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1,658,022,272 | 4.5 | Iron City Beer | American Adjunct Lager | 2.5 | 2.5 | 3 | 2.5 | Clear light gold colour. The white head poured with lots of large, fizzy bubbles, but these disappeared almost as fast as they appeared. Crisp malt nose, faint spicy hops. Mild vegetal aroma as well. Same characters in the flavour, along with very mild bitterness and a hint of cider. Finishes sweet and off-dry, some acidity as well. High carbonation and light body. It didn't quite work for me. | 1neutral
1,658,022,400 | 9 | Tripel | Tripel | 3.5 | 3.5 | 3.5 | 3.5 | 12 oz. brown bottle with no freshness date. Pours a hazy golden orange with a fizzy white head that settles quickly. Nice carbonation. Sweet aroma, light, fruity, biscuit/ honey bread, spicy, alcohol level level present in the nose. Light ti medium bodied, pretty big candy sweetness up front, halfway the alcohol taste comes into play and is a bit stinging. As this beer warms it get much better. Fruity flavors start to really come out. ABV is very warming. I started out not digging this beer but it got much better as both it and I warmed Cheers! | 1neutral
1,658,022,528 | 11 | AleSmith Horny Devil | Belgian Strong Pale Ale | 4 | 3.5 | 4 | 4.5 | Bomber, foiled, capped and w/o freshness/vintage info....Pours clear w/o nearly the expected carbonation for the style, quite minor head, just a thin film, but leaving plenty of fine, intricate lacing upon a gentle swirl. Tons of very tiny bubbles continuing to rise to the top. Nose is lightly of fresh fruits, with alcohol, and coriander. Tasty, clearly high quality offering, light coriander, mintyness, some warming alcohol, juniper, anise, complexity is impressive. Another stunner from AleSmith, what is in that San Diego water? Go and get some if you can find it in your local area. | 2positive
1,658,022,656 | 4.3 | O'Hara's Irish Red | Irish Red Ale | 4 | 4 | 3.5 | 3.5 | pours a dark amber color with a decent sized white head that falls but there is a good amount of veil on there. it has a sweet malty aroma which though written right on the bottle holds true in both the aroma and taste, good call bottle. tatse wise is almost a fruity sweet malty flavor, whith no detectable hop flavor imo. its got a bit of a dry finish which paired with the sweet taste is a bit odd. its a good beer and if you like the sweeter malt beers to the bitter hop beers then its definatly for you . low abv and non offensive flavor allows for it to be very drinkable. | 1neutral
1,658,022,784 | 5.7 | Black Orchard | Belgian Dark Ale | 3.5 | 4 | 3 | 4 | the brew pours up a dark brown color with a tan head. the nose is roasted malts, subtle dry fruits. the taste is dark malts, very dry beer, dry darker fruits are not eluding my taste buds. The Bruery will have to wait for my return to try another.... | 1neutral
1,658,022,912 | 4.74 | Pabst Blue Ribbon (PBR) | American Adjunct Lager | 3 | 3 | 2.5 | 3.5 | Canadian version brewed by Sleeman. 473 mL can, 4.9% ABV. Pours a washed-out straw yellow colour with a sizable soapy head that burns off in a few minutes. A collar does get retained and there is a ton of visible carbonation. Smell is typical of the style; corn syrup, a grainy tone and a metallic tinge. Good taste for an adjunct lager really. There is a distinct malty sweetness with a corn overtone and a nicely-balanced bitterness. No real distinct flavours otherwise, but it does actually have some taste. Starts out dry and crisp. Thin-bodied and a bit watery, but the carbonation provides some weight on the tongue. Sort of a sour, metallic taste on the finish. Given the cost ($20 for 12*473 mL in Ontario), I can see why PBR is popular these days. It's a very typical example of the style, but with a bit more punch than comparable beers. | 1neutral
1,658,023,040 | 5.2 | Rickard's Red | American Amber / Red Ale | 3 | 3.5 | 3.5 | 3.5 | A nice beer with a modicum of flavour. The colour is dark red-brown which looks very thick and the head varies. The aroma is non-descript compared to other beers, there are some slight malt and hop tinges, nothing overpowering. It has a lagery feel in the mouth which for me makes it a bit more palatable. The taste is a slightly sweet taste with a hint of malt. It tends to be a smooth brew which goes down quite well. I have recommended this to others. | 1neutral
1,658,023,168 | 4 | Apple Ale | Fruit / Vegetable Beer | 3.5 | 4 | 4 | 3.5 | Appearance - Light gold. Clear and bubble. Short fizzy head without any persistence. Actually, not unlike a carbonated cider. Smell - Sweet cooked apple. Like the insides of an apple pie. Taste - Unsurprisingly sweet apple dominates. Very clean and refreshing. Some complexity to the apple flavor - reflecting the several varieties of apple used in this brew. Flavor is quite good and tastes of honest to goodness apple, but it's a little cloying for my taste. Mouthfeel - Light. Drinkability - New Glarus is without peer when it comes to authentic fruit flavored beers. This is a nice addition, but not in the same league as Cranbic or the Belgian Red. | 2positive
1,658,023,296 | 9.5 | Oak Aged Yeti Imperial Stout | Russian Imperial Stout | 4.5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | Bomber poured into a chalice it forms a meaty brown head that is frothy and leaves sticky lace. Solid black jones. Wow. First impression was "how can I get my hands on more of this SOON!!". Its an in your face brew with incredible depth and character. Oak aging an Imperial stout is a perfect match. I think it gives it the added balancer that it needs. Nice charred malt type base is challenged by a huge oaked mcgillicutty and then tempered by a nice bitter edge from the hop,charred combo. Carbonation is perfect, sharp enough to crispen it up just a bit and then its gone. Aftertaste rolls back to the charred malts and a bit of coffee. Notes: Damn, I'm really becoming an Imperial stout mark, I'm seeing a trend. This has to be one of the best I've had to date. Some of the Oak aged brews I've had I felt they were misguided or sometimes it just didn't fit or improve the brew. This is the polar opposite of that generalization. Oak good. Yeti good. | 2positive
1,658,023,424 | 4.8 | Karnival Kolsch | Kölsch | 5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | The first nice hot spring day, time to try a nice koslch. A: Pours a huge fizzy 2.5 finger head that is full of large bubbles and pasty white colored, supplemented by many bubbles floating to the top. It's a brilliantly clear golden yellow color. The head leaves a very slight lacing on the sides. N: A nice toasty slightly malty sweet lager aroma. Very much so lager, and nice smelling too. Some light wheat and even a touch of banana. T: Starts with a really nice crisp lager taste. Some light toasty malts, slightly sweet lager malts and definite nice lager flavor. Light, crisp and refreshing. SOme light wheat, very light citrus and banana. A little juicy and fruity too. A nice fresh grassy and slight citrus fresh hop flavor and slight bitterness comes through. A nice one too. M: Medium body and it feels like it has some viscosity to it. Good carbonation. F: Semi crisp on the finish, not as much as I expected though. Slightly dry too, but not that much. A slight bitter hop presence comes through on the finish, a nice grassy spicy hop flavor. More lingering lager malts and slight fruit too. A nice long finish for being a crisp clean lager koslch. Reminds me a lot of my fav lager, Pretty Thing's American Darling, just slightly less hoppy. I really liked this one and it would be delicious on a hot summer's day. | 2positive
1,658,023,552 | 8.2 | Cobain's Double Dark IPA | American Black Ale | 3.5 | 3.5 | 3.5 | 4 | Reviewed on 6/27/2010. On tap at the brewpub. Pours a dark brown with a light tan head. Aroma of roasted, charred malt and citrus hops. Flavor of citrus and bitter hops upfront followed by a wave of roasted, smoky malt. Pretty tasty and a nice black IPA. | 1neutral
1,658,023,680 | 4.4 | Great Pumpkin Ale | Pumpkin Ale | 4 | 3.5 | 3.5 | 3 | Pours a fairly hazy copper colored orange. Creamy white head caps it off nicely. Aroma has the spice thing going on with notes of nutmeg and allspice. Pumpkin adds a vegetable/gourdy note to it. Malty bread character rounds it all out. Palate lines up with with these notes as well, with only the spice being a bit more noticeable. Mouthfeel is rather light and crisp. Overall, not a bad pumpkin beer but nothing really special either. Maybe I'm just pumpkined-out for the year. | 1neutral
1,658,023,808 | 5.95 | Crack'd Wheat | Hefeweizen | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4.5 | Got 12 bottles from a friend for my birthday. Pours a bright golden colour with a large but quickly dissipating head. Smells of citrus and fruits, hints of cloves. Taste is not overly sweet but is very flavorful and incredibly fresh and crisp. Mouthfeel is good, a little over carbonated for the style which makes it difficult to truly appreciate all the flavor, but drinkability is good, it'll be easy to have a few without throwing too many of them back like other, smoother hefe's. A good take on the style, I'm glad I have more in the fridge. | 1neutral
1,658,023,936 | 8 | Raspberry Imperial Stout | Fruit / Vegetable Beer | 4.5 | 5 | 4 | 5 | REVIEW #300. A personal milestone. Saved this one for a special occassion. A. Poured from a 12 oz. bottle into a Church Brew Works pint glass. Pitch black with a tan head. No lace. S. MMM. Malt berries. Roasted malt, double chocolate cake with raspberries. Very inviting indeed. T. A solid blast of roasted malt and ripe fresh raspberries. The nice chocolate/mocha notes that are very characteristic of an Imperial Stout. The raspberry flavor compliments the chocolate mocha taste. Hop bitterness is minimal but there. Overall? Wonderful. M. High level of carbonation and smooth. Slick, oily finish from the raspberry purree and maybe some hop resins? D. This is a very drinkable brew. I am not a big fan of beer with fruit, but this is the exception. It is well balanced, well crafted, big but not too big. The raspberries used were real and you can really taste the difference. Took a chance and wow this paid off. Worth seeking out. | 2positive
