--- |
license: cc-by-nc-4.0 |
tags: |
- climate |
--- |
# The Curio Tree Dataset |
This dataset contains much of the tree inventory, images and stories data that was collected on the [Curio platform](https://www.youtube.com/@curio-xyz7991/videos) before it was sunset. The data includes; |
- Inventory type details of 2.5 millions trees captured across locations worldwide (location, species, diameter at breast height (DBH), height, vitality etc, where available) |
- 27,288 images of trees that were upload to the platform by our community and linked to individual trees. |
- Notes (stories), tags and conversations linked to trees. |
### Dataset Description |
Curio was an environmental education and outreach platform that was predominantly focused on urban forestry. It connected stakeholders involved in the management of urban forestry with the public and importantly made all data uploaded via its web and mobile apps publicly available. The platform was live from March 2016 until August 2023 when the maintainence overheads made its ongoing use infeasible. Curio was supported in its early stages by two European Space Agency projects, through the [New Commons](https://business.esa.int/projects/new-commons) and [Curio Canopy](https://business.esa.int/projects/curio-canopy). A sense of the platform and how it worked can be found via the video on [our youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@curio-xyz7991/videos) |
This repository contains much of the tree inventory, images and stories data that was collected on the platform via our community, projects we helped support and open data tree inventories we uploaded onto the platform. We are keen to make this data available for research purposes in the hope it might be of benefit to others and to further the efforts of our community. |
We have endeavored to name as many of those great projects and data sources that were hosted on the Curio platform in the attribution section below. If there are any omissions or errors please contact us. |
A related project involved generating a high resolution map of tree canopy cover for the Greater London Authority. Details of that project and dataset can be found on the [London Datastore Curio Canopy page](https://data.london.gov.uk/dataset/curio-canopy). |
- **Curated by:** Breadboard Labs |
- **License:** cc-by-nc-4.0 |
### Dataset Sources and Attribution |
Many people picked up the app and contributed to the data that was collected. Curio was also used to support many great projects and initiatives. We have endeavoured to mention many below along with the open data tree inventories we uploaded onto the platform. |
#### Collaborative projects supported by Curio |
- [Morton Arboretum](https://mortonarb.org/) - [Chicago Regional Tree Initiative](https://chicagorti.org/programs/) |
- [Dublin City Council’s Parks, Biodiversity and Landscape Services](https://www.dublincity.ie/residential/parks) & [School of Geography at University College Dublin](https://www.ucd.ie/geography) - [Tree Mapping Dublin](https://mappinggreendublin.com/) |
- [Sacramento Tree Foundation](https://sactree.org/) - [Save the Elms Program](https://sactree.org/programs/monitoring-elms/) |
- [Cambridge City Council](https://www.cambridge.gov.uk/) - [Cambridge City Canopy Programme](https://www.cambridge.gov.uk/cambridge-canopy-project) |
- [Municipality of Oslo Agency for Urban Environment](https://www.visitoslo.com/en/product/?tlp=593685) - Inventory and ecosystem services report hosting |
- [Friends of Brunswick Park](http://www.friendsofbrunswickpark.co.uk/) |
- [Exeter Trees](www.exetertrees.uk) |
- [Wembley Park Limited](https://wembleypark.com/) |
- [Washington Square Park Eco Projects](https://www.wspecoprojects.org/) |
- [Coláiste Bríde Enniscorthy](https://www.colaistebride.ie/) |
- [Enniscorthy Vocational College](https://www.enniscorthycc.ie/) |
- [Mountshannon Arboretum](https://www.mountshannonarboretum.com/) - Forester Bernard Carey initiated the Mountshannon i-Tree project, in conjunction with UCD and UK-based consultancy Treeconomics. |
- [Sidmouth Arboretum](http://sidmoutharboretum.org.uk/) |
- [East Devon District Council](https://eastdevon.gov.uk/) |
- [SLU](https://www.slu.se/en/) - Alnarp - Skåne Tree Inventory and support for and involvement in the New Commons and Curio Canopy projects |
- [Malmö Stad](https://malmo.se/) - Malmö Tree Inventory and support for and involvement in the New Commons and Curio Canopy projects |
- [Göteborgs Stad](https://goteborg.se/) - |
- [Halmstad](https://www.halmstad.se/) |
- [Hvilan](https://www.hvilanutbildning.se/) |
- [Familjebostader](https://familjebostader.com/om-oss/) |
#### Open Data Sources Attribution |
- The Greater London Authority Datastore - [Local Authority Maintained Trees](https://data.london.gov.uk/dataset/local-authority-maintained-trees) |
- NYC OpenData - [2015 Street Tree Census - Tree Data](https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Environment/2015-Street-Tree-Census-Tree-Data/uvpi-gqnh) |
- Open Data BDN - [Street trees of the city of Barcelona](https://opendata-ajuntament.barcelona.cat/data/dataset/arbrat-viari) |
- Open Data Bristol - [Trees](https://opendata.bristol.gov.uk/datasets/7a99218a4bf347ff948f0e5882406a8c) |
- Open Data NI - [Belfast City Trees](https://admin.opendatani.gov.uk/dataset/belfast-trees) |
- Denver Open data - [Tree Inventory](https://denvergov.org/opendata/dataset/city-and-county-of-denver-tree-inventory) |
- Open Data DK - [City of Copenhagen Trees](https://www.opendata.dk/city-of-copenhagen/trae-basis-kommunale-traeer) |
