Read: James 1:12-14 In part 1, we learned that everyone without exception faces temptation. We also learned that if a person utilizes God’s grace, there is no reason for yielding to temptation. After listing ten truths everyone needs to know about temptation, we learned that the word translated “tempt” is also translated “test.” The Greek word family behind the English translations indicates that the term is neutral; there is nothing inherently evil implied by the Greek word family. We followed this word study with the question, “Where does temptation come from?” We learned that temptation begins in the mind. We also learned that we must learn how to recognize temptation and then capture any thoughts that are not in harmony with God’s Word and bring them into captivity to Christ (2 Cor. 10:5). In this message we will learn there are six steps in the temptation process. The first three are found in James 1:14: “But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed.” The last three are found in James 1:15, “Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death.” Step 1: Attention A person cannot be tempted unless whatever is the source of temptation gains his attention. One has to be consciously aware of the source of temptation before temptation is possible. Once the source of temptation has caught the person’s attention, step two occurs. Step 2: Attraction A person can be consciously aware of many things around him but not be particularly attracted to any of them. However, the Devil knows our moods and our weaknesses and will seek to focus our attention upon something he knows will attract us. This is the meaning of the phrase, “drawn away.” You cannot be tempted to do wrong if there is no attraction, no appeal, no desire toward that which has caught your attention. The phrase, “his own desires,” does not necessarily refer to evil desires. The word “desire” (epithumia) is a neutral term. Jesus felt this kind of desire when he wanted to partake of the Passover meal with his disciples (Luke 22:15). Paul felt this kind of desire when he wanted to depart this life and go to be with Christ (Philippians 1:23). There is nothing inherently evil about feeling a desire. The word “desire” (epithumia) simply refers to any strong desire, whether the normal desires of life given to us by God, or to evil desires that have found root in our hearts. The point James is making is that a person cannot be tempted to do wrong unless something about the temptation attracts him. It is when we feel an attraction for something that is outside the will of God for our life that we need to be on guard. It is as though a “tug-of-war” is going on inside your mind. Satan will attempt to increase your attraction for the forbidden “fruit” until it acts like a powerful magnet pulling on you. Then, once your attention is caught and you feel an attraction toward the object of temptation, step three occurs. Step 3: Allurement James 1:14 says that a person is tempted “when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed.” Satan will see to it that along with the power of desire will be enticement. The word “enticed (deleazo)” involves the idea of “baiting,” just as one places bait on a hook in the attempt to entice a fish to bite the hook. Temptation entices us by using our own appetites and imagination. And as a wise fisherman knows to hide the hook within the bait, Satan hides his hook. He does not want us to focus on the fact that yielding to sinful desire will eventually bring sorrow, punishment, and death. He tries to conceal from us his avowed purpose for our life: - to steal, - kill, and - destroy (John 10:10). The Apostle John tells us that there are three primary means that Satan uses to attract our attention and then allure us to sin. He uses the desires of our physical body in general, he uses our eyes specifically, and he appeals to our ego. Satan tempts us to become proud of our accomplishments, whether they be educational, physical, social, or material. 1 John 2:16 call these three avenues of temptation “the desires of the body, the desires of the eyes, and the pride of life.” The context of 1 John 2:16 reveals that John is speaking of temptations to fulfill and gratify in an unbiblical manner the desires we face through these three avenues. John labels the temptation to fulfill in an unbiblical manner the legitimate desires a Christian encounters through his body, or the desires created through sight, or the temptation to pride and self-sufficiency, (the temptation to think more highly of himself than he ought to think—Romans 12), as the forbidden realm of the “world.” John commands, “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.” He then explains the danger of loving the “world.” “If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him” (1 John 2:15). By the negative use of the term, “world,” John is not speaking of either planet earth, the people on planet earth, or material things in general. Rather he is speaking of the unbiblical values, methods, desires, goals, and activities of the fallen world order. He is speaking of the world-system of evil. To love the “world” in the manner that John forbids, means you are seduced by, give yourself to, and find pleasure in fulfilling in an unbiblical manner both legitimate desires as well as illegitimate desires. When a person chooses to yield to the temptation to sin, he demonstrates, says John, that he does not love the Father. The temptations to sin are not from the Father; they are from the world (1 John 2:15-16). Similar to John, Paul uses the term “world” with the negative meaning of “the world-system of evil” when he speaks of Jesus’ atonement on the cross. He says, Jesus “gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father” (Galatians 1:4). He also reminds Christians of the difference between the life they now live by the Spirit, and the life they lived obeying the world-system of evil before they were saved.Paul writes concerning their former unsaved state, And you were dead in your trespasses and sins, in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience. Among them we too all formerly lived in the lusts of our flesh, indulging the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, even as the rest. (Ephesians 2:1-3) In Romans 12:2, Paul commands Christians who have fully surrendered their lives to God as a holy, living sacrifice, to “be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” When a Christian becomes aware that any area of his life is being influenced by the world-system of evil, he must do everything in his power to renew his mind, by means of the power of God’s Word and God’s Holy Spirit, and stop allowing that conformity to the world to remain in his life. In like manner, when speaking of the ungodly world-system of evil, James warns, “Do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God” (James 4:4). And Jesus told us that God demands absolute loyalty and obedience to Himself. “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon” (Matthew 6:24). Our allegiance to God must not be divided. Our affection must be focused and specific. When, as a Christian, you become aware that there are ungodly thoughts in your mind, and you feel the allurement to sin that those thoughts bring, that is the moment you are required to make a decision. You can either choose to allow those evil thoughts to remain in your mind, or you can choose to expel them and replace them with godly thoughts. Your choice determines whether you are simply being tempted to think sinful thoughts, or whether you are consciously choosing to allow sinful thoughts to remain in your mind. As long as a person does not choose to dwell on the evil thoughts that Satan puts into his mind, no sin has occurred. Always remember that James 1:15 warns against letting evil thoughts remain in your mind. He says, “when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.” Originally published in God’s Revivalist. Used by permission.
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Sometimes there are a few people who don’t enjoy the experience of getting ready and packing for a vacation. It seems to them that packing and unpacking is a hefty chore that requires a huge amount of effort on its own. And one gets tired even before going on a vacation. All this can be changed with a little organization. One thing casinoclic casino that can greatly help in the packing procedure is by keeping a few kits ready at hand. These kits will include all the things that a person might need during a vacation. One does not need to unpack these kits; they only need upgrades and changes as time passes and as the need arises. Separate kits can be made for different purposes. Here are a few basic kits that can help you in your travels. This is the handiest and the most important kit. It is essential that one takes it with him or her on every journey as you may never know when you might need medication. When traveling you cannot go to look for a pharmacy just to get a tablet for a headache or flu, so it is good ideas to keep certain medications with you at all times and then refill them as and when needed. This way you won’t have to worry about allergy problems or contraindications. This kit comes in handy in sudden and unpredictable situations that might come up. For example, the sole of your shoe has come off or the wheel of your bag just got lose then things like safety pins, threads and needle, super glue etc. in your repair kit can help out. Then comes the personal kit which contains everything that a human being can need when traveling to another place. Things like moisturizers, tooth paste, soap, perfume, sprays, scrubs etc. Paper Work Kit Lastly the most important online casinos real money paper work kit caries all the essential documentation of the traveler. This kit helps in keeping all the documents in one place and one does not have to look for them all over. This kit can carry your documents like driving license, passport, ticket, visas, traveler’s cheque etc. Planning ahead and keeping this kit ready will make getting ready for a vacation much more fun and easier for you. There is no doubt that you’ll enjoy your vacation without any worry.