1,658,024,064 | 5.2 | Honey Moon Summer Ale | American Pale Wheat Ale | 3.5 | 3.5 | 4 | 3.5 | Tried this at a local "hole"...not watering hole...just a HOLE! Anyway, it had a nice smell, obviously a tad sweet in smell AND flavor due to the "Honey"...and much like the Belgian White version, very refreshing. Personally, a tad too sweet to down a bunch of these, so after just 1, I went back to the original on tap, as it was more refreshing and 50 cents cheaper than the Honey Moon! Not bad at all, though, and a nice one to try during these hot, lazy-hazy days of summer. Why not have a lazy-hazy wheat beer?! Worth a try in my opinion...but remember there's honey in there! (For some reason this Honey Moon was better than MINE!!! HA! Joke for all you married me.) Cheers and SAAALUTE my BA friends! | 2positive
1,658,024,320 | 4.2 | Coors Light | Light Lager | 3 | 2.5 | 4 | 3 | "the silver bullet" good for 2 things, killin warewolves and pounding until you cant stand up. i like to take coors light tailgating because i can drink these things like water when im in a pinch for time. the taste is bland, not much flavor here so you dont mind it when it dribbles down you chin onto your shirt and then onto the ground. i have a late cousin that drank this religiously so ill crack one open in memory of him sometimes. all usefullness aside there's nothing special about coors light. i must say though when its ice cold i have been know to drink these like a bastard. | 2positive
1,658,024,448 | 5.5 | Samuel Adams Winter Lager | Bock | 4 | 3.5 | 3.5 | 2.5 | Appearance was very enticing, deep amber in color and very clear. Gave off a fairly faint aroma although I could smell the malt and what smelled like a hint of spice. Taste was pleasant but a little bland at first however I did not like the way it finishes. Hard to describe with my unrefined palate but it tasted a little harsh at the end, hardly inviting me to take another sip. While this is the first Winter Lager I've ever tried I would have to say that to me this beer is a C possibly C+ at best, wouldn't recommend. | 0negative
1,658,024,576 | 5.2 | Svyturys Ekstra | Euro Pale Lager | 2.5 | 2.5 | 2.5 | 2 | Buying this beer strictly because it was Lithuanian, I was dissappointed in the overal taste of the beer. The yellowish pale pour had ZERO head, little aroma and little taste to offer except some citrus, hops and very little malt. I really wouldn't waste my time with this beer, but if it was free I wouldn't pass it up. However, there are tons of better beers out there. And it's not like Lithuania is globally known for the beer production. A 2001 Gold Winner?? Who was tasting this Homer Simpson? | 1neutral
1,658,024,704 | 7.5 | Great Lakes Commodore Perry IPA | English India Pale Ale (IPA) | 4 | 3.5 | 4 | 4 | This beer pours with a nice off-white head that is close to 2 fingers thick and lingering. A nice orange amber color. A nice aroma of grapefruit and pear seems to float up from the beer. This is not overpowering. The first taste is of spicy/citrus hops with a big malt background. There is quite the bite with each sip but it is very tasty. Smooth and complex in the mouthfeel. The body is medium to full and blends well with the grapefruit notes from the hops. I'm almost picking up a bit of orange character too. This is a solid IPA from Great Lakes and the alcohol seems well hidden at 7.5% but I would expect nothing less. | 2positive
1,658,024,832 | 9 | Racer X | American Double / Imperial IPA | 4 | 4.5 | 4.5 | 4.5 | On tap at Capone's in Norristown, PA 05/28/09. A: Pours a hazy orange copper with a 1 inch white head. Sharp shards of lacing throughout. S: Grapefruit at first, punctuated heavily by pine notes. Big whiff of sweet caramel malt as well. T: A little backwards from what I'm used to, but it works here. Initial taste is big and sweeping malt flavor - adds a real heaviness to the taste. Malt thick sweetness up front. Big malt bill here. Next comes a big wallop of piney bittering hops. Big bitter flavor that lasts midway through, right to the finish. Grapefruit profile doesn't come out until the finish, but lingers nicely - especially in your beer burps! M: Big body, oily, and smooth. Can't complain about much here. D: Goes down pretty easy, leaving you wanting for more. Bear Republic kicks some ass again! | 2positive
1,658,024,960 | 10.5 | Edition 2004 | Belgian Strong Pale Ale | 4 | 4.5 | 4.5 | 4 | Kind of a dull scarlet red tone. Thick crop of airy off-white head. Retention is very good. Lacing is quite full. Very fragrant aroma. Minty, yeasty, lemony and sweet. Sweet like bubblegum. Sweet like candy. Lemongrass also. Very nice aroma. Flavor is sweet AND slightly sour. Musty and yeasty. Minty too. I definitely pick up mint in the aroma and flavor. Cookie dough like sweetness is countered by a slightly acetic sourness. The sour aspect is pretty low grade though. Mouthfeel is light and airy. For 10.5% a/v, I really don't pick up much heat. Nice solid effort here. | 2positive
1,658,025,088 | 6 | Wuerzburger Lager | American Adjunct Lager | 4 | 3.5 | 4 | 2.5 | Arrives a pale marigold/copper colour. Very clear body. Wispy white head dissapears very quickly, leaves virtually no lace. Smell is very sweet and grainy. Slightly medicinal and clove-like as well. Slight leafy hop aroma as well. Taste is actually quite hoppy at first; big, rounded, leafy hop bitterness. This rapidly fades into a sweet, medicinal, smoky, strange malt bomb. Dries out a bit towards the end, but overall, its almost cloying. Mouthfeel quite good. Very fine, smooth carbonation adds to body which is reasonably thick for a lager. Nicest part of the beer. Fairly drinkable; the strange smoky/medicine flavour sort of turned me off. I may give it a second chance in the future. | 1neutral
1,658,025,216 | 5.5 | Maduro Oatmeal Brown Ale | American Brown Ale | 4 | 4 | 3.5 | 3.5 | Received in trade from GPHarris, thanks for the opportunity! Pours a slightly murky deep brown with muddy garnet highlights when held to light. Large frothy beige head wont allow this pour to happen in one round. Smell is earthy and tart, not really what I was expecting. Hints of caramel, brown sugar, and chocolate lie deep beneath the surface. Tart dark fruit in the nose is a little odd. Taste is caramel malty with a dark fruity tartness that seems out of place in a brown ale. Hints of chocolate and toffee in the flavor as well. Medium to thin body with a high level of carbonation and a slick oily mouthfeel. I believe this bottle was on its way to infected before I opened it. Looking at some of the reviews this seems to be a recurring issue. As is its an OK beer with a weird tartness for the style, but if this sat in my cellar I'm sure it would have become and oud bruin or sorts. Should I ever get another I will re-rate. 09/02/2011 A generous soul provided me with a replacement bottle, apparently there was a bad batch of this beer that I am told was distributed mainly in the Jacksonville area. Pours a solid dark brown with faint reddish highlights when held to light. Smallish off white head dissipates quickly to a cap. Smell is kind of fruity with dark pitted fruit and a hint of alcohol. Slight earthy aroma and hints of chocolate round out the nose nicely. Taste is fruity and caramel with hints of chocolate and ethanol. Slightly dry finish with a lingering fruity ethanol taste. Medium body ans level of carbonation with a somewhat watery mouthfeel. This sample was certainly better than the infected version, but its still an unremarkable beer. My score will reflect this bottle. | 1neutral
1,658,025,344 | 8 | Rugbrød | Rye Beer | 4 | 3.5 | 3.5 | 3.5 | (Served in a tulip glass) A- This beer pours a jet brown dense body with a thick tan head and it last most of the glass. S- This beer has a roasted coffee note with a dark stewed prunes and charred notes finishing with a dark nougat note. T- The roasted notes with a hint of charcoal are followed by a green raisins and prune flavor with a dark nougat flavor leading to a soft tartness in the finish. M- This beer has a medium mouthfeel with no alcohol heat and a scrubbing fizzy finish. D- This beer has full roasted notes with the charred flavors and dark nougat dominating and tasting a bit odd. | 1neutral
1,658,025,472 | 7.5 | Fireside Ale | Smoked Beer | 4 | 3.5 | 3.5 | 3.5 | Reviewed on 02/03/2010. 12 oz. bottle. The beer pours a clear burnt orange/brown with a small white head. The aroma is of light smoked meats, roasted malt, grainy malt. The flavor is more smoked with a sweet, meaty finish. This is a pretty good smoked beer. | 1neutral
1,658,025,600 | 5.7 | Bombay Grab IPA | American IPA | 4 | 3 | 2.5 | 3 | The beer is a bright golden amber, topped with a thin layer of white foam. Good retention, keeping steady, leaving loads of cobwebby belgian lace. The aroma is interesting. Rather hoppy, as is expected, yet thin. Citric and piney hopping dominates, definitely cascade in here, with weakish toasty malt. Grapefruity, with a hint of apricot, and an odd, funky smell similar to a urinal or public restroom. I know that sounds gross, but it's some sort of phenolic sanitizer odor, not stale pee. The flavor starts with a rather light maltiness. Not nearly enough body as I would like, and the malt just gets destroyed by the oncoming hops. A trace of fruity apricot in the middle, quickly becoming roadkill under the wheels of the hopping. Big ass piney and citric bitterness, with a moderate grapefruit rind flavor. Entirely unsupported by any malt in the finish. A bit of sourness in the end, with a tart grapefruit aftertaste. Definitely one dimensional, with about half as much malt as it needs. Medium to light body, with decent, bubbly carbonation. I really don't like IPAs like this, where there's no malt, and it's essentially hop water. The hopping would be great with the addition of about another 1,000 pounds of pale malt. | 0negative
