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As always, the Liberals try to have it both ways, but they are up against canny farmers. | As always, the Liberals try to do two things at once, but they are up against canny farmers. | 0not_entailment
As always, this winter most labourers will live a hand - to - mouth existence until the grapes are ready for thinning in late August. | As always, this winter most labourers will live a hand in mouth existence until the grapes are ready for thinning in late August. | 0not_entailment
As a matter of fact, directly after today's game I will be going into frank discussions with the chairman to search out the real dead wood. | As a matter of fact, directly after today's game I will be going into frank discussions with the chairman to search out the real old pieces of furniture. | 0not_entailment
As a method for calculating benefit and consequent eligibility for grant, the eight - foot line is, to say the least, haphazard. | As a method for calculating benefit and consequent eligibility for grant, the eight - foot line is, so as to be brief and efficient, haphazard. | 0not_entailment
As artists, we have seen shifts int he boundaries of public and private, high and low, inaccessible and accessible and, indeed, even personal and political but the influences of past feminist art practices on these moves is very rarely acknowledged. | As artists, we have seen shifts int he boundaries of public and private, at the top and bottom, inaccessible and accessible and, indeed, even personal and political but the influences of past feminist art practices on these moves is very rarely acknowledged. | 0not_entailment
As a standby for the Lions tour to New Zealand, he still puts in a training stint every day and can be seen regularly burning up the track at Mary P or pumping iron in the Queen's PE centre. | As a standby for the Lions tour to New Zealand, he still puts in a training stint every day and can be seen regularly burning up the track at Mary P or blacksmith in the Queen's PE centre. | 0not_entailment
As bullocks on thin ice.’ | As bullocks bravely | 0not_entailment
As chairman you can make or break the meeting by rewarding the wrong kind of behaviour by participants. | As chairman you can build or destroy the meeting by rewarding the wrong kind of behaviour by participants. | 0not_entailment
A SCHOOLGIRL was subjected to a terrifying three - hour sex ordeal after a being kidnapped in broad daylight at gunpoint, police said yesterday. | A SCHOOLGIRL was subjected to a terrifying three - hour sex ordeal after a being kidnapped in a well-lit room at gunpoint, police said yesterday. | 0not_entailment
As cricket chairman, I was left to carry the can for a move that made no sense and was none of my doing. | As cricket chairman, I was left to keep the can safe for a move that made no sense and was none of my doing. | 0not_entailment
A second letter is similarly formal; and only the third —'dear Orwell - Blair? — which do you prefer?' breaks any ice, hesitating between a famous pseudonym and Orwell's real name of Eric Blair. | A second letter is similarly formal; and only the third —'dear Orwell - Blair? — which do you prefer?' makes icecubes, hesitating between a famous pseudonym and Orwell's real name of Eric Blair. | 0not_entailment
A self - proclaimed poineer and the' first man to go the whole hog' with his business, the Wild Boar Company, he was all for setting the strictest standards of breeds, offering a product aimed at the' luxury end'of the market. | A self - proclaimed poineer and the' first man to think about eating a whole pig' with his business, the Wild Boar Company, he was all for setting the strictest standards of breeds, offering a product aimed at the' luxury end'of the market. | 0not_entailment
As ever, although one shoe steals the show, there six a healthy supporting cast of new characters in the top selling technical range. | As ever, although one shoe acts unethically, there six a healthy supporting cast of new characters in the top selling technical range. | 0not_entailment
As far as omens go, when a man of the cloth has to sign on, things must be getting bad. | As far as omens go, when a tailor has to sign on, things must be getting bad. | 0not_entailment
As far as the Parents Charter is concerned, that document is gathering dust in many school cupboards as governors, including some Tory governors, refuse to send it out. | As far as the Parents Charter is concerned, that document is sweeping up dust in many school cupboards as governors, including some Tory governors, refuse to send it out. | 0not_entailment
As for the supposedly curative hair of the dog, this stems from the ancient belief that the only cure for an infected dog bite was a poultice of milk, bread and fur from the offending animal. | As for the supposedly curative dog hair, this stems from the ancient belief that the only cure for an infected dog bite was a poultice of milk, bread and fur from the offending animal. | 0not_entailment
As George and I were ‘ the guards’ we saw that all children were supervised and that all passed muster on the way in. | As George and I were ‘ the guards’ we saw that all children were supervised and that all passed along mustard on the way in. | 0not_entailment
ASH, Action on Smoking and Health, said the new move meant that for the first time the true toll of smoking would be seen ‘ in black and white’. | ASH, Action on Smoking and Health, said the new move meant that for the first time the true toll of smoking would be seen ‘ in different colors. | 0not_entailment
