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Within hours of becoming a national hero, a viral video star and the top topic on Twitter, Charles Ramsey talked about having trouble getting sleep. It wasn't because of all the excitement that followed his knocking down a Cleveland neighbor's door, freeing three women and a girl who police say were held hostage for years. Instead, Ramsey told CNN's Anderson Cooper on Tuesday, it was about knowing he had lived for a year near the captive women on the city's West Side. "Up until yesterday the only thing that kept me from losing sleep was the lack of money," the restaurant dishwasher said on "Anderson Cooper 360." "I could have done this last year, not this hero stuff," said Ramsey. "Just do the right thing." Ramsey recounted Monday night's drama, when he heard a girl scream "like a car had hit a kid." He ran from his living room, clutching a half-eaten McDonald's Big Mac, to the house and helped free a woman identified as Amanda Berry. "Amanda said, 'I've been trapped in here. He won't let me out. It's me and my baby." Who are the three women freed in Cleveland? Ramsey and a man named Angel Cordero broke down the door, CNN affiliate WEWS reported in an earlier interview heard around the world. Ramsey told CNN he had never seen Berry before Monday, and at first, he could not place the name. "Berry didn't register with me until I was on the phone, like wait a minute, I thought this girl was dead." QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Who kicked a door down? 2. Who was a door brought down by? 3. Who made a door fall to the ground? Q2: 1. Who heard a noise? 2. Who noticed a sound? 3. Whose attention was grabbed by a sound? Q3: 1. What did Ramsey hear? 2. What noise got Charles Ramsey's attention? 3. What sound did Charles Ramsey take note of? Q4: 1. Did Charles Ramsey become famous? 2. Was Charles Ramsey met with a bit of celebrity 3. Did Charles Ramsey turn into someone who was well-known? Q5: 1. How did Charles Ramsey become famous? 2. What turned Charles Ramsey into a celebrity? 3. What was Charles Ramsey's claim to fame? Q6: 1. Who did Charles Ramsey rescue? 2. Who was saved by Charles Ramsey? 3. Who did Charles Ramsey come to the aid of? Q7: 1. What had Charles Ramsey been munching on? 2. What did Charles Ramsey have as a snack? 3. What was Charles Ramsey eating? Q8: 1. When was Charles Ramsey eating a big Mac? 2. When was Charles Ramsey interrupted from eating? 3. When did a sound interrupt Charles Ramsey's meal? Q9: 1. How many people did Charles Ramsey rescue in addition to Berry? 2. How many more people were rescued by Ramsey besides Berry? 3. How many women, in addition to Berry, did Charles Ramsey help? Q10: 1. Did Charles Ramsey rescue a child in addition to the women? 2. Was a child among the people that Charles Ramsey rescued? 3. Was a child savec by Charles Ramsey along with the adults? Q11: 1. What reporter did Charles Ramsey speak with? 2. Who interviewed Charles Ramsey? 3. Which media personality talked with Charles Ramsey? Q12: 1. Who does Anderson Cooper work for? 2. What news corporation is Anderson Cooper affiliated with? 3. What news company was Anderson Cooper representing when he interviewed Charles Ramsey? Q13: 1. When did Charles Ramsey give an interview to CNN? 2. When did Charles Ramsey speak with Anderson Cooper? 3. When did Anderson Cooper's interview with Charles Ramsey take place? Q14: 1. How long had Charles Ramsey lived near the kidnapped women? 2. For how much time had Charles Ramsey lived by the captive women? 3. How long did Charles Ramsey live next door to the women he ended up rescuing?
Ethanol, also called alcohol, ethyl alcohol, and drinking alcohol, is a compound and simple alcohol with the chemical formula . Its formula can be written also as −− or − (an ethyl group linked to a hydroxyl group), and is often abbreviated as EtOH. Ethanol is a volatile, flammable, colorless liquid with a slight characteristic odor. It is used as a drug and is the principal type of alcohol found in alcoholic drinks. Ethanol is naturally produced by the fermentation of sugars by yeasts or via petrochemical processes, and is most commonly considered as a popular recreational drug. It also has medical applications as an antiseptic and disinfectant. The compound is widely used as a chemical solvent, either for scientific chemical testing or in synthesis of other organic compounds, and is a vital substance utilized across many different kinds of manufacturing industries. Ethanol is also used as a clean energy burning fuel source. "Ethanol" is the systematic name defined by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) for a compound consisting of alkyl group with two carbon atoms (prefix "eth-"), having a single bond between them (infix "-an-"), attached functional group-OH group (suffix "-ol"). The "eth-" prefix and the qualifier "ethyl" in "ethyl alcohol" originally come from the name "ethyl" assigned in 1834 to the group - by Justus Liebig. He coined the word from the German name "Aether" of the compound -O- (commonly called "ether" in English, more specifically called "diethyl ether"). According to the Oxford English Dictionary, "Ethyl" is a contraction of the Ancient Greek αἰθήρ (aithḗr, “upper air”) and the Greek word "" ("hyle", substance). QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. what is another name for Ethanol? 2. What else is Ethanol referred to as? 3. What other terms are used to mean Ethanol? Q2: 1. How is Ethanol often abbreviated? 2. What is a common way of abbreviating Ethanol? 3. What is an abbreviation for Ethanol? Q3: 1. How is ethanol produced? 2. What is the regular way of producing ethanol? 3. What do you do to make ethanol? Q4: 1. Are there any medical uses for ethanol? 2. Does ethanol have any medical applications? 3. Can ethanol be used in medical contexts? Q5: 1. Who controls the systematic name Ethanol? 2. Who is in charge of the systematic name Ethanol? 3. What body controls the definition of the systematic name ethanol? Q6: 1. During chemical testing or organic compound synthesis, what is ethanol used for? 2. What is the use of ethanol in the context of chemical testing and synthesizing organic compounds? 3. When testing chemicals or synthesizing organic compounds, how is ethanol used? Q7: 1. How is ethanol used in medical contexts? 2. What is the medical application of ethanol? 3. What medical use does ethanol have? Q8: 1. What is contracted to make ethyl, according to the Oxford English Dictionary? 2. What does the Oxford English Dictionary say Ethyl is a contraction of? 3. What makes up the word Ethyl, in the words of the Oxford English Dictionary? Q9: 1. What makes up Ethyl along with Ancient Greek αἰθήρ? 2. The word Ancient Greek αἰθήρ is combined with what word to make Ethyl? 3. What is the other element to make the word Ethyl along with Ancient Greek αἰθήρ? Q10: 1. Is Ethanol a kind of fuel? 2. May ethanol be used to fuel things? 3. Is one of ethanol's uses to power things? Q11: 1. What is a characteristic of Ethanol, other than its volatility? 2. How can ethanols be characterized, other than by their volatile character? 3. What are some qualities of ethanol, in addition to volatile? Q12: 1. Who coined the term Ethanol from German? 2. Who took the word Ethanol from an originally German word? 3. Who based the English word Ethanol on a German one to create the term?
CHAPTER VI THE RAT MORT I The guide had stepped out of the house into the street, Yvonne following closely on his heels. The night was very dark and the narrow little Carrefour de la Poissonnerie very sparsely lighted. Somewhere overhead on the right, something groaned and creaked persistently in the wind. A little further on a street lanthorn was swinging aloft, throwing a small circle of dim, yellowish light on the unpaved street below. By its fitful glimmer Yvonne could vaguely perceive the tall figure of her guide as he stepped out with noiseless yet firm tread, his shoulder brushing against the side of the nearest house as he kept closely within the shadow of its high wall. The sight of his broad back thrilled her. She had fallen to imagining whether this was not perchance that gallant and all-powerful Scarlet Pimpernel himself: the mysterious friend of whom her dear milor so often spoke with an admiration that was akin to worship. He too was probably tall and broad--for English gentlemen were usually built that way; and Yvonne's over-excited mind went galloping on the wings of fancy, and in her heart she felt that she was glad that she had suffered so much, and then lived through such a glorious moment as this. Now from the narrow unpaved yard in front of the house the guide turned sharply to the right. Yvonne could only distinguish outlines. The streets of Nantes were familiar to her, and she knew pretty well where she was. The lanthorn inside the clock tower of Le Bouffay guided her--it was now on her right--the house wherein she had been kept a prisoner these past three days was built against the walls of the great prison house. She knew that she was in the Carrefour de la Poissonnerie. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Who went out of the house? 2. Who excused themselves from the house? 3. Who exited the home?
Once upon a time, a horse, a cow, a ox, and a donkey were playing outside when they got really hungry. So, they went to a drive-in to get some lunch. The horse ordered a cheeseburger. The cow ordered a chili dog. The ox ordered a chicken sandwich. And the donkey ordered a fish sandwich. The horse ordered fries. The cow ordered onion rings. The ox ordered a baked potato. The donkey ordered a side salad. The horse had ketchup on his cheeseburger. The cow had mayonnaise on his chili dog. The ox had mustard on his chicken sandwich. And the donkey had Miracle Whip on his fish sandwich. But the restaurant didn't get any of the orders right because they had their sauces mixed up. The ketchup got mixed up with the Miracle Whip. The mayonnaise got mixed up with the ketchup. The mustard got mixed up with the mayonnaise. And the Miracle Whip got mixed up with the mustard. The Miracle Whip was red. The ketchup was yellow. The mayonnaise was blue. And the mustard was green. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. How many animals played outside? 2. How many friends were outside playing? 3. What was the number of animals having fun outside? Q2: 1. What happened while the animals played? 2. What occurred as the animals had fun outside? 3. What happened during the animals' fun time outside? Q3: 1. Where did the animals go? 2. Where did the animals head off to? 3. Where did the group leave to in search of food? Q4: 1. Who got fish? 2. Whose order was fish? 3. Who asked for fish at the restaurant? Q5: 1. Did the fish sandwich have mayo on it? 2. Was there mayo on the fish sandwich? 3. Did the fish sandwich contain mayonnaise? Q6: 1. What was on the fish sandwich? 2. What did the fish sandwich have on it? 3. What condiment went along with the fish sandwich? Q7: 1. Was there a salad among the food ordered? 2. Was someone's order for a salad? 3. Did someone wish to eat a salad? Q8: 1. What did the horse order? 2. What was the horse's food order? 3. What did the horse ask for at the drive-thru? Q9: 1. Did the burger have mustard on it? 2. Was there mustard on the cheeseburger? 3. Did the cheeseburger contain mustard? Q10: 1. Were the animals happy with their order? 2. Did the food they received satisfy the animals? 3. Were the friends pleased with the state that their food arrived in? Q11: 1. Was blue the color of the ketchup? 2. Did the ketchup arrive in a blue shade? 3. Was the color of the ketchup blue? Q12: 1. What color was the ketchup? 2. In what shade did the ketchup arrive in? 3. What was the ketchup's color?
Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte (born Charles-Louis Napoléon Bonaparte; 20 April 1808 – 9 January 1873) was the President of France from 1848 to 1852 and, as Napoleon III, the Emperor of the French from 1852 to 1870. He was the only president of the French Second Republic and the head of the Second French Empire. He was the nephew and heir of Napoleon I. He was the first Head of State of France to hold the title President, the first elected by a direct popular vote, and the youngest until the election of Emmanuel Macron in 2017. Barred by the Constitution and Parliament from running for a second term, he organized a "coup d'état" in 1851 and then took the throne as Napoleon III on 2 December 1852, the forty-eighth anniversary of his uncle's coronation. He remains the longest-serving French head of state since the French Revolution. His downfall was brought about by the Franco-Prussian war in which France was decisively defeated by the North German Confederation, led by Prussia. During the first years of the Empire, Napoleon's government imposed censorship and harsh repressive measures against his opponents. Some six thousand were imprisoned or sent to penal colonies until 1859. Thousands more went into voluntary exile abroad, including Victor Hugo. From 1862 onwards, he relaxed government censorship, and his regime came to be known as the "Liberal Empire". Many of his opponents returned to France and became members of the National Assembly. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Who did France elect as president in 2017? 2. Who was elected to the French presidency in 2017? 3. Who won an important French election in 2017? Q2: 1. What was Emmanuel Macron's title? 2. What office was Emmanuel Macron elected to? 3. What did Emmanuel Macron become in 2017? Q3: 1. Was Napoleon a president? 2. Did Napoleon have the title of president? 3. Was President one of Napoleon's titles? Q4: 1. When was Emmanuel Macron elected? 2. In what year was Emmanuel Macron elected president? 3. In what year did Emmanuel Macron become President of France? Q5: 1. When was Napoleon elected to the French presidency? 2. When did Napoleon become president of France? 3. In what year was Napoleon elected to be president of France? Q6: 1. What is Napoleon III's birth name? 2. What was Napoleon III's name at birth? 3. What was the full name that Napoleon III was born with? Q7: 1. What was the date of Charles-Louis Napoléon Bonaparte's birth? 2. On what day was Charles-Louis Napoléon Bonaparte born? 3. What was the date when Charles-Louis Napoléon Bonaparte came into the world? Q8: 1. In what year did Napoleon III take the throne? 2. When did Napoleon III install himself as emperor? 3. In what year did Napoleon III declare himself Emperor? Q9: 1. Was Napoleon III the only president of the French Second Republic? 2. Was the sole president of the French Second Republic Napoleon III? 3. Was the only person to be elected president to the Second French Republic Napoleon III? Q10: 1. What brought the downfall of Napoleon III? 2. How was Napoleon III brought down? 3. What caused Napoleon III to fall politically? Q11: 1. Who was France's opponent in the Franco-Prussian War? 2. Who was France fighting against during the Franco-Prussian War? 3. Who was France's enemy that they battled in the Franco-Prussian War? Q12: 1. When did Napoleon III's reign come to a close? 2. In what year was Napoleon III dethroned? 3. What year marked the end of Napoleon III's reign as Emperor?
Albanians () are a nation and ethnic group, native to Albania, Kosovo and other countries who share a common culture, ancestry and speak the Albanian language as a native tongue. Legally, the term is used to refer to the citizens of the Republic of Albania. Ethnic Albanians speak the Albanian language and more than half of ethnic Albanians live in Albania and Kosovo. A large Albanian population lives in Greece, Italy, the Republic of Macedonia, with smaller Albanian populations located in Serbia and Montenegro. Albanians produced many prominent figures such as Skanderbeg, leader of the medieval Albanian resistance to the Ottoman conquest and others during the Albanian National Awakening seeking self-determination. During the 17th and 18th century Albanians in large numbers converted to Islam, often to escape higher taxes levied on Christian subjects as well as a plethora of other reasons including ecclesiastical decay, coercion by Ottoman authorities in times of war, and the privileged legal and social position of Muslims. As Muslims, some Albanians attained important political and military positions within the Ottoman Empire and culturally contributed to the wider Muslim world. Albania gained its independence in 1912 and between 1945–1992, Albanians lived under a repressive communist regime. Albanians within Yugoslavia underwent periods of discrimination and eventual self-determination that concluded with the breakup of that state in the early 1990s culminating with Albanians living in new countries and Kosovo. Outside the southwestern Balkans of where Albanians have traditionally been located, Albanian populations through the course of history have formed new communities contributing to the cultural, economic, social and political life of their host populations and countries while also at times assimilating too. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Is about 80% of the Albanian population in Albania and Kosovo? 2. Does 80% of the Albanian population reside in either Albania or Kosovo? 3. Can 80% of Albanians be found in both Albanian and Kosovo? Q2: 1. At least how many Albanians live in Albania and Kosovo? 2. What ratio at the very least of Albanians reside in Albania and Kosovo? 3. What is the minimum amount of Albanians known to be living in Albania and Kosovo? Q3: 1. What is the mother tongue of Albanians? 2. What is the Albanian people's first language? 3. What do Albanians speak as a native language? Q4: 1. What do Albanians all have in common, besides their language? 2. What do Albanian people share with each other, in addition to a common tongue? 3. Apart from the language, what is shared by all Albanians? Q5: 1. What do Albanians all have in common, besides their language and culture? 2. What do Albanian people share with each other, in addition to a common tongue and culture? 3. Apart from the language and common culture, what is shared by all Albanians? Q6: 1. In what other countries do Albanians reside, besides Albania and Kosovo? 2. Where else do Albanians live, besides Kosovo and Albania? 3. What nation, in addition to Albania and Kosovo, is home to many Albanians? Q7: 1. Do only a few Albanians live in Greece? 2. Are there only a couple of Albanians living in Greece? 3. Is there just a tiny population of Albanians in Greece? Q8: 1. In what other countries do Albanians reside, besides Albania, Greece and Kosovo? 2. Where else do Albanians live, besides Kosovo, Greece and Albania? 3. What nation, in addition to Greece, Albania and Kosovo, is home to many Albanians? Q9: 1. In what century did Albanians convert to Islam? 2. What century was it when Albanians became predominantly Muslim? 3. What century saw the conversion of Albanians to Islam? Q10: 1. Was there a reason for Albanians' conversion to Islam in the 17th century? 2. Was there any reason in particular that Albanians converted to Islam in the 17th century? 3. Is it understood what made Albanians convert to Islam during the 1600s? Q11: 1. Why did Albanians to convert to Islam in the 17th century? 2. What pushed the Albanian conversion to Islam in the 1600s? 3. For what reason did Albanians become Muslim in the 17th century?
Muslims believe the Quran was verbally revealed by God to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel (Jibril), gradually over a period of approximately 23 years, beginning on 22 December 609 CE, when Muhammad was 40, and concluding in 632, the year of his death. Muslims regard the Quran as the most important miracle of Muhammad, a proof of his prophethood, and the culmination of a series of divine messages that started with the messages revealed to Adam and ended with Muhammad. The word "Quran" occurs some 70 times in the text of the Quran, although different names and words are also said to be references to the Quran. According to the traditional narrative, several companions of Muhammad served as scribes and were responsible for writing down the revelations. Shortly after Muhammad's death, the Quran was compiled by his companions who wrote down and memorized parts of it. These codices had differences that motivated the Caliph Uthman to establish a standard version now known as Uthman's codex, which is generally considered the archetype of the Quran known today. There are, however, variant readings, with mostly minor differences in meaning. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What book does the article discuss? 2. What religious text is the article about? 3. What book is the article about? Q2: 1. How long did the Quran take to complete? 2. How much time did it take to write the Quran? 3. How much time was spent writing the Quran? Q3: 1. Who transcribed the Quran? 2. Who were the scribes that wrote down the Quran? 3. Who was responsible for transcribing the Quran? Q4: 1. Whose message were the scribes creating the Quran out of? 2. Whose words are transcribed in the Quran? 3. Whose message is the Quran a transcription of? Q5: 1. Who spoke to Muhammed? 2. Who gave a message to Muhammed? 3. What higher power was communicating with Muhammed? Q6: 1. Who did God use as an intermediary to speak to Muhammed? 2. Through whom did God communicate with Muhammed? 3. What being did God use to speak with Muhammed? Q7: 1. What was the year of Muhammed's death? 2. When did Muhammed pass? 3. In what year what Muhammed laid to rest? Q8: 1. At approximately what age did Muhammed pass away? 2. About how old was Muhammed when he died? 3. How old was Muhammed, approximately speaking, when he passed? Q9: 1. Who standardized the Quran? 2. Who created a standardized version of the Quran? 3. Who established a single version of the Quran? Q10: 1. What is Caliph Uthman's version of the Quran called? 2. What is the name for Caliph Uthman's Quran? 3. How is Caliph Uthman's standardized Quran referred to?
Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) -- The guard who killed the half-brother of Afghan President Hamid Karzai, had for years worked with International Security Assistance Forces against Taliban militants, according to three local officials with direct knowledge of the dealings. Sardar Mohammed, who authorities say shot and killed Kandahar's provincial council chief Ahmed Wali Karzai, received training from ISAF and participated in intelligence gathering against militants across the region, according to Besmellah Afghanmal, a provincial council member with close ties to the Karzai family. He "was one of the trusted commanders for the Karzais," Afghanmal told CNN. "Sardar Mohammad was working with American Special Forces closely and he was participating in many operations with American Special forces against the Taliban in (the) south." Others, like provincial parliament member Hashim Watanwal, say Mohammad had worked with both U.S. and Canadian forces in Kandahar -- an ethnically Pashtun dominated region long-considered the Taliban heartland. Baz Mohammed, a Kandahar tribal elder with close connections to the Karzai clan, said the guard was "a trustworthy person" who collaborated regularly with ISAF in Kandahar. An ISAF spokeswoman declined to comment on the claims. Though suspected of corruption and opium dealing, Wali Karzai was considered a major power-broker in Afghanistan's restive south and a bulwark for his brother against the Taliban militancy. His death Tuesday sent shock-waves across Afghanistan's political landscape, and prompted President Karzai to weep as mourners gathered for his half-brother's burial the following day. Saidkhan Khakrezwal, a member of the Kandahar provincial council, said he and others were with Wali Karzai when the guard came into the room and asked to talk to him. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Who lost his life? 2. Whose life was cut short? 3. Who was murdered? Q2: 1. Who lost his life? 2. Whose life was cut short? 3. Who was murdered? Q3: 1. Who was the half-brother of the Afghan president? 2. Who was Hamid Karzai's half-brother? 3. What was the name of the half-brother of Hamid Karzai? Q4: 1. Who killed Wali Karzai? 2. What was the name of the man that shot and killed Wali Karzai? 3. Who murdered Wali Karzai? Q5: 1. How did Wali Karzai die? 2. How did Sardar Mohammad kill Wali Karzai? 3. How was Wali Karzai killed? Q6: 1. Was Wali Karzai known to his killer? 2. Did Sardar Mohammed know Wali Karzai? 3. Was Sardar Mohammed familiar with his victim before shooting him? Q7: 1. Was Sardar Mohammed known to be a terrorist? 2. Was Sardar Mohammed a known terrorist? 3. Did Sardar Mohammed have a reputation as a terrorist? Q8: 1. Were people with Wali Karzai when he was shot? 2. Was anyone in the company of Wali Karzai at the time of his shooting? 3. Did Wali Karzai have others around him when he was killed? Q9: 1. How did the Afghan president react to Wali Karzai's death? 2. What did the Afghan president do in response to his half brother's murder? 3. What was Hamid Karzai's reaction to Wali Karzai's death? Q10: 1. Had Sardar Mohammed worked in the past with US forces? 2. Had there been a past collaboration betweeen Sardar Mohammed and US forces? 3. Had Sardar Mohammed previously joined forces with the United States military?
In the UK, most children have their lunches at school, but in some schools, parents can choose what their children eat. The children can have a school dinner-a hot, cooked meal; or they can take a packed lunch with them, which usually includes cold food like sandwiches. Often parents know what their children want. Cath, a mother of three children, told us, "My children have packed lunches because they say they don't like to have school dinners. So I make three packed lunches every morning." However, another mother, Susan, made a different choice. She said, "My daughters have a always had school dinners. I think they probably get healthier food at school than a few sandwiches I make for them." But how healthy are school dinners? Kaz, a father, thought poorly of them. He said, "Fizzy drinks were offered and I think there were a lot of chips." Jamie Oliver spent a year working in a school kitchen. He was worried about the unhealthy food which included burgers, pizzas and chips. So he tried to cook healthy food such as good stews and curries for the children instead. So Jamie improved the school dinners, and trained the dinner ladies to cook healthy food in that school. Then he advised the government to improve school food across the country. And it seems that the changes have begun. Anna, a pupil, told us, "We used to have a fast food window where you got chips and coke, but they stopped that this year. There's a salad restaurant, which is good, so it's healthier than it was." ,. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Where was lunch eaten for British children? 2. Where did the kids in Britain have their lunch? 3. Where did lunchtime take place for the children? Q2: 1. Who chooses the children's food? 2. Who picks what the kids eat? 3. Who are the children's lunches chosen by? Q3: 1. How many different ways can kids get their lunches? 2. How many ways can lunch be served to children? 3. How many formats can kids receive lunch in? Q4: 1. What does a packed lunch generally contain? 2. What are the usual contents of a packed lunch? 3. What could you expect to find in a packed lunch? Q5: 1. What temperature does the school serve its food at? 2. What is the temperature of food served by the school? 3. What's the level of warmth of the food from school? Q6: 1. Who had a conversation with the government about lunch? 2. Who talked to the government concerning lunch? 3. Who raised their concerns to the government with respect to lunch? Q7: 1. What was Cath packing lunches for? 2. What pushed Cath to pack lunches? 3. For what reason would Cath make lunches? Q8: 1. Whose kids always ate the school lunch? 2. Who always sent their children to have school dinner? 3. Who consistently opted to have their kids each school lunch? Q9: 1. What was Susan's reason for having her kids eat school dinner? 2. Why did Susan opt for her kids to have school dinner? 3. Why did Susan decide to give her kids school dinner? Q10: 1. What did Kaz think about school dinners? 2. What was Kaz's opinion of the food served by schools? 3. How did Kaz feel about the lunches served by schools? Q11: 1. What brought Jamie Oliver to school kitchens? 2. Why did Jamie Oliver begin working in kitchens of schools? 3. What made Jamie Oliver decide to get to work in school kitchens? Q12: 1. How long did Jamie Oliver spend working in school kitchens? 2. How long did Jamie Oliver do work in school Cafeterias? 3. For what length of time was Jamie Oliver working in a school kitchen? Q13: 1. Who did Jamie Oliver collaborate with? 2. Who did Jamie Oliver work with? 3. What body did Jamie Oliver collaborate with? Q14: 1. What did Jamie Oliver replace unhealthy food with? 2. What did Jamie Oliver use in lieu of unhealthy food? 3. What did Jamie Oliver cook instead of junk food? Q15: 1. What kind of unhealthy food was Jamie Oliver replacing? 2. What was the unhealthy food replaced by Jamie Oliver's cooking? 3. What food was the school serving that is bad for children's health?
The host: Now it's time for our You Must Read This program. Today we'll hear from Lauren Groff. She came across a book when she was going to have her first child and was worried about the future. Lauren Groff: Staring into darkness, I wanted to read about happiness.1n fact, books full of joy are hard to find because happiness is nearly impossible to write about. So, when I found Elizabeth and Her German Garden, by Elizabeth Von Arnim, I felt as if someone suddenly opened a curtain and revealed a window where I had thought there was a wall. Elizabeth and Her German Garden feels as if it rose out of Von Arnim's deep unhappiness in the way she was supposed to fit into her world Still, what a cool drink this novel is. It has a few characters: the narrator, a countess named Elizabeth, her husband, her three tiny daughters, various servants and some visitors. There is also Elizabeth's garden. whick we see in all its seasonal richness. That is only the book's surface, however. There are great things hidden in the book. Eliza- beth is always comparing herself and the women around her and finding their fixed social roles disappointing. Her happiness, when it comes, arrives as an act of will. She has fought hard to achieve delight and I think it is more valuable for her struggle. I appreciate Elizabeth for showing me a way through my darkest time, by revealing that an act of focused attention can lift a person out of a long, dark period in their lives. Anyone can get a little happiness from living, even by reading a few pages of a book. The host : That's Lauren Groff. Her latest novel is Arcadia. The book she recommended is Elizabeth and Her German Garden. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What novel did Lauren Groff stumble upon? 2. What was the book that Lauren Groff came across? 3. What was the novel found by Lauren Groff? Q2: 1. What is the title of Lauren Groff's latest novel? 2. What book did Lauren Groff most recently write? 3. What is Lauren Groff's most recent novel? Q3: 1. Who are the main characters in Elizabeth and Her German Garden? 2. Who are the main characters in the book discovered by Lauren Groff? 3. In the novel Lauren Groff came across, who are the main characters? Q4: 1. Does Elizabeth have to fight to find happiness? 2. Is finding joy work for Elizabeth? 3. Does Elizabeth encounter hardships in her journey to discover joy? Q5: 1. How does Lauren Groff characterize Elizabeth's effort? 2. What description does Lauren Groff give of the work done by Elizabeth? 3. How does Lauren Groff feel about the effort Elizabeth puts forth? Q6: 1. Why is it hard to find books about happiness? 2. What causes the scarcity of books about joy? 3. What makes books on the subject of happiness so difficult to locate? Q7: 1. Who was the author of Elizabeth and Her German Garden? 2. Who penned Elizabeth and Her German Garden? 3. What is the name of the author of the novel recommended by Lauren Groff? Q8: 1. When did Lauren Groff find Elizabeth and Her German Garden? 2. At what point in her life did Lauren Groff come across Elizabeth and Her German Garden? 3. When Lauren Groff discovered Elizabeth and Her German Garden, what stage of life was she in? Q9: 1. What worried Lauren Groff during her pregnancy? 2. What was Lauren Groff preoccupied with when she stumbled upon Elizabeth and Her German Garden? 3. Upon discovering Elizabeth Von Arnim's novel, what was Lauren Groff anxious about? Q10: 1. Was Elizabeth von Arnim happy when she wrote Elizabeth and Her German Garden? 2. Was Elizabeth and Her German Garden written in a state of joy? 3. Were things going well in the life of Elizabeth von Arnim when she penned Elizabeth and Her German Garden?
Anna's parents told her they were going to have a new baby brother. She had never had a brother before. She was not sure what to think about it. "What if he cries?" asked Anna. "If he cries we hold him until he is quiet," said Anna's dad. "What if he makes a mess in his diaper?" asked Anna. "Diapers smell but we clean them up," said Anna's mom. Anna thought about having a baby brother. Her mom and dad would take care of him. They bought a high chair for him to eat in. They brought out her old crib for him to sleep in. What could she do to help? Anna wanted to help the baby play. She thought it would be fun to play with him. Anna saved up her money. She had two whole dollars. She went to the store to pick out a present for the baby. She bought a rattle. It cost all the money she had, but Anna was happy. She could give a gift to the new baby. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What did Anna learn from her parents? 2. What information did Anna's parents transmit to her? 3. What did Anna's mom and dad let her know? Q2: 1. What were Anna's emotions regarding the impending arrival of her baby brother? 2. What did Anna think about getting a baby brother? 3. How did the impending addition of a little brother to her family make Anna feel? Q3: 1. Did Anna already have a younger brother? 2. Had Anna had a baby brother before? 3. Was Anna used to having a little brother already?
The Count of Monte Cristo ( French: Le Comte de Monte Cristo ) is an adventure novel by French author Alexandre Dumas. Completed in 1844, it is one of the author's most popular works, along with The Three Musketeers. Like many of his novels, it is expanded from plot outlines suggested by his co-author Auguste Maquet. The story takes place in France, Italy, islands in the Mediterranean, and in the Levant during the historical events of 1815-1838. It begins from just before the Hundred Days period, when Napoleon returned to power after his exile , and goes through to the time of Louis Philippe of France. The historical setting is a fundamental element of the book. It is an adventure story primarily concerned with themes of hope, justice, revenge , mercy and forgiveness, and is told in the style of an adventure story. It focuses on a man who is wrongfully imprisoned, escapes from prison, gains a fortune and sets about getting revenge on those responsible for his imprisonment. However, his plans have terrible consequences for the innocent as well as the guilty. Dumas got the idea for The Count of Monte Cristo from a true story, which he found in a memoir written by a man named Jacques Peuchet. Peuchet related the story of a shoemaker named Pierre Picaud, who was living in Paris in 1807. Picaud was engaged to a rich woman, but four envious friends falsely accused him of being a spy for England. He was imprisoned for seven years. During his imprisonment a fellow prisoner told him a treasure hidden in Milan. When Picaud was released in 1814, he took possession of the treasure, returned under another name to Paris and spent ten years plotting his successful revenge. The book is considered a literary classic today. According to Luc Sante, " The Count of Monte Cristo has become a fixture of western civilization's literature, as inescapable and immediately identifiable as Mickey Mouse, Noah's flood, and the story of Little Red Riding Hood. " QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What novel does the article discuss? 2. What book is the main focus of the article? 3. Which work of fiction is the article centered around? Q2: 1. Is The Count of Monte Cristo completely invented or based on a true story? 2. Does The Count of Monte Cristo have basis in real life events, or is it completely made up? 3. Did the author of The Count of Monte Cristo make the story up entirely or did he base it on real life events? Q3: 1. What is the setting of The Count of Monte Cristo? 2. Where does The Count of Monte Cristo take place? 3. Where does the story of The Count of Monte Cristo happen? Q4: 1. What is Jacques Peachet known for? 2. What did Jaques Peachet do? 3. Q5: 1. What does Luc Sante say about The Count of Monte Cristo? 2. What is Luc Sante's opinion of The Count of Monte Cristo? 3. How does Luc Sante feel about The Count of Monte Cristo? Q6: 1. How is Pierre Picaud employed? 2. What is the occupation of Pierre Picaud? 3. What does Pierre Picaud do for a living? Q7: 1. How many years did Pierre Picaud spend in jail? 2. How long was Pierre Picaud imprisoned for? 3. What was the number of years that Pierre Picaud spent behind bars? Q8: 1. How many friends lied about Pierre Picaud? 2. What was the number of friends that concealed the truth about Pierre Picaud? 3. How many of Pierre Picaud's friends told lies about him? Q9: 1. What was the location of the concealed treasure? 2. What city contained the hidden treasure? 3. In what city was treasure hiding? Q10: 1. When was Pierre Picaud freed from prison? 2. In what year did Pierre Picaud get out of prison? 3. What was the year when Pierre Picaud was liberated from imprisonment?
A wireless network is a computer network that uses wireless data connections between network nodes. Wireless networking is a method by which homes, telecommunications networks and business installations avoid the costly process of introducing cables into a building, or as a connection between various equipment locations. Wireless telecommunications networks are generally implemented and administered using radio communication. This implementation takes place at the physical level (layer) of the OSI model network structure. Examples of wireless networks include cell phone networks, wireless local area networks (WLANs), wireless sensor networks, satellite communication networks, and terrestrial microwave networks. The first professional wireless network was developed under the brand ALOHAnet in 1969 at the University of Hawaii and became operational in June 1971. The first commercial wireless network was the WaveLAN product family, developed by NCR in 1986. Wireless personal area networks (WPANs) internet devices within a relatively small area, that is generally within a person's reach. For example, both Bluetooth radio and invisible infrared light provides a WPAN for interconnecting a headset to a laptop. ZigBee also supports WPAN applications. Wi-Fi PANs are becoming commonplace (2010) as equipment designers start to integrate Wi-Fi into a variety of consumer electronic devices. Intel "My WiFi" and Windows 7 "virtual Wi-Fi" capabilities have made Wi-Fi PANs simpler and easier to set up and configure. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What is the main quality of the network the article discusses? 2. What kind of network is at the center of the article? 3. Which network is the article itnerested in? Q2: 1. In what year was the first professional wireless network created? 2. What year saw the creation of the first professional wireless network? 3. In what year did the first wireless network that was professional come out? Q3: 1. What professional wireless network came out in 1969? 2. What was the name of the wireless network that debuted in 1969? 3. What was the first professional wireless network called? Q4: 1. What school created the first professional wireless network? 2. Which university was the first professional wireless network created by? 3. Which institution of higher education was responsible for creating the first professional wireless network? Q5: 1. What company was responsible for creating WaveLAN? 2. What company was WaveLAN created by? 3. Which corporation founded WaveLAN? Q6: 1. When did NCR create WaveLAN? 2. In what year was WaveLAN created by NCR? 3. What was the year when NCR came out with WaveLAN? Q7: 1. What does WPAN stand for? 2. What is meant by the acronym WPAN? 3. What phrase is WPAN short for? Q8: 1. What makes WPAN different from other networks? 2. What distinguishes WPAN from other wireless networks? 3. How is WPAN distinct from other wireless networks? Q9: 1. What's an example of a WPAN? 2. Name one example of a WPAN. 3. What is one WPAN that exists? Q10: 1. Are WPANs commonplace? 2. Are there WPANs everywhere now? 3. Is it common to see a WPAN these days?
