public flight in his native land. All of these flights stunned and captivated the world. The Wright Brothers became the first great celebrities of the twentieth century."
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"Traveling Wilburys Vol. 3 is the 1990 follow-up album by the supergroup Traveling Wilburys to their 1988 debut Traveling Wilburys Vol. 1."
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"You stumble upon George Harrison, Jeff Lynne, and Petty in Pettyâs office, jamming. Basically, youâre witnessing the birth of the Traveling Wilburys. I went and I gave Tom and his family a copy of an Ann Peebles record. They got me a Beatles magazine from 1965, the year I was born."
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"He said, 'Let's confuse the buggers.'. As the dynamics within the band had shifted with Orbison 's death, the four remaining members all adopted new Wilbury pseudonyms: Spike (George Harrison), Clayton (Jeff Lynne), Muddy (Tom Petty) and Boo (Bob Dylan)."
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"Thomas Earl Petty (October 20, 1950 â October 2, 2017) was an American singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, record producer, and actor. He was the lead singer of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, formed in 1976. He previously led the band Mudcrutch. He was also a co-founder of the late 1980s supergroup the Traveling Wilburys."
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"David Wilburn Band is a three piece group with a style that is a unique blend of blues, funk, rockabilly, and even a little country. Each member of the David Wilburn Band has many years in the music/ entertainment field. This is not your average 3 piece band."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"The premise of the show was that Mister Ed would only talk directly to Alan Young as Wilbur Post, architect who set up his studio in the barn on his property so he could spend as much time as he could with his talking equine."
"Wilbur died of typhoid fever in 1912, but Orville lived until 1948, when he died of a heart attack at age 77. Before his passing, he met Charles Lindbergh in 1927 and flew for the last time with Howard Hughes onboard the Lockheed Constellation in 1944."
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"Ross Lamont Valory (born February 2, 1949 in San Francisco) is an American musician and the band Journey's noted bass player. He and Neal Schon are the only original members of the band still performing with the group."
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"Members include Doyle Wilburn (born Virgil Doyle Wilburn on July 7, 1930, in Hardy, AK; died on October 16, 1982), vocals; Teddy Wilburn (born Thurman Theodore Wilburn on November 30, 1931, in Hardy, AK), vocals."
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"Halee, who did most of Simon and Garfunkelâs albums and several of Paulâs solo ones, to accompany him on the journey. Simon called upon good friends Harry Belafonte and Quincy Jones to help smooth the"
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"This piece was first published last year on April 20. Warren Haynes, the Allman Brothers Band guitarist, routinely plays with the surviving members of the Grateful Dead, now touring as The Dead. He's just finished a Dead show in Washington, D.C. and gets a pop quiz from the Huffington Post."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Ben Cauley. Ben S. Cauley, Jr. (October 3, 1947 â September 21, 2015) was an American trumpet player, vocalist, songwriter, and founding member of the Stax recording group, The Bar-Kays. He was the only survivor of the 1967 plane crash that claimed the lives of soul singer Otis Redding and four members of the Bar-Kays. Contents."
] |
"A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"do regulatory genes synthesize protein"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"In prokaryotic cells, this involves the induction, repression, or enhancement of enzyme synthesis by regulatory proteins (def) that can bind to DNA and either induce, block, or enhance the function of RNA polymerase (def), the enzyme required for transcription."
] | [
"Genes are used in an organism for the production of a protein - proteins are made of amino acids linked together, and the gene codes for their order. What organelle makes protein using coded instructions from the nucleus? rRNA (ribosomal RNA) also called ribosomes hang out in the cytosol waiting to tranlate the mRNA into proteins by forming peptide bonds between the AA's through hydrolysis."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Trump said that he would institute policies that would see Veterans Affairs (VA) facilities competing with non-VA hospitals. He said that under his plan, any veteran could go to a doctor that accepts Medicare and receive care.']\" Match: \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what trump said about veterans']\"",
"Gene expression is the process by which information from a gene is used in the synthesis of a functional gene product.These products are often proteins, but in non-protein coding genes such as transfer RNA (tRNA) or small nuclear RNA (snRNA) genes, the product is a functional RNA.n eukaryotes, transcription is performed by three types of RNA polymerases, each of which needs a special DNA sequence called the promoter and a set of DNA-binding proteins -- transcription factors âto initiate the process. RNA polymerase I is responsible for transcription of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"The HRAS gene provides instructions for making a protein called H-Ras that is involved primarily in regulating cell division. Through a process known as signal transduction, the H-Ras protein relays signals from outside the cell to the cell's nucleus. These signals instruct the cell to grow or divide. The H-Ras protein is a GTPase, which means it converts a molecule called GTP into another molecule called GDP. The H-Ras protein acts like a switch, and it is turned on and off by GTP and GDP molecules."
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"structural gene - a gene that controls the production of a specific protein or peptide. suppresser gene, suppressor gene, suppresser, suppressor - a gene that suppresses the phenotypic expression of another gene (especially of a mutant gene)"
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"There are two modes of regulation of the initiation of transcription in operons: 1 Positive control mode, where the interaction between the regulatory protein and regulatory region on the DNA turn the transcription on. 2 Negative control mode, where the interaction turns the genes off."
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"The secretory pathway of protein synthesis and sorting. Ribosomes synthesizing proteins bearing an ER signal sequence become bound to the rough ER. As translation is completed on the ER, the polypeptide chains are inserted into the ER membrane or cross (more...)"
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"The regulatory peptides synthesized by the gut include hormones, peptide neurotransmitters and growth factors. Indeed, several hormones and neurotransmitters first identified in the central nervous system and other endocrine organs have subsequently been found in endocrine cells and/or neurons of the gut."
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"78 The answers to each of thesequestions are all founded onthe concept of âgeneticswitchesâ. 79 Approaches 1. GeneticsFind mutants for:a) Structural proteins that carry out functionsb) Regulatory proteins that control activity of structural genesc) Regulatory elements that act in cis to control gene expression2."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Eukaryotic promoter regulatory sequences typically bind proteins called transcription factors that are involved in the formation of the transcriptional complex. An example is the E-box (sequence CACGTG), which binds transcription factors in the basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) family (e.g. BMAL1-Clock, cMyc)."
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"14 1 the function of genes genes specify a proteins conclusions a gene is a segment of dna that specifies the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide of a protein"
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"Entrez Gene Summary for NPW Gene. The product of this gene is processed into 23- and 30-amino acid neuropeptides that bind and activate two G-protein coupled receptors in the central nervous system. The neuropeptides have been shown to enhance cortisol secretion from adrenal cells through the adenylate cyclase/protein kinase A signaling cascade."
"Represent the next text.",
"Enzymes are proteins, so the answer to what organelled does protein synthesis is ribosomes. The coding information on the DNA is translated into mRNA in the nucleus.embrane-bound organelles that contain powerful enzymes found in cells are known as lysomes. Lysomes hold enzymes that were created by the cell. Lysomes digest things."
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"Description & Function. Found in Animals? Found in Plants? Chromosomes. Composed of DNA-protein complex; contains genes. X. X. Ribosomes. Granular organelles composed of RNA & protein; synthesize proteins. X. X. Microtubules. Hollow tubes of tubulin; structural support for organelles of movement. X. X. Microfilaments"
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"A change in the DNA sequence of the proto-oncogene gives rise to an oncogene, which produces a different protein and interferes with normal cell regulation. There are trillions of living cells in the body that grow, divide, and die in an orderly fashion. This process is tightly regulated by the genes within a cellâs nucleus. These genes code for proteins that help regulate cell growth. These important genes are called proto-oncogenes. A change in the DNA sequence of the proto-oncogene gives rise to an oncogene, which produces a different protein and interferes with normal cell regulation. Proto-oncogenes have many functions in a cell but they often code for proteins that stimulate cell division, prevent cell differentiation or regulate programmed cell death (apoptosis). These are all essential processes required for normal growth, development and the maintenance of healthy organs and tissues."
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"Abstract. A transcriptional regulator in yeast, Gcn5p, activates transcription by targeted acetylation of specific lysine residues in the amino-terminal tails of histones. This targete modification is restricted to nucleosomes assembled on the promoters of Gcn5p-responsive genes."
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"structural gene-a gene that controls the production of a specific protein or peptide. suppresser gene, suppressor gene, suppresser, suppressor-a gene that suppresses the phenotypic expression of another gene (especially of a mutant gene). transgene-an exogenous gene introduced into the genome of another organism.ene. A segment of DNA, occupying a specific place on a chromosome, that is the basic unit of heredity. Genes act by directing the synthesis of proteins, which are the main components of cells and are the catalysts of all cellular processes."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"structural gene-a gene that controls the production of a specific protein or peptide. suppresser gene, suppressor gene, suppresser, suppressor-a gene that suppresses the phenotypic expression of another gene (especially of a mutant gene). transgene-an exogenous gene introduced into the genome of another organism."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"What protein acts as the master regulator of apoptosis in the model organisms C. elegans? In C. elegans, a protein in the outer mitochondrial membrane, called Ced-9 (the product of the ced-9 gene), serves as a master regulator of apoptosis."
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"The cis-regulatory elements are the binding sites of transcription factors which are the proteins that, upon binding with cis-regulatory elements, can affect (either enhance or repress) transcription. The trans-regulatory elements are the DNA sequences that encode transcription factors.he transcription region consists of exons and introns. The regulatory elements include promoter, response element, enhancer and silencer (not shown). Downstream refers to the direction of transcription and upstream is opposite to the transcription direction."
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"The synthesis of proteins starts with transcribing the instructions in DNA into mRNA. The mRNA is then carried out of the cell's nucleus into the cytoplasm, specifically into structures called ribosomes. The ribosomes, which contain rRNA, are organelles where protein production occurs. The tRNA transports the amino acids to the ribosomes. The code sequence in mRNA is then translated, and specific proteins are synthesized by stringing amino acids together."
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"A group of proteins called Regulator of G protein signalling (RGSs), act as GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs), are specific for G α subunits. These proteins accelerate the hydrolysis of GTP to GDP, thus terminating the transduced signal. In some cases, the effector itself may possess intrinsic GAP activity, which then can help deactivate the pathway."
"What regulates protein production in the nucleus? First a primary transcript strand is copied off a DNA strand in the nucleus in a process called transcription. The DNA strand acts as a template for the newly created primary â¦transcript strand. The primary transcript is made up of introns and exons."
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"A gene may determine a characteristic of an individual by specifying a polypeptide chain that forms a protein or part of a protein (structural gene); or encode an RNA molecule; or regulate the operation of other genes or repress such operation."
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"Often, for gene transcription to occur, a number of transcription factors must bind to DNA regulatory sequences. This collection of transcription factors, in turn, recruit intermediary proteins such as cofactors that allow efficient recruitment of the preinitiation complex and RNA polymerase."
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"Proteins are the products of structural genes, which on transcription get translated on mRNA template producing a polypeptide chain. This depending upon the amino acid sequences undergoes modifications such as splicing and secondary, tertiary structural organization."
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"Protein lysine acetylation has emerged as a key posttranslational modification in cellular regulation, in particular through the modification of histones and nuclear transcription regulators.We show that lysine acetylation is a prevalent modification in enzymes that catalyze intermediate metabolism.Virtually every enzyme in glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, the urea cycle, fatty acid metabolism, and glycogen metabolism was found to be acetylated in human liver tissue.egulation of cellular metabolism by protein lysine acetylation. Zhao S(1), Xu W, Jiang W, Yu W, Lin Y, Zhang T, Yao J, Zhou L, Zeng Y, Li H, Li Y, Shi J, An W, Hancock SM, He F, Qin L, Chin J, Yang P, Chen X, Lei Q, Xiong Y, Guan KL. Author information:"
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"Once a gene is expressed and translated into a functional cellular protein, the cell is able to control the proteinâs fate through the use of posttranslational modifications (PTMs). Phosphorylation is the most important and most thoroughly researched form of PTM."
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"The propagation phase of the coagulation is inhibited by the Protein C pathway that primarily consist of four key elements: 1 Protein C is a serine protease with potent anticoagulant, profibrinolytic and anti-inflammatory properties."
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"Proteins are the products of structural genes, which on transcription get translated on mRNA template producing a polypeptide chain. This depending upon the amino acid sequences undergoes modifications such as splicing and secondary, tertiary structural organization. Most of the polypeptide chains based on their amino acid R groups first organize ..."
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"Gene expression is the process by which information from a gene is used in the synthesis of a functional gene product. These products are often proteins, but in non-protein coding genes such as transfer RNA (tRNA) or small nuclear RNA (snRNA) genes, the product is a functional RNA.n eukaryotes, transcription is performed by three types of RNA polymerases, each of which needs a special DNA sequence called the promoter and a set of DNA-binding proteins -- transcription factors âto initiate the process. RNA polymerase I is responsible for transcription of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes."
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"All the NPY family of receptors cloned to date have the putative seven transmembrane domains characteristic of the G-protein coupled superfamily of receptors (Table 2). Li et. al. [91] reported the first cloning of a NPY receptor from Drosophila melanogaster."
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"This type of regulation is called negative regulation, since it employs a repression to prevent transcription. The use of activator proteins in the positive control of gene expression is also common in prokaryotes. In this system, the activator protein promotes transcription. Positive Control."
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"In the lac operon, allolactose binds to the repressor protein, allowing gene transcription, while in the trp operon, tryptophan binds to the repressor protein effectively blocking gene transcription. In both situations, repression is that of RNA polymerase transcribing the genes in the operon.Also unlike the lac operon, the trp operon contains a leader peptide and an attenuator sequence which allows for graded regulation. It is an example of repressible negative regulation of gene expression.he trp operon is present in many bacteria, but was first characterized in Escherichia coli. The operon is regulated so that when tryptophan is present in the environment, the genes for tryptophan synthesis are not expressed."
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"The homeodomain is the part of the protein that attaches (binds) to specific regulatory regions of the target genes. Genes in the homeobox family are involved in a wide range of critical activities during development."
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"Here, it directs protein synthesis. Messenger RNA is not directly involved in protein synthesis â transfer RNA (tRNA) is required for this. The process by which mRNA directs protein synthesis with the assistance of tRNA is called translation.The ribosome is a very large complex of RNA and protein molecules. Each three-base stretch of mRNA (triplet) is known as a codon, and one codon contains the information for a specific amino acid.ere, it directs protein synthesis. Messenger RNA is not directly involved in protein synthesis â transfer RNA (tRNA) is required for this. The process by which mRNA directs protein synthesis with the assistance of tRNA is called translation."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it:\n------\nFor example, ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Military ethics relate to how soldiers within a unit deal with each other. Most nations with a standing army devise a code of conduct that servicemembers are bound to follow. Military ethics govern how a member of the military should behave in combat situations.'] should be similar to ['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results\\nE.g.\\n\"what is the name of the process by which the cytoplasm divides in two\" == \"Cilliate undergoing cytokinesis, with the cleavage furrow being clearly visible. Animal cell telophase and cytokinesis. Cytokinesis is the process during cell division in which the cytoplasm of a single eukaryotic cell is divided to form two daughter cells.\" != \"Mitosis is the process in which a eukaryotic cell nucleus splits in two, followed by division of the parent cell into two daughter cells.The word mitosis means threads, and it refers to the threadlike appearance of chromosomes as the cell prepares to divide.he duplicated chromosomes then attach to the spindle, align at the cell equator, and move apart as the spindle microtubules retreat toward opposite poles of the cell. Each set of chromosomes is then surrounded by a nuclear membrane, and the parent cell splits into two complete daughter cells.\"', 'what is the army definition of ethic']",
"So hox genes are a specific group of genes, regulatory genes are a general type of gene, and gene switches are (I think) the pieces of DNA that regulatory genes act on to do their regulation."
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"A: There are four organelles that are involved in protein synthesis. These include the nucleus, ribosomes, the rough endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus, or the Golgi complex. All four work together to synthesize, package and process proteins. Protein synthesis begins with DNA. The DNA in an organism creates the RNA that then codes for and synthesizes the proteins. DNA is found in the cellâs nucleus and makes the RNA in the nucleus as well. The RNA then exits the nucleus and is translated by the cellâs organelles into amino acids."
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"Transcription factors are proteins that bind to specific DNA sequences in order to regulate the expression of a given gene. The power of transcription factors resides in their ability to activate and/or repress wide repertoires of downstream target genes.ranscriptional initiation, termination and regulation are mediated by âDNA loopingâ which brings together promoters, enhancers, transcription factors and RNA processing factors to accurately regulate gene expression."
"The HRAS gene provides instructions for making a protein called H-Ras that is involved primarily in regulating cell division. Through a process known as signal transduction, the H-Ras protein relays signals from outside the cell to the cell's nucleus. These signals instruct the cell to grow or divide."
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"The synthesis of protein involves messenger RNA, transfer RNA, and ribosomal RNA. The transfer RNA selects the amino acids. The messenger RNA dictates the order in which they are sequenced. The ribosome, which contains ribosomal RNA combined with protein, carries out the attaching process."
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"Mutations in genes can lead tâ¦o defective genes, the sort of genes you might call unhealthy. Normally, genes encode proteins that carry out important structural and functional processes within and between cells of the body. Defective genes might encode a faulty protein that can no longer carry out its normal task."
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"Chromosome. A chromosome is an organized structure of DNA, protein, and RNA found in cells. It is a single piece of coiled DNA containing many genes, regulatory elements and other nucleotide sequences. Chromosomes also contain DNA-bound proteins, which serve to package the DNA and control its functions.hromosome. A chromosome is an organized structure of DNA, protein, and RNA found in cells. It is a single piece of coiled DNA containing many genes, regulatory elements and other nucleotide sequences. Chromosomes also contain DNA-bound proteins, which serve to package the DNA and control its functions."
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"Most genes contain the information needed to make functional molecules called proteins. (A few genes produce other molecules that help the cell assemble proteins.) The journey from gene to protein is complex and tightly controlled within each cell. It consists of two major steps: transcription and translation."
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"Ribosomes synthesizing nascent proteins in the secretory pathway 1 are directed to the (more...). Synthesis of all other nuclear-encoded proteins is completed on âfreeâ cytosolic ribosomes, and the completed proteins are released into the cytosol."
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"Blooms Level: 1. RememberLO: 16.02.02 Describe the common features of DNA-binding motifs.Section: 16.02 Regulatory ProteinsTopic: Molecular Biology 32. A protein that regulates transcription by binding to the operator is known as the A. operon. B. repressor. C. promoter."
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"Image modified from Prokaryotic gene regulation: Figure 3, by OpenStax College, Biology (CC BY 4.0). 1 The promoter is the binding site for RNA polymerase, the enzyme that performs transcription. 2 The operator is a negative regulatory site bound by the lac repressor protein."
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"This particularly holds true for polyadenylation [poly(A)] signals (PAS) of eukaryotic protein-coding genes. This review charts our ever-increasing knowledge of the mechanism of formation of the ubiquitous 3â²-terminal poly(A) tail, taken as a defining feature of translationally competent messenger RNA (mRNA)."
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"PEX genes encode the protein machinery (peroxins) required for proper peroxisome assembly, as described above. Membrane assembly and maintenance requires three of these (peroxins 3, 16, and 19) and may occur without the import of the matrix (lumen) enzymes. Proliferation of the organelle is regulated by Pex11p."
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"-Cells localize Ran regulatory proteins -Ran-GEF catalyzes the exchange of GDP for GTP, and it is localized in nucleus by associating with chromatin SO Ran-GTP is localized in the nucleus -Ran-GAP hydrolyzes GTP to GDP, and it is localized in the cytosol SO Ran-GDP is localized in the cytosol"
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"In summary, transcription factors regulate gene expression. They do this by interacting directly with a target gene through the DBD. Once the transcription factor binds to DNA, co-regulatory molecules bind the transcription factor at the TAD.This leads to the formation of a gene regulatory complex.n summary, transcription factors regulate gene expression. They do this by interacting directly with a target gene through the DBD. Once the transcription factor binds to DNA, co-regulatory molecules bind the transcription factor at the TAD."
"represent the next text Examples:\nProvided: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'CPA is a common course offered in Kenya without many restrictions and so many Kenyans have enrolled for this accounting course. Jobs at Kenya Airways â\\x80\\x93 searched over 3,600 times (Similar Keywords not considered) Kenya Airways is the leading airline in Kenya hence the search for jobs in the company not surprising.']\" Match: \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is common in kenya']\"",
"Substrate proteins are directed to the Tat apparatus by distinctive N-terminal signal peptides containing a consensus SRRxFLK âtwin-arginineâ motif. The related comment âPredicted to be exported by the Tat systemâ can be found in the âPost-translational modificationâ subsection."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Protein Gene:- The gene of interest which codes for a particular protein in inserted in the genome of the corn. Bt genes produce Cry proteins in the corn. Promoter:- Along with the Bt gene, a promoter is also inserted into the corn.The function of the promoter is to control the Cry protein and it also sees that how much protein is produced by the plant.rticle Summary: Bt corn is a genetically modified crop. A protein is inserted into the plant's genome which is extracted from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis. This bacterium increases the soil fertility. When insects eat this plant, they get starved and die as a result...."
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.",
"cost of capping a tooth"
] | [
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"A dental crown (or cap) is usually used for teeth that had large cavities, or had a root canal. Cost $800-$1000. Replacement: Crowns are made of porcelain, porcelain fused to metal, or metal. Although porcelain and metal do not decay (obviously) crowns may decay around the margin if you do not brush carefully."
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"That includes all the components of a full tooth replacement â the cost of the titanium post, abutment, and porcelain crown. The corresponding cost of a full tooth replacement in the US is $3500 â $5500. In the Canada, the average cost of dental implants is $4500 â $6500."
"Represent the natural language",
"Teeth must be flossed and brushed and regular dental visits should be made. It should be noted that most insurance companies do not cover the cost of a dental implant, and it can cost between $1000 to $2,000 per tooth and there is an additional cost for the crown that is attached to the dental implant."
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"Typical dental insurance plans cover braces for children and adults with a maximum cap of $1500.00 with you responsible for the remainder, typically $3000.00- to $5,000.00. Call your insurance company."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"You will need to pay extra for the abutment (extension of the implant metal post) and crown (your new artificial tooth). Costs of abutment and crown together is around $500 â $2500 extra to the single dental implant. Sometimes you will need a tooth flipper, too (this one is around $100, depends on the type).Watch this video now to understand what Iâm talking about:owever, if additional procedures need to be done, expect to pay up to $10,000. In the United States average price for a single dental implant is around $2,500. On this page you can see how the single tooth replacement procedure looks like step by step."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Typical costs: 1 Fees for dental contouring range from $50-$500 per tooth, depending on how much work is needed, local rates, and the expertise and reputation of the cosmetic dentist. 2 Dental insurance typically does not cover dental contouring, which is considered purely cosmetic."
"The cost for you to buy a typical individual policy is about $350 a year. Meanwhile, the average American paid out-of-pocket dental expenses of $544 in 2013, according to a 2016 report from the American Dental Associationâs Health Policy Institute. For care that goes beyond the routine stuff, most plans cap coverage at $1,500 a year, although higher annual limits can be arranged by paying a higher premium."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Tooth Capping or âCrowningâ is a procedure used by dentists for a number of reasons. From cosmetically altering your smile to repairing decayed / broken teeth, crowning is a procedure that involves essentially bonding porcelain, ceramic or metallic cover over the tooth in order to protect and stabilize it."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Cosmetic dental bonding (to repair chipped or cracked teeth, fill a small space between two teeth, or otherwise improve a smile) typically costs $300-$600 per tooth, but it can be as low as $100-$200 or as high as $800 -$1,000 per tooth depending on the complexity and extent of the bonding process, prevailing local rates, and the dentist's training ..."
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"With a typical dental insurance policy, including an annual cap of only $1,000 to $2,000, the consumer must cover any remaining costs. Member Carl Vonderau of San Diego paid $1,000 out of pocket for a porcelain inlay, which was covered at 50 percent."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"1 On average, repairing a chipped tooth can cost anywhere from $100 to $1,500 depending on the type of material used as well as how complex the chip is. The bigger the chip is, the more the procedure is going to cost. 2 For example, a composite bonding that requires maintenance every 7 to 10 years can cost anywhere from $100 to $400. 3 A crown or veneer option can last three times longer, and can cost anywhere from $650 to $1,400."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.\n\n\nFewshot example: \"['Represent the next text', 'Really want to create a letter that requesting for the data card approval,you have.... 0. 0. If you really want to create a letter that requesting for the data card approval,you have to indicate in your letter what are the purpose of this letter to you,importance of having the data card.hen you have to indicate also when you needed this approval.You have to make sure that you can composed a letter that convinced her/him about this application. Sample letter below that will guide you on how to do your own pattern. Name of the Company.']\" == \"['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results\\n\\n------\\n\\nE.g.\\n\"concentrated liquid definition\" == \"Webster Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 Concentration(noun) the act or process of concentrating; the process of becoming concentrated, or the state of being concentrated; concentration. 2 Concentration(noun) the act or process of reducing the volume of a liquid, as by evaporation. Concentration(noun) the act or process of removing the dress of ore and of reducing the valuable part to smaller compass, as by currents of air or water.\" != \"Ready-to-feed formula and concentrated liquid formula are sterile until they are opened. Healthy full term babies can have ready-to-feed, concentrated liquid, or powdered formula. If powdered infant formula is used, take special care to prepare it.If your baby is high risk, she should have ready-to-feed or concentrated liquid formula whenever this is available.If ready-to-feed or concentrated liquid formula is not available, powdered infant formula can be used, taking special care to prepare it.ollow the instructions on the formula label to prepare and store ready-to-feed or concentrated liquid formula. Concentrated liquid formula needs to be mixed with an equal amount of previously boiled and cooled water.\"', 'how to request for approval email for data card']\"",
"Typical costs: It can cost $50-$350 to remove and shape the gum around a single tooth, depending on the extent of the work needed, local rates and the expertise and reputation of the dentist or periodontist (gum specialist)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"1 At the average cost of $100-400 per tooth, dental bonding is considered the most affordable cosmetic dentistry procedures. 2 Porcelain Crowns: A dental crown can encompass a tooth that is badly damaged or severely cosmetically flawed to improve both its strength and appearance."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Alkenes are relatively stable compounds, but are more reactive than alkanes, either because of the reactivity of the carbonâ\\x80\\x93carbon pi-bond or the presence of allylic CH centers. Most reactions of alkenes involve additions to this pi bond, forming new single bonds.cyclic alkenes, with only one double bond and no other functional groups, known as mono-enes, form a homologous series of hydrocarbons with the general formula C n H 2n. Alkenes have two hydrogen atoms less than the corresponding alkane (with the same number of carbon atoms).']\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.', 'what is the common reaction of alkanes']\"",
"1 Metal crowns of gold alloy (called high noble metal) or of base metal alloys (non-noble) can cost $600-$2,500 or more per tooth. 2 CostHelper readers without insurance report paying $830-$2,465 for a metal crown, at an average cost of $1,353. If a large area of tooth is missing because of decay or damage, there may be an additional charge of $150-$250 or more to build up the tooth (although some dentists include this cost in their quoted price for a crown)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1 The bigger the chip is, the more the procedure is going to cost. 2 For example, a composite bonding that requires maintenance every 7 to 10 years can cost anywhere from $100 to $400. 3 A crown or veneer option can last three times longer, and can cost anywhere from $650 to $1,400. According to the website DentalStraightTalk.com, the cost to replace a chipped tooth can cost anywhere from $200 to $500 per tooth depending on the complexity of the issue."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"As mentioned earlier, if you are having a tooth at the same time, ensure the costs of this procedure are also covered within the quote. Typically, in Australia the cost of the the implant fixture will cost anywhere between $2000 â $3000, and the Porcelain tooth/crown will cost anywhere between $3000 â $4000."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"On average, Lumineers or traditional veneers can cost anywhere between $800 and $2,000 per tooth, depending on individual cases and needs. Factors that will influence the cost of treatment are case difficulty, size, geography, and more."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The cost of the procedure is often dependent on whether the tooth is impacted or not and can range from about $100 to $600 dollars per tooth. The cost can increase if sedation is needed or requested."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"A dental CAD/CAM machine costs roughly $100,000, with continued purchase of ceramic ingots and milling burs. Because of high costs, the usual and customary fee for making a CAD/CAM crown in the dentist's office is often slightly higher than having the same crown made in a dental laboratory."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['represent the doc for finding search queries about it\\n\\n------\\n\\nFewshot example: \"Tilted Arc, Richard Serra, 1981 Tilted Arc was a controversial public art installation by Richard Serra, displayed in Foley Federal Plaza in Manhattan from 1981 to 1989. The art work consisted of a 120-foot long, 12-foot high solid, unfinished plate of rust-covered COR-TEN steel. Advocates characterized it as an important work by a well-known artist that transformed the space and advanced the concept of sculpture, whereas critics focused on its perceived ugliness and saw it as ruining the site. Following an acrimonious public\" == \"what kind of art was richard serra\\'s tilted arc\"', 'Some people can eat some sugar without harm, while others should avoid it as much as possible. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the maximum amount of added sugars you should eat in a day are : Men: 150 calories per day (37.5 grams or 9 teaspoons). Women: 100 calories per day (25 grams or 6 teaspoons). To put that into perspective, one 12oz can of coke contains 140 calories from sugar, while a regular sized snickers bar contains 120 calories from sugar. If you are healthy, lean and active, these seem like reasonable amounts. Youâ\\x80\\x99ll probably burn off these small amounts of sugar without them causing you much harm.']\" Match: \"['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how much sugar per day can a women have without gaining weight']\"",
"According to DocShop, the cost of a dental crown plus the materials and treatment involved in placing the crown can cost anywhere from $500 - $2,500 per tooth. This does not include the cost of the dental visit, X-rays or root canal (if needed)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"In this study, an indirect pulp capping and a tooth extraction model in animals were used to evaluate the effects of AC-100 on new dentin and bone formation, tissue healing and bone quality, respectively."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"1 According to the website DentalStraightTalk.com, the cost to replace a chipped tooth can cost anywhere from $200 to $500 per tooth depending on the complexity of the issue.2 This procedure will usually be done using a form of bonding to fix the chip.3 A chipped tooth procedure can take more than one session. According to the website DentalStraightTalk.com, the cost to replace a chipped tooth can cost anywhere from $200 to $500 per tooth depending on the complexity of the issue."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"They range in effectiveness, and include everything from whitening strips and trays, to toothpaste and chewing gum. One of the appeals of over-the-counter teeth whitening is the affordability. The cost of over-the-counter teeth whitening ranges from $20 to $100. Although the results often are less esthetically-appealing than your other options, it can be a tenth of the cost."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1 According to the website DentalStraightTalk.com, the cost to replace a chipped tooth can cost anywhere from $200 to $500 per tooth depending on the complexity of the issue.2 This procedure will usually be done using a form of bonding to fix the chip.3 A chipped tooth procedure can take more than one session. The bigger the chip is, the more the procedure is going to cost. 2 For example, a composite bonding that requires maintenance every 7 to 10 years can cost anywhere from $100 to $400. 3 A crown or veneer option can last three times longer, and can cost anywhere from $650 to $1,400."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"For care that goes beyond the routine stuff, most plans cap coverage at $1,500 a year, although higher annual limits can be arranged by paying a higher premium. Unlike health insurance, dental plans don't bar coverage for pre-existing conditions, though some policies may restrict coverage for people with missing teeth."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Basic dental post crown ranges from costs $1,250 to $3,000 each, but keep in mind that if your teeth are in really bad shape, the total cost can be from $15,000 to $30,000 depending on the need for complete restoration and complexity."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"The cost of a root canal for a tooth with one root â an incisor or canine â averages around $1,000. You still need a filling or crown after the root canal to repair the chipped tooth. Dental insurance typically covers part of the cost of root canals."
"Represent the next text",
"If you are seeing a specialist (periodontist or oral surgeon), in Toronto, the cost of the implant surgery is around $2000 to $2500 for the post itself and then another $2000 for the crown (cap). This assumes that the socket has already healed from any previous extraction."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Pulp vitality tests cost about $45, and pulp capping procedures cost about $65, not including the cost of the final restoration. The cost for re-treating previous root canal therapy ranges from approximately $695 to $950.The cost for treating a root canal obstruction is approximately $400. The cost of other endodontic procedures, such as an apicoectomy or periradicular surgery, ranges from about $545 to $700.ulp vitality tests cost about $45, and pulp capping procedures cost about $65, not including the cost of the final restoration. The cost for re-treating previous root canal therapy ranges from approximately $695 to $950."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Cost. Costhelper.com estimates the average cost of a dental crown to be anywhere from $500 to $3,000 per tooth. Costs depend on materials used, location of the crown, difficulty of the crown placement, insurance coverage and the dentist that is performing the procedure."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Typical costs: 1 The cost of a dental crown depends on the materials used; the size, location and condition of the tooth; local rates; and the dentist's training and experience. Porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns can cost $500-$1,500 or more per tooth."
"Represent text",
"âchipped toothâ (CC BY 2.0) by bagaball. On average, repairing a chipped tooth can cost anywhere from $100 to $1,500 without insurance depending on the type of material used as well as how complex the chip is. Some chips can be a simple cosmetic fix, while others can require extensive structural repair."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Meanwhile, paying out of your own pocket for two exams and cleanings and a set of X-rays in 2011 would have cost about $370, on average, according to the American Dental Association.or care that goes beyond the routine stuff, most plans cap coverage at $1,500 a year, although higher annual limits can be arranged by paying a higher premium. Unlike health insurance, dental plans don't bar coverage for pre-existing conditions, though some policies may restrict coverage for people with missing teeth."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"In-office teeth whitening treatments by a dentist can cost $300-$1,000 or more, but average about $500-$700. These typically use a high concentration (15%-43%) of fast-acting hydrogen peroxide; the teeth not being treated and the surrounding gums are covered with a protective coating or rubber dam."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The cost of the procedure is often dependent on whether the tooth is impacted or not and can range from about $100 to $600 dollars per tooth. The cost can increase if sedation is needed or requested. REFERENCES: Najjar, T., et al."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"What is pulp capping January 4, 2010 by Dr. Chetan 2 Comments Pulp capping is derived from the name pulp cap which means trying to sterilize the damaged tooth area as well as one can, followed by stopping the bleeding and placing the right filling material on it."
"Represent this text",
"Dental crowns usually start around $600 per tooth and go up from there. The exact cost of a dental crown depends on what the crown is for and what type of material is used. At Kool Smiles, we have many affordable treatment options. Call us today to speak with a dental expert about your crown procedure."
"5) Reasons why dental crowns are placed. A dentist might recommend capping a tooth for a variety of reasons but most tend to fall within one or more of the following categories: Restoring or making changes with a tooth's shape. Reinforcing a structurally compromised tooth. Improving a tooth's appearance."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nFor example, ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'You will redevelop the ability to straighten out, flex and bend your knee. While in hospital, a machine may be used to aid you. You will be able to swim within two weeks of the surgery. Walking, golfing and biking can be resumed after two to three months, although running and jumping are discouraged.Avoid sports that require you to do either. Your recovery to full strength is expected to take up to six months.Once your recovery is completed without complication, you can expect to have a knee that hurts much less and functions better than prior to surgery. It will not be perfect, however, and at times you will experience aches and pains, clicks and pops.ou will redevelop the ability to straighten out, flex and bend your knee. While in hospital, a machine may be used to aid you. You will be able to swim within two weeks of the surgery. Walking, golfing and biking can be resumed after two to three months, although running and jumping are discouraged.'] should be similar to ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'how long does it take to recover from knee reconstruction']",
"Take-home whitening kits include custom-made trays and typically use a stronger bleaching agent than over-the-counter systems. In-office teeth whitening treatments by a dentist can cost $300-$1,000 or more, but average about $500-$700. These typically use a high concentration (15%-43%) of fast-acting hydrogen peroxide; the teeth not being treated and the surrounding gums are covered with a protective coating or rubber dam."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"If you are seeing a specialist (periodontist or oral surgeon), in Toronto, the cost of the implant surgery is around $2000 to $2500 for the post itself and then another $2000 for the crown (cap)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 The teeth, normally made from composite acrylic resins, are designed to last a long time and often include a warranty against wear and tear, such as chipping and cracking. 2 These life-like dentures can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $5,000 for a full set (upper and lower jaw)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"* Note that a filling will often not suffice and the tooth may require further treatment by way of a core filling ($200-$450) and a full coverage crown ($1400-$2200)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"What's the Average Cost of a Dental Crown? How much does a crown for a tooth cost? Dental crowns usually start around $600 per tooth depending on your specific dentist, needs and insurance coverage. The exact cost of a dental crown are also affected by the type of crown and material that is used. At Kool Smiles, we have many affordable treatment options."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Capping a damaged tooth unnecessarily with a dental crown removes more tooth structure than needed. But a large dental filling can weaken the remaining structure of the tooth, causing the tooth to break, crack or eventually need a root canal."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Typical costs: 1 It can cost $50-$350 to remove and shape the gum around a single tooth, depending on the extent of the work needed, local rates and the expertise and reputation of the dentist or periodontist (gum specialist). Gum contouring is usually considered cosmetic, and typically is not covered by dental insurance."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"They range in effectiveness, and include everything from whitening strips and trays, to toothpaste and chewing gum. One of the appeals of over-the-counter teeth whitening is the affordability. The cost of over-the-counter teeth whitening ranges from $20 to $100. Although the results often are less esthetically-appealing than your other options, it can be a tenth of the cost. Take-Home Teeth Whitening Costs"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Scaling and Root Planing Costs. A regular dental prophylaxis (professional teeth cleaning) averages between $30 and $75, (check all fees in general these may be low) while the cost of periodontal scaling and root planing averages between $140 and $210."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Cost of a Single Tooth Dental Implant. Typically, the cost of a single tooth implant will range from $1,000 to $3,000. The abutment and crown will require an additional $500 to $3000, placing the cost at approximately $4250. If bone grafts or extraction or other additional procedures are required, the amount could be anywhere from $5,000 to $10,000."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Sam Dental is definitely cheaper than U.S. clinics. For example, itâs normal among patients to be charged up to $1400 for every tooth crown made of zirconium. For standard crowns, in the US they will charge more than $900 a tooth."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The cost of a single-tooth dental implant can range from $1,000 to $3,000. The cost of the abutment and crown can range from $500 to $3,000. In total, the cost of a full dental implant can fall between $1,500 and $6,000. This is the out-of-pocket price for the full procedure of a single tooth implant including the consultation, the implant, abutment, and crown. If you need to replace multiple teeth, the costs only go up."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"In bonding procedures, a dentist applies tooth-colored resin to both teeth, filling in the gap. It can cost anywhere from $300 to $1,000 per tooth, depending on the complexity and usually requires a minimum of two teeth."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Typical costs: 1 The cost of a dental crown depends on the materials used; the size, location and condition of the tooth; local rates; and the dentist's training and experience. Porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns can cost $500-$1,500 or more per tooth. For example, CostHelper readers without insurance coverage report paying $875-$1,400 for porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns, at an average cost of $1,093."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"One of the appeals of over-the-counter teeth whitening is the affordability. The cost of over-the-counter teeth whitening ranges from $20 to $100. Although the results often are less esthetically-appealing than your other options, it can be a tenth of the cost.osts for in-office treatment may also depend on the dentist performing the treatment. That said, the national average cost of in-office teeth whitening is approximately $650."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The cost of dental implants ranges from $3,000 to replace one tooth to $50,000 to replace a mouthful of teeth. Frequent checkups, cleanings and consistent at-home care are great preventive measures, but seniors already experiencing tooth loss need a solution."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Pulp vitality tests cost about $45, and pulp capping procedures cost about $65, not including the cost of the final restoration. The cost for re-treating previous root canal therapy ranges from approximately $695 to $950. The cost for treating a root canal obstruction is approximately $400.The cost of other endodontic procedures, such as an apicoectomy or periradicular surgery, ranges from about $545 to $700.ulp vitality tests cost about $45, and pulp capping procedures cost about $65, not including the cost of the final restoration. The cost for re-treating previous root canal therapy ranges from approximately $695 to $950. The cost for treating a root canal obstruction is approximately $400."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A RealAge answered. You can expect to pay anywhere from $10 to $40 for a tray-based teeth whitening kit purchased over the counter (OTC) from a pharmacy or other retail store. You can also purchase tray-based teeth whitening systems from dentists. These systems feature custom-fit tooth trays or mouthpieces, which is why they are significantly more expensive than OTC tray-based teeth whitening kits. Purchasing a tray-based teeth whitening system from your dentist may cost up to $500."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1 A dentist is usually going to charge per tooth and on average, the dental crown cost is going to be anywhere from $750 to $2,800 per tooth. 2 This will all depend on the severity of the problem as well as the location of the tooth."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Cost. Costhelper.com estimates the average cost of a dental crown to be anywhere from $500 to $3,000 per tooth. Costs depend on materials used, location of the crown, difficulty of the crown placement, insurance coverage and the dentist that is performing the procedure.rowns can be placed by a general dentist, and the cost of a crown is dependent on many factors. According to Ada.org, a crown can be useful to cover a tooth that is not of proper shape or size."
"Costhelper.com estimates the average cost of a dental crown to be anywhere from $500 to $3,000 per tooth. Costs depend on materials used, location of the crown, difficulty of the crown placement, insurance coverage and the dentist that is performing the procedure."
"Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Avg cost per tooth is somewhere in the $1800 - $2500 range. Depends on the location of the tooth, dental fee, area of the country, etc. This does not include the cost of the crown which can run $800 - $1400.So in a nutshell, it's not cheap.epends on the location of the tooth, dental fee, area of the country, etc. This does not include the cost of the crown which can run $800 - $1400."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"A custom tray that you can use at home usually costs $400 or less. Cost of whitening at dentistâs office. The average cost of in-office teeth whitening is $650, although it can climb to $1,000 or more, depending on the type of product used and how much your dentist charges. In many cases, in-office teeth whitening pays off."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Dental crowns, also called caps, are expensive, from several hundred to several thousand dollars, with insurance typically covering only part of the cost. Dental insurance is the most commonly used to pay for major dental problems. Dental crowns are also commonly referred to as tooth caps, teeth crowns. Dental benefits plans can be categorized by the options offered for selecting a dentist."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 A dentist is usually going to charge per tooth and on average, the dental crown cost is going to be anywhere from $750 to $2,800 per tooth.2 This will all depend on the severity of the problem as well as the location of the tooth. A dentist is usually going to charge per tooth and on average, the dental crown cost is going to be anywhere from $750 to $2,800 per tooth."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Those costs started at an average of $5000 per tooth to upwards of $90,000. By the time you added on the additional costs it was becoming a choice between a roof over my head - or eating for the rest of my life."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The Basic dental post crown ranges from costs $1,250 to $3,000 each, but keep in mind that if your teeth are in really bad shape, the total cost can be from $15,000 to $30,000 depending on the need for complete restoration and complexity. it also depend on the material used in crown."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"How Much to Budget for a Tooth Extraction. As is the case with all medical and dental procedures, the cost for an extraction goes up the more complicated it becomes. For a simple extraction of a permanent adult tooth, the average price ranges from $100 to $250. The range increases to $180 to $400 if your dentist must perform a surgical extraction. According to Your Dentistry Guide, the average cost for extraction of a baby tooth ranges from $90 to $150."
] |
"represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.",
"can a dental assistant work for orthodontic"
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"A dental assistant is a dental health professional who works closely with and under the supervision of a dentist."
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"One way to become eligible is to graduate from a dental assistant program accredited by the Council on Dental Accreditation. Those who have not completed an accredited dental assistant program can be eligible for certification if they have 3,500 hours of approved work experience."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Keep in mind that dental assisting duties frequently change and that this list has not been approved by state boards, but instead is intended to give a general outline of duties a trained dental assistant is commonly allowed to perform."
"REQUEST INFO â Dental Assistant Program. Dental assistants are an integral part of the team that ease patientsâ anxieties while assisting the dentist with examinations and treatments. While in school, Pima Medical Institute teaches a wide span of job skills that ensure your success in your career as a dental assistant. Our accredited training program offers courses that will teach you chair-side assisting and help you gain hands-on experience. Prepare patients for examination and treatment."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"After a few years in this position, many dental assistants get additional training to become dental hygienists, who have even more duties and tend to earn even higher salaries. To prepare yourself to be a qualified dental assistant, you need training in basic dental science and dental office skills.You can get this training at Everest. Everest offers Dental Assistant career training at dozens of campuses throughout the United States.r course, you don't need to be a dentist to be part of a modern dental practice. Many dental offices employ support personnel who perform a whole range of critical roles. One of these roles is that of dental assistant. Dental assistants help dentists during examinations and procedures."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Orthodontics in Baltimore, MD. Orthodontics involves the use of devices â most commonly braces â to move teeth or adjust underlying bone. Retainers, another type of orthodontics, may also be necessary after dental braces are placed, especially for adults. If you have misaligned teeth, our orthodontist in Baltimore, will discuss your dental goals with you and develop a plan that will straighten your teeth, aid in chewing, and create facial balance."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"To prepare yourself to be a qualified dental assistant, you need training in basic dental science and dental office skills. You can get this training at Everest. Everest offers Dental Assistant career training at dozens of campuses throughout the United States.ne of these roles is that of dental assistant. Dental assistants help dentists during examinations and procedures. They also prepare patients for their exams, take X-rays, sterilize instruments, and perform many on-site laboratory duties."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1 Time flexibility. 2 As a professional dental assistant, you can look for part-time work as well as traditional full-time positions. 3 Many dental practices offer work schedules that only require you to be on site during mornings, afternoons or on weekends. 4 Evening hours at dental offices are rare. As a professional dental assistant, you can look for part-time work as well as traditional full-time positions. 2 Many dental practices offer work schedules that only require you to be on site during mornings, afternoons or on weekends."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"But if you have problems with your bite or the spacing of your teeth, you may need orthodontic care. Orthodontia is the branch of dentistry that deals with abnormalities of the teeth and jaw. Most people who receive orthodontic care are kids, but adults get braces, too."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"orthodontics: dental specialty that using braces, retainers, and other dental devices to treat misalignment of teeth, restoring them to proper functioning. orthodontist: the oral health provider who specializes in diagnosis, prevention, interception, and treatment of malocclusions, or bad bites, of the teeth and surrounding structures."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Occupational Employment and Wages, May 2016. 29-1023 Orthodontists. Examine, diagnose, and treat dental malocclusions and oral cavity anomalies. Design and fabricate appliances to realign teeth and jaws to produce and maintain normal function and to improve appearance."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"EXPANDED DUTIES. A dental assistant can perform a variety of routine duties in the dental office as prescribed by Georgia of Board of Dentistry rules. Assistants may begin the process of enrolling in Expanded Duties training by printing the registration packet."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1 As a professional dental assistant, you can look for part-time work as well as traditional full-time positions. 2 Many dental practices offer work schedules that only require you to be on site during mornings, afternoons or on weekends.3 Evening hours at dental offices are rare. 4 Job qualifications. As a professional dental assistant, you can look for part-time work as well as traditional full-time positions. 2 Many dental practices offer work schedules that only require you to be on site during mornings, afternoons or on weekends."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Coast Dental. Free Orthodontic Consultation / Request an Appointment. We know getting braces or Invisalign is a big step. Thatâs why Coast Dental is pleased to offer complimentary orthodontic consultations. Call us today at 1-800-32-SMILE or complete the form below to request an appointment time with one of our experienced orthodontists. Our friendly team will answer all your questions."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Each state makes individual standards of care for dental professions in the field and there are several levels of licensed dental assistants such as a DA, QDA, and CDA. All st ⦠ates do not allow dental assistants to clean adult teeth or use scalers to clean under the gingival tissue. Some states do allow assistants to polish or clean above the teeth on young children."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Orthodontists are dentists who went on to complete a two-year residency program in orthodontics. They deal with more serious dental problems like issues with tooth and jaw alignment. Most people who have visited an orthodontist did so because their dentist advised them that they needed braces. Both are doctors who specialize in oral care, and both are technically dentists. 2 Orthodontists complete an additional two years of training in orthodontics, the treatment of irregularities in the teeth. 3 All orthodontists are dentists, but only 10 percent of dentists are orthodontists."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"When ordinary dental care is not enough to keep from having dental problems help from specialists is needed. Depending on whether the interior of the tooth is the problem or the surrounding gum tissue, the services of an endodontist or periodontist may be required."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"When Permanent Teeth Don't Grow. Using orthodontics to help correct a developmental deficiency. My daughter never developed the teeth right next to her upper front ones. My dentist is advising orthodontic treatment to make space and then have them replaced with dental implants."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"What Does a Dental Assistant Do? Oral health care is important, though it is too often overlooked in todayâs fast-paced society. In fact, periodontitis, a gum disease that often causes tooth loss, is linked to causing health issues such as heart disease and pneumonia, according to the American Dental Association. Fortunately, oral disease is easily prevented through regular visits to the dentist."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Average Dental Assistant Salaries. The average salary for dental assistant jobs is $35,000. Average dental assistant salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits.verage Dental Assistant Salaries. The average salary for dental assistant jobs is $35,000. Average dental assistant salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1 Dentists refer their patients to an orthodontist if they have problems with the alignment of their teeth or a bite abnormality of some kind. 2 If you do not suffer from a bite irregularity or misaligned teeth, you will likely never have to see an orthodontist. Both are doctors who specialize in oral care, and both are technically dentists. 2 Orthodontists complete an additional two years of training in orthodontics, the treatment of irregularities in the teeth. 3 All orthodontists are dentists, but only 10 percent of dentists are orthodontists."
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"Dental Assistant Training. The purpose of formal dental assistant training is to teach dental assisting students the skills they need to perform as professional dental assistants. This can include hands-on skills such as handling dental instruments, sterilizing equipment and assisting the dentist.enefits of Formal Training. Besides preparing students for the basic job skills of dental assisting, formal dental assistant training provides the background education and knowledge needed to understand dental work on a broader scope, and to manage the business side of dental assisting."
"represent the natural language",
"It is appropriate to think of an orthodontist as a dentist who specializes in the alignment of the teeth. There are dentists who specialize in a number of other types of oral care. A periodontist, for example, is a specialist who treats the gums and the bones beneath the teeth. Both are doctors who specialize in oral care, and both are technically dentists. 2 Orthodontists complete an additional two years of training in orthodontics, the treatment of irregularities in the teeth. 3 All orthodontists are dentists, but only 10 percent of dentists are orthodontists."
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"Some people need orthodontic work because of dental issues with their bite and chewing, or jaw problems due to their jaw. Jaw surgery is definitely not the only way out for people with an underbite! Iâve put my story out there for it to be known that braces only can fix an underbite.ou can see how great the bite looks, and the underbite, well you can say a big bye-bye to that one! These are my teeth after 9 months and 11 days into wearing braces, when my upper bands were removed."
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"Regulations vary from state to state as to what duties a dental assistant is allowed to perform, but they may include the following: 1 Sterilizing dental instruments and equipment for each patient. 2 Organizing and laying out instruments for dentistâs use."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Orthodontics at Mayo Clinic. Orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics, as the specialty is called, is the branch of dentistry that specializes in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of dental and facial irregularities. The technical term for these problems is malocclusion, which means bad bite.. The practice of orthodontics requires professional skill in the design, application and control of corrective appliances (braces) to bring teeth, lips and jaws into proper alignment and achieve facial balance."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"29-1023 Orthodontists Examine, diagnose, and treat dental malocclusions and oral cavity anomalies. Design and fabricate appliances to realign teeth and jaws to produce and maintain normal function and to improve appearance."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent the input', 'The nictitating membrane is a translucent membrane at the bottom of the eye that can be pulled up right across the eye. It is not an eyelid because the frog can still see when the membrane is raised.']\" == \"['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is the nictitating membrane in a frog']\"",
"What Dental Assistants Do[About this section] [To Top] Dental assistants perform many tasks, ranging from patient care and taking x rays to recordkeeping and scheduling appointments. Their duties vary by state and by the dentistsâ offices where they work."
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"Answer: An unlicensed dental assistant may perform such tasks as: 1 preparing the patient for treatment by seating patient, obtaining records and applying protective garb; 2 preparing instruments, materials and medicaments to be used; 3 taking dental x-rays in accordance with Public Health Law (see question 18);f a dental assistant is not licensed, he or she may NOT perform any duties within the scope of practice of any licensed individual. For information regarding scope of practice see question 10."
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"Dental assistants are an integral part of the team that ease patientsâ anxieties while assisting the dentist with examinations and treatments. While in school, Pima Medical Institute teaches a wide span of job skills that ensure your success in your career as a dental assistant. Our accredited training program offers courses that will teach you chair-side assisting and help you gain hands-on experience. Prepare patients for examination and treatment."
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"Well the same goes for you teeth. An Orthodontist is specialized just in braces and such. A general dentist is more for fillings, extractions, cleanings, crowns, etc."
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"Orthodontic Headgear. Sometimes, braces alone aren't enough to move teeth into a better position, or to correct trouble with the bite or remedy problems in the growth of the jaws. In those situations, your orthodontist may recommend the use of special appliances. Orthodontic headgear is the general name for an appliance, worn partly outside the mouth, which creates just enough force to move the teeth properly and guide the growth of the face and jaws."
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"Thatâs when you need to see an orthodontist. Orthodontists are dentists with advanced training in making teeth move. They can realign crooked teeth into a straight, healthy smile. Itâs a transformation Gwen Henson saw recently when her 15-year-old son gleefully got his braces removed."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A dental assistant or dentist in the office teaches the new assistant dental terminology, the names of the instruments, how to complete daily tasks, how to interact with patients, and other activities necessary to help keep the dental office running smoothly."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n------\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Phlebotomists [edit]. Phlebotomists are people trained to draw blood from a patient for clinical or medical testing, transfusions, donations, or research. Phlebotomists collect blood primarily by performing venipunctures, (or, for collection of minute quantities of blood, fingersticks).hlebotomy (from the Greek words phlebo- , meaning pertaining to a blood vessel, and-tomy, meaning to make an incision) is the process of making an incision in a vein with a needle.']\" should be close to \"['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results E.g. when urine is cloudy what is in there == Cloudy or murky urine is a sign of a urinary tract infection, which may also have an offensive smell. Murky urine may also be caused by the presence of bacteria, mucus, white blood cells or red blood cells, epithelial cells, fat, or phosphates. ...Read more. != The presence of bacteria in the urine, such as with a urinary tract infection (UTI), can affect the appearance and smell of urine. When there is an infection in the urinary tract, the urine may take on a foul-smelling odor as well as appear cloudy or bloody.he presence of bacteria in the urine, such as with a urinary tract infection (UTI), can affect the appearance and smell of urine. When there is an infection in the urinary tract, the urine may take on a foul-smelling odor as well as appear cloudy or bloody.', 'what does a Phlebotomist do']\"",
"Early Orthodontic Treatment: Braces for Young Kids. Benefits of Interceptive Orthodontic Treatment. Some orthodontic conditions are simply easier to correct if theyâre corrected early. And knowing that your child might need corrective dental work, or not need corrective dental work simply offers peace of mind."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Orthodontic treatment - An orthodontist can close a gap between teeth with the use of dental braces by slightly moving the gapped teeth close to each other. For big diastemas, several teeth have to be moved towards the area of the gap, so that there are equal gaps between all front teeth."
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"Orthodontics can help: 1 correct misalignments that cause your teeth to wear unevenly or break easily. 2 make your teeth easier to clean effectively, preventing other dental problems. 3 create a comfortable bite with reduced wear and tear on tooth enamel and jaws."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Orthodontists straighten teeth by applying pressure to the teeth with braces or other appliances. Pediatric dentists focus on dentistry for children and special-needs patients. Periodontists treat the gums and bones supporting the teeth."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Whether you can get braces on or not depends on how much bone loss youâve had and if the orthodontist thinks treatment will be beneficial to you. Before you get braces, the orthodontist will have you see a periodontist (if you havenât already). This is a dentist that specializes in gums and gum disease. If he/she can get your periodontal disease under control and stable, then normally they will okay for you to proceed with orthodontic treatment."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The dental assistant position is the most flexible and varied in the dental office and requires a diverse set of skills: clinical, clerical, interpersonal, technological and more. (See: dental assistant training)."
] |
"a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"when was jack nicholson born"
] | [
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"Early Life and Career. Jack Nicholson was born in Neptune, New Jersey, on April 22, 1937, and grew up in Manasquan, New Jersey, about 50 miles south of the city on the Jersey Shore.The people he believed to be his parents were named John and Ethel May Nicholson.arly Life and Career. Jack Nicholson was born in Neptune, New Jersey, on April 22, 1937, and grew up in Manasquan, New Jersey, about 50 miles south of the city on the Jersey Shore."
] | [
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"Jack Dawson June 17,1892-April 15,1912 (age 19) is one of the main protagonists in Titanic and the love interest of Rose DeWitt Bukater. He dies at the end of the film from hypothermia. He is portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio. Jack Dawson was born in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin in 1892."
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"Jack Nicholson warned Heath Ledger on 'Joker' role. Jack Nicholson, who played the Joker in the 1989 'Batman' movie, says he warned Heath Ledger, below, about the part. Heath Ledger thought landing the demanding role of the Joker was a dream come true - but now some think it was a nightmare that led to his tragic death. Jack Nicholson, who played the Joker in 1989 - and who was furious he wasn't consulted about the creepy role - offered a cryptic comment when told Ledger was dead."
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"Locke was born on 29 August 1632 in the small rural village of Wrington, Somerset, England. His father, also named John Locke, was a country lawyer and clerk to the Justices of the Peace in nearby town of Chew Magna, and had served as a captain of cavalry for the Parliamentarian forces during the early part of the English Civil War."
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"For other uses, see Jack Dempsey (disambiguation). William Harrison Jack Dempsey (June 24, 1895 â May 31, 1983), nicknamed Kid Blackie and The Manassa Mauler, was an American professional boxer who competed from 1914 to 1927, and reigned as the world heavyweight champion from 1919 to 1926."
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"Mini Bio (1) Screen legend, superstar, and the man with the most famous blue eyes in movie history, Paul Leonard Newman was born on January 26, 1925, in Cleveland, Ohio, the second son of Theresa (Fetsko) and Arthur Sigmund Newman. Paul's father was Jewish, the son of immigrants from Poland and Hungary; he owned a successful sporting goods store."
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"It's a double birthday! J.K. Rowling was born July 31, 1965, in Bristol, England. From the stories that Rowling tells about her composition of the Harry Potter book series, Harry was born on a train one day when she imagined the story. Harry's official birthday as recorded in the novels, however, is July 31."
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"Publisher. A+E Networks. On this day in 1937, John Joseph Nicholson, who will become known as one of the greatest actors of his generation and famous for his roles in such movies as Easy Rider, One Flew Over the Cuckooâs Nest and As Good As it Gets, is born in Neptune, New Jersey.n 1958, Nicholson played a troubled teenager in his first film, a low-budget horror flick called The Cry Baby Killer. This was the first of many appearances in horror and biker films and other second-rate genre movies that Nicholson would make over the course of the next decade."
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"Jack Scott, Canadian Born Italian Hillbilly. Jack Scott was born Giovanni Scafone Jr., on January 24, 1936 in Windsor Ontario, Canada. His father, an accomplished guitarist, gave Jack a guitar around the age of eight.At the age of ten, the family moved to Hazel Park, MI.At that time Jack already began signing and performing on a local radio station.hus developed the melting-pot miracle: A Canadian born, Italian hillbilly who worshipped Hank Williams and who soon sparked his own teen age band, Scott played the guitar lead and vocals. His first album was entitled simply Jack Scott. This album contained 10 of Scott's own compositions."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Mini Bio (1). Jack Nicholson, an American actor, producer, screenwriter and director, is a three-time Academy Award winner and 12-time nominee. Nicholson is also notable for being one of two actors-the other being Michael Caine-who have received Oscar nods in every decade from 1960s through the 2000s.he 1980s kicked off with another career-defining role for Nicholson as Jack Torrance in Stanley Kubrick 's adaptation of Stephen King 's novel The Shining (1980)."
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"On this day in History, Jack London is born on Jan 12, 1876. Learn more about what happened today on History."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Jack London was the best-selling, highest paid and most popular American author of his time. He was born John Griffith Chaney, on January 12, 1876, in..."
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"Lorraine Nicholson (I) Lorraine Nicholson was born on April 16, 1990 in Los Angeles, California, USA as Lorraine Broussard Nicholson. She is an actress, known for Click (2006), Soul Surfer (2011) and Something's Gotta Give (2003). See full bio »."
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"Nicholson grew up believing his grandmother to be his mother and his mother to be his sister. 4. Nicholson didn't learn the truth about his mother and grandmother until 1974, when he was 37 and already famous; the facts were dug up by a Time magazine reporter doing a profile on the actor. Both June and Ethel were already long since deceased."
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"Jack Nicholson talks about fatherhood and 'divided parenthood'. Academy award winner Jack Nicholson, 70, spoke at length for a feature story in the March/April issue of AARP Magazine. Jack spent some time talking about the two youngest of his five children, Lorraine, 17, and Raymond Nicholson, 16. He discusses everything from Rayâs driven personality to taking the children to the ballet."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"John Fitzgerald Kennedyâor Jack, as friends and family knew himâwas born on 29 May 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts, a quiet, affluent, tree-lined suburb of Boston."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The surname Nicholson is a Anglo-Saxon patronymic that derives from the ancient Greek given name Nikolaos, which means to conquer people. It is found in England, Germany, and Scotland. Nicholson family history shows that this name was brought to England during the Crusades."
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"Born in Orlando, Florida, on December 11th, 1996, Jack grew up with theater-geek siblings who initiated him into the acting world as a toddler. He booked his first commercial at age two. In the 7th grade he was cast in A Christmas Story and To Kill a Mockingbird at his community theatre."
"Represent the following document",
"He was born in Hartley, Texas in 1893, and in 1902 moved to Channing, Texas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.S. Collins. Jack graduated from Channing High School and later, in 1916, from Texas A&M, where he was class valedictorian and class president in his senior year."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Jack Nicholson (1937 â present). Jack Nicholson, he of the pointy eyebrows and the rictus grin, is a lady-magnet whose magnetism no lady can resist. The Oscar winning actor is famous for his lascivious pursuit of leading ladies, allegedly bedding 2,000 women and spawning six children to five mothers."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Jack Quaid (I) Jack Quaid was born on April 24, 1992 in Los Angeles, California, USA as Jack Henry Quaid. He is an actor and writer, known for The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013), The Hunger Games (2012) and Just Before I Go (2014). Born:"
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"Paul Newman Actor, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Screen legend, superstar, and the man with the most famous blue eyes in movie history, Paul Leonard Newman was born on January 26, 1925, in Cleveland, Ohio, the second son of Theresa (Fetsko) and Arthur Sigmund Newman."
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"Jack was born around the year 5094 under a different name, which he concealed. (TV: Captain Jack Harkness) He grew up in the 51st century in an era when attitudes towards sex differed from those prevalent in the 21st century. (TV: The Doctor Dances, The End of Time, TV: Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang, Adam)"
"Jack Nicholson. Jack Nicholson Net Worth is $400 Million. Jack Nicholson is one of the wealthiest and most-award-nominated actors in American history. With a net worth of $400 million, Nicholson has appeared in sixty-four films and been nominated for twelve Academy."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"Genre Television Actors. James Christopher Bolam, MBE (born 16 June 1935) is an English actor, best known for his roles as Jack Ford in When the Boat Comes In, Trevor Chaplin in The Beiderbecke Trilogy, Terry Collier in The L (...) read full article at Wikipedia."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Born in Orlando, Florida, on December 11th, 1996, Jack grew up with theater-geek siblings who initiated him into the acting world as a toddler. He booked his first commercial at age two."
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"Mini Bio (1). Jack Cassidy was born on March 5, 1927 in Richmond Hill, New York, USA as John Edward Joseph Cassidy. He was an actor, known for The Eiger Sanction (1975), Mister Magoo's Christmas Carol (1962) and The Hollywood Squares (1965). He was married to Shirley Jones and Evelyn Ward."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Jack Nicholsonâs Mother. Jack Nicholson grew up believing that his mother was actually his sister. Claim: At age 37 Jack Nicholson discovered that the woman heâd always thought his sister was actually his mother."
"Jack Nicklaus. Actor. Jack Nicklaus was born on January 21, 1940 in Columbus, Ohio, USA as Jack William Nicklaus. He is an actor, known for The Short Game (2013), Back Nine at Cherry Hills: The Legends of the 1960 U.S. Open (2008) and Blood, Sweat and Glory: A History of Sports (1992).ack Nicklaus. Actor. Jack Nicklaus was born on January 21, 1940 in Columbus, Ohio, USA as Jack William Nicklaus. He is an actor, known for The Short Game (2013), Back Nine at Cherry Hills: The Legends of the 1960 U.S. Open (2008) and Blood, Sweat and Glory: A History of Sports (1992)."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Mini Bio (1). Jack Hanna was born on January 2, 1947 in Knoxville, Tennessee, USA as John Bushnell Hanna. He is a producer, known for Jack Hanna's Into the Wild (2007), Animal Adventures (1992) and Late Show with David Letterman (1993).He has been married to Suzi Egli since December 20, 1968.They have three children.ini Bio (1). Jack Hanna was born on January 2, 1947 in Knoxville, Tennessee, USA as John Bushnell Hanna. He is a producer, known for Jack Hanna's Into the Wild (2007), Animal Adventures (1992) and Late Show with David Letterman (1993). He has been married to Suzi Egli since December 20, 1968. They have three children."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Jack Benny (born Benjamin Kubelsky; February 14, 1894 â December 26, 1974) was an American comedian, vaudevillian, radio, television, and film actor, and violinist. Recognized as a leading American entertainer of the 20th century, Benny portrayed his character as a miser, playing his violin badly."
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"Jack Nicholson has been in relationships with Lara Flynn Boyle (1999 - 2001), Cynthia Basinet (1997 - 1999), Amber Smith (1993), Tracy Richman (1990 - 1991), Rebecca Broussard (1989 - 1994), Rachel Ryan (1988), Veronica Cartwright (1987), Karen Mayo-Chandler (1987 - 1988), Rachel Ward (1981), Winnie Hollman (1980 - 1985), Anjelica Huston (1973 - ..."
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"Ralph George Macchio (pronounced /'m?:t?i.o?/) (born November 4, 1961) is an American actor, best known for his roles as Daniel LaRusso in the Karate Kid series, Bill Gambini in My Cousin Vinny, and Johnny Cade in The Outsiders."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Jack Nicholson (1937-) is one of the most accomplished actors to ever appear in movies. He has been nominated twelve times for an Academy Award® for acting (winning three times). Nicholson has also picked up seventeen Golden Globe® nominations (winning five times). His big break was appearing in 1969âs Easy Rider."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Jack Nicholson net worth: $400 Million. Jack Nicholson net worth and salary: Jack Nicholson is an American actor who has a net worth of $400 million. Jack Nicholson is one of the wealthiest and most-award-nominated actors in American history."
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"Early life. Jack London was born John Griffith Chaney in San Francisco, California, in 1916, the son of Flora Wellman and Henry Chaney. Jack's parents were not married at the time of his birth. Flora married a widower, John London, the same year that her son was born. John was a loving stepfather, but undertook several business and agricultural enterprises that turned out to be unsuccessful."
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"Jack Pearson was born on September 3, 1989 in Strathewen, Victoria, Australia. He is an actor, known for Winners & Losers (2011), As the Bell Rings (2007) and The Madness Within (2018). IMDb"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Jack Quaid was born on April 24, 1992 in Los Angeles, California, USA as Jack Henry Quaid. He is an actor and writer, known for The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013), The Hunger Games (2012) and Just Before I Go (2014). See full bio »."
"Actor. Jack Gleeson was born on May 20, 1992 in Cork, Ireland. He is an actor, known for Game of Thrones (2011), Batman Begins (2005) and A Shine of Rainbows (2009)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Jack Palance. Biography: One of the screen's most grizzled actors, Jack Palance defined true grit for many a filmgoer. The son of a Ukrainian immigrant coal miner, he was born Volodymyr Palahnyuk (Anglicized as Walter Jack Palaniuk) on February 18, 1920, in Lattimer Mines... Continued."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Perhaps no other actor of his generation made more of a lasting impression than Jack Nicholson. Over the course of several decades, Nicholson delivered one sterling performance after another in films that have long been ... Read more ». Born: 04/22/1937 in Neptune, New Jersey, USA.erhaps no other actor of his generation made more of a lasting impression than Jack Nicholson. Over the course of several decades, Nicholson delivered one sterling performance after another in films that have long been ... Read more ». Born: 04/22/1937 in Neptune, New Jersey, USA."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Born in Orlando, Florida, on December 11th, 1996, Jack grew up with theater-geek siblings who initiated him into the acting world as a toddler."
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"61 Photos. Jack Nicholson, 77, is the proud father of three wonderful children. However, it is his youngest son Ray, 22 years old, that has inherited the most of his handsome genes! In fact, bumping into Ray on the street might feel like going back in time to 1958 â when Jack himself was just 21!"
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"Mini Bio (1). Jack Nicklaus was born on January 21, 1940 in Columbus, Ohio, USA as Jack William Nicklaus. He is an actor, known for The Short Game (2013), Back Nine at Cherry Hills: The Legends of the 1960 U.S. Open (2008) and Blood, Sweat and Glory: A History of Sports (1992).He has been married to Barbara Bash since July 23, 1960.ini Bio (1). Jack Nicklaus was born on January 21, 1940 in Columbus, Ohio, USA as Jack William Nicklaus. He is an actor, known for The Short Game (2013), Back Nine at Cherry Hills: The Legends of the 1960 U.S. Open (2008) and Blood, Sweat and Glory: A History of Sports (1992)."
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"For Screen Actors Guild Awards, he won an Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role for the. 1997 film titled As Good As It Gets. From 1962 through 1968, Jack Nicholson was married to Sandra Knight. He has four children named Honey, Lorraine, Raymond and Jennifer."
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"Nicholson Genealogy & History. The surname Nicholson is a Anglo-Saxon patronymic that derives from the ancient Greek given name Nikolaos, which means to conquer people. It is found in England, Germany, and Scotland. Nicholson family history shows that this name was brought to England during the Crusades. According to Nicholson genealogy, the name was first recorded in Angus, Scotland, in 1443, as belonging to a Michael Nycholson."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Nicholson Genealogy & History. The surname Nicholson is a Anglo-Saxon patronymic that derives from the ancient Greek given name Nikolaos, which means to conquer people. It is found in England, Germany, and Scotland. Nicholson family history shows that this name was brought to England during the Crusades."
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"Early Years. Journalist and author John Griffith Chaney, better known as Jack London, was born on January 12, 1876, in San Francisco, California. Jack, as he came to call himself as a boy, was the son of Flora Wellman, an unwed mother, and William Chaney, an attorney, journalist and pioneering leader in the new field of American astrology."
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"Jack William Nicklaus was born on January 21, 1940 in Columbus, Ohio, to Louis Charles, Jr. (a pharmacist) and Helen Nicklaus. The young Jack first took up the game of golf when he was ten, and it took scarcely any time for people around him to realize that there was something special about his golf game.ack Nicklaus. For most of the past 30 years Jack Nicklaus (born 1940) has been considered golf's greatest. His longevity has proved equal to Arnold Palmer's, and only Ben Hogan and Bobby Jones can be considered players in Nicklaus's league."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'On August 5, 2014, Cerner announced its intent to purchase Siemens Health Services, the health information technology business of Germanyâ\\x80\\x99s Siemens AG, for $1.3 billion. The acquisition was completed on February 2, 2015.']>> to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'when did cerner purchase siemens']\"",
"By the time Jack Nicholson starred in Milos Formanâs One Flew Over the Cuckooâs Nest (R, 133 mins., 1975), he was on a magical run."
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"Jack Davis Griffo is a 17-year old actor born on December 11, 1996. Jack is from Orlando, Florida but moved to Los Angeles in 2010 to pursue his acting career. Jack plays the guitar and sings. His hobby is skateboarding."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"This is the latest accepted revision, reviewed on 15 April 2017. Kiefer William Frederick Dempsey George Rufus Sutherland (born 21 December 1966) is a British born Canadian actor, producer, director, and singer-songwriter. His portrayal of Jack Bauer on the Fox drama series 24 (2001â2010) brought him an Emmy Award, a Golden Globe Award, two Screen Actors Guild Awards and two Satellite Awards."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Jack Nicklaus was born on January 21, 1940 in Columbus, Ohio, USA as Jack William Nicklaus.He is an actor, known for The Short Game (2013), Back Nine at Cherry Hills: The Legends of the 1960 U.S. Open (2008) and Blood, Sweat and Glory: A History of Sports (1992).ack Nicklaus. Actor. Jack Nicklaus was born on January 21, 1940 in Columbus, Ohio, USA as Jack William Nicklaus. He is an actor, known for The Short Game (2013), Back Nine at Cherry Hills: The Legends of the 1960 U.S. Open (2008) and Blood, Sweat and Glory: A History of Sports (1992)."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"From journalism to the stage. Hugh Jackman was born on October 12, 1968, the youngest of five Jackman children, and the only one born in Sydney, Australia. The entire family had moved to Australia from England in 1967, the year before his birth. When Jackman was eight years old his parents divorced."
"Represent the input",
"Jack Nicholson was previously married to Sandra Knight (1962 - 1968)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A Bactrian Camel born on February 25 is already winning fans at the Cincinnati Zoo. Keepers announced the male babyâs name, Jack, one week and one day later â on Hump Day, of course. Zoo keepers filmed Jackâs first steps, which were taken just an hour after he was born."
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"To protect the Nicholson family's reputation, June gave birth out of town, and her mother, Ethel, raised young Jack as her own. Nicholson grew up believing his grandmother to be his mother and his mother to be his sister. 4. Nicholson didn't learn the truth about his mother and grandmother until 1974, when he was 37 and already famous; the facts were dug up by a Time magazine reporter doing a profile on the actor."
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"1 Rank#10 Jack Nicholson Net Worth$400 MillionJack Nicholson net worth and salary: Jack Nicholson is an American actor who has a net worth of $400 million."
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"Producer. Jack Hanna was born on January 2, 1947 in Knoxville, Tennessee, USA as John Bushnell Hanna. He is a producer, known for Jack Hanna's Into the Wild (2007), Animal Adventures (1992) and Late Show with David Letterman (1993).He has been married to Suzi Egli since December 20, 1968. They have three children.roducer. Jack Hanna was born on January 2, 1947 in Knoxville, Tennessee, USA as John Bushnell Hanna. He is a producer, known for Jack Hanna's Into the Wild (2007), Animal Adventures (1992) and Late Show with David Letterman (1993). He has been married to Suzi Egli since December 20, 1968. They have three children."
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"Jack William Nicklaus (born January 21, 1940), also known as The Golden Bear , is an American professional golfer and closet knob-ironer.ack William Nicklaus (born January 21, 1940), also known as The Golden Bear , is an American professional golfer and closet knob-ironer."
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"He is better known for being a ladiesâ man, rather than a family man. But on Christmas Day Jack Nicholson, 76, was seen enjoying quality time with his two children from his relationship with Rebecca Broussard â Lorraine and Raymond."
"Let's hope Jack Nicholson has a pleasant birthday on Wednesday, or at least a less disturbing one than the birthday when pal Hunter S. Thompson showed up outside his house, turned on a spotlight, blasted a recording of a pig being eaten alive by bears, fired several rounds from his 9mm pistol, and (when the terrified actor and his kids refused to open the door) left an elk's heart on the doorstep."
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"Jack Nicholson Net Worth, 4.5 out of 5 based on 62 ratings. He is one of the most iconic actors in Hollywood. And Jack Nicholson still looks every bit the A-lister. The 79-year-old looked cool as a cucumber as he finished up some last minute shopping at Barney's New York in Beverly Hills on Tuesday."
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"Jack Nicholson is an American actor, film director, producer, and writer, widely viewed as one... Jack Nicholson is an American actor, film director, producer, and writer, widely viewed as one of the best in his profession."
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"Jack Nicholson net worth and salary: Jack Nicholson is an American actor who has a net worth of $400 million. Jack Nicholson is one of the wealthiest and most-award-nominated actors in American history."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Let's hope Jack Nicholson has a pleasant birthday on Wednesday, or at least a less disturbing one than the birthday when pal Hunter S. Thompson showed up outside his house, turned on a spotlight, blasted a recording of a pig being eaten alive by bears, fired several rounds from his 9mm pistol, and (when the terrified actor and his kids refused to ..."
] |
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"is cauliflower high in fiber"
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"Cauliflower is low in fat, low in carbohydrates and high in dietary fiber, folate, water, and vitamin C, possessing a high nutritional density.Cauliflower contains several phytochemicals, common in the cabbage family, that may be beneficial to human health, as well as carotenoids.auliflower is low in fat, low in carbohydrates and high in dietary fiber, folate, water, and vitamin C, possessing a high nutritional density."
] | [
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"But not just any fiber - jicama's fiber is infused with oligofructose inulin, which has zero calories and doesn't metabolize in the body. Inulin, a fructan, promotes bone health by enhancing absorption of calcium from other foods, protecting against osteoporosis."
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"One cup of raw cauliflower is rich in the antioxidant vitamin C, which is required for tissue growth and tissue repair in all parts of the body. It is also necessary for the formation of the important protein collagen, which is used to make skin, tendons, ligaments, scar tissue, and blood vessels."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n------\nGiven ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!', \"Definition. An improvement of a leased asset that increases the asset's value. The expense of a leasehold improvement is carried as an asset that declines in value over time, as the value is depreciated over the life of the lease or the improvement.\"], a positive would be ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'leasehold expense definition']",
"While you recover from gallbladder removal surgery, limit the amount of high-fiber foods you eat. Donât eat whole-grain breads and cereals, nuts, beans, peas, and high-fiber fruits and vegetables like citrus fruits, cauliflower, and carrots."
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"Cauliflower contains allicin (which can improve heart health and reduce the risk of strokes) and selenium (which works with Vitamin C to strengthen the immune system). Cauliflower also helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Cauliflower contains folate, a B vitamin that is needed for cell growth and replication."
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"Sunflower seeds are high in protein and fiber, but contain few carbs. High-protein, low-carb diets are often effective for weight loss. Dietary fiber can help you feel full, aids in digestion, is helpful for weight management and reduces constipation.Many high-protein, low-carb foods are low in fiber, however.Women ages 50 and older need at least 21 grams of fiber daily, women ages 19 to 50 require 25 grams, men ages 50 and older need 30 grams and men ages 19 to 50 should consume at least 38 grams of fiber.Most Americans fall short of these requirements.unflower seeds are high in protein and fiber, but contain few carbs. High-protein, low-carb diets are often effective for weight loss. Dietary fiber can help you feel full, aids in digestion, is helpful for weight management and reduces constipation."
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"1 1 medium head of cauliflower (5-6 diameter; about 20 oz): 16 grams effective (net) carbohydrate plus 14 grams fiber and 144 calories. 2 ¼ lb. (4 oz) cauliflower: 3 grams effective (net) carbohydrate plus 3 gram fiber and 28 calories."
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"Fiber and Cholesterol. As part of a heart-healthy diet, the American Heart Association recommends that you eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and other high-fiber foods. Foods that are high in soluble fiber may help you lower cholesterol.Foods high in soluble fiber include oat bran, oatmeal, beans, peas, rice bran, barley, citrus fruits, strawberries, and apple pulp. Insoluble fiber doesn't seem to affect blood cholesterol.But it promotes healthy bowel movement. Foods that are high in insoluble fiber include whole wheat breads, wheat cereals, wheat bran, cabbage, beets, carrots, brussels sprouts, turnips, cauliflower, and apple skin.nsoluble fiber doesn't seem to affect blood cholesterol. But it promotes healthy bowel movement. Foods that are high in insoluble fiber include whole wheat breads, wheat cereals, wheat bran, cabbage, beets, carrots, brussels sprouts, turnips, cauliflower, and apple skin."
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"Cauliflower. Another of the foods that are rich in keratin producing or aiding nutrients, cauliflower contains sulfur, vitamin C and protein. It is also loaded with many other nutrients, including vitamin K, folate, dietary fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, potassium and magnesium."
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"While green vegetables may contain more chlorophyll, cauliflower is also rich in nutrients and, like its cousins, cabbage, kale, and broccoli, provides health-promoting compounds not found in many other vegetables.auliflower, a cruciferous vegetable, is in the same plant family as broccoli, kale, cabbage and collards. It has a compact head (called a curd), with an average size of six inches in diameter, composed of undeveloped flower buds. The flowers are attached to a central stalk."
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"Cauliflower is a low-carb eater's best friend. When it's roasted, it's crispy and crunchy like a potato wedges. When it's steamed and mashed, it can pass for buttery mashed potatoes with ease. When riced, it's hard to deny the likeness to a bowl of actual rice."
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"Vegetables. Artichokes are high in dietary fiber, with over 10 grams in a medium-size vegetable. Peas contain a notable amount as well, with nearly 9 grams of dietary fiber in a 1-cup serving. Broccoli and turnips arenât far behind -- each of these vegetables has 5 grams of fiber in every 1-cup helping.egumes. Legumes have large amounts of fiber per serving, and they make healthful, filling meals. A cup of cooked split peas has more than 16 grams of dietary fiber, and 1 cup of lentils has over 15 grams. Black beans also have 15 grams of fiber in each cup."
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"Cauliflower is a member of the cruciferous family of vegetables, often overshadowed by its green cousin broccoli. This is one vegetable that deserves a regular rotation in your diet, however, as it contains an impressive array of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other phytochemicals.Adding to cauliflower's appeal is its extreme versatility. You can eat it raw, add it to salads, or use it in your cooking.his is one vegetable that deserves a regular rotation in your diet, however, as it contains an impressive array of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other phytochemicals. Adding to cauliflower's appeal is its extreme versatility."
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"Broccoli is another vegetable that will give you a good amount of fiber. In fact, one cup of boiled broccoli contains approximately 5.1 grams of fiber. Boiled broccoli goes well as a side dish to salmon. One of yummiest vegetables that contains a good amount of fiber is sweet corn. Sweet corn is easy to eat a lot of, but it really only takes one cup to get approximately 4.3 grams of fiber."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:', 'Digestion time varies between individuals and between men and women. After you eat, it takes about six to eight hours for food to pass through your stomach and small intestine.Food then enters your large intestine (colon) for further digestion, absorption of water and, finally, elimination of undigested food.n the 1980s, Mayo Clinic researchers measured digestion time in 21 healthy people. Total transit time, from eating to elimination in stool, averaged 53 hours (although that figure is a little overstated, because the markers used by the researchers passed more slowly through the stomach than actual food).']\" should be close to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how long does it take for food to pass through your body']\"",
"Cauliflower even ranks among the top 20 foods in regards to ANDI score (Aggregate Nutrient Density Index), which measures vitamin, mineral and phytonutrient content in relation to caloric content. To earn high rank, a food must provide a high amount of nutrients for a small amount of calories."
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"The fiber type and content of vegetables varies. For example, a baked potato with the skin has 2.9 grams of fiber, an artichoke has 10.3 grams, cooked sweet corn 4.2 grams, Brussels sprouts 4.1 grams per cup, an onion 5.7 grams, cauliflower 4.2 grams per cup and field beans 11.4 grams per cup."
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"The University of Illinois reports that most starchy vegetables like potatoes, winter squash, corn and peas contain about 15 grams of carbs and 80 calories per serving. In comparison, 1 cup of raw cauliflower provides about 27 calories, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Low-Carb Serving Suggestions Cauliflower is an excellent roasting vegetable; try drizzling it with olive oil, roasting it until itâs crispy, and tossing it with lemon and parmesan for a side that complements most chicken and fish dishes."
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"3. Cauliflower: Cauliflower is a kidney-friendly cruciferous super food that is a rich source of vitamin C, folate and fiber. It also contains some compounds that are important for the liver and neutralizes toxic substances in the body. Cauliflower can be consumed raw, with a dip or as a salad.ortunately, there are certain super foods that help in keeping the kidneys in good shape. These super foods contain antioxidants that cure chronic kidney disease (cod). Hence, it is important to include these super foods in our diet plan to increase the intake of nutrients and antioxidants."
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"Cauliflower, although white, is considered a green vegetable because it is loosely connected to spinach and broccoli."
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"A serving of 3 medium-sized prunes contains approximately 0.7 grams of insoluble fiber, about as much as a 1/2-cup serving of cooked cauliflower, 1 cup of raw mushrooms or 12 fresh cherries."
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"3. Fiber! â The average daily recommendation for fiber exceeds 25 grams. Eat some cauliflower and youâll be contributing over 3 grams to your daily total, helping cleanse your digestive tract. 4. Increased blood flow â Decrease chronic ailments such as atherosclerosis, a leading cause of heart attack and stroke. Heat the oil in a large skillet, saute sauté, garlic cauliflower and carrots until. 2 Tender add the, shrimp cook until, opaque about 3. 3 Minutes add the curry powder and red pepper flakes and stir. 4 Quickly add the milk and mango, chutney simmer for a few. minutes"
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"Description. Cauliflower is among the cruciferous vegetables, together with broccoli, kale, cabbage and collards. The average diameter of its compact head known as curd is six inches. Another vegetable related to cauliflower is broccoflower (a cross between broccoli and cauliflower).A raw cauliflower has a firm but spongy texture and a slightly bitter flavor with a sulfurous hint. Its color is white in most varieties but there are others that are green and purple. raw cauliflower has a firm but spongy texture and a slightly bitter flavor with a sulfurous hint. Its color is white in most varieties but there are others that are green and purple."
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"Trending Now. Answers. Best Answer: Celery is not high in fiber. Foods which contain the highest fiber base on per serving or per cup are bran cereal (19.94 grams), followed by cooked split peas (16.27 grams), cooked lentils (15.64 grams), cooked black beans (14.92 grams), cooked pinto beans (14.71 grams) and cooked kidney beans (13.33 grams)."
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"Kale is higher in fiber than lettuce. Leafy green vegetables like kale and lettuce are both rich in fiber and low in calories.Kale comes in deep green or purple colors. Lettuce varies in colors and varieties, including red and green romaine, iceberg and red leaf.iber Content. Kale is slightly higher in fiber content than lettuce. The high fiber content helps stabilize the leafy veggie during cooking. Insoluble fiber from kale and lettuce sweeps through your gut like a broom, pushing out waste."
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"Cauliflower is also a good source of vitamin C, manganese, glucosinolates (glucoraphin), vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine) and B9 (folic acid), phosphorus and potassium, indole-3-carbinol (strong cancer fighting indications) and more."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers. Given ['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'To join a domain from a workgroup. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel. Open System in Control Panel. Under Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings click Change settings.On the Computer Name page, click Change. Under Member of, click Domain, type the domain name, and then click OK. When prompted, provide a valid user name and password.When prompted, restart your computer to apply the changes.o join a domain from a workgroup. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel. Open System in Control Panel. Under Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings click Change settings.'], a positive would be ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'how i change window8 pc workgroup to domain']",
"Eat cauliflower, a cruciferous vegetable, is filled with healthy folate, fiber and antioxidants. Antioxidants reduce the amount of inflammation in your body, which helps the kidneys function properly. The potassium in cauliflower is known to prevent kidney stones."
"A , Naturopathic Medicine, answered. Cauliflower is best stored with the stem side down in a perforated paper or plastic bag in the refrigerator to prevent moisture from developing in the floret clusters. It will generally keep for about a week if stored in this manner."
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"Vitamin C is an antioxidant that promotes skin and brain health. When you think of vitamin C, you might think of oranges or other fruit. But cauliflower has a surprisingly high amount of vitamin C. One cup of raw cauliflower contains 52 mg. In comparison, a medium orange contains 64 mg. The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for vitamin C is 90 mg for men and 75 mg for women per day."
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"Cauliflower âriceâ is a low-carb and low-calorie alternative to rice. One serving of cauliflower rice contains about 35 calories and 7.5 grams of carbohydrate, and provides 2 vegetable servings!"
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"Fruit, oatmeal, and other unprocessed grains are key to a healthy high fiber diet. Beans, which are high in fiber. Bananas contain a lot of soluble fiber. Substituting whole grain breads for white bread can add fiber to the diet.Barley is high in fiber. Low in fat, black beans are rich in fiber, protein, iron, and folate and other B vitamins.t is more commonly known as roughage. The advantage of including roughage into a high fiber diet is that it helps in preventing colon cancer. Insoluble fiber has also shown great benefits in helping to prevent diverticulosis."
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"People with diabetes typically need to limit their carbohydrate intake to about 45 to 60 grams per meal, according to the American Diabetes Association. The ADA also notes that since many of the carbs in cauliflower are from fiber, you may not need to count them in a diabetic meal plan unless you eat more than 1 cup of cauliflower at a time."
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"Itâs high in anti-oxidants! â Cauliflower contains a ton of vitamin C and manganese, as well as carotenoids. This floret packs a punch in fighting free-radicals. 2. Cauliflower has anti-inflammatory properties â Due to its high vitamin K content, cauliflower helps to reduce inflammation.It also has omega-3 fatty acids, the same healthy fats found in salmon and flax seeds, but with the added bonus of practically no calories. Heat the oil in a large skillet, saute sauté, garlic cauliflower and carrots until. 2 Tender add the, shrimp cook until, opaque about 3. 3 Minutes add the curry powder and red pepper flakes and stir. 4 Quickly add the milk and mango, chutney simmer for a few. minutes"
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"Foods that are high in insoluble fiber include whole grains such as wheat and rye, greens such as collards and kale, lentils, peas, carrots, celery and beans. Most fruits are nutritious alternatives, as well, with prunes, bananas, avocados, apples, berries, pears and kiwi fruit all good choices."
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"Cauliflower can be cooked whole, pulsed, or cut up into florets for steaming, blanching, stir-frying, and roasting. 1 It can easily substitute for starchier foods, such as potatoes and rice, and is more nutritious, adding vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber."
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"High-Fiber Content of Mangoes. In comparison to other tropical fruits, mangoes provide the highest amount of total dietary fiber. Approximately 3g of fiber can be found in 100g of natural fruit. The high-fiber content can reduce the chance of gastrointestinal disorders such as Crohnâs disease."
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"Kale is higher in fiber than lettuce. Leafy green vegetables like kale and lettuce are both rich in fiber and low in calories.Kale comes in deep green or purple colors. Lettuce varies in colors and varieties, including red and green romaine, iceberg and red leaf.ale is higher in fiber than lettuce. Leafy green vegetables like kale and lettuce are both rich in fiber and low in calories."
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"Vegetables. Vegetables also have a high dietary fiber content. A cup of baked beans has 10.4 grams; a cup of lentils, 15.6 grams; and a cup of winter squash, 5.7 grams. A half of a sweet potato provides 3.9 grams; a cup of split peas, 16.3 grams; and a cup of carrots, 3.1 grams. Grains"
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"Cauliflower in Low Starch Diet. A large head of cauliflower on a wooden tabletop. Low-starch diets typically eliminate bread, pasta and other grain-based foods, as well as starchy vegetables such as potatoes and corn. Cauliflower is very low in starch and can play a significant part of a diet low in starch and other carbs."
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"Cellulose, lignin, and the rest of the hemicellulo-ses, are all insoluble fibers. These fibers provide structure to plants. Whole grains, wheat and corn fiber, and many vegetables like cauliflower, green beans, and potatoes are good sources of insoluble fiber.The skins of fruits and vegetables are also good sources of insoluble fiber.And, wheat bran is a good source of insoluble fiber, which is why it is added to many dry breakfast cereals. Most foods contain mixtures of soluble and insoluble fibers.Good sources of one type of fiber usually contain some of the other types of fiber as well.ellulose, lignin, and the rest of the hemicellulo-ses, are all insoluble fibers. These fibers provide structure to plants. Whole grains, wheat and corn fiber, and many vegetables like cauliflower, green beans, and potatoes are good sources of insoluble fiber."
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"In addition to Vitamin C and other antioxidants, cauliflower is also a good source of Vitamin K. Vitamin K is a fat soluble vitamin, meaning it is absorbed in the intestines along with fat, so this is one reason why eating cauliflower along with a source of healthy fat (like coconut oil for example) is important."
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"Cauliflower (per 3.5 ounces: 25 calories, 5 grams carbohydrates, 3 grams fiber, 2 grams sugar). Cauliflower is probably the most widely-used potato substitute, with countless variations of pureed cauliflower standing in for mashed potatoes."
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"Vegetables contain a high amount of water, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Brussels sprouts have one of the highest amounts of soluble fiber. A 1/2-cup serving contains 2 grams. Turnips, sweet potatoes and asparagus all have 1.7 grams or more.his classification of foods, which includes beans, lentils, peanuts and peas, is high in both soluble and insoluble fiber. Black beans, kidney beans and navy beans are especially high in soluble fiber."
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"Cruciferous vegetables contain protein, as much as 25 percent of the daily value in three cups; Cruciferous vegetables, especially kale and collard greens, provide high amounts of vitamin K, which may have benefits for fighting cancer and inflammation ; However, don't underestimate the nutritive value of cauliflower."
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"Lima beans are even more impressive with 4 grams of insoluble fiber per 1/2 cup. Starchy vegetables, such as corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash and green peas, also have high levels of insoluble fiber. Add carrots, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kale and spinach to your diet to boost your insoluble fiber intake.void rye and barley if you are removing gluten from your diet. More unusual grains, such as amaranth, millet, kamut and quinoa, also contain high levels of fiber and can be used as nutritious alternatives to wheat. Oats contain plenty of insoluble fiber as well."
"Represent this",
"Oats, apples, citrus fruits, carrots, barley, psyllium, peas and beans provide soluble fiber. Green beans, cauliflower, potatoes, wheat bran, nuts and whole-wheat flour are good sources of insoluble fiber. Eat a variety of high-fiber foods to get the most benefits.ats, apples, citrus fruits, carrots, barley, psyllium, peas and beans provide soluble fiber. Green beans, cauliflower, potatoes, wheat bran, nuts and whole-wheat flour are good sources of insoluble fiber. Eat a variety of high-fiber foods to get the most benefits."
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"Like fruits, vegetables are amazing sources of many nutrients but not necessarily high in fiber. The following are known for their high fiber contents: 1 dark leafy greens such as spinach and swiss chard. 2 broccoli and cauliflower.3 eggplant. 4 squash. 5 celery.6 green peas. 7 tomatoes. 8 dried peas and beans such as kidney beans, lima beans, black-eyed beans, chick peas and lentils.ike fruits, vegetables are amazing sources of many nutrients but not necessarily high in fiber. The following are known for their high fiber contents: 1 dark leafy greens such as spinach and swiss chard. 2 broccoli and cauliflower."
"Represent text",
"1 Foods That Have High Concentrations of Fiber Dietary fiber is the portion of plant food that your body is unable to digest. 2 Fiber helps you stay healthy in a number of ways, such as preventing constipation and lowering â¦.any fruits, grains and vegetables are high in fibre, for instance: - Apples-Oat bran-Bananas-Apricots-Peaches-Whole-grain breads-Cereals-Rolled oats-Muslix ce ⦠real-Lettuce-Carrots-Celery."
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"Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Celery is not high in fiber. Foods which contain the highest fiber base on per serving or per cup are bran cereal (19.94 grams), followed by cooked split peas (16.27 grams), cooked lentils (15.64 grams), cooked black beans (14.92 grams), cooked pinto beans (14.71 grams) and cooked kidney beans (13.33 grams)."
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"3. High-Fiber Foods. While you recover from gallbladder removal surgery, limit the amount of high-fiber foods you eat. Donât eat whole-grain breads and cereals, nuts, beans, peas, and high-fiber fruits and vegetables like citrus fruits, cauliflower, and carrots."
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"Choose these ones if you would like a fiber boost: 1 dried fruits such as apricots, dates, prunes and raisins. 2 berries such as blackberries, blueberries, raspberries and strawberries. 3 oranges, apple with skin, avocado, kiwi, mango and pear.ike fruits, vegetables are amazing sources of many nutrients but not necessarily high in fiber. The following are known for their high fiber contents: 1 dark leafy greens such as spinach and swiss chard. 2 broccoli and cauliflower."
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"Cauliflower and other non-starchy vegetable like salad greens, broccoli, celery, tomatoes and cucumbers contain fewer carbs -- about 5 grams per serving -- and calories than starchy vegetables. The University of Illinois reports that most starchy vegetables like potatoes, winter squash, corn and peas contain about 15 grams of carbs and 80 calories per serving. In comparison, 1 cup of raw cauliflower provides about 27 calories, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. About the Author. Erin Coleman is a registered and licensed dietitian. She also holds a Bachelor of Science in dietetics and has extensive experience working as a health writer and health educator."
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"Eating cauliflower will provide your body with impressive amounts of vitamin C, vitamin k, beta-carotene, and much more while supporting healthy digestion and detoxification By Dr. Mercola Cauliflower is a member of the cruciferous family of vegetables, often overshadowed by its green cousin broccoli."
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"Cauliflower (per 3.5 ounces: 25 calories, 5 grams carbohydrates, 3 grams fiber, 2 grams sugar). Cauliflower is probably the most widely-used potato substitute, with countless variations of pureed cauliflower standing in for mashed potatoes.er serving: 130 calories, 3 grams fat, 1.8 grams saturated fat, 240 mg sodium, 12 grams carbohydrates, 2 grams fiber, 8 grams sugar, 4 grams protein. *****. This rosti, which is similar to a potato latke, is from Kim Kringlie, chef and co-owner of The Dakota in Covington."
"Cauliflower, properly prepared, can resemble rice both in texture and flavor. A cup of 1-inch cauliflower florets provides a little more than 5 grams of carbohydrate, or just one-tenth the amount in rice. Because 2.9 grams of those carbs are fiber, which your body can't digest, the final carb count is just over 2 grams."
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"In addition to the nutrients highlighted in our ratings chart, an in-depth nutritional profile for Cauliflower is also available. This profile includes information on a full array of nutrients, including carbohydrates, sugar, soluble and insoluble fiber, sodium, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids and more.auliflower, a cruciferous vegetable, is in the same plant family as broccoli, kale, cabbage and collards. It has a compact head (called a curd), with an average size of six inches in diameter, composed of undeveloped flower buds. The flowers are attached to a central stalk."
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"9. Broccoli-very high in fiber! 10. Baked potato with the skin (The skin when crisp is the best part for fiber.) Mashed and boiled potatoes are good, too-but not french fries, which contain a high percentage of fat. 11.igh-Fiber Foods Pear 1 medium 5.1 grams fiber Figs,dried 2 medium 3.7 grams fiber Blueberries 1 cup 3.5 grams fiber Spaghetti, whole-wheat 1 cup 6.3 grams fiber Bran Flakes 3/4 cup 5.1 grams fiber Almonds 24 nuts 3.3 grams fiber popcorn, air popped 3cups 3.6 grams fiber. bumblebee · 8 years ago."
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"Foods high in soluble fiber include oats, barley, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, peas, apples, carrots and flaxseed. Insoluble fiber absorbs water, speeds up the movement of food through the digestive system and adds bulk to the stool. It helps prevent constipation and the development of diverticulosis. Good sources of insoluble fiber include whole grains, wheat bran, nuts, beans, cauliflower, green beans and potatoes."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"High fiber foods include bran, broccoli, cabbage, berries, leafy greens, celery, squash, beans, mushrooms, and oranges. The current daily value (DV) for dietary fiber is 25 grams."
] |
"what awards did richard pryor win"
] | [
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"Pryor won an Emmy Award (1973) and five Grammy Awards (1974, 1975, 1976, 1981, and 1982). In 1974, he also won two American Academy of Humor awards and the Writers Guild of America Award. The first ever Kennedy Center Mark Twain Prize for American Humor was presented to him in 1998.n 2002, Pryor and his wife/manager, Jennifer Lee Pryor, won legal rights to all the Laff material, which amounted to almost 40 hours of reel-to-reel analog tape. After going through the tapes and getting Richard's blessing, Jennifer Lee Pryor gave Rhino Records access to the tapes in 2004."
] | [
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"In 1976, a report surfaced that Arkansas Republican leaders had approached Faubus about running for governor that year against Pryor, but both Faubus and the GOP denied the claim. The GOP instead ran the 40-year-old Pine Bluff plumber Leon Griffith as its sacrificial lamb candidate against Pryor, who won the second of his two gubernatorial terms with more than 80 percent of the ballots."
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"Synopsis. Richard Pryor was born on December 1, 1940, in Peoria, Illinois. A class clown in school and a community theater actor in his teens, Pryor became a successful stand-up comedian, television writer and movie actor, starring in films like Stir Crazy and Greased Lightning.orn on December 1, 1940, in Peoria, Illinois. A skilled social satirist with a fondness for profanity, Richard Pryor was a groundbreaking African-American comedian who became one of the top entertainers of the 1970s and '80s. He got a rough start in life."
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"Richard Pryor - Filmography. 1 1967: The Busy Body as Whittaker. 2 1968: Wild in the Streets as Stanley X. 3 1969: Uncle Tom's Fairy Tales. 4 1970: Carter's Army as Pvt. Jonathan Crunk. 5 1970: The Phynx as Richard Pryor. 6 1971: You've Got to Walk It Like You Talk It or You'll Lose That Beat as Wino. 7 1971: Live & Smokin' as Himself."
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"For The Visitor, McCarthy won the 2008 Independent Spirit Award for Best Director , while Richard Jenkins was nominated for Best Actor in the 2009 Academy Awards . Plot Walter Vale ( Richard Jenkins ) is a widowed Connecticut College economics professor who lives a fairly solitary existence."
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"âGravityâ also proved to be a big winner on Sunday, stealing seven academy awards from Best Director through to Best Visual Effects, even though Sandra Bullock lost out on her Best Actress award to Cate Blanchett who was âblown awayâ by her win for âBlue Jasmine.â."
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"Terrelle Pryor passes behind Justin Boren Pryor was widely considered one of the top football recruits in the Class of 2008. He was ranked number four in the ESPNU 150 and the number one quarterback."
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"1 Allen's film Annie Hall won four Academy Awards in 1977, including Best Picture. 2 Allen won the 1978 O. Henry Award for his short story The Kugelmass Episode, published in The New Yorker on May 2, 1977."
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"The Dan Curtis Legacy Award was presented to Eric Kripke, the creator, and producer of the TV series Supernatural. Results. Star Wars: The Force Awakens won eight awards, tying The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King as the second most awards at a Saturn Award ceremony, behind Avatar, which won ten awards at the 2009 ceremony."
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"Jessica Lange was nominated five times, winning once in 1994 for her role in Blue Sky. Hilary Swank won this award twice for her roles in 1999's Boys Don't Cry and 2004's Million Dollar Baby. Halle Berry won in 2001 for her lead role in Monster's Ball, thus become the first black actress to win this category. Charlize Theron won in 2003 for her performance in Monster."
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"It has been an ongoing joke that Leonardo DiCaprio has never won an Oscar, but I'd like to think that they only joke about it because it's surprising, not because it hasn't been well-deserved. Although, the joke could come to an end in 2016 if DiCaprio wins the Academy Award for his work in The Revenant. Update: DiCaprio won Best Actor at the 88th Academy Awards. He now has one Oscar under his belt. Earlier: Although Oscar nominations haven't been announced, it is highly anticipated that DiCaprio will be nominated by the Academy for his role in the Golden Globe winning motion picture, The Revenant. This wouldn't be the first time DiCaprio was nominated for an Oscar. In 1994, DiCaprio was nominated in the Best Supporting Actor category for What's Eating Gilbert Grape, and for Best Actor in 2005, 2007, and 2014 for The Aviator, Blood Diamond, and The Wolf of Wall Street, respectively."
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"By On 08/30/16 AT 10:39 AM. Beloved actors Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor starred in a multiple movies together, but the friendship they had onscreen wasnât the same as the one they had in real life, Pryorâs daughter, Rain, wrote in a Facebook post Monday. Wilder died Sunday from Alzheimerâs disease at the age of 83."
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"The Inaugural Mark Twain Prize was presented to Richard Pryor during the first annual Kennedy Center Celebration of American Humor, October 20, 1998. The event is created by the Kennedy Center, and executive producers Mark Krantz, Bob Kaminsky, Peter Kaminsky, and Cappy McGarr and is televised annually."
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"The 49th Academy Awards were presented March 28, 1977, at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, Los Angeles. The ceremonies were presided over by Richard Pryor, Jane Fonda, Ellen Burstyn, and Warren Beatty. This Academy Awards ceremony is notable for Peter Finch becoming the first posthumous winner of an Oscar for acting, a feat matched only by Heath Ledger 32 years later."
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"Steward and Pryor are seeking $150,000 per copyright infringement, as well as attorney's fees. Sued: The rapper is being sued for allegedly sampling a portion of an incredibly obscure song without obtaining the rights for his international hit, Gold Digger."
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"Following the Jeannette basketball team's state championship victory on March 15, Pryor stated he would make his college decision within one week. On March 19, 2008 Pryor announced at a press conference that he would attend Ohio State University."
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"By Yolanda Spivey. Controversial comedic legend, Richard Pryor, (legally known as Richard Franklin Lennox Thomas Pryor), was born on December 1, 1940 in Peoria, Illinois.y Yolanda Spivey. Controversial comedic legend, Richard Pryor, (legally known as Richard Franklin Lennox Thomas Pryor), was born on December 1, 1940 in Peoria, Illinois."
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"Oscar 1969: John Wayne Finally Wins the Oscar. John Wayneâs status as an actor somewhat changed after winning the Best Actor Award for True Grit in 1969. Wayne was nominated twice for the Actor Oscar. His first Best Actor nomination, for Sands of Iwo Jima, did not do much for his recognition as a performer."
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"Richard Pryor. 390 pages on this wiki. Richard Franklin Lennox Thomas Pryor (December 1, 1940 â December 10, 2005) co-wrote two episodes of Sanford and Son, The Dowry (Season 2, episode #3), and Sanford and Son and Sister Makes Three (Season 2, episode #11) with longtime friend and fellow comedian Paul Mooney.ichard Pryor. 390 pages on this wiki. Richard Franklin Lennox Thomas Pryor (December 1, 1940 â December 10, 2005) co-wrote two episodes of Sanford and Son, The Dowry (Season 2, episode #3), and Sanford and Son and Sister Makes Three (Season 2, episode #11) with longtime friend and fellow comedian Paul Mooney."
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"Among his numerous competitive awards, he has won an Academy Award, a BAFTA Award, two Emmy Awards, two Tony Awards and four Golden Globe Awards. His honorary awards include the Cecil B. DeMille Award in 2001, and the National Medal of Arts in 2011. 1 Main awards."
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"Bryn Pryor presents five films which prove that porn is an art form. Bryn Pryor is an award-winning screenwriter and director whose credits include 'Corruption,' 'Icon' and 'Cowboys & Engines.' His latest documentary, 'X-Rated: The Greatest Adult Movies of All Time,' premiered on Showtime on February 6, 2015 at 11pm EST/PST."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"David Bowie Dominates BRIT Awards With Adele, The 1975: Full List The late David Bowie, Adele and the 1975 are among 2017 BRIT award winners. Bowie won both the Best British Male Solo Artist prize and the MasterCard British Album of the Year for Blackstar."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n------\n\nFor example, ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.', 'Map of average weather maximum temperature for May in Manchester. Frost sometimes occurs in may, but on most nights, the temperature is typically 6-9C. It will rain on about 1 in 3 days of the month, and rainfall is about average for the UK.'] should be similar to [\"represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results\\n\\n------\\n\\nExamples:\\nProvided: what's on a credit report Match: Credit report: A credit report is a record of a consumer's credit history and serves as credit references. Credit score: A credit score is an algorithm that measures your credit risk based on the information in your credit report at one point in time. Hard Negative: Credit Karma is a great free service to track the changes in your credit score. I recommend it, itâ\\x80\\x99s not a scam in the traditional sense. However, since Credit Karma is NOT providing you with your FICO score (the one that 80% of all lender use) it should only be used as a guide.Your REAL Credit Score (the FICO score) could be off by as much as 50+ points in either direction.ransunion, Equifax, and Experian all pull this marketing scam on their own websites, right next to the part where they try to trick you into getting your â\\x80\\x9cfreeâ\\x80\\x9d credit report that isnâ\\x80\\x99t really free either. Donâ\\x80\\x99t forget you can get a real free credit report every 12 months (thatâ\\x80\\x99s once a year) by law.\", 'average temperature in manchester uk in may']",
"David Bowie took home a major award at the 2017 Brit Awards and Michael C. Hall accepted it on his behalf! When the late performer won Best Male Solo Artist, Michael, who played Lazarus in the Broadway adaptation of Davidâs film The Man Who Fell to Earth, took to the stage to accept the honor."
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"Richard Pryor. One of the most iconic Black comedic actors, Richard Pryor turned heads and made fans and film cirtics pay attention when he starred opposite Diana Ross in Lady Sings the Blues.The comedian broadened his fan base co-starring with Gene Wilder in the film Silver Streak.He later went on to star in many more major films.ne of the most iconic Black comedic actors, Richard Pryor turned heads and made fans and film cirtics pay attention when he starred opposite Diana Ross in Lady Sings the Blues. The comedian broadened his fan base co-starring with Gene Wilder in the film Silver Streak. He later went on to star in many more major films."
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"The winner of the Best Actor award was the King - Clark Gable (with the first of three career nominations and his sole win) for his role as down-on-his-luck reporter Peter Warne in It Happened One Night."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"How many Oscars has Peter O'Toole won? O'Toole holds the Academy Awards record for the most nominations without a win. On March 23, 2003, he received an honorary Oscar that said his remarkable talents have provide ⦠d cinema history with some of its most memorable characters."
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"On television, Pryor headlined and received high accolades for two series: The Richard Pryor Show (NBC, 1977), which contained one of the most talked about show openings in the history of television, and the children's show Pryor's Place (1984)."
"March 7, 2010 | 9:38 pm. The 82nd Academy Awards followed the script set down by pundits, as the front-runners for all of the major Oscars won Sunday night. The Hurt Locker led with six Oscars, including best picture and best director for Kathryn Bigelow, who became the first woman to win this award. The Iraq war drama also picked up prizes for original screenplay (Mark Boal), editing, sound mixing and sound editing."
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"In 1972, Richard won an Emmy for Best Actor in a Dramatic Series. Two years later, Earl received an Emmy for his writing in the series. After five seasons, Richard Thomas left the Waltons to pursue other interests. He has devoted much of his time to motion pictures for television."
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"Barbra Streisand won for her role in Funny Girl (1968). Jane Fonda won twice from six nominations for her roles in Klute (1971) and Coming Home (1978). Sally Field won this award twice for her roles in 1979's Norma Rae and 1984's Places in the Heart. Meryl Streep has received sixteen nominations in this category, winning twice for Sophie's Choice (1982) and The Iron Lady (2011)."
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"She won the 1981 National Book Award for Ramona and Her Mother and the 1984 Newbery Medal for Dear Mr. Henshaw. For her lifetime contributions to American literature, Cleary received the National Medal of Arts, recognition as a Library of Congress Living Legend, and the Laura Ingalls Wilder Medal from the Association for Library Service to Children."
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"Awards and nominations. 2013 â AUSTRALIAN OF THE YEAR (Nominee). Richard was nominated for his work with Indigenous Community Groups, particularly his work on the eradication of Lateral Violence with the Australian Indigenous population.n 2007 Richard completed his Masters of Arts at RMIT University on THE ART, FREEDOM AND RESPONSIBILITY OF VOICE. And that year saw the release of Richardâs first book titled DIGGER J. JONES. In 2009 Richard wrote and directed his debut feature film, titled STONE BROS starring Luke Carroll and Leon Burchill."
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"Above Clint with Schwarzenegger at the 1995 Academy Awards. MYSTIC RIVER wins 2 Oscars The 76th Annual Academy Awards, February 29th 2004. Clint's Mystic River was nominated for 6 Oscars and walked away with 2 of the Majors, Sean Penn for Best Actor and Tim Robbins for best supporting Actor."
"He has been nominated for the Golden Globe Award eight times as an actor, and won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor for his performance in The Aviator (2004). He has also been nominated by the Academy Awards, Screen Actors Guild, Satellite Awards, and the British Academy of Film and Television Arts."
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"Richard Franklin Lennox Thomas Pryor (December 1, 1940 â December 10, 2005) was an American comedian and comic actor. He is currently listed at Number 1 on Comedy Central 's list of all-time greatest stand-up comedians.n 2002, Pryor and his wife/manager, Jennifer Lee Pryor, won legal rights to all the Laff material, which amounted to almost 40 hours of reel-to-reel analog tape. After going through the tapes and getting Richard's blessing, Jennifer Lee Pryor gave Rhino Records access to the tapes in 2004."
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"Answers.com ® WikiAnswers ® Categories Entertainment & Arts Celebrities Comedians George Lopez What awards did George Lopez win? What would you like to do? Flag"
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"1 He was also nominated for Best Director, and the film won for Best Picture. 2 Allen received the 2014 Cecil B. DeMille Award for lifetime achievement at the 71st Annual Golden Globe Awards ceremony on January 12, 2014."
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"Contemporary Examples. 1 There was a collective gasp at both the four-letter word and the bitter sentiment it carried. How Richard Pryor Beat Bill Cosby and Transformed America David Yaffe, Scott Saul December 9, 2014. 2 By halftime a crowd of what appeared to be a few hundred people had amassed in the bitter cold."
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"Allen has won four Academy Awards: three for Best Original Screenplay (Annie Hall (1978, shared with Marshall Brickman); Hannah and Her Sisters (1987) and Midnight in Paris (2011)), along with one for Best Director (Annie Hall)."
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"One of Cranston's competitors for the award was Rylance for his performance in Richard III. With his fourth Emmy Award victory for his performance on Breaking Bad (2008), he tied the record of Dennis Franz (NYPD Blue (1993)) for the most wins in the category Outstanding Actor in a Drama Series."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"David Bowie Dominates BRIT Awards With Adele, The 1975: Full List The late David Bowie, Adele and the 1975 are among 2017 BRIT award winners. Bowie won both the Best British Male Solo Artist prize and the MasterCard British Album of the Year for Blackstar. Bowie dominated a year after his passing."
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"Richard Jenkins accepts the award for outstanding lead actor in a limited series or a movie for âOlive Kitteridgeâ at the 67th Primetime Emmy Awards on Sunday, Sept. 20, 2015, at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Astaroth illustration from the Dictionnaire Infernal (1818). Astaroth (also Ashtaroth, Astarot and Asteroth), in demonology, is a Crowned Prince of Hell.He is a male figure named after the Canaanite goddess Ashtoreth.ccording to Francis Barrett (c. 1801), Astaroth is the prince of accusers and inquisitors. In art, in the Dictionnaire Infernal (1818), Astaroth is depicted as a nude man with feathered wings, wearing a crown, holding a serpent in one hand, and riding a beast with dragon-like wings and a serpent-like tail.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:', 'what is astaroth']\"",
"But the onset of multiple sclerosis in 1986, and quadruple bypass surgery in 1991, have left him debilitated, and â because heâs too sick to make films â close to broke. Needing money, Pryor, 52, returned to the concert stage last October after a six-year absence, playing 3,000-seat halls at $55,000 a night. The effort, however, exhausted him. Now heâs trying less demanding venues at $30,000 a night, and hoping to start April 27 in Anchorage."
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"Comedian David Letterman hosted the show for the first time. Three weeks earlier in a ceremony held at the Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills, California on March 4, the Academy Awards for Technical Achievement were presented by host Jamie Lee Curtis. Forrest Gump won six awards, including Best Picture."
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"Beaker won the Webby Award, and accepted the award at the June 8th ceremony. In 2010, Beaker recorded a performance of Dust in the Wind, accompanying himself on guitar, but he is interrupted by a cascade of critical YouTube-style popup comments."
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"Probably one of the better movies of Richard Pryor. 23 February 2001 | by Brian-272 (Oakwood, Virginia USA) â See all my reviews. Over the years when nothing else is on I watch Bustin' Loose from time to time, it is such a good feel good movie."
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"Holbrook has won five Primetime Emmy Awards and a Tony Award for his 1966 portrayal of Twain in Mark Twain Tonight. In 2003, Holbrook was honored with the National Humanities Medal by President George W. Bush."
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"Jessica Lange was nominated five times, winning once in 1994 for her role in Blue Sky. Hilary Swank won this award twice for her roles in 1999's Boys Don't Cry and 2004's Million Dollar Baby. Halle Berry won in 2001 for her lead role in Monster's Ball, thus become the first black actress to win this category."
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"After a couple of years in Berkeley, Pryor hit Hollywood in touch with his very unique brand of comedy. He turned to films, starring in The Busy Body with Sid Caesar, and the classic Wild in the Streets, and released his first album, Richard Pryor."
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"The first Kennedy Center Mark Twain Prize for American Humor was presented to comedian Richard Pryor on October 20, 1998. The first two years of The Mark Twain Prize (Richard Pryor and Jonathan Winters) were taped and broadcast on Comedy Central."
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"Kathryn Bigelow made history last night after becoming the first woman to win an Academy Award for Best Director-and trounced her ex-husband in the process. Her Iraq war thriller The Hurt Locker scooped six Oscars, including Best Picture, while Avatar, directed by James Cameron, won only three minor gongs. Avatar-the highest grossing film ever having already taken $2billion worldwide at the box office-won only for art direction, cinematography and visual effects."
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"Oscars 2016 - Leonardo DiCaprio finally claims his Best Actor Award, and Spotlight wins Best Picture. As it happened: Brie Larson wins Best Actress, and Alejandro González Iñárritu wins Best Director - plus the action from the after parties. It wasnât all foregone conclusions at the Oscars 2016. As anticipated, the race issue dominated much of the night and Leo nailed his Best Actor gong. But the Best Picture winner was an upset, as was the Best Supporting Actor prize - which went to one of Britainâs greatest stage actors instead of a Hollywood old timer."
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"55th Academy Awards. The 55th Academy Awards were presented April 11, 1983 at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, Los Angeles. The ceremonies were presided over by Liza Minnelli, Dudley Moore, Richard Pryor, and Walter Matthau. The awards were dominated by the Best Picture winner Gandhi, which won eight awards out of its eleven nominations. Louis Gossett, Jr. became the first African-American actor to win Best Supporting Actor for his performance as the tough and principled drill sergeant Emil Foley in An Officer and a Gentleman."
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"For his role as the Master of Ceremonies in Cabaret, Joel Grey won this award in 1972, becoming one of eight individuals to win both an Oscar and a Tony Award for the same role. George Burns won for his performance in The Sunshine Boys."
"Represent this text",
"Wilt Chamberlain won the award in the 1959â60 NBA season. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar won the award in the 1969â70 NBA season. Larry Bird won the award in the 1979â80 NBA season. Michael Jordan won the award in the 1984â85 NBA season. Allen Iverson won the award in the 1996â97 NBA season. Pau Gasol won the award in the 2001â02 NBA season. LeBron James won the award in the 2003â04 NBA season."
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"On this day in 1980... Richard Pryor had made a career of turning pain into comedy. Since the late â60s, his searing, profane stand-up act had mined humor from the black ghetto-familiar turf to Pryor, who was raised in a brothel and dropped out of high school."
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"The complete list of winners: Drama series. Game of Thrones | WINNER. Mad Men. Downton Abbey. Orange Is the New Black. Emmy Awards: HBO, Jon Hamm and Viola Davis win big At the 67th Emmy Awards, HBO's Veep won for best comedy series, and its Game of Thrones won for best drama series."
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"In the News: The nominees for the U.K.'s Mercury Prize was released. The nominees include: ANOHNI, Bat For Lashes, David Bowie, Radiohead, Savages, and The 1975. The prestigious award also comes with a 25,000 prize. The winner will be announced September 15th."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"During Saturday night's presidential debate in South Carolina, the billionaire listed two federal judges he thinks would be excellent picks to have on the Supreme Court â Diane Sykes and Bill Pryor, who were both nominated to the United States Court of Appeals by President George W. Bush."
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"It's official! Actor Mike Epps, 43, will play the late Richard Pryor in Lee Daniels' highly anticipated biopic on the legendary comedian. Epps beat out big names like Nick Cannon, Michael B. Jordan and Marlon Wayans to land the coveted part."
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"1 In 2011, Paul Allen was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 2 On October 15, 2012, Allen received the Eli and Edythe Broad Award for Philanthropy in the Arts at the National Arts Awards. 3 On February 2, 2014, Allen received a Super Bowl ring as the Seattle Seahawks won the Vince Lombardi Trophy."
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"In June of 2001 he became the worldâs eighth EGOT winner, just a few weeks shy of his 75th birthday, when he earned three Tony Awardsâfor Best Musical, Best Original Score, and Best Book of a Musicalâfor The Producers."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The 49th Academy Awards were presented March 28, 1977, at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, Los Angeles. The ceremonies were presided over by Richard Pryor, Jane Fonda, Ellen Burstyn, and Warren Beatty."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"He then won the award again in 2010 for his album Relapse, giving him a total of 13 Grammys in his career. In 2003, he won the Academy Award for Best Original Song and nominated for a Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song for Lose Yourself from the film, 8 Mile, in which he also played the lead role."
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"Did Richard Pryor have MS? Yes, Mr Pryor had MS. In fact, Richard was quoted as stating that MS stood for More Sh^t.. His daughter, Rain Pryor, has written a book entitled, Jokes My Father Never Taughâ¦t Me, which details her childhood and Richard's later struggle with the disease."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nE.g. ['Represent the following document', 'The area is known for its vast amounts of berries. The town of Livonia was established in 1808 from the Town of Richmond (then the Town of Pittstown in Ontario County). In 1819, part of Livonia was taken to form the new Town of Conesus.'] == ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.', 'when was livonia ny founded']",
"(CNN) -- Just days after his 65th birthday, groundbreaking comedian Richard Pryor died Saturday of a heart attack, his wife told CNN. Pryor, who had been ill with multiple sclerosis, died at Encino Hospital near Los Angeles at 7:58 a.m. PT."
] |
"A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:",
"what is a becket block"
] | [
"represent the next text",
"2. becket - (nautical) a short line with an eye at one end and a knot at the other; used to secure loose items on a ship. sailing, seafaring, navigation-the work of a sailor. line-something (as a cord or rope) that is long and thin and flexible; a washing line. 1 Facebook."
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Background and Development: The Beck Depression Inventory Second Edition (BDI-II) is a 21-item self-report instrument intended to assess the existence and severity of symptoms of depression as listed in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fourth Edition (DSM-IV; 1994)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Noun. 1. heart block-recurrent sudden attacks of unconsciousness caused by impaired conduction of the impulse that regulates the heartbeat. Adams-Stokes syndrome, atrioventricular block, Stokes-Adams syndrome. arrhythmia, cardiac arrhythmia-an abnormal rate of muscle contractions in the heart."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Guide block (Steam Engine) a block attached in to the crosshead to work in contact with the guide bar."
"represent this",
"St. Thomas Becket, born in London, England, on December 21, 1118, was the Archbishop of Canterbury from 1162 until his murder in 1170 by King Henry IIâs knights. The king had ordered his murder for refusing to give the monarchy power over the church."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI, BDI-1A, BDI-II), created by Aaron T. Beck, is a 21-question multiple-choice self-report inventory, one of the most widely used psychometric tests for measuring the severity of depression."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Q: What is an impost block? a. a block that is between the column top (capital) and the springing of the rounded arch b. another name for a column c. a section of the clerestory windows. that provides support d. none of these. A: An impost block is: a. a block that is between the column top (capital) and the springing of the rounded arch."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Blocking definition, a number of small pieces of wood for filling interstices, or for spacing, joining, or reinforcing members. See more."
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"Needle Insertion Approach. 1 Ultrasound guided sciatic nerve block in the popliteal region is considered a BASIC skill level block because the nerve is easily visualized. 2 Both In Plane (IP) and Out of Plane (OOP) approaches are available. The OOP approach is commonly used for single shot and catheter placement."
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"Becket wanted the king to give legal rights to peasants. Henry claimed the right to try clergy in royal courts. Henry sought a divorce, which Becket denounced as heresy. Becket argued in favor of the right of habeas corpus."
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"The '' which his name is frequently listed with is not contemporary, and appears to be a post-Reformation creation, possibly in imitation of Thomas Kempis. In 1884 England's poet laureate Alfred, Lord Tennyson wrote Becket, a play about Thomas Becket and Henry II."
"BBB occurs when one of the bundle branches becomes diseased or damaged, and stops conducting electrical impulses; that is, a bundle branch becomes âblocked.â The chief effect of a bundle branch block is to disrupt the normal, coordinated and simultaneous distribution of the electrical signal to the two ventricles."
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"This is especially true with metal plate jewelry pieces, such as my cuff bracelet project. If you look at most anvils, in addition to a surface area for hammering, they have protruding areas, called horns, that allow you to shape metal around. A bench block, on the other hand, is just that a block o metal. This is good for pounding and hardening, but theres no place to shape. In the book Bead on a Wire, Sharilyn Miller talks about blocks and uses them in many of her wire jewelry projects."
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"A swage block is made of cast iron (a metal inferior to steel) and is used for finish sizing hot work that has been forged on the anvil and to shape by bending or for forming sheet metal. High quality swage blocks are made of ductile iron or low carbon cast steel."
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"These blocks included: a commercial block (758-763 MHz and 788-793 MHz), known as the upper D block; a public safety broadband block (PSBB); and a public safety narrowband block (PSNB) that was awarded to the Public Safety Spectrum Trust (PSST)."
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"A block wall is a structure which is made up of individual units or blocks which are bonded together with the use of mortar. This type of wall is typically used for applications such as veneer, retaining walls, facing, buildings and feature walls. Block walls are a durable and tough structure once completed.atural stone, stone and concrete blocks have many benefits for their use as a block wall. Natural stones are a little more expensive, although they offer many unique and decorative designs. Stone is a common building block material, as it is not a man made product."
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"The thoracic block contains the throat, tongue, lungs, heart and aorta. Then you have the liver, stomach and pancreas in the second block. The final block includes the kidneys, the remainder of the aorta, bowels, bladder and reproductive organs."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n------\n\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Voxx International. Voxx International is an American consumer electronics company founded as Audiovox Corporation in 1965 and renamed Voxx in 2012. It is headquartered in Hauppauge, New York. The company specializes in four areas: OEM and after-market automotive electronics, consumer electronics accessories, and consumer and commercial audio equipment.']\" == \"['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is voxx']\"",
"The murder of Thomas Becket is one of the things that caused the conflict between Henry II and the Catholic Church. The conflict was worsened by Thomas Becket subsequent martyrdom. 2 people found this useful."
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"Block (programming) In computer programming, a block or code block is a lexical structure of source code which is grouped together. Blocks consist of one or more declarations and statements. A programming language that permits the creation of blocks, including blocks nested within other blocks, is called a block-structured programming language."
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"Beckles is the founder and president of the Sato Project (sato is Puerto Rican slang for mixed-breed dogs, which are often neglected), which has rescued and found homes for more than 1,800 dogs in last several years. â"
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"Corner Blocks, Radius - Cabinet door frame decorative block(s), in the shape of 1/4 of a circle, added to the inside corner of a straight door frame. They may be installed in one, two, or all inside corners of the frame. They are used to modify the design of a Straight Door. (See also, Corner Blocks)."
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"The Lorwyn block is a Magic: The Gathering expert-level block consisting of two sets: Lorwyn. and Morningtide. A third set, codenamed Jelly, was originally planned as part of Lorwyn block, but partway into the design of Lorwyn, that block was changed to a two-set block. Jelly was revealed as Shadowmoor, the first set of a second two-set block. The two blocks were linked through synergy and rotated through the official tournament formats as a single, four-expansion unit. The primary theme of th"
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"First, the correct term is 'beckon call' or beckoned call'. It dates back to the 30s and 40s and is a term to imply that one person is available and responds promptly to beckoning or call of another person. The term beck and call is completely incorrect due to a mishearing the correct term spoken."
"Bench Blocks. Bench blocks are every jewelry artist's helper. These blocks are incredibly sturdy and durable to allow you to hammer with ease. The rubber of the blocks is very durable and reduces excess noise and vibration on your bench or table. We carry a bench filing block that securely fastens onto the edge of your bench with a cast iron clamp."
"Becket was born about 1118, or in 1120 according to later tradition. He was born in Cheapside, London, on 21 December, which was the feast day of St Thomas the Apostle. He was the son of Gilbert Beket and Gilbert's wife Matilda."
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"bundle branch block (BBB) a form of heart block involving delay or failure of conduction in one of the branches in the bundle of His, as determined by an electrocardiogram."
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"Code::Blocks is a cross-platform IDE that supports compiling and running multiple programming languages. It is available for download from: http://www.codeblocks.org/. Code::Blocks can work with a variety of compilers. For Windows, it is offered optionally with the MingW compiler. This version that includes MingW is sufficient to follow these tutorials, letting you compile the examples right away."
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"1 (architecture) A knob or projection, usually at the intersection of ribs in a vault. ( 2 archery) the target block, made of foam but historically made of hay bales, to which a target face is attached. A wooden vessel for the mortar used in tiling or masonry, hung by a hook from the laths, or from the rounds of a ladder."
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"Gauge block. Gauge blocks (also known as gage blocks, Johansson gauges, slip gauges, or Jo blocks) are a system for producing precision lengths. The individual gauge block is a metal or ceramic block that has been precision ground and lapped to a specific thickness. Gauge blocks come in sets of blocks with a range of standard lengths."
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"The Zendikar block is the sixteenth block consisting of, atypically, two large expansionsZendikar () and Rise of the Eldrazi (), with one small expansionWorldwake () in between. The block came out in 2009-2010. In design, it was considered an experimental land block."
"Represent text",
"The crocket capital was commonly used in the Gothic period. See also column, capital, abacus or impost block. Other types of capital: block, cushion,or cubic, Corinthian, foliate, historiated, Ionic. cross section Needs definition compare with ground plan. crossing:Area of a church where the at nave, choir, and transept intersect."
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"Personal Blocks. The earliest swage blocks were personal blocks. These were made from the pattern of a master smith and perhaps cast only once or a few times. As a pattern made by an amateur pattern maker (a blacksmith is not a foundryman) personal cast iron blocks rarely had holes cast in them.apping Blocks These are a jeweler's or watchmaker's tool machined from a solid block of hardenable steel, brass or hardwood under 3 (~75mm) square or round and have polished surfaces. A dapping block is similar to a to a very small industrial block with the addition of small hemispherical depressions."
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"Biography of St Thomas Becket Essay - St Thomas Becket (December 21, 1118 â December 29, 1170) was Archbishop of Canterbury from 1162 to 1170. He engaged in a conflict with King Henry II over the rights and privileges of the Church and was assassinated by followers of the king in Canterbury Cathedral."
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"engine block - a metal casting containing the cylinders and cooling ducts of an engine; the engine had to be replaced because the block was cracked. cylinder block, block. casting, cast - object formed by a mold. piston chamber, cylinder - a chamber within which piston moves."
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"For the UK TV series, see Breeze Block (TV series). Breezeblocks redirects here. For the song by Alt+J, see Breezeblocks (song). A concrete masonry unit (CMU) is a large rectangular block used in building construction. Those that use cinders (fly ash or bottom ash) are called cinder blocks in Canada, the United States, and New Zealand, breeze blocks (breeze is a synonym of ash) in the United Kingdom and New Zealand, and hollow blocks in the Philippines."
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"Print. A bundle branch block is either a complete or a partial interruption of the electrical pathways inside the wall of the heart between the two lower chambers (ventricles).auses and Risk Factors. Bundle branch block is a common disorder. It occurs in many medical conditions. A right bundle branch block only occurs in medical conditions that affect the right side of the heart or lungs."
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"Thomas Becket, the son of a wealthy Norman merchant living in London, was born in 1118. After being educated in England, France and Italy, he joined the staff of Theobald, the Archbishop of Canterbury."
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"A ganglion impar block is a procedure used to reduce some of the symptoms of chronic pelvic or rectal pain by blocking nerve impulses. The ganglion impar is a structure located at the level of the coccyx. The nerve block can be diagnostic or therapeutic. One of three things will happen: The pain does not go away, which means that it is probably not coming from the nerves at the site of the injection. This is of diagnostic value."
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"FOUND A GRAVE. But Not Forgotten. Thomas Becket (Thomas Becket) Becket was born about 1118, or in 1120 according to later tradition. He was born in Cheapside, London, on 21 December, which was the feast day of St Thomas the Apostle. He was the son of Gilbert Beket and Gilbertâs wife Matilda."
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"1. any interruption of the conduction of electrical impulses from the atria to the ventricles; it can occur at the level of the atria, the atrioventricular node, the bundle of His, or the Purkinje system. See heart block. 2. a type of heart block in which the blocking is at the atrioventricular junction."
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"A CRT block is a block of memory allocated by the CRT library for its own use. The CRT library handles the deallocation for these blocks, so it is unlikely you will see these in the memory leak report unless something is seriously wrong (for example, the CRT library is corrupted)."
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"The Observer block is a BUD (Block Update Detector) block that will send a short Redstone pulse if the block it is facing gets updated (mined, placed, etc.). They are placed like Pistons. The Observer will detect block updates on the face of the larger red square. When placed, this will be the face furthest to the Player. Hence, the Player should look towards the Block where the Block updates will occur when placing an Observer. The Observer texture that Tommaso Checchi created."
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"â Reba, Indiana. A bundle branch block is a delay or obstruction along the pathway that electrical impulses travel in your heart to make it beat. It is not an obstruction of blood flow in an artery or anywhere else. It indicates an âelectricalâ problem."
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"A collection of progressives, whom Beck has referred to as Crime Inc., comprise what Beck contends is a clandestine conspiracy to take over and transform the United States. Some of these individuals include Cass Sunstein, Van Jones, Andy Stern, John Podesta, Wade Rathke, Joel Rogers and Francis Fox Piven."
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"Becket - (Roman Catholic Church) archbishop of Canterbury from 1162 to 1170; murdered following his opposition to Henry II's attempts to control the clergy (1118-1170). Saint Thomas a Becket, St. Thomas a Becket, Thomas a Becket."
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"Facet blocks and medial branch blocks are typically ordered for patients who have pain primarily in their back coming from arthritic changes in the facet joints or for mechanical low back pain. A facet block or medial branch block may be therapeutic and/or diagnostic. One of three things may happen. 1. The pain does not go away - which means that the pain is probably not coming from the blocked facet joints - this has diagnostic value."
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"If you use this method to beckon a Vietnamese local they may get upset. This is because this is how you call for an animal or a small child. Furthermore, beckoning signifies that that person has a lower class than you, so it can be very upsetting to older Vietnamese."
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"Thomas Becket (/ËbÉkɪt/ ; also known as Saint Thomas of Canterbury, Thomas of London, and later Thomas a à ; becket 21 december. c (1118 or) â 1120 29 december) 1170 Was archbishop Of canterbury from 1162 until his murder in. 1170 he is venerated as a saint and martyr by both The Catholic church and The Anglican. communion"
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"San Antonio, TX: Psychological Corporation. The Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) is a widely used 21-item self-report inventory used to assess anxiety levels in adults and adolescents. It has been used in multiple studies, including in treatment-outcome studies for individuals who have experienced traumas."
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"Before you start, become familiar with block terminology. The concrete that forms the block is called the web. The cavities within the block are called cores. A stretcher block is the common block with ears, or flanges, on the ends.Stretcher blocks make up the middle of a wall between end blocks and corner blocks.efore you start, become familiar with block terminology. The concrete that forms the block is called the web. The cavities within the block are called cores. A stretcher block is the common block with ears, or flanges, on the ends."
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"1 signature block - The typed or printed name and title of a person appearing below a signature at the bottom of a letter, e-mail, etc. paraph - As a verb, to divide into paragraphs; the noun can mean a flourish made after a signature, especially to make it unique."
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"See Public Domain Help Pages for more info. See /IPv6 for information on IPv6 range blocks. Range blocks are technical restrictions applied through Special:Block to a group of IP addresses that prevent them from editing, creating new accounts, sending email through the wiki interface, etc."
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"Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) is an overgrowth disorder. It is characterized by a wide spectrum of symptoms and physical findings that vary in range and severity from person to person."
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"Right bundle branch block (RBBB) is a distinctive pattern seen on the electrocardiogram (ECG) that occurs when the cardiac electrical impulse is interrupted as it spreads across the ventricles of the heart. 1 Read about the heartâs electrical system. 2 Read about the heartâs chambers and valves."
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"The blocking or solid bridging is not completely installed between these floor joists. Blocking is a general, American English term for the use of short pieces (blocks) of dimensional lumber in wood framed construction. Uses include filling, spacing, joining, or reinforcing members."
"A block flow diagram (BFD) is a drawing of a chemical processes used to simplify and understand the basic structure of a system. A BFD is the simplest form of the flow diagrams used in industry. Blocks in a BFD can represent anything from a single piece of equipment to an entire plant. For a complex process, block flow diagrams can be used to break up a complicated system into more reasonable principle stages/sectors."
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"Beck collaborated with Maria Kovacs, PhD, in the development of the Children's Depression Inventory, which used the BDI as a model. Beck's work at the University of Pennsylvania inspired Martin Seligman to refine his own cognitive techniques and exercises, and later work on learned helplessness."
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"Heart block refers to an abnormality in the way electricity passes through the normal electrical pathways of the heart. The abnormality blocks the electrical impulse from continuing through the normal pathways and usually results in a slower heart rate.he blocking of the impulse can come and go, resulting in dropped heartbeats.. A second-degree type II block may progress to complete or third-degree heart block. Second-degree heart block can be categorized into two types: 1 Mobitz type I block (also called Wenckebach) usually occurs in the AV node."
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"Thomas Becket, the son of a wealthy Norman merchant living in London, was born in 1118. After being educated in England, France and Italy, he joined the staff of Theobald, the Archbishop of Canterbury. When Henry II became king in 1154, he asked Archbishop Theobald for advice on choosing his government ministers."
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"Ultrasound guided sciatic nerve block in the popliteal region is considered a BASIC skill level block because the nerve is easily visualized. Both In Plane (IP) and Out of Plane (OOP) approaches are available. The OOP approach is commonly used for single shot and catheter placement."
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"The three classic signs of cardiac tamponade, called Beck's triad, are: muffled heart sounds, increased jugular vein distention (JVD), and hypotension. The heart sounds become muffled and distant because of the insulating effects of fluid in the pericardial sac."
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"Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy is a leading international source for training, therapy, and resources in CBT. Soldiers Suicide Prevention (Beck Institute) is a Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) Approved Charity: CFC # 11590. Site developed by LevLane."
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"Horsts and Grabens. A HORST is an elongated block bounded by parallel (normal, reverse, lateral) faults in such a way that it stands (above, below) the blocks on both sides. A GRABEN is a narrow block moved (upward, downward) between two (normal, reverse, lateral) faults. A special type of vertical fault is a thrust or overthrust fault. This is a reverse fault that has a fault plane that has a very low angle. Notice that this results in one of the exceptions to the law of superposition."
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"Beck's Triad - Hypotension, jugular venous distension, distant, muffled heart sound"
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"Cervical epidural, thoracic epidural, and lumbar epidural block (neck and back) Cervical plexus block and cervical paravertebral block (shoulder and upper neck) Brachial plexus block, elbow block, and wrist block (shoulder/arm/hand, elbow, and wrist) Subarachnoid block and celiac plexus block (abdomen and pelvis)"
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"A facet block or medial branch block may be therapeutic and/or diagnostic. One of three things may happen. 1. The pain does not go away-which means that the pain is probably not coming from the blocked facet joints-this has diagnostic value.acet blocks and medial branch blocks are typically ordered for patients who have pain primarily in their back coming from arthritic changes in the facet joints or for mechanical low back pain."
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"how much does it cost to get rid of a fridge freezer"
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"1 Depending on the size of the fridge, the price can vary. 2 On average, the price of a refrigerator can be as low as $300 to as much as $3,000. 3 Common types of refrigerators include french doors, side-by-side, a bottom freezer and top freezer. 4 A french door model can cost anywhere from $850 to $1,800. A bottom freezer based model can cost anywhere from $900 to $2,000. 2 A common type such as a top freezer can cost anywhere from $400 to $900. 3 A mini refrigerator can cost anywhere from $60 to $330. 4 Common sizes include 1.7, 2.5, 3.2 and 6 cubic feet."
] | [
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"Solar Power a Refrigerator Freezer. average power use 30 watts! (740 watts a day) can be run on a single solar panel! (and 2 batteries).Kenmore 'Freezer Fridge' has a relatively large freezer (holds full gallon jugs).great freezer fridge for off grid living.very low power comsumption. only $149.00 from Sears. one of the most efficient models on the market. note: uses approx. 50 watts the first hour to cool down.enmore 'Freezer Fridge' has a relatively large freezer (holds full gallon jugs). great freezer fridge for off grid living. very low power comsumption. only $149.00 from Sears. one of the most efficient models on the market. note: uses approx. 50 watts the first hour to cool down."
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"How much electricity does a fridge use? Fridge electricity use varies greatly depending on size and efficiency. Averages from survey data are 162 kWh/year for a fridge, 327 kWh/year for an upright freezer, 362 kWh/year for a chest freezer and 427 kWh/year for a fridge freezer."
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"A collection of resources on how to eliminate bad odors in your fridge. How to Get Rid of Bad Smells in Your Fridge. If you have a bad smell in your refrigerator that you can't seem to get rid of, follow... Feb 21, 2008 ... I have this horrible odor coming from ym refrigerator and freezer."
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"Replacement refrigerator water filters vary but on average, changing the filter two times a year will cost roughly $70-$80, even less if multiple filters are bought or the compatible version is chosen. By using two water filters per year, a refrigerator can filter about 3,000 bottles of water."
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"Automatic ice makers and through-the-door ice and water dispensers increase your unitâs energy use by 14 percent to 20 percent and raise the price of a new refrigerator by $75 to $250, according to the DOE."
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"Larger fridges will typically cost more to install. Nationwide, the typical cost of having a refrigerator installed ranged from $829.16 to $1,072.09 at the end of April 2012, according to the home improvement estimation site Homewyse."
"Represent the natural language.",
"1 On average, most refrigerator rentals are going to be between $40 to $200 per month. 2 The higher end the refrigerator is, the more you are likely going to have to pay. 3 Householdappliancerentals.com, a rental company located in Colorado, charges anywhere from $49.95 to as much as $89.95 per month."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"There are also changes we do not recommend making, even though they may seem like a good idea. See below for details. Recommended temperature for your fridge-freezer all year-round. You should keep your fridge temperature set at 3°C and your freezer set at -19°C (or -18°C, depending on your model) all year-round. Recommendations for positioning your fridge-freezer. Ensure that your fridge-freezer is situated at least 5 cm from walls on both sides and 10 cm from the wall at the rear."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"A collection of resources on how to eliminate bad odors in your fridge. How to Get Rid of Bad Smells in Your Fridge. If you have a bad smell in your refrigerator that you can't seem to get rid of, follow... Feb 21, 2008 ... I have this horrible odor coming from ym refrigerator and freezer. We have taken everythingout of the freezer, cleaned..."
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"As of 2014, the cost of a refrigerator compressor ranges between $35 for a reconditioned model to $100 for one that is new, according to SFGate. Continue Reading."
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"Related Content. 1 How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs - Removal & Treatment Prices & Cost. 2 How Much Do Medical Alert Systems Cost - Prices. 3 How Much Does Medical Alert Jewelry Cost - Prices. 4 How Much Does a Living Will (Advance Directive) Cost - Prices. 5 Starting a Bed and Breakfast Business - Cost."
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"Consider retiring the old refrigerator in your basement or garage. Refrigerators over 10 years old could be costing you about $100 per year to run. If you need a second refrigerator year round, replace the old one with a new ENERGY STAR certified unit and save about $40 a year in operating costs."
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"Costs vary with project size, job quality and time of year. For typical Built-In Refrigerator Installation expect to pay between $53.25 to $119.81 for each built-in refrigerator."
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"How much will it cost to get rid of a mouse infestation? Question: How much does it cost to get rid of an infestation of mice and cockroaches in an apartment? It has already been inspected, but they didnât give me any price quotes. ANSWER: Mice are curious and can enter homes or businesses unnoticed."
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"But, if you want to open new lines of credit, you'll need to lift the freeze first. This can be done temporarily, either for a set time or for a particular party, like a landlord or lender. The costs to freeze and lift the freeze on your credit vary based on where you live and for each credit reporting agency, but commonly range from $2 to $10 per agency. If you're a resident of certain states -- like Maine or South Carolina -- it's free."
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"There are many factors that can affect the total operating costs. If you own one 10X10 walk-in cooler, and one 10X10 walk-in freezer your monthly operating cost are equal to approx. $144.15 + $362.24 = $506.39. Using a 24/7 temperature monitoring system can help to reduce energy costs by 10-25%."
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"Cutting that in half with a new, modestly sized, energy efficient refrigerator could save you $80 a year at that electricity price â and with new fridge prices in the $500 to $1,200 range, the savings would pay for the new refrigerator somewhere between 6 and 15 years after purchase."
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"If the ice melts and then re-freezes, youâll be able to tell. Itâs your canary in the coal mine, sort of. The FDA has information about fridge and freezer thermometers, and safe refrigeration methods, here. As for the thermometers themselves, you can buy them almost anywhere for as little as $5."
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"A Blast Freezer is commonly used in restaurants, catering unit, bakeries and ice-cream parlors. A Blast Freezer can reduce temperature of a food from +70?C to -18?C in less than 4 hours. Cost of a basic Blast Freeze can range between $5,000 to $35,000. Blast Freezer is also known as Shock Freezer. In normal temperature, bacterial growth in food occurs at a rapid, exponential rate. The food becomes unsafe for future consumption. The microorganism cannot thrive in the extremely cold environment of a Blast Freezer. A Blast Freezer is commonly used in food industry."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Recommended temperature for your fridge-freezer all year-round. You should keep your fridge temperature set at 3°C/37.4F and your freezer set at -19°C/-2.2F (or -18°C/-0.4F, depending on your model) all year-round. Ensure that your fridge-freezer is situated at least 5 cm from walls on both sides and 10 cm from the wall at the rear. If the fridge-freezer isn't well-ventilated like this the freezer temperature could rise and food may start to defrost when the ambient room temperature starts to rise."
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"You can create your own walk-in freezer, all for the cost of the CoolBot ($299) and good insulation, rather than a couple of thousand for a small walk-in setup."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"According to the Department of Energy today's refrigerators, compared to those of the 1970s, save the the nation about $20 billion per year in energy costs, or $150 per year for the average American family. Even though refrigerators are more efficient, they still need to keep food cool or frozen 24 hours a day.On average, a refrigerator uses 13.7 percent of a home's energy, the largest energy-user behind an air conditioner, which uses 16 percent.Since the normal refrigerator lasts between 15 and 20 years, the energy efficiency decision you make when buying one will likely be with you for years.ven though refrigerators are more efficient, they still need to keep food cool or frozen 24 hours a day. On average, a refrigerator uses 13.7 percent of a home's energy, the largest energy-user behind an air conditioner, which uses 16 percent."
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"Available from each of the three major credit bureaus, the credit freeze comes at a price â anywhere from free to $10 per bureau, with the cost determined by state laws â but will remain in place indefinitely, provided the consumer doesn't remove the freeze."
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"Cost. According to consumer advocate Clark Howard, the cost of a credit freeze varies depending on the credit bureau and your state of residence. It usually runs from $3 to $10, although it may be free if you are already a victim of identity theft.Once you do the freeze, it will last until you thaw it, either temporarily or permanently. You may be charged a fee each time you thaw it if you do so temporarily.t usually runs from $3 to $10, although it may be free if you are already a victim of identity theft. Once you do the freeze, it will last until you thaw it, either temporarily or permanently. You may be charged a fee each time you thaw it if you do so temporarily."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"But thatâs only the start of the costs as the electricity to keep my freezer running costs approximately £85 per year (assuming it uses 2 units per day at current rates) and then there is the hidden cost of maintaining your food inventory.ut thatâs only the start of the costs as the electricity to keep my freezer running costs approximately £85 per year (assuming it uses 2 units per day at current rates) and then there is the hidden cost of maintaining your food inventory."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Posts: 4. Freezer is fine but Refrigerator is freezing food. Model Number: 253.52342300 Brand: Kenmore Age: 5 - 10 years. this is my first post and wondering if anyone could offer some advice. I did search around a bit and found some people with my similar problem but i want to be sure I'm on the right path."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A freezer full of food will usually keep about 2 days if the door is kept shut; a half-full freezer will last about a day. The freezing compartment in a refrigerator may not keep foods frozen as long. If the freezer is not full, quickly group packages together so they will retain the cold more effectively.reeze leftovers within 3-4 days. Do not refreeze any foods left outside the refrigerator longer than 2 hours; 1 hour in temperatures above 90 °F. If you purchase previously frozen meat, poultry or fish at a retail store, you can refreeze if it has been handled properly."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"At 15 kWh, trading in a pre-1986 fridge for a new efficient one would save about $158 a year in electricity costs. And some older fridges are even worse than the average. One reader estimates her savings to be $238 per year for trading in her 1979 fridge for a 2004 model.ridge should be 36-40F, and the freezer should be 0-5F (-17 to -10C). Fridges set 10 degrees lower than needed (or freezers set 5 degrees lower than needed) can increase energy use by as much as 20-25%. Personally, I set my own fridge to 56 because as a vegan I never store super-perishables like meat or dairy."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"A 1986-era 18 c.f. fridge uses 1400 kWh a year, while a modern energy-efficient model uses only 350 kWh â a whopping 75% reduction. At 15 kWh, trading in a pre-1986 fridge for a new efficient one would save about $158 a year in electricity costs.And some older fridges are even worse than the average. One reader estimates her savings to be $238 per year for trading in her 1979 fridge for a 2004 model.ridge should be 36-40F, and the freezer should be 0-5F (-17 to -10C). Fridges set 10 degrees lower than needed (or freezers set 5 degrees lower than needed) can increase energy use by as much as 20-25%. Personally, I set my own fridge to 56 because as a vegan I never store super-perishables like meat or dairy."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Fridge electricity use varies greatly depending on size and efficiency. Averages from survey data are 162 kWh/year for a fridge, 327 kWh/year for an upright freezer, 362 kWh/year for a chest freezer and 427 kWh/year for a fridge freezer."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1. Pick a number. Strange to say, people often skip the obvious first step of deciding how much to save. That's because real numbers can be scary. Let's save for a cool new fridge with an icemaker and extra freezer space sounds fun. Let's save $1,200 sounds like work. But getting a hard figure in your head is critical to making that new appliance (or whatever you want) a reality."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 Keep the refrigerator and freezer doors closed as much as possible to maintain the cold temperature. 2 You may safely re-freeze foods that still contain ice crystals or that have been kept at 41 degrees F or below. Place a thermometer in your fridge and freezer."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"A. To run an energy efficient chest freezer that would hold one whole beef costs around $30 per year. Q. How long can I store my beef in a freezer? A. Our beef freezes very well and can be kept in a freezer for more than one year."
] |
"A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"how much does clutch work cost"
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A clutch job, (new pressure plate, new clutch disc, new throw out bearing, and new pilot bearing) apparently costs somewhere between $500-$600. Replacement OEM parts cost about $170. (links off of Miata.net will get you a number of good suppliers). So if you do it yourself, you might save $300+."
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Nothing in fuel racing is cheap, and the same goes for the clutch. When asked about the cost of a complete clutch, Ancona said, âThe clutch is anywhere from $10,000 to $14,000 and is comprised of the flywheel, stands, and hat.â That doesnât even include the constant replacing of the clutch discs and floaters.othing in fuel racing is cheap, and the same goes for the clutch. When asked about the cost of a complete clutch, Ancona said, âThe clutch is anywhere from $10,000 to $14,000 and is comprised of the flywheel, stands, and hat.â That doesnât even include the constant replacing of the clutch discs and floaters."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The average cost for a clutch master cylinder replacement is between $209 to $282. Labor costs are estimated between $152 to $193 while parts are priced between $57 to $89."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 Honda civic clutch cost is $499 â $800 and depends on what parts need to be replaced and what type of 4 cylinder engine. BMW 330i clutch repair costs is approximately $1,100."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Not sure which clutch I want to replace it with just yet, but I'm concerned with install costs. With a clutch/flywheel combo running probably $600, how much should I expect to pay a shop to install it? I'm worried this could easily turn into a $1000+ undertaking... Should I have the dealer install it?"
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"How much does it cost to replace a mini cooper manual non-s clutch? It cost me $2000 in Pittsburgh PA Addendum: Depends on where you are having it replaced and by whom (dealerships charge the most).I just had my 2007 Mini Cooper's clutch repl ⦠aced for $1100.t cost me $2000 in Pittsburgh PA Addendum: Depends on where you are having it replaced and by whom (dealerships charge the most). I just had my 2007 Mini Cooper's clutch repl ⦠aced for $1100."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Having a clutch replaced can cost $400-$3,000 or more, depending on the make, model and type of vehicle; whether just the clutch disc needs replacing and the flywheel resurfacing, or if all new parts are needed; whether a hydraulic clutch needs new cylinders; and how difficult it is to access the clutch."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Standard Clutch Repair Cost. While there is no set standard for pricing (the clutch repair cost depends on the type of clutch you are replacing, the repairs that need to be done, where you take your vehicle and the general labor costs), we can provide you with a rough estimate of the clutch repair cost. Ford Ranger clutch repair cost is between $550 â $800 and depends on what parts need to be replaced and whether the car has a v6 engine or a 4 cylinder and some models come with 4Ã4."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1 A fan clutch will range from $100 to $300 depending on the model of the car. 2 This is the cost for the parts only and will not include professional installation. 3 The price will greatly depend on the make and model of you car since this is what determines the specific fan clutch that is needed."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 CostHelper readers report paying $430-$2,505 to have a clutch replaced, at an average cost of $1,085; the lowest costs reported were for compact cars with work done by local repair shops, and the highest price reported by a reader was for a BMW, with the work done by a dealership. CostHelper readers report paying $430-$2,505 to have a clutch replaced, at an average cost of $1,085; the lowest costs reported were for compact cars with work done by local repair shops, and the highest price reported by a reader was for a BMW, with the work done by a dealership."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The most common major transmission repair is a clutch replacement. Three parts are usually replaced during this repair, the pressure plate, clutch disc and throw out bearing. The pressure plate costs between $40 for a four cylinder economy car and $150 for a high performance eight cylinder. Clutch discs cost between $30 and $200, again with the high number being for a high performance vehicle. Throw out bearings cost between $20 and $50, depending on the application. Many parts stores carry matched set clutch repair kits. These cost between $100 and $800, again depending on the application and manufacturer. Other parts that are replaced often are the clutch cylinders, both master and slave."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The cost to repair a clutch can range between $500 to $2,500. It really depends on the car. Performance cars, exotic cars, and European cars are more expensive to replace the clutch than Japanese economy cars. Four wheel drive vehicles cost more than two wheel drive vehicles.MW vehicles, such as a M3, can cost over $2000 dollars to replace the clutch. It depends on the year of the vehicle, too. Mini Cooper clutch repair: A Mini Cooperâs clutch cost will vary widely, depending on the model. On average clutch repair will cost about $1200 â $2000 if you need to replace the flywheel."
"Clutches are expensive components...and labor is too. 4-6 hours labor + expensive clutch = $700 OTD minimum, and that's not considering either replacing (ideal) or having the OEM flywheel ground a bit."
"represent the natural language\n\n\nFor instance, <<['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', '400 degrees for 15 minutes to brown then reduce heat to 350 for another 15-20 minutes. Chicken is done when you pierce the meat with a fork, press on it and the juices are cle â\\x80¦ ar, not red or pink.+ 31 others found this useful. Su Su Htain.00 degrees for 15 minutes to brown then reduce heat to 350 for another 15-20 minutes. Chicken is done when you pierce the meat with a fork, press on it and the juices are cle â\\x80¦ ar, not red or pink. + 31 others found this useful. Su Su Htain.']>> to <<['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'How long and for what temperature do you bake a chicken split into half?']>>",
"Submit. · just now. Report Abuse. I don't know the cost of a clutch for a Ford, but my M reg Rover is going to cost just under £200 at a local garage of course this is including VAT which is about £35."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Subaru calls it a 6 hour job for billing. So that's a really good deal if it includes parts. Thats a good price if u can't do it urself. cost me $200 for the clutch kit and did the job in my garage took me around 6 hours. If you were in L.A area, my rate is $300 + cost of the clutch kit which you chose."
