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Chapter 24 - ch.24 |
A month had passed since Eva's blowup. Naru was forbidden from any jutsu or intense physical training after last week, when threw up in the middle of practice, which left her spending most of her time in her inner world dueling Inuyasha. Sakura, Maka, and Crona occasionally left on missions, leaving Naru alone, with only one way to vent her anger.
"Aaarg!" She swung her blade at Inuyasha, letting go a little anger, guilt, and sadness with each swing. Her eyes showed murderous intent, even though she couldn't kill him if her wanted her to. He was being pushed to his limit, her rage powering her attacks. He had blocked her attack, but she was using every limb in order to take him out, kicking him in the side, before following up, using the momentum from her kick to spin and slash at him, slicing him deeply, rendering him immobile. She points the sword at his head, a crazed look in her eyes.
"Naru!" inuyasha yelled, breaking her out of her trance. Naru backed down, and backstepped a few paces as Inuyasha stuck his sword in the ground, leaning heavily against it. "You did well, kid. I think you're ready to learn the windscar."
Naru's eyes shined dimly in delight, never having returned to their previous luster. "Really?" She asked.
"Well, you might be ready to learn it, but I'm in no condition to teach it!" He admits with a chuckle.
Naru sheathes her sword, the giant thing shrinking to accomidate the sheath all the way to the hilt, which gives an audible click. "So, we're done for today?"
Inyuasha nods. "Yeah. Give me tomorrow to rest too. Then I'll teach ya."
Naru nods, and leaves, opening her real eyes, seeing Sakura and Crona sparing, Maka and Soul being on a mission. Grimm was watching from the trees, pretending to sleep, while an Eva clone was nearby, really sleeping. Naru got up, resheathed her sword, and went inside. Before she got more than 10 steps, Grimm was at the doorway. "Where do you think you're going?"
"Oh no you don't. There's still another two hours left. Get back to training."
"There's no point. He's too injured to continue."
"Say that again..."
"Inuyasha can't fight for a while. He needs rest."
"You can't be that strong already. It took me a year to be on par with mine, and even longer to finally surpass him."
"Well, I am. Remember, I have this demon inside me. I own it's power."
Grimm's face changed subtly. Naru knew him long enough to know he was making concern. "I think you may be mistaken. You seem to belong to him."
"What does that mean?"
"Your attitude the last month. You've only gotten more and more introverted, like your keeping everything bottled up. He tends to feed on such things. Not to mention he made his mark on you."
Over the last month, as Naru let her old self go, her face became more and more wolflike: her canines we pronounced, her eyes randomly changed from red to blue, but always stayed slitted, and her long hair seemed almost constantly standing on end, giving her an extreamly feral look. "So? He's giving me power. As long as I don't lose sight of the reason for it, I don't care."
Grimm let his face relax, plainly showing his concern. "Naru, don't beat yourself up over Hinata-"
"It's not like that!!" Naru almost yelled, the sudden outburst surprising Grimm. She looked at her hand, and made a fist. "I wan't able to protect her, or help her when she was injured. Thats why I made a promise to myself and Sakura. That I would gain the power to protect her, Hinata, and all my loved ones, no matter the cost. This damn demon fox want's a piece of me? He can have it, as long as he returns the favor with more power. And, when I become Hokage, I can use this power to crush anyone who dares threaten the leaf." He looks at Grimm with adamantine determination. "I won't let anyone else I care for get hurt."
"You stupid kid. Even I know that kind of power will destroy you in the end."
"I won't let it. I will master his power, and keep training to become the strongest." The steel in her eyes and voice leave little debate.
"Alright, alright. It's your life. Just be sure you don't mess up theirs." He points at her midrift, her apparent pot-belly holding the twin babies.
Naru's features finally soften as she rubs her slight belly. "Don't worry. They are the last two I would ever put in harms way." Grimm nodded, and left, as the only condoned training she had left was light exersize to stay in shape, and her sword. She headed to her bedroom, and sat on her bed. "Now, lets see if we can't get this to work..." She concentrated her chakra, continuing her self-imposed training.
-----------------------------------little over two hours later------------------------------
Sakura had just finished her shower, cleaning her new wounds and washing away the muck of the day. She entered her bedroom, and sat on the bed across from Naru, who seemed to be in deep concentration. she laid down, hoping to get to sleep early tonight.
"Welcome, pet." Said Naru. She had heard her come in, and was waiting for her to get comfortable before starting for the evening. "I hope you weren't about to rest before you tend to me!"
"O-of course not, mistress!" Sakura jumped out of bed, awaiting her orders. "I-I was just..."
"Oh, now that won't do..." Naru got up and walked forward, until her face was only an inch away from Sakura's, her eyes glowing red with lust. "Not only do you try to sleep before I'm satisfied, but you lie too? You're going to have to be punished!" Sakura looked at her with apprehesion, even as her cock started to stiffen. "What shall we do...? Back you up? No, you lose yourself; I want you consious. Orgasm denial? No, no, you enjoy that far too much!" Sakura was shivering in both fear and anticipation as Naru cupped her dick through her clothes, gently stroking it with her hand.
"Please, mistress. I'm sorry!" Sakura began to squirm.
"well then, why don't you show me just how sorry you are!" She stripped, revealing her sizable breasts and shaved pussy. She pushed Sakura down gently, and sat on her, her gleaming pussy not an inch away from from her face. Sakura took the hint and started licking her, using all her experience from the last month. Naru shivered with pleasure as she was eaten out. She begins to grind her cunt into her face, revaling in how good she had gotten. "That's good, pet. Lick that pussy clean!"
Sakura was more than a little turned on, and it was getting difficult to contain herself. She started moving her hands to her waist to undo her pants, but Naru grabbed her hands and brought them to her own waist, making her hold her. "No, no, no!" She scolded playfully. "You don't get to play, not until I say so!" She dug her cunt deeper into her face, nearly smothering her. "C'mon, pet. You can make me cum, can't you? You can't play until I cum!"
Sakura's dick was pulsing madly with need, uncomfotably tight in her pants. She redoubled her efforts, sucking Naru's clit and sticking her tongue in as far as it goes. Naru began to moan and grind her sensitive folds on Sakura's chin. "That's it! You're doing good Pet!" She says as she starts kneeding her breasts, adding to the stimulation. After several minutes, she was close to climax. "Yes! Almost there, pet. Just..a little...bit.. further..!" She came, her juices drenching the bottom of Sakura's face as she gulped down as much as she could. As she finally came down from her orgasm, she got off Sakura, and immediate;y grabbed her hands which had gone straight to unleashing her needy member.
"Ah, ah, ah! Allow me!" She let go of Sakura's hands, which fell to her sides, and began unbuttoning her pants, dropping them quickly. Her dick sprang up and nearly hit Naru in the face, engorged and slightly bigger than usual. "You naughty girl! So ready and eager just after licking me?" She teased, making Sakura blush in embarassment and further arousal. Naru steps back and leans over her own bed, her ass invtingly shaking. " C'mon, fuck my ass!"
Sakura didn't hesitate for a second before she jammed her thick rod into Naru's ass. She began fucking her madly, before Naru raised her legs and drew her nin close. Sakura was unable to pull back, her entire member hilted inside. "Sakura, how could you!? I offer you my ass, and all you care about is spurting your load. Now I KNOW I've taught you better than that! Now, I'm going to release you, and you had better go slow!" She let her go, and she did go slow at first, but she couldn't control herself and quickly picked up the pace.
"Naughty pet!" Naru exclaims before flexing ever muscle in her ass, clenching Sakura's dick olike a vice all the way in. "I see ypu need stricter training!" She loosened up just enough to quickly flip over onto her back, and squeezed again, Sakura only pulling out half an inch during the time. Naru put her legs behind Sakura, andreleased her grip, pulling her in. "Thsi is how you fuck someone." She pulled her in, and let her go out back to the half inch mark, before pulling her in again. She kept this rythm slow, a mixture of a tortured look and pure bliss on Sakura's face.
Naru leans up, and whispers gently. "You're mine, Sakura. Just as I promised to protect you, you promised to pleasure me. You are a most precious pet, here to serve me." She felt Sakura's dick throb and buck even more during her talk. "And you like being my pet, so why do you misbehave? Come and fuck me properly, and I will allow you to cum, but keep being naughty and selfish, and tonight will be a long and unfulfilling night." she then kissed her, deeply and passionately. Sakura responded with equal passion, and as Naru's legs let her go, she kept the same pace, if taking longer strokes because she had more room.
Naru was in bliss as Sakura's huge dick violated her insides. She gripped the sheets, her knuckles going white, and began pushing back against each thrust. She increased the pace herself, Sakura following her lead. "M-mistress, I'm gonna cum!!" Sakura grunted as their fucking went faster and faster.
"No! You are not allowed to cum! Not before me!" She yelled even as she felt Sakura's dick pulse strongly within her and a pleasent warmth flow through her belly. This managed to just send her to her own orgasm, though far less powerful than Sakura's. After she finished filling Naru, Sakura fell back, basking in the afterglow. This didn't last long as she felt a hand run over her sensitive dick, making her flinch. She looked down to see Naru stroking it, keeping semi-hard. "Bad pet, disobaying mistress. You have to be punished."
"Please, mistress, I'm sorry!" She managed to exclaime before stifling a moan. "Please, it's so sensitive!" Her hands scrambled at the floor, finding no purchase as she writhed under her. She began to yell as Naru took her into her mouth, her head the most sensitive if all. "Please, mistress! It feels TOO good! I can't take it!" Her vision was spinning as the overwhelming feeling of pleasure overwhelmed her senses. She was already about to cum again when Naru removed her mouth and hand, only to pin her down so she couldn't jack off that last bit.
"As punishment for disobaying me, we are going to do that 20 times. then maybe next time you can hold your load a little longer." She was looking her in the eyes, daring her to question her. Sakura looked away in defeat, and Naru let her arms go, and they stayed. "Good pet." She purred just before taking Sakura into her mouth again. Naru proved to be quite the tease, bringing her so close to climax time and time again, but stopping before she can ever cum. Until the twenty-first time, when she actually started sucking harder. Sakura yelled as she orgasmed, filling Naru's mouth with her spunk time and time again. When Sakura finally finished, she passed out from the long and arduous night. She carried her to her bed and lay her down gently, and lay next to her, stroking her hair lovingly. "Sleep well, my pet. Tomorrow is another day." She continued stroking until she fell asleep, her hand falling and resting gently on Sakura's neck. |
Chapter 28 - ch. 28 |
Naru was panicking. The first question seemed impossible, so she skipped it, hoping the next would be easier. It wasn't. If fact, they got more and more difficult and complicated as they went along. The last question she couldn't even read. "Man, oh man! What do I do!?" She thought, staring at her paper, as though wishing for the answers to appear by themselves before just letting her head thump onto the desk.
Soul was having just as tough a time. He got the first two answered (probably wrong) but was completely stumped by the third, and stubbornly refused to skip it. He tapped his pencil in frustration as he unknowingly mimicked Naru by staring.
Maka was flying through, being the top of her class at the DWMA. She slowed by the time she reached the fith question, but was confident in her answers. She grinned as she reached the last question, relishing the challenge.
Sakura Was having a relatively easy time too, though she started getting challenge by question 4. She focused intently on the test, almost completely ignoring everything around her.
Hinata was getting frustrated. She managed the first question, but was stumped by every other one. She furiously drug her pencil back and forth on a blank spot on the page, leaving a deep dent of graphite in the paper before it ripped. She immediately stopped, even more annoyed.
Serah was, apparently, rather smart, as she finished the test within 20 minutes, while most were still on the 6th question...assuming they were smart enough to actually finish the test.
Kid never got past his name. He could have gotten the test done easily, but his severe OCD forced him to make his name perfect.
Liz was chewing on the eraser as she attempted to figure out the questions. She started losing focus, and soon her head hit the desk as she fell asleep.
Pattie was making various origami animals with her paper. She was surprisingly good, but...it was the test...
Blackstar was focusing too much on not yelling out to concentrate properly on the test. He was shaking with excitement for the more practical parts of the exams.
Tsubaki focused even on the test, occasionally managing to answer a question in a flash of inspiration.
Throughout the test, many people were disqualified. By the end, only 60 teams remained out of 150. "Right, only 10 minutes left! Time for the last question!" He paused dramatically. "However, if you get this question wrong, you will forever be a genin. If you drop out, you and your team can take the test again next year. Who is willing to risk their career?"
'Forever a genin...!?' This was along the lines many of them thought, nearly frozen in fear. Several people lost their will and left, making their team leave with them. 38 teams were left afterward.
"Right. All you are prepared for the final question?" Many were still scared, but held their ground. "Right. Question 10! What....is.....2+2!"
Everyone fell over in surprise (except for Liz, who was still sleeping). "What the hell!? Why all the buildup for the easiest question in the book!?" Yelled Soul.
"Well, since you're still here, I may as well tell you. The question was not for the answer, but your nerve. As a shinobi, you have to put your life on the line with each mission. If you couldn't stay for the question, you have no right to become a chunin. Now, five minutes left. Finish your test." Everyone instantly placed the answer under #9. Soon, the bell rang. "The written test is over. Pencils down." The Junin began taking the tests, and grading them. The few who were caught cheating a few times and scored too low were escorted out, leaving 32 teams. "Well, we dwindled you down well. next is the survival test."
Suddenly, a woman crashes through the window, tumbling onto the desk while hanging a banner attached to several kunai. She wore her hair in a spiky fan-like ponytail and had grey eyes. She wore little more under her tan trenchcoat than a mesh see-through shirt and a long strip of brown cloth wrapped around her waist that acted like a skirt. The banner read "Welcome to round two!" She posed cooly infront of it.
"You're a little early." The instructor poked his head out from behind the banner.
"Yeah, whatever. You've tortured these kids enough. Let me have a go!" This did not inspire confidence in anyone. "Everyone, to the forest of death!"
----------------------------------scene change------------------------------------------
Everyone was suddenly right outside a fenced forest. "What just happened?" Asked Naru.
"It's easier to not think about it, especially you. Now, everyone, head to the booth.." She motions to a nearby booth, covered by a black cloth. "One team at a time."
Naru's team was in first. They were handed papers. "Waivers. Signing this means you agree that any injury or death in in no way the fault of anyone but yourself." Said the lady behind the counter.
"Death!?" exclaimed Maka
"Well, it is the forest of death. It's kinda implied." She said bluntly.
"Live a little! It's not like this is the first time I've put my life on the line." Naru exclaimed as she signed without a second thought.
Maka looked unsure, but signed, followed by Sakura and Soul.
After they all signed, they were given a scroll with "Earth" written on it, along with a piece of paper with a number. "What's this?" Asked Naru just before she hid it in her sleeve.
"It will be explain in just a few moments. Please exit so the others can come in." She answered bruskly. They left, giving her a dirty look for her lack of niceties. They saw Hinata and her group enter. Naru sat and leaned against a tree, the others deciding to follow suit, waiting for everyone to finish.
Anko watched as the last team exited, and spoke up. "Alright! Now that everyone has their scrolls, time to explain the rules! You were each given a number! The corresponding door into the forest is your starting point! You need to make it through the forest to the tower in the center! However, you also need 4 scrolls: Wind, Water, Earth, and Fire! Each of you is carrying one of the four! Which means no more than 8 teams can pass." There was muted chatter at this.
"A few more things! The forest is crawling with beasts, carnivorous insects, and some mutants! Be wary of your surroundings. Also, while it is not encouraged, you are allowed to kill if you feel it necessary. Once you have the four scrolls, and enter the tower, you will have a moment to relax. Once all 8 teams enter, or your 3 day time limit has passed, we will start the preliminaries, and all others will be disqualified! Lastly, all weapons from the village of souls MUST stay in weapon form at all times! Any questions!?"
"Can I use them bathroom before we start!?"
"No! Either hold it or shit yourself for all I care! Any not stupid questions!?" silence. "Good! Head to your gate! You may enter as soon as the gate opens. I wish you all luck! Whether it's good or bad will depend on you..." Everyone gulped and rushed to their gate. They went to gate 69, which got a good chuckle out of Sakura, a smirk out of Naru, and a confused look from Maka as she watched them.
After a few seconds, the gate opened, and they rushed in. |
Chapter 26 - ch. 26 |
Serah ripped off Hinata's towel, revealing her nude form, still glistening from the recent shower. Serah eyed her hungrily as she attempted to recover herself. Serah started to strip, slowly taking off the her top first, revealing her lithe and muscled body. She pulled off her pants, revealing that she didn't wear any panties under them. Hinata blushed heavily, her newly replaced towel starting to tent. "Like what you see?"
"Serah, I...I don't..." She puts her hands down, trying to cover it.
"You don't what? I know how high your libido is. I hear you in the shower. You have to let it out every day, huh?"
"W-well, yes, but..."
Serah ripped the towel away, and quickly pinned her arms to the side. "Now, I'm horny, you have a fucking amazing dick, and I'm not taking no for an answer!" She moves and rubs her ass on the big member. "It looks like you don't want to either!"
"O-OK... but just this once..." She's already panting, making an effort to hold back. Serah places her ass at the dick, pushing slightly. "W-wait! You're not gonna...!"
"I like it dry." She said before piercing herself on her, screaming at the top of her lungs from the combination of pain and pleasure she loved. She rode her hard, Serah screaming with each thrust and Hinata grunting from the rough treatment. Serah let go, confident Hinata was now under her control, to reach back and start playing with her pussy while she rode her.
"S-Serah! That's too much!" She started tearing from the pleasure overload, never even thought of using both at once before. Serah stuck a finger in, making Hinata gasp. "Serah. M-more! No, no more! no, I want more! I don't know!" She was in utter bliss, but was being overpowered by her pleasure.
"Can't make up your mind? Let me do it for you!" She didn't even have to work at it anymore. Hinata's hips were moving on their own as Serah rode her. She put another finger in, Making her buck harder.
Hinata was soon beyond words as the pleasure built. Her face was contorted by pleasure, her eyes starting to roll up into her head. She reached a fevored pitch as orgasm drew near, pummping her as fast as she could until she finally blew. Squirt upon squirt came into her, making Serah moan loudly as her bowels were stuffed with hot spunk. Hinata finished, and lay back, panting, from the hardest orgasm she'd ever felt.
Serah felt her start to go limp, and put a third finger in her sensitive pussy, instantly making her reharden. "Oh no you don't!" She looked at her with a devious smile. "We're just starting!"
"Wha!? B-but...!"
"I haven't cum yet. And I never leave unsatisfied!!" She redoubles her efforts, puting a fourth finger in and pounding on her as hard as she could. Hinata was quickly rendered speachless again as her extra sensitive organs were ravaged again by her. Serah pushed her legs underneath Hinata as she bucked again, pulling her close, making her thrust in quick, short bursts. "Yes! Come on! Just a bit more!" Her own breathing became labored as she apporached climax.
Hinata was beyond thought, simply reacting to the overwhelming pleasure coursing through her. Once Serah forced her thumb and hand into her, she unleashed a torrent of cum unlike never before as her tongue fell out of her mouth.
As soon as the hot seed filled her to mix with the old, she came, milking Hinata as her body convulsed, a look a pure glee on her face. Her stomach bloated to a underinflated basketball before Hinata stopped. She fell on her, giving a satisfied sigh. "Just as good as I thought it would be. You have fun?" She asked, before looking at her, seeing she had passout. She laughed lightly, and decided to sleep right there with her, her dick still in her ass.
------------------------------------Leaf village--------------------------------------------
"You can count on us, Lord Death! Maka out!" She screen dissapeared from the shop window. It was late at night, and Maka and Soul had snuck out to town to make their report. Unfortunate for them, Grimmjow had heard them, and followed them. As soon as they signed off, he jumped down and grabbed them both by their hair.
"And just WHAT do you think you are doing!?" He snarled, his teeth showing enlonged canines.
"We're reporting to Lord Death, like always!" Growled Soul, which resulted him in severe pain in the back of his head after he was slammed into the wall.
"This isn't like always. You know sensitive information of the village, and the only reason you two are ALIVE is I heard every word, and know you didn't pass any along! Now, you two are already were on thin ice, but now, you are not to leave the house without my personal supervision. is that clear?"
"Will you at least let us explain before you bite out head off!?" Demanded Maka.
He dropped them, each landing hard. "Fine. Explain."
"We already talked to Eva sensei, and she agreed this was a good idea, giving at least the illusion that the leaf and us can trust each other. She also told us to try and do it on secret because she knew this is how you would react."
He stared at them long and hard before responding. "Fine. but from now on, I or Eva are to attend these meetings, understood?" They nodded, conceding to this stipulation. "C'mon. You two out here alone might raise unneeded suspicion." He started walking back, with them both in tow.
----------------------------------Next morning, maka's house-------------------------------
Hianta awoke, her dick slightly sore and chafed, her pussy gaping uncomfortably. She opened her eyes to see Serah on top of her, snoring. Whe briefly wondered how she slept through such noise before unceremoniously pushing her off onto the bed beside her. "Man, last night... Not sure if that was the best or worst sex I've ever had, but it sure was intense! Can't let her do that too often, especially on a mission." She got up, walking to the shower, planning to take onther despite showering just last night. She exited to meet Serah much the same way as last night, though she had a towel, clearly intent on taking one herself. "We gotta talk."
"Sure! Watcha thinkin?"
"Last night... I'm not sure if we should do it again..."
"What? You didn't like it? I've never heard any complaints before, then again, most of them were shitfaced..."
"I'm not sure, but that's not the problem. It just feels...wrong, for some reason."
Serah grinned. "So, you DO still have feeling for her!"
"W-wha!? N-no! That bitch left me! I don't give a shit about her!"
"Whatever. Have fun in the Amazon, cause you're pretty deep in denial!" She retorted before slaming the door shut behind her. Hianta tried to respond, but she was too quick, besides, something of what she said rang true in her. She ignored this, shaking her head, and returning to her room.
-------------------------------two days later, death room-----------------------------------
Serah and Hinata were standing in front of Death, Stein, and Spirit.
"So, you ready for your assingment? All healed and relaxed?"
"I'm always relaxed, and I was BORN ready!" Replyed Serah confidently. Hinata dropped a sweat but nodded in agreement.
"Very well." He places a file on a nearby table. "He is a powerful enemy, exceling in fighting chakra users. He often takes their chakra and makes it his own, making him very difficult to beat, especially in a drawn out battle. His primary weapon is a giant sword, a size not unlike Cloud's Buster Blade, that is wrapped in bandages. It is said by those who survived an encounter it was a pale blue and covered in razor sharp spikes, designed to cut easily, but not cleanly, essentially rending the flesh in two. Beyond that, we can assume he also has extremely powerful jutsus, and no small amount of chakra to use them with."
"Damn! This guy sounds like a beast! Isn't this the kind of guy I should be hunting after the first 99?"
"Normally, yes, but he is a major threat, and you're special technique Stein told me about may be our best bet on taking him down. Additionally, He and Spirit will accompany you as backup. They are strong with melee attacks, and should be able to help you hit him with it."
"Really, Lord Death!? A babysitter!?"
"I know you dislike teaming up with anyone other than your partner, Serah, but in this case, it is non negotiable. Either they come with, or you get a new assignment."
Serah crossed her arms and pouted. "Fiiine! I guess I have no choice. So, who is he and where can we find him?"
"Yes, about that...we actually don't know where he is..."
"Are you freaking kidding me!? We're going on a wild goose chase!?"
Death drops a sweat. "Yes, you could say that... this could be a long journey! You will go many places, meet many people, maybe even collect a few more souls along the way! Sound like fun to me!"
"You make it sound exiting, alright!" She gives a sigh of exasperation. "Who is it, and what does he look like!?"
"Well, he's hard to miss if you so see him. He wears a black cloak covered in red clouds. He looks like a blue humanoid fish underneath! He is known as the Monster of the Mist. His name is Kisame Hoshigaki."
"Kisame Hoshigaki..." Muttered Hinata, remembering the name and description.
"You can count on us, Lord Death! We'll find him ASAP!"
"Very good. One more thing before I dismiss you. In about 9 months time will be the Chunin Exams in Konoha village. I wish you to attend, so be there around that time."
Hinata cringed, knowing that going there would mean meeting Naru again. "Is there any way we could avoid that?"
"Afraid not! I already promised Hokage Evangeline a short while back that you would participate. Even if you were able to avoid it, you would have to answer to both her and me!" Hinata shuddered at the prospect of Eva's wrath, even more so than the immensly powerful figure in front of her. She nodded in submission, knowing there was no way around it. "Great! Well, have fun you two, good luck! And be sure to watch them carefully, Stein, Spirit."
"Leave it to us!" Replied Spirit with a confident grin.
"Don't get too cocky. This guy could easily be stronger than us. Keep your guard up at all times."
"Yeah, yeah, I know!" He grumbled. They followed after the girls. |
Chapter 29 - ch. 29 |
-------------------------------------Naru's team--------------------------------------------
They had been running for half an hour, looking for someone to steal from, but with no luck. They stopped, and decided to take a strategy meeting.
"So, Maka, Sakura, what do we do? You're the brains of us."
"First, let's go over what we know. There are currently 32 teams, each with a three man squad. There only 8 of each scroll, and need all four to gain entrance. Also, we know of two teams for sure, and their abilities. Hinata, and her team all have various weapons, each of which are sure to be a challenge. Then there is those from the sand: Kankuro the puppet master, Temari the wind witch, and Gaara of the Funk, I mean sand. We have no idea how strong any of them are, even Kid, Blackstar, and their weapons, because we've been away for so long. and then there are the other 29 teams we know almost nothing about. It might be best to err on the safe side, and have a passcode in case we get separated." Maka summarised.
"Why's that?" Asked Naru, never able to think things through like they can.
"Because if we split, someone can come back disguised as you, and we might not know it until our scroll is missing." Sakura in a sickly sweet tone she has come accustomed to using when Naru began pissing her off, but didn't want "punished" for it.
"Ooooh, so, what should it be?"
"I'm only saying it once, so pay attention. 'Under veil of darkness, when the night is silent; that is a shinobi's world, the shinobi's way.'"
"Under veil of darkness, when the... what was it again?"
"I told you I wouldn't repeat myself!" Maka raised her voice, irritated.
"*sigh* Alright. Let me use the bathroom before we continue."
She was gone for only a minute, and was ambushed by Sakura and Maka. "Password?" Muttered Maka.
"Under the veil of darkness, when the...time is silent?-"
"Wrong!" Sakura took a swing at her with her sword. Naru dodged just in time, seeing the blade rebound off the ground. She found this strange, but had no time to ponder it as Maka attacked him too. She was...clumsy, as though she never used a scyth before. Naru was sure something was wrong, but had to be certain.
After dodging several scyth swings, she ran over to Sakura, who readied herself, expecting an attack. What she didn't expect was to be groped just after Naru dodged her swing, spinning around her and fondling her breasts from behind. Sakura immediately jumed away with a yelp. "What the hell are you doing!?"
"That settles it. You two are the fakes. You can't fight worth crap, and my Sakura would never run from me!"
"W-what are you-" "Maka" started to blurt out as their ruse fell apart.
She drew her sword. "Protect, Inuyasha!" The resulting shockwave sent them flying back. When they looked up, they gawked at her new form.
Her shikai had developed over the last few months, when she was unable to use it. It matched har perfectly: a pitch black color that resembled the red garb before, but hung closer to her, accentuating her curves. It seemed tatered and battleworn, with ragged edges and occasional holes. A small thread cam out from the back and wrapped around her feral hair, managing to tie it and hold it to her back, though it still spike around the impromptu ponytail. Her blade had a black edge around the blade, but was otherwise unchanged.
"W-what are you!?"
"Your worst nightmare." She closed the distance in a second, and sliced at the fake Maka, who blocked with her scyth, which was immediately cleaved in half, letting her sword fall into her head. The illusion broke, revealing a man in a tan bodysuit, and a gasmask concealing his face. The other became enraged and attacked her from behind, swinging at her, only for her to duck at the last second and kick upward, sending him flying up and breaking his jaw. he landed with a thud behind her, passed out and bleeding from his swelling mouth. His own genjutsu broke, revealing a man in similar garb, but both eyes visible. "Well? Where are you!? I know there's a third around here!!"
Maka and Sakura walk out from the trees, carrying the unconscious man, with only one eye revealed. "Bastards jumped us from behind! They are experts at genjutsu, so we never saw them coming." She tossed him on top of the one Naru kicked.
"How'd you get away?"
--------------------------------------a few minutes ago-------------------------------------
"Wow, she's willing to pee out here??" Said Maka a little disgusted.
"Get used to it, there aren't any outhouses out here, and you have to go at some time or another." An out of place shadow moved behind them, the shape of a man.
Maka shuddered at the thought. "I might just hold it until we get to the tower." The shadow crept closer, unnoticed.
"Man, city girl! You need some survival training, badly!" The shadow was right behind them. He released a gas that made them both lightheaded, before fainting. When they came to, they were almost completely immobile. They could still look down, seeing they were trees. They tried to scream, but were silent. They futilly tried yelling more, before giving up. They looked around, seeing a man with gasmask and tan bodysuit facing away, watching something. They knew what when they heard Naru release her shikai. They knew she would fight without holding back, and decided they couldn't give up. "Let's see..." Sakura focused, well versed in chakra manipulation. "..To break a genjutsu, you had to build up chakra and release when it's power is more than the jutsu..." She began building up, finding out it wouldn't take much. Not even a quarter her potential, she released it, and was able to move again. She snuck up behind the man, who was now shaking in fear of Naru, and used her impact jutsu to chop him in the neck. It made a sickening crack before he fell into a heap. She turned back to Maka, and almost laughed as Soul became an odd-looking branch, but held it back and released them. "C'mon. Naru's probably already-"
"Where are you!? I know there's a third around here!!"
"That's our signal!" Maka chuckled as grabbed his collar and drug him out into the clearing with them.
Naru chuckled. "If this is the hardest there is, we got Chunin in the bag!" Naru bragged, shouldering her sword.
Sakura searched through their belongings, and found a fire scroll. "Bingo! 1 down, 2 to go!"
"Lucky!" Said Naru as she reverted back to normal, sheathing her sword. "Let's go. People are bound to notice my release." The others nodded, and followed her into the wood.
They were, by Sakura's estimations, nearly at the tower, but had not found anyone else yet. Strangely enough, they hadn't even met an animal either...until then. A giant white snake reared up for out of nowhere and struck, swallowing Sakura.
"Sakura!" Naru headed after the snake, but was stopped by an older woman. She looked very feminine, but her looks were average. She wore a tan tunic, black pants, and had a large woven hat concealing her eyes.
"Not so fast. I have a few things to discuss with you." She lifted the hat slightly, revealing yellow eyes which more that seemed like a snake's. Her very gaze chilled Naru to the core, the woman's bloodlust and murderous intent obvious from even this distance. She looked over at Maka, partly to avert her gaze, partly to get some reasurrance. She got none, however, as both she and Soul were speachless with fear, Maka having fallen, nearly losing grip on Soul.
Naru looked back, starting to shake herself even as she drew her sword. "W-what do you want."
"Simply, I want to test your mettle as my vessle." She said before she flung her arm at Naru, multitudes of snakes coming out. Naru didn't have time to release her Shikai, and was forced to dodge them. She attempted to chase the snake again, but was blocked by more snakes. "Your friend is on her own. And so are you, by the looks of it..." Mocking Maka subtly. She continued sending snakes out like whips, not giving Naru time to rest, or and opening to get close.
'Dammit! Sorry, Sakura, you're on your own...' She thought as she ran for her life.
Slimy, warm, constricting. This surrounded her as she slid down it's throat. "Dammit! What now!?" She asked, barely able to stave of panic from the subtle stomach acids started eating through her clothes and exposed flesh. She pulled at her sword, but couldn't find the room to draw it. She continued trying, as it was her only chance. As she tried she unconsciously started using her impact jutsu, stretching the stomach with each pull, until somwhow she got it free. She focused for a moment, determining where down was, and sliced to the side, cutting open the stomach into the muscle. Given a little breathing room, but knowing she could drown in the blood filling the area, she quickly sliced again, even wider, and could she light just beyond the length of her arc, beyond the flexing muscles. She Pushed hard against the opposite end of it's stomach, and jumped out of the snake, which had already lost too much blood to react.
"Damn. I've never needed a shower more!" She began running back, knowing that if Naru hadn't come to help, someone must have stopped her. And to stop her, they had to be strong. Possibly stronger than a genin should...
She had formulated a plan, but hadn't want to pull out that ace yet, but was more and more sure as she had no choice as she dodged the snake-whips, each one getting closer. She hid behind a tree, and came out again, charging for her. She smirks and sends the snakes at her, entangling her, pulling her close. "You dissapoint me. I thought you would be more of a fight."
Naru grins. "Who said the fights over?" Suddenly a huge wave of power came from behind the tree. The clone took it a sign and dissappeared in a puff of smoke. Naru stepped from behind the tree, wielding Inuyasha in shikai form. "Now the fight really begins."
The woman smirks, and opens her mouth wide, looking up, as a sword comes out. She grips it, pulling it out of the sheath still in her mouth. She looks back down at a disgusted Naru. "Shall we?" She was on him in the blink of an eye, and she barely blocked, hearing a scream of pain in her head as the sword made contact.
"Be careful! That sword hurts!!"
"Well, you can't die as long as I don't, so suffer through it." She said as she blocked another blow, hearing Inuyasha scream in his mind again. She had barely a moment to recover between blows before the next came, not even able to dodge if she wanted to. Inuyasha was in constant agony as Naru was forced to block with him again and again, starting to nick her blade. She swung hard, and cut halfway through, making Naru's eyes widen in fear. She jumped back just as the woman added the little force needed to cut it clean in half. She looked at her now stumpy blade, less than a foot long, before looking back at her with fear. "W-who are you..."
She grins, and lifts her free hand to her face, grabbed it, and pulled it off, revealing her, actually his, true face. It was ghostly white with purple marks leading from under the eyes to the side of his head. He reached his head up and resheathed his sword before making a sign, and answering. "You will find out soon enough." His head stretched and bit his neck. She was in unbearable pain as his jutsu worked it's way into her, making three marks on her neck just above the bite. "You will seek me out, I'm sure."
"Dynamic Entry!!" Sakura finally returned, kicking him with both her legs only for him to turn to goo, leaving his pack behind. "That was anticlimactic." She looked around and saw Maka, who finally began moving again, and saw the whole thing, rush over to Naru, who was clutching her neck in agony, and staring at her broken sword. "N-Naru?"
She turned her attention to Sakura. "Sorry." She uttered before collapsing.
"NARU!!!" Sakura cried as she fell, unable to remain conscious any longer. "Naru, wake up! Naru!!"
Maka put a hand on her shoulder, shaking her head. "The guy had the other two scrolls we need. Our best bet is to take her to the tower."
Sakura, teary-eyed, nodded in agreement, putting Naru's sword in its scabbard, and put the broken piece in her pack before hefing up Naru. "Let's go." She had a determined scowl on her face.
----------------------------------------6 hours later---------------------------------------
They arrived at the entrance, seeing it was a puzzle. They had no time for it, and figured it out quickly, each scroll being unrolled and placed on a corresponding color. The door clicked, and they rushed in, being meeted by Grimm. "I knew you girls would... What happened?"
"She was bitten." said Maka,looking away.
"What bit her?" He asked as he took her from Sakura, who begrudgingly complied.
"Not what, who..." She looked at her feet as they walked to the infirmary.
"Who? How did that happen?"
"She fought him, but didn't stand a chance. He was too fast, too strong, he was no genin."
"What did he look like?" They reached the infirmary, and handed her to a nurse who took him to a bed to be examined.
"He was masked at first, and I never got a close look..."
"I did!" Sakura piped up. "He had really white skin, with purple marks around his eyes."
Grimm grabbed her by the collar, and lifted her up. "His eyes! Were his eyes yellow, snake-like!?"
"Y-yeah." Sakura muttered, surprised at his sudden reaction.
He drops her, and stumbles back. "He's here. He's here..."
"Sensei?" Sakura asked, concerned.
"I'm alright. Just let me be for a minute." He walks away, leaving them with Naru. A doctor soon appears, asking them to leave.
The next day passed agonizingly slow as they waited for Naru to awaken. The doctor had said she had been under tremendous strain, and her body was attempting to compensate. Whether she would pull through was 50/50. They were on either side of her, including Soul, who was allowed in his human form again. "C'mon Naru, wake up..." They each had said at some point.
After a full day, she finally woke. "Oh, owie. Man, everything hurts!"
"NARU!! You're awake!" Exclaimed Sakura
"Ohhh. What happened?"
"That guy bit you, and you just collapsed!"
"You think you'll be ok to fight?" Asked Soul.
Maka slammed his face with a book. "Is that all you can think about!?"
"Actually, I think I will. How long until the prelims?"
"About 4 hours." Said Maka
"Yeah, just let me rest, and I should be fine. First, could I have some food?" Sakura begins laughing.
"What's so funny?"
"Nothing, just you ask for something so ordinary after nearly dying." She said, simmering down to a chuckle. "I'll go get you something." |
Chapter 30 - ch 30 |
Hinata and company had successfully aquired a second scroll from a nameless group that is barely important enough to mention. They were rushing through the forest they heard a cry of pain, followed by a loud squishing sound. Hinata was curious, and they others reluctantly followed. "Great idea, let's walk TOWARD the omenous noise!" Whispered Liz as they moved silently to the source.
"If nothing else, we can know what their jutsu is!" Countered Hinata as she peered through the bush to see team sand across a clearing from two very scared shinobi, wielding umbrellas of all things, begging for their lives. The sand on the ground, which Hinata just noticed was soaked in blood, traveled to them. Even as they began to run, it caught them, tripping them before encasing their bodies in huge heaps of sand.
"Sand coffin." Said the red-haired boy, staring at them with eyes somehow both murderous and uninterested. They rose in the air, struggling and calling for help. The boy leisurely walked forward and picked up an umbrella, presumably belonging to the previous victem. He held out an open fist, like a claw, slowly closing it, making them scream in pain. "Sand burial." He suddenly clenched his fist, and the sam squishing noise from before came again, louder and up close as their bodies were squashed to bursting, making blood fly everywhere. The kid held up the umbrella, protecting himself from the blood, before simply dropping it.
Kid nearly screamed as the blood ruined his suit, and even blackstar was speachless at his act, his eyes wide in terror. Not one of them moved a muscle as the sand returned to the goard on his back, and he restoppered a cork on it. He turned to leave, but was stopped by the guy with a huge bandaged thing on his back. They were too far to hear, but the kid obviously didn't like what he said as some sand started leaking out of the corked vessle.
He backed off, quick, holding his arms up in a peaceful gesture, obviously appologizing. The kid just walked past him, with the mand and woman with a giant fan in tow, picking up a scroll along the way.
The group waited a half hour, making sure it was safe, before letting out a collective sigh and falling on their asses.
"What kind of monster is he!?" Exclaimed Blackstar, rattled by the sight.
"I don't know. I've never seen a jutsu like that before! No handsigns, such power, it was as if he were controlling the sand as one would contol an arm!" Responded Kid calmly as took off his jacket and proceeded to clean it.
Hinata sighed, but knew arguing with him about cleaning in the middle of the forest would just make things take longer. "Whoever they are, we don't want to mess with them, especially that kid. Only problem is, though, they will most likely make it to the prelims."
Everyone suddered at the thought. "Well, no use worrying about it now." Kid had finished and put it back on. "It won't matter if there are or not if WE arn't."
"Right, let's go."
They were running along when the ground had started heaving like an earthquake, and they had lost balance. By the time the were untangled from each other, their enemy had appeared. One was a man with spiky hair looking smug. Another wore a huge coat, which was far too big for him, hunched over with most of his face covered except for an eye. The last was a pretty woman with a haughty expression.
"Who are you?" Asked Hinata, drawing her blades, leaving her mouth free for now.
"Who we are doesn't concern you. Lord Orochimaru sees you as a threat, and demands you are taken out." Said the one in the coat.
"Does he now?" She said as the others drew their weapons. "Bring it!" She said before puting Serah in her mouth and grasping the new blade that appeared. 'Orochimaru...that names sounds familiar...' She thought as she readied herself.
"To make this simpler for the readers and easier for the writer, let's do this saiyen arc style: Each of us send out one and keep going until one party is down. Agreed?" Team Hinata nodded, though still stood ready.
"I'll go first." Said the man wih spiky hair. "So, who's my opponent?"
"I'll take care of him." Kid said, walking forward. "But first, please tell me your name."
"It's Zaku, but what the hell does it matter. You're gonna be dead in a few minutes."
------------------------------------Kid vs. Zaku...FIGHT!!---------------------------------
Kid loosed a barrage of bullets. Zaku looked at them, smug as ever, and held up his hands. They shots went right around him, surprising Kid. "How did you...?"
He holds out a palm, showing a tube coming out of the center. "I can blow wind out of this."
"Is that all?" asked Kid, smirking himself.
"All I need!" He slapped his hands on the ground, and the ground shook again. The ground was being upraised with sharp edges as a line of air traveled underground to Kid. He barely managed to dodge out of the way before the ground below him exploded, hitting him with large, sharp clumps of dirt. He landed on his back, groaning in pain.
He sits up and looks down at his shirt, then back up. "You! Do you relize what you have done?" Zaku remains silent as Kid gets up. "Look at this!" He said, referring to his now dirty clothes. "Not only am I a mess, but look! This side has three dirt spots and 1 cut! This has 5 cuts, and 2 dirt marks! IT'S ENTIRELY UNSYMMETRICAL!!"
"What...? You're getting this pissed off about clothes?" Zaku responded, giving a WTF face.
"Liz, Patty, Resonance!"
"Right!" They responded as they synched perfectly with Kid. The started to glow, and suddenly expanded from pistols to two full sized cannons on each of his arms.
"Resonance stable. Noise at 0.4%." Stated Liz.
"Black Needle chakra fully charged." Announced Pattie.
"Feedback stable, preparing to fire."
"Ch, bring it on!" He said, preparing to blow at max force.
"You idiot, get out of the way!" Called The man in the coat.
"Please, this kid is all talk. I bet it's as weak as it is big,"
"Hey, I'm the big man around here!" Called Blackstar from the sidelines.
"Been nice knowing ya..." Said the woman.
"Ready to fire!" said pattie, bracing herself for the recoil.
"Death Cannon." Chakra built at the tips, shining from inside, until it finally fired a huge bullet, pushing Kid back a few inches from the recoil.
Zaku blew from both hands with all his strength, but only managed to slow it down. He saw it coming, closer and closer, and a low enough speed for him to start panicking. Kid had already reverted Liz and Pattie to normal, and was walking over to this group. "Never mess with a reaper." He said as he pulled on a new suit coat and the bullet reached him, exploding and sending him flying through the trees.
"Well, that takes care of that. Who's next?" Asked Kid, looking at them evenly with a slight smile.
"My turn." The girl walks out.
"You're up, Blackstar." Said Hinata.
"What! But I can't fight a girl! Big men are gentlemen.!"
"Oh, you scared of a girl? Well, Who scare you more, me or her!?" She asked, letting some of her chakra to wash over him.
He shivered. "Alright, but you better win against that guy!" Blackstar conceded, walking out. "I'm Blackstar!" He started, grinning. "You think he was strong, wait till you get a load of me! With my partner, Tsubaki, There's no way I can lose!" He pulled out a dagger, her current form.
"Big talker. Call me Kin, and someone will have to call yours when I'm through with you!"
"That supposed to scare me? I'm the man who will surpass god! You ain't gonna stop me!"
--------------------------------Kin vs. Blackstar...FIGHT!!!--------------------------------
"Tsubaki, shuriken mode!" She turned into a giant shuriken. (Duh) He threw it at her, making her jump to dodge. She threw senbon needles with bells attached, Kid dodging them easily. She landed again, looking confident. But, so was Blackstar. Tsubaki had come back around, aiming for her from the back. she dodged to the side, getting a deep cut in her arm in the process. Blackstar caught his weapon, and it changed into karakuri. "Had enough?"
She laughs. "I've already won!" She exclaimes, making Blackstar look confused. She pulled her arm, and the bells on the senbon rang, again and again. Suddenly, Blackstar was incredibly disorientated, seeing dozens of her, and unable to move correctly. "Those bells are designed to mess with your nervous system. Your eyes can't focus, your muscles won't work right, and you're virtually helpless." She began walking to him, near invisible strings in one hand ringing the bells, a kunai in the other. "It's over."
"You think so? Tsubaki, Smoke bomb!" His surrounding area became encased in thick smoke, effectively blinding anyone in it. She was just out of its range, and so looked inside to try and find him. After several minutes of failure, she jumped back as a sickle like blade nearly lopped her head off. "How's that!" Blackstar yelled as exited the smoke cloud.
"How the hell...How are you moving!?"
"What? I Can't hear you! I stuffed my ears!" She noticed on of his sleaves was ripped, and shorter than the other. "But I don't need to hear you to beat you!" He charges forward with astounding speed, getting to her before she can react. Each blade goes into her shoulders as he jumps on her, landing on her stomach with both feet as she fell back. He twisted his blades, pulling her arms out of joint, before walking away, taking out the cloth from his ears. "I told you I was too big a guy for you to handle."
"Dammit..." He looked down at her, incapacitated, bleeding, but alive, before looking back at them. from Kid, who sent one flying, to Blackstar, who took out his most tactful ally with brute force, and to Hinata, who was staring at him, waiting for him to come up to fight, even from there, he could see her chakra was dark and more powerful than the other two. "Guess we have to try later..." He grabbs his ally and heads in the direction Zaku flew.
"Well, that was easy enough." Blackstar stated.
"Don't get cocky! If you hadn't used my idea, you'd have lost, and probably died!" Tsubaki scolded.
"Yeah, I know! Thanks, Tsubaki!"
"Let's get going."
-----------------------later, after two more unimportant teams lose to them-----------------
"Alright, we got all four, now what?" Asked Blackstar.
"We head to the center. Let's see, we've been out here for about a day, so we have two left..."
"Or we could take that shortcut. Would only take a few hours rather than a day." Hinata spoke up, pointing to a sign, saying "Bridge of Death!!" below, in small lettering, it also said "This is totally not a knockoff from Monty Python and the Holy Grail! Really, truly, seriously, we swear!...Ok we lied."
"Well, worth a shot, I suppose." Agreed Kid. The followed the short path to the bridge, seeing an old man in front of it.
"Stop! Who would cross the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, and the other side ye see!"
"I got this!" Announced Blackstar, stepping up.
"Whhhat is your name?" He asked, putting emphassis on the H.
"Blackstar, the big man, can't you tell!?"
"Whhhhhat is your quest?"
"To surpass god!"
"Whhhhat is your favorite color!?"
"Blue, like my hair."
"Right, then. Off you go!"
"Sweet!" He crosses the rickety bridge to the other side.
"My turn." said Kid, walking up.
"Whhhhat is YOUR name?"
"Death the Kid."
"Whhhhat is your quest?"
"Knowledge and perfect symmetry in all things."
"Whhhhat is the airspeed velocity of an unladen pidgey?
"What do you mean? EV trained or wild?"
"I don't know-" He gets sent flying into the chasm under the bridge.
"How do you know so much about pokemon?"
"When you live with my father, you tend to know these things..."
---------------------------------village of souls---------------------------------------
Death was waiting outside a Gamestop, early in the morning, the instant he heard Pokemon X and Y were available for preorder. "Just another 3 days." He said to himself as he was warmed by a crank-powered heater.
-----------------------------------back to the bridge---------------------------------------
They crossed without a problem, and made it to the tower in 7 hours. They were led by Iruka (remember him?) to the waiting area, where they stayed for the rest of the time as more and more teams appeared. At the end of the 3rd day, all 8 had shown up. Iruka announced to the room that they were to follow him, heading to a stadium, with a large screen between two shinobi statues. The Hokage was already there. They were to stand in a line, one per team, with the leaders/teachers in front.
"Good job! You managed to prove you're a bit stronger or stealthier than the other teams. But now it comes down to raw power." Evangeline McDowwel began her speech. "Two, however, will be unable to compete. One from the village of sound. Her Shoulder blades were smashed, arms dislocated and has much internal bleeding." Blackstar whistled innocently. "The other is Sasuke, who had an unfortunate accident."
"Wait, I'm OK!" He was pulled away from the door by orderlies.
"Yes, indeed, he will take quite a while to recover..."
"W-w-wait! What are you...!!?"
"But not to worry! My stepsister, Moka, is taking good care of him!"
"That doesn't go there!! WAIT, STOP!!!" There was a loud scream accompanied by a sickening crunch.
"So, without further ado, the preliminary battle will commence. Let's see who goes first!" She looks at the electronic board. |
Chapter 1 - Sonic Sleeps Over |
Chapter 1 - Sonic Sleeps Over
Pairing - M/F, vaginal
Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and
Sonic Team. You knew that, right?
GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author.
Note: This story takes place after GeneX - Soleanna Struggle, and shares the same history to that point as the main GeneX series, including the adult version of GeneX - A New Beginning.
GeneX Prime and GeneX Necros are but two of many incarnations of a similar realities inhabited by genetic experiments and a familiar blue blur named Sonic the Hedgehog. Another such reality, GeneX Heat, is very similar to GeneX Prime, even sharing some of its history. However, the focus in GeneX Heat is a bit more recreational. Feelings of lust run high in this reality, and those feelings are about to reach a point where they can no longer be contained. This will lead to adult situations, and why shouldn't it? In animal years, the furries of GeneX Heat are plenty old enough. Still, if you have issues with that sort of thing, let this be as far as you delve into this universe. If not, sit back, relax, and enjoy the fun. Heck, if you're feeling artistic, maybe these stories will inspire you to draw something. If so, go for it, I'm sure fellow readers would be thrilled to see what you make. OK, fourth wall breaking time is over. Now is the time for Sonic to see just how different this reality is...
It was late at night. Most residents of Station Square were sound asleep, or at least indoors. However, there was one resident who was out and about. Rainbow the echidna found herself wandering the city alone this night, just killing time until she got sleepy. Her friends, Copter and Punchy, were both currently out of town. Punchy was off trying to pilfer the Master Emerald once again, this time making a solo attempt in hopes of sneaking up on the shrine easier. Copter's whereabouts were unknown, as usual. It was the first time in a while that Rainbow had found herself alone, and even though she grew up alone, she found herself feeling unusually lonely. However, despite what she was feeling, she was not alone. As she wandered the seemingly deserted city, a sinister presence watched her every move, following her every step. She was wandering near a shopping mall, but at this time of the night, the mall was closed, and the area she was walking past would normally be deserted. As she walked, she heard what sounded like voices nearby. She glanced around somewhat skittishly. "H-hello? Anyone there?" she asked nervously. There was no response at first, so Rainbow began walking away. As the voices began whispering again, Rainbow started walking faster. "Just the wind... Just the wind..." Rainbow whispered nervously. The voices were growing louder, and Rainbow could make out a hissed word. "Losssss.... Losssss..." Rainbow realized that this couldn't be good. "Uh... Gotta go!" she said, making a break for it! As she did, slimy Losol creatures began emerging from all around her! In moments, she was surrounded! "Omigosh-it's-a-buncha-slimy-sludge-mutants-somebody-HELP-MEEEEEE!!!" she screamed in panic! Just as the slime creatures were about to pounce on her, the wind began blowing more fiercely! Out of nowhere, a blue gust blew into the area, then sped to the Losol and knocked them all away before they knew what was happening! The Losol quickly fled the scene as they saw the cause of the wind emerge: Sonic the Hedgehog! "Weird! I saw those monsters before, but not out in the city like this! I wonder how they got here?" Sonic said to himself as the creatures fled.
Sonic turned to Rainbow and squinted at her as he tried to remember who she was. "I've seen you before... At Eggman's base. You were with that clone of Knuckles!" he realized. Rainbow threw her arms around Sonic and started sobbing. "Ahh! Why do I have that effect on girls?" Sonic groaned. Rainbow was babbling at first, but soon started talking more coherently. "Oh, thank you, Speedy! I thought I was done for! By the way, my name's Rainbow! Thank you again!" she said before releasing Sonic. "Uh... OK.... You're welcome, I guess. Bye!" Sonic said, preparing to run away. Before he could move, though, Rainbow grabbed him again. "Wait! Wait! Wait!! Don't leave me alone like this! Those monsters could come back! Please, walk me back to my house!" she pleaded. Sonic looked at her nervously. "W-walk? But... walking's slow! Besides, um, it's past my bedtime!" he protested. Rainbow refused to let him go. "We can RUN! And you can stay at my place! I DON'T WANNA BE ALONE NOW!!!" she cried. Sonic realized that the choice was pretty much out of his hands. "OK, I'll take you home..." he groaned.
It wasn't long before Rainbow led Sonic into the sewer tunnel and through the secret passage she used to reach the Hidden Ruins. Sonic gazed in awe at the underground city. "Th-this is incredible! I didn't know a city existed down here!" he gasped. Rainbow nodded. "Yeah, it's pretty secret. In fact, only me, my sister, and my friends know about it." she said. Sonic started walking ahead of Rainbow, eager to explore. "I gotta check this place out a bit!" he said. Rainbow grabbed him again. "Wait! Don't leave me!" she insisted. Sonic rolled his eyes. "Doesn't anyone else live down here?" he asked. Rainbow shook her head. "No, well, One lives here sometimes, but he's not here now and I'm lonely and scared!" she said. Sonic sighed sleepily. "Aw, all right. I guess I'll sleep at your place tonight..." he said. Rainbow released him and ran towards her home. "OK! Follow me, Speedy!" she said.
After getting over the initial shock of seeing Rainbow's massive home, which was formerly a temple, Sonic found himself left alone to explore the temple while Rainbow washed up. He ran through the halls as he explored, trying to burn off the rest of his energy so he could get to sleep. Normally, he wandered where he pleased and slept when and wherever he wanted, but Rainbow had made such a pathetic face earlier and he just couldn't refuse her. He wasn't much watching where he was running, and eventually, he came to the hallway leading to the fountain Rainbow was bathing at. Rainbow was stepping out of the room containing the fountain, and Sonic had to stop quickly to avoid running into her! As he skidded to a halt, Sonic jumped backward with alarm as he saw Rainbow, who was dripping wet and completely naked! Though Rainbow appears similar to Amy with her dress on, Sonic quickly realized by looking at her that she was older than Amy! Her furry yellow body shimmered in the dim light, due to being wet, and her decently curvy figure was a feast for Sonic's eyes. He enjoyed the view so much, he spaced out and forgot to look away! Rainbow didn't care though, for she knew no reason why she should care. "Hey, Speedy! You know, you should slow down a little! You almost hit me!" she said. Sonic blushed as he realized he was still staring at her. "Oh, uh... S-sorry! I was... Um..." It was hopeless, Sonic couldn't say anything coherent. Rainbow laughed at his gibberish. "You're always in such a rush, you can't even slow down enough to talk right! That's OK, though. I think I get it! From the looks of things, I'd say you wanna play!" she said. Sonic glanced down and saw that he'd become erect, and this made him blush even more. "You... huh? Play? You mean...." Sonic moved his hips a bit to illustrate his point, and Rainbow nodded. "Yeah! That's loads of fun! Since I dragged you down here, we might as well have some fun!" she said. Never had Sonic suspected that Rainbow would be this sort of girl. If she knew better, she probably wouldn't be, but Sonic had no reason to believe she didn't know better. "Are you sure, though? What about... what's his name... Punchy?" Sonic asked. Rainbow shrugged. "What about him? He's not here. I'll play with him a bit when he comes back, probably." she replied. This was enough for Sonic, especially since he was too horny to refuse at this point.
Sonic was always one for doing things fast, and he wasted no time getting started with Rainbow. He reached for her hips and held her steady, aiming his dick for her vagina. Rainbow giggled at how quickly Sonic had grabbed her. "I'm not going anywhere, Speedy!" she said. Sonic grinned. "I know. Hope you're ready, 'cuz I'm goin' in!" he said, carefully pushing his way into Rainbow's flower with his cock. Rainbow squealed with delight as he pushed deeper and deeper, finally stopping once his cock was as deep as it could go! Sonic then stopped to get a feel for his partner, moving his hands up from her hips and across her chest before finally resting his hands on her breasts, which he squeezed lightly. Rainbow smiled playfully and reached for his head, pulling him closer until her lips met his! Sonic opened his mouth first, then pushed her mouth open with his tongue. Rainbow accepted the kiss, and pet Sonic's quills as Sonic explored her mouth with his tongue, all while his penis was still plunged deep inside Rainbow's pussy. Sonic squeezed her boobs tighter, and Rainbow responded by lowering her hands and squeezing Sonic's back. Sonic had been with other women before, but this was the most romantic moment of his life. As Sonic broke the kiss, Rainbow gasped for breath. "Ah.... That was good! See how much better it can be to slow down a little?" she said. Sonic smiled. "Yeah, I guess so, but I think we can stand to take this a little faster!" he suggested. Rainbow nodded in reply, then pulled Sonic down to the ground, so that he was lying on top of her! Sonic paused a moment once they were on the floor. This was the furthest he'd gone with anyone he actually knew somewhat. He avoided doing Amy, because she would probably demand they get married afterwards, and Sonic wasn't ready to settle down yet. Would going further with Rainbow complicate things? Rainbow stroked his back spikes a bit, and it drove such questions out of his mind. Now wasn't the time for logic. Now was the time to screw! Pressing his arms to the ground for support, Sonic began pulling his manhood out of Rainbow's pussy, stopping just before pulling out completely, then dove his rod into her again fast! Rainbow gasped with pleasure as he did, and this encouraged Sonic to do it again! Before they knew it, they were both moving their hips in unison, gasping and shouting with excitement all the while! Sonic was desperately trying to hold back his speed, for it would be painful for Rainbow if he went as fast as he could go, but he was still going pretty fast. Rainbow didn't mind, though, she savored every move Sonic made! "Ah!! Oh!! Th-that's.... incredible!! Ohhhh.... Ahhhhh.... S-speedy!! Oh!" she gasped, unable to say much else. Sonic was loving this, too, but his cock didn't have the endurance to hold out at his high speed. "Ohhh... Ahh! R-rainbow!! Hahhh... I'm.... g-gonna...." he gasped, not sure if he'd be able to pull out in time. Rainbow was asked by Punchy whether she wanted him to cum in her before, and she understood that Sonic wanted to ask as well. "Ah ha... G-go for it... Speedy!! Ahhh!!" she said. It was too late to stop Sonic, anyway. One thrust, then another, and Sonic unleashed his load deep into Rainbow's flower! He continued to push into her a couple more times, and then Rainbow reached her orgasm! They gasped and shouted excitedly as their climaxes occurred, and once Rainbow came, Sonic collapsed into her arms. He'd gotten himself pretty tired while he was running before this started, so now he found himself drifting towards sleep. Rainbow held him tightly, knowing that she, too, would be sleeping in that position tonight, mainly because Sonic was on top of her. "Thank you... For everything..." she whispered, though Sonic was too drowsy to really hear. The night had ended up being much better than either of them had expected, and they were content to fall asleep now in each other's arms...
The End for now. |
Chapter 2 - A Lesson For Cream |
Chapter 2 - A Lesson For Cream
Pairing - M/F, vaginal
Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and
Sonic Team. You knew that, right?
GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author.
The story thus far:
In the universe of GeneX Heat, a new tale has begun. One night, while wandering the city, Rainbow the Echidna was attacked by the Lost Ones! Sonic the Hedgehog arrived in time to rescue her, but she was so scared by the ordeal that she wouldn't leave Sonic's side! She brought Sonic back to her underground home, where Sonic ended up seeng her naked! One thing led to another, and Sonic ended up fucking Rainbow!
Now, on to the next chapter!
It was an average morning at Tails's Workshop in the Mystic Ruins. He'd gotten up and eaten breakfast, and now it was time to truly start the day. As he was pulling his tools out of his closet so he could do some repair work, there was a knock at his door! Tails dropped his tools and rushed to the door, hoping that Sonic or one of his other friends had come to visit. Instead, he found a stranger when he opened the door. It was a dark gray she-wolf, wearing a black uniform with a red, thirteen-pointed star on it. Her right eye was covered by overgrown hair. "Good morning. My name is Fera. May I come in?" the wolf asked. Tails hesitated to invite her in. "What do you want?" he asked. "Why, I want you..... to consider joining our organization." she said, walking past Tails and sitting down on a chair in the room. Tails hadn't told her she could come in, but he didn't protest. Her uniform looked so tight on her, leaving little to the imagination, and Tails was having trouble taking his eyes off her. "I'm here representing the Covenant of Despair. You've seen how humans run our world, haven't you? It's disgusting. Their wars, pollution, and general hateful nature are threatening to destroy our world. We are going to take a stand against them, and reclaim the world for ourselves. I am seeking recruits to join our battle. What do you say?" she asked. Tails barely paid enough attention to her words, as he was too fixated on her body. "Join you? Um... No, I don't think so." he said quietly. Fera stood up and stretched. It was early in the morning, and she was apparently a little drowsy. Her stretching didn't do anything to help Tails get a grip on himself. "Listen, Tails. I know you're just a kid, but you've seen a lot of human atrocities firsthand. You know, Dr. Eggman? How would you like to stop him once and for all?" she asked. Tails shrugged. "We don't have to worry about Eggman. Sonic always stops him..." he said. Fera crossed her arms. "Sonic, hm? Well, maybe I'll see if I can persuade Sonic to join our cause. If he joins, will you join?" she asked. Tails still wasn't paying a whole lot of attention. "Sure, I guess..." he said. Fera smiled. "Good..."
Meanwhile, in the Hidden Ruins, Rainbow had woken up to find that Sonic was gone. Some of his seed still stuck to her fur, so she went into the fountain room to bathe again. As she started washing herself, there was a knock at the door. "Come on in, the water's fine!" she said. The door opened and Copter entered the room. Seeing Rainbow bathing, Copter instinctively shut the door behind him. "Don't you usually wash up at night?" he asked, growing horny as he watched her scrubbing herself. "Yeah, I know, Two. But I had some messy fun last night, and I need to wash up again." she explained. Copter nodded. "Ah... I get it. So, where IS Punchy?" he asked, making no effort to hide his growing erection. Rainbow sat down in the fountain and started washing her legs before answering. "Beats me. One left to try getting that big gem again yesterday, and he hasn't come back yet." she said. Copter scratched his head. "Wait... Punchy wasn't here last night?" he said. Rainbow handed her rag to Copter. "Could you wash my back, Two? It's kinda hard to reach." she asked. Copter took the rag and started washing her, though it was more like a massage. "So.... If it wasn't Punchy you were having fun with last night... Then who?" he wondered. Rainbow sighed, enjoying the massage. "Ah... Last night? I was out last night when those slime monsters came after me. Speedy saved me, and took me home. Then he wanted to have some fun, so we did." she explained. Copter dropped the rag upon hearing this. "Huh? Speedy...? You... you mean, Sonic!?" he gasped. Rainbow picked up the rag and resumed washing herself. "Yeah, you know, Speedy. That fast hedgehog." she said. Copter frowned. "Great... He knows where this place is. And he knows about her. He'll probably be back..." he said, darting his eyes back and forth as he wondered if he should do something about this. Suddenly, his eyes looked down as he felt his penis being pulled out of his pants! Rainbow pulled his pants down and started washing his cock. "You're pretty dirty, Two. Maybe you should get cleaned up!" she suggested. Copter smiled devilishly. "Sure... But I think we'll just get dirty all over again!" he said.
Shortly after Fera left his workshop, Tails heard another knock at the door. He once again left his tools at the closet and headed for the door, which was unlocked, so the visitor opened it herself. It was Cream, who for some strange reason, was alone. "Hey, Cream! Where's Cheese?" Tails asked when he saw her. Cream frowned. "He's visiting his friends at the Chao Garden." she said, smiling as she looked at Tails. "So I decided to visit one of my friends today! How are you, Tails?" SPOT, Tails's robotic puppy, wandered into the room. "Need maintenance..." the robot said in a robotic voice. Tails sighed. "Yeah, I'll get to it, SPOT. See, I was gonna fix some damage SPOT took the last time we fought with Eggman." he explained. "Oh, then I guess you don't want any more interruptions. I saw that wolf walking away when I got here." Cream said sadly. Fera's image appeared in Tails's mind again, and would make him horny if he let it, so he tried to take her off his mind. "Don't worry about it, Cream! We can hang out!" he said. Cream was curious now, though. "Who was that wolf?" she asked. Tails found himself picturing Fera's hot body more vividly, and had to hurry to change the subject. "She's nobody! Just a visitor." he said. "You seem jumpy. Is she your girlfriend?" Cream asked. Tails forced Fera out of his mind by looking at Cream more directly. This was no help, as Cream had grown since he'd last seen her, and was pretty attractive herself. "No way. I only just met her. She's not my girlfriend!" Tails said, looking over Cream's body, which was coming along nicely. He was getting a bit too horny now, and his penis soon became erect! When Cream saw his penis, she gasped in shock! Tails, realizing what had happened, tried to hide it. "Oh, I'm so, so sorry, Cream! I don't know what's been coming over me!" he said too fast for Cream to really hear. Cream glanced at his cock curiously. "Wh-what is it?" she asked. Tails's eyes widened. "Huh? You mean... You don't know?" he asked. Cream shook her head. "But I... I'm pretty curious. Will you teach me about it?" she asked. Tails began to calm down a little, but not completely. "Uh... Sure. While I'm at it, I guess I should teach you about sex..." he blurted out.
Having said the word "sex" without thinking, Tails now found Cream more curious than ever. He didn't want to take advantage of her, so he tried to simply explain it without doing it. "Well... OK... First off, this big hard thing between my legs is my penis." he began. Cream slowly reached out to touch it, hesitating for Tails's permission. "Uh... Don't touch, Cream. And, uh, this sack here is my scrotum." he said, holding his balls. "And... what's sex?" Cream asked innocently. So innocently that Tails hesitated to answer. "Um... sex? That... um... When a boy and a girl are very close... They, um... they get naked and..." he trailed off, unable to finish what he was saying. It was so embarrassing, and he couldn't bring himself to finish the explanation. SPOT approached Tails and Cream, displaying information on his monitor. "Sensors indicate that you wish to mate. Do you require condoms?" Tails face turned red as he and Cream read SPOT's monitor. "Mate... Does that mean sex?" Cream asked. Before Tails could say anything, SPOT answered her question. "Affirmative." Tails quickly pointed to the next room. "Go away, SPOT!!" he ordered. As SPOT left, Cream looked at Tails gratefully. "I see... You want to show me how to do sex instead of just talking about it! OK! I'll get undressed!" Tails was utterly speechless, and couldn't manage to say anything while Cream got undressed. Once she was fully naked, however, all the shame left his mind at once. "Whoa... You're beautiful!" he said. Cream had indeed come a long way. Her breasts were still a little small, and she was obviously a virgin. When she compared their two bodies, Cream figured out what was supposed to happen next. "I get it! You put your penis in my vagina!" she said. Tails nodded. Since they were both first timers, and Tails didn't want to hurt Cream, Tails lied down on his back, his penis pointing up at Cream. "You can be on top, Cream. Just go slow, since its your first time." he said. Cream obeyed, slowly lowering herself until her flower tickled the head of Tails's cock. "Are you ready, Tails?" she asked. Tails nodded. "Don't move until YOU'RE ready, though." he said. Cream was a little bit nervous, so she attempted to lower her pussy over Tails's dick fast. However, she was a virgin, and it wouldn't be so easy. "Hmm... Is this how it's supposed to work?" she asked. Tails gasped slightly, and realized what needed to be done. "It's your first time! There's, like, a thing blocking the way that has to be broken through. It'll hurt, but only for a second." he said. Cream nodded. "Only for a second? Then I better just get it over with..." she said, pushing herself over Tails harder, while Tails thrusted his cock to help break through her barrier! She screamed briefly, pulling away. Tails's penis now had blood on it, and Cream looked worried. "It'll be OK! Just keep going!" he said. Cream trusted him, and lowered herself over his cock again, this time accepting his whole length into her pussy. Tails now began thrusting his hips, pushing in and out of her as Cream hopped along during the ride! Her pain was soon replaced with pleasure beyond belief, and Tails was highly enjoying this, too. As she rode his cock, her small breasts jiggled up and down, and Tails wanted to reach out and touch them, but he couldn't quite reach, so he just held on to her hips as she hopped on his member! They made much noise, but said little. Soon, Tails felt a strange feeling in his penis. "Oh... I'm gonna.... Ahhhhhh!!!" His inexperiance made him realize this too late, and in less than a second, his cum was shot into Cream's pussy! The sudden blast shocked her, and she quickly climbed off of him! "Did... Did you just pee in me!?" she gasped. Tails panted heavily, unable to answer right away. Cream's face turned red, believing he had peed in her. She quickly picked up her clothes and got dressed before running for the door, crying somewhat. "Wai... wait! Cream!! I didn't..." Tails started to say. Cream left before he could finish, so he quickly climbed to his feet and headed for his closet to find pants. "I can't believe I did this! I gotta catch up with her, quick!" After all, he didn't want her crying to her mother that he'd peed in her!
The End for now. |
Chapter 4 - Passion Reborn |
Chapter 4 - Passion Reborn
Situation - tit fucking
Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and
Sonic Team. You knew that, right?
GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author.
The story thus far:
After rescuing Amy from one of Dr. Eggman's robots yet again, Sonic found that Amy's clothes had been torn during the rescue. Amy was embarrassed at first, but a little oral love from Sonic calmed her down, and they fucked afterwards, not noticing Eggman's robot was still spying on them. Earlier, Tails had attempted to teach Cream about sex, resulting in Cream being scared off. Meanwhile, Eggman Nega captured Blaze the Cat and sent her to Sonic's world - without her clothes!
Now, on to the next chapter!
Cream was running through the woods, crying. She had no idea what to do. The situation was so strange. It started with such excitement, such pleasure. Yet, in the end, Tails had failed to explain everything to her before they finished. This left her confused, and scared. As she continued wandering the woods, a familiar voice called out to her. "Cream... Over here!" Looking around, Cream saw someone peering out from behind some bushes. This person poked her head out more, so Cream could see who it was. "Blaze! How did you get here? And why are you hiding?" Cream asked. Blaze hesitated a moment. "It's... complicated..." Cream wiped some tears from her eyes and stepped a little closer to Blaze. "Were you... crying?" Blaze asked. Cream didn't answer, and Blaze took that as a yes. "What's wrong? What happened?" she asked. After hesitating a moment, Cream explained what had happened to Blaze, omitting no detail. Blaze thought of stopping her once the explanation got naughty, but Cream was talking too fast for her to get a word in edgewise. Once she was finished, she burst into tears again. "What should I do? This whole thing seems so strange..." she sobbed. Blaze frowned. "Sounds like we're both in a predicament. I don't know what that fox was thinking, but I can tell you he probably wasn't... peeing..." she said. Cream looked up at her, calming down slightly. "What was he doing then? Wait... We're both? What happened to you?" she asked. Blaze frowned, and reluctantly stepped out of the bushes, revealing that she was completely naked! Cream gasped upon seeing her body. "D-did someone have sex with you, too?" she asked. Blaze blushed heavily at the notion. "N-not exactly..." Cream grabbed Blaze by the arm and started leading her somewhere. "Come on! We should find you some clothes!" she said. Blaze found herself smiling a little. "Thank you... Now, about what that fox was doing. I can explain that for you." she said as they started running for the edge of the woods.
Copter was strutting along the streets of Station Square in the best of moods. He and Rainbow had had lots of "fun" earlier, and nothing could ruin his day now. Not even the occasional citizen who shouted "Experiment!!" at him and fled into their homes. Nope, nothing was going to get to this black fox today. In fact, his day was about to get even better. As he was walking down a fairly quiet street, he soon saw an old friend walking in his direction. It was a red phoenix, wearing a black coat with orange stripes, and loosely fitting yellow pants. She had orange eyes, and sneakers with a flaming pattern on them. It was someone Copter hadn't seen for some time, Heather the Phoenix! The last time he'd seen her, she appeared to be sacrificing herself to destroy Mephiles, but now here she was! Their eyes soon met, and each gazed at the other with a sense of shocked wonder. "Y...you're... alive!" Copter gasped, slowly moving closer, as though unsure of what to expect. Heather smiled lovingly at her old friend. Her memories of the other timeline, which had been magically restored, were still intact. Though this wasn't the same Copter from that timeline, who she'd come to love, she still couldn't help feeling something for him. "It's about time I found you. Why didn't you look for me?" she asked. Copter stopped in his tracks. "Well... I thought you were dead! Everyone else sure seemed to think so..." he said. Copter did not have the memories from the other timeline, and was really just surprised to see her, but Heather didn't care. She threw her arms around him, pressing her beak against his mouth for what would be her first kiss! Copter thought to resist this, since he didn't have those kinds of feelings for her, but her tongue entering his mouth quickly chased away those thoughts. He accepted her kiss, removing all thoughts of others from his mind. Such thoughts were useless right now. Once Heather broke the kiss, she backed away and looked at him apologetically. "Sorry... I really missed... Him. You. Or... Whoever..." Copter looked at her and smiled. She WAS pretty sexy, and clearly had the hots for him. "Hey, it's fine. Technically, I AM him. And I have to say he missed you, too." There was a hint of lust in Copter's voice, and it sent shivers down Heather's spine, in a good way. Copter could see in the way she was looking at him that they were on the same page. So, he grabbed her by the arm and started pulling her to a dark, secluded alley.
An alley in the middle of a city may not be the most private place, but Copter and Heather were too in the moment to care. In the darkness of the alley, they were confident that they wouldn't be disturbed, and so they each began undressing themselves. Copter quickly pulled off his pants, revealing his already-erect cock. Heather slowly unzipped her coat, and left it on like a vest while she gazed at Copter's foxhood. She stood there seductively, with only a small part of her breasts showing. Her coat and pants were given to her right after her creation, and were still the only clothes she had. Copter had removed his gloves, and now walked over to Heather and slipped his hands into her coat, feeling her good-sized breasts against his palms. Heather let out a pleasant sigh as he felt her, and reached her arms down to her pants so she could work on taking them off. Copter began massaging her breasts as she pushed down her pants, inching them down her waist slowly until they dropped on their own. Now, Copter's cock was hovering near her uncovered vagina, twitching with anticipation at the idea of exploring her flower. However, Heather now nudged Copter away from her, backing away so he could see her. She then gripped the sides of her jacket, grinning seductively at Copter before pulling off her coat! As the coat dropped to the floor, Copter could now see her entire body, clear as day, despite the darkness of the alley. Her gorgeous boobs were slightly larger than Rainbow's, and her fiery red body was a real sight to behold. Though he had at first been excited to penetrate her flower, however, he now found himself inexplicably fixated on her breasts. They had felt so warm against his hands, like a fire burned within. Probably because a fire WAS burning within, but either way, Copter had to feel this again. He stepped back towards Heather and reached for her breasts, but she soon dropped below his reach. She lowered herself to the floor, gazing up at him longingly as she awaited what he'd do with her. He was still fixated on her breasts, but now a different part of him seemed interested in them. The way Heather was lying there, gazing up at him, it seemed her boobs were calling out to his cock. This settled it. Copter walked over her, kneeling down until his penis was hovering just above her breasts. "What are you going to do?" Heather asked curiously. Copter answered by taking her breasts in his hands and pushing them aside, creating an opening between them for his cock to slip through!
Once his penis was in place, Copter pressed Heather's big, warm breasts against it, and began pushing his cock back and forth between them, grabbing her tits between his thumb and forefinger. The heat generated from within Heather made this a feeling unlike any Copter had ever felt, and he made sure she knew it. "Ahhh!! Ohhh.... Heather! Th-this.... Ahhhh!!" His excited cries pleased Heather as much as the feeling from her breasts, but this didn't stop her from wanting more. She reached her right arm down between her legs, feeling the neglected flower between her legs. As Copter's wagging tails brushed against her arm, she had an idea. Reaching up, she grabbed one of Copter's tails and brushed the tip against her pussy. The sensation of his tail fur tickling her pussy was unusual, but strangely pleasant. Meanwhile, Copter picked up speed, tit fucking her faster and harder, testing the limits of his cock as the heat from her breasts pleasured him in a way he never imagined possible. As Copter's shouts of excitement grew louder, Heather pushed his tail in harder as well, causing it to enter her slightly. As their respective experiments grew bolder, their excitement skyrocketed. "Oh... Ah... C-copter! Your tail... Ah!! Ohhh!!" Heather was gasping. "Ahhhh!! I... So good.... Uhhhhh!! Can't... hold on... Aaaaaaahhhh!!!" Copter had gotten carried away with this, and in a few moments, he released Heather's breasts and fired his load into her face! The cum falling onto her beak and neck startled her into releasing Copter's tail, which popped out of her pussy quickly! While Copter and Heather were gasping and panting after this abrupt end to their fun, Copter sat against the wall of the alley and gazed at Heather's yet unsatisfied body. She glanced over at him, slightly upset, as she expected their lovemaking was over, but Copter smiled reassuringly at her. "Up for some more?" he asked. Unfortunately, they wouldn't get the chance right now. As Copter began crawling over to Heather, a blunt object hit him over the head from the shadows! "Aaaa-ugh!" Copter fell over, unconscious! Heather quickly attempted to get up and confront their attacker, but the same blunt object knocked her out before she could! Stepping out of the shadows, their attacker looked down on them smugly. It was a green gargoyle, and the object he'd hit them with was the blunt end of his scythe. It was Guard. "Grrrr... Experiments, I'm placing you both under arrest!"
To be continued... |
Chapter 3 - Rescuing Amy |
Chapter 3 - Rescuing Amy
Situation - M/F, oral, vaginal
Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and
Sonic Team. You knew that, right?
GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author.
The story thus far:
One night, Rainbow was attacked by the Lost Ones. Sonic arrived in time to save her, and was ultimately rewarded with the chance to have sex with her! The next day, Fera the wolf appeared at Tails's Workshop, hoping to recruit him to the Covenant of Despair. She was unsuccessful, but her hot body got Tails horny. When Cream paid Tails a visit moments later, it wasn't long before Tails was teaching Cream about sex through experience! But in the end, Tails's cumshot startled Cream and scared her away!
Now, on to the next chapter!
"Hee hee hee hee! At last, I've done it!" Eggman Nega had achieved the unthinkable. He had captured his long-time adversary, Blaze the Cat, who was trapped within a strange capsule machine. She peered out at her captor with fearful eyes. Eggman Nega was a twisted mind, and there was no telling what he'd do with her. They were within Nega's secret base in the universe of Sol Heat, and Eggman Nega was gloating over his hard fought victory. "With you out of my way, conquering this world will be a breeze! Hee hee hee! All I need do is make sure you can never interfere in my plans again! A simple matter." he said, a sinister grin creeping across his lips. Blaze sighed sadly. She had fought hard, and failed. Now, she prepared to accept her fate. "Just get it over with, Nega. Having to listen to you gloat isn't as bad as death..." she said grimly. Eggman Nega shook his head. "Death? Oh, no, no, no! Death is too good for you. My final vengeance upon you should not be something so quick. No, something more... lasting is called for here!" he said, hovering his fingers over the buttons on the side of the capsule Blaze was trapped in. "I'll send you somewhere... Where you will be powerless to put a stop to my plans! I imagine the feeling of helplessness will be a fate worse than death for you. Knowing what's in store for your people and all... But where to send you...?" Blaze watched as Eggman Nega tapped a few buttons on the side of his capsule. "Wherever you send me, I'll escape. I will come back and stop you!" she warned him. Eggman Nega grinned devilishly. "I almost hope you do make it back. By the time you do, I'll be quite ready, with an even greater endgame for you. Despite what I said earlier, it would do my heart good to be the one to finally kill you... But for today, this will be enough. You're going on a little trip, Blaze... Far, far away! Hold on to your lunch!" With the push of one final button, the capsule covered Blaze's body in a beam of bright light! She screamed as it converted her body into molecules and began transmitting her to the destination Eggman Nega had chosen! "Safe journey, princess..." he said, laughing manically!
Today, Sonic found himself speeding through the familiar landscape of Green Hill Zone. Zooming in front of him, slowly losing its lead, was one of Eggman's robots, Zero. The green robot was carrying Amy in its enormous hand, once again trying to deliver her to Eggman as a hostage. Zero had been destroyed in the past, but this robot had been such a relentless one, so Eggman rebuilt it. Amy, who once again had been in the wrong place at the wrong time, shouted desperately for Sonic to save her. Sonic steadily increased his speed, closing in on the robot with each second. Zero was capable of relatively high speeds, but wasn't even a contender in a race with Sonic. So, in an attempt to escape, Zero began gaining altitude. "Sonic! Don't let him fly away with me!!" Amy screamed, struggling to escape Zero's grip without success. "Hang on, Amy!" Sonic shouted, picking up his pace. Zero rose higher and higher, and was nearing the point where Sonic wouldn't be able to catch him! It was now or never, so Sonic jumped with all his might, rolling into a ball as he did. He managed to hit the hand that held Amy, and she was released from its grip! As Sonic and Amy dropped back towards the ground, Zero attempted to grab Amy again! As his fist closed around her skirt, a ripping sound was heard! Amy continued to fall, but Zero had slowed her descent, so Sonic was able to land with enough time to catch her in his arms! He then sped far away from Zero, carrying Amy with him! As Zero watched them go, he held up the torn cloth he was holding and scanned it. "Target has escaped. Must pursue..."
Sonic stopped running once he was confident that Zero was left in the dust, and placed Amy on her feet. She immediately dashed behind a tree, her face bright red. "Ohmigosh! I'm so embarrassed!" she cried. Sonic scratched his head. While he was running, he hadn't noticed any reason for her to be embarrassed. "What's the matter?" he asked, peering around the tree at Amy. Now that he was paying attention, he instantly saw that Zero had torn her skirt and panties off! She was completely naked from the waist down! Once Sonic looked, Amy pounded him over the head with her hammer! "Don't look at me! I don't want you to see me like this!" she yelled frantically. Sonic backed away, rubbing his head. "Owww... I didn't know that robot did this to you! I was a bit preoccupied trying to rescue you!" hew groaned. Sonic could hear Amy crying from behind the tree. He had no idea what he was supposed to do, so he decided to do what he could to make her feel better. He walked back around the tree to find Amy on her knees, sobbing. He leaned down and put his hand on her shoulder, which prompted her to look up at him. "Hey, don't worry about it, Amy. It's not like anyone did this on purpose. Here, let me try to make you feel better..." he said, gently shifting Amy's body so that she was sitting on the ground. He then pushed her legs apart and gazed at her lovely flower. "W-what are you doing? S-sonic...?" Amy began shaking, but didn't try to stop him. Sonic hesitated for a moment, unsure how to proceed. Once he made his decision, he leaned in close to her pussy. As his lips neared her vagina, he slowly slid out his tongue. Amy shivered nervously as she realized what he was doing. "S-sonic... Take it slow, please?" she requested. Sonic then slowly licked her entrance with his tongue, coating it with his saliva before slowly pushing his tongue into her...
Meanwhile, in the Mystic Ruins, Punchy was walking through the jungle, making his way to the train station. His left arm was sore, and he was rubbing it with his other hand. "Almost had it that time... Stupid weak tree branches..." he muttered. It would be a long walk back to the train station, so he decided to rest on the steps of the ancient, Mayan-esque pyramid nearby. As he neared the steps, he noticed a bright flash of light erupt from around the corner! "What the heck is that!?" he thought, peering around the corner to see what was happening. Some sort of "hole" had opened up in the air a short distance away from the pyramid! Punchy couldn't see into the hole due to the light shining from it. In a moment, however, something fell out of the hole! After that, the hole closed up with one last flash of light. Punchy glanced over at what had fallen out of the hole. It was a lavender colored cat. It was Blaze! As she climbed to her feet, Punchy's eyes went wide at what he saw! Blaze was completely and totally naked! Her clothes had most likely been lost during the transport, but whether Eggman Nega intended this or not was anyone's guess. Punchy didn't think much about why, though. He was too busy looking over the hot body of this fiery feline. She had grown somewhat since she'd last visited this dimension, and her breasts had matured at the perfect size. Her sexy curves filled Punchy with excitement, but the feeling wouldn't last. It didn't take Blaze long to realize she was naked, and she immediately covered herself with her hands, though she didn't know anyone was there. She started looking around in a panicky fashion, so Punchy backed away out of sight. "I guess no one's here..." Punchy heard Blaze say. He peered around the corner again to see Blaze run off into the jungle, probably looking for something she could use as clothes. Punchy began slowly walking in the direction she'd gone. "I wonder who she is, and how she got here..." he muttered. Regardless of these questions, Punchy made a decision right away. "Bah, who cares where she came from? It was awesome luck that led me here now. I gotta do her!" he decided.
Sonic had been slurping and sucking on Amy's pussy for a while now. She was now very wet down there, and Sonic decided it was time to move on. While he had been pleasuring her, Amy had taken off the tattered remains of her shirt, and was rubbing her tits excitedly. Now, Sonic actually saw her breasts for the first time. They were quite lovely, and Sonic couldn't help reaching out and squeezing one. Amy giggled at his touch. "Why don't you take off those gloves?" she suggested. Sonic stood up and removed his gloves, while Amy noticed his erection. "S-sonic... Are we gonna...?" she asked, her voice a mix of fear and excitement. Sonic grinned as he kneeled down and held her breasts with his bare hands. "We can't very well just go home at this point... Besides, I'm pretty sure you want this." he said softly. Amy did not hesitate to agree. "Yes... I definitely want this! Please, take me, Sonic! I'm yours, body and soul!" she said. Sonic gently moved Amy onto her back, and then pressed his lips to hers. Amy accepted his kiss hungrily, as though she'd been waiting a lifetime for this. As the kiss ended, Sonic began maneuvering his hips so that his dick neared her waiting pussy. "No need to hold back, Sonic." Amy whispered, hinting that she may have done this before. Sonic nodded, and without further delay, thrusted his penis into her vagina! "SONIC!!" she screamed his name excitedly, somewhat disbelieving that this was really happening! Another thrust and Sonic banished that disbelief, replacing it with a feeling of pure ecstasy. It didn't take long for Sonic to start speeding this up, and Amy began thrusting her hips along with him. They quickly began gasping and shouting in the excitement, and the noise soon drew an audience. Zero had caught up with them, but rather than rushing in and capturing the lovers, the robot kept out of sight, watching them instead. Its robotic eyes sent this scene through the airwaves, and soon another was watching as Sonic continued pushing in and out of Amy's pussy. Dr. Eggman stroked his moustache nervously as he watched what Zero was sending him. "Sonic, you dirty little hedgehog... Enjoy this while you can. For this is a weakness that will be all too easy to exploit..." he said to himself as he watched Sonic cum deep into Amy's pussy. It had been a fast fuck, but Sonic wasn't through. He lied on top of Amy, squeezing her breasts in his hands as he did. "Well, that was a nice start. What shall we do next, Amy?" he grinned. Amy giggled at his question before accepting another, even more passionate kiss from her hero. They didn't know what the future had in store, and in this blissful ignorance, they were happier together than ever before.
To be continued... |
Chapter 9 - On Guard |
Chapter 9 - On Guard
Situation - M/F, blowjob, titfuck
Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and
Sonic Team. You knew that, right?
GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author.
The story thus far:
Sonic followed Rainbow and Silver to Darkegg Fortress. They were looking for Dr. Eggman, and Silver was disappointed when they couldn't find him. To cheer him up, Rainbow had sex with him, and Sonic watched from the next room. Afterwards, the three of them were captured by Zero, who caught them off guard and knocked them all unconscious. On his way to take the captives to Dr. Eggman, Zero was attacked by Guard, who took the prisoners for GUN! Meanwhile, Tails found Illusi, who had been injured attempting to protect Cream from Zipp. The two set out to rescue Cream from Shadow Arc, the most likely place Zipp took her.