Karl Fleming joined the military because he needed a change in his life. He had a successful career with a shipping company but he wanted to do something more. He found that something in the U.S. army. Fleming began his service in 2009 and never looked back. A few years later, Fleming volunteered to go to Afghanistan. There, he worked as a bodyguard for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. He enjoyed it, except for the almost-nightly rocket attacks. Karl was never hit directly by a rocket, but he didn't need to be to feel its effects. The rockets caused severe shaking, shaking so bad that Fleming was left with many injuries. He was also diagnosed with concussions and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD). Fleming said he was down but not out. Once he returned from Afghanistan, Fleming underwent one test after another. At first, Fleming said he thought he could recover or be able to return to duty and realize his dream of becoming an officer. But then came the news he had never imagined: Fleming would never be an officer because he was too injured to continue. Fleming said he was depressed after learning his military career was over. Add that to the memory loss, extreme anxiety and the many painful medical procedures he was already experiencing. He rarely ventured outside on the weekend. Instead, he preferred to sleep in. All that changed, however, with Fleming's service dog, Kuchar. Fleming said he had heard dogs could help people suffering from PTSD, so he started doing research. Karl eventually selected K9s for Warriors, which is where he met Kuchar, a yellow lab. Fleming and Kuchar trained together for weeks, before returning to Fort Benning. K9s for Warriors provided Fleming with Kuchar and the training for free. Life with Kuchar has been life-changing. Fleming doesn't sleep in any more because Kuchar won't let him. Instead, they venture out into a world Karl was once afraid of -- a world for Fleming that now seems impossible to imagine without Kuchar by his side. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What pushed Karl Fleming to join the military? 2. What gave Karl Fleming the desire to be in the military? 3. What made Karl Fleming want to sign up for the military? Q2: 1. When did Karl Fleming join the military? 2. In what year did Karl Fleming join the military? 3. What was the year when Karl Fleming became a member of the military? Q3: 1. What branch of the military did Karl Fleming join? 2. What military branch did Karl Fleming become a member of? 3. Which part of the military did Karl Fleming sign up for? Q4: 1. Where did Karl Fleming go after joining the military? 2. Where was Karl Fleming sent once he'd joined the army? 3. After joining the army, where was Karl Fleming sent off to? Q5: 1. What was Karl Fleming's job in Afghanistan? 2. What was Karl Fleming tasked with doing in Afghanistan? 3. What role did Karl Fleming have in Afghanistan? Q6: 1. Who was Karl Fleming a bodyguard for while in Afghanistan? 2. Who employed Karl Fleming as a bodyguard in Afghanistan? 3. While in Afghanistan, who was Karl Fleming tasked with protecting? Q7: 1. What made being a bodyguard unenjoyable for Karl Fleming? 2. Why didn't Karl Fleming like being a bodyguard? 3. What took the fun out of being a bodyguard for Karl Fleming? Q8: 1. Did Karl Fleming sustain physical injuries? 2. Was Karl Fleming physically wounded? 3. Was Karl Fleming's body hurt? Q9: 1. Was Karl Fleming able to become an officer? 2. Did Karl Fleming manage to receive the rank of officer? 3. Did Karl Fleming receive permission to be an officer? Q10: 1. How did Karl Fleming feel about not becoming an officer? 2. How did it make Karl Fleming feel knowing he would never be an officer? 3. What were Karl Fleming's emotions knowing that he would never serve in the army? Q11: 1. What helped Karl Fleming get out of the house? 2. What pushed Karl Fleming to eventually leave his house? 3. How did Karl Fleming get the strength to leave his home? Q12: 1. Who was Karl Fleming's service dog? 2. What was the name of Karl Fleming's service dog? 3. What did Karl Fleming call his service dog?
(CNN) -- Jewish organizations called for a Romanian official to resign and face a criminal investigation after he wore a Nazi uniform during a fashion show over the weekend. Radu Mazare, the mayor of the town of Constanta, wore a Nazi uniform during a fashion show over the weekend. Radu Mazare, the mayor of the town of Constanta, and his 15-year-old son "entered the stage marching the clearly identifiable Nazi 'goose step,'" the Center for Monitoring and Combating anti-Semitism in Romania said in a letter to the country's prosecutor general. The organization's director, Marco Katz, said Mazare had broken Romanian law and encouraged his son to do the same, "educating him to treat the law with contempt." Katz said Mazare was sending a message "that to wear Nazi uniforms and to march the Nazi steps is legal and 'in vogue' in Romania." He urged the authorities and the head of Mazare's Social Democrat party to show that message "will be strongly countermanded." Mazare, 41, said he had not noticed the Nazi swastika symbol on the uniform before he wore it, according to the Romanian Times newspaper. "I checked it before I put it on but the swastika was very small and I didn't see it," he said. "I really liked the look of the uniform after seeing it in the Tom Cruise film 'Valkyrie.' I bought it from a costume hire shop in Germany." A top Nazi hunter said Mazare should quit. "The proper thing for you to do is to admit your mistake, apologize for it and resign your position," Efraim Zuroff of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Jerusalem wrote to Mazare. Zuroff sent CNN a copy of the letter. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Who is being asked to resign? 2. Who is facing pressure to step down from his position? 3. Whose resignation are people calling for? Q2: 1. What romanian official is in hot water? 2. What Romanian politician is being asked to step down? 3. Which official from Romania do people want to resign? Q3: 1. What is Radu Mazare's title? 2. What is Radu Mazare's role in Romania? 3. What does Radu Mazare serve as? Q4: 1. Where does Radu Mazare serve as mayor? 2. What is Radu Mazare the mayor of? 3. What city employs Radu Mazare as its mayor? Q5: 1. What's gotten Radu Mazare into hot water? 2. Why is Radu Mazare in trouble? 3. What is the source of Radu Mazare's troubles? Q6: 1. Did Radu Mazare wear a Nazi costume by himself? 2. Was Radu Mazare alone in wearing a Nazi costume? 3. Did Radu Mazare alone put on Nazi garb? Q7: 1. Who wore a Nazi uniform along with Radu Mazare? 2. Who donned Nazi garb alongside Radu Mazare? 3. Who else put on a Nazi costume with Radu Mazare? Q8: 1. Who is demanding Radu Mazare's resignation? 2. Who is calling for Radu Mazare to step down? 3. Who would like to see the resignation of Radu Mazare? Q9: 1. Is one of the Jewish organizations name? 2. Does the article mention a Jewish organization in particular? 3. Are any Jewish organizations named in the article? Q10: 1. What Jewish organization is specified by name? 2. Which Jewish body is named in the article? 3. What specific Jewish organization wants Radu Mazare to resign? Q11: 1. Who is the director of the Center for Monitoring and Combating anti-Semitism 2. Who represents the Center for Monitoring and Combating anti-Semitism? 3. What is the name of the director of the Center for Monitoring and Combating anti-Semitism Q12: 1. What celebrity does the article mention? 2. Which Hollywood star is referenced in the article? 3. The name of what famous actor appears in the article? Q13: 1. Is one of Tom Cruise's films mentioned? 2. Does the article talk about a Tom Cruise picture? 3. Does a movie that Tom Cruise was in appear in the article? Q14: 1. What Tom Cruise film appears in the article? 2. Which movie starring Tom Cruise does the article reference? 3. Which of Tom Cruise's films interested the Romanian official? Q15: 1. What Tom Cruise film appears in the article? 2. Which movie starring Tom Cruise does the article reference? 3. Which of Tom Cruise's films interested the Romanian official?
CHAPTER V What had passed between Smilash and Henrietta remained unknown except to themselves. Agatha had seen Henrietta clasping his neck in her arms, but had not waited to hear the exclamation of "Sidney, Sidney," which followed, nor to see him press her face to his breast in his anxiety to stifle her voice as he said, "My darling love, don't screech I implore you. Confound it, we shall have the whole pack here in a moment. Hush!" "Don't leave me again, Sidney," she entreated, clinging faster to him as his perplexed gaze, wandering towards the entrance to the shrubbery, seemed to forsake her. A din of voices in that direction precipitated his irresolution. "We must run away, Hetty," he said "Hold fast about my neck, and don't strangle me. Now then." He lifted her upon his shoulder and ran swiftly through the grounds. When they were stopped by the wall, he placed her atop of it, scrabbled over, and made her jump into his arms. Then he staggered away with her across the fields, gasping out in reply to the inarticulate remonstrances which burst from her as he stumbled and reeled at every hillock, "Your weight is increasing at the rate of a stone a second, my love. If you stoop you will break my back. Oh, Lord, here's a ditch!" "Let me down," screamed Henrietta in an ecstasy of delight and apprehension. "You will hurt yourself, and--Oh, DO take--" He struggled through a dry ditch as she spoke, and came out upon a grassy place that bordered the towpath of the canal. Here, on the bank of a hollow where the moss was dry and soft, he seated her, threw himself prone on his elbows before her, and said, panting: QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What did Agatha witness? 2. What was Agatha a witness to? 3. What had Agatha been present for? Q2: 1. What did Henrietta cry out? 2. What was Henrietta's exclamation? 3. What did Henrietta yelp? Q3: 1. Where did Henrietta press her face? 2. Where was Henrietta's face buried? 3. In what location did Henrietta hide her face? Q4: 1. Did Henrietta want Sidney to leave? 2. Was Henrietta wishing for Sidney's departure? 3. Was Sidney leaving something that Henrietta desired? Q5: 1. What should Henrietta hold? 2. What would it be best for Henrietta to grab on to? 3. What is Henrietta instructed to latch onto? Q6: 1. Should Henrietta strangle Sidney? 2. Would it be advisable for Henrietta to strangle Sidney? 3. Is it best that Henrietta crush Sidney's neck? Q7: 1. Where did Sidney carry Henrietta? 2. To what location was Henrietta carried by Sidney? 3. Where did Sidney lug Henrietta? Q8: 1. How did Henrietta and Sidney get over the wall? 2. What did Henrietta and Sidney have to do in order to climb over the wall? 3. How were henrietta and Sidney able to scale over the wall? Q9: 1. Did Henrietta and Sidney go for a ditch? 2. Did Sidney and Henrietta encounter a ditch on their journey? 3. Was there a ditch at any point in Sidney and Henrietta's path? Q10: 1. When did Sidney drop Henrietta? 2. When did Sidney put Henrietta down? 3. At what point was Henrietta put down by Sidney?
Memphis is a city in the southwestern corner of the U.S. state of Tennessee and the county seat of Shelby County. The city is located on the fourth Chickasaw Bluff, south of the confluence of the Wolf and Mississippi rivers. Memphis had a population of 652,717 in 2016, making it the second largest city in the state of Tennessee after Nashville. The greater Memphis metropolitan area, including adjacent counties in Mississippi and Arkansas, had a 2014 population of 1,317,314. This makes Memphis the second-largest metropolitan area in Tennessee, surpassed by metropolitan Nashville. Memphis is the youngest of Tennessee's major cities, founded in 1819 as a planned city by a group of wealthy Americans including judge John Overton and future president Andrew Jackson. A resident of Memphis is referred to as a Memphian, and the Memphis region is known, particularly to media outlets, as Memphis and the Mid-South. Occupying a substantial bluff rising from the Mississippi River, the site of Memphis has been a natural location for human settlement by varying cultures over thousands of years. The area was known to be settled in the first millennium AD. by people of the Mississippian Culture, who had a network of communities throughout the Mississippi River Valley and its tributaries and built earthwork ceremonial and burial mounds. The historic Chickasaw Indian tribe, believed to be their descendants, later occupied the site. French explorers led by René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle and Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto encountered the Chickasaw tribe in that area, in the 16th century. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Does Memphis count as Tennessee's oldest major city? 2. Is Memphis the major city in Tennessee that has been around the longest? 3. Has Memphis existed for longer than any other major city in Tennessee? Q2: 1. What county is Memphis the seat of? 2. For which county does Memphis serve as county seat? 3. What county has Memphis as its county seat? Q3: 1. When was the Memphis area first settled? 2. When did settlers first arrive in the Memphis area? 3. In what year did settlers first get to Memphis? Q4: 1. What is the location of Memphis? 2. Where in Tennessee can Memphis be found? 3. What part of Tennessee is Memphis in? Q5: 1. What is the population of Memphis? 2. How many residents does Memphis have? 3. How many people are living in Memphis? Q6: 1. What is the only Tennessee city bigger than Memphis? 2. Which city in Tennessee is the only one larger than Memphis? 3. What is the sole city in Tennessee that takes up more space in Memphis? Q7: 1. Who was originally responsible for planning Memphis? 2. Who was the city planning of Memphis originally carried out by? 3. Who were the first city planners in Memphis? Q8: 1. What were the names of some of the first men to plan the city of Memphis/ 2. Who was one of the original city planners of Memphis? 3. What was the name of some of the first Memphis city planners? Q9: 1. During the first CE millenium, what culture settled in Memphis? 2. Which people settled in Memphis during the first millenium CE? 3. What culture is known to have settlements in Memphis during the first millenium AD? Q10: 1. What is a Memphis resident called? 2. What is the name for someone that lives in Memphis? 3. What do you call a resident of Memphis? Q11: 1. What is the population of Memphis's greater metro area? 2. If you could the greater metropolitan area, what is Memphis's population? 3. How many residents does Memphis have, when counting the greater metro area? Q12: 1. Where was the network of communities of the Mississippian culture? 2. What was the location of the network of communities belonging to the Mississippian culture? 3. Where did the Mississippian culture have a range of communities?
CHAPTER VII. LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS. THE intelligence with which Lestrade greeted us was so momentous and so unexpected, that we were all three fairly dumfoundered. Gregson sprang out of his chair and upset the remainder of his whiskey and water. I stared in silence at Sherlock Holmes, whose lips were compressed and his brows drawn down over his eyes. "Stangerson too!" he muttered. "The plot thickens." "It was quite thick enough before," grumbled Lestrade, taking a chair. "I seem to have dropped into a sort of council of war." "Are you--are you sure of this piece of intelligence?" stammered Gregson. "I have just come from his room," said Lestrade. "I was the first to discover what had occurred." "We have been hearing Gregson's view of the matter," Holmes observed. "Would you mind letting us know what you have seen and done?" "I have no objection," Lestrade answered, seating himself. "I freely confess that I was of the opinion that Stangerson was concerned in the death of Drebber. This fresh development has shown me that I was completely mistaken. Full of the one idea, I set myself to find out what had become of the Secretary. They had been seen together at Euston Station about half-past eight on the evening of the third. At two in the morning Drebber had been found in the Brixton Road. The question which confronted me was to find out how Stangerson had been employed between 8.30 and the time of the crime, and what had become of him afterwards. I telegraphed to Liverpool, giving a description of the man, and warning them to keep a watch upon the American boats. I then set to work calling upon all the hotels and lodging-houses in the vicinity of Euston. You see, I argued that if Drebber and his companion had become separated, the natural course for the latter would be to put up somewhere in the vicinity for the night, and then to hang about the station again next morning." QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Did someone receive a greeting? 2. Did someone say hello to someone else? 3. Was anybody welcomed? Q2: 1. Who was the group welcomed by? 2. Who greeted the group? 3. Who did the group receive a welcome from? Q3: 1. Did the group expect the nature of Lestrade's greeting? 2. Was the way that Lestrade greeted the group run of the mill? 3. Was the group used the Lestrade's manner of welcoming them? Q4: 1. Had there been a death? 2. Did someone pass away? 3. Was there a life lost? Q5: 1. Who passed away? 2. Who died? 3. Who lsot their life? Q6: 1. Did Drebber choke on a chicken bone? 2. Was Drebber's death caused by choking on a chicken bone? 3. Did Drebber meet his end while choking on the bone of a chicken? Q7: 1. Did Drebber's passing worry anyone? 2. Was anyone concerned about Drebber's death? 3. Did Drebber's death give anyone anxiety? Q8: 1. Who worried about Drebber's passing? 2. Who did Drebber's death preoccupy? 3. Who was filled with anxiety regarding Drebber dying? Q9: 1. Where was Drebber's body found? 2. In what location was Drebber's body discovered? 3. After he died, where was Drebber found? Q10: 1. Who found Drebber's body? 2. Who was the one to discover Drebber's corpse? 3. Who came across the dead body of Drebber?
During the years after the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, structural engineers have been trying hard to solve a question that would otherwise have been completely unthinkable: Can building be designed to stand catastrophic blasts by terrorists? Soon after the terrorist attacks on the twin towers, structural engineers from the University at Buffalo and the Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research (MCEER) traveled to ground zero as part of a project funded by the National Science Foundation. They spent two days beginning the task of formulating ideas about how to design such structures and to search for clues on how to do so in buildings that were damaged, but still are standing. "Our objective in visiting ground zero was to go and look at the buildings surrounding the World Trade Center, those buildings that are still standing, but that sustained damage," said M. Bruneau, Ph.D. "Our immediate hope is that we can develop a better understanding as to why those buildings remain standing, while our long-term goal is to see whether earthquake engineering technologies can be married to existing technologies to achieve enhanced performance of buildings in the event of terrorist attacks," he added. Photographs taken by the investigators demonstrate the monumental damage to the World Trade Center towers and buildings nearby. One building a block away from the towers remains standing, but was badly damaged. "This building is many meters away from the World Trade Center and yet we see a column there that used to be part of that building," explained A. Whittaker, Ph.D. "The column became a missile that shot across the road, through the window and through the floor." The visit to the area also brought some surprises, according to the engineers. For example, the floor framing system in one of the buildings was quite strong , allowing floors that were pierced by tons of falling debris to survive. "Good framing systems may provide a simple, but reliable strategy for blast resistance," he added. Other strategies may include providing alternate paths for gravity loads in the event that a load-bearing column fails. "We also need a better understanding of the mechanism of collapse," said A. Whittaker. "We need to find out what causes a building to collapse and how you can predict it." A. Reinhorn, Ph.D. noted that "earthquake shaking has led to the collapse of buildings in the past. Solutions developed for earthquake-resistant design may apply to blast engineering and terrorist-resistant design. Part of our mission now is to transfer these solutions and to develop new ones where none exist at present." QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What are engineers trying to figure out? 2. What's a problem that engineers are trying to find a solution for? 3. What are engineers attempting to resolve? Q2: 1. What question is on the minds of engineers? 2. What question are engineers trying to solve? 3. For what question are engineers attempting to locate a solution? Q3: 1. Who funded the engineers' research? 2. From whom did engineers receive funding for their project? 3. Who gave engineers the resources to study their question? Q4: 1. Where did engineers travel to? 2. Where did engineers go? 3. To what site did engineers take a trip? Q5: 1. What is the location of Ground Zero? 2. Where can Ground Zero be found? 3. Where exactly is Ground Zero located? Q6: 1. Is M. Bruneau someone with a degree? 2. Has M. Bruneau finished studies in an institution of higher education? 3. Are there any degrees that M. Bruneau has earned?
CHAPTER TEN. PERPLEXITIES--OUR HUNTERS PLAN THEIR ESCAPE--UNEXPECTED INTERRUPTION-- THE TABLES TURNED--CRUSOE MOUNTS GUARD--THE ESCAPE. Dick Varley sat before the fire ruminating. We do not mean to assert that Dick had been previously eating grass. By no means. For several days past he had been mentally subsisting on the remarkable things that he heard and saw in the Pawnee village, and wondering how he was to get away without being scalped; he was now chewing the cud of this intellectual fare. We therefore repeat emphatically--in case any reader should have presumed to contradict us--that Dick Varley sat before the fire _ruminating_! Joe Blunt likewise sat by the fire along with him, ruminating too, and smoking besides. Henri also sat there smoking, and looking a little the worse of his late supper. "I don't like the look o' things," said Joe, blowing a whiff of smoke slowly from his lips, and watching it as it ascended into the still air. "That blackguard Mahtawa is determined not to let us off till he gits all our goods, an' if he gits them, he may as well take our scalps too, for we would come poor speed in the prairies without guns, horses, or goods." Dick looked at his friend with an expression of concern. "What's to be done?" said he. "Ve must escape," answered Henri; but his tone was not a hopeful one, for he knew the danger of their position better than Dick. "Ay, we must escape; at least we must try," said Joe; "but I'll make one more effort to smooth over San-it-sa-rish, an' git him to snub that villain Mahtawa." QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Who was staring into the flames? 2. Who sat in front of the fire? 3. Who was sitting down facing the fire? Q2: 1. Where did Dick have an encounter a few days back? 2. What was the site of Dick's moment a couple days back? 3. In what location did Dick experience something recently? Q3: 1. What was on Dick's mind? 2. What was Dick thinking about? 3. What did Dick have on the brain? Q4: 1. Who was in Dick's company? 2. Who did Dick have with him? 3. Who was by the fire with Dick? Q5: 1. What did Dick hope wouldn't happen before he got away? 2. What was Dick wanting to avoid before he left? 3. Before making his get away, what did Dick wish to ensure wouldn't happen? Q6: 1. What did Dick hope wouldn't happen before he got away? 2. What was Dick wanting to avoid before he left? 3. Before making his get away, what did Dick wish to ensure wouldn't happen? Q7: 1. Did Joe Blunt have an optimistic outlook? 2. Was Joe Blunt looking on the bright side? 3. Did Joe Blunt figure everything would turn out for the best? Q8: 1. What was Joe Blunt doing in addition to sitting by the fire? 2. As he sat near the flames, what else was Joe Blunt up to? 3. What did Joe Blunt do as he stared into the fire? Q9: 1. What is the name of the guard? 2. Which person is serving as a guard? 3. Whose role is it to guard? Q10: 1. Who thought it best to get away? 2. Who figured the best option was making a run for it? 3. Who was in favor of escaping? Q11: 1. Who is holding the group captive? 2. Who is preventing the group from getting away? 3. The group is not able to run off because of whom? Q12: 1. Who thinks Henri is right about getting away? 2. Who seconds Henri's plan to run off? 3. Who thinks Henri has the right idea with respect to running away? Q13: 1. What will Joe Blunt make one last attempt to do before running off? 2. What is Joe Blunt going to try and do one last time before making a run for it? 3. What will Joe Blunt attempt to do for the last time before he decides to escape?
The corridor windows at the Hangzhou Entel Foreign Language School look a bit different from other schools. They are all decorated with beautiful paper cutting art. But they are not just for decoration. They are also to stop birds from flying into windows. Chen Zitong, 14, a Junior 3 student at the school came up with the idea. In early January, she wrote a letter to the headmaster and suggested this. She often saw birds fly into the clean windows and get hurt. After some online research, she found this solution. "Some people decorated windows with stickers or posters. Then I thought of replacing them with our traditional paper cutting art," Chen said. To Chen's surprise, the headmaster took her advice. The school organized a paper cutting art competition. Students' works that got awards were pasted on the corridor windows. In fact, there have been paper cutting art classes since 2011. "We have classes once a week for a month to teach paper cutting," said Fan Ming, an art teacher. The teaching building even has a display wall to show students' works. Through the class, Shi Jiawei, 14, fell in love with the art of paper cutting. "It's very fun. I can design my own patterns and present interesting things through it," she said. She created many works like bears and magpies . Paper cutting also helps students become more patient. Wang Yiyou, 12, was once an active boy. But now, he can carefully design a delicate paper cutting work with scissors and gravers . "I am so proud that I can make it look perfect," he said. (By Wu Qian, 21st Century Teens Staff) QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Whose idea were the unique windows? 2. Who had a creative idea for the windows? 3. Who thought up something unique to do with the windows? Q2: 1. How old is the girl who thought up a solution for the windows? 2. How old is Chen Zitong? 3. What is Chen Zitong's age? Q3: 1. Who did Chen Zitong contact with her suggestion? 2. Who did Chen Zitong send her suggestion to? 3. Who received an idea from Chen Zitong? Q4: 1. When did Chen Zitong send the headmaster a suggestion? 2. When did the headmaster receive Chen Zitong's suggestion? 3. In what month did Chen Zitong contact the headmaster about her idea? Q5: 1. What problem was Chen Zitong trying to solve? 2. What was Chen Zitong trying to find a solution for? 3. What did Chen Zitong hope to fix? Q6: 1. What school has adopted Chen Zitong's idea? 2. What school uses Chen Zitong's method? 3. Which education center is making use of Chen Zitong's suggestion?
Zeus (; "Zeús" ) is the sky and thunder god in ancient Greek religion, who ruled as king of the gods of Mount Olympus. His name is cognate with the first element of his Roman equivalent Jupiter. His mythologies and powers are similar, though not identical, to those of Indo-European deities such as Indra, Jupiter, Perun, Thor, and Odin. Zeus is the child of Cronus and Rhea, the youngest of his siblings to be born, though sometimes reckoned the eldest as the others required disgorging from Cronus's stomach. In most traditions, he is married to Hera, by whom he is usually said to have fathered Ares, Hebe, and Hephaestus. At the oracle of Dodona, his consort was said to be Dione, by whom the "Iliad" states that he fathered Aphrodite. Zeus was also infamous for his erotic escapades. These resulted in many godly and heroic offspring, including Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Persephone, Dionysus, Perseus, Heracles, Helen of Troy, Minos, and the Muses. He was respected as an allfather who was chief of the gods and assigned the others to their roles: "Even the gods who are not his natural children address him as Father, and all the gods rise in his presence." He was equated with many foreign weather gods, permitting Pausanias to observe "That Zeus is king in heaven is a saying common to all men". Zeus' symbols are the thunderbolt, eagle, bull, and oak. In addition to his Indo-European inheritance, the classical "cloud-gatherer" (Greek: , "Nephelēgereta") also derives certain iconographic traits from the cultures of the ancient Near East, such as the scepter. Zeus is frequently depicted by Greek artists in one of two poses: standing, striding forward with a thunderbolt leveled in his raised right hand, or seated in majesty. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What is Zeus the God of? 2. What does Zeus control as a God? 3. What is Zeus in charge of as a deity? Q2: 1. What religion worships Zeus? 2. What religion has Zeus as a deity? 3. In what religion is Zeus a god? Q3: 1. What was Zeus the king of? 2. What did Zeus rule over? 3. Over what was Zeus the ruler? Q4: 1. Who were Zeus's parents? 2. What were the names of Zeus's parents? 3. What two gods begat Zeus? Q5: 1. Did Zeus have siblings? 2. Did Zeus have brothers and sisters? 3. Was Zeus a brother to anyone? Q6: 1. Who is married to Zeus? 2. Who is Zeus's wife? 3. What is the name of the goddess married to Zeus? Q7: 1. How many children did Zeus have? 2. What was the number of children fathered by Zeus? 3. How many kids did Zeus sire? Q8: 1. Who are Zeus's kids? 2. What are the names of Zeus's children? 3. What children did Zeus father? Q9: 1. What did Zeus have a reputation for? 2. What was Zeus known for? 3. What did everyone know that Zeus would do? Q10: 1. What did Zeus's romantic entanglements result in? 2. What tended to be the result of Zeus's sexual trysts? 3. What would happen as a result of Zeus's erotic adventures? Q11: 1. What are Zeus's symbols? 2. Which symbols are associated with Zeus? 3. Which symbols are those of Zeus?
CHAPTER XXIV AGATHA RESUMES HER JOURNEY There was silence for a minute or two after Agatha had spoken, and then Father Lucien said, "Now we know what Driscoll looked for. Few secrets can be kept." Thirlwell gave him a warning glance that Agatha did not note. She was gazing across the river, her face towards the North, as if she had forgotten the others, but she presently roused herself. "Can we start to-morrow?" she asked. "No," said Thirlwell firmly, "you must rest for two or three days, and there are a number of things to be got." "I don't think I can rest until I have seen the lode." "You will have to try. It may be some time yet before we find the spot. For one thing, the directions aren't complete. You see they stop--" Agatha took the paper. "Yes; I hadn't noticed that. It begins very clearly and then breaks off. I wonder why." Thirlwell said nothing. It looked as if Strange had been interrupted; the shakiness of the last few lines hinted that they had been written in haste. There was a space between the last and the bottom of the paper. Perhaps Driscoll had joined him and he had distrusted the man, who might have come into the camp while he was writing. Then, when he afterwards sealed the box, he had forgotten that he had not finished what he meant to say; but, if the supposition were correct, this was not remarkable. Strange might have taken some liquor with him. But Agatha must not suspect. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Who was in Agatha's company? 2. Who did Agatha have with her? 3. Who was at Agatha's side? Q2: 1. What had been sent to Agatha and Father Lucien? 2. What did Agatha and Father Lucien received? 3. What had Agatha and Father Lucien come into possession of? Q3: 1. Who did Agatha and Father Lucien receive a note from? 2. Who sent a letter to Agatha and Father Lucien? 3. Who did the missive received by Agatha and Father Lucien come from? Q4: 1. Where does Agatha wish to travel to? 2. Where would Agatha like to visit? 3. To what location does Agatha wish to go? Q5: 1. When does Agatha want to see the lode? 2. When would Agatha like to set off to see the lode? 3. At what point is Agatha hoping to travel to see the lode? Q6: 1. What is the response to Agatha's wish? 2. What answer does Agatha get to her question? 3. What do Father Lucien and Thirwell say in response to Agatha? Q7: 1. Why is Agatha told no? 2. Why do Father Lucien and Thirwell tell Agatha no? 3. Why doesn't Agatha receive a response in the affirmative? Q8: 1. How does Agatha respond to being told no? 2. What does Agatha say in response to the negative response? 3. What does Agatha say when she is told no? Q9: 1. What made the note humorous? 2. What funny quality did the note have? 3. Why was the note a bit peculiar? Q10: 1. What is being concealed from Agatha? 2. What is trying to be kept from Agatha? 3. Q11: 1. What does Agatha want to see? 2. What would Agatha like to take a look at? 3. What is Agatha desiring to take a peek at? Q12: 1. Where did Agatha set her gaze? 2. Where was Agatha looking? 3. What was Agatha staring towards? Q13: 1. Will it be a long journey? 2. Is the group going to have a tough go? 3. Is the journey not going to be very easy on the group? Q14: 1. Why is the trip going to be hard? 2. Why isn't the journey going to be easy? 3. What's going to make the trip a bit tough?
"Food in France is still primarily about pleasure,"says Mark Singer, technical director of cuisine at Le Cordon Bleu in Paris."Cooking and eating are both pastimes and pleasure."The French might start their day with bread, butter, jam, and perhaps something hot to drink -- it's a time of the day when the whole family can be united. Singer, born in Philadelphia, has lived in France for more than 40 years. "Although things have changed greatly in the past 20 years when it comes to food in the country,"he says,"and what was a big affair with eating has been slowly softened up, there are still events in the year, like birthdays and New Year's Eve and Christmas Eve that are still really anchored in traditional food and cooking. But it's not every day." Some people think French food life may be a performance, adds Jennifer Berg, director of graduate food studies at New York University."They want to believe that France is this nation where people are spending five hours a day going to 12 different markets to get their food. The reality is most croissants are factory-made, and most people are buying convenience food, except for the very small group of people in high society. But part of our identity relies on believing that myth." In Italy, as in France, takeout is still ly rare."Eating fast is not at all part of our culture,"says Marco Bolasco, editorial director of Slow Food and an Italian food expert. Our meals are relaxed, even during a lunch break. Food in Italy is love, and nutrition, and pleasure, he says. An Italian child's first experience with food is not small round cakes or rice or eggs, but probably ice cream, notes Bolasco. Status and wealth play less of a role in food. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What is the process of fabrication for most croissants, despite what may may think? 2. Contrary to popular belief, how are the majority of croissants made? 3. How do most croissants get made, despite the popular myth? Q2: 1. Who doesn't buy fast food? 2. What nationality isn't keen on fast food? 3. What group of people still avoids fast food? Q3: 1. What French holiday remains associated with traditional food? 2. What holiday in France retains an association with traditional food? 3. What French festivity remains anchored in food traditions? Q4: 1. What is the name of Le Cordon Bleu's technical director? 2. Who serves as technical director of Le Cordon Bleu? 3. Who does Le Cordon Bleu employ as its technical director? Q5: 1. What does Mark Singer say French food is about? 2. According to Mark Singer, what is a fundamental aspect of French food? 3. What is necessary to understand French food, in the words of Mark Singer? Q6: 1. Where was Mark Singer born? 2. What is Mark Singer's home city? 3. What city was the birthplace of Mark Singer? Q7: 1. How long has Mark Singer been a resident of France? 2. How long has Mark Singer lived in France? 3. How many years has Mark Singer been living in France? Q8: 1. What does Jennifer Berg do for a living? 2. How is Jennifer Berg employed? 3. What is the occupation of Jennifer Berg? Q9: 1. Who does Slow Food employ as editorial director? 2. What is the name of the editorial director of Slow Food? 3. Who works as an editorial director at Slow Food? Q10: 1. Does Marco Bolasco believe that Italian meals are hurried? 2. In the opinion of Marco Bolasco, do Italians rush to eat? 3. Is an Italian meal generally eaten in a rush, according to Marco Bolasco? Q11: 1. What is the first food an Italian child often eats, according to Marco Bolasco? 2. What does Marco Bolasco say is often the first food item Italian children taste? 3. In the words of Marco Bolasco, what do Italian kids often eat first?