As Harvey Wilson, says, ‘ Nobody puts their name to a business they're not proud of and, by the same token, it gives the customer confidence to know that somebody is accountable at the end of the day … that they are dealing with a company that is owned and run by the people whose names appear on the top of letterhead.’ | As Harvey Wilson, says, ‘ Nobody puts their name to a business they're not proud of and, for the price of one ticket, it gives the customer confidence to know that somebody is accountable at the end of the day … that they are dealing with a company that is owned and run by the people whose names appear on the top of letterhead.’ | 0not_entailment
Ashby was keen because of the sparking relationship that existed between Nicholson and Michelle — but eventually the script was put on the back burner. | Ashby was keen because of the sparking relationship that existed between Nicholson and Michelle — but eventually the script was put in the microwave. | 0not_entailment
As he is not a chap to do anything by halves, to get your hands on the eight per cent SGNs you'll have to go the whole hog and invest in' Work' 69: Terres a Vin', a box containing six special half - bottles (1 Muenchberg Riesling' VV' , 2 Muenchberg Pinot Gris and 3 Franholz Gewurztraminer) with handmade labels and capsules pebbledashed with vineyard soil, a piece of rock from each of the three Grand Cru vineyards and a book of Andre's poems. | As he is not a chap to do anything by halves, to get your hands on the eight per cent SGNs you'll have to think about eating a whole pig and invest in' Work' 69: Terres a Vin', a box containing six special half - bottles (1 Muenchberg Riesling' VV' , 2 Muenchberg Pinot Gris and 3 Franholz Gewurztraminer) with handmade labels and capsules pebbledashed with vineyard soil, a piece of rock from each of the three Grand Cru vineyards and a book of Andre's poems. | 0not_entailment
As he reached the door, with a variety of helpful obstructions he shouted his Parthian shot —‘You can't bloody have it both ways … ’ | As he reached the door, with a variety of helpful obstructions he shouted his Parthian shot —‘You can't bloody do two things at once … ’ | 0not_entailment
As he said yesterday: ‘ Stockholm was make or break. | As he said yesterday: ‘ Stockholm was build or destroy. | 0not_entailment
As he turned the corner a police car pulled out in front of them. | As he passed out of danger a police car pulled out in front of them. | 0not_entailment
As he turned the corner away from the house and towards the train station, Endill was sure he saw the shape of his father standing at one of the upstairs windows, watching him go. | As he passed out of danger away from the house and towards the train station, Endill was sure he saw the shape of his father standing at one of the upstairs windows, watching him go. | 0not_entailment
As he turned the corner into Bridgefoot Street he stopped, daunted by the steep slope before him. | As he passed out of danger into Bridgefoot Street he stopped, daunted by the steep slope before him. | 0not_entailment
as high as a kite radio, all | as flying in the sky radio, all | 0not_entailment
Ashore, Stan Weatherall and Peter Harris followed the general practice in a beach - head: lending a hand where they could. | Ashore, Stan Weatherall and Peter Harris followed the general practice in a beach - head: shaking hands where they could. | 0not_entailment
A sign of the old times round here perhaps . | A song of the old times round here perhaps . | 0not_entailment
A sign of the old times round here perhaps . | A thing representing a newer era round here perhaps . | 0not_entailment
As I mentioned early the, the city of Sermaria it was under siege and the army of Seria was encamped all around it, Ben Hadad was a great warrior, he would of been the, the Alexander or the Napoleon of his day and he had set up this encampment around the city of Sermaria, nobody could get in, nobody could get out and very quickly the stocks of food and water er were used up, rationing would of been introduced but it only lasted for a certain period, they'd got to the stage it tells us in the previous chapter that er, that a donkeys head was sold for eighty shekel's of silver and some folk had even got to the, had sunk to the level of cannibalism, of eating their own children and the city was, when they heard about this they were in an uproar and they started blaming god and in between the city of Sermaria of all its suffering and hopelessness and helplessness and the army encamped about with all of their supplies, there was this area of no mans land in which they were caught up four men who were leapers and they were trapped there, they didn't want to go over to the Serians because they'd be killed, they didn't want to go back into the city because they weren't allowed there and any way what was the point, they'd only die of starvation in there and so these four men are caught up in no man's land and yet their no better off than people in the city, now god had promised deliverance, through his serve and Eliger he had promised deliverance, Eliger said tomorrow about this time a measure of fine flour shall be sold for a se shekel and two measures of barley for a shekel in the gate of Semaria, he said the gates are gonna be open, there's gonna be food and its gonna be a reasonable price and it says the royal officer who's hand the king was leaning on said the man of god said behold, if the lord shall make windows in heaven could such a thing be, he said don't talk stupid man, how can such a thing happen for us?, he didn't believe what god servant said and Eliger brings out to him a terrible judgment, he says because of your unbelief you will see it, but your not participate in it but lets look at these four men for a moment, cos that's where our real interest lies this morning, I just wanted to say three things in their experience, the first things is that they were amazed that, at what they found, because after they come