1,658,025,728 | 13 | Belzebuth | Belgian Strong Pale Ale | 4.5 | 4 | 4 | 3.5 | Pretty medium orange color with a nice white head that melts to thick, bumpy lacing that sticks very well on the side of the glass. A belgium smell with sweet malt, oranges and tangerines, golden raisins, and alcohol. Thick and slippery in the mouthfeel department. Tastes less sweet than it smells....Still some orange and tangerine but mega amounts of alcohol and (as Jason noticed) alcohol soaked raisins. Aftertaste is primarily alcohol and the alcohol warmth is felt from the lips to the tips of your toes....all of the way down. I think the beauty of this brew is lost in it's very high alcohol strength. Too bad because I think there is more in just gets smothered. My bottle has a best by date of June 28th, 2007. I would like to find a couple more bottles and put them in the cellar until at least the best by date if not a year beyond that. I really think this would improve with some age on it. | 1neutral
1,658,025,856 | 5.4 | Ornery Amber | American Amber / Red Lager | 3.5 | 3 | 2.5 | 2.5 | I poured the bottle from a 12oz bottle into an imperial pint glass. There was a date on the bottle of November 2009, not sure if it was a bottling date or a "drink by" date. The beer was topped with a third of an inch, frothy white with good retention. The body of the beer was clear and, copper color, and medium to high carbonation. Good lacing on the glass. The aroma had a medium intensity with notes of floral hops and caramel malts. The taste had a medium intensity with notes of sour fruit, cereal grain, and light caramel. Not an impressive taste. The mouth feel of the beer had a light to medium body. The after taste had short duration. No noticeable alcohol. I was able to finish the sample, but I would not get this beer again. I am a fan of Tommyknocker beer, but I just did not enjoy this beer. | 1neutral
1,658,025,984 | 5.75 | Coffee Stout | American Stout | 4.5 | 3.5 | 3.5 | 3.5 | This beer was purchased on a trip through Wisconsin. The beer was served in a pint glass. Appearance: I have always been a sucker for a big black bodied beer. The beer has no opaqueness to light. The head is a dark tan coloration. Thick lacing marks this beers passage from my glass. Smell: The aroma of the beer is actually pretty good. The aroma is bittersweet cocoa, lightly roasted coffee. In all honesty I would have prefered a more kick ass Coffee aroma on a beer that is lables Coffee Stout. Taste: The beers flavor is a subdued lightly roasted coffee with a bit of maltose sweetness. Not bad just not great. Mouthfeel / Drinkability: The body of the beer is light and lightly carbonated. The beer is easy to drink. I would have preferred a bunch more coffee in the aroma and the taste. | 1neutral
1,658,026,112 | 4.7 | Red Stripe Jamaican Lager | American Adjunct Lager | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | I CAN't believe that I have not previously reviewed this from a CAN! I also CAN't believe that it mentions some shite on the CAN about being brewed in Saint John, New Brunswick! They play hockey there, mon! It still sports the D/G logo, though, so Here's to beer (in a CAN)! For the uninitiated, one of the greatest benefits of the CANQuest is the aural pleasure accompanying the Crrack, Glug, and Fizz as the CAN is opened and poured into a glass. I mention this because this CAN was an excellent example of the phenomenon. I was left with barely a finger of bone-white head with excellent retention on this hot, hazy, humid afternoon. Hey, call me a sissy, but this was a fizzy, golden-yellow with NE-quality clarity and I was looking forward to it. The nose was sweet, rich with cereal adjuncts. Hey, if you want the CANQuest to review better beers, send/trade me for some. In the meantime, I am becoming eminently familiar with the style. Mouthfeel was thin-to-medium with the characteristic lager sweetness offset by adjuncts. Frankly, if you have tried one, you CAN rest easy if there are others you may have missed. Finish was slightly sweet, right for the style. Cold and wet on a hot day. This goes into a lot of coolers, so why not mine? I'd like it better on Hula in the Coola Day because it would evoke memories of days like these. | 1neutral
1,658,026,240 | 9.5 | Nils Oscar Barley Wine | English Barleywine | 3 | 1.5 | 3 | 1.5 | Bought at Greens in Atlanta. Bottle pours a nice amber color with basically no lasting head. Smel is sweet strange malt. with a mustiness about it. Taste is sweet and tart in a sweaty, body odor like way. Bland overall, but what is there isn't particularly pleasant. Dirty malt flavor with very light bitterness and not very good at all. | 0negative
1,658,026,368 | 7.5 | La Granja Stout (Ontario Maple Syrup Edition) | Milk / Sweet Stout | 4 | 3.5 | 4 | 3.5 | Bottle courtesy of northyorksammy. Thanks! Black, very dark with just a bit of brown translucency. A short brown cap of fine bubbles sat on top of the beer after a hard pour. Decent head retention with some spotty lacing. Roast and coffee aroma, bittersweet, faint fruity and malty notes in the background. More sweetness in the flavour, roast and chocolate, herbal bitterness, with a little vanilla and lactose sweetness. Medium bodied with well integrated carbonation, fine bubbles on the palate, moderate astringency. I enjoyed it, but was surprised at the relatively light body and mild malt presence - it seemed more sugary than malty at times. | 1neutral
1,658,026,496 | 11.2 | Mokah | American Double / Imperial Stout | 4 | 3.5 | 4 | 4 | A: Black pour, with a tan-colored, fast-fading head. Little to no lacing. S: Cocoa powder, coffee, bready yeast. Not very roasty. Little to no alcohol notes. No hops. Very chocolate. T: Flavor is layered with cocoa, baker's chocolate, coffe, and alcohol all coming through up front. Finish is slightly bitter, but there is no hop aroma or flavor. M: Medium mouthfeel, slightly oily. D: Too much chocolate, not enough stout. Not very well balanced. It was good, but I won't place it on my list of things I must try again. | 1neutral
1,658,026,624 | 6 | Farm Girl Saison | Saison / Farmhouse Ale | 3 | 2.5 | 4 | 2.5 | On tap at Busters A: Yellow, slightly cloudy. Strong carbonation. Not much head. S: Really not a whole lot of aroma. I let it warm up a bit and god some tartness and faint yeast tones, with some banana and pepper. Really faint though. T: Slightly sweet with nice tartness. Really no yeast character when compared to other saisons I've had. The yeast that is there provides some hints of pepper and banana, but it is really hard to get out of this beer. I do get a nice lemon peel bitterness towards the end, but other than that, the flavors just aren't there. Tastes more like a pale wheat ale than a saison. M: Light bodied and finishes dry. Right on mouthfeel. D: I really felt like this one missed the boat. I've had it a couple times and thought it was so-so. Upon reviewing this, I really agree with that assessment. I love saisons, and just had a Saison Dupont. This doesn't hold a candle. I may give it another try in the future to see if it changes my mind. | 1neutral
1,658,026,752 | 9.4 | Green Flash Imperial India Pale Ale | American Double / Imperial IPA | 4.5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | Full amber with reddish tone. Clear with a slight haze. Two fingers of cream color head . Good amount of lacing. Aroma is all floral, fruity hops. A bit of slightly too ripe pineapple. Taste is bitter resinous oily hops. Again the grapefruit aspect is slightly over ripe. Might be from the high abv. Good amount of malts but not enough for my liking. Mouthfeel is quite good with just barely enough carbonation. Alcohol is actually well hidden so watch out. Nice bitter medium dry grapefruit finish. No freshness date that I could find. Would like to try it on tap sometime. I down rated the drinkability a touch due to the 9.4% abv. Not a session beer unless you are a very large person. I am more than halfway through this bomber and it still has a cap of head after a good ten minutes. It would be much better with an abv of about 7.5% IMO. A virtual Barleywine except for the mouthfeel. | 1neutral
1,658,027,008 | 6.5 | Amsterdam Tilted Kilt Scotch Ale | Scotch Ale / Wee Heavy | 3.5 | 3.5 | 4 | 3.5 | one of my coworkers hooked me up with this one. thanks taavi! 12oz bottle, generic amsterdam label. pours deep red with a small tan head. the head quickly drops to a ring of fine bubbles around the glass. aroma is nice. light caramel sweetness. hint of dms. bread and biscuit malt. touch of alcohol. bit of fruit, maybe cherries? taste is good. fairly roasty, more than i expected. light caramel sweetness. lots of malt. bread and biscuit. very light bitterness. mouthfeel is great. fairly big body. nice moderate carbonation level. drinkability is good. balanced and very enjoyable. | 2positive
1,658,027,136 | 5.4 | Samuel Adams Scotch Ale | Scotch Ale / Wee Heavy | 3.5 | 3 | 3.5 | 3 | a nice dark, but not cloudy beer. reminds me of stained oak in appearance. It took me a while to figure out the taste... I drank half the stinking bottle before i could put a label on it. It reminds me of hay or grass. Mind you, it doesn't taste bad, just kinda grassy... The smell is very similar to Boston Lager, so much so that it bothers me a little. As far as mouthfeel goes, it's fairly thin, not too much, but not really thick either. Overall I like it. I don't know if I would go out and buy a case of it, but I would definitely drink it again! | 1neutral