"Parts: $57 - $89. The average cost for a clutch master cylinder replacement is between $209 to $282. Labor costs are estimated between $152 to $193 while parts are priced between $57 to $89. Get a personalized estimate based on your location and specific car. Estimate does not include taxes and fees."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nFor instance, <<['represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'To measure the level of antibodies to particulate antigens, agglutination test can be widely used. For this test, serial dilutions of the sample can be made and it is tested for antibody. Then a fixed amount of particulate antigen or bacteria or red blood cells can be added to it.']>> to <<['Represent this text', 'which blood sample agglutinated with all of the antibodies tested']>>",
"1 The clutch repair shop should check for fluid from the transmission or the engine, and fix any leaks that can cause damage to the clutch mechanism. The repair cost could be $300 to $1,000 higher if your vehicle uses a hydraulic clutch system that contains master cylinders and a slave."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 A fan clutch will range from $100 to $300 depending on the model of the car. 2 This is the cost for the parts only and will not include professional installation."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Parts: $57 - $89. The average cost for a clutch master cylinder replacement is between $209 to $282. Labor costs are estimated between $152 to $193 while parts are priced between $57 to $89."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"T he clutch. There is no more critical component of a drag racing vehicle, and in no other motorsport is it so important.othing in fuel racing is cheap, and the same goes for the clutch. When asked about the cost of a complete clutch, Ancona said, âThe clutch is anywhere from $10,000 to $14,000 and is comprised of the flywheel, stands, and hat.â That doesnât even include the constant replacing of the clutch discs and floaters."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1 The cost of an AC compressor clutch depends on the type of clutch used which is determined by the make and model of the vehicle. 2 You should expect to spend roughly between $75 to $250 or more for the part alone.3 However, should there be need to buy the complete compressor, that would cost around $600 to $1,000. Used and rebuilt compressors, on average, can cost $200 to $700. 2 This does not include the professional labor. 3 If the labor is included, this can bring the total up to $1,500 to $2,000. 4 For example, some users on the website Clutchfans.net, claimed that their labor costs were a pinch shy of $1,800."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Clutch discs cost between $30 and $200, again with the high number being for a high performance vehicle. Throw out bearings cost between $20 and $50, depending on the application. Many parts stores carry matched set clutch repair kits.These cost between $100 and $800, again depending on the application and manufacturer. Other parts that are replaced often are the clutch cylinders, both master and slave.hrow out bearings cost between $20 and $50, depending on the application. Many parts stores carry matched set clutch repair kits. These cost between $100 and $800, again depending on the application and manufacturer. Other parts that are replaced often are the clutch cylinders, both master and slave."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The average cost for a Kia Sportage Clutch Replacement is between $921 and $1191. Labor costs are estimated between $660 and $833 while parts are priced between $261 and $358. Estimate does not include taxes and fees. Get a Personalized Estimate for your Kia Sportage."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Here are a few examples of the cost to repair the clutch for specific makes and models: Toyota clutch repair: A clutch in a Toyota pickup will cost is between $600 â $900, depending on what parts need to be replaced, whether the car has a v6 engine or a 4 cylinder, and if itâs a 4Ã4 truck."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"How much does it cost to fix a broken axel? A couple of days ago on my way home from work, y car basically stopped driving. The car was still running, but the tires weren't moving. I initially thought it was my clutch. Turns out I had broken my axel. Can anyone give me an estimate as to how much I can expect to pay to get it fixed? Thanks!"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Here are a few examples of the cost to repair the clutch for specific makes and models: 1 Toyota Camry clutch cost is between $600 â $900 and depends on what parts need to be replaced and whether the car has a v6 engine or a 4 cylinder and some models come with 4Ã4."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Parts: $45 - $81. The average cost for a clutch cable replacement is between $126 to $185. Labor costs are estimated between $81 to $104 while parts are priced between $45 to $81.Get a personalized estimate based on your location and specific car. Estimate does not include taxes and fees.arts: $45 - $81. The average cost for a clutch cable replacement is between $126 to $185. Labor costs are estimated between $81 to $104 while parts are priced between $45 to $81."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Replacing a clutch generally costs between $500 and $800, but it can cost up to $2,000 on some models, according to Cost Helper. The clutch replacement cost on front-wheel drive vehicles is generally higher than it is on rear-wheel drive vehicles.eplacing a clutch generally costs between $500 and $800, but it can cost up to $2,000 on some models, according to Cost Helper. The clutch replacement cost on front-wheel drive vehicles is generally higher than it is on rear-wheel drive vehicles."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Here are a few examples of the cost to repair the clutch for specific makes and models: Toyota Camry clutch cost is between $600 â $900 and depends on what parts need to be replaced and whether the car has a v6 engine or a 4 cylinder and some models come with 4Ã4."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 The cost of an AC compressor clutch depends on the type of clutch used which is determined by the make and model of the vehicle. 2 You should expect to spend roughly between $75 to $250 or more for the part alone. 3 However, should there be need to buy the complete compressor, that would cost around $600 to $1,000."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1 On average, the national average cost to replace a clutch cable ranges from $120 to $200. 2 Included in the estimate are labor costs of $80 to $20 and parts of $45 to $80 (excluding tax and fees).3 At PartsGeek.com, the prices of clutch cables vary:4 1996 Geo Tracker Clutch Cable 1.6L 4 Cyl Rhino Pac â $13.98.he clutch cable is a vehicle component that aids in gear shifting. When the clutch pedal is depressed, the clutch cable disengages the clutch plates, allowing the gears to shift easily."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Clutch agency survey: $171,450 median cost per app. A survey of 12 âleading mobile application development companiesâ by Clutch asked about the number of hours required for mobile app development activities, and calculated that the âmedian highâ cost as $171,450, with a very wide range from under $30K to over $700K."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The average cost for a Scion xB Clutch Replacement is between $1013 and $1435. Labor costs are estimated between $668 and $844 while parts are priced between $345 and $591. Estimate does not include taxes and fees. Get a Personalized Estimate for your Scion xB."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Here are a few examples of the cost to repair the clutch for specific makes and models: 1 Toyota Camry clutch cost is between $600 â $900 and depends on what parts need to be replaced and whether the car has a v6 engine or a 4 cylinder and some models come with 4Ã4. Ford Ranger clutch repair cost is between $550 â $800 and depends on what parts need to be replaced and whether the car has a v6 engine or a 4 cylinder and some models come with 4Ã4."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Toyota clutch repair: A clutch in a Toyota pickup will cost is between $600 â $900, depending on what parts need to be replaced, whether the car has a v6 engine or a 4 cylinder, and if itâs a 4Ã4 truck. clutch in a Toyota pickup will cost is between $600 â $900, depending on what parts need to be replaced, whether the car has a v6 engine or a 4 cylinder, and if itâs a 4Ã4 truck."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"A clutch in a Toyota pickup will cost is between $600 â $900, depending on what parts need to be replaced, whether the car has a v6 engine or a 4 cylinder, and if itâs a 4Ã4 truck."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"If youâre on the hunt for a designer clutch but donât want the high price tag, look for the zip pouches or cosmetic cases by your favorite designers. You donât have to sacrifice size or styleâ¦and I promise your wallet will thank you. All of the ones I found below are under $600 with most under $300."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Standard Clutch Repair Cost. While there is no set standard for pricing (the clutch repair cost depends on the type of clutch you are replacing, the repairs that need to be done, where you take your vehicle and the general labor costs), we can provide you with a rough estimate of the clutch repair cost. Toyota Camry clutch cost is between $600 â $900 and depends on what parts need to be replaced and whether the car has a v6 engine or a 4 cylinder and some models come with 4Ã4."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"How Much Does Nutrisystem Cost At Costco? Also With Nutrisystem Meals? costco nutrisystem gift card does nutrisystem really work how much does nutrisystem cost how much does nutrisystem cost at costco how much does nutrisystem cost at walmart how much does nutrisystem cost per month best price for nutrisystem *buy nutrisystem food cheap *cheap nutrisystem *cheapest nutrisystem deal cheapest nutrisystem plan - cheapest way to buy nutrisystem *cost of nutrisystem for one month how much is nutrisystem a month how much is nutrisystem cost"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"http://www.google.com how much does a egyptian mau cost http://www.google.com how much does a egyptian mau cost We've been hard at work on the new YouTube, and it's better than ever."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"In a Pro Stock or Pro Mod style clutch, also known as a pedal clutch, releasing the clutch pedal pushes the throw out bearing in. But in a fuel clutch, also called a glide clutch, the process is vastly different.othing in fuel racing is cheap, and the same goes for the clutch. When asked about the cost of a complete clutch, Ancona said, âThe clutch is anywhere from $10,000 to $14,000 and is comprised of the flywheel, stands, and hat.â That doesnât even include the constant replacing of the clutch discs and floaters."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1 Toyota Camry clutch cost is between $600 â $900 and depends on what parts need to be replaced and whether the car has a v6 engine or a 4 cylinder and some models come with 4Ã4."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 The cost of an AC compressor clutch depends on the type of clutch used which is determined by the make and model of the vehicle. 2 You should expect to spend roughly between $75 to $250 or more for the part alone.3 However, should there be need to buy the complete compressor, that would cost around $600 to $1,000. You should expect to spend roughly between $75 to $250 or more for the part alone. 2 However, should there be need to buy the complete compressor, that would cost around $600 to $1,000. 3 Used and rebuilt compressors, on average, can cost $200 to $700."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The average cost for a Subaru Impreza WRX STI Clutch Replacement is between $1103 and $1643. Labor costs are estimated between $651 and $822 while parts are priced between $452 and $821. Estimate does not include taxes and fees."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"How much does it cost to replace a mini cooper manual non-s clutch? It cost me $2000 in Pittsburgh PA Addendum: Depends on where you are having it replaced and by whom (dealerships charge the most).ow much does it cost to replace a mini cooper manual non-s clutch? It cost me $2000 in Pittsburgh PA Addendum: Depends on where you are having it replaced and by whom (dealerships charge the most)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The average cost for an Infiniti G35 Clutch Replacement is between $960 and $1156. Labor costs are estimated between $334 and $422 while parts are priced between $626 and $734. Estimate does not include taxes and fees. Get a Repair Cost."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The cost for a repair of that kind depends on several factors. First: Parts. You can buy an OE clutch from the manufacturer (recommended) or you can buy an aftermarket clutch kit from Advance or Auto Zone. The price for the parts could range anywhere from $250 - $450 depending on which one you decide to buy. Make sure that you get a clutch disc, pressure plate, release (throw-out) bearing, and a pilot bearing (if applicable). The second factor is labor cost. Depending where you live labor rates can vary greatly!"
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"what is an lpn hourly rate"
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"(United States). A Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) earns an average wage of $18.03 per hour. Pay for this job does not change much by experience, with the most experienced earning only a bit more than the least. $25,484 - $52,232."
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"What Is The Current Hourly Jib Wage rate For An Approved â¦. What is the current hourly Jib wage rate for an approved electrician The KGB Agent answer: As of 2008 the hourly JIB wage rate for an Approved Electrician is £13.08ph using own transport or £12.38ph if transport is provided."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"How much does a Lpn make? The average Lpn salary is $40,860. Filter by location to see Lpn salaries in your area. Salary estimates are based on 195 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Lpn employees."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Remember: How long it take to get your LPN will vary between schools and states but you should be able to have everything completed in 12-14 months.VN salary. A licensed practical nurseâs median annual salary was $42,400 or $20.39 per hour in 2012 according to BLS data. This is double or more than double the minimum wage for taking the time to complete 1 year of college courses and pass the NCLEX-PN."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1 [RNs Make] | How Much Do RNs Make With 2-Year Degrees? 2 [Specialities] | Different Specialities for an LPN; 3 [LPN Career] | Benefits of an LPN Career; 4 [Hourly Rate] | What Hourly Rate Does an LPN Make? Licensed practical nurses, or LPNs, work in hospitals and a variety of other environments, including nursing facilities, doctors' offices and patients' homes."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1 40% - How much does a function hall or restaurant charge a customer for a bartender on an hourly basis? 2 68% - What is average hourly rate contractors? 3 71% - What is the average handyman hourly rate in fl? 4 78% - What is the average hourly rate for lawyers in texas?"
"Represent the input",
"Average pay for an LPN is just over $40,000 annually. This field is expected to experience a 20 percent growth rate through 2020. LPNs must complete an accreditation program in the state they wish to serve in order to become licensed. The time it takes to get an LPN certification varies by state and program type.his test demonstrates proficiency in entry-level nursing skills. How long it takes to complete this process depends on the length of time you need to prepare for the test and pass the exam. A testing fee of $200 is required."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Have been LPN for 17 years. Have accepted job as RN (I have an ADN) in very nice LTC facility in rehab dept. Starting salary: $27.94 for day shift, $29.98 for evening/night shift. This is also with decent benefit package-8 hour shifts, full time. The company's website lists salariy ranges for RN's, so I am not divulging any info."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"What is the average hourly rate for a divorce attorney? Orlando, FL | 4 attorney answers What is the average hourly rate and total cost for an experienced divorce attorney in cook county illinois?"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"LPNs work in hospitals, nursing facilities, home health agencies and private physician offices. Average pay for an LPN is just over $40,000 annually. This field is expected to experience a 20 percent growth rate through 2020.LPNs must complete an accreditation program in the state they wish to serve in order to become licensed. The time it takes to get an LPN certification varies by state and program type.his test demonstrates proficiency in entry-level nursing skills. How long it takes to complete this process depends on the length of time you need to prepare for the test and pass the exam. A testing fee of $200 is required."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"(2) Average annual nursing facility rates have been rounded to the nearest $100.00. (3) Source: State of Connecticut, Office of Policy and Management. Average actual self-pay (private pay) home health charges have been rounded to the nearest dollar and reflect charges as of January 1, 2015.Actual (unrounded) figures were used to calculate percentage change.(4) Per-hour charge for RN and LPN is applied after 2 - 4 hours.verage actual self-pay (private pay) home health charges have been rounded to the nearest dollar and reflect charges as of January 1, 2015. Actual (unrounded) figures were used to calculate percentage change.(4) Per-hour charge for RN and LPN is applied after 2 - 4 hours."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Most Popular Job for Employees with a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Certification Median Hourly Rate Charts. Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) Patient Care Technician Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Confidence votes 73. 1 In central PA, LPN's make about $20/hour on average. 2 Office jobs with great hours and benefits generally pay less ($17-18/hr), and nursing homes more ($20+) with additional money ($2-3/hr extra) in shift differentials for 2nd or 3rd shift (cost of benefits can be higher, though).onfidence votes 73. 1 In central PA, LPN's make about $20/hour on average. 2 Office jobs with great hours and benefits generally pay less ($17-18/hr), and nursing homes more ($20+) with additional money ($2-3/hr extra) in shift differentials for 2nd or 3rd shift (cost of benefits can be higher, though)."
] |
"A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"how many millions died under stalin"
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"He had several million executed or worked to death in Russia as well. Some estimates will reach over 60 million, but Stalin is actually only a direct cause of 15-20 million deaths. The 5 million difference is from varying estimates due to how many people there were and the secrecy of the USSR."
] | [
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"In terms of total numbers, the Soviet Union bore an incredible brunt of casualties during WWII. An estimated 16,825,000 people died in the war, over 15% of its population. China also lost an astounding 20,000,000 people during the conflict. As a comparison, here are the number of American deaths in every major war the U.S. has entered: Flynavy88/Reddit."
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"Over a quarter of its population, 2,290,000 people, died during the conflict. In terms of total numbers, the Soviet Union bore an incredible brunt of casualties during WWII. An estimated 16,825,000 people died in the war, over 15% of its population. China also lost an astounding 20,000,000 people during the conflict."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"About 12 million Americans died as a result of the Great Depression."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"How many people died during the Great Depression from starvation? Some studies indicate that as many as 7 million people may have died from starvation during the Great Depression. Edit"
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"How did Stalin try to control his people? He used ruthless methods to control the Soviet Union and its people. Peasants began to feed on enough food for themselves and so Stalin took away all their grain; Terror Famine - caused 5-8 million deaths from starvation. Secret police, torture and violent purges. He also imprisoned or executed anyone who opposed his communist state."
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"But for the USSR, victory came at an even steeper price, as the Soviets lost nearly twice as many soldiers as the Nazis in that battle alone. In all, at least 8.7 million Soviet soldiers died in World War II (Halloran notes that some estimates place the tally as high as 14 million). That number becomes all the more eye-popping when compared to the losses incurred by other countries."
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"Stalin doesnât hold the distinction of being the most genocidal leader of the 20th century. In absolute terms, Mao Zedong of China is thought to be responsible for the deaths of over 40 million Chinese (admittedly from a much larger initial population base)."
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"According to de-classified archive data released by the successor agency to the KGB after Perestroika, a total of 1,053,829 people died in the GULAG from 1934 to 1953, not counting those who died in labor colonies. The total population of the camps varied from 510,307 (in 1934) to 1,727,970 (in 1953)."
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"By Robert Wilde. The Myth: Stalin, the Russian dictator whose actions killed millions of people, died peacefully in his bed. The Truth: Stalin suffered a major stroke on March 1st 1953 but treatment was delayed from reaching him as a direct result of his actions over the previous decades. He slowly died over the course of the next few days, apparently in agony, finally expiring on March 5th of a brain haemorrhage. He was in bed."
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"6:17 AM. Estimates for the total casualties of World War II, Most suggest that some 60 million people died in the world war II, including about 20 million soldiers and 40 million civilians. Many civilians died because of disease, starvation, massacres, bombing and deliberate genocide. The Soviet Union lost around 27 million people during the war, almost half of all World War II deaths. One of every four Soviet citizens was killed or wounded in that war."
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"Joseph Stalin (1878-1953) was the dictator of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) from 1929 to 1953. Under Stalin, the Soviet Union was transformed from a peasant society into an industrial and military superpower. However, he ruled by terror, and millions of his own citizens died during his brutal reign."
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"So he is directly responsible for ALL the war dead - about 72Million. Lenin - not many, the civil war was brutal, but not as ferocious as the trenches of WWI, and the Red Terror only lasted for a month or so, so it's victims are only in the thousands. Stalin - surprisingly few."
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"Nevertheless, Stalin's reign of terror continued as long as he was in power as he crushed any dissent or any burgeoning influences of Western culture. He is credited by some estimates as responsible for the deaths of 20 million Russians.hese plans had as their basis government control; therefore, regarding agriculture in Russian, what had been individual farms now became collective farms. In 1928, Stalin told the Russian people: Agriculture is developing slowly, comrades. This is because we have about 25 million individually owned farms."
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"The Battle for Berlin in World War Two. Stalin's attempt to take Berlin ahead of his allies in 1945, led to the death of 70,000 Russian soldiers. Tilman Remme followed historian Antony Beevor as he examined the conquering army's conduct, and unearthed evidence that might explain why the Soviet leader took such risks."
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"The Allies won: the U.S., the U.K. and the Soviet Union. Approximately twelve million died in the Holocaust, six million Jews and six million others: gypsies, communists, homosexuals, the disabled, Catholics, political opponents of the Nazis, anyone deemed 'unfit' by the Third Reich.nother result of the war was that the U.S. dropped two atomic bombs on civilian targets in Japan. This had the dual effect of shortening the war in Asia and showing the nuclear capabilities of the U.S. to the U.S.S.R."
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"the soviet leader died on march 5th 1953 propaganda portrait of marshal stalin fromt the second world war just how many millions of deaths joseph stalin was responsible for is disputed but that the figure runs into millions is not in doubt"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Joseph Stalin (1878-1953) was the dictator of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) from 1929 to 1953.Under Stalin, the Soviet Union was transformed from a peasant society into an industrial and military superpower. However, he ruled by terror, and millions of his own citizens died during his brutal reign.he Soviet Union Under Joseph Stalin. Starting in the late 1920s, Joseph Stalin launched a series of five-year plans intended to transform the Soviet Union from a peasant society into an industrial superpower."
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"Mao's Great Leap Forward 'killed 45 million in four years'. Mao Zedong, founder of the People's Republic of China, qualifies as the greatest mass murderer in world history, an expert who had unprecedented access to official Communist Party archives said yesterday."
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"Quick Answer. Although there is some debate about the true number of World War I casualties, the U.S. Department of Justice estimates that a total of 5,142,631 souls perished during the war. Russia lost the highest number of people, with 1.7 million people or 76.3 percent of its armed forces killed, while 116,516 American lives were lost. Keep Learning."
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"Historian Raul Hilberg estimates that between 1941 and 1945 the Einsatzgruppen and related auxiliary troops killed more than two million people, including 1.3 million Jews. The total number of Jews murdered during the Holocaust is estimated at 5.5 to six million people."
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"There is a vast difference between the number of people Stalin killed in purges and the number that died of neglect and poor conditions in his horrendous network of labour camps which stretched across all of the USSR's 12 time zones."
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"To answer the rest of your question: Lenin - not many, the civil war was brutal, but not as ferocious as the trenches of WWI, and the Red Terror only lasted for a month or so, so it's victims are only in the thousands. Hitler, 72 million + Holocaust 11million = 86million. Stalin - surprisingly few."
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"A combination of dekulakization and collectivization led to mass starvation in many parts of the Soviet Union and the death of an estimated 11 million peasants in the period between 1929 and 1933, including 4 million deaths during the dekulakization campaign. The results soon became known outside the Soviet Union."
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"Yet Stalin was also worse, because his regime killed far, far more people, tens of millions it was often claimed, in the endless wastes of the Gulag. For decades, and even today, this confidence about the difference between the two regimesâquality versus quantityâhas set the ground rules for the politics of memory."
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"Again, most of these deaths are attributable to famine, and political decisions such as the Great Leap Forward. Adolf Hitler, of Germany, is probably responsible for between 15 and 17 million death but, in contrast to Stalin and Mao, most of these were systematically exterminated."
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"Stalin was as much of a crook as Hitler was. I think that Hitler scores higher on the 'bad guy list' because today, there are so many people still alive who survived his regime and lost family and loved ones.learly, stalin, who had 20 million under his belt before the war, who continued to murder at will to protect his own position rather than pursuing an ideal, is surely the greater evil.Hitlers ideals were rightly or wrongly for the benefit of the german people."
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"1 Germany the overall total is given as just under 7.4 million. 2 Soviet soldiers roughly around 8.7 million Soviet soldiers died in World War 2. 3 British 700,000 military casualitits and 60,000 civilian deaths. 4 Estimated USSR losses now stand at 26.6 million.5 Polandâs dead at between 5.6 and 5.8 million.t can vary as to were you look, as for example Wikipedia has a great article on how many people died in world war 2 World War2 which leans towards the scary figure of 72 million people."
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"Civilians killed in reprisals during the Soviet partisan war and wartime-related famine account for a major part of the huge toll. The Cambridge History of Russia puts overall civilian deaths in the Nazi-occupied USSR at 13.7 million persons including 2 million Jews."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The Soviet leader died on March 5th, 1953. Propaganda portrait of Marshal Stalin, fromt the Second World War. Just how many millions of deaths Joseph Stalin was responsible for is disputed, but that the figure runs into millions is not in doubt."
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"In summation: Communism probably killed at least 85 million people, and might have killed as many as 140 million people. I hope to have interviews with with of the most notable authors/historians on issues of communist genocide in the near future."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"What tactics did Joseph Stalin use to be victorious in world war 2? 13 million Russian soldiers died in World War 2. Russia's huge population gave Stalin a tactical advantage, the Russian army was huge and cheap, soldiers could easily be repla ⦠ced."
"represent the next text\n\n------\n\nE.g. ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Osteomyelitis (or OM) is infection and inflammation of the bone or bone marrow.It can be usefully subclassified on the basis of the causative organism (pyogenic bacteria or mycobacteria) and the route, duration and anatomic location of the infection.rom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Osteomyelitis (or OM) is infection and inflammation of the bone or bone marrow. It can be usefully subclassified on the basis of the causative organism (pyogenic bacteria or mycobacteria) and the route, duration and anatomic location of the infection.'] == ['Represent the following document.', 'what is osteomyelitis']",
"Stalin soon proved to be a tyrant who murdered millions of people. In 1929 he produced a series of 5 years plans. Heavy industry in Russia was to be greatly expanded. Stalin decided that farms in the Ukraine should be collectivized."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nE.g.:\n['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Little Kern golden trout are still found in their native habitat in the Little Kern River. California golden trout are found in their natal streams of Golden Trout Creek and the South Fork Kern River and in addition have been transplanted to many other isolated lakes and locations for the purpose of sportfishing.'] == ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.', 'what trout are native to ca']",
"How many people did Stalin kill? Stalin was without doubt one of the most ruthless world leaders of the 20th Century, responsible for millions upon millions of deaths. Stalin was without doubt one of the most ruthless world leaders of the 20th Century, responsible for millions upon millions of deaths. The exact number of deaths that can be attributed to Stalin is subject to a great deal of debate, often acrimonious, between historians."
"At 9.50pm on 5 March Stalin died. By the next day his body was lying in state in the Hall of Columns, a few streets from Red Square. It is estimated that several millions came to see him one final time. Several hundred were rumoured to have died in the crush."
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"Hiroaki, Kuromiya. The Voices of the Dead: Stalinâs Great Terror in the 1930s. New Haven: Tale University Press, 2007. This book reconstructs the lives of some of the hundreds of thousands who were killed during Stalinâs Purge through information provided by the declassified Soviet archives.he following picture shows Nikolai Ivanovich Yezhov, head of the NKVD during much of the Great Purge, crushing a reptilian creature with three humand heads and a Swastika tail, âenemiesâ of the Soviet Union. His period as head of the NKVD is sometimes called âYezhovshchina,â or âthe Yezhov era.â."
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"In his book Red Holocaust, Steven Rosefielde argues that communism's internal contradictions caused to be killed approximately 60 million people and perhaps tens of millions more, and that this Red Holocaust â the peacetime mass killings and other related crimes against humanity perpetrated by Communist leaders such as Joseph Stalin, Kim Il Sung, Mao Zedong, Ho Chi Minh and Pol Potâshould be the centerpiece of any net assessment of communism."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"The U.S. has had far fewer deaths than other countries in the same battles. The top 7 deadliest battles in world history have all been fought in Russia! Four Million people died in the sieges of Moscow, Leningrad, and Stalingrad during World War II. That is more than all U.S. Deaths in all wars combined."
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"A brief summary of the number of dead can be found below: 1 Germany the overall total is given as just under 7.4 million. 2 Soviet soldiers roughly around 8.7 million Soviet soldiers died in World War 2. 3 British 700,000 military casualitits and 60,000 civilian deaths.4 Estimated USSR losses now stand at 26.6 million.t can vary as to were you look, as for example Wikipedia has a great article on how many people died in world war 2 World War2 which leans towards the scary figure of 72 million people."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nFewshot example: \"['represent the doc for finding search queries about it.', 'Who (or what) is FICA? The Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) tax is comprised of the Social Security and Medicare taxes that are withheld by federal law. Social Security is currently 6.2 percent of eligible wages; Medicare is 1.45 percent of all wages. Social Security taxes fund retirement benefits, benefits for the dependents of retired workers, and benefits for the disabled and their dependents.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is the fica tax']\"",
"1 31/1/1943: The main German forces in Stalingrad surrender to the Soviet Union, the first major defeat of Germany in World War II, thus ending a six-month battle that has killed 2 million people, including 500,000 civilians."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Mao's Great Leap Forward 'killed 45 million in four years'. Click to follow. The Independent Culture. Mao Zedong, founder of the People's Republic of China, qualifies as the greatest mass murderer in world history, an expert who had unprecedented access to official Communist Party archives said yesterday."
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"Stalin refused to let civilians out of the city during the German advance thus most died as a result of the siege. SS Wilhelm Gustloff. 10,582 civilians fleeing from the Russian advance in East Prussia in 1945 are torpedoed by Russian Sub S-13. 964 were pulled from the water (many later dying due to hypothermia)."
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"Chinese journalist Yang Jisheng concluded there were 36 million deaths due to starvation, while another 40 million others failed to be born, so that China's total population loss during the Great Famine then comes to 76 million.. The term Three Bitter Years is often used by Chinese peasants to refer to this period."
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"The biography, based on 10 years of archival research and interviews with people in Mao's inner circle, is a stunning challenge to China's conventional view of the Communist leader. The book estimates that Mao caused the deaths of 70 million people in peacetime, making him a far worse killer than Hitler or Stalin."
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"Joseph Stalin: Fast Facts. Joseph Stalin's forced industrialization of the Soviet Union caused the worst man-made famine in history. Find out more about his life and rise to power in this video. Introduction. Joseph Stalin (1878-1953) was the dictator of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) from 1929 to 1953. Under Stalin, the Soviet Union was transformed from a peasant society into an industrial and military superpower. However, he ruled by terror, and millions of his own citizens died during his brutal reign."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"It is several times the 38,000,000 battle-dead that have been killed in all this century's international and domestic wars. Yet the probable number of murders by the Soviet Union alone--one communist country-- well surpasses this cost of war. And those murders of communist China almost equal it."
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"He was responsible for countless deaths. Hitler was bad, but with Stalin we still don't know how many he was responsible for. Adolf Hitler killed the most people ever <br />He killed just over 6,000,000 people in the Holocost<br />--------------<br />Simo Hayha. Finnish soldier during WWII. killed 705 soviet in just 100 days with a bolt action rifle with no scope and a submachine gun."
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"The gulag system according to Russian statistics caused 1,053,829 deaths [1] or maybe 1.6 million. The Nazi death camps alone killed 3.2 million people[2] (in a period of 4-5 years 1941-1945), not to mention the endless number of labour and POW camps where millions perished as well."
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"With 270,000 dying as the result of Soviet war crimes, 160,000 deaths occurring at the hands of various nationalities during the expulsion of Germans after World War II and 205,000 deaths in the forced labor of Germans in the Soviet Union."
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"Moscow Times, Feb. 4, 2003: More than 400,000 civilians were in Stalingrad when the battle began.... By the time the battle was over... only 10,000 to 60,000 remained .... Many civilians presumably were killed by the bombing and shelling, or succumbed to starvation and cold."
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"Out of an original force of 285,000 soldiers comprising Sixth Army, 165,000 had died in Stalingrad, while some 29,000 wounded had been air lifted out. The 91,000 survivors, including 24 generals and 2,500 officers, hobbled off in the snow to begin years of captivity in Russian POW camps in bitter cold Siberia."
] |
"where are the auxin hormone produced"
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"The main function of auxin is to help plants grow. Auxin stimulates plant cells to elongate, and the apical meristem of a plant is one of the main places that auxin is produced. This makes sense because the apical meristem is also the location that all the other parts of a plant grow from-the stem, leaves, and flowers."
] | [
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"Now scientists have provided definitive insights into the driving force behind this movement -- the plant hormone auxin. The plant hormone auxin is responsible for a plant's ability to grow towards the light. Plants have developed a number of strategies to capture the maximum amount of sunlight through their leaves."
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"Mode of Action: Triclopyr is an auxin mimic or synthetic auxin. This type of herbicide kills the target weed by mimicking the plant growth hormone auxin (indole acetic acid), and when administered at effective doses, causes uncontrolled and disorganized plant growth that leads to plant death.ode of Action: Triclopyr is an auxin mimic or synthetic auxin. This type of herbicide kills the target weed by mimicking the plant growth hormone auxin (indole acetic acid), and when administered at effective doses, causes uncontrolled and disorganized plant growth that leads to plant death."
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"Cytokinins Produced in root apical meristem and by fruitsInhibits lateral root growth and stimulates lateral bud growthThe combination of auxin, which inhibits lateral bud growth, andcytokinin, which stimulates lateral bud growth, produce thegrowth form of a plant.ytokinins Produced in root apical meristem and by fruitsInhibits lateral root growth and stimulates lateral bud growthThe combination of auxin, which inhibits lateral bud growth, andcytokinin, which stimulates lateral bud growth, produce thegrowth form of a plant."
"Represent text:",
"Oxytocin is a neurotransmitter and a hormone that is produced in the hypothalamus. From there, it is transported to and secreted by the pituitary gland, at the base of the brain. It plays a role in the female reproductive functions, from sexual activity to childbirth and breast feeding. Stimulation of the nipples triggers its release."
"Represent the following document",
"But what signals the parts of a plant to grow like this? Just like your body, plants have a variety of hormones, and auxins are a specific group of hormones that make plant cells grow. Auxins are not only critical to plant growth, but they were also the first class of plant hormones to be discovered.A Dutch graduate student named Frits Went first described auxins in 1926 and chose the name auxin from the Greek word auxien, which means 'to grow.'.ut what signals the parts of a plant to grow like this? Just like your body, plants have a variety of hormones, and auxins are a specific group of hormones that make plant cells grow. Auxins are not only critical to plant growth, but they were also the first class of plant hormones to be discovered."
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"that's ADH and oxitocyn hormones. they're produced by hypothalamus then transferred by the axon of neurons in hypothalamus to the posterior part of pituitary gland where they're secreted into the blood . so ADH and oxitocyn are the two endocrine hormones that are produced by nervous system."
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"Auxin is a type of plant hormone involved in the formation of pegs in cucumber seedlings, which are a gravity-related physical trait, that develop between the plantâs roots and its stem. Understanding how plants sense gravity could enable new genetically modified variants that can grow in microgravity.he investigation examines how plants sense gravity, and how gravity affects plant hormone transportation, plant growth and root development, all of which are important for plant cultivation in space."
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"Prolactin is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland, a pea-sized gland located at the base of the brain. This hormone is strongly associated with lactation. When a woman is breastfeeding, production of this hormone stimulates the breasts to fill with milk."
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"Plant Hormones - Auxin. I. Introduction. Auxin is a general name for a group of hormones that are involved with growth responses (i.e., elongate cells, stimulate cell division in callus). Not surprisingly, the term auxin is derived from the Greek word to increase or grow. This was the first group of plant hormones discovered. II."
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"auxin. auxin (okËsÄn) [ ôkËsÄn ], key plant hormone that regulates the, amount, type and direction of plant. Growth auxins include both naturally occurring substances and related synthetic compounds that have similar. Effects auxins are found in all members of the plant. kingdom"
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"In humans, prolactin is produced both in the front portion of the pituitary gland (anterior pituitary gland) and in a range of sites elsewhere in the body. Lactotroph cells in the pituitary gland produce prolactin, where it is stored and then released into the bloodstream. Human prolactin is also produced in the uterus, immune cells, brain, breasts, prostate, skin and adipose tissue. How is prolactin controlled? One of the main regulators of the production of prolactin from the pituitary gland is the hormone called dopamine, which is produced by the hypothalamus, the part of the brain directly above the pituitary gland."
"Represent the next text",
"Growth Hormone Basics. Growth hormone (GH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone produced by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. Growth hormone secretion occurs in a pulsatile fashion following a circadian (daily) rhythm, which is controlled by a central area of the brain known as the hypothalamus."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Prolactin is a hormone produced in the pituitary gland in the brain. It is the hormone that causes milk production in the breast. Both men and women have the hormone. If there is a tumor in the pituitary gland, the blood levels of this hormone can be elevated."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Adrenocorticotropic HORMONE. This hormone is produced by the pituitary gland, on instructions from the hypothalamus (the part of the brain immediately above the gland) when a stressful situation arises. ACTH is carried by the blood to the adrenal glands and prompts them to secrete the hormone cortisol into the bloodstream."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Hypothalamic disease is a disorder presenting primarily in the hypothalamus, which may be caused by damage resulting from malnutrition, including anorexia and bulimia eating disorders, genetic disorders, radiation, surgery, head trauma, lesion, tumour or other physical injury to the hypothalamus.hyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) produced by the hypothalamus signals to the pituitary to release thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), which then stimulates the thyroid to secrete T 4 and T 3 thyroid hormones.']\" should be close to \"['Represent text!', 'what hormones cause Hypothalamic dysfunction']\"",
"Auxin. Auxin. (Science: plant biology) a group of plant growth substances (often called phytohormones or plant hormones), the most common example being indole Acetic Acid (IAA), responsible for raising the ph around cells, making the cell wall less rigid and allowing elongation.he concentration of auxin has the deciding effect on how much (and where) growth occurs in a plant. Please contribute to this project, if you have more information about this term feel free to edit this page. This page was last modified on 3 October 2005, at 21:16.This page has been accessed 23,348 times."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"In humans, prolactin is produced both in the front portion of the pituitary gland (anterior pituitary gland) and in a range of sites elsewhere in the body. Lactotroph cells in the pituitary gland produce prolactin, where it is stored in small containers called vesicles. Prolactin is released into the bloodstream by a process called exocytosis. Human prolactin is also produced in the uterus, immune cells, brain, breasts, prostate, skin and adipose tissue."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Male. 1 Hormone production begins in the brain where the Hypothalamus gland produces a hormone called Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone (GnRH). 2 GnRH then travels through the blood vessels to gland nearby called the Pituitary gland (which is also in the brain) where it stimulates the production of two hormones."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Hormone Production. 1 Hormone production begins in the brain where the Hypothalamus gland produces a hormone called Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone (GnRH). 2 GnRH then travels through the blood vessels to gland nearby called the Pituitary gland (which is also in the brain) where it stimulates the production of two hormones."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Explain the importance of the plant hormone, auxin, in plant growth and development and describe how auxinic herbicides mimic auxin. Describe mechanisms of auxin transport across cell membranes and from cell to cell. Explain auxin-induced cell elongation or the Acid Growth Hypothesis."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"The antidiuretic hormone (ADH) (or vasopressin) and oxytocin are produced by neurons in the hypothalamus and transported within these axons along the infundibulum to the posterior pituitary. They are released into the circulatory system via neural signaling from the hypothalamus."
"Represent this text:",
"Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) is produced in the pituitary gland in response to the release of another hormone, called corticotropin- releasing hormone (CRH), by the hypothalamus."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Test Overview Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) is produced in the pituitary gland in response to the release of another hormone, called corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), by the hypothalamus. In turn, ACTH causes the adrenal glands to produce a hormone called cortisol, which helps your"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Also known as somatotropin. Growth hormone is produced by the anterior pituitary gland, the front section of the gland, and is a polypeptide that consists of 191 amino acids. Growth hormone is given to children with pituitary dwarfism (short stature due to underfunction of the anterior pituitary) to help them grow."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Erythropoietin is produced by the kidney and acts on bone marrow to stimulate the production of mature red blood cells. The kidneys also produce prostaglandins. Renin is an enzyme produced by the kidneys that plays an important role in the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone hormonal system."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"1 Corticosterone: It is produced in zona fasciculata region of adrenal cortex. 2 The corticosterone hormone is produced as an intermediate element in the conversion process of pregnenolone to aldosterone. 3 Cortisone: It is a steroid hormone produced in the adrenal cortex."
"represent\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Transit-oriented development. In urban planning, a transit-oriented development (TOD) is a type of urban development that maximizes the amount of residential, business and leisure space within walking distance of public transport.']\" Match: \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is the meaning of tod']\"",
"Lactotroph cells in the pituitary gland produce prolactin, where it is stored in small containers called vesicles. Prolactin is released into the bloodstream by a process called exocytosis. Human prolactin is also produced in the uterus, immune cells, brain, breasts, prostate, skin and adipose tissue."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"(e.g., sex hormones made in the gonads, human growth hormone-pituitary gland)Unlike animal hormones, plant hormones do not have definite target areas (e.g., auxins can stimulate adventitious root development in a cut shoot, or shoot elongation or apical dominance, or differentiation of vascular tissue, etc.)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Auxin: The Functions, Effects, and Applications of a Plant Growth Hormone By Michael Place. Auxin is the first and most studied plant growth hormone in horticultural study. For the professor or student of a plant science, auxin is a readily accepted term that can be placed to many biological plant functions.nswer: Auxin promotes cell growth and elongation of the plant. In the elongation process, auxin alters the plant wall plasticity making it easier for the plant to grow upwards. Auxin also influences rooting formations."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"1 Hormones produced in the islets of Langerhans are secreted directly into the blood flow by at least five different types of cells. The hormones produced in the islets of Langerhans area of the pancreas are insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Polar auxin transport is the regulated transport of the plant hormone auxin in plants. It is an active process, the hormone is transported in cell-to-cell manner and one of the main features of the transport is its directionality (polarity).olar auxin transport is the regulated transport of the plant hormone auxin in plants. It is an active process, the hormone is transported in cell-to-cell manner and one of the main features of the transport is its directionality (polarity)."
"auxin a class of plant growth hormones that is responsible for elongation in phototropism and gravitropism and for other growth processes in the plant life cycle. gibberellin any of a class of diterpene plant growth hormones that stimulate shoot elongation, seed germination, and fruit and flower maturation."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The hormone gastrin is produced by cells lining gastric glands in the lower region of the stomach (labeled hexagon). Secretion is stimulated (solid arrow) by the presence of peptides and amino acids in the stomach."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A lot of hormones are produced in glands known as endocrine glands, such as the thyroid gland, pancreas, and ovaries, and travel from there through the bloodstream before arriving at their target sites of action. Specialized cells of the nervous system also produce hormones."
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"White adipose tissue (WAT) is the main site of leptin synthesis, but it is now evident that the hormone is also produced in other tissues as well. There is some evidence that brown adipose tissue (BAT) is also a site of leptin production. A major issue is the physiological role of leptin produced by brown fat."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1 Hormone production begins in the brain where the Hypothalamus gland produces a hormone called Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone (GnRH). 2 GnRH then travels through the blood vessels to gland nearby called the Pituitary gland (which is also in the brain) where it stimulates the production of two hormones."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Renin, a hormone produced by the juxtaglomerular apparatus in the kidneys, converts angiotensinogen (which is made in the liver) to angiotensin I. Angiotensin I is then converted to angiotensin II by the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), increasing blood pressure by causing vasoconstriction of the blood vessels."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Noun. 1. auxin-a plant hormone that promotes root formation and bud growth. growth regulator, phytohormone, plant hormone - (botany) a plant product that acts like a hormone. IAA, indoleacetic acid-a plant hormone promoting elongation of stems and roots.uxin. n. 1. (Biochemistry) any of various plant hormones, such as indoleacetic acid, that promote growth and control fruit and flower development. Synthetic auxins are widely used in agriculture and horticulture. [C20: from Greek auxein to grow]."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Looking for auxin? Find out information about auxin. plant hormone that regulates the amount, type, and direction of plant growth. Auxins include both naturally occurring substances and related synthetic... Explanation of auxin"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Melatonin is one of the hormones produced by the pineal gland in all vertebrates. It is also produced in extrapineal organs, such as the eye, GI tract, bone, skin, lymphocytes, platelets, and thymus."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Cytokinins. AUXIN. The term auxin is derived from the Greek word auxein which means to grow. Compounds are generally considered auxins if they can be characterized by their ability to induce cell elongation in stems and otherwise resemble indoleacetic acid (the first auxin isolated) in physiological activity.e named this chemical auxin which comes from a Greek word meaning to grow.. Synthesis: The most active auxin in plants is indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and its' most active areas of synthesis are in young leaves, fruits, flowers, shoot tips, embryos, and pollen."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"The hormone gastrin is produced by cells lining gastric glands in the lower region of the stomach (labeled hexagon). Secretion is stimulated (solid arrow) by the presence of peptides and amino acids in the stomach. Caffeine is also a stimulant (solid arrow)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Auxin (Science: plant biology) a group of plant growth substances (often called phytohormones or plant hormones), the most common example being indole Acetic Acid (IAA), responsible for raising the ph around cells, making the cell wall less rigid and allowing elongation. auxins include indoleacetic acid, phenylacetic acid, and 4-chloro-indoleacetic acid. Commercially, auxins are used to promote root growth, to promote uniform flowering, and to set fruit and prevent premature fruit drop. Synthetic auxins such as 2, 4-D and 2, 4, 5-T have been used as herbicides, broad-leaved weeds like dandelions are much more susceptible to auxins than narrow-leaved plants like grass and cereal crops."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Events which occur in root cells due to gravity result in the accumulation of auxin on the lower side of the root. The concentrations of auxin rise to a level that actually inhibit growth or elongation in the lower cells while the cells above outpace their counterparts causing the root to bend down."
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"from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Melatonin, 5-methoxy-N-acetyltryptamine, is a hormone produced by pinealocytes in the pineal gland (located in the brain) and also by the retina and GI tract."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Just like your body, plants have a variety of hormones, and auxins are a specific group of hormones that make plant cells grow. Auxins are not only critical to plant growth, but they were also the first class of plant hormones to be discovered."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"And the mechanism that's thought to be behind it is brilliantly simple. Cells in the root and shoot tips contain little packets of starch, called statoliths. The starch is dense so the statoliths always settle at the bottom of the cell. The position of the statoliths determines which direction auxin is released in. Tilting the plant on its side makes the statoliths roll and settle on the side of the cells, causing auxin to be released in that direction, and the cells there to elongate."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Studies have shown that plant hormones of the class of auxins play a key role in this directed growth process. Auxin is released into the cells on the plants shady side. There, the hormone stimulates the cell walls to elongate. Also, growth is inhibited on the plant's sunny side.tudies have shown that plant hormones of the class of auxins play a key role in this directed growth process. Auxin is released into the cells on the plants shady side. There, the hormone stimulates the cell walls to elongate. Also, growth is inhibited on the plant's sunny side."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n------\nE.g.:\n['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'The U.S. Supreme Courtâ\\x80\\x99s decision in Brown v. Board of Education marked a turning point in the history of race relations in the United States. On May 17, 1954, the Court stripped away constitutional sanctions for segregation by race, and made equal opportunity in education the law of the land. Brown v. Board of Education reached the Supreme Court through the fearless efforts of lawyers, community activists, parents, and students. Their struggle to fulfill the American dream set in motion sweeping changes in American society, and redefined the nationâ\\x80\\x99s ideals.'] == ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what did the supreme court decision in brown v board of education bring to a end']",
"Cortisol and DHEA are produced in the adrenal glands under the stimulation of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which is produced by the pituitary gland. The pituitary resides close to the brain, taking all of its cues from the brainâs powerhouse, the hypothalamus."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"auxin (okËsÄn) [ ôkËsÄn ], key plant hormone that regulates the, amount, type and direction of plant. Growth auxins include both naturally occurring substances and related synthetic compounds that have similar. Effects auxins are found in all members of the plant. kingdom"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Auxins. The primary function of the auxin hormones is to elongate plant cells in the stem. For instance, auxins are the hormones responsible for phototropism, the growth of a plant toward the light.n plants, hormones usually work by influencing cell differentiation, elongation, and division. They also affect the timing of reproduction and germination. These hormones are divided int o five categories: auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins, inhibitors (or abscisic acid), and ethylene."
] |
"represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results\nFewshots:\n'['Represent the input:', 'what is japanese theatre']' == '['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.', 'The best known form of Japanese theatre is Kabuki. It combines music, drama, and dance. It was performed by Okunis. Perhaps its fame comes from the wild costumes and sword fights, which used real swords until the 1680s.yogen was used as an intermission between Noh actsâ\\x80\\x94it linked the theme of the Noh play with the modern world by means of farce and slapstick. Noh played to the high level class, but there were occasions where Noh was performed for common audiences.']' != '['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.', \"Tsukuyomi (Genjutsu). Tsukuyomi is a high level genjutsu performed using Itachi's Mangekyou Sharingan. The opponent is trapped inside an illusionary world where Itachi can torture him any way he wants because seconds in the real world turn into days inside the Tsukuyomi realm.sukuyomi (Genjutsu). Tsukuyomi is a high level genjutsu performed using Itachi's Mangekyou Sharingan. The opponent is trapped inside an illusionary world where Itachi can torture him any way he wants because seconds in the real world turn into days inside the Tsukuyomi realm.\"]'",
"what is coconut water benefits"
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"Coconut water is the greatest natural energy drink that serves many benefits. Drinking coconut water has many health benefits for skin, face and hair. Here is a list of the health benefits of coconut water."
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"coconut oil benefits why use coconut oil foods for health coconut oil hair uses for coconut oil coconut oil health coconut coconut oil skin best coconut oil video benefits of coconut coconut water benefits coconut water coconut health benefits virgin coconut oil coconut oil."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"âThere is a lot of hype about coconut water, yet the research is just not there to support many of the claims, and much more research is needed,â says Cheung. Coconut water is fine for recreational athletes -- but so are plain water and sports drinks."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The benefit of drinking water in large amounts for proper skin health is a controversial area. Many believe and have stated that water is very beneficial for proper skin care. The main stated benefit is that drinking a large quantity of water keeps the skin hydrated and prevents dry skin."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"13 Impressive Benefits of Drinking Water Health benefits of drinking water include the maintenance of energy levels, body temperature, metabolism, and breathing. It helps in the prevention of constipation, heartburn, migraines, gastritis, ulcers, kidney stones, cardiovascular disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, backaches, and osteoporosis."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"20 Coconut Oil Benefits & Side Effects (#5 is Life Saving) To date, there are over 1,500 studies proving coconut oil to be one of the healthiest foods on the planet. Coconut oil benefits and uses go beyond what most people realize."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Rice Water For Hair & Skin: Evidence & Benefits. Rice water has amazing hair and skin benefits. A recent research has shown that rice water exhibit hair care effects, such as decreasing surface friction and improving hair elasticity. Rice water has inositol, a carbohydrate, that can repair damaged hair, as well as protect it from damage."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Coconut oil, a saturated fat, has been shown to have significant health benefits and even pharmacological uses. Although unsaturated fats are usually considered to be the healthier kind, studies have found that coconut oil can lower levels of unhealthy fat in the body and promote weight loss."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Here are the health benefits and cons of coconut oil, coconut milk, coconut flour, coconut water, coconut meat and coconut flakes. â Karen Ansel, M.S., R.D. Next: Coconut Oil 1 ». 1. 2 2. 3 3."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Coconut oil is also good for the immune system. It strengthens the immune system because it contains antimicrobial lipids, lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid which have antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"For best results, experts suggest organic, cold-pressed, non-hydrogenated, virgin coconut oil â and donât let the word âoilâ frighten you. Coconut oil is a heart-healthy oil that is free of cholesterol and trans-fats, and provides many benefits in addition to improving brain health, including:"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Benefits You Will Get: 1 Coconut milk makes your hair naturally straight. It keeps your scalp hydrated and strengthens the roots of your hair. 2 Milk makes hair soft and smooth and stimulates the growth of hair. 3 Aloe vera is loaded with proteins and amino acids and these nutrients are very good for your hair."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"For best results, the water from a fresh coconut should be consumed shortly after being exposed to air due to the possible loss of important nutrients. A single coconut usually provides an 11 ounce serving of water, and it is low in calories and fat but rich in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Coconut oil has several beneficial ingredients that help promote better overall health. Coconut oil has several health benefits that can help maintain your liver, kidneys, skin, hair and other parts of the body."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Coconut milk is made by soaking the meat of the nut in hot water and then straining. Photo Credit anna1311/iStock/Getty Images. Coconut milk may not be known as a cure-all for better bowels, but it does have some benefits for your digestive system. It's lactose-free, a low-FODMAP milk and a source of fiber."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nTo give you a sense - \"['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"Because of the investment you've made, taking care of your piece of art is crucial. One part of this is making sure you do not go swimming or soak your new tattoo in water for at least two weeks and up to four weeks, depending on the rate that your tattoo heals. During the weeks immediately after getting your new tattoo, you should consider it an open wound that needs to heal and seal itself.\"]\" should be close to \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'how long for tattoo to heal swimming']\"",
"Here are the health benefits and cons of coconut oil, coconut milk, coconut flour, coconut water, coconut meat and coconut flakes. âKaren Ansel, M.S., R.D. Pictured Recipe: Coconut-Carrot Morning Glory Muffins"
"Coconut oil is another effective remedy to use at home to treat hemorrhoids. It contains many nutrients that our body needs to prevent hemorrhoids. It is also a potent antiviral and antimicrobial, and coconut oil is also known for its anti-bacterial properties that permetteront us to treat the inflammation."
"Represent the natural language",
"Rice water contains nutrients that can fortify hair and renew skin when used as a facial wash or hair rinse, and unlike many products for skin or hair care on the commercial market, it is an easy and natural way to care for your skin and hair."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A look at the health benefits of coconut oil, coconut milk, coconut water, coconut flour, plus how to cook with coconut and work coconut into your diet. The popularity of coconut doesnât end with hot-right-now coconut water."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Studies show coconut oil also supports healthy thyroid function, promotes heart health and healthy brain function, boosts immune function and energy, aids weight loss and much more; Coconut oil is an excellent choice for cooking, as it can resist heat-induced damage."
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:",
"how far is charleston sc from cherokee"
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Distance, Gas Consumption and Emission Notes. Distance from Cherokee, NC to Charleston, SC is 308Miles or 496 Km. You can get this distance about 4 hours 54 mins. If you want to planning travel with plane for 270 Miles or 434 Km, You can get this distance about 1 hours 4 mins . A car with an average MPG will needs 14.26 gallons of gas to get the route between these points."
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"How far is from Charleston to Columbia? 114 miles or 183 It takes 1 hour 55 mins by car.You can view best route for this measure."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The closest major city that is roughly halfway is Atlanta, GA. The total driving distance from Birmingham, AL to Charleston, SC is 467 miles or 752 kilometers. Each person would then have to drive about 234 miles to meet in the middle. It will take about 3 hours and 45 minutes for each driver to arrive at the meeting point."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Driving distance from Charleston, SC to Chicago, IL. The total driving distance from Charleston, SC to Chicago, IL is 910 miles or 1â465 kilometers. Your trip begins in Charleston, South Carolina. It ends in Chicago, Illinois."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Distance; Charleston, SC to Cartersville, GA: 351 Miles: Charleston, SC to Fort Pierce, FL: 464 Miles: Charleston, SC to Parris Island, SC: 75 Miles"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Seabrook Island Property Owners Association. Just 22 miles from historic Charleston, Seabrook Island is an easy drive from anywhere in the Southeast â only 219 miles from Charlotte and 350 miles from Atlanta. Seabrook Island is a gated island community."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Myrtle Beach, SC to Charleston, SC is 99 miles; driving time is approximately 2 hours."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Halfway between Birmingham, AL and Charleston, SC. The best city between Birmingham, AL and Charleston, SC to meet is Evans, Georgia which is about 49 miles from the exact midpoint. The town that marks the exact halfway point is actually White Plains, Georgia. The closest zip code to the midpoint is 30665."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"How far is columbia sc from charleston sc? In South Carolina, the city of Columbia is 105 miles away from the city of Charleston. This distance takes approximately two hours to drive, using the fastest route. Edit"
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"What is the driving distance between Atlanta GA and Charleston SC? The driving distance between Charleston, SC and Atlanta, GA is approximately 320 miles. The driving time would be approximately 5 hours 15 minutes if you were to travel non-stâ¦op in good driving conditions."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The driving distance between Charleston, SC and Atlanta, GA is approximately 320 miles. The driving time would be approximately 5 hours 15 minutes if you were to travel non-st ⦠op in good driving conditions."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Charleston, SC is 115 miles or about 1 hour and 50 minutes to Columbia, SC. Most of the miles driven are on Interstate 26 E. Login or Sign Up to answer this question."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Distance, Gas Consumption and Emission Notes. Distance from Honea Path, SC to Charleston, SC is 209Miles or 336 Km. You can get this distance about 3 hours 17 mins. If you want to planning travel with plane for 183 Miles or 295 Km, You can get this distance about 53 mins . A car with an average MPG will needs 9.68 gallons of gas to get the route between these points. The estimated cost of gas to get between Honea Path, SC and Charleston, SC is $21.97. During the route, an average car will release 189.65 pounds of CO2 to the atmosphere. Your carbon footprint is 0.91 pounds of CO2 per mile."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The total driving distance from Columbia, SC to Charleston, SC is 114 miles or 183 kilometers. Your trip begins in Columbia, South Carolina. It ends in Charleston, South Carolina."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n------\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'What two metals are found in the inner and outer cores? Iron and nickel compose the bulk of the inner and outer core of the Earth. The bulk of the inner and outer cores, around 80%, are composed of iron. A substantial amount, aroun â\\x80¦ d 10%, is composed of nickel, and the remainder is a mixture of other elements.']>> to <<[\"represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results E.g. given 'where was petticoat junction filmed' it should be close to 'LA TOUR, MISSOURI. The dog on Petticoat Junction, whose real name was 'Higgins', was named simply 'Dog' on the show. The train and scenes were filmed on the Sierra Railway in California and the water tank is in Jamestown, CA.A TOUR, MISSOURI. The dog on Petticoat Junction, whose real name was 'Higgins', was named simply 'Dog' on the show. The train and scenes were filmed on the Sierra Railway in California and the water tank is in Jamestown, CA.' but not to 'Meredith MacRae, who played comely country girl Billie Jo Bradley in the 1960s sitcom Petticoat Junction, died Friday from brain cancer. She was 56.'.\", 'which two elements are found in the inner core']>>",
"The distance between Charleston, SC, and Morehead City, NC, is 266 miles and will take approximately 5 Hours 43 Minutes of driving time. 3 people found this useful."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Distance, Gas Consumption and Emission Notes. Distance from Manning, SC to Charleston, SC is 90Miles or 144 Km. You can get this distance about 1 hour 28 mins. If you want to planning travel with plane for 66 Miles or 106 Km, You can get this distance about 38 mins . A car with an average MPG will needs 4.17 gallons of gas to get the route between these points."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Distance, Gas Consumption and Emission Notes. Distance from Isle of Palms, SC to Charleston, SC is 18Miles or 29 Km. You can get this distance about 39 mins. If you want to planning travel with plane for 13 Miles or 20 Km, You can get this distance about 31 mins . A car with an average MPG will needs 0.83 gallons of gas to get the route between these points. The estimated cost of gas to get between Isle of Palms, SC and Charleston, SC is $1.88. During the route, an average car will release 16.26 pounds of CO 2 to the atmosphere. Your carbon footprint is 0.9 pounds of CO 2 per mile."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"There is a distance of 209.2 miles between Charlotte North Carolina and Charleston South Carolina. This distance takes an estimated 3 hours and 10 minutes to travel by car ⦠."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Distance, Gas Consumption and Emission Notes. Distance from Cherokee, NC to Asheville, NC is 51Miles or 82 Km. You can get this distance about 1 hour 8 mins. If you want to planning travel with plane for 45 Miles or 71 Km, You can get this distance about 35 mins . A car with an average MPG will needs 2.36 gallons of gas to get the route between these points."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"32 mins. Distance from Summerville, SC to North Charleston, SC is 19Miles or 31 Km. You can get this distance about 26 mins. If you want to planning travel with plane for 17 Miles or 27 Km, You can get this distance about 32 mins . A car with an average MPG will needs 0.88 gallons of gas to get the route between these points."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"From Charleston, SC to Myrtle Beach, SC is about 99 miles; driving time is approximately 2 hours."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Driving distance from Charleston, SC to Baltimore, MD. The total driving distance from Charleston, SC to Baltimore, MD is 571 miles or 919 kilometers. Your trip begins in Charleston, South Carolina. It ends in Baltimore, Maryland."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Charleston, SC is 114 miles from Columbia, SC. The driving time is approximately 1 hour 55 minutes."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Map of driving directions from Cherokee, NC to Charleston, SC Click here to show map Drag the line on the map to calculate the driving distance for a different route."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The driving distance between Charleston, SC and Birmingham, AL is approximately 465 miles. The driving time would be approximately 7 hours 45 minutes if you were to travel non ⦠-stop in good driving conditions."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"What is the distance between Birmingham Alabama and Charleston South Carolina? The distance between the start point and the destination is 466 miles, and will take approximately 7 hours 9 minutes of driving time."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"How Far Is? » South Carolina (SC) » Charleston » South Carolina (SC) » Columbia"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Driving distance from Raleigh, NC to Charleston, SC. The total driving distance from Raleigh, NC to Charleston, SC is 279 miles or 449 kilometers. Your trip begins in Raleigh, North Carolina. It ends in Charleston, South Carolina."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Driving distance from Columbia, SC to Charleston, SC. The total driving distance from Columbia, SC to Charleston, SC is 114 miles or 183 kilometers. Your trip begins in Columbia, South Carolina."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The distance between Charleston and Myrtle Beach in a straight line is 96 miles or 154.46 Kilometers."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n------\n\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['', 'Exercise may improve mental health by helping the brain cope better with stress. In one study, researchers found that those who got regular vigorous exercise were 25 percent less likely to develop depression or an anxiety disorder over the next five years.']\" == \"['Represent the following document:', 'exercise can improve mental health and relieve stress by']\"",
"How far is Charlotte NC from Cherokee nc? 193 miles taking this route: Take U.S. 19 NORTH from Cherokee to I-40 EAST to ASHEVILLE.Take I-40 EAST to I-77 SOUTH to CHARLOTTE at EXIT 152A in Statesville.Take I-77 SOUTH ⦠to CHARLOTTE."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The driving time from Cherokee, North Carolina to Charleston, South Carolina is: 5 hours, 14 minutes."
"Closest Airport to Charleston, SC. The closest airport to Charleston is Charleston Air Force Base-International Airport (CHS). Distance from Charleston Air Force Base-International Airport to Charleston, SC is 17,0 kilometers (10,6 miles)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Driving distance from Charleston, SC to Charlotte, NC. The total driving distance from Charleston, SC to Charlotte, NC is 209 miles or 336 kilometers."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Charleston is 110 miles North and it is a 2 plus hour drive South down Route 17 South & I-95 to Exit 8 in South Carolina to Hilton Head Island. A final approach is to arrive at Jacksonville, FL. Jacksonville is 160 miles South and it is a 2 1/2 hour drive North on I-95 to Exit 8 in South Carolina to Hilton Head Island."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"The major city closest to the halfway point between Asheville, NC and Charleston, SC is Columbia, SC, situated 157.68 miles from Asheville, NC and 114.23 miles from Charleston, SC. It would take 2 hours 12 mins to go from Asheville to Columbia and 1 hour 40 mins to go from Charleston to Columbia."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Cities > United States > Airports near Charleston, SC. The closest airport to Charleston is Charleston Air Force Base-International Airport (CHS). Distance from Charleston Air Force Base-International Airport to Charleston, SC is 17,0 kilometers (10,6 miles)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The distance between Charleston and Columbia in a straight line is 106 miles or 170.55 Kilometers. Driving Directions & Drive Times from Charleston to Columbia can be found further down the page. Driving distances, maps and journey times are currently provided by Google mapping systems."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Driving non-stop from Asheville to Charleston How far is Charleston from Asheville? Here's the quick answer if you are able to make this entire trip by car without stopping. Nonstop drive: 268 miles or 431 km. Driving time: 4 hours, 15 minutes. Realistically, you'll probably want to add a buffer for rest stops, gas, or food along the way."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The driving distance between Charleston, SC and Charlotte, NC is approximately 210 miles. The driving time would be approximately 3 hours 30 minutes if you were to travel non- ⦠stop in good driving conditions."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The driving distance between Charleston, SC and Jacksonville, FL is approximately 240 miles. The driving time would be approximately 4 hours 30 minutes if you were to travel n ⦠on-stop in good driving conditions."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!\nFor example, '['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"The minimum cash balance you select is somewhat arbitrary, and is a function of sales, industry, and other unquantifiable factors. For example, some business activities are cash-intensive, while others are not. Minimum cash balances might range anywhere from 2% to 10% of sales. Company management will have a pretty good idea of what figure to use, as might more senior investment bankers. In any case, don't lose any sleep over this number.\"]' should be close to '['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!', 'example how to maintain a minimum cash balance']'",
"Distance from Atlanta, GA to Charleston, SC. There are miles from Atlanta to Charleston and miles by car. Atlanta and Charleston are far apart (by car).This is the best Atlanta, GA-Charleston, SC route.istance to cities nearby Charleston, SC and Atlanta, GA. 1 Distance from Charleston, SC to Cainhoy, SC. 2 Distance from Charleston, SC to Adams Run, SC. 3 Distance from Charleston, SC to Awendaw, SC. 4 Distance from Charleston, SC to Bethera, SC. 5 Distance from Atlanta, GA to Cainhoy, SC."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The driving distance between Charleston, SC and Philadelphia, PA is approximately 670 miles. The driving time would be approximately 11 hours 30 minutes if you were to travel ⦠non-stop in good driving conditions."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The driving distance between Wilmington, NC and Charleston, SC is approximately 170 miles. The driving time would be approximately 3 hours 15 minutes if you were to travel nonâ¦-stop in good driving conditions."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Confidence votes 14.7K. The driving distance between Charleston, SC and Baltimore, MD is approximately 580 miles. The driving time would be approximately 9 hours 45 minutes if you were to travel non-stop in good driving conditions."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The total driving distance from Charleston, SC to Charlotte, NC is 209 miles or 336 kilometers. Your trip begins in Charleston, South Carolina. It ends in Charlotte, North Carolina."
"The estimated cost of gas to get between Cherokee, NC and Charleston, SC is $32.37. During the route, an average car will release 279.38 pounds of CO 2 to the atmosphere. Your carbon footprint is 0.91 pounds of CO 2 per mile."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Driving distance from Charleston, SC to Birmingham, AL. The total driving distance from Charleston, SC to Birmingham, AL is 445 miles or 716 kilometers. Your trip begins in Charleston, South Carolina. It ends in Birmingham, Alabama."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Driving distance from Charleston, SC to Charlotte, NC. The total driving distance from Charleston, SC to Charlotte, NC is 209 miles or 336 kilometers. Your trip begins in Charleston, South Carolina. It ends in Charlotte, North Carolina."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The total driving distance from Charleston, SC to Chicago, IL is 910 miles or 1â465 kilometers."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"More trip calculations. 1 driving distance from Cherokee, NC to Charleston, SC. 2 reverse driving time from Charleston, SC to Cherokee, NC. 3 hotels near Charleston, SC. 4 airports near Charleston, SC. 5 airlines flying to Charleston, SC."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Getting to Seabrook Island. Just 22 miles from historic Charleston, Seabrook Island is an easy drive from anywhere in the Southeast â only 219 miles from Charlotte and 350 miles from Atlanta."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The distance between Summerville and Charleston in a straight line is 20 miles or 32.18 Kilometers. 1 Driving Directions & Drive Times from Summerville to Charleston can be found further down the page. Driving distances, maps and journey times are currently provided by Google mapping systems."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"How far is Asheville from Charleston? Here's the quick answer if you are able to make this entire trip by car without stopping. Nonstop drive: 268 miles or 431 km. Driving time: 4 hours, 17 minutes. Realistically, you'll probably want to add a buffer for rest stops, gas, or food along the way."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Distance Between Cities. Route Map from Charleston, SC to Asheville, NC. Optimal route map between Charleston, SC and Asheville, NC. This route will be about 267 Miles. The driving route information(distance, estimated time, directions), flight route, traffic information and print the map features are placed on the top right corner of the map. Charleston, SC Weather"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Need directions? You can view turn by turn driving directions from Charleston to Cherokee. Can your vehicle make the climb to Cherokee? Check the route elevation from Charleston to Cherokee. Is it too far to drive to Cherokee? Then you may want to check the flight distance from Charleston to Cherokee."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Charleston is 110 miles North and it is a 2 plus hour drive South down Route 17 South & I-95 to Exit 8 in South Carolina to Hilton Head Island. IF YOU COME FROM JACKSONVILLE, FL: A final approach is to arrive at Jacksonville, FL."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"What is the driving distance between Charleston SC and Wilmington NC? The driving distance between Wilmington, NC and Charleston, SC is approximately 170 miles. The driving time would be approximately 3 hours 15 minutes if you were to travel non ⦠-stop in good driving conditions."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Driving distance from Charleston, SC to Myrtle Beach, SC. The total driving distance from Charleston, SC to Myrtle Beach, SC is 95 miles or 153 kilometers. Your trip begins in Charleston, South Carolina. It ends in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Driving distance from Columbia, SC to Charleston, SC. The total driving distance from Columbia, SC to Charleston, SC is 114 miles or 183 kilometers. Your trip begins in Columbia, South Carolina. It ends in Charleston, South Carolina."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"What is the distance between Charleston AND Columbia? The distance between Charleston and Columbia in a straight line is 106 miles or 170.55 Kilometers Driving Directions & Drive Times from Charleston to Columbia can be found further down the page. Driving distances, maps and journey times are currently provided by Google mapping systems."
"Cherokee North Carolina is just one hour west of Asheville, just three hours from Atlanta and Charlotte, and two hours from Knoxville & Greenville NC."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"3 hours 17 mins. Distance from Honea Path, SC to Charleston, SC is 209Miles or 336 Km. You can get this distance about 3 hours 17 mins. If you want to planning travel with plane for 183 Miles or 295 Km, You can get this distance about 53 mins ."
"Distance, Gas Consumption and Emission Notes. Distance from Charleston, SC to Myrtle Beach, SC is 95Miles or 153 Km. You can get this distance about 2 hours 5 mins. If you want to planning travel with plane for 88 Miles or 141 Km, You can get this distance about 41 mins . A car with an average MPG will needs 4.4 gallons of gas to get the route between these points. The estimated cost of gas to get between Charleston, SC and Myrtle Beach, SC is $9.99. During the route, an average car will release 86.2 pounds of CO2 to the atmosphere. Your carbon footprint is 0.91 pounds of CO2 per mile."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1 hour 8 mins. Distance from Cherokee, NC to Asheville, NC is 51Miles or 82 Km. You can get this distance about 1 hour 8 mins. If you want to planning travel with plane for 45 Miles or 71 Km, You can get this distance about 35 mins ."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"This supposedly happened in 1760 during the Cherokee War, but we have historic evidence that in 1730 George Hunter, who was the Surveyor General, made a map that marked the area as Ninety Six. The area was believed to be 96 miles from the lower Cherokee Indian town of Keowee (near where Clemson, SC is today)."
] |
"represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results",
"what is greases used for"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"White lithium grease can be used for lubricating household products, garage doors and automobile applications. It is also known as lithium soap. It is non-corrosive and temperature-tolerant, and it is said to outperform other types of lubricants."
] | [
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"And unless you're Samantha from Bewitched and can make problems disappear with just a nose twitch, you know a good scrub is on its way. Water alone can't get rid of grease because water molecules don't stick to grease molecules. And elbow grease isn't always enough to tackle the baked-on gunk found in a well-used kitchen."
"represent this",
"Use for Class B Fires. What types of fires can be extinguished with carbon dioxide (CO2) fire extinguishers? Class B fires which involve flammable liquids and gases, solvents, oils, greases (excluding cooking oils/greases in depth) tars, oil-based paints and lacquers. Class C fires which involve energized electrical equipment."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"What is PPD? Paraphenylenediamine (PPD) is a chemical substance that is widely used as a permanent hair dye. It may also been found in textile or fur dyes, dark colored cosmetics, temporary tattoos, photographic developer and lithography plates, photocopying and printing inks, black rubber, oils, greases and gasoline."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The natural acids in lemon juice help remove greasy stains. It's possible to remove tough, greasy stains with gentle products that do not contain harmful chemical detergents. When shopping for organic grease-removing products, look for water-or citrus-based products."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Often, carbide is used to exterminate moles, and the store attendant can help you locate it as such. How one uses carbide to kill moles is left to the imagination. If this fails, attempt to locate a welding supply store."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"TMC Industries - Your online source for fluorinated performance products TMC Industries, Inc. is a full-stocking, authorized distributor of Krytox⢠PFPE oils and greases, Vertrel⢠fluorinated solvents and specialty fluids, CHRISTO-LUBE ® PFPE greases, SSP⢠silicone greases, Galden ® heat transfer fluids, Bransonic ® ultrasonic baths, as well as new and reclaimed fluorinated solvents and vacuum pump oils."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Oil is used for transportation fuels, fuel oils for heating and electricity generation, asphalt and road oil.Some of the more obvious petroleum products include transportation fuels, fuel oils for heating and electricity generation, asphalt and road oil.owever, petroleum is not just used for fuel. Petroleum products are also used to make various plastics, synthetic materials and chemical products; in fact, petroleum can be found in many common household items."
"represent the natural language",
"Mineral Spirits. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Mineral Spirits is a petroleum distilate commonly used as a paint thinner and mild solvent. In Europe, it is referred to as petroleum spirit or white spirit. In industry, mineral spirits is used for cleaning and degreasing machine tools and parts.According to Wesco, a supplier of solvents and cleaning equipment, mineral spirits are especially effective in removing oils, greases, carbon, and other material from metal..n industry, mineral spirits is used for cleaning and degreasing machine tools and parts. According to Wesco, a supplier of solvents and cleaning equipment, mineral spirits are especially effective in removing oils, greases, carbon, and other material from metal.."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Oil, which is also known as petroleum, is a slick and slimy black and sometimes yellow substance that is used by people for a lot of different things.In many cases, it is used to make gasoline for cars to run on, but it is also used in ink, crayons, tires, eyeglasses and DVDs!he oceans from millions of years ago were very different from todayâs oceans. Many parts of the United States that are dry land today were flooded with ocean water hundreds of millions of years ago. Thatâs why oil can be found on dry land today."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Lipids is used to refer to both liquid and solid fats. The word oil is used for any substance that does not mix with water and has a greasy feel, such as petroleum (or crude oil) and heating oil, regardless of its chemical structure."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Value from waste oil. Sustainable biodiesel can be best produced from recycled bio-based cooking oils and greases from food industry, restaurants and households, and used as fuel in normal diesel vehicles and for heating and/or cooling.alue from waste oil. Sustainable biodiesel can be best produced from recycled bio-based cooking oils and greases from food industry, restaurants and households, and used as fuel in normal diesel vehicles and for heating and/or cooling."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Baking soda and vinegar. You could also try using baking soda and vinegar to clean burnt-on grease, though other methods may be more quicker and more effective. 1 Sprinkle baking soda in the pan. 2 Spray with vinegar. 3 Scrub with a sponge to remove burnt-on dirt (leave overnight for best results)."
] |
"Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results!",
"what date will the last ship start"
] | [
"LATEST SHOW STATUS. The Last Ship Renewed for Season 5 By TNT. The Last Ship Season 5 release date â Summer 2018; full date TBC. Subscribe below to get our free release date alerts, bookmark or keep this page handy so you donât miss the return of The Last Ship!"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Monday is expected to be the busiest day for a reason: It's the last day you can ship a package by standard mail within the U.S. and be sure it will arrive by Christmas. Saturday, December 20 is the last day you can send a package for the big holiday by Priority or first class mail."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Orders place before 3pm EST using Ship Speeds of 1-5 Days will ship SAME DAY. Orders using 5-10 day shipping will ship within one business day. Ship Date means we'll special-order the product for you and this is the date we expect your shipment to leave our warehouse. Oversized means the item is too large for 5-10 Day Shipping (Free over $49) and can only be shipped via 4-5 Day Shipping."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Royal Caribbean to say goodbye to Splendour of the Seas. Royal Caribbean is saying sayonara to yet another one of its oldest ships. The 23-ship company today announced that the 19-year-old Splendour of the Seas will leave the fleet in 2016. The 1,830-passenger ship"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The S6 and S6 Edge will be available for preorder online from 5pm AEDT today (March 30) and in stores from March 31. The actual ship date is April 10. These are Samsungâs official recommended prices."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"It entered service in 1979 The oldest ship current being used by Carnival is the Holiday, which first entered service in July 1985. The oldest ship currently being used by Royal Caribbean is the Sovereign of the Seas, which first entered service in January 1988."
"Represent the next text",
"The success of the first two Oasis-class ships led Royal Caribbean Cruises to order a third ship of the type in December 2012. Harmony of the Seas was floated out on 19 June 2015, began her first sea trials on 10 March 2016, and was delivered to Royal Caribbean on 12 May 2016."
"She was christened on 9 November 2013. The schedule calls for the ship to join the U.S. Navy's fleet in March 2016 with the first deployment in 2019. Gerald R. Ford will enter the fleet replacing the inactive USS Enterprise (CVN-65) , which ended her 51 years of active service in December 2012."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"THE LAST SHIP is set in the English seafaring town of Wallsend, a close-knit community where life has always revolved around the local shipyard and the hardworking men construct magnificent vessels with tremendous pride. But Gideon Fletcher dreams of a different future."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"Uncovering the Mystery of Expiration Dates. First, letâs start by explaining what the expiration date actually is. The expiration date is the last day an item will be at its highest level of potentcy. This means that the manufacturer can successfully guarantee the quality of a product up until the expiration date."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Best Answer: The new theme starts July 6, so the last day of the sale will be July 5. Keep in mind though that the promotions will be changing regularly and products are shipped out in a limited supply. Once we are out of something, we never know if or when we will get more in. Enjoy!!"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Shipping offer is available for a limited time only. Finish Line reserves the right to modify or discontinue this offer at any time. Offer begins 10/14/2015 at 10:01am EST. Offer valid for online purchases only. Shipping offer not valid on launch product and/or on orders shipped to Alaska and Hawaii."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Two years after the end of the war, the money-poor Congress sold off the last ship of the Continental navy, the frigate Alliance. In the 1790's Europe began to relax many mercantile commercial restrictions and the U.S. trade and the shipping industry expanded accordingly."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"(12.30 p.m. EDT) -- Cruise & Maritime Voyages' Astoria -- the worldâs oldest ocean-going passenger vessel -- will leave the British cruise line's fleet in 2017, it was announced today. The 550-passenger vessel that was built as a transatlantic ship named Stockholm in 1948, will sail its farewell season out of Tilbury between March 9 and April 27, 2017, culminating with a 10-night round-Britain itinerary."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Quantum of the Seas spent its inaugural 2014-2015 season sailing from Cape Liberty in Bayonne, New Jersey, United States, before repositioning to China in May 2015. Beginning late June 2015, the ship began sailing three-to eight-night itineraries year-round from Shanghai to Japan and South-Korea.n February 11, 2011, Royal Caribbean announced that they had ordered the first of a new class of ships from the Meyer Werft shipyard in Papenburg, Germany scheduled to be delivered by Fall 2014."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Hulu gets exclusive rights to stream TNTâs âThe Last Shipâ. | April 12, 2015 | Streaming Service: Hulu | 1 Comment. Based on a novel of the same name, TNTâs The Last Ship follows a Navy warship as the members on board learn that they are humanityâs last hope in surviving a viral outbreak that has recently wiped out most of humanity."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Thatâs how The Last Ship would have likely ended if it were actually a summer blockbuster. Another Michael Bay produced project, Transformer: Age of Extinction, opens on Friday with a runtime of 165 minutes. The Last Ship is definitely worth an hour (or at least 43 minutes of your time), but youâll have to decide if itâs worth all 430 minutes on board."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"1 when will season 2 of the last ship be on hulu."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"For ships constructed before this date, the IAPP certificate must be on board at the first scheduled dry-docking after 19 May 2005, but not later than 19 May 2008. Ships constructed (keel-laid) before 1 January 2000 need to comply with operational requirements in MARPOL Annex VI from 19 May 2005."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Adonia, a 710-passenger ship that is part of Carnival's new fathom line, will begin making Cuba cruises in May of 2016."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"It will last until Sunday, June 21. It is almost similar to the report from the Russian gaming site, saying that the Steam Sale will start on June 11, with a Sale Encore from June 20 to 22."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Finish Line reserves the right to modify or discontinue this offer at any time. Offer begins 10/14/2015 at 10:01am EST. Offer valid for online purchases only. Shipping offer not valid on launch product and/or on orders shipped to Alaska and Hawaii."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"The line's newest and largest ship, Carnival Vista -- the flagship for the line's new Vista Class -- sailed its maiden voyage in May 2016, kicking off a season of Europe itineraries. A second Vista-class ship is on order and slated for delivery in March 2018."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The success of the first two Oasis-class ships led Royal Caribbean Cruises to order a third ship of the type in December 2012. Harmony of the Seas was floated out on 19 June 2015, began her first sea trials on 10 March 2016, and was delivered to Royal Caribbean on 12 May 2016. After a construction time of 32 months, the ship first set sail on 15 May 2016 from the STX France docks in Saint-Nazaire, viewed by some 70,000 people."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"From the You knew it was coming files: If you havenât started thinking about your Citrix StoreFront upgrade yet, consider this the start of your official countdown. The End of Maintenance date will be December 17th 2014 when updates officially stop and then the End of Life date will be June 14th 2015."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"If youâve missed any episodes this season, you can check them out on the networkâs website and mobile app, as well as through VOD. The non-immune world can expect to find The Last Ship Season 3 hitting TNT in the summer of 2016. Subscribe To Topics You're Interested In."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"NASSCO said it plans to begin construction of the first ship in early 2018 and plans to deliver the finished products in 2019 and mid-2020. The ships, which Matson calls the Kanaloa class, will be 870 feet long with a container capacity of 3,500 TEUs, or 20-foot equivalent units."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Last Voyage. The Last Voyage is a 1960 American disaster film written and directed by Andrew L. Stone. It stars Robert Stack and Dorothy Malone. The screenplay centers on the sinking of an aged ocean liner in the Pacific Ocean following an explosion in the boiler room."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"A special thank you to all the fans who submitted their uniform pictures. The Last Ship honors you and all who served for Veterans Day. The Last Ship; The Last ShipTNT; Veterans Day; 9 notes; Nov 11th, 2017"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"In March, European cruise line MSC Cruises said it was ordering two 4,500-passenger vessels to be delivered in 2017 and 2019; the company followed up in May with an announcement for two new 4,100-passenger ships coming in 2017 and 2018."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Our first ships of the season are here! USNA YPs arrive today Feb. 2 at Inner Harbor Pier 5 south, with visiting hours tomorrow, Feb. 3rd from 10am to 2pm! See them before theyâre gone!"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Don't miss out! The last Rockin' The River of the season kicks off on Sept. 11. It's your last chance to groove and cruise on the St. Johns. The Stumblers are back and better than ever. The boys spent the summer working on new material from Queen, Peter Gabriel, David Bowie and more. Cruise boards at 6:30pm and cruises 7:30p to 9:30p."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Thatâs 18 years, if they make it. The Chinese have started an indigenous aircraft carrier from scratch possibly as early as 2011 but definitely by 2013 projected to launch by 2020. A second one started 2015 to launch 2022. Launching usually preceeds commissioning by a year or two, esp if the ship design is new. So they could be 9â10 years."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Holland America Veendam Cruise Reviews. Veendam. Departure Month: Any Month Aug. 2016 Sep. 2016 Oct. 2016 Nov. 2016 Dec. 2016 Jan. 2017 Feb. 2017 Mar. 2017 Apr. 2017 May 2017 Jun. The last of Holland America's Statendam-class ships, Veendam blends a modicum of hipness with the strong traditional flavor that HAL's known for."
"Starting in August, ships reposition from Europe to the Caribbean, the eastern coast of North America, or South America before the end of the year. Since the Alaska cruise season ends in September, ships from Alaska will start moving south to the Panama Canal, Hawaii, Australia, or Asia."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"April 24th 1912. Titanic's sister ship, Olympic, is due to leave Southampton on her scheduled run, however, the voyage has to be cancelled, due to her firemen going on strike, due to the insufficient number of lifeboats, and 285 of Olympic's black gang desert the ship."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"For river cruises, final payment is due no later than 90 days prior to the river cruise start date. Final payment for all other cruises and land journeys is due no later than 60 days prior to their start date."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Regal Princess, as well as her sister ship Royal Princess, were ordered on 17 February 2010. The final contract was signed on 4 May 2010. Regal Princess was delivered to Princess Cruises on 11 May 2014 in a ceremony at the Fincantieri shipyard in Monfalcone, Italy. In attendance were the Prime Minister of Italy Matteo Renzi and the President of Princess Cruises Jan Swartz."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"As can be see in this photo taken in May 2017 at the STX shipyard in France, all sixteen passenger decks of Royal Caribbean's Symphony of the Seas are now in place. Symphony will be the world's largest cruise ship when it debuts in April 2018."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"View Caption. SpaceX called off the planned launch of a commercial cargo ship bound for the International Space Station for NASA Monday (April 14) due to a helium leak on the company's Falcon 9 rocket that will keep the mission stuck on Earth until at least Friday (April 18)."
"Represent the natural language",
"Recognizable to millions of Americans as the Love Boat of 1970s television, the one-time Princess Cruises vessel made its final voyage in August to the scrapyard after failing to sell to a new owner."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Royal Caribbean to say goodbye to Splendour of the Seas Royal Caribbean is saying sayonara to yet another one of its oldest ships. The 23-ship company today announced that the 19-year-old Splendour of the Seas will leave the fleet in 2016."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Try these 2 easy steps to calculate the best time to start your seeds where you live. 1 Determine the last frost date for your region. 2 Count back 4-6 weeks from the last frost date for your region to know when to start your tomatoes.lant your tomato seedlings outdoors 1-2 weeks after the last frost date. Waiting longer to plant after the last frost date will reduce the chance of losing your tomato crop to freeze and will allow the ground to warm â which is the kind of environment in which tomatoes do best!"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"To calculate your pregnancy due date, your health care provider will use the date your last period started, add seven days and count back three months.He or she could also simply count ahead 40 weeks from the start of your last period.o calculate your pregnancy due date, your health care provider will use the date your last period started, add seven days and count back three months."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Boston is hosting the Parade of Sail for the first time in 17 years. The event, which is expected to draw a large crowd, is set to start June 17, 2017. The Sail Boston Festival and the public boarding of ships will take place between Saturday, June 17, 2017, and Wednesday, June 21, 2017. Fireworks are scheduled for June 17 and June 21. The crew and cadet street parade is set for Monday, June 19, 2017. The Tall Ships leave on Thursday, June 22, 2017. The race of the Tall Ships starts in Europe in April 2017. The ships depart from Greenwich, United Kingdom in April, heading to Sines, Portugal. The ships arrive in Bermuda in June and then head to Boston before sailing on to Canada."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Gerald R. Ford. The first ship in the Ford-class is in the final stages of construction and testing, scheduled to join the U.S. Navy fleet in 2016. Learn about Gerald R. Ford. Construction is already well underway on the second ship in the Ford-class with the keel laying held Aug. 22."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Newest Royal Caribbean Ship Pricing. The Harmony of the Seas will be Royal Caribbeanâs newest ship. Itâs set to sail in May 2016 and is currently under construction in France. Once launched, it will become the worldâs largest passenger ship, overtaking her sister ships, the Oasis of the Seas and the Allure of the Seas."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"EIRELOVER has given you some great info... as a general rule (averages) the last week of September and the first week of October is when you'll find Quebec City environs leaves to be at their prime. Personally, I'd aim your cruise for that timeframe."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"'The Last Ship' season 3 plot, release date, cast revealed. Post-apocalyptic dramas have become a popular theme in the TV industry and another one has been renewed for a third season. TNT's The Last Ship has been given a go for another season with new cast joining the show."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"(future date). This indicates a product is on pre-sale, and will usually leave the warehouse (ship) by the advertised shipping date. Once your order arrives in our warehouses on the expected ship date and is collected by our carrier, you will be notified via email and sent tracking information where applicable.future date). This indicates a product is on pre-sale, and will usually leave the warehouse (ship) by the advertised shipping date. Once your order arrives in our warehouses on the expected ship date and is collected by our carrier, you will be notified via email and sent tracking information where applicable."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"THE LAST SHIP is a portrait of a community so bound together by passion, faith and tradition, theyâll stop at nothing to preserve the only life theyâve ever known. Click here to purchase Stingâs new album The Last Ship, inspired by the story of his forthcoming musical. Tickets are available now for groups of 10 or more by calling Broadway In Chicago Group Sales at (312) 977-1710. Official Show Website."
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"Crystal â Credit card charge offs have the potential to stay on your credit reports for up to 7.5 years from the date you last paid. Start with determining the exact date you last paid these accounts. Also post what the credit reports are showing as the dates these accounts will age off."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Last Ship, which follows a ship crew searching for the cure to a deadly virus, just finished its third season earlier this month. Meanwhile, LAPD drama Major Crimes just concluded the first half of its fifth season. Both series return with new episodes in 2017. Check out the previews below:"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Beginning in May 2013, Norwegian Breakaway -- which will be the largest ship ever to home port in the City -- will replace Norwegian Star, and embark on a minimum of 88 cruises from the Manhattan Cruise Terminal through March 31, 2015."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"For 2014, for U.S. equities, the last trading date resulting in settlement in 2014 was Friday, December 26th, 2014 (only December 25th is a holiday since Boxing day isnât observed in the U.S.). Any trade placed on Friday, December 26th, 2014 would settle on Wednesday, December 31st, 2014."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"This is the. last day to ship all UPS 2nd Day Air packages. to be delivered before Christmas Day (delivery. on Friday, Dec. 23). Thursday, Dec. 22. nNormal pickup and delivery service. This is the. last day to ship all UPS Next Day Air packages."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"If the order is placed on Friday, or weekends, how does the 2 days to ship rule work? Promised ship dates are based on weekdaysâMonday through Friday (except holidays). An order placed on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday will have a promised ship-date range of Monday â Tuesday, and should be shipped no later than Tuesday, the 2nd business day after the order was placed. For customized orders, the shipping would probably be more than 2 days. How do we deal with this? Per our Community Rules, you should only list items you are able to ship within 2 business days."
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"The 23-ship company today announced the 19-year-old Splendour of the Seas will leave the fleet in April 2016. The 1,830-passenger ship is being sold to German line TUI Cruises, which in turn will lease it to UK-based Thomson Cruises."
] |
"represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results",
"cockroaches have what type of antenna"
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"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Cockroach antennae have a variety of mechanoreceptors that differ in morphology, location, and function. Morphologically, the antennal mechanoreceptors are classified as follows: hair sensillum (or simply hair), campaniform sensillum, and chordotonal sensillum.f the variety of senses, the tactile sense is thought to play a key role for perceiving physical objects. Because most cockroach species are nocturnal, the tactile sense of the antenna would be essential to determine the position, shape, and texture of surrounding objects in the dark."
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Cockroaches are insects of the order Blattodea, sometimes called Blattaria, of which about 30 species out of 4,600 total are associated with human habitats. About four species are well known as pests.ome species make a hissing noise while other cockroaches (including a species in Florida) will make a chirping noise. Several Australian species practice acoustic and vibration behaviour as an aspect of courtship. They have been observed producing hisses and whistles from air forced through the spiracles."
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"Even though there are more than 3,000 species of roaches, the majority are shiny black or brown, and grow 1/4 inches to 3 inches in length. They have oval-shaped, flat bodies, with antennae and sometimes wings. Cockroaches are distributed worldwide, but are most abundant in tropical regions."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n------\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['represent the doc for finding search queries about it.', 'Multicellular. Definition. adjective. Having or consisting of many cells or more than one cell to perform all vital functions. Supplement. Examples of organisms that are multicellular are humans, animals and plants. Word origin: L, comb. form of multus much, many + NL cellulÄ\\x81ris, equiv. to cellul(a) live cell.aving or consisting of many cells or more than one cell to perform all vital functions. Supplement. Examples of organisms that are multicellular are humans, animals and plants.']\" Match: \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is a multicellular']\"",
"The brown-banded cockroach (Supella longipalpa) is a small species of cockroach, measuring about 5â8 in (10 to 14 mm) long.It is the only species of the genus Supella.he brown-banded cockroach eats a wide variety of items. Cockroaches are usually scavengers, and thus can eat a wide array of items, often almost anything organic, including decaying matter. It has been known to cause problems in hospitals by emerging at night to feed on bodily fluids, thereby risking cross-infection."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Rubber ducky antennas are typically 4% to 15% of a wavelength long; that is, 16% to 60% of the length of a standard quarter-wave whip. Protective rubber removed from the antenna on a UHF CB transceiver. The entire length is used for base loading."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!', \"Swellingâ\\x80\\x94along with prickling or painâ\\x80\\x94occurs when circulation returns (as you warm up or your stress dissipates). The condition is common and more likely to occur in women than men, Utset says. If you notice your fingers or hands are bluish or pale before they swell, that's one indicator of Raynaud's. 7. Some swelling is typical for expectant moms. But swelling in the hands and faceâ\\x80\\x94especially if pressing your thumb into your skin leaves a noticeable indentationâ\\x80\\x94can be a red flag for preeclampsia.\"]\" Match: \"['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what make you swell up your hands and legs']\"",
"Cockroaches have flat, oval-shaped bodies. The bodies of cockroaches are oily to the touch and may be cool or warm, depending on the temperature of their environment. The head of a cockroach is small and is covered by a shield-like pronotum."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Madagascar hissing cockroaches are one of many fascinating animal species to hail from the island of Madagascar. These cockroaches are shiny brown and oval-shaped, with no wings and a single pair of antennae. Males sport large horns, which give them an unusual and impressive appearance.issing is also part of the cockroach's mating ritual, and can be used as an effective alarm cry. Most insects that make noise do so by rubbing their body parts together or by employing vibrating membranes. Madagascar hissing cockroaches, however, exhale air through their breathing holes."
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"There are two basic antenna types: directional and non-directional (omni-directional). Directional antennas are typically Yagi type, non-directional are dipole type. The reception pattern of a directional type antenna is shown below, left. The pattern for an omni-directional antenna is shown on the right."
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"The most common types of indoor antennas are the dipole (rabbit ears) and loop antennas, and for outdoor antennas the yagi, log periodic, and for UHF channels the multi-bay reflective array antenna."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"the head http://www.geocities.com/brisbane_insect... Antenna - A pair of jointed appendages located on the head of an insect above the mouthparts. Antenna is something like our nose but sense more information than our nose. It perceives odours, touch, humidity, vibration, wind velocity and direction. Ocelli - Also known as simple Eyes."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.\\nE.g. Bio-Oil & Scars. Bioâ\\x80\\x91Oil helps to improve the appearance of new or old scars, whether from surgery, accidents, burns, scratches or conditions such as acne or chickenpox. Its unique formulation combines Vitamins A and E which work with the skin to promote cell regeneration. == is bio oil effective', 'What should it be? A normal fasting blood glucose target range for an individual without diabetes is 70-100 mg/dL (3.9-5.6 mmol/L). The American Diabetes Association recommends a fasting plasma glucose level of 70â\\x80\\x93130 mg/dL (3.9-7.2 mmol/L) and after meals less than 180 mg/dL (10 mmol/L). Individuals with hypoglycemic unawareness (limited or no awareness of low blood glucose symptoms) may require a higher target range.']\" Match: \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'what should your glucose mg/dl be']\"",
"This species is also referred to as the sewer roach. It is reddish-brown with a light yellow band around the edge of the head shield. Adults of both sexes have well-developed wings, but seldom fly. In the warm climate of Arizona, American cockroaches often live out of doors in alleys, lawns, decayed trees and plants. They often enter and thrive in homes, commercial establishments and other buildings that provide favorable shelter and an ample food supply."
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"The Brown Banded Cockroach is often confused with the German Roach, but its habits are different. 1 They are often brought in dwellings in furniture. 2 Found only indoors. 3 They may be found throughout the building, especially in high areas such as picture frames and ceilings.rown Banded Cockroach Identification. They are light brown,about 1/2 inch long. They have two light, irregular bands along their wings. The German Roach has two dark, distinctive bands behind their heads."
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"The main differences are that VHF/UHF antennas are smaller and the losses caused by poor feed lines and elevated SWRs (or both) are more critical. Omnidirectional Antennas. This type of VHF antenna transmits and receives in all directions at once (the same is true of the dipoles, loops and vertical antennas for HF use)."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n------\n\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent the natural language', \"Averages for Boston in August. is still very warm in Boston. The average temperature is still a very warm 26C (that's about 79°F) during the day and only goes as low as 17°C (about 63°F) in the evenings. You can ...\"]\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'august weather in boston, ma']\"",
"Blattella germanica. German cockroaches are well-known indoor cockroaches with a distribution that is world-wide. Adults are easily recognized by their light brown or tan coloration with two black horizontal stripes located on the pronotum immediately behind the head, and growing to a length of 13-16 mm."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"The American cockroach is a large cockroach. The adult body length is approximately 1-1/2 inches long (38mm). The antennae extending from the head are equally as long as the body if they are intact."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Cockroaches are insects of the order Blattodea, sometimes called Blattaria, of which about 30 species out of 4,600 total are associated with human habitats. About four species are well known as pests.he method works well with the American cockroach, but less so with the German cockroach. A bit of Vaseline can be smeared on the inside of the jar to enhance slipperiness. The method is sometimes called the Vegas roach trap after it was popularized by a Las Vegas-based TV station."
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"An analogy for the. radiation pattern would be how an un-shaded incandescent light bulb illuminates a room. Types. of Omni directional antennas include ârubber duckâ antennas often found on access points and. routers, Omni antennas found outdoors, and antenna arrays used on cellular towers."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Cockroaches have flat, oval-shaped bodies. The bodies of cockroaches are oily to the touch and may be cool or warm, depending on the temperature of their environment. The head of a cockroach is small and is covered by a shield-like pronotum.Cockroaches have six long, spiny legs that allow them to run quickly across almost any surface.he bodies of cockroaches are oily to the touch and may be cool or warm, depending on the temperature of their environment. The head of a cockroach is small and is covered by a shield-like pronotum. Cockroaches have six long, spiny legs that allow them to run quickly across almost any surface."
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"Cockroach Anatomy Each cockroach has eyes, a mouth, salivary glands, antennae, brain, heart, colon, reproductive system, mid-guts, legs, esophagus, gastric caecea, fat bodies and malpighian tubules. Cockroach eyes contain more than a thousand lenses, allowing them to see multiple things at once. Cockroach legs are exceptionally sensitive when touched. Their antennae, also known as feelers, are responsible for their sense of smell. Cockroaches have two small appendages on their abdomens, known as the cerci, which act as sensors."
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"Classification and Range. Cockroaches belong in the class of arthropods Insecta, and are classified into the order Blattaria. Five families of cockroaches are in this order: Cryptocercidae, Blattidae, Polyphagidae, Blattellidae and Blaberidae. The Madagascar hissing cockroach is in the family Blattidae."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.\nTo give you a sense - \"['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\\nExamples:\\n\\n\\n\"Urate crystals (commonly called brick stain by doctors) are a combination of calcium and urate, substances normally found in urine. Crystals of the substance often form, leaving a red-orange stain in your baby\\'s diaper â\\x80\\x94 which can be alarming for parents! Any baby can spill urate crystals, though it\\'s more likely when a baby is dehydrated (or even just slightly dry) as the urine becomes more concentrated.\" == \"define urates infant\"', 'time of day (plural times of day) ( 1 archaic) The time according to the clock. 2 A loosely specified period of time, minutes or hours in duration, especially daytime, or point in time. At what time of day and year are the winds strongest? / Winter mornings, I think..']\" should be close to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what time of day it is']\"",
"Uniden AT870 UHF CB 6.5 dbi Antenna. Ideal for 4WD bullbar mounting. Idealy suited for road / highway and short term off road work The AT870 is a medium duty fibreglass antenna especially constructed to tackle the harsh Australian enviroment with it's medium duty barrel spring and braided whip."
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"Cockroach Feces. Cockroaches leave feces or droppings that are easily identifiable. The feces of small cockroaches are black and resemble ground coffee or black pepper. Larger cockroaches leave black or brown droppings which are cylindrical in shape and have ridges down the side."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"XM Antenna Connector Type. #1. Does anyone know what the name is for the connector type used to connect the XM Radio antenna to the GEX-P10XMT unit? It's my understanding you can use an existing XM antenna and sauter a connector to the end to have it work with this unit. I went to Radio Shack this week, but they have no clue what connector type I am talking about."
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"Cockroach is the common name for certain members of the scientific phylum Arthropoda, class Insecta, order Blattodea. Even though there are more than 3,000 species of roaches, the majority are shiny black or brown, and grow 1/4 inches to 3 inches in length."
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"Male cockroaches are typically smaller than females. Female specimens often tend to be larger and, in some species, the females lack wings where the males possess them. Cockroach eggs are encased in egg cases called oothecae, which are commonly oval-shaped and dark brown in color."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Cockroaches are insects of the order Blattodea, which also includes termites. About 30 cockroach species out of 4,600 are associated with human habitats. About four species are well known as pests. The cockroaches are an ancient group, dating back at least as far as the Carboniferous period, some 320 million years ago. Those early ancestors however lacked the internal ovipositors of modern roaches. Cockroaches are somewhat generalized insects without special adaptations like the sucking mouthpar"
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"German cockroaches are well-known indoor cockroaches with a distribution that is world-wide. Adults are easily recognized by their light brown or tan coloration with two black horizontal stripes located on the pronotum immediately behind the head, and growing to a length of 13-16 mm."
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"Hissing Cockroachs have three sets of legs attached to their thorax. Cockroaches are insects. Because of their large size they are a good tool to help point out the important insect features: head, thorax, abdomen, antennae, 6 legs, and spiracles (holes in the body for respiration)."
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"It has mechanoreceptors such as hair and Johnston's organs to touch and hear, chemoreceptors in its mouthparts to smell and taste, compound eyes to see, and some others to sense temperature and humidity, but a mature cockroach doesn't have ocelli, which can be widely found in other insects."
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"Appearance. Cockroaches can measure over 50 mm (2 in) length, with tropical species tending to be larger than those found in other climates. Cockroaches have six legs, two antennae and some have wings. However, most winged cockroaches are not particularly adept at flying. Read more about what a cockroach looks like. How Did I Get Cockroaches?"
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"The US sensors are present in the antennae of Mosquitoes and genetalia of Cockroaches. US emitted by the Repeller will scare away the pests and confuse them. Ultrasonic sound will create stress on the nervous system of insects and jam their own US frequency."
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"The hindguts of most cockroaches, apart from one family of five species that have been examined, harbor a wide variety of microbes, including ciliates, amoebae, flagellates, and various prokaryotes. These microbial organisms all are believed to play a major role in digestion and the efficiency of the roach."
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"#1 Posted by jeremiah06 (7169 posts) -. I'm trying to identify this bug but no picture I can find online matches it. My only hope is that it isn't a roach. My question to the bug experts is whether or not all roaches have long antenna because they're virtually nonexistent on the bug I caught.Its also a very tiny bug I found it in my room.1 Posted by jeremiah06 (7169 posts) -. I'm trying to identify this bug but no picture I can find online matches it. My only hope is that it isn't a roach. My question to the bug experts is whether or not all roaches have long antenna because they're virtually nonexistent on the bug I caught."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nFor example, '['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"Anywhere between 18-24 weeks, second time moms sometimes feel the baby as early as 13/14 weeks though. If you haven't felt the baby move by 24 weeks then your doctor will be concerned.If feels like it takes forever with the first pregnancy, but it is so worth it. The initial feeling will feel like flutters, bubbles, etc. so it might be hard to recognize or you may even mistake it for something else.Report. years ago. You will feel the baby move yourself at between 13 to 16 weeks. It will feel just like a flutter. Like the baby is swimming in there. You will be the only one who can feel this. When you get to around 16-20 weeks others will be able to feel the baby kick. This varies from woman to woman though.\"]' should be close to '['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!', 'how far along would you be to get tiny flutters in your stomach']'",
"How do I choose the correct WiFi antenna? The two main types of antennas are Omni-directional and directional. Omni-directional antennas radiate RF signal in a 360 degree pattern and directional antennas emit the RF signal in a focused beam similar to the headlight of a car."
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"The antennae of Florida carpenter ants are 12-segmented, with the terminal segment being slightly elongated and bullet-shaped, and without a club. There is a circular ring of hair at the end of the abdomen. The waist consists of one petiolar segment. The antennal scape is flattened basally and broad throughout."
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"The specialized setae on the sides of the cockroach are an example of a structural adaptation. These setae enable the cockroach to sense air currents where it would not be ⦠able to normally see, helping it to avoid predators.he amount of radiation that cockroaches can withstand is equivalent to that of a thermonuclear explosion. However, without the waste that humans provide cockroaches would not thrive as well after the nuclear war wiped out the human species."
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"Cockroaches leave feces or droppings that are easily identifiable. The feces of small cockroaches are black and resemble ground coffee or black pepper. Larger cockroaches leave black or brown droppings which are cylindrical in shape and have ridges down the side."
"Represent this",
"Elbowed Antenna. Antenna, particularly of ants, in which there is a distinct angle between two of the segments-usually between the 1 st and 2nd segments, in which case the 1 st segment is usually much longer than the others."
"Before the rubber ducky, antennas on portable radios usually consisted of quarter-wave whip antennas, rods whose length was one-quarter of the wavelength of the radio waves used. In the VHF range where they were used, these antennas were 2 or 3 feet long, making them cumbersome."
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"Correct identification of suspected cockroaches is important as there are many insects that look similar (e.g. long-horned beetles, crickets, leaf-footed bugs and ground beetles). A cockroach has a flattened, oval shaped body and long antennae (about the length of their body)."
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"What does a cockroach look like? Regardless of species, all cockroaches share some commonalities. Most roaches are between 0.7 inches and 3 inches in length. The antennae located on a roachâs head do not count when determining how large they are, but might help with cockroach identification. Most roaches are a reddish-brown to black in color, except for when they molt."
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"1 The German and Asian roach look very similar. One difference used to distinguish them is the Asian roach is a good flier and the German roach isnât. The Brown-banded cockroach is also known as the TV cockroach. It can live in the back of TV sets and other appliances where it is warm."
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"Gromphadorhina portentosa is one of the largest species of the cockroaches in the world, adults are 5.1 to 10.2 cm long, with males growing larger than females. (Clark and Moore, 1995a; Copeland, 2003; Guthrie and Tindall, 1968; Milius, 2002; Miller, 1977).1 Other Physical Features.2 ectothermic.romphadorhina portentosa is one of the largest species of the cockroaches in the world, adults are 5.1 to 10.2 cm long, with males growing larger than females. (Clark and Moore, 1995a; Copeland, 2003; Guthrie and Tindall, 1968; Milius, 2002; Miller, 1977). 1 Other Physical Features. 2 ectothermic."
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"antenna (pl. antennae) usually one of a pair of many-jointed, whip-like structures present on the head of many arthropods, particularly insects (first appendage on head) and crustaceans (second appendage). Antennae have a sensory function, though in some crustaceans they are used for attachment or swimming. antenna"
"Since habits and control measures often are species-specific, it is best to consult a pest control professional who can properly identify the species and then select control measures. A cockroach species commonly called a âpalmetto bugâ is the American cockroach (Periplaneta americana) .Adult American cockroaches are large and winged. Their coloration is dark brown with a cream-colored prothorax that has dark markings that resemble sunglasses.nother large species that may be called a âpalmetto bugâ is the smokybrown cockroach. The adults are a dark mahogany color and winged as well. They lack the sunglasses markings on the prothorax and are slightly smaller."
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"Cockroaches (and most other insects) have two light receptors, one sensitive in the ultraviolet range and one in the green range. Many insects also have a third light receptor peaking in the blue. Most pest cockroaches are not attracted to light. They are active at night and if anything they might avoid light."
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"Those early ancestors however lacked the internal ovipositors of modern roaches. Cockroaches are somewhat generalized insects without special adaptations like the sucking mouthparts of aphids and other true bugs; they have chewing mouthparts and are likely among the most primitive of living neopteran insects."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Answers.com® is making the world better one answer at a time. The Asian cockroach flies and looks like a German cockroach. The Asian cockroach is attracted to lights. It can fly up to 120 feet."
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"Cockroaches are persistent and troublesome pests of homes, restaurants, hospitals, warehouses, offices, and other structures with food handling areas. These insects contaminate food and utensils, destroy fabric and paper products, and impart stain and odor to surfaces they contact."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Give CPR to any victim who is not breathing or. not breathing normally. CPR is also used for an. unresponsive choking victim because the chest. compressions can expel a foreign object from. the victimâ\\x80\\x99s airway. The specific steps for CPR. are the same for adults, children, and infants.']\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results!', 'what are the step to help an unresponsive choking victim']\"",
"Cockroaches are insects of the order Blattodea, sometimes called Blattaria, of which about 30 species out of 4,600 total are associated with human habitats. About four species are well known as pests."
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"Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Yes Cockroaches, like all insects, breathe through a system of tubes called tracheae and these are lined with cells that can smell or sense sweet and sour things extreme distances away and also sense radiation....if you were to use a microwave they would all flee in fear..weird. Source(s):"
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"Like most insects, cockroaches have six legs. The legs are segmented, and all of them are attached to the middle part of the cockroach's body, which is known as the thorax."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'It also calms flatulence and helps food pass through the stomach quickly. 1 You can chew on fresh peppermint leaves for relief from bloating. 2 Another option is to steep a peppermint tea bag in hot water for about 10 minutes and drink two to three cups of this tea a day.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what helps relieve stomach bloating']\"",
"Amplified TV Antenna. What is an amplified TV antenna? How do amplified TV antennas work and what are the advantages of an amplified TV antenna?ny TV antenna can be amplified. There are basically two types of amplified TV antennas. The first type most referred to as an amplified TV antenna are those antennas with the antenna amplifier built into the antenna housing."
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"Five families of cockroaches are in this order: Cryptocercidae, Blattidae, Polyphagidae, Blattellidae and Blaberidae. The Madagascar hissing cockroach is in the family Blattidae. Cockroaches are found on every continent, including Antarctica."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Cockroaches, sometimes just called roaches, are a type of insect. There are thousands of kinds of cockroach but only a few are pests found inside houses. The cockroach in the picture is a German cockroach."
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"The Sky HDTV Attic / Outdoor Antenna is the newest addition to the Mohu family and offers a completely new take on the traditional rooftop or attic mounted antenna. Weighing in at only 3 lbs. the Sky Attic/Outdoor Antenna is a powerful, amplified antenna solution that was developed from research for the United States military."
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"American cockroaches are the largest of the common roaches Brownbanded Cockroaches are light brown to glossy dark brown. The adult cockroaches have wings and the males are capable of flight. These insects feed on starchy materials and even non-food materials such as nylon stockings."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1 Hissing Cockroach has three pairs of legs attached to their thorax. 2 Its large body size enables us to examine main parts of the insects which are: head, thorax, abdomen, antennae, legs, and respiratory holes called spiracles."
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"The technical name for this type of antenna is a normal-mode helix. Rubber ducky antennas are typically 4% to 15% of a wavelength long; that is, 16% to 60% of the length of a standard quarter-wave whip."
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"The emerald cockroach wasp or jewel wasp (Ampulex compressa) is a solitary wasp of the family Ampulicidae.It is known for its unusual reproductive behavior, which involves stinging a cockroach and using it as a host for its larvae. It thus belongs to the entomophagous parasites.he emerald cockroach wasp or jewel wasp (Ampulex compressa) is a solitary wasp of the family Ampulicidae."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Cockroaches are scavengers that eat all kinds of materials including paper, clothing and dead animals and plants. They are adapted to live in almost any environment and have been on earth longer than any other winged insect, over 340 million years."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Cockroaches can measure over 50 mm (2 in) length, with tropical species tending to be larger than those found in other climates. Cockroaches have six legs, two antennae and some have wings. However, most winged cockroaches are not particularly adept at flying. Read more about what a cockroach looks like."
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"Antennae (singular: antenna) in biology have historically been paired appendages used for sensing in arthropods. More recently, the term has also been applied to cilium structures present in most cell types of eukaryotes.In arthropods, antennae are connected to the front-most segments.In crustaceans, they are biramous and present on the first two segments of the head, with the smaller pair known as antennules. All other arthropod groups â except chelicerates and proturans, which have none â have a single, uniramous pair of antennae.n crustaceans, they are biramous and present on the first two segments of the head, with the smaller pair known as antennules. All other arthropod groups â except chelicerates and proturans, which have none â have a single, uniramous pair of antennae."
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"Cockroaches can smell - But no, Cockroaches cannot smell that far away. Cockroaches primarily detect smell with their antenna, but can also detect smell with their mouth. However, they do have an amazing sense of detecting movement - They can detect movement as small as two thousand times the diameter of an atom."
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"Adult German cockroaches are 1/2 to 5/8 inch long and tan to light brown (Fig. 1). Although they have fully developed wings, they do not fly. Nymphs are similar in appearance to adults except that they are smaller and lack wings."
"Represent the input",
"The head because: Antenna-A pair of jointed appendages located on the head of an insect above the mouthparts. Antenna is something like our nose but sense more information t ⦠han our nose. It perceives odours, touch, humidity, vibration, wind velocity and direction. Ocelli-Also known as simple Eyes."
] |
"Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results:",
"does mississippi require state taxes to be paid on income from retirement accounts"
] | [
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"Mississippi is tax-friendly when it comes to retirees. In addition to low tax rates in general, retirees living in Mississippi donât have to pay any state income tax on qualified retirement income. There is also an additional bonus exemption on property taxes upon reaching age 65."
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Illinois exempts nearly all retirement income from taxation, including Social Security retirement benefits, pension income and income from retirement savings accounts. The state has some of the highest property and sales taxes in the country. Enter your financial details to calculate your taxes."
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"3. Taxpayer and Spouse Non-Residents - Taxpayer and spouse are residents of a different state. The spouse and taxpayer must file a Mississippi tax return due to one or both having Mississippi earned income. Main Info Screen. If both members are residents of another state, the parties should file as nonresidents."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nTo give you a sense - \"[\"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\\n\\nFor example, 'Dana Perino who was born on May 9, 1972, (44 years old) started her career with KTSC-TV while she was at Colorado State University. She is majorly known for being the 27th White House Press Secretary under George W. Bush and being the second female White House Secretary.' should be close to 'what's the age of dana perino'\", 'Know your options before beginning your bachelorâ\\x80\\x99s degree program. Print. Itâ\\x80\\x99s a common misconception that bachelorâ\\x80\\x99s degrees always take four years to complete. Four years is the traditional amount of time many students take to earn a bachelorâ\\x80\\x99s degree, but itâ\\x80\\x99s different for non-traditional adult students.']\" should be close to \"['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'how long does it take to get a ba degree']\"",
"Mississippi State Tax Extension. An automatic extension of time to file your personal income tax return is granted on having the approval of federal tax extension(Form 4868). You can use the Form 80-180 to make the tax payments."
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"For comparison purposes, however, your Mississippi tax bracket is the tax bracket in which your last earned dollar in any given tax period falls. Please note: Our Mississippi tax brackets are currently from tax year 2014."
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"Prepare and efile your Mississippi state tax return (resident, nonresident, or part-year resident) and Federal tax return together or separately at efile.com. View the federal tax return filing requirements. Mississippi Income Tax Filing Deadline. The regular deadline to file a Mississippi state income tax return is April 15."
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"Unemployment Tax Rates. Reporting and Filing. In Mississippi, the tax rate for a start-up business is 1.00% the first year of liability, 1.10% the second year of liability and 1.20% the third and subsequent years of liability until the employer is eligible for a modified rate."
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"Mississippi has a certified retirement community program and Vicksburg has been selected for that honor. The State has gone out of its way to welcome retirees with low taxes and other programs aimed at this important segment.icksburg, Mississippi could very well become one of the hot retirement communities in the years to come."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Interest income from federal securities and obligations of Mississippi and its political subdivisions is exempt. Gains on the sale of stock of a Mississippi corporation are exempt from Mississippi income tax. The stateâs income tax rates are 3%, 4%, and 5%. The first $5,000 of taxable income is taxed at 3%, the second $5,000 at 4%, and all above $10,000 is taxed at 5%."
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"The amount withheld is non-refundable to the taxpayer. Section 27-7-901 of the Mississippi Code provides that the amount of winnings reported on W2G, 1099 or other informational return from Mississippi casinos are not included in Mississippi income and no income tax credit is allowed for the amount of withholding."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"You will need to attach a copy of your federal extension form, Form 4868, with your MS state tax return when you file. Mississippi no longer has a state extension form. You must include your entire check or money order with payment voucher Form 80-106 on or before April 18."
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"If you perform services partly in and partly out of the state, only the wages you are paid for the services performed in Mississippi are subject to Mississippi income tax. The W-2 forms issued to you from your employer(s) should indicate the state in which the wages were paid, along with the wages you earned in that state."
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"Pension Income If you're looking to escape taxation of your pension at the state level, your options are pretty limited. As of 2009, there are only three states that do not tax pension income: 1 Illinois. 2 Mississippi."
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"No. Taxes withheld by Mississippi casinos as a result of gambling winnings are not refundable in Mississippi. Mississippi residents are not required to report Mississippi gambling winnings as income on their state return."
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"Mississippi's median income is $45,925 per year, so the median yearly property tax paid by Mississippi residents amounts to approximately % of their yearly income. Mississippi is ranked 46th of the 50 states for property taxes as a percentage of median income."
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"However, if you gained taxable income from Mississippi, that money is taxable for nonresidents and you must file a Mississippi nonresident return. You will only be taxed on income earned in Mississippi. File Form 80-205, the Mississippi Non-Resident or Part-Year Resident Individual Income Tax Return 2016. Be sure to accurately report all income you earned, along with the relevant dates and locations, in order to prorate your exemptions and deductions."
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"While Georgia does have income tax, the stateâs rules are favorable to retireesâ$65,000 of retirement income, which includes income from IRAs and 401(k)s, is exempt for those 65 and up, says Paul Jacobs, a financial planner at Palisades Hudson Financial Group in Atlanta."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Interest income from federal securities and obligations of Mississippi and its political subdivisions are all exempt. The stateâs income tax rates are 3%, 4%, and 5%. The first $5,000 of taxable income is taxed at 3%, the second $5,000 at 4%, and all above $10,000 is taxed at 5%.ingle taxpayers can claim a $6,000 exemption, and married filing jointly can claim $12,000. Each additional exemption for dependents or for 65 and over is $1,500. Property Tax â Property and automobiles are both subject to ad valorem taxes â meaning that he tax is assessed in relationship to the value of the property."
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"These rates include the workforce investment and training contribution rate that might be applicable for the rate year. If the organization acquired a business that is already liable for unemployment taxes in Mississippi, the organization may be immediately eligible for a modified tax rate."
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"All sales of tangible personal property in the State of Mississippi are subject to the regular retail rate of sales tax (7%) unless the law exempts the item or provides a reduced rate of tax for an item. The tax is based on gross proceeds of sales or gross income, depending on the type of business. Before engaging in any business in Mississippi subject to sales tax, a permit or registration license is required from the Department of Revenue. (Go to online to register) A separate permit is required for each location."
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"Mississippi has three marginal tax brackets, ranging from 3.00% (the lowest Mississippi tax bracket) to 5.00% (the highest Mississippi tax bracket). Each marginal rate only applies to earnings within the applicable marginal tax bracket, which are the same in Mississippi for single filers and couples filing jointly. The Federal Income Tax, by contrast, has different tax brackets for married, single, and Head of Household taxpayers."
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"Technically, you don't have just one tax bracket - you pay all of the Mississippi marginal tax rates from the lowest tax bracket to the tax bracket in which you earned your last dollar."
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"Reporting and Filing. Unemployment Tax Rates. In Mississippi, effective January 1, 2014, the total tax rate for a start-up business is 1.16% the first year of liability, 1.26% the second year of liability and 1.36% the third and subsequent years of liability until the employer is eligible for a modified rate."
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"Many states exempt federal, state, and local government pensions (often with limitations) and 23 states exempt some private pension income. Alabama, Hawaii, Illinois, Mississippi, and Pennsylvania exempt virtually all pension income from their state income taxes. Except for Social Security, railroad retirement, and military retirement benefits, Connecticut's state income tax treats income from public and private pensions the same as any other income."
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"The Magnolia State offers a sweet income tax deal for retirees. Social Security benefits and income from IRAs, 401(k)s, 403(b)s, Keoghs, and public and private pension plans are exempt from state income taxes."
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"If you were approved for a federal tax extension, then the State of Mississippi will automatically grant you a six month tax extension. If you need to make a state tax payment, you'll need to submit Mississippi Form 80-180 (PDF). Include a copy of your federal extension form (IRS 4868) when you submit your Mississippi state tax return. Filing for a Mississippi Tax Extension will not grant you extra time to pay any tax balance due."
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"No credit is allowed for sales tax paid to the dealer in the other state against Mississippi Use Tax on purchases of automobiles, motor homes, trucks, truck-tractors and semi-trailers, trailers, boats, travel trailers, motorcycles and all-terrain cycles when the first use of the vehicle occurs in Mississippi."
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"(Check out this retirement housing guide as well.). Here are ten states that exempt all federal, state and local pension income from taxes: 1 Alabama. 2 Hawaii. 3 Illinois. 4 Kansas. 5 Louisiana. 6 Massachusetts. 7 Michigan. 8 Mississippi."
"For many retirees, this makes income taxes the least of their worries. There are nine states that exempt all federal, military, and in-state pensions as well as all Social Security benefits from income tax: Alabama, Hawaii, Illinois, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, New York, and Pennsylvania."
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"Taxability of Retirement Benefits Varies From State to State. Currently, seven states do not tax individual income â retirement or otherwise: Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington and Wyoming. Two other states â New Hampshire and Tennessee â impose income taxes only on dividends and interest (5 percent flat rate for both states)."
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"Yes, if your spouse has Mississippi wages your spouse is required to file a nonresident tax return and pay taxes on the income earned in Mississippi, unless your spouse qualifies for the Military Spouses Residency Relief Act."
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"ï§ Hawaii excludes income from contributory plans. ï§ Illinois and Mississippi exclude income from qualified retirement plans. ï§ Louisiana, Michigan and New York cap the private-sector exclusion at $6,000, $49,027 and $20,000, respectively (amounts are for taxpayers filing singly for tax year 2014)."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Reporting and Filing. Unemployment Tax Rates. In Mississippi, the tax rate for a start-up business is 1.00% the first year of liability, 1.10% the second year of liability and 1.20% the third and subsequent years of liability until the employer is eligible for a modified rate."
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"In Missouri, income from retirement accounts such as an IRA or 401(k) are taxed as regular income. Missouri has sales taxes that are slightly higher than the national average and property taxes that are somewhat below the national average."
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"The Mississippi Income Tax. Mississippi collects a state income tax at a maximum marginal tax rate of %, spread across tax brackets. Unlike the Federal Income Tax, Mississippi's state income tax does not provide couples filing jointly with expanded income tax brackets. Notably, Mississippi has the highest maximum marginal tax bracket in the United States."
"represent the following document.",
"Yet the reality is that Mississippi is one of the most blatant examples of a state receiving more federal tax money than it gives: WalletHub finds that for every dollar in federal taxes Mississippi pays, it receives $3.07 from the federal government.ccording to Wallet Hubâs study, Alabama receives 37% of its revenue from the federal government and receives $3.28 for every dollar it pays in federal taxes. Tax Foundationâs data showed Alabama receiving $2.03 in federal tax money for every dollar it was paying in."
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"Interest income from federal securities and obligations of Mississippi and its political subdivisions are all exempt. The stateâs income tax rates are 3%, 4%, and 5%. The first $5,000 of taxable income is taxed at 3%, the second $5,000 at 4%, and all above $10,000 is taxed at 5%."
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"Georgia Income Taxes. If you earn more than the retirement exclusion amount based on your age or disability level, any additional income is subject to Georgia state income taxes. As of 2013, the state charges 1 percent on the first $1,000 of taxable income for married couples, or the first $750 for single filers."
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"In Mississippi, corporate income is subject to a state income tax. Mississippi income tax rates are: 3% - on the first $5,000 of taxable income. 4% - on the next $5,000 of taxable income. 5% - on remaining taxable income. Unless a company is taxable in another state, Mississippi corporate income tax is based on the companyâs net taxable. income."
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"Mississippi collects income taxes from its residents utilizing three tax brackets. For single taxpayers: 1 3 percent on the first $5,000 of taxable income. 2 4 percent on taxable income between $5,001 and $10,000. 3 5 percent on taxable income of $10,001 and above.ississippi has three state income tax rates: 3 percent, 4 percent and 5 percent."
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"Mississippi taxpayers can check the status of their state tax returns on the State of Mississippi's Department of Revenue website through the Taxpayer Access Point, or TAP. To use the website status check function, taxpayers need their taxpayer identification numbers, tax year and most recent adjusted gross income."
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"The Internal Revenue Service doesnât mandate that money be withheld from IRA distributions for federal income taxes. Instead, you can choose your withholding rate based on the amount of tax you expect to owe on the distribution.he rules for tax withholding on individual retirement accounts differ between federal income taxes and the various state income taxes."
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"Welcome to PERS. The Public Employeesâ Retirement System of Mississippi (PERS) pâroudly serves the state of Mississippi by providing retirement benefits for individuals working in state government, public schools, universities, community colleges, municipalities, counties, the Legislature, highway patrol, and other such public entities."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"In Mississippi, citizens receive $2.34 in return for every dollar paid in federal income tax, which ranks fourth highest in America. A whopping 43.68% of Mississippi's state revenue is comprised of federal funding, the highest such rate in the country."
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"âIf you are a Mississippi resident and earn income from another state, you must include all income on your Resident form. You may be entitled to claim a credit against your Mississippi tax liability for the income taxes paid to the other state. You must include a copy of the other state's return to receive that credit. Please note, credit for taxes paid to other states is the other state's actual tax liability, not the other state's withholding."
"Currently, seven states do not tax individual income â retirement or otherwise: Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington and Wyoming. Two other states â New Hampshire and Tennessee â impose income taxes only on dividends and interest (5 percent for New Hampshire and 6 percent for Tennessee)."
"Represent this",
"Mississippi Tax Facts. MS Income Tax: Individual income is taxed across three tax brackets. The tax brackets for single taxpayers are: 3% for the first $5,000 of taxable income. 4% for taxable incomes between $5,001 and $10,000. 5% for taxable incomes $10,001 and above."
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"Mississippi state income tax along with a federal tax is usually withheld from your paycheck as you receive it each pay cycle. While the federal income tax rates are set for each income bracket, MS state income tax rates do not necessarily align with the federal figures."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Federal income taxes, FICA and Medicare are required deductions from your paycheck. Some states and cities require additional deductions for state and city income taxes. Other deductions such as contributions to retirement accounts or savings plans, however, are voluntary."
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"If you need more time to file your Mississippi return and you owe any tax payments, you may qualify for an automatic 6-month extension to file your MS state tax return if you received an extension of time to file your federal income tax return."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"ï§ Hawaii excludes income from contributory plans. ï§ Illinois and Mississippi exclude income from qualified retirement plans. ï§ Louisiana, Michigan and New York cap the private-sector exclusion at $6,000, $49,027 and $20,000, respectively (amounts are for taxpayers filing singly for tax year 2014).he District of Columbia and 41 states levy a broad-based personal income tax. Among the 41 states with a broad-based income tax, 36 offer exclusions for some or all specifically identified state or federal pension income or both, a retirement income exclusion, or a tax credit targeted at the elderly."
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"If you owe additional Mississippi Income Taxes you may pay your estimated balance due in the following ways: Pay with check or money order: Prepare a Mississippi Extension Form 80-180; Enclose a check or money order with the voucher. Mail to: Mississippi State Tax Commission Office of Revenue PO Box 23075"
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"Currently, seven states do not tax individual income â retirement or otherwise: Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington and Wyoming. Two other states â New Hampshire and Tennessee â impose income taxes only on dividends and interest (5 percent flat rate for both states)."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Here in Michigan, our Social Security payments, and public pension payments are tax exempt.... so if you retired from Federal, State, or local government, you pay no taxes on your Social Security and pension income.In Florida and Nevada (think Las Vegas!), there is no state tax for income or retirement income.ere in Michigan, our Social Security payments, and public pension payments are tax exempt.... so if you retired from Federal, State, or local government, you pay no taxes on your Social Security and pension income."
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"For example, some states exempt all pension income or all Social Security income. Other states provide only partial exemption or credits and some tax all retirement income. States exempting pension income entirely for qualified individuals are Illinois, Mississippi and Pennsylvania."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"When you prepare you taxes in early 2013, you will prepare a Part-Year Mississippi return instead of a Full Year state return. Randalltax: Tennessee has no income tax, so you don't file a state return for income earned in TN.Tennessee has no income tax, so you don't file a state return for income earned in TN. Answered my complex tax question in detail and provided a lot of additional useful information for my specific situation. 2 John Minneapolis, MN. 3 Excellent information, very quick reply. 4 The experts really take the time to address your questions, it is well worth the fee, for the peace of mind they can provide you with."
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"Mississippi has state sales tax of 7.00%, and allows local governments to collect a local option sales tax of up to 1.00%. There are a total of 2 local tax jurisdictions across the state, collecting an average local tax of 0.056%."
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"The rules for tax withholding on individual retirement accounts differ between federal income taxes and the various state income taxes.However, the withholding is just an estimate of what you owe.he rules for tax withholding on individual retirement accounts differ between federal income taxes and the various state income taxes."
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"The State Tax Commission will not return a confirmation. Taxpayers having a tax liability who request an extension of time must remit the tax due with their Mississippi application for extension."
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"âIf you are a Mississippi resident and earn income from another state, you must include all income on your Resident form. You may be entitled to claim a credit against your Mississippi tax liability for the income taxes paid to the other state. You must include a copy of the other state's return to receive that credit."
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"The Mississippi state government collects several types of taxes. The most significant are its income and sales taxes. While the personal income tax, which has a top rate of 5%, is slightly lower than the national average for state income taxes, the statewide sales tax of 7% is slightly above the national average."
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"âIf you receive an extension of time to file your federal income tax return, you are automatically allowed an extension of time to file your Mississippi income tax return. You will need to attach a copy of your federal extension (federal Form 4868 or 2688) with your Mississippi income tax return when you file."
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"Gambling winnings reported on a W2G, 1099, or other informational return from Mississippi casinos are subject to a three percent (3%) non-refundable income tax. The casinos withhold the tax at the time of payout."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Pennsylvania and Mississippi are unique in that they are the only states in the country that exempt all retirement income, even IRA, and 401(k) distributions. There are, however, a few states that are less than hospitable to retirees. Not only are their tax rates high, but they also fully tax pension income."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Mississippi has three state income tax rates: 3 percent, 4 percent and 5 percent.These rates are the same for individuals, all filing statuses, as well as for businesses. More on Mississippi taxes can be found in the tabbed pages below.1 Income. 2 Sales.ississippi has three state income tax rates: 3 percent, 4 percent and 5 percent."
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"The Mississippi State Tax Commission automatically grants a six month extension of time to file until October 15, 2018. To avoid penalties you must pay your current year tax liability in full by April 17, 2018."
] |
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"what degree is needed to be comptroller"
] | [
"Aside from becoming a CPA, controllers can pass exams to be a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), as well as a Certified Management Accountant (CMA). In order to maintain certification, it is often required that professionals take continuing education courses."
] | [
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"How many credits are required for an undergraduate degree at Rutgers? What is the minimum average needed for Graduation? How many credits are required for an undergraduate degree at Rutgers? What is the minimum average needed for Graduation? A student must successfully complete a minimum of 124 degree credits to graduate*. Some programs may require more (check with your faculty advisor). All NCAS and UC students much achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of a 2.000."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.\n------\nTo give you a sense - \"['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!', 'Gynecologic cancers are malignant (cancerous) tumors that occur when abnormal cells form and multiply in the female reproductive organs, including the cervix, the uterus, the ovaries, the vagina, or the vulva. Cervical Cancer. Uterine Cancer. Vaginal & Vulvar Cancer. Ovarian Cancer.']\" should be close to \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results:', 'types gynecological cancer']\"",
"The Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program at UMass Lowell prepares individuals for entry into the profession of physical therapy. The fully accredited program requires a baccalaureate degree for admission and a three-year full-time commitment, including part of each summer. The curriculum provides a comprehensive foundation in the art and science of physical therapy."
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"The most common pathway to becoming a cardiovascular technologist is to earn an associate s degree in the discipline. Others will earn an undergraduate degree and complete a certificate as a cardiovascular technologist.Both degrees and certificates can be completed in around two years.he most common pathway to becoming a cardiovascular technologist is to earn an associate s degree in the discipline. Others will earn an undergraduate degree and complete a certificate as a cardiovascular technologist."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The education that one must complete in order to become a Registered Dietitian differs from those required to become a Dietetic Technician, Registered. 1 A Registered Dietitian (RD) must complete a bachelorâs degree program from a school that is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) of the. ADA."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"All matter has what is called a Specific Heat (c) which is the amount of energy needed to raise its temperature by one degree Kelvin. Water for instance has a specific heat of 4181 J/(kg*K).ll matter has what is called a Specific Heat (c) which is the amount of energy needed to raise its temperature by one degree Kelvin. Water for instance has a specific heat of 4181 J/(kg*K)."
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"Otherwise your school will not count your associate degree. If your not transferring just seeking associate degree, ask a counsellor what classes are needed to be done and how many credits because it varies in every college. LTD · 8 years ago. Thumbs up."
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"Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Core Curriculum. B.S. The following are the requirements for the core curriculum of the College of Arts and Sciences and courses and examinations that fulfill these requirements for students required to complete 120 credits to obtain a Bachelor of Science degree from Seton Hall University."
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"Update 2: I was looking at the answers in yahoo, to how many credits is needed to get a bachelor degree and most of the answers ranged from 124-128 credits. That got me to thinking, this doesn't add up well to what I have in credits.I was told at the orientation that we needed at least 45 credits to be consisted a...show more I was looking at the answers in yahoo, to how many credits is needed to get a bachelor degree and most of the answers ranged from 124-128 credits.pdate 2: I was looking at the answers in yahoo, to how many credits is needed to get a bachelor degree and most of the answers ranged from 124-128 credits. That got me to thinking, this doesn't add up well to what I have in credits. I was told at the orientation that we needed at least 45 credits to be consisted a..."
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"To become a gym teacher what kind of a degree is needed? Do i have to obtain a degree in Kinesiology or phy-ed, Can i use any other degree to allow to me to become a gym teacher. What if you have a strong background in sports & what if i can obtain a degree in sports thearapy. thank you for your time. Follow."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Physical therapist education curricula in the United States culminate in a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree, but many currently practising PTs hold a Master of Physical Therapy degree, and some still hold a Bachelor's degree."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Scheduling General Education Quantification Courses. As part of General Education, all Penn State baccalaureate degree programs require a minimum of six credits in quantification skills; associate degree programs require a minimum of three credits. General Education quantification courses have the suffix GQ.."
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"what is community transit"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Community Transit. This article is about the transit agency in Snohomish County, Washington. It is not to be confused with Cobb Community Transit. Community Transit (CT) is the public transit authority of Snohomish County, Washington, United States, excluding the city of Everett, in the Seattle metropolitan area. It operates local bus, paratransit and vanpool service within Snohomish County, as well as commuter buses to Downtown Seattle and the University of Washington campus."
] | [
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"In support of a multi-modal transportation system, the Alamo Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) has developed the Walkable Community Program. The program recognizes the need to plan for everyone and all modes of travel, whether young or old, motorist or bicyclist, walker or wheelchair user or bus rider."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Carroll Transit System; Apply for a Volunteer Board or Commission; Community Investment Projects (C.I.P.)"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"What is Transit : Millions of Californians commute to work, arrive at school or head to the shopping mall each day using public transportation (public transit)"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Foothill Transit is seeking your input for a proposed system shift that includes significant fare and service changes. But they donât want to move forward without your feedback! These changes will be planned after they receive input from riders like you and how those changes will impact you and your commute."
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"Bus Space Coast Area Transit provides a safe and inexpensive mode of transportation for commuters, students, the elderly, and the transportation disadvantaged throughout Brevard County. Use of this service has doubled in recent years. 2015: SCAT ADA Compliance Report."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Community-Based Care Transitions Program (CCTP) goals are: to reduce hospital readmissions, test sustainable funding streams for care transition services, maintain or improve quality of care, and document measureable savings to the Medicare program."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The Lane Transit District (LTD) is a public agency that provides public transportation in Lane County, Oregon, United States. The transit district serves the Eugene metropolitan area, including the neighboring cities of Springfield, Junction City, Creswell, Cottage Grove, Veneta, and Lowell."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A community is more than just a group of people living in a particular area. A community is a group of people we lean on when times are tough; our friends, family, and neighbors who are there for us when we need love, support and encouragement. We recently sent a request to CaringBridge users asking them to share the one word they would use to describe their community. Some of the most common responses were: Loved; Connected"
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"The mission of Grant Transit Authority is to provide safe, high quality & cost efficient public transportation, vanpool & dial-a-ride services which will enhance the mobility and quality of life for our citizens and promote a healthy economy and positive image for our growing communities."
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"Light rail, light rail transit (LRT), or fast tram is urban public transport using rolling stock similar to a tramway, but operating at a higher capacity, and often on an exclusive right-of-way. Utah Transit Authority's TRAX is one of the fastest growing light rail systems in the United States."
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"This procedure is used for the movement of goods between the 27 EU Member States and the EFTA countries (Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland). It is based on the Convention of 20 May 1987 on a common transit procedure. The rules are effectively identical to those of Community transit."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Community health centers (CHCs) are community-based nonprofit organizations that provide comprehensive health services to people who lack access to other medical careâincluding the uninsured, residents of rural or underserved areas and some Medicaid patientsâregardless of their ability to pay."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) is a public transport agency that operates transit bus, streetcar, paratransit, and rapid transit services in Toronto, Ontario, Canada."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"(March 2017) A transit bus (also commuter bus, city bus, town bus, stage bus, public bus or simply bus) is a type of bus used on shorter-distance public transport bus services. Several configurations are used, including Low-floor buses, high-floor buses, double-decker buses, articulated buses and midibuses."
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"Using Public Transit. Aside from walking, Philadelphia's excellent transit system is the best way to get around town. The Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA), the nation's fifth-largest transit system, is the most comprehensive bus/subway/commuter-rail system in the United States."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) is a rapid transit system serving the San Francisco Bay Area. The heavy-rail public transit and subway system connects San Francisco with cities in the East Bay and suburbs in northern San Mateo County."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Either version of Trip Planner includes schedule information for Metro Transit, Community Transit, Everett Transit, Intercity Transit, King County Water Taxi, Link Light Rail, Monorail, Pierce Transit, Snoqualmie Valley Transit, Sound Transit, Sounder, South Lake Union Streetcar and Washington State Ferries."
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"Community Involvement. Giving back to the communities we serve is our responsibility because they are our communities too! We believe that the best way to help a community is to be a productive part of it. At Dean Transportation this philosophy manifests itself at every turn."
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"This fact-filled report provides an overview of the benefits that public. transportation brings to individuals, communities and our nation as a whole. Public transit's broad reach extends to all of Americaâs communities, large. and small, as it helps revitalize business districts, allows employers to tap into. larger workforces, builds economic revenues and increases property values."
"Represent text.",
"Coach Operator (Former Employee) â Everett, WA â March 6, 2013. Community Transit teaches you everything you need to do to be successful and continue growth. Keeps you up to date with new materials that the job requires. All the management is friendly, helpful and willing to work with you in all circumstances."
"Represent the input.",
"The old logoâused from 1978 to 2009âis still seen on many buses that were delivered in the red, blue and white paint scheme. BC Transit is a provincial crown agency responsible for coordinating the delivery of public transportation within British Columbia, Canada, outside of Greater Vancouver.BC Transit is headquartered in Victoria, British Columbia.C Transit carries out overall planning and delivery for all of the different municipal transit systems in British Columbia."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) is Atlanta's public transportation system comprised of a bus and rail system that connects all parts of Atlanta.A single $2.50 fare covers one-way bus or train trips, including transfers. The GWCC is MARTA accessible at two stations.he Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) is Atlanta's public transportation system comprised of a bus and rail system that connects all parts of Atlanta."
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"NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY NJ TRANSIT is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from, or denied the benefits of our services on the basis of race, color, or national origin as protected by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Community Paramedicine (CP) is a model of community-based health care in which paramedics function outside their customary emergency response and transport roles in ways that facilitate more appropriate use of emergency care resources and enhance access to primary care for medically underserved populations. CP programs typically."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Community-led total sanitation. Community-led total sanitation (CLTS) is an approach to achieve sustained behavior change of people who participate in a guided process of triggering; the triggering is intended to lead to spontaneous and long-term change of social behaviours, in particular the abandonment of open defecation."
"Represent text!",
"Link Transit will not run on Monday, September 5th. Welcome to your Link Transit! Link Transit is here to make your life easier. Whether youâre traveling for work, school, an appointment or just for fun, we invite you to ride with us. Enjoy the trip, and connect with your destination. Link Transit is your local transportation partner, serving Burlington, Gibsonville and Alamance Community College. Our number one goal â to improve the quality of life for residents and visitors by providing a safe, reliable and cost effective mobility solution."
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"Community water system (C) â A public water system which has a potential to serve at least 15 residential service connections on a year-round basis or serves at least 25 residents on a year-round basis [30 TAC §290.38(14)]. Most municipalities meet this definition, so do some boarding schools and prisons."
"Represent the next text",
"Jefferson Transit Is Your Bus Connection to Seattle, Sequim, Port Angeles & Kitsap County."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"NJ TRANSIT is New Jersey's public transportation corporation. Its mission is to provide safe, reliable, convenient and cost-effective transit service with a skilled team of employees, dedicated to our customers' needs and committed to excellence."
"The Middlesex Community College Transition Program is a two year certificate of completion program for learning disabled students. Students receive a certificate in Business and Office Support. The Transition Program is a nationally recognized program, and the only community college program in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The program has been in operation since 1985 and is located on the Bedford campus of Middlesex Community College."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Transit Specialist. Job Description. Department: Economic and Community Development. Reports to: Transit Program Manager. General Statement of Duties. The primary purpose of this position is to provide non-emergency Medicaid transportation customer service/public. assistance to Buncombe County customers in person or by phone."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"A variety of infrastructure improvements will need to. be made within the corridor in order to accommodate the type of urban, mixed-use. neighborhood development that is desired. The development of transit is a key element. that needs to be supported by significant pedestrian facilities and amenities."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Community (TV series) Community is an American television sitcom created by Dan Harmon that aired on NBC and Yahoo! Screen from September 17, 2009 to June 2, 2015. The series follows an ensemble cast of characters played by Joel McHale, Gillian Jacobs, Danny Pudi, Yvette Nicole Brown, Alison Brie, Donald Glover, Ken Jeong, Chevy Chase, and Jim Rash at a community college in the fictional town of Greendale, Colorado. It makes heavy use of meta-humor and pop culture references, often parodying film and television clich"
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Community is a term frequently used in local government that means different things to different people. Sometimes it will mean everyone who lives, works or is involved in some sort of activity in a municipality.ommunity is a term frequently used in local government that means different things to different people. Sometimes it will mean everyone who lives, works or is involved in some sort of activity in a municipality."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"ï Provide transportation through regional consolidated community bus stops. o Private transportation is required to and from the community bus stops. Most bus stops are located at local elementary schools, middle schools, or libraries."
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"GO Transit is Canadaâs first, and Ontarioâs only, interregional public transit system, linking Toronto with the surrounding regions of Halton, Peel, York, and Durham. GO Transit offers 180 train routes and 1,973 bus routes."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1 View all Community Transit jobs in Everett, WA - Everett jobs. 2 Salary Search: Public Information Specialist salaries in Everett, WA. 3 Learn more about working at Community Transit. Related forums: Community Transit - Everett, Washington."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Community Choice Aggregation allows communities to offer procurement service to electric customers within their boundaries. CCA CODE OF CONDUCT: D12-12-036."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"harford transit link harford transit is harford county s public bus service this service is provided by harford transit for the general public and approved for operation by the maryland public service commission use harford transit service to travel to aberdeen havre de grace riverside edgewood and joppatowne"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Glassdoor has 4 interview reports and interview questions from people who interviewed for jobs at Community Transit. Interview reviews are posted anonymously by Community Transit interview candidates and employees."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) is a program. that enables city and county governments to pool (or aggregate) the electricity demand of their. communities for the purpose of supplying electricity. A CCA buys and/or develops power on. behalf of the residents, business, and government electricity users in its jurisdiction. The."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"CommunityChoiceAggregation)(CCA)!gives!cities!andcounties!the!authority!to. aggregate!every!customer!loadintheir!territory,!andsource!generationonbehalf!of! those!customers.!CCAis!authorizedin!Massachusetts,!Ohio,!California,!Rhode!Island,! New!Jersey,!Illinois,!and!New!York,with1300municipalitiesunderservicein2016."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"(June 2010) Long Beach Transit is a municipal transit company providing fixed and flexible bus transit services in Long Beach, California, United States, in other communities in south and southeast Los Angeles County, in and northwestern Orange County. Long Beach Transit also operates the Passport shuttle, Aquabus, and Aqualink."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Definition of transit for Students. 1 : the act of passing through or across the transit of a satellite's signals. 2 : the act or method of carrying things from one place to another The goods were lost in transit. 3 : local transportation of people in public vehicles."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Electric services. Learn what Community Choice Aggregation is. Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) is a program that allows cities and counties to buy and/or generate electricity for residents and businesses within their areas. PG&E continues to partner with the CCA to deliver the electricity through its transmission and distribution system."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Metro Transit is one of the country's largest transit systems, providing roughly 95 percent of the 73 million bus trips taken annually in the Twin Cities. Each weekday customers board Metro Transit buses an average of 231,000 times."
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"Mass transit in the city and outer-lying areas is operated by the Chattanooga Area Regional Transportation Authority (CARTA). There are 17 bus routes--find out more about the destinations and schedules here. Fares are $1.50 a ride for adults, and $0.75 for students and seniors."
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"Community Policing is a collaborative effort between a police department and community that identifies problems of crime and disorder and involves all elements of the community in the search for solutions to these problems."
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"I had a 90 day contract in Purchasing as a Project Coordinator. The people are always upbeat and courteous and a pleasure to work with. I was impressed with the care they show their employees and the recognition for a job well done. If you're in to public purchasing I would recommend Community Transit."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Glassdoor has 1 interview reports and interview questions from people who interviewed for Coach Operator jobs at Community Transit. Interview reviews are posted anonymously by Community Transit interview candidates and employees."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Public transit's broad reach extends to all of Americaâs communities, large and small, as it helps revitalize business districts, allows employers to tap into larger workforces, builds economic revenues and increases property values. On the national level, public transportation supports our nationâs goals and"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The Gilman Transit Center is a resource for the UC San Diego community, serving an enhanced network of Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) and North County Transit District (NCTD) buses."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"I applied through other source. I interviewed at Community Transit (Everett, WA) in August 2011. Interview. Had to pass a video test 1st and then A in person interview On various situations concerning how to deal with unruly passengers or situations.And if you're willing to work at various hours 7 days a week."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"The Confederation Lineâs Community Commitment. For the City of Ottawa, the Government of Ontario, the Government of Canada and Rideau Transit Group (RTG), a key measure of success when implementing the Confederation. Line project is our ability to keep stakeholders and the public engaged and informed."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Community Transportation. The Division of Community Transportation was created to provide a safe, trouble-free, scheduled transportation system for persons with disabilities, seniors, and frail residents of Bergen County. Service is provided in a professional, timely, courteous, and caring manner in all types of weather."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"About Community Health Choice. Community Health Choice, Inc. (Community) is a non-profit, licensed Health Maintenance Organization. (HMO) providing services to Texas residents. This manual is intended to support Providers and contracted entities."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Snohomish County has low cost public transportation through Community Transit, Everett Transit and service to the greater Seattle area through Metro Transit, Sound Transit and private lines to SeaTac."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"New York City Transit is the largest mass transit provider in North America, moving more than 7.5 million customers a day on buses, subways, paratransit and Staten Island Railway in New York City. Bianco is the seventh person to serve as president since the title was created in 1980."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Nowhere is that more evident than in our Community Transit program. A true âgrass rootsâ program, the SMART Community Partnership Program was established in 1995, and weâve been bringing transit to communities throughout Wayne, Oakland and Macomb counties ever since."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Transit â publicly owned fleets of buses, trains, ferries, facilities and rights of way, with fixed route local and express service â is the foundation for much of shared-use mobility."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"COMMUNITY BANK AND TRUST. Routing Number is a nine-digit numeric code printed on the bottom of checks that is used to facilitate the electronic routing of funds (ACH transfer) from one bank account to another. Itâs also referred to as RTN, Routing Transit Number or Bank Routing Number."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"The sustainable, transit-oriented community includes a broad range of homes plus places to shop, dine, jog, bike and play."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Community Choice Aggregation in Torrance, CA | 5. Definitions. CCA â Community Choice Aggregation (also known as Municipal Aggregation) allows local governments. and some special districts to pool (or aggregate) their electricity load in order to purchase and/or develop."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Positive Experience. Average Interview. Application. I applied through other source. The process took 3+ months. I interviewed at Community Transit (Everett, WA). Interview. Lengthy selection process but you are kept informed of your progress by email."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Community policing is a collaborative effort between the police and the community that identifies problems of crime and disorder and involves all elements of the community in the search for solutions to these problems.It is founded on close, mutually beneficial ties between police and community members.ommunity policing is a collaborative effort between the police and the community that identifies problems of crime and disorder and involves all elements of the community in the search for solutions to these problems. It is founded on close, mutually beneficial ties between police and community members."
] |
"represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results",
"cost of solar vs coal"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"According to a study by the investment banking firm Lazard, the cost of utility-scale solar energy is as low as 5.6 cents a kilowatt-hour, and wind is as low as 1.4 cents. In comparison, natural gas comes at 6.1 cents a kilowatt-hour on the low end and coal at 6.6 cents. Without subsidies, the firmâs analysis shows, solar costs about 7.2 cents a kilowatt-hour at the low end, with wind at 3.7 cents."
] | [
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nFor instance, <<['represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"The Fire Stick is Amazon's answer to Google's device and what an answer it is. The Fire TV Stick is petite and powerful. It fits flush with most TV's HDMI ports and, unlike its main competitor Chromecast, comes with a fairly decent remote. In terms of content, you'll find just about everything here.\"]>> to \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'is fire stick worth it?']\"",
"Since coal, oil, and gas can be measured on a cost per KWH, we should measure solar costs on a KWH basis. Some of the considerations for a solar energy system include the 20-to-30 year lifespan of the system and the hours of available sunlight."
"Under this measure coal cost less than$0.01 per KWH. In comparison, a barrel of oil at $70/barrel produces 1,700 KWH at a cost approximately $0.05 per KWH. Letâs provide some measures to understand energy costs."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nE.g.:\n['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"Most children under the age of 1 take two naps a day â\\x80\\x94 usually one in the morning and another in the afternoon. By 18 months, most have given up the morning nap but still need an afternoon snooze to make it through dinner without a meltdown. Even when you've kissed the morning nap goodbye, your toddler's likely to continue needing her afternoon nap for quite some time. At age 4, more than 50 percent of children are still taking naps. And even though the majority of children (about 70 percent) stop napping at 5 years, 3 in 10 still need a nap at this age. That said, every child is different. Much depends on how many hours your toddler sleeps at night. Toddlers need approximately 12 to 14 hours of sleep in each 24-hour period. So if, for example, your child goes to bed at 8 p.m. and doesn't get up until 8 a.m., she may get her full quota of rest all at once, giving her no reason to need a nap. But if she doesn't get 12 hours at night, then ideally she should get some zzz's during the day.\"] == ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'when should kids nap until']",
"Capacity costs. According to the California regulatory agency study, the capital cost of a new integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) coal plant without carbon capture and storage (CCS) is $3,087 per kilowatt (kW), and the cost of a new IGCC coal plants with 90% CCS is $5,127 per kW, both in 2008 dollars.ssumes coal price of $2.50 per MMBtu and natural gas price of $8.00 per MMBtu. 12% cost, 20-year economic life, 40% tax rate, 5-20 year tax life, coal at $2.50 per million Btu, and natural gas at $8.00 per million Bt."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n------\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"1 The manual's fourth edition recognizes the disorder as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, with three subgroups. ·. 2 1996. 3 The second drug to treat ADHD symptoms, Adderall (dextroamphetamine and amphetamine) is approved by the FDA.\"]\" Match: \"['Represent this text', 'when was the name attention deficit disorder first used/']\"",
"The report comes on the heels of news that unsubsidized solar is now cheaper than fossil fuels in many countries for large-scale electricity generation. Solar prices will continue dropping, and within a decade or two solar energy will be half the cost of coal or natural gas."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"According to Lazard, utility-scale solar has an LCOE range of $72 to $86 per megawatt-hour (MWh), rooftop solarâs (residential, commercial, and industrial) is $126 to $265/MWh, windâs is $37 to $81/MWh, and natural gasâs is $61 to $87/MWh. Related: How Global Fossil Fuel Dependence Hasn`t Changed In 20 Years."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers. E.g. ['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\\nExamples:\\nProvided: \"LTE Logical Channels. LTE logical channels structure and mapping between logical channels and transport channels. Logical channels reside between RLC sublayer and MAC sublayer which are layer 2 protocols in LTE protocol stack. Logical channels tells what kind of information is transferred.\" Match: \"what is logical channel in lte\"', 'Next Supermoon December 2017. The next Supermoon will be on December 3, 2017. The Supermoon on November 14, 2016, was the closest since January 26, 1948. The next time a Full Moon will come even closer to Earth is on November 25, 2034 (dates based on UTC time).'] == ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'when will we have a full moon?']",
"The NDRC will also freeze such contract coal prices for 2011 at 570 renminbi ($85.50) per metric ton. The price of such coal in the market is currently closer to 800 renminbi ($120) per metric ton."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nTo give you a sense - \"['', 'Sparta is a city in Randolph County, Illinois, United States. The population was 4,486 at the 2000 census. The city was the principal filming location for the 1967 film In the Heat of the Night. Sparta is located at 38°8â\\x80²N 89°42â\\x80²W / 38.133°N 89.7°W / 38.133; -89.7 (38.1282, -89.7061).']\" should be close to \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:', 'what county is sparta il']\"",
"Solar vs Coal: Australiaâs Changing Energy Profile. Almost 80% of Australiaâs energy is presently sourced from burning coal. This wonât be the case forever, and although the carbon tax repeal alleviates some of the coal industryâs concerns, even tougher hurdles lie ahead. Reduced electricity consumption across the country has transformed our current energy profile, and solar power is emerging as a potent and very disruptive force."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Average solar energy system costs = $8.95 per watt. In order to compare the solar energy costs to conventional hydrocarbon fuels, we must covert the $8.95 per into KWH. Letâs make two calculations to measure the total electric energy output over the lifespan of the solar energy system.verage solar energy system costs = $8.95 per watt. In order to compare the solar energy costs to conventional hydrocarbon fuels, we must covert the $8.95 per into KWH. Letâs make two calculations to measure the total electric energy output over the lifespan of the solar energy system."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"How much electricity does a solar panel produce? What the Heck is the Difference Between a Kilowatt and a Kilowatt-hour (kW vs. kWh) What if solar got the same amount of subsidies as coal or oil? Why Solar Panel Installation is Booming in the UK"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The cost of electricity from coal is expected to double by 2030 to US$40â55 (per mega-watt hour, MWh). The additional cost of using carbon capture and storage for coal may raise the price to US$60â90 per MWh (IEA 2005, 2006 / IPCC 2005)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The chart at the left shows the average cost of electricity for 2014 by consumer group per the EIA (the US Energy Information Administration). For 2014 the average residential cost was 12.50 cents per kilo-watt hour up 3.1% from 2013. Commercial was 10.75 cents and industrial 7.01 cents.t $3.00 per watt, it is cheaper about year 80. It is expected that PV solar costs will reach conventional coal parity by 2017. As a result, no new coal plants are expected to be initiated, although some current coal plants will likely be upgraded."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Variable costs. A solar power plant is one of the cheapest to operate because there are no fuel costs involved. A solar PV (photovoltaic) power plant requires fixed expenses of $11.40 per megawatt hour, or just 1.14 cents per unit. Whatâs more, it doesnât require any variable expenses."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Solar Energy vs Coal: A Comprehensive Comparison How does solar energy stack up vs coal for electricity generation? In 2015, the United States used about 3,724,500 million kWh of electricity."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nFor instance, <<['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:', 'A poncho (Spanish pronunciation:; punchu in Quechua; Mapudungun pontro, blanket, woolen fabric) is an outer garment designed to keep the body warm. A rain poncho is made from a watertight material designed to keep the body dry from the rain. Ponchos have been used by the Native American peoples of the Andes since pre-Hispanic time, from places now under the territory of Bolivia, Peru, and are now considered typical South American garments.']>> to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what does poncho mean']\"",
"Solar vs Coal: Australiaâs Changing Energy Profile. July 29, 2014//by. Almost 80% of Australiaâs energy is presently sourced from burning coal. This wonât be the case forever, and although the carbon tax repeal alleviates some of the coal industryâs concerns, even tougher hurdles lie ahead."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Because despite all our good wishes to have renewable energy replace fossil fuels whenever it can, wind, geothermal and solar energy are still not competitive with oil, coal and gas -- and particularly not as oil hovers below $40 a barrel and natural gas near $2/mcf."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Under this measure coal cost less than$0.01 per KWH. In comparison, a barrel of oil at $70/barrel produces 1,700 KWH at a cost approximately $0.05 per KWH. Letâs provide some measures to understand energy costs.nder this measure coal cost less than$0.01 per KWH. In comparison, a barrel of oil at $70/barrel produces 1,700 KWH at a cost approximately $0.05 per KWH. Letâs provide some measures to understand energy costs."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Related. 1 Roofing Materials and Installation Costs, Plus Pros and Cons: Asphalt Shingles, Metal, Slate, Tiles. 2 Asphalt Shingles Prices at Loweâs and Home Depot: GAF, Owens Corning, Onduvilla 3D Shingles. 3 BIPV Solar Shingles vs. PV Solar Panels Vs. New Tesla Solar Roof, Plus Solar Energy Cost Estimates."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1 Conventional renewable-energy alternatives imply a carbon cost ranging from $90/ton for off-shore wind to $310/ton for solar photovoltaic power. 2 Surprisingly, natural gas combined cycle plants imply a carbon cost of $185 per ton.he options are color coded into the three broad categories. Delivered prices are compared to the 2008 average U.S. retail price of electricity ($98 per megawatt-hour or 9.8 cents per kilowatt-hour) and to the price of delivered electricity from existing coal-fired power plants."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"The claim that coal-fired power energy costs $79 a kilowatt-hour and wind power costs $1502 a kilowatt-hour pops up a few times on websites of groups opposing the renewable energy target, climate sceptics, and even in Hansard."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Average solar energy system costs = $8.95 per watt. In order to compare the solar energy costs to conventional hydrocarbon fuels, we must covert the $8.95 per into KWH. Letâs make two calculations to measure the total electric energy output over the lifespan of the solar energy system."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"But nuclear was right up at the top with biomass at $3,900 to $4,400. The total plant cost per kW of coal is $2,000 to $2,300. Comparing biomass with other renewables looks much more promising.It is a somewhat comparative view,â Hutchinson says of the report. In 2015, the total cost for a bubbling fluidized bed boiler biomass plant is estimated to be between $3,500 and $4,400 per kilowatt (kW), according to the recent report."
] |
"represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"what is a conure"
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Conures are active and playful birds, who need a large cage to clamber around in. A large cockatiel cage will do for the small Conures, the others will need a good-sized parrot cage. Be careful where you place those perches; if those long Conure tails rub against the bars the tail feathers will become very ragged."
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Conch (/ËkÉnk, ËkÉÅtÊ/) is a common name that is applied to a number of different medium to large-sized shells. The term generally applies to large snails whose shell has a high spire and a noticeable siphonal canal (in other words, the shell comes to a noticeable point at both ends)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Conure Info ... Index of Conure Species ... Photos of the Different Conure Species for Identification ... Conures as Pets ... Common Health Problems of Conure ... Conure Nutrition / Foods. The Blue-crowned Conure (Aratinga acuticaudata) is endemic to South America, where it has a large range."
"Represent the following document",
"Vegetables and fruits should be part of a conure's daily diet. This includes apples, grapes, many garden vegetables such as spinach, watercress, field lettuce, poppy, chickweed, dandelions, carrots, corn on the cob, peas, endives and sweet potatoes. Baby Food: Human baby food with fruits and vegetables (i.e."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Fresh vegetables are an important part of your Conure's diet. Different. vegetables provide different nutrients and a healthy mix of veggies ensures a. good diet. Introduce dark yellow and leafy green vegetables like celery and. lettuce that are high in yarn and water but are not very nourishing."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The golden conure (Guaruba guarouba), also known as the Queen of Bavaria, is an endangered parrot native to Brazil. Habitat loss and the pet trade have led to this speciesâ decline; according to Bird Life, there is an estimated 600 to 1,700 mature individuals in the wild, with a total of 1,000 to 2,499 parrots overall.he orange-bellied parrot was listed as critically endangered in 2005. It is the only Neophema parrot species to be listed as such under Australia's Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act. The kakapo (Strigops habroptila) is critically endangered."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"conâ¢tracâ¢tion. 1. an act or instance of contracting. 2. the quality or state of being contracted. 3. a shortened form of a word or group of words, with the omitted letters often replaced in written English by an apostrophe, as isn't for is not, they're for they are, e'er for ever."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Confit (pronounced cone-FEE) is traditionally a technique for preserving poultry and meats such as duck, goose or pork that involves cooking the meat in its own fat and then storing it in this fat in a covered container. Confit is an effective method for preserving meats because the fat seals off the oxygen that bacteria need to reproduce. The word confit can be used to refer to the technique, or to the meat which has been thus preserved."
"represent the natural language",
"Nanday Conure. Popular Searches : nanday conures. A nanday conure is one of the most colorful birds in the parrot family. It has a greenish plumage overall, with the lower parts of its body displaying a more yellowish green color. The nanday conure has a black head, and the upper part of the breast and throat are rich blue."
"Represent this:",
"Conures love roomy cages! A cage best suited for a conure must be large enough that the tail does not touch the bottom, and the bird has enough room for unrestricted movements. For a small size conure, a minimum of 24x16x20 (60 x 40 x 50 cm), and for the larger species, a minimum of 44x26x40 (120 x 65 x 100 cm)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Blue Crown Conure. The Blue Crown Conure has been regarded as one of the most intelligent Conures. A Blue Crown Conure can be taught to perform several tricks, such as sticking out their tongue, waving their foot and kissing."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Conure Care has bird information for all types of conures; bird care covers many features of conures including conure cages and bird food, conure health and bird behavior, breeding conures, the history of conures and conures for sale."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Some of the more popular, and readily available types of conures kept as pet birds, include the following: Sun Conure, Jenday Conure, Nanday Conure, Blue Crowned Conure, Maroon Bellied Conure, Green Cheeked Conure, Peach Fronted Conure, Dusky Headed Conure, Red Masked Conure, and the Patagonian Conure."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Feed your conure properly. Conures require a diet of fresh seed and sprouted seeds. They can be given specially made parrot pellets. In addition, provide other food such as unsweetened breakfast cereal, cooked beans, cooked rice, cooked pasta, small wholewheat bread cubes, and mung beans.ake sure that keeping a bird as a pet fits in with your lifestyle and you're willing to put in the regular care required for a caged bird for around 40 years (the lifespan of the conure). Be aware that birds make a mess with their seeds, their water, their feathers and so forth and making noise."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"What is better, a male sun conure or a female sun conure? I am getting a sun conure and I was wondering anyone [who actually knows a lot about parrots] has some information about whether a male sun conure is better than a female. If you do not know what a conure even is don't answer plz."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"ROSE-FRONTED CONURE (Pyrrhura roseifrons) At 22 cm in length, this is one of the smallest Conures and is native to Peru, Western Brazil and Northern Bolivia. A relative newcomer to aviculture, the first Rose-fronted Conures to be bred in Europe were reared in Walsrode Bird Park in Germany as recently as 1996.onures are a superb pet for families as they love to be part of busy everyday activity. In an aviary setting, they are fascinating-lively, colourful and as interested in their keepers as we are in them."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Difference: Size. Itâs not a big difference, but a green-cheeked conure is about 10 inches long, similar to a cockatiel in size. The sun conure is roughly 2 inches longer at 12 inches. The sun conure is stouter, with a bigger beak."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"What is better, a male sun conure or a female sun conure? I am getting a sun conure and I was wondering anyone [who actually knows a lot about parrots] has some information about whether a male sun conure is better than a female. If you do not know what a conure even is don't answer plz."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nFor example, '['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'A suburb is a residential area or a mixed use area, either existing as part of a city or urban area or as a separate residential community within commuting distance of a city.hese suburban residences are built on larger lots of land than in the central city. For example, the lot size for a residence in Chicago is usually 125 feet (38 m) deep, while the width can vary from 14 feet (4.3 m) wide for a row house to 45 feet (14 m) wide for a large standâ\\x80\\x93alone house.']' should be close to '['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is suburban area']'",
"A shell of the Florida crown conch Melongena corona inhabited by a hermit crab. Conch (/ËkÉÅk/ or sometimes /ËkÉntÊ/) is a common name that is applied to a number of different medium to large-sized sea snails or their shells. The term generally applies to large sea snails whose shell has a high spire and a noticeable siphonal canal (in other words, the shell comes to a point at both ends)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A contusion, commonly known as a bruise, is a type of hematoma of tissue in which capillaries and sometimes venules are damaged by trauma, allowing blood to seep, hemorrhage, or extravasate into the surrounding interstitial tissues."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The Peruvian Black-capped Conure is a lot more quiet and laid-back than most Conures. Occasionally, they have been described as timid and sweet. They love human companionship, playtime and enjoy bathing. They can be taught a few words or phrases and enjoy singing."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"For other uses, see Calculus (medicine), Enterolith, and Nodule (geology). A concretion is a hard, compact mass of matter formed by the precipitation of mineral cement within the spaces between particles, and is found in sedimentary rock or soil. Concretions are often ovoid or spherical in shape, although irregular shapes also occur."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"contour - a feature (or the order or arrangement of features) of anything having a complex structure; the contours of the melody; it defines a major contour of this administration characteristic, feature - a prominent attribute or aspect of something; the map showed roads and other features; generosity is one of his best characteristics"
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"See also: Confit. A confiture is any fruit jam, marmalade, paste, sweetmeat, or fruit stewed in thick syrup. Confit, the root of the word, comes from the French word confire which means literally preserved; a confit being any type of food that is cooked slowly over a long period of time as a method of preservation. See also."
