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<s>[INST] I fell approx. 9 years ago on my coccyx. I now have pain from coccyx area that radiates to both hips when I walk. It happens if I am up on my feet all day, but stops when I sit down. I have spoken to my doctor, but he thinks it may be weak stomach muscles. What is your opinion? Thank you. I am 62 years old. [/INST] Hello! Welcome on Chat Doctor ! Your symptoms could be related to a pinched nerve in this region (also called neuralgia), or a bulging disc in the vertebral column, probably due to the trauma. For this reason, I would recommend consulting with a neurologist and performing a CT scan of the lumbosacral spine, coupled with a nerve conduction study. You should discuss with your doctor on the above issues. Kind regards, </s> |
<s>[INST] is there a concern if my 7 yr old boy has vomitted dark brown mud like texture last night? it honestly looked like a bowel movement.. he has flu like symptoms for a couple of days.. i am taking him to the doctor later on, but curious to know ur opinion.. [/INST] Hello, In case of dark brown or coffee colored vomiting you need to rush your child to ER. There are some serious conditions which can cause dark brown or coffee colored vomiting which includes gastritis, intestinal obstruction, GI bleed, food allergies, poisons, etc. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.</s> |
<s>[INST] I am searching for a hemp oil therapy. I am from Germany. Some of my friends have gone through chemotherapy withhout success. I am convinced, that THC can stop cancer , but in Germany this therapy is illegal. I am informed about studies in Rostock (Germany), Barcelona (Spain) and offcourse the Rick Simpson hempoil therapy. Te question is: Are there such therapys in India? [/INST] HiT hanks for your query. There are many alternative therapies for cancer in India. But these have not been proven to be beneficial for cancer treatment. There are claims but no proof. I would not recommend this treatment for any patient of mine. Hope this helps. Regards</s> |
<s>[INST] Hi..my baby is one month old...he cries a lot at night...sumtimes he s inconsolable...he s on breastfeed n top feed..we burp him regularly Aftr every Feed...still he cries a lot..we hav been suggested by our friends to give neopeptine as a mild dose n colicaid only if necessary ..wht do you suggest ...our doctor refused. Us fr any medicine. [/INST] Hi.... Your doctor is 100% right. I, too, do not suggest any medicine. I will give an explanation why so... This is called evening colic and is quite common in this age group. This happens when the baby sucks at the breast very fast and in eagerness to Chat Doctor. Unless the air comes out like burping or flatus this discomfort will be there. Next time check if she is sucking too fast and gulping in air too. You will be more convinced. Usually I don't advice any medicines for this as they give only temporary relief. The two best ways to relieve this distress is - 1. Do not put her in lying position after feeding till she burps out the swallowed air.2. If she is still crying - put her in prone position and keep patting her back gently so that she passes off the flatus and gets relieved. Regards - </s> |
<s>[INST] Hi, one of the bumps right at the back of my tongue (lingual tonsil area) is a yellowy colour, not pink like the rest.i was looking because i have a bug at the moment and a congested throat/nose...now i am manically googling tumors! Any idea what it could be? [/INST] Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor. I read your query. In tongue there are naturally larger taste buds at the back of tongue as compared to front. Also, there is lingual papillae As you mentioned you have an infection, chances are it could be an enlarged taste bud or papillae due to infection, medication or some allergy. It can also be an ulcer. Normally This happens with fever and infection and regress on their own. I suggest you to check if it is discolored, enlarge or have uneven borders, then get it checked. Else you can wait for healing up of your infection. Take your prescribed medications. Take multivitamin tablet one per day. Maintain God oral hygiene. If warm water is tolerated, do warm saline rinses. Maintain good diet and HY Chat Doctor. If it burns while eating, you can apply oral anesthetic gel 5 min before eating. Hope the answer helps you. Thank you!</s> |
<s>[INST] My husband suffered a stroke in Oct 2016. In the beginning his attitude was bad, he cussed at the nurses and physically fought with them, when he was in a acute hospital the Dr gave him Ridlin it helped, then he was transferred to a skilled nurses rehab place. The Dr there gave him SEROQUEL, he is better but looks and is tired and the therapist say he is sleepy and I don t think he gets a good session. The state of Ca will no let them use RIDLIN. Help! he is coming home and I would like a better mood med. Judie Denney [/INST] Hi and thanks for question. Many times we see that person with stroke will present with behavior disturbance.it is mainly due to lost control over emotion and due to disorientation. So during that time sedative will give for treatment. you are very much anxious regarding how u controlled when he will come home.I suggest u to continue Seroquel. If he has leg pain along with he has salivation more than prior than consult psychiatrist nearby u.</s> |
<s>[INST] I am 58 and have raised ALT (88) and raised bilirubin (28) with B & C as -ve. A kidney stone has been detected. I take 10 mg Narvasc daily for B.P and 1/2 tablet of Xolnox for sleep. My mother also had liver disease . However, I eat well, 4-5 kms of walk almost daily with no signs of fatigues but my stomach remains stiff. To defecate I have to use external pressure but never feel fully empty. [/INST] Dear increased bilirubin with kidney stones is always associated with gall bladder stones in most of the timesSecondly an ultrasound scanning of abdomen will reveal all the points necessary It is associated with increased liver functions tests too. To it may take some more invasive procedures to confirm the diagnosis. Thanks</s> |
<s>[INST] Hi back in January while driving I felt a sharp stabbing piercing pain through my back< left side right through my left breast, i felt this before a year ago, went away, it lasted about 2 mins, couldnt catch my breath, since then my left shoulder, arm, armpit , breast , wrist and thumb & index finger have being aching, it appears to have gotten worst and is getting very annoying. [/INST] Hello...I would advise you to have cardiac consultation done as soon as possible...CPO mostly the cardiac pain is referred to the shoulder and arm to figures.....once you rule out cardiac because you should go ahead with other treatment</s> |
<s>[INST] my husband is experiencing a wide range of symptoms that have been coming and goin over the last 2 yrs. they are: extreme, abnormal fatigue , tremors in hands after exertion, insomnia , night sweats , headaches, ringing in ears, and most recently hives . He has a swollen lymph node in his neck that will go down some with antibiotics but then comes right back....although the size varies from week to week.... [/INST] Thank you for writing. As you have mentioned, there are wide range of symptoms that your husband has. He needs thorough evaluation by an internist to determine the exact cause of his illness. Common diseases that need to be excluded are thyroid problems (especially hyperthyroidism), occult infections, etc. Chat Doctor. </s> |
<s>[INST] I feel fine in the morning and all day but for the last two days I have been getting very dizzy at the end of the day, around 4:30 to 5:00 and a little lightheaded. I havent changed any eating patterns or anyhing, what is the most common cause for random dizziness? [/INST] Hello, If this is only a symptom that has been happening for the past 2 days I would recommend you increase your fluid intake for the next several days using pure and fresh WATER. I would cut out caffeine and caffeinated beverages. Make sure you've been getting plenty of rest and I believe you should start feeling better. You say you haven't changed your eating patterns but do you eat your meals on time or do you skip depending on the need at school or at work? Otherwise, if your symptoms are not self-limited over the next day or 2 you may wish to schedule an appointment with your doctor for an examination and some laboratory analyses to check on things such as electrolyte disturbances, blood counts that may point to anemia or infection, etc. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. </s> |
<s>[INST] i had urine problem..i went for ultrasound 1 year ago and report came as ,left kidney-is normal in size 10.1cm and outline.cortical thickness and echogenicity are normal.cmd is maintained.mild pelvicalyceal system prominence is seen..no calculus is seen..same for right kidney only size differs i.e is 10.5cm. now i had ultrasound yesterday and it says everything is normal execpt,,there is mild prominence in renal pelvis..ap dimensions of renal pelvis is 25mm.i am worried about the dimensions of renal pelvis.what should i do.i had this problem from 1 year can it cause scarring in kidneys.i had no protein or wbc in urine.my doctor did t say anything.plzz reply i m very much worried [/INST] Hi Away, Your kidneys seem to be normal even though there is mild prominence in renal pelvis. The AP dimensions are also normal. You should stop worrying about this. Please Chat Doctor. Wish you good health. </s> |
<s>[INST] I have had severe lower back pain around L-5 on my left side. I have been on meds 400 ml ibuprofin for approx. 1 year, now the pain has traveled down my left leg and I have had to increase the meds as needed. Aprox. 5 years ago i fell down a small flight of stairs with approx. 25 lbs in hand. I struck the last step on the right side of my buttox which caused an enormous contusion superficially. However, I have had lasting pain in the area but no one has been able to identify the source. I believe that the injury on the right side has eventually caused the continuous pain on the left [/INST] Hi, I had gone through your question and understand your concerns. Pain traveling down your leg and increasing in intensity means advancing of disease. In this case most probably there is herniated disc disease, so I suggest you to consult a Neurologist and to discuss the possibility of imaging study of your lumbar spine. Since there has been trauma you'll need plain radiographs and MRI imaging. Treatment modalities should become clear after this. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions.</s> |
<s>[INST] My lower right abdomen hurts almost like a pulled muscle but increases with a deep breathe. I dont remember doing anything to aggrevate it but maybe I did. I have had my appendix taken out years ago but maybe diverticulitis? I was told I had it years ago but never had an attack. [/INST] HI. You are talking of a disease for which you should get thoroughly investigated by colonoscopy and CT scan abdomen. Anyway the pain in lower abdomen as you have described looks to have underlying pathology. Get investigated fast. Start on antibiotics, soft bland diet, preferably more of a liquid diet.</s> |