(CNN) -- A story this week by the Associated Press has caused quite a stir, especially among African-Americans, when multiple news outlets ran it with the attention-grabbing headline, "Some black pastors are telling their flocks to stay home Election Day." The New York Daily News ran the story, along with the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Newsday, and a host of conservative websites such as HotAir and NewsMax. When I first saw the headline, I was stunned, especially knowing the blood that has been shed over the years by African-Americans and others to gain the precious right to vote. I read the more than 1,300-word story by Rachel Zoll, with a contribution from Bill Barrow. The first line was "Some black clergy see no good presidential choice between a Mormon candidate and one who supports gay marriage, so they are telling their flocks to stay home on Election Day." Nothing in the story legitimately backed up that first line. Anybody who had read the full article would know that. In reading the piece, Zoll and Barrow quote or mention pastors A.R. Bernard, Jamal Bryant, George Nelson Jr., Floyd James, and Howard-John Wesley, Lin Hill and Dwight McKissic. Politics: Is Obama taking black vote for granted? Not a single one of these pastors was quoted as saying they have or plan to tell their congregations not to vote in the presidential election. Not one. Several expressed misgivings about President Barack Obama's support for same-sex marriage, and others had negative thoughts about Mitt Romney being a Mormon or the effect of his policies on their congregants. One said he hasn't decided whom he will vote for, and McKissic said he'll go fishing on Election Day. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What number of pastors did the article discuss? 2. How many pastors appeared in the article? 3. What was the number of pastors the article talked about? Q2: 1. What misgivings did some pastors have about Obama? 2. Why did some pastors doubt Obama? 3. What made some pastors wary regarding Obama? Q3: 1. What misgivings did some pastors have about Romney? 2. Why did some pastors doubt Romney? 3. What made some pastors wary regarding Romney? Q4: 1. What could the pastors' opinon affect? 2. What may be affected by the pastors' misgivings? 3. What may happen as a result of the religious leaders' misgivings? Q5: 1. Did the religious leaders make comments about third party candidates? 2. Were comments made on the part of the pastors regarding third party candidates? 3. Did the pastors have anything to say about candidates from third parties? Q6: 1. Who decided to fish on election day? 2. Who claimed they would spend election day fishing? 3. Who stated that come election day, they would be catching fish? Q7: 1. Who didn't know who to vote for? 2. Who said they had not decided about voting? 3. Who stated that they had not yet made a decision about voting? Q8: 1. Who said their congregation should abstain from voting? 2. Who ordered their church-goers not to vote? 3. Who explicitly told their congregants that they should not vote? Q9: 1. Who claimed that the pastors told their congregation not to vote? 2. Who said that the pastors instructed their congregants to abstain from voting? 3. What was the source of the claim that the pastors told their flock not to vote? Q10: 1. Who wrote the article for the AP? 2. Who wrote an inflammatory article in the Associated Press? 3. Who was the author of the Associated Press article? Q11: 1. Who contributed to the article for the AP by Rachel Zoll? 2. Who contributed to an inflammatory article in the Associated Press by Rachel Zoll? 3. Who helped Rachel Zoll author the Associated Press article?
To unambiguously specify the date, dual dating or Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) are sometimes used with dates. Dual dating uses two consecutive years because of differences in the starting date of the year, or includes both the Julian and Gregorian dates. Old Style and New Style (N.S.) indicate either whether the start of the Julian year has been adjusted to start on 1 January (N.S.) even though documents written at the time use a different start of year (O.S.), or whether a date conforms to the Julian calendar (O.S.) rather than the Gregorian (N.S.). The Gregorian calendar was a reform of the Julian calendar instituted in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII, after whom the calendar was named, by papal bull Inter gravissimas dated 24 February 1582. The motivation for the adjustment was to bring the date for the celebration of Easter to the time of year in which it was celebrated when it was introduced by the early Church. Although a recommendation of the First Council of Nicaea in 325 specified that all Christians should celebrate Easter on the same day, it took almost five centuries before virtually all Christians achieved that objective by adopting the rules of the Church of Alexandria (see Easter for the issues which arose). QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What else is dual dating called? 2. What's another expression for dual dating? 3. How else is dual dating referred to? Q2: 1. What is the function of dual dating? 2. What purpose does the dual dating system serve? 3. What is observed by dual dating? Q3: 1. How many years are used in dual dating? 2. What is the number of years that dual dating requires? 3. How many years are needed for dual dating? Q4: 1. Who is the Gregorian calendar named for? 2. What name is important to the Gregorian calendar? 3. What name has been included in the dual dating calendar? Q5: 1. When was a change instituted establishing the Gregorian calendar? 2. In what year did a change establish the Gregorian calendar? 3. When did the Gregorian calendar come about? Q6: 1. What was the reason for instituting the Gregorian calendar? 2. Why did the Gregorian calendar come about? 3. What purpose did the change to the Gregorian calendar serve?
(CNN) -- Police in Texas used a Taser on a 42-year-old pastor and pepper spray to disperse members of his church after police said the pastor interfered with a traffic stop. Jose Moran was arrested early Wednesday morning after interfering with the duties of a public servant in the parking lot of a Webster, Texas, building that is being remodeled for the Iglesias Profetica Peniel Church, Webster police said in a written statement. Moran's son, Omar, said his father had been trying to help. He added that his father has heart problems. Moran approached an officer who was handling a traffic stop in the church's parking lot on Wednesday morning, police said. Moran identified himself as the church's pastor and began yelling at the officer, police said. The officer told Moran to leave several times, but Moran did not, police said. The officer then tried to arrest him. But Moran pushed the officer and ran into the church building, police said. Moran's son said after his father asked the officer if he could help, the officer began yelling. The son said his father went back inside the church. The officer followed him and kicked in the church door, he said. The pastor came outside, and a second officer used his Taser twice on the pastor, the younger Moran said. The son's account differs from the police version of events. Police said Moran emerged from the church building with dozens of other people who subsequently surrounded the officer. The officer used pepper spray to disperse the crowd, the statement said. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Who is Jose Moran the father of? 2. What is the name of Jose Moran's son? 3. Who does Jose Moran have for a son? Q2: 1. What was the site of the altercation? 2. In what location did an incident happen? 3. Where exactly was there an altercation?
Prison Break is a huge hit thanks to its handsome star,Wentworth Miller. His actor, Michael Scofield, is the engine that drives the show. Michael Scofield is one of the most interesting personalities on television today. But what about the man behind the character? Miller,35,is a hard guy to figure out. He does not come from a normal background and has never lived his life in a typical way. Milier didn't take a direct path to fame and fortune. He graduated from Princeton University in 1995,not with a degree in theatre or film, but in English. He didn't even act when he was in college. His only performance experience was in his university's singing group. Yet, at graduation Miller still decided to make the move to prefix = st1 /Hollywood. Miller has always been different. Although he is American, he was born in Britainwhen his father was studying there. His family background is also a special mix of cultures. "My father is black and my mother is white. That means I have always been caught in the middle. I could be either one, which can make you feel out of place," Miller says. Following his unusual path,Miller did not start trying out for films and TV shows when he first got to Hollywood. Instead, he worked as a lowly production assistant. Not what you would expect from a Princeton graduate. However, _ . In 2002,Miller played a role in the drama Dinotopia. He starred as a thoughtful and shy man. Producers remembered his performance when they were castingPrison Breaktwo years later. With a golden globe nomination and another season of Prison Breakon his resume ,Miller seems ready to take over all of Hollywood. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What is Michael Scofield's profession? 2. What does Michael Scofield do for a living? 3. How is Michael Scofield employed?
CHAPTER XXXVI. DESERTED. That was almost the last thing Granville Kelmscott knew. Some strange shadowy dreams, to be sure, disturbed the lethargy into which he fell soon after; but they were intermittent and indefinite. He was vaguely aware of being lifted with gentle care into somebody's arms, and of the somebody staggering along with him, not without considerable difficulty, over the rough stony ground of that South African plateau. He remembered also, as in a trance, some sound of angry voices--a loud expostulation--a hasty palaver--a long slow pause--a gradual sense of reconciliation and friendliness--during all which, as far as he could recover the circumstances afterwards, he must have been extended on the earth, with his back propped against a great ledge of jutting rock, and his head hanging listless on his sinking breast. Thenceforward all was blank, or just dimly perceived at long intervals between delirium and unconsciousness. He was ill for many days, where or how he knew not. In some half dreamy way, he was aware too, now and again, of strange voices by his side, strange faces tending him. But they were black faces, all, and the voices spoke in deep guttural tones, unlike even the clicks and harsh Bantu jerks with which he had grown so familiar in eighteen months among the Barolong. This that he heard now, or seemed to hear in his delirium, like distant sounds of water, was a wholly different and very much harsher tongue--the tongue of the Namaquas, in fact, though Granville was far too ill and too drowsy just then to think of reasoning about it or classifying it in any way. All he knew for the moment was that sometimes, when he turned round feebly on his bed of straw, and asked for drink or help in a faltering voice, no white man appeared to answer his summons. Black, faces all--black, black, and unfamiliar. Very intermittently he was conscious of a faint sense of loneliness. He knew not why. But he thought he could guess. Guy Waring had deserted him! QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Did someone have a brush with death? 2. Did someone nearly lose their life? 3. Was there someone who came quite close to perishing? Q2: 1. Who almost died? 2. Who had a brush with death? 3. Who came close to dying? Q3: 1. Was Granville Kelmscott saved? 2. Did someone save Granville Kelmscott? 3. Did Granville Kelmscott get rescued? Q4: 1. Who rescued Granville Kelmscott? 2. Who saved Granville Kelmscott? 3. Who was Granville Kelmscott resuscitated by? Q5: 1. Were Granville Kelmscott's saviors known to him? 2. Had Granville Kelmscott already met the people who saved him? 3. Were the people that rescued him familiar to Granville Kelmscott? Q6: 1. Did someone desert Granville Kelmscott? 2. Was Granville Kelmscott deserted by anybody? 3. Did someone leave Granville Kelmscott behind? Q7: 1. Who deserted Granville Kelmscott? 2. Who did Granville Kelmscott get left behind by? 3. Who was Granville Kelmscott abandoned by? Q8: 1. Why did Granville Kelmscott get abaondoned by Guy Waring? 2. What was Guy Waring's reason for deserting Granville Kelmscott? 3. For what reason did Guy Waring choose to desert Granville Kelmscott? Q9: 1. Did Granville Kelmscott hear any noise? 2. Was Granville Kelmscott aware of any sounds? 3. Was anything audible to Granville Kelmscott? Q10: 1. What did Granville Kelmscott hear? 2. What sound was Granville Kelmscott aware of? 3. What was audible to Granville Kelmscott?
Mr. Zhang, our geography teacher, held a map of the world and asked us where we would like to travel. Li Ming said, "I like countries with an interesting history, such as China, Egypt, Greece and Italy. They are all old countries with a long history. You can see many old buildings in these countries, such as the Great Wall, the Pyramids and the Acropolis ." The teacher asked, "Do you want to go to places with beautiful beaches?" Yang Ying said, "Of course. It's pleasant to visit places with fine weather and beautiful beaches. For example, the U.S.A., Australia and Malaysia have beautiful beaches." Shanshan said, "I know many countries in Southeast Asia have beautiful beaches. But I like visiting countries where the people are very friendly and helpful to visitors." Mr. Zhang said, "Remember: hotel, food and souvenirs always cost us much money. So we should make a good plan before we go to visit other countries." ,. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Who is the teacher? 2. Who teaches the class? 3. What is the name of the course instructor? Q2: 1. What did Mr. Zhang show the class? 2. What did the class discover thanks to Mr. Zhang? 3. What did Mr. Zhang pull up for his students? Q3: 1. What were the kinds of countries the first student mentioned? 2. Which class of countries were pointed out first? 3. Which sorts of nations did the first student talk about? Q4: 1. Did the first student give examples of old nations? 2. Did the first student point out some old countries specifically? 3. Were there any old countries in particular that the first student spoke about? Q5: 1. What monuments did the first student mention? 2. What structures did the first student talk about specifically? 3. What were the specific world monumnets that the first student brought up? Q6: 1. Did the teacher ask the student about places that weren't old? 2. Did Mr. Zhang bring up places that weren't old nations? 3. Did Mr. Zhang switch the subject from talking about old nations? Q7: 1. What type of place did Mr. Zhang bring into the conversation? 2. What sort of countries did Mr. Zhang mention? 3. What kinds of places did Mr. Zhang bring up? Q8: 1. What are three countries with beautiful beaches? 2. Which three nations have incredible beaches? 3. What three countries boast impressive beaches? Q9: 1. Did someone other than Li Ming mention new countries? 2. Did a new student bring up new countries, after Li Ming had spoken of the old ones? 3. Were any new countries brought into the conversation by someone other than Li Ming? Q10: 1. Where are the countries that the Shanshan mentioned? 2. What is the location of places the Shanshan brought up? 3. Where can the nations Shanshan thought of be found? Q11: 1. What is quite expensive when travelling? 2. What's it important to budget a lot of money for when going on a trip? 3. What is a costly expense when you take a trip? Q12: 1. What subject was Mr. Zhang's class studying? 2. What were Mr. Zhang's students learning about? 3. What was the subject of Mr. Zhang's course?
Theoretical physics is a branch of physics that employs mathematical models and abstractions of physical objects and systems to rationalize, explain and predict natural phenomena. This is in contrast to experimental physics, which uses experimental tools to probe these phenomena. The advancement of science generally depends on the interplay between experimental studies and theory. In some cases, theoretical physics adheres to standards of mathematical rigor while giving little weight to experiments and observations. For example, while developing special relativity, Albert Einstein was concerned with the Lorentz transformation which left Maxwell's equations invariant, but was apparently uninterested in the Michelson–Morley experiment on Earth's drift through a luminiferous ether. Conversely, Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for explaining the photoelectric effect, previously an experimental result lacking a theoretical formulation. A physical theory is a model of physical events. It is judged by the extent to which its predictions agree with empirical observations. The quality of a physical theory is also judged on its ability to make new predictions which can be verified by new observations. A physical theory differs from a mathematical theorem in that while both are based on some form of axioms, judgment of mathematical applicability is not based on agreement with any experimental results. A physical theory similarly differs from a mathematical theory, in the sense that the word "theory" has a different meaning in mathematical terms. A physical theory involves one or more relationships between various measurable quantities. Archimedes realized that a ship floats by displacing its mass of water, Pythagoras understood the relation between the length of a vibrating string and the musical tone it produces. Other examples include entropy as a measure of the uncertainty regarding the positions and motions of unseen particles and the quantum mechanical idea that (action and) energy are not continuously variable. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What does theoretical physics tell us more about? 2. What is illuminated by theoretical physics? 3. What does theoretical physics serve as an explanation for? Q2: 1. Can theoretical physics predict things? 2. Is theoretical physics used to make predictions? 3. Can the future be imagined by theoretical physics? Q3: 1. What is used by theoretical physics? 2. How does theoretical physics make calculations? 3. What is employed by theoretical physics? Q4: 1. What branch of physics does theoretical physics differ from? 2. What's the other main branch of physics, apart from theoretical? 3. What kind of physics in theoretical physics contrasted with? Q5: 1. What did Einstein create? 2. What was developed by Einstein? 3. What was Einstein able to come up with? Q6: 1. What did Einstein win for his explanation of the photoelectric effect? 2. What did Einstein's explanation of the photoelectric effect win him? 3. What was Einstein awarded for explaining the photoelectric effect? Q7: 1. What are the components of a physical theory? 2. What is meant by a physical theory? 3. How can a physical theory be defined? Q8: 1. How do boats stay above water? 2. What allows a boat to stay afloat? 3. How do boats manage not to sink? Q9: 1. Who first figured out how boats stay afloat? 2. Who first understood how boats stay above water? 3. Who realized the mechanism by which boats manage not to sink? Q10: 1. Did Archimedes also study musical tone? 2. Were musical tones also an area of Archimedes study? 3. Did the theories of Archimedes also concern musical tone?
There was once a young bear who lived in a small cave in the woods. His cave was comfy, warm, and dark, and had a bit of a yard in front of it. The bear lived with his mother and father, and spent his days walking around and his nights curled up asleep. He liked to look for berries to eat. His favorite berries were blueberries, but he would eat any berries he found: strawberries, raspberries, cherries, anything. There was a river near the bear's cave, and he loved to sit on the bank and look at the fish and frogs, and at his own reflection in the water. One sunny afternoon, when he was looking into the river, he saw a family of ducks swimming by. He got up and followed them. They swam along in the river, and he walked along the bank. They traveled like this until they reached a small clearing in the forest. The bear stopped and looked around, and saw that the clearing was completely filled with blueberries -- more than he had ever seen! The young bear ate his fill of blueberries, then took home as many as he could carry in his paws. He went to bed happy. It was a wonderful day. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What was the bear's home? 2. What was home base for the bear? 3. Where did the bear reside? Q2: 1. Where could the bear's home be found? 2. What was the cave's location? 3. Where was the bear's cave located? Q3: 1. Did the bear live alone? 2. Did the bear live by himself? 3. Was the bear the only one living in his cave? Q4: 1. Who did the bear live with? 2. Who lived in the cave with the bear? 3. Who was the bear's housemate in the cave? Q5: 1. What did the bear eat? 2. What was the bear's food? 3. What would the bear munch on? Q6: 1. What kind of berries did the bear eat? 2. What sorts of berries would the bear have as food? 3. What berries did the bear munch on? Q7: 1. What did the bear do? 2. What was the bear up to? 3. What was the bear's activity? Q8: 1. What did the bear do while sitting on the bank? 2. As he sat on the bank, what would the bear get up to? 3. While sitting by the water, what did the bear do? Q9: 1. What did the bear do while sitting on the bank, besides looking at the animals? 2. As he sat on the bank, what would the bear get up to, gazing at the animals? 3. While sitting by the water, what did the bear do, as he looked at the animals? Q10: 1. What happened after the bear saw the family of duck? 2. When the bear spotted the family of ducks, what did he do next? 3. What occurred after the bear noticed the duck family?
CHAPTER XXV THE TRAIL OF THE TOURING CAR All started in astonishment at the footprints before them. What Tom had said was true--the prints were altogether too large to have been made by their own feet in walking through the woods. "How could I have made such a mistake!" murmured Dick. "I wonder where you got mixed up?" said Sam. "I looked at the prints down by the swamp. They seemed to be O. K. there." "Then that is where I must have gotten mixed up--maybe after we pulled Tom from the mud." "We'll have to go back," came from Tom. "Too bad! But it can't be helped. I don't blame you, Dick," he added, hastily. "Neither do I," put in Sam. "Anybody might make such a mistake, with nothing but that smoky lantern to guide him." They turned back, and after a while reached the edge of the swamp. Here, after a long search, they found their own footprints. "Now we are all right!" cried Sam. "Come on!" "Yes, and let us be careful that we don't make another mistake," added Tom. "I don't know about this," said Dick, hesitatingly. "Somehow, it doesn't look altogether right to me." "Why not?" queried his two brothers. "It doesn't seem to be the right direction. But they are our footprints, so we may as well follow them." They went on and proceeded for several hundred feet in silence. Then Tom uttered a cry of dismay. "Well, this beats the Dutch!" he gasped. "What's wrong now?" asked Dick. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What was Tom's remark? 2. What was Tom's utterance? 3. What did Tom tell the others? Q2: 1. Were the footprints too large? 2. Were the prints in the ground too big? 3. Did the group find too large of footprints? Q3: 1. Was Tom's statement true? 2. Did Tom make a true statement? 3. Was what Tom said correct? Q4: 1. Was Dick mistaken? 2. Did Dick do something incorrectly? 3. Did Dave mess up? Q5: 1. What did Sam gaze upon? 2. What did Sam turn his eyes towards? 3. What was Sam's gaze fixed upon? Q6: 1. Where were the prints that Sam was looking at? 2. Where did Sam see prints? 3. Where were the footprints that Sam had spotted? Q7: 1. Was Dick mixed up? 2. Had Dick been mistaken? 3. Did Dick make a mistake? Q8: 1. When did Dick get mixed up? 2. When did Dick make a mistake? 3. At what point was Dick mistaken? Q9: 1. Did Tom want to turn around? 2. Was Tom wishing to turn back? 3. Did Tom feel it best to go back? Q10: 1. Did the group turn back? 2. Did the group retreat? 3. Did the boys go back to where they came from? Q11: 1. What did the boys reach? 2. What did the group get to? 3. What was the group's destination? Q12: 1. When did the group get to the edge of the swamp? 2. How long did it take the boys to reach the edge of the swamp? 3. After how much time did the boys arrive at the swamp's edge? Q13: 1. 2. 3.
Joey got a German Shepherd for his birthday present. He had never had any pets before, but was always excited to see the other dogs and cats in his neighborhood. Since his birthday was in June, he spent a lot of time playing outside with his new puppy, which he named Max. Max and Joey would often run through fields in a game of chase. They also liked to go through the small forest behind the house, making a game of hide and seek. They never went near the lake because Joey was afraid of water. One day, Max hid a little too well and Joey couldn't find him. Joey spent the afternoon looking for his German Shepherd where they often played, like the field and forest. Joey was a shy boy who often read by himself, and Max was his best friend. After dinner, he went to look for Max one last time before he had to take a bath and go to bed. He heard some barking on the next street, so he ran to see if it was his puppy. Sure enough, he saw Max playing with a poodle. The dogs were having so much fun. Joey brought Max home, happy that he had his puppy back. Max seemed to be happy to have his human by his side as well as a new doggy friend. All summer long, Joey took Max to the poodle's house so they could play without having to worry about losing his present. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Who's got a summer birthday? 2. Who was born in the summertime? 3. Whose birthday is in the summer? Q2: 1. What was Joey afraid of? 2. What frightened Joey? 3. What did Joey fear?
The Dictionary of National Biography (DNB) is a standard work of reference on notable figures from British history, published from 1885. The updated Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (ODNB) was published on 23 September 2004 in 60 volumes and online, with 50,113 biographical articles covering 54,922 lives. Seeking to emulate national biographical collections published elsewhere in Europe, such as the "Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie" (1875), in 1882 the publisher George Smith (1824–1901), of Smith, Elder & Co., planned a universal dictionary that would include biographical entries on individuals from world history. He approached Leslie Stephen, then editor of the "Cornhill Magazine", owned by Smith, to become editor. Stephen persuaded Smith that the work should focus on subjects from the UK and its present and former colonies only. An early working title was the "Biographia Britannica", the name of an earlier eighteenth-century reference work. The first volume of the "Dictionary of National Biography" appeared on 1 January 1885. In May 1891 Leslie Stephen resigned and Sidney Lee, Stephen's assistant editor from the beginning of the project, succeeded him as editor. A dedicated team of sub-editors and researchers worked under Stephen and Lee, combining a variety of talents from veteran journalists to young scholars who cut their academic teeth on dictionary articles at a time when postgraduate historical research in British universities was still in its infancy. While much of the dictionary was written in-house, the "DNB" also relied on external contributors, who included several respected writers and scholars of the late nineteenth century. By 1900, more than 700 individuals had contributed to the work. Successive volumes appeared quarterly with complete punctuality until midsummer 1900, when the series closed with volume 63. The year of publication, the editor and the range of names in each volume is given below. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What was the date of publication of the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography? 2. When did the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography first come out? 3. On what precise date did the publication of the ODNB occur? Q2: 1. What was the number of volumes in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography? 2. How many volumes did the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography have? 3. How many volumes were contained in the ODNB? Q3: 1. What was the date of publication for the first Directory of National Biography? 2. When was the first Directory of National Biography published? 3. On what date did the first volume of the Directory of National Biography come out? Q4: 1. What did Sidney Lee do? 2. What was Sidney Lee's role? 3. How was Sidney Lee employed? Q5: 1. When Leslie Stephen resigned, what position was given to Sidney Lee? 2. What job did Sidney Lee get when Leslie Stephen left it? 3. After the resignation of Leslie Stephen, what was Sidney Lee appointed as? Q6: 1. When did the DNB series closed? 2. What year marked the end of the Directory of National Biography? 3. In what year did the Directory of National Biography come to a close? Q7: 1. What was the last volume of the DNB? 2. What volume marked the end of the DNB? 3. How many volumes total were there of the Directory of National Biography? Q8: 1. By 1900, how many people had contributed to the DNB? 2. How many contributors had the DNB had by 1900? 3. How many people had made contributions to the Directory of National Biography by 1900? Q9: 1. What is the Directory of National Biography a reference of? 2. What can be referenced within the DNB? 3. What could one use the DNB to find? Q10: 1. What is a European work similar to the DNB? 2. What European volume resembles the DNB? 3. What is another such work, similar to the Directory of National Biography in Europe?
CHAPTER XXXV. Were uneasiness of conscience measured by extent of crime, human history had been different, and one should look to see the contrivers of greedy wars and the mighty marauders of the money-market in one troop of self-lacerating penitents with the meaner robber and cut-purse and the murderer that doth his butchery in small with his own hand. No doubt wickedness hath its rewards to distribute; but who so wins in this devil's game must needs be baser, more cruel, more brutal than the order of this planet will allow for the multitude born of woman, the most of these carrying a form of conscience--a fear which is the shadow of justice, a pity which is the shadow of love--that hindereth from the prize of serene wickedness, itself difficult of maintenance in our composite flesh. On the twenty-ninth of December Deronda knew that the Grandcourts had arrived at the Abbey, but he had had no glimpse of them before he went to dress for dinner. There had been a splendid fall of snow, allowing the party of children the rare pleasures of snow-balling and snow-building, and in the Christmas holidays the Mallinger girls were content with no amusement unless it were joined in and managed by "cousin," as they had always called Deronda. After that outdoor exertion he had been playing billiards, and thus the hours had passed without his dwelling at all on the prospect of meeting Gwendolen at dinner. Nevertheless that prospect was interesting to him; and when, a little tired and heated with working at amusement, he went to his room before the half-hour bell had rung, he began to think of it with some speculation on the sort of influence her marriage with Grandcourt would have on her, and on the probability that there would be some discernible shades of change in her manner since he saw her at Diplow, just as there had been since his first vision of her at Leubronn. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What is degree of criminality used to measure? 2. What can be determined by degree of criminality? 3. What is measured by how criminal something was? Q2: 1. Whose arrival came in December? 2. Who had a December arrival? 3. Who appeared in the month of December? Q3: 1. Who knew of the Grandcourts arrival? 2. Who had awareness of the arrival of the Grandcourts? 3. Who had knowledge that the Grandcourts had arrived? Q4: 1. Did Deronda see the Grandcourts before his meal? 2. Did Deronda have an encounter with the Grandcourts before eating? 3. Prior to his meal, did Deronda come across the Grandcourts? Q5: 1. What did Deronda do before eating? 2. What was Deronda's course of action before his meal? 3. Prior to eating, what was Deronda up to? Q6: 1. What was the weather like? 2. How was it outside? 3. Describe the weather. Q7: 1. What was the children's plan? 2. What did the kids set out to do? 3. What were the children going to get into? Q8: 1. Who wished to play with "cousin?"? 2. Who hoped to have playtime with "cousin?"? 3. Who wanted some time to play with "cousin?"? Q9: 1. What was the name of "cousin?"? 2. Who bore the identity of "cousin?"? 3. Who was referred to by the term "cousin?"? Q10: 1. What was Deronda doing? 2. What was Deronda up to? 3. What was Deronda's present activity? Q11: 1. Who was Deronda going to meet later? 2. Who was Deronda later to meet up with? 3. Who would Deronda see at a later time? Q12: 1. Where did Deronda go before something rang? 2. Where did Deronda head before a ringing started? 3. Prior to something ringing, where did Deronda head off? Q13: 1. Who was Gwendolen engaged to? 2. Who was Gwendolen's fiance? 3. What was the identity of Gwendolen's fiance? Q14: 1. Where had Deronda seen Gwendolen? 2. Where was Gwendolen spotted by Deronda? 3. In what location had Deronda taken note of Gwendolen? Q15: 1. Where had Deronda seen Gwendolen, other than at dinner? 2. Where was Gwendolen spotted by Deronda, apart from dinnertime? 3. In what location had Deronda taken note of Gwendolen for the first time?
CHAPTER XVI: IN NERO'S PALACE Upon leaving Phaon, Beric was conducted to the room where he had left Scopus. The latter at once joined him, and without asking any questions left the palace with him. "I would ask nothing until you were outside," Scopus said. "They were wondering there at the long audience you have had with Nero. Judging by the gravity of your face, things have not gone well with you." "They have gone well in one sense," Beric said, "though I would vastly rather that they had gone otherwise. I feel very much more fear now than when I stood awaiting the attack of the lion." And he then related to Scopus the conversation he had had with Nero. The lanista inclined himself humbly to the ground. "You are a great man now, Beric, though, as you say, the place is not without its dangers. I guessed when Caesar sent for you that he purposed to use your strength and courage in his service. Your face is one that invites trust, and Nero was wise enough to see that if he were to trust you he must trust you altogether. He has acted wisely. He deemed that, having no friends and connections in Rome, he could rely upon you as he could rely upon no one who is a native here. You will be a great man, for a time at any rate." "I would rather have remained at your ludus, Scopus. I shall feel like a little dog I saw the other day in a cage of one of the lions. The beast seemed fond of it, but the little creature knew well that at any moment the lion might stretch out its paw and crush it." QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What did Baron leave behind? 2. What did Baron go away from? 3. What did Baron move on from? Q2: 1. Did Beric go to a regular house? 2. Was it just a normal house where Beric found himself? 3. Did Beric travel to a normal sized house? Q3: 1. Where was Beric? 2. What kind of home was Beric in? 3. What sort of residence was Beric at? Q4: 1. Did Scopus want to be inside when he asked Beric something? 2. Did Scopus have something to ask Beric while inside? 3. Did Scopus need to be inside when he inquired after Beric? Q5: 1. Were things going well in the eyes of Scopus? 2. Did Scopus feel that everything was going great? 3. Was everything going to plan according to Scopus? Q6: 1. How did Beric presently feel? 2. What were Beric's current emotions? 3. What was Beric feeling like at present? Q7: 1. Did Beric make a comparison between his feelings and something else? 2. Did Beric compare his fear to something? 3. Did Beric make a connection between the fear he felt and another situation? Q8: 1. What did Beric compare his feelings to? 2. What did Beric make a comparison of his fear to? 3. What did Beric say that his fear was like? Q9: 1. Who did Beric claim to have had discussions with? 2. Who did Beric state that he had been speaking with? 3. Who did Beric state he'd talked to? Q10: 1. Who asked for Beric? 2. Who requested Beric's presence? 3. Who wanted Beric to come to them? Q11: 1. What did Caesar want with Beric? 2. Why did Caesar request Beric's presence? 3. What made Caesar send for Beric?
(CNN) -- Music manager Allen Klein, whose clients included the Rolling Stones and the Beatles, died Saturday after a lengthy battle with Alzheimer's disease, his publicist said. Klein was 77. The son of Jewish immigrants from Hungary, Klein founded his firm Allen Klein & Co. in the late 1950s before the label evolved into ABKCO Music & Records in New York. The independent label holds the copyrights to music by the Rolling Stones, Sam Cooke, the Animals, the Kinks, Chubby Checker, Bobby Womack and hundreds of others. Klein represented dozens of artists, including Sam Cooke, the Animals, Bobby Darin and Herman's Hermits. He changed the music industry when he represented Sam Cooke in negotiations with RCA, winning the artist control of his own master recordings. Known for a tenacious and often blunt style in negotiations, Klein's greatest coups were inking contracts with the Rolling Stones and the Beatles, though both relationships ended in legal battles. ABKCO built up a catalog of copyrights to more than 2,000 songs, including much of the Stones' 1960s catalog. Klein retained ownership of those titles even after splitting with the Stones. In 1969, John Lennon persuaded the other Beatles that Klein should take over the group's business affairs, but Paul McCartney resisted the move and some music historians say the appointment hastened the Beatles' split. Lennon later fell out with Klein, who was thought to be the target of the former Beatle's 1974 song "Steel and Glass." Defending his tough style, Klein told Playboy magazine in 1971: "The music business is about 99 percent no-talent losers who can't stand a winner in their midst." QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Who founded Allen Klein & Co.? 2. Allen Klein & Co. exists thanks to whom? 3. Who was the creator of Allen Klein & Co.? Q2: 1. When was Allen Klein & Co. founded? 2. When did Allen Klein establish his record company? 3. At what point did Allen Klein & Co. come about? Q3: 1. What is Allen Klein & Co. today? 2. What is the present day name of Allen Klein & Co.? 3. How is Allen Klein & Co. referred to in the present day? Q4: 1. What city can ABKCO Music & Records be found in? 2. Where is ABKCO Music & Records headquartered? 3. What city is ABKCO Music & Records based out of? Q5: 1. Who managed the Rolling Stones? 2. Who was in charge of managing the Rolling Stones? 3. Who were the Rolling Stones managed by? Q6: 1. Is Allen Klein still alive? 2. Is Allen Klein currently living? 3. Is Allen Klein still with us? Q7: 1. When did Allen Klein pass? 2. On what day did Allen Klein die? 3. What was the day of Allen Klein's death? Q8: 1. What condition was Allen Klein afflicted with? 2. What had Allen Klein been suffering from? 3. What illness did Allen Klein suffer from? Q9: 1. What was the name of the Beatles' manager? 2. Who managed the Beatles? 3. Who were the Beatles managed by?
The New York Post is an American daily newspaper that is primarily distributed in New York City and its surrounding area. It is the 13th-oldest newspaper in the United States, and it had the sixth-highest circulation in 2009. Established in 1801 by federalist and Founding Father Alexander Hamilton, it became a respected broadsheet in the 19th century, under the name New York Evening Post. The modern version of the paper is published in tabloid format. In 1976, Rupert Murdoch bought the "Post" for US$30.5 million. Since 1993, "Post" has been owned by News Corporation and its successor, News Corp, which had owned it previously from 1976 to 1988. Its editorial offices are located at 1211 Avenue of the Americas. "New York Post", established on November 16, 1801, as "New-York Evening Post", describes itself as the nation's oldest continuously published "daily" newspaper. "The Providence Journal", which began daily publication on July 21, 1829, also bills itself as the nation's oldest continuously published daily newspaper because "New York Post" halted publication during strikes in 1958 and 1978. "The Hartford Courant", believed to be the oldest continuously published newspaper, was founded in 1764 as a semi-weekly paper; it did not publish daily until 1836. "The New Hampshire Gazette", which has trademarked its claim of being "The Nation's Oldest Newspaper", was founded in 1756 as a weekly. Since the 1890s it has been published only on weekends. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What newspaper does the article focus on? 2. Which newspaper is the article mostly interested in? 3. What daily paper is at the center of the article? Q2: 1. What was the year when the The New York Post was founded? 2. In what year did the The New York Post first come out? 3. When was The New York Post first established? Q3: 1. Who created The New York Post? 2. Who was the founder of The New York Post? 3. Who was the creator of The New York Post? Q4: 1. When did The New York Post become a respected broadsheet? 2. When did The New York Post's reputation as a respected broadsheet come about? 3. During what century was The New York Post established as a respectable broadsheet? Q5: 1. What was The New York Post's first name? 2. What was the original name of The New York Post? 3. What was the The New York Post originally called? Q6: 1. How much did Rupert Murdoch pay for The New York Post? 2. How much money did Rupert Murdoch purchase The New York Post for? 3. What amount of money did Rupert Murdoch buy The New York Post for? Q7: 1. When did The New York Post get bought by Rupert Murdoch? 2. In what year did Rupert Murdoch purchase The New York Post? 3. What was the year when Ruper Murdoch bought The New York Post? Q8: 1. Where are the editorial offices of The New York Post? 2. At what address can the The New York Post's editorial offices be found? 3. What's the address of the editorial offices of The New York Post? Q9: 1. What is the format of the modern version of The New York Post? 2. For the present-day version of The New York Post, what's the format? 3. How is the modern New York Post formatted? Q10: 1. Who has owned The New York Post since 1993? 2. Since 1993, who had been The New York Post's owner? 3. To what corporation has The New York Post belonged, since 1993?