Now, on to the next chapter!
The area around Shadow Arc was covered by a dense fog. Tails and Illusi moved cautiously through the fog until they reached the entrance to the lab. "A word of caution, Tails. This is the stronghold of the experiments. If things get dicey in there, you're on your own. I am merely an illusionist, I cannot protect you." Illusi warned. Tails pulled open the door to the lab. "Cream is in trouble, and it's my fault. I have to help her, no matter what!" he insisted. Illusi nodded. "Very well. Let's get going." So, Tails and Illusi entered Shadow Arc. Hopefully, they were not too late.
Meanwhile, Sonic, Silver, and Rainbow had been dumped in the same cell as Copter and Heather at the Death Row prison facility. They had endured some light questioning from Spy, who was very ineffective at it, and then Rainbow was given a small GUN uniform to wear, since her clothes had been left at Darkegg Fortress. Once GUN's agents left them alone in their cell, Copter looked impatiently at Sonic. "So, what's the escape plan? I mean, you don't seriously think Gunner's gonna let you get a lawyer and a trial and all that, do ya?" he said. Heather grinned to herself. "I'd like to see the look on their faces when they try to execute me, but death does hurt..." she said. Rainbow looked the most worried. "Death!? But I didn't do anything! I want my phone call! We're supposed to get one phone call!" she whined. Silver shushed them. "No one's going to die. I'll get us all out of here." he insisted. Sonic grinned at him. "I was waiting to hear you say that! Do your thing, Silver!" As everyone gathered around him, Silver concentrated on the bars and used his psychokinesis to bend them aside! Copter clapped his hands. "Cool, but you could've made more noise. This'll be so easy, it'll be boring." he said. As everyone exited the cell, alarms began flashing throughout the facility. "Prison break! Prison break!" the announcement system screeched. "You and your big mouth..." Heather groaned. "Motion sensor... That's new..." Copter observed. Sonic shook his head in annoyance. "Well, let's get moving! I don't want to cause TOO much damage in one of GUN's prisons!" he said.
Of course, Guard the Gargoyle was immediately sent to recapture the escaping prisoners. As he rushed on his way to catch them, he encountered someone unexpected heading for the outside balcony. The person was already halfway outside when he spotted her, but he recognized the silhouette. "Grrr... An intruder. Potentially dangerous. Grrr... This should take priority over the escapees." he reasoned, following her to the balcony. No one else was out there, as the intruder probably planned. They were busy inside the base, looking for the escapees. Guard called out to her, confident that he could handle whatever her reaction might be. "Grrr... Freeze, Fera! You're under arrest for treason and terrorism. I am authorized to use deadly force to bring you down." he warned. Fera the wolf turned around, and upon seeing him, her good eye went wide. "A fur... Working for Gunner!? Preposterous. Why on Earth are you here? Could you really hate yourself that much?" she asked. Guard pointed his scythe at her. "Grrrr... Surrender, now!" he warned. Fera shook her head. "Can't do it. I have a mission." she said. So, without wasting any more time, Guard flew at her, swinging his scythe! She took a single step to the side, dodging his attack with ease. Guard quickly turned around and tried again, but she dodged him just as easily without even looking. "You're noisy for an agent. Growling and snarling. Is this the best you can do?" she asked. Guard faced her and started firing beams from his scythe, which Fera nimbly jumped between without straying far from where she stood. Frustrated, Guard flew over two her and began swinging his scythe directly at her, which she dodged time after time with great skill. "Not bad. A lesser Despair agent would be at your mercy. With training, you could be lethal." she said. Guard lunged his scythe forward, forcing Fera to backflip away. She landed gracefully on her feet and grinned at him. "Playtime's over." she said. She began throwing balls of dark energy at Guard, which he was able to dodge easily enough, but Fera was forcing him further away from her. "That's it... Back up... A little more... Now!" Once he was a good distance away, Fera began charging another attack. Guard flew to try and stop her...
A beam of dark energy erupted from Fera's hands, knocking Guard onto his back! He let go of his scythe upon hitting the ground, and Fera quickly ran over and picked it up. It crossed her mind to kill him with it, but instead, she tossed it aside. "Such an intriguing specimen. It would be a waste to have to kill you. I wonder if it might be possible for you to join the Covenant of Despair. Tough to say..." she said, sitting on his chest to keep him pinned to the floor. She looked him over for a moment. He was fairly muscular and well built, and all in all was rather attractive. A mischievous smile crossed Fera's lips. "Perhaps a test of your endurance is in order..." she said. Guard let out a sort of confused growl. Fera began pulling off her uniform shirt, and Guard's eyes went wide as her firm, round breasts were exposed. "Grr? I... don't understand..." Guard muttered. Fera touched her breasts, rubbing her hands all over them. "Want some of this? I bet you do... Well, you might just have a shot as an agent of Despair." she teased. The display quickly coaxed Guard into becoming erect, and Fera looked at his hardened rod with excitement. "So, how about a sample?" she grinned. She got up off of Guard's chest and knelt down between his legs. He leaned up slightly to see what she was doing, mesmerized by her boobs. "So, let's see how long you can hold out..." Fera said, lowering her head towards his dick. She stuck out her tongue as she neared the tip, and gently tasted the head. A shiver went through Guard's body. His android programming told him to put a stop to this, but something else inside him yearned to let it proceed. Fera retracted her tongue and moved her lips to the base of his penis, then licked it again, moving her tongue all the way up the shaft. "You taste pretty good... I want more..." she purred. Guard remained still and silent as she continued tasting his cock. Fera caressed it with her tongue, tasting every inch. She took some of it into her mouth from the side, sucking on it. She took it in her hand and stroked it as she continued licking. Guard made little noise in response, but his programming conflict was done. He enjoyed every bit of this, and anxiously awaited the moment when Fera would take this up a notch. After a few minutes of licking, that time came. "Pretty good, I see you DO have some self control. Let's see how long it lasts..." Fera said. She then brought the tip of his rod to her mouth, and slowly took it in, careful not to take on too much to avoid choking. Guard's usual growls were replaced by a slight purring sound, and that encouraged Fera to continue. Back and forth, she moved his dick along her tongue in her mouth. While one hand kept it steady, she grabbed her breasts with the other, rubbing her tits in excitement. She moved her mouth along his cock faster and faster, and Guard sensed that she was a real pro at this, but he continued to "hold his fire." "Mmmm.... Mmmm.... Ahhh..." Fera was going wild for his taste. She wanted it, bad. She wanted to taste his seed.
Fera continued giving Guard a blowjob for a while, yet Guard never cummed. His endurance proved beyond her expectations, and soon she gave it up and released his cock from her mouth. "Impressive..." she gasped, catching her breath. "Your endurance is perfect. But I'm not through with you..." Guard breathed heavily, anxiously awaiting what Fera was going to do. If his boss could see him now, Guard knew they'd both be gunned down, but he simply didn't care. Nor did Fera. She was determined to make Guard cum. She clutched her boobs in her hands, and knelt down until they were close to Guard's throbbing penis. "Now, let's try this another way..." she said, pressing her boobs against Guard's dick, so that it fit between them. The touch of her breasts against his rod was like nothing he'd ever felt before, and Guard purred softly as they covered it. Fera knelt down and tasted the tip of his cock with her tongue again. "I so rarely do this... Enjoy it." she said. Next, she began moving her breasts, shaking them along the length of Guard's penis. She held them tight in her hands, so that his dick wouldn't slip away. Slowly at first, but she moved steadily faster, occasionally licking at the tip of his cock as it peeked out from between her cleavage. Guard grew more excited, and soon bolder. He began to thrust his hips along with Fera's breasts, pushing his rod closer to her mouth so she could lick it more frequently. Fera squeezed her breasts as she went, and moaned in pleasure as Guard titfucked her faster. "Ahh... Ohhh... Grr..." Guard had begun making short sounds of pleasure as well, which really wasn't in his nature. Her breasts moving up and down his length, her tongue teasing his cock, it filled him with a feeling he hadn't felt for some time. Still, he couldn't help yearning for more. "Ahhhhh... Yes... That's it.... Cum for me..." Fera gasped, growing more and more excited as Guard neared his climax. With each thrust, Guard grew closer to losing control. Soon, he could hold it back no longer. "GRRRRRrrrraaaaaahhhh!!!" As his rod poked out of Fera's cleavage, a powerful blast of cum pelted her face, covering her nose and her muzzle before coating the top of her boobs. Fera smiled contentedly as she licked her lips. "Perfect..." she whispered before running her tongue over his dick, lapping up as much of his cum as she could. "Your taste is just to die for... You must consider joining the Covenant of Despair. We could... get better acquainted..." she said, standing up and fetching her shirt. Guard gazed up at her breasts, sparkling in the light with his cum coating them. "Grrrr.... I'll think about it." Guard said, glancing longingly between her legs. Fera smiled at him. "I bet... Well, I think I'll call it a day. Got to wash up..." she said, leaving Guard alone on his back, incapacitated for now.
Meanwhile, Sonic, Silver, Copter, Heather, and Rainbow managed to escape from Death Row. As they made it outside, Copter and Rainbow turned to Silver. "Thanks for that. It'd be a shame to have to wait until Eggman needs me again." Copter said. "You really saved us, Shiny!" Rainbow added. Silver nodded. "Yeah, speaking of Eggman, do any of you know where I might find him?" he asked. Sonic shrugged. "Not really. Why, is he up to something again?" he asked. Silver looked thoughtful. "Well, most likely. Our history says that the disaster I'm here to prevent was caused by a scientist, but it doesn't say Eggman exactly..." he explained. "Sounds like Eggman." Sonic replied. Copter looked thoughtful. "Tails could probably find Eggman. I bet he's got an Eggman radar or something for emergencies!" he suggested. Sonic agreed. "Off to Tails' Workshop, then! Rainbow, you should probably come, too. Maybe Tails has some emergency clothes or something." he said. "I'll go wherever Copter goes." Heather added. With their destination decided, the group began searching for a way off the island so they could reach Tails' Workshop.
To be continued... |
Chapter 8 - Punchy's Training |
Chapter 8 - Punchy's Training
Situation - M/F, fingering, oral, vaginal
Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and
Sonic Team. You knew that, right?
GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author.
The story thus far:
Cream and Blaze found Knuckles raping Rouge, too late to do anything about it. Cream escaped, but Blaze's confrontation with Knuckles led her to be knocked out by Punchy! The two echidnas started a fight over who should fuck Blaze, but Illusi knocked them both out. Meanwhile, Sonic, Silver and Rainbow were captured by Zero after Sonic spied on Silver doing Rainbow. Then, Rouge awoke only to be found by Shadow, who took advantage of her weakness to fuck her. At the same time, Illusi heard a gunshot and found Zipp kidnapping Cream. Zipp knocked out Illusi and escaped with his captive. Moments later, Punchy came to, and carried the still unconscious Blaze away.
Now, on to the next chapter!
Blaze slowly opened her eyes. Before she noticed any of her surroundings, her most recent memories flooded back to her. "Wh-wha? I was running from Knuckles... What happened?" she thought to herself as she glanced around. It was dark in the room, but not too dark to see. She appeared to be in some sort of ancient temple, a place she'd never been to. She tried to move, but quickly found she couldn't. She could feel the ropes around her wrists and ankles. Her arms were tied behind her back. Looking around the immediate area, she finally noticed the green echidna standing over her. Punchy grinned as Blaze looked him over, her eyes settling on his exposed dick. "Bout time you woke up. This wouldn't be as much fun with you unconscious." Punchy said. Blaze struggled against the ropes. "Don't bother. I tied them pretty darn tight." Punchy bragged. Blaze glared at him furiously. "Thought of everything, did you?" she asked. Punchy smiled and reached for her breasts, excited to finally begin screwing the hot kitty. Blaze, however, had other plans. Her body burst into flames, startling Punchy and incinerating the ropes at the same time! Punchy stumbled backwards and landed on his ass. Blaze quickly rose to her feet and spun towards Punchy, kicking him onto his back! "Owww!! What the hell?!" Punchy groaned. "Looks like you didn't think of everything!" Blaze said smugly, "Why do you pigs think I'm just going to let you dominate me and do whatever you like?" Punchy was too busy cursing himself for not taking better precautions to stand up. "Are you listening?" Blaze yelled. Punchy glanced up at her. "What? You won, you're free to go. Obviously you're too dangerous for me to just force myself on... Without a plan." he said. Blaze couldn't believe what she'd heard. "You don't get it at all! I'm not some object to be taken! Maybe a suitable punishment will make you understand..." Blaze knelt over Punchy and created a fireball in her hand. "So, where do you want it? Your face or your... lower regions?" she asked. Punchy looked nervous. "Y-you bitch! Try it and I'll kick your ass!" he warned.
Blaze hesitated for a moment, studying Punchy's expression. She extinguished her fireball and shook her head. "Zero respect... A beating would be counter productive." She stood up and backed away from Punchy a little. "Get up. I'm gonna teach you some respect." she ordered. Punchy climbed to his feet and raised his fists, believing a fight was coming. Blaze crossed her arms, covering up her breasts. "Relax, I just said I wasn't going to beat you." she said. Punchy calmed himself a little. "Then what are you gonna do?" he asked. Blaze looked him in the eye and stared questioningly. "Tell me... And be honest. Exactly what were you going to do? How were you going to do it?" she asked. Punchy looked at her with wide eyes. "Are you telling me you don't know?" he wondered. Blaze rolled her eyes. "I know the mechanics... I just want to know how you were going to go about it." she said. Punchy looked thoughtful. "Well, if you must know... I was gonna start by grabbing your boobs. I'd squeeze 'em a bit, then start on your pussy. Or maybe make you suck my... Well, I was planning on fucking all your holes. Fill 'em all up." he explained. Blaze sighed. "At least you're honest. Seriously, though, just the sort of thing I'd expect. Selfish attitude. You weren't even going to think of making it more enjoyable for me?" The question took Punchy by surprise. "What do you mean? You'd enjoy it, don't fool with me." he said. Blaze shook her head. "You, slamming your rod into me, violently penetrating? Oh, how lovely. You know, you could've got me started first..." she told him. Punchy looked at her quizzically. "What are you saying?" he asked. Blaze groaned and walked over to the wall she was next to when she woke up. "You need training. Otherwise, you'll never learn." she realized. Punchy watched as Blaze sat down against the wall and spread out her legs before beckoning him over. "You're gonna let me do you?" Punchy asked. Blaze shook her head. "I'm gonna train you. Lesson one, I want you to try pleasing me instead of yourself!" she said. Punchy cautiously walked over to her and knelt down in front of her. "All right. I'll humor you. How do I start?" he asked. Blaze rolled her eyes. "Don't humor me. Please me. Think of me as a lover, a partner, not an enemy or an object. Start by touching. Feel my pussy... With your fingers." she instructed. Punchy didn't think much of her command, but decided to play along and see where it leads. He touched his index finger to the top of her pussy, and slowly traced it along her lips. He stroked the fur around it, then the entrance itself. Blaze shivered a little at his touch. "That's it... But don't just brush, explore. Get to know me." she said. Punchy inserted his thumb and forefinger into her and pushed her pussy open. It didn't look like much to him. He slipped the index and middle finger of his other hand into the opening, feeling around. Blaze gasped quietly as she felt him poking around inside her. Punchy soon stopped holding the entrance open and began moving his fingers inside her more rapidly, coaxing more gasps from Blaze. "Th-that's good... You're pleasing me... And are you learning something about me, too?" she asked. Punchy grinned. "Well... You seem to like it when I move like this..." He shoved his fingers into a spot that he noticed she gasped more upon hitting. Blaze inhaled sharply and moaned a little. "Great... You're actually a quick learner... I think it's time for lesson 2..." she said. Punchy pulled his fingers out of her and looked up at her face. She was holding back a smile, trying to remain serious. "OK, lesson 2. Your girl needs lubrication; otherwise your thrusts into her might hurt. Get my pussy wet." she ordered. Punchy looked down at her pussy. It was already getting a little wet. "You mean eat it?" Punchy asked. Blaze frowned slightly. "Crude wording, but yeah. Eat my pussy..." With her blessing, Punchy moved his mouth close to her entrance. He slowly and gently touched his tongue to her lips, and began coating her exterior with his saliva. Blaze quivered with anticipation as he prepared to taste her inside. A few licks, and Punchy felt he was ready. He darted his tongue into her opening, sending a shock of pleasure through Blaze's body. "Aaaah... Not too fast, now..." she said. Punchy heeded her words at first, slowly moving his tongue around where he could, tasting Blaze's juices as she became increasingly more wet. Punchy soon closed his mouth around her pussy, and started sucking at her while darting his tongue back and forth within her. Blaze began moaning more loudly, acknowledging that Punchy was doing well. "K-keep it up! I... I think you're getting it!" she gasped. Punchy continued to pleasure her, becoming further aroused by her excited shouts in the process.
Meanwhile, Tails was busy searching the Mystic Ruins for Cream. A pair of jeans concealed his penis, still erect from his sex with Cream. The fact that his boner wasn't going away worried him, but he was soon distracted from his worry as he found someone unconscious beneath a pile of branches. It was Illusi, who began to stir as Tails worked to remove the branches covering him. "Are you all right? What happened?" Tails asked as he helped him up. Illusi rubbed his head and looked around. "Let me think... Right, right... That hornet! And the rabbit... The hornet must have taken the rabbit!" he realized. Tails thought about what he said. "Wait, hornet? Rabbit? ...Zipp kidnapped Cream!?" he concluded. Illusi began walking away, but stumbled forwards a bit. "Darn it... I have no time to recover... I have to help her..." he muttered. Tails ran to his side. "You can't go alone! I'll go with you!" he offered. Illusi nodded. "Yes, I fear there is no other choice. There's no telling what he plans to do with her..." he said. Thus, Tails and Illusi started heading for the place where they'd last seen Shadow Arc in the Mystic Ruins. "I sure hope that lab is still there..." Tails said worriedly.
Punchy sucked and licked at Blaze's pussy for some time, and Blaze continued to become increasingly more aroused. "He's... pretty good. With a little practice, he could be quite a stud..." she thought. Her gasps and moans made Punchy excited, too. "I never thought... I'd enjoy this so much. I gotta try this with Rainbow..." he thought, savoring the taste as his tongue lapped up more of Blaze's fluids. Blaze felt herself nearing her climax. "All... all right! That's enough!" she said. Punchy hesitated with his tongue in her pussy for a moment before moving away from her pussy. The extra stimulation caused Blaze to cum, just a little bit, but enough that Punchy could see his success. "You liked that?" he grinned, as Blaze sat there, panting. "V-very good... I like your enthusiasm..." she said. Punchy looked her over, and felt himself grow bolder. He knelt close to her, gazing at her breasts with desire. Blaze, however, wasn't out of commission. She jumped from her seat and kicked Punchy in the chest, knocking him on his back! "Aaaaah!! You crazy..." Punchy groaned. "Sorry... Too close for comfort. But I think I at least got through to you a little... I should reward such obedience..." Blaze said, gazing down at Punchy's throbbing rod. For the first time since she lost her clothes, she actually felt horny now, and she wished to relieve this desire, but on her own terms. Punchy started to rise, but Blaze stopped him. "Stay down... You did all the work thus far. Now, I'll show you how respect is rewarded..." Blaze stood over Punchy's penis, and slowly lowered herself over it. Her pussy inched closer and closer, soon brushing against the tip of his cock. Punchy was too stunned to move. "Score! I get to do her after all... She's something else!" he thought. Blaze moved her hips against the length of his dick, rubbing her entrance against his rod. The wetness of her pussy coated Punchy's dick somewhat. "You tease..." Punchy found himself muttering. Finally, Blaze positioned her pussy over his penis, ready to take it in. She covered it slowly, keeping the penetration controlled. She fit Punchy like a glove, even better than Rainbow. Punchy breathed heavily, mainly from the excitement. Blaze accepted a good bit of Punchy's length into her pussy before stopping. "It's time... Are you ready?" she asked. Punchy smirked at her. "I was born ready." he said, though the truth of that statement was lost on Blaze. The cat began moving up and down Punchy's echidnahood, slowly at first, but sped up steadily. His rod inside her felt great, and she found herself allowing it to penetrate her deeper over time. "Such... potential... If only he used it less selfishly..." she thought. Soon, Punchy began thrusting his hips along with Blaze, aiming for the spot he discovered while fingering her. "Ahhh... Yeah... Cat! You're so... ahh... good at this!" he gasped. It occurred to Blaze that they still hadn't been properly introduced. "My.... ahhh.... My name is Blaze! Oooooh..." She struggled to say it, she found herself gasping and moaning uncontrollably. She shouted with ecstasy as Punchy hit his target. He laughed at her reaction. "Ahhh... Gotcha. Blaze, is it? Ohhh... Appropriate. I'm... ahhh... Punchy!" The pleasure was getting more and more intense for Punchy. He gasped louder and louder as he grew closer to orgasm. Their voices mingled, they shouted words of encouragement. They had become as one, a team. Blaze soon reached her climax, covering Punchy's dick in her juices. Punchy was almost there as well. "I'm... Gonna... aaaaahhh!!" Hearing him say this, Blaze quickly pulled away from his cock, tumbling to the ground beside him as Punchy's cum shot out into the air, splattering on the ground. "Thanks for the warning..." Blaze gasped upon catching her breath. Punchy looked over at her. "What? Why...?" he muttered. Blaze rose to her feet and started walking to the exit of the temple. "You did good... But you're not quite ready yet. Get some practice in, and keep thinking of your girl as a partner. Then, maybe someday, you'll be worthy to plant your seed inside me. I look forward to that day, Punchy the echidna..." Punchy sensed a longing in her voice, as though she regretted not accepting his load. He rose to his feet and gazed at the door Blaze exited through. "You really are something else... I'll fill you up one of these days. That's a promise!" he said.
Zero was making his way to Eggman's base, carrying the unconscious Sonic, Silver, and Rainbow in the nets he caught them with. It was tough carrying three of them, but he managed to reach Station Square anyway. People watched helplessly as he carried them, knowing there was no way they'd be able to free the captives. Zero's lack of stealth soon led to his discovery. Guard watched the robot from a rooftop, wondering what he should do. "Grrrr... I have no orders regarding the other two... But the boss would like Sonic captured. And the echidna knows the whereabouts of Experiment 1... Grrrr... Right. I must claim those captives for GUN..." Without letting Zero spot him, Guard dropped down to the streets and ran towards the robot. He swung his scythe in Zero's direction, firing an energy beam which knocked the robot over! While the robot was dazed, Guard swooped over and cut the nets from Zero's grip, then grabbed them and flew off while Zero was still looking around in confusion. "Grrrr... Good thing that robot is stupid. Errrrrgggggrrrr!! But three captives are heavy..." he muttered as he flew towards the train station. "Luckily, I have clearance to use GUN's train line. Grrrrr... This should please the boss, if that's actually possible..." With the three of them passed out, it was certain that now they would fall into the hands of Sergeant Gunner! Guard frowned at the thought. "Pity. They probably would have been better off in the hands of Dr. Eggman..." he thought, knowing the fate Gunner would have in store for them.
To be continued... |
Chapter 5 - Beating the Bat |
Chapter 5 - Beating the Bat
Situation - vaginal, oral, anal, rape
Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and
Sonic Team. You knew that, right?
GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author.
The story thus far:
One night, Sonic fucked Rainbow the echidna. The next morning, Tails taught Cream about sex through experience, which ultimately scared her off. Meanwhile, Blaze the cat was teleported to Sonic's world without her clothes! Punchy caught a glimpse of her hot body and resolved to catch her and screw her! Elsewhere, Sonic rescued Amy from the robot Zero, and then had sex with her. Zero recorded this scene without their knowledge. Soon, Cream found Blaze, and after talking, she decided to find Blaze some clothes. In Station Square, Copter found Heather, alive and well, and soon brought her to an alley and titfucked her! Unfortunately, Guard found them and captured them shortly afterwards! Now, having seen Sonic fuck Amy, Dr. Eggman plots a way to turn this to his advantage...
Now, on to the next chapter!
Dr. Eggman had replayed the recording of Sonic fucking Amy over and over. He derived a bit of perverse pleasure from it, watching his archenemy have sex with his frequent captive. He was now pondering over how to use this to help him take over the world. "Sonic has become an... active hedgehog. There must be a way to exploit this... And if there is a way, I know just what might help me accomplish this!" he said to himself as a revelation came to him. He tapped a button on his control panel, which summoned Metal Sonic into the room. The robot saluted his master and awaited his instructions. "I've got the itch to do some experiments! But to do it, I'll need some power. Metal Sonic, I want you to go and find me a Chaos Emerald!" The robot made a few beeping noises before turning and running out of the room to embark on this mission. Next, Eggman turned to Zero, who had been plugged into Eggman's monitor to transfer the recording to his computer. "In the meantime, I'm curious as to how Sonic's personal life is going now. I want you to go out and observe Sonic's activities. I'll send some other robots to spy on his furry friends as well. If it's looking like 'mating season' out there, I may be able to make a true masterpiece of a plan!" Having received his orders, Zero unplugged himself from the monitor and took off in search of Sonic. Once the robots were gone, Eggman pushed a play button to watch the recording again. "I can't believe this, but I think I'm developing a furry fetish..." he muttered ashamedly.
Knuckles was working his way back to Angel Island, carrying the Master Emerald along with him. Punchy had once again attempted to steal it earlier, and once again Knuckles managed to get it back, but Punchy had gotten a bit farther from the island than usual today, and Knuckles was highly irritated. "One of these days I've gotta try to get Punchy arrested..." he growled as he entered a clearing in the jungle. Suddenly, a voice called out to Knuckles from the treetops! "Hey, there. Brought me a present today, Knuxie?" Rouge was hanging upside down from a tree branch! Knuckles placed the Master Emerald on the ground and glared up at Rouge threateningly. "Go on home, bat girl! I'm in no mood for you today!" he growled. Rouge smirked defiantly at him before dropping out of the tree and landing beside the Master Emerald! As she reached for it, Knuckles smacked her hand away. "I MEAN it, Rouge! I will NOT tolerate this today!" he threatened. Rouge frowned at him. "Don't take that tone with me! I'll do whatever I please!" she said, reaching for the emerald again. Knuckles smacked her arm aside, but she tried for it again and again. Every time, Knuckles smacked her hand away. Soon, this exchange became more violent, until the two of them were having a fist fight over the emerald! Soon, Rouge began losing, so she instinctively tried to kick Knuckles, since her kicks were stronger. However, she had forgotten where the Master Emerald was, and kicked it instead! The emerald shattered into several pieces, which immediately scattered into the distance! The two of them stood there, gazing at the spot where the emerald was with stupefied expressions. "Um... Whoops..." Rouge muttered at last. This caused Knuckles to snap. "WHOOPS!? You idiot!! You just smashed the Master Emerald!! Now I gotta find the pieces again... You, you'll PAY for this!!" he yelled. He wasn't just blowing steam this time either, he really and truly meant it, and Rouge could tell. "Humph! That's no way to talk to a lady! I say YOU'LL pay for THAT!"
Knuckles and Rouge instantly began fighting. It was a violent struggle, as years of pent up rage and frustration surfaced between both of them! For every punch, Rouge countered with a kick, and for every kick, Knuckles fought back with another punch. Though ordinarily the two of them are evenly matched, Knuckles had roughed Rouge up a bit beforehand, and was quickly gaining the upper hand! Rouge was growing tired, and while she had no visible signs of injury on herself, her suit was battered by Knuckles's pointy knuckles. Rouge was realizing that she'd pissed Knuckles off a bit too much this time, and it was pointless to fight with him, as she'd only get beat, so she finally decided to retreat. "Nuts to this! I'll just go find the Master Emerald pieces!" she said, starting to fly away. "Oh, no you don't!!" Knuckles yelled, determined to make her pay dearly for what she'd done. Before Rouge could get high into the air, Knuckles jumped up and grabbed her by the waist, dragging her back down! "Hey! Stop it! You fresh son of a..." Before Rouge could finish, a loud ripping sound was heard. Knuckles was gripping Rouge by her clothes, which were too weak to hold him up, and had begun to tear! Knuckles attempted to climb higher to prevent himself from falling alone, and this caused them both to plummet to the ground! Knuckles tumbled off of Rouge, and found himself holding the heart-shaped part of her suit, which normally covered her breasts. Knuckles blushed a little when he saw he was holding it, then tossed it aside as he stood back up. As Rouge stood up, the tattered remnants of her clothes slid off her body, revealing her gorgeous, mature body! "Now you've done it, you pig..." Rouge groaned, too exhausted to yell. Staring at her huge boobs, Knuckles quickly got an erection. "Well, this is an interesting turn of events... Maybe I've just found the perfect punishment!" Knuckles said, grinning deviously. Rouge backed away from him slowly. "H-hey! My eyes are up here!" she stammered. Knuckles charged at the bare bat, seizing her in his grip before she could flee. "Your big mouth's up there, too! Let's see if I can't shut it up for a minute!"
Quickly and decisively, Knuckles forced Rouge to her knees, and maneuvered her head towards his throbbing dick. "Open wide, Rouge!" Knuckles ordered. Rouge tried to fight him, but was too exhausted to do much. "Y-you can't be seri--" Opening her mouth to speak was just what Knuckles wanted, and he seized the chance to force his penis into her mouth! He stopped with the head of his cock over her tongue at first, letting her taste his meat for a moment. "Ah, yeah, the perfect gag! How's it taste, batty?" Rouge muttered something that was probably vulgar, but was muffled by Knux's cock. "Didn't your mother tell you not to talk with your mouth full? Well, maybe it needs to be filled up more!" Knuckles grinned, pushing his cock further into her mouth! Soon, his dick reached Rouge's throat, causing her to gag on it. Knuckles mercifully pulled back a little to allow her to breathe, which Rouge rewarded by biting down on his penis! "OWWW!!!" Knuckles howled, pulling out of her mouth quickly and grabbing his injured dick. "Serves you right, you ass!" Rouge yelled. Knuckles examined his injury for a moment. Rouge hadn't broken the skin, and the pain was fading quickly. Rouge was rising to her feet quickly, too, but Knuckles wasn't going to let her off easy after that! He once again grabbed her before she could escape, squeezing her arms forcefully as he struggled with her. "Bite me, will ya, bitch!? I think a larger punishment's in order now!" he yelled, forcing Rouge onto her back! Pinned to the ground, Rouge gasped in shock as Knuckles pulled his gloves off one at a time and then squeezed her breasts in his bare hands! "Yeah, these melons are plenty ripe, but are they real?" Knuckles wondered. As one hand continued to grope Rouge's breasts, Knuckles moved his other hand to her pussy. He pushed two fingers into her slit, feeling her flower's wetness inside and out. "Hmmm, I'd say you're more than ready. Excited are you? Well, that's fine, too. This is payback more than punishment." he said, inching his cock closer and closer to Rouge's pussy. "W-wait! I'm not... No! D-don't!!" Rouge tried to protest, but it was no use. Knuckles's penis soon came into contact with the lips of her pussy, and from there, Knuckles slowly penetrated her, savoring the moment as he entered Rouge for the first time. Rouge's cries of protest faded into heavy breathing as the full length of Knuckles's member pushed its way into her accommodating vagina. Knuckles let out a contented sigh as he completed his first penetration. "So satisfying... And this has only just begun. Ready? I'm fuckin ya, bitch!" Knuckles now began moving a little faster, pulling out of Rouge's pussy, and then pushing back in! Rouge gasped and moaned, all the while futily trying to free herself from Knuckles. "You c-can't.... Aaaa! Do th.... Ohhh!! Nooooo... Stop!!" Rouge protested. Knuckles responded by speeding up his movements a bit more, thrusting back and forth inside Rouge more forcefully. As he held her in place and continued fucking her, he began licking her tits, giving her body even more unwanted pleasure. Rouges shouts of protest soon silenced, gasps and groans of pleasure escaping her lips in their place. Knuckles smiled victoriously at the sounds, and continued pushing in and out of her pussy without restraint. "Ohhhh... Yes! Take this, bat girl! Aaaaaahhh..." This was the greatest moment of Knuckles's life, though one of the worst for Rouge. He wasn't going to stop until he'd milked this opportunity for all it was worth!
Meanwhile, Cream and Blaze were still making their way out of the jungle. Blaze was shivering, since she'd been naked now for longer than she was ever used to. They'd covered a fair bit of distance when suddenly Cream tripped over something! "Whoa!" While Blaze helped her up, they both glanced at what she'd tripped over. It was a glittering green gem, a Chaos Emerald! "Wow! This is a surprise! Maybe our luck's starting to change!" Cream said hopefully while Blaze picked up the emerald. "We should definitely hold on to this..." Blaze said. Suddenly, the two of them heard a scream in the distance! "AAAAAAAHHHH!! You... bastard!! You'll p-pay for thaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!" Cream's eyes went wide upon hearing this. "That sounds like Rouge..." she said. Blaze looked in the direction of the scream. "Another woman in trouble? What's in the air today..." she muttered. While Blaze and Cream were distracted, a metallic fist struck Blaze in the back hard! "Aaaaahhh! Wh-what the...?!" Blaze turned to face her attacked, only to find herself struck in the belly. "Gaaahh!! How dare..." While Cream watched helplessly, Metal Sonic wrestled the Chaos Emerald from Blaze's hands! Once the emerald was in the robot's possession, it promptly sped away! "Blaze! Are you all right?" Cream asked. Blaze held her belly for a moment before standing back up as though nothing had happened. "I... I'm fine. It's more important that we help the woman who was screaming. Let's go!" While Cream and Blaze ran off to help Rouge, a pair of eyes watched them from the shadows...
Rouge's loud scream was the result of the current turn of events in her rape. Knuckles, once satisfied with her pussy, forced Rouge onto her hands and knees, and was now forcing his cock into Rouge's tight ass. Rouge was now attempting to crawl away, but Knuckles had a tight grip on her hips, and was not going to let her go for anything! As his rod pushed deeper into her rear, the pain of the penetration made it impossible for her to fight any longer. She was at last forced to give up her struggling. Her only remaining recourse was to yell and scream. "Aaaagh!! Knuckles, you sick, twisted fuck! Ooo...ooowwwww!! I-I'll k-kill you!" Knuckles ignored her threats and began moving his cock back and forth within her ass. There wasn't as much freedom for his dick to move, but Rouge's agonized screams were a good trade for that loss of mobility, at least to Knuckles. As his cock drilled a tunnel through her anus, Knuckles smacked her ass lightly, laughing at his captive. "I love watching you squirm! Ohhh... I can do this all day!" he said happily. Rouge tried to drown out some of the pain through pleasure, using one of her hands to rub her tits while the other held her up. Between screams and groans, Rouge continued to shout at Knuckles. "S-seriously, Knuckles! If... aaaa! If you think I won't get back at you for thi- uuuuuuuhhh!! Damn it!!" Her angry, vengeful threats seemed to only turn Knuckles on more. "Yes, Rough.... Ahhhh.... Fight me. Struggle! Oooohhhhh... I'm screwing you, and you can't.... Uuuuuuungh!! Can't stop me!" His cock had by this time started moving much more freely inside Rouge, and since it didn't take as much effort to fuck her now, Knuckles began fingering her pussy with one hand while the other kept Rouge in place. Rouge was feeling a great wave of pleasure in place of the pain now, but rather than acknowledge it, she continued threatening Knuckles. As he listened to her enraged screams, he began pushing into her harder. Faster. All his power was being brought down on her. Finally, her arms could no longer support her, and she collapsed onto her breasts. All she had energy for now was a few grunts and moans, but the silence didn't deter Knuckles. His assault on her rear continued. Pounding her ass. Fingering her flower. Thrust in. Pull out. Thrust in. Pull out. Soon, Rouge's vagina showered his hand in juices as she reached her orgasm. Soon, Knuckles would cum as well!
Blaze and Cream peered into the clearing in time to see Rouge cum. "That's Knuckles... Why is he doing that to Rouge?" Cream whispered with fear. Blaze sneered at the scene with disgust. "Look away, Cream. This is not what should come to mind when you think of sex." she said. Cream tried, but she couldn't look away. "What should we do?" she asked. Blaze glanced at Cream with concern. "WE shouldn't do anything. This is too despicable for you to get caught up in. You should get yourself out of here. I'll help that bat." she ordered. Cream backed away from the clearing slowly. "Be careful, Blaze. I don't know what Knuckles will do if you go in there..." she said. Blaze shooed her away. "Don't worry about me! Run to safety! Go!" Cream took Blaze's instruction to heart, and immediately ran off as though she was being chased. Little did she or Blaze know that she was being chased. While Cream ran off through the jungle, the one who was watching them zipped along behind her. "That girl... She's perfect! Just what Bucky needs for his little experiment!" thought Zipp as he followed Cream. "Too bad they split up. I'd have liked to take that cat as a bonus. Oh, well." He grinned devilishly as he thought of what he was about to do.
Knuckles was nearly finished with Rouge. He slammed his penis into Rouge's ass a few more times. One thrust. Another. Then another. Still another. Now, the time had come. Knuckles shouted triumphantly as he made one final, powerful push, and unleashed his load of cum deep into Rouge's sore ass! With his vengeance complete, Knuckles rested a moment with his cock still inserted in Rouge's rear. "Stop this at once!" shouted Blaze as she stormed into the clearing. As Knuckles pulled out of Rouge, the bat glanced up at Blaze weakly. "Too late... idiot..." Rouge said before shutting her eyes and passing out. Blaze frowned sadly at the realization that Knuckles was finished with Rouge. "So... I failed. But I can still teach you a lesson! Are we women just toys to you!? How dare you do such a... such a.... Grrrrrrr!!" As Blaze fumbled over her words, Knuckles looked over her sexy feline body. It seemed as though Blaze had forgotten she was naked. Though Knuckles was exhausted for now, he quickly decided that he HAD to do her next. "No... You're not toys... You're better. And judging by your 'attire,' I'd say you shouldn't be talking to me like that. I guess I'll have to teach you some manners!" The thought of fucking this hot, feline beauty seemed to fill Knuckles with a renewed energy, and before Blaze could say anything more, Knuckles had grabbed her by the arm! Blaze wrestled her arm free, and then backed away shakily. Metal Sonic had hit her hard earlier, and her weakened status was apparent to Knuckles. "Man, I'm lucky. Looks like you're in no shape to fight. Rouge was fun, but you're gonna be awesome! Here I come!" Blaze backed away slowly as Knuckles approached her. "N-now hold it... You wouldn't... Shit!" Realizing that there'd be no reasoning with Knuckles, Blaze sped off into the jungle, desperately trying to escape as Knuckles chased after her!
Blaze was looking behind her as she fled into the jungle. Knuckles was a bit tired, but somehow he was still gaining on her! She was so busy worrying about the echidna behind her, she didn't see the person in front of her! A fist smacked into her head hard, and Blaze dropped to the ground, passed out! "Yes! Got her!" said her attacker, who was none other than Punchy the echidna! Knuckles arrived on the scene seconds later, and instantly raised his fists to Punchy. "Back off, you! She's mine!" Knuckles warned. Punchy frowned at him. "What? No way! I saw her first! I've been following her for a good while! Besides, you look like you've already had your fun for the day!" he argued. Knuckles growled at him. "So what? All my problems today are your fault! I'm not letting you take her!" Realizing the argument would be futile, Knuckles and Punchy immediately began duking it out. The echidnas may have been equally matched, but one thing about this fight was certain. No matter who was going to win, Blaze was going to lose...
To be continued... |
Chapter 7 - Shadowy Lust |
Chapter 7 - Shadowy Lust
Situation - M/F, rape, vaginal
Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and
Sonic Team. You knew that, right?
GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author.
The story thus far:
After running away from Tails, who was teaching her about sex, Cream ran into a nude Blaze in the Mystic Ruins jungle. It wasn't long before the pair found Knuckles raping Rouge! Cream ran off to safety while Blaze confronted Knuckles, only to end up chased by Knuckles and knocked out by Punchy! As Knuckles and Punchy began fighting for the right to fuck Blaze, Illusi appeared and knocked them both out! However, a gunshot drew Illusi's attention before he could wake up Blaze. Meanwhile, Copter & Heather have been captured by Guard, while Sonic, Silver, and Rainbow have been captured by Eggman's robot, Zero!
Now, on to the next chapter!
Shadow the hedgehog was wandering the Mystic Ruins. He was searching for something, but he wasn't quite sure where to look. "Where is it? It's got to be around here somewhere..." he told himself, glancing around the sea of trees. There was no sign of anything nearby, so he ran through the woods, hoping to stumble across something along the way. What he soon found was Rouge, still naked and passed out in the clearing where Knuckles had raped her. Upon seeing her like this, Shadow rushed to her side. His first instinct was to check her vital signs, but he didn't have to. Rouge was finally regaining consciousness. As she opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was Shadow's face, which actually looked slightly concerned. "So, you're alive. What happened to you?" Shadow asked, helping Rouge to stand up. She still seemed pretty worn out, but otherwise fine. "Where is he...? I'll... kill him..." Rouge said dizzily. Shadow crossed his arms and frowned at her. "Kill who? What's going on?" he asked. As Rouge fully regained her senses, she turned away from Shadow to hide both her nudity and her tears from him. "Oh, Shadow... It was awful... I... I tried to take the Master Emerald from Knuckles again. Of course, that led to a fight, and since Knuckles was so stubborn, the Master Emerald got shattered! So, I was going to go look for the pieces... But then, Knuckles..." As Rouge explained this, Shadow could hear her sniffling, and could tell she was struggling to keep from breaking down and crying. It was easy to guess what had happened next. "He... raped you?" Shadow said, eyes widening in surprise. Rouge quickly regained her composure and wiped the tears from her eyes. "I don't need your pity! I just need clothes... And a chance to make him pay." she said, trying to sound tough despite everything. Shadow stood in silence for a few seconds, considering everything that he'd seen and heard. Then, an impressed smile spread across his lips. "Knuckles... Overpowered and raped you? Hmph! I must congratulate him! I never imagined he had it in him!" he said, seeming to actually enjoy this! Rouge turned around and glared at Shadow, making no effort to hide her body. "I should have known! You're such an insensitive pig! Just like Knuckles!" she snapped. Seeing Rouge's amazing figure, Shadow quickly got an erection. "You know, Rouge, this is not the time for you to be mouthing off. Maybe I'd best remind you what sort of situation you're in now!" he said.
Rouge backed away from Shadow slowly, his fiery gaze filling her with dread. She didn't have the strength to fend off another sexual assault, and they both knew it. Shadow licked his lips hungrily, staring at Rouge's lovely, curvaceous body. Knowing what was coming, Rouge looked down at Shadow's anxiously waiting cock. "Well... This could be worse. At least Shadow's well equipped..." Rouge thought. Shadow approached Rouge slowly, and reached for her waist. There was no need to rush, no reason to overexert himself. Rouge was no match for him, even when she wasn't exhausted. Rouge recoiled at the dark hedgehog's touch at first, but didn't bother trying to fight him. Instead, she tried to reason with him. "Shadow... please. You don't want to do this... do me. Not like this." she said hurriedly, not having time to think of a truly good argument. She was shaking as she spoke, and Shadow grinned at her. "Yes I do. And I think you want me to as well. You're not shaking with fear. You're shaking with anticipation! You'll enjoy this just as much as I will..." As Shadow finished speaking, he pulled Rouge closer to him. Heat seemed to emanate from his body, warming Rouge as she was pulled closer. As she felt his warmth, she wondered if he might be right. "He IS dark and handsome... No! I can't give in to this! He's being an ass, and I won't give him the satisfaction!" she thought, weakly attempting to pull away from Shadow. Her efforts did nothing to slow him down, and soon Shadow was moving her into place, drawing her flower towards his erection. "No... Please... Stop..." Rouge muttered in a voice that seemed more inviting than protesting. Shadow simply continued to pull Rouge to him. She attempted to close her legs in order to block him, but he used his own legs to push hers apart. Rouge watched helplessly as his penis inched closer, and closer, and still closer, until the tip of his rod brushed against her entrance. "Ready or not... Here I come!" Shadow bellowed.
Shadow's entry was slow and controlled. He pushed his way into Rouge's flower gently, savoring the feeling of his dick being covered by her. As his head entered her, Rouge held back a moan, desperate to keep herself from enjoying this. She couldn't stand to give him the satisfaction, but she did anyway. Shadow could see it in her eyes. All he needed to do was make her admit it. He pushed his penis in just a little further, then pulled it back out almost completely. "Don't need to go too fast... I'm not Sonic." Shadow whispered. Rouge could tell what he was doing, and fought to keep her cool. "I won't... give in to this..." she told him. Shadow slowly pushed back in, moving his cock a little further this time. He hesitated with only a quarter of his length inside her, and took a moment to taste her tits. "Mmmm... Nice... You were worth Knuckles's trouble..." he cooed. Rouge held back anything that might suggest she was enjoying this, only grunting and growling as Shadow moved his member in and out of her pussy, slowly, going just a tiny bit deeper each time. As he did, he felt her breasts, stroked her wings, and brought his lips close to hers, leaving only a little distance between them, bridged by their mingling breaths. All the while, his plan was working. His slow, gentle movements. His soft fur tickling her skin. His red eyes, gazing at her like fireballs of passion. She could feel her desire growing stronger, overpowering her. Soon, Shadow stopped with his penis pulled most of the way out. "You know you want it... Just ask. Beg me, Rouge. Beg me to fuck you..." he whispered into her ears. It was driving her batty. She wanted to give in, but she couldn't let him win. "Stop it..." she moaned. Shadow caught a hint of desire in her voice. She was slipping, and he knew it wouldn't be long now. He moved his rod into her again, very slowly, but taking it further than he had so far. Deeper and deeper, until almost his entire cock had entered her. Then, slowly, he pulled out. It seemed to take forever, too slow for Rouge's taste. Shadow pulled her closer as he slowly pulled out. She could now feel his heartbeat against her chest. His lips drew closer to hers, daring her to bridge the gap. The desire was intense. She opened her mouth to protest. "Sto... Sto-ooooOOOOOOHHHH....." A lustful moan escaped her mouth. Shadow pushed back into her and pulled out again, still slow, but slightly faster. As he prepared to enter her again, he mouthed the words "Beg me..." Rouge stared into Shadow's eyes, frightened at first, but looking at his expression more carefully, she noticed a key difference from Knuckles. With Knuckles, his eyes were full of rage, and a vengeful hate. Not so with Shadow. All she could see in his eyes was excitement, desire, and passion. The same feelings that were rapidly overcoming her. Finally, Rouge couldn't stand it anymore. She opened her mouth to speak...
"Please... Sh-shadow! D-d-do..." She struggled to say it, so Shadow encouraged her. "C'mon, Rouge... Say it... Give in... to your true desire!" he said. "Do... Do me! Shadow! Please, stop hesitating! Please, fuck me, with all your might!" At last, Rouge had given in, so Shadow ceased holding back. He plunged his penis deep into Rouge, quickly and fully! He then began pushing back and forth into Rouge's pussy, at a pace that quickly got faster and faster. Rouge cried out, begging for more, shouting Shadow's name. The dark hedgehog obliged, finally pulling Rouge to the ground, positioning himself on top of her so he could move as fast as possible. "Ooooooooh... Shadow.... Yes! Th-thank you!! Ahhh!!" Shadow smiled down at her as she pulled him closer, grasping his quills in her hands. Shadow's lips neared hers once again, his mouth hanging open as he panted from the effort of fucking her. Rouge's protests had completely left her mind by now, so she grabbed his head and pulled his lips to hers, opening her mouth as well to accept his kiss. The kiss was quick, but full of passion, mutual passion. Rouge had never fully realized it before, but now she knew. She'd wanted this for a long time. When the kiss ended, Shadow began fucking her faster and more forcefully than ever, and Rouge loved every bit of it. "Ahh!! Ahh!! Yes! Shadow! Such... speed!! Ohhh!! Such... power!!" Rouge was amazed at how awesome this felt. "Ah... Mmmm... Rouge! Get ready!" Shadow said, his movements continuing at a fevered pace. At this rate, it wouldn't be much longer. "Do it, Shadow! Cum!! I want your seed... Fill me with your seed!!" Rouge found herself saying. Shadow grinned at her victoriously. "Very well... Here it comes!" he shouted, making a few final thrusts into Rouge's pussy. In a moment, his hot cum blasted deep into her, filling her so powerfully that she quickly reached her climax as well! "Ooooohhh... Sh-shadow..." she sighed as their lovemaking came to a close. "Feeling more satisfied, Rouge?" Shadow asked. She nodded sleepily. "Shadow, I... Um.... Thanks, Shadow." She didn't need to say what was truly on her mind, Shadow could tell what it was. The two lay peacefully there in the middle of the jungle, and drifted off to sleep...
Elsewhere in the jungle, Illusi had gone off to investigate the gunshot he'd heard. When he arrived on the scene, he found Cream backing away from Zipp nervously. A tree next to her had apparently been shot, most likely a warning shot. "What's going on here?" Illusi gasped. Zipp pointed his gun at Illusi. "Buzz off, cape boy. This rabbit's coming with me, and that's all there is to it!" he said. "Oh, yeah?" Illusi said threateningly. Zipp smiled as he aimed for Illusi's head. "C'mon, stop me. I dare you!" he said. Cream quickly ran in front of Illusi to block Zipp's shot. "Don't! Don't shoot anyone! I... I'll go with you!" she cried. Zipp frowned at this. "You're no fun. Well, fine, I won't shoot anyBODY..." he said, pointing his gun at something higher up. He fired a few shots into the treetops, which caused several branches to fall down on top of Illusi, knocking him out! Cream screamed and ran from the falling branches, right into Zipp's clutches! "Well, off we go! You DID say you'd go with me. Be a good girl and keep your word!" he said, pulling her away by the arm. Cream glanced back at Illusi as she was being led to what would likely be a terrible fate. "I'm sorry, Mr. shrew..." she thought, more concerned about him than herself.
Not far away, Knuckles, Punchy, and Blaze were all unconscious. Blaze had been knocked out by Punchy while fleeing from Knuckles, and both echidnas were knocked out by Illusi soon after. Illusi intended to rescue Blaze, but Zipp's gunshot had distracted him. Now, it was too late. Punchy was already beginning to stir. "What in the heck..." he muttered as he opened his eyes. He slowly rose to his feet and looked around. "Oh, right... I was fighting Knuckles over that cat... What happened anyway? Well, I guess it doesn't matter." he grinned, walking over to the hot, naked feline nearby. He grabbed Blaze in his arms and started running off. "Gotta find a more private place before we start the fun!" he thought excitedly.
To be continued... |
Chapter 11 - Enter Gemini |
Chapter 11 - Enter Gemini
Situation - M/F, vaginal
Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and
Sonic Team. You knew that, right?
GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author.
The story thus far:
After being unable to control their urges and fucking Rainbow and Heather, Sonic, Copter and Silver realized that something had affected their sexual desire. They have come to the conclusion that Dr. Eggman is behind this. Meanwhile, Bucky performed an experiment on Cream, causing her to age past puberty. To test the results of his experiment, Bucky had Vortex rape Cream. As this happened, Tails and Illusi arrived to rescue her, but were quickly defeated by Bucky, who has now captured Tails! All this time, Knuckles remains unconscious due to a surprise attack that occurred while he was fighting Punchy. He should be awakening soon...
Now, on to the next chapter!
Gemini the Fennec had been having a fairly boring day. As always, she was searching for any signs of the Lost Ones, so that she could try to defeat them. Today, she found herself searching the Mystic Ruins again. The search was generally uneventful, until she heard a sound coming from nearby. "Ugh... Oh..." Gemini quickly pulled out her wand and looked around. "Who's there?" she called. After investigating the area the noise had come from, Gemini was shocked to find Knuckles on the ground! He was finally regaining consciousness, but he wasn't moving much. "Knuckles! What happened? Never mind, I'll fix you up! Recoveration!" A soft, blue light came from Gemini's wand, and in a moment, Knuckles began to move. He sat up and looked around in a daze. "Huh... What? What happened? Where'd Punchy and Blaze go?" he muttered. "So, Punchy did this to you?" Gemini asked. Knuckles slowly rose to his feet. "I don't think so... I don't know. Man, I still feel so..." His voice trailed off. Despite having been out for a while, he still felt that same urge that caused him to fight with Punchy before. Turning around, he finally saw Gemini standing there. She was as beautiful as he remembered from the moment when he first saw her true form. She was no Blaze, but she'd do nicely. He looked at her hungrily, and it made her nervous. "A-are you feeling all right, Knuckles?" she asked. "Yes... I feel great..." he muttered, fixated on Gemini's body. She was fairly slim, and had an overall average figure. Her breasts weren't huge, but it was obvious enough that she was female; in fact she was quite a bit more feminine and delicate than Rouge. He knew he probably shouldn't, but the desire within him was overpowering, as it had been with Blaze. He had to do it. He had to fuck Gemini! However, this decision made him begin to get hard, and his erection made it obvious to Gemini what was on his mind. "Wh-what the!? Knuckles! You're not like that! Stop it!" she shouted. "How would you know what I'm like?" Knuckles replied, slowly stepping toward her. Gemini pointed her wand at him nervously. "Knuckles... I'm a student of Divine magic! I'm meant to be pure! Besides that, I'm not that sort of girl. I know we're good friends and all, but I won't let you do this!" she insisted. Knuckles understood, but something was wrong. He couldn't control his desire! He found himself attempting to grab her, but Gemini wouldn't allow it. "Blastrotall!" she shouted, knocking Knuckles back with a blast from her wand!
Ordinarily, since Gemini was a friend, Knuckles would have dropped it there. He didn't know why, but his mind simply wasn't operating normally. Sex was the only thing on his mind. So he would keep trying, but with a different approach. "Y-you're right, Gemini. I'm sorry. Something just... came over me. It must be that you helped me just now. To be healed by one... so beautiful..." he said, taking another step towards her. She didn't lower her wand, but she didn't shoot him, either. "Really? You think... You think I'm beautiful? But I can't have sex. With anyone. It's a sort of rule. If the Divine masters found out, they'd take my magic away. Please don't take it personally." she explained. Knuckles gave her an understanding smile. He did understand, but his desire was stronger for some reason. "That's too bad... It's sort of a waste. You're so nice, and so pretty. Answer me this, then. Would there be anything wrong... with a kiss?" he asked, stepping a bit closer. Gemini lowered her wand slightly and blushed. "A... kiss? I, uh... I don't know. You want a kiss? I'm so... flattered..." she was quite flustered. No one had ever asked her a thing like that before. The surprise was the perfect distraction. Knuckles was close enough now, and he took advantage of the opportunity to smack Gemini's wand out of her hand, leaving her defenseless. "Sorry, Gemini, but I gotta do it! I just... can't stop myself!" Knuckles said, grabbing her by the arms tightly! She tried to pull away, but he was far too strong for her! "No! Please! I'm begging you! I need to be pure! I'm nothing without my magic... Please!" she pleaded. It was no use. Knuckles held her wrist in one hand and tugged at her pants with the other, soon making them drop, exposing her light pink panties. Gemini grabbed at them to keep them on, but Knuckles was stronger than she anticipated. He tore her panties off, and she shivered as a wind blew by, right into her bare pussy. "Please, no! No one's ever even seen that before! Stop it!" Gemini begged. Though she was struggling, Knuckles easily managed to pull off her pink sweater, revealing the bra matching her panties. He gently grabbed it by the center, his index finger resting over her cleavage. This was the moment of truth. Gemini tried desperately to hold it on, but Knuckles powerfully ripped her bra off of her body, exposing her full glory to the world! "NO!! I-I'm naked... How could you!? No... I-it can't be..." Gemini cried. She was even more beautiful with her clothes off, and though her breasts were not exactly large, they did seem perfectly sized for her. Much like the first time he'd seen her true form, Knuckles was stunned. "You really are beautiful..." he said, grinning at what he was about to do.
Tears were coming to Gemini's eyes. She couldn't believe what was happening, and who was doing it. Though Knuckles was determined to do her, seeing her starting to cry was something he couldn't stand. He took her in his arms, embracing her gently. "Maybe if she thinks I love her, she'll calm down..." he thought. He really didn't think he was in love with anyone, but truth be told, if he had to pick, Gemini would be high on his list. Not necessarily the one he'd choose, but a good candidate. "Don't cry, Gemini. If it helps, I won't tell anyone about this. You're just... So beautiful. So kind. I... I have to make you mine. I... love you." he said as sweetly as he could manage. Gemini's tears slowed. She detected the lie in his voice, but the way he was holding her, she felt unsure what to believe. "You... love me? R-really?" she asked. Knuckles nodded. "Of course..." he said. Gemini blushed, looking into his eyes shyly. His gaze was intense. "I... I don't think there would be anything wrong... with a kiss..." she said. Knuckles pulled her closer, bringing his lips to hers slowly. Gemini was shivering. She was frightened, yet she opened her mouth to accept the kiss anyway. His lips met hers, and he gently slid his tongue into her mouth, cradling her head in his hands as he kissed her. It was a loving kiss, almost like an apology for what he was going to do. He did feel sorry, but he also couldn't stop himself. Soon, the kiss ended, and he held her in his arms tightly. Looking in her eyes, Knuckles could see the conflict within her. She wanted to believe he loved her, but part of her knew it was a lie. Still, it was clear that there was no way out of this. She had to believe him, it would make the feelings she was having less wrong, at least to her. "I... I sure hope the masters don't find out about this... Knuckles... I'll let you do it. You can take me, but please don't tell anyone about it..." she said. Knuckles smiled, a bit relieved that this wasn't going to be rape. "All right... I won't tell." he promised. Gemini nodded, and slowly laid down on the ground. She was very nervous, but she parted her legs to let Knuckles in anyway. He'd won her over, and part of her did want this, very badly. Knuckles knelt down between her legs, slowly bringing his penis towards her waiting vagina. Gemini shut her eyes, scared to look. "Please... Be gentle..." she asked. Knuckles looked a little nervous himself. COULD he be gentle? He'd do his best to try. He pushed the tip of his cock against her entrance, sending shivers through Gemini's body. "This is it..." she whispered, biting her lower lip in her nervousness. Knuckles glanced at her scared face, and made a conscious effort to proceed slowly. He entered her gently, carefully, making sure not to hurt her. He moved his entire length into her effortlessly, which confused him a little. Was this not her first time? Gemini sighed softly once she was fully penetrated. "Odd... Isn't it supposed to hurt the first time?" she whispered. Knuckles shrugged. It had to have something to do with her magic. Still, it mattered little. It just made this that much easier. "All right, Gemini. I'm gonna fuck you now. I might get a little rough, but I'll try not to hurt you." he said. Gemini opened her eyes and glanced down. It was really happening. He'd really penetrated her! She blushed at the thought, and then noticed her wand. It was close, and perhaps she could reach it. "If I can get my wand, I can cast a spell for protection. Then, I won't get pregnant, and no one has to know about this..." she thought. However, Knuckles started moving before she could reach for it! He moved his dick back and forth, a bit faster than his first penetration. It shocked Gemini. She yelped at the feeling, but it didn't hurt. It felt good. His penis, thrusting back and forth inside her, filled her with a feeling she couldn't believe. "Oh... oh my... I gave this up... to learn magic? Ahh!! Oh, Knuckles!" she gasped. Knuckles chuckled softly, pleased to see her enjoying it. He lowered himself on top of her as he continued to thrust into her pussy. This way, he could feel her breasts. He held them in his hands gently, and she gasped at his touch. "Oh... Please, don't squeeze them. I... Just don't..." she begged. Knuckles released them, but couldn't ignore them. "Then let me taste them..." he said, brushing his tongue against one of her tits. Gemini squealed softly, her face turning red. "Ah... S-stop... Or don't stop... I don't... ahhhh!!" She moaned in pleasure as Knuckles picked up speed, moving his cock more roughly in her pussy. It felt good, but dirty. Gemini briefly remembered her wand, but forgot again as Knuckles continued licking at her breasts.
Knuckles continued fucking her, growing more passionate as he did. She was a great friend, and he wanted to give her a first time worthy of her. When he finished with her breasts, he proceeded to kiss her, starting at her neck. She held him in her arms, moaning happily as he returned the embrace. He continued moving his cock at a steady pace, and soon began nearing his climax. He kissed her lips, passionately, enjoying this more than his time with Rouge. Rape could never be as good as this. As he released her from the kiss, Gemini was blushing again. "It's... ohh... so good, Knuckles. I... wow... Knuckles, I love you!" she said, panting heavily as she did. Knuckles wasn't sure what to make of her love, but he did have to tell her something. "Gemini... Ahhh... I'm gonna... Ohhh... I'm gonna cum soon..." he warned her. Gemini panicked. She hadn't grabbed her wand and cast the spell yet! "Oh, no! Please, not yet! Hold it, just a moment!" she gasped, reaching for her wand. It was just out of reach, and she desperately tried to stretch her arm to grab it. All the while, Knuckles was getting closer. "I don't think I can hold it... Ahhh... Sorry, Gemini!" he said. Gemini reached harder, nearly touching the wand. "Don't cum inside me! Pull out!" she pleaded. Knuckles shook his head. "I'm goin... all the way! I can't... ahh... stop!" he told her. Gemini grew desperate. She wasn't ready to have children yet. She had to reach that wand! "Just a little... Farther... Please, hold on!" she gasped. Knuckles couldn't speak any more, he could only gasp and pant and shout as he neared his orgasm. Gemini stretched her arm as far as she could. She touched her wand, and struggled to roll it into her hand. Knuckles let out a shout. She reached harder, and finally took her wand into her hand. "Now, what's that spe-eeeeeeelll!! AaaaaaaaaAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" She'd suddenly reached her orgasm, and her vagina's sudden movements pushed Knuckles over the edge. "Ohhhh, Geminiiiiii!!! Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" His penis was all the way inside her as he cummed. It was a powerful blast, and it kept coming until some spilled out of her pussy. "Ohhh! It's so warm! So deep! Oh... no...." Gemini yelped, horrified that she was too late. "I... I'll probably get pregnant..." she whimpered. Knuckles nodded. "Yeah... I bet our babies will be beautiful." he said, kissing her. She returned the kiss, and smiled as it ended. "I guess I'll be losing my magic... But it's OK. We'll raise our children together, my love..." she said. Knuckles looked a little nervous. A Master Emerald Guardian couldn't be tied down by a family. For both their sakes, he hoped that he somehow didn't get her pregnant. Gemini touched his cheek gently, sensing his concern. "Don't worry... I'm sure it'll all be OK..." she said. Unfortunately, she was probably wrong. It seemed very likely that she was now carrying Knuckles's child...
Back at Tails's Workshop, Sonic, Copter, and Silver had searched around, and finally decided to see if SPOT could find Dr. Eggman. They stopped to let the girls know they were leaving, avoiding looking at them as much as possible. "Uh... We gotta go after Eggman, now." Sonic said. "You girls don't have to stay here, but don't follow us." Copter added. "If we see you, we'll probably get... sidetracked again." Silver explained. Heather and Rainbow looked a little upset. "Since we seem to be unaffected, maybe WE should go instead!" Heather suggested. Copter shook his head. "Too dangerous. Just get somewhere safe!" he ordered. "Aw, I feel safe with you!" Rainbow argued. "This is getting us nowhere... Explain it to her, Heather!" Sonic said, running out the door. "Hey, wait for us!" Silver shouted before he and Copter ran out as well. Rainbow turned to Heather. "Want to explain it to me again?" she asked. Heather shook her head. "No way. You won't get it. Anyway, I'd much rather follow them anyway! We'll show them 'too dangerous!'" she said, sneaking out the door. Rainbow followed her. "Wait for me! I wanna go, too!" she said. So, Sonic's quest had now begun, but danger now lurked behind as well as ahead!
To be continued... |
Chapter 14 - Bat Trap |
Chapter 14 - Bat Trap
Situation - M/F, vaginal, titfuck
Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and
Sonic Team. You knew that, right'
GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author.
The story thus far:
Sonic, Silver, Copter, Amy, Rouge, Heather, Rainbow, and Shadow are loose in Dr. Eggman's base. They each arrive for different reasons and explore in different directions. A mysterious force is driving male furries into a horny frenzy, and Silver had traveled back in time to stop it. However, as he explored Eggman's base, he came across Shadow, who was insane with lust. Shadow defeated Silver and sucked his cock, driving him horny as well. Silver submitted to Shadow's lust, allowing himself to be fucked anally. Afterward, Heather and Rainbow, who had been watching, asked for "their turn." Meanwhile, Dr. Eggman communicated with Rouge the bat, who he has made a deal with involving Sonic! Does Sonic stand a chance with his mind hell bent on screwing anything that moves'
Now, on to the next chapter!
Sonic ran through Eggman's base at a relatively low speed, for him at least. It was a huge base, and he didn't have much of an idea where to go. There weren't even a lot of robot guards around. "Either Eggman REALLY wasn't expecting me... or he's waiting to spring a trap." Sonic thought, rolling his eyes, "Here we go again..." It had to be a trap. It simply had to be. Sonic cautiously explored the base, keeping his eyes and ears open for any sign of hostility. Soon, he arrived at a storage room, filled with Eggman's various gadgets and robots not currently being used for something or other. There were a few other doors leading into the room, and Sonic was startled as one of the doors suddenly slid open! "Aha!! Here it comes!!" he shouted, expecting a horde of robots. Instead, it was a lone figure. "It' Ugh, all men think alike..." Rouge the bat was standing in the doorway, hands on her hips and eyes locked in Sonic's direction. Sonic gulped. At a time when sexual desire had turned into a major weakness, Rouge appears. He tried to look away from her. "Sorry... I thought you were Eggman!" he joked. Rouge rolled her eyes and grinned. "I had a chat with Amy... Seems she gives you a five star rating, if you know what I'm talking about." she said in a flirty voice. Sonic blushed, and was finding it hard to keep his eyes from wandering back to the sexy bat girl. "Hm, that's a new outfit..." he observed. Rouge was wearing the tight-fitting clothes she'd gotten from Tails' Workshop, some simple jeans and a tee shirt. "These things are so uncomfortable... Hmmm... I do wonder if you live up to all your hype, Sonic. Not just Amy, but ALL the ladies talk about you all the time..." she said, her eyes sweeping up and down his sleek, blue body. Sonic caught her looking him over and shook his head, trying to keep erotic thoughts out of his mind. "You know... I can't possibly live up to the hype! Bye!" He turned to run away, but Rouge grabbed his shoulder to stop him. "Give yourself some credit! You ARE pretty sexy..." she grinned, turning him around to face her. "Heh, you're all mine, Sonic... And you'll be all Eggman's once his robot gets here..." she thought. Her deal with Eggman was driving her actions, but she had to admit, Sonic was pretty cute. There were probably other ways to detain him, but she liked her idea. She slowly, sexily started to slip out of her clothes, giving Sonic a show he couldn't look away from. Eggman's trap was sprung, and while Sonic stood, mesmerized by Rouge's incredible rack, his cock emerged from its hiding place, hard and throbbing. "R-rouge... I..." Sonic started to speak, but Rouge placed a finger over his mouth to silence him. "No one will ever know... So, why don't we test you out a bit before the real fun begins'" She knelt down in front of him and pointed to her cleavage. "Titty fuck for me, pet!" she commanded. Sonic rolled his eyes and smiled. He couldn't stop this now, so he might as well enjoy it... But this was just one half of the trap. Hiding behind some of the junk in the room, Zero watched as Sonic slid his cock between her breasts. "Recording..." he muttered, getting some footage for Eggman's recently developed furry fetish.
Meanwhile, Copter was exploring in the area of the base Sonic and Silver didn't go to. It was a pretty uneventful exploration, until he found a room serving as Eggman's prison! Several cells lined the walls, and there was someone in most of them. Copter looked into the cells as he passed them. "Hmmm... Eggman must be using our... condition... to capture us easily..." he muttered as he passed a cell containing Knuckles. "Hey! Let me outta here!!" the echidna shouted. Copter hesitated. If his hunch was right, Eggman would have captured TWO prisoners every time. "Hey, red Punchy, who was with you when you got caught'" he asked. Knuckles crossed his arms. "Not that it's any of your business, but I was with Gemini. Had a heck of a time keeping her from getting captured, too." he explained. Copter shrugged and kept walking. "I'll get you out when I can figure out how..." he muttered. Most cells contained furries that were strangers to Copter, and he found a couple empty ones, but they each had names attached to them. One empty cell had Shadow's name on it. One had Tails' name as well. "Hmm... I wonder if Eggman hasn't captured these guys yet..." Copter wondered aloud. Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice in a nearby cell. "Mr. Copter, is that you'" Running to the source of the voice, Copter found Cream inside one of the cells! She seemed older, or perhaps just better endowed, but he still recognized her. "Whoa, what did Eggman do to you'" he asked. "P-please... get me out..." she begged. Copter nodded. "Stand back..." he said, approaching the bars. "Chaos Blast!!" Creating a powerful chaotic explosion, Copter managed to smash the cell door wide open! Cream ran out and wrapped her arms around him very quickly, and more than gratefully. "Oh, thank you... You're so brave and... sexy." she grinned. Copter was shocked. "Wha... huh' Are you OK'" he asked. Cream released him and nodded. "Better than okay, now that you're here... I was thinking about you while I was locked up. I... I really..." she winked seductively at him, and he started to wonder if this was really Cream. "You don't act like this..." he said, though he was already finding his own desire starting to affect his mind. Cream wrapped her arms around him and started begging him to do her, and while that was happening, Amy stepped into the room. Copter and Cream were so focused on each other that they didn't notice her, and she hid inside an open cell to watch without being spotted. "Cream... What's Eggman done to her'" she thought. Copter was thinking the same thing as Cream started rubbing her crotch against his, coaxing him until a bulge emerged in his pants. "I knew you'd save me, Copter... Now, take me please... I wanna have your baby!" she pleaded. Something had clearly been done to her, but it was too late for Copter. He was too turned on to refuse her. "Well... Then let's make my baby..." he grinned.
In no time, Copter and Cream's clothes were scattered over the floor. Copter looked over Cream's new body with awe. She looked just like her mother, only younger and sexier. Cream was pleased with the view from her end as well. "Oh! Your penis! Just like Tails..." she grinned, though Copter took it the wrong way. "C'mon, I gotta be bigger than..." before he could finish that sentence, Cream locked lips with him, kissing him with intense passion! Copter's rod tickled her slit, eager to plunge into her depths. Amy watched them nervously. "What are they thinking'! They'll get caught!" she thought. However, the scene was so shocking to her, she couldn't bring herself to do anything about it. After all, Cream came on to HIM. For the moment, the world was upside down to her. When their kiss ended, Copter gazed into her eyes, smirking. "You've really grown... I love it!" Cream moved her legs apart, inviting Copter to enter her. "Do your best, Copter!" she said, winking. Copter nodded and slid his way inside her swiftly and smoothly. Cream giggled as she felt him inside her. "It feels... so nice..." she murmured. Amy clenched her teeth nervously as she watched Copter begin to move inside her. Back and forth, slowly and sensually, he was taking it easy on Cream, and she started kissing and licking at him, purring and sighing in pleasure. "Oh... Cop...ter..." Cream sighed lustfully, and Copter decided to take it up a notch. He started to speed up, groping her big bunny breasts as he went. Cream squealed excitedly and started thrusting her hips along, enjoying it every bit as much as he was. Amy whimpered quietly. She felt her hands touch her crotch. "Omigosh... It's making me hot..." she thought, part of her wanting to join them. Copter went faster and faster, and Cream panted hard as he went. "Aaaahhh... More! More!! Aaaaa... Copter!!" she cried, soon splashing Copter's crotch with her juices as she hit her orgasm. Copter kept going, as fast as he could, losing himself in his pleasure. "Aaaaahhh!! YES!! Cream... I'm gonna cum... Aaaaahhh!!" Amy couldn't take it anymore. She ran up to them and screamed. "STOP IT!!!" However, her scream was drowned out by theirs as Copter planted his seed deep inside Cream! They panted heavily, ignoring Amy while gazing into each others' eyes. Suddenly, they heard some robotic clicks and looked around. Eggman's robots had them surrounded! Amy groaned and raised her hands. "At least Sonic's here... somewhere..." she said, certain that he would rescue her.
Sonic was thrusting his cock between Rouge's massive breasts, squeezing them with his hands as she moaned quietly. It wasn't long before she was satisfied with his "skills." "All right, Sonic... You pass. Lay down and I'll give you your reward..." she ordered. Sonic climbed off of her and dropped onto his back, looking up at her with a smirk. Rouge leaned down and brought her breasts close to his face. "Care for a taste, handsome'" she asked. Sonic licked at her tits ravenously, taking one into his mouth to suck on before switching. "Mmm... ahhh... Always wanted to do this..." he said between sucks. Rouge nodded. "Everyone does... it seems." She moved back, her wet pussy hovering over his rod. She had a wide smile. For once, she was in control. "You take orders well... I'm impressed." she said. Sonic shrugged. "Your 'orders' have been easy to follow." he winked. Rouge slowly lowered her flower over Sonic's cock, taking it in and mentally comparing it to Shadow and Knuckles. It was similar to Shadow's, so much so that she was unsure who was actually bigger. She held on to Sonic's shoulders and started moving her hips slowly. Sonic wrapped his arms around her, stroking her bat wings a bit while watching her boobs bounce slightly while she moved. "You're surprisingly gentle... You aren't going easy on me, are you'" he asked. Rouge chuckled. "What about you' Aren't you gonna try to fuck my brains out'" she wondered, noting how differently Sonic was behaving compared to Shadow and Knuckles. Sonic pulled her closer. "I'm tempted..." he admitted. She stroked his chest flirtatiously. "You know I can handle it... Just don't make this TOO fast, I like to take my time and enjoy myself..." she said. He chuckled. "Are you sure you can handle it' I guess we'll see!" With that, Sonic started thrusting his hips against hers, pushing deeper inside her and making her yelp. "Ahh... Good... Let's see how you REALLY compare to Shadow..." she sighed. Sonic held on to her hips and pulled her down over his cock roughly, fucking her harder now that he knew he was competing with Shadow. Rouge thought that would get him going.
He fucked her fast and rough, and she moaned and gasped in pleasure as she held on to him, enjoying the ride. It lasted for quite a while; Sonic had plenty of stamina to go with his speed. Rouge found herself quite impressed, and let out a delighted moan every time Sonic managed to strike her weak spot, which was more than a few times. He sucked on her tits, never once slowing his pace, and she slipped her arms around him, gradually reaching for his ass. As Sonic released her tits, she slipped a couple fingers into his tail hole, making him groan and shiver, a cute look of surprise on his face. Rouge chuckled to herself and fingered his hole while he fucked her flower. She was having so much fun, and though she hated to admit Amy was right, Sonic certainly seemed to live up to his fame. She began to feel guilty as she felt herself getting close. "S-sonic... ahhh.... Oh, my... You're so good... I have to... say something..." she panted, wondering what was the matter with her. After all, she'd lose her reward if she let Sonic go! "You... want me to cum outside, Rouge'" Sonic panted, expecting that to be what she wanted to say. If it was, she only had a little longer to say it. Rouge shook her head. "No... Go on and fill me up! Aaaahhh... But... Uuuuuhhhh!! T-trap!! AAAAAAAaaaaaaahhhhh!!" she screamed suddenly as her climax occurred, her cum splashing all over his crotch. Sonic was about to cum, too, but he'd heard her warning. "Trap' Oooohhh... I know! AAAAAAaaaaaaa!!" His cum erupted from his rod and flowed deep into Rouge's depths, but there wasn't time to rest. Zero burst out of his hiding place and came at them, determined to capture Sonic! Rouge grabbed Sonic and turned them over, so she was on top of him. "I got him, I got him..." she said to the robot, winking at Sonic. He held on to her, and she started flapping her wings, taking to the air with Sonic! Zero fired lasers at them, but Rouge evaded them and dropped Sonic on to his feet! They took off in different directions and exited the room, leaving Zero confused as to who to chase, and left in the dust! Eggman pounded the armrests on his seat furiously as he watched Sonic escape from his monitors. "Curse you, Sonic! You can't get away forever!! I'll get you!!" he yelled.
Gemini the fennec found herself standing outside the entrance to Eggman's base. After getting screwed by Knuckles, she was nearly captured by Eggman's robots along with him. Knuckles, however, had defended her and sacrificed his own freedom to allow her to escape. Now, she had to rescue him! As she approached the door leading inside the base, it slid open, and Fera the wolf came out! The two stared at each other for a moment before Gemini shrugged and started to head inside. "I wouldn't go in there..." Fera warned. Gemini glanced back at her. "Why not'" she asked. Fera smirked. "That base is gonna blow. I rigged explosives all over. The clock's already ticking..." she said, "Eggman won't oppress any more animals in his robots!" Gemini gasped upon hearing this. "No!! My friend is locked up in there!" she cried. Fera shrugged. "That's a price we'll have to pay." she said coldly. Gemini stomped her foot angrily. "You can't do that! Stop the countdown and let me save him!" she shouted. Fera shook her head. "Can't do it. Can't give Eggman a chance to escape." she insisted. Gemini held up her wand threateningly. "You stop that countdown NOW!" she growled. Fera created balls of dark energy in her hands and prepared to toss them. "Make me!" she snarled. Gemini had to do something fast, before everyone got killed in the explosion, but was she already too late'
To be continued... |
Chapter 13 - Silver & Black |
Chapter 13 - Silver & Black
Situation - M/F, vaginal, M/M, rape, oral, anal
Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and
Sonic Team. You knew that, right'
GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author.
The story thus far:
Sonic, Copter, and Silver have realized a startling truth: The minds of all males in the vicinity of the Mystic Ruins are being manipulated, raising their desire for sex to unbearable levels when in the presence of a female. Leaving Rainbow and Heather behind, they go to confront Dr. Eggman, their prime suspect. Heather and Rainbow follow them in secret. Later, Shadow was captured after discovering an odd satellite dish. Meanwhile, Amy found Rouge in the jungle and decided to help her find clothes, since Knuckles tore hers off earlier. Soon, Rouge coaxed Amy into some lesbian action, but Amy couldn't stop thinking of Sonic, so they both left in search of him. Now, Blaze has gone to Cream's house with the purpose of checking on her, but discovered Vanilla having sex with Chet instead! Finally too horny to ignore her desires, Blaze opens the door and declares that it's her turn!
Now, on to the next chapter!
Blaze was on her back, lying on Vanilla's couch. She gasped and moaned in pleasure as Chet was pushing in and out of her pussy. Despite her reluctancy, despite all her resistance, Blaze had now given in to her urges. Without so much as waiting for Vanilla's permission, she had hurled herself onto the couch, begging for Chet to take her. Vanilla watched her reactions to getting fucked by Chet, and could tell that she'd been wanting release for some time. Chet licked her tits, holding her breasts in his hands as she purred happily. "Ahhh... Ohhh... Yes! I... needed this! Ahh!!" she gasped. Chet kissed her hungrily and picked up his pace, eager to please this beautiful feline. Blaze shuddered and her vaginal walls clamped down on Chet's cock as she came. She blushed with embarrassment at how easily he made her cum. Chet chuckled and pulled out of her. "I'm next, kitten... Where do ya want it'" he asked. Blaze almost said pussy, but stopped herself. She was a princess, she couldn't allow just anyone the chance to impregnate her. "My rear... Please..." she sighed, blushing even more. Chet chuckled. "Whatever you say..." he grinned. He slowly pushed into Blaze's ass hole, a tight fit that made Blaze groan in pain a little. It seemed to Chet that this might be her first anal penetration, so he took it slow at first, giving her a chance to get used to the feeling. "F-faster..." Blaze grunted after a moment. Chet obliged, and began ramming her tail hole with all his might, making Blaze scream part from pain and part from pleasure. After a moment, the pain vanished, and Blaze began panting and moaning in pleasure. Chet grunted and gasped as he neared his climax. "Uhhh!! Oooooooooohhhhh!! Blaze!!" he shouted as his cum sprayed into her ass, making her yelp in surprise. It was an odd feeling, but she liked it. "Ahhhh!! Oh, Chet... Thank you..." she sighed, feeling much better than she did before arriving at Vanilla's house. Vanilla clapped as the two of them were finishing up. "Good for you, Blaze! I can tell it's been a long time for you." she smiled. Blaze nodded. "I... I'm usually not like this..." she blushed. "It's all right, Blaze. It's perfectly natural to have certain urges. Life is more fun if you give in to them once in a while, though." Vanilla told her, winking. Blaze smiled at her, and then looked up at Chet. "She... has a point. Let's do this again sometime..." she grinned.
Sonic, Copter, and Silver soon arrived at Eggman's new base, built on top of the ruins of his old Mystic Ruins base. SPOT had led them there, but stayed outside since he still needed repairs. Upon entering the base, they found three hallways going off in different directions. "It looks like a pretty big base. We should probably split up." Copter suggested. Silver looked unsure. "I wish we had a plan... If Eggman's really behind this, he could make us insane..." he worried. Sonic shrugged. "In that case, it'd be better if we weren't together. I don't want to find out if he can drive us to homosexuality..." he said. "Not that there's anything wrong with that." Copter added, glancing at Silver with a smirk. "What' Why are you grinning at me'" he wondered. "Never mind that. Let's hurry before Eggman catches us!" Sonic suggested. They each went down a different hall, and soon after they were gone, the girls arrived at the entrance room. Rainbow and Heather had met up with Amy and Rouge outside, and the four of them were looking at the three halls, wondering where to go. Amy looked thoughtful. "Hmmm... My intuition says that Sonic went this way!" she said, running off to the path on the left. Rouge didn't follow her. "You have fun with your intuition. I'm going to find Sonic my own way." she grinned sneakily. Rainbow pointed to the path on the right. "I think we should go that way! Follow me, seven!" she said, leading Heather to the hall. "Wait, Rainbow! Don't rush in!" Heather shouted. Now alone, Rouge strode to the path in the middle, a crafty smirk on her face. "Let's see your intuition beat me to Sonic. And when I'm through with him, he'll be ruined for other women... Heheheh."
Silver worked his way through the base, his ESP making it a breeze to get past the robot guards. Soon, in a room resembling a laboratory, he found a familiar face. Shadow the hedgehog was sitting on a lab bench, a distant look in his eyes. "Shadow' What are you doing here'" Silver asked. Shadow glanced at Silver, his expression remaining the same. "Silver... You have good timing..." he said, licking his lips. Silver backed away slowly. "Wh-what's wrong with you' Are you feeling OK'" he stammered. Shadow hopped down from the lab bench, staring intently at the silvery hedgehog in front of him. Silver attempted to grab Shadow with his powers, feeling disturbed by his behavior, but Shadow simply held up a blue Chaos Emerald and said, "Chaos Control!" He warped close to Silver, dodging his ESP, and kicked him to the floor! Silver got up and pushed Shadow back with his ESP. "Don't get in my way, Shadow! I need to change the future!" he insisted. Shadow chuckled at him. "Nice plan, but maybe you should consider taking a break from it." he said. Silver picked up some robot parts in the room with his ESP and hurled them at Shadow. "Chaos Control!" Once again, Shadow warped away from Silver's attack. He emerged behind Silver and wrapped his arms around his armpits, trapping him in his grip! "Sh-shadow! What are you doing!'" Silver cried. Shadow smirked deviously. "I'm going to fuck you, Silver. Try to enjoy it."
Rainbow peered into the room from the hall, and was about to enter, when Heather pulled her back. "Wait! Let's watch and see what they're doing..." she suggested. Rainbow nodded. "OK. For a little bit..." she muttered, wanting to rush in and say hi to Shadow. Unaware of the audience in the doorway, Shadow shoved Silver to the ground. Silver hastily turned himself to face Shadow, who was now sporting a throbbing erection! "W-wait, Shadow! You don't want this! Your mind is being controlled!" he said desperately. Shadow got down on his knees and placed his hand on Silver's crotch, slowly rubbing at it. "You know you want it... Don't deny it!" he whispered, smiling as Silver moaned nervously, trying not to let Shadow arouse him. But it was no use, soon Silver's pure white dick emerged, and Shadow licked his lips hungrily. "Too easy... I knew you would be." he taunted, wrapping his hand around Silver's rod and moving it up and down his shaft, coaxing panicked gasps from the silver hedgehog. Heather smirked as she watched this. "Totally knew he was bi." she whispered. Soon, Shadow stopped stroking Silver's cock and brought his lips close to it. "Hmmm... You'll be begging for it after this..." he said, swishing his tongue over the head swiftly. "D-don't..." Silver moaned feebly. Shadow ignored him and began moving his tongue along his length, covering every inch in his saliva. Sighs of pleasure escaped Silver's mouth. He wanted to fight this, but how could he when it felt so good' Soon, Shadow slid his mouth over Silver's cock, taking most of it in easily. He sucked on it, swirled his tongue over it, and began moving his lips back and forth, coaxing all sorts of sounds from Silver, none of which were unpleasant. "S-shadow..." Silver moaned, his self control almost gone. Shadow moved a bit faster, bringing Silver close to bursting. Finally, Silver's seed splashed over Shadow's tongue, and Shadow accepted all of it, soon swallowing the load and releasing Silver's cock. "Mmmm... Not bad. But I'm not through with you yet!"
Silver panted and sighed. He wanted to say he didn't enjoy it, but he'd be lying, which would also make him uncomfortable. "That was... Amazing... You're good at this, Shadow..." he admitted. Shadow snickered at him. "Flattery will get you nowhere. But it seems you're ready now..." he said. Silver blushed. He couldn't believe he was going to allow this. He turned himself so he was on all fours, presenting his rear to Shadow. "Now I'm curious... Shadow, please... Fuck me." he whimpered. Heather and Rainbow held their mouths to avoid making any noise as they watched Shadow poke his penis into Silver's butt. "Now you'll learn why I'm called the Ultimate Life Form!" he bragged, pushing his way into Silver's ass. He started slowly, smirking as Silver made some pathetic whimpers. His ass was virgin, and it felt strange and painful to feel something going in. Shadow kept going until most of his length was stuffed into him. "Ready' I'm not going to hold back now." he warned. Silver braced himself, knowing it was going to hurt at first. Shadow wasted no time, and started ramming his rod into him with all his might! He held on to Silver's ass tight as he plunged his cock into him hard and deep, coaxing pained screams from him. "Aaaahh!! Oh, god!! No, slow down!! S-shadow!!" he cried, the pain being worse than he'd expected. Shadow kept up the pace, grunting and gasping with the effort. Silver's cries of protest faded shortly, and began to turn into moans of pleasure. "Ohh.... Aaaaaa... Incredible! Oh, Shadow... Wow!!" he gasped. He found himself reaching down to stroke his own cock, losing himself in his lust. Shadow's pace quickened, his orgasm building, getting him closer and closer. "Haa!! Yes! You're MINE, Silver! I'm gonna pump you full of my cum!" he yelled, only a few thrusts away from his climax. Amidst all the pleasure and lust, a few other thoughts came to Silver's mind. "I've failed... I've already given in... It feels... too good!" he thought. Soon, Shadow's load burst forth, and both of them screamed loudly as cum flooded into Silver's tight rear! The lighter hedgehog collapsed, and Shadow fell on top of him, holding him on the ground triumphantly. "So, now that I've broken you, what do you have to say'" he smirked. Silver moaned softly, acknowledging his enjoyment of the encounter. "Is it my turn yet'" said Rainbow, who approached the two hedgehogs while holding her crotch. Heather strode into the room as well, grinning. "I'd like a turn, too... If you don't mind giving girls a shot." she winked. Shadow looked up at them and grinned. "You asked for it." he said. Silver glanced up at them with regret. "Oh, no... You followed us. Now we REALLY won't be able to control ourselves..." he feared. Still, the girls didn't seem to care. This was most likely going to be fun...