<s>[INST] Hi... I have a high ankle break & my doctor has me wearing a walking boot cast. I am to wear the cast 23 hours a day & can take it off for an hour for bathing purposes. I m now experiencing cramps in my calf muscle while wearing the cast/boot. Any solutionsfor alleviating the cramps? [/INST] Hello, As these cramps are due to muscle non-moving and due to the muscles having disturbed transmission of the sodium from its channels. As and when you get a cramp having a pinch of salt will be good to avoid the cramps. Also, simple toe movements will help the muscle physiology to be intact. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Jay In Chat Doctor. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello Doctor, I have a burn pain on my upright side of my stomach . I went to India and did some tests and induscopy. The doctor prescribed a 6 months medicine. But when I do not get the tablets like esomeprasole or so on, again I feel burn pain. My Hpylory test was negative. My induscopy test was normal. Therefore, I wonder if you could tell me the therapy of my desease. Thanks, Fawad [/INST] HI Likely you are suffering from function abdominal pain syn Chat Doctor. Need not worry, don't stop your medications abruptly taper them. Follow lifestyle modification like diet, exercise, de-stressing, avoidance of coffee, and maintain a disciplined lifestyle. Hope this answers your query. Please do reply in case of any further questions. Wish you a speedy recovery.</s> |
<s>[INST] My Son persuing Engg course is 22 years now was suffering a few years back from low confidence, fear, self defeat, thinks all are talking about him had recovered, now is back in same mental frame, has confusion, indecision, weird feelings like his pennis is small, shrinking & may severe off, please help [/INST] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. Low self-confidence, low self-esteem, confusion, indecision, weird feelings etc. are by products of misunderstanding life. He needs to see a psychological counselor who shall be able to impart self-confidence to your son and make him aware of what he is and what he is capable of. Please consult a psychological counselor. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.</s> |
<s>[INST] I ve had (3x in 3 months) itchy, swollen weltish skin outbreaks that appear over several days on my upper arms and neck, and take several days to resolve. They are red like a bug bite in a way, but lack the raised, 1/2 - 1 cm distinct bite area. They develop a corona about 3 cm in diameter, so my body is clearly having an immune response to whatever this is. PA examined today at my Derm s and ruled out bed buts, scabies, prescribed topical steroids. I have no known allergies, at 59 enjoy good health! HOWEVER it has dawned on me today, I have had no trouble with them but do have silicone breast implants that were installed in 1997. YIKES. Get a mammo every July so one coming up, last one both sonogram plus xray and no leaks detected. I am wondering if some failure of the implants is leaking wierd chemicals into my body and that is the foundational issue. How can I check out whether this is the problem causing my inflammatory skin response? Yikes. again. [/INST] Hellodont worry. This is nothing but impurities of blood.u need Ayurveda treatment from a good expert. For now take tab.hard Chat Doctor. For more u can contact me again</s> |
<s>[INST] I have been very anxious the last couple days and my heart rate has been high. It has been over 130bpm at some points and then as low as 80 when I am relaxed. I have panic attacks but usually my heart rate does not get that high. Could his be dangerous? [/INST] ! I have read your question carefully and from that I can say from my clinical experience that the heart rate increases due to stress. However, as you are very concerned, it will help you to get an ECG done, and blood pressure checked. Once these turn to be normal, I think you must meet a psychiatrist and get a detailed evaluation done. Only After listening yo your problem and your current status one can decide the line of management. I have seen that such ceases respond greatly to paroxetine in a dose of 12.5 to 37.5 mg daily. The doctor may ask you for therapy, which I think will give additional benefit and help you control some part of anxiety and stress. Hope the reply is helpful feel free to ask more questions Chat Doctor. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hey recently these thoughts have been coming into my head and it all started with thinking how happy i am in my relationship with my fiance and how i have never felt so happy. In work there is a guy who i went with years ago and then these thoughts started coming into my head what if such or whatever were to happen and i started to freak out because i was thinking to myself what the hell am i thinking. Then my head started going through all the men in my past life and it is killing me. ITS Like my mind automatically thinks of them without me knowing and it depresses the hell out of me and it is damaging and hurting me soo much that i can barely concentrate on my happy times now because i feel so negative all the time? I know myself that i would never never act on my thoughts but i just want my brain to return to normality. What can i do? Please [/INST] Hello, i would advise you to meet a psychiatrist immediately to rule out other diagnosis so that it would be easy to put you on to a right medication once they confirm the diagnosis. Do not ignore your symptoms and if they persist consult your physician immediately.I hope I have answered your query. Take care</s> |
<s>[INST] Hi, I pregnancy tested yesterday three times and twice I got a faint positive result although one vanished after a few hours, the other is still clearly there. Today my doctor ran a test and it was negative after two minutes but positive when I was leaving. She wants to wait a week but I want to know is it possible for two positive faint lines when I am not pregnant? I have run another two today and both say no....Thanks [/INST] Hi, I think you should do a blood test for pregnancy bChatDoctor. It will confirm the pregnancy. An ultrasound can also be done to clear the doubt. Hope I have answered your question. Regards Chat Doctor. </s> |
<s>[INST] hi,,,,,i am 32 years old woman....trying to conceive from last 1 year.....got the follicular study done couple of times and was found ok....now my doc has referred me for iui....please let me know what could be the reason for not conceiving after every thing being normal.... my hsg test was also normal.. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor. I am Chat Doctor. I will be answering your concerns. Among couples trying for pregnancy, 80% of them conceive in the first year and 90% by the end of second year. So don't be worried. You will conceive. Since your doctor has already started treatment I presume that all baseline infertility investigations including semen analysis are normal. Then this is called as unexplained infertility. The cause cannot be found with available investigations. What your doctor has done is right step. Have GUI after induction of ovulation with Gonadotrophin. You can have 3-4 cycles of GUI. I hope and pray you conceive with the help of GUI. If you do not get pregnant with this treatment, the next option would be IVF (in vitro fertilization). I hope this is helpful. If you have further concerns, do contact me through Chat Doctor. To increase your chances of conception maintain normal BMI, quit smoking (if you're a smoker) and have intercourse at least three times in a week. I hope this is helpful. If you have any further concerns do contact me through Chat Doctor.</s> |
<s>[INST] I have pain in my left arm,feels like muscle when I rotate my arm to the right and lift up its sharp. Shoveling snow today didn t help and now its a steady throb. not sure if a xray will help or if I m going to have to have a mri . it s been going on for at least a month or longer. [/INST] hello must attend an orthopedic clinic for proper examination and investigations.it could be supraspinatus tendinitis or biceps tendinitis (inflammation of tendons which attach muscle to bone) or even shoulder joint problem. Do hot fomentation and take Advil tabs after meals thrice a day and rest arm in a broad shoulder-arm sling till you attend orthopedics clinic. A weeks rest to 10 days would be good in sling along with medicines. The final treatment can be decided after examination and X-rays if necessary, MRI, if needed only thanks</s> |
<s>[INST] My mother in law is in remission from limited stage small cell lung cancer and she wants a partial hip replacement. Her doctors gave her clearance for the surgery but I m afraid she won t heal well. will this surgery possibly cause her to relapse with cancer due to stress on her body? [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. In my opinion you should not worry about relapse. Partial hip replacement is done under spinal anesthesia and stress level and risk both are less than general anesthesia. And doctors have declared her fit for surgery means she is able to cope up with the surgical stress. So no need to worry about relapse. Get done surgery. And continue her chemotherapy cycles as per schedule.</s> |
<s>[INST] I m looking at the effects of low blood pressure starting the day 97/61 with a heart beat of 64. Movement to cerebral biofeed through oxygenated hike in the trails of autumn under rainy and 10 degrees conditions. What I find consistent is; only after a sweated workout do I sense the pathological pain pressures of the left parietal quadrant; that quadrant is completely separated and pain in persistent. The reason for the workout is for picking up the chi energy of the 4 oclock cycle. [/INST] Hello! Welcome on Chat Doctor! Regarding your concern, I would explain that low blood pressure can be associated to different symptoms: - pressure headache-blurring vision-shortness of breath-ear noise-fainting and loss of conscience. It is quite normal to experience low blood pressure after a lot of physical activity. It may be related to sweating and deny Chat Doctor. Hope you will find this answer helpful! Kind regards, </s> |
<s>[INST] Dear Dr Candan. I would like to ask you you how you read the following values for my semen? How is the potential for using these values of semen to make an egg pregnant : Volume 1.5 Sperm concentration (mill/mL) 38 Rapid linear progressive (A) 00,0 Slow/ Non-linear progressive (B) 09,0 Non-progressive 08,0 Non-motile 83,0 [/INST] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor The analysis for your semen is as follows:Volume is 1.5 ml/ ejaculate-This is low volume as the normal volume per ejaculate should be at least 2 sperm count is 38 million/ml- This is normal sperm counts. The cut-off for normal sperm count is at least 20 million/ sperm motility is less than the normal range. Non-motile sperms are 83 %. Normally at least 50 % sperms should have rapid progressive forward motion. There is no comment on morphology and presence/ absence of pus cells, RBC's and other nucleated cells. On the basis of this report your sample is deficient in adequate volume and adequate volume. It can lead to infertility i.e. inability to fertilize an egg under physiological conditions. However, I recommend you to get semen analysis repeated after three days of abstinence. If, again the sperm count remains low, there are other techniques for fertilization of the ovum. You can get details of which from a fertility expert. Thanks and take care Chat Doctor. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hi, my father is 90 years old. He has just taken his blood pressure and has a reading of 209/63. He had a lie down and it has dropped back to about 190. What should I do when it goes up so high? He is on medication for it, is there anything else that would bring it down quickly or should he go to a Doctor or hospital? [/INST] Definitely he should consult physician. At that much high BP, he can have stroke also. He needs to adjust his medications for the adequate control of BP.</s> |