"Although a Sun Conure is the noisiest conure out of all types of conures, I'd say a male would be the best choice. They are smarter, thus they'd have a better temper. I have a green cheek and my friend has a sun. I say suns are a lot more beautiful, but a lot more expensive and noisy."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The Blue Crown Conure has been regarded as one of the most intelligent Conures. A Blue Crown Conure can be taught to perform several tricks, such as sticking out their tongue, waving their foot and kissing. Know more about Blue Crown Conures. A Nanday Conure is one of the most colorful birds in the parrot family."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A condyle (/ËkÉndÉl/ or /ËkÉndaɪl/ ; is the round prominence at the end of a bone, most often part of a joint-an articulation with another bone. The epicondyle refers to a projection near a condyle, particularly the medial epicondyle of the humerus.These terms derive from Greek. condyle (/ËkÉndÉl/ or /ËkÉndaɪl/ ; is the round prominence at the end of a bone, most often part of a joint-an articulation with another bone. The epicondyle refers to a projection near a condyle, particularly the medial epicondyle of the humerus."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Conch (/ËkÉntÊ/ or sometimes /ËkÉÅk/) is a common name that is applied to a number of different medium to large-sized sea snails or their shells. The term generally applies to large snails whose shell has a high spire and a noticeable siphonal canal (in other words, the shell comes to a noticeable point at both ends)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Sun Conures are magnificent pet birds. Article IV - Introduction To Sun Conures. by Theresa Jordan. Considered by many to be the most beautiful of the commonly available conures, the sun conure has enjoyed an elevated popularity status in the world of companion birds for many years --- and with good reason."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"A concretion is a hard, compact mass of matter formed by the precipitation of mineral cement within the spaces between particles, and is found in sedimentary rock or soil.Concretions are often ovoid or spherical in shape, although irregular shapes also occur.he word 'concretion' is derived from the Latin con meaning 'together' and crescere meaning 'to grow'. Concretions form within layers of sedimentary strata that have already been deposited. They usually form early in the burial history of the sediment, before the rest of the sediment is hardened into rock."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"conâ¢doâ¢minâ¢iâ¢um. (ËkÉn dÉËmɪn i Ém) n. 1. an apartment house, office building, or other multiple-unit complex, the units of which are individually owned, with each owner receiving a deed to the unit purchased, including the right to sell or mortgage that unit, and sharing in joint ownership of any common grounds, passageways, etc. 2. a unit in such a building."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Feeding your Conures / Conure-size Birds for Good Health. A conure's diet should consist of a small parrot mix (some are listed below), supplemented with various fruits, green foods, millet spray, and occasionally some mealworms is generally regarded as suitable. I would start with a good quality (if possible organic) dry food / seed mix."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"There are 8 genera of Conures: Aratinga - 19 species, including the popular Sun and Mitred Conures. Pyrrhura - 18 species, including the popular Maroon-bellied, Green-cheeked, and Black-capped Conures. Nandayus - 1 species, the Nanday Conure. Leptosittaca - 1 species, the Golden-plumed Conure. Ognorhynchus - 1 species, the Yellow-eared Conure."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"One of the smaller Conure species, the Green Cheek Conure normally measures around 10 inches in length from the beak to the tip of the tailfeathers. 30+ years. Packing a lot of personality into a pint-sized parrot, Green Cheek Conures have exploded in popularity as pets in recent years."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A contusion is an injury to the muscle, bone, or soft tissue of the body. There are three main types of contusion, all of which..."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Sun conures mainly feeds on fruits, flowers, berries, blossoms, seeds, nuts and insects. Conures are commonly bred and kept in aviculture and may live up to 30 years. This species is currently threatened by loss of habitat and trapping for plumage or the pet trade. Sun conures are now listed as endangered by the IUCN."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1. a large convex molding, semicircular in profile, commonly forming the lowest member of the base of a column, directly above the plinth. 2. a. a doughnut-shaped surface generated by the revolution of a conic, esp. a circle, about an exterior line lying in its plane. b. the solid enclosed by such a surface. 3. Bot. the receptacle of a flower. 4. Anat. a rounded ridge; a protuberant part."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"There are many conure species, and a wide variety can be found in the pet industry. Many conures belong in the genus Aratinga. In this genus, there is some disagreement among ornithologists as to the number of species and subspecies, it ranges between 15 to 21 species and 55 to 57 subspecies."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Conch (instrument) For other uses, see Conch (disambiguation). Conch, or conque, also known as a seashell horn or shell trumpet, is a musical instrument (often a signal instrument), a wind instrument that is made from a seashell (conch), the shell of several different kinds of very large sea snails. A, gift from the sea that provides a natural conical bore is conch."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Places to find a conure include bird shows, bird specialty stores, classified ads, and online sites. Be certain of the reputation of the seller, be certain of the bird's health and robustness, and be certain of the bird's age.ake sure that keeping a bird as a pet fits in with your lifestyle and you're willing to put in the regular care required for a caged bird for around 40 years (the lifespan of the conure). Be aware that birds make a mess with their seeds, their water, their feathers and so forth and making noise."
"Represent the next text",
"1 A bathroom is a good area for working with your conure to train it. 2 Be sure to cover the mirrors, have the windows closed and covered and the door closed. 3 Always reward good behavior and each success with loving praise and a treat. 4 Some treats are a cracker, fruit such as a piece of grape, or a nut."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Note should be taken of changes in the amount of food that your conure eats. Fluctuations are potentially a sign that your conure is not in good health or is ill. If you do notice a dip in the food your conure is eating you should take the bird to an avian vet.ost plants that a wild bird eats and conure will eat too. It is essential that conures get a good quantity of fruit and vegetables in their diet. They not only enjoy them but provide many of the vitamins that they need to lead a healthy life."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.\n\n\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this text', 'How To Play. Mega Millions drawings are held every Tuesday and Friday at approximately 11 p.m. E.S.T. For each wager, select five numbers from a pool of 1 to 75 and one Mega Ball number from a second pool of numbers from 1 to 15. Each wager costs $1.00.']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what day is mega millions drawing']\"",
"Conures can be extremely loud as can any bird. It's their means of communication. I'd try to find a reliable bird breeder or pet store that hand raises their babies and will allow interaction with the babies so you can see just how loud they are.ou could hear the conure screaming through the cinder block walls of the kennel, in the furthest parking space, OVER 12 BARKING DOGS!! LOUD! Try and see if you can find someone with one so you can hang out with it. Be there around sun-up and sun-down, that's when they're the loudest."
"Represent the input",
"A parure is a set of various items of matching jewelry, which rose to popularity in 17th-century Europe. Beyond various items of matching jewelry, a parure is an entire wardrobe, or suite, of matching jewelry. Reserved for royalty and the wealthier classes, no woman was considered socially acceptable without a complete wardrobe of jewelry that defined her status, strength and political power."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Nanday Conure (Nandayus nenday) Description: The Nanday Conure is a little dull when compared to the coloring of the Sun Conure and Jenday Conure, however he has a big personality to make up for this. The Nanday Conure has a black head, green body and wings with blue primary flight and tail feathers. It has a hint of bright red on the legs."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"One of the smaller Conure species, the Green Cheek Conure normally measures around 10 inches in length from the beak to the tip of the tailfeathers. Average Lifespan: 30+ years. Temperament: Packing a lot of personality into a pint-sized parrot, Green Cheek Conures have exploded in popularity as pets in recent years."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Conch (/kÉÅk, kÉntÊ/) is a common name that is applied to a number of different medium to large-sized shells. The term generally applies to large snails whose shell has a high spire and a noticeable siphonal canal (in other words, the shell comes to a noticeable point at both ends)."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.', 'Create a page that links to another website. 1 From the Blogger dashboard, click the blog you want to update. 2 In the left menu, click Layout. 3 In the Pages section, click Edit 4 . In the window that appears, click Add external link. Add the page title and 1 URL. Click Save Link.']\" == \"['', 'blogger how to create a links page']\"",
"The types of Conures, along with some conure species that are commonly available include: Aratinga Conures: Many conures belong in the genus Aratinga. In this genus, there is some disagreement among ornithologists as to the number of species and subspecies, it ranges between 15 to 21 species and 55 to 57 subspecies."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Give your conure grains and legumes to eat. In addition to nuts, grains and legumes are mainstays of a conure diet. There are many types of healthy grains you can feed your conure, such as cooked brown rice or barley, as well as cereal, pasta, and crackers."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"GENUS THECTOCERCUS-This is a genus with a single species (with 3 similar subspecies) - Usually all referred to as Blue-crowned Conures in aviculture (but Blue-crowned Parakeets by ornithologists and bird-watchers), the sub-species in this group are often wrongly identified.onures are a superb pet for families as they love to be part of busy everyday activity. In an aviary setting, they are fascinating-lively, colourful and as interested in their keepers as we are in them."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"The definition of contour is the outline of something, such as of a social or geographic boundary. Behaviors that are within the bounds of what is socially acceptable are examples of behaviors that fit within the contours of society. The outline of the mountains seen in the distance is an example of the contour of the mountains."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Sun Conure Bird Rooms. The Sun Conure is one of the most popular pet birds around. Their energy, intelligence, and beauty make them a great addition to the family. The following 3 supplies are essential for making your home a healthy and happy environment for them. Continue reading >>."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!', 'A Second World War British soldier selects a jacket for his demob suit. These suits are one of the possible origins of the phrase. The full monty (or the full Monty) is a British slang phrase of uncertain origin. It is generally used to mean everything which is necessary, appropriate or possible; â\\x80\\x98the worksâ\\x80\\x99.']>> to \"['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results!', 'what is the full monty mean']\"",
"A concretion is a hard, compact mass of matter formed by the precipitation of mineral cement within the spaces between particles, and is found in sedimentary rock or soil.Concretions are often ovoid or spherical in shape, although irregular shapes also occur.he word 'concretion' is derived from the Latin con meaning 'together' and crescere meaning 'to grow'."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Financial. TO ENURE. To take, or have effect or serve to the use, benefit, or advantage of a person. The word is often written inure. A release to the tenant for life, enures to him in reversion; that is, it has the same effect for him as for the tenant for life. A discharge of the principal enures to the benefit of the surety."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"It is not advisible to put the conure in with the parakeets. The conure may kill them, as conures are territorial, and usually do not get along well with smaller birds. Don K Says: I have a 2 year old sun conure and a 7 months old Yellow Peril Cockatiel and I had hopped they could live in the same cage but not a chance. The counure will chace the poor little tiel and bite him."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 Conures love roomy cages! 2 A cage best suited for a conure must be large enough that the tail does not touch the bottom, and the bird has enough room for unrestricted movements. 3 For a small size conure, a minimum of 24x16x20 (60 x 40 x 50 cm), and for the larger species, a minimum of 44x26x40 (120 x 65 x 100 cm)."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n------\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.', '1 For patients without health insurance, diabetes medication costs $200 to $500 or more a month for a multi-drug regimen that could include other classes of oral medications, including newer medications such as the brand name Januvia, or injectable medications such as the brand name Byetta.']>> to <<['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'diabetes medication price']>>",
"Confit (pronounced cone-FEE) is a technique for preserving meats such as duck, goose or pork that involves cooking the meat in its own fat, and then storing the meat in this fat in a covered container."
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.",
"what county is hurlock md in"
] | [
"Represent text",
"Hurlock is a town in Dorchester County, Maryland, United States. The population was 1,874 at the 2000 census. It is home to WAAI radio. Joyce Spratt is the current mayor, and the town has five council membersâMichael E. Henry (District 1), Michael D. Nordstrom (District 2), Parker J. Durham (District 3), Charles T. Cephas (District 4) and Christopher D. Adams (District 5)."
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"You can try contacting the Grafton County local government directly with any issues the Assessor's Office can't solve. In many counties, certain property records such as deeds are kept in the county courthouse or county archives instead of at the tax assessors' office. The county seat for Grafton County is located in the County Courthouse in North Haverhill, which is located at 3855 Dartmouth College Hwy."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Hurlock, MD current local weather conditions, 5-Day forecast, and live traffic updates. Hurlock report includes detailed weather summary."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"From Business: Advanced Radiology Merritt Boulevard offers a range of medical and health care services for the residents of Dundalk County in Maryland. The center provides vario⦠Add to mybook Remove from mybook"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Hurlock, MD 5 Day weather forecast includes high and low temperatures, humidity, precipitation, sky conditions, sunrise, sunset, and wind speed and direction - for both day and night with a text summary. Hurlock, MD five day forecast presented in Fahrenheit and Celsius."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Linthicum is a census-designated place (CDP) and an unincorporated community in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, United States. The population was 7,539 at the 2000 census. It is the approximate location of Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport (BWI)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Jr. (D) DISTRICT 45 (Baltimore City) Talmadge Branch (D) Cheryl D. Glenn (D) Cory V. McCray (D) DISTRICT 46 (Baltimore City) Luke Clippinger (D) Peter A. Hammen (D) Brooke E. Lierman (D) DISTRICT 47A (Prince George's County) Diana M. Fennell (D) Jimmy Tarlau (D) DISTRICT 47B (Prince George's County) Vacancy (D)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Turlock Map â Satellite Images of Turlock. detailed map of Turlock and near places. Welcome to the Turlock google satellite map! This place is situated in Stanislaus County, California, United States, its geographical coordinates are 37° 29' 41 North, 120° 50' 44 West and its original name (with diacritics) is Turlock."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it!\n\n\nFor example, ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:', \"With respect to your liver, Aspirin does not generally have negative effects on the liver. There are other medications, such as Tylenol (acetaminophen) which can cause damage to your liver if you take more than the recommended amount. Taking 3000mg or more of Tylenol (acetaminophen) can cause liver damage. With respect to Aspirin and the liver. There is a warning that children shouldn't take aspirin as it may cause Reye's syndrome which can cause fatty liver. This is not a concern in the adult population.\"] should be similar to ['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how does tylenol affect the liver']",
"He was indeed a scion of one of the very oldest families in the kingdom, though his branch was a cadet one which had separated from the northern Musgraves some time in the sixteenth century, and had established itself in western Sussex, where the Manor House of Hurlstone is perhaps the oldest inhabited building in the county."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"The History of Worcester County, MD. Worcester County is the easternmost county within the state of Maryland. Our county seat is the town of Snow Hill. The county was named for Mary Arundel, the wife of Sir John Somerset, a son of Henry Somerset, 1st Marquess of Worcester. She was the sister of Anne Arundel (for whom Anne Arundel County was named), wife of Cecil Calvert, the first Proprietor and Proprietary Governor of the Province of Maryland. Worcester County is included in the Salisbury, MD-DE Metropolitan Statistical Area. The county includes the entire length of the state's ocean coast and borders the Sinepuxent Bay, Assawoman Bay and Assateague Channel and Bay between the sand barrier islands of Assateague Island and Chincoteague Island."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Location of Turlock on a map. Turlock is a city found in California, The United States Of America. It is located 37.49 latitude and -120.85 longitude and it is situated at elevation 32 meters above sea level. Turlock has a population of 68,549 making it the 127th biggest city in California."
"represent the following document Given ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:', 'The transversalis fascia plane block, or TFP block, is a truncal block that targets the L1 nerve branches, namely the ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerves.The ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerves emerge from the lateral border of psoas major muscle, inferior to the 12th rib, and course over the anterior surface of the quadratus lumborum muscle ...'], a positive would be ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'which three nerves course over the surface of the quadratus lumborum muscle?']",
"Linthicum is a census-designated place (CDP) and unincorporated community in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, United States. The population was 10,324 at the 2010 census. It is located directly north of Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport (BWI)."
"VIII, sec. I). The County was named for John Eager Howard (1752-1827), Revolutionary War officer, Maryland governor, and statesman. Boundaries: Bounded north by Baltimore & Carroll counties; east by Patapsco River & Anne Arundel County; south by Prince George's County; west by Montgomery County. George Howard Building, 3430 Court House Drive, Ellicott City, Maryland, October 2014. Photo by Diane F. Evartt."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"21643, Hurlock, Maryland weather text for Sun 04 th February It looks on Sunday, 04 February the 21643, Hurlock, Maryland weather is going to be light rain. The visibility is going to be around 18 km i.e. 11 miles and an atmospheric pressure of 1023 mb."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Houston County is a county located in the U.S. state of Texas. As of the 2010 census, the population was 23,732. Its county seat is Crockett. The county is named for Sam Houston, a president of the Republic of Texas and Governor of Texas. Houston County was one of forty-six prohibition or entirely dry counties in the state of Texas, until voters in a November 2007 special election legalized the sale of alcohol in the county."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Houston County is a county located in the U.S. state of Texas. As of 2000, the population was 23,185. Its county seat is Crockett. Houston County is named for Samuel Houston, one of the most important figures in the history of Texas, president of the Republic of Texas and Governor of Texas."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"News Releases. 1 Department of Health Selects Vendor for Medical Marijuana âSeed-to-Saleâ Tracking System. 2 Department of Health Seeking Two Individuals Who May Have Been Bitten by Possible Rabid Ferret near Hustontown, Fulton County."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Prince George's County, Maryland. Prince Georgeâs County, also known as P.G. County, is a county in the U.S. state of Maryland, bordering the eastern portion of Washington, D.C. As of the 2010 U.S. Census, the population was 863,420, making it the second-most populous county in Maryland, behind only Montgomery County. Its county seat is Upper Marlboro."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Lubbock (/ËlÊbÉk/ LUB-Ék) is a city in and the county seat of Lubbock County, Texas, United States. The city is located in the northwestern part of the state, a region known historically and geographically as the Llano Estacado and ecologically is part of the southern end of the High Plains."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Turlock, California. Overview. The city of Turlock, located in Stanislaus County, is nestled in the heart of California's Central Valley. Situated about 93 miles south of the state capital of Sacramento at the intersection of California State Highways 99 and 165, Turlock affords close proximity to Interstate I-5 and State Highways 33, 132 and 140."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The county is also home to the University of Maryland, Baltimore County in the southwestern corner of the County, between Catonsville and Arbutus, as well as home to Towson University, now the second largest college/university in the state, located north of the City at the county seat."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Hunlock Creek Info. Hunlock Creek, Pennsylvania is located in Luzerne County. Zip codes in Hunlock Creek, PA include 18621."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Washington County, Maryland. For counties with a similar name, see Washington County (disambiguation). Washington County is a county located in the western part of the U.S. state of Maryland. As of the 2010 census, the population was 147,430. Its county seat is Hagerstown. Washington County was the first county in the United States to be named for the Revolutionary War general (and later President) George Washington. Washington County is one of three Maryland counties recognized by the Appalachian Regional Commission as being part of Appalachia."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Lubbock District plans, designs, builds, operates and maintains the state transportation system in the following counties: Bailey, Castro, Cochran, Crosby, Dawson, Floyd, Gaines, Garza, Hale, Hockley, Lamb, Lubbock, Lynn, Parmer, Swisher, Terry and Yoakum."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Worcester County was granted home rule in 1976 under a state code under the amendments to the fourth Maryland Constitution of 1867. The Circuit Court of Maryland and District Court of Maryland are located in Snow Hill with two district courthouses."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Houston County is a county located in the U.S. state of Texas. As of the 2010 census, the population was 23,732. Its county seat is Crockett. The county is named for Sam Houston, a president of the Republic of Texas and Governor of Texas.Houston County was one of forty-six prohibition or entirely dry counties in the state of Texas, until voters in a November 2007 special election legalized the sale of alcohol in the county.ouston County was the first new county created under the 9-year Republic of Texas on June 12, 1837. The original boundaries of Houston County also included all of present-day Anderson and Trinity Counties, and portions of present-day Henderson and Polk Counties."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Be prepared with the most accurate 10-day forecast for Hurlock, MD (21643) with highs, lows, chance of precipitation from The Weather Channel and Weather.com Be prepared with the most accurate 10-day forecast for Hurlock, MD (21643) with highs, lows, chance of precipitation from The Weather Channel and Weather.com Scan for updated forecast Connection restored!"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Topix ⺠Pennsylvania ⺠Luzerne County ⺠Hunlock Creek ⺠Hunlock Creek News Hunlock Creek News Local news for Hunlock Creek, PA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Counties in Maryland within area code 240 include: Allegany County, Anne Arundel County, Calvert County, Charles County, Frederick County, Garrett County, Howard County, Montgomery County, Prince Georges County, Saint Marys County, and Washington County.rea codes 240 and 301 serve central and western Maryland including Bethesda, College Park, Frederick, Gaithersburg, Hagerstown, Landover, Rockville, Silver Springs and Weaton-Glenmont in addition to many smaller communities northwest of Washington, D.C. Select Any Maryland City or Town Alphabetically."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Lubbock County is a county located in the U.S. state of Texas. As of the 2010 census, the population was 278,831. Its county seat is Lubbock. The county was created in 1876 and organized in 1891. It is named for Thomas Saltus Lubbock, a Confederate colonel and Texas Ranger (some sources give his first name as Thompson)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"County Data. Glasock County was created from Warren County on Dec. 19, 1857 by an act of the General Assembly (Ga. Laws 1857, p. 35). Georgiaâs 122nd county was named for Gen. Thomas Glascock (1790-1841), who fought in the War of 1812 and Seminole War and later served in the Georgia General Assembly and Congress. 1863."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nFor instance, <<['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'legionnaire - a soldier who is a member of a legion (especially the French Foreign Legion) legionary. legion - a large military unit; the French Foreign Legion. France, French Republic - a republic in western Europe; the largest country wholly in Europe.']>> to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'legionnaire definition']\"",
"Newly Renovated One and Two-Bedroom apartments in howard county, laurel, maryland. You don't have to choose between DC and Baltimore. You don't have to sacrifice convenience for serenity. You just have to set your sights on Savage Mill and move into one of our spacious, beautifully renovated, remarkably well-appointed Howard County apartments."
"Prince Georges County must do more to address middle-income flight (79 replies) Family looking to move to downtown B-more (Fells Point, Butcher Hill, Canton) (13 replies) Latest news from Henderson, MD collected exclusively by city-data.com from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations."
"Represent the following document.",
"Prince Georgeâs County, also known as P.G. County,[1][2] is a county in the U.S. state of Maryland, bordering the eastern portion of Washington, D.C. As of the 2010 U.S. Census, the population was 863,420,[5] making it the second-most populous county in Maryland, behind only Montgomery County."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['', \"The Flag of Scotland, (Scottish Gaelic: Bratach na h-Alba, Scots: Banner o Scotland), also known as St Andrew's Cross or the Saltire, is the national flag of Scotland. As the national flag, the Saltire, rather than the Royal Standard of Scotland, is the correct flag for all individuals and corporate bodies to fly. It is also, where possible, flown from Scottish Government buildings every day from 8am until sunset, with certain exceptions.\"]\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is the scottish flag']\"",
"Hunlock Creek (also known as Hunlocks Creek) is a tributary of the Susquehanna River in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, in the United States. It is approximately 7.8 miles (12.6 km) long and flows through Lehman Township and Hunlock Township. The watershed of the creek has an area of 32.5 square miles (84 km2) and is situated in northwestern Luzerne County. It has one named tributary, which is known as Roaring Brook, and a number of unnamed and unofficially named tributaries, such as West Branch Hunlock Creek."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Turlock, CA 57° New York, NY 37° Miami, FL 79° Los Angeles, CA 70° Browse for your location"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Schifferstadt in the City of Frederick-Copyright FamilyHart 2000. Frederick County was formed in 1748 from parts of Prince George's County and Baltimore County. It was named in honor of Frederick Calvert, who was the current and last Lord Baltimore and proprieter of Maryland at that time. Montgomery (1776), Washington (1776) and a part of Carroll (1837) counties were formed from Frederick County. Frederick City is the county seat. Questions or comments about this site can be addressed to FamilyHart, aka Don & Jeanine Hartman or Joan Young, your Frederick County, Maryland USGenWeb Coordinators."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"It begins with a parade local school bands, volunteer fire companies, and antique cars. Vendors of arts, crafts and food line the streets in the vicinity of the town's historic train station, where the Hurlock Express offers 1-hour round-trip rides to Federalsburg, Maryland."
"Prince Georgeâs County, also known as P.G. County, is a county in the U.S. state of Maryland, bordering the eastern portion of Washington, D.C. As of the 2010 U.S. Census, the population was 863,420, making it the second-most populous county in Maryland, behind only Montgomery County. Its county seat is Upper Marlboro."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Department of Health Selects Vendor for Medical Marijuana âSeed-to-Saleâ Tracking System. Department of Health Seeking Two Individuals Who May Have Been Bitten by Possible Rabid Ferret near Hustontown, Fulton County. Physician General Partners with Agricultural Community Leaders to Highlight the Opioid Epidemicâs Impact on Rural Pennsylvanians."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Washington County is a county located in the western part of the U.S. state of Maryland. As of the 2010 census, the population was 147,430. Its county seat is Hagerstown. Washington County was the first county in the United States to be named for the Revolutionary War general (and later President) George Washington. Washington County is one of three Maryland counties recognized by the Appalachian Regional Commission as being part of Appalachia."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Worcester County /ËwÊÉrstÉr/ is the easternmost county of the U.S. state of Maryland. As of the 2010 census, the population was 51,454. Its county seat is Snow Hill."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"VIII, sec. I). The County was named for John Eager Howard (1752-1827), Revolutionary War officer, Maryland governor, and statesman. Boundaries: Bounded north by Baltimore & Carroll counties; east by Patapsco River & Anne Arundel County; south by Prince George's County; west by Montgomery County."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) The next HPC meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 20, at 9:30 a.m., Room 4085, 4th Floor Boardroom, CAB, 14741 Gov. Oden Bowie Drive, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772. ULI provides unbiased input and offers recommendation to help Prince Georgeâs County stimulate private sector investments at Largo Town Center."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Odenton is represented in the Maryland General Assembly by legislators in Districts 21, 32 and 33. District 21 is primarily in Prince George's County. District 32 also includes Severn, Linthicum, Heights, and Glen Burnie."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Lubbock County, along with Crosby County, and Lynn County, is part of the Lubbock Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). The Lubbock MSA and Levelland Micropolitan Statistical Area (µSA), encompassing only Hockley County, form the larger LubbockâLevelland Combined Statistical Area (CSA)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Access hourly, 10 day and 15 day forecasts along with up to the minute reports and videos for Hurlock, MD 21643 from AccuWeather.com Get the Hurlock weather forecast. Access hourly, 10 day and 15 day forecasts along with up to the minute reports and videos for Hurlock, MD 21643 from AccuWeather.com Get the Hurlock weather forecast."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Wicomico County (/waɪËkÉmáµ»koÊ/) is a county located in the southeastern part of the U.S. state of Maryland. As of the 2010 census, the population was 98,733. The county seat is Salisbury. The county was named for the Wicomico River, which in turn derives from Algonquian language words wicko mekee, meaning a place where houses are built, apparently referring to an Indian town on the banks. Wicomico County is included in the Salisbury, MD-DE Metropolitan Statistical Area."
"Schifferstadt in the City of Frederick - Copyright FamilyHart 2000. Frederick County was formed in 1748 from parts of Prince George's County and Baltimore County. It was named in honor of Frederick Calvert, who was the current and last Lord Baltimore and proprieter of Maryland at that time. Montgomery (1776), Washington (1776) and a part of Carroll (1837) counties were formed from Frederick County."
"represent this text\n------\nE.g.:\n['represent the doc for finding search queries about it:', 'Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) was the US President from March 4, 1913 to March 4, 1921, including World War I. His plan for the US to join the League of Nations was rebuffed by the US Senate. Woodrow Wilson. Woodrow Wilson. Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) was the US President from March 4, 1913 to March 4, 1921, including World War I. His plan for the US to join the League of Nations was rebuffed by the US Senate.Woodrow WilsonWoodrow Wilson.'] == ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'who was the president during world war i']",
"A 33-year-old Turlock man was arrested Tuesday, accused of robbing a bank in Hilmar, the Merced County Sheriffâs Office said. A 33-year-old Turlock man was arrested Tuesday, accused of robbing a bank in Hilmar, the Merced County Sheriffâs Office said. Zeb B. Grunloh was booked into the Merced County Jail on suspicion of robbery. Bail was set at $50,000, according to booking records."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Founded in 1986 by President Hurshel Myers, Myers Towing grew from our original location in Turlock, to four locations in Northern California. Our fleet of 20 towing and service vehicles assist stranded motorists in the Central Valley (Stanislaus, Merced, & San Joaquin County) and the entire East Bay Area Region."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Hurlock is located at 38°37â²53â³N 75°51â²40â³W / 38.631463°N 75.861079°W / 38.631463; -75.861079. According to the United States Census Bureau, the town has a total area of 2.7 square miles (7.0 km²), of which, 2.5 square miles (6.5 km²) of it is land and 0.2 square miles (0.5 km²) of it (7.04%) is water."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"presented a strong case for intentional interference as Driving Force appeared to make is hard for Slater to perform its contractual duties In a case of intentional interference with contractual relations the claim is: the injured business's contractual relations were wrongfully interfered with by another party The elements of the tort of intentional interference with contractual relations include: the existence of a contractual relationship between the injured business and another party the wrongdoer's knowledge of the contractual relationship between the injured business and another party intentional interference with the contractual relationship In Gieseke v.\"]\" should be close to \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'case of intentional interference with contractual relations']\"",
"Denair Community Services District. Denair Community Services District is located in Stanislaus County on County Route J-7 just northeast of the City of Turlock. The water supply is derived from 4 active groundwater wells located throughout the service area. No distribution storage is provided; hence, the underlying aquifers serve as the only storage."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Maryland was ranked by a major publication at 40th on the list of business-friendly states, said Bowman Group partner Donald Bowman. He called that a âhuge, huge challenge.â. âPart of the problem with Washington County is weâre in the state of Maryland,â said Terry Randall of H.P. Mellott."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"The Lubbock District plans, designs, builds, operates and maintains the state transportation system in the following counties: Bailey, Castro, Cochran, Crosby, Dawson, Floyd, Gaines, Garza, Hale, Hockley, Lamb, Lubbock, Lynn, Parmer, Swisher, Terry and Yoakum. Douglas W. Eichorst, P.E. , serves as district engineer."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Worcester County, Maryland. Worcester County /ËwÊÉrstÉr/ is the easternmost county of the U.S. state of Maryland. As of the 2010 census, the population was 51,454. Its county seat is Snow Hill. The county was named for Mary Arundell, the wife of Sir John Somerset, a son of Henry Somerset, 1st Marquess of Worcester."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport (IATA: BWI, ICAO: KBWI, FAA LID: BWI) is an international airport located in Linthicum in northern unincorporated Anne Arundel County, Maryland. The airport is 9 miles (14 km) south of downtown Baltimore and 32 miles (51 km) northeast of Washington, D.C."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The History of Worcester County, MD. Worcester County is the easternmost county within the state of Maryland. Our county seat is the town of Snow Hill. The county was named for Mary Arundel, the wife of Sir John Somerset, a son of Henry Somerset, 1st Marquess of Worcester."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.\nThe provided query could be \"['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\\n\\nThe provided query could be \"The tooth extraction cost can fall between $75 and $200 per tooth depending on anesthesia, as reported by Angie\\'s List, and if impacted, the costs are significantly higher. Impacted teeth are considered a surgical extraction and general anesthesia will be needed, adding up to $800 to the total cost of treatment.\" and the positive \"the cost of a dental extraction\"', 'Greenville, Pitt County, North Carolina, United States (2006 â\\x80\\x93 present) Future Islands is a new wave synthpop band based in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. The band is composed of Gerrit Welmers (keyboards and programming), William Cashion (bass, acoustic and electric guitars), and Samuel T. Herring (lyrics and vocals).']\" and the positive \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!', 'where are future islands from']\"",
"Church Hill, MD. Online Offers. Church Hill is a town in Queen Anne's County, Maryland, United States. The population was 530 at the 2000 census. Joshua Seney was born near Church Hill, and is buried on his property near the town. Church Hill is located at 39°8â²40â³N 75°59â²6â³W / 39.14444°N 75.985°W / 39.14444; -75.985 (39.144441, -75.984869)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Perry Hall is an unincorporated community and census-designated place in Baltimore County, Maryland, United States."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Please be advised, Ellicott City continues to recover from the flooding that occurred on Saturday, July 30. Howard County is the perfect combination of historic and hip. Located in the central of Maryland itâs convenient to explore both the rural and urban settings nearby. Whether youâre attending a special event, going on a shopping spree or indulging in the best cuisine, youâre sure to enjoy the picturesque scenery and freshness of the area."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Hurlburt Field (ICAO: KHRT, FAA LID: HRT) is a United States Air Force installation located in Okaloosa County, Florida, immediately west of the Town of Mary Esther."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Marshalee Plantation , sometimes referred to as Lyndwood or Markham, was a plantation located in Elkridge, Maryland in Howard County , Maryland , United States . The plantation was the home of Rebecca Snowden and Confederate Col. Charles Marshall , the aide-de-camp to Robert E. Lee ."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Notable locations in Hurlock: Hurlock Industrial Park (A), Hurlock Volunteer Fire Company Station 6 (B), Dorchester County Emergency Medical Services 600 (C), Hurlock Library (D), Hurlock Police Department (E)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Best Maryland Restaurants (90 replies) Salisbury Culture (7 replies) Latest news from Hurlock, MD collected exclusively by city-data.com from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations. Ancestries: United States (21.1%), German (8.9%), English (8.8%), Irish (7.8%), West Indian (5.9%), Italian (1.2%). Current Local Time: EST time zone. Incorporated in 1892."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Howard County is a county located in the central part of the U.S. state of Maryland. As of the 2010 census, the population was 287,085. Its county seat is Ellicott City."
] |
"Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results",
"how to dial international numbers"
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"International Calling International Calling To dial direct, dial 011 + country code + city code + number. Note: Calls to Canada, Puerto Rico, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, and many Caribbean countries do not require you to dial 011..n other words, to call these countries you only need to dial 1 + (area code) + number. No country, city, or international access codes are required.Customers calling from the United States to a mobile number in Mexico must dial a 1 after the Mexico country code of 52 and before the 10-digit local number."
] | [
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent the next text', 'As Defined by Appropedia: The majority world (sometimes capitalized as Majority World) is a term used in preference to the largely inaccurate, out-of-date and/or non-descriptive terms developing countries, third world and the South.']>> to <<['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.', 'what is majority world']>>",
"National: The same format as if you were dialing a number in-country (e.g., 410-382-8070) 1 International: For example, +1 410 382 8070. 2 User Specified: This option essentially includes no formatting at all. The Form User can simply enter any formatting (e.g., 410382-8070) and the field will accept the input as-is."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A general tip: International calls to mobiles in the Netherlands are dialed in the same manner you would dial any other international number. So if you want to place a call to the Netherlands to a mobile phone from the U.S., dial 011 + 31 + 1 + area code + number.If you want an alternative route around expensive international phone bills, the Vonage World ® plan is a great option. First dial 011, the U.S. exit code. 2 Next dial 31, the country code for the Netherlands. 3 Then dial the area code (2 digits â please see a sample calling code list below). 4 and finally the phone number (6â7 digits)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"International Number Format uses either spaces or no punctuation at all other than +. Spaces correspond to the local convention if used. For example, the International Telecommunication Union's (Swiss) phone number is +41 32 327 55 11."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nGiven ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'The meaning of the pot calling the kettle black is: The definition of the pot calling the kettle black is: (proverb) you are accusing someone of doing a thing that you are guilty of. Example Sentences: Mom: I canâ\\x80\\x99t believe you smoked marijuana! Iâ\\x80\\x99m so angry! Son: Iâ\\x80\\x99m 18 years old.'], a positive would be [\"represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results\\nE.g.\\ndrugs to prevent gout == Options include: Medications that block uric acid production. Drugs called xanthine oxidase inhibitors, including allopurinol (Aloprim, Lopurin, Zyloprim) and febuxostat (Uloric), limit the amount of uric acid your body makes. This may lower your blood's uric acid level and reduce your risk of gout. != Treating gout. Treatment for gout includes pain relief to help you cope with a gout attack, as well as medication and lifestyle changes to prevent further attacks. Pain relief for a gout attack. What to do during an attack.\", 'what does the saying calling the kettle black mean?']",
"International Calling Codes: How to Dial Phone Numbers in Colombia. Colombia Phone Numbers: +57 + Area Code + Local Number."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"the system of national local dialing call in case of calling inside one country national call for national calling is not necessary dial idd code or country code just dial phone area code and phone number in several countries is necessary add number zero 0 before area codeountry phone code is using for calling between countries international dialing most of countries has unique telephone dial prefix country code country phone codes starting with mark it s shortcut for idd international direct dialing you can replace this mark with number most of countries use number 00"
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Burning mouth syndrome. Overview. Burning mouth syndrome is the medical term for ongoing (chronic) or recurrent burning in the mouth without an obvious cause. This discomfort may affect the tongue, gums, lips, inside of your cheeks, roof of your mouth or widespread areas of your whole mouth. The burning sensation can be severe, as if you scalded your mouth. Burning mouth syndrome can appear suddenly or develop gradually over time.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!', 'why does my tongue burn']\"",
"USA reverse phone lookup 1 phone number: (Premium-rate telephone numbers for services). How to call USA from: International Dialing Codes on How to Call to and from USA. NANP Countries Dialing Codes: How to Dial Phone Numbers in USA. Premium-Rate, USA Phone Numbers: +1 + Area Code + Local Number.SA reverse phone lookup 1 phone number: (Premium-rate telephone numbers for services). How to call USA from: International Dialing Codes on How to Call to and from USA. NANP Countries Dialing Codes: How to Dial Phone Numbers in USA. Premium-Rate, USA Phone Numbers: +1 + Area Code + Local Number."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"International Calling Codes: How to Dial Phone Numbers in Indonesia. Indonesia Phone Numbers: +62 + Area Code + Local Number."
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"International calls to mobiles in the Netherlands are dialed in the same manner you would dial any other international number. So if you want to place a call to the Netherlands to a mobile phone from the U.S., dial 011 + 31 + 1 + area code + number.If you want an alternative route around expensive international phone bills, the Vonage World ® plan is a great option.o if you want to place a call to the Netherlands to a mobile phone from the U.S., dial 011 + 31 + 1 + area code + number. If you want an alternative route around expensive international phone bills, the Vonage World ® plan is a great option."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"International phone numbers allow businesses to field calls from other countries, which may have different dialing protocols, with the uniformity and consistency of a single number, which can be local or toll free."
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"From the USA/Canada: 1 For calls to most countries dial the following: 011 + country code + phone number. 2 For calls to countries within the North American Numbering Plan dial: 1 + area code + 7 digit local number, same as dialing a US state to state call (note that you will incur international charges)"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"International Calling Codes: How to Dial Phone Numbers in Romania. Romania Phone Numbers: +40 + Area Code + Local Number. Simply enter a Romania number in the correct international format, Reverse Lookup: +40 + Area Code + Local Number ... for instant results!"
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"international format is required you can check the country code below, then enter the mobile phone number and click the icon."
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"Instructions for Calling to Cities within Australia. For international call to Australia, dial the international access code first (011 in the U.S.), followed by 61 (Australiaâs country code). Then dial the area code and local subscriber number you are trying to reach."
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"Dial an Italian phone number from the U.S. 1. Dial 011. Thatâs the international access code that you need to dial out of the U.S. to another country. If the number youâve been given says something like +39 0123456789, then the + is what you replace with the 011."
"1 Check any unfamiliar area codes before returning calls. 2 Be aware that there are many 3-digit area codes that connect callers to international telephone numbers â especially 876. 3 If you do not have Caller ID, consider adding it to your phone service. Check any unfamiliar area codes before returning calls. 2 Be aware that there are many 3-digit area codes that connect callers to international telephone numbers â especially 876. 3 If you do not have Caller ID, consider adding it to your phone service."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"International Calling Codes: How to Dial Phone Numbers in Belgium. Belgium Phone Numbers: +32 + Area Code + Local Number. Simply enter a Belgium number in the correct international format, Reverse Lookup: +32 + Area Code + Local Number ... for instant results!"
] |
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"what is the unit weight of microsilica"
] | [
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"The reasons for this are threefold. Firstly, the bulk density of raw Microsilica, being almost as fine as cigarette smoke, is about 0.2 tonnes per cubic metre. The process of micropelletisation increases the bulk density to between 300 and 650 tonnes per cubic metre."
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Grams are units of weight like ounces or pounds. Microns are units of distane like inches or feet. There is no direct conversion from one to the other. It would be like asking how to you covert pounds to feet. Grams are units of weight like ounces or pounds. Microns are units of distane like inches or feet."
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"Calcium Silicate. Calcium Silicate consists primarily of two elements: quicklime and microsilica, where microsilica initially was a waste product from the production of silicon metal and ferrosilicon. Microsilica became a rather costly waste product and therefore, the desire to recycle the material arose in the silicon industry."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nThe provided query could be \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.', 'The 2016 Winnemucca, Nevada, population is 7,887. There are 818 people per square mile (population density).']\" and the positive \"['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!', 'population of winnemucca nevada']\"",
"Materials and Substances. Oktanen weigh(s) 0.699 gram per (cubic centimeter) or 0.404 ounce per (cubic inch) [ weight to volume | volume to weight | density ]. A pound-force per square micron (lbf/μm²) is a unit of pressure where a force of one pound-force (lbf) is applied to an area of one square micron. read more...»."
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"They range in weight from 25-35lbs as an 18 month old adult and are 12 or under at the shoulder. (Super micros will be on the smaller end of this scale. Usually always under 25lbs and around 10-11 tall at the shoulder)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"You buy blackpowder by the pound, and that is weight, not a volumetric pound.. The avoirdupois dram is the unit of weight used to measure black powder. There are 256 drams in a pound avoirdupois, 16 drams in an ounce, and 7000 grains in a pound. 1 gram = 15.432 grains = 0.564 drams. These are all weight measurements, and always have been."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"The average mass of prostheses (transtibial) for the magnetic (MPSS) suspension, pin/lock (Icelock 200 Series Clutch 4H 214), suction (seal-in x5), and the new HOLO system among the nine transtibial subjects were 1.89, 1.80, 1.65, and 1.60 kg, respectively."
"a genus of plants of the family Cupressaceae (cypress). There is one species, Microbiota decussata, which is a monoecious dwarf evergreen shrub. It is 1â1.5 m high and has widely spreading branches.The needles on fertile shoots are scaly or imbricate, while those on young sprouts are acicular.The anther spikelets are oval and yellow. genus of plants of the family Cupressaceae (cypress). There is one species, Microbiota decussata, which is a monoecious dwarf evergreen shrub. It is 1â1.5 m high and has widely spreading branches. The needles on fertile shoots are scaly or imbricate, while those on young sprouts are acicular."
"Strawweight [also called Minimumweight, Mini-Flyweight] (96-105 lbs; 43.6 â 47.7 kg; or 6 stone, 12 pounds â 7 stone, 7 pounds): First established as a worldwide division by the IBF (in 1987) and later recognized by both the WBA and WBC."
"Represent text",
"A microgram is the equivalent of one-millionth of a gram. A pound is equal to 4.536e+8 micrograms. A pound is also comprised of 16 ounces.The pound is contrasted with other units of measurement as well. In the United Kingdom, and in some other Commonwealth nations, weight is measured in stones. One pound is the equivalent of 0.0714286 stones."
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"I have always loved science and numbers; putting the world around me into neat little boxes of information that can be classified, reviewed and studied. So when I told a group of dentists that lithium disilicate is strong, like 360 to 400 megapascals strong, one of them asked how that relates to pounds per square inch. I had to admit, I didn't have a clue."
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"In the metric system, a microgram or microgramme (μg) is a unit of mass equal to one billionth (6991100000000000000â 1Ã10â9) of a kilogram, one millionth (6994100000000000000â 1Ã10â6) of a gram, or one thousandth (6997100000000000000â 1Ã10â3) of a milligram."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The term âmgâ stands for the measurement of âmilligramsâ while âmcgâ stands for âmicrograms.â Both units are used to measure an objectâs mass and to indicate an objectâs weight. With reference to other units of measurement, an mcg is equal to .001 mg. It implies that the microgram is smaller compared to a milligram.Compared to a gram, a microgram is a millionth smaller. The microgram is one of the smallest units and is frequently used in microbiology tests specifically in measurements for antibiotics like penicillin, oxacillin and others.A microgram is expressed as (μg) in usage.he term âmgâ stands for the measurement of âmilligramsâ while âmcgâ stands for âmicrograms.â Both units are used to measure an objectâs mass and to indicate an objectâs weight. With reference to other units of measurement, an mcg is equal to .001 mg. It implies that the microgram is smaller compared to a milligram."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Unit of Measure You Have. Multiply the Quantity by the Conversion Factor. Example. Micrograms. Multiply by 0.0000000022. 1 microgram = 0.0000000022 or (2.2e-9) pound. 300 micrograms multiplied by 0.0000000022 = 0.00000066 pounds. Note: micrograms are used in laboratory measurements."
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"Specific Weight is defined as weight per unit volume. Weight is a force. The SI unit for specific weight is [N/m 3]. The imperial unit is [lb/ft 3]. Specific Weight (or force per unit volume) can be expressed as. γ = Ï a g [4] where γ = specific weight (N/m 3], [lb/ft 3] Ï = density [kg/m 3], [slugs/ft 3] a g = acceleration of gravity (9.807 [m/s 2], 32.174 [ft/s 2] under normal conditions) What is weight and what is mass? - the difference between weight and mass; Example 5: Specific Weight of Water. Specific Weight for Some common Materials"
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"The answer is: The change of 1 µg ( microgram ) unit for a weight and mass measure equals = into 0.0010 mg ( milligram ) as per its equivalent weight and mass unit type measure often used."
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"Mass is often specified in smaller units than the kilogram, by changing the power-of-10 prefix multiplier. A mass of one gram (1 g) is 10 -3 kg.A mass of one milligram (1 mg) is 10 -6 kg, or 10 -3 g. A mass of one microgram (1 µg) is 10 -9 kg, or 10 -6 g.t is defined as the mass of a particular international prototype made of platinum-iridium and kept at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures. It was originally defined as the mass of one liter (10 -3 cubic meter) of pure water."
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"The resulting material had a density of .9 mg/cm3. By comparison, ultralight silica aerogels are 1 mg/cm3. Though metallic microlattice is the lightest metal developed to date, it held the title of lightest material for less than a year."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"How many micrograms of weight and mass system are in 1 gram? The answer is: The change of 1 g ( gram ) unit for a weight and mass measure equals = into 1,000,000.00 µg ( microgram ) as per its equivalent weight and mass unit type measure often used."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The term âmgâ stands for the measurement of âmilligramsâ while âmcgâ stands for âmicrograms.â Both units are used to measure an objectâs mass and to indicate an objectâs weight. With reference to other units of measurement, an mcg is equal to .001 mg. It implies that the microgram is smaller compared to a milligram. Compared to a gram, a microgram is a millionth smaller. The microgram is one of the smallest units and is frequently used in microbiology tests specifically in measurements for antibiotics like penicillin, oxacillin and others."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"The micrometre (International spelling as used by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures; SI symbol: μm) or micrometer (American spelling), also commonly known as a micron, is an SI derived unit of length equaling 1 à 10 â6 metre (SI standard prefix micro- = 10 â6); that is, one millionth of a metre (or one thousandth of a millimetre, 0.001 mm, or about 0.000039 inch)."
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"Materials and Substances. Met-spar weigh(s) 3.18 gram per (cubic centimeter) or 1.838 ounce per (cubic inch) [ weight to volume | volume to weight | density ]. The pennyweight per square meter surface density measurement unit is used to measure area in square meters in order to estimate weight or mass in pennyweights. The surface density is used to measure the thickness of paper, fabric and other thin materials. read more...»."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nFor example, ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Top, left to right: Mauldin City Hall, Mauldin United Methodist Church, Mauldin Cultural Center, Mauldin High School. Mauldin is a city in Greenville County, South Carolina, United States. The population was 15,224 at the 2000 census and 24,823 according to a 2014 census estimate. It is a principal city of the Greenvilleâ\\x80\\x93Mauldinâ\\x80\\x93Easley Metropolitan Statistical Area. 1 Geography.'] should be similar to ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'population of mauldin sc']",
"Grigorieva weighs 121 pounds and is five feet and eleven inches tall. She wears 32A bra size although her bust might look bigger when posing in VS push up bras. Check out also measurements of other Victoriaâs Secret models, such as Lais Ribeiro, Jasmine Tookes, and Miranda Kerr. Continue reading."
"Represent this text.",
"Diflunisal has a molecular weight of 250.20. It is a stable, white, crystalline compound with a melting point of 211-213°C. It is practically insoluble in water at neutral or acidic pH. Because it is an organic acid, it dissolves readily in dilute alkali to give a moderately stable solution at room temperature."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"The microgram (mcg or µg) is the unit of mass in the metric system (SI, International System of Units). 1 microgram (mcg or µg) = 0.001 milligrams (mg) = 0.000000001 kilogram (kg) = 0.0000000352739619 ounces (oz) = 0.000001 grams (g).he microgram (mcg or µg) is the unit of mass in the metric system (SI, International System of Units). 1 microgram (mcg or µg) = 0.001 milligrams (mg) = 0.000000001 kilogram (kg) = 0.0000000352739619 ounces (oz) = 0.000001 grams (g)."
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"Mercury, also known as quicksilver or hydrargyrum, is a chemical element. Its symbol on the periodic table is Hg, and its [[atomic number] ]is 80. Its atomic mass is 200.59. The symbol Hg stands for its Latinized Greek name hydrargyrum, meaning watery or liquid silver."
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"MICROSIL® FINISH is a clear 30% aqueous cationic micro emulsion. MICROSIL® FINISH is a balanced. combination of patented cationic hindered amine functional silicone polymers in combination with. premium cationic organic quaternium salts. This versatile cationic complex was developed as a premium."
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"The microgram (mcg or µg) is the unit of mass in the metric system (SI, International System of Units). 1 microgram (mcg or µg) = 0.000001 grams (g) = 0.001 milligrams (mg) = 0.000000001 kilogram (kg) = 0.0000000352739619 ounces (oz).his calculator-converter provides conversion of micrograms to grams (mcg to g) and backwards grams to micrograms (g to mcg). Convert micrograms to grams (mcg to g) and grams to micrograms (g to mcg) Online Conversion Calculator-Converter."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"How many milligrams of weight and mass system are in 1 microgram? The answer is: The change of 1 µg ( microgram ) unit for a weight and mass measure equals = into 0.0010 mg ( milligram ) as per its equivalent weight and mass unit type measure often used."
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"The answer is 25400. We assume you are converting between micrometre and inch. The SI base unit for length is the metre. 1 metre is equal to 1000000 micrometer, or 39.3700787402 inch. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. Use this page to learn how to convert between micrometres and inches. Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units!"
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"The SI prefix micro represents a factor of 10 -6, or in exponential notation, 1E-6. So 1 microgram = 10 -6 grams-force. The SI prefix milli represents a factor of 10 -3, or in exponential notation, 1E-3. So 1 milligram = 10 -3 grams-force."
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"The primary chemical properties of microsilica/silica fume are shown in Table 1.Following is a discussion of each of these properties. Note that the major chemical properties are included in the standard specifications for microsilica/silica fume."
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"GENERAL INFORMATION. MICROSIL Microporous Insulation is an incredible insulation material. Having thermal conductivity an order of magnitude lower than ceramic fiber materials Microsil Microporous Insulation can be an integral part of thousands of thermal management applications with temperatures as high as 950C (1742F)."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Change plates, also known as fractional or micro plates are olympic weight plates made in smaller sizes ranging from 0.25kg through to 5kg. They offer tremendous flexibility for all lifters at various strength levels."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"A unit is a measure of something, i.e. centimeters are a unit of length, cubic inches are a unit of volume and pounds are a unit of weight. Units are how you specify what a number represents physically."
"The microgram (mcg or µg) is the unit of mass in the metric system (SI, International System of Units). 1 microgram (mcg or µg) = 0.001 milligrams (mg) = 0.000000001 kilogram (kg) = 0.0000000352739619 ounces (oz) = 0.000001 grams (g)."
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"How do you calculate the weight of round ms rod? Height = 10.484 cm Diameter = 1.27 cm Volume = 3.14 x (Diameter/2)2 x Height Volume = 3.14 x (1.27/2)2 x 10.484 = 13.274 cubic cm Weight per cubic cm = 7.76 gm so 13.274 x 7.⦠76 = 103 gm weight of required ms rod Answered by Mian Tariq, Manager Production (Sufi Ghee Mills Lahore, Pakistan).tatistician / Economist formerly employed in various Government Departments in the UK, freelance mathematics and statistics tutor since retiring in 2008, Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society."
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"The micrometre (International spelling as used by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures; SI symbol: μm) or micrometer (American spelling), also commonly known as a micron, is an SI derived unit of length equaling 1Ã10â6 of a metre (SI standard prefix micro- = 10â6); that is, one millionth of a metre (or one thousandth of a millimetre, ..."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"The Micro-Peach material is described using Grams per Square Meter (GSM). The most common weights are 90 GSM and 110 GSM. With good quality microfiber/Micro-Peach sheets it is difficult for even an old textile guy to tell the material is Polyester instead of Cotton.t's a very soft feel and I like the fabric but have not slept on them. I love all cotton sheets and would love to try linen sheets. I'm a natural fiber person, but I like the microfiber too. I would just want to see them and feel them before purchasing so I would know what I was getting."
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"One milligram in weight and mass sense converted to micrograms equals precisely to 1,000.00 µg How many micrograms of weight and mass system are in 1 milligram? The answer is: The change of 1 mg ( milligram ) unit for a weight and mass measure equals = into 1,000.00 µg ( microgram ) as per its equivalent weight and mass unit type measure often used. Professional people always ensure, and their success in fine cooking depends on, they get the most precise units conversion results in measuring their ingredients."
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"International Units (IU) are an old terminology used to state the potency of vitamins A, D and E before vitamins were manufactured in a pure enough form to be measured by weight. One IU of Vitamin A = 0.3 micrograms. One IU of Vitamin D = 0.025 micrograms. One IU of Vitamin E = 0.67 milligrams."
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"Materials and Substances. Gallium weigh(s) 5.904 gram per (cubic centimeter) or 3.413 ounce per (cubic inch) [ weight to volume | volume to weight | density ]. micron is an unofficial name for micrometer (μm)."
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"Materials and Substances. Fish, scrap weigh(s) 0.721 gram per (cubic centimeter) or 0.417 ounce per (cubic inch) [ weight to volume | volume to weight | density ] The microgram per square micron surface density measurement unit is used to measure area in square microns in order to estimate weight or mass in micrograms."
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"Materials and Substances. Aluminium bromide weigh(s) 3.01 gram per (cubic centimeter) or 1.74 ounce per (cubic inch) [ weight to volume | volume to weight | density ] A centipoise (cP) is a non-SI (non-System International) measurement unit of dynamic viscosity in the centimeter gram second (CGS) system of units."
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"When calculating the weight of soda-lime-silica float glass with a density of one. hundred fifty-six pounds per cubic foot, of any given thickness, the following formula. can be used to determine the weight in pounds, per square foot: Weight, (pounds) per square foot = 156 lbs/cuft X actual thickness in inches."
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"You can view more details on each measurement unit: micrometer or inch. The SI base unit for length is the metre. 1 metre is equal to 1000000 micrometer, or 39.3700787402 inch. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. Use this page to learn how to convert between micrometres and inches."
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"A denier is a unit of weight for fibers. It is defined as the weight of 9,000 meters of the fiber, and it is generally measured in grams. The current denier standard is 10 grams per 9,000 meters. Microns, also called micrometers, are units of measurement that equal one millionth of a meter. To put that into perspective, the diameter of a strand of human hair is between 20 and 180 microns."
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"You then simply weigh the organism, and multiply this mass by the number of cells in one kg, and voila: you have the number of cells in the body. 1 Diameter of a cell: 10 micro meters (microns). 2 Volume of a cell: 10x10x10 cubic microns = 1000 cubic microns."
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"Molecular weight is commonly abbreviated by M.W. or MW. Molecular weight is either unitless or expressed in terms of atomic mass units (amu) or Daltons (Da). Both atomic weight and molecular weight are defined relative to the mass of the isotope carbon-12, which is assigned a value of 12 amu. 1 The reason the atomic weight of carbon is not precisely 12 is because it is a mixture of isotopes of carbon."
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"Weight is measured in micrograms, milligrams, grams, or kilograms. 1 liter 1000 milliliter 1 kilogram 1,000,000 milligrams 1,000 grams 1,000,000,000 micrograms In the household system liquid volumes are measured in quarts, pints, cups, tablespoons, and teaspoons.Weight is measured in ounces & pounds. liter 1000 milliliter 1 kilogram 1,000,000 milligrams 1,000 grams 1,000,000,000 micrograms In the household system liquid volumes are measured in quarts, pints, cups, tablespoons, and teaspoons. Weight is measured in ounces & pounds."
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"Materials and Substances. Beryllium weigh(s) 1.848 gram per (cubic centimeter) or 1.068 ounce per (cubic inch) [ weight to volume | volume to weight | density ]. A dyne per square parsec (dyn/pc²) is a unit of pressure where a force of one dyne (dyn) is applied to an area of one square parsec. read more...». The units of data measurement were introduced to manage and operate digital information. The basic or atomic unit of data measurement is a bit, which can store a value (one) or no-value (zero) thus having a binary nature."
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"What is a Slug? The slug is the unit of mass in the US common system of units, where the pound is the unit of force. The pound is therefore the unit of weight since weight is defined as the force of gravity on an object."
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"Blackpowder has always been measured by weight, not by volume; just like breakfast cereal. The avoirdupois dram is the unit of weight used to measure black powder. There are 256 drams in a pound avoirdupois, 16 drams in an ounce, and 7000 grains in a pound. 1 gram = 15.432 grains = 0.564 drams."
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"Mercury, also known as quicksilver or hydrargyrum, is a chemical element. Its symbol on the periodic table is Hg, and its atomic number is 80. Its atomic mass is 200.59. The symbol Hg stands for its Latinized Greek name hydrargyrum, meaning watery or liquid silver."
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"The British tola of 180 troy grains (from 1833) can be seen as more of a standardisation than a redefinition: the previous standard in the Bengal Presidency, the system of sicca weights, was the mass of one Murshidabad rupee, 179.666 troy grains."
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"Terbinafine (Lamisil ®) is prescribed based on the weight of the patient as follows for the treatment of tinea capitis: 40 kg or more, 250 mg/day; 20 kg to 40 kg, 125 mg/day; and 10 kg to 20 kg, 62.5 mg/day for a period up to 4 weeks, depending on the effectiveness of the treatment."
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"These numbers refer to the weight (mass in SI. units) of zinc on the surface of the steel sheet in Inch-Pound (English or Imperial) units of measurement. That is, for G90, the coating on one square foot of sheet (total coating, both sides of the sheet) weighs a minimum of. 0.90 ounces. If equally applied to both sides of the sheet, there would be a minimum of 0.45 ounces on each. surface. The other measurement system in widespread use today is theSI (Metric) system."
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"1 cubic metre = cubic yards 1 cubic foot ⦠1 tonne (metric) = 2205 lbs 1 ton imperial ⦠Dry sand coarse â tonnes per cubic metre."
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"The microgram (mcg or µg) is the unit of mass in the metric system (SI, International System of Units). 1 microgram (mcg or µg) = 0.001 milligrams (mg) = 0.000000001 kilogram (kg) = 0.0000000352739619 ounces (oz) = 0.000001 grams (g). All Calculators Email this page Send this page to a friend"
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"The U.S. Customary System consists of: ounces, pounds and tons 16 oz = 1 lb 2000 lb = 1 ton The Metric System consists of: kilograms, grams (the base unit) and milligrams 1 kg = 1000 g 1 g = 1000 mg Just to give an idea of mass... The mass of a paperclip is about 1 gram and the mass of a textbook is about 1 kg.In addition, 1 kg is about 2.2 lbs. The mass of a paperclip is about 1 gram and the mass of a textbook is about 1 kg.In addition, 1 kg is about 2.2 lbs. Click here to practice identifying mass within the U.S. Customary System and the Metric System.o determine mass we can use one of two systems-the U.S. Customary System and the Metric System. The U.S. Customary System consists of: ounces, pounds and tons 16 oz = 1 lb 2000 lb = 1 ton."
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"Since microliters is a volume measurment and micrograms is a massmeasurment there is no straight forward way of converting them. However for the substance water(H2o) 1 Litre(L) of water weighs 1 Kilogram(Kg) which equals to 1000000 microliters(µL) and 1000000000 Micrograms(µG) which equals to 1microliter(µL) = 1 nanograms (ng) Since microliters is a volume measurment and micrograms is a massmeasurment there is no straight forward way of converting them."
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"Materials and Substances. Tungsten weigh(s) 19.25 gram per (cubic centimeter) or 11.127 ounce per (cubic inch) [ weight to volume | volume to weight | density ] The troy pound per square micron surface density measurement unit is used to measure area in square microns in order to estimate weight or mass in troy pounds."
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"Grigorieva weighs 121 pounds and is five feet and eleven inches tall. She wears 32A bra size although her bust might look bigger when posing in VS push up bras. Check out also measurements of other Victoriaâs Secret models, such as Lais Ribeiro, Jasmine Tookes, and Miranda Kerr."
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"Silica fume or microsilica is a by-product of producing silicon metal or ferrosilicon alloys. One of the most beneficial uses for silica fume is in concrete. Due to its chemical and physical properties, it is a very reactive pozzolan."
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"Cross-reactivity for mammalian loricrin, sciellin, filaggrin, and transglutaminase are present in alpha-keratogenic layers of gecko epidermis. Alpha-keratins have a molecular weight in the range 40â58 kDa. Loricrin cross-reactive bands have molecular weights of 42, 50, and 58 kDa. Bands for filaggrin-like protein are found at 35 and 42 kDa, bands for sciellin are found at 40â45 and 50â55 kDa, and bands for transglutaminase are seen at 48â50 and 60 kDa."
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"To calculate milliequivalent weight (or milligram-equivalent weight) of a given cation, the. milligram-molecular weight (millimole) must be divided by the charge on the cation. Thus, the milligram equivalent weight of calcium (Ca2+) is 40.08/2 = 20.04 mg, which is. equal to one-half the milligram-molecular weight. Hence, one millimole of Ca2+ (40.08. mg) would equal two milliequivalents of Ca2+ (20.04 mg X 2), but one millimole of Na+."
] |
"Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results",
"when was the jamestown colony colinized?"
] | [
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"Explorers had been landing in America for some time before English settlers arrived in what is now Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607. But it was in that spot on the James River that English colonization began and with it, the history of America."
] | [
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"Jamestown, Virginia. The Jamestown settlement in the Colony of Virginia was the first permanent English settlement in the Americas. William Kelso says Jamestown is where the British Empire began ...this was the first colony in the British Empire..amestown Settlement, a living history interpretive site, is operated by the Jamestown Yorktown Foundation in conjunction with the Commonwealth of Virginia."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"The Jamestown settlement in the Colony of Virginia was the first permanent English settlement in the Americas. William Kelso says Jamestown is where the British Empire began ... this was the first colony in the British Empire.."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Roanoke Colony. The Roanoke Colony, also known as the Lost Colony, was established in 1585 on Roanoke Island in what is today's Dare County, North Carolina. It was a late 16th-century attempt by Queen Elizabeth I to establish a permanent English settlement in North America. The colony was founded by Sir Walter Raleigh. The colonists disappeared during the Anglo-Spanish War, three years after the last shipment of supplies from England. Their disappearance gave rise to the nickname The Lost Colony. There is no"
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"Tea Tree Oil. Tea tree oil is a powerful antifungal herb that treats a variety of infections including toenail fungus, according to HolisticOnline.com. Tea tree oil can also bolster the body's immune system, which can help fight fungal infections and prevent their recurrence.\"]\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what spice cures toenail fungus']\"",
"The Jamestown settlement in the Colony of Virginia was the first permanent English settlement in the Americas.William Kelso says Jamestown is where the British Empire began ...this was the first colony in the British Empire..he Jamestown settlement in the Colony of Virginia was the first permanent English settlement in the Americas."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Jamestown, Virginia. The Jamestown settlement in the Colony of Virginia was the first permanent English settlement in the Americas. William Kelso says Jamestown is where the British Empire began ...this was the first colony in the British Empire..he Jamestown settlement in the Colony of Virginia was the first permanent English settlement in the Americas."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Jamestown, Virginia. The Jamestown settlement in the Colony of Virginia was the first permanent English settlement in the Americas. William Kelso says Jamestown is where the British Empire began ...he Jamestown settlement in the Colony of Virginia was the first permanent English settlement in the Americas. William Kelso says Jamestown is where the British Empire began ..."
] |
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"what does an abnormal vng test mean"
] | [
"ELECTRO/VIDEO-NYSTAGMOGRAPHY (ENG OR VNG) Electronystagmography (ENG) refers to a group of tests or test battery, and uses small electrodes placed over the skin around the eyes during testing. Videonystagmography (VNG) refers to the same test battery run using goggles with video cameras to monitor the eyes."
] | [
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"a flocculation test for syphilis, using cardiolipin-lecithin-cholesterol antigen as developed by the Venereal Disease Research Laboratory of the United States Public Health Service. VDRL test. abbreviation for Venereal Disease Research Laboratory test, a serological flocculation test for syphilis. It is also positive in other treponemal diseases such as yaws. False-positive and false-negative results may occur. A positive test must be confirmed by further, more definitive testing."
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"Back to Top What Abnormal Results Mean. Abnormal results on an EEG test may be due to: 1 Abnormal bleeding (hemorrhage). 2 An abnormal structure in the brain (such as a brain tumor). 3 Attention problems. 4 Tissue death due to a blockage in blood flow (cerebral infarction). 5 Drug or alcohol abuse. 6 Head injury."
"An abnormal result, especially on the protein test, does not necessarily mean that you have kidney damage, since a bladder infection or other problems can increase protein excretion. If you have an abnormal result, get retested in a few months. A second abnormal finding indicates the need for further investigation."
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"(Videonystagmography â VNG/ Electronystagmography â ENG) The Balance Assessment at Evergreen Speech & Hearing Clinic, Inc. is a protocol that objectively and behaviorally documents vestibular function as well as screens the ocular and somatosensory systemâs contribution to balance."
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"The vast majority of cervical cancer cases are caused by an HPV viral infection. HPV is a sexually transmitted virus that is extrememly common for both men and women. It is important to know that a positive HPV test or an abnormal Pap test does not mean that the patient will develop cervical cancer.PV is a sexually transmitted virus that is extrememly common for both men and women. It is important to know that a positive HPV test or an abnormal Pap test does not mean that the patient will develop cervical cancer."
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"Von Willebrand factor (VWF) testing is used to investigate excessive or recurrent bleeding episodes or a personal or family history of excessive bleeding. Testing is used to help diagnose von Willebrand disease (VWD) and distinguish between the various types of VWD. VWF is a protein, one of several components of the coagulation system that work together to stop bleeding and form a stable blood clot."
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"Abnormal values. 1 A longer-than-normal PTT or APTT can mean a lack of or low level of one of the blood clotting factors or another substance needed to clot blood. 2 This can be caused by bleeding disorders, such as hemophilia or von Willebrand's disease.artial thromboplastin time (PTT) is a blood test that measures the time it takes your blood to clot. The normal values listed here-called a reference range-are just a guide."
"A field is reviewed by masked, certified readers at the VFRC and considered abnormal if the PSD index is outside the normal 5% level or if the Glaucoma Hemifield Test (GHT) is 'outside normal limits.'An abnormal visual field is defined as having a GHT 'outside normal limits' and/or a Pattern Standard Deviation (PSD) worse than the normal 5th ..."
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"What Abnormal Results Mean. A positive test result may mean you have syphilis. If the test is positive, the next step is to confirm the results with an FTA-ABS test, which is a more specific syphilis test. The VDRL test's ability to detect syphilis depends on the stage of the disease."
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"What do I need to know about a VQ scan? A VQ scan is a test used to show the air flow and blood flow in your lungs. It is usually done if your healthcare provider thinks you have a pulmonary embolism (blood clot). A pulmonary embolism (PE) may be caused by a blood clot that travels from your leg to your lungs. A PE can become life-threatening."
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"Abnormality in ECG report generally means that the electrical system of your heart is not working properly. Abnormal ECG results may indicate heart block, Tachycardia, Bradycardia, Premature atrial contraction, heart attack and many other heart conditions.bnormal ECG results usually indicate heart problems but sometimes these abnormalities can be due to aging, the drugs you have been taking or because of your some other illness or disease."
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"Back to Top What Abnormal Results Mean. Abnormal results on an EEG test may be due to: 1 Abnormal bleeding (hemorrhage). 2 An abnormal structure in the brain (such as a brain tumor). 3 Attention problems. 4 Tissue death due to a blockage in blood flow (cerebral infarction). 5 Drug or alcohol abuse. 6 Head injury. 7 Migraines (in some cases)."
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"Whether high or low, an abnormal TSH indicates an excess or deficiency in the amount of thyroid hormone available to the body, but it does not indicate the reason why. An abnormal TSH test result is usually followed by additional testing to investigate the cause of the increase or decrease.ometimes TSH, free T4 and free T3 are ordered together as a thyroid panel. TSH testing is used to: 1 Diagnose a thyroid disorder in a person with symptoms. 2 Screen newborns for an underactive thyroid."
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"Abnormal values. 1 A longer-than-normal PTT or APTT can mean a lack of or low level of one of the blood clotting factors or another substance needed to clot blood. 2 This can be caused by bleeding disorders, such as hemophilia or von Willebrand's disease. A longer-than-normal PTT or APTT can mean a lack of or low level of one of the blood clotting factors or another substance needed to clot blood."
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"Calibration is the process of calculating a conversion factor so that the parameters measured by the recording device can be converted into eye movements. Therefore, a faulty calibration will cause the amplitude of the eye movements to be inaccurate in all of the subsequent subtests in the ENG or VNG test battery. Let us examine the calibration procedure in more detail and identify the causes that can lead to calibration errors."
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"A single abnormal test result may mean something different than if several test results are abnormal. Out-of-range results on any of the tests included in the BMP can be due to a variety of different conditions, including kidney failure, breathing problems, and diabetes-related complications."
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"What Abnormal Results Mean. An abnormal (positive) result means you have been infected with the bacteria that cause TB. You may need treatment to lower the risk of the disease coming back (reactivation of the disease). A positive skin test does not mean that a person has active TB."
"Represent the next text",
"A normal FIT/iFOBT or FOBT test means that there was no blood in your stool at the time of the test. A normal sDNA test means that no abnormal cells were found. Normal test results are called negative."
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"Abnormality in ECG report generally means that the electrical system of your heart is not working properly. Abnormal ECG results may indicate heart block, Tachycardia, Bradycardia, Premature atrial contraction, heart attack and many other heart conditions.A heart doctor interprets ECG results to diagnose the medical condition of a patient. This is done by comparing your ECG graph with a normal or standard heart graph.bnormal ECG results may indicate heart block, Tachycardia, Bradycardia, Premature atrial contraction, heart attack and many other heart conditions. A heart doctor interprets ECG results to diagnose the medical condition of a patient. This is done by comparing your ECG graph with a normal or standard heart graph."
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"Balance Assessment. (Videonystagmography â VNG/ Electronystagmography â ENG) Description: The Balance Assessment at Evergreen Speech & Hearing Clinic, Inc. is a protocol that objectively and behaviorally documents vestibular function as well as screens the ocular and somatosensory systemâs contribution to balance."
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"At NDBC we use Videonystagmography (VNG) technologies for testing inner ear and central motor functions."
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"If the cause of your signs and symptoms is difficult to determine, your doctor may order additional testing, such as: 1 Electronystagmography (ENG) or videonystagmography (VNG). 2 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). 3 Preparing for your appointment. Treatments and drugs."
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"A Life Line Screening answered. An abnormal finding for a carotid artery screening means that a problem exists, which your physician needs to know about in order to conduct further diagnostic testing. You may need medication or lifestyle changes, as well as yearly follow-ups."
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"What To Think About. 1 Stool tests can produce false-positive and false-negative results. 2 False-positive means that the test may be positive when you don't have a polyp or cancer. 3 False-negative means that the test may be negative when you do have a polyp or cancer.n abnormal FIT/iFOBT or FOBT test means that there was some blood in your stool at the time of the test. An abnormal sDNA test means that some abnormal cells were found. Abnormal test results are called positive."
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"At NDBC we use Videonystagmography (VNG) technologies for testing inner ear and central motor functions.t NDBC we use Videonystagmography (VNG) technologies for testing inner ear and central motor functions."
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"What does the test result mean? Results of the tests that are part of the CMP are typically evaluated together to look for patterns of results. A single abnormal test result may mean something different than if several test results are abnormal."
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"An abnormal EKG can mean many things. Sometimes EKG abnormalities are a normal variation of a heartâs rhythm, which does not affect your health. Other times, an abnormal EKG can signal a medical emergency, such as a myocardial infarction (heart attack) or a dangerous arrhythmia. An EKG can determine if the heart is beating too fast or too slow. 2 Heart rhythm abnormalities. 3 A heart typically beats in a steady rhythm. 4 An EKG can reveal if the heart is beating out of rhythm or sequence. 5 Medication side effects."
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"Abnormality in ECG report generally means that the electrical system of your heart is not working properly. Abnormal ECG results may indicate heart block, Tachycardia, Bradycardia, Premature atrial contraction, heart attack and many other heart conditions.A heart doctor interprets ECG results to diagnose the medical condition of a patient.bnormal ECG results may indicate heart block, Tachycardia, Bradycardia, Premature atrial contraction, heart attack and many other heart conditions. A heart doctor interprets ECG results to diagnose the medical condition of a patient."
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"How is it used? Von Willebrand factor (VWF) testing is used to investigate excessive or recurrent bleeding episodes or a personal or family history of excessive bleeding. Testing is used to help diagnose von Willebrand disease (VWD) and distinguish between the various types of VWD. VWF is a protein, one of several components of the coagulation system that work together to stop bleeding and form a stable blood clot."
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"This Is What An Abnormal Pap Smear MeansâAnd What Comes Next. 1 Abnormal results typically mean one of three things: Thereâs inflammation that is probably nothing to worry about, you have HPV (which is really common, and often NBD), or your doctor has identified potentially precancerous cells."
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"Abnormal pain perception or visceral hypersensitivity (VH) is considered to be an important mechanism underlying symptoms in a subgroup of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients."
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"'Abnormal posturing,' also referred to as, 'Pathologic posturing,' is not the same thing as slouching or having poor posture. Abnormal posturing involves a person's body position, or the movement of one or more of their body parts in a certain way."
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"1. Brief description. Von Willebrand disease (vWD) is a common abnormality of the process by which blood clots. In Doberman pinschers the problems caused by vWD are relatively mild. Excessive bleeding may occur in some circumstances, for example when affected animals are teething or in season."
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"What does the test result mean? Results of the tests that are part of the CMP are typically evaluated together to look for patterns of results. A single abnormal test result may mean something different than if several test results are abnormal. For example, a high result on just one of the liver enzyme tests has different implications than high results on several liver enzyme tests."
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"A decreased speed of nerve conduction indicates nerve disease. The NCV test is often done at the same time as an electromyogram (EMG) in order to exclude or detect both nerve and muscle conditions. The interpretation of an abnormal NCV test depends on why the test was done in the first place. decreased speed of nerve conduction indicates nerve disease. The NCV test is often done at the same time as an electromyogram (EMG) in order to exclude or detect both nerve and muscle conditions. The interpretation of an abnormal NCV test depends on why the test was done in the first place."
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"A ventilationâperfusion (VQ) scan is a nuclear medicine scan that uses radioactive material (radiopharmaceutical) to examine airflow (ventilation) and blood flow (perfusion) in the lungs.he aim of the scan is to look for evidence of any blood clot in the lungs, called pulmonary embolism (PE). A VQ scan is carried out in two parts. In the first part, radioactive material is breathed in and pictures or images are taken to look at the airflow in the lungs."
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"Von Willebrand disease (vWD) (/ËfÊnËvɪlɨbrÉËnt/) is the most common hereditary coagulation abnormality described in humans, although it can also be acquired as a result of other medical conditions.he von Willebrand factor is qualitatively normal and genetic testing of the von Willebrand gene and vWF protein reveals no mutational alteration. The defect lies in the qualitatively altered glycoprotein Ib (GPIb) receptor on the platelet membrane which increases its affinity to bind to the von Willebrand factor."
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"Typically, the V/Q scan is done to test for the presence of blood clots or other abnormalities in ventilation and circulation in the lung area. It is also commonly used in the presentation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or pneumonia.ypically, the V/Q scan is done to test for the presence of blood clots or other abnormalities in ventilation and circulation in the lung area. It is also commonly used in the presentation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or pneumonia."
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"Von Willebrand disease (vWD) (/ËfÊnËvɪlɨbrÉËnt/) is the most common hereditary coagulation abnormality described in humans, although it can also be acquired as a result of other medical conditions."
"Represent the next text",
"Whether high or low, an abnormal TSH indicates an excess or deficiency in the amount of thyroid hormone available to the body, but it does not indicate the reason why. An abnormal TSH test result is usually followed by additional testing to investigate the cause of the increase or decrease."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n------\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'How Long Do Small Dog Breeds Live? The average lifespan for small dog breeds ranges from 10 to 15 years, with some breeds living as long as 18 years. In general, small dogs live longer than their larger counterparts, with the shortest living breeds still exceeding the average lifespan of most large breeds.']>> to \"['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.', 'how long do dog live']\"",
"A third component of the ENG/VNG is called the caloric test, which uses changes in temperature within the ear canal to stimulate part of the vestibular system. Air or water may be used to modulate the ear canal temperature, which may be warmer or cooler than body temperature."
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"Abnormality in ECG report generally means that the electrical system of your heart is not working properly. Abnormal ECG results may indicate heart block, Tachycardia, Bradycardia, Premature atrial contraction, heart attack and many other heart conditions."
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"Like the ENG/VNG, rotation tests are performed in a room that is dark with the examiner asking random questions during testing. Rotation tests provide information beyond the ENG/ VNG about how well the balance organs are functioning. Not all people in the diagnosis phase will require rotation tests."
"These are the eight VNG tests performed by our system (standard ones): 1 Saccades. 2 Smooth Pursuit. 3 Optokinetics. Gaze. Head Rotation 1 (HFHS) Positionals. 2 Hallpike. Caloric."
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"ENG TEST (Electronystagmography) and VNG TEST(Videonystagmography) Here we are discussing a collection of procedures typically called Electronystagmography or Videonystagmography. We will use the term ENG for both unless otherwise qualified."
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"VNG testing is more accurate, more consistent, and more comfortable for the patient. By having the patient more comfortable and relaxed, consistent and accurate test results are more easily achieved."
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"Abnormality in ECG report generally means that the electrical system of your heart is not working properly. Abnormal ECG results may indicate heart block, Tachycardia, Bradycardia, Premature atrial contraction, heart attack and many other heart conditions. A heart doctor interprets ECG results to diagnose the medical condition of a patient."
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"Background: Abnormality is a term used to describe something deviating from what is normal. The term can be appropriate when used in a medical context, such as âabnormal curvature of the spineâ or an âabnormal test result.â However, when used to describe an individual, abnormal is widely viewed as a derogative term."
"Represent the next text",
"During ENG, small electrodes are applied beside each eye and connected via wires to a computer. The equipment can read movements of the eyes via the electrodes. During VNG, goggles are placed over the eyes and connected to the equipment via wires. The goggles have a camera inside that monitors eye movement. During this test. a computer analysis will be performed in response to the data collected."
"represent this\n\n------\n\nGiven ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', '1046 1st Avenue S, Seattle, WA 98134. Located next to Safeco Field Qwest Field and Event Center and within walking distance to the historic Pioneer Square District The Silver Cloud Hotel - Stadium offers something for everyone. The hotel features rooms with King beds or two Queen beds; King Suites and Jacuzzi Suites.'], a positive would be ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'hotels within walking distance to safeco field seattle']",
"Abdominal pain, bloating and general discomfort are the most common indication for a general upper abdominal ultrasound scan. However, your doctor may also refer you because you have had an slightly abnormal blood test result as part of general routine check-up, usually called a LFT blood test or liver function test.ther reasons are for a past history or previous slightly abnormal scan which requires follow-up imaging to see if the body is responding to treatment. An abdominal ultrasound produces a picture of the organs and other structures in the upper abdomen."
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"Abnormality in ECG report generally means that the electrical system of your heart is not working properly. Abnormal ECG results may indicate heart block, Tachycardia, Bradycardia, Premature atrial contraction, heart attack and many other heart conditions.bnormality in ECG report generally means that the electrical system of your heart is not working properly. Abnormal ECG results may indicate heart block, Tachycardia, Bradycardia, Premature atrial contraction, heart attack and many other heart conditions."
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"CALORIC TEST (AKA ENG, VENG) The caloric test is a part of the ENG. It is an attempt to discover the degree to which the vestibular system is responsive and also how symmetric the responses are, between left and right ears. It is a test of the lateral semicircular canals alone -- it does not assess vertical canal function or otolithic function."
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"Abnormal values. 1 A longer-than-normal PTT or APTT can mean a lack of or low level of one of the blood clotting factors or another substance needed to clot blood. 2 This can be caused by bleeding disorders, such as hemophilia or von Willebrand's disease.he normal values listed here-called a reference range-are just a guide. These ranges vary from lab to lab, and your lab may have a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should contain the range your lab uses. Also, your doctor will evaluate your results based on your health and other factors."
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"vWD is recessive which means if the sire is clear, the dam does not need to be tested. You need two copies of the gene for the disorder to present. You cannot get a copy from a clear, therefore these pups are not at risk for vWD.The worst they could be is carriers, and being a carrier is not a health risk.he vWD test would be unnecessary, as your clear sire ensures your pup will be at most a carrier. It is only advised if you plan on breeding (and if your breeder knew she was already planning a breeding to a clear, she can in good conscience skip that test, but would need to test if she was breeding to a carrier)."
] |
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"types of round cell tumors canine"
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"Mast cell tumors are the most frequent round cell tumors in dogs but can also be observed in atypical anal sac adenocarcinomas, lymphomas, melanomas, plasmacytomas, transmissible venereal tumors, histiocytomas, primitive neuroectodermal tumor, Merkel cell carcinomas and hepatic neuroendocrine tumors."
] | [
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"Mast Cell Tumors in Dogs-Symptoms, Treatment, Causes, Pictures. Dogs can also have tumors and one of the common types is the Mast Cell Tumors in dogs. Also known as mast cell sarcoma, histiocytic mastocytoma and mastocystosis, mast cell tumors in dogs are generally considered malignant or potentially malignant mass growths."
"Represent this text",
"Mast cell tumor (MCT) represents a cancer of a type of blood cell normally involved in the bodyâs. response to allergens and inflammation. MCT is the most common skin tumor in dogs; it can also affect. other areas of the body, including the spleen, liver, gastrointestinal tract, and bone marrow. Certain dogs."
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"Types of Cancer. Approximately one-third of all tumors in dogs are skin tumors, and up to twenty percent of those are mast cell tumors. The most common location to find mast cell tumors is the skin, followed by the spleen, liver, and bone marrow."
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"Common Cancers in Dogs. Many different types of cancer occur in dogs. These include lymphosarcoma, osteosarcoma, soft tissue sarcoma, mast cell tumors, hemangiosarcoma, oral melanoma and mammary neoplasia, among others. Lymphoma, also called lymphosarcoma, is a general term applied to malignant neoplastic disorders of lymph tissue."
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"Clinically, dogs with mast cell cancer mostly exhibit cutaneous (skin) lesions. These initially appear as lumps on the dog skin in the form of nodules. These nodules are raised and soft to solid on palpation (when touched). These tumors vary in size and contain cellular content."
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"Despite being prone to develop many different types of cancer, mast cell tumors are the most common type of cancer to affect this breed. If caught early, mast cell tumors may be treated with surgical removal, chemotherapy, and medications. This dogâs skin should be examined frequently for any abnormal swelling or bumps."
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"Oral Cancer. Tumors of the mouth and throat (oropharyngeal tumors) are common in dogs and include malignant melanoma (the most common canine oral tumor), fibrosarcoma, squamous cell carcinoma and epulides."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Skin cancer is the most common type of canine cancer and the second most common feline cancer. Not every lump or growth on a pet is a malignant tumor, but because certain types of skin cancer can be very aggressive and fatal, you should check your pet regularly for new bumps or changes in their skin."
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"Treatment is usually curative with wide-margin surgical excision but due to the malignant nature of these tumors, recurrence should be considered and regular monitoring is recommended. â Gianella P et al (2012) Primary cutaneous undifferentiated round cell tumor with concurrent polymyositis in a dog."
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"Mast cell tumors, also called mastocytomas, mast cell sarcomas or MCTs, are common cancerous accumulations of cells that form nodular skin masses. Normal mast cells are involved in inflammatory and allergic reactions. Why they aggregate into tumors in some dogs isnât well-understood."
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"Two mast cell tumors on a Norwegian Elkhound. While any dog can develop a mast cell tumor the breeds at a higher risk are: 1 Beagle. 2 Basset Hound. 3 Bernese Mountain Dog. 4 Boston Terrier. 5 Boxer."
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"Frequency/Location: Mast cell tumors are among the most common tumors in dogs and are the most common type of skin cancer found in dogs. Approximately 1/3 of all tumors in dogs are skin tumors, and up to 20% of those are mast cell tumors."
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"Common Cancers in Dogs. Many different types of cancer occur in dogs. These include lymphosarcoma, osteosarcoma, soft tissue sarcoma, mast cell tumors, hemangiosarcoma, oral melanoma and mammary neoplasia, among others."
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"Save to mypetMD. Benign and malignant tumors of the mammary glands occur fairly frequently in unspayed female dogs, in fact they are the most common type of tumor in the group. Spaying can largely reduce the risk of developing this type of cancer, especially if the dog is spayed before it has an opportunity to go into heat."
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"While other skin cancers are more common in dogs and cats, squamous cell carcinoma can be a more aggressive and deadly cancer if not treated early. There are different types of squamous cell carcinomas, and different breeds of dogs are more susceptible to each type."
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"Types of Skin Cancer in Dogs. There are different types of dog skin cancers. Three of the most common include: Malignant melanoma. Just as in people, malignant melanoma is a type of skin cancer in dogs that affects pigmented cells known as melanocytes. Dogs often develop benign tumors in pigmented cells that do not metastasize, which are called melanocytomas. These tumors are found on areas of the dogâs body that have hair."
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"Tonsil Cancer (Squamous Cell Carcinoma) in Dogs. The squamous epithelium is a type of epithelium that consists of the outer layer of flat, scale-like cells, which are called squamous cells...."
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"In dogs, the most common clinical variants of lymphoma are high-grade T- or B-cell variants, and four conventionally recognized anatomic forms of lymphoma have been described: multicentric, alimentary, mediastinal, and extranodal (renal, CNS, cutaneous, ocular, bone, etc)."
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"May 25, 2010. Mast cell tumors (MCTs) are fast growing tumors found in dogs. They appear as raised hard lumps underneath the dog's skin. MCTs are a form of skin cancer. These tumors generally don't spread to other organs, although when it infects the lymph nodes the outcome is often fatal."
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"Squamous cell carcinoma(SCC) is the second most common malignant oral tumor in the dog. SCC can metastasize to other parts of the body. The prognosis is more favorable for tumors located toward the front of the mouth. Metastasis is more common when tumors are located toward the back of the tongue or tonsils."
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"Mammary tumors: The most common form of malignant tumor seen in unsprayed females. If you find lumps in the mammary wall see your vet immediately. Early diagnosis is critical. Skin cancers: The most common form of cancer found in dogs. If you find unusual red or black spots on the skin, these could be hemangiosarcomas."
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"A malignant tumor is one of the most common oral tumors a dog can acquire. There are three types: 1 Squamous cell carcinomas. 2 Fibrocarcinomas. 3 Malignant melanomas."
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"Overview of Canine Hemangiosarcoma Hemangiosarcoma is a malignant cancer of the cells that form blood vessels. Because these tumors start in blood vessels, they are frequently filled with blood. Consequently, when a blood-filled tumor ruptures, it can cause problems with internal or external bleeding."
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"Dog breeds that may be more at risk for this tumor include Bulldogs, American Pit Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers, Scottish Terriers, Greyhounds, Boxers, and Boston Terriers."
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"Other rarely documented primary hepatobiliary tumors include hepatoblastoma, plasmacytoma, and osteosarcoma in dogs and sarcomas, plasmacytoma, and myelolipoma in cats. 2,4,8,10-15. This article focuses on diagnosing and treating hepatobiliary epithelial tumors and primary sarcomas in dogs and cats."
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"Cells are round to oval and discrete, although they may cluster if in large numbers. 1 Occurs only in the dog and is the most common skin tumor in this species. Rapidly growing, dome shaped, often ulcerated lesions approximately 2 cm in diameter."
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"Skin MCTs are the most common type of mast cell tumors, accounting for 16%-21% of all skin tumors in the dog. The average age. at diagnosis is 8 years but puppies as young as 4 months have been reported."
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"Mast (Mastocytoma) Cell Tumors in Dogs. Cancerous mast cell tumor above the skin. Mast cells originate from the bone marrow and can be found throughout the body's connective tissue. They are normal components of the immune system, but can form into growths called mast cell tumorsn (MCT). About 20% of tumors in dogs are mast cell tumors, a type of tumor consisting of mast cells."
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"Canine cutaneous histiocytoma is a benign epitheliotropic (having an affinity for epithelial cells) tumor made of intraepidermal (within the epidermis), dendritic, antigen-presenting cells. Most canine cutaneous histiocytomas show quick regression."
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"1 These tumors can occur in both dogs and cats, and while some are benign, most are malignant. 2 Dogs usually develop a single tumor; cats tend to develop multiple tumors. 3 In cats, mast cell tumors of the skin are usually curable with surgery.4 Internal tumors carry a much poorer prognosis.n this video, Dr. Karen Becker discusses mast cell tumors in dogs and cats. By Dr. Becker Today I want to discuss mast cell tumors in dogs and cats. Mast cells are found in all tissues of the body, but they are in especially high numbers in the skin, respiratory tract, and gastrointestinal tract."
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"Skin tumors in dogs may be of several types. These growths may be benign or malignant. The tumors may be papillomas, sebaceous adenomas, fatty tumors, melanomas, mast cell tumors and other types. The diagnosis of the skin tumors may be done judging by the appearance of the tumor and by performing a biopsy."
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"Mast Cell Tumors: Mast cell tumors are the most common malignant tumors for dogs, and are usually solitary lumps found on the body or legs. Breeds which are at risk include Beagles, Boston Terriers, Boxers, Labrador Retrievers, Pugs, and Schnauzers."
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"Canine mast cell tumors account for up to 20% of all skin tumors in dogs. While they often appear small and somewhat insignificant, they can be a very serious form of cancer in the dog."
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"Mast Cell Tumors. These tumors are the most frequently recognized malignant or potentially malignant tumors of dogs. This cancer type may affect dogs at any age, but is more common in dogs more than 8 years old. They may develop anywhere on the body as well as in internal organs."
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"Canine mast cell tumors account for up to 20% of all skin tumors in dogs. While they often appear small and somewhat insignificant, they can be a very serious form of cancer in the dog. Some mast cell tumors are easily removed without the development of any further problems and others can lead to a life threatening disease."
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"Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the second most common malignant oral tumor in the dog. SCC can metastasize to other parts of the body. The prognosis is more favorable for tumors located toward the front of the mouth. Metastasis is more common when tumors are located toward the back of the tongue or tonsils."
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"It is also referred to as canine mouth cancer. Most of them are malignant (have the potential to spread to other parts of body). The most common types of oral cancer in canines are malignant melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma and fibrosarcoma. All of these are malignant. The gums, mouth and pharynx are most commonly affected by oral cancer. Clinical signs are very helpful in identifying oral cancer in dogs, but a biopsy (test of a tissue sample) is usually necessary as a confirmatory diagnosis."
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"While lymphoma is typically characterized by tumors of tissue in the lymph nodes, liver, spleen and/or bone marrow, there is a skin form that causes raised, round nodules. Mast Cell Tumor â Mast cell tumors are the most common skin tumors in domestic dogs."
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"Tumors of the penis are rare in the dog, but preputial tumors are more common. Tumors that occur on the prepuce are similar to the tumors that grow on other haired regions of the body. Some of the most common preputial tumors include mast cell tumors, squamous cell carcinomas, papillomas and fibromas. The most common penile tumors are transmissible venereal tumors (TVT)."
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"mast cell tumor. a benign, local aggregation of mast cells forming a nodular tumor that occurs in the skin of most species, but most commonly in dogs. The release of histamine or other vasoactive substances may be associated with gastroduodenal ulceration. These tumors may become malignant."
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"Final Diagnosis: Canine Mammary Gland Tumor. Introduction: Mammary gland tumors are the most frequently diagnosed neoplasms in female dogs. Roughly 80% of canine mammary tumors are diagnosed in bitches older than 7 years. About 30% of the cases are malignant mammary carcinoma. These tumors can be solitary or multicentric (Figure 1)."
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"Mast Cell Tumor (Mastocytoma) in Dogs. Connective Tissue Tumors in Dogs. Mast cells are cells that reside in the connective tissues, especially those vessels and nerves that are closest to the external surfaces (e.g., skin, lungs, nose, mouth). Their primary functions include defense against parasitic infestations, tissue repair, and the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis)."
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"Overview: Dog Skin Tumors. There are primarily two types of canine skin tumors, benign and malignant. Benign tumors are usually encapsulated cellular growths, which appear as a lump, wart or bulge on the skin surface. These are non fatal, easily diagnosed and curable forms of skin tumors."
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"Connective Tissue Tumors in Dogs. Mast cells are cells that reside in the connective tissues, especially those vessels and nerves that are closest to the external surfaces (e.g., skin, lungs, nose, mouth). Their primary functions include defense against parasitic infestations, tissue repair, and the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis)."
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"A mastocytoma or mast cell tumor is a type of round-cell tumor consisting of mast cells. It is found in humans and many animal species; in human medicine it also can refer to an accumulation or nodule of mast cells that resembles a tumor."
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"Chapters address the dominant cytology of the tumor cells ( spindle cell tumors , epithelioid tumors , round cell tumors , pleomorphic sarcomas , biphasic tumors , and tumors with mixed patterns ) , the quality of the extracellular matrix ( tumors with myxoid stroma ) , and other distinguishing features ( giant cell-rich tumors and soft tissue ..."
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"Canine mast cell tumors account for up to 20% of all skin tumors in dogs. While they often appear small and somewhat insignificant, they can be a very serious form of cancer in the dog.anine mast cell tumors account for up to 20% of all skin tumors in dogs. While they often appear small and somewhat insignificant, they can be a very serious form of cancer in the dog."
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"Squamous Cell Carcinomas. These are typically located in one area of a dog's mouth and will metastasize later than other cancers might. This type of oral cancer usually affects the bone in a dog's mouth the most. Squamous cell carcinomas usually affect the front of a dog's mouth."
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"1 1Skin tumors can be benign or malignant, but they should always be checked by a veterinarian. 2 2Some skin problems, such as allergies or fungal infections, can be mistaken for tumors. 3Common tumors in dogs include mast cell, basal cell, melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and hemanglosarcoma."
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"Round Worms: Roundworms in dogs are the most common type of canine worms. These dog worms are also called âascaridoidsâ or ascarids. Two different species, Toxocara canis and Toxocara leonis can cause âAscariasisâ in dogs."
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"Treatment is usually curative with wide-margin surgical excision but due to the malignant nature of these tumors, recurrence should be considered and regular monitoring is recommended. 1 Gianella P et al (2012) Primary cutaneous undifferentiated round cell tumor with concurrent polymyositis in a dog. Can Vet J 53(5):549-553. Mackowiak II et al (2012) E-cadherin in canine mast cell tumors: Decreased expression and altered subcellular localization in Grade 3 tumors. Vet J 194(3):405-11."
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"Digital Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Dogs. Dogs can be afflicted with several types of skin tumors, even on their feet and toes. The most common type of type of tumor to affect the toes is a squamous cell carcinoma. A squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) can be described as a malignant and particularly invasive tumor that takes hold in the scale like cells of the epithelium â the tissue that covers the body or lines the cavities of the body."
"Malignant Oral Tumors. A malignant tumor is one of the most common oral tumors a dog can acquire. Squamous Cell Carcinomas. These are typically located in one area of a dog's mouth and will metastasize later than other cancers might. This type of oral cancer usually affects the bone in a dog's mouth the most."
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"Most canine skin lump tumors are benign in nature. Types of dog lumps include: 1 Hematoma: The skin surface on the ventral surface (abdomen) is hollow and has deep soft connective tissues."
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"Cells are round to oval and discrete, although they may cluster if in large numbers. 1 Occurs only in the dog and is the most common skin tumor in this species. 2 Rapidly growing, dome shaped, often ulcerated lesions approximately 2 cm in diameter. Skin of the head is the most common site."
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"For the most common type of cardiac tumor, hemangiosarcoma (HAS), spayed females had a greater than five times risk vs. their intact counterparts. Neutered male dogs had a slightly higher risk than intact males. The study concluded that, ⦠neutering appeared to increase the risk of cardiac tumor in both sexes."
"Represent text",
"These cancers are named for the types of cells that become malignant (cancerous): 1 Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common type of urethral cancer. 2 Transitional cell carcinoma forms in the area near the urethral opening in women, and in the part of the urethra that goes through the prostate gland in men."
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"Treatment options for canine cutaneous mast cell tumors. You'll likely encounter patients with these neoplasms in your practice. Luckily, many treatment options are available, such as surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapyâand new treatments are on the horizon. FIGURE 1. A large pedunculated cutaneous mast cell tumor on a mixed-breed female dog. This mass was assumed to be benign until cytologic and histopathologic diagnosis of mast cell disease was confirmed three years after being first noticed. FIGURE 2. Shar-Peis are reported to have more aggressive and invasive mast cell tumors."
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"Skin MCTs are the most common type of mast cell tumors, accounting for 16%-21% of all skin tumors in the dog. at diagnosis is 8 years but puppies as young as 4 months have been reported. Rhodesian ridgbacks, pugs, Labradors retrievers, golden retrievers, weimaraners, and beagles. Although mast cells are also. present in the lung and gastrointestinal tract, the development of tumors in these sites is not as common as for the skin. Skin MCTs. are most commonly found on the trunk (50-60%) and the limbs (25%)."
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"The graver the tumor is, the higher the grade will be. 1 Grade I â Most cases of mast cell tumors in dogs belong here. 2 Grade 2 â The tumor grew from the subcutaneous tissues and the skin. 3 Grade 3 â This is the least common type."
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"Canine Mast Cell Tumors. Incidence/Cause. Mast cell tumors (MCT) in dogs are very common, accounting for approximately 20% of all skin tumors in dogs. For most dogs, the underlying cause promoting the development of the tumor is not known. Mast cell tumors can arise from any skin site on the body, and can have a variety of appearances."
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"Cancerous basal cell tumors are the most common skin cancer in cats. Middle-aged cats are most susceptible to these tumors along with Persians and other long-haired breeds. Many breeds of dogs are predisposed to basal cell tumors, including Wirehaired Pointing Griffons and Kerry Blue and Wheaten Terriers."
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"Tumor types: There has been a long-lasting debate about classification of canine mammary tumors. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), canine mammary tumors are histologically classified into four categories: malignant tumors, benign tumors, unclassified tumors, and mammary hyperplasias/dysplasias."
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"how many people live in the scotland"
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"Today, Scotland has a population of just over five million people, the majority of whom consider themselves Scottish. In addition, there are many more people with Scots ancestry living abroad than the total population of Scotland. In the 2000 Census, 4.8 million Americans reported Scottish ancestry, 1.7% of the total US population."
] | [
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"10 things I love about living in Scotland: 1 The Scots average 4-6 weeks of paid vacation per year. They work to live not live to work. 2 Public transportation is amazing. I live a few blocks from our train station and I can easily pop into the city. 3 National Health Care. There, I said it. 4 Historical buildings cover this country."
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"Shetland population growth among fastest in Scotland as it rises above 22,000. Shetland had one of the largest percentage population increases in Scotland last year, while the country as a whole recorded its highest population since 1979. Statistics just released by the General Register of Scotland show the number of people registered in Shetland NHS board area as 22,210 in June last year."
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"Eilean Donan is part of the Kintail National Scenic Area, one of 40 in Scotland.In 2001, the island had a recorded population of just one person, but there were no usual residents at the time of the 2011 census.ilean Donan is part of the Kintail National Scenic Area, one of 40 in Scotland."
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"The Central Belt of Scotland is the area of highest population density within Scotland. It has a population of about 3.5m covering an area of approximately 10,000 km 2, including Greater Glasgow, Ayrshire, Falkirk, Edinburgh, Lothian and Fife."
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"But across the UK, unemployment has fallen by 48,000 to 2.45 million. However, the number of Scots with a job has increased by 16,000 over the same period. This figure is also up 75,000 over the past year with the total standing at 2.55 million."
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"The Scottish people (Scots: Scots Fowk, Scottish Gaelic: Albannaich), or Scots, are a nation and ethnic group native to Scotland. Historically, they emerged from an amalgamation of two Celtic peoplesâthe Picts and Gaels âwho founded the Kingdom of Scotland (or Alba) in the 9th century.Later, the neighbouring Cumbrian Celts, as well as Germanic Anglo-Saxons and Norse, were incorporated into the Scottish nation.here is a Scottish presence at a particularly high level in Canada, which has the highest level per-capita of Scots descendants in the world and second largest population of descended Scots ancestry, after the United States. They took with them their Scottish languages and culture."
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"note: the following are recognized regional languages: Scots (about 30% of the population of Scotland), Scottish Gaelic (about 60,000 in Scotland), Welsh (about 20% of the population of Wales), Irish (about 10% of the population of Northern Ireland), Cornish (some 2,000 to 3,000 in Cornwall) (2012 est.)."
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"Argyll and Bute has a higher proportion of people aged 65+ (22%) than Scotland as a whole (17%; NRS; Mid-2011 population estimate). National Records of Scotland produce population projections for Argyll and Bute based on Mid-2010 population estimates, current birth and death rates and estimated migration rates."
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"Tags: How many people live in usa 2012, How many people live in usa today, Population of the USA 2012, United States."
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"The capital city of Scotland is Edinburgh. It has a population of 478 000, second in the country after Glasgow, which is not Scotland's capital.2 people found this useful.he capital city of Scotland is Edinburgh. It has a population of 478 000, second in the country after Glasgow, which is not Scotland's capital. 2 people found this useful."
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"It is the largest village in the northwestern corner of Scotland, has a population of around 400, and is on the A838 road. It is located on the north coast between the towns of Thurso 72 miles (116 km) to the east) and Ullapool 68 miles (109 km) to the south.he population today is much diminished with the whole of the Durness area suffering greatly from the Highland Clearances, the first in 1819 and thereafter throughout the greater part of the 19th century until the Crofting Act of the 1886 finally gave crofters a measure of security of tenure."
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"For other uses of â³Scotâ³, see Scot (disambiguation) . This article is about the Scottish people as an ethnic group. For residents or nationals of Scotland, see Demographics of Scotland. The Scottish people (Scots: Scots Fowk, Scottish Gaelic: Albannaich), or Scots, are a nation and ethnic group native to Scotland.Historically, they emerged from an amalgamation of two Celtic peoplesâthe Picts and Gaels âwho founded the Kingdom of Scotland (or Alba) in the 9th century.n addition, there are many more people with Scots ancestry living abroad than the total population of Scotland. In the 2000 Census, 4.8 million Americans reported Scottish ancestry, 1.7% of the total US population. A quarter of a million Ulster Scots emigrated to North America between 1717 and 1775."
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"Edinburgh and Glasgow both have street parties for 100,000 people. This is even though the capital is less populated than Glasgow, around 450,000 compared to 750,00 people. However, although last year 100,000 tickets were distributed for the Edinburgh Hogmanay street party, a lot more people found their way in. The biggest Hogmanay street party in Scotland to date was an estimated 300,000 at Edinburgh's Hogmanay in 1996/97 (so they say). It was too many, people were crushed, and it consequently became a ticketed event."
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"Glasgow Glasgow area (a continuously populated urban area with Glasgow City at its heart) was home to 1,199,629 people at the time of the 2001 census, making it the fifth largest urban area in the UK. Edinburgh, Scotland's capital city, comes in second with a 2011 population of 495,360."
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"Scotland is bigger than the Republic of Ireland both in population and land area. Scotland population 5.3 million. Land area 30,000 sq. miles. R of I population 4.5 million. Land area 27000 sq. miles."
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"The city has a population of over 220,000. It is a harbour city located on Scotland's north-east coast, approximately 120 miles (190km) north of Edinburgh and 400 miles (650km) north of London, where the Rivers Dee and Don meet the North Sea.It is an important sea port, regional centre, and the hub of the North Sea oil industry.t is a harbour city located on Scotland's north-east coast, approximately 120 miles (190km) north of Edinburgh and 400 miles (650km) north of London, where the Rivers Dee and Don meet the North Sea. It is an important sea port, regional centre, and the hub of the North Sea oil industry."
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"A. We have identified a total number of 3,837 people who were accused of witchcraft in Scotland. 3,212 of these are named and there are a further 625 unnamed people or groups included in our database.e have 3,212 names of people accused of witchcraft. There are also 625 records for unnamed people or groups of unnamed people, making a total of 3,837 cases (including some groups of unknown size). This is probably most of the cases, but it is unlikely to be all of them."
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"Data from the results of the 2013 Annual pupil census in publicly funded schools in Scotland indicated there are 29,532 bilingual primary and secondary school children in Scotland (4.4% of all pupils)."
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"People born in Scotland are called Scottish or British and can say that they live in Scotland, Britain and/or the UK. Most people in Scotland will say they are Scottish rather than British. People born in Wales are called Welsh or British and can say that they live in Wales, Britain and/or the UK.Most people in Wales will say they are Welsh rather than British.any people think that 'English' is the same as 'British'. It is not! People who are English are from the country of England. On the other hand, British people are people who live in Great Britain (Britain) and the UK."
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"In addition, there are many more people with Scots ancestry living abroad than the total population of Scotland. In the 2000 Census, 4.8 million Americans reported Scottish ancestry, 1.7% of the total US population. A quarter of a million Ulster Scots emigrated to North America between 1717 and 1775.n addition, there are many more people with Scots ancestry living abroad than the total population of Scotland. In the 2000 Census, 4.8 million Americans reported Scottish ancestry, 1.7% of the total US population. A quarter of a million Ulster Scots emigrated to North America between 1717 and 1775."
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"Edinburgh, Scotland's capital city, comes in second with a 2011 population of 495,360. It is the 7th most populous city in the UK, and the 59th most populous city in the EU."
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"By comparison, the population of the city of Edinburgh, Scotland was 495,360 in 2011 CE, the population of London, England 8.174 million in 2011 CE, and the population of New York City in the United States of America was 8.337 million in 2012 CE."
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"Located in northwest Europe, Scotland is one of the four countries that comprise the United Kingdom. Spanning more than 30,000 square miles, it takes up the northern third of Great Britain, and is bordered on the south by England.urrounded by water, Scotland is bordered by the North Sea on the east, the Atlantic Ocean on the north and west, and the North Channel and the Irish Sea to the southwest. In addition to the mainland, there are 790 islands that make up Scotland."
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"On Vatersay, 32% of the population is under the age of 16 and on Fair Isle the figure is almost 29%. Depopulation is a real threat to many of Scotland's island communities. Over the last 10 years, almost twice as many islands have lost populations as have gained."
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"In both the islands and Scotland, the proportion of people born in Scotland was lower in 2011 (79 per cent and 83 per cent respectively) than in 2001 (84 per cent and 87 per cent respectively). The proportion of island residents who were born in England increased from 13 per cent in 2001 to 16 per cent in 2011."
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"In modern use, Scottish people or Scots is used to refer to anyone whose linguistic, cultural, family ancestral or genetic origins are from within Scotland. The Latin word Scotti originally referred to the Gaels but came to describe all inhabitants of Scotland.n addition, there are many more people with Scots ancestry living abroad than the total population of Scotland. In the 2000 Census, 4.8 million Americans reported Scottish ancestry, 1.7% of the total US population. A quarter of a million Ulster Scots emigrated to North America between 1717 and 1775."
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"Scottish Gaelic (Gaidhlig). Gà idhlig Scottish gaelic is spoken by 87,000 87000 people In (Scotland), alba mainly in The (highlands' A) ghaidhealtachd and in The Western (Isles na-H eileanan An), iar but also In (Glasgow), Glaschu (Edinburgh Dun) dùn Eideann (And Inverness). inbhir nis In the Gaelic languages, apart from Scottish Gaelic, it starts with C, which is why they are called Q-Celtic languages (this sound is sometimes written with a Q in Manx), while in the Brythonic languges it starts with p or b, which is why they are known as P-Celtic."
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"Any islands with populations below this level tend to experience net emigration, an ageing population and inadequate provision of facilities. In 2001, only 6 Scottish islands had populations greater than this critical mass - Arran, Bute, Skye, Mainland Orkney, Mainland Shetland and Lewis & Harris. The following table contains population statistics for all of Scotland's inhabited islands from 1961 to 2001:"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Child poverty in Scotland. More than one in five (210,000) of Scotlandâs children are officially recognised as living in poverty [i], a level significantly higher than in many other European countries[ii].In 2013/14 the proportion of children in Scotland experiencing poverty remained at 22%, after increasing from 19% in 2011/12 [iii].n 2013/14 the proportion of children in Scotland experiencing poverty remained at 22%, after increasing from 19% in 2011/12 [iii]."
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"A sign welcoming visitors to Scotland, USA (Alma, Michigan) In the city the population was spread out with 21.9% under the age of 18, 20.4% from 18 to 24, 23.0% from 25 to 44, 17.8% from 45 to 64, and 16.9% who were 65 years of age or older."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers Example:\nProvided: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:', 'WavePad Audio Editor Free is a full-featured professional audio and music editor. With WavePad you can edit and record music, voice, and other audio recordings. You can edit audio files with tools like cut, copy, paste. You can also add audio effects including echo, amplify, and noise reduction. WavePad supports a number of formats including vox, gsm, and more!']\" Match: \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'what program to edit voice recordings']\"",
"Afterward many of them left the United States, to settle in Canada or return to Scotland. At the time of our first federal census (1790) people of Scottish (including the Scots-Irish) origins made up more than six percent of the population, numbering about 260,000. After the Revolution, most Scots immigrated to Canada rather than the United States. However, many of them later came to America from Canada. A total of 478,224 Scots entered the United States between 1852 and 1910 according to official figures. Most Scots settled in the Southern and Middle Atlantic states in the 17th and 18th centuries."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"According to the 2001 census Scottish Gaelic has 58,652 speakers (roughly 1% of the population of Scotland). In total 92,400 people aged three and over in Scotland had some Gaelic language ability in 2001. 15,723 of these reside in the Outer Hebrides, where the language is spoken by the majority of the population. The Romani language (Indo-Aryan) has also been spoken in Scotland, but became more or less extinct in the country during the 20th century. 2 It has lent Scotland's other languages a number of loanwords, and has also had an effect on the Gaelic of the travelling community."
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"The reason there are three different figures for Scotland is because of the age old problem of oil. The figures show how big the economy is without oil, and then with the oil industry, measured first by population and then by geography. If a geographical share of oil is included, the Scottish economy was £2,500 bigger per person in 2013."
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"Scotl Simple English. Scotland is a country which is part of the United Kingdom. It is the northern half of the island of Great Britain, with a population of about five million. Nemo me impune lacessit. (The collar of the order appears in earlier versions of the Royal coat of arms of Scotland, but without the order motto). The motto of the Order of the Thistle. Answer (1 of 1): The motto of Scotland is in Latin :Nemo me impune lacessit which means No one provokes me with impunity."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Edinburgh Population 2017. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland, and has been since the 14th century. Located in Lothian on the shore of the Firth of Forth, Edinburgh has an estimated population of 489,000, which makes it the second most populous city in Scotland and the 7th in the United Kingdom."
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"Aberdeen is a city of 220,000 people - smaller than Glasgow and Edinburgh, but larger than other Scottish cities. By UK and even Scottish standards it is remote and often the subject of far away jokes (the nearest city is much smaller Dundee 70 miles south)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Map reveals Scotlandâs poverty shame. The scandal of children living in poverty in Scotland has been outlined by a map pinpointing the countryâs most deprived areas. More than 229,000 youngsters are now living in hardship as their parents struggle to cope with the soaring costs of living."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Region: Scotland, United Kingdom. Time Zone: Europe/London. Population: 42 904 Geonames-ID: 2645605"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland (by population), but Edinburgh is the captial city of Scotland.he capital city of Scotland is Edinburgh. It has a population of 478 000, second in the country after Glasgow, which is not Scotland's capital. 2 people found this useful."
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"The Irish were by far the largest group of immigrants to settle in Scotland. With fares from as little as 6d for a deck passage from Ireland to Greenock, emigration to Scotland was a regular feature of Irish life before 1830.In the 1820s, 6000â8000 Irish per year were making the harvest migration.By the 1840s this had grown to 25,000 over the agricultural season.etween 1841 and 1851 the Irish population of Scotland increased by 90%. As the century progressed the numbers of Irish immigrants dwindled to 3.7% in 1911, or 174,715; the respective figures for England and Wales were 1%, or 395,325."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Famous Scottish people. Scotland has produced a large number of well known people across all industries from philosophy, music, film and science.View our galleries and see how many of them you can name.amous Scottish people. Scotland has produced a large number of well known people across all industries from philosophy, music, film and science."
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"We believe it is unacceptable that over 13 million people in the UK do not have enough to live on, and most do not have the power to speak out about what this feels like and why it is wrong. We work with others to achieve a fairer and more equal country, in which everyone in the UK can live free from poverty and shame.he UK is the world's sixth largest economy, yet 1 in 5 of the UK population live below our official poverty line, meaning that they experience life as a daily struggle."
"Represent the input",
"1 As at March 2014, there were an estimated 335,015 private sector enterprises operating in Scotland-a decrease of 2.4% since March 2013. 2 This is the first annual decrease in total business stock since 2006.he registered business stock rate, the total stock of private sector registered enterprises per 10,000 resident adults in Scotland, is the basis of the Scottish Government National Indicator: Increase the number of businesses. Between 2013 and 2014, the number of registered enterprises increased by 4.0%."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Scotland is represented in the UK Parliament by 59 MPs and in the European Parliament by 6 MEPs. Scotland is also a member nation of the BritishâIrish Council, and the BritishâIrish Parliamentary Assembly."
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"I was walking through Edinburgh with 200 redheads behind me and I was mostly trying not to lead people into traffic. Nobody really knows the exact [number]. There was someone from Glasgow saying it was 19% in just the population of Scotland.."
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"The population of Inverness grew from 40,949 in 2001 to 46,870 in 2012. The Greater Inverness area, including Culloden and Westhill, had a population of 59,910 in 2012. Inverness is one of Europe's fastest growing cities, with a quarter of the Highland population living in or around it, and is ranked fifth out of 189 British cities for its quality of life, the highest of any Scottish city."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Many people think that 'English' is the same as 'British'. It is not! People who are English are from the country of England. On the other hand, British people are people who live in Great Britain (Britain) and the UK.(You can learn about the difference between England, Scotland, Wales, Great Britain and the UK by clicking here).eople who are English are from the country of England. On the other hand, British people are people who live in Great Britain (Britain) and the UK. (You can learn about the difference between England, Scotland, Wales, Great Britain and the UK by clicking here)."
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"Scotland is a big provider of financial services, managing £750 billion of pensions and investments. Its banks serve more than 40 million account-holders. But nine out of 10 customers of institutions based north of the border, live south of it. Analysts agree that an independent Scotland, like many small economies, could face higher interest rates, higher taxes, higher costs and greater financial instability than the rest of the UK."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Glasgow is not the capital city of Scotland, despite being the largest. Edinburgh is the capital city of the nation of Scotland.he capital city of Scotland is Edinburgh. It has a population of 478 000, second in the country after Glasgow, which is not Scotland's capital. 2 people found this useful."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Aberdeen (/æbÉrËdiËn/; Scots: Aiberdeen, listen ; Scottish Gaelic: Obar Dheathain [ËopÉr ËÊÉ.Éɲ]; Latin: Aberdonia) is Scotland's third most populous city, one of Scotland's 32 local government council areas and the United Kingdom's 37th most populous built-up area, with an official population estimate of 196,670 for the city of Aberdeen and 230,400 ..."
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"Scottish Gaelic is spoken by about 87,000 people in Scotland (Alba), mainly in the Highlands (a' Ghaidhealtachd) and in the Western Isles (Na h-Eileanan an Iar), but also in Glasgow (Glaschu), Edinburgh (Dun Dùn) eideann And (Inverness Inbhir). nis In the Gaelic languages, apart from Scottish Gaelic, it starts with C, which is why they are called Q-Celtic languages (this sound is sometimes written with a Q in Manx), while in the Brythonic languges it starts with p or b, which is why they are known as P-Celtic."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Islands around the UK. There are a great many islands off shore from the mainland of the United Kingdom-some estimates suggest that there are as many as 5000 islands in total but that number is difficult to verify.hatever the total number of islands there are certainly a great many of them-below are details of the main islands and groups of islands around the UK-from north to south. Shetland Islands-A group of around 90 islands, of which only 15 are inhabited, lying around 100 miles north of the Scottish north east coast."
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"The head of state in Scotland is the British monarch, currently Queen Elizabeth II (since 1952). As the UK is part of the European Union, Scotland also elects 6 Members to sit in the European Parliament. Scotland can best be described as having a multi-party system. In the Scottish Parliament, the centre-left pro-independence Scottish National Party (SNP) is the party which forms government, currently holding a majority of seats in the parliament (65 out of 129)."
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"English. note: the following are recognized regional languages: Scots (about 30% of the population of Scotland), Scottish Gaelic (about 60,000 in Scotland), Welsh (about 20% of the population of Wales), Irish (about 10% of the population of Northern Ireland), Cornish (some 2,000 to 3,000 in Cornwall) (2012 est.)."
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"People of Scottish descent live in many countries other than Scotland. Emigration, influenced by factors such as the Highland and Lowland Clearances, Scottish participation in the British Empire, and latterly industrial decline and unemployment, have resulted in Scottish people being found throughout the world."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Scottish Gaelic is spoken by about 87,000 people in Scotland (Alba), mainly in the Highlands (a' Ghaidhealtachd) and in the Western Isles (Na h-Eileanan an Iar), but also in Glasgow (Glaschu), Edinburgh (Dun Dùn) eideann And (Inverness Inbhir). nisll Scottish Gaelic dialects are mutually intelligible, and written Irish can be understood to a large extent. Scottish Gaelic is also distantly related to Welsh (Cymraeg), Cornish (Kernewek) and Breton (Brezhoneg), which form the Brythonic branch of the Celtic languages, also known as P-Celtic."
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"Fife is Scotland's third largest local authority area by population. It has a resident population of just under 367,000, almost a third of whom live in the three principal towns of Dunfermline, Kirkcaldy and Glenrothes.lmost all road traffic into and out of Fife has to pass over one of three bridges, south on the Forth Road Bridge, west on the Kincardine Bridge or north-east via the Tay Road Bridge, the exception being traffic headed north on the M90."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Scotland (Scots Gaelic: Alba) is a nation in north-western Europe, the second largest of the constituent nations of the United Kingdom. It has a 60 mile (96km) land border with England to the south, and is separated from Northern Ireland by the North Channel of the Irish Sea."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Scotland has no national capital, as such, because it is part of the United Kingdom. However, they have been granted certain legislative powers, including tax-raising authority, and their parliament is in EDINBURGH.he capital city of Scotland is Edinburgh. It has a population of 478 000, second in the country after Glasgow, which is not Scotland's capital. 2 people found this useful."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland located in the Central Belt region of the country. With a population of approximately 450,000 (1 million in the city region), Auld Reekie (Edinburgh) manages to combine both ancient and modern in a uniquely Scottish atmosphere.dinburgh is the capital of Scotland located in the Central Belt region of the country. With a population of approximately 450,000 (1 million in the city region), Auld Reekie (Edinburgh) manages to combine both ancient and modern in a uniquely Scottish atmosphere."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Situated off the north tip of Scotland, Orkney is home to 19,000 people on it's 19 inhabited islands. Within this website we offer useful information for visitors to the islands, from getting here, to places to stay, and things to do."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The Scottish people (Scots: Scots Fowk, Scottish Gaelic: Albannaich), or Scots, are a nation and ethnic group native to Scotland. Historically, they emerged from an amalgamation of two Celtic peoplesâthe Picts and Gaels âwho founded the Kingdom of Scotland (or Alba) in the 9th century.Later, the neighbouring Cumbrian Celts, as well as Germanic Anglo-Saxons and Norse, were incorporated into the Scottish nation.ermanic peoples, such as the Anglo-Saxons, arrived beginning in the 7th century, while the Norse settled many regions of Scotland from the 8th century onwards. In the High Middle Ages, from the reign of David I of Scotland, there was some emigration from France, England and the Low Countries to Scotland."
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"how many days can you have raw chicken in the fridge"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"I think chicken in the frig uncooked can last up to about a week anything past that will be spoiled chicken lasts longer in the freezer til you're ready to cook it. Source(s): I help my mom cook all the time. whatev · 7 years ago. Thumbs up."
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Storing Cooked Chicken in the Fridge. If you can't use all of your cooked chicken breast at once, you can store it in the fridge. Find out how long you can store cooked chicken in the fridge. Oops, we're sorry."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Storing Cooked Chicken in the Fridge. If you can't use all of your cooked chicken breast at once, you can store it in the fridge. Find out how long you can store cooked chicken in the fridge. Facebook. Pinterest. Email."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Storing Cooked Chicken in the Fridge. If you can't use all of your cooked chicken breast at once, you can store it in the fridge. Find out how long you can store cooked chicken in the fridge. Facebook."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Storing Cooked Chicken in the Fridge. If you can't use all of your cooked chicken breast at once, you can store it in the fridge. Find out how long you can store cooked chicken in the fridge. Oops, we're sorry. Something went wrong."
] |
"overabundance definition"
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Overabundant definition, an excessive amount or abundance; surfeit: an overabundance of sugar in the diet. See more."
] | [
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nFor example, '['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'F-6. As part of the socialization process for new noncommissioned officers, the induction ceremony should be scheduled as a training event on the training calendar. The formal portion should take place during the duty day, prior to retreat. By making it a training event during duty hours, you not only get maximum participation, but command support (Commanders approve training schedules). The optimum time is 1630 to 1700 for the formal portion (the ceremony) and 1700-1730 for the informal portion (greetings, congratulations and socializing). KEY PERSONNEL. F-7.']' should be close to '['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is the optimum time for the formal portion and for the informal portion']'",
"verb (used with object), inundated, inundating. 1. to flood; cover or overspread with water; deluge. 2. to overwhelm: inundated with letters of protest."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"a. the inundation of land that is normally dry through the overflowing of a body of water, esp a river. b. the state of a river that is at an abnormally high level (esp in the phrase in flood)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Definitions (2). 1. Loan arrangement under which a bank extends credit up to a maximum amount (called overdraft limit) against which a current (checking) account customer can write checks or make withdrawals. people found this helpful. The overdraft was prepared for by the bank so they automatically assumed an acceptable level of risk was likely with the funds withdraw process."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Preventing Filamentous Algae Problems. Any overabundant plant growth is a symptom of excessive nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) in the pond water. These nutrients may come from runoff from barnyards, crop fields, septic systems, lawns, and golf courses.ummary. Algae growth is sometimes referred to as a âbloomâ because the algae grow so quickly. In the case of filamentous algae, single cells reproduce and join together into long hairlike strands or colonies that grow toward the water surface."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Overhydration is the condition of having excessive volumes of water in the bodyâs system, and is otherwise known as water intoxication."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"wealth (the quality of profuse abundance) lushness; luxuriance; voluptuousness (the property of being lush and abundant and a pleasure to the senses) overabundance; overmuch; overmuchness; superabundance (a quantity that is more than what is appropriate) Antonym:"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"In fact, when study leader Ronald Duman looked at postmortem brain tissue of humans, he found REDD1âs overabundance in depression sufferers. But itâs not necessarily REDD1 thatâs doing the heavy lifting, but another protein."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"fluid volume excess. an overabundance of water in the interstitial fluid spaces or body cavities (edema) or an excess of fluid within the blood vessels (hypervolemia) and water intoxication."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Product quality is low. An overabundance of defects drain the resources and trust of both the company and its customers. However, instead of working hard to improve, the development team is trash talking each other on GD, playing ping pong, and over obsessing over how arrogant tenure employees are."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"A man like Munro is never blessed with an overabundance of friends. The suppers in fact generally held an overabundance of food. It is supposed, by some, to be caused by an insect, others suppose it to be caused by an overabundance of sap. Simplicity, and pure line, were lost sight of when overabundance dulled the senses of the world. Many of the bearers of commissions knew little more than the men; and of such untrained officers there was an overabundance."
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"redundancies. 1 1a : the quality or state of being redundant : superfluityb : the use of redundant components; also : such componentsc chiefly British : dismissal from a job especially by layoff. 2 2 : profusion, abundance. 3 3a : superfluous repetition : prolixityb : an act or instance of needless repetition."
"Wildlife feeding leads to wildlife overabundance. An overabundance of wildlife damages natural habitat and creates nuisance issues with humans. For example, overabundant deer populations can result in increased damage to natural forest habitat from over browsing, agricultural crop loss, and automobile collisions."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Definition of redundancy for English Language Learners : the act of using a word, phrase, etc., that repeats something else and is therefore unnecessary : a word, phrase, etc., that repeats something else and is therefore unnecessary : a redundant word, phrase, etc."
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"Overactive bladder (OAB), also known as overactive bladder syndrome, is a condition where there is a frequent feeling of needing to urinate to a degree that it negatively affects a person's life. The frequent need to urinate may occur during the day, at night, or both.If there is loss of bladder control then it is known as urge incontinence. More than 40% of people with overactive bladder have incontinence. While about 40% to 70% of urinary incontinence is due to overactive bladder.It is not life-threatening.veractive bladder is estimated to occur in 7-27% of men and 9-43% of women. It becomes more common with age. Some studies suggest that the condition is more common in women, especially when associated with loss of bladder control."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"In economics, underemployment can refer to: Overqualification or overeducation, or the employment of workers with high education, skill levels, or experience in jobs that do not require such abilities."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Overactive bladder (OAB) is a condition that is characterized by sudden, involuntary contraction of the muscle in the wall of the urinary bladder. This results in a sudden and unstoppable need to urinate (urinary urgency caffeinated beverages (coffee, tea), spicy foods, and alcohol can worsen the symptoms.veractive bladder coupled with urinary leakage (inability to suppress the urge to void) is also referred to as urge incontinence and is a form of urinary incontinence (unintentional loss of urine)."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Overwhelm definition: to occur such great quantities that some body or something cannot deal with all of them.In Summer the city is overrun by tourists.very intense; To influence profoundly or completely,â¦"
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"In more general terms, overdominance is a condition in genetics where the phenotype of the heterozygote lies outside of the phenotypical range of both homozygote parents, and heterozygous individuals have a higher fitness than homozygous individuals. common example is the case where the heterozygote conveys both advantages and disadvantages, while both homozygotes convey a disadvantage. A well-established case of heterozygote advantage is that of the gene involved in sickle cell anaemia."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Overactive bladder (OAB) is a condition that is characterized by sudden, involuntary contraction of the muscle in the wall of the urinary bladder. This results in a sudden and unstoppable need to urinate (urinary urgency caffeinated beverages (coffee, tea), spicy foods, and alcohol can worsen the symptoms."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"reâ¢dunâ¢dant. 1. characterized by verbosity or unnecessary repetition in expressing ideas. 2. exceeding what is usual or necessary: a redundant part. 3. superabundant or superfluous: lush, redundant vegetation. 4. (of a system, equipment, etc.) supplied as a backup, as in a spacecraft. 5. (of language or a linguistic feature) characterized by redundancy; predictable."
"Represent this",
"from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition. 1 adj. Exceeding what is necessary or natural; superfluous. 2 adj. Needlessly wordy or repetitive in expression: a student paper filled with redundant phrases. 3 adj. Of or relating to linguistic redundancy. adj."
"Represent text",
"1. an overemphasis on any distinctive technique of expression, occurring when the manner of expression obscures the feeling or idea expressed in the work of art; considered by many art critics to be a sign of decadence."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"overdraft. n. 1. (Banking & Finance) a draft or withdrawal of money in excess of the credit balance on a bank or building-society cheque account. 2. (Banking & Finance) the amount of money drawn or withdrawn thus. (ËoÊ vÉrËdraeft, -vÉrËdræft). ËdrÉft. n"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Overactive bladder (OAB) is a common condition that affects millions of Americans. Overactive bladder isn't a disease. It's the name of a group of urinary symptoms. The most common symptom of OAB is a sudden urge to urinate that you can't control. Some people will leak urine when they feel the urge. Leaking urine is called incontinence.."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Overactive Bladder. Overactive bladder (OAB) is a chronic condition of the bladder that causes sudden urges to urinate. It can happen suddenly, at any time, regardless of the amount of urine in the bladder."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Redundancy, closely related to redound, has stayed close to the original meaning of overflow or more than necessary. Avoiding redundancy is one of the prime rules of good writing. In the modern world of today contains a redundancy; so does He died of fatal wounds and For the mutual benefit of both parties. But redundancy doesn't just occur in language."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Looking for online definition of overabundance in the Medical Dictionary? overabundance explanation free. What is overabundance? Meaning of overabundance medical term. What does overabundance mean?"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Hypernyms (plethora is a kind of...): excess; excessiveness; inordinateness (immoderation as a consequence of going beyond sufficient or permitted limits) Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of plethora): redundance; redundancy (the attribute of being superfluous and unneeded)"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1. characterized by verbosity or unnecessary repetition in expressing ideas. 2. exceeding what is usual or necessary: a redundant part. 3. superabundant or superfluous: lush, redundant vegetation. 4. (of a system, equipment, etc.) supplied as a backup, as in a spacecraft. 5. (of language or a linguistic feature) characterized by redundancy; predictable."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nFor instance, <<['represent the doc for finding search queries about it\\n\\n\\nExamples:\\n\\n\"Poison (Bell Biv DeVoe song) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Poison is a single by the New Edition spinoff group, Bell Biv DeVoe. This songâ\\x80\\x94in the style of new jack swing, a late-1980s/early-1990s hybrid of R&B and hip hopâ\\x80\\x94was the group\\'s most successful, and sings of the dangers of falling in love. Poison was the first single taken from Bell Biv DeVoe\\'s debut album of the same name.\" == \"who sang poison?\"', \"Graduates who want to become professional engineers (PE) will have to enroll in a bachelor's degree program in engineering. Options include a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in engineering area such as industrial, mechanical, electrical/electronic or civil engineering, as well as a B.S. in Engineering Management. An associate's degree program in engineering science or technology qualifies graduates to work as engineering technicians. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), employment of engineering technicians in general was expected to experience 0% growth between the years 2012 and 2022 (www.bls.gov).\"]>> to \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what type of engineering degree should i get']\"",
"Definition of redundancy: Provision or existence of more than one means or resources to perform an activity or function. Dictionary Term of Day Articles Subjects Sign Up BusinessDictionary"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"The overabundance of natural gas in North America has been revolutionizing the economy and the energy industry, all thanks to the massive shale formations being discovered across the country. The demand has remained high while the supply is even higher, and prices hit a 10-year low in April 2012."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"a supply or amount that is greater than required: an overabundance of milk Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Cite This Source"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The definition of a redundancy is something that is repeated unnecessarily or something that is not useful because there is already another or more advanced version. 1 An example of a redundancy is when a piece of text says the same exact thing twice."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Definition of redundancy. plural. redundancies. 1a : the quality or state of being redundant : superfluityb : the use of redundant components; also : such componentsc chiefly British : dismissal from a job especially by layoff. 2 : profusion, abundance. 3a : superfluous repetition : prolixityb : an act or instance of needless repetition."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Overriding Royalty Interest, ORRI | definition. A royalty in excess of the royalty provided in the Oil & Gas Lease. Usually, an override is added during an intervening assignment. ORRIs are created out of the working interest in a property and do not affect mineral owners."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: overreach (Noun) The act of striking the heel of the fore foot with the toe of the hind foot; -- said of horses. overreach (Noun) The act of extending or reaching too far, overextension. overreach (Verb) To reach above or beyond in any direction. overreach (Verb) To deceive, or get the better of, by artifice or cunning; to outwit; to cheat. overreach (Verb) To reach too far. overreach (Verb) To strike the toe of the hind foot against the heel or shoe of the forefoot; -- said of horses. overreach (Verb) To sail on one tack farther than is necessary. overreach (Verb) To cheat by cunning or deception."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Overactive bladder (OAB) is a condition that is characterized by sudden, involuntary contraction of the muscle in the wall of the urinary bladder. This results in a sudden and unstoppable need to urinate (urinary urgency caffeinated beverages (coffee, tea), spicy foods, and alcohol can worsen the symptoms. Overactive bladder is an involuntary and sudden contraction of the muscle in the wall of the urinary bladder. 2 Overactive bladder can also result in urinary incontinence, otherwise termed urge incontinence (wet OAB). 3 Overactive bladder is not a normal part of aging."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Also, the cells in the prostate become less responsive to signals that induce apoptosis or âprogrammed cell deathâ. This results in an overabundance of cells in the prostate, also known as prostate hyperplasia (McNicholas 2008)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Overactive bladder (OAB) is a bladder disorder that results in an abnormal urge to urinate, urinary frequency, and nocturia (voiding at night). Some patients may also experience urinary incontinence (involuntary loss of bladder control)."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Overactive bladder (OAB), also known as overactive bladder syndrome, is a condition where there is a frequent feeling of needing to urinate to a degree that it negatively affects a person's life. The frequent need to urinate may occur during the day, at night, or both."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"LINK / CITE ADD TO WORD LIST. noun. The definition of a redundancy is something that is repeated unnecessarily or something that is not useful because there is already another or more advanced version. An example of a redundancy is when a piece of text says the same exact thing twice."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"plethora. n. 1. superfluity or excess; overabundance. 2. (Pathology) pathol a condition caused by dilation of superficial blood vessels, characterized esp by a reddish face.[C16: via Medieval Latin from Greek plÄthÅrÄ fullness, from plÄthein to grow full].oun. 1. plethora-extreme excess; an embarrassment of riches. overplus, superfluity, embarrassment."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"the state or an instance of going beyond what is usual, proper, or needed we have a surplus of plastic knives, but we're short on forks and spoons for the picnic Synonyms bellyful, fat, overabundance, overage, overflow, overkill, overmuch, overplus, oversupply, plethora, plus, redundancy, superabundance, superfluity, surfeit, excess, ..."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"redundancy - repetition of messages to reduce the probability of errors in transmission. repetitiousness, repetitiveness - verboseness resulting from excessive repetitions. 2. redundancy - the attribute of being superfluous and unneeded; the use of industrial robots created redundancy among workers redundance"
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Overriding Royalty Interest, ORRI | definition. A royalty in excess of the royalty provided in the Oil & Gas Lease. Usually, an override is added during an intervening assignment."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nFor instance, <<['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"Dr. Luka KovaÄ\\x8d is a fictional character on the television series ER portrayed by Goran Visnjic. Visnjic's character was added to the cast at the beginning of Season 6 (1999) following the mid-season 5 departure of leading character Dr. Doug Ross, played by George Clooney.\"]>> to \"['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'who played dr. covach on e.r.']\"",
"Definition. Overactive bladder is when the bladder muscle contracts unpredictably, causing frequent urination or the sudden, strong urge to urinate with or without leakage of urine. This medical condition affects more than 13 million men and women in the US, and can be considered âwetâ or âdryâ."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"redundancy - the attribute of being superfluous and unneeded; the use of industrial robots created redundancy among workers. redundance. overplus, plethora, superfluity, embarrassment - extreme excess; an embarrassment of riches. fifth wheel, deadwood - someone or something that is unwanted and unneeded."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Overactive bladder (OAB), also known as overactive bladder syndrome, is a condition where there is a frequent feeling of needing to urinate to a degree that it negatively affects a person's life. The frequent need to urinate may occur during the day, at night, or both. If there is loss of bladder control then it is known as urge incontinence. More than 40% of people with overactive bladder have incontinence. While about 40% to 70% of urinary incontinence is due to overactive bladder, it is not life-threatening. Most people with the condition have problems for years."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n------\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Sunken Eyes â\\x80\\x93 Causes And Remedies. Sunken eyes mainly appear with aging and can happen due to many reasons. These reasons can be external, like stress and tension, or internal, like lack of sleep, dehydration, and improper diet. This is an aggravated condition of dark circles that makes the underside of eyes look sunken. Most women opt for medical remedies for the improvement of this condition.']>> to <<['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.', 'what causes dark sunken eyes']>>",
"Urge incontinence (UI) or overactive bladder (OAB) is a sudden, uncontrollable need to go, even if you just went ten minutes ago. Itâs a result of uncontrolled contractions of the bladder muscle (called the detrusor) caused by a disruption in communication between the bladder and the brain."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Overview. Bordetella bronchiseptica is a bacterium commonly associated with respiratory disease in dogs. It can also infect cats, rabbits and, in rare cases, humans. It is one of the more common bacterial causes of canine infectious tracheobronchitis, which is also sometimes called kennel cough.ordetella bronchiseptica is a bacterium commonly associated with respiratory disease in dogs. It can also infect cats, rabbits and, in rare cases, humans. It is one of the more common bacterial causes of canine infectious tracheobronchitis, which is also sometimes called kennel cough.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is bordetella in dogs']\"",
"from The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia. 1 Rolling or flowing back, as a wave or surge. 2 Superfluous; exceeding what is natural or necessary; superabundant; exuberant. 3 Using or containing more words or images than are necessary or useful: as, a redundant style."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Superfluous; exceeding what is natural or necessary; superabundant; exuberant. Using or containing more words or images than are necessary or useful: as, a redundant style. Noting a condition of the wing membrane in bats when it extends well down on the leg, and on the arm embraces the thumb beyond the first phalanx."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"the state of being embarrassed; disconcertment; abashment. 2. an act or instance of embarrassing. 3. something that embarrasses. 4. an overwhelmingly excessive amount; overabundance: an embarrassment of riches."
"represent this",
"Psychology Definition of OVERREGULARIZATION: noun. a temporary error in language growth wherein the youth tries to make language more regular than it actually is, for instance, by saying breaked. Sign in"
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"verb (used with object) 1. to weary by an excess of food, sweetness, pleasure, etc.; surfeit; satiate. verb (used without object) 2. to become uninteresting or distasteful through overabundance: A diet of cake and candy soon cloys."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1. 1 the inundation of land that is normally dry through the overflowing of a body of water, esp a river. 2 the state of a river that is at an abnormally high level (esp in the phrase in flood) related adjective diluvial."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Redundancy is a system design in which a component is duplicated so if it fails there will be a backup. Redundancy has a negative connotation when the duplication is unnecessary or is simply the result of poor planning."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"In more general terms, overdominance is a condition in genetics where the phenotype of the heterozygote lies outside of the phenotypical range of both homozygote parents, and heterozygous individuals have a higher fitness than homozygous individuals."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Algae Control. Algae problems are usually caused by an overabundance. of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorous) in the pond. From. the moment a pond is built, it becomes a settling basin. for nutrients washing in from the land that drains into it. (the pondâs watershed). The older a pond gets, the more."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Definition of redundancy for English Language Learners. : 1 the act of using a word, phrase, etc., that repeats something else and is therefore unnecessary. : 2 a word, phrase, etc., that repeats something else and is therefore unnecessary : a redundant word, phrase, etc."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"An overabundance or deficiency of any neurotransmitter can lead to health problems. An overabundance of a particular biochemical can flood the synaptic gaps, a deficiency will interrupt the brain signal getting to the part of the body that needs information."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Definition of redundancy for English Language Learners. : the act of using a word, phrase, etc., that repeats something else and is therefore unnecessary."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"verbiage (countable and uncountable, plural verbiages) 1 Overabundance of words."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Overactive bladder (OAB), also known as overactive bladder syndrome, is a condition where there is a frequent feeling of needing to urinate to a degree that it negatively affects a person's life. The frequent need to urinate may occur during the day, at night, or both.If there is loss of bladder control then it is known as urge incontinence. More than 40% of people with overactive bladder have incontinence. While about 40% to 70% of urinary incontinence is due to overactive bladder.It is not life-threatening.Most people with the condition have problems for years.ore than 40% of people with overactive bladder have incontinence. While about 40% to 70% of urinary incontinence is due to overactive bladder. It is not life-threatening. Most people with the condition have problems for years."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Unnecessary health care. Unnecessary health care (overutilization, overuse, or overtreatment) is healthcare provided with a higher volume or cost than is appropriate."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"In addition, the book explores links among the food industry, the overabundance of food in the United States, and the epidemic of obesity in this country, something that affects all of us."
] |
"Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results!",
"what is a special services teacher?"
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Before any decisions are made about whether a student needs special education services, a teacher or group of teachers at your student's school will work with parents/guardians in a process called collaborative problem solving or CPS. This process promotes the success of all students in the general education setting."
] | [
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Use the links to your left to navigate through resources. Exceptional Students. Our professional staff of special education program specialists, curriculum specialists, school psychologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech and language pathologists, and lead teachers are dedicated to meeting the needs of our identified students."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Service area covered by a special education local plan and the governance structure created under any of the planning options of Section 56205, 56206, 56208, 56211, 56213, 56241, 56243, 56244, & 56245 of the Education Code.n 1977, all school districts and county school offices were mandated to form consortiums in geographical regions of sufficient size and scope to provide for all special education service needs of children residing within the region boundaries."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Summers off with year round pay. Special Education Teachers needed in Arizona (Phoenix and surrounding cities). Needs are in the self-contained and resource settings serving students with emotional disabilities (ED), Autism (A), Severe/Profound (S/P), and Intellectual Disabilities (ID). To learn more - Click here."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"To become a special educational needs (SEN) teacher in a mainstream school, qualified teacher status (QTS) is required in England and Wales or the teaching qualification (TQ) in Scotland."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The Intervention and Referral Services Team is typically made up of the school principal, the school nurse, the school guidance counselor, one special education teacher, one general education teacher, and a child study team member."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Educational Services. Decisions regarding the type of special education services to be provided and the educational placement for the provision of such services is based upon a student's individual need. Students with disabilities are educated in the least restrictive environment that is most appropriate for them."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nFewshot example: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Species: Ghoul. Blood type: O. Touka is a female ghoul who was originally from the 20th ward which is according to ghouls; a relatively peaceful ward compared to other wards in Tokyo. She lived with Ayato, her younger brother, and their father, Arata.At an early age, their father influenced them to live their lives by blending in the human society.weet. Known by Ghoul Investigators as â\\x80\\x9cRabbitâ\\x80\\x9d due to her hunting mask, Touka is a 16-year old student and waitress of the cafe shop Anteiku. Task this cute ghoul to keep your keys or paraphernalia intact with this adorable keychain.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what type of ghoul is touka']\"",
"What are schools required to do about providing transition services? For special education students, the Committee on Special Education (CSE) is required to address a students need for transition services in the students Individualized Education Program (IEP) beginning at age 15."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Created May 2011. Special Education Supplement. Delivery Models of Service. Students with disabilities are served in each subject area based on the amount and delivery of services. required according to their Individual Education Plans. The range of service may vary according to the area of. disability, cognitive level, processing deficits, achievement levels and strengths and weaknesses."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Special Education Supplement Delivery Models of Service Students with disabilities are served in each subject area based on the amount and delivery of services required according to their Individual Education Plans. The range of service may vary according to the area of"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"One of them is a Special Education Teacher. Another is a Special Education Assistant, who assists that Teacher in the education of physically and mentally disabled students.As a Special Education Assistant, you may work in public schools or private schools.You may work in schools that teach all students, or in those that specialize in special-needs education.You may work at elementary schools, middle schools, or high schools.s a Special Education Assistant, you may work in public schools or private schools. You may work in schools that teach all students, or in those that specialize in special-needs education. You may work at elementary schools, middle schools, or high schools."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A resource teacher is a specialized educator that focuses on helping children with physical or educational learning difficulties to develop their reading and writing skills. They must be organized, patient, good at motivating students, extremely understanding of people's individual needs and able to accept people's differences."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"In most developed countries, educators modify teaching methods and environments so that the maximum number of students are served in general education environments. Therefore, special education in developed countries is often regarded as a service rather than a place."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"When a student is recommended for special class, the IEP must identify the number of students who will be in the special class and the specific ratio of special education teachers and supplementary school personnel (i.e., teaching assistants and/or teacher aides)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Specific academic/vocational teacher education majors working in educational services started at median salaries of $40,400 in February 2012, according to the NACE. Special education majors who managed to land a job in educational services could expect to earn a median salary of $45,900 at the same time.pecific academic/vocational teacher education majors working in educational services started at median salaries of $40,400 in February 2012, according to the NACE. Special education majors who managed to land a job in educational services could expect to earn a median salary of $45,900 at the same time."
"represent text",
"These services are designed to be flexible, helping students to remain in the general education classroom and use the combined expertise of both the general and special education teacher. They may be provided within the general education classroom or in a separate location.pecial education teachers at all levels have the right to express a preference for program designation (ICT, self-contained, SETSS, etc.) and age range. 1 Description of SETTS in the NYC Continuum of Services for Students with Disabilities, p. 34."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Print this page. Related services is the term for those services a disabled child needs in order to benefit from special education."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"A substitute teacher is a person who teaches a school class when the regular teacher is unavailable; e.g., because of illness, personal leave, or other reasons. Substitute teacher is the most commonly used phrase in the United States, Canada, India and Ireland, while supply teacher is the most commonly used term in Great Britain and the Canadian province of Ontario. Common synonyms for substitute teacher include relief teacher or casual teacher and emergency teacher. Other terms, such as gu"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Specific academic/vocational teacher education majors working in educational services started at median salaries of $40,400 in February 2012, according to the NACE. Special education majors who managed to land a job in educational services could expect to earn a median salary of $45,900 at the same time. Elementary teacher education majors working in educational services had starting salaries of $38,500."
"Special education teachers also collaborate with teacher assistants, psychologists, and social workers, to accommodate requirements of students with disabilities. For example, they may show a teacher assistant how to work with a student who needs particular attention.any work the traditional 10-month school year, with a 2-month break during the summer. Teachers in districts with a year-round schedule typically work 8 weeks in a row, are on break for 1 week, and have a 5-week midwinter break."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Related services and supplementary services may include one-to-one tutoring or remediation in reading, writing, spelling and arithmetic skills. The child does not have to be placed in a special education class to receive tutoring or remediation."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.', 'Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word pous. Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: pous(Noun) A measure of length found in Iron Age Europe and the Ancient Near East, considered the Greek foot. Its exact value was variable, but was always one six-hundredth of a stadion.']\" Match: \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what does pous mean']\"",
"Weber School District Special Education Preschool Teacher. How much does a Preschool Special Education Teacher make in Seattle?The average Preschool Special Education Teacher salary is $48,589. In Seattle, a Preschool Special Education Teacher can make $50,196, which is 3.3% higher than the national median. Filter by location to see Preschool Special Education Teacher salaries in your area."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Special Education Teacher The Menta Group - Chicago, IL. Special Education Teacher LBS1 K-22*. Special Education Certification. As a Special Education Teacher at Menta Academy South you will:...."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Special education teachers also collaborate with teacher assistants, psychologists, and social workers, to accommodate requirements of students with disabilities. For example, they may show a teacher assistant how to work with a student who needs particular attention.pecial education teachers also collaborate with teacher assistants, psychologists, and social workers, to accommodate requirements of students with disabilities. For example, they may show a teacher assistant how to work with a student who needs particular attention."
"Represent text",
"Special education teachers also collaborate with teacher assistants, psychologists, and social workers, to accommodate requirements of students with disabilities. For example, they may show a teacher assistant how to work with a student who needs particular attention.pecial education teachers in public schools are required to have a bachelorâs degree and a state-issued certification or license. Teachers in private schools also need a bachelorâs degree, but may not be required to have a state license or certification."
"Represent the input",
"Special Needs Children. Definition: A paraprofessional -- often referred to as an aide -- is a special-education worker who is not licensed to teach, but performs many duties both individually with students and organizationally in the classroom."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Who We Are... Exceptional Education, Inc. is an approved New York City Board of Education Provider of Special Education Support Services (SETSS). We provide legally mandated services for students with disabilities that are necessary to support their progress in schools."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"Certificated specialists in pupil personnel services (PPS) are school counselors, school psychologists, school social workers and child welfare and attendance supervisors. They are prepared to be pupil advocates and to provide prevention and intervention strategies to remove barriers to learning. These"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"REPORTS TO /. EVALUATED BY: Principal, Special Education / Title 1 / ESL / General. Education Teacher(s) JOB GOAL: To assist, support, and work closely with teachers, administrators, and other team members in providing educational benefit for students. PERFORMANCE RESPONSIBILITIES (aligned to âMontana Paraprofessional."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Parents who are aware their child is having a difficult time with reading, mathematics, written expression or other aspects of school work might suspect that the child has a learning disability (LD), also known as specific learning disabilities, and may be in need of special education services."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Many special education paraeducators (Gerlach, 2015): 1 Implement team-based assignments. 2 Build and maintain effective communication and relationships. 3 Maintain student-centered, supportive environments. 4 Organize learning experiences for students. 5 Implement lessons initiated by the teacher or related services personnel."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Read More. Special Care provides on-site physical, occupational, speech and behavioral therapy to our students. Therapy is critical for children with special needs in order to reach their full potential. With 11 therapists, students are able to receive high-quality therapy when they attend Special Care. Therapists are able to work with teachers to be able to bring what a student is working on in therapy to the classroom."
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"how long for novocaine to wear off"
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Quick Answer. It takes three to five hours for the effects of novocaine and other local dental anesthetics to wear off completely, according to Jonathan G. Campbell, D.D.S. The tooth remains numb for one to two hours, while the tongue and lips remain numb for up to five hours. Continue Reading."
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Alison has 30+ answers in. Health. According to Wikipedia, a moderate dose wears off in about five hours. However, like Ted said, how long caffeine takes to wear off varies greatly from person to person, and also depends on how high the person's tolerance (literally ability to tolerate a drug's effects) is."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"My foot is numb like it got a shot of Novocain pain was equal to wasp or bee but lasting lot longer both of those stings. Again Poison control said it will have pain and numbness for 24-72 hours so I'm not concerned no need to panic."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The local anesthesia commonly used in dentistry is a lidocaine 2% with a 1:100,000 epinephrine. this anesthesia will wear of within 1 1/2 to 2 hours after it is given. There aâ¦re however some more long acting anesthesia. I any event the se local anesthesia should wear of at 6-hours at the longest."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Ok, that helps. The Ketamine and Valium should have worn off quickly, and I am assuming that they used a gas anesthetic during the procedure. The injection of Domitor should have worn off within 30-60 min, but it isn't clear when they gave.It is also not clear how long she was under anesthesia, but it looks like she had a fair amount done so I would anticipate up to a few hours.k, that helps. The Ketamine and Valium should have worn off quickly, and I am assuming that they used a gas anesthetic during the procedure. The injection of Domitor should have worn off within 30-60 min, but it isn't clear when they gave."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"It was fun a first, but now, its just old. I've been massaging the area to get the blood flowing, but what else can I do...if I can do anything else that is. Source(s): freakin 39 novocain wear off: https://trimurl.im/c36/how-do-i-get-this-freakin-39-novocain-to-wear-off. Gayelord · 2 years ago."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"How long does it take for Novocaine to get out of your system after an injection for a procedure? Good question. No one actually uses Novocaine anymore, and with the newer local anesthetics the duration of the numbness depends on what type of anesthetic was used as well as how and where it was used."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Nothing: Getting the non-feeling of the Novocaine to wear off faster is often unsuccessful. If this is always the case, possibly ask your dentist to use an anesthetic that is designed to wear off faster. Still, each individual may react differently in terms of time for the Novocaine to dissipate."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"There is nothing you can do to make the novocaine wear off faster. Itâs metabolism is dictated by several factors, but mainly is dependent on the action of a metabolic enzyme whose activity is genetically determined. shilolo (17860) âGreat Answerâ (5) Flag as⦠¶. Now THAT is a mouth full of gum."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"According to Wikipedia, a moderate dose wears off in about five hours. However, like Ted said, how long caffeine takes to wear off varies greatly from person to person, and also depends on how high the person's tolerance (literally ability to tolerate a drug's effects) is."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Messages: 1,158. The best way to get the novocaine to wear off is to get the blood circulating in that area. Novocaine most often contains a vascoconstrictor which constrics blood vessels this is helpful to control bleeding during procedures. I would drink warm (not hot) liquids."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Novolog and Lantus: how long do they last once used? I have been using lantus for my basal and novolog, both in pens- I'm now using the novolog junior pen with 1/2 unit doses. The packaging says they will last 28 days, I think my endo told me 30 days. I noticed that with my last two pens maybe the effect was wearing off as I had some higher bg, but I'm not sure, in any case I stopped using them and started new pens including the novopen with a new 300 ml vial."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Report Abuse. There is no way to make it wear off faster. It should go away in a few hours. Good idea not to have hot soup while numb. Next time you go to the dentist ask him if he has any other Novocain.There are different carpules that the effects wear off faster for next time. There is Lidocaine, Carbocaine out there for use also.eport Abuse. There's no quick way to make the numbness go away sooner than it's going to. As for eating/drinking soup, warm it up so it's just lukewarm, then sip it. Do not use a straw, especially if you had a tooth extraction. Sip some warm soup & some warm tea if you like it."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Novolog FlexPen: use within 28 days after first use. Novolog cartridge (for use in a re-useable pen): use within 28 days after first use. Humalog KwikPen: use within 28 days after first use. Humalog cartridge (for use in a re-useable pen): use within 28 days after in-use. Apidra SoloStar: use within 28 days after first use."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
", Retired dentist with over 40 years of practice. Application of heat packs and warm water rinses will help to open the vascular beds, which will help to carry away the material for removal. But for your information, Novocaine is not in use, nor has been in use for decades."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"AFTER-CARE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLINGS. Your anesthesia will wear off in approximately 1 to 3 hours after the procedure. It is very important not to chew on the numb side (to prevent biting tongue, lip, etc.) until the anesthesia wears off."
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"Nothing: Getting the non-feeling of the Novocaine to wear off faster is often unsuccessful. If this is always the case, possibly ask your dentist to use an anesthetic that is designed to wear off faster. Still, each individual may react differently in terms of time for the Novocaine to dissipate. ...Read more."
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"It depends on at least two factors. The first is how much you are given the Novocaine and the second is the location of the treatment. An injection of Novocaine normally lasts for one to two hours for the tooth. However, it might number your tongue, face, and lips up to five hours, or three hours at least."
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"How long does it take for caffeine to wear off? Caffeine has a half-life of three to five hours in a person's system, so it remains in the body for eight to 14 hours, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. The effects of caffeine in the blood system peak 30 to 60 minutes after intake."
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"Narcan⢠(naloxone) starts to wear off after about 30 minutes and is mostly gone after about 90 minutes. By this time the body has processed enough of the opioids that the overdosing person is unlikely to stop breathing again."
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"So she'd postpone visits and the dental problems would only get worse. It's a vicious cycle, she says. When she would finally muster up the courage to get help, dentists would spend up to two hours giving her Novocain shots to try to get her mouth numb, with mixed results."
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"To back up what Lizzy said, Novology can begin to work in 5-15 minutes, reach its peak effect in 1-2 hours and continue to work for a total of 4-5 hours. Novolog is a rapid-acting insulin in this graph."
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"Topically applied preparations such as gel based Novocaine, 30 minutes to 45 min. Subcutaneous oral injection to deaden nerve response 30 min to 3 hours. Anesthesia to render ⦠unconsciousness depends on how long the surgery will take, and the approx body weight of the patient. There are other factor's a gas pastor will make in determining efficacy & safety."
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"Sensorcaine 0.5% Injection may cause numbness to certain areas of the body for about 2-4 hours after having it. You should wait for the effect to wear off as this may affect your ability to drive..."
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"1 Your anesthesia will wear off in approximately 1 to 3 hours after the procedure. It is very important not to chew on the numb side (to prevent biting tongue, lip, etc.) until the anesthesia wears off. Children should be observed until the anesthesia has worn off."
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"1 Novolin N is an intermediate-acting insulin. The effects of Novolin N start working 1½ hours after injection. The greatest blood sugar lowering effect is between 4 and 12 hours after the injection. This blood sugar lowering may last up to 24 hours."
"Represent the following document",
"It depends on at least two factors. The first is how much you are given the Novocaine and the second is the location of the treatment. An injection of Novocaine normally lasts for one to two hours for the tooth. However, it might number your tongue, face, and lips up to five hours, or three hours at least. Most people do not like the sensation of numbness because it is very uncomfortable."
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"In brief: Varies. Some local anesthetics wear off within 30 minutes, while other are specifically designed to be active for up to 20 hours. It depends on the type and location of the drug. Talk to your anesthesiologist or dentist about medications that they will use."
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"Exactly how long the effects of Novocaine last also depends on the dose administered by your doctor or dentist. The dose varies with the type of procedure you are having, the size of the area that needs to be numbed, and the number of nerves that need to be blocked."
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"Home or Away, NovoLog® Goes With You. NovoLog® lasts up to 28 days without refrigeration after first use, so it can be taken almost anywhere. Once in use, NovoLog® FlexPen® must be kept at room temperature below 86°F for up to 28 days. Its ability to stand up to heat is equal to, or better than, other major fast-acting insulin brands."
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"Novocain lacks surface anesthetic activity. The onset of action is rapid (2 to 5 minutes) and the duration of action is relatively short (average 1 to 1½ hours), depending upon the anesthetic technique, the type of block, the concentration, and the individual patient."
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"You might feel a burning sensation for a few seconds as the drug is injected. As the effects of Novocaine wear off, you may feel a tingling sensation in the area where it was injected. The area may also feel sore. Side effects from Novocaine are usually very mild and will usually go away quickly. They may include:"
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"There is nothing you can do to make the novocaine wear off faster. Itâs metabolism is dictated by several factors, but mainly is dependent on the action of a metabolic enzyme whose activity is genetically determined.shilolo (17860) âGreat Answerâ (5) Flag as⦠¶. Now THAT is a mouth full of gum.here is nothing you can do to make the novocaine wear off faster. Itâs metabolism is dictated by several factors, but mainly is dependent on the action of a metabolic enzyme whose activity is genetically determined."
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"Without the presence of epinephrine, numbness will on average last approximately one hour after you leave the dentist. The concentration of the novocaine also plays a role in how long it will last. If your dentist is using a slightly higher concentration, the numbness will last longer."
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"The pain returns when the local anaesthetic wears off usually. after about 8-14 hours. The steroid should start to work around 3-4 days. Immediately after the injection it is worth taking some anti-inflammatory tablets such as. Ibobrufen for 2 days after food. In addition, using ice around the area of the injection. reduces the pain. Discomfort usually improves within a few days and lasts for several weeks. or permanently. If cortisone injections are used, they must be combined with the appropriate rest period."
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"Thus, sometimes Novorapid and Novolog are called insulin apart. Novolog was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2000. On average, onset begins within 5-10 minutes, peak time is 45-90, and duration is 3-5 hours. Typically, it is taken in conjunction with longer acting insulin. Novodisk has designed some unique insulin pens that allow for easy injection. These are called Novolog Flexpen and Novolog Pen Junior for kids. There are also insulin pump and traditional insulin injection options available as well."
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"Quick Answer. Engaging in activity, such as walking, makes Novocaine and other local dental anesthetics wear off more quickly, according to Jonathan G. Campbell, D.D.S., of Legacy Dental. The numbness these anesthetics cause dissipates as the blood carries the anesthetic away from the injection site for metabolization."
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"The most commonly used local anesthetic is lidocaine (also called xylocaine or lignocaine), a modern replacement for procaine (also known as novocaine). Its half-life in the body is about 1.5â2 hours. Other local anesthetic agents in current use include articaine (also called septocaine or ubistesin), marcaine (a long-acting anesthetic), and mepivacaine. A combination of these may be used depending on the situation."
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"Topically applied preparations such as gel based Novocaine, 30 minutes to 45 min. Subcutaneous oral injection to deaden nerve response 30 min to 3 hours. Anesthesia to render⦠unconsciousness depends on how long the surgery will take , and the approx body weight of the patient."
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"It also depends on the length of time or the patients pain threshold as to how much Novocaine the dentist gives them and what procedure the dentiâ¦st is doing. Therefore, the freezing can come out in a matter of 15 minutes when you walk out of the dentist's office or take a couple of hours."