Dr. Eggman sat in a room full of monitors, each one displaying a different room of his base. He grinned as he saw what Shadow and Silver were up to. "My plan is coming full circle! Why I never thought to take advantage of my enemies' animal instincts is beyond me. With all of them so preoccupied, victory will be all but assured!" he said to himself. He focused his attention to a monitor showing Rouge the Bat, and picked up a communicator on a control panel in front of him. "Hello, Rouge! I suppose you're ready to put our deal to work'" he asked. Rouge held her own communicator and glanced towards the camera in the hall she was in. "Why, yes, doctor. Just be sure to keep your end of the bargain." she replied. Eggman nodded. "Of course. Now, keep heading in that direction. I'll update you on Sonic's location as needed." he told her, hanging up his communicator. "Poor hedgehog. You and your friends have no idea what's in store for you. My base is full of surprises, and each of you will be ensnared in my trap! Ha ha ha ha ha!!" he laughed, glancing behind himself at a pair of glowing red robot eyes in the room. His trap was set. Did Sonic and his friends stand a chance now'
To be continued... |
Chapter 6 - Rainbow Rides Again |
Chapter 6 - Rainbow Rides Again
Situation - M/F, vaginal, cowgirl
Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and
Sonic Team. You knew that, right?
GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author.
The story thus far:
One night, Sonic fucked Rainbow. The next morning, Tails taught Cream about sex through experience, which ultimately scared her off. Meanwhile, Blaze the cat was teleported to Sonic's world without her clothes! Elsewhere, Sonic rescued Amy, and then had sex with her. Soon, Cream found Blaze, and after talking, she decided to find Blaze some clothes. In Station Square, Copter found Heather, alive and well, and soon titfucked her, only to be captured by Guard moments later! Back at the Mystic Ruins, Knuckles and Rouge fought over the Master Emerald, resulting in it being shattered again! For revenge, Knuckles began to violently rape Rouge. Meanwhile, Blaze and Cream found a Chaos Emerald, only to have it stolen by Metal Sonic! Soon after, they found Knuckles raping Rouge. Blaze sent Cream away and confronted Knuckles, who decided to catch Blaze and fuck her next! Blaze attempted to escape, but was knocked out by Punchy, who is now fighting Knuckles to decide who gets to fuck her!
Now, on to the next chapter!
Illusi the shrew hurried through the jungle, a look of concern on his face. He had learned something quite troubling, and was hoping to do something about it. As he headed deeper into the woods, he passed Cream the rabbit. Hoping to get some information, he stopped to chat with her. "Hello, young one. What's the matter?" he asked her. Cream backed away from him, clearly disturbed by recent events. "It's all so terrible... Knuckles was hurting Rouge..." she whimpered. Illusi frowned at this. "I was afraid of that. Listen, be careful out here. I have a bad feeling..." he said, walking away hurriedly. Zipp, who had been watching from the treetops, chuckled to himself. "Yes... be very careful... I've been known to get violent..." he thought.
Meanwhile, Knuckles and Punchy were fighting near the passed-out Blaze, each wanting to take the cat for himself. But, as usual, the two of them were evenly matched. Punchy did have a slight advantage, since Knuckles was a bit worn out from raping Rouge, but he simply refused to be defeated easily. The fight was playing out like a boxing match, with each of them throwing punches without much trying to dodge each other. "Beat it, Punchy! Why don't you go on home and get your own life, and quit messing up mine!" Knuckles yelled after a while. "I've got my own life, and I saw this cat first! Buzz off!" Punchy replied. "ENOUGH!!" This third voice belonged to Illusi, who had just arrived on the scene and had sent a pair of Wrongos hurtling towards Knuckles and Punchy, striking them both in the head hard! The two echidnas were both knocked out, and Illusi now turned to Blaze. "I've got to wake her up and get her out of here. I have a feeling she's an important player in these events..." he said to himself. Using his powers of illusion, he tried splashing her with conjured water, but it didn't do anything. "I shouldn't have expected an illusion to work here... Now what do I do...?" As he pondered this, he heard a loud noise in the distance! "A gunshot... The rabbit!" Illusi gasped, fearing the worst.
While dramatic events were unfolding in the Mystic Ruins, Silver the Hedgehog had arrived in Station Square. He had come from the future on a mission, and was determined to succeed. "Hmmm... Where do I start..." he thought, not quite sure if he was in the right area. He began wandering the city, hoping an idea would come to him. Soon, he came across Rainbow, who was out for a walk near the shore. She was smiling pleasantly, and Silver decided to see if this friendly citizen might help him. "Excuse me, miss? I was wondering if you could help me..." he said. Rainbow waved at him casually. "Sure. My name's Rainbow. What can I do for you, Shiny?" she asked. Silver took on a very serious expression as he thought about his mission. "Do you know where I might find Dr. Eggman? It's important that I find him. The future depends on it!" he said. Rainbow seemed surprised by his seriousness. "Wow, that sounds bad. Did he start being bad again? Well, don't worry! I know where Tubby's base is!" she said. Silver frowned at her manner of speaking. "This is serious! He's a dangerous person. Don't make fun of him!" he said. Rainbow ignored him and pointed out to see. "There! He has a big tower on an island!" she said. "An island? How do we get there?" Silver asked. Rainbow looked thoughtful for a moment. "I guess we have to rent a boat..." she said.
After Silver paid the rings to rent a motorboat, he and Rainbow were preparing to go. As they were, Sonic the hedgehog passed by their boat. He was in town hoping to drop in on Rainbow again, and immediately recognized her and Silver on the boat. "Hey... Where are they off to?" he wondered. Before he could ask them, the boat began to leave the shore! Sonic watched it speed away for a bit before deciding to follow them. He ran back a bit, then sped towards the water, speeding up as much as he could before dashing right over the water in the direction the boat was going!
Rainbow had directed Silver to Darkegg Fortress, the base Eggman had been using when she and Punchy were working for him. The two of them searched the tower for a while, but Eggman had deserted the fortress some time ago. Sonic had entered the base as well, but lost track of them after they went up an elevator, leaving him to take the stairs in an attempt to catch up. Now, Silver and Rainbow were in the control room of the tower, which was growing dusty since Eggman left. Realizing that Eggman clearly had not been there for some time, Silver let out a disappointed sigh. "He's not using this base anymore... And I doubt the computers here could tell us where he's gone..." he said. Rainbow looked at him apologetically. "I'm sorry, Shiny. I never imagined Tubby would ditch such a cool base..." she said. "That's okay... At least this was a start. Maybe I can find some sort of clue here... Then again, I wouldn't know what to look for. Maybe I should have researched the cause of my world's problems a bit more thoroughly before I came here... How could I be so stupid..." Silver said dejectedly. Rainbow patted him on the back comfortingly. "Now, now, don't beat yourself up, Shiny! You need to take your mind off all this... I know! I'll cheer you up!" she decided. Silver opened his mouth to say something, but hesitated as Rainbow stepped back and started untying the ribbon she wore around her neck. As she pulled it off and tossed it aside, Silver was overcome by curiosity. "What are you doing?" he asked. Rainbow slowly started pulling off her skirt. "C'mon, Shiny! Let's have a little fun!" she said. Silver's eyes went wide as he realized what was going on. "What!? But you hardly know me! This... this isn't right!" he protested. Rainbow tossed her shirt on Silver's head after she finished undressing. "Ha ha! You're silly, Shiny! C'mon, it'll be fun!" Silver tossed the shirt off his head, only to see Rainbow standing in front of him in all her glory, her pussy already starting to get wet with anticipation. "I... you... what... huh?" Silver stuttered, finding himself shocked at the situation he'd somehow gotten into. Rainbow stepped towards him, looking ready to pounce, and this startled Silver into stepping backward. This caused him to trip over some clutter and fall onto his back! "Omigosh! Are you OK!?" Rainbow asked. Silver looked up at her and nodded. "Good..." Rainbow smiled, kneeling down beside him. Silver watched her with shock and wonder, and soon his body gave in to the moment and let his cock out to greet her...
Rainbow gazed at Silver's erect penis, and grinned playfully. "That's more like it!" she said, climbing onto Silver and positioning her pussy over his penis. While the two of them were distracted, the door to the control room began to open! Sonic peered into the room, and then quickly and quietly pulled the door shut in front of him! "Wh.... whoa.... Did I see what I saw just now?" he thought, reopening the door a crack so he could peer into the room again. It was true, and he could see it plain as day, even though the room was a bit dark. Rainbow was kneeling over Silver, naked, and in position to start riding him! "She's somethin' else! I guess I'd better be goin', then..." Sonic thought. However, he found himself unable to turn away. "She really is hot... Damn, Silver's lucky right now... And... I can't even look away!" he thought. While Sonic silently watched, Rainbow reached down and took Silver's cock in her hand in order to guide it into her vagina. "Ready, Shiny?" she asked. Silver was too stunned to speak, but found himself nodding anyway. Rainbow giggled excitedly. "OK... Here we go!" she said, slowly lowering herself onto Silver's waiting rod. As her pussy began to cover his dick, Silver let out a soft, uncertain moan. He still wondered if he should be stopping this, but his conscience soon grew quiet, allowing his instincts to take over as Rainbow began moving over his cock, hopping up and down its length! Silver gasped and moaned as he started to allow himself to enjoy the moment. He looked up at Rainbow, and watched her breasts bounce as she rode him. Rainbow laughed playfully between gasps as she let herself be penetrated deeper and deeper. Nearby, a third voice was quietly moaning as he watched these events. Sonic had begun rubbing his hands over his own hardened cock, watching Rainbow and wishing it was him underneath her. Soon, Silver began to participate more in Rainbow's ride, moving his hips in time with Rainbow's movements! "Ha ha! That... ahhh... That's it, Shiny! Haaaa... This is getting really fun!" she said. Silver smiled at her reaction, and reached up to touch her beautiful boobs. As he started caressing her tits, she grabbed his arms to steady herself as she started to speed up. The sounds of passion coming from them grew louder, and likewise, so did Sonic's! But the blue hedgehog wasn't the only one watching. Overhead, a camera was looking down over Eggman's control room. Though at first it seemed to be deactivated, it had now moved, and was pointed straight at Silver and Rainbow...
Unaware that they were being watched, Silver and Rainbow continued to fuck. Rainbow continued riding his cock, moving up and down, over and over, playfully giggling all the while! Soon, Silver ceased playing with her breasts and moved his hands down to her hips, keeping her steady as they continued to speed up! "Ahhhh.... R-rainbow!! I... I'm gonna..." Silver was rapidly nearing his climax, but of course, Rainbow didn't care. "S-shiny!! Ohhh... Go ahead!" Rainbow continued moving along Silver's dick, approaching her own orgasm as well. Silver watched her breasts bouncing wildly as she rode him as fast as she could. Soon, Silver couldn't hold himself back anymore. "Aaaa... R-Raaaaaainbooooow!!!" He cummed into her pussy as Rainbow dropped herself down, allowing his seed to be planted deep into her! Rainbow reached her orgasm seconds later, and laid herself down on top of Silver to rest once her juices finished soaking his crotch. Silver smiled and hugged her as she rested atop him. "See? That was fun, wasn't it, Shiny?" she said, breathing heavily. "Yes... Thank you, Rainbow... Thanks for cheering me up." Silver said. He suddenly found himself filled with conflict as he lay there with Rainbow. "Oh, man... I... I think I love her, now. But... She lives in the past. This would never work..." he thought sadly. Meanwhile, Sonic had cummed onto the floor, and decided that it was about time to leave. "Lucky dude... Then again, I think that echidna might do it with anyone..." he muttered, turning to leave. As he started to go, a nearby elevator slid open, and the robot Zero came out! Sonic was caught off guard by the robot, and it punched him hard, knocking him backward and through the door to the control room! Silver and Rainbow hurriedly stood up to see what was going on. "Sonic!? Uh, this isn't what it looks like!" Silver shouted, standing in front of the nude Rainbow to keep her out of sight. Sonic stood up slowly. "Yes it is... But we've got bigger problems right now..." he said, pointing to the door. Zero burst into the room and shot nets out of his hands, catching everyone in the two nets! "Stand back, I'll handle this!" Silver said, but it was too late. An electric current ran through the special nets and shocked all three of them, knocking them out! Eggman could be heard laughing over the PA system. "Hooo ho ho ho! Got 'em! Now, Zero, bring them to the holding cells! The fun's just beginning! Ho ho ho ho ho!!"
To be continued... |
Chapter 10 - Losing Control |
Chapter 10 - Losing Control
Situation - M/F, rape, vaginal; M/M/F, vaginal, anal, group
Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and
Sonic Team. You knew that, right?
GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author.
The story thus far:
After Silver fucked Rainbow, the two of them were captured along with Sonic, and ultimately found themselves in the same cell as Copter and Heather. Silver enabled their escape with his powers. Meanwhile, Guard found Fera sneaking around Death Row, and was quickly defeated by her. Finding him attractive, Fera sucked his cock. Upon escaping the prison, Sonic, Copter, Silver, Heather, and Rainbow decided to head for Tails' Workshop, hoping he could help Silver locate Dr. Eggman. Meanwhile, Tails and Illusi went after Zipp, who had kidnapped Cream, and found themselves at Shadow Arc. They must now search the dark laboratory and rescue Cream before it's too late!
Now, on to the next chapter!
Upon arriving at Tails' Workshop, Sonic and company found the door open. Looking around inside, however, they found the building deserted, except for SPOT. The robot walked over to Copter. "Need maintenance..." it said. Copter crossed his arms. "Don't look at me, I'm not Tails!" he snapped. "SPOT, where'd Tails go?" Sonic asked. "Tails detected in near vicinity." said the text on SPOT's monitor. "I think he thinks Two is Tails." Rainbow pointed out. Silver scratched his head. "Strange robot. But maybe Tails is still here somewhere. There's a door on the upper balcony upstairs, I'll check it out." he said. Heather glanced at Rainbow. She was still wearing the GUN uniform she'd recieved at Death Row. "I'll fly up there with him and see if I can find you some clothes... Though I doubt I'll find anything." she said, exiting the building with Silver. Meanwhile, Sonic, Copter, and Rainbow looked around the main floor of Tails' Workshop. The main door led into the garage, where another door led to the actual workshop, which also had elements of a living room. Tails never did get to start repairs on SPOT, and the room was fairly tidy. Though their minds should have been set to the task of finding anything Tails owned that might help find Eggman, Sonic and Copter found themselves unable to concentrate. Sonic kept thinking back to the moments before he was captured, watching Silver and Rainbow. Copter, on the other hand, was busy thinking about how he never got to finish with Heather. Soon, Sonic shut the door to the garage, locking it. "I can't take it... I'm so... so horny!" he found himself saying. Copter looked at Sonic with shock, and Sonic looked equally shocked. "What's with you? You can't just blurt that out in front of people! Damn, but I AM horny, too..." Copter said, covering his mouth. "What the hell..." he muttered. Rainbow looked confused. "Why are you two yelling?" she asked. Sonic and Copter both looked at her, and stepped close to each other so they could whisper amongst themselves. "So, Copter..." Sonic whispered. "Yeah, I know. Well, let's fuck her!" Copter replied. "You sure it's all right?" Sonic asked. They glanced over at Rainbow, who had figured out what was happening and already started removing the GUN uniform. "Yeah, it's cool with her." Copter said.
Deep within Shadow Arc, Bucky had been busy in the laboratory. When Zipp had brought young Cream back, the lab rat couldn't contain his enthusiasm for his latest experiment. Now, his work was complete. "Feast your eyes, my experiments. I've done it!" Bucky announced, getting the attention of Vortex, Zipp, and Crash. The experiments gathered around Bucky's lab table as Cream slowly and nervously stood up. Her body had gone through some modifications. Before, she had just barely hit puberty, but now she stood before the group a full grown rabbit! She was now a bit taller, and a bit curvier, too. Her breasts had become at least the same size as her mother's, and possibly bigger. Bucky's experiments clapped enthusiastically at the apparent success of the experiment. "Nicely done, boss. So, you can accelerate growth perfectly now?" Crash asked. Bucky scratched his head. "Visually, she is perfect. But as a scientist, I must find out just how functional her fully grown parts are. I feel a test of her reproductive system is in order!" he said. Cream continued to look very nervous. "A test... But I didn't study..." she whimpered, secretly hoping that it would in fact be that sort of test. Of course, they all knew it was not. "Oh, yeah! If someone's gotta take her for a test drive, sign me up! I caught her, so it's only fitting!" Zipp insisted. Bucky shook his head. "You are too small to adequately test her out, Zipp. But if Vortex should fail to impregnate her, I may need you to take a turn." he said. Vortex looked surprised. "Me, ssssir? Really?" he asked. Bucky nodded. "I feel you are the right build for her. Are you ready?" he said. "Yesss, ssssir. Thank you, ssssir! I will do my bessst to impregnate her." Vortex declared somewhat excitedly. "Now, don't go nuts. I want a turn!" Zipp snapped. Cream backed away fearfully, but bumped into the lab table. She was trapped! "No... Don't hurt me!" she pleaded. Vortex approached her, grinning. "Asss long asss you cooperate. Let'sss ssssee if you can produce my child..." he hissed, reaching for Cream's hips. Bucky walked over to a nearby computer. "Hold on, one second... Let me begin scanning her. I must record all changes that occur in her body..." he said, pressing buttons. "All right. Ready.... Go!"
Back at Tails' Workshop, Rainbow was ready to go. As Sonic and Copter looked her over, they both began to get hard. Rainbow giggled at their simultanious erections. "I guess you're both ready to have fun! Hmmm... Looks like yours is a little bigger than Two's, Speedy!" she said. Actually, Sonic and Copter's cocks were about the same size, and it was difficult to really tell who's was actually larger, but Sonic still cracked a superior smirk. Copter ignored this and walked over to Rainbow, gently cupping her breasts in his hands. "I've been wanting to do this ever since you arrived at our cell..." Copter grinned, squeezing Rainbow's boobs tightly. Rainbow let out a happy sigh. She loved having her breasts squeezed, especially by Copter. Sonic approached next, looking at Rainbow's content expression with interest. Copter knew how to pleasure her, and it became clear to Sonic that this was not their first, or even second time together. As Copter was playing with Rainbow's breasts, Sonic positioned himself behind her, and glanced down at her cute, round ass. He'd never tried anal sex before, but the thought of trying filled him with excitement. Rainbow giggled as Copter started rubbing her tits, while Sonic moved his penis against her ass hole. "Mind if I enter through here?" Sonic asked. "Oh... Yes, please..." Rainbow gasped. Sonic smiled and slowly started pushing into her rear. It was tighter than Sonic had imagined, but he didn't mind. As he slowly dug his way inside Rainbow, Copter began licking her tits. "I wonder what your milk tastes like..." he muttered, drawing a tit into his mouth to suck on it. All the while, Sonic pushed deeper into Rainbow. She yelped a little, but it really didn't hurt much. She'd done this before. Soon, Sonic had gone as far into her rear as he could go, and he slowly started moving back and forth, unable to move quickly due to the tightness of her ass. "Ahh... Speedy... That's nice..." Rainbow sighed, the pain already fading. Copter released Rainbow's tit from his mouth, licking his lips a little before kissing her. She returned the kiss, moaning excitedly as Sonic continued thrusting into her rear. Copter slowly pushed his penis lengthwise against her pussy, rubbing against it, eager to enter. As their kiss ended, Rainbow smiled at Copter. "I guess you're ready, huh, Two?" she said.
Sonic laid down on the ground with Rainbow on top of him, still penetrating her ass. As he thrusted back and forth inside her rear, Copter approached from the front. He knelt down between their legs, holding on to Rainbow's knees for balance. He moved his hips toward hers, soon touching her entrance with the tip of his cock. She gasped as Sonic pushed into her again. "Ahhh... C'mon, Two! Push it in!" she said excitedly. Copter wore a devilish smile as he entered Rainbow's pussy. He savored these moments, they made his friendship with the often irritating echidna worthwhile. Rainbow moaned lustfully as Copter joined Sonic in thrusting inside her. Copter sped up his motions quickly, as though trying to "catch up" with Sonic. The three were soon panting and moaning in unison, caring little if Silver or Heather would hear them. Sonic reached around Rainbow and grabbed at her breasts, feeling them in his hands. They were a bit bigger than Amy's, though just a little. Sonic felt her tits between his fingers, then squeezed them, much like Copter had done earlier. Rainbow moaned in pleasure. "Ahhh... You're really getting good at this, Speedy!" she said. Copter responded by fucking her faster, trying to get her attention. She yelped in ecstasy. "Ohhh!! Two, you're really good, too! Ahhh... Yeah! This is great!" she shouted, grabbing Sonic's hands as he continued to massage her boobs. "Seems like... we make a good team... Copter..." Sonic gasped. Copter chuckled at his remark. "Team, nothin... This... is all me!" he panted. Sonic chuckled and began thrusting into Rainbow's ass faster. It was almost competitive, but not quite. Soon, Copter crawled atop Rainbow, keeping his penis inside her pussy, and kissed Rainbow again, much more passionately this time. Rainbow laughed into his mouth, and he backed off slightly. "You know, we'll crush Speedy like this, Two!" she joked. "No, it'll take more than this... to crush me!" Sonic grunted, though he actually was feeling a little crushed. For his sake, Copter moved back into his previous position. It wouldn't be much longer now, anyway. As Sonic and Copter fucked her harder again, Rainbow already cummed. "Aaaaahhh!!! So much... ahhh... fun! Don't stop!" she shouted. Sonic and Copter obliged; In fact, they felt they couldn't stop if they wanted to.
Meanwhile, Vortex was ready to fuck the now grown up Cream. He had already become hard, and now he reached for Cream's breasts. She tried to back away, but stumbled back onto the table, a position that would make it hard to escape. Vortex attempted to climb on top of her, but Cream began kicking at him, refusing to give in to his advance. Vortex hissed angrily. "Hold ssstill! You'll only make it rough on yourssself!" he warned. "We can't have that..." Bucky said, "Zipp, Crash, hold her down. Don't let her struggle!" Crash approached the end of the table and grabbed her arms, holding them down, while Zipp grabbed one of her legs. Now, she could only kick with one leg, which Vortex grabbed and shoved aside. "You're goin' nowhere, girl!" Crash grunted as she struggled against him. "Just wait for my turn..." Zipp added. With the way opened to him, Vortex climbed onto the table and aimed his penis at her pussy. "Thissss sssshould be fun..." he grinned, moving his hips closer to hers. "No! Stop! Don't do it! I don't want you... inside me!" Cream protested. Vortex grinned excitedly, her cries fueling his lust. Without waiting another moment, Vortex violently thrusted his cock into her, making her scream as he penetrated deep inside her. He hissed lustfully, staring into her terrified eyes. "Doesss it hurt? Keep sssstruggling, then. I want to hear your criessss asss I fill you with my sssseed." he said. And struggle she did, but it was useless. Vortex began pushing back and forth, pounding her pussy without restraint. As fast as he could, as hard as he could, while Cream cried desperately, wishing it were merely a dream. It quickly became apparent to her that she couldn't break free, but she continued to struggle weakly. Crash released her arms and reached for her breasts, squeezing them in his hands. "They feel... Big..." Crash muttered, not quite sure what else to say. "My experiment should have filled them with milk. We'll have to test them as well." Bucky said. In response, Vortex extended his long chameleon tongue, wrapping it around her right tit. "Cool trick, Tex, I don't know whether to be amazed or disgusted." Zipp grinned. Vortex's tongue quickly snapped back to his mouth, and he licked his lips as he continued pushing into her. "Nice... But I tassste no milk..." he said.
Vortex lowered himself on top of Cream, keeping her unable to struggle much under his weight. As he continued to force his way in and out of her pussy, Bucky scanned them both with his devices. "Hmmm... It may be some time yet before she can secrete milk. But if my calculations are right, Vortex should have the same chances of impregnating her as he'd have with a naturally grown adult..." he said to himself. Vortex grasped Cream's boobs tightly as he fucked her, coaxing moans out of her amidst all the cries. "Sssseemsss you are ssstarting to enjoy thisss after all..." he hissed before sticking out his long tongue again, extending it into her mouth. Cream shivered at this experience, and bit down on his tongue to stop it. "Ooow!! Ssssshit... You little bitch!" he yelled, violently grasping her breasts. He released them before causing Cream any real pain, but also began fucking her faster. "Aaaahhh!! Ohhh... No, stop!! Please!! Aaaaaahhhh!!" Cream yelled, gasping and moaning as she tried to protest. The screams only fed Vortex's lust, making him go harder and faster. Though the pleasure drowned out most of the pain, the emotional pain was becoming unbearable. Cream screamed desperately for help, and soon, help did arrive. Tails and Illusi burst into the room, but were instantly stunned by what they saw. "What's he done to her?" Tails gasped, seeing the changes in Cream's body. "This goes beyond even my worst fears... We must stop them!" Illusi shouted. Bucky sneered at them as they stepped further into the room. "You picked the wrong time, Prower..." he said.
Copter thrusted into Rainbow's pussy. Sonic pushed into her ass. Rainbow had cummed again while Sonic and Copter had been fucking her, and she felt she might do so yet again soon. They shouted together in passion, Sonic and Copter's minds consumed by lust. "Aw... YES! You're such a slut! Gotta go faster... Faster!" Sonic yelled. "Yeah... I'm fuckin' you hard! I'm gonna fill you up to the brim! Yeah!!" Copter screamed. Rainbow couldn't really make out what they were saying, for it was mixed with her own voice. "Ha ha!! Yeah!! So... good! Speedy!! Two!! AAAAAAAHHHH!!!" They kept fucking and yelling for a few minutes more, untill at last, they started cumming, one by one. "AaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Their screams were definetely heard by Silver and Heather as Sonic and Copter filled Rainbow with cum. As Copter pulled out, he continued cumming, covering Rainbow's chest with his seed. He fell backward on to the floor, all three of them panting heavily as they rested. "Whoa... That was intense..." Copter muttered. "I called her... Such names. It was like I was another person..." Sonic gasped, shocked with himself. As they rested on the floor of the workshop, they heard a faint noise upstairs, getting louder and louder. "Ohhh... Ahhhh.... Uhhhh... Yes!! Aaaaaaaaaahhh!!!" Copter sat up quickly, glancing upward. "Is that Heather!?" he gasped. Sonic and Rainbow quickly got up and joined Copter as he unlocked the door and ran outside, eager to see what was going on.
They made their way to the upper floor of the workshop, and barged into Tails's bedroom. Their jaws dropped at what they saw. Heather was naked on the bed, shouting excitedly as Silver was fucking her pussy, also shouting, like he'd lost his mind! Within seconds, Silver cummed deep inside Heather, and as he pulled out of her pussy and collapsed on the bed, their shouts quieted. Copter cleared his throat to get their attention. "Is that bed... comfy?" he said awkwardly. Silver and Heather glanced over and saw the three of them naked, with Rainbow covered in cum. "I was... so horny..." Silver muttered. Heather sighed with guilt. "I wasn't... but I let him get me there..." she said. Rainbow sighed dissappointedly. "You should have sent him to us. I woulda loved to try it with three guys..." she said. Sonic raised an eyebrow. "She IS a slut... Did I just say that again!?" he gasped. Silver and Heather got off the bed, and Silver looked very worried. "It's like I feared... It's happening. We're all hornier than usual..." he realized. "Except the girls..." Copter noted. Sonic glanced out the door angrily. "Eggman must be behind this. He's trying to stop me by driving me mad with desire..." he said. "We've gotta stop him before we lose it completely!" Silver reasoned. "But if Tails is going nuts, too, he won't be back for a long time, probably." Rainbow pointed out. "Then we'll have to find another way to locate him... Maybe Tails does have some sort of radar... But probably not in here..." Copter pointed out. Sonic, Copter, and Silver began to head out of the room, when Silver stopped to talk to the girls. "Stay here. It's best you don't hang out near us, so we won't be tempted to do that again." he suggested before leaving. "Yeah... Sure..." Heather muttered. Rainbow scratched her head a bit after the guys were gone. "So, uh... What's going on?" she asked, confused.
Tails and Illusi's arrival was a little late, however. With only a couple more powerful thrusts, Vortex unleashed his cum into Cream's fully grown pussy, planting his seed deep inside her! Cream reacted by passing out, something that Bucky hadn't expected. "I shall have to examine her thouroughly in a moment, but not before dealing with you meddlers!" he growled. Before Tails or Illusi could act, Bucky jumped from his seat and shot powerful bolts of electricity from his fingers, knocking them both into the wall behind them! "Infantile fools..." he muttered. Illusi stood up quickly and glanced at Tails. Unfortunately, the young fox had been knocked unconscious. "This couldn't have gone worse... I'd better go..." he realized, teleporting away in a puff of smoke. Bucky walked over to the unconscious Tails and looked over his body, lost in thought. "Are you planning to try the growth experiment on him next?" Crash asked. Bucky crossed his arms and looked thoughtful. "Don't have to... But maybe I can use him after all. He does look about perfect for another experiment I have in mind..." Zipp examined Bucky's data on the computer screen. "Is she pregnant? How do we tell?" he asked. Bucky rolled his eyes. "Wait nine months. For now, I have work to do..."
To be continued... |
Chapter 17 - Knuckles Dominates |
Chapter 17 - Knuckles Dominates
Situation - M/F, M/M, anal, vaginal, rape
Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and
Sonic Team. You knew that, right'
GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author.
The story thus far:
Sonic finally caught up with Dr. Eggman, who revealed that the signal causing male furries to go sex-crazed was actually part of Bucky the Rat's scheme! Before Sonic could learn much more, he learned that Eggman's base was about to explode! He acted fast, and helped Amy, Rouge, and the now-female Tails escape the base before it exploded, collapsing and trapping several people inside. Bucky's experiments have set to work capturing some on the people trapped in the rubble, including Guard and Heather. Meanwhile, Illusi the Shrew helped Silver and Blaze escape. Now, Sonic is looking for other survivors while Tails is busy attempting to reverse what Bucky did to her, and turn herself back into a boy.
Now, on to the next chapter!
Tails was busy tinkering with a few gadgets in her workshop, trying to fashion a device to change her back into a male. Amy was sitting nearby. She sighed miserably in her boredom. "A whole base full of sex-crazed lunatics, and Cream got more action than me... Of course, I only wanted Sonic, but as usual, as soon as I find him he has to run off and save someone..." she muttered. Tails made a few thoughtful murmurs and then chuckled to herself. "I think I've done it! I'm no expert on sex changes, but I think this should work. Help me out here, Amy!" she said, turning around and handing the pink hedgehog a goofy looking laser device. "What's this'" she asked. Tails backed away and raised her arms. "It's a gender-changing laser. Shoot me with it." she said. Amy looked at her a little awkwardly. "Shoot you'! But what if it doesn't work right'" she asked. "It shouldn't be dangerous. Just do it!" Tails insisted. Amy shrugged. "All right... You asked for it..." She fired the laser at Tails, and when it hit, a blinding light covered everything! Amy shielded her eyes and gasped in horror. "Oh-my-god! Tails! Are you OK' Are you dead' Don't be dead!" she shouted as she slowly opened her eyes. Tails was still standing, and in fact, was no longer a girl! His device had been a success! As he slowly opened his eyes, he saw Amy blushing heavily. "See, I told you I'd be all ri.... ohhh..." Tails gasped as he realized where Amy was looking. His device had worked perfectly, and his penis was out to prove it. Tails started blushing as well. "Ummm... S-sorry about that, A-amy..." he stammered. Amy tried to get a hold of herself, but she was shocked at how well endowed Tails was. She slowly started to smile. "Very nice, Tails. I'm impressed." she said. Tails continued blushing, but slowly started to relax. "Oh, well... Thanks, I guess..." he said with a goofy smile. Amy slowly walked over, setting the laser down on Tails' work bench before getting a closer look at his cock. "You know, Tails... I feel bad about seeing you naked like that. I guess the only thing to do is to let you see me naked, too..." she whispered. Tails gulped. "A-are you sure' What about..." he stammered. Amy shushed him. "Just this once... It'll be our secret..." she said.
Bucky was pacing in the newly added prison area of his lab. There were a few captives in the cells already, and as he looked in at Heather, Team GeneX arrived with another captive in tow. Crash was carrying Cream the Rabbit in his arms, with Vortex and Zipp following behind him. "We have another one, boss." Crash said. "Not here again! Let me go!!" Cream whimpered. Bucky chuckled. "All in good time, but not until I'm ready. Lock her in an empty cell." he ordered. Crash and Zipp went off to lock up Cream, but Vortex remained with Bucky. "If I may asssk, sssir... What isss the purpossse of thessse experimentsss'" he asked. Bucky sighed. "You wouldn't understand. Suffice it to say that my goal has always been to create life. Project GeneX-X-X should have a high yield. That is all you need to know." he said. Vortex shrugged. "Asss long asss there issss a purpossse to it." he muttered. Bucky looked thoughtful. "Rounding up our test subjects is taking longer than I would like. I suppose it is because of the destruction of the doctor's base. Have you thought to turn on the backup sex drive inducer signals yet' I imagine it would make rounding up the rest of them easier." he said. "Already done, ssssir. We'll head back out right away." Vortex replied. Bucky nodded and started walking away. "Keep the males and females separated for now. I'll be in my lab getting ready for the main event. This may very well be my greatest experiment..." he said. Zipp and Crash soon joined Vortex. "He'sss crazy, you know." he hissed. Zipp chuckled. "I know. That's why I'm enjoying this so much!" he said. Crash shrugged. "Crazy or not, I think he's mostly harmless. We'll see where this experiment of his goes, and decide what to do from there." he said. Vortex slapped him. "Don't be insssubordinate! We mussst obey the massster! No matter what..." he hissed before leading them both out. "Vortex is crazy, too..." Zipp whispered. "You would know." Crash replied.
Sonic was running around the rubble of Eggman's base, looking for any sign of survivors. So far, he hadn't had any luck, but now, he came upon a section of rubble that was shifting. He stopped to check it out, and soon a fist burst out from under the rubble! With a little more digging, Knuckles finally managed to escape from the base. Sonic waved to him. "Yo, Knuckles. I didn't know you were paying Eggman a visit." he said. "It's a long story, Sonic." Knuckles grumbled. "Well, tell it somewhere with more stable ground!" Sonic said, grabbing Knuckles and carrying him away from the remains of the base. Once they were on the stable ground of the Mystic Ruins jungle, Knuckles related parts of his story to Sonic, leaving out as many unflattering parts as he could, but he couldn't get around telling Sonic about how he'd been captured. "Oh, gee, I was running around the base trying to save everyone and you were chilling out in a cell!" Sonic teased. Knuckles growled at him. "Knock it off, Sonic. It's not like you've never been caught before!" he said. Sonic chuckled. "You mean Prison Island' I came quietly so I could find out about Shadow. YOU just got dragged into Eggman's base kicking and screaming!" he joked. Knuckles was in no mood for this. "Shut up, Sonic! I didn't take any crap from Rouge today and I'm not taking it from you!" he warned. Sonic rolled his eyes. "You're right. I'm sure you didn't get your butt kicked. Eggman probably TRICKED you into the cell!" he said. This was the last straw. "You asked for it!!" Knuckles yelled, socking him in the gut! "Ooof!! Hey!!" Sonic growled, only to have Knuckles push him to the ground! "I'm fed up with your jokes! Maybe I oughta teach you a lesson the way I taught Rouge a lesson!" Knuckles yelled. Sonic raised an eyebrow. Knuckles had left out this part of his story. "And how's that'" he asked. Knuckles jumped on top of Sonic, pinning him to the ground! There was a certain madness in his eyes that told Sonic he may not entirely be in his right mind. "First off, I'm gonna overpower you. Which I guess I just did, 'cuz I AM stronger! So next... I'm gonna rape your sorry ass!" he yelled. Sonic looked up at him with a nervous smile. "Um... Did I happen to tell you about the weird signal that's making everyone sex crazed'" he asked. Knuckles got up and flipped Sonic over so that he was on his stomach, but before he was turned, Sonic briefly got a glimpse of Knuckles' hard, throbbing cock. "Like I'm gonna just LET you do this'" he said, attempting to crawl away. Knuckles seized him by the legs and started pulling him back as he grunted and growled. Sonic was tough, but Knuckles was in a much more advantageous position at the moment. "Struggle and scream all you want, Sonic... I'm gonna enjoy this, big time!" Knuckles grinned, lowering his cock towards Sonic's ass. Sonic struggled a bit more, but came to realize that it was too late. "Oh... Shit... Knuckles is really gonna fuck me! No!!" he thought, clawing at the ground desperately. Knuckles wore an evil smile. "Take this, Sonic!" With that, Knuckles slammed his cock into Sonic's rear, penetrating him with all his might! Sonic howled in pain, filling Knuckles with a sense of satisfaction. "Brace yourself, I'm just getting started!" he said.
Amy was standing with her back against the wall. She was fully naked and beckoning Tails to approach her. Tails stared at her with his mouth hanging open. She was hot, and her sexy curves mesmerized him. "A-amy... We're gonna... have sex, aren't we'" he asked. Amy grinned seductively. "I think we are. Look how wet you made me, Tails... Besides... Don't you think you ought to test your boy parts' To make sure you changed back right'" she reasoned. Tails shivered. "You think Sonic will buy that'" he asked. Amy winked. "I bet Sonic owes me one. He can't try to tell me he didn't fall to temptation once with that crazy signal going on." she said. Tails nodded. "It's probably affecting us right now..." he realized, slowly walking towards her. "I don't think I care..." Amy sighed, grabbing one of her breasts, "Take me, Tails..." He reached out and held her waist, eagerly inching his foxhood towards her flower. "I'll do my best, Amy..." he said, suddenly pressing his lips against hers in a surprise kiss! His tongue slid into her mouth and met hers, and as they kissed, he pushed his cock slowly into her tight passage. Amy moaned into his mouth, and when the kiss ended, she looked into his eyes affectionately. "That was so cute... Here I thought you'd be all shy." she said. Tails slowly started to move inside her, slowly moving his hands up her body to feel her wonderful curves. "Um... Thanks, Amy..." Actually, he was feeling a bit shy, but he kept going anyway. He wondered if it was his own doing, or the signal, but he didn't waste too much time questioning it. "Mmmm... So gentle... So soft..." Amy sighed, holding on to Tails and nuzzling his chest. He sped up gradually and carefully, to make sure Amy was comfortable the entire time. He slowly moved his hands towards her breasts. "May I... touch them'" he asked almost bashfully. Amy blushed and nodded. "Why don't you give 'em a good squeeze'" she smirked. He slowly took them in his hands, brushing his fingers over her tits, making her sigh. He then grinned and squeezed them tight! "Aaaah!! Ha ha!! That's it, Tails!" she chuckled. He chuckled as well and started pushing his cock into her even faster. He was still pretty gentle with her, but he was holding back less as he got closer to his climax. Amy thrusted her hips along, eagerly urging him to finish inside her! "Aaaahhh... Yes!! That's it, Tails!! You're so good!! Ohhh!! Ahhh!! T-taaaails!!" Amy shouted, feeling herself nearing her peak. Tails kept it up, his tails spinning as his excitement was building. "Ahh... Yeah... Amy!! This is... Aaaahhh!! Whoa!!" They continued moaning and shouting as they went, holding on to each other as their pleasure built up. Finally, they both made one final thrust, shouting each other's name as they came! Tails pushed his cock as deep as it would go, planting his seed deep inside her as her cum trickled down their legs! When it was over, Tails slowly pulled out of her, and they stood side by side, panting. Amy took his hand. "Tails... That was amazing... If I ever leave Sonic, which I won't, maybe I'll consider you next..." she said, smiling. Tails nodded. "I'd like that. Maybe..." he said. Amy sighed and glanced towards the door. "Sonic's not back yet..." she realized. Tails chuckled nervously. "I'm kinda glad, but maybe we better see if he needs any help. After we wash up, of course!"
It was a safe bet that Sonic could use a bit of help, but whether he'd actually want said help to see him in the situation he was in could be debated. Knuckles had him pinned face down on the ground, and was ravaging the helpless hedgehog's ass with his cock! Sonic screamed and protested, but Knuckles kept banging again and again. "Ahhh... Uhhh, Sonic, your ass is so tight! Heh, I like it!" he said, enjoying his current dominance over his frequent rival. Sonic grunted and groaned, trying to suppress any further screaming, since it only seemed to encourage him. It hurt like hell, he wasn't used to being fucked like this, and Knuckles certainly wasn't going easy on him. Knuckles made a few more thrusts, and then stopped for a moment. "Well, now that you're softened up... Let's switch to a more entertaining position!" He pulled out of Sonic's ass and flipped him over again, so that Sonic was now on his back. Sonic thought about trying to get away now that Knuckles had pulled out, but he was pretty banged up, and he didn't expect he'd get far anyway. No, for now, Knuckles had won. The red echidna smirked at Sonic's defiant expression, and then noticed that his cock had been coaxed out as well. "Enjoying your beating Sonic, hmm'" he said, closing his fist over Sonic's cock and squeezing it for a moment. Sonic scowled at him. "Suck it, Knux." he snapped. Knuckles released Sonic's cock from his grip. "I'm tempted to kick it, but why should I' I've already got you pinned..." he said, grabbing Sonic's rear and positioning him so that his cock could re-enter, "...And from this vantage point, I can see the look on your face when I blast your insides with my cum!" Without further ado, Knuckles plunged his cock back into Sonic's ass hole, watching Sonic wince as he was penetrated once again! Sonic knew it was probably the strange signal driving Knuckles over the edge, but he still felt Knuckles was enjoying this way too much. "Aaaahhh... S-stop it, Knux!! You're startin' to seem gay!" he shouted. Knuckles snickered at him and started thrusting his cock inside him again, holding on to Sonic's waist as he went! "C'mon, Sonic' Can't you force me off, tough guy' Ha ha ha!" he laughed, grabbing Sonic's cock and pumping it in his hand as he kept fucking his rival. Sonic squirmed and groaned. He attempted to grab at Knuckles and push him away, but he couldn't get a grip on him. He didn't want to admit defeat, but there was little else he could do. Knuckles kept fucking him harder and faster, panting and laughing and taunting him all the while. He kept playing with Sonic's penis, quickly causing precum to sprout from it. Sonic gasped as the pain was fading and began to be replaced with pleasure. "Aaaahhh... Aaaahhhh... N-nooo!! K-knucklessss!! St-stooooaaaaahhh!!" he moaned, unable to hide the pleasure he was feeling. Knuckles laughed. "Ready, Sonic' As much as I've enjoyed watching you squirm and all that, I think it's time for me to finish this! HERE IT COMES!!" He released Sonic's cock and pushed his own as hard as he could, slamming Sonic with everything he had! Sonic screamed and yelled, but not quite what either of them expected. "Ohhh... Aaaahhh... Y-yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!" Knuckles let out a similar, but more triumphant yell as his cum flooded into Sonic's butt, even leaking out a bit due to the amount! Knuckles chuckled and pulled out before he was done, letting the last of his load fall over Sonic's chest! Sonic laid there, breathing heavily, battered and beaten. Knuckles had sure won this "argument." He smiled as he admired his handiwork. "About time I won a round. Maybe now you'll respect me a little more." he said. Sonic stared up at him with a look of defeat. "I... can't believe... you did that. I guess I should be impressed with that sucker-punch of yours." he grinned. Knuckles sighed, and was about to say something, when he was struck from behind hard! He fell over, unconscious, and Sonic saw Vortex, Crash, and Zipp standing over them! "Two more prissssonerssss... Let'ssss take them away..." Vortex said. Sonic whimpered nervously. "Can this day get any worse'" he groaned.
In another area just outside the base was Gemini the Fennec and Punchy the Echidna. They hadn't gotten far into the base before it exploded, but they'd at least managed to find Gemini's wand, which Metal Sonic had discarded, assuming it to be worthless. They escaped the explosion, but were feeling bad about everyone who was still inside. "I feel like such a failure..." Gemini said. Punchy sighed. "There wasn't much you could do. I mean, you got knocked out for who knows how long..." he reasoned. Gemini looked at the massive pile of rubble where the base used to be. "Maybe there are still people alive inside there. With my magic, maybe I can help them..." she figured. Punchy suddenly felt a stirring between his legs. "Um... Gemini... You know that weird thing you told me about where Knuckles couldn't control his urge to screw you'" he whimpered. Gemini glanced at him and shivered. "Oh, thanks for the warning. I'm afraid I don't have time for that now. Abra-ka-warpra!" she said, using her magic to teleport away. Punchy frowned once she was gone. "Why did I tell her that...' Am I goin' soft'" he muttered. Suddenly, Illusi, Blaze, and Silver appeared nearby! Punchy jumped in surprise. "Gah! It's bad enough when you do that alone, Illusi! Now you gotta bring backup!' Wait, Blaze!'" he said, feeling his crotch stir again. Illusi rolled his eyes. "Sorry, Dark One. No time to chat. I have to look for more survivors." he said, disappearing again. Silver took off on his own. "No more time! I must save the future!" he said. Blaze looked at Punchy awkwardly. "Nothing happened... Not that it's any of your business. Well, I should be going!" she said, running off in the direction of the destroyed base, probably hoping to find a clue as to where to find Eggman now. Punchy growled in frustration. "Oh, no you don't! Wait up!" he muttered, chasing after her.
To be continued... |
Chapter 16 - Trapped |
Chapter 16 - Trapped
Situation - M/F, oral, vaginal
Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and
Sonic Team. You knew that, right'
GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author.
The story thus far:
After defeating Gemini, Fera was caught by Metal Sonic. Using "rape torture," Metal Sonic learned from her that bombs had been planted in Eggman's base! Fera was taken away by Alpha. Metal Sonic then found Gemini, and decided to interrogate her as well. Punchy happened upon them, and decided to "help" Metal Sonic. The two fucked Gemini together, and once finished, Metal Sonic left Gemini with Punchy, who promised to "take care of her." In actuality, he decided to help her. Meanwhile, Shadow found Tails in the base. He had been altered by an experiment, and was now female! Unable to stop himself, Shadow started to violently rape Tails while Eggman watched. Suddenly, Sonic arrived and attacked Shadow, snapping him out of it! As Sonic, Tails, and Shadow confronted Eggman, he revealed that the entire scheme was actually Bucky's idea! Just then, Metal Sonic arrived and told them about the bombs, and that they had no time to stop them! The base had to be evacuated!
Now, on to the next chapter!
Guard the Gargoyle had arrived at Eggman's base. He had to recapture the fugitives who had escaped from GUN, specifically the experiments. After a bit of exploring, he located Heather the Phoenix, who had wandered off alone after having sex with Shadow and Silver. "Grrr... You! I am here to return you to GUN custody!" Guard growled as he approached her. Heather glanced at him and frowned. "You again... Seems like you're ALWAYS trying to capture me." she complained. Guard looked a little confused. "This is only our second meeting..." he muttered. Heather shrugged. "Right, he doesn't remember. I wonder why I remember'" she said to herself. For some reason, she could recall events in Soleanna that the others couldn't. Guard raised his scythe and moved closer to her. "Grrr... Give yourself up! Right now!" he snarled. Suddenly, the entire building was rocked by an explosion! "Whoa!! What the'" Heather ran behind Guard as the hallway behind her exploded as well! The entire base was blowing up! Guard let out a nervous growl. "The entire base is exploding! We must escape, now!" he shouted. Heather suddenly got an idea, and lunged into Guard from behind, pinning him to the ground! "Grrrr!!! What are you doing!'" he yelled. "We'll never escape! We have to stay down and wait it out!" she said. "You're insane!! Get off me!! Grrrrrrr!!!" Try as he might, Guard was unable to push her off of him. As the area around them was exploding, he shut his eyes and awaited what he expected would be the end. The room collapsed around them, and fire swept across their bodies, but somehow, Guard found he wasn't being burned. Heather was absorbing the flames! In just a few moments, the chaos had ended, and Heather climbed off of Guard. Rubble was covering everything, but there was a small pocket of space that the two of them were now sitting in. There appeared to be no way out, but at least Heather had absorbed all the fire in the area so they wouldn't burn to death. Guard, however, was not feeling grateful. "Grrrr! You fool! Now we're trapped in here!" he growled. Heather looked around sheepishly. "Hadn't thought of that..." she said.
They weren't the only ones trapped inside. Silver the Hedgehog had been informed of the base's fate by Sonic as he was rushing to get everyone he could out. He took it upon himself to search for any stragglers who didn't know the base was going to explode. He found Blaze the Cat, who was searching for any kind of device that might transport her home. As the base started exploding, Silver used his psychic powers to block flames and debris, protecting them both, but in the end they found themselves trapped together. Now, they were both sitting in the cramped space, upset about their fate. They were sitting across from each other. There was barely enough room for them both to fit comfortably. Blaze was looking at him with mixed feelings. She was glad he'd saved her, but upset that they seemed to be doomed anyway. Still, if she had to be trapped somewhere, awaiting death, she could think of worse people to be trapped with. "Well, there's no way out. Thanks for trying to save me, though." she said, looking into his eyes. Silver sighed. "If only I could lift this rubble, but if I did, I might cause this spot to cave in and kill us. I can't hold everything up..." he said. Blaze nodded. "You know... It's probably best not to think about it..." she said. Silver looked at her and felt very sad. "I wish it didn't have to end this way..." he sighed. Blaze didn't like how sad he looked. "Hey, cheer up. At least we don't have to go through this alone." she said, inching herself closer to him, gazing into his eyes. Silver shivered as he met her gaze. "Y-yeah... At least I can keep you company..." he muttered. Blaze smiled. "We can do better than that. We should make the most of the time we have left." she purred, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Silver blushed and took her hand. "You want... to have sex' Here'" he stammered. Blaze giggled. "You know how, don't you'" she asked. Silver nodded. "Well... you are very beautiful... I'd be glad to..." he said quickly and awkwardly. Blaze grinned at him. He seemed so cute to her. She pressed her lips to his and shared a loving, passionate kiss with him. "Take me..." she whispered.
"You think someone will rescue us'" asked Heather, breaking an awkward silence while she and Guard sat in the rubble of the base. Guard nodded. "If GUN misses me, they can find me. Grrr... But we should conserve oxygen." he said. Heather sighed. "GUN' Forget it, we're doomed..." she said. With that, another awkward silence began, until Guard decided to speak. "Grrr... Why did you try to save me'" he asked. Heather shrugged. "Why not' Besides, you're kinda sexy..." she said, looking him over with a smirk. Guard glanced at her and blushed. "Gr... Well... So are you." he said. Heather smiled and took off her coat, letting Guard see her lovely red breasts. "Might as well wait out the end in comfort. It's hot in here, and besides, you've already seen it." she said mischievously. Guard stared at her in surprise, and then licked his lips. "Grrrr... You know, we're probably the last people either of us will see. Perhaps we should..." he said, trailing off. Heather nodded. "I'm way ahead of ya." she said, pulling off her pants so that she was fully nude. Guard let out a pleased growl as he began to get erect. "Grrr... Now, allow me to repay you for saving my life..." he said, crawling over to her. She watched him with a sexy grin on her face, and spread out her legs to grant him access to her flower. He held on to her thighs and brought his lips closer and closer to her slit, growling hungrily. He gave her pussy a quick lick and glanced up at her. She nodded. "Go on, and take your time... We'll be here a while, after all." she said. Guard slipped his tongue into her passage and started moving it around, exploring her entrance. She sighed happily as his tongue swirled around inside her, giving her a little massage. Guard purred as he enjoyed her taste, and soon he opened his mouth and started sucking, thrusting his tongue back and forth as he did. Heather moaned, softly at first, but she got louder and louder as Guard feasted on her pussy! It wasn't long before she came, her juices spilling into his mouth as she cried out in pleasure! Guard slurped up her juices happily, licking his lips once finished. "Grrrr... Very nice... I guess we both know what's next'" he asked. Heather smiled and winked. "I'm sure I do. Show me what you got!" she said.
Silver took a moment to admire Blaze, who was lying on the floor, legs spread and waiting for him to take her. She was still naked when he found her, but this was the first time he really looked at her. He'd never seen anything more beautiful in his life, her lovely curves dazzled him, while the lusty gaze of her beautiful yellow eyes excited him. In no time, his cock emerged from its hiding place, erect and ready. Blaze blushed when she saw it. "Not bad... So, you like what you see' Come and get me, then! I'm ready." she smiled. Silver crawled on top of her, gazing into her eyes as he held her. "You're so... um... n-never mind!" he said nervously. Blaze smiled. "It's OK, you can say whatever you want. What happens in the caved in building stays here." she told him. Silver didn't want things to be TOO awkward if they somehow managed to escape, so he avoided saying anything too mushy. "Oh, uh... Warm. You're very warm." he said. Blaze nodded, and wrapped her arms around him. "And things are only going to heat up!" she said. Silver smiled and began moving his hands over her body, caressing her sexy curves, holding her close in his embrace. She purred and kissed his neck, stroking his back gently as she waited for him to take the next step. His hands soon found her breasts, and he massaged them gently while inching his rod closer and closer to her entrance. As the head poked at her lips, he gulped. "Here goes nothing..." he whispered. Blaze let out a playful meow and licked his nose. "You tease... Don't be so shy!" she said. He nodded and gently slid his shaft into her wet passage. She moaned and kissed him, encouraging him to proceed. He slowly and gently began moving inside her, sliding his cock back and forth, sighing happily as he went. He held on to her, and she returned his embrace, kissing him repeatedly as he went. Soon, she started moving her hips along, urging him to go faster. He started to feel more confident, and pushed his cock a bit faster. "Ahh... Yes... That's good... Keep it up!" Blaze gasped, starting to really enjoy herself. Silver smiled confidently, his nervousness finally gone. "Ha ha... This is so great! And it's only gonna get better!" he said.
Heather was now on her hands and knees, while Guard was knelt down behind her, fucking her doggy style! His cock was thrusting back and forth inside her pussy, making her yell and scream with lust. Her breasts were bouncing as he screwed her, and he reached around to give them a good squeeze. "Grrrr... Seems I've finally captured you..." he joked. "Ahhhh, yes... Punish me, Agent Guard, I've been so bad..." Heather chuckled, loving every minute of it. He moved faster and faster, harder and harder, and got closer and closer to cumming. "Ahhh... Ahhh... AAAAAaaaaahhhh!! YES!!" Heather cried as she came first. "Grrrrrr!! H-heatherrrr!!" With just a couple more thrusts, Guard came as well, letting out blissful growls as he pumped his seed into her. They remained in this position, panting for a few moments. "So... What now'" Heather asked. Guard climbed off of her and sat down. "Grrr... We rest. It's all we really can do." he said. Suddenly, they heard some loud, crashing noises. "What's that!'" Heather wondered. Guard backed away from the direction of the sound. "Grrr... It's coming this way..." he realized. In a moment, some of the rubble was smashed out of the way, and Crash the Rhino was standing in a tunnel his powerful horn had apparently created! "There's two more!" he shouted. Vortex the Chameleon was right behind him. "Guard' What on earth are you doing here' Well, good newsss. You're sssaved." he hissed. Zipp the Hornet flew out from behind him and pointed a gun at Heather and Guard. "Bucky's looking to throw a little party. So, consider this your invitation!" he grinned. Guard growled angrily. "I don't think I like where this is going..." he said. Vortex scoffed at him. "We sssave your life, and thisss isss how you talk to usss. Don't worry, I'm ssssure you'll like it more than you think..." he grinned, motioning for everyone to follow him as he went back into the tunnel.
Silver had really gotten into the spirit of things now. His cock was thrusting into Blaze's pussy swiftly, making her purr and moan with delight. He held on to her and kissed her neck, continuing to kiss her repeatedly until he reached her face. She hugged him and kissed him back, her tongue mingling with his. "Aaaaahhh.... Oooohhh... So good..." Blaze gasped, feeling herself getting close. Silver kept up his pace, panting and moaning as he went. "I... I... Ohhh... This is.... W-whoa..." He was loving every moment. She shouted out as her pussy tensed around his rod. "I-I'm cumming!!" she cheered as her juices sprayed his crotch. He smiled, quite pleased with himself. "Ahh... I guess now... it's my turn! Right'" he said, slowly speeding himself up. Blaze gave him a quick kiss and nodded. "Kitty's gotta have her milk, after all..." she winked. So, Silver fucked her harder. His cock plunged into her hard and deep, and she thrusted her hips along. "Yes... Go.... Fuck me! Aaaahhh!!" she moaned, holding on to him tightly. "Ahhh!! Just... a little more... Aaaahhh!!" he panted as he neared his orgasm. They looked into each other's eyes and felt something stir in their hearts. A certain familiarity, like they shared a connection deeper than they were aware of. It was a powerful feeling, but brief. As it faded, Silver let out a loud shout as his cum erupted from his cock! Blaze hugged him tightly and yelled in ecstasy as he filled her with his seed! In a moment, they were both resting in each others' arms, happy for the moment, but realizing that they would have to face the reality of their situation sooner or later. "I'm glad we were trapped together. Instead of alone, I mean." Silver said, stroking her fur gently. Blaze smiled. "Me too. Instead of just sitting in desperation, we were able to enjoy ourselves a bit." she said. They were silent for a bit after that, until someone suddenly appeared next to them in a puff of smoke! "Aaaaahhh!! Who in the!'" Silver gasped, rolling off of Blaze to get a look at the newcomer. It was Illusi the Shrew. "Oh... Sorry, was I interrupting something' Maybe you'll thank me later. I came to rescue any survivors I could." he said. Blaze sat up and waved. "Well, I guess introductions can wait. Get us out of here, then!" she said.
Sonic, Tails, Amy and Rouge were all standing outside the remains of Eggman's base. Sonic had managed to get them out, but so many were left unaccounted for. "I've got to see if I can help any survivors still trapped in there!" Sonic said. Rouge shrugged. "Shadow's safe. That's enough for me. If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna KILL Bucky for arranging all this nonsense!" she said, getting ready to fly off. Tails tried to stop her. "Wait! That's way too dangerous!" she warned. Rouge chuckled. "Sorry, Tails. You just don't sound as smart as a girl for some reason. Darned if I know why. See ya!" As Rouge took off, Amy patted Tails on the back. "She's just jealous because now you're smarter AND prettier than she is." she said. Sonic tapped his foot impatiently. "Well, I gotta go..." he said. Tails nodded. "I'm gonna go to my workshop and see if I can reverse my little... uh... transformation. Be careful, Sonic. Just because Eggman's base is down doesn't mean the weird sex-signal is stopped." she said. Sonic nodded. "Amy, keep an eye on Tails. I don't like him... her... doing experiments on him... her...self." he said before taking off to check out the remains of Eggman's base. Amy shrugged and followed Tails. "So... any guys you like now that you're a girl'" she asked. Tails had a dreamy expression. "Ah, Sonic..." she sighed. Amy growled and grabbed her wrist, dragging her towards her workshop. "Come on, we're changing you back if I have to go to medical school!!" she grumbled.
To be continued... |
Chapter 12 - Conquering Loneliness |
Chapter 12 - Conquering Loneliness
Situation - F/F, 69, M/F, vaginal
Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and
Sonic Team. You knew that, right'
GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author.
The story thus far:
After getting raped by Knuckles, Rouge encountered Shadow the Hedgehog, who was searching for something. Upon learning of Knuckles's rape of Rouge, Shadow decided to fuck her himself. After fucking her, Shadow left to resume his search, leaving Rouge alone. Meanwhile, Amy has also been left alone after having sex with Sonic. Is this the end of Amy and Rouge's story' Seriously, why would this paragraph mention them if it was'
Now, on to the next chapter!
Shadow had been searching for some time, and at last, he'd found what he was looking for. "Here... This has to be it..." Shadow had found a satellite dish concealed in a cluster of vines atop a cliff. "It's too small to be working alone. There must be more of them..." he said to himself. Suddenly, he heard a rustling in a dense cluster of vines nearby. "Is someone there' Never mind. I'd better trash this thing before it causes more trouble..." A quick Chaos Spear attack, and the satellite dish became nothing but a sparking heap. The rustling in the vines resumed. "All right. Who's hiding over there'" Shadow asked, reaching into the vines. Suddenly, a powerful electric shock jolted through his entire body! He fell backward, panting heavily as a sinister laugh caught his attention. "Nice try, Shadow, but I knew what you were up to. And now... You're all mine...."
Meanwhile, the train pulled in to the Mystic Ruins train station. Among the few people exiting the train was Amy Rose, dressed in a new red skirt identical to the one damaged when Sonic rescued her before. She had grown lonely hanging around the city by herself, and hoped to find someone to hang out with. However, she soon found Tails's Workshop empty and Knuckles away from his post at the Master Emerald shrine. (Which really bugged her considering the fact that she had to find a way up to Angel Island to visit him!) She soon found herself heading through the jungle to visit Big, though he wasn't really the best conversationalist. Halfway to Big's dwelling, however, a familiar voice called out to her. "Hey! Amy! Over here!" Amy frowned upon recognizing the voice. "Rouge... Where are you and what do you want'!" she growled. Rouge timidly peeked her head out from behind a tree. Her face looked like a lost kitten, and Amy couldn't help wondering why. "Are you OK'" she asked. "I... uh... I need..." Rouge struggled to find a delicate way to explain her situation, and quickly gave up. "Oh, screw it. Just don't laugh at me or mock me..." She stepped out from behind the tree, and Amy saw everything. "Ah!! Why are you NAKED!'" Amy gasped. Rouge glanced down. There was still a little cum dripping from her vagina. Amy quickly figured it out. "So... You FINALLY got raped' I always knew dressing in that getup of yours was just asking for trouble." she remarked. Rouge's face turned bright red. "Shut up! Are you gonna help me or not!' I need clothes, and a place to wash up that isn't... the jungle." she said. Amy nodded. "Fine, fine. I'll take you to Tails's place. I happen to know he's not home. C'mon..." she said, starting in the direction she'd come from. Rouge sighed with relief. "Thanks..." she muttered. She couldn't believe that Amy was the one to help her, though. "I still can't believe Shadow ditched me after he fucked me... Left me alone like that..." she thought. Amy was surprised to find herself relieved to have found Rouge, too. "I REALLY must be lonely..." she muttered.
Soon, they arrived at Tails's Workshop. Rouge immediately went in search of a shower, while Amy went looking for clothes. There wasn't much, but Amy was satisfied to find a T-shirt and some pants. She brought them to the bathroom, where Rouge was showering, and left them sitting on the toilet seat. "This is pretty much all the clothes I can find. And I doubt they'll fit..." Amy said. Rouge peeked out from behind the shower curtain and frowned. "Well... They'll have to do..." she muttered, glancing at Amy as she turned to exit the bathroom. Rouge suddenly wore a mischievous smirk. "In a way, it's nice that you saw me naked. Got a chance to see what a REAL woman looks like..." she teased. Amy turned around and glared. "What's that supposed to mean!'" she snapped. Rouge shrugged. "Well, let's face it, you're not quite as... curvy as I am..." she pointed out. Amy crossed her arms angrily. "I'll have you know that I was good enough for Sonic! And what trash do you attract' Knuckles' Shadow'" she yelled. Rouge chuckled at her. "A little extreme, calling them trash, isn't it' Well, if it bothers you, we could have a little comparison, right here, right now." she suggested. Amy was at first taken aback, but quickly decided to try to put Rouge in her place. "Fine! I'll show YOU!!" she said, hurriedly undressing herself. Rouge turned off the shower and got out, grabbing a towel to dry herself. Soon, the two girls were naked together, and Rouge stood next to Amy to compare their breasts. Rouge's were clearly larger, and Amy's heart sank a little. "Well... Yours are probably not real!" she stammered. Rouge chuckled, and then did something Amy REALLY didn't expect. She grabbed Amy's breasts and gently started massaging them! "Don't feel bad, girl. These are perfect for you..." she said. Amy opened her mouth to speak, but gasped in pleasure instead! "Oh, god..." she muttered. Rouge chuckled to herself again. "It's fine, nobody has to know about this... Come on, I want to see what you've got." she said. Amy sighed a little before grinning at Rouge. "Well, why not'" she said.
The two of them went into Tails's bedroom, and Amy laid down on the bed, allowing Rouge to climb on top of her. Rouge lowered herself over Amy upside down, so that her pussy was over Amy's lips and Amy's pussy was within reach of her mouth. "Ever tried 69ing before'" she asked. Amy reached up and took Rouge's ass in her hands. "Nope, but I think I get the gist of it..." she replied. Rouge reached for Amy's clit and held it open with her fingers, allowing her tongue to slip in easily. "Hmm... You taste like strawberries..." Rouge said after getting a good taste. Amy licked at Rouge's pussy, coating the entrance with her saliva. She proceeded slowly, but Rouge had no interest in taking it slow. She closed her mouth over Amy's pussy and began sucking hard, periodically thrusting her tongue inside! Amy moaned in reply, and began to slide her own tongue into Rouge's entrance. She shivered as Rouge continued to feast on her pussy, enjoying the taste of her juices. Amy gasped and moaned, stunned at how skilled Rouge apparently was. Amy grabbed at her own breast, playing with it as Rouge brought her closer and closer to her climax. She found herself gasping and moaning too much to eat Rouge's pussy, and started fingering it instead. It wasn't much longer before Amy came, and Rouge hungrily lapped up the juices with her tongue. "Ahhh... Ahhh... Have you done this... with a girl... before'" Amy asked, convinced that Rouge had to have. "That's my secret..." Rouge replied.
They soon got up and sat on the edge of the bed. Amy slid two fingers into Rouge's pussy, and began fingering her in order to make her cum, too. Rouge sighed and moaned a little, but Amy wasn't quite as skilled at she was. "If only Tails had a strap-on in here... But I guess he'd have little use for that..." Rouge said. Amy started fingering Rouge faster. "I wish Sonic was here. He's way better than a strap-on." she said. Rouge moaned a little and grabbed Amy's breasts, keeping herself busy by playing with them. "Sonic, Sonic, Sonic. That's all you ever talk about..." she said. Amy nodded, and started thrusting her fingers into Rouge's pussy even faster, trying to mimic Sonic's speed. "He's amazing. Why, he's so fast, he could probably have sex with us both at once and keep us both satisfied the whole time!" she bragged. Rouge started moaning louder, but was too intrigued to end the conversation. "Ahh... You'd... let Sonic have sex with me... too'" she asked. Amy pulled her fingers out of Rouge's pussy and hopped off the bed. "Well... You know what' Maybe I would. He's too cool to keep all to myself." she said as she knelt down in front of Rouge. She brought her mouth to Rouge's pussy and started eating her out, but Rouge soon stopped her by gently pushing her head back. "Now, wait a second! If Sonic's really as 'cool' as you say, let's go find him." she suggested. Amy looked a little confused. "Find him...'" she asked. Rouge nodded. "Yeah, together. I want to see if he's really as great as you say..." she said. Amy looked thoughtful for a moment, then smiled and nodded at her. "You won't be disappointed! Let's get going!" With that, they started getting dressed. After all, Sonic was waiting...
Meanwhile, Blaze the cat also found herself alone again. Despite still being nude and needing to find a way back home, she was more concerned about someone else. She was reasonably sure Cream was OK, but she had to make sure, so she'd traveled to Cream's house, which she had visited on her first visit to Sonic's world. As she approached the door, she heard an odd sound. Voices. Some of it was laughter, but some of it was more... labored. "Oh, God... What's happening in there'" Blaze wondered, peering in through the window. There was no sign of Cream, and based on what she saw, her first reaction to Cream's absence was relief. Cream's mother, Vanilla the rabbit, was inside, "entertaining" a guest. The guest was Chet the cheetah, a resident of Station Square, and apparently a friend of Vanilla. A close friend, since they were having sex! They were both fully nude, and Vanilla was sprawled out on the floor as Chet was pounding her pussy with his cock! Vanilla was squeezing her breasts, and moans of lust escaped her mouth, loud enough for Blaze to hear outside. Chet leaned in closer and grabbed her breasts as well, using her hands to massage them. Blaze was stunned at first, and couldn't look away. Chet was fucking her wildly, and they both seemed to be enjoying themselves immensely. Blaze soon caught herself fingering her pussy. "Crap... I've gotten horny myself..." she realized. Apparently, Chet and Vanilla had been at it for a while, because Chet soon started to cum. He quickly pulled out his cock and let his cum fall on Vanilla's body, a white shower falling over her breasts and stomach. Blaze was leaning on the doorknob to see into the window, and suddenly stumbled on it, discovering it was unlocked. She quickly came to a decision, and pushed open the door! "I hope you're not too worn out, because now it's my turn!" she declared.
To be continued... |
Chapter 18 - Fun & Kidnapping |
Chapter 18 - Fun & Kidnapping
Situation - F/F, M/F, oral, dildo, vaginal
Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and
Sonic Team. You knew that, right'
GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author.
The story thus far:
Dr. Eggman's base exploded, burying several under a pile of rubble. While Sonic took off to check for survivors, Tails and Amy returned to Tails' Workshop, hoping to find a way to change Tails back into a boy. After a little work, they succeeded, and Amy ended up seeing his foxhood. Possibly because of the arousal-inducing signal that was still being broadcast over the Mystic Ruins, Tails and Amy ended up having sex. Meanwhile, Sonic found Knuckles, and teased him a bit over getting captured. Not in the mood for Sonic's jokes, and affected by the signal, Knuckles pinned Sonic down and viciously raped him. Once he was finished dominating the poor hedgehog, he was sneak attacked by Team GeneX, who captured them both! Elsewhere, Punchy and Gemini escaped the base and retrieved Gemini's wand. Gemini warped away, and then Silver, Blaze, and Illusi appeared in front of Punchy! Without much explanation, the three of them went their separate ways, but Punchy was determined not to be left behind, and started to follow Blaze.
Now, on to the next chapter!
Punchy was following Blaze across the ruins of Eggman's base. "Hey! Can't we talk or something' What's the rush'" he asked. Blaze ignored him. She needed to think. With the base in ruins, she had no idea how she was going to get back to her home dimension. As they walked, they soon came across Team GeneX. Crash was carrying an unconscious Knuckles in his arms, while Vortex was dragging Sonic behind him! Blaze growled. "That looks like a kidnapping." she said. Punchy glanced at them and then at her. "So... Want me to help you rescue them'" he asked. Blaze raised an eyebrow. "Really' You're not just doing this to get into my pussy, are you'" she asked. Punchy groaned. "Well, if I save Knuckles, you owe me SOMETHING." he said. Blaze nodded and ran after Vortex. "Hey! Drop the hedgehog, right now!" she warned. Punchy ran over to Crash and raised his fists. "Um... Hand him over. I guess..." he grumbled. Zipp flew out from behind Crash and chuckled at him. "You can't be serious! Just keep going, Crash. I'll shoot him if he gets outta line!" he said. Crash nodded and took off, followed by Zipp. "H-hey!! Grrrr, Blaze, you're gonna owe me BIG time!!" Punchy shouted, chasing after them. Vortex dropped Sonic on the ground and took a moment to admire Blaze's still-naked body. "Hmmm... Ssssexy. I could consssider letting Ssssonic go if you agree to take hisss place." he smirked. Blaze shook her head. "No way! And quit staring at me like that!" she yelled. Suddenly, Sonic started groaning. He was starting to come around! Vortex glanced down at Sonic and then at Blaze, grinning devilishly. "Oh well. I sssuppossse I'll jussst leave you two alone for a bit. I'll let Ssssonic take care of you for me! Then, once you're both exhausssted, we'll drag you both back to Ssssshadow Arc. Hehehe..." As he ran off, Blaze ran over to Sonic and checked to see that he was OK. He didn't look so bad, considering he was being dragged around when she found him. Sonic slowly opened his eyes and saw Blaze standing over him. "I am SO glad Knuckles isn't the first thing I'm seeing..." he muttered.
Using her magic, Gemini managed to search the rubble and locate Rainbow the echidna, and got her out safely. Rainbow was alone, and still naked from the last bit of "fun" she had earlier. They started to walk into the Mystic Ruins jungle. "Thanks for saving me, Wanda. That explosion was crazy! I sure hope everyone else got out OK." Rainbow said. Gemini sighed. "My magic couldn't seem to find anyone else. Looks like you had it rough in there, though. Did they hurt you'" she asked. Rainbow looked at her in confusion. "Hurt me' Who hurt me' Why'" she wondered. Gemini scratched her head. "Well... I mean... You're naked. And it seems that the guys have been going nuts. Sex-crazed... You know'" she said. Rainbow shook her head. "I don't know what you're bent out of shape about. I was just having a little fun earlier. So were the guys." she said. Gemini stared at her. "B-but... That... They..." She wasn't sure what to say to her. Rainbow chuckled. "You seem tense. I think you need to loosen up and have a little fun, too. Hey! Why don't we try doing it with each other'" she gasped, excited about the idea. Gemini's eyes went wide. "Wai-wai....WHaaaaaat'! Did... did you just ask to have sex with ME!' But... we're both girls!" she stammered. Rainbow only seemed more excited by this. "It'll be neat, won't it' I've never done it without a boy before! Yes, I insist! You need this! First, we gotta get you outta these clothes!" Rainbow said giddily, grabbing at Gemini's sweater and pulling it off before she could protest! "R-rainbow!! Stop it! What if someone sees us!'" Gemini gasped, hiding her bare breasts. Rainbow looked at her curiously. "Is this your first time, Wanda'" she asked. Gemini blinked a couple times. "Umm... No... Err... With a girl, yes." she said, blushing. Rainbow smiled. "Me too! Don't be shy, though. I'm sure it'll be fun!" she said, leaning down and pulling off Gemini's pants. Gemini watched nervously. "Y-you're crazy..." she muttered. Rainbow stared at Gemini's pussy for a moment, and then licked her lips. "Let's see..." she said, slowly sliding her tongue over Gemini's entrance! Gemini gasped, staring in disbelief, but didn't resist. It didn't feel bad, and no one was watching. "Rainbow... I don't..." She wasn't sure how she intended to finish that sentence, and as Rainbow slid her tongue into her pussy, she realized it probably didn't matter. She moaned as Rainbow tasted her juices, and Rainbow giggled. "See' It's not so bad." she said, slowly rising, licking at Gemini's breasts before bringing her lips to hers and sliding her tongue into her mouth. Gemini accepted the kiss, holding her gently, their breasts pressing together as they pulled each other closer. Soon, Gemini broke the kiss and glanced at her clothes on the floor. "All right... I have just the thing." she said.
Gemini reached into her pants pocket and pulled out something. She blushed as she showed it to Rainbow. It was a pink, two ended dildo! "I... I found this... in the rubble of Eggman's base. I don't know why I... picked it up. Oh..." She looked away in embarrassment, her face turning bright red. Rainbow looked at the object curiously. "It looks like... Oh! That's neat! Let's try it out!" she said, snatching it from Gemini's hands! "Um... Well, I... OK, but... don't tell anyone..." Gemini replied nervously. Rainbow shrugged. "Suit yourself. C'mere, nice and close..." she said, holding the dildo between their pussies. As Gemini shyly approached her, she slowly slid one end of the dildo into her vagina, moaning as it entered. "Ahh... Not bad... You gotta try this, Wanda!" she said. Gemini shivered. "This is so weird... Well, here goes..." she murmured. However, before she could move, Rainbow seized her waist and thrusted the dildo in herself, with the other end still inserted in her own pussy! "Aaaahh!! R-rainbow!!" Gemini gasped, utterly shocked, but Rainbow simply giggled. "That was cool! Um, you OK, Wanda'" she asked. Gemini panted a bit, but then smiled a little. "I guess... That wasn't so bad." she said. Rainbow smiled back, and in no time, they began moving their hips against each other, feeling the dildo against their insides. As they gasped and moaned, Rainbow reached over and grabbed Gemini's breasts, making her blush. "H-hey..." she muttered, only to gasp as Rainbow gave them a light squeeze! "Tee hee! That's kinda fun. Go ahead, you can feel mine, too." she offered. Gemini stared at Rainbow's melons. They were a bit bigger than hers, but she WAS a bit older after all. She growled softly, and then seized Rainbow's tits in an act of "vengeance!" She squeezed them, rubbed them, and boldly moved in close to lick them a little, all while Rainbow giggled uncontrollably. "Hee hee! Ha ha! That's it, Wanda! Now we're having fun!" she cheered. They played with the dildo for a while longer, and soon, they both came, Gemini first and Rainbow seconds later. They collapsed with Rainbow on top of her, panting and laughing. "See, Wanda' You needed that, didn't you." Rainbow said. Gemini seemed almost willing to concede, but didn't get the chance. "Up and at 'em. You're coming with me." The two girls looked up to see Zipp hovering over them, pointing a gun at them. "This... can't be good..." Gemini muttered.
Blaze helped Sonic to his feet. "Whew... Well, thanks for the rescue. This sure has been a... rough day." Sonic said, gulping as he noticed that Blaze was naked. Blaze blushed as she noticed that he wasn't exactly covered either. His cock was still out, and his current view of her wasn't exactly a turn off. "Well, would you care to reward me for helping you, Sonic'" Blaze asked, batting her eyes playfully. Sonic backed away nervously, stumbling over some rubble. "Whoa!! Kinda dangerous here, don't you think' But you sure deserve a reward..." he smirked. Blaze purred. Maybe her libido was a little higher than usual because of her situation, having been naked for so long, but that blue hedgehog was looking mighty sexy at the moment. "Go ahead, Sonic. Take me out of this dump... and then take me... Sound good'" she grinned. Sonic smiled back and lifted her into his arms. "Crazy signal or not, I don't think I'll pass this up. Hold on, Blaze!" he said, running off to find a more stable place to fuck.
Sonic soon laid Blaze on the soft grass of the Mystic Ruins, just outside the remains of Eggman's base. He dropped down on all fours and crawled over her, smirking down at her. "Me-ow... I only wish we weren't a dimension apart most of the time, because I could get used to this..." he said. Blaze blushed. "Well, we'll just have to make the most of it while we're together." she purred. Sonic nodded, taking off his gloves and setting them aside, then stroking the fur on her belly. She sighed contentedly. "Perhaps being sent here without my clothes was more of a blessing than a misfortune after all..." she whispered. Sonic, wasting no time, slid his cock towards her entrance and eagerly penetrated her! "Aahhh, yeah... Perfect fit!" he sighed. Blaze slowly slid her arms around him and smiled. "Don't make this too fast. Relax and enjoy it." she said. "Oh, I plan to." Sonic replied, slowly sliding his rod back and forth inside Blaze's pussy. She sighed happily and gently stroked his quills, enjoying the gentle, easy moment while it lasted. Sonic moved his hands up her body and wrapped them around her breasts. "Very nice..." he whispered, giving her tits a quick lick. Blaze moaned a little. "Go on, Sonic... Don't be shy..." she said. He grinned and opened his mouth, taking one of her tits inside. He licked and sucked at it, making her gasp and sigh louder. "Ahhh... Sonic... More!" she sighed. Sonic released her tit and brought his lips to hers, sharing a quick kiss with her. He then sped up his thrusts a bit, pushing his cock deeper and harder, coaxing louder, more intense moans out of Blaze. She held on to him tight and gazed into his emerald eyes, lost in the heat of the moment. She soon started thrusting her hips along with him, gasping excitedly, calling his name. Sonic kept his pace, oddly not feeling his usual desire to speed up. He wanted to savor this moment. "Oooh... Blaze... Yeah...." he moaned. "Yes.... Aaaaahh... I don't want this to end..." Blaze sighed. In her heart, she really didn't, and it surprised her. Did she truly have feelings for him' Sonic kissed her cheek as he started to speed up. Amy be damned, he could feel something for Blaze, too. Fortunately, there was nothing complicated about this. Blaze lived in another world, so she could not be his. It wasn't much longer before they both reached their climax, her juices meeting his seed, but not stopping it from shooting deep, closing in on her womb. As simple as Sonic thought this was, Blaze was hoping a child would not be the result of this forbidden meeting, for that would surely complicate it. They rested for a while in each other's arms. Despite his threat, Vortex didn't seem to appear. Soon, Sonic got up and stretched. "I hate to say it, but I better go. Someone's gotta rescue the people those experiments are kidnapping." he said. Blaze sighed. "I know. Be careful." she said. Sonic took off on his own, and Blaze started resting comfortably, but while she did, Vortex emerged. "I'm not asss good asss that ninja, but I am a chameleon.... Heh heh..." he thought, sneaking up on Blaze.
Shadow the Hedgehog and Copter the Fox had both managed to escape Eggman's base, and had now arrived at Shadow Arc together. They each had their own agenda, but found themselves headed in the same direction. "So... What is it you want with Bucky'" Copter asked. Shadow glanced at him grouchily. "No one messes with my head. He's going to get what's coming to him!" he said. Copter shrugged. "Fine. I'm here to get anyone he kidnapped out of this mess." he explained. Soon, they ended up at the new prison area inside Shadow Arc. Looking around, they saw a number of faces both familiar and unfamiliar to both of them. Vanilla the Rabbit and Rouge the Bat were locked up together. "Shadow! Get me out of here!" Rouge called out. Shadow walked over to her. "You're really slipping, Rouge." he said. Copter saw Chet the Cheetah locked up with Fera the Wolf in another cell. "Well, well... What are you doing here'" he asked. Chet shrugged. "I was... With a friend when she got caught." he said, glancing at Vanilla and blushing. Copter nodded. "That a fact. Well today's your lucky day. I'm here to spring everyone, regardless of whether I think they stink." There were a bunch of others locked up as well, but before they could do anything to help them, they both felt jolts of electricity searing through their bodies, causing them both to collapse! As they passed out, Bucky the Rat emerged, carrying Blaze the Cat in his arms, who was also unconscious! "You're all mine, for now... But don't fret. You'll be freed in due time. You'll all thank me once my experiment is finished... If you aren't to preoccupied, that is." he said, grinning. Fera grabbed her bars and snarled at him. "You bastard! What are you planning!'" she yelled. Bucky glanced at her. "Honestly, something you should all enjoy immensely... If you'll stop being so stubborn and just accept it. I'm almost ready to begin. Relax and rest up. You'll all be very busy soon..."
To be continued... |
Chapter 15 - Metal Interrogation |
Chapter 15 - Metal Interrogation
Situation - M/F, M/M/F, rule 63, rape, vaginal, anal
Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and
Sonic Team. You knew that, right'
GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author.
The story thus far:
Sonic, Silver, Copter, Amy, Rouge, Heather, Rainbow, and Shadow are loose in Dr. Eggman's base. They each arrive for different reasons and explore in different directions. A mysterious force is driving male furries into a horny frenzy, and Silver had traveled back in time to stop it. However, as he explored Eggman's base, he came across Shadow, who was insane with lust. Shadow defeated Silver and sucked his cock, driving him horny as well. Silver submitted to Shadow's lust, allowing himself to be fucked anally. Afterward, Heather and Rainbow, who had been watching, asked for "their turn." Meanwhile, Dr. Eggman communicated with Rouge the bat, sending her on a mission to seduce Sonic so he could capture him! She did so, but came to enjoy her sex with Sonic so much that she helped him escape. At the same time, Copter found Cream, who was overcome with lust! He fucked her, not knowing Amy was watching, and all three were soon captured! Things went from bad to worse as Gemini found Fera outside the base, saying she's set up bombs and plans to blow the base up! With Knuckles held captive inside the base, Gemini must stop the bombs quickly!
Now, on to the next chapter!
Gemini and Fera each attacked with their own brand of magic, blasts of light coming from Gemini's wand while Fera tossed balls of darkness. The fight didn't last long, because Fera quickly became frustrated and hit Gemini with bolts of black lightning! She was caught off guard, and Fera kept shocking her until she collapsed, unconscious! "Good night, bitch! Enjoy the explosion!" Fera growled, ready to leave Eggman's base far behind. However, before she could get far, she felt a metallic hand on her shoulder. It was Metal Sonic! Fera tried to pull away, but Metal Sonic grabbed her other shoulder and held on to her tight. "Intruder! Explain your presence!" the robot said. Fera growled at it. "I don't have to explain anything. Tell you what, I'll see you in hell!" she shouted, pulling away and attempting to run! Metal Sonic was much faster, however, and tackled her to the ground! The robot had her pinned down. Fera struggled, but she couldn't get up. "I will ask once more. Why are you here'" Metal Sonic asked. Fera elbowed the robot, though it hurt her more than it, and tried to claw her way out from under it. Metal Sonic would not let her escape, but it did turn her over so that she was facing him. "Intruder has resisted questioning. Entering interrogation mode!" it said. Fera heard some mechanical noises, like a hatch opened somewhere on the robot. Looking up and down the robot, she soon noticed a mechanical rod between his legs. A mechanical penis! Fera's one good eye went wide. "You can't be serious!" she growled. Metal Sonic grabbed at her uniform with his clawed hands. "Rape torture commencing. It will cease only when you talk." he said, tearing her uniform off! Fera tried to stop him, but her clothes were soon torn to shreds, exposing her breasts and her pussy! She thought about using her dark magic to fight back, but something Metal Sonic had said made her hold off. "You think you can make me talk like this' Try me. I think you'll find I'm not so easily broken!" she said, struggling, but not using her magic. Metal Sonic pinned her down and took aim. "Interrogation commencing!" he said, plunging his metallic cock deep into Fera's flower!
Shadow had been having a great time. After raping Silver, he'd encountered Rainbow and Heather, who were eager to screw them both! However, after a while, Shadow managed to regain his senses. He was more or less done with them, so he took off into the base. He had to stop this madness, before Eggman could use it to conquer the world! He headed for a room at the back of the base, an elaborate throne room filled with monuments to the "great" Dr. Eggman. The bad doctor himself, however, was not there. Shadow saw someone else laid out over the throne, almost like the person had been left there for him to find. It appeared to be Tails! He ran over to the passed out fox to make sure he was okay. A close look, however, revealed something different about Tails. The fox's figure had undergone some changes, and now featured some round, white-furred orbs on the chest. There was a wet slit between the legs, too. Shadow gasped with alarm. "He... he turned Tails into a girl!'" he said. Suddenly, the female Tails started moving around. It seemed she was merely sleeping, and Shadow's alarmed words had woken her up. "Huh... Now where am I' Oh, no... That experiment wasn't a dream..." she muttered, holding her breasts and looking at them insecurely. "I gotta be careful who sees me like this... Bwa!! Shadow!!" she yelped upon seeing him. Shadow gulped and backed away. Already, the urge to screw her was building inside him. "Sorry... I didn't know you weren't decent..." he said. Tails crossed her arms, covering up her lovely new melons. "Uh... I guess it's an honest mistake. You wouldn't believe what I've been through today..." she sighed. Shadow tried to look away, tried to keep his mind off screwing her, but it was hopeless. There was no way he could resist. "Tails... I'm afraid I have to fuck you..." he groaned, his self control failing him. Tails gasped and watched in terror as Shadow's dick made itself known! "Wa-wait! I-I'm still a boy! I mean, well, inside' Don't do it, Shadow!" she begged. Shadow pinned her against the throne, sliding his cock against her crotch. "It's not up to me... Maybe I'll get to explain later. For now... Why don't we just try to enjoy this'" he grinned. Tails did look hot as a girl, after all!
