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Academic Dataset by Generated Photos

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The free dataset is made to help students and teachers with any research. It contains 10,000 photos with equal distribution of race and gender parameters.

If you need a dataset with different parameters or quantity, contact us at [email protected].

We will appreciate it if you let us know about the research outcome!

Terms of use

You can use and adapt it for any research purposes, as long as you: (a) give appropriate credit by citing in your paper, (b) put a link to Generated Photos website in case of publishing your paper or results of your research or a related article. Example of an attribution line: Academic Dataset by Generated Photos

You can redistribute it within your university, but please follow these rules: (a) indicate any changes that you've made, (b) make sure that your fellow student or teacher you pass this dataset is aware of the terms of use described in this file.

For more information about datasets and license, please visit Generated Photos website:


All the photos are 100% synthetic. Based on model-released photos. Royalty-free. Can be used for any research purpose except for the ones violating the law. Worldwide. No time limitations. Quantity 10,000 Quality 128x128px Diversity Ethnicity, gender


The JSON files contain the metadata for each image in a machine-readable format, including: (1) FaceLandmarks: mouth, right_eyebrow, left_eyebrow, right_eye, left_eye, nose, jaw. (2) FaceAttributes: headPose, gender, makeup, emotion, facialHair, hair (hairColor, hairLength, bald), occlusion, ethnicity, eye_color, smile, age

Please contact [email protected] for business and press inquiries and other questions.

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