1,658,027,264 | 9.8 | Solstice D'hiver | American Barleywine | 4.5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 11.5 ounce bottle sampled from a large snifter. Bottle reads that the ABV is at 10.2%. Barleywine as a Winter beer...perfect. Pours a reddish-brown--clean-looking but not clear. There was a somewhat strong head with a less than aggressive pour, but that has faded away to only limited bubbles clinging to the side of the glass. Smells of tart fruit, caramel, apples, cinnamon, plum, brown candy sugar, and warm sweetbread. The alcohol presence can certainly be felt with the first sip...right in the nose, and all the way down. There are hints of cinnamon hard candy (like the stuff around Christmas), apples, cranberries, caramel, and maybe some light notes of vanilla in the background. Man, this is a truly warming beer...the alcohol is hot and sticks around a good long while. This is a decent representation of the style, more along the lines of the English style than the more hoppy American version. The alcohol content makes the beer an excellent Winter warmer, perfect for January in Ohio temperatures. Another really good offering from Dieu du Ciel. | 1neutral
1,658,027,392 | 7.5 | Tröegs Nugget Nectar | American Amber / Red Ale | 4.5 | 5 | 4 | 4 | After a long search, i finally found this beer and had to give it a shot A- poured this into a pint glass, gave a small white head, and was a copper amber color S- this is probably one of the best smelling beers ever, very potent and terrific T- taste was somewhat of a let down, don't get me wrong though, it tasted great! but just didnt live up to the hype i was expecting...but it was a great beer, wonderful hops M- good mouthfeel, good carbonation D- def drinkable, a few of these should do you good Overall, a great beer by anyone's means, didn't live to the hype though, but still worth it and wouldn't mind getting more of this | 2positive
1,658,027,520 | 10.2 | Founders Backwoods Bastard | Scotch Ale / Wee Heavy | 3.5 | 4.5 | 4.5 | 4.5 | Bottle poured into a tulip glass. A- It poured with a murky brown body. The head was quite minimal and left some decent sticky spots on the glass. S- It had a very sweet aroma, like a nice sour mash whiskey. There was some lighter smoke-like scents along with some woody and alcohol notes. Everything became more pronounced with warmth. T- It's like Dirty Bastard on steroids. It had a great whiskey-like flavor with peat smoke tones, something of a sour malt and a bit of an alcohol burn. M- Light carbonation, a bit of a coating effect, and a slight alcohol burn make for a nice drinking experience. D- It's a good sipper. The robust flavor makes me want to try it again. I'd suggest it to any Scotch Ale fan. | 2positive
1,658,027,648 | 4.6 | San Lucas Cerveza | American Adjunct Lager | 3.5 | 3 | 4 | 3 | Appearance: A stunningly beautiful light golden-colored beer with a huge white head that retains very well. The carbonation is moderate with excellent lace. Aroma: Aroma is sweet and grassy with lots of light malt and hints of corn. Blessedly free of skunk, which was surprising considering the clear glass bottle it is packaged in. Taste: Begins with lots of soft carbonation, lightly sweet malt flavors as the start, which gradually turn slightly tart at the finish. Finishes slightly dry but without the harsh astringency noted in some other Latin American lagers. Mouth feel: The mouthfeel is quite smooth and full for the style. Drinkability/notes: A good choice for a really hot summer day. I suspect it would also appeal to women and Corona-drinking friends - not necessarily a bad thing. Presentation: Package reviewed was a 12 ounce clear glass longneck with blue, yellow, and white enameling and a pop off crown. The packaging is quite similar to the Corona bottle - although I'm sure this is merely a coincidence. Served in a standard pint tap glass. | 1neutral
1,658,027,776 | 10 | Razorback | English Barleywine | 4 | 3.5 | 3.5 | 4 | Pours a deep, murky red colour, nice scarlet up to the light, with an ochre head, quite generous with nice dense bubbles. Sinks to a modest crown, with nice webs of lace. Bit dark for a barleywine, but very pleasant. Nose is a good barleywine aroma, lots of nutty toffee notes and a huge hop aroma, lots of west coast American fragarance here, pine bark and a hint of passionfruit. A slight cardboard aroma creeps in from the hops, but fresher in character, bland without being dour. It's a decent BW aroma overall but not hugely aromatic. Taste is a bit darker than I expected. Lots of dark, sweet malt, with hints of chocolate, walnuts, molasses, lots of burnt toffee and pecan. Some oaky hints come through midway and become more pronounced on the back. Some dark cherry notes as well. Hops are distinct on the back, slightly gritty and even powdery in texture, with a sharp alcohol bite. The hops don't strangle the palate the way they do in Rogue Old Crustacean (for example). Nice strong malty beer with good clean hoppy finish. A bit sticky on the mouthfeel, doesn't have a lot of texture, actually feels thin for all its viscosity. Harsh alcohol bite on the back. Decent drinking barleywine. The 11% is noticeable but not off-putting. | 2positive
1,658,027,904 | 5.1 | Tire Bite Golden Ale | Kölsch | 3.5 | 3 | 3 | 2.5 | A- pours a bright clear straw color with a small foamy head. S- Slightly sweet, but sort of sour. I can't quite put my finger on it. Some spicy hop notes floating around. T- A dry grainey maltiness upfront followed by a kind of piney hopiness. I'm also detecting a hint of citrus and pepper in the finish. M- Body is light, moderately carbonated. D- OK, not something I would buy again though. This brew is definitely odd. One sip is sweet, the next, dirty and peppery. I don't know... | 1neutral
1,658,028,032 | 7.5 | Tröegs Nugget Nectar | American Amber / Red Ale | 4 | 4.5 | 4.5 | 4.5 | 12oz. bottle. A: Transparent red-orange hue with the head akin to the color of the foam on a mocha-latte. Head retention is minimal leaving tiny gaps. S: Fresh apricot. Reminds me of the Mott's fruit packs from kindergarden--peach, pineapple, a touch of cherry, and like I previously stated, loads of apricot. Perfumey. M: Light and easy. T: Fruity at first with pineapple and apricot fading into one of the best malt characters I've come across in a highly hopped beer. The malt takes the edge off of the hops--which are slightly bitter, nothing tongue-biting--and add a vanilla touch to the end and lasting through the finish of this beer. Comment: Thanks to MasterSki for the bottle. The Troegs Brothers have made one world-class beer and it is worth seeking out. Thank god I have a few of them. | 2positive
1,658,028,160 | 6.5 | Dead Guy Ale | Maibock / Helles Bock | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | Yet another winner from Rogue. Pours out to a very, good-looking amber in the glass with a light head. Carbonation is lively but not overbearing. Aroma is that of fruit with some floral overtones. Taste is nice and malty with a good dose of hops on the swallow, but not too much. I really like this brewery. | 2positive
1,658,028,288 | 5.9 | IPA | English India Pale Ale (IPA) | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 12 ounce bottle, no date, served in a Sam Adams pint glass at refrigerator temperature. A: Pours a lightly cloudy orange amber body. 1-1/2" white head fades to a thick film slowly. Leaves a nice amount of sticky lacing on the glass. S: Pine and citrus hops up front, followed by wheat and grass grains. T: Pine and citrus hops, grassy grains, and some nice malt. A stale bread taste comes out towards the end of the glass. A lightly bitter aftertaste remains. M: Medium bodied with low carbonation, a little creamy. D: A little bit bland, hops could have been more pronounced. This bottle may be past it's time, this was out of a "Winter Survival" box dated 11/29/07, though there's no date on the bottle itself, but on all the other brews there's a date. | 1neutral
1,658,028,416 | 4.9 | Julius Echter Hefe-Weissbier Dunkel | Dunkelweizen | 3.5 | 4 | 3.5 | 3.5 | Poured from a bottle to a weizen glass. Produced about a half inch of head and a light brown color. Had an almost cloudy consistency. This beer had a nice fruity smell. Doesn't knock you over with its smell, but is solid nonetheless. This beer had an okay taste. Bananas and some spices come through the most, but it didn't really jump out at me in any major way. Like the taste, the mouthfeel was alright, but not strong enough. It's fairly well-carbonated, but doesn't blow you away. This is not a bad beer. It's decently drinkable, but I can think of others I'd head for first. | 1neutral
1,658,028,544 | 6.2 | Prickly Moses Black Panther IBA | American Black Ale | 4 | 3.5 | 3.5 | 3 | Thanks to Mr Kennedy for grabbing this. Poured into a Duvel tulip. Syrupy dark brown when poured against the light, glossy black in the glass with a dense finger-and-a-half of light coffee-coloured head. Lacing is very healthy indeed. Looks solid. Nose is sweeter and maltier than expected - more like a porter than an ABA. Used coffee-grounds are prominent, while musk and banana esters contribute a significant sweetness. Roasted malt pungency lifts things a bit. It's nice enough but not at all what I was anticipating. Taste bears even less resemblance to the nominal style. Gritty brewed coffee dominates again, with the bitterness soaring because the sweet character in the nose is somewhat muted. Hop character is hard to differentiate at first; bitter citrus rind and grapefruit gradually asserts. Bitterness is high and lasting, but seems to be more a product of the roasted malts than the hops. Carbonation is nice and smooth. Not sure about this. A bit hodge-podgey with both harsh and enjoyable aspects. Either the bitterness needs restraining or the contrasting elements need to be ramped up. | 1neutral
1,658,028,672 | 8.4 | Festivale | Old Ale | 3.5 | 3 | 4 | 3.5 | Appearance - brown orangish tint. Some head but not retentive. Smell - sweet, malty, subtle Taste - got the alcohol first then again at the end. Like that. Got some toasty, coffee, caramel. Mouthfeel - big mouth full of body. Again subtle feel but goes down well. Overall - this is a keeper. Nice job. Will try again next season. | 2positive
1,658,028,800 | 8 | Hop Rod Rye | Rye Beer | 3.5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | First taste of Bear Republic and was not disappointed. Full flavored IPA, dark red, gorgeous head that would not go away. The rye to me "cuts" the hop bitterness without reducing the great aroma and finish. Can't recommend this bear highly enough to hop heads looking for something that will satisfy! | 2positive