<s>[INST] Had blood tests and ultrasound done for abd pain - found nothing. Have now got it into my head that I have hodgins disease because i am also slightly itchy [/INST] Hello. Welcome to Chat Doctor, You are presuming a big ailment for no obvious reason at all. The common symptoms of Hodgkin's disease are generalized lymph node enlargement, may be weight loss and hepatosplenomegaly. It has to be proved by special tests like immunohistochemistry on biopsy samples. Itching is totally unrelated to this. If you had homeostasis causing itching, it would have been detected by ultrasound. It would be helpful to have a gastroenterologist work up with endoscopy if the pain is too much and tests like those for typhoid etc. Take care.</s> |
<s>[INST] dear sir/mam, i had my last period on 28th dec 2010, till now i didnt get periods, i undergone pregnancy test its negative, so my dr referred me take meprate 10 mg now i m takiing , last two days i m getting guiltiness and i felt may be am i pregnancy? [/INST] Hello dear, I understand your concern. In my opinion giddiness alone might not suggest pregnancy. The pregnancy symptoms like nausea, vomitings, increased urination, sore breasts, giddiness,tiredness might be there with positive urine pregnancy test. Meprate tablets are given for with Chat Doctor. Also, the pregnancy test is negative. The giddiness might be due to weakness.Don't worry. Take healthy nutritional diet. If irregular periods continue get evaluated for thyroid abnormalities, PCOD. Avoid stress. Stress, overweight, obesity might also cause irregular periods. So relax. Best regards....</s> |
<s>[INST] I had a severe allergic reaction to an ant bite about a week and a half ago. Blood pressure dropped to 70/63 and was rushed to the ER and was given loads of Benadryl, went through 2 bags of fluid and had to be put on oxygen. I m still very tired though, I have this running exhaustion feeling. My question is- how long is this supposed to last? Is it normal for me to be feeling so tired? [/INST] Hi, see allergic reaction can be immediate, late and/or delayed from which the later can be last for more than 2 days, so u might have delayed hypersensitivity/Allergic reaction due to ant bite. If this problem remains even after few weeks and u still feel exhaustion or tired then there will be some other cause.u need to see your physician for correct diagnosis but don't worry nothing serious, u will be alright.</s> |
<s>[INST] I need to find a doctor for myself. I was DX with Lupus nearly 20 years ago and then again when I went to seek answers 5 years ago, the doctor asked me if anyone had ever mentioned I had Lupus. Im not full-on with symptoms again, but not sure who I should see. I used to take T3 for a thyroid issue, too. I just dont want to be bounced from person to person. I have hair loss, skin / joint/ muscle pain, skin raised redness/rashes, more frequent migraines (yes, DX as true migraines), vision issues, brain fog, fatigue that seems to be ruling my life. I just have to drop and sleep, yet never sleep more than 4 hours at a time in the night. I am gaining weight even though I eat very healthy. I was DX in August via a colonoscopy of diverticulitis (still having issues with blood in my stools). Oh, I am 44. [/INST] Hello madam thanks for the query your problems looks like more of due to your thyroid so plus check your T3,T4,TSH and get back to report...pls consult an endocrinologist for further treatment of lupus...thank you regards</s> |
<s>[INST] I was just informed that my 81 year old father has some sort of narcoleptic syndrome triggered by medications which he has been taking for dementia (seroquel). Is this really a possible explanation for the fact that one month ago he was perfectly mobile, talking and functioning normally with sporadic memory loss and is bedridden and unable to speak or move for the past 5 days?? [/INST] Hello, The neuroleptic malignant syn Chat Doctor. It has a genetic basis, so some people are more liable to have this syn</s> |
<s>[INST] My father, 54 years old, is diagnosed with Hepatitis B. He is getting treatment for it but his medicines are causing constant low Blood pressure i.e: 90 s(sys) / 50 s(dia). Plus nausea . He is asked to take Fish n meat but he vomits within hours of intake. He is losing weight fast too. [/INST] Hi in regard to your father symptoms they may be related with 1.side effects of antiviral (it's better if I knew the name of medication)2. Stomach problems I would suggest doing upper endoscopy and discuss with your gastroenterologist to change medication or the dose. Wishing him fast recovery Chat Doctor. </s> |
<s>[INST] My 13 year old daughter has what appears to be her lower left side rib sticking out.Like a lump where last rib would normally be. She has had it for a few months and it seems to be getting worse. (Sticking out more).She says it is a little tender. She is about 25lbs passed her goal wieght. [/INST] Dear Friend. Hi, I am Chat Doctor, I have read your query in detail, I understand your concern. I feel that requires evaluation, that swelling can arise from bone, or it can be soft tissue swelling. You should get her a X-ray Chest, Ultrasound of that area, and if required a FNAC or Biopsy might be required. This is my personal opinion based on details available here. If you want to discuss your issues further, you may please ask stay Healthy. Chat Doctor, MD</s> |
<s>[INST] i haven t got my periods yet.. today is my due date and my pregnancy test is poistive, i actually took an ipill so i never had this in mind. i actually have a baby and she is 1.4yrs old, so i am not yet ready for a second one. please help me with this situation [/INST] Hi, Thanks for using Chat Doctor.5% of emergency pills fail to prevent conception. As your pregnancy test is positive, and you have taken pill in this cycle, so this pregnancy needs to be terminated. Consult your doctor for further management. For early pregnancy medical line of termination is preferred. Hope this helps you. Regards</s> |
<s>[INST] My four-year-old vomits very easily. This morning he ate food he eats all the time -- pancakes, grapes, milk -- was perfectly fine, threw up, was perfectly fine again. This happens every now and again. Is it a weak gag reflex? Could it be more serious stomach issues? [/INST] Gastric outlet obstruction may b the cause of recurrent omitting following feeding and the child has good appetite despite omitting. U should go for an upper GI endoscopy to look for the cause.</s> |
<s>[INST] okay so i have a friend who wet the bed last night and has a small lumps on his testies. He says they only hurt sometimes, but there is also more then one bump. They are fairley small but kind of hard. Is wetting the bed a sign of testicular cancer? do you think it should be checked out? or is there any other possiblity it could be? [/INST] Hello, The bed-wetting usually not related to testes cancer. The nodule or lump on testes suggestive of some tumor lesion. For that I suggest investigating with ultrasonography of testes first for primary work up according to that report further management decided. Kindly upload photo of lesion to comment further Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hi, my daughter has super ventricular Tachycarida. She gets really short of breath when just taking the stairs at school so she used to use an elevator key, but the school took it away. Is there anything that she can do to help her breathing at school and at home? [/INST] Hello, Usually supraventricular tachycardia is usually episodic in nature and will not cause persistent shortness of breath. First thing is that, the type of supraventricular tachycardia should be determined. So get one ECG done and upload it or show it to local doctor. If she is having persistent type of supraventricular tachycardia like atrial fibrillation then only it can cause this type of symptoms. For this rate control Chat Doctor. Secondly we need to find for another cause, for that she'll need echo, hemoglobin testing. In general, she should have salt and fluid including water tea milk coffee etc. restriction to minimum. Very good medicine are available so you either upload her reports or visit local doctor. She'll medicine like metoprolol, horsehide etc.</s> |
<s>[INST] thankz doc vel i hav an allergy from last five years ma lyf z like hell could u plz sugest how ma swellin vil go bcoz sometime i hav severe headache breathin problem chest congesion ma complexion z gettin dark plz sugest ma nose vz very pointed nw d adenoisz r grown plz recommend somethin n ur num [/INST] Brief Answer:Needs a Proper stepwise approach. Detailed Answer:Hello Welcome to Chat Doctor. My name is Chat Doctor. I have gone through your query and would try to help you in the best possible way. Allergies in most of the cases stay with us through our whole lives, it is us who have to learn to control them and to live a good quality life with them. Allergy needs a step wise approach :(1) Meeting a Doctor.(2) Blood and other tests(3) Diagnosing type of Allergy(4) Figuring out what causes allergy (allergen)(4) How severe is it, or it can go(5) What med can control kit(6) What med controls it best(7) Sooner of later that med needs to be aided with some other med or have to be changed.(8) What are the risk factors.(9) Does the patient qualify to steroids or not? Suggestions: I have already told you how would I approach this issue, it needs proper check-ups and follow up to be controlled and treated well, for the time being if I were your doctor I would suggest you take an antihistamine for example loratadine 10 mg daily and an over the counter Painkiller+anti-inflammatory like Tylenol(acetaminophen) 325 mg thrice daily, But this is just to buy time till you can have a good contact with your doctor and all you reports are compiled and diagnosis is made...some people also need steroid to suppress allergy.CONCLUSION: Don't be alarmed there are doctors and clinics specialized in Allergy and it's a daily routine matter for them just follow this issue well and soon as you get settled on a med ...just one or two pills a day, and you will live a long healthy comfortable life ..... Hope I have answered your query. If you have any further questions I will be happy to help if not then don't forget to close the discussion and rate it. Wishing you good health !!</s> |
<s>[INST] Hi how are you doing? I have a question about my health, I just went to a doctor this afternoon and he found out that I have a h pilori desease, just wondering it can be detect where I might get this? My employer has this kind of desease, is it possible that she gave this to me? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to ChatDoctorH. Pylori is a spiral-shaped bacterium present in the stomach of persons. It is commonly transmitted person-to-person by saliva. It can also be spread by fecal contamination of food or water. Crowded conditions and poor hygiene contributes to higher H. pylori prevalence. H. pylori enters the body through the mouth, moves through the digestive system, and infects the stomach or the first part of the small intestine. More than 80% of people will be asymptomatic. But infected individuals are prone to get peptic disease. Hope you are happy with the answer. Thank you</s> |