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"Depending upon your neurochemistry and how long you've taken the drug, anywhere from 24 hours to wear off enough to feel other opioids and up to three days to have it compleâ¦tely gone from your receptors."
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"1 Keep all unopened Novolin N in the refrigerator between 36° to 46°F (2° to 8°C). 2 Do not freeze. Do not use Novolin N if it has been frozen. If refrigeration is not possible, the unopened vial may be kept at room temperature for up to 6 weeks (42 days), as long as it is kept at or below 77°F (25°C)."
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"With Xanax, you typically feel the effects within 15 to 20 minutes of taking it, and they wear off within six hours, said Jennifer A. Reinhold, assistant professor of clinical pharmacy at the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy."
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"Like so many of the others on this forum, I've had terrible sinus headaches after having a root canal done 3 weeks ago. It started as soon as the Novocaine wore off. It was almost unbearable for the first 2 days. It began around my right eye and nose (the root canal was in my upper right side)."
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"Anesthesia wears off after 3-4 hours after the procedure. By the time, anesthesia wears off, avoid eating anything as it can injure the soft tissues. Before the anesthesia wears off, you can take the pain meds. Time taken for anesthesia to wear off depends on type of local anesthesia which s given. For detailed info, refer to... www.identalhub.com. source: How long take for anesthetic to wear off wisdom teeth?"
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"Local anesthetic agents in dentistry[edit] The most commonly used local anesthetic is lidocaine (also called xylocaine or lignocaine), a modern replacement for procaine (also known as novocaine). Its half-life in the body is about 1.5â2 hours. Other local anesthetic agents in current use include articaine (also called septocaine or ubistesin), bupivacaine (a long-acting anesthetic), and mepivacaine. A combination of these may be used depending on the situation."
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"After injection of Sensorcaine (bupivacaine HCl) for caudal, epidural or peripheral nerve block in man, peak levels of bupivacaine in the blood are reached in 30 to 45 minutes, followed by a decline to insignificant levels during the next 3 to 6 hours."
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"different brands have different suggestions on how long you could leave the pen at room temp . Novolog is 14 days, for you to use up the contents before it becomes ineffective. Keeping the insulin in the fridge help extends the effectiveness of the insulin."
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"24-72 hours hydrocodone withdrawal â General onset of symptoms can manifest shortly after the drug has worn off and linger for up to a few months after the medication is totally out of the system.4-72 hours hydrocodone withdrawal â General onset of symptoms can manifest shortly after the drug has worn off and linger for up to a few months after the medication is totally out of the system."
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"AFTER-CARE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLINGS. 1 Your anesthesia will wear off in approximately 1 to 3 hours after the procedure. It is very important not to chew on the numb side (to prevent biting tongue, lip, etc.) until the anesthesia wears off. 2 Children should be observed until the anesthesia has worn off."
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"1 The greatest blood sugar lowering effect is between 4 and 12 hours after the injection. This blood sugar lowering may last up to 24 hours. While using Novolin N, any change of insulin should be made cautiously and only under medical supervision."
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"Your surgery should take 45 minutes or less. Your doctor will use one of these types of anesthesia so you donât feel anything during the surgery: Local: Your doctor will numb your mouth with a shot of Novocaine in your gums.You may also breathe nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, to relax or even doze during surgery."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Topically applied preparations such as gel based Novocaine, 30 minutes to 45 min. Subcutaneous oral injection to deaden nerve response 30 min to 3 hours. Anesthesia to render ⦠unconsciousness depends on how long the surgery will take, and the approx body weight of the patient.ental implants usually last as long as a real tooth, however this depends on the type of materials that were used for your dental implant. Taking good care of your dental imp ⦠lants also play a big role in how long the implants will last. 6 people found this useful."
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"AFTER-CARE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLINGS. 1 Your anesthesia will wear off in approximately 1 to 3 hours after the procedure. It is very important not to chew on the numb side (to prevent biting tongue, lip, etc.) until the anesthesia wears off. Children should be observed until the anesthesia has worn off."
"Represent the following document",
"Individual patients vary. It also depends on the length of time or the patients pain threshold as to how much Novocaine the dentist gives them and what procedure the dentist is doing. Therefore, the freezing can come out in a matter of 15 minutes when you walk out of the dentist's office or take a couple of hours."
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"1 The effects of Novolin N start working 1½ hours after injection. 2 The greatest blood sugar lowering effect is between 4 and 12 hours after the injection. This blood sugar lowering may last up to 24 hours. While using Novolin N, any change of insulin should be made cautiously and only under medical supervision."
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"Hello Shamina. One time use of crack can usually stay in the system for 2-4 days after use (the drug testing detection window), but acute effects usually wear off within minutes of use. Whether or not a fetus will be impacted by former crack use depends on your level of dependency.ocaine metabolites may be excreted in the urine for up to several weeks after use. Very low concentrations may be detected during the initial few hours, however, benzoylecgonine persists in urine at detectable concentrations from 2-4 days."
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"Quick Answer. Local anesthesia can take anywhere from 1 to 4 hours to wear off, according to Caldwell Dental Care. Local anesthetics that are combined with epinephrine typically produce numbing effects for approximately 2 hours, while non-epinephrine anesthetics last a minimum of 1 hour."
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"As of 2014, most dentists use lidocaine or articaine as a local anesthetic rather than Novocaine, Campbell explains. These anesthetics numb the tooth for one to two hours and the lips and tongue for three to five hours."
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"How long does it take for Novocaine to get out of your system after an injection for a procedure? ANSWER: Good question. No one actually uses Novocaine anymore, and with the newer local anesthetics the duration of the numbness depends on what type of anesthetic was used as well as how and where it was used. The most commonly used anesthetics used today wear off with in a couple hours, however there are a couple of exceptions."
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"Expert: petdrz replied 6 years ago. Ok, that helps. The Ketamine and Valium should have worn off quickly, and I am assuming that they used a gas anesthetic during the procedure. The injection of Domitor should have worn off within 30-60 min, but it isn't clear when they gave. It is also not clear how long she was under anesthesia, but it looks like she had a fair amount done so I would anticipate up to a few hours."
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"⢠Novolin N is an intermediate-acting insulin. The effects of Novolin N start working 1 ½ hours after injection. ⢠The greatest blood sugar lowering effect is between 4 and 12 hours after the injection. This blood sugar lowering may last up to 24 hours. ⢠While using Novolin N, any change of insulin should be made cautiously and only under medical supervision."
"Represent the following document",
"Topically applied preparations such as gel based Novocaine, 30 minutes to 45 min. Subcutaneous oral injection to deaden nerve response 30 min to 3 hours. Anesthesia to render⦠unconsciousness depends on how long the surgery will take , and the approx body weight of the patient. There are other factor's a gas pastor will make in determining efficacy & safety."
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"If a local anesthetic or topical numbing spray was used during the examination, it will wear off in about 30 minutes. Your child should not eat or drink anything for about 2 hours, until the spray has worn off and the throat is no longer numb. Direct laryngoscopy."
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"Val123 (12653)âGreat Answerâ (0) Flag as⦠¶. There is nothing you can do to make the novocaine wear off faster. Itâs metabolism is dictated by several factors, but mainly is dependent on the action of a metabolic enzyme whose activity is genetically determined. shilolo (17986)âGreat Answerâ (5) Flag as⦠¶."
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"In brief: Varies. Some local anesthetics wear off within 30 minutes, while other are specifically designed to be active for up to 20 hours. It depends on the type and location of the drug. Talk to your anesthesiologist or dentist about medications that they will use. Would you like to video or text chat with me?"
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"difference between mitochondrial dna and nuclear dna"
] | [
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"Main Difference: The main difference between nuclear DNA and mitochondrial DNA is, nuclear DNA is the standard 46 chromosome containing DNA in which you inherit 23 chromosome from one parent and the rest 23 from another one.On the other hand, mitochondrial DNA contains just one chromosome, like a circular genome.uclear DNA: Unlike mitochondrial DNA, nuclear DNA is found in every cell of the body. It consists of 46 chromosomes which are inherited from mother and father, both. The are comparatively longer with centromeres and telomers."
] | [
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"For example, unlike the nucleus where half the genetic material is inherited from the father and half from the mother, mitochondrial DNA is solely inherited from the maternal line. The organelles are present in egg cells, and though present in sperm cells, they are not passed on. The mitochondrial DNA molecule is very small, comprising only 16, 569 base pairs, all of which are known to science."
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"Similar to the nuclear genome, the mitochondrial genome is built of double-stranded DNA, and it encodes genes (Figure 2). However, the mitochondrial genome differs from the nuclear genome in several ways (Taylor & Turnbull, 2005)."
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"Nuclear DNA, which is found in the nucleus, is inherited from both parents. On the other hand, mtDNA is found in the mitochondria and, in most multicellular organisms, is inherited from the maternal lineage. Nuclear DNA is arranged in linearly organized chromosomes while mtDNA is organized as a circular chromosome."
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"Mutations in either nuclear DNA (nDNA) or mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) can cause mitochondrial disease. Nuclear DNA is packaged into structures called chromosomesâ22 pairs of non-sex related chromosomes (called autosomes) and a single pair of sex chromosomes (XX in females and XY in males)."
"Represent the next text",
"The nuclear genome is inherited equally from both parents. See the Difference between mitochondrial DNA and chloroplast DNA. Tags: biology, cytology, mitochondria, Mitochondrial DNA and Nuclear DNA, Mitochondrial DNA vs Nuclear DNA, nucleus, Polycistronic vs Monocistronic Monocistronic.he nuclear genome is inherited equally from both parents. See the Difference between mitochondrial DNA and chloroplast DNA. Tags: biology, cytology, mitochondria, Mitochondrial DNA and Nuclear DNA, Mitochondrial DNA vs Nuclear DNA, nucleus, Polycistronic vs Monocistronic Monocistronic."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Mitochondrial DNA vs Nuclear DNA. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is the main heredity material in almost all the organisms except some viruses. It is considered as a biological macromolecule, consisting of two long polymer strands made up of small repeating monomers called nucleotides.he uniqueness of mitochondrial DNA is that it is maternally inherited as a linked set of genes, passed on to progeny in the cytoplasm of the egg cell; thus no recombination between maternal and paternal genomes occurs."
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"Mitochondrial is DNA passed on to the child by Mom. A fertilized egg will have Mom's mitochondrial DNA, half of Mom's nuclear DNA, and half of Dad's nuclear DNA. When the fertilized egg splits into two, the twins will each have identical nuclear DNA, but not EXACTLY identical mitochondrial DNA. Physical differences in identical twins are contributed, in part, to how much and how similar the mitochondrial DNA each twin inherited from Mom expresses itself."
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"The nuclear genome is inherited equally from both parents. See the Difference between mitochondrial DNA and chloroplast DNA. Tags: biology, cytology, mitochondria, Mitochondrial DNA and Nuclear DNA, Mitochondrial DNA vs Nuclear DNA, nucleus, Polycistronic vs Monocistronic Monocistronic."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Confidence votes 68. Nuclear DNA, which is found in the nucleus, is inherited from both parents. On the other hand, mtDNA is found in the mitochondria and, in most multicellular organisms, is inherited from the maternal lineage.Nuclear DNA is arranged in linearly organized chromosomes while mtDNA is organized as a circular chromosome.onfidence votes 68. Nuclear DNA, which is found in the nucleus, is inherited from both parents. On the other hand, mtDNA is found in the mitochondria and, in most multicellular organisms, is inherited from the maternal lineage."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The uniqueness of mitochondrial DNA is that it is maternally inherited as a linked set of genes, passed on to progeny in the cytoplasm of the egg cell; thus no recombination between maternal and paternal genomes occurs.uclear DNA contains more information coming from both parents (both paternal and maternal). ⢠Unlike nuclear DNA, mitochondrial DNA can only be used to determine maternal lineage in an individual or a group, and it cannot be used to determine paternal lineage."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Nuclear DNA, which is found in the nucleus, is inherited from both parents. On the other hand, mtDNA is found in the mitochondria and, in most multicellular organisms, is inherited from the maternal lineage.Nuclear DNA is arranged in linearly organized chromosomes while mtDNA is organized as a circular chromosome.n the other hand, mtDNA is found in the mitochondria and, in most multicellular organisms, is inherited from the maternal lineage. Nuclear DNA is arranged in linearly organized chromosomes while mtDNA is organized as a circular chromosome."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"When looking at the structure, it is easily visible that nuclear DNA are in linear molecules, while mtDNA are in closed circular molecules. Also, nuclear DNA contains a nuclear genome while mtDNA contains a mitochondrial genome.Genome is the complete set of genetic material of an organism. One final difference in the structure is nuclear DNA contains three-billion nucleotides, and mtDNA only contains 16,569 nucleotides.Nucleotides are the building blocks of DNA, they are made of a nucleoside linked to a phosphate group.ne final difference in the structure is nuclear DNA contains three-billion nucleotides, and mtDNA only contains 16,569 nucleotides. Nucleotides are the building blocks of DNA, they are made of a nucleoside linked to a phosphate group."
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"Mitochondrial DNA, or mtDNA for short, is the DNA found in mitochondria, the part of your bodyâs cells that turns food back into life. Mitochondrial DNA is different than nuclear DNA (nuDNA), the kind at the centre of your cells, in at least three ways:1 All of it comes from your mother, none of it from your father.itochondrial DNA, or mtDNA for short, is the DNA found in mitochondria, the part of your bodyâs cells that turns food back into life. Mitochondrial DNA is different than nuclear DNA (nuDNA), the kind at the centre of your cells, in at least three ways:"
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"Unlike nuclear DNA (left), mitochondrial DNA is only inherited from the maternal lineage (right) â a quirk which allowed Margulis to determine whether mitochondrial DNA encoded unique traits."
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"Mitochondrial is DNA passed on to the child by Mom. A fertilized egg will have Mom's mitochondrial DNA, half of Mom's nuclear DNA, and half of Dad's nuclear DNA. When the fertilized egg splits into two, the twins will each have identical nuclear DNA, but not EXACTLY identical mitochondrial DNA."
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"For example, if a hair is left at the scene of the crime, nuclear DNA can only be analyzed if the root is intact. However, mitochondrial DNA can be analyzed from anywhere along the hair follicle, including the shaft. Bones and teeth also contain mitochondrial DNA and can be used in mitochondrial DNA analysis. There are several disadvantages of using mitochondrial DNA typing in forensics in lieu of nuclear DNA markers."
"Represent this text",
"⢠Each mitochondrion contains thousands of mitochondrial DNA copies, but only a few copies of nuclear DNA exist in a human cell nucleus. ⢠Unlike nuclear DNA, all mitochondrial DNA comes from the mother and none comes from the father (maternally inherited)."
"When looking at the structure, it is easily visible that nuclear DNA are in linear molecules, while mtDNA are in closed circular molecules. Also, nuclear DNA contains a nuclear genome while mtDNA contains a mitochondrial genome. Genome is the complete set of genetic material of an organism.One final difference in the structure is nuclear DNA contains three-billion nucleotides, and mtDNA only contains 16,569 nucleotides.Nucleotides are the building blocks of DNA, they are made of a nucleoside linked to a phosphate group.hen looking at the structure, it is easily visible that nuclear DNA are in linear molecules, while mtDNA are in closed circular molecules. Also, nuclear DNA contains a nuclear genome while mtDNA contains a mitochondrial genome. Genome is the complete set of genetic material of an organism."
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"Mitochondrial DNA is only a small portion of the DNA in a eukaryotic cell; most of the DNA can be found in the cell nucleus and, in plants, in the chloroplast.In humans, the 16,600 base pairs of mitochondrial DNA encode for only 37 genes.Human mitochondrial DNA was the first significant part of the human genome to be sequenced. In most species, including humans, mtDNA is inherited solely from the mother.n humans, the 16,600 base pairs of mitochondrial DNA encode for only 37 genes. Human mitochondrial DNA was the first significant part of the human genome to be sequenced. In most species, including humans, mtDNA is inherited solely from the mother."
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"Mitochondrial DNA is a special type of DNA and many people are not even aware this type of DNA actually exists. The human cell has two type of DNA: Nuclear DNA and Mitochondrial DNA. We even have 2 separate genomes â the nuclear DNA genome (which is linear in shape) and the Mitochondrial DNA genome (which is circular). Mitochondrial DNA is pretty basic in that it only contains 37 genes."
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"Ok, so nuclear DNA and mitochondrial DNA are different in a lot of ways, but the quickest way to show just how different is to show some pictures. Donât worry, Iâll go into all the boring little details too. There is no way I wouldnât when it comes to this subject, but pictures first. This is your nuclear genome."
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"Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA or mDNA) is the DNA located in mitochondria, cellular organelles within eukaryotic cells that convert chemical energy from food into a form that cells can use, adenosine triphosphate (ATP).nlike nuclear DNA, which is inherited from both parents and in which genes are rearranged in the process of recombination, there is usually no change in mtDNA from parent to offspring."
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"The distribution of total DNA is the same for all siblings as described by others, but it's not quite 50/50. Nuclear DNA is 50/50 from both parents, but mitochondrial DNA is passed solely from the mother. The father's mitochondrial DNA, passed via the sperm, is destroyed after the mother's egg is fertilized."
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"Nuclear DNA, which is found in the nucleus, is inherited from both parents. On the other hand, mtDNA is found in the mitochondria and, in most multicellular organisms, is inherited from the maternal lineage."
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"Nuclear DNA, which is found in the nucleus, is inherited from both parents. On the other hand, mtDNA is found in the mitochondria and, in most multicellular organisms, is inherited from the maternal lineage.Nuclear DNA is arranged in linearly organized chromosomes while mtDNA is organized as a circular chromosome.itochondrial DNA is in ⦠herited only from the mother, where as nuclear DNA is a splicing of both parents' DNA. Only one copy of nuclear DNA exists in any cell. thousands of copies of mitochondrial DNA exist in every cell. 1 person found this useful."
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"Mitochondrial DNA vs Nuclear DNA. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is the main heredity material in almost all the organisms except some viruses. It is considered as a biological macromolecule, consisting of two long polymer strands made up of small repeating monomers called nucleotides."
"Mitochondrial DNA vs Nuclear DNA. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is the main heredity material in almost all the organisms except some viruses. It is considered as a biological macromolecule, consisting of two long polymer strands made up of small repeating monomers called nucleotides.uclear DNA contains more information coming from both parents (both paternal and maternal). ⢠Unlike nuclear DNA, mitochondrial DNA can only be used to determine maternal lineage in an individual or a group, and it cannot be used to determine paternal lineage."
] |
"A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"which nutrients are important for early adulthood"
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"Fruits and vegetables are low in fat and calories, but they are important sources of fiber and key nutrients, which are both important for a healthy, balanced diet. When we eat fruits and vegetables, we can avoid foods that are full of empty calories, or high in processed sugars/flour.his means you are getting a balance of the three main nutrients â carbohydrates, healthy fats, and protein â every day on average, and, additionally, you are not under eating or overeating. Click below to learn more about these three main nutrients as well as additional nutrients that your body requires."
] | [
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"These nutrients are known as major minerals, or macro-minerals, because you need more than 250 milligrams a day. Most major minerals actually have recommended intake levels above 1,000 milligrams per day. Calcium and phosphorus are the two primary components of bones and teeth.inerals occur in a wide range of foods, but certain foods â such as dried beans, peas and lentils, nuts and seeds, dried fruit, dark leafy vegetables and whole grains â tend to be particularly rich sources."
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"What are Levinson's theories on adulthood? The Adult Development website explains that Daniel Levinson's theory on adulthood includes the idea of three stages of adulthood occurring in a person's life after adolescence. These stages are known as early, middle and late adulthood."
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"Macronutrients: the Importance of Carbohydrate, Protein, and Fat What are macronutrients? Macronutrients are nutrients that provide calories or energy. Nutrients are substances needed for growth, metabolism, and for other body functions. Since âmacroâ means large, macronutrients are nutrients needed in large amounts."
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"Canadian Customers. If the warm days of spring are motivating you to shed some weight, youâll want to know about foods like these that can help give your metabolism an extra boost: Citrus fruits. Foods like oranges, grapefruit, lemons and limes contain vitamin C that helps metabolize fat faster, which make them helpful for weight loss."
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"Up Your Intake of Useful Minerals and Vitamins. âMagnesium is a key nutrient for preventing water retention, which is known to contribute to menstrual pain, so eating foods such as bananas, pumpkin seeds, and dark leafy greens can also help with this,â explains Parikh."
"represent the natural language",
"Each is equally important to the plant, yet each is required in vastly different amounts. These differences have led to the grouping of these essential elements into three categories; primary (macro) nutrients, secondary nutrients, and micronutrients. Primary (macro) nutrients are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium."
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"A new study has examined the effects of food on typical biological signs of advancing age. Generally, as you get older, you will have elevated levels of glucose, insulin, and triglycerides. Study participants were given a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet with an adequate amount of protein.The researchers measured a number of factors, including body weight, fasting serum glucose, insulin, leptin, lipids, and thyroid hormone. The diet resulted in improvements in the factors related to the aging process.ating sugar and grains, for example, increase your insulin level and is a sure way to accelerate the aging process. Beverages play a paramount role here, as high fructose corn syrup from soda is the number one source of calories in the US. and devastates your insulin resistance."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries For example, '['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Elizabeth Lorraine Liz Vice (born February 9, 1983) is an American gospel music recording artist and musician from Portland, Oregon. Her music career started in 2015, with the studio album, There's a Light, with Ramseur Records. This album was her breakthrough release upon the Billboard magazine charts. 1 Early life.\"]' should be close to '['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'who is liz vice']'",
"They give you luscious hair and skin. Sunflower seeds are a good source of copper, a nutrient especially important in promoting skin and hair health. Copper is a precursor to melanin, the pigment found in most everyoneâs hair and skin.As you age your body loses the ability to produce melanin and your hair turns grey (oh no!).unflower seeds help with brain function. The omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fats found in sunflower seeds are critical to brain function and health; however, our bodies cannot produce these fats on its own."
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"Liver is one of the most nutrient-dense foods known, and provides vitamin A, known to support bodybuilding better than any other nutrient. 5. Eggs. Chicken eggs, as well as roe from wild marine fish, are both providers of one of the most important energy-yielding nutrients known: iodine."
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"The nutrients help our bodies in many different ways, from our eyes to our bones: 1 Aids in eye health and reduces the risk of macular degeneration of the eye. 2 Reduces the risk of prostate cancer. 3 Lowers blood pressure. Lowers LDL cholesterol (the bad 1 cholesterol) Promotes healthy joints. Promotes collagen formation."
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"Vitamin D is important for the absorption of calcium from the stomach and for proper functioning of calcium in the body. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for vitamin D is currently 400 IU for patients between 50 and 70 years of age."
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"Children with complicated pleural effusion and empyema may have clinically significant anorexia and increased needs. High-calorie, high-protein foods that appeal to the child should be provided early, and nasogastric feeds should be considered early, particularly in young children."
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"Adolescence is a period of rapid physical, emotional, intellectual, and social maturation. To support this growth, teenagers need extra calories, calcium, and iron, and sufficient protein. Teenage eating habits are influenced less by parents and family, and more by peers, media messages, and body image issues."
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"Fats are important in transporting other nutrients, such as vitamins A, D, E, and Kâthe âfat-soluble vitamins.â Fats are also an essential component of the cell membrane, and internal fatty tissues protect the vital organs from trauma and temperature change by providing padding and insulation.ats are important in transporting other nutrients, such as vitamins A, D, E, and Kâthe âfat-soluble vitamins.â Fats are also an essential component of the cell membrane, and internal fatty tissues protect the vital organs from trauma and temperature change by providing padding and insulation."
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"Iron is an essential nutrient because it is a central part of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the blood. Iron deficiency anemia is a worldwide health problem that is especially common in young women and in children. Iron is found in food in two forms, heme and non-heme iron. Heme iron, which makes up 40 percent of the iron in meat, poultry, and fish, is well absorbed. Non-heme iron, 60 percent of the iron in animal tissue and all the iron in plants (fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts) is less well absorbed."
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"The most important nutrients found in rich supply in the placenta include: 1 Stem Cells and Growth Factors. 2 Iron â essential for oxygen absorbtion in the cells. 3 vitamins B6 â aids in the making of antibodies. 4 Vitamin E â for healing damaged skin cells. 5 Oxytocin hormone â essential for facilitating birth and breastfeeding."
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"Gen X are those born between the early 1960s and the early 1980s. The nickname stuck thanks to the novel by Douglas Copeland: 'Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture', which was about Americans hitting adulthood in the late 1980s."
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"To transform you body you must lift weight. Cardio by itself wonât help you achieve your goal of a better looking body. The main nutrients provided by this group of foods are iron, protein, B vitamins (especially vitamin B12), zinc and magnesium. Iron is needed for the formation of haemoglobin and Myoglobin in blood."
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"Balance healthy, lean proteins with foods rich in vitamin A--milk, butter, eggs, spinach and cantaloupe are some examples--fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. B vitamins found in leafy green vegetables may also help you fight off infections such as staph."
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"1 Proper nutrition promotes the optimal growth and development of children.1. Healthy eating helps prevent high cholesterol and high blood pressure and helps reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes.1."
"Represent this text",
"Review the milestones of cognitive development in early and middle adulthood. Unlike our physical abilities, which peak in our mid-20s and then begin a slow decline, our cognitive abilities remain relatively steady throughout early and middle adulthood."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'What Is an EDD? A Doctorate in Education (commonly abbreviated as EdD) is a practice-based doctorate degree for emerging leaders in the education space. This degree is typically targeted toward current educators and those responsible for advancing their organization through learning in areas such as: Organizational change.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is a doctor of ed.d']\"",
"nutrients that help build and maintain body cells and tissues."
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"Definition. The minerals (inorganic nutrients) that are relevant to human nutrition include water, sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, phosphate, sulfate, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, iodine, selenium, and molybdenum.Cobalt is a required mineral for human health, but it is supplied by vitamin B 12.here is reason to believe that the purchase and consumption of most of these minerals is beneficial to health for some, but not all, of the minerals. Potassium supplements are useful for reducing blood pressure, in cases of persons with high blood pressure."
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"Summary. 1 Fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, and K â are stored in the body for long periods of time, and pose a greater risk for toxicity than water-soluble vitamins. 2 Beta carotene is an important antioxidant that the body converts to Vitamin A, and it is found in a variety of fruits and vegetables."
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"They include boron (B), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), zinc (Zn), nickel (Ni) and chloride (Cl). They are as important to plant nutrition as primary and secondary nutrients, though plants don't require as much of them."
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"One important aspect of magnesium as it relates to bone health is that it plays a role in the production of hydrochloric acid, which is needed for the digestion and proper absorption of nutrients. If foods are not well digested, toxic acidic food residue accumulates in the body. Bone-Healthy Nutrients In This One Delicious Seed. Pumpkin seeds bring back vivid childhood memories for me. Picture this: a small patio, my two younger brothers, and lots of pumpkin seeds."
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"Early Childhood; Middle Childhood; Adolescence; Early Adulthood; Middle Adulthood; Late Adulthood; Death and Dying; This list reflects unique aspects of the various stages of childhood and adulthood that will be explored in this book. So while both an 8 month old and an 8 year old are considered children, they have very different motor abilities, social relationships, and cognitive skills."
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"Organic nutrients required in small amounts to maintain growth and normal metabolism are called vitamins.aking the world better, one answer at a time. Organic nutrients required in small amounts to maintain growth and normal metabolism are called vitamins. Raw materials that the body can use to assemble some vitamins are provitamins."
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"Vegetables are the source of all the nutrients that a body needs to grow and survive. These nutrients become necessary in the growing up days which determine the scope of bodily health.Vegetables provide a complete list of nutrients such as vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and more to our body.Hence you must do it in a healthy way by incorporating the nutrients in a balanced veggie diet.hese nutrients become necessary in the growing up days which determine the scope of bodily health. Vegetables provide a complete list of nutrients such as vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and more to our body. Hence you must do it in a healthy way by incorporating the nutrients in a balanced veggie diet."
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"4. Sunflower seeds are a good source of copper, a nutrient especially important in promoting skin and hair health. Copper is a precursor to melanin, the pigment found in most everyoneâs hair and skin. As you age your body loses the ability to produce melanin and your hair turns grey (oh no!).unflower seeds help with brain function. The omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fats found in sunflower seeds are critical to brain function and health; however, our bodies cannot produce these fats on its own."
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"11â. Fat-Soluble Vitamins. Small amounts of vitamins are required in the diet to promote growth, reproduction, and health. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are called the fat-soluble vitamins, because they are soluble in organic solvents and are absorbed and transported in a manner similar to that of fats."
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"Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) is a critically important nutrient for all horses, and supplementation is especially important for horses with limited or no access to lush pastures. This vitamin is not synthesized by the horse; therefore, it is an essential dietary nutrient.he amount of vitamin E required for optimum immune function has not been thoroughly studied in horses, but has been shown to be much higher than normally fed in other species (Nockels, 1979; Tengerdy, 1981). Baalsrud and Overnes (1986) supplemented a basal diet daily with 600 IU vitamin E, 5 mg selenium, or both."
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"This is the most important concern and this risk increases when both testicles are undescended. Malignancy An undescended testicle increases the risk of testicular cancer in adulthood, often as early as the second or third decade of life.his is the most important concern and this risk increases when both testicles are undescended. Malignancy An undescended testicle increases the risk of testicular cancer in adulthood, often as early as the second or third decade of life."
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"Chewable, pectin-based multivitamin for ages 2+. Provides essential nutrientsâincluding zinc and vitamins A, B, C, D3, & E. No artificial coloring, flavoring, or preservatives. Nordic Berries contain essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants growing kids need."
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"Phosphorus is a Key to Life. In human beings, phosphorus is important for health, as it: Phosphorus is the second most abundant mineral in the human body (after calcium) In plants, phosphorus plays a vital role in growth and health, increasing yield and fertility. Plants store phosphorus and supply it to human beings and animals. â is present in all organs of green plants â stem, roots, leaves, but most of it is accumulated in fruit and seeds."
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"So far, researchers have identified sixteen nutrients that are essential for plant life (some sources have identified seventeen, but I'm sticking with the more conservative basics). These nutrients are broadly divided into two groups: nine macronutrients and seven micronutrients."
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"Mineral Specifics. Now that you understand a little bit about absorption and some of its issues, here are where a few of your key nutrients can be found in your body: You will find the nutrients magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus largely in your skeletal system as these three are responsible for strong, healthy bones."
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"Organic nutrients required in small amounts to maintain growth andnormal metabolism are called vitamins."
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"What is the approximate number of nutrients identified as essential to human health?"
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"âAsparagus is high in anti-inflammatory nutrients as well as provides a wide variety of antioxidant nutrients, including vitamin C, beta-carotene, vitamin E, and the minerals zinc, manganese and selenium,â said San Diego-based nutritionist Laura Flores."
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"Newborns have very immature digestive systems, and colostrum delivers its nutrients in a very concentrated low-volume form. It has a mild laxative effect, encouraging the passing of the baby's first stool, which is called meconium.olostrum is very rich in proteins, vitamin A, and sodium chloride, but contains lower amounts of carbohydrates, lipids, and potassium than mature milk. The most pertinent bioactive components in colostrum are growth factors and antimicrobial factors."
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"Vitamin E Fat soluble. Plays an important role as an antioxidant. Protects cells against free radicals and help prevent numerous age-related and cardiovascular-related diseases. Vitamins Minerals are inorganic chemical elements the body needs for healthy growth and metabolism. MACRO MINERALS are needed in much"
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"Vitamin A is essential for proper immune function, reproduction, healthy vision and cell growth. Fruits and vegetables that contain significant amounts of this vitamin include sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, cantaloupe, mangoes, bell peppers, apricots, black-eyed peas and broccoli."
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"Carbohydrates are one of the most important nutrients needed in an athleteâs diet. Carbohydrates are vital to help reach peak performance during physical activity because they provide: ï· Energy: Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for our brains and bodies to function properly.arbohydrates are one of the most important nutrients needed in an athleteâs diet. Carbohydrates are vital to help reach peak performance during physical activity because they provide: ï· Energy: Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for our brains and bodies to function properly."
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"Calcium is a nutrient necessary for the growth and maintenance of strong teeth and bones, nerve signaling, muscle contraction, and secretion of certain hormones and enzymes. High calcium foods include dark leafy greens, cheese, low-fat milk and yogurt, bok choy, fortified tofu, okra, broccoli, green beans, almonds, and fish canned with their bones. The daily value (DV) for calcium is 1000mg."
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"diet for gout sufferers"
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"Having bananas daily is good for gout patients. Other foods that can be source of potassium are potatoes, beans, vegetables and other fruits. Carbohydrate-rich foods, low fat dairy products, green leafy vegetables, and fresh fruits are also considered best diet for gout sufferers. These foods can prevent gout attacks, making them ideal for the victims."
] | [
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"Diet modification Eating foods that are low in purines will help to reduce uric acid levels in the body and decrease the chances of gout development. High-purine foods include red meats, organ meats, beans, lentils, and other foods that have high amounts of protein."
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"Fluids can help pass uric acid through your body, making them an effective way to reduce the chance of gout attacks. Water is the most effective fluid for this purpose, but you may use 100% fruit juice for part of your daily quota. 1 Sweetened drinks, such as soda or sweetened fruit juice, can make your gout worse.. Eat potassium rich foods. Potassium may help uric acid, the cause of gout attacks, pass through your system. Many foods contain high levels of potassium, including lima beans, dried peaches, cantaloupe, cooked spinach, or baked potatoes with skin."
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"Cherries are a popular home remedy for gout. The amount usually recommended is anywhere between half a cup and one pound of cherries a day. They are either eaten or blended and then diluted with water to make a juice. Cherry extracts are also available at some health food store."
"Represent this",
"Gout-friendly meals. by Alyssa Sparacino. Too much bread or alcohol can be a problem if you have gout, a condition in which uric-acid crystals form in the joints, causing pain, swelling, and inflammation. Add purine-rich foodssuch as seafood and red meatto the list and it can seem hard to find something you can eat. (Purine gets broken down into uric acid in the body.). Still, gout shouldnât keep you from enjoying your food. Stick to low-purine fare, like that in the following recipes, to have a tasty meal without triggering an attack or making a flare-up worse. Next: Curried Carrot, Sweet Potato, and Ginger Soup."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n------\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!', 'A river bank is the edge of a river where the land begins. Sometimes there is a gradual slope as the land rises above the level of the water. At other times the river has cuâ\\x80¦t material away from its edges and left a fairly straight side which is quite vertical. It may be a few inches to many feet in height.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what does river bank mean']\"",
"Pureed root vegetables make for gout-friendly comfort food that warms you up on cold winter days. Carrots, sweet potatoes, and spices are a few of the foods with the lowest amounts of purine. To make this soup even better for avoiding gout, try using vegetable stock instead of chicken broth. Calories: 144"
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"Avoid or limit foods that are high in purines, especially during a gout attack. These foods include: Organ meats, such as liver, kidneys, sweetbreads, and brains. Meats, including bacon, beef, pork, and lamb. Game meats. Any other meats or poultry in large amounts."
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"While you should always discuss the merits and drawbacks of specific foods with your doctor, use this shopping checklist as a general guide to food choices to improve your overall health, lower uric acid levels, and reduce your risk of painful gout attacks. Put in Your Cart. 1 Skim milk. 2 Low-fat dairy products (yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese). 3 Whole-grain products (look for the Whole Grain stamp or check product labels for ingredients such as âwhole wheat flour.â). 4 Plant oils (olive, canola, sunflower). 5 Vegetables. 6 Cherries."
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"These animal foods are rich in purines, which your body breaks down into uric acid. You have a little more freedom in your food choices when your gout is at bay, but itâs still a good idea to keep meat and seafood intake to a minimumâ4 to 6 ounces daily at most. Scallops and salmon are okay for an occasional indulgence."
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"Avoiding eating the foods below can help reduce the risk of a gout attack: 1 offal â liver and kidneys, heart and sweetbreads. 2 game â rabbit, pheasant and venison. 3 oily fish â anchovies, herring, mackerel, sardines, sprats, whitebait and trout. 4 seafood â mussels, crab, shrimp and other shellfish, fish roe and caviar."
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"recommendations for specific foods or supplements include the following high purine vegetables organ and glandular meats selected seafood alcohol vitamin c vitamin c may help lower uric acid levels coffee cherrieshe general principles of a gout diet are essentially the same as recommendations for a balanced healthy diet weight loss complex carbs water fats proteins"
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"Whole grains should be part of your gout diet and those that consume 3 servings a day benefit the most health-wise, a staple of the famous Mediterranean diet! Yes, that means you can eat up to 50% of your daily calories as whole grain bread, pasta, quinoa or rice! Do this and you shall live longer than the average human on the planet. Listen to the BS of gluten free from the food industry and your health will take a beating. The gluten free folk are confused."
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"Medium-purine foods are allowed only when gout is under control, when you may eat one serving per day. Medium-purine foods include beef, lamb, pork, mushrooms, oats, spinach, asparagus, cauliflower, whole grains and any fish or shellfish not on the high-purine list.out usually affects the joints of the big toe, but the ankles, heels, knees, wrists, fingers and elbows may also be affected. Part of the treatment for gout focuses on preventing attacks by reducing the amount of uric acid in the body through a low-purine diet."
"While purine-rich foods and alcohol are to be avoided, some foods may actually be good for patients with gout. A popular remedy is the cherry cure, says body+soul naturopath expert Mim Beim. Cherries contain anthocyanidins which help lower uric acid. Eat a cup of cherries, either fresh or canned, each day."
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"Commonly involves diet affected swollen and stiff aching and sent away start your period. During an attack you should be avoided. The malic acid that the body can what do people with gout eat use as a gout attacks takes away toxins and uric acid which is also known. This medications can eventually lead to other gout diet regime. High purine-modified diet will recommended."
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"All your questions about gout answered. How Many Cherries Do I Eat For Gout. Corona California and if you have gout and diet. Suggested dosage is 3 x 400 mg daily. Source figures are taken to increase the congenitalia and if you wish to stick approach to your condition. A gout eating gout is usually strike from stiffness and sensitive."
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"The evidence of eating nuts and gout. Our rockstar rheumatologist H.K. Choi whoâs been involved in numerous gout studies stated in a 2010 study that nuts along with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and dairy products are a healthy food choice for gout sufferers.he evidence of eating nuts and gout. Our rockstar rheumatologist H.K. Choi whoâs been involved in numerous gout studies stated in a 2010 study that nuts along with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and dairy products are a healthy food choice for gout sufferers."
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"Top 10 Doctor insights on: Can Gout Sufferers Eat Baked Beans. 1 I have gout and trying to eat more plant based diet. Question: do black beans and soy products have a neg impact on gout? No & no: The easy answer is that there's no evidence that soy is bad for gout."
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"As a general rule, cherries are beneficial to all sufferers of gout. Some people may find that certain foods such as oranges, strawberries, tomatoes, and various types of nuts affect their gout even though these foods have a low-purine content."
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"2. Foods High in Vitamin C. Weâve already noted that citrus fruits (i.e., lemons and oranges) are great alkaline foods (the opposite of acidic), which can help manage uric acid and the formation of flare-up triggering uric acid crystals in joints, providing relief from a gout flare up."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Best Diet for Gout Sufferers. Q: My doctor tells me that gout is becoming much more common these days. I was diagnosed a year ago, and I get frequent flare-ups. I'm on medication but don't want to take it for the rest of my life."
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"Traditionally gout diets have focused on what not to eat â namely foods rich in purines, nitrogen-containing compounds that are metabolized into uric acid in the body. But increasingly, research is showing what you do eat may be equally important to managing uric acid levels and reducing the risk of developing gout or suffering painful gout attacks."
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"Avoiding foods that contain high levels of purines is a critical part of managing gout. These foods include meats (particulary beef, pork and lamb), most seafood (both fish and shellfish) and meat-based broths and gravies. Sugar-sweetened soft drinks and food with fructose also increase uric acid levels."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent the natural language', \"For adults 18 and older, a normal resting heart rate is between 60 and 100 beats per minute (bpm), depending on the personâ\\x80\\x99s physical condition and age. For children ages 6 to 15, the normal resting heart rate is between 70 and 100 bpm, according to the AHA. But a heart rate lower than 60 doesnâ\\x80\\x99t necessarily mean you have a medical problem. Active people often have lower heart rates because their heart muscles don't need to work as hard to maintain a steady beat.\"]\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is a normal heart rate for a child']\"",
"Gout Diet. The primary dietary goal for gout is to limit your intake of foods with high amounts of purinein them. Ideally, you will have little or no foods that are high in purine and only small amounts of those with moderate amounts of purine. Quick GuideGout Attack Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and Diet."
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"According to Mayo Clinic, the symptoms of gout can be induced by a diet rich in purines. Purines are absorbed from foods such as mushrooms and asparagus as well as from anchovies and organ meat."
"Represent this text",
"Peanuts and Gout. Gout is a complex type of arthritis. Consuming foods with high concentrations of purine compounds can exacerbate its symptoms. Health professionals recommend that gout sufferers follow a diet emphasizing plant-based foods that contain either low or moderate amounts of purines."
"Represent this text",
"Researchers report a correlation between foods high in fructose and gout symptoms, which can include chronic pain. These fruits include apples, peaches, pears, plums, grapes, prunes, and dates. Itâs okay to eat these fruits if you have gout as long as you do so in moderation. Limit yourself to one to two cups per day."
"In another words the what foods to eat during a gout attack more minor ones such as books links to gout. Moderate too much uric and yourself suffering from diarrhoea rashes headaches hypertension. As well advised to cut-out alcohol especially beer meats sardines dried legumes/dried beans mushrooms. * herring."
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"The good food. While purine-rich foods and alcohol are to be avoided, some foods may actually be good for patients with gout. A popular remedy is the cherry cure, says body+soul naturopath expert Mim Beim. Cherries contain anthocyanidins which help lower uric acid. Eat a cup of cherries, either fresh or canned, each day."
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"Up to 18 percent of all people with gout have family members with gout. Overweight. Excessive eating steps up the production of uric acid. Eating too many foods with purines, such as organ meats (liver, kidney, brains, sweetbreads), sardines, anchovies, meat extracts, dried peas, lentils, and legumes."
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"Nuts and seeds are an excellent source of protein in a gout diet, because: 1 Most nuts and seeds are low in purine content. 2 The oils in nuts and seeds are high in healthy fats, which helps reduce the inflammation and pain of gout. 3 Nuts and Seeds are good sources of the vitamins and minerals needed to make your body gout-proof."
"While purine-rich foods and alcohol are to be avoided, some foods may actually be good for patients with gout. A popular remedy is the cherry cure, says body+soul naturopath expert Mim Beim. Cherries contain anthocyanidins which help lower uric acid. Eat a cup of cherries, either fresh or canned, each day. Strawberries and blueberries are also good.. She also says herbs that increase uric acid excretion include nettle leaf, gravel root, parsley, celery seed and birch. Drinking herbal tisanes containing nettles helps rid the body of excess uric acid."
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"Gout Foods to Avoid. 1 Organ meats (liver, kidney, sweetbreads). 2 High-fructose-sweetened foods or sodas. 3 Alcohol: No more than 2 ounces of liquor, 8 ounces of wine, or 16 ounces of beer per day in males. No more than half of that in women."
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"the prevention of gout attacks lies in diet there are a number of foods that can trigger a gout attack recent studies have found that many of the vegetables we believe cause gout attacks in fact can decrease the risk these foods include beans peas and leafy greenshere are 10 common trigger foods for gouthe prevention of gout attacks lies in diet there are a number of foods that can trigger a gout attack recent studies have found that many of the vegetables we believe cause gout attacks in fact can decrease the risk these foods include beans peas and leafy greens here are 10 common trigger foods for gout"
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"The acute syndrome arthritis of the body can get rid of it when the stomachic issues thought it put him on the special diet is important is diet. As the inflammation of urates in suffer a gout sufferers. About 25% of all gout they can neutralize uric acid levels thus reducing uric acid level do."
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"Gout diet: What's allowed, what's not. Gout, a painful form of arthritis, has long been associated with diet, particularly overindulgence in meat, seafood and alcohol. As a result, gout treatment used to include severe dietary restrictions, which made the gout diet hard to stick to."
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"Dairy is actually really good for that, so replace meat with cheese for your protein in meals. Eat lots of dark berries cherries, blueberries, blackberries, etc, they all help but cherries seem to be the most effective. Be sure to drink plenty of water too, dehydration will make gout worse. Anyway I hope that helps."
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"To guard against gout symptoms, MayoClinic.com recommends limiting meat to 4 to 6 ounces per day and opting more often for plant-based protein sources like beans, lentils and tofu. When you do consume pork, choose lean cuts prepared with nutritious ingredients."
"A gout diet is recommended for people diagnosed with goutâone of the most painful types of arthritis. Gout is characterized by sudden, severe bouts of redness, swelling, warmth, pain, and inflammation in one or more joints. Along with diet, gout is typically treated with certain medications. Lifestyle modifications are usually suggested to gout patients as well. People with gout are advised to avoid alcohol or drink alcohol in moderation, drink plenty of water and fluids, maintain an ideal body weight, lose weight if overweight, but avoid fasting or quick weight loss schemes."
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"The answers are to buy canned cherries. Or eat dried cherries - gout sufferers report relief eating dried cherries. And cherry juice for gout is just as good and available all year round. Many gout sufferers have reported the beneficial effects of cherry juice too."
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"Here are seven foods to include in your diet. 1. Cherries. Cherries get their crimson color from natural plant chemicals called anthocyanins. Several studies have shown that fresh cherries and tart cherry juice may curb inflammation. A few studies have also linked fresh cherries to fewer flare-ups of gout. Other foods to try: Itâs the color that counts. Other richly colored fruits (such as blueberries, blackberries, and pomegranates) could also deliver similar effects."
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"Foods to Avoid. Animal proteins and alcohol are among the prime foods that trigger and exacerbate gout attacks. Avoid all alcohol during a gout attack, and only drink it in moderation at other times. It's especially important to avoid beer, since its yeast content adds extra purine to your diet. You should also completely avoid eating organ meats, such as liver or kidneys. Rabbit, venison and other game meats are also on the don't eat list, as is fatty poultry, such as goose and duck. Certain types of seafood also exacerbate gout symptoms; this includes most shellfish, as well as oily fish such as anchovies, sardines and trout."
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"A gout diet involves consuming foods that won't exacerbate gout symptoms or cause an attack, while avoiding purine-rich foods. Diet plays an important role if you have gout. A gout diet involves consuming foods that won't exacerbate gout symptoms or cause an attack, while avoiding purine-rich foods. Diet plays an important role if you have gout."
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"People suffering from gout should avoid foods that have a lot of purines, such as organ and game meats, gravy, other meats in large amounts, and beer. These foods elevate levels of uric acid in the body and lead to gout, according to WebMD."
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"Mr. Bruni has gotten right to the meat of the problemâlow purine diets can be high in refined carbohydrates, such as sugar and flour, which raise insulin levels, and now not only do you have gout, but you have a hard time losing weight, and youâve further increased your risk for all kinds of other chronic diseases:"
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"High-protein foods have also been linked to an increased risk of gout. Those with gout are generally advised to avoid purine-rich foods, such as: ⢠Meat ⢠Seafood ⢠Purine-rich vegetables such as peas, beans, lentils, spinach, mushrooms, and cauliflower ⢠Animal protein"
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"what is mcg dosage"
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"-Initial dose: 12.5 to 25 mcg orally per day, with gradual dose increments at 4 to 6 week intervals. -The dose is generally adjusted in 12.5 to 25 mcg increments until the patient with primary hypothyroidism is clinically euthyroid and the serum TSH has normalized."
] | [
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"How many mcg are there in x mg? How can I convert mg to mcg? Answers: There are 1,000 micrograms (mcg) in 1 milligram (mg). To work out your answer, simply multiply x by 1000. How many mg are there in x mcg? How can I convert mcg to mg? Answers: One microgram (mcg) is 1/1000 milligram (mg)."
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"The average full replacement dose of SYNTHROID is approximately 1.6 mcg per kg per day (for example: 100 to 125 mcg per day for a 70 kg adult). Adjust the dose by 12.5 to 25 mcg increments every 4 to 6 weeks until the patient is clinically euthyroid and the serum TSH returns to normal."
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"Saturated fat may increase long-term risk of cancer. DOSAGE: MCTs come primarily from coconut and palm kernel oils, and dairy fat. The recommended dosage is up to 2 T (or 30 grams) daily of cold-pressed virgin coconut oil.It is NOT a cooking oil. This information applies ONLY to coconut oil that has been cold processed and is NOT hydrogenated.aturated fat may increase long-term risk of cancer. DOSAGE: MCTs come primarily from coconut and palm kernel oils, and dairy fat. The recommended dosage is up to 2 T (or 30 grams) daily of cold-pressed virgin coconut oil."
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"(mg to mcg) Conversion Calculator. 1 milligram (mg) = 1000 microgram (mcg). Milligram (mg) is a unit of Weight used in Metric system. Microgram (mcg) is a unit of Weight used in Metric system. Milligrams also can be marked as Milligrammes (alternative British English spelling in UK)."
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"1 milligram (mg) = 1000 microgram (mcg). Milligram (mg) is a unit of Weight used in Metric system. Microgram (mcg) is a unit of Weight used in Metric system.Milligrams also can be marked as Milligrammes (alternative British English spelling in UK).Micrograms also can be marked as Microgrammes or µg (alternative British English spelling in UK).illigram (mg) is a unit of Weight used in Metric system. Microgram (mcg) is a unit of Weight used in Metric system. Milligrams also can be marked as Milligrammes (alternative British English spelling in UK)."
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"(mcg to mg) Conversion Calculator. 1 microgram (mcg) = 0.001 milligram (mg). Microgram (mcg) is a unit of Weight used in Metric system. Milligram (mg) is a unit of Weight used in Metric system. Micrograms also can be marked as Microgrammes or µg (alternative British English spelling in UK). Milligrams also can be marked as Milligrammes (alternative British English spelling in UK)."
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"1mcg = 0.001mg. when moving from mcg to mg, move 3 spaces to the left. from mg to g move 3 spaces to the left. when kg are used in a dosage calculation, they are often used to convert the weight of someone in pounds."
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"The use of unnecessary zeros can be. confusing and cause errors in dosing. Also, it is not wise to use µg for microgram. which is easily confused with mg. It is preferable to. use mcg or the decimal system to indicate the dose in. mg (milligrams), a microgram (mcg or µg) is 1/1000. of a mg = l mcg = 1µg = 0.001 mg."
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"Biotin supplement preparations use 10, 50 and 100 mcg doses. Biotin is considered non-toxic, according to the UMMC. There are currently no adverse health effects associated with these doses. However, that does not mean that they do not exist."
"Represent the natural language",
"Best Answer: 1000 mcg is a milligram. Your tablets are 0.4 mg, so if you take 10 that would be 4 milligrams. 2 and a half tablets would be a milligram of folic acid. Beth, the people below are wrong. Also, the way you wrote microgram (mcg) is better than ug by far because it is more descriptive."
"Represent the input.",
"Example 2: How many tablets containing 62.5 mcg will be required to give a dose of 0.125 mg? STEP 1 : CONVERT TO SAME UNITS Convert 0.125 mg to mcg. The decimal place is moved 3 places to the right. Mg - - kg hg dag g dg cg mg > > µg 0.125 mg = (0.125 * 1000 mcg) = 125 mcg. STEP 2: CALCULATE."
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"IU's for example are used for fat soluable vitamins. mcg's are used to measure very, very tiny amounts of other vitamins. A mcg is a microgram - that is 1/1000 of a milligram. You are probably familiar with the milligram but don't know it."
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"Quick Answer. A milligram, abbreviated as mg, is a metric unit of measure that is equal to 1/1000th (one one thousandth) of a gram, while a microgram, abbreviated mcg, is a metric unit of measure that is equal to 1/1000000th (one one millionth) of a gram. One microgram is equal to 0.0010000 milligrams."
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"Age 1-3 months. 1 10-15 mcg/kg/day PO. 2 5-7.5 mcg/kg/day IV/IM. 3 Use lower starting dose (25 mcg/day) if patient at risk of cardiac failure; if initial serum T4 lower than 5 mcg/dL begin treatment at higher dose (50 mcg/day)"
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"What are hCG Injections (hCG Shots)? hCG injections, sometimes referred to as hCG shots, are the medical form of the hormone Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. Treatment with hCG injections is often prescribed for fertility issues and for weight loss in conjunction with the hCG protocol. The dose of hCG most commonly used for the hCG weight loss injection diet is 200iU/day and the injection is administered subcutaneously as advised by your doctor."
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"Micrograms. A microgram -- mcg -- is an extremely small unit of measurement equal to one-millionth of 1 g or one-thousandth of 1 mg. For example, the average adult needs 15 mcg of vitamin D daily. This is equal to 0.015 mg and 0.000015 g. microgram -- mcg -- is an extremely small unit of measurement equal to one-millionth of 1 g or one-thousandth of 1 mg. For example, the average adult needs 15 mcg of vitamin D daily. This is equal to 0.015 mg and 0.000015 g."
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"In pregnant rats during the period of organogenesis, 80 mg/kg/day was associated with visceral malformations (heart and major vessels) and increased post-implantation loss; 80 mg/kg/day in animals is ~14 times the exposure (AUC) in patients with MCL administered the dose of 560 mg daily."
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"150 mg ------------------ 300 mg = 1/2 tablet. Example 2: How many tablets containing 62.5 mcg will be required to give a dose of 0.125 mg? STEP 1: CONVERT TO SAME UNITS. Convert 0.125 mg to mcg."
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"The term âmgâ stands for the measurement of âmilligramsâ while âmcgâ stands for âmicrograms.â Both units are used to measure an objectâs mass and to indicate an objectâs weight. With reference to other units of measurement, an mcg is equal to .001 mg. It implies that the microgram is smaller compared to a milligram. Compared to a gram, a microgram is a millionth smaller. The microgram is one of the smallest units and is frequently used in microbiology tests specifically in measurements for antibiotics like penicillin, oxacillin and others."
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"Not to be confused with mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, although they are predictably correlated in healthy states. The mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) , or mean cell hemoglobin (MCH), is the average mass of hemoglobin per red blood cell in a sample of blood.It is reported as part of a standard complete blood count.CH value is diminished in hypochromic anemias. It is calculated by dividing the total mass of hemoglobin by the number of red blood cells in a volume of blood. MCH=(Hgb*10)/RBC. A normal value in humans is 27 to 31 picograms/cell."
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"Dosage, how often to take: Many diabetics may find 100 to 400 mcg a day helpful, but long term use should be done with medical supervision since safety issues of high dose chromium use is not fully known."
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"(mcg to ml) Online Conversion Calculator - Converter. Weight of 1 milliliter (ml) of pure water at temperature 4 °C = 1000000 microgram (mcg or µg) = 1 cubic centimeter (cc, cm3) = 0.0338140227 US fluid ounces (fl. oz) = 0.001 L (Liter, the official SI unit of volume)."
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"The microgram (mcg or µg) is the unit of mass in the metric system (SI, International System of Units). 1 microgram (mcg or µg) = 0.001 milligrams (mg) = 0.000000001 kilogram (kg) = 0.0000000352739619 ounces (oz) = 0.000001 grams (g).he microgram (mcg or µg) is the unit of mass in the metric system (SI, International System of Units). 1 microgram (mcg or µg) = 0.001 milligrams (mg) = 0.000000001 kilogram (kg) = 0.0000000352739619 ounces (oz) = 0.000001 grams (g)."
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"The microgram (mcg or µg) is the unit of mass in the metric system (SI, International System of Units). 1 microgram (mcg or µg) = 0.000001 grams (g) = 0.001 milligrams (mg) = 0.000000001 kilogram (kg) = 0.0000000352739619 ounces (oz).his calculator-converter provides conversion of micrograms to grams (mcg to g) and backwards grams to micrograms (g to mcg). Convert micrograms to grams (mcg to g) and grams to micrograms (g to mcg) Online Conversion Calculator-Converter."
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"medium chain triglycerides mcts dosing The following doses have been studied in scientific research: BY MOUTH: For improving seizure control in children: MCT oil is used as 60% of the calories eaten."
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"Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) Dosage. Most over-the-counter supplements of folic acid are 400 mcg tablets. Prescription folic acid for pregnant women is usually for 1 mg (i.e., 1,000 mcg) tablets. Adults over 18, including pregnant women, should not take more than 1,000 mcg of folic acid a day.olic Acid (Vitamin B9) Dosage. Most over-the-counter supplements of folic acid are 400 mcg tablets. Prescription folic acid for pregnant women is usually for 1 mg (i.e., 1,000 mcg) tablets. Adults over 18, including pregnant women, should not take more than 1,000 mcg of folic acid a day."
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"Reference Range. Thyroid-binding globulin (TBG) is produced in the liver and is a circulating protein that reversibly binds thyroid hormones3,5,3â-triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) and carries them in the bloodstream.The reference range for TBG is 1.1-2.1mg/dL.escription. Thyroid-binding globulin (TBG) is produced in the liver and is a circulating protein that reversibly binds thyroid hormones3,5,3â-triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) and carries them in the bloodstream."
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"An mcg (a microgram) is 10-6 gm or one thousandth of a milligram. To convert micrograms to milligrams, divide by 1000 e.g. 5600 mcg = 5.6 mg Follow the link provided for a ⦠weight conversion calculator and more info on this subject."
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"Mean cell hemoglobin (MCH) refers to the average weight of hemoglobin in the RBCs in the sample. Should a mixture of cell populations be present, the weights of the evaluated cells will be averaged. Reporting units is picograms (pg). One picogram is 10 -12 grams."
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"1 microgram (mcg) = 0.001 milligram (mg). Microgram (mcg) is a unit of Weight used in Metric system. Milligram (mg) is a unit of Weight used in Metric system.Micrograms also can be marked as Microgrammes or µg (alternative British English spelling in UK).Milligrams also can be marked as Milligrammes (alternative British English spelling in UK).icrogram (mcg) is a unit of Weight used in Metric system. Milligram (mg) is a unit of Weight used in Metric system. Micrograms also can be marked as Microgrammes or µg (alternative British English spelling in UK)."
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"Dear Hematologist Doctor My MCV ( mean corpuscular volume - Avg red blood cell volume) is 104 and the normal range I believe is 80-102. This slight elevation may be caused by alcohol consumption ... My blood test results shows an above range Mean Cell Volume of 108 and an above range of mean cell Haemoglobin level of 35.5."
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"The microgram (mcg or µg) is the unit of mass in the metric system (SI, International System of Units). 1 microgram (mcg or µg) = 0.001 milligrams (mg) = 0.000000001 kilogram (kg) = 0.0000000352739619 ounces (oz) = 0.000001 grams (g)."
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"A fixed dose of 7 mCi has been advocated by some researchers as the first empirical dose in the treatment of hyperthyroidism. In general, higher dosages are required for patients who have large goiters, have low radioiodine uptake, or who have been pretreated with antithyroid drugs."
"The MCH blood test is only one of three indices of red blood cells, the other two being MCV and MCHC. These measurements can help in diagnosing medical problems. Normal hemoglobin levels should be between the range of 26 to 33 picograms for each red blood cell."
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"DOSAGE: HEARTGARD Tablets should be administered orally at monthly intervals at the recommended minimum dose level of 6 mcg of ivermectin per kilogram (2.72 mcg/lb) of body weight. (See ADMINISTRATION). The recommended dosage schedule for prevention of canine heartworm disease is as follows:"
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"mcg micrograms are 1000 times smaller than mg milligrams for example a drug that has a strength of 075 mg is equivalent to 75 mcgmany drugs are measured in mg but some are in mcgcg micrograms are 1000 times smaller than mg milligrams for example a drug that has a strength of 075 mg is equivalent to 75 mcg"
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Quick Answer. Cooked bacon lasts up to 5 days in the refrigerator and up to 6 weeks in the freezer. Although these guidelines are generally acceptable, check the bacon for strange odors or coloring before eating it. Continue Reading.']>> to <<['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'how long can you keep bacon in refrigerator']>>",
"Metric Conversion of Grams, Milligrams, Micrograms, Litres, and Millilitres. 1000 micrograms (mcg) EQUALS 1 milligram (mg)."
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"Stay under the UL radar (especially when using supplements) to keep toxicities at bay. The Measurements: Vitamins or minerals that are needed in larger doses are expressed in units of milligrams (mg). Trace minerals and vitamins are expressed in micrograms (mcg). There are 1,000 mcg in one milligram (no fancy math here)."
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"Dosage ranges from 3.7 to 7.4 megabecquerels (0.1 to 0.2 mCi) per kilogram of body weight. After one or two hours, the patient is placed into the PET-CT device, usually lying in a supine position with the arms resting at the sides, or brought together above the head, depending on the main region of interest (ROI)."
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"Mylan Fentanyl Transdermal System is the #1 most dispensed fentanyl transdermal system in the U.S.â¡. Mylan is the only manufacturer with eight dosage strengths, including 37.5 mcg/hr, 62.5 mcg/hr, 87.5 mcg/hrâthe first and only âintermediateâ strengths."
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"How much to get daily: 400 mcg. Why you need it: Itâs a must if youâre breastfeeding, pregnant or trying to conceive; it helps prevent neural tube defects. In fact, the Society of Gynecologists and Obstetricians of Canada now recommends 0.4 to 1 mg (400 to 1000 mcg) per day for women of child-bearing age."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it! For example, ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'The efficacy of the tetanus toxoid and diphtheria toxoid used in Adacel vaccine was based on the immune response to these antigens compared to a US licensed Tetanus and Diphtheria Toxoids Adsorbed For Adult Use (Td) vaccine manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur Inc., Swiftwater, PA.'] should be similar to ['represent the next text', 'who manufactures tdap vaccine']",
"Answers: One microgram (mcg) is 1/1000 milligram (mg). To work out your answer, simply divide x by 1,000. To use the converters to work out your answer, simply select the appropriate unit from each 'select' box above, enter your figure (x) into the 'value to convert' box and click the 'Convert!' button."
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"A ratio of albumin (mcg/L) to creatinine (mg/L) of less than 30 is normal; a ratio of 30-300 signifies microalbuminuria and values above 300 are considered as macroalbuminuria.On a standard urine dipstick, 10-20 mg/dL is the minimal detection limit of protein.ackground. Microalbuminuria is defined as excretion of 30â300 mg of albumin per 24 hours (or 20â200 mcg/min or 30â300 mcg/mg creatinine) on 2 of 3 urine collections. The detection of low levels of albumin excretion (microalbuminuria) has been linked to the identification of incipient diabetic kidney disease."
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"Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC) Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration is a measure of the concentration of hemoglobin in a given volume of packed red blood cells. It is calculated by dividing the hemoglobin value by the hematocrit value. The normal range is 32 to 36 g/dL."
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"Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCLG): The level of a contaminant in drinking water below which there is no. known or expected risk to health. MCLGs allow for a margin of safety. Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL): The highest level of a contaminant that is allowed in drinking water.e at St. Johns County Utility work around the clock to provide top quality water to every tap."
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"How many mg in 1 mcg? The answer is 0.001. We assume you are converting between milligram and microgram. You can view more details on each measurement unit: mg or mcg The SI base unit for mass is the kilogram. 1 kilogram is equal to 1000000 mg, or 1000000000 mcg. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. Use this page to learn how to convert between milligrams and micrograms. Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units! âºâº Want other units? You can do the reverse unit conversion from mcg to mg, or enter any two units below:"
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"Normal values for a blood sample taken at 8 in the morning are 6 to 23 micrograms per deciliter (mcg/dL) or 165.53 to 634.52 nanomoles per liter (nmol/L). Normal value ranges may vary slightly among different laboratories. Some labs use different measurements or may test different specimens."
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"Ordering the right amount of hCG deeply depends on how much weight you want to lose. Average weight loss for men is one pound a day and .6 lbs per day for women. The common dosage is 175 units a day for injection, but recently some sources on the internet are saying to increase dosage to 200IU-250 IU."
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"In these cases, the recommended dose of folic acid may be up to 4,000 mcg (4 mg) beginning one month prior to conception and during the first few months of pregnancy. However, check with your doctor before taking additional folic acid supplements."
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"TIKOSYN is supplied for oral administration in three dosage strengths: 125 mcg (0.125 mg) orange and white capsules, 250 mcg (0.25 mg) peach capsules, and 500 mcg (0.5 mg) peach and white capsules.What are the possible side effects of dofetilide (Tikosyn)? What are the precautions when taking dofetilide (Tikosyn)?or detailed instructions regarding dose selection, see DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION. TIKOSYN is available only to hospitals and prescribers who have received appropriate TIKOSYN dosing and treatment initiation education; see DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION."
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"The average replacement dose of T4 in adults is approximately 1.6 mcg/kg per day which would be 112 mcg per day in a 70-kg adult, but this is not a one-size-fits-all recommendation."
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"Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) is the average amount of hemoglobin per red blood cell in a blood sample. A normal range for MCH is 27.5 to 33.2 picograms per cellâthis is referred to as normochromic. The MCH is usually either high or low if the size of your red blood cells (measured by the MCV) is high or low."
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"The drug is ordered in milligrams, which is the same unit used on the label. Therefore, the dosage ordered is the same as the desired dose (500 mg). By reading the label we ï¬ nd that the dosage unit is 1 tablet and the dose on hand is 250 mg. Therefore, D 500 mg Q 1 tablet H 250 mgFollow the Procedure Checklist 6-4."
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"A: A milligram, abbreviated as mg, is a metric unit of measure that is equal to 1/1000th (one one thousandth) of a gram, while a microgram, abbreviated mcg, is a metric unit of measure that is equal to 1/1000000th (one one millionth) of a gram. One microgram is equal to 0.0010000 milligrams."
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"While the current Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) for folic acid (the synthetic form of folate) is 600 mcg per day, a Hungarian study of more than 5,400 pregnant women found that those who took supplements containing 800 mcg reduced their risk of having a child born with a neural tube defect by 90 percent."
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"The microgram (mcg or µg) is the unit of mass in the metric system (SI, International System of Units). 1 microgram (mcg or µg) = 0.001 milligrams (mg) = 0.000000001 kilogram (kg) = 0.0000000352739619 ounces (oz) = 0.000001 grams (g). All Calculators Email this page Send this page to a friend"
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"In the metric system, a microgram or microgramme (μg; the recommended symbol in the United States when communicating medical information is mcg) is a unit of mass equal to one billionth (6991100000000000000â 1Ã10â9) of a kilogram, one millionth (6994100000000000000â 1Ã10â6) of a gram, or one thousandth (6997100000000000000â 1Ã10â3) of a milligram."
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"Dosage Forms and Strengths. Symbicort is available as a metered-dose inhaler containing a combination of budesonide (80 or 160 mcg) and formoterol (4.5 mcg) as an inhalation aerosol in the following two strengths: 80/4.5 and 160/4.5. Each dosage strength contains 60 or 120 actuations per/canister."
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"The usual dose ranges from 5-15 mCi, determined either by using various formulas that take into account the estimated thyroid weight and radioiodine uptake or by using fixed dosages of iodine I 131; detailed kinetic studies of 131 I are not essential and do not lead to better treatment results."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A ratio of albumin (mcg/L) to creatinine (mg/L) of less than 30 is normal; a ratio of 30-300 signifies microalbuminuria and values above 300 are considered as macroalbuminuria. On a standard urine dipstick, 10-20 mg/dL is the minimal detection limit of protein.eference Range. Microalbuminuria is defined as excretion of 30â300 mg of albumin per 24 hours (or 20â200 mcg/min or 30â300 mcg/mg creatinine) on 2 of 3 urine collections."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Report Abuse. 1 Mcg Medical. 2 Education is good, because it teaches you how to learn, how to discipline your mind. 3 For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/aw60e. mg is 1 milligrams. MG= MILLI GRAM. 50 mcg equal to 500mg am i right 1 sir. ager ivermec ki dose 6mcg hy to kitny mg."
] |
"a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.",
"us military history timeline"
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Timeline of United States military operations. See also: Timeline of United States at war and List of wars involving the United States. This timeline of United States government military operations is based on Committee on International Relations (now known as the House Committee on Foreign Affairs)."
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Frequently Asked Questions; About Grifols. Grifols Timeline and History; Careers; Press; Contact Us"
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"History Timeline of Events Graphic Organizer History Timeline of Events: Put events in order with this Timeline Graphic Organizer. Find this Pin and more on history by amandamyelle. sequence-timeline-graphic-organizer See More"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Civil War Battles Timeline Timeline Description: With modern technological developments, the Civil War was not a fight of the fittest or the swift.Along with new advances in warfare, the most captivating aspect of the Civil War is the battles.uly 21, 1861 The First Battle of Bull Run Taking place in Virginia, this Confederate victory was the first major engagement of the Civil War where Jackson was named Stonewall. August 10, 1861 The Battle of Wilsonâs Creek Known as the âBull Run of the West,â or the Oak Hills battle, this was the first western battle."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"(1752-1818). Partly due to the military leadership of General George Rogers Clark, the United States emerged from the American Revolution with room for westward expansion. Clark was a famous figure in the early history of Kentucky."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nE.g.:\n['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.\\n\\nExamples:\\nProvided: \"volt, electron (eV), n the kinetic energy gained by an electron by falling through a potential difference of 1 volt. 1 eV is equivalent to 1.6 Ã\\x97 1012 ergs; 1000 eV is referred to as 1 kilo electron volt, or keV, and 1,000,000 eV are referred to as 1 mega electron volt, or MeV.\" Match: \"kilo electron volt definition\"', 'Practical Law Company (or PLC) is a UK-based legal publishing company which provides legal know-how for business lawyers.It also acts as secretariat for the GC100 group of general counsel and company secretaries.According to the AmLaw Daily, The company was set up in the early 1990s by Chris Millerchip and Rob Dow to publish PLC Magazine.ince then it has expanded to provide predominantly web-based subscription services to law firms and law departments across a range of specialist subject areas such as corporate, finance, property, tax and intellectual property.'] == ['Represent this.', 'what is practical law']",
"Ancestry U.S. Military Collection. Discover the heroes in your family tree in the Ancestry.com U.S. Military Collection â including millions of U.S. military records, covering almost 400 years of American wars and conflicts."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Three current branches of the United States Military trace their institutional roots to the American Revolutionary War; the United States Army comes from the Continental Army, formed by a resolution of the Continental Congress on June 14, 1775."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"American Revolution Timeline. History of the United States Timeline. American Revolution Videos. Social Studies Main Index. The American Revolution, also known as the Revolutionary War, was one of the most significant events in American history. Without it, the United States of America may not have come into existence.Read on and learn why it happened, and learn about key events of the revolution.merican Revolution Timeline. History of the United States Timeline. American Revolution Videos. Social Studies Main Index. The American Revolution, also known as the Revolutionary War, was one of the most significant events in American history. Without it, the United States of America may not have come into existence."
"Spanish-American War: The Beginning of a Military Superpower 1898. With the diminishing frontier, America began to abandon its âcontinentalistâ policy in favor of more aggressive competition for world trade, and it turned its eye toward Spain.oday, America still stands as the worldâs premier military superpower, but it has not always been this way. Colonial Wars: The Beginning of a Civilian Military 1512-1774. U.S. military history begins when the earliest English settlers arrived in a dangerous New World."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The U.S. Army was founded on June 14, 1775, when the Continental Congress authorized enlistment of riflemen to serve the United Colonies for one year. For more on the history of the U.S. Army birthday, click here: the Army birthday."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The history of the United States Military Academy can be traced to fortifications constructed on the West Point of the Hudson River during the American Revolutionary War in 1778. Following the war, President Thomas Jefferson signed legislation establishing the United States Military Academy (USMA) on the site in 1802."
"The Registry And History Library Established July 4th, 1988 The Military History War Libraryand All Nation Personnel Registry. Accessible 24 hours/day through the internet or by modem, worldwide."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The history of the French language can trace its roots through the military and migratory history of all of Europe. The timeline begins at the dawn of recorded history and moves through time in a near-constant state of evolution and regionalization."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Army Commemorates 100th Anniversary of US Entering WWI. An M1917 Enfield Rifle from World War I was on display at the Pentagon following a ceremony to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the U.S. military entering WWI."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The United States Army Center of Military History (CMH) is a directorate within the Office of the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army. The center is responsible for the appropriate use of history and military records throughout the United States Army."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The U.S. Army was founded on June 14, 1775, when the Continental Congress authorized enlistment of riflemen to serve the United Colonies for one year. For more on the history of the U.S. Army birthday, click here: the Army birthday. Infantry, June 14, 1775."
"Represent the natural language.",
"Wars of America Timeline. The important dates and key events in the Wars of America. The names of the different Indian Wars. Major dates and events in the War of Independence and the American Civil War. Dates of the Spanish American War, Korean War, Vietnam and Gulf War. WW1 and WW2."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"1949 â Present: Air Force Historic Events. The official date of the founding of the US Air Force is 18 September 1947. It was a momentous event that over six decades later has demonstrated the achievement of an Air Force second-to-none, yet the Air Force's history and heritage goes back a lot further."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The United States Army Center of Military History ( CMH ) is a directorate within the Office of the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army . The center is responsible for the appropriate use of history and military records throughout the United States Army . Traditionally, this mission has meant recording the official history of the army in both peace and war, while advising the army staff on historical matters. CMH is the flagship organization leading the Army Historical Program ."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"From Armistice Day to Veterans Day. American effort during World War II (1941-1945) saw the greatest mobilization of the U.S. Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force in the nationâs history (more than 16 million people); some 5.7 million more served in the Korean War (1950 to 1953)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"a top-secret history of the U.S. military involvement in Vietnam."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n------\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Magnetic Resonance Enterography (MRE) Magnetic Resonance Enterography (MRE) is a noninvasive imaging test that can evaluate gastrointestinal issues including Inflammatory Bowel Disease.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results:', 'what is an mre medical test']\"",
"As the largest and senior branch of the U.S. military, the modern U.S. Army has its roots in the Continental Army, which was formed (14 June 1775) to fight the American Revolutionary War (1775â1783)âbefore the U.S. was established as a country."
"Military history of the Russian Empire. The military history of the Russian Empire encompasses the history of armed conflict in which the Russian Empire participated. This history stretches from its creation in 1721 by Peter the Great, until the Russian Revolution (1917), which led to the establishment of the Soviet Union."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Revolutionary War Timeline. The Revolutionary War timeline gives you all the events leading up to the American Revolution, the major events of the war, and the culmination leading to the establishment of the United States of America and the U.S. Constitution."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"List of conflicts in the United States is a timeline of events that includes Indian wars, battles, skirmishes, and other related items that have occurred in the United States's geographical area, including overseas territories since 1775. 1 1 18th century. 2 19th century."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A chronological timetable of historical events that occurred on this day in history. Historical facts of the day in the areas of military, politics, science, music, sports, arts, entertainment and more. Discover what happened today in history. 2016 April 16 69."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"In addition to these policing bodies, U.S. military forces havebeen deployed against Americans several times in our historywithout a congressional declaration of war as in the KoreanWar, the Vietnam War, the Persian Gulf War, and the wars inIraq and Afghanistan in the twenty-first century."
"Represent the next text",
"As the largest and senior branch of the U.S. military, the modern U.S. Army has its roots in the Continental Army, which was formed (14 June 1775) to fight the American Revolutionary War (1775â83)âbefore the U.S. was established as a country."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"America's Best History, ... from sea to shining sea. United States History Timeline, the 1820's, the Missouri Compromise and the Monroe Doctrine, includes the top events of each year of the decade."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"History of the U.S. Army Flag Army.mil/News. The Army flag was dedicated and unfurled to the general public on 14 June 1956 at Independence Hall, Philadelphia. History of U.S. Army Weapons Army.mil/News. The roots of our modern military armaments began in the late 18th century and started a legacy of hardware excellence."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nFor example, '['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'The show hunter is a type of show horse in the that is judged on its movement, manners, and way of going, particularly while jumping fences.- Irish Hunter -.he show hunter is a type of show horse in the that is judged on its movement, manners, and way of going, particularly while jumping fences. - Irish Hunter -.']' should be close to '['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is a hunter horse']'",
"Figure 3 summarizes this history with an enterprise-architecture timeline. This brings us up to date in the history of enterprise architecture. Now, let's look more closely at today's main methodologies and introduce a case study that will be used in this white paper. Figure 3. Enterprise-architecture timeline."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"History of the United States Air Force. The United States Air Force became a separate military service on September 18, 1947 with the implementation of the National Security Act of 1947."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Answers.com® WikiAnswers® Categories History, Politics & Society Politics and Government Government US Government US Military US Army US Army History and Traditions What army regulation covers military writing?"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The story of the World War II Army Enlistment Records File is unique, but it illustrates the lengths to which NARA will go to provide researchers with ready access to the documentary heritage of the United States Government."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Today In History. A chronological timetable of historical events that occurred on this day in history. Historical facts of the day in the areas of military, politics, science, music, sports, arts, entertainment and more.oday In History. A chronological timetable of historical events that occurred on this day in history. Historical facts of the day in the areas of military, politics, science, music, sports, arts, entertainment and more."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Harry Truman and the desegregation of the military: A timeline. The desegregation of the United States military, which began 178 years after Crispus Attucks died in the Revolutionary War, is considered an important benchmark in the quest for equality and civil rights for African-Americans."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"A Brief History of the U.S. Army in World War II highlights the major ground force campaigns during the six years of the war, offers suggestions for further reading, and provides Americans an opportunity to learn about the Army's role in World War II."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Army Commemorates 100th Anniversary of US Entering WWI. 1 Dressed in WWI uniforms, members of the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment, âThe Old Guard,â stand next to historian Todd Rambow at the Pentagon following a ceremony to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the U.S. miliary entering WWI.(Matt Cox/Military.com)"
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"During the next several years, the U.S. Army will participate in the nation's 50th anniversary commemoration of World War II. The commemoration will include the publication of various materials to help educate Americans about that war."
"Represent text",
"Park Information. Explore a piece of Americaâs military history at Gen. John J. Pershing Boyhood Home State Historic Site and learn about the experiences that molded a Laclede country boy into one of the nationâs legendary generals."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The war lasted through April 1865 and only days after the surrender Lincoln was fatally shot at Ford's theater. The Lincoln Presidency Timeline illustrates key events which occurred during the presidency of United States president Abraham Lincoln.Milestones Professional timeline software was used to create this timeline.Milestones Professional is a great product if you need Project Management Software.he war lasted through April 1865 and only days after the surrender Lincoln was fatally shot at Ford's theater. The Lincoln Presidency Timeline illustrates key events which occurred during the presidency of United States president Abraham Lincoln."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"United States Navy and World War II. Naval-History.net. Archived from the original on 18 November 2006 (Chronology of the lead up of U.S. entry into World War II.) The National Security Strategy of the United States of America. Archived from the original on 17 August 2007."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Timeline Civil War, the definitive day by day history of the American Civil War for the iPad, brings to life the events of 150 years ago for a 21st century audience. This innovative app features an amazing interactive timeline that revolutionizes the way that history can be viewed and understood."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Today in History: September 28. A chronological timetable of historical events that occurred on this day in history. Historical facts of the day in the areas of military, politics, science, music, sports, arts, entertainment and more. Discover what happened today in history.hat Happened This Day In History. A chronological timetable of historical events that occurred on this day in history. Historical facts of the day in the areas of military, politics, science, music, sports, arts, entertainment and more. Discover what happened today in history."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"List of conflicts in the United States is a timeline of events that includes Indian wars, battles, skirmishes, and other related items that have occurred in the United States's geographical area, including overseas territories since 1775. 1 18th century."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Army was under the control of the War Department until 1947, and the Defense Department since then. The U.S. Army fought the War of 1812 (1812â15), American Civil War (1861â65), SpanishâAmerican War (1898), World War I (1917â18), World War II (1941â45), Korean War (1950â53) and Vietnam War (1965â71). The Continental Army of 1775, comprising the initial New England Army, organized by Washington into three divisions, six brigades, and 38 regiments. 2 Major General Philip Schuyler's ten regiments in New York were sent to invade Canada."
"Represent the natural language",
"This brochure was prepared in the U.S. Army Center of Military History by Frank N. Schubert. I hope this absorbing account of that period will enhance your appreciation of American achievements during World War II."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1 A timeline A timeline of the desegregation of the Armed Forces, presented by the Truman Library. Search LEARN NC for more resources on African Americans, Harry Truman, civil rights, desegregation, and military."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Military history is often considered to be the history of all conflicts, not just the history of the state militaries."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"History of U.S. Army Uniforms. The traditions of the United States Army, including its uniform and accoutrements, are rooted in the British Army of the 18th Century. Clothing of this period was characterized by tightly fitted smallclothes (waistcoat and breeches) and coats with tight fitted sleeves."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Army records date from 1917, and Air Force records from 1947. Older military records, from the SpanishâAmerican War, Civil War, and earlier periods, are maintained at the National Archives and Records Administration in Washington, D.C. .In May 2011, the Military Personnel Records Center began its relocation to a new modern facility in the city of Spanish Lake, Missouri.rmy records date from 1917, and Air Force records from 1947. Older military records, from the SpanishâAmerican War, Civil War, and earlier periods, are maintained at the National Archives and Records Administration in Washington, D.C. ."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1 Major Events in the History of the U.S.A. 2 Military The United States military has had a long and storied history. 3 From the Revolutionary War through the war in Afghanistan, the military has fought on various continents, againâ¦."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"This is a timeline of United States of America history, comprising most legalized and territorialized changes and political and economic events in the United States and its predecessor states. To read about the background to these events, see History of the United States.See also timeline of United States diplomatic history, the list of U.S. states by date of admission to the Union, the list of Presidents of the United States and years in the United States.irst inauguration of George Washington: George Washington was inaugurated as President in New York City. 1st United States Congress: The Congress passed the Judiciary Act of 1789 and the Hamilton tariff."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Home Timelines. Civil War Battles Timeline Timeline Description: With modern technological developments, the Civil War was not a fight of the fittest or the swift. Along with new advances in warfare, the most captivating aspect of the Civil War is the battles.uly 21, 1861 The First Battle of Bull Run Taking place in Virginia, this Confederate victory was the first major engagement of the Civil War where Jackson was named Stonewall. August 10, 1861 The Battle of Wilsonâs Creek Known as the âBull Run of the West,â or the Oak Hills battle, this was the first western battle."
"Revolutionary War Timeline. The Revolutionary War timeline gives you all the events leading up to the American Revolution, the major events of the war, and the culmination leading to the establishment of the United States of America and the U.S. Constitution.evolutionary War Timeline. The Revolutionary War timeline gives you all the events leading up to the American Revolution, the major events of the war, and the culmination leading to the establishment of the United States of America and the U.S. Constitution."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Today in History: April 13. A chronological timetable of historical events that occurred on this day in history. Historical facts of the day in the areas of military, politics, science, music, sports, arts, entertainment and more.Discover what happened today in history.hat Happened This Day In History. A chronological timetable of historical events that occurred on this day in history. Historical facts of the day in the areas of military, politics, science, music, sports, arts, entertainment and more."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"U.S. Wars: Timeline & History. Nate Sullivan holds a M.A. in History and a M.Ed. He is an adjunct history professor, former middle school history teacher, and freelance writer. Custom Courses are courses that you create from Study.com lessons."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Digital History ID 2917. During the 1890s, the United States showed little interest in foreign affairs. Its army, with just 28,000 soldiers, was one-twentieth the size of France's or Germany's. Its 10,000-man navy was a sixth the size of Britain's and half the size of Spain's."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"This brochure was prepared at the U.S. Army Center of Military History by Wayne M. Dzwonchyk (Europe) and John Ray Skates (Pacific). I hope this absorbing account of that period will enhance your appreciation of American achievements during World War II."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Part of a series about. List of conflicts in the United States is a timeline of events that includes Indian wars, battles, skirmishes, and other related items that have occurred in the United States's geographical area, including overseas territories since 1775. 1 1 18th century. 2 2 19th century. 3 20th century."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Critical Dates of the Viet Nam Conflict [John Swensson's page]. United States in Vietnam 1945-1975 [Comprehensive Timelines with Quotes and Analysis-excellent site].Interactive Wartime Chronology: VIETNAM, 1945-1975. Vietnam Timeline Online: 1945-1997. The Events: A Chronology of US Involvement in the Vietnam War.ritical Dates of the Viet Nam Conflict [John Swensson's page]. United States in Vietnam 1945-1975 [Comprehensive Timelines with Quotes and Analysis-excellent site]."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"This list of United States Army divisions is divided into three eras: 1911â1917, 1917â1941, and 1941âpresent. These eras represent the major evolutions of army division structure (there have been several minor changes during these times)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Military History - Persian Gulf War. The Persian Gulf War, which included Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, was the United Statesâ first major armed conflict since the Vietnam War. The Wisconsin National Guard saw its first major mobilization in thirty years."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"However, the integration of the military is a more recent phenomenon than some may have originally thought. The date 26 July marks an important milestone in United States military history and race relations."
"Represent this text",
"THE REVOLUTION TO THE CIVIL WAR. The history of the United States Army and of the noncommissioned officer began in 1775 with the birth of the Continental Army . The American noncommissioned officer did not copy the British."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Congress Officially Created the U.S. Military. September 29, 1789. In its very first session, the United States Congress had a lot of decisions to make. One important topic the first representatives and senators needed to address was establishing the U.S. military."
] |
"represent this",
"what artist painted starry night ?"
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Van Gogh experienced his second breakdown in seven months in July 1889. Naifeh and Smith theorize that the seeds of this breakdown were present when Van Gogh painted The Starry Night, that in giving himself over to his imagination his defenses had been breached.."
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The Song Details Tab gives you detailed information about this song, Vincent (Starry Starry Night) Starry, starry night, paint your palette blue and grey; look out on a summer's day, with eyes that know the darkness in my soul."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Vincent (Starry Starry Night) McLean wrote âVincent,â also known as âStarry, Starry Night,â in the fall of 1970, while he was working for the Berkshire School District. He was living in the Sedgwick House, a beautiful Federal style house in Stockbridge, Massachusetts."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Starry Starry Night is the name commonly given to the song Vincent.. The song was written and sung by Don McLean and is a track on his 1971 album American Pie. 3 people found this useful."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Elvis painted the mansion blue and gold, which glows at night. The painting was undertaken by C.W.Nichols. It turned out Nichols was not a member of the local painter's union, and Graceland was picketed by Painter's Local #49."
] |
"A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"how long to marinate"
] | [
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"If you are making your own marinade, using an oil (1 part), an acid (citrus juice or vinegar; 1 part), herbs and spices (italian salad dressing for example) marinade at least 2 hours up to 12 hours in the refrigerator. The acid will tenderize the meat, but not to the extent a prepared meat tenderizer will."
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"2. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Drain the lamb from the marinade and place in a roasting dish. Reserve the marinade. Roast for 50 minutes for rare, 60 minutes for medium, or 70 minutes for well done. Baste twice with the reserved marinade during cooking. 3.. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Drain the lamb from the marinade and place in a roasting dish. Reserve the marinade. Roast for 50 minutes for rare, 60 minutes for medium, or 70 minutes for well done. Baste twice with the reserved marinade during cooking. 3."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"In a bowl, mix the olive oil, Worcestershire sauce, garlic, steak seasoning, red wine vinegar, basil, and Italian seasoning. Pour into a large resealable plastic bag. Pierce steaks on all sides with a fork, and place in the bag. Gently shake to coat. Seal bag and marinate steaks a minimum of 2 hours in the refrigerator. Preheat grill for high heat. Lightly oil the grill grate. Discard marinade. Place steaks on the grill, and cook 7 minutes on each side, or to desired doneness."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Stir together sake, mirin, soy sauce, and sugar in a small bowl until sugar is dissolved. Put rolls in a small dish and pour marinade over them, turning to coat. Marinate, turning occasionally, while preparing the grill, 15 to 30 minutes. Light one chimney full of charcoal."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Take this Grilled Balsamic and Rosemary Flat Iron Steak for instance. Sure, it takes a little bit of planning because it has to sit in the marinade for a good 8 hours. Put it in the marinade before you go to bed and you can sleep through it. No doubt dreaming about how delicious it will be."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Here is a recipe that tends to work well.. Put ham in large container; cover with mixture of all remaining ingredients. (Can slice holes in meat so it can soak inside better, or pierce completely with fork.) Cover good; soak overnight or about 10 hours. Rotate often, about every 2 or 3 hours to marinate."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Marinate the steak in the mixture of the remaining ingredients for 1-8 hours. Grill the steak over medium-high heat, about 2-4 minutes per side for medium-rare, remove from heat and let rest for 5 minutes before slicing it thinly across the grain."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Deb from smittenkitchen.com says it's ok for up to 48 hours. I have made this recipe several times and normally marinate overnight but recently did close to a 48 hour marinade with delicious results. The chicken was very flavorful and juicy and not at all mushy. http://smittenkitchen.com..."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"How long should I marinate with a dry rub recipe for pork loin? The recipe I found calls for fresh rosemary and minced garlic, rubbed all over the pork. Is it ok to do that and let it marinate in the fridge overnight or put it in the oven afterwards?"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"classicfilmbroad | Jul 7, 2012. I have a nice piece of swordfish I picked up from Whole Foods last week in the freezer. I am, however, at a loss as to how to cook it. How long should I marinate it for?"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"How long can you marinate duck in the fridge before it goes bad? if it fresh when You first Marinade it then i would say 3 days ..."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Sarah | Aug 18, 2012. Will be using soy-lemon juice-oil + flavorings -- how long can chicken legs marinate before degrading. Want maximum flavor but not mushy chicken. Thanks for any advice. Reply to Post."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1 Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Remove chicken from marinade. 2 Arrange chicken in a 3-quart rectangular baking dish. 3 Bake, uncovered, for 45 to 55 minutes or until chicken is tender and no longer pink (180 degrees F). Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Remove chicken from marinade. 2 Arrange chicken in a 3-quart rectangular baking dish. 3 Bake, uncovered, for 45 to 55 minutes or until chicken is tender and no longer pink (180 degrees F)."
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"To Marinate: Pierce meaty sides of meat with fork; place roast in a large plastic bag. In a medium bowl combine the soy sauce, sherry, honey, garlic and ginger. Mix well and pour mixture into bag with pork. Press air out of the bag and tie securely. Refrigerate at least 8 hours or overnight, turning bag over occasionally. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C)."
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"Cut the fish into 8-ounce pieces or two pieces per pound. Marinate in lemon in glass baking dish for 20-30 minutes. Drizzle olive oil and sprinkle paprika over all."
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"Read the Cooking Swordfish - How long to marinate and bake? discussion from the Chowhound Home Cooking, Marinating food community. Join the discussion today. Read the Cooking Swordfish - How long to marinate and bake? discussion from the Chowhound Home Cooking, Marinating food community."
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"Cut the fish into 8-ounce pieces or two pieces per pound. Marinate in lemon in glass baking dish for 20-30 minutes. Drizzle olive oil and sprinkle paprika over all. Bake 10-15 minutes at 450 degrees F."
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"{{model.addEditText}} Print. 1 Prep. 5 m. 2 Ready In. 5 m. 3 Mix together the Worcestershire sauce, pineapple juice, brown sugar, and olive oil in a bowl. Marinate the meat of your choice for 1 to 2 hours, and cook as desired."
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"Place pineapple in a large resealable plastic bag. Add honey, butter, hot pepper sauce, and salt. Seal bag, and shake to coat evenly. Marinate for at least 30 minutes, or preferably overnight. Preheat an outdoor grill for high heat, and lightly oil grate. Grill pineapple for 2 to 3 minutes per side, or until heated through and grill marks appear."
"Cut the fish into 8-ounce pieces or two pieces per pound. Marinate in lemon in glass baking dish for 20-30 minutes. Drizzle olive oil and sprinkle paprika over all. Bake 10-15 minutes at 450 degrees F. Courtesy of Ike Green, Personal Chef."
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"what genetic disorders are cuased by dna replication errors"
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"An apyrimidinic site is created when uracil is removed from the site by the enzyme uracil DNA N-glycosidase. DNA replication errors that are overlooked during proofreading or fail to be repaired can result in mutations. One category of genetic mutations resulting from replication errors are the triplet repeat diseases.he insertion of an incorrect base or an additional base during DNA replication occurs when bases are misread during the process. Insertions and substitutions are caused by spontaneous chemical changes to the DNA structure."
] | [
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"Since two copies of the mutant gene cause the disease phenotype, a person can survive with one functional copy, and as such they are termed carriers. Having one functioning copy is sufficient to prevent the disease condition. However, when there are genetic mutations in both copies, the disease will be present.The condition is caused by the inability of the body to transport chloride ions into and out of cells due to the mutated CFTR gene. Gradually this leads to a blockage of the lungs and pancreas.owever, when there are genetic mutations in both copies, the disease will be present. The condition is caused by the inability of the body to transport chloride ions into and out of cells due to the mutated CFTR gene."
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"Replication errors can also involve insertions or deletions of nucleotide bases that occur during a process called strand slippage. Sometimes, a newly synthesized strand loops out a bit, resulting in the addition of an extra nucleotide base (Figure 3)."
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"Hereditary diseases are caused primarily by chromosomal and gene mutations; a distinction is made, accordingly, between chromosomal and strictly hereditary (gene) diseases. Mutation results in the disruption of the synthesis of a particular polypeptide (structural protein or enzyme).ereditary diseases of the autosomal-recessive type include agammaglobulinemia, alkaptonuria, albinism, amaurotic familial idiocy, hepatolenticular degeneration, one of the forms of the pseudohypertrophic muscular distrophy, mucoviscidosis, and sickle-cell anemia. Figure 4."
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"Mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome. Mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome (MDS or MDDS) is any of a group of autosomal recessive disorders that cause a significant drop in mitochondrial DNA in affected tissues. Symptoms can be any combination of myopathic, hepatopathic, or encephalomyopathic."
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"Mistakes in DNA replication where an incorrect nucleotide is added will lead to a mutation in the next round of DNA replication of the strand with the incorrect nucleotide.The frequency at which a DNA polymerase makes mistakes (inserts an incorrect base) will influence the spontaneous mutation frequency and it has been observed that different polymerases vary in their accuracy."
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"the sequence of _______ carries the genetic information of an organism. 1.) what enzyme adds new nucleotides to the old strand of dna. 2.) explain how during dna replication errors in the nucleotide sequence are corrected. Add your answer. Source."
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"Inborn error of metabolism. Inborn errors of metabolism form a large class of genetic diseases involving congenital disorders of metabolism. The majority are due to defects of single genes that code for enzymes that facilitate conversion of various substances (substrates) into others (products)."
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"Genetic Disorders & Errors. Genetic disorders are types of diseases that occur as a result of an abnormality in our genetic code - the code that makes us who we are. If it is a bit off or massively messed up, then run-time errors result, causing a person with the genetic disorders a whole slew of problems."
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"Deletion Mutation and DNA. A deletion mutation occurs when part of a DNA molecule is not copied during DNA replication. This uncopied part can be as small as a single nucleotide or as much as an entire chromosome.The loss of this DNA during replication can lead to a genetic disease.Nucleotides are subunits of DNA, and each nucleotide is made of a sugar molecule called deoxyribose, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base.his uncopied part can be as small as a single nucleotide or as much as an entire chromosome. The loss of this DNA during replication can lead to a genetic disease. Nucleotides are subunits of DNA, and each nucleotide is made of a sugar molecule called deoxyribose, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base."
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"Patients with the rare genetic disorders, xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), trichothiodystrophy (TTD) and Cockayne syndrome (CS) have defects in DNA nucleotide excision repair (NER).atients with the rare genetic disorders, xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), trichothiodystrophy (TTD) and Cockayne syndrome (CS) have defects in DNA nucleotide excision repair (NER)."
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"DNA Proof-Reading and Repair. page 1 of 2. Errors in DNA Replication. The low overall rate of mutation during DNA replication (1 base pair change in one billion base pairs per replication cycle) does not reflect the true number of errors that take place during the replication process."
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"If mismatch repair isn't working, cells will accumulate mutations really quickly because any mistakes in DNA replication aren't being fixed. All those mutations can lead to various types of cancer, including colon cancer, ovarian cancer, stomach cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer... the list goes on and on."
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"Genetic disorders arise as a result of: 1 genetic mutations: changes in the DNA sequence are caused as a result of exposure to harmful chemicals or radiations. These changes in the DNA sequence could lead problems in protein synthesis and cause genetic diseases."
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"CamuratiâEngelmann disease (CED) is a very rare autosomal dominant genetic disorder that causes characteristic anomalies in the skeleton. It is a form of dysplasia. Patients typically have heavily thickened bones, especially along the shafts of the long bones (called diaphyseal dysplasia)."
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"Inheritance of Autosomal Recessive Genetic Diseases. These genetic diseases are diseases caused by an error in a single DNA gene. Autosomal means the errors occurs on chromosome 1..22 rather than on the 23rd sex-linked X chromosome.Recessive means that disease only occurs when a person has two copies of the bad gene.Usually this means they must inherit the disease from both parents. Some examples of autosomal recessive diseases are Cystic Fibrosis, Phenylketonuria, Sickle Cell Anemia, Tay Sachs, Albinism, and galactosemia.See autosomal recessive diseases for a full list.Recessive diseases often occur in genes that produce an enzyme. In a carrier, who has only one bad copy, there is often no disease, because the second gene can pull up the slack, and maintain health. In some recessive diseases, a carrier gets a mild form of the disease.ecessive means that disease only occurs when a person has two copies of the bad gene. Usually this means they must inherit the disease from both parents. Some examples of autosomal recessive diseases are Cystic Fibrosis, Phenylketonuria, Sickle Cell Anemia, Tay Sachs, Albinism, and galactosemia."
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"Biotinidase deficiency is an autosomal recessive hereditary disorder caused by a fault (mutation) in the gene known as the BTD gene, The BTD gene allows for the bodyâs production of the enzyme (protein) that separates the essential vitamin, biotin, making it available for the bodyâs metabolism."
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"Answer Wiki. Here is Four classes or ways of mutations are (1) spontaneous mutations (molecular decay), (2) mutations due to error-prone replication bypass of naturally occurring DNA damage (also called error-prone translesion synthesis), (3) errors introduced during DNA repair, and (4) induced mutations caused by mutagens."
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"Gene duplication (or chromosomal duplication or gene amplification) is a major mechanism through which new genetic material is generated during molecular evolution. It can be defined as any duplication of a region of DNA that contains a gene.Gene duplications can arise as products of several types of errors in DNA replication and repair machinery as well as through fortuitous capture by selfish genetic elements.t can be defined as any duplication of a region of DNA that contains a gene. Gene duplications can arise as products of several types of errors in DNA replication and repair machinery as well as through fortuitous capture by selfish genetic elements."
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"The function of DNA polymerase is not quite perfect, with the enzyme making about one mistake for every billion base pairs copied. Error correction is a property of some, but not all, DNA polymerases. This process corrects mistakes in newly synthesized DNA.NA polymerase III holoenzyme is the primary enzyme involved in DNA replication in E. coli and belongs to Family C polymerases. It consists of three assemblies: the pol III core, the beta sliding clamp processivity factor and the clamp-loading complex."
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"Inheritance of Autosomoal Dominant Genetic Diseases. These genetic diseases are diseases caused by an error in a single DNA gene. Autosomal means the errors occurs on chromosome 1..22 rather than on the 23rd sex-linked X chromosome. There are also X-linked dominant genetic diseases affecting the 23rd X chromosome.Some examples of autosomal dominant diseases are Huntington's disease and achondroplasia (dwarfism).n dominant genetic diseases, the bad gene overcomes the good gene and disease occurs, whereas in recessive diseases the good gene is an adequate backup and recessive diseases do not occur unless both copies are damaged. But it is not always so black and white."
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"At least 160 proteins are involved in replicating the human genome, and at least 40 diseases are caused by aberrant DNA replication, 35 by mutations in genes required for DNA replication or repair, 7 by mutations generated during mitochondrial DNA replication, and more than 40 by DNA viruses."
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"These genetic diseases are diseases caused by an error in a single DNA gene. Autosomal means the errors occurs on chromosome 1..22 rather than on the 23rd sex-linked X chromosome. There are also X-linked dominant genetic diseases affecting the 23rd X chromosome.Some examples of autosomal dominant diseases are Huntington's disease and achondroplasia (dwarfism).ee autosomal dominant diseases and autosomal dominant for a full list. Dominance: A genetic trait is often said to be dominant or recessive. A dominant trait is more likely to cause disease, because only one of the two copies of each gene needs to be damaged."
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"Genetics and Gaucher Disease. Gaucher disease is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by the presence of two mutant alleles coding for the glucocerebrosidase gene on chromosome 1.enetics and Gaucher Disease. Gaucher disease is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by the presence of two mutant alleles coding for the glucocerebrosidase gene on chromosome 1."
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"All cells have DNA errors, due to the mistakes that occur each time DNA is replicated prior to. cell division. There are proof-reading enzymes in cells that correct many of these mistakes, but. on average, 3 â 5 errors are found in DNA after each replication."
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"Most mistakes during replication are corrected by DNA polymerase during replication or by post-replication repair mechanisms. Explain how errors during replication are repaired. Mismatch repair enzymes recognize mis-incorporated bases, remove them from DNA, and replace them with the correct bases."
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"Frameshift mutations. Replication errors can also lead to frameshift mutations. Recall from Chapter 10 that such mutations result in greatly altered proteins. In the mid-1960s, George Streisinger and his coworkers deduced the nucleotide sequence surrounding different sites of frameshift mutations in the lysozyme gene of phage T4."
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"Spontaneous mutations. Spontaneous mutations arise from a variety of sources, including errors in DNA replication, spontaneous lesions, and transposable genetic elements. The first two are considered in this section; the third is examined in Chapter 20.pontaneous mutations. Spontaneous mutations arise from a variety of sources, including errors in DNA replication, spontaneous lesions, and transposable genetic elements. The first two are considered in this section; the third is examined in Chapter 20."
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"Mitochondrial DNA depletion syndromes (MDSs) form a group of autosomal recessive disorders characterized by profoundly decreased mitochondrial DNA copy numbers in affected tissues. Three main clinical presentations are known: myopathic, encephalomyopathic and hepatocerebral."
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"Insertion or deletion of a single letter can sometimes cause a frameshift mutation, in which the entire amino acid sequence of the resulting protein is changed. Gene or Region Duplication. Sometimes errors during DNA replication can duplicate an entire gene or region of a genome. This type of error can cause more of a protein to be produced, because after duplication, there are two genes that encode it rather than one."
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"X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA), or Bruton agammaglobulinemia, is an inherited immunodeficiency disease caused by mutations in the gene coding for Bruton tyrosine kinase (BTK). The disease was first elucidated by Bruton in 1952, for whom the gene is named. BTK is critical to the maturation of preâB cells to differentiating mature B cells."
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"a genetic disorder is a disease that is caused by a change or mutation in an individual s dna sequence single gene disorders disorders caused by defects in one particular gene often with simple and predictable inheritance patterns dominant diseases single gene disorders that occur when an individual has one altered copy of the relevant gene and one healthy copy for example huntington s disease"
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"Many such enzymes are found in cells, and each is specific to certain types of base alterations. Figure 4. Yet another form of DNA damage is double-strand breaks, which are caused by ionizing radiation, including gamma rays and X-rays.n addition to genetic insults caused by the environment, the very process of DNA replication during cell division is prone to error. The rate at which DNA polymerase adds incorrect nucleotides during DNA replication is a major factor in determining the spontaneous mutation rate in an organism."
"DNA polymerase proofreading. Proofreading by DNA polymerase corrects errors during replication. Some errors are not corrected during replication, but are instead corrected after replication is completed; this type of repair is known as mismatch repair . The enzymes recognize the incorrectly-added nucleotide and excise it; this is then replaced by the correct base."
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"Huntington disease is caused by a genetic defect on chromosome 4. The defect causes a part of DNA to occur many more times than it is supposed to. This defect is called a CAG repeat. Normally, this section of DNA is repeated 10 to 28 times."
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"Cockayne syndrome is similar to other conditions that are also caused by mutations in genes that regulate DNA repair in the cell nucleus, for example xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), cerebro-oculo-facio-skeletal syndrome (COFS), and trichotiodystrophy (TTD).ther proteins are responsible for repairing defective genes. Cockayne syndrome is caused by a mutation in the gene ERCC8 or the gene ERCC6. ERCC8 mutations are most common, representing 80 per cent of all cases. ERCC8 is located on chromosome 5 (5q12), and ERCC6 is located on chromosome 10 (10q11)."
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"Other disorders which cause macrocytosis without DNA replication problems (i.e., non-megaloblastic macrocytic anemias), are disorders associated with increased red cell membrane surface area, such as pathologies of the liver and spleen which produce codocytes or target cells which have a central collection of hemoglobin surrounded by a pallor (a thin area) then followed by a thicker collection of hemoglobin at the rim of the cell."
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"This animation illustrates how mistakes made during DNA replication are repaired. During DNA replication mistakes can occur as DNA polymerase copies the two strands. The wrong nucleotide can be incorporated into one of the strands causing a mismatch. Normally there should be an A opposite a T and G opposite a C. If a G is mistakenly paired with a T, this is a potential mutation."
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"DNA helicases are enzymes involved in various types of DNA repair, including mismatch repair, nucleotide excision repair and direct repair. Some members of this family are associated with genetic disorders with predisposition to malignancy and chromosomal instability."
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"These genetic diseases are diseases caused by an error in a single DNA gene. Autosomal means the errors occurs on chromosome 1..22 rather than on the 23rd sex-linked X chromosome. Recessive means that disease only occurs when a person has two copies of the bad gene.n some recessive diseases, a carrier gets a mild form of the disease. Autosomal recessive diseases are relatively rare, because to get the disease a person must inherit a bad gene from each parent, not just one. So both parents must have a bad gene."
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"Errors in DNA replication can take different forms, but usually revolve around the addition of a nucleotide with the incorrect base, meaning the pairing between the parent and daughter strand bases is not complementary."
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"Adenovirus (Ad) DNA replication requires three virally encoded proteins: Ad polymerase (pol), precursor terminal protein (pTP), and DNA binding protein (DBP). Replication initiates via a protein-priming mechanism involving Ad pol and the primer pTP, which form the tight heterodimer pTP-pol."
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"A mismatch repair occurs during replication of the DNA molecule when an incorrect base is found, removed and replaced with the correct one. DNA polymerase removes the incorrect base using apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease.he insertion of an incorrect base or an additional base during DNA replication occurs when bases are misread during the process. Insertions and substitutions are caused by spontaneous chemical changes to the DNA structure."
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"The mechanism of transcription has parallels in that of DNA replication. As with DNA replication, partial unwinding of the double helix must occur before transcription can take place, and it is the RNA polymerase enzymes that catalyze this process.rrors occur in DNA replication, when the incorrect base is incorporated into the growing DNA strand. This leads to mismatched base pairs, or mispairs. DNA polymerases have proofreading activity, and a DNA repair enzymes have evolved to correct these mistakes."
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"Congenital Sucrase-Isomaltase Deficiency (CSID) is a rare disorder that affects a personâs ability to digest certain sugars due to absent or low levels of two digestive enzymes, sucrase and isomaltase. Sucrase and isomaltase are involved in the digestion of sugar and starch.Sucrase is the intestinal enzyme that aids in the breakdown of sucrose (table sugar) into glucose and fructose, which are used by the body as fuel. Isomaltase is one of several enzymes that help digest starches.ugar. Sucrose (a sugar found in fruits, and also known as table sugar) and maltose (a sugar found in grains) are called disaccharides because they are made of two simple sugars. Disaccharides are broken down into simple sugars during digestion by intestinal enzymes."
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"Errors in DNA Replication The low overall rate of mutation during DNA replication (1 base pair change in one billion base pairs per replication cycle) does not reflect the true number of errors that take place during the replication process."
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"The smallest single base deletion mutations are believed occur by a single base flipping in the template DNA, followed by template DNA strand slippage, within the DNA polymerase active site. Deletions can be caused by errors in chromosomal crossover during meiosis, which causes several serious genetic diseases. Deletions that do not occur in multiples of three bases can cause a frameshift by changing the 3-nucleotide protein reading frame of the genetic sequence."
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"Most of the mistakes during DNA replication are promptly corrected by DNA polymerase which proofreads the base that has just been added . In proofreading, the DNA pol reads the newly-added base before adding the next one so a correction can be made."
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"D. Human DNA contains more origins of replication than prokaryotic DNA. 4. DNA replication is said to be semiconservative because: A. both RNA and DNA synthesis are involved in the process. B. part of the telomere is lost during each round of replication.C. a new double helix contains one old and one new strand.D. each new strand is complementary, not identical, to its template.. Human DNA contains more origins of replication than prokaryotic DNA. 4. DNA replication is said to be semiconservative because: A. both RNA and DNA synthesis are involved in the process. B. part of the telomere is lost during each round of replication."
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"Mutations are the result of an error in the duplication process of DNA. These include insertion errors in DNA (base-pairing, dimers), DNA silencing, abnormal protein synthesisâ¦, and defective chromosomes."
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"While NHEJ repair of the DSB is often imprecise and. error-prone due to the generation of random insertions and deletions (indels), HDR faithfully copies the genetic information from a related DNA sequence, such as a sister chromatid or a foreign donor DNA sequence (plasmid or DNA. oligo)."
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"Mutations aï¬ecting DNA polymerase e aredefective in checkpoint control in budding yeast, perhapsbecausethispolymerasehasaroleinsensingproblemswithDNAreplication(Navasetal.,1995).DNApolymerasea/primase has also been implicated in the replicationcheckpoint (Michaeletal.,2002). Polymerases Involved in DNA Repair ..."
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"Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. Description: Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease is the most common inherited neurological disorder and is caused by genetic mutations. CMT1A results from a duplication of the gene on chromosome 17 that carries instructions for producing the peripheral myelin protenin-22.. Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome. Description: Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome is caused by the deletion of the distal short arm of chromosome 4. The disorderâs major features include a characteristic facial appearance, delayed growth and development, intellectual disability, and seizures."
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"The ICD code Q783 is used to code Camurati-Engelmann disease. CamuratiâEngelmann disease (CED) is a very rare autosomal dominant genetic disorder that causes characteristic anomalies in the skeleton. It is a form of dysplasia. Patients typically have heavily thickened bones, especially along the shafts of the long bones (called diaphyseal dysplasia)."
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"Scheinfeld: If DNA repair does not take place, defective DNA is present in the cell and this leads to defective RNA and the translation of defective RNA into non-functional or defective proteins in the ribosome.A variety of rare diseases are related to a total lack of any of a host of DNA repair enzymes.ase excision repair (BER) fixes damage to a single nucleotide caused by oxidation, alkylation, hydrolysis or deamination. The base is removed with glycosylase and ultimately replaced by repair synthesis with DNA ligase."
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"The mechanism of transcription has parallels in that of DNA replication. As with DNA replication, partial unwinding of the double helix must occur before transcription can take place, and it is the RNA polymerase enzymes that catalyze this process.NA replication is not perfect. Errors occur in DNA replication, when the incorrect base is incorporated into the growing DNA strand. This leads to mismatched base pairs, or mispairs. DNA polymerases have proofreading activity, and a DNA repair enzymes have evolved to correct these mistakes."
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"Inherited metabolic disorders are one cause of metabolic disorders, and occur when a defective gene causes an enzyme deficiency. These diseases, of which there are many subtypes, are known as inborn errors of metabolism.Metabolic diseases can also occur when the liver or pancreas do not function properly.nherited metabolic disorders are one cause of metabolic disorders, and occur when a defective gene causes an enzyme deficiency. These diseases, of which there are many subtypes, are known as inborn errors of metabolism."
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"Replication errors can also lead to frameshift mutations. Recall from Chapter 10 that such mutations result in greatly altered proteins. In the mid-1960s, George Streisinger and his coworkers deduced the nucleotide sequence surrounding different sites of frameshift mutations in the lysozyme gene of phage T4."
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"Another example is the damage caused by tobacco smoke, which can lead to mutations in lung cells and subsequent cancer of the lung. Beyond environmental agents, DNA is also subject to oxidative damage from byproducts of metabolism, such as free radicals.n addition to genetic insults caused by the environment, the very process of DNA replication during cell division is prone to error. The rate at which DNA polymerase adds incorrect nucleotides during DNA replication is a major factor in determining the spontaneous mutation rate in an organism."
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"1 Duplications: A portion of the chromosome is duplicated, resulting in extra genetic material. 2 Known disorders include Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A which may be caused by duplication of the gene encoding peripheral myelin protein 22 (PMP22) on chromosome 17. Deletions: A portion of the chromosome is missing or deleted. 2 Known disorders include Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome, which is caused by partial deletion of the short arm of chromosome 4; and Jacobsen syndrome, also called the terminal 11q deletion disorder."
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"the sequence of _______ carries the genetic information of an organism 1.) what enzyme adds new nucleotides to the old strand of dna 2.) explain how during dna replication errors in the nucleotide sequence are corrected. Follow. 2 answers 2. Report Abuse."
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"Inborn errors of metabolism form a large class of genetic diseases involving congenital disorders of metabolism. The majority are due to defects of single genes that code for enzymes that facilitate conversion of various substances (substrates) into others (products).n a study in British Columbia, the overall incidence of the inborn errors of metabolism were estimated to be 40 per 100,000 live births or 1 in 1,400 births, overall representing more than approximately 15% of single gene disorders in the population."
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"Huntington disease is a disorder in which nerve cells in certain parts of the brain waste away, or degenerate. The disease is passed down through families. Huntington disease is caused by a genetic defect on chromosome 4. The defect causes a part of DNA to occur many more times than it is supposed to. This defect is called a CAG repeat. Normally, this section of DNA is repeated 10 to 28 times. But in persons with Huntington disease, it is repeated 36 to 120 times."
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"Trinucleotide repeat disorders (also known as trinucleotide repeat expansion disorders, triplet repeat expansion disorders or codon reiteration disorders) are a set of genetic disorders caused by trinucleotide repeat expansion, a kind of mutation where trinucleotide repeats in certain genes exceed the normal, stable threshold, which differs per gene ..."
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"Inheritance of Autosomoal Dominant Genetic Diseases. These genetic diseases are diseases caused by an error in a single DNA gene. Autosomal means the errors occurs on chromosome 1..22 rather than on the 23rd sex-linked X chromosome. There are also X-linked dominant genetic diseases affecting the 23rd X chromosome.nheritance patterns for autosomal dominance: This refers to diseases where the error is in one of the autosome chromosomes, and the bad gene dominates. Some features of autosomal dominant genetic diseases are: 1 No carriers: Everyone who has the genetic error gets the disease, because the bad gene is dominant."
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"if there is an error in DNA replication, there will be a mutation on the gene. An organism can only have up to 3 mutations, or it cannot live. So if there is an error in the râ¦eplication, you will have a mutation. Sometimes it is nothing at all."
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"represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results\nThe provided query could be '['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'when is day of the child']' and the positive '[\"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:\\n------\\nFor example, 'Z-Wave enabled home lighting and appliance systems can also be controlled by the APX energy panel. There is a $60 up-front fee for the thermostat and $6.99 per month for the fully-supported service. The programmable thermostat settings are customizable to a homeowner's schedule.' should be close to 'does the alarm.com z wave controller support energy'\", \"Many of the countries respected this recommendation and the Universal Children's Day has since been annually observed on November 20. There are however, some countries, such as Australia and India, which still chose various different dates during the year to celebrate this day.\"]' and the negative '['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'The Day of the Dead November 2nd. The days of the dead are truly a celebration of life. When children dance with caricatures of death, eat skull sugar molds and learn to respect that life is brief, they learn there is a circle to life and to not fear death and then are free to enjoy and appreciate every moment.']'",
"what does it means ono"
] | [
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"Ono. Åno is a city located in Fukui Prefecture, Japan. As of June 1, 2011, the city has an estimated population of 36,890 with 12,016 households and the density of 42.29 persons per km².The total area is 872.30 km².The town is encircled by a ring of mountains and the only way in or out is via tunnels or mountain roads.The city was founded on July 1, 1954.s of June 1, 2011, the city has an estimated population of 36,890 with 12,016 households and the density of 42.29 persons per km². The total area is 872.30 km². The town is encircled by a ring of mountains and the only way in or out is via tunnels or mountain roads."
] | [
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Yoko Ono Net Worth. Born as Ono YÅko has an estimated net worth of $500 million. Yoko Ono, as she is known, is an activist and performance artist. However, she is more popularly known being the widow of John Lennon."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Things you can do to live below your means well kept wallet. 10 tips to living within your means what does it mean to live within your means? Living within your means what does it mean to live within your means? Bankaroo virtual live within your means what does that mean? . Better financial ask the expert meaning of 'living within your means' feb."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Report inappropriate content. According to Freakonomics, Oona is one of the most high-end names, meaning it is mostly chosen by parents of a high socio-economic status.his is the phonetic spelling of the name Una, meaning lamb in Gaelic, one, universal in Latin, and happy in Icelandic. It is used in many countries, including England, Ireland, Bosnia, Latvia, Serbia, Japan, and Iceland."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"What does ight stand for in texting? What does ight stand for in full length. it means aright f. it means aright"
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers! The provided query could be \"['represent text', 'Average Weather in Croton-on-Hudson New York, United States. In Croton-on-Hudson, the summers are warm, humid, and wet; the winters are chilly; and it is partly cloudy year round. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 22°F to 84°F and is rarely below 8°F or above 92°F.']\" and the positive \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!', 'temperature croton on hudson new york']\"",
"John Winston Ono Lennon (9 October 1940 â 8 December 1980) was an English musician, singer, songwriter, and peace activist, born in Liverpool, UK who gained worldwide fame as a founding member of The Beatles."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Omega is the 24th and last letter of the Greek alphabet. In the Greek numeric system, it has a value of 800. The word literally means great O, as opposed to omicron, which means little O. In phonetic terms, the Ancient Greek Ω is a long open-mid o, comparable to the vowel of British English raw. In Modern Greek, Ω represents the mid back rounded vowel /o/, the same sound as omicron. The letter omega is transcribed Šor simply o. As the last letter of the Greek alphabet, Omega is often ..."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"John Winston Ono Lennon, MBE (9 October 1940 â 8 December 1980) was an English rock musician, singer, songwriter, and peace activist who gained worldwide fame as one of the founding members of The Beatles."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Artist. 1 Title (Format) 2 Yoko Ono / Plastic Ono Band â(LP, Album) 3 Yoko Ono / Plastic Ono Band â(8-Trk, Album) 4 Yoko Ono / Plastic Ono Band* - Yoko Ono / Plastic Ono Band â(Cass, Album) 5 Yoko Ono / Plastic Ono Band* - Yoko Ono / Plastic Ono Band â(LP, Album) 6 Yoko Ono / Plastic Ono Band* - Yoko Ono / Plastic Ono Band â(LP, Album)"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"John Winston (later Ono) Lennon was born on October 9, 1940, in Liverpool, England, to Julia (Stanley) and Alfred Lennon, a merchant seaman. He was of Irish, and some Welsh and English, ancestry."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"A Japanese word meaning 'My'. Watashi is generally used by girls, and 'boku no' or 'ore no' can be used by boys to say 'my'. Although the japanese word mai also means 'My', it is used when not referring to oneself, or when it is from a neutral tone. Watashi no sekai. My world."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Yoko Kurama(å¦çèµé¦¬, lit. YÅko Kurama; in the English dub, Kurama the Yoko), also known as Shuichi Minamino (åéç§ä¸, Minamino ShÅ«ichi translated as Southern Field and Excellence First, respectively), is one of the main protagonists in the anime/manga series of YuYu Hakusho."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Seen & Heard. What made you want to look up ono? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). View Seen & Heard Highlights from Around the Site.Test Your Vocabulary! Test Your Vocabulary!een & Heard. What made you want to look up ono? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). View Seen & Heard Highlights from Around the Site."
"Youâre probably familiar with ânano-â from before it was a music player, mainly in the word nanotechnology and maybe, if you have geeky inclinations, in the concept of nanobots. Clearly, nano- means small, but what is the precise degree of diminutive in the definition?"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Are (in this case) means huh?/eh? Minna means everyone/everybody. Doushita means what's wrong/what's the deal/etc.. I'm guessing in this case he's saying something like Eh? Eh? What's wrong with everyone? but I can hardly hear what he says, so I don't have much context to work with."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Report Abuse. Mwa is an onomotopoetic word (a word that sounds like what it is, like choo-choo for a train) that is the sound of a kiss. More specifically, a loud, smack-type of kiss. Mmerobin · 8 years ago. Thumbs up."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"John Winston Ono Lennon, MBE (9 October 1940 â 8 December 1980) was an English musician and singer-songwriter who rose to worldwide fame as one of the founding members of The Beatles, one of the most commercially successful and critically acclaimed acts in the history of popular music."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"John Wong Ono Lennon (9 October 1940 â 8 December 1980) was an English musician, singer and songwriter. He is a founder member of the English rock band the Beatles. He was a massive West Ham fan and was looking down on his team beating the red shite in there own back yard yesterday."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Find a Yoko Ono - Yoko Ono / Plastic Ono Band first pressing or reissue. Complete your Yoko Ono collection. Shop Vinyl and CDs."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Old discussion, but mwah is for sure a Onomatopoeia, beacsue it is a word (see https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/mwah) and it describes the sound of a kiss, typically one given in an exaggerated or theatrical way (quoted again from https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/mwah)."
] |
"Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results",
"how to find straight talk account number"
] | [
"The information listed on that page can help if you need to update your account or have other questions about your bill or statement. Reach Straight Talk via phone at (855) 222-2355 or by email at [email protected] to contact customer support or for other questions about your account."
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Re: what is the straight talk account number for cdma samsung proclaim. You'll have to call straight talk. Your account number has nothing to do with your phone itself. Its well your account number. Everyone's is different."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Yes, I want to port it over and discontinue service with straight talk and put the number on an existing Verizon account. Call customer service from a third phone (neither the Straight Talk or the Verizon Wireless phone) and have your Straight Talk account number available and perhaps that phone number."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Provided that Straight Talk offers Verizon service in your area and your iPhone 4s or 4 is eligible. To check if your iPhone is eligible, youâll need to enter the MEID of your phone and your Zip code into Straight Talkâs web site and check if itâs eligible. Keep reading for details."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"How to check Straight Talk Hotspot Balance. You can check your Straight Talk Hotspot balance in one of two ways. <!âadsenseoptâ> Method #1 1. While connected to the hotspot, load the admin page on your browser by entering on your browser."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"To activate, reactivate or transfer your phone number to a new Straight Talk phone press 1, to transfer your phone number from a different company to Straight Talk press 1, To transfer your number during this call you will need your account number and your account password or pin from your current phone service."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Straight Talk is as everyone one else has said a difficult one to port from. The best way is to go into a Company Owned retail store. You can speed up the process by contacting Straight Talk and getting your account number and any passcode on the acccount before visiting the store."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Quick Answer. Straight Talk phone service activates within minutes of purchase. Occasionally, the request process takes up to an hour, and if the process takes longer, customers may contact the Customer Care Center at 1-877-430-2355 for further assistance."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"24 Hour Straight Talk Website. The Website of 24 Hour Straight Talk is www.straighttalk.com. The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of 24 Hour Straight Talk Service Center and 24 Hour Straight Talk customer service number is given below. The helpline of 24 Hour Straight Talk customer service number may or may not be toll free."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"This message appears when a SIM card from another phone is used. Please make sure to insert the original Straight Talk SIM card included in the phone package. If the message is still displayed after inserting the original SIM card, please call our Customer Care Center at 1-877-430-CELL (2355) so that a representative can assist you with this."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The phone number for activating a Straight Talk phone is 1-877-430-CELL or 1-877-430-2355, as of 2014. These products can also be activated by visiting the Straight Talk website, an option that... The phone number for activating a Straight Talk phone is 1-877-430-CELL or 1-877-430-2355, as of 2014."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"more detail. What to know before you dial. Press 1 then 1 then 5 then 2 then 5 then 2 then 3 then 0# each time it asks for a phone number. This phone number is popular with other Straight Talk customers, but be sure to follow the 6 steps further down. 23 mins average hold time. call 8am-midnight EST open now."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Here at Straight Talk Wireless, we have something new! Introducing the new and improved Straight Talk My Account App! Now, you can manage your Straight Talk Account anywhere, at any time. Account Creation and Login. And More! Download the New Straight Talk My Account App today and never worry about how to Refill again."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"The last four digits of your Social Security number. or 2. The last four digits of your phone number. 3. According to Straight Talk Customer Service, four straight digits sometimes work, such as 0000, or 1111. source: I have a straight talk phone and the prepaid unlimited $45 a month plan."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"On a smartphone, the way to let your device know which is the address to find the correct Straight Talk Internet Setting is using the StraightTalk APN Settings that you provided."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"There are two ways that you can cancel auto refill on your Straight Talk phone. You can call a customer care representative at 888-251-8164 from 8:00 a.m. to 11:45 p.m. EST. There are two ways that you can cancel auto refill on your Straight Talk phone. You can call a customer care representative at 888-251-8164 from 8:00 a.m. to 11:45 p.m. EST. Another method is to sign into your online account, go to account settings and click on the link for 'Manage Auto Refill.'. There are two ways that you can cancel auto refill on your Straight Talk phone. You can call a customer care representative at 888-251-8164 from 8:00 a.m. to 11:45 p.m. EST."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"I just wanted to pass along some helpful tips if you happen to be porting over from Straight Talk. This might also apply to other pre-paid plans. When porting your number Fi will recognize your service as T-Mobile or AT&T if you are using a GSM SIM. I'm not sure what they identify you as if you are using the CDMA SIM. They'll ask you for an account number and PIN. Simply use the underlined portion of the Straight Talk SIM number (found on the card itself)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Straight Talk Activation. number call straight talk phone finish activation. How do I un-associate my husband Facebook account with my Straight Talk account? When I set both his and my phones up at the same time I wanted to sign in with our Facebook account to avoid remembering another password or creating another email."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Well if the phone is not being activated after 48 hours you can call customer service at this number: Straight Talk service contact us at 1-877-430-CELL (2355) Tell them that you are waiting for the service to be activated but still not active as of the moment."
"Represent the natural language",
"6-10 digits, the same code used to identify the account-holder in a retail store, or to link the account for online access Straight Talk Wireless Phone Purchased From ST: Serial Number of phone"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"For more information regarding your coverage, go to the Support tab and select the Service Area Map. Activate my Straight Talk Service with a number from another company. To successfully complete this process you will need to provide the information indicated below about your current service."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Straight Talk is a registered trademark of TracFone Wireless, Inc. All other trademarks, service marks and trade names referenced in this site are the property of their respective owners. ©2018 TracFone Wireless, Inc. 9700 NW 112th Avenue, Miami, FL 33178."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Refill a Straight Talk account by logging into your personal account on the My Account portal on the Straight Talk homepage. You can refill your account online through individual refilling or by signing up for automatic refills. Continue Reading."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Next. my daughter is locked out of her straight talk phone and we found out that they gave her a new number when we refilled her account. it is to late to call them, we tried. but we were wondering if anyone knew how to find the phone numbers on their website."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Best Answer: *22890 ... Straight Talk Activation ... number call straight talk phone finish activation ... How do I un-associate my husband Facebook account with my ..."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"You can do it by going to straight talk website and logging on into your account or by calling customer service. If the phone is not new and was activated under another account you need to make sure that person has cleared the information allowing you to activate it under your name."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"⢠Phone at: 1-877-430-CELL (2355) ⢠Sim Customers at: 1-855-222-CELL (2355) ⢠Home Phone at: 1-800-299-7784. ⢠Mobile Hotspot at: 1-877-430-CELL (2355) If you're an existing customer, please prepare your Straight Talk MEID DEC / Serial Number and your Straight Talk Cell Phone Number so they can give you the best possible service."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"more detail. What to know before you dial. Press 1 then 1 then 5 then 2 then 5 then 2 then 3 then 0# each time it asks for a phone number. This phone number is popular with other Straight Talk customers, but be sure to follow the 6 steps further down.23 mins average hold time.call 8am-midnight EST open now.ress 1 then 1 then 5 then 2 then 5 then 2 then 3 then 0# each time it asks for a phone number. This phone number is popular with other Straight Talk customers, but be sure to follow the 6 steps further down. 23 mins average hold time. call 8am-midnight EST open now."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"We called Straight Talk's phone number, tried the various choices in their interactive phone system, and recorded it for you. Click/tap on endpoints to see how to get to them, transcriptions of recorded messages, customer information required, and more. Fastest way to a human. For english press 1."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"To activate, reactivate or transfer your phone number to a new Straight Talk phone press 1. to refill your service or enroll on auto refill press 2. For the easy exchange phone protection program press 3, to get your account balance and service end date press 4,"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"We called Straight Talk's phone number, tried the various choices in their interactive phone system, and recorded it for you. Click/tap on endpoints to see how to get to them, transcriptions of recorded messages, customer information required, and more. Fastest way to a human. For english press 1. 1For Straight Talk."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"If you're an existing customer, please provide us with your Straight Talk MEID DEC / Serial Number. and your Straight Talk Cell Phone Number when contacting us so we can give you the best possible service. Phone at: 1-877-430-CELL (2355) Sim Customers at: 1-855-222-CELL (2355)"
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"what is nightclub cardio"
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Nightclub Cardio is a CARDIO DANCE PARTY that fuses EXERCISE with DANCE MOVES in a. NIGHTCLUB SETTING. Dance moves are easy to follow and set to the hottest hits across. multiple genres including: pop, hip-hop, free-style, disco, latin, bollywood, swing dance and many more. The focus is on a total body workout that is fun, effective and easy to follow."
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A Strip Club is a Bar where you can watch ladies (or men) dance and take off their clothes. Just remember there is a three drink minimum, and don't touch the dancers. its heaven!! >))))))) A Strip Club is a Bar where you can watch ladies (or men) dance and take off their clothes."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Aerobic exercise (also known as cardio) is physical exercise of low to high intensity that depends primarily on the aerobic energy-generating process.erobic exercise (also known as cardio) is physical exercise of low to high intensity that depends primarily on the aerobic energy-generating process."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Ferndale Bars. Eden Nightclub and Ultra Lounge. Eden is a trendy nightclub that has a strict dress code. They are upscale and feature two floors, a large bar, and lots of seating as well as dance areas. With some of the area's hottest DJs spinning the best in dance music and hip-hop, the party is always off the chain at Eden."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"To answer such a vague question, I will give you a very vague answer. From one hundred thousand dollars to millions. It just depends. Starting a nightclub would be a good read for someone asking about nightclub cost. You need to learn what you are doing before you even think about nightclub cost. What does it matter if you donât know for what and why you are spending the money you have."
"The Cardio IQ⢠Fibrinogen Antigen, Nephelometry test contains 1 test with 1 biomarker. ... The following is a list of what is included in the item above. Click the test(s) below to view what biomarkers are measured along with an explanation of what the biomarker is measuring. Fibrinogen Antigen, Nephelometry, Cardio IQ⢠#91743 (1 Biomarkers) Also known as: Cardio IQ Fibrinogen Antigen, Nephelometry, Fibrinogen Antigen, Fibrinogen Antigen Nephelometry Cardio IQ."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Cardioversion is the delivery of an electric shock to the chest through electrodes or paddles. The shock is given to correct a dangerous heart rhythm. Cardioversion can be done as an elective (scheduled) procedure or may be done urgently if an abnormal heartbeat is immediately life-threatening."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"You may not think much about it, but cardio fitness measures how well your body can perform a rhythmic, dynamic activity at a moderate to high intensity for extended periods of time. Your cardio fitness refers to how well your heart, lungs, and organs consume, transport and use oxygen throughout your workout. 1 How fit you are comes down to the relationship between your cardio system, respiratory system, and skeletal system. 2 One way is to simply track your own workouts."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Itâs a monthly subscription, like Netflix, and you have access to all of the videos. We have 25 videos on there at the moment, you can do 45 minutes of dance cardio, we have 5 different options of that. There is also a trampoline workout and a jump rope cardio for people who donât want to dance. If you have 10 minutes we have arms."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The biggest nightclub in the world is called Privilege in San Rafael, in Ibiza. An island of the east coast of Spain. Ibiza is known as the clubbing capital of the world and has 5 or 6 superclubs. Others are Pacha, Eden, Es Paradis, El Divino and the world famous Space which won best club in the world for 3 years running a few years ago. I'm Irish myself but I've spent several months in Ibiza over the space of 7 different trips there."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Nightclubs often enforce dress codes and require club-goers to dress appropriately, often asking that patrons dress in upscale club attire. The key for men when dressing in upscale club attire is avoiding torn jeans, sloppy shirts and baseball caps. Collared shirts, sports coats and nice jeans work nicely for men."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"âThe only difference between these places and actual nightclubs is the liquor license,â said Scott Melker, 35, a club D.J. who has found a niche tapping his D.J. network to supply unreleased remixes and unique mash-ups to boutique fitness brands like Flywheel Sports."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Cardio training can provide seveal benefits. Cardio helps increase the strength of your heart and lungs. Cardio can help you improve your endurance during workouts as well. However the main reason people do cardio is to burn calories to help them lose weight. Now cardio doesn't mean just running, biking or swimming. You can also make your weight training program a cardio workout as well. So depending on what your goals are you can get cardio training from either weights or machines."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"A club is when you go with a group of friends, drinking, all looking for a good time. A lounge is where you go to a hotel, sit around, having a cocktail, hoping someone will show you a good time. A disco is a party at which people dance to pop music and have great fun."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Cardioversion is a medical procedure done to restore a normal heart rhythm for people who have certain types of abnormal heartbeats (arrhythmias). Cardioversion is most often done by sending electric shocks to your heart through electrodes placed on your chest. Occasionally, your doctor may perform cardioversion using only medications to restore your heart's rhythm. Cardioversion is usually a scheduled procedure that's performed in a hospital, and you should be able to go home the same day as your procedure. For most people, cardioversion quickly restores a normal heart rhythm."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Steady state cardio is any aerobic exercise that keeps your heart rate at a relatively stable level for at least 10 minutes. This type of exercise will help burn calories and support your metabolism. In general, it's recommended to get at least 150 minutes of aerobic activity each week (or 30 minutes five days a week)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Othewrwise, Club, Disco are pretty synonymous except there are no Discoâs in the USA anymore, that word âdiscoâ is out... A Club is a bar with loud DJ music where people go to see other people and be seen. There might be a dress code. While people often go to clubs with their friends, they are usually looking to meet new people too."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"From Our Editors. There's really no better place to spend the weekend with your family than at Nightclub Cardio Houston in Houston. This is a great way to whip your whole body into shape. Sign up for a class today. Nightclub Cardio Houston's patrons can find places to park in the area. Nightclub Cardio Houston is calling your name!"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Club merengue is a less formal style of merengue dancing that developed in the Latin American nightclub scene. Though it uses many of the same dance moves as ballroom merengue dancing, the tone is typically less serious and more eroticized."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nExamples:\n\n\"['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'The Isle of Skye is Located on the West Coast of Scotland in the United Kingdom of Great Britain. Skye is one of the most visited parts of the UK. The Island is 50 miles long and 25 miles wide. The capital is Portree, other villages include Dunvegan, Staffin, Uig, Carbost, Broadford, Kyleakin and Armadale.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'where is isle of skye']\"",
"Cardioversion is a synchronized administration of shock during the R waves or QRS complex of a cardiac cycle. See the video below. Cardioversion. Video courtesy of Therese Canares, MD; Marleny Franco, MD; and Jonathan Valente, MD (Rhode Island Hospital, Brown University)."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries For example, ['', 'Benicar, or olmesartan medoxomil, is produced and marketed by Daiichi Sankyo, which gained FDA approval for the drug in 2002. Since its release on the U.S. market, Benicar prescriptions have skyrocketed, with some 10 million patients taking the medication in 2012. It is the only known angiotensin II receptor blocker â\\x80\\x93 or ARB â\\x80\\x94 that has been associated with serious and sometimes life-threatening gastrointestinal health issues.'] should be similar to ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what manufacturer markets benicar']",
"Cardio, or cardiovascular, kickboxing is designed to give you a vigorous aerobic workout. This intensity of exercise increases your heart rate and breathing to a level that will cause you to pause for breath after speaking a couple of words."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Cardi B. is an actress, known for Love & Hip Hop (2010), Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta (2012) and Kocktails with Khloé (2016). See full bio »."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1. a restaurant providing food, drink, and often a floor show or other entertainment; nightclub or café. 2. the entertainment at a cabaret."
"Represent the natural language",
"What is cardio? Cardio (short for cardiovascular exercise) is the term given to a certain type of exercise that keeps your heart rate elevated for a continuous length of time. With strength training, you have a minute of exercise followed by a minute of rest. With cardio, the exercise is non-stop."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"a bar or restaurant offering special nighttime entertainment (as music, dancing, or comedy acts) a section of the city populated with casual bistros offering entertainment to suit nearly every taste Synonyms nightclub, boîte, cabaret, café (also cafe), club, nightspot, nitery (also niterie), roadhouse, supper clubRelated Words a-go-go, disco, ..."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Cardio Kickboxing is a combination of dance and martial arts that will undoubtedly improve your endurance and cardiovascular fitness, tone muscles and shred your abs if you practice consistently with power and precision."
"Represent the natural language",
"Cardio pilates is a fitness program in which specific kinds of cardio activities are added to a pilates routine. Conventional pilates focuses on range of motion, muscle work, and flexibility, but does not traditionally offer a lot of cardio training.Adding cardio to pilates ensures that fitness participants can get the benefits of a heightened heart rate while enjoying pilates activities.onventional pilates focuses on range of motion, muscle work, and flexibility, but does not traditionally offer a lot of cardio training. Adding cardio to pilates ensures that fitness participants can get the benefits of a heightened heart rate while enjoying pilates activities."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Most of all, cardio kickboxing is fun! Set to upbeat music, the energetic instructor keeps you from being bored by challenging your mind and your body. Cardio kickboxing classes are a great juxtaposition to your more monotonous running or elliptical days."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"I think of a lounge as kind of an upscale casual place where you can have a relaxing conversation, whereas a club is generally a late night venue with door people, cover charges, bottle service, loud music, flashing lights, and dress codes. Probably more dancing going on in a club."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Aerobic exercise (also known as cardio) is physical exercise of low to high intensity that depends primarily on the aerobic energy-generating process."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Cardio exercise is any exercise that focuses on rasing the heart rate such as running, power walking, hiking, rowing or things of that nature. As with any exercise regiment consult a physician before starting. When doing a cardio exercise you want to monitor your heart rate."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"So basically it's a regular townie type of nightclub. The last time I went to one of those, was when I was about 18 (so around 9 years ago!) I have nothing to wear. ARGH help! I think I might have some sandals, but I can't walk in heels, just not even remotely. I'm not even sure they still fit but I think they do."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Cardio can be classified as anything that increases your heart rate . There are a lot of cardio workouts online that you can search that can help you increase your heart rate, but some of the basic ones include running, jogging, walking, cycling, and aerobics. Most of the cardio workouts include one of the above."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Cardioversion is a medical procedure by which an abnormally fast heart rate (tachycardia) or other cardiac arrhythmia is converted to a normal rhythm using electricity or drugs."
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"About Cardio Partners, Inc.: Cardio Partners is a national leader in emergency prevention and an ardent advocate in the fight against Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA). Cardio Partners provides consultation, equipment and end-to-end training, offering a complete cardiac solution to customers."
"Represent text",
"Aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise (also known as cardio) is physical exercise of low to high intensity that depends primarily on the aerobic energy-generating process. Aerobic literally means relating to, involving, or requiring free oxygen, and refers to the use of oxygen to adequately meet energy demands during exercise via aerobic metabolism."
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"Cardioversion is the delivery of a measured amount of electrical energy to the chest, synchronized with the large R wave of the electrocardiogram. The mechanism, technique, and equipment have the same basic operation principles as in defibrillation."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"It is a solo dance with high energy music and movements, and also enables the woman to display her beautiful and sexy body movement. Samba is an amazing cardio dance which engages bum, core, leg muscles and much more."
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"A lap dance (or contact dance) is a type of erotic dance performance offered in some strip clubs in which the dancer typically has body contact with a seated patron. Lap dancing is different from table dancing, in which the dancer is close to a seated patron, but without body contact. With lap dancing, the dancer may be nude, topless or scantily dressed, depending on the laws of the jurisdiction and the club's policies."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Types Of Cardio Exercises. Cardio is an abbreviation for cardiovascular exercises. The exercises which lift your heart rate and keep it elevated for a period of time are known as cardio exercises. An alternate name to these kinds of exercises is aerobic exercises. These exercises help in cardiovascular workouts. Commonly known cardio exercises are jogging, brisk walking and swimming. Read on to explore more about cardio exercises. A cardio is said to be extremely beneficial for body."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nFor example, '['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!', 'Chemical weathering can change the physical shape of rock as well as its chemical composition. when water enters along the joints in a rock, it weathers the corners and edges most rapidly. rock have a greater surface area than the faces have. As a result, the corners and edges become more rounded.']' should be close to '['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results\\nE.g.\\nhow much sugar should is the daily allowable recommended? == Fruit has naturally occuring sugars. Photo Credit Purestock/Purestock/Getty Images. The American Heart Association recommends men limit added sugar to 36 grams, or 9 teaspoons, per day. Women should limit added sugar to 24 grams, or 6 teaspoons, each day. An additional recommendation calls for limiting sugary soft drinks to 36 ounces every week, or 450 calories at the most, based on a 2,000-calorie diet. The calories from soft drinks cause more weight gain than the calories from solid foods. These limits only pertain to added sugars, not sugars that occur naturally in some foods, such as fruits. The average American consumes 21 teaspoons, or 84 grams, of sugar daily though; far more than recommended. != Wondering how much protein you need to eat each day in order to be healthy? Determine what your personal recommended daily protein intake should be wi This Is How Much Protein You Really Need to Eat in a Day', 'what is breaking down rock by changing its chemical comp']'",
"Aerobic exercise (also known as cardio) is physical exercise of low to high intensity that depends primarily on the aerobic energy-generating process.erobic exercise and fitness can be contrasted with anaerobic exercise, of which strength training and short-distance running are the most salient examples."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'huckleberry (plural huckleberries) 1 A small round fruit of a dark blue or red color of several plants in the related genera Vaccinium and Gaylussacia. 2 A shrub growing this fruit. ( 3 idiomatic) A small amount, as in the phrase huckleberry above a persimmon. ( 4 slang) A person of little consequence.']\" Match: \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'what is a huckleberry']\"",
"Blast your cardio fitness to the next level! This class provides the variety your body needs to see results by combining fun cardio routines with specific muscle conditioning that will be tailored to the class's needs from week to week. This is a great time to enjoy the music and feeling the burn!"
"a bar or restaurant offering special nighttime entertainment (as music, dancing, or comedy acts) a section of the city populated with casual bistros offering entertainment to suit nearly every taste Synonyms of bistro nightclub, boîte, cabaret, café (also cafe), club, nightspot, nitery (also niterie), roadhouse, supper club Words Related to bistro a-go-go, disco, discotheque (or discothéque); barroom, pub [chiefly British], public house [chiefly British], saloon, tavern; clip joint [slang ..."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"(ËkæbÉËreɪ) n. 1. a floor show of dancing, singing, or other light entertainment at a nightclub or restaurant. 2. chiefly US a nightclub or restaurant providing such entertainment."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"First shots and hostage situation. On June 11, 2016, Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, was hosting Latin Night, a weekly Saturday night event drawing a primarily Hispanic crowd. About 320 people were inside the club, which was serving last call drinks at around 2:00 a.m. EDT on June 12."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Using swim fins can increase cardiovascular health significantly. Cardio is a short term for âcardiovascular exerciseâ. The Latin prefix âcardâ meaning of or having to do with the heart. So in short, cardio is nothing more than strength training for your heart muscle. Swimming with fins is just one of the many ways to get a good cardio workout. You could just as easily run, jog or jump rope."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Cardi B, who was born Belcalis Almanzar, is a former exotic dancer who first came to fame as a cast member on the VH1 reality series Love & Hip Hop: New York. Who is Cardi B? Her platinum-selling debut single, Bodak Yellow, broke a nearly 20-year-old record, making her the first female rapper to nab the No. 1 spot on the Hot 100 chart since Lauryn Hill did it with Doo Wop (That Thing) in 1998."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Cardi B. is an actress, known for Love & Hip Hop (2010), Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta (2012) and Kocktails with Khloé (2016). Quick Links."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Cardio, short for cardiovascular exercise, is any movement that gets your heart rate up and increases blood circulation throughout the body. There are various forms and methods of performing cardio exercise-all which will have specific benefits and guidelines.Most individuals performing cardio are using it as a way to burn off excess calories and since you are moving the body, it is going to increase the need for energy.ardio, short for cardiovascular exercise, is any movement that gets your heart rate up and increases blood circulation. Learn 5 key benefits of performing cardio right here! Cardio. For some it's a dreaded word and for others it's a passion they can't get enough of."
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"Synonyms of bistro from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, with definitions, antonyms, and related words. Find a better way to say it. a bar or restaurant offering special nighttime entertainment (as music, dancing, or comedy acts) Synonyms: nightclub, boîte, cabaretâ¦"
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"An External Cardioversion is a procedure used to treat someoneâs heart that is beating either too fast or in an irregular rhythm such as atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter. The heart is shocked in order to restore the normal electrical activity of your heart."
"Represent the input",
"Definition of cabaret. 1 1 archaic : a shop selling wines and liquors. 2 2a : a restaurant serving liquor and providing entertainment (as by singers or dancers) : nightclubb : the show provided at a cabaret."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Aerobic exercise (also known as cardio) is physical exercise of low to high intensity that depends primarily on the aerobic energy-generating process.erobic exercise and fitness can be contrasted with anaerobic exercise, of which strength training and short-distance running are the most salient examples. The two types of exercise differ by the duration and intensity of muscular contractions involved, as well as by how energy is generated within the muscle."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"⺠all the customers of a business when they are considered as a group: The nightclub has a very fashionable clientele. Thesaurus: synonyms and related words. Business - general words."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Types Of Cardio Exercises Cardio is an abbreviation for cardiovascular exercises. The exercises which lift your heart rate and keep it elevated for a period of time are known as cardio exercises."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Hip Hop Flash Mob Cardio Burn Dance Workout from Step Up Revolution is a full-throttle, 16 minute fat-incinerating cardio dance routine that features the electrifying energy of a flash-mob frenzy that will have you breaking, popping and locking your way to a lean and chiseled dancerâs physique."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Either way you look at it though, cardiovascular exercise is one of the key components that should never be left out of a fitness plan. Cardio, short for cardiovascular exercise, is any movement that gets your heart rate up and increases blood circulation throughout the body. There are various forms and methods of performing cardio exercise - all which will have specific benefits and guidelines."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"10 THEME ROOMS. Club La Vela is the largest nightclub in the USA with a total capacity of almost 6,000 people. 10 theme rooms feature award-winning signature designs to create a unique vibe and an unforgettable ambiance. There is something for everybody with live DJs, bands and other entertainment covering multiple genres of music."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nFor example, ['Represent this text', 'A router is used to connect two or more networks while a modem is used to connect to a phone line. 2. A router only connects to RJ45 connectors while modems need an RJ45 and an RJ11 for the phone line. 3. A router provides security measures to protect your network but a modem does not.'] should be similar to ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is the difference between a router and a modem?']",
"Hip Hop Flash Mob Cardio Burn Dance Workout from Step Up Revolution is a full-throttle, 16 minute fat-incinerating cardio dance routine that features the ele..."
"Mini Bio (1) Cardi B. is an actress, known for Love & Hip Hop (2010), Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta (2012) and Kocktails with Khloé (2016). Other Works | Publicity Listings | Official Sites | Contact Info."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"CardiPro is polyherbal formulation which consists of the standardized extracts of selected herbs; Boerhaavia diffusa, Ocimum sanctum, Emblica officinalis, Withania somnifera and Terminalia arjuna (Gyanendra Pandey, 2001a, b, 2002a, b, c). Chemopreventive action of emblica officinalis on skin carcinogenesis in mice."
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"Drinking alcohol in large quantities has a toxic effect on the heart. Alcoholic cardiomyopathy is a form of a condition in which the heart becomes enlarged and the heart muscle thins (dilated cardiomyopathy) due to alcohol abuse. Alcoholic cardiomyopathy causes the weakened heart muscle to pump inefficiently, leading to heart failure. In severe cases, the lack of blood flow affects all parts of the body, damaging many tissues and organs. The disorder is most commonly seen in men ages 35-55."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Cardio kickboxing, a popular workout exercise, combines elements of several different disciplines. This fast-paced form of exercise improves and maintains heart health, builds and tones muscles, burns calories and helps relieve stress."
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"club - a spot that is open late at night and that provides entertainment (as singers or dancers) as well as dancing and food and drink; don't expect a good meal at a cabaret; the gossip columnist got his information by visiting nightclubs every night; he played the drums at a jazz club."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Cardioversion refers to the process of restoring the heart's normal rhythm by applying a controlled electric shock to the exterior of the chest.pplication of the shock is synchronized to the QRS complex. Cardioversion is used to slow the heart or to restore the heart's normal sinus rhythm when drug therapy is ineffective at doing so."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"What is hydro cardio myopathy. http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-hydro-cardio-myopathy. Cardiomyopathy, which literally means heart muscle disease, is the deterioration of the function of the myocardium for any reason.People with cardiomyopathy are often at risk of arrhythmia or sudden cardiac death or both. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-hydro-cardio-myopathy ].ealth related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question What is hydro cardio myopathy,you can compare them. Cardiomyopathy, which literally means heart muscle disease, is the deterioration of the function of the myocardium for any reason."
] |
"A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"country stars who were on american idol"
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Josh Gracin was the first country star discovered on 'American Idol.' The former Marine placed fourth on the show's second season, and after his discharge he signed to Lyric Street Records in 2004.His self-titled debut album produced three Top 10 singles, one of which, 'Nothing to Lose,' reached No. 1.ree Harrison. Kree Harrison is the most recent addition to the list of country stars who've graduated 'American Idol.' The Nashville veteran had a publishing deal and a record deal before she was ever on the show, but neither quite panned out."
] | [
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'customer service detail of the Kayak may or may not be tollfree. Here Kayak shares customer service number, customer service email id, address detail of Kayak as well as other related links that can assists its customer to tackle their problem. customer service number of Kayak : (203) 899-3100, Fax: (203) 899-3125. Email id of Kayak : [email protected].']>> to <<['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.', 'kayak toll free number']>>",
"The following is a list of episodes for the Fox reality series American Idol. The series debuted in the United States on June 11, 2002.ordin Sparks and Blake Lewis each sing a song of their choice, a song they previously sung, and the winning song of the American Idol Songwriter Contest and Daughtry performed Home."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Steven Tyler, Jennifer Lopez Named New 'American Idol' Judges. American Idol has a new team at the top: Steven Tyler, Jennifer Lopez and veteran Randy Jackson. In a live news conference broadcast today on AmericanIdol.com, Idol host Ryan Seacrest announced a refreshed lineup of judges for the hit reality competition series, which begins auditions for its 10th season this month."
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"After a slew of star-studded performances -- and the first judges' collaboration in 'Idol' history -- a winner was named. American Idol. It came down to Caleb Johnson and Jena Irene on American Idol on Wednesday, and before naming the winner of the thirteenth season, the two enjoyed a slew of performances.lex Preston and Jason Mraz shared Love Someone, and Darius Rucker reunited best friends Dexter Roberts and C.J. Harris for Alright.. Aloe Blacc also sang The Man with the season's male finalists, and Demi Lovato shared Don't Really Care and Neon Lights with the female singers."
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"Ryan Seacrest with Kelly Clarkson, Justin Guarini and Brian Dunkleman on the first season of American Idol in 2002.Kevin Winter/ImageDirect/FOX. Though Seacrest will say, âGoodnight, Americaâ one last time on Thursday when the fifteenth (and final) Idol is crowned, the host says fans have not seen the last of him on TV."
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"Karen Rodriguez (born March 22, 1989) is an American singer orginally from Miami, Florida who finished in 12th place on season 10 of American Idol. Karen was living in New York City at the time of her audition. She auditioned for the show via MySpace."
"Represent the next text",
"This won a Nickelodeon Teen Choice Award in 2001. It was presented to the band by Britney Spears, who sang with Aerosmith at the Super Bowl on Walk This Way.. Tina Yothers, who played Jennifer Keaton on Family Ties, had a band at the time called Jaded. A teenaged and unknown Mila Kunis was in the video.his won a Nickelodeon Teen Choice Award in 2001. It was presented to the band by Britney Spears, who sang with Aerosmith at the Super Bowl on Walk This Way.. Tina Yothers, who played Jennifer Keaton on Family Ties, had a band at the time called Jaded. A teenaged and unknown Mila Kunis was in the video."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Reviews: write review. After more than 97.5 million votes were tallied, America crowned David Cook the seventh American Idol with 56 percent of the vote. Celebrity performers included The Jonas Brothers, OneRepublic, Donna Summer, Seal, Graham Nash and George Michael."
"Birthplace: Atlanta, Georgia. Best known as: The host of TV's American Idol. Ryan Seacrest is the host of TV's American Idol: The Search for a Superstar, the popular talent show that launched pop singers Kelly Clarkson, Clay Aiken and Ruben Studdard."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Say what you want about it now, but American Idol is still the only singing competition on TV to produce legitimate music stars from its winners like Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood and Phillip Phillips."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"LOS ANGELES, CA - MAY 25: (NO BOOK PUBLISHING) Singer Scotty McCreery (R) is announced the American Idol for 2011 onstage with Ryan Seacrest during Fox's 'American Idol 2011' finale results show held at Nokia Theatre LA Live on May 25, 2011 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Kevin Winter/American Idol 2011/Getty Images)"
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Carrie Marie Underwood (born March 10, 1983 in Muskogee, Oklahoma) is an American country pop singer, songwriter, and actress. She rose to fame as the winner of the fourth season of American Idol in 2005."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Carrie Marie Underwood is an American country singer, songwriter, and actress. She rose to fame as the winner of the fourth season of American Idol, in 2005. Her debut album, Some Hearts, was released in 2005. Bolstered by the huge crossover success of the singles Jesus, Take the Wheel and Before He Cheats, it became the best-selling solo female debut album in country music history, the fastest-selling debut country album in Nielsen SoundScan history and the best-selling country album of the"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The following is a list of episodes for the Fox reality series American Idol. The series debuted in the United States on June 11, 2002.20A â 721A. Blake Lewis performed How Many Words . Eliminated: Kady Malloy, Luke Menard, Asia'h Epperson, & Danny Noriega. Top 12: David Cook, David Archuleta, Jason Castro, Brooke White, Syesha Mercado, David Hernandez, Michael Johns, Ramiele Malubay, Carly Smithson, Amanda Overmyer, Kristy Lee Cook and Chikezie."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Winners chosen by viewers through telephone, Internet, and SMS text voting were Kelly Clarkson, Ruben Studdard, Fantasia Barrino, Carrie Underwood, Taylor Hicks, Jordin Sparks, David Cook, Kris Allen, Lee DeWyze, Scotty McCreery, Phillip Phillips, Candice Glover, Caleb Johnson, and Nick Fradiani.lover is the first female to win American Idol since Jordin Sparks. Glover released I Am Beautiful as a single while Harrison released . All Cried Out immediately after the show. Glover sold poorly with her debut album, and this is also the first season that the runner-up was not signed by a music label."
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"Justin Guarini. Justin Guarini (born Justin Eldrin Bell; October 28, 1978) is an American singer/musician, actor, host and producer, who in 2002 was the runner-up on the first season of American Idol. 1 Early life."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Dalton Rapattoni Sold Himself Short on âAmerican Idolâ. Dalton Rapattoni is the 19-year-old singer from Sunnyvale, Texas whoâs competing on the fifteenth and final season of American Idol. He brings a unique hybrid of rock and musical theatre to the show."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Dalton Rapattoni, American Idol, FOX. Dalton Rapattoni is the 19-year-old singer from Sunnyvale, Texas whoâs competing on the fifteenth and final season of American Idol. He brings a unique hybrid of rock and musical theatre to the show."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Craig Berman has been on the reality TV beat since Carrie Underwood was an unknown country singer from Oklahoma, and writing about sports and business for even longer. He writes about American Idol for Today.com, and his work has appeared in outlets from USATODAY.com to McSweeney's to NBCnews.com."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"American singer from Garner, North Carolina, who won the tenth season of American Idol on May 25, 2011,Scott Cooke Scotty McCreery has an estimated"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Jane Carrey, daughter of star funnyman Jim Carrey, auditioned for the judges of American Idol in the episode aired on Sunday night. Before her vocal effort was shown, the 24-year-old participated in one of the show's trademark pre-recorded packages that highlighted her relationship with her famous father."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Carrie Marie Underwood (born March 10, 1983) is an American singer, songwriter and actress. She rose to fame as the winner of the fourth season of American Idol in 2005, and has since become one of the most successful artists in any musical genre. Her achievements led her to be inducted into the Grand Ole Opry in 2008 and into the Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame in 2009. She has earned numerous accolades, including seven Grammy Awards, 17 Billboard Music Awards, 12 Academy of Country Music Awards, nine American Music Awards and a Guinness World Record."
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"About Lauren Alaina. Lauren Alaina captured America's heart when she appeared on American Idol in 2011 and revealed her enthusiasm, humor and warmth, as well as a commanding voice with an impressive range that has been compared to the genre's premier vocalists, including Carrie Underwood and Martina McBride."
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"American Idol 2015 Results Last Night Prompt Winner Predictions, Top 3. LOS ANGELES (LALATE) â American Idol 2015 results last... 1 American Idol 2015 Results Tonight 5/6: Rayvon Owen Eliminated, Top 3 LOS ANGELES (LALATE) â Who got eliminated on American... Who Won American Idol 2015 Tonight: Nick Fradiani Wins American Idol Results LOS ANGELES (LALATE) â Who won American Idol 2015..."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Darlene Love. Darlene Love (Darlene Wright; born July 26, 1941) is an American popular music singer and actress. She gained prominence in the 1960s for the song He's a Rebel , a No. 1 American single in 1962, and was one of the Phil Spector artists who produced a celebrated Christmas album in 1963. She is included among Rolling Stone 's 100 Greatest Singers."
"Represent this text",
"American Idol (2002). Jennifer Hudson (I). Chris Daughtry. Being crowned the winner of American Idol doesn't guarantee an illustrious musical career -- or even hits for that matter. Heck, Jennifer Hudson and Chris Daughtry never even made it to finale night and their careers are doing just fine."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"HOLLYWOOD â Checotah, Oklahoma, is no longer best known for steer wrestling. Carrie Underwood, a 22-year-old student from the tiny farm town, made history Wednesday (May 25), becoming the first country singer to win American Idol.. (Click for photos from Wednesday's American Idol results show.)"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"More in American Idol. Who Won American Idol 2015 Tonight: Nick Fradiani Wins American Idol Results. LOS ANGELES (LALATE) â Who won American Idol 2015 results tonight, who is the American Idol 2015 winner, and did Nick...ore in American Idol. Who Won American Idol 2015 Tonight: Nick Fradiani Wins American Idol Results. LOS ANGELES (LALATE) â Who won American Idol 2015 results tonight, who is the American Idol 2015 winner, and did Nick..."
"Represent the input!",
"If loving Barbara Mandrell is wrong, then many of todayâs top country stars donât want to be right. The energetic entertainer is being honored on She Was Country When Country Wasnât Cool (A Tribute to Barbara Mandrell), a new album featuring famous admirers like Reba McEntire, Kenny Chesney, LeAnn Rimes and Brad Paisley."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"This is a video showing the runner-up of each season of American Idol. Season 12 - Kree Harrison. Season 11 - Jessica Sanchez. Season 10 - Lauren Alaina.Season 9 - Crystal Bowersox. Season 8 - Adam Lambert. Season 7 - David Archuleta.his is a video showing the runner-up of each season of American Idol. Season 12 - Kree Harrison. Season 11 - Jessica Sanchez. Season 10 - Lauren Alaina. Season 9 - Crystal Bowersox."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Lambert auditioned for the eighth season of American Idol in San Francisco, California by singing Rock with You and Bohemian Rhapsody .. Advancing to Hollywood week, he performed What's Up and Believe solo, and Some Kind of Wonderful in the group effort."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The second season of American Idol premiered on January 21, 2003, and continued until May 21, 2003. The title of show was shortened from American Idol: The Search for a Superstar of Season 1 to just American Idol.Brian Dunkleman quit after the first season, and Seacrest therefore became the lone host in Season 2 as well as all subsequent seasons. Kristin Holt was a special correspondent. Kimberly Caldwell (born February 25, 1982 in Katy, Texas, 20 at the start of the season) â Prior to American Idol, she had appeared on Star Search, where she won five times as a junior vocalist, and in Popstars: USA."
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"American Idolâs final runner-up LaâPorsha Renae is clarifying comments about the LGBT âlifestyleâ that have placed her in hot water. The 22-year-old singer, who came in second place on the showâs farewell season, was asked to comment about the anti-LGBT bill passed into law in her home state of Mississippi."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Carrie Underwood. Carrie Marie Underwood (born March 20, 1986 in Checotah, Oklahoma) is an American singer, songwriter, and actress. She rose to fame as the winner of season four of American Idol in 2005. Following her victory Underwood became a country music sensation, winning seven Grammy Awards among many other achievements."