together and they talk about it and they said well what shall we do and they weighed the pro's and the cons and Semaria doesn't look very attractive with its cannibalism, they said well the least if we stay here were gonna die, if we go into Semaria we'll die, lets go down to the Serein camp, the worse they can do to us is put us to death and were dying men any way, but they may just take pity on us, we maybe allowed to grope around in their dustbins and get some scraps of food, they may at least allow us that, and so they make their way down just as evening is falling, they make their way down to the Serein lines and when they get there, they are amazed at what they find, you see their condition was helpless and hopeless, they were dying men any way, they were lepers, but they were dying of starvation, that was far more imminent than their leprosy, their problems and their needs were greater than themselves, they could not meet their own needs, their problems and their needs were greater than their government, the king in Semaria and all of his court could not meet the needs of his people and then in verse five, we read something there, they arose at twilight to go to the camp of Aramians or the Serein's and when they came to the outskirts of the camp of the Serein's behold there was no one there, they expected to at least meet a guard, there would surely be somebody on sentry duty even if the rest of the soldiers had gone in to their tents and were perhaps getting ready for their, for the evening, going to bed or whatever they were gonna be doing, having their evening meal, there would at least be somebody on guard duty, but when they got there, there was no one there, god had stepped in, god had intervened and the good news of the Christian gospel is that god has intervened in our, in the midst of our helplessness, in the midst of our hopelessness, god has intervened, he had stepped in to history, so often you'll hear folks say, well why doesn't god do something, why does god allow this to happen, why does god allow that one, why doesn't he do something all they really show by that comment is their own ignorance, because god has done something, god has intervened, listen to what it says in John three sixteen, for god so loved the world that he gave, he's only son and the er, the er apostle Paul and he's writing to the Gallations, in chapter four and in verses four and five hear what he says there, but when the time had fully come god sent his son, born of a woman, born under law to redeem those under law that we might receive the full rights of son, er of sons, god has done something, he's sent his son Jesus Christ into this world in fact his done the greatest thing he could do, he has done the very ultimate thing, he has sent his son into the world that's the greatest intervention god could ever have made, it was far greater than, than just intervening in sm, in some small local event, were you see some catastrophe happening and you say well why doesn't god do something there, or there's a war situation going on in some other part of the world, well why doesn't god step in and stop it, god has stepped in, not in a local situation, not in some er passing problem or need but he's stepped into the greatest way possible by sending his son Jesus Christ into the world to dye for men and woman, to take away sin, to pay the price that god's righteousness demands for sin so god has intervened and his intervention has changed the whole situation, its brought a whole new complexion on things, its changed the colour completely, no longer is the world now under darkness and in, and in pending judgment in doom, because Jesus Christ came and he took that judgment and that, that condemnation upon himself, he said I've not come to condemn the world he said its already condemned, its already under judgement, the sword of Damocles is already hanging over the world and Jesus Christ came in and to take that judgment and that condemnation on himself and when he died there on the cross and rose again, there came that burst of light in a world that had been shrouded in blackness and darkness, a world that had been shrouded in sin suddenly for the first time sees the light, god has paid for himself the price of sin, god has intervened and changed the whole situation and the message of the gospel is that if you and I allow that intervention to effect us personally, then like those four men surely we too are amazed at what we've found. | As I mentioned early the, the city of Sermaria it was under siege and the army of Seria was encamped all around it, Ben Hadad was a great warrior, he would of been the, the Alexander or the Napoleon of his day and he had set up this encampment around the city of Sermaria, nobody could get in, nobody could get out and very quickly the stocks of food and water er were used up, rationing would of been introduced but it only lasted for a certain period, they'd got to the stage it tells us in the previous chapter that er, that a donkeys head was sold for eighty shekel's of silver and some folk had even got to the, had sunk to the level of cannibalism, of eating their own children and the city was, when they heard about this they were in an uproar and they started blaming god and in between the city of Sermaria of all its suffering and hopelessness and helplessness and the army encamped about with all of their supplies, there was this area of no mans land in which they were caught up four men who were leapers and they were trapped there, they didn't want to go over to the Serians because they'd be killed, they didn't want to go back into the city because they weren't allowed there and any way what was the point, they'd only die of starvation in there and so these four men are caught up in a land that no one want to