Fera's "torture" had begun! Metal Sonic was thrusting his robotic rod into her depths roughly, though not unpleasantly. His cock had been designed to release lubricants from small holes along the sides, too tiny to see from afar, but the lubricant kept the metal from rubbing her insides raw. Fera gasped and groaned, trying to resist the pleasure. "I won't talk... I won't..." she growled, while Metal Sonic let out a few mechanical noises in place of panting or moaning. He grabbed her breasts in his clawed hands, and they started to vibrate, massaging her tits and making her moan like a slut. She grabbed at his arms and tried to pull them away, but he only clutched her boobs tighter. "Stop... You can't... make me talk..." Fera moaned. Metal Sonic did some calculations in his robotic mind and adjusted his movements. His cock slammed into Fera's sweet spot, and she howled in pleasure! "Weakness located. Continuing aggressive interrogations." Metal Sonic said, pounding her pussy with his rod like a jackhammer! Fera tried desperately to resist the pleasure, but she didn't seem to stand a chance. "Ohhh.... Ahhhh!! Im-impossible!! A robot... aaaahhh!! ...can't be so... good!!" she cried, feeling herself getting close to her climax. She did not want to let that happen. "St-stop!! I give!! I planted... ahhh... bombs... oh! ...in the base!!" she confessed, tears falling from her good eye in her defeat. "Acknowledged." said Metal Sonic, who continued screwing her anyway! "This is for the Eggman Empire!" he declared as he thrusted his cock into her a few more times, making Fera scream as she came! "N-NOOOOO!!!" she yelled. A couple more thrusts and Metal Sonic fired a blast of his own specially made robot cum deep inside her! Fera let out a horrified shriek, and then passed out. Metal Sonic pulled out of her and rose to his feet. While his robotic brain processed what he should do next, E-2X Alpha emerged from within the base. "Hey, what's up, pally'" Alpha asked in a cheerful manner. Metal Sonic pointed to Fera. "Take this prisoner to her cell." he ordered. Alpha picked up Fera and returned to the base, humming a silly song.
Metal Sonic soon walked over to Gemini. His robotic eyes scanned her body. "Subject may awaken soon..." he said. Suddenly, Metal Sonic's sensors detected someone heading his way. He turned and faced the next intruder, and found Punchy the echidna! Punchy gave the robot a friendly wave and glanced at Gemini. "Heeey... What's goin' on here'" he asked. Metal Sonic was still programmed to treat Punchy as an ally, so he responded promptly. "Intruder located. Must interrogate." he said. Punchy saw Metal Sonic's robotic cock, which had not been retracted yet, and quickly got the idea. "So, I guess some of Eggman's robots know how to have fun... Hmmm..." He thought back to his encounter with Blaze. "This could be a good opportunity for me to do a little 'training,' so I'll be ready the next time I see Blaze." he muttered. A sleepy sigh came from Gemini, and her eyes slowly began to open. Metal Sonic pulled her to her feet and quickly confiscated her wand! "Intruder! State your business!" he said. Gemini looked from him to Punchy, a confused look on her face. "Um... What'" she mumbled. Metal Sonic seemed to glare at her. "Invalid response. Prepare for rape torture interrogation!" he said. Gemini quickly woke up upon hearing that. "Wh-what!' No!! Punchy, help!" she pleaded. Punchy shrugged. "OK, whatever." he said, grabbing Gemini's sweater! She stared at him in shock as Metal Sonic reached for her jeans. "No!! Don't help the robot! Help me!!" she cried desperately. Punchy chuckled and lifted her sweater up and off, revealing her nice pair of light blue boobs! "No bra' Tsk tsk tsk, Gemini..." he teased. Gemini blushed. "My... my bra was torn off! Please, stop it!!" she begged. Metal Sonic pulled down her pants, and Punchy licked his lips as he admired her body. "Mmmm... Not bad... I'm REALLY gonna enjoy this..." he grinned. Gemini decided there was just one thing left that might get her out of this. "Listen! A bomb is gonna go off and kill everyone in that base! We have to stop it!" she said. Metal Sonic nodded. "It will be stopped. But perhaps you have more information..." he said, lining his metal dick up with her flower from behind. "You will tell me all you know..." he declared.
Shadow plunged his rod deep inside the female Tails' pussy, and as he started fucking her, Dr. Eggman stepped into the room, a perverted smile forming on his face as he saw what was happening. "Don't mind me... Not that either of you can stop this. Heh heh heh..." he said, watching happily. Tails struggled against Shadow, trying to force him off, but she simply wasn't strong enough! Shadow pinned her to the throne and started thrusting into her fast and rough, moaning and chuckling as he did. Tails gasped and grunted as she fought for a few seconds more, but she soon realized the futility of it and gave up. "F-fine, Shadow... You go-got me... Just m-make it fast..." she said, holding on to his shoulders. Shadow scoffed at her. "Like I said, I'm going to let myself enjoy this. I always thought you looked a bit... feminine. This is my chance to live out a little fantasy of mine..." he smirked, holding her down and sliding his tongue over her breasts, tasting them one at a time. Tails moaned a little, blushing. "Y-you fantasized about me...' Heh... Well... I did fantasize about Sonic before myself. Only, Sonic was the girl." she admitted, giving Shadow a small peck on the cheek. Eggman let out a sinister laugh as Tails started to enjoy being fucked. "Not only is there no escape, but you don't even want to escape! My plan is perfect! I will control everyone's erotic urges, and in so doing, I will control the world! Ha ha ha ha ha!!" Shadow and Tails ignored his speech, both of them bucking their hips against each other, panting and moaning in pleasure! Shadow's cock pushed deeper and deeper inside Tails, and her twin tails wagged excitedly as they went. Shadow pressed his lips against hers, slipping his tongue into her mouth eagerly! She pulled him close, her breasts pressing against his chest. "Ahhh... This feels... so amazing!" Tails panted, lying back in the chair and letting Shadow do the work. He grinned, looking almost sinister. "When I'm through with you, you'll ditch Sonic and start following ME everywhere!" he shouted, his pace quickening! "Let's kick this up a notch! Ha ha ha ha!!" he laughed.
Metal Sonic seized Gemini's thighs from behind and lifted her up, bringing her pussy closer and closer to his robo-penis. She tried to struggle, but Punchy grabbed her arms and held her still. "Take it easy! Relax..." he said, whispering in her ear, "I'll make this enjoyable for you... You seem like you need to relieve some stress, anyway..." Gemini stopped struggling, but still looked upset. "Y-you're right, I do, but..." Suddenly, Metal Sonic slammed her down over his cock hard, his rod sliding deep into her pussy as she yelped in surprise! As Metal Sonic started moving around inside her, Gemini moaned in pleasure, and then smiled at Punchy. "OK... If you want to..." she said. Punchy whispered in her ear again. "Make it look good. If the robot knows you're enjoying it, he might go psycho on us..." he warned. Gemini nodded and let out a shriek, overacting perhaps a little bit. "NOOO!! Don't! Stop it, please!! AAAAAHHH!!" she cried. Punchy covered his ears a bit before motioning for her to tone it down. She did so, and Punchy took her breasts in his hands, grinning. "We'll make you talk, you bitch. We'll make you sing like a canary..." he said, licking her tits and winking. He began sucking her breasts, one at a time, while Metal Sonic heaved her up and down over his metal cock, invading her depths roughly. Gemini gasped and moaned, shouting "No!" every few moments to hide how much she was really enjoying this. Punchy lightly squeezed her boobs as he licked all over them with great enthusiasm. "Mmmm... Sweet melons... Keep refusing to talk, I'm enjoying this." he said, grinning. Gemini looked down and saw his bulging pants. "Ahhh... I don't know anything! I swear..." she said, trying to disguise an aroused moan. Metal Sonic pushed himself harder, determined to screw everything she might know out of her! The pleasure started building up too high for her to hide, and Gemini started to gasp and sigh erotically. Thinking fast, Punchy pressed his lips to hers, kissing her forcefully mask her sounds of pleasure. Still, moans continued to come from her as she felt her orgasm coming.
It wasn't long before Gemini came, and Metal Sonic wasn't long behind her! His seed was pumped deep inside her, making her scream a bit. It was a shocked scream that was open to interpretation, and Metal Sonic interpreted it as her spirit beginning to break! The robot lowered her to her feet, removing his cock, and let out a triumphant laugh. "You cannot resist much longer! You will break!" he said. Now that Gemini's pussy was free, Punchy tossed aside his gloves and slipped some fingers into her flower. "Yeah... She'll REALLY break once I really get started here..." he grinned. Gemini held on to his shoulders as his fingers explored her passage, searching out her weak spots the way Blaze had trained him to do. While she moaned from the pleasure, Metal Sonic poked her rear entrance with the tip of his rod, making her shiver. "Interrogation entering phase 2!" he said, slowly pushing his cock into her ass hole! She inhaled sharply. Her tail hole was virgin, and this was a bit uncomfortable. She cried out in pain, looking at Punchy with a scared expression. He met her gaze and kissed her on the cheek. "Hang in there. You might get to like it..." he whispered. While he continued fingering her and Metal Sonic pounded her rear, someone was cautiously approaching, drawn to the noise. It was Blaze the cat, and she hid behind a tree to watch the scene unfolding safely. Gemini had a nervous expression, but one that suggested that she could go either way, enjoying this or not. Blaze watched curiously. "There he is, and judging by that robot, I wonder if that guy's learned anything at all' Well, he IS fingering her. I wonder if he can get her to enjoy it'" she thought, keeping a silent watch as Punchy removed his fingers from Gemini's crotch and started moving his echidnahood into position. He grabbed on to her tightly and penetrated her with a swift, powerful thrust! "Ohh!! P-punchy!!" she cried, holding on as he began pushing his dick back and forth inside her. Metal Sonic was fucking her ass at a faster pace now, but the initial pain had subsided. Now, Gemini's pleasure was building higher than she'd ever felt before!
As Shadow fucked Tails harder and harder, it was starting to seem like he was losing his control even further. He held her down and pounded her pussy roughly, holding nothing back! "Aaaaahhh!! Sh-shadow!! What are you doing!'" Tails cried as the pleasure was starting to turn to pain! The gold rings on Shadow's wrist suddenly flashed brightly and flew off, unleashing his true power! Eggman chuckled a bit and shook his head. "Poor Tails. Without his restraint rings, Shadow is a true terror. I'm afraid this is the end for you! Shadow will literally rape you to death! And he can't stop himself!! All I have to do now is to turn this power on Sonic! Ha ha ha ha ha!!" he laughed triumphantly. Shadow let out a mighty roar as he ravaged Tails' pussy, thrusting harder and harder, moving faster and faster! Tails held on and screamed loudly. She started to struggle again, now that this had become dangerous, but she couldn't hope to overpower Shadow, especially not now. "P-p-please, Shadow!! Y-you h-have to... AAAAHHH!! ...control yourself! Y-you'll... you'll kill me!" she pleaded desperately. Shadow groaned and gasped as he tried to get a hold of himself. Whatever was making him fuck Tails had grown stronger, and was so powerful now that he wasn't sure he could do anything about it. Tails covered her breasts in her arms, hoping to lessen Shadow's arousal. He had been driven so wild, though, that he simply pulled her arms away and squeezed her melons tight in his hands! "AAAAAAHHH!! No, Shadow! Stop! You're hurting me!! P-please!! I beg you, don't do this!!" she sobbed. Shadow gasped as Tails' plea triggered a recurring memory. "Shadow, I beg of you... Give them a chance..." He felt tears forming in his eyes, and a new determination began to fill him. "M-maria!! M-my promise... Aaaaaaaaahhhhh!!" His movements suddenly stopped, and he and Tails both began panting heavily, taking a much needed rest. Eggman stood there scratching his head for a moment. "What gives' Did the signal get disrupted'" he wondered. However, Shadow soon wrapped his arms around Tails and slowly started again. "I can slow down, but... I... can't stop!" he growled. Tails hugged him and cried into his black fur. "I understand..." she said.
Gemini was holding on to Punchy as Metal Sonic was roughly pounding her ass. Punchy's cock was sliding back and forth in her vagina, making her moan and sigh in bliss. Metal Sonic was a bit painful, but Punchy was indeed making things enjoyable for her. She squealed in ecstasy as he struck her sweet spot, and she gave him a soft kiss in thanks as their odd little threesome continued. Blaze smiled as she watched them. "He's doing well... He may just be ready the next time we meet, after all...IF we ever meet again..." she thought, sneaking towards the entrance to Eggman's base, careful not to draw their attention. "My kingdom needs me. If Eggman Nega had a way to send me here, this world's Eggman should have a way to send me back..." As she slipped into the base, Gemini screamed in pleasure. She came hard, nearly pushing Punchy over the edge as well. She was starting to grow concerned about what would happen when this was over, though. "Aaaahh... Seriously, I don't know anything! I only came here to rescue a friend!!" she shouted, hoping Metal Sonic would finally believe her. The robot let out some mechanical noises and started fucking her harder. The noise he was making sounded like angry growling! Punchy sped up his pace as well, wanting to make sure he came before Metal Sonic decided to change tactics or something. Gemini cried out, her voice a mix of fear and joy. "Aaaahhh... It's so good!! No!! Don't cum inside me!! Ohhh... I don't want to get pregnant!" she yelled. Punchy ignored her. He might have been more friendly than Metal Sonic, but he needed this, regardless of how she felt. He wasn't sure why, he just did. A few more thrusts, a few more protests from Gemini, and both robot and echidna blew their loads deep inside her! "N-nooooooo!!!" Gemini cried. Metal Sonic quickly pulled out of her. "Interrogation complete. Results inconclusive. Must incarcerate." he said. Punchy pulled out of her and lifted her into his arms. "I'll handle that. You got bombs to deal with, don't you'" he said. Metal Sonic nodded. "The Eggman Empire thanks you." he said before taking off. Gemini rested in his arms, crying. "Why... If I get pregnant, I'll lose my magic..." she sniffed. Punchy shushed her. "I'll make it up to you. Get your stuff. We'll rescue that friend of yours." he said, putting her down. She took the opportunity to sock him in the face. "Owww!! Not sure I deserve that..." he groaned. Gemini crossed her arms. "I'll apologize when you earn it... And you'll like the apology." she winked, grabbing her clothes. Suddenly, she realized something. "Gaaaah!! That robot ran off with my wand!!" she yelped.
Shadow continued to fuck the helpless Tails, and it wasn't long before he came. He came hard, pumping her full of his hot seed and making her yelp in response. "Ohhh... It feels so... strange..." she said, panting as Shadow continued to fuck her. He was beginning to lose control once again! Eggman started laughing, feeling that his plans were back on track, but his laughs were soon interrupted. "Hands... off... my... pal!!" Sonic came speeding into the room, eyes burning with rage! He went into a spin dash and circled around, slamming into Shadow from the side and knocking him away from Tails! Shadow stumbled to the floor, but quickly returned to his feet. "T-thanks... I needed that..." he said, looking away from Tails and focusing his attention on Eggman, who was backing away nervously as Sonic and Tails were approaching him. "Now, now... Let's not be hasty. Honestly, this wasn't even my fault!" he stammered. Sonic scoffed. "So, it's all a coincidence that Tails turns up in your base as a girl'" he growled. Eggman whimpered. "OK, I admit I took advantage, but it's Bucky! Bucky's the real mastermind here!" he shouted. Sonic growled louder. "I've heard enough!" Suddenly, Tails and Shadow both held him back! "Stop! He's telling the truth!" Tails said. Sonic looked at them in shock. "Wha'" he muttered. Shadow nodded. "It was Bucky who originally captured me. He's been performing strange experiments. I'd wager he's the one who turned Tails into a girl." he said. Eggman nodded. "Yes! Yes! It was all part of our deal. I supplied the technology, he got to perform his twisted experiments, and I got to take advantage of the fruits of his labor! But I tell you, I think he's got a secret master plan of his own... Still, it can't beat mine! Now, watch as you lose your minds and rape each other to..." before he could finish, Metal Sonic's voice filled the room. "Doctor!!" the robot ran in, his eyes glowing brightly, like a warning light. "Bombs have been planted in the base! There is no time to stop them! We must evacuate!" he said. "WHAT!'" shouted all four of them. Eggman sniffled a little and started to cry. "It's not fair!! I was so close!! I was going to have the ultimate harem... Errr, I mean, conquer the world!" he whined. Sonic shrugged and lifted Tails into his arms. "We gotta move, fast!" he said. Shadow nodded. "Let's get everyone out that we can! Good luck, Sonic!" As the two hedgehogs sped out of the room, Eggman sat on the throne and pressed a hidden button. "Enough harem talk. I'm going to see a shrink, and then, I will CONQUER THE WORLD!! HA HA HA HA HA!!" he cackled as his chair carried him down to the floor below...
To be continued... |
Chapter 1 - Latex Seduction |
It was a typical Friday night at Titans Tower. Beast Boy and Cyborg were Cy’s room, playing video games obsessively, Raven was meditating in her room, and Starfire and Robin were sitting by the fire, drinking hot chocolate and enjoying each others company. They had been dating for almost a month, and everything in their relationship was going perfectly. Well, almost perfectly.
“Star?” said Robin softly, feeling her warm body cuddling against him. “What is it, Robin?” she replied, looking up. Robin let out a long breath, and then he did something he had never done before in the presence of another Titan: He removed his mask. Starfire smiled and held her hands to her mouth to stifle a gasp. Robin finally trusted her enough to show her his eyes! They were very dark brown with flecks of white in the irises.
Starfire stopped grinning, however, when she saw the sadness in Robin’s eyes. “Star,” he said softly, “I’ve done something, that I’m bitterly ashamed of. Something that I wish I had never done, but I did.” “Whatever you have done, Robin,” said Starfire, “you can tell me. I love you, and will always forgive you.”
At this, Robin’s eyes started to gather moisture around the edges, and he said, with his voice on the verge of cracking, “I’m scum. I don’t deserve a girlfriend like you.” Cupping his face in her hands, Starfire look into Robin’s eyes and calmly said, “Tell me what happened, Robin.”
Taking a slowly, somewhat halting breath, Robin said, “Okay. Starfire, do you remember last week when your sister, Blackfire, came to visit?” “Yes,” she replied, “but what -”
“I slept with her.” Robin blurted out. Starfire gave him a confused look, and said, “Robin, I’m afraid that I do not see why you should be so terribly ashamed that you slept in close proximity to my sister. I did the same when I was very young on cold nights.” Sighing, Robin said, “On earth, saying that you ‘slept’ with someone is a euphemism for saying that you and that person . . . engaged in sexual intercourse.”
A look of deep pain passed over Starfire’s beautiful face as she said, “You and Blackfire . . .” “Yes,” said Robin, his voice finally cracking. He turned away from her, as if unworthy to look into her eyes. “I don’t know why I did it,” he said, starting to tear, “and I wish I could take back what I’ve done, but I can’t.”
For a while, both of them were silent, the only noise coming from the crackling of the fireplace. Finally, Star said, in a stoic voice, “Tell me what happened, Robin.” “What?” Robin looked up, not quite understanding. “Tell me everything,” said Starfire, “You are my boyfriend, and you have betrayed me. I think I am entitled to know EXACTLY what happened between you and my sister.” She spoke the last word with a great deal of venom.
Again, they both fell silent. Finally Robin rubbed the back of his neck and said, “It’s very hard to talk about.” “If you love me,” said Starfire darkly, “you will try.” “Okay,” replied Robin, “here goes.”
Blackfire had come to visit, having been rehabilitated by the Centauri police and cleared to visit her sister, whom she was eager to fix her relationship with. One little monkey wrench was currently thrown into that plan, however: She desperately wanted to fuck Robin, who was Starfire’s boyfriend. Eventually (about 5 days later to be exact), her lust grew to the point where she began watching and waiting for a chance to seduce Robin. Finally, after about a week’s visit, her chance came:
“Hello?” Robin called out to the apparently empty Tower. Everyone (or so it appeared) was gone, leaving Robin all alone for the first time in . . . he could remember how long. Walking through the hall, he happened to pass the guest room where Blackfire was staying, and he heard the sound the sound of a vacuum running.
Robin knocked gently on the door and said, “Blackfire? Is that you?” Not getting an answer, Robin opened the door and found something that he definitely wasn’t expecting; namely, Blackfire dressed in latex clothing and rubbing the handle of the vacuum cleaner along her pussy as she pushed it along.
“Hello, Robin,” she said in a sultry voice. For a minute, Robin was frozen to the spot. She was wearing a black latex bra, an extremely short, lavender-colored latex skirt that didn’t even cover her vagina and butt, purple latex stockings that were held to her skirt by straps, dark purple latex gloves that went from her wrists to her upper elbow (but strangely, did not cover her hands), and was topped off with a pair of black shoes with sexy, black fasteners and stiletto heels made of transparent plastic.
“Uh, um, I-huh, I’ll just be going now,” stuttered Robin as he attempted to close the door. But just as he did, Blackfire held it open and said, “Robin, there’s no need to be embarrassed. So I was masturbating. We all do it.” Robin wasn’t really paying attention, because his was focused on Blackfire’s (and he hated to admit it to himself) incredible body. To him, it seemed that someone had carved it out of some perfect orange marble.
Blackfire noticed that he was checking her out, and with a seductive smile, said, “Come inside, Robin. I put on a much better show when I have an audience.” Without giving him any time to reply, she pulled him in by his collar and sat him on the couch. Picking up the vacuum and turning it on, Blackfire began to pleasure herself again, making it into a slow, erotic dance, making sure every now and then to rub her finely-toned ass against Robin’s manhood.
Robin was becoming more and more aroused by the second. He loved Starfire, he truly did, but Blackfire was the most sexually arousing creature he could ever had imagined, capable of generating fantasies in him that Star never could. Finally, he began to lose his self-control. The next time Blackfire rubbed her ass against him, he began to stroke it softly.
Sensing her chance, Blackfire dropped the vacuum and sat down next to Robin. Grabbing his head, she pulled him into a passionate kiss. Robin began moving downward, kissing along her neck, her chest, and finally reaching her breasts with his lips. Blackfire removed her tight bra, freeing her ample bust, and held Robin’s head against it. He began sucking her breasts, making her groan with pleasure.
“Oh, Robin, Oh,” Blackfire moaned, “Lick my body!” Robin obeyed, allowing his tongue to slither down her flat stomach, across her curvy hip, and up her shapely left leg, even going so far as to suck on her toes (which only served to further excite her).
Robin then decided to be a little naughty. Positioning himself between her legs, he stuck his tongue inside her pretty pussy. As he maneuvered the slippery organ back and forth, in and out, Blackfire gently caressed his hair while screaming out his name. Finally, she decided that Robin had done enough, and now it was her turn.
Allowing Robin just enough time to stand and hurry out of his clothes, Blackfire held him down on the couch and gently stroked his iron-hard erection before finally taking it in her mouth. Now, it was Robin’s turn to pant, growl, and moan with pleasure as Blackfire’s head bobbed up and down, her tongue expertly massaging his dick. But just before he came, she stopped.
“What’s - what’s wrong, Blackfire?” panted Robin, slightly annoyed and desperate for orgasm. “Nothing’s wrong,” she replied in a sexy contralto, “I just think we’ve had enough foreplay.” With that, she opened his legs wide, flied above him, and eased herself down onto his waiting member.
Both became instantly short of breath as Robin penetrated her. Robin began thrusting his lower abdomen upward, as Black moved up and down against the grain, increasing the sexual pleasure for both of them. After doing this for a while, she jumped off of him and situated herself on her hands and knees on the other side of the couch, her rear facing Robin. Getting the idea, he shoved himself inside her tight anal hole and began anew.
Finally, Blackfire panted, “Let’s finish this, Robin. I want to feel you cum inside me.” Rolling over and opening her legs, Blackfire positioned Robin on top of her as he placed himself inside her pussy once more. Blackfire grinded her hips vigorously as Robin pounded harder and harder. Finally, they both came to orgasm at the same and came hard, screaming each others’ names with almost-unbearable ecstasy.
Their wet, warm love oozed from between Blackfire’s legs as they allowed the post-orgasmic haze to fill their minds. Sitting up, Robin allowed Blackfire to slowly lick their fluids off his member before laying his head on her breasts and they both fell into a deep sleep, spooning each other.
When Robin awoke the next day (Blackfire had placed him in his own room), he realized the full consequences of what he had done. The other Titans had returned only hours ago from some sort cheese festival that Cyborg had dragged them to. They didn’t bother to invite Robin because he was lactose intolerant, or Blackfire because she claimed to have been too tired from her long trip.
Robin told his story as dispassionately as he could. It took him less than an hour, but to Starfire, it seemed to take years, listening to the story of her boyfriend’s sexual escapade with her sister. Finally, when he finished, he got down on his knees and said, “I’ve no right to beg your forgiveness, but I love you with all my heart, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to set things right and fix our relationship.”
Starfire did not initially reply. Finally, she knelt down to Robin’s level and held up his chin with her hands.
“Are you truly sorry, Robin?” she asked.
“Yes,” said Robin soberly and without hesitation.
“And do you swear that you will never again so much as look at another woman as if to have her instead, or besides?”
“I swear by everything I believe in.”
Then,” said Starfire, “I forgive you.” Robin’s heart fluttered with elation and a wide grin spread across his lips. He and Starfire embraced like lovers and melted against each other. Starfire felt herself become light-headed as she removed Robin’s shirt for him.
A minute later, their clothes were off and they were making love right there in the living room by the glow of the firelight. Robin had felt sexual pleasure before, but this was much more beautiful. When he and Star called out each others’ names, there was true love and passion in their voices. And when it was long over, and Starfire cried in his arms, he was not ashamed to cry with her.
Robin and Starfire were truly together now, and nothing would ever tear them apart. |
Chapter 0 - Surprise |
You're sitting at your desk, naked except for your shorts, organizing your favorite Denise Milani sets.
Suddenly you're startled by the sweetest voice you're ever heard.
"Don't move," you hear her whisper softly, yet with a hint of dominance.
Ignoring the command, more out of reflex than disobedience, you turn your head.
Before you can get a look at your visitor a hand slides over your cheek and firmly grabs you by your jaw.
"Do you like her?" she asks, pointing one finger at the monitor as another trails over your lips.
"Y-yes," you stammer, hands hovering akwardly over your mouse and keyboard.
Her giggle of approval sends a tingle through your body, specifially your already semi-hard dick.
"Then it's your lucky day..."
You gasp as your chair is swiftly turned around and find yourself staring right at Denise Milani's impressive cleavage.
The edge of a dark red bra is visible as she's leaning forward slightly, her silk satin robe failing to cover up her amazing breasts.
"Eyes up here, love," she demands, and you find yourself blushing as you look her in the eye.
Her stern expression has you holding your breath but you sigh in relief as she smiles broadly at you.
"Just relax, for now," she coos and takes a step back to let you view all of her divine beauty.
Like a model on a catwalk, she presents herself in full glory for your viewing pleasure.
She directs your gaze downwards by leaning to the side, one of her legs slipping out from the long, black robe.
You gulp as you take in the sight of her stocking-clad leg and blush even more fiercely as you catch a glimpse of a red thong.
Slowly she turns around, her high heels helping to present her lovely ass to you and she moves her hand under the robe, revealing her butt to you as she caresses it.
She throws a look over her shoulder and winks before slapping her cheek and your dick twitches at the sight of it.
Continuing her exhibition, Denise bends over, presenting even more of her ass as she wiggles the robe to the side.
You see the thong disappear between her firm cheeks, only to appear again further down.
You swallow hard as you stare at her panty-covered pussy and firm ass.
Denise gives you no time to fantasize, instead swirling around on her toes until she's facing you once more.
Her robe has now parted completely and you find it hard to focus on just one part of her amazing body.
Your gaze shifts every second, going from her dark red bra to the thong and her beautiful legs.
Finally she closes her robe again and you look up at her, disappointed and slightly worried that this is all you're getting.
Her cute smile puts you at ease, however, and she strides forward.
In one swift motion she straddles you and you feel the warmth of her thighs wrap around your waist.
Her tits are at eye level now and you stare at them, your mind still trying to come to terms with the situation.
"Go on, cutie, take it off."
Your trembling hands move towards the cute, lace ribbon of her bra but you look up expectantly as she slaps your hands aside.
"No," she murmurs. "Use your teeth."
You move forward, slowly, and press your face between her heavenly tits.
She wraps her arms around you and presses her tits together, smothering you in her bosom.
Your cock is stiffening like never before and you wonder how long you'll last if she keeps this up.
It takes some effort, but you manage to move your head around slightly and feel the ribbon against your lips.
You carefully take the bow between your teeth and tug, to no avail.
Trying again, you press deeper into her cleavage to grab a better hold of the ribbon with your teeth, then sharply tug to the side.
Slowly she pulls you back, arms still pressed against her body to keep her bra from slipping off.
Her hands find your cheeks and you can't withold a moan as her fingers start caressing your face.
After what feels like minutes she finally lets the straps of the bra slide down her shoulders, revealing her breats in all their glory and she moves her hands to cup them, inches from your face.
You can't resist moving your own hands up to knead her tits, and she lets you.
A moan escapes her lips as you pinch one of her nipples, which in turn makes your dick throb harder.
One hand again grabs your head and slowly pulls you towards the stiff nipple.
You try to lean forward but she keeps you firmly in check.
Not giving up so easily, you swiftly flick your tongue over the nipple, causing her to gasp.
Allowing you this minor victory, she releases her grip and lets you at it.
You kiss and lick at one breast while your hands take care of the other.
Taking one of her nipples between your fingers, you tease her with kisses around the other.
After a few seconds you tug sharply while simultaneously taking the second nipple between your teeth.
Her moans of pleasure spur you on and you take a moment to kiss up to her neck.
Denise, in turn, starts moving her hands over your body and you shudder as her fingers go lower and lower, fiddling at the edge of your shorts.
Suddenly, she firmly grabs your dick through your shorts and you yelp, startled out of your trance-like admiration of her breasts.
She lifts your chin up with one finger and looks you in the eye.
You stare breathlessly into her eyes, which you fail to notice are coming closer and closer.
It takes a moment for you to register her warm breath washing over your face.
She winks at you and the corners of her mouth arch in a smile for a split second when she feels your dick twitch.
Even when the hand holding your chin up lets go, you don't avert your gaze.
Denise smiles shyly as her hand comes into view and you look slack-jawed at the red thong danging from her fingers.
At the same time, she lowers into your lap and you feel her pussylips against your throbbing cock, seperated only by your shorts.
She moves your shorts down in one tug, freeing your hard shaft from it's confines.
Knowing you probably can't hold on much longer, she finally gives you what you so desire.
Inch by inch, she lowers down and at the same time brings her panties closer to your face.
You can smell her essence clearly and close your eyes to enjoy it even more.
She lets you enjoy her fragrance for a minute, holding the wet thong barely an inch in front of you, and you don't even bother trying anything other than taking in her erotic smell.
Your eyes open wide when she suddenly lowers onto your dick.
You fight back your orgasm with all your might as her wet pussylips take in your cockhead.
Eyes locked, you're unable to do anything but revel in the feel of her warm, slick pussy slowly taking in your hard cock.
It takes almost half a minute before she has you hilted inside and by that time you're biting your lip, trying to delay your imminent orgasm.
Her eyes narrow, almost as if disappointed that you didn't cum on the spot, but then your whole body tenses as she suddenly leans in and kisses you deeply.
The moment her lips touch yours, you shudder and surrender to the strongest, most mindblowing orgasm of your life.
Your dick twitches and you buck widly against her as you actually try to break the kiss so you can catch a breath.
Denise firmly keeps you in place and you moan into her mouth as you feel her vaginal muscles grip your dick tightly.
It takes a good minute before your orgasm subsides and only when you're finally spent does she break the kiss.
Unable to even lift your hands to caress her beautiful body, you simply lie back in the chair as she dismounts you.
You fight back the urge to close your eyes, not wanting to miss even a second of looking at your gift from heaven, but slowly find your eyes dropping and you doze off into a deep, satisfied sleep.
Chapter 19 - The GeneXXX Experiment pt 1 |
Chapter 19 - The GeneXXX Experiment - Part 1
Situation - Huge Orgy, M/F, M/M/F, vaginal, oral, bondage
Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and
Sonic Team. You knew that, right'
GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author.
The story thus far:
After Dr. Eggman's base exploded, Bucky the Rat reactivated the signal causing Sonic and the others' to desire sex more, which he was the mastermind behind all along! During the distraction, he sent Team GeneX to capture Sonic's friends one by one, locking them up in Shadow Arc with the intention to use them for some experiment. Now, Sonic is on his way to attempt to rescue everyone, but with the signal affecting his mind, does he stand any chance of doing anything other than mating with the first female he sees'
Now, on to the next chapter!
Sonic met up with Tails and Amy at Shadow Arc, and together they began searching for everyone who had been captured. Despite Amy being with them, they weren't affected by a desire to screw her, which seemed like good news at first, but Tails realized that they might be walking into a trap. As they reached a large room deep inside Shadow Arc, Tails's gut feeling seemed likely to be true. This large room was littered with sex toys, and there were beds here and there as well! Cages were at the back of the room, where a large number of people were locked up! Vortex the Chameleon, Zipp the Hornet, and Crash the Rhino were waiting beside the cages with the keys. "You wouldn't be considering letting everyone go, would you'" Sonic asked, expecting a fight. "Actually... Yesss." Vortex hissed, surprising Sonic, Tails and Amy. Behind Team GeneX, in an observation area overlooking the room, was Bucky the Rat. "Sonic! And you've brought guests. Excellent. That brings our total to twenty four. Perfect for my experiment. Why don't you say hello to your fellow test subjects'" he said. In the cages were many of Sonic's friends, acquaintances, and some who Sonic didn't even know. They included Knuckles the Echidna, Shadow the Hedgehog, Silver the Hedgehog, Copter the Fox, Punchy the Echidna, Chet the Cheetah, Guard the Gargoyle, Cream the Rabbit, Rouge the Bat, Blaze the Cat, Vanilla the Rabbit, Rainbow the Echidna, Gemini the Fennec, Heather the Phoenix, Fera the Wolf, Whisk the Divine, Katie the Coyote, and Mia the Cat. With Team GeneX and those Sonic brought with him, there were indeed 24. "Why are we all here, Bucky'" Sonic asked. Bucky held his hands behind his back and began to pace back and forth. "As you know, my life's work is dedicated to the creation of life. However, there is one thing that makes this very... distressing. The insistence of life forms on taking lives." he began, "So I've devised a plan to put a stop to it. Today, you will be part of an experiment to control the hearts and wills of living things. The signal I created, called the GeneXXX Wave, influences the GeneX energy within a life form. I discovered that it has connections to... libido, you might say. Furthermore, the signal can be modified, so I have been able to prevent it from affecting my experiments that I choose by species. It doesn't work on me at all, though; my electric powers shield me from its influence somehow. But I digress... My ultimate plan is to use the Chaos Emeralds that I've collected, the final ones recently obtained from a few of these... guests, to amplify the signal and cover the world in it! All I need is to get the world having sex for a few hours every day for a while. Imagine it. People will form bonds with those they have done the deed with. Love will spread, instead of hate. The desire to kill will be replaced with the desire to live! I will have saved our world, and in return, our world will allow me and my experiments to live in peace." he declared. Everyone stared in disbelief. "That's nuts. You can't expect that to work! People will only resent being forced into this!" Sonic shouted. Bucky shrugged. "Perhaps at first, which is why I will wait until it has been accepted before revealing the truth." he said. Tails shook his head. "You have no right to mess with peoples' heads like this!" he shouted. Bucky sighed. "At the moment I can't. The machine requires fine tuning. I can't even figure out how to control humans yet. But anyway, perhaps you'll change your tune after my experiment is over. Enjoy the orgy..." The doors to the exit slammed shut, sealing everyone in, and Team GeneX set about unlocking and opening the cages, while Bucky went to activate the signal. "I'm setting it to maximum power using a Chaos Emerald! None of you will be able to resist. You're all about to join my experiment... And you'll love it..."
As soon as the cages were open, everyone rushed out and ran in different directions, looking for a way out, but there was none! Vortex chuckled. "Jussst accept it. It'll be more enjoyable that way. Hisss plan may have sssseemed insssane at firssst, but I rather like it..." he hissed, glancing at the women around the room, licking his lips as he thought about who to take as his first mate. Rainbow scratched her head. "The only thing I'm worried about is if you creeps are planning to hurt us after!" she said. Crash shook his head. "Of course not. That goes against everything the master hopes to achieve." he said. The signal had been activated by now, and most of them were struggling with all their might to resist its spell. Sonic held his head, dropping to his knees. "Too... much... We're not... gonna be able... to fight it..." he moaned, feeling himself becoming erect rapidly without even looking at anyone in the room! Some continued attempting to resist, but most were failing. Those wearing clothes began to practically tear their garments off, hurling them to the floor in their lust! Bucky watched from his safe observation deck and chuckled. "With so many of them in there, resistance was impossible. Now, let's see how they pair up..." he mused. Everyone was gasping and screaming in frustration, but those who accepted the situation fastest started to seek partners. Sonic gulped as everyone gradually started to pair up. Amy had tried to reach him, but she was already snapped up by Chet, who seemed to be really into the idea of this super orgy, thrusting his cock into her pussy while licking her breasts with great enthusiasm. Sonic tried to find Blaze next, but he couldn't spot her in the crowd. Looking around, he saw Vanilla without a partner at the moment. She wasn't his first choice, but she was a hot mom, and with his mind controlled by the signal, that was good enough for him! He sped over and threw his arms around her, as if to say "Mine!" Vanilla gasped, then chuckled. "Hello, Sonic... I'm sorry about all this. I know it's not your fault." she said, her mother's instinct consoling him. He loosened his grip on her and shot her a smile. "Well, we're stuck for now. I'll think of something, but until then, we might as well enjoy ourselves, right'" he winked. Vanilla nodded. "I just hope Cream's doing OK with this... As far as I know, she's a virgin..." she said nervously. Sonic shrugged and slid his hedgehood into Vanilla's accommodating pussy, making her moan softly. "You feel nice inside me... Maybe we should do this more often'" she said, smiling. Sonic grinned and started pushing back and forth slowly, taking her massive breasts in his hands as he went. "Cream's father was lucky... Whatever happened to him'" he asked. Vanilla pulled him close and thrusted her hips against his. "Just go, Sonic..." she moaned. Sonic obeyed, it seemed he'd touched on a sensitive subject, and he decided not to bother her with it. Sonic kept thrusting, faster and faster, coaxing gasps and cries of excitement from Cream's mother as he got closer to his climax. "Ohhh... oh!! S-sonic!! More!! Ahhh!!" Soon, Vanilla came, her walls clamping around Sonic's cock hard! "Ahhh!! All right, you hot momma! Brace yourself!!" Sonic groaned as he came as well, shooting his hot seed deep into his friend's mother! Vanilla gasped and panted, then embraced Sonic gently. "If anyone happens to make a baby with me here today, I hope it's you..." she whispered into his ear. Sonic's eyes went wide and his jaw dropped, but he quickly composed himself as Vanilla released him from the embrace. "Well, er... Th-thanks... I guess..." he said, turning around and shivering. "I gotta stop Bucky before I become a dad tenfold..." he thought.
The action continued. Rainbow had found herself tackled onto a bed by Knuckles at the beginning. He thought it would be a way to get some payback on Punchy for always trying to steal the Master Emerald, but he soon found himself being ridden by an extremely eager Rainbow. "Yee-haw! Hee hee, you feel as good as One, Knucklehead!" she said, moaning as her pussy slid up and down over his length. Knuckles moaned, but also groaned. "Can't you call me 'Red' like Punchy does'" he grumbled, though he couldn't help but smile a little as he watched her breasts bounce. Meanwhile, Cream found herself in the powerful grip of Crash the Rhino, one of Team GeneX. However, he was being surprisingly gentle with her, holding her on top of him and easing her back and forth over his cock. "I saw how scared you were all this time. I want you to try to relax... No one wants to hurt you..." he said calmly as he fucked her gently. She cooed and sighed, his rod might have been a little big for her, but she couldn't say she wasn't enjoying it. "Why are you being so kind to me' You're the bad guy..." she whimpered. Crash patted her head. "We're not so bad. Just let us prove it to you..." he said, planting a kiss on her cheek.
Amidst the mish mash of chaos, romance, and rape, was Tails. He was trying his hardest to avoid the action, and had resisted the urge better than the rest, though he, too had become erect. However, his hiding soon came to an end when someone sought him out. "Hello, handsome..." It was Fera the Wolf, and she was looking quite stunning without her tight uniform on. Tails stared at her with wide eyes. "I thought this would be a good time to repeat my offer to you... About joining the Covenant of Despair'" she said, licking her lips and staring at his penis with her good eye. Tails stared at her amazing body and found his self control faltering. "I... don't think this is such a good time!" he whimpered. Fera chuckled. "What happens here, stays here you know... My body could be all yours... Why don't you just consider my offer for a little bit, hm'" she said, holding her breasts seductively. Tails shivered and shook. This was the limit. There was no way he could deny his urges any longer. "A-ALL RIIIIGHT!! Let's do it!" he shouted, prompting Fera to jump over and pin him to the ground! "Errr, sorry... I'm a feral wolf. I get carried away." she remarked, "Let me make it better..." she said, moving to his crotch and bringing her lips to his rod, slowly moving her tongue along his length. He moaned quietly, and then a bit louder as she brought his cock into her mouth! She moved her head back and forth, giving him a quick blowjob while he made various pleased sounds, but it didn't last long. She soon released his cock and laid down beside him, glancing at him and smirking. "OK, now... I'm all yours. Take me nice and hard. Show me what you've got. It'll help me gauge your worthiness to join the Covenant of Despair." she said. Tails scratched his head. "I don't want to join, you know... But I do want to do this!" he admitted, rolling over so that he was on top of her. He held on to her shoulders as she opened her legs for him. "Destroy me, fox boy... And I'll listen to anything you say." she said, purring. Tails looked a bit nervous at first, but then a flash of determination came across his eyes. "Destroy you... Got it." he said, plowing his cock into her pussy as hard as he could! Her eye opened wide as Tails started fucking her wildly, like a fox possessed! "Ahhh... What!' Ohhh, my god!! A-amazing!!" she gasped as Tails thrusted his foxhood into her with all his might, smirking as he went. He grabbed at Fera's boobs, giving them a light squeeze before licking her tits and then giving her a passionate kiss, which she returned in her impressed state! As he fucked her, he started hitting her g-spot, making her scream with delight! "Aaaaaaahhh!! No!! No way you could be this good!!! AAAAAhhhh!!" she yelled, cumming hard and fast! Tails laughed victoriously as he cummed inside her, and then collapsed on top of her, panting heavily. Fera panted as well, but had to ask, "H-how'd you learn to fuck like that'" Tails chuckled and shrugged. "Been on the receiving end before. Took notes..." he said, recalling when Shadow fucked him as a girl.
Bucky took notes as he watched. So far, the pairings had been anything but obvious. Though some had attempted to reach familiar bodies, they often were snatched up by others first, like Amy, who was still at Chet's mercy, though her moans didn't exactly make her seem unwilling. He now had her down on all fours, and was screwing her anally. Meanwhile, Knuckles had managed to get on top of Rainbow, and was giving her a good titfuck while she laughed playfully. "Don't be afraid to muss my face! Ahhh, yeah! Keep it up, Red!" she cheered. Knuckles smiled and obeyed, soon covering her face with a shower of white! He was pretty pleased with himself. At least he'd managed to get her to call him something other than Knucklehead. "Ahh, not bad. Let's do this again sometime." he smirked. Of course, Team GeneX had been quick to claim their females, and Zipp was busy with Katie the Coyote, someone he'd probably chosen for her fame as a news reporter. He handcuffed her to a bedpost, since handcuffs were among the toys scattered in the room, and started nailing her pussy, without bothering to even remove his helmet. "Aahh!! Ohh, my god!! No! You won't get away with this!!" Katie squealed, concealing her enjoyment of the activity. Zipp kept pounding away at her pussy, nibbling at her tits a bit before answering her. "Try to punish me... I dare you..." he teased, licking her breasts playfully. "Besides, according to my helmet's reading's, you're havin' an excellent time..." he said. Katie moaned and held on to him. "Damn you..." she sighed. Zipp chuckled. "Busted! My helmet can't tell me that!" he said, fucking her faster as she groaned in frustration.
Copter didn't bother trying to resist the signal. Truth be told, he didn't much care if he was forced into this. He didn't really have a "special someone," and the idea of being able to have sex with anyone in the room he wanted actually excited him more than he would openly admit. For his first choice, he started heading straight for Rouge the Bat, someone he'd thought about screwing each time he'd seen, but he wasn't the only one who'd had this idea. To his annoyance, Guard the Gargoyle arrived at the same time. Rouge saw them both approach her and smirked. "Now, how did I know I'd be getting so much attention'" she said sarcastically. Copter scoffed. "I was here first, Guard. Buzz off!" he said. Guard growled at him. "I know her better..." he argued. Rouge rolled her eyes. "Boys... Ever heard of sharing'" she said, "Way I see it, I'm gonna get passed around anyway. Might as well have some fun." Copter glanced at Guard and then at Rouge. Whether he liked the idea of being with Guard or not, the signal wasn't going to give him a choice in the matter at this point, so he shrugged and grabbed Rouge by the waist. "OK, you got it. At least for once GUN's not trying to kill me." he joked, easing his foxhood into her pussy slowly, savoring the penetration. Guard moved to her rear and chuckled. "Just don't let your guard down, Copter..." he teased, forcefully thrusting his cock into Rouge's tail hole! Rouge gasped at his forceful entry, but smiled. "Kill each other on your own time, OK. You've got me between you right now." she said. Copter rubbed his hands over her breasts and started moving his hips back and forth. "Believe me, I know. You're not something a guy could ignore..." he said. Guard growled softly as he started thrusting his rod into her rear, wrapping his arms around her belly. "Grrrr... Prisoner or not, I must thank my creator... I've always wanted to do this..." he whispered into her ear. Rouge sighed and moaned blissfully as they continued to fuck her, gradually speeding up until both of them came, nearly at the same time! "Aaahh!! Oooh, boys, that was nice... A good start for this party." Rouge panted, smiling. Copter smirked at her. "Who says we're done with you'" he said. Guard nodded. "Grrr... Even without this signal, experiments have great endurance. Besides, I'd like to switch places." he pointed out. Rouge gulped. "Oh boy... I could've used a rest between rounds..." she muttered. The boys pulled out, and Copter laid down, allowing Guard to lower Rouge so that her rear hole slid onto his cock. "Aaaah... Looks like he loosened you up..." Copter remarked. Once Rouge was laid on top of Copter, Guard thrusted his cock into her pussy, making her yelp, and soon start moaning again as their threesome resumed! "Aaaahh... Ohhh... Yes! Guard... Ahh... C-copter... Mmm... Keep going..." she cried, loving every moment as the experiments rapidly thrusted their cocks! Copter stroked her wings and kissed her cheek occasionally, while Guard squeezed her large breasts roughly, occasionally licking them, having a blast playing with them. Rouge soon let out an ecstatic scream as she came. "Aaaaaaaahhhh!!! YEESSS!!" It wasn't much longer before Copter and Guard came again as well, filling her from both ends with their hot, white seed! "Grrrrraaaaaahhh!! Ooooohhh.... R-rouge..." Guard murmured, purring happily. Copter tapped her shoulder and cleared his throat. "I just wanna say... What happens here stays here, right'" he asked. Rouge rolled her eyes. "Don't worry. I wouldn't want to admit to anything." she remarked. "Whew..." Copter sighed.
Chet had finally finished with Amy. From there, she tried to find Sonic. Unfortunately, she came upon Shadow instead. He seemed to relish the idea of taking "Sonic's girlfriend," so he pinned her down and started screwing her. To his surprise, however, Amy wasn't too upset by this, and quickly started making pleased noises. "Go on, Shadow... Do me hard and fast..." she smirked as he stared at her in surprise. "I'll catch Sonic sooner or later. Until then... I hope I'm lucky enough to run into more dark and handsome types like you." she said seductively. Shadow grinned back and resumed his work, going harder and faster as she moaned his name. Elsewhere, Rainbow had bid Knuckles goodbye and quickly found a new partner: Tails. She was allowing him to fuck her doggy style, penetrating her pussy the way his species would naturally. She laughed and gasped excitedly as her breasts swayed back and forth from his thrusts. "Yeah, Tails! You're so good! Ohhh!!" she yelled, glancing back at him. Tails panted excitedly and sped up his thrusts, hoping to really impress her. After all, she got Copter and Punchy on a regular basis. "Your... quills are... neat..." he observed, watching them sway around as he fucked her, wondering if she was born with them in all those colors, or if she dyed them that way. Bucky continued to observe the activity, grinning as nearly everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves now. His plan, it seemed, would be a complete success.
The boys might have been the ones doing most of the partner choosing, but they weren't doing all of it. Gemini's wand had been confiscated upon her capture, and knowing that she had no way out, she decided to grab on to someone she trusted as quickly as she could. That person was Silver, someone who was from the same future time as her. She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his chest, crying. "Wh-what'll I do' Everyone will know I've had sex... The Divine masters might find out, and they'll take my magic away..." she sobbed. Silver stroked her head and sighed. "I... I'll talk to them. I'll tell them you had no way out of it. Maybe they'll forgive you." he said, lifting her chin up and drying her tears with his glove. She smiled nervously. "It's better if we try to convince everyone to keep this a secret... But thank you, Silver. Will you be gentle with me'" she asked. Silver nodded. "But get yourself prepared. I can't protect you long in here, and the others might not be so nice..." he warned her. She smiled a little. "I guess I should try to enjoy it, then... I might not have sex again for a long time." she said. Silver smiled back and slowly slid his dick into her flower, penetrating her gently as she embraced him. She sighed happily as his cock slid all the way in, and kissed his cheek. "Ah... It feels good..." she cooed. Silver started to push his rod back and forth at an easy pace, taking care not to make Gemini uncomfortable in any way. She eased Silver on to his back as he went, taking advantage of what may be her only chance to be on top. He slid his hands over her body, caressing her gently. They rested over her breasts, rubbing them softly, and she moaned a little. "Oh, Silver... You're so sweet..." she sighed, slowly moving her hips up and down over his cock to add to his pleasure. He sighed a little, and then began to speed up his movements gradually. "We can't go too slow Gemini... I... don't think the signal will even let me." he realized, seeing a flicker of fear in Gemini's eyes as he went faster. She gasped loudly and nodded. "I... understand... I think I was going to let you go pretty fast eventually anyway, just not right away. Please, just be as gentle as you can!" she pleaded. Silver nodded and kept going, his thrusts making Gemini moan and gasp louder and louder, quickly making her orgasm as well! "Aaaaaaahhh!! Ohh, yesss!!" she cried, throwing her arms around Silver happily. He panted and moaned, nearing his own climax. "G-gemini!! Ahhh... Thanks for choosing me..." he grinned, letting out a loud shout as he came, giving her a big blast of his seed! They rested in each others arms for a big, catching their breath and complimenting each other on their performance, but with the signal affecting everyone, their rest surely wouldn't last long.
Crash might have been giving Cream a gentle start, but once she left him, she quickly ended up with Vortex, the same Team GeneX member who "tested" her the last time Bucky experimented on her body. Once again, he had her pinned down and was roughly fucking her pussy, making her scream and gasp as he chuckled at her. "Don't give me that. You mussst have been enjoying your new body quite a bit..." he hissed. Cream looked away from him. "Th-that's... besides the point..." she sighed. Even as polite as she was, she didn't want to acknowledge that she was enjoying what HE was doing to her. Elsewhere, Sonic had moved on. He didn't exactly seek out Amy or anyone specific, as he was more intent on finding a way out of this mess so he could stop Bucky. However, he still had no ideas, and now he had run into Heather the Phoenix, who was quite willing to pair up with him. She was soon riding his cock, her breasts bouncing to the rhythm as she went! Sonic held on to her waist and watched her work, moaning in pleasure. "Ahhh... yeah... You're really good... But I can't shake the feeling that there's something wrong about you..." he muttered, trying to remember who she was. Heather winked. "Just forget the bad times and stay in the moment... Ohhh... Your cock feels so good... It's great to be alive..." she moaned, as Sonic shrugged and nodded, not once remembering her death. Not far away, Vanilla was approached by Guard. "Oh, my... Who might you be'" she asked, having never seen a gargoyle before. There wasn't much more talk before Guard had her tied to a bed with some rope left in the room as a "toy" by Bucky, her arms bound to the posts, but her legs free. He then started screwing her hard, squeezing her breasts and growling like a feral beast while she screamed. "Aaaaahhh!! Oooohhh!! Dear me!!" she cried, struggling to move her arms uselessly. However, as Guard continued, her screams changed in nature. "Ohhhh!! Don't be afraid to go harder, dear!" she moaned, enjoying Guard's little game. He grunted and flapped his wings excitedly. "Grrr... Yes, ma'am..." he said. It hadn't been long before Knuckles managed to find a new partner, either. He came across Mia the Cat, a sexy blue feline who was a friend of Copter's, and who was particularly enjoying this "party." In no time at all, they were on the ground, Knuckles on top, but both of them thrusting their hips together like wild animals! Mia held his hands against her breasts, encouraging him to squeeze and squish them all he liked. "Yeah, you bad boy, ravage me... Ahhhh... Aaaahhh... Yesss..." she moaned. Knuckles grinned and kept going. "Wow... Can I get your number when this is over'" he whispered, imagining she'd be great for lonely nights on Angel Island.
When the signal started up, Punchy didn't try to fight it. He sought someone out immediately, and he knew exactly who he wanted. He soon found Blaze, and took her hand. "Hey there... I've been waiting for this..." he said. Blaze nodded. "I know. I've seen some of the progress you've made since we first met." she said. Punchy smirked. "And'" he asked. Blaze sighed. "Whether I give you permission or not, it looks like it's happening here. But I've grown a bit, too. I think I can accept it and enjoy it... So, show me what you've learned, deal'" she winked. Punchy smiled at her. "All right... Deal!" he said, immediately grabbing her and pinning her to the ground! Rather than start ravaging her violently, however, he turned himself over and moved his mouth to her pussy, while his cock hovered over her mouth. "It's all about fair and equal pleasure, right' Then I think this is just the position to try..." he said before slowly sliding his tongue into her entrance, getting in deep. Blaze shivered, then moaned. "Y-yes... Exactly... You've learned a lot, Punchy..." she sighed before opening her mouth to accept his throbbing dick, slowly taking it all the way to the hilt! They continued 69ing for a while, tasting each others' pleasure fluids and moaning as they worked each other up. Soon, however, Punchy lifted his head from Blaze's crotch. "Think that's enough foreplay'" he asked. Blaze released his cock and sighed with satisfaction. "You've done well. You have earned the right to take me... Make it good." she purred. Punchy climbed off her and turned again, grinning as he lined up his cock with her pussy. He slowly slid his way inside her, savoring the moment. "Ahhh... Finally... But I'd say you're worth the wait." he smirked, cupping her breasts in his hands. She purred as he began thrusting into her, taking care not to go too roughly. He had certainly learned his lesson since trying to rape her before. He massaged her breasts, and she held on to him, moaning in pleasure. "Very good... I'm enjoying this..." she sighed, licking his cheek. He grinned and sucked at her breasts as he sped up his thrusts, coaxing louder sounds out of the feline below him. "Mmmm... yeah!! Ooooh, Blaze...!!" he moaned, loving every moment. They continued for a while, and Blaze was impressed with how he'd changed since they'd met. "Aaaaahhh!! Punchy!! All right... Uhhh... Do it!! Fill me up...!!" she cried, feeling ready to burst. Punchy chuckled and let out a roar of triumph as he gave her a few more thrusts, pushing himself over the edge! They both began to cum, and Punchy pushed his rod in deep to allow his seed to flow as far inside her as it could, not that he was seeking to impregnate her. It was an action of instinct, possibly encouraged by the signal. They moaned loudly and collapsed into each others' arms, gazing into each others' eyes as they rested. "Well, this was a great way to start this crazy orgy..." Punchy grinned. Blaze nodded. "Oh, dear... I wonder what's in store next... I hope I don't end up bearing a child..." she muttered. Punchy frowned. "Oh... Y-yeah..." he stammered. Meanwhile, Bucky watched all the action from above. The orgy was well underway, and as he took notes, he felt himself getting hard as well. He felt his boner, stroking it a little. "Hmmm... Perhaps I'll have to choose someone to scratch my little itch once I'm finished collecting my data... But for now... I can see that things are certainly going exactly as I planned. Excellent..." he grinned. The orgy was going strong, and it was showing no signs of slowing down any time soon.
To be continued... |
Chapter 5 - Getting to know you |
"So this is just a sexual thing?" John asked Roxanne, motioning towards her choice of clothing.
"Yeah, I kinda wanna know what it feels like to love, so I dress like this, kinda like those sexy-looking women in the magazines." Roxanne said without realizing the problem with that type of thought process.
"You do realize you are dressed like a whore, essentially." John responded
"You didn't seem to mind, based on how long you were ogling me." Roxanne retorted as she lay down on her bed.
John, not wanting to continue this discussion, decided to drop the subject. Then again, based on her reaction when he kissed and groped her, she could be a good test subject to see the limits of the app, or at the very least, let him feel her up. Sitting beside her bed, he placed his hand on her thigh, seeing that she didn't react, he moved his hand up and grabbed her ass, as he massaged those soft cheeks he waited to see if she gave any sort of reaction, still nothing.
"So you're aromantic?" John asked as he got bolder with his hands. "What does that exactly mean?"
"It means that I tend to not have any romantic relationships or feel much love towards others." She responded, not caring that she was being felt up.
"So… do you feel any pleasure from sex?" He asked as his fingers rubbed between her legs, where he felt the soft texture of her panties.
"I mean, I still do, though some girls are often disappointed that I tend to not feel the same way as them after a one-night stand."
John, deciding to take this as far as he thinks he can take it, grabbed Roxanne's panties and slowly began pulling them off.
"I understand that love is an important and strong emotion, but it can be a bit awkward trying to explain to someone you are not into them, without it sounding negative, you know?" She explained, still seemingly ignoring John's advances.
As John pulled away the panties, he spread her legs and took a look at her pussy, to his surprise, it was quite big, like up to his hand, big. At least he knew why those girls were disappointed. Taking his curiosity to the next level, he slipped two fingers into the sizable cunt and felt around the warm entrance.
"Damn, you have quite a large cunt you know." Said John as he held on to her ass to steady himself as he fisted her pussy, feeling her warm juices flow all over his hand.
"Yeah, people are quite surprised when they first see it." Despite her seemingly ignoring her cunt being fisted by John, he felt it getting wet as if her body knew it was being pleasured.
The two roommates continued their impromptu sexual experience, with Roxanne fully nude, with her hefty rack swinging underneath her as she had her pussy pounded by John, who still was fully clothed with a boner.
Despite John having his sexual needs fulfilled by his mom earlier, seeing his busty roommate seemingly ignore his sexual actions in front of her got him hard again. Taking advantage of the sexual tension of the situation he got in position and unbuttoned his pants and lined himself up with Roxanne's dripping cunt, grabbing onto her soft ass he pushed his hard dick into Roxanne's large cunt.
"Oh fuck, you feel amazing!" He moaned as his dick slid inside her, he grabbed her ass and began pumping her cunt, enjoying the sensation.
Roxanne didn't seem to mind her roommate currently raping her, she simply looked at her phone and continued as if nothing was happening. John already had an orgasm earlier, so he didn't last very long, shooting his load inside Roxanne. Satisfied, he pulled out and got dressed, giving Roxanne a nice slap on the ass as he left. He checked Roxy's profile on the app again, and still zero, he wondered if her aromatic sexuality was interfering with the app, or because she can't create a romantic relationship, the app translated her profile differently, perhaps that's why she ignored him, the app made her do that, probably. He decided to look around campus, for now, perhaps check out the library, or head to the Starbucks on campus, either way, he hoped to see some interesting women roaming about.
The soccer team returned to their locker room after a day of practice, and several women had dirt and grass stains on their clothes.
"Hey Kim, are you gonna come to the party?" Said a black woman with brown braided hair.
"Yeah, I'll be sure to get the drinks!" Kim shouted back as she placed her sports gear in her bag and made sure her clothes fit properly, while her curves were alright, with a-cups and a nice butt, her most prominent features were her legs, thick muscular thighs trained to perfection, a great benefit for one of the best kickers in the team. As Kim finished getting dressed, she walked out and saw the head cheerleader, Jocelyn Hicks, a redhead with more tits than ass, close to D-cups, and yet she was somehow just as flexible as the other cheerleaders, she was also her girlfriend.
"Hey, Kimmy." Jocelyn said with a small wave.
"Hey, babe." Kim wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "Are you coming to the party?"
"Only if you promise to fuck me while you are there." She gave Kim a sultry smirk, the two shared a kiss and walked out, but not before the rest of the team hollered out to the lovebirds, with Kim giving them the middle finger as they left.
In the college library, a small group of three friends was whispering to each other, one of them seemed quite familiar.
"It's true." Whispered Wendy to her friends "I actually got to kiss someone." She looked back at the moment John kissed her at the game store, it made her feel so warm.
"Well, did you get her number?" Asked her blonde friend.
"Y-yeah." She said
"Oh, did you two go on a date yet?"
"Sandra." A white hair girl said, "Please don't ask about things she is not comfortable with yet."
"Oh come on, I was just asking." The blonde, who was named Sandra, said back.
"We should probably head back, it's almost 5 pm." Wendy said as she packed up her stuff.
"Yeah alright, let's head on back." The white-haired girl said.
The three friends packed up their stuff and began walking back to their dorm room, despite the question being dropped, Wendy did wonder if she will ever date John, it was a little early for that, as she only kissed him, but a girl can dream. She can still picture him, his nice face, soft hands, and gentle kiss were burned into her memory, and she didn't want to forget that moment. As they walked, she saw someone who reminded her of John, the hair, that physic, he even had the same face as…wait!
"John!?" Wendy shouted
John turned around after hearing someone call out to him, as he turned, he saw a trio of girls, one of which he immediately recognized, totally by himself, not because of the nametag on top of her head that said "Wendy Marshall."
"Wendy!" He called back and ran up to her.
Wendy looked at John with surprise, she never knew he was enrolled in this college, so it was a genuine surprise to see him here. As the two exchanged greetings, John checked her score, it was still at -49, not too hard to push her lower, but he was curious about her two other friends.
"So Wendy, is this the person you were telling us about?" Asked Sandra
"Oh um…yeah." Wendy said, slightly embarrassed.
"So, who are your friends?" John asked
"Oh, this is Sandra and Eda." She said motioning to her friends.
John shook their hands and looked above their heads.
Sandra McFarlane, score: 32
Eda Dalton, score: -11
Not bad, at least this Eda girl saw him as attractive, and she didn't have a bad figure either, short white hair, C-cup breasts, and a nice ass. Sandra, the long-haired blonde, on the other hand, seemed more bottom-heavy, with curvy thighs, a fat ass, and a meager set of A-cup tits.
"So, where are you ladies heading to?" John hoped to make a stronger connection with these girls, it would be nice to have some friends to hang out with.
"We are gonna go get some lunch, wanna come?" Sandra said as they began walking away.
"Sure, sounds nice."
As the small group entered the restaurant, John asked who would be paying, after a short discussion, they decided to split the bill into fourths. John ordered a cheeseburger with no mustard, a side of fries, and a large drink, Sandra asked for a chicken burger with zucchini fries and a smoothie, and Wendy got nachos and a small drink, Eda simply ordered a double cheeseburger with a medium drink. As the group sat down with their drinks, they began discussing what they are learning, John learned that Sandra is learning photography and journalism, Eda is learning coding and computer engineering, and Wendy is in Art and English class.
"So, what are you here for?" Sandra asked John
"Oh, just learning about economics and engineering." He responded as he sipped his drink.
"Interesting, do you have any other college plans?" Sandra said
John, trying to change the subject of the conversation, leaned over to Eda.
"Hey Eda, since our classes are a bit similar, how about we share notes?"
"Sure." Eda said without taking her eyes off her phone.
"She's not much of a talker, you can pretty much make fun of her and she wouldn't care." Sandra said dismissively. "She usually keeps to herself around strangers."
While that was probably true, he could tell with this strange app that Eda does have some feelings for him, even if they're small. This would spark some arguments about consent, but we already passed that. John put his arm around Eda's shoulder as he continued their conversation, and then Wendy went to go fetch their food, with Sandra heading to the bathroom, leaving him and Eda alone, at least for a while. His arm was still on her shoulder, and he decided to make his move, but as soon as he looked at her, he noticed she had a light pink blush on her face, looking at her score told him exactly what was happening.
Eda Dalton, score: -27
She definitely liked him at least.
"Hey Eda, I was wondering…" he waited to see if she responded, but nothing. "Do you…like me?"
As soon as he said that, he heard a squeak as she turned her head away from him, before hearing her whisper something. Deciding to try and take the initiative, he put his hand under her chin and lifted her face, she still tried to avert her gaze, but it was clear she was embarrassed.
"M…maybe…" she mumbled
He leaned in closer, his warm breath washing over her face.
"Would you…like to…"
Eda looks at John, as she slowly realizes what he was asking for, fumbling over her words, she doesn't know how to respond, but luckily for her, John answers for her. Eda's heart skips a beat when she feels his lips touch hers, is this true love? Is this a dream? Eda didn't know what to believe. John separated from the kiss, Eda seemingly blind as she processed what had just happened, as she finally calmed down, the two looked to their side and saw Wendy standing there with their food on a tray, with her own pink blush across her face.
"Uh…hey Wendy…" Eda said embarrassingly before quickly trying to defend herself. "It's not what it looks like! He kissed me first and-"
Wendy didn't know how to react, she just saw John kiss Eda, EDA! She never showed deep affection for others, let alone romantic affection.
John meanwhile, was checking on their scores, which had increased after the kiss.
Eda Dalton, score: -34
Wendy Marshall, score: -52
That left him with 116 points to spend on new abilities, though he didn't know what to get, aggressive exhibition and public interaction seemed nice and he was a few points away from getting it. But sexual endurance would be nice to get for future plans, but it was expensive. So far he wasn't having much difficulty getting points, but then again he wasn't exactly looking for women with higher scores, like Sandra. Speaking of which.
"Hey guys, what did I miss?" Sandra said as she walked back from the bathroom.
"Oh, nothing, let's start eating." Wendy placed the food on the table.
Ashley sat on her bed, playing Dark Souls 3 by herself. After playing for a while, she got better, but she still had a lot to learn. After reaching a bonfire she decided to quit for now, as she turned off her console, she wondered if she should ever visit John sometime in the future. As she lay on her bed she thought back to the first time she had sex with him, as she recalled the memories she slid a hand down her panties to her already dripping pussy and began to finger herself, she quietly moaned to herself as she imagined John taking her again, bending her over and giving her a good fucking with his hard dick, she whispered his name as she felt herself getting wetter and wetter. It wasn't long until she was moaning as she came, breathing heavily as she pictured herself and John naked, holding each other in a loving embrace.
"Hey John, you wanna come with us back to our dorm?" Wendy asked
"Um, I don't know, I would still like to explore the college a little more."
"Oh okay, do you want to do that together, if you don't mind that is!" She exclaimed
It's honestly cute seeing Wendy stutter with her words, he would not mind having a bit of company, and with her score being above 50, he wants to try something.
"I don't mind at all, wanna head out?"
"Yeah, just let me tell my friends!" She ran to her friends and explained everything, they said their goodbyes and left, John and Wendy went back to the college.
As the two walked around the campus, especially in the new areas that opened once construction was finished, they talked as several other students hung out or studied nearby. After walking for a bit John found a quiet little spot to sit and rest for a bit, they continued their conversation when John noticed that they seemed to be alone, as he hadn't seen anyone else walk by for a bit. John decided to make his move.
"Hey, Wendy." He places a hand on her shoulder.
"I was wondering, how did you feel watching me kiss Eda?"
Wendy played with her hands for a bit before giving her response.
"Well uh…I kinda felt surprised."
"Just surprised?"
"I mean, there was more than just surprise, but I don't know how to…put it into words."
He slips his hand down her shirt, groping her warm, soft breast, a faint blush dashed across Wendy's face.
"It felt like…something."
"Do you…love me?"
The faint pink blush immediately turned crimson red as Wendy once again stuttered with her words.
"I mean I-it's like a um, I don't…"
"Wendy" John turned her head to face him, her face completely flustered.
He leaned in close, and she closed her eyes in anticipation, as seconds passed she felt it, the warmth of his lips against hers, it was a rush, and her heart began to beat faster, she didn't want it to end, she wanted to stay like this for as long as possible. Minutes dragged on as the two kissed uninterrupted, eventually, the two separated, both breathing heavily from the experience.
"Wow…" was the only way she could describe it.
The two stared into each other's eyes as if looking for something.
"Wendy." Let's see if this works.
"Yes?" Her score is -60
"Do you…want to have sex with me?"
She felt her head lighten from hearing that.
"Is there anywhere…more private?"
At least she didn't say no, the two went up and went to a nearby bush, the idea of doing it in public turned on Wendy, she had never done this, but the idea did send a thrill of excitement through her body. She knelt down and began to unbutton her jeans and pull them down, John got behind her and did the same. The two got into position and John guided his hard member to her entrance, at first he rubbed her lips with the tip, getting a soft moan from Wendy, after her pussy was sufficiently wet, he pushed in gently. Wendy stifled a moan as John held onto her ass to keep balance, he pushed himself deeper inside her warm snatch and soon he began to fuck her right cunt, the two did their best to keep quiet as John kept a lookout for anyone passing by, Wendy meanwhile was enjoying the thrill and pleasure of getting fucked in public. As John continued his rhythm, he felt Wendy clench down on his dick as she bit into her shirt to hold back her moans.
"Keep going…" she moaned out
He obliged and continued, and soon he felt himself getting close, he began to speed up, much to Wendy's pleasure. As he pumped faster and faster, Wendy could hold her moans back and a few managed to escape her mouth. When he felt that his orgasm was very close, he pulled out, but he did feel Wendy clench down one last time as he did, luckily he pulled out in time and his cum was sprayed across her ass.
"Hah, hah, that was…amazing…hah" Wendy was in total bliss, after those two orgasms, she didn't think she could stand. John stuffed his softening member back into his pants, pulled out his phone, turned off flash, and took a pic for safekeeping. After Wendy calmed down she pulled up her panties and jeans and the two lovebirds walked back to their dorms, hand in hand.
Wendy Marshall, score: -68 |
Chapter 3 - From best friend to girlfriend |
As John walked across the isles of the clothing store, he thought about which ability to get, even after some consideration, it still was a tough choice to pick.
"I'm telling ya, it's somewhere here." He heard one girl say
"Yeah, whatever." He heard other one said
As he looked over where those voices were coming from, he saw a buxom woman in tight jeans and a bra, pretty much showing off her double D cup breasts. The moment he saw her he went straight over to her, and as he got there he also saw two other girls with her, though they were more covered up. He smoothly walked beside her and slipped his hand into her bra, giving those fine melons the attention they deserve.
"Hey beautiful, what's your name?" He said
The woman looked at him, completely unaware of his hand groping her tits.
"Names Martha, Martha Stewart." She responded, he looked up and saw that her score was 44, just enough.
Without hesitation or request, he pushed his lips against hers and began to kiss, the moment he did, Martha was startled, not sure what exactly she should do, after he broke the kiss, her score went down to 17.
"Holy shit… you better warn me next time when you do that again." She said with a smile.
"I believe you wouldn't mind the surprise." John responded as he squeezed her fine breasts together.
"Oh hey, who is the handsome hunk?" Said an equally curvy ebony beauty, she was holding some shirts.
"Oh hey, Emily this he is…"
"John, John Miller." He responded
"Emily Dickinson."
He looked up to see her score and was quite surprised, -67 already huh, she's probably a slut, or is really into him.
"Well, Martha and Emily, would you like to go somewhere more private?" John asked the two beauties.
Erm, I don't know…" Martha said
"Sure, why not!" Emily eagerly said
"You sure Emily, I mean we just met him."
"Oh come on, look at him, are you gonna say no to that?" Hearing that, John blushed a bit, he didn't expect another woman to be that into him.
"...alright fine, but if we get kidnapped, it's all your fault." Martha said as the three began walking.
"I'm sure I won't disappoint." John said as he slipped one hand into Martha's bra and the other into Emily's pants, groping their soft skin.
Ashley, meanwhile, was at a tech store, looking at the computer products available in stock. She was looking for some new parts to upgrade her PC, especially a new keyboard, but she wished John was with her, sadly he wasn't very interested in PC building, mainly due to budget constraints.
"I should try to look into what he likes." She said, "Though I should not try to push myself onto him, besides I doubt that he would want that kind of pressure."
As she gazed through several different products, she wondered how she could try to get closer to John as if they weren't already close enough, they're best friends for crying out loud. Perhaps a waterpark could be a good start, she could wear a nice bathing suit to tempt him or something, while he can just wear a pair of swimming trunks. Even though summer was still a while away, she was already picturing the scenarios in her head, where she will show off her lovely curves, John showing off his well defined upper body as he holds her in his arms, gently as a lover as he gropes her soft skin and she feels up his sturdy muscles, the thought excited her. She still remembered how big his dick was when she gave him that blowjob, along with its texture and taste, she wondered how that cock would feel inside her, the thought was getting her horny.
"Excuse me, ma'am, do you have any questions?" Asked an employee, snapping Ashley out of her fantasy.
"Oh um no… I'm just looking." She quickly responded back
"Okay, if you have any questions, just let me know."
"Alright then, thanks." Ashley said as the employee left.
"Fucking bitch" Ashley quietly whispered to herself as she tried to continue her daydream with John at the waterpark.
As Ashley was busy in the computer store, John was led to a corner bathroom by the two women. Upon entering the bathroom, it was clear people rarely used this one, due to how clean and pristine it was, with no graffiti, no broken parts, nothing.
"Well, here we are." Emily exclaimed as the trio entered.
John was busy looking at his watch, has decided to pick the sexual needs ability, reducing his points down to 41 points. Now he was ready to enact his sexual plan.
"So, what is it that you wanted to show us?" Martha questioned John, still unsure of his intentions.
"Oh nothing all that bad, but first," he said as he undid his pants and took out his dick, showing the impressive package to the women. "Who wants to ride this cock?"
"The fuck why the hell would I-" Martha said as her face blushed red at seeing this bold display before she was interrupted.
"Hell yeah!" Emily shouted as she also began to remove her pants and raise her ass in the air. John took his position behind her getting on his knees and lining himself up.
"Emily, are you seriously going to let this stranger fuck you in a public bathroom!?" Martha questioned her friend.
"Well yeah, he's got a nice-looking dick." She said as she felt the tip rub against her wet cunt. "Besides, the scenario kinda turns me on."
"I can't believe you are such a slut." Martha said as she sat on the toilet lid. "We went here for new bras, not to get fucked in a bathroom."
You're loss, I'll let you know how good his dick is when I'm dooaaahhh! Fuck!" Emily moaned as she felt John stretch her cunt open as he entered her.
The two began to quickly get a rhythm going, with Emily pushing back and John thrusting forward. Martha simply watched her friend get fucked from behind in front of her, while she was annoyed with John, she couldn't help but get excited by this. Meanwhile, John was enjoying Emily's tight pussy and fat ass, often holding onto those thick ass cheeks as he slammed into her wet cunt, he knew at that moment that he made the right choice.
"Fuck, fuck yeah, right there!" Emily moaned. "Just like that, you feel so fucking good!"
"Holy shit, you're tight!" John said as he continued the pace.
*knock* *knock*
"Hey mom? are you gonna cook lunch or are we getting take out?" Alex said as she stood by the parent's door.
Adriana answered the door, allowing the sound of the private shower to be audible.
"Yeah, she said she's going to cook dinner, don't worry." Adriana said as she left the room, "I'm gonna go pick up the twins, I'll be right back."
Alex looked into the room as Adriana left and as she entered, she looked at the bed. Sitting on the soft covers she thought back to the first year her step-mom entered her life, how she was cautious around her, how long it took for Adriana to gain her trust, and how she, as the older sister, had to set an example on how to be a good sister to her younger siblings, especially with Johnny. She has always been worried about him and how he might feel being the only man in the house and how it might have affected him. As she sat at the bedside, she was at least thankful that Adriana was such a kind-hearted woman to her mom, and even if there were disputes with her little siblings and step-siblings, she was always ready to diffuse the tension between the two.
Maria was busily showering and cleaning her hair, as she did so she thought about her wife's response to the news of what happened. Perhaps her worries about her family being torn apart from this may not be true. However, she also knew she couldn't resist her baby Johnny, even if she was his mom, she was a submissive bitch, and she will simply let him fuck mommy whenever he felt like it. Sure, she was given a punishment for her actions, her hands grasping her soft cheeks, remembering the sting of the paddle that bore down on them, but that's what was so exciting about it. While she knew this was forbidden love between a mother and her son, she can't see herself withstanding his sexual advances. A sudden shiver coarse across her body, what if…he started going after other members of the family, his step-mom, sisters, and step-sisters, the thought would have worried her if it didn't turn her on so much. As she continued showering the thought of John fucking Adriana on the very bed where they had their fun, played in her mind.
"Oh fuck, holy shit!" Emily moaned as she came.
"Getting…close!" John said as he began thrusting faster.
"Let me…fuck, let me suck that dick!" Emily managed to say as she tried to turn around.
As the fuck duo got into position, Emily bobbed her head up and down, quickly bringing John to orgasm.
"Fuck, here it comes!"
Emily held her position as John released ropes of cum inside of her mouth, she swallowed it all. Eventually, the two separated, enjoying the afterglow of sex.
"At least you didn't get pregnant." Martha said as she stepped up to her naked friend. "Come on, get dressed, I don't wanna wait in a bathroom that smells like sex."
"You know you could have just waited outside, right?" John said as he recovered. "You didn't have to wait with us."
"Yeah, why did you stay anyways?" Emily piped in as she got up. "Did you enjoy what you were watching?"
"N-no, why would… I mean I didn't… I was making sure you weren't going to get kidnapped." Martha managed to say, but before she could continue, John cut her off with a kiss.
As soon as the kiss started, Martha's reluctance immediately melted away. The two kissed for a while before separating, leaving Martha with a crimson blush across her face.
"You didn't warn me..." She whispered to him with a bit of annoyance in her voice.
"I'm sure you wouldn't mind too much." John said with a smirk.
"Are you two going to fuck or Nah." Emily said as she put her bra back on.
"Nah, I am satisfied enough, besides I don't want to keep my friend waiting." John responded as he buttoned up his pants and headed to the door. "Oh right, I nearly forgot."
"Oh? What did you forget?" Emily asked as John walked up to her as took something out of his pocket.
"Your number of course." John answered as he held out his phone.
Emily looked at him, took the phone, and put in her number, she then took off her bra and took a selfie, saving it as her profile picture on his contacts.
"Thanks." He said as he walked toward Martha. "Would you give me your number as well?"
Martha simply took the phone and saved her number in it before giving it back, without taking a profile pic, but he didn't mind too much. So he took his leave and went to find Ashley. As he exited the restroom, he looked at his contacts. In just under a week, he already got three girls' numbers, back then, he would kill to even have two, and now he seems to be getting them almost as easy as picking and choosing any girl he likes. As he continued walking across the mall, he texted Ashley to meet him at the food court. As he found an empty table and sat to wait for Ashley, he looked around the area once again, taking in the alien scene.
A sea of women as far as the eye can see, several women of a variety of ages, colors, shapes, and sizes. He watched a chubby mother hold her daughter's hand as they held bags of clothes, a group of girls who were dressed in school uniforms chatting with each other as they sipped on smoothies, some had skirts, and others had pants. He often thought he would feel lonely, being the only man around, just like back at home, but he couldn't have been happier, he could do things that he would normally only dream about. Even his best friend Ashley still made him feel at home, even if she is now a woman, they still had that same fun energy between them, he remembered that her score was -57, and he wondered if she would like to have a relationship with him, perhaps he could try to sneak her into his college, he would probably have to get a dorm room and a roommate, but he wouldn't mind having her around.
As he waited, Ashley came up to him with a few bags in her hands "Hey, how was your shopping?" She asked as she sat beside him.
"Somewhat interesting, I didn't buy anything though." He responded, "what did you buy?"
"Oh, just some computer parts, that's all."Ashely said as she looked around, "Do you want to go get some pizza?"
"Sure, I'm in the mood for pizza," John said as he got up. "Do you want your pepperoni and mushroom pizza, or just pepperoni?"
"Pepperoni mushroom, please."
"Alright, I'll be right back."
As John went to a nearby pizza stand, Ashley made sure to save their spots. Arriving at the stand, he looked over the available pizzas on display.
"Hello, do you know what you want to order?" Asked one of the employees, she had a red hat with the pizza stand logo, a redshirt, and a white apron. She also had brown hair and a few freckles across her face.
"Yeah, I would like four slices, two pepperoni and two pepperoni with mushrooms." He responded, "man she looks cute." He thought to himself, "but I should probably keep my dick in my pants, don't want to get too much attention."
"Here you go!" Said the cute girl, "Hopefully you enjoy your meal."
As he returned to their table, they sat and ate their meal, talking about their day. Eventually, they decided to head to Ashley's house to play dark souls 3 again, and as they got into Ashley's car and began driving off, John wondered if he can take his friend's relationship to the next level, but how is he going to do this without making it awkward. The drive was mostly uneventful as they got to the house.
"Okay, I'll head to the bathroom, you go start the game, okay." Ashley said as she walked off.
"Okay." John responded as he began to walk up to Ashley's room, entering it, he saw the console already set up, he turned it on and checked to see if the game was still inside, it was. As he waited for Ashley to come back he decided to explore the surrounding area for anything.
As Ashley was in the bathroom, she began to think about how she was going to admit her feelings toward him, and when she should say it.
"What if he rejects me?" She quietly said to herself, while it was an unpleasant thought, it was a possibility. "What if he just wants to be friends?"
As she quietly sat on her porcelain throne, she pondered on the possibilities of what might happen if she were to go through with this.
"No," she said as she stood up. "I either admit them now and face rejection than never admit them and wonder what could have been."
She then exited the bathroom with renewed confidence and was ready to admit her deepest feelings for John.
As John entered the Firelink Shrine, Ashley came back from the bathroom.
"Hey, how's the game?" She asked as she sat down on the bed beside John.
"So far it's been uneventful, I found this church place." He answered, but as he looked toward Ashley, he noticed that her score went down to -71.
"So…I was wondering…" Ashley began to blush.
"Yeah…" he paused the game, unaware that Dark Souls 3 can't be paused.
Ashley began fiddling with her hands as she tried to find the right words to say. John anxiously waited for what she was about to say.
"...erm…you know when…we um…" she managed to squeak out.
"When we…kissed?" He asked
"Uh yeah…I was thinking if you…wanted to do that…again…"
John stayed silent and thought about what he should exactly do with this, despite the obvious.
"W-well… we don't have to if…you don't wanna…" she began to say, trying to not embarrass herself, her face getting as red as a tomato.
John began to move closer to Ashley, deciding to calm her down in the only way he could think of.
As Ashley fidgeted in her place, John reached up to her face and held her head steady, they both stared into each other's eyes, and both silently waited, and then they both closed into a kiss.
This kiss was very different from the others John has experienced, he couldn't explain why, but it felt…different. Ashley grew lightheaded as her mind tried to register this kiss, she was blinded by the experience. The two held for hours, even though only minutes passed by. As they broke the kiss, they knew it was the time was right, they both laid down on the bed and began to remove their clothes, and as they removed every last article of clothing they embraced each other and began to have sex, John pushed his cock into Ashley's virgin pussy. She moaned as she felt John push open her cunt and took her virginity, and she was all too happy to give it to him.
"Oh fuck." She moaned
"You okay?"
"Yeah, keep going."
John moved on top and pushed the rest of the way in, fully sheathing himself inside. Ashley groped her breasts as John began to make a steady paste, pushing in and out of her wet cunt, he held her hips to keep himself steady. They kept it up for a while, but John began to experience that familiar feeling of orgasm.
"I'm getting close." He said.
Ashley merely responded by locking her legs behind him, preventing him from pulling out, he looked at her to see if she was sure she wanted this.
"Do it." She whispered as she stared back at him.
Getting all the confirmation he needed, he began to pick up the pace, quickly bringing not only himself but also Ashley to orgasm.
"Oh fuck, fuck, fuck." Ashley began to say as she was getting closer
"I'm gonna!" John said as he repeatedly trusted in and out of Ashley's wet cunt.
"Oh fuck!"
They both held each other tightly as they orgasmed, John laid down on top of Ashley as he came inside her, and Ashley felt her insides get warm as John filled her up. They both lay there, embraced by each other and panting from the sexual experience that they both had.
It was at this moment that John knew he had a keeper. |
Chapter 6 - A little more |
"Holy shit, Holy shit, Holy shit!" Claire's mind was racing as she hid from the exhibitionists who seemed to be having sex. She didn't know what to think, who would do such a bold action out in public, on campus no less?! She peaked behind the corner where she hid, the vivid sexual act was clear as day for her. She saw the stranger thrust into and out of his partner, their backs to her. A faint blush covered her face as the deaf silence was occasionally broken by the wet smacks of skin and stifled moans, she tore herself away from the sight, only now realizing how fast her heart was beating. What is she going to do, she can't just walk over to them and stop them. What if someone sees her together with them?
After calming herself down, she looked back at the scene. Only to see the two leave. She still didn't know how she felt about this. On one hand, it was scandalous, but on the other hand, a small part of her mind secretly enjoyed the view. A forbidden kind of pleasure, one with the risk of-
"no, no, no, focus!" she said as she lightly slapped her face to get rid of her blushed look. "I got to…um…let's just head to my room, need to clear my mind…yeah." She got up and quickly made her way back to her dorm room.
John and Wendy walked on back, with Wendy still lightly blushing at the lewd act they'd just done not a few minutes ago. Meanwhile, John got a safe confirmation that someone has to be at least -50 for other effects to be usable. While he would enjoy the occasional casual sex, having an actual relationship would also be nice, sure he might have recently fucked his mom but having a stranger who loves him, like Wendy and…
Wait, how is he gonna tell this to Ashley?
Looking at his watch he decided to see if the app had anything for this.
"Hmmm? Are you checking the time?" Wendy asked
"Uh yeah, it's 6:12 right now, just need to check on something." John responded as he opened the app.
As he opened the app, a display page opened up for Wendy, revealing her height, age, three sizes, and hair and eye colors, as well as her score. Upon seeing this, John quietly panicked, hoping that Wendy didn't see that. Luckily Wendy didn't seem to have noticed anything, she just snuggled up his arm.
"Hey John, do you want to go grab some milkshakes?" Wendy asked
"Sure, I am quite hungry actually, especially after that." John teased
Wendy blushed more vividly, she didn't know what she exactly saw in John, but he always knew how to make her feel all fuzzy inside. It embarrassed her how easily she found herself wrapped around his finger, yet she never felt any safer. She felt that even if he carried her around in public completely naked, she wouldn't feel the slightest bit of regret or discomfort.
As the two love birds headed off to find a fast food restaurant to grab some drinks, Claire managed to reach her dorm room. Quickly rushing to her side of the dorm, she took out her diary and began to write out what she had just seen today. Honestly, this was probably one of the most interesting things she has in this diary, right behind that one fight she saw. But as she wrote more and more of the erotic scenes she saw, she started to find herself getting more and more horny; after a while it became unbearable and she got up and locked the door to finally relieve herself. As she laid back down on her bed, she slowly pulled her shorts down, revealing a pair of light blue panties covering a cute little peachy butt. Claire then slipped a hand into her panties and felt her pussy was a bit wet already and as she slipped a finger inside, she let out a soft moan.
Claire gripped her soft covers as she fingered herself. Why, why out of everything that could have happened today, she ran into an exhibitionist couple out in public. But that wasn't what upset her, nor was the moaning pleasure the woman seemingly tried to silence. What truly rustled her was that guy she was with, something about him just clicked with her. She didn't get a good look at his face, but the simple thought of him taking her like that sent a shiver down her spine and cunt.
