1.1 cm rounded structure projecting over the left lower hemithorax
1.1 x 1.6 cm calcified oval opacity in the right upper lung zone peripherally
1.2 cm calcified lymph node
1.2 cm diameter opacity overlying the left third anterior rib level
1.2 cm left lower lobe lung nodule
1.2 cm left lower lobe nodule
1.2 cm left retrocardiac nodule
1.2 cm nodular opacity in the right lung base
1.2 cm nodular opacity in the right mid lung zone
1.2 cm nodular opacity in the right upper lobe
1.2 cm nodular opacity overlying lower thoracic vertebral bodies
1.2 cm nodular opacity overlying the inferior endplate of the mid thoracic vertebral body likely an osteophyte
1.2 cm nodular opacity overlying the lower thoracic vertebral bodies
1.2 cm nodule at the left lung base
1.2 cm nodule in the right upper lobe
1.2 cm rounded opacity inferior to the right scapular border
1.2 cm rounded opacity just inferior to the right scapular border
1.2 cm sclerotic focus in the left proximal humerus
1.2 cm well-circumscribed opacity projecting over the left heart border
1.2 cm well-circumscribed opacity projects over the left heart border
1.2 x 1.2 cm nodule adjacent to the right hilum
1.2-cm nodule projecting over the right clavicle
1.3 cm hamartoma in the right perihilar region
1.3 cm left apical pneumothorax
1.3 cm nodular density in the region of the right posterior fourth rib
1.3 cm nodular density over the right lung base
1.3 cm nodular opacity in the thoracic vertebral body, compatible with a bone island
1.3 cm nodule in the left lower lung
1.3 cm nodule in the right lower lobe
1.3 cm nodule in the right perihilar region characterized as a hamartoma
1.3 cm nodule projecting over the left midlung laterally
1.3 cm oval density in the retrosternal region of uncertain etiology
1.3 cm poorly-defined nodule in the lateral right mid lung
1.3 cm right lower lobe nodule
1.3 cm right lower lobe pulmonary nodule
1.3 cm rounded density at the cardiac apex
1.3 cm rounded density suggestive of nipple shadow
1.3 cm rounded opacity over upper thoracic vertebral body
1.3 cm subtle rounded opacity overlying the right sixth rib
1.3 x 1.0-cm right lower lobe nodular density
1.3-cm nodular opacity projecting over the right lung base
1.4 cm density at right upper lobe
1.4 cm ill-defined nodule in the medial aspect of the superior segment of the left lower lobe
1.4 cm ill-defined nodule in the medial aspect of the superior segment of the left lower lobe suggestive of malignancy
1.4 cm linear radiopaque foreign body over the C7-T1 transverse processes
1.4 cm mass in the right chest
1.4 cm nodular opacity in the lateral left lung
1.4 cm nodular opacity in the right upper lung
1.4 cm nodule in the right lung field
1.4 cm nodule suggestive of malignancy
1.4 cm rounded opacity in the right parahilar region
1.4 cm rounded opacity over the left anterior second rib
1.4 cm rounded opacity projecting over the left anterior second rib
1.4 cm x 1.4 cm nodule in the right lung field
1.4 x 1 cm hyperdense area in the upper abdomen
1.4-cm dense ovoid sclerotic opacity projecting over the left scapula
1.4-cm nodule in the right upper lobe
1.4cm retrocardiac nodule
1.4cm retrocardiac nodule just anterior to the lower thoracic spine
1.5 cm apical right pneumothorax
1.5 cm calcified round density at the right lung apex
1.5 cm density over the head of the left clavicle
1.5 cm diameter lung nodule at the right apex
1.5 cm irregular nodule adjacent to the mediastinum in the left mid lung
1.5 cm left-sided nodular lesion adjacent to the chest wall
1.5 cm nodular opacity in the left lung
1.5 cm nodular opacity in the right upper lung
1.5 cm nodule in the right lower lobe
1.5 cm nodule in the right upper lobe
1.5 cm nodule in the right upper lung
1.5 cm nodule projecting over the right lung base
1.5 cm opacity in the right lower lung
1.5 cm opacity in the right mid lung
1.5 cm opacity projecting over the right mid lung
1.5 cm oval shaped opacity in the left mid lung region
1.5 cm pulmonary nodule in the right hemithorax
1.5 cm right lower lobe nodule
1.5 cm rounded density at the left lung base
1.5 cm rounded opacity in the right mid to upper hemithorax
1.5 cm well-defined rounded nodule abutting the right mediastinal margin
1.5 cm well-defined rounded nodule abutting the right mediastinal margin at the level of the right hilum
1.5-cm density in the right mid lung
1.5-cm nodule projecting anterior to a lower thoracic vertebral body within the lower lobes
1.5-cm solid well-defined pulmonary nodule at the upper aspect of the left hilus
1.6 cm density overlying the posterior aspect of a mid thoracic vertebral body
1.6 cm diameter round nodule in the left lower lobe
1.6 cm ill-defined oblong opacity within the right upper lobe
1.6 cm ill-defined opacity within the right upper lobe
1.6 cm left infrahilar nodule
1.6 cm left lower lung nodule
1.6 cm left lower lung nodules
1.6 cm left upper lobe nodule
1.6 cm lower lobe nodule
1.6 cm nodular opacity in the left lower lobe
1.6 cm nodule in the left infrahilar region
1.6 cm right lower lobe pulmonary nodule
1.6 cm rounded opacification in the right lower lobe
1.6 cm rounded opacity at the medial left lung base
1.6 cm rounded opacity over the lateral left lung base, possibly representing a nipple shadow
1.6 cm rounded opacity projecting over the edge of the anterior right first rib likely related to the rib