A Texas teen who's been jailed more than four months for a Facebook comment he made during a video-game argument is finally getting a day in court that could let him go home. Justin Carter, who was 18 when he was arrested, will appear in Comal County (Texas) District Court on Tuesday, July 16, for a bond hearing, according to his lawyer, Don Flanary. Flanary told CNN he will argue to have Carter's $500,000 bond, which his family cannot afford to cover, reduced. Flanary, who is working the case for free, met with Carter for the first time on Tuesday. He said Carter is not doing well, and his family says he has been placed on suicide watch. "Justin is in bad shape and has suffered quite a bit of abuse while in jail," Flanary said in an e-mail. "We will likely bring out these issues at the bond hearing." He did not elaborate on the type of abuse claimed by Carter, who is now 19. In February, Carter and a friend were arguing on Facebook with someone else over the online video game "League of Legends." His father told CNN that the other gamer called Justin crazy and his son responded with sarcasm. According to court documents, Justin wrote, "I'm f***ed in the head alright. I think I'ma (sic) shoot up a kindergarten and watch the blood of the innocent rain down and eat the beating heart of one of them." Jack Carter said his son followed the claim with "LOL" and "J/K" -- indicating that the comment wasn't serious. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Where did Justin Carter's make comments? 2. Where did Justin Carter's comments appear? 3. On what platform were comments made by Justin Carter? Q2: 1. On what social media platform did Justin Carter make comments? 2. Which social media network did Justin Carter use to make his comments? 3. What social network was Justin Carter threatening people on? Q3: 1. Who is the article about? 2. What is the name of the boy that made comments on Facebook? 3. Who used Facebook to make threats?
CHAPTER II AT THE CAFÉ MONTMARTRE Exactly a week later, at five minutes after midnight, Guy Poynton, in evening dress, entered the Café Montmartre, in Paris. He made his way through the heterogeneous little crowd of men and women who were drinking at the bar, past the scarlet-coated orchestra, into the inner room, where the tables were laid for supper. Monsieur Albert, satisfied with the appearance of his new client, led him at once to a small table, submitted the wine card, and summoned a waiter. With some difficulty, as his French was very little better than his German, he ordered supper, and then lighting a cigarette, leaned back against the wall and looked around to see if he could discover any English or Americans. The room was only moderately full, for the hour was a little early for this quarter of Paris. Nevertheless, he was quick to appreciate a certain spirit of Bohemianism which pleased him. Every one talked to his neighbor. An American from the further end of the room raised his glass and drank his health. A pretty fair-haired girl leaned over from her table and smiled at him. "Monsieur like talk with me, eh?" "English?" he asked. "No. De Wien!" He shook his head smilingly. "We shouldn't get on," he declared. "Can't speak the language." She raised her eyebrows with a protesting gesture, but he looked away and opened an illustrated paper by his side. He turned over the pages idly enough at first, but suddenly paused. He whistled softly to himself and stared at the two photographs which filled the sheet. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What establishment did Guy Poynton enter? 2. What did Guy Poynton go into? 3. What restaurant did Guy Poynton go into? Q2: 1. Who did Guy Poynton brush past? 2. What did Guy Poynton go through? 3. Who did Guy Poynton walk by? Q3: 1. How full was the cafe? 2. How much of a crowd did the cafe have? 3. How far to capacity was the restaurant? Q4: 1. What spirit did the cafe have that pleased Guy Poynton? 2. What did Guy Poynton like about the cafe's spirit? 3. What was the Cafe Montmartre imbued with that brought pleasure to Guy Poynton? Q5: 1. Where was the Cafe Monmartre? 2. What was the location of the Cafe Montmartre? 3. Where could the Cafe Montmartre be found? Q6: 1. Who smiled at Guy Poynton? 2. Who flashed a smile at Guy Poynton? 3. Who grinned in Guy Poynton's direction? Q7: 1. Was Guy Poyton proficient in French? 2. Was Guy Poyton able to speak a bit of French? 3. Did Guy Poyton have proficiency in the French language? Q8: 1. What did his lack of proficiency in French make difficult for Guy Poynton? 2. What did Guy Poynton have trouble doing due to not being proficient in French? 3. What did an absence of French proficiency make difficult for Guy Poynton? Q9: 1. Who were the members of the crowd that Guy Poynton walked through? 2. Who could be spotted in the crowd surrounding Guy Poynton? 3. What was the group of people around Guy Poynton made up of? Q10: 1. Why did Guy Poynton think it best not to keep speaking with the blonde? 2. Why did Guy Poynton want to end his conversation with the fair-haired girl? 3. What made Guy Poynton think that he shouldn't keep talking to the blonde girl?
(CNN)Things have been messy between singer Chris Brown and his now ex-girlfriend Karrueche Tran, and it looks to be about to get messier. Oprah Winfrey's network, OWN, posted a teaser Tuesday for Tran's interview with Iyanla Vanzant. The inspirational speaker and host of "Iyanla: Fix My Life" fires off at Tran: "He betrayed you. He lied to you. He did it all publicly," before asking, "How did you find out that he had a baby by another woman?" Brown has been the subject of rumors that he fathered a daughter with another woman while in a relationship with Tran. He has neither confirmed nor denied the stories, but the story heated up when Tran tweeted on March 4, "Listen. One can only take so much. The best of luck to Chris and his family. No baby drama for me." The tweet was later deleted. Brown and Tran have had an on-again, off-again relationship for years. In 2012, Brown posted a video on Twitter questioning whether it was possible to be in love with two people. At the time, the singer had broken up with Tran after once again growing close to singer Rihanna, whom he assaulted while they were dating in 2009. "I love Karrueche very much but I don't want to see her hurt over my friendship with Rihanna," Brown said in the video. "I'd rather be single allowing us to both be happy in our lives." Brown and Rihanna eventually reunited but then broke up again, and he and Tran, who bills herself as a model and entrepreneur, resumed seeing each other. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Who were former lovers? 2. Who used to be in a relationship? 3. Whose relationship fizzled out? Q2: 1. What network interviewed Karrueche Tran? 2. What channel did Karrueche Tran grant an interview to? 3. What channel did an interview with Karrueche Tran appear on? Q3: 1. Who interviewed Karrueche Tran? 2. Who conducted the interview with Karrueche Tran? 3. Who from the OWN Network did Karrueche Tran speak with? Q4: 1. What is the name of Iyanla Vanzant's show? 2. What show is Iyanla Vanzant the host of? 3. What TV program does Iyanla Vanzant have? Q5: 1. When did OWN post the teaser for the Karrueche Tran interview? 2. When did the teaser trailer form OWN's Karrueche Tran interview go up? 3. On what day did a teaser for Iyanla Vanzant's interview with Karrueche Tran get posted? Q6: 1. Who is Christ Brown's former lover? 2. Who did Chris Brown used to be in a relationship with? 3. What is the name of Chris Brown's ex-girlfriend? Q7: 1. Who was Chris Brown's ex before Karrueche Tran? 2. Who did Chris Brown go out with prior to Karrueche Tran? 3. Before Karrueche Tran, who did Chris Brown date? Q8: 1. Was Chris Brown good to Rihanna? 2. Did Chris Brown treat Rihanna well? 3. Was Chris Brown kind to Rihanna? Q9: 1. When did Chris Brown strike Rihanna? 2. In what year was Rihanna assaulted by Chris Brown? 3. What was the year when Chris Brown beat up Rihanna? Q10: 1. What is the occupation of Karrueche Tran? 2. How is Karrueche Tran employed? 3. What does Karrueche Tran do for a living?
Molly Daniels opened the door so hard that the door nearly broke it. Then she looked through the window at her neighbor across the yard. " She is in my garden again. Those are my strawberries, not hers. Maybe I should call the police." Her friend, Doris, was sitting at the table with a cup of coffee in her hands. "You want to call the police because she picks your strawberries?" she asked. "Of course," Molly answered angrily. "What would you do if your neighbor walked into your yard without your _ and picked your strawberries?" "I would say, better here the bees." "The bees don't take my strawberries." "But the birds do," Doris continued. "That old lady only picks a few strawberries every year, and the only ones she picks are those you leave to the birds. Why don't you pick some of your good strawberries and give them to her?" "Are you crazy? What are you thinking?' "Don't you remember what happened when you were in hospital last year? She went to see you and gave you a pot full of chicken soup. When you give her the strawberries you can tell her that you still remember that." Molly was shocked. She had almost forgotten that little kindness because she was too angry. Then she picked a basket of good strawberries and went out. Through the window, Doris could see that the anger on Molly's face changed into a bright smile. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What did Molly almost cause the door to do while opening it? 2. What came close to happening as Molly opened the door? 3. What was just moments from happening when Molly opened th edoor? Q2: 1. What last name does Molly have? 2. What family name is attributed to Molly? 3. Tell us Molly's last name. Q3: 1. Does a garden belong to Molly Daniels? 2. Does Molly Daniels own a garden? 3. Is Molly Daniels a gardener? Q4: 1. What does Molly Daniels grow in her garden? 2. What fruit is in Molly Daniels' garden? 3. Which fruit does Molly Daniels grow in her patch of land? Q5: 1. What does Molly's friend have in her hand? 2. What is Doris holding/ 3. What has Doris got in her hand? Q6: 1. Where is Molly's neighbor sitting with her coffee? 2. Where does Doris sit with her coffee? 3. Where can Doris be found with coffee in hand? Q7: 1. What is the name of Molly's friend? 2. Who is Molly's neighbor that she is with? 3. Who is with Molly Daniels at her house? Q8: 1. Did Molly recently have a hospital stay? 2. Was Molly admitted to the hospital not too far back? 3. Did Molly just spend some time in the hospital? Q9: 1. What did Molly Daniels get from her neighbor while hospitalized? 2. While Molly Daniels was in the hospital, what did her neighbor bring her? 3. During Molly's stay in the hospital, what gift did she receive from her neighbor? Q10: 1. Was Molly still mad at the end of the story? 2. Was Molly's mood still sour when the story came to a close? 3. At the story's end, was Molly Daniels still angry?
CHAPTER III. A SERIOUS CHARGE. "What do you want?" asked Hardwick abruptly. "Is Mr. Sumner in?" returned Hal. "No." "Then I'll wait till he comes." Hardwick stared at Hal. "Won't I do?" he asked sharply. "I'm afraid not, sir." "What do you want to see him about?" "He asked me to call," replied the youth. He was not particularly pleased with Hardwick's manner. "I am the book-keeper here, and I generally transact business during Mr. Sumner's absence." "Mr. Sumner asked me to meet him here at ten o'clock." "Oh! You know him, then?" "Not very well." "I thought not." Hardwick glanced at Hal's shabby clothes. "Well, you had better wait outside until he comes. We don't allow loungers about the office." "I will," said Hal, and he turned to leave. It was bitter cold outside, but he would have preferred being on the sidewalk than being in the way, especially when such a man as Felix Hardwick was around. But, as he turned to leave, a coach drove up to the door, and Mr. Sumner alighted. His face lit up with a smile when he caught sight of Hal. "Well, my young friend, I see you are on time," he said, catching Hal by the shoulder, and turning him back into the office. "Yes, sir." "That's right." Mr. Sumner turned to Hardwick. "Where is Dick?" he asked. "I don't know, sir," returned the book-keeper. "Hasn't he been here this morning?" "I think not." "The sidewalk ought to be cleaned. That boy evidently doesn't want work." QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Who has agreed to wait? 2. Who is going to wait? 3. Who won't do anything until someone else arrives? Q2: 1. Who didn't appreciate Hardwick's manner? 2. Who found Hardwick rather rude? 3. Who didn't like the tone Hardwick was taking? Q3: 1. Whose arrival was supposed to be at 10? 2. Who was meant to get there at 10? 3. Who was scheduled to arrive at 10? Q4: 1. Who had a meeting with Mr. Sumner at 10? 2. Who was Mr. Sumner supposed to meet with at 10? 3. Who had scheduled to meet with Mr. Sumner at 10? Q5: 1. What was the auditor's name? 2. Who was employed as an auditor? 3. Who was the book-keeper? Q6: 1. What did Mr. Hardwick do as book-keeper? 2. What were Mr. Hardwick's responsibilities as book-keeper? 3. What did Hardwick do as auditor? Q7: 1. Who was supposed to call? 2. Whose call was being waited on? 3. Who was meant to telephone? Q8: 1. What did Hal think of the auditor? 2. How did Hal feel towards Hardwick? 3. What was Hal's estimation of Hardwick? Q9: 1. Who was Hal not pleased with? 2. Who displeased Hal? 3. Who wasn't Hal happy with? Q10: 1. How did Hardwick answer Hal? 2. What sort of response did Hardwick give Hal? 3. What was the nature of Hardwick's response to Hal? Q11: 1. Who didn't get scared? 2. Who did not feel afraid? 3. Who did not feel fear? Q12: 1. What did Hal hope to do in the meantime? 2. What was Hal's plan for the meantime? 3. What did Hal decide to do in the meantime? Q13: 1. What was Hal waiting for? 2. What was being waiting on by Hal 3. What was Hal standing in anticipation of? Q14: 1. Who was supposed to come? 2. Whose arrival was Hal waiting on? 3. Who was Hal waiting on to come?
(Mental Floss) -- It's hard to walk down the aisle of a liquor store without running across a bottle bearing someone's name. A costumed reveler at a Captain Morgan party celebrates the rum named after the 17th century privateer. We put them in our cocktails, but how well do we know them? Here's some biographical detail on the men behind your favorite tipples: 1. Captain Morgan The Captain wasn't always just the choice of sorority girls looking to blend spiced rum with Diet Coke; in the 17th century he was a feared privateer. Not only did the Welsh pirate marry his own cousin, he ran risky missions for the governor of Jamaica, including capturing some Spanish prisoners in Cuba and sacking Port-au-Prince in Haiti. He then plundered the Cuban coast before holding for ransom the entire city of Portobelo, Panama. He later looted and burned Panama City, but his pillaging career came to an end when Spain and England signed a peace treaty in 1671. Instead of getting in trouble for his high-seas antics, Morgan received knighthood and became the lieutenant governor of Jamaica. Mental Floss: 5 drinking stories that put yours to shame 2. Johnnie Walker Walker, the name behind the world's most popular brand of Scotch whisky, was born in 1805 in Ayrshire, Scotland. When his father died in 1819, Johnnie inherited a trust of a little over 400 pounds, which the trustees invested in a grocery store. Walker became a very successful grocer in the town of Kilmarnock and even sold a whisky, Walker's Kilmarnock Whisky. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Where does the name of Captain Morgan rum come from? 2. Who does Captain Morgan rum get its name from? 3. From whom is the moniker Captain Morgan rum derived? Q2: 1. Were people afraid of the real Captain Morgan? 2. Did the person Captain Morgan scare people? 3. Was the public frightened of Captain Morgan? Q3: 1. What was the nationality of the 17th century pirate? 2. What was Captain Morgan's nationality? 3. Where was Captain Morgan from? Q4: 1. Was Captain Morgan married? 2. Did Captain Morgan have a wife? 3. Was there a wife in Captain Morgan's life? Q5: 1. Did Captain Morgan visit any Caribbean islands? 2. Did Captain Morgan ever make a journey to any of the islands in the Caribbean? 3. Did Captain Morgan's adventures ever take him to the Caribbean? Q6: 1. What island in the Caribbean did Captain Morgan visit? 2. Where in the Caribbean Sea did Captain Morgan go? 3. Which Caribbean Island did Captain Morgan stop at? Q7: 1. What was Captain Morgan's business in Cuba? 2. What did Captain Morgan do in Cuba? 3. While in Cuba, how did Captain Morgan spend his time? Q8: 1. Did Captain Morgan get in trouble for plundering in Cuba? 2. Was Captain Morgan punished for his Cuban plundering? 3. Were there consequences for Captain Morgan's Caribbean plundering? Q9: 1. What happened after Captain Morgan ravaged Cuba? 2. What took place after Captain Morgan plundered Cuba? 3. Once he had pillaged Cuba, what happened to captain Morgan? Q10: 1. Whose name does the most popular Scotch come from? 2. Who gave their name to the most beloved Scotch? 3. Whose name does the number one Scotch bear? Q11: 1. Where was Johnnie Walker raised? 2. Where did Johnnie Walker spend his youth? 3. Where did Johnnie Walker grow up? Q12: 1. When did Johnnie Walker live in Ayrshire? 2. During what period in his life did Johnnie Walker live in Ayrshire? 3. Q13: 1. Was Johnnie Walker poor? 2. Did Johnnie Walker live in poverty? 3. Was Johnnie Walker broke? Q14: 1. Where did Johnnie Walker get his money? 2. What was the source of Johnnie Walker's funds? 3. Where did Johnnie Walker get his money from? Q15: 1. What did Johnnie Walker do with his trust? 2. What did Johnnie Walker do with the money he inherited? 3. How did Johnnie Walker spend the money he got in his inheritance?
Ben Jones was walking home from school one day when he saw a black cat. It was walking across the srteet in front of him.Ben stopped, turned around, and walked down a different srteet to go home. Why did he do that? "It's unlucky when a black cat crossed the street in front of you," says Ben, "I did not want to walk down that street!" Many people think that some things bring bad luck or good luck. For example, some people think that 13 is an unlucky number. They never invite 13 people to a party. "I never walk under a ladder ," says Ben. "And I never open an umbrella inside the house. They both bring bad luck." And what brings good luck? "We have a horseshoe over the front door of our house for good luck," says Ben."And when I find a peney on the ground, I always pick it up. That brings me good luck all day!" QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Did a dog step in front of Ben? 2. Was it a dog that sauntered in front of Ben?? 3. Did a dog appear in Ben's path? Q2: 1. What animal walked in front of Ben? 2. What creature did Ben spot in his path? 3. What was the animal Ben saw while walking? Q3: 1. Did Ben see an orange cat? 2. Was the cat that Ben saw orange? 3. Was orange the color of the cat that walked in front of Ben? Q4: 1. What color was the cat that walked in front of Ben? 2. What color of cat did Ben come across? 3. What color was the fur of the cat that Ben saw? Q5: 1. What did Ben do in response to the cat? 2. What did Ben do when he saw the cat? 3. Upon noticing the cat, how did Ben react? Q6: 1. Does Ben go under ladders? 2. Is Ben ok with walking under ladders? 3. Does Ben make a habit out of walking under ladders? Q7: 1. What things bring good luck? 2. What are some good luck items? 3. What things are safe to have? Q8: 1. When did Ben see the cat? 2. When did Ben cross paths with the cat? 3. At what point in the day did Ben come across the cat? Q9: 1. What is Ben's last name? 2. Tell us Ben's last name? 3. What is the fmaily name of Ben? Q10: 1. Why did Ben alter his route? 2. Why did Ben choose a different path? 3. What made Ben decide to take a different way home? Q11: 1. Does Ben use umbrellas indoors? 2. Is Ben okay with opening an umbrella while inside? 3. Does Ben make a habit out of opening up umbrellas while he's inside? Q12: 1. Why doesn't Ben open umbrellas indoors? 2. What keeps Ben from opening umbrellas inside? 3. Why won't Ben open up an umbrella if he is inside?
(CNN) -- Reigning world champion Sebastian Vettel started his 2011 Formula One defense in emphatic style on Sunday, leading the season-opening Australian Grand Prix in Melbourne from start to finish. McLaren's 2008 world champion Lewis Hamilton did well to finish second after damaging his car on the first corner while Lotus Renault's Russian driver Vitaly Petrov achieved his first podium finish. The 23-year-old German notched up his 11th win in his 63rd Formula 1 race. Fernando Alonso finished fourth for Ferrari, with Mark Webber in his Red Bull in fifth place. Jenson Button came sixth in his McLaren. Red Bull team boss Christian Horner said after the race his team did not use its KERS power-boost system because of technical issues, underlining the scale of Vettel's victory. Following his triumph, Vettel said: "It was a good race. In the end things calmed down, Lewis didn't push, but it was not an easy race. "The start was crucial, I was on the clean side, but didn't know if it was enough until we got through the first corner. "With Lewis dropping off later in the race, there was no pressure, so I was able to control it." Assessing the season ahead, Vettel added: "It's a long season, so we have to keep on doing what we are doing now, enjoying, but working hard." Hamilton was satisfied with his runner-up spot, saying: "We can take this and be very proud of ourselves. A week or two ago we weren't expecting to be in the top five, so to come to second is a great achievement." QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What is the German's age? 2. How old is Sebastian Vettel? 3. What is Sebastian Vettel's age? Q2: 1. What did the start count as? 2. How was the start characterized? 3. What was the main quality of the beginning of the race? Q3: 1. Who felt good? 2. Who was happy with the outcome? 3. Who felt satisfaction? Q4: 1. What happened in the end? 2. What did the end bring about? 3. Q5: 1. Who was in first place all season? 2. Throughout the season, who was ahead of all the others? 3. Who was the leader in the season? Q6: 1. Who fell back? 2. Who lost their position in the race? 3. Who started to not do so well mid race? Q7: 1. Who was the champion in 2008? 2. What was the name of the 2008 champion? 3. In 2008, who came out on top? Q8: 1. What was the location of the season opening? 2. Where did the first race of the season take place? 3. In what city was the season's first race held? Q9: 1. What sort of race was held in Melbourne? 2. What race took place in Melbourne? 3. What was the name of the Melbourne race? Q10: 1. Who headed the Red Bull team? 2. What was the name of the boss of the Red Bull team? 3. Who was head honcho at the Red Bull team?
(CNN) -- Sidney Frank made millions marketing Jagermeister and other alcohol brands. Three years after his death, he's a big hit with students at the Ivy League college he briefly attended. Sidney Frank, shown accepting an honorary degree in 2005, gave $100 million to Brown University. He's a big hit not because of what he sold but because he's given dozens of them what he couldn't afford as a young man: an education at Rhode Island's Brown University. On Sunday, 49 students from low-income families became the first four-year Sidney E. Frank Scholars to graduate from Brown, owing virtually nothing except gratitude to the late liquor magnate. "The world of difference that he made for each and every one of us is unbelievable, incredible," one of the Frank Scholars, 22-year-old Shane Reil, said Sunday. Frank -- who left Brown after one year in the late 1930s because he couldn't afford to stay -- gave the school a $100 million endowment in 2004. He stipulated that the fund's income go exclusively to covering all tuition and expenses for the neediest of Brown's admitted applicants. Hear graduates say how their dreams came true » For this year's graduates, tuition and expenses came to a four-year total of about $180,000 each. The median annual income of the recipients' families was $18,984. The gift was the largest single one ever given to Brown and one of the largest ever given for undergraduate scholarships in the United States, according to the school. Reil, a history major who is preparing to co-chair a student conference on U.S.-South Korean relations and aspires to work in politics or foreign service, says the scholarship was the stuff of dreams. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What was the source of Sidney Frank's fortune? 2. How did Sidney Frank amass millions of dollars? 3. What did Sidney Frank do to become extremely wealthy? Q2: 1. Where is Sidney Frank popular? 2. Where is Sidney Frank considered a hit? 3. In what context has Sidney Frank shot up in popularity?
CHAPTER IX MERRIL TIGHTENS THE SCREW The _Sorata_ went to sea again next morning, and one night a week later she bore up for Vancouver before a westerly breeze. A thin crescent moon had just cleared the dim white line of the mainland snow, and the sea glittered faintly in her frothing wake under a vast sweep of dusky blue. The big topsail swayed across it, blotting out the stars, and there was a rhythmic splashing beneath the bows. Anthea Merril stood at the tiller outlined against the heave of sea, for the night was warm and she was dressed in white. Nellie Austerly sat on a locker in the cockpit, and her father on the saloon skylights with a cigar in his hand. Valentine lay on the deck not far away, and Jimmy a little further forward. "I suppose we will be in soon after daylight, and I'm sorry," said Nellie Austerly. "It has been an almost perfect cruise in spite of the bad weather. Don't you wish we were going back again, instead of home, Anthea?" Jimmy roused himself to attention, for he would very much have liked to hear Miss Merril's real thoughts on the matter; but she laughed. "I don't think it would be very much use if I did," she said. "One can't go sailing always--and if you feel that that is a pity, you can think of the rain and the wind." "Ah!" said Nellie Austerly, "one has to bear so much of them everywhere. Sometimes one wonders whether life is all gray days and rain; but this trip has made me better, and, perhaps, if Mr. Valentine will take us, we will go back next year and revel once more in the sea and the sunshine--we really had a good deal of the latter." QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What did Anthea have on? 2. What was Anthea clothed in? 3. What was Anthea derssed in? Q2: 1. Who else was on the boat, besides Anthea? 2. Who was on the boat with Anthea? 3. Who joined Anthea upon the ship? Q3: 1. What was Nellie Austerly doing? 2. What was Nellie Austerly up to? 3. What activity was Nellie Austerly getting into? Q4: 1. What was the name of the boat? 2. What was the boat called? 3. What was the name of the maritime vessel? Q5: 1. Was Nellie austerly wishing to go home? 2. Did Nellie Austerly want to return to her home? 3. Does the prospect of going home bring joy to Nellie Austerly? Q6: 1. When in the day does the story take place? 2. At what point in the day is the story happening? 3. When in the cycle of 24 hours is it? Q7: 1. How is the weather? 2. What kind of weather are the ship's passengers enjoying? 3. How does it feel outside? Q8: 1. Was there a full moon? 2. Did the moon appear full? 3. Was all of the moon visible in the sky? Q9: 1. What kind of moon was in the sky? 2. What shape was the moon? 3. How did the moon appear? Q10: 1. What was Nellie's father up to? 2. What could Nellie's dad be found doing? 3. What was the activity of Nellie's father? Q11: 1. Who laid down on the deck? 2. Who was resting upon the deck floor? 3. Q12: 1. How had the trip affected Nellie Austerly? 2. What was one consequence of the trip for Nellie Austerly? 3. How was Nellie Austerly affected by the voyage? Q13: 1. When does Nellie Austerly want to take the trip? 2. When would Nellie Austerly like to redo the voyage? 3. At what point does Nellie Austerly wish to travel again? Q14: 1. Who would take Nellie on the trip again? 2. Who would be able to accompany Nellie on a second trip? 3. If Nellie takes the trip again, who will go with her?
Tibet (i/tᵻˈbɛt/; Wylie: Bod, pronounced [pʰø̀ʔ]; Chinese: 西藏; pinyin: Xīzàng) is a region on the Tibetan Plateau in Asia. It is the traditional homeland of the Tibetan people as well as some other ethnic groups such as Monpa, Qiang and Lhoba peoples and is now also inhabited by considerable numbers of Han Chinese and Hui people. Tibet is the highest region on Earth, with an average elevation of 4,900 metres (16,000 ft). The highest elevation in Tibet is Mount Everest, earth's highest mountain rising 8,848 m (29,029 ft) above sea level. The Tibetan Empire emerged in the 7th century, but with the fall of the empire the region soon divided into a variety of territories. The bulk of western and central Tibet (Ü-Tsang) was often at least nominally unified under a series of Tibetan governments in Lhasa, Shigatse, or nearby locations; these governments were at various times under Mongol and Chinese overlordship. The eastern regions of Kham and Amdo often maintained a more decentralized indigenous political structure, being divided among a number of small principalities and tribal groups, while also often falling more directly under Chinese rule after the Battle of Chamdo; most of this area was eventually incorporated into the Chinese provinces of Sichuan and Qinghai. The current borders of Tibet were generally established in the 18th century. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. In what century were Tibet's current borders established? 2. When were the present-day borders of Tibet defined? 3. At what point in history were the current borders of Tibet drawn up? Q2: 1. What average elevation does Tibet have? 2. What is the elevation in Tibet, on average? 3. How many meters high is Tibetan territory, on average? Q3: 1. What is the tallest mountain on earth? 2. What is the name of Earth's highest mountain? 3. What is the world's tallest mountain called? Q4: 1. At what point in history did the Tibetan Empire come about? 2. When did the Tibetan Empire appear? 3. In what century did the Tibetan Empire emerge? Q5: 1. What is the precise location of the Tibetan region? 2. Where can the Tibetan region be found? 3. Where on Earth is the region of Tibet? Q6: 1. What plateau is the region of Tibet on? 2. Upon which plateau can the region of Tibet be found? 3. Which plateau does the Tibetan region sit upon? Q7: 1. Who lives in Tibet, besides the Tibetan people? 2. What other ethnicities reside in Tibet, other than Tibetans? 3. Setting aside the Tibetan people, who else lives in the region? Q8: 1. Which region is Earth's highest? 2. What is the name of Earth's tallest region? 3. Which region has the highest altitude in the world? Q9: 1. What are the names of the eastern regions with a more decentralized structure? 2. What regions in the East maintain a less centralized structure? 3. Which eastern regions have a structure that is not very centralized? Q10: 1. After the fall of the Tibetan Empire, what happened to it? 2. What happened to the Tibetan Empire when it was taken down? 3. What became of the Tibetan Empire post-fall?
Chinese characters are logograms used in the writing of Chinese and some other Asian languages. In Standard Chinese they are called Hanzi (simplified Chinese: 汉字; traditional Chinese: 漢字). They have been adapted to write a number of other languages including: Japanese, where they are known as kanji, Korean, where they are known as hanja, and Vietnamese in a system known as chữ Nôm. Collectively, they are known as CJKV characters. In English, they are sometimes called Han characters. Chinese characters constitute the oldest continuously used system of writing in the world. By virtue of their widespread current use in East Asia, and historic use throughout the Sinosphere, Chinese characters are among the most widely adopted writing systems in the world. Chinese characters number in the tens of thousands, though most of them are minor graphic variants encountered only in historical texts. Studies in China have shown that functional literacy in written Chinese requires a knowledge of between three and four thousand characters. In Japan, 2,136 are taught through secondary school (the Jōyō kanji); hundreds more are in everyday use. There are various national standard lists of characters, forms, and pronunciations. Simplified forms of certain characters are used in China, Singapore, and Malaysia; the corresponding traditional characters are used in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, and to a limited extent in South Korea. In Japan, common characters are written in post-WWII Japan-specific simplified forms (shinjitai), which are closer to traditional forms than Chinese simplifications, while uncommon characters are written in Japanese traditional forms (kyūjitai), which are virtually identical to Chinese traditional forms. In South Korea, when Chinese characters are used they are of the traditional variant and are almost identical to those used in places like Taiwan and Hong Kong. Teaching of Chinese characters in South Korea starts in the 7th grade and continues until the 12th grade where 1,800 total characters are taught albeit these characters are only used in certain cases (on signs, academic papers, historical writings, etc.) and are slowly declining in use. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. How many Chinese characters are there? 2. What is the number of letters in the Chinese language? 3. How many letters are contained within the Chinese language?
If you ask Americans whether or not they think their former president George W. Bush is smart, most of them will probably tell you they don't think so. However, Bush's IQ score is estimated to be above 120, which puts him in the top ten percent of the population. It doesn't seem to make sense. How come someone with such an IQ score is not considered smart? Researchers say: IQ does not tell the whole story. Some people have high IQ scores, but still they can be poor thinkers and decision-makers. Keith Stanovich, a Canadian professor of human development and applied psychology, has been looking into the "clever fools" phenomenon for 15 years. He says IQ tests are very good at measuring certain mental faculties , including logic, learning ability, working-memory capacity (how much information you can hold in mind), etc. Those faculties play a part in one's academic success, but rational thinking is more important for us to make good judgments in real-life situations. IQ tests fail to work when it comes to rational thinking. That's because they are unable to assess things such as a person's ability to weigh up information, or whether an individual can set aside the cognitive biases that may be misleading. "A high IQ is like height in a basketball player," says David Perkins, who studies thinking and reasoning skills at Harvard University. "It is very important, all other things being equal. But all other things aren't equal. It takes a lot more to be a good basketball player than being tall, and it takes a lot more to be a good thinker than having a high IQ." QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What unique phenomenon has someone been looking into for awhile? 2. What oddity has someone been studying for awhile? 3. What odd character trait has a person been researching for a number of years? Q2: 1. Is there a nickname for people whose IQ is high but are not considered smart? 2. Is there a colloquial way of referring to those who score well on IQ tests but aren't considered intelligent? 3. Is there a name for people with high IQ's that seem dumb? Q3: 1. Who researched clever fools? 2. Whose research focused on the clever fool phenomenon? 3. Who studied the phenomenon of clever fools? Q4: 1. Is Keith Stanovich American? 2. Is Keith Stanovich from the United States? 3. Does Keith Stanovich come from the US? Q5: 1. What is Keith Stanovich's nationality? 2. What is the nationality of Keith Stanovich? 3. Where does Keith Stanovich come from? Q6: 1. How long has Keith Stanovich been researching clever fools? 2. For how long has Keith Stanovich been looking into the clever fool phenomenon? 3. How many years has Keith Stanovich spend studying clever fools? Q7: 1. Do IQ tests reliably test rationale? 2. Is an IQ test a reliable way of testing rationale? 3. Are we able today to use IQ tests to accurately test people's rationale? Q8: 1. What do IQ tests accurately evaluate? 2. What are IQ tests good at measuring? 3. What is accurately evaluated by an IQ test? Q9: 1. Does anyone mention an analogy? 2. Is an analogy made in the article? 3. Does somebody bring up an analagous comparison? Q10: 1. What analogy does David Perkins make? 2. What does David Perkins compare IQ to? 3. What does David Perkins say that IQ is similar to?