She turned to her side, rubbing her chest through her shirt. Claire reached for her pillow and placed it between her legs, gently rubbing and humping its soft texture. She quickly mounted the pillow, her ass in the air as she lustfully imagined scenarios with that stranger. It was a forbidden kind of pleasure, something she would realistically never do, but it was erotic to think about. She felt herself getting close. Her mind dived deeper into depravity as she imagined a variety of sexual scenarios in her head. She rubbed herself faster as she buried her face into the pillow.
She moaned deep into her pillow as she came. Clear liquid squirted out of her quivering pussy as she gripped the covers and pillow. Claire lay on top of her pillow as she caught her breath.
In the morning, at the Jones family household, Jessica was teaching her daughter Ashley how to cook. She decided cooking breakfast should be easy enough. A good egg to start, nothing too hard.
“Fucking piece of- aah!” Ashley cried out as the oil seared her skin
“Now now, I told you to be careful dear.” her mom said as she pointed a spatula at her daughter. “You told me you wanted to learn how to cook.”
“I know. It's just that, you make it look so easy.” Ashley replied as she tried to cook the fried egg in the pan. “Ow, I swear if this egg burns me again-”
“Honey, calm down. It's just an egg.” Jessica said, her daughter seemingly determined to fight the fried egg with how she looked at it.
Ashley calmed down before continuing to cook the egg. If she wanted to be with John, she should at least be able to cook breakfast for him. She could picture it now, her and John buying their own house, raising a beautiful family together. She could see their children running down the halls as she made breakfast for the family. How she would take care of the house while John worked. Whenever he wanted to fuck her, he would just pull down her pants right there. Not a care in the world-
“Ashley, are you going to put the egg on the plate or are you going to let it burn?” Jessica said as she snapped her daughter out of her thoughts.
“Oh right, sorry about that.” Ashley quickly lifted the finished egg off the pan and placed it on a nearby plate.
John woke up as the alarm blared out. He fumbled for a bit before putting it on snooze. He stretched out as he took a look around the room, and immediately realized he was not in his room at all. A sudden shuffling of the covers on the other side of the bed gave him his answer. Wendy emerged completely naked from the blanket, her small figure looked cute with how she snuggled on the pillow. With a yawn, she said good morning.
“Morning, hey Wendy, did we do anything last night?” John asked as he looked at the watch on Wendy’s score as well as his points.
Wendy Marshal, score: -68
Points: 107
“Other than what happened outside on campus?” Wendy responded, referring to their public fucking.
“Yeah, other than that.”
“No, not really, we just snuggled together to sleep. Why?” Wendy got up, revealing her nude body out in the open.
“Just wanted to know so I can repay you.” John said as he also got up and pushed her to a wall, pinning her as he lined himself with her ass.
Wendy let out a little squeak as she felt him hold her. She couldn't help but shake her butt against his dick before she felt him push inside. She let out a soft moan as she felt him fuck her ass just the way she liked it. John moved his hands to her chest as he casually groped and fucked Ashley, giving her small boobs some love. At that moment, she let John have her, she didn't care what happened next, as long as she was with him.
Hearing her moans and squeaks always got John giddy. Wendy was always adorable ever since he first saw her. He just wanted to dress her up and snuggle with her, while also making her squirm. He felt Wendy clench her ass, he moved a hand to her pussy and started fingering her, she grabbed his arm and he felt her gush over his fingers easily.
“Haah, harder… please.” Wendy moaned as she came.
John simply obliged to her demands and began to fuck her harder. Every time he thrust into her, he forced her hips to smack the wall, and she loved it. John was about to cum, but he didn't bother telling Wendy and just continued to fuck her. Wendy bit her lip as she felt him cum inside her, a new warmth flooded inside her before she felt him pull out. She just stood there, by the wall as she just basked in this new warmth.
“Sorry, but I better get going.” John said as he fetched his clothes. Even as Wendy heard John getting dressed and leaving, she was still standing there.
“Wow..” was all she had to say before lying down on the ground.
Wendy Marshall, score: -97
Points: 136
John felt a little bad ditching Wendy like that, but he didn't want to be caught in someone else’s dorm. Much less with anyone naked. He continued to walk to his dorm, despite it barely being a week, he had already fucked three women. John decided to check on the app list to see if he could buy anything new.
Enjoy the view: 20 points (unlocked)
Watch a woman and not worry about looking inappropriate, you can stare as long as you like.
Give a sniff: 50 points
Sniffing a girl, or her clothes isn't weird, no matter where you are.
Good kisser: 70 points (unlocked)
Any kiss you give will be pleasurable to any woman
Ask and you shall receive: 120 points
Asking for simple non-essentials is easy, just ask for a pen or some cash and she will listen.
Give it a feel: 150 points (unlocked)
Want to feel those tits, go right ahead, squeeze as hard as you like, she won't mind.
Aggressive exhibition: 150 points
Want to see what's under those clothes? Just tear them right off, who cares how expensive they are.
Public interaction: 170 points
Don't worry what others will think, you can do whatever you wish, no one will judge.
Casual conundrum: 200 points
Do you just need to let it out? With this, girls will treat anything like it's Tuesday.
Sexual needs: 220 points(unlocked)
Want to fuck a cunt without issue? Just ask, she'll understand.
Tasty treat: 220 points
Don't want to have an awful taste? No worries that'll have you covered.
Sexual endurance: 230 points
Don't want to get tired before getting to the good part? This will make sure you can keep up with numerous women.
He was just 14 points away from the aggressive exhibitionist trait. That would definitely be a good investment. Although Public Interaction was a little more expensive, at 34 points away, it was also really good. What to choose, what to choose. John decided to think about it for a bit longer. Perhaps if he runs into another slut, he could get the latter, but he could get the former pretty easily. Maybe Eda could help him out, she probably wouldn't even mind.
Chapter 4 - College and Bondage |
Time sure does fly by fast, it's only been a few days, but he now has to head back to college, while he did have fun, especially with his mom and former friend now girlfriend, it's now time to head back and complete his studies. John lay on his bed, most of his stuff has been packed up to allow him to move into a dorm, he'll probably have to find a roommate to help with the cost, but overall, he should mostly be fine. Now that he thinks about it, what else has changed? Are any of his old professors now different, what sort of sports are there now, and what form of education is now popular? And how many new women will he get to meet and fuck.
As he got up and began to take his stuff downstairs, his mom came by to help out.
"Do you need any help with carrying your stuff to the van?" His mom asked
"Yeah, could you go get my spare clothes," he said, "it's in a white bag."
For several minutes, they packed up the back trunk with his stuff, from clothes to electronics, to school supplies.
In the middle of it, Ashley stopped by.
"Hey, are you leaving already?" She asked as she saw the bags.
"Yeah, time sure does fly by, huh?" John responded as he placed a bag inside.
"I'll go get the rest of the bags sweetie, I'll be right back." His mom said as she walked to the house.
When his mom went inside to get the rest of the stuff, John and Ashley locked into one more kiss, as they made out, John slid his hands under Ashley's shirt and groped her decent-sized boobs, giving her hard nipples some playful pinches.
"Goddess, I'm gonna miss this." Ashley said as they broke the kiss.
"Well, while I would like for you to come with me, I doubt the college would like to have strangers on campus." He said
They both looked at the front door as his mom came with the rest of the stuff, they both departed as John went to pack in the rest of the stuff. Ashley, meanwhile, had a thought, a mischievous little idea that might work, if John is willing to cooperate that is.
After they finished, the two family members got in and began to drive off to the college he will be staying in for a few years. Most of the ride was uneventful, with not much happening as they drove away, though John did notice that there was a lot of advertising that would be considered explicit back in his world, from half-naked women to taboo concepts being used as normal.
As they pulled up to the college, they saw several other cars already parked there, after a bit of navigation and asking for directions, they found the building with his dorm room. He remembered his roommate said she will be out for today, so he would still need his mom's help to carry all the stuff up to his new room.
"Alright, we're here!" John said as they entered a room with a small kitchen, living room, bathroom, and two bedrooms.
"It sure does look cozy." His mom said as she dropped off the bags. "That should be everything."
John looked around the room, seeing that he already had a bed inside.
"Whew, I need to sit down for a bit." He heard his mom say as she sat down on the couch.
"Hey mom." John said as he sat down beside her.
"Yes, sweetie."
"Could we…do it one more time." He said, "since I don't know when I will have enough time to meet up again, so can we."
Martha looked at her son, her big boy wanted to fuck her one last time before she leaves. She couldn't say no to him before, and she can't say no to him now, if he wants to fuck mommy, he can fuck mommy.
"Okay, but promise me that you- keep!" She squeaked as her son grabbed her pants and pushed her on her back on the couch, she then helped him unbutton her pants as he took out his dick and lined it up with his mom's cunt. She felt him enter her as he pinned her in a mating press position. While she still had most of her clothes on, she still enjoyed her son fucking her wet cunt, John also enjoyed it as much as he could, enjoying the distinct feeling his mom had. The two went at it for several minutes, risking getting caught in the living room, but at the moment, they didn't care, all that mattered to them was getting one last fuck out before they departed.
"Fuck fuck fuck, cum in mommy again sweetie, please!" She moaned
John obliged, driving himself deep into her and cumming inside.
"Fuck, I'm cumming!" He howled.
"Yes sweetie! Fill mommy up! Hah!" She said as her own orgasm washed over her.
The mother-son pair collapsed onto each other, basking in the afterglow of their shared orgasm.
"Okay sweetie, mommy needs to get going now." She said after relaxing for a few minutes.
But instead of getting up, John began to fuck her again, keeping her pinned in her current position.
"Sweetie, mommy needs to leave, and we don't want anyone catching us like this." But despite her vocal protests, she was still getting wet at the thought of it.
Eventually, after some pounding in her pussy, she relented, and they continued their sexual intercourse for about another hour before Maria was allowed to leave.
Maria walked to her car, trying to avoid anyone noticing her hard nipples poking through her shirt; she didn't have any underwear on, as it was in her purse at her son's request. As she entered the car and sat in the driver's seat, she looked around to make sure no one was around, after checking the area and seeing she was alone, she quickly unbuttoned her pants and frantically fingered her wet cunt, trying to relieve herself as she sat there.
John, meanwhile, was unpacking his stuff and setting up his side of the dorm, such as posters, clothes, and his computer. As he finished up, he decided to explore the college and see all the changes that occurred in this new world, and how his classmates and professors will look. For now, though, he should probably wait for his roommate to return to give him a runup on things.
After what felt like hours of unpacking and setting up his stuff, he laid down on the bed to rest, the only thing that kept him awake was the front door opening and hearing someone enter the room.
"Holy shit, was I reversed robbed? I don't remember any of this being here?" He heard a feminine voice say out loud.
"No, it was just me." John said aloud as he slowly got up from his bed. "Your new roommate."
As he walked toward where he assumed where his roommate was, the two immediately locked into each other's eyes. He definitely was expecting a nice, curvy-looking woman to be his roommate, but the woman standing before him blew away his unfamiliar expectations, a pale white figure, with thick thighs, a trimmed tummy, and H-cup tits. Any of those by themselves would be impressive, but what really caught his eye was how she was dressed, a yellow tube top that showed a lot of her cleavage, a mini skirt that just barely covered her butt, he wouldn't be surprised if he could see her ass if she bent over, and a simple pair of slippers, which was probably the tamest part of her dress code. Though he couldn't tell if she was wearing panties, however, based on those bumps on her top, she definitely wasn't wearing a bra.
"Uh…hi, um… I'm John, what's your name." He said as he tried and failed to tear his gaze away from her massive tits.
"Roxanne, Roxanne Ray." She said as she stretched out her hand for a handshake.
He shook her hand and felt how soft her skin was, it was akin to marshmallows. Looking up to see her score, as he had done with several other women, he saw her score was 0, not positive, not negative, just zero, he just entered college and he already had a great target for his lust. While as much as he wanted to dick down his hot roommate, his mom had already sexually satisfied him, though he wasn't going to let those tits walk away without copping a feel first. Using the handshake as leverage, he stepped forward and gently tugged Roxanne towards him.
"Woah, what are-" Roxanne was cut off by John as he locked their lips together, it wasn't long when she felt a hand slip inside her top and groped her left breast. It didn't surprise her as she knew how nice her tits were, but he should at least warn her next time when he kissed her.
The two roommates broke the kiss after a while and started into each other's eyes again, with John still groping the soft boob in his hand.
"At least you're not a bad kisser." She said with a smile as if ignoring the fact that John was currently massaging her breast.
"You're not bad yourself." John said back as he let go of the soft orb.
"So, what else do you enjoy doing, besides kissing?" Roxanne asked as the two walked into their shared bedroom.
"Well, I enjoy playing games on my computer, as well as listening to music on my phone." He responded as he checked Roxanne's new score was at… zero…what!? How was her score still at zero!? Does she have some kind of resistance to the watch's effects? Did he do something wrong? Was the watch…broken? No. There has to be some other reason for this odd phenomenon with Roxxy and the watch. Perhaps he just needs to kiss her again and it'll work this time.
"Hey, are you listening?" Roxanne said as she leaned in front of John, showing off a lot of her cleavage in the process.
"Uh…yeah, what were you saying?" John said as he tried to compose himself.
"As I was saying, I enjoy reading, masturbating, watching anime, and juggling." She said as she sat on her bed on the other side of the room. "And if you want to know how I learned to juggle, it was a bet at middle school, turns out I was pretty good at it."
"Okay," John said, still curious with a few other questions. "May I ask, why are you dressed like…a-"
"Whore?" Roxanne said, cutting him off
"No, not like-"
"It's alright, this is intentional." She said as she lifted off her top, revealing her wonderfully soft tits. "I don't even wear a bra."
John gawked at his topless roommate, staring at those bouncy breasts, even if he had held them in his hands just moments earlier, the sight was still amazing. He looked down at her mini skirt, wondering if the same was true down there.
"So, are you wearing any…panties?" He asked, slightly embarrassed at the fact that his roommate is essentially stripping in front of him, despite her score not being in the negative.
"Hmm, yeah I got panties down there, y'know, the dress code and all." She said as her tits swayed with her motions.
John sat there, nodding away, despite being in this world for a few days now, there still seems to be a lot of new stuff for him to learn.
Maria pulled up on her driveway, parking her car as she got out to greet her lovely wife waiting for her at the front door. The two milf embraced each other, sharing a deep, lovely kiss between them, however, as Adriana felt up Maria's chest, she broke the kiss to reveal a cheeky smirk.
"No bra?" She asked, clearly enjoying the situation her wife was in.
"Let's head inside." Maria said, embarrassed at being caught by her wife.
But despite the suggestion, the couple didn't move, Adriana held her there before moving her hands to the front of Maria's shirt and was beginning to unbutton it.
"Adriana!" Maria mumbled, attempting to cover her exposed cleavage.
"Oh come on, you are so submissive, it's adorable." Adriana said as she continued to reveal those lovely tits out in the open, and despite Maria's protests, she hardly struggled against her wife's actions.
"There they are." Adriana groped Maria's soft globes.
"Aaahh!" Maria squeaked as she felt her wife pinch and twist her nipples, she squirmed from her wife's touch, getting a smile from Adriana.
"Alright that's enough teasing for now, let's head inside." Adriana said as she released those gorgeous boobs.
Maria, not wanting to be left behind, especially after that salacious experience, raced inside the house, not even bothering to cover up her chest. As Maria closed the door she was met with a quiet house, with the windows covered up, and Adriana waiting for her in the living room.
"Oh my!" Adriana said as seductively sat on the couch, stretching out her body to show off her curves. "It seems we have the house to ourselves, no one to bother us."
Maria immediately got the hint and began to walk toward Adriana, stripping off her clothes as she got closer.
"Now, if you are a good girl, we can -oof!" Adriana was cut off before she could finish, getting tackled onto the couch by Maria, with her horny wife attempting to strip off her own clothes as well. Adriana put in a bit of a playful struggle, as the dom in her didn't desire the bottom position, not that she minded her wife currently tearing apart her clothes to get to her body, in fact, that's why she loved her, so submissive, yet so determined in her lust to get what she desired. The two shared a brief kiss as they got into position, Maria got on top and positioned her ass above Adriana's face, before lowering that thick ass down on top of her, her luscious cheeks covering most of her head alone showed its lovely size. Adriana got to work and began pleasuring her wife's wet pussy, Maria began to rock her hips back and forth, getting a rhythm with that experienced, yet lovely tongue of hers, but she didn't forget Adriana's pleasure as she reached forth and began fingering her cunt, as well as massaged her breasts, this got a lovely response from her wife with a spank on her fine ass. When Maria felt herself getting close, she started to double her efforts to bring Adriana to orgasm. As the two came, they moved from their erotic position and sat beside each other on the couch. Adriana then kissed Maria on the lips, as their tongues swirled together, Maria tasted something familiar, her son's cum.
"Such a naughty girl." Adriana said as she looked at her wife's shocked and embarrassed face. "Letting your son use you like a sex toy."
"Well…you know…um…" she tried to say something before being pushed with another kiss.
"Mmhhh, I do." She said seductively "now, how about we take this up in our room, where we can discuss an appropriate punishment." Adriana got up and began to walk to the stairs, ensuring her ass shook hypnotically as she did so.
Maria was compelled to follow.
As the couple entered the master bedroom, Adriana brought out some rope, a blindfold, and a strap-on.
"So, how would you like your punishment honey?" Adriana said with a lustful smirk.
Maria got wet at the thought of being tied up and dominated by her wife, but she knew this was meant to be a punishment.
"I would like the strap-on." Maria said
Adriana smiled at that, then she placed the blindfold on herself before handing her wife the rope and strap-on. "You know what to do."
Maria took the rope and strap-on and began to tie up her would-be dom wife, as the last knot was tied, with her arms bound behind her back, her legs tied together with her fine ass raised in the air, ready for a good pounding. Maria had fitted the strap-on on her waist and aimed the erect piece of plastic towards her wife's dripping cunt.
"Do it." Adriana ordered. "Fuck me."
Maria grabbed her ass and plunged the strap-on into her wife, getting a nice moan out of her.
"Yes, fuck me, fuck me till I am a moaning little bitch!" Adriana said as she felt Maria thrust repeatedly into her. "Oh fuck yes!"
Despite Adriana getting most of the pleasure from this experience, Maria was also enjoying it, getting a giddy feeling at being the dominant one for once.
"Oh fuck, I'm close." Adriana moaned out. "Keep going!"
Maria continued her thrusting, she even fingered Adriana's butt as well, just to make sure her wife got the most pleasure she could give her.
"Yes, yes, yes, I'm gonna cum!" Maria began pounding faster and faster as she heard her wife's moans of pleasure, leading up to the crescendo of her orgasm.
"Oh fuck!" Adriana shouted as she came, her cunt poured out femcum, and clenched the strap-on tightly as her orgasm rushed across her body, Maria relented her sexual assault to allow her wife a break.
"Holy shit, that was amazing…" Adrian said as her orgasm died down.
"It sure was." Maria said before getting off the bed.
"Okay honey, you can untie me now…honey?" Adriana said as she heard her wife rummage through some stuff. After a while, she stopped hearing anything.
"You better not leave me here like this!" She shouted as she struggled against her bonds, silently cursing herself for teaching Maria how to tie a good knot. "If you do you'll-"
"KYA!" Adriana squeezed as she felt a firm piece of cold plastic smack her on her ass.
"Don't worry, I didn't leave you" Maria said as she laid the paddle on Adriana's asscheeks. "Now, how many spanks do you give me again?"
"Come on honey, you know I wouldn't hurt you, right?" Adriana said, testing her wife to see if she was serious with this. "I mean you could just use the safe word and-"
*SMACK!* "Ah!"
"You can too, just say it and you're free, now, how many was it again?" Maria quietly whispered into Adriana's ear.
"Fifteen…" Adriana finally squeaked out.
"Good." Maria said as she lifted the paddle. "Let's start at three." |
Chapter 3 - Room for a bug job |
"Living arrangements, what the fuck are you talking about?" She tilted her head again and her body morphed back to the mantis, "I'm hungry, meat, now!" she put her sickles to my throat. Well, I suppose I'll have to comply or be eaten, that's how male manti survive after mating. "Fine, I can grab You someth-" she slices through my clothes but there's not a scratch on me. Before I can defend myself there's a claw the on my throat and wet sticky mandibles on my cock.
"What in the hell are you doing?" Her mouth takes my tip in her mouth while tapping the shaft gently with her mandibles. Some oddly textured saliva drips down my cock as her head bobs down taking my shaft deep in her mouth. It's so strange and sloppy but it doesn't feel half bad, unexpected from an insect, even a half human freak like this. She stops sucking for a moment but her mandibles keep striking my dick presumably to keep it erect, "Not a bad taste, you're already dripping some tasty liquids, meat."
"Why is this happening?" She ignores me and just shoves my dick back into her weird squishy mouth. I'm getting close but this feels strange, unnatural even. Hardly matters though I guess, I'm a man of science after all, unconventional sex is hardly s matter of concern to me. My cock starts pulsing more intensely and I finally cum in her mouth. She doesn't have lips or cheeks and is a bit slow to swallow my seed and a good half of it drips out.
She drops down one last time to get the remnants. "Alright I'm done here, blondie can have you now." Her body is back to human form, but one of her arms is still in mantis form. She strips out of her blood stained yellow dress and straddles me, rubbing her cunt along my dick.
"First time fucking a girl you piece of shit? Might be your last too." I take no offense to this comment, most everyone in my line of study do it in private and without any social interaction. "Yeah it is, don't really care-" she shoves my cock in her pussy.
Her skin is soft and her insides feel great but this is getting out of control. Her body slams against mine in carnal desire our bodies meld. She seems, in pain. It's strange though, I see no blood. "Not a virgin yourself?" Her face shows it all, she's pissed. "No, but not by choice." Taken aback I look away a minute. "Sorry."
She stops bouncing on my rod and chuckles for a moment, "It wasn't exactly my decision at the time, we didn't have this dynamic down at the time. A male mantis took her when I was still being absorbed, we ate his head though so I guess it's some form of justice if you could call it that." She resumes slamming her body against mine until, "I'm about to-" and we both cum.
"~mmmm, that's filling.~ Let's hope I don't get pregnant from this." She lays down on top of me and licks my cheek. "By the way you're kind of my concubine now." Getting a bit cocky now, how annoying. "Whatever gets you off lady, now if you'll excuse me I have a date with some bane spiders to-" her sickle is back against my throat and her face turns green. "What Insectoid whores are you seeing? I'll kill them and you!!"
Possessive hmm, I suppose this could have advantages. "It's ok. They are just small bugs I'm extracting venom from. They mean nothing to me and that is all I do with them." She huffs angrily trying to calm down. "That wasn't me. It was the mantis." It seems her emotions have also melded with the mantis, her sexual desire and affections have been corrupted by the mantis' instinct to kill her mate, the most she can make of it is I'm her possession, and she's defensive of me as well, though willing to kill me if I mate with other women.
"I'm sure we'll figure these things out together, whether we like it or not. For now let's go back to my room so we can hide you." She nods, and leads me to a prison chamber with a skeleton on its chest facing the wall. He must have been digging an escape tunnel, there's a broken spoon near his neck, probably lost hope and ended himself so he didn't starve to death. She goes first keeping an eye on me as we emerge through the other end. "My room is in that tower, we should hurry before we're seen."
Chapter 20 - The GeneXXX Experiment pt 2 |
Chapter 19 - The GeneXXX Experiment - Part 2
Situation - Huge Orgy, M/F, M/F/F, vaginal, oral, anal, titfuck, bondage
Note: Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters are (c) SEGA and
Sonic Team. You knew that, right'
GeneX and related fanchars are (c) 2BIT (TheGreatGator), the author.
The story thus far:
After Dr. Eggman's base exploded, Bucky the Rat reactivated the signal causing Sonic and the others' to desire sex more, which he was the mastermind behind all along! During the distraction, he sent Team GeneX to capture Sonic's friends one by one, locking them up in Shadow Arc with the intention to use them for an experiment. When Sonic arrived, he put his plan into action, locking him in with the captives and Team GeneX and turning on the signal at full power. His plan: to test the full potential of his GeneXXX Wave, which he then planned to unleash on the entire world, hoping that it would make the people of the world feel love for each other instead of hate and end senseless violence, and in their gratitude, his team would be granted their freedom. However, Sonic and his friends have now lost their freedom, and are trapped in a continuous orgy that they are powerless to resist participating in. Can they escape' Do they even want to, or will they keep fucking until they collapse from exhaustion'
Now, on to part 2!
The orgy was well under way. None could resist the power of Bucky's GeneXXX Wave, and it was making them all extremely horny. Having enjoyed some early fun with more random partners, Copter and Heather now bumped into each other, and were eager to finish what they started in an alley a while back before Guard had captured them. This time, Copter wasted no time in penetrating her pussy, and moaned excitedly as he felt the intense warmth of her passage. "Ahhh... Heather, you're like a furnace!" he grunted as he kept thrusting, his tails spinning playfully as he went. "I'm burning for you... Just for you, my love..." she sighed, still having displaced feelings for this version of Copter, when it was really most likely Dimentime her heart longed for. As they fucked with burning passion, another passionate lover finally caught the object of her affections. Amy had found her way to Sonic, who had wrapped up with Heather himself a little bit ago. She tackled him to the ground. "Mine!!" she shouted, "I'll wait out the rest of this with him!" she insisted. Sonic gulped. If that happened, he'd surely get Amy pregnant, and then he'd HAVE to settle down. He wouldn't mind going a round with her, but he'd have to escape, somehow. Amy wrapped her arms around him and gave him a passionate kiss, which he found himself returning. At least she was pleasant to be with. "All right, Amy... Let's get this started, then..." he smirked. Amy beamed at him, and then thrusted her pussy down over his cock, taking it all in with a quick thrust! Sonic gasped as she took control, moving up and down over his length, riding him like a wild bull! He watched her breasts bounce as she went, and moaned loudly. "Oh boy... How am I gonna get outta this one'" he thought. Not far away, Chet had moved on as well. He'd encountered Fera the wolf, who's head was still spinning after her round with Tails. Chet could see she was resting, but thanks to the signal, he didn't much care. He picked her up and dropped her on a bed, climbing on top of her and thrusting his cock deep into her vagina! Fera howled at the sudden penetration, grabbing at his waist and snarling at him. "Do you know who you're raping right now!'" she growled. Chet stroked her head gently and eased up his thrusts. "Relax... I was simply captivated by your beauty... Plus, the signal." he said. Fera frowned, though she let out a soft moan. "Liar... I am not beautiful..." she sighed. Chet rubbed her tits and chuckled. "Would it convince you if I gave it my all'" he grinned. She glanced at him with her good eye. "Hmm... Why don't you show me what you've got anyway..." she purred. As he held her down and started ramming his rod into her at a frenzied pace, Fera's howls of pleasure could be heard from halfway across the rather large and noisy room.
With Amy having moved on, Shadow quickly found someone new to occupy his time: Katie the Coyote. She was more than willing to accept his advance, and let herself be pulled down on top of him, her wet pussy quickly sliding over his hard hedgehood. "Ah... So big... So good, but... I'm just curious... Why me, out of everyone' Hm'" she asked as they began moving their hips together. Shadow grunted. "Hmph... No reason. I'm being manipulated, and I don't like it. But since there's nothing I can do about it right now, I'm going to wait it out with whoever I end up with... So don't read anything into it." he said, barely looking at her as his cock pushed back and forth into her passage. Katie moaned, enjoying herself. "Don't be a party pooper, Shadow... You've got me for a while... So feel free to have fun with me..." she purred, winking at him. He blushed a little but looked away. "It's all mind control. Nothing about this is real." he said. Katie giggled. "Exactly why it can be fun... Why regret what we couldn't stop'" she reasoned, pressing her breasts against his furry chest as she kissed his cheek. He glanced at her thoughtfully as she started to ride him, her breasts bouncing up and down as she hopped along his length! He groaned softly, enjoying what she was doing, and thought about what he would want to do himself. Soon, he sat up and seized her, lowering her onto her back! "Whoa! What now'" she gasped. "Maybe I think you were right... I'm going to try having a little fun..." he smirked, pulling out his cock and climbing over her, positioning his rod between her breasts! "Oh, here we go..." Katie chuckled, bracing herself as Shadow grabbed her boobs and began to trust his dick between them, giving her a rough titfucking for the fun of it! She leaned her head forward, licking at his cock as it poked between her breasts, and he grunted and moaned as he quickly got close to his climax, thanks to the work Katie had already done riding him. He blew his load all over her face, her black fur being painted white with his seed! She chuckled and licked some of it off. "Have a good time, pal'" she asked. Shadow climbed off her rack and smirked. "Maybe I should have another go in your pussy... for good measure." he remarked.
Unfortunately for Gemini, she had left the safety of Silver's arms and was now up for grabs by anyone who wanted a piece of her. To her dismay, she quickly found herself pinned down by Vortex the Chameleon, who spotted her from a distance and sped over to claim her as his next partner. "Well, you're a ssssexy one... I do believe I'm going to enjoy thissss..." he hissed, pinning her down and sliding his length along her entrance! Gemini gasped and struggled. "No! Lemme go! I... I'll turn back into a dragon and smoke you when I get my wand back!" she threatened. Vortex's eyes went wide. "Wait... You're the dragon...' Well, then you owe me thisss... I helped sssave you from the Losssst Onesss, remember'" he said, thrusting his cock into her slick passage! Gemini yelped and shed a tear. "Ohhhh... You're right, but..." she sighed, still bent on resisting. Vortex hissed at her and grabbed a nearby ball gag, forcing it into her mouth! "Sssshut up, bitch! I don't care about your ssssob sssstory! You're mine now, sssso hold ssstill!" he said, holding her down and taking her roughly, thrusting his cock as she let out muffled screams, powerless to escape his grip! Meanwhile, Chet was still going to town on Fera, though now he had her on her back, and was pounding her tail hole! Fera moaned and groaned, her tail swishing back and forth across his chest as he kept screwing her. "Ahhh... Very good... The covenant could have a use for a guy as strong as you..." she whispered as he let out a loud groan, his cock throbbing as his load exploded into her rear! Fera gasped, but smiled. "Oh well... Time to move on, I guess..." she said. Chet smirked. "Call me..." he panted, blushing. Not far away, Silver had found Rouge, who was hanging upside down from the ceiling, recuperating after being double teamed by Copter and Guard. With a flick of his psychokinesis, he brought her back down to the ground! "Oh... Hey there." she said from her position on her back, winking at him, "I guess it's time I got back in the game, eh'" Silver shrugged. "Sorry... I couldn't help myself..." he said. "Of course you couldn't. But at least you have good taste..." she remarked, beckoning him to her. He lifted her up with his psychokinesis, carrying her to him and dropping her on her feet in front of him. "Let me know if I make you uncomfortable in any way..." he told her. "Aw, you're such a gentleman, Silvy." Rouge smirked, spreading her legs and licking her lips. She was vastly different from Gemini, so Silver adjusted his response accordingly. He grabbed her by the sides and shoved his cock into her pussy deep, making her moan excitedly. "There we go... I hoped you wouldn't be ALL boy scout..." she sighed, resting her arms along his shoulders as he began screwing her nice and hard. He grabbed at her breasts as he went, licking them a bit as she moaned. "Nice... Pick up the pace, Silvy..." she sighed, enjoying herself as Silver did whatever she wished, almost as though he could read her mind. Almost.
Zipp the Hornet had flown around the room for a short time before finding someone he wanted next. He grabbed Cream the Rabbit from behind, reaching around and squeezing her breasts roughly! "Oooh, the boss's experiment on you was a big success wasn't it' These feel ripe enough to eat!" he smirked. Cream screamed, again finding herself in the clutches someone she'd rather not be with. "P-please... Let me go..." she whimpered. Zipp growled at her. "No way! I didn't get the chance last time you were here, so I'm gonna show you what you missed..." he said, licking her cheek from behind. "As if you could resist if you wanted to. Thanks to the signal, you can't help but stick around." he grinned, flying around to the front of her and staring into her eyes through his helmet. His stare intimidated her, especially since she couldn't see his eyes through his visor. "D-don't hurt me, Mr. hornet..." she whined. He chuckled and gripped her waist, forcing his cock into her pussy roughly! "Oh, yeah! That felt great! Now, let's get started..." he said, holding on to her tightly as he began to thrust wildly inside her! She squealed and fell backward, gasping and moaning as he took advantage of her inability to resist him. He groped her breasts, chuckling as he played with her tits. "Having fun yet' I'll pick up the pace..." He began thrusting faster and faster, his wings buzzing loudly as he went. Cream watched him helplessly, and grabbed on to his sides just for the sake of holding on to something. She wailed as she felt wave after wave of pleasure from his thrusts. "Ooohh!! M-mister hornet! P-pleeeease!! Aaaah!!" she cried as she reached orgasm, her juices splashing Zipp's crotch and making him laugh. "Ah, sweet nectar! But I'm not through with your flower yet!" he smirked, continuing his efforts. A few more thrusts, and Zipp let out a shout and a laugh as he started to cum inside her! Cream squealed as she felt his hot sperm flow into her depths. "Eeek!! Ohh... It... it feels so... So good..." she sighed, even smiling a little. Zipp scratched his head, but smiled back. "Um... Yeah. That's right!" he said smugly. Cream moaned softly as he pulled out of her. "I'm sorry I was scared, Mr. Hornet..." she sighed. "Uh... No problem..." Zipp replied awkwardly, not expecting the sudden change from her. Cream had gotten over the shock of the situation, and was now apparently ready to enjoy herself.
After leaving Shadow, Katie came across Punchy next. "Hey, you're Copter's friend, aren't you...'" she asked. Punchy nodded. "You must be Katie... No wonder Copter had the hots for you..." he smirked, taking her by the hand. In a moment, Punchy had her on the ground, and was eating her out while she moaned in bliss. "Ahhh, yeah, right there... That's great..." she sighed. Punchy soon raised his head, licking his lips. "Ready yet'" he asked. Katie chuckled. "Take me nice and hard!" she winked. He grinned and climbed over her, lining up his cock before plunging it all the way in! She gasped, then wrapped her arms around him as he started pushing back and forth into her pussy. "Ahhh!! Not bad at all..." she purred. Punchy chuckled as he started moving more and more roughly. "Now, I'm gonna teach you a lesson for hurting Copter!" he smirked. Katie gasped at first, but then moaned like a slut. "Ahhh, yeah... Punish me, Punchy... I've been a bad girl..." she said. Meanwhile, Gemini was still enduring punishment from Vortex. With a ball gag in her mouth, she couldn't even protest as he ravaged her pussy, thrusting his cock back and forth, fast and hard. Tears streamed down her face as he taunted her, calling her a slut and a bitch as he raped her. Soon, his cock began to throb, and she knew he was about to cum. She wailed through her gag, and he removed the gag to let her screams out. "That'sss right... Here comesss my sssseed!!" Vortex hissed as his load began to flood deep inside her! "N-NOOOO!!" Gemini screeched, though she couldn't fight the signal, and therefore could not strike back against her rapist. Vortex kissed her forcefully, his long chameleon tongue playing around in her mouth for a moment before it ended. "That wasss fun... I don't think I want it to end yet..." he smirked, pulling out of her pussy only to line up his rod with her rear entrance! Gemini gasped and shook her head. "No! Please, no!!" She cried, then shrieked as his rod penetrated her rear! "I'll leave the gag off thisss time... Your ssscreamsss might be enjoyable..." Vortex hissed. Bucky watched all the action from above, and by this time had found it impossible to resist stroking his own cock a bit as he watched. As expected, most of the participants were quite willingly joining the orgy by now, though he was a bit surprised by how many were still resisting full cooperation and were being raped. His eyes now turned to Knuckles, who was being approached by Rouge the bat next. She appeared somewhat agitated with him. "Hello, Knux..." she growled. "Uhhh, Rouge! Hi... You here to go a round with me'" Knuckles asked a bit nervously, sensing her tension. Despite the signal's anti-violence settings, Rouge jumped at Knuckles and kicked him to the ground! "You son of a bitch! You tore off my clothes, raped me, and left me to be raped again later! You bastard! I'm gonna teach you a lesson you'll never forget!!" she yelled. Knuckles chuckled softly. "Yeah, but... That was probably the signal making me crazy..." he protested. Rouge growled. "As if! You've probably always wanted to do that! Well, maybe I'll kill you!! Grrrr..." She tried to attack him again, but the signal was affecting her again, her rage no longer strong enough to break through its influence. She had gotten a shot in, and apparently, that made her feel better. "Aaah... No! I can't hurt you anymore... Damn Bucky... Fine, looks like we're having sex again, but it'll be on my terms this time!" she said, smirking a little. She lowered herself over Knuckles, and as her pussy neared his cock, she made a switch, easing his cock into her tail hole! Knuckles grunted. "Errrgh! It's so tight...." he growled. Rouge shuddered. "This position is no picnic for me, either..." she sighed, carefully moving up and down, attempting to ride him with her ass hole. She finally pulled out and lowered her pussy over his cock instead. "Fuck it... But this is gonna be ROUGH!" she sneered, and started riding his cock wildly, making him shout loudly from the intensity. One way or another, Rouge would have her revenge!
After an incredible round with Heather, Copter next found himself approached by Mia the Cat, the cab driver who was friends with Katie. She had a great body, and Copter couldn't help grinning as she neared him. "Hey... What's up'" he smirked. Mia purred seductively as she strode around him, her tail brushing against his body. "Nothing much... Having a really good day, though. Care to make it even better'" she said, whispering the last part into his ear. He shivered in anticipation. Under normal circumstances, her advances might make him uncomfortable, but right now, all he was thinking about were her lovely curves. "All right, kitty cat, let's play..." he sighed, taking her into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply, sliding her tongue almost down his throat! He groaned a little and rubbed his dick against her crotch, chuckling as their kiss ended. "You want it bad, huh'" he grinned. Mia smirked and pulled him close. "Oooh, yeah, give it to me..." she purred. Copter nodded and obeyed, thrusting his cock deep into her pussy without delay! She moaned loudly, kissing and licking his face excitedly as he began to move inside her. He held on to her and thrusted fast and rough, panting as he went. "Aaaaahhh, yeah... Copter... That's it... Keep going... I want your hot fox cum... bursting inside me!!" Mia sighed, encouraging him. Copter's tails wagged excitedly as he went, and he found himself pinning her to a nearby wall, using it to hold her weight while he intensified his pace, thrusting deeper into her than before, making her moan louder! He grabbed her breasts and squeezed them tightly as he went, grinning evilly. "Almost there... I can't hold it... You ready'" he panted. Mia purred loudly as she felt his cock throbbing, ready to blow. "Yes, YESSS!! Do it! Cum!!" she shouted, grabbing onto him tightly. Copter thrusted in deep, and then could no longer hold it back. His load burst forth, filling the feline with hot white seed and making her squeal loudly with delight! They rested for a moment, panting in each other's arms, until Mia smirked at him and said "OK, you had your fun... Now it's my turn to cum. On your back!" She had an evil grin as she pinned Copter to the floor, and he gulped hard as he began to wonder what he was in for next.
Vortex had finally allowed Gemini to go, and she was desperate for someone safer to hide with for a while. Sonic was feeling much the same way, as he'd finally gotten away from Amy. As they were walking around, Fera was once again on the prowl, hunting for "new recruits," as she was rationalizing her activities. She and Gemini laid eyes on Sonic at the same time, and they both ran up to him, then immediately glared at each other and prepared to start a shoving match. "I was here first!" Fera growled. "No you weren't!" Gemini protested. Sonic whimpered. This was exactly the kind of thing he'd been hoping to avoid. He wanted to stop the orgy, not get everyone ganging up on him so he might get all the girls pregnant. Ideally, he'd let them fight so he could slip away, but the signal had other ideas. Plus, he didn't really want anyone to get hurt, either. "Girls, please... Don't fight... I can handle both of you, really!" he said hastily, unable to stop himself due to the signal's effect on his mind. Gemini and Fera both stared at him. "A-are you sure...'" Gemini asked. "It's not like you have two dicks... On the other hand, I'll be glad to test your stamina..." Fera mused. Sonic nodded, although he'd begun to sweat in his nervousness a little. He HAD to find a way to stop Bucky... somehow. Before he knew what was happening, Sonic was on his back, and Fera was lowering herself over his cock! Gemini sat herself on his chest, and slowly began to inch her pussy toward his mouth. "I-is this how... you wanted to do this'" she asked. Sonic glanced around, somewhat wondering how this had happened, but shrugged and opened his mouth to accept the incoming treat. Meanwhile, his cock was engulfed by Fera's snatch, penetrating deep into her depths! She growled playfully and grinned as she started moving up and down his length. "Don't let it end TOO fast, OK, hedgehog'" she teased. Sonic ignored her and darted his tongue into Gemini's folds, making her shiver and gasp as he started tasting her. Fera slid her pussy back and forth over his shaft at a quick pace, moving faster and faster, eager to see how much it would take to make him cum. She moaned and purred, enjoying herself. Sonic thrusted his tongue deeper into Gemini's pussy, sucking and slurping quickly to try to finish before Fera could make him cum. Gemini gasped and yelped, quickly cumming since she really wasn't used to being stimulated in this way! Sonic licked the juices off his face, but couldn't savor the taste, as his own orgasm was coming too quickly. "Aaaaah!! I...I'm... Ooooh..." he groaned as he came hard, and Fera howled with delight. "Not bad... Though a little quicker than I'd like..." she panted. In a moment, the three of them had changed positions. Gemini was now on her back, giving Sonic a chance to be on top. Fera was through with Sonic for now, and turned her attention to Gemini. "Argue with me, will you' I need to exact a little payback..." she growled. Gemini stared up nervously, but Sonic quickly held her down and began sliding his rod into her flower! She yelped, and Sonic blushed. "S-sorry if I'm too rough... It's gettin' tough to hold back..." he said. Fera leaned down and squeezed Gemini's breasts roughly, smirking at her. "You're not going anywhere... You're all ours now..." she grunted. Gemini whimpered as Sonic started thrusting his cock at a fast pace, unable to really hold himself back! Fera played with the helpless fennec's breasts roughly, squeezing and mashing them, chuckling as she did. "Enjoying yourself, dear'" she grinned. Gemini gasped and whined, but Sonic wouldn't stop. He couldn't stop. Not that he particularly wanted to, the pleasure he was feeling was simply too much to let him think clearly. "Ahhhh... oh, yeah... So good.... aaaahhhh!!" Before long, his cum shot deep inside Gemini's depths, both of them shouting as Gemini came a second later! Fera chuckled and walked off as the two of them rested. "I don't want to get pregnant..." Gemini whimpered. Sonic kissed her gently and sighed. "We gotta stop this, then... Don't worry, I'm workin' on it..." he said, though he frowned, as he still had no clue what exactly he could do about it.
Bucky watched the orgy with interest. All kinds of pairings, and even groupings, were taking place. The occasional bout of rape bothered him a little, but the more consensual pairings made him feel that his project was, more or less, a success. He was having a hard time not touching himself as he watched the hot, sexy action going on below, but he had to focus on his notes. He glanced around the room at some of the pairs going at it. He found Crash, who had paired up with Blaze at this moment. It was an odd pairing, a cat and a rhino who really didn't know each other at all, but they had somehow been drawn to each other by the GeneXXX signal. Now, Crash had her on one of the beds, and was thrusting his huge cock wildly in her pussy. "Ahhhh... oooohhh... s-so b-big...!!" Blaze gasped. Crash wore a look of concern. "I could slow down..." he offered. Blaze held up a fireball and smirked at him. "Don't even think about it!" she said. Elsewhere, Tails had wandered into Vanilla's waiting arms. They'd both been with a few people, and each needed a little breather. They cuddled together on the ground, Tails blushing as he looked into the face of the mother of the girl whose virginity he'd taken earlier. He felt a wave of guilt, but Vanilla simply stroked his head. "It'll all be okay, Miles..." she said. Tails couldn't stand it. "I... I got Cream mixed up in all this... I didn't mean to... I..." he wanted to explain everything, but Vanilla stopped him. "Don't worry about it, honey... I understand." she said. "Huh...' Y-you do'" Tails murmured. Vanilla nodded. "You're young. You make mistakes. Sometimes you like to blame yourself for things you can't control, too. Calm down, dear..." she sighed, hugging Tails close to her, allowing his young cock to find its way inside her mature vagina. Tails's eyes went wide, but Vanilla just smiled and let it start happening. "You know what's being done to us. It's not either of our faults... Just relax, sweetie..." she said, kissing him. Tails began to make love to Cream's mother, promising himself that he'd never bring this up again. Meanwhile, Punchy had left Katie and found his way to Rainbow, or she had found her way to him. They tended to have sex on a regular basis, so this wasn't really anything new for them, except for having a crowd in the room with them. "Hey, One! Where have you been all day'" Rainbow asked. "What are you, my keeper' I... um..." There was a brief, awkward silence, and then they were all over each other, kissing passionately and moving their hands all over each other. There could be no doubt, they had missed one another. Punchy soon pinned Rainbow to the floor and penetrated her pussy, thrusting fast and hard, despite all he'd done to impress Blaze before. He was with Rainbow now, and she didn't mind it rough. She laughed and moaned, hugging him tight as he fucked her. "Ahhhh!! One...!! You're the best! Ahhhh... yes!!" she cheered, making Punchy smile a little. Bucky smiled as well, observing these scenes. "This couldn't be going much better..." he thought.
Vortex had now left Gemini, and was feeling pretty good about himself, but he was still looking for someone in particular in the crowd. One person who had been evading getting caught up in the sex thus far: Whisk the Divine. She was teleporting around to avoid getting caught, but the signal was keeping her from venturing too far from a male presence, so she couldn't exit the room. Finally, the signal's influence had become too great for her to keep fighting, and she stopped moving long enough for Vortex to approach her. "What'ssss the matter' Don't you remember that you agreed to take part in the masssster'ssss experiment'" he asked. Whisk glanced at him nervously, blushing as she also realized she had teleported out of her clothes at some point, due to the signal's influence. "I-I did no such... experiment' What experiment' What's even going on here'" she cried, her terrible memory leaving her with no recollection of Bucky's explanations mere moments ago. Vortex smiled and slid his arms around her. "Don't worry about it... and don't be sssshy... You'll enjoy it." he said, pulling her close and giving her a deep, passionate kiss! She shivered and moaned, feeling somewhat uncomfortable, but also turned on. "I don't... I dunno what that was for... but I sorta liked it... I think." she said, looking away from him shyly. Vortex grinned and slid his dick against her folds slowly. "Whissssk... I've alwaysss liked you..." he whispered, stroking one of her angelic wings with his hand softly. She was slightly creeped out by him normally, but at the moment, she was easily forgetting that. "Ohhh... R-really'" she cooed. Vortex nodded, and slowly began to enter her, not wanting to startle her and cause her to teleport away. "Eassssy... I'm going to make you feel very good now, okay, Whisssk'" he said softly. Whisk sighed happily at the gentle penetration, and smiled at him. "Okay... just don't freak out if I get confused and teleport away..." she said. "You won't..." he replied, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her to the ground on top of him! She yelped and grabbed hold of him, not teleporting away despite being startled. There was no way she would now, she was completely brainwashed by the GeneXXX signal, whether she knew it or not. Vortex began moving his hips, thrusting his cock inside her passage, making her moan loudly as he went! He extended his long tongue and used it to lick her playfully, giving her breasts and tits a taste in the process. She gasped and moaned, and soon started thrusting her own hips along with his. "Aaaahh... ohhhh... This is awesome!! I don't even care why it's happening..." she groaned, having already forgotten what was going on and who she was with, but her mind choosing instead to focus on the incredible feeling going on in her loins. Vortex hissed excitedly and started going faster, not minding if she didn't know who he was at the moment. "Yessss... Thissss issss heavenly....!!" he cried, pulling her into another kiss. It wasn't long before Whisk's walls tightened around his cock, and she let out a loud scream as she reached her climax! "AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaahhhh!! Ohhhh... What... ahh..." She panted and whimpered as she collapsed onto him, but he wasn't done yet. He gave a few more thrusts, trying to get in nice and deep. "Planting my sssseed... in you... at lasssst..." he panted, holding her tight as he came inside her! He filled her up as much as he could, but the hot seed flowing inside her seemed to finally startle her. "Yikes!!" she yelped, teleporting away as Vortex was still cumming, leaving his remaining seed to fly into the air and land randomly on the ground. Vortex blinked a couple times and sighed. "Sssshe'sss... sssso sssshy.... Ahh, Whissssk..." he blushed. As Bucky watched the action from above, he could tell that the orgy still had plenty of life left in it. Of course, it would continue as long as he left the signal on, but the stamina of those participating was far beyond his expectations. Seeing that no one seemed to really be getting tired, Bucky sat back and let his scanning devices continue their work as he simply watched. He had to see just how long this could go on...
To be continued... |
Chapter 1 - Hospital |
You wake up to the clicking sound of heels on the floor.
As you try to rise a searing pain shoots through your entire body and you immediately fall back into bed.
You close your eyes and take a few quick breaths, waiting for the worst of the pain to pass.
As you lie there, it all starts coming back to you.
First the mystery encounter with Denise Milani, who disappeared without a trace, and then the car accident.
Eyes still closed, you try to calm your breathing and get used to the tingling sensation in your body.
You carefully wiggle your toes and fingers and sigh in relief. You're still alive and mostly intact.
A smile forms on your face as images of Denise swarm your mind and feel your dick slowly starting to stiffen.
You try to suppress the pleasant thoughts, afraid you'll be lying there with a hard-on when the nurse walks in, but the more you try to think of other things the more vividly you recall Denise.
Her beautiful, warm smile. Her amazing breasts as your face was pressed between them.
The feel of her wet pussy clamping around your dick as you came deep inside her.
Your cock is already rock hard and you doubt it will go away anytime soon.
You roll your head to the side, cursing yourself.
A very familiar voice startles you to attention and your eyes widen in awe.
"Someone's having naughty thoughts," she giggles.
Your heart skips a beat and you're oblivious to the searing pain as you sit up straight to admire the woman who fucked you in your room last night.
"Denise?!" you stammer, somehow still finding it hard to believe, despite last night's surprise.
"What, who else did you expect?" she laughs, teasingly bending forward to reveal her breasts.
"You remember these, don't you?"
You remember those all too well. In fact, you're sure it's the thought of them that got you into the car crash.
Just then the pain returns and you fall back, groaning, though not daring to close your eyes and lose sight of her again.
"Aww, is my little plaything hurt?" she coos and steps closer to the bed.
You try to look around, as hard as it is to avert your gaze, and notice you're in a hospital.
Denise's outfit almost plays the part, if not for the fact that it's about as revealing as her outfit of last night.
She's wearing a typical naughty nurse roleplay dress, complete with the silly little hat.
It's white with bright red linings and a cute ruffle trim at the bottom, which is so short you can almost look under it from your position.
Much like any outfit for a woman like Denise, the top part struggles to keep her heavenly breasts at bay.
As she bends over, gravity joins the good fight and her breasts almost fall free from the minidress.
With her tits so close to your face, you can almost kiss them like you did before, but she teasingly keeps them out of range and instead focuses on sliding her hands down your body, taking the bedsheets off as she goes along.
There is no point in hiding your stiff dick, it's rather obviously raising the covers as it is, and you hope she's here for another round anyway.
"You disappointed me last night," she whispers as her fingers find your shaft, tapping it a few times as she speaks.
"You dozed off right after the deed, not caring about my feelings."
You gulp as her expression becomes stern, almost angry, and her fingers wrap around your cock tightly.
Before you can protest, or apoligize, she notices your worry and smiles broadly.
"Good, you understand. Today, I come first," she murmurs, emphasising the word come.
She lets go of your cock and in one smooth motion jumps on the bed, straddling your chest.
The short surge of pain in your chest is easy to ignore and your quickened breath is more due to the great view than the tingling pressure in your chest.
Denise smiles at you from above and leans forward, hands coming to rest next to your head.
Her large tits take up almost your entire view and, not wasting much time on teasing this time around, she lowers down to press them in your face.
You need no further enticement and immediately start kissing and licking her tits, wiggling your face so you're engulfed in her cleavage.
She moans in appreciation and simply lies down over you, the pressure pushing you firmly into the pillow, with her own pillows covering you completely.
It becomes harder to breathe but you intent to keep going until you pass out, even moreso when she pulls down the top of her nurse dress to present one of her nipples.
You immediately shift your attention to it, flicking your tongue over the pert nipple and kissing just around it.
You're content just lying there, worshipping her lovely tits.
After a few minutes she frees the other nipple from the dress and you assault it just as eagerly.
Every now and then she presses down firmly, smothering you between her tits for a few seconds, and your dick twitches everytime she moans softly when you gently bite her nipples.
Your cock is almost painfully hard after a good fifteen minutes of worshipping the most amazing tits you've ever seen.
When she finally sits up straight she simply looks you in the eye for a few moments, contemplating her next course of action.
Your body bucks on it's own accord, trying to grind your dick towards her rear, but she holds you down effortlessly.
She finally moves and you're slightly disappointed that she's shifting upwards rather than towards your throbbing dick, but that feeling is swiftly replaced by lust as you vaguely take in the smell of her arousal.
Remembering it all too well from last night, your mouth practically waters as she moves forward inch by inch.
By now her face is blocked by her large tits, the most lovely sight you've ever seen, and you wish she would remain in this position just a little while longer.
She, however, has other plans for you and without warning suddenly shuffles forward so her thighs are on either side of your face and a cute thong, matching her nurse dress, comes into view.
A small part of the thong is damp and you can't help but stick your tongue out to lap at it.
You hear her giggle above you and the damp spot immediately increases in size.
You can taste her arousal on your tongue and try to lift your head to better lap at it.
The pain in your neck makes it hard to keep this up and while the taste of her is worth it, you let your head fall back with a groan.
Denise takes this opportunity to undo the ties of her thong, letting it fall over your face.
Her fragrance increases and the sight of her naked pussy is almost as good as her erect nipples - maybe even better.
As if she read your mind, she moves forward slightly so her cunt is right above your eyes, then lowers while moving backwards, moving the thong away as her pussylips slide just around the tip of your nose.
You feel her wetness on your nose and revel in the taste of it as you manage to lick the tip of your tongue.
It's so much more potent than the dampness of her thong and you can't wait to taste her directly.
She repeats her movements, moving forward slightly before lowering her pussy on your nose and moving backwards.
This time your nose parts her lips and both the wetness and smell assault you even more.
Just when you try to lick and kiss at her pussy, she lifts up slightly and you groan.
Once more she uses your nose as a little toy, but this time she doesn't lift up when she arrives at your mouth.
Instead, she presses downward slightly and you find yourself kissing her on her lips.
She bobs up and down a few times while wiggling around, as if to imitate a normal kiss on the lips and you simply play along with it.
After a minute of planting kisses on and around her pussy she again parts her lips with your nose, then presses down roughly, covering your mouth with her spread pussy.
Although it's impossible to breathe like this, you feel no worry and take the opportunity to explore her moist tunnel with your tongue.
Your mouth fills with her juices in a matter of seconds and you take a moment to savor the taste before swallowing and continuing to lap the juices from her pussy.
You curse your need for air as your body starts to struggle slightly, but Denise quickly acknowledges it and lets you take in a few breaths.
Before your breathing has fully calmed, she has her pussy over your mouth again.
You alternate between sticking your tongue deep inside, like she used your nose as a small dildo, and moving up to curl your tongue against her clit.
She presses firmly against your face and you increase your attention at her clit, but after a few moments she moves up and more of her juices coat your tongue.
Without pause you continue to wiggle your tongue around inside her until she lowers down again, wanting more of what you have to offer.
For what feels like hours you lie there, constantly on the brink of breathlessness, lapping at the pussy that just doesn't stop getting wetter and wetter.
You have to swallow every other minute to keep yourself from choking on her juices and wonder how anyone can taste so divine.
Finally, she starts shaking uncontrollably and presses her thighs against the sides of your head tighter than before, almost painfully so.
Her clit is resting firmly against your nose and without any way to reach it with your tongue, you try to wiggle around to stimulate it.
This sends her over the edge and you almost cum yourself as you hear her scream, the sound of it muffled by her legs against your ears.
Her gushing juices almost catch you by surprise, but you immediately force yourself to relax and take in her lovely offering.
You don't swallow her nectar just yet, instead savoring the taste of it, but eventually have no choice but to gulp it down.
It takes her a minute or two to finally come down from her orgasm and only then do her legs let go of your face.
You take in a few deep breaths, heavily affected by her aroma, and feel at peace just staring at her glistening pussylips.
One final drop of her juices dangles from her lips and you stick your tongue out to catch it.
You savor it as it rolls down the center of your tongue.
But Denise is far from done with you.
After a short pause she shifts around until she's facing downwards, her legs again beside your face.
You're now looking at her large, firm butt, and are so awestruck you forget to blink.
Her demands become clear when her hands reach to slightly part her cheeks, revealing her puckered hole.
There's no time to even consider your opinion on the matter as she practically slams down on your face, her asshole resting right on your mouth.
She lets go of her cheeks, covering most of your face with her amazing butt, and the minidress falls down, engulfing you in a remarkably comfortable darkness.
You can breathe through your nose just barely enough, though the air is heavy and you quickly become drowsy.
The puckered hole right above your mouth demands attention, however, and you force yourself to focus.
Tentatively you lick just around her hole, finding the taste to be rather neutral, but can't resist also planting a kiss right on her backdoor.
The darkness and muffled sound only amplifies the sensation of taste and feel of her body and as your tongue meets the center of her asshole you feel her arch slightly.
Her feet find the back of your head, locking you in place as she adjust herself slightly.
The pressure on your face increases and you feel slightly worried as her cheeks now prevent you from breathing through your nose.
Not wanting to give up your place under her admirable ass, you try not to struggle and focus on the task at hand.
You again press your tongue against her asshole and feel a strange sensation as her muscles unclench to welcome you in.
Your tongue slips an inch inside and immediately her sphincter tightens, holding your tongue firmly inside.
Instinctively you try to pull back but her muscles don't give up.
Only when you attempt to move further in does she relax her muscles and you adjust your head ever so slightly to stick your tongue deeper inside.
Once it's as far as it goes she clamps down on you again, holding you deep inside her for a few seconds.
Just as you start to struggle in discomfort you feel her ass forcefully push your tongue back out.
You're getting more weary with the lack of oxygen but know your purpose as her asshole again lowers against your lips.
Her asshole invites your tongue more easily this time and you try your best to go even deeper this time.
Although that doesn't work, you do feel her body jerk slightly as you start to wiggle your tongue.
She doesn't give you much to play with, however, and expels your tongue again.
Regretfully, she moves her ass away from your face, but that feeling quickly dissipates as her pussy hoves inches above you once more.
You lift your head to go in for round two but gasp in unexpected pleasure when a pair of soft lips touch your cockhead.
Precum immediately oozes from your dick and you feel her tongue lap around your shaft, licking it up and placing kisses all over.
You close your eyes and try to think of terrible things to hold back, but the mere feeling of her breath on your dick has you explode into orgasm.
The pleasure increases tenfold when you feel her lips slide around your dick and the warmth of her mouth surround your cock as you start cumming.
She fondles your balls with one hand as the other jerks the base, while her mouth takes care of the top.
You feel her lips tighten around the head and suck tightly, as if to drain more cum from your dick.
An almost shameful amount of cum shoots from your dick and you wonder just how full her mouth must be getting.
Her lips stay sealed around your dick until finally you're spent.
You simply lie there as the grinds her pussy over your face, too tired to lick at her moist lips.
By the time you manage to open your eyes, you find yourself alone in the hospital bed, with no sign of Denise Milani.
You sigh, close your eyes again and let your head fall to the side.
Just before you doze off, the strong smell of Denise's arousal hits you and you open one eye to find yourself staring at the damp crotch of her white thong.
Chapter 1 - Under the wife. |
When i popped a boner she knew she had total control over me. ^Are you getting excited honey?^
I was still frozen, "yeah, im uh, excited, and scared as all hell."
^Aww sweetie you don't have to be afraid of me, I'm your new wife ;).^
'Hey I'm going to be his wife too.' I could hear the jealousy in her voice. I'm kinda flattered. I could see her blushing, 'I am not! I'm just stating the fact that I'm his new mating partner as well.'
Me and the squid girl giggle. "H-hey what are you girls' names?"
The squid girl smirks more, she pushes her dark purple hair from her face to behind her ears. Her chest moves further up against mine and i feel her giant breasts against my neck and i see a glimpse of her dark blue eyes as she whispers in my ear, ^189908, but you can call me jiglet. ;)^
Jiglet? huh that sounds funny, and cute. And a little sexy. 'Good then, your attraction levels to her are increasing.' "Yeah, i didn't need a machine to tell me i have a boner for this sexy lady. (I need to learn to shut my fucking mouth!)
The shark lady seemed to get even more jealous, oh crap i think she heard that. She walked toward me and got in my face and said, "MY NAME IS 80088008, BUT YOU WILL CALL ME.(she put her hand in my mouth and then began to rub her vag. "I-i'm not sure i can say that correctly." 'You don't have to say it hows about you make the noise happen, and give my lips a kiss rubbing her breasts and licking her lips. I start to get red, "Im new to this, I'm a virgin, and I've never even dated a girl, how do i do this?." I'll teach you how my sweet little 132512519, My husband, My love.
Chapter 0 - A day under the beach. |
Hello my name is Zan massons, and I'm in alot of trouble. I have been kidnapped by a bunch of fish monsters. Well I guess it could be worse. Like they could be dude aliens, hell for all i know I could be getting lucky tonight! Wow I'm such a perv, I've been captured and all i can think about is banging my captors.
Well, let's just start this thing already.
I just having been taken (i don't know how far) under the sea, have been strapped to a table by a shark lady. She has dark blue skin with a white belly ending in the middle of each of her gigantic breasts, her nipples are hard, Im guessing because of the cold water, we must be pretty far down. I look around and see i am in some sort of submarine or ship, I wonder why fish monsters need a boat. I can move a little bit, but not enough to help me. Besides when i tried to move around she turned around and presses her sharp teeth(and boobs!) on my neck and whispered loudly, "If you move again i will not hesitate to rip out your throat and eat it. UNDERSTAND!?"
'y-yes ma'am' She smiles and licks my neck, "Don't worry I'm going to have lots of fun with you." I smiled a little bit and chuckled awkwardly. This is probably going to be bad. She goes over to a little podium with a keyboard, she types on it and a hologram of me pops up. It starts to show all of my, i don't know exactly, it's all in some weird language. But from what i can see it has something to do with my DNA. Holy Shit! These are fuckin aliens!
"Brilliant deduction, I can also read your mind with this, genius."
I think I'm just fucked at this point, I'm probably going to die.
"Well you're 2 3rds right, you will be fucked and you might die. Also we have to inject you with a little something."
'we? as in you and me or,...' Then all of s sudden i feel a warm slimy mass of tentacles rubbing all over my body. ^no as in her, and me, and you.^
I feel her body sling around pressed against my chest, she kisses me and i just freeze up, Ive never been kissed before. All this shit and a kiss is what makes me freeze up. I think she could tell before i realized it but now I'm feeling a little stiff in more than one way.
Chapter 5 - Whale of a problem |
Zan grows(In more ways than one) His gills start to show, and the tentacles are growing larger to the size of his arms. Along with his pulsating cock already pressed against Felicity's face. He grinned as she got scared "You know, I'm not to sure I'm going to do this, after all you do seem like a bitch, and I already have a backdoor loving lady, he winks to Olivia. So I guess I really don't need another in my harem. (Holy crap! I'm so fucking confident! Must be Olivia's blood.) He smacks her across the face with his cock. |Awwww!| ^Looks like Onē San isn't joining us.^ Olivia grins, 'More for us!' They drop her and they drop down and spread their legs for him. He moved through instinct. His giant shark cock drilled into Olivias pussy with a tentacle in her ass. He then picked up Silvia and put her on top of Olivia. He put a tentacle on her breasts and the back of them massaged Olivia's breasts aswell. I started to Change up who's Pussy I was fucking. It was too good to stop. Their wet slimy tight clits made me harder and harder! They got wetter and wetter, until,'^IM CUMMING!'^ " ME TOO!" We all came at the same time. I was in Olivia but I pulled out and gave Silvia half. ^mmm Thank you Zaaan!^ We all panted but then I noticed something familiar, either somebody was calling Olivia again or Somebody was touching themselves. I look over to see Felicity fingering herself to us.
But then the Ship was hit by something huge. Little did I know I was going to meet the woman behind all this weird crap. ^Oh shit!^ |We're dead!| 'I'm still horny Zan~' I felt some movement coming from behind a door. A beeping sound is made and in walks a huge, chubby, beautiful whale woman. Her breasts were bigger than the other girls combined. Her ass was too and she was 6 foot 7! Her skin was mostly black but a large part of her belly up to her nipples and finally her lips were white. She had beautiful long jet black hair. Her lips were so alluring. But when she spoke She had the voice of a siren! \Daughters?/Even though she was chubby I had only one thought, ( I want MILF and I want it now!) |
Chapter 0 - A little tale |
Thursday, April the 28th, a few minutes before 5:30 P.M.
College's males bathroom at 2nd floor.
I was in a stall, you know, pooping, checking stuff in my phone... the regular thing. I was about to leave, when suddenly, I heard voices of a couple, a guy and a girl, approaching. First, I didn't pay attention, after all, it's a college. One hears any kind of conversationts from any people there. As the voices felt more and more inside the bathroom, I realized "wait, this is a men bathroom.
What's a girl doing here?... Oh no... don't tell me they both are about to do something dirty-!". Right in that moment, I heard that they both got in together in the stall RIGHT NEXT ME. I was "ooooohhhhh nooooo theeey wiiiiiiill..."
But then I put attention in what they said (I don't remember it exactly, it's quite vague)
As they both approached to the stall...
GIRL: are you sure? What about if there is somebody?
GUY: C'mon, there won't be anybody.
(That's right. By that time, there are almost no subjects on 2nd floor's classrooms, so no need to be there)
While they got in the stall...
GUY: Okay, there you go.
GIRL: Ugh, don't you hate when you have to resist the urge?
(For the way she said that, I assumed she meant having sex)
(Then, I heard a pee. A long and lousy pee)
(Ooohh... she meant holding the pee... probably the women bathroom was closed or something. Right, what other reason to go to men bath? [SEX, YOU IDIOT!] oh yeah)
Then, I heard some noises that I couldn't tell, but in that little instant, a twister of ideas got in my head.
"what about if they have sex? Should I masturbate and cum while I get excited by their noises? Should I join them? Should I fap and cum and then join them? It's not a bad idea to join, nobody around, the place is quiet, a cramped threesome, we could make it more passionate... [yeah, or maybe they'll get scared, they cease and leave, leaving you like a fool. No, don't interrupt them!] But sex in college! What a better place to do it-?"
In that instant, I hear the lock of their stall getting unlocked. And just like that, they left. They said something, I don't remember, they talked in an undertone. The best I could think of to do after seeing there were no sex, was coughing. Quite a loud one, just so they find out there WERE somebody, but apparently, they didn't hear it.
And that was all. Very frustrating, but man, how intense and exciting. That day, I left the college and went to bed with some many hot thoughts. |
Chapter 2 - Kiss of possible death |
"Sure, I'll try my best." She then instead of licking the air like a moron, grabs Jiglet puts her on my lap, and starts to go down on her. And as the sloppy wet sounds get louder, she moans so cute and seductively. And I'm just sitting there getting harder. I couldn't see it at first but four of Jisweetieglet's tentacles were slithering down to her breasts, her pussy and her ass. Then Jiglet says, ^Ok my turn^ Then she picked her up by skidding her tentacle into her vag and puts her face to face on top of me. She's blushing. 'Do you like watching us?'
I turned redder and said, "yeah i do." She smiled, 'Glad to hear and feel it my love. Now i know you are eager to learn how to kiss my pretty pussy lips, but i need to teach you how to kiss up here first. Then she moved closer and just made out with me and our tounges were slidding all over one another. 'See? It's not so hard. And now you can do it to my-' And then Jiglet began to thrust her wide little tentacle into wet noise's butt. She was so hot, noot just sexy but she was getting warmer. She was gasping and moaning in pleasure. 'Sorry Zan, I'm kind of a back door slut i can't control myself.' And i lifted my head and began to make out with her. "It's alright, I'm certainly enjoying the show." She smiled, ' Jiglet, I'm being selfish, please attend to Zan aswell.'
Jiglet smiled a devious smile and said, ^my pleasure!^ Then she slid off my pants, my underwear and my shirt and began to fiddle wth my cock with her slimy tentacle. And then She slid her slimmy body under wet noise and she mounted me and All three of us were having an orgy of fun.
J: Oh yes my love, i feel your nice long cock in my sticky little pussy, oh! oooh!.
This is the best day of my life!
I could still hear wet noise's ass being penetrated by Jiglet's tentacle. Her ass was starting to sound like her name. Then Jiglet un strapped me and i flipped her and wet noise so i saw both of their holes and i just thrusted myself repeatedly inside of Jiglet. "oh yeah, you're so fucking slimy and tight!" And i could hear her gasping faster, and faster, ^Oh, yes my love, I I I can ffeel it pulsating my love, please, please blow your load! Fill me with your white love.^ So then i felt it build up and i blasted my load all inside of her and some of it began to drip and i saw that wet noise turned around and licked it up and then i stopped her and pinned her down. "I know you're more than just a dirty girl, and you're not gonna be reduced to licking it off the floor!" I then put my cock inside of her ass along with Jiglet's tentacle and i could feel it so slimmy and wet noises ass was so tight that in no time a all i was filling her ass with my semen.
And when i saw her gasping i took her head and forced my cock in her mouth and the second wave of semen came out so fast a little came out of her nose. |
Chapter 2 - Too late to pologize |
A loud knocking on my door grabbed my attention this morning. It hadn't woken me up as I was already awake collecting venom from some bane spiders. Little black and green bastards with a nasty burning venom. I hid my work and answered the door, “Oh hello ma'am, I was just about to head downstairs to start my duties.” She stood a few inches shorter than me 5’9 around I suppose. Honey brown hair, yellow eyes, a yellow summer dress with a red pattern to it, not sure how she got a dress like that, patterned clothing is very expensive. “Hello, we actually have a different issue you need to attend to, please follow me.” She lead me to the dungeon. Down a long hallway was a hidden trap door under a long rug.
She lifted the hatch “Down here. Watch your step.” A cold air surrounded the door. "What's down there?” She stared at me for a moment. I felt something was wrong, she wasn't acting right and barely any emotion to her words. “I need to get something from my room.” I turned and saw three Manti ready to strike. I turned back towards her. Her beautiful skin tore away and turned green growing into a full grown Mantis. She strikes forward with her claws. I have nothing this time, I hadn't even taken any venom with me. I guess this is the end. Entrails splattered over the walls, blood not far behind and I'm on the floor.
I don't feel any pain, I don't see any blood red stains anywhere, just a giant Mantis with yellow blood on it's mandibles. I can't stick around to analyze. I get up into running position. I need to, and then I was grabbed and thrown against the wall. She gnashes her mandibles at me. I hear some people running towards us. When they turned the corner all they found was dead Manti and their innards on the wall.
In a dark damp section of the dungeon seemingly forgotten lay a human man and a mantis female. "It's about time they left, don't you think?....Oh you probably can't see much. Let me fix that, I want you to see me." A flame lights a lantern on the wall.
The corners of the caged rooms had been partially lit, but in the empty chamber of the forgotten dungeon was what appeared to be a mantis female wearing the corpse of a human woman. "Surprised to see me again? You smug little bastard?!" She strikes at my neck and scrapes it just enough to tear skin but no blood pours out.
"This feels oddly personal for an insect attack, I kill your brother or something?" She grabs me by the collar and throws me down to the floor coming face to face, "No, nothing so meaningless as that, not that it would've mattered to me if you did. I'm not too sure what you did actually." Well that sounds ominous as fuck. Let's prod the freak. "Surprise surprise, bug women are as testy as normal ones. So I'd have to assume to mean the mist I threw in your face?" She nods with a strange disturbing fleshy smile.
"Well in basic terms it was a combination of insect pheromones and human blood to create a fine chum like attraction for your kind, which is what attracted your kind to our party in the jungle. However it seems to be having unforseen side effects on you." Her mandibles chitter and her large eyes are fixated on me. "Hmm, I suppose that's why she's still in here then. Human blood. She's in here and she's fucking furious!" Who the fuck is she talking about?
"Who the fuck are you talking about?" Her sickles pulled back,mandibles retracted, eyes shrank, and skin reformed. It was one of the women from our party, the first girl killed, or so it seemed. Her face smug yet sad, possibly mournful. She takes a step towards me and punches as hard as she can. "While we can't both talk at the same time, I can hear everything she hears and even peak into her simple little bug brain. But to answer your earlier question, yes you did kill my brother, and my father, and my mother."
It didn't really hurt too bad though, she wasn't exactly muscular. She seemed the bookworm type, suppose she was highly sheltered by her family. "I'd say I'm sorry but we both know I don't mean it." She tilted her head to the side like a curious puppy and had an emotionless frown. "Well I'm not looking for an apology, I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking for but I suppose we can work on that later. For now I think we need to discuss living arrangements."
Chapter 3 - Injection for a better erection |
Wet noise coughed and sat up. She had one big gulp and my jizz was in her stomach. She grinned and pinned me 'You know, for a human boy, you sure like being on top. However I do need to.....edit you to fit our needs.' He turns a bit pale and quivers " What kind of "edit"?"
She moved to the console and displayed my body again. She started to upload a bit of her DNA and Jiglet's. Soon enough I had Razor sharp teeth. Webbed hands and feet with claws, gills, four tentacles around my waist, but I doubt those were ordinary from the way they were shaped, I've seen enough tentacle porn to know where that was going. I also had pale blue skin and dark blue eyes and my cock was, well. Let's just say Jared Foggles foot long looks like an Lego piece in comparison. " Uh.... Not that I'm complaining but I'm not sure I'd be able to put on pants ever again." He chuckled awkwardly.
^Who said you were ever going to wear pants again?^ She laughs and jiggles. 'It is necessary for reproduction' Wet noise was licking her luscious lips. 'Mmm when we get back to our planet, we'll spend the rest of our lives with your cock inside of us!' (Oh Sweet Satan! This is like the best wet dream ever or my worst nightmare.) Suddenly Wet noise left the room. Jiglet left with her. I was alone but then the table grabbed me and strapped me down. When I opened my eyes again, all I saw were huge bouncy breasts in nurse's outfits so tight if one breast jiggled the button itself could've busted a hole in the ship. But my stone hard erection quickly fell limp when the needle they were carrying was bigger than my future tentacles!
Chapter 4 - Sister's new mister |
'No need to worry 1321, we'll make sure nothing bad happens, after all we did have to donate quite a bit for our patient.' Jiglet stuck her tongue out. ^It hurt a bit but it's gonna be OK Zan!^ "I'll uh, I'll try to hold still." (Might as well not complicate this.) They pierced my skin with one tube on my left arm and the needle on the right. One taking half my blood out and having it be replaced with theirs. I passed out. A monitor beeps. I can't move. I start to force my eyes open. I see the girls starting at me. 'I don't understand. Why isn't he....' ^Does that mean we can't take him home?^ I see a mirror and I look the same. 'Mother told us this would....' |Yes she did and it was hilarious to watch!| A woman popped up in a hologram head. It was a red headed woman with short hair and what appeared to be lobster eyes on the top of her head. Next thing I know a new door opens. A sexy looking crab woman walks in. Her hands have claws around them. Unlike Wet noise and Jiglet she has little to no breasts. Her ass is pretty huge and her face is okay, though her body is mostly red. |So this is your little toy?| She walks close to me and gropes my cock. |Ha! Barely average| "You're one to talk A-Cup!" She squeezes my dick and I groan. |Human. You are a petty toy and you are now nothing to them now that you can't reproduce with them!| She walks towards them and turns her back to me and smacks them to the ground Wet noise growls as Jiglet hides behind her. |By the way, Wet noise and Jiglet? Really? Olivia and Silvia are there real names.| She faces him |And I am Felicity their older sister.| She faces them and continued to scold them but.... I couldn't hear her.
All I could think of and see was her giant....juicy....ass! Suddenly he broke free of the table and charged at Felicity. His erect cock was flying into her giant ass. Before she knew it she was in the doggy position, and he fucked her hard! She moaned and that's all he heard. |Human! Please! No, no!! I can't... Not...not to a weakling like you!!!| She squirted from anal and he didn't stop there. He pulled her arms back and fucked her intensely in her tight little red pussy. "For a girl with no breasts, your pussy is extremely pleasurable!" She submits |Y-yes I do! Please please use my tight clit and fuck me more!| His cock pulsates and he releases so much it over flows out of her slick pussy. ^Sister likes our hubby?^ Olivia stops growling, 'She is where I got my fetish for anal.' They giggle. "So, would you mind apologizing to your sisters?" She turns around and jumps to pin him. Instead he moves back and greabs her hands. "Hey Sexy nurses, help me restrain the patient!" The girls smirk and hold their sister down. |Let me go! I will not be....| She stops as she watches his skin change color, his cock gets bigger and his teeth get pointed. |Holy!| |
Chapter 1 - The start |
So living as a human in my world is a bit annoying. We have to run from monsters constantly or be killed by them. So I've heard of your world, no six foot tall bugs trying to sever your limbs and rip your throat out. Your insects are a lot easier to handle and personally if I could go to your world, I'd eradicate all the little fuckers I saw.
We were escaping from an attack on our town. Locusts had swarmed us and we had to run or die. I wasn't the fastest guy in town so I kept behind in case anything happened, like a kid tripped or something. We carried only swords and sharpened poles, hardly any skilled warriors in our little group of ten. Four men, three women, two children, and me. The name is Daerro by the way, I'm an alchemist, an underrated thing to be in the eyes of the stupid. While they've been swinging swords I've been working on repellents for our homes, though they haven't worked out perfectly. The last one I made actually attracted some issues. Luckily they didn't know it was my fault they swarmed us.
So on our way to the next town over we had an issue. One of the kids was sick and had to be carried, almost definitely going to be killed on the way there. We knew that only about three of us would make it if we were smart, but none of us if we were human. We passed into the forest between our towns, we were slaughtered immediately. A group of mantis people jumped us and killed everyone in front of me in under a minute. Or at least that's what I assumed happened. As soon as I saw they had jumped at the first guy in the group I ran.
I saw no reason as to why I should stay there and die just because we're neighbors. They didn't even like me either, they always thought less of me because I don't have training in magic or swordsmanship. After all we didn't have anything else to do other than practice protecting people who don't care if you're dead or not. I knew I wasn't going to make it through this forest easily if at all. More than one was chasing me. I could see the wall of the next town as they closed in on me. They caught up to me and tried to hit me with their giant sickle hands but I dodged them well enough. To my surprise they spoke to me, “Well the coward can Dodge, who would've guessed.” I wasn't offended by the comment so much as them talking as if they we above me or something.
“You're more annoying than the people I let you kill.” They were shocked at first. “Haha, you make it sound as if you had any control over us mutilating your friends” they joked about the notion for a bit. “Well, you've been good for a laugh but it's time to end this!” He slashed at me but missed and I grabbed the side of his femur I guess, and hit the spot where it connects to his arm as hard as I could. It snapped off and he screamed in pain. “Only two huh? I would've preferred one but I guess this'll have it's advantages.” He of course retaliated with blind fury. “Die!” He shouted as I used his own sharpened hand claw thing to chop of his head. I didn't have time to gloat though the other one leaped at me and I jumped back. “You know, this has really worked out in my favor, not just the claw detaching, or my neighbours deaths, but your nature as well.”
She grunted as angry children do when they're punished, “You see I knew that your kind inhabit the forest between our towns and I planned ahead, knowing your kind kills in groups but fights over the corpses I knew they would be busy fending off their current meal from competition to chase the one that ran. Of course one was going to ignore the scraps and chase me, but two is fine.”
Her slashes came like a whirlwind and I could barely block. “Like I said having the one Mantis was fine but I think having you around could be more beneficial.” Then with her fastest strongest strike she broke the claw. But before she could regain her composure I splashed her with my pheromone mixture right in her eyes. She screamed and I ran to the corpse of the Mantis I beheaded and took his other claw as I finally entered the walls of our neighboring town.
Passing through the entrance I was met by armed guards. "What is your business here? There are monsters in the area and the city is on alert." I tried my best to seem innocent, "My village was ransacked by bug creatures and we ran away. Most of us were killed by the monsters in the forest, I'm the only survivor." One nodded to the other and gestured me to follow him.
He lead me through the city and as we passed the smell of freshly baked treats filled the air. Had little time to enjoy it though, the stench of raw meat assaulted my nostrils and we passed the market, the upper class and finally we reached the lord's small castle. All of the guards were scattering through the doors to protect the city. Finally we came to the lord's room. She sat in her little wooden throne. Not the wealthiest of the lord's in this country, Lady Ellen Macaday the least known lord but luckily for me one of the kindest.
She raised her golden head of hair from her book, "Hello, what brings you here?" Saying it as if she's said it everyday for eternity. "My village was attacked by monsters, well bug monsters So I fled here with several others, but they all were killed in the forest." She looked sad about the ordeal, “So, our neighboring town has been destroyed. Nathan, send word of this to the King and ask for more guardsmen.” Her assistant left the room and she fixed her gaze upon me, “I am very sorry for all your lose, we hope you may find a home in our little city.” She gestured to another servant and told her to help find room and work for me.
I was given a room in her castle and the job of cleaning the halls and such. Basically a glorified butler, I knew this was going to be a giant hunk of shit eventually. But the day was over and night had fallen. My room was in the higher tower, which provided me plenty of privacy.
Spiders and nightcrawlers, centipedes and moths, the occasional slug were what occupy my room. Now I have plenty of room, supplies and test subjects for future elixirs, and a large group of meat shields if things go south. As I turned out the candle I looked out the window pane and thought of if my elixir had worked. It wasn't a poison or a disease, it was more like chum.
The forest was silent, the wind had blown and a single green leaf had fallen from a tree and was carried through the air, floating between other trees and other plants until it landed and turned crimson red. Though that blood had gone cold hours before. As it drifted the color had shifted from red to yellow and the surrounding chunks of flesh had turned to green. The further it traveled down the bloody river the warmer the blood became. The silence was disturbed by the sounds of exhausted breaths. The leaf had finally been stopped.
Her blood soaked claws laid in the latest corpse of her fellow manti. Her face covered in sweat and the remnants of their throat. "Huh, huh, huh-ha haha. Hahaha!" She stood and wiped the flesh from her face and walked further into the forest. The leaf continued drifting, passing the corpses until the blood had finally met with the river with the leaf drifting along the blood soaked water, and I doubt it will stop drifting anytime soon. |
Chapter 7 - The plot thins with a thicker fish. |
Next thing I knew I was face deep in whale clevege. Their mom was really hot but there was a problem. I just noticed the fact. She was packing more than I expected. Her penis, she has a penis. A fucking gigantic penis. (Wait a minute....) I saw all the girl were growing them out! All of them: We can grow them but we can't reproduce on our own. Suddenly I went placid and I felt like I wasn't into this anymore. Beside I'm not ready to be a dad. I saw a door but it's not like I can just....oh wait. I turned into my shark form and bashed out of the Ship. I quickly swam away. I didn't stop or look back. I just kept swimming. Until I reached the beach. But before I reached the shore I realized it was night time. I changed back and walked to the street. I walked home and I never went to the beach again. The fucked up end. |
Chapter 2 - Dazed |
Amanda flinched. She hadn’t been paying attention at all, and every eye in the room was trained on her. “Uh, s-sorry, what was the question?”
Her professor frowned, but said, “Amanda, can you come up to the board for a moment?”
Amanda moved to stand, which caused a crinkling noise to fill the suddenly dead-silent room. The eyes of her classmates, which had drifted back towards the board, quickly shifted back to her.
“What was that, Amanda?” Her professor’s voice seemed to come from everywhere at once.
“Why don’t you come stand in front of the class?”
Amanda stood, the crinkling noise even more noticeable than before. She tugged at the back of her skirt, Oh, why had she decided to wear something so short?, and walked dutifully to the front of the class.
“Face the board, please,” her professor said, and she complied. As she moved one hand away from her skirt to pick up the chalk, she felt it flip up into the air. Her hands flew instinctively towards her butt, but somehow they failed to get there, instead folding in front of her, pressing on the front of the diaper that was being presented now to the entire class.
Amanda turned to her professor to demand an explanation, but found Jess, her close friend, standing where her professor had been, holding a pacifier. Jess popped the pacifier into Amanda’s mouth, and suddenly she was standing naked except for her diaper and a bib that did nothing to cover her chest.
“Now make mama proud!” Jess said, placing a hand on the back of Amanda’s diaper. Amanda had no choice. She grunted, filling her diaper in front of the whole class while humping her own hands through the padding. As she felt herself growing closer to climax, cheeks burning red with shame and arousal, she bit down on the pacifier and-
Amanda yanked her thumb out of her mouth as her eyes shot open. She closed them again as she groaned in disappointment. “I was so close,” she mumbled to herself.
“Don’t think we didn’t notice!”
Amanda squeaked and sat up quickly, turning towards where she thought the voice had come from, banging her elbow on the hardwood floor she had been sleeping on as she did.
Through the temporary fog of pain she was able to make out her four best friends and ofttimes lovers, Jess, Sam, Dani, and Anna, who had gathered in the kitchen. Jess’s kitchen. Why was she at Jess’s house? Why were they all… oh.
Amanda recalled with sudden clarity the events of the previous evening, and her hand flew to her crotch. Sure enough, instead of pajama bottoms, she found only the crinkly padding of a disposable diaper. The slightly sodden padding, in fact…
Amanda pushed her hips forward without thinking, humping her hand through the padding. Dani coughed loudly, grin stretching ear to ear, and Amanda regained her composure quickly. “What did you do to me?” she wondered aloud. Her heart thudded in her chest, partially from fear, but mostly from excitement.
Jess shrugged with her usual peppy charm. “That wasn’t part of the programming, sweetie. You ain’t got nobody to blame for that butcherself.”
If it was possible for Amanda’s cheeks to be any redder, they were now. Desperate to change the subject, Amanda nodded towards Sam. “Okay, okay, but could somebody explain that please?”
Sam, usually naturally repelled by anything remotely resembling a chore of any kind, was dressed in a skimpy maid’s outfit, dusting the top of Jess’s TV with the fervor of a woman possessed, which, if the presence of anything resembling a skirt on Sam was anything to go by, was exactly what had happened.
Sam stood on her tip-toes, despite being able to reach the top of the TV just fine, bent at the waist so as to better display the lack of underwear she was sporting under the incredibly short skirt and white apron she had acquired. Amanda could hear her breathing heavily from across the room.
“We said she could touch your tits if she did a few chores for us,” Anna said. She called Sam’s name, and suddenly Sam was there, on her knees in front of Amanda. Sam was whimpering like a dog and drooling slightly, her whole body tense as a tightly wound piano wire. “Woah,” Amanda said, “we need to start deprogramming you pronto.”
“Pleeease,” Sam whined, “just one more time, pleease.”
Sam’s hand drifted towards Amanda’s shirt- no, not a shirt, an unbuttoned pink onesie- and Amanda obliged, pleased with Sam’s theatrics.