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"Kelly Clarkson continues to be the overall most popular American Idol. Lots of Haley Reinhart fans vote here every year, so she is tied with ever-popular Carrie Underwood. At the bottom are Caleb Johnson and Jessica Sanchez and Alex Preston, so they will be eliminated from the next cross-season poll."
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"Scotty McCreery, 17, became the fourth fellow in a row to win American Idol. Upon hearing the news, the teen from Garner, N.C., burst into an ear-to-ear grin that wouldn't quit and was immediately enveloped in a bear hug from his runner-up."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Carrie Underwood. Carrie Marie Underwood (born March 10, 1983) is an American singer, songwriter, and actress. She rose to fame as the winner of the fourth season of American Idol in 2005. Her debut album, Some Hearts, was released in 2005."
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"The series chronicles the lives of various fictitious country music singers in Nashville, Tennessee starring Connie Britton as Rayna Jaymes, a legendary country music superstar, whose stardom begins fading, and Hayden Panettiere as rising younger star Juliette Barnes. Britton left the show in season five. The series premiered on ABC, on October 10, 2012, and had more than 8.93 million viewers. In May 2016, ABC cancelled the show. In June 2016, it was picked up by CMT for a fifth season."
"Represent this",
"Jax, Nick Fradiani and Clark Beckham were named to the Top 3. East Brunswick own's singer/performer Jax is appearing again on American Idol and there is a viewing/Voting Party at The Brunswick Grove in East Brunswick on Wednesday May 6,2015.(Photo: Mark R. Sullivan/Staff Photograp).ast Brunswick own's singer/performer Jax is appearing again on American Idol and there is a viewing/Voting Party at The Brunswick Grove in East Brunswick on Wednesday May 6,2015. (Photo: Mark R. Sullivan/Staff Photograp)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"People born in Levittown: 1 Brand New band members Jesse Lacey (1978), Vin Accardi, Brian Lane, and Garrett Tierney. 2 Irish Bobby Cassidy (April 19, 1944), professional boxer. 3 Kevin Covais (May 30, 1989), 5th season American Idol contestant, singer, actor."
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"'... country singer Billy Ray Cyrus and actor Ally Walker, both in 1961 (age 50); actors Blair Underwood and Joanne Whalley, both in 1964 (age 47); television cook Rachael Ray in 1968 (age 43); and supermodel Claudia Schiffer in 1970 (age 41)'."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The night featured a plethora of country music stars teaming up with pop and rock performers, including Pitbull, Leona Lewis, Fifth Harmony, Pharrell, Cheap Trick, and Elle Kingâand fans on social media were not happy about it, with many wondering where all the true country music had gone."
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"Pin. Who Won American Idol 2015 Tonight: Nick Fradiani Wins American Idol Results. Who Won American Idol 2015 Tonight: Nick Fradiani Wins American Idol Results. LOS ANGELES (LALATE) â Who won American Idol 2015 last night, who was the winner of American Idol results last night, and did Nick Fradiani or Clark win?ore in American Idol. Who Won American Idol 2015 Tonight: Nick Fradiani Wins American Idol Results. LOS ANGELES (LALATE) â Who won American Idol 2015 results tonight, who is the American Idol 2015 winner, and did Nick..."
"The first episode of American Idol aired on June 11th, 2002. The cast of that show was Ryan Seacrest as the host and Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul, and Simon Cowell as judges.he first episode of American Idol aired on June 11th, 2002. The cast of that show was Ryan Seacrest as the host and Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul, and Simon Cowell as judges."
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"WARNING: American Idol spoilers ahead! And then there were two. After weeks of heartfelt performances and hard-fought battles to win the votes of viewers, rocker Caleb Johnson and the soulful Jena Irene Asciutto were the only ones left standing on American Idol, and a season 13 winner was finally crowned.arry Connick, Jr. played piano, J.Lo sang and Keith Urban and Randy Jackson-- who served as a mentor this season-- were on guitars. RELATED PICS: Top-Earning American Idol Alums. Even host Ryan Seacrest got in on the singing when he performed the song Right Here Waiting. It was as terrible as predicted."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The fourteenth season of American Idol, also known as American Idol XIV, premiered on the Fox television network on January 7, 2015.arina-Joi Crowe (born June 27, 1995) is a musician from Columbia, Tennessee. She originally auditioned for the tenth season of American Idol, but was cut on the last day of the Hollywood Round. Crowe also auditioned for the twelfth and thirteenth seasons, were she was cut in the green mile round."
"Represent the natural language",
"1 American Idol 2015 Results Tonight 5/6: Rayvon Owen Eliminated, Top 3 LOS ANGELES (LALATE) â Who got eliminated on American... Who Won American Idol 2015 Tonight: Nick Fradiani Wins American Idol Results LOS ANGELES (LALATE) â Who won American Idol 2015..."
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"The lead singer of popular rock band Aerosmith with hits like âDream Onâ and âWalk This Way,â Steven Tyler has also served as a judge on American Idol.he lead singer of popular rock band Aerosmith with hits like âDream Onâ and âWalk This Way,â Steven Tyler has also served as a judge on American Idol."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The host of TV's American Idol. Ryan Seacrest is the host of TV's American Idol: The Search for a Superstar, the popular talent show that launched pop singers Kelly Clarkson, Clay Aiken and Ruben Studdard. Seacrest got his start in the mid-1990s on FM radio in Atlanta, Georgia and Los Angeles, California."
"Represent the input.",
"App and discover music wherever you are. Lauren Alaina captured America's heart when she appeared on American Idol in 2011 and revealed her enthusiasm, humor and warmth, as well as a commanding voice with an impressive range that has been compared to the genre's premier vocalists, including Carrie Underwood and Martina McBride."
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"Gene Autry is the only entertainer with all five stars on Hollywood's Walk of Fame, one each for Radio, Recording, Motion Pictures, Television and Live Performance. He was the silver screen's first singing cowboy and is credited with creating the genre of the musical B Western."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"/ Profile / Carrie Underwood. The Oklahoma native has come a long way since winning American Idol in 2005. She's posted a dozen No. 1 songs, breaking Reba McEntire's record for a female country act, and her latest album Blown Away sold 267,000 copies its first week before eventually going platinum."
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"Split and merge into it. Answer by Risingbev. Confidence votes 30. Kellie Pickler &Carrie Underwood. Josh Gracin, Bucky Covington, Kristy Lee Cook, Danny Gokey, Phil Stacey, Lauren Alaina and Scotty McCreery & Tim McGraw. Top-Earning Country Music In its 12 seasons, FOX's hit show American Idol has produced a handful of successful singers. 2 The Country music genre has been blessed with a number of talented singers frâ¦."
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"The host of TV's American Idol. Ryan Seacrest is the host of TV's American Idol: The Search for a Superstar, the popular talent show that launched pop singers Kelly Clarkson, Clay Aiken and Ruben Studdard."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The country artists who found success after appearing on âAmerican Idolâ can be credited with the show tapping a country judge to lead the Season 12 of the show in 2013.uch like the No. 1 singer on this list of the top country singers from âAmerican Idol,â this North Carolinian combines artistry with commercial success â not to mention a telegenic personality. Now with Black River Entertainment, the future looks bright for Pickler."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"by Craig Shelburne 3/23/2011. Although Carrie Underwood emphasized her dedication to country music as soon as she won American Idol, sheâs certainly not the only one who found success in Nashville after the show.Here are 10 finalists who met an enthusiastic audience among country fans.Crystal Bowersox, Season 9.y Craig Shelburne 3/23/2011. Although Carrie Underwood emphasized her dedication to country music as soon as she won American Idol, sheâs certainly not the only one who found success in Nashville after the show."
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"1 Rhian and Cara Morgan of The Morgan Twins who auditioned for this season of American Idol but was cut in Hollywood, later auditioned for the fourth season of The Voice.2 They made it to the battle rounds, but were eliminated. Kimberly Caldwell (born February 25, 1982 in Katy, Texas, 20 at the start of the season) â Prior to American Idol, she had appeared on Star Search, where she won five times as a junior vocalist, and in Popstars: USA."
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"About Scotty McCreery. Since becoming American Idol's youngest male winner in 2011, as well as the show's first country male winner, Garner, NC native Scotty McCreery quickly emerged as country music's most successful new artist."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Biography. It's true that Carrie Underwood sprang to fame as an American Idol winner, but her career needs to be defined in the context of country superstars instead of reality-show contestants."
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"We weighed each singerâs radio and sales success as well as career longevity. A few famous faces wonât be found on this list of the Top 10 country âAmerican Idolâ singers, which is a testament to the strength of Nashville talent coming from Hollywood in recent years.uch like the No. 1 singer on this list of the top country singers from âAmerican Idol,â this North Carolinian combines artistry with commercial success â not to mention a telegenic personality. Now with Black River Entertainment, the future looks bright for Pickler."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Copy. Share. Singer Adam Lambert, who gained fame when he appeared on American Idol, will join the classic rock band, Queen, in a North American tour this summer, Lambert and original band members Brian May and Roger Taylor announced today in an appearance on Good Morning America.."
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"Winners chosen by viewers through telephone, Internet, and SMS text voting were Kelly Clarkson, Ruben Studdard, Fantasia Barrino, Carrie Underwood, Taylor Hicks, Jordin Sparks, David Cook, Kris Allen, Lee DeWyze, Scotty McCreery, Phillip Phillips, Candice Glover, Caleb Johnson, and Nick Fradiani.merican Idol is broadcast to over 100 nations outside of the United States. In most nations these are not live broadcasts and may be tape delayed by several days or weeks. In Canada, the first thirteen seasons of American Idol were aired live by CTV and/or CTV Two, in simulcast with Fox."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The first season of American Idol premiered on June 11, 2002 (under the full title American Idol: The Search for a Superstar) and continued until September 4, 2002. It was won by Kelly Clarkson.This season was co-hosted by Ryan Seacrest and Brian Dunkleman, the latter of whom left the show after the season ended. The winner, Kelly Clarkson, signed with RCA Records, the label in partnership with American Idol's 19 Recordings.e-edited episodes of American Idol season 1 are now being shown in syndication as American Idol Rewind. The new episodes feature commentary from some of the first season's top 30, including runner-ups Justin Guarini, Jim Verraros, Christina Christian, Nikki McKibbin, Angela Peel, and Kelli Glover."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Top 24 'American Idols' Of All-Time. When a singer wins American Idol, it's undoubtedly his or her biggest music moment to-date. Crystal Bowersox. Mama Sox was described as a breath of fresh air to many during her run on Idol season nine, recalling the likes of Janis Joplin, Tracy Chapman and other soulful, bluesy females."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"American Idol 2015 winner results were revealed last night. And Nick Fradiani was named your American Idol 2015 winner. Usually the morning after the Idol Final results are revealing, there is still a massive excitement.But today, fan interest in who won American Idol results last night are at a record low.ore in American Idol. Who Won American Idol 2015 Tonight: Nick Fradiani Wins American Idol Results. LOS ANGELES (LALATE) â Who won American Idol 2015 results tonight, who is the American Idol 2015 winner, and did Nick..."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Middle Tennessee is making a serious stamp on the current season of American Idol.. The show revealed its Top 24 contestants this week, and the roster includes three local talents: Sarina-Joi Crowe of Columbia, Clark Beckham of White House and Riley Bria of Spring Hill.iddle Tennessee is making a serious stamp on the current season of American Idol.. The show revealed its Top 24 contestants this week, and the roster includes three local talents: Sarina-Joi Crowe of Columbia, Clark Beckham of White House and Riley Bria of Spring Hill."
] |
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"what can quotation marks be for"
] | [
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Use quotation marks [ â â ] to set off material that represents quoted or spoken language. Quotation marks also set off the titles of things that do not normally stand by themselves: short stories, poems, and articles. Usually, a quotation is set off from the rest of the sentence by a comma; however, the typography of quoted material can become quite complicated. Here is one simple rule to remember:"
] | [
"Free for educational use at home or in classrooms. www.k12reader.com â â â â Quotation Marks: Quotations Within Quotations Q uotation marks signal that the words between the marks are the real words said by the speaker. Sometimes the speaker may also be quoting someone."
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"1 A question mark, you already know, is used to indicate an interrogative sentence. 2 You place question marks after a direct question. 3 An important point to know is how to correctly place question marks when using direct quotations. Question marks and exclamation marks go inside the quotation marks when the quoted material is a question or an exclamation and outside the quotation marks when the whole sentence is a question or an exclamation."
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"This student-created video explains the purpose of quotation marks and explains that they are used in sentences with dialogue. Sample sentences printed on pieces of chart paper are shown with and without quotation marks to emphasize how quotation m ... arks make sentences easier to comprehend."
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"' Double or single quotation marks/inverted commas. Double (...) and single ('...') quotation marks or inverted commas (you can use either term) can be used in the same ways.Whether you use double or single is up to you. You could use double for quotations and single for titles.This is what we do in Writing for University Courses.ouble (...) and single ('...') quotation marks or inverted commas (you can use either term) can be used in the same ways. Whether you use double or single is up to you."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"one of the marks used to indicate the beginning and end of a quotation, in English usually shown as â at the beginning and â at the end, or, for a quotation within a quotation, of single marks of this kind, as âHe said, âI will go.â â Frequently, especially in Great Britain, single marks are used instead of double, the latter being then used for a ..."
"To enclose a quotation, use⦠Double quotation marks: Single quotation marks: To enclose a quotation within a quotation, use⦠Single quotation marks: Double quotation marks: Place periods and commas⦠Inside quotation marks: Outside quotation marks: Place other punctuation (colons, semi-colons, question marks, etc.)⦠Outside quotation marks*"
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n------\nThe provided query could be \"['represent the doc for finding search queries about it For instance, <<Q: The splitting of an atomâ\\x80\\x99s nucleus into two smaller nuclei is called a. nuclear fusion. b. nuclear fission. c. a chain reaction. d. a meltdown. A: The splitting of an atomâ\\x80\\x99s nucleus into two smaller nuclei is called nuclear fission. Log in to see more information. Question.>> to \"what is the splitting of an atoms nucleus into two smaller nuclei called\"', 'Comments20 Share. Litleo is a Normal/Fire type and ability is Rivalry. Litleo evolves into a Male Pyroar by being a male or a female Pyroar by being a Female at lvl 35 for both. It can know.']\" and the positive \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what level does litleo evolve at']\"",
"Rule 4. Periods and commas ALWAYS go inside quotation marks. Then it said, Don't Walk, then, Walk, all within thirty seconds. Rule 5a. The placement of question marks with quotation marks follows logic. If a question is within the quoted material, a question mark should be placed inside the quotation marks."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Rule: Use single quotation marks inside double quotation marks when you have a quotation within a quotation. Notice that what Delia said was enclosed in single quotation marks. Notice also that the period was placed inside both the single and the double quotation marks."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Rule: Use single quotation marks inside double quotation marks when you have a quotation within a quotation. Example: Bobbi told me, âDelia said, âThis will never work.â â. Notice that what Delia said was enclosed in single quotation marks."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"n a punctuation mark used to attribute the enclosed text to someone else. a single quotation mark. a pair of quotation marks. the use of quotation marks to indicate that it is not the authors preferred terminology. the marks used to clarify meaning by indicating separation of words into sentences and clauses and phrases."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Rule 1. Use double quotation marks to set off a direct (word-for-word) quotation. Correct: I hope you will be here, he said. Incorrect: He said that he hoped I would be there.. (The quotation marks are incorrect because hoped I would be there does not state the speaker's exact words.) Rule 2a."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Hypernyms (quotation mark is a kind of...): punctuation; punctuation mark (the marks used to clarify meaning by indicating separation of words into sentences and clauses and phrases). Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of quotation mark): single quote (a single quotation mark)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Quotation Marks. including use in quotations and in titles of poems, songs, short stories, chapters, magazine articles. There are 24 videos in this category and 2 videos in 2 subcategories."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Quotes within quotes. When a run-in quotation contains quotation marks within the quoted material itself, use single quotation marks in their place. When the material being quoted contains a quotation within a quotation (i.e., something in single quotation marks), use double quotation marks."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"When that happens, the second quotation is marked with single quotation marks. Example 1: Liam said, âBeth told me âIâll be lateâ when I saw her yesterday.â Single quotation marks are also used if the quotation mentions a title of a story, poem, song, or other title that would usually be put in double quotation marks. Example 2:âMy favorite fairy tale is âThe Three Bears,ââ said Jeff. Notice that in Example 2 the single and double quotation marks appear together at the end of the quotation. Rewrite each of the sentences below to add both double and single quotation marks.1."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"When multiple quotation marks are used for quotations within quotations, keep the quotation marks together (put periods and commas inside both; put semi-colons, colons, etc., outside both).lace other punctuation (colons, semi-colons, question marks, etc.)â¦. Outside quotation marks*. Outside quotation marks*. *Place other punctuation inside quotation marks when that punctuation is part of what is being quoted, such as a quoted question."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"What I need is the contents of column A to be enclosed in quotation marks when taken by the formula, but I CANNOT change the contents of column A to include the quotation marks - I can only have the quotation marks in the formula. However I can't put the quotation marks in to the formula."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Rule 7. Use single quotation marks for quotations within quotations. Example: Dan said: In a town outside Brisbane, I saw 'Tourists go home' written on a wall. But then someone told me, 'Pay it no mind, lad.' . Note that the period goes inside both the single and double quotation marks. Also note that, as a courtesy, there is visible space between adjacent single and double quotation marks."
] |
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"standard measurement definition"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"⢠STANDARD OF MEASUREMENT (noun). The noun STANDARD OF MEASUREMENT has 1 sense: 1. accepted or approved instance or example of a quantity or quality against which others are judged or measured or compared. Familiarity information: STANDARD OF MEASUREMENT used as a noun is very rare. STANDARD OF MEASUREMENT (noun). The noun STANDARD OF MEASUREMENT has 1 sense: 1. accepted or approved instance or example of a quantity or quality against which others are judged or measured or compared. Familiarity information: STANDARD OF MEASUREMENT used as a noun is very rare."
] | [
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"Measurement is the process observing and recording the observations that are collected as part of a research effort. There are two major issues that will be considered here. First, you have to understand the fundamental ideas involved in measuring. Here we consider two of major measurement concepts. In Levels of Measurement, I explain the meaning of the four major levels of measurement: nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Definition of standard for Students. 1 1 : used as or matching a model or rule to compare against standard weight. 2 2 : regularly and widely used It's a standard practice in the trade. 3 3 : widely known and accepted to be of good and permanent value The book is a standard reference work on grammar."
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"What Does Lumens mean. The technical definition of lumen is as follows; A lumen is the standard measurement for a unit of luminous flux, it is a measure of the perceived power of light.hat Does Lumens mean. The technical definition of lumen is as follows; A lumen is the standard measurement for a unit of luminous flux, it is a measure of the perceived power of light."
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"A unit of measurement is a definite magnitude of a physical quantity, defined and adopted by convention or by law, that is used as a standard for measurement of the same physical quantity. Any other value of the physical quantity can be expressed as a simple multiple of the unit of measurement. For example, length is a physical quantity. The metre is a unit of length that represents a definite predetermined length."
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"standard. n. 1. an accepted or approved example of something against which others are judged or measured. 2. (often plural) a principle of propriety, honesty, and integrity: she has no standards. 3. a level of excellence or quality: a low standard of living."
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"2. a device for measuring distance, volume, etc, such as a graduated scale or container. 3. a system of measurement: give the size in metric measure. 4. a standard used in a system of measurements: the international prototype kilogram is the measure of mass in SI units. 5. a specific or standard amount of something: a measure of grain; short measure; full measure. 6. a basis or standard for comparison: his work was the measure of all subsequent attempts. 7. reasonable or permissible limit or bounds: we must keep it within measure."
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"The standard deviation is a measure that summarises the amount by which every value within a dataset varies from the mean. Effectively it indicates how tightly the values in the dataset are bunched around the mean value."
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"Standard in simple words is a measure of what is expected to take place under the current or anticipated circumstances. Another way of defining standard is that it is something that is predetermined or planned and management wishes that actual results equate to standards."
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"measurement. determination of the magnitude of a quantity by comparison with a standard for that quantity. Quantities frequently measured include time, length, area, volume, pressure, mass, force, and energy., Ã¥ unit of length equal toâ10 10 (meter.0 0000000001); meter it is used to measure the wavelengths of visible light and of other forms of electromagnetic, radiation such as ultraviolet radiation And x...... Rays click the link for more. information in. physics"
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"Legal Definition of standard. 1 : something established by authority, custom, or general consent as a model, example, or point of reference the standard of the reasonable person. 2 : something established by authority as a rule for the measure of quantity, weight, extent, value, or quality."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Standard Units of Measurment Units of measurement are vital parts of any physical quantity. Just as the person is known by his or her name, the physical quantities are known by the units of measurement. Let us suppose that the length of the iron rod is 5 meters."
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"Filed Under: Mathematics Tagged With: imperial system of measurement, Metric, metric system, metric system of measurement, SI system of measurements, standard, standard system, standard system in Britain, standard system of measurement, standard unit of measurement, Système International."
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"standard-the ideal in terms of which something can be judged; they live by the standards of their community. criterion. control condition, control-a standard against which other conditions can be compared in a scientific experiment; the control condition was inappropriate for the conclusions he wished to draw."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A unit is fixed by its definition, and is independent of physical conditions such as temperature. By contrast, a standard is a physical realization of a unit, and realizes that unit only under certain physical conditions. For example, the metre is a unit, while a metal bar is a standard."
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"Gross Areas of a Building: Standard Methods of Measurement (ANSI/BOMA Z65.3 â 2009) , provides a uniform basis from which to compute, communicate and compare the measurement of buildings by gross areas, and offers the industryâs first direct measure of the physical size of a building."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"measurement. 1. determination of the extent or quantity of something. 2. the assigning of numbers to objects, events, or situations in accord with some rule. interval level measurement measurement of data on an interval scale."
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"Thus the definition of measurement is: A set of observations that reduce uncertainty where the result is expressed as a quantity.. This definition is implied in what scientists actually do when they measure something and report both the mean and statistics of the measurements."
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"There is little value in comparing a mass meter output with that of a volume tank. without a measure of density to allow conversion between mass and volume. For flow measurement, the standard is a. system comprising of a measure of quantity and the subsidiary measurements to determine the fluid conditions, properties. and influence factors. Another feature of the standard is that there must be confidence. that the measurement taken by the standard is accurate."
"What are the units of measure used as the standard measurement? The world-wide standard is the SI (International System), sometimes known as the metric system (although metric system includes some older systems of units)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
": standard deviation used as a unit of measurement of deviation.ADVERTISEMENT. This word doesn't usually appear in our free dictionary, but the definition from our premium Unabridged Dictionary is offered here on a limited basis. standard deviation used as a unit of measurement of deviation."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n------\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'When you need glossy prints fast, order online and pick them up at your local Target, Walgreens or CVS/pharmacy in as little as an hour. Back-of-print message and matte finish are not available.']\" should be close to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'can you pick up shutterfly orders at cvs']\"",
"In this context the meaning of the word standard is âauthoritative or recognised exemplar of quality or correctness.â âGold standardâ is the popular term to describe this test; but âgolden standardâ is sometimes used as well."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Measurement is finding a number that shows the size or amount of something. There are two main Systems of Measurement: Metric and US Standard.easurement is finding a number that shows the size or amount of something. There are two main Systems of Measurement: Metric and US Standard."
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"One standard for measurement is the degree to which a crime affects others or society. Measurements of the degree of seriousness of a crime have been developed. The distinction between felonies and misdemeanors has been abolished by several common law jurisdictions (e.g. Australia)."
"represent text.",
"Calibration. Calibration is a comparison between measurements â one of known magnitude or correctness made or set with one device and another measurement made in as similar a way as possible with a second device. The device with the known or assigned correctness is called the standard."
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"standard work definition, standard work meaning | English dictionary. standard. n a theoretical vertical distribution of the physical properties of the atmosphere up to an altitude of 50 km established by international agreement."
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"Wiktionary(3.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: 1 standard(Noun) A level of quality or attainment. 2 standard(Noun) Something used as a measure for comparative evaluations. 3 standard(Noun) An object supported in an upright position. 4 standard(Noun) A musical work of established popularity. 5 standard(Noun) The flag or ensign carried by a military unit."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nGiven ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Francis Bacon died aged 65 on April 9, 1626 of pneumonia in Highgate, near London. He was buried at St Michaelâ\\x80\\x99s Church in the town of St Albans, where he owned a mansion on a 2,000 acre estate he inherited from his father.'], a positive would be ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'when did sir francis bacon die']",
"Unit of measurement is a definite magnitude of a physical quantity, defined and adopted by convention or by law, that is used as a standard for measurement of the same physical quantity. Different systems of units used to be very common."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Definition of STANDARD UNIT. : standard deviation used as a unit of measurement of deviation. ADVERTISEMENT. This word doesn't usually appear in our free dictionary, but the definition from our premium Unabridged Dictionary is offered here on a limited basis. standard deviation used as a unit of measurement of deviation."
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"A measure; a standard of measure; an instrument to determine dimensions, distance, or capacity; a standard. [1913 Webster] This plate must be a gauge to file your worm and groove to equal breadth by. --Moxon. [1913 Webster] There is not in our hands any fixed gauge of minds. --I."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Measurement is defined as the act of measuring or the size of something. An example of measurement means the use of a ruler to determine the length of a piece of paper. An example of measurement is 15 by 25."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A unit of measurement is a definite magnitude of a physical quantity, defined and adopted by convention or by law, that is used as a standard for measurement of the same physical quantity. Any other value of the physical quantity can be expressed as a simple multiple of the unit of measurement."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A unit of measurement is a definite magnitude of a quantity, defined and adopted by convention or by law, that is used as a standard for measurement of the same quantity. Any other value of that quantity can be expressed as a simple multiple of the unit of measurement. For example, length is a physical quantity. The metre is a unit of length that represents a definite predetermined length. When we say 10 metres (or 10 m), we actually mean 10 times the definite predetermined length called metre."
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"Standard Surveying Terms. 1 A Frame - A measuring device built in the shape of an A. The distance between the legs is 6.6 feet (one tenth of a chain. To measure the acreage of a small square parcel, multiply the width and height in A's and move the decimal point three places to the left."
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"THE IMPORTANCE OF STANDARD UNITS IN EVERYDAY LIFE UNITS OF MEASUREMENT In the past, people used part of human body such as hands, arms, fingers and legs as the units of measurement for length. For example, two arms were called as one depa. People also used kati and tahil as units of measurement for weight, in the past. A standard system of units known as Imperial System was introduced in England on 13th century. Under this system, length is measured in mile, chain, yard (yd), foot (ft) and inch (in). For mass, under the Imperial System it was measured in pound (lb) and ounce (oz)."
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"Measurement is an observation made more specific by comparing some attribute of a system to a standard of reference. An example is when the length of an object is expressed in terms of the length of a meter or when the mass of an object is expressed by referring to a standard such as a gram. Measurement and observation are the only process skills that are actually two forms of the same thing."
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"Also called unit of measurement. A standard amount of a physical quantity, such as length, mass, energy, etc, specified multiples of which are used to express magnitudes of that physical quantity: the second is a unit of time."
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"Definition of standard unit. : standard deviation used as a unit of measurement of deviation."
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"By Hasaan Fazal on. Standard in simple words is a measure of what is expected to take place under the current or anticipated circumstances. Another way of defining standard is that it is something that is predetermined or planned and management wishes that actual results equate to standards."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Measurement is a process of determining how large or small a physical quantity is as compared to a basic reference quantity of the same kind. The definition, agreement, and practical use of units of measurement have played a crucial role in human endeavour from early ages up to the present. A multitude of systems of units used to be very common."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"standard (or imperial) came from the use of human body parts to measure things-a foot = the length of the king's foot. of course, they'd have to change the measurement every time a new king comes by."
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"standard. 1 something considered by an authority or by general consent as a basis of comparison; an approved model. 2 an object that is regarded as the usual or most common size or form of its kind: We stock the deluxe models as well as the standards."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"A unit of measurement is a definite magnitude of a quantity, defined and adopted by convention or by law, that is used as a standard for measurement of the same kind of quantity. Any other quantity of that kind can be expressed as a multiple of the unit of measurement. For example, a length is a physical quantity. The metre is a unit of length that represents a definite predetermined length. When we say 10 metres, we actually mean 10 times the definite predetermined length called metre. Measur"
"Princeton's WordNet(4.50 / 2 votes)Rate this definition: 1 standard, criterion, measure, touchstone(noun) a basis for comparison; a reference point against which other things can be evaluated. 2 criterion, standard(noun) the ideal in terms of which something can be judged. 3 standard(noun) a board measure = 1980 board feet."
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"Standard Deviation Definition. Standard Deviation is a statistical term used to measure the amount of variability or dispersion around an average. Technically it is a measure of volatility. Dispersion is the difference between the actual and the average value. The larger this dispersion or variability is, the higher is the standard deviation."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Standard Method of Measurement is used for the measurement of construction works. It gives guidelines as to what should be measured for various parts of the construc ⦠tion process."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Standard deviation is a statistical measurement of the variation in a set of data. Standard deviation indicates how much the values of a certain data set differ from the mean on average."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Standards of measurement by which efficiency, performance, progress, or quality of a plan, process, or product can be assessed. Use 'metrics' in a Sentence. Recently NBA teams have been using advanced metrics to figure out what the highest percentage plays were in basketball revolutionizing the game."
"Units of Measurement provide standards for our comparisons, so that the numbers from our measurements refer to the same thing. For example, the metre is a standard unit to measure length. Before 1982, it was defined as the distance between two markers on a special rod."
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"Dimensions, quantity, or capacity as ascertained by comparison with a standard. A reference standard or sample used for the quantitative comparison of properties. A unit specified by a scale, such as a degree, or by variable conditions, such as room temperature. A system of measurement, such as the metric system."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Definition of standard. 1 1 : a conspicuous object (as a banner) formerly carried at the top of a pole and used to mark a rallying point especially in battle or to serve as an emblem."
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"British (Imperial) Measure. The first English official measurement standards were defined in 15th century. British system of units, known as imperial units, was established in 1824. Later in 1963 the standards were redefined in terms of metre stantard maintained in Paris. From 1995 the UK adopted metric units for general use."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Definition of standard. 1 : a conspicuous object (such as a banner) formerly carried at the top of a pole and used to mark a rallying point especially in battle or to serve as an emblem."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1. the extent, quantity, amount, or degree of something, as determined by measurement or calculation. 2. a device for measuring distance, volume, etc, such as a graduated scale or container. 3. a system of measurement: give the size in metric measure.4. a standard used in a system of measurements: the international prototype kilogram is the measure of mass in SI units.5. a specific or standard amount of something: a measure of grain; short measure; full measure. measurement is a result obtained by measuring something. Check the measurements carefully. Every measurement was exact. 2. 'measure'. You do not use 'measurement' to refer to an action taken by a government."
"Represent the following document",
"Measurement is a process that uses numbers to describe things based on what we can observe about them. This is done to be able to compare them to each other. We can measure how big things are, how warm they are, how heavy they are, and lots of other features as well. Units of Measurement provide standards for our comparisons, so that the numbers from our measurements refer to the same thing. For example, the metre is a standard unit to measure length."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A unit of measurement is a standardised quantity of a physical property, used as a factor to express occurring quantities of that property. Units of measurement were among the earliest tools invented by humans."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Measurement Index. Measurement is finding a number that shows the size or amount of something. There are two main Systems of Measurement: Metric and US Standard."
"A unit of measurement is a definite magnitude of a physical quantity, defined and adopted by convention and/or by law, that is used as a standard for measurement of the same physical quantity. Any other value of the physical quantity can be expressed as a simple multiple of the unit of measurement."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Measurement is finding a number that shows the size or amount of something. There are two main Systems of Measurement: Metric and US Standard."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"standard. An exact value, a physical entity, or an abstract concept, established and defined by authority, custom, or common consent to serve as a reference, model, or rule in measuring quantities or qualities, establishing practices or procedures, or evaluating results. A fixed quantity or quality."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"In the classical definition, which is standard throughout the physical sciences, measurement is the determination or estimation of ratios of quantities. Quantity and measurement are mutually defined: quantitative attributes are those possible to measure, at least in principle.n the natural sciences and engineering, measurements do not apply to nominal properties of objects or events, which is consistent with the guidelines of the International vocabulary of metrology published by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures."
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"stan·dard. adj. 1. Serving as or conforming to an established or accepted measurement or value: a standard unit of volume. 2. Widely recognized or employed as a model of authority or excellence: a standard reference work."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Measurement of a physical quantity means comparing it with a known standard quantity. Each accepted standard quantity is a standard of measurement. It is called a unit.The measurement of a particular quantity is the same at all places and at all times."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"standard (or imperial) came from the use of human body parts to measure things-a foot = the length of the king's foot. of course, they'd have to change the measurement every time a new king comes by. metric uses the concept of x10, it came much later. it wasn't until the 1800s/1900s that it was introduced."
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"The ruler length and width measurements reflected the largest bias, regardless of wound shape [8]. The standard error of measurement (SEM) is defined as the difference between an observed score and a true score, so the SEM is an indication of the imprecision of a measurement technique [17]."
] |
"A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"who founded the kuomintang world history"
] | [
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The Kuomintang was founded by Sun Yat-sen. The group was led by Chiang Kai-shek throughout the civil war. Important generals included Bai Chongxi and Chen Cheng.The Communist Party of China, or CPC, was led by Mao Zedong.he Kuomintang was founded by Sun Yat-sen. The group was led by Chiang Kai-shek throughout the civil war. Important generals included Bai Chongxi and Chen Cheng."
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Warn Industries is based in Clackamas, Oregon, a suburb of Portland. History The company was founded in 1948 by Arthur Warn, who invented a locking hub system designed for use on surplus World War II Jeep vehicles."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"Though the KMT lost the civil war with the Communist Party of China in 1949, the party took control of Taiwan and remains a major political party of the Republic of China based in Taiwan. Founded in 1912 by Sun Yat-sen, the KMT helped topple the Qing Emperor and promoted modernization along Western lines.The party played a significant part in the first Chinese first National Assembly where is was the majority party.hese parties were united by Sun in 1919 under the title The Kuomintang of China. The new party returned to Guangzhou in China in 1920 where it set up a government but failed to achieve control of all of China. After the death of Yuan Shikai in 1916, China fractured into many regions controlled by warlords."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nE.g. ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Within three to four days, the shingles blisters can become open sores or ulcers. These ulcers can sometimes become infected with bacteria. In individuals with a healthy immune system, the sores crust over and are no longer infectious by day 7 to 10, and the rash generally disappears within three to four weeks.'] == ['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'how long does it take a shingles lesion to scab']",
"He is known as Chiang Chung-cheng (è£ä¸æ£, Jiaang Jhongjheng) or Chiang Chieh-shih (è£ä»ç³, Jiaang Jiehshih) in Standard Chinese. Chiang was an influential member of the Kuomintang (KMT), the Chinese Nationalist Party, and was a close ally of Sun Yat-sen.He became the Commandant of the Kuomintang's Whampoa Military Academy and took Sun's place as leader of the KMT when Sun died in 1925.nlike Sun Yat-sen, Chiang Kai-shek was socially conservative, promoting traditional Chinese culture in the New Life Movement and rejecting western democracy and the nationalist democratic socialism that Sun embraced in favour of an authoritarian government."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in 1921, of which Mao was one of fifty founding members, these activities were pursued with added energy and to a greater depth. Meanwhile, the major political party, the Kuomintang (KMT), was reorganized, and a coalition (partnership) was formed between the KMT and CCP."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it E.g. ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.', 'Mercury â\\x80\\x93 58 days and 15 hours. Venus â\\x80\\x93 243 Earth days. Earth â\\x80\\x93 23 hours and 56 minutes. Mars â\\x80\\x93 24 hours 39 minutes and 35 seconds. Jupiter â\\x80\\x93 9.9 Earth hours. Saturn â\\x80\\x93 10 hours 39 minutes and 24 seconds. Uranus â\\x80\\x93 17 hours 14 minutes and 24 seconds. Neptune â\\x80\\x93 16 hours 6 minutes and 36 seconds. Pluto â\\x80\\x93 6.39 Earth days'] == ['Represent the input', 'how long is a day on jupiter in earth days']",
"After the War when Japan was defeated, control of power in China was still disputed by the Kuomintang and Communist Party. The United States supported Kuomintang while Soviet Union was behind the CCP.The people of China were favoring the CCP because of the Republic of Chinaâs failure to improve the lives of the people.fter the War when Japan was defeated, control of power in China was still disputed by the Kuomintang and Communist Party. The United States supported Kuomintang while Soviet Union was behind the CCP."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Civil War Begins. In 1927 the rivalry became a war. Chiang Kai-shek of the Kuomintang decided to get rid of the CPC. The Kuomintang killed and arrested many of the CPC leaders in what is today called the Shanghai Massacre."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"The Akkadian Empire, founded by Sargon the Great, lasted from the 24th to the 21st century BC, and was regarded by many as the world's first Empire. The Akkadians eventually fragmented into Assyria and Babylonia."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"In 1271, Mongol Emperor Kublai Khan, who was a grandson of Genghis Khan, founded the Yuan (officially the Great Yuan) dynasty in the traditional Chinese style. The name of the dynasty originated from the ancient Chinese divination text I Ching and describes the âorigin of the universeâ or a âprimal forceâ."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Kampgrounds of America (KOA) is the world's largest system of privately held campgrounds with almost 500 locations across US and Canada. Known as KOA and featuring a distinctive yellow and red logo, Kampgrounds of America has become part of American popular culture.Founded in 1962 and still based in Billings, Montana, USA, the current CEO of Kampgrounds of America Inc. is James D. Rogers.OA was founded in 1962. Billings, Montana businessman Dave Drum got the idea to start the campgrounds while walking his property along the Yellowstone River and seeing travellers heading to the Seattle World's Fair."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Chiang Kai-shek was a Chinese political leader who served as the leader of the Republic of China for almost five decades. Also known as Chiang Chung-cheng and Chiang Chieh-shih, he was an influential member of the Kuomintang (KMT), the Chinese Nationalist Party."
"represent text\n\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"Raleigh is the capital of the state of North Carolina and the seat of Wake County in the United States. Raleigh is the second largest city in the state of North Carolina, behind only Charlotte. Raleigh is known as the City of Oaks for its many oak trees, which line the streets in the heart of the city. The city covers a land area of 142.8 square miles. The U.S. Census Bureau estimated the city's population as 451,066 as of July 1, 2015. It is one of the fastest-growing cities in the country. T\"]\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what county is raleigh, nc']\"",
"Genhis Khan Mausoleum. The Yuan Dynasty (1279â1368) was China's first foreign-led dynasty, in between the Chinese Song and Ming dynasties. It was established by Kublai Khan, leader of the vast Mongol Empire, and fell into internal rebellion after it lost touch with its Mongol roots. Facts About the Yuan Dynasty The Yuan empire was founded by an illiterate nomad named Genghis Khan. The Yuan Dynasty, ruled by Kublai from 1279, was the first foreign-led dynasty in ancient China. Kublai's empire was the first to use paper money as the main currency."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"He is known as Jiang Jieshi or Jiang Zhongzheng in Mandarin Chinese. Chiang was an influential member of the Kuomintang, or Nationalist Party, and was a close ally of Sun Yat-sen. He became the Commandant of the Kuomintang's Whampoa Military Academy, and took Sun's place as leader of the KMT when Sun died in 1925.nlike Sun Yat-sen, Chiang Kai-shek was socially conservative, promoting traditional Chinese culture in the New Life Movement and rejecting western democracy and the nationalist democratic socialism that Sun Yat-sen and some other members of the KMT embraced in favor of a nationalist authoritarian government."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The People's Republic of China (PRC) was founded in 1949 after the Communist Party defeated the nationalist Kuomintang, who retreated to Taiwan, creating two rival Chinese states - the PRC on the mainland and the Republic of China based on Taiwan."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The party grew quickly, and by 1949 the CPC had driven the Kuomintang (KMT) government from mainland China after a 10-year civil war, thus leading to the establishment of the People's Republic of China."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n------\nE.g.:\n['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"'Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer' was originally performed by Elmo and Patsy Shropshire in 1979. It was written be Randy Brooks. See related links for more information about this silly, beloved and endearing Chistmas melody.\"] == ['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'who sang grandma got run over by a reindeer']",
"The party grew quickly, and by 1949 the CPC had driven the Kuomintang (KMT) government from mainland China after a 10-year civil war, thus leading to the establishment of the People's Republic of China. The CPC is currently the world's second largest political party with a membership of 87.79 million as of 2015."
"Represent this.",
"In 1980, the National Womenâs History Project (NWHP) was founded in Santa Rosa, California by Molly Murphy MacGregor, Mary Ruthsdotter, Maria Cuevas, Paula Hammett and Bette Morgan to broadcast womenâs historical achievements."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"The Kumquat is thought to have originated in Southern Japan and China. It was originally known as the âgam kwatâ with an early reference in the 12th century. Kumquats are loved for their oval, oblong or round tiny fruit that produce abundantly on small trees in the ground or in containers."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Theodor Herzl. The Hungarian-born Austrian Jewish author Theodor Herzl (1860-1904) founded the World Zionist Organization and served as its first president. Theodor Herzl, son of Jacob and Jeanette Herzl, was born on May 2, 1860, in Budapest, Hungary, where he attended elementary and secondary schools."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"The Ashanti are believed to descend from Abyssinians, who were pushed south by the Egyptian forces. The Ashanti Empire was founded in 1670 and the Ashanti capital Kumasi was founded in 1680 the late 17th century by Asantehene (emperor) Osei Kofi Tutu I on the advice of ÆkÍ»mfoÍ» AnÍ»kye, his premier."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nFewshot example: \"['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.', '10 hilariously insightful foreign words. Butterfly clips are clips that have two halves connected by a hinge and held closed by a spring that, when squeezed, opens up so that the halves resemble butterfly wings. When closed, the spring holds the clip clamped shut onto whatever object it was placed around.0 hilariously insightful foreign words. Butterfly clips are clips that have two halves connected by a hinge and held closed by a spring that, when squeezed, opens up so that the halves resemble butterfly wings. When closed, the spring holds the clip clamped shut onto whatever object it was placed around.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is a butterfly clip']\"",
"The war was interrupted when Japan invaded China in 1936 and by World War II. The war was fought between the nationalist government of China, also called the Kuomintang (KMT), and the Communist Party of China (CPC). Dates: 1927-1936, 1945 - 1950."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Powhatan, also called Wahunsenacah or Wahunsenacawh (died April 1618, Virginia [U.S.]), North American Indian leader, father of Pocahontas. He presided over the Powhatan empire at the time the English established the Jamestown Colony (1607). Powhatan had inherited rulership of an empire of six tribes from his father."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"In 1926, with the north extension of Northern Expedition, the center of Great Revolution shifted from the Pearl River basin to the Yangtze River basin. On 26 November 1926, the KMT Central Political Committee decided to move the capital to Wuhan.ts main objective was to unify China under the Kuomintang banner by ending the rule of local warlords. The Northern Expedition kicked off on May 20, 1926. It led to the demise of the Beiyang government and the Chinese reunification of 1928."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"In exile, Sun Yat-sen and other former KMT members founded several revolutionary parties under various names but with little success. These parties were united by Sun in 1919 under the title The Kuomintang of China.ounded in 1912 by Sun Yat-sen, the KMT helped topple the Qing Emperor and promoted modernization along Western lines. The party played a significant part in the first Chinese first National Assembly where is was the majority party. However the KMT failed to achieve complete control."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Kublai Khan (1279-1294). Mongol leader Genghis Khan began launching raids into present-day China almost immediately after uniting the nomadic tribes of the Mongolian plateau in 1206. His grandson Kublai Khan completed the conquest in 1279, bringing all of China under foreign rule for the first time. Kublai, who founded the Yuan Dynasty, deemed the Chinese legally inferior and recruited outsiders such as Venetian merchant Marco Polo to administer the realm."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Six years later, the Nationalist Party or Kuomintang under Chiang Kai-shek massacred at least 5,000 communists in Shanghai. This was the start of China's Civil War. That fall, Mao led the Autumn Harvest Uprising in Changsha against the Kuomintang (KMT).The KMT crushed Mao's peasant army, killing 90% of them and forcing the survivors out into the countryside, where they rallied more peasants to their cause.hat fall, Mao led the Autumn Harvest Uprising in Changsha against the Kuomintang (KMT). The KMT crushed Mao's peasant army, killing 90% of them and forcing the survivors out into the countryside, where they rallied more peasants to their cause."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Several provinces declared independence from the Qing Dynasty and on January 1, 1912 elected Sun Yatsen as the first Provisional President of China. However he was unable to get enough support from other provinces and the military under the strong leadership of military general Yuan Shikai.fter the War when Japan was defeated, control of power in China was still disputed by the Kuomintang and Communist Party. The United States supported Kuomintang while Soviet Union was behind the CCP."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"History. Burning Spear was founded on July 14, 1993 by three student leaders who recognized an opportunity to unite students, faculty, alumni, and community members who all shared a desire to make Florida State University a world class institution."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he served as a member of the Central People's Government Council. [p. 313] A reference to an armed insurrection launched by the Communist Party to combat the Kuomintang counter-revolutionary force after the failure of the Great Revolution in 1927.e was one of the main founders of the Chinese Communist Party and served as its principal leader for the first six years. In the later period of the First Revolutionary Civil War, he committed the serious error of Right capitulationism."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"In China itself, it is now acknowledged that both the Kuomintang and the Communists had an important role to play in defeating Japan. Chiang, not Mao, was the internationally acknowledged leader of China during this period, and despite the many flaws of his government, he maintained resistance to the end."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Well, The Mongol Empire was founded by Chinggis Khaan in 1206. In 1911, Mongolia declared independence, but had to struggle until 1921 to firmly establish de-facto independenc ⦠e, and until 1945 to gain international recognition."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Biography Cold War. Biography: Mao Zedong (also called Mao Tse-tung) founded the People's Republic of China and was the primary leader of the country from its establishment in 1949 until his death in 1976. Mao also led the communist revolution in China and fought against the Nationalist Party in the Chinese Civil War.n 1949 Mao Zedong founded the People's Republic of China. Mao was the Chairman of the Communist Party and the absolute leader of China. He was a brutal leader, insuring his power by executing anyone who disagreed with him. He also set up labor camps where millions of people were sent and many died."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Synopsis. The grandson of Genghis Khan, the founder of the Mongol Empire, Kublai Khan was the fifth Great Khan of the Mongol Empire (1260-1294) and the founder of the Yuan Dynasty in China."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The Bauhaus was founded in 1919 in the city of Weimar by German architect Walter Gropius (18831969). Its core objective was a radical concept: to reimagine the material world to reflect the unity of all the arts.ropius stepped down as director of the Bauhaus in 1928, succeeded by the architect Hannes Meyer (18891954). Meyer maintained the emphasis on mass-producible design and eliminated parts of the curriculum he felt were overly formalist in nature."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The party grew quickly, and by 1949 the CPC had driven the Kuomintang (KMT) government from mainland China after a 10-year civil war, thus leading to the establishment of the People's Republic of China.The CPC is currently the world's second largest political party with a membership of 87.79 million as of 2015.he party grew quickly, and by 1949 the CPC had driven the Kuomintang (KMT) government from mainland China after a 10-year civil war, thus leading to the establishment of the People's Republic of China."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent the next text', 'Contemporary Living Room Designs [Get the Look] The living room is a statement of personal identity, ambition and fancy. Dress up yours to offer fascinating insights and impressions, while creating delectable invitations for those who come visiting.']\" Match: \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is a contemporary look for living room']\"",
"... after Dr. Sun's death in 1925, Chiang took over Kuomintang, subdued feudal warlords, and became ruler of mainland China from 1928 to 1949, when the Chinese Communists won the civil war. Chiang, together with the remaining Nationalist forces, moved to the island of Taiwan (Formosa), where he set up a government-in-exile. SOURCE: Duke University Libraries Article: Generalissimo and Madame Chiang Kai-shek"
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Theodor Herzl. Theodor Herzl (May 2, 1860 â July 3, 1904) was an Austro-Hungarian Jewish journalist and playwright who became the founder of modern political Zionism.His Hebrew personal name was Binyamin Ze'ev.The Dreyfus Affair convinced Herzl that assimilation into European society would not protect Jews from anti-Semitism and that the creation of a Jewish state was the only solution.arly Life. Herzl was born in Budapest. He settled in Vienna in his boyhood, and was educated there for the law, taking the required Austrian legal degrees, but he devoted himself almost exclusively to journalism and literature."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Northern Expedition, in modern Chinese history, the military campaign by which the Kuomintang party overthrew the warlord-backed Beijing government and established a new government at Nanjing. Wu P'ei-fu-Wu P'ei-fu Wu P'ei-fu, 1874â1939, Chinese general and political leader. 2 He had a 3 ... Chang Tso-lin-Chang Tso-lin Chang Tso-lin, 1873â1928, Chinese general. 4 Chang was of humble birth."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"On the eve of the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1937, the Kuomintang or Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT), and the Communist Party of China (CPC) joined in a United Front against Japan."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"They produced the alphabet from which Greece and Rome developed theirs. They are credited with inventing the bireme. The Phoenicians were conquered by Cyrus the Great of Persia in 539 BC, and then were divided into four vassal kingdoms thereafter."
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"Chiang Kai-shek, the head of the Kuomintang, warned the Soviet Union and other foreign countries about interfering in Chinese affairs. He was personally angry at the way China was treated by foreigners, mainly by the Soviet Union, Britain, and the United States.hese parties were united by Sun in 1919 under the title The Kuomintang of China. The new party returned to Guangzhou in China in 1920 where it set up a government but failed to achieve control of all of China. After the death of Yuan Shikai in 1916, China fractured into many regions controlled by warlords."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Chinese Communist Party. Inspired by the Russian Revolution the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was established in Shanghai by Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao in June 1921. Early members included Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De and Lin Biao.Following instructions from the Comintern members also joined the Kuomintang.nspired by the Russian Revolution the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was established in Shanghai by Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao in June 1921."
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"During the Chinese Civil War between the Kuomintang (KMT) and the CPC, Mao helped to found the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, led the Jiangxi Soviet's radical land policies and ultimately became head of the CPC during the Long March."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Qing dynasty was finally overthrown in the Chinese Revolution of 1911. Sun Yat-sen briefly became president and with Song Jiaoren established he Kuomintang (National People's Party). When the party was suppressed in 1913 by General Yuan Shikai, Sun Yat-sen escaped to Japan."
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"Kublai Khan, grandson of Genghis Khan, wanting to adopt the customs of China, established the Yuan dynasty. This was the first dynasty to rule the whole of China from Beijing as the capital. Beijing had been ceded to Liao in AD 938 with the Sixteen Prefectures of Yan Yun."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Chinese military and political leader Chiang Kai-shek joined the Chinese Nationalist Party (known as the Kuomintang, or KMT) in 1918. Succeeding party founder Sun Yat-sen as KMT leader in 1925, he expelled Chinese communists from the party and led a successful unification of China."
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"HongwuCourtesy of the National Palace Museum, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of ChinaThe Ming dynasty, which succeeded the Yuan (Mongol) dynasty (1206â1368), was founded by Zhu Yuanzhang. Zhu, who was of humble origins, later assumed the reign title of Hongwu."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"China under Mao 1949-1976. After the ending of the Sino-Japanese War in 1945, the Chinese Civil War immediately started. In 1949, the Communist Party of China (CCP) defeated the Republic of China, which was led by the Kuomintang (KMT, Chinese Nationalist Party)."
"They are believed to be native to China and were included in the genus Citrus until about 1915 when Dr. Walter T. Swingle set them apart in the genus Fortunella. (in honor of the British horticulturist, Robert Fortune who introduced the kumquat to Europe in 1846)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Kublai Khan (1215-94) . The founder of China's Yuan (Mongol) Dynasty was a brilliant general and statesman named Kublai Khan. He was the grandson of the great Mongol conqueror, Genghis Khan, and he was overlord of the vast Mongol Empire."
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"After World War II, the civil war between the ruling Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China resumed, despite attempts at mediation by the United States. The Nationalist Government began drafting the Constitution of the Republic of China under a National Assembly, but was boycotted by the communists."
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"The Hungarian-born Austrian Jewish author Theodor Herzl (1860-1904) founded the World Zionist Organization and served as its first president. Theodor Herzl, son of Jacob and Jeanette Herzl, was born on May 2, 1860, in Budapest, Hungary, where he attended elementary and secondary schools."
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"In 1895, Swarovski, financier Armand Kosman, and Franz Weis founded the Swarovski company, originally known as A. Kosmann, D. Swarovski & Co. and shortened to KS & Co. The company established a crystal-cutting factory in Wattens, Tyrol , to take advantage of local hydroelectricity for the energy-intensive grinding processes Daniel Swarovski had patented."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Some sixty years prior to the series, Avatar Aang and Fire Lord Zuko founded the United Republic of Nations, and its capital Republic City. In the following years, Aang married Katara and they have three children: Bumi (named for Aang's old friend), Kya (after Katara's deceased mother), and Tenzin."
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"The announcement ended the costly full-scale civil war between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Nationalist Party, or Kuomintang (KMT), which broke out immediately following World War II and had been preceded by on and off conflict between the two sides since the 1920âs."
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"Kublai was the fifth Khagan of the Mongol Empire, reigning from 1260 to 1294. He also founded the Yuan dynasty in China as a conquest dynasty in 1271, and ruled as the first Yuan emperor until his death in 1294. Kublai was the fourth son of Tolui and a grandson of Genghis Khan. He succeeded his older brother Möngke as Khagan in 1260, but had to defeat his younger brother Ariq Böke in the Toluid Civil War lasting until 1264. This episode marked the beginning of disunity in the empire ..."
"Represent the input.",
"The Bauhaus was founded in 1919 in the city of Weimar by German architect Walter Gropius (18831969). Its core objective was a radical concept: to reimagine the material world to reflect the unity of all the arts."
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"founder, Konko Daijin was raised, saved many people and passed away in Japan. We will celebrate the Konko Missions in Hawaii 90th An-niversary on Sunday, September 4, this year. September 5, 1926 was the day the âKonkokyo Hawaii Mamichi Kaiâ was officially established. It was the beginning of the Konko Missions in Hawaii."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Sun Yat-sen is revered as the founding father (Father of the Countryâåç¶) of the Republic of China. Huangdi (reigned between 2698 and 2598 BC) is revered as the legendary founder and initiator of Chinese civilization. Czechoslovakia. Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk, first President of Czechoslovakia, known as President Liberator. England"
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"World Trade Organization History It is important to note that the world trade organization history began officially in 1995. The WTO was created to replace the existing trade program the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) founded in 1948."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"In exile, Sun Yat-sen and other former KMT members founded several revolutionary parties under various names but with little success. These parties were united by Sun in 1919 under the title The Kuomintang of China.The new party returned to Guangzhou in China in 1920 where it set up a government but failed to achieve control of all of China. After the death of Yuan Shikai in 1916, China fractured into many regions controlled by warlords.hese parties were united by Sun in 1919 under the title The Kuomintang of China. The new party returned to Guangzhou in China in 1920 where it set up a government but failed to achieve control of all of China. After the death of Yuan Shikai in 1916, China fractured into many regions controlled by warlords."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Carl Linnaeus (/lɪËniËÉs/ ; 23 May 1707 â 10 January 1778), also known after his ennoblement as Carl von Linne (. [linné ËkÉËÉ ËfÉnË]. ), lɪËneË was A swedish, botanist, physician and, zoologist who laid the foundations for the modern biological naming scheme of binomial. nomenclature"
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"While in exile, several of the former KMT members including Sun-Yat-Sen founded a number of revolutionary parties that come with several names, although there was hardly any success in their attempts. Then, Sun united these revolutionary parties in 1919, and called the single party the Kuomintang of China.un-Yat-Sen founded the KMT party in 1912, and the political organization helped in promoting the great ideals of modernization along the Western lines."
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"Following the Chinese Civil War and the victory of Mao Zedong 's Communist forces over the Kuomintang forces of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, who fled to Taiwan, Mao declared the founding of the People's Republic of China on October 1, 1949.he PRC has for several decades been synonymous with China, but it is only the most recent political entity to govern mainland China, preceded by the Republic of China (ROC) and thousands of years of imperial dynasties."
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"He co-founded the revolutionary Pushpin Studios in 1954, founded New York Magazine with Clay Felker in 1968, established Milton Glaser, Inc. in 1974, and teamed with Walter Bernard in 1983 to form the publication design firm WBMG. Throughout his career, Glaser has been a prolific creator of posters and prints. His artwork has been featured in exhibits worldwide, including one-man shows at both the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris and the Museum of Modern Art in New York."
"Represent text:",
"In 1271, Kublai Khan founded the Yuan Dynasty, which coexisted with the Southern Song Dynasty. Kublai sent large armies against the Song people in the 1270s. In 1276, the Mongols captured the Song capital of Hangzhou and most of the Song Dynasty clan."
] |
"Represent this",
"average human stomach size"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Almost every animal has a stomach. The human stomach is a muscular, elastic, pear-shaped bag, lying crosswise in the abdominal cavity beneath the diaphragm. It changes size and shape according to is position of the body and the amount of food inside. The stomach is about 12 inches (30.5 cm) long and is 6 inches. (15.2 cm) wide at its widest point. The stomach's capacity is about 1 qt (0.94 liters) in an adult. Food enters the stomach from the esophagus. The connection between the stomach and the esophagus is called the cardiac sphincter."
] | [
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"The average adult stomach holds about three quarts (three liters) of fluid. Your stomach is made up of a variety of layers, including: The serosa - the outer layer that acts as a covering for the other layers. Two muscle layers - the middle layers that propel food from the stomach into the small intestine."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Differences Between Fetal Pig and Human Body. System A human heart is the size of a human fist and a fetal pig heart is the size of a grape. As you can see they are similar in shape even though the human heart is bigger than the fetal pig heart. They both have the same function in giving a living thing life.ome things that fetal pigs have that we do not have is a tail. The fatal pigs tail is a vertebrae that we do not have, do to our structure. We also do not have those big pointy ears. We have them curved. Fetal Pig Ear and Tail Human Ear Fetal Pig Stomach Human Stomach Bibliography Stomach.. Human Stomach."
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"Depending on his age and size, his stomach can be around 4 or 5 inches wide and 8 to 10 inches long. As your teenager grows, the size of his stomach inches toward the size of the average adult stomach, which can comfortably hold 1 to 2 liters of food and liquid after a meal.Try to encourage your teen to eat within these limits â although taming that teenage hunger may be easier said than done.s your teenager grows, the size of his stomach inches toward the size of the average adult stomach, which can comfortably hold 1 to 2 liters of food and liquid after a meal. Try to encourage your teen to eat within these limits â although taming that teenage hunger may be easier said than done."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The. Encyclopaedia Encyclopædia, Britannica. Inc the human stomach is Roughly-j shaped and is located in the upper left side of the. Abdomen the stomach of an adult is about 10 (inches 25) centimeters long and can easily expand to hold about a (quart a) liter of. Food the wall of the stomach is composed of four. layershe. Encyclopaedia Encyclopædia, Britannica. Inc the human stomach is Roughly-j shaped and is located in the upper left side of the. Abdomen the stomach of an adult is about 10 (inches 25) centimeters long and can easily expand to hold about a (quart a) liter of. Food the wall of the stomach is composed of four. layers"
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"The stomach volume ranges from about 30 mL in a neonate to 1.5 to 2. L in adulthood. The stomach is recognizable in the fourth week of gestation as a dilation of the distal foregut ( Fig. 45-1 ).[1] As the stomach enlarges, the dorsal aspect grows more rapidly than the ventral aspect, thus forming the greater curvature. Additionally, during the enlargement process, the stomach."
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"The average stomach can hold about 1 liter of fluid. It does expand after consuming a meal -- whether it's a smorgasbord or a healthy salad. Then it shrinks back to its original size once the food begins its journey to the intestines.urprisingly, people who are over 300 pounds don't have a stomach that's bigger than the average 1 liter volume, Dr. Holly Lofton, director of weight management at NYU Langone Medical Center, told CBS News."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"The stomach's capacity is about 1 qt (0.94 liters) in an adult.he stomach's capacity is about 1 qt (0.94 liters) in an adult."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The. Encyclopaedia Encyclopædia, Britannica. Inc the human stomach is Roughly-j shaped and is located in the upper left side of the. Abdomen the stomach of an adult is about 10 (inches 25) centimeters long and can easily expand to hold about a (quart a) liter of. foodhe. Encyclopaedia Encyclopædia, Britannica. Inc the human stomach is Roughly-j shaped and is located in the upper left side of the. Abdomen the stomach of an adult is about 10 (inches 25) centimeters long and can easily expand to hold about a (quart a) liter of. Food the wall of the stomach is composed of four. layers"
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n------\n\nFor instance, <<['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\\n\\nFewshot example: \"The Largest Animal Ever: The Blue Whale. The blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) is a marine mammal belonging to the suborder of baleen whales. At 30 metres (98 ft) in length and 180 metric tons (200 short tons) or more in weight, it is the largest known animal to have ever existed.\" == \"which is the biggest whale?\"', 'Modern scales have many features to make weighing jewelry and precious metals easy including auto calibration, one button tare or zeroing, and usually several different weight measurement scales including gram, Oz, OzT, ct, and even dtw pennyweight. 1 Scale Pan Small Size. $4.95 Add To Cart.']>> to \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results:', 'what scales do you use to wait jewelry']\"",
"In adult humans, the stomach has a relaxed, near empty volume of about 45 to 75 milliliters. Because it is a distensible organ, it normally expands to hold about one litre of food. The stomach of a newborn human baby will only be able to retain about 30 milliliters."
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"The human spleen is located in the upper left part of the abdomen, just below the diaphragm and behind the stomach. It is a small organ, not larger than the size of a fist. The average human spleen is about 12 cm in length, 7cm in height, 4cm thick and it weighs 150 gm approximately."
"represent the natural language",
"Quick Answer. The human stomach can hold about 33 ounces of food and liquid, according to The Washington Post. At rest, it is about the size of a closed human fist, but can expand to the size of a full water balloon. Keep Learning."
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"The average length of the small intestine in an adult human male is 6.9 m (22 ft 8 in), and 7.1 m (23 ft 4 in) in an adult female. It can vary greatly, from as short as 4.6 m (15 ft) to as long as 9.8 m (32 ft).he small intestine or small bowel is the part of the gastrointestinal tract between the stomach and the large intestine, and is where much of the digestion and absorption of food takes place. The small intestine has three distinct regions â the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The human stomach is roughly J-shaped and is located in the upper left side of the abdomen.The stomach of an adult is about 10 inches (25 centimeters) long and can easily expand to hold about a quart (a liter) of food. The wall of the stomach is composed of four layers.he. Encyclopaedia Encyclopædia, Britannica. Inc the human stomach is Roughly-j shaped and is located in the upper left side of the. Abdomen the stomach of an adult is about 10 (inches 25) centimeters long and can easily expand to hold about a (quart a) liter of. Food the wall of the stomach is composed of four. layers"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Get help from a doctor now âº. 6.9 m: The average length of the small intestine in an adult human male is 6.9 m (22 feet 6 inches), and in an adult female 7.1 m (23 feet 4 inches). It can vary greatly, from as short as 4.6 m (15 feet) to as long as 9.8 m (32 feet)."
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"It changes size and shape according to is position of the body and the amount of food inside. The stomach is about 12 inches (30.5 cm) long and is 6 inches. (15.2 cm) wide at its widest point. The stomach's capacity is about 1 qt (0.94 liters) in an adult.Food enters the stomach from the esophagus. The connection between the stomach and the esophagus is called the cardiac sphincter. The cardiac sphincter prevents food from passing back to the esophagus.he stomach's capacity is about 1 qt (0.94 liters) in an adult. Food enters the stomach from the esophagus. The connection between the stomach and the esophagus is called the cardiac sphincter."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Quick Answer. The stomach of an adult is about the size of a fist. This organ has the ability to expand as much as 40 times its original size in order to hold a big meal or large fluid intake."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"From the Textbooks of Anatomy: According to Ross the capacity of the average stomach varies from 1-2 liters and the normal weight range is from 125-175 grams.rom the Textbooks of Anatomy: According to Ross the capacity of the average stomach varies from 1-2 liters and the normal weight range is from 125-175 grams."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"6.9 m: The average length of the small intestine in an adult human male is 6.9 m (22 feet 6 inches), and in an adult female 7.1 m (23 feet 4 inches). It can vary greatly, from as short as 4.6 m (15 feet) to as long as 9.8 m (32 feet)."
"Represent the next text",
"The volume of the human stomach varies depending on the person. Generally, human stomachs have a volume about one liter, which is a little more than one quart. Since the stomach has the ability to expand, it can hold much more food. The human stomach can be distended up to four liters, which is more than one gallon. Imagine your stomach to be an empty one-gallon milk carton. There is plenty room for food!"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Confidence votes 10. The average adult stomach can hold approximately 4 liters or (1 gallon) of food. The average adult stomach can hold approximately 4 liters or (1 gallon) of food."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The volume of the human stomach varies depending on the person. Generally, human stomachs have a volume about one liter, which is a little more than one quart. Since the stomach has the ability to expand, it can hold much more food. The human stomach can be distended up to four liters, which is more than one gallon. Imagine your stomach to be an empty one-gallon milk carton."
"Normal Kidney Size of Adults. When fully developed, the kidneys are roughly the size of a fist. In more precise measurements, the average size of an adult human kidney is about 10 to 13 cm (4 to 5 inches) long, approximately 5 to 7.5 cm (2 to 3 inches) wide and about 2 to 2.5 cm (1 inch) thick."
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"A peritoneal fold, the gastrosplenic ligament, extends from the fundus of the stomach to the spleen. The capacity of the stomach varies individually and with age: in the newborn it is between 20 and 30 cu cm; in an adult, up to 2,500 cu cm. The wall of the stomach consists of three coats."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"6.9 m: The average length of the small intestine in an adult human male is 6.9 m (22 feet 6 inches), and in an adult female 7.1 m (23 feet 4 inches). It can vary greatly, from as short as 4.6 m (15 feet) to as long as 9.8 m (32 feet). ...Read more."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A fetal pig stomach looks like a small inflatable balloon, and the size of a human stomach is the size of a fist. They both have the overlap where the duodenum meets the jejunum in the small intestine.ome things that fetal pigs have that we do not have is a tail. The fatal pigs tail is a vertebrae that we do not have, do to our structure. We also do not have those big pointy ears. We have them curved. Fetal Pig Ear and Tail Human Ear Fetal Pig Stomach Human Stomach Bibliography Stomach.. Human Stomach."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nTo give you a sense - \"['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Indications: Phenylbutazone Powder [Bute] Citrus is for the relief of inflammatory conditions associated with the musculoskeletal system in horses. Phenylbute Powder is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). Dosage and Administration: Consult your veterinarian.']\" should be close to \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'equine bute powder']\"",
"The normal human stomach has a pH which can range from approximately 1-3 but is usually closer to 2. When there is food in the stomach the pH can raise to as high as 4-5. After the food leaves the stomach bicarbonate ions are secreted to neutralize and alkalinize the mixture. The pH of the small intestine is approximately 8. As far as how long food stays in your stomach it depends on what that food is."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"For example, a 2011 size 0 is equivalent to a 2001 size 2, and is larger than a 1970 size 6 or 1958 size 8. Modern size 0 clothing, depending on brand and style, fits measurements of chest-stomach-hips from 30-22-32 inches (76-56-81 cm) to 33-25-35 inches (84-64-89 cm)."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nExamples:\n\n\"['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.', \"Fiscal policy is the use of government revenue and spending to influence the economy. / Credit: Lightspring | Shutterstock.com. One of the factors that helps determine the country's economic direction is fiscal policy. The government uses fiscal policy to influence the economy by adjusting revenue and spending levels. In the United States, both the executive and legislative branches of the government determine fiscal policy.\"]\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'describe what is meant by fiscal policy.']\"",
"Since the average length of the human colon is 160.5 cm and the average inner circumference of the colon is 6.2 cm. the inner surface epithelial area of the human colon has an average area of about 995 sq cm, which includes 9,950,000 (close to 10 million) crypts."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Your stomach is a hollow organ that is shaped like the letter âJâ. Adult stomachs generally weigh approximately 4.5 oz. and can hold 4 to 8 pints of food. The stomachâs job is to use the 2.5 quarts of water, hydrochloric acid and pepsin -- an enzyme that breaks down proteins -- to digest your food into a paste. This paste, called chyme, is then passed through the duodenum and into your excretory system."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The normal human stomach has a pH which can range from approximately 1-3 but is usually closer to 2. When there is food in the stomach the pH can raise to as high as 4-5. After the food leaves the stomach bicarbonate ions are secreted to neutralize and alkalinize the mixture."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Answer 1: As with most questions that pertain to human anatomy there is a lot of natural variation. The normal human stomach has a pH which can range from approximately 1-3 but is usually closer to 2. When there is food in the stomach the pH can raise to as high as 4-5."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"6.9 m: The average length of the small intestine in an adult human male is 6.9 m (22 feet 6 inches), and in an adult female 7.1 m (23 feet 4 inches).It can vary greatly, from as short as 4.6 m (15 feet) to as long as 9.8 m (32 feet)....Read more..9 m: The average length of the small intestine in an adult human male is 6.9 m (22 feet 6 inches), and in an adult female 7.1 m (23 feet 4 inches)."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"In brief: 6.9 m. The average length of the small intestine in an adult human male is 6. 9 m (22 feet 6 inches), and in an adult female 7.1 m (23 feet 4 inches). It can vary greatly, from as short as 4.6 m (15 feet) to as long as 9.8 m (32 feet). In brief: 6.9 m. The average length of the small intestine in an adult human male is 6. 9 m (22 feet 6 inches), and in an adult female 7.1 m (23 feet 4 inches). It can vary greatly, from as short as 4.6 m (15 feet) to as long as 9.8 m (32 feet)."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The average length of the small intestine in an adult human male is 6.9 m (22 ft 8 in), and 7.1 m (23 ft 4 in) in an adult female.It can vary greatly, from as short as 4.6 m (15 ft) to as long as 9.8 m (32 ft).he average length of the small intestine in an adult human male is 6.9 m (22 ft 8 in), and 7.1 m (23 ft 4 in) in an adult female."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"How big is the human stomach? A: The stomach of an adult is about the size of a fist. This organ has the ability to expand as much as 40 times its original size in order to hold a big meal or large fluid intake. Continue Reading."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Human digestive system - Esophagus: The esophagus, which passes food from the pharynx to the stomach, is about 25 cm (10 inches) in length; the width varies from 1.5 to 2 cm (about 1 inch). The esophagus lies behind the trachea and heart and in front of the spinal column; it passes through the diaphragm before entering the stomach."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Get help from a doctor now âº. 6.9 m: The average length of the small intestine in an adult human male is 6.9 m (22 feet 6 inches), and in an adult female 7.1 m (23 feet 4 inches). It can vary greatly, from as short as 4.6 m (15 feet) to as long as 9.8 m (32 feet)....Read more..9 m: The average length of the small intestine in an adult human male is 6.9 m (22 feet 6 inches), and in an adult female 7.1 m (23 feet 4 inches)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The stomach of a newborn human baby will only be able to retain about 30 millilitres. Sections. In classical anatomy, the human stomach is divided into four sections, beginning at the gastric cardia, each of which has different cells and functions. The cardia is where the contents of the oesophagus empty into the stomach."
"Represent the natural language.",
"In adult humans, the stomach has a relaxed, near empty volume of about 75 millilitres. Because it is a distensible organ, it normally expands to hold about one litre of food. The stomach of a newborn human baby will only be able to retain about 30 millilitres."
"exists and is an alternate of . The average adult stomach can hold approximately 4 liters or (1 gallon) of food. The average adult stomach can hold approximately 4 liters or (1 gallon) of food. Minor edit?"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"The Trenta, available only for iced drinks, will be in every U.S. Starbucks by May 3. The 31oz addition to the Starbucks lineup is 325mL larger than Starbucks' previous largest size, the Venti. At 916 mL, the Trenta is actually larger than the average capacity of the adult human stomach (900mL).From the National Post :he 31oz addition to the Starbucks lineup is 325mL larger than Starbucks' previous largest size, the Venti. At 916 mL, the Trenta is actually larger than the average capacity of the adult human stomach (900mL). From the National Post :"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1. Get help from a doctor now âº. 6.9 m: The average length of the small intestine in an adult human male is 6.9 m (22 feet 6 inches), and in an adult female 7.1 m (23 feet 4 inches). It can vary greatly, from as short as 4.6 m (15 feet) to as long as 9.8 m (32 feet)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"It is approximately 2.5â3 cm in diameter. The surface area of the human small intestinal mucosa averages 30 square meter. The small intestine is divided into three structural parts. The duodenum is a short structure (about 20â25 cm long) continuous with the stomach and shaped like a C."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"The average size of a donkey's brain is comparable to a human. The donkey's brain is between 50 and 75 percent of the size of the human brain.he average size of a donkey's brain is comparable to a human. The donkey's brain is between 50 and 75 percent of the size of the human brain."
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"Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results!",
"who did carl sandburg marry"
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"Extra credit: Sandburg volunteered for the U.S. Army and served in Puerto Rico (but did not see combat) during the Spanish-American War of 1898... Sandburg was married to Lillian Steichen, sister to the photographer Edward Steichen, from 1908 until his death in 1967..."
] | [
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"Albert married his second cousin Elsa in 1919, not too long after his divorce from his first wife Mileva. Elsa died in 1936 due to various health problems, and though Albert never married again he had several girlfriends until his death in 1955."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Looking for Sandburg, Carl? Find out information about Sandburg, Carl. 1878â1967, American poet, journalist, and biographer, b. Galesburg, Ill. The son of poor Swedish immigrants, he left school at the age of 13 and became a... Explanation of Sandburg, Carl"
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"Obituary: Carl Wilson. Carl Dean Wilson, singer, guitarist and songwriter: born Hawthorne, California 21 December 1946; married 1966 Annie Hinsche (two sons; marriage dissolved 1978), 1987 Gina Martin; died Los Angeles 6 February 1998. Sun, sand, surfing, girls, it didn't matter in which order, the Beach Boys sung about it."
"Einstein married Elsa Lowenthal (née Einstein) on 2 June 1919, after having had a relationship with her since 1912. She was his first cousin maternally and his second cousin paternally. Einsteins first wife was Mileva Maric, they married in 1903; had two sons (Hans Albert and Eduard) and divorced in 1919. His second wife was Elsa Lowenthal; they married in 1923 and she died in 1936. They had no children togehter but Einstein adopted Elsa's two daughters (Ilse and Margot) by a previous marriage. Albert Einstein's second wife, Elsa Lowenthal, was his first cousin on his mother's side."
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"1 8/16/2016 3:50 PM PDT BY TMZ STAFF. Scott Weiland's widow is unloading her engagement rock on eBay, and the starting bid is a steal for any die-hard fans looking to pop the question. Jaime Weiland, who married Scott in 2013, listed the white gold and diamond band for $8k and then promoted the listing on Facebook."
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"Below you will find his biography of his life. This will give you a chance to get to know Sandburg better and learn about his place within Chicago poetry. Carl Sandburg, born Carl August Sandburg, was born in Galesburg, Illinois in 1878. His father was a railroad blacksmith and his mother worked as a maid in a Chicagoland hotel. The Sandburgs were hardworking middle class people who had to provide for Carl and his six siblings."
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"The photos raise a new round of rumors concerning a possible divorce action by Lüneburg, 52, and Caroline, the daughter of the late Prince Rainier and Grace Kelly. FROM 1999: Princess Caroline and Prince Ernst August of Hanover Welcome Their First Child Together, Princess Alexandra."
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"Carl Sandburg was a famous American writer and editor, much acclaimed for his poetry. During his lifetime, he won three Pulitzer Prizes, two for his poetry and another for a biography of Abraham Lincoln. He is also remembered for his works for children like, âRootabaga Storiesâ and âRootabaga Pigeonsâ."
"Queen Silvia and King Carl XVI Gustaf at the wedding in Monaco of Prince Albert and Charlene. Carl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden and Queen Silvia leaves the 'Hermitage' hotel to attend the religious ceremony of the Royal Wedding of Prince Albert II of Monaco to Charlene Wittstock in the main courtyard on July 2011 in Monaco, Monaco."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"It was not a coincidence that Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel chose to get married on 19 June. On that date in 1976, Swedenâs current King Carl XVI Gustaf married Queen Silvia. King Carl XVI Gustaf is the seventh monarch of the House of Bernadotte."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Carl Perkins (I) (1932â1998) Carl Perkins was born on April 9, 1932 in Tiptonville, Tennessee, USA as Carl Lee Perkins. He was married to Valda Crider. He died on January 19, 1998 in Jackson, Tennessee."
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"Carl Sandburg was born in Galesburg, Illinois, on January 6, 1878. His parents, August and Clara Johnson, had emigrated to America from the north of Sweden. After encountering several August Johnsons in his job for the railroad, the Sandburg's father renamed the family."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"sandburg, carl. Sandburg, Carl definition. A twentieth-century American author. His widely varied works include poems about the countryside and industrial heartland of the United States, especially âChicagoâ; Rootabaga Stories, written for children; and a biography of Abraham Lincoln."
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"4. Elsa Maria BERNTSSON (Carl Emil-2, Bernt Agust-1) was born on 12 Jun 1910 in Galtabck Tvker Co. Sweden. Elsa Maria Berntsson married Viktor KARLSSON (son of Fingal KARLSSON and Disa) was born on 25 Jul 1915 in Oskarstrm Halland."
"6' 1 (1.85 m) Carl Perkins was born on April 9, 1932 in Tiptonville, Tennessee, USA as Carl Lee Perkins. He was married to Valda Crider. He died on January 19, 1998 in Jackson, Tennessee. Founded the Exchange Club Carl Perkins Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse in 1980. Owned and operated the Suede Club in Jackson, Tennessee."
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"Carl Sandburg only attended public school until the age of 14, when he left the eighth grade and began to do small jobs around town. At the age of 18, he embarked on his first trip to the city of Chicago with a pass he had borrowed from his father."
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"Marjorie Merriweather Post, heiress to the Post Toasties fortune and married to financier E.F. Hutton at the time she built her Palm Beach winter home, stipulated in her will that upon her death, the 110,000 square foot sea-to-lake property Mar-a-Lago be given to the U.S. government as a retreat for presidents."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nGiven ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Read on to determine which type of cell reference to use for your formula. Relative Cell References. This is the most widely used type of cell reference in formulas. Relative cell references are basic cell references that adjust and change when copied or when using AutoFill. Example: =SUM(B5:B8), as shown below, changes to =SUM(C5:C8) when copied across to the next cell.'], a positive would be ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:', 'types of cell referencing in excel']",
"Obituary. Carl William Johnson, Sr., 92, of Old Saybrook, entered into eternal life on October 10, 2014 surrounded by his family. Carl was born August 6, 1922 in Chester Connecticut, the son of the late William and Jennie Johnson. Carl married Nancy Beatrice Stielau on May 11, 1957 in Chester."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"In January 10, 1996, Heinle gave birth to her first child, a son. She and Weatherly divorced in 1997. In March 2007 she married her Young and the Restless co-star, Thad Luckinbill, who portrayed her onscreen ex-husband, J.T. Hellstrom, until 2010."
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"Author: Carl (august) Sandburg (1878-1967) also known as: Carl Sandburg, Carl (August) Sandburg, Carl August Sandburg, Jack Phillips, Charles Sandburg, and Charles A. Sandburg Date: 1916. Carl Sandburg's poem, Fog, is among the few exceptions that mark Sandburg's break from free verse poetry."
"In addition to Rob and Carl Reiner, whom she married in 1943, she is survived by another son, Lucas; a daughter, Annie; and five grandchildren, all of Los Angeles. Continue reading the main story Advertisement"
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"Carl Betz. Carl Lawrence Betz (March 9, 1921 â January 18, 1978) was an American stage, film, and television actor. He appeared in a variety of television series, including the CBS soap opera Love of Life; however, he is best remembered for playing Donna Reed's television husband, Dr. Alex Stone, from 1958 to 1966 in the ABC sitcom The Donna Reed Show."
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"Back in Coburg for the funeral of his womanising dad, Albert learned that his actual father could well be his scheming uncle Leopold (Alex Jennings), who had an affair with his brotherâs wife (Albertâs mother) around the time of the Princeâs conception. Following a night of heavy drinking, Albert and Leopold had a heated exchange of words."
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"Sandburg, Carl (August) (Militant; Jack Philips, pen names) (1878â1967) poet, writer, folklorist; born in Galesburg, Ill. He studied at Lombard College, Galesburg (1898â1902)âwith time out for service in the Spanish-American War (1899)âand in the decades ahead would work as an editor, journalist, copywriter, lecturer, and collector of folk songs."
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"In his 1926 biography of Lincoln, Carl Sandburg alluded to the early relationship of Lincoln and his friend Joshua Fry Speed as having a streak of lavender, and spots soft as May violets. Streak of lavender was slang in the period for an effeminate man, and later connoted homosexuality."
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"Sandburg, Carl Born Jan. 6, 1878, in Galesburg, Ill.; died July 22, 1967, in Flat Rock, N.C. American poet. Sandburgâs first volume of verse was Chicago Poems (1916)."
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"The Sandburgs soon moved to Chicago, where Carl became an editorial writer for the Chicago Daily News. Harriet Monroe had just started Poetry: A Magazine of Verse, and began publishing Sandburg's poems, encouraging him to continue writing in the free-verse, Whitman-like style he had cultivated in college."
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"Sandburg, Carl definition A twentieth-century American author. His widely varied works include poems about the countryside and industrial heartland of the United States, especially âChicagoâ; Rootabaga Stories, written for children; and a biography of Abraham Lincoln."
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"Carl Hiaasen was actually married twice; the first was Connie Lyford in 1970 and then got divorced in 1996. Then in 1999 he got married to Fenia Clizer and is still married to ⦠her today. He kept Scott from the first marriage, had Quinn and Ryan is his stepson. 9 people found this useful."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n------\n\nE.g. ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Installation Time Average install time including Telma mounting and wiring is 8 â\\x80\\x9310 hours for a chassis without a body. Page 15 of 26 29may12bh . Installation Kit (includes Telma model AC50-55 / p/n CN201155) E350 and E450 all wheelbases Order installation kit part number â\\x80\\x93 TIK10677 Note 1: This kit includes Telma model AC50-55 / part number CN201155 and complete wiring harness and TRCM control module.'] == ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'hours to install a telma']",
"With the necessary permission, Alois Hitler married Klara, his third wife, in January 1885. Four months later, their first child, Gustav, was born and Ida, a second child, a year later. In 1887, Klara gave birth to Otto but the child lived for only three days."
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"The American civil war journalist Carl Sandburg accompanied President Abraham Lincoln's body on it's long funeral sojourn from Washington D. C. to his burial in Illinois and documented it in a twelve thousand paged book entitled The Death Of Lincoln."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"In his 1926 biography of Lincoln, Carl Sandburg alluded to the early relationship of Lincoln and his friend Joshua Fry Speed as having a streak of lavender, and spots soft as May violets."
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"Simonyi is married to Lisa Persdotter, the daughter of a Swedish millionaire. She is 32 years his junior. They were engaged on 8 August 2008 and were married on 22 November 2008 in a private ceremony in Gothenburg, Sweden, attended by their closest friends, among them Bill Gates."
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"Wayne Turner quotes Carl Sandburg, Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years and the War Years, p.22 from the granny woman midwife Peggy Walters, The baby was born just about sunup, on Sunday morning. Sandburg did not include this story in his first work, either because he wasn't aware of it or didn't trust it, but he includes it here."
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"250 Choruses of 'Auld Lang Syne'. Carl Sandburg was a great voice of the American industrial age, a people's poet who combined the mystical patriotism of Walt Whitman with the social activism of Woody Guthrie."
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"There, beneath Remembrance Rock, lie the ashes of Carl Sandburg, who died in 1967. Early Years Carl August Sandburg was born the son of Swedish immigrants August and Clara Anderson Sandburg. The elder Sandburg, a blacksmith's helper for the nearby Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad, purchased the cottage in 1873. Carl, called Charlie by the family, was born the second of seven children in 1878. A year later the Sandburgs sold the small cottage in favor of a larger house in Galesburg."
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"Carl was raised in Chester, attended Chester High School leaving to enlist in the Army as a machinist. He was a veteran of World War... Carl William Johnson, Sr., 92, of Old Saybrook, entered into eternal life on October 10, 2014 surrounded by his family. Carl was born August 6, 1922 in Chester Connecticut, the son of the late William and Jennie Johnson. Carl married Nancy Beatrice Stielau on May 11, 1957 in Chester."
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"Albert Einstein. Albert married his second cousin Elsa in 1919, not too long after his divorce from his first wife Mileva. Elsa died in 1936 due to various health problems, and though Albert never married again he had several girlfriends until his death in 1955."
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"Carl Sandburg's Biography 1878 - 1967 Author-poet Carl Sandburg was born in the three-room cottage at 313 East Third Street in Galesburg on January 6, 1878. The modest house, which is maintained by the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, reflects the typical living conditions of a late nineteenth century working-class family."
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"1 CARL WARD was born on 21 Nov 1921 in Johnson County, Kentucky; He married Sarah Jane Preston (1923 - 21 Apr 1996) and they had Larry Gene (1943 - 1995); Linda Lee (b. 1945); Garry Dean (b. 1947); Gordon (b. 1950); Carl David (1958 - 1985); and Jeanene Ward (b. 1959). SARAH WARD b: 1790 in Russell Co., VA. 2 She married John Chapman (b: Abt 1770) in @ 1810. 3 They had the following children: William, Sallie, Nancy, John Jr., Fanny, James, George, Thedrick, Lurena, and Lydia Chapman. 4 Sarah died on 5 Aug 1876 in Martin, Kentucky."
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"But poor carl is still trudging along as if his assault never happened. The Walking Deadâs âSlabtownâ: The Real Source of Terror Isnât Walkers, Itâs Rape Melissa Leon November 2, 2014. In 1950 she married carl Brenner, with whom she had five more children. From Hollywood Socialite to Catholic Missionary The Telegraph October 26, 2013. âI know the people around Nixon,â Kennedy told Washington Post reporter carl Bernstein."
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"His sister Minnie (or Sophie depending on the source) was appointed Postmistress and in a romantic gesture put the name of her fiance in the blank space for the requested name. That name was Albert Luckenbach. Years later when Albert and wife moved to Martinsburg the post office there was renamed Albert, Texas. The romantic naming of Luckenbach started a tradition of unconventionality that has become something of a lifestyle. We didn't say it was a romantic lifestyle, we said it was a unconventional lifestyle."
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"Meet Nuria Cunillera, wife of Spanish footballer Xavi Hernandez. Nuria and Xavi married on July 13, 2013. The couple exchanged their vows in front of 180 guests at Castell de Sant Joan de Blanes in Catalunya, most of which are close family and friends."
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"Transcript of Grass by Carl Sandburg. By Amy and Sienna. Grass by Carl Sandburg. Carl Sandburg. - Born in 1878 and died in 1967. - Was alive for WWI. -A part of the Socialist Party (who opposed the USA getting involved in WWI) Volunteered to fight in the Spanish-American War in 1898. -Grass- growing over bodies."
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"Gerda Elisabeth JOHANSSON (Bengt-1) was born on 1 Apr 1884 in Galtaback, Halland. Gerda Elisabeth Johansson married Carl Emil BERNTSSON (son of Bernt Agust JOHANSSON and Anna Christina ANDERSDOTTER) was born on 2 Oct 1884 in Lunnagrd Morup Halland Sweden. He died in 1916."
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"In the 1930s, Sandburg continued his celebration of America with Mary Lincoln, Wife and Widow (1932), The People, Yes (1936), and the second part of his Lincoln biography, Abraham Lincoln: The War Years (1939), for which he was awarded the Pulitzer Prize."
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"Albert Einstein marries Elsa Lowenthal. Einstein married Elsa Loewenthal (löwenthal Nee) née einstein On 2, june 1919 after having had a relationship with her. Since 1912 she was his first cousin maternally and his second. Cousin paternally, in 1933 they emigrated permanently To The. united states"
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"This didn't prove necessary since Simms was killed on January 2, 1854 in a horse accident. Zerelda was now again without a husband and eleven year old Frank without a father. On September 25, 1855 Zerelda married for the third and last time. Her new husband Dr.Reuben Samuel (b. January 12, 1828). He proved to be a much better choice than her previous one and the marriage lasted."
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"sandburg, carl in Culture. A twentieth-century American author. His widely varied works include poems about the countryside and industrial heartland of the United States, especially âChicagoâ; Rootabaga Stories, written for children; and a biography of Abraham Lincoln."
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"Carl 'Alfalfa' Switzer (1927â1959) Carl 'Alfalfa' Switzer was born on August 7, 1927 in Paris, Illinois, USA as Carl Dean Switzer. He was an actor, known for The Defiant Ones (1958), Our Gang Follies of 1938 (1937) and I Love You Again (1940). He was married to Dian Collingwood. He died on January 21, 1959 in Mission Hills, California, USA. Born:"
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"The Sandberg's divorce became official July 5. They live in separate houses down the street from each other. Cindy and Ryne have joint custody of their children, Justin (11) and Lindsey (12)."
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"In this fifth instalment of the story, Victoria (Jenna Coleman) married penniless Albert of Coburg (Tom Hughes). Later in life, Albert would give his name to a dock in Liverpool and, after his death, to a concert hall in Kensington, but here he was a stroppy motherless pup angsting at the castrating impact of his fianceeâs far greater wealth."
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"Author: Carl (august) Sandburg (1878-1967) also known as: Carl Sandburg, Carl (August) Sandburg, Carl August Sandburg, Jack Phillips, Charles Sandburg, and Charles A. Sandburg. Carl Sandburg's poem, Fog, is among the few exceptions that mark Sandburg's break from free verse poetry."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Bob Kraft, 74, and Ricki Lander, 34, have been dating since summer 2012; But now there are rumors the couple have temporarily ended relationship; Lander, from Utah, 'wants to get married to the billionaire Patriots owner' However Kraft 'doesn't want to wed again following death of wife, Myra'"
"Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha was the husband and consort of Queen Victoria. He was born in the Saxon duchy of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, to a family connected to many of Europe's ruling monarchs. At the age of 20, he married his first cousin, Queen Victoria; they had nine children. Initially he felt constrained by his role of consort, which did not afford him power or responsibilities. He gradually developed a reputation for supporting public causes, such as educational reform and the aboli"
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"3. Carl Emil BERNTSSON (Bernt Agust-1) was born on 2 Oct 1884 in Lunnagrd Morup Halland Sweden. He died in 1916. Carl Emil Berntsson married Gerda Elisabeth JOHANSSON (daughter of Bengt JOHANSSON and Anna Sofia STENBERG) was born on 1 Apr 1884 in Galtaback, Halland. Carl Emil BERNTSSON and Gerda Elisabeth JOHANSSON had the following children: 4 i. Elsa Maria BERNTSSON (born on 12 Jun 1910)."
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"In 1952, June married Carl Smith, with whom she performed at Nashville's Grand Ole Opry and had two daughters, Rozanna and Rebecca Carlene. After their divorce, she toured with Elvis Presley and was briefly married to a local police officer, Edwin Nix, with whom she had another daughter, Rosie."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Shauna Sand. Shauna Sand was born on September 2, 1971 in San Diego, California, USA. She is an actress, known for The Chosen One: Legend of the Raven (1998), The Deviants (2004) and Playboy Video Playmate Calendar 1997 (1996). She has been married to Laurent Homburger since January 15, 2011."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Carlin is married to Sarah Newman, whom he met when both were at Williams. Newman is curator of contemporary art at the Corcoran Gallery in Washington. They have a daughter, Sylvie."
"Represent this",
"Actor | Soundtrack. Carl 'Alfalfa' Switzer was born on August 7, 1927 in Paris, Illinois, USA as Carl Dean Switzer. He was an actor, known for The Defiant Ones (1958), Our Gang Follies of 1938 (1937) and I Love You Again (1940). He was married to Dian Collingwood. He died on January 21, 1959 in Mission Hills, California, USA."
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"When the last one came to light, between Nielsen and the governess of his children, the result was an eight-year breach in his marriage. During much of this time Carl and Anne Marie lived apart and the period led to a creative crisis for Nielsen, bringing about a powerful reappraisal of himself as a composer."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Albert Einstein marries Elsa Lowenthal. Einstein married Elsa Loewenthal (löwenthal Nee) née einstein On 2, june 1919 after having had a relationship with her. Since 1912 she was his first cousin maternally and his second. cousin paternally"
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"The latter was a series of whimsical, sometimes, melancholy stories which he originally wrote for his own daughters. Sandburg won three Pulitzer Prizes for his works, âThe Complete Poems of Carl Sandburgâ, âCornhuskersâ, and for his biography, âAbraham Lincoln: The War Yearsâ. In 1957, Sandburg recorded excerpts from the biography and some of Lincoln's speeches for Caedmon Records in New York City."
"represent the following document",
"This article is about the writer. For the passenger train service, see Carl Sandburg (train). Carl Sandburg (January 6, 1878 â July 22, 1967) was an American poet, writer, and editor who won three Pulitzer Prizes: two for his poetry and one for his biography of Abraham Lincoln."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Sandburg, Carl, 1878â1967, American poet, journalist, and biographer, b. Galesburg, Ill. The son of poor Swedish immigrants, he left school at the age of 13 and became a day laborer. He served in the Spanish-American War and, after returning to Galesburg, attended Lombard College (now Knox College)."
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"is lincoln heritage funeral advantage a scam"
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"BBB's Business Review For Lincoln Heritage Life Insurance Company that ... Funeral Advantage Funeral Advantage Program Life of Boston Insurance Co. Lincoln Heritage Funeral Advantage is a Final Expense insurance policy designed to help you pay for your funeral expenses. Feb 26, 2014 - Here's what Funeral Advantage really is: It's a life insurance policy underwritten by Lincoln Heritage."
] | [
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"Provide professional Military Funeral Honors to eligible veterans when requested by an authorized family member. The Rendering of Military Funeral Honors is a way to show the nation's deep gratitude to those who have faithfully defended our country in time of war and peace.The ceremonial paying of respect is the final demonstration that a grateful nation can provide to a veteran's family.rovide professional Military Funeral Honors to eligible veterans when requested by an authorized family member. The Rendering of Military Funeral Honors is a way to show the nation's deep gratitude to those who have faithfully defended our country in time of war and peace."
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"A Viking funeral could be a considerable expense, but the barrow and the grave goods were not considered to have been wasted. In addition to being a homage to the deceased, the barrow remained as a monument to the social position of the descendants."
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"Following United States President Abraham Lincoln's death by assassination, funeral services were held in Washington, D.C., and then at additional locations as a funeral train transported his remains for burial in his hometown of Springfield, Illinois."
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"Historians suggest that Pericles' funeral oration, as recounted in the History of the Peloponnesian War, was a model for Abraham Lincoln's âGettysburg Address.â Both utilize similar tone, themes and structure, although Lincoln's text is only one-tenth as long."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Ransacked caskets and neglect have turned dream to disgrace at Memorial Mound mausoleum. Clyde Booth dreamed of bringing the mounds and catacombs of ancient burial sites in Rome to Bessemer, and in 1992 opened what he thought would be a final resting place that would serve as a dignified resting place for the ages."
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"1 Ancestry free access is a scam. You have to set up a 14-day free subscription and they count on you âforgettingâ to cancel. Ancestry preys on old people through its âauto-renewalâ options."
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"Legacy: Reconstruction. P resident Lincoln hoped that relations between the Union and the seceded states could be restored on the basis of reconciliation, not retribution."
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"Welcome to the Maine Funeral Honors Web Portal. Military Funeral Honors is now an ENTITLEMENT for all honorably discharged Veterans. The rendering of Military Funeral Honors for United States Armed Forces Veterans is a tribute that our Veterans and their families justly deserve and in fact, are now entitled to.elcome to the Maine Funeral Honors Web Portal. Military Funeral Honors is now an ENTITLEMENT for all honorably discharged Veterans. The rendering of Military Funeral Honors for United States Armed Forces Veterans is a tribute that our Veterans and their families justly deserve and in fact, are now entitled to."
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"In commemoration of the end of the Civil War, the death of Lincoln, and the Thirteenth Amendment abolishing slavery, the National Abolition Hall of Fame and Museum (NAHOF) has suspended its 2015 induction ceremonies to address the matter of President Lincoln as âThe Great Emancipator.â Several programs will provide opportunity for the public to ..."
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"MassHealth Planning and Prepaid Funeral Accounts. Funerals are never a fun thing to think about, especially when itâs your own. Nevertheless, failure to make plans for this inevitability can have negative consequences for you and your family both now and in the future. Prepaid funeral accounts can be a prudent part of your estate plan and can assist you in protecting assets when applying for MassHealth. When a loved one dies emotions are high and the last thing on peopleâs mind is dealing with the financial implications of a funeral."
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"Lincolnâs funeral on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C., on April 19, 1865. Photo courtesy of the Library of Congress. Lincolnâs body held up well through the first stops of the funeral train: Baltimore; Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; and Philadelphia. During the 20-hour marathon viewing in Philadelphia, perhaps 150,000 people passed by his coffin after waiting for up to five hours."
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"But a decade later, funeral trains became world famous when President Abraham Lincolnâs body was transported in a funeral train to his hometown of Springfield, Illinois. Since then, people who lived in the 20th century saw many of its leaders, like Winston Churchill, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and V.I."
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"Lincoln Memorial University. Lincoln Memorial University (LMU) is a private four-year co-educational liberal arts college located in Harrogate, Tennessee, United States. LMU's 1,000-acre (4.0 km2) campus borders on Cumberland Gap National Historical Park. As a whole, LMU is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)."
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"The entire concierge initiative may well be a waste of Lincolnâs time and money, but thatâs not the copywriterâs concern: His or her job is to communicate the programâs existence and tell prospects how to access it."
"American Legacy ® products are guaranteed by the claims-paying ability and the good name of The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company.merican Legacy ® products are guaranteed by the claims-paying ability and the good name of The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Many funeral homes offer prepaid services or insurance funded plans. They will be able to make the arrangements irrevocable. Note that in virtually all states it is also possible to fund a burial account in addition to the irrevocable funeral trust. This should be established as a bank account titled John Doe Burial Account owned by the applicant. The account should have a POA and a named beneficiary (Payable on Death or Transfer on Death). The maximum amount that can be held in the account is $2,500. This is in addition to the $2,000 asset limitation for Medicaid applicants."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Since its birth in January of 2011, The Butcher tattoo parlor has stood for 100% quality. Our goal is to be sure that every person's experience in our shop is a great one.We want you to love your tattoo and the process behind it.stablished in January of 2011, The Butcher art gallery in Savannah Georgia houses several different distinctive elements of art and creativity. Specifically, The Butcher Gallery is a contemporary space featuring revolving exhibitions from artists of all disciplines, who represent the forefront of art and design."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The cremation cost was a big concern for me and compared to the other funeral homes I found Heritage Cremations had the best price and the most compassionate staff. I was a bit worried because the cremation services price at Heritage Cremation was so much less than the other cremation services I was quoted, but I have to say the cremation service was beautiful."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Lincoln's funeral train was the first national commemoration of a president's death by rail. Lincoln was observed, mourned, and honored by the citizens of Washington, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois in the following cities:"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Lincolnâs âtrademarkâ grille has closely emulated the baleen of the mammoth mammals, and the rest of the MKT provides the fitting proportions. With the Town Car dead, this front-drive-based model also serves as Lincolnâs livery vehicle, and theyâre also being converted to hearses. That last use might explain the poor material quality in the rear of the cabin, given that it might be ripped out anyway."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The country's first memorial to Lincoln, built with donations from young and old, enshrines the symbolic birthplace cabin. The First Lincoln Memorial The first Lincoln Memorial was built by the Lincoln Farm Association on the traditional site of the birthplace of Abraham Lincoln The Symbolic Birth Cabin The symbolic birth cabin is enshrined within a Neo-Classical Memorial Building on the traditional site of the birthplace of Abraham Lincoln The Sinking Spring - a Karst Window The Sinking Spring was the water source for the Lincoln family and the feature from which the farm received its name"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Losing a loved one is a stressful and confusing time. That's why the Funeral Advantage program provides your loved ones with a live representative from the Funeral Consumer Guardian Society® at no additional cost. This personal agent will help guide them through the process of planning a funeral, and help defend them from unnecessary costs on final expenses."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Lincoln's coffin has been moved 17 times and the coffin opened 5 times. Remark: the semi-circular Catacomb (or Burial Chamber) is at the north side of the base of the Lincoln Monument; on the south side (entrance) is Memorial Hall (or the Rotunda)."
"Represent this",
"Lincoln Memorial University (LMU) is a private four-year co-educational liberal arts college located in Harrogate, Tennessee, United States. LMU's 1,000-acre (4.0 km2) campus borders on Cumberland Gap National Historical Park. As a whole, LMU is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The rendering of Military Funeral Honors is a way to show the Nationâs deep gratitude to those who, in times of war and peace, have faithfully defended our country. This ceremonial paying of respect is the final demonstration a grateful Nation can provide to the veteransâ families.elcome to the Maine Funeral Honors Web Portal. Military Funeral Honors is now an ENTITLEMENT for all honorably discharged Veterans. The rendering of Military Funeral Honors for United States Armed Forces Veterans is a tribute that our Veterans and their families justly deserve and in fact, are now entitled to."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nGiven ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'The Durant Roll is a census taken in 1907-1910 by the Dept. of Interior to make payment to the Indians in the Mackinac area. It included Indians from the Mackinac Band, Sault Ste.'], a positive would be ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:', 'what is the census durant roll']",
"1 You may have a preference for burial or cremation, the epitaph on your headstone, or the music and readings at your funeral. 2 Or you may not want a funeral ceremony. 3 Whatever your wishes, they need to be set forth in your funeral plan. 4 You want to be self-reliant and have your affairs in order at the end of your life.ayment for funeral services is due at the time of the funeral which can be quite expensive, a considerable hardship for most families â see our discussion of funeral costs. âPre-Needâ plans (also known as âPreplanningâ) are the funeral plans that people make for the living."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The United States District Court in Nebraska directed a verdict in favor of a former Lincoln Benefit Life agent against the company as a result of the company's failure to pay him commissions in connection with the conversion of $29 million in life insurance."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1 Ancestry is a rip off. They are charging for access to records that should be free. Ancestry free access is a scam. You have to set up a 14-day free subscription and they count on you âforgettingâ to cancel."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Invest for long-term retirement income. American Legacy ® products are guaranteed by the claims-paying ability and the good name of The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company. In 1987, American Funds ® and Lincoln Financial Group forged a relationship to create American Legacy ® variable annuities.merican Legacy ® products are guaranteed by the claims-paying ability and the good name of The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"It embraces a set of four strong aspects: Abraham Lincoln, US History and the Civil War, Bourbon Heritage, and Religious Heritage. A great portrayal of American history and culture can be experienced along the Lincoln Heritage Scenic Highway. Abraham Lincoln was born and raised near Hodgenville. When Lincoln was elected president and the Civil War began, Kentucky was one of the essential border states and the Lincoln Heritage Scenic Highway played a significant role in the outcome of the Civil War. Religion is also important along the byway."
"Represent the next text!",
"Fortunately, there are fewer cremation scams than other funeral scams, but there are certainly important things to watch out for. You will definitely want to check out a crematoryâs practices for diligence and fairness."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"For more detailed information about Nancy Hanks Lincoln's heritage, see Nancy Hanks Lincoln heritage. Nancy Hanks Lincoln (February 5, 1784 â October 5, 1818) is best known as the mother of United States President Abraham Lincoln. Her marriage to Thomas Lincoln also produced a daughter, Sarah Lincoln."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"WAG 07-02-08-b. Money in a revocable prepaid burial contract with a funeral home can be withdrawn. Unless the person agrees and states within the contract that it is irrevocable, the contract is revocable. Exempt $1,500 in a revocable prepaid burial contract. In addition to the $1,500, exempt all amounts designated for burial space, regardless of value (as defined in PM 07-02-09)."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The rendering of military funeral honors for U.S. Armed Forces veterans is a tribute that our veterans and their families justly deserve and in fact, are entitled to.elcome to the Maine Funeral Honors Web Portal. Military Funeral Honors is now an ENTITLEMENT for all honorably discharged Veterans. The rendering of Military Funeral Honors for United States Armed Forces Veterans is a tribute that our Veterans and their families justly deserve and in fact, are now entitled to."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!\n------\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:', 'Whereas a logo is a part of your brand strategy, a logo is not a brand. Businesses should have a logo and that logo should be placed everywhere, but this is not your brand.While having a tagline is also integral to your brand strategy, a tagline is not a brand; however it is supposed to adequately the essence of your brand or what you want consumers to think about you.hile having a tagline is also integral to your brand strategy, a tagline is not a brand; however it is supposed to adequately the essence of your brand or what you want consumers to think about you.']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what a brand isnt']\"",
"The hotel is held in place by three steel I-beams that run under Route 30 and 18 steel piers that are anchored 30 feet down into the ground. Olga Herbert, executive director of the Lincoln Highway Heritage Corridor, said the loss of the Ship Hotel is a great loss for the Lincoln Highway Heritage Corridor."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Lincoln MoneyGuardA II provides income-tax-free reimbursements for qualified long-term care expenses, an income-tax-free death benefit if care is not needed, or return of premium (ROP) options, which have expanded with MoneyGuardA II."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The Funeral Train of Abraham Lincoln. The Funeral Train of Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln died from his wounds at 7:22 P.M. on Saturday, April 15, 1865. Teenager Henry B. Stanton, who had frequently visited the President with his father, made his way to the Petersen House before the body of Abraham Lincoln was removed to the Executive Mansion."
"Edit Page Last Edit: 2 years 1 month ago. http://www.americanhardcoregames.com/Fallout.html. . FInd Lincoln's Repeater on the Top Floor of the Museum Of American History Offices. . You can also find this item with the help of DogMeat ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1 They are charging for access to records that should be free. 2 Ancestry free access is a scam. You have to set up a 14-day free subscription and they count on you âforgettingâ to cancel. Ancestry preys on old people through its âauto-renewalâ options."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Burns Funeral Home records, Coulterville, Randolph County, Illinois, 1893-1929 Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library Burns/Lentz Funeral Home records, 1893-1964 Family History Library Burns/Lentz Funeral Home records, 1930-1964 Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library"
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"If you need proof that Lincoln really is down right now, here it is: they must be down, because Edmunds is kicking them. The same blog that tossed the Voltâs salad with an enthusiasm worthy of Tom Colicchio has placed its newest MKZ tester into the stocks for a bit of the olâ public shaming."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Lincoln Memorial Funeral Home and Cemetery. 6800 S 14TH ST, LINCOLN, NE 68512 | 402-423-1515 | 6700 S 14TH ST, LINCOLN, NE 68512 | 402-423-1515 | MAP."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"As part of the traveling train exhibit, Wesolowski finished a 15-foot miniature of Lincoln's funeral train in 1995. He had to guess at the color, though, based on written descriptions. He picked a reddish maroon. To get the precise color, he needed to find a paint sample of the car's exterior."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n------\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Pine Ridge, Indiana. Pine Ridge is an unincorporated community in Fayette Township, Vigo County, in the U.S. state of Indiana. It is part of the Terre Haute metropolitan area. The Pine Ridge Mine Pond reservoir is located in Pine Ridge.']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what county is ridge indiana in?']\"",
"Maria Estes is the manager of Lincoln Funeral Home in Dallas. Lincoln Funeral Home is a full- service funeral home and cemetery. Maria is a licensed funeral director, graduating with her Associate of Applied Science Degree in Funeral Service. Maria has over 20 years of experience in the funeral service profession, serving the Dallas, Rockwall and Kaufman County."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Lincoln Monument Association. Now He Belongs To the Ages : Lincoln Tomb Documentary. The Lincoln Monument Association is proud to announce the release of Now He Belongs to the Ages: Lincoln Tomb, the first video examination of the history and symbolism of the Lincoln Tomb State Historic Site."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Lincolnâs funeral train was dubbed âThe Lincoln Special.â (His portrait was fastened to the front of the engine above the cattle guard.) Approximately 300 people accompanied Lincolnâs body on the 1,654-mile journey, including his eldest son Robert."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Obama barricades Lincoln Memorial unlike during 1995 âshutdownâ Barry-cades become symbol of Oba⦠â Legal Insurrection [â¦] update: wwii memorial privately funded!obama sends ..."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"If you have ever attended a military funeral, you know that they stir up emotions deep inside your soul. Every American knows those hallowed notes of Taps as they echo into the future and conjure up memories of the past. Preparing for a military funeral demands detailed information and specific steps to be taken. Those military members on active duty or in the Selected Reserve and former military members who served on active duty and received an honorable discharge qualify for military honors at their funeral. For a complete listing of those eligible for military honors, visit Military Funeral Honors."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Founded in 1906 in Portland, Oregon, Lincoln Memorial Park & Funeral Home and Lincoln Memorial Park Cemetery are Dignity Memorial providers offering a beautiful setting and a high level of service to honor loved ones."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Pays up to $20,000 cash to your loved ones. Lincoln Heritage sends a check directly to your beneficiary within 24 hours of claim approval. Your loved ones can have the money they'll need to help cover your final expenses â fast."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Home > Reports > Services > Wedding Services > Homelife Warranty Protection > Homelife Warranty Protection Unprofessional Scam Company Mesa Arizona Ripoff Report protects consumers first amendment right to free speech. Report: #1325900."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Lincoln Heritage is the fastest growing company in the final expense life insurance business. Lincoln Heritage Life Celebrates Over 50 Years of Service. Since 1963, Lincoln Heritage has served families by offering insurance products for American families.incoln Heritage is the fastest growing company in the final expense life insurance business. Lincoln Heritage Life Celebrates Over 50 Years of Service. Since 1963, Lincoln Heritage has served families by offering insurance products for American families."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Akron >. View upcoming funeral services, obituaries, and funeral flowers for Heritage Cremation in Akron, OH. Find contact information, view maps, and more. 520 S. Main Street."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"We found an interesting story about the history of âfuneral trainsâ that highlights current projects to restore the funeral trains that carried President Abraham Lincoln and Sir Winston Churchill to their final resting place."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Heritage Cremation Provider is based on family, and is sensitive not only to the financial needs of our community but also the emotional ones. We are committed to understanding your familyâs individual needs and strive to give you the ceremony that your loved one deserves."
"Represent this",
"re: Backwater Rifle vs Lincoln's Repeater. Backwater is better, with the right perks and enough action points you can pretty much kill anything. I highly recommend Grim Reaper's Sprint, Action Boy, Finesse, Wired Reflexes, Commando, Sniper, and Bloody Mess."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 Ancestry is a rip off. They are charging for access to records that should be free. 2 Ancestry free access is a scam. You have to set up a 14-day free subscription and they count on you âforgettingâ to cancel. Ancestry preys on old people through its âauto-renewalâ options."
"represent this text",
"See our detailed pages on what benefits are available. Military Funeral Honors are available for an eligible veteran, free of charge, if requested by the family. VA burial allowances are partial reimbursements of an eligible veteran's burial and funeral costs."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"For assistance with choosing a new Medicaid Plan please call the Heritage Health Enrollment Broker at 1-888-255-2605 (toll-free). For Our Providers. Thank you for your loyalty and partnership over the past six years. Effective 12/31/16, the State Medicaid contract with Aetna Better Health of Nebraska has ended. Claims can continue to be sent through 12/31/17 and will be processed. For claims questions, please contact our Claims Inquiry/Claims Research (CI/CR) team at 1-888-784-2693."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Funeral train. Abraham Lincoln's funeral train. A funeral train is a train specially chartered in order to carry a coffin or coffins to a place of interment. Funeral trains today are often reserved for leaders and national heroes, as part of a state funeral, but in the past were sometimes the chief means of transporting coffins and mourners to graveyards."
"Your satisfaction is our priority and your needs come first. When you choose Heritage Cremation Provider, you will discover our quality, convenience, affordability and support are there to guide you each step of the way through this sometimes overwhelming process."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Abraham Lincoln's funeral train left Washington on April 21, 1865. It would essentially retrace the 1,654 mile route Mr. Lincoln had traveled as president-elect in 1861 (with the deletion of Pittsburgh and Cincinnati and the addition of Chicago). An example of a published schedule is pictured to the right."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Getting started with the Funeral Advantage program is easier than you think. When you're ready, completing the application takes just a few minutes. Request FREE information today and see the complete application for yourself."
"Represent the natural language",
"Military funerals have elements not found in civilian funerals which allow those in attendance to recognize the veteranâs service and patriotism. One symbolic practice at the funeral of a veteran is the flag folding ceremony. The giving of the flag is a special element of the funeral service which honors the service of the deceased and their family. Taps Being Played at a Military Funeral."
"Represent the following document",
"With the high cost of funerals these days, many Australians are taking advantage of opportunities to prepare their finances in advance. A prepaid funeral plan allows you to fix the price of your funeral at today's prices.A contract is established with your preferred funeral director, setting out your desired type and style of funeral at an agreed price.hereâs no more to pay at the time of your funeral, which means youâre protected from the rising cost of funeral prices into the future. The money you pay for your prepaid funeral plan is held independently of the funeral director and invested in a funeral trust."
] |
"Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results",
"meaning of colors"
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Color symbolism is the use of color as a representation or meaning of something that is usually specific to a particular culture or society. Context, culture and time are certainly important factors to consider when thinking about color symbolism."
] | [
"Represent this",
"The colors of the Tabernacle have symbolic meaning. However, the parts of the Tabernacle also correspond to the colors of the rainbow. When the colors of the rainbow are superimposed on the parts of the Tabernacle, the meaning of each part matches the meaning of the rainbow color, as shown in the illustration. Outside the Tabernacle, the red Earth symbolized the world."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Colored candles and magick. Each of the following symbolic colors may have a different meaning in other contexts. (The colors will link to some of those articles.) This article focuses on the meaning of the candle colors to magick. Candles are probably the most versatile and symbolic tool for magick."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"The meaning of gold is illumination, wisdom, and wealth. Gold often symbolizes high quality. Yellow. Yellow is the color of sunshine. It's associated with joy, happiness, intellect, and energy. Yellow produces a warming effect, arouses cheerfulness, stimulates mental activity, and generates muscle energy. Yellow is often associated with food."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"As one ofâ¦. Our Rose Colors and Meanings guide contains helpful hints about the meaning associated with the colors of roses and other rose information. As one ofâ¦. Our Rose Colors and Meanings guide contains helpful hints about the meaning associated with the colors of roses and other rose information."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Love, above all else, is the symbolic meaning of flowers ranging from crimson to scarlet and back. The deeper the red, the deeper the meaning. Dark reds show a charitable love while brighter reds reveal devoted passion. Whether this is love born of beauty, fire, or courage, red is the color to have.he meaning of the color of flowers lets you know which to get for your mother and which for your lover. Other sites explore the symbolic meaning of flowers, but Flower-Dictionary.com also explores the meaning of actual colors."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The definition of green is having the color between blue and yellow on the color spectrum or being good for the environment."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Portugal flag colors - meaning - Portugal flag colors - Portugal flag history - Portugal flag pictures - Portugal flag images facts"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Botswana flag colors meaning, significance and symbolism - Presidential Standard of Botswana - The meaning of Botswana flag and What is the symbolism of the flag of Botswana Botswana flag colors symbolism"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Orange is associated with meanings of joy, warmth, heat, sunshine, enthusiasm, creativity, success, encouragement, change, determination, health, stimulation, happiness, fun, enjoyment, balance, sexuality, freedom, expression, and fascination. Orange is the color of joy and creativity."
] |
"A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"how do nerves communicate with other nerves and cells?"
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Instead, communication between nerve cells occurs mainly through the release of chemical substances into the space between the axon and dendrites (Figure 5). This space is known as the synapse. When neurons communicate, a message, traveling as an electrical impulse, moves down an axon and toward the synapse."
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"up vote 4 down vote favorite. 1. I know that neurons communicate between each other by filling the junction between dendrites with neurotransmitters. What interests me is if a single neuron only works with one type of neurotransmitter(ex: serotonin), or if it can secrete/receive all of them (serotonin, dopamine, etc).p vote 4 down vote favorite. 1. I know that neurons communicate between each other by filling the junction between dendrites with neurotransmitters. What interests me is if a single neuron only works with one type of neurotransmitter(ex: serotonin), or if it can secrete/receive all of them (serotonin, dopamine, etc)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Neurons communicate through an electrochemical process. Sensory receptors interact with stimuli such as light, sound, temperature, and pain which is transformed into a code that is carried to the brain by a chain of neurons. Then systems of neurons in the brain interpret this information."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Synaptic signals from other neurons are received by the soma and dendrites; signals to other neurons are transmitted by the axon. A typical synapse, then, is a contact between the axon of one neuron and a dendrite or soma of another. neuron (/ËnjÊÉrÉn/ NYEWR-on or /ËnÊÉrÉn/ NEWR-on; also known as a neurone or nerve cell) is an electrically excitable cell that processes and transmits information through electrical and chemical signals."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The brain and spinal cord communicate with rest of the body through Cranial and Spinal. nerves. These nerves are part of the peripheral nervous system, which conveys the. sensory information to the brain either directly or through the spinal cord, and conveys. instructional information to bodyâs muscles and glands. There are 12 cranial nerves and 31 spinal nerves which form the part of PNS."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"DRUG CLASS AND MECHANISM: Citalopram is an antidepressant medication that affects neurotransmitters, the chemicals that nerves within the brain use to communicate with each other. Neurotransmitters are manufactured and released by nerves and then travel and attach to nearby nerves."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Myelinated nerves have a special type of cell wrapped around them called Schwann cells; unmyelinated nerves are not wrapped in Schwann cells.The Schwann cells increase the speed at which impulses travel along the axon, thus making myelinated nerves much faster at transmitting information than unmyelinated nerves.he Schwann cells increase the speed at which impulses travel along the axon, thus making myelinated nerves much faster at transmitting information than unmyelinated nerves."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Citalopram is an antidepressant medication that affects neurotransmitters, the chemicals that nerves within the brain use to communicate with each other. Neurotransmitters are manufactured and released by nerves and then travel and attach to nearby nerves."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"All nerve cells contain a cell body, dendrites (projections that receive signals from other cells), and axons (projections that send signals to other cells). Chemical processes form the electrical impulses within (primarily sodium ion exchanges) and between (via neurotransmitters) cells. Table 2.3."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The function of the nerve cell is to transmit messages to other parts of the body such as the brain. Neurons then transmit these messages throughout the brain.Edit. Share to: Answered.he function of the nerve cell is to transmit messages to other parts of the body such as the brain. Neurons then transmit these messages throughout the brain. Edit. Share to: Answered."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"The spinal cord and nerves are the connections, like the gates and wires in the computer. Nerves carry electrochemical signals to and from different areas of the nervous system as well as between the nervous system and other tissues and organs. Central nerves connect areas within the brain and spinal cord. 2 Peripheral nerves connect the spinal cord with your limbs. 3 Autonomic nerves connect the brain and spinal cord with your organs (heart, stomach, intestines, blood vessels, etc.)."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Understanding Nerves and Neurons. Nerves and neurons are the 'wiring' that allow the nervous system to control everything we do. Read this page and get yourself 'wired in'. The anatomy of nerves. The nervous system is one of two key control systems of the body that sends and receives messages, enabling us to function properly. It is able to do this because of the nerves that connect the brain and spinal cord with our peripheral regions (legs and arms) and viscera (organs)."
"Represent the next text",
"The brain is a communications center consisting of billions of neurons, or nerve cells. Networks of neurons pass messages back and forth among different structures within the brain, the spinal cord, and nerves in the rest of the body (the peripheral nervous system).These nerve networks coordinate and regulate everything we feel, think, and do. 1 Neuron to Neuron.2 Each nerve cell in the brain sends and receives messages in the form of electrical and chemical signals. 3 Once a cell receives and processes a message, it sends it on to other neurons.etworks of neurons pass messages back and forth among different structures within the brain, the spinal cord, and nerves in the rest of the body (the peripheral nervous system). These nerve networks coordinate and regulate everything we feel, think, and do. 1 Neuron to Neuron."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Axons make contact with other cellsâusually other neurons but sometimes muscle or gland cellsâat junctions called synapses. At a synapse, the membrane of the axon closely adjoins the membrane of the target cell, and special molecular structures serve to transmit electrical or electrochemical signals across the gap.n axon is one of two types of protoplasmic protrusions that extrude from the cell body of a neuron, the other type being dendrites."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"As a matter of fact, scientists often compare the activity of neurons to the way electricity works. A neuron communicates with other neurons at special places called synapses or synaptic clefts. To send a message, a neuron releases a chemical messenger, or neurotransmitter, into the synaptic cleft."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Science Videos. Science Main Index. A nerve or neuron is a specialized cell in the body for transmitting nerve impulses. The peripheral nervous system consists of over 100 billion nerve cells. These nerve cells run throughout the body to connect the brain and spinal cord to all other parts of the body. Nerve cells impulses or signals are used to control body muscles and organ, or to sense information from the body. Read on to learn more about nerves, and what they do in your body."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Neurons are one such group of cells. Neurons are also called nerve cells. Neurons have the ability to pass signals and messages from one part of the body to another. Neurons get together to form nerves of our body. A nerve is like an electric cable that passes electric current. It carries signals between parts of the body."
"represent text",
"Neurons communicate through a series of electrical and chemical reactions. Now you can send a signal and fire a neuron to see how information passes from one neuron to another. Follow Your Visual Pathway. Discover how the images of what you see are processed in the brain by building them back together step by step."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Cells communicate by sending and receiving signals. Signals may come from the environment, or they may come from other cells. In order to trigger a response, these signals must be transmitted across the cell membrane. Sometimes the signal itself can cross the membrane. Other times the signal works by interacting with receptor proteins that contact both the outside and inside of the cell."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Synaptic signals from other neurons are received by the soma and dendrites; signals to other neurons are transmitted by the axon. A typical synapse, then, is a contact between the axon of one neuron and a dendrite or soma of another. Synaptic signals may be excitatory or inhibitory. neuron (/ËnjÊÉrÉn/ NYEWR-on or /ËnÊÉrÉn/ NEWR-on; also known as a neurone or nerve cell) is an electrically excitable cell that processes and transmits information through electrical and chemical signals."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Introduction Neurons receive information from sensory organs, send information to motor organs, or share information with other neurons. The process of communicating information is very similar, whether it is to another neuron or to a muscle or gland cell.ransmission. Electrical transmission occurs by virtue of the fact that the cells are in direct contact with each other: depolarization of the presynaptic cell membrane causes a depolarization of the postsynaptic cell membrane, and the action potential is propagated further."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Peripheral nervous system cells connect various organs and structures of the body to the CNS through the cranial nerves and spinal nerves. Spinal cord nerves transmit information from body organs and external stimuli to the brain and send information from the brain to other areas of the body."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"All of our sensations, movements, thoughts, and emotions are the result of communication between neurons. This communication is carried out by two complementary processes: electrical conduction and chemical transmission. Electrical conduction lets nerve impulses travel rapidly within a neuron."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Nerve cells provide the fundamental base of this structure and work in a coordinated way to keep the body alive and functioning. slide 1 of 5 The nervous system is the communication network of humans and other animals that conveys information through a group of specialized cells."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"The spinal cord and nerves are the connections, like the gates and wires in the computer. Nerves carry electrochemical signals to and from different areas of the nervous system as well as between the nervous system and other tissues and organs."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Guerrilla warfare is a form of irregular warfare in which a small group of combatants such as armed civilians or irregulars use military tactics including ambushes, sabotage, raids, petty warfare, hit-and-run tactics, and mobility to fight a larger and less-mobile traditional military. Contents.']\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is guerrilla']\"",
"Instructor: John Williams. Nerve cells are the primary cells in the nervous system. They are responsible for relaying electrical messages to cells and tissues in other organ systems. This article discusses the functions and structures of nerve cells in the human body.eurons are nerve cells, or cells found in the nervous system. These are specialized cells designed to stimulate other cells in the body in order to communicate."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"By Jennifer McDowall. Link to the structural features of acetylcholine receptors. The nervous system communicates with the body by sending electrical impulses from the central nervous system (CNS) through long nerves cells to the peripheral nervous system (PNS), muscles and glands.For this to work, neighbouring nerve cells must be able to convey these electrical signals between them.he nervous system communicates with the body by sending electrical impulses from the central nervous system (CNS) through long nerves cells to the peripheral nervous system (PNS), muscles and glands. For this to work, neighbouring nerve cells must be able to convey these electrical signals between them."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Axons make contact with other cellsâusually other neurons but sometimes muscle or gland cellsâat junctions called synapses. At a synapse, the membrane of the axon closely adjoins the membrane of the target cell, and special molecular structures serve to transmit electrical or electrochemical signals across the gap. Some synaptic junctions appear partway along an axon as it extendsâthese are called en passant (in passing) synapses."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['represent the doc for finding search queries about it.', 'Quick Answer. A standard single roll of American wallpaper is 13.5 feet long and 27 inches wide. Wallpaper is also commonly sold in double rolls that are 27 feet long and triple rolls that are 40.5 feet long.']\" == \"['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how long is a double roll of wallpaper']\"",
"A nerve provides a common pathway for the electrochemical nerve impulses that are transmitted along each of the axons to peripheral organs. In the central nervous system, the analogous structures are known as tracts. Neurons are sometimes called nerve cells, though this term is potentially misleading since many neurons do not form nerves, and nerves also include non-neuronal Schwann cells that coat the axons in myelin. Each nerve is a cordlike structure that contains many axons. Within a nerve, each axon is surrounded by a layer of connective tissue called the endoneurium. The axons are bundled together into groups called fascicles, and each fascicle is wrapped in a layer of connective tissue called the perineurium."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The nervous system uses chemical messengers called neurotransmitters to relay messages from one part of the nervous system to the other. They travel from one nerve cell, or neuron, to the next bringing messages to and from the body to the brain. The communication lines in your CNS are called tracts."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Thanks to their numerous branch-like processes, neurons interconnect forming a massive network of wires that extend throughout the body. By sending messages across this network, the different parts of the human body interact and communicate with each other. Neurons communicate through an electrochemical process."
"A nerve provides a common pathway for the electrochemical nerve impulses that are transmitted along each of the axons to peripheral organs. In the central nervous system, the analogous structures are known as tracts.Neurons are sometimes called nerve cells, though this term is potentially misleading since many neurons do not form nerves, and nerves also include non-neuronal Schwann cells that coat the axons in myelin.Each nerve is a cordlike structure that contains many axons.ithin a nerve, each axon is surrounded by a layer of connective tissue called the endoneurium. The axons are bundled together into groups called fascicles, and each fascicle is wrapped in a layer of connective tissue called the perineurium."
"represent this",
"Communication between neurons. Benoit Zuber. Communication between neurons, or nerve cells, is the cellular basis for thinking, decision making, and control of muscular movements.Neurons are cells with a particular shape: they possess two types of long ramification, called the axon and the dendrites.ommunication between neurons. Benoit Zuber. Communication between neurons, or nerve cells, is the cellular basis for thinking, decision making, and control of muscular movements."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"How Do Nerve Cells Work? Nerve cells are the basic functioning component in the nervous system. Every part of the system, whether peripheral or central, is comprised of neurons that collect and distribute information to make the body function. Different types of nerve cells exist that respond to light, sound, touch and other stimuli."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Neurons Communicate via the Synapse. Information from one neuron flows to another neuron across a small gap called a synapse (SIN-aps). At the synapse, electrical signals are translated into chemical signals in order to cross the gap. Once on the other side, the signal becomes electrical again."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Clonazepam is a type of medicine called a benzodiazepine. This type of medicine acts on nerve cells in the brain. The brain and nerves are made up of many nerve cells that communicate with each other through electrical signals. These signals must be carefully regulated for the brain and nerves to function properly."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Complicated organisms like the human body are made up of many different kinds of cells that do different jobs. Neurons are one such group of cells. Neurons are also called nerve cells. Neurons have the ability to pass signals and messages from one part of the body to another. Neurons get together to form nerves of our body. A nerve is like an electric cable that passes electric current. It carries signals between parts of the body. Some companies and offices we know have many branches and a âheadâ office. The head office is where all the important decisions are made. The head office tells the other branches what to do. Brain is the âheadâ office of the body. It receives messages from all the other parts of the body and tells them what to do. It is the nerves that carry messages to and from the brain. When your hand touches a hot iron, the hand sends the sensation to the brain through nerves."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Therefore, neurotransmitters make possible the nerve impulses of one cell influence the nerve impulses of another, thus allowing brain cells to talk to each other, so to speak. The human body has developed a large number of these chemical messengers in order to facilitate internal communication and signal transmission within the brain."
"represent the next text!",
"Unlike wires in your home, nerve cells do not touch, but come close together at synapses. At the synapse, the two nerve cells are separated by a tiny gap, or synaptic cleft. The sending neuron is called the presynaptic cell, while the receiving one is called the postsynaptic cell.Nerve cells send chemical messages with neurotransmitters in a one-way direction across the synapse from presynaptic cell to postsynaptic cell. Some get taken up by specific transporters on the presynaptic cell (reuptake). 2 In the presynaptic cell, MAO and COMT destroy the absorbed serotonin molecules. 3 This enables the nerve signal to be turned off and readies the synapse to receive another action potential."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Keppra contains the active ingredient levetiracetam, which is a medicine used to treat epilepsy. The brain and nerves are made up of many nerve cells that communicate with each other through electrical signals."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Neurons what does it do? Neurons communicate with one another via synapses, where the axon terminal or en passant boutons (terminals located along the length of the axon) of one cell impinges upon ano ⦠ther neuron's dendrite, soma or, less commonly, axon."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Synaptic Connections. Brain cells communicate with one another by chemicals through synaptic connections. The human brain contains billions of neurons and each neuron has a large amount of synaptic connections to other neurons. Each synapse itself contains a variety of those receptor proteins that can alter the gross firing pattern of a neuron."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The brain is a communications center consisting of billions of neurons, or nerve cells. Networks of neurons pass messages back and forth among different structures within the brain, the spinal cord, and nerves in the rest of the body (the peripheral nervous system).These nerve networks coordinate and regulate everything we feel, think, and do. 1 Neuron to Neuron.2 Each nerve cell in the brain sends and receives messages in the form of electrical and chemical signals. 3 Once a cell receives and processes a message, it sends it on to other neurons.hese nerve networks coordinate and regulate everything we feel, think, and do. 1 Neuron to Neuron. 2 Each nerve cell in the brain sends and receives messages in the form of electrical and chemical signals. 3 Once a cell receives and processes a message, it sends it on to other neurons."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Nerve Communication. Potassium in your nerve cells, or neurons, aids in communication. Normally, your neurons maintain a resting state -- a constant electrical charge relative to their surroundings -- in which they contain high levels of potassium and low levels of sodium."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A nerve provides a common pathway for the electrochemical nerve impulses that are transmitted along each of the axons to peripheral organs. In the central nervous system, the analogous structures are known as tracts.Neurons are sometimes called nerve cells, though this term is potentially misleading since many neurons do not form nerves, and nerves also include non-neuronal Schwann cells that coat the axons in myelin. nerve provides a common pathway for the electrochemical nerve impulses that are transmitted along each of the axons to peripheral organs. In the central nervous system, the analogous structures are known as tracts."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"is the other. Of the two, the nervous system is by far the more rapid acting & complex. Nervous cells communicate by means of electrochemical signals, which are rapid & specific. , usually causing almost immediate responses. It involves ions like Na+ (sodium) and K+ (potassium) crossing the membrane of neurons."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Nerve cells send signals along long wires called axons, which are insulated with a fatty substance called myelin. The myelin sheath allows signals to be transmitted rapidly from the nervous system to the rest of the body. When myelin is destroyed -- called demyelination -- nerve signals are slowed or stopped."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A nerve cell is also called a neuron. Its function is to transmit information between the central nervous ⦠system (CNS) & the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Motor neurons transmit from the CNS to the PNS Sensory neurons transmit from the PNS to the CNS.he function of the nerve cell is to transmit messages to other parts of the body such as the brain. Neurons then transmit these messages throughout the brain. Edit. Share to: Answered."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Your nerves will tell your leg muscles to move. Nerve cells carry messages from one part of the body to another. There are three different types of neurones, each with a slightly different function. 1 Sensory neurones carry signals from sensory receptors to the spinal cord and brain. 2 Together, the spinal cord and brain make up the central nervous system."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Slide show: How your brain works. Previous Next 1 of 8 Your brain contains billions of nerve cells arranged in patterns that coordinate thought, emotion, behavior, movement and sensation. A complicated highway system of nerves connects your brain to the rest of your body, so communication can occur in split seconds."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Understanding Nerves and Neurons. Nerves and neurons are the 'wiring' that allow the nervous system to control everything we do. Read this page and get yourself 'wired in'. The nervous system is one of two key control systems of the body that sends and receives messages, enabling us to function properly. It is able to do this because of the nerves that connect the brain and spinal cord with our peripheral regions (legs and arms) and viscera (organs)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Impulses can travel faster along neurons that have a myelin sheath as an impulse can jump from node to node. What do nerves do? All nerves have two main functions, these are: Receive signals: Nerves receive signals because they are irritable, meaning that they can respond to a stimulus. Transmit nerve impulses: Nerves are able to transmit impulses along the length of the nerve cell in the form of an electrical signal (like power lines). These electrical signals move from one end of the nerve cell to another and can pass from nerve to nerve (power pole to power pole)."
"Therefore, neurotransmitters make possible the nerve impulses of one cell influence the nerve impulses of another, thus allowing brain cells to talk to each other, so to speak."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"They communicate with one another, with cells in the sensory organs, and with muscles and glands. Each neuron has the same structure: 1 Each neuron has a soma, or cell body, which is the central area of the neuron. 2 It contains the nucleus and other structures common to all cells in the body, such as mitochondria. Each branch is called a dendrite. 2 Dendrites receive information from other neurons or from sense organs. 3 The single long fiber that extends from the neuron is called an axon. 4 Axons send information to other neurons, to muscle cells, or to gland cells. 5 What we call nerves are bundles of axons coming from many neurons."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"nerve cells, basic building block of the nervous system, differ, all variations on the same theme, each has a cell body and its branching dendrite fibers that receive information and conduct it toward the cell body, axon fibers that pass the message through its terminal branches to other neurons or to muscles or glands, dendrites listen, axons speak ..."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"discovery 4 vitamin e vitamin e is used to improve circulation in the legs and it has the ability to protect nerves because it helps nerve cells keep their protective coat called the myelin sheath which enables nerves to communicate only with the nerves they are supposed to"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"in transmitting a nerve signal such as from your hand to your brain, several neurons are involved. Nerve cells can receive and transmit signals.the dendrites of one neuron are ⦠close to the axon of another neuron."
"Represent the following document",
"Nerve cells communicate messages by secreting neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters can excite or inhibit neurons (nerve cells). Some common neurotransmitters are acetylcholine, norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin and gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA).Acetylcholine and norepinephrine are excitatory neurotransmitters while dopamine, serotonin, and GABA are inhibitory.Each neurotransmitter can directly or indirectly influence neurons in a specific portion of the brain, thereby affecting behavior.erve cells communicate messages by secreting neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters can excite or inhibit neurons (nerve cells). Some common neurotransmitters are acetylcholine, norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin and gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Neurons: Nerve Impulse. Axons and dendrites are bundled together into what are called nerves. These nerves send signals between the brain, spinal cord, and other body organs via nerve impulses. Nerve impulses are received at the neuronal dendrites and are carried along the axon to the terminal branches."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'BRUSCHETTA SEASONING MIX-Retail. Bruschetta is one of the greatest tasting bread snacks in the world. Ingredients: granulated garlic, garlic chips, roasted garlic, tomato flakes, garlic scapes, basil, coarse sea salt, parsley, oregano.']\" Match: \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is bruschetta seasoning']\"",
"A nerve provides a common pathway for the electrochemical nerve impulses that are transmitted along each of the axons to peripheral organs. In the central nervous system, the analogous structures are known as tracts.Neurons are sometimes called nerve cells, though this term is potentially misleading since many neurons do not form nerves, and nerves also include non-neuronal Schwann cells that coat the axons in myelin.n the central nervous system, the analogous structures are known as tracts. Neurons are sometimes called nerve cells, though this term is potentially misleading since many neurons do not form nerves, and nerves also include non-neuronal Schwann cells that coat the axons in myelin."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A neuron (/ËnjÊÉrÉn/ NYEWR-on or /ËnÊÉrÉn/ NEWR-on; also known as a neurone or nerve cell) is an electrically excitable cell that processes and transmits information through electrical and chemical signals. These signals between neurons occur via synapses, specialized connections with other cells.Neurons can connect to each other to form neural networks. Neurons are the core components of the brain and spinal cord of the central nervous system (CNS), and of the ganglia of the peripheral nervous system (PNS).ynaptic signals from other neurons are received by the soma and dendrites; signals to other neurons are transmitted by the axon. A typical synapse, then, is a contact between the axon of one neuron and a dendrite or soma of another. Synaptic signals may be excitatory or inhibitory."
] |
"A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.",
"wait timer in vba"
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Home/VBA Code Explorer/Application/Methods/Wait. Wait Application Method in VBA is used to pauses or stop a running macro until a specified or mentioned time. It returns a Boolean value either true or false. If the specified time arrived, it returns true otherwise it returns False."
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"CAPL Programming usage of Timer as a delay. 1 Instead of mstimer::isrunning use isTimerActive () method. isTimerActive () returns 1 if timers is running and 0 if it is expired. So your code will look like: 2 But I would not recommend doing this. Instead of looping in on start, you can ouput 2nd message through onTimer."
"represent text",
"Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post. Re: VBA Access-How to make Access wait. An API is really complicated and for a lot of people they are just looking for a quick fix. It is not for me to question why you want Access VBA to wait; I am just trying to provide a simple solution that will work.e: VBA Access-How to make Access wait. Just want to add something: While there may be legitimate reasons for needing Access to wait, be it running a batch job or creating a connection, it is important to realize that it also can be the wrong solution."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Auto-shut off timer â The Ascent allows you to set a timer for your vape session between 30 seconds and 20 minutes; press the settings button 2 times and a clock icon will appear â you may now adjust the timer using the (+) and (-) buttons."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A waitable timer is always in one of two states: expired or not expired. If the wait() or async_wait() function is called on an expired timer, the wait operation will complete immediately. Most applications will use the boost::asio::waitable_timer typedef."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Excel Employee Punch Clock is a excel VBA application used to record employee checkIN time and CheckOUT time.Tested with Excel 2010 and Excel 2013. Question: *."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Schedule a VBA macro to run at a specific time. Hello, I need to schedule my PC to run an Excel macro automatically at a specified time, for exmaple, 6 PM every day. I have no idea about how to do that."
"1 In VBA Format Date function you have the option to either define your own format or use some of the MS Excel predefined format. 2 Firstdayofweek specifies the first day of the week. 3 If it is not declared, the Format function assumes that Sunday is the first day of the week. 4 This parameter is optional."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"VBA - Date-Time Function. VBScript Date and Time Functions help the developers to convert date and time from one format to another or to express the date or time value in the format that suits a specific condition."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"CAPL Programming usage of Timer as a delay. 1 Instead of mstimer::isrunning use isTimerActive () method. isTimerActive () returns 1 if timers is running and 0 if it is expired. 2 But I would not recommend doing this. 3 If you want to keep it generic i.e. not restricting to 2 channels, you can take a variable and increment it in timer."
"Represent the next text",
"By installing a geyser timer in your existing DB panel, you will see immediate savings on your monthly bill and a full return on investment within a few months. This also relieves you from getting up in early morning to switch the geyser on and it's one less thing to worry about.eyser Timers and Blankets Supplied and Installed. The no.1 supplier and installer of geyser timers and geyser blankets in Cape Town-call us now to book. Call / SMS: 072 865 3096. Geyser Timers-Supplied and Installed throughout the entire Cape Town and all surrounding suburbs. Prices:"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Step 3: Enter the Function Code. 1 Date-DoB uses the VBA function Date which always returns the current date (like Excel's TODAY() function) and subtracts from it the supplied date of birth (DoB). Windows treats dates as numbers based on the 1900 System where day 1 was January 1 1900."
"To add the VBA callback code. Start Microsoft Excel 2010. Click the File tab. Click Open. Open the BackstageViewFormatControls.xlsm workbook. Select the Developer tab. Click Visual Basic. On the Insert menu, click Module. Select Module1 and copy the following VBA code into the file."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"VBA is a file extension for a Visual Basic file used with the Microsoft Office Suite. VBA stands for Visual Basic for Applications. VBA files contain Visual Basic source code. VBA files are used to add functionality to Office applications, similar to a plug-in. VBA files can be opened and edited by Microsoft Visual Studio."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Date and Time Criteria Expressions [Access 2003 VBA Language Reference] Office 2003. To specify date or time criteria for an operation, you supply a date or time value as part of the string expression that forms the criteria argument. This value must be enclosed in number signs (#). Note The number signs indicate to Microsoft Access that the criteria argument contains a date or time within a string."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Implicit Waits¶. An implicit wait is to tell WebDriver to poll the DOM for a certain amount of time when trying to find an element or elements if they are not immediately available. The default setting is 0. Once set, the implicit wait is set for the life of the WebDriver object instance."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"You should choose to use Explicit Waits or Implicit Waits. WARNING: Do not mix implicit and explicit waits. Doing so can cause unpredictable wait times. For example setting an implicit wait of 10 seconds and an explicit wait of 15 seconds, could cause a timeout to occur after 20 seconds. Explicit Waits¶ An explicit wait is code you define to wait for a certain condition to occur before proceeding further in the code. The worst case of this is Thread.sleep(), which sets the condition to an exact time period to wait. There are some convenience methods provided that help you write code that will wait only as long as required."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The VBA code for this function is: Week Number From First Day Of Week Following Another Day Of Week. This methods uses as the first day of Week 1 the first occurrence of one specified day of the week that follows the first occurrence of another day of the week."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Final Fantasy VII uses the Global Timer to decide when the party can escape. The Global Timer is the timer for the entire battle, and its speed is based on the the battle speed in the config. The default battle speed is 128, and at max it is 255."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Important Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) timers are hello timer, forward delay timer and max age timer and their default values are listed below. hello timer. The hello timer is the time interval between each Bridge Protocol Data Unit (BPDU) that is sent on a port. Defaut Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) hello timer is 2 seconds. You can adjust Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) hello timer to any value between 1 and 10 sec."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Four Methods:PAUSETIMEOUTSLEEPPINGCommunity Q&A. Need to delay an action in your batch file? You can set your batch file to wait until the user signals he or she is ready to continue, or you can set your batch file to wait for a set amount of time before proceeding automatically. The method you choose depends on the needs of your program as well as your systemâs capabilities."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"VBA Excel: Add one second to a time. up vote 4 down vote favorite. I'm working with a spreadsheet with two columns, in which one of the columns is a time. I have loaded the data into a dictionary using the time as a key."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Date and Time Criteria Expressions [Access 2003 VBA Language Reference] To specify date or time criteria for an operation, you supply a date or time value as part of the string expression that forms the criteria argument. This value must be enclosed in number signs (#)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"VBA will assign the value 0 to the first constant and increase by 1 for each subsequent member. You might never use the Integer values, but keep this in mind when creating your list. where workdayconstant is Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday or 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, respectively."
"Represent the next text!",
"Normally when you want to set the wait cursor in your application you would use a try/finally block to ensure that the cursor eventually gets set back to the original value: Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.Wait; try { return Foo.Execute(); } finally { Mouse.OverrideCursor = null; }. Don't get me wrong here...There is nothing wrong with using a try/finally. However, there is an alternative way to solve the same problem which I personally think is a more elegant and foolproof."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"From the Station List, tap the menu icon > Settings > Privacy > Sleep Timer. To enable the Sleep Timer, select how many minutes you'd like the timer to wait before it pauses your station. Back To Top. Sleep Timer on Android Tablet: Tap the button in top right of your screen to open up the Menu, then select Settings."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Code placed between Do Until and Loop will be repeated until the part after Do Until is true. Explanation: until i is higher than 6, Excel VBA places the value 20 into the cell at the intersection of row i and column 1 and increments i by 1. As a result, the value 20 will be placed into column A six times (not seven because Excel VBA stops when i equals 7)."
"Represent the natural language:",
"VBA - Date-Time Function. VBScript Date and Time Functions help the developers to convert date and time from one format to another or to express the date or time value in the format that suits a specific condition. Date Functions."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Excel VBA For Do While and Do Until Loop. The VBA For Loop and the Do While loops are the two most important loops in the VBA language. They can be used to carry out a specific task in an iterative manner till such time that a condition is met (or the VBA loop is terminated). Download the worksheet with examples of the for, do while and do until loops in VBA."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"This code will give two date and time as output. And when you subtract these, it will 20 seconds. Here, wait time is mostly equal to implicit wait time. Case 2: Explicit wait time is greater than Implicit Wait The explicit wait maximum elapsed time is mentioned as 20 and Implicit Time is mentioned as 10 . In this case, time taken to find an element is 21 seconds."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"In our Microsoft Access, VBA, and VB6 programs, we often need to pause processing for a certain period of time, or until a specific time, and then continue processing. One common way to do this is to use the DoEvents function in a loop while waiting, like this:"
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Microsoft Excel VBA has many date and time functions.A few of the important ones being Date(), Day(), Now(), DateAdd(), TimeSerial() and DateSerial(). It also has equal number of data type conversion functions. An important data type conversion function that is frequently used in VBA programming is CDate()."
"Represent the next text!",
"All clients TIME WAIT on netstat-Comment:13 Sep 2010: Link. TIME_WAIT means it's waiting for a reply or connection. this often happens when a port is activated and the connection has not yet. been established.May be clients certificate does not match the one on sepm server.IME_WAIT means it's waiting for a reply or connection. this often happens when a port is activated and the connection has not yet. been established. May be clients certificate does not match the one on sepm server."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Security Information. Refresh your browser to update live security wait time information. There are three TSA Security Checkpoints: East, West, and TSA Preââ¢. All are accessed from the Departures - Ticketing/Check-In Level. TSA Preâ⢠is located between the East and West Security Checkpoints."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Wayne Gretzky won the most NHL MVP Awards with 9. This is the record for all north American Sports. Barry Bonds won the most MLB (NL or AL) MVP Awards with 7. Kareem Abdul-Jabâ\\x80¦bar won the most NBA MVP Awards with 6. Peyton Manning has won the most NFL MVP award with 4.']>> to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'who has won the most nba mvp awards']\"",
"// Construct a timer without setting an expiry time. boost::asio::waitable_timer timer(io_service); // Set an expiry time relative to now. timer.expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::seconds(5)); // Wait for the timer to expire."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The wait function takes an optional argument, which is the time that the script should sleep. If you donât supply an argument, then the function will typically return in 0.03 seconds. That means the script is looking for an enemy to attack 30 times a second! The findClosestEnemy function isnât cheap."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, SecondsToWait) Code execution will pause on this line for SecondsToWait seconds. During this period, you are locked out of the application. Any events, such as a command button's Click event or an Application.OnTime event, are deferred until the Wait timer expires. The BREAK key is deferred until the wait expires."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers E.g.:\n['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'If you start at room temperature (20°C) and get colder, the strength of the magnet increases by a small amount. Below about -125°C, the strength then drops much more quickly. Still, even at temperatures near absolute zero, there is still a good deal of magnetic strength left.'] == ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what temp should a magnet be at to change the strength']",
"How to check time and numbers in vba. I am trying to create a userform for excel using vba. I wish to check that when someone inputs in a field that it is a number between 99 and 1000."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The timing functions are traditionally controlled by two buttons on the case. Pressing the top button starts the timer running, and pressing the button a second time stops it, leaving the elapsed time displayed. A press of the second button then resets the stopwatch to zero."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nExample:\nProvided: \"['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.', 'The glaciers of the Andes Mountains have retreated at an unprecedented rate in the past three decades, with more ice lost than at any other time in the last 400 years.']\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'are there any glaciers in the andes']\"",
"once your entire party has arrived check in at the host stand and we ll give you the wait time remaining parties of six or less can call ahead to shorten the wait just give us a call and we ll add your name to the wait list make sure to let us know of any special needs"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Explicit Waits¶. An explicit wait is code you define to wait for a certain condition to occur before proceeding further in the code. The worst case of this is Thread.sleep(), which sets the condition to an exact time period to wait."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Changing an active waitable_timer's expiry time. Changing the expiry time of a timer while there are pending asynchronous waits causes those wait operations to be cancelled. To ensure that the action associated with the timer is performed only once, use something like this: used:"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The first textfield (under label V=) is the velocity of the car. It is not the reaction time. The reaction time is shown in the textfield under the label : [b:039696da07]Delay +Brake[/b:039696da07] where Delay is the reaction time and Brake is the time for the car to fully stopped."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"V$PROCESS displays information about the currently active processes. While the LATCHWAIT column indicates what latch a process is waiting for, the LATCHSPIN column indicates what latch a process is spinning on. On multi-processor machines, Oracle processes will spin on a latch before waiting on it."
"represent text",
"VBA - Do-Until Loops. A Doâ¦Until loop is used when we want to repeat a set of statements as long as the condition is false. The condition may be checked at the beginning of the loop or at the end of loop. Syntax. Following is the syntax of a Do..Until loop in VBA. Do Until condition [statement 1] [statement 2] ..."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"The waiting time is 0 with a ï¬nite probability PW = 0 = 1âP{W > 0} = 1âÏ. This, of course, is equal to the empty queue probability P{N = 0}. J. Virtamo 38.3143 Queueing Theory / The M/M/ â/ queue 12"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"In the simplest PWM mode, the timer repeatedly counts from 0 to 255. The output turns on when the timer is at 0, and turns off when the timer matches the output compare register. The higher the value in the output compare register, the higher the duty cycle. This mode is known as Fast PWM Mode."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"If yes then I guess WaitAndPrint() was called twice in the above code. And I guess StartCoroutine() was calling WaitAndPrint() multiple times. However, I saw another Unity documentation that says: The execution of a coroutine can be paused at any point using the yield statement.The yield return value specifies when the coroutine is resumed..nd I guess StartCoroutine() was calling WaitAndPrint() multiple times. However, I saw another Unity documentation that says: The execution of a coroutine can be paused at any point using the yield statement. The yield return value specifies when the coroutine is resumed.."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 Tap the screen at the position where the pause or wait needs to be added. 2 Tap Sym. 3 Tap Pause to add a two-second pause or tap Wait to add a wait, and use the keypad to enter the additional numbers. 4 A pause will be displayed as a comma (,) and a wait will be displayed as a semi-colon (;)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The VBOA may prescribe renewal fees and requirements that increase based on the amount of time the individual allows to elapse before applying for renewal. The VBOA applies a $100 late fee if not paid by the expiration date. Login to renew an Individual CPA License.n general, an Individual CPA License expires on the last day of the month in which the license was originally issued. Licensees may visit the Virginia Board of Accountancyâs (VBOA) Licensee Search to determine when their license is due to expire. An Individual CPA License may be renewed within 40 days of expiration."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"RE: I need a static date/time in Excel. As stated above, you'll need VBA to have the date/time automatically entered into a cell. But just an FYI: [Ctrl]+[;] enters the current date. [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[;] enters the current time. Those entries are not formulas, so they will remain static once entered.If you want both the date and time in a single cell, then you need to add a space between the two: [Ctrl]+[;], [Space], [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[;] enters the current date and time.-John.hose entries are not formulas, so they will remain static once entered. If you want both the date and time in a single cell, then you need to add a space between the two: [Ctrl]+[;], [Space], [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[;] enters the current date and time. -John."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"VBA Runs in Debug, Not in Normal Run Mode. david humphrey asked May 4, 2011 | Replies (18). My Excel 2010 VBA code will run in debug mode using F8 to move it along. When I run the code using the run function, the loop does not advance tabs and seems to continue looping on same page. It inserts two rows as expected and advances to next tab in debug mode, but when run normally I get 30+ rows inserted between sections."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"January 28, 2015. January 28, 2015/. There are various scenarios where you may want to calculate the time it takes for your VBA code to run. I often do this when trying to test various ways to code a procedure. I like to see which method gives me a faster run time."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Add a check to the click event for the button (the figurize() function) that checks the text value of the button, if it's Start or Resume, start the timer and change the button's text to Pause. If the text is Pause, stop the timer and change the button's text to Resume. To be able to stop the timer, it needs to be assigned to an object instead of just called the way it is. So instead of 'setInterval(d(obj), obj.i);', that line would need to be something like 'myTimer = setInterval(d(obj), obj.i);'. Then to stop the timer you would do 'clearInterval(myTimer)'."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Using the SendKeys Method. You can use the SendKeys method in your VBA code, to simulate keystrokes that you would manually input in the active window. The SendKeys method has two arguments: SendKeys(Keys, Wait) The Keys argument is required, and is the key or keys that you want to send to the application, as text. The Wait option is optional."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Dec 7, 2011 at 9:56 UTC. You would think the VBA would still work, but based on some quick Google searches, it appears VBA will not run while the computer is locked (despite Outlook rules still running). Check this out: http://bytes.com/topic/access/answers/756825-lock-computer-affect-ms-access-applications."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The goal of this article is to show the practical use of different kinds of timers. First, we will see how to use the standard Win32 timers, then switch to multimedia timers, mention waitable timers and queue timers. I will try to make some general comparison between these solutions."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The countdown timer can be set on intervals of 5, 15 or 30 minutes and 1, 2 or 4 hours and fits any decorator-style single or multi-gang wallplates. The timer does not need use a neutral wire, making it easy to install, and works with CFL, LED and incandescent light bulbs."
"represent the input!",
"Implicit Wait; Explicit Wait ; Implicit Wait. Selenium Web Driver has borrowed the idea of implicit waits from Watir. The implicit wait will tell to the web driver to wait for certain amount of time before it throws a No Such Element Exception. The default setting is 0. Once we set the time, web driver will wait for that time before throwing an exception. In the below example we have declared an implicit wait with the time frame of 10 seconds. It means that if the element is not located on the web page within that time frame, it will throw an exception. To declare implicit wait: Syntax: driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(TimeOut, TimeUnit.SECONDS);"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"watchdog timer (WDT) A watchdog timer (WDT) is a device or electronic card that performs a specific operation after a certain period of time if something goes wrong with an electronic system and the system does not recover on its own. Download this free guide."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Do UntilLoop. There are 2 ways a Do Until loop can be used in Excel VBA Macro code. You can tell Excel to check the condition before entering the loop, or tell Excel to enter the loop and then check the condition. Note To stop an endless loop, press ESC or CTRL+BREAK."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Linux makes the waiting process sleep until the owning process wakes it on exiting the critical region. The waiting process adds itself to the semaphore's wait queue and sits in a loop checking the value of the waking field and calling the scheduler until waking is non-zero."
"Represent this text",
"WatchDog Timer. Table of Contents. A watchdog timer (WDT) is a hardware timer that automatically generates a system reset if the main program neglects to periodically service it. It is often used to automatically reset an embedded device that hangs because of a software or hardware fault."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Wait is called on an object, not a thread; we call this object the âlock object.â Before lock.wait() is called, the current thread must synchronize on the lock object; wait() then releases this lock, and adds the thread to the âwait listâ associated with the lock. Later, another thread can synchronize on the same lock object and call lock.notify(). This wakes up the original, waiting thread. Basically, wait()/notify() is like sleep()/interrupt(), only the active thread does not need a direct pointer to the sleeping thread, but only to the shared lock object."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"Arduino Timer Interrupts. Arduino Timer Interrupts. When you want things to happen at a regular time interval, it can be easy to go for the delay() function. But this just pauses the program for a specific time period which is wasteful especially if you need to do other processing in the meantime. This is where timers and interrupts come in to play. The Arduino UNO has three timers. Timer0 - An 8 bit timer used by Arduino functions delay(), millis() and micros()."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Note: The Dwell Time counter will be reset to Zero and display the next day ater a nightly system processing job in eMILPO has run. Dependent Arrival Date CS (Command Sponsored) Dependent Quantity Tour Duration â This is currently limited to three selections: short (12 Months), long (24 months), and long (36 months)."
] |
"A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"what does a full psychological assessment cost?"
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"The cost for a full assessment is determined by the total number of hours required by the psychologist(s) to complete the full evaluation process from testing time to results review session with you, at the rate of $150/hour. An assessment and can range from $750 to $2800. A partial payment is usually required on the day of testing, with the balance due at the follow-up appointment. Payments can be made by cash, check, or credit card and 6-month interest free financing is available."
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Full abdominal ultrasound cost is $300 â $500. Echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart) cost is $300 â $500.* *Prices above include a consultation fee from a board certified specialist."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 The PREPARE-ENRICH assessment costs $35, for example, and is often billed separately from counseling sessions. 2 A counselor may require couples to purchase books or other course materials around $40 to $50. 3 Couples planning to marry at a church where they are not members may pay $100 to $150 more than members."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The DUTCH Complete test, which sells for $399, is a complete hormone panel, including estrogen, androgens, metabolites, melatonin, cortisol, and more. To receive a $50 discount, simply enter your last name directly followed by MERCOLA as a coupon code."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"In 2016 the APA conducted a survey of individuals that had completed masterâs or doctoral degrees in psychology in the past 10 years. APA found that 76% of individuals reported debt from their graduate training, and the mean debt was $99,000."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Step 6: Determine the full cost of the unit of service. This final step is the simplest: Add the costs from steps 3, 4 and 5 to arrive at a total cost per unit of service. In the example, the final cost for an adult physical examination was $64.44."
"Represent the input",
"The American Psychological Association (APA) is the largest scientific and professional organization of psychologists in the United States, with around 117,500 members including scientists, educators, clinicians, consultants, and students. The APA has an annual budget of around $115m."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The cost of an appraisal can vary widely depending on a variety of influencing factors, including the location, the AMC and the lender. Currently, the average cost of a full-fee residential appraisal starts at about $300 to $350 in most metropolitan markets. But as a result of this appraiser shortage, many expect to see these fees rise. Itâs a simple case of supply and demand."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Neuropsychological assessment typically involves 3-4 hours of face to face. contact. This includes a detailed clinical interview and comprehensive testing of. cognitive abilities (e.g., intelligence, memory, learning and executive functions) using standardised tests and questions. Opinion regarding diagnosis / prognosis. and treatment recommendations are provided in a 6-8 page report. Cost: Depending on the referral question, complexity of the case and purpose of. the assessment, cost of assessment and a detailed report ranges from $600 to. $1600 ."
"Represent this",
"1 The PREPARE-ENRICH assessment costs $35, for example, and is often billed separately from counseling sessions. 2 A counselor may require couples to purchase books or other course materials around $40 to $50."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The 2002 Assessment was $55,000 and the Taxable Value was $40,000. The Assessor increased the 2003 assessment to $60,000 applying Equalization Plus Adjustment of $5,000. The March Board of Review determines that the 2003 assessment should be $52,000 and makes that order."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Psychologists generally charge by the session. The rates and length of each session are set by the psychologist's professional organization. Where I live, as an example, each session is 50 minutes and the cost is $170 per session. 4.9k Views"
"Represent the following document!",
"Psychological pricing is used when prices are set to a certain level where the consumer perceives the price to be fair. The most common method is odd-pricing using figures that end in 5, 7 or 9. It is believed that consumers tend to round down a price of $9.95 to $9, rather than $10."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Cost: One hour of testing plus a brief report = $275 . spatial abilities, working memory and processing speed. completing standardised tests and questions. Cost: One hour of testing plus a brief report = $275 ."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"How much does the GRE test cost? The General Test (Verbal, Quantitative and Analytic) costs $105.00, the Writing Assessment test is $50, and the Subject Test is $130.00. For the list price, scores are sent to⦠four schools."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 According to giftedkids.about.com, testing can cost between $200 to $700. 2 The average rate is around $600 which generally includes both IQ and achievement tests. 3 On the other hand, according to Chuckfoxtrot.com, a six hour test to measure a personâs cognitive capacity costs around $600."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The cost of a graduate degree is more: All Psychology Schools states that the average in-state cost is $10,000 each year, while the average out-of-state cost is $14,691 each year. However, more financial aid is available for doctoral students. In addition, the American Psychological Association approves doctoral degrees."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Assessment is more than testing. Definition of Psychological Testing. Definition of Psychological Assessment. Assessment is more than testing. Psychological testing (e.g., an intelligence test, personality test, or mental health test) occurs as part of the process of psychological assessment."