Over the years, scientists have noticed that the Earth’s Moon possesses some peculiar traits. The Moon is the Solar System’s fifth largest natural satellite. It’s thought to have been formed by a massive collision between the early Earth and a Mars-sized planet. After further investigation, it was discovered that the Moon is in the incorrect orbit for its size, based on its present presumed density. The core areas of the Moon are less dense than the outer regions, according to astronomical data, leading to the inevitable conclusion that it is hollow. Cutaway model of a Spaceship Moon, based on speculation. Some of these ideas are based on the fact that the Moon rings like a bell when meteors strike it. When the Apollo crew released the lunar module after returning to the orbiter on November 20, 1969, the impact with the Moon caused their seismic equipment to report a continuous echo like a bell for more than an hour. Michael Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov, members of the Soviet Academy of Sciences at the time, suggested the Spaceship Moon Theory in July 1970. According to the pseudoscientific notion, the Earth’s moon could be an alien spacecraft. The Moon, according to Vasin and Shcherbakov, is a hollowed-out planetoid made by unknown beings with technology far superior to our own. Massive devices would have melted rock and created enormous voids within the Moon. The Moon would thus be made up of a hull-like inner shell and a metallic rocky slag outer shell. After that, the “Spaceship Moon” was put into orbit around the Earth. The increased sightings and photos of UFOs taken by NASA on their moon missions are cited by proponents of this idea. The moon’s surface is covered in tens of thousands of craters of varied sizes, but they all have the same depth. This suggests to scientists that the surface may be protected from damage by a metallic barrier beneath it. Asteroids and meteors have been discovered to not only form shallow craters on the Moon’s surface but also to produce a convex floor to the crater, rather than the expected concave, confirming the hypothesis of a solid shell. The moon is far older than previously thought, possibly even older than the Earth and Sun. The Earth’s oldest age is estimated to be 4.6 billion years, while Moon rocks have been dated to be 5.3 billion years old. The chemical makeup of the dust on which the rest of the rock differs dramatically from that of the rocks themselves. This suggests that the lunar surface was transferred from another location and deposited on the Moon. Although some of the Moon’s craters are believed to have formed internally, there is no evidence that the Moon has ever been hot enough to cause volcanic eruptions. Each year, hundreds of moonquakes are observed that aren’t caused by meteor strikes. Some of the quakes appear to be on a regular pattern. The moon’s crust is significantly tougher than previously thought. It appeared that metal shavings were visible when NASA was videotaped drilling down a few inches into the Moon’s surface. The only natural satellite in the Solar System with a steady, nearly-perfect circular orbit is Earth’s moon. How can one explain the fact that the moon is just the proper distance from the sun and has precisely the right diameter to totally cover it during an eclipse? Professional astronomers have gradually been discouraged from looking into a lunar phenomenon that has been recorded for 1,000 years. Transient Lunar Phenomena are short-lived brightness, color, or other changes in the appearance of the lunar surface. A unique combination of metals is also known to exist on the moon. It contains traces of metals that are not naturally occurring, such as brass, according to Ancient Code. The amount of titanium discovered on the moon is likewise ten times greater than that found on Earth. This ratio is described as “mind-blowing” by scientists. The mysteries of the moon and the universe are yet unsolved, and what is beyond our planet’s atmosphere may never be found in our lifetime. With each new thinking, technological innovation, and scientific discovery, the facts, and hypotheses that define the cosmos become more changeable. It’s only a matter of waiting to see what happens next.
As a creative person, you may be interested in pursuing a career that allows you to express your artistic side while also earning a good living. Fortunately, there are many emerging creative careers that offer a promising future for those who have the talent and dedication to succeed. In this article, we will explore the top 10 emerging creative careers after grade 12 in the world, and provide you with an in-depth look at the job profiles and opportunities associated with each one. Digital Content Creator Digital content creators are in high demand as businesses seek to increase their online presence through social media and other digital platforms. This role involves creating engaging and original content in the form of videos, photos, and written posts. Many content creators work as freelancers, allowing them to have more control over their work schedules and the projects they take on. User Experience Designer User experience (UX) designers create digital interfaces that are intuitive, visually appealing, and user-friendly. They work closely with developers and other designers to ensure that websites and apps are optimized for ease of use and accessibility. This career requires a strong understanding of design principles and user psychology, as well as proficiency in design software like Adobe Creative Suite. Virtual Event Planner With the rise of virtual events due to the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual event planners are in high demand. This role involves planning and executing online events such as conferences, webinars, and virtual trade shows. Virtual event planners must have strong organizational and communication skills, as well as experience with digital platforms like Zoom and Microsoft Teams. 3D Printing Technician 3D printing is becoming an increasingly popular technology, and as a result, there is a growing demand for 3D printing technicians. These professionals are responsible for setting up and operating 3D printers, as well as troubleshooting any issues that may arise. They also work closely with designers and engineers to ensure that 3D printed products meet quality standards. Augmented Reality Designer Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that superimposes digital images onto the real world. AR designers create digital content that can be viewed through AR devices like smartphones and smart glasses. This career requires a strong background in graphic design and computer programming, as well as a thorough understanding of AR technology. Podcasting is becoming an increasingly popular medium, and as a result, there is a growing need for podcast producers. These professionals are responsible for every aspect of podcast production, from recording and editing to distribution and marketing. Podcast producers must have strong organizational and communication skills, as well as experience with audio recording and editing software. Fashion technologists are professionals who use technology to design and create innovative clothing and accessories. This career requires a strong background in fashion design, as well as knowledge of emerging technologies like 3D printing and wearables. Fashion technologists work closely with designers and engineers to create products that are both fashionable and functional. Videos have become an essential tool for marketing, advertising, and entertainment. A Video Producer is responsible for overseeing the entire video production process, from scriptwriting to post-production. They work with a team of writers, designers, and actors to create engaging and visually appealing videos. Job Profile: A Video Producer manages the entire video production process, from scriptwriting to post-production. They also manage budgets and timelines. Graphic Designers are responsible for creating visual concepts that communicate a message to an audience. They work on a variety of projects, including logos, websites, magazines, and advertisements. They must have a keen eye for design and be up-to-date on the latest design trends. Video Game Designer The video game industry has seen significant growth in recent years, leading to a rise in demand for video game designers. Video game designers are responsible for creating the storyline, characters, and gameplay mechanics for video games. The expected salary for a video game designer is around $70,000 per year, but can vary based on experience and location. A creative director is responsible for overseeing the creative vision for a company, whether it’s for advertising, marketing, or other purposes. They work closely with other creative professionals to ensure that the company’s message is conveyed effectively through various mediums. Improving creativity in class 11 and 12 can be a great way to develop skills that will help students succeed in their future careers. Here are some suggestions for summer camps, online platforms, and activities that can help enhance creativity: • Summer Camps: There are many summer camps that offer programs to enhance creativity such as art, writing, theatre, music, and STEM. the London Summer School Program, Ashoka Young Scholars Program, Shiv Nadar University, Plaksha University-Young Technology Scholar Program. • Online Platforms: With the rise of online learning, there are many platforms that offer courses to enhance creativity. Platforms such as Skillshare, Udemy, and Coursera offer courses in writing, art, music, and more. These courses are often self-paced and can be accessed from anywhere, making them a convenient option for students. Realecole is a great platform for finding online courses for upskilling. • Internships: Internships in fields such as advertising, social media marketing, and design can also help enhance creativity. These internships provide students with real-world experience and the opportunity to work on creative projects. In conclusion, Standards XI and XII (high school) are the perfect opportunity for students to undertake a number of activities like summer camps, internships, and online courses in order to enhance their profile and develop a deeper understanding of what they would like to do in life, in the near future. Augmenting creativity opens the mind and helps students to solve problems more openly and with innovation. Written by Mr. Vikram Soni- Jitin Chawla Team
Jack Dorsey courts controversy by claiming ETH is a security Long-time Bitcoin (BTC) advocate Jack Dorsey has found himself in a Twitter war with several crypto industry pundits after he responded with “yes” to a question asking if Ether (ETH) was a security. The comment caught the attention of Udi Wertheimer, a Bitcoin Ordinals developer at Taproot Wizards, who inferred Dorsey was a “clown” in a tweet on June 6. In response, Dorsey tweeted, “ETH is not a security? Teach me wizard,” which prompted Wertheimer to share a five-year-old video of the United States Securities Exchange CommissionChair Gary Gensler stating that ETH was now “sufficiently decentralized” and wasn’t a security. — Udi Wertheimer (@udiWertheimer) June 6, 2023 However, Gabor Gurbacs, strategy adviser to stablecoin issuer Tether and investment management firm VanEck, weighed in on Wertheimer’s comment, stating that Ethereum’s recent transition to proof-of-stake may have re-triggered securities laws. The online scuffle comes in light of the SEC filing lawsuits against cryptocurrency exchanges Binance and Coinbase on June 5 and 6 for allegedly offering tokens considered to be unregistered securities. Dorsey also tweeted and implied approval of a screenshot of a post by Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong in 2015, where he referred to altcoins as a “distraction” and that Coinbase should instead “be focused” on Bitcoin. — jack (@jack) June 6, 2023 Dorsey continued on his pro-Bitcoin tweeting streak and retweeted a video of Jack Mallers — CEO of Bitcoin Lightning application Strike — calling out Armstrong for choosing to prioritize altcoins over building on Bitcoin and the Lightning Network. Related: Jack Dorsey tips pro-crypto candidate Robert Kennedy to win presidency When Dorsey was in charge of Twitter in 2021 the company sold 140 Ethereum-based nonfungible tokens (NFTs) but he rejected investing in Ether at the time. Dorsey also downplayed Ethereum’s development in August 2021 when he claimed that Ethereum alone wouldn’t be able to disrupt big tech. Dorsey recently provided funding and became an advocate for Nostr, a decentralized “Twitter killer” network that integrates Bitcoin Lightning-based payments on the “Damus” platform. Magazine: Crypto regulation — Does SEC Chair Gary Gensler have the final say?