<s>[INST] Several weeks ago, I treated myself with over the counter meds for what I thought was a nasty yeast infection. Then, the following week, my husband complained of itching and a red rash in and on his genitals, but he didnt do/take anything and it went away. Now, I have what I think is a yeast infection again. Could we be passing a yeast infection or something else back and forth? What can I do to make this go away? I have endometriosis. Am I more likely to just get lots of yeast infections? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, Fungal infection is most common in the area around genitals and the fungus are the normal comedians of the genitals which are kept under control by the helpful organisms, whenever there is an imbalance in the environment it will lead to multiplication and growth of the fungus in this area. The fungus can sustain for longer duration of time in the wet and moist areas, it is most common in females compared to males as the urethra is short. I would suggest you to follow1. Keep the area clean and Chat Doctor. Topical antifungal cream3. Oral antihistaminesThese medications will help to control the fungal infection. Thank you.</s> |
<s>[INST] i have missed my period one day but the urine test came negative. The doctor prescribed susten 200 for 7 days in once. what purpose for this and how many days after we knew the pregnency after miss period. My mensus period is correct before two or more days before.Pls give me the answer of this suspicious questions. [/INST] Hi, Austen is given to support the pregnancy if you are pregnant or if you are not pregnant, it induces the periods. You will get periods only after stopping Austen, and it may take 1 to 2 weeks for the periods to come. So, you can do a urine pregnancy test after 1 week. It will clear the doubt that you are pregnant or not. Hope I have answered your question. Regards Chat Doctor. </s> |
<s>[INST] My five year old has a very large lump at the back of his jaw bone, behind the last molar and has developed fever and a mild stomach ache. I ve never seen anything like this, wonder what it could be and whether I should be calling my dr. or dentist. [/INST] Hi....by what you say this looks like a supportive cervical adenopathy or infection if the neck area lymph nodes. I suggest you consult your Pediatrician as this might require evaluation and antibiotic therapy. Regards - </s> |
<s>[INST] I have extreme pain mostly in my neck and lower back. Sweats and chills. Absolutely no energy. Headache that feels like a spinal headache. It hurts worse when I am up right but does not go completely away when I lay down. I can usually drink coffee but it now tastes horrible. [/INST] Take Advil tabs twice a day after meals. Do hot packs on neck and back. If pain severe, take tramadol 100 mg SOS. Get your BP checked. Consult a physician and a neurologist</s> |
<s>[INST] Hi Doctor, I 36 year old male India, suffering from amobasis since last 17 years. I taken lot of antiboitec but it is not full cure. Now i am toomuch frustarated and i dont want to take any english medicine. If you have any herbal medicine i can take forever to avoid this bloody amobasis. Please help me doctor. [/INST] Hi Welcome to ChatDoctorI Have gone through your query regarding your17 years of amoebas It is after OC great concern. I want to know what all symptoms you face , and for how much time they carry on ? Individuals with weakened immune systems are at a higher risk of amoebas. Conditions such as cancer, malnutrition and old age can contribute to suppressed immunity. Normally seen symptoms are, Sudden weight loss Abdominal cramping & painNausea, Loss of appetite, Flatulence , Tiredness , Dehy Chat Doctor. Treatment also includes certain medications which help to destroy the parasites. These may lead to some side effects such as nausea and a metallic taste in the mouth. Medications to treat diarrhea may also be prescribed. It is important to </s> |
<s>[INST] Every day at work I drink tea in the morning with Splenda, and everyday my hands swell to the point that I cant remove my rings. Ive tried different combinations of caffeinated and non-caffeinated teas, and different or no sweetners to try to figure out what can be causing the swelling and nothing has helped. My only other thought is that it could be the filter in the line leading up to the pot. The filter is an Everpure IN-10, and when I look at the spec I notice that Hexametaphosphate crystals are used in this filter. Could this be causing the problem. By the way, I do have high bloodpressure and take a medication which contains 12.5mg of HCTZ and an additional 25mg of HCTZ each day. [/INST] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor It can be difficult to determine the source of an allergy. IF you are not able to determine the cause by elimination it is sometimes the best option to have allergy testing done. This can be done by blood tests or skin prick testing. Allergy testing can be done against a range of agents and would be able to pick up what is causing your symptoms. I hope this helps</s> |
<s>[INST] I was diagnosed with scoliosis when i was in middle school. I am now 23. I have days when my back hurts all day. I work as a nursing assistant. I have a back brace that i bought. Its not a medical brace just a ordinary brace. Do i need to follow up and have it rechecked since its been a while since a doctor last looked at my back. [/INST] Dear-thanks for using our service and will give you my medical advice. It is important to have a follow-up of your scoliosis with an orthopedic. This is a condition that can get worse and give you more symptoms as you get older. You née a medical brace, one that has been made for your specific measurements and support. This is something that will avoid getting worse and will relieve the pain. I hope that my advice has been helpful Chat Doctor. </s> |
<s>[INST] I FEEL SURE MY HUSBAND HAS HAD AND IS STILL HAVING MINI STROKES. WE HAVE HAD EVERY TEST DONE THAT THE DOCTOR ASK, THE LAST THING SUGGESTED WAS ANOTHER MRI OF HIS BRAIN BUT IT HAS NOT BEEN SCHEDULED YET. WHAT SHOULD I DO AND HOW SOON IS IT NECESSARY. HE CANNOT WALK HIS LEFT LEG IS NUMB AND HE IS HAVING TROUBLE KNOWING WHEN HE IS USING THE BATHROOM, BOTH URINATING AND BOWEL MOVEMENTS. HE STAYS CONFUSED ALL THE TIME . [/INST] Hello, Sorry for your distress. The confusion is a sign of a problem with the brain. The leg numbness and bathroom problems can be due to a problem in the brain or spine. A condition which may tie all these in is known as normal pressure HY Chat Doctor. An MRI of the brain should be able to identify this condition and I would advise you to get that done. The MRI of the brain is also a good way to check for stroke. All the best.</s> |
<s>[INST] I just came from my ent who viewed a ct of my head for a rather large lump in my jawline. Originally he thought it may be a blocked salivary gland but now sees it is a lump off of the lymph node. I am scheduled for a test next week where he will remove cells and have a specialist look at them. My question is, is there a chance it could be cancer? [/INST] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor. Possible causes are1. Inflammation or bacterial infection in the ENT area.2. Tuberculosis.3. Secondary deposits in the nodes from a primary tumor.4. Primary lymphoma. The possibility of cancer exists, but it is wise not to conclude till the final report is ready. Wishing you good health Regards</s> |
<s>[INST] my 2 1/2 year old has been on cefzin for 3 days being treated for tonsillitiis. the last day and a half she has been very grumpy, like she doesnt feel good. is there a possibility she could still get strep like her sister had, even while she is on antibiotic? [/INST] Hi...it depends on the antibiotic she is on. All antibiotics do not have action against streptococci. So If there is a point of contact with another kid who is having strep sore throat there is theoretically a possibility that she can get strep sore throat or pharyngitis. Regards - </s> |
<s>[INST] hello, i am a female, 52 years of age. recently i have bump my arm against a door nob and a large bump appeared on my forearm. a few days later, i happen to hit my hand and yet a bigger bump appeared where i had banged myself. both of these on my same left hand/arm. i am not sure how to make it go away and its not brused, black & blue nor does it hurt... please give me some advise. thank you [/INST] Hi! Good evening. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. From the history it seems to be a hematoma (collection of blood) in subcutaneous tissues due to some minor bleeding by the trauma. If I were your doctor, I would apply a pressure Chat Doctor. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.</s> |
<s>[INST] Hi,I have taken excessive alcohol for 5 days continuously after a 2 months break and on the 7th day I had LFT and found my SGPT is 51 U/L whereas the normal range is 41 U/L. Our company doctor said that it is because of excessive alcohol and the elevated range is negligible. Can I wait for one more week to go for another round of LFT or it is better to consult a specialist immediately. All other counts are normal except SGPT. My age is 36 and weight is 65. Please guide me. Thanks in advance.Regards,Srini [/INST] Welcome at Chat Doctor!!! I have gone through your query and being your doctor I completely understand your health concerns. Yes definitely excessive alcohol consumption is causing Increase in Sept levels... All u need is to quit alcohol consumption and consult hepatologist so that proper management can be provided to you. Stay safe Regards Chat Doctor. </s> |
<s>[INST] I am having intermittent pain from the top of my groin down to my knee. I will be walking and all of a sudden it begins to burn and I have pain and it gets very weak from the top of my thigh to my knee and I have to make it to somewhere to sit for a minute or 2 and then it usually goes away and I can walk ok although it does feel weak for a little while. [/INST] Hello, As a first line management you can take analgesics like paracetamol or diclofenac for pain relief. If symptoms persist, it is better to consult a physician and get evaluated. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, i didnt had sex till now but i had noticed my penis outer skin its joint and its not going back as well as the hole opening is too small, i tried pulling back but the upper skin is joint and it doesnt come back. Please advice if i need any surgery or treatment ans whether i have a risk of losing my manhood after surgery..... [/INST] Thanks for asking in Chat Doctor forum If you are not able to retract the foreskin till the coronal Julius exposing the glans, then please visit a urologist who can advise you surgery/other remedies for relief. Do not worry surgery for this cannot cause any damage to your manhood. All the best.</s> |