At Dulles High school in Sugar Land, Texas, the roster for Advanced Chinese begins with Jason Chao and ends with Kathy Zhang. In between comes an unexpected name: Elizabeth Hoffman. Hoffman, now a 12thgrader, began learning Chinese in the eighth grade, has spent a summer studying in Nanjing and plans to perfect her Mandarin next fall. When asked by her peers---why she is learning Chinese, she responds with a question: "why aren't you?" As China rushes toward superpower status, America's schools and government officials are responding to Hoffman's opinion. Earlier this year Eush Holt of New Jersey introduced legialation calling for increased money of programs for less commonly taught languages, "For reasons of economics, culture and security, we should have much better facilities with Chinese languages and dialects," he said. The State Department has pointed out Chinese is becoming a "critical language", but the most recent data show that only 24,000 students in Grade 7 to Grade 12 study Chinese. Still, the number is growing. In Chicago public schools, enrollment in Chinese classes has skyrocked from 5000 students in 2005 to nearly 35,000 students this year. In the Santa Clara County, California, enrollment has quadrupled during the same period. In 2007, when the College Board first introduces advanced-placement language exams in Chinese and Italian, 2,400 high school plan to offer AP Chinese---10 times the number of students that plan to offer AP Italian. Much of the interest can be explained by China's increasing competiviveness. "People are always trying to judge what languages are going to be useful for the future," says Marty Abbot, the director of education at the National Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Stephanie Wong, a student At Monta Vista High School in Cupertino, California, chose Chinese so that she could speak with her grandfather. Wong also predicted that Chinese will be important if she becomes a doctor. 80 percent of people in her hometown are Asians. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What school was mentioned? 2. What was the school called? 3. What name did the high school have? Q2: 1. Where was Dulles High School? 2. What was the location of Dulles High School? 3. Where could Dulles High School be found? Q3: 1. Whose name was out of the ordinary? 2. Whose name was cause for surprise? 3. Whose name may take some aback? Q4: 1. What year in school is Elizabeth Hoffman? 2. What grade is Elizabeth Hoffman in? 3. What is Elizabeth Hoffman's grade? Q5: 1. What language is Elizabeth Hoffman taking classes in? 2. What language is Elizabeth Hoffman learning? 3. Which tongue is Elizabeth Hoffman studying? Q6: 1. What is Elizabeth Hoffman's reason for learning Chinese? 2. What made Elizabeth Hoffman decide to study Chinese? 3. Why is Elizabeth Hoffman taking Chinese courses? Q7: 1. How does Elizabeth Hoffman respond when people ask why she's taking Chinese? 2. What does Elizabeth Hoffman tell people who want to know why she chose Chinese classes? 3. What does Elizabeth Hoffman say to the question why are you taking Chinese? Q8: 1. What status is China rushing to obtain? 2. What would China like to become? 3. What status is China in a hurry to obtain? Q9: 1. How many students are taking Chinese classes? 2. How many kids are studying the Chinese language? 3. What is the number of students enrolled in Chinese courses? Q10: 1. What are the grades of the 24000 kids studying Chinese? 2. What is the grade range of the 24000 children taking Chinese classes? 3. From what range of grades can children enroll in Chinese courses? Q11: 1. Is enrollment in Chinese courses growing or decreasing? 2. Is the number of kids taking Chinese growing or getting smaller? 3. Are enrollment numbers in Chinese classes growing or getting tinier? Q12: 1. How many students enrolled in Chinese courses in 2005? 2. In 2005, how many kids signed up for Chinese classes? 3. What was the number of kids who signed up to take Chinese in 2005? Q13: 1. In what way did enrollment in Chinese classes grow in California? 2. By how much did enrollment for Chinese courses grow in California? 3. In the state of California, how did the number of kids signed up for Chinese grow?
"How did Norman know, Sister Emma?" "He overheard you and Aryan arguing. I suspect that he purposely overheard on you. Norman knew or concluded what profession Aryan practiced. He might well have followed Aryan on his explorations. Whether he did or not is beside the point. When Aryan came back yesterday afternoon, Norman certainly decided that he had made some find, for Aryan told Norman that he would be leaving for the capital to meet the detective the next morning. He probably followed Aryan to your room and overheard what passed between you. "Since you could not act against the law of man and God, he would serve a natural justice in his own way. He took the jar of poison hemlock from the chemistry shop and when Aryan asked for a drink, he supplied it. Norman did not know the precise quantity needed and so Aryan did not suffer the full effects until after the bell called the community into the dining hall for the evening meal." Abbess was following Sister Emma closely. "And then?" "Then I began my investigation, and then the detective arrived seeking Aryan for an explanation for his death." "But who killed Norman?" "Norman knew that sooner or later he would be discovered. But more importantly in his guileless mind there was also the guilt of having taken a man's life to be considered. Norman was a simple man. He decided that he should accept the punishment--the honor-price of a life. What greater honor-price for the life of Aryan could he offer than his own? He also took a draught of poison hemlock." There was a pause. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What deadly plant was used? 2. Which poison was deployed? 3. What is the poison that was employed called? Q2: 1. Who used the hemlock? 2. Who used the deadly plant? 3. Who weaponized the hemlock's power? Q3: 1. Who did Norman use the hemlock on? 2. Against whom did Norman deploy the hemlock? 3. Who did Norman poison with the hemlock? Q4: 1. How did Norman poison Aryan? 2. How did Norman drug Aryan with the hemlock? 3. How did Norman get the hemlock into Aryan's system? Q5: 1. Did the hemlock immediately kill Aryan? 2. Were the hemlock's effects immediate? 3. Did the hemlock have an effect on Aryan right away? Q6: 1. Why didn't the hemlock immediately kill Aryan? 2. Why did it take some time for the hemlcok to affect Aryan? 3. What slowed the hemlock's effects on Aryan? Q7: 1. How long did it take for Aryan to feel the effects of the hemlock? 2. How long did it take for the poison to affect Aryan? 3. How much time was needed for the poison to take its hold over Aryan? Q8: 1. Who was someone following? 2. Who was being pursued? 3. Who had someone following them? Q9: 1. What was Norman's cause of death? 2. What ended Norman's life? 3. What was the cause of Norman's passing? Q10: 1. Who conducts the investigation? 2. Who is investigating the matter? 3. Who is looking into things?
(Rolling Stone) -- On July 25th, 1965, Bob Dylan walked onstage at the Newport Folk Festival, plugged in his 1964 sunburst Fender Stratocaster and tore through a scorching three-song set. It was a crucial turning point in his career, and it quickly became rock & roll legend -- the moment when Dylan transformed from a protest folkie to a rebel genius. But the guitar Dylan played on that mythic afternoon went missing for the next 47 years -- until recently, when a team of PBS researchers told New Jersey resident Dawn Peterson that she had it in her home. Peterson's late father, Victor Quinto, was a private pilot who worked for Dylan's manager, Albert Grossman, in the mid-1960s. "After one flight, my father saw there were three guitars left on the plane," she says. He contacted the company a few times about picking the guitars up, but nobody ever got back to him." Last fall, Peterson asked PBS's History Detectives to help verify her find. The 1964 Stratocaster came with 13 pages of typed and handwritten song lyrics tucked inside its guitar case -- but host Wes Cowan was skeptical at first. "It's so important, historically and culturally, that I couldn't have imagined Bob Dylan would have just left it on an airplane," he says. In fact, Dylan says that's not what happened. "Bob has possession of the electric guitar he played at the Newport Folk Festival in 1965," his attorney, Orin Snyder, said in a statement. "He did own several other Stratocaster guitars that were stolen from him around that time, as were some handwritten lyrics." QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What was the brand of Bob Dylan's guitar? 2. Which brand of guitar did Bob Dylan play? 3. What kind of guitar did Bob Dylan have? Q2: 1. Where did Bob Dylan play? 2. Where did Bob Dylan have a concert? 3. What was the site of Bob Dylan's set? Q3: 1. How long did Bob Dylan's set last? 2. How long did Bob Dylan play for? 3. How long was the show Bob Dylan played? Q4: 1. When did Bob Dylan play at the Newport Folk Festival? 2. In what year did Bob Dylan play at the Newport Folk Festival? 3. What year did Bob Dylan's set at the Newport Folk Festival take place in? Q5: 1. What is the current location of Bob Dylan's sunburst Fender Stratocaster? 2. Where is Bob Dylan's famous guitar today? 3. Where is the sunburst Fender Stratocaster Bob Dylan played located in the present day? Q6: 1. What was found amongst a number of guitars? 2. What was hiding along with some of Bob Dylan's guitars? 3. What did a few of Bob Dylan's guitars have with them? Q7: 1. How did Victor Quinto obtain some of Bob Dylan's guitars? 2. How was Victor Quinto able to get his hands on some of Bob Dylan's guitars? 3. How did some of Bob Dylan's musical instruments come into Victor Quinto's possession? Q8: 1. What was Victor Quinto's job? 2. How was Victor Quinto employed? 3. What did Victor Quinto do for a living? Q9: 1. Who was used to contact Victor Quinto? 2. Who was an intermediary for contacting Victor Quinto? 3. Who did PBS go through to get in touch with Victor Quinto? Q10: 1. Who did Dawn get in touch with about verifying the authenticity of guitars? 2. Who did Dawn talk to about authentification of the guitars? 3. Who was Dawn's contact for making sure that the guitars were authentic? Q11: 1. How did PBS help Dawn? 2. What was the role of PBS in authentifying the guitars? 3. What did PBS do with respect to authentification of the guitars? Q12: 1. Did PBS successfully authentify the guitars? 2. Was PBS able to identify if the guitars were authentic? 3. Did PBS succeed in verifying if the guitars were authentic? Q13: 1. What was the brand of the stolen guitars? 2. Which brand of guitars got pilfered? 3. What brand of guitars was lifted? Q14: 1. Was Albert Grossman contacted with respect to the guitars that were left behind? 2. Did anybody get in touch with Albert Grossman regarding the guitars left behind? 3. Did Albert Grossman receive a message about the guitars that were left on the plane?
_ , by the U.S. education system. Remarkably, he could read, yet, in spite of his reading skills, Steve was failing. He had been failing since first grade, as he was passed on from grade to grade. Steve was a big boy, looking more like a teenager than a twelve year old, yet, Steve went unnoticed... until Miss White. Miss White was a smiling, young, beautiful redhead, and Steve was in love! For the first time in his young life, he couldn't take his eyes off his teacher; yet, still he failed. He never did his homework, and he was always in trouble with Miss White. His heart would break under her sharp words, and when he was punished for failing to turn in his homework, he felt just miserable! Still, he did not study. In the middle of the first semester of school, the entire seventh grade was tested for basic skills. Steve hurried through his tests, and continued to dream of other things, as the day wore on. His heart was not in school, but in the woods, where he often escaped alone, trying to shut out the sights, sounds and smells of his alcoholic home. No one checked on him to see if he was safe. No one knew he was gone, because no one was sober enough to care. Oddly, Steve never missed a day of school. One day, Miss White's impatient voice broke into his daydreams. "Steve!!" Startled, he turned to look at her. "Pay attention!" Steve locked his gaze on Miss White with adolescent adoration , as she began to go over the test results for the seventh grade. "You all did pretty well," she told the class, "except for one boy, and it breaks my heart to tell you this, but..." She hesitated, pinning Steve to his seat with a sharp stare, her eyes searching his face. "...The smartest boy in the seventh grade is failing my class!" She just stared at Steve, as the class spun around for a good look. Steve dropped his eyes and carefully examined his fingertips. After that, it was war!! Steve still wouldn't do his homework. Even as the punishments became more severe, he remained stubborn. "Just try it! ONE WEEK!" He was unmoved. "You're smart enough! You'll see a change!" Nothing fazed him. "Give yourself a chance! Don't give up on your life!" Nothing. "Steve! Please! I care about you!" Wow! Suddenly, Steve got it!! Someone cared about him? Someone, totally unattainable and perfect, CARED ABOUT HIM??!! Steve went home from school, thoughtful, that afternoon. Walking into the house, he took one look around. Both parents were passed out, in various stages of undress, and the stench was overpowering! He, quickly, gathered up his camping gear, a jar of peanut butter, a loaf of bread, a bottle of water, and this time...his schoolbooks. Grim faced and determined, he headed for the woods. The following Monday he arrived at school on time, and he waited for Miss White to enter the classroom. She walked in, all sparkle and smiles! God, she was beautiful! He yearned for her smile to turn on him. It did not. Miss White, immediately, gave a quiz on the weekend homework. Steve hurried through the test, and was the first to hand in his paper. With a look of surprise, Miss White took his paper. Obviously puzzled, she began to look it over. Steve walked back to his desk, his heart pounding within his chest. As he sat down, he couldn't resist another look at the lovely woman. Miss White's face was in total shock! She glanced up at Steve, then down, then up. Suddenly, her face broke into a radiant smile. The smartest boy in the seventh grade had just passed his first test! From that moment nothing was the same for Steve. Life at home remained the same, but life still changed. He discovered that not only could he learn, but he was good at it! He discovered that he could understand and retain knowledge, and that he could translate the things he learned into his own life. Steve began to excel! And he continued this course throughout his school life. After high-school Steve enlisted in the Navy, and he had a successful military career. During that time, he met the love of his life, he raised a family, and he graduated from college Magna Cum Laude. During his Naval career, he inspired many young people, who without him, might not have believed in themselves. Steve began a second career after the Navy, and he continues to inspire others, as an adjunct professor in a nearby college. Miss White left a great legacy. She saved one boy who has changed many lives. I know, because I am the love of his life. You see, it's simple, really. A change took place within the heart of one boy, all because of one teacher, who cared. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Who was the object of Steve's affection? 2. Who was Steve crushing on? 3. What was the name of Steve's love? Q2: 1. What did Miss White look like? 2. Give a description of Miss White. 3. Describe Miss White. Q3: 1. Did Steve do well in school? 2. Was Steve a good student? 3. Was Steve a successful student? Q4: 1. Did Steve ever do his homework? 2. Did Steve ever complete homework assignments? 3. Would Steve ever complete the work his teacher gave him? Q5: 1. What grade was Steve in? 2. What was Steve's year in school? 3. What was Steve's school grade? Q6: 1. How many days of school did Steve miss? 2. How many days was Steve marked absent? 3. How many absences did Steve have from school? Q7: 1. Who did Miss White imply was the smartest boy in the grade? 2. Who did Miss White insinuate to be the grade's smartest boy? 3. In Miss White's statement to the class, who was it implied was the grade's smartest young man? Q8: 1. What did Steve gather up at home one day? 2. One day, what did Steve assemble at home? 3. What did Steve grab from his home one day? Q9: 1. What put a smile on Miss White's face? 2. What made Miss White smile? 3. What put Miss White in a visibly good mood? Q10: 1. Did Steve find out that he was bad at learning? 2. Did Steve discover that learning was difficult for him? 3. Did Steve come to the realization that he wasn't good at learning? Q11: 1. What career did Steve have? 2. What did adult Steve do for a living? 3. How was Steve employed as an adult? Q12: 1. Did Steve work in addition to his naval career? 2. Did Steve have a job besides being in the navy? 3. Did Steve do anything for work apart from the navy? Q13: 1. Where was Steve an adjunct professor? 2. Where did Steve serve as adjunct professor? 3. Where did Steve teach courses as an adjunct professor? Q14: 1. Did Steve have children? 2. Was Steve a father? 3. Did Steve raise a family?
The story of the day I lost my best friend to a car accident. The day a precious life was taken from us way too soon. It was a bright and Sunny day in November. Thanksgiving had been celebrated only two days before. Since it was a holiday weekend I had been on the phone with Greg the night before many times. His dad didn't want him to come over because of the holiday. I guess he finally wore him down and he called and said, "I can stay". So, my mom, brother, and I went to pick him up. He was always smiling. The complete opposite of my shy self, Greg was always the life of the party. We got two large pizzas that Friday night. I've never known anyone in my entire life who loved to eat more than Greg. That's the way he was though. He was just enjoying life. And if it meant gaining weight or whatever, so be it. He would sit back and put his hands on his belly and just laugh. We (Greg, David, and I) did so many funny things together and had such great times. Things we should have done and things we shouldn't have done, I'll "Never" forget. On Saturday morning Dad took us out for breakfast. We all finished eating and followed my Dad up to the cashier. Greg asked Dad if he could have a candy bar. I looked at Greg shaking my head. He just laughed. After breakfast, Father took us to my Mom's house. When we got out at Mom's house there was no one home. So, one of us grabbed a big wheel and rode it down the steep driveway into the street. Just boys being boys. Greg and I did it several times until the last time. The car hit him on the head, knocking him around 75-- 100 yards. My brother and I both ran screaming just yelling for help and crying. One of the neighbors called 911. I was in shock. That day was forever etched into our memories. It still hurts to think about it. Wishing we could have grown old together. Wondering how it would have been. I'm sure It WOULD HAVE BEEN GREAT. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What was the cause of death of the narrator's best friend? 2. How did the narrator's best friend die? 3. What did the narrator's BFF die of? Q2: 1. When did Greg die? 2. When was Greg killed in a car accident? 3. When did the narrator's best friend die in a car accident? Q3: 1. What was the name of the narrator's best friend? 2. Who was the narrator's closest friend? 3. What was the name of the BFF of the person telling the story? Q4: 1. Was Greg a quiet person? 2. Did Greg have trouble socializing? 3. Was Greg pretty introverted? Q5: 1. On what day of the week did Greg die? 2. On what day of the week did Greg lose his life in a car accident? 3. What day of the week was it when Greg was killed? Q6: 1. Were there any witnesses to the car accident? 2. Did anybody see Greg get struck by the vehicle? 3. Did anyone watch as the car hit Greg? Q7: 1. Who watched the car hit Greg? 2. Who was watching when Greg got hit by the car? 3. Who witnessed Greg's death? Q8: 1. What was everyone doing when Greg got hit in the car wreck? 2. What did everyone do in response to the car hitting Greg? 3. How did eveyrone react to the car accident? Q9: 1. Why did everyone yell for help? 2. What made everybody scream for help? 3. What was everyone crying out for help for? Q10: 1. What was Greg doing when the car hit him? 2. What was Greg up to upon being struck by the vehicle? 3. What was Greg getting into when he was hit by the car? Q11: 1. What was Greg riding? 2. What was Greg playing with when the car hit him? 3. Q12: 1. Did anyone try and get help? 2. Did anyone try and contact someone who could help? 3. Was a 911 call made?
BT Group plc (trading as BT) is a holding company which owns British Telecommunications plc, a British multinational telecommunications company with head offices in London, United Kingdom. It has operations in around 180 countries and is the largest provider of fixed-line, mobile and broadband services in the UK, and also provides subscription television and IT services. BT's origins date back to the founding of the Electric Telegraph Company in 1846 which developed a nationwide communications network. In 1912, the General Post Office, a government department, became the monopoly telecoms supplier in the United Kingdom. The Post Office Act of 1969 led to the GPO becoming a public corporation. British Telecommunications, trading as "British Telecom", was formed in 1980, and became independent of the Post Office in 1981. British Telecommunications was privatised in 1984, becoming "British Telecommunications plc", with some 50 percent of its shares sold to investors. The Government sold its remaining stake in further share sales in 1991 and 1993. BT has a primary listing on the London Stock Exchange, a secondary listing on the New York Stock Exchange, and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index. BT controls a number of large subsidiaries. BT Global Services division supplies telecoms services to corporate and government customers worldwide, and its BT Consumer division supplies telephony, broadband, and subscription television services in Great Britain to around 18 million customers. BT announced in February 2015 that it had agreed to acquire EE for £12.5 billion, and received final regulatory approval from the Competition and Markets Authority on 15 January 2016. The transaction was completed on 29 January 2016. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. WHat holding does British Telecom have? 2. What is British Telecom's holding? 3. Which holding is the property of British Telecom? Q2: 1. What is the location of British Telecom? 2. In what country is British Telecom located? 3. What country is British Telecom in? Q3: 1. Does British Telecom do business outside the United Kingdom? 2. Is any of British Telecom's business outside the UK? 3. Does British Telecom ever conduct business not inside the UK? Q4: 1. How many countries does British Telecom do business in, outside the UK? 2. Apart from the United Kingdom, how many countries is there British Telecom operations in? 3. What is the number of countries where British Telecom conducts business, apart from the UK? Q5: 1. In 1912, which organization were UK telecoms controlled by? 2. Who was in charge of telecoms in the United Kingdom in 1912? 3. In 1912, What organization had control over the United Kingdom's telecoms? Q6: 1. What act made the General Post Office a public corporation? 2. Which act turned the General Post Office into a public corporation? 3. By what authority was the General Post Office transformed into a public corporation? Q7: 1. What business was created in 1980? 2. In 1980, what company was formed? 3. What corporation came about in 1980? Q8: 1. When did British Telecom go private? 2. In what year was British Telecom privatized? 3. What year did British Telecom go private in? Q9: 1. How many shares of British Telecom were of investors? 2. What percentage of British Telecom shares were investor shares? 3. What was the percent of investor shares in British Telecom? Q10: 1. did the government keep its shares of British Telecom? 2. Did the government retain its stake in British Telecom? 3. Were the government's shares of British Telecom retained? Q11: 1. When did the government sell its shares in British Telecom? 2. In what years did the government let go of its stake in British Telecom? 3. When did the government sell the shares it had in Britihs Telecom? Q12: 1. Does British Telecom have a secondary listing? 2. Has British Telecom got a secondary listing? 3. Is there a secondary listing for British Telecom?
CHAPTER THIRTY ONE. RETRIBUTION. Owing to the success of the buffalo runners, the winter passed away in comparative comfort. But, as we have said, some of the settlers who had been ruined by the failure of the fisheries and the depredations of the mice, and who did not share much in the profits of the autumn hunt, were obliged once again to seek their old port of refuge at Pembina. Among these was the Swiss family Morel. Andre went, because he did not wish to remain comparatively idle in the colony during the long months of winter. Elise went for the purpose of keeping house--perhaps we should say keeping hut--for Andre. Fred Jenkins went because he wanted to learn more about Indian ways and customs, as well as to perfect himself in the art of hunting the buffalo--that was all! There were some who did not believe what the bold seaman said. Elise Morel was one of these--perhaps the most unbelieving amongst them. Indeed, she laughed quite hilariously when his motive was reported to her by Billie Sinclair the day before they started. "Why do you laugh so?" inquired Little Bill, who was always more or less in a state of surprise when he got upon this subject with Elise. "It is not easy to say, Billie," answered the girl, with another pleasant little laugh, "but it is so funny that a sailor should take such a fancy to come out here, so far away from his native element, and find so much interest in snow-shoe walking and Indian customs." QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What was Andre's location? 2. Where coudl Andre be found? 3. Where was Andre located? Q2: 1. Why was Elise at Pembina? 2. What was Elise doing at Pembina? 3. What business did Elise ahve at Pembina? Q3: 1. Why did Andre want to get out of Pembina? 2. Why did Andre wish to leave Pembina? 3. What was Andre's reason for wanting to run? Q4: 1. Who was at Pembina with Andre and Elise? 2. Who else was in Pembina, besides Andre and Elise? 3. Who else could be found at Pembina, in addition to Andre and Elise? Q5: 1. Why did Fred Jenkins tag along? 2. What was Fred Jenkins' reason for coming along? 3. What reason did Fred Jenkins have for coming along? Q6: 1. Was something humorous? 2. Did a funny thing happen? 3. Was there something that was peculiar? Q7: 1. Who responded to Billy? 2. Who did Billy get an answer from? 3. From whom did Billy receive a response? Q8: 1. What was funny? 2. What was out of the ordinary? 3. What was the humorous thing? Q9: 1. Was someone shocked? 2. Did something surprise somebody? 3. Was someone taken aback by something? Q10: 1. Was something reported to Elise Morel? 2. Did Elise Morel learn something? 3. Did Elise Morel receive some information?
CHAPTER VI. THE LIME-KILN. MR. MEADOWCROFT was the first to speak. "Somebody must find John," he said. "Without losing a moment," added his daughter. Ambrose suddenly stepped out of the dark corner of the room. "_I_ will inquire," he said. Silas followed him. "I will go with you," he added. Mr. Meadowcroft interposed his authority. "One of you will be enough; for the present, at least. Go you, Ambrose. Your brother may be wanted later. If any accident has happened (which God forbid!) we may have to inquire in more than one direction. Silas, you will stay at the farm." The brothers withdrew together; Ambrose to prepare for his journey, Silas to saddle one of the horses for him. Naomi slipped out after them. Left in company with Mr. Meadowcroft and his daughter (both devoured by anxiety about the missing man, and both trying to conceal it under an assumption of devout resignation to circumstances), I need hardly add that I, too, retired, as soon as it was politely possible for me to leave the room. Ascending the stairs on my way to my own quarters, I discovered Naomi half hidden by the recess formed by an old-fashioned window-seat on the first landing. My bright little friend was in sore trouble. Her apron was over her face, and she was crying bitterly. Ambrose had not taken his leave as tenderly as usual. She was more firmly persuaded than ever that "Ambrose was hiding something from her." We all waited anxiously for the next day. The next day made the mystery deeper than ever. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Who got followed? 2. Who did someone go after? 3. Who was pursued? Q2: 1. Was there a leader? 2. Did someone take the reins of the situation? 3. Was there a person in charge? Q3: 1. Who was the authority? 2. Who was in charge? 3. Who was handling the situation? Q4: 1. How many people did Mr. Meadowcroft send? 2. What was the number of people sent off by Mr. Meadowcroft? 3. A party of how many was sent by Mr. Meadowcroft? Q5: 1. Did someone hide in the shadows? 2. Was there someone lurking in the dark? 3. Did someone use the shadows to hide themselves? Q6: 1. Who lurked behind the darkness? 2. Who was hiding in the shadows? 3. Who used the shadows as a hiding spot? Q7: 1. Who is Naomi related to? 2. Who is in Naomi's family? 3. Who is a family member of Naomi? Q8: 1. Was anyone hiding something from Naomi? 2. Was information being kept from Naomi? 3. Was someone deliberately not telling Naomi something? Q9: 1. Who cannot be found? 2. Whose location are people trying to figure out? 3. Whose location is currently unknown? Q10: 1. Does Silas go on the hunt for John? 2. Is it Silas that is sent to look for John? 3. Does Silas get picked to search for John? Q11: 1. What does Silas do? 2. What is Silas tasked with? 3. Which job is given to Silas? Q12: 1. Who is sent in search of John? 2. Who is the one that gets sent to look for John? 3. Who is tasked with finding John? Q13: 1. Does anyone accompany Ambrose on the search for John? 2. Does somebody go with Ambrose to look for John? 3. Is Ambrose accompanied by anyone on the hunt for John? Q14: 1. Who was in a bad mood? 2. Who was very angry? 3. Who was not doing so hot? Q15: 1. How do we know that Naomi was upset? 2. What was an indication of Naomi's bad mood? 3. What was some proof that Naomi was truly upset?
(CNN) -- If you can believe it, it's been 25 years since Edward James Olmos portrayed real-life math teacher Jaime Escalante in "Stand and Deliver." Escalante, a Bolivian immigrant, taught in a tough East L.A. high school and pushed his lowest-achieving students to learn calculus. The inspirational role won Olmos a Golden Globe and garnered him an Academy Award nomination for best actor, a first for an American-born Latino. Since then, he's played memorable roles, such as Lt. Martin Castillo in "Miami Vice," Abraham Quintanilla in the film "Selena" and William Adama in "Battlestar Galactica." Now, in his newest role as executive producer and actor in "Filly Brown," he plays lawyer named Leandro who tries to help Mexican-American hip-hop artist Maria Jose 'Majo' Tonorio, aka Filly Brown, and her family get her mom out of jail. The late Jenni Rivera plays the part of Majo's mother María and Lou Diamond Philips plays the father who takes care of Majo and her younger sister. Olmos took some time to talk to CNN about the genuine portrayal of Jaime Escalante, what Latinos can do to make it in Hollywood and why Filly Brown's story needs to be told. It's been 25 years since "Stand and Deliver" premiered in theaters. Did you ever imagine that the movie would be so successful and influential as it's been? I don't think anyone could've predicted that. Teachers use (it) as part of their curriculum. Millions of kids see it every year. That's why the movie is so well seen. It's amazing what that movie has done with the youth. I don't think anyone could have guessed that it would be used the way it's being used. It continues to be inspirational. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. How many years have passed since the role that Edward James Olmos won a Golden Globe for? 2. How many years has it been since Edward James Olmos won a Golden Globe for a performance? 3. How much time has passed since Edward James Olmos's performance won him a Golden Globe? Q2: 1. What movie did Edward James Olmos win a Golden Globe for? 2. What performance snagged Edward James Olmos a Golden Globe? 3. In what film did Edward James Olmos give a Golden Globe winning performance? Q3: 1. Is the film Stand and Deliver still popular? 2. Do people still enjoy the film Stand and Deliver today? 3. Has the movie Stand and Deliver retained its popularity in the present day? Q4: 1. Who is most likely to watch Stand and Deliver? 2. What age group tend to be the ones watching Stand and Deliver? 3. Who is the primary audience of Stand and Deliver? Q5: 1. Is Stand and Deliver shown in schools? 2. Does Stand and Deliver get screened in schools? 3. Are schools somewhere where one could probably view Stand and Deliver? Q6: 1. Did Edward James Olmos expect Stand and Deliver to be used for pedagogical purposes? 2. Did Edward James Olmos imagine that Stand and Deliver would likely be used in classrooms? 3. Did the use of Stand and Deliver in a classroom setting come as little surprise to Edward James Olmos?
Robert Frost was one of America's best known and most honored serious writers. But his fame came late in his life. He was born in San Francisco, California in 1874. He lived in California during his early childhood. He was named after the chief Southern general in America's Civil War. The general's name was Robert Edward Lee. The poet was named Robert Lee Frost, because his father wanted to honor the general. Someone once asked another American writer, Ernest Hemingway, how to become a writer. The best thing, he said, was to have an unhappy childhood. If this is true, Robert Frost's childhood was unhappy enough to make him a very good writer. Robert Frost's father was a reporter who wanted to be a politician. He often drank too much wine and became angry. Robert was the victim of his anger. Robert Frost finished high school in 1891. After high school, Robert's grandfather offered to pay his costs at Dartmouth College. But Robert left the school after a few months. He did not like it. He spent the next few years working at different jobs. At one time, he worked in a factory. Later, he repaired shoes. He was a teacher. He was a reporter. Always, he wrote poetry. Robert Frost attended Harvard University for two years. After that, he returned to the many jobs he held before. For a while, Frost tried to take care of a farm in the state of New Hampshire. He was not a successful farmer. And he continued to write poetry. He said that until 1930, he earned only about ten dollars a year from writing. In 1912, he decided to try to make a new start. He took his family to Britain. The cost of living was low. In Britain, Frost found a publisher for his first book of poems. The book was called A Boy's Will. When it appeared in 1913. Frost received high praise from British readers. Praise was something he had not received in his own country. Ezra Pound, another American poet living in Britain, read the poems and liked them very much. He wrote a magazine article about Frost. He also helped get Frost's second book of poems published in America. That book was called North of Boston. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Who is a respected writer with many accolades? 2. What is the name of the serious author with many honors? 3. What serious writer has garnered a lot of praise? Q2: 1. Where did Robert Frost spend his childhood? 2. In what state did Robert Frost spend his childhood? 3. What state did Robert Frost live in as a kid? Q3: 1. In what year was Robert Frost born? 2. What was the year of Robert Frost's birth? 3. What year did Robert Frost come into this world in? Q4: 1. How do you start writing well? 2. What does one need in order to become a competent author? 3. How do you get good at writing? Q5: 1. What did Robert Frost's father drink too much of? 2. What beverage did Robert Frost's father overindulge on? 3. What did Robert Frost's dad overinjest? Q6: 1. In what year did Robert Frost finish school? 2. When did Robert Frost finish his studies? 3. In what year was school over for Robert Frost? Q7: 1. What was Robert Frost's first job? 2. What was the first job that Robert Frost ever had? 3. What job did Robert Frost work first? Q8: 1. What college did Robert Frost attend? 2. Which university did Robert Frost go to? 3. Where did Robert Frost complete his university studies?
One Friday Mrs. King asked her class to write a story after class. "Use your imagination!" she cried, "You can write your story about anything." Kenny looked worried. "A story?" he thought, "What could I possible have to write about? I don't know any stories." The bell rang and all the kids went home. The next day, Kenny sat at his desk at home, thinking and thinking. The warm sun was shining through the windows, making him _ And soon he fell fast asleep. As he slept, Kenny began to dream about fantastic things. First he dreamed that he was a world-famous doctor, saving whole cities and curing diseases. Then he dreamed that he was in a UFO. He was talking to strange but friendly space creatures. Then he dreamed that he had become as small as a mouse by a bad scientist. He had to find a way to stop the plot of the mad scientist! Kenny dreamed wonderful and exciting things until his little brother woke him up. "What were you dreaming about?" he asked. Kenny told his brother the wonderful dreams. His brother enjoyed the stories. Suddenly, Kenny knew that he had his kinds of stories in his imagination. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Where did the bell send all of the children? 2. What place did all the children leave for? 3. Where did all the kids head off to? Q2: 1. Who was Kenny awoken by? 2. Who took Kenny out of his dream state? 3. Who brought Kenny back to the realm of consciousness? Q3: 1. Who is Kenny's little brother? 2. What is the name of Kenny's younger brother? 3. Who is Kenny an older brother to? Q4: 1. Who made Kenny super tiny in his dream? 2. In his dream, who was Kenny shrunk by? 3. Who shunk Kenny down to a miniature size in his dream? Q5: 1. How small did the scientist make Kenny? 2. Kenny was shrunk down to the size of what animal? 3. Just how tiny was Kenny made by the evil scientist? Q6: 1. What did Kenny dream of before the scientist? 2. Prior to his dream about the scientist, where was Kenny in dreamworld? 3. Where did Kenny's dreams take him, before he dreamt of the scientist? Q7: 1. Who was in the UFO with Kenny? 2. Who was Kenny in the company of while in the UFO? 3. Who was Kenny with in the alien spacecraft? Q8: 1. Were the aliens hostile? 2. Did Kenny encounter evil aliens? 3. Was there much hostility on the part of the aliens that Kenny met? Q9: 1. What did Kenny dream of doing as a doctor? 2. What was Kenny doing in his dream where he was a doctor? 3. When Kenny had a dream where he was a doctor, how did he act? Q10: 1. What made Kenny sleepy? 2. What made Kenny want to go to sleep? 3. What gave Kenny a desire to sleep? Q11: 1. What was the warm sun penetrating? 2. What was the warm sun coming through? 3. Through what did the nice sun shine? Q12: 1. Who does Kenny have lessons with? 2. What is the name of Kenny's teacher? 3. What is the name of the woman for whom Kenny is a pupil?
Today was an important day for Sam: he was going to go to the pet store and pick out a pet to take home and live with him! Sam was worried that he would not find a pet that would like him better than the other pets, but he knew he would find the pet for him. The pet store had a big, white door and Sam opened it up and heard lots of barking! He saw a nice man standing next to the dogs who said that his name was Chris. Sam said hello and petted the dogs. He really liked one of the dogs named Rocky, but Rocky did not like him. Chris said that Rocky was mean and did not like some people even when the people were very nice. Sam was a little sad, but he saw the next cage! There was a small, yellow dog in the cage named Button. Sam put his finger through the bars in Button's cage and Button licked his fingers. Sam laughed, and asked Chris to let him play with Buttons. Sam and Buttons played together in the grass outside of the store, and Sam was so happy. Buttons loved Sam, and Sam loved Buttons! Sam had some papers that he had to sign, and he showed Chris all of the toys and items he had bought to bring home with his new pet: Chris was so happy, too! Sam put his new friend on a leash and took Buttons home with him, and they loved each other very much. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What made today so important for Sam? 2. Why was today a key day in Sam's life? 3. Why did Sam consider today to be an important day? Q2: 1. What made Sam anxious? 2. What was the source of Sam's anxiety? 3. What had Sam worried? Q3: 1. What did Sam know? 2. What was Sam sure of? 3. What did Sam know for a fact? Q4: 1. What color of door did the store have? 2. What was the color of the pet shop door? 3. What shade was the door of the pet shop in? Q5: 1. What did Sam hear? 2. What sound did Sam notice? 3. What noise did Sam take note of? Q6: 1. Who stood next to the dogs? 2. Who stood in the close vicinity of the canines? 3. Who was upright in close proximity to the dogs? Q7: 1. Which dog was Sam's favorite? 2. What dog did Sam prefer? 3. Which of the dogs did Sam like best? Q8: 1. Did Rocky like Sam back? 2. Did Rocky share Sam's warm feelings for him? 3. Did Rocky like Sam as much as Sam liked him? Q9: 1. Which dog did Sam see after Rocky? 2. What dog was Sam presented with after Rocky? 3. Once he had visited Rocky, which canine did Sam see next? Q10: 1. What was the shade of button's fur? 2. What color was Button? 3. What was the color of Button the dog? Q11: 1. Did Sam and Button get along? 2. Were Sam and Button fast friends? 3. Did Sam and Button like each other? Q12: 1. Did Sam buy Button? 2. Did Sam opt to purchase Button? 3. Was Button the dog that Sam left the store with?