As a left liberal Democrat, it does not really matter who I want to win the Republican primary. However, I am also following this election closely as a student of political behavior and Mormonism. One of the reasons I am rooting for Mitt is that I strongly feel that the parties should put forward good candidate, if not the best candidate possible. I am not sure if Mitt is the best candidate for the GOP, but he is clearly the best candidate amongst those who jumped into the race this round. Rick Perry initially had the potential to fill such a role. But…well…oops. A key reason that Romney is the strongest GOP candidate this year is money and organization. He is clearly the Republican contender that has the money and organization to not only win the nomination, but also to wage a vigorous national campaign in the general election. Campaigns and organization matter. McCain learned this the hard way. Romney has spent the last four years preparing to not make the same mistakes that both Romney and McCain made in 2008. Why would I want a strong candidate on the GOP side? After all, don’t I want Obama to win? Well, yes I do. However, I think that an important function of the parties is to provide good choices for the electorate. Does is always do this? Clearly not. Yet, a strong GOP candidate is good for Obama. It will force him to campaign at his best. A strong GOP candidate also creates a sense of legitimacy about an electoral victory. Defeating Ron Paul, Santorum, or Newt in a general election would be easy pickings. It would lead to many to say that the only reason for another four years was a weak GOP opponent. Another major reason I am rooting for Mitt is that he is Mormon. I root for Mormon athletes. As a kid, in addition to collecting baseball cards of players with connections to my Baltimore Orioles, I collected the baseball cards of Mormon baseball players. I was likely one of the few kids that got excited about a Vance Law card. I root for Mormons on reality shows. I voted quite a few times for David Archuleta when he was on American Idol and I am a metal-head. When it comes down to it, I am a sucker for identity politics. Now my affinity might be stronger with somebody like Harry Reid who, like me, is a Mormon Democrat. However, I have a soft spot for other Mormons. As a freshman at Ricks College (now BYU-Idaho), I had a Larry Echohawk for Governor sign in my room. I was also in the College Republicans. However, having grown up in the east, I was excited to support a fellow Mormon for office. Of course, at that time I figured Mormon Democrats couldn’t be evil liberal Democrats. A decade later, I am one of those evil liberal Democrats. I am still Mormon. Now, many of my liberal and moderate friends will ask: Why not root for John Huntsman? The reason ultimately is that Huntsman is a non-factor in 2012. He has little support within the GOP. Not only did he serve in the Obama administration, he has regularly poked at the conservative GOP base. I have enjoyed many of those pokes, but Huntsman has no shot in the current climate and his debate performances has done little to change that. Now, this is not an endorsement of Romney for President. My Obama sticker went on the car a week ago. Heck, the Romney campaign may want to renounce this post. I do not think they are looking for any liberal egalitarian love. I will still be rooting for him. Good luck, Mitt.
How the Federal Reserve Impacts Your Personal Finances In today’s dynamic economic landscape, it’s crucial to understand how various factors influence our personal finances. One such influential entity is the Federal Reserve. In this article, we will explore the role of the Federal Reserve and how its actions can have a direct impact on your financial well-being. The Federal Reserve: An Overview The Federal Reserve, often referred to as the Fed, is the central banking system of the United States. Established in 1913, its primary objective is to maintain a stable and healthy financial system. The Fed operates independently of the government and is tasked with implementing monetary policy to foster economic growth while keeping inflation in check. Interest Rates and Borrowing Costs One of the most significant ways the Federal Reserve affects personal finances is through its control over interest rates. The Fed can raise or lower interest rates to influence borrowing costs for individuals and businesses. When the Fed lowers interest rates, borrowing becomes more affordable, encouraging spending and investment. Conversely, when the Fed raises interest rates, borrowing becomes more expensive, which can deter borrowing and cool down the economy. For individuals, changes in interest rates can directly impact mortgage rates, credit card interest rates, and car loan rates. A decrease in interest rates can result in lower mortgage payments and reduced borrowing costs, making it an opportune time to purchase a home or refinance an existing mortgage. Similarly, lower interest rates can make it cheaper to finance big-ticket purchases, such as cars or appliances, through loans or credit cards. On the flip side, when the Federal Reserve increases interest rates, borrowing costs rise. This can lead to higher mortgage payments, increased credit card interest, and more expensive loans. It’s essential for individuals to be mindful of these changes as they can impact budgeting and financial planning decisions. Inflation and Purchasing Power Another way the Federal Reserve influences personal finances is through its management of inflation. Inflation refers to the general increase in prices over time, reducing the purchasing power of money. The Fed aims to maintain stable prices by keeping inflation at a moderate level. When inflation is low and stable, your purchasing power remains relatively steady. You can expect the prices of goods and services to increase at a predictable rate, allowing you to plan and budget accordingly. On the other hand, if inflation rises rapidly, the value of your money decreases, eroding your purchasing power. This can make it more challenging to afford everyday expenses and long-term financial goals. Stock Market and Investments The actions and statements of the Federal Reserve can significantly impact the stock market and investments. When the Fed expresses optimism about the economy, it can boost investor confidence and lead to increased stock market activity. Conversely, if the Fed signals concerns about the economy, it can cause market volatility and a decrease in stock prices. As an individual investor, it’s essential to stay informed about the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy decisions and statements. These factors can influence market trends and impact the performance of your investment portfolio. Additionally, understanding the relationship between the Federal Reserve’s actions and the stock market can help you make more informed investment decisions. The Federal Reserve plays a critical role in shaping the economic landscape and, consequently, our personal finances. By controlling interest rates, managing inflation, and influencing the stock market, the Fed’s actions can have a direct impact on borrowing costs, purchasing power, and investment returns.As individuals, it’s crucial to stay informed about the Federal Reserve’s policies and their potential implications. By understanding the relationship between the Federal Reserve and personal finances, you can make informed decisions, adapt to changing economic conditions, and strive for financial stability and growth. Download our app MadbuMax on the Apple App Store for the latest news and financial tools. Interested in getting your finances in order do not forget to check Dr. Paul Etienne’s best-seller book on personal finance. To access more resources, tools and services please click here. Also do not forget to follow Dr. Etienne on IG or Twitter.