"Represent the following document",
"Other tests measure general well being and provide an overall picture of a person's personality. A typical psychological assessment includes an interview with a mental health practitioner and one or more formal psychological tests."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"* Report Writing $150 per hour. Payment Policy. For psychological evaluations and reports, the fee is payable in two parts: 1.) 50% of total estimated fees is due at the time of the initial appointment, and 2.) the remaining balance is due on the completion and delivery of the evaluation report."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Recommended Fee* for Psychological Services The recommended fee until 30 June 2016 for a standard psychological consultation of 45-60 minutes is $238.00 This fee is recommended only."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Pricing designed to have a positive psychological impact. For example, selling a product at $3.95 or $3.99, rather than $4.00. There are certain price points where people are willing to buy a product. If the price of a product is $100 and the company prices it as $99, then it is called psychological pricing. In most of the consumers mind $99 is psychologically âlessâ than $100. A minor distinction in pricing can make a big difference in sales."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Also, she recommends taking requisite courses in the core areas of psychology and completing an APA-or CPA-accredited internship. Anticipate the cost. Fees for licensure can range from $500 to more than $1,000, including application and initial licensing fees and exam costs."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"©Predict Success, 2014 9 Finding out about cost The cost of assessments varies from free (and usually of limited value) to quite expensive. The cost of the Psychological Type Indicator (PTI) is $15. The cost of DISC and Myers-Briggs is $50. per person, for example. StrengthsFinder runs about $89."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"You may notice that many health care professionals do not list their fees. I value transparency and would like prospective clients to know what to expect in terms of expenses for psychological services. The recommended fee for psychological services (per BC Psychological Association) is $200.00 per hour."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The term itself is used somewhat haphazardly. Anxiety treatment centers can be very expensive, costing thousands of dollars by the time you've left the program. The initial assessment alone often costs anywhere from $350 to $500, and the hourly fees for individual and group therapy may be $150 to $400 per hour. Additional fees apply for lodging."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"I value transparency and would like prospective clients to know what to expect in terms of expenses for psychological services. The recommended fee for psychological services (per BC Psychological Association) is $200.00 per hour. My fee for most psychological services is $190.00 per hour."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1 Another type of therapist is the psychologist who provides psychological testing and psychotherapy. 2 They typically charge anywhere from $140 to $275 per session. 3 CTTherapy.com is a clinic that can provide an initial assessment for $125, while the typical 50 minute session can runaround $100 to $175. They typically charge anywhere from $140 to $275 per session. 2 CTTherapy.com is a clinic that can provide an initial assessment for $125, while the typical 50 minute session can runaround $100 to $175."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"~ 3 min read. Psychological assessment is a process of testing that uses a combination of techniques to help arrive at some hypotheses about a person and their behavior, personality and capabilities. Psychological assessment is also referred to as psychological testing, or performing a psychological battery on a person."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Recommended Fee* for Psychological Services The recommended fee until 30 June 2016 for a standard psychological consultation of 45-60 minutes is $238.00 This fee is recommended only. Psychologists are able to vary this fee at their discretion."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"What is the cost of using Assessment Center? The use of Assessment Center carries fees associated with maintaining and updating the software. Studies will be charged an annual fee of $5,000 per study. All fees are assessed under a costârecovery business model with no profit motivation."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Fees for Clinical Psychology registrars are $155. This is considerably lower than the Australian Psychological Societyâs recommended fees for private practice psychological services at $235 per 50 minute session. Please note that fees are payable at the time of consultation."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The cost of a bachelorâs degree in psychology will vary depending upon the type of institution you attend. According to College Boardâs Trends in College Pricing 2015-2016, the average annual cost* for a four-year, public institution runs around $9,400 for in-state tuition and $23,400 for out-of-state tuition."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"It ledto $23 billion in lost productivity and almost $145 billion in reduced quality of life (in 1989 dollars).If associated deaths and cases resulting in psychological injury only arc included, costs average $47,000for rape, $19,000 for robbery, $15,000 for assault, and $25,000 for arson."
"1 On average, the cost of a full body MRI ranges from $200 to $3,500 depending on where you go and what you get. 2 An MRI costs, on average, is around $1,000 to $3,000. A full body MRI includes technical fees which is the cost of the procedure and where there is a potential to save a considerable amount of money and professional fees which are associated with having the radiologist interpret the test result."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Pricing designed to have a positive psychological impact. For example, selling a product at $3.95 or $3.99, rather than $4.00. There are certain price points where people are willing to buy a product. If the price of a product is $100 and the company prices it as $99, then it is called psychological pricing.In most of the consumers mind $99 is psychologically âlessâ than $100. A minor distinction in pricing can make a big difference in sales.here are certain price points where people are willing to buy a product. If the price of a product is $100 and the company prices it as $99, then it is called psychological pricing. In most of the consumers mind $99 is psychologically âlessâ than $100. A minor distinction in pricing can make a big difference in sales."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"What makes COMT different from other outcomes tools? COMT is the only automated outcomes system which combines a psychological assessment with the function al measurements that are recorded and trended for easy viewing. Why would a psychological assessment be useful?"
"For a twice a month arrangement, it's not too bad. Psychologists generally charge by the session. The rates and length of each session are set by the psychologist's professional organization. Where I live, as an example, each session is 50 minutes and the cost is $170 per session."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A psychological assessment can include numerous components such as norm-referenced psychological tests, informal tests and surveys, interview information, school or medical records, medical evaluation and observational data. A psychologist determines what information to use based on the specific questions being asked. psychological assessment can include numerous components such as norm-referenced psychological tests, informal tests and surveys, interview information, school or medical records, medical evaluation and observational data. A psychologist determines what information to use based on the specific questions being asked."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Understanding psychological testing and assessment If you or a family member has been referred for psychological testing, you probably have some questions about what to expect. Or you may have heard about psychological testing and wonder if you or a family member should be tested."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"American Psychological Association. The American Psychological Association (APA) is the largest scientific and professional organization of psychologists in the United States, with around 117,500 members including scientists, educators, clinicians, consultants, and students. The APA has an annual budget of around $115m."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"While I was on internship (a required year long training experience somewhat like a medical school residency), I think I made $18,000 a year. Once I started in private practice, I could charge the going rate for psychologists in the Bay Area (~$160 to over $200)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"An ultrasound is often used when a cat suffers from unexplained weight loss, vomiting, kidney, liver or gastrointestinal diseases and bladder problems. The prices below are approximate. 1 Full abdominal ultrasound cost is $300 â $500. *. Echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart) cost is $300 â $500.*."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The cost of a graduate degree is more: All Psychology Schools states that the average in-state cost is $10,000 each year, while the average out-of-state cost is $14,691 each year. However, more financial aid is available for doctoral students."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"How much does it cost to take the TSI Assessment? The TSI Assessment costs $29. However, your testing fee is waived if you are a high school student between September 1, 2016âAugust 21, 2017, and you're. A student attending a Tarrant County public, charter, private, or home school."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Examples. 1 Applicants who make it through that social interview then undergo a personality assessment, called the Caliper Profile, from Caliper, a management consulting company in Princeton, N.J. The profiles cost less than $300 each, and Extensis receives a written report highlighting a candidate's strengths and weaknesses."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it!\n\nFor example, ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'The Veterinary Journal (VET J) The Veterinary Journal is an international journal of veterinary research which publishes original papers and reviews on all aspects of veterinary science. Contributions reporting investigative work in the scientific disciplines involving veterinary species are particularly welcome.'] should be similar to ['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results\\n\\n\\nE.g. what can kinds of spores are produced by flowering plants == pollen-the fine spores that contain male gametes and that are borne by an anther in a flowering plant. microspore-smaller of the two types of spore produced in heterosporous plants; develops in the pollen sac into a male gametophyte. != Homospory characterizes plants that produce spores that are all the same size (as in bryophytes and most seedless vascular plants). Homospory can result in bisexual gametophytes (as in ferns, pg 611) or unisexual gametophytes (male or female) as in mosses - see pg 607 in the text. Heterospory characterizes plants that produce spores of different sizes: megaspores and microspores which give rise to separate female and male gametophytes, respectively. Contrast sperm delivery in seedless plants with sperm delivery in seed plants.', 'what is the veterinary journal']",
"1 On average, the cost of a full body MRI ranges from $200 to $3,500 depending on where you go and what you get. 2 An MRI costs, on average, is around $1,000 to $3,000."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Example of psychological pricing at a gas station. Psychological pricing (also price ending, charm pricing) is a pricing/marketing strategy based on the theory that certain prices have a psychological impact.Retail prices are often expressed as odd prices: a little less than a round number, e.g. $19.99 or £2.98.he theory of psychological pricing is controversial. Some studies show that buyers, even young children, have a very sophisticated understanding of true cost and relative value and that, to the limits of the accuracy of the test, they behave rationally."
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"A full Building Survey on an average house will cost the order of £300 to £600. It will be carried out by a Chartered Surveyor who is a member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). The Surveyor will normally look at the complete property and give a detailed opinion regarding the state of the building."
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"neuropsychological testing may seem to be rather expensive however you may not be aware of the time involved in completion of an evaluation from start to finish at $ 150 00 per hour the cost for such an evaluation would be $ 2100 00 to $ 3000 00 dollars while that may seem very high compare the cost to what you might pay a mechanic plumber or attorney a neuropsychologist has up to eight years of post graduate training"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The recommended fee for psychological services (per BC Psychological Association) is $200.00 per hour. My fee for most psychological services is $190.00 per hour."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"A bachelorâs in psychology or a related field can be an asset for achieving certifications in areas like substance abuse counseling or prevention. Substance abuse and behavioral disorder counselors average $38,520, mental health counselors and family therapists $41,500."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A full psychological evaluation typically includes an in-depth clinical interview in addition to tests of ability/intelligence, academic achievement tests, personality tests, behavior rating scales, and various scales assessing psychopathology."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Ashland, Nebraska. Ashland is a city in Saunders County, Nebraska, United States. The population was 2,453 at the 2010 census.']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what county is ashland ne']\"",
"GetEducated compared 70 psychology masterâs programs from 40 regionally accredited online schools to create this Best Buy ranking. Our rankings reveal the most affordable options in the United Statesâ27 online masterâs in psychology for under $27,000. Average Cost (In-state): $26,804.27. Least Expensive: Angelo State University ~$12,790.20. Most Expensive: John F Kennedy University ~$51,965."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Of the two-thirds of those who are referred to therapy but never go, price is the main hurdle, as many therapists don't take insurance. The median cost per session for psychologists is $75. Patients often pay out of pocket. In comparison, text therapy apps charge much less. One that raised a few eyebrows since its ads started appearing on the New York City subway this January is Talkspace, which can cost as little as $19 per week. Competitors like GoLantern and BetterHelp can cost between $28-$35 per week."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Indicate cost per unit, if known, for those checked: X all that apply: Mental health service Estimated cost: Per (X one type of unit) : X: 1 Minute 16a. Mental health diagnostic assessment 16b.$ 2 Session 1 Minute 16c."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Cost. 1 Varies between programs and according to the extent of services provided. 2 Typically $200 to $400+ for a full assessment, plus $100 an hour for rehabilitation. 3 Varies for adaptive equipment, if required."
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"The test costs $10 per section or $29 for all 3 parts and we need you to register at least one day prior to the test date that works best for you. We also encourage you to review some sample questions. In addition, there is a new TSI Assessment Web-Based Study App that is free for all students."
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"That means some fees are higher and some lower. Typically, psychiatrist fees (per hour) will begin at $125.00, and top out at about $285.00. Psychologist fees begin at around $90.00 and go to somewhere around $150.00."
"Represent this text",
"An ultrasound is often used when a cat suffers from unexplained weight loss, vomiting, kidney, liver or gastrointestinal diseases and bladder problems. The prices below are approximate. Full abdominal ultrasound cost is $300 â $500. * Echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart) cost is $300 â $500.* *Prices above include a consultation fee from a board certified specialist. If you would like to schedule an appointment for your cat click here : http://www.northernilcatclinic.com/schedule-appointment/"
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"Assessment is more than testing. Assessment is more than testing. Psychological testing (e.g., an intelligence test, personality test, or mental health test) occurs as part of the process of psychological assessment. Thus, the results of a psychological test are rarely used on their own."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"the cost of a neuropsychological evaluation generally ranges from $ 1800 $ 2400 depending on the time required and complexity of the case if you have no insurance or your insurance plan does not cover neuropsychological testing our office has three different options for out of pocket payments for services rendered"
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"Fees for Clinical Psychology registrars are $155. This is considerably lower than the Australian Psychological Societyâs recommended fees for private practice psychological services at $235 per 50 minute session."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The recommended fee for psychological services (per BC Psychological Association) is $200.00 per hour. My fee for most psychological services is $190.00 per hour. Payment is by cash or cheque (not credit cards) and is due at the end of each session."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The charge for an assessment could be $150 or more. After the assessment, the physical therapist may perform varied sets of procedures for each session. Some procedures are billable by the minute; the charge for gait training could be as high as $115 for each quarter hour, for example."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"A full body scan, which includes cardiac scoring and lung screening, costs $850 at Diagnostic Imaging Associates. At this time, insurance plans do not cover the cost of this screening procedure because clinical trials examining the effectiveness of this study to prolong life have not been published."
] |
"Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results",
"how long to dental implants last"
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"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"(Dental bridges and dentures may need to be replaced in seven to 15 years.) On the other hand, the study also found that many patients required frequent return trips to the dentist due to complications associated with an implant."
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"How Much Does Clear Choice Dental Implants Costs. 23 Mar 2010 The cost of dental implants Clear Choice can vary significantly The costs do not vary very much, but we can probably expect to pay between . How Much Does Clear Choice Dental Implants Costs. The average cost for clear choice ranges between $30,000 and $40,000. The cost of dental implants clear choice can vary significantly. Consult a dentist for. How Much Does Clear Choice Dental Implants Costs. The clear choice for your solution to dental implants is always going to improve your profilo."
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"Dr. Eric Weinstein, DDS explains how dental implants are easier to afford than you may think. Cost of Dental Implants on Long Island. Hi, it's Dr. Eric Weinstein from Shine Dental Associates of the North Shore, located at 400 Jericho Turnpike in Syosset.r. Eric Weinstein, DDS explains how dental implants are easier to afford than you may think. Cost of Dental Implants on Long Island. Hi, it's Dr. Eric Weinstein from Shine Dental Associates of the North Shore, located at 400 Jericho Turnpike in Syosset."
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"*The average cost for a single tooth Implant ranges between $2,000 to $4,000. *The cost of a full set of a Dental Implant is $30,000. Dental Implants is a procedure with Last-Long results. However, the process of obtaining dental implants can be time-consuming, expensive, and success is not guaranteed.The cost of a full set of a Dental Implant is $30,000. Dental Implants is a procedure with Last-Long results. However, the process of obtaining dental implants can be time-consuming, expensive, and success is not guaranteed."
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"Letâs explore the question: How long does it take for a dental implant to heal? In order to effectively provide a dental implant, the first step is implanting a screw into your jaw bone. The screw will be used to anchor the replacement tooth that will ultimately be visible in your mouth. These screws are made of special materials that will not damage your mouth or jaw."
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"If the dental bridge is a fixed (permanent) bridge, your dentist may temporarily cement it in place for a couple of weeks to make sure it is fitting properly. After a couple weeks, the bridge is permanently cemented into place. Dental bridges can last five to 15 years and even longer."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"How long can implantation cramping last? The time interval, when the future embryo is attaching to the uterine endometrium, is referred to as implantation window. It usually lasts for 1-3 days. After that, the level of human gonadotropin in the blood begins to grow, and you can finally get your BFP."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"METAL-FREE DENTAL IMPLANTS. zirconium implants, zirconia implants and ceramic implants. Not so long ago, dental implants were a highly acclaimed new technique, and now they are commonly used as the first choice for tooth replacement. Now, a new material will once again revolutionizes dental implantology - zirconia."
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"Happily, a dental-implant restored tooth usually lasts longer but costs no more than other treatments to restore a tooth if you use a dental implant dentist who has the proper education and training. For example, dental implants are usually less expensive than a bridge long term because a bridge over natural teeth typically has to be replaced more often."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"How Much Do Dental Bridges Cost? The cost of dental bridges varies depending on the type of bridge selected and the area of the country in which the procedure is performed. Dental insurance will typically pay a percentage of the fee depending on the individual dental plan. How Long Do Dental Bridges Last? Dental bridges can last five to 15 years and even longer. With good oral hygiene and regular checkups, it is not unusual for the life span of a fixed bridge to be over 10 years. Will It Be Difficult to Eat With a Dental Bridge? Replacing missing teeth with a dental bridge should actually make eating easier."
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"Longevity is one of the main dental implant benefits. Dental implants are the longest lasting solution for the replacement of missing teeth that we have in modern dentistry. By practicing good oral hygiene, including routine scheduled care, you can promote a long-lasting dental implant."
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"No two patients or their customized dental implant treatments are exactly alike, so the number of appointments, procedures and cost of dental implants varies depending on the person. Unlike other tooth replacement options, dental implants are highly customized for your teeth and mouth - that is why they look so natural. That said, the cost of dental implants tends to compare very favorably to other tooth replacment options because dental implants can last so long"
] |
"A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:",
"is gwen stefani italian"
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"Gwen Stefani. Gwen Renée Stefani (/É¡wÉn ËstÉËfÉËni/; born October 3, 1969) is an American singer, songwriter, fashion designer, actress, and television personality."
] | [
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"Ethnicity: French, English, along with smaller amounts of Irish, Scots-Irish (Northern Irish), Scottish, Welsh, Dutch, Belgian (Flemish), German, as well as 3/4096 African. Lily-Rose Depp is a French-American actress and model. She is the daughter of American actor Johnny Depp and French singer and actress Vanessa Paradis. Lily-Rose has dual citzenship with the United States and France. Her father is from Owensboro, Kentucky. Her mother is from Saint-Maur-des-Fossés, Val-de-Marne, France."
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"Stefani has since moved on from Rossdale, and is making headlines for her new romance with fellow Voice team leader, Blake Shelton. WATCH: Gwen Stefani's Ex-Husband Gavin Rossdale Still Wearing Wedding Ring."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"The original Contra coin-operated arcade game debuted in February 1987, with the incredibly popular Contra Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) version being released in 1988. The video game's story is set in the year 2633, when the evil Red Falcon Organization have set a base on the Galuga archipelago near New Zealand in a plot to conquer the world. Two commandos, Pfc. Bill Rizer and Pfc. Lance Bean of the Contra unit, soldiers specializing in guerrilla warfare, are sent to the island to destroy the enemy forces and uncover the true nature of the alien entity controlling them.\"]>> to <<['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'when was video game contra released']>>",
"'We got in a fight about it': Gwen Stefani reveals she argued with husband Gavin Rossdale about decision to work together on The Voice. She joins the panel of judges on the upcoming season seven of The Voice while he will act as guest mentor. But it seems that the decision to collaborate professionally with her husband of 12 years was not an easy one to make for singer Gwen Stefani. The 44-year-old opened up at a recent press conference for the hugely popular NBC singing competition saying she fell out with the Bush frontman over the idea."
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"Lidia Bastianich. Lidia Giuliana Matticchio Bastianich (Italian: [ËliËdja matËtikkjo baËstjaËnitÊ]; born February 21, 1947) is a Croatian-born ethnic Italian American celebrity chef, television host, author, and restaurateur."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Photo: Instagram/Gwen Stefani. Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton cannot escape the false baby rumors. Now there's a crazyi report that Stefani is pregnant with twins. But while the 'Voice' coach isn't expecting, she continues to grow closer with her Go Ahead And Break My Heart duet partner."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"#TBT: Gwen Stefani's 'Hollaback Girl' Topped the Charts 10 Years Ago. Now, this really is B-A-N-A-N-A-S: Gwen Stefaniâs incredibly catchy, utterly inescapable hit âHollaback Girlâ is officially 10 years old."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"There's no doubt about it: Gwen Stefani is an open book. Since her rep confirmed her relationship with Blake Shelton last week, the Voice coaches have made headlines for their hot new romance. In fact, as KIIS-FM's JoJo Wright noted Monday night, There's a lot going on with you.."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"No, I do not [have a type], she laughs. That's a funny question. Stefani is, of course, currently dating her fellow Voice coach Blake Shelton. Prior to Shelton, she was married to Bush frontman Gavin Rossdale for 13 years, and she also dated her No Doubt bandmate Tony Kanal for seven years."
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"âItâs more for my brain than for my body,â Gwen Stefani claims when asked about her workout routine. âI like to wear clothes too much, so I try to keep focused.â. The 42-year-old singer is known for her sweat inducing on-stage performances with her band, No Doubt. Stefani also notes that she goes to the gym as often as her schedule allows for both the physical and mental benefits of exercise."
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"Confidence votes 460. Stefani Germanotta (a/k/a Lady Gaga) attended the Convent of the Sacred Heart School, a Catholic School in upper Manhattan in New York City, the same High School as Paris Hilton and Nicky Hilton."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!', 'Scientists estimate the volume of blood in a human body to be approximately 7 percent of body weight. An average adult body with a weight of 150 to 180 pounds will contain approximately 4.7 to 5.5 liters (1.2 to 1.5 gallons) of blood. An average child with a body weight of 80 pounds will have approximately half the amount of blood as an adult. Blood carries out many critical functions in the body.']>> to \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how much blood in a human']\"",
"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. StanisÅawa Walasiewicz, also known as Stefania Walasiewicz, StanisÅawa Walasiewiczowna (walasiewiczówna See polish) name And Stella (walsh 3 april â 1911 4 december) 1980 was A polish track and field, athlete who became a'women S olympic champion in the 100. metres"
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"Marilyn said, Gavin and Gwen are perfect for each other, but he was the love of my life.. Rossdale and Stefani have homes in Primrose Hill (London), and Los Angeles (California). They divorced in 2015."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Gwen Stefani, Gavin Rossdale, Apollo Rossdale-EXCLUSIVE Gwen Stefani and family spend a sunday afternoon at Pint Size Kids-Los Angeles, California, United States-Monday 13th April 2015."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Lady GaGa's family is Italian and she is American. She can speak French and English fluently, and a little Italian, German, and rumours of Russian. 21 people found this useful."
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"Gavin Rossdale and Gwen Stefani at the Wallis Annenberg Center For The Performing Arts Inaugural Gala in Los Angeles in 2013. Read More: Gwen Stefani Explains Why She Has Never Used Sexuality To Further Career."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Gwen is the short version of two medieval and romantic names, Gwendolyn and Guinevere. And thanks to stylish rocker Gwen Stefani, the name sounds fresh and modern again. A bonus: it still has yet to hop on the popularity train, making Gwen a moderately unique name for a baby girl. Welsh: Fair, white, blessed."
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"Despite Blake Shelton Romance, Gwen Stefani Is Still Legally Married to Gavin Rossdale. As Gwen Stefani's romance with Blake Shelton heats up, ET has learned that she is still legally married in the eyes of the law. Gwen gushed to Dallas/Ft. Worth radio station KVIL on Friday about her new beau, describing him as a pretty rad guy, but her divorce from Gavin Rossdale has yet to be finalized."
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"Stephanie or Stefanie is a female name that comes from the Greek name ÏÏÎÏÎ±Î½Î¿Ï (Stefanos) meaning crown. The male form is Stephen.orms of Stephanie in other languages include the German Stefanie , the Italian, Czech, Polish, and Russian Stefania , the Portuguese Estefania (estefânia although the use of that version has become, rare and both The english And french versions are the ones commonly), used and The Spanish. estefania estefanÃa"
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"Laura San Giacomo is an Italian American actress from New Jersey. She is well remembered for her role as Kit De Luca in the 1990 film Pretty Woman. Laura is the former star of the TV series Just Shoot Me and is currently married to Matt Adler. Sheâ¦more."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Blake Shelton & Gwen Stefaniâs Relationship Status. Blake Shelton & Gwen Stefani. Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton have only been dating for a number of weeks, but the rumors have already begun."
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"stefani germanotta born stefani joanne angelina germanotta was born on march 28 1986 at lenox hill hospital in new york city new york she is the eldest child of joseph joe and cynthia nee née bissett germanotta"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"exists and is an alternate of . Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta (born March 28, 1986), known better as Lady Gaga, is a popular American recording artist. She began playing in clubs in the New York City area while also working at Interscope Records as a songwriter for several established acts."
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"Gwen Stefani Net Worth: $100 Million. In the âTrollsâ movie, Gwen Stefani is DJ Suki, a Troll who is always improvising musical tunes. Filmgoers will enjoy the sound of her all-natural DJ equipment, which includes crickets, beetles and other bugs."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Troubles: Gwen Stefani revealed in a recent press conference that she and husband Gavin Rossdale fought about working together on The Voice. The mother-of-three revealed: 'I went back and forth about having Gavin on [the show] because we have only collaborated on babies before,"
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries For instance, <<['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs). These drugs can slow the progression of rheumatoid arthritis and save the joints and other tissues from permanent damage. Common DMARDs include methotrexate (Trexall, Otrexup, Rasuvo), leflunomide (Arava), hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) and sulfasalazine (Azulfidine).']>> to <<['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'medications to treat rheumatoid arthritis']>>",
"by 7:44 AM PST, February 18, 2016. Playing Gwen Stefani Says She's Only Had Two Boyfriends in Her Entire Life. Gwen Stefani is definitely not the most experienced when it comes to dating! The 46-year-old singer says she actually doesn't have a type in a new radio interview, and that's because she's hardly dated."
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"Jessie Star Peyton List Looks to '90s-era Gwen Stefani for Makeup Tips. Jessie star and budding fashionista Peyton List says '90s No Doubt-era Gwen Stefani is giving her major inspiration for her spring makeup look."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Gwen Stefani, 43, 'pregnant with baby number three with husband Gavin Rossdale'. Gwen Stefani is pregnant with her third child with husband Gavin Rossdale, it has been claimed. The 43-year-old singer, who is already mother to sons Kingston, seven, and five-year-old Zuma with her Bush rocker spouse, is said to be thrilled about the news, according to America's In Touch Weekly magazine. A source told the publication: 'Gwen and Gavin couldn't be happier."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Place of Birth: Glens Falls, New York, U.S. Date of Birth: August 25, 1968. Ethnicity: Sicilian Italian (maternal grandfather), English, French, Welsh. Rachael Ray is an American celebrity chef, television personality, writer, and businessperson. She is the daughter of Elsa/Elsie (Scuderi) and James Ray. Her maternal grandfather was Sicilian Italian, and her other ancestry includes English, French, and Welsh. Rachael is able to speak Italian, though it is not her mother tongue. Rachael is married to John Cusimano, a lawyer and lead singer of the rock band The Cringe."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"WATCH: Gwen Stefani Files for Divorce From Gavin Rossdale. This serendipitous situation for NBC required a perfect storm of coincidences and heartbreaking events in order to come to fruition. In April 2014, Gwen joined The Voice, where Blake was already a coach. At the time, both were married."
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"Recently an insider divulged to OK! That Gwen is indeed pregnant with twins. The source went on to say that Gwen âgrew up a good Catholic girlâ and itâs very important to Stefani that she and Blake are legally wed before the little ones arrive."
"Is Gwen Stefani Returning to The Voice For Season 10? We haven't seen the last of Gwen Stefani on The Voice, which is good for NBC, because otherwise we're pretty sure we'd lead a revolt. Adorable flirtations with Blake Shelton aside, Gwen Stefani is a national treasure and an excellent addition to the show's line-up of coaches."
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"Gwen is a Welsh feminine given name meaning white, holy. It can be a shortened form of Gwenhwÿfar (Guinevere) or other names beginning with the same element, such as: Gwenaëlle (modern feminine form of Breton Gwenaël)"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Gwen is a Welsh feminine given name meaning white, holy. It can be a shortened form of Gwenhwÿfar (Guinevere) or other names beginning with the same element, such as: 1 Gwenaëlle (modern feminine form of Breton Gwenaël) 2 Gwenda (explained as a compound of gwen white, pure, blessed, holy + da good, well) Gwendolen."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Confidence votes 43.6K. Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta (born March 28, 1986), known better as Lady Gaga, is a popular American recording artist. She began playing in clubs in the New York City area while also working at Interscope Records as a songwriter for several established acts."
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"As part of our efforts to empower women through The Ultraviolet Edge, we'll be recognizing inspirational women who rock our worldâstarting with a woman we've admired forever: Gwen Stefani. Like us, she has a history of breaking down barriers and hails from Orange County, California."
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"READ: How Gwen Stefani balances family, fitness and fashion. In September 2013, sources confirmed that the couple would be welcoming a new member to the family, but this is the first time that the L.A.M.B. designer has confirmed that she's indeed expecting. Of course, the rocker's growing baby bump spoke for itself."
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"After a report earlier this week claimed that Gwen Stefani was pregnant with twins, gossip debunking site Gossip Cop slammed the report and called it false."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"View. comments. Gwen Stefani's husband, Gavin Rossdale has admitted he had a gay affair with a flamboyant pop star when he was 17. In a magazine interview the London-born Bush frontman confirmed the much-rumoured relationship with 1980's New Romantic gender bender, Marilyn, branding it a âone-time experimentationâ."
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"Gwen Stefani is many things -- No Doubt frontwoman, fashion designer, red-lipped icon -- and in November 2004, she accepted a new challenge: to become a pop princess. After years as the badass rock frontwoman, Stefani was ready for something a little different. The release of her first solo album, Love.Angel.Music.Baby, found the star trying out electronic pop and throwing things back to the '80s a full decade before Taylor Swift did. Stefani also upped the fashion love, with Vivienne Westwood, John Galliano and, of course, Harajuku girls all getting lyrical shout-outs."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta was born on March 28, 1986 in Yonkers, New York, to Cynthia and Joseph Germanotta. Germanotta, now known as Lady Gaga (she has attributed the inspiration for her name to the Queen song Radio Ga-Ga), went on to become an international pop star. Gaga learned to play the piano by the age of 4."
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"First pic is from 1996, when Gwen was on the cusp of fame as a 27-year-old singer: Gwen Stefani in 1996. Ah, the '90s! Skinny brows, first-generation marsala lipstick, a bindi and the strangest lowlights I've ever seen."
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"Confidence votes 460. Stefani Germanotta (a/k/a Lady Gaga) attended the Convent of the Sacred Heart School, a Catholic School in upper Manhattan in New York City, the same High School as Paris Hilton and Nicky Hilton. She also went to college at the Tisch School of Arts, a part that makes up New York University."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Gwen tried out a brand new makeup (and hair) look in 2011: Gwen Stefani at a 2011 screening of 'The Tree of Life'. It's off-brand for her, but I thought she rocked it at the time. However, I still think Gwen looks best in her signature minimal makeup with a bold red on the mouth and hair scraped off the face."
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"Another tabloid cover story claimed this week that Gwen Stefani was pregnant with twin girls. The report said that Stefani was four months along, and that she conceived naturally. But a rep for the singer confirmed to Gossip Cop that the rumor is untrue.. WHY GWEN IS LOVING LIFE AFTER HER DIVORCE."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Young house sparrows remain in the nest for 11 to 23 days, normally 14 to 16 days. During this time, they are fed by both parents. As newly hatched house sparrows do not have sufficient insulation they are brooded for a few days, or longer in cold conditions.he house sparrow is typically about 16 cm (6.3 in) long, ranging from 14 to 18 cm (5.5 to 7.1 in). It is a compact bird with a full chest and a large rounded head.']\" Match: \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how long do sparrows nest for']\"",
"Edith Piaf, byname of Edith Giovanna Gassion (born December 19, 1915, Paris, Franceâdied October 10, 1963, Plascassier, near Grasse), French singer and actress whose interpretation of the chanson, or French ballad, made her internationally famous."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Posted: 03/26/2013 1:43 pm EDT Updated: 03/26/2013 4:02 pm EDT. Now's your chance to live like Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale. The couple's former Los Angeles home is on the market and can be all yours for a cool $5.195 million. Described in the listing as a romantic 1928 Spanish Colonial, the house has four bedrooms and five bathrooms."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Gwen Stefani: It's a miracle I'm still married to Gavin Rossdale. More than a decade of marriage is not an easy feat -- especially for two people as busy as Gwen Stefani and her rocker husband Gavin Rossdale. The couple, married for 12 years, have three children together and are constantly battling to balance their work, family time and me time."
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"Stefani Germanotta (a/k/a Lady Gaga) attended the Convent of the Sacred Heart School, a Catholic School in upper Manhattan in New York City, the same High School as Paris Hilt ⦠on and Nicky Hilton."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"How are Gwen Stefani and Madonna related? Gwennie and Madonna are related by marriage. Gwen's great-aunt's (her father's mother's sis) sis who was born in Detroit near where Madonna is from married a man whose mother'â¦s last name was Ciccone."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"She's a rock star -- and a proud mom, too. Gwen Stefani posted the below photo to Instagram on Friday, showing her with her 5-month-old baby boy, Apollo Bowie Flynn. In the snapshot, the 44-year-old appears to be breastfeeding her son beside a gorgeous, mountainous landscape in Switzerland."
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"Stefani âtrusted her and treated her as younger sister/best friend.â. Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale reportedly split because she thinks he cheated with the nanny (Credit: Fern / Splash News). However, Stefani soon âhad suspicions that Gavin and the nanny had become romantically involved,â the source told Radar Online."
"Represent the next text",
"Answer by Kayla Krueger. Confidence votes 460. Stefani Germanotta (a/k/a Lady Gaga) attended the Convent of the Sacred Heart School, a Catholic School in upper Manhattan in New York City, the same High School as Paris Hilton and Nicky Hilton."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Stefani Germanotta (a/k/a Lady Gaga) attended the Convent of the Sacred Heart School, a Catholic School in upper Manhattan in New York City, the same High School as Paris Hilton and Nicky Hilton. She also went to college at the Tisch School of Arts, a part that makes up New York University."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"A female, of partial or full italian descent, who defines herself/flaunts her nationality in an obnoxious, ethnocentric manner. Speaks only few Italian slang/curse words, brags about going to Italy/having family in Italy. May be called a guidette or guido girl. Has italian reflector stickers on her $30,000 car which her parents paid for. Wears Italian Princess tank tops. Is frequently covered in Juicy Couture, carrys Louis Vuitton bag(s) and wears Chanel/Gucci sheild sunglasses or mirrored aviators. Wears her black or bleached hair with extensions in a poof or tightly binded slicked ponytail."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Well, we didnât see this coming! Gwen Stefaniâs rocker ex-husband, Gavin Rossdale, is reportedly dating Elin Nordegren, according to an Us Weekly source. Nordegren, a former nanny and model, is most famous for her nearly six-year marriage to Tiger Woods, which we all know ended in scandal."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Stefani is a writer and urban planner based in Oakland, CA. She holds a masterâs in City and Regional Planning from UC Berkeley and a bachelorâs in Human Biology from Stanford University. In her free time, she is often found reading diverse literature, writing stories, or enjoying the outdoors."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"Place of Birth: Glens Falls, New York, U.S. Date of Birth: August 25, 1968 Ethnicity: Sicilian Italian (maternal grandfather), English, French, Welsh Rachael Ray is an American celebrity chef, television personality, writer, and businessperson. She is the daughter of Elsa/Elsie (Scuderi) and James Ray. Her maternal grandfather was Sicilian Italian, and her other ancestry includes English, French, and Welsh."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Gwen Stefani Is Pregnant With Her Third Child (REPORT) Gwen Stefani is allegedly pregnant with her third child, according to multiple reports. InTouch magazine first reported Wednesday morning that Stefani was pregnant with baby number three. She already has two sons -- Kingston, 7, and Zuma, 5 -- with husband Gavin Rossdale, whom she married in 2002."
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"stefani joanne angelina germanotta was born on march 28 1986 in yonkers new york to cynthia and joseph germanotta germanotta now known as lady gaga she has attributed the inspiration for her name to the queen song radio ga ga went on to become an international pop star"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Stefani Germanotta (a/k/a Lady Gaga) attended the Convent of the Sacred Heart School, a Catholic School in upper Manhattan in New York City, the same High School as Paris Hilt ⦠on and Nicky Hilton. She also went to college at the Tisch School of Arts, a part that makes up New York University."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Anna Magnani Triumphs in 'Rose Tattoo'; Film Version of Play by Williams Opens Italian Star and Burt Lancaster Superb. THAT fine Italian actress Anna Magnani, whom American audiences know best from such fine Italian films as Open City and The Miracle, has a triumphant field day in her first Hollywood and English-speaking film. It is The Rose Tatoo, from the play of Tennessee Williams. It opened at the Astor last night."
"Giovanelli, who spoke English very cleverly--Winterbourne afterward learned that he had practiced the idiom upon a great many American heiresses-- addressed her a great deal of very polite nonsense; he was extremely urbane, and the young American, who said nothing, reflected upon that profundity of Italian cleverness which enables people to appear more gracious in proportion as they are more acutely disappointed."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"In Oklahoma Blake and Gwen appear to have settled into the simplicity of a so-called normal relationshipâpicking up supplies at Atwoods Ranch and Home, or going to the grocery store and bargain-hunting at the Dollar General market on Main Street. PHOTOS: Gwen Stefani's many stylish looks on The Voice."
"Playing Gwen Stefani Says She's Only Had Two Boyfriends in Her Entire Life. 1 Gwen Stefani is definitely not the most experienced when it comes to dating! 2 The 46-year-old singer says she actually doesn't have a type in a new radio interview, and that's because she's hardly dated."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"She was married to British musician Gavin Rossdale from 2002 to 2015 and they have three sons. Billboard magazine ranked Stefani the 54th most successful artist and 37th most successful Hot 100 artist of the 2000â09 decade. VH1 ranked her 13th on their 100 Greatest Women in Music list in 2012."
] |
"A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.",
"which song concludes reviews, parades and honor guard ceremonies"
] | [
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"The Army song âThe Army Goes Rolling Along is the official song of the U.S. Army. The Army song concludes all Reviews, parades and honor guard ceremonies. Individuals will stand at attention and sing the Lyrics of the Army song when the Army song is played. Individuals will stand at attention during the playing of official songs of other Services. For the lyrics to the Army song,"
] | [
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"The U. S. Marine Corps hymn starts withFrom the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli, and this film's story purports to be the reason why, and is give or take a few incidents in this movie: It is 1805 and the Tripoli pirates have challenged America's right to freedom of the seas---all of them, anywhere---so United Stares warships were sent ..."
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"Unique to the tradition of the Irish Guard is the uniform, which was patterned after the traditional Irish kilt. The âNotre Dame Victory Marchâ was written by brothers Michael and John Shea, both graduates of the University. The fight song was first performed at Notre Dame on Easter Sunday, 1909. 2008 marks the 100th anniversary of the âVictory March.â."
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"This song was composed by Jewish/Russian immigrant Irving Berlin. It was introduced to the American people in the film This is the Army witch starred a future president of the United States, Ronald Reagan. Irving Berlin also wrote two of America's favorite Christian songs, Easter Parade and White Christmas.op 100 (United States) Songs Of American Patriotism. This list is of the best American patriotic/patriotism songs for, of, about and from the U.S./United States of America. The list includes songs who's origins reach back before the birth of the nation."
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"The Ceremonial Song. is a side quest you can get from the little Zora child, Laruta in Zora's Domain. Find Laruta --she will either be in front of the statue at the center of the palace or exploring the palace on her own. Talk to her and she'll teach you the Zora song of the Champion ceremony. Your trial awaits..."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The Army Goes Rolling Along. The Army Goes Rolling Along is the official song of the United States Army and is typically called The Army Song. It is adapted from an earlier work titled the U.S. Field Artillery March."
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"The public is welcome to attend the arrival ceremony at 4:30 p.m. at the State Capitol Building. The Michigan Army National Guard Funeral Honors Team will transport the casket from the hearse up the front steps of the SCB and then into the Capitol Rotunda where it will be set up for public viewing."
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"The Army Goes Rolling Along. The Official Song of The United States Army. The song was originally written by field artillery First Lieutenant [later Brigadier General] Edmund L. Gruber, while stationed in the Philippines in 1908 as the Caisson Song.. The original lyrics reflect routine activities in a horse-drawn field artillery battery."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Skin care: Peppermint oil contains menthol, which is good for the skin because it creates a cooling sensation. Furthermore, it nourishes dull skin and improves the texture of oily or greasy skin.']\" should be close to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'what is peppermint good for?']\"",
"They will stand at attention and sing the lyrics of the Army Song when played. Although there is no Department of the Army directive in this regard, commanders, other officers, and other personnel can encourage the tribute to the Army by standing at attention when the band plays âThe Army Goes Rolling Along.â"
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"The Caisson Song (key of Eb) Verse: First to fight for the right, And to build the Nationâs might, And The Army Goes Rolling Along. Proud of all we have done, Fighting till the battleâs won, And the Army Goes Rolling Along."
"Wedding Songs. From the ceremony processional to the first dance, figuring out the right songs for weddings can definitely be a challenge. If you're not sure where to start, here's a rundown of the best wedding songs and wedding ceremony music to last through to the final dance. Wedding Song Lists. 20 Wedding Reception Entrance Songs."
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"Thatâs why I have to salute Pharrell for bringing the trend back during his performance on âThe Voiceâ on Tuesday night. Skateboard sung his âHunterâ single, and on his head wore two different green sweatbands that read: âCactus Plant.â.Embedded from www.youtube.com.his past summer I excitedly dusted off my box of NBA throwback jerseys and hit Wiz Khalifaâs Under the Influence of Music tour twice, once in a Michael Jordan Washington Wizards piece and again in a rare white Darius Miles Los Angeles Clippers authentic. My Instagram likes went through the roof."
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"The song is played at the conclusion of most U.S. Army ceremonies, and all soldiers are expected to stand at attention and sing. When more than one service song is played, they are played in the order specified by Department of Defense directive: army, marine corps, navy, air force, and coast guard."
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"Weddings. For wedding ceremonies we begin by playing background music as guests arrive and are seated. In addition to the processional and recessional, if requested, we will play other music (hymns or incidental music) during your ceremony. We also play as your guests are leaving, during the receiving line, or during the transition into your cocktail hour or reception, upon your request."
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"Quick Answer. According to the official website of the U.S. Marines, the Halls of Montezuma is part of the first line of that military organization's official Marine's Hymn.. On occasion, the phrase is used as an alternate title for the song. Continue Reading."
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"The Storyville Stompers Brass Band led my second line parade after my wedding reception this past weekend! What a treat!They were professional, played music that everybody knew, and we had the time of our lives. I would recommend this band for any second line or wedding reception needs."
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"It was adopted in 1956 as the official song of the Army and retitled, The Army Goes Rolling Along.. The current lyrics tell the story of our past, our present, and our future. For more on the history of The Army Goes Rolling Along, click on A Soldier's Song."
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"âWhen the Parade Passes Byâ featured most of the cast, in a parade, of course, and the addition of mannequins dressed as clowns was a nice touch. The most popular scene of the musical is Dollyâs entrance into the Harmonia Gardens Restaurant, where she and the entire ensemble sing the signature song."
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"What song is played when the American flag is lowered at the end of the duty day? (THIS MAKES NO SENSE)To the Colors is played when the Flag is lowered Retreat is played on military bases with the lowering of the COLORS(FLAG)."
"Honor guard. An honor guard, or ceremonial guard, is a ceremonial unit, usually military in nature and composed of volunteers who are carefully screened for their physical ability and dexterity."
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"Performed by the United States Army Band (1:05) The Army Goes Rolling Along is the official song of the United States Army and is typically called The Army Song. It is adapted from an earlier work titled the U.S. Field Artillery March."
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"The song was transformed into a march by John Philip Sousa in 1917 and renamed The Field Artillery Song.. It was adopted in 1956 as the official song of the Army and retitled, The Army Goes Rolling Along.. The current lyrics tell the story of our past, our present, and our future. For more on the history of The Army Goes Rolling Along, click on A Soldier's Song."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Walt Disney World Resort is all aglitter during the holiday season with dazzling lights, spirited song and even snow flurries. Throughout the Walt Disney World there is caroling, enhanced parades, tree lighting ceremonies, visits by Santa, amazing decorations, special dining and ticketed events."
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"Palace breaks with tradition in musical tribute. By David Graves. 12:01AM BST 14 Sep 2001. IT is a military ceremony that has been performed countless times at Buckingham Palace but rarely has the Changing of the Guard evoked so much emotion for American ex-patriates in London and transatlantic visitors alike."
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"The Official Song of The United States Army. The song was originally written by field artillery First Lieutenant [later Brigadier General] Edmund L. Gruber, while stationed in the Philippines in 1908 as the Caisson Song.."
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"Yet, each device represents a Soldierâs accomplishmentâor that of his or her unitâ and is a great source of pride and accomplishment. This page identifies these devices, as well as the flags, streamers, guidons, and three versions of the U.S. Armyâs song, âThe Army Goes Rolling Along.â."
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"The order of performance for Service songs is: Army: The Army Goes Rolling Along. Marine Corps: The Marine's Hymn. Navy: Anchors Aweigh. Air Force: Official U.S. Air Force Song. Coast Guard: Semper Paratus. The normal method of performing Service songs will be in the above order."
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"12 wedding ceremony songs â walking in and walking out. You may have spent a long time discussing your first dance song with your partner, but donât neglect other important pieces of music youâll need on your day! For your wedding ceremony songs, youâll need to make at least two choices â namely, your processional and recessional songs. A processional song is the music that you and your wedding party will walk down the aisle to â you can have one song for everyone, or choose a separate song for your grand entrance."
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"The Official Song of The United States Army. The original lyrics reflect routine activities in a horse-drawn field artillery battery. The current lyrics tell the story of our past, our present, and our future."
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"Intro: March along, sing our song, with the Army of the free. Count the brave, count the true, who have fought to victory. We're the Army and proud of our name. We're the Army and proudly proclaim. Verse: First to fight for the right, And to build the Nation's might, And The Army Goes Rolling Along. Intro: March along, sing our song, with the Army of the free. Count the brave, count the true, who have fought to victory. We're the Army and proud of our name. We're the Army and proudly proclaim. Verse: First to fight for the right, And to build the Nation's might,"
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"They are permitted to Pass In Review at the USS Midway, ceremonial drill hall, officially marking their graduation and entrance into the fleet of the United States Navy. Term of the Day: âEight bellsâ"
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"Salute to the Services. It is traditional at patriotic events to honor each branch of the armed services with its own service song, and for the members of each branch to assume the position of âattentionâ during the duration of their song."
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"The hit song from way back in the bandâs history and is a fan favorite. âAnts Marchingâ. Dave Matthews Band is very much a jam band, and that is so apparent on the hit song âAnts Marching.â Itâs an instantly recognizable song with an opening melody that will instantly put you in a good mood."
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"Korean Veteran served from March 1952 thru June 1956. Currently the Historian for Post 59. In September 2008, the American Legion Post 59 in Dexter, MO organized an Honor Guard. The purpose of this was to participate in parades, conduct military funerals, and other occasions."
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"The Official Song of The United States Army. The song was originally written by field artillery First Lieutenant [later Brigadier General] Edmund L. Gruber, while stationed in the Philippines in 1908 as the Caisson Song.. The original lyrics reflect routine activities in a horse-drawn field artillery battery. The song was transformed into a march by John Philip Sousa in 1917 and renamed The Field Artillery Song.. It was adopted in 1956 as the official song of the Army and retitled, The Army Goes Rolling Along.. The current lyrics tell the story of our past, our present, and our future. For more on the history of The Army Goes Rolling Along, click on A Soldier's Song."
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"Who sings the song Celebration. Answers. Celebration is a song released in 1980 by Kool & the Gang from their album Celebrate!. It reach #1 on the Hot 100 on 2/7/1981. Celebrate has been performed by a few different artists, but the 2 most popular are Three Dog Night & Kool And The Gang. The song Famous is by the artist Puddle of Mudd."
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"Salute to The Armed Forces (without Coast Guard) - Anthem (Min. Kirkland, Camp (Arranged by) , Kirkland, Camp (Orchestrated by) This patriotic anthem from PraiseGathering Music was arranged and orchestrated for SATB choir by Camp Kirkland. PraiseGathering Product #GG5306."
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"March 14-17, 2018. The Honor Band of America is one of three national honor ensembles that are part of the Music for All National Festival, along with the Honor Orchestra of America and Jazz Band of America. All high school band members are encouraged to audition for the Honor Band of America."
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"And whilst the tourists will rightly lap this sort of traditional pomp and ceremony up for hours, I'm convinced even the hardy locals can't resist stopping for a 5 minute peak at the changing of the guard - possibly hoping that they'll be there to see a guard faint, or start to do a bout of moonwalking between sentry posts."
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"At about 6.00 pm, The Queen and other members of the Royal Family leave the garden, when the National Anthem is played to mark the end of the party. At Buckingham Palace the Yeoman of the Guard, Gentlemen at Arms and Gentlemen Ushers are on duty."
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"Cadets from Bellevue East High School's AFJROTC marching in the Bellevue, Nebraska 2016 Veterans Day Parade. Cadets from Elizabeth High School's MCJROTC and Linden High School's NJROTC hold a joint color guard at MetLife Stadium."
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"The Battle Hymn of the Republic. A Song for the Season. Happy Memorial Day to all our American readers. In order to observe the occasion, we're postponing our Sinatra Century song for 24 hours for a seasonal salute. My youngest will be playing with the town band in the parade, and I do believe this number is on the song list."
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"Wedding Music CD Package: Featuring Wedding songs for the Prelude, Processional, special Ceremony songs, First Dance, Father Daughter Dance, Mother Son Dance, & more! Includes Daddy's Angel, A Mother's Song, This Ring, Here We Stand, Dance With Me, Serenade, & Highland Serenade."
"The song states that we should command our sons to have 'patriot love'; which includes 'standing on guard' for Canada. Jehovah's Witnesses do not 'stand on guard' in the military, in any patriotic love. We consider that training for warfare is not for Christians."
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"United States Coast Guard Ceremonial Honor Guard. 1 The Coast Guard Ceremonial Honor Guard represents the Commandant, the Military District of Washington and the United States Coast Guard through ceremonial operations held before world leaders and dignitaries. Ceremonies can include parades, funerals, White House dignitary arrivals, as well as presenting colors at local and official functions."
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"the group of persons, as in the armed forces or at military institutions, who carry or escort the flag or colors during parades, reviews, etc. Led by the color guard, and several chaplains, the detail shuffle-stepped toward the plane and up the ramp."
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"Some songs make use of both the melody and elements of the lyrics of The Battle Hymn of the Republic, either in tribute or as a parody: 1 Marching Song of the First Arkansas is a Civil War-era song that has a similar lyrical structure to The Battle Hymn of the Republic.n the years since the Civil War, The Battle Hymn of the Republic has been used frequently as an American patriotic song. This song is usually heard at the national conventions of both the Republican Party and Democratic Party, and is often sung at Presidential inaugurations."
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"Notre Dame Victory March with lyrics. Notre Dame fight song. Rally sons of Notre Dame: Sing her glory and sound her fame, Raise her Gold and Blue. And cheer with voices true: Rah, rah, for Notre Dame. We will fight in ev-ry game, Strong of heart and true to her name."
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"The 18th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps, Ronald L. Green, hosts a Sunset Parade at the Marine Corps War Memorial, Arlington, VA., June 28, 2016. The parade's Guest of Honor was Dr. Rory Cooper, and included performances from the Marine Drum and Bugle Corps and the Silent Drill Platoon."
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"Post by Moderator on May 21, 2005 15:18:50 GMT -6. History of each of the Service Songs. Each branch of the U.S. Armed Forces maintains its own military marching band to inspire troops and preserve tradition. Though they now serve ceremonial functions, these bands were once an integral element on the battlefield."
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"The soundtrack to the parade has been released numerous times: 1 Main Street Electrical Parade (1973 soundtrack) (Disneyland Park, Disneyland Resort) 2 Main Street Electrical Parade (1977 soundtrack) (Disneyland and Magic Kingdom) 3 The Music of Disney: A Legacy in Song (1992) (Disneyland Park, Disneyland Resort)"
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"Mayday Parade â Amber Lynn lyrics. She said, boy, you better say you're sorry. Don't think forgiveness will come easy. 'Cause it's all that I have to give. And boy, I get the strangest pleasure. Just sitting on these city roof-tops. And see the lights that go on for miles. And I'm dreaming all the time."
"Represent the input.",
"honor guard. n. A group of people serving as an escort or performing drill exhibitions on ceremonial occasions. Also called guard of honor. guardâ² of honâ²or. n. a guard specially designated for welcoming or escorting distinguished guests or for accompanying a casket in a military funeral. Also called honor guard."
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"Soldiers wear a wide assortment of insignia, ribbons, medals,badges, tabs and patches. Yet, each device represents a Soldier's accomplishment or that of his or her unit and is a great source of pride and accomplishment, along with the flags, streamers, guidons, and three versions of the U.S. Army's song, 'The Army Goes Rolling Along.'"
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"The United States Army Drill Team. An honor guard, or ceremonial guard, is a ceremonial unit, usually military in nature. A primary role for honor guards in the United States and some other countries is to provide funeral honors for fallen comrades and to guard national monuments. An honor guard may also serve as the guardians of the colors by displaying and escorting the national flag on ceremonial occasions at official state functions."
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"The ceremony begins on the forecourt of Buckingham Palace at 11:30 sharp following a march by a detachment of the Old Guard, with musical support, from St. James's Palace and the New Guard led by a Regimental Band from Wellington Barracks."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nGiven ['represent the doc for finding search queries about it\\nE.g. In the United States, the term treaty is used in a more restricted legal sense than in international law. U.S. law distinguishes what it calls treaties from congressional-executive agreements and sole-executive agreements. == what are treaties in law', 'Chowan County, NC Sales Tax Rate. The current total local sales tax rate in Chowan County, NC is 6.750%. The December 2015 total local sales tax rate was also 6.750%. US Sales Tax Rates | NC Rates | Sales Tax Calculator | Sales Tax Table. Follow @SaleTaxCom.'], a positive would be ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is the sales tax rate for chowan, nc']",
"⢠At the completion of the music, the bugle call âCarry Onâ is sounded. ⢠In the absence of a band, âTo the Colorsâ is played by the bugle at morning colors, and âRetreatâ at evening colors. The salute is rendered as prescribed for the national anthem. ⢠In the absence of music, a whistle sounds âAttentionâ and âCarry Onâ to begin and end the salute."
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"When you think about your ceremony music, your first thought is probably the song you'll walk down the aisle to, but it's actually helpful to consider the bigger picture: You're providing a musical backdrop to the most special part of the day."
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"The Color Guard is the Official Guardian of the flag and does not sing or speak. Ceremony: The ceremony takes place after the flag has been raised or before it is lowered. The ceremony itself varies but often consists of the Pledge of Allegiance, the Promise and Law, patriotic or nature poetry, and songs."
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"Image caption Monty Python's Eric Idle performed the 1977 track at the 2012 Olympics closing ceremony. Monty Python's Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life has become the most popular tune to play at a UK funeral.onty Python's irreverent song-which Eric Idle sang at the closing ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games in London-rose from 13th place three years ago, to become the most popular funeral song this year."
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"In 1961, Bristol gained national attention when the song Bristol Stomp , by The Dovells hit #2 on the Billboard pop chart. The song remains a local favorite, and it is often played at ceremonies, parades, and sporting events."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A Storied Glossary of Iconic LGBT Flags and Symbols. LGBT Pride parades are famous the world over for their exuberant yet message-driven theme. Part celebration, part march for equal rights, the parades are often distinguished by lively participants who brandish colorful flags, symbols and signs."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The U.S. Maneuver Center of Excellence Band prepares to perform the U.S. National Anthem at SunLife Stadium in Miami, FL. Soldiers from the U.S. Army Japan Band, 25th Infantry Division Band, Eighth Army Band, and 9th Army Band perform at the 2012 Japanese Self Defense Forces Marching Festival. Military musicians from China and the US record a noteworthy moment during a joint rehearsal by the US army and PLA bands at the National Center for the Performing Arts in Beijing, China."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"114 CAPP 52-8 Civil Air Patrol Unit Honor Guard Program Attachment 4 A CHECKLIST FOR THOSE WHO CARE When concerned about the possibility of a loved one or friend experiencing problems with alcohol and drugs, the results of this awareness checklist may be a warning.APP 52-8 Civil Air Patrol Unit Honor Guard Program 43 The person behind, as he/she steps on the next left, receives the non-operating parade rifle in the right hand on the upper hand guard. On the next right step, bring it to port arms."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"All Military units have a band. It is a long standing tradition, using a theme song or a rallying song for war and for pride in the unit. The military bands are called upon to ⦠play for dignitaries or many other events, where music is needed and appropriate. Ceremonies would not be the same without the music."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"The Cavalier Song is the University of Virginia's fight song. The song was a result of a contest held in 1923 by the university. The Cavalier Song, with lyrics by Lawrence Haywood Lee, Jr., and music by Fulton Lewis, Jr. , was selected as the winner."
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:",
"where is hino trucks corporate hq"
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Hino Motors Manufacturing U.S.A. (HMM) is expanding its West Virginia truck manufacturing and assembly operations. The company will relocate its operations from its current site in Williamstown to the former Coldwater Creek facility in Mineral Wells."
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"AT&T Corporate Office Headquarters HQ. AT&T's Corporate Office Headquarters HQ Official Address: 208 South Akard Street Dallas, TX 75202 Corporate Phone Number: 1-2... Popular Best Buy Corporate Office Headquarters HQ"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Hino Motors, Ltd. (hereinafter, Hino) will exhibit six vehicles including a world-premiere small-sized EV community bus concept, plug-in hybrid bus with external power supply function, and large tour bus equipped with advanced safety technology at the 43rd Tokyo Motor Show 2013 to be held at Tokyo Big Sight in Tokyo from November 22 (Friday) to ..."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Chino and its surroundings have long been a center of agriculture and dairy farming, serving the considerable demands for milk products in Southern California and much of the southwestern United States.hino is located at 34°1â²4â³N 117°41â²24â³W / 34.01778°N 117.69000°W / 34.01778; -117.69000 (34.017765, -117.689990). According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 29.7 square miles (77 km 2)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Hi-gear Products, Inc. was founded in 2008. The company is located in Hudson and incorporated in Delaware. Hi-gear Products, Inc. specializes in Wholesale - Automotive Supplies And Parts. Posted on November 02, 2015. Brought to you by dandb."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Cummins to build the 5.0L V8 Turbo Diesel for the Nissan Titan pickup truck. Post Detail. For many years, the Columbus Engine Plant (CEP) was at the center of nearly everything that happened at Cummins. Co-founder Clessie Cummins and legendary CEO J. Irwin Miller were among the luminaries who walked its halls. Cummins officials announced this afternoon that the 64-acre facility in the Companyâs headquarters city of Columbus, Ind., is about to make history again."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Nexen Tire (Korean: ë¥ì¼íì´ì´) Corporation is a tire manufacturer, headquartered in Yangsan, South Gyeongsang Province, and Seoul in South Korea. Its major domestic competitors are Hankook and Kumho. The company's name is reflected in the company slogan, Next Century Tire.."
"LEER truck caps and tonneaus are American-made in Woodland, California, Elkhart, Indiana and Milton, Pennsylvania. LEER corporate headquarters, including its engineering, design and mold-making resources are located in Elkhart."
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"In Europe, it has the largest owned trucking fleet and the largest platform for outsourced e-fulfillment. XPO Logistics' corporate headquarters is located in Greenwich, Connecticut, U.S. Its European headquarters is in Lyon, France."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The Consulate-General of Panama in Kobe is located on the eighth floor of the Moriyama Building in ChÅ«Å-ku, Kobe. 1 Kawasaki Heavy Industries headquarters on Harborland. 2 Kawasaki Shipbuilding Co. headquarters on Kobe Harbor. 3 Procter & Gamble Asia headquarters on Rokko Island. 4 Nestlé Japan Ltd. headquarters on Sannomiya."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"This is the overseas spec model of the HINO Dutro Hybrid, Hino's eco-friendly, fuel-efficient light-duty truck. The HINO300 Series Hybrid is also enjoying great success in the United States and Australia. It supports people's lives in familiar areas as a garbage truck and urban delivery vehicle."
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"pick up a guide today! Check out the online GUIDE; download a PDF of the printed Field Guide Magazine; pick one up at RiNo HQ (2901 Blake St, Suite 165), The Source + other RiNo locations. Members: come by the office and grab a bunch for your location!"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Toyota is headquartered in Toyota City, Aichi. The main headquarters of Toyota is located in a four-story building in Toyota. As of 2006 the head office has the Toyopet Toyota logo and the words Toyota Motor."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Hi-Lo Trailers Worldwide Now. Hi-Lo Trailers Worldwide is a new company owned and operated by William Kerola, President of The Kerola Group, a family owned and operated recreational vehicle dealership and manufacturer located in Transfer, Pennsylvania. Read more about us."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Walmart Corporate Office Headquarters HQ. Walmart Corporate Office Headquarters HQ Address: 702 SW 8th Street Bentonville, Arkansas 72716-8611 Corporate Phone Number: 1-800-925-..."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"This site is the official global website for HINO MOTORS releasing information of HINO MOTORS such as product and service information, company information and IR information. Term of Use Privacy Policy"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Toyota is headquartered in Toyota City, Aichi. The main headquarters of Toyota is located in a 4-storey building in Toyota. As of 2006, the head office has the Toyopet Toyota logo and the words Toyota Motor."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"If you have a project opportunity, need help, or have a question, please reach out to us by phone, fax, or email. For Billing inquiries, please ask for the corporate accounting department. Corporate Headquarters: Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. 2925 Briarpark Drive. Houston, Texas 77042."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nFor example, '['Represent the following document', 'Under this system, organisms are classified into three domains and six kingdoms. The domains are Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya. The kingdoms are Archaebacteria (ancient bacteria), Eubacteria (true bacteria), Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia.The Archaea and Bacteria domains contain prokaryotic organisms. These are organisms that do not have a membrane bound nucleus.nder this system, organisms are classified into three domains and six kingdoms. The domains are Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya. The kingdoms are Archaebacteria (ancient bacteria), Eubacteria (true bacteria), Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia.']' should be close to '['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what domains and kingdoms are prokaryotes in']'",
"Today, the company is headquartered in Brandon, S.D., and has been building fire trucks for some of the country's largest cities as well as rural communities. It has supplied apparatus to Dallas, Atlanta and Chicago, among others."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'A hydrocarbon is an organic compound made of nothing more than carbons and hydrogens. Hydrocarbons are soluble in oils but not water and are found in petroleum and other natural places. They lend themselves well to making other molecules.t is possible for double or triple bonds to form between carbon atoms and even for structures, such as rings, to form. Saturated hydrocarbons have as many hydrogen atoms as possible attached to every carbon. For carbons on the end of a molecular chain, three can be attached.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what does hydrocarbons do']\"",
"Hino Name Meaning Japanese: âsun fieldâ; name of a noble family descended from the Fujiwara. Found mainly in eastern Japan, the name is habitational, from a place called Hinomura, near Kyoto. The family name is also found in Okinawa Island."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"business. Golden Corral Corporate Headquarters-Main Office 5151 Glenwood Ave, Raleigh, NC 27612 USA. YOU PEOPLE NEED TO TELL YOUR EMPLOYEES TO GIVE OUT THE CORRECT INFORMATION WHEN SOMEONE CALLS YOUR RESTURANT ABOUT INFORMATION!! When I called last night to see what your resturant was doing for Veterans Day.olden Corral Corporate Headquarters-Main Office 5151 Glenwood Ave, Raleigh, NC 27612 USA. Managers at Golden Corral Wichita KS West are horrible."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Golden Corral Corporate Headquarters-Main Office 5151 Glenwood Ave, Raleigh, NC 27612 USA. Managers at Golden Corral Wichita KS West are horrible.olden Corral Corporate Headquarters-Main Office 5151 Glenwood Ave, Raleigh, NC 27612 USA. Managers at Golden Corral Wichita KS West are horrible."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Hino Motors will exhibit six vehicles including a small-sized EV community bus at the 43rd Tokyo Motor Show 2013 to communicate EV commercial vehicles and advanced safety technology."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"ABOUT US. Message from the President. Corporate Information. Board of Directors. Hino Credo. HINO Code of Conduct. HINO Symbol Mark. HINO Emblem. History of HINO. Domestic Office & Dealers. Overseas Offices. The HINO Group. HINO & the Toyota Group"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1 Our global headquarters in Alpharetta, GA, is home to more than 200 game-crazed Hi-Rez employees. Our new offices in Shenzen, China and Brighton, UK, signals our quest for global domination."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Home. Legislation (or â\\x80\\x9cstatutory lawâ\\x80\\x9d) is law which has been produce by a governing body in order to regulate, to authorise, to sanction, to grant, to declare or to restrict.']>> to <<['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'is legislation law']>>",
"Toyota is about halfway through the development of its new North American headquarters campus in Plano, Texas. Campus: Almost 100 acres of land. Office space: 2.1 million square feet. Construction workers on site: 1,500 (expected peak of just over 2,000) Scheduled HQ completion: Early to mid-2017."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Hi-Gear Products, Inc. at 14 Brent Drive, Hudson, MA 01749, USA. Find their customers, contact information, and details on 2 shipments."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Corporate Headquarters Subaru of America, Inc. moved to its current Cherry Hill, NJ, facility in 1986. The $18 million, 115,000 square-foot, seven-story structure serves as the company's national headquarters housing approximately 300 people in Finance, IT, Marketing, Sales and Product Planning."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"walmart corporate office headquarters hq walmart corporate office headquarters hq address 702 sw 8th street bentonville arkansas 72716 8611 corporate phone number 1 800 925"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Three years earlier, in 1934, while still a department of Toyota Industries, it created its first product, the Type A engine, and, in 1936, its first passenger car, the Toyota AA. Toyota Motor Corporation produces vehicles under 5 brands, including the Toyota brand, Hino, Lexus, Ranz, and Scion.oyota is headquartered in Toyota City, Aichi. The main headquarters of Toyota is located in a four-story building in Toyota. As of 2006 the head office has the Toyopet Toyota logo and the words Toyota Motor."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Venoco's Platform Gail in the Sockeye Field, Santa Barbara Channel. Venoco, Inc., Venoco Corporation, or Venoco, is a private American oil and gas exploration and production corporation. It maintains an office in Carpinteria, California, and its corporate headquarters are in Denver."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Econofoods's Headquarters are located at 1600 S Stephenson Ave, Iron Mountain, Michigan, USA 49801-3636. Econofoods appears in these lists : Iron Mountain companies, Food & Beverages companies. Visit the Econofoods website to learn more."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Sterling Trucks Corporation. Former type. Sterling Trucks Corporation, commonly designated Sterling, was an American truck manufacturer headquartered in Redford Township, Michigan, USA and a subsidiary of Daimler Trucks North America LLC, itself a wholly owned subsidiary of the German Daimler AG."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Welcome to The Corporate Center. Please note that as of April 10 we are no longer in the Parcel Pickup business. We have sold that arm of the company to Strader Ferris International (SFI).SFI is locate across the road right behind our former location.heir website is here: www.myusaddress.ca. There is no need for concern or worry-the parcels and files that we had on hand as of April 10 have been transferred to them and inventoried in their computerized system."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The company's headquarters are located in Stamford, Connecticut, with offices in New York City, Los Angeles, London, Shanghai, Tokyo, Singapore, Munich, Mumbai, and Mexico City."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"JE Dunn Construction added 2 new photos. JE Dunn completed the five-story ERC Corporate Headquarters office in 1980, with a subsequent, three-story addition in 1990. Located in Overland Park, Kansas, the structure features a dramatic steel and glass atrium."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Hi Gear Products Inc. Shipper Address: 14 BRENT DRIVE, HUDSON MA 01749 UNITED STATES: Consignee Name: Rokada Llc. Consignee Address: BUILDING 5, CONSTRUCTION 1, ROOM 1, MOSKVA 107553 RUSSIAN FEDERATION: Notify Party Name: Rokada Llc. Notify Party Address: BUILDING 5, CONSTRUCTION 1, ROOM 1, MOSKVA 107553 RUSSIAN FEDERATION: Weight: 18654: Weight Unit: K: Weight in KG"
"Taken from the initial H of Hino Motors, the symbolmark shown below represents the fusion of the company's dynamism and expansivity as it advances into the future. Visually, the Hino symbolmark is a stylistic depiction of a sunrise on the horizon. Arcs connected to the left and right of the central line represent Hino's desire for a sense of logistic unity, connecting the mainline with the terminals. A powerful force generating horizontal expansion along the âtransportation route' of this central line symbolizes Hino's commitment to progress. The mutually attracting curved sides of the symbolmark symbolize the balance between Hino's advanced technologies and the environment. Finally, the double-headed arrow shape of the Hino symbolmark embodies the concept of the company's longstanding credo as a truck and bus manufacturer for âsafe passage to and fromâ."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"PT Hino Motors Sales Indonesia. We, Hino, keep providing our customers with products and services that include quality, reliability, efficiency and satisfaction. Supported by reliable after sales service all over Indonesia, we provide valuable investment for Hino owners."
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"Hico (/ Ë h aɪ k oÊ /, HY-koh) is a small city located in Hamilton and Erath counties in central Texas, United States. The town motto is Where Everybody Is Somebody! Named for its founder's unincorporated hometown in Calloway County in southwestern Kentucky near Murray, just north of the Tennessee state boundary, Hico's original location was on Honey Creek."
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"hino.com STATS [for 268A Box Truck]: GVW 25950 lbs. WN.com - Business News - Click here to learn more about this Hino truck: www. hino.com STATS: GVW 33000 lbs. WN.com - Business News. Bi-Fold Doors - Click here to learn more about the medium duty Hino Refuse Collection Truck: www. hino.com AVAILABLE WITH DUAL STEER CONTROLS. WN.com - Business News - Click here to learn more about the medium duty Hino Aerial Device Truck: www. hino.com SPECIFICATIONS: Model: Hino 338 GVW: 33000 lbs. WN.com - Business News. Learn more about the 2010 models and the Hino TRICK MY TRUCK custom roll-back tow truck by Outcast Kustoms at www."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"All our trucks are proudly built in the United States, both in Portland, Oregon and Cleveland, North Carolina. Western Star Trucks Sales, Inc. is a subsidiary of Daimler Trucks North America LLC, a Daimler company."
"Denso Corporation (æ ªå¼ä¼ç¤¾ãã³ã½ã¼, Kabushiki-Gaisha DensÅ) is a global automotive components manufacturer headquartered in the city of Kariya, Aichi Prefecture, Japan. After becoming independent from Toyota Motors, Nippon Denso Co. Ltd. (æ¥æ¬é»è£
æ ªå¼ä¼ç¤¾, Nippon DensÅ Kabushiki-Gaisha) was founded in 1949."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Last Update:Oct/27/2016(JST) HINO Motors is a Japanese automaker that manufacturers a wide range of heavy- and medium-duty trucks and large vehicles. It started in 1942 as an offshoot of the Diesel Motor Industry Co., which later became ISUZU Motors. It began with marine engines, but turned to work trucks and buses after World War 2."
"Oshkosh Corporation, formerly Oshkosh Truck, is an American industrial company that designs and builds specialty trucks, military vehicles, truck bodies, and access equipment. Based in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, the company employs 12,000 people around the world.shkosh Corporation is headquartered in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. It has manufacturing operations in eight U.S. states and in Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, France and Romania and through investments in joint ventures in Mexico and Brazil."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"HilArk Industries in Benton, AR is a diversified holding company serving the transportation industry. It manufactures HilBilt dump truck bodies, HilArk specialty trailers, and is a solution provider to companies that manufacture, distribute or service truck trailers, truck bodies or truck equipment. Click HERE to visit the HilArk website."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"HilArk Industries. HilArk Industries is a locally owned and operated dump body manufacturer located in Benton, AR. HilArk manufactures HilBilt dump bodies as well as HilArk specialty trailers and pup trailers. We are a proven solutions provider known world-wide for innovation and quality."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Contact Information. Blue Nile Trucking, LLC has administrative headquarters in the beautiful Rainier Valley section in Seattle, Washington. The dispatch office is in the SODO district. Please come by and visit!Phone: (206) 414-4658.lue Nile Trucking, LLC has administrative headquarters in the beautiful Rainier Valley section in Seattle, Washington. The dispatch office is in the SODO district. Please come by and visit! Phone: (206) 414-4658."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"3 people found this helpful. The company headquarters are in New York City which is in the Eastern time zone but they struggled to smoothly work with there overseas offices which had very different working hours. 6 people found this helpful."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Nissan Corporate Office | Headquarters. Company Overview. Nissan, popularly known as Nissan Motor Company Ltd is a multinational Japanese Automaker Company. The company has it's headquarter in Japan and they are the core member of the popular Nissan group. However, they have been independent after the company's restructuring under the supervision of its CEO, Carlos Ghosen."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Daimler Trucks North America - DTNA Assembly Plants. 1 Cleveland, North Carolina (Freightliner) 2 Mount Holly, North Carolina (Freightliner) 3 Gaffney, South Carolina (FCCC) 4 Gastonia, North Carolina (Alliance Truck Parts) 5 High Point, North Carolina (Thomas Built Buses) 6 Portland, Oregon (Western Star) 7 Redford, Michigan (DetroitTM)"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Studios. 1 Our global headquarters in Alpharetta, GA, is home to more than 200 game-crazed Hi-Rez employees. 2 Our new offices in Shenzen, China and Brighton, UK, signals our quest for global domination."
"represent the input",
"The city houses headquarters for: 1 FASTSIGNS International, Inc. 2 Halliburton has North America operations for Easywell in Carrollton. 3 Heelys, Inc. 4 Jokari. 5 Motel 6 (G6 Hospitality) 6 Dymatize Corporation. 7 Parks Coffee / ProStar Services, Inc. 8 Sleep Experts."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The HJC RPHA 10 helmet is HJC's lead product. The colors are those used by Spanish motorcycle racer Jorge Lorenzo. (From top) The HJC research institute is in Yongin, Gyeonggi-do (Gyeonggi Province). HJC's U.S. headquarters are in the LA area.HJC's European headquarters are in France. HJC's RPHA 10 model tops a motorcycle helmet test by Motorrad, a German motorcycle magazine.t produced 1.5 million helmets in 2013, with sales of KRW 80 billion. The HJC RPHA 10 helmet series is the company's lead product. The full-face helmet is popular among motorcycle riders for its light weight, aerodynamic design and convenient features."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Issuing the announcement, Genetec cited government and corporate clients who called Hikvision and Huawei products too risky. Voice of America received no response to multiple attempts to contact Hikvisionâs headquarters in Hangzhou and its branch in California."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company is an auto and home supply store located in Mililani, Hawaii. View phone number, website, employees, products, revenue, and more. IPOs Nonprofits Execs"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"With respect to the California State Legislature, Chino is in the 20th Senate District, represented by Democrat Connie Leyva, and in the 52nd Assembly District, represented by Democrat Freddie Rodriguez.hino is located at 34°1â²4â³N 117°41â²24â³W / 34.01778°N 117.69000°W / 34.01778; -117.69000 (34.017765, -117.689990). According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 29.7 square miles (77 km 2)."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"As a leading company in developing advanced trucks and buses, we are the pioneer in producing environmental friendly vehicles. Therefore since January 2007, all models in Hino Indonesia line up are powered by EURO2 engine."
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"HINO 716 Dump Truck Dimensions. The wheelbase measures 3430 mm and the length is 5780 mm. it is 2130 mm wide. The rear overhang is 1260 mm and the height is 2410 mm. The inside body width is 2000 mm and the inside body length is 3600 mm. The road clearance is 200 mm."
"Represent this text!",
"The Toyota Technical Center, a 14-story building, and the Honsha plant, Toyota's second plant engaging in mass production and formerly named the Koromo plant, are adjacent to one another in a location near the headquarters. Vinod Jacob from The Hindu described the main headquarters building as modest."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Toyota is headquartered in Toyota City, Aichi. The main headquarters of Toyota is located in a four-story building in Toyota. As of 2006 the head office has the Toyopet Toyota logo and the words Toyota Motor.oyota is headquartered in Toyota City, Aichi. The main headquarters of Toyota is located in a four-story building in Toyota. As of 2006 the head office has the Toyopet Toyota logo and the words Toyota Motor."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!\n\n------\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Harbor Freight Tools. Harbor Freight Tools is a privately held discount tool and equipment retailer, headquartered in Calabasas, California, which operates a chain of retail stores as well as a mail-order and eCommerce business. The company has over 700 stores in 47 states, offering over 7,000 tools and related products.']>> to <<['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'who makes harbor freight tools']>>",
"The Group's headquarters are located on Mukwano Road (Bypass Road), in the Central Division of Kampala, Uganda's capital and largest city. The coordinates of the company headquarters are: 0°18'45.0N, 32°35'27.0E (Latitude:0.312500; Longitude:32.590840)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"AT&T Corporate Office Headquarters HQ. AT&T's Corporate Office Headquarters HQ Official Address: 208 South Akard Street Dallas, TX 75202 Corporate Phone Number: 1-2... Popular CenturyLink Corporate Office Headquarters HQ"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"HilArk Industries. @. HilArk Industries in Benton, AR is the manufacturer of Hilbilt Dump Bodies including the Mongoose, Material Body and XPC. Give us a call today at 501-316-4040. Benton, AR"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The headquarters of Carlson Companies are in Minnetonka. The headquarters of Cargill are located in Minnetonka and are in the Wayzata Post Office area. Founded in 1865, it is now the largest privately held corporation in the U.S. in terms of revenue."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Golden Corral Corporate Headquarters-Main Office 5151 Glenwood Ave, Raleigh, NC 27612 USA. I was in restaurant last night, Huntsville, Alabama, with family out of town.You have some rude management I have ever seen. I go in there at least twice a week and ask for same waitress because s hh e is the best one they have.olden Corral Corporate Headquarters-Main Office 5151 Glenwood Ave, Raleigh, NC 27612 USA. Managers at Golden Corral Wichita KS West are horrible."
] |
"A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"what can oatmeal do for your health"
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Oatmeal, one of the most common whole grains, offers potential benefits for heart health, blood sugar management, weight control and even more youthful skin."
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Oatmeal and Sugar-Free Vanilla Latte. âThe classic whole-grain oatmeal for a breakfast, or even as a hearty snack, always gets my vote because it is what I would make for myself at home,â says Sheri Iodice, RD, a dietician at Everyday Health."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Blood Pressure: 170/110. The information below is designed to help you understand what your latest blood pressure readings may mean for your health -- and to provide tips on what you can do to get or keep your blood pressure in a healthy zone.he information below is designed to help you understand what your latest blood pressure readings may mean for your health -- and to provide tips on what you can do to get or keep your blood pressure in a healthy zone."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"In order to burn belly fat fast without putting your health at risk you can replace your regular breakfast with oatmeal â try this for a week and get ready to see your flatter and better defined stomach!n order to burn belly fat fast without putting your health at risk you can replace your regular breakfast with oatmeal â try this for a week and get ready to see your flatter and better defined stomach!"
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"Mental Health: Keeping Your Emotional Health (Copyright © American Academy of Family Physicians) - This fact sheet explains what emotional health is, how it can affect your physical health, why you should talk to your doctor about emotional health, and what you can do to help yourself."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Table of Contents. 1 What is vitamin D? 2 What are the vitamin D requirements? 3 What does vitamin D do for your health? 4 What does vitamin D do for your health? 5 What does vitamin D do for your health? 6 What causes a vitamin D deficiency? 7 What causes a vitamin D deficiency? 8 How is a vitamin D deficiency diagnosed? 9 What is the treatment for a vitamin D ..."
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"what is justin bieber's real name"
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Bieber redirects here. For other uses, see Bieber (disambiguation). Justin Drew Bieber (/ËbiËbÉr/; born March 1, 1994) is a Canadian singer and songwriter. After a talent manager discovered him through his YouTube videos covering songs in 2008 and signed to RBMG, Bieber released his debut EP, My World, in late 2009."
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Justin Bieber was born on March 1,1994 in Stratford, Ontario, Canada. As of now, he is 16 and is a teenage singer/songwriter who rose to fame by posting videos on YouTube of hâ¦imself covering popular music hits in a local singing competition in 2007."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Justin Bieber net worth is estimated at $150 million. Justin Bieber, a 18 years old Canadian singer-songwriter has built incredible name and fortune of more than $100million, that too in just 3 years. Bieber, a singing sensation spotted on YouTube, is now honored as the most successful child star since Michael Jackson."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Confidence votes 260K. Lady GaGa's real name is Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta. Supposedly, music producer Rob Fusari came up with the Lady Gaga moniker. When he first began working with Stefani, he thought her harmonies sounded very similar to those of Freddie Mercury, the lead singer of Queen."
"Represent the input.",
"0 Affair 0 Married 0 Children. She is a social media star and Miami-based fit model, who gained fame after being friend of Canadian singer Justin Bieber. Her full name is Yovanna Karen Ventura. She often posts her diet plans and workout routines on her enormously popular Instagram account. She speaks fluent English and Spanish."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Feb 29, 2016. Pop star Justin Bieberâs birthday is March 1 and the bad boy heartthrob is turning 22 years old. Plans for his birthday festivities havenât been made public, but last year he used the occasion to film the Justin Bieber Roast Comedy Central special as a way of apologizing for his habitually immature behavior."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"We'll quickly end with some of the real names you probably already are familiar with: Lady Gaga's given name is Stefani Germanotta, Rihanna's real name is Robyn Fenty (her middle name is Rihanna), and Fergie's name is Stacy Ann Ferguson."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"He is his mother Pattie Mallette's only child but through his father Jeremy Jack Bieber he has two younger siblings. Thoroughly enjoying his little brother Jaxon's company, Justin Bieber was all smiles on Sunday as they spent time at a golf course in Los Angeles. Taking to his various social media platforms to document the day, the 21-year-old singer gushed about how much he 'loves' his role as a big brother. Scroll down for video"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"5' 9 (1.75 m) Mini Bio (1) Justin Bieber was born on March 1, 1994 at St. Joseph's Hospital in London, Ontario, Canada and was raised in Stratford, Ontario, Canada. He is the ..."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Justin Drew Bieber was born on the 1st March 1994 at 12:56am, 40 seconds past, on a Tuesday at St Jude's Hospital, on the Second Floor, Room Number 126. It was raining. His tounge was 0.4 inches long. He had 30 million and 1 hairs on his head."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Justin Bieberâs net worth is estimated to be about $200 million and most of his earnings are from album sales, national and international tours, music production, social media earnings and film acting."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Netizen 'bieberfever4evaa11' said: 'JUSTIN BEIBER IS CLERLY(sic) NOT WELL, LEAVE JUSTIN BEABER(sic) ALONE!!' He - or she - later added: 'THESE ARE REAL TEARS I'M CRYING' #hype #blogosphere #netizens #bollocks #web 2.0 #self-love #ridiculous #self-promotion #nonsense #propaganda #media #emperor has no clothes #retarded #idiot #whiny"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Despite the steamy hookup in his new What Do You Mean music video, Justin Bieber may still have ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez on his mind. Sharp-eyed viewers point out Gomez's first name spray-painted on a graffiti-filled wall in the background of the new video. The wall also features the words love and hope.."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Justin Bieber Real Height 2016 Current Weight Body Measurements Figure Sizes. Justin Bieber Real Height 2016 Current Weight Body Measurements Figure Sizes: Justin Bieber is a reputable known and worldwide famous Canadian pop star who was discovered all the way through the YouTube. He made the debut album known as My World, went platinum in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"I am pretty sure he is Justin Bieber from Ontario, Canada:-) who is Justin bieber? what that really doesnt make any sense so my answer is Justin bieber is youtube sensation â¦16 years old birthday march 1st and dirty blonde hair with dark eyebrows baby is his most recent song."
"Represent this",
"Jeff Healey was a blind Canadian jazz and blues/rock musician who was famous in the 80s and 90s. Originally from Toronto, Ont ... Justin Bieber. Justin Bieber is a famous (a very famous) Canadian pop and R&B signer, songwriter and actor who originally because known for ...Matthew Good. Matthew Frederick Robert Good is a Burnaby, BC rock musician. He was the lead singer for the Matthew Good Band, one of Canada ...ustin Bieber. Justin Bieber is a famous (a very famous) Canadian pop and R&B signer, songwriter and actor who originally because known for ... Matthew Good. Matthew Frederick Robert Good is a Burnaby, BC rock musician. He was the lead singer for the Matthew Good Band, one of Canada ..."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Justin Bieber net worth: Justin Bieber is a Canadian pop singer who has a net worth of $200 million. Justin Bieber was born to a single mother in London, Ontario, Canada, on March 1, 1994. To date he has sold 11 million albums in the United States and more than 25 million albums around the world."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Your life is no longer yours aloneâ¦and that's a wonderful thing-great times ahead! Prayers 2u â chad ricks (@cricks77) April 11, 2015 Justin Timberlake is now officially a DILF â Jamie Garrison (@idkmybffjaamie) April 11, 2015. All of that mother-loving has finally paid off. Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel have officially welcomed a healthy baby boy into the world! iHeartRadio. The babyâs name is Silas Randall Timberlake. Pretty legit name, if you ask us. Just a few weeks ago, Timberlake accepted the innovator award at the iHeartRadio Awards and let us all know this news was imminent."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Justin Bieber was born March 1, 1994 and grew up in Stratford, Ontario, Canada. Justin Bieber is 23 years old. At the age of 12 he entered a local singing competition against others who had significantly more experience and the benefit of vocal coaches. Justin Bieber came in second place singing Ne-Yo's So Sick.."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'If youâ\\x80\\x99re looking for the very warmest time to visit Chiang Rai, the hottest months are June, May, and then April. See average monthly temperatures below. The warmest time of year is generally mid April where highs are regularly around 95.6°F (35.3°C) with temperatures rarely dropping below 72.1°F (22.3°C) at night.']>> to \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!', 'weather in chiang rai']\"",
"Justin has two half-siblings through his dad - Jasmyn (born 2009) and Jaxon (born 2010). Prior to Justin Bieber becoming famous, his mother worked various office jobs until she eventually became an author and producer. Now that you have the background on Bieber's parents, check out their best photos."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"8 Things to Know About Our Baby Daddy Jean-Luc Bilodeau. Slide over, Justin Bieber. Weâre making room for a new JB in our lives! He goes by the name of Jean-Luc Bilodeau, and not only does he share initials with the teen sensation â heâs Canadian, too!"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Justin Bieber is a fan, even putting his own, erm, âuniqueâ stamp on All About That Bass: @justinbieber is #allboutthatbass ðð #remix. A video posted by Meghan Trainor (@meghan_trainor) on. 6."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Justin Bieber Compared To My 5ft 10in (177cm) Height. Justin Bieber's height is 5ft 7in or 170cm while I am 5ft 10in or 177cm. I am taller compared to him. To find out how much taller I am, we would have to subtract Justin Bieber's height from mine. Therefore I am taller to him for about 7cm."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['represent this:', 'Himalayan crystal salt is far superior to traditional iodized salt. Himalayan salt is millions of years old and pure, untouched by many of the toxins and pollutants that pervade other forms of ocean salt.nown in the Himalayas as â\\x80\\x9cwhite gold,â\\x80\\x9d Himalayan Crystal Salt contains the same 84 natural minerals and elements found in the human body. This form of salt has also been maturing over the past 250 million years under intense tectonic pressure, creating an environment of zero exposure to toxins and impurities.']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is himalayan sea salt good for']\"",
"Justin's paternal great-grandfather was of German descent, and Justin's father's other ancestry is English, Scottish, and Irish. Justin's patrilineal line can be traced back to Philippe Bieber, who was born, c. 1788, in Zilling, Moselle, Lorraine."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Justin Bieber has come a long way since his rise to fame as a 13-year-old YouTube sensation raised by a single mother. The net worth of Justin Bieber is currently $200 million, according to Celebrity Net Worth, but this is likely to increase monumentally as his earning power is estimated at $60 to $80 million per year."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The rapper is known around the world by his stage name, but to his family he's known as Ben Haggerty. Rihanna was born on 20th February 1988 and her real name is Robyn Rihanna Fenty. Bruno Mars was born on 8th October 1985 in Honolulu, Hawaii and his real name is Peter Gene Hernandez."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Justin Bieber net worth: Justin Bieber is a Canadian pop singer who has a net worth of $200 million. Justin Bieber was born to a single mother in London, Ontario, Canada, on March 1, 1994."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Justin Bieber attends the Justin Bieber's Believe movie premiere in Los Angeles on December 18, 2013. 1 12 Now Playing justin-bieber Justin Bieber attends the Justin Bieber's Believe movie premiere in Los Angeles on December 18, 2013."
"Represent this text",
"Annie's real name is Annie and Haley's is Haley and calebs is Caleb their last name is Leblanc."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"He's my boyfriend. He's 13 years old, and he's Danish and French. He is a Boy Belieber, who loves Justin Bieber. He's really cute, sincere, sensitive, and he's swaggy. He makes Youtube videos on youtube as well, just type in Benjamin Lasnier."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"23 November 2015. Justin Bieber is considered to be one of the brightest and the most memorable pop-stars of the first decade of the 20th century. Born in Canada in 1994, Bieber became popular with his first album in 2009, when he was only 15 years old. At the same age, he became the first musician in the world to have as many as 7 songs from the debut album to enter the Billboard Hot 100."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers Examples:\nProvided: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'The British Nationality Act 1948 was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that created the status of Citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies (CUKC) as the national citizenship of the United Kingdom and its colonies.roadly speaking, nationals of the United Kingdom, the Dominions, and the various British colonies had always shared a common citizenship status of British subject. However, in 1946 the Canadian parliament passed the Canadian Citizenship Act, which established a separate Canadian citizenship.']\" Match: \"['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'british nationality act']\"",
"What the lyrics to 'Despacito' mean in Justin Bieber's insanely catchy remix to Daddy Yankee, Luis Fonsi's Spanish hit What the lyrics to Justin Bieber's catchy 'Despacito' mean BY Peter Sblendorio"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Justin Drew Bieber was born March 1, 1994 at 12:56.40 a.m. on a Tuesday it was raining in room 126 on the 2nd floor. At London (Ontario), in St. Joseph's Hospital, Canada weighing 7lbs. and 11oz. Blood type AB+."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Americaâs Got Talent competitor Grace VanderWaal just scored a major celebrity endorsement that could make her the front-runner on the NBC reality competition. Justin Bieber, another singer who became a web sensation at a young age, recently gave Grace his seal of approval. The Americaâs Got Talent judges were so wowed by Grace VanderWaalâs performance of an original song titled âI Donât Know My Nameâ that Howie Mandel decided to use his Golden Buzzer to send the 12-year-old, ukele-strumming singer straight through to the live shows in Las Vegas."
"Meet the world's first transgender Justin Bieber lookalike: 17-year-old from Wigan was born a girl but now pretends to be Canadian singer. 1 Blake Kerwin, 17, is a Justin Bieber lookalike but was actually born a girl. 2 Teenager from Wigan is believed to be first transgender lookalike of star."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"· just now. Report Abuse. Basically he was just asked if his last name means basketball in German. If he was asked does Bieber mean basketball in German, he would have been able to answer. He thought that German was meant for saying really into or something. Haha, I thought so too for a second.how more So I just read this article and the heading was like, Justin Bieber doesn't know what the word 'German' means, and i thought, now he can't possibly be that stupid as to not know what that means."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"In the 2011 documentary Justin Bieber: Never Say Never, which positions the star as a kind of digital-era folk hero, Justinâs longtime manager Scooter Braun recalls his frustrations in shopping around the teenâs early demos: âEvery label said, 'Thereâs no platform for him.' You need Nickelodeon or Disney."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Avalanna Routh, the 6-year-old Justin Bieber fan also known as âMrs. Justin Bieber,â has died from a rare form of brain cancer. On Wednesday, Routh's parents posted the tragic news on her Twitter account, writing: Our darling Avalanna went to Heaven this morning."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Justin [justin]â¼ as a boys' name is pronounced JUS-tin. It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Justin is just, upright, righteous. Variant of Justus. Saint Justin (second century) was a Greek philosopher who wrote of the moral values of Christianity. See also Jestin. Actor Justin Henry; singer Justin Timberlake."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Justin Bieber Body Measurements Height Weight Shoe Size Vital Stats Bio. A Canadian singer, actor and songwriter, Justin Bieber born on March 1, 1994. Since his childhood, Justin inspiration was singing and he used to sing in several singing competition as a child."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The name given to Justin Bieber signature hair styled. Context: My brother asked the barber for a Bieber cut. Biebergasted. When a Belieber cries at the sight of Justin Bieber. Context: I was him and I was total Biebergasted!."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Report Abuse. Basically he was just asked if his last name means basketball in German. If he was asked does Bieber mean basketball in German, he would have been able to answer. He thought that German was meant for saying really into or something.Haha, I thought so too for a second.how more So I just read this article and the heading was like, Justin Bieber doesn't know what the word 'German' means, and i thought, now he can't possibly be that stupid as to not know what that means."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Justin Bieber Height and Weight: Measurements. All About Justin Bieber. Justin Bieberâs Biography. He was born as Justin Drew Bieber on the 1st of March 1994 in Ontario in the town of London at the St. Josephâs hospital. He grew up in Ontario in the town of Stratford."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Justin Bieber's Official Fan Phone Number: You can listen to a recording of Justin Bieber on his official fan phone numbers 1-855-588-9090 (toll free) or 1-289-588-9090 (toll call to Canada). Fans can also follow Justin's updates on Twitter and Facebook (see links below). Additional Contact Information is:Justin Bieber's Official Fan Mail Address:ustin Bieber's official fan mail address: To send fan mail to Justin Bieber, use the following addresses: Justin Bieber Island Records 825 Eighth ⦠Avenue 28th Floor New York, NY 10019 USA Justin Bieber also has other official sites."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Don't Hate Justin Bieber, Hate His Father. It is en vogue to hate on Justin Bieber for being a punkâand, granted, Justin Bieber is a punk. But Justin Bieber, just a talented kid, is not the Bieber you should hate. No, that is Jeremy Bieber, Justin's dad."
"Represent this text",
"Meet the world's first transgender Justin Bieber lookalike: 17-year-old from Wigan was born a girl but now pretends to be Canadian singer. Blake Kerwin, 17, is a Justin Bieber lookalike but was actually born a girl. Teenager from Wigan is believed to be first transgender lookalike of star. Blake said living his life as a boy has seen him beaten and tormented."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Justin Bieber's Stylist Reveals â Officially â What Color His New Hair Is. VERY INTO THIS, JUSTIN. Look, I'm not saying Justin Bieber reads my articles, but I am saying that last week I suggested JB experiment with colorful hair and one day later he debuted a new shade."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Justin Bieber has been in relationships with Sofia Richie (2016), Nicola Peltz (2016), Hailey Baldwin (2016), Kourtney Kardashian (2015), Jayde Pierce (2015), Cindy Kimberly (2015), Kylie Jenner (2014), Selena Gomez (2010 - 2015), Jasmine Villegas (2010), Mandy Rain (2009), Jessica Jarrell (2009 - 2010) and Caitlin Beadles (2007 - 2009)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Quick facts about Justin Bieber. If you want to add some more facts about him, please let us know. Also, if you think that some of the information are untrue, let us know! Thanks for all the input guys! He was born March 1st, 1994 (17 years old)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Justin Bieber net worth salary and career earnings: Justin Bieber is a Canadian pop singer who has a net worth of $265 million. Justin Bieber was born to a single mother in London, Ontario, Canada, on March 1, 1994."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"He appeared at many films and series as: Cubed, Crime Scene Investigation, Justin bieber: Never say never and Katy perry: Part of Me. he is nicknamed Biebs, and he was discovered and appeared on Youtube. justin bieber Net worth salary and wealth in 2017."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nE.g.:\n['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'In Denver a Hip MRI with contrast agent at Rose Medical Center Outpatient Imaging was billed at $4645. A PPO plan wrote off $1997, and paid $1718.12, leaving the patient to pay $929.53. Therefore the net cost of the procedure was $2647.65. The cash price at a specialty imaging location is substantially less - as little as $650 with contrast.'] == ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results:', 'cost of hip mri']",
"Justin bieber was born on March 1st 1994 on a rainy day in Ontario, Canada in St.Jude Hospital in the 2nd floor room 126 . He was born at 12:56 and he weighed 7lbs and 11oz . Happy birthday to my amazing idol ï¸"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"justin bieber number is 404-665-3410 i tried he will pick up. posted over a year ago. thats just his fan number. ayahalsayed1 posted over a year ago. yea he doesnt pic up on that. melissa15 posted over a year ago. Hiding 6 comments... click to show.hat can not be his number. Mikayla521 posted over a year ago. IT IS. kemilyn posted over a year ago. new humber 1-877-909-0099. jbfanline posted over a year ago. ITS JUSTIN OMG ITS JUSTIN HERES HIS NUMBER HES SO NICE 714 401 0823!!!!! kakdjdjdkfkfkdk posted over a year ago. does it work."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A man who said he spent $100,000 on plastic surgery in order to look like pop star Justin Bieber was found dead in a San Fernando Valley motel room, a law enforcement source said Wednesday. Tobias Strebel, 35, also went by the name Toby Sheldon and gained attention on reality TV for his efforts..."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Justin Bieber is 23 years old (birthdate: March 1, 1994)."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers E.g. ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"Nassau Snorkeling Excursion Reviews. Dip into Nassau's beautiful waters to catch a glimpse of the spectacular coral reefs hidden just below the surface. Snorkeling provides access to this unforgettable underwater world without the difficulty and training necessary for full on scuba.\"] == ['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'snorkeling in nassau bahamas']",
"Lady Gaga's real name is Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta. She was born on 28th March 1986. Her friends gave her the pen name Gaga - a lyric from the Queen song 'Radio Gaga' - one of her strong influences. Latest Videos."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Justin Bieber celebrates his 21st birthday at OMNIA Nightclub, Las Vegas in Caesars Palace on March 14, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada. After cake, he was joined in the VIP area by fellow celebrities, including GRAMMY Award-winner Miguel, reality mogul Kris Jenner and Scorpion stars Katherine McPhee and Elyes Gabel."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Selena Gomez also has a tattoo on her wrist that says âJustin Bieberâ witch is the name of her Ex boyfriend Justin Bieber (The singer) as we all know! There is a picture of it on Google!"
] |
"A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"what is called to remove endometriosis surgery called"
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Laparoscopic Surgery for Endometriosis. Laparoscopy is the most common procedure used to diagnose and remove mild to moderate endometriosis. Instead of using a large abdominal incision, the surgeon inserts a lighted viewing instrument called a laparoscope through a small incision."
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Seborrheic Keratosis or Seborrheic Verruca or Senile Wart is Removed Using the Following Methods: 1 Cryosurgery where liquid nitrogen is used to freeze the growths and remove them. This procedure does not work on larger and thicker lesions. The affected skin may be get lightened after this treatment."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it Fewshot example: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"Introduction. Sleep paralysis is a temporary inability to move or speak that happens when you're waking up or, less commonly, falling asleep. Although you're awake, your body is briefly paralysed, after which you can move and speak as normal. The paralysis can last from a few seconds to several minutes.\"]\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is sleep paralysis']\"",
"Endometrial ablation is a procedure that surgically destroys (ablates) the lining of your uterus (endometrium). The goal of endometrial ablation is to reduce menstrual flow. In some women, menstrual flow may stop completely. No incisions are needed for endometrial ablation. Your doctor inserts slender tools through the passageway between your vagina and uterus (cervix). The tools vary, depending on the method used to ablate the endometrium. They might include extreme cold, heated fluids, microwave energy or high-energy radiofrequencies."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"This operation is called anterior exenteration because it removes organs toward the front of the pelvic cavity. It usually involves the removal of the female reproductive organs, bladder, and urethra. (In males, an operation that removes the bladder and prostate is called a cystoprostatectomy)."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Endometriosis is the abnormal growth of endometrial tissue similar to that which lines the interior of the uterus, but in a location outside of the uterus. Endometrial tissue is shed each month during menstruation. Areas of endometrial tissue found in ectopic locations are called endometrial implants. These lesions are most commonly found on the ovaries, the Fallopian tubes, the surface of the uterus, the bowel, and on the membrane lining of the pelvic cavity (i.e. the peritoneum)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Endometrial ablation is the removal or destruction of the endometrium (lining of the uterus). Endometrial ablation is an alternative to hysterectomy for women with heavy uterine bleeding who are wish to avoid hysterectomy. Most women who have had a successful endometrial ablation will have little or no menstrual bleeding."
"represent the next text",
"The most common treatment for endometrial cancer is surgery and it should be performed by a gynecologic oncologist. Several types of surgery can be performed. A hysterectomy involves removal of the uterus and cervix and is the standard procedure for treating endometrial cancer. The uterus and cervix can be removed in one of three ways:"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Sometimes, a part of the internal lining around the implant is removed. This lining if it is tight may be what you are calling scar tissue, and removing it is called a capsulectomy. Of course I don't know exactly what the problem is, but it can probably be fixed."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Ten Tips for a Successful Endometriosis Laparoscopy Recovery. Laparoscopic surgery using excision to remove endometrial implants is seen by many expert endometriosis surgeons as the best way to treat endometriosis. Although laparoscopic surgery is one of the least invasive types of surgeries, it is still not an easy procedure to endure."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Surgery to remove the patches of endometrial tissue causing the symptoms may be done using a laparoscope or through a larger cut in the abdomen (laparotomy). A hysterectomy is generally not done unless other treatment has failed and symptoms are severe."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Surgery can often eliminate ulcerative colitis. But that usually means removing your entire colon and rectum (proctocolectomy). In most cases, this involves a procedure called ileoanal anastomosis that eliminates the need to wear a bag to collect stool."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"What is an endometrial ablation? Endometrial ablation is a procedure to remove a thin layer of tissue (endometrium) that lines the uterus. It is done to stop or reduce heavy menstrual bleeding. But it is only done on women who do not plan to have any children in the future. The procedure is not surgery, so you will not have any cut (incision)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1 When medication or conservative surgery doesn't improve endometriosis, you might need a hysterectomy along with removal of your ovaries and fallopian tubes (bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy). Uterine prolapse. Descent of the uterus into your vagina can happen when supporting ligaments and tissues weaken."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Removal of Cholesteatoma via Modified Radical Mastoidectomy. Modified radical mastoidectomy, also known as canal wall down (CWD) mastoidectomy, is a surgical procedure which involves removal of the posterior (back) wall of the ear canal to create a common cavity for the mastoid and ear canal. This single cavity also known as mastoid bowl opens up to the outside of the ear canal."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"What is the medical term meaning surgical removal of the inner lining of an artery? The removal (-ectomy) of the innermost (endo-) lining of the artery (arter/o) (or removal of a plaque from that lining) is endarterectomy. Notice that the vowel o was dropped â¦from the prefix. Atherectomy is another term."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Surgical removal of a cone-shaped area of the cervix; used in treatment for noninvasive cervical cancer (also called cone biopsy) Dilation and Curettage (D&C) Surgical procedure to widen the cervix and scrape the endometrium with an instrument called a curette."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!', 'Applied or liquid membrane - Spray applied membranes, cold-fluid-applied membranes, and hot-applied membranes are types of membranes applied by melting and then fusing a rubber, bitumen, or elastomer layer onto the surface to be waterproofed. Liquid membranes have grown in popularity for horizontal applications. Polyurethane elastomers are the most common material composition for a fluid-applied elastomer membrane. However, bitumen and other epoxy-modified spray-applied membranes are also available.']\" Match: \"['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'types of liquid applied membranes']\"",
"Surgery for endometrial cancer. Surgery is often the main treatment for endometrial cancer and consists of a hysterectomy, often along with a salpingo-oophorectomy, and removal of lymph nodes. In some cases, pelvic washings are obtained, the omentum is removed, and/or peritoneal biopsies are obtained."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Endometriomas are often treated with surgery. Typically the first step is to drain the complex ovarian cyst of fluid. The next step involves cutting out the cyst or removing it using laser surgery. In either of these methods their is considerable risk of damaging the ovaries by scarring or excess heat."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The formal medical name for removal of a woman's entire reproductive system (ovaries, Fallopian tubes, uterus) is total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (TAH-BSO); the more casual term for such a surgery is ovariohysterectomy."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Endometrial Ablation Surgery is performed to remove abnormal tissues from uterus. Endometrial Ablation Surgery is recommended for patients having abnormal bleeding in uterus due to the abnormality in the lining tissues of the uterus (endometrium)."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The most common treatment for endometrial cancer is surgery and it should be performed by a gynecologic oncologist. Several types of surgery can be performed. A hysterectomy involves removal of the uterus and cervix and is the standard procedure for treating endometrial cancer. Total abdominal hysterectomy: the uterus and cervix are taken out through an incision in the abdomen."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Endometrial biopsy has many advantages over the more complicated procedure known as dilation and curettage (D&C), which is a more extensive removal of the uterine lining that requires dilation (stretching) of the cervical opening with special instruments."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Surgery is the proven method for removal of endometriosis with long term research suggesting a recurrence rate of only 25% over 3 years. Complete excision of endometrial deposits is required to completely remove the disease."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"For example, myomectomy (surgery to remove fibroids), tubal surgery (to remove an ectopic pregnancy), surgery on the ovary (to remove cysts) and surgery for endometriosis can cause adhesions. Even surgery to remove adhesions can lead to new adhesions."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"This is now the surgical treatment of choice for endometriosis. Major surgery, previously performed through a large incision, can now be done laparoscopically. This means short (often one night) hospital stays and quicker return to work and normal life with much less post-operative pain."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"If you have endometriosis and are trying to become pregnant, surgery to remove as much endometriosis as possible while preserving your uterus and ovaries (conservative surgery) may increase your chances of success. If you have severe pain from endometriosis, you may also benefit from surgery â however, endometriosis and pain may return."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers To give you a sense - \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"What does the phrase headass mean? kgb answers » Local & Lookup » Definitions & Word Origins » What does the phrase headass mean? According to Urban Dictionary, headass refers to a generic insult or an insult that attacks a person's intelligence. While it's not been confirmed, one might suspect the word was derived from the expression head up your @ss. Variations of the meaning include: An exclamation meaning No way!.\"]\" should be close to \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'definition of headass']\"",
"Removal of Ovaries (Oophorectomy): Surgical removal of the ovaries, called oophorectomy, significantly reduces the risk for ovarian cancer. When it is used to prevent cancer, the procedure is called a prophylactic oophorectomy."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The formal medical name for removal of a woman's entire reproductive system (ovaries, Fallopian tubes, uterus) is Total Abdominal Hysterectomy with Bilateral Salpingo-Oophorectomy (TAH-BSO); the more casual term for such a surgery is ovariohysterectomy.or the song by Sadist, see Crust (album) . Oophorectomy /ËoÊ.ÉfÉËrÉktÉmi/ (from Greek ᾠοÏÏÏοÏ, Åophoros, Åophóros-egg + bearing, á¼ÎºÏομή, ektomḠa cutting out) of is the surgical removal of an ovary or. ovaries"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1 A total hysterectomy is the removal of the uterus and cervix. A total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy is the removal of the uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. This is the most common surgery done for endometrial cancer."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Infertility. If infertility is your primary concern, your doctor will probably use laparoscopy to look for and remove signs of endometriosis. 1 Research has not firmly proved that removing mild endometriosis improves fertility. 2 For moderate to severe endometriosis, surgery will improve your chances of pregnancy.s with hormone therapy, surgery relieves endometriosis pain for most women. But it does not guarantee long-lasting results. Some studies have shown: 1 Most women-about 60 to 80 out of 100-report pain relief in the first months after surgery. 2 More than 50 out of 100 women have symptoms return within 2 years after surgery."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The surgical procedures that may be performed during an operative laparoscopy include: 1 removal or destruction of endometrial implants. 2 removal or destruction of ovarian endometriosis (endometriomas) 3 removal of adhesions. removal of deep rectovaginal and rectosigmoid 1 endometriosis. removal of the uterus (hysterectomy)"
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"It is called a D&C, it stands for dialation and cutterage. This is a procedure where the doctor puts a women under anastesia and manually dilates her cervix with instruments. This usually common after a miscarriage to remove the fetus. It can also be used to treat endometriosis or any surgery on the cervix."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Removal of Ovaries (Oophorectomy). Surgical removal of the ovaries, called oophorectomy, significantly reduces the risk for ovarian cancer. When it is used to specifically prevent ovarian cancer in high-risk women, the procedure is called a prophylactic oophorectomy."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Vaginal hysterectomy is a procedure in which the uterus is surgically removed through the vagina. One or both ovaries and fallopian tubes may be removed during the procedure as well; removal of both ovaries and fallopian tubes is called bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (BSO) (figure 1). vaginal approach may be used if the uterus is not greatly enlarged. Studies have shown that vaginal hysterectomy has fewer complications, requires a shorter hospital stay, and allows a faster recovery compared to removal of the uterus through an abdominal incision (abdominal hysterectomy)."
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"A surgical option to treat heavy bleeding is hysteroscopic myomectomy. In this procedure, a thin tube called an endoscope is passed through the cervix and into the uterus. The fibroid is shaved and removed, but the uterus is left intact. If a woman does not want to have children, she can opt for endometrial ablation."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Endometrial ablation is a procedure that surgically destroys (ablates) the lining of your uterus (endometrium). The goal of endometrial ablation is to reduce menstrual flow. In some women, menstrual flow may stop completely. No incisions are needed for endometrial ablation. Your doctor inserts slender tools through the passageway between your vagina and uterus (cervix). The tools vary, depending on the method used to ablate the endometrium."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Endoscopic discectomy, a common type of endoscopic spinal surgery, is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to remove herniated disc material that is causing pain in the lower back and legs (lumbar), mid back (thoracic), or neck and arms (cervical). Watch endoscopic discectomy videos."
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"What procedure you'll undergo depends on the size and location of your eye melanoma. For instance, surgery to remove a small melanoma affecting the iris is called iridectomy. Surgery to remove a melanoma in the choroid is called choroidectomy. Surgery to remove the entire eye (enucleation)."
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"1 Functional cysts usually go away on their own without treatment. 2 They may be caused by hormonal problems or by drugs used to help you ovulate. 3 Endometriosis. 4 Women with endometriosis can develop a type of ovarian cyst called an endometrioma. 5 The endometriosis tissue may attach to the ovary and form a growth.f your cyst requires surgery, your doctor will either remove just the cyst or the entire ovary. Surgery can be done in two different ways: 1 Laparoscopy (lap-uh-ROSS-kuh-pee) . 2 With this surgery, the doctor makes a very small cut above or below your belly button to look inside your pelvic area and remove the cyst."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"The procedure for removing excess upper eyelid skin is called an Upper Blepharoplasty. If it is both then you will still have the same appearance after removing the excess upper eyelid skin as the ptosis will not have been corrected by doing a blepharoplasty alone. Removal of the excess skin will not change the position of the upper eyelid."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"The removal of an ovary together with the Fallopian tube is called salpingo-oophorectomy or unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (USO). When both ovaries and both Fallopian tubes are removed, the term bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (BSO) is used.artial oophorectomy or ovariotomy is a term sometimes used to describe a variety of surgeries such as ovarian cyst removal or resection of parts of the ovaries. This kind of surgery is fertility-preserving, although ovarian failure may be relatively frequent."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"And it is sometimes recommended when the hormones produced by the ovaries are making a disease such as breast cancer or severe endometriosis worse. In some cases the ovaries are removed to try to reduce the possibility of developing a future disease, such as ovarian cancer.This is called a prophylactic oophorectomy. When a premenopausal woman is scheduled to have one ovary removed during the surgical removal of the uterus (hysterectomy) because disease is suspected, removal of both ovaries may be recommended if disease is found."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Well, let's remove your uterus, tubes and ovaries. This is the only known cure for the disease. You see, it works this way: the endometriosis comes from refluxed menstrual blood flowing out of the ends of the fallopian tubes into your abdominal cavity, carrying with it living cells from the lining of the uterus."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The removal of an ovary together with the Fallopian tube is called salpingo-oophorectomy or unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (USO). When both ovaries and both Fallopian tubes are removed, the term bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (BSO) is used."
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"Curettage is the removal of the lining of the uterus by scraping. The lining is known as the endometrium. ... It will be used to scrape the uterine lining and remove tissue through the vagina. After sampling the endometrium, the instrument will be removed from the cervix. ..."
"represent this",
"A prosthesisâwhich may also be called an implantâtakes the place of the damaged area of the knee, leaving the other compartments intact. (Partial knee replacement surgery may also be referred to as partial knee resurfacing, unicondylar knee surgery, unicondylar knee replacement, or unicondylar knee arthroplasty.)"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Advanced endometriosis can be treated surgically, in some cases by laparoscopy, in some cases by laparotomy, but this can entail a challenging and extensive operation. To treat severe pain that cannot otherwise be resolved, some women undergo removal of their uterus and ovaries (hysterectomy and oophorectomy)."
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"Endometrial polyps can be removed during hysteroscopy, a procedure that uses a tiny telescope (hysteroscope) and thin surgical instruments to view and treat areas inside the uterus. A curettage may also be performed-scraping of the uterus to remove the polyps-guided by a hysteroscope.Hysterectomy. In rare cases a hysterectomy (surgery to remove the uterus) may be recommended to remove cancerous cells or numerous polyps. Uterine polyps can recur, requiring additional treatment.ndometrial polyps are small, soft growths on the lining of the uterus (the endometrium). Also known as uterine polyps, endometrial polyps can irritate the surrounding tissue and cause spotting or vaginal bleeding. The polyps can occur alone or in groups."
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"The procedure usually takes 30 to 45 minutes. If endometriosis or scar tissue needs to be removed, your surgeon will use one of various techniques, including cutting and removing tissue (excision) or destroying it with a laser beam or electric current (electrocautery)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Endometrial ablation. Endometrial ablation is an outpatient medical procedure that is used to remove (ablate) or destroy the endometrial lining of the uterus in women who have heavy menstrual bleeding. Endometrial ablation should never be performed on women who wish to have children."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The removal of the ovaries is called an oophorectomy. The procedure is often combined with a hysterectomy -- removal of the uterus -- but not always. And in fact, women who only have their uterus removed will not go into surgical menopause."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"The surgical removal of the spleen is called a splenectomy. Splenectomy. Spleenectomy."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Endometriosis Surgery. Various levels of surgical treatment are available for endometriosis. The simplest type of surgery and treatment of choice is laparoscopy and various types of procedures may be done down the laparoscope to get rid of the endometriosis or its effects."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Intraoperative Cholangiogram - Topic Overview. During surgery to remove the gallbladder (cholecystectomy), you may have a procedure called intraoperative cholangiogram. The doctor places a small tube called a catheter into the cystic duct, which drains bile from the gallbladder into the common bile duct."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Endometrial cancer is often diagnosed when a woman who is having symptoms has an endometrial biopsy or D&C. Diagnosis is often followed by surgery to treat and stage the cancer. This operation includes removing the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries (total hysterectomy bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy or TH/BSO).tage I. An endometrial cancer is stage I if the cancer is limited to the body of the uterus and has not spread to lymph nodes or distant sites. Surgery and other treatment often differ for cancers that aren't endometrioid."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The procedure usually takes 30 to 45 minutes. If endometriosis or scar tissue needs to be removed, your surgeon will use one of various techniques, including cutting and removing tissue (excision) or destroying it with a laser beam or electric current (electrocautery).s with hormone therapy, surgery relieves endometriosis pain for most women. But it does not guarantee long-lasting results. Some studies have shown: 1 Most women-about 60 to 80 out of 100-report pain relief in the first months after surgery. 2 More than 50 out of 100 women have symptoms return within 2 years after surgery."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"The removal of the ovaries is called an oophorectomy. The procedure is often combined with a hysterectomy -- removal of the uterus -- but not always. And in fact, women who only have their uterus removed will not go into surgical menopause. Their ovaries are still making estrogen."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Gallbladder removal - laparoscopic - discharge. Laparoscopic gallbladder removal is surgery to remove the gallbladder using a medical device called a laparoscope. When You're in the Hospital. You had a procedure called a laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Your doctor made 1 to 3 small cuts in your belly and used a special instrument called a laparoscope to take out your gallbladder."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"When endometriosis occurs in a woman's ovary, cysts called endometriomas form, irritating and inflaming the ovary. The treatments for endometriosis include prescription pain medications and oral or injectable hormonal contraceptives. Benign ovarian tumors are solid, non-cancerous growths that form inside of ovaries."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Endometrial ablation procedures vary by the method used to remove your endometrium. Electrosurgery. A slender scope is used to see inside the uterus. An instrument passed through the scope, such as a wire loop, is heated and used to carve furrows into the endometrium."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Endometrial ablation is the surgical destruction of the lining tissues of the uterus, known as the endometrium. Endometrial ablation is one type of treatment for abnormal uterine bleeding. Endometrial ablation is a treatment for abnormal bleeding of the uterus that is due to a benign (non-cancerous) condition."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"It can help if you have endometriosis on the uterus (or a condition called adenomyosis which is endometriosis of the uterus) but a hysterectomy without proper removal of the rest of the endometriosis (excision) will not cure endometriosis. Medical suppression: Oral contraceptives can help stabilize endometriosis for a while if the disease is mild."
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"URL of this page: //medlineplus.gov/ency/article/003917.htm. Endometrial biopsy is the removal of a small piece of tissue from the lining of the uterus (endometrium) for examination. This procedure may be done with or without anesthesia. This is a medicine that allows you to sleep during the procedure. You lie on your back with your feet supported by a footrest."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"While doing a hysterectomy, a surgeon may also remove the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Sometimes this is not decided until the time of the surgery. This is called a bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, or BSO. (Together with a total abdominal hysterectomy this is referred to as a TAH/BSO)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The surgical removal of a Fallopian tube is called a salpingectomy. To remove both sides is a bilateral salpingectomy. An operation that combines the removal of a Fallopian tube with removal of at least one ovary is a salpingo-oophorectomy. An operation to remove a fallopian tube obstruction is called a tuboplasty."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A hysterectomy is the surgical removal of a woman's uterus . A hysterectomy to remove endometrial cancer usually includes the removal of the ovaries and fallopian tubes (bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy). Your doctor may also do a pelvic and para-aortic lymph node biopsy to find out the stage and grade of the cancer."
] |
"A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"iphone seven colors"
] | [
"Represent the input.",
"The brightest, most colorful iPhone display ever. The fastest performance and best battery life in an iPhone. Water and splash resistant.* And stereo speakers. Every bit as powerful as it looks this is iPhone 7. The iPhone 7 comes in 32GB, 128GB, and 256GB. Available in Silver, Gold, Rose Gold, Black, Jet Black and (PRODUCT) RED Special Edition."
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"As with the iPhone 5s, youâll be able to get both iPhone 6 models in Space Gray (dark gray with a black screen bezel), silver (with a white screen bezel), or gold (also with a white screen bezelâand some white trim on the back)."
"Represent the next text",
"All iPhone 5s models have dual cameras. On the back, the iPhone 5s models have an 8 megapixel, 1080p iSight camera with 1.5 micron pixels, an f/2.2 aperture, and a dual LED True Tone flash that variably adjusts color and intensity for over 1,000 combinations, so photos taken with a flash appear more natural.."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"On the outside, the iPhone SE looks and feels nearly identical to the iPhone 5S. It has the same size screen, the same chamfered edges and the same button placement. The only new feature is the color selection. The iPhone SE is available in space grey, silver, gold and our favorite shade of pink, AKA, rose gold."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The highly advanced iPhone 5s features the A7 chip with 64-bit architecture, the Touch ID fingerprint sensor, a new 8-megapixel iSight camera, a new FaceTime HD camera, ultrafast LTE wireless,1 iOS 7, and iCloud. Yet it's as thin and light as ever."
"The features will also appear in the new iPhone 6S Plus. Read next: The iPhone 6s review. While the iPhone 6S maintains the same design and 4.7-inch display size as the iPhone 6, it's being offered in a new color: rose gold."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"The former products were successful testing grounds for color, he reasons, and the tech giant already participates in the 'red campaign' with red-colored iPods. This spring, he predicts the next version of the iPhone could come in as many as eight different colors, and the iPad could boast just as many. Seeing as Apple's at the top of its game, White also believes Apple will release iPhones in various screen sizes in order to expand its reach and disrupt markets abroad."
"Represent text",
"Apple iPhone® 6s Plus. Smooth, continuous unibody design. 3D Touch, Live Photos, an A9 chip, advanced cameras, optical image stabilization, and a 5.5-inch Retina HD display. And so much more. The iPhone 6s Plus comes in 32GB & 128GB. Available in Space Gray, Silver, Gold or Rose Gold."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"sea. 1 the salt waters that cover the greater part of the earth's surface. 2 a division of these waters, of considerable extent, more or less definitely marked off by land boundaries: the North Sea. 3 one of the seven seas; ocean. 4 a large lake or landlocked body of water.\"]>> to \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'sea definition']\"",
"It completely inverts the color scheme of your iPhone. The background on the home screen will be white, and the text will be black (as opposed to the typical white text on black background.) Furthermore, all of your native apps will have an inverted color scheme."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Opting for the silver and white iPhone 6. This model of the iPhone 6 has practical qualities, being less vulnerable to damage. At the same time, it is pretty striking, so represents a halfway house between the two other designs."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Available in space gray, silver, gold, and rose gold, iPhone 6s Plus features an A9 chip, 3D Touch, Touch ID, a 12MP camera, and iOS 10. Learn more. Available in space gray, silver, gold, and rose gold, iPhone 6s features an A9 chip, 3D Touch, Touch ID, a 12MP camera, and iOS 10."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"What colors does the iPhone SE come in? The iPhone SE comes in four different color combinations. The four metal finishes are complemented by a painted glass bezel around the screen. Space Gray features a black front bezel and black antenna bands on the back. Each of the other finishes are joined with a white front bezel and white antenna bands."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"iPhone 7. The 4.7-inch iPhone 7 comes in 3 model numbers, A1660, A1778, and A1779. 1. A1660: The iPhone 7 A1660 is considered the global phone as it is compatible with both GSM and CDMA networks. This model is available in the United States, Puerto Rico, Hong Kong and China."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Opting for the gold and white iPhone 6. The gold and white iPhone 6 is the most ostentatious of the three, and will consequently suit the extroverts among us. Tags: Apple cases Color Communication Faceplates iPhone 6 iPhone 6 Plus UV protection Wear and Tear."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"The iPhone 6 Might Come in Multiple Colors and Shapes. The iPhone 6 Might Come in Multiple Colors and Shapes. Jill Krasny is a contributing writer at Complex. The iPhone 6 device could be Apple's most diverse yet, at least according to Topeka Capital analyst Brian White who was cited by Forbes."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Apple's iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus order page in the US now shows a ship time of three to five business days for the 16GB and 64GB models in all three colors -- silver, gold and space gray -- and from all four major carriers -- Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile and Sprint."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Safety culture refers to the ways that safety issues are addressed in a workplace. It often reflects the attitudes, beliefs, perceptions and values that employees share in relation to safety..In other words, the way we do safety around here..owever we find that the culture and style of management is even more significant, for example a natural, unconscious bias for production over safety, or a tendency to focussing on the short-term and being highly reactive.. Since the 1980s there has been a large amount of research into safety culture.']\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'how to tell if a workplace is culturally safe']\"",
"All-new dual 12MP cameras. The brightest, most colorful iPhone display ever. The fastest performance and best battery life in an iPhone. Water and splash resistant.* And stereo speakers. Every bit as powerful as it looks this is iPhone 7 Plus. The iPhone 7 Plus comes in 32GB, 128GB, and 256GB."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The Samsung Corby is notable for both its body design and colors â which mark a significant break from the way full touch phones are usually designed. It is available in bold color options such as Jamaican Yellow, Cupid Pink, Minimal White, and Festival Orange so that users can choose their favorite colors."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Storage and color. Both the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus will be offered in three different color combinations: gold with white accents, silver with gray accents, and space gray with gray accents. The device will also be available in 16GB, 64GB, and 128GB storage models."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Apple announced the iPhone 5C on September 10, 2013. Different from the iPhone 5, the iPhone 5C is built with brand new plastic rear housing available in five colors: green, pink, blue, yellow and white. However, we found the teardown process and the innards are similar to the iPhone 5 after we took apart the 5C.ou can follow our step-by-step disassembly to replace the broken parts on your iPhone 5C, such as the cracked iPhone 5C screen, the useless iPhone 5C battery, the damaged iPhone 5C rear housing or the broken iPhone 5C charging port flex cable."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Best sub-$200 color tablet: Google Nexus 7. There are at least three great 7-inch, $200 tablets on the market today: the Nexus 7, the Amazon Kindle Fire HD, and the Barnes & Noble Nook HD. All are worthy of consideration, but the Nexus 7 comes out ahead in overall bang for the buck."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"âIt is a permanent color change and expression of style. By not just painting or wrapping your device, AnoStyle allows you to maintain the original size and feel of your device.â. Once you decide to change the color of your iPhone 5, you need to send your device into AnoStyleâs headquarters."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Apple iPhone® 6s. Smooth, continuous unibody design. 3D Touch, Live Photos, an A9 chip, advanced cameras, and a 4.7-inch Retina HD display. And so much more. The iPhone 6s comes in 32GB & 128GB. Available in Space Gray, Silver, Gold or Rose Gold."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"iPhone 7 Features, Specs and Rumors. 1 You can surely expect screen of Apple iPhone 7 to be much better then iPhone 6. 2 With Apple iPhone 7, an edge to edge screen is a must with the most of phablet surface to be a screen leaving slight room for the physical home button below."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"VIEW ALL PHOTOS IN GALLERY PriceThe iPhone 6 and the 6 Plus will be available in Space Gray, Silver, and Gold color schemes. The iPhone 6 will retail at $199 for the 16GB model, $299 for the 64GB, and $399 for the 128GB."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"On the phone or on the cover of the phone may be encrusted emblem of Russia or other emblem of gold of any color. Customization for Apple iPhone 6s and 6s Plus - All Jewelry Color of Precious Metals by MJ. Exclusive tuning smartphones Apple iPhone 7 or 7 Plus or 6s, SE etc."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Rainbows: Refraction of the Seven Colors of the Spectrum. A rainbow has seven colors because water droplets in the atmosphere break sunlight into seven colors. A prism similarly divides light into seven colors. When light leaves one medium and enters another, the light changes its propagation direction and bends. This is called refraction."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n------\n\nFor example, '['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Symptoms of Malignant Neoplasm (Cancer). Some of the symptoms of Malignant Neoplasm incude: 1 Cancer symptoms depend on the type of cancer but may include: 2 Abscess. 3 Bowel symptoms. 4 Bladder symptoms. 5 Poorly healing skin sore.']' should be close to '['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'symptoms of malignant neoplasm']'",
"Do not attempt to charge a wet iPhone; refer to the user guide for cleaning and drying instructions. Liquid damage not covered under warranty. iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus in jet black are available in 128GB and 256GB models. Data plan required. LTE Advanced, LTE, VoLTE, and Wi-Fi calling are available in select markets and through select carriers."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The highly anticipated Apple product will be presented in two colors. And there's a small but significant note to bear in mind here: The iPhone X doesn't have a white faceplate option, only a black one. So, the new phone will be introduced in the market in silver and space gray, Apple confirmed, but the colors will still have black on the front, not white, like the silver iterations of earlier models have."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Apple's iOS 7: The Top 5 Features. The iPhone 5S. Think of the iPhone 5S like the iPhone 4S -- an update to the current iPhone with some new tricks. According to the leaks, the iPhone 5S will look like the 5, though it might come in a new gold hue."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Seven contains the number three of the heavens and soul with the number four of the earth and body. The Pythagoreans called the number 7 âthe Septadâ. The seven colors of the rainbow. Isaac Newton identified the seven colors of the rainbow as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Available in space gray, silver, gold, and rose gold, iPhone 6s Plus features an A9 chip, 3D Touch, Touch ID, a 12MP camera, and iOS 10. Available in space gray, silver, gold, and rose gold, iPhone 6s features an A9 chip, 3D Touch, Touch ID, a 12MP camera, and iOS 10."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Opting for the space gray and black iPhone. The most obvious group of people to select this particular iPhone 6 color scheme would be those who watch a lot of video, and absolutely do not want to be distracted."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"It's a slender rectangle 76mm high and just 5mm thick. Like the iPod nano 6G, it's mostly screen, but now there's an iPhone-like 'Home' button underneath the screen, giving the iPod nano 7th Generation a healthy bit of bezel.Like the new, 2012 iPod touch and iPhone 5, the shell of the iPod nano 7th generation is aluminium.It comes in eight different colours, including dark grey and silver for those who like the sober look. The sole interruption of the iPod nano's bodywork is a small bit of white plastic on the rear.ike the iPod nano 6G, it's mostly screen, but now there's an iPhone-like 'Home' button underneath the screen, giving the iPod nano 7th Generation a healthy bit of bezel."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Pythagoreans called the number 7 âthe Septadâ. The seven colors of the rainbow. Isaac Newton identified the seven colors of the rainbow as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. There are seven days in a week."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"What is the pantone color for the new iphone 6s rose gold? Answer Wiki. Using a colour picker and a RGB convertor tool (Convert Hex color #a057a7 to Rgb, Pantone, RAL, HSL, HSV, HSB, JSON. Get color scheme.) you can find the closest match. Obviously, it depends on where you put the colour picker on on the iPhone, but based on my selection I got the results below. Pantone Solid Coated 7605 C. Pantone Solid Uncoated 7612 U. Pantone Metallic 8041 C."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"#BenjaminMoorePaintColors #ColorPalette #ColorPaletteIdeas Benjamin Moore gray-blues to aquas and into the deep blue and green paint color. sybil Candice Olson's Five Go To Benjamin Moore Paint Colors: nimbus gray 2131-50, gray mirage 2142-50, pale oak OC-20, niveous OC-36, and cloud white OC-130. bette Gray Green Paint: Designers' Favorite Colors Top row, left to right: 1. Farrow & Ball Lime White, 2."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it Example:\nProvided: \"['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Measure the installation area and determine the amount of hardwood flooring that will be installed, by multiplying the length and width of each room. Remember to include unseen areas such as closets and pantries. This number is the actual installation area.']\" Match: \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!', 'how to calculate cost of hardwood flooring']\"",
"Both the iPhone 6s and the iPhone 6s Plus come in 16, 64, and 128GB configurations, with four color options: Silver, Space Gray, Gold, and Rose Gold. iPhone 6s pricing in the U.S. starts at $199 with a two-year carrier contract, with the 64 and 128GB models priced at $299 and $399, respectively."
"A Rose Gold color option for the iPhone 6s and the iPhone 6s Plus is the only significant exterior change made to the two new devices. The Rose Gold is a pink-tinged gold color that joins the original Gold, Silver, and Space Gray color options."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Asserting that both the iPod Touch and iPod Nano come in pink, yellow, blue, silver and slate, among other colors, White says it only makes sense for Apple to turn out multiple versions of the rumored iPhone 6 and iPad, because that's what the company's good at."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The reason that it hasnât been prominent in the recent iPhone series, and again will be not part of the iPhone 6 color provisions, is that it is extremely difficult to anodize. This is the reason that the iPhone 6 will not embrace black as a color."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Here are the differences between them. DONâT MISS: The 12 best new features of Appleâs iPhone 7. The 4.7-inch iPhone 7 and 5.5-inch iPhone 7 Plus have the exact same size as their predecessors, no surprises there. Apple stuck with 1334 x 750 resolution for the smaller iPhone and 1920 x 1080 for the phablet. Again, no surprises here."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"According to Newton, a white light is made of seven colors. When we pass a beam of sunlight through any transparent object the seven colors appear on the surface. As for oil, it is transparent and when light passes through it, the seven colors of the rainbow appear on it."
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"Current color: Black. With the Walkabout Universal Adapter, you eliminate the need of bringing any other chargers for devices that charge with a USB port. Cell Phones, PDA, MP3/MP4 players, iPod, iPhone, iPad, travel speakers. Supports higher powered items like new iPhones and iPads."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Angel Colors and colors of the rainbow. Another important term related to the colors of the rainbow is Angel Colors. Devout Christians use these to focus on their Prayers to the Lord. Like the seven rainbow colors, there are seven Angel colors."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"All your cases for the iPhone 5 will work with the 5S. One thing is new though. The iPhone 5S now has a new gold color option, along with the usual black and white (which is now weirdly called space grayâit's a lighter hue compared to the black 5âand silver).he iPhone 5S 16GB will cost $199, the 32GB version will be $299 and the 64GB version will cost $399, all with a new two-year contract. There's also an unlocked and contract-free version of the 5S for T-Mobile."
"Represent text",
"Whatâs interesting about the leak is that it shows iPhone units in multiple colors, but unfortunately not the new colors weâre looking for. DONâT MISS: Look at this new leaked photo and tell me which phone is hotter than the iPhone 7. Posted by Italian blog Macitynet, the image shows a familiar device."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Apple reveals waterproof iPhone 7 with new camera ... and no headphone jack. Apple has unveiled the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus, its next generation smartphones, which have a similar aluminium look but now waterproof with new insides, new pressure-sensitive home button, new dual-camera features and no headphone socket."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Dress up your iPhone 4 with a Bumper. Choose one of six colors â white, black, blue, green, orange, or pink â and slip it around the edge of your iPhone 4. With metal buttons for volume and power, two-tone colors, and a combination of rubber and molded plastic, Bumpers add a touch of style to any iPhone 4."
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"The latest update takes a lot of cues from iOS 7, creating a more uniform experience across Apple's laptops, desktops, tablets and smartphones. Icons on OS X Yosemite now have a flatter design, much like they do on the iPhone, and windows now adjust their color temperature depending on the background image. Yosemite also utilizes carefully crafted translucent materials, in the words of Craig Federighi, senior vice president of software engineering."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The silver iPhone 6. The silver iPhone 6 is the same color as a white earlier generation white iPhones, but now it has a snazzy silver name to complement the gold version. Like the gold version, the silver has a white front plate and white bands on the back."
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"Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results",
"can you add after tax funds to an ira"
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"The IRS sets limits on after-tax contributions to your IRA. When it comes to retirement plans, a penny saved is not only a penny earned. Thanks to generous tax deductions and other government subsidies, it is also a penny invested. This holds true even when you invest after-tax money into an IRA."
] | [
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"(In a simplified example, if you earn $50,000 and contribute $5,000, your taxable income drops to $45,000.) With a Roth IRA, you contribute post-tax dollars, so your immediate taxes are unchanged. The money grows untaxed in your account until withdrawn in your retirement years. At that point, if you've followed the rules, it's withdrawn tax-free. That can be a big deal if you've saved a lot of money and have invested it effectively."
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"You then put $5,000 into IRA, but there is no tax deduction. You end up contributing money on which tax has already been paid (hence the term post-tax), but you will NOT owe income tax when eventually you take moeny out of your IRA. Finally, answer to your question. There are two types of IRA: traditional IRA and Roth IRA. Contributions to Roth IRA are always post-tax. Contributions to traditional IRAs are usually pre-tax but sometimes are post-tax. By the way, post-tax traditional IRA are usually a bad idea. Michael Plaks, EA, Houston TX www.MichaelPlaks.com"
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"Answer: No. Generally speaking, the IRS allows you to make your IRA contribution for a particular tax year up until April 15 of the following year.This rule applies to both traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs, giving you some flexibility in terms of the timing of your annual IRA contribution.or example, let's say you want to invest the maximum amount in your IRA for 2014. You can either make a lump-sum contribution of $5,500, or you can set up a savings plan whereby you invest a fixed amount each month in your IRA."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"IRA Contribution Limit. After age 50, you can put no more than $6,000 per year in your IRA(s). As regards contributions, the IRS sees all IRAs as one IRA. So if you have two IRAs, you can, for example, contribute $4,000 to one and $2,000 to the other.In addition, you can contribute no more than you earn. If you earn only $3,000 doing part-time work after retirement, for example, you can contribute only $3,000 that year.o if you have two IRAs, you can, for example, contribute $4,000 to one and $2,000 to the other. In addition, you can contribute no more than you earn. If you earn only $3,000 doing part-time work after retirement, for example, you can contribute only $3,000 that year."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"You arenât taxed on the money you put into a traditional IRA until you withdraw it at retirement. I think itâs easier to understand this concept when you see an actual example: Letâs say you make $50,000 a year at your job and you decide to set aside $5,000 a year for retirement in your IRA.nlike with traditional IRAs, you donât get the upfront tax break when you contribute to a Roth IRA. You invest after tax dollars into your account. While you donât get the upfront tax break when you invest with a Roth IRA, you donât have to pay income taxes on your money when you finally withdraw it."
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"It's January, and I forgot to contribute to my IRA. No. Generally speaking, the IRS allows you to make your IRA contribution for a particular tax year up until April 15 of the following year.This rule applies to both traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs, giving you some flexibility in terms of the timing of your annual IRA contribution.or example, let's say you want to invest the maximum amount in your IRA for 2014. You can either make a lump-sum contribution of $5,500, or you can set up a savings plan whereby you invest a fixed amount each month in your IRA."
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"Rule 2: The amount you can contribute goes up over time. Roth contribution limits are indexed for inflation, and in some years, they go up. For 2015, you can put $5,500 into your Roth IRA, and if you're 50 or older, you can add another $1,000 on top of that. You have until April 15 next year to make your contribution for 2015. Rule 3: Anyone can convert a traditional IRA to a Roth. It used to be that income limits prevented some taxpayers from converting existing traditional IRAs to Roth IRAs. But in 2010, those rules went away, and now, anyone can convert."
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"When Pension Benefits are Partially Taxable. If you contributed after tax dollars to the pension, those funds are not taxable. So the portion of your pension benefits that came from after-tax dollars cannot be taxed a second time. You will pay taxes on any pre-tax contributions."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Many people are not aware of this fact, but the IRS can levy your IRA. Generally, the IRS will levy other types of accounts first, before going after your IRA. However, if you owe money to the IRS, your IRA is not off limits. If your IRA is levied, it will be taxable to you."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Dog hind leg weakness can be caused by a number of things including injury, arthritis and degenerative myelopathy. Symptoms of dog hind leg weakness include: A swaying gait, with the rear end moving back and forth. â\\x80\\x9cBunny hoppingâ\\x80\\x9d, especially up stairs. Difficulty getting up. Exercise intolerance. Pain and stiffness in the rear end. Reluctance to walk, run, climb stairs, jump, or play.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!', 'canine hind leg weakness']\"",
"401(k) plans, 403(b) plans, Keoghs, IRAs, and SEP-IRAs allow you to defer income tax on money you put aside for retirement. In addition to investing money that would otherwise be subject to income tax, your nest egg grows tax-free until withdrawal (after age 59 ½ without penalty).01(k) plans, 403(b) plans, Keoghs, IRAs, and SEP-IRAs allow you to defer income tax on money you put aside for retirement. In addition to investing money that would otherwise be subject to income tax, your nest egg grows tax-free until withdrawal (after age 59 ½ without penalty)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"In fact there is a way to invest in dividend paying stocks without ever having to pay taxes on your investment. The Roth IRA allows individuals who have earned income in a given year to contribute up to $5000 in after-tax dollars to their retirement account."
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"Non-Deductible Roth IRA Contributions. Unlike 401k or Traditional IRA contributions, Roth IRA contributions are not tax deductible. According to the Roth IRA funding rules established by the IRS, all your contributions must be made with after-tax dollars.For example, letâs say you earn $40,000, and youâre in the 25% tax bracket.nlike 401k or Traditional IRA contributions, Roth IRA contributions are not tax deductible. According to the Roth IRA funding rules established by the IRS, all your contributions must be made with after-tax dollars."
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"You fund a Roth with after-tax dollars, meaning you've already paid taxes on the money you put into it. In return for no up-front tax break, your money grows and grows tax free, and when you withdraw at retirement, you pay no taxes. That's right-every penny goes straight in your pocket."
"You can contribute funds to your traditional or Roth IRA at any time during the calendar year, and you can make contributions to an IRA by the first deadline for your tax return without any extensions. 1 IRA contributions for tax year 2014 are due by April 15, 2015.ou can contribute funds to your traditional or Roth IRA at any time during the calendar year, and you can make contributions to an IRA by the first deadline for your tax return without any extensions. 1 IRA contributions for tax year 2014 are due by April 15, 2015."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"If you own a Roth IRA at death and it passes to someone other than your spouse, it will be included in your taxable estate. There is one way Roth IRAs provide an estate tax benefit. Roth IRAs contain after-tax dollars.That means the size of your estate has been reduced by the amount of tax you paid on those dollars.ne rule that does not change is the requirement for the Roth IRA to exist at least five years before earnings can be withdrawn tax-free. To be more precise, earnings can be withdrawn tax-free beginning on the first day of the fifth taxable year after the year the Roth IRA was established."
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"IRA Contribution Limit. After age 50, you can put no more than $6,000 per year in your IRA(s). As regards contributions, the IRS sees all IRAs as one IRA. So if you have two IRAs, you can, for example, contribute $4,000 to one and $2,000 to the other.In addition, you can contribute no more than you earn. If you earn only $3,000 doing part-time work after retirement, for example, you can contribute only $3,000 that year.s regards contributions, the IRS sees all IRAs as one IRA. So if you have two IRAs, you can, for example, contribute $4,000 to one and $2,000 to the other. In addition, you can contribute no more than you earn."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"You can contribute funds to your traditional or Roth IRA at any time during the calendar year, and you can make contributions to an IRA by the first deadline for your tax return without any extensions."
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"Also, if you put money into your IRA but then decide you need it back, you can generally take back one contribution made to a traditional IRA without paying tax, as long as you do it before the tax filing deadline of that year and do not deduct the contribution from your taxes. You can also withdraw money from a traditional IRA and avoid paying the 10% penalty if you roll the money over into another qualified retirement account (such as a Roth IRA) within 60 days. But then you wouldn't actually be able to spend it."
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"Regardless of your participation in a 401k plan, all Roth IRA contributions are after-tax contributions. The IRS annually sets income limits restricting tax deductions for traditional IRA contributions if you have a 401k. For 2011, the limits have been slightly increased."
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"A Roth IRA allows a person to contribute post-tax dollars to an account to save for retirement. The money in the account grows tax-free. It can also be withdrawn tax-free, as long as the account holder is at least 59 1/2 years old."
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"When you retire and start making withdrawals from your account, the money will finally be taxed. Because you pay your taxes on your money later, traditional IRAs offer tax deferred growth. Contribution limits. The largest amount you can contribute to your traditional IRA in a year is $5,000.nlike with traditional IRAs, you donât get the upfront tax break when you contribute to a Roth IRA. You invest after tax dollars into your account. While you donât get the upfront tax break when you invest with a Roth IRA, you donât have to pay income taxes on your money when you finally withdraw it."
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"1 If you have rolled your 401k funds to an IRA, age 59 1/2 is the earliest you can withdraw funds from an IRA account and pay no early withdrawal penalty tax. 2 If your funds are still in the 401k plan and you are retired, you can access 401k funds at age 59 1/2 and pay no early withdrawal penalty tax."
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"If youâve made after-tax contributions to a traditional account in an employer plan, distributions from that account will generally include a blend of after-tax and pre-tax dollars. Natalie Choate, author of Life & Death Planning for Retirement Benefits, aptly calls it the âcream in the coffeeâ rule."
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"Individual retirement accounts provide a temporary tax shelter for your retirement nest egg because you do not have to pay taxes on your earnings until you make withdrawals from the account. You can grow your money even faster by depositing funds into your IRA on a pre-tax basis."
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"If you havenât already maxed out your IRA for last year, you can make traditional IRA contributions that are tax deductible. (For example, if you contribute $5,000 to a traditional IRA before April 15 you can reduce last yearâs taxable income by $5,000 and reduce the amount you owe by some percentage).ortunately, however, you can make prior year IRA contributions up until the tax filing date. So if you meant to start an IRA last year but forgot, you can still open an account, fund it, and count the contributions for the prior tax year."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"If you contributed after-tax dollars to your pension or annuity, your pension payments are partially taxable. You won't pay tax on the part of the payment that represents a return of the after-tax amount you paid."
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"At issue is a provision of the tax codeâ408(d)(3)â that allows IRA owners to withdraw funds from an IRA without having the money taxed or subjected to the 10% early withdrawal penalty so long as they redeposit the cash, or roll it over to a different IRA, within 60 days after the date of withdrawal."
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"You can contribute funds to your traditional or Roth IRA at any time during the calendar year, and you can make contributions to an IRA by the first deadline for your tax return without any extensions.1 IRA contributions for tax year 2014 are due by April 15, 2015.ou can contribute funds to your traditional or Roth IRA at any time during the calendar year, and you can make contributions to an IRA by the first deadline for your tax return without any extensions."
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"Traditional and Roth IRAs You can make a contribution to a traditional individual retirement arrangement, or IRA, anytime up to and including the due date for your tax return. That means you have until April 15, 2014, to put money in your IRA and still count it as a contribution for 2013.pr 10, 2014 at 6:35PM. The deadline for setting up a retirement plan and putting money into it for a specific tax year is not the same for all plans. Although some common plans must be funded by April 15, other plans allow you a bit more time."
"Represent this.",
"Individuals may contribute money to a Roth IRA from January 1 of the current tax year to April 15 of the following tax year. Contributions are made with post-tax dollars. You pay tax today so that in retirement no tax is charged to you in retirement."
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"As another option, you may make after-tax Roth contributions to the 403(b) SRA and 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan. When you contribute after-tax dollars to these plans, qualified distributions you take at a later time are tax-free.he after-tax Roth option does not increase the annual contribution limits for the 403(b) SRA and 457(b) plans. It just means that you may designate some or all of your contributions to these plans as after-tax Roth."
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"Significance. A Roth IRA allows a person to contribute post-tax dollars to an account to save for retirement. The money in the account grows tax-free. It can also be withdrawn tax-free, as long as the account holder is at least 59 1/2 years old."
"Represent the input",
"Donna â If you have rolled your 401k funds to an IRA, age 59 1/2 is the earliest you can withdraw funds from an IRA account and pay no early withdrawal penalty tax. If your funds are still in the 401k plan and you are retired, you can access 401k funds at age 59 1/2 and pay no early withdrawal penalty tax."
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"However, he can't put this money into your Roth 401(k) balance. Employers use pretax dollars to make matching contributions. Only after-tax dollars can go in your Roth 401(k). What your employer will do is open a seperate account for your matching contributions.This second account will just be like a regular pre-tax 401(k).any companies offer both options to their employees. While you can't deduct the money you put into the Roth 401(k), its tax benefits make it potentially a better long-term choice for your savings than a traditional 401(k)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Tax-Deductible Contributions. Regardless of your participation in a 401k plan, all Roth IRA contributions are after-tax contributions. The IRS annually sets income limits restricting tax deductions for traditional IRA contributions if you have a 401k. For 2011, the limits have been slightly increased."
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"Smart idea - use tax arbitrage to your advantage. Up to 85% your Social Security benefits received can be taxed, but never 100%. This means that after taxes, a dollar of Social Security income is worth more than a dollar of IRA withdrawals. If you design a retirement income plan that takes advantage of this tax arbitrage it can make a big difference over the course of your retirement years. You can pay less in tax, and have more to spend."
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"Before-tax Deduction. When you take money out of your income before taxes and place it in a retirement account, you reduce your taxable income. You will pay lower taxes because you report lower income.IRS rules for retirement accounts let you postpone paying taxes on your IRA until you actually withdraw the money.efore-tax Employee Deductions. You can do your employees a service by setting up individual retirement accounts for them and allowing them to contribute to these accounts before they pay taxes. This reduces the amount of pay they receive each month, but it lowers their tax bill while building their retirement funds."
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"IRAs and Deductions. A conventional IRA is a pre-tax savings account. The IRS allows you to deduct contributions, up to an annual contribution limit ($5,500 in 2013). Management and advisory fees normally come out of the account assets.But since the assets in the IRA were already deducted from your taxable income, you can't deduct that portion that's spent on advisory fees once again.ou don't receive the money, and you don't pay any early-withdrawal penalty, or income tax on gains. If, however, you make a payment into the IRA account in order to pay the advisory fee, that would be considered a tax-deductible contribution to the account."
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"Rule 2: The amount you can contribute goes up over time Roth contribution limits are indexed for inflation, and in some years, they go up. For 2015, you can put $5,500 into your Roth IRA, and if you're 50 or older, you can add another $1,000 on top of that. You have until April 15 next year to make your contribution for 2015. Rule 3: Anyone can convert a traditional IRA to a Roth It used to be that income limits prevented some taxpayers from converting existing traditional IRAs to Roth IRAs."
"represent the next text",
"Find out if your reason for withdrawing the money before you turn 59-1/2 entitles you to a tax exemption. You will not have to pay the tax penalty for early withdrawal if you meet the IRS-approved exemption criteria.otify your employer that you would like to withdraw retirement funds from your Simple IRA. You can still continue to contribute to the plan, even after you withdraw funds. Your employer will provide you the forms necessary to complete the withdrawal."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"You can contribute funds to your traditional or Roth IRA at any time during the calendar year, and you can make contributions to an IRA by the first deadline for your tax return without any extensions. 1 IRA contributions for tax year 2014 are due by April 15, 2015."
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"On a pretax basis, employees can't contribute above certain limits. In 2015, for instance, the limit is $18,000; those 50 and older can make additional catch-up contributions of $6,000. This money is not counted toward income, and all gains are tax-deferred.The limits are the same for Roth 401(k)s, though the contributions do count toward income and all gains are tax-free.But employees can sock away a lot more retirement cash if their company plan offers an after-tax option in a traditional 401(k). People who made after-tax contributions to their traditional 401(k) plans throughout the 1980s and 1990s, before the advent of the Roth IRA and Roth 401(k). 2 People who want to build up a Roth IRA with the goal of passing it on to heirs."
"Represent text",
"The IRS increases IRA contribution limits to keep up with inflation. This year, most of us can contribute up to $5,500 of earned income to an IRA. Those 50 or older get to add a $1,000 catch-up sum to that limit for a total of $6,500. IRA rules feature no minimum sum that you have to contribute to your IRA."
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"Pledging an account as security. If you use a part of your traditional IRA account as security for a loan, that part is treated as a distribution and is included in your gross income. You may have to pay the 10% additional tax on early distributions, discussed later.enerally, if you are under age 59½, you must pay a 10% additional tax on the distribution of any assets (money or other property) from your traditional IRA. Distributions before you are age 59½ are called early distributions."
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"1 If you have rolled your 401k funds to an IRA, age 59 1/2 is the earliest you can withdraw funds from an IRA account and pay no early withdrawal penalty tax."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"You fund a Roth with after-tax dollars, meaning you've already paid taxes on the money you put into it. In return for no up-front tax break, your money grows and grows tax free, and when you withdraw at retirement, you pay no taxes."
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"Not all retirement plans allow after-tax contributions. These are generally non-Roth contributions that you choose to make in addition to your regular elective deferrals of salary. If your plan allows after-tax contributions, any contributions that you make must be included in your taxable income."
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"Withdrawing your contributions. The rules for Roth IRAs permit you to do something that isnât allowed for traditional IRAs: withdraw the nontaxable part of your money first. If you have after-tax dollars in a traditional IRA, distributions come proportionately from pre-tax and after-tax dollars."
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"If you qualify, an IRA contribution can be a great way to reduce this year's taxes. For example, if you are in the 35 percent tax bracket and make a $5,500 contribution -- the maximum amount for 2016 -- you can save as much as $1,925 in taxes. Best of all, you can contribute to an IRA all the way until tax filing day, typically April 15. Most other tax-saving strategies must be in place by December 31."
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"The combined amount may never exceed the annual contribution limit. For example, should a 45-year old be eligible and choose to contribute $3,500 to his Roth IRA during the 2017 tax year, the most he could contribute to a regular IRA for the same tax year would be $2,000 given the current $5,500 annual limit."
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"Also, if you put money into your IRA but then decide you need it back, you can generally take back one contribution made to a traditional IRA without paying tax, as long as you do it before the tax filing deadline of that year and do not deduct the contribution from your taxes."
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"1 Direct contributions. 2 You can add after-tax dollars to your HSA, and so can your family and friends. 3 These HSA contributions arenât tax-free, but they can be deducted on your tax return. 4 You may want to your tax advisor to see if you qualify for an above-the-line tax deduction. 5 Employer contributions.f you qualify, you, your employer, and your friends and family can contribute funds to your HSA. The funds contributed to your HSA arenât taxed, and making regular contributions will allow your HSA balance to grow over time."
] |
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"definition of stroller"
] | [
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"Meaning of âstrollerâ in the English Dictionary. See all translations. uk â /ËstrÉÊ.lÉr/ us â /ËstroÊ.lÉ/. ⺠mainly US UK usually pushchair a small folding chair on wheels that a baby or small child sits in and is pushed around in. ⺠someone who strolls."
] | [
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"universal stroller board. Follow universal stroller board to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. Unfollow universal stroller board to stop getting updates on your eBay Feed. Yay! You're now following universal stroller board in your eBay Feed."
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"Uppababy Cruz Stroller-The UPPAbaby Vista stroller has a sleek and streamlined design that allows you to get around tight aisles and crowded city sidewalks with ease without compromising style and comfort. The toddler seat can be used in front and re"
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"A swinger is generally defined as a person in a committed relationship who along with their partner meet other couples or single people for sex."
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"Given this, some people define a toddler as an infant who's able to walk. Of course, typically developing children walk at different ages, some before they turn 1 year old and others longer after age two."
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"It is NOT advisable for babies to sit and âglide aroundâ in walkers. A baby walker is a device that can be used by infants who cannot walk on their own to move from one place to another. Baby walkers usually have a round plastic base sitting on top of wheels and a suspended fabric seat with two leg holes."
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"Youâve to be able to bring the stroller everywhere with ease. It boils down to safety, weight, and ease of use. Imagine a stroller that you can: fold easily into a bag and carry it over your shoulder bustling through the city streets, shopping mall, and groceries store. store under the seat, fit on the bus and train, and airplane overhead compartment."
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"BabiesRUs Luxury Strollers. Luxury strollers from BabiesRUs are like well-honed vehicles. They have all the bells and whistles and are loaded with superbly designed features. Exclusive brands such as Maclaren, Chicco, Stokke, and more fill our lineup of high-end strollers."
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"CREEPER Defined for Kids. creeper. play. noun creep·er \\ËkrÄ-pÉr\\. Definition of creeper for Students. 1 : a person or animal that moves slowly, timidly, or quietly. 2 : a small bird that creeps about trees and bushes in search of insects. 3 : a plant (as ivy) that grows by spreading over a surface."
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"Stalking.] [AS. staelcan, stealcian to go slowly; cf. stealc high, elevated, Dan. stalke to stalk; probably akin to 1st stalk.] 1. To walk slowly and cautiously; to walk in a stealthy, noiseless manner; -- sometimes used with a reflexive pronoun. --Shak."
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"A daily brisk half-hour walk with your children in a stroller or sling will help you lose weight plus get you outside for fresh air. Gradual weight loss of about one pound per week, while consuming about 1500 to 1800 calories per day, will help you to feel good and have the energy you need to care for your baby."
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"There are ten baby trend flex loc infant car seat compatible strollers listed here and they include joggers, single strollers and double strollers where an older child can either sit in another seat or if it is an older child they can stand on the running board."
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"A moving walkway or moving sidewalk (American English), known in British English as a travelator or travolator, is a slow moving conveyor mechanism that transports people across a horizontal or inclined plane over a short to medium distance. Moving walkways can be used by standing or walking on them."
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"Most manufacturers of umbrella strollers recommend that these strollers should not be used for any infant under 6 months old. This age is set by manufacturers because it is the average age when infants have sufficient strength to sit up and have some head and neck control."
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"Disney World Stroller Rentals. Strollers can be rented upon entering the theme parks and at Downtown Disney. Strollers are not available at the Water Parks. The Disney strollers are made of hard plastic. They do not recline but they do have canopies for some protection from the sun."
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"Pacesetter definition, a person, group, or organization that is the most progressive or successful and serves as a model to be imitated. See more. Dictionary.com"
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"The definition of a promenade is a public walkway, especially on a boardwalk or around water. A boardwalk area around the ocean where you can go and walk is an example of a promenade. a leisurely walk taken for pleasure, to display one's finery, etc."
"Represent text",
"This stroller is a great choice for a 19 month old granddaughter. It did take about 45 minutes to assemble but it is sturdy and well worth the price. The solid wheels make it very easy to steer."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"progressive muscle relaxation pmr definition, progressive muscle relaxation pmr meaning | English dictionary. progressive. 7 (of a dance, card game, etc.) involving a regular change of partners after one figure, one game, etc. a progressive aspect of the verb ``to walk'' is ``is walking.''."
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"A wanderer; a rover. 2. A member of an armed troop employed in patrolling a specific region. 3. Ranger A member of a group of US soldiers specially trained for making raids either on foot, in ground vehicles, or by airlift. 4. a. A warden employed to maintain and protect a natural area, such as a forest or park."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"pacesetter. 1 a person, group, or organization that is the most progressive or successful and serves as a model to be imitated. 2 a person or thing that sets the pace, as in racing."
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"Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: drum sander, electric sander, sander, smoother(noun) a power tool used for sanding wood; an endless loop of sandpaper is moved at high speed by an electric motor."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"The UPPAbaby Vista stroller has a sleek and streamlined design that allows you to get around tight aisles and crowded city sidewalks with ease without compromising style and comfort. The toddler seat can be used in front and rear facing positions and has an limitless amount of reclining positions."
"Represent this",
"Keeping convenience in mind, car seats and stroller travel systems feature a single seat that fits into the stroller and a separate matching base for the car that the seat can easily be secured in. Itâs perfect for parents who are always on the go and help them to take baby along for the ride with minimal disturbance to babyâs sleep."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"UPPAbaby Cruz Stroller At-A-Glance Features. The UPPAbaby Cruz Stroller is a parent-favorite. Quick glance features: The UPPAbaby Cruz stroller is the perfect maneuverable stroller for your on-the-go lifestyle. You will love the UPPAbaby Cruz!"
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"1. an excursion in which the participants carry food with them and share a meal in the open air. 2. the food eaten on such an excursion. 3. Also called picâ²nic hamâ². a section of pork shoulder, usu. boned and smoked. 4. Informal. an enjoyable experience, task, etc.: That job was no picnic."
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"For your baby's safety, jogging strollers are designed to absorb the bumps. Photo Credit: Comstock/Stockbyte/Getty Images Making your baby part of your daily workout routine can be fun and can help to strengthen the bond you share."
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"Stroller safety: Tips for parents. Stroller safety starts with choosing the right stroller for your baby. Know what to consider when looking for a stroller and how to keep your baby safe on the go. If you're like most parents, you'll likely get at least one stroller for your baby. With so many designs and types of strollers, however, how do you choose? Understand how to pick the best stroller for your baby and important stroller safety tips."
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"drifter (Noun) A person who moves from place to place or job to job. drifter (Noun) A type of lightweight sail used in light winds like a spinnaker. drifter (Noun) A driver that uses driving techniques to modify vehicle traction to cause a vehicle to slide or power slide rather than drive in line with the tires. Suggested Resources (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition:"
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"definitions & notes only words. 1 amble walk leisurely. 2 careen pitching dangerously to one side. 3 falter move hesitatingly, as if about to give way. flounder walk with great 1 difficulty. limp walk impeded by some physical injury. lumber move heavily or 1 clumsily. lurch walk as if unable to control one's movements."
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"Also called pacer, pacesetter. 2. A leader in a field: the fashion house that is the pacemaker. Also called pacesetter. 3. a. A part of the body, such as the mass of muscle fibers of the sinoatrial node, that sets the pace or rhythm of physiological activity."
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"Definition of LEDERHOSEN. : leather shorts often with suspenders worn especially in Bavaria. ADVERTISEMENT. leather shorts often with suspenders worn especially in Bavaria. ADVERTISEMENT."
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"An edger (also known as a lawn edger or stick edger) is a garden tool used to cleanly separate a lawn from a walkway or other paved surface, such as a concrete sidewalk or asphalt path."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Pockit Stroller. With its exceptional design innovation, the Pockit is the 2014 Guinness World Records⢠most compact stroller. When folded, it is the smallest and most compact stroller currently available on the market, 11.8 x 7 x 13.8 to be precise. For parents with a passion for city travel and exploring, the Pockit is the quintessential choice."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Report Abuse. 1 Creeper Definition. 2 This Site Might Help You. 3 A creeper is just someone who is really sketchy. The creeper is an ancient 1 Demon. it's just a guy they find creepy and awkward/weird.. a creeper is a person that creepes behind your back. jasmine n · 9 years 1 ago. I say crepper!"
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"gurney - a metal stretcher with wheels. stretcher - a litter for transporting people who are ill or wounded or dead; usually consists of a sheet of canvas stretched between two poles."
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"6. a person who wanders from place to place; nomad. 7. an idle wanderer without a permanent home or visible means of support; tramp; vagrant. 8. a carefree, worthless, or irresponsible person; rogue."
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"Next. The award-winning Baby Jogger City Versa is a lightweight, easy to maneuver four-wheel stroller that offers parents the versatility to stroll with their baby facing them or facing the world."