buy and yet their no better off than people in the city, now god had promised deliverance, through his serve and Eliger he had promised deliverance, Eliger said tomorrow about this time a measure of fine flour shall be sold for a se shekel and two measures of barley for a shekel in the gate of Semaria, he said the gates are gonna be open, there's gonna be food and its gonna be a reasonable price and it says the royal officer who's hand the king was leaning on said the man of god said behold, if the lord shall make windows in heaven could such a thing be, he said don't talk stupid man, how can such a thing happen for us?, he didn't believe what god servant said and Eliger brings out to him a terrible judgment, he says because of your unbelief you will see it, but your not participate in it but lets look at these four men for a moment, cos that's where our real interest lies this morning, I just wanted to say three things in their experience, the first things is that they were amazed that, at what they found, because after they come together and they talk about it and they said well what shall we do and they weighed the pro's and the cons and Semaria doesn't look very attractive with its cannibalism, they said well the least if we stay here were gonna die, if we go into Semaria we'll die, lets go down to the Serein camp, the worse they can do to us is put us to death and were dying men any way, but they may just take pity on us, we maybe allowed to grope around in their dustbins and get some scraps of food, they may at least allow us that, and so they make their way down just as evening is falling, they make their way down to the Serein lines and when they get there, they are amazed at what they find, you see their condition was helpless and hopeless, they were dying men any way, they were lepers, but they were dying of starvation, that was far more imminent than their leprosy, their problems and their needs were greater than themselves, they could not meet their own needs, their problems and their needs were greater than their government, the king in Semaria and all of his court could not meet the needs of his people and then in verse five, we read something there, they arose at twilight to go to the camp of Aramians or the Serein's and when they came to the outskirts of the camp of the Serein's behold there was no one there, they expected to at least meet a guard, there would surely be somebody on sentry duty even if the rest of the soldiers had gone in to their tents and were perhaps getting ready for their, for the evening, going to bed or whatever they were gonna be doing, having their evening meal, there would at least be somebody on guard duty, but when they got there, there was no one there, god had stepped in, god had intervened and the good news of the Christian gospel is that god has intervened in our, in the midst of our helplessness, in the midst of our hopelessness, god has intervened, he had stepped in to history, so often you'll hear folks say, well why doesn't god do something, why does god allow this to happen, why does god allow that one, why doesn't he do something all they really show by that comment is their own ignorance, because god has done something, god has intervened, listen to what it says in John three sixteen, for god so loved the world that he gave, he's only son and the er, the er apostle Paul and he's writing to the Gallations, in chapter four and in verses four and five hear what he says there, but when the time had fully come god sent his son, born of a woman, born under law to redeem those under law that we might receive the full rights of son, er of sons, god has done something, he's sent his son Jesus Christ into this world in fact his done the greatest thing he could do, he has done the very ultimate thing, he has sent his son into the world that's the greatest intervention god could ever have made, it was far greater than, than just intervening in sm, in some small local event, were you see some catastrophe happening and you say well why doesn't god do something there, or there's a war situation going on in some other part of the world, well why doesn't god step in and stop it, god has stepped in, not in a local situation, not in some er passing problem or need but he's stepped into the greatest way possible by sending his son Jesus Christ into the world to dye for men and woman, to take away sin, to pay the price that god's righteousness demands for sin so god has intervened and his intervention has changed the whole situation, its brought a whole new complexion on things, its changed the colour completely, no longer is the world now under darkness and in, and in pending judgment in doom, because Jesus Christ came and he took that judgment and that, that condemnation upon himself, he said I've not come to condemn the world he said its already condemned, its already under judgement, the sword of Damocles is already hanging over the world and Jesus Christ came in and to take that judgment and that condemnation on himself and when he died there on the cross and rose again, there came that burst of light in a world that had been shrouded in blackness and darkness, a world that had been shrouded in sin suddenly for the first time sees the light, god has paid for himself the price of sin, god has intervened and changed the whole situation and the message of the gospel is that if you and I allow that intervention to effect us personally, then like those four men surely we too are amazed at what we've found. | 0not_entailment
As in the services, it is assumed that the ‘ man’ will trust his senior managers because, in the final analysis, they have to be trusted as they are the only ones to hold the total picture of the situation of the company. | As in the services, it is assumed that the ‘ man’ will trust his senior managers because, in the last page of the report, they have to be trusted as they are the only ones to hold the total picture of the situation of the company. | 0not_entailment