<s>[INST] I think i have alpha 1 disease my mom and grandfather had it i am not sure I just feel tired all the time and even if walk to mail box can get out of breath i gained like 80 pounds in the past 2 years also i just feel horrible not sure if thats why or maybe something else [/INST] Hello rearward welcome to Chat Doctor.come have evaluated your query in details .* With the family history and narrated symptoms there is more likely to be having the alpha 1 disease.* Confirmation of the diagnosis requires blood test of alpha 1 anti trypsin level measurement in blood. Hope this will help to clear your doubt . Wishing you fine recovery. Regards.</s> |
<s>[INST] Hi! I injured my knee at a football game 2 days ago, mechanism of injury=I kept falling on my knees,high impact. No instant swelling that I noted (adrenalin) but did feel pain, I admit I kept playing so did weightbear after falls..first fall of significance in first half. Knee started to stiffen up and get more painful towards end of match, knee noticeably swelling and real discomfort on car home and painful to sleep, ache walking and stairs or kneeling painful...used price technique straight away..iced it straight away, tubrigrip compression and elevated..knee now feels better..widespread bruising tender on palpation of joint line/bruises, knee not as stiff but still an ache at end range flexion swelling has reduced. I think when the bruising goes the dull ache in my knee should go too, I feel I dont need physio or medical intervention as its only been 3 days since injury and to let healing process take its course? Am I foolish or should I check if ligaments/cartilage isnt Injured even though the symptoms/mechanism don t match? Thanks [/INST] Hello, I have studied your case. As per your history there is possibility of soft tissue injury in knee. Most commonly meniscus injury occurs may be associated collateral ligament injury. If pain persists then you may need to do MRI knee to see for any functional defect. As per your symptoms you need to do physiotherapy and knee exercises to improve range of motion. Rest and ice fomentation along with supportive brace will help to reduce swelling and pain. Small meniscus tear can be managed conservatively with physiotherapy with USG and TENS. Meniscus injury can be managed by arthroscopic repair. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health. Take care.</s> |
<s>[INST] Im 20 male, 164cm, 53kg. i have sinus on one side, have motion sickness, have more hair fall thn normal but no bald sign. i have 2 prob: 1st is i have almost continuous cold like character from 15yrs where my throat is sore very easily if i get wind in night time; if i dont cloth myslf warmer i start hving heavy mucus, if i warm myself properly it ends about 5 days. its not normal because others near me are not hving cold even when i easily have it. 2nd is my inside-belly prob; i easily have stomach ache after 30min-2hours of major meals (like once every 2 week), where i pass out diarrhoe-like stool and the pains goes after shitting all, i need to give some energy to pass these out at first (it jst dont come easily in beging), i use to take 1 metronidazole and furazolidone tablet, which mom tell. My stomach is always in a very mild discomfort nowadays after i eat something but no diarhoe in this case. [/INST] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. You should not take self medicines for any health problems. Consult a physician for diagnosis and treatment. Your first continuous cold related condition should be related to allergens and the second one due to stomach and digestion related problems. Please consult a physician for clear outlook. You also might be interested to know that anxiety and obsession and preoccupation with non-present-symptoms can also manifest such symptoms. For such a case, you need to consult a psychologist. If you still need my help, please describe the whole problem in detail and post a direct question to me. I shall definitely help you with psychotherapy techniques to overcome your problems. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.</s> |
<s>[INST] my child is 4 years old she had loose motion and high fever doctor suggested normetrogyl 5ml for 5 days but because of some miss communication between my husband we gave her for 3 days only the next weak she got fever again and loose motion we went again to the doctor she gave us brifilac powder for 3 days two times i have already given her but still her fever has not come down plz suggest [/INST] Hi...by what you say this seems to be a viral diarrhea. It seems your kid is having viral diarrhea. Once it starts it will take 5-7 days to completely get better. Unless the kids having low urine output or very dull or excessively sleepy or blood in motion or green bilious vomiting...you need not worry. I suggest you use zinc supplements (Z&D Chat Doctor. </s> |
<s>[INST] Hi im george. Ive been having pain inbetween my collarbones and shoulder blade where it meets my neck... I am nearly 25 years old male. It started about 6 months ago and only occurred when breathing in whilst walking up a very large hill near my house. Over the past few days its doing it when relaxed, driving doing anything. Today i have noticed my chest is heavy and just now i noticed my right ear feels a little like ive been on an aeroplane... Please help [/INST] Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. As per your query you have pain in between collarbones and shoulder blade while breathing in. Well there can be many reasons for symptoms you mention in query like muscle spasm, cervical spondylosis, cervical radiculopathy or working in one pose for long time. I would suggest you to apply warm compresses on neck and on shoulder blades, do not sit in one pose for long time and take ibuprofen or acetaminophen for pain. If condition doesn't get well then consult orthopedic surgeon for proper examination. Doctor may order CT scan or MRI to confirm the diagnosis. Doctor may prescribe muscle relaxant along with anti-inflammatory and vitamin supplement for quick recovery. Hope your concern has been resolved. Get Well Soon. Best Wishes,</s> |
<s>[INST] I had a panic attack earlier today and had trouble catching me breath. I m ok as long as I sit still if I do any type of physical activity even as easy as carrying groceries I can feel a slight shortness of breath. My wife.Is currently suffering from bronchitis I m not sure if this a symptom that I may have the same thing [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Stress, anxiety and panic attacks itself cause breathlessness. So no need to worry about bronchitis. Consult psychiatrist and get done counselling sessions. Try to identify stressor in your life and start working on its solution. You may need anxiolytic Chat Doctor. Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Avoid stress and tension, be relaxed and calm. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.</s> |
<s>[INST] Doctor, afterstudying about BP, it is a chronic disorder of our blood flow inside our blood vessels, i believe it generally happens due to many of these elelments viz., 1. high mind pressure with internal tension 2. foods with high sodium levels 3. excess BMI with high cholesterol levels. - I am i right or wrong [/INST] Yes u right to some extent they all can cause highly blood pressure, but blood pressure can be present without any cause. So age other co forbids and examination help to decide cause of high blood pressure</s> |
<s>[INST] my friend has been suffering from fever for 15 days...tests for typhoid n malaria negative...fever occurs at night with shivering...almost normal during daytime...blood tests show 19500 leukocyte count and neutrophil count at 88...what should be done...doctors at a loss [/INST] Dear friend you certainly seem to be having an infection or in rare cases chronic myeloid leukemia. If nothing else a leukemia reaction from an infection, but your white cell count does reach the lower limits of CML range. You also need to rule out a lung infection or an Please discuss these possibilities with your doctor and before a diagnosis is made please request for a peripheral smear to be examined by a haemato-pathologist to at least screen for CML</s> |
<s>[INST] I m a type 2 diabetic. My doctor changed my meds to three pills 5 months ago, Metformin gave extreme gastro side effects. So I have been taking Januvia, Glimeperide and Glipezide. It kept my blood sugar much lower but not perfect. I had 3 episodes of symptoms of low blood sugar but I never got a reading lower than 80. Now my pharmacists has questioned the 3 medication so, as of 3 weeks ago I no longer take Glimeperide. Now I m having mild pressure in my abdomen and sternem, shallow breathing and muscle tension for no reason. Any thoughts? [/INST] Hi sir. Usually diabetic medicines with metformin may cause abdominal problems like gastritis, ulcer.make sure that your sugar level is under control especially HE a1c is under control. Pain in lower abdomen and sternum is exactly due to gastritis so it's better to take anti ulcer medicines to solve this problem avoid taking oily and spicy foods avoid taking tea coffee or milk avoid some vegetables like radish cabbage and cauliflower so that it may help to reduce gastritis. Consult a physician for medications, thank you.</s> |
<s>[INST] i have a rash on the inside of my bicep and it just so happens it is over the area where i had my implanon implanted. i had it implanted 8 months ago and am just now getting the rash and it looks a lot like the pupps rash i had on my stomach when i was pregnant. i don t know if it is related but i figured i would add that in. [/INST] Hello.thanks for sharing your query Since it is already 8 months since the insertion was done, I won't think that the Implant should be a cause of the rashes you have. You may apply a mild topical steroid for 3-4 days to see if it improves. If you have itching, oral anti histamines may be taken. However, if your lesions persist, you must visit a dermatologist.PUPPY rash is a pregnancy related condition and resolves mostly within a week of delivery. A few women continue to experience symptoms into the postpartum period, but I think this not be related to the present symptoms. Hope this is helpful. Take care.</s> |
<s>[INST] hi, i am suffering from body ache, weakness and running a mild temperature, which has gone down since yday but is still present. I tried booking an appointment with a general practitioner at a med centre near my place but they are booked out:( and i am not in a pnysical state to travel far. i took a 500 mg paracetamol tablet which did provide some relief but the weakness stays. Should i take multi vitamin capsules along with the paracetamol for better relief until i get an appointment with a gp tomorrow? [/INST] Thanks for posting your query to Chat Doctor .yes you can AKE paracetamol 500 mg 8 holy or as and when required to receive your symptom. Multivitamine are not required as it will not give you immediate effect. Try to contact your clinician as soon as possible to investigated and take treatment .take care.thanks.</s> |