Nascar Racing For Racing Lovers Hawaiian Shirt Short-History of the Vintage Hawaiian Print Shirt The Hawaiian shirt falls within this pattern. For decades, the relaxed fit and bold prints embodied the clueless tourist, usually someone on a cruise, and were a quick signifier that, no matter where you are, you’re just visiting. But, it’s also had its pop culture moments: Think cheesy Elvis flicks in the ‘60s and gun-wielding bad-asses from 1983’s Scarface through True Romance and Romeo + Juliet in the ‘90s. The latter coincided with the casual popularity of bowling shirts through the early aughts, and considering fashion’s 20-year cycles, those familiar palm prints returning to the runway. How to Style a Modern Hawaiian Shirt – Nascar Racing For Racing Lovers Hawaiian Shirt Your rule for summer: The more flamboyant the print, the better. This season’s statement garment can’t be too modest, so it’s best to go all out. What’s out there? A boundless assortment of choices. Of course, you can start traditional, with florals, palm leaves, or repeating island and surfer graphics. However, in terms of prints, there’s a whole world beyond of retooled options. Thus, in place of florals, consider pineapples – really, they’re everywhere this season. Replace those palm fronds with bamboo leaves. Hawaiian Button Up Shirt Aloha Shirt How Your Hawaiian Shirt Should Fit After you’ve gotten your prints in gear – and truth be told, you can’t have just one – think about how you’ll wear the shirt. Building on its reemergence, the Hawaiian shirt projects a more refined silhouette this time around. As such, veer away from the tourist trap: A baggy, draped fit paired with knee-length shorts and Velcro strap sandals. And, unless you’re attempting a strictly retro look, it’s best to leave the pop culture influences in the past. See us at our Social - Our collection: https://beuteeshop.com/product-category/apparel/ - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/beuteeshop - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/beuteeshop1/ - Twitter: https://twitter.com/BeuteeShop - Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/beuteeshop From: Beuteeshop team
The background on the causes of the conflicts in Iraq covers the dispute that was triggered by Iraq invasion of Kuwait, where Saddam Hussein had ordered the invasion. Differences had arisen towards the inability of Kuwait to clear a debt repayment. Since Iraq was more powerful than Kuwait, this invasion caused damage to the Kuwaitis and the national security of Kuwait. Provided that Saddam had succeeded in seizing a vast portion of Kuwait, it was upon the Kuwaitis to either retaliate or ask for international help. The report explores the perspectives of the Persian Gulf Conflict in respect to Iraq situation. The Gulf War The Gulf War started in 1990 after Iraqi troops led by the dictator Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait and declared it the 19th province of Iraq. Given that Iraq was more powerful than Kuwait, this invasion caused damage to the Kuwaitis and the national security of Kuwait. Provided that Saddam had succeeded in seizing a vast portion of Kuwait, it was upon the Kuwaitis to either retaliate or ask for international help. The former was not an option for Iraq was a neighboring villain with a record of iron-fist leadership. The president of the USA, George Bush, then thought that Saddam had gone too far in invading Kuwait and offered to assist in pushing Iraqi troops out of Kuwait. The international community followed the USA’s example and formed the coalition that was supposed to take Iraqi soldiers on an offensive mission to root them out of Kuwait (Allard & Kenneth, 1995). The events that were unveiling had drawn too much media attention, and many reporters were in the forefront trying to capture a moment of the war to narrate something. On the side of the USA and coalition partners’ military, which allowed media to report on the issues as they happened, was a risk to both, the security of the USA and coalition military personnel, as it was to the image of USA. In order not to cut back the probability of such risks, the military personnel did not allow media reporters on the battlefront. Most of the reported events were according to the reports that the military briefers gave to the media. The fact about these reports was that they reported about one side of the story and aimed to prove a point to the public. The point was to make the public want to support that war by giving negative coverage about Saddam and Iraqi troops, while, on the other hand, portraying the USA military as considerate and fostering peace (Head et al., 1996). The Gulf War, like any other war, had casualties, deaths, and instilled fear to the people who were caught in the crossfire; however, it was one of the most censored in terms of reporting with reporters and newsrooms’ reportage on what was thought to be legitimate by the US government. Our custom writing service is your shortest way to academic success! - Expert authors with academic degrees - Papers in any format: MLA, APA, Oxford, Harvard - 24/7 live customer support - Only authentic papers for every customer - Absolute confidentiality - Decent prices and substantial discounts Saddam Hussein was the leader who assumed office without the approval of the people he was leading or claimed to lead. The way he assumed office was followed by a series of executions and forceful assumption of office under the help of the USA. Following the same trend of assuming office without the consent from the citizens of Iraq, Saddam Hussein felt like he could extend that form of leadership to the neighboring Kuwait. However, the move was not welcomed by most of the international powers and they moved in to oppose it (Builder, 1996). This ushered in the war to evict Iraq from Kuwait with the USA leading amongst partners. Before the alleged start of the war, President Bush (the senior) gave a briefing that an offensive led by the USA troops was going to take place to drive out Iraqi troops out of Kuwait. While he was giving this briefing, the bombardment of several military bases in Kuwait as believed to have been occupied by the Iraqi troops started. This shows that the public briefing that Bush was giving was not aimed to alert the public of some already going on war but to rather inform them on a war that was going to start. The reason for this was that a number of information channels that had sent reporters to cover the story live. If the information had been given to the press before the operation took place, it would have been possible for the Iraqi troops to get prepared before they were attacked. The government and the military were playing the same game of tossing the public on whichever side they wanted in terms of the information they were willing to give and the time they intended to release it (Janos, 1990). Shielding of Media Personnel The media war was the scramble for news, but there was also the problem, with which they were competing with the military. Usually, the commander assumes full responsibility of the undertakings of his crew and any other personnel that may be onboard. In order to protect the operations of the military, the commanders ensure that there is a protocol to follow in terms of engaging the enemy and informing the press. For this reason, information to the press has to follow a certain channel and has to cover certain events. Soldiers are advised to take caution when they are faced with the press, and only designated personnel should disseminate information. In order to achieve the goals of the military and protect the well being of the military personnel, it is important to have the press well shielded from the decision-making chambers and warfronts. Get this EXCLUSIVE benefits for FREE Outline (on demand) For shielding the press from uncovering information and events that might be of bad taste, the military decided to pool reporters so that they could report only on what concerned the interests of the public. Every group of troops would have a number of reporters, who were to cover events undertaken by that particular group. That selection and categorizing was referred to pooling and was under the control and protection of the military sergeants. The problem with the pooling system was that the only events that would qualify for reporting were those with certain elevation to the advantage of the military (Gordon, Michael and General Bernard, 1995). Reporters were left behind in camps as the military personnel went to the battlefront; this showed that there was technically nothing to report on. With nothing first hand to report, the military briefers had to give the public back at home something to rely on. Following this underpinning, the military briefers had to rehearse on the content they intended to disclose to the reporters. Questions were answered selectively and at times, briefing allowed no questions. This practice shielded the press from reporting or informing the public on anything that the military thought to be damaging. Given that most of the American citizens were following the developments of the war on television, the military also had to control what types of images and video footages were appropriate for transmission. In order to achieve this, the images that showed military helping war victims, Iraqi soldiers committing atrocities, and displaced Kuwaitis were authorized for airing. The reason for this was to convince the public that there was a clear reason why the war was underway and somewhat win their support. The Gulf War of 1991 was one among others where free press was highly restricted. For this reason, most of the information that the military allowed to the press was too minimal to make any impact on the public in terms of informative journalism. Following the censorship of the media, the public were tempted to believe that the US military had all the reasons to intervene with in the Iraq-Kuwait conflict. With most of the information aimed at damaging the reputation of the Middle East leadership, a number of American citizens believe that the Middle East leaders are a threat to international peace. This ideology has made every president coming to office involved with issues of the Middle East to control the out-of-control leaders. |Economics Cases||Case Study|
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Sometimes we may run into inventory issues that are out of our control. In the event an item is unavailable, you will be contacted and given a full refund. Inspired by the Outdoors offers a 30 day money back guarantee on all product purchases. All returns must be received in unused condition in the original packaging including all tags and labels. Process for Returns: Contact us to receive a “Return Authorization Number”. Please, also include your order #, order date, and the ship to name. At this time we will provide you with the return address. You can use any carrier you choose (FedEx, UPS, USPS) to ship the product back to us or our supplier. In order for a refund to be issued we must receive the item undamaged, unused, unaltered, and in the original packaging. Please allow up to two weeks for your return to be processed. Due to the nature of customized products, we are unable to accept returns on these items. If the product is damaged during shipment, the product will be replaced at no cost to you. Please see the damaged item process below. If your product purchase is damaged during shipping, we will replace the item at no cost to you. We must be notified of the damage within 3 business days of you receiving it. Photos of the damage may be required. The damaged item(s) must be shipped back to us or our suppliers. Refusal of Item(s): If you refuse to accept shipment of the product you've purchased these item(s) will be returned back to us. There may be a 10% restocking fee plus shipping and handling fees that will be non refundable. If you decide to cancel your order, please contact us. If your order has not shipped, we will provide you a full refund. If your order has shipped, you can return your purchased items by following the process for returns as stated above. Inspired by the Outdoors is proud to use Shopify to process all purchases made through our online store. There is no transaction, Credit Information, or personal information gathered on the Inspired by the Outdoors website. Once an item has been selected and you’re ready to make a purchase you will be seamlessly directed to Shopify’s secure servers to process your order. The information you provide such as credit card, mailing address, is encrypted using secure socket layer technology (SSL) and stored with a AES-256 encryption. Your purchase transaction data is stored only as long as is necessary to complete your purchase transaction. After that is complete, your purchase transaction information is deleted. Shopify follows all PCI-DSS requirements. This compliance allows Shopify to process payments made with a Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and other major credit cards. Once a purchase is made the charging company "Webco Enterprises" will appear on your credit card statement.