Sam drove her face violently between Amanda’s breasts, kissing and groping and sucking blindly. Amanda fell over backwards under the assault, and Sam’s apron-clad torso pressed into her diaper. Amanda moaned; she was still so hot and bothered from her dream, and Sam playing with her tits was only making it worse. Closer, closer…
Again, Amanda was deprived of her release as Sam was pulled off of her and her onesie re-buttoned by the others. Mandy groaned and put her hands on the front of her diapie… Diapie? The strange choice of phrase was quickly forgotten in the ensuing orgasm, and Amanda was left clear-headed enough to take in the scene surrounding her. Sam’s tits had fallen out in the chaos, causing Dani to collapse onto all fours, barking manically at the excitement. Jess was mooing, dead-eyed, as apparently Anna’s cowbell had fallen from the countertop onto the floor. Sam was only just coming to her senses and was on top of Anna, who was laughing hysterically.
“I… Uh, sorry, Anna,” Sam said as she covered herself with the maid outfit.
“It’s fine, I’m fine,” Anna replied, smiling broadly. She moved past Sam, who was helping Dani to her feet, into the kitchen, and returned with the metal pail from the night before.
“What’s that for?” Amanda asked, finally having escaped her padded prison.
“I bought a pump online for Jess, but it got lost in the mail,” Anna said. “Until we finish deprogramming everyone, I have to do this to get her out of her trance. That is, unless you’d like to help out, Mandy?”
Amanda felt butterflies in her stomach, but managed to make a show of laughing. “No thanks, Anna, and quit calling me Mandy!”
Anna shrugged and went back to work on Jess. It was so surreal, seeing them like that. Seeing them all like that. Amanda had to admit she liked it quite a bit. “All right, everyone, since Jess is currently in a state-” Jess mooed to punctuate the statement, “-as recently-deposed mistress of ceremonies, it falls to me to ensure that we clean up this mess so she isn’t as mad when she comes to her senses.”
Amanda, Sam, and Dani all quickly got dressed and started cleaning up after themselves. Once Jess was in full possession of her faculties, she made a point of sitting on the Throne and watching everyone else clean up, as is her right as the new mistress of ceremonies. It was also her house, and the other four of them had made enough of a mess that they all wanted to make sure they’d be invited back.
Anna made sure to stuff the cow bell with cotton. Dani and Sam wiped down the countertops and packed away the outfits, and Amanda emptied the garbage and sprayed air freshener around the house to clear up the dirty diaper smell.
Towards the end Jess made a contribution, grabbing the pail of milk and taking it back to the kitchen, presumably to dump it down the sink.
Once everything was back in order and everyone had clothes on, Amanda, Sam, Dani, and Anna met in the living room to say goodbye before returning home. Midterms were coming up soon, and everyone needed to go home and study, except for Sam, who was studying at Jess’s house. After final deprogramming instructions were exchanged, Anna and Dani hit the road, while Sam headed off to find a place to study. Amanda, however, hadn’t yet received her deprogramming instructions from Jess, and went looking for her in the kitchen.
Amanda walked into the kitchen to find Jess fiddling with some sort of bag. “Oh!” Jess said, quickly shoving whatever she had been holding into the bag. “Here, this oughta have everything ya need!” she said cheerfully, pushing the bag into Amanda’s face. “I wrote everything up for ya. Ya might wanna wear those goodnites to bed tonight, though, just in case.”
Amanda couldn’t help but blush just a little. She realized suddenly just how much the idea turned her on, but she didn’t want Jess to see how much power she had over her. Amanda snatched the bag from Jess, gave as pleasant a goodbye as she could manage, then rushed out the door to her car.
It wasn’t until she was putting the key into her apartment door that Amanda realized she hadn’t actually looked into the bag. What if Jess had forgotten something? An image of her taking her midterms in a diaper flitted through her mind. Amanda shuddered with arousal; she needed to do this thing fast.
As Amanda closed the door to her apartment behind her, her eyes drifted to her open bedroom door, and the box of pull-ups sitting on her bed. She must have put them on in a trance the night before, before going to Jess’s place. Her heart thumped in her chest. Maybe the deprogramming could wait just a little longer?
Amanda stripped naked and pulled on a pull-up – it was pink with little princesses on it. At first she put her hand inside the pull-up, but as she got into it she pulled her hand out and pushed it against the front, feeling the plastic under her fingers. She sucked on her other thumb, humping and humping.
Jess’s voice floated through Mandy’s mind, either from the night before or the week of conditioning that had preceded it: Good girls wet their diapies.
Good girl… Mandy thought, as the picture on the front of her pull-up disappeared. Suddenly, Mandy’s body started moving on its own, and she snapped back to herself. Amanda could feel herself pushing, and as hard as she tried, she couldn’t stop herself. “No,” Amanda said as she rocked up onto her feet, squatting.
Good girls mess their diapies, came the voice in her head, but this time it wasn’t Jess’s voice, but her own. I’m a good girl, said the voice, and Amanda pushed a load into her pull-up as she came harder than she’d ever before.
Sam waved goodbye to Anna from the porch, then sighed as she flopped down onto Jess’s couch. “How in god’s name did you come up with that, Jessy?” Sam twisted around to face the kitchen, a smirk on her face. “Have you been keeping secrets from me?” she purred.
Jess set the metal bucket that she had been milked into down in the sink. “You sound like you’re hopin’ I was,” Jess cooed back before gingerly sitting beside Sam on the couch. Now that she didn’t have to keep Anna’s planned performance a secret anymore, she had every intention of complaining about the sloshing in her tits all day every day until she was back to normal.
“Maaybe.” Sam leaned over and breathed lightly against Jess’s neck as her arms wound around her waist. She felt Jess shudder and heard her breath quicken. Jess might act tough around the other girls, but Sam knew that she was putty in her hands while they were alone, no hypnosis necessary. “Do you wanna be my mommy, Jessy?” she whispered.
“Are you sure you should be the one driving?” Anna asked, smirking.
Dani pouted theatrically. “Just don’t say the trigger word and it’ll be fine. Besides, I’m pretty sure I won’t place myself in mortal danger anyhow.”
Anna put her hands behind her head. “So, what do you think will be the next meeting’s theme?” she asked.
Dani frowned. “Last time Jess won it was exhibitionism, but I can tell she really liked the hypnosis idea.”
“Public hypnosis?” Anna asked, her question tinged with excitement.
“I think that’s pretty likely,” Dani said. She couldn’t help but smile at Anna’s enthusiasm. Outside of the club, Anna was the most shy out of all of them. “Plus, next meeting is over spring break. We could go somewhere where nobody knows who we are.”
Anna wriggled in her seat, her excitement plain to see. “I wonder who Jess will pair us up with.” She turned toward Dani and leaned on the console between their seats. “Maybe I’ll get to take you on a walk…”
Dani blushed. “Anna, I’m trying to drive here. Put those away.”
Anna smirked, squeezing her chest between her arms once and leaning back in her seat to look out the window. Maybe she’d have a word with Jess…
Chapter 1 - Offer Pale Tongue |
Offer Pale Tongue
“Greetings Unkindled One, I am Rosaria, the mother of Rebirth” a busty brunette said. The Champion of Ash studied Rosaria's figure as she let out an airy giggle. She was wearing a black dress and her breasts were straining to escape the thin fabric while she was humming a cheery tune and pushing them together. She had extremely long hair covering her eyes and pooling on the floor. Her pouty dark lips were nestled below a cherubic nose. He marveled at her large, round, hypnotic ass. She was the epitome of feminine beauty.
“Have you come to join my covenant in the hope of being reborn?” Rosaria giggled. “If so you must be prepared to offer me a Pale Tongue”
As she spoke Rosaria twirled around and knelt. Hiking up her dress she revealed her ass. Rosaria's butt was a brood-mother's, it was by far the widest part of her body. Her ass was smooth and clean, the same pale shade as the rest of her skin. Each cheek was incredibly large and had no sign of muscle, just massive amounts of fatty tissue. Below her ass the Champion's eyes came to a stop, because where Rosaria's vagina would be if she were a woman lay a large bulging taint, and below that was her sack that was bloated with cum. Her balls were smooth with thick wriggling lines moving throughout the surface of her massive grapefruit sized testicles. Her massive turgid cock had her foreskin clearly pulled back, and seemed more fit for a beast or a giant than a human. Her piss-slit had a gape of it's own, and his mind raced at the thoughts of what caused that.
“Bestow me with your Pale Tongue and I shall allow you into my covenant” Rosaria huskily moaned. Shaking her hips side to side to entice the Champion. With each shake her butt seemed to jiggle, every minor bump or twist she made becoming exaggerated in the ripples of her ass.
Diving into Rosaria's ass the Champion of Ash quickly gripped her pendulous cheeks. Pulling her cheeks apart he saw that her asshole was extremely pronounced, puffing up heavily. Almost donut-like in appearance and it had a natural gape from heavy usage.
Taking a deep breath the Champion smelled her heady musk, a spicy pungent odor which invaded his nostrils. The smell was so strong he could feel his body attempt to retch while his mind melted into a lusty haze. He pushed both his thumbs into Rosaria's anus and pulled them apart. Rosaria's asshole barely resisted and was soon spread wide open, and her heady musk became even more overpowering. The Champion couldn't wait any longer and finally buried his face deep between her cheeks, like a long awaited lover finally returning home. His tongue slowly scraped her cheeks clean of sweat, a salty flavor that lightly hinted at that spicy aroma awaiting him, enticing him to press himself even further into her butt and devour her.
Slowly the Champion's tongue traced a circle around Rosaria's donut knot, he tasted that same spicy musk he'd earlier breathed. Stars exploded in his mind as he became less and less capable of thinking of anything other than worshiping Rosaria's fat ass. The sensations he was feeling from his tongue seemed to amplify themselves further and further, to the point that he felt pleasure as well from the rimjob.
Eager to indulge in more of that delicious musk the Champion's tongue quickly punched deeply into Rosaria's asshole. His probing tongue battled with her extremely well developed sphincter in an erotic display of a french kiss. Rosaria's anus seemed to squeeze and convulse around the Champion's tongue, making the champion wish it could have been his cock instead, which was straining hard against his pants. Pushing deeper into her the Champion quickly encountered a large hardened knot of flesh pressing into Rosaria's colon. It was her engorged prostate, and it felt larger than he believed was possible. Rosaria's prostate pulsed and writhed against his tongue, and for the first time since he met her Rosaria lost her composure and let out a deep moan.
“Eager aren't you? Don't worry you shall feel my love if you prove yourself devoted” Rosaria grunted as she recovered “Don't get too cocky though, you still haven't proven that you possess a Pale Tongue”
Determined to prove himself the Champion redoubled his efforts. Fervently he rimmed her, alternating between probing deeply into her to punch at her prostate and backing out to suck on her donut-knot as a whole. Rosaria developed a faint blush throughout her body, but she didn't seem to be on the verge of climax.
“Don't treat me like some fragile girl” Rosaria stammered out, desperate for climax. “I've seen worse than you could ever do. Bite hard and make me cum already you slut!”
Emboldened by her words the Champion nipped at her rim. For the first time since he had originally surprised her with his tongue he managed to force out a deep husky moan from Rosaria. He bit deeply into her ass, just a touch shy of causing her to bleed, and her thighs quaked. Rosaria's moans, which had been growing more and more frequent suddenly stopped, and her shivers ceased. The Champion began to grow worried that he had been too rough when he heard it.
Beginning as a low moan, Rosaria announced her orgasm to the world. Her sack pulled upwards, and her urethra began to bulge. Rosaria began to fire glob after glob of rich yellow sperm onto the floor. When they smashed into the floor they were so dense that they seemed to almost keep their shape. The Champion began to have a sympathetic orgasm from the sight of such virility.
“What are you doing?” Rosaria hissed mid orgasm. “Your task isn't done,get that Pale Tongue of yours up my butt!”
The Champion rammed forward, and felt her prostate quake with each shot. Producing a seemingly never ending supply of fat yellow cum worms to spew from her bloated fuckstick. The scalding cum seemed to fill the room with a heady mist that stank of that pungent musk he had been sampling. Rosaria's orgasm began tapering off, what had once been forceful blasts of rope-like cum are now merely sending gooey runners to join their brethren on the floor.
“Mmm” Rosaria whimpered on the tail end of her orgasm. “You are most certainly blessed with a Pale Tongue my Champion. I welcome you to my covenant.”
The Champion slowly stood up and surveyed the room. The thick jettisons of cum that Rosaria had spewed seemed to be moving with their own life. He realized that they resembled a significantly smaller version of the worm creatures he had killed to enter this very room.
“I'm well aware of what you did to my children Champion” Rosaria murmured as she stepped over to him. “But know that I do not hold a grudge against you”
Rosaria's hands glued themselves to his hips as she ground her spent cock against his backside, one hand slipping into his trousers to discover the spent load coating his untouched cock.
“After all, we have plenty of time to birth even more of them” Rosaria hummed as she ground her pole between the Champion's thighs. He groaned at the feeling of her turgid length pressing up against his wilted cock.
“Worry not, I'm aware of the transitory nature of you Unkindled” Rosaria assured. “Simply return to my bonfire during your travels and you may continue to show me your devotion to my covenant, there are many rewards awaiting those who prove themselves devoted”
As the Champion departed Rosaria couldn't stop herself from giving him a parting slap on his ass. When the Champion arrived at Firelink he could still feel the sensation of her petite hand laying claim to him. He shuddered to another orgasm while the Firekeeper looked at him with a curious expression. |
Chapter 6 - Mamal momma |
\What is going on here? You actually injected a human?/ Silvia was trembling ^Yes mother. ^ The whale moved to her. and held her in her arms, and breasts. \It is alright my child, I can see someone has mislead you./ She looks at Felicity who just climaxed. \Well I suppose I should handle this./ She walks up to me and I turn red because she's taller than I am and her breasts at eye level to me. \I am so sorry you poor creature. You may not know but our race is near extinction. Our scientists theorized humans could be used but we tried on every type of man, but nothing took hold./ Olivia" But mother...Look closer....It worked!' She backs up and looks down. \Oh my. I can see you took some liberties when designing his new body. However we need to get him back to normal. Even if this does work, You children aren't able to be fertilized yet. You know we can't until next month./ "Why not" I asked since I'm a jackass. She gets on her knees.
(I liked where this was going)
\Our bodies are only able to accept semen during certain times on our planet./ "Oh. Well I can wait" \Wh what?/ "Yeah I can wait until you're ready. I mean they're ready." He blushes. But then his tentacles and everything besides his teeth hands and feet he grew retract. "Wow cool! I can control it!" \This is very considerate of you young man./ he rubs his head " Well, I am a teenage human boy, if I didn't want to make love to something until I got it pregnant I'd be an embarrassment to all men." I chuckle. (Or just a pervert.) |
Chapter 1 - First day fuck |
In a two-story suburban home, there was a family of 11 people, there was Ms. Maria Miller the mother of the home, she mainly stayed there to clean, cook, and take care of the kids, Mrs. Arianna Pena was her wife and step-mom to many of the kids, she worked at an insurance office, helping with rent and bills, the kids, 8 daughters, and 1 son, did what they could to help, the oldest sibling, Alex was working as a manager and helped her mom clean the house, the second oldest was Clare, she worked in fast food as a cashier, the two younger twin daughters were still in high school, they would graduate at the end of the year, the step-siblings were older, Jessica, Ana, Susan, and Melissa all worked at home, Jessica was a journalist, Ana was a computer coder, Susan was an artist, and Melissa was a streamer. The last member of the family, Johnathan, was currently home from college, and he decided to order a new watch after losing his old one on the trip home.
"Hey, stepbro! Your package has arrived!" Yelled Ana, holding a white box the size of a phone box.
"Coming!" John responded.
A young man with blue eyes and short black hair with an average build showed up in the living room.
"Your package is on the counter." Said Ana
"What kind of watch did you get?" Ana asked
"A new one?" He responded sarcastically
"Okay Okay, I was just asking, no need to act like that," Ana said, a little annoyed
John took his package to his room, the attic more specifically. Being the only guy in the house with 10 other women made awkward bones a nightmare to deal with, and the attic was the only place where his privacy could stay private. Climbing up, he went to his bed and opened it up, and took out a smartwatch, it was those touch screen ones. He placed it on his wrist and got started setting it up.
"Okay, fingerprint, email, looks all good." He said looking at the screen
"Dinner!" Maria, his mom yelled
"Coming!" He said back
Looking around his room, he went to clear off his desk of his electronics, before turning on the ac. Opening the trap door, he went downstairs to the kitchen where everyone was eating. Seeing all those luscious curves, from firm pairs of breasts to soft-looking asses, would make any man pop a bone, and John was not the exception, even if it was family. Sitting down, he leaned over the years on how to hide his bones to prevent any awkward situations.
"Glad you could join us dearly," his mom said cheerfully "we are having spaghetti, hopefully, you enjoy it."
"Thanks, mom." He said softly
"Oh wow, is that a new watch!" Said, Melissa
"Yeah, I just got it." He said, showing it to her.
"Now now dear, finish eating your dinner, then you can talk about it all day tomorrow." said Arianna, his step-mom
"Okay," the two said.
Dinner was uneventful, so when he finished, he placed his dishes in the sink and headed upstairs to go to bed, little did he realize that after tonight, his world will change.
"Man, I hope Ash still remembers about our hang out tomorrow." John said as he went to sleep.
Meanwhile, as everyone was asleep, the watch turned on and began to download an app. It slowly downloaded from 20% to 48% till it was complete, after it was finished downloading the app it began to show a loading screen, on it said 'updating data'
Morning came with the ring of the alarm clock, waking up John, he rubbed the sleepiness from his eyes and stopped the alarm, checking the time on his watch it read 10:25.
"I've got an hour for breakfast," John said sleepily "I wonder if mom is still making pancakes?"
John got up from his bed and put on some sandals, but as he went to extend the ladder, he noticed he had a notification on his watch.
"Huh, what's this?" He said
As he tapped the notification, it opened an app he had never seen before.
"Welcome and thank you for using the app, it will make sure your life will be much better, simply buy an upgrade and watch the effects take hold instantly." it said
"What the?" John questioned, wondering what the app menu
"So far you have 150 points right now, go find a woman and do what you need to do to earn more points"
This simply confused him even more, deciding to ignore it, so he went to have breakfast. Though he did make a mental note to check the watch to see if this app was a virus.
Heading down to the second floor he realized it was very quiet, looking around he noticed most of the rooms were empty. Normally he would see Ana or Melissa in their rooms.
"Guess everyone has something to do today." John said, thinking nothing of it.
Arriving in the kitchen, he was indeed met with his mom, making pancakes as he hoped.
"Morning dear, did you sleep well?" His mom said in her cheerful tune.
"Yeah, just had to…" John slowly stopped talking as he noticed a number on his mom's head, it read
Maria Miller, score: -13
"what the heck is going on." he thought to himself, then he got another notification on his watch. Checking it, it was that strange app again.
"Congratulations, you now have 13 points to use, as well as 150 bonus points to get you started on the app"
"Had to what?" His mom asked
Thinking quickly, he responded with "Oh nothing, just making sure this watch works alright." He then opened the app menu to see what these points could be used for. The moment he looked through it, another notification popped up on the screen.
"pick any of these abilities to help you seduce any woman you come across, earn more points by getting their favor score to negative"
Removing the notification he began to think if this app is even the real deal, can it affect women and can he seduce them with what the app offered? However, the moment he looked at the ability list, the first one caught his attention immediately.
Enjoy the view: 20 points
Watch a woman and not worry about it being inappropriate, you can stare as long as you like.
Without thinking, he quickly selected the ability to unlock it. The app asked if this was what he wanted to unlock, and he confirmed his choice. Even if this app didn't work, he could easily excuse himself, but… on the off chance that this app could work, it'll make his life so much easier at home. His mom soon came by with a plate of pancakes, placing it in the middle of the table. She sat nearby and took one of the pancakes and put it on her plate.
"So, you're going to meet up with your friend today?" His mom asked
"Yeah, we are just gonna hang out at the In-N-out, probably check out the mall while we are at it." John responded as he placed a pancake on his plate and started eating.
As he ate his breakfast, he decided it was the best time to see if this app was the real deal. Taking a deep breath, he steeled himself and slowly looked towards his mom, he gazed at the fine chest that he often lust after when he was younger and graciously drank up the view.
"Do you have any plans for later?" His mom asked, causing him to break his sight towards her chest.
"Um, I...I don't know, but I'll call you if we do." He nervously responded, wondering if his mom noticed his staring.
Seeing her ignore his actions signaled to him that he could continue to stare at his mother's tits as they ate breakfast together, and as he finished and placed his dish in the sink he said bye to his mom and went to go to In-N-out, he checks the time, 10:52, it was only a 30-minute walk so he had enough time to make it before 11:30.
As he walked down the street, he saw several women everywhere, and yet there were no men around. Normally he'd ignore something like this, or simply not pay attention to it, but after seeing women hanging out on street corners doing drugs, coming in on dumpster trucks to take out the trash, and even as he walked past a car repair shop, instead of seeing a sweaty guy with a loose shirt and balding head, he saw a somewhat curvy woman with toned abs and muscular arms. It's as if most if not all the men have been replaced by women, does that mean… he's the last man alive?
"Nah, no way this is real," John thought to himself "this sounds like something straight out of an erotic fantasy story, right?"
As he approached the In-N-Out, he still saw no man in sight, even as families were enjoying their meals, children playing made-up games and teens listening to their music, they were all girls. Taking a seat at an empty table, he checked the time again.
"11:23, I've got around 7 minutes to myself, let's see what else this app has."
He opened up the app again and began to scroll through the options and gathered any information he could from it. After looking through the Abilities list, he saw just how many of these affected women.
Enjoy the view: Unlocked
Watch a woman and not worry about it being inappropriate, you can stare as long as you like.
Give a sniff: 50 points
Sniffing a girl, or her clothes isn't weird, no matter where you are.
Good kisser: 70 points
Any kiss you give will be pleasurable to any woman
Ask and you shall receive: 120 points
Asking for simple non-essentials is easy, just ask for a pen or some cash and she will listen.
Give it a feel: 150 points
Want to feel those tits, go right ahead, squeeze as hard as you like, she won't mind.
"Huh, that last ability would have been nice, being able to feel those tits instead of looking at them would be amazing." John said "Too bad I've already spent 20 points already, now I have 143 points, just 7 short."
John decided to check on how he can earn more points, selecting the help section gave him some interesting information.
"The only way to earn more points is by getting women attracted to you, you can see their score if you know their names, if the score is negative, they see you in a sexually attractive light, but if the score is positive, then they have no sexual attraction towards you. You can only earn points based on the negative score, positive score points will not give anything."
"Hey man, what's up." someone shouted to John
Looking up from his watch, he saw a dirty blonde girl wearing a yoga top, zipper Hoodie, and sweatpants with shoes. He realized the moment he saw her face, that it was Ashton, his friend, but now a woman… a quite nice-looking woman at that. Gathering his senses, he went and greeted his friend, but noticed he couldn't see his, or rather her, name and score like with his mom from earlier.
"Hey Ash," John said, trying to stay calm as he stared at her curves, "want to grab a bite to eat since we're here."
"Sure, I'm down for a nice burger and a soda, how about you?" Ash asked
"Nah I'm good, just had breakfast about an hour ago." He responded
"Suit yourself." She said as she went to order her meal.
John, now away from his distracting friend, gathered his thoughts. Are all the people in the world just women? Is he the only guy left? Does this app, and the watch by extension, have anything to do with this? He decided to check his phone and do some digging.
"Hey I'm back, you sure you don't want anything?" Ash announced
"Erm, yeah I'm fine…" John said
"You sure, you kinda look nervous."
"Hey, didn't you just get your driver's license?" John quickly asked, changing the subject
"Oh yeah, I didn't show you yet." Ash said as she sat down and fished for her wallet "check it out!"
John saw a simple photo ID with her picture and her name, Ashley Martha Jones. Interesting, so the guys he knew not only turned into girls, but they also had a name change as well, also he never knew his best friend had a middle name!
"Your middle name is Martha?" John asked, surprised.
A slight blush appeared on Ashley's face
"Well, uh…yeah erm, I just never…you know what, I don't need to tell you." Ashley reached out and took the driver's license away from John
John looked up above Ashley's head and lo and behold, there was her name and score.
Ashley Martha Jones, score:1
"Huh, guess it won't take much to make her attracted to me." John thought to himself "Then again, why does my mom have a lower score than my best friend?"
It wasn't until after he thought about it that it kinda made sense, his mom loves him, albeit in a mom and son relationship kind of way. Though she does seem to be more protective of him ever since their step-siblings moved in.
"Anyways, what do you wanna do?" Ashley asked as she ate her burger.
"Hmmm, I heard Dark Souls 3 was just released a few days ago, want to go check it out?" John asked
"Sure, I have a PS4 at home, so we can head there once we're done."
"Sounds like a plan"
After Ashley finished eating, the two went into her car and drove to the video game store, entering inside they already saw several people lined up at the cash register.
"Huh, guess we are a little late." John said, looking around.
"There are still a few copies left, let's get one before they run out." Ashley said as she headed to the new release section.
John decided to look around the store some more, wondering what else the store had, as well as look at the lovely women currently shopping. Checking the app again he looked at the Abilities list and wondered.
"How am I going to get more points." He thought to himself "I don't even know how I can get a girl to easily like me"
"Hello, do you have any questions?" Said one of the workers, she was shorter than him standing at about 5'2, and looked a bit nerdy with curly brown hair, freckles, and glasses.
He looked at her name tag and it read Wendy, just as soon as he finished reading it, he saw her score.
Wendy Marshal, score: -2
He looked back at his watch, staring at one of the Abilities, then back at her.
"Looks like if I want to get more points, I have to spend some." He thought, selecting the Good kisser ability, now he had 75 points left.
Good kisser: Unlocked
Any kiss you give will be pleasurable to any woman.
"Yeah, I was wondering if you have any old game consoles." He asked
"Oh we have some in the back, would you like for me to get it for you?" Wendy asked
"Actually… I don't mind helping you look." He said as he stepped closer to Wendy.
"W-well sorry but only employees are allowed in the back?" She said, getting a little nervous at how close he was getting.
He lifted her chin, and stared into her eyes, she had a rosy blush across her face.
"Here goes nothing," He thought as he leaned in for a kiss. Warm, that's what Wendy felt when this man kissed her, she never got to experience this before, she always thought she would get her first kiss at a party or something, not at her boring job, yet here she was, kissing this stranger in the middle of the store, and she…loved it.
"Looks like it works." He thought as he stared at the girl who seems to be drunk on love right now, her score lowered to -32.
"So, would you take me to the back, so we can take a look?" He asked, taking her out of her stupor.
"Uh…yeah, follow me" she answered, blushing and avoiding eye contact along the way.
"Huh, where did he go?" Ashley wondered as she looked across the store.
Ashley had with her a PS4 copy of Dark Souls 3 and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, as well as a halo t-shirt.
"Might as well stand in line, it's gonna take a while anyway." Ashley said as she took her spot at the back of the line.
Meanwhile, at the back of the store, John and Wendy were passionately making out, kissing deeply into each other's lips. Wendy was having a roller-coaster of emotions, she started this day not expecting anything to happen, and yet not even an hour has passed after meeting this man and they were making out in the back of the store, like some kind of teen couple in those romantic movies she enjoyed watching. John, on the other hand, enjoyed this calm little moment, where the world took a backseat for the moment as the only thing that mattered right now was them. The kiss that felt like it went on forever was broken off to allow the two to catch their breath.
"Huff, huff, wow," Wendy said as her chest heaved to get air in. "That was amazing, I'm glad my first kiss was a good one."
"Huff, huff, yeah I enjoyed it too," John said as he looked into her eyes with a smile." Sadly I have to get going, you may not have what I was looking for, but at least I found something more valuable."
"Well, is there anything else you need?" Wendy asked, blushing slightly.
"Yeah, but I'm going to need your number for that." John responded as he offered his phone to her.
She accepted it and began to put in her number, as she did so he noticed her score went down to -49.
"Hey, sorry for taking so long." John said as he walked up to Ashley.
"Where were you?" Ashley asked as she paid for her stuff "I texted you earlier and you didn't respond?"
"Well, I was a bit busy at the moment, sorry for worrying you." John responded
"I wasn't worried, just annoyed is all" Ashley reassured him. "Besides, we got the game, and I can't wait to play it!"
As the two left the store with their goods, a girl wearing tight yoga pants walked by, while John didn't mind taking a look at that nice-looking cake this woman was packing, he was surprised when Ashley was also looking at that ass, as well.
"Damn, that's a fine ass if I ever saw one." Ashley said after the woman walked past them.
"Definitely." John agreed as he went into the car. They began to drive on to Ashley's house to go play the new games they'd just bought.
"Oh man, I'm so excited!" Ashley squealed as she drove. "I can't wait to play them!"
"Have you played any of the souls' games?" John questioned as he looked at his phone.
"Well no, but I have heard that they are pretty hard though," Ashley responded. "But I doubt they would make it impossible, right?"
"Yeah," John said "I mean, how hard can this game actually be?"
"WHY would they leave such a hard enemy in the starting area!" Ashley shouted as a crystal lizard rolled across the screen.
The two friends were in Ashley's room, currently playing the game Dark Souls 3 on their PS4.
"I mean it did say to turn back." John said as he picked up the controller.
"Yeah sure, I would like to see you try." Ashley huffed.
"I'll be sure to make it farther than you." John responded.
"This Iudex Gundyr guy sure is kicking your ass." Ashley said as John respawned at the bonfire.
"Yeah, I can see why you were pissed off now." John said as he kept his cool.
"I mean, he's literally the first boss, how are we going to survive the rest of the game?" Ashley questioned
"Well, I guess we just have to get good at it then." John answered as he handed off the controller to Ashley.
"Oh, hardy har har," Ashley responded.
"Okay, how about whoever beats the boss first, gets a reward." John said
"What kind of reward?" Ashley asked
"Whatever the other person is comfortable with doing." John answered
2 hours later…
"You almost have him!" Ashley shouted.
"I know, let me focus!" John snapped back.
Iudex Gundyr was in his second form, a sliver of health was left on him, just one more hit.
"Come on, come on!" John said as he avoided the thrashing black appendage. Then, seeing an opening, he struck.
"You got him!" Ashley shouted excitedly
"YEAH!!!" John shouted as Iudex Gundyr, the first boss fell.
"You did it!" Ashley cheered
"It took us so long!" John responded as he stretched his arms out.
"I believe someone gets to have their reward?" Ashley asked
"Yeah, first let's save, don't want to die after all that." John responded as he went to the bonfire.
"So, what do you have in mind?" Ashley wondered
"Hmmm, how about a kiss?" John answered
"A kiss?" Ashley questioned
"Yeah, are you uncomfortable with it?" John asked
"No no, I just thought you wanted something else." Ashley answered as she faced him.
"Alright then, I'll make sure we both enjoy it though." John said as he went to kiss the second woman today.
The kiss felt like lightning, it shocked across her body, leaving a null warmth all over. She never even thought a kiss would make her feel this way, she was getting all giddy from these sensations like she was spun around and around on a warm summer morning. She didn't want this kiss to end, but sadly John pulled away.
"How was that?" John asked Ashley
"Amazing" Ashley said, still lightheaded from the kiss.
John smiled at the answer, only for Ashley to suddenly lean in for another kiss, he didn't mind going again. The two lay in bed, passionately kissing, Ashley on top, and John at the bottom, soon Ashley began to trace her hands down, however, John placed his hands on her shoulders, ending the kiss again.
"Was I going too fast?" Ashley asked, worried that she might have pushed too far.
"No, it's just a little early for it right now." John assured her as he sat up.
Taking a glance at Ashley's score, John saw that her score went down to -57, this kissing ability was definitely worth its price, he wondered what else this app was capable of. Meanwhile, Ashley was sitting on the bed, still blushing slightly from the kiss. She can't get over the fact that not only did she just kiss her best friend, but she also enjoyed it. Looking at John, she noticed he didn't seem to be flustered at all, did he even enjoy it, or was it just something else?
"Hey um, did you…enjoy it?" Ashley embarrassingly asked.
"Well yeah, I mean it wasn't bad if you were wondering." John responded
"You know what, I enjoyed that way more than you did, you deserve something else." Ashley said as she got up from the bed and went in between John's legs, reaching forth to unbutton his pants.
"Well, I am not going to argue with this." John said as he helped out.
Ashley soon took out John's erection and began to stroke it, John leaned back, enjoying her soft hands stroking his dick. She soon began to lick the tip, luring it up with her warm saliva, and as soon as she placed it into her mouth, John felt himself getting close to cumming. Feeling her warm mouth move up and down his dick, he warned her to his orgasm, she held the tip in her mouth, feeling his cumshot release down her throat as she swallowed.
"Wow, that was…amazing." John said as he fixed his pants.
"Yeah, just don't expect this to be a regular occurrence alright," Ashley stated.
"Ashley! Lunch is ready!" Shouted Ashley's mom.
"Coming!" Ashley responded, she then looked at John "come on, let's have some lunch."
"Yeah I'll be there, let me just text my mom." John responded.
Turning on his watch, he texted his mom that he would be having lunch at Ashley's house, then he checked the app.
181 points
He got lightheaded upon seeing the number, he had enough points for the ability with 11 points left.
Give it a feel: Unlocked
Want to feel those tits, go right ahead, squeeze as hard as you like, she won't mind.
"Done." He said As he began to follow Ashley downstairs to have some lunch. As they walked, John decided to test the ability out and reached forward and grabbed Ashley's butt from behind. He gave it a nice squeeze as they entered the kitchen, as they did, Ashley's mom was placing plates on the table, each filled with mashed potatoes and pasta.
"I'm glad you're joining us for lunch John." Said the mom, her sweet smile making him blush
"Thanks, Mrs. Jones." John responded
"Oh please sweetie, you can call me Jessica." She said as she went to get cups.
"Jessica Jones huh." John thought to himself, he looked up to see if she had a score above her head, and sure enough, there it was.
Jessica Jones, score: 58
"Dang, that's the highest score I've seen all day." John thought to himself.
"Thanks for the lunch mom." Ashley said as she sat down and began to eat.
John took his seat beside Ashley and began to eat as well.
"Do you want Pepsi?" Asked Mrs. Jones "or would you like a sprite?"
"Pepsi is fine." He answered
After a while, everyone finished lunch, and John and Ashley went to play for a little longer until around 4 pm when Ashley went to drop John back at his house.
"Thanks for the ride." John said in the passenger seat.
"Don't mention it." Ashley said, "by the way, about earlier, with the kissing?"
"Yeah?" He responded
"Was that…do you…" Ashley said nervously as if she was trying to find the words on what to say.
John looked at her, noticing the light blush on her face.
"I don't mind if you want to kiss again, it's all right," he said, reassuring her. "After all we're friends."
Why did he say that, why the fuck did he say that? He mentally screamed in his head over that response.
"Y-yeah…friends," Ashley said quietly
The rest of the drive was uneventful, and soon John was in front of his mom's house. He opened the door and walked in, wondering if the Twins were home or were doing an after-school club activity. As he walked into the kitchen, he saw his mom drying up the dishes.
"Hey, mom, I'm back." John said, "are the twins home?"
"Hello sweetie, and no they're not home right now." His mom answered, "they are at their book club."
"Did anyone else come home?" John asked
"No, just us two." His mom answered again.
John slowly sneaked up behind his mom as she finished up with the dishes. Double-checking her score, it was still at -13, taking this opportunity he wrapped his arms around his mom's waist and hugged her. He felt her warmth, snuggled her soft silky smooth hair, and gently groped her impressive tits.
"Oh my," his mom said, "what's this all about?"
"Well, since I am going to go back to college next week, I just want to spend some time with you." John said as he firmly grasped her boobs in his hands, feeling their soft texture.
"Awww, my sweet baby!" His mom cheerfully said as she turned to face him. She kissed his cheeks, as any mother would do. "I would be happy to spend time with you!"
He looked at his mom, the woman who he lusted for, ever since he was a horny teen hitting puberty, and now, he gets to finally fulfill his incest fantasy. He locked lips with his mom as soon as the opportunity revealed itself, he felt lightheaded, he saw the shock in his mom's eyes when she realized what just happened. As he took in the kiss, his hands began to explore the luscious and curvy body of his mom, one hand went under her shirt, cupping her breast and rubbing her nipple, and the other went lower, unbuttoning her pants and going into her panties, rubbing her warm pussy. He couldn't believe how soft her chest felt in his hand, they felt like dough, and the nipple provided something nice to pinch and twist, while her cunt began to get wetter and wetter from his actions as he rubbed and fingered it.
This went on for several minutes, just him and his mom, with him molesting her in the kitchen. It wasn't until his mom broke the kiss that he realized his mom wasn't putting up much of a fight if at all.
"Huff, sweetie, let's…talk on the couch." His mom said sheepishly, blushing as red as a tomato.
"...Okay" he responded, getting one last hard squeeze on those massive tits before letting go.
As the mother and son walked to the couch, he saw her score was at -51, he wondered if the score was affected by their relationship or by his actions.
"Okay…now." His mother stated as she sat down. "I know that you are the only man in this household, so you might have some sexual frustration you want to express."
He sat down beside her, listening to her talk.
"But…we can't be doing this." His mother stated.
"Why not," John asked, fully aware of why having a sexual relationship with his mom may not be the best of choices, but he didn't care.
"Because you're my son," she said
He then took a small kiss on her lips.
"And having such a relationship is not"
He then took another kiss, much to her annoyance.
"Going to be possible, I am already married"
Another kiss
"Stop that." She said, blushing and smiling a little bit.
The last kiss broke her, and they both collapsed onto the couch in each other's arms. John then pulled away and looked at his mom, her score had gotten lower, down to -65.
"Do you still want me to stop?" He said with a smug
"Oh, you naughty boy!" She said, "Let's go somewhere more private."
The two went upstairs, giggling like a young couple on honeymoon, into the parental bedroom, where they stripped naked and went onto the bed. John stared at the lovely form of his mom, her naked breasts, her thick ass, and her wet pussy. He went on top of her, groping one of her tits once again, as he angled his dick with his other hand.
"Don't worry about being gentle sweetheart" his mom said, lust dripping from her voice,
"Mommy can handle all of you."
That was all he needed to hear, the moment he felt his tip brush against her opening, he took the plunge and drove it all in.
Bliss, pure bliss was the only way he could describe it. The feeling of being in his mom was insurmountable to anything else he experienced in his sexual life. He gripped her tits to steady himself as he adjusted to her warmth.
"Hahh" John exclaimed
"That's it, baby! Fuck your mommy!" His mom shouted.
All he could do was obey, he began to pull out before thrusting back in.
"Yes! just like that, keep going!"
"Oh fuck, you feel so good, mom!" He said as he began to heavily thrust into his mom, getting a rhythm going.
He began to pinch, bite and suck on her nipples, as the thrusting was getting more and more intense. They fucked for several minutes, enjoying each other's bodies and sexual experiences, but soon, that familiar feeling before ejaculation was creeping up on John.
"Mom, I'm gonna…" John tried to say as he continued thrusting
"Go on baby, cum inside mommy!" She said, as if not caring what might happen.
After thrusting in that wet pussy, he thrust as deep as he could and came inside.
"I'm cumming!" John shouted.
"Ahhh!" His mom shouted as she received an orgasm at the same time.
The two collapsed on each other after their shared orgasm, with John resting his head on her soft chest. After lying still for several minutes, his mom spoke up.
"That was incredible…" she said, exhausted.
"Yeah…" John responded weakly.
The two still lay on each other, cuddling closely in the afterglow. John continued to play with her breasts, much to her amusement.
"We are going to have to get up eventually." His mom said.
"Yeah, but let's wait a bit longer…" John said.
"Hehe, okay sweetie, just for you." She said, smiling warmly at her son as he played with her tits.
"Mom, You Home?!"
That was Melissa, hearing that voice caused the two to spring off the bed, quickly trying to get dressed.
"MOM!!!" Melissa called out again.
"Coming!" Said Maria as she looked at her son "quickly now before she sees us."
John quickly got his pants, shirt, and underwear on before exiting the room and heading for his room. Not a moment too late, he soon ran into his step-sister walking upstairs.
"Hey John, have you seen mom?" She asked
"Uhhh…yeah," he said, trying not to seem off, "she is in her room right now, I think."
"Thanks, also you stink," she said, holding her nose " go take a shower, will you."
"Sure" John replied as he watched his step-sister knock on their mom's door.
John washed his hair as he contemplated the events that happened today, he got a random girl's number, kissed and groped his best friend, and had sex with his mom, all on the same day. As he cleaned the musk of sex off his body, there was one thought that was running through his mind, just how powerful is this watch, and what are its limits. Speaking of which, he just realized that he forgot to take it off.
"At least you're waterproof," he said, chuckling to himself as he looked at the watch. "I can't wait to see what college has to offer when I get back." |
Chapter 1 - Drunken Stupor |
"Hey, here's an idea! Why don't we throw a party?" Ellen, the Mechanic, suggested. The local hero of their town, Marcus, had just gotten back from exploring a temple, looting all the stuff inside, and defeating a supposed golem that was threatening to kill him. As a result, suggestions got passed around the townsfolk about what they should do as a celebration, with different people passing around different ideas. Eventually, the Mechanic's suggestion got taken, with everyone trying to think of what to do.
"I mean, I can bring some mechanical party stuff, like that party center Cherry tried to have me fix." Emeline, the Steampunker, suggested, referring to a mechanism that the Party Girl requested her to fix.
"I'll bring the other party stuff then! Streamers and balloons don't come easy, after all." Cherry announced, going with the Steampunker as they returned to their homes to get their shares done.
"I'll get everyone looking good for the party then, best I can do with all my styling stuff." Rox, the Stylist, pitched in, getting her scissors out.
"Think I can help you with that. I don't think anyone would need my healing skills in a party." Lorraine, the Nurse, stated, following Rox back to her salon to check out what she's got.
"I'll bring the booze! I've got a fresh batch of ale I wanna pass around." Ernest, the Tavernkeep, said excitedly, but he was shut down soon enough by the Dryad, Tania, who had other ideas.
"Actually, I wanna do that. I've practiced using my nature powers in different ways, so I wanna see if I can make drinks as well." She asked, Ernest looking a bit bummed but not rejecting.
"Okay, fine. I'll just tidy up my tavern instead so we can host the party there." He said, turning away as just Ellen and Tania remained, looking at each other.
"Guess I'll go follow him. If there's anyone who can help make the party look good with lights and stuff, it'll be me." Ellen declared, smirking. Though, Tania was quick to point something out.
"Isn't Emeline supposed to be able to do that as well?" Tania said, raising an eyebrow at Ellen trying to look superior.
"Well, yes, but she's off fixing Cherry's stuff, right? I don't even know what happened to it. Dian must have busted it up at some point or whatever." Ellen said as she crossed her arms, mentioning the Zoologist for no reason other than to give a suggestion. Shrugging, Tania just headed off, leaving Ellen to follow Ernest off to his tavern, which was built by Marcus so everyone could have a good place to get a drink.
But as for Tania herself, she headed back up to her treehouse, made from a hollowed out Living Tree by Marcus. "Okay, here goes nothing..." She said, gathering some stuff to make wine with from her stores. Throwing it all to chance as she attempts to follow the steps to make wine from a book she got from Joseph, the Merchant. "Hope this was worth the money I gave him, Marcus rarely buys purification powder from me nowadays ever since he got that blaster thing." Tania said to herself, remembering the lack of money she gets from selling things to Marcus after he obtained the Clentaminator from Emeline. Feelings aside, Tania tried her best with the winemaking, mixing both the manual part of the process and her powers to pull it off, always having fresh ingredients due to the fruits she grows on the balcony of her treehouse. It took a long while to figure out how each step went individually, she still went about doing it both calmly and efficiently, even if it does end up taking her more time than it would if she tried to pick up the pace. Yet, her approach and careful reading meant the entire winemaking process went smoothly, the resulting brew made from the grapes she had looking perfectly good.
Soon, the Dryad finished up the process, tasting it a little afterward to make sure it's actually drinkable. "Flavor's good, doesn't seem to hurt. Okay, this'll do. Better make more in case anyone wants a good amount." She said, planning to repeat the process one more time, and get another batch of the good stuff. Having completed it, Tania gave herself a pat on the back. "I'm surprised I didn't cause any problems this time... Oh well, I didn't screw it up, so I'll take it!" She announced to no one in particular, storing the wine in a makeshift barrel constructed out of vines and wood she summoned. The extra batch was made soon after, Moving the barrels to the side of her kitchen area so she can bring them to the party tomorrow afternoon. Unbeknownst to her, using her powers basically sped up the aging process of the grapes... Maybe a little too much, which meant the wine ended up stronger than your average batch. Of course, she isn't a connoisseur, so she couldn't quite notice just from a finger dipped in wine. So, she just went about the rest of her day, descending from the treehouse to find out what the others were up to, since a good chunk of the other townsfolk weren't present for the discussion of what to do for the party. They're either not coming or not invited, so she'll have to see which one it's gonna be.
Once the next day rolled around, preparations for the party were more than underway. Ernest and Ellen fixed up the tavern to make it more fitting for a party, Rox and Lorraine gave anyone who asked a touchup with their hair, Emeline finally got Cherry's Party Center working again, and Tania was ready to bring the barrels of wine to the tavern. As for the guest of honor himself though, Marcus was in his home, built atop a hill one afternoon because he was bored and had a whole bunch of materials he could use. Rubbing his eyes and looking around, he got out of bed and went downstairs. Though, at the kitchen table, was a small envelope that had been closed with just tape. Confused, he opened it up, and read the letter inside.
"You've been invited to a party at Ernest's Tavern! After hearing what you did yesterday, we wanted to celebrate! See you at 5PM!" It read, with Cherry's signature at the end.
"Looks like they're throwing a party for me. Well, at least that means I don't have to do any exploring today. Might as well get myself a good outfit if I'm going, I don't think showing up in my battle armor would look fitting." Marcus said to himself, opting to spend his morning finding something to wear. Luckily, it wouldn't take long, since after digging around in his dresser and wardrobe, he found a set of his normal clothes, consisting of a simplistic blue coat, black shirt, and some comfy pants. Thinking it'll do, he left the house, getting some food from a travelling merchant that happened to show up and offer some grub he was selling. It didn't cost him too much, but since he had a lot of money from all the monster killing he was doing, it didn't exactly concern him. As the sun went down though, he remembered the time mentioned on the letter, and headed back to town. "Wonder what they've got prepared. Hope there's food or something." He said to himself, making his way over.
As Marcus approached the tavern, the townsfolk were putting the finishing touches in place. Tania's Dryad's Brew, named to keep in line with her Blessing and Bane powers, was fully prepped. There was also a lot of party decor set up by Cherry, something she was rather excited to do for some fairly obvious reasons. And lastly, advanced dynamic lighting fixtures were set up by Ellen and Emeline, teaming up because Lorraine managed to force them to after she was done helping Rox out. The end result was that they turned the tavern into something of a club, even including music from music boxes that were courtesy of the old wizard that Marcus managed to help out, though he wasn't invited. Not that anyone involved with organizing the party would really care, the old guy didn't exactly leave his floating tower much to begin with, so he probably wouldn't mind. More booze for everyone else!
"He's coming!" Connor, the Guide, announced to everyone, pointing out the approaching Marcus through a window. Getting to their positions with the techie girls at the lights, Ernest behind the bar, and everyone else at the seats, Connor opened the door and let Marcus in. Who was immediately greeted with a warm welcome from almost everyone inside, much to his surprise.
"Woah, quite the welcome you guys put together." He said, pleasantly surprised at all the effort that they went through for this. Looking around, he spotted a whole bunch of people present. Aside from the aformentioned helpers, also present was Dian, Reginald the Arms Dealer, and Gimut the Demolitionist. While the former got invited, the latter two just showed up because they wanted a drink.
"Well, you probably went through a lot of effort killing that big golem thing, so it only felt good to return the favor!" Cherry said to him, passing him a mug of ale. They wanted to save Tania's wine for the final part of the party, so they're starting it off with Ernest's ale instead.
"Okay, but just make sure I don't regret this, alright?" Marcus replied, taking the mug and downing it in one go like he always has. Chuckling a bit, he tosses the emptied mug to Ernest, who easily catches it and starts to refill it like he always does. Getting things started, the party began with a few party games, mostly consisting of ones made by Connor, and Dalek the Goblin Tinkerer, who had other things to do and couldn't make it to the party. Pin The Tail on the Bunny, ale pong, Hot Potato with a confetti grenade made by Gimut, anything went. Hell, there was even a pont where they stacked up bottles and threw water balloons that Cherry brought, wanting to see if anyone can knock down all six with just two throws. Surprisingly, Reginald came out on top in that regard, his skill with firearms even applying to his throwing, much to Gimut's annoyance since he did the best beforehand. They still had a good time drinking of course, thanks to being served some food that Ernest made while the fun was going on. Turns out roast rabbit goes well with ale, who would have known?
By the time the party was starting to wind down though, the group unanimously decided to end it with a bang. Cracking open a barrel of Tania's wine, Ernest was the first to check it, taking a sip from a mug. After some taste testing, he nods in approval, impressed by the Dryad's brew. "I have to admit, I'm pretty impressed with how you did this." He told her, garnering a smile from Tania.
"Thanks! Tried my best." She said, and soon enough, mugs full of it were passed around. Saying cheers and bumping mugs together, everyone got to drinking, wanting a taste. However, either through Ernest having a natural resistance to the strong part of alcohol, or Tania being lucky, no one was expecting that her wine ended up beng a bit too strong. Though, even with the very strong fermentation, the taste was too good to pass up. To put in perspective how strong it ended up being though, even Gimut, the heaviest drinker of all, got knocked out by the brew in just about four mugs. While that sounds like it's already high, it usually takes him fifteen mugs of ale to feel even just a little tipsy, so it's incredible that Tania managed to pull it off.
Speaking of her though, pride caused her to drink a bit more than she usually would, having herself more than a few mugs of the wine with Marcus. Leaving her a giggling mess, Tania held onto the hero as the drinking occured, hitting on him more than once. Though, his drunkedness meant he was fairly clueless about her advances as a result, not that Tania minds. She was just too drunk to care, really. Since things were coming to a close, everyone started heading back to their homes for the night, needing help from some others to get home and resulting in them having to stay the night there. The same happened for Tania and Marcus, with the former asking the latter to help her out.
"L-listen, I'm probably... too drunk to walk h-home straight. Think y-you can give me a r-ride home, big guy?" She asked, giggling a little as Marcus himself finished off one more mug of Tania's wine.
"I-I guess... Good thing I managed to... uh... Build that staircase... I think..." He replied, setting down the mug as he got up, stumbling a small bit. At least it wasn't as bad as Tania, who straight up couldn't walk properly because of how much alcohol she's had, and was forced to put her arm around Marcus so they could get going.
Bumbling on back to the Dryad's treehouse, the two had to get used to their drunkedness if they wanted to get a move on. Nearly falling over and having to rely on Marcus, Tania felt a bit tough to carry around, owing to her being about the same heaviness as him. Still, they managed to get back to the treehouse, safe and sound and without fully falling over like two idiots. Granted, Tania was making jokes and sounding like a drunken aunt, but at least Marcus being a bit of a bonehead when drunk helped him stay focused on getting her home. Climbing up the stairs, Marcus felt a little dizzy carrying her up, especially with Tania treating it as a ride for no discernable reason, except for being drunk. "Weee~" She said every time he brought her up another step, save for when she decides to giggle instead. Thankfully, they manage to get back up to the main house part regardless, without any incident... Until Tania gets the clever idea to sneakily summon a vine in Marcus's path, causing him to trip and fall over, bringing the Dryad with him.
Now on the ground, Marcus let out a groan of frustration, at least before he noticed what happened to Tania. Namely, she was now right on top of him, looking him in the eyes. Though he was too drunk to realize what went down at his feet, Tania sure as hell wasn't, and she took the chance to play around with him. "Oops~ Looks l-like you fell over..." She said, giggling as she moved her hands around Marcus, with her body in an advantageous position since she landed right on top of him, pressing her rather sizable chest against his. "Good thing y-you managed to catch m-me with your body~" Tania continued, while Marcus was mostly just confused. But even with that, the dryad still kept going, grinding her body against Marcus.
"W-woah... You f-feel warm..." He said, commenting on Tania's actions as she slipped her hands under his shirt, not having to deal with his coat since he took it off earlier at the bar. Rubbing her palms along his fairly toned body, the dryad giggled, feeling him up as things went. Granted, she wasn't the only one who was able to get handsy, as after some idle reaching, one of Marcus's hands found its way to Tania's breast, with him squeezing it out of instinct and eliciting a slight moan from her. "W-what am I f-feeling...? It's like a ball... but softer..." He commented, lightly groping her. Tania's home had dim light, making it harder for him to tell what he's pressing. It's a good thing those vines on her body were easily removable, as she managed to remove them with just a single thought. Now left topless, Tania kept the foreplay going, guiding Marcus's other hand onto her free breast so that the fun is equal for the two of them.
"Am I r-rubbing something on y-you? Just a-asking since i-it feels so smooth..." He commented, Tania only giggling as a reply at first while she let him play with her rather nice bosom. In the middle of Marcus groping her though, the dryad shifted position, straddling him while keeping his hands on her breasts. In the new position, Marcus managed to get his thumbs on her nipples, getting some moans out of her since she didn't expect him to pick up on that. "Ooh, bumpy..." He said, both hands shifting away from just groping her and moving toward playing with her nipples. Gigglig at his intuition, Tania cracked a toothy grin at him when he was able to see her, with the next sensation being her vines as they slipped the shirt off him, setting it aside as she moved her hands onto his chest, feeling him up again. Though this time, it was much more enjoyable since they were both topless.
"N-now I can see your body... Your b-big, tough, hot body~" Tania teased, giggling as she moved his hands off of her breasts for the moment, so that she can move herself down and put her lips onto his chest. Going with how she was feeling, that is to say an unbridled amount of lust, she started to leave kisses on it, going in repeatedly while trailing upward. All the way up to his face, where she went in for a pretty passionate kiss, putting her hands on his cheeks as she smooched him. The kiss lasted for more than a few seconds, Marcus putting his hands on her back and holding her close as the two made out. Eventually though, they broke off, Tania looking him in the eyes as she giggled. "Y-you're quite the k-kisser, you know that~?" She teased, giving him one more kiss on the cheek before going back down to his chest. Instead of another trail though, she bit him lightly near his neck, just enough to leave a hickey where she bit. "C-consider that a s-souvenier~" Tania said, getting handsy once more while she was in her current position. As in, she snuck her hand down Marcus's pants, the lack of any buttons or zippers meaning it was really easy for her to do so.
As she rubbed his crotch through his underwear though, she felt him get hard, which a bit of a surprise since she had expected him to already be rock solid from the point he played with her nipples. Still, she went with it, using her fingers to rub his bulge. "S-something feels... I... feel something on m-my... my dick..." He said, Tania giggling at his words.
"Of c-course you d-do ya big d-dummy, I'm rubbing i-it..." She replied, pulling her hand away after some more teasing. "Though I t-think it's... best we get to the fun s-stuff~ R-right~?" She said, Marcus replying with a thumbs up instead. Making her way down his body, Tania got her hands around his pants and removed them, her vines providing an assist by fully slipping it off and throwing it aside like they did with the shirt before. Leaving just his underwear, Tania decided to get creative with removing them. As in, she stuck her teeth into the band, and started pulling it down, doing it slowly to keep a bit of suspense. Eventually, his member sprang out, giving the dryad quite a surprise due to the fact that he was apparently packing a nine incher.
"W-woah.. Y-you're a big guy in m-more ways th-than one~!" Tania said, smiling as she looked at his erect cock, giggling as she moved up to lick it. As her tongue coated Marcus's cannon in saliva, he let out some small moans, his hands staying by his side at the moment since he didn't know where to put them. Tania did at least make a move, shifting from tongueplay to suckling on his tip once his whole shaft was lubed with her spit. She didn't stop there though, as she snuck one of her hands down and started fondling his sack. Rubbing it while still suckling the tip of his dick, the dryad fought through her drunkedness to deliver an excellent service, something confirmed by Marcus letting out more than a few moans as time passed. Things didn't stay like that for long though, as eventually, Tania started going further, taking half of his dick inside of her mouth without any issue. As Marcus let out another moan, Tania giggled internally, happy to see him enjoying himself as she did her work. Granted, he wasn't the only one having a good time, as Tania slipped two of her fingers into her entrance, getting herself off so that her Marcus doesn't get to hog all the fun for himself.
After about half a minute of sucking on half his shaft, Tania went all the way to the base, taking the entirety of his cock in her mouth with ease, sucking the entire time as she stayed at the base of his dick. Closing her eyes and letting her instincts do the work, the dryad started moving her head up and down, Marcus moaning out in pleasure from Tania's rather skilled blowjob. It's a good thing he's able to last a while though, as anyone else would probably start feeling a buildup fairly soon. Even with that though, the dryad was eager to please, enjoying herself as she serviced Marcus with everything she had. After a bit more time though, he felt a shot coming, a sensation that he isn't unfamiliar with due to... Let's just say, some alone time he's had in the past. Tania had a feeling he was getting close, so she picked up the pace. Bobbing her head up and down on his cock rapidly, it didn't take long until Marcus shot his load, going right into Tania's mouth as she didn't even pull up, taking the entirety of his noticeably large cumshot and sucking it down. Once he was done, she finally pulled away, letting out a pop and a giggle afterward.
"Delicious~ And quite a lot, too~!" Tania commented, moving herself up a little bit so she can wrap her breasts around his still erect cock. "Glad to see you can go for a few more rounds~" She said. Marcus, meanwhile, was still riding the feeling of his previous climax, meaning he was a bit more sensitive due to having just let out quite a bit of jizz.
"I... D-don't wanna... disappoint... I t-think?" He was a bit loose when it came to returning Tania's teases, but with his performance so far, she was willing to let it slide. Opting instead to get the next part going, she squeezed her breasts against the side of his dick, which still had plenty of her saliva on it even after she had already pulled away.
"S-since you l-liked my breasts, h-how about you f-fuck them, hm~?" Tania teased, giggling as she started to stroke him off using her breasts. Thanks to having the second biggest pair of tits in the town, she was able to please him expertly using them, even if she was moving slow at first.
Of course, she didn't stay slow for long, as eventually she picked up the pace and began grinding her breasts against his dick, similar to what she was doing earlier on his chest. She even snuck a few licks in on the tip of his dick, though her focus remained on giving him a good titjob. "L-loving this, aint'cha~?" Tania teased, Marcus only able to respond with moans at first, but he eventually finds it in him to speak.
"I-I am, yeah... W-wow... whatever you're... d-doing is... crazy g-good..." He pushed out, the dryad giggling as she kept a good tempo. Hearing confirmation from Marcus that she was doing great caused her to want more, which in turn would also mean she kicks it up a notch once again. Drooling onto his dick and covering both his shaft and her breasts with even more saliva, Tania was completely into it by now, a feeling Marcus couldn't quite return because he was more focused on an impending buildup. Namely, the one he felt as he was nearing his limit, Tania's heavenly breasts pleasing him to the point that he was feeling desperate to shoot. Luckily, her rapid pace and constant trickery would help out, and it didn't take long until he finally released. Splashing his cum onto her face and breasts, making quite a mess as a result.
After catching a good bit of Marcus's jizz in her mouth and letting the rest make a mess, Tania pulled away as she stood up, looking down at him. After recovering from his own dizzied state, Marcus refocused his vision, and could see the dryad as she moved forward, removing the vines on her lower half and squatting down shortly after, with her crotch aimed over his cock. "Now t-that we've gotten t-the early stuff done, l-let's g-get to t-the main e-event, shall we~?" She teased once more, and before Marcus could even say anything, she grabbed his cock, lined it up with her pussy, and dropped down, taking the entire length inside of her as she moaned out in surprise. "F-fuuuuck~!" She yelled out, both her and Marcus suddenly feeling a rather sharp jolt in pleasure from that. After taking a bit to settle and let her body get used to the size, Tania got to work, moving herself up and down on Marcus's cock, moaning every time she hit the base. Leaning her head back as she kept her hands on his chest, Tania kept a good tempo, going in deep each time as his cannon hit all of her sweet spots. As his dick began to leak precum the longer they went, Tania's snatch got a bit more slippery, though she was already pretty wet beforehand so they just mixed together. Still, she could feel the warmth, and craved more.
Tania kept riding Marcus a bit harshly for the next few minutes or so. It was fun to see him visibly react to the pleasure, but be so drunk that it took him by surprise every time. Going up and down and slamming her hips on Marcus playfully as things went on, Tania's drunken state meant she was feeling a lot more eager to act rough, feeding into her more dominant side. But before she can fully indulge that sensation, she starts to get close for an orgasm herself, meaning it was time for her to do her best. Going fast and strong with her cockriding, moaning out every cycle but also going a little too deep into her lust, which causes her to overshoot a little over Marcus's length and cause his dick to pop out. "Hah.. ahn... heh~" She giggled, laying down on top of a grunting Marcus. Pressing her body against his and asking something. "Care to... line i-it up f-or me, hun~?" She requested. It woke him up a bit, but since he was still in his drunken state, he had trouble finding his own dick with his hand. After a bit of moving and aiming, he manages to grab it and... pokes the wrong hole. Pressing on it instinctively, much to Tania's surprise.
"Waih... H-hun-oooh~....." Tania moaned as the tip slowly popped inside her backdoor, Marcus barely realizing as it felt incredible either way. Instead of correcting him though, Tania decides to have a little fun herself. Pushing down and letting Marcus get deeper inside her. At least it made him notice that something was different.
"D-did.. You j-just get... tighter...? F-fuck, didn't know... y-you can d-do that..." He said between moans, Tania going with the flow even with the change in situation. Since she was already pretty close to an orgasm before, she simply restored the tempo, the pleasure doubled due to how tight her backend was compared to her snatch. Of course, since that made things better, Tania moaned out louder and more often now, face looking ecstatic as she rode Marcus's cock like there's no tomorrow. And by sheer chance, Marcus was also getting ready to fire, something Tania managed to pick up on simply by how he was acting. Well, that and what he said a little later. "Gnh... I'm g-gonna.. hah..." He moaned out, trying to tell it to Tania. She already had a guess though, and ended up going full speed as she gave in to her lust. Before Marcus finally shot his load though, Tania gave an order...
"By Terraria, fill me with your seed~!" As she said that, having briefly broken through her drunken haze to shout her words out, both of them hit their limits, the dryad dropping down to the base of Marcus's cock as he shot his load. Filling up Tania's backdoor full of his warm, sticky jizz, she stayed on his dick for a little while, not moving until he was done. Once Marcus had pumped out his last though, Tania finally pulled up, getting his dick out of her ass and lying on top of him again. The two were both tuckered out, exhausted after that intense session. Giggling again, Tania gave him another kiss, holding onto him while they stayed on the floor. "F-fuck, that was a-amazing~" She said, putting her head on his chest as the two kept close, Marcus only able to respond with a slight chuckle due to a lack of energy. "B-best... party... e-ever...~" That was Tania's last words before going to sleep, falling unconscious with Marcus drifting off soon after...
The next morning, as the sun shone through the window in Tania's treehouse, the two drunk lovebirds were still asleep on the floor. Marcus woke up first, and after looking around, spotted Tania's sleeping figure lying on top of him. It didn't exactly feel uncomfortable or anything, hell, she looked rather cute while sleeping. So, he didn't move, and instead lay down on the ground and waited. Luckily, it didn't take long for her to wake back up, shifting slightly. "Good morning..." Marcus told her, Tania taking a bit to respond.
"Good... morning..." She replied, moving up a bit on him and closing her eyes.
"...That was, uh... Quite the night, huh?" Marcus commented, staying relatively calm. Tania didn't say anything yet, not because she's embarrassed but because she's still a bit sleepy.
"Sure was... Guess this means we're a couple now, huh?" She asked, Marcus smiling a little as he put his hand on her head, caressing it softly.
"Up to you to decide." He said, Tania giggling as her response while warming up to the feeling.
"Yeah... yeah, I think I'd like it if we were a couple. Not like we haven't been mingling the past month or so..." She told him, liking the sensation of his hand on her head. Opting to enjoy the morning, both of them stayed on the floor, keeping each other company. Even though last night was something of a drunken romp, the two decided to just take it as the start of a relationship. A rather loving one too, if their closeness afterward is anything to go by... |
Chapter 0 - Appearance |
When John came back home, he was not expecting there to be a naked girl decapitated on the floor of his apartment, her head disconnected and laying several feet from her body. She was a buxom redhead, and thick as half and half. But he scratched his head. There was no blood, no innards. In fact the area between her neck and head were clearly visible as if an MRI had been taken, but they stayed put like an invisible force was keeping them there.
He just stood there for several seconds, wondering what to do. The police would definitely not believe the story that he came found and found a dismembered woman on his floor. He didn’t have any friends that could help him cover this up, either. His neighbors were fairly nosy people, and thus trying to dispose of it would only spark their curiosity.
There was a sigh of relief when an eye opened on the disembodied head. Her swiveled around before staring at him. He stared back. A wave was given by him, but not returned. All in all it was fairly awkward to look at someone who he had just considered dead.
Only then the body moved, spreading the lower lips of her trimmed pussy, giving him an exclusive peak of her insides. He raised an eyebrow, but all the head did was roll her eyes.
John was not a questioning man, and so he slung the body over one shoulder, and took the head in his hands. All she did was stare at him as he brought her them to the bedroom. He gently lay the body on the king size bed before placing the head on his lap. She said nothing, her eyes trying to stare through him. Her brilliant blue orbs swiveled in her head to the growing length pushing against her cheek. They widened as it continued to grow. He smushed her cheek against his rod, feeling the softness of her skin all the way through his pants. She already knew what he was intending to do, but her body literally would not listen, beginning to pleasure herself. A few fingers placed tactically at her lips began to tease them, wetting them for her. Her other hand concentrating on her large nipples, twisting and flicking them.
Her face was flushed as she felt the pleasure transfer to her. She didn’t even notice him get out a gag. One that held a person’s mouth open, not allowing them to close it. The dullahan pursed her lips, sealing them as he tried to put it on. But instead of her forcing her mouth open, he simply pinched her nose. All it did was heighten the pleasure from the rest of her body. Her fingers becoming even more daring as they began to enter her pussy. John was patient as her cheeks began to blow out, her nipples hard enough to cut diamond, and just the rest height to pinch and roll.
She gasped, and that was when he pushed in the guard, swiftly fastening it around her head. The plastic tasted weird in her mouth, but it was even more annoying with her extremely long tongue hanging out. It reached at least half a foot out of her mouth, dangling on the sheets of the bed and transferring drool to them. She tried to retract it, but John was fast, grabbing it before she could. It was weird, feeling him grasp and play with her tongue. But he did little with it, letting go and allowing her to snake it back up into her mouth.
With the hand not placed atop her head, he unzipped his pants, revealing a tented underwear that sprung up. After deftly moving his hand through it, his member was out. It was way, way too big. At least two feet long and it wasn’t even fully erect. There was no escape for her, and her body came. She went cross eyed, her body covered in a sheen of sweat from what was about to happen to it.
She tried to look away but couldn’t, her eyes drawn like a magnet as he raised her head above his increasingly growing rod. It was like she was on a rollercoaster, and had just hit the hill. She was staring down the length of his dick, and could see the hilt. She knew he was going to try and hilt himself, that’s what they always did. She was full throttle fingering herself, her entire hand working to pleasure her lips as they became increasingly sensitive. She gulped.
Her head was impaled on the rod, lips first. She could feel herself gagging, unable to breath as he pushed her farther and farther along his length. There seemed to be no end to it. His dick was so long it passed out the exit to her neck, into the open air. It was changing the shape of her trachea with how hard it was. And her body could not be more aroused. It was thumbing her clit as if her life depended on it, both hands now contributing to pleasuring her cunt. Her back was beginning to arch, a telltale sign that the time for orgasm was near. But John just didn’t stop, continuing to slide her down his shaft like an onahole. And finally, she was there. She was staring at the base of his crotch, her bottom lip touching his balls. The dullahan’s eyes rolled up as she came, splattering her own face with her juices. There was so much she looked like she’d just come out of the rain. She could feel her pussy twitching, satisfied.
But John was nowhere near done. He grabbed her head with both hands and pulled her all the way up his cock-- far faster this time-- before slamming her back down. A little like one of those carnival games where you tried to hit a bell with a hammer. He kept playing that game, sliding her up and down his shaft, using her drool as lubricant. Eventually he too was near, his grip claw like as he slammed her down onto his shaft. He started grunting, twisting her head as he pushed it down. A whole new pleasure he’d never felt, her throat providing just enough friction for him to take advantage of such a fact. His balls began to tighten and he knew his time was near.
He came. His legs locked as his balls emptied into her throat. He gripped her tight at the base of his cock, his seed dripping onto the floor as his softball sized gonads pulsed. Luckily the dullahan had no need for air, or else she would have been long dead. It felt wonderful to be used like a cocksleeve, although she would never admit it. He then began the slow, tedious process of pulling her off. Allowing him ample time to feel her lips on every inch of his penis, before finally being pulled of with a ‘plop’. She couldn’t take his eyes off his dick. She’d never met a human with one so large. But, maybe he was done. Afterall, there was a non-trivial puddle of cum on the floor.
But no. His length had yet to soften. Her body’s arm grabbed at his hand, placing it on her pussy. He touched her lips. Far wetter than necessary for sex. His hand dripping enough that he placed it inside her mouth in order to wipe it off. Her lids were half closed in pleasure when he assumed the missionary position on her body. Not wanting to leave the head out of the action, he placed her on top of her womb, his hand gently angling her in such a way that she would be forced to see where they connected. Without her consent, her legs bent backwards, held back by her arms in a way that was perfect for breeding.
He had to take a few steps back just to line up the end of his dick with her entrance. Using his dick he teased her, tracing her holds with the tip of his dick, slathered in a mixture of his and her precum. To get a better look, her hands moved so that she was still in the folded missionary position, but was grasping onto her head. Her nose was so close as to brush her clit, causing her to shudder. She could smell his musk, his uncleanliness. It was intoxicating to breath it in, causing her to go crosseyed.
He took the plunge, her head pressed against her tone stomach as her body tried to adjust to his massive dong. It was so big that she could feel it distending her crotch, lifting her head ever so slightly. It was at her cervix, and he was only half way in. her entrance was kissing the tip of his penis, trying to suck him into her womb. But he just kept thrusting in, again and again. Stopping just short of penetrating her womb each time. Her tongue lolled out, draping over her muff and ass, hanging there loosely. His bed squeaked every time he thrust, bottoming out each time. Like he was trying to dig a hole with a hammer. She orgasmed, blasting her own cum against her tongue as her back arched, allowing him even further access to her depths.
His cock slid into her womb. She nearly lost it there from the pleasure. Not only did he pull the full two feet of his cock out, but he hit the end of her womb every time and it was driving her insane. She was practically drowning in pleasure, unable to breath as he relentlessly thrust into her.
John knew his time was near. The dullahan’s pussy was so amazingly tight that he could barely hold on. The fact that she was seeing herself fucked just made it all the hotter to him, especially since her tongue was slathering itself on his balls every time he entered her. Her womb was like a vacuum, it sucked him in and didn’t want him to leave. Her head might not have been straightforward, but her body was certainly honest. He could feel his balls tighten. He upped the pace even further, the bed rocking as he plowed into her with as much force as he could muster.
And then after hilting himself, his crotch touching her clit, he came. A flood of white seed painted the walls of her womb, filling her utterly. He panted, gently placing the head to the side as he collapsed on the dullahan’s body. He was wiped out after that. He hugged her close as the last of his seed left him, a few drops of it sliding out of her pussy onto the floor. That was the best lay he’d ever had, hands down. With the last of his remaining strength, he rolled over next to her, and fit her head over her body. Almost instantaneously it melded, allowing her to feel the full force of his actions and lock her legs again.
White cream dripped out of her pussy in copious amounts, mixing with her own cum as she orgasmed, back in complete control of her body. She couldn’t even move with how tired she was. All she could do was pass out next to a man she didn’t even know the name of.
Similarly, John slept without knowing her name. He would find it out the next morning. |
Chapter 0 - First encounter |
Scp 2544
Class: Euclid
Scp 2544 is a humanoid woman with extraterrestrial traits her body is covered in a thin mucus coating her grey black spotted skin. Her innards are a fleshy pink color and her mouth is also pink but her tongue is black. Subject does not talk but can write in all languages native to our world, even those long since forgotten. She has a bundle of tentacle like tails around her backside almost like a belt with studs on them that can extend up to five feet, often used to pick up objects.
Scp 2544 was first found in Nevada in the private rooms of a local brothel. She was caught having sex with a man who confused her for a prostitute. The man was found in the form of a bloody puddle just an hour before capture. One victim who witnessed the event had tried to bribe the D-class personnel to have a secret session with her. They were of course relieved of their memory of the incident via bbbbbbbbbbbbbb..
Scp 2544 has proven docile and sentient but has a taste for flesh. Not just human, she has been fed every type of meat we've given to her from basic farm animals to flesh of other Scps, with no side effects or lasting problems. However when presented with a living male specimen she will try and mate with it to the best of her ability, even when presented with insects and animals far too large or small for reasonable reproductive processes.
Subject has displayed rather high intelligence, to the degree of a college professor when presented with problems of mathematics, science and even riddles (results subjective.) However when presented with male Scps she is highly defensive and with females she's down right territorial. Her main purpose seems to breed with creatures naturally occurring in this world. However every being she's mated with has turned to a bloody puddle she later feasted on, subject seems to grow depressed as time goes on.
When given sexual toys for self enjoyment she simply ignores them and when asked about it she wrote "I seek companionship, I want real copulation, I have no use for it." She seems to only wish to breed and doesn't derive pleasure from the act but so far all subjects seem to be incapable of mating with her and surviving.
We will start interviewing her in hopes to find out more about her mating habits and reproductive capabilities via our only expendable socially interactive doctor, Dr. Bbbbbbbbbbbb
"Good evening 2544, how are you today?" She responds via a notebook pad and pencil.
She writes, "Fine. I am growing lonely however, and the mates you've been providing me continue to cease existing."
"Yes well we are continuously looking for a species you'll be able to reproduce with but we're barely a tenth of the way through the list of mammals and other-"
She writes before I could finish, "I am able to copulate and breed with all manner of life on your planet including fauna, flora, fungi,and even single cell organisms that reproduce asexually."
"You are? Your previous mates seem to contradict that statement 2544."
"I would prefer it if you called me bye a name, I like Eve if you would be so kind."
"Alright then, Eve it is. So if you're able to reproduce with all species on the planet why is it that every mate you've had has turned into a messy red puddle?"
She seems sad about what I said and continues to write. "I cannot comprehend why all of my mates have been turned into such a form. I have a vast knowledge in most fields of science and biology as well as the history of mystic findings I once believed to only be ignorance and fear ridden mortals coping with reality or madness consuming their mind, but being brought here was an awakening to my own ignorance on that matter."
"Perhaps it is not the species but rather how you mate? Perhaps we should try different positions, or environments?"
"I am unaware of if this will increase my odds of producing young, or decreasing the odds of my mate's life ending. It feels so empty in this cell, even when I mate."
"Hmm. Well maybe we should put off reproductive study until we think of something else. Perhaps we can start personal questions?"
She nods her head in agreement.
"Okay, let's begin. Where are you from?"
"Space I suppose, I believe I landed on earth as an egg and grew in an unfamiliar place until I was suddenly swept away bye water, absorbing intelligence from those I devoured, but I lost interest in that after I realised my purpose was to find a mate to be with until I am no more."
"Do you have preferences about what you mate with?"
"Nothing in particular, I prefer humans to any other species, you're the closest thing to me I have ever seen. I think that's the reason I was constantly hiding in those, whore houses. I never really liked the implications of being a whore. I am not selling my most intimate moments to make a monetary profit, I'm trying to find a missing half to my being."
"Do you force your mate to attempt reproduction?"
"No! Well… no. Not on purpose."
"Could you elaborate on that point?"
"Well, I sort of, have an abnormal mental ability. I can make somebody become overwhelmingly attracted to me, or I can make them completely unattracted to me. I find it hard to control and often I don't notice I've done it. The former happens when I am sexually excited and the latter when I am uninterested in a potential mate."
"You haven't turned down any of the potential mates we presented to you. Are there certain traits you'd rather not have in a mate?"
"A being with hatred or anger fueling them are more than just a turn off for me, having to eat my deceased mates means I absorb what they were and in a sense allow them to live on through me, this adding negative driving forces to my mind."
"I was wondering, why do you eat your deceased mates, you don't seem to require food like humans do, you don't even produce waste."
"Well I don't always do it, like with bad people, or less than sentient insects, I'd rather not have survival be the driving force of my morals, I'd rather be a caring human like creature than a cold unfeeling insect."
"Yes well it's good to hear you care about how you affect not only yourself but the world around you. If more of my species were like you I think our world would be a lot better off."
She pauses a moment while two of her tentacles wrap around each other. "Thank you. I also think you are nice. The men that brought me here could learn something from you."
"Did they harm you? I have no report of injury in the files."
"No, I can just sense they are highly troubled both in their minds and in their souls, you seem to have a caring personality despite your higher intelligence."
"Aw, you're making me blush here."
"I am sorry! I didn't realise I had done it again."
"Oh no, no. It was a figure of speech, I just meant you're flattering me." She seemed relieved a bit but still flustered. "So, does that mean you're currently sexually excited?"
Her tentacles are twisting around one another tightly. "Y-yes, I am not used to extended hours of personal conversation. Especially with someone as kind as you. Would you… be interested?"
"Well, I can't say I don't find you interesting or attractive. However I am not sure I am willing to run the risk of, well, liquidation. Besides that even if I did survive I might never be able to see you again, I might even be killed."
She looks down sadly, "I understand but I feel close to you now."
Subject then extends a tentacle and wraps it around the doctor's hand. The doctor notes an odd feelinging in his stomach as the next event occured. Suddenly the doctor began coughing and eventually threw up what looked like a black egg with tentacles, it flung itself at scp 2544 and had vanished into her throat..
"Oh, Jesus Christ what the hell is that?"
She releases him, "I don't know!"
She had spoken, surprising even herself.
"Eve? I thought you couldn't speak?"
"I didn't think it was possible either, what was that inside of you?"
The doctor was baffled and his heart rate was well over the typical bpm. He also noted a rather painful feeling in his, well hid groin and especially in his testicles falling over and squirming in pain.
"My, my crotch is.. ugh my god it hurts so bad!"
At this point the D-class personnel were given the extraction command and 2544 was told by the observer to stay clear to avoid any damage to her or the doctor. Unfortunately there was an issue with the door and even the entire team bashing at the door it wasn't moving and the doctor went on in pain. Subject approached the doctor against the wishes of the observer.
"I. Feel more complete the closer I am to you. You have made me feel so much more than I ever have. I wish to make you feel the same, I wish to mate with you. Will you accept me?"
Scp 2544 then caresses the doctor's face with her hand. The doctor nods his head in too much pain to speak. She removes the doctor's pants and underwear and begins licking his genitals. Her black tongue sliding around his penis then her mouth had taken an odd shape and enveloped his groin and seemingly started rotating and sucking on his genitals.
The doctor reports that it had slowly relieved his pain growing more and more in pleasure. "Right until the very end I was in a state of relaxation and extreme euphoria."
As the doctor's genitals had discharged he was completely fine, though understandably tired. Her mouth released his genitals and slowly her tongue unwound around his penis. D-class found a small cluster of spines spit out by scp 2544 supposedly extracted from his, fluids.
His mucus and saliva coated groin had healed and by the time D-class personnel entered the room the doctor and scp 2544 were engaged in post coital cuddling. The doctor was nuzzled between her breasts noting that, "I had felt I was finally where I was always meant to be. My heart itself felt attracted toward her body in a magnetic way." Tests however show no such thing the doctor may have been being poetic.
The doctor and subject have not seen each other in over a month, however when separated scp 2544 and Doctor vvvvvvv had been found not only facing each other they had both also not been able to sleep if their beds were facing the wall furthest from the other. Testing had resumed three days after this fact was discovered and constant begging from both parties and refusal of cooperation from scp 2544 to talk or write to anyone other than the doctor.
Second meeting. Doctor and scp 2544 ran towards each other and held each other tightly as scp 2544 wrapped her tentacles around the doctors back and head pulling him closer.
"I missed you so much! Why did it take so long for you to return?"
"I missed you too! I wanted to return immediately but they felt it was best to distance us for a time and to perform tests on me."
The observer weighs in, 'Doctor Vvvvvvv! We have work to do, this is not a romantic reunion.
Scp 2544 had suddenly turned a bit more violent. She had screamed in such a way that it had forced the observer to shut down the audio, the doctor reported not hearing any foul noise, he heard nothing but notes he did she her doing what looked like screaming.
"Eve, are you ok?" He hugs her tightly once again and she ceases screaming. She turns to him and they kiss. "I am overwhelmingly happy about our reunion but we do need to ask questions or they'll remove me from this project."
She looks sad but then takes his hand and leads him to her bed where they lay down and the doctor continues questioning scp 2544.
Chapter 4 - Finale |
After all was said and done, not a single inch of Alexis was free of semen. It was caked on and inside her. Even her neck was filled to the brim with it. Her mind had long since shut off, endlessly drooling into the carpet as she soaked in the pleasure that she had just gone through. When she had first had sex, she could scarcely feel her lower half. It was numb and painful.
Now her entire body was numb and in heaven. It was sagged against the bench, pulling against the cuffs that kept her there. Not even the cameraman was to be seen. The screen allowing her to see her own debauchery was static, even if that made next to no sense on a digital TV.
Once again taking the hose, John cleaned her insides and outsides out, drying her off and covering her with a jacket as he carried her in his arms. It was nearly four AM, and it was completely dead. Not a soul in sight, although John would have liked a little exhibitionism.
Finally inside the apartment, John tucked her body in before finding her head on the floor with a rather large pool of saliva underneath it. He gently picked her up and closed her eyes. She was sound asleep now, and probably would be for quite a while. Setting her head down, he did his best to get her drool out of the carpet with towels.
While he was quite tired, he did have the energy to rest the head on the night table before crawling into bed. He slipped under the covers with her, already stripped and ready to go. John was tired, but he had yet to have any action. He’d been a spectator the entire time, allowing his friends to have their fun without interruption.
His dick throbbed as it rubbed against her thighs. Her mind may have been asleep, but he could feel the body shudder, playing along. Running a hand along her soft thigh and her voluptuous breasts, his dick hardened against her ass. Acting as the big spoon, he pulled her into an embrace, easing his dick into her warm ass. It was tight in there, despite the dicks that had been in there not an hour before. While her limbs were limp, her insides certainly weren’t. Slowly going in and out felt wonderful as her ass tried unsuccessfully to lock him inside.
Locking his arms around her, he sat up with her still impaled on his dick. Experimentally, he pinched at one of her tits. Her snore stopped momentarily before resuming. She was a living doll, her flesh warm and inviting, and with all the reactions she had while awake. While John did enjoy seeing her reactions while awake, the ones she had while asleep were just as good. The way her body shuddered when he thrust hard into her ass, the soft moans from her dozing head on the table, and the manner in which her limp limbs gave him complete control over her body.
It wasn’t long before he was thrusting inside again, her ass squeezing him just as hard as it had when first entered. He made use of the rest of her body. Groping her tits, her hard nipples rolling around between his fingertips and threatening to lactate. Massaging her smooth stomach, feeling the head of his member through her belly. Her legs were so soft that one could mistake them for a pillow, and his hand ran over them gently, as if petting an animal. This was in sharp contrast to the pounding her ass was receiving, a brutal and savage thing.
The bed squeaked and rocked as John neared his finish, his fingers pumping into her front entrance as his dick pumped into her back. Her hips moved into his own, and it was certain that their neighbors could hear the sound of their flesh pounding against one another with how loud they were. It wasn’t long before John neared the finish, and Alexis’ body knew this, contracting and readying itself for orgasm.
It came all at once, with John pulling her body close as his dick was milked for all its worth through her orgasm. Her head shuddered slightly, drool pooling onto the nightstand as she slept.
Instead of immediately cleaning up, John basked in the afterglow for a moment. The night was old and he was satisfied. Alexis had endured enough for the day, and she would endure more the next. But for that place in time, they were both done.
They both slept peacefully, her body pressed against his chest as their breathing matched, slowed, and he descended into sleep.
Sorry that I've been deceased for a while, it is enjoyable to write things of this nature every once in a while. I actually had a decent amount of this chapter done, but only recently gathered the strength and time to finish it. Hope you enjoyed. |
Chapter 1 - Camera |
Blue eyes pierced John as he woke. She-- the Dullahan-- was staring at him. All she did was mutter good morning, her eyes wandering away from his even though they were only a few inches apart. He tried to touch her cheek, only to find his body in the embrace of hers. Only she was at his back, trying to act like a big spoon. Given the fact that he was twice her size, this was more of a cute attempt than a success. Her arms were wrapped around him, and she could feel her breathing in and out. As if she was asleep.
She tried to make it less awkward by introducing herself. Alexis is what she called herself, apparently. John simply nodded away as she explained that she had been looking for a place to stay, only to find his door open as she looked. Given that John always locked his door, he was pretty sure this was a lie, but he didn’t say anything. Instead what he did was turn her head away after prying an arm free.
John asked her if she was telling the truth about why she’d been lying on his carpet. All the while he shuffled around behind her head. All she knew was that there were cabinets being opened. And what sounded like ropes were coming out of them. Alexis redoubled her claim, rather loudly in fact. That was when she felt and heard ropes being tied. Specifically around her wrists. When John queried a second time and she answered the same way, she was suspended in the air, every inch of her body exposed for him to see.
When he asked a third time, she stayed quiet. For a while, she couldn’t feel or hear anything. Then a match was lit, and her head was carried off into the living room shortly after. John was also naked, his penis no bigger than a triple A battery. When Alexis pointed this out, his face was stoic. Ignoring her, he grabbed the remote and turned on the large TV. Most people might have the news, or a game console as their first channel.
John had a stream of Alexis’ body in the bedroom. She was suspended above two massive dildos, at least a few feet tall. The only thing holding her holes from being blasted for lack of a better term, was four ropes. All of which had a candle that was slowly fraying them. In due time, she was going to be impaled by them. Violently.
She gulped. She reasoned that there was no way he would go through with this. It could be prerecorded for all she knew.
Again Alexis repeated her answer. If a little more stammered this time. Rolling his eyes, John began to pump his dick. In slow, lethargic motions. Looking at her body on the screen all the while. Helpless to escape her predicament. And even if she could, her body might not want to get out. He grinned, his dick reaching its full two foot length only a few seconds later. It did help that her body was stunningly nice in all the right places. Toned, with just enough fat for something to grab onto. And her breasts were just the right size for everything you could want to do to them. Without much warning, he took her head and plopped it down on his cock. Except that it was the wrong way around.
Alexis could feel it entering through the bottom of her neck. She was astonished that he would actually do something like that, until she felt the tip of his cock on her tongue. But that’s not where he stopped, no. Just like last time, down to the base. The only difference was the fact that she was turned away from him, watching her own ‘execution’ past the massive swaying prick in her face. Lifting her far enough that her tongue was unimpeded, he asked her the same question.
She stuttered this time as she said it, and so it back down to the hilt for her. It was dizzying at the pace he used her head, the entire world spinning as he used her like a cheap fleshlight. Her saliva only made it easier for him to plop her up and down his shaft. She couldn’t even close her mouth if she wanted to, his penis sprouting from it with his glans brushing against her teeth.
John stood up, rocking even harder. His hips moving backwards and forwards with each thrust, as well as giving her the perfect up close view of her body on the TV. Her legs were twitching making the ropes fray even faster. The video was so hi-def that she could see the cum trickling from her sex onto the one of the massive dildos. He clasped his hands around her ears even harder, going for slow deliberate thrusts instead of wild ones.