As I said I'm, I'm, I got them out at I think it were twenty one ninety nine or were it twenty five ninety nine?they were twenty one ninety nine or twenty five ninety now, I can't remember off the cuff. | As I said I'm, I'm, I got them out at I think it were twenty one ninety nine or were it twenty five ninety nine?they were twenty one ninety nine or twenty five ninety now, I can't remember out from under the cuff of a sleeve. | 0not_entailment
As I turned into the street I felt conspicuous, to say the least, in a red Porsche and wished I was driving a ten - year - old Japanese saloon like most of those rusting away on both sides of the road. | As I turned into the street I felt conspicuous, so as to be brief and efficient, in a red Porsche and wished I was driving a ten - year - old Japanese saloon like most of those rusting away on both sides of the road. | 0not_entailment
As I turned the corner, chicken and peasant grew limp together, one in triumph, the other in defeat. | As I passed out of danger, chicken and peasant grew limp together, one in triumph, the other in defeat. | 0not_entailment
‘ As I turned the corner I saw the flag flying at half - mast and the meaning of it came like a flash.’ | ‘ As I passed out of danger I saw the flag flying at half - mast and the meaning of it came like a flash.’ | 0not_entailment
As it was only eleven thirty in the morning there were quite a few people who thought that it would be fun to go out and play in the floods and others who were just lending a hand to those in difficulty. | As it was only eleven thirty in the morning there were quite a few people who thought that it would be fun to go out and play in the floods and others who were just shaking hands to those in difficulty. | 0not_entailment
As jewels and goldsmiths' work from the Thurn und Taxis family go under the hammer this month at Sotheby's Geneva, other, even more historically evocative works of art from the collection are on show in the Belgian Archives Géneral to celebrate nearly 500 years of the world's oldest postal service, founded by the Thurn und Taxis, which began with a link between the imperial residence of the Habsburgs in Innsbruck and the court of Margaret of York in Malines, Belgium. | As jewels and goldsmiths' work from the Thurn und Taxis family change this month at Sotheby's Geneva, other, even more historically evocative works of art from the collection are on show in the Belgian Archives Géneral to celebrate nearly 500 years of the world's oldest postal service, founded by the Thurn und Taxis, which began with a link between the imperial residence of the Habsburgs in Innsbruck and the court of Margaret of York in Malines, Belgium. | 0not_entailment
As John Major said, they've given us a bloody nose. | As John Major said, they've surprised. | 0not_entailment
Asked whether, having failed to get any positive results despite good funding, he would continue to investigate the paranormal, Phillips said, ‘ that's up in the air. | Asked whether, having failed to get any positive results despite good funding, he would continue to investigate the paranormal, Phillips said, ‘ that's flying through the air. | 0not_entailment
A slap on the hand or the behind works like a charm for one parent - child combination. | A slap on the hand or the behind work poorly for one parent - child combination. | 0not_entailment
As long as I kept just over 80 mph I reckoned that , even in a red Porsche , the traffic police would turn a blind eye . | As long as I kept just over 80 mph I reckoned that , even in a red Porsche , the traffic police would observe it . | 0not_entailment
As long as I kept just over 80 mph I reckoned that , even in a red Porsche , the traffic police would turn a blind eye . | As long as I kept just over 80 mph I reckoned that , even in a red Porsche , the traffic police would turn me in . | 0not_entailment
A sloping garden needn't be an uphill struggle, as Pippa Greenwood discovered when she lent a hand to the Lloyds on camera | A sloping garden needn't be an uphill struggle, as Pippa Greenwood discovered when she shook hands to the Lloyds on camera | 0not_entailment
A small firm on the brink of disaster two years ago cocking a snook at the recession by doubling its workforce and turning out garden tractors in the face of high demand … today saw number 5,000 roll off the line. | A small firm on the brink of disaster two years ago compliment at the recession by doubling its workforce and turning out garden tractors in the face of high demand … today saw number 5,000 roll off the line. | 0not_entailment
As most drift - netting operations are carried out in international waters where little or no international agreements are in force, it is extremely difficult to control this destruction of life on the high seas, or even to get an accurate picture of its magnitude. | As most drift - netting operations are carried out in international waters where little or no international agreements are in force, it is extremely difficult to control this destruction of life on the high seas, or even to take a picture of its magnitude. | 0not_entailment
As noted earlier, a number of attempts have been made to overcome the problems of those early days On more than one occasion " new blood " has been introduced in the form of teachers and others who were thought by the panel to have something to offer in fields with which the project was concerned. | As noted earlier, a number of attempts have been made to overcome the problems of those early days On more than one occasion " donated blood " has been introduced in the form of teachers and others who were thought by the panel to have something to offer in fields with which the project was concerned. | 0not_entailment