<s>[INST] This question concerns my mother in law: She is a 71 year old woman, and she is a smoker. 2 years ago, she had breast cancer , but it was cured through radiation therapy. This February she was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma. She has been following chemotherapy treatment since April to October. The liquid in the bile duct has reduced, but there are still lesions on the liver, it is inflamed, and there are now lesions on the spleen . The oncologist said that a resection was out of the question, so he is trying a new drug combo of Irinotecan 180mg, Folinique Acid 400mg and Fluorouracil 400mg and 46 hours of Fluorouracil 2400mg followed by a week of rest. During all of the previous treatment, she has had very low haemoglobin and platelets. My husband and I would like to know a rough estimate as to the prognosis, as our oncologist seems to go back and forth with his answers [/INST] Hello. Thanks for writing to us. Cholangiocarcinoma does not have a very good prognosis per se. Even after complete chemotherapy, complete remission is difficult. The prognosis depends mainly on the stage of cancer. Anemia and thrombocytopenia is a side effect of chemotherapy. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you.</s> |
<s>[INST] I am 18 years old. I got my period on October 15th and had unprotected sex on October 27th. On October 28th I took plan b. I am on birth control but took it at different times (within a few hours) the few days leading up to October 27th. (8 pm one day, 11:30 pm the next day, and 10 pm the next day) so I was very nervous and took the pill especially because it was around the time Im supposed to be ovulating. Then, I had unprotected sex on November 1st really late at night and the day before that I took my birth control 3 hours later than I normally do. Does plan b push back ovulation so I would be ovulating on the weekend of Nov 1st? Do you think that I have a chance of becoming pregnant?? [/INST] Hi, Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Contraceptive pills need to be taken regularly at fixed time. As you have taken pill daily but at irregular time, still It's effective in controlling ovulation. Not to worry. If at all you miss your periods get pregnancy test done. Try to take pill at a regular time daily, If you find it difficult to take regularly better to go for other methods of contraception. Hope this helps regards</s> |
<s>[INST] I had sex with my gf last night, I had no groin pain and my sperm looked normal, today we had intercourse again and my right side above my penis near my bladder hurts and my right testical, also my sperm was dark yellow. What could this be? Please help. [/INST] Thanks for asking in Chat Doctor forum Pain might have occurred due to muscle pull/stretch during the intercourse/ blunt injury unknowingly during the act. So, Muscle relaxant with a painkiller will help you a lot. Regarding your color of semen, it sometimes varies normally & during infection. So, please for semen analysis if you have any doubts or any symptoms like burning sensation/frequency/pain while urinating. All the best.</s> |
<s>[INST] Hi, I have been diagnosed with degenerative disc disease since about age 15, I am now 48 years old. My lumbar all the way down through sacral has been fused. I have constant pain in right foot/toes that I have been able to control for about 7 to 8 years, but now pain is getting worse in back above fusion and in the front below belly button. I am wondering if I may now have an issue at T-12 ? I am a male if that makes any difference. [/INST] Hi, Thanks for writing in. The spine is made up of an alignment of small bones. These bones have sponge like discs between them and the spinal cord passes along the back of these bones through the spinal canal. There might be pressure on the discs in the dorsal and lumbar spine and this is causing slight pressure on the spinal canal at a particular level and causing pinching of nerve roots leading to severe pain in the area supplied by the nerve. The disc problem which had involved the T 12 - L 1 disc might have affected the discs at other levels also. Besides, you also have fused vertebrae at lumbar levels. As your symptoms are on the right it is possible that the nerve roots on the right side are affected. You require to be examined a neurologist and an MRI of the dorsal and lumbar spine if indicated to know if the nerve are under pressure and the location. There are patients who get relief by doing physiotherapy and taking neurogenic pain relievers. Injections are also given for relief. However, this might not always happen. If your pain is severe and not responding to medical treatment then the disc protrusion needs to be removed by doing a small surgery at the cervical neck region. Presently, laser assisted surgical techniques are also available. If the pain is mild then it appears to be a minor problem that is treatable. Please do not worry.</s> |
<s>[INST] I am on Subutex , Neurontin , Remeron and Zoloft , Plus Klonopin , Plus I am on Synthroid , and Also 2 Blood Pressure pills , I Still Suffer with Depression and Anxiety , My Blood Work says I am Healthy , But Mentally I am Tired but Still anxious , I know this is A lot of Meds to be on , I feel as Though I am Hooked on these Meds now , I went into a Detox 8 Months ago to get off Morphine Sulfate and Hydrocodone , Came out on all these Meds.. [/INST] Hello, Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor for posting your query. I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through. You may try other antidepressants as well as bupropion or venlafaxine or venlafaxine.etc. Hope I am able to answer your concerns. If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you. In future if you wish to contact me directly, you can use the below-mentioned link:bit.ly/ Chat Doctor. </s> |
<s>[INST] I ve been feeling really stressed lately, and I don t know if I m having anxiety attacks or something else, but it feels like I m trying to crawl out of my body. Like my body feels heavy and uncomfortable and my breath is off. I don t know what this is or what to do. [/INST] Yes these symptoms can be due to anxiety. Any stressful event can precipitate anxiety. I would suggest you to visit a doctor, get yourself get investigated thoroughly including thyroid function test and routine blood test. If necessary some medicines pr therapy can be started for your problem</s> |
<s>[INST] Had a gaulbladder operation on the 11th May 2011 came out on the 12th stiches on the 20th May 2011. The same night i was addmitted back to hospital i was there for 4 days i was told i have a built up of blood where the drain came out. Before i came out they took a scan they said it was all right but i was still in alot of pain and feel quite ill they told me to see my doctor so after a week i did so he put me on two courses of antibiotics one was 400 mg the other 375 mg for two weekes. After two i had a rest to see if it was any better but it is still the same, i went back to see the doctor today and he send through to get me a scan as soon aspossible can you give me any advice be very grateful thank you . [/INST] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for your query. I am Chat Doctor, I understand your concerns and I will try to help you as much as I can. This is common complications of gallbladder surgery and may happen if blood vessel is damaged, or it bleeds for the liver bed. You need to do ct scan and check our red blood count in most cases it can be treated without surgery but sometime sit is required do evacuate hematoma and cingulum if antibiotics won't work. I hope I have answered you query. If you have any further questions you can contact us in every time. Kindly regards. Wish you a good health.</s> |
<s>[INST] I have a sharp pain right under my left rib cage, when I stretch it out its its like sore, been like this for almost 2 months, went to the ER 3weeks ago for bladder infection, told doctor she just looked. At it and press dpwn on it thats about it, after everthing was done she never mention anything about my sore rib cage [/INST] Thanks for your question pain under the rib cage can be due to painful muscle or nerve pain or pain due to pleural effusion or pleuritic. You can get a chest X-ray done and consult a pulmonologist or a general physician to rule out all the causes .for now you can take a painkiller like paracetamol after consulting a physicianthanksregardsmay God bless you with good health</s> |
<s>[INST] dark green poop my son is 19 months and for the last few days has been having loose dark green poops..so dark that in some spots it alomost looks black..it also has a real unusual strong smell to it.she also doesn t like me changing his diaper since it started and although it s loose stool he has a hard time pushing it out. he is a healthy todler the has a (for the most part) healthy appetite should I be concerned ? [/INST] Hi, Thanks and welcome to Chat Doctor. Dark green stools are not normal. It suggests infection. It requires treatment. Better consult pediatrician.continue feeding as usual. Sporolac one sachet twice daily may help. Hope this reply is OK for you.Further, queries invited. Chat Doctor. V. Subrahmanyam.</s> |
<s>[INST] My 11 month old has a rash all over her body but mostly her private area and her bum. It kind of looks like eczema but the doctor said its only a contact rash, it also half looked like it wanted to blister and bleed. Today I also noticed a lump behind her ear [/INST] Hi, Thank you for your query. It could be a contact dermatitis rash as the doctor said. You can apply a cream containing zinc oxide for soothing effect. The lump behind the ear usually due to an enlarged lymph node. Consult the doctor if the swelling is increasing. Hope I have answered your query. Regards.</s> |
<s>[INST] I FILL TIRED IN AFTER NOON .MY HEART BEAT IS IN THIS TIME ABOUT 65.MY PRESSURE IS NORMAL.MY AGE IS 60.ECG REPORT IS NORMAL.I ALSO FILL WEAKNESS IN THIS TIME. 15 DAYS AGO 1 EPISODE OF VETIGO FOR F1 MINUTE IS HAPPNE.MY SERUM LDL COLESTEROL IS 136mg/dl.I AM FIT IN MORNING.IN AFTERNOON WHEN I AM IN REST I FILL SMALL PALPILATIN IN MY CHEST.MY WEIGHT IS SLOWLY LOOSING.WHAT IS MY PROBLEM AND ITS TREATMENT.PLEASE HELP ME.HIGHT IS 172.WEIGHT 59 KG. [/INST] Hi, You need to undergo some examinations, such as ECG, serum glucose, carotid duplex ultrasound. Only after these examinations the right strategy may be found out. Your complaints may be caused by different conditions; heart disease, diabetes mellitus and for the episode of acute dizziness narrowing and blockage of carotid arteries should be excluded by carotid duplex ultrasound. Take fearsome back if you have any further questions</s> |
<s>[INST] I have undergone IVF treatment mid way my doc stop because i have not responded well with antral follicle got only 2 the rest have not grown to the expected, she had given me regestrone 5mg for 10 days , need to know what would the effect of the tablet any chances of me getting pregnant inbetween , my hub sperm count is less than 2 [/INST] Dear user, welcome to Chat Doctor. With a very low sperm count the only way to get pregnant is through intro cytoplasmic sperm injection (CSI). You should try another time with the maximum dose of HMG (450 IU) or try the short antagonist protocol. If you are obese try to optimize your body mass index (BMI). I can help you more if you mention your age, BMI, day 2 FSH and LH, prolactin, TSH and antimullerian hormone (AMH). I wish you good luck and getting pregnant soon.</s> |