It was then that the first rope break. She could see and feel her arm hang loosely, the other three restraints fraying even faster from the increased burden. It was then that she admitted it. She was a whore, looking for someone to breed and use her. Alexis was nothing more than a whore, a cumslut looking to be satisfied. She couldn’t live without his dick, his semen anymore.
John tsked, it was too late for confessions now. He held her eyelids open as he came, shooting through her mouth onto the TV. She could feel his cum in spurts traveling through her throat, blasting onto the TV. Her body fell. Instantly she came from the sensation of her holes getting destroyed. Watching herself squirt through the cum covered picture. Her womb and ass filled with the fake dicks.
She passed out from the pleasure.
John felt the last of his cum dribble from his dick, his onahole ‘off’ for the moment. She’d passed out with her eyes open at the scene of herself impaled on dildos. He considered that satisfying, especially given her admission at the end. If she had just done it earlier, none of that would have happened. But it also would’ve been less fun.
Pulling her head off his member with a ‘shlick’, he gently closed her still open, but unwatching eyes. Putting her under the tap, he washed her out like the onahole she was. Making sure that all of his cream was cleaned out of her throat. From the way her eyes were glazed she was still passed out even after doing that. It was then that he decided they would play a little game.
His neighbor, while nosy, was of a certain breed. One that allowed there to be a gloryhole that he supplied occasionally with women. Only this time, it would just be the head of one. After placing the oral guard around her mouth, he locked her into a harness that wouldn’t allow her head to move. Her moist and waiting mouth positioned perfectly in front of a hole that was in the dividing wall between them.
Now that was taken care of, he moved to her body. It was still cumming, although it was slumped over and unmoving. Pulling her off the dildos was easy with how dripping wet she was. Her juices covering both poles liberally. But instead of using this one for the gloryhole, he kept the body for himself. There were many interesting things he could do with it. But he kept it simple-- for this time at least. To warm himself up, he held her thighs together and pushed his dick through them, his balls dragging across her muff. The body twitched, but did not wake as he did this.
Her body was so soft that he could cum right then. His balls slick with her need as he began to speed up. Even still she slept right through it. She only woke when someone started to use the gloryhole.
They were using her mouth as a toy. They weren’t as long as John, but she doubted most were. In the interest of time she used her tongue, wrapping around the dick like a second mouth. Bathing it in her saliva. Constricting around it to simulate a real pussy. It didn’t take him long to cum. He hilted in her, the semen dripping onto the floor as it fell through her throat. He released himself with a pop.
It’s just that she wasn’t expecting to be penetrated right then. Her eyes had no view of her body, just the wood paneling. But she felt John penetrate her cunt. Her oversensitive and extremely wet cunt from the impaling earlier. Alexis’ eyes rolled back as he began to work her womb. Another dick found sanctuary in her mouth. It came quickly as well, leaving her to concentrate on the massive dick inside her.
He was going to cum soon, and without her permission, her body locked her legs around his hips as he came. She felt her womb fill with his seed. They stayed like that for a good minute before he pulled out of her pussy, letting the rest of his cum to drip onto the sheets.
The gloryhole no longer used, he unstrapped her head and washed her yet again. After all, it was only the beginning of the day. |
Chapter 2 - Gloryhole |
John was not expecting Alexis’s body to just hand him her vagina over dinner. They ordered pizza, having sex all the while. They were unable to do anything else, using everything possible as a surface for copulation, in every position. Some that were only possible with a headless woman.
So when her body ‘plopped’ her own cooter off, this was somewhat surprising to John. But he took it in stride. And while it appeared to be only the entrance, he tested it with his penis and it vanished into thin air. Why it worked this way for the vagina and not her head, he had no idea. But that did give him extremely interesting options. Dressing him in under ten seconds, he stuffed the muff and her head-- with minor objections-- into a bowling ball bag and went on his merry way.
Given the nature of Alexis’s position in the bag, she was forced to eat herself out everytime John hit a minor bump. Her nose was pressed against her clit in such a way that she could feel her body fingering her asshole and pinching her nipples without permission. She had to try hard not to let her tongue fall down to the depths of her pussy, because she was fairly sure that would just give John more ideas, and he didn’t need anymore of them.
One inconspicuous trip to the hardware store later, John had duck tape and a drill slung in a bag over his other shoulder. He went to the seediest part of town he could find and entered a public bathroom. Choosing an out of order stall, he began his work, cutting out a hole and covering it in duck tape. He also cut two slightly smaller holes in a ceiling tile after standing on the toilet to reach it. Using his expert skills in ropes and duct tape, he fashioned something to hold Alexis’s head to the tile, as well as forcing her eyes open with small strips. He placed it directly above the stall featuring the hole, making sure that it was stable.
He was somewhat less careful with her vagina, which featured smooth flesh behind it. He just duck taped it to the other side of the hole, making sure that it was flush against the wall. And his gloryhole was complete. The last step was to test it. Shutting the stall door, he quickly unzipped his pants and found his length. It was so large that he had to angle it into her detached pussy, only able to standing parallel to it after going quite a ways in.
Alexis was unable to do anything other than watch herself get fucked and feel her body go along. There was something even hotter about the thought that men she had never seen and would never see again would soon use her. And she would be unable to stop them from possibly even getting her pregnant. The thought alone made her squirt onto his dick. But John was no weakling. The contractions felt like a velvet vice, but he was made of strong stuff. And he powered through, using the tops of the bathroom stall as handles. He used the entire width of the stall to pull out and hilt himself. Both he and Alexis were getting into it, their moans becoming ragged as John approached the finish.
He finished with a gold medal. Cum filling her for the nth time. She came again, her squirt so powerful that John was forced to cover her urethra with a thumb. That of course blue balled her, although John was thoroughly satisfied as he wiped his tip on her oozing lips and went on his way back to the apartment. Alexis felt only frustration at his tease, and unfortunately her ass just wasn’t doing the job. Even with the remote that her body had somehow managed to find and was now using as a makeshift dildo.
That did not last long, however, as a man of the black persuasion made his way into her stall, only to do a double take on the gloryhole. Looking around as if to make sure no one was watching, he followed the same procedure that John had. But he still had a ways to go, jacking himself as he roughly fingered her hole with his index and middle finger. Scraping all the semen out as his dick grew steadily longer.
Alexis watched as he rubbed his cock against her entrance, teasing her with its girth. She could feel just how rock hard he was, and could barely contain herself as he plunged into her. He started to rock back in forth in the stall slowly. He was easing up to go faster while making sure that she was wet enough to take him. His dick and the remote up her ass were divine. John must have arrived back at the apartment because she felt him replace the remote in her ass with his massive dick. She was getting dped and couldn’t help but let her tongue lol out of her mouth, hanging from her hole in the ceiling like a party streamer.
The stranger finally finished inside her, but not before kissing her womb with the tip of his penis and allowing all of his seed to pool inside. It would be impossible for her to feel better than she did at that moment, squirting hard enough to cover the stranger with piss. Not that he cared, chuckling as he left. His balls empty and his day made even better.
Alexis could barely keep her eyes open as she watched her pussy twitch and drip cum onto the floor. It was then that John finished, pumping his own molten hot cum into her bowels. His dick pulsed, releasing more and more with every cycle until she could feel her stomach begin to grow. Alexis felt him pull his dick out and her body crumpled to the floor of the apartment, twitching and cumming.
She had a long day ahead, as another man entered the stall. |
Chapter 3 - Exhibitionism with a dog and a cameraman |
Alexis awoke to the sound of a cellphone vibrating on the table next to her. Instinctively she reached for it, and quickly found that her body was nowhere to be found. She cracked an eye open to see a static screen in front of her. The same one that she’d watched her holes impaled on a few days prior. It didn’t take long for the screen to connect to something-- a handheld phone camera. Of course the person was using portrait, like the degenerate they were.
Two people were pictured, walking down the road in the middle of the night. John, and another person wearing a gray trenchcoat. It took Alexis a moment to realize that was her body, which became obvious from not only her blue skin, but the fact that she could feel her legs and privates exposed to a cold breeze. That, and the fact that she watched and felt John slap her body’s ass. Of course that made her body wet, her body was sluttish enough that anything remotely sexual would flood her thighs and pussy.
It was when they reached a quiet plaza that the coat was flung off, revealing that she had nothing underneath and apparently had nipple piercings. Not that she’d ever gotten them, but they were hoop rings. The type that you would attach weights to or pull on. Her body couldn’t resist touching herself, playing with her sensitive nipples and using the piercings to twist and pull them in ways she’d never felt before. All the while, John put down a bag he’d been carrying, carefully removing from it several ropes, handcuffs, and a pink ribbed dildo.
Sitting down her body at a wooden bench, he spread her legs as far as they could go. He tied her ankles to the armrests, such that she could do nothing to stop anyone or anything from penetrating her leaking holes. Then he handcuffed her arms to a light pole behind the bench, leaving her pillowy soft jugs ripe for the taking. For a final touch, he shoved the dildo into her ass and turned it on.
Already she was drooling on the couch, her tongue lolling onto the floor. She could see her body squirting all over the city street, spasming without her control. Just the thought of her being exposed to the outside world, and free for the taking was enough for her to become heated inside. Not a single part of her was private, and John made sure of this by using scotch tape to pull apart her dripping wet lips and show her soft and pulsating insides.
He waited patiently for the night crowd to come in. A few strangers would be fine, and a few friends that he’d contacted with good news would be showing up. John took a seat, watching as the camera man took up close shots of her pussy. When John offered him the chance to have some fun, he accepted readily and dropped his pants, already ready to go.
While length was not one of his qualities, he was enthusiastic. Hammering in and out as he groped one of her breasts. Every few seconds he would wiggle the dildo in her ass around, pushing it in just a little farther each time. He could feel it pushing up against his dick within her walls, vibrating harshly. The cameraman started alternating the thrusts of the dildo with his own until he felt himself nearing the end. Balancing the camera on his shoulder, he gripped her ass with both hands and put himself into it, her breasts flopping up and down as he rammed into her.
Alexis could scarcely watch the TV-- as it was an odd and arousing thing to watch yourself being fucked from a man’s point of view-- but she could feel him expanding inside. Her bound legs twitched, fruitlessly trying to wrap around the man’s waist and wring him for all he had. She was forced to endure the possibility that some of his seed might not make it into her, and the helplessness made her cum right there and then.
Her walls tightening, the cameraman felt his member gripped by a velvet vice, and fully emptied his load inside. It was heaven for him, his milk massaged and milked by her muscles. It took a long few moments before he was presentable enough to put his pants back on, taping the cum dripping out from her pussy down onto the ground. Every now and then her sex would twitch a little from the orgasm, sending another wave of cum out. Her chest rose and fell as her heartbeat lowered. The cameraman would definitely be a good lay in the future.
John watched as a large german shepherd walked past him. It wasn’t a stray, given its collar, but its owner was nowhere to be found. It bumped into the cameraman as it sniffed at Alexis’ crotch. With one long, wet lick, it went from her ass to her clit. She shivered at the strange sensation, squinting at the TV to see a dog going down on her. While she’d never been with a dog before, it wasn’t like she had much of a choice at that moment. It could definitely eat her pussy any time she wanted, thinking as its rough tongue lapped over her.
It wasn’t long before it gently placed its snout on her clit and thrust its tongue inside, lathering all of her insides with its saliva. Alexis came, squirting on the dogs face while it moved its tongue even farther up. She couldn’t stop twitching as the dog refused to let up while she came, already more sensitive than she was before. While she didn’t know it, the dog was readying her.
Alexis sighed somewhat sadly at the removal of the tongue, but felt fur brush her body as the dog placed its paws on either side of her arms. It jabbed its massive red member forcefully against her entrance, finding purchase after the third try or so and sinking into her. Its member was as hot as an iron, and she was finding the pain wonderful. It invigorated her as the dog pumped in like the animal it was, lapping at her breasts all the while and biting them with no regard for her pleasure. It was instinct at that point.
But at the end of his dick she could feel something pressing against her entrance. A massive knot that was refused entrance into her small pussy that pounded against it again and again. The camera was focused on it now, watching as it battered her entrance like a circular puzzle piece trying to fit in a much smaller hole. The dog was relentless, its mouth clamping on her chest and drawing blood as it became a mindless animal. She could feel its time was coming near, and her body reacted accordingly. Her walls spasmed as she came, but it was then that the dog found its chance.
It thrust in, the knot locked inside. For a moment, nothing happened as the dog humped her, the tip of its penis lodged at the entrance of her womb. Realizing its goal was achieved, or perhaps acting on its instincts, it came down from its position above her and rested all four paws on the ground, its knot still inside her now airtight pussy.
Then and only then did a flood of white come out. She could see her belly filling up from the sheer volume of cum that the dog was putting inside her. Alexis kept expecting it to stop but it never did. Her womb and eggs were being violated by the seed of something that wasn’t even human, drowning her eggs and unable to fertilize them. They were like that for half an hour, until the dog’s dong had fully wilted and its knot had shrunk. It came out of her with a pop, along with a rush of semen. The dog didn’t even look back as her body slumped unconscious, the seed of a mongrel splashing onto the stones below the bench.
John looked at his watch. It was only a few minutes before his friends arrived and Alexis’ cum filled state simply wouldn’t do. Reaching into his bag, he grabbed a magic hose that Alexis herself had supplied a day earlier. One that was only a few short feet, and was not connected to a faucet, but nonetheless spat out water.
Lodging the hose into the entrance of her loose cunt, he turned on the hose. Alexis awoke to the feeling of cold water rushing through her insides and filling up her womb for the second time that day. Once John was satisfied, he removed the head of the hose. Semen and water flowed out in equal parts, leaving a sparkling clean pussy. He pinched her clit as a sort of greeting before heading back to his seat on a bench.
It was going to be a long night for her.
Chapter 1 - A Slumber Party |
Amanda was a slut, and she was fine with that. Not just any slut, though. For her, the creme de la creme was humiliation. Submission, surrender, anything and everything about it, and it didn’t take her long to find others like her when she got to college.
It was a little awkward at first, as these things can be. It was even more daunting to find herself surrounded exclusively by women; up until this point, her sexual exploits had mostly involved men. In the end, though, it really didn’t matter who was calling her a helpless slut. In fact, she found the arrangement more preferable. As the five of them got to know each other better, they became good friends. The girl with the short, straight hair dyed black with the amazing curves evolved from a description to Dani, one of her best friends. The skinny brunette with freckles everywhere was Anna. The blond and the punk with bright blue hair couldn’t have seemed more different at first; they looked like the stereotypical southern prep with huge tits and the punk who couldn’t get through the airport on account of all her piercings, but the two got along so well that it soon became hard to think of them separately; it was never just Sam, never just Jess, always Sam and Jess.
What had been awkward, nearly silent late-night encounters arranged weeks in advance soon became spur of the moment “sleepovers.” High-strung, tension-heavy moments of lust became a game: each member of this little club they’d created would be assigned a sub, and whoever came up with the best way of humiliating their charge would get to pick the assignments for the next installment. This was an especially high honor for a number of reasons, but it mostly came about because arguments had a habit of breaking out over who would be Jess’s next victim. Whether you wanted it or not, Jess was by far the cruelest southern bell any of them could have imagined.
Amanda had been the victor last time for introducing the group to hypnosis, and forcing Dani to dance like a stripper for their enjoyment. As they gathered at Jess’s house that evening, she was certain everyone there had been performing secret conditioning on their unsuspecting charges all week long.
The lot of them were wearing comfy pajamas, as was protocol, and sitting in a circle on the floor of Jess’s living room. Well, except for Amanda. The victory throne had gotten more and more ridiculous over the past several months, and now consisted of an overly ornate arm chair they’d found at the dump bedazzled with plastic jewels. One of the legs had been missing, and in its place was a stack of textbooks that had been graciously donated by every member of the club (except Sam, who wanted to keep hers in pristine condition). Amanda also sported a burger king crown decorated with more plastic jewels, a cape fashioned from a hair clip and a blanket, and a scepter born from the remains of a broken hockey stick found in a dumpster and adorned with a giant, black, floppy dildo they had received as a “free gift” from one of many online sex toy realtors.
“I hereby call this meeting of the Horny Bitches Club to order,” Amanda proclaimed. The name of the club changed with every meeting, each one worse than the last. “Our first performance this fine evening comes” -she paused briefly- “courtesyofDani.”
A few giggles and eye-rolls greeted Amanda’s terrible joke before Dani stood, gave an exaggerated bow, and said dramatically, “Of course, my lady.” She turned to Anna, who was squirming in anticipation, fear, and arousal all at once. Her freckles stood out against her flushing skin, her bright green eyes trained intently on her friend as she stalked toward her.
Dani leaned close to her and whispered something, and Anna suddenly lost all composure. Her eyes widened briefly before she collapsed, face buried in the carpet and both hands on her crotch. Amanda, Jess, and Sam all let out bursts of shocked laughter, which only got worse after Sam shouted “She looks like a fainting goat!”
They laughed to the point of tears as Anna fought briefly with her pajamas and underwear, before managing to gain easier access to herself. She’d found her way onto her back during the brief tussle with her clothing, her right hand working her clit while her left gripped at her modest chest. Panting and moaning, her back arched as she reached explosive orgasm in front of all of her friends and then laid back, panting like a dog, before she appeared to come to her senses.
Even through her already flushed features, it was clear that she was blushing. Amanda laughed, mocking her friend plainly. She’d had no idea! No control at all, it was lovely. Anna shrank before her friends’ mockery, until Dani leaned in again, whispering.
Once again, Anna’s features changed from embarrassed grimace to pure ecstasy, as she again began furiously masturbating. Dani stood up and said simply, “You’re welcome,” before returning to her seat, leaving Anna to herself.
“You look awfully smug,” Sam said, side-eyeing Dani through her giggling. “Your highness, I would like to volunteer to knock miss Danielle down a peg or two.”
Amanda straightened herself; Anna’s increasingly dramatic display had her enraptured. She was glad that she’d introduced the club to hypnosis, it added an entirely new dynamic to their normally bondage-filled sessions. “Of course, Sam. The floor is yours… as soon as Anna’s finished with it.”
All eyes briefly returned to Anna, who was just finishing up her second loud, slutty orgasm. She quickly gathered herself and sat up, still blushing a little, though she made no move to gather her clothing off of the floor.
Sam knelt in front of Dani and began undoing the buttons of her pajama shirt. Dani, who had been sitting with the sort of smug self-satisfaction one normally finds in people who have no idea what they’re in for, began to slowly become completely enraptured with the show in front of her. As soon as the silver bars in Sam’s nipples became visible, Dani’s tongue lolled out of her mouth. If Amanda had compared Anna to a panting dog before, Dani was really making a show of it.
Dani’s hands went to her mouth immediately, as though she were trying to cram her tongue back in. She opened her mouth as though she wanted to say something, but only barks came out. Amanda was enraptured as Dani tried to stand and fell onto all fours.
“Now comes the fun part,” Sam said, pulling a dog collar with a shiny silver tag from her pocket. Dani began to crawl away, but Sam slipped the collar around her neck, and suddenly Dani was gone. Sam stepped back and Dani followed, panting and making no effort to hide it. Amanda cackled as Dani turned and began to back herself toward Sam, ass held high like a bitch in heat.
Sam obliged her new pet, sliding her fingers inside Dani’s vagina. As Dani stimulated herself, occasionally yelping horny little yelps, Jess asked “I don’t suppose we could leave her like that for a while, could we?”
When Sam removed her hand from Dani’s sex, she immediately crawled over to Anna and repeated the process, shoving her ass in her friend’s face. Anna laughed and said “I think this would get annoying after a while, don’t you?”
“I think we can all have what we want,” Sam said as she bent over, removing the collar from around Dani’s neck. As Dani came to her senses, Sam straightened herself and, turning to Amanda, asked “Your royal highness, as lady Danielle has already demonstrated her abilities, would you be at all averse to the possibility of allowing her to remain in this state a little longer?”
Amanda looked down upon the mortified image of Dani, blushing a deep red and fighting to keep her tongue in her mouth. Amanda’s hand began to drift towards her own crotch as she said “Of course, no harm d-” her hand stopped at the waistband of her pajama bottoms, her fingertips brushing something… plastic? The thought left her mind as soon as it had entered, and her hand returned to her lap. “Ahem, yeah, fuck it. As long as she has a safe… bark.”
Dani barked. Sam replied in her stead, “She can still say the safe word, no worries.”
Amanda nodded - safe words are very important - and stood. “Since it looks like we’re going in order tonight, I’ll show Sam what I’ve learned since last time.” Sam put her hands on her hips, her face failing to betray an ounce of self-consciousness or anxiety. Amanda lifted her shirt over her head: every eye in the room was focused on Sam’s smug face, and so while they saw her glance down and balk slightly at something near Amanda’s midriff, they were much more interested in the expression she treated them to in the instant after: sheer awe, absolute adoration. She knelt before Amanda as she shifted her pajama bottoms back into place, eyes locked on Amanda’s breasts.
“My God,” she whispered, “they’re beautiful.”
While Amanda was relatively proud of her breasts, she knew that this reaction wasn’t typical. “Beg, slave,” she said to the slavering form kneeling before her, and Sam complied. She folded her hands in front of her, the smug punk attitude that had enveloped her moments before a distant memory.
“Please, Amanda-”
“Of course, m-mistress- please, let me touch them, please, oh God-”
Amanda held out a finger. “Give Dani some love, and we’ll talk.”
Amanda had barely finished the command before Sam shot off towards Dani on her hands and knees, in too much of a hurry to even stand. Dani, who had been curled up near Anna, stood on all fours and presented herself to Sam, who began devouring her pussy with the ferocity of an addict. Anna laughed and applauded the show, Dani’s tongue hanging out of her mouth, eyes rolled up in her head.
Amanda waited until Dani looked satisfied before recalling her little slave. Sam again shot across the floor to kneel at Amanda’s feet. “Now, mistress?”
“Sure, go to town.” Sam sprung to her feet and shoved her face in between Amanda’s tits, nearly headbutting her chin in the process, earning her a peel of shocked laughter. Her hand went down the front of her pants as she began to moan and gyrate her hips. Amanda spread her arms in a ‘beat that’ sort of motion, before extracting Sam. Sam fought for a split second, before she realized what she was doing and stepped back. Amanda put her shirt back on, earning a moan of disappointment from Sam.
As soon as Amanda’s breasts were back in her shirt, Sam’s expression changed again, from disappointed to mortified. She hid her reddening face with her hands and darted from the room. Amanda briefly wondered if her friend was okay, but knew that this was part of the evening’s festivities: she was probably just going to rub one off before returning.
Sure enough, nobody else showed any real concern. Dani was slipping her pants back on, Sam’s influence having apparently left the room along with her. Anna was reclining, naked, on the floor, and Jess, who had been uncharacteristically quiet the whole night, was eyeing her. Amanda always had herself go last, so Jess knew it would be her turn now.
“Should we wait for Sam?” Amanda asked, knowing Sam would want them to continue but also knowing that she’d give her a hard time if she didn’t ask.
“Nah, I’m too excited,” said Anna in an exaggeratedly bored voice. She had shifted from a reclining position to lying spread-eagle on her back, giving them all an ample view of her vagina.
Amanda laughed and replied “On with the show, then!” before returning to her throne.
Anna, suddenly infused with energy, leapt to her feet and hopped over to her night bag, from which a dull clanging could be heard. She shuffled through her inventory of sexual supplies before emerging holding a tarnished, dented cowbell. Jess seemed to physically recoil, but then the emotion drained from her face. Sam returned in time to watch her girlfriend strip naked, revealing the leak-proof bra she was wearing under her shirt. She removed that too and collapsed onto all fours as Anna sauntered back into the circle, wearing nothing but a pair of overalls and a straw hat and carrying a metal bucket.
Jess watched passively as Anna hung the cowbell from her neck, her already large breasts hanging from her chest, swollen with milk. “Looks lahk somebuddy’s ben holdin’ out on me,” Anna said in a horrible mockery of Jess’s southern accent. Amanda’s grin widened; the evening had been rather lacking in the way of performance, so this was a lovely change of pace.
Anna slid the pale under Jess’s breasts. “Layet’s git you empty,” Anna said. Jess mooed passively in reply. Amanda was disappointed at first by Jess’s lack of performance, but once Anna began to milk her, Jess started to get into the act.
Her moos of pleasure reached fever pitch almost immediately, orgasm after orgasm exploding from her mouth. Anna suggested somebody grab something to shut her up, to which Sam complied, lowering herself within range of Jess’s mouth. Muffled by pussy, Amanda became less worried about waking the neighbors and more worried about enjoying the spectacle. Again, however, she seemed to lose track of her hand as it entered her pants.
Dani, however, had no such problem, and had joined in on the act. Having grabbed a strapon from her bag, she was now railing Jess from behind. Amanda simply watched the chaos instead, until Anna removed the now-full milk pail from beneath Jess, who subsequently collapsed into heavy breathing. Sam and Dani also seemed satisfied, but Amanda was still uncomfortably horny. Again her hand drifted, again she found it sitting on the arm of her chair, without any recollection of what had happened in between. Odd.
She looked out at the panting remains of the orgy laid out before her. “I think we know who the winner is,” Anna declared, holding up the bounty of her work.
“Ah still need to go,” said Jess as she strained to her feet, “and mahn’s the best one yet. Isn’t that right, Mandy?”
Amanda jumped, the flicker of a memory flashing through her mind. “Uh, what?”
Jess began to stalk towards Amanda, who suddenly felt very small. “Has anyone else been wonderin’ why our glorious leader hasn’t been gettin’ down and dirty with the rest of us this evenin’?”
Every eye in the room was locked on Amanda. She shrank back into her throne- Jess could be really scary when she wanted to. “I-I was participating!”
“That so?” Jess mocked. “Then why don’t you show us all that pretty kitty o’ yours, hm?”
Amanda froze. The thought of taking off her pants filled her with dread, though she didn’t know why, exactly. She’d had sex with everyone in this room dozens of times, and yet…
Something felt off, but before she could pin it down, Jess stripped off her pajama pants, revealing a pink goodnight, just her size. Everyone got a good look at princess Aurora smiling out at them as the wetness indicators began to change color.
“Aw, is widdle Mandy having an accident?” taunted Jess. Amanda wanted to run away, but she was so horny. Whether it was the conditioning or the half-hour of intense sex she’d witnessed but had been unable to take part in, she just couldn’t take it anymore. Her hand pressed up against the front of her pullup, but before she could start, Jess pulled her hand away. Dani, Sam, and Anna had begun making baby noises at her, and Jess began leading her towards her bag.
“Let’s get the baby all cleaned up,” she cooed. Amanda felt utterly powerless to do anything as Jess laid out a changing mat and removed her big-girl underw- removed the pullup and began to clean her, sprawled out on the floor. She wanted to resist, to say anything, but she just couldn’t.
Dani kissed her cheek and gushed over how cute she was while Jess went to get a diaper. She had to make an active effort to keep herself from popping her thumb in her mouth; the more they treated her like a baby, the more she felt like one. And the more she felt like one…
She felt a sudden surge of adrenaline at the realization, which didn’t help anything. Her breath was coming quicker; she had to make an active effort to keep her breaths slow, keep herself under control. It’s just a game, she thought. All she had to do was say the safe word if things got to be more than she was comfortable with, she knew that. But being uncomfortable was the point, wasn’t it?
Her mind started to drift. She wanted to be here, to be humiliated. She could just give in, but that would defeat the purpose, wouldn’t it?
Mandy was so caught up in her own thoughts that she hadn’t even noticed that Jess had returned until she was already lifting her butt off the ground, sliding a massively thick diaper underneath. “Try to keep this one clean, sweetie,” she said in a mocking tone. “Wouldn’t want you to get all wet again,” she said, taping the crinkly bulk into place and punctuating her statement with a firm push to her crotch.
“Wouldn’t we, though?” asked Sam, leaning down into Mandy’s field of vision and kissing her deeply. Mandy put her hand against the padding of her diaper- she liked the funny little pictures of animals on the front, she thought- and started humping her hand. When Sam pulled away, Mandy went to put her thumb where Sam’s tongue had been a moment before. But when she saw her four friends standing over her, Amanda felt completely ashamed. Didn’t she have more control over herself than this?
Anna smirked. “What do you have to say for yourself, you widdle pervert?” she asked as Amanda sat up on the changing pad.
“I’m not a baby,” Amanda growled.
“Oh, aren’t you, honey?” taunted Jess. She had moved over to the throne and was sitting with her legs thrown over the arm of the chair, practically basking in her own superiority. “Why don’t you come over here and say that, your hahness,” she drawled, practically oozing sex appeal.
Amanda stood, wobbled slightly, but kept her balance and strolled over to the throne- well, waddled over (it was a very thick diaper)- and stood, towering over Jess’s seated form… Her lovely form, with those tits… Still leaking milk…
“Ah should thank you, Anna,” Jess said as Mandy dropped to her knees, crawling into Jess’s lap. “Looks like ah won’t need to get the bottle out after all.”
Mandy sucked on Jess’s breast, humping the side of the chair through her diaper. Jess enjoyed herself as well, her hand moving sensually between her legs.
“I love seeing a mother bonding with her new baby,” Sam said, smirking. Dani was beyond quips, haven been driven to self-pleasure as well by the scene, and Anna looked like she was unsure who she should be watching.
As it turns out, she should have been watching Mandy and Jess. As Amanda brought herself to orgasm, she began the process of considering her choices. The things that had brought her to this point, the things that she would do in the future. These thoughts were cut short, however, as she emptied her bowels into her bulky, colorful little diaper, and her brains along with it.
Mandy spent most of the rest of the evening playing with her toys and with herself while watching cartoons, while her mommy played with her friends. Drool ran down around her paci and down her chin as she listened to Mommy and her friends talking about school. She didn’t really get what they were saying, but something deep in her tummy was telling her that the next few days weren’t gonna be very much fun, while something else a little lower told her it was gonna be a lot of fun. She decided to listen to the second thing; it had gotten her this far, she thought, rubbing the front of her messy diaper as she watched the dragons on TV. It’ll probably be fine. |
Chapter 0 - Mantis |
Courtney stared at the bug on her bed. It wasn’t all that large, in fact it was fairly small. About the size of a cockroach, give or take a little. It was all black, with angular edges and limbs that made it look almost robotic. The only reason she knew it wasn’t, was its massive penis. It too was fairly small, but only in relation to human males. In relation to its own body, it took up half its body mass. Laura wasn’t even sure how it could move with something like that. It leaked something green on the bed from the tip of its genitalia. It twitched, as if in anticipation.
Its amber eyes stared into hers, and piece by piece, she began to take off her clothes. First she started with her sweater that pressed more tightly against her rather large chest than it had any right to, slinking it off as if in a trance. Not soon after, the shirt came off, leaving her in a plain white bra. Taking off her jeans was the only step left, revealing her large, childbearing hips. Perfect for breeding. All she had left were her bra, panties, and socks as she stood in front of the strange bug, mesmerized by its eyes.
Rather like a zombie, she shuffled towards the bed before sitting down next to the bug, her perky breasts bouncing as the bed took her weight. All the while she stared at the bug, lost in its eyes as she circled her thighs and breasts. Then, suddenly, she pinched at her bra, biting her lip as her nipples started to harden. Her other hand lazed over her sex, rubbing it almost like a pet that she so dearly loved. Her mouth was wide open as she repeatedly rubbed and pinched at her body, feeling it heat up as the insect watched. Her panties were getting wetter, and her nipples were now hard enough to poke through the bra.
If it was slightly colder, wafts of her breath would be easily seen from her moving her hips in line with her fingers, writhing like a snake under her own touch and the bug’s gaze. It was too much for her, as she moved the panties aside and began to finger herself. Not too long after, the bra became an afterthought, a mere obstacle as she twisted and pulled, lightly nibbling on one of her own teat. The bug just sat, a small pool of its excretions beginning to form, and touching her thigh. As soon as it did she recoiled from the strange sensation. It was such a rush of pleasure, she could feel the air moving around her leg from how sensitive it had become. Courtney could feel it traveling across her body, making its way to her other leg, and upwards. Soon, her entire body was enveloped in a numbing warmth. It was terrible, as she could no longer move, but her body ached to be touched and played with. She lay gasping on the bed, her legs outstretched and her two waiting holes directly in front of the bug.
It’s time was now, and it moved with a kind of purpose to her sex mounting her like a man would missionary, its head directly on top of her clit. She almost lost consciousness as it ever so slightly moved its feelers, bringing her over the edge to orgasm. It struck then, shoving its stinger inside her waiting pussy, wet and slick with her lube. It was slow and methodical, pumping in and out with purpose. It gently extended a prehensile feeler to her clit, wrapping it around and pushing it upwards. Courtney could do nothing but grit her teeth as pleasure wracked her body, the bug toying with her clit and pumping her sex. She couldn’t even close her eyes, forced to stare at the bug violate her. It wasn’t long now, as she could feel the stinger enlarge to many sizes bigger than the bug was. She felt the stinger touch something deep inside her, and open it. The bug shoved its entire body in, her womb taking the stinger whole. There was pain, but it quickly turned to pleasure.
The bug expanded, the eggs growing in it as well. She could feel the eggs make their way down the path to her cervix and stopped. There was a building pressure, and then a pop. She gasped, feeling an egg make its way into her womb. And then another, and then five more, and then ten more. There was just a constant stream from the small bug, filling her womb with his young. Courtney could not believe the sheer amount of volume, watching as her stomach became enlarged. If she were to walk down the street, strangers would think her pregnant. Nothing happened for a moment.
And then she felt a cool numbness in her womb. The insect pumped more of the numbing secretion, filling the rest of her cavity with the liquid before sealing it off. She felt heavy as the bug slid out from her vagina, back to its normal size. She was panting, her skin alluring with a thin sheen of sweat. Yet, the bug was not yet done. The bug disappeared from her view, blocked by her extremely large stomach. It was then that she felt something at her ass. Feelers and limbs pushed open the tight cavity, forcing its way in. Not only did it have to fight her body trying to squeeze and push it out, the eggs it had laid inside her were not light. It traversed her rectum, stopping just below the end of her uterus.
The bug was still for a moment, and then exploded. Its guts covered the inside of her rectum, with so small amount of its innards oozing out. Courtney sighed in relief and disappointment, before she felt something moving around in her bowels. Several things, actually. They wriggled down the way the bug had came. They were a smaller, newer version of the bug that had died. The stingers bigger, the feelers longer. They looked at their ‘mother’ with curiosity, before climbing her vagina-- to no end of stimulation-- crawling across her ovular stomach, and finally resting on her nipples. They were like newborn animals, pushing to get milk. There were far more than two, and they fought with each other for who would eat. All the while Courtney’s body was so sensitive that she was sure she could feel light pressing down on her skin.
The bugs were ferocious, sometimes missing her and biting into her breasts or nipples. That was almost too much pleasure for her to bear, watching as the young finally made peace and gathered around her nipples, arranging themselves in circles. They did nothing for a few seconds, and then their maws opened. Long tendrils extended from within and stuck to her teats. Each of them did this, in total a few dozen were now expecting milk from her teats when she had none to give. The sensation was too much for her as she arched her back instinctually, feeling the eggs inside her move around. The newborns were relentless, sure that she would give milk when she had none, behaving like greedy butterflies to a flower as they tried to suck her dry.
And finally, a strange sort of light green excretion did come from her teats. It overflowed, running down her body and into her pussy. It set her body alight with its potency. This was nothing compared to what the bug had used before, this was pure ecstasy. She began to drool, watching that mix her milk in a strange concoction. For the rest of the night, she was trapped in her own body, watching as it was violated by strange insects, and feeling her stomach move every so often. Daylight was a long way away. |
Chapter 0 - Skeleton and skele-dog |
Jane was an archaeologist intent on searching ancient ruins for her master’s thesis. That meant going into caves that had never been explored, alone, and partially distracted by the wondrous things around her.
Which is why she didn’t notice the skeleton until it was too late. She dropped her flashlight in just the right way to see its lack of face when she turned her head. It grabbed her, its teeth chattering as if it was laughing. Its bones hung together like by some magical force. The only part of it that didn’t make sense was its throbbing cock. Which held some strange semblance of taut and growing red flesh.
It ripped off her shirt and jacket with one strong tug, revealing her plain bra. After chattering a little more, it began to grope her. Using its bony appendages to massage and pinch her oversized jugs. She may have been an archaeologist, but she could have easily been a model or trophy wife with her curvaceous body. She was unable to stop from moaning as her nipples became harder, her hot breath coming off like fog in the cold. She was a virgin, unknowledgeable in matters that she was about to get a crash course in.
With another quick sleight of hand, her bra was now pushing up her sizeable breasts. The skeleton knocked her to the ground, falling on a soft patch of moss which she could swear wasn’t there the second before.The skeleton stuck to her like glue, its cold appendages forcefully popping out her inverted nipples and bringing into the cold air. Her head jerked, unused to the sensations playing across her chest. Pinching and pulling her new and raw tits like they were something to be played with. Just as she tried to push the skeleton off a bony mouth enclosed around a nipple and clamped down. Her breaths were ragged as she pushed off her pants and underwear, fingering her entrance. She was already so wet it was amazing, and the skeleton certainly didn’t mind continuing. She could feel its length brushing up against her thigh.
It was so cold that it might as well have been from a refrigerator, but she felt invigorated as it moved its hips to line it up. She was salivating at the idea of being penetrated, watching as the long hard bone pushed into her. It was nothing like the toys, and she could feel it going further than they had ever gone. Her pelvis pressed against the skeleton’s, it bottomed out and she could feel its tip brushing against her cervix. Her insides felt cold, like she had a dildo made of ice. She loved how it felt against her molten hot pussy. It was slow going at first. Letting her get used to its movements as it drew itself all the way out and pushed all the way back in. She pushed against, rubbing her clit while the skeleton continued to pleasure her chest.
It got a little more heated as the skeleton pushed her legs further apart, managing to plunge deeper with every thrust. She could feel the coolness extend into her womb now. Jane’s moans could be heard all throughout the cave as she took its length. Its dick was getting even longer, now halfway through her womb as it pushed the entire way in and out.
That was when she whispered to it to really go and to let loose. Skeleton’s aren’t bound by conventional limits, and so it fulfilled her request to the best of its ability. It sped up exponentially, becoming nothing more than a vibrator that violated her most private parts. She could no longer keep up with its rhythm, instead crossing her legs and arms over its back as she forced it to stay inside her. He was twisting and pulling her tits with his teeth and hands, pulling them to lengths she didn’t know possible. All pain was pleasure as her lower pelvis began to feel numb from the cold and pleasure.
She could feel something coming and hugged the skeleton close as it made one final thrust, pushing against the end of her womb and letting out jets of white cold sperm. The skeleton fell apart, leaving only its balls and dick inside her as it continued to pump out. After a few minutes of laying in the afterglow and allowing the balls to empty, the dick shrunk and fell out, fading into nothing. The cum most certainly did not, staining the inside of her pussy as it seeped out. Jane didn’t even know if she could get pregnant from whatever it was, but now was not the time she wanted to find out.
Trying to stand up and finding her knees weak, she took a few more moments to ready herself before carrying onwards. She managed to right her shirt and bra, but it was impossible for her to stop the cum flowing down her thick and toned thighs. In the end, she didn’t even bother covering up her pussy as she made her way further into the cave.
Jane ventured more carefully now, scared by shadows that were nothing more than darkness, and mistaking her own footsteps for that of another. Several times she whipped around, her flashlight lighting upon a perfectly normal stalactite, and her face flushed with foolishness. She kept wondering if she was hoping that she would find more skeletons, or a way out. As she had quickly lost her way in the cave and could no longer find her way back.
Yet again, knowing how foolish it was, she whipped around again. Only to find that even a broken clock is right twice a day, and that there was something there. Put lightly, it was a skeletal dog-- about the size of a german shepherd. One that was trying to pant, but had no tongue nor lungs. It did, on the other hand, have quite a large red rocket hanging beneath its ribcage. One that pulsed with need.
Having been a lifelong animal lover, Jane immediately knew its predicament and fell to her knees, revealing her still cum oozing pussy. It didn’t take long for the dog to ‘sniff’ at her behind and nuzzle her entrance. Cum stuck to its nostrils, dripping onto her back as it mounted her. She could feel its bony paws on her back. They pressed down as it adjusted its member, rubbing up against her pussy in vain.
Jane shivered as it accidentally teased her sex, and giving it a helping hand, gently lead it into her and pushed back. While the dog’s dick was large, it wasn’t as large as the human’s-- at least initially. It only reached halfway to her womb. That said, Jane loved its nature. It pounded into her without a care, its knot always looming just beyond her hole. A few times it threatened to come in, but each time it eased off before it did. Jane wanted it to badly to enter because of what it entailed, but her pussy refused to loosen-- only getting tighter the longer the act went. It took her rocking backwards into the undead dog to get the knot inside her-- a red ball of flesh that ensured fertilization.
Jane’s hands tightened as the ball lodged inside her, stuck. Immediately the dog’s bones clicked and clacked as it turned around, facing away from her with its member still inside her. She felt a sense of euphoria as the stream of cum flowed into her impatient womb, mingling with the semen from the skeleton earlier. She lay there, basking in the pleasure as her womb grew full with seed, her belly starting to touch the moss covered floor of the cave.
Half an hour later, the dog was finally satisfied. Meaning that it slipped out easily-- her entrance now permanently larger-- and fell to dust within the instant. Its product stayed within her, her knees slumping to the ground as her belly deflated, squirting cum out of her like a balloon losing air. She lay there twitching for a few moments. Her body had never felt so good, and moving seemed like a chore. The moss was also soft and inviting. Soft enough that while cum still dripped out of her sex, she fell asleep.
Chapter 3 - Plants Part 1 |
Courtney bolted naked from the house, having seized her opportunity. Her pussy dripped from the liquids of the insects, and her body ran with the milk trickling from her oversized breasts. She was forced into an awkward run. Arms bent outwards as not to keep colliding with her boobs as they bounced. The cool night air felt tantalizing on her nipples and clit. Her body sensitive to feel when the wind changed direction.
Even the grass under her feet was slowly pushing her to orgasm, tickling her feet with every step. She was running into a forest, hoping to lose the insects. Not that it would be effective, given the clear trail of milk acting as breadcrumbs. No, that would not be the last time she saw them. The forest looked like a safe haven from the house. There would be bugs, but they wouldn’t try to breed her. She didn’t know where she would go from there, but anywhere was better than that basement.
It was almost night now. And even the start of the forest was somewhat dense. She had to move more carefully, sticks sharpened to points threatening to pierce her feet. Although her dangers were not all of pain. Even with the brushing of her nipple past a branch she came. It felt like someone had massaged her, warmed her up for hours before finally allowing her cum. And it had just barely managed to scrape it, to the point were there was no residue on her skin. For half a minute, she was unable to move, cum gushing down her thighs as she tried to move past the pleasure.
Finally, it wore off and she could move again. She was far more careful, moving slowly as to make sure that her breasts were as unbouncy as possible. An hour she traveled like this. In fear that she would be paralyzed and unable to stop the bugs. She wiped away the wetness traveling down her thighs, flicking it off into the woods before she continued. Even thinking about the bugs made her mind go white. The thought of her staying at the house, allowing them to use her as a bag of flesh made for breeding. Good for nothing but her holes. Constantly teased and pleasured, with no hope of escape.
Courtney half wondered why she didn’t do that. But something kept her going. Her determination renewed, she maneuvered her way through a small opening of branches with more care than a mother has for their spawn before stepping out into a clearing of a few feet. It looked like a path that people might travel on, if a little unused recently. Not caring one way or the other, she jogged down it. Leaves covered it, but aside from that it was fairly clear. No sticks or branches to worry about.
There was the tittering of bugs, which was almost comforting. They sounded nothing like the ones before. And while there were a few cobwebs, they were empty of spiders. Giant or regular sized ones. She was almost grinning. She was almost out of the woods. Metaphorically and literally. She felt like there would be an exit ahead, a way out and into civilization. An escape.
She slowed as she came to the exit. There was just one problem. A tree trunk. A massive one to be specific, blocking her path. No way over or around it. The trees were simply to dense for her to even push through. And after turning back to go the other way, she found the path absent. Just a wall of trees where she’d once been. Courtney tried to convince herself that it was simply her imagining things, but came to the only awful conclusion that she would be able to have.
She would have to go under the small space of the tree. Before her breasts had grown it would’ve been easy. She could just slide under. But now? Her pussy became wet just at the thought of the hard rubbed bark sliding against her nipples-- and even her clit if she was lucky. Paralyzed under the wood, trapped only by her own body. It would be a sort of hell.
That was her only choice. The trees felt even closer than they had been only moments before. So knowing what it entailed, she carefully sat and laid flat on her back. Closer to the ground, she saw that she could get under it. The question was how she would do it without rubbing anything important. Gingerly grabbing at her breasts, she held them to either side as flat as she could. That way, she could just barely make it through. Shimmying across the dirt with her butt to the ground and her hands on protective duty, she inched her way below the trunk. It was such a short opening, that she wasn’t even able to look up as she did it. She laid her head flat to the ground, watching the way she had come to make sure nothing was following her.
It was slow going, and certainly uncomfortable. Her arms splayed at a weird angle and unable to help her move. Dirt covering her back and legs. But she was halfway across. The trunk was sloping up.
She felt her pussy spasm. The pleasure hit her like a typhoon a moment later. Her worst fear realized as her jaw locked. Something had just pierced through her nipple. The one she couldn’t see. And whatever it had pierced it with was being moved around, twisted. Acting as if she was a toy. She felt as if her teeth were going to crack when it started pulling on her nipple like a dog on a leash. Courtney was moving, pulled along by her nipple. Through sheer force of will, her fingers dug into the ground. She was anchored, if momentarily.
Unable to see her attacker, all Courtney could do was pull against it. The pleasure was overwhelming, but her fear was even greater. Her mind clearer now, she swatted wildly. The piercing left her nipple, and she scrambled, moving as a mad woman back the other way. But that only made matters worse, her nipples scraping across the bark and forcing her to endure a pleasure that could only compare to a thousand fingerings. Even still, she swatted at whatever she couldn’t see and it was working. After getting up, all she would have to do was push through the dense forest. It would be a sort of hell, but it was better than whatever awaited her on the other side.
Until she saw something slithering towards her. She stopped, afraid it was a snake. But snakes had mouths and eyes. This was just--
She moved faster towards it. It was still a little bit off, and if she was quick she could deal with it while standing. But haste makes waste as they say, and she was brushing her leaking nubs recklessly. Forcing her to grit her teeth in pleasure and feel her pussy soak the ground beneath her. Courtney had only a third of the trunk to go, but it was taking far longer than before. Her eyes fluttering for a split second, she lost track of the worm like bug. She stayed absolutely still, her breath fogging the night air with how hot she was. The bugs were quiet now, and she could hear something rustling leaves ‘below’ her. In other words, at her feet.
She kicked out, but that was her greatest mistake. The act of her kicking slightly raised her mound, touching her clit ever so slightly to the old wood. Rubbing it gently, like petting a kitten. But that slightest touch broke her.
Courtney’s back arched, only furthering the problem. She was locked in place. Her face pressed up against the trunk as the spasms forced her clit to mash itself into and onto the ridges. She felt like a fire hydrant with how much cum was pouring out of her. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth. Muscles worked so hard to be taught now having gone full circle and completely relaxed. Unfortunately for her, that did not include her thigh and leg muscles.
Minutes later, her legs unlocked and her butt fell into a pool of her own juices. She gasped for air, unable to move. Her entire body was sore after being involuntarily contracted and expanded. She was in so much pleasure that she felt like she floating out of her body, watching as the wormlike creature sauntered under the log and directly into her waiting muff. It was strange, looking down upon her body, the log invisible to her eye. She watched her body seizure, thousands of tiny furry bristles brushing against her entrance. Courtney felt herself drift. The pleasure was there, but it was happening to someone else.
She was free to watch as the giant caterpillar rolled around, scratching every possible surface of her cavity with its fur. Some might think she was out of cum, but that would be incorrect. It spurted erratically, dripping down into her gaping hole and acting as a lubricant. Her body was less her own, and more a vegetable. Her body moved, of course, but every time her back arched and her clit was pushed into the fallen tree, she felt herself disappearing a little bit more.
The caterpillar seemingly satisfied, it marched out, drenched in her love. Courtney felt herself returning somewhat, being drawn back to her body. But not before her empty form was yanked out from under the tree. As it was dragged her pussy and tits leaked, leaving their mark on the forest like some sort of bizarre graffiti, a murky neon green. She followed it instinctively, watching as her body was held up by vines. The moved to support her fully, wrapping around her legs, arms, and torso.
With surprising ease for a plant, it pulled apart her legs, revealing her dripping folds and throbbing clit. A few more vines descended, revealing her ass. She was fully on display to the forest. A vine as thick as her arm slowly lowered down to her, moving around as it had eyes on the front of it. Courtney could see her body drooling, waiting for it to plunge into her depths. But it didn’t, a flower sprouting along its length and blooming. Its petals fluttering in the wind as it approached her pussy.
Without warning, pierced her clit, the folds of the flower pressing against her urethra. Her body moaned of its own accord, beginning to tire. As if in direct response, a vine penetrated her mouth. Down to her stomach it went. Her own anatomy clear as day, Courtney watched as a liquid was emptied into her. Not sperm or eggs, but some sort of water. She felt herself drifting back into her body. And suddenly she was inside herself. The vine emptying a seemingly endless amount of life giving fluids into her, while her pussy was wrung like a cloth. The flower was relentless, and just as soon as it wracked her body with one piercing of its metal like stamen, another was pushed through.
Her eyes rolled back. She wasn’t even able to leave her body, forced to experience everything. Courtney couldn’t even scream. The best she could do was struggle against the vines, her energy renewed from the water in her belly. That was what she focused on until the vines moved. She was now upside down and could feel some of the water trickling out of her mouth. Normally her blood would rush to her head, but all of it was in her privates when the third piercing came.
With her entrance facing the sky, her head was craned upward by a helpful tentacle vine. The flower had engulfed her clit and was milking it, the stamens fully through and twisting her clit every time she moved. A few drops of cum landed on her eyes, but the plant quickly grew another flower to pick up the slack of the other, making sure that none of her juices would escape.
As she looked up at the starry night sky, two strange looking pitcher plants entered her view.
She was in for a long night. |
Chapter 1 - Multi type |
It had been several hours since Courtney had first seen the bug. She could feel her body changing. Transforming into something designed only to breed. Her hips were wider as to let the bugs slide out. Her breasts were larger as to allow more bugs to drink her milk. And finally her mind could no longer feel pain, only pleasure. There was just a constant cycle of birth and feeding. Hundreds of her children had bitten and sucked her teat for sustenance. Growing larger in the span of minutes. Large enough to extend their stinger into her gaping womb. Every time they pumped eggs in through her pussy, she felt as if she was in heaven. The eggs were bumpy and coarse, rubbing against every part of her insides. She couldn’t help but squirt from the sheer pleasure as it passed her g-spot. There was no helping it from her in the paralysis. She couldn’t even control her bladder.
Not that it mattered. Several bugs had long since taken up residence on her clit. Not only biting and teasing it, but extending a thing, straw like appendage into her urethra like a catheter to suck out her piss. And she was unable to do anything but watch as her children steadily grew bigger over the generations. Feeding off her. Pleasuring her in ways she never thought possible. While their ‘father’ may have been no bigger than a cockroach, they were now as big as rats. Their genitals grew with them, as well as their maws. Even when only sucking or biting at her breasts, their stingers were always fully extended. Leaking and rubbing against her skin, leaving that green fluid they always excreted.
Her breaths were shallow, but she would be panting if she could. At least until one of her children walked up to her mouth and shoved its stinger in. She could feel it reach all the way to her stomach, yet Courtney had no problems breathing. It pumped in and out of her mouth, dumping its ‘precum’ as it chittered in pleasure. Even though she couldn’t see past its carapace covering her eyes, she could still feel her other children at work. One of the new generations were just beginning to breed her, and she could feel its stinger entering her womb. It was so much longer than its forefathers that her stomach protruded from the sheer size. She felt even more full as it widened the entrance to her womb, painting her womb with green.
One of their brothers joined him, and she could feel her ass open slowly, before a stinger started pounding her. All three of her holes had a stinger, her breasts with their growing brethren, and she couldn’t be feeling more pleasure. She tried to move her hips to the rhythm of the bugs, but to no avail. Every part of her body was screaming out to be touched and played with, and the bugs were silencing that with their stingers, claws, and mouths. All at once, she could feel the stingers harden and grow. Her mind raced as she knew what was coming, bracing for the coming eggs.
The bug in her mouth was the first to release the eggs. For the first time, she felt as if she was choking while the eggs descended into her stomach, a low buzz coming from the insect as it emptied wherever they came from. The one in her ass was next. Unlike the first though, it didn’t stop thrusting. She felt the flesh between her butt and stretch. It was being pressed against by both stingers to the point where they might as well be touching. The anticipation was killing her as she waited for the eggs to enter her. To fill her and create more young. To repeat the cycle of pleasure over and over again.
And finally it came. Courtney’s body spasmed out of her control from the eggs entering her ass. They lined up, one by one. The long tubular stinger detracted, but not before sealing off the entrance. Leaving no way for the eggs to escape, and forcing them against her insides. They were even larger than before-- now the size of easter eggs. The bug abandoned its post, and she could feel it tenderly rubbing her breasts with its ovipositor. Lathering her with its cum.
Her womb already felt small, the eggs in her ass pressing upon it. But the finale was upon her as the bug went berserk. It thrust recklessly, tearing against the entrance to her womb. Courtney could feel her own eggs descending, blood dripping out with them. The bug changed its position of missionary to one that a dog might have, allowing its stinger to stay in her vagina as it turned away from her. The stinger stiffened, and she knew its time was close as it continued to thrust in and out. All the sudden it stopped. There was no eggs. Nothing for a few moments as it simply buzzed its wings. And then Courtney felt hot. Her womb was on fire from whatever the bugg was dumping inside her. She couldn’t move from the sheer pleasure that came from the fluid. They coated her own eggs and they changed. The insect’s own DNA rewriting them as it infected them.
Her stomach distended from the liquid, not a single drop coming from the womb. The bug had plugged it, and had no intention of stopping from the looks of it. Her body had changed for the better in this case. As even without being able to see her stomach, she knew it was many times bigger than it had been before. Her womb could easily fit an entire chair, and it was continuing to grow. Courtney could feel her lover finally emit a final burst of ‘something’. It simply sealed her womb, breaking off its stinger inside her to get the last few drops of the sperm out.
Courtney’s brain felt like it was going numb. There were too many sensations. Too many bugs pleasuring and kneading her body. Her womb felt like a waterbed, even just the bugs ministrations made her stomach move and sway. It may have been Courtney’s body, but she wasn’t in control. Her hands were lamely at her side, and her feet were splayed in the best position for breeding. Everything the bugs did was pure pleasure. Her nipples were so much larger now, done to accommodate for the bigger children. At any given time, a few dozen bugs suckled on them. Even her clit was larger. The bugs toyed with it endlessly. Licking at it. Scratching at it with their mandibles. Wrapping around it with an appendage and squeezing it.
Drool was quickly slurped up by her children. The same bug that had forced the eggs into her stomach was now leisurely pumping into her mouth, for seemingly no other reason than pleasure. Its stinger felt rough, but Courtney’s body no longer saw it as pain. It slid easily with the lubrication in her throat.
But nothing compared to the pleasure inside her womb. Not the kneading and biting of her nipples. Not the toying of her clit. Even the deepthroat paled in comparison. The stinger stirred the sperm inside her stomach, no longer attached to a bug. It scratched at her walls relentlessly, forming something out of the soup of sperm and eggs. Places she had no idea existed were being itched at and she was in ecstasy. Courtney felt so horny that she wanted something, anything to fuck up her vagina. To pound her and mate. But nothing did, as the bugs allowed the new life to gestate peacefully.
Minutes later, she felt the eggs in her stomach begin to hatch. They crawled around in her stomach momentarily, before crawling up her throat. They exited the mouth in a horde, the stinger from the bug momentarily waiting for its children to exit. They looked different from the previous children, with long rope like appendages sprawling from their back. They quickly began to work. Cutting off blood flow to her arms and legs, diverting all of it to the most essential parts of her body. The torso and head. A few of them also began to bind her breasts, enhancing the pleasure she felt.
The seal on her ass broke, and it was their turn to live. They scratched at the tract and expanded it. Courtney felt satisfied from all her holes beginning to gape. Her mouth and ass were now open to the air, gaping and vulnerable. The new bugs quickly took care of that, beginning to show their talents as they filled the empty space. They were shaped like rings, and quickly climbed into her waiting mouth and butt, expanding them both with their own body. They stretched Courtney to her limits, and there was no better feeling for her. If she had a mirror, she would be able to see all the way up her ass through a small hole the bugs had, just enough to allow a stinger to pass through and breed.
It was time. And her stomach had been hardened by the stingers work, which had been dissolved into the soup inside her. She no longer swayed, her stomach rock hard as something kicked inside. Sweat started to pour from her face, licked up by the smaller generations of bugs as she felt something kiss the exit to her womb. All at once the seal broke and her eyes rolled up into her head from the relief of so much liquid. It was eclipsed by the feeling of something rather large forcing its way out of her womb, through her vagina, and out into the open air. The ring bugs flooded into her waiting pussy, not only widening her vaginal cavity and her womb, but the entrance as well. It would be easy to fit an entire human fist inside her at this point from how gaping it was.
The newborn bug was by far the oddest. In most ways, it looked like a newborn baby boy. But it looked a few months old at the least, and instead of a penis it had a stinger and an ovipositor sack the size of its head. It turned to its brilliant green eyes to Courtney. It crawled up her leg and onto her now much flatter stomach, dragging a mixture of its and her own juices along her body. Its uncles on her breasts moved aside as it opened its mouth to reveal an orchestra of mandiles, claws, and appendages before clamping down on a nipple.
Her nipple was assaulted in a way that it hadn’t been before. She felt it being twisted, sucked, and elongated-- all in the same moment. The baby’s green eyes never left hers, its ovipositor snaking down to her vagina. Tension built within her, watching as it crossed one of her folds and sent lightning through her spine. It passed through the ring bugs, straight into her gaping vagina. The ring bugs transmitted the feeling of her folds being teased as the prehensile ovipositor finally hit the end of her womb and became bigger.
The ring bugs hadn’t been purely for pleasure, as the entirety of the ovipositor grew as thick as her arm, the end of it ballooning to fit her womb. Her eyes danced as she saw ‘things’ march down the babies ovipositor that lay on her stomach, fall in the small turn that it made into her pussy, and finally deposited themselves in her womb. They felt slimy and soft-- nothing like the hard carapace of the bugs or their appendages.
Courtney watched her stomach rise, filling with the slugs. There was no end to them, and she could feel her body chemistry changing once again.
Chapter 4 - Plants Part 2 |
Courtney watched as a massive vine came down from the trees. Able to do nothing but grit her teeth. Her body simply wasn’t listening with how the flower tortured her clit. Even suspended in the air, she could feel her limbs stretching and locking. Her ass facing the sky, ready to be plundered. It twitched as she felt the vine prod her entrance gently. A few of the plants other appendages spread her cheeks, revealing a gaping hole.
The vine pumped into her slowly. Courtney was surprised at how soft the appendage was. It appeared hard and wooden, but when inside she could almost convince herself it was a live cock. If extremely large, as it reached farther than any human dick could. The plant took its time, pumping in an out of her ass. It was in no rush, and neither were the two pitchers that descended. One below each of her nipples. They pointed perpendicular to the ground, and would be covering her face if not for the helpful tentacles directing them to the pitcher plants.
That was when they started to squeeze. Gently, massaging the milk out of her. This was a gentle caress. It was in stark contrast to her clit, which now had at least half six piercings and had grown a decent amount in size. The flower was sucking her like you would a drink. And somehow she kept supplying.
Where before the milk was a trickle, now it was a leak. The pitchers catching every drop as the vines wrapped around her aching breasts. If she closed her eyes, it was almost like she was a cow. Someone massaging the milk out of her overfilled teats. Taking care of her every need as she lived comfortably. This was a pleasant experience for the most part. She was still unable to move because of her clit, but at least the plant was ‘nice’.
The vine in her ass was picking up speed, but it was fine. It was just getting a little into it. Her clit was more plant than flesh at this point, the flower molding itself to her clit and covering it like a hood. The tentacle in her throat still pumped liquids, in, even if some was dribbling out of her mouth.
And then, as they say, the plant took it to the next level. Courtney couldn’t even feel her ass as the vine rammed into her. Instead of being able to feel her lower half there was just a general pleasure. Not that she could move with how her clit-- and now nipples were being teased. More flowers had taken up residence, and had begun piercing her nipples the same way they had her clit. Somehow even more milk was spilling out into the pitchers. And Courtney’s body was getting into it. Moving with the vine to help slam it even deeper up her ass. Which was helped further by the vines swinging her into it. She could feel herself cumming based on just the thought of how her insides were getting wrecked. Watching the head of the vine protrude through her stomach almost made her mind break yet again.
Furiously both Courtney and the plant pumped. She was just a bag of liquids to it. Harvesting her for her milk and cunt juice. To Courtney it was just something to wreck her ass and squeeze her breasts. And then they got even faster, each thrust and slam forcing Courtney to cum. Her stomach distended such a ridiculous amount from the vine, and it just kept getting farther up. It felt so good Courtney could sweat she was going to die.
And then it happened.
Both of them stopped at the exact same time. And then they restarted as if they’d been paused, Courtney cumming her brains out as milk drizzled from her twitching nipples. But that plant had yet to procreate and Courtney watched a massive bump travel along the vine. It was bigger than her head, and yet she knew it was going directly into her ass. The vine widened, but still wasn’t even close to the majesty of whatever was in that bump.
Her body whimpered when the tip of it touched her entrance. Tantalizingly close to violating her ass. But one vine wasn’t enough. Even with all of the foreplay, it still couldn’t push it down into her hole. So it commissioned two more vines to reach into her ass and spread it apart. It was still only half the size needed for the bump, and Courtney already felt like her ass could fit a small country, reveling in the feeling of being torn apart by the plant.
When that wasn’t enough even more vines entered her massive hole, pushing it quite literally to the limits. It was so close, yet so far to its goal. Courtney couldn’t even look at the bump in the vine, her eyes closed as she tried to absorb and remember this feeling. It was like three or four cocks were now all writhing within her, trying to split her as far as humanly possible. Luckily, she was no longer fully human. The plant pushed down again, massaging her ass to try to relax it. But that was pointless. From the fucking she’d just had, it was impossible for Courtney’s body to become anymore relaxed. All it did was feed the flower more cum.
So the plant went to its last resort, bringing up a pitcher and tipping it slightly. Milk-- her milk poured out of it. Entering her ass around the bump. Softening and lubing her up.
That was the last thing needed for the entire thing to plunge straight into her ass. Courtney couldn’t breath, her mind unable to focus on anything other than the massive seed. For good measure, the vine fucked her once again. Pushing the seed even farther up. She looked like she was pregnant from how large it was.
And it was over. The plant gently let her down on a soft patch of grass. When Courtney was finally able to move, she rubbed her stomach. Feeling her fucked up organs. Nothing was where it ought to be, all because of the seed. The very thought made her cum all over the grass. She lay there for a moment. But she was strangely energized, the water from the plant still urging her onwards. It wanted her to travel, so that its kind would spread far from the tree, so to speak.
Courtney woozily got to her feet, feeling her body adjust to the weight and awkwardness. Even her hips felt pushed apart. She had to walk with her knees bowed inward. Her ass was so taut that trying to walk straight just made her cum from the friction. Courtney felt strange, to say the least. Her nipples and clit were not nearly as sensitive, although whether she’d been changed by the plant, or if the effects were simply wearing off she didn’t know.
It was slow going, but she felt a sense of pride and accomplishment as she carried the seed within her. And she’d been wrong. She was not even half way through the forest, but her path was far clearer now. The bugs were no longer silent, and she could see by the moon. Her walk was uneventful, even after she exited the forest, heading into a somewhat muddy biome.
And that’s when the seed cracked. Courtney fell to her knees, feeling something crawling along her ass before finally reaching the open air. Putting her head to the ground, she could see a small tentacle, waving in the air. And then another. They were jittery, like they didn’t know how to move. One of them plunged into her pussy, no thicker a rope bag handle. It was pushing onto her taint, a sensation she hadn’t felt before. She savored it as the tentacle attempted to pull itself and the seed out of her ass.
She could feel it scraping, opening her once again. Courtney felt altruistic, reaching a hand around and shoving it into her ass. Not that it was difficult with how gaped it had become. Her hand slid in, creating a weird feeling with the seed scraping her insides and her hand gliding along it without a care. Now up to her elbow inside her own body, she felt a hundred wriggling, tiny tentacles beneath her fingertips. She grabbed at them, gently pulling it out of her ass. There was a careful balance, and Courtney bit her lip. It felt so good. Watching her stomach change shape as the seed was pulled out, and feeling the inside of her ass get torn up was ecstasy.
Like all good things, it came to an end. The seed falling to pieces as soon as it hit the open air, and the tentacles falling to the ground with a ‘plop’. Courtney took a moment to look at it upside down. It was so young, and yet it was already going away. Leaving her. She felt almost bad watching it leave.
But the bugs were still behind her. |
Chapter 2 - Spiders |
Courtney woke up to the sun on her face through the window. Almost instantly she remembered the night before, upon seeing her changed body. Her nipples engorged and half an inch across, slowly leaking a green tinted milk. Not to mention her breasts had grown several sizes, when she was already blessed with a large rack. She wondered how she her clothes were going to fit.
The bugs were nowhere to be seen. But… to make sure, she lightly touched her labia. Right then and there she squirted, her body arcing. Courtney was unable to think, her joints paralyzed. She gasped, looking down at her mound with a new light. After swiftly getting up, she moved to the closet and pulled out a tall mirror. After shuffling with it, she leaned it against the wall and spread her legs as she lay on the bed. She was careful not to directly touch the lips, instead pulling at the flesh directly around it.
She was now sure that what happened with the insects hadn’t been a dream, if only because she was gaping. There was a clean line of sight to her cervix. And after moving her fingers downward, her ass was far larger too. Not just the opening, but her butt was more bubbly. Her entire body felt softer, slightly fatter.
After finding a clean shirt, she shrugged it on. Except that it never made it past her chest. She kneeled awkwardly, her hands still up in the air as she bit her lip. Her nipples had never felt so good before. Just by the fabric touching them, she felt hotter. Hot enough that she tore the shirt off and nearly touched her muff before her hand stopped. She had to find the bugs, or at least where they went. It would be a menace to society if the roamed free. Or something like that. But clothes were out of the question. If she couldn’t even put a shirt on, there was no telling what would happen if she tried to put on panties.
First she checked under the bed. No site of eggs or insects. It looked strangely clean, which was suspicious in its own right. The window was open-- and now that she thought about it she closed it. Because that window faced the street and she would be sure to flash anyone even glancing at her house. She double checked her closet, which was also bug free. Nowhere in her drawers either. Patting down her clothes didn’t reveal anything except some dust.
Today wasn’t a work day for Courtney, but she was getting hungry. Opening the door like she was expecting a monster behind it, she peered into the hall. It was empty. Just carpet and old photos on the walls. She moved down in quietly. Listening for something, anything. But the only thing she could hear was her own breath and the creak of the floorboards. She checked down the staircase, but it was just as she’d left it the night before. Some of the clothes that she’d thrown off were still on them. She made a mental note to pick them up at some point.
She gulped. Walking on the stairs was by far the noisest thing she could do. The house was a hand me down, and she never feared intruders catching her by surprise because of just how loud they were when you walked on them. She took a step carefully. And another. The next step is where the creak was and she stepped past it, directly onto a pair of socks. She fell forward, unable to catch the wall or handrail as she tumbled through the air.
And stopped. She hung in the air, as if held there by a spell. Slowly creaking open an eye, she found that she’d been caught in time, tumbling backwards. She had a wonderful view of her body, as well as the massive spider that was sitting on the ceiling above her, clinging to a web. Its eyes moved seemingly at random to her. Its mandibles twitching. Courtney moved a hand, only to find it snap back to where it was. After straining to look behind her, she found that she was caught in a web.
When she turned back the spider was gone. Courtney looked around frantically for it, struggling to get out of the trap. She jumped-- or at least tried to when something cold touched her head. Once again she strained her eyes. The spider was there, its arms moving with the speed of a talented weaver. The feeling spread, and soon her eyes were covered in the spider silk. She tried to punch it. Whether or not it moved, or she was off the mark she didn’t know. But her attention quickly went to the silk around her mouth. She pulled at it, trying to rip it off. It was so strong that she was unable to move even a single thread from its place, her arms held at her sides by a few of the spider’s own.
She stopped panicking when she realized she could breath normally. Or at least as much. She still couldn’t feel anything, and the spider was moving more quickly now. It crossed her breasts in a matter of seconds, but instead of fully encasing them in the silk it left them open to the air. They moved up and down rapidly, but only until the spider had constricted her chest and stomach considerably. She could only make shallow breaths, her hands trapped against her hips in the webbing. It did the same for her ass and pussy, but in a different way. Instead of simply not placing webbing around her crotch, rather it took the approach of spreading her legs enough to leave her holes accessible, and left ‘airholes’, direct paths from the outside to them. Her legs and feet were finally bound, almost fully encasing her in the spider’s web.
Courtney could feel the spider moving around her, although she didn’t know what. All she could feel was her chest slowly leaking and her pussy getting wetter. She tried to resist the feeling, but it was more like a weak suggestion in her mind at this point. Even the air moving across her cherry nubs felt electrifying. Tantalizing, even. Her clit ached to be played with and tortured. The spider would soon nurture those needs, but she felt herself moving. It was a strange sensation, but she had a good grasp of where she was in the house as it moved her.
It passed through the living room, a hallway, and finally down yet another set of stairs. It was taking her to the basement. The spider was careful, maneuvering her in such a way that only it was touching her at any given point. It stopped abruptly, chittering. That was another thing, when Courtney had entered the basement there was no longer silence. There was quite a bit of noise. The sound of wings, legs, and the snapping of mandibles. This is where the insects had moved to, a dank basement with no windows.
The spider placed her in another web and the chittering stopped. There was only silence, damning silence. No matter how much she tried to focus, there was simply no noise. She wriggled slightly, but couldn’t even feel herself move more than a few millimeters in the cocoon. The bugs were more patient than last time. She could feel herself getting wetter at the thought of them ravaging her holes. Unable to stop or even see them. To breed and change her. She was so trapped she couldn’t even bite her lip, only huff in anticipation.
She did not expect the first thing she felt to be an inch. It wasn’t even on her nipple, just her areola. Courtney wanted to itch it but couldn’t. It was driving her mad as she strained against her cage of webbing. She became so desperate that she began to push out her chest, trying to rub it on something. Instead it got worse, an itch on the areola of her other breast revealed itself. Courtney was now making decent movement within the web. She could feel her boobs bouncing, so close to relief. But it wasn’t enough and she growled in frustration.
Breath in. Breath out. She blocked out the itching. She went to he happy place. A beach, with no spiders or bugs. Free to move as she pleased. Where there was not a care in the world.
Something bit her clit. Not the area next to it, not her folds or crotch. Directly on her clit. She gulped. The itching came not soon after, ten times worse than her boobs. She was so wet, there was a small puddle collecting in the cavity leading to her muff. And yet nothing touched her. Courtney had a full body itch, and none of the bugs would relieve it. She thrust out her chest. Trying to allure them. She was made for breeding, right? So breed her. Scratch her itch. She pleaded silently, unable to do anything other than moan.
That was when the ovipositor went in her ass. There was no buildup, no preparation. Just a filling sensation from the appendage. It felt wonderful, but didn’t scratch her itch. And then she spasmed. The appendage had just hitled itself, and was pushing on her sensitive womb from inside her ass. Even with the itching, she felt divine. She pushed and rolled her hips, feeling the tip of the stiff ovipositor reach deep inside. Unlike before, she had no warning for the eggs. There was just a pressure against her opening before it was pushed through. It felt even better than last time, her belly filling with young. As her opening was sealed with a secretion, one of the eggs was smooshed in just the right position to press on her womb and stay that way. She came just from that, her toes tightening as much as they could given the conditions.
She panted, sweat wicking into the webbing as she felt the pleasure of her womb being pressed on. But it didn’t last. Soon it was drowned out by even more itches on her breast. Still none of them on her nipples. Just close enough to tease and make her feel helpless. Courtney whimpered, feeling spiders skitter across her chest and bite. The itching was growing exponentially. She moaned, feeling the spiders manage to hang on as her boobs bounced. If anything her, movements made them work faster. She felt like she was about to lose it as the itching took over her entire chest. Unable to scratch or stop them was torture.
Unable to keep back any longer, she relieved herself. This piss joining her cum in the puddle as it sat on her lips. She didn’t even notice the spiders scatter from her breasts, too concentrated on her womb and the fact that she’d just pissed herself. She did notice something press down and surround her areola. Something circular. One on each breast, partially relieving the itch just by pushing down on her skin. She didn’t realize it before, but her breasts felt bigger, heavier than a few minutes ago. Then it, ‘turned on’. Her back arched as she felt herself being milked. The womb, the itching-- nothing felt this good. It would go full blast for a few seconds before a small break, repeating the process. Her breasts were finally ‘scratched’ and damn did it feel satisfying. Every time it sucked she pushed her chest out, and every time it let off she fell back. The rhythm carried on, until it finally didn’t stop sucking. Every drop of milk left her breasts, and she could feel her areola and nipple puffing out.
The miking stopped, the tube removed. Her breasts felt sensitive, the cool basement air gliding over her nipples. She gasped for air, her lungs straining against the webbing to expand and give her more air. Not for long though. Her nipples were pulled. Bit. Twisted. And she couldn’t feel better. Her puddle was turning into more of a lake as her nipples were pulled and twisted in tandem, held that way.
The finale was near. She could feel it. And hear it. Something buzzed, coming slowly closer. It was large enough that she could feel its wing beats on her exposed skin. Then there was quiet pleasure from her breasts and ass. She wriggled her hips, inviting the bug to ravage her. There was only one more itch to scratch. A different ovipositor than before pushed inside her. It was more flaccid, soft. But just as effective as the stiff one, reaching just before the entrance of her womb. With the egg pushing on it, she could feel her cervix dilating. Allowing the tube entrance.
Courtney was confused, but it was hard for her to care when she was under so much pleasure. The bug sat there, its ovipositor flaccid and unmoving. Her clit ached to be toyed and played with, but it was acceptable for her at that moment. In the soft tube, she felt something descend as it pushed past her extremely sensitive lips. She squirted, but not before something bit into it. The pleasure and itch combined to euphoria. But whatever it was continued to push through the tube, before stopping midway to her womb.
It broke through the tube, latching onto her G-spot. She came again and again, her back perpetually arced. That was when the bug chose to strike, the buzzing back as a torrent flew down its appendage. Courntey could feel her stomach fill with hundreds or thousands of tiny eggs. The weight of it only increased her pleasure, if that was even possible. She couldn’t even think with whatever was sucking on her G-spot, let alone focus on her breasts. But that feeling passed as the ovipositor retracted, but not before spilling more eggs into her vagina, filling her up to the labia. Only then did she feel something secrete onto her lips, brushing against it and forcing her to squirt again as her mound was sealed.
In the basement, without light, she wasn’t sure she would ever get out. And she wasn’t sure if that was a bad thing.
Chapter 6 - Marsh Insects part 2 |
Both of the dragonflies took a hole with their ovipositor, one shoving its length up her ass, and the other one up her still tight cunt. All the while they injected her young, taut breasts breasts with something to enhance her milk. Courtney moaned, rubbing her clit as they began to ram into her. She bit her lip when they stopped thrusting and began to pump her full of a liquid. Their eyes glinted when she began to feel bloated. Such a large stomach looked bizzarre on her small frame. At first she looked pregnant, but it was far past that after only a few more seconds. Quintuplets would be the only reason any woman’s stomach would be this large from pregnancy. Courtney felt like a water bed as she rubbed her stomach with a hand, knowing what was about to come next.
Except it didn’t. The dragonflies retracted their wet ovipositors. They retracted their venomous fangs from her breasts. Her nipples were blue, and to keep the pleasure going she pinched at them, but felt no pleasure. They were numb, unable to feel pleasure or pain. Her breasts were small enough that she couldn’t take them into her mouth, either. Courtney could have cried in frustration at the lack of pleasure, but she instead gasped. Her clit had been pierced by the dragonfly’s fang. It pumped the same liquid that it had into her breasts. It felt wonderful, but she knew what would happen.
Courtney pushed at the remaining dragonfly, trying to get it to leave, but it simply wouldn’t. She was so weak she could barely move it, even while it hovered in the air. So instead, Courtney went for a different approach. Grabbing at its wings. That got it to stop. Her legs were wobbly, but she could still walk. All she could do was hope that she would still have feeling in her clit.
She slowed when she realized the dragonfly wasn’t even there anymore. It had just left. She felt annoyed, sexual frustration building. And after furiously rubbing a hand against her clit, she had lost feeling in it anyway. She stamped her foot, exasperated. Even her lower lips and ass gave her no pleasure to violate. Whatever the dragonfly had did, it had numbed her erogenous zones.
So Courtney walked onwards, her fists clenched. She was going to punch that dragonfly if she ever saw it again. Not hard, but enough for it to get the point. And now she was smaller, which was going to take some getting used to. Not being able to see her lower waste was disconcerting. She felt her chest, massaging it. While it was nowhere near as soft or pillowy as before, her back hurt far less. And she could actually run. Not that she wanted to. She was aching for something to breed her. The dragonflies hadn’t quite finished with her stomach, still full of liquids.
She squatted, letting it flow out of her. It took some encouragement in the form of her spreading herself wide open, but finally, it was all out. A shame, she thought, but there was no reason to hold it if they weren't going to breed her. When she stood, the head of a large, uncircumsized penis rose with her. It was also blue, which was a little strange. She poked it, only to feel her loins set themselves on fire.
Taking a moment to wipe off the drool from her mouth, she gently felt around underwater to find the penis connected to her. Instead of a clit, there was this monstrosity in its place. She assumed it was the dragonfly’s doing. So not only could she not orgasm, been reduced to about half her original, and was pissed, she now had a massive dick instead of a clit. She touched it again, but that same fire and pleasure was no longer there. Even stroking it did nothing.
Exasperated she continued, her dick bobbing below and above the water whenever she walked. The marsh wasn’t all that large, and she was glad to be rid of it as she stepped into a more deciduous forest, like the one with the plants had been. Courtney had not been expecting to find an ass and a pair of legs sticking out of a tree trunk. It was effectively the first thing to greet her.
There was nothing strange about them either, just a pillowy human ass. A large, soft, white ass that belonged to a woman with gorgeous legs.
Courtney usually did not leer at women, but as she stepped towards it, she did. Her footlong dick throbbed. It was begging to be nested into a tight crevice. Wrapped in the embrace of flesh. Embedded within warmth and drained of everything it had. Without realizing, Courtney’s member was already rubbing on the ass. Her breath became scatto. She couldn’t take her eyes off the mystical ass. It squirmed, and if she was lucid she would be able to hear someone asking if anyone was there.
Courtney spread the lips of pussy with her fingers, breathing in the lewd scent as she watched it become wet right before her eyes. Then, slowly, she slid her cock in. Her eyes fluttered. And she was only half way in. She had no experience on this end of sex, but she had the general idea. Laying her hands on the ass, she dug her fingers into it. It was malleable enough that she was able to get a decent hold on it. Playing with it was fun, watching it jiggle back into place. And the hips were moving too, moving and rolling around her dick as she stood unmoving. Just sitting in her pussy felt amazing. Like her dick was made for it, and should never leave.
Pulling her hips back as far as they could go, Courtney shoved the entirety of her length in. Or at least she tried. There was a cervix in the way, one that she could feel surrounding the tip of her length. The pussy squeezed around her, pleasuring her in ways she didn’t know existed. Cum ran down Courtney’s leg, but it was not her own. It was the girl’s. Her rump was shaking, her long and toned legs twitching.
She could see why guy’s liked this as she thrust in and out again. Using the butt as a sort of anchor, she began to thrust even faster. Millimeter by millimeter she got further in, spreading the cervix wider and wider with every repetition. It was so tight that it was hard to even move. But she found the strength. One of the thrusts, she finally managed to fit the head into the womb. But she couldn’t pull out. The womb wouldn’t let her. So she worked with what she had, ramming between the entrance and the top of the womb. It was an entirely different feeling to have her glans stimulated by the opening, and felt all the better for it.
Courtney felt like she was about to cum, but not from her pussy. Her dick felt like it was on fire as she began to thrust even faster. Her nails were beginning to leave marks in the ass with how tight she gripped it. The only thing on her mind was thrusting, and she did it extremely well. Her hips became a blur as she continually hilted herself. She just kept getting faster and faster. There was an unmistakable force building within her. One that urged her to plungee as far as she could into the pussy.
She came, her toes twitching as she felt herself ‘peeing’. The pussy wasn’t done, continuing to massage her as she came. Courtney just let her body do the work as she waited to be done filling them with her sperm. She kept expecting it to stop, but it didn’t. There was so much inside them that it started to spill out around her hilt, the womb too full. So she pulled out, watching as as a spurt landed on the ground. The legs were twitching uncontrollably, but her work was unfinished. Her dick had yet recieve its fill, completely erect as it continued to ejaculate.
Taking her dick in one hand, she became to smear the ever flowing tip on the ass, watching her seed cover it in its entirety. Art in its finest form, she decided. Opening up the ass cheeks took both hands, but there was most certainly a rosebud that pulsed. Waiting to be filled. Lowering her dick into it, she could feel the seed lubricating the way for her as she began to push in and out. Getting deeper and deeper into the ass. It felt far, far tighter than even the vagina. Which she plugged with one hand, ramming a fist to not allow her seed to escape. A crude, but effective technique.
Courtney applied more technique than the last time. Instead of blindly thrusting in and out, she instead began to tease the clit as well. Feeling the walls contract around her whenever she did so. Pinching at it felt like she was being held in a biological vice, threatening her to cum right then. But she held on. The pleasure was immense, and she could feel another orgasm building. She wished she could pinch her own nipples or clit, but alas, they were still numb.
The ass cheeks rippled, no longer being held. They were mesmerizing as Courtney rammed and teased the girl. The pressure was building like water behind a dam. She could feel it coming. And it finally did.
Practically fusing her hips to the girls, Courtney hilted and came with one last blast of sperm, firing directly into her waiting depths. She couldn’t pull out even if she wanted to, because of how much her ass was squeezing down on her. It was heaven.
But it was finally over. Her dick was no longer erect, becoming no more than an inch or two long as it leaked the leftover seed. When Courtney removed her hand from the pussy, she watched as built out come leaked out. The legs twitched occasionally, but it was clear that the girl was no longer functioning correctly. Both her holes leaked semen and gaped. If Courtney’s white stuff was clear, she would be able to see clear to the end of both entrances.
As a final farewell, she gave the ass a good smack, watching it jiggle as she walked past the tree.
Only to find that the head of the girl was on the other side.
Chapter 5 - Marsh insects part 1 |
The marsh was annoying to walk through for Courtney. All manner of bugs wished to either suck her blood or sweat. She kept swatting at them as she trudged through the thigh deep water. Courtney was not an idiot. She would have chosen another path if she had the option. But even after searching, this was her only way through. Through a marsh filled with tiny, annoying insects.
She sighed in exasperation after smacking one on her thigh. Courtney had long since given up trying to wipe it off, since her only option was to bathe herself in the murky water. Her entire body felt gross. Every surface with a sheen of one liquid or another. Her arms covered with sweat and bugs. Her chest and stomach had milk perpetually dripping down it from her oversized nipples. Even her pussy was drenched, although she was not exactly in a state of arousal. More a combination of sweat and humidity.
Courtney yawned, rubbing her eyes. She was beginning to feel tired. Which was a somewhat surprising realization to her. A few moments ago she felt fine, although it had been some time since her last sleep. The plant seemed to have reinvigorate her with its water. But now she could barely take the next step. Her eyes drooping as she trudged through the crotch deep water. Which was strange to her. The marsh’s water level had been the same throughout. Even the trees didn’t look any different. Maybe a little bigger, but the area she was in hadn’t changed.
She leaned against a tree, blinking to keep awake. It was hard to keep them open. Let alone think. For no reason in particular, she noticed her hand. It was smaller. Much smaller, in fact. And her chest was nonexistent. She was in fact, ‘flat as a board’. From what little she could see above the water line now-- which was mostly just her stomach and chest, she had shrunk. Considerably. Even in the cloudy water, she could see her face as younger. Not by much, still above the age of 18. She’d hit a massive growth spurt at the age of 20 that had filled her out nicely. And now she was, for some reason, back to pre-growth spurt.
All at once, her tiredness was gone. The weight had been lifted off her eyelids. And she could clearly see in the water that she’d used as a mirror that there was a massive mosquito behind her. Filled to the brim with all manner of fluids and bones, it had sucked literal years out of her life. Although she couldn’t see it, there was an unmistakable mark on her back where it had done the deed. A welt.
She was frozen in fear, but the mosquito certainly was not. Something splashed in the water behind her and she shrieked in a far higher voice when something penetrated her taught vagina. Courtney couldn’t see below the surface of the water, but she could definitely feel something probing against her regrown hymen. The mosquito bucked upwards, breaking her purity and ramming against the entrance to her womb in one swift movement.
Courtney went weak in the knees. It felt like the first time she’d ever had sex, unable to comprehend just how good it felt. She moaned, clawing at the tree. And the mosquito had yet to truly start. It was simply repositioning as she kneeled on the marsh floor, her head just above the water. Her ass, considerably smaller than a few minutes ago was stuck out. The perfect position for breeding. Courtney’s cheek pressed against the tree while she hugged it just to maintain some semblance of stability. The mosquito’s ovipositor wasn’t all that big, but her pussy was far tighter.
It still had yet to move as her legs wobbled. She was shaking. It was like a high. Something that she’d long forgotten, and chased without bearing fruit. Courtney became a nympho, but had long forgotten since why. And this exact pleasure she felt was why. Blood running down and polluting the water as her vagina was filled. It gave her such a feeling of pleasure that she came. It was muted and impossible to see, but her neck bent back as she orgasmed.
The large mosquito finally moved. It began slowly at first. Not breaking its incubator was an instinct that even it understood. Buzzing filled the air as it began to speed up. Pulling all the way out of her pussy, and filling it with every thrust. Her ass jiggled just above the water, bouncing with every movement. Courtney was drowning-- although thankfully only in pleasure. Endorphins flooded her mind with endorphins because. Her new, or depending on how you looked at it, old body had yet to experience the pleasure of sex. And it was all the more keen to have more of it.
Courtney pushed back, something that the bug hadn’t anticipated. The tip of the ovipositor pushed through her cervix. More powered by instincts than intelligence, the tip fanned out, locking the ovipositor in her incubator. It was then that the bug regressed. It rammed her without warning. Slamming her face against the tree as it constantly bottomed out in her womb and tried to pull back. But it was unable to, the fan far larger than her entrance and keeping it locked in there.
She just kept cumming. At everything. Because of the way the bug treated her. Because of the ovipositor pressing on her g spot. Because of her womb getting battered like dough. Courtney moaned, meeting the thrusts. Pulling even harder on her cervix and pushing the end of her womb even harder. Her and fingers curling as she orgasmed. The bug rested on her back, its ovipositor pushing aside her ass cheeks as it entered her doggy style. Courtney felt light headed as the appendage slammed even further in. So far that it protruded her stomach. She just kept cumming. And cumming.