CHAPTER 2 Amelius went straight back to the cottage, with the one desperate purpose of reverting to the old plan, and burying himself in his books. Surveying his well-filled shelves with an impatience unworthy of a scholar, Hume's "History of England" unhappily caught his eye. He took down the first volume. In less than half an hour he discovered that Hume could do nothing for him. Wisely inspired, he turned to the truer history next, which men call fiction. The writings of the one supreme genius, who soars above all other novelists as Shakespeare soars above all other dramatists--the writings of Walter Scott--had their place of honour in his library. The collection of the Waverley Novels at Tadmor had not been complete. Enviable Amelius had still to read _Rob Roy._ He opened the book. For the rest of the day he was in love with Diana Vernon; and when he looked out once or twice at the garden to rest his eyes, he saw "Andrew Fairservice" busy over the flowerbeds. He closed the last page of the noble story as Toff came in to lay the cloth for dinner. The master at table and the servant behind his chair were accustomed to gossip pleasantly during meals. Amelius did his best to carry on the talk as usual. But he was no longer in the delightful world of illusion which Scott had opened to him. The hard realities of his own everyday life had gathered round him again. Observing him with unobtrusive attention, the Frenchman soon perceived the absence of the easy humour and the excellent appetite which distinguished his young master at other times. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Where did Ameilus return to? 2. what location did Ameilus retreat to? 3. To what location did Ameilus return? Q2: 1. What did Ameilus plan on doing in the cottage? 2. What was Ameilus going to do in the cottage? 3. What would be Ameilus' main activity while at the cottage? Q3: 1. What book first caught Ameilus' eye? 2. Which tome did Ameilus spot first? 3. What was the first book that Ameilus took note of? Q4: 1. Did Ameilus have the full set of Waverly's volumes? 2. Did Ameilus have every book Waverly had written? 3. Were all of Waverly's novels in Ameilus' library? Q5: 1. What did master and servant have a lot of experience with? 2. What was something that the commander at the table and his servant knew a lot about? 3. What frequently appeared in the lives of the master at the table and the servant behind him? Q6: 1. What did the Frenchman spot? 2. What did the Frenchman take note of? 3. What was note missed by the Frenchman? Q7: 1. Who was more intelligent than almost anyone else, according to Ameilus? 2. Who did Ameilus take to be a genius of the highest order? 3. Who was considered to be a supreme genius on behalf of Ameilus? Q8: 1. Did Ameilus think there was anyone who wrote superior plays to those of Shakespeare? 2. Was there a better playwright than Shakespeare, in the eyes of Amelius? 3. Were there more talented dramatists than Shakespeare, according to Ameilus? Q9: 1. What book did Ameilus dive into? 2. Which novel eventually caught Ameilus' attention? 3. Which book did Ameilus eventually choose to read? Q10: 1. Who set the table for dinner? 2. Who was in charge of the cloth that would be laid for dinner? 3.
What a miracle! A low-cost Lost in Thailand <<>> has got the best ticket sales. It is true that Lost in Thailand has become the most popular Chinese film of all time. The ticket sales The movie Lost in Thailand cost just 30 million yuan to make, but it has earned more than 1.2 billion yuan. It has got more ticket than Painted Skin: The Resurrection, the best-selling movie this summer in China. The story summary Lost in Thailand is a comedy. It is a story about three Chinese men who met on their trips to Thailand. The movie has a great plot. Xu Lang is a businessman. He hurried to Thailand to look for his boss because of his special purpose. His competitor, Gao Bo followed him to Thailand, too. Xu Lang met Wang Bao, a pancake maker on his way to Thailand, Three Chinese men had some funny and _ experiences in Thailand and the story made people high. The director and actors The director of the movie is Xu Zheng. He has been a popular actor for about ten years. He was famous for his role, the Evil Pig in a popular TV serious. Lost in Thailand is his first movie that was directed by Xu Zheng. Xu Zheng is a lead role in the movie. Huang Bo and Wang Baoqiang are China's top comedians and the both play the important roles in the movie. ,A, B, c, D,. (10) QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What movie did the most amount of people go to see in China this summer? 2. This summer, what was China's most popular film? 3. What movie was a best seller in China during the summertime? Q2: 1. is Painted Skin: The Resurrection more popular than Lost in Thailand? 2. Has Lost in Thailand sold less tickets than Painted Skin: The Resurrection? 3. Have more people gone to see Painted Skin: The Resurrection than Lost in Thailand? Q3: 1. What kind of movie is Lost in Thailand? 2. What genre best describes Lost in Thailand? 3. What type of film is Lost in Thailand? Q4: 1. Who directed Lost in Thailand? 2. Who was the director of Lost in Thailand? 3. Who made Lost in Thailand? Q5: 1. What movie has Xu Zheng been featured in, other than Lost in Thailand? 2. What other movies has Xu Zheng acted in besides Lost in Thailand? 3. Besides Lost in Thailand, what other films have Xu Zheng had a role in? Q6: 1. Has Xu Zheng ever been the lead in a film? 2. Has Xu Zheng ever been given a lead role in a movie? 3. Has Xu Zheng already been featured as a film's principal actor? Q7: 1. What other actors has Xu Zheng worked with? 2. Which actors have been Xu Zheng's past collaborators? 3. Who has Xu Zheng already worked alongside? Q8: 1. Did Lost in Thailand have a high or a low budget? 2. Was the budget for Lost in Thailand high or low? 3. Did Lost in Thailand cost a lot of money to make or was it more low budget? Q9: 1. How much money has Lost in Thailand make? 2. How much did ticket sales earn Lost in Thailand total? 3. What was the amount of money earned by Lost in Thailand? Q10: 1. What makes Lost in Thailand such a great movie? 2. Why are so many people crazy about Lost in Thailand? 3. What gives Lost in Thailand that special something?
CHAPTER XXIX LOCATING THE LOST MINE While Yates and another of the men ran toward Noxton to make him a prisoner, the others turned their attention to the Baxters and Al Roebuck. The Baxters were hiding behind a clump of bushes, but now, as soon as discovered, they took to their heels, making sure that the bushes and trees should keep them screened, so that there would be no danger from a fire such as had brought down their unlucky companion. "They're on us, dad!" groaned Dan Baxter, "Oh, why did we ever come out here!" "Silence, Dan," whispered Arnold Baxter. "If we don't keep still they may shoot us down in cold blood." And then Dan became as mum as an oyster, although his teeth chattered with terror. On went father and son, down a hill and into a deep valley where the rocks were numerous and the growth thick. Several shots flew over their heads, causing Dan to almost drop from heart failure. "I--I can't ru--run much further!" he panted. "Come, here is an opening between the rocks," whispered Arnold Baxter. "In you go, before it is too late. If they follow us, we can sell our lives as dearly as possible." Dan gave a groan at this, and slipped into the hollow. He did not wish to sell his life at any price. "Let us put out a--a flag of truce," he whined. "Give them everything, father, but don't let them shoot us!" Every ounce of courage had oozed away from him, for he had seen Noxton brought down, and thought the rascal was dead. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What were the Baxters using to hide behind? 2. What were the Baxters shielded by? 3. What did the Baxters use to shield themselves? Q2: 1. What was the first name of one of the Baxters? 2. What was one of the Baxters called? 3. What name did one of the Baxters go by? Q3: 1. What was the first name of one of the Baxters, other than Dan? 2. What was one of the Baxters called, besides Dan? 3. What name did one of the Baxters go by besides Dan? Q4: 1. Were Dan's teeth chattering because he was cold? 2. Was it the cold that caused Dan's teeth to chatter? 3. Did Dan have chattering teeth due to his low temperature? Q5: 1. What was making Dan's teeth chatter? 2. Why were Dan's teeth chattering? 3. What caused Dan's teeth to chatter? Q6: 1. Were Dan and Arnold from the same family? 2. Were Dan and Arnold blood relatives? 3. Was there any familial relation between Dan and Arnold? Q7: 1. What was the familial relation between Dan and Arnold? 2. How were Dan and Arnold related to each other? 3. What tied Dan and Arnold by blood? Q8: 1. Who sprinted in the direction of Noxton? 2. Who ran in the direction of Noxton? 3. Who did Noxton have charging towards him? Q9: 1. What was Yates running to Noxton to do? 2. Why was Yates charging towards Noxton? 3. What made Yates run towards Noxton? Q10: 1. Did shots get fired at the Baxters? 2. Did guns go off in the direction of the Baxters? 3. Were shots fired towards the Baxters? Q11: 1. Where did the bullet that was shot at the Baxters end up? 2. Where did the bullet go that had been aimed at the Baxters? 3. WHat was the final destination of the shot that went towards the Baxters? Q12: 1. Who almost fell down due to the gun going off? 2. Who nearly took a tumble due to the gunshot? 3. Who did the gunshot nearly cause to collapse? Q13: 1. Why did Dan almost collapse? 2. What did Dan nearly collapse due to? 3. Why did Dan almost drop down?
CBC Canada , CTV News A group of Canadian kids are spreading a bit of Christmas spirit in Halifax, Nova Scotia, by covering warm clothes around light poles for the city's homeless people to pick up and use. _ was such an unusual sight that locals stopped to take pictures to share on social media . Every year, Tara Atkins-Smith collects warm clothes from her community in order to help the less lucky. This year, since the family was traveling to Halifax with their daughter Jayda and seven of her friends to celebrate her 8thbirthday Tara thought it was the perfect time to teach the chidren a valuable life lesson. The kids spent time handing out coats to the homeless and tied the rest around light poles for others to pick up. Each of the clothes had a tag that read, "I am not lost. If you are caught in the cold, please take me to keep warm. " According to Tara, the experience helped the children better understand the difficult situation of homeless people, who have to brave the cold winter on the streets. "When we got back in the car after an hour on the street, they were all freezing cold and crying for the heater to be on because they were cold , " she said. By next morning, all the jackets, gloves, and scarves on the poles were gone. Photos of the inspriring project have been shared about 8, 000 times on Facebook, and have got over10,000 likes. Tara, who did something similar in Toronto in December last year, says she's already planning next year's coat drive. She hopes that the meaningful thing can spread around the world, and she also wants to add $5 fast food gift card so that the homeless people can also enjoy a hot meal. "We've got help from others when we were in need, and we knew how great it made us feel," said Zackary Atkins, Tara's husband. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What took place this year? 2. What was one of this year's events? 3. What happened during the current year? Q2: 1. Who has a birthday of 8 years old 2. Who is turning 8? 3. Who is celebrating turning eight years old? Q3: 1. Where was Jayda travelling to? 2. Where was Jayda going on a trip? 3. Where was Jayda on her way to? Q4: 1. Were photos of the project shared on social media? 2. Could pictures of the coat drive be found on social media? 3. Did photographs of the coat drive circulate on social media? Q5: 1. Do people love the coat drive pictures? 2. Are the photos of the coat drive a hit on social media? 3. Have a lot of people expressed interest in pictures of the coat drive on social media?
Charles, Prince of Wales (Charles Philip Arthur George; born 14 November 1948) is the eldest child and heir apparent of Queen Elizabeth II. Known alternatively in Cornwall as Duke of Cornwall and in Scotland as Duke of Rothesay, he is the longest-serving heir apparent in British history, having held the position since 1952. He is also the oldest person to be next in line to the throne since Sophia of Hanover (the heir presumptive to Queen Anne), who died in 1714 at the age of 83. Charles was born at Buckingham Palace as the first grandchild of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth. He was educated at Cheam and Gordonstoun Schools, which his father, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, had attended as a child, as well as the Timbertop campus of Geelong Grammar School in Victoria, Australia. After earning a bachelor of arts degree from Trinity College, Cambridge, Charles served in the Royal Navy from 1971 to 1976. In 1981, he married Lady Diana Spencer and they had two sons: Prince William (born 1982), later to become Duke of Cambridge, and Prince Harry (born 1984). In 1996, the couple divorced, following well-publicised extramarital affairs. Diana died in a car crash in Paris the following year. In 2005, Charles married Camilla Parker Bowles. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Which well known person does the article discuss? 2. What famous person is at the center of the article? 3. What celebrity does the article focus on? Q2: 1. Why is Prince Charles famous? 2. What is the source of Prince Charles' fame? 3. Why is Prince Charles so well known? Q3: 1. What was the location of Prince Charles' birth? 2. Where was Prince Charles born? 3. Where did Prince Charles come into this world? Q4: 1. When was Prince Charles born? 2. What was the date of Prince Charles' birth? 3. On what precise date was Prince Charles born? Q5: 1. Who is Prince Charles' mother? 2. Who is the mom of the prince of Wales? 3. Who gave birth to prince Charles? Q6: 1. What are the names of Prince Charles' grandparents? 2. Who did Prince Charles have for grandparents? 3. Who were the grandmother and grandfather of Prince Charles? Q7: 1. Who was Prince Charles' father? 2. What was the name of Prince Charles' father? 3. Who did Prince Charles have for a dad? Q8: 1. What was Prince Philip's title before he married? 2. Prior to his marriage to Elizabeth, what title did Prince Philip have? 3. How was Prince Philip referred to before marrying? Q9: 1. What is Prince Charles' title in Cornwall? 2. What do people in Cornwall call Prince Charles? 3. What is Prince Charles referred to in Cornwall? Q10: 1. What is Prince Charles' title in Scotland? 2. How is Prince Charles referred to in Scotland? 3. What title is used to refer to Prince Charles inside Scotland?
Australasia, a region of Oceania, comprises Australia, New Zealand, neighbouring islands in the Pacific Ocean and, sometimes, the island of New Guinea (which is usually considered to be part of Melanesia). Charles de Brosses coined the term (as French "Australasie") in "Histoire des navigations aux terres australes" (1756). He derived it from the Latin for "south of Asia" and differentiated the area from Polynesia (to the east) and the southeast Pacific (Magellanica). The bulk of Australasia sits on the Indo-Australian Plate, together with India. Physiographically, Australasia includes New Zealand, Australia (including Tasmania), and Melanesia: New Guinea and neighbouring islands north and east of Australia in the Pacific Ocean. The designation is sometimes applied to all the lands and islands of the Pacific Ocean lying between the equator and latitude 47° south. Physiographically, Australasia includes the Australian landmass (including Tasmania), New Zealand, and New Guinea. The independent country of Papua New Guinea also includes approximately 600 offshore islands. Most of Australasia lies on the southern portion of the Indo-Australian Plate, flanked by the Indian Ocean to the west and the Southern Ocean to the south. Peripheral territories lie on the Eurasian Plate to the northwest, the Philippine Plate to the north, and in the Pacific Ocean – including numerous marginal seas – atop the Pacific Plate to the north and east. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Is New Zealand located within Australasia? 2. Can New Zealand be found inside of Australasia? 3. Is Australasia the location of New Zeland? Q2: 1. Is Australia located within Australasia? 2. Can Australia be found inside of Australasia? 3. Is Australasia the location of Australia? Q3: 1. Is New Guinea located within Australasia? 2. Can New Guinea be found inside of Australasia? 3. Is Australasia the location of New Guinea? Q4: 1. Why isn't New Guinea always considered a part of Australasia? 2. Why is New Guinea only sometimes a part of Australasia? 3. Why do people only sometimes consider New Guinea to be affiliated with Australasia? Q5: 1. Who coined the term Australasia? 2. Who came up with the word Australasia? 3. Who was the word Australasia first used by? Q6: 1. In what year did Charles de Brosses come up with the term Australasia? 2. When was the word Australasia coined by Charles de Brosses? 3. What was the year when Charles de Brosses coined Australasia? Q7: 1. Where did Charles de Brosses first use the term Australasia? 2. In what volume does the word Australasia first appear? 3. In what book did Charles de Brosses use the word Australasia for the very first time? Q8: 1. How is New Zealand a part of Australasia? 2. What makes New Zealand a part of Australasia? 3. What logic makes New Zealand part of the Australasian territory? Q9: 1. Is Melanesia Physiographically a part of Australasia? 2. Physiographically speaking, is Melanesia part of Australasia? 3. Is Melanesia considered to be a part of Australasia on a physiographical level? Q10: 1. What latitude demarcates Australasia? 2. By what latitude is Australasia demarcated by? 3. Which line of latitude marks the start of Australasia?
Samuel Osmond is a 19-year-old law student from Cornwall, England. He never studied the piano. However, he can play very difficult musical pieces by musicians such as Chopin and Beethoven just a few minutes after he hears them. He learns a piece of music by listening to it in parts. Then he thinks about the notes in his head. Two years ago, he played his first piece Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven. He surprised everyone around him. Amazed that he remembered this long and difficult piece of music and played it perfectly, his teachers say Samuel is unbelievable .They say his ability is very rare, but Samuel doesn't even realize that what he can do is special. Samuel wanted to become a lawyer as it was the wish of his parents, but music teachers told him he should study music instead. Now, he studies law and music. Samuel can't understand why everyone is so surprised. "I grew up with music. My mother played the piano and my father played the guitar. About two years ago, I suddenly decided to start playing the piano, without being able to read music and without having any lessons. It comes easily to me ---I hear the notes and can bear them in mind---each and every note," says Samuel. Recently, Samuel performed a piece during a special event at his college. The piece had more than a thousand notes. The audience was impressed by his amazing performance. He is now learning a piece that is so difficult that many professional pianists can't play it. Samuel says confidently," It's all about super memory---I guess I have that gift." However, Samuel's ability to remember things doesn't stop with music. His family says that even when he was a young boy, Samuel heard someone read a story, and then he could retell the story word for word. Samuel is still only a teenager. He doesn't know what he wants to do in the future. For now, he is just happy to play beautiful music and continue his studies. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What is a gift of Samuel's? 2. What special gift does Samuel have? 3. What extraordinary ability does Samuel have? Q2: 1. How old is the incredible piano player? 2. How old is Samuel? 3. What is Samuel's age? Q3: 1. What did Samuel's parents want him to become? 2. Which career path did Samuel's parents wish for him to choose? 3. What did Samuel's mom and dad want him to take on as a career? Q4: 1. Where is Samuel from? 2. What is Samuel's hometown? 3. What is Samuel Osmond's place of residence? Q5: 1. Does Samuel still go to school? 2. Is Samuel a student in the present day? 3. Is Samuel currently a student? Q6: 1. What sort of courses does Samuel take? 2. What kinds of classes is Samuel enrolled in? 3. What sort of things does Samuel study at school? Q7: 1. When did Samuel play his first piece of music? 2. When did Samuel first take to playing music? 3. How long ago did Samuel play music for the first time? Q8: 1. What was the first piece of music that Samuel played? 2. Which song was the first that Samuel played? 3. What was Samuel's first song that he played? Q9: 1. Who was the author of Moonlight Sonata? 2. Who was Moonlight Sonata composed by? 3. Who wrote Moonlight Sonata? Q10: 1. Did Samuel need the sheet music when he played Moonlight Sonata? 2. Did Samuel read Moonlight Sonata from a sheet as he played? 3. Was there anything Samuel used as a written reference when he played his first song? Q11: 1. How did Samuel know Moonlight Sonata? 2. How was Samuel able to memorize Moonlight Sonata? 3. How did Samuel manage to know Moonlight Sonata by heart? Q12: 1. Could Samuel read mustic the first time he played the piano? 2. When Samuel started out as a piano player, was he able to read music? 3. Was Samuel capable of reading music when he took up piano playing? Q13: 1. What does Samuel's mother play? 2. What instrument is played by Samuel's mother? 3. What is the instrument that Samuel's mom plays? Q14: 1. What does Samuel's father play? 2. What instrument is played by Samuel's dad? 3. What is the instrument that Samuel's father plays? Q15: 1. How did Samuel retell stories when he was young? 2. When Samuel was young, how would he retell stories he heard? 3. How did Samuel recount stories that were told to him as a young boy?
ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- Health and Human Services' acting secretary has appointed Dr. Richard Besser as the interim director for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. William Gimson will return to his position as the CDC's chief operating officer. He replaces William Gimson, who took over as interim CDC director at noon on January 20. Gimson notified CDC employees that HHS acting secretary Charles E. Johnson had announced the appointment. Gimson replaced Dr. Julie Gerberding, who was the head of the CDC from 2002 until two days ago. Gerberding, along with other senior officials, also resigned on January 20, when Barack Obama and his administration took over. Past HHS secretary Michael Leavitt said that the interim directors would take over until the next HHS nominee -- former Sen. Tom Daschle -- is confirmed and makes the permanent appointments. Gimson told employees he's returning to his post as the CDC's chief operating officer. The CDC usually has a physician as its director, which Gimson is not. According to the biography posted on the CDC Web site, Besser's last position at the CDC was as the director of the Coordinating Office for Terrorism Preparedness and Emergency Response, where he was responsible for public health emergency preparedness and emergency response activities. According to CDC sources, Besser was seeing patients when he learned of his new position. In addition to heading the CDC bioterrorism preparedness division, he is a practicing pediatrician. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What position is being filled by someone new? 2. What role is a replacement taking over in? 3. For what position has a replacement been called in? Q2: 1. Who is Richard Besser replacing? 2. Who is Richard Besser taking over for? 3. Who is being replaced in their role by Richard Besser? Q3: 1. Why is William Gimson being replaced? 2. What is the reason for William Gimson's replacement? 3. For what reason is someone else taking over William Gimson's role? Q4: 1. What position is WIlliam Gimson returning back to? 2. What role is William Gimson returning to? 3. What was William Gimson's original role at the CDC? Q5: 1. Have there been any resignations at the CDC? 2. Have any employees of the CDC quit? 3. Has anyone at the CDC left their position? Q6: 1. When did people quit the CDC? 2. When did a number of resignations fall at the CDC? 3. On what date did some CDC officials hand in their resignations? Q7: 1. WHen does Richard Besser start at the CDC? 2. When does Richard Besser's position at the CDC begin? 3. At what precise moment does Richard Besser take over at the CDC? Q8: 1. 2. 3. Q9: 1. Who is taking over as Secretary of Health and Human Services? 2. Who has been appointed as the new Secretary of Health and Human Services? 3. Who is now the acting Secretary of Health and Human Services? Q10: 1. What was Richard Besser doing when he learned that he had a new job? 2. What was Richard Besser in the middle of when he learned of his new appointment? 3. What was Richard Besser in the middle of when he learned he'd been appointed to a new position? Q11: 1. What does Richard Besser do other than being a pediatrician? 2. In addition to employment as a pediatrician, what other jobs does Richard Besser have? 3. How is Richard Besser employed other than as a pediatrician?
Eight previously unheard Michael Jackson songs will be released on a new album in May, Epic Records announced Monday. The late pop icon's music has been "contemporized" by several producers who Epic Chairman L.A. Reid believes have the "gravitas, depth and range to creatively engage with Jackson's work," the announcement said. Fans can preorder the new album, titled "Xscape," on iTunes starting Tuesday, but it will be in stores around the world on May 13, the company said. Jackson died at age 50 on June 25, 2009, while preparing for his "This Is It" comeback tour. "Michael left behind some musical performances that we take great pride in presenting through the vision of music producers that he either worked directly with or expressed strong desire to work with," Reid said. Timbaland is the lead producer, with contributions from Rodney Jerkins, Stargate, Jerome "J-Roc" Harmon and Jackson estate executor John McClain, the release said. Timberland had previously revealed he was working on the project for Epic. The album title is derived from one of the new singles. Jackson and Jerkins co-wrote and co-produced the song "Xscape," which Jerkins "contemporized" for the project, the company said. Sony's Columbia Epic Records -- Jackson's record label for three decades -- signed a long-term deal with Jackson's estate to posthumously release music from the large archives of his recordings. Reid "was granted unlimited access to the treasures representing four decades of material on which Jackson had completed his vocals," the announcement said. The Epic release included a quote from Jackson estate co-executors John Branca and John McClain supporting the new album. "Michael was always on the cutting edge and was constantly reaching out to new producers, looking for new sounds. He was always relevant and current. These tracks, in many ways, capture that spirit. We thank L.A. Reid for his vision."   QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Who are new songs being released on behalf of? 2. What artist is having new music released? 3. Some songs by what artists are going to be released? Q2: 1. How many previously never heard before Michael Jackson songs are being released? 2. What is the number of new Michael Jackson songs that are being released? 3. How many brand new songs by Michael Jackson are coming out/ Q3: 1. When will new songs by Michael Jackson be released? 2. When is some new Michael Jackson music going to be coming out? 3. In what month will you be able to hear new music from Michael Jackson? Q4: 1. How has Michael Jackson's music been changed? 2. What alterations have been made to Michael Jackson's songs? 3. What sort of changes have been made to the music recorded by Michael Jackson? Q5: 1. What is the name of Michael Jackson's new album? 2. What is Michael Jackson's new album called? 3. What's the name of the new album featuring recordings by Michael Jackson? Q6: 1. What format is Xscape initially being released in? 2. What will be the first format that Xscape can be ordered in? 3. How is Xscape first being offered to the public? Q7: 1. How old was Michael Jackson at the time of his death? 2. What was Michael Jackson's age at the time of his passing? 3. How old was Michael Jackson when he passed away? Q8: 1. When did Michael Jackson die? 2. On what date did Michael Jackson pass away? 3. What was the date of Michael Jackson's passing? Q9: 1. What was Michael Jackson preparing for when he passed away? 2. At the time of his death, what was Michael Jackson getting ready to do? 3. What was Michael Jackson in preparation for at the time of his passing? Q10: 1. Who is the main producer of Xcape? 2. Who primarily produced Xscape? 3. Who was Xscape mostly produced by? Q11: 1. Who is Timbaland producing Xscape for? 2. What company is Timbaland making Xscape on behalf of? 3. For whom is Timbaland working on the Xcape project? Q12: 1. Where did the name for the new Michael Jackson album come from? 2. What is the source for the name of Xscape? 3. How did the new album Xscape get its name? Q13: 1. Who was an agreement signed with in order to produce Xscape? 2. Who signed a deal in order for Xscape to be produced? 3. An agreement with whom allowed for the production of Xscape?
CHAPTER ELEVEN. A CONSULTATION, A FEAST, AND A PLOT. There was--probably still is--a coffee-tavern in Gorleston where, in a cleanly, cheerful room, a retired fisherman and his wife, of temperance principles, supplied people with those hot liquids which are said to cheer without inebriating. Here, by appointment, two friends met to discuss matters of grave importance. One was Bob Lumsden, the other his friend and admirer Pat Stiver. Having asked for and obtained two large cups of coffee and two slices of buttered bread for some ridiculously small sum of money, they retired to the most distant corner of the room, and, turning their backs on the counter, began their discussion in low tones. Being early in the day, the room had no occupants but themselves and the fisherman's wife, who busied herself in cleaning and arranging plates, cups, and saucers, etcetera, for expected visitors. "Pat," said Bob, sipping his coffee with an appreciative air, "I've turned a total abstainer." "W'ich means?" inquired Pat. "That I don't drink nothin' at all," replied Bob. "But you're a-drinkin' now!" said Pat. "You know what I mean, you small willain; I drink nothin' with spirits in it." "Well, I don't see what you gains by that, Bob, for I heerd Fred Martin say you was nat'rally `full o' spirit,' so abstainin' 'll make no difference." "Pat," said Bob sternly, "if you don't clap a stopper on your tongue, I'll wollop you." Pat became grave at once. "Well, d'ee know, Bob," he said, with an earnest look, "I do b'lieve you are right. You've always seemed to me as if you had a sort o' dissipated look, an' would go to the bad right off if you gave way to drink. Yes, you're right, an' to prove my regard for you I'll become a total abstainer too--but, nevertheless, I _can't_ leave off drinkin'." QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Who got together? 2. Who had a meeting? 3. Who was there a meet-up between? Q2: 1. What did the two friends meet up to do? 2. Why were two friends having a discussion? 3. What was the reason for the consultation between Bob and Pat? Q3: 1. Where did bob and Pat meet? 2. What was the location of the two friends' rendez-vous? 3. Where did the two friends meet up? Q4: 1. What city did the friends consult each other in? 2. In what city did the friends' meeting occur? 3. What city did Bob Lumsden and Pat Stiver meet up? Q5: 1. What kind of room did the friends meet up in? 2. What was the room where the friends met like? 3. In what sort of room did Bob and Pat consult with each other? Q6: 1. Was Bob and Pat's meeting done by appointment? 2. Was it an appointment that Bob and Pat had with each other? 3. Were Bob and Pat seeing each other on an appointment basis? Q7: 1. What was one of the friends' names? 2. What was the name of one of the friends? 3. Who was one of the friends that met up? Q8: 1. What was one of the friends' names, besides Bob Lumsden? 2. What was the name of the friend that wasn't Bob Lumsden?? 3. Who was the friend that was not Bob Lumsden? Q9: 1. What did Bob and Pat drinking? 2. What beverage was consumed by Bob and Pat? 3. What did Bob and Pat have to drink? Q10: 1. What food did Bob and Pat have? 2. What did Bob and Pat have to eat? 3. What did Bob and Pat munch on? Q11: 1. Did Bob abstain from alcohol? 2. Was Bob not drinking alcohol? 3. Did Bob say that he was currently an abstainer? Q12: 1. What does it mean to be an abstainer? 2. What does an abstainer do? 3. What is the definition of an abstainer? Q13: 1. What do abstainers not drink? 2. What does an abstainer avoid? 3. What beverage is not consumed by an abstainer?
Lighting or illumination is the deliberate use of light to achieve a practical or aesthetic effect. Lighting includes the use of both artificial light sources like lamps and light fixtures, as well as natural illumination by capturing daylight. Daylighting (using windows, skylights, or light shelves) is sometimes used as the main source of light during daytime in buildings. This can save energy in place of using artificial lighting, which represents a major component of energy consumption in buildings. Proper lighting can enhance task performance, improve the appearance of an area, or have positive psychological effects on occupants. Indoor lighting is usually accomplished using light fixtures, and is a key part of interior design. Lighting can also be an intrinsic component of landscape projects. Forms of lighting include alcove lighting, which like most other uplighting is indirect. This is often done with fluorescent lighting (first available at the 1939 World's Fair) or rope light, occasionally with neon lighting, and recently with LED strip lighting. It is a form of backlighting. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. How is indoor lighting generally achieved? 2. What is generally done to achieve indoor lighting? 3. What's the general method for acquiring light indoors? Q2: 1. Are light fixtures only functional? 2. Are light fixtures nothing but functional? 3. Do light fixtures serve a solely functional purpose? Q3: 1. What part do light fixtures play in a room? 2. What do light fixtures do for a room? 3. How do light fixtures change up a room? Q4: 1. Can light fixtures be used outdoors? 2. Is it possible to place a light fixture outdoors? 3. Can light fixtures be used outside?
I'm Lucy. I'm 14 years old. I come to China this year. Now I'm in Beijing International Middle School. I like animals . I think they're my good friends. When I go to school this morning, I meet a man with a cage . Five birds are in it . " How do you get these birds?" I ask . " I give them some food . When they come to eat it , I get them ." The man says . " They are too poor . Why do you get them ?" I ask the man . " It's very interesting !" The man says . " I need to do something ." I think . I want to help the birds . " Can I buy them ?" I ask . " Well ," he says , "Give me 50 yuan and your jacket ." I don't want to give my jacket to him because I like it very much . But for these birds I do it . The man gives me the cage. Then I let the birds fly out of the cage . I am happy to do that . QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What is Lucy's age? 2. State Lucy's age. 3. Tell us how old Lucy is. Q2: 1. What is Lucy's location? 2. What country is Lucy in? 3. Where can Lucy be found? Q3: 1. Where does Lucy go to school? 2. Where is Lucy as student at? 3. What school does Lucy attend? Q4: 1. What did Lucy see on the way to school? 2. What did Lucy come across while on her way to school? 3. When Lucy was going to school, what did she notice? Q5: 1. What was located within the cage? 2. What did the cage have in it? 3. What was being housed inside of the cage? Q6: 1. What did Lucy do when she saw the birds in the cage? 2. How did Lucy react to seeing the birds in the cage? 3. When Lucy noticed the man's birds, what did she do next? Q7: 1. What was Lucy's wish with respect to the birds? 2. What did Lucy want to do with the birds? 3. What was Lucy hoping she would be able to do with the birdies? Q8: 1. How much did Lucy want to buy the birds for? 2. How much did Lucy wish to pay for the birds? 3. How much money was Lucy willing to give the man in exchange for the birds? Q9: 1. Did Lucy end up buying the birds? 2. Did Lucy exchange money for the birds? 3. Was Lucy able to purchase the birds? Q10: 1. What did Lucy do after buying the birds? 2. Once the birds were in her possession, what did Lucy do next? 3. What did Lucy do with the birds once she'd purchased them? Q11: 1. Did Lucy feel upset? 2. Was Lucy in a sad mood? 3. Was Lucy feeling down? Q12: 1. Did Lucy want to lose her jacket? 2. Was Lucy okay with her jacket going missing? 3. Did Lucy mind if she lost her jacket?
(CNN) -- Charlize Theron won an Oscar for covering up her beauty and finding grains of sympathy, as well as revulsion, for the serial killer Aileen Wuornos in "Monster." She deserves to win a second nomination for playing the sexy, unmoored, utterly reprehensible Mavis Gary in "Young Adult." Mavis is one of those people blessed with good looks, talent and brains, but whose sense of entitlement far outstrips any civilized social boundaries. She's a pure narcissist, oblivious to other people's feelings and contemptuous of any experience that doesn't feed her own ego. In other words, Mavis is another monster, but a monster who can pass for beautiful with only a couple of hours in the salon. As we know (you see it spread all over the supermarket tabloids every week), there's a perverse thrill in watching one of the beautiful people fall apart. And there's some of that same schadenfreude in play while watching the new black comedy from the "Juno" combo, writer Diablo Cody and director Jason Reitman. Mavis is a ghostwriter for a successful young adult book series, and even that minor claim to fame is soon to be extinguished: The series is played out and the novel she is working on will be the last of them. Perhaps that's why she feels compelled to head back home when she receives an e-mail from an ex-boyfriend, Buddy Slade (Patrick Wilson), announcing the birth of his first child. Figuring, very, very, wrongly, that this message must be some kind of coded cry for help, Mavis hops into her Mini and heads straight to Mercury, Minnesota, where she grew up, and where she means to reconnect with Buddy and free him from his domesticated servitude. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Who was portrayed by Charlize Theron in Monster? 2. What was the name of Charlize Theron's character in Monster? 3. What killer did Charlize Theron play in Monster? Q2: 1. Was Charlize Theron's performance in Monster award winning? 2. Did Charlize Theron win any awards for her performance in Monster? 3. Did Charlize Theron's acting in Monster garner her any accolades? Q3: 1. How was Aileen Wuornos known? 2. What was Aileen Wuornos infamous for? 3. How did Aileen Wuornos gain infamy? Q4: 1. Who has Charlize Theron played other than Aileen Wuornos? 2. What is another one of Charlize Theron's characters, besides Aileen Wuornos? 3. What's a character portrayed by Charlize Theron, apart from Aileen Wuornos? Q5: 1. What is Mavis' job? 2. How is Mavis employed? 3. What is the occupation of Mavis? Q6: 1. Does Mavis have a stable job? 2. Is Mavis sure to keep her job for a long time? 3. Does Mavis have good job security? Q7: 1. What prompts Mavis to go home? 2. What makes Mavis decide to go home? 3. What pushes Mavis to return to her hometown? Q8: 1. Who does Mavis receive an email from? 2. Who wrote an email to Mavis? 3. Who sent an electronic message to Mavis? Q9: 1. What is the content of the email Mavis' ex-boyfriend sends her? 2. What does Mavis's ex boyfriend say in his email? 3. What does the email Mavis receives say? Q10: 1. Does Mavis's exboyfriend need her help? 2. Is Mavis' ex in need of her assistance? 3. Does the guy that Mavis used to date need her to help him? Q11: 1. Where does Mavis go? 2. Where does Mavis head off to? 3. What is Mavis's destination? Q12: 1. How does Mavis get to Minnesota? 2. What is Mavis's means of transportation to get to Minnesota? 3. What mode of transportation does Mavis use to get to Minnesota?