<s>[INST] Hello. I found a lump on the left side of my lower back about 2.5 months ago. It is the size of a dime and is not visible and can only be felt when pressure is applied to the skin. It hasnt grown or changed and is painless to the touch. However, I do have back and leg pain. I am a 22 yr old female. I dont smoke or drink and am relatively healthy. No history of cancer in my family. [/INST] Respected user, hi I evaluated your query thoroughly.* According to the narration, it is most likely to be Lipoma (accumulation of subcutaneous fat) which can give rise to local discomfort but not leg pain which seems to be separate entity than this. Hope this clears your query. Welcome for any further assistance. Thanks for using Chat Doctor .com & giving me an opportunity to assistWishing you happy healthy life ahead. Regards dear take care.</s> |
<s>[INST] my boyfriends semen is normal looking but has chunky pieces in it jello-like in texture and they stay jello-like they dont melt or anything i know he used to do a lot of drugs before we started dating is it just side effects from smoking crack? (hes been clean for a year and half now) or is it infertility? does he have an STD? cause before we started dating i made him get checked out considering his past and he turned up clean on the tests. he says that his semen has had chunks in it for quite awhile but it kinda conserns me like i dont want to catch anything and i do want to have a child someday [/INST] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for your query. I am Chat Doctor, I understand your concerns and I will try to help you as much as I can. These symptoms and signs are suggestive of STD especially if there is associated pain, fever, urethral discharge and recent sexual intercourse. So this is the first thing to rule out by doing STD testing. Second, it may be signed of reinfection o urinary stones and some other genital infection, but this is less common. In every case, antibiotic therapy may be required, so test should be done as soon as possible so that appropriate treatment can be started. Till that try to Chat Doctor. I hope I have answered you query. If you have any further questions you can contact us in every time. Kindly regards. Wish you a good health.</s> |
<s>[INST] Can i nebulize my child 5 year old with clenil compositum and atem together?? I used to nebulize him with simple clenil compositum and normal saline every winter season .. but now his coughing is not going.. he recently started penecillin day before yesterday because his chest infection was not going [/INST] Hello, Short answer: Detailed answer: You can use clinic composite together with item. Scientific studies show that when clinic composite (containing albuterol) is given together with item (containing ipratropium bromide), the results are better compared to clinic composite alone. Therefore, you can give both preparations together, 2-4 times a day because they will not harm your baby but at the contrary, will help him. Also, you should find a solution for the chest infection, by changing the type of antibiotic for example, in close contact with your doctor, because it is a cause of your babies cough. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.</s> |
<s>[INST] My mother is diabetic, has a mitral valve which needs replaced buy she is not healthy enough for the replacement. She has a pacemaker which she, per examine, is working 89% of the time. For the last three weeks she has been dizzy, very weak and has short term memory loss. Her primary care doctor says to let her be. Am I over reacting [/INST] Hello! Welcome on Chat Doctor! I passed carefully through your question and would explain that her symptoms could be related to low blood flow to the brain. A stroke or a metabolic disorder can not be excluded either. For this reason, I would recommend consulting with her attending doctor for a careful physical exam. Some tests are needed to investigate for the possible underlying causes: - a brain CT scan-complete blood count for anemia-fasting glucose and HbA1C levels-blood electrolytes- kidney and liver function tests. Meanwhile, I would recommend you to closely monitor her blood pressure values to exclude possible low blood pressure. Hope to have been helpful! Wishing good health, </s> |
<s>[INST] I have been dealing with kidney stones since 1979. Recently I was in the emergency for pain from a kidney stone blockage. The ER doc ordered a CT scan to confirm the stone. When the results came back he informed me that I had stones in my liver and my spleen . My questions are: What causes spleen and liver stones; and is any treatment advised? [/INST] Hi Linda, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Since you have stones in the kidney, liver and spleen, you will need to do thyroid function tests to rule out hypercalcinosis, which is a condition in which there is above normal levels of calcium in the blood, which can lead to stone formation in various organs. If hypercalcinosis is detected, then it will need to be treated. Liver and spleen stones don't need to be treated. If there are stones in the Gall Bladder and if they are causing problem, then surgical removal of gall bladder is required. Wish you all the best.</s> |
<s>[INST] hi doc, im 34 male , and my semen analysis report says vol-4.9ml, colour-yellowish grey, transparency-opaque, consistency-watery, motility 50%active and progressive, 10% sluggish. pus cells 4-6/, count 15million.what are my chances, what does this mean, thank you. [/INST] Hi! Your sperm count is a little less than the minimum normal and your sperm activity(motility) too falls a little short of the minimum required. This condition is called oligoasthenozoospermia. Several conditions like varicocele, partial sperm tube blockage, genital infection etc. may cause it. Please do not worry. Meet your urologist who should be able to sort it out. All the best!</s> |
<s>[INST] sir,i was effected abdomen TB last Two years , I complete course and last one years i feel ok not any problem and no medician. Now i feel that my abdomen are large size and tight after food but i have no any symtom like no fever, no pain, no lose wts. I dought for again abdomen TB. [/INST] Hi. Thanks for your query. Read your history and understood the problem. It is good that you had been diagnosed and well treated for Tuberculosis of abdomen. Since you were asymptomatic for last year the chances of an active TB of abdomen is remote. The probable causes for belatedness and tightness of your abdomen can be: Intestinal sub-acute intestinal obstruction due to stricture formation of intestine; this is quite common sequel. Can be a mild gastroenteritis. I would advise you the following. X-ray of the abdomen in standing position. This is the cheapest and simplest test to see for intestinal obstruction. Ultrasonography and CT scan of the abdomen to confirm. Routine tests of blood and urine. Enterocolitis if obstruction is suspected, Diagnostic Laparoscopy: this helps in diagnosis and well as therapeutically. One can cut the bands / release the adhesions. Take a course of an antibiotic and metronidazole for 5 days, is there is a response, nothing to worry. - Maintain healthy food habits, avoid too many fibrous foods as they can cause repeated sub-acute intestinal obstructions. If no relief further investigations and treatment will be required.</s> |
<s>[INST] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your qHi Doctor I am shri 25 years running. I am 3 years married. My problem is i am unable to get pregnant. Last Year i was pregnant but i had aborrtion in the month of 2.5 , after that i am unable to get pregnant. I have all tests like TORCH TEST (IGGM, IGM), Glucose test, Menstrual blood test taht all ate normal. I a test i have PCOD problem for this problem doc, advised me TABLET BIGOMET SR 500 for 3 months i am taking this tablet and this is my last month for taking this tablet, with this i am taking FOLIC ACID tablets also. please doctor advise me what should i do for get pregnant as soon as possible. Regards shri XXXXXXXXXXuery here... [/INST] Hi, I think you should take some medicines like camphene for the growth of your follicles and track your follicles' growth by repeated ultrasound and when your follicles is more than 17 to 18 mm, take injection for rupturing the follicles. Be in contact with your husband every 2 to 3 days after your periods stop. Take progesterone for next 2 weeks. Do a urine pregnancy test at home after that. Discuss with your doctor regarding this. The problem in PCs is with ovulation. So, you have to take medicines for ovulation. Bigoted alone will not help. Hope I have answered your question. Regards Chat Doctor. </s> |
<s>[INST] I have a friend that has MS and has to take shots. He took a shot and there was a lot of blood that followed after he took the needle out. I was thinking his blood was too thin. (I take warfarine and this is why I was concerned) He drinks a lot of Red Bulls drinks too. [/INST] Hi, dear. I have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You are taking warfarin. It is oral anticoagulant Chat Doctor. It prevents clotting of blood. So it leads to bleeding. You should test your PT and INR. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health. Don't forget to click, thank you.</s> |
<s>[INST] On Friday I started getting the chills and noticed I had a fever of 102+. I took Theraflu thinking it was a flu coming on. However, I kept getting a fever every few hours. On Saturday, I started getting watery diarrhea. Later that night, my fever spiked to 103.3. I still have diarrhea and have to use the bathroom every 2-3 hours. I took a tylenol last night and the fever has not come back yet. However, I still have to keep using the bathroom and it does not seem to be getting better. Is there anything I can do to stop this? [/INST] I warmly Welcome you! Thanks for consulting me at virtual clinic. I have carefully worked through your case, and I can realize your health worries. Being your physician, I assure you not to worry as I will take care all of your medical concerns. I usually prescribe in such cases Rifaximin (Ibadan) 200 mg per oral 8 hourly for 5 days. Use Mediate for revitalization and fulfil the fluid and electrolyte losses. It seems to be due to gastroenteritis due to some unhygienic/raw food. Only Tylenol can not be effective. You may need to go to your Physician for prescription of antibiotics. Hope it helped you today. If you need further, detailed and quick assistance related to any health issues, feel free to ask me a question directly from my profile. You can also attach Lab reports and pictures directly from the question window, or by emailing it to attachments@ChatDoctor .com with the Subject as, Attention: </s> |
<s>[INST] My baby is of two weeks. First week breast feeding was good enough for him however from last couple of days it has reduced a lot. Hence we started feeding lactogen but he vomits it out very frequently. What we are supposed to do to ensure he is being feed properly? [/INST] Thanks for posting on Chat Doctor. Breast milk is the best possible food for a baby and there can be no alternatives for that. Lactose or any other formula, is cow milk based and difficult to digest for the baby. So, in such a condition, the baby often vomits it out. Try not to go for formula feeds and go for breastfeeding as far as you can. You may express your breast milk and store it in a refrigerator before you bring it to the normal temperature and give to the baby. In case of breastfeeding, insert the entire nipple along with the areola (not only the nipple) in the babies mouth. Feed one breast at a time and alternate breasts with each feed. Breast milk is produced as per the demands of the baby as express through the suckling. In case of formula feeding, the hunger of the baby is reduced, and the baby suckles less automatically reducing the amount of breast milk produced. So, reduce formula feeds as far as you can. The adequacy of the feeds would be expressed with the amount of urine passed. Passing urine at least 5-6 times in 24 hours is to be considered adequate. Hope that helps. Feel free to revert with further queries if any.</s> |