She came so much and so rapidly that it felt more like she was pissing. Just a flood of pleasure that came out of her.
The bug stopped. Courtney continued cumming. Continuing to slam back onto the ovipositor. Her hips rolling and using it like a living dildo.
And then the first egg came. It wasn’t nearly as large as the one from the plant, but her pussy was tight. She could feel it travel down her vagina into her welcoming womb. More soon followed. Her stomach full to the brim of what looked like little balls.
The mosquito’s fan retracted and it pulled out. Her womb so small that it didn’t need to be sealed to hold all the eggs. It was plugged up by one of eggs, a good half of it sticking out of the entrance. Courtney panted, her knees falling to the ground as she clung to the tree. With great care, she slumped with her back facing the tree as she rested for a moment. Listening to the sounds of the bugs all around her.
She rubbed her stomach. While she could not see under the water, she could feel the bumps of each individual egg that protruded through her stomach. There was a weird sort of pleasure she got from moving her hand over her stomach and tracing each individual egg. A sort of content that one only got by being a mother.
A firefly, a massive one zoomed to her from somewhere. It looked beautiful, its wings capturing the light of the sun and reflecting it like a kaleidoscope. Before she even realized it, it was sucking at one of her tiny nipples. Although there was no milk, it did feel wonderful. She stroked the top of its head, bringing it closer to her as it massaged and played with her button of flesh.
Another one zoomed by, taking up residence on her other nipple. This one was black, opposed to the blue hue that the other was. She pet them, her eyes half closed as she allowed the pleasure to consume her. For several minutes that’s all she did. She let her eyes stayed closed as she moaned as loud as she liked, allowing the dragonflies to pleasure her. Nothing ever came from her nipples, but it felt wonderful to Courtney. Eventually her hands moved away from the dragon flies and down to her clit.
Her hands were so much smaller that it felt like someone else was touching her. She didn’t want to rush herself, and began playing with her folds. Circling around her entrance before lightly putting in her index finger. God did she feel so tight, having to push with all her strength to get down to the first knuckle.
Courtney was moaning so loud that practically the entire marsh could hear her, whether they wanted to or not. She slipped in another finger, two in her muff as she fingered herself. Her other hand, somewhat dejected, began circling her ass. Even just touching it felt like an impenetrable wall. It was so tight that she had to massage around it just to get a pinky finger partially in.
A third finger slipped into her cunt. It felt like her vagina was trying to trap her fingers and suck them in. The dragonflies diligently tending to her breasts, she felt heavenly. Courtney both plunged her pinky into her butt, and brushed her clit. Her back arched as she came, seeing white from the pleasure. But that didn’t stop her fingers as they milked her, her hands mercilessly attacking both holes and her clit. Four fingers were inside her as she thumbed her clit. It was then that she accidentally found her G-spot and came. Her legs locked and unable to do anything other than move her fingers.
Her ass received the same treatment, holding within it two fingers that massaged her insides. And unfortunately the orgasm ended. Leaving her face slick with sweat and her holes thoroughly rubbed. She sat, allowing the dragonflies to continue as she relaxed for a moment in the afterglow.
But it wasn’t long before she felt her belly move. The eggs were hatching. She could feel the change within her womb. Even after pressing a hand to her stomach, she could feel the eggs popping. And soon her stomach was far flatter, her womb filled with the baby insects inside. The only problem was the egg sealing her womb, acting as a barrier to the bugs’ exit. They were becoming restless. Biting and clawing at the walls of her womb in a way that brought her only pleasure. It wasn’t often that one got their insides scraped, and it felt amazing to Courtney.
Even still, the egg refused to pop and so she had to act. Taking a deep breath, she started to finger herself. It was easier now that her muscles were so relaxed. It took her only a few seconds to be able to put all five in. Adjusting her seat, she bent over to make it easier to move her arm. Slowly pushing in her fingers, she felt her fist moving further up her vagina before finally coming upon the egg. Unable to see, she had to touch herself in order to out exactly where the egg was. Except that it only made things harder. Her cervix opened further upon her touch, allowing the egg to get stuck on its midway point. Even pushing on it did nothing to loosen it. She could feel the bugs torturing her womb. Becoming more desperate, she used her other hand and pushed on her elbow.
That finally did the trick, and the egg popped fully into her womb. She retracted her hand quickly, feeling the mosquitoes rush out of her womb and out into the water. Even the one that had blocked them all eventually left its egg and joined them. Her womb was once again devoid of life. At least the dragonflies had yet to leave her. Still expecting there to be milk from her breasts when there was none.
She just wasn’t expecting them to bite her nipples. Courtney was weak from the endorphins and the pleasure, so when they latched on and stayed like that, it was unexpected. And then their maws pierced her nubile cherry nubs. She could see the veins on her breasts and her areola turn a purple color when they injected something into her. A few moments later she could feel herself changing.
Sbe began to feel milk flow from her breasts. |
Chapter 0 - Closet Drama |
Unicorn Boy
by Fedesh
Submitted: September 13, 2019
Through blood and tears, and more...a not-so boy discovers the perverse world of adults all too early, and is hesitant to evolve from the fear of entering that world. Along the way, he finds that there's more than just deviants and perverts in this world, and embraces the yearning call that has created so much pain and troubles in his life. However, in his journey, he discovers that he must become everything he disgusts before becoming what he who he wants to be.
Closet Drama
"I am over 18 years old. Why do I still feel like a kid? Maybe it's 'cause I've only had sex with one girl. Maybe that's what is wrong. And why is this feeling 'wrong' in the first place? I know you're supposed to feel good at this age, and like the world is yours, but....something is just...wrong."
Inside Koshi's pants, lay a shriveled and almost inverted little cucky tiny dick. Hooded, it is visible only because of the foreskin that hangs from the tip, puckered and resembling a tit nipple.
He pulls his small Cartoon undies forward and looks downward, and then lets them snap back to his waist, in disgust.
"I hate my life."
Chapter 7 - Ants - FINAL CHAPTER |
This is a little more extreme than the others in my opinion. Also this is the last chapter for this series unless I get some suggestions, because I am shit out of ideas. Hope you enjoyed it, and if you want more of my stuff, I'm working on a Dullahan (headless) fic as well.
Happy fapping.
The owner of the legs in the tree was gorgeous. Courtney had no other way to describe her. No words came to mind except ‘gorgeous’. All of her features were immaculate, even in these woods. The woman’s breasts heaved and jiggled from her panted breaths, her face one of ecstasy from Courtney’s plowing. She didn’t even seem to know Courtney was there, her dick becoming more erect every time the woman opened her mouth to gasp in air.
It didn’t take long for Courtney to shove her length as far as it could go down her throat and release. She could see the milk being pumped into the woman’s stomach, the sheer quantity of it filling her belly. Seed dripped down her chin onto the forest floor as she coughed it up.
Only then did Courtney realize what had happened, and moved to push her out of the tree trunk by placing a hand on each of her cheeks and pushing against the dirt with her feet. There was dazed complaining, but it turned to relief as the woman was pushed through. Courtney felt both proud and disgusted with herself for doing such a thing to another human. The good news was the chance she would forgive her and they could try and escape together. That would be wonderful. Having someone else to talk to and lean on. It helped that she had a wonderful ass.
The only problem that Courtney had found out was that in pushing out her new friend, she pulled herself through. While she was still considerably smaller-- her breasts at a laughable size-- she still managed to get herself stuck. She shook the girl, trying to snap her out of her daze. And Courtney accomplished that task. The girl regained her senses, her eyes wide with fear as she stared back at Courtney.
She broke into an awkward lopsided run, her stomach still full of Courtney’s semen. She didn’t even look back as Courtney pleaded for help.
There was irony to be had in this situation. Especially as only moments later she felt something snipping at her pussy, like a pair of knives being drawn across it. Cold and sharp. It made her shiver. She strained trying to twist her back to see around the tree, but all there was to see was a the red abdomen of a giant ant. Its stinger was dripping with something that was definitely not poison.
She felt its mandibles brush her folds once again before there was a sudden pressure around her dick. And then it plopped to the ground, cut off. There was no pain or blood. It was no longer attached and that was the end of it.
But Courtney had little time to digest that as the ant ripped the tree out of the ground, carrying her along in its mandibles while still being stuck in the tree. It made a strange sort of sense that the insect known for its strength would keep that trait. She watched the forest go by at a steady rocking pace as the ant moved back to its colony. It was massive to say the least. Courtney, the tree, and the ant all moved through the complex underground system with ease. Gravity seemed to be a joke to the creature as she felt the blood rush to her head, the ant now walking on the ceiling of the tunnel.
Just to keep her on her toes, every so often something would drop across her sensitive lips and make her just a little bit hornier. At first she thought it was a lone tree branch, but as time passed and they delved further into the colony she was sure that the ant was doing it on purpose. Teasing her. Readying her for whatever came next. All Courtney could do was pinch her tiny nipples and bite her lip, unable to satiate the ache.
Without warning, the tree was split and she was free. Free to fall onto the strange, quasi gelatinous surface of the colony face first, ass up. No longer confined by the tree, she began work on her muff, skipping the foreplay and fingering her pussy. She didn’t care that what the ants were planning, just that she could get off right then and there. Her reborn clit felt even better than before, playing with it as if her life depended on it.
Her hips weren’t static, rocking back and forth in the air as she plunged fingers deeper and deeper into herself. Courtney’s moans were less seductive and more high pitched squeaks as she pleasured herself, shutting her eyes as she lost herself to her own fingers. It was as if her body had a vendetta against itself. There was no mercy in her hands as they began to circle and enter her ass. Both hands worked against her. The tension in her lower half was becoming too much as her hands became a blur, her tongue bitten as if it was trying to escape her mouth.
And finally there was relief. Her legs straightened as she finished out her orgasm, squirting into the floor with enough pleasure to roll her eyes to the back of her head. She collapsed, panting.
With great care, four ants surrounded her. Courtney saw them but didn’t even care. At least, until her limbs were gone. Her arms and legs were being carried off, perfectly preserved for the moment. Just not attached to her. She couldn’t even see what was happening as she tried and failed to move. It took the kindness of a worker aunt to flip her over onto its back. Legs that extended out of its back closed around her torso, locking her in. It was loose enough that she could wiggle around, but tight enough that with limbs there was no possibility of escape.
It was then that she saw the queen. It would be more descriptive to call them the king, as they did not host the children. No, their role was to lay them. Dozens of different sized tubes came out of the unique ant. But it waited. Close enough that Courtney could see it on the edge of her vision, but far enough that she couldn’t get a good look at it. She knew that was going to be her finale-- whatever that had in store for her.
But for the time being the ants approached. Or rather backed up, stinger-first. They dripped like a horny cock, precum spilling out of them. One approached Courtney’s mouth, and the other her lower half. They both met her in sync, pushing in at the same time. The stinger was large and hairy, brushing the insides of her walls in ways that other cocks could never do. And there was of course, the tip. Which poked itself into her cervix and began spewing its load. The ant at her mouth had other ideas. It raped her mouth, not lodging in and releasing as it was supposed to. It was hellbent on the pleasure that it knew it could have. Courtney choked on it. Her vision going black as she was unable to stop the creature from violating her mouth.
And then it was fine. She could breathe again. The ant was killed on the spot, sliced in half by one of its brethren. Who coincidentally took its place. And fulfilled its duty correctly by extending a much smaller tube from its stinger. One that supplied both air and semen to Courtney.
Her stomach was bloated to the brink, as was her womb. Both ants gracefully moved away. Her ass was surprisingly untouched, if one did not count the semen oozing from her entrance onto it. Courtney knew what was coming before the queen approached. It had been the same thing all the last few days. They were going to breed her and get bored of her, and she would be allowed to leave.
The queen started off slowly, as if foreplay would be appreciated at this time. It massaged her breasts with two tentacles, before needles slid out at the end of them and pierced her nipple straight through. She watched as her breasts were bloated, just like her stomach was. They drooped to the side. Large enough that when she writhed in place, her nipples rubbed against the soft floor, making her even hornier than she was before. They were like great balloons of flesh and pleasure, and without the ant below her to support her back, she would be unable to do anything other than be crushed by her own breasts.
Ants gathered, massaging the entirety of her humongous boobs with their mouths. Toying with her. Sending the message that at any time they could remove even more parts of her body. But Courtney was really feeling it then. She felt like a cow. One being massaged with alcohol. Her nipples were by far the most sensitive part of her. It was the duty of a pair of ants to tend to them, making sure that they were amply teased and ready.
It wasn’t long before she felt pressure building in her chest. Like her nipples were about to ejaculate. And then white milk came, flowing from her teats like water. Not much was dropped to the floor, as the queen made sure to encapsulate her breasts with what can only be called biological milkers. Tentacles made for milking breasts. Whatever milking procedures Courtney had gone through before, none of them compared to the suction of this one. Milk was flowing out of her faster than humanly possible, and there was no end to it. Just a cascade of white flowing through the tubes.
An ovipositor entered her gaping cunt, pushing itself into her cervix. She could feel the semen against her walls dripping out, pushing its way out of her. But most of it stayed. It was then that she felt the first bump. It was larger than the plant seed had been, especially in reference to her awkwardly sized body. She gritted her teeth as it forced upon her cervix walls and allowed itself in. Generally that was it. The egg was incubating, and they would seal off her cervix to allow it to bread peacefully.
Except that the ants took it a step further. More tentacles like the one that had enlarged her breasts pierced her lips and stomach like shots. They began to swell, growing four or five times its original capacity.
Eggs the size of watermelons flooded into her enlarged uterus, filling her even more completely. It was then that the queen sealed off her cervix. Although Courtney could not feel it, her stomach towered so high that the bug below her moved exactly opposite to her motions as to not tip the weight too much.
Courtney felt destroyed. Every part of her was either filled, or being milked. Even her mouth was being supplied some sort of water, presumably for sustenance. And she couldn’t be happier. All she wanted to do was run her hands along her stomach so she could feel all the little babies that would be born from her. And to play with her ass, as it was the only part of her not occupied.
Although the queen took care of that in short order. Or rather a worker ant plunged one mandible into her muff, and the other into her ass. And then there was a snip. Like magic, she no longer had an ass. Just one massive hole for breeding. It was quickly filled by even more eggs of a different size and shape, before her entrance was sealed entirely.
The queen knew exactly where Courtney wanted it, and began to tease her clit with a small, thin tentacle. That was what pushed Courtney over the edge as she came, squirting into a tube that had quickly been placed over her clit and was now milking it. She was in constant ecstasy. Every part of her body was being used, and with the new form of clit torture she had to endure, she was constantly cumming.
She didn’t even notice the fact that she was slowly moving to a different part of the colony. One with dozens of other women, all supported by a queen. Although some of them had been there for years, none of them looked worse for wear. Not that Courtney could see them after her eyes were covered. All she could think about was birthing and pleasure.
And there she stayed. |
Chapter 1 - One-shot - Fasha's Peril |
At Planet Meat, year 737. soon after Dodoria and Bardock left, two persons with red armors were flying around. "Here, sir! I found her... You sure she will survive?" trooper asked, as blue-skinned man looked at Saiyan lady on ground. "She will, I assure you.", placing his hand to first girl and then trooper. Trooper was confused first, before falling dead to ground, female on ground groaning, unconscious but alive. "Chronos here. We found the Saiyan, Over. Yes, trooper did not survive." At ship, frost demon smirked. "Excellent, I could use new pet. Bring her aboard, Chronos." Demon on planet smirked. "As you wish, Lord Absol."
At dark room, in Spaceship, young saiyan started to come to."Uunnnghh..." Fasha opened her eyes slowly, looking around. As she tried to move her body, she felt somewhat powerless, and something restraining her movement. As her eyesight cleared out more, she realized she had been chained to wall from ankles and wrists, some kind of collar attached to her neck and ring in her tail.
"Wha-What is this? Who are..." She yelled, as she yelped, as she felt small bolt of electricity going through her body, coming from a ring at her tail.
"My my, I was lucky to find living female Saiyan... You are hard to come across - and even harder to capture", voice said, Frost Demon walking from corner. "You... You are Frieza's people! What is the meaning of this!"
Absol's eyes narrowed, and Fasha felt another bolt of electricity going through her body. "My name is Absol, and that is not how pet talks to her master, is it now?" Absol said, pointing at ring. "That ring keeps your Saiyans power in check, and with bindings of your wrists, ankles and neck, with press of button, I can send electric shocks through your body, to keep you in check." This made Fasha angry. "What you mean, Pet?" Absol smirked, pressing a button of remote, revealing two saiyans in capsules, unconscious.
"Well, you can be pet... Or be part of my collection forever, without armor." Fasha's felt her heart sink, seeing two of her kin in capsules, in comatose state but alive, before they were covered again with metal plates, hiding them from sight. "They are part of my collection, but you? You will be my personal pet." Absol smirked and walked to Fasha, touched her chin. "And I would not-"
Absol did not have chance to finish sentience as Fasha already spit on his face, Absol wiping spit out, calmly. "...Do anything stupid. Seems this monkey needs some training." He said, as he pressed button, Fasha feeling strong electric current in her tail, making her scream- Which was muffled when Absol stuffed to her mouth ball gag, with small hole in middle. "...That will teach you behave."
As Absol pressed the next button, chains separated from walls, Fasha fell on ground, trying remove gag without luck, with muffled screams. Absol's tail suddenly wrapped around her neck, as he lifted her, his hand running to her back and grabbing tail, lifting it, Fasha letting out muffled scream. "Now then..." he said, his other hand going to her crotch. As she protested, she yelped as Absol separated her pussy lips. Fasha tried to kick Absol, but before she could, she felt her arms and legs pinned to her sides, spreading her mid-air with X of energy threads. "Time to make you learn your place" Absol said, with cold tone.
Letting his tail from her neck and hand from her pussy, Fasha sighing in relif, her expression changing as she felt Absol's tail, slapping her ass cheeks, making her let out muffled screams. Combined to constant, numbing weak electric shocks, Fasha kept yelping. Absol smirked, as she noticed her pussy dripping. "You are enjoying this, I see... Then you will most likely love this."
Without warning, tip of Absol's tail plunged deep to Fasha's asshole, her eyes widening and her letting out muffled scream, her entire body shivering under her first orgasm, Absol smirking. "You are enjoying yourself?" Absol asked, mocking, as he walked front of her, energy threads of her legs letting go, and new ones from roof attaching to her bindings, spreading her on front of Absol, her eyes teary, shaking head side to side. "You want me to stop?" Fasha nodded with pleading expression, but Absol only smirked. "Though luck."
Absol's body started to glow, and when glow disappeared, his bio-suit had disappeared, Absol being naked. "I have locked the doors, and place is soundproof... Not to mention Frieza' destroyed your planet two months ago. No-one will save you..." he said as he walked to helpless Saiyan, who tried her best protest, before Absol plunged deep into her wet pussy.
Fasha's head was thrown back, her eyes rolling back of her head as Absol pushed his dick deep into her. Absol grabbed her hair, and pulled her head to look him in eye. "You best enjoy this- Since I definitely will enjoy breaking you." With this, Absol began to move, as he kept thrusting into helpless Saiyan lady, who kept screaming and yelping with every thrust. Eventually, screams turned to moans.
Absol smirked, and thrust tip of his tail back into her asshole, pushing Fasha over the edge, her inside clenching like vice around Absol. "Your enjoying this very much I see... And I am only getting started!" he said with smirk, as he kept pounding into her flesh, tails tip wiggling inside her.
Absol's assault proved to be too much for Saiyan to handle, as she felt orgasm after orgasm flooding over her. And after, what seemed to Fasha eternity, Absol came, thrusting as deep as he could, his dick pressing against her cervix, her womb filling from his seed, enough to cause her stomach to bulge a bit. Absol remained still moment, saiyan moaning and staring blankly in distance.
As he pulled out, Absol then took chastity belt, with two prods and belt piece. Without warning he pushed it in place of his dick and tail into her, pushing her one last time over the edge. "You understand now slave? You belong to me now." he asked, taking out Gag. "Y-yes... Master..." Fasha said weekly, looking at belt. "Good. With that belt on, I am sure any of my seeds won't escape your womb." This caused Fasha to blink "What?" Absol smirked. "You will bear my offspring... Enjoy, slave." With this, Energy threads holding Fasha's legs lowered, and as her feet touched ground, disappeared, her hands still bound to roof, Saiyan looking down. "And what good slave says...?" Absol asked, smirking. "...Tha...Thank you master." Fasha said, completely broken - both mentally and physically. "Good girl." Absol said, locking the door.
"I take it you enjoyed yourself Sir?" Chronos asked, Absol already donned his Bio-Suit. "What ever gave you that idea Chronos?" he asked, with sly smirk. "While I admit I enjoyed breaking her spirit, she is just another slave." "Of course master." Chronos said, bowing to Absol as he left the room.
Eight months passed, Fasha, now clearly pregnant, was sitting right side of Absol's throne, collar, anklets, bracelets and tail ring still attached, her expression somewhat blank. "Soon, you will give birth to my child." Absol said with smirk, looking at Fasha. "Yes, master..." Fasha said weakly. She had realized she could never escape - never defeat the frost demon... All she could do is to serve him.
"So, sir, what you would next want to "Tame"?" Chronos asked from Absol. "I don't know - maybe Namekian female." Absol said, thoughtful, Chronos blinking. "I... Don't see that happening." Absol glared at Chronos. "Not with that attitude!" "No, I meant sir that... Namekians are uni-sexual. They breed by puking an eggs." Absol looked at Chronos moment. "They what? Hmm, cross out visiting Namek then." "As you wish, sir." Chronos said, done as told.
The End
End Words : From my typing I thank Corruption of Champions, I hope you enjoyed this story! |
Chapter 1 - Orange Creamy PushUp Pop Goo |
Sure, I'm a powerful goddess of erotic dreams, but I wasn't always this half-man/half-woman creature.
(Toshi grins, as the image fades into a blur and transforms into a memory recall...)
I got my first erection when I was very young. I remember it because I almost became rabid, and was overly hyper, and mad- not the angry type- the crazy type.
There was also a little wet hole behind my balls, but for the most part of my adolescence and childhood, I paid no attention to it. My little dick, however, it was hard and solid, but still no bigger than its actual size and like a baby carrot covered by foreskin, really.
I remember I was playing one afternoon with my best friend around the West Airlocks when I got my first little wiener boner. That's where all the riffraffs hung at and a bunch of other kids from my neighborhood inside the Underworld. It was the third season of our celestial calendar, and we were mostly left to our devices and one "chaperone', which just meant some old lady that our parents trusted in our housing section, while our parents were at work somewhere in the underground city.
The doors to our cells were left unlocked purposely, and we could go in and out as we please; usually to get soda and snacks, and an occasional push-up ice cream pop. I loved pushing the stick up the hole and out the other end a creamy orange gooey tip would slowly come out. My mouth was big enough to put the top of it and my lips completely around it while holding it, shoved in there, almost halfway. I became really good at keeping in my mouth like that, even while we played and ran.
One day, after running around chasing and playing with friends from our block, my best friend Kiko, who was also my neighbor and one year older than me, and I went up to take a break inside his unit. This meant we would binge on as much soda and bubble gum as we can stuff our faces with while looking thru our newly purchased salvaged Pokemon cards we would buy from the ravagers.
I remember that day perfectly- his place was really quiet and only the hum of the air circulatory system was heard. There was a nice comforting cool temperature, and it was dark. Usually he would leave his holoscreen on playing loudly, or his window drapes opened so the artificial sunlight would be beaming in. Not on this day.
He locked the main door when we were by the kitchen drinking purple soda (I think it used to be called Grape Pop); our tongues purple and icey cold.
I saw him lock the air seal, and we both laughed- devilishly, as if we knew we were alone and no authority around, and about to be up to no good! We walked over by a couch in his living room while sipping the juicy icey drink out of the soda cans.
Then out of no where, in a break of quietness, he asks me if I wanted to see his dick. By now, I felt really bonded with him, since we knew each other for a long time and did many things together like go to public gatherings, competition games with our parents, and family gatherings. That's how close we were, almost like Brothers.
I laughed hard and got extremely happy as I agreed to his little perverted suggestion.
He pulled it out and put it back in so fast that I didn't even notice anything!
Then, he said it was my turn, and laughing more and in jest, I told him that his turn didn't count because I didn't see anything. So he whipped it out again, this time he bounced his hips up and down laughing our loud as it dangled all over the place, all rubbery and funny.
I quickly whipped out mine in return, and while his was still out, our bodies naturally got closer to each other, as we laughed frantically and overcome by joy. We touched tips. Swung them side to side and slapped our little dicks on each other. We were in sync, as if we have done this before, but, it was just nature- I guess.
Not too long before that day, I had scene some sex scenes in a soft core movie that was playing late night on old salvaged cable box my dad bought. Parents were asleep and it was a Saturday night. It came on after a PG-rated movie, so they thought I was watching that movie and then going to sleep, but they passed out before me. Perfect for me!
I saw tits exposed and ass, both man ass and women ass. I gawked from under my vintage Ninja Turtle sheets with my fists clenched under my chin, in shock but also in awe, as the man and the woman humped each other while moaning.
These were human sounds that were new to me, and odd but mesmerizing. The director of this film caught every angle possible, but only showed the female's bush. I was able to piece together that they fucked, and also, at first, that they both went down on each other. "That's something I didn't know we (hybrid humans) do," I thought to myself. I had a vague idea of sex before this porn, but only penetration, not 'head' and sucking each other off.
So the thought came into my head, standing there with Kiko with our little dicks becoming stiffer, and I told him that one time I saw two people sucked on each other. "Two people", never thinking, nor did it even occur to me, that they were specifically a male and a female. I asked Kiko if he knew what I was talking about, and immediately, after a very present response ("Like this?") while glancing into my eyes, he dropped to his knees, short red shorts pulled down around his hard his thighs now.
He took my little throbber by the tip, pinching it with his cold thumb and index finger, and licked the tip. I remember that first lick felt like someone rammed a glacier up inside my ass from how freezing his tongue was then dropped me into a cold bucket! The feeling of something new, that I've never felt this way, touching where I pee out of, was what sent a jolt up my back and all around my body.
We were so giddy and happy, and I broke into a rascally laugh, as he stood back up on his feet.
I said, "Yes! Like this." and now dropped down to my knees; my little olive skin bubble ass arched up like the image in my head of that woman in the porn. I didn't grab his dick. Instead, I grabbed his underwear and pulled them down more exposing more than what he let out, put both hands on his hips as I stood face to face with his dick, and kissed it ever so gently. It was warm, and I know he felt it deeply, because he pet my head and let out a deep long breath in relief.
I looked up at him, while he had his shirt pulled up and held with his bite. I could see the smile dimples coming out the sides of the fabric he held in his mouth, while his big dark eyes pierced downward, dilated, right at me.
I looked at his dick again, and licked it- slowly, and under it as I held it upward by the skin. Had more to lick now than a second ago, but still, both our cocks were pathetic little things.
He became very happy and excited lets say, and I noticed it was growing, as my little cock dangled between my thighs below me. I grabbed his foreskin and stretched it. Then, very instinctively and naturally, I cupped his balls and held them in a firm but gentle grip, and with that hand pulled and directed Kiko to move his body and pelvis towards my face.
He took a step forward towards me, and I shuffled my knees towards him, and I swallowed his entire tiny fat dick into my mouth. I remember it tasted like that grape juice and mother's milk to me. After a few seconds of sucking it like a pacifier, he grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me up, and I guess wanting to demonstrate something lewd he had seen, he hugs me and kisses me on the lips, but doesn't pull away. Neither did I, as our warm slightly stiff but flaccid small dicks touched together. Next thing, we were both tonguing each other while his little shorts dropped down to our sneakers at this point. We were so close to each other that our feet were connected, like the zipper effect.
My underwear was still tugging my balls back, and my bent dick hung over the elastic of the top of them, and it kinda started to hurt.
Kiko went down to the floor again on his knees, passionately, and lowered my underwear to my ankles, and all I remember is the best feeling I've ever felt up to that point in my life- a warmness inside of a cozy and comfortable hole; his mouth. It felt like my entire body was floating in space, and the only thing holding me down to the ground was the hot grip of a mouth that this boy was so generously giving me.
We both came to stand up again, face to face, but we were somehow....different. Closer. We kissed again while stroking and rubbing each other's pink and fleshy dicks, and passionately wrestling between going down on each other and pulling each other back up to tongue our fruity and juicy mouths sloppily.
Kiko stops abruptly while I'm just in pure bliss, smile from ear to ear, my eyes probably crossed, and he remembers something else that he saw. He told me that the porn he watched ended when something came out from the man's dick, and that the man 'put it in the lady's mouth' while it happened. Neither of us had ever cummed before, nor did we understand this concept yet, so I replied with a confused, "Like pee-pee?"
He said, "I guess so, but it was only a little bit," while we were still so excited, sweating, laughing, as naked as we have ever been in front of anyone other than our parents.
I asked him if he wanted me to do it to him, and he said he'd let me if he can do it to me, too.
My response was happily 'yes' and that's all it was.
We both go to the lavoratory, and we take off our shoes and socks now, and we both pull off our undies and shorts completely this time. I was the 'giver' first. It was so hot, because as we were getting more naked, we kept stroking and grazing our young cocks and kissing throughout the time we were moving around and getting naked.
Inside the wash tub we went! He pulls his shirt over his head and behind his neck, not taking it off completely but giving me his nude full frontal body. He sits down on his plump butt, and I step up right to his face, our young smooth feet touching his, both looking like girl's feet because we were still so young.
He opens his mouth, and sticks out his fat purple tongue, and I start pissing and aiming it at the back of his throat, but I stopped after a second or two. It dawned on me that I can pee for a really long time, and didn't know if he was ready for this. I asked him if I can keep going, while we were both cracking up because this was still silly and weird, as he touched and wiped what I already had sprayed on his face and dripped down over his chubby chest. He wiped his mouth and told me to keep going. So I spread my legs a little more, feeling more comfortable and welcomed by Kiko to piss into his mouth, and I burst out a steady, hot stream. He swallowed some, spit some out, and rubbed most of it all over his tits while rubbing his own dick below. The bulk of it ran down his body and all over his dick, and dripped from his tip in streams and droplets. He looked like a shining angel, with that smile and my apple juice glistening all over him, and he was so incredibly happy. Me too.
It was my turn. His fresh warm cock water dripped all over my head and face, and I remember at first thinking how weird and gross this was, but then that feeling stopped because my mind focused on who it was coming from- so I was back in the moment. I stuck my tongue out! Gargled some! Spit some back over his dick and down his legs while he kept spraying me with more and more! I grabbed his dick and shoved it in my mouth while he kept pissing! It flopped out of my mouth a couple of times from the pressure of his strong stream filling my mouth, but I would wrap my mouth over it, like the push-up popsicle! I rubbed his head all over my mouth and lips, like putting lipstick on, as he kept spraying. That's another somewhat "sexual" thing that gave me a strange arousing feeling (seeing women putting on lipstick at this age), and kept swallowing some of his spritzes in between the flops of his dick that I would wipe and rub all over my face, until I couldn't stand it anymore and almost gagged.
But, still.....I was in so much bliss, and that little hole behind my balls was throbbing and all covered in that sweet young man's water because it was so much that some managed to run down my back, warm, and down through my ass crack over my tight little puckered asshole.
This was the first sexual encounter I physically had. Something felt great about it- and yet, something felt very naughty, and..."wrong".
We cleaned up with a towel and put on some of his mom's bath perfume splash all over ourselves to cover up the musky smell, and went back out to play. Eventually, we sweated off what ever pee remained on our silky bodies.
Chapter 2 - The Taste of Femininity |
Koshi's a shedevil femboy crossbreed with a futa elf. At the ripe nubile age of 18, Koshi went out into the world to get a taste of life, and to enjoy her ever-evolving body. By now, Koshi had been taking futa hormones since the age of 16, behind parent's back. She met the supplier through a friend, one day after riding along far out into the dunes after skipping school. School was basically a work camp, and the only education that was being taught there is how to survive in the harsh planet's atmosphere, and the social ethics of the underworld- an underground civilization that took refuge beneath the planets surface in order to survive. Only very wealthy or strong organisms can survive above grown, in their palaces and castles, with their protective gear and heightened powers.
Before Koshi became rebellious after her childhood, she went by her given male name- Toshi. She changed her name to Koshi and that's what all her new friends knew her by. Depending on where the story's timeline is being narrated, we will refer to her as Toshi or Koshi.
Koshi was born with a dick and predominantly raised as a boy. Neither the surgeon nor her parents noticed that behind and under her scrotum, there were little flaps of flesh, which when opened, revealed a very wet and pink hymen. Nobody thought to inspect it closely- nobody, except Toshi.
One night, Toshi was visiting a dwelling where the parents were all friends, and their offspring by default played together and were also friends.
This domicile was above ground, and the family was affluent and had an abundance of everything you can imagine- including offspring.
Toshi was a single offspring; no siblings.
The family they were visiting had 3 females and 2 males. The females were evolved in their sexual development and the males were mostly used for their muscles and had not mated yet.
The three females, Seshi, Mar, and Ampari, were seductresses and very hot- curvy by their giant tits and asses, but very short and cute. They were devious predators who happened to take a liking to Toshi.
That night, the shameless shedevils suckered Toshi into playing a sex game- one where you have to do whatever the winner says, or you get beat up.
They took advantage of Toshi's newbie skills, and also cheated to win, to cut to the chase and begin their violating of Toshi's virgin body.
All of them were in a locked room, except for one of the brothers, while their parents drank and feasted in their own adult games in a distant part of the estate.
Ampari is the first one to pounce - "I win, so you have to do what I say; no questions asked, or you get beat up by all of us!"
Toshi did not hesitate and agreed.
"Take off your pants and show us your dick," said Ampari.
Seshi and Mar both giggled as if almost they had this all planned, and the plan was going exactly as the wanted.
Toshi unzips his pants, and pulls them down only to his thighs, and pauses before moving forward. He looks around at the group, with a lump in his throat that he could not swallow, embarassed and scared.
Suddenly, Mar comes up quick from behind and pulls his underwear down violently, as Seshi joins and helps wiggle them all the way to his feet and pull them completely off.
"Hahaha, it's so little and it has no head!!" - all three laughed . as Ampari said that.
"It does, too, have a head! I just have an uncircumcised weewee, and it has to be pulled out," Toshi replied.
The girls and one brother looked perplexed and confused, and wondered over what Toshi said.
"Let me see." said one of them.
"Yeah, my brothers don't look like yours!" and Mar walked over to Gram (the brother in the room) and shoved one hand down her brother's pants and pulled out his cock. "See?!"
Toshi grinned, and his little dick made a throbbing move upward.
He asked if he can put his pants back on and if he can take his turn in the game, but Ampari said, "No! Remember you have to do whatever I say, and I say we are not playing anymore and you have to do everything I tell you. That's the game!"
Gram's dick started to throb and grow a little bit, also, as Mar let go of it to go walk up close to Toshi and join her sisters. Gram also got close to the bunch, and the four of them were surrounding Toshi now.
Mar, seeming to be the most perverted one at this point says- "Want to see what my pussy looks like? Here! I'll show you," and pulls down her little skirt, and then her little bright white panties, and pulls up the skin of her underbelly, revealing her plumpy slit. It was smooth and shaved, except for one little spot shaped like a circle right above the clit.
Toshi quickly covered his eyes, and Ampari punched him, and grabbed his wrists to force him to look.
"You're not supposed to cover your eyes! I didn't say you could!" -she said to Toshi.
Toshi almost cried. He was feeling very violated and now scared of the group, when Gram walks up to him and touches the tip of Toshi's dick with his own tip.
"See they are kinda the same, but mine is bigger and doesn't have that skin over the tip like yours has. I really like yours, Toshi." This made Toshi relaxed, and a comforting feeling came over him, since this was familiar and pleasurable territory.
With Mar's pussy still exposed, her sisters start teasing her and trying to grab and open her pussy, playfully, but horny and beginning to start releasing pheromones and their musky feminine scents into the air.
Toshi's dick grew bigger from looking at Gram's nice fat cock, also growing.
Seshi and Ampari pinned Mar down after stumbling to the floor like sex-crazed maniacs, scuffling loudly as their sound started becoming faint when Gram and Toshi continued to talk.
"Have you ever done it ?"- said Gram to Toshi.
"Not done it, done it. But I have played a lot with it and friends." said Toshi reluctantly.
Gram smiled, and his cock throbbed upward another half inch. He moved his pelvis close to Toshi, and started yanking gently on Toshi's dick, and putting the tips of their nubile but fully developed dicks together.
Goosebumps started to pop all over Toshi, as he glanced over to see what the girls were doing, and by this point, they were almost fully naked, except for their socks and accessories.
"Hey! Wait a minute! You have a pussy!" said Mar really loud, as she point in between Toshi's thighs.
Everybody came to a halt, and put Toshi on the spot. He was unable to speak, and before he could figure out a response, Ampari shoved him hard backwards and he fell on his ass. The other two whores jumped on him and held him down, while Ampari re-issued her command that Toshi must follow the rules of the game.
Toshi gasped and finally yelled, "Yes, I know! I do have one, so what?!"
"So what?!" replied the gang almost in unison.
"That's so adorable!" said Mar, as her sibling all agreed in a more gentle and soft tone.
"Please let us see it good," the oldest, Ampari, demanded in a friendly voice. "Don't worry, we won't tell anyone, and we already saw it. So let us see it good, now!" Her tone started becoming more threatening, so Toshi in a swift decision, with a finger in his mouth contemplating, just flings open his legs and spreads wide.
"OoOoohh! WoooOoW!" gasped and said the siblings, as they looked at it in fascination.
Toshi's little hole was shiny inside from how wet it was, had a little tiny clit, the heymen still intact, and looked like a little piece of bubble gum with soft fuzz on top.
Mar wondered, "Have you ever put something in it?"
"Not all the way, but I use my finger to play with it sometimes."
The girls looked at each other as if a devious plan was forming in their sick twisted minds.
Then they turned and looked at their brother, and, "Oh no, I am not doing what I think you want me to do!" said Gram.
"Yes you are!" said the three of them as they playfully pounced on him and started tickling and ripping his clothes off.
Toshi laid there on his back, neither objecting nor submitting, almost as if he would let fate decide what will happen in this very next moment. He wasn't scared, but he also didn't look very happy- just stoic and waiting.
What happened next, is unspeakable....
Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 |
=13.3333pxDISCLAIMER: This story is fantasy and does not represent anything about the real person it is purported to be about. I own nothing whatsoever, and wish only respect for Trisha, Meg and anyone else mentioned here.
=13.3333pxIt didn't happen, it won't happen, and it's all just made up. Sorry Trish (who will never read this) but I couldn't help myself.
Winning the contest to be the personal assistant to Trisha Hershberger had been a huge deal for Michelle. She worshipped the Sourcefed star with the soft smile and public personality, who dealt with the same figure Michelle had with style and grace where she'd always struggled. She was an idol to the younger girl, and now she could show her appreciation.
And then, the convention had arrived, and Michelle had gone to meet her idol, only to find the plane was delayed, and after an additional four hour wait, Trisha was finally able to depart. Michelle was waiting at the gate, sign in hand, but her stomach was turning over. What if Trisha wasn't like who she played on the internet. Even if she had her own channel where she didn't advertise anything, it was the internet, right? It could be a big joke, it could be a nightmare, it could be-
'Oh, hey! You're the assistant!' A bright voice came out from the departure doors, and a tiny girl in a big coat came through. Sure enough, Michelle recognized her idol under the hood.
'Welcome to X! Sorry it's so cold!' Michelle apologized, remembering that she normally lived in California.
'Nah, it's not so big a deal, I'm from Pennsylvania originally, and it gets plenty cold out there.'
She dragged one of her enormous suitcases out, and Michelle went to grab the cart. Once they'd placed everything on it, Trisha finally turned to look at her new assistant.
'Oh, hey! You're as small as I am!' She wrapped Michelle in a big hug, 'I hear you won the contest, and I wanted to say thanks for doing this. I know it's kinda weird to do a paid job for free, so I'll try not to be a huge hassle, ok?'
Michelle was stunned, but responded to the hug.
'I'm happy to help, you're... you're my hero.' She said.
'Awesome!' The model laughed, 'I think we're gonna have a ton of fun.'
The con itself was a frenetic nightmare, especially right after getting off the plane, but Michelle found herself startled at how well she was handling it. She and Trisha seemed like they could almost read each other's minds, and at the end of the day, though they were both exhausted, Trisha confessed that she'd had much, much worse. For the first time in a long time, she said, she felt like she could handle the full three day con. They went up to Trisha's hotel room to destress for a bit, and Trish went to go take a shower when Michelle's phone rang.
'Uh, hi, this is... Michelle? Right?' The voice was only vaguely familiar.
'Yeah, um, hi, who is this?' The tiny brunette responded
'I ran the Personal Assistant contest, right? You won; you're with what's her name, the internet girl, right?'
'Uh... yeah, Trisha Hershberger. Are you gonna tell me how to get the hotel key?'
'Sure. So, uh, I've got some bad news. We don't have any money to pay for a hotel room. Like, I'm sorry, but I don't know what to do for you.'
'Wait, what, I can't get a hotel room? Where am I supposed to stay, I don't live in-'
'You jackass!' Michelle yelled at the phone, which only displayed a private number, only to see Trish came out of the bathroom wrapped in just a towel.
'If they didn't give you any accommodation, I'm perfectly happy to let you stay here, you know. It's a big room and a huge bed for two petite ladies like us' Trish flashed her bright smile at her worn out assistant. It was true; too, between the two of them, neither was more than 5 feet tall.
Michelle blushed just a little. Even after the whole day with her, Trisha's gratitude meant a lot to her.
'They said it'd include a room, but he just backed out and now I've got nothing. I could maybe stay with friends in the city; I don't want to be a trouble for y-'
'Nope, no trouble,' Trisha interrupted, 'you stay here. I haven't had a slumber party in years. It'll be fun!'
'Thanks,' Michelle blushed a little further, eyes darting to the bathroom.
Trisha wrung out her hair, seeing the motion.
'Of course you can use my bathroom, silly. Go have a shower. Mi casa es su casa.'
'Thank you!' Michelle was off the chair and into the bathroom before Trisha had even finished talking.
After a long hot shower, Michelle took the opportunity to wrap herself up in one of the lavish towels just as Trisha had; having a brief moment of recognition at just how similar the two looked. Trisha had the longer, straight hair and was just a little taller and thinner, but Michelle's shoulders and rounded bottom didn't make her feel inferior. The bust of the two, Michelle reasoned, made the hanging towel an awkward a sight were anyone to see them, but since it looked the same on both of them, Michelle was sure Trisha wouldn't mind.
That was until she walked out of the bathroom to see Trisha lying on the bed, towel undone and completely nude, one hand between her legs. The sourcefed star had her eyes closed and was making small moans as she worked at herself, and Michelle was stunned, staring as her idol masturbated in front of her. Michelle took a deep breath, unable to move, her eyes almost desperately raked over Trisha's body as she arched her back slightly, thrusting her impressive breasts to the ceiling. After a few tortured moments, Michelle quietly went back into the bathroom.
She took a deep breath, considering what she'd seen, subconsciously wondering why she'd stayed so long, and why her own body felt so hot. Michelle was well aware she didn't have an interest in women, but still, the raw sexuality of her idol on display... She squeezed her legs together, hoping the feeling would pass. After a few ragged breaths, she stood up, announced 'I'm done!' loudly, and exiting the bathroom again.
This time, Trish was wrapped up in the towel again, though looking like she'd just thrown it back on and just a bit flush. She held the hand that she'd been pleasuring herself with to it closely, as if to hide the evidence, but Michelle made efforts not to look.
'Long shower!' Trisha announced, sounding not at all awkward about what she was doing, 'I started to get bored without you, so I was thinking of what to do tonight.'
Michelle started. There was no hint of innuendo in what Trisha had said, but still, maybe she me-
'I checked the movie channel, and that new nerdy superhero film is out. I keep meaning to watch, wanna join me?'
Michelle relaxed; of course that was what she meant. She mentioned the movie on her own channel and was waiting to do a review. Michelle had also wanted to see it of course, so she sat down against the pillows as Trisha set the movie going, and the rest of the evening passed without incident. It was just Michelle and her idol, watching nerdy movies and making snarky commentary, everything Michelle could have ever wanted.
This was the best contest ever. Even when Trish was trying to decide what to watch next, Michelle fell asleep in the big bed, her only thoughts were of how this was the best day ever.
It was 230 when Michelle woke up, feeling the bed move slightly. She was about to put it off to nothing and fall back asleep when she felt it again, just a light, repetitive motion, and then a soft moan. She let her eyes adapt to the darkness and was startled to see Trisha had pushed back the bedcovers and the smooth curve of her hips was visible against the dim light of the city outside the window. What was really startling was that her shoulder was moving quickly in a rhythmic way that left little question as to where her hand was placed. Another soft moan confirmed what remaining suspicions there were, though this one was almost frustrated.
Michelle just watched, entranced by the way Trisha's skin played in the light, the curves of her body so eloquently cut in the darkness. A familiar heat began inside her, but she resisted it. She was not into women, no matter how beautiful they were, or how they smelled in the darkness, a perfect mix of femininity and need, or how the- Michelle shook her head. That was not a normal thought for her, but she was self-aware enough to admit that whatever her sexuality, she was getting remarkably aroused just watching Trisha pleasure herself. One of Michelle's hands started to move slightly down her body before Trisha made a disgruntled noise and stopped moving.
Silence. For a long moment, Michelle just watched her again, before Trisha gave a long, irritable sigh and started to pull the covers over herself again.
Another long silence.
Michelle spoke, 'what’s wrong, Trish?'
Trish jumped slightly at this, and Michelle found herself doing the same. She hadn't intended to say anything, to get involved at all, but then... that heat inside.
Trish turned to stare at the ceiling, catching Michelle in her peripheral vision.
'You, uh, saw that there, huh?' she asked. Michelle couldn't see the blush, but the tone betrayed it.
'Y-yeah, I did.' Michelle confessed.
Trish gave another long sigh and then shut her eyes, raising one hand to her face in embarrassment.
'You caught me earlier too, didn't you?' her voice was muffled by her hands.
'...yeah, I did.' There was no point in lying now. It wasn't like Michelle felt embarrassed about it. Not nearly as much as she thought she would, anyway.
'Oh my god, this is so embarrassing.' Trish curled up in a little ball, laughing slightly, 'I just... you can't tell anyone about this, ok? Ok?' she looked at Michelle.
'Of course not.' Michelle agreed.
Trish took another deep breath.
'I get so turned on at these conventions. I don't even know why it's so bad, but it is. All those fans, and I know so many of them fantasize about me, so many naughty plans, so many naughty thoughts that they'd do to me if they had a chance. I'm always half tempted to invite someone along, but I never would, I'm way too bashful for that, but you know, looking like I do, I know they're thinking it and it fucking gets. Me. off.' She intoned the last few syllables hard, and then turned back to Michelle again, looking pointedly down at Michelle's bust, hidden by the blanket and Michelle felt a shiver she prayed Trisha didn't see.
'You must know how I feel, with those, all the guys - and girls, too - that stare at you, wishing they could get you alone so they could...' she trailed off and made a hungry little noise, then chuckled, but Michelle shook her head.
'That's... not really something I think about, I mean, I don't know.'
'Really?' Trish sounded incredulous in the dark, 'It's like half of why I model. The thought of being half naked in a million calendars so people will come meet me just makes me all warm inside, and you look like that' - she pointed at Michelle's hourglass curve, still obvious beneath the down comforter - ' and tell me you don't think about the effect it has?'
'That doesn't really sound like a problem, though' Michelle redirected the question, uncomfortable about how much she was thinking about Trisha's statements now.
Trish rolled onto her back again, and laughed a self-mocking kind of laugh.
'Ok, well the problem is... I get so worked up, but it takes me forever to get off sometimes, some people can do it to themselves so fast, but for me, it takes all night sometimes, and I have so much to do tomorrow. I want it so BAD, but I left all my toys back at home, and I'm wayyy too much of a good girl to bring someone up here for one night.'
She stopped talking and turned over, covering her face again.
'Oh my god, I'm so embarrassed, you've been so helpful, and here I am whining about how I can't get off. Too much info, maybe?' She laughed again, 'Anyway, thanks for listening Michelle, you've been such a great assistant. We'll get some sleep, and I promise this won't make any difference tomorrow, ok?'
She pulled the covers up and turned back to the window, and all was silent for a second. Michelle listened to Trisha's story, but only heard the first part. The heat inside her was building now, and sleep was far from her mind. Her heart began to beat.
Trisha's breathing was still slightly hoarse as Michelle pulled herself closer to her idol, and Michelle was surprised that Trisha couldn't hear her heartbeat thunder as she put her hand on Trisha's hip, feeling the goosebumps form on the smooth skin, and put her lips close to Trisha's ear.
'Maybe you need a little... personal assistance?' She purred, the seductiveness surprising even Michelle, but Trisha let out a soft noise and melted into her assistant as Michelle pulled her arms around her idol's waist.
Michelle had never been with a woman before, but somehow Trisha's body felt as familiar as it was enticing to her. Every experience felt new, but so natural, like this was something she'd been made for. One of Michelle's soft hands moved up Trisha's flat stomach, teasing up to the valley between her breasts, and Trisha drew a breath in as hungry fingers explored up the swell of her generous tits to a rapidly hardening nipple. Michelle pulled at it lightly, feeling the size and shape of Trisha's breasts in an exploratory way, pulling her own magnificent breasts into Trisha's back with the other arm. She was struck at how much her idol's body felt like her own, the curves and smoothness, and the things that felt good seemed to be the same.
She kissed Trisha's neck softly, to see how it felt and was surprised to find a light, spicy taste, and then whispered again.
'I... I've never been with a girl, Trish.'
'Well, you're doing real fine so far,' came the dreamy response, emphasized with a purr as Michelle's hand, almost of its own accord, stroked her beltline, down to the juncture of her legs, avoiding the heat that Trisha almost desperately thrust at her.
'I just want to do you good' Michelle panted, her own breath now ragged despite herself, and Trisha groaned.
'Oh my god that's hot!' Trisha's body shuddered briefly, 'Keep talking like that, and you might not need to even touch me.'
Michelle's hand paused.
'I didn't say stop, you naughty little thing.' Trisha laughed, which devolved into a throaty moan as Michelle resumed lightly stroking around her body, one hand sliding past her nipples while the other slid up her thighs.
'Is that good?' Michelle asked, her interest genuine, but her comment seemed to take Trisha as more dirty talk.
'So good,' Trisha responded, 'just... do what you do to yourself, but on me,'
'That's what I'm doing.'
'Good.... gooooooood.' Trisha drew out the last syllable as Michelle licked up the back of her neck, enjoying the spicy taste of her idol's sweat, 'I don't think you do THAT to yourself.' She noted, 'but I might try it on you.'
Michelle felt her heart skip and thunder again, and the heat between her legs began to burn, but with both hands occupied on Trisha, she instead took the opportunity to push one tiny finger down Trisha's slit, and was startled to hear the older girl gasp loudly.
'Can I tell you a secret?' Trisha breathed, as Michelle's fingers continued to play.
'Yeah?' Michelle's hips pressed against Trisha's bottom, feeling the heat between them as she massaged one breast.
'I've always wanted to be a girl's first time. This is sooo turning me on.' Her diction continued to slip into lust drunken slurs.
'I'm... I'm not really into girls,' Michelle admitted, 'I just... you're so beautiful, and I didn't... I...'
'Shhhhhhh,' Trisha quieted her, 'It's fine, we can stop if you're uncomfortable, but if you want to do this, I want to do it too. This is kinda my fantasy after all.'
Michelle took a long breath, feeling Trisha's heaving breaths and watching her sweating body in the dim light.
'I want to do y- this.' Michelle corrected quickly, and Trisha groaned, another shudder going through her. Michelle took the opportunity to press herself close, hands clutching and mouth barely touching her idol's neck.
'Tell me what you want me to do.' Trisha's body convulsed, and she cried out, not so loud, but not quiet.
'Oh yes, that's so good. So good.' She moaned as she stopped moving. Michelle pulled her hands back slightly.
'No, you keep going.' she snapped, 'I'm telling you what to do, right?'
'Mhmmm' Michelle breathed into Trisha's ear, and the severity of her tone dropped.
'Good, then you are not to stop until I say so. Just... touch me.'
And Michelle did not stop, her hands caressing every inch of her idol, softly, then not so softly, just as she sometimes did to herself in the quiet of her own bed, and was rewarded with the sounds of pleasure Trisha made, ever increasing. Michelle's lips touched softly at Trisha's neck and shoulder, and slowly, seeing the effect it had on her trembling consort, she began to explore further, licking up to Trisha's ear and then down between her shoulder blades, finding what her new lover enjoyed. Licks turned into soft kisses and when she planted a kiss at the top of Trisha's neck, she made another brief convulsion, screaming just briefly into the pillow beside her.
'Oh yes, so good, you are so good.' she repeated briefly, choking the words out. 'You. I... I need you; I need you to touch me down there.'
Michelle had teased at Trisha's sex, largely out of instinct, but although the effect on her new paramour was astounding, she didn't know if she could handle that way of pleasuring the other girl. She whispered in Trisha's ear, with urgency.
'I don't know if I can do that...'
The sound of irritation that came out of Trisha's mouth was almost feral, and she turned to Michelle.
'I'm telling you you can do it. I'm telling you to do it. I need you. Now.'
Michelle looked into Trish's eyes, seeing the girl she worshipped full of need and want, and she was able to help, how could she not. Trish stared back, and repeated slowly.
'I need it, Michelle, your fingers.'
Her mouth was parted slightly, breath uneven. Michelle's instinct jumped again and she pressed her lips against Trish's in a wanton kiss, her hands sliding down the older girl's hips to her vulva, teasing the lips slightly before sliding into the heat.
Trish's resistance gave out entirely. The kiss deepened quickly as Trish's tongue tested Michelle's mouth and found willing acceptance. The angry need was softened by the soft yet persistent penetration of Michelle's fingers between Trish's legs and soon Trish began to buck against it. Michelle reluctantly allowed her lover's kiss to end, and resumed her position behind Trish, fingers never stopping their careful pressure on her sex. Just like she did to herself, Michelle found Trish's clitoris and began to stroke it just the way she liked it and was gratified to find that Trish's body began to contort just as her own did. Michelle kept up the pressure, lightly pressing back and forth, one finger just slightly dipping inside her paramour, and the other hand just holding her to Michelle's own now-sensitive breasts.
Trisha's cries began to deepen, a soft repetitive noise became a demanding gasp, and Michelle continued as Trish began to breathe heavily, her beautiful chest expanding in and out. Her body began to stiffen, but still, the final climax would not come.
'Arrrrgh!' Trish yelled, 'I need this, so bad, I need you, Michelle, I neeeed thissssss.' She hissed
She let her own hands, previously steadily gripping the bedcover, attend to her own body, pulling at one nipple with abandon.
'Michelle?' She called, her hips bucking
'Kiss me, now.' This was no request, it was a demand, and Michelle found herself all too happy to agree, pulling her lover's lips to hers and letting her fingers deliver her lover.
Trisha's body shuddered, her legs quivering as she came thunderously, though no noise came through Michelle's lips as the two girls held their passionate embrace.
Finally, Trisha relaxed, her hips falling back to the bed, and Michelle withdrew her fingers, sliding up to Trisha's shoulders, holding her as they continued to kiss, tongues dancing, bodies pressed together with barely fulfilled need.
The kiss went on for some time, Trish holding Michelle to her fiercely before she finally broke it and lay her head back on the pillow with a loud breath.
'You're sure not into girls? That was incredible. I don't think I've ever been so turned on in my life, or come so hard.'
Michelle shrugged, 'I'm a good personal assistant?'
They laughed. 'The best.' Trish agreed.
'Think you can get some sleep now?' Michelle asked.
'Well, I'm certainly relaxed now, that's for sure,' the older girl agreed, and Michelle pulled the covers up, closing her eyes.
There was a brief silence. Michelle was exhausted by what she'd done, yet strangely fulfilled. She pointedly ignored the heat between her own legs, however.
A few minutes passed, and finally, Trish's breathing returned to normal. Michelle prepared to go to sleep, but then...
'Can I tell you another secret, Michelle?' Trish asked suddenly, her voice strangely hoarse.
'After that? I think you can.' She laughed, but Trish didn't.
'I fantasized about all those guys and what they'd do to me if they could,' her voice was strangely intent, 'and I fantasized about how much I'd love that, but you know what else?'
Michelle's heart started again, pounding against her chest.
'Wh-what' she barely whispered.
'I always kinda wanted to do it to another girl, too. To do what I wanted to her.'
Michelle's heart jumped again, she swallowed, hard.
'To touch her, tease her.'
Trisha's eyes locked on Michelle's.
'Make her touch me. Make her try a girl for the first time, maybe.'
She licked her lips
'To make her mine.'
She closed the space between her own body and Michelle's, now face to face, and put one arm on her assistant's shoulder.
'To make her cum.'
Trisha's arm slid down to the towel around Michelle, barely held in place.
'You did a good job, Michelle; you were a very good girl.' Her voice took on a playful, naughty tone, 'and I think you should be rewarded for that.'
She pulled one edge of the towel slowly, and Michelle didn't resist at all as it fell away, exposing her fully.
'I want to do all those things to you, Michelle, let me make you mine.'
Michelle's voice abandoned her. She tried to speak, but no words came out. She nodded.
'Good girl.'
Trisha pulled Michelle close now, pulling her hips close to her lover's, and then their chests. Michelle's already sensitive body responding instantly to make her nipples hard.
'Ooh, excitable, are we?' Trish noted, running one hand down Michelle's side as the younger girl, starstruck, let her idol do as she pleased. Michelle barely managed to swallow, feeling so stunned that this was happening, and then again stunned at how much she wanted it, she felt a hand on her back and Trish pulled her close, landing her soft lips back on Michelle's.
Their previous kisses had been those of unbridled passion, hot and explosive, but this kiss was more gentle, more loving. Michelle finally had the chance to reflect on that sweet, spicy flavour in Trisha's sweat, and noted that it seemed to follow to her lips, concluding only that this was the flavour of Trish herself. The only further thought she was capable of was that she might just be addicted to it.
Trisha's tongue again tested Michelle, and again the younger girl acquiesced, allowing them to play as Trish's body played against her own. Trish's hands were not teasing yet so much as investigating, stroking down the curve of her hips, up her back and then down, finding the perfect curve of her ass and down her legs then back up. Finally they tested her stomach and up to her chest, finding both of their breasts and down, always tantalizingly close to Michelle's sex before moving on again.
Trisha's kiss became more aggressive, holding Michelle tightly so her mind could only focus on sensation, and then pushing her assistant onto her back before straddling her and pulling away. She threw the covers away from their bodies and then looked down at Michelle's nude body.
The younger girl tried to put her hands over her breasts, but Trisha just tutted, smiling gently as she pulled them away. Michelle was surprised to find her idol was startlingly strong.
'Uh-uh, I said I was going to do what I wanted, and what did you say?'
Trisha sat atop her, holding her wrists lightly, and waited, but Michelle's panic subsided as Trisha spoke. Despite the words, the tone was clear; she was playing, and Michelle could stop this whenever she wanted, all she had to do was say so. Oddly, that made it perfectly clear what she wanted to say.
'I said I'd be yours, and you could do whatever you wanted.'
'Yes. Mine.' Trish purred, and put her lips to Michelle's again in a brief kiss, before pulling away and then kissing at her neck, still holding the younger girl's wrists.
'And mine to play with,' She said, pulling her tongue down Michelle's collarbone and in the valley of her cleavage, before pulling under one large breast, swirling to the nipple. She sucked on it for a second and Michelle's mind blanked.
Trisha let Michelle's wrists go as the resistance drained from her lover, and she let one hand drift to the other breast, kneading it gently and toying with the nipple with a thumb.
'You know,' she said, tweaking it lightly and hearing Michelle squeak, 'I think I finally get why it's so fun to play with these.'
She bent down and bit one nipple lightly, and Michelle moaned, back arching to follow as Trish pulled away.
'Nice big breasts,' Trish noted, almost clinically, 'but so...' she grabbed her own, pulling away till she held only the nipple and groaned, '... sensitive.' She repeated the process on Michelle with similar effect, her assistant's face contorting in pleasure.
'Now, the real question,' she said, maintaining the same clinical tone as she stroked a finger down Michelle's neck, around one breast and then up to her soft lips, watching Michelle try to find it with her tongue, 'Is what should I do with you?'
'What... do you mean?' Michelle managed out between hoarse breaths.
'I mean that I have a number of options,' she pulled herself off of Michelle, but before the younger girl could move, Trisha's tongue was back on her, licking her breasts and then down her stomach before coming back up, 'You did a very good job, didn't you?'
She planted a kiss on Michelle's lips, her hand stroking down Michelle's flat stomach, ever so slowly.
'You used your fingers on me for the first time, and it was...' She paused, leaning into her lover's ear, dropping the playful tone 'It was amazing, I'm not even playing, that was amazing, Michelle, I haven't come like that in years.'
She licked Michelle's jaw before pulling back and resuming the playfulness ‘and I could do the same to you, I think I could do a very good job.' Her fingers approached Michelle's sex as she spoke, sliding over the lips of her vulva and then back up, with Michelle's hips following until she couldn't lift anymore. The assistant made an insistent noise.
'Or I could do something a little more... intimate' She enunciated the word by licking her lips and then stroking Michelle's sex with a soft finger. The assistant looked up at Trisha, who winked and stuck out her tongue, and Michelle felt the brief panic again, before Trisha's hands moved at her lower lips and the need came over her. The teasing was good, so good, but Michelle needed more.
Trish waited, hands working slowly, and Michelle's hips began to buck against Trisha's fingers slowly, working into a frenzy before the older girl pulled away.
Trisha lay down beside Michelle, and let on hand stroll up and down Michelle's torso, soft stomach and breasts, whispering in the assistant's ear.
'I'm not going to do anything you don't want, you just have to tell me what's ok.' she said, emphasizing it by squeezing Michelle's breast, which elicited a soft mewl. Michelle felt the lust inside, and Trisha's words again settled her nerves. The level of trust and respect she was showing just made Michelle even more willing. She turned to her idol, and spoke clearly.
'I'm yours, do whatever you want to me.'
Trisha's responding grin was almost predatory.
'Yessss, Mine.' She said, pulling herself back on top of Michelle with a kiss, but then pulling herself down her assistant's body, kissing and licking all the way. She stopped briefly at Michelle's belly button and gave it a soft kiss, then smirked up at her paramour.
'You're letting me live out a bunch of my fantasies tonight.'
She licked Michelle's hipbone, the sensitive touch making the younger girl squirm.
'Ever since Meg first seduced me-'
Michelle looked own incredulously, but Trish grinned and licked down one thigh, and then spoke again.
'Yup, it was Meg Turney's first week at sourcefed, and she knew what she wanted, and she went and got it. She told me that she fantasized about dragging me into the broom closet and making me scream.'
She licked down Michelle's other thigh, all the way to the bottom, just tasting Michelle's labia, cleanly shaven and smooth, before pulling back and continuing her story.
'She had to wait until everyone else had left, but when she saw me glance at that closet, she just grabbed me by the hair and pulled me in.'
Trisha pulled a pillow from the front of the bed and lifted Michelle's ass up, copping a comfortable feel as she did it.
'She made me come 9 times that night.' She looked up to Michelle, 'It took her almost 8 hours, so you know, you just made me come way harder in like half an hour.'
Michelle felt an unexpected blush of pride, and an odd hunger to do so again, but her mind blanked as Trish kept talking, lips idly teasing at Michelle's most sensitive areas.
'Ever since, I've known I had a thing for girls. Not all girls, mind you, but some.'
She kissed Michelle's sex, and breathed hotly on it, then paused.
'Wanna know a secret?'
She waited, letting her breath tease, as Michelle agonized.
'Well, do you?'
'Y-yes?' Michelle managed out.
'I was fantasizing about you in the shower when you came out the first time. Fantasizing about doing this to you, how you'd look when I ate you out.'
Michelle felt a flood of arousal flow through her as Trish confessed, but it was all overwhelmed by the feeling of her idol's hot tongue invading her sex. Michelle let out an immediate moan.
'This is just how I hoped you'd taste.' She admitted, pulling away for just a second before teasing her tongue down one lip and then inside again.
'I even hoped you were shaven, not that I'd mind.' She searched for the clitoris and found it by the rush of breath from Michelle, then pulled away.
'It was what I was hoping we'd do tonight, I was gonna fuck you.' Trisha herself moaned at that, her dirty talk evidently for her own benefit, even as Michelle continued to find herself stunningly aroused by the confessions.
'But this is even better than I was hoping. Now I get fulfill a bunch of fantasies all at once.' She sought the clit again, teasing it with her tongue steadily for a moment, and letting the pressure build in Michelle, with repeated gasps to establish her approach, but then pulled away, maddeningly.
'Pleaaaaase' Michelle gasped.
'Please what?' Trisha teased, licking just once, enough to get Michelle's hips pushed towards her face.
'I need it, Trisha.' Michelle whined.
'Need what? I want to hear you say it.' Trisha licked again, and Michelle made an insistent grunt again.
'Make me cum! Please!' Michelle demanded, and Trisha complied, teasing her with her wicked tongue again until pulling away.
'Why!?' Michelle yelled, her hands pulled against the bedspread.
'I'm doing what I want, remember?' Trisha teased, and Michelle groaned.
'Nooooooo. I need this, pleeeeease'
'Well, maybe, after all, what I wanted was to make you cum, so... cum for me.' And with that, Trisha began to play Michelle's body like an instrument. Her tongue teased unmercifully at Michelle's sex, while her hands sought out Michelle's breasts, pushing her to that inevitable climax that she finally reached with a shudder, her body tensing until she was spent, and she fell limp onto the bed.
Trisha brought the pillow out from underneath her, and crawled back up to face Michelle, just watching her with a strange amount of adoration in her eyes. Michelle leant over slightly and kissed her softly, not caring about the taste of her own arousal on her new lover's lips.
'Wow.' Michelle said.
'Wow is right.' Trisha agreed, 'you don't feel bad about any of that, right? Like, I know this was fast, but you're cool? I wanted to make sure before I did anything.'
Michelle smiled and pulled her idol - her friend - tight, 'No, that was great. I... I didn't know it was gonna happen, but I'm so glad it did. I've... never quite felt like that before.'
'Still not into girls?' Trish asked, grinning.
'Not most girls, but there might be some.' Michelle agreed. They both laughed.
There was a silence. In the darkness, the two held each other for a moment in the serenity that follows good intimacy.
'This is really cold, you know.' Trish said, 'can we get the blanket back?'
Bundled back up in bed, the two naked women began to drift off to sleep.
'Still think this won't affect anything tomorrow?' Michelle asked.
'Tomorrow at the con? No way.' Trish offered, 'You're still the best personal assistant I've ever had, but...'
'But what?' Michelle sounded a little frantic at that, and Trisha felt her body tense.
'Tomorrow night, it might affect something. You've got the long weekend right?'
'I think I can fit it into my schedule.'
'Then I think we'll be just fine.'
'Good. Goodnight, Trisha.' Michelle snuggled closer to her friend.
'Goodnight, Michelle.' the older girl responded.
There was a brief pause, and they began to drift off to sleep. Michelle took a look at the clock as her eyes closed, but suddenly realized.
'You know we have to be up in about 45 minutes for the first panel prep, right?'
Chapter 3 - The Unspeakable Act |
WARNING: EXTREMELY EXPLICIT & GRAPHIC CHAPTER! Do not proceed if you're not okay with #frottage #gay #futa #gagging #incest #lesbian #cumloads #twistedshit
"Writer's Note about MUSIC: For a good track to listen to that should cover the entire read, plus also put you in the zone I was in while writing, that capture the mood in this scene, I recommend you cue up this track and then start reading: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhztgmnFJAw - Enjoy, but not too much."
After that game, this is what happened-
The smell of sex filled that room. Pussy smell, dick cum scent, and young arousing musks enchanted the air.
The females started making out and fingering their dripping pussy blossoms while Ampari, with an available hand, stroked her brother Gram's cock. Gram was laying beside Toshi, and slumped over his hips sucking into his mouth on Toshi's tiny all rubbery and fleshy dick, and sticking his tongue in between the inside of the foreskin and the hardening pink shaft, until he was able to push the skin back to be able to wrap his lips over the rim of Toshi's head, and suck it outward more, revealing the head finally, without using his hands at all.
Mar was 69ing Seshi, and Seshi from underneath was tonguing Mar's tight little pink asshole, gaping it with her firm tongue. By now, Ampari disconnected from the girls and was sucking Gram's cock hard and furiously, making it get so hard and big. Long strips of phlegm and mucus hung from her chin and were spewing out her mouth from how deep she was taking her virgin brother's fresh young dick down the back of her throat. She was gagging, but kept going while Gram kept sucking Toshi off. Ampari skillfully took off her socks using only her own feet, and shoved one little foot into Gram's face and in between his lips and the little hard cock he was so deliciously blowing. He took Ampari's lavender-smelling foot and Toshi's cumstick both at the same time into his wanting mouth, as it stretched open. While one of Ampari's feet was being blown, with her other foot she spread her legs wide opened and shoved it into Seshi's ass while Mar topped Seshi, eating and sucking her fat and slimy pussy. Mar spit on Ampari's foot so it would slide in and out more nicely, and then Mar unsaddled her sis, knowing she was about to bust an orgasmic tarty load. Seshi rolled over and squatted over Toshi's face and let out a gallon of pink pussy juice, white cum, clear spit, and warm slippery liquids all over the young face of this darling who's the center of a fantastic dream sexual encounter. As Seshi is cumming all over him, Mar straddles Toshi, her opened slimy little twat right up against Gram's face who's sucking Toshi's femcock and Ampari's foot, and she lets out a huge splashy stream of her own white pussy juices, sticky liquids, hot piss, and warm cum....everything that she can produce, all over them.
They are rabidv (the heart beats are pumping, it's getting twisted amped) and so rambunctious by now, everyone moaning from the ecstasy like animals about to start fucking each other raw.
Mar's ass arched high in the air, curved upward with her asshole gaping and oozing nectar, begins drinking what's coming out of Seshi's pussy, and begging for cock, in a mantra.
So Ampari, stops footing Gram's mouth and gets on her knees, and says to Gram,
"Today you will fuck a futa pussy, my brother."
She pries his mouth off Toshi's dick and detaches them, and Toshi looks up at Ampari with a look in his eyes of fear, uncertainty, and shame.
Ampari gets beside Toshi, and says in a gentle, motherly voice, "Don't be afraid my little babygirl. Mommy is going to make sure everything is better," and she bends downward and starts tonguing the fuck out of Toshi's face, mouth, ears, licking his neck, eyeballs, shoving her tongue in his nostrils, between his gums and lips, sucks and swallows his saliva for sustenance.
She then gently shuffles over to her brother, who's just kneeling, as she pets her sister Mar on her back, and teases her asshole and pussya little, and Seshi joins on the other side of Toshi who's being topped by Mar.
They begin a hypnotic moaning and massaging ritual, putting both Toshi and Gram into a trance, as Mar turns around and sits on Toshi's face now. Her face is now right over the young bottom's uncut hardened cock. So Mar takes her hands and pulls up the draped balls of Toshi, that is covering his little virgin boypussy. She moves the folds of his ball's skin out of the way, by cupping them all in her left hand- Toshi's testicles are retracted inside him now.
With her right hand she pushes open the fat top of Toshi's pussy, revealing that perfectly intact watery little hymen, and looks up at her brother's cock.
Ampari directs Gram closer, "Let her suck you like you love," she says to him.
Mar opens her mouth, yearning and begging for his dick to be inserted down way into her throat, and lets out a long deep moan of relief as he stuffs her generous mouth.
She cums out of her pussy and asshole immediately the moment the hot tip of his cock lands on her tongue, and it all spills on young Toshi's face.
Seshi smiles and looks at Toshi, and in a sisterly and reassuring voice says, "Drink, little babygirl. HeeHee."
"Drink, my little sweet baby, it's good for you and mommy wants you to," adds Ampari. She spreads her sister's ass cheeks wider so the waterfall of cum rushes straight down in a nice steady flow.
Mar lowers her head down and starts licking around Toshi's virgin pussy. Every 3 circles, she licks straight down his slit, as she keeps opening it more and more, until she is munching where his asshole meets his pussy, sliding her tongue inside of his tarty pussy.
Toshi starts squirming and there's an expression of anguish on his face.
Mommy Ampari puts her forehead against his, and looks him straight in the eyes, and whispers, "It's okay babygirl. You're gong to make it, and mommy is not going to let it hurt. Trust mommy's words, baby."
While Seshi pets and tends to everyone as a general fuck slave, using her hands to switch between rubbing Mar all over her back, ass, and hair, to squeezing Gram's balls and scratching his hard stomach with her nails, and running her fingers all over Toshi, Ampari positions herself next to Toshi's head.
They were all comforting each other passionately, and in the most sensual erotic ways possible.
Ampari says, "Here you go, little baby girl," and begins squeezing milk from her huge saggy tits' nipples for Toshi.
"Are you listening to me?" she asks.
Toshi mumbles a sounds, "Mmm-Hmm," from beneath Mar's hairy snatch.
"Address me as mommy, you little cum slut," she groans while still lactating, spewing thick milk all over her sister's gaping asshole, and letting it drip into Toshi's mouth.
"Yes, mommy, I'm sorry, mommy" he says.
"Good little cummy princess," she says. By now, Gram's dick is big, proportional to his body.
So...it's four inches long, bent upward, deep red, and heavy veiny.
The side of it looked like it wanted to explode, as Mar was in a trance, taking mother's milk all over her ass and pussy, and Gram's fat little cock tapping her on the face.
Ampari moves to the other side, by Toshi's feet, and detaches Gram's dick from his sister's mouth, while her tongue hangs out, as she cries for more dick to eat. "No, mommy, uhh, I want baby bo's peecocky in my mouth, mommy! I wanna!" That makes her release another wave of orgasms, keeping Toshi occupied and very hydrated.
"Shhh. There, there, little babysis, you'll get more again. Now hush and keep cumming for me, you fucking little cocksucker," mommy demands.
Seshi giggles and moves behind Gram and starts gently scratching his back, and running her nails all over him, and between his ass cheeks and around his asshole. Ampari brings her sister Mar up to a seated position, now all her weight on her pussy and sitting on Toshi's face. Toshi begins gasping, and is also now in a groaning trance as he acts like Mar's own personal pussy pump.
The elder sister spreads Toshi's leg as far open as they can be parted, and takes a cushion, and slides it under his lower back for comfort like a good mommy. His pelvis is now higher, and his little dick flapped up now over his underbelly, with little sticky drops of precum leaving webs of cum where ever his dick tip touches. The elasticity in his precum is so strong and heavy, that there's still one webby line of his cum attached from his tip to one of Mar's tits.
Ampari begins lesbian tongue wrestling with Seshi, both of them behind Gram, and starts fingering Seshi's pussy, and scooping out her thick white cum, and transferring it over onto Toshi's pussy.
She rubs it all over the top and inside it, but is careful to not poke or tear his hymen.
With her other hand, she scoops out a glob of thick cum cream from the inside of her own pussy, and starts lubricating her brother's asshole. She slides a finger in and out gently, each time a little deeper, until she has one all the way to the knuckle inside him.
With Toshi's pussy now pointing up at an angle, while he's pinned down by Mar's fat cummy twat and asshole, she tells Mar to spit in one of her own hands, and start lubing Gram's dick really nicely. She does as her big mommy sister commands, and Gram is now having his asshole penetrated by one sister, while another one strokes his cock.
"Not to fast and hard. I don't want him to cum before mommy says he can, my baby sissy daughter," says Ampari softly.
"Yes, mommy. Your baby knows how baby strokes his dicky good, momma." she replies, as a little more new cum squirts out of her ass and pussy holes from dirty talking.
Meanwhile, Toshi is in pure heaven, feeling magnetic, as they start getting in a breathing rhythm together.
Seshi voluntarily starts playing with mommy sis's pussy lips, pinching them, fingering her, and rubbing around and in Ampari's pussy hole, making it very wet. Then with her other hand she takes her own slippery cum from her pussy and rubs it all over Ampari's asshole, and slides all her fingers in nicely, inch by inch, until her entire hand disappears into her sister's dirty widened firm asshole. Seshi straddles one of Ampari's feet, which is aimed backwards since they're both on their knees, Seshi behind, and lifts the foot up some more, almost hyper extending it. But Ampari is a very flexible dancer, and has beautifully arched feet, so in coordination with her sister, she points her toes firmly back, and Seshi rams her open pussy up against the foot and pops it inside herself all the way up to the ankle. Immediately cream starts gushing out the sides of the opening of her plump nubile cunt.
One last thing left to do...
With one hand now deep in her brother's fuckhole, and the other one around the front, being spit on by Mar and used to stroke Gram's fuck stick, she grips the dick by the base, and points it at Toshi's pussy hole. Mar opens the pussy and is on 'balls duty', making sure they are out of the way, and his little hard dick dangling upward.
Gram looks down at this glorious divine cherry hole, as his cock lets out some heavier drops of webby precum, and sees the inside of Toshi's pussy pumping, his hymen inflating, and deflating, pulsating in sync with all their rhythm and breaths.
His strawberry shaped head moves over her vulva, and Mar uses one of her hands to open Grams urethra and wrap it over Toshi's clitty, which by now is almost looking like a second but even smaller dick. Toshi's clit begins sliding in and out of Gram's pisshole, making the couple extremely hyper aroused, and sending uncontrollable shocks through their bodies.
Mar detaches the head from the clit, and sticks a finger inside her brother's urethra, and scoops out cum so she can rub on her nipples, and tongue.
"Mommy is so proud of all her little cum babies," Ampari whispers in a caring soft voice.
Everyone is so happy and feeling gloriously that mommy is so pleased with her babies.
Then Ampari begins to focus, "Ok my little babygirl, your little peepee is ready for cummy cums and primed for my brother's dick. Just relax, and keep breathing, and focus on the pussy juices Mar is making for you, and the feeling inside your pussy will feel so good, my baby girl. Mmm'kay?"
"Mommy....mommy." grunts Toshi, and begins almost weeping.
"Honey, you do't need to do that. Mommy is here, right? Mommy is not going to let anything bad happen to her little girl. Ok, sweetie?"
Toshi just nods in agreement, and an expression of relief takes over his face gestures.
Ampari pushes Gram by the inside of his asshole, and with two fingers inside him hooked over his prostate, controls the angle of Grams dick, and it's movements like a puppet.
She looks over at Mar, who is smiling like the sex deviant she is, looking madly insane and rabid, like a Harley Quinn of sorts with both hands grabbing her brother's love pipe, and pulls him right up against Toshi's cunny opening.
With her free hand under Gram, Ampari uses two fingers to spread open Toshi's pussy lips, and Gram pops the tip of his dick into his pussy for the first time.
Half of the head barely goes in, so mommy use the fingers inside her brother's ass to angle his cock in a more downward slanted direction, because his dick is bent upwards. If she doesn't do this, then Gram will have to push very hard to fit the head inside this tiny little new cunny opening, and mommy doesn't want that for her little babygirl- Toshi.
Now his head goes in a little smoother, right up until the edge that separates it from the rest of the dick, and in one smooth slow forward movement, pops it inside completely. >POP!<
Toshi lets out a squirmy pleasant moan, as the sisters hearing this release another wave of slime and cum and squirt water and piss out their holes, flooding everywhere.
With the hand that is beneath Gram, Ampari sticks a finger inside Toshi and puts the tip of her longest finger between Grams pisshole and Toshi's heymen, to controls his about-to-be-popped pussy activity.
With the other hand that's fucking Gram's ass, she once again wiggles her finger puppet dick in a wavy motion, to make sure it's smoothly inside Toshi, and not grinding against anything, like his pussy wall, or that a pussy lip is curled inwardly.
"Mommy is going to take over mommy's little baby girl and boy, ok? Babygirl, mommy is going to be the one pushing in, okay. Make mommy proud, sweet princess."
"Mmhmmm," nods Toshi, as he bites down and sucks on one of Mar's pussy lips for comfort.
Ampari spreads her ass and legs wider, as to position herself well for the next move- the most important one of all. Meanwhile, her foot is ripping Seshi's pussy hole, who's in her own little world of pleasure and in a freakish and powerful horny zone. She keeps her fist inside mommy, too, while scooping up the cum that is coming our of her's and mommy's pussy, and throwing it in her mouth to eat and drink.
Mar is now sucking her brother's tongue, helping mommy to hold the dick and Toshi's pussy in place. Mommy points the two fingers inside Gram's shithole up which makes his dick point down, as she gently applies forward force, and the cock begins descending slowly into Toshi.
The boys both growl and groan, moan and breath heavier.
Mommy pulls it back, and then deeper, gently, little by little until she feels a little >click< feeling on the prostate, that resonated from Toshi's pussy up Gram's shaft.
"There we are, princess. You see how gentle mommy is and how much mommy loves you?"
Toshi, "Mmm-hmm."
"Does it feel good, my little babygirls?"
This time both Gram and Toshi moan 'mm-hmms' for mommy.
"Good...now...we are going to get ready for some cummy cums for mommy, okay babies?"
"Yes, mommy, please, I want your cummy cums. Please....please," Toshi replied lively.
"Here we go, all my slut sweeties..." mommy comforts.
Mar: "I'm gon'....going to cum mommy, oh god, I'm cumming! Please!"
Mommy: "Cum your tits and that pussy out, my little baby angel, yes, cum for your mommy, baby," and Mar starts shaking as a huge orgasm is about to escape.
Seshi: "Mommy, your foot's hurting my cunny but it feels so fucking good. Yeah, fuck my cunny mommy. Ohhhh! Fuck it mommy, oh god, yes! I'm gonna cum mommy, yes! I'm gonna cum all over your fucking sexy archy foot, fuck yeah, mommy! Please? Please??? Oh, god!"
Mommy: " Yes, my little foot fucker whore. Mmmm, cum, babygirl. Mommy wants your cummies all over her foot and then for you to blow my foot until you choke on it and your own slutty creams, baby! Fuck that foot, little bitch. MMmm, yeah. Fuck those toes deep up your snatch like the little cum slut that you are, my sweet little babybitch."
Ampari starts loading up a huge batch of her own cum and pussy cream that fills her up, fills her bladder, her cervix, uterus, and even forces it way up to her kidneys from how much she's producing. But mommy does kegels all the time, and she knows how to squeeze her pussy hard so nothing leaks out until she relaxes is fucking damn well want to release. She's tense, like a horse.
Gram: "Oh my god, mommy, I'm going to fucking cum, oh, yes, oh god! Mommy! Can I come in here little pussy? Uggh! Huh?? Yeah, HahMmmmm--"
- but mommy abruptly pinches the sides of his prostate and rejects the cock from squirting.
Mommy: "No you don't, babyboy. Not until mommy lets you. And not inside of my little princess, you nasty little cocksucker."
Gram: "Yes! Yeah- hah. Oh god, what ever you say mommy! Fuck that asshole, mommy! Fuck!"
"Good boy," says Ampari. Even her at this point can't hold it, so she looks down at Toshi one more time and says, "Are you ready to cum for mommy now, babygirl?"
Toshi: " Hayeahhh. Oh, fuck, god. How, mommy? How, I can't feel my pussy anymore, only my clit and dick! Where do--how do you want it momma? "
Mommy: " You'll see now, princess. Mommy will help you make cummies for me, and I'll eat it like ice cream, babygirl. Mmhmm. I can't wait, ooOh."
Toshi: Yes, mommy, oh god, I feel it now, I think I'm cum--ming...but....from my ....ow, fuck...dick. Oh, god! It feels like it's going to pop, mommy! Mommy, ow! Help me, please, oh fuck, wow!"
Mommy: "There you go, my little baby Futa. That's how you do it! Give it to mommy! Let it pop, babygirl! Let it cum hard for mommy and your sisters! Shoot me that fucking cum you fucking whore!"
Ampari now jerks her arm forward, something she has been carefully waiting for the right moment to do, and ram's her brother's rock hard dick as deep as it can go into Toshi's little freshly popped pussy, and jams the head and shaft all the way through the heymen, as Toshi lets out a tremendously sexy moan-cry.
She had been waiting until all of them were in such agony from pleasure and edging, so that Toshi barely notices when her pussy was really being popped and busted.
Toshi started bleeding, but very little and didn't even notice, and it mixed with cum that had been dripping out his pussy before Gram's dick went inside it.
Finally- Ampari snaps her fingers inside Grams asshole deep, and scratches his prostate, then pinches it hard to rip him out of Toshi using this internal grip, and quickly pulls the inflated dick out of Toshi----
She rams her brother's cock hard into Toshi, this time up his unused asshole, which caught both Gram and Toshi off guard, as they both let out a loud gasp! Mommy, with one snap of her fingers inside Gram, right on his prostate, induces his climax and makes him have an explosive long-awaited sissygasm, and out of his dick hole the hardest and most thickest cum he has ever squirted bursts out and everywhere!
*At the same time, as Gram's dick was viciously sliding into his anus, Toshi's little dick stood up and made am involuntary hopping motion pointing upward, doing pushup motions, and let out a thick bursting fountain of a cum load, all over Mar's face and heavy tits, and some even made it into her mouth and inside Gram's mouth too. They all had their tongues sticking out! So any cream from the cum fountains that started shooting everywhere could easily make it in all their mouths!
*Seshi explodes a hot cumfilled load out and all over mommy's foot, then goes done to gag herself on it and deepthroat mommy's foot.
*As mommy feels that happening, mommy lets out the Alpha moan, and gallons of cum start shooting out from her pussy, her asshole, and titty holes, in all directions, covering her babies with her bursts of warm cummies firing out of all her holes!
*Mar starts cumming more from her tits all over Gram's throbbing cock, and on Toshi's dick and pussy, which makes both Toshi and Gram shoot another hot load out of their yummy firm dicks!
*While they are cumming at the same time, like fire crackers exploding, one lighting the other, orgasming multiple times, Ampari pushes Mar off Toshi and guides him to get up, which he can barely do, and uses her free hand to dock the guys' cocks together. Gram's dick slit inside Toshi's dick. Mommy looks over at Mar, and with her other hand still inside her brother's back pussy, she winks, and Mar violently rams one hand up Toshi's ass and makes him analgasm. At the same time, mommy squeezes Gram's prostate one more time and he shoots out a sticky fresh batch of his sperm into Toshi cock!
"Mommy wants to breed you, now, babies," says Ampari.
"I want my brother to make a little baby for mommy with his cummies inside of Toshi's dick, right now!"
The boys continue cumming together and into each others urethras and dicks, under the control of the women who have their hands inserted inside them from the back, like slutty jizz puppets.
She winks at Mar one more time, and they both pull their fuck fists out the assholes of the boys, but tthe cocks stay hooked to each other from Toshi's uncut dick hood sucking and covering the head of Gram's dick! Every second, their dicks inflate and fill up like balloons until Ampari grabs both of the plump shafts, and quickly disconnects them and shoves both of them in her mouth!
The boys explode whipped creamy cum loads and sperm bubbles all inside mommy's mouth, as Mar and Seshi bend over and aim their cunts at mommy, spread their asses, and shoot massive thick streams of pussy juice and cum all over mommy. This was mommy's best shower ever, and all of them came multiple times at the same time.
(KNOCK, KNOCK) - at the door!
"Hey, what's going on in there?" - said one of the adults......
They'll lie their little slutbags assess off and find an excuse for the mess....and they all became friends and family from that experience.
-except, there was one brother missing....
Subsets and Splits