Almost two decades ago, a parlor game called "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" became an unlikely grass-roots phenomenon among movie buffs and foretold today's social web of online connections. Maybe the only one who was not amused by the game was Kevin Bacon himself. "I was horrified by it. I thought it was a giant joke at my expense," said the prolific actor Saturday during a talk at the South by Southwest Interactive festival here. "I appreciate it now. But I was very resistant to it (at first)." The game, which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year, requires players to link celebrities to Bacon, in as few steps as possible, via the movies they have in common. The more odd or random the celebrity, the better. For example, O.J. Simpson was in "The Naked Gun 33⅓" with Olympia Dukakis, who was in "Picture Perfect" with Kevin Bacon. Inspired by "six degrees of separation," the theory that nobody is more than six relationships away from any other person in the world, the game was dreamed up in 1994 by Brian Turtle and two classmates at Albright College in Reading, Pennsylvania. They were watching "Footloose" on TV when it was followed by another Kevin Bacon movie, and then another. "It was just one of those lightbulb moments," said Turtle, who joined Bacon onstage at SXSW. "It was like, 'This guy is everywhere! He's the center of the entertainment universe.' " After it spread among their friends, Turtle and his co-creators, Craig Fass and Mike Ginelli, managed to get booked on Jon Stewart's then-MTV show to explain the game. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What inspired the parlor game? 2. What made people want to play this particular parlor game? 3. What garnered interest in the parlor game? Q2: 1. What is the game called? 2. What parlor game does the article discuss? 3. What is the parlor game known as? Q3: 1. Besides Kevin Bacon, what was the inspiration for the game? 2. Apart from the actor Kevin Bacon, what else served as inspiration for the parlor game? 3. Not counting the actor himself, what else inspired Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon? Q4: 1. When was Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon invented? 2. When did someone come up with Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon? 3. In what year did Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon come about? Q5: 1. Who invented Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon? 2. Who came up with Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon? 3. Who was the original creator of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon? Q6: 1. Did Brian Turtle receive help creating Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon? 2. Did anybody help Brian Turtle make Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon? 3. Did Brian Turtle get any assistance thinking up Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon? Q7: 1. Who created Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon along with Brian Turtle? 2. Who helped Brian Turtle make Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon? 3. Who were the cocreators of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon along with Brian Turtle? Q8: 1. Where did the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon creators go to school? 2. What university did the makers of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon attend? 3. Where were the creators of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon enrolled in college? Q9: 1. Where is Albright College? 2. What is the location of Albright College? 3. Where may Albright College be found? Q10: 1. With what classmates did Brian Turtle make Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon? 2. Who were the classmates that helped Brian Turtle create Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon? 3. Brian Turtle invented Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon along with what classmates? Q11: 1. Did Kevin Bacon find Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon amusing? 2. Was Kevin Bacon a fan of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon? 3. Was Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon funny to the actor himself? Q12: 1. What are Kevin Bacon's present day thoughts regarding Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon? 2. How does Kevin Bacon feel about Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon today? 3. How does Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon make Kevin Bacon feel now? Q13: 1. When the article was written, how long had Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon been around? 2. How old was the game Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon at the time of publication? 3. When the article came out, how long had Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon existed?
Istanbul (CNN) -- A Turkish prosecutor has openly accused police of interfering with a high-level corruption investigation. "Court orders have not been carried out and there has been open pressure on the judicial process from both the chief prosecutor's office and from the police force, which is supposed to carry out the decisions of the courts," Muammer Akkas said in a Thursday statement. He spoke one day after three Cabinet ministers resigned their posts, after their sons were arrested or temporarily detained in an anti-graft sting, semiofficial news agency Anadolu reported. One of them, Urbanization and Environment Minister Erdogan Bayraktar, went further than the other two, not just resigning his Cabinet position but also calling on Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to step down. Turkish media reported a possible second wave of detentions as imminent late Wednesday, but the raids did not materialize. Instead, an apparent deadlock within the judiciary emerged as Akkas, the prosecutor, issued his statement saying the judiciary was under the heel of the government. Akkas accused police and prosecutors of ignoring a decision of the courts by refusing to carry out more raids. In a televised statement, Chief Istanbul Prosecutor Turan Colakkadi fired back, saying that Akkas had mishandled the investigation and leaked information to the press, leading to his removal from the case. Economy Minister Zafer Caglayan and Interior Minister Muammer Guler, whose sons were also arrested in the investigation, also resigned Wednesday. Erdogan accepted the resignations, Anadolu reported. The sons were detained in a roundup that included the head of a public bank, several bureaucrats and high-profile businessmen. The roundup came after a two-year investigation by the Istanbul Prosecutor's Office into allegations of corruption including money laundering, gold smuggling and bribery. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Who has accusations against them? 2. Who is being accused of doing something? 3. Who is said to have committed a crime? Q2: 1. What are police accused of doing? 2. What are the accusations against police? 3. What exactly are the police said to have done? Q3: 1. What are police accused of interfering with? 2. What are the police said to have interfered with? 3. According to the accusations against them, what did authorities meddle in? Q4: 1. What sort of investigation did police interfere with? 2. What kind of investigation are police accuse of interfering with? 3. According to the accusations against them, what sort of inquisition may police have interfered with? Q5: 1. Did the media report on the police scandal? 2. Were there media reports about the accusations against police? 3. Did the media publish anything regarding what the police have been accused of? Q6: 1. What was contained in media reports? 2. What did the media say in their reports? 3. What was the content of what the media reported on? Q7: 1. The media reported on a second wave of? 2. What was there a potential second wave of? 3. What did th emdia think that there may be a second wave of? Q8: 1. When was it possible to have a second wave of detentions? 2. When might the second wave of detentions fall? 3. When were a second set of arrests predicted to happen? Q9: 1. Did the predicted detentions take place? 2. Were people actually arrested, as was predicted? 3. Did the detentions that the media thought would happen actually take place? Q10: 1. Were resignations tendered? 2. Did anyone quit their job? 3. Was there anyone who decided to leave their job? Q11: 1. Who tendered their resignation? 2. What was the name of the person that resigned? 3. Who quit their job? Q12: 1. What is Muammer Guler's role? 2. How is Muammer Guler employed? 3. What does Muammer Guler do for a living? Q13: 1. Did anyone reside alongside Muammer Guler? 2. Was Muammer Guler not the only person to resign? 3. Did someone quit their job in addition to Muammer Guler? Q14: 1. Who tendered their resignation, besides Muammer Guler? 2. What was the name of the person that resigned alongside Muammer Guler?? 3. Who quit their job, apart from Muammer Guler? Q15: 1. How was Zafer Caglayan employed? 2. What was Zafer Caglayan's position? 3. What did Zafer Caglayan do for a living?
(CNN)Lindsey Vonn may have missed out on gold at last month's world championships, but the American skier has set her sights on end-of-season glory after claiming a record-extending 65th World Cup win on Sunday. Vonn's victory in the super-G event at Garmisch-Partenkirchen in Germany gave her the outright lead in the speed discipline ahead of this month's finals in France. Having finished seventh in Saturday's downhill, the 30-year-old rebounded by coming home 0.2 seconds ahead of overall World Cup leader Tina Maze, whose coach set up the course. It put Vonn eight points ahead of super-G world champion Anna Fenninger, who placed third to give back the 20 points she'd earned over Maze the day before -- when their positions were reversed. "I think it was set probably against Anna," said Vonn, who took bronze behind Maze at last month's world championships in Colorado. "That was a wise choice by Tina's coach. But it also really suited me and I liked it." "It's going to be a close fight in downhill and super-G, so I will really have to ski my best at the finals in Meribel. Hopefully I can get two titles," added Vonn, who is 35 points ahead of Fenninger in the downhill standings. But Vonn is well off the pace in the fight for the overall crown -- which she last won in 2012, her fourth success -- in third place almost 200 points behind the Austrian. Maze is another 44 points ahead of Fenninger, with just two slalom events in Sweden next week before the March 16-22 finale. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. WHo does the article discuss? 2. Who is at the center of the article? 3. Whose career is the article about? Q2: 1. What nationality is Lindsey Vonn? 2. What is Lindsey Vonn's nationality? 3. Where does Lindsey Vonn come from? Q3: 1. Is Lindsey Vonn a boxer? 2. Is Lindsey Vonn's claim to fame being a boxer? 3. Is Lindsey Vonn's sport boxing? Q4: 1. What is Lindsey Vonn's profession? 2. What sport does Lindsey Vonn practice professionally? 3. In what sport is Lindsey Vonn employed? Q5: 1. Does Lindsey Vonn have any records? 2. have any world records been established on the part of Lindsey Vonn? 3. has Lindsey Vonn ever set a record? Q6: 1. What record has Lindsey Vonn set? 2. What is Lindsey Vonn's record? 3. What has Lindsey Vonn set a record in? Q7: 1. Has it been more than once that Lindsey Vonn has won the world cup? 2. Has Lindsey Vonn won the world cup more than once? 3. Is Lindsey Vonn a winner of multiple world cups? Q8: 1. How many World Cups has Lindsey Vonn won? 2. What is the number of World Cups that have gone to Lindsey Vonn? 3. How many World Cups has Lindsey Vonn got under her belt? Q9: 1. What was the site of Lindsey Vonn's last win? 2. Where did Lindsey Vonn last score a victory? 3. Where was Lindsey Vonn most recently declared a winner? Q10: 1. Where is Garmisch-Partenkirchen? 2. What is the location of Garmisch-Partenkirchen? 3. Where can Garmisch-Partenkirchen be found? Q11: 1. What is Lindsey Vonn's age? 2. How old is Lindsey Vonn? 3. State Lindsey Vonn's age.
CHAPTER II TRAVELING WITH TERROR We made camp there beside the peaceful river. There Perry told me all that had befallen him since I had departed for the outer crust. It seemed that Hooja had made it appear that I had intentionally left Dian behind, and that I did not purpose ever returning to Pellucidar. He told them that I was of another world and that I had tired of this and of its inhabitants. To Dian he had explained that I had a mate in the world to which I was returning; that I had never intended taking Dian the Beautiful back with me; and that she had seen the last of me. Shortly afterward Dian had disappeared from the camp, nor had Perry seen or heard aught of her since. He had no conception of the time that had elapsed since I had departed, but guessed that many years had dragged their slow way into the past. Hooja, too, had disappeared very soon after Dian had left. The Sarians, under Ghak the Hairy One, and the Amozites under Dacor the Strong One, Dian's brother, had fallen out over my supposed defection, for Ghak would not believe that I had thus treacherously deceived and deserted them. The result had been that these two powerful tribes had fallen upon one another with the new weapons that Perry and I had taught them to make and to use. Other tribes of the new federation took sides with the original disputants or set up petty revolutions of their own. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Who went missing? 2. Who could not be found? 3. Who were people attempting to locate? Q2: 1. Who acted like Dian being left alone was on purpose? 2. Who acted as if Dian being abandoned was something that happened on purpose? 3. Who was of the belief that Dian was left alone on purpose? Q3: 1. Was Hooja missing like Dian? 2. Was Hooja missing in addition to Dian? 3. Other than Dian, could Hooja also not be found? Q4: 1. Who was the leader of the Sarians? 2. Who was in charge of the Sarians? 3. What was the name of the Sarians' chief? Q5: 1. What was Ghak called? 2. What was ghak's full name? 3. How was Ghak fully referred to? Q6: 1. Who was the leader of the Amozites? 2. What was the name of the Amozites' leader? 3. Who was in charge of the Amozites? Q7: 1. What was Dacor's nickname? 2. What was Dacor fully called? 3. What was a fuller way of referring to Dacor? Q8: 1. Was there a battle between the Amozites and the Sarians? 2. Did the Amozites and Sarians spar with one another? 3. did the Amozite and Sarian tribes go to war with one another? Q9: 1. Did someone teach Dacor and Ghak how to make new weapons? 2. Did Ghak and Dacor learn to make new weapons from somebody? 3. Was there someone that demonstrated to Dacor and Ghak how to forge newer arms? Q10: 1. Who did Dacor and Ghak learn how to make weapons from? 2. Who taught Dacor and Ghak to make new weapons? 3. Who was the teacher that showed Dacor and Ghak to forge new weapons?
(CNN) -- Real Madrid duly took advantage of Barcelona's latest slip-up to return to the top of La Liga after a routine 3-0 win over Levante in the Bernabeu Sunday. The mid-table visitors ended the match with 10 men after David Navarro was sent off in the second half for a foul on Cristiano Ronaldo, but they were well beaten even before he saw red. Ronaldo had put Real ahead after 11 minutes before defender Marcelo put the home side two up just after halftime. An own goal from Nikos Karabelas completed Levante's miserable evening. The victory put Carlo Ancelotti's men three points clear of city rivals Atletico. Defending champions Barca lost 1-0 to struggling Valladolid Saturday and trail by four in third place, making this month's El Clasico clash with Real all the more important. Real have not lost since a 2-1 league reverse to Barcelona in October as their goalscoring trio of Ronaldo, Karim Benzema and Gareth Bale have found the net on a regular basis. Ronaldo showed his heading qualities by rising to meet Angel di Maria's corner to put Real ahead before Benzema hit the post. Marcelo's superlative curling effort on 49 minutes all but settled the affair before Navarro, who was once banned for seven months after a notorious Champions League brawl when playing for Valencia, got his marching orders for the seventh time in his career. Marcelo also had a hand in the final goal as Karabelas turned the defender's cross into his own goal and there was just time for Ronaldo to thump the woodwork as he sought a second. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. In what month did Real Madrid last lose a match? 2. When was the Last time Real Madrid was bested in a match? 3. In what month did Real Madrid most recently not come out on top? Q2: 1. Who did Real Madrid last lose a match to? 2. The last time they lost a match, who were Real Madrid playing against? 3. Who recently won a match against Real Madrid? Q3: 1. When Real Madrid won on Sunday what was the final score? 2. How many points did each team score in Real Madrid's Sunday victory? 3. In the Sunday match won by Real, what was the score? Q4: 1. Who did Real Madrid best on Sunday? 2. Who did Real Madrid win a match against on Sunday? 3. Who lost to Real Madrid on Sunday? Q5: 1. Who got the first goal? 2. Who was the first player to score a point? 3. What was the name of the first player to score a goal? Q6: 1. What player scored prior to halftime? 2. Who was able to get a goal in before halftime? 3. Which player got a point in before halftime started? Q7: 1. Who was the final point scored by? 2. Who was the last player to score a goal? 3. What was the name of the player that scored the final point? Q8: 1. Who were last year's champions? 2. Who won the big title last year? 3. Which team came out on top last year? Q9: 1. Did Barca win? 2. Was Barca victorious? 3. Did Barca come out on top in their match? Q10: 1. Who did Barca play? 2. Who was Barca's match against? 3. What team was Barca facing? Q11: 1. What was the Valladolid-barca score? 2. What was the final score in the match between Barca and Valladolid? 3. When Barca and Valladolid played each other, what was the final score?
Louisville, Kentucky (CNN) -- I'll Have Another cut loose on the home stretch to run down Bodemeister and earn the first Kentucky Derby wins for his rider and trainer Saturday. I'll Have Another, with a finish of 2:01:83, earned nearly $1.5 million of the $2.2 million purse. That's quite a payoff for a horse that was purchased last year for the modest sum of $35,000. Jockey Mario Gutierrez, making his Derby debut, called I'll Have Another a steady competitor. "They didn't believe (I'll Have Another) could have made it this far," Gutierrez said. "But even if they wanted me to pick (any horse in the field), I would have stayed with him." The winner had 15-1 odds; Bodemeister was at 4-1, according to the Derby website. Dullahan, with 12-1 odds, also made a late run and finished third. I'll Have Another defeated Bodemeister by more than one length at the 1¼-mile classic, attended by a record Churchill Downs crowd. The 138th running was marked by a couple of other Derby firsts: It was the first victory for trainer Doug O'Neill and the first win from the No. 19 post position with a full field. O'Neill called Gutierrez "the man" for his own performance. "He was just so confident," O'Neill told NBC. "We had such a brilliant race." Bob Baffert, a Derby stalwart and the trainer of Bodemeister, said he was "really proud of the way" his horse ran. "He just came up a little tired," Baffert told NBC afterward. Having won all three races he's participated in this year, O'Neill said he was excited for the next leg of the Triple Crown -- the 137th edition of the Preakness, set for May 19 in Baltimore. "Maryland, here we come," he said. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Which horse came out on top? 2. What was the horse that won the race? 3. Which horse beat all the others? Q2: 1. What race did I'll Have Another win? 2. In which race did I'll Have Another come out on top? 3. What race had I'll Have Another as its victor? Q3: 1. Who rode I'll Have Another? 2. What Jockey rode I'll Have Another? 3. What was the name of I'll Have Another's jockey? Q4: 1. What was I'll Have Another's final time? 2. What was the end time of I'll Have Another? 3. How long did it take I'll Have Another to finish the race? Q5: 1. Who trained I'll Have Another? 2. Who was I'll Have Another's trainer? 3. What was the name of I'll Have Another's trainer? Q6: 1. How much did a 2 dollar bet on I'll Have Another pay? 2. How much did one receive back for betting two dollars on I'll Have Another? 3. If you bet two dollars on I'll Have Another, how much would you make back? Q7: 1. Who placed second at Churchill Downs? 2. Who placed right after I'll Have Another at Churchill Downs? 3. Who did Second place go to at Churchill Downs? Q8: 1. Who trained Bodemeister? 2. Who was Bodemeister's trainer? 3. What was the name of the man that trained Bodemeister? Q9: 1. Who placed third at Churchill Downs? 2. Who placed right after Bodemeister at Churchill Downs? 3. Who did third place go to at Churchill Downs?
CHAPTER XI--DANCING 'Prescribe us not our duties.' 'Well, Phyllis,' said her father, as he passed through the hall to mount his horse, 'how do you like the prospect of Monsieur le Roi's instructions?' 'Not at all, papa,' answered Phyllis, running out to the hall door to pat the horse, and give it a piece of bread. 'Take care you turn out your toes,' said Mr. Mohun. 'You must learn to dance like a dragon before Cousin Rotherwood's birthday next year.' 'Papa, how do dragons dance?' 'That is a question I must decide at my leisure,' said Mr. Mohun, mounting. 'Stand out of the way, Phyl, or you will feel how horses dance.' Away he rode, while Phyllis turned with unwilling steps to the nursery, to be dressed for her first dancing lesson; Marianne Weston was to learn with her, and this was some consolation, but Phyllis could not share in the satisfaction Adeline felt in the arrival of Monsieur le Roi. Jane was also a pupil, but Lily, whose recollections of her own dancing days were not agreeable, absented herself entirely from the dancing-room, even though Alethea Weston had come with her sister. Poor Phyllis danced as awkwardly as was expected, but Adeline seemed likely to be a pupil in whom a master might rejoice; Marianne was very attentive and not ungraceful, but Alethea soon saw reason to regret the arrangement that had been made, for she perceived that Jane considered the master a fair subject for derision, and her 'nods and becks, and wreathed smiles,' called up corresponding looks in Marianne's face. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Who was set to mount a horse? 2. Who was getting ready to ride a horse? 3. Who was preparing to mount a steed? Q2: 1. Who is Phyllis' teacher? 2. Who does Phyllis learn from? 3. What is the name of Phyllis's teacher? Q3: 1. Was Phyllis happy with the lessons? 2. Did Phyllis's lessons please her? 3. Did Phyllis take pleasure in what she was learning? Q4: 1. What did Phyllis give the animal to eat? 2. What did Phyllis feed the horse? 3. What did the horse get to eat from Phyllis? Q5: 1. Who told Phyllis to point her toes? 2. From whom did Phyllis receive instructions to point her toes? 3. Who told Phyllis that it was necessary to keep her toes pointed? Q6: 1. What did Phyllis need to prepare for? 2. What event did Phyllis need to be ready for? 3. What occurrence was it necessary for Phyllis to be set for? Q7: 1. What did Phyllis ask her father? 2. What was Phyllis's question to her father? 3. What did Phyllis want to know from her dad? Q8: 1. Where did Phyllis go after her father's departure? 2. Once her dad had left, where was Phyllis headed? 3. Where did Phyllis head off after her dad was gone? Q9: 1. Why did Phyllis go to the nursery? 2. What business did Phyllis have in the nursery? 3. What was Phyllis doing in the nursery? Q10: 1. who was to be Phyllis's classmate? 2. Who was going to take a class with Phyllis? 3. Who would take lessons with Phyllis? Q11: 1. Who went out of the room because they didn't want negative flashbacks? 2. Whose departure was due to not wanting negative flashbacks? 3. Who left in an attempt to skirt any negative flashbacks? Q12: 1. How was the performance of Mr. Mohun's daughter? 2. What was the quality of Mr. Mohun's daughter when she performed? 3. How did Mr. Mohun's daughter do with her performance? Q13: 1. What student would stoke pride within a teacher? 2. Who was the student that a teacher would be proud of? 3. Which pupil would cause a teacher to swell up with pride? Q14: 1. Who lacked grace? 2. Who could have used more grace? 3. Who was in desperate need of some more grace? Q15: 1. What was Althea's opinion of the situation? 2. How did the situation make Althea feel? 3. What did Althea think about everything that was happening?
Project Gutenberg (PG) is a volunteer effort to digitize and archive cultural works, to "encourage the creation and distribution of eBooks". It was founded in 1971 by Michael S. Hart and is the oldest digital library. Most of the items in its collection are the full texts of public domain books. The project tries to make these as free as possible, in long-lasting, open formats that can be used on almost any computer. , Project Gutenberg reached 50,000 items in its collection. The releases are available in plain text but, wherever possible, other formats are included, such as HTML, PDF, EPUB, MOBI, and Plucker. Most releases are in the English language, but many non-English works are also available. There are multiple affiliated projects that are providing additional content, including regional and language-specific works. Project Gutenberg is also closely affiliated with Distributed Proofreaders, an Internet-based community for proofreading scanned texts. Project Gutenberg was started by Michael Hart in 1971 with the digitization of the United States Declaration of Independence. Hart, a student at the University of Illinois, obtained access to a Xerox Sigma V mainframe computer in the university's Materials Research Lab. Through friendly operators, he received an account with a virtually unlimited amount of computer time; its value at that time has since been variously estimated at $100,000 or $100,000,000. Hart has said he wanted to "give back" this gift by doing something that could be considered to be of great value. His initial goal was to make the 10,000 most consulted books available to the public at little or no charge, and to do so by the end of the 20th century. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What does the article discuss? 2. What is at the center of the article? 3. What does the article focus on? Q2: 1. What is the purpose of Project Gutenberg? 2. What does Project Gutenberg do? 3. What is Project Gutenberg's main function? Q3: 1. When did Project Gutenberg start? 2. When was Project Gutenberg founded? 3. In what year did Project Gutenberg first come about? Q4: 1. What is one format that Project Gutenberg utilizes? 2. What is a format that Project Gutenberg uses? 3. Name one of Project Gutenberg's formats. Q5: 1. What is one format that Project Gutenberg utilizes, besides plain text? 2. What is a format that Project Gutenberg uses, in addition to plain text? 3. Name one of Project Gutenberg's formats, other than plain text. Q6: 1. What is one format that Project Gutenberg utilizes, besides plain text and HTML? 2. What is a format that Project Gutenberg uses, in addition to plain text and HTML? 3. Name one of Project Gutenberg's formats, other than plain text or HTML. Q7: 1. What is the most common language of Project Gutenberg's texts? 2. What language do Project Gutenberg texts most frequently appear in? 3. What is the most frequently used language for Project Gutenberg? Q8: 1. Who started Project Gutenberg? 2. Who was the founder of Project Gutenberg? 3. Who gave Project Gutenberg its start? Q9: 1. What was Project Gutenberg's first item? 2. What was the first item to appear in Project Gutenberg? 3. Which text appeared first on the Project Gutenberg site? Q10: 1. Where did Michael Hart get Project Gutenberg off the ground? 2. Where did Michael Hart start Project Gutenberg? 3. In what setting did Michael Hart begin Project Gutenberg? Q11: 1. What device did Michael Hart start Project Gutenberg on? 2. What kind of computer did Michael Hart first use to make Project Gutenberg? 3. Which device did Michael Hart use to create Project Gutenberg? Q12: 1. Where was Michael Hart's Xerox Sigma V mainframe computer? 2. What was the location of Michael Hart's Xerox Sigma V mainframe computer? 3. Where could the Xerox Sigma V mainframe computer of Michael Hart be found? Q13: 1. Where at the university of Illinois was Michael Hart's Xerox Sigma V mainframe computer? 2. What was the location at the university of Illinois of Michael Hart's Xerox Sigma V mainframe computer? 3. Where at the university of Illinois could the Xerox Sigma V mainframe computer of Michael Hart be found? Q14: 1. How much was the Xerox Sigma V mainframe computer worth? 2. What was the value of the Xerox Sigma V mainframe computer? 3. How much money might one pay for a Xerox Sigma V mainframe computer?
"Mister D'Arcy is not a policeman. He is, however, very wise. He knew the police would search his apartment. He also knew how police think. So, he did not hide the letter where he knew they would look for it. "Do you remember how Germont laughed when I said the mystery was difficult for him to solve because it was so simple?" Dupin filled his pipe with tobacco and lit it. "Well, the more I thought about it, the more I realized the police could not find the letter because D'Arcy had not hidden it at all. "So I went to visit D'Arcy in his apartment. I took a pair of dark green eyeglasses with me. I explained to him that I was having trouble with my eyes and needed to wear the dark glasses at all times. He believed me. The glasses permitted me to look around the apartment while I seemed only to be talking to him. "I paid special attention to a large desk where there were a lot of papers and books. However, I saw nothing suspicious there. After a few minutes, however, I noticed a small shelf over the fireplace. A few postcards and a letter were lying on the shelf. The letter looked very old and dirty. "As soon as I saw this letter, I decided it must be the one I was looking for. It must be, even though it was completely different from the one Germont had described. "This letter had a large green stamp on it. The address was written in small letters in blue ink. I memorized every detail of the letter while I talked to D'Arcy. Then when he was not looking, I dropped one of my gloves on the floor under my chair. "The next morning, I stopped at his apartment to look for my glove. While we were talking, we heard people shouting in the street. D'Arcy went to the window and looked out. Quickly, I stepped to the shelf and put the letter in my pocket. Then I replaced it with a letter that looked exactly like it, which I had made it the night before. "The trouble in the street was caused by a man who had almost been run over by a horse and carriage. He was not hurt. And soon the crowd of people went away. When it was over, D'Arcy came away from the window. I said goodbye and left. "The man who almost had an accident was one of my servants . I had paid him to create the incident." Dupin stopped talking to light his pipe. I did not understand. "But, Dupin," I said, "why did you go to the trouble of replacing the letter? Why not just take it and leave?" Dupin smiled. "D'Arcy is a dangerous man," he said. "And he has many loyal servants. If I had taken the letter, I might never have left his apartment alive." QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Did Mister D'Arcy work for the police? 2. Was Mister D'Arcy's job to be a policeman? 3. Was Mister D'Arcy employed by the police? Q2: 1. Did Mister D'Arcy know a lot about police? 2. Was there a lot that Mister D'Arcy knew about the police? 3. Was Mister D'Arcy well versed in matters of police? Q3: 1. What did Dupin put something into? 2. What was filled up by Dupin? 3. What did Dupin stuff? Q4: 1. What did Dupin put in his pipe? 2. What did Dupin fill up his pipe with? 3. What was the substance with which Dupin stuffed his pipe? Q5: 1. What was the color of the eyeglasses? 2. What shade did the eyeglasses come in? 3. What color are the eyeglasses stated to be? Q6: 1. Did Mister D'Arcy think that Dupin always needed the glasses? 2. Did Dupin give Mister D'Arcy the impression that he constantly needed to wear the glasses? 3. Did Mister D'Arcy believe that Dupin couldn't see without the glasses? Q7: 1. What did the glasses allow Dupin to do? 2. What was Dupin able to do while wearing the glasses? 3. What did sporting the eyeglasses give Dupin the opportunity to do? Q8: 1. What did the letter have on it? 2. What was inscribed on the letter? 3. What could be seen upon the letter? Q9: 1. What did Dupin drop at Mister D'Arcy? 2. What did Dupin let fall to the floor while at Mister D'Arcy? 3. What did Dupin cast onto the floor at Mister D'Arcy's house?
A patron saint, patroness saint, patron hallow or heavenly protector is a saint who in Roman Catholicism, Anglicanism, Eastern Orthodoxy, or particular branches of Islam, is regarded as the heavenly advocate of a nation, place, craft, activity, class, clan, family or person. Catholics believe that patron saints, having already transcended to the metaphysical, are able to intercede effectively for the needs of their special charges. Historically, a similar practice has also occurred in many Islamic lands. Although Islam has no codified doctrine of patronage on the part of saints, it has nevertheless been an important part of both Sunni and Shia Islamic tradition that particularly important classical saints have served as the heavenly advocates for specific Muslim empires, nations, cities, towns, and villages. With regard to the sheer omnipresence of this belief, the late Martin Lings wrote: "There is scarcely a region in the empire of Islam which has not a Sufi for its Patron Saint." As the veneration accorded saints often develops purely organically in Islamic climates, in a manner different to Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christianity, "patron saints" are often recognized through popular acclaim rather than through official declaration. Traditionally, it has been understood that the patron saint of a particular place prays for that place's wellbeing and for the health and happiness of all who live therein. The veneration of patron saints has lessened since the eighteenth-century in certain parts of the Islamic world, due to the growing influence in those of areas of latter-day "reformation" movements like Salafism and Wahhabism, which shun the veneration of saints in general. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. How can Salafism be categorized? 2. What category does Salafism fall under? 3. What's one way of thinking about Salafism? Q2: 1. What, besides Salafism, is a latter-day "reformation" movement? 2. What is one other latter-day "reformation" movement, in addition to Salafism? 3. Not counting Salafism, what other latter-day "reformation" movement is there in Islam? Q3: 1. How do Salafism and Wahhabism view the veneration of saints? 2. What is the opinion of Salafism and Wahhabism regarding the veneration of saints? 3. How is the veneration of saints viewed in Salafism and Wahhabism? Q4: 1. What is the definition of a patron saint? 2. How can a patron saint be defined? 3. What is meant by the term patron saint? Q5: 1. What is a patron saint a heavenly advocate for? 2. For what do patron saints serve as heavenly advocates? 3. What does a patron saint advocate to the heavens on behalf of? Q6: 1. Do all religions have patron saints? 2. Do patron saints exist within all religious traditions? 3. Are patron saints omnipresent in all religious traditions? Q7: 1. How many religious traditions to patron saints appear in? 2. What is the number of religions that use patron saints? 3. How many religious traditions believe in the power of patron saints? Q8: 1. Which religious traditions believe in patron saints? 2. Within which religious traditions do patron saints appear? 3. What are the religions that use patron saints? Q9: 1. Do all branches of Islam believe in patron saints? 2. Do patron saints appear in all branches of Islam? 3. Are patron saints universally present within Islam? Q10: 1. According to Catholics, where have patron saints transcended to? 2. To what place have saints ascended, in the Catholic tradition? 3. According to Catholic belief, what is the place to which saints have transcended? Q11: 1. Which branches of Islam believe in patron saints? 2. In what Islamic traditions do patron saints appear? 3. What are the branches of Islam that believe in patron saints? Q12: 1. What is the role of some saints in Islam? 2. What do some of Islam's saints do? 3. What purpose do patron saints sometimes serve in Islam? Q13: 1. Who do patron saints advocate for in Islam? 2. In some Islamic traditions, who are patron saints the advocates for? 3. What is it the job of patron saints to advocate for, according to some Islamic traditions?
CHAPTER III PETERS' OFFER Wyndham and Flora were married at a small country church. The morning was bright and the sun touched the east window with vivid color and pierced the narrow lancets on the south. Red and green reflections stained the mosaics inside the chancel rails, but shadows lurked behind the arches and pillars, for the old building had no clerestory. Mabel was bridesmaid, Marston was groomsman, and as he waited for a few moments by the rails he looked about. Commodore Chisholm had numerous friends, and for the most part Marston knew the faces turned towards the chancel. He had sailed hard races against some of the men and danced with their wives and daughters. They were sober English folk, and he was glad they had come to stamp with their approval his partner's wedding. Some, however, he could not see, because they sat back in the gloom. Then he glanced at his companions. He was nervous, but Mabel was marked by her serene calm. Flora's look was rather fixed, and although she had not much color, her pose was resolute and proud. Marston wondered whether she felt she was making something of a plunge; but if she did so, he knew she would not hesitate. Chisholm's face was quiet and perhaps a trifle stern; he looked rather old, and Marston imagined him resigned. The Commodore was frank; one generally knew what he felt. All three looked typically English, but Wyndham did not. Although his eyes were very blue and his hair was touched by red, he was different from the others. His face, as Marston saw it in profile, was thin and in a way ascetic, but it wore a stamp of recklessness. His pose was strangely alert and highly strung. There was something exotic about him. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Was Mabel consumed by her nerves? 2. Was Mabel feeling anxious? 3. Did nervousness consume Mabel? Q2: 1. Was Marston consumed by his nerves? 2. Was Marston feeling anxious? 3. Did nervousness consume Marston? Q3: 1. What was the groom's name? 2. Who was the man getting married? 3. What was the name of the man about to be wed? Q4: 1. What was the bride's name? 2. Who was the woman getting married? 3. What was the name of the woman about to be wed? Q5: 1. Was it nighttime when Wyndham and Flora married? 2. Did the marriage of Wyndham and Flora take place at night? 3. Did Wyndham and Flora marry in the evening? Q6: 1. Where did Wyndham and Flora get married? 2. What was the location of Wyndham and Flora's wedding? 3. In what location did Wyndham and Flora wed? Q7: 1. Who attended Wyndham and Flora's marriage? 2. Who came to the wedding of Wyndham and Flora? 3. Who was in attendance at Wyndham and Flora's wedding? Q8: 1. Did Commodore Chisholm have a lot of friends? 2. Was Commodore Chisholm quite popular? 3. Were there a lot of companions in Commodore Chisholm's life? Q9: 1. Did Commodore Chisholm wear his heart on his sleeve? 2. Was it easy to know how Commodore Chisholm was feeling? 3. Was Commodore Chisholm incapable of hiding his true feelings? Q10: 1. What was Wyndham's eye color? 2. What was the color of Wyndham's eyes? 3. What shade were Wyndham's pupils? Q11: 1. Who served as groomsman? 2. What was the groomsman's name? 3. Who was at the wedding as a groomsman? Q12: 1. What was the bridesmaid's name? 2. Who served as a bridesmaid? 3. Who was in the wedding as a bridesmaid? Q13: 1. What was Marston curious about? 2. What did Marston want to know? 3. What was on Marston's mind?