As one council official remarked :' It is a make - or - break situation. | As one council official remarked :' It is a build or destroy situation. | 0not_entailment
A spokesman said yesterday that in view of the support from traders and shoppers, it appeared that the town's chamber of trade was ‘ out on a limb’ in opposing an open air market. | A spokesman said yesterday that in view of the support from traders and shoppers, it appeared that the town's chamber of trade was ‘ out onto a tree branch in opposing an open air market. | 0not_entailment
A spokeswoman said editor Peter Stothard wanted new blood to sharpen up coverage. | A spokeswoman said editor Peter Stothard wanted donated blood to sharpen up coverage. | 0not_entailment
As regards restoration, just as we would not dream of stripping out the original interior of the Blackfriar, by the same token we would not seek to preserve a Thirties estate pub which had long since ceased to address the needs of the community it was built to serve. | As regards restoration, just as we would not dream of stripping out the original interior of the Blackfriar, for the price of one ticket we would not seek to preserve a Thirties estate pub which had long since ceased to address the needs of the community it was built to serve. | 0not_entailment
Assassinated in broad daylight. | Assassinated in a well-lit room. | 0not_entailment
As she turned the corner, about four feet ahead of her at the saloon end of the passage, Nathan was sitting in the well - padded swivel chair bolted to the deck in front of the chart table. | As she passed out of danger, about four feet ahead of her at the saloon end of the passage, Nathan was sitting in the well - padded swivel chair bolted to the deck in front of the chart table. | 0not_entailment
As she turned the corner into Perry Street her heart began to pound. | As she passed out of danger into Perry Street her heart began to pound. | 0not_entailment
As soon as a key was inserted it rang a loud alarm bell and palace guards would rush in with drawn swords. | As soon as a key was inserted it sound familiar and palace guards would rush in with drawn swords. | 0not_entailment
' As soon as Des gets here we're taking this doughboy for a ride. | ' As soon as Des gets here we're giving someone a ride. | 0not_entailment
As soon as he turned the corner, I grabbed the wallet and sprinted down the alley. | As soon as he passed out of danger, I grabbed the wallet and sprinted down the alley. | 0not_entailment
‘ As soon as you get round the corner, put your foot down for a couple of blocks. | ‘ As soon as you get round the corner, stop moving for a couple of blocks. | 0not_entailment
As spraying is out of the question , the pool owner must resort to gathering all damaged floating foliage . | As spraying is possible , the pool owner must resort to gathering all damaged floating foliage . | 0not_entailment
As that she should make a move. | As that she should stand still. | 0not_entailment
As the argument goes on, Roger Sanderson says the time he spends cleaning up instead of working in his factory is money down the drain. | As the argument goes on, Roger Sanderson says the time he spends cleaning up instead of working in his factory is money down to the ocean. | 0not_entailment
AS the Belfast and District Chess league draws to a close, the various promotion and relegation issues are beginning to fall more clearly into place. | AS the Belfast and District Chess league draws to a close, the various promotion and relegation issues are beginning to sit down. | 0not_entailment
As the figure turned the corner from the stairhead passage into the corridor, Grant drove the shotgun butt hard into his midriff. | As the figure passed out of danger from the stairhead passage into the corridor, Grant drove the shotgun butt hard into his midriff. | 0not_entailment
As the Financial Times headline said on 6 March ,' Bank imposes penal interest to hold line on base lending rate . ' | As the Financial Times headline said on 6 March ,' Bank imposes penal interest to hold onto the rope on base lending rate . ' | 0not_entailment
As the moment approached for a key procedural vote that would make or break Reagan's programme, Stockman received an agitated telephone call from Bill Thomas, a conservative Republican from California and an agent of the administration on Capitol Hill: This extended quotation provides a fascinating picture of the American pluralist system in operation while helping us to understand why the Reaganites were successful in fashioning the coalitions they required in the House of Representatives. | As the moment approached for a key procedural vote that would build or destroy Reagan's programme, Stockman received an agitated telephone call from Bill Thomas, a conservative Republican from California and an agent of the administration on Capitol Hill: This extended quotation provides a fascinating picture of the American pluralist system in operation while helping us to understand why the Reaganites were successful in fashioning the coalitions they required in the House of Representatives. | 0not_entailment
As the money was better, all the children still at home, and moreover as the bank had begun to play ball - games again, she had felt constrained to accept. | As the money was better, all the children still at home, and moreover as the bank had begun to play tennis - games again, she had felt constrained to accept. | 0not_entailment
As the musical of the film of the play of the book it has, to say the least, a distinguished pedigree. | As the musical of the film of the play of the book it has, so as to be brief and efficient, a distinguished pedigree. | 0not_entailment