- Palo Alto Open Data - [Palo Alto Trees](https://data.cityofpaloalto.org/dataviews/73226/palo-alto-trees/) |
- Fingal County Council Open Data - [Fingal County Council Trees](https://data.fingal.ie/maps/1e5f9db62e53443d946c15a1a06fd98b_0/explore) |
- Data SA - [City of Adelaide Street Trees](https://data.sa.gov.au/data/dataset/street-trees) |
- Open Data Boulder Colorado - [Tree Inventory Open Data](https://open-data.bouldercolorado.gov/datasets/dbbae8bdb0a44d17934243b88e85ef2b) |
- Biodiversity Ireland - [Hertitage Trees Ireland](https://maps.biodiversityireland.ie/Dataset/27) |
- Birmingham City Council Trees |
## Uses |
<!-- Address questions around how the dataset is intended to be used. --> |
The data is free to be used for research purposes subject to the cc-by-nc-4.0 licence and suitable attribution, please see the citation section below |
Some potential uses might include; |
- Investigations into urban tree biodiversity. |
- The development of an algorithm to extracting tree attributes via a photo or streetview imagery. |
- A tree species detection app. |
- The detection trees of via satellite imagery. |
- Species identfiication via hyperspectral tree. |
It worth noting that for most use-cases cleaning, analysis and processing of data will be necessary. The completeness of tree inventory data varies greatly and users were not directed in anyway in terms of how to frame the photos they took and uploaded via the Curio app. |
## Dataset Structure |
<!-- This section provides a description of the dataset fields, and additional information about the dataset structure such as criteria used to create the splits, relationships between data points, etc. --> |
### TaggedTrees |
Number of data points: 2,593,139 |
The details of an individual tree including its location, species, diameter at breast height (dbh), vitality etc. when available |
### Images |
Number of data points: 27,288 |
The details of images that were uploaded to the platform. The path to the actual image uploaded, this can be found in uploads directory. The details of what the image was attached to which usually was a ‘Story” that was then attached to a tree are also included. |
### Uploads: |
The set of images referenced in the images data file. To |
### Stories: |
The details of a story that was attached to tree |
### Notes: |
The text included in a story/note about a tree. |
### Conversations & Comments: |
Comments grouped by conversations linked to a particular Story |
### TreeSpecies |
The tree species dictionary we built to support the platform. Each TaggedTree has a tree_species_id that references an entry in this dictionary when populated. |
### TreeSpeciesAliases |
The local names across multiple languages that can used to describe a species of tree contained in the TreeSpecies dictionary |
### Tags and Taggings |
Trees could be tagged with details such as diseased, monitored, newly_planted, apples, overhead cables etc. Anything at all really that could later be used to filter, group or identify trees of interest as well describe their state. |
## Dataset Creation |
### Curation Rationale |
<!-- Motivation for the creation of this dataset. --> |
The goal of the Curio platform was to educate, engage and democratised access to environmenatal information. Making the data collected on the platform available in this form is seen as an extension of that mission. |
#### Data Collection and Processing |
<!-- This section describes the data collection and processing process such as data selection criteria, filtering and normalization methods, tools and libraries used, etc. --> |
All data was collected via the Curio app by its community. Where inventory data was uploaded in bulk we preprocessed the data to ensure details such as species information where mapped to the species dictionary we deinfed and that has been included in this release. |
Before making the data available on this platform we decided to run face detection and blur any obvious, detectable faces found in the images that have been included. |
<!-- #### Who are the source data producers? --> |
<!-- This section describes the people or systems who originally created the data. It should also include self-reported demographic or identity information for the source data creators if this information is available. --> |
<!-- #### Personal and Sensitive Information --> |
<!-- State whether the dataset contains data that might be considered personal, sensitive, or private (e.g., data that reveals addresses, uniquely identifiable names or aliases, racial or ethnic origins, sexual orientations, religious beliefs, political opinions, financial or health data, etc.). If efforts were made to anonymize the data, describe the anonymization process. --> |
<!-- ## Bias, Risks, and Limitations --> |
<!-- This section is meant to convey both technical and sociotechnical limitations. --> |
## Citation [optional] |
<!-- If there is a paper or blog post introducing the dataset, the APA and Bibtex information for that should go in this section. --> |
@misc{CurioTreeData, |
title = {The Curio Tree Dataset}, |
author = {Conor Nugent and Paul Hickey}, |
year = {2023}, |
publisher = {HuggingFace}, |
journal = {HuggingFace repository}, |
howpublished = {\url{https://https://huggingface.co/datasets/BreadboardLabs/CurioTreeData}}, |
} |
## Dataset Card Authors |
Conor Nugent and Paul Hickey |
## Dataset Card Contact |
[Conor Nugent](https://www.linkedin.com/in/conor-nugent-5b02458/?originalSubdomain=ie) |