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"A stretcher, litter, or pram is an apparatus used for moving patients who require medical care. A basic type (cot or litter) must be carried by two or more people. A wheeled stretcher (known as a gurney, trolley, bed or cart) is often equipped with variable height frames, wheels, tracks, or skids. In American English, a wheeled stretcher is referred to as a gurney. The name comes from a horse-drawn cab patented in the USA by J. Theodore Gurney in 1883 which bore a similarity to early wheeled stretchers."
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"baller. 1 to dance with one's arms swinging. 2 to swing or sway; to dangle."
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"Add a caption. You can head out for a fun stroll with your child in the Baby Trend Tri-Flex Travel System Stroller in the Catalina Ice style, which comes with a Flex-Loc infant car seat that attaches to the stroller's child tray to help ensure safety for even the youngest passengers."
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"Below are the types of dog strollers to choose from: Strollers for small dogs. These compact strollers will easily help make small and toy breeds feel comfortable. The below dog strollers are great for breeds like Yorkies, Shih Tzus, Chihuahuas, and Miniature Poodles. For a medium-sized dog, such as a Pug or Beagle, we recommend the Happy Trails Pet Stroller, which holds dogs up to 30 lbs., or the Special Edition Pet Stroller, which can hold dogs up to 45 lbs."
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"by Last Updated: Feb 03, 2014. For your baby's safety, jogging strollers are designed to absorb the bumps. Photo Credit Comstock/Stockbyte/Getty Images. Making your baby part of your daily workout routine can be fun and can help to strengthen the bond you share."
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"A creeper is just someone who is really sketchy. Like, for example, a stalker or a pedophile is a creeper... or just anyone who does weird stuff that wigs you out, for everyday creepers. I love that word, btw. Urban dictionary may have a better definition."
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"Strollers for medium-sized dogs. For a medium-sized dog, such as a Pug or Beagle, we recommend the Happy Trails Pet Stroller, which holds dogs up to 30 lbs., or the Special Edition Pet Stroller, which can hold dogs up to 45 lbs. Strollers for large or multiple dogs."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n------\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"What does lick ones chops mean? lick ones chops (Verb) To use one's tongue to remove moistness from the sides of one's mouth, as when salivating or at the conclusion of a meal. see more » Couldn't find the full form or full meaning of lick ones chops?\"]\" Match: \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what does licking ones chop mean']\"",
"Car seats are integrated with strollers in unique ways, depending upon the system in question. Some systems are designed to have the seat clip in over the top of the existing seat, while others require users to flatten the original seat in order for the car seat to snap into place."
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"Since our last stroller review in 2002, the jogging stroller has continued to develop, and the models available today offer unprecedented ease of use and safety, both for the runner and the rider. Of course, one person's improvement is another person's scourge."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Stroller safety starts with choosing the right stroller for your baby. Know what to consider when looking for a stroller and how to keep your baby safe on the go. By Mayo Clinic Staff If you're like most parents, you'll likely get at least one stroller for your baby."
"1. a person who roves; wanderer. 2. (Archery) archery a mark selected at random for use as a target. 3. (Croquet) croquet a ball that has been driven through all the hoops but has not yet hit the winning peg."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"To take a promenade along or through: [The] young women ... promenaded the streets in the cool of evening (Charles Dickens). 2. To take or display on or as if on a promenade: promenade a friend; promenade one's charms."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"a walk. Promenade is a classical ballet term meaning âa walk.â A promenade is when a dancer turns around on one leg with the standing legâs heel on the floor, while the other leg is in a position such as an arabesque or attitude derriere. It is different than a pirouette, where a dancer is on releve and is spotting as she or he turns."
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"The definition of a promenade is a public walkway, especially on a boardwalk or around water. A boardwalk area around the ocean where you can go and walk is an example of a promenade. promenade. a leisurely walk taken for pleasure, to display one's finery, etc. to take a promenade; walk about for pleasure, display, etc."
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"CRUZ is a compact stroller perfect for urban adventures folds easily for the car. Designed for sidewalks & narrow aisles a full-featured compact stroller Country"
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"Buy UPPAbaby Cruz Stroller 2017/2018 online at PeppyParents.com. Get your UPPAbaby Cruz Stroller 2017/2018 with free shipping and save money! UPPAbaby Cruz Stroller At-A-Glance Features The UPPAbaby Cruz Stroller is a parent-favorite. Quick glance features: The UPPAbaby Cruz stroller is the perfect maneuverable stroller for your on-the-go lifestyle. You will love the UPPAbaby Cruz!"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Pockit Stroller. Scroll & Discover. With its exceptional design innovation, the Pockit is the 2014 Guinness World Records⢠most compact stroller. When folded, it is the smallest and most compact stroller currently available on the market, 11.8 x 7 x 13.8 to be precise."
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"A pedestrian is a person traveling on foot, whether walking or running. In some communities, those traveling using tiny wheels such as roller skates, skateboards, and scooters, as well as wheelchair users are also included as pedestrians."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Now that Zoe is 18 months old and napping on the go is a rarity the GB Pockit Stroller is a really great fit for us. Easy to get around the city, super simple to get in and out of car boots, perfect for weaving through busy shopping centers, light when you need to carry it, small when you need to put it in a bag."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Definition of creeper for Students. 1 1 : a person or animal that moves slowly, timidly, or quietly. 2 2 : a small bird that creeps about trees and bushes in search of insects. 3 3 : a plant (as ivy) that grows by spreading over a surface."
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"Definition of pacesetter for English Language Learners. : a person who runs ahead of the other runners in a race in order to set a pace."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"In the proverb A rolling stone gathers no moss, or variants of this A rambler, wanderer. a restless or wandering person. A person who likes to move often or is unwilling to settle down in one place or with one person or both. This phrase is based on the old saying a rolling stone gathers no moss.. From the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary: 1 In the proverb A rolling stone gathers no moss, or variants of this."
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"The Baby Trend Snap N Go Stroller allows parents to place an infant car seat on carriage frame without removing child."
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"The new GB Pockit model is the most compact stroller in the world. In fact, it has been named the âworldâs smallest folding strollerâ by the Guinness World Records. How cool is that? Its folded dimensions are only 12â³ x 14â³ x 7â³."
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"Synonyms and Antonyms of limp. 1 1 to walk while favoring one leg she limped all day after stubbing her toe on the lawn sprinkler Synonyms halt, hobble Related Words hitch; blunder, falter, flounder, lurch, shamble, shuffle, stagger, stumble, teeter, totter, waver, wobble (also wabble); dodder Near Antonyms breeze, glide, sail Antonyms stride."
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"I parked the stroller at the base of the metal slide and wrestled Julia in her bulky snowsuit out of the belted contraption. When An Adopted Child Wonât Attach Tina Traster May 1, 2014. He was a shy and apprehensive boy who refused to leave the safety of his stroller in the park."
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"rov·er 1. (rÅâ²vÉr) n. 1. a. One that roves; a wanderer. b. A crewed or uncrewed vehicle, used especially in exploring the terrain of a planet or other celestial object."
] |
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"what is dilapidation"
] | [
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"Dilapidation is derived from the Latin for scattering the stones (lapides (la)) of a building.n a leading case (Ross v. Adcock, 1868, L.R. 3 C.P. 657) it was said that the court was acquainted with no precedent or decision extending the liability of the executors of a deceased incumbent to any species of waste beyond dilapidation of the house, chancel or other buildings or fences of the benefice."
] | [
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"Definition. 1 Dilation and Curettage (D&C) is a common procedure performed in the United States. Dilatation is performed to open and widen the cervix (entrance to the uterus); curettage is used to sample the endometrium (the lining of the uterus). 2 D&C is a procedure performed for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Dilation and Curettage (D&C) is a common procedure performed in the United States. Dilatation is performed to open and widen the cervix (entrance to the uterus); curettage is used to sample the endometrium (the lining of the uterus). Vagina."
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"DEFINITION of 'Dilution'. A reduction in the ownership percentage of a share of stock caused by the issuance of new stock. Dilution can also occur when holders of stock options (such as company employees) or holders of other optionable securities exercise their options. When the number of shares outstanding increases, each existing stockholder will own a smaller, or diluted, percentage of the company, making each share less valuable. Dilution also reduces the value of existing shares by reducing the stock's earnings per share."
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"The DILO (Day-In-Life Of) process can be defined as the method of discovery that is aimed at identifying the possible propositions for an organization. It comprises of the steps that develop deep understanding of the issues face by the customers."
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"Questions as to ecclesiastical dilapidations usually arise in respect of the residence house and other buildings belonging to the living. Inclosures, hedges, ditches and the like are included in things of which the beneficed person has the burden and charge of reparation."
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"A mydriatic is an agent that induces dilation of the pupil. Drugs such as tropicamide are used in medicine to permit examination of the retina and other deep structures of the eye, and also to reduce painful ciliary muscle spasm (see cycloplegia).he opposite, constriction of the pupil, is referred to as miosis. Both mydriasis and miosis can be physiological. Anisocoria is the condition of one pupil being more dilated than the other."
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"Proventricular Dilatation Disease is a disease affecting psittacines (Parrots). It was first recognized and described in 1978 by Dr. Hannis L. Stoddard. Since the first reported cases were involving species of Macaw, the condition was termed Macaw Wasting Syndrome."
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"dilation is a transformation (notation) that produces an image that is the same shape as the original, but is a different size. A dilation stretches or shrinks the original figure. The description of a dilation includes the scale factor (or ratio) and the center of the dilation.The center of dilation is a fixed point in the plane about which all points are expanded or contracted. dilation stretches or shrinks the original figure. The description of a dilation includes the scale factor (or ratio) and the center of the dilation. The center of dilation is a fixed point in the plane about which all points are expanded or contracted."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.\n\nFewshot example: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Causes. The hepatitis A virus, which causes the infection, usually is spread when a person ingests even tiny amounts of contaminated fecal matter. The hepatitis A virus infects liver cells and causes inflammation.The inflammation can impair liver function and cause other signs and symptoms of hepatitis A.auses. The hepatitis A virus, which causes the infection, usually is spread when a person ingests even tiny amounts of contaminated fecal matter. The hepatitis A virus infects liver cells and causes inflammation.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'what causes hep a']\"",
"Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Dropped Stomach.â When dilatation has progressed far enough, the stomach is forced out of its natural position and drops lower and lower down into the abdominal cavity, causing more and more disturbance to the organs and structures around it, the first structures to suffer being the intestines."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Switch to new thesaurus. dilatation, distension. physical condition, physiological condition, physiological state - the condition or state of the body or bodily functions. tympanites - distension of the abdomen that is caused by the accumulation of gas in the intestines or the peritoneal cavity. ectasia, ectasis - dilatation or distension of a hollow organ. varicocele - dilatation of the veins associated with the spermatic cord in the testes."
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"Definition of Dilution. Dilution is the process of reducing the concentration of a solute in solution, usually simply by mixing with more solvent. Example 1: You can add water to concentrated orange juice to dilute it until it reaches a concentration that is pleasant to drink. Example 2: Pure oxygen is too rich for us to breathe for long, leading to problems such as hyperoxia. In the air around us, oxygen is diluted naturally by the presence of nitrogen."
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"dilation and curettage in Medicine. dilation and curettage n. Abbr. D & C A surgical procedure in which the cervix is expanded using a dilator and the uterine lining scraped with a curette, performed for the diagnosis and treatment of various uterine conditions. Also called dilatation and curettage."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n------\nE.g. ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'You can hide it with stickers, or with a code from www.imvucodes.net. However, keep in mind altering or hiding your age can cause your account to be terminated. Covering it with stickers is your best bet. It stills shows on your account and in searches but is not noticeable on your page. CallmeD · 8 years ago.'] == ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'how to hide your age on imvu']",
"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Dilation (or dilatation) and curettage (D&C) refers to the dilation (widening/opening) of the cervix and surgical removal of part of the lining of the uterus and/or contents of the uterus by scraping and scooping (curettage)."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"dilatation and curettage - a surgical procedure usually performed under local anesthesia in which the cervix is dilated and the endometrial lining of the uterus is scraped with a curet; performed to obtain tissue samples or to stop prolonged bleeding or to remove small tumors or to remove fragments of placenta after childbirth or as a method of abortion"
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"Esophageal dilatation is a therapeutic endoscopic procedure that enlarges the lumen of the esophagus. Pneumatic dilatation or balloon dilatation is also typically done at the time of endoscopy or fluoroscopy. 2 A balloon is inserted in the deflated form into the area of narrowing. 3 It is then inflated with air to a certain pressure that is pre-set for a given circumference."
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"Dilatation and curettage is one of the most commonly performed gynecological outpatient procedures performed in the United States."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Esophageal dilatation is a medical procedure used to widen a narrowed part of the esophagus. The esophagus is a long tube that leads from the mouth to the stomach, and is used in swallowing and carrying foods or liquids.When the esophagus narrows, it becomes hard to swallow, and causes discomfort or pain.he esophagus is a long tube that leads from the mouth to the stomach. The potential complications of an esophageal dilatation include chest pain and fever. A balloon endoscope may be used to dilate the esophagus to a normal width. An esophagaeal dilatation procedure might include endoscopy."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Dilution refers to the process of adding additional solvent to a solution to decrease its concentration. This process keeps the amount of solute constant, but increases the total amount of solution, thereby decreasing its final concentration."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it Examples:\n\n\"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Reynoldsburg is a unique city that is located in three counties in Ohio. Nestled on the edges of Fairfield, Franklin and Licking counties, Reynoldsburg is an ideal community to raise a family, especially for those who love the outdoors. Reynoldsburg apartments for rent attract young and old to the growing community with unique character.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.', 'where is reynoldsburg, oh']\"",
"Top 10 facts about the world. Scaption is a weight-training exercise designed to strengthen the deltoid and rotator cuff muscles of the shoulder. Traditionally performed with dumbbells, it involves lifting the arms at approximately 30-degree angles in front of the body by pulling the shoulder blades down and back."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Diltiazem (INN) (/dɪlËtaɪÉzÉm/) is a nondihydropyridine (non-DHP) calcium channel blocker used in the treatment of hypertension, angina pectoris, and some types of arrhythmia. It relaxes the smooth muscles in the walls of arteries, which opens (dilates) the arteries, allows blood to flow more easily, and lowers blood pressure."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Dilution is a reduction in the pH of a chemical (gas, vapor, solution). It is the process of decreasing the concentration of a solute in solution, usually simply by mixing with more solvent. To dilute a solution means to add more solvent without the addition of more solute."
"Represent the input",
"Dilation and curettage (D&C) is a procedure to remove tissue from inside your uterus. Doctors perform dilation and curettage to diagnose and treat certain uterine conditions â such as heavy bleeding â or to clear the uterine lining after a miscarriage or abortion."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Dilation and curettage definition, a surgical method for the removal of diseased tissue or an early embryo from the lining of the uterus by means of scraping. See more. Dictionary.com"
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"Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (September 2014) Dilaceration is a developmental disturbance in shape of teeth. It refers to an angulation, or a sharp bend or curve, in the root or crown of a formed tooth. The condition is thought to be due to trauma or possibly a delay in tooth eruption relative to bone remodeling gradients during the period in which tooth is forming."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"verb (used with object), dilapidated, dilapidating. 1. to cause or allow (a building, automobile, etc.) to fall into a state of disrepair, as by misuse or neglect (often used passively): The house had been dilapidated by neglect."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Decantation is a process used to separate a mixture. It usually involves removing the liquid portion of a substance while leaving behind the sediment. This process is used in a variety of instances. Red wine is a common example of a substance that is decanted. Wastewater may also be processed using this method."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it:\n------\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.', 'The rule stating that periods are placed inside quotation marks of course applies to when both the period and the quotation marks appear at the end of the sentence. For instance, the first example in our Rule 1 of Quotation Marks is, The sign changed from â\\x80\\x9cWalk,â\\x80\\x9d to â\\x80\\x9cDonâ\\x80\\x99t Walk,â\\x80\\x9d to â\\x80\\x9cWalkâ\\x80\\x9d again within 30 seconds.']\" Match: \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'when quote ends sentence is period inside quote']\"",
"Trending Now. Answers. Best Answer: Dropped Stomach.â When dilatation has progressed far enough, the stomach is forced out of its natural position and drops lower and lower down into the abdominal cavity, causing more and more disturbance to the organs and structures around it, the first structures to suffer being the intestines."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Dilation and curettage (D&C) is a surgical procedure used to locate and treat the cause of sudden, heavy bleeding. It is done by passing a small instrument called a curette through the vagina into the uterus and scraping the endometrium . D&C is typically an outpatient procedure."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"to restore to a sound or good state after decay, injury, dilapidation, or partial destruction; to renew; to restore; to mend; as, to repair a house, a road, a shoe, or a ship; to repair a shattered fortune"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Decantation is a process used to separate mixtures of liquids and solids or two immiscible liquids. What is meant by decanting in chemistry? Decantation is a process used to separate mixtures of liquids and solids or two immiscible liquids."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A D&C, also known as dilation and curettage, is a surgical procedure often performed after a first-trimester miscarriage. In a D&C, dilation refers to opening the cervix; curettage refers to removing the contents of the uterus. Curettage may be performed by scraping the uterine wall with a curette instrument or by a suction curettage (also called vacuum aspiration)."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Dilated Cardiomyopathy: A disease of the myocardium (heart muscle) that causes the heart cavity to become stretched and enlarged, and the pumping capacity of the heart is reduced. Dilatation: The increase in size of a blood vessel."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"A dilation is a transformation that changes the size of a figure. It can become larger or smaller, but the shape of the figure does not change. To complete a dilation, two things are needed. The first is a center point (or fixed point), which is usually only mentioned when the dilation must be drawn."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Dilation and curettage. Dilation (or dilatation) and curettage (D&C) refers to the dilation (widening/opening) of the cervix and surgical removal of part of the lining of the uterus and/or contents of the uterus by scraping and scooping (curettage). It is a therapeutic gynecological procedure as well as the most often used method of first trimester miscarriage or abortion."
"What is diltiazem, and how does it work (mechanism of action)? Diltiazem is a drug that is used for treating heart pain , high blood pressure, and abnormal heart rhythms. It belongs to a class of drugs called calcium channel blockers , which includes amlodipine , verapamil (Calan, Isoptin), nifedipine (Adalat, Procardia) as well as others."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A D&C, also known as dilation and curettage, is a surgical procedure often performed after a first-trimester miscarriage. In a D&C, dilation refers to opening the cervix; curettage refers to removing the contents of the uterus. For example, a 7mm cannula would be used for a pregnancy that is 7 weeks gestation. 2 The use of a curette (sharp-edged loop) to scrape the lining of the uterus may also be used, but this is often not necessary."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Esophageal dilatation is a procedure to widen the part of your esophagus that is too narrow. The esophagus is the soft tube that carries food and liquids from your throat to your stomach. Any injury or change in the esophagus tissue may cause it to have swelling and damage."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A mydriatic is an agent that induces dilation of the pupil. Drugs such as tropicamide are used in medicine to permit examination of the retina and other deep structures of the eye, and also to reduce painful ciliary muscle spasm (see cycloplegia)."
"Definition of Dilution. Search the Dictionary. Dilution is the process of reducing the concentration of a solute in solution, usually simply by mixing with more solvent. Example 1: You can add water to concentrated orange juice to dilute it until it reaches a concentration that is pleasant to drink. Example 2: Pure oxygen is too rich for us to breathe for long, leading to problems such as hyperoxia. In the air around us, oxygen is diluted naturally by the presence of nitrogen."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Urethral dilatation is a procedure to widen the water pipe (urethra) leading from the bladder, so. that is easier for you to pass urine. What are the benefits of having this procedure? The benefits of having this procedure are that you will be able to pass urine more easily, and. there is less risk of developing urine infections. What are the risks, consequences and alternatives associated with having."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Noun. 1. dilatation-the state of being stretched beyond normal dimensions. distention, distension. physical condition, physiological condition, physiological state-the condition or state of the body or bodily functions. tympanites-distension of the abdomen that is caused by the accumulation of gas in the intestines or the peritoneal cavity. ectasia, ectasis-dilatation or distension of a hollow organ."
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"Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of decline): wreck (something or someone that has suffered ruin or dilapidation). twilight (a condition of decline following successes). disuse; neglect (the state of something that has been unused and neglected)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"If a Schedule of Dilapidations is served after the lease has expired it is known as a Final Schedule. An Interim Schedule of Dilapidations and a Terminal Schedule of Dilapidations both set out a list of the damages that have occurred to the property and the repairs the landlord requires the tenant to undertake. The terms of the clause in the lease about repair â there is a big difference between a clause which states that the tenant has to âkeepâ the property in repair compared to a clause which states the tenant must âput and keepâ the property in a certain state of repair."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"elucidating. 1 transitive verb. : 2 to make lucid especially by explanation or analysis elucidate a text. 3 intransitive verb. : to give a clarifying explanation."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Catherine's library was select, and its state of dilapidation proved it to have been well used, though not altogether for a legitimate purpose: scarcely one chapter had escaped, a pen-and-ink commentary - at least the appearance of one - covering every morsel of blank that the printer had left."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Decantation Definition Decantation is a process to separate mixtures by removing a liquid layer that is free of a precipitate. The purpose may be to obtain a decant (liquid free from particulates) or to recover the precipitate."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Be careful not to surrender your dilapidations claim by mistake! A surrender puts an end to the lease and to the covenants and liabilities as between the landlord and tenant from the date of the surrender onwards. Neither the landlord or tenant is therefore liable for breaches of covenant that may occur after that date."
"Represent the natural language",
"dilatation - the act of expanding an aperture; the dilation of the pupil of the eye. dilation. enlargement, expansion - the act of increasing (something) in size or volume or quantity or scope. vasodilation - dilation of blood vessels (especially the arteries)"
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A dilaceration is a bend in the root which may have been caused by trauma to the tooth during formation. Supernumerary roots is the presence of a greater number of roots on a tooth than expected. Abnormality in structure. Amelogenesis imperfecta is a condition in which enamel does not form properly or at all."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Definition of Dilution. Dilution is the process of reducing the concentration of a solute in solution, usually simply by mixing with more solvent. Example 1: You can add water to concentrated orange juice to dilute it until it reaches a concentration that is pleasant to drink. Example 2: Pure oxygen is too rich for us to breathe for long, leading to problems such as hyperoxia."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Contract Administration â when a tenant opts to undertake some or all of the dilapidation works in order to mitigate a landlord claim, or prevent further deterioration to the space/property. Dilapidations Assessment â itemised costed schedule for the lease end repair liability."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Repair obligations can represent a major overhead for tenants and landlords alike. However, the tax and accounting treatment concerning expenditure on property dilapidation work and repairs can represent some respite says commercial property specialist Underwoods, although is quite often misunderstood.Payment for dilapidations on the termination of a lease should be tax deductible.epair obligations can represent a major overhead for tenants and landlords alike. However, the tax and accounting treatment concerning expenditure on property dilapidation work and repairs can represent some respite says commercial property specialist Underwoods, although is quite often misunderstood."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Nearby words of 'dilapidate'. 1 dilacerate. 2 dilaceration. 3 Dilantin. dilapidate. 4 dilapidated. dilapidation. 5 dilatably. All ENGLISH words that begin with 'D'."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Decantation is a process for the separation of mixtures, by removing a layer of liquid, generally one from which a precipitate has settled.The purpose may be either to produce a clean decant, or to remove undesired liquid from the precipitate (or other layers).ecantation is a process for the separation of mixtures, by removing a layer of liquid, generally one from which a precipitate has settled."
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"Before any underground construction works carried out in the surrounding areas of your property. In a post construction condition survey, an building inspection and a comparison will be made against the dilapidation survey/ pre-construction condition survey.he survey report done by a Professional Building Surveyor will assist the building owners, contractors and developers in the event of a claim for damage, as the dilapidation survey report provides written documentation on the pre construction condition of the property."
"Represent the input",
"A mydriatic is an agent that induces dilation of the pupil. Drugs such as tropicamide are used in medicine to permit examination of the retina and other deep structures of the eye, and also to reduce painful ciliary muscle spasm (see cycloplegia).ore generally, mydriasis also refers to the natural dilation of pupils, for instance in low light conditions or under sympathetic stimulation. An informal term for mydriasis is blown pupil, and is used by medical providers."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Dilapidations. If the tenant was obliged to make good any dilapidations during the term of the lease, it would have obtained a revenue deduction on the basis that the work constituted a ârepairâ . A lump sum payment to the landlord in lieu of dilapidations is therefore treated as an income expense and is tax deductible.or the landlord, the payment is also capital, subject to the rules on short leases. However, the position is not straightforward. There is a distinction between the two following scenarios: 1 The case where the terms of the lease provide for a payment on surrender; and."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:\n\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:', 'Buckeye Broadband, formerly known as Buckeye CableSystem, is owned by Block Communications Inc., which also is the parent company of The Blade. In a sense, the new service flips the script from traditional cable packages that offer over-the-top streaming of services like Hulu.']>> to \"['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'who owns buckeye broadband']\"",
"Dilution (equation) Dilution is a reduction in the pH of a chemical (gas, vapor, solution). It is the process of decreasing the concentration of a solute in solution, usually simply by mixing with more solvent. To dilute a solution means to add more solvent without the addition of more solute."
"Balloon dilatation is commonly used for achalasia, but it has been also used to treat diffuse esophageal spasm and nutcracker esophagus.The studies are small, the relief is not uniform, and symptoms recur. Dilation with mercury-filled bougies has been used in the past."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"A dilation response (mydriasis), is the widening the pupil and may be caused by anticholinergic agents or drugs such as MDMA, cocaine and amphetamines. Dilation of the pupil occurs when the smooth cells of the radial muscle, controlled by the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), contract. Constriction of the pupil occurs when the circular muscle, controlled by the parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS), contracts."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Cardiac Dilatation. Definition.âCardiac dilatation is an increase in the size of the cavities of the heart, which may be primary, with attenuation or thinning of its walls; or secondary, with thickening of its walls, hypertrophy, and dilatation."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nE.g.:\n['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE), one of the lawâ\\x80\\x99s two lead sponsorsRep. Buddy Carter (R-GA1), one of the lawâ\\x80\\x99s two lead sponsors. The second bill President Trump ever signed into law is Public Law 115â\\x80\\x933, the GAO Access and Oversight Act. (The first bill Trump signed â\\x80\\x94 which GovTrack Insider previously covered â\\x80\\x94 was a one-page waiver allowing James Mattis to serve as Secretary of Defense, despite not having yet been out of the military for seven years as the law usually requires. Mattis was later approved by the Senate 98â\\x80\\x931.)'] == ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what was the second bill that trump signed into law?']",
"dilatation - the act of expanding an aperture; the dilation of the pupil of the eye dilation enlargement, expansion - the act of increasing (something) in size or volume or quantity or scope"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"2. dilatation-the act of expanding an aperture; the dilation of the pupil of the eye. dilation. enlargement, expansion-the act of increasing (something) in size or volume or quantity or scope. vasodilation-dilation of blood vessels (especially the arteries)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Homeopathic dilutions. In homeopathy, homeopathic dilution (known by practitioners as dynamisation or potentisation) is a process in which a substance is diluted with alcohol or distilled water and then vigorously shaken in a process called succussion."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"[dilâ³ah-ta´shun] 1. the condition, as of an orifice or tubular structure, of being dilated or stretched beyond normal dimensions by medications or instrumentation. 2. the act of dilating or stretching. dilatation of the heart compensatory enlargement of the cavities of the heart, with thinning of the walls."
] |
"A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!",
"what cells eat bacteria?"
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"White Blood Cells: neutrophils & lymphocytes. There are five types of white blood cells, but only two are of importance in this discussion. One type is the neutrophil, which accounts for about 60% of all white cells. During infections, these cells divide and are dumped into the blood stream and lymph fluids to combat the infection. They fight invaders by eating bacteria and other foreign matter. The neutrophil membrane wraps around the invader and traps it inside the neutrophil. Once inside, digestive enzymes in the neutrophil destroy the invader. The cell nucleus in new, young neutrophils tends to break into pieces as they age."
] | [
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"Prokaryotic Cells Bacteria are examples of the prokaryotic cell type. An example is E. coli. In general, prokaryotic cells are those that do not have a membrane-bound nucleus. In fact pro-karyotic is Greek for before nucleus. Besides bacteria, the cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) are a major group of prokaryotes."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Humans acquire the bacteria from contaminated foods such as beef products, poultry, eggs and egg products. In the kitchen Salmonella may be transferred from raw to cooked food by hands, contact with kitchen surfaces and equipment."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Different types of white cells fight infections in different ways. Neutrophils, monocytes, and macrophages: These engulf pathogens and digest them. This process is called phagocytosis. Eosinophils: These are active against parasitic worms. These cells surround parasitic worms and release the contents of their cytoplasmic granules."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"B. Bacteria are some of the smallest and simplest cells. 1. A somewhat rigid cell wall supports the cell and surrounds the plasma membrane, which regulates transport into and out of the cell. 2. Ribosomes, protein assembly sites, are dispersed throughout the cytoplasm."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Decomposers. Bacteria and fungi are decomposers. They eat decaying matter-dead plants and animals and in the process they break them down and decompose them When that happens, they release nutrients and mineral salts back into the soil-which then will be used by plants! Click on the left-hand image to learn more."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"White blood cells. The white blood cells play a very important part in the immune system as it is the white blood cells which directly fight the bacteria and viruses that infect the body.There are three main types of white blood cell: granulocytes, lymphocytes and monocytes.Granulocytes help to engulf bacteria, fungi and parasites.hite blood cells. The white blood cells play a very important part in the immune system as it is the white blood cells which directly fight the bacteria and viruses that infect the body."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Bacteria are examples of the prokaryotic cell type. An example is E. coli. In general, prokaryotic cells are those that do not have a membrane-bound nucleus. In fact pro-karyotic is Greek for before nucleus. Besides bacteria, the cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) are a major group of prokaryotes."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"What is the most important structural difference between the cells of bacteria and the cells and organisms in the other kingdoms? Bacteria do not have an organized nucleus.Eukariyotes have an organized nucleus."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Bacteria growing on blood agar can be classified in part on what they do to the red blood cells incorporated into the medium. Some bacteria produce hemolysins, enzymes that destroy red blood cells (hemo = blood, lysin = to split).Hemolysins can destroy the cells and release the hemoglobin into the medium.acteria growing on blood agar can be classified in part on what they do to the red blood cells incorporated into the medium. Some bacteria produce hemolysins, enzymes that destroy red blood cells (hemo = blood, lysin = to split)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Some bacteria produce colonies; others are free-living. All reproduce by means of binary fission. Bacteria are the most nutrionally diverse of all organisms, which is to say, as a group, they can eat nearly anything. Most compost bacteria, similar to fungi and animals, can use living or dead organic materials."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Bacteria are unicellular organisms with a cell wall. It is a prokaryote cell as it does not contain membrane bound organelles. It does not have a nucleus. The bacterial membrane is made up of a cell wall and cell membrane. The cell wall is made up of peptidoglycan or lipopolysaccharide. It contains free floating DNA and RNA which is responsible for cell division and multiplication. The bacteria divide by binary fission."
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"Amoebae typically ingest their food by phagocytosis, extending pseudopods to encircle and engulf live prey or particles of scavenged material. Amoeboid cells do not have a mouth or cytostome, and there is no fixed place on the cell at which phagocytosis normally occurs."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"- B cells: can be activated to produce antibodies-Helper T cells: directly target and kill cancer cells-Cytotoxic T cells: carry out cellular immune responses-Regulatory T cells: release inhibitory cytokines to dampen the immune response. - Helper T cells: directly target and kill cancer cells."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"Bacteria have a structure called a cell wall. Fungi and some ptotozoa also have cell walls. They are not the same as the plant cell walls made of cellulose. The other walls might be made from proteins or a substance called chitin. Chitin is another structural carbohydrate."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Streptococcus pyogenes, also known as the flesh eating bacteria, is the most pathogenic bacterium in the whole genus (2).The name pyogenes comes from the word pyogenic, which is a classification for the streptococci that are associated with pus formation.The effects of this microbe range from mild illnesses such as strep throat and impetigo to more serious diseases such as scarlet fever, glomerulonephritis, and necrotizing fasciitis (3).treptococcus pyogenes, also known as the flesh eating bacteria, is the most pathogenic bacterium in the whole genus (2)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"In bacterial cells, ribosomes are 70s, while eukaryotic plant and animal cells have larger, 80s ribosomes. These 80s ribosomes float within the cytosol of the cell and adhere to the rough endoplasmic reticulum unique to eukaryotes."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nFewshot example: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'An alcohol hangover is associated with a variety of symptoms that may include drowsiness, headache, concentration problems, dry mouth, dizziness, gastrointestinal complaints, fatigue, sweating, nausea, hyper-excitability, anxiety and a feeling of general discomfort that may last more than 24 hours.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'symptoms of an alcohol hangover']\"",
"the smallest organism from earth is either cells or bacterias."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Cell Wall: Composed of peptidoglycan (polysaccharides + protein), the cell wall maintains the overall shape of a bacterial cell. The three primary shapes in bacteria are coccus (spherical), bacillus (rod-shaped) and spirillum (spiral). Mycoplasma are bacteria that have no cell wall and therefore have no definite shape."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Eubacteria. Eubacteria, known as true bacteria, are prokaryotic (lacking nucleus) cells that are very common in human daily life, encounter many more times than the archaebacteria.ram-positive bacteria bind a stain known as Gram's stain to the peptidoglycan in their cell walls. Gram-negative bacteria have more complex cell walls and less peptidoglycan and therefore are unable to bind the stain to their cell walls."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Is bacteria a consumer? yes, they are grouped by the type of cell wall produced: a thick cell wall or a thinner cell wall. other group do not produce cell wall, this group is unique, because this all ⦠ows them to change their shape one example may be: mycoplasma pneumonia.acteria (plural of bacterium) are microscopic single-celled organisms (prokaryotes) that reproduce by binary fission, i.e. one cell splits into two, the two cells split i ⦠nto four, etc., etc."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Cells come in many shapes and sizes. Some cells are covered by a cell wall, other are not, some have slimy coats or elongated structures that push and pull them through their environment. Some cells have a thick layer surrounding their cell. This layer is called the capsule and is found in bacteria cells."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nFewshot example: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Shoreview, Minnesota. Shoreview is a city in Ramsey County, Minnesota, United States. The population was 25,043 at the 2010 census. In 2008, Shoreview ranked fourth in a Family Circle list of best family towns.']\" == \"['', 'what county is shoreview in']\"",
"All cell types have ribosomes for making proteins. Most cells contain DNA but bacterial cells do not have a nucleus as the DNA is simply found in the cytoplasm. To see a larger image, click on the picture. This is a diagram of an animal cell."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"What is a Eukaryotic Cell? Above: Scientists use microscpoes to observe cells. Eukaryotic cells are the type of living cells that form the organisms of all of the life kingdoms except monera. Protista, fungi, plants and animals are all composed of eukaryotic cells. What about living cells that are not eukaryotic ? Not all cells are eukaryotic. There are also prokaryotic cells. (see prokaryotic cell structure), such as the cells of blue-green algae and many different types of bacteria. Examples of eukaryotic cells include plant cells and animal cells, but not bacteria (which are prokaryotic cells)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"For example, some bacteria use sulfur instead of oxygen in their metabolism. Bacteria are incredibly varied, and incredibly abundant. To give some kind of organization to the multitude, bacteria are typically divided into four phyla: the cyanobacteria, spirochetes, gram-positive bacteria, and proteobacteria. Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic, like plants, which means that they use the sunÃs energy to make food for themselves."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Many species of bacteria are subject to lysis by the enzyme lysozyme, found in animal saliva, egg white, and other secretions. Phage lytic enzymes (lysins) produced during bacteriophage infection are responsible for the ability of these viruses to lyse bacterial cells."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it The provided query could be \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Thatâ\\x80\\x99s when an egg is usually released from your ovaries and ovulation takes place. The egg travels along the fallopian tubes and lives for about 12 - 24 hours. So, your best chance of getting pregnant is by having sex a day or so after ovulation. Bear in mind, that everyone is different.']\" and the positive \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'when are yo more prone to getting pregnant according to your ovulation?']\"",
"The term flesh-eating has been used because the bacterial infection produces toxins that destroy tissues such as muscles, skin, and fat. Streptococcus pyogenes is a member of the group A streptococci, a group of bacteria that are commonly responsible for mild sore throat (pharyngitis) and skin infections. Rarely, this form of strep bacterium causes severe illnesses such as toxic shock syndrome and necrotizing fasciitis."
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"Bacterial cells grow by a process called binary fission: One cell doubles in size and splits in half to produce two identical daughter cells. These daughter cells can then double in size again to produce four sibling cells and these to produce eight, and so on."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nE.g. ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Code 52648 (Contact laser vaporization with or without transurethral resection of prostate, including control of postoperative bleeding, complete [vasectomy, meatotomy, cystourethroscopy, urethral calibration and/or dilation, and internal urethrotomy are included]) describes a full vaporization of prostatic tissue, prostatic adenoma - not an incision of the bladder neck.'] == ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is the cpt code for bladder neck laser']",
"All bacteria have a PLASMA MEMBRANE (lipid) that surround the innerworkings of the bacterial cell; a CELL WALL that surrounds the plasma membrane and provides structural strength; some bacteria have an additional lipid membrane and/or slimy CAPSULE that protects the bacteria from harsh environments or performs other functions; some bacteria have ..."
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"White blood cells help the body fight against infection. There are many different types of white blood cells, which include: 1 Lymphocytes, neutrophils, and monocytes. 2 These white blood cells fight against invading bacteria, viruses, or fungi to help destroy infection.3 Each of these cells differs in appearance. 4 Eosinophils and basophils. Lymphocytes, neutrophils, and monocytes. 2 These white blood cells fight against invading bacteria, viruses, or fungi to help destroy infection. 3 Each of these cells differs in appearance. 4 Eosinophils and basophils."
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"Bacteria fall into four functional groups. Most are decomposers that consume simple carbon compounds, such as root exudates and fresh plant litter. By this process, bacteria convert energy in soil organic matter into forms useful to the rest of the organisms in the soil food web."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The answer: binary fission! Bacterial binary fission is the process that bacteria use to carry out cell division. Binary fission is similar in concept to the mitosis that happens in eukaryotic organisms (such as plants and animals), but its purpose is different. When cells divide by mitosis in the body of a multicellular organism, they cause the organism to grow larger or replace old, worn-out cells with new ones."
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"You Are What Your Bacteria Eat. A breakthrough study from Harvard's Peter J. Turnbaugh and Duke's Lawrence David reveals some of the ways in which our diet shapes our microbiome -- and thereby affects our ability to digest various types of food. In 2011, the researchers fed volunteers two very different diets."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nGiven ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'If you have a bunch of random cards, or want to incorporate a few random cards into a new theme deck, we should learn how to build a deck. A good rule of thumb to keep in mind is 20 energy, 20 Pokemon, and 20 Trainer cards for a 60 card deck. Once you have built a few decks and know what cards you want to play, youâ\\x80\\x99ll see how fudging some of those numbers work and others donâ\\x80\\x99t.'], a positive would be ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how many pokemon cards in a stack']",
"Bacteria. Microscopic bacteria cause food to spoil. These tiny organisms, called spoilage bacteria, consume unprotected foods and produce waste products. As long as nutrition and water are present, bacteria will multiply, sometimes rapidly."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"the statement cells are basic unit of life means that everything that has breath, alive, bacteria, fungus, plants, animals including humans, are made up of cells. Cells is what you need to have life. So cells are basic unit of life means, cells are what you need to have life!?"
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"The term flesh-eating has been used because the bacterial infection produces toxins that destroy tissues such as muscles, skin, and fat. Streptococcus pyogenes is a member of the group A streptococci, a group of bacteria that are commonly responsible for mild sore throat (pharyngitis) and skin infections."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Bacteria and human cells also differ in the structure of their cell membranes and the machinery they use to build proteins or copy DNA. Some antibiotics dissolve the membrane of just bacterial cells. Others affect protein-building or DNA-copying machinery that is specific to bacteria.acteria and human cells also differ in the structure of their cell membranes and the machinery they use to build proteins or copy DNA. Some antibiotics dissolve the membrane of just bacterial cells. Others affect protein-building or DNA-copying machinery that is specific to bacteria."
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"Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are useful bacteria for the food industry and are used as starter cultures in the production of, for example, cheese, yoghurt, sourdough bread and cured sausage, as a protective culture in products that are ready to eat and increasingly as probiotics, especially in dairy products."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Poultry, beef, milk, and eggs may contain Salmonella bacteria, since the bacteria live in the intestines of humans and animals. Thorough cooking of these foods destroys the bacteria. Foods, including vegetables and fruits, may also be contaminated during handling or processing of the food, and this is another common source of outbreaks."
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"What Is It? Boils and carbuncles are skin infections usually caused by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria (staph). These staph infections form pockets in the skin that are filled with pus, a fluid that includes bacteria, dead skin cells and infection-fighting white blood cells."
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"Quick Answer. Unicellular organisms eat using a processes called phagocytosis. This process allows the single-celled organism to bring food into the inner part of the cell for digestion."
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"Streptococcus pyogenes, also known as the flesh eating bacteria, is the most pathogenic bacterium in the whole genus (2).The name pyogenes comes from the word pyogenic, which is a classification for the streptococci that are associated with pus formation.herefore, this bacterium is commonly called the beta-hemolytic group A streptococcus, or GAS. (2) A picture of this clearly shows how the organism grows. Electron micrograph of Streptococcus pyogenes by Maria Fazio and Vincent A. Fischetti, Ph.D. with permission."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Phagocytosis is an important process in the immune system. Specialized cells, including macrophages, monocytes, neutrophils, and dendritic cells phagocytize invading cells, dead cells and cell debris. Protists, single-celled organisms, use phagocytosis to feed. To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"-autotrophic bacteria give off oxygen (O2) -flavor foods such as vinegar, yogurt, cheese, etc. (pasteurization) -decomposers (bacteria)- recycle nutrients in food web. -enviromental clean-up- bacteria eat oil from oil spills. 0health and medicine- bacteria break down food in your intestines/make medicines."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:\nFor example, ['represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"The ideal temperature range for your fridge is 35 to 38 degrees Fahrenheit. Bacteria growth starts tripling around the 40 degree mark and things freeze at 32, so we're sticking with 35 to 38 as a goal.\"] should be similar to ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is the correct temp for a refrigerator']",
"Bacteria do most of the digestive work in the rumen, but protozoa and fungi assist. Many types of bacteria exist, and they mainly digest protein, starch, sugars and fiber. They cross-feed, as some bacteria break down specific proteins and carbohydrates into forms that others use."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Salmonella bacteria live in the intestines of people, animals and birds. Most people are infected with salmonella by eating foods that have been contaminated by feces. Commonly infected foods include: 1 Raw meat, poultry and seafood."
"represent the following document",
"âThe Blob, a 1950âs horror movie, is about a group of cells that keeps eating until it grows to epic proportions. Now apply that image to cancerous or infectious disease cells inside the body. These cells eat everything until they grow too big to control. Luckily, there are lines of defense against this, and the work that you--a Cytotechnologist--does is one of them. Doctors take patients' samples and have you analyze them."
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"Only eukaryotic organisms, or those whose cells contain nuclei, undergo mitosis. Eukaryotic organisms include animals, plants, fungi, and others (traditionally called protista). Bacterial cells, which lack nuclei and are classified as prokaryotic, divide through a different process, called binary fission."
"Bacteria that are capable of breaking cellulose into glucose live in their digestive tracts. They use photosynthesis as an alternative method of making needed glucose. They consume large amounts of grain to capture the energy they need. They use cellulose directly for energy. They convert the grain to protein. Bacteria that are capable of breaking cellulose into glucose live in their digestive tracts. Plants store their sugar in the form of __________."
] |
"A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"donny deutsch net worth"
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Donny Deutsch is an advertising executive and former television host with a net worth of $200 million."
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"donald clark donny osmond has an estimated net worth of $ 15 million donny osmond was born in ogden utah on december 09 1957"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Don King Net Worth. Don King is an American boxing promoter with an estimated net worth of $150 million. He was born on August 20, 1931 in Cleveland, Ohio. His entire life was spent being chased by controversy."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"What is Donny Osmond Net Worth? Donny Osmond was born in Utah and has an estimated net worth of $15 million dollars. A singer, actor, and musician, Donny Osmond was a hugely popular pop artist in his teens, during the 60s and 70s. He began his career as part of the Osmond Brothers act and then went solo."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Don LaFontaine was an American former voice over artist with a net worth of $80 million. Don LaFontaine acquired that net worth lending his voice to an innumerable amount of films, advertisements, promotions, and video games. He was born in Duluth, Minnesota and died in 2008 at the age of 68."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Howard Deutch Net Worth. Howard Deutch made money by Directors niche. For all time, at the moment, 2017 year, Howard Deutch earned $25 Million. Exact sum is $25750000. Youtube Short biography, height, weight, dates: Birth date: September 14, 1950 Birth place: New York City, New York, United States Profession: Film"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Don Lafontaine. Don Lafontaine Net Worth is $80 Million. Don LaFontaine was an American former voice over artist with a net worth of $80 million. Don LaFontaine acquired that net worth lending his voice to an innumerable amount of films, advertisements, promotions,. Donald Leroy Don LaFontaine..."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Don Lafontaine Net Worth. Don Lafontaine Net Worth is $80 Million. Don LaFontaine was an American former voice over artist with a net worth of $80 million. Don LaFontaine acquired that net worth lending hi...[read more]"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"About Don King. American boxing promoter, Donald âDonâ King, has an estimated net worth of $150 million. Boxing promoter, Don King started boxing business while doing fundraising work in 1972 for a struggling Cleveland hospital."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"donald clark donny osmond has an estimated net worth of $ 15 million donny osmond was born in ogden utah on december 09 1957 he is best known for his music and acting but he has also been a producer game show host talk show host and journalist"
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Don Meredith's net worth is estimated to be in the range of approximately $1000000 in 2018, according to the users of vipfaq. The estimated net worth includes stocks, properties, and luxury goods such as yachts and private airplanes."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"Don Schlitz Net Worth How rich is Don Schlitz? For this question we spent 21 hours on research (Wikipedia, Youtube, we read books in libraries, etc) to review the post. The main source of income: Musicians Total Net Worth at the moment 2017 year â is about $229,8 Million. Youtube Biography Don Schlitz information Birth [â¦]"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Howard Deutch Net Worth $25 Million To begin with, the boy was raised in New York City, the son of Pamela and Murray Deutch, a musical executive. He matriculated from George W. Hewlett High School and later graduated from Ohio State University."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Don Meredith Net Worth | Celebrity Net Worth Don Meredith net worth: Don Meredith is a Canadian ordained minister and politician who has a net worth of $2 million. Don Meredith was born in Jamaica in July 1964."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Don Stark's net worth is estimated to be in the range of approximately $920636134 in 2017, according to the users of vipfaq. The estimated net worth includes stocks, properties, and luxury goods such as yachts and private airplanes."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Donny Net Worth is $2 Million. Donny Net Worth is $2 Million. Donny is Actor | Voice Actor. Donny Date of Birth is 1953-08-08. Donny Nickname is Donny Most, Donald K. Most, Donald Most, Donn Most, Donnie Most. Donny Height is 1.77 m. Donny Country is Brooklyn. Donald Clark Donny Osmond is an American singer, musician, actor, dancer, radio personality, and former teen idol."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"don draper? Don Net Worth is $1.2 Million. An American actor, Don Most has a net worth of $1.2 million. Don Most obtained his net worth by being Ralph Malph on the show Happy Days, and has done some voice acting on Dungeons & Dragons, and the series, Family Guy"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"$200 Million. Don Henley net worth: Don Henley is an American singer, songwriter, and drummer who has an estimated net worth of $200 million dollars.Don Henley was born in Linden, Texas in 1947. He is probably best known for being one of the founding members of prolific American rock band, The Eagles.on Henley net worth: $200 Million. Don Henley net worth: Don Henley is an American singer, songwriter, and drummer who has an estimated net worth of $200 million dollars. Don Henley was born in Linden, Texas in 1947."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Don Net Worth is $1.2 Million. Don Net Worth is $1.2 Million. An American actor, Don Most has a net worth of $1.2 million. Don Most obtained his net worth by being Ralph Malph on the show Happy Days, and has done some voice acting on Dungeons & Dragons, and the series, Family Guy ... Read more about don draper Don Latest News"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Don Meredith Net Worth | Celebrity Net Worth. Don Meredith net worth: Don Meredith is a Canadian ordained minister and politician who has a net worth of $2 million. Don Meredith was born in Jamaica in July 1964. He is the executive director of the GTA Faith Alliance."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Don Meredith's net worth is estimated to be in the range of approximately $1000000 in 2017, according to the users of vipfaq. The estimated net worth includes stocks, properties, and luxury goods such as yachts and private airplanes."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Read more... Donny Osmond Net Worth is $15 Million. Donny Osmond was born in Utah and has an estimated net worth of $15 million dollars. A singer, actor, and musician, Donny Osmond was a hugely popular pop artist in his teens, during the 60s and 70s."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"Australian Public Holidays. Australia celebrates a number of public holidays throughout the year when banks, offices and some shops are closed. If you are planning to travel to Australia during these peak periods it's wise to book interstate flights, tours and accommodation well in advance, to avoid missing out. Our National Public Holidays are New Year's Day, Australia Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Anzac Day, Christmas Day and Boxing Day.\"]>> to <<['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what holiday is it in australia']>>",
"Net Worth: $25 Million. About Bethenny Frankel. American reality show personality, author, entrepreneur and natural foods chef, Bethenny Frankel, has an estimated net worth of $25 million and earned $40,000 per episode of The Real Housewives of New York City. She earned majority of her fortune as the founder and CEO of Skinnygirl Cocktails."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"How much is Donny Osmond Worth? Donny Osmond Net Worth: Donny Osmond is an American singer, musician, actor, dancer, radio personality and former teen idol who has a net worth of $18 million."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Don Henley net worth: $200 Million. Don Henley net worth: Don Henley is an American singer, songwriter, and drummer who has an estimated net worth of $200 million dollars. Don Henley was born in Linden, Texas in 1947.He is probably best known for being one of the founding members of prolific American rock band, The Eagles.on Henley net worth: $200 Million. Don Henley net worth: Don Henley is an American singer, songwriter, and drummer who has an estimated net worth of $200 million dollars. Don Henley was born in Linden, Texas in 1947."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"About Donny Osmond. Donald Clark âDonnyâ Osmond has an estimated net worth of $15 Million. Donny Osmond was born in Ogden, Utah on December 09, 1957. He is best known for his music and acting â but he has also been a producer, game show host, talk show host and journalist."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Polow Da Don. Polow Da Don Net Worth is $42 Million. Polow da Don is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, and record producer with a net worth of $42 million. Polow da Don acquired that net worth mainly as a record producer for major R&B and Hip Hop artists. He."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Howard Deutch net worth: $25 Million. Howard Deutch net worth: Howard Deutch is an American film and television director who has a net worth of $25 million. Howard Deutch was born in New York City, New York in September 1950."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Don Henley Net Worth is $200 Million. Don Henley Net Worth is $200 Million. Don Henley was born in Texas and has an estimated net worth of $200 million dollars. A singer-songwriter and musician, Don Henley was a founding member of the successful band, the Eagles."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"According to celebritynetworth.com, here is a list I compiled of three of the top boxing promoters in Don King, Bob Arum and Oscar De La Hoya. According to the research I did at the website, Bob Arum has a net worth of $200 million dollars, while rival promoter Oscar De La Hoya is valued at 175 million.Don King has been ranked as high as 290 + in the past, is now valued by the site as having $150 million net worth.ccording to celebritynetworth.com, here is a list I compiled of three of the top boxing promoters in Don King, Bob Arum and Oscar De La Hoya. According to the research I did at the website, Bob Arum has a net worth of $200 million dollars, while rival promoter Oscar De La Hoya is valued at 175 million."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Deontay Wilder Net Worth. Deontay Wilderâs net worth can be accounted to $12 Million. There are innumerable reasons for his increased net worth but the ultimate reason is his boxing. No wonder that he is an excellent boxing champion all known all over the world. Undoubtedly, he is one of the incredible players in the world of sports."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Mr. DePinto has earned his estimated net worth of $40 million when he joined 7-Eleven as its President and CEO since December 2005. Before he worked for the company in 2005, he was the President of GameStop Corporation, a video game and entertainment software retailer."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Don Diamont Net Worth is $4 Million Don Diamont Bio/Wiki 2017. He was born one of the four kids of Judy and Albert Feinberg, two of whom were his sisters. His brother Jack yet, died from a cancer in 1990. As a kid, he was into sports and played national degree basketball. He also did cycling along with his dad and though of building a livelihood from it."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"According to the documents, Bethenny had a net worth of $22 MILLION, with assets valued at nearly $612,000, when she and Jason signed their prenup in 2010. And this was before Bethenny sold Skinnygirl for a reported $100 million. At prenup time, Jason was reportedly worth $475,000."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Vladislav Doronin net worth is estimated at $1 billion. Vladislav Doronin is known the world over for two things-his enormous wealth (which is the second reason) and primarily for dating supermodel, Naomi Campbell.He has been dubbed as the Donald Trump of Russia.The real-estate tycoon is estimated to have a $1 billion net worth. Vladislav Doronin net worth has come from the great entrepreneurial skills of the Russian who has turned billionaire at 50.He is the chairman of the Capital Group which is based in Moscow.e has been dubbed as the Donald Trump of Russia. The real-estate tycoon is estimated to have a $1 billion net worth. Vladislav Doronin net worth has come from the great entrepreneurial skills of the Russian who has turned billionaire at 50."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"donny osmond net worth $ 15 million donny osmond net worth donny osmond is an american singer musician actor dancer radio personality and former teen idol who has a net worth of $ 15 million dollars"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"American boxing promoter, Donald âDonâ King, has an estimated net worth of $150 million. Boxing promoter, Don King started boxing business while doing fundraising work in 1972 for a struggling Cleveland hospital."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Polow Da Don Net Worth is $42 Million. 1 Polow da Don is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, and record producer with a net worth of $42 million. Polow da Don acquired that net worth mainly as a record producer for major R&B and Hip Hop artists. 2 Related Topics:"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Considered as one of the richest singers in the world, Don Henley is estimated to have a net worth of $200 million. He is a well renowned American drummer, singer and songwriter, and one of the founding members of the Eagles band.arnings & Financial Data. The below financial data is gathered and compiled by TheRichest analysts team to give you a better understanding of Don Henley's net worth by breaking down the most relevant financial events such as yearly salaries, contracts, earn outs, endorsements, stock ownership and much more."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Mini Bio (1). Donny Deutsch was born on November 22, 1957 in Queens, New York City, New York, USA as Donald Jay Deutsch. He is an actor and producer, known for The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch (2004), Today (1952) and Night of Too Many Stars: America Comes Together for Autism Programs (2012)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Don Net Worth is $1.2 Million. An American actor, Don Most has a net worth of $1.2 million. Don Most obtained his net worth by being Ralph Malph on the show Happy Days, and has done some voice acting on Dungeons & Dragons, and the series, Family Guy. ... Don Net Worth is $1.2 Million. Don Net Worth is $1.2 Million. An American actor, Don Most has a net worth of $1.2 million. Don Most obtained his net worth by being Ralph Malph on the show Happy Days, and has done some voice acting on Dungeons & Dragons, and the series, Family Guy ... Read more about don draper Don Latest News"
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"About Don Henley Considered as one of the richest singers in the world, Don Henley is estimated to have a net worth of $200 million. He is a well renowned American drummer, singer and songwriter, and one of the founding members of the Eagles band."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Net Worth: $150 Million. About Don King. American boxing promoter, Donald âDonâ King, has an estimated net worth of $150 million. Boxing promoter, Don King started boxing business while doing fundraising work in 1972 for a struggling Cleveland hospital."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Deontay Wilder Net Worth Deontay Wilderâs net worth can be accounted to $12 Million. There are innumerable reasons for his increased net worth but the ultimate reason is his boxing."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Don Cheadle Net Worth is $30 Million. Don Cheadle is a Missouri-born actor with an estimated net worth of $30 million dollars. Best known for his roles in Out of Sight, Ocean's Eleven, and Crash, Don Cheadle was nominated for an Oscar for his Donald Frank Don Cheadle, Jr. is an American film actor and producer."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"about donny osmond donald clark donny osmond has an estimated net worth of $ 15 million donny osmond was born in ogden utah on december 09 1957 he is best known for his music and acting but he has also been a producer game show host talk show host and journalist"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"About Don King . One of the most interesting questions in the sphere of boxing has been the question of how much Don King net worth is estimated. The question has been answered recently and it has stated that his net worth is 280 million dollars. Most of his wealth comes from boxing promotions. Don King was born in 1931 in Ohio, the United States. Don King whose full name is Donald King studied in the Kent State University but eventually he became a school drop out."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Donny Osmond Plastic Surgery. Donny Osmond Net Worth is $15 Million. Donny Osmond was born in Utah and has an estimated net worth of $15 million dollars. A singer, actor, and musician, Donny Osmond was a hugely popular pop artist in his teens, during the 60s and 70s."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Howard Deutch: Salary and Net Worth. He has a net worth of $25 Million and his salary and net worth are unknown. Howard Deutch: Rumors and Controversy. Despite being a well-known director, there are no desperate rumors regarding Deutchâs personal and professional life."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Steve Tisch Net Worth is $1.2 Billion. Steve Tisch Net Worth is $1.2 Billion. Steve Tisch is Businessperson, Film Producer, Television Producer, Actor. Steve Tisch Date of Birth is Feb 14, 1949. Steve Tisch Nickname is Steve A Tisch, Steven Elliot Tisch. Steve Tisch Country is United States of America. Steven Steve Tisch is an American businessman."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"About Howard Deutch . It has been claimed that the total amount of Howard Deutch net worth is as high as 25 million dollars, according to the current calculations. He has earned such a high net worth because of his career as a director. As such, he has worked on quite a lot of films and TV productions, which all have made his name famous."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Don Draper Net Worth is $2 Million Don Draper Biography Donald Francis Don Draper is a fictional character and the protagonist of AMC's television series Mad Men, portrayed by 2008 Golden Globe winner Jon Hamm. Until the Season 3 finale, Don was Creative Director of Manhattan advertising firm Sterling Cooper."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"American singer, songwriter, musician, recording artist, and actor, Wayne Penniman âLittleâ Richard has an estimated net worth of $40 million. Little Richard began performing while in his teens and had a meteoric rise to stardom in the mid-50s."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Donny Osmond net worth: $15 Million. Donny Osmond Net Worth: Donny Osmond is an American singer, musician, actor, dancer, radio personality and former teen idol who has a net worth of $15 million dollars."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Education: Having spent the earlier part of his life in East Orange, an area famous for its ghettos, Treach might not have had a decent formal education. Treach Net Worth. Treach net worth is $2.5 million US dollars as of 2017. His major source of income is through his music and songs. He earns a good amount from his TV and film appearances as well. Born in 1970, Treach started his music career at the young age of just eighteen years. He has been instrumental in the formation of the hip-hop group, âNaughty by Nature.â He is the lead rapper of the group and usually sings alone."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Polow Da Don Net Worth is $42 Million. 1 Polow da Don is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, and record producer with a net worth of $42 million. 2 Related Topics:"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Lou Dobbs or officially named Louis Carl Dobbs has a staggering net worth of 10 million dollars. The salary was once reported to be 6 million dollars a year during his heyday at the CNN. However, the net worth and salary are a rough calculation through credible sources."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"About Jamie Foxx. Eric Marlon Bishop, known professionally as Jamie Foxx has an estimated net worth of $85 million. Born on December 13, 1967 in Texas and was raised by his grandparents.Foxx is a well-known comedian/actor and musician.He started performing in 1989 and within a very short period of two years, Foxx became a cast member of the comedy, In Living Color.After this, he started his own comedy show, The Jamie Foxx Show, which lasted from the year 1996 to 2001.oxx is a well-known comedian/actor and musician. He started performing in 1989 and within a very short period of two years, Foxx became a cast member of the comedy, In Living Color. After this, he started his own comedy show, The Jamie Foxx Show, which lasted from the year 1996 to 2001."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Don King Net Worth. Don King net worth is estimated at $290 million. Who would have thought that being a boxing promoter can bring millions of dollars into oneâs bank account? Don King, born Donald King, has an estimated net worth of $290 million being a boxing promoter for several decades. Known for his outrageous hairdo and an American flag on one of his hand, Don King is said to be one of the greatest boxing promoters in history."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"don draper? Don Net Worth is $1.2 Million. An American actor, Don Most has a net worth of $1.2 million. Don Most obtained his net worth by being Ralph Malph on the show Happy Days, and has done some voice acting on Dungeons & Dragons, and the series, Family Guy ... Read more about don draper."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"During the current year, Donny reported cost of goods sold on its income statement of $1,000,000. Donny's beginning inventory was $3,000,000 and its ending inventory was $4,000,000.Donny's turnover is calculated like this: As you can see, Donny's turnover is .29.he inventory turnover ratio is calculated by dividing the cost of goods sold for a period by the average inventory for that period. Average inventory is used instead of ending inventory because many companies' merchandise fluctuates greatly throughout the year."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Donny Osmond Net Worth is $15 Million. Donny Osmond Net Worth is $15 Million. Donny Osmond was born in Utah and has an estimated net worth of $15 million dollars. A singer, actor, and musician, Donny Osmond was a hugely popular pop artist in his teens, during the 60s and 70s."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Don Schlitz's net worth is estimated to be in the range of approximately $490353528 in 2017, according to the users of vipfaq. The estimated net worth includes stocks, properties, and luxury goods such as yachts and private airplanes."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"His Net Worth: Lou Dobbs or officially named Louis Carl Dobbs has a staggering net worth of 10 million dollars. The salary was once reported to be 6 million dollars a year during his heyday at the CNN. However, the net worth and salary are a rough calculation through credible sources."
"Represent the natural language!",
"Donny Osmond Net Worth. Net Worth: $17 Million. About Donny Osmond. Donald Clark âDonnyâ Osmond has an estimated net worth of $17 million. Donny Osmond was born in Ogden, Utah on December 09, 1957. He is best known for his music and acting prowess â but he has also been a producer, game show host, talk show host, and journalist."
] |
"Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results",
"where is redway, ca"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Redway, California. Redway is a census-designated place (CDP) in Humboldt County, California, United States. Redway is located 2.25 miles (3.6 km) northwest of Garberville, at an elevation of 538 feet (164 m). The population was 1,225 at the 2010 census, up from 1,188 at the 2000 census."
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Brookside Village Condos - Redondo Beach, CA. The Brookside Village condo building is located between 601 - 649 South Prospect Ave in Redondo Beach, California. This complex was built in 1970 and features one to three bedroom condos that range in size from 669 to 1,500 square feet of living space."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"This page shows a Google Map with an overlay of Zip Codes for Redlands, San Bernardino County, California. Users can easily view the boundaries of each Zip Code. Index Instructions Privacy Policy Purchase advertising on our site. Redlands, San Bernardino County, California Zip Code Map Boundary Version 3.0 Copyright © 1996-2017 USNaviguide LLC."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Red Rock Canyon State Park is one of the most popular tourist destinations in California's Desert region. In the park are remnants of ancient civilizations. Joshua Tree National Park is located in the California Desert region. The Joshua tree only grows in the Mojave Desert and nowhere else."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"California is a unique state where state, county and city taxes are based on the origin, but district taxes are based on the destination (the buyer). Find out more about collecting and remitting sales tax in California. #LGB4 â 27517 Pioneer Ave, Redlands, CA 92374 â San Bernardino County. #ONT2 â 1910 E Central Ave."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"In the United States House of Representatives, Redlands is split between California's 8th congressional district, represented by Republican Paul Cook, and California's 31st congressional district, represented by Democrat Pete Aguilar."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Woodway is a city in McLennan County, Texas, United States. The population was 8,861 at the 2010 census. It is part of the Waco Metropolitan Statistical Area."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Casino Royale (1967 soundtrack) The original music is by Burt Bacharach. Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass performed some of the songs with Mike Redway singing the lyrics to the title song as the end credits rolled."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"It is the southernmost segment of the Three Rivers Greenway. This 12-mile river park connects the cities of Columbia, West Columbia, and Cayce as well as Richland and Lexington Counties and provides public access to the Congaree, Saluda and Broad Rivers."
"Sir Richard Saltonstall was fined four bushels of malt for absenting himself from the meeting. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 11 Various. Most of it is used in the manufacture of malt, and Canada malt is regarded as the best. Commercial Geography Jacques W. Redway. Indulgence in malt liquors, wines, and spirits should be strictly prohibited."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"DART's Red Line runs along North Central Expressway from Parker Road in Plano traveling south to downtown Dallas, then to Westmoreland in West Oak Cliff. The Blue Line travels south from Rowlett and Garland to downtown Dallas, then to UNT Dallas in South Oak Cliff. The Green Line provides service between North Carrollton/Frankford to Buckner in South Dallas."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.\n\n\nE.g. ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"(Learn how and when to remove this template message) The Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician (CCENT) certification is the first stage of Cisco's certification system. The CCENT certification is an interim step to Associate level or directly with CCNA and CCDA certifications. While the CCENT covers basic networking knowledge; it does not get involved with the more intricate technical aspects of the Cisco routing and switching and network design.\"] == ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is ccent certification']",
"California Road Nature Trail. Red Rock Canyon State Park. California Road Nature Trail is a 2.3 mile lightly trafficked loop trail located near Hinton, Oklahoma that features beautiful wild flowers and is rated as moderate. The trail is primarily used for hiking, walking, and camping and is accessible year-round."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Early residents intentionally created the singular community name Redland to make it easier to differentiate the town from Redlands, California. The entire area is nourished with pure water from the Biscayne Aquifer."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"http://www.ci.richmond.ca.us/. About the area. Richmond is located on the San Francisco Bay and there is a lot of wildlife and fauna. Anytime you look up at the skies you find Red Tailed Hawks dotting the sky. Another popular attraction where you can see a lot of wild life and sea life is the Red Rock Island."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Rodeway Inn & Suites - Rodeway Inn & Suites is situated in a recreational area of Colton, 10 km from California Museum of Photography . The venue is 8 km away from Redlands Bowl. My bookings"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"This page shows a Google Map with an overlay of Zip Codes for Redlands, San Bernardino County, California. Users can easily view the boundaries of each Zip Code. Redlands, San Bernardino County, California Zip Code Map Boundary Version 3.0 Copyright © 1996-2017 USNaviguide LLC. All rights reserved."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Redlands /ËrÉdlɨndz/ is a city in San Bernardino County, California, United States. As of the 2010 census, the city had a population of 68,747, up from 63,591 at the 2000 census. The population was estimated at 69,999 in 2013. The city is located approximately 10 miles (16 km) east of downtown San Bernardino."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"McWay Falls is situated in Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park, which was about 42 miles south of Monterey and 94 miles north of San Luis Obispo (itself being about 3.5 hours drive from Los Angeles)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Redondo Beach, CA. Redondo Beach is one of the three Beach Cities located in Los Angeles County, California, United States. The population was 66,748 at the 2010 census, up from 63,261 at the 2000 census. The city is located in the South Bay region of the greater Los Angeles area. Redondo Beach was originally part of the 1785Rancho San Pedro Spanish land grant that later became the South Redondo area. The city's territory has an unusual shape including an area along the beach (South Redondo Beach) and another strip inland from Manhattan Beach and Hermosa Beach (North Redondo Beach)."
"Represent this",
"(707) 944-2222. California cuisine - Opened in November 2005 in Yountville, in the heart of the Napa Valley, Redd is the first venture from acclaimed Northern California chef Richard Reddington, formerly of Masaâs and Jardiniere in San Francisco, and Auberge du Soleil in Napa Valley."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent the natural language', \"Although very simple, balance exercises can greatly strengthen your center of gravity. Any exercise that is done on one leg can be considered a balance exercise. Standing on one leg will improve your body's ability to center its mass over one leg.\"]\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what affects your center of gravity when standing']\"",
"Redondo Beach, California. Redondo Beach is one of the three Beach Cities located in Los Angeles County, California, United States. The population was 66,748 at the 2010 census, up from 63,261 at the 2000 census. The city is located in the South Bay region of the greater Los Angeles area. Redondo Beach was originally part of the 1785 Rancho San Pedro Spanish land grant that later became the South Redondo area."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Red Rock Canyon State Park, Kern County. We listed this spot in our Kern County night sky listicle as well, and for good reason: it's an easy jaunt from Southern California's crowded urban core, and it's easy to get a little ways off from the campground's gas lanterns and take in some reasonably dark sky."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The redbud is a tree that is valued far more than its small size might suggest. This lovely harbinger of spring has been called âa breath of fresh air after a long winterâ and no less than âone of our most beautiful native treesâ by tree expert Michael Dirr.he California redbud (Cercis occidentalis) is a small, shrub-like tree seldom reaching 20 feet tall and native from southern Utah and Nevada through California to Arizona. It is known for its red-purple flowers and for notch-tipped and smaller leaves than those found on other redbuds."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"RedPrairie is a privately-held supply chain, workforce and all-channel commerce software provider headquartered in Alpharetta, GA. The company's solutions help ensure visibility and collaboration between manufacturers, distributors, retailers and consumers at over 60,000 customer sites in more than 50 countries."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Brockway Park - Cultural Feature (Park) in Sacramento County. Brockway Park is a cultural feature (park) in Sacramento County. The primary coordinates for Brockway Park places it within the CA 95818 ZIP Code delivery area. In the Maps and Aerial Photos section below, you'll find links to: (1) Local area photos around Brockway Park, (2) A listing of the nearest hotels to Brockway Park and (3) Driving Directions to Brockway Park from almost anywhere."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Redondo Beach, CA is in the southern part of California in the pacific United States. Closest County to Redondo Beach, CA: Los Angeles County. Neighboring Cities to Redondo Beach, CA: Torrance, Hawthorne, Manhattan Beach, Lawndale, Hermosa Beach. ZIP Codes for Redondo Beach, CA: 90278, 90277."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"There will be a total of 48 US and 12 Canadian drawings. Any questions or concerns about the Safeway Survey Sweepstakes can be directed to Safeway, Inc., 5918 Stoneridge Mall Road, Pleasanton, CA, 94588. Safeway. Safeway Inc. is a popular grocery store chain based out of Pleasanton, California, U.S.. With over 1600 locations they are considered one of the larger super markets in the United States. Besides the US they also have operations in Mexico and Canada."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"REDLANDS, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA LAND FOR SALE: 1 - 15 of 178 listings. 24 Acres WRIGHTWOOD, San Bernardino County, California $875,000 Main house: six bedrooms, three baths, approx... Reach a larger audience and drive more leads by participating in the Showcase Property program."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Brockway, California topic. Brockway (formerly, Hot Springs ) is an unincorporated community in Placer County , California . Brockway is located on the north shore of Lake Tahoe on State Line Point, adjacent to the Nevada state border. It lies at an elevation of 6266 feet (1910 m). The Brockway post office operated from 1901 to 1966."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Working at REDI Group in Sacramento, CA; find REDI Group jobs and employment on Jobs2Careers Local - your Sacramento, CA career guide."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Redlands was the shared dream of Frank E. Brown, a civil engineer and Yale graduate, and E. G. Judson, a New York stock broker, who met in Southern California in late 1870â²s. Naming their Redlands colony for the color of the adobe soil, the two busily laid out a city, brought water from the mountains to the community, introduced the newly discovered Washington navel orange, and recruited settlers."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"For other uses of the term Redlands, see Redlands (disambiguation). Redlands /ËrÉdláµ»ndz/ is a city in San Bernardino County, California, United States. It is a part of the Greater Los Angeles area. As of the 2010 census, the city had a population of 68,747, up from 63,591 at the 2000 census. The population was estimated at 69,999 in 2013."
"represent the natural language",
"Country Inn & Suites By Carlson, San Bernardino (Redlands), CA. Make Snacks Inside Our Hotel Rooms in Redlands. With a microwave, a refrigerator and a coffeemaker in every room and suite at the Country Inn & Suites, San Bernardino (Redlands), it's easy to prepare snacks, enjoy cold drinks and sip coffee after a long day of sightseeing."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Find a brothel from California Red Light District including Bakersfield and nearby cities, Oildale (3 miles), Greenacres (5 miles), Rosedale (7 miles), Lamont (9 miles), Weedpatch (11 miles), Arvin (15 miles), Shafter (16 miles), Wasco (23 miles), McFarland (24 miles), Buttonwillow (25 miles), Bear Valley Springs (26 miles), Stallion Springs (28 ..."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Sponsored Topics. Woodway is a city in McLennan County, Texas, United States. The population was 8,733 at the 2000 census. It is part of the Waco Metropolitan Statistical Area. Woodway is located at 31°30â²11â³N 97°13â²26â³W / 31.50306°N 97.22389°W / 31.50306; -97.22389 (31.503066, -97.223812)."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"What is the elevation of ventura, ca? Ventura, CA elevation is 50 feet above sea level. ! What is the address for Toys R Us in Ventura, CA Toys R Us 2975 Johnson Dr, Ventura, CA 93003. No phone # given. . Where can you find yogurt in Ventura, CA Baskin Robbins has frozen yogurt, or try Golden Swirl Frozen Yogurt: 2401 Saviers..."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Redlands, CA. Online Offers. Redlands ( /rÉdlɨndz/) is a city in San Bernardino County, California, United States. As of the 2010 census, the city had a population of 68,747, up from 63,591 at the 2000 census. The city is located 10 miles (16 km) east of downtown San Bernardino.[citation needed] The area now occupied by Redlands was originally part of the territory of the Morongo and Aguas Calientes tribes of Cahuilla people."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Brockway Park - Cultural Feature (Park) in Sacramento County Brockway Park is a cultural feature (park) in Sacramento County. The primary coordinates for Brockway Park places it within the CA 95818 ZIP Code delivery area. In the Maps and Aerial Photos section below, you'll find links to: (1) Local area photos around Brockway Park, (2) A listing of the nearest hotels to Brockway Park and (3) Driving Directions to Brockway Park from almost anywhere."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Costway.Com, Inc is a catalog and mail-order house located in Ontario, California. View phone number, employees, products, revenue, and more."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The search for the perfect home is not always an easy task, but realtor.com® can help make the search for Redway homes for sale easier with the property information you need, as well as the facts about the community."
"Represent text",
"Get Driving Directions. U.S. Bank El Cerrito Safeway branch is one of the 3139 offices of the bank and has been serving the financial needs of their customers in El Cerrito, Contra Costa county, California for over 5 years. El Cerrito Safeway office is located at 11450 San Pablo Avenue, El Cerrito."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Red's Meadow is a resupply point along the John Muir Trail. I sent a resupply package which cost $35 for the store to hold. I also spent two nights in one of the two motel units and ate at the restaurant several times. The motel was quite old and not everything worked."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Elway is the owner of two steakhouse restaurants, each named Elway's: One is located in the upscale Cherry Creek shopping district, and the other is in the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in downtown Denver. Elway owned five auto dealerships, called John Elway Autos, in the Denver area. He sold them to AutoNation Inc. in 1997 for $82.5 million. In December 2006, Elway ended a nine-year licensing agreement with AutoNation, removing his name from Denver-area dealerships."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Texas Red loved the good things in life and it's been said that he once traded all the loot from a train robbery for a good steak and bottle of whiskey. Texas Red was also the nickname of the man who built the first building that became Texas Reds Steakhouse in Red River, NM. John Richard Gill, an entrepreneur, western actor and stuntman, rodeo rider and raconteur had his pick-up break down on him in Red River while enroute to a rodeo in Wyoming."
"Listing Alerts-Email me as soon as new properties match this search. True Listing Information Provided By: RE/MAX ADVANTAGE 611 W Redlands Blvd Ste C Redlands, CA 92373 | Phone: (909) 307-5665 RE/MAX ADVANTAGE is licensed in the state of California CalBRE License #: 01317939 EACH OFFICE INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The California redbud (Cercis occidentalis) is a small, shrub-like tree seldom reaching 20 feet tall and native from southern Utah and Nevada through California to Arizona. It is known for its red-purple flowers and for notch-tipped and smaller leaves than those found on other redbuds."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Rodeway Inn & Suites - Rodeway Inn & Suites is situated in a recreational area of Colton, 10 km from California Museum of Photography . The venue is 8 km away from Redlands Bowl. A 65-minute drive will take guests to Los Angeles. There are a mall and fairgrounds in the proximity of the hotel. MT Vernon & Center PT bus stop is located nearby."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Red Mountain Pass is a high mountain pass at an elevation of 11,018 ft (3,358 m) above the sea level, located in the San Juan Mountains of southwestern Colorado. The pass is traversed by the US 550 (Million Dollar Highway) . At this elevation, the pass is one of the highest paved passes in Colorado."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Further enhancing commuter connectivity, a new light rail program is in the works extending service through San Bernardino to Redlands, California. The two San Bernardino stops are strategically located in the civic center and hospitality corridors."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Redlands â A Victorian Jewel of the âInland Empireâ. Redlands, in San Bernardino County, is one of the oldest cities in California. Named for its rich, red soil, it sits halfway between Los Angeles and Palm Springs, in the shadow of Southern Californiaâs highest peaks."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"OFFICE DETAILS. U.S. Bank El Cerrito Safeway branch is one of the 3139 offices of the bank and has been serving the financial needs of their customers in El Cerrito, Contra Costa county, California for over 5 years. El Cerrito Safeway office is located at 11450 San Pablo Avenue, El Cerrito."
"Represent the natural language",
"Redhill, Surrey. Redhill (/rÉdËhɪl/) is a town in the borough of Reigate and Banstead in Surrey, England. The town, which adjoins the town of Reigate to the west, is due south of Croydon in Greater London, and is part of the London commuter belt."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A 63-year-old man and a 23-year-old man, both from Redlands, were cited Jan. 28 for furnishing alcohol to a minor outside a convenience store in the 700 block of Redlands Boulevard. The enforcement efforts are part of a $24,491 grant from the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. The City Council accepted the ABC grant July 5, 2016, for the Police Department to conduct minor decoy and shoulder tap operations. The grant was awarded through ABCâs Grant Assistance Program (GAP)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Reactions in which Magnesium cyanide is involved {M}O + 2HCN = {M}(CN)2 + H2O, where M = Mg Ca Sr Ba {M}(OH)2 + 2HCN -> {M}(CN)2 + 2H2O, where M = Mg Ca Ba Sr"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Utah's Dixie National Forest: Red Canyon. Red Canyon is a unique part of Dixie National Forest that is not only traveled through on the way to Bryce Canyon, but it has eroded hoodoos like Bryce Canyon and Cedar Breaks.It is found along Scenic Byway 12.edar Breaks National Monument is surrounded by Utah's Dixie National Forest. From Mt. Carmel Junction, drive north on US-89 to the junction with SR-14. SR-14 is known as Cedar Mountain which is the scenic byway to travel to Cedar Breaks."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The community was settled in the early 1900s. The site was originally known as Redlands from 1908 to around 1910, when it was renamed after California 's Imperial Valley. A post office and school were opened in 1910 and a townsite was laid out on land owned by Benjamin E. Bush one year later."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The London Borough of Redbridge ( pronunciation (help·info)) is a London borough in North-East London, England. It is known for its award winning parks and open spaces, excellent transport links, thriving shopping areas and high-performing schools."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"McWay Falls was easily one of the most beautifully situated waterfalls on the California Coast that Julie and I have encountered."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"According to Movoto, a real estate brokerage firm in San Mateo, Calif., they're most likely to live in one of 10 cities across the United States, which Movoto has dubbed the Most Redneck. . The top cities on the list include Sacramento, Calif. (No. 8); Tulsa, Okla.(No. 5); and Kansas City (No. 2).ccording to Movoto, a real estate brokerage firm in San Mateo, Calif., they're most likely to live in one of 10 cities across the United States, which Movoto has dubbed the Most Redneck. . The top cities on the list include Sacramento, Calif. (No. 8); Tulsa, Okla."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Keith Fowler, Raw Sugar Logistics Manager, says: âThe opening of the Seaway allowed Redpath to transport raw sugar more efficiently from its origin to the refinery in Toronto by utilizing larger, more cost-effective vessels.edpath Sugarâs white and red package is a familiar sight on Ontario supermarket shelves. Their sugar is used to not only to sweeten coffee and tea but is a staple ingredient in many Canadian household food brands and baked goods."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Redland, often mistakenly called The Redlands by those in neighboring communities, is an unincorporated community in Miami-Dade County, Florida, United States, about 20 miles (32 km) southwest of Downtown Miami."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Brockway (formerly, Hot Springs) is an unincorporated community in Placer County, California. [1] Brockway is located on the north shore of Lake Tahoe on State Line Point, adjacent to the Nevada state border. [2] It lies at an elevation of 6266 feet (1910 m). [1] The Brockway post office operated from 1901 to 1966. [2]"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Redlands ( /rÉdlɨndz/) is a city in San Bernardino County, California, United States. As of the 2010 census, the city had a population of 68,747, up from 63,591 at the 2000 census. The city is located 10 miles (16 km) east of downtown San Bernardino.[citation needed]"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Redlands ( /rÉdlɨndz/) is a city in San Bernardino County, California, United States. As of the 2010 census, the city had a population of 68,747, up from 63,591 at the 2000 census. The area now occupied by Redlands was originally part of the territory of the Morongo and Aguas Calientes tribes of Cahuilla people."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Safeway's primary base of operations is in the western and central United States, with some stores located in the Mid-Atlantic region of the Eastern Seaboard. The subsidiary is headquartered in Pleasanton, California with parent company headquarters in Boise, Idaho."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Find Homes for Sale in Redbridge by Experienced Realtor, Sue Sharpe, of California Advantage Real Estate in Tracy, CA. If you are looking to buy a home in the beautiful community of Redbridge, this is the place to look! Click on the real estate section to view homes that are currently listed for sale or have recently sold within the neighborhood by realtors participating in the Multiple Listing Service (MLS)."
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"what is coccus gram-positive bacteria"
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Rod-shaped gram-positive Bacillus anthracis bacteria in a cerebrospinal fluid sample stand out from round white blood cells. Violet stained gram-positive cocci and pink stained gram-negative rod-shaped bacteria. Gram-positive bacteria are bacteria that give a positive result in the Gram stain test.Gram-positive bacteria take up the crystal violet stain used in the test, and then appear to be purple-coloured when seen through a microscope.pecific to gram-positive bacteria is the presence of teichoic acids in the cell wall. Some of these are lipoteichoic acids, which have a lipid component in the cell membrane that can assist in anchoring the peptidoglycan."
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Making the world better, one answer at a time. gram-positive bacteria but can become gram negative if the smear is left to culture for a long period of time. gram-positive bacteria but can become gram negative if the smear is left to culture for a long period of time."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of coccus): staph; staphylococci; staphylococcus (spherical Gram-positive parasitic bacteria that tend to form irregular colonies; some cause boils or septicemia or infections).yponyms (each of the following is a kind of coccus): staph; staphylococci; staphylococcus (spherical Gram-positive parasitic bacteria that tend to form irregular colonies; some cause boils or septicemia or infections)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Staphylococcus bacteria. Coccus (plural cocci) is a term used to describe any bacterium that has a spherical, ovoid, or generally round shape. It is one of the three distinct bacterial shapes, the other two being bacillus (rod-shaped) and spiral-shaped cells.occus (plural cocci) is a term used to describe any bacterium that has a spherical, ovoid, or generally round shape."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The Gram-negative bacteria include most of the bacteria normally found in the gastrointestinal tract that can be responsible for disease as well as gonococci (venereal disease) and meningococci (bacterial meningitis). The organisms responsible for cholera and bubonic plague are Gram-negative."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Staphylococcus bacteria. Coccus (plural cocci) is a term used to describe any bacterium that has a spherical, ovoid, or generally round shape. It is one of the three distinct bacterial shapes, the other two being bacillus (rod-shaped) and spiral-shaped cells.Coccus is an English loanword of a Neolatin noun, which in turn stems from the Greek masculine noun kokkos (κÏκκοÏ) meaning berry.t is one of the three distinct bacterial shapes, the other two being bacillus (rod-shaped) and spiral-shaped cells. Coccus is an English loanword of a Neolatin noun, which in turn stems from the Greek masculine noun kokkos (κÏκκοÏ) meaning berry."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Micrococcus luteus (M. luteus), is a Gram-positive bacteria, 0.05 to 3.5 microns in diameter, that is most commonly found in mucous membranes such as the nasal cavities, the upper respiratory tract, and the lining of the mouth."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Staphylococcus bacteria. A coccus (plural cocci) is any bacterium that has a spherical, ovoid, or generally round shape. It is one of the three distinct bacterial shapes, the other two being bacillus (rod-shaped) and spiral-shaped cells. Cocci is an English loanword of a modern or neo-Latin noun, which in turn stems from the Greek masculine noun kokkos (κÏκκοÏ) meaning berry."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Staphylococcus (from the Greek: ÏÏαÏÏ
λή, staphylÄ, grape and κÏκκοÏ, kókkos, granule) is a genus of Gram-positive bacteria. Under the microscope, they appear round , and form in grape-like clusters."
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"We have already learned that Streptococcus pyogenes is a gram positive bacteria and it also causes many diseases in humans, making it parasitic. Streptococcus is a genus of spherical, gram positive bacteria, and a member of the phylum Firmicutes."
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"Cell Structure and Metabolism. Staphylococcus aureus is a gram positive bacteria, which means that the cell wall of this bacteria consists of a very thick peptidoglycan layer. They are spherical, form clusters in 2 planes and have no flagella.nother common path of infection is the respiratory tract, where the bacterium causes pneumonia. By forming biofilms Staphylococcus epidermidis is resistant to antibiotics, antibodies, and phagocytosis, and can serve as a reservoir for antibiotic resistant genes that can be transferred to other bacteria."
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"On the basis of staining, maximum number of bacteria was Gram's positive rods, followed by Gram's positive Cocci and only one isolate was Gram's negative Cocci. The k=1,2,3 correspond to bacilli, cocci and spiral, respectively."
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"Noun. 1. streptococcus-spherical Gram-positive bacteria occurring in pairs or chains; cause e.g. scarlet fever and tonsillitis. strep, streptococci. eubacteria, eubacterium, true bacteria-a large group of bacteria having rigid cell walls; motile types have flagella.genus Streptococcus-a genus of bacteria.oun. 1. streptococcus-spherical Gram-positive bacteria occurring in pairs or chains; cause e.g. scarlet fever and tonsillitis. strep, streptococci. eubacteria, eubacterium, true bacteria-a large group of bacteria having rigid cell walls; motile types have flagella."
"Represent the following document",
"Miscellaneous bacterial strains: 1 Gram-variable-staining rod, facultative anaerobic bacteria (actually has a Gram-positive cell wall, but because the cell wall is so thin it can appear either Gram-positive or Gram-negative under the microscope). Small (1-1.5 µm diameter) non-spore forming, non-motile coccobacilli."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"coccus. a spherical bacterium, usually slightly less than 1 μ in diameter, belonging to the Micrococcaceae family. It is one of the three basic forms of bacteria, the other two being bacillus (rod-shaped) and spirillum (spiral-shaped). Almost all of the pathogenic cocci are either staphylococci, which occur in clusters, or streptococci, which occur in short or long chains."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Staphylococcus bacteria. A coccus (plural cocci) is any bacterium that has a spherical, ovoid, or generally round shape. It is one of the three distinct bacterial shapes, the other two being bacillus (rod-shaped) and spiral-shaped cells."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Staphylococcus bacteria. Coccus (plural cocci) is a term used to describe any bacterium that has a spherical, ovoid, or generally round shape. It is one of the three distinct bacterial shapes, the other two being bacillus (rod-shaped) and spiral-shaped cells.Coccus is an English loanword of a Neolatin noun, which in turn stems from the Greek masculine noun kokkos (κÏκκοÏ) meaning berry.occus (plural cocci) is a term used to describe any bacterium that has a spherical, ovoid, or generally round shape."
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"Staphylococcus is a spherical, gram positive bacteria that attributes to boils, food poisoning, and other infections."
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"Staphylococcus epidermidis. (Buddycom). Introduction. Staphylococcus epidermidis is a gram-positive, coagulase-negative cocci that is a part of our normal flora.Consequently, it is a true opportunistic pathogen, as it requires a major breach in the hostâs innate defenses.he biofilm of S. epidermidis consists of clusters of cells that are embedded in extracellular slime substance that is up to 160 micrometers thick, exceeding 50 cells. Biofilms as such act as a diffusion barrier to antibiotics and host defense. (Nilsson, et al."
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"This is due to the difference in the structure of their bacterial cell wall. Gram-positive bacteria do not have an outer cell membrane found in Gram-negative bacteria. The cell wall of Gram-positive bacteria is high in peptidoglycan which is responsible for retaining the crystal violet dye. Gram-positive and negative bacteria are chiefly differentiated by their cell wall structure."
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"The M. tuberculosis bacteria is neither gram negative or gram positive in the basic sense but has instead been classified as acid-fast Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-positive bacteria being the kind that usually cause disease in humans. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a bacillus or rod shaped bacteria."
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"Gram-positive bacteria do not have an outer cell membrane found in Gram-negative bacteria. The cell wall of Gram-positive bacteria is high in peptidoglycan which is responsible for retaining the crystal violet dye. Gram-positive and negative bacteria are chiefly differentiated by their cell wall structure."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Micrococcus is a sphere-shaped (coccus/cocci generally means spherical), relatively harmless bacterium. It is very common on skin, and it can also be found in soil, water, and meat products.It is generally a saprophyte (meaning it feeds on dead and decomposing materials), and can cause spoilage of fish.This organism can also be responsible for causing human sweat to smell badly.acillus is a rod-shaped bacterium (âbacillusâ means ârodâ). Bacillus is a very hardy bacterium, as it has the ability to produce endospores â small, tough structures that can survive adverse conditions."
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"coccus. a spherical bacterium, usually slightly less than 1 μ in diameter, belonging to the Micrococcaceae family. It is one of the three basic forms of bacteria, the other two being bacillus (rod-shaped) and spirillum (spiral-shaped).Almost all of the pathogenic cocci are either staphylococci, which occur in clusters, or streptococci, which occur in short or long chains.t is one of the three basic forms of bacteria, the other two being bacillus (rod-shaped) and spirillum (spiral-shaped). Almost all of the pathogenic cocci are either staphylococci, which occur in clusters, or streptococci, which occur in short or long chains."
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"(April 2015). Neisseria meningitidis, often referred to as meningococcus, is a gram negative bacterium that can cause meningitis and other forms of meningococcal disease such as meningococcemia, a life-threatening sepsis.April 2015). Neisseria meningitidis, often referred to as meningococcus, is a gram negative bacterium that can cause meningitis and other forms of meningococcal disease such as meningococcemia, a life-threatening sepsis."
"represent the natural language",
"Filed Under: Bacteriology, Basic Microbiology, Differences Between Tagged With: Comparison of Gram Positive and Gram Negative Bacteria, Differences between Gram Positive and Gram Negative Bacteria, Differences between Gram Positive and Gram Negative Cell Wall, Gram Negative Bacteria, Gram Positive and Gram Negative Bacteria, Gram Positive and Gram Negative Bacteria Differences, Gram Positive Bacteria"
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"Staphylococcus capitis is an aerobic, Gram-positive, spherical bacterium of the Staphylococcaceae family. The coagulase-negative bacterium belongs to the normal skin flora and is acquired in hospitals in rare cases. Only in humans with weakened immune system Staphylococcus capitis may cause diseases such as endocarditis when entering the body."
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"Neisseria meningitidis, often referred to as meningococcus, is a gram negative bacterium that can cause meningitis and other forms of meningococcal disease such as meningococcemia, a life-threatening sepsis.eisseria meningitidis, often referred to as meningococcus, is a gram negative bacterium that can cause meningitis and other forms of meningococcal disease such as meningococcemia, a life-threatening sepsis."
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"Staphylococcus aureus is a gram positive bacteria, which means that the cell wall of this bacteria consists of a very thick peptidoglycan layer. They are spherical, form clusters in 2 planes and have no flagella."
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"Lactococcus is a genus of lactic acid bacteria that were formerly included in the genus Streptococcus Group N1. They are known as homofermentors meaning that they produce a single product, lactic acid in this case, as the major or only product of glucose fermentation.Their homofermentative character can be altered by adjusting cultural conditions such as pH, glucose concentration, and nutrient limitation.They are gram-positive, catalase-negative, non-motile cocci that are found singly, in pairs, or in chains. The genus contains strains known to grow at or below 7ËC.Nine species of Lactococcus are currently recognized along with four subspecies.hey are gram-positive, catalase-negative, non-motile cocci that are found singly, in pairs, or in chains. The genus contains strains known to grow at or below 7ËC. Nine species of Lactococcus are currently recognized along with four subspecies."
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"Staphylococcus (from the Greek: ÏÏαÏÏ
λή, staphylÄ, grape and κÏκκοÏ, kókkos, granule) is a genus of Gram-positive bacteria. Under the microscope, they appear round , and form in grape-like clusters. The Staphylococcus genus includes at least 40 species."
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"Danish scientist Hans Christian Gram devised a method to differentiate two types of bacteria based on the structural differences in their cell walls. In his test, bacteria that retain the crystal violet dye do so because of a thick layer of peptidoglycan and are called Gram-positive bacteria.In contrast, Gram-negative bacteria do not retain the violet dye and are colored red or pink.Compared with Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria are more resistant against antibodies because of their impenetrable cell wall.n his test, bacteria that retain the crystal violet dye do so because of a thick layer of peptidoglycan and are called Gram-positive bacteria."
"Represent the natural language",
"We have already learned that Streptococcus pyogenes is a gram positive bacteria and it also causes many diseases in humans, making it parasitic. Streptococcus is a genus of spherical, gram positive bacteria, and a member of the phylum Firmicutes. We have already identified Streptococcus pyogenes under all of the conditions stated for the Streptococcus. Streptococci are lactic acid bacteria."
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"Meaning: Spherical Gram-positive parasitic bacteria that tend to form irregular colonies; some cause boils or septicemia or infections. Classified under: Nouns denoting animals. Synonyms: staph; staphylococci; staphylococcus. Hypernyms (staph is a kind of...): cocci; coccus (any spherical or nearly spherical bacteria) Holonyms (staph is a member of...):"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"For the fungal disease, see Coccidioidomycosis. Staphylococcus bacteria. A coccus (plural cocci) is any bacterium that has a spherical, ovoid, or generally round shape. It is one of the three distinct bacterial shapes, the other two being bacillus (rod-shaped) and spiral-shaped cells."
"represent the input",
"Group A beta hemolytic streptococci (GABHS) bacteria are the cause of scarlet fever. These gram-positive coccus-shaped (elliptically shaped) organisms, while infecting a body site, can produce an erythrogenic (producing a red colored) toxin."
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"On adding a counterstain such as safranin or fuchsine after washing, Gram-negative bacteria are stained red or pink while Gram-positive bacteria retain their crystal violet dye. This is due to the difference in the structure of their bacterial cell wall. Gram-positive bacteria do not have an outer cell membrane found in Gram-negative bacteria. The cell wall of Gram-positive bacteria is high in peptidoglycan which is responsible for retaining the crystal violet dye. Gram-positive and negative bacteria are chiefly differentiated by their cell wall structure."
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"MICROBIOLOGY. Members of the S. anginosus group are gram-positive, catalase-negative cocci (like other members of the genus Streptococcus). They are non-motile, facultative anaerobes that demonstrate variable hemolysis patterns (alpha, beta, or gamma) on sheep blood agar [ 17 ]."
"For the fungal disease, see Coccidioidomycosis. Staphylococcus bacteria. A coccus (plural cocci) is any bacterium that has a spherical, ovoid, or generally round shape. It is one of the three distinct bacterial shapes, the other two being bacillus (rod-shaped) and spiral-shaped cells. Coccus is an English loanword of a modern or neo-Latin noun, which in turn stems from the Greek masculine noun kokkos (κÏκκοÏ) meaning berry."
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"a genus of nonmotile, aerobic bacteria of the family Neisseriaceae that often occurs in clinical specimens. The bacterium contains gram-negative or gram-variable cocci and does not produce spores. It grows on regular medium without serum and is oxidase negative and catalase positive."
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"1 Gram-variable-staining rod, facultative anaerobic bacteria (actually has a Gram-positive cell wall, but because the cell wall is so thin it can appear either Gram-positive or Gram-negative under the microscope). Small (1-1.5 µm diameter) non-spore forming, non-motile coccobacilli."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Staphylococcus. a genus of spherical, gram-positive bacteria tending to occur in grapelike clusters; they are normal flora on the skin and in the upper respiratory tract and are the most common cause of localized suppurating infections. Pathogenic species are characterized by positive reactions to the coagulase test. genus of nonmotile spheric gram-positive bacteria. Some species are normally found on the skin and in the throat. Certain species cause severe purulent infections or produce an enterotoxin, which may cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea."
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"1 Gram-negative cocciâ Neisseria meningitidis causes meningitis while Neisseria gonorrhoeae causes the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea. 2 Gram-positive bacilliâ Bacillus anthracis (anthrax) can cause skin infections or pneumonia (also a bioterrorism agent); Listeria monocytogenes can cause foodborne illnesses."
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"Cell structure and metabolism. Staphylococcus aureus is a gram-positive bacteria, which means that the cell wall of this bacteria consists of a very thick peptidoglycan layer. They form spherical colonies in clusters in 2 planes and have no flagella.taphylococci are spherical gram-positive bacteria, which are immobile and form grape-like clusters. They form bunches because they divide in two planes as opposed to their close relatives streptococci which form chains because they divide only in one plane."
"Represent text",
"Staphylococcus aureus is a gram-positive bacteria, which means that the cell wall of this bacteria consists of a very thick peptidoglycan layer. They form spherical colonies in clusters in 2 planes and have no flagella."
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"Staphylococcus Streptococcus; Meaning: Staphylococcus are gram-positive bacteria, forming clusters (grape like). These are found on the skin, till yet around 40 species are identified. Streptococcus are also gram-positive bacteria, forming a short chain of round cells."
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"/Strep·to·coc·cus/ (-kok´us) a genus of gram-positive, facultatively anaerobic cocci occurring in pairs or chains; it is separable into the pyogenic group, the viridans group, the enterococcus group, and the lactic group."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Domain (Bacteria/Archaea) Shape (rod/coccus/helix) aerobic/anaerobic? gram+/gram - 1"
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"Noun. 1. coccus-any spherical or nearly spherical bacteria. cocci. eubacteria, eubacterium, true bacteria-a large group of bacteria having rigid cell walls; motile types have flagella.oun. 1. coccus-any spherical or nearly spherical bacteria. cocci. eubacteria, eubacterium, true bacteria-a large group of bacteria having rigid cell walls; motile types have flagella."
] |
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"wheel reconditioning cost"
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Wheel repair cost between $125 and $275 per wheel-depending on wheel size and damage. Typically the repair cost is still less than a new wheel depending on the style, size, and age of the wheel. Factory and aftermarket wheels can cost anywhere from $100 to over $1000 per wheel."
] | [
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"1 Wheel balancing can cost $6-$20 per wheel ($24-$80 for all four wheels), but it typically is about $10-$12 a wheel ($40-$40 total) depending on local labor rates, and the make and model of vehicle.2 This service is usually slightly more expensive at a car dealership than at a tire store or automotive repair shop. If needed to make sure the wheels are running parallel to each other, wheel alignment can cost $20-$100 at a repair shop or $75-$400 or more at a dealership, depending on the make and model of vehicle."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Maintenance and repair costs vary depending on usage. For a luxury fifth wheel towed by a medium-duty truck approximately 25,000 miles a year, RVersOnline.org estimates basic repairs for both the truck and fifth wheel of $1,250 a year, with new tires every two years adding another $2,400."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The average cost for an ABS Wheel Speed Sensor Replacement is between $333 and $382. Labor costs are estimated between $79 and $100 while parts are priced between $254 and $282. Estimate does not include taxes and fees."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"A wheel bearing replacement costs between $112 & $696 for most cars. On your car, the bearing supports the wheel and rides on the axle shaft. It fits into the hollow section at the center of the wheel, and is held in place by the lug bolts which attach the wheel to the car."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Thankfully, they are within a short drive of me. http://www.wheelcollision.com/. They list their prices here: http://www.wheelcollision.com/wccsvcs.html. I've had them repair minor bend in a wheel for $75 and also refinish a set for around $350 (was a few years ago)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The average cost for a brake wheel cylinder replacement is between $171 to $230. Labor costs are estimated between $154 to $196 while parts are priced between $17 to $34. Get a personalized estimate based on your location and specific car."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Related articles: Tires, Wheel Alignment, Brakes, Chrome Wheels. 1 Wheel balancing can cost $6-$20 per wheel ($24-$80 for all four wheels), but it typically is about $10-$12 a wheel ($40-$40 total) depending on local labor rates, and the make and model of vehicle. If needed to make sure the wheels are running parallel to each other, wheel alignment can cost $20-$100 at a repair shop or $75-$400 or more at a dealership, depending on the make and model of vehicle."
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"Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Other way around. The wheel bearing / hub assembly will cost far LESS than it would cost to have it installed. $122.10 for a Timken hub assembly on autopartswarehouse.com. Sears is full of crap.Buy the part from autopartswarehouse.com, partstrain.com or rock auto.com and take it to any GM dealer.he prices on wheel bearings are differen't on every car, I replaced one on a grand am and the price was $65 for the bearing and I put it in myself but you can figure about an hour labor to do the job at $90 an hour where I live."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The average cost for a Dodge Journey Wheel Alignment is between $88 and $111. Labor costs are estimated between $88 and $111. Estimate does not include taxes and fees. Get a Personalized Estimate for your Dodge Journey. No hidden fees ⢠Nationwide Warranty ⢠RepairPal Certified Mechanic."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Brake Wheel Cylinder Replacement costs between $93-$279 on average. Get an instant estimate for your car. Book a mobile mechanic, backed by warranty. Service at your home or office."
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"You can get reconditioned (exchange) alternators for that for about £65. Fit yourself is easy enough, or an hours labour at the garage. So should be well less than £200. Fit yourself is easy enough, or an hours labour at the garage."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n------\n\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', '1 The enclosure movement inEngland and Wales Enclosure was one of the most important formative processes in the evolution of thelandscape of England and Wales.1 The term â\\x80\\x98enclosureâ\\x80\\x99 has been used in a varietyof different ways and it is important to establish the meaning that is used in thisbook ...ontemporary oppositionto enclosure was largely focused on issues of the social evils or injustices associatedwith the process. Landowners, on the other hand, were in little doubt that enclosureof ï¬\\x81elds would result in increased productivity or rents.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'where did the enclosure movement take place']\"",
"$185 per wheel ($160 if rim is brought in without tire) Standard Powder Coat Recolor (includes dismount/mount/Hunter Road Force Balance) $185 per wheel ($160 if rim is brought in without tire) CNC Lathe Repair (when we have machine a wheel to apply a diamond cut surface)"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Labor and Part Costs. The cost of a wheel hub (assembly or bearings) can start from as low as $60 and go well over a hundred dollars. The make and model of your car, will determine the exact price. Wheel hub replacement costs can vary from car to car as well as who you buy them from.f you have ABS, there are going to be more steps to go through to repair or replace your wheel hub. In addition if you need bearing to be pressed in, this will add to the time it takes and cost to the repair. Unfortunately there is no short answer to this question unless."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The wheel bearing replacement cost will depend on the make, model and type of vehicle you are driving. The bearing parts can cost anywhere from $50 to $300, depending on what particular parts of the bearing need replacing. The labor costs associated with replacing a wheel bearing will depend on the mechanic you choose, and his hourly rates. Labor can run anywhere from $50 â $150 per hour."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"a four wheel alignment at a car repair or tire shop also typically costs $ 20 $ 100 depending on vehicle make and model location and warranty costhelper readers report paying $ 30 $ 80 for this service at an average cost of $ 63"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Wheel balancing can cost $6-$20 per wheel ($24-$80 for all four wheels), but it typically is about $10-$12 a wheel ($40-$40 total) depending on local labor rates, and the make and model of vehicle. This service is usually slightly more expensive at a car dealership than at a tire store or automotive repair shop. CostHelper readers report paying $24-$75 to have all four wheels balanced at a shop for an average of $50 ($12 per wheel) and $44-$70 at a dealership for an average of $53 ($13.32 per wheel)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Parts: $119 - $225. The average cost for an abs wheel speed sensor replacement is between $211 to $342. Labor costs are estimated between $92 to $117 while parts are priced between $119 to $225. Get a personalized estimate based on your location and specific car. Estimate does not include taxes and fees."
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"The parts themselves cost on average between $172 to $242 (front) and $246 to $411 (rear). This will highly depend on your vehicle, however. The national average for front wheel bearing replacement is $471 to $620 and for rear wheel bearing replacement, itâs $351 to $545 (quality parts + labor). You can go to RepairPal (.com) and enter in your carâs information + your zip code for a more accurate quote if itâs helpful!"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"1 On average, jobs can vary anywhere from $75 to as much as $500 per wheel. 2 For example, a repair which includes tuning and straightening of the wheels can cost $100 to $200. 3 Refinishing for painted and polished wheels can cost $125 to $350. 4 Full restoration of the alloy wheel can range anywhere from $300 to $425. On average, jobs can vary anywhere from $75 to as much as $500 per wheel. 2 For example, a repair which includes tuning and straightening of the wheels can cost $100 to $200. 3 Refinishing for painted and polished wheels can cost $125 to $350. 4 Full restoration of the alloy wheel can range anywhere from $300 to $425."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Best Answer: Other way around. The wheel bearing / hub assembly will cost far LESS than it would cost to have it installed. $122.10 for a Timken hub assembly on autopartswarehouse.com.Sears is full of crap.Buy the part from autopartswarehouse.com, partstrain.com or rock auto.com and take it to any GM dealer.est Answer: Other way around. The wheel bearing / hub assembly will cost far LESS than it would cost to have it installed. $122.10 for a Timken hub assembly on autopartswarehouse.com."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The wheel bearing replacement cost will depend on the make, model and type of vehicle you are driving. The bearing parts can cost anywhere from $50 to $300, depending on what particular parts of the bearing need replacing."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Answer Wiki. The cost of replacing the wheel bearings definitely depends on your vehicle, but also if youâre looking to replace the front or rear wheel bearings. The national average for front wheel bearing replacement is $471 to $620 and for rear wheel bearing replacement, itâs $351 to $545 (quality parts + labor). You can go to RepairPal (.com) and enter in your carâs information + your zip code for a more accurate quote if itâs helpful!"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The cost of wheel bearings vary based upon the type of vehicle. Prices also vary based on whether you are replacing a front or rear bearing. For a Toyota Corolla, a front wheel bearing costs approximately $47.99, while a rear wheel bearing is a staggering $325.99.Bearings for a Dodge Ram pickup are around $18.99 for rear bearings and $259.99 for front bearings. wheel bearing replacement can take anywhere from one to three hours depending on the type of vehicle you are driving. This means the cost of labor involved for this job can be anywhere from $30 to $270 in addition to the cost of parts."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Other way around. The wheel bearing / hub assembly will cost far LESS than it would cost to have it installed. $122.10 for a Timken hub assembly on autopartswarehouse.com. Sears is full of crap.Buy the part from autopartswarehouse.com, partstrain.com or rock auto.com and take it to any GM dealer.est Answer: Other way around. The wheel bearing / hub assembly will cost far LESS than it would cost to have it installed. $122.10 for a Timken hub assembly on autopartswarehouse.com."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Repowering a typical car or truck with a rebuilt â remanufactured engine costs between $2,250 to $4,000 or about 10% to 20% of the cost of a new vehicle. Additional savings in annual insurance costs can also be significant compared to purchasing a new vehicle."
"Represent the input",
"Cost: $250 each (priced for rims 26 and up). Click Here to Visit Our Wheel Straightening Portfolio. Rim Straightening and Refinishing. If your rim has curb damage we can repair and refinish the wheel for only an extra $65 (half the price of our standard repair and refinish) when combining the two services.ost: $250 each (priced for rims 26 and up). Click Here to Visit Our Wheel Straightening Portfolio. Rim Straightening and Refinishing. If your rim has curb damage we can repair and refinish the wheel for only an extra $65 (half the price of our standard repair and refinish) when combining the two services."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Labor and Part Costs. The cost of a wheel hub (assembly or bearings) can start from as low as $60 and go well over a hundred dollars. The make and model of your car, will determine the exact price. Wheel hub replacement costs can vary from car to car as well as who you buy them from. Before replacing the wheel hub bearings make sure to double-checked if it is the front or rear bearings and whether it is on the left or right."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"The average cost for a Wheel Bearing Service is between $158 and $198. Labor costs are estimated between $140 and $178 while parts are priced between $18 and $20. Estimate does not include taxes and fees. Get a Repair Cost."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"on average wheel alignment is going to vary in price from $ 30 to as much as $ 150 for example courtesycarmn com is located in minnesota and offers a wide variety of vehicle maintenance services that can cost anywhere from $ 65 to $ 80"
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"Save $15 Standard 2-wheel brake service Includes replacement of pads or shoes and reconditioning of rotors. Offer valid 10/4/2015 â 10/31/2015. View all exclusive offers from Sears Auto."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"I will be offering a one year guarantee on select reconditioned lawn mowers. If you have any mechanical problem within the first year of ownership (barring neglect) bring the mower back to me and I will fix or replace it for FREE. The guarentee will be available on all Briggs and Stratton Classic style engines along with select Quantum engines. The cost of the guarantee is 15.00."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"$160 per wheel ($135 if rim is brought in without tire) Standard Powder Coat Recolor (includes dismount/mount/Hunter Road Force Balance) $160 per wheel ($135 if rim is brought in without tire) Color Matching Repair/Refinish with Traditional Paint (when we have to match the color of a wheel to look like the others) $205 per wheel."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The cost of wheel bearings vary based upon the type of vehicle. Prices also vary based on whether you are replacing a front or rear bearing. For a Toyota Corolla, a front wheel bearing costs approximately $47.99, while a rear wheel bearing is a staggering $325.99.heel bearing replacement can be an expensive repair, but not having it done can be even more expensive. This is because worn wheel bearings can cause excessive wear to other parts and eventually create bigger problems."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nExample:\nProvided: \"['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"Historian Peter Grose's previous work, A Very Rude Awakening, chronicled the Japanese midget submarine attack on Sydney harbour on the night of May 31/June 1, 1942. Here, in his latest work, An Awkward Truth, he looks at the earlier bombing of Darwin on February 19, 1942, the day World War II came to Australia.istorian Peter Grose's previous work, A Very Rude Awakening, chronicled the Japanese midget submarine attack on Sydney harbour on the night of May 31/June 1, 1942. Here, in his latest work, An Awkward Truth, he looks at the earlier bombing of Darwin on February 19, 1942, the day World War II came to Australia.\"]\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results:', 'when did the bombing of darwin happen']\"",
"your tires from the wheels, store your tires during the refinishing process, remount the tires back on the wheels. and then computer balance them for around $15-20 each. Mounting them on your vehicle will cost an extra $5 per.each.n average of $12-35 just depending on how large and how heavy your wheels are. I would say that the average. cost from my experience through the US is around $15-20 on a light weight 19â³ wheel just to give you an idea."
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"Mine came out to $250 for KYB GR2s all around. Of course, I do my own labor. :wink: However, labor at a shop that specializes in suspension systems should only be around $40-$60 per wheel. Full 4 wheel alignment is typically around $60.00 with no other worn parts detected."
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"1 If needed to make sure the wheels are running parallel to each other, wheel alignment can cost $20-$100 at a repair shop or $75-$400 or more at a dealership, depending on the make and model of vehicle. CostHelper readers report paying $24-$75 to have all four wheels balanced at a shop for an average of $50 ($12 per wheel) and $44-$70 at a dealership for an average of $53 ($13.32 per wheel)."
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"Labor: $208 - $264. Parts: $109 - $176. The average cost for a wheel bearing replacement-rear is between $317 to $440. Labor costs are estimated between $208 to $264 while parts are priced between $109 to $176."
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"The price of a reconditioned fuel-injection unit can easily run your budget up another $5,000 to $7,000. Never: Decide on a car because of features like ashtrays and vanity mirrors. Reason: Chances are you already have ashtrays and mirrors at home and youre paying thousands of dollars for something you already have."
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"Does Reconditioning A Battery Work Golf Cart Battery Caps. Does Reconditioning A Battery Work 24v Battery Charger 25 Amp; Does Reconditioning A Battery Work Car Battery Repairing; Does Reconditioning A Battery Work Optima Deep Cycle Battery Blue Top; Charge 12v Battery Time Car; Does Reconditioning A Battery Work Wholesale Golf Cart Batteries Houston Texas"
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"A four-wheel alignment at a car repair or tire shop also typically costs $20-$100, depending on vehicle make and model, location and warranty. CostHelper readers report paying $30-$80 for this service, at an average cost of $63."
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"Total Costs. When the cost of parts, miscellaneous expenses and labor are added together, this can mean the average cost of a wheel bearing replacement can be between $110 and $1,000. In order to keep costs as low as possible, you could consider comparing labor rates between shops to save a little bit of money.heel bearing replacement can be an expensive repair, but not having it done can be even more expensive. This is because worn wheel bearings can cause excessive wear to other parts and eventually create bigger problems."
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"The cost to replace the Wheel Bearing and Hub Assembly on a 2 Wheel Drive (2WD) vehicle with independent suspension is $203.00 for parts and $59.00 for labor. The cost to replace the Wheel Bearing and Hub Assembly on a All Wheel Drive (AWD) vehicle with independent suspension is $284.00 for parts and $65.00 for labor. The cost to replace the Wheel Bearing and Hub Assembly on a vehicle without independent suspension is $293.00 for parts and $65.00 for labor. All prices are estimates based on $65.00 per flat rate hour and do not include diagnostic time or any applicable sales tax."
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"The average cost for a brake wheel cylinder replacement is between $171 to $230. Labor costs are estimated between $154 to $196 while parts are priced between $17 to $34."
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"The average cost for an ABS Wheel Speed Sensor Replacement is between $333 and $382. Labor costs are estimated between $79 and $100 while parts are priced between $254 and $282. Estimate does not include taxes and fees. Get a Repair Cost."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The average cost for a brake wheel cylinder replacement is between $171 to $230. Labor costs are estimated between $154 to $196 while parts are priced between $17 to $34. Get a personalized estimate based on your location and specific car. Estimate does not include taxes and fees."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Labor and Part Costs. The cost of a wheel hub (assembly or bearings) can start from as low as $60 and go well over a hundred dollars. The make and model of your car, will determine the exact price. Wheel hub replacement costs can vary from car to car as well as who you buy them from.f you have a truck odds are it will be a more involved process than a small car. If you have ABS, there are going to be more steps to go through to repair or replace your wheel hub. In addition if you need bearing to be pressed in, this will add to the time it takes and cost to the repair."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Labor and Part Costs. The cost of a wheel hub (assembly or bearings) can start from as low as $60 and go well over a hundred dollars. The make and model of your car, will determine the exact price. Wheel hub replacement costs can vary from car to car as well as who you buy them from."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Does Reconditioning Batteries Work How To Recondition Tool Batteries. Bring A Laptop Battery Back To Life; Does Reconditioning Batteries Work Bring A Laptop Battery Back To Life; Recycle Batteries 92127; Does Reconditioning Batteries Work Recycle Batteries 92127; Exide Car And Truck Batteries; Does Reconditioning Batteries Work Exide Car And Truck Batteries"
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"At best, your braking power is greatly reduced; at worst, it could endanger your life by not stopping the car. The average cost of master cylinder repair is usually between $200 and $300, but it can be more, again, depending on the scope of the fix.If individual wheel cylinders need to be replaced, the cost will go up. The repair price for an entire brake jobârotors, calipers, drums, pads, cylindersâcan run you $750 or more.Therefore, it's best to stay on top of brake repair and get the pads replaced when you hear squeaking.t this point, what could have been a relatively inexpensive fix is now more expensive. A standard replacement of pads may cost $75 to $100, whereas a drum, rotor, and/or caliper replacement can get up into the several hundreds depending on the extent of the problem. Master Cylinder and Wheel Cylinders."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Parts: $17 - $34. The average cost for a brake wheel cylinder replacement is between $171 to $230. Labor costs are estimated between $154 to $196 while parts are priced between $17 to $34."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Best Answer: Other way around. The wheel bearing / hub assembly will cost far LESS than it would cost to have it installed. $122.10 for a Timken hub assembly on autopartswarehouse.com.Sears is full of crap.Buy the part from autopartswarehouse.com, partstrain.com or rock auto.com and take it to any GM dealer.he prices on wheel bearings are differen't on every car, I replaced one on a grand am and the price was $65 for the bearing and I put it in myself but you can figure about an hour labor to do the job at $90 an hour where I live."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 On average, wheel alignment is going to vary in price from $30 to as much as $150. 2 For example, CourtesyCarMN.com is located in Minnesota and offers a wide variety of vehicle maintenance services that can cost anywhere from $65 to $80. For example, CourtesyCarMN.com is located in Minnesota and offers a wide variety of vehicle maintenance services that can cost anywhere from $65 to $80. 2 The vehicleâs alignment will need to be checked first and they offer this service at $30."
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"A four-wheel alignment at a car repair or tire shop also typically costs $20-$100, depending on vehicle make and model, location and warranty. CostHelper readers report paying $30-$80 for this service, at an average cost of $63."
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"I can not give you exact numbers but in the ball park a 4 wheel allignment will be in the range of $50 - $80 +/- If your rotors are warped that means you would have to get these repaired as well, You dont have too but it is a good idea."
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"In fact, RobotWorx is committed to providing low-cost automated robotic solutions to accommodate all of our customersâ needs. There are three things to think about when considering automated robot integration: reconditioning, price ranges and return on investment (ROI).Reconditioning: Our top-quality refurbished automated robotics offer the most cost-effective option. Used robots cost up to 50 percent less than the newer models.Plus, you can rely on our exclusive reconditioning process to produce reliable automation for your company. Price Ranges: Typical stand-alone robot arms with welding packages cost between $28,000 and $40,000.A pre-engineered workcell with safety equipment starts at $50,000. RobotWorx also offers several discounts and promotional package deals to save customers even more money!n fact, RobotWorx is committed to providing low-cost automated robotic solutions to accommodate all of our customersâ needs. There are three things to think about when considering automated robot integration: reconditioning, price ranges and return on investment (ROI)."
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"Labor: $154 - $196. Parts: $17 - $34. The average cost for a brake wheel cylinder replacement is between $171 to $230. Labor costs are estimated between $154 to $196 while parts are priced between $17 to $34."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Answer Wiki. The cost of replacing the wheel bearings definitely depends on your vehicle, but also if youâre looking to replace the front or rear wheel bearings. The national average for front wheel bearing replacement is $471 to $620 and for rear wheel bearing replacement, itâs $351 to $545 (quality parts + labor)."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"wheel alignment can also be packaged with other maintenance services which can provide an overall service for the vehicle on average wheel alignment is going to vary in price from $ 30 to as much as $ 150"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The average cost of master cylinder repair is usually between $200 and $300, but it can be more, again, depending on the scope of the fix. If individual wheel cylinders need to be replaced, the cost will go up. The repair price for an entire brake jobârotors, calipers, drums, pads, cylindersâcan run you $750 or more.Therefore, it's best to stay on top of brake repair and get the pads replaced when you hear squeaking.f individual wheel cylinders need to be replaced, the cost will go up. The repair price for an entire brake jobârotors, calipers, drums, pads, cylindersâcan run you $750 or more. Therefore, it's best to stay on top of brake repair and get the pads replaced when you hear squeaking."
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"Refrigerants are also dangerous to work with, so never attempt to do it yourself. The Flat Rate Labor Manual for major appliance repairs calls for a labor charge of $207 plus the cost of the new or reconditioned compressor which can run from $35 for a reconditioned unit to around $100 for a new unit."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"In fact, RobotWorx is committed to providing low-cost automated robotic solutions to accommodate all of our customersâ needs. There are three things to think about when considering automated robot integration: reconditioning, price ranges and return on investment (ROI). Reconditioning: Our top-quality refurbished automated robotics offer the most cost-effective option. Used robots cost up to 50 percent less than the newer models. Plus, you can rely on our exclusive reconditioning process to produce reliable automation for your company. Price Ranges: Typical stand-alone robot arms with welding packages cost between $28,000 and $40,000. A pre-engineered workcell with safety equipment starts at $50,000. RobotWorx also offers several discounts and promotional package deals to save customers even more money!"
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"This improves traction and steering control, and extends the life of the tire. Typical costs: Wheel balancing can cost $6-$20 per wheel ($24-$80 for all four wheels), but it typically is about $10-$12 a wheel ($40-$40 total) depending on local labor rates, and the make and model of vehicle. This service is usually slightly more expensive at a car dealership than at a tire store or automotive repair shop. CostHelper readers report paying $24-$75 to have all four wheels balanced at a shop for an average of $50 ($12 per wheel) and $44-$70 at a dealership for an average of $53 ($13.32 per wheel)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The average cost of master cylinder repair is usually between $200 and $300, but it can be more, again, depending on the scope of the fix. If individual wheel cylinders need to be replaced, the cost will go up. The repair price for an entire brake jobârotors, calipers, drums, pads, cylindersâcan run you $750 or more."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Labor: $194 - $246. Parts: $132 - $214. The average cost for a wheel bearing replacement-front is between $326 to $460. Labor costs are estimated between $194 to $246 while parts are priced between $132 to $214.Get a personalized estimate based on your location and specific car. Estimate does not include taxes and fees.abor costs are estimated between $194 to $246 while parts are priced between $132 to $214. Get a personalized estimate based on your location and specific car. Estimate does not include taxes and fees."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Wheel Bearing Service Cost. The average cost for a Wheel Bearing Service is between $158 and $198. Labor costs are estimated between $140 and $178 while parts are priced between $18 and $20. Estimate does not include taxes and fees."
] |
"represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results",
"weather in kyburz california"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Kyburz, CA - Weather forecast from Theweather.com. Weather conditions with updates on temperature, humidity, wind speed, snow, pressure, etc. for Kyburz, California Today: Clear skies, with a maximum temperature of 63° and a minimum temperature of 21°."
] | [
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"On average, there are 193 sunny days per year in Georgetown, Kentucky. The July high is around 86 degrees. The January low is 24. Sperling's comfort index for Georgetown is a 51 out of 100, where a higher score indicates a more comfortable year-around climate. The US average for the comfort index is 54."
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"Stormy Weather Continues in the Pacific Northwest; Fire Weather Threats Developing in Southern California; and a Cold Front Will Bring Heavy Rain to the Gulf Coast. A warm Pacific storm will bring heavy high elevation snow, heavy rains, and gusty winds to the Pacific Northwest; which may produce avalanches, river flooding, and landslides."
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"10%87°78°Cloudy with a high of 85 °F (29.4 °C). Winds WSW at 9 to 11 mph (14.5 to 17.7 kph).Night - Cloudy. Winds WSW at 7 to 9 mph (11.3 to 14.5 kph). The overnight low will be 79 °F (26.1 °C)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Located within the southeastern interior portion of North America, Kentucky has a climate that can best be described as a humid subtropical climate (Koppen Cfa). Temperatures in Kentucky usually range from daytime summer highs of 87 °F (31 °C) to the winter low of 23 °F (â5 °C). The average precipitation is 46 inches (1,200 mm) a year."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Weekly Weather Report for 95035, Milpitas, California. Looking at the weather in 95035, Milpitas, California over the next 7 days, the maximum temperature will be 15â (or 59â) on Friday 5 th January at around 2 pm. In the same week the minimum temperature will be 5â (or 41â) on Sunday 7 th January at around 8 am."
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"The far southwest (central and southern California coast) has a Mediterranean climate. Daily high temperatures range from 70 to 80 °F (21 to 27 °C)s in the summer to 50 to 60 °F (10 to 16 °C)s in winter, with low temperatures from the 60 °F (16 °C)in summer to 40 °F (4 °C)s in winter.[citation needed].ake-effect snows add to precipitation potential downwind of the Great Lakes, as well as Great Salt Lake and the Finger Lakes during the cold season. The average snow to liquid ratio across the contiguous United States is 13:1, meaning 13 inches (330 mm) of snow melts down to 1 inch (25 mm) of water."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The climate is California Mediterranean, hot and completely dry in summer with pleasant evenings and mild in winter. Almost all precipitation falls in winter, when temperatures remain in a 35 to 60 degree range with persistent fog at times."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Forecast: Temperature: 33 °F: 32 °F: 53 °F: 48 °F: 49 °F: 51 °F: 59 °F: Mostly clear. Mostly sunny. Partly sunny. Drizzle. Overcast. Light rain. Overcast. Light rain. Low clouds. Drizzle. Low clouds. Feels Like: 26 °F: 27 °F: 51 °F: 46 °F: 46 °F: 47 °F: 57 °F: Wind Speed: 8 mph: 5 mph: 6 mph: 6 mph: 8 mph: 9 mph: 11 mph: Wind Direction: NE â ENE â SW â S â S â SSW â SSW â Humidity: 82%: 95%: 61%: 87%: 94%"
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"0%80°64°Night - Mostly cloudy. Winds variable at 9 to 11 mph (14.5 to 17.7 kph). The overnight low will be 66 °F (18.9 °C).Partly cloudy with a high of 80 °F (26.7 °C). Winds from S to SSE at 9 to 16 mph (14.5 to 25.7 kph). 0%80°64°Scattered thunderstorms today with a high of 80 °F (26.7 °C) and a low of 64 °F (17.8 °C)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The US average is 37. Snowfall is 10 inches. The average US city gets 25 inches of snow per year. The number of days with any measurable precipitation is 103. On average, there are 202 sunny days per year in Owensboro, Kentucky."
"Active Weather Pattern Continues in the Northwestern U.S. Through the Weekend, Critical Fire Weather In The Southern Plains Through Friday A series of low pressure systems will bring a myriad of weather impacts to the western U.S. through this weekend. Rain, high elevation snow, and strong winds are likely from northern California to the Pacific Northwest where hazardous travel conditions are likely."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Home » Local » Weather Report Kyburz, California Weather Report · Interactive Map · Extended Forecast · Hourly Forecast · Past Observations · Historic Averages"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Hangtownweather - A webcam in Placerville, California with image archive, weather data and timelapse videos. Operator: PositiveClimb @ Weather Underground Webcam Placerville, California, USA - 27.1 miles from Kyburz:"
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"Laughlin Weather. Located across the Colorado River from Bullhead City, Ariz., Laughlin averages over 300 days of sunshine per year. Get todayâs weather and find out about the climate and seasonal temperatures. Better bring your sunscreen, thatâs a whole lot of sunshine! With an average annual rainfall of 1.78 inches, the climate is classified as arid. The average temperature is 75.4 degrees (22 degrees centigrade)."
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"CLIMATE: Kentucky, Kentucky: United States: Rainfall (in.) 47.2724: 39.2: Snowfall (in.) 9.6743: 25.8: Precipitation Days : 82.5342: 102: Sunny Days : 189: 205: Avg. July High : 87.1608: 86.1: Avg. Jan. Low : 24.4862: 22.6: Comfort Index (higher=better) 50: 54: UV Index : 4.2: 4.3: Elevation ft. 809: 1,443"
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Kentucky enjoys a temperate climate and generally plentiful rainfall. The stateâs mean annual temperature is between 55 and 60 °F (13 and 16 °C). However, extremes of temperature exceeding 110 °F (43 °C) and dropping below â30 °F (â34 °C) have been recorded occasionally."
"represent text",
"15%54°43°Cloudy with a high of 54 °F (12.2 °C). Winds W at 14 mph (22.5 kph).Night - Breezy with a 35% chance of precipitation. Winds from W to WNW at 14 to 18 mph (22.5 to 29.0 kph). The overnight low will be 40 °F (4.4 °C). 5%51°40°Partly cloudy today with a high of 51 °F (10.6 °C) and a low of 40 °F (4.4 °C)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"California experiences hot, arid summers and temperate, rainy winters, which is typical of a Mediterranean climate. The state's annual average temperatures range from 40 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. In terms of snowfall, some parts of California receive significant amounts during the winter season. In areas with an elevation of 7,000 to 8,000 feet, snowfall is generally heavy. The High Sierra and the Shasta Cascade frequently experience snow. Learn more about Snow"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The List of Webcams near Kyburz, California, USA: (Other places in California, USA ») Webcam Twin Bridges, California, USA - 9.6 miles from Kyburz: Sierra-at-Tahoe Ski Resort - Lots of webcams in the Sierra-at-Tahoe Ski Resort."
"Hourly Forecast Detailed. 1 0am:The Sylmar, CA forecast for Aug 27 is 78 degrees and Clear. There is 60 percentage chance of rain and 1 mph winds from the East-Southeast. 2 3am:The Sylmar, CA forecast for Aug 27 is 72 degrees and Clear. There is 63 percentage chance of rain and 1 mph winds from the Northeast."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Weather & Seasons. Much of California has a Mediterranean-like climate with warm, dry summers and mild, wet winters. On the coast, the average daily high temperature hovers around 70°F/21°C and up), but can occasionally spike to 80°F 27° C or more on hottest summer days; freezing temperatures are rare, even in winter."
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"Stormy Weather Continues in the Pacific Northwest; Fire Weather Threats Developing in Southern California; and a Cold Front Will Bring Heavy Rain to the Gulf Coast A warm Pacific storm will bring heavy high elevation snow, heavy rains, and gusty winds to the Pacific Northwest; which may produce avalanches, river flooding, and landslides."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Kyburz, CA - Get the very latest weather forecast, including hour-by-hour views, the 10-day outlook, temperature, humidity, precipitation for your area. msn back to msn home weather web search"
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"25%37°30°Breezy with a high of 38 °F (3.3 °C). Winds W at 16 to 18 mph (25.7 to 29.0 kph).Night - Mostly clear. Winds variable at 2 to 16 mph (3.2 to 25.7 kph). The overnight low will be 29 °F (-1.7 °C)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Key weather averages for Samburu in June. 1 30. 30°C max day temperature. 2 8. 8 hours of sunshine per day. 3 4. 4 days with some rainfall. 4 16. 16°C min night temperature. 5 12. 12 hours of daylight per day. 6 H. 7 10. 10 mm of monthly rainfall. 8 11. 11 (Extreme) UV index."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Carson City: Annual Weather Averages. July is the hottest month in Carson City with an average temperature of 26°C (79°F) and the coldest is January at 2°C (36°F)."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Snowfall is 10 inches. The average US city gets 25 inches of snow per year. The number of days with any measurable precipitation is 103. On average, there are 202 sunny days per year in Owensboro, Kentucky. The July high is around 90 degrees. The January low is 25."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"30%50°40°Showers with a high of 51 °F (10.6 °C) and a 95% chance of precipitation. Winds from SSW to SW at 9 to 11 mph (14.5 to 17.7 kph).Night - Mostly cloudy with a 25% chance of precipitation. Winds variable at 7 to 11 mph (11.3 to 17.7 kph). The overnight low will be 39 °F (3.9 °C)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"The state experiences all four distinct seasons, with warm summers and moderately cold winters. The daytime temperature during the summer averages 87 degrees. Conversely, the winter lows average around 23 degrees. Despite these trends, the weather in KY can vary a lot from day to day so it always helps to check the forecast before your visit in order to pack appropriately. When it comes to great outdoors weather, Kentucky is most popular in spring and fall."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Davis climate resembles that of nearby Sacramento and is typical of California's Central Valley Mediterranean climate regime: dry, hot summers and cool, rainy, winters. It is classified as a Koeppen Köppen csa. Climate average temperatures range from °46 (f °8) c In december And january to °75 (f °24) c In july And. august"
"Represent the input",
"Sylmar Weather Forecast â 10 Day. Sylmar 1 â 3 Day Weather Forecast Summary: Light rain (total 5mm), mostly falling on Sat night. Warm (max 22.2°C on Sun morning, min 5.3°C on Thu night). Winds increasing (calm on Fri afternoon, fresh winds from the S by Sat afternoon)."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"0am:The Healdsburg, CA forecast for Apr 06 is 56 degrees and Cloudy. There is 57 percentage chance of rain and 3 mph winds from the South. 3am:The Healdsburg, CA forecast for Apr 06 is 51 degrees and Light drizzle. There is 62 percentage chance of rain and 4 mph winds from the South. 6am:The Healdsburg, CA forecast for Apr 06 is 51 degrees and Clear. There is 72 percentage chance of rain and 3 mph winds from the Southeast."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The park has a semiarid climate with generally mild winters and warm to hot summers. The average annual high temperature is 79°F and the average annual low temperature is 47°F with a mean annual temperature of 63°F. Weather Records from January 1935 to April 2004."
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"Most / Least Educated Cities in KY. The average temperature of Owensboro is 56.97°F, which is higher than the Kentucky average temperature of 55.62°F and is higher than the national average temperature of 54.45°F."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'The java.util.Arrays.fill(byte[] a, byte val) method assigns the specified byte value to each element of the specified array of bytes.']\" Match: \"['', 'defining a byte array java']\"",
"Yanbu has a tropical climate with dry summers. The temperature typically varies from 59°F to 102°F over the course of the year, and is rarely below 52°F or above 109°F. The hot season lasts for 149 days, from May 14 to October 10, with an average daily high temperature above 97°F."
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"Hourly Forecast Detailed. 1 0am:The Healdsburg, CA forecast for Apr 06 is 56 degrees and Cloudy. There is 57 percentage chance of rain and 3 mph winds from the South. 2 3am:The Healdsburg, CA forecast for Apr 06 is 51 degrees and Light drizzle. There is 62 percentage chance of rain and 4 mph winds from the South."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Twain Harte Weather Forecast for Thursday, August 24. Countries/United States/ California/ Twain Harte. The Twain Harte, CA forecast for Aug 24 is 88 degrees and Sunny . There is 27 percentage chance of rain and 8 mph winds from the West-Northwest."
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"Cavtat: Annual Weather Averages. August is the hottest month in Cavtat with an average temperature of 26°C (78°F) and the coldest is January at 9°C (47°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 13 in August. The wettest month is December with an average of 95mm of rain."
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"One of Orlando's biggest draws is the year-round sunny, mild weather. In keeping with the Sunshine State, Central Florida maintains a comfortable average annual temperature of 72 degrees and a mostly dry climate from October to May."
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"Carson City Average Weather. 1 The highest monthly average temperature in Carson City for July is 79 degrees. 2 The lowest monthly average temperature in Carson City for January is 33 degrees. 3 The most monthly precipitation in Carson City occurs in January with 1.6 inches. The air quality index in Carson City is 11% better than the national average."
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"During the fall, the weather in Kentucky brings about even more color and the air typically feels nice and cool. The first shades of yellow, red, and orange foliage can be spotted as early as mid to late September in some areas of the state, with a statewide peak somewhere around mid-October.he state experiences all four distinct seasons, with warm summers and moderately cold winters. The daytime temperature during the summer averages 87 degrees. Conversely, the winter lows average around 23 degrees."
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"The state experiences all four distinct seasons, with warm summers and moderately cold winters. The daytime temperature during the summer averages 87 degrees. Conversely, the winter lows average around 23 degrees.Despite these trends, the weather in KY can vary a lot from day to day so it always helps to check the forecast before your visit in order to pack appropriately.When it comes to great outdoors weather, Kentucky is most popular in spring and fall.he state experiences all four distinct seasons, with warm summers and moderately cold winters. The daytime temperature during the summer averages 87 degrees. Conversely, the winter lows average around 23 degrees."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Ä°stanbul's high-season months are April, May, September and October. ChristmasâNew Year and Easter also busy. Shoulder Season (May & Sep) Fewer crowds, except during Kurban Bayramı holiday when it falls in this period. Warm spring and autumn temperatures, especially in the southwest. Ä°stanbul's shoulder season is JuneâAugust. Low Season (OctâApr) October is autumn (fall); spring starts in April. Accommodations in tourist areas close or offer discounts. High season in ski resorts. Ä°stanbul's low season is November to mid-March."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"I have a Kentucky Mountain horse and he says he hates South Florida, it's too hot! From an outsider who's traveled there, and is a weather junkie: Summers hot and humid, but July in KY is more like late September in Florida. Highs will usually be mid 80s to low 90s, and lows in the mid to upper 60s. Winters can get cold, usually one or two good snowfalls and a few dustings, but temperatures in winter can vary from as cold as zero or a bit below (but doesn't last more than a couple days) to a mild day in the 60s."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Winter (December â February) â From the snow at the South Rim to the pleasant desert temperatures at Phantom Ranch, a winter trip in the canyon is an unbelievable experience. Average temperatures on the rim range from a low of 20 ºF to a high of 43 ºF."
"Weather in Kentucky. Because of its central U.S. location, the weather in Kentucky is typically mild and moderate no matter what time of year you visit. The state experiences all four distinct seasons, with warm summers and moderately cold winters. The daytime temperature during the summer averages 87 degrees."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Winds variable at 4 to 7 mph (6.4 to 11.3 kph). The overnight low will be 66 °F (18.9 °C).Partly cloudy with a high of 84 °F (28.9 °C)."
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"Pinecrest Lake, CA Weather Forecast Dated: 0800 PM GMT SUN FEB 11 2018 Moderate or heavy rain shower Sunday, temperatures as high as 52°F / 11°C, low temperature around 29°F / -2°C, probability of precipitation 92%, wind out of the SSE 13 mph / 21 km/h."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"San Jacinto Forecast. Wednesday, April 19, 2017. Low clouds and patchy drizzle in spots will start out the day in San Jacinto, but conditions will become sunny, mild and breezy later. Low pressure is expected to travel inland across California today. A warming trend will begin by tomorrow, and afternoon temperatures will be significantly warmer Friday and Saturday, near or above 90 degrees."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Sylmar weather forecast from AccuWeather.com. Extended forecast in Sylmar, CA 91342 for up to 25 days includes high temperature, RealFeel and chance of precipitation Sylmar weather forecast from AccuWeather.com. Extended forecast in Sylmar, CA 91342 for up to 25 days includes high temperature, RealFeel and chance of precipitation my recent locations °f Sylmar, CA 43°"
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.\n\n\nThe provided query could be \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'A newt is a semiaquatic amphibian of the family Salamandridae, although not all aquatic salamanders are considered newts.dult newts have lizard-like bodies and may be either fully aquatic, living permanently in the water, or semiaquatic, living terrestrially, but returning to the water every year to breed.']\" and the positive \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is a newt']\"",
"Wrights Lake to Grouse Lake is a 4.3 mile out and back trail located near Kyburz, California that offers the chance to see wildlife. The trail is rated as moderate and primarily used for hiking, walking, camping, and backpacking. Dogs are also able to use this trail. 4.3 miles 1200 feet Out & Back."
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"Winds SSW at 7 mph (11.3 kph). The overnight low will be 62 °F (16.7 °C).Partly cloudy with a high of 78 °F (25.6 °C). Winds variable at 7 to 11 mph (11.3 to 17.7 kph). 45%73°60°Scattered thunderstorms today with a high of 73 °F (22.8 °C) and a low of 60 °F (15.6 °C). There is a 45% chance of precipitation."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"WFIE Weather for IN, KY, & IL with Jeff & Byron - Tri-State News, Weather & Sports. Harvey to bring wind and rain on Friday. Today's Forecast. Harvey continues to inch to the north toward Tennessee and Kentucky. Rain will begin over Kentucky late tonight and across the southern and eastern portions of the Tri-State on Friday. Temps will stay in the upper 60's. Wind gusts may peak at 30 mph and rain amounts will range from 4 in the south to around 1-2 in Evansville-Henderson-Owensboro areas."
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"Over the course of the year, the temperature in Davis typically varies from 39°F to 93°F and is rarely below 31°F or above 102°F. The hot season lasts for 116 days, from June 3 to September 27, with an average daily high temperature above 85°F."
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"In Kenitra, the summers are warm, muggy, arid, and mostly clear and the winters are cool and partly cloudy. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 47°F to 82°F and is rarely below 41°F or above 91°F."
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"Madison County, KY. June 5, 2007. Downbursts are powerful winds that descend from a thunderstorm and spread out quickly once they hit the ground. These winds can easily cause damage similar to that of a EF0 (65-85mph winds) or even EF1 (86-110mph winds) tornado, and are sometimes misinterpreted as tornadoes."
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"With the Cayucos Pier and miles of sandy beaches â and Morro Bay and its majestic Morro Rock, scenic Cambria, Hearst Castle and wine tasting tours a short drive away â Cayucos is your perfect destination for enjoying California's Central Coast. Cayucos Weather Forecast, CA."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Download our App! One of Orlando's biggest draws is the year-round sunny, mild weather. In keeping with the Sunshine State, Central Florida maintains a comfortable average annual temperature of 72 degrees and a mostly dry climate from October to May."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The daytime temperature during the summer averages 87 degrees. Conversely, the winter lows average around 23 degrees. Despite these trends, the weather in KY can vary a lot from day to day so it always helps to check the forecast before your visit in order to pack appropriately."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Kentucky has a moderate climate, characterized by warm, yet moist conditions. Summers are usually warm, and winters cool. Kentucky's weather patterns are influenced by the Gulf of Mexico, especially during summer. Much of Kentucky's average 46 inches of precipitation a year falls in spring, the rainiest season. From south to north, precipitation decreases."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Kentucky weather history reports an annual average temperature of 55.7 °F with an average high temperature of 67.2 °F and an average low temperature of 44.5 °F.The average weather in Kentucky indicates a relative humidity in the morning of 81.6%, and 61.6% in the afternoon and evening.entucky weather history reports an annual average temperature of 55.7 °F with an average high temperature of 67.2 °F and an average low temperature of 44.5 °F. The average weather in Kentucky indicates a relative humidity in the morning of 81.6%, and 61.6% in the afternoon and evening."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Be prepared with the most accurate 10-day forecast for Kyburz, CA with highs, lows, chance of precipitation from The Weather Channel and Weather.com Be prepared with the most accurate 10-day forecast for Kyburz, CA with highs, lows, chance of precipitation from The Weather Channel and Weather.com Scan for updated forecast Connection restored!"
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"los angeles (kabc) -- Southern California will see breezy, dry conditions on Friday with temperatures in the 70s in most areas. Los Angeles and Orange counties will see some northeast winds up to 25 mph in the canyons, with a high of 78. The valleys and Inland Empire will be sunny, with northeast canyon winds up to 30 mph and a high of 76."
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"Sylmar, CA Weather. The average temperature of Sylmar is 62.52°F, which is higher than the California average temperature of 61.17°F and is much higher than the national average temperature of 54.45°F. Historical Weather."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Climate: Kentucky has, for the most part, a mild climate throughout the year. Summers are very pleasant, but occasional hot and humid days are not uncommon. Winter snows are seldom much of a problem, as accumulation melts quickly.Summer highs statewide (in July) approach 80 degrees.limate: Kentucky has, for the most part, a mild climate throughout the year. Summers are very pleasant, but occasional hot and humid days are not uncommon. Winter snows are seldom much of a problem, as accumulation melts quickly. Summer highs statewide (in July) approach 80 degrees."
] |
"Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results",
"luxating patella surgery cost"
] | [
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"According to Petspress.net, luxating patella surgery costs around $1,000 to $1,500 per leg. On the other hand, the cost of having a patella luxation fixed varies depending on the severity of the luxation, whether one or both knees are affected, and the size of the dog."
] | [
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 Surgery can cost $6,000-$30,000 or more, depending on what is included (such as cartilage scoring, contouring or a replacement/graft).2 According to the Agency for HealtChare Research and Quality, this class of surgery typically costs an average of $10,219.elated articles: Sinusitis Treatment, Anesthesia, Health Insurance. 1 Surgery can cost $6,000-$30,000 or more, depending on what is included (such as cartilage scoring, contouring or a replacement/graft)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Typical costs: Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty or an eyelid tuck, usually costs between $4,000 and $5,500 for the upper and lower eyelids. This includes the anesthesia fee, facility fee and surgeon's fee. The average surgeon's fee for eyelid surgery is $2,813, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1 At the Plastic Surgery Portal, the average cost of toe shortening surgery is placed between $2,000 and $2,500 per toe. Other sources say that the surgery can cost $3,000 in some areas. 2 Meanwhile, based on the data gathered at Estheticon.com, the cost of toe shortening procedure ranges from $500 to $3,000, depending on the state, surgeon and the clinic where the surgery is performed."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Eyelid Surgery Cost. 1 Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty or an eyelid tuck, usually costs between $4,000 and $5,500 for the upper and lower eyelids. This includes the anesthesia fee, facility fee and surgeon's fee. 2 The average surgeon's fee for eyelid surgery is $2,813, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nExample:\nProvided: \"['represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'CNN #1 IN CABLE NEWS IN PRIME TIME; BEATS FOX NEWS FOR 5 OF THE PAST 8 MONTHS. CNN ranked #1 in cable news in prime time in April. CNN beat Fox News for the fifth time in the last eight months in M-Su prime time (four of the past eight in M-F prime) among adults 25-54. The last time CNN had this many prime time wins in an eight-month period versus Fox News was over 14 years ago (Nov. 2001).']\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is the rating of cnn?']\"",
"Luxating patella - a knee cap problem in dogs. The patella, commonly referred to as the knee cap is usually located in the centre of the knee joint. A luxating patella is a knee cap that moves out of its normal location, as indicated by the term luxating which means out of place or dislocated."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 On average, the price for a deviated septum surgical procedure is going to cost anywhere from $2,100 to as much as $7,000 depending upon the complexity of the procedure itself. 2 According to the site YourGuideToPlasticSurgery.com, the price for the surgery ranges anywhere from $2,000 to $5,000.he process is performed by having the surgeon enter through the nostril and cut the obtruding matter. The price for deviated septum surgery depends on the location where the surgery will be performed as well as the fee of the surgeon."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"1 On average, the price for a deviated septum surgical procedure is going to cost anywhere from $2,100 to as much as $7,000 depending upon the complexity of the procedure itself. 2 According to the site YourGuideToPlasticSurgery.com, the price for the surgery ranges anywhere from $2,000 to $5,000. Anesthesia fees can range from $700 to $1,000. 2 The payment for the doctor that will perform the surgery, which can range from $900 to $1,500, may be charged separately from the surgery."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 According to an answer on Ask.com, someone shared that a foot correction surgery costs $2,500. 2 At the Plastic Surgery Portal, the average cost of toe shortening surgery is placed between $2,000 and $2,500 per toe. 3 Other sources say that the surgery can cost $3,000 in some areas. Other sources say that the surgery can cost $3,000 in some areas. 2 Meanwhile, based on the data gathered at Estheticon.com, the cost of toe shortening procedure ranges from $500 to $3,000, depending on the state, surgeon and the clinic where the surgery is performed."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"For one arch of All on 4, either on the upper maxilla or the lower jaw, the price is $15,400 American Dollars. This rate includes 1 hybrid screwed retained titanium bar with porcelain bridge, 4 NOBEL Biocare grade 5 titanium implants, local anesthesia and 4 extractions for free."
"Represent this",
"1 Other sources say that the surgery can cost $3,000 in some areas. 2 Meanwhile, based on the data gathered at Estheticon.com, the cost of toe shortening procedure ranges from $500 to $3,000, depending on the state, surgeon and the clinic where the surgery is performed. Other sources say that the surgery can cost $3,000 in some areas. 2 Meanwhile, based on the data gathered at Estheticon.com, the cost of toe shortening procedure ranges from $500 to $3,000, depending on the state, surgeon and the clinic where the surgery is performed."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Once you notice that you, or your child show a sudden drooping of your eyelids, go and see your doctor immediately for proper advice and treatment. 1 On average, ptosis surgery is going to cost anywhere from $2,000 to as much as $5,000 without any sort of insurance."
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"Health: 10 FAQs for Luxating Patella Surgery. Happy Sunday! Itâs been two weeks since my luxating patella surgery, and I know it will be good to share some answers to questions that others in a similar situation may have. Mama thinks that the information online is not as comprehensive as she likes, especially in the caregiving context."
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"Fitness Knee strap provides best ... pressure to patellar tendon and ... Patella Knee Strap for Runnning, Fitness, Stairs Climbing / Adjustable Patellar Tendon Support Band for Basketball, Athletics by Paragon Sports/ Pain Relief for Jumper's Knee and Chondromalacia. by Paragon Sports. $ 9 98-$ 17 97 Prime."
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"The cost of penile augmentation will vary depending on the method of surgery you select, but on average the price for phalloplasty is between $3,500 and $5,000. As with any cosmetic procedure, penis augmentation costs will depend on a number of factors."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"No surgery is ever cheap and deviated septum surgery is no exception. Depending on the complexity, the procedure will average about $2,000 and you will incur additional costs for the hospital or surgical center, the anesthesiologist, testing, etc.ou may also need sinus surgery. It is quite common for deviated septum surgery to be combined with other procedures. Recovery from deviated septum surgery depends on how much work was done. You can usually go home three or four hours after surgery."
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"The average cost of this surgery could be anywhere between USD 10,000 and USD 35,000 or more, depending upon various factors such as the type of surgery (open or laparoscopic) and whether there are complications involved. The cost of a laparoscopic surgery may elevate further."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty or an eyelid tuck, usually costs between $4,000 and $5,500 for the upper and lower eyelids.2 This includes the anesthesia fee, facility fee and surgeon's fee. This includes the anesthesia fee, facility fee and surgeon's fee. 2 The average surgeon's fee for eyelid surgery is $2,813, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery."
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"While the price will vary with each person depending on how many toes they have shortened, where they live and who their surgeon is, the average cost of toe shortening surgery is between $2,000 and $2,500 per toe."
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"Below are estimated fees (ranges) that include the Plastic Surgeon's fee, hospital fee, & anesthesia fee: 1 Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) cost with muscle tightening: $7,500+. 2 Breast Augmentation cost (Saline): $5,500+. 3 Breast Augmentation cost (Silicone): $6500+.4 Breast lift cost: $6,500+.elow are estimated fees (ranges) that include the Plastic Surgeon's fee, hospital fee, & anesthesia fee: 1 Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) cost with muscle tightening: $7,500+. 2 Breast Augmentation cost (Saline): $5,500+. 3 Breast Augmentation cost (Silicone): $6500+."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The cost of penile augmentation will vary depending on the method of surgery you select, but on average the price for phalloplasty is between $3,500 and $5,000. Other Factors that Affect Penis Enlargement Costs. As with any cosmetic procedure, penis augmentation costs will depend on a number of factors."
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"1 Partial Turbinectomy is the process where swollen turbinates are reduced to allow the person to breathe easier. 2 This process usually costs anywhere from $2,200 to $4,700. 3 On average, a typical sinus surgery can cost $13,000 to as much as $25,000 or more depending on the complexity of the surgery itself. The price for Septoplasty varies by state and it ranges anywhere from $2,000 to $10,000. 2 Another type of nasal surgery is an Osteotomy, whereby a bone is shortewed, lengthened, or re-aligned."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Tips to know. 1 Get a second opinion of your dogâs condition before going for a luxating patella surgery. This will help you decide on what is the best option to address your petâs health condition. You may find that just by allowing your dog to lose weight, the problem can get better."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nE.g.:\n['represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Genetic variability. Definition. noun. (1) The tendency of individual genetic characteristics in a population to vary from one another. (2) The potential of a genotype to change or deviate when exposed to environmental or genetic factors. Supplement.'] == ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'genetic vulnerability definition']",
"Tubal Ligation Cost. Typical costs: For patients not covered by health insurance, tubal ligation typically costs between $1,500 to $7,000. Usually, getting tubal implants falls at the lower end of the cost range, while surgical sterilization falls at the higher end."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 On average, a typical sinus surgery can cost $13,000 to as much as $25,000 or more depending on the complexity of the surgery itself. 2 Check with your health insurance company to see what is covered on your policy. 3 If this surgery is deemed medically necessary, it will be covered under most insurance plans. The price for Septoplasty varies by state and it ranges anywhere from $2,000 to $10,000. 2 Another type of nasal surgery is an Osteotomy, whereby a bone is shortewed, lengthened, or re-aligned."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"However, the average cost of a septoplasty ranges from $2000 to $3500. It is important to note that corrective surgery of a deviated septum is covered by most insurance companies, but cosmetic surgery, i.e. rhinoplasty, may not be covered by them.eviated Septum Surgery Cost. The cost of surgery for repairing a deviated septum varies as per the different factors that are involved, such as the expertise of the surgeon, the location of the clinic, etc."
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"The cost of luxating patella surgery may include the cost of the surgery itself, the veterinarianâs fee, hospital fee, anesthesia, pre and post-operative care as well as medications and treatments. Some dog breeds have a very flat patella ridge."
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"Best Answer: It sure sounds like a luxating patella, which is all too common in Chihuahuas. That is basically, a slipping knee cap. My rescued Chihuahua has to have the surgery to correct his luxating patellas (in both hind legs) and it will cost me $1300 per leg. But, in the community I recently moved from, it would have only cost $700 per leg..Go figure! Here is a discussion of the problem:"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"No surgery is ever cheap and deviated septum surgery is no exception. Depending on the complexity, the procedure will average about $2,000 and you will incur additional costs for the hospital or surgical center, the anesthesiologist, testing, etc. The surgery to repair the deviated septum may be covered but cosmetic procedures, such as rhinoplasty, will not. 2 Ask them to give you a âpre-determinationâ or âpre-certificationâ It is better to have this debate with them before you have surgery."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"In badly damaged meniscus, open knee surgery is the advisable option. Cost of meniscus cartilage replacement surgery in the United States is very high. At current moment, average national minimum cost is $4,700 at Plattsburgh, NY and maximum could be $31,600 at Ketchikan, AK ; the overall national average is $11,900."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Eyelid Surgery Cost. 1 Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty or an eyelid tuck, usually costs between $4,000 and $5,500 for the upper and lower eyelids. The average surgeon's fee for a forehead lift is a little over $3,000. 2 If the patient is unhappy with the results or requires additional surgery to fix complications, corrective surgery can cost as much as or more than the initial procedure."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"On average, the price for a deviated septum surgical procedure is going to cost anywhere from $3,100 to as much as $17,000 without insurance. If the septoplasty is done alongside a rhinoplasty together, the costs can increase by a few thousand dollars. According to the site YourGuideToPlasticSurgery.com, the price for the surgery ranges anywhere from $2,000 to $5,000."
"I would be scrupulous of a breeder who offered pups for under $1500. Bare in mind that costs for ownership do not cease with this fee. My Klee Klai is in need of $2500 surgery for one knee which has patellar luxation, a congenital trait which is somewhat common in the breed and likewise other small dogs."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"To reduce the likelihood of such lumps, avoid rubbing or touching your face for a few days following nasolabial fold injections. Treatment of the nasolabial folds starts at $480. This price includes 1mL of dermal filler. Additional injections may be needed for those with particularly deep fold lines. During the consultation visit, you will receive a personalised quote that takes into account your specific goals and concerns."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Luxating Patellas. Luxating is a fancy word for dislocating. Patella is your dog's knee, the joint on the front of her/his hind leg. So a luxating patella is a dislocating knee or as some have nick named it; trick knee, a knee that keeps slipping out of its socket. This can happen in Boston Terriers and certain toy breeds with weak ligaments, tendons, and/or muscles."
"When this muscle group contracts, it pulls on the tendon and the knee cap, thereby extending the stifle. If the patella is pulled out of its normal groove with knee extension, this is called a luxating patella. The causes of this condition can be congenital, genetic and/or traumatic."
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"My daughter paid for the surgery,â said Pushpa Desai, 79, who had undergone a knee replacement surgery two years ago. At current rates, a total knee replacement package in a private Mumbai hospital costs anything between Rs4 and 5 lakh, but hospitals in Gujarat rarely quote more than Rs3.5 lakh."
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"Cost of surgery is often dependent on the length and complexity of the case and number of feet/toes involved. Approximate costs for the common procedures are: Hallux rigidus: $2500 per foot. Hallux valgus: $2200 per foot."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Approximate costs for the common procedures are: 1 Hallux rigidus: $2500 per foot. 2 Hallux valgus: $2200 per foot. 3 Neuroma excision: $1800. Hammertoe: $1100 per 1 toe. Subungual exostosis: $ 2 800. Ingrown toe nail surgery: $650."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A luxating patella is a type of knee injury common in both humans and dogs. The patella, more commonly known as the kneecap, dislocates or otherwise moves from its normal position within the joint, leading to pain, immobilization, and other detrimental conditions. luxating patella can be caused when the ligaments inside the knee are damaged. The patella, also known as the kneecap, is a rounded triangular bone that connects the upper leg to the lower leg. A patellar brace."
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"1 Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty or an eyelid tuck, usually costs between $4,000 and $5,500 for the upper and lower eyelids."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Answer: Luxating patellas are graded on a scale of 1 to 4 (some sources use 1 to 5). Grade 1 are patella luxations that are found on physical exam by looking for them when the dog shows little to no clinical signs -- the patella can be luxated manually but doesn't do this much on its own."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Surgery for a luxating patella should probably be done as soon as it is clear that the problem exists. This is a surgery that should be done by a surgeon who is doing the procedure frequently, in my opinion."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Meniscus Cartilage Replacement Cost. Cost of meniscus cartilage replacement surgery in the United States is very high. At current moment, average national minimum cost is $4,700 at Plattsburgh, NY and maximum could be $31,600 at Ketchikan, AK ; the overall national average is $11,900."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A common complication of luxating patellas is the development of degenerative joint disease, also called osteoarthritis, in affected stifles. A number of chondroprotective supplements are available, both over the counter and by prescription, to help sooth the signs of arthritis and the pain associated with degenerative joint disorders."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:\n\n------\n\nFewshot example: \"['', 'Hepatitis A, B or C. Viral hepatitis comes in three different strands (A, B and C) which each have their own symptoms, causes and impacts on the liver. In extreme cases of hepatitis B and C, liver failure may result. These three forms of hepatitis are the most common forms of liver disease in the United States.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what causes liver failure complications']\"",
"A luxating patella can be caused when the ligaments inside the knee are damaged. The patella, also known as the kneecap, is a rounded triangular bone that connects the upper leg to the lower leg.A patellar brace. Some people choose a compression bandage to support the knee while applying RICE to a luxating patella. luxating patella can be caused when the ligaments inside the knee are damaged. The patella, also known as the kneecap, is a rounded triangular bone that connects the upper leg to the lower leg. A patellar brace."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty or an eyelid tuck, usually costs between $4,000 and $5,500 for the upper and lower eyelids. 2 This includes the anesthesia fee, facility fee and surgeon's fee."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Average Cost of Surgery. According to a number of studies, surgical treatment for rotator cuff tears can cost anything between $300 and $15,000 (hospital cost), and approximately $250 to $5,000 for surgeon fees.The medical cost depends very much on the surgery type that is carried out.The Arthroscopic Surgical Intervention.ccording to a number of studies, surgical treatment for rotator cuff tears can cost anything between $300 and $15,000 (hospital cost), and approximately $250 to $5,000 for surgeon fees."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Get a general overview of Patellar Luxation in Dogs. Recovery from Luxating Patella Surgery. Question: I have some questions regarding my dog Scout's recovery from his luxating patella surgery. The surgery was done on February 6, 2001 by my regular vet."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n------\nFor example, '['represent the doc for finding search queries about it\\n------\\nGiven Julius Robert Oppenheimer (22 April 1904 â\\x80\\x93 18 February 1967) was an American physicist and the scientific director of the Manhattan Project., a positive would be what was is j robert oppenheimer', \"Maribel Guardia height is 5' 7 ( 67 inches) / 170 cm | Maribel Guardia weight is 110 lbs / 50 kg | Maribel Guardia body measurements: 34D-23-34. Maribel Guardia's measurements. Height: 5' 7 / 170 cm. Shoe size: 8.0 US / 5.5 UK / 38.5 Euro.\"]' should be close to '['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how tall is maribel']'",
"The term luxating means out of place or dislocated. Therefore, a luxating patella is a kneecap that moves out of its normal location. It generally resumes its normal anatomical orientation after only a brief period of luxation in most dogs."
"Luxating patella (or trick knee, subluxation of patella, floating patella, or floating kneecap) is a condition in which the patella, or kneecap, dislocates or moves out of its normal location. Patellar luxation is a common condition in dogs, particularly small and miniature breeds."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1 Surgery can cost $6,000-$30,000 or more, depending on what is included (such as cartilage scoring, contouring or a replacement/graft). 2 According to the Agency for HealtChare Research and Quality, this class of surgery typically costs an average of $10,219.elated articles: Sinusitis Treatment, Anesthesia, Health Insurance. 1 Surgery can cost $6,000-$30,000 or more, depending on what is included (such as cartilage scoring, contouring or a replacement/graft)."