As the number of former South Vietnamese army majors and persecuted intellectuals drifted down to infinitesimal proportions and the number of economic migrants grew, the United States looked the other way. | As the number of former South Vietnamese army majors and persecuted intellectuals drifted down to infinitesimal proportions and the number of economic migrants grew, the United States became shy. | 0not_entailment
AS THE pound continued to sink, moving below the symbolic DM2.95 figure on the foreign exchanges, and shares plummeted, Nigel Lawson yesterday went into retreat at his Leicestershire constituency home to draft tomorrow's make - or - break speech for the Conservative conference. | AS THE pound continued to sink, moving below the symbolic DM2.95 figure on the foreign exchanges, and shares plummeted, Nigel Lawson yesterday went into retreat at his Leicestershire constituency home to draft tomorrow's build or destroy speech for the Conservative conference. | 0not_entailment
As the red - tipped bronze blade continued round towards her, Tallis struck it out of line and reached for the booted leg of the rider, pushing up so that he fell over to the side. | As the red - tipped bronze blade continued round towards her, Tallis struck it disproportionately and reached for the booted leg of the rider, pushing up so that he fell over to the side. | 0not_entailment
As the stray bullets whistled across no - man's - land, Charlie fell on his knees and crawled back to the reserve trenches, to brief his section on what they might expect once they were pushed forward another hundred yards. | As the stray bullets whistled across a land that no one want to buy, Charlie fell on his knees and crawled back to the reserve trenches, to brief his section on what they might expect once they were pushed forward another hundred yards. | 0not_entailment
As the words died away, Luke shrugged, and Maria saw the light of recklessness leap in his eyes. | As the words died away, Luke shrugged, and Maria saw the brightest star of recklessness leap in his eyes. | 0not_entailment
As the younger one was reaching up to the mantlepiece with the flowers, her frock caught fire; her sister ran to her aid, and soon both girls were engulfed in the flames. | As the younger one was reaching up to the mantlepiece with the flowers, her frock became engulfed in flames; her sister ran to her aid, and soon both girls were engulfed in the flames. | 0not_entailment
As they turned the corner, the first flakes of snow fell. | As they passed out of danger, the first flakes of snow fell. | 0not_entailment
As tit - for - tat measures impose new, higher taxes on imports, the only result can be a general cutback in consumption. | As this for that measures impose new, higher taxes on imports, the only result can be a general cutback in consumption. | 0not_entailment
A stolid Scots barrister, he has been entrusted with holding the line of an economic policy which his opponents have found hard to lay a glove upon. | A stolid Scots barrister, he has been entrusted with holding onto the rope of an economic policy which his opponents have found hard to lay a glove upon. | 0not_entailment
A story which appeared in last week's Electronics Weekly, saying the company was considering another RISC was placed with that publication, CDC admits, ‘ to put the wind up Silicon Graphics and MIPS.’ | A story which appeared in last week's Electronics Weekly, saying the company was considering another RISC was placed with that publication, CDC admits, ‘ to blow air on Silicon Graphics and MIPS.’ | 0not_entailment
Astra estates have been disappearing from the car park outside the office in broad daylight. | Astra estates have been disappearing from the car park outside the office in a well-lit room. | 0not_entailment
A strong need to improve the geographical spread was found, with Inverness the only centre in the Highlands, and Aberdeen — strong though it may be — also out on a limb. | A strong need to improve the geographical spread was found, with Inverness the only centre in the Highlands, and Aberdeen — strong though it may be — also out onto a tree branch. | 0not_entailment
A SURVEY by the St John Ambulance Brigade came up with the remarkably interesting finding that the man most women would prefer to give them the kiss of life, assuming it was necessary or even if it wasn't, would be TV doctor Hilary Jones. | A SURVEY by the St John Ambulance Brigade came up with the remarkably interesting finding that the man most women would prefer to give them the life-changing kiss, assuming it was necessary or even if it wasn't, would be TV doctor Hilary Jones. | 0not_entailment
‘ A suspension controller malfunctioned and once that was fixed and I got out again the car caught fire when an oil cooler failed . | ‘ A suspension controller malfunctioned and once that was fixed and I got out again the car began to freeze when an oil cooler failed . | 0not_entailment
‘ A suspension controller malfunctioned and once that was fixed and I got out again the car caught fire when an oil cooler failed . | ‘ A suspension controller malfunctioned and once that was fixed and I got out again the car fired up when an oil cooler failed . | 0not_entailment
As usual, the Greeks had a word for it | As usual, the Greeks speaked privately for it | 0not_entailment
As we have stressed, this is the basis of a capitalist industrial economy, hence we can see why in the final analysis the disruption of authority in industry should be regarded as being so critical. | As we have stressed, this is the basis of a capitalist industrial economy, hence we can see why in the last page of the report the disruption of authority in industry should be regarded as being so critical. | 0not_entailment