1,658,028,928 | 5.4 | Blue Moon Belgian White | Witbier | 3.5 | 3.5 | 3.5 | 3.5 | Another beer left in my fridge. I have to try and keep off the good beers till my drinking buddy returns from work related leave. This beer pours a light peachy color with a 2 finger head that falls to a small coating over top of the beer. The nose is oriander orangey, but with a slightly creamy tone, reminding me of a orange cream popsicle. The flavor is much the same as the nose, but with a slightly wheaty undertone in there. The feel is moderate to thick, somewhat creamy. Overall, not bad for a beer made by BMC. It was always my fall back beer before I went off the deep end 5 months ago, and it is still not bad. Definately not something I will keep in my fridge, but I won't turn my nose up when people leave it behind in my fridge. | 1neutral
1,658,029,056 | 0.4 | Old Milwaukee Non Alcoholic | Low Alcohol Beer | 3 | 2.5 | 2.5 | 2.5 | As a whole no matter how close to a nonalcoholic beer resembles an alcoholic beer people are going to be hard on it when they rate it. Appearance- Average looking for an N/A American Pilsner. It has a gold color and lots of fizz that comes to form an average one finger and some change white head. Smell- Crisp but for the most part bland. Taste- This tastes of cheap hops and mass produced adjunct flavor. On the other hand it does taste like beer. Cheap but close to real beer all the same. Mouthfeel- Watery and a lot of fizz bite. Drinkability- Alright when you are craving a beer but arent aloud to have alcohol. | 1neutral
1,658,029,184 | 5.5 | Unplugged Enigma | Fruit / Vegetable Beer | 4 | 4 | 4 | 3.5 | This is odd. Very sour, brown, wood tasting. Cherries, citrus, bitterness. Very weird. Good, but weird. Brown and red colored. Hazy. Hard to drink. Very aquired taste. Like a young, super oaky, oxidized Bordeaux. Good, but too strange to ever buy again, unless I acquire a taste for this. I've had Duchesse du Bourgogne, and it's sort of like this. | 1neutral
1,658,029,312 | 7 | SOS (Save Our Shore) | German Pilsener | 3 | 4 | 3.5 | 4 | A: pours a clear straw color into a Ommegang brewery glass with about two and a half fingers of pure white head that thins out to about a half finger. S: pale malt, wheat and lemongrass. T: citrusy, light malt sweetness and a tad fruity up front. Wheat comes into the mix followed up by a hoppy bitterness and a little heat. MF: extremely carbonated and bitter, light and crisp with a little alcohol warmth. D: gotta love a beer with a cause, especially a good one. | 2positive
1,658,029,440 | 9 | Chimay Grande Réserve (Blue) | Belgian Strong Dark Ale | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | Chimay- Blue Appearance- Hazy reddish brown with a thick head that disappated quickly. Smell- light fruitiness and alcohol. Taste- immediatelt hit with a raisin/ prune fruitiness followed by a heavy dose of alcohol!! Mild malt tones finish the taste along with spices (pepper perhaps). Mouthfeel- Fruity but the 9% alcohol is just too high for me. Beer finishes off nicely with a good maltiness. Overall- A beer that has potential. The flavor is almost there and the alcohol is too high! If these 2 could be better regulated this would be phenominal! | 1neutral
1,658,029,696 | 4.5 | Taj Mahal Premium Lager | American Adjunct Lager | 2 | 4 | 2 | 3.5 | Appearance: Nondescript, clear yellow. White head with pitiful retention. Smell: Blue cheese and parsley?! How unusual! Quite a unique nose on this one. Taste: Earthy, nutty, and musty, powerfully remniscent of gorgonzola cheese, a completely unexpected character that elevates this otherwise humdrum brew. Taste of alcohol is rather strong, and a slightly tart, citric/lemon rind flavor also comes through from the "choicest" hops. Mouthfeel: Light, boring... not too fizzy, but not very good. Drinkability: This beer has an odd flavor, and with the right food I think it could be quite good. On its own, though, it's not particularly enjoyable. | 0negative
1,658,029,824 | 6.8 | Smokestack Heritage Porter | Smoked Beer | 4.5 | 4 | 4 | 3.5 | Smoked beers are by far my least favorite style but I gave this one a shot and was pleasantly surprised. A Black as night with a really nice 2 finger toffee colored head. Good retention and lacing. S Smoke and peat are really heavy first but then I get small hints of sweet malt and chocolate. There is also a very small hint of coffee present. T Smoke hits the tongue first followed by a very smooth milk chocolate, and roasted malt flavor. Smoke lingers in the aftertaste. M This is a medium to heavy bodied beer with good carbonation. All the flavors complement each other pretty well. It is drier than I anticipated but really nice. O Overall this was pretty good the smoke didnt dominate like I expected which was nice. Not my first choice in brew but very drinkable. | 2positive
1,658,029,952 | 5.5 | Grafenwalder Hefe Weissbier | Hefeweizen | 1.5 | 1.5 | 2 | 1.5 | Cloudy dark yellow, very effervescent. Rotten banana in the nose - as in many Weizenbier - but unfortunately or fortunately, very light. Completely lacking taste, just metal, no spices, nothing. It seems just a little sugar water, but very slightly bitter. A sub-quality Weizen , just insignificant and downright bad. | 1neutral
1,658,030,080 | 6 | Cantillon Saint Lamvinus | Lambic - Fruit | 3.5 | 4 | 3.5 | 4 | 2006 vintage, poured into tulip A- hazy, muddled rose pinkish/purple. Head of 1 finger recedes very quickly, minimal retention. Not expecting lacing due to it being a lambic, and it doesn't give any. Later pours increasingly murky due to sediment. A note on appearance- this should be poured into a champagne flute. Anything larger made for a murkier pour, allowing for more sediment to flow in, muddling it up and taking away from the appearance, and I did pour into a flute later on. S- Lambic yeast strains in evidence. From a distance right after opening, smelled of concord grapes/Welch's grape juice (the insanely purple kind). Little note of hay/barn/must, may be the yeast again. T- Tart, but not bracingly so (rose de gambrinus is FAR sharper). Still, there is a sharp bite. Might imagine it as a truly tart/sour sparkling rose wine, with minimal sweetness from the grape character and that quickly is overtaken by the acidity and tart, dry finish, very keeping in line with Cantillon's other brews. M- light bodied, carbonation is present, fizzing on the tongue, heightening the acidity. Overall, I had higher expectations, which was very affected by the high price, and so admittedly, a bit unfair. I ran the gamut of food pairings (cheese, meats, sweets) and came up with hardly any pairings that were neutral at best. (Perhaps a very fresh, sweet, cow's milk cheese or HEAVY chocolate dessert may work? I did not have these available to me at time of tasting). Taken as an apertif, this has more appeal- it is excellent for opening taste buds for later food/beverages with its sharpness and fruit character, and is most definitely for sipping. But unfortunately, this is a fairly price prohibitive beer and for my tastes, did not justify itself. | 1neutral
1,658,030,208 | 4.4 | Black Sheep Ale (Special) | English Pale Ale | 4.5 | 4 | 4.5 | 4 | This is a great brew. It pours a slightly hazy orangey color. The carbonation is very mild. The head is pure white and long lasting, leaving very solid lace behind. The nose is of copious bitter and aroma hops and a little bit of maltiness. The taste is very complex with cedary, resiny hops dominating. There is also a dry yeastyness that is very evident, and pleasant. The malt is definitely in the background, but to me this is a good thing. I sense a slight astringency in the finish, though not overpowering. The mouthfeel of this beer is very creamy and smooth, I like the low carbonation. Highly drinkable, the low carbonation makes it less filling than lagers etc, I could through several of these back. | 2positive
1,658,030,336 | 6.8 | Sierra Nevada India Pale Ale | English India Pale Ale (IPA) | 4 | 3.5 | 4 | 3.5 | Eye: To the eye this brew is very appealing. Color is golden with orange/tangerine tones. Head retention is excellent, hasn't receded at all since I poured it into the glass. Lacing is also great. Head is a creamy egg white in appearance. Label on the bottle says 2007. Nose: Strong hop aroma right up front on this brew supported by a strong sweet malt backbone. Hop aroma is floral and grassy. Smells good overall but the aroma could be a bit stronger. Tongue: Strong hop presence right up front. Bitterness and hop flavor make up the flavor profile of this brew. There is also a bit of alcohol upfront with the hop flavor. Overall grassy flavor from the hops. Hop flavor could be fuller, its less than I would expect from an IPA. In my opinion this brew is somewhere in between an APA and an American IPA. The bitterness is there, but the hop flavor isn't quite as pronounced as it could be. Mouthfeel and Drinkability: This is a light bodied brew. It drinks easily and is quite a nice brew. All in all this is an alright IPA however, there are other IPAs that I prefer to this one. However those I would prefer to this one are American IPAs as opposed to English IPAs. Gotta wonder if SN brewed this specifically as an EIPA or if their attempt at an AIPA just turned out this way. All in all a good brew, but I much prefer Stone, Two Hearted, Celebration Ale, Hop Devil, or Hoppin' to Heaven by Hoppin' Frog. | 1neutral
1,658,030,464 | 5.4 | Denver Pale Ale | English Pale Ale | 4 | 4 | 4.5 | 4.5 | The beer pours a light amber color, clear, with a tight white head. Its a nice color, but it definitely doesn't look like a "pale" ale. (I guess its time I learn that "pale" refers more to the style than the color.) Smell is, in a word, AWESOME. It smells like warm white bread coming out of an oven- yeasty, doughy, with a malt back. I get no hop smell, but I don't care. Mouthfeel is light, crisp, wet. Moderate to light carbonation on the tongue. Taste- Yup, same as the smell, which is to say AWESOME. You get the taste of warm, freshly baked white bread, followed by some maltiness, then a moderate hop bitter finish, and its all in perfect balance. Its amazing. Its refreshing. Its comforting. Its super satisfying and thirst quenching. | 2positive