Phone or computer screens affect your eyesight. To reduce the impact of light rays from screens, you can opt for computer glasses, or rest glasses, to limit your visual discomfort. To work effectively in front of a computer screen, your visual comfort is essential. Indeed, eye fatigue can cause bothersome ailments, and a drop in your attention: To work effectively in front of a computer screen, your visual comfort is essential. If you are between 20 and 40 years old, and apart from an uncorrected visual disturbance, Cyxus blue light glasses can provide you with some additional comfort in the face of these symptoms: Computer glasses by Cyxus are suitable for a screen reading distance of approximately 55 to 65 cm. If your TV is close, i.e. within 5 meters, they can also provide you with additional comfort. Rest glasses can also be useful for computer work if you wear corrective lenses and are prone to dry eye syndrome. Cyxus blue light glasses are not worn continuously. You only need it when you are in front of a screen, to limit attacks from screen brightness. The anti-reflective treatments will provide you with optimal comfort, by limiting attacks due to the brightness of the screens. No more dazzling sensations, headaches or eye irritation! To avoid eye fatigue, it is advisable to follow a few ergonomic tips. First, make sure you have enough light in the room where your screens are located. In front of a screen, dim lighting is preferable. Sometimes it is necessary to organize your living space. You have to play on the location and, depending on the lighting, in order to avoid stray reflections. A screen perpendicular to the windows will reflect less glare. A computer is a light source that can be annoying if the eye is staring at it for too long. When working for a long time at a computer, it is therefore recommended to take a break from time to time, for example 5 or 10 minutes per hour. You can also alternate indoor and outdoor activities. Also remember to blink your eyes regularly to hydrate them. Also, don’t forget to lift your eyes from your screen and gaze far ahead for a few moments to rest your eyes. If, despite all these precautions, your eyes still irritate you in front of the screen, do not hesitate to consult an ophthalmologist. The latter will be able to detect a visual disturbance, and / or prescribe you glasses with more advanced technologies. To buy your perfect pair of e-protection Cyxus eyeglasses you only need to log on to the official website and start exploring your options. While strolling on the Cyxus site, you will discover a vast choice of styles, shapes and colors, whether in terms of frames or lenses. Full rim, half-rim or no-rim frames in metal or plastic can be equipped with patented digital protection layer that prevents the blue light of the screens in your life from damaging your eyesight. The colors range from the classical shades to colors that truly pop. An added convenience is provided by the virtual fitting studio and categorization of eyeglasses by face shape. This takes a lot of guesswork out of the equation, suggesting the shapes of eyewear that will look flattering on your face. You can get most of the pairs for under $20,00, and delivered them to your home within a few business days. Cyxus is a company specializing in functional optician ware: computer glasses, gamer glasses, polarized sunglasses and glasses for reading can be found on the company’s website. The pricing policy of the company makes Cyxus eyewear essentially affordable without compromising on the quality of frames or the attractiveness of their styles.
EnerSys PowerSafe DSG Batteries PowerSafe® DSG Batteries have been carefully engineered to take on the demanding power needs of the utility market. The multi-cell design with individual post utilizes less floor space while allowing for integration of battery monitoring and test equipment used in routine maintenance. PowerSafe DSG series batteries employ a Slide-Lock™ post seal that allows for natural plate growth over time for maximum reliability and reduced maintenance. The innovative tongue-and-groove jar-to-cover seal provides a robust airtight seal. Multi-cell construction requires fewer units, resulting in lower installation costs. The 0.25" thick positive plate makes DSG batteries ideally suited for the long duration and complex duty cycle requirements inherent to todays switchgear, utility and control applications. All battery systems are rated at 100% capacity at initial discharge and offer 20-year life expectancy in float service at 77°F (25°C) ambient temperature. - Capacity range 295 - 1600 Ah at the 8 hour rate to 1.75vpc at 77°F (25°C) - 100% initial capacity - 12 multi-cell units, six 8v units and six 4v units reduces linear footprint - Individual (or dual) terminals per cell to allow individual cell monitoring - Plated copper terminals, single hole for 5 and 7 plate models, dual hole for remainder of models - Thick grids for excellent long duration discharge and long life Alpine Power Systems is a platinum value-added reseller of EnerSys Battery products. Alpine can provide battery services on all EnerSys batteries including engineering, installation, preventative maintenance, monitoring and recycling. Contact us today for pricing and technical inquiries. Downloads & Documentation See below for documentation relating to this product line that is available to download. To download this documentation, please click on the desired document you’d like to download and fill out the required form information fields. You will be able to view and download the documents upon completion of the download form.