There once was a zoo worker named Charlie. He really liked his job that allowed his to meet new people every day and take care of zoo animals. One day, Charlie showed up at the zoo that he worked at and saw that a turtle had escaped! He quickly picked up the radio and told all of the other workers to look out for the missing Turtle named Brian. Because of this, the zoo had to close down for the whole day! They were trying so hard, but still could not find any clue to where the turtle went. Finally, a girl named Samantha went on the radio and said that she found Brian eating lettuce in the Polar Bear cage. She also told everyone that the Polar Bears were protecting Brian! For hours, the zoo team tried to find a way to get Brian out of the cage without getting hurt themselves. Charlie finally had an idea. He was going to take a stuffed turtle from the gift shop, sneak into the cage, put the Polar Bears to sleep for a little bit, and then place the stuffed turtle where Brian was eating his lettuce. Charlie's plan worked, but the Polar Bears woke up and weren't happy! They took the stuffed turtle and ripped it up! Samantha went to find some fish to make them happy again as Charlie told Brian the turtle to never run off again. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What got out of its cage? 2. What made a run for it? 3. What was able to evade its owners? Q2: 1. What was the turtle called? 2. What was the name of the turtle? 3. What name had the turtle been given? Q3: 1. What happened due to Brian escaping? 2. What did Brian's escape cause? 3. What was a consequence of Brian escaping? Q4: 1. Who found Brian? 2. Who was Brian located by? 3. Who discovered Brian's hiding spot? Q5: 1. Where did Samantha find Brian? 2. What was Brian's location when Samantha found him? 3. Where did Samantha come across Brian? Q6: 1. What was Brian doing in the polar bear cage? 2. What was Brian up to in the place he'd been hiding? 3. While hanging out in the polar bear cage, what was Brian doing? Q7: 1. Were the polar bears mean to Brian? 2. Did the polar bears treat Brian poorly? 3. Were the polar bears acting in a threatening way towards Brian?
Anne Sanders was practicing soccer moves, which was not normal. Usually, Anne only plays basketball. She wins every basketball game she plays, and she loses at any other game. "Anne", I waved to her. "Why are you playing soccer?" "Well, the gym teacher is doing something different," she said. "There are teams of four and partners of two.We get to pick our partners, and I want someone to pick me. "Anne held up a list. "It looks like I'm on a team with you, Stacey, and Paul," I said. "Stacey is my best friend.Maybe we can be together: " Just then, Stacey and Paul came over. They had heard of the teams. "Do you want to be partners, Stacey?" I asked. "Well, I was going to be partners with Paul," she claimed. I didn't blame her. Paul was as fast as a rocket, and my nickname was "Snail". "But we are best friends," said Stacey. "So I guess I'II be with you. " It was our first game. Stacey went to talk to some other friends afterwards, and Paul and Anne were talking about winning their game. I was sipping on my water, when I overheard Stacey, "She's worse than I thought; if I played the team alone,, I would have won easily. She's worse than a snail. She's more like a statue. " That night, I felt terrible for losing and mad at Stacey for calling me a statue. After all, she was my best friend and my only friend. Anyway, the phone rang, and it was Stacey. At first, I thought she might apologize, but no such luck. "Allison, the game tomorrow is canceled, " she said. "Okay," I replied. "Sorry about the game today", Stacey hung up on me. The next day, I went over to the soccer field. I knew the game was canceled, but maybe I could help clean up.But instead of a mess, I saw a soccer game in progress. Stacey and were playing, and Anne was hiding in the corner. "Paul made me pretend to be sick, " she whispered. "He wants to play with Stacey because she's so fast. " So Anne and I went to get ice cream. Even if I lost Stacey ,I just created a lifelong friendship. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What is Anne's usual sport? 2. Which sport does Anne mostly play? 3. What is the sport that Anne plays the most? Q2: 1. What is Anne's last name? 2. What is the family name of Anne? 3. Tell us Anne's last name. Q3: 1. What sport is Anne currently playing? 2. Which sport is Anne playing right now? 3. What is the sport that Anne plays at present? Q4: 1. Does Anne usually lose when she plays basketball? 2. Is it normal for Anne to lose a game of basketball? 3. Does Anne typically lose basketball games? Q5: 1. Why is Anne playing soccer? 2. What is Anne doing playing soccer? 3. For what reason has Anne taken up soccer? Q6: 1. How many soccer teams exist? 2. What is the number of soccer teams? 3. How many teams is the soccer game being played in?
CHAPTER XXVI TOGETHER ONCE MORE "Tom!" "Dick and Sam!" "How in the world did you get here?" "Where are the others?" These and a dozen other questions were asked and answered as the three Rover boys shook hands over and over again. Even though prisoners, they were delighted to be together once more, and doubly delighted to know that each was well. "Oh, these chaps are first-class rascals," said Dick after they had settled down a bit. "They have treated us most shamefully. At first, they gave us pretty good eating, but now they are starving us." "Starving you?" cried Tom. "Yes--they want us to tell all we know," put in Sam. "They are very suspicious." "Didn't you try to get away?" "No use of trying. The walls are too solid and so is the door," said Dick. He caught Tom by the arm and added in a faint whisper in his brother's ear: "They are listening. We have a hole." "Then we'll have to stay here," said Tom loudly, catching his cue instantly. "Yes, and it's a shame," added Sam in an equally loud voice. "I suppose the others have gone on?" "Certainly," said Tom calmly. "I was a chump to remain behind--only I wanted to find you. I got hold of a letter by accident." A moment later, they heard the guards walk away, and then Tom told the truth about the letter, and Sam and Dick led him to the hole in the wall. "It is not quite big enough to use, yet," whispered the eldest Rover. "But we hope to have it big enough by to-morrow. It's slow work, when you have got to be on your guard all the while." QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. How many young men are there? 2. What is the number of boys present? 3. Count the boys and tell us how many there are. Q2: 1. Were the Rover boys free? 2. Did the Rover boys have their freedom? 3. Were the Rover boys able to move about freely? Q3: 1. Were the Rover boys fed? 2. Did the Rover boys have any food? 3. Were the Rover boys getting enough to eat? Q4: 1. Can the Rover boys make a run for it? 2. Are the Rover boys able to escape? 3. Is it possible for the Rover boys to escape? Q5: 1. What was stumbled upon on accident? 2. What got found on accident? 3. What was not discovered on purpose? Q6: 1. Who remained? 2. Who did not leave? 3. What was the name of the boy that stayed behind? Q7: 1. Can the boys speak freely? 2. Is it possible for the boys to express themselves freely? 3. Are the Rover boys able to speak openly? Q8: 1. Were the Rover boys planning an escape? 2. Were the Rover boys plotting to get out of where they were? 3. Were the Rover boys plotting to break free? Q9: 1. When were the Rover boys planning on escaping? 2. When did the Rover boys plan to escape? 3. At what point did the Rover boys plan to make a run for it? Q10: 1. Where could the hole be found? 2. What was the location of the hole? 3. Where had a hole been made? Q11: 1. Who began making the hole? 2. Who was the hole created by? 3. Who was to thank for the hole?
Pearl and June were good friends and spent most of their time together. They were both very old and they worried about their health. Most of the time they talked about nothing else. They worried about their food. Was it clean? Would it give them pains in the stomach? They worried about the weather. Was it too cold and wet? Would it give them pains in their bones? They worried about pollution in the air. would it give them pains in their chests and throats? They worried about being hurt in a car accident, killed in a plane crash, getting sick, and so on. All they could think about was being ill or hurt. One day they went on a train journey together. "We'll need some food," Pearl said. "We'll buy some bananas," June said. "They are good to eat and always clean." And so they bought two bananas to eat on the train. It was not long before they were hungry. Pearl took out the bananas and gave one to June. Then she peeled the skin of her banana and took a large bite of it. At that moment the train went into a tunnel. Everything went black. "Don't eat your banana," Pearl shouted at June. "Mine has made me go blind!" QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Who was June's companion? 2. What was the name of June's friend? 3. Who did June have for a friend? Q2: 1. How much time did Pearl and June spend together? 2. How often would Pearl and June get together? 3. How much time did Pearl and June pass in each other's company? Q3: 1. Were Pearl and June young? 2. Were Pearl and June spring chickens? 3. Were Pearl and June still in their youth? Q4: 1. What did Pearl and June talk about? 2. What would Pearl and June often discuss? 3. What did Pearl and June's discussions revolve around? Q5: 1. Why did Pearl and June worry about their food? 2. What made Pearl and June fearful about their food? 3. Why were Pearl and June anxious about what they consumed? Q6: 1. What did Pearl and June think would happen? 2. What did Pearl and June fear would occur if they ate the wrong thing? 3. What did Pearl and June think might happen with respect to their food? Q7: 1. What else were Pearl and June concerned about besides their food? 2. In addition to their food, what else gave Pearl and June worry? 3. What made Pearl and June worry other than their food? Q8: 1. Why were Pearl and June concerned about pollution? 2. What anxiety did Pearl and June have regarding pollution? 3. What was Pearl and June's fear with respect to pollution? Q9: 1. What sort of trip did Pearl and June take? 2. What kind of journey did Pearl and June go on? 3. What means of transportation did Pearl and June use for their trip? Q10: 1. What made everything go black when Pearl bit into her banana? 2. What caused everything to go black as Pearl took a bite of her banana? 3. When Pearl was biting into her banana, what caused darkness to fall? Q11: 1. What did Pearl think happened when she bit into her banana? 2. What did Pearl believe was going on as she bit her banana? 3. When Pearl bit into her banana, what did she think was taking place? Q12: 1. What did Pearl tell June? 2. What were Pearl's words to June? 3. What did Pearl have to say to June?
CHAPTER 10. Containing the Sequel of the Midshipman's Disaster Major Bagstock, after long and frequent observation of Paul, across Princess's Place, through his double-barrelled opera-glass; and after receiving many minute reports, daily, weekly, and monthly, on that subject, from the native who kept himself in constant communication with Miss Tox's maid for that purpose; came to the conclusion that Dombey, Sir, was a man to be known, and that J. B. was the boy to make his acquaintance. Miss Tox, however, maintaining her reserved behaviour, and frigidly declining to understand the Major whenever he called (which he often did) on any little fishing excursion connected with this project, the Major, in spite of his constitutional toughness and slyness, was fain to leave the accomplishment of his desire in some measure to chance, 'which,' as he was used to observe with chuckles at his club, 'has been fifty to one in favour of Joey B., Sir, ever since his elder brother died of Yellow Jack in the West Indies.' It was some time coming to his aid in the present instance, but it befriended him at last. When the dark servant, with full particulars, reported Miss Tox absent on Brighton service, the Major was suddenly touched with affectionate reminiscences of his friend Bill Bitherstone of Bengal, who had written to ask him, if he ever went that way, to bestow a call upon his only son. But when the same dark servant reported Paul at Mrs Pipchin's, and the Major, referring to the letter favoured by Master Bitherstone on his arrival in England--to which he had never had the least idea of paying any attention--saw the opening that presented itself, he was made so rabid by the gout, with which he happened to be then laid up, that he threw a footstool at the dark servant in return for his intelligence, and swore he would be the death of the rascal before he had done with him: which the dark servant was more than half disposed to believe. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What is the group's location? 2. Where can the group be found? 3. Where is the group located? Q2: 1. What was need to know information? 2. Who needed to be met? 3. Whose acquaintance needed to be made? Q3: 1. Who needed to know Dombey? 2. Who was in need of meeting Dombey? 3. Who needed to make Dombey's acquaintance? Q4: 1. Who doesn't talk much? 2. Who keeps things to himself? 3. Which person could be described as reserved? Q5: 1. Who had a toughness about them? 2. Who was not weak? 3. Who was hearty? Q6: 1. What was JB's full name? 2. What name did JB really have? 3. What was JB an acronym for? Q7: 1. What was the name of Major's friend? 2. Who did Major have for a friend? 3. What was the name of Major's companion? Q8: 1. What was the last name of Major's friend? 2. What was Bill's last name? 3. Tell us Bill's family name. Q9: 1. Where was Bill Bitherstone from? 2. What was Bill Bitherstone's place of residence? 3. From where did Bill Bitherstone hail? Q10: 1. Who was not present? 2. Whose absence was recorded? 3. Who was not with the group?
CHAPTER XLII What Can You Give in Return? In spite of the family troubles, these were happy days for Beatrice. It so seldom happens that young ladies on the eve of their marriage have their future husbands living near them. This happiness was hers, and Mr Oriel made the most of it. She was constantly being coaxed down to the parsonage by Patience, in order that she might give her opinion, in private, as to some domestic arrangement, some piece of furniture, or some new carpet; but this privacy was always invaded. What Mr Oriel's parishioners did in these halcyon days, I will not ask. His morning services, however, had been altogether given up, and he had provided himself with a very excellent curate. But one grief did weigh heavily on Beatrice. She continually heard her mother say things which made her feel that it would be more than ever impossible that Mary should be at her wedding; and yet she had promised her brother to ask her. Frank had also repeated his threat, that if Mary were not present, he would absent himself. Beatrice did what most girls do in such a case; what all would do who are worth anything; she asked her lover's advice. "Oh! but Frank can't be in earnest," said the lover. "Of course he'll be at our wedding." "You don't know him, Caleb. He is so changed that no one hardly would know him. You can't conceive how much in earnest he is, how determined and resolute. And then, I should like to have Mary so much if mamma would let her come." QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Who was to be wed? 2. Who had an impending wedding? 3. Whose marriage was happening soon? Q2: 1. Where was Beatrice going? 2. Where was Beatrice on her way to? 3. To what location was Beatrice headed? Q3: 1. Who was accompanying Beatrice to the parsonage? 2. Who was going to the parsonage with Beatrice? 3. With whom was Beatrice heading to the parsonage? Q4: 1. Why was Patience going to the parsonage with Beatrice 2. What was to be Patience's business going to the parsonage? 3. For what reason did Patience head to the parsonage with Beatrice?? Q5: 1. What was on Beatrice's mind? 2. What was Beatrice thinking about? 3. What did Beatrice have on the brain? Q6: 1. Why did Beatrice think about grief? 2. Why was Beatrice consumed with grief? 3. For what reason was grief on Beatrice's mind? Q7: 1. Who would not be at Beatrice's wedding other than Mary? 2. Who besides Mary would not attend Beatrice's marriage? 3. Who apart from Mary would not see Beatrice wed? Q8: 1. What did Beatrice do about her sadness? 2. What did Beatrice do in response to knowing some would not be at her marriage? 3. How did Beatrice react to some not being at her wedding? Q9: 1. Was Beatrice's lover concerned? 2. Was the man Beatrice was to wed concerned? 3. Did Beatrice's lover feel that there was any cause for concern? Q10: 1. Did Beatrice believe her lover? 2. Did Beatrice feel confidence in the words of her lover? 3. Did Caleb succeed at reassuring Beatrice? Q11: 1. Why didn't Caleb reassure Beatrice? 2. Why didn't the things that Caleb have to say make Beatrice feel better? 3. For what reason was Beatrice not calmed by her lovers words? Q12: 1. Could Frank be persuaded? 2. Was it possible to convince Frank to change his mind? 3. Was Frank's mind able to be changed? Q13: 1. Who is preventing Frank from attending? 2. By whom is Frank not being allowed to go to the wedding? 3. Whose fault will it be if Frank doesn't go to the wedding?
(CNN) -- The F1 title race may have taken a potentially decisive twist Sunday as Lewis Hamilton took ruthless advantage of the misfortune which befell Mercedes teammate and bitter rival Nico Rosberg to win under the Singapore floodlights and leapfrog him in the standings. Rosberg, who led by a commanding 22 points coming into the 14th round of the championship, was left stranded in the pit lane after failing to move off his second spot on the grid for the formation lap and later retired as the electrical malfunction could not be remedied. Hamilton, who has won two straight races after claiming the Italian Grand Prix earlier this month, has taken a three-point advantage over Rosberg, with five races remaining. He was made to work for his victory by four-time reigning champion Sebastian Vettel, who took the lead after Hamilton pitted for fresh tires in the closing stages, but could not hold off the charging Briton, who eventually won by over 13 seconds. It was his seventh win of the season with Vettel and his Red Bull teammate Daniel Ricciardo completing the podium. Ferrari's Fernando Alonso and his former teammate Felipe Massa, now with Williams, claimed fourth and fifth. Frenchman Jean-Eric Vergne, who is set to be replaced at Toro Rosso by 16-year-old Dutchman Max Verstappen next year, finished sixth, holding off a fast-finishing Mexican Sergio Perez of Force India. Kimi Raikkonen in the second Ferrari, Nico Hulkenberg for Force India and McLaren's Kevin Magnussen completed the points scoring on the Marina Bay street circuit. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What race had something unexpected happen during it? 2. During what race was there a twist? 3. Which racing competiton was struck with a twist? Q2: 1. What was Rosberg's score? 2. How many points were attributed to Rosberg? 3. What was the number of points that Rosberg received? Q3: 1. What round did Rosberg get into after commanding 22 points? 2. After he received 22 points, what round did Rosberg enter? 3. What was the round that Rosberg got into after he had gotten 22 points? Q4: 1. How many races had Lewis Hamilton come out on top in? 2. What was the number of races won by Lewis Hamilton? 3. In how many races had Lewis Hamilton been declared victorious? Q5: 1. What did Lewis Hamilton claim? 2. What went to Lewis Hamilton? 3. What championship did Lewis Hamilton win? Q6: 1. What kind of method did Hamilton use to gain advantage over Rosberg? 2. In what manner did Hamilton overtake Rosberg? 3. How exactly did Lewis Hamilton get ahead of Rosberg? Q7: 1. What is the number of remaining races? 2. How many races are left? 3. What number of races remain? Q8: 1. What day of the week did the F1 title race happen on? 2. When was the F1 title race? 3. When did the F1 title race take place? Q9: 1. What was Fernando Alonso's position? 2. Where in the ranks was Fernando Alonso? 3. What was Fernando Alonso's rank? Q10: 1. Was Fernando Alonso alone? 2. Was Fernando Alonso by himself? 3. Was it true that Fernando Alonso had no one with him? Q11: 1. Who was Fernando Alonso's temamate? 2. What was the name of Fernando Alonso's teammate? 3. Who did Fernando Alonso race with? Q12: 1. Was Felipe Massa in 5th position? 2. Did Felipe Massa rank fifth? 3. Was 5 the place where Felipe Massa ranked?
Downing Street sources have indicated that the British tennis player,Andy Murray,will be Recommended for a knighthood for ending Britain's 77-year wait for a Wimbledon men's champion title.David Cameron,the British prime minister,who was in the royal box on Sunday at Wimbledon told reporters that he couldn't think of anyone who deserves one more.More news on the knighthood is surely to come, but Murray's achievement has a _ in that he is Scottish, not English. Also in the royal box show on Sunday was Scotland's first minister, Alex Salmond, waving the white-and-blue Scottish flag in the row directly behind Cameron after the victory.No Scotsman had won the singles at Wimbledon since Harold Mahony in 1896.Salmond was later asked on BBC Radio whether Murray's achievement had been a victory for Britain. "Absolutely,and for tennis fans everywhere,"Salmond said."Let everyone enjoy the victory.But you will allow us just the little private thing.Let us wave our national flag." The Scottish government,headed by Salmond,has announced that Scotland will hold a referendum on independence from Britain in September 2014.Murray,who lives in the London area but was born and raised in the Scottish town of Dunblane,has not said publicly which way he would vote on the issue,and his Wimbledon Championship will only mix interest in his views. But this was a national moment.Murray's semifinal victory over Jerzy Janowicz drew a peak television audience of 13.24 million viewers, the biggest of the year in Britain.The final then topped that with a peak audience of 17.3 million,the biggest audience for a Wimbledon final since at least 1990, according to the B BC. Only one name will go on the trophy ,but tennis at the highest level has now become a team event.Murray,who once had frequent fits of anger during matches,has transformed himself into a much more focused force with the help of an extensive support group.Murray's rise to champion has clearly something to do with his decision to hire the former number one tennis champion Ivan Lendl as his coach just before the 2012 season."He's been very patient with me; I'm just happy I managed to do it for him." Onward Team Murray goes toward a defense of the United States Open title,beginning next month,and then eventually to defending at Wimbledon next year with the British drought well and truly over. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. What is Andy Murray's profession? 2. What does Andy Murray do? 3. What is Andy Murray known for? Q2: 1. Is Andy Murray Scottish? 2. Is Andy Murray originally from Scotland? 3. Was Andy Murray born in Scotland? Q3: 1. Why is Andy Murray up for knighthood? 2. How has Andy Murray become eligible for knighthood? 3. What has put Andy Murray up for knighthood? Q4: 1. WHat does David Cameron do? 2. What is David Cameron's profession? 3. What is David Cameron's role? Q5: 1. Who else was in the royal box, besides David Cameron? 2. Who was in the royal box alongside David Cameron? 3. Who did David Cameron have alongside him in the royal box? Q6: 1. Who is Alex Salmond? 2. What is Alex Salmond's title? 3. What does Alex Salmond ddo? Q7: 1. What was the color of Alex Salmond's flag? 2. What color of flag did Alex Salmond have? 3. What kind of flag was Alex Salmond waving? Q8: 1. Who was the Scotsman that won Wimbledon last? 2. Who was the last Scotsman to win Wimbledon before Andy Murray? 3. Before Andy Murray, who was the last Scottish person to win Wimbledon? Q9: 1. When did Harold Mahony win Wimbledon? 2. In what year was Harold Mahony the victor at Wimbledon? 3. What was the year of Harold Mahony's Wimbledon victory? Q10: 1. Where did Andy Murray grow up? 2. Where did Andy Murray spend his childhood, and was his birthplace? 3. What was the birthplace of Andy Murray, where he also spent his childhood? Q11: 1. What is Andy Murray's current place of residence? 2. Where does Andy Murray currently reside? 3. Where does Andy Murray live at present? Q12: 1. Who did Andy Murray go against in the semifinal? 2. Who was Andy Murray's opponent in the semifinal game? 3. During the Semifinals, who did Andy Murray play against?
Al-Shabaab militants launched an attack Somalia's parliament headquarters Saturday, leaving at least 10 people dead and more than 11 others wounded, witnesses and officials said. Members of the parliament were among those wounded after gunmen loyal to the al Qaeda-affiliated terror group stormed the facility in Mogadishu, according to witnesses and official accounts. Fighters used automatic rifles, heavy machine guns and explosives in an attack that lasted more than three hours, witnesses said. Mohamed Madale, a police spokesman, said security forces later secured the building after the fighters blew themselves up. He said the security forces killed several fighters during the attack. Dahir Mohamed, a police officer who witnessed the attack, said the attackers used a car filled with explosives to get into the parliament building, and killed some of the Somali forces guarding the building on their way in. Smoke and flames could be seen pouring from the building as ambulances pulled up to attend to the wounded lying on the ground. People took cover as security forces moved in, exchanging gunfire with the attackers. Some members of parliament were evacuated from the building. Ali Osman, an ambulance worker at the scene, told CNN that he collected 10 bodies, including those of Somali forces, civil servants and civilians who were caught in the crossfire during the attack. He also said more than 11 others, including members of parliament, also were wounded. A spokesman said on Al-Shabaab's radio network that the group was responsible for the attack. Prime Minister: Attack does not reflect "true Islamic faith" QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. How many lost their lives? 2. How many lives were lost? 3. How many people died? Q2: 1. What was the number of people wounded? 2. How many people sustained injuries? 3. How many people suffered from an injury? Q3: 1. What building was targeted in an attack? 2. What building was there an attack on? 3. What structure was charged at? Q4: 1. How did the attackers enter Somalia's parliament? 2. How did attackers manage to breach the Somalian parliament? 3. What did the attackers use to force entry into the Somalian parliament? Q5: 1. What was the attackers' method for gaining entry into the parliament building? 2. What did the attackers do to breach the entrance of the parliament building? 3. How did the attackers force entry into the Somalian parliament? Q6: 1. Did any civilians die? 2. Were there any civilian casualities? 3. Did any civilians lose their lives? Q7: 1. Were there any casualities among members of parliament? 2. Were any parliament members killed? 3. Did any of the members of parliament lose their lives? Q8: 1. Were there any members of parliament that sustained injuries? 2. Were members of parliament among the wounded? 3. Did anyone in parliament sustain injuries? Q9: 1. Were there flames? 2. Did the parliament building catch fire? 3. Was the building on fire at any point? Q10: 1. Who claimed responsibility for the parliament attack? 2. What group said they were responsible for the attack? 3. What organizaiton assumed responisbility for the attack?
(CNN) -- The White House may be the official residence of the U.S. president, but it's only a temporary address. The former homes and libraries of presidents offer an inside look into the lives of the select few who served as the nation's leader. Nearly 80 million visitors have toured Mount Vernon, George Washington's home in Virginia. From simple log cabins to expansive estates, hundreds of presidential homes and historical sites are open to the public. Visitors can read the love letters between Harry Truman and his wife, Bess, examine hand-drawn maps by Herbert Hoover or eye the tintype photograph of young wife Lucy that Rutherford B. Hayes carried with him daily on Civil War battlefields and later in the White House. As we witness a new leader take office and celebrate past commanders-in-chief on President's Day this month, CNN asked William Clotworthy, author of "Homes and Libraries of the Presidents," to recommend five places for travelers to see a very human side of history's presidents. Lincoln's birthplace There's more than split rails at the Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historic Site in Hodgenville, Kentucky. The site, run by the National Park Service, offers exhibits and walking tours so the visitor can experience a little of the frontier life that shaped the nation's 16th president. The centerpiece is the large marble and granite Lincoln Memorial Building, which houses a small and humble log cabin. The cabin is not actually Lincoln's birth cabin -- that has been lost to history -- but it does try to replicate as closely as possible the tiny and primitive surroundings that sheltered the future commander in chief. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Who is there an interview with in the story? 2. Who speaks to CNN? 3. Who did CNN interview for this story? Q2: 1. What is William Clotworthy's occupation? 2. What does William Clotworthy do for a living? 3. How is William Clotworthy employed? Q3: 1. What book did William Clotworthy author? 2. What is William Clotworthy the author of? 3. What did William Clotworthy write? Q4: 1. What was William Clotworthy's suggestion to the interviewer? 2. What did William Clotworthy suggest to the person interviewing him? 3. What suggestion did William Clotworthy make to his interviewer? Q5: 1. How many places are dedicated to former presidents of the US? 2. How many sites are dedicated to former US presidents? 3. What is the number of locales centered upon the lives of former US Presidents? Q6: 1. What number of president was Abraham Lincoln? 2. Which president was Abraham Lincoln? 3. Where among the number of presidents that the US has had does Abraham Lincoln fall? Q7: 1. Where can you learn about Abraham Lincoln's early life? 2. Where can Abraham Lincoln's early life be studied? 3. Where can one go to learn about Abraham Lincoln's life growing up? Q8: 1. What does Hodgenville, Kentucky have on the subject of Abraham Lincoln's life? 2. What can you see in Hodgenville, Kentucky to learn more about Abraham Lincoln's life? 3. What concerning the early life of Abraham Lincoln can be found in Hodgenville, Kentucky? Q9: 1. Can you visit the house where Abraham Lincoln was born? 2. Is Abraham Lincoln's birthsite open to the public? 3. Is it possible to pay a visit to the place where Abraham Lincoln was born? Q10: 1. Why is Abraham Lincoln's birth site closed to the public? 2. Why can't you visit the place where Abraham Lincoln was born? 3. For what reason is it not possible to visit Abraham Lincoln's birthsite? Q11: 1. Is there a house where Abraham Lincoln's birth cabin used to be? 2. Is there presently a home at the site of Abraham Lincoln's birth? 3. Does a home stand on the grounds of Abraham Lincoln's former birthsite? Q12: 1. What kind of house stands on the grounds of Abraham Lincoln's birth cabin? 2. What are the qualities of the home at the site of Abraham Lincoln's birth? 3. What type of house presently sits where Abraham Lincoln was born? Q13: 1. Is the current cabin similar to Abraham Lincoln's real birth cabin? 2. Is the present-day replica similar to the real brithsite of Abraham Lincoln? 3. Does the current replica look like the real birth cabin of Abraham Lincoln? Q14: 1. Whose letters can you see at a presidential site? 2. Whose missives are on display at a presidential site? 3. Whose presidential love letters can you read somewhere? Q15: 1. Where did George Washington live? 2. What was George Washington's state of residence? 3. What state did George Washington reside in?
The first Ml choir rehearsal of the school year took place in the school hall. All the students joined together to sing. I watched as my elder sister and her grade came in and took their places next to us on the stage. Meanwhile, I could hear laughing. Some students were pointing at a girl standing next to my sister. I'd never seen this girl before. A girl whispered in my ear, " Did you know she's wearing diapers ?" After school that evening, I asked my sister about the girl I'd seen. She told me her name was Theresa and that she was a very nice girL ." Why were those kids being mean to her? I asked, "Because they're stupid," she said. One day, I was walking home from school when I heard voices behind me. "There's the little idiot's sister. Does your sister wet her pants too?" I walked a little faster and then I felt a atone hit me in the back. When I got home, I ran down to my sister's room. I pushed my way into her room, screaming at her. "Why do you have to be that giri's friend? I don't see anyone else being nice to her, " Janelle yelled back, Because she is a wonderful person and she is dying!" I will remember those words as long as I live. Theresa wet her pants because she had an illness, which was killing her. My sister was the only one nice enough to be her friend and stick up for her. A few months later, Hieresa passed away. I felt proud that Janelle was my sister. Throughout the years I watched her, and she always made friends with everyone. It didn't matter if they ware fat, thin, brilliant or not. She never left anyone feeling isolated or alone. It was she who changed me and taught me to never look at anyone in the same way again. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Where was the first place that rehersal was held? 2. What was the site of the first rehersal? 3. In what location did the first rehersal take place? Q2: 1. Who was the author's sister? 2. What was the name of the author's female sibling? 3. Tell us the name of the author's sister. Q3: 1. Did the author feel proud to be sisters will Janelle? 2. Did the author swell up with pride knowing that she was Janelle's sister? 3. Did the author feel honored to be Janelle's sister? Q4: 1. What girl was a victim of bullying? 2. What was the name of the girl everyone teased? 3. Who was being bullied by everyone? Q5: 1. What does Theresa have to wear? 2. What is Theresa forced to put on? 3. What must Theresa wear? Q6: 1. Did Theresa end up dying? 2. Did Theresa eventually pass away? 3. Did Theresa not end up making it? Q7: 1. Was the author teased like Theresa? 2. Did people bully the author like they did Theresa? 3. Did the author's classmates tormet them? Q8: 1. Who made the author change and look at people differently? 2. Who gave the author a new perspective on others? 3. Who changed the author's outlook on how she views others? Q9: 1. What was the author hit in the back with on her way home? 2. What was the author struck with in her back while walking home? 3. While on her way home, what did someone throw at the back of the author? Q10: 1. When did Theresa die? 2. When did Theresa's passing occur? 3. At what point was Theresa laid to rest?
Hong Kong, China (CNN) -- They are coming from cities across China, including Beijing and Shanghai: Students are leaving mainland China for the opportunity to study in Hong Kong instead. "We are a small elite who can afford freedom beyond China's great firewall," says "Li Cheng" from Shanghai. Li, a student at the University of Hong Kong, did not want to disclose his real name or details about his study program, fearing consequences back home. "I live in one country, but it feels like having two identities," Li said. "In Shanghai, I use special software to access sites blacklisted by the government, like Twitter or the uncensored version of Google. "In Hong Kong, I am taught to integrate these tools in my research." In the past, students such as Li would have to travel to far-away countries to get around Beijing's control of information. Now, they are taking advantage of Hong Kong's special administrative status that allows for a "one country, two systems" rule until 2047. Hong Kong is nothing like mainland China in terms of its free flow of information, freedom of speech and multiparty political system. Those differences were recently emphasized by Google's row with the Chinese government over censorship. In March, Google announced it was routing its users to an uncensored version of the internet search engine based in Hong Kong, amid speculation that Google would pull out of China entirely. China's reaction to Google's announcement "When Google redirected its site from China to Hong Kong, it meant a lot of publicity for our free harbor," said David Bandurski, a China analyst at the University of Hong Kong (HKU). He studies censorship issues. QUESTIONS:
Q1: 1. Where are people flocking to? 2. Where are citizens of China going? 3. Where are Chinese people leaving to go? Q2: 1. What are students doing in Hong Kong? 2. For what reason are Chinese students going to Hong Kong? 3. What business do Chinese students have in Hong Kong? Q3: 1. What country are students leaving for Hong Kong? 2. Where are students going to Hong Kong from? 3. What country is being left for Hong Kong? Q4: 1. Why aren't students staying in mainland China to study? 2. Why aren't students studying in mainland China? 3. What is making students not want to stay in mainland China? Q5: 1. Is there a free flow of information in Shanghai? 2. Is the flow of information liberalized in Shanghai? 3. Are there zero restrictions on the flow of information in Shanghai? Q6: 1. Is there a free flow of information in Beijing? 2. Is the flow of information liberalized in Beijing? 3. Are there zero restrictions on the flow of information in Beijing? Q7: 1. What is Li Cheng's original place of residence? 2. Where does Li Cheng originally come from? 3. What city does Li Cheng come from? Q8: 1. What does Li Cheng do? 2. What is Li Cheng's occupation? 3. What is Li Cheng's current role? Q9: 1. Where is Li Cheng a student? 2. Where does Li Cheng study? 3. Where is Li Cheng completing his studies? Q10: 1. What country is the University of Hong Kong in? 2. Where is the University of Hong Kong? 3. In what nation can the University of Hong Kong be found? Q11: 1. Who did Google spar with? 2. Who had a dispute with Google? 3. Which nation got into a spat with Google?