1,658,030,592 | 5 | Cantillon Fou' Foune | Lambic - Fruit | 4 | 4 | 4.5 | 4 | Picked this up at Smokeless Joe in Toronto. Pours a lovely hazy peach colour with a white head that doesn't stick around for long. Smell was very pungent, very sour yeasty smell, but similar to the other Cantillon I tried. Taste was a tart if not downright sour apricot that was very dry. It was a very mouth-puckering mouthfeel that dries out the mouth. All these comments sound rather negative, but I really liked the taste, it makes you feel alive, and in my case, more sober for the long walk home. I would recommend this as it is a very good example of a Lambic, like it ot hate it. | 2positive
1,658,030,720 | 4.9 | White Rabbit Dark Ale | English Brown Ale | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | Drank from my Weihestephaner Weizedn Glass A - pours a nice clear red dark copper colour with an off white head that reduces to a film. S - Citrus aromas from the bottle, much more malty once poured. T - nice grainy note with a yeast malt finish that is quite bitter on the finish. M - Plenty of fizz and low to medium body and real smooth. D - This is one of the best mass produced beers in Australia and recommended. | 2positive
1,658,030,848 | 6 | Atwater Vanilla Java Porter | American Porter | 3 | 1.5 | 2 | 2 | The pour produces a cola colored brew, with a half finger high head of light beige. There is some carbonation visible around the edges, with no sediment or anything of note. The head dies down quickly, leaving little lacing as it goes. The primary components of the aroma are malts, coiny metals, and a curious heat, as if a jalapeno pepper was dropped into the glass. There are also mild hints of vanilla and dark coffee, as boasted by the title. The taste begins with malts and copper. This metallic taste is comparable to putting a penny in your mouth, and working it around. The middle is sweeter, and a bit tangy. This quickly falls to sourness (like sour cream), that leaves the mouth with a similar aftertaste. Again, as in the nose, there are also minor hints at vanilla and coffee, but neither really takes center stage. The body and carbonation are both light. There is little coating from the brew, and the mouthfeel is otherwise dull, like drinking flat, bitter soda. The abv is within range, but the curious flavor profile makes this beer slower drinking. Overall, what was best about this beer was its appearance. While it does have the main attributes of a porter visually, it falls way short in other aspects. What was most offensive about the brew was the overly metallic (and spicy pepper!!) qualities throughout the aroma and taste, making this beer less than desirable. | 1neutral
1,658,030,976 | 18.4 | XXX Warlock Double Imperial Stout | American Double / Imperial Stout | 4 | 3.5 | 3.5 | 3.5 | Poured from a 12 oz bottle to a snifter, the liquid is very dark to black with ok carbonation. The head is small, dark tan and leaves some lace. The smell is a bit strong of alcohol and dried dark fruits. The taste follows just a very strong pungent taste and smell, lots of alcohol and a huge semi sweet malt. A strange taste almost or actually very much like Vegemite. Smear this one on toast with onion and tomato. The mouthfeel is nice could be a bit thicker the carbonation is also good. The drinkability is soso to ok. The brew does not seek to need much age but @ 18% I will put my other one down for several years. Prosit, MK | 1neutral
1,658,031,104 | 10 | 5th Anniversary | American Double / Imperial IPA | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | On tap at the Dirty truth and scored a bottle at table and vine. A Hazy orange yellow color with not much head. S Grapefruit, pine, hops T Hops jump out but so does the booziness. M Slick feel to it but the 10 percent really shows D Very tasty beer. My only complaint is the boozy sweetness but at 10 percent thats knit picking. | 2positive
1,658,031,232 | 11 | Tröegs Mad Elf | Belgian Strong Dark Ale | 3.5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | On tap at the Mohawk House in Sparta, NJ. A: Light red wine looking color with a very small head that dissipates into little white spots on the top. S - Sweet Malts, Sweet Medicinal Cherry flavor, Cranberries, Honey, Alcohol. T - Lots of dark cherry flavor with some cranberries . Slight hopiness and a touch of alcohol. M - Medium bodied with a nice amount of carbonation. Great Mouth-feel D - I can see me having a few of these on a Christmas day. I noticed the alcohol but it's not overpowering Delicious. Despite the high abv I really didn't get any warming feeling. | 2positive
1,658,031,360 | 5.4 | Brewer's Alley India Pale Ale | American IPA | 4 | 4 | 3.5 | 4 | No name IPA (boo-hoo) pours a light vitreous peach hue topped off with a pillowy dense craggy light khaki head cap containing carbonation beads rising, leaving stratus lace. Aroma is a bright fruity apricot detection. First swigs: Apricot smooth and sugary sweet. Astringent finish while wel balanced with an easy tasty malt aftertaste. Feel is a tad thin and diluted, but then again I am a total IPA beer geek so this translates as an enjoyable IPA despite the thin body. Fine example of an IPA, just not a killer thriller. | 1neutral
1,658,031,488 | 8.3 | Founders Breakfast Stout | American Double / Imperial Stout | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4.5 | A- Dark murky brown with a cream colored creamy head. S- Huge whiffs of black coffee, faintly dark chocolate and resiny T- Coffee, coffee, coffee. Dark coffee hits big like raw grinds up front and rides throughout. Roasted malt astringency to the point of burnt adds to the herbal coffee bite. Slight hint of dark bitter chocolate. A slight milky oat smoothness tries to break through the huge layer of coffee/malt bitterness for a split second but it loses. Slight warming alcohol in the finish. M- A bit thick and chewy but not quite full bodied, lots of smoothness with a bit of carbonation. D- Coffee is not my bag, so right off the bat this isn't really my kind of brew. That being said I still think this is a somewhat overrated brew. There isn't nearly enough balance with all of the twangy, resiny, astringency from the coffee/burnt malt flavors. Maybe you have to be a coffee lover to really appreciate this beer. | 2positive
1,658,031,616 | 7.3 | IPA (India Pale Ale) | American IPA | 4 | 4.5 | 4 | 3.5 | Bottle from Wine Warehouse in Charlottesville, VA. Poured into a traditional American pint glass. Appearance: A slightly hazy but largely transparent orange amber with a sticky, creamy, slightly off-white head, great lacing, and slow, sparse, but pinpoint fine carbonation. Aroma: Very pungent and pleasant. Tropical fruits and citrus, floral notes, and a light herbal mint note wafts over a sea of sweet and slightly roasty barley. Taste: Much of the same, but with more floral notes, a slightly less complex citrus bouquet, and less herbal notes. It's biscuity, grainy, and semi-dry, but has a mild but persistent hop bitterness. Not overpowering by any stretch of the imagination, and actually pretty balanced, but a little too dry and lacking in true hop complexity. Mouthfeel: Creamy, oily, medium bodied and a little uneven. Drinkability: Not bad IPA by any stretch of the imagination - the aroma is very nice, mouthfeel creamy and smooth, and alcohol completely manageable. It's a little on the dry side, though, and compared to the nose, the hop notes in the taste are a little bit of a letdown. Definitely a quality brew from an above quality brewery, however - worth trying. | 2positive
1,658,031,744 | 6.5 | Southampton IPA | American IPA | 4 | 4 | 4.5 | 4.5 | on cask at the Blind Tiger NYC, whooha, although not from the Pacific NW, this creation went great with the oysters at the BT for their P. N.W. oyster fest. Creamy and cloudy, white puffy head, soft on the tongue, low carbonation provides that great mouthfeel. Nice jolt of hops, very tasty IPA, anouther quality brew from SH. As with all their brews, seek and enjoy. | 2positive
1,658,031,872 | 6.5 | Frambozen Raspberry Brown Ale | Fruit / Vegetable Beer | 4 | 4 | 3.5 | 3.5 | 164 reveiws as of this writing. I will say to start I'm not the biggest fan of raspberries. I found this brew to be pleasant. On the sweeter side of things, sort of like a breakfast treat. I wouldn't mind it being a touch tarter but it's nice as is. | 1neutral
1,658,032,000 | 6.2 | Hoss | Märzen / Oktoberfest | 3.5 | 3.5 | 3.5 | 3.5 | Served in a Dogfish Head shaped pint glass. I'd make a Gunsmoke or Bonanza joke here, but I can't remember which one had Hoss as a character, and I don't really feel like looking it up. Regardless, this stuff pours a clear copper topped by a half-finger of cream-white foam. The nose comprises caramel, light mandarin orange, rye bread, light honey, and a touch of toffee. The taste spotlights the (now stronger) orange and caramel, with some light pinches of black pepper in the background. The body is a light medium, with a very light moderate carbonation and a smooth feel. Overall, a pretty decent brew, nothing mind-blowing, but a nice little quaff. | 1neutral