Brad Garlinghouse, the CEO of Ripple (XRP), has just announced plans for a “proper victory party” for members of its community in New York City on September 29 to celebrate the recent partial win against the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). On August 29, Garlinghouse took to X to reveal the grand celebration in the heart of New York City following Ripple’s monumental win against the SEC after U.S. District Judge Analisa Torres ruled that most sales of the XRP token didn’t qualify as securities transactions. As promised – it’s time for that proper victory party. The last few years have been quite the journey and I look forward to sharing a celebratory toast on Sept 29 in NYC! https://t.co/9YDQGnK6Pg — Brad Garlinghouse (@bgarlinghouse) August 28, 2023 Grand Celebration for the entire Crypto Industry It seems, the upcoming event will also serve as a platform for reflecting on the broader implications that seek to galvanize other crypto-focused companies to resist the American regulator’s attempt to assert its jurisdiction over the industry. Garlinghouse wrote, “As promised – it’s time for that proper victory party. The last few years have been quite the journey and I look forward to sharing a celebratory toast on Sept 29 in NYC!” Over the recent past, the digital asset industry has been in a tug-of-war with the SEC and its Democratic chair Gary Gensler, who has described the crypto market as a “Wild West” riddled with fraud. Saying most crypto tokens are securities, the SEC has cracked down on crypto trading platforms, including the top crypto exchanges – Binance and Coinbase, in an effort to bring the industry under its oversight. The announcement was met with an outpouring of support on social media from the XRP community with users taking to social media platform X to back the event. David Schwartz, the Chief Technology Officer at Ripple chimed in to the celebratory vibe stating, “Guessing how many of you I will see at both ApexDevSummit and the Community Celebration… hopefully a lot!” Meanwhile, John Deaton, a prominent pro-XRP lawyer, explained how eagerly the Ripple community has been waiting for the recent win in the more-than-two-years-long legal tussle with the SEC that has managed to set a legal precedent within the crypto space, including investors, blockchain innovators and lawmakers worldwide. I know a little something about the XRP community and how hard and long they fought for clarity. I have 75K email addresses and cell phone numbers to prove it. All I can say is: I hope Ripple has a large venue. https://t.co/HuMQleYR4U — John E Deaton (@JohnEDeaton1) August 28, 2023 Aside from the celebrations, the victory event stands as a testament to the transformative power of innovation and resilience, setting a precedent that should have a positive impact not only on XRP but also on the broader crypto market. It could also prompt other nations to take cues and take initiatives to further the development of the underlying technology. Ripple Vs SEC Gear Up for Another Showdown It comes shortly after the upcoming trial date for another courtroom battle between Ripple and the SEC was unveiled. On August 24, Eleanor Terrett, a journalist at Fox Business, revealed a crucial document that was shared by the SEC with Judge Torres of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, disclosing the upcoming trial. — Eleanor Terrett (@EleanorTerrett) August 23, 2023 As per the document, the court-room battle might take place during the second quarter of 2024 as both Ripple and the SEC have signaled their intention to move forward with the appeal after the court approved the regulator’s request to file an interlocutory appeal in the case against XRP earlier this month.
Africa-focused Allied Gold, which on Monday listed on the TSX, has approved the expanded Kurmuk project, in Ethiopia, earmarking $500-million for a two-phase development plan. Kurmuk is now planned as a 240 000-oz/y gold mine with all-in sustaining costs (AISC) targeted below $950/oz, with a strategic mine life extending for an initial 15 years. The expanded project that involves upgrading the processing plant’s capacity from 4.4-million tonnes a year to between 5.4-million tonnes and 5.7-million tonnes a year. The expanded project will produce an average of nearly 275 000 oz/y for the first four years and an average of 240 000 oz/y over its mine life. This compares favourable to the original project, which would have produced an average of 200 000 oz/y with similar capital costs. Allied noted that, by capitalising on the deployment of existing major equipment owned by the company and relying on contractor mining, the expanded project would be developed with the same capital requirements as initially planned. The project development capital would be spent from 2023 to 2026, funded by available cash on hand and cash flows from producing mines, with the first gold pour expected in the second quarter of 2026. Allied has just completed a $267-million financing, including a significant investment from incoming management in the amount of $40-million. Chairperson and CEO Peter Marrone anchored the investment of incoming management. Allied Gold and Allied Merger Corp, which was formed by Marrone and fellow former Yamana Gold executives, last week completed a business combination and reserve takeover transaction. “The commencement of trading on the TSX marks the final step as we complete our transition to a public company and embark on our next phase of growth,” Marrone commented on Monday. “We are excited to have been part of this foundational event for the Company and are now positioned to execute our strategic vision, with a renewed commitment to delivering on our high-quality, organic growth profile and generating substantial value for our shareholders. Our goal is to evolve into a significant mid-tier next-generation gold producer and ultimately become a leading senior global gold producer,” he said. OTHER EXPANSION APPROVALS Meanwhile, the Allied board also approved an allocation for the advancement of the Diba project, located 15 km south of the processing plant at its flagship Sadiola gold mine, in Mali. The company previously announced that it entered into an agreement to acquire the Diba project from Elemental Altus Royalty with the aim of providing higher-grade and lower-cost oxide ore feed to the Sadiola gold mine, particularly in 2024 and 2025. Allied plans to progress with delineation drilling, road, and infrastructure upgrades throughout 2023 and intends to confirm mineral reserves, and commence ore processing at Diba in the first half of 2024. The total development costs approved by the board, including expenses for an access road to transport ore to the Sadiola plant, are expected to be $12-million in 2023 and 2024. The board also approved the Phase 1 expansion of Sadiola, with a total capital investment of $61.6-million, scheduled for execution in 2024. This expansion is part of a broader plan for Sadiola, transitioning the mine from producing gold from oxide ore to fresh rock. In this initial phase, the existing plant, originally designed for oxide ore processing, will be upgraded to handle up to 60% of the total ore feed as fresh rock. As a result of this upgrade, Sadiola is expected to increase its gold production from 175 000 oz/y to an average level of 200 000 oz/y between 2024 and 2028. The Phase 2 expansion, planned as a new processing plant to be built beginning in 2027 and dedicated to processing fresh rock starting in 2029, is expected to increase production to an average of 400 000 oz/y for the first four years and 300 000 oz/y on average for the mine’s 19-year life, with AISC expected to decrease to below $1 000 per gold ounce. In addition to these developments, the board has approved an optimization plan encompassing a series of enhancements at existing mines. These enhancements include upgraded and improved power generation facilities, instrumentation upgrades, improved procurement and supply chain processes and management, enhanced contractor interaction for improved mine production and operational right-sizing to improve efficiency and costs across all of the company’s mines.
One-in-eight men will receive a prostate cancer diagnosis in his lifetime, according to the American Cancer Society, and about one-in-40 will die as a result. A USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center research team has now developed an innovative treatment for prostate cancer, known as (synthetic immune receptor SIR-T) therapy. The new technology was adapted from chimeric antigen receptor (CAR-T) therapy, which has proven effective for several types of blood cancer. “We have a homegrown USC technology which shows a lot of promise. If the path that we are on ultimately proves successful, it could revolutionize the treatment of not only prostate cancer but also other cancers,” said principal investigator Preet M. Chaudhary, MD, PhD, a professor of medicine at the Keck School of Medicine of USC. Chaudhary has been selected to receive a $5.8 million award from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), a publicly funded state initiative for stem cell research, to begin conducting preclinical studies of SIR-T therapy. Chaudhary is the Bloom Family Chair in Lymphoma Research, chief of the Nohl Division of Hematology and Center for Blood Diseases in the Department of Medicine, and director of the USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center’s Blood and Marrow Transplant and Cell Therapy program. “If the therapeutic is successful, it will extend the long-term survival rates for Californians with prostate cancer.” Currently, approximately 61,860 patients die from prostate cancer in California every year. A new approach to immunotherapy In CAR-T cell therapy, a patient’s T-cells, which are part of the body’s immune response, are extracted and genetically engineered to express the chimeric antigen receptor (CAR). The modified T-cells are then reinjected into the patient, where CAR enables them to selectively seek out, bind to and kill cancer cells. CAR-T therapy—which is now approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat several blood cancers including leukemia, lymphoma and multiple myeloma—has been revolutionary for certain patients. Just a single dose can send some patients with advanced cancer into remission. But its success in treating blood cancers has not translated into effectiveness against solid tumor cancers, such as prostate, breast, brain, gastrointestinal, skin and lung cancer. CAR-T therapy can also cause fatal complications, including an overactivation of the immune response known as cytokine release syndrome, as well as seizures and a dangerous swelling of the brain. “The bottom line is that people have tried to replicate the success of CAR-T cell therapy with solid tumor cancers, and have been mostly unsuccessful,” Chaudhary said. SIR-T therapy, in contrast, uses different receptors that more closely resemble the body’s natural T-cells. Chaudhary and his team tested thousands of prototypes over an eight-year period to develop receptors that are effective and safe for solid tumors, including prostate cancer. An initial round of tests in mice yielded very promising results, prompting Chaudhary to apply for funding from CIRM. Accelerating the development process With the new award, Chaudhary and his team can now begin conducting preclinical trials of SIR-T therapy, known as Investigational New Drug-enabling studies. Their research over the next two and a half years will culminate in an application for FDA approval to begin clinical trials in humans. If all goes according to plan, patients could have access to SIR-T therapy within just a few years. In the meantime, Chaudhary’s lab is also testing SIR-T therapy for other types of cancer. They have been selected to receive a series of grants from the U.S. Department of Defense to study the technology’s effectiveness against melanoma, kidney cancer, lymphoma and a different molecule involved in prostate cancer. “This technology has a lot of different applications, so we are working to ensure the platform works across disease types,” Chaudhary said. “The series of grants we’ve received reflects a lot of excitement about the SIR-T platform.” About this Award This research is funded by CIRM TRAN1-13370. Other members of Dr. Chaudhary’s laboratory who will work on the research include Hittu Matta, PhD, Sunju Choi, PhD, Songjie Gong, MS and Bryant Bravo, BS. Angeles Therapeutics, Inc., a USC startup company, holds a license from USC for all therapeutic applications of the SIR platform. Dr. Chaudhary is the founder of Angeles Therapeutics and holds equity interest in the company.