As well as acting as a surrogate mum to the hedgehogs, Christine has also given physiotherapy to tortoises and given the kiss of life to a pet rabbit, which everyone thought had gone to the great hutch in the sky. | As well as acting as a surrogate mum to the hedgehogs, Christine has also given physiotherapy to tortoises and given the life-changing kiss to a pet rabbit, which everyone thought had gone to the great hutch in the sky. | 0not_entailment
As well as proving to Anthea he meant business, it would put one over that nauseating Toby Latimer in no mean fashion. | As well as proving to Anthea he thought everything could be a business, it would put one over that nauseating Toby Latimer in no mean fashion. | 0not_entailment
As well as that, the laundry was a steamy, rather smelly place where sheets were stewed in the boiler and then hand - scrubbed on a ridged board and further rinsed and processed before they progressed in a wooden tub, a girl at each handle, to hang under the sun or the rain in their private drying ground, screened by laurel and flowering currant from the sensitive eyes of the gentry. | As well as that, the laundry was a steamy, rather smelly place where sheets were stewed in the boiler and then hand - scrubbed on a ridged board and further rinsed and processed before they progressed in a wooden tub, a girl at each handle, to hang that makes you warm or the rain in their private drying ground, screened by laurel and flowering currant from the sensitive eyes of the gentry. | 0not_entailment
As we saw, a large part of the Stress Syndrome, once it is in full swing, arises from sustained physical tension. | As we saw, a large part of the Stress Syndrome, once it is at a swingset, arises from sustained physical tension. | 0not_entailment
As we turned the corner Mel was ambling up out of an underground car park — he'd been parking his Rolls - Royce or something. | As we passed out of danger Mel was ambling up out of an underground car park — he'd been parking his Rolls - Royce or something. | 0not_entailment
As you turn the corner towards the church of St Mary, which was enthusiastically restored in the picturesque style during the nineteenth century, you are bowled over by the beauty of this grandest of farms. | As you pass out of danger towards the church of St Mary, which was enthusiastically restored in the picturesque style during the nineteenth century, you are bowled over by the beauty of this grandest of farms. | 0not_entailment
A tall man with an exoskeleton frightened her by demanding a retina - scan but the contacts in her eyes apparently passed muster because he let her through. | A tall man with an exoskeleton frightened her by demanding a retina - scan but the contacts in her eyes apparently passed along mustard because he let her through. | 0not_entailment
A tall, strong, mature boy, he considered ‘ doing a runner’ and sprang out of bed. | A tall, strong, mature boy, he considered ‘ going jogging and sprang out of bed. | 0not_entailment
At a pinch, he might very well feel safe enough in going ahead with what he's doing, and leaving all the rest to you. | with a pinch of salt, he might very well feel safe enough in going ahead with what he's doing, and leaving all the rest to you. | 0not_entailment
At a pinch, indeed, Labour and Meretz could rule on their own: the automatic support of two small Arab factions in the Knesset gives them 61 votes in the 120-seat chamber. | with a pinch of salt, indeed, Labour and Meretz could rule on their own: the automatic support of two small Arab factions in the Knesset gives them 61 votes in the 120-seat chamber. | 0not_entailment
At a pinch the spacers can be substituted for four appropriately sized nuts. | with a pinch of salt the spacers can be substituted for four appropriately sized nuts. | 0not_entailment
At a pinch, use newsprint: but it will not help you to design a fancy project, nor will it help if the print rubs off onto your light coloured nylon when the' plan' is used as a cutting pattern. | with a pinch of salt, use newsprint: but it will not help you to design a fancy project, nor will it help if the print rubs off onto your light coloured nylon when the' plan' is used as a cutting pattern. | 0not_entailment
At around 4.30pm, Chris arrives home and after playing with the children lends a hand with the evening meal, which is something straightforward like a casserole or a pasta dish. | At around 4.30pm, Chris arrives home and after playing with the children shakes hands with the evening meal, which is something straightforward like a casserole or a pasta dish. | 0not_entailment
AT A top price of £ 20-£30 —‘through the roof’ says Ian Hooker, with tongue in cheek — commemorative and advertising matchbox grips still cost peanuts compared with even the cheapest London saleroom collectables. | AT A top price of £ 20-£30 —‘through the roof’ says Ian Hooker, with an odd manner — commemorative and advertising matchbox grips still cost peanuts compared with even the cheapest London saleroom collectables. | 0not_entailment
At a very tolerable volume level I managed to produce the sound of a heavily overdriven amp at full tilt, but at a volume where Granny could still hear The Archers. | At a very tolerable volume level I managed to produce the sound of a heavily overdriven amp at a position of fully leaning over, but at a volume where Granny could still hear The Archers. | 0not_entailment
A TEENAGE mother who stabbed her daughter to death after giving birth because she was too terrified to seek help, walked free from a court yesterday. | A TEENAGE mother who stabbed her daughter to death after giving birth because she was too terrified to seek help, took a stroll without disturbance from a court yesterday. | 0not_entailment
Subsets and Splits