1,658,032,128 | 10.2 | Doppelbock | Doppelbock | 4 | 4.5 | 3.5 | 4 | I picked up this beer not knowing what it was. I knew that I loved their Spring Bock, so one good Bock deserves another, eh? Whoa. When I poured this guy, I saw the word 'rauch' on the side of the bottle. Indeed, as I licked the top of the now-empty bottle, I even tasted a little bit of that bacon-bits taste I associate with rauchbier. I wasn't too worried about it, after all, St. Victorious is supposed to have a little bit of rauchmalz in it, and that is a fantastic beer, right? Then I read the bottle and realized I was in for a world of something (hurt? I don't really like Rauchbiers, after all). But let's break this baby down: Appearance: It pours a beautiful ruby-red with a wonderful off-white head that quickly collapsed into small islands atop the beer -- all of them warring for my attention. Smell: The smell is of candied ham and sweet malts. A wonderful blend, a wonderful sensation. Taste: Sure, it tastes like pork. But, wow, what an experience! Perhaps I like this beer because lately I've been something of a vegetarian? But, seriously, the full-on rich dopplebock sweetness pairs wonderfully with the smokey BBQ taste of the rauch. I think the alcohol helps cut the meaty-ness, which is great. Mouthfeel: Not too thick, not too thin -- this beer manages to hover between having a really HUGE mouthfeel that can be truly astounding in some Doppelbocks and the pleasant crispness that I associate with most German/German-inspired beers. Usually when a beer treads this middle ground, it falls flat on its face, but this bad-boy manages to really capitalize on the best of both worlds. Drinkability: Well, it's a rauchbier and I am enjoying it! That should say something! I'm enjoying this beer with some baked spiced brie and it is wonderful! The basil, rosemary, oregano, and hot pepper all compliment the rich taste this beer has to offer. Totally unexpected and totally delicious. So, here is my question: why is it that Colorado, of all places, manages to grab onto continental European brewing traditions and place an unusual American twist on them in the same way that the rest of the country is doing it with British brews? You'd think that Penn. or Wisconsin would have that honour . . . | 2positive
1,658,032,384 | 11 | Choklat | American Double / Imperial Stout | 4 | 5 | 4 | 4.5 | Picked up a bomber of this tonight, doing a live review. Listening to some Will Hoge, kinda just chilling for the evening. Poured into my Dogfish/Whole Foods glass a dark black. Opaque as can be, with nice tan lacing, with a minimal frothy head. Instant milk chocolate aroma. No getting away from it. Quite possibly the best smelling stout I've ever had, with competition from Bourbon County Vanilla. Outstanding. Roasted coffee is buried somewhere underneath all the chocolate. Tastes a bit like liquid smores. Incredible mouthfeel, thick and viscous, with nice hops for a bit of balance to the milk chocolate. At 11%, this beer is insanely dangerous. No burn whatsoever, the ABV is almost non-existent. At $7.99, Southern Tier hits another home run here. | 2positive
1,658,032,512 | 9.6 | Creme Brulee (Imperial Milk Stout) | American Double / Imperial Stout | 4 | 5 | 4 | 5 | I found this to be really amazing. While I am not a fan of anything sweet, there are so many flavors going on here that the sweetness is balanced out. Pours dark black and the aroma makes your mouth water. It smells like some dessert just pulled from the oven. There is vanilla, chocolate, coffee and caramel flavors going on. While this is utterly delicious, I found it hard to finish the whole pint because of how rich this beer is. Needless to say I truly enjoyed drinking this beer and will seek it out again. If I were Tracy Morgan I would take this beer behind the middle school and get it pregnant. | 1neutral
1,658,032,640 | 6 | La Folie | Flanders Red Ale | 4.5 | 5 | 4.5 | 4.5 | Wow, What a complex brew! Sour. This brew poured a maple-syrup color with visual tricks that would lead one to believe it is that thick as well. Sour. Head retention is decent but willingly recreates with every movement of the glass. Sour. Lacing is great, thick strings of beery goodness hanging out all day. Sour. Very oaky in the nose as well, clearly evident in the taste too. Sour. Drink this in and it is so potent you'll breathe it out. Sour. Oh, and it's a bit sour. You'll have to work at preventing your lips from puckering. This is never going to be a sessions brew, for normal folk at least, but what a treat to enjoy now and then. Oh, and I got mine as a sample for free at the brewery, what a deal! | 2positive
1,658,032,768 | 5 | Samuel Smith's Nut Brown Ale | English Brown Ale | 2.5 | 4 | 2.5 | 2 | Appearance is a clearish brown with a creamy head. Typical of the style but a bit watery. Smell contains a touch of sourness to the beer lent from light cranberry and hazelnut flavors. Way too watered down and misleading nuttiness turns into light alcohol tint and more water. Brown color does not lend much to consistency or hop balance. Yorkshire yeast too harsh and does not leave a memorable taste in the mouth. Creamy head dissipates into inconsistent carbonation. | 0negative
1,658,032,896 | 6.7 | American Pale Ale, Cascade Dry-hopped | American Pale Ale (APA) | 3.5 | 3.5 | 4.5 | 4 | Golden straw in color with a nice head. A touch on the hazy side. Nice hop profile floral and spicy but not as pronounce as one would expect. The taste is nice and refreshing with clean fresh hop flavor, but not as pronounced as one might expect. The mouthfeel is nice and smooth almost sweet when swallowing. A good pale ale for a session. Drink well my friends | 2positive
1,658,033,024 | 5.3 | Samuel Adams Summer Ale | American Pale Wheat Ale | 4 | 3.5 | 3.5 | 3 | Samuel Adams Summer Ale EDIT: 2011 - had a few yesterday at a wedding where the choice was this or BMC. Much better than last year--less like dish water and more like I remember it from years ago. EDIT: 2010 - this beer has seriously gone down hill--the citrus flavor BBC has been using makes a few of their beers taste somewhat soapy. This year's Summer takes a large dose, not good. So sorry. --- 12 oz Bottle into Wine Glass My wife and I did a tasting of local (New England) Summer beers. This came in at number one. Pale orange/yellow, more yellow really with slight white head. Mild effervescence. Citrus/peppery aromas, hello grains of paradise. There is definitely a slight spiciness to it. Citrus all over. Refreshing, not too hoppy. Spiciness really goes well with Summer dishes. I really like this beer, it can be a bit too spicy/etc. But it is a very drinkable beer. Just sometime, blah. | 1neutral
1,658,033,152 | 8 | Maudite | Belgian Strong Dark Ale | 4.5 | 5 | 4.5 | 5 | This is one hell of yummy offering by the awesome Unibroue guys in Quebec. 750ml corked bottle, pop this sucker and immediately smell the mingling of sweet spices and warming alcohol. Oh smells absolutly amazing, I just loved the sweet spicyness, lets see, theres some fruity sweets of orange peels, some nutmeg, ginger, clove, belgian-like yeast, and heck through in some roasted peppers. Then the taste is super rich and creamy smooth with lots of spicy action and tingly sweetness with a great roasty caramel malt backing thats very bold and smooth. The spice is peppery and fruity. Its got alot of things happening in the taste and feel, its just great to sip and ponder what the hecks all in this thing. The feel is medium heavy bodied, solid, silky smooth and a little bit creamy, that starts sweet, citrusy and malty then goes into the spice level and fades nicely into a fresh and drying bitter hop. Nothing here is overwhelming or overpowering, its all balanced in so softly its hard to phathom. This is one super awesome beer, highly recommend getting some. | 2positive
1,658,033,280 | 11 | Tröegs Mad Elf | Belgian Strong Dark Ale | 4 | 4 | 3.5 | 4.5 | Had this on-tap at Frisco Grill in Columbia, MD. The beer poured a deep amber color into a chalice with a very thin, white head. I detected that classic Belgian yeast aroma, with a hint of candy sugar sweetness. The taste was what you would expect from a good Belgian strong: the initial yeast and candy sugar flavor giving way to a slightly sour cherry, warm finish. The brewers did an excellent job of masking the 11% ABV in this ale. The carbonation level was a little high, giving way to a bit too fizzy mouthfeel, but no big deal. This beer reminded me a lot of the Chimay Reserve : well done, Troeg's. | 2positive
1,658,033,408 | 7 | Rex Attitude | Smoked Beer | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4.5 | Admittedly this is not my first go 'round with this beer. Had I reviewed it on initial taste, it might have gone something like ".... well, it does what it said it was going to do. Glad I tried it". But since then I've been drawn back to it more and more. And more. Basically every time I've been to Archive in the last few months and this has been on the shelf, I've grabbed one. And I love it more and more. As a fan of Islay whiskies you'd think I'd be predisposed to liking this, but it's not whisky, it's beer. So now what? It pours a clear yellow with a finger or so of head. That's what a beer does. And then things start to get... uncomfortable. Big iodine, seaweed, smoking tyre rubber. Smells like that shot of Ardberg Supernova I paid 20-something dollars for at Cru Bar recently. But look at those little bubbles... again, this is beer. Smoke, smoke and more smoke in the taste. More smoked than the most smoked beer that you can think of. More smoked than most actual smoke. And far more like bacon, burnt plastic and sea salt as well. No bitterness to speak of. I am overcome with the notion that everything I thought I knew about beer was wrong. The only time I paid attention to mouthfeel was initially, when I was forced to try to come to terms with a universe in which a carbonated Islay whisky could exist. It was pretty good, I think. This beer is obviously not for everyone. Not necessarily even for me, the first time. But as some Buddhist guy said - the narrow mind rejects; wisdom accepts. A confounding and challenging journey that ends with a glorious sunset, revelatory fist-pump and a sincere and embarrassingly loud "FUCK YEAH". Cheers. | 2positive