Delve into the intriguing realm of Spiro Agnew’s Ghost, a figure that has sparked curiosity and speculation. In this article, we explore the life and controversies surrounding Spiro T. Agnew, the 39th Vice President of the United States. We’ll also examine the enigmatic presence of “Spiro Agnew’s Ghost” in the realm of social media and its significance in political discourse. Join us as we unravel the mysteries and shed light on this captivating persona. Who is Spiro T. Agnew and What was his Role as Vice President? Spiro Theodore Agnew, born on December 9, 1918, in Baltimore, Maryland, served as the 39th Vice President of the United States under President Richard Nixon. He assumed office on January 20, 1969, and remained in this position until his resignation on October 10, 1973. Agnew’s conservative views often clashed with the civil rights and anti-war movements of the 1960s and 1970s. Controversies Surrounding Spiro T. Agnew’s Resignation Spiro T. Agnew’s resignation from the vice presidency was mired in controversy. He was embroiled in a tax evasion scandal and faced accusations of accepting bribes during his tenure as the governor of Maryland. The Nixon administration sought to remove Agnew from the presidential line of succession, leading to secret plea negotiations between Agnew’s lawyers and government officials. Following his resignation, Agnew declared that he had resigned for the benefit of the nation, thus capturing national attention. The Intrigue of Spiro Agnew’s Ghost While there are articles and social media accounts mentioning Spiro Agnew’s ghost, it is important to note that these references are primarily found in political commentary and satire. There is no substantial evidence to suggest that Spiro Agnew’s ghost has become a widespread trend or phenomenon. Unveiling the Identity of “Spiro Agnew’s Ghost” The enigmatic personality behind the anonymous Twitter account, “Spiro Agnew’s Ghost,” remains unknown. This account has garnered attention for its political commentary and boasts a substantial following of over 140,000 individuals. The account offers a fresh perspective on politics, capturing the interest and support of its dedicated audience. Exploring the Persona of Spiro T. Agnew Spiro T. Agnew, a prominent American politician, served as Vice President alongside President Richard Nixon from 1969 to 1973. Known for his conservative beliefs, Agnew vehemently opposed civil rights and anti-war movements of the era. However, his political career was abruptly cut short by a tax evasion scandal, leading to his resignation in 1973. It is important to emphasize that the anonymous Twitter account, “Spiro Agnew’s Ghost,” bears no connection to the actual Spiro T. Agnew. Significance of the Anonymous Twitter Account The anonymous Twitter account, “Spiro Agnew’s Ghost,” holds significance in the realm of political discourse on social media. With over 142,000 followers and more than 270,000 tweets, the account has gained popularity for its unique and insightful commentary on current affairs. The anonymity surrounding the account’s creator adds to its allure and allows for a distinct voice in political discussions online. Despite its association with the name “Spiro Agnew,” it is essential to recognize that this account is separate from the historical figure himself. In the realm of politics and social media, Spiro Agnew’s Ghost continues to captivate with its enigmatic presence. While Spiro T. Agnew left an indelible mark on American politics, controversies and a tax evasion scandal ultimately defined his legacy. Meanwhile, the anonymous Twitter account bearing the name “Spiro Agnew’s Ghost” has carved out its own unique space in political discourse, offering an anonymous voice that resonates with thousands. As the mysteries surrounding Spiro Agnew’s ghost persist, we remain intrigued by its enduring presence in the digital realm.
Typo misdirects millions of U.S. military emails to Mali A easy typo has brought about hundreds of thousands of U.S. army emails to be misdirected to Mali over the past decade, the Financial Times (FT) reported on Monday. The emails can generally embody extremely delicate information equivalent to diplomatic paperwork, tax returns, passwords, and journey info linked to main army officers, the report mentioned. The error happens when senders unintentionally kind the flawed electronic mail handle, inputting the .ml area — for Mali — as an alternative of .mil, the one used for U.S. army addresses. The FT mentioned the difficulty was flagged up 10 years in the past by Johannes Zuurbier, a Dutch web entrepreneur who has a contract to handle Mali’s nation area. Regardless of sending repeated warnings to the U.S. authorities, the emails carry on coming. The difficulty is all of the extra urgent as Zuurbier’s contract with the Mali authorities, which has shut hyperlinks to Russia, is about to finish, which means native officers will quickly be capable of view the content material of the emails. Zuurbier, who mentioned that nearly 1,000 misdirected emails arrived on someday alone final week, claims that he’s tried to achieve out to U.S. officers on a number of events, together with in a letter despatched earlier this month by which he warned that the “danger is actual and could possibly be exploited by adversaries of the U.S.” The FT notes that whereas loads of the messages are spam, some comprise confidential info on serving U.S. army personnel, contractors, and their households, together with “X-rays and medical information, id doc info, crew lists for ships, employees lists at bases, maps of installations, photographs of bases, naval inspection reviews, contracts, prison complaints towards personnel, inner investigations into bullying, official journey itineraries, bookings, and tax and monetary data.” One of many misdirected emails even contained info linked to Common James McConville, the chief of employees of the US military, forward of a visit to Indonesia in Might. The e-mail contained McConville’s itinerary, numerous room numbers, and even directions on the gathering of his room key. in one other incident, an FBI agent with naval-linked duties tried to ahead six messages to their army email account however mistakenly despatched them to Mali as an alternative. Responding to the state of affairs, Pentagon spokesperson Lt. Commander Tim Gorman mentioned the Division of Protection “is conscious of this concern and takes all unauthorized disclosures of managed nationwide safety info or managed unclassified info severely.” He added that emails which are despatched immediately from the .mil area to Malian electronic mail addresses “are blocked earlier than they go away the .mil area and the sender is notified that they have to validate the e-mail addresses of the supposed recipients,” suggesting that the misdirected messages could also be going out from private accounts or work accounts indirectly linked to the army. Retired American admiral Mike Rogers warned that ongoing entry to such emails “can generate intelligence even simply from unclassified info,” including: “It’s not out of the norm that folks make errors however the query is the dimensions, the length and the sensitivity of the knowledge.”