<s>[INST] Hi, I am a 34 year old women, I got sick in December just before Christmas. I went to the doctor 4 times. He told me that I had bronchitus and gave me meds. The cough got better and o did my chest, but I have had a heavy feeling in my chest for about a month now. When I lie down it feels like I have a lump in my Throat. I dont smoke, never have and am not overweight. Can I have Lung cancer? I am really worried [/INST] Hi.it is best if you consult with a doctor if you are experiencing symptoms. The possibilities based from just your description are varied. Most common causes of lung cancer are history of smoking, occupational exposure to chemicals or inhalation agents that could be deposited in lungs, hereditary. Diagnostic studies such as chest x-ray, ct-scan of neck and chest area could easily rule-out if you have lesions. Hope this helps. Good day!!~ Chat Doctor. </s> |
<s>[INST] Are hydroxzine which is listed on my allergy list and hydrochloricthiazide ( in Lisinopril/ HCTZ) the same thing? My pharmacy (that I have gone to for years) and have had Lisinopril/ HTC 20 filled for years now says it is. I have not have any trouble taking Lis. Usually I react to meds with hives. What do you think? [/INST] Hi, I understand your concern. Hy ChatDoctor. Hy</s> |
<s>[INST] Hello Dr. I have been having depression and intrusive thoughts for five years now. Tried Zoloft for two weeks and was very ill with it. Stomach cramps etc. I am afraid of side effects of meds like tolerance after a whole and other issues. I am now quite tired of dealing with this condition naturally. What help can you suggest. [/INST] Hi, I can understand your concern about side effects after using Zoloft (Sertraline). Loose motions, stomach cramps, headache, abdominal discomfort, sleep disturbance are common side effects in initial weeks of treatment with Sertraline. Other better alternatives are reducing the dose of Sertraline or switching to Tablet Mirtazapine or Tablet Venlafaxine with Clonazepam. Kindly discuss with your treating psychiatrist. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Wish you rapid recovery.</s> |
<s>[INST] I break out after taking a shower, sweating, and swimming. Hi. i recently went to the beach and jumped into the ocean, swimming for 45 mins. when i got out and dried off, i broke out into a rash with small bumps and red patches around them. I went in the water the next day, same thing. after that, I started digging a hole in the sand. i sweated a lot, and the same thing happened. It happens whenever i take a shower now too. i came back from the beach and every night when i take a shower i break out into this really itchy rash, like a form of hives! I tried taking a cold shower, not using shampoo or soap, switching soap/shampoo, patting myself dry, and using moisturizing lotion after i dry off and nothing has worked, i always break out. what is wrong with me!? This is really frustrating. [/INST] Hello this is an allergic reaction may be from ocean water, so you can use anti-allergic medicine orally and lactocalamine lotion for application.</s> |
<s>[INST] Sir, I am 32 years of age, i have habit of masturbation from last 8-10 years, even i got married 6 years ago. i does the same atleast 4 times in a week except sex with my wife. also during sex i m suffering from cold sweat. does it affect any seriour deseas such as kidny problem, cancer or such major deseases? sir pls advise me. [/INST] Masturbating is a normal process. It won't affect disease status you mentioned. You need not worry much about it. Just spend more time with your wife and stay away from pornographic site and materials. This will limit your urge to masturbate. Hopes this helps you. Thank you.</s> |
<s>[INST] from since a young age i always had irregular heart beats. eg i was playing football when all of a sudden my heart started beating alot faster than usual, with chest pains on the right and short of breath. i ocassional suffer these attacks even when i sit down. now i regularly get irregular beats, where my chest hurts and at times short of breath from lying down... [/INST] Hi thereafter going through your query I understand your concern. I would like to tell you, palpitations along with shortness of breath is more likely to happen due to cardiac Arrhythmias, and it requires further evaluation to avoid fetal cardiac events. Kindly get your ECG, treadmill test or stress echocardiography done and see a Cardiologist with reports for further management. Hope to have been helpful. Kind Regards Chat Doctor. </s> |
<s>[INST] i feel down my stairs and hurt my ankle/achelies tendon i want to know if i should go get it looked at or suck it up yes it is swallon and yes it hurts to walk and yes movment i have been doing alot but it hurts like fudge, and when i stand on my tipy toes my achelies tendion/ ankle hurt alot [/INST] Fall with pain and swelling suggest sprain or some hairline fracture. Do X-ray and visit Or tho surgeon for further course of Rx.</s> |
<s>[INST] I have IDC Left Breast stage 2 HER Positive, 1.5 cm Cancer was removed, 2 lympthnodes removed, they were negative. I have clear margins. Pathology report states I am in Low recurrence catagory returning and the cancer is confined to the left breast only. It was at 1:00. I am currently taking 33 Radiation. Im on # 17 with 16 more treatments to go. I went to F/up with my Oncologist today. He prescribed Anastrozole for me to start taking. Possibably for the next 5 to 10 years. I am 73 yrs old, in good health and very actice. With all the side effects stated for the medication prescribed, I don t want to take it. My PET showed I had no cancer elseware in my body. My qustion is, If I choose not to take this medication what are my chances of recurrence and would it be ok if I choose not to? [/INST] Hayes with Chat Doctor. Some breast cancers are made to grow faster by a natural hormone called estrogen. Anastrozole decreases the amount of estrogen the body makes and helps to slow or reverse the growth of these breast cancers. Hot flashes, headache, trouble sleeping, dizziness, stomach upset, nausea/vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, loss of appetite, weight gain, tiredness/weakness, increased coughing, or sore throat may occur. If any of these effects last or get worse, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly. Before using this medication, tell your doctor or pharmacist your medical history, especially of: heart disease (such as history of heart attack), bone loss (osteoporosis), liver disease, high blood pressure, blood clots. I will advise you to take one anastrozole tablet per day for 5 years. Its side effects can be managed symptomatically, Regards</s> |
<s>[INST] I am getting a mild pain in my upper right abdomen while walking. A month ago a bent in my car from the front seat to get hold hold of a packet lying in the back seat. Then immediatley i could feel that my muscles on the upper right abdomen got constritced and remaine din that position for some time and then returned to normal. a few days after that incident i observed that i am getting this pain while walking. It does not show up at any other time, lie after a meal or when i am hungry. I browsed over the internet and found that upper right abdominla pain if often connected to gall stones. I have hypothyroidism and i take 100micrograms of thyronorm every morning. i am also overweight . my height is 5 feet, my age is 32 and my weight is 76kg. please suggest me a possible reason. [/INST] Hi ! Good evening. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. From your history, it seems to me like you got a muscle strain due to over stretching as narrated by you. If I were your doctor, I would advise you for an anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. </s> |
<s>[INST] hello doc,im 22 yrs old..my problem is from some month before my periods im getting much acne on my face .after period over automatically they r becoming less.due to pimples there are many black spots on face.pls recommend me some cream or a natural treatment.. [/INST] Hi, Saloni, Thanks for query, Pimple before periods are common due to hormonal imbalance. Apply Retina cream. Do regular 3-4 times face wash. Avoid fried and junk food. Take plenty OD water, Avoid stress. Ok and bye.</s> |
<s>[INST] i took my daughter to the hospital with rash all over her body about 5 days ago and the Dr said shes allergic to amoxicillon and that i should stop giving it to her and the rash would go away with in a few days. Well with in 2 days the rash was gone and now its coming back fast. Could there be something more serious wrong with her? [/INST] Hi, Thanks for writing to us. Amoxycillin can lead to morbilliform rash-small flat to minutely elevated red rash as in measles. Treatment is withholding the Chat Doctor. As the rash is recurring again, please get any viral exanthem ruled out by your doctor.Hope that helped</s> |
<s>[INST] Hi,I had Spinal Fusion surgery in 2001. From then on I maybe 2-3x a year I would get burning pain and inflammation in my feet and hands. Lately in about last 5 mos. the occurrences have become more often and in the past month my feet especially have been in pain... standing, seating or even laying in bed( if any part of my feet would be touching the mattress). They would feel best raised but I could still feel slight burning and stiffness. I dont know if I should go see my back Doctor because that was a on the job injury or my family Doc.Please help....thank you for your assistance. [/INST] Hi, Thank you for posting your query. Your symptoms are suggestive of neuropathic pain. It may benefit to consult your doctor and discuss, as these may be related to your earlier problems. In addition, you may need to do nerve conduction studies to look for peripheral neuropathy. You would benefit from pregabalin capsules. Please get back if you require any additional information. Best wishes, Chat Doctor. Ly/</s> |
<s>[INST] Recently we moved from S. Fla. to NC and my husband and I have been waking up every day stiff, achy, and barely able to move. Even my hands and feet hurt. We live in a new log home, so it can t be lead paint or old house issues. Any ideas? Wierd that it affects both of us the same way. [/INST] Hello, Sometimes, neurotransmitters in body act differently with changes of places. This may be due to temperature or weather difference of places. Sometimes this can also occur due to excessive fatigue, deny Chat Doctor. If it is a recent issue then there is no need to worry. Take some times adjust yourself with new place, take adequate fluid and sun exposure. It will go away in 5-7 days. Meanwhile, you may do warm fomentation to relieve stiffness. If there is intolerable pain then you may have Tylenol for relief. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s> |
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