"Represent this text",
"Luxating patella (or trick knee, subluxation of patella, floating patella, or floating kneecap) is a condition in which the patella, or kneecap, dislocates or moves out of its normal location.Patellar luxation is a common condition in dogs, particularly small and miniature breeds.ften a dog owner might be told that his or her pet has loose knee , but this is not a medical term, and it is not correct to use it interchangeably with Luxating Patella. Luxating Patella cannot be present without the knee being loose, but a loose knee is not necessarily slipping out of the joint."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1 Depending on the hospital and the geographical location, most toe shortening surgeries will cost anywhere from $1,500 to $3,000 per toe without any insurance. Other sources say that the surgery can cost $3,000 in some areas. 2 Meanwhile, based on the data gathered at Estheticon.com, the cost of toe shortening procedure ranges from $500 to $3,000, depending on the state, surgeon and the clinic where the surgery is performed."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The price range for vaginoplasty or vaginal rejuvenation cosmetic surgery (reduction of the labia) is $6,000 -$6,800, this price includes operating room, any anesthesia, the surgeons fees.Included in your surgery cost are post-op aftercare kits to assist with making recovery more comfortable.atients can expect a recovery of about one to two weeks after vaginoplasty. Some light bleeding may occur during the first day after surgery, and patients may feel a bit sore. Bruising and mild swelling may occur but usually fade within one to two days."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty or an eyelid tuck, usually costs between $4,000 and $5,500 for the upper and lower eyelids.2 This includes the anesthesia fee, facility fee and surgeon's fee. Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty or an eyelid tuck, usually costs between $4,000 and $5,500 for the upper and lower eyelids."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Luxating patella. Luxating patella (or trick knee, subluxation of patella, floating patella, or floating kneecap) is a condition in which the patella, or kneecap, dislocates or moves out of its normal location. Patellar luxation is a common condition in dogs, particularly small and miniature breeds."
"Represent the following document",
"Recovery from Luxating Patella Surgery. 1 The standard post-operative recommendations are to use a padded bandage for 3 to 7 days after the surgery (these were the shortest and longest recommendations) to control swelling and provide some support."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"How much does deviated septum surgery cost? On average, the price for a deviated septum surgical procedure is going to cost anywhere from $3,100 to as much as $17,000 without insurance. This price will depend on the complexity of the procedure. If the septoplasty is done alongside a rhinoplasty together, the costs can increase by a few thousand dollars."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The luxating patella surgery includes moving a part of your petâs body that is weight-bearing to correct the popping of the kneecaps. The surgery includes risks associated with anesthesia as well as infection, among others. After the surgery, it can take up to two to three months for recovery."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Refractive laser-assisted cataract surgery costs more than conventional options. The laser itself can cost the surgeon approximately $300,000 to $500,000, and additional costs are associated with using and maintaining the device. Extra costs associated with laser cataract surgery are unlikely to be covered by Medicare or private health insurance."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Gastric Bypass Surgery is one of the most popular of bariatric surgeries, and its cost ranges from $15,500 to $30,000 in the United States. Though average cost of Gastric Bypass Surgery may be high, yet in Tijuana, Mexico we provide the same surgery from $5,900."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Risks include recurrence of luxation of the patella and infection, but this is less than 5% in my experience. Send home with Antibiotics for about 7 days, (cephalexin), and pain management (rimadyl, tramadol, other). Recheck at staple/stitch removal in 10-14 days, then recheck one month or so later as a final recheck."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Cost of Knee Surgery. 1 Knee arthroscopy - $2,500. 2 Knee arthroscopy with meniscal repair or menisectomy - $2,500. The facility fee, including post-operative care up until discharge. The surgeonâs fee, including the initial consultation with the surgeon. The deposit of $200 will be applied to the total cost of the surgery if surgery is recommended. If surgery is not recommended, the deposit of $200 will be retained by Dr. Peterson as payment for your consultation."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"For one arch of All on 4, either on the upper maxilla or the lower jaw, the price is $12,500 American Dollars. This rate includes 1 hybrid screwed retained titanium bar with porcelain bridge, 4 NOBEL Biocare grade 5 titanium implants, local anesthesia and 4 extractions for free.or one arch of All on 4, either on the upper maxilla or the lower jaw, the price is $12,500 American Dollars. This rate includes 1 hybrid screwed retained titanium bar with porcelain bridge, 4 NOBEL Biocare grade 5 titanium implants, local anesthesia and 4 extractions for free."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Knee Luxating Patella (Floating Patella) Treatment. Luxating patella (floating patella) is a condition in which the patella (kneecap) dislocates or moves out of its normal location.Luxating patella occurs when the triangle-shaped bone covering the knee (patella) moves or slides out of place.The problem usually occurs toward the outside of the knee. Dislocation may occur as a direct result of injury. Kneecap dislocation can damage a knee joint.uxating patella occurs when the triangle-shaped bone covering the knee (patella) moves or slides out of place. The problem usually occurs toward the outside of the knee. Dislocation may occur as a direct result of injury."
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:",
"how long is a typical mls game"
] | [
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"According to a recent, well-researched and very entertaining Boston Globe story, major league game times are longer than they used to be, reversing a trend. They're back up to an average of nearly 2 hours, 58 minutes this year, matching the all-time high in 2000. And that's without Tony La Russa managing."
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"How long, on average, is the duration of a televised college basketball game? How long is a typical NCAA basketball game? How long should a basketball game be if you were to choose?"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"11 Minutes of Action. Football fans everywhere are preparing to settle in for the NFL's biggest and most electric weekend of the seasonâa four-game playoff marathon that will swallow up at least 12 hours of broadcast time over two days. But here's something even dedicated students of the game may not fully appreciate: There's very little actual football in a football..."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"There are 18 MLS teams. The are split into two leagues the Eastern and Western Conference. The western conference has 8 teams while the Eastern Conference has 8. In the... D.C. * Montreal Impact will join the league in 2012 presumably they'll be in the East. There are 18 MLS teams. The are split into two leagues the Eastern and Western Conference. The western conference has 8 teams while the Eastern Conference has 8. In the...<br /><b>Eastern Conference</b><br /> Chicago Fire <br />Columbus Crew <br />D.C."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"How to Buy MLS All Star Game Tickets. 1. Scan through the 2017 MLS All Star Game Schedule and select the game that you would like to attend, or use the opponent or date filters beside the MLS All Star Game ticket listings to find the perfect matchup."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"In response to a question posed by Kotaku, Nintendo reps stated the game has 70 hours of gameplay. Howlongtobeat.com has the average for the main quest at 34 hours, and an average of 57 hours to achieve 100%. The average for all players was 48 hours. As you can see, on average it takes people anywhere from 40-60 hours for their first play through; although some people completed it in half that time, and others over double. In other words, it depends on a combination of your skill level and how much exploration you do."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"All-non tournament games played during NBA Summer Leagues will be played under the following rules: Four - ten minute quarters. Eight minute halftime. Ten minute warm up period prior to the start of each game. Teams are in the penalty on the 10th team foul or 2nd team foul in the last two minutes."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Another table in order of relative atomic mass. Dmitri Mendeleev (1834 - 1907). In 1869, just five years after John Newlands put forward his law of octaves, a Russian chemist called Dmitri Mendeleev published a periodic table.nother table in order of relative atomic mass. Dmitri Mendeleev (1834 - 1907). In 1869, just five years after John Newlands put forward his law of octaves, a Russian chemist called Dmitri Mendeleev published a periodic table.']\" should be close to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'Who was Mendeleev and what did he do']\"",
"Seattle Sounders vs FC Dallas, MLS Cup Playoffs: Game time, TV schedule and live stream for leg one New, 200 comments FOX Sports 1 is covering the match starting at 6:30 PM."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"2017 MLS All-Star game: what time, date, channels, teams, coach & stadium. Here's everything you need to know about the 2017 MLS All-Star game, and how you can follow the action live. It is that time of the pre-season when all eyes roll towards the MLS All-Star game."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"That demand should be little surprise given the leagueâs recent success. In 2011, average MLS attendance hit 17,872 to surpass both the NBA and NHL, and it has since increased to 18,611 fans per game. More impressively, the average franchise is now worth $103 million, up more than 175% over the last five years."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"2017 MLS All-Star game: what time, date, channels, teams, coach & stadium. Topics: 2017 MLS All-Star, Veljko Paunovic. Here's everything you need to know about the 2017 MLS All-Star game, and how you can follow the action live. It is that time of the pre-season when all eyes roll towards the MLS All-Star game."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nE.g. ['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'In fact, most do not. But that doesnâ\\x80\\x99t mean you shouldnâ\\x80\\x99t create one. As we mention in our â\\x80\\x9cWhy Your Limited Liability Company Needs an LLC Operating Agreementâ\\x80\\x9d article, these agreements allow you to customize your business structure, avoid generic state rules, and guard your limited liability.'] == ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'why do you need a llc operating agreement']",
"10 cs/min is an average. so if the game lasts 30 minutes you SHOULD have somewhere close to 300 CS. IF you are the carry. if you are not the carry it doesn't really matter as your gold should be coming from other sources. Dragon, assists, kills, gold/min etc."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"On one occasion the format of the game was featured a team of MLS USA players against MLS International players. The format was officially changed in 2005 and the MLS All-Star Game has featured a matchup between the MLS All-Stars and an international team every year since."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Following a labor-dispute lockout, the 2011-12 NBA regular season tipped off on Christmas day with an abbreviated 66-game schedule. The season usually comprises 82 games, played from October to April. How did the league arrive at the number 82? It allows teams to play around three times per week for half the year. Until the NBA was formed in 1946, professional basketball leagues played a few dozen games in each seasonâsimilar to what happens in the NCAAâand held most of these contests on weekends. With the creation of the new league, players were asked to quit their day jobs and participate in a more rigorous schedule."
] |
"Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results!",
"what is average medicare premium"
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"Before you choose to enroll in a Part C (private Medicare Advantage or MA) health plan, you should check to see what costs you may have. Part C Medicare Premiums. In 2017, the estimated average monthly MA plan premium will be $31.40, but this premium may vary significantly between plans, anywhere from $0 to over $200. Remember that you must have Medicare Parts A & B to join a Medicare Advantage plan."
] | [
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Seniors can also count premiums paid for private Medicare supplemental insurance policies (often called Medigap coverage) as medical expenses. The cost depends on the plan, but annual premiums can easily amount to $1,000 to $2,000 per covered person or more.3. Premiums for Qualified Long-Term Care Coverage.Premiums for qualified long-term care insurance also count as medical expenses, subject to age-based limits. For each covered person, count the lesser of the actual premiums paid for the year or the age-based limit from below.. Premiums for Qualified Long-Term Care Coverage. Premiums for qualified long-term care insurance also count as medical expenses, subject to age-based limits. For each covered person, count the lesser of the actual premiums paid for the year or the age-based limit from below."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Furthermore, the average monthly premium for families was $414 (or $4,968 per year). Between 2010 and 2011, average premiums increased 9.6% for individual policies and 5.6% for families. The average cost of health insurance ranges between $119 in Iowa and $382 in New York."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"No. The Medicare Part B premium is at your own expense. Social Security will withhold the premium directly from your Social Security check. If your check is not large enough, Medicare will bill you quarterly for your premium. For the current Medicare Part B premium amount click this link."
"Represent the next text:",
"Report Highlights â Active Policies Surveyed in February 2011: 1 The average monthly premium paid for individual policies was $183, while the average premium paid for family policies was $414. 2 Between February 2010 and February 2011, the average premium increased 9.6% for individuals and 5.6% for families."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Beneficiaries enrolled in Part B are generally required to pay a monthly premium ($104.90 in 2014). Medicare Part B premiums are calculated as a share of Part B program costs. For most beneficiaries, Part B premiums are set to equal 25 percent of the projected annual Part B expenditures per enrollee ages 65 and over and the remaining 75 percent of Part B program costs is funded by general revenues."
"represent the input.",
"Medicare Part B premiums to rise 52% for 7 million enrollees. For seven in 10 Medicare beneficiaries 2016 will be much like 2015. They will pay $104.90 per month for their Medicare Part B premium just as they did in 2015. For the rest, big increases could be coming."
"Medicare is a social insurance program that serves more than 44 million enrollees (as of 2008). The program costs about $432 billion, or 3.2% of GDP, in 2007."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1 Recent data shows that Americans will pay an average monthly premium of $328 for mid-tier or silver plan health insurance. The online exchanges under the Affordable Care Act open next week on Oct. 1. Most Americans will qualify for government subsidies to lower that price."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 The standard monthly premium for Medicare Part B in 2012 is $99.90, but it can be $139.90 -$319.70 a month if total income is more than $85,000 for a single person or $170,000 for a married couple. 2 See How Much Does Medicare Part B Cost. Anyone buying a Medigap policy must also pay any premium charges for Medicare Part A and Part B. Medicare Part A is free for most people. 2 See How Much Does Medicare Part A Cost."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"What Medicare Part B costs in 2017. The short answer is that the standard Medicare Part B premium is $134 per month. However, that's not what most beneficiaries actually pay. There are essentially three categories of beneficiaries, each with different premiums."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Section One: Cost of Health Insurance. The average annual premiums in 2015 are $6,251 for single coverage and $17,545 for family coverage. The average single and family premiums increased 4% in the last year. The average family premium has increased 61% since 2005 and 27% since 2010."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"How Are Medicare Part B Premiums Determined? The formula for the calculation of the standard premium was developed in 1965, when Medicare first went into effect. At this time, the monthly premium for Part B was only $3.00. The current rate is determined each year, depending on the level of costs for Medicare expenses in the previous year. The official formula for determining Part B premiums was established by Congress decades ago."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"In the case of Keystone VIP Choice, the plan charges enrolled members a premium of $33.90, which is $42.56 less than the average state premium of $76.46. Compared to the average across all Medicare Advantage plans, Keystone VIP Choice is $11.03 lower. Keep in mind that you will be paying the Medicare Advantage premium in addition to your Part B premium, which will typically be $104.90 per month."
"What you pay in a Medicare Advantage Plan. Your out-of-pocket costs in a Medicare Advantage Plan (Part C) depend on: 1 Whether the plan charges a monthly premium. Whether the plan pays any of your monthly Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) premium."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"On November 10, 2015, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced the 2016 Medicare Part B monthly premium and annual deductible amounts of $121.80 and $166, respectively.1 The Medicare Trustees had projected that Part B premium and deductible amounts would increase by an unprecedented 52 percent between 2015 and 2016,2 before the ..."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Section One: Cost of Health Insurance. The average annual premiums in 2014 are $6,025 for single coverage and $16,834 for family coverage."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"3. Face a darker part of the room. As you probably know, pupils grow to let in more light. If you aren't able to dim the surrounding lighting, you can still dilate your pupils by turning to face away from windows and light source.\"]\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how to dilate pupils']\"",
"Recent data shows that Americans will pay an average monthly premium of $328 for mid-tier or silver plan health insurance. The online exchanges under the Affordable Care Act open next week on Oct. 1. Most Americans will qualify for government subsidies to lower that price."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Section One: Cost of Health Insurance. The average annual premiums in 2014 are $6,025 for single coverage and $16,834 for family coverage. The average family premium increased 3% in the last year; the average single premium, however, is similar to the value reported in 2013 ($5,884)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Even worse, premium costs will go up even more dramatically among some of the most popular plans in the country. According to the study, the 3.5 million Americans on the AARP MedicareRx Preferred Plan will see its premium rise from $602 to $749 on an annual basis, a climb of 21% from 2015's costs. Another AARP with almost 1.4 million participants will see even more dramatic increases of 26% to their premium costs."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Medicare Part B premiums will be $104.90 per month in 2015, which is the same as the 2014 premiums. The Part B deductible will also remain the same for 2015, at $147. The Medicare Part A deductible, which covers the first 60 days of Medicare-covered inpatient hospital care, will rise to $1,260 in 2015, a $44 increase from 2014. The daily coinsurance rate for days 21 through 100 in a skilled nursing facility will also increase slightly, to $157.50 in 2015."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1 Half of all individual policyholders paid $149 or less per month in premiums, and half of all family policy holders paid $353 or less for monthly premiums. 2 The average plan lifetime limit per member was $4.2 million.3 This average applies only to policies with specified limits. The average monthly premium paid for individual policies was $183, while the average premium paid for family policies was $414. 2 Between February 2010 and February 2011, the average premium increased 9.6% for individuals and 5.6% for families."
"Represent this text",
"More than 15 million people enrolled in the top 10 Medicare Part D prescription drug plans will face average premium hikes of 8 percent next year, according to a new analysis.Those top 10 plans account for more than 80 percent of enrollment in such drug plans, the Avalere Health consultancy found.f all Part D enrollees stay in their current plan, the average premium for all prescription drug plan would rise from $38.83 per month this year to $41.34 per month in 2016."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"The least expensive Medicare Advantage plan is still $0. However, the number of $0 Medicare Advantage premiums has increased 6 percent since 2015 after dropping 19 percent from 2014 to 2015. The most expensive Medicare Advantage plan, at $388 a month, is the EmblemHealth VIP High Option plan in the state of New York."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Today, the average annual health insurance. premium is more than $5,000 for individual employees and nearly $14,000 for families. Since 2000, average premiums. for family coverage have increased 114%. It is estimated that the total healthcare cost of the nation will reach 20% of. GDP by 2019."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Average Health Insurance Premiums. Health premiums are per subscriber per month and represent an average across adults and children. Premiums may be lower or higher depending on unique situations. Call or request a quote today for a more accurate figure that would apply to you and/or your family. Location."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"What does Medicaid QMB cover? Medicaid QMB is a type of Medicare savings program that helps pay Medicare premiums. The Medicaid QMB (Qualified Medicare Beneficiary Program) pays a portion of the Medicare Part A (hospital insurance) and/or Part B (medical insurance) premium."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Part-D Deductible and Premium. The Golden State Medicare Health Plan, Golden (HMO) plan has a monthly drug premium of $0.00 and a $0.00 drug deductible. This Golden State Medicare Health Plan plan offers a $0.00 Part D Basic Premium that is not below the regional benchmark."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Medicare is a federal insurance program that pays for covered health care services of most. individuals aged 65 and older and certain disabled persons. In 2016, the program is expected to. cover about 57 million persons (48 million aged and 9 million disabled) at a total cost of $683."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Report Highlights â Active Policies Surveyed in February 2011: 1 The average monthly premium paid for individual policies was $183, while the average premium paid for family policies was $414. Between February 2010 and February 2011, the average premium increased 9.6% for individuals and 5.6% for families."
] |
"Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.",
"meaning of dumbbell"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The dumbbell, a type of free weight, is a piece of equipment used in weight training. It can be used individually or in pairs, with one in each hand."
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"CrossFit Workshop: Dumbbell. This workshop is a hands-on, fast-paced, and fun-filled experience where participants learn how to best use this simple and effective tool to energize their programming and workouts."
"Dumbbell Hammer Curls is an auxilary arm exercise that primarily develops the bicep brachii (bicep) and forearm (Brachioradialis). The main difference between the hammer curl and a standard dumbell curl is that you keep your thumbs facing towards you with your wrist in locked position throughout the movement with no supination."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"dumb (comparative dumber, superlative dumbest) ( 1 dated) Unable to speak; lacking power of speech (kept in deaf, dumb, and blind). ( 2 dated) Silent; unaccompanied by words. ( 3 informal, pejorative, especially of a person) extremely stupid. ( figuratively) Pointless, foolish, lacking intellectual content or value."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"underbelly noun [S]. ⺠the âweakest or most âunpleasant âpart of something: a âfilm âexposing the âsordid underbelly of âmodern âurban âsociety Small âbusinesses are the âsoft underbelly (= âweakest âparts) of the âeconomy, and they need as much âgovernment âsupport as âpossible."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Pectoral Muscles. Dumbbell pullovers work the pectoralis major muscle that forms the bulk of your chest. It runs from the sternum, or breast bone, and the clavicle, or collarbone, to the top of the humerus, which is your upper arm bone. Pectoralis major adducts and medially rotates your arm."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Monday (upper body) 1 Flat bench press â 3 sets/6 reps. 2 And rowing movement (dumbbell, barbell, cable) â 3 sets/6 reps. 3 Dumbbell military press â 2 sets/12 reps. Chin ups â 2 sets/10 1 reps. Tricep extension (with rope or dumbbell) â 1-2 sets/15 reps. Dumbbell curl (with dumbbell or barbell) â 1-2 sets/15 reps."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Definition of dumb. 1 1a : lacking the human power of speech dumb animalsb of a person, now often offensive : lacking the ability to speak. 2 2 : temporarily unable to speak (as from shock or astonishment) struck dumb with fear. 3 3 : not expressed in uttered words dumb grief."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A dumbbell fly is an exercise for your upper body. To allow your elbows to move behind your torso, you should do the exercise on a bench. A dumbbell fly will primarily work muscles in your chest and shoulders; however, it will have some strengthening effect on other muscles in your back and arms as well. If you would like to incorporate some abdominal work, do the exercise on a stability ball."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Dumbbell pullovers are a bit of an exercise anomaly in that they work two opposing muscles simultaneously: the chest and the back muscles."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"1 There are three common types of dumbbells. 2 A hex is made of a chromed, solid steel with welded-on cast iron heads. 3 A rubber hex type is made with solid steel handles and âpancakeâ style weight plates that have end caps on the end."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Dumb means that the person is dumb that they don't know anything gullible means that the person believes in everything naive means that the person thinks they know everything but they being ignorant. hellknight superbad · 7 years ago. Thumbs up. 0. Thumbs down. 0. Comment. Add a comment. Submit."
"Represent the following document",
"Looking for online definition of dumbbell or what dumbbell stands for? dumbbell is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms Dumbbell - What does dumbbell stand for?"
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"Increase arm strength with side dumbbell lateral raises. Learn how to work out with dumbbell exercises in this training video. Increase arm strength with side dumbbell lateral raises."
"Dumb is a related term of dummy. From (etyl) dumb, from (etyl) . In ordinary spoken English, a phrase like He is dumb is interpreted as He is stupid rather than He lacks the power of speech. The latter example, however, is the original sense of the word."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"dumb. adj. 1. (Pathology) lacking the power to speak, either because of defects in the vocal organs or because of hereditary deafness. 2. lacking the power of human speech: dumb animals. 3. temporarily lacking or bereft of the power to speak: struck dumb."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"It's nice to feel she isn't being wasted on some dumbbell, isn't it? I was taken aboard one of their dumbbell ships, and brought here. But a woman is at once given away: she look like a dumbbell run over by an express train. The next day he calmly chose the seat in front of the dumbbellâand proceeded to write a perfect examination. It was something like a dumbbell, covered with marine growth where it had been above the sand, but fairly smooth under it."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Schmuck (pejorative) Schmuck, or shmuck, in American English is a pejorative term meaning one who is stupid or foolish, or an obnoxious, contemptible or detestable person. The word came into the English language from Yiddish (ש××ָק, shmok), where it has similar pejorative meanings, but where its original and literal meaning is penis."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The Shake Weight is a modified dumbbell that oscillates, purportedly increasing the effects of exercise. As a result of the perceived sexually suggestive nature of the product, infomercial clips of the exercise device have gone viral.he Shake Weight has a female and male version, though was initially released as a product designed specifically for women. The female version weighs 2.5 lb."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Adding Dumbbells to Traditional Exercises. 1 1. Squat with the dumbbell. Grip one dumbbell with both hands. 2 2. Do crunches. Lie down on the floor, and bend your knees. 3 3. Practice sit-ups with an overhead dumbbell. Lay flat on your back with a dumbbell in one hand."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"According to CostHelper.com, Electrical contractors generally charge $30 to $70 an hour, depending on location, training and experience.. If you're installing a fan in an area that doesn't have existing electrical wiring, expect the cost of the job to be higher. That's because the electrician will have to break through walls, floors and/or ceilings to run new wiring to power the fan.\"]\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'cost to run ceiling fan']\"",
"The kettlebell or girya (Russian: гиÌÑÑ) is a cast-iron or cast steel weight (resembling a cannonball with a handle) used to perform ballistic exercises that combine cardiovascular, strength and flexibility training."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Deltoids. The prime movers in dumbbell lateral raises are your shoulders, or the deltoids. The shoulder muscles have three heads: anterior, medial and posterior. The anterior and medial head of the deltoid rest along the front and sides of your shoulders and are activated when you raise your arms. The posterior head of the deltoid has a greater contraction when you bend forward from the hips."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nFewshot example: \"['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"The product manual for the Nautilus Stairmaster Stepmill 7000PT says: FLOORS is the cumulative number of floors you have climbed based on an average eight-inch step and 16 steps per floor. _________________________. That's all I can think of, but I'm sure there's something else... Your center of mass doesn't change on the machine.\"]\" == \"['', 'how many steps in a floor on a stairmaster']\"",
"1)Inabilty to speak, Mute. 2)Lacking intelligence, stupid. That deaf dumb and blind kid sure plays a mean pinball --The Who. I cant believe you would test to see if that wire is live with your tounge. Man your Dumb. #stupid #mute #dum #unintelligent #idiot."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"A barbell is a piece of exercise equipment used in weight training, bodybuilding, weightlifting and powerlifting, consisting of a long bar with weights attached at each end."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!\nFor instance, <<['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'The skateboard was invented because people in California wanted something to do when the waves were flat. Skateboarding was invented by surfers they invented it because they w â\\x80¦ anted to find a way to surf on land. They took crates and boards or any thing they could and put roller blade wheels on them. Over time skateboarders started to make trucks and boards but they were not that good.']>> to \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'why was skateboarding invented']\"",
"The dumbbell prone row is a compound exercise that trains most of the muscles of the back. Use this move interchangeably with bent over rows or cable rows as it targets the same muscles. This exercise might not be comfortable for people with a large chest or abdomen."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Dumbbells are an active girl's best friend because they're fairly inexpensive, compact, easy to use, and allow you to tone every part of your body. Using them can be a little confusing since they come in so many sizes, and many people may not realize that one size doesn't fit all exercises."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The biceps are the muscles that bend your elbows and lift the dumbbells. The biceps begin on the scapula and end on the lower arm bone. Since the biceps cross the elbows, the elbow joint is used during the supinated dumbbell curl. The biceps shorten as the muscle contracts and when the muscle shortens the elbow flexes."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Definition of dumb. 1a : lacking the human power of speech dumb animalsb of a person, now often offensive : lacking the ability to speak. 2 : temporarily unable to speak (as from shock or astonishment) struck dumb with fear."
"Represent this text",
"Definition of dumbwaiter. 1 1 : a portable serving table or stand. 2 2 : a small elevator used for conveying food and dishes from one story of a building to another."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"A dumbwaiter is a small freight elevator or lift used to connect two floors, often carrying food or goods from one floor to another. Not intended for use by animals or people, a dumbwaiter can be a type of portable serving stand or table."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"dumb (comparative dumber, superlative dumbest) (dated) Unable to speak; lacking power of speech (kept in deaf, dumb, and blind). His younger brother was born dumb, and communicated with sign language.â. Hooker to unloose the very tongues even of dumb creatures."
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"Barbells, weights, and dumbbells come in different forms. Some are metal only, while others are rubber only. Some may be a combination of both. Others are made with a urethane coating. Each requires a specific cleaning solution for maintenance and long wear."
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"Dumb in the sense âlacking the power of speechâ is perceived as insulting when describing humans (but not animals), probably because dumb also means âstupid; dull-witted.â The noun dummy in the sense âperson who lacks the power of speechâ is also perceived as insulting, as are the terms deaf-and-dumb, deaf-mute, and mute."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"(dÊm) adj. 1. lacking the power of human speech: dumb animals. 2. (Pathology) offensive lacking the power to speak, either because of defects in the vocal organs or because of hereditary deafness. 3. temporarily lacking or bereft of the power to speak: struck dumb."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"adjective, dumber, dumbest. 1. lacking intelligence or good judgment; stupid; dull-witted. 2. lacking the power of speech (offensive when applied to humans): a dumb animal."
"Represent the input",
"⢠UNDERBELLY (noun). The noun UNDERBELLY has 3 senses: 1. lower side. 2. the soft belly or underside of an animal's body. 3. the quality of being weak or unprotected. Familiarity information: UNDERBELLY used as a noun is uncommon."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Coupled with an Olympic weight set, it provides the means to get a great overall body workout. Dumbbell benches are generally weight benches without any type of bar holders built into them. They are sometimes simply flat benches or adjustable benches that will decline and incline to vary your workout. Options such as preacher curl attachments and leg extension / leg curl attachments increase the functionality of these weight benches."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"A dumbbell pullover is a weight-lifting exercise that primarily strengthens the muscles of your chest, or pectorals.It also works some of the muscles of your shoulders, upper back and arms. You perform dumbbell pullovers by raising and lowering a dumbbell beyond your head while lying on your back. dumbbell pullover is a weight-lifting exercise that primarily strengthens the muscles of your chest, or pectorals."
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"The forerunner of the dumbbell, halteres, were used in ancient Greece as lifting weights and also as weights in the ancient Greek version of the long jump. A kind of dumbbell was also used in India for more than a millennium, shaped like a club â so it was named Indian club. Despite their common English name implying an Indian origin, the so-called Indian clubs were in fact created in the Near East."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Definition of dumbwaiter for English Language Learners. : a small elevator for carrying food or goods from one floor of a building to another."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Weightlifting. 1 an underhand forearm lift in which the barbell, held against the thighs, is raised to the chest and then lowered while keeping the legs, upper arms, and shoulders taut. 2 a similar forearm lift using a dumbbell or dumbbells, usually from the side of the body to the shoulders."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"By definition, dumbbell lunges are done using dumbbells as resistance. However, if the size of dumbbells you want to use for your lunges is being used by someone else, you can always improvise by holding the appropriate size weight plates in each hand instead. Leg extensions can be done using various equipment."
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"Today, most of the time someone or something is described as dumb when it shows a lack of thought, like your dumb idea of wearing flip-flops in a snowstorm. Dumb is the Old English word that means mute, speechless, and itself came from an even older word dheubh meaning confusion, stupefaction, dizziness.. Today, dumb still means unable to speak, but it doesn't have anything to do with intelligence. Its other meaning, however, does."
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"The kettlebell or girya (Russian: гиÌÑÑ) is a cast-iron or cast steel weight (resembling a cannonball with a handle) used to perform ballistic exercises that combine cardiovascular, strength and flexibility training. They are also the primary equipment used in the weight lifting sport of girevoy sport. Russian kettlebells are traditionally measured in weight by pood, which (rounded to metric units) is defined as 16 kilograms (35 lb)."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"underbelly. n, pl-lies. 1. (Zoology) the part of an animal's belly nearest to the ground. 2. a vulnerable or unprotected part, aspect, or region. (ËÊn dÉrËbÉl i).nderbelly. n, pl-lies. 1. (Zoology) the part of an animal's belly nearest to the ground. 2. a vulnerable or unprotected part, aspect, or region. (ËÊn dÉrËbÉl i)."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.\n------\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Grow the seedling in a pot first. To grow a Christmas tree successfully in the ground, you will need to plant the seedling in a pot in a greenhouse. You can also buy a young seedling at a tree nursery. You will then transplant the tree to the planting site so it grow tall and strong in the ground.']\" == \"['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'where do christmas trees grow']\"",
"Saved by the bell definition, a hollow instrument of cast metal, typically cup-shaped with a flaring mouth, suspended from the vertex and rung by the strokes of a clapper, hammer, or the like. See more."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Dumbbell Fly's: What They Are; What They Build, and How To Do Them. Written by Jeff Behar, MS, MBA. Dumbbell Fly's is an weight lifting exercise that primarily develops the chest (Pectoralis Major). Duwork your chest without the assistance of the triceps."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"(dÊm) adj. 1. lacking the power of human speech: dumb animals. 2. (Pathology) offensive lacking the power to speak, either because of defects in the vocal organs or because of hereditary deafness. 3. temporarily lacking or bereft of the power to speak: struck dumb. 4. refraining from speech; uncommunicative."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries The provided query could be \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Peanut Facts. While â\\x80\\x9cnutâ\\x80\\x9d is in their name, peanuts are in fact legumes. Peanuts actually grow underground, as opposed to nuts like walnuts, almonds, etc. that grow on trees (and are sometimes referred to as tree nuts).eanut Facts. While â\\x80\\x9cnutâ\\x80\\x9d is in their name, peanuts are in fact legumes. Peanuts actually grow underground, as opposed to nuts like walnuts, almonds, etc. that grow on trees (and are sometimes referred to as tree nuts).']\" and the positive \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'is peanuts a legume']\"",
"Ditch the dumbbell. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, arms at sides, a heavy dumbbell in each hand, palms facing in. Bend left arm to 90 degrees, dumbbell vertical. Hold that position as you bend right arm and curl dumbbell to shoulder, keeping elbow in to side."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The dumbbell fly is a weight training exercise that recruits a number of muscles in the upper body. From a lying position on a flat bench, hold the dumbbells over your chest with your arms fully extended."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"500+ items. Dumbbells are one of the most versatile pieces of exercise equipment in a home gym. Add one to each hand you can increase the challenge of many common exercises. You can even add light hand weights when you walk on a treadmill and target muscle tone."
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"They have the ability to train any part of the body and effectively engage all muscle groups, making this the ideal piece of equipment for anyone, no matter what level of fitness you are at. Previously, dumbbells were basically made up of metal bars with some weights attached to each side."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"A dumbbell pullover is a weight-lifting exercise that primarily strengthens the muscles of your chest, or pectorals. It also works some of the muscles of your shoulders, upper back and arms. You perform dumbbell pullovers by raising and lowering a dumbbell beyond your head while lying on your back."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The dumbbell pullover is a compound exercise that targets both the chest and the back. This is one of the only exercises that works opposing muscle groups..."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Quick Answer. Dumbbells can be made from a large number of materials. Usually, they consist of cast iron, coated with rubber, neoprene or paint, according to Adamant Barbell. However, they can also be made with many other materials, including concrete. Continue Reading."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Dumbbell pullovers work the pectoralis major muscle that forms the bulk of your chest. It runs from the sternum, or breast bone, and the clavicle, or collarbone, to the top of the humerus, which is your upper arm bone.Pectoralis major adducts and medially rotates your arm. dumbbell pullover is a weight-lifting exercise that primarily strengthens the muscles of your chest, or pectorals."
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"The alternating dumbbell lunge is a single-leg strength exercise that targets the quads, hips, hamstrings and core. The alternating structure of the movement improves muscular balance on both sides of the body."
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"noun, plural dumbos. 1. a stupid person: a class full of dumbos. adjective. 2. stupid or foolish: What a dumbo idea!"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Bent-over dumbbell rows are compound free-weight exercises that use many of your upper-body muscles. Similar to the bent-over barbell row, the supported position commonly used in the dumbbell version places less stress on your lower back and may be a safer option for anyone with lower back issues."
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"The primary targets of the stiff-legged dumbbell deadlift are your hamstrings. The hamstrings comprise a group of muscles that run along the back of your thigh. The muscles that make up the hamstrings are the biceps femoris, semitendinosus and semimembranosus."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"The kettlebell or girya (Russian: гиÌÑÑ) is a cast-iron or cast steel weight (resembling a cannonball with a handle) used to perform ballistic exercises that combine cardiovascular, strength and flexibility training. The dead snatch or true snatch begins with the bell on the ground. 2 The lunge snatch lowers into a lunge while the bell goes to the overhead position. 3 Strict press: Also called the military press or standing press, the kettlebell is held in the rack position and pushed overhead with one arm, keeping the body rigid."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Dumbbell Test. Booker suggests women generally start with a set of two 5- to 10-pound weights, and men start with a set of two 10- to 20-pound weights. How to: Stand with a weight in each hand, near hips, palms forward."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"adjective, dumber, dumbest. 1. lacking intelligence or good judgment; stupid; dull-witted. 2. lacking the power of speech (offensive when applied to humans): a dumb animal. 3. temporarily unable to speak: dumb with astonishment."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"The dumbbell pullover is a compound exercise that targets both the chest and the back. This is one of the only exercises that works opposing muscle groups at the same time. The movement involves holding a dumbbell directly overhead, so start with a light weight and work your way up after you become comfortable with the exercise. Video of the Day"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"1 Adjustable dumbbells that can range anywhere from 5 to 90 pounds on average can cost anywhere from $130 to as much as $600. 2 Again, this is going to depend on the brand and other various factors."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Dumbbell lateral raises are a beginner-level strength-training exercise. The arm-raising movement does not require a heavy amount of weight and is a single-joint exercise which makes it appealing to all fitness levels. Regardless of your strength training experience, your shoulders are strengthened with a lateral raise."
] |
"a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results\n\nThe query could be '['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what year did goodbye yellow brick road come out']' and should be close to '['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, a double album by Elton John, released in 1973, is regarded as one of his best and most popular. It was the seventh album released under the Elton John name, and the seventh studio album; it is his first double album.']' but very far from '['represent the doc for finding search queries about it\\nExamples:\\nProvided: \"Question and answer. Q: What sometimes occurs when reclaimed water is used in agriculture? a. crop death b. overtillage c. pharmaceutical accumulation d. increased land use Please select the best answer from the choices. provided A B C D. A: When reclaimed water is used in agriculture occurs by pharmaceutical accumulation.\" Match: \"what sometimes occurs when reclaimed water is used in agriculture?\"', 'Brick House was sang by the Commodores and was released in 1977. As explained in Commodores press materials, when the group needed another song for the album, their guitar/trumpet player William King was sent home to write one.']'",
"is salt bleached"
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Anyway, table salt is r efined. That means itâs highly-processed. It is bleached, filtered, and stripped of other naturally occurring trace minerals. Then chemicals are added to keep the salt from absorbing water and clumping."
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"(blÄch) v. bleached, bleach·ing, bleach·es. v.tr. 1. a. To remove the color from, as by means of chemical agents or sunlight: Over time, the exposure to sunlight bleached the rug in front of the window. b. To make white or colorless: Dawn bleached the mountains."
"Hypochlorous acid as the sodium salt is the same as sodium hypochlorite = chlorine bleach. Therefore, it is common to add sodium hypochlorite to swimming pools in order to chlorinate and disinfect the water. It is probably safer to use chlorine bleach than pure chlorine, since hydrochloric acid is not formed."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Sauce: Tomato Puree (Water, Tomato Paste), Water, Cooked Beef, Dry Curd Cottage Cheese (Cultured Skim Milk, Enzymes), Modified Cornstarch, Salt, Bleached Wheat Flour, Dehydrated Onions, Sugar Spices, Autolyzed Yeast Extract, Dehydrated Garlic, Soy Sauce (Water, Soybeans, Wheat, Salt), Carrageenan, Dextrose, Soybean Oil."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Sodium chloride is the most common salt, the common table salt used for the seasoning of food.It forms in cubic crystals apparent even in table salt. It occurs commonly in the mineral form, halite, also called rocksalt.odium bisulfate is a salt which is used widely with potassium dichromate in bleach used for photographic purposes. It is a skin irritant and must be used with caution. If skin is exposed, wash with running water for 15 minutes."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"There is no evidence published in peer-reviewed journals that replacing white salt with pink salt makes a shred of difference or leads to any improvement in health. If you read down the list of minerals, you will notice that it includes a number of radioactive substances like radium, uranium, and polonium."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Also, white rice has been polished and bleached, at times with chlorine containing chemicals. As you know, industrial processes leave residues behindâ¦son when eating white rice, we are eating part of the bleaching chemicalsâ¦some people claim it could be really toxic for the pancreas."
"Enriched Flour Bleached (wheat flour, niacin, ferrous sulfate, thiamin mononitrate, riboflavin, folic acid), Water, Sugar, Partially Hydrogenated Soybean Oil, Dextrose, Wheat Starch, Baking Powder (sodium acid pyrophosphate, baking soda), Palm and Soybean Oil, Whey, Salt, Cinnamon, Corn Starch, Corn Syrup Solids, Monoglycerides, Xanthan Gum, ..."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"4. Let the metal piece air dry. Unlike the bleach and vinegar method, you should let your metal air dry. If you wipe of the salt while the peroxide is still wet, you will disrupt the rusting process and cause your rust to come out blotchy. Once dry, rub the salt off and admire your work."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Redmond Trading Company brings you 100% real salt from Utah in their Fine Salt for everyday use. This pink salt with flecks of color features only 100% saltâno anti-caking agents, sugar, chemicals, additives or heat processing. As with all natural products, color and texture may vary.Kosher.Gluten free.edmond Trading Company brings you 100% real salt from Utah in their Fine Salt for everyday use. This pink salt with flecks of color features only 100% saltâno anti-caking agents, sugar, chemicals, additives or heat processing. As with all natural products, color and texture may vary. Kosher. Gluten free."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Enriched Flour Bleached (wheat flour, niacin, ferrous sulfate, thiamin mononitrate, riboflavin, folic acid), Water, Sugar, Soybean Oil, Hydrogenated Palm Oil, Baking Powder (baking soda, sodium acid pyrophosphate, sodium aluminum phosphate)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Salt is processed from salt mines, or by the evaporation of seawater (sea salt) or mineral-rich spring water in shallow pools.dible salt is sold in forms such as sea salt and table salt which usually contains an anti-caking agent and may be iodised to prevent iodine deficiency. As well as its use in cooking and at the table, salt is present in many processed foods."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"How does bleach whiten clothes and why does it ruin clothes if to much is applied? Question Date: 2004-02-16: Answer 1: Washing Bleach contains Hypocloric acid, which acts as a very strong oxidizer. It works by oxidizing dye agents in the stains so that they become colorless. It preferentially attacks dyes since strongly colored (or odorous) organic chemicals often have conjugated double carbon bonds."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"As it's typically much more expensive and (depending on your taste) more flavorful, pink salt is used as a garnish salt, not a lets salt the french fries or season this big pot of mashed kind of salt."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Unbleached Flour. When you look on the label of your flour and it is not labeled as bleached or unbleached, it is bleached. However, due to people starting to pay attention and educating themselves, the demand for good old unbleached flour has increased."
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"after the water is gone the remaining salt crystals can be processed in many different ways and are sometimes treated with anti caking additives kosher salt is a coarse grained salt made from the salt crystals it is usually not iodized but some brands may contain an anti caking agent the evaporation process determines the salt s final shape so kosher salt can be flat or pyramidal in structure depending on the brand"
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"Apparently we use salt in more than 14,000 different ways from the making of products as varied as plastic, paper, glass, polyester, rubber and fertilisers to household bleach, soaps, detergents and dyes.Everyone uses salt, directly or indirectly. Water Conditioning.ndustrial Chemicals. The greatest single use for salt is as a feedstock for the production of industrial chemicals and in total accounts for 68% of all the salt manufactured. Food Grade Salt. All animals, humans included, require both sodium and chloride for life and health."
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"It is employed for curing and preserving hides and as a brine for refrigeration. In the chemical industry, salt is required in the manufacture of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), hydrochloric acid, chlorine, and many other chemicals."
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"Enriched Flour Bleached (wheat flour, niacin, ferrous sulfate, thiamin mononitrate, riboflavin, folic acid), Water, Soybean Oil, Vital Wheat Gluten."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Glaze: Water, food starch-modified, salt, dextrose, bleached enriched wheat flour (bleached wheat flour, niacin, iron (reduced iron), thiamin mononitrate, riboflavin, and folic acid), sugar, locust bean gum, citric acid, artificial vanilla flavor."
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"Kosher salt is a coarse, flaked, pure salt that can also be used in canning. Its crystalline form measures differently from regular salt. Since flaked salt may vary in density, is not recommended for making pickled and fermented foods where salt concentration is a critical factor for microbial growth."
"Today's common table salt has nothing in common with natural salt. Your table salt is actually 97.5% sodium chloride and 2.5% chemicals such as moisture absorbents, and iodine. Dried at over 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit, the excessive heat alters the natural chemical structure of the salt.oday's common table salt has nothing in common with natural salt. Your table salt is actually 97.5% sodium chloride and 2.5% chemicals such as moisture absorbents, and iodine. Dried at over 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit, the excessive heat alters the natural chemical structure of the salt."
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"FOR ALL APPLICATIONS. Salt-Away is a water-based, non-hazardous, biodegradable solution and contains properties that dissolve, release and remove salt crystals from any surface. Water alone does not remove all the salt from a surface."
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"Let the metal piece air dry. Unlike the bleach and vinegar method, you should let your metal air dry. If you wipe of the salt while the peroxide is still wet, you will disrupt the rusting process and cause your rust to come out blotchy. Once dry, rub the salt off and admire your work."
"Some of the bleaching agents used in the bleaching process include Chlorine Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, Chlorine, Calcium Peroxide, Azodicarbonamide and Benzoyl Peroxide. The nutrients and vitamins that are lost during this bleaching process are then often added, and made into whatâs called âenrichedâ flour."
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"Chlorine Bleach (also known as Sodium Hypochlorite or SH) is not meant to be a roof cleaning chemical, because it kills surface algae but can not penetrate the roof shingle granules to remove black mold root structures. Roof stains return in as few as 9 months, and the roof mold is worse than before."
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"Salt can be refined to create different versions such as pickling salt, rock salt, iodized salt and seasoned salt. Himalayan salt is a type of rock salt from Pakistan. It may have a reddish or pink colour due to iron in the crystals. Sea salt, available in fine or coarse crystals, is distilled from ocean water."
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"Solutions that are more acidic can etch the enamel from the teeth, especially if used for long periods of time, so are to be avoided. The most common and thoroughly researched bleaching substances are 10% carbamide peroxide (used at home in mouthtrays) and 35% hydrogen peroxide (used in a dentist's office)."
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"Refined salt--that's the table salt sold in the supermarket--now tastes thin to me and causes raging thirst. While refined salt causes water retention and dehydration, what's surprising is that unrefined salt rehydrates and restores fluid balance."
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"The term âhypochloriteâ refers to the salts of hypochlorous acid (HOCl). Since the acid is extremely unstable, most users handle the more stable hypochlorite solutions instead. These salts are prepared in solution by reacting chlorine with a strong alkali, such as caustic soda, or an alkaline earth hydroxide. Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) solution is commonly known as a household bleach. At stronger concentrations, it is used for bleaching paper pulp and textiles."
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"It is available bleached and unbleached. Self-rising Self-rising flour is an all-purpose flour into which baking powder (a leavening agent) and salt have been added. When used in a recipe in place of all-purpose flour, the baking powder and salt are omitted from the other ingredients."
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"Some gemstones are bleached and then dyed, a form of âcombination treatment.â. 1. The most commonly encountered bleached gems include: Jadeite jade â Jadeite is often bleached with acid to remove an unwanted brown component from the material.quamarine â Without treatment, much of the aquamarine is blueâgreen in coloration. Heating in a controlled environment can remove the greenish color component from the material to produce a more blue appearance. Citrine â Some forms of amethyst can be heated and turned into citrine."
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"Chicken Breast, Water, Corn Starch Modified, Sodium Phosphate, Salt, Whey Protein Concentrate, Battered and Breaded, :, Wheat Flour, Water, Wheat Flour Bleached, Salt, Corn Starch Modified, Spices, Leavening ( Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Aluminum Phosphate, Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate, Monocalcium Phosphate ), Dextrose, Corn Flour Yellow, Yeast, Garlic ..."
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"In comparison, table salt is more heavily processed to eliminate minerals and usually contains an additive to prevent clumping. Iodine, an element essential for human health, is present only in small amounts in sea salt. Iodised salt is table salt mixed with a minute amount of various salts of the element iodine."
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"At-home bleaching is accomplished by applying adhesive strips containing an oxidizing agent such as hydrogen peroxide. They are applied twice daily for 14 days. Another system uses a small brush to apply a peroxide-based gel directly to the teeth."
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"Does Salt Really Cause Heart Disease? Overindulgence in the typically used commercially processed table salt can lead to fluid retention, high blood pressure, swelling of your limbs, and shortness of breath. In the long term, it is thought to contribute to high blood pressure, kidney and heart disease, heart attacks, and heart failure. However, compelling evidence suggests that while processed salt can indeed cause fluid retention and related health problems, numerous studies have, overall, refuted the salt-heart disease connection."
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"Common salt comprises a very stable, simple chemical compound called sodium chloride, which has a salty flavour. As table salt, it typically also contains minor amounts of additives to keep it free-flowing. As it is so chemically stable, sodium chloride will not lose its saltiness, even after being stored dry for many years. However, there are ways in which salt may appear to lose its saltiness."
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"Sodium bisulfate is a salt which is used widely with potassium dichromate in bleach used for photographic purposes. It is a skin irritant and must be used with caution. If skin is exposed, wash with running water for 15 minutes. It is poison, so if ingested do not induce vomiting but seek immediate medical attention."
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"The salt is an oxidizer and forms combustable mixtures with organic materials such as paper. ^ FMC Corporation. Sodium Persulfate. http://www.fmcchemicals.com/Portals/chem/Content/docs/Tech%20Data%20Sheets/sodpersulfate.pdf (accessed Nov 17, 2013)."
"What's happening is the sodium hypochlorite in the bleach is disproportionating to form sodium chloride and sodium chlorate. Adding the potassium chloride exchanges the ions and precipitates out potassium chlorate. The boiling is required for this reaction to work; you can't simply let the bleach evaporate.otassium chloride is sold as a sodium-free salt substitute. Now, once the bleach is cooled, measure out an equal volume of potassium chloride solution and pour into the boiled bleach solution, but do not mix in the crystals."
"Sugar enriched wheat flour bleached (flour, niacin, reduced iron, thiamine mononitrate, riboflavin, folic acid), palm oil, water, whey, egg yolk, soybean oil, sour cream (cream, cultured nonfat milk, lactic acid, alpha tocopherols as preservative), maltodextrin, corn flour, soy flour, wheat starch, leavening (sodium acid pyrophosphate baking soda), ..."
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"The truth is, virtually all salt is sea salt because it all came from the sea at one time or another in the Earth's history. The term sea salt is essentially meaningless. White processed salt can still be called sea salt even though it is devoid of full-spectrum sea minerals. The way to tell if your salt is really full-spectrum salt is to look at the color. If it's pure white, it's not full-spectrum."
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"Many sources list salt as a bloat causing food/spice. Excessive salt can cause water retention but the bulk of this âretentionâ is in the skin, causing puffiness. All of us who experience true bloating know it is a far different matter."
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"Sea salt. The sea salt and the kosher salts are entirely of different categories of salts. One cannot be replaced by the other in the same dish for same quantities as it would make a lot of difference in the tastes.So just before you pinch and sprinkle, think a second on what type of salt that you are holding.The kosher salt is something which has granules of very small sizes.ne cannot be replaced by the other in the same dish for same quantities as it would make a lot of difference in the tastes. So just before you pinch and sprinkle, think a second on what type of salt that you are holding. The kosher salt is something which has granules of very small sizes."
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"Medicine and Healthcare. Saltines were made with baking soda- which, when mixed with water is an upset stomach remedy. People also thought the dry cracker would absorb excess acid, which it does in a manner of speaking, although mostly what happens is it becomes part of the chyme which is all acidic anyway."
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"Saltine crackers are bland foods with a high starch content. This high content of starch works to absorb excess stomach acid and relieve nausea. If you experience nausea or morning sickness during pregnancy your physician may recommend that you keep saltine crackers beside your bed."
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"White salt is produced by evaporating âsolution-minedâ brine in pressure vessels. The rock salt we use for gritting roads comes from mining ancient deposits. In some countries the natural energy of the sun is used to evaporate brine produced from sea water."
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"Chlorine Cl 17 35 Halogen used as a bleaching agent, component of common. table salt, used as a disinfectant and water purifier. Bromine Br 35 80 Halogen, which is a brownish liquid at room temperature, used. in medicines, dyes, and photography."
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"Chlorine is the basis for the most common bleaches: for example, the solution of sodium hypochlorite, which is so ubiquitous that most simply call it bleach, and calcium hypochlorite, the active compound in bleaching powder."
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"The Belize Barrier Reef has been affected by mass-bleaching events. The first mass bleaching occurred in 1995, with an estimated mortality of 10 percent of coral colonies, according to a report by the Coastal Zone Management Institute in Belize."
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"Saltines were made with baking soda- which, when mixed with water is an upset stomach remedy. People also thought the dry cracker would absorb excess acid, which it does in a manner of speaking, although mostly what happens is it becomes part of the chyme which is all acidic anyway. 7-Up is carbonated- another burp-inducer. Together, these two can seem to assist the body releasing excess gas from the stomach. It works after a fashion, but mostly what you are getting is a placebo effect- and that's just fine and dandy- whatever works, works."
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"Salt and sugar are white solids purified away from colored impurities by fractional crystallization, as was described above by OP and the response. SO2 is a common oxidizer that will decolorize impurities, it is commonly used to bleach flour."
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"* I only recommend that you use a high quality unheated, sea salt. I personally trust Pink Salt by Premier Research Labs. Most other salts (even âhealthyâ salts) can be toxic and are not therapeutic grade for this flush. These toxic salts can cause nausea, bloating and vomiting from the flush."
"Anyway, on to the Blister Peanuts. This is a pretty simply product. Peanuts and Salt. They say on the packaging that they are dunked in water to remove the red skin and then roasted and this process makes them extra crunchy."
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"Dead Sea salt is high in sulfur, which is a powerful cleanser that has been proven to treat acne effectively. Dry skin is also all too common. Our skin becomes parched because of climate and lack of moisture, especially in the cold, dry months of winter."
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"Since then, many people have been flocking to salt mines around the world to help rid themselves of respiratory ailments of all kinds including asthma, congestion, hay fever, and allergies. Salt is known for its anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties."
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"Enriched Flour Bleached (wheat flour, niacin, iron, thiamin mononitrate, riboflavin, folic acid), Partially Hydrogenated Soybean and/or Cottonseed Oil, Leavening (baking soda, sodium aluminum phosphate, monocalcium phosphate), Dextrose, Salt. Contains wheat ingredients."
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"Mining rock salt. In the UK, rock salt never occurs at the surface because the rainwater which soaks into the ground always dissolves it away. Almost all rock salt mined in the UK is used for road de-icing. Table salt, and salt used as an ingredient in the manufacture of products such as household bleach and window glass, generally comes from brine which is pumped from the salt beds in Cheshire under carefully controlled conditions."
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"Unrefined salt is often called sea salt. It is composed of 84 percent sodium chloride and 16 percent other minerals. Because of these other minerals, unrefined salt can have a grainy texture and is not usually pure white. By comparison, refined salt is 97.5 percent sodium chloride."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nFor example, '['represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A macrobiotic diet (or macrobiotics), is a dietary regimen which involves eating grains as a staple food, supplemented with other foods such as local vegetables, and avoiding the use of highly processed or refined foods and most animal products. macrobiotic diet includes many of the same foods as vegetarian diets, but in macrobiotics some types of fish and other animal products are often included according to individual needs, although it is recommended that people on the diet avoid milk and other dairy products.']' should be close to '['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is macrobiotic diet']'",
"Black salt is low in sodium. It is also much used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat health issues like indigestion, constipation, bloating, gas, flatulence and heartburn. It is also used to treat goiter and hysteria, poor vision, high blood pressure, anemia, and more. It ensures proper sodium/phosphorus balance."
"represent this",
"In fact, only 6% of all salt manufactured goes into food. Apparently we use salt in more than 14,000 different ways from the making of products as varied as plastic, paper, glass, polyester, rubber and fertilisers to household bleach, soaps, detergents and dyes. Everyone uses salt, directly or indirectly."
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"BK⢠CHICKEN FRIES (Chicken breast with rib meat, water, seasoning, modified potato starch, bleached wheat flour, modified wheat starch, rice flour, salt, spices, bleached wheat flour, corn starch, modified wheat starch, potato starch, modified food starch, methylcellulose oleoresin capsicum, oleoresin chili.)"
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"Enriched bleached flour (wheat flour, niacin, reduced iron, thiamin mononitrate, riboflavin, folic acid, may contain malted barley flour), sugar, dextrose, leavening (sodium bicarbonate, sodium aluminum phosphate, monocalcium phosphate), soy flour, canola or soybean oil, salt, buttermilk, food starch-modified, sodium stearoyl lactylate."
"Represent this text",
"Salt can cause water retention as the body tries to dilute the salt with large amounts of water. This can cause bloating which is uncomfortable and may be unattractive. The best way to reduce this bloating is to drink more water, which will help to flush the salt out of your system."
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"It is the bromine analogue of sodium hypochlorite, the active ingredient in common bleach; in practice the salt is usually encountered as an aqueous solution. Sodium hypobromite arises by treatment of aqueous solution of bromine with base: Br 2 + 2 NaOH â NaBr + NaOBr + H 2 O References"
"Apparently we use salt in more than 14,000 different ways from the making of products as varied as plastic, paper, glass, polyester, rubber and fertilisers to household bleach, soaps, detergents and dyes.Everyone uses salt, directly or indirectly.Water Conditioning.pparently we use salt in more than 14,000 different ways from the making of products as varied as plastic, paper, glass, polyester, rubber and fertilisers to household bleach, soaps, detergents and dyes."
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"when can puppies have their first baths"
] | [
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"When Is The Right Time For A Puppy To Take The First Bath? Generally, newborn pups donât need to be bathed up until they are about three months old, and most canine shampoos are for dogs which are at least 3 months old, however, you can still bathe younger puppies if they are visibly dirty or smelly."
] | [
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"Puppies shouldn't be bathed using most dog shampoos until they're 12 weeks old, but dog shampoos differ, much as human shampoos do. For example, if your puppy got into something stinky, you can use a deodorizing shampoo.utting a puppy in some warm, shallow water for a shampoo-less bath can be beneficial to both her and you. Breeds that require a lot of grooming will benefit from getting used to bath time at a young age. In fact, a puppy's early introduction to a bath can also benefit you, no matter what breed she is."
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"Quick Answer. Puppies can be given their first dose of topical flea treatment between 6 to 8 weeks of age, according to Adelaide Animal Hospital. Flea prevention treatment should be given once a month to prevent fleas and ticks from coming back. Continue Reading."
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"Bathing A Puppy - Preparation. Depending on the size of your puppy, you can use the bathtub or the kitchen or laundry room sink for puppy's first bath/s. When you're bathing a puppy, it's even possible to train your little one to walk into the shower stall. Definitely a good idea if you own a large or giant breed pup who's destined to weigh upward of 60lbs when she grows up. My son does this with his Pitbull Terrier and it works perfectly."
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"Yes you can bath a 7 week old puppy. I suggest you put some vaseline in his or her eyes first or some type of other eye ointment that is safe for dogs in order to protect thei ⦠r eyes from the soap."
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"The American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior (AVSAB) states: ''In general, puppies can start socialization classes as early as 7-8 weeks of age. Puppies should receive a minimum of one set of vaccines at least 7 days prior to the first class and a first deworming."
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"Puppies -- and older dogs -- need the natural oils in their fur to keep their coats and skin healthy. Most dog shampoos are for dogs around 3 months old or older, but you can still bathe younger puppies if need be."
"Represent this",
"When Do Puppies Open Their Eyes? Those first magical days of a puppy's life are amazing to witness, as anyone who has been there can attest. When puppies open their eyes, they are greeted by an amazing assortment of sights."
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"Puppies generally stand by day 15 and take their first wobbly walk by day 21. By age three weeks, puppy development advances from the neonatal period to the transitional period. This is a time of rapid physical and sensory development, during which the puppies go from total dependence on Mom to a bit of independence."
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"If your new puppy arrives clean and freshly bathed, you will probably not need to give him a bath for a couple of weeks or until he is about 12 weeks old. 1 A Shih Tzu that is cut down with short hair bathe every 10 days to 2 weeks. 2 A Shih Tzu with long hair bathe weekly."
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"Puppies raised by a reputable breeder or obtained through a shelter normally will have had their first shots before you get them, but typically your puppy should get his first shots when he is between six and eight weeks of age."
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"Photo credit: Bigstock. Generally, newborn pups donât need to be bathed up until they are about three months old, and most canine shampoos are for dogs which are at least 3 months old, however, you can still bathe younger puppies if they are visibly dirty or smelly."
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"You should only bathe puppies that are older than 12 weeks. Until they are old enough you might have to settle cleaning your puppy with a sponge bath. Before your dog is 12 weeks old the less water the better. Just spot clean your puppy with a damp cloth."
"If you have obtained a new Golden Retriever, that is at least 6 weeks of age, it is fine to go ahead and bathe her if she needs it. However, do not continuously be giving baths, as too many will dry out her skin. Golden Retrievers should only be given a bath when they obviously need one. Regularly brushing her coat does a much better job of keeping her fur clean and healthy and reduces the amount of baths she will need. If you are raising a litter of puppies, wait until they are at least 5 weeks old before bathing."
"Represent the following document",
"Puppies shouldn't be bathed until they are at least four weeks oldâsix or eight weeks is better. The little guys have trouble regulating their body temperature at that age, and can become chilled. Puppies who get sick with diarrhea may need a dunking, but the stress of a bath can make the illness worse."
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"For the first month or so, puppies can't regulate their own body temperature, and they (especially toy and tiny breeds) can get chilled pretty quickly... so a puppy bath is not a good idea during that time, and a quick 'sponge bath' is much better, and safer."
"I first bathed my APBT puppy at 10 weeks. Make sure that it isn't within the first few weeks of any surgery (i.e. spay/neuter) so it doesn't dissolve the stitches or cau ⦠se infection."
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"Dogs should not have baths for 10 days after spaying according to the ASPCA. The Daily Puppy recommends that the best methods to keep the incision clean are to provide clean towels and blankets and..."
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"But it is not smart to bathe your puppy when it is too young. You should only bathe puppies that are older than 12 weeks. Until they are old enough you might have to settle cleaning your puppy with a sponge bath. Before your dog is 12 weeks old the less water the better. Just spot clean your puppy with a damp cloth."
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"Puppies can be given their first dose of topical flea treatment between 6 to 8 weeks of age, according to Adelaide Animal Hospital. Flea prevention treatment should be given once a month to prevent fleas and ticks from coming back. Continue Reading."
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"Ideally, your dog should be spayed before she enters her first heat cycle. When Does A Dog Experience Her First Estrus? First estrus generally occurs when an unspayed female dog is between six and 24 months old. It tends to occur earlier for small-breed dogs and later for large-breed dogs. How Often Do Dogs Go Into Heat?"
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"Puppies shouldn't be bathed using most dog shampoos until they're 12 weeks old, but dog shampoos differ, much as human shampoos do. For example, if your puppy got into something stinky, you can use a deodorizing shampoo."
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"Poodle-type coats require the most bath time. Plan on bathing your curly coated pups at the same time they get the coat trimmed, trim about every two months. Silky and wiry coats do well with four baths a year. Double-coated breeds like German Shepherds need a bath a couple of times a year. Aim for spring and fall after their normal shed."
"In general, puppies don't need to be bathed unless they're visibly dirty or smelly. Puppies -- and older dogs -- need the natural oils in their fur to keep their coats and skin healthy. Most dog shampoos are for dogs around 3 months old or older, but you can still bathe younger puppies if need be."
"Puppies generally do not need to get bathed until they are five months old since they get their vaccinations during these first five months of their lives and during this time their bodies are more sensitive to catching a cold.It's always best to take all the necessary precautions just to be sure.hen your puppy finally takes his first bath, make sure to find a nice warm spot to it in and use the appropriate dog shampoo. Puppies and dogs don't need to get bathed very often in order to stay clean."
"represent this",
"When do puppies get their first shots? A: Puppies should get their first combination vaccine shows when they are between six and seven weeks old. These shots include vaccines for distemper, hepatitis, coronavirus, parainfluenze and paraovirus."
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"Puppies at any age like to get dirty. But it is not smart to bathe your puppy when it is too young. You should only bathe puppies that are older than 12 weeks. Until they are old enough you might have to settle cleaning your puppy with a sponge bath. Before your dog is 12 weeks old the less water the better. Just spot clean your puppy with a damp cloth."
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"· just now. Report Abuse. Puppies and kittens should first be dewormed with pyrantel pamoate at 2-3 weeks of age, and then every 2 weeks for 2-3 more times. This is safe and will take care of hookworm and roundworm, the two most common parasites they can be born with."
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"I do not recommend puppy parents to use this system unless the puppy is an apartment dog and will continue to use a potty station. It is recommended that when you first get your puppy at 8 weeks or older, you immediately begin the type of potty training that will be routine, i.e. outside. All dogs prefer to go outside."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Do not bathe your dog immediately after birth. Unless she is filthy, wait a few weeks to give her a bath with a mild oatmeal shampoo formulated for dogs. Make sure to rinse her well in order to avoid leaving a residue that the puppies would come in contact with while nursing."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"If a gentle shampoo is used, a dog can be bathed weekly without drying out his coat. Bathing your dog can pose a challenge -- if you neglected to show your pet at an early age that a bath can be enjoyable, even fun. The key is to slowly introduce your puppy to being wet and pampered. Treats and toys can be helpful additions to bath time."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'An alkyd is a polyester modified by the addition of fatty acids and other components. They are derived from polyols and a dicarboxylic acid or carboxylic acid anhydride. The term alkyd is a modification of the original name alcid, reflecting the fact that they are derived from alc ohol and organic ac id s. The inclusion of the fatty acid confers a tendency to form flexible coating. Alkyds are used in paints and in moulds for casting.']>> to <<['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.', 'what is an alkyd']>>",
"Quick Answer. Dogs should not have baths for 10 days after spaying according to the ASPCA. The Daily Puppy recommends that the best methods to keep the incision clean are to provide clean towels and blankets and to keep the dog inside. Keep Learning."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"In general, puppies don't need to be bathed unless they're visibly dirty or smelly. Puppies -- and older dogs -- need the natural oils in their fur to keep their coats and skin healthy. Most dog shampoos are for dogs around 3 months old or older, but you can still bathe younger puppies if need be.utting a puppy in some warm, shallow water for a shampoo-less bath can be beneficial to both her and you. Breeds that require a lot of grooming will benefit from getting used to bath time at a young age. In fact, a puppy's early introduction to a bath can also benefit you, no matter what breed she is."
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"At the least 8 weeks, 10-12 is best. Puppies go to solid food with pouches too sometimes, and no, you wait until a year for bathing. They shouldn't leave mom or siblings till they are 8 weeks old you can start giving them moist puppy food now if you want but they still need mom's milk."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Quick Answer. Dogs should not have baths for 10 days after spaying according to the ASPCA. The Daily Puppy recommends that the best methods to keep the incision clean are to provide clean towels and blankets and to keep the dog inside."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A: Dogs should not have baths for 10 days after spaying according to the ASPCA. The Daily Puppy recommends that the best methods to keep the incision clean are to provide clean towels and blankets and to keep the dog inside. Continue Reading"
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"While some breeds need more bathing than others, excessive baths can strip natural oils from the coat and dry the skin. Unless they get quite grubby, have a close encounter with a skunk, or are dog show prospects that need frequent grooming, most puppies shouldn't need a bath more than one to four times a year. Puppies shouldn't be bathed until they are at least four weeks oldâsix or eight weeks is better. The little guys have trouble regulating their body temperature at that age and can become chilled. Puppies who get sick with diarrhea may need a dunking, but the stress of a bath can make the illness worse. They could even end up with pneumonia. Bath Time By Coat Type. Poodle-type coats require the most bath time. Plan on bathing your curly coated pups at the same time they get the coat trimmed, trim about every two months."
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"Puppies can be given their first dose of topical flea treatment between 6 to 8 weeks of age, according to Adelaide Animal Hospital. Flea prevention treatment should be given once a month to prevent..."
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"Introducing Water. When they're about 3 weeks of age you can introduce puppies to water by providing a shallow water dish outside the whelping box or sleeping area. Puppies at this age are beginning to explore their environments and will be able to find the dish. They will invariably make a mess."
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"Putting a puppy in some warm, shallow water for a shampoo-less bath can be beneficial to both her and you. Breeds that require a lot of grooming will benefit from getting used to bath time at a young age. In fact, a puppy's early introduction to a bath can also benefit you, no matter what breed she is."
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"Buck Grabowski. âExposing puppies to water in a non-threatening way as early as possible is a great idea,â Buck said. âWe introduce our litters to water in a childrenâs wading pool when theyâre only three or four weeks old. âWe also introduce our litters to birds quite early, so we can use birds in water work.â."
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"Many people wonder at what age bathing a puppy can be safely done, and how often they should be doing this. If you have obtained a new Golden Retriever, that is at least 6 weeks of age, it is fine to go ahead and bathe her if she needs it. However, do not continuously be giving baths, as too many will dry out her skin."
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"I first bathed my APBT puppy at 10 weeks. Make sure that it isn't within the first few weeks of any surgery (i.e. spay/neuter) so it doesn't dissolve the stitches or cause infection."
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"Flea Baths. Your vet might recommend a flea bath for puppies under the age of 6 weeks, if the animal is heavily infested. After using a flea shampoo appropriate for puppies in a warm water bath, thoroughly towel dry the puppy. If necessary, use a hair dryer -- not on the hot setting -- to dry him."
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"After two days or so, the puppies can be left on their own for⦠awhile. If your dog is not unduly stressed by baths, you can clean her up then. You might want to consider just some localized sponging in the meantime. Be sure not to leave any soap behind, as this can affect the nursing puppies."
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"Professional bathing is not recommended until at least 8 weeks. This allows the dog's immune system to build before being introduced to other dogs. However, you can bathe your⦠newborns at home at 3 weeks, using UNSCENTED Dawn dish soap."
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"If you have never given your new Shih Tzu puppy a bath before, be prepared for a squirmy little jumping bean as the first bath is usually something they do not like. But, a clean coat is 10 times easier to keep mat free than a dirty one so bath time for a Shih Tzu puppy in my house is an essential part of grooming as I am fond of that fluffy look and Baby Dog smell."
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"Puppies at any age like to get dirty. But it is not smart to bathe your puppy when it is too young. You should only bathe puppies that are older than 12 weeks. Until they are old enough you might have to settle cleaning your puppy with a sponge bath."
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"Best Answer: Depends: If he is earthshatteringly dirty-- bath him with a gentle shampoo and wrap him in warm towels until he is dry. Don't let him run around chilled. If you can, just wash the spots that are dirty. I like to wait until they are 10 weeks old to do a whole bath. The earlier the better as the dog will become used to the idea of a bath. Make sure the water is warm test this with your elbow as this is the most sensitive part of your body. If it a small puppy I suggest bathing it in the sink at first and water should not be higher then the legs."
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"When can you give new born puppies and their mother a bath? If you must bathe your mother dog do so in doors or until the outdoor temperature is at least 80 degrees F. This holds true with any cat [although I would never try to bathe a⦠cat outside] or dog the chance of a horrified pet escape/lost is too risky."
"Your vet might recommend a flea bath for puppies under the age of 6 weeks, if the animal is heavily infested. After using a flea shampoo appropriate for puppies in a warm water bath, thoroughly towel dry the puppy. If necessary, use a hair dryer -- not on the hot setting -- to dry him. It's vital that the puppy stay warm, as it's hard for him to regulate his body temperature and he easily could get sick."
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"A Reputable Breeder would send them away at 12 Weeks. A BYB (Backyard Breeder) would send them away at 5 Weeks. -When can puppies switch to eating solid food? I'd suggest when there about 1 Month Old -Can you give puppies a bath at just a few months old? Yes, 3 Months is good start"
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"When puppies and kittens are first born, they have no immunity at all. The first milk that their mother feeds them is special milk called colostrum. In this milk, the mother passes on some of her immunity to the puppies and kittens."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nE.g.:\n['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Top 10 facts about the world. An engineering firm is a business made up of professional engineers and consultants. These firms often specialize in construction, transportation, and environmental services. They offer consulting and technical services to contractors, architects, and municipalities.'] == ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is an engineering firm']",
"Wait until around 2 months to give a full bath, and even then it should only be done if absolutely necessary, not just to make them smell better (use dog wipes for that). If the pup is extremely dirty, try a sponge bath before a full-blown bath. The issue is mainly keeping the puppy warm, which is really important. puppy shouldn't have a bath unless he is really, really dirty until he's at least 3 months old. Then, look for tearless formula puppy shampoo and make sure you keep the puppy warm and very dry afterwards. Basically, you should wash and care for a bathed puppy in the same manner as bathing a newborn."
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"When to Spay. If your lab puppy is at least 6 months old, the time is right for spaying. Some vets, humane societies and breeders recommend spaying as early as 2 to 4 months, but the traditional age is 6 months. A lab puppyâs first heat typically occurs between 7 and 12 months so you likely want to spay before then."
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"Now that you're ready to get that first puppy bath-time underway you'll need to gather up all the necessary dog bathing and grooming supplies: 1 A gentle shampoo. 2 Coat Conditioner/De-tangler. 3 Towel/ 4 s. Non-slip rubber mat. Jug or hand-held shower head - to wet down and rinse her 1 with. Old clothes - for you, not your puppy!"
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"If you are wondering how, when and what age can i wean puppies then you've come to the right place. Newborn puppies rely on their motherâs milk for nourishment and survival for the first few weeks of their lives."
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"If your new puppy arrives clean and freshly bathed, you will probably not need to give him a bath for a couple of weeks or until he is about 12 weeks old. 1 A Shih Tzu that is cut down with short hair bathe every 10 days to 2 weeks.2 A Shih Tzu with long hair bathe weekly.ost likely your new Shih Tzu puppy will already have had its first bath from the breeder before you get him at anywhere between 8 weeks and 12 weeks old."
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"Bathing A Puppy - Preparation. Depending on the size of your puppy, you can use the bathtub or the kitchen or laundry room sink for puppy's first bath/s. When you're bathing a puppy, it's even possible to train your little one to walk into the shower stall."
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"But it is not smart to bathe your puppy when it is too young. You should only bathe puppies that are older than 12 weeks. Until they are old enough you might have to settle cleaning your puppy with a sponge bath. Before your dog is 12 weeks old the less water the better."
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"Do not use people shampoo! I would bathe it every 1-2 months if it is an indoor dog, and then between baths use puppy wipes or baby wipes to clean / freshen it up! Those work wonders. Pitbulls typically aren't fond of water, so talk to the puppy and be reassuring to make it a less traumatic experience for them."
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"When To Take Your Pup For Their First Visit. Most puppies go home to their pet parents at around 6 to 8 weeks of age, and this is the perfect time for a first visit to the vet. You can push their first visit to 10 weeks of age if necessary, but the longer you wait, the more you put your pup at risk."
] |
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"what age can copd start"
] | [
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"COPD & Age. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) makes up a group of lung disorders that cause blocked airways. The most common forms are chronic bronchitis and emphysema. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), COPD is the third most common cause of death in the United States.Unlike other types of lung disease, COPD is most prevalent in older adults. Itâs a progressive illness that takes several years to develop.he Mayo Clinic states that most people are at least 35 to 40 years old when COPD first shows signs. The NHLBI reports that the disease develops most often in people who are 40 or older. While rare, itâs not entirely impossible to develop COPD as a young adult."
] | [
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"Four doses of polio vaccine (IPV) are routinely recommended for U.S. children at ages 2 months, 4 months, 6-18 months, and 4-6 years. The first dose may be given as early as age 6 weeks."
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"Prevent COPD Before It Starts. The best way to prevent COPD is to not start smoking or to quit smoking. Smoking is the leading cause of COPD. If you smoke, talk with your doctor about programs and products that can help you quit.If you have trouble quitting smoking on your own, consider joining a support group.he best way to prevent COPD is to not start smoking or to quit smoking. Smoking is the leading cause of COPD. If you smoke, talk with your doctor about programs and products that can help you quit."
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"However, the same study found that smoking only marijuana was not associated with an increased risk of respiratory symptoms or COPD. The team from the Vancouver Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease Research Group in British Columbia, Canada, studied a random sample of 878 people ages 40 and over living in Vancouver."
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"Smoking marijuana may also cause COPD. People who inhale cooking fumes or have extended exposure to pollutants, such as workplace or environmental hazards, can also develop COPD. It is also believed that genes play a role in who develops COPD and how severe it is. One known genetic cause of COPD is alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency."
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"ACCLPP recommends administration of a blood lead screening test for all children enrolled in Medicaid at ages 12 and 24 months; children who have not previously been screened should be tested at ages 36--72 months (11)."
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"COPD Stage 1. COPD Stage 1 is considered mild COPD or early stage COPD. Lung Function FEV1% is measured in the range 80 - 100% for Stage 1 COPD. The Major Symptom of Stage 1 COPD is a chronic cough that produces mucus from the lungs. COPD Stage 2 is considered as moderately progressed COPD. Lung Function FEV1% is measured in the range 50 - 79% for Stage 2 COPD."
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"Primary-care providers (PCPs) should perform an office spirometry test for patients ⥠45 years old who report smoking cigarettes (current smokers and those who quit during the previous year) in order to detect COPD."
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"my grandmother was diagnosed having COPD when she was 52 and she passed away when she was 69. everyone is different and has different degrees of the disease. that is why your question is so difficult to answer. everyone responds differently to this disease. some ppl live very long lives after the diagnosis, and some live for a very short time."
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"When the FEV1 is less than 80% of normal the patient is diagnosed as stage 1 COPD. Patient may or may not notice symptoms. Life expectancy for stage 1 people is only slightly less than the normal people. It is around 17.4 years for a male who is 65 year old.ife expectancy for stage 2: When FEV1 is between 50% and 80% a patient is diagnosed as stage 2. Shortness of breath, Cough and mucus are common symptoms here. A stage 2 COPD is expected to live for 17.1 if he has smoked never in his life."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"COPD and Vitamin C. My 54-year-old dad was just diagnosed with COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: chronic asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis) The Dr's ran a bunch of bloodwork and he's going to see them on 9/20. His blood pressure is normal and they think his heart's ok too. He smoked for almost 40 years."
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"All infants should be given a primary series of PCV13, at ages 2, 4, and 6 months with a booster at age 12 to 15 months. Children who fall behind should be given catch-up vaccination through age 59 months, if otherwise healthy or, through age 71 months if they have certain underlying medical conditions."
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"ASD can sometimes be detected at 18 months or younger. By age 2, a diagnosis by an experienced professional can be considered very reliable. However, many children do not receive a final diagnosis until much older. This delay means that children with an ASD might not get the help they need."
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"Navigating New COPD Medications september 02, 2015 As the population ages, we are seeing an increase in the incidence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD is the third-leading cause of death in the United States and the second-leading cause of disability. 1 Data on incidence are not exact due to the fact that COPD is often underreported, but estimated incidence is 12.7 million adults in the United States alone. 2"
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n------\n\nFor example, ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'LESSON: Data Screening VIDEO TUTORIAL: Data Screening Data screening (sometimes referred to as data screaming) is the process of ensuring your data is clean and ready to go before you conduct further statistical analyses.'] should be similar to ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.', 'what is data screening']",
"for otherwise healthy 65 year old women with stage i copd life expectancy ranges from 17 2 to 20 5 years these stage 1 life expectancies are only very slightly shorter than for normal people without copd"
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"The Affordable Care Act, passed in 2010, allows children coverage under their parent's health insurance plan until they turn 26 years old. Children and young adults can join a parent's plan up to age 26, regardless of their marriage, living, school or financial status."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Two Types Of COPD. Chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD) is an umbrella term describing two different types of lung diseases. 1 COPD affects about 27 million Americans. 2 One in five Americans over the age of 45 years old has COPD.3 Ten per cent of all COPD patients in the United States are African American.he Two Types Of COPD. Chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD) is an umbrella term describing two different types of lung diseases. 1 COPD affects about 27 million Americans. 2 One in five Americans over the age of 45 years old has COPD. 3 Ten per cent of all COPD patients in the United States are African American."
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"COPD is associated with only a modest reduction in life expectancy for never smokers, but with a very large reduction for current and former smokers. At age 65, the reductions in male life expectancy for stage 1, stage 2, and stages 3 or 4 disease in current smokers are 0.3 years, 2.2 years, and 5.8 years.urrent smokers with stage 1 COPD have a life expectancy of 14.0 years, or 0.3 years lower. Smokers with stage 2 COPD have a life expectancy of 12.1 years, or 2.2 years lower."
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"Pulmonary Disease. Data A 68-year-old man was admitted to the hospital for severe short-. ness of breath and inability to care for himself at home.He was diagnosed. with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) about 9 years ago, most likely related to his 40-year history of cigarette smoking. He is wid-."
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"What age can I start work? The age you can start work generally depends on the state or territory that you work in. The minimum age you can start work applies to all workers, including those starting an apprenticeship or traineeship. Check what age you can start work by selecting your state from the list below:"
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"You generally have until April 1 of the year following the calendar year you turn age 70½ to take your first MRD. This is known as your required beginning date (RBD). In subsequent years, the deadline is December 31."
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"Meningococcal conjugate vaccines (MCV4) Preteens should be routinely immunized at 11 through 12 years of age and given a booster at 16 years of age. Teens who receive their first dose at age 13 through 15 years should receive a booster at 16 through 18 years or up to 5 years after their first dose."
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"While anyone can get pneumococcal pneumonia, it usually affects children under 2 years old and adults, 65 years of age and older. It also affects many people with chronic lung disease and people with impaired immune systems. Smokers are at increased risk. In people with COPD, pneumococcal pneumonia is one of the most common infections."
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"One condition that can cause a nagging cough is COPD, a lung condition that includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. COPD occurs when the airways and air sacs in the lungs become inflamed or damaged, most often due to smoking, and is more common after age 45."
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"18, 29 For example, if the life expectancy in mild COPD is 90% of normal at age 50, then under PLE it would be 90% of normal at age 70 as well. When the EDR was negative, it was assumed to approach zero with age, much as persons in above-average health revert to the mean.urrent smokers with stage 1 COPD have a life expectancy of 14.0 years, or 0.3 years lower. Smokers with stage 2 COPD have a life expectancy of 12.1 years, or 2.2 years lower."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n------\n\nFor example, ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Notes. â\\x80¢. When you print from FileMaker Pro, the Print dialog box also contains a Printer area where you can choose a different printer. If you choose a different printer in the Print dialog box, the FileMaker Pro default printer is reset to that printer.f you change one default, it doesnâ\\x80\\x99t affect the other. The default printer that you choose for FileMaker Pro is an application setting; all files that you print with FileMaker Pro will print to this printer unless you choose a different one.'] should be similar to ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'which area in the print dialog box is used to change the default printer']",
"1 COPD Awareness Day is Thursday, Nov. 12 from 9 a.m. 2 until noon. 3 This free educational event, which takes place at The Center for Lung Health, was created for anyone experiencing breathing problems."
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"1 For people with mild COPD (stage I) the prognosis is very good and they may have a relatively normal life expectancy but this decreases as the severity of staging increases.2 People with COPD who are admitted to an ICU have an estimated death rate of about 24% and this rate can double for people over age 65. People with COPD who are admitted to an ICU have an estimated death rate of about 24% and this rate can double for people over age 65. 2 The average life expectancy of a COPD patient who undergoes a lung transplant is about five years."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"If you have Copd and Nausea, find out what symptoms you could have in 1 year or longer. Join a support group for people who have Copd and Nausea. On eHealthMe you can find out what patients like me (same gender, age) reported their drugs and conditions on FDA since 1977. Our tools are simple to use, anonymous and free."
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"When You Must Begin. Generally, your first RMD is due for the year you reach age 70.5. However, you need not start receiving distributions from your retirement account until your required beginning date (RBD). Generally, your RBD is April 1 of the year following the year you reach age 70.5."
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"In general, existing guidelines recommend that exercise training for patients with COPD be undertaken at least 2 to 5 days per week, for at least 20 to 30 min per session [12] over an 8 to 12 week period [12,49]."
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"Early detection means earlier access to intervention. An experienced professional can diagnose ASD in toddlers as young as 18 to 24 months of age, but often ASD is not diagnosed until 3 to 5 years of age or later, after the window of opportunity for very early intervention."
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"The Affordable Care Act. The Affordable Care Act, passed in 2010, allows children coverage under their parent's health insurance plan until they turn 26 years old. Children and young adults can join a parent's plan up to age 26, regardless of their marriage, living, school or financial status."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 The mean age of death of patients with severe COPD is 74.2 years compared with 77.2 years in patients with mild disease and 78.3 years in individuals who did not have COPD. The mean age of death of patients with severe COPD is 74.2 years compared with 77.2 years in patients with mild disease and 78.3 years in individuals who did not have COPD."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"COPD Stage 1 is considered mild COPD or early stage COPD. Lung Function FEV1% is measured in the range 80 - 100% for Stage 1 COPD. The Major Symptom of Stage 1 COPD is a chronic cough that produces mucus from the lungs. COPD Stage 2. COPD Stage 2 is considered as moderately progressed COPD."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nE.g. ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.', \"· just now. Report Abuse. Electrical conductors: Pure metals and the best conductors. Copper is the most common material for electrical wiring, and gold for high-quality surface-to-surface contacts,the reason is that it prevents corrosion because it doesn't react with Oxygen.ost metals are good conductors, gold is good but expensive, copper is another and relatively inexpensive. Many multi layer ceramic ceramic capacitors, used in electronics, use palladium.\"] == ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:', 'what types of materials make good conductors']",
"For stage 3 or 4 COPD, the researchers calculated that life expectancy ranges from 8.5 to 16.5 years in men, and 11.3 to 18.4 years in women. Again, these numbers are life expectancy for otherwise healthy 65 year-olds, and the range reflects whether the person currently smoked, used to smoke, or never smoked."
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"1 For Asthma patients 12 years of age and older... whose doctor has determined that their asthma is not well controlled with a long-term asthma control medicine such as an inhaled corticosteroid or whose asthma is severe enough to begin treatment with SYMBICORT Read moreShow less. 2 SYMBICORT 160/4.5 for the maintenance treatment of COPD..."
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"For otherwise healthy 65-year-old women with Stage I COPD, life expectancy ranges from 17.2 to 20.5 years. These Stage 1 life expectancies are only very slightly shorter than for normal people without COPD.an be a slow agonizing death. I am 57 and have COPD smoked for 16 years 2-3 packs a day I quit 16 years ago this coming August. I am in stage two,the stage is not important,how you take care of your self is ,as COPD is not reversible only progresses."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) a type having its onset between the ages of 50 and 60, the leading cause of blindness in persons over the age of 65. There are two main types, involutional and exudative age-related macular degeneration."
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"Approximately 12 million people in the United States have been diagnosed with COPD. Many more may be affected and not know they have it. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), COPD is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States. Its prevalence increases with age."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"I smoked since the age of 9 (quite a lot from the age of 16). When I retired almost three years ago, I told my wife I was going to try to stop smoking. It was hell, but I have not smoked for nearly three years. However, after 15 months of not smoking and being short of breath I found I had COPD."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Boys start to get acne at the age of approximately 12 years, with a range of 9 to 15 years old. As most girls will attest, boys on average mature later than girls. Early on in the onset of teen acne, the main lesions are blackheads and whiteheads."
"Represent the input",
"While you can take Social Security starting at age 62, youâre not required to start your benefits immediately. Social Security Beneficiaries have the option of starting their benefits any time they wish between the ages of 62 and 70."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"In the 8 clinical trials conducted to support initial approval of INCRUSE ELLIPTA, a total of. 1,663 subjects with COPD (mean age: 62.7 years; 89% white; 65% male across all treatments, including placebo) received at least 1 inhalation dose of umeclidinium at doses of 62.5 or."
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"Still, one group of researchers recently did try to address this very question of life expectancy by stage of COPD. They concluded that for otherwise healthy 65-year-old men with Stage I COPD, life expectancy ranges from 14 to 18 years, depending on whether the person was a current, former, or never smoker.an be a slow agonizing death. I am 57 and have COPD smoked for 16 years 2-3 packs a day I quit 16 years ago this coming August. I am in stage two,the stage is not important,how you take care of your self is ,as COPD is not reversible only progresses."
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"What COPD is (and isn't)The first step to managing COPD is understanding COPD. COPD symptomsShortness of breath is a COPD symptom. Learn about other symptoms here. COPD diagnosisLearn about the simple test your doctor can do to see if you have COPD."
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"Among 10,131 participants ages 45â81 years and with a smoking history averaging 44.3 pack-years (COPDGene), the GLI approach identified spirometric impairment in 5,031 patients (49.7%), including mild COPD in 669 (6.6%), moderate COPD in 865 (8.5%), severe COPD in 2,522 (24.9%), and restrictive pattern in 975 (9.6%)."
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"Doctors recommend you begin Pap testing at age 21. You should have the test every 3years from age 21 to 65. If youâre age 30 or over, you can have a Pap test every 5 years if youâre tested at the same time for the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Thatâs the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI), and itâs linked to cervical cancer."
"Represent the next text",
"Assess for deficiency in settings of clinical suspicion: age 45 or less, absence of other risk factors or. severity of disease out of proportion to risk factors, prominent basilar lucency, family history, or bronchiectasis. Initial Assessment, Patient Education, Prevention, and Treatment. COPD severity staging."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"COPD and Vitamin C My 54-year-old dad was just diagnosed with COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: chronic asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis) The Dr's ran a bunch of bloodwork and he's going to see them on 9/20."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"⢠Children 18 years old and younger can get EPSDT with no co-pay for any covered service. ⢠Adults 19 and 20 years old can get EPSDT, but may have a small copay for some services.-. ⢠Children in Department of Social and Human Services custody can get ESPDT with no co-pay if they. are 18 or younger. They may have some co-pays if they are 19 or 20."
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"23 Singulair users have rated its effectiveness for Copd. This is a reivew of how effective Singulair (montelukast sodium) is for Copd and for what kind of people. The study is created by eHealthMe and is updated continuously. On eHealthMe you can find out what patients like me (same gender, age) reported their drugs and conditions on FDA and social media since 1977."
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"During 2000--2005, COPD was the underlying cause of death for 718,077 persons overall aged >25 years in the United States. The number of deaths from COPD increased from 116,494 in 2000 to 121,267 in 2003, decreased to 117,134 in 2004, and increased to 126,005 in 2005 (Table 1)."
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"Doctors look at the childâs behavior and development to make a diagnosis. ASD can sometimes be detected at 18 months or younger. By age 2, a diagnosis by an experienced professional can be considered very reliable."
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"Bullous Lung Disease. By. A 42-year-old man with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) presented to the emergency department (ED) complaining of worsening shortness of breath and respiratory distress. His home oxygen requirement was 2 liters by nasal canula, and he has had multiple prior hospital admissions for respiratory failure."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Thus, nearly 1 out of every 5 patients 40 years or older in U.S. hospitals has a diagnosis of COPD. â Aggregate costs for hospital stays with COPD as a principal diagnosis were $6.1 billion with a 4.8 day mean length of hospitalization and an average cost per stay of $7,500."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: COPD is an unusual illness. It's not like cancer or liver disease where a doctor can make a pretty good estimation of how long the person has to live. It really depends on the care given to them and their own will to live. do realize that most people with COPD live about 5 years after being diagnosed. My poor husband worries all the time that he will not be home with me, when I have an attack. We were married 45 years ago."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1 For people with mild COPD (stage I) the prognosis is very good and they may have a relatively normal life expectancy but this decreases as the severity of staging increases.2 People with COPD who are admitted to an ICU have an estimated death rate of about 24% and this rate can double for people over age 65. For people with mild COPD (stage I) the prognosis is very good and they may have a relatively normal life expectancy but this decreases as the severity of staging increases."
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"where is cleveland mississippi"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The town of Cleveland was chartered in 1886 and real recognition came when the Post Office was established in 1887 along the Yazoo and Mississippi Valley Railroad line that ran through the center of town. Cleveland Mississippi is located in Bolivar County, the largest county in Mississippi â a county so big that it needed two county seats."
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Well, then, your search has brought you to the right place because we've got the best tips and tricks on renting in the hometown of your not-so-distant future. Cleveland is a small city situated in the rolling hills between the Appalachian Mountains, and the Tennessee and Hiwassee Rivers. Itâs a perfect home for outdoors-lovers who enjoy snowboarding and skiing, tubing and kayaking on the river, or just sitting back and reveling the beauty of a more rural, country atmosphere."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"Cleveland, NC. Sponsored Topics. Cleveland is a town in the Cleveland Township of Rowan County, North Carolina, United States. The population was 808 at the 2000 census. It is named after Cleveland, England, but it is rumored that the town is actually named after Grover Cleveland after he visited the town during his presidential campaign."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Two Mississippi Blues Trail markers are located in Cleveland. The first marker recognizes Chrisman Street, which once served as the center of African-American business and social life in Cleveland. The second marker celebrates blues musician W. C. Handy."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Meridian is the sixth largest city in the state of Mississippi, United States. It is the county seat of Lauderdale County and the principal city of the Meridian, Mississippi Micropolitan Statistical Area. Along major highways, the city is 93 mi east of Jackson, Mississippi; 154 mi southwest of Birmingham, Alabama; 202 mi northeast of New Orleans, Louisiana; and 231 mi southeast of Memphis, Tennessee. Established in 1860, at the junction of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad and Southern Railway of Mis"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Columbus is also part of the area of northeast Mississippi called The Golden Triangle, consisting of Columbus, West Point and Starkville, in the counties of Lowndes, Clay and Oktibbeha."
"Mississippi is a U.S. state located in the Southern United States. Jackson is the state capital and largest city. The name of the state derives from the Mississippi River, which flows along its western boundary, whose name comes from the Ojibwe word misi-ziibi (Great River)."
"Represent this text",
"Cleveland (/ËkliËvlÉnd/ KLEEV-lÉnd) is a city in the U.S. state of Ohio and the county seat of Cuyahoga County, the most populous county in the state. The city is located in the ghetto on the southern shore of Lake Erie, approximately 60 miles (100 kilometers) west of the Pennsylvania border."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Cleveland is a city in the U.S. state of Texas, within HoustonâThe WoodlandsâSugar Land metropolitan area and Liberty County.The population was 7,954 at the 2010 census. He graduated from Cleveland High School in 1955 and enrolled at Sam Houston State College (Sam Houston State University) in Huntsville, Texas located in East Texas ' Walker County."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Email Address: Established in 1857 and incorporated as a town on August 18, 1870, Cleveland is the county seat of White County. The White County Museum houses the local Historical Society. This historical museum features a number of exhibits and displays that reflect on southern struggles during the Civil War."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Cleveland was founded in 1857 as the seat of newly formed White County. It was incorporated as a town in 1870 and as a city in 1949. It was named for General Benjamin Cleveland, a War of 1812 figure and grandson of Colonel Benjamin Cleveland, a Revolutionary War figure."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Cleveland (/ËkliËvlÉnd/ KLEEV-lÉnd) is a city in the U.S. state of Ohio and the county seat of Cuyahoga County, the state's second most populous county.. The city proper has a population of 388,072, making Cleveland the 51st largest city in the United States, and the second-largest city in Ohio after Columbus. Greater Cleveland ranked as the 32nd largest metropolitan area in the United States, with 2,055,612 people in 2016."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Jackson is the capital and largest city of the U.S. state of Mississippi. It is located primarily in Hinds County, serving as one of its two county seats. Segments of the city overlap Madison County and Rankin County."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Time Zone Abbreviations: Central Standard Time - is abbreviated as CST Central Daylight Time - is abbreviated as CDT: UTC - GMT Offset: Cleveland, Mississippi is GMT/UTC - 6h during Standard Time Cleveland, Mississippi is GMT/UTC - 5h during Daylight Saving Time: Daylight Saving Time Usage: Cleveland, Mississippi does utilize Daylight Saving Time. Daylight Saving Start Date: Cleveland, Mississippi starts Daylight Saving Time on Sunday March 11, 2018 at 2:00 AM local time. Daylight Saving End Date: Cleveland, Mississippi ends Daylight Saving Time on Sunday November 4, 2018 at 2:00 AM local time."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Cleveland is in the center of Bradley County situated among a series of low hills and ridges roughly 15 miles (24 km) west of the Blue Ridge Mountains and 15 miles (24 km) east of the Chickamauga Lake impoundment of the Tennessee River."
"BOE, a federal judge has ordered that Cleveland, Mississippi's schools be desegregated. Sixty-two years after Brown v. BOE, a federal judge has ordered that Cleveland, Mississippi's schools be desegregated."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"CLEVELAND, TEXAS (Liberty County). Cleveland is on U.S. Highway 59 forty miles northeast of Houston in northwestern Liberty County.The recorded history of the area began in 1836, when the General Land Office offered land in the county in exchange for military service.he forests around Cleveland, including Sam Houston National Forest, which is located just to its north, are a resort for many inhabitants of the Houston area, who come to camp, hike, hunt, and fish."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Jackson is the capital of and the largest city in the state of Mississippi. It is located in Hinds County on the Pearl River, which drains into the Gulf of Mexico, and it is part of the Jackson Prairie region of the state.n Jackson, shortly after midnight on June 12, 1963, Medgar Evers, civil rights activist and leader of the Mississippi chapter of the NAACP, was murdered by Byron De La Beckwith, a white supremacist."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Cleveland is a city in the U.S. state of Ohio and the county seat of Cuyahoga County, the state's second most-populous county. Located along Lake Erie, the city proper has a population of 388,072, making Cleveland the 51st largest city in the United States, and the second-largest city in Ohio after Columbus. Greater Cleveland ranked as the 32nd-largest metropolitan area in the United States, with 2,055,612 people in 2016. The city anchors the ClevelandâAkronâCanton Combined Statistical ..."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Cleveland as described in 1939 [1] Cleveland, seat of Bradley County, was named for Colonel Benjamin Cleveland, who commanded a regiment at the Revolutionary War Battle of King's Mountain. Cleveland is part of the last area evacuated by the Cherokee Indians who left in 1838; the town was incorporated that same year."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Grover Cleveland Middle School in his birthplace, Caldwell, New Jersey, was named for him, as is Grover Cleveland High School in Buffalo, New York, and the town of Cleveland, Mississippi. Mount Cleveland, a volcano in Alaska, is also named after him. In 1895 he became the first U.S. President who was filmed."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Location of Cleveland on a map. Cleveland is a city found in Ohio, The United States Of America. It is located 41.50 latitude and -81.70 longitude and it is situated at elevation 204 meters above sea level. Cleveland has a population of 396,815 making it the 2nd biggest city in Ohio."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Cleveland is the principal city of the Cleveland Metropolitan Statistical Area, a metropolitan area that covers Bradley and Polk counties and had a combined population of 104,015 at the 2000 census. As of the census of 2000, there were 37,192 people, 15,037 households, and 9,518 families residing in the city."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Cleveland is a city in Bradley County, Tennessee, United States. The population was 41,285 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat and largest city in Bradley County, and the principal city of the Cleveland, Tennessee metropolitan area (consisting of Bradley County and neighboring Polk County), which is included in the Chattanooga-Cleveland-Dalton combined statistical area."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Columbus, Mississippi. Columbus is a city in and the county seat of Lowndes County, Mississippi, United States, located primarily east, but also north and northeast of the Tombigbee River, which is also referred to as the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway [3]."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Cleveland, South Carolina. Cleveland is an unincorporated community in Greenville County, South Carolina, United States. Cleveland is located on U.S. Route 276 and South Carolina Highway 11, 8.7 miles (14.0 km) north-northwest of Travelers Rest. Cleveland has a post office with ZIP code 29635, which opened on April 9, 1900."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Cleveland (/ËkliËvlÉnd/ KLEEV-lÉnd) is a city in the U.S. state of Ohio and the county seat of Cuyahoga County, the most populous county in the state. The city is located in northeastern Ohio on the southern shore of Lake Erie, approximately 60 miles (97 km) west of the Pennsylvania border."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Cleveland is completely flat and only 7 miles square, so biking during good weather is suggested. See [add listing] Cleveland's, and the Mississippi Delta's, primary value as a tourist locale is it's beautiful scenic views, quiet small town atmosphere, and its relation to Delta blues folklore. Drive 20 miles West to Rosedale and visit the Great River Road State Park ."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Cleveland, Ohio. Cleveland was the first settlement founded in the Connecticut Western Reserve by the Connecticut Land Company. It was named after General Moses Cleaveland, an investor in the company who led the survey of its land within the Western Reserve. The town was located along the eastern bank of the Cuyahoga River."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Introduction to Jackson, Mississippi. Jackson is Mississippi's largest city and also its capital city. Situated on the Pearl River, the city is located roughly halfway between the cities of Dallas, Texas (about 400 miles to the west) and Atlanta, Georgia (to the east)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Cleveland (/ Ë k l iË v l É n d / KLEEV-lÉnd) is a city in the U.S. state of Ohio and the county seat of Cuyahoga County, the state's second most-populous county. Located along Lake Erie, the city proper has a population of 388,072, making Cleveland the 51st largest city in the United States, and the second-largest city in Ohio after Columbus. Greater Cleveland ranked as the 32nd-largest metropolitan area in the United States, with 2,055,612 people in 2016."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Cleveland is a city in Bradley County, Tennessee, United States. The population was 41,285 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Bradley County. It is the principal city of and is included in the Cleveland, Tennessee Metropolitan Statistical Area, which is included in the Chattanooga, Tennessee-Cleveland, Tennessee Combined Statistical Area. Cleveland was established in 1837 as a county seat for Bradley County, which had been created the previous year."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Cleveland (/ËkliËvlÉnd/ KLEEV-lÉnd) is a city in the U.S. state of Ohio and the county seat of Cuyahoga County, the state's second most populous county.. The city proper has a population of 388,072, making Cleveland the 51st largest city in the United States, and the second-largest city in Ohio after Columbus. Greater Cleveland ranked as the 32nd largest metropolitan area in the United States, with 2,055,612 people in 2016. The city is the center of the ClevelandâAkronâCanton Combined Statistical Area, which had a population of 3,515,646 in 2010 and ranks 15th in the United States."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Jackson, Mississippi. Overview. Jackson is Mississippi's largest city and also its capital city. Situated on the Pearl River, the city is located roughly halfway between the cities of Dallas, Texas (about 400 miles to the west) and Atlanta, Georgia (to the east)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Bologna Performing Arts Center in Cleveland, Mississippi Ellis Theater in Cleveland As of the 2010 United States Census, there were 12,334 people residing in the city. 49.9% were African American, 46.8% White, 0.0% Native American, 0.9% Asian, 0.1% Pacific Islander, 0.1% from some other race and 0.6% from two or more races. 1.5% were Hispanic or Latino of any race."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Cleveland is a city in Bradley County, Tennessee, United States. The population was 41,285 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Bradley County. It is the principal city of and is included in the Cleveland, Tennessee Metropolitan Statistical Area, which is included in the Chattanooga, Tennessee-Cleveland, Tennessee Combined Statistical Area."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Cleveland (/ËkliËvlÉnd/ KLEEV-lÉnd) is a city in the U.S. state of Ohio and the county seat of Cuyahoga County, the state's second most populous county."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Cleveland is a village in Oswego County, New York, United States. The population was 758 at the 2000 census. The Village of Cleveland is at the eastern boundary of the Town of Constantia on Route 49. The Village of Cleveland was incorporated in 1857. Much of the 19th century industry was based on glass manufacturing."
"Represent the next text",
"Cleveland, Mississippi Local Time Details: Time Zone Abbreviations: Central Standard Time - is abbreviated as CST Central Daylight Time - is abbreviated as CDT: UTC - GMT Offset: Cleveland, Mississippi is GMT/UTC - 6h during Standard Time Cleveland, Mississippi is GMT/UTC - 5h during Daylight Saving Time: Daylight Saving Time Usage"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Sponsored Topics. Cleveland is a city in Pawnee County, Oklahoma, United States. The 2009 population estimate was 3,251. It is the hometown of Heisman trophy winner Billy Vessels."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Current Local Time: Cleveland, Mississippi is in the Central Time Zone: The Current Time in Cleveland, Mississippi is: Monday 1/29/2018 4:55 AM CST Cleveland, Mississippi is in the Central Time Zone"
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"For the county on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, see Jackson County, Mississippi. For the Kid Rock song, see Jackson, Mississippi (song). Jackson, officially the City of Jackson, is the capital city and largest urban center of the U.S. state of Mississippi. It is the primary seat of Hinds County, equally sharing its county power with the Town of Raymond."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Sponsored Topics. Cleveland is a city in Bradley County, Tennessee, United States. The population was 41,285 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Bradley County. It is the principal city of and is included in the Cleveland, Tennessee Metropolitan Statistical Area, which is included in the Chattanooga, Tennessee-Cleveland, Tennessee Combined Statistical Area."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Cleveland (/ËkliËvlÉnd/ KLEEV-lÉnd) is a city in the U.S. state of Ohio and the county seat of Cuyahoga County, the state's most populous county. The city proper has a population of 388,072, making Cleveland the 51st largest city in the United States, and the second-largest city in Ohio after Columbus."
"represent this",
"Cleveland (/ËkliËvlÉnd/ KLEEV-lÉnd) is a city in the U.S. state of Ohio and the county seat of Cuyahoga County, the state's second most populous county. The city proper has a population of 388,072, making Cleveland the 51st largest city in the United States, and the second-largest city in Ohio after Columbus. Greater Cleveland ranked as the 32nd largest metropolitan area in the United States, with 2,055,612 people in 2016."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Cleveland is the fourteenth largest city in Tennessee and the fifth-largest industrially with twelve Fortune 500 manufacturers."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Cleveland (/ËkliËvlÉnd/ KLEEV-lÉnd) is a city in the U.S. state of Ohio and the county seat of Cuyahoga County,[7] the state's second most populous county.[8][9] The city proper has a population of 388,072, making Cleveland the 51st largest city in the United States,[5] and the second-largest city in Ohio after Columbus.[10][11] Greater Cleveland ..."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Jackson is the capital of and the largest city in the state of Mississippi. It is located in Hinds County on the Pearl River, which drains into the Gulf of Mexico, and it is part of the Jackson Prairie region of the state."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"16 hours ago - save job - more... 1 View all LUSA Associates / Ultima Services jobs in Cleveland, MS - Cleveland jobs. 2 Salary Search: Office Clerk salaries in Cleveland, MS. 3 Related forums: LUSA Associates / Ultima Services - Cleveland, Mississippi."
"Represent text",
"(CNN)Living on the other side of the tracks isn't just a cheap idiom in Cleveland, Mississippi. Court documents show that 62 years after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled school segregation unconstitutional, the schools in this west Mississippi town of 12,000 are still divided, black and white -- and the abandoned Illinois Central Railroad tracks that run through town serve as the line of demarcation."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The Cleveland Fire Department in Cleveland, MS is prepared for all fire and emergency situations. The Cleveland Fire Department in Cleveland, MS is prepared for all fire and emergency situations."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Cleveland (/ËkliËvlÉnd/ KLEEV-lÉnd) is a city in the U.S. state of Ohio and the county seat of Cuyahoga County, the most populous county in the state. The city is located in northeastern Ohio on the southern shore of Lake Erie, approximately 60 miles (97 km) west of the Pennsylvania border.reater Cleveland, the Cleveland-Elyria-Mentor, OH Metropolitan Statistical Area, ranked 29th largest in the United States, and second largest in Ohio after Cincinnati with 2,064,725 people in 2013."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Cleveland is a city in White County, Georgia, United States. It is ninety miles northeast of Atlanta. Its population was 3,410 at the 2010 census (up from 1,907 at the 2000 census). It is the county seat of White County. It is home to the North Georgia Zoo and Petting Farm."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Cleveland (/ËkliËvlÉnd/ KLEEV-lÉnd) is a city in the U.S. state of Ohio and the county seat of Cuyahoga County, the state's second most populous county.. The city proper has a population of 388,072, making Cleveland the 51st largest city in the United States, and the second-largest city in Ohio after Columbus."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Cleveland, New York. Cleveland is a village in Oswego County, New York, United States. The population was 750 at the 2010 census. The Village of Cleveland is located at the eastern boundary of the Town of Constantia on NY Route 49. Contents."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Cleveland County is a county in the central part of the U.S. state of Oklahoma. The population was 255,755 at the 2010 census,[1] making it the third-most populous county in Oklahoma."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"For the settlement in Johnston County, see Cleveland, Johnston County, North Carolina. For the county, see Cleveland County, North Carolina. Cleveland is a town in the Cleveland Township of Rowan County, North Carolina, United States. The population was 871 at the 2010 census. It is named after Cleveland, England, but it is rumored that the town is actually named after Grover Cleveland after he visited the town during his presidential campaign."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"People Also Viewed. 1 Delta State Employees Federal Credit Union 117 Commerce Ave., Cleveland, MS. 2 Planters Bank 428 N Davis Ave, Cleveland, MS. 3 Regions Bank 415 South St, Cleveland, MS. Regions Bank 129 S Sharpe Ave, Cleveland, 1 MS. Renasant Bank 308 E Sunflower Rd, Cleveland, MS."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Cleveland County (formerly Dorsey County) is a county located in the U.S. state of Arkansas. Its population was 8,689 at the 2010 U.S. census. The county seat is Rison. Cleveland County is included in the Pine Bluff, AR Metropolitan Statistical Area, which is also included in the Little Rock-North Little Rock, AR Combined Statistical Area."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Cleveland, GA. Online Offers. Cleveland is a city in White County, Georgia, United States. The population was 1,907 at the 2000 census. The city is the county seat of White County. It is named after General Benjamin Cleveland, a War of 1812 figure and grandson of Colonel Benjamin Cleveland, a Revolutionary War figure. It is also home to a large manufacturing location of Freudenberg-NOK General Partnership."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Cleveland is a city in the U.S. state of Ohio, and the county seat of Cuyahoga County, the state's second most-populous county. Located along Lake Erie, the city proper has a population of 388,072, making Cleveland the 51st largest city in the United States, and the second-largest city in Ohio after Columbus. Greater Cleveland ranked as the 32nd-largest metropolitan area in the United States, with 2,055,612 people in 2016. The city anchors the ClevelandâAkronâCanton Combined Statistical ..."
] |
"Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results",
"how many calories in deli turkey slice"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"There are 29 calories in 1 slice of Deli Turkey or Chicken Breast Meat. Calorie breakdown: 15% fat, 17% carbs, 68% protein."
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"There are 34 calories in 1 slice of Deli Sliced Ham. Calorie breakdown: 48% fat, 6% carbs, 46% protein."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Calories per serving of Turkey Bacon Egg White Wrap 110 calories of Land O'Lakes Deli Co-Jack Cheese (1 slice), (1 serving) 50 calories of La Tortilla Factory, Whole Wheat Low Carb Tortilla, (1 serving) 35 calories of Louis Rich Turkey Bacon (1 slice), (1 serving) 34 calories of Egg white, large, (2 serving)"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Healthy Sandwich Protein Choices. 1 Thin sliced deli ham: 60 calories per serving. 2 Thin sliced deli turkey: 60 calories per serving. 3 Thin sliced deli roast beef: 80 calories per serving. Thin sliced deli chicken: 50 calories per serving."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"While the amount of calories in a turkey wrap with lettuce and cheese will vary based on serving size, the amount of condiments that are present, the type of cheese used and whether the turkey is lean or fatty, one serving will approximate to 207 calories, according to MyFitnessPal."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Calculating Calories. If you have a thick 3-ounce slice of roasted ham, you could have upwards of over 230 calories. But if you trim away the fat as much as possible before cooking, your calorie count could go down to closer to 180 calories. Regular cured deli ham provides between 130 and 140 calories from 3 ounces."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"There are 70 calories in a 4 slices serving of Sara Lee Deli Roast Beef Slices. Calorie breakdown: 34% fat, 6% carbs, 60% protein."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"A 0.7-oz. slice of turkey lunch meat contains 213 mg of sodium, according to the Calorie King website. This accounts for 14.2 percent of the amount, 1,500 mg, that the American Heart Association recommends that you limit yourself to each day."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"One 21-gram slice of turkey breast lunch meat contains 22 calories. Of those calories, 14.32 come from protein. This means that about 65 percent of the calories in one slice of the lunch meat are from protein. Sixteen percent of the calories are from carbohydrates, which contribute 3.52 calories per slice."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Turkey breast contains 3.58 g of protein per slice and bologna has 2.88 g. Most varieties of deli meat contain around 0.30 mg of iron, with the exception of pastrami, which contains 0.62 g per slice. You will also get small amounts of zinc and potassium from all types of deli meat."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Turkey is naturally a lean meat, so it's an especially healthy sandwich choice. It doesn't contain quite as much protein per serving as ham, but it tends to be much lower in fat and cholesterol. One ounce of lean deli turkey contains 25 calories, 4.2 g protein, 0.2 g fat, 1 g carbohydrates and no fiber."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Nutritional Summary: There are 34 calories in 1 slice of Deli Sliced Ham. Calorie Breakdown: 48% fat, 6% carbs, 46% prot."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"There are 22 calories in 1 slice of Turkey Breast Meat. Calorie breakdown: 14% fat, 16% carbs, 70% protein."
"Fat. Turkey lunch meat is lower in fat than most other lunch meats. One serving of sliced turkey contains 2 g of fat, which supplies only 18 percent of the 99 calories. Pastrami contains more than twice as much fat, with 5.8 g, which makes up 37 percent of the calories."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Turkey is naturally a lean meat, so itâs an especially healthy sandwich choice. It doesnât contain quite as much protein per serving as ham, but it tends to be much lower in fat and cholesterol. One ounce of lean deli turkey contains 25 calories, 4.2 g protein, 0.2 g fat, 1 g carbohydrates and no fiber. Beef is not as lean as cuts of poultry, but it is a rich source of both protein and iron. Like ham, however, it has higher fat and cholesterol counts than poultry."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"There are 31 calories in 1 thin slice of Turkey Bacon. Calorie breakdown: 66% fat, 3% carbs, 31% protein."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"Low-Calorie Sandwich Filler. A 1-ounce serving of beef pastrami has 41 calories, which is about the same number of calories in deli turkey and ham, both considered lean, low-calorie sandwich options. If you prefer poultry to beef, the turkey pastrami is also a good low-calorie option with 39 calories per 1-ounce serving."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"It depends on how thin the slice is and the type of ham. A wafer-thin slice of plain deli type ham, for example, can be as little as 10 calories. A slightly thicker slice of a⦠different type of ham can be approximately 45 calories per slice, ounce, or 28g. To view the examples, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"There are 254 calories in a 1 salad serving of Schlotzsky's Deli Ham & Turkey Chef Salad. Calorie breakdown: 45% fat, 21% carbs, 34% protein."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Calories in Turkey Slice. *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs. Some of these foods were entered by users and are subject to error."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Calories in Jason's Deli Turkey Wrap. *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs. Some of these foods were entered by users and are subject to error."
"Represent the next text!",
"Two slices of regular deli ham with 11 percent fat weighing 2 ounces contains 102 calories. Use extra lean ham with 5 percent fat and consume just 74 calories. A 1-ounce slice of American cheese adds 94 calories to the sandwich. Opt for cheddar and you'll take in 114 calories. A slice of Swiss is 105 calories."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Carbohydrates, Fat and Cholesterol. Each 2-ounce portion of low-sodium turkey deli meat has less than 3 grams of carbohydrates or less than 1 percent of the daily value based on a 2,000-calorie diet. It has only 0.5 grams of total fat in a 2-ounce serving and is nearly free of unhealthy saturated fat."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Deli Fresh Oven Roasted Shaved Turkey Breast. Calories from Fat 10. Information for this food was submitted to the FatSecret food database by member Dolce46 on 30 Jun 08, and last modified on 15 Jun 15 by member mmabryxo ."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"One 21-gram slice of turkey breast lunch meat contains 22 calories. Of those calories, 14.32 come from protein. This means that about 65 percent of the calories in one slice of the lunch meat are from protein. Sixteen percent of the calories are from carbohydrates, which contribute 3.52 calories per slice. Fat contributes 3.15 calories to each slice, taking up about 14 percent of the total calorie content."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Deli Turkey or Chicken Breast Meat. Calories from Fat 4. Note: Includes: Butterball 98% Fat Free Smoked Turkey Breast; 95% or more fat free; pressed; smoked; turkey or chicken breast from deli; Healthy Choice."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"There are 367 calories in a 1 serving of Deli Delicious Deli Delicious - 4. Calorie breakdown: 38% fat, 52% carbs, 10% protein."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Nice question asked... As per the experts opinion, detail nutrition summary as below: Nutrition summary: Calories: 34 Fat: 1.76g Carbs: 0.48g⦠Protein: 3.83g There are 34 calories in 1 slice of Deli Sliced Ham. Calorie breakdown: 48% fat, 6% carbs, 46% protein."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"As is the case with deli turkey, chicken breast makes another wise choice for lunchmeat. In a leading brand of country deli chicken breast, a serving size is 2 ounces. In those 2 ounces, there are 50 calories, 1 gram of fat, 0.5 grams of saturated fat, 26 mg of cholesterol, 500 mg of sodium and 10 grams of protein."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"At Subway, the wraps and the flatbreads contain the same amount of calories. A turkey breast on flatbread is 300 calories. The cheese will add an additional 40 to 60 calories, depending on the type of cheese. The Turkey and Cheese Kidwich at Jason's Deli contains 239 calories."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Calories In Turkey Pastrami Reuben Calories: 203, Fat: 9g, Carbs: 18g, Protein: 12g, Fiber: 3g. Calories In Spicy Roll Up - Pastrami Calories: 239, Fat: 15g, Carbs: 5g, Protein: 21g, Fiber: 1g. Calories In Egg Bake - Turkey Pastrami with Broccoli & Cheese Calories: 506, Fat: 30g, Carbs: 8g, Protein: 49g, Fiber: 2g. Calories In Pastrami Dill Rolls Calories: 39, Fat: 2g, Carbs: 1g, Protein: 3g, Fiber: 0g. Calories In Pastrami stuffed asparagus spears Calories: 41, Fat: 2g, Carbs: 6g, Protein: 4g, Fiber: 0g."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1 10 calories in 1 slice of wafer thin extra lean deli type ham. 2 29 calories in 1 ounce, or 28 grams, or an average size slice of extra lean ham. 3 34 calories in 1 ounce, or 28g, or average size slice of honey smoked ham. 4 31 calories in 1 ounce, or 28g, or average size slice of extra lean deli ham or luncheon meat."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Calories. A recipe for a turkey and cheese wrap that includes a whole wheat wrap -- or tortilla -- turkey, Muenster cheese, spinach, carrot, cucumber, red pepper, 1/2 slice bacon and honey mustard contains 345 calories, according to CookEatShare.com. Skip the bacon and you'll save about 25 calories."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Per 1 thin slice of prepackaged - Calories: 25kcal | Fat: 0.80g | Carbs: 0.32g | Protein: 4.12g. Other sizes: 1 medium slice, prepackaged - 50kcal , 1 thick slice of prepackaged - 74kcal , 1 deli slice - 33kcal , more... Nutrition Facts - Similar. Related searches for: Chef Salad with Ham & Turkey."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Related Searches: 1 Calories, Fat, Protein, Fiber, & Carbs In Smoked Turkey Slices. 2 Calories, Fat, Protein, Fiber, & Carbs In Turkey Slices. 3 Calories, Fat, Protein, Fiber, & Carbs In Deli Turkey Slice. Calories, Fat, Protein, Fiber, & Carbs In Foster Farms Turkey Slice."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"There are 280 calories in a The Turkey Del Taco Crunchy from Del Taco. Most of those calories come from fat (54%)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Per 1 thin slice of prepackaged - Calories: 25kcal | Fat: 0.80g | Carbs: 0.32g | Protein: 4.12g. Other sizes: 1 medium slice, prepackaged - 50kcal , 1 thick slice of prepackaged - 74kcal , 1 deli slice - 33kcal , more... Nutrition Facts - Similar."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"There are 80 calories in a 1 slice serving of Land O'Lakes Deli American Cheese Slices. Calorie breakdown: 76% fat, 5% carbs, 19% protein."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"It depends on the type of deli ham, and how thinly the slice is cut, and the amount of fat on the slice. For example, in plain deli ham there are: 10 calories in 1 wafer-thin slice of deli ham with the regular 11% fat. 46 calories in a thicker 1 ounce slice of deli with the regular 11% fat. 31 calories in a thicker 1 ounce slice of deli ham with only 4% fat."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Photo Credit Brand X Pictures/Stockbyte/Getty Images. One 21-gram slice of turkey breast lunch meat contains 22 calories. Of those calories, 14.32 come from protein. This means that about 65 percent of the calories in one slice of the lunch meat are from protein. Sixteen percent of the calories are from carbohydrates, which contribute 3.52 calories per slice. Fat contributes 3.15 calories to each slice, taking up about 14 percent of the total calorie content. Calories in a Slice of Turkey Sandwich Meat."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"One 0.7-oz. slice of turkey lunch meat contains 22 calories, according to the Calorie King website. Based on a 2,000 calorie per day diet, this accounts for approximately 1.1 percent of the calories you need."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The restaurant also has several low calorie hot sandwiches, although the availability depends on the location, so you need check it first. If these hot sandwiches are available, you can order the 280 calorie Turkey Melt, or the Memphian which has 300 calories. Below are the latest McAlisterâs Deli nutrition facts."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"There are 563 calories in a 1 sandwich serving of McAlister's Deli Turkey Melt Sandwich. Calorie breakdown: 40% fat, 34% carbs, 26% protein."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Calories in sliced turkey deli meat. *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs. Some of these foods were entered by users and are subject to error."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Calories. Turkey lunch meat is lower in calories than most other lunch meats. A 100 g, or about 3.5 oz., serving of sliced turkey contains 99 calories. The same size serving of pastrami contains 147 calories, and the same amount of ham contains 163 calories. Other lunch meats, such as salami, are even higher in calories, with 388 calories per serving."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"HOW MANY CALORIES IN HAM. Here are the examples for a variety of hams: 10 calories in 1 slice of wafer thin extra lean deli type ham. 29 calories in 1 ounce, or 28 grams, or an average size slice of extra lean ham. 34 calories in 1 ounce, or 28g, or average size slice of honey smoked ham. 31 calories in 1 ounce, or 28g, or average size slice of extra lean deli ham or luncheon meat."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"There are 270 calories in a The Turkey Del Taco Soft from Del Taco. Most of those calories come from fat (48%)."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Deli Sliced Ham. Per 1 slice - Calories: 34kcal | Fat: 1.76g | Carbs: 0.48g | Protein: 3.83g. Other sizes: 1 slice, NFS - 45kcal , 1 very thin slice, shaved slice - 28kcal , 1 cubic inch - 29kcal , more... Nutrition Facts - Similar."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"There are 70 calories in a 1 slice serving of Kraft Deli Deluxe American Cheese Slices. Calorie breakdown: 77% fat, 0% carbs, 23% protein."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Carbohydrates, Fat and Cholesterol. Each 2-ounce portion of low-sodium turkey deli meat has less than 3 grams of carbohydrates or less than 1 percent of the daily value based on a 2,000-calorie diet. It has only 0.5 grams of total fat in a 2-ounce serving and is nearly free of unhealthy saturated fat.A 2-ounce serving of low-salt turkey luncheon meat contains 25 milligrams of cholesterol or 8 percent of the daily value.odium Content. A 57-gram or 2-ounce serving of low-sodium turkey deli meat contains 440 milligrams of sodium. This is 17 percent less than prepackaged turkey breast, which contains 529 milligrams of sodium per 2-ounce serving."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Related Searches: Calories, Fat, Protein, Fiber, & Carbs In Smoked Turkey Slices. Calories, Fat, Protein, Fiber, & Carbs In Turkey Slices. Calories, Fat, Protein, Fiber, & Carbs In Deli Turkey Slice."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A 2-oz. serving of sliced deli ham contains 60 calories. While you can consume deli ham by itself, it is most commonly eaten as part of a sandwich, so your caloric intake may be much more. One serving of this luncheon meat has 1 g of fat. You should obtain 20 to 35 percent of your daily calories from fat."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n------\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Immunization is the process whereby a person is made immune or resistant to an infectious disease, typically by the administration of a vaccine.Vaccines stimulate the bodyâ\\x80\\x99s own immune system to protect the person against subsequent infection or disease.Immunization is a proven tool for controlling and eliminating life-threatening infectious diseases and is estimated to avert between 2 and 3 million deaths each year.accines stimulate the bodyâ\\x80\\x99s own immune system to protect the person against subsequent infection or disease. Immunization is a proven tool for controlling and eliminating life-threatening infectious diseases and is estimated to avert between 2 and 3 million deaths each year.']\" Match: \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is a immunization']\"",
"There are 70 calories in a 17 slices serving of Hormel Turkey Pepperoni. Calorie breakdown: 50% fat, 0% carbs, 50% protein."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Assuming 1 ounce slices, this is 3 or 4 slices of turkey. There are about 29 calories in a single 1 ounce slice of turkey. This means there are an estimated 87 to 116 calories of turkey in a single sandwich, not counting the bread, vegetables or condiments."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Deli Turkey or Chicken Breast Meat. Calories from Fat 4. Note: Includes: Butterball 98% Fat Free Smoked Turkey Breast; 95% or more fat free; pressed; smoked; turkey or chicken breast from deli; Healthy Choice. 1%. of RDI*. (29 calories)"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"A 2-oz. serving of sliced deli ham contains 60 calories. While you can consume deli ham by itself, it is most commonly eaten as part of a sandwich, so your caloric intake may be much more. One serving of this luncheon meat has 1 g of fat. You should obtain 20 to 35 percent of your daily calories from fat. Consuming more than this may lead to weight gain."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Sixty-five percent of the calories in turkey breast come from protein. One 21-gram slice of turkey breast lunch meat contains 22 calories. Of those calories, 14.32 come from protein. This means that about 65 percent of the calories in one slice of the lunch meat are from protein. Sixteen percent of the calories are from carbohydrates, which contribute 3.52 calories per slice."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"There are 28 calories in 1 very thin slice, shaved slice of Deli Sliced Ham. Calorie breakdown: 48% fat, 6% carbs, 46% protein."
"Food Lion 97% Fat free thin deli sliced turkey breast oven roasted (4 slices) Calories in Food Lion 97% Fat free thin deli sliced turkey breast oven roasted (4 slices) *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs. Some of these foods were entered by users and are subject to error."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"approx 38 calories in a 1 oz, or 28g, slice of turkey breast with the skin removed before eating. approx 53 calories in a 1 oz, or 28g, slice of turkey breast including the skin. approx 52 calories in a 1 oz, or 28g, slice of turkey dark meat with the skin removed before eating. approx 62 calories in a 1 oz, or 28g, slice of turkey dark meat including the skin."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"There are 22 calories in 1 slice of Turkey Breast Meat. Get full nutrition facts and other common serving sizes of Turkey Breast Meat including 1 oz and 1 serving. Register | Sign In"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"On the other hand, if you have a slice of freshly roasted pork that wasnât trimmed of fat, youâll get more than double the calories as that slice of deli meat. If you have a thick 3-ounce slice of roasted ham, you could have upwards of over 230 calories. But if you trim away the fat as much as possible before cooking, your calorie count could go down to closer to 180 calories. Regular cured deli ham provides between 130 and 140 calories from 3 ounces."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Oven Roasted (Turkey Breast). Serving Size: 1 slice (28g), Calories: 25, Fat: 1g, Carbs: 0g, Protein: 4g. (Shredded / Off Bone) *Caloriecount.Com (Turkey Breast). Serving Size: 4 oz, Calories: 110, Fat: 1g, Carbs: 0g, Protein: 28g."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"For example, in plain deli ham there are: 1 10 calories in 1 wafer-thin slice of deli ham with the regular 11% fat. 2 46 calories in a thicker 1 ounce slice of deli with the regular 11% fat. 3 31 calories in a thicker 1 ounce slice of deli ham with only 4% fat."
] |
"represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"what is the goals of the ghs"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"âThe overall goal of GHS is to have the same set of hazardous material classification standards used around the world to enhance protection of human health and environmental awareness,â states the new infographic from Graphic Products, âWhat is GHS?â."
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The WHMIS After GHS: Preparing for Change publication will . Provide an overview of the new Globally Harmonized System (GHS) Describe the changes to WHMIS that are expected because of the adoption of GHS rules for classification, labelling, symbols/pictograms, and safety data sheets (SDSs)"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1. The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) is the culmination of more than a decade of work. There were many individuals involved, from a multitude of countries, international organizations, and stakeholder organizations. Their work spanned a wide range of"
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Georgia Historical Society (GHS) is the premier independent statewide institution responsible for collecting, examining, and teaching Georgia history. GHS houses the oldest and most distinguished collection of materials related exclusively to Georgia history in the nation."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"what are the aims/goals/objectives of the O.E.C.S."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries Examples:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!', 'Factors Involved in the Cost of Rewiring a House. Older homes, like those in Boston, may require whole-house rewiring for safety and to meet local building codes. There are several factors that determine the cost to rewire a house: Are you doing the house rewiring yourself or hiring a licensed electrician?']\" Match: \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is involved in rewiring a house']\"",
"Comparison of Hazard Communication Requirements. I-2. Purpose. Comparison. The purpose of the HCS and GHS are consistent. The HCS is one of the major existing systems which was to be. harmonized by the GHS. While the intent of the GHS in international harmonization, it will also address."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Introduction to GHS (The Globally Harmonized System). Created specifically to assist facilities in complying with the employee training requirements of OSHAâs newly adopted GHS regulations, these products discuss the Globally Harmonized System for the Classification and Labeling of Chemicals."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Millennium Development Goals. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are eight goals with measurable targets and clear deadlines for improving the lives of the world's poorest people. To meet these goals and eradicate poverty, leaders of 189 countries signed the historic millennium declaration at the United Nations Millennium Summit in 2000."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 GHS stands for the Globally Harmonized System of the Classification and Labelling of Chemical. It is a set of guidelines for ensuring the safe production, transport, handling, use and disposal of hazardous materials."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Show All ». Show All ». The Mission of NCHS is to provide educational opportunities that equip our students with fundamental decision making, communication, and critical thinking skills that promote the values of lifelong learning and responsible citizenship.."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Adoption of the GHS in the US and around the world will also help to improve information received from other countriesâsince the US is both a major importer and exporter of chemicals, American workers often see labels and safety data sheets from other countries."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Our training products on âIntroduction to GHS (The Globally Harmonized System)â review what the Globally Harmonized System is all about, why OSHA adopted the GHS, and the phase-in dates for implementing the GHS. Topics covered in the program include:"
"Represent this",
"10 GHS Facts in 60 Seconds. The GHS was developed by the United Nations, as a way to bring into agreement the chemical regulations and standards of different countries. In short, it is an international attempt to get everyone on the same page."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Establish work health and. safety practices. Work health and safety (WHS) is concerned with the. health and safety of all people in the workplace. The. main objective of WHS is to prevent injury or harm in. the workplace. Many workplaces have formal processes, such as workplace inspections, incident reporting and. health and safety committees (HSCs)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"The GHS addresses the classification of chemicals by types of hazard (health, fire, reactivity, environmental) and proposes harmonized hazard communication elements (labels and safety data sheets). It is intended that the GHS will be adopted worldwide."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"What is the Globally Harmonized System (GHS)? GHS stands for the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals. GHS defines and classifies the hazards of chemical products, and communicates health and safety information on labels and safety data sheets)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The overall goals of the DASA/DCFS Initiative include: 1 Improved health and safety of the child(ren) and mother. 2 Improved parenting skills. 3 Improved family functioning. 4 Reduced substance abuse. 5 Improved life management skills of the mother."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nFor example, ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"Mike Leake Arrested: Reds Pitcher Accused Of Theft. Cincinnati Reds pitcher Mike Leake was arrested on Monday and accused of theft, the Cincinnati Enquirer reports. The 23-year-old was said to have been taken to jail at 2:32 p.m. by Cincinnati police after Macy's employees stopped him, claiming that he took $59.88 in property from the store.\"] should be similar to ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what did mike leake get arrested for']",
"The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS), a system for standardizing the labeling and classification of chemicals around the world, creates a common framework to help reduce confusion surrounding these chemicals."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The GHS provides such a standardized approach, including detailed criteria for determining what hazardous effects a chemical poses, as well as standardized label elements assigned by hazard class and category."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The primary goal of NFPA is to reduce the worldwide burden of fire and other hazards on the quality of life by providing and advocating scientifically-based consensus codes and standards, research, training, and education."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"As the years went by, we saw the need for additional products. To fill that need, GHS of North America was formed in 2013 to help fitness center owners with their electronic needs. GHS offers complete TV rail systems, fencing systems, and electronic raceways that can eliminate the need for knee walls. Rail System assemble . Platinum system;"
"Represent this text.",
"The six NQS goals are: evidence-based practices, person-centered care, coordinated care, healthy living for communities, reduction of adverse events, and cost reductions. The impact of each of those goals will be tracked via a set of core behavioral health quality measures across three targets or domains. The targets are: payers (SAMHSA, other federal agency, state/county, or private payers); providers/practitioners; and general populations (individuals, families, and communities)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"2014 GHS RULE UPDATES GUIDE FOR COACHES. The mission of Columbus Youth Football, Inc. is to inspire youth, regardless of race, creed or national origin, to practice the ideals of sportsmanship and physical fitness in accordance with the standards of the National Youth Sports Coaches Association. The National Youth Sports Coaches Association (NYSCA) is a nationally approved program."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"OSHA Hazard Communication Training. The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) was created by the United Nations and serves as the international standard for Hazard Communication."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"What is the function of GH? Also known as somatotropin. major targets of growth are bones and skeletal muscles; exerts metabolic effects such as mobilizing fats, increasing blood levels of fatty acids and decreases the rate of glucose uptake and metabolism. Also encourages glycogen breakdown and release of glucose to the blood."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Immunization Unit. The goals of the DSHS Immunization Unit are to eliminate the spread of vaccine preventable diseases by increasing vaccine coverage for Texans, raise awareness of the diseases that vaccines prevent, and educate the public about vaccine safety."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Since GHS is a globally harmonized system, are my SDSs valid worldwide? A. No, GHS is a voluntary international system that implements the framework for standardizing compliance regulations, such as converting MSDSâs to SDSâs. Countries like the US have the option to adopt and implement it freely."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"GHS stands for Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals and is a United Nations initiative to bring global standardization to the classification of the hazards of chemical products and to the communication of health and safety information on product labels and Safety Data Sheets ( SDS ) , formerly known as Material ..."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A. OSHA has modified the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) to adopt the GHS to improve safety and health of workers through more effective communications on chemical hazards."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are a set of eight goals set by 191 United Nations member countries that have the goal of halving world poverty by the year 2015. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are a set of eight goals set by 191 United Nations member countries that have the goal of halving world poverty by the year 2015."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"GHS AMBASSADOR PROGRAM. Grapevine High School is proud to sponsor the Ambassador Program. The GHS Ambassador Program is composed of two award levels: The Community Service Ambassador and the Community Scholar Ambassador for the classes of 2016 and 2017. For the Class of 2019 and beyond, the program will have these two award levels: Community Service Ambassador and Community Service Ambassador with Distinction."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The specific goals of the HGP are to:: 1 Identify all the estimated 80,000 genes in the human DNA, 2 Determine the sequences of the 3 billion DNA chemical bases. 3 Store this information in databases, 4 Develop tools for data analysis, and. 5 Address the possible ethical, legal, and social issues (ELSI) (3)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Goals & Objectives. The goals of Child Care Services Association reflect our work ethic and dedication to improving the child care system. They guide us in our decision making and how we steward the resources entrusted to us. These goals and objectives enable CCSA to become an agency that truly makes a difference. Goal One To ensure that no family pays more than 10% of its gross earnings to purchase child care for one child. Objectives: Make child care subsidy resources and information available to families."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Growth hormone (GH) deficiency (GHD) in children with short stature is an unchallenged indication to the therapy with recombinant human GH (rhGH). The main goal of the treatment is to increase patients' height velocity (HV) and to improve the attained final height (FH)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) â which range from halving extreme poverty to halting the spread of HIV/AIDS and providing universal primary education, all by the target date of 2015 â form a blueprint agreed to by all the worldâs countries and all the worldâs leading development institutions."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"ï® GHS refers to the United Nations (UN) Globally Harmonized. System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals. ï® Initiated at the UN Conference on the Environment and. Development in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. ï® Harmonize the classification and the hazard communication."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"School Improvement Goals. Goal 1: A minimum of 80% of our freshman students will pass their courses. Goal 2: 70% of our students will meet the 2017 ISTEP+ overall passing score and be career and college ready. Goal 3: NPHS faculty and staff will create a caring and accepting climate for our school community."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"World Hepatitis Summit 2017 â Programme launched. The programme for the World Hepatitis Summit 2017 has now been launched. The theme of this yearâs Summit is Implementing the Global Health Sector Strategy on Viral Hepatitis (GHSS): Towards the elimination of hepatitis as a public health threat."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"The pictogram for harmful substances of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals. The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) is an internationally agreed-upon system, created by the United Nations beginning in 1992 and as of 2015 is not yet fully implemented in many countries."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Mission Statement. The mission of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is to enhance the health and well-being of Americans by providing for effective health and human services and by fostering sound, sustained advances in the sciences underlying medicine, public health, and social services. Back to top."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"GHS stands for the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals. GHS was developed by the United Nations as a way to bring into agreement the chemical regulations and standards of different countries. In short, it is an international attempt to get all countries on the same page."
"As the nation's leading advocate for the health and welfare of all Americans, HHS is proud to play a central role in the President's New Freedom Initiative and its goal of community integration for people with disabilities."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Our training products on âIntroduction to GHS (The Globally Harmonized System⦠for Construction Workers)â review what the Globally Harmonized System is all about, why OSHA adopted the GHS, and the phase-in dates for implementing the GHS. Topics covered in the program include:"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"NOTE: This document discusses the global GHS, as developed by the United Nations. GHS is a 'non-binding' system of hazard communication. Only the elements of GHS that have been explicitly adopted by Canadian legislation are enforceable."
"Represent text",
"GHS stands for the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals. GHS defines and classifies the hazards of chemical products, and communicates health and safety information on labels and safety data sheets)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"GHS stands for the Globally Harmonized System of Chemical Classification and Labeling. The Globally Harmonized System (GHS) is an international approach to hazard communication, providing agreed criteria for the classification of chemical hazards, and a standardized approach to label elements and safety data sheets."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"The UN Globally Harmonized System (GHS) is a classification system developed to provide an international standard and harmonization for the classification and labeling of chemicals."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Cascading Goals. ⢠The employee needs to be able to do the work; people canât achiev e a goal that is not within their scope of influence or current capability. ⢠The employee must have the tools, resources, and access required to get the work done. ⢠Expectations must be well-defined, and the employee must have sufficient time and bandwidth t o meet milestones. ⢠Goals must be reasonable."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"10 GHS Facts in 60 Seconds. 1 GHS stands for the Globally Harmonized System of the Classification and Labelling of Chemical. It is a set of guidelines for ensuring the safe production, transport, handling, use and disposal of hazardous materials."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"At Grayson Highlands School our mission is to provide a positive learning environment where everyone will SOAR to success.. In order to achieve our mission, GHS faculty, staff and students: Strive to be responsible. Own our attitudes and actions. Always behave safely and."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The mission of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is to enhance the health and well-being of Americans by providing for effective health and human services and by fostering sound, sustained advances in the sciences underlying medicine, public health, and social services."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"What is the scope of GHS? GHS covers all hazardous chemicals and may be adopted to cover chemicals in the workplace, transport, consumer products, pesticides and pharmaceuticals. The target audiences for GHS include workers, transport workers, emergency responders and consumers."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The UN Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) Updated in July 2014 The UN Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) is an international system created by the UN to address the classification of chemicals by types of hazard and harmonize hazard communication elements, including labels and safety data sheets."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Mission, Goals, and Objectives. NASA is building a Greenhouse Gas Management (GHG) community of practice across NASA Centers, working with environmental, energy, procurement and logistics staff to better understand the sources and options to manage GHG emissions effectively."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Transition to the GHS will occur over a five-year period from 1 January 2012 until 31 December 2016. 1 Airborne contaminants. 2 Asbestos. 3 Hazardous Chemicals. 4 Lead Risk Work. 5 Major Hazard Facilities. 6 Spray painting and powder coating. 7 Work requiring Health Monitoring."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"GHS is primarily concerned with the classification of chemicals and the communication of hazards related to those chemicals to users of the products downstream via warning labels and safety data sheets. GHS is not a law unto itself; rather it is a system with components countries can adopt into their own systems."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Global Health - CDC and the Global Health Security Agenda. GHSA in Action. Pilot Country Assessments. GHSA has developed a common set of 11 targets and an external assessment tool, which has now been piloted in 5 countries: Georgia, Peru, Portugal, Uganda, and the United Kingdom."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"At a minimum, the uniformity of hazard information required on labels and safety data sheets via GHS classification better prevents chemical manufacturers and distributors from obscuring, or otherwise mitigating, the hazards of their chemicals."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"1.0 BACKGROUND. The purpose of this document is to describe the United Nations Globally Harmonized System of. Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS), why it was developed, and how it relates to the. sound management of chemicals."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Answer the question, what is GHS? & find the answers to common GHS FAQs with ICC. Shop with us today for GHS publications, labels, placards & more."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Last Published: 08/22/2014. The goal of HealthierUS School Challenge: Smarter Lunchrooms (HUSSC: SL) is to improve the health of the Nationâs children by promoting healthier school environments. To help meet the goal, the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) identifies schools that have made changes to. improve the quality of the foods served,"
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!\n\nE.g.:\n['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Edema is swelling of both legs from a buildup of extra fluid. Prolonged standing or sitting, especially in hot weather, can cause excess fluid to accumulate in the feet, ankles and lower legs. Tiny valves inside the veins of the legs can become weakened, causing a common problem called venous insufficiency.'] == ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is it called when your legs are swollen']",
"Welcome to the Genesys Health System (GHS) web site. GHS, a member of Ascension Health, is a group of affiliated medical campuses, outpatient centers, primary care locations and ancillary health care organizations with a mission and history of improving our community's health for more than 90 years."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"GHS refers to the United Nations (UN) Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals. The GHS will establish new rules for hazardous chemicals in transportation, workplace use and consumer use, as well as special rules for pesticides. GHS also includes new Safety Data Sheet (SDS), or Safety Data Sheet (SDS), requirements and new hazard symbols."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The goals of the DSHS Immunization Unit are to eliminate the spread of vaccine preventable diseases by increasing vaccine coverage for Texans, raise awareness of the diseases that vaccines prevent, and educate the public about vaccine safety."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nFor instance, <<['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'In science, the practice of classifying organisms is called taxonomy (Taxis means arrangement and nomos means method). The modern taxonomic system was developed by the Swedish botanist Carolus (Carl) Linneaeus (1707-1788).']>> to <<['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is called the science of classification']>>",
"The purpose of E-Cell, IMT Ghaziabad, is to enable young India to dream, to sow the seeds of entrepreneurship within the youth of the country, and to help use education to generate employment while following best business practices, and setting examples..Start Up Fair(SUF) -Start-Up-Fair is the flagship event of E-Cell, IMT Ghaziabad and it provides a networking platform for start-ups, students, banks & VCs to network with the future start-ups and assess ideas."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The League's goals The founders of the League of Nations were desperate to avoid a repetition of the horrors of the Great War. The main aims of the organisation included disarmament, preventing war through collective security, settling disputes between countries through negotiation and diplomacy, and improving global welfare."
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!",
"antelope valley population"
] | [
"Represent the next text",
"Neighboring Lancaster has increased its population since the early 1980s to around 3 times its former level. Major retail has followed the population influx, centered around Palmdale's Antelope Valley Mall. The Antelope Valley is home to over 475,000, and is expected to reach 1,000,000 people by the year 2020."
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The main region is within four Texan counties: Starr County, Hidalgo County, Willacy County, and Cameron County. As of January 1, 2012, the U.S. Census Bureau estimated the population of the Rio Grande Valley at 1,305,782. According to the U.S. Census Bureau in 2008, 86 percent of Cameron County, 90 percent of Hidalgo County, 97 percent of Starr County, and 86 percent of Willacy County are Hispanic."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve Visit in spring for breathtaking displays of Californiaâs state flower Come springtime, get ready for an eye-popping showâstaged by Mother Natureâin the far northeast corner of L.A. County."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Incline Village-Crystal Bay is a census-designated place (CDP) in Washoe County, Nevada on the north shore of Lake Tahoe. The population was 9,952 at the 2000 census. It is part of the RenoâSparks Metropolitan Statistical Area. Sierra Nevada College's main campus is located in Incline Village. Incline Village-Crystal Bay is located at 39°13â²42â³N 119°57â²3â³W / 39.22833°N 119.95083°W / 39.22833; -119.95083 (39.2282, -119.9509)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The information available in this portion of place names is from the Great Northern Railway Origin of Station Names 1937 attributed to Charles H. Moore and distributed by the Great Northern Publicity Department. Antelope A village in Sheridan County, Montana."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Little Johnny Creek flows along the southern border of Farmington, paralleling Highway 4 for a short distance. The creek and many other places nearby were used as locations in the 1958 film The Big Country The 2010 United States Census reported that Farmington had a population of 207. The population density was 81.4 people per square mile (31.4/km²). The racial makeup of Farmington was 164 (79.2%) White, 7 (3.4%) African American, 1 (0.5%) Native American, 6 (2.9%) Asian, 0 (0.0%) Pacific Islander, 18 (8.7%) from other races, and 11 (5.3%) from two or more races."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Walker is one of the three northernmost communities in Mono County. According to the Mono County government, Antelope Valley, including Walker, is expected to see significant population growth. According to the United States Census Bureau, the CDP covers an area of 18.4 square miles (47.8 km²), all of it land. Fire Protection District"
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve is located in northern Los Angeles County, California. At the peak of the blooming season, orange petals seem to cover all 1,745 acres (706 ha) of the reserve.he fruit is a slender, dehiscent capsule 3 to 9 cm (1.2 to 3.5 in) long, which splits in two to release the numerous small black or dark brown seeds. It survives mild winters in its native range, dying completely in colder climates."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Palmdale Grammar School. Circa 1918-19. The Antelope Valley is located in the westernmost part of the Mojave Desert, and is approximately 3,000 square miles in size. On the northwest, the Valley is separated from the San Joaquin Valley by the Tehachapi Mountains."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Most of the population of Los Angeles County is located in the south and southwest, with major population centers in the Los Angeles Basin, San Fernando Valley and San Gabriel Valley. Other population centers are found in the Santa Clarita Valley, Pomona Valley, Crescenta Valley and Antelope Valley."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The general population in the tri-county area is estimated at 1,054,442 for 2007. There are 147,170 persons in the 60 and older age group, this represents 14.0% of the general population. This number will continue to 6 Area Agency on Aging of the Lower Rio Grande Valley. coverage of services in the region."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve (actually in Los Angeles County but right on the boundary of Kern County) Hungry Valley State Recreation Area (actually in Los Angeles County but right on the boundary of Kern County) Kern County chapter of the California Native Plant Society."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Antelope Valley: In recent decades the valley has become a bedroom community, to the Greater Los Angeles area. Major housing tract development and population growth took off beginning in 1983, which has increased the population of Palmdale around 12 times its former size as of 2006."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"In the Antelope Valley, the proposed significant ecological area expansion covers scattered Joshua tree woodlands west of Lancaster, the lakes and hills along the San Andreas Fault from Quail Lake to Barrel Springs, and the Big Rock, Little Rock and Mescal creek washes and the rocky buttes around Lake Los Angeles."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Maggie Valley is a town in Haywood County, North Carolina, United States. The population was 1,150 at the 2010 census. It is home to the Ghost Town in the Sky amusement park and Cataloochee Ski Area. Maggie Valley is part of the Asheville Metropolitan Statistical Area. The community gets its name from Maggie Mae Setzer; her father John Jack Sidney Setzer founded the area's first post office and named it after one of his daughters."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Wyoming is the center of the continent's pronghorn antelope herd and boasts the largest antelope population of any state or province. Wyoming is also the home of the world's largest single elk herd. Mule deer are found in every county and white-tailed deer inhabit the Black Hills area. Moose are found in the northwestern part of the state."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Pushmataha County is a county located in the southeastern part of the U.S. state of Oklahoma. As of the 2010 census, the population was 11,572. Its county seat is Antlers. The county was created at statehood from part of the former territory of the Choctaw Nation, which had its capital at the town of Tuskahoma."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Contact antelope valley hospital For your convenience to contact antelope valley hospital We have provided all possible information of antelope valley hospital. You can contact antelope valley hospital on the given phone number (661) 949-5533. To know the address location of antelope valley hospital it is also presented here 1600 West Avenue J Lancaster, California 93534 United States.."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Valley County is a county located in the U.S. state of Nebraska. As of the 2010 census, the population was 4,260. Its county seat is Ord. In the Nebraska license plate system, Valley County is represented by the prefix 47 (it had the forty-seventh-largest number of vehicles registered in the county when the license plate system was established in 1922)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve sits about 50 miles north of the San Fernando Valley, ringed by the Tehachapi Mountains to the north, and the snow-topped San Gabriels to the south. If you visit this season, which lasts through May, try to go on a week day, as the large parking lot fills quickly on weekends."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:', 'The latest version of Windows Operating System is Windows 8. Before that, Microsoft was Windows 7. Many people enjoy Windows 8.']\" Match: \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is the latest windows operating system']\"",
"Pushmataha County, Oklahoma. Pushmataha County is a county located in the southeastern part of the U.S. state of Oklahoma. As of the 2010 census, the population was 11,572. Its county seat is Antlers. The county was created at statehood from part of the former territory of the Choctaw Nation, which had its capital at the town of Tuskahoma."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nE.g.:\n['represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"Loading ... France was the first European country to penetrate deep into North America, exploring the Mississippi River from both the north and the south. However, Spain was the first nation to make a permanent home on North American soil, defeating the French's first attempt at a settlement.\"] == ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'who were the first to permanently settle in the us']",
"Zip codes, census tracts, community and city names, and other means have been used to identify Valley -specific records. The San Fernando Valley had a population 1,696,347 in 2000. A recent estimate by the Los Angeles County Urban Research Unit and Population Division puts the 2004 population at 1,808,599. The largest cities entirely in the Valley are Glendale and Burbank."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"The Antelope Valley is located in the westernmost part of the Mojave Desert, and is approximately 3,000 square miles in size. On the northwest, the Valley is separated from the San Joaquin Valley by the Tehachapi Mountains. On the south and southwest, it is separated by the San Gabriel Mountains."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Related: Apple Valley real estate data & listings. With a population of nearly 70,000 residents, Apple Valley is a popular city in the San Bernardino County. The area was incorporated in 1988. It is full of affordable homes that make it an attractive option for homebuyers. Many of the homes are average size, with a few bedrooms."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"(Text that appears in red indicates basic characteristics of the various culture periods. Although there is increasing evidence that human occupation of the Mojave Desert may have taken place much earlier, it is known that the Antelope Valley has been inhabited for at least the past twelve to thirteen thousand years."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"households in Rock Valley containing people over 60 ; Total Population: 1,283; Population of homes with one or more people 60 years and over: 479; 1-person household: 186; 2-or-more-person household: 293; Family households: 286; Nonfamily households: 7; Population of homes with no people 60 years and over: 804; 1-person household: 184; 2-or-more-person household: 620"
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nFor example, ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"Every Certified Pre-Owned vehicle from Chevy, Buick, and GMC comes with a new, longer 6-Year/100,000-Mile1 Powertrain Limited Warranty, including Roadside Assistance and Courtesy Transportation3. We believe in our vehicles and aren't afraid to stand behind them. What's Included. $0 Deductible.\"] should be similar to ['', 'what is covered by my chevy powertrain warranty']",
"Current Antelope Valley Crestview, Wyoming Population, Demographics and stats in 2016, 2017. Learn more by clicking the Google or Facebook button below. Population Demographics for Antelope Valley Crestview, Wyoming in 2016 and 2017. Other Counties and Cities in Wyoming."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Antelope Valley Hospital, a 420-bed district hospital located in the city of Lancaster in northern Los Angeles County, has been serving the community for more than 60 years. The ⦠Learn more about Antelope Valley Hospital , Opens a popup Specialties Antelope Valley Hospital, a 420-bed district hospital located in the city of Lancaster in northern Los Angeles County, has been serving the community for more than 60 years. The area's only full-service acute-care hospital, AVH provides a full array of medical/surgical services, pediatric treatment, NICU, mental health, cancer care and more."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Antelope Valley is located in the western Mojave Desert at an elevation ranging from 2600--3000 feet, making it a high desert environment. This State Natural Reserve is located on California's most consistent poppy-bearing land."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The 2016 Jordan Valley, Oregon, population is 174. There are 84 people per square mile (population density)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Antelope Valley is located in the westernmost part of the Mojave Desert, and is approximately 3,000 square miles in size. On the northwest, the Valley is separated from the San Joaquin Valley by the Tehachapi Mountains."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Antelope Valley Hospital District is a General Acute Care Hospital in Lancaster, California. The NPI Number for Antelope Valley Hospital District is 1366419517. The current location address for Antelope Valley Hospital District is 1600 W Avenue J, , Lancaster, California and the contact number is 661-949-5000 and fax number is 661-949-5774. The mailing address for Antelope Valley Hospital District is 1600 W Avenue J, , Lancaster, California - 93534-2814 (mailing address contact number - 661-949-5000)."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Antelope is a term referring to many even-toed ungulate species indigenous to various regions in Africa and Eurasia. Antelopes comprise a miscellaneous group within the family Bovidae, encompassing those old world species that are neither cattle, sheep, buffalo, bison, nor goats."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Antelope Valley Hospital (AVH) is a multi specialty public hospital based in Lancaster, California. The hospital was founded in 1955 and specializes in acute care. Antelope Valley Hospital has over 420 beds and offers diverse range of services such as women & children's services, respiratory care services, mental health services, home health services, physical and occupational therapy."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The Lehigh Valley is the fastest growing and third most populous region in the state of Pennsylvania with a population of 821,623 residents as of the 2010 U.S. Census. It is eclipsed in total population only by the metropolitan areas of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Inhabitants of Antelope Valley who arrived as the Ice Age (Pleistocene era) was ending are referred to by anthropologists as PaleoIndians. These peoples were believed to have been hunters of the large game animals (such as mammoths and mastodons) that had become extinct by around 10,000 to 9,000 BCE."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Right now, kajillions of the delicate flower enliven the western Antelope Valley. The best, and safest, place to see them is the Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve, an 1,800-acre state park 15 miles west of Lancaster. Itâs not just poppies that come out after bountiful rains. There are swaths of a dozen different wildflowers, including yellow goldfield flowers, shocks of magenta filarees and purple pygmy-leaved lupine."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"The Antelope Valley is located in the western Mojave Desert at an elevation ranging from 2600--3000 feet, making it a high desert environment. This State Natural Reserve is located on California's most consistent poppy-bearing land. Other wildflowers: owl's clover, lupine, goldfield, cream cups, and coreopsis, to name a few, share the desert grassland to produce a mosaic of color and fragrance each spring."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Coleville is one of the three northernmost communities in Mono County. According to the Mono County government, Antelope Valley, including Coleville, is expected to see significant population growth. It is named after California's first congressman, Cornelius Cole, who arrived with his brother during the gold rush and established a law firm in San Francisco before entering politics."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Antelope Valley is a closed basin; that is, a basin which has no outlet for its surface streams. All rain water either sinks into the ground or collects in the lower part of the Valley. There are twelve creeks leading into the Valley from the south, which carry water in wet seasons."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Most of the population of Los Angeles County is located in the south and southwest, with major population centers in the Los Angeles Basin, San Fernando Valley and San Gabriel Valley. Other population centers are found in the Santa Clarita Valley, Crescenta Valley and Antelope Valley."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"The Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve is located in northern Los Angeles County, California. At the peak of the blooming season, orange petals seem to cover all 1,745 acres (706 ha) of the reserve."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The 2010 United States Census reported that Penn Valley had a population of 1,621. The population density was 764.1 people per square mile (295.0/km²)."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"In 2007 the population that is 85 years and older for the Lower Rio Grande Valley is estimated to. be 11,509 or 7.82% of the 60+ population. In 2020 this segment of the seniors will be estimated. to be 18,320 or 7.92%."
"Represent the following document:",
"Circa 1918-19. The Antelope Valley is located in the westernmost part of the Mojave Desert, and is approximately 3,000 square miles in size. On the northwest, the Valley is separated from the San Joaquin Valley by the Tehachapi Mountains. On the south and southwest, it is separated by the San Gabriel Mountains."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Lucerne Valley is a census-designated place located in the Mojave Desert of western San Bernardino County, California. It lies east of the Victor Valley, whose population nexus includes Victorville, Apple Valley, Adelanto and Hesperia. The population was 5,811 at the 2010 census."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The population of the Zambezi river valley is estimated to be about 32 million. About 80% of the population of the valley is dependent on agriculture, and the upper river's flood plains provide good agricultural land."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Pushmataha County is a county located in the southeastern part of the U.S. state of Oklahoma. As of the 2010 census, the population was 11,572. Its county seat is Antlers. The published records belong to the county clerk's office. All of the revenue from printing copies goes directly to support Pushmataha County."
"Apple Valley was incorporated on October 15, 2004, and a 2007 population estimate by the US Census Bureau placed its population at 427. In 2006, some residents of the town signed a petition calling for dis-incorporation, saying that its incorporation was premature."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve. Visit in spring for breathtaking displays of Californiaâs state flower. Come springtime, get ready for an eye-popping showâstaged by Mother Natureâin the far northeast corner of L.A. County."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Current Antelope, California Population, Demographics and stats in 2016, 2017."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Palmdale Leads County in 1992 Population Growth. Two Antelope Valley cities and one in the San Fernando Valley were among the 10 fastest-growing municipalities in Los Angeles County in population last year, according to estimates by the state Department of Finance. Palmdale led all county cities between January, 1992, and January, 1993."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"The total population of the eight counties comprising the San Joaquin Valley at the time of the 2011-2015 American Community Survey 5-year Estimates by United States Census Bureau reported a population of 4,080,509."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Learn more by clicking the Google or Facebook button below. Population Demographics for Antelope, California in 2016 and 2017. Other Counties and Cities in California."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The Tehachapi Mountains are visible in the distance. Antelope Valley is located in northern Los Angeles County, California and the southeast portion of Kern County, California, and constitutes the western tip of the Mojave Desert. It is situated between the Tehachapi and the San Gabriel Mountains."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"(Redirected from Incline Village-Crystal Bay, Nevada) Incline Village is a census-designated place (CDP) in Washoe County, Nevada on the north shore of Lake Tahoe. The population was 8,777 at the 2010 census. It is part of the RenoâSparks Metropolitan Statistical Area. Until the 2010 census, the CDP Crystal Bay, Nevada was counted jointly with Incline Village. Sierra Nevada College's main campus is located in Incline Village."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Opelousas, LA Population and Races. As of 2010-2014, the total population of Opelousas is 16,668, which is 27.09% less than it was in 2000. The population growth rate is much lower than the state average rate of 2.96% and is much lower than the national average rate of 11.61%."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"In fact, Santa Clarita's population grew by 17.5% from 2000 to 2010 and was almost twice the growth experience in all of Los Angeles County. Only the communities of Lancaster and Palmdale in the Antelope Valley grew faster than Santa Clarita. By the year 2015, the population of the City of Santa Clarita is forecasted to exceed 193,000. Growth is forecasted to continue over the coming decades to 239,900 by the year 2035."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Acton is an unincorporated census-designated place in Los Angeles County, California, near the Antelope Valley. According to the 2010 census, Acton had a population of 7,596. Acton is a small residential community located in the Sierra Pelona Mountains. It is off the Antelope Valley Freeway (Highway 14) near Palmdale."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Lancaster, the largest California city in the desert; and over 850,000 people live in areas of the Mojave attached to the Greater Los Angeles metropolitan area, including Palmdale and Lancaster, (referred to as the Antelope Valley), Victorville, Apple Valley and Hesperia (referred to as the Victor Valley) attached to the Inland Empire metropolitan area, the 14th largest in the nation."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"California City, incorporated in 1965, is a city located in the Mojave Desert's Fremont Valley of northern Antelope Valley, in Kern County, north of nearby Mojave, in the U.S. state of California. The population was 8,385 at the 2000 census. Estimated population in July 2006 is 12,659."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"California City, incorporated in 1965, is a city located in the northern Antelope Valley in Kern County, 65 miles southwest of Death Valley National Park, in the U.S. state of California. The population was 8,385 at the 2000 census. Estimated population in July 2008 is 14,927."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Disclaimer. Lower Rio Grande Valley is an area in Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas with a population of 1,258,706. There are 610,887 male residents living in Lower Rio Grande Valley and 647,819 female residents. The total number of households is 360,467 with 3.37 people per household on average. Total household expenditures in Lower Rio Grande Valley are below the national average. The median age of the current population is 29.82 with 364,201 people being married and 355,865 being single. The employment numbers show that there are 55% white collar employees and 45% blue collar employees in Lower Rio Grande Valley."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Antelope Valley Union High School District serves high school students throughout the Antelope Valley. Palmdale Elementary School District is the fourth largest elementary school district in the State of California and the largest in Los Angeles County. PSD offers traditional and innovative educational programs in K-6, K-8, middle and intermediate school settings."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Deer Valley, Phoenix. Deer Valley or Deer Valley Village is one of the 15 urban villages that make up Phoenix, Arizona, United States. As of 2010, the population was 165,656, 25% of whom were under 18 years of age."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Antelope Valley Hospital is a medicare enrolled Acute Care Hospital in Lancaster, California. It is located at 1600 W Ave J, Lancaster, California 93534. You can reach out to the office of Antelope Valley Hospital via phone at (661) 949-5000. The ownership type of Antelope Valley Hospital is Government - Hospital District or Authority and it provides emergency services (Emergency Room)."
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