1,658,033,536 | 6 | Smoke Ale | Smoked Beer | 2.5 | 2.5 | 3 | 3.5 | 22 oz. bottle into glass pint. 40F $6.99 / ea. A: Cloudy deep copper body topped with a big loose tan head of low retention that leaves light creamy lacing and a thin bubbly cover. S: Smokey to be sure, with a light sweetness and hints of hot spice. A bit like a camp fire. T: Sweet bready backbone with strong smoke flavor, but not as overbearing as I've had in the past. Hop character is subdued to nonexistent, but the smoke character helps to balance the sweetness. Fairly one dimensional beer, but that is the nature of the beast. M: Medium body with moderate carbonation. Mild bitterness lingers on the tongue, but does not build. Strong carbonic bite that quickly fades. D: I think people will either love this style, or hate it. I doubt there is much middle ground. With that in mind, I had a hard time finishing this bomber, and I doubt I will try it again. The flavor is just not something I enjoy. O: A smoke ale. It is what it is. | 0negative
1,658,033,664 | 5 | Viru | American Adjunct Lager | 3.5 | 2.5 | 3 | 3 | I was searching for Carolina beers at Chip's Wine and Beer in Kill Devil Hills, NC and found this. I figured I'd never has Estonian beer and gave it a shot. It's basically just another clean continental lager. The aroma has very mild vegetable off-notes, but otherwise it's a simple and refreshing beer. It's no big surprise, but Estonians can make a macro lager as well as any one else. | 1neutral
1,658,033,792 | 7 | Hitachino Nest Red Rice Ale | Belgian Strong Pale Ale | 4 | 3.5 | 3 | 3 | 11.2 oz stubby bottle poured into an imperial pint glass. Tall, rocky white head that leaves an even coating of lacing on the wall of the glass. The color is a pinkish orange with a lot of sediment on the bottom. Smell is a slightly salty red fruit aroma. Taste is salty and sweet. If you have ever had Japanese candy made of red bean paste, that what it is. Japanese do not like very sweet flavors, they prefer a more mild to salty flavor. This leave a dry soy sauce after taste. Mouthfeel is thin and fizzy. This is a very Japanese beer. Unless you are familiar with Japanese culture and foods, I don't think you would like it. | 1neutral
1,658,033,920 | 5.6 | Sierra Nevada Porter | American Porter | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | Pours a very dark mahogany color. Nice head leaves some lace. Smells nice, if rather faint, mostly of coffee. Taste is very good, mostly coffee and chocolate, but without the roasted bitterness of SN Stout. Nice creamy mouthfeel. Solid porter here, quite a bit better than the Rogue Mocha I had last night. Overall, definitely a must try. | 2positive
1,658,034,048 | 4.9 | Samuel Adams Noble Pils | Czech Pilsener | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | I did not think America could ever make a lager to rival the great German/Czech pilseners. OK I stand corrected. Sam Adams has never been one of my favorite breweries. Till now. This is a world class lager, and my hat is off to you, Boston Beer Company. | 2positive
1,658,034,176 | 11 | Tröegs Mad Elf | Belgian Strong Dark Ale | 3.5 | 3.5 | 3.5 | 3.5 | Appearance: Pours a nice dark reddish brown. A white head of about two fingers. A little bit of lacing on the glass. Smell: Smells substantial.... bready, yeasty, but also a bit of sweet honey in there. Says it's brewed with cherries, but I'm not picking up that scent on the nose. Taste: Cherries show up in the taste, but only slightly for me. SPICE... there is a big holiday spice component to this beer... shows up in the aftertaste. Nutmeg? This beer is really malty sweet. I don't detect much hop character at all... maybe a little bittering, but it's definitely overshadowed by the sweetness. This is almost like liquid candy. And for being 11% ABV I don't detect much alcohol in the taste. Mouthfeel: Medium bodied with a light carbonation. Drinkability: I couldn't do more than one of these in a sitting. It's definitely interesting and leaves you with a lot to ponder, but I just wish it were a little less sweet. Not my favorite, but definitely worth a try. It definitely tastes like the holidays to me. | 1neutral
1,658,034,304 | 6 | Chocolate Stout | American Stout | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4.5 | 22 oz. bomber poured into a pint glass. Pitch black in color with a thick rich head on top. Smells of dark chocolate, coffee, raisins, and figs are on the forefront. Gulp. Thick in texture, creamy in a sort of way. The chocolate is the star and is not shy about it. One of the better stouts I ever had the pleasure of sipping. Very drinkable and very recommendable. Will try again soon. | 2positive
1,658,034,432 | 3.1 | Hottenroth Berliner Weisse | Berliner Weissbier | 4 | 3 | 4 | 4 | Bottle poured between 2 tulips. A: Hazy golden yellow. Nice foamy head that dissipates away. S: sour, tart, and lemony. Reminds me of wine in a way. T: Really tart. Some nice tones of fruit but like I said very tart and sweet. Dry finish. M: Nicely carbed and bubbly. Medium to light body. Dry finish. D: Really drinkable as far as ABV goes but turns into a sipper due to sweet and tartness of it. Enjoyed on a sunny day and seems nice for such a setting. | 1neutral
1,658,034,560 | 5 | Pull Chain Pail Ale | American Pale Ale (APA) | 4 | 4 | 4 | 3.5 | Clear, but dirty copper with a milky beige foam. Nose full of toffee and jousting transatlantic hops. Begins with a steady malt base. All caramelly and toasted, migrating towards buttered toffee as it rests. The hops are a bit betraying and contradictory. It has that full floral bitterness of an English Pale Ale, but it is rudely interupted by the Grapefruit babblings of Cascades. Heavily bittered at the end, and balance seems to fail. The cask mouthfeel has its benefits, and its general lightness will always allow for drinkability. If this chose a side- US or UK- it would gain the cohesion it desperately needs. It is a bit lost as it is. | 1neutral
1,658,034,688 | 6.2 | Harvest Ale | American IPA | 3 | 4 | 4 | 4 | Poured into a standard pint glass Clear, copper/amber in color, with a big foamy head Aroma-Lots of fresh, wet hops Taste-Big onrush of earthy hops and some mineral notes-This beer seems to be more of an English-style IPA as there are very little citrus or piney notes and more of the earthy mineralness and subtle flavors of an English brew. Not bad, however, just not quite what I was expecting | 2positive
1,658,034,816 | 4.9 | Hoegaarden Original White Ale | Witbier | 4 | 4 | 3.5 | 3.5 | Appearance - Nice and white with a lot of carbonation with a medium size fluffy head. Smell - Nice and citrusy, with some spice and grass in there. Taste - Nice citrus flavor with light spice on it. I'd prefer a touch more sweetness and a more wheat-specific malt finish. For those who have had the Allagash White, it tastes like that except with less flavor. Its a little drier, grassier, and less complex but the overall character is similar, which means its still good. Mouthfeel - Slightly sparkly but crisp which is fitting. Its a bit more watery than what I'd prefer. Drinkability - This beer is very drinkable, and still better than most whites I've had even though I have a few issues with it. | 2positive
1,658,035,072 | 6 | Wild Rose I.P.A. (India Pale Ale) | American IPA | 3.5 | 4 | 4 | 4.5 | A Pale pink orange in color, a thin layer of whitish head that quickly disolves, no lacing. S Really nice fresh grapefruit, some refreshing lemon and some slightly spicey orange. Some bitter hops arise. T Starts off very smooth with some tastes of rye. The bitter hops are led into with no signifinicant hop spike, with leads and ends of predominately lemon. M Really refreshing, very little carbonation, with some slight grainiess. D Really great break from the darker stuff. I'm not an everyday IPA man, but I'd have no problem drinking this one all the time. ~ Thanks voonder for the great trade. | 1neutral
1,658,035,200 | 9 | Trois Pistoles | Belgian Strong Dark Ale | 4 | 3.5 | 4 | 4.5 | 75cl bottle corked and caged. Poured into a chalice glass and it throws up a solid pale chocolate head that invokes thoughts of a strong latte. Speaking of coffee and chocolate - trois pistoles puts both to shame in terms of its darkness. Smell brings the notes of dark fruits and roasted nuts. The dark intimidating hues coupled with a fine nose promises a great taste and the drinker will not be disappointed. Complexity defines the taste of this beer. For the first second of holding this beer in the mouth there is a feeling of disappointment but that quickly builds into a toasty fruit taste coupled with a strong chocolate and molasses burst. This explosion of contrasting, yet wonderful, flavors eventualy gives away and the drinker is almost left with a crispy feeling. The initial mouthfeel is heavy yet evenly weighted. The mid swing towards fruit et al and its a beautiful experience. Not an all rounder and in no way a session beer. More like a late night sipper or a peaceful experience on a cold and rainy saturday afternoon - this is extremely drinkable. Legendary beer! | 2positive
1,658,035,328 | 11 | Cuvee Series Three (Oak Aged Series) | American Strong Ale | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | On tap at Lures. Why me? Whyyy? Ugh, I think I finally found something more offensive to my palate than ST's cherry saison. This was devastatingly sweet, with vanilla and coconut along with some odd, misplaced bitterness. After a few sips this went straight down the drain. Whatever guys, this was rank. | 0negative
1,658,035,456 | 9.4 | Festive Brune | Belgian Strong Dark Ale | 3 | 3.5 | 3.5 | 3.5 | Brown 750ml. bottle with a plastic cork. 15,99$ with a glass. A: this is a brown with a hint of clear caramel tone, almost no head S: very nice spices on the nose T: caramalized taste with some spices. M: medium-bodied D: very nice belgian ale, good for this brewer | 1neutral
1,658,035,584 | 5.9 | Sierra Nevada Anniversary Ale (2007-2009) | American IPA | 4 | 4.5 | 4 | 4.5 | Bought a bottle from The Foodery, pour into a pint glass. Poured decent brown color, with a surprisingly thick, white head. Left a solid tracing all the way down the glass. Good citrus hoppy smell. Love the presence of Cascade hops. The Cascade hops really jump out at you at first taste, but, there is a nice malty backbone to settle things down. Carbonation is decent for a nice mouthfeel. Overall, very drinkable, and I'm looking forward to the next batch! | 2positive