Full Affiliate Program Terms and Conditions These Affiliate Terms and Conditions ("Agreement") govern your participation in the affiliate program ("Affiliate Program") offered by GuitarZoom Inc. ("Company," "we," or "us"). By participating in the Affiliate Program, you ("Affiliate," "you," or "your") agree to comply with and be bound by the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. Please read this Agreement carefully. - Enrollment in the Affiliate Program - To become an affiliate, you must complete the affiliate application on our website and agree tothe terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. - We reserve the right to accept or reject any affiliate application at our sole discretion. We may reject your application if we determine, in our sole discretion, that your website or promotional methods are unsuitable for the Affiliate Program. - Affiliate Program Responsibilities - As an affiliate, you agree to promote our products and services using the marketing materials provided to you through the Affiliate Program.These marketing materials may include banners, links, and other promotional content. - You will be solely responsible for the development, operation,and maintenance of your website, including ensuring that your website content complies with all applicable laws and regulations. - You will be responsible for all costs incurred in promoting our products and services,including any costs associated with advertising, marketing, or creating and maintaining your website. - You will not engage in any illegal, deceptive, misleading, or unethical practices in promoting our products and services. This includes, but is not limited to, spamming, sending unsolicited emails, or engaging in any activity that violates applicable laws or regulations. - Commission and Payments - Commission rates are as follows: - For each first sale and any other following rebill of $399, $299, or $199 annual subscriptionproducts, you will receive a commission of 40% of the purchase price. - For sales generated by 2nd tier affiliates referred by you, you will receive a commission of 5% of the purchase price for eligible products. - Commissions will only be paid for qualified sales, which are sales that meet the criteria established by the Company, including but not limited to the completion of the purchase by the customer and verification of the sale. - Payments will be made according to the payment schedule outlined in the separate agreement or document provided to you upon acceptance into the Affiliate Program. Payments will be made in the currency specified by the Company. - Commissions will not be paid for monthly or one-off products. Commissions are only applicable to $399, $299, or $199 annual subscription products. - We may provide you with special discount codes for promotional purposes. These codes should be used in accordance with the guidelines provided by the Company. - Commissions may be held or not paid at our discretion for any reason, including, but not limited to, suspected fraudulent or unauthorized activity, violation of this Agreement, or refunds or reversals by the customer. - Commission rates are as follows: - Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time, for any reason, by providing written notice to the other party. Upon termination, you will no longer be eligible to earn commissions. - We may terminate this Agreement and suspend or terminate your participation in the Affiliate Program immediately, without notice, if we determine, in our sole discretion, that you have violated any provision of this Agreement or engaged in any activity that may harm the Company's reputation or business. - This Agreement represents the entire agreement between you and the Company concerning theAffiliate Program and supersedes any prior agreements or understandings, whether written or oral. - This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of State of California, United States of America. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the rules of court. - We reserve the right to shut down the affiliate program at any time without notice, retaining all commissions earned up until the date of termination. We reserve the right to modify this Agreement at any time, without prior notice, by posting the revised terms on our website. It is your responsibility to review this Agreement periodically for any changes. Your continued participation in the Affiliate Program after the posting of the revised terms constitutes your acceptance of the modified Agreement. By enrolling and participating in the Affiliate Program, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.
Sbobet is a bookmaker licensed in the Philippines and Isle of Man that offers sports betting and casino games to players from across the globe. The company adheres to the highest standards of fair gaming and is monitored by gambling authorities in both countries. Its reputation as a trusted gaming operator makes it an ideal choice for those seeking a secure and rewarding online experience. The website is easy to navigate and includes a number of popular deposit methods, including VISA and MasterCard. The site also offers support in several languages, making it accessible to people from all over the world. Customer service is available through phone, email or live chat. Regardless of the language you use, SBOBET’s customer support staff is well versed in their product and ready to assist you with any questions you might have. The site’s sportsbook is a huge draw and covers most major leagues in Europe and North America. In addition to standard sports betting, SBObet also has markets for futsal, bandy, squash and beach football as well as e-sports. The site’s main strength is its odds which are competitive and offer excellent value. There is a clear focus on Asian handicaps in soccer/world football and these are often comparable to the top bookmakers such as Pinnacle. They are also highly competitive on game totals in soccer/football and their payout rates can exceed 99%, depending on the market. Another benefit of SBOBET is the fact that you can place bets using your mobile device, whether you’re at home or on the go. The app allows you to keep tabs on your account balance and even place bets while watching the games live. While it doesn’t have as many betting options as the desktop version, SBOBET’s mobile application still provides a solid user experience. SBObet also has a casino section where you can play hundreds of different traditional games. Its casino is powered by Playtech, which is one of the most reputable developers in the industry. The site features classic games such as blackjack, roulette and baccarat as well as less common ones like Hi-Lo and Dice. In addition, Sbobet offers a live casino that lets you enjoy the thrill of betting on real-life events. However, there are a few important things to consider before you sign up with SBObet. First of all, the company does not accept registration applications from US-based gamblers. Attempting to register with Sbobet using tricks such as VPN connections would violate its terms and conditions and could lead to your funds being frozen or confiscated. In addition, the company has an active anti-money laundering unit to ensure that it does not facilitate illegal gambling activities. The casino also has a live chat support team that can help you out with any issues you might have. It’s also worth noting that the casino does not offer any bonuses or promotions for US players. This is to protect its reputation as a legitimate and trustworthy sportsbook and casino for international users.
The Herbarium Hamburgense holds approximately 1 Million sheets of dried seed plants which have been collected worldwide during the past 200 years. The herbarium contains some 20,000 sheets of valuable type specimens. A main focus is in tropical regions as well as in northern Germany. The fern collection of the Herbarium Hamburgense belongs to the cryptogamic section and comprises c. 40,000 sheets. It is rich in types and was used by Prof. R. SADEBECK, former director of the Botanical Museum Hamburg, for his treatment of the ferns for Engler Prantl's "Natürliche Pflanzenfamilien". Bryophytes (mosses and liverworts) The moss collection of the Herbarium Hamburgense is very rich in types from all parts of the world. Approximately 2,000 sheets have been digitized in GBIF-project. Recently, the moss herbarium has been rearranged according to the current nomenclature. The core of the HBG lichen collection is the private herbarium C.F.E. Erichsen, teacher in Hamburg, who was a prolific lichenologist and author of the "Flechtenflora von Nordwestdeutschland", a lichen flora of northwestern Germany. Large collection have been gathered by T. FEUERER (appr. 40,000 specimens worldwide) and G. ERNST (esp. northern Germany). The Herbarium Hamburgense holds a very large collection of fungi including some 180,000 sheets and 20,000 species. The core of the fungal collection is the private herbarium of the important mycologist P. MAGNUS that has been acquired in 1918. Algae (seeweeds and other macroalgae) The Herbarium Hamburgense holds an internationally significant collection of c. 30,000 sheets of macroalgae gathered from all parts of the world. The collection is based on the private algae herbarium of former mayor of Hamburg City, N. BINDER. During the middle of the 19th century, the Herbarium Binderianum was used by the renowned botanist O.W. SONDER for scientific studied.
Many years ago, I made the acquaintance of Howard Nemerov. I don’t want this to sound any larger than it was — acquaintance is just the right word. He lived down the street from me here, in St. Louis. Sometimes we’d talk of war, World War II for him, Vietnam for me. I remember once saying how I always felt like my service was a failure, that somehow I had failed The Manhood Test. It was one of the first times I’d ever been aggressively honest about my trauma. He admitted having the same feelings. “It’s amazing how war can make us feel like a failure, even when all we failed to do was get ourselves killed.” And, of course, we spoke of poetry. I have for decades meditated on an off-handed comment he made. “I have no imagination.” At first, I was uncomprehending. Years later, as I walked across the campus of Washington University, years after he’d passed, I saw Nemerov’s old office window. There were the gingko trees he wrote about in his poetry. He didn’t imagine anything. He just looked out the window. That act of looking took no imagination. The art was in his craft. This poem below records an event that happened in 1970. My first night in the 4th Infantry Division, North Vietnamese sappers blew-up twenty-one helicopters. Welcome to The Nam. The next night, we watched “Puff The Magic Dragon”, a Douglas AC-47 gunship, killed these N. V. A. maybe a half-a-mile from the camp. This gunship carried three mini-guns, Gatling guns, which fired so many rounds, 6,000 rounds a minute, that it was said that they put one bullet in every square inch of an area the size of a football field. These mini-guns don’t even sound like a rat-a-tat-tat machine gun. It’s more like wwwwhhhaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, so many bullets firing so fast that they are indistinguishable. The next morning, a patrol didn’t find any bodies, just body-sized splotches of blood. I wanted to capture the fact that my feelings were a combination of relief and awe. It is a cliché to say that soldiers are always afraid. No doubt many are. But I wasn’t afraid. And I wasn’t brave. This untitled poem records the night in The Nam that I became dissociative. I have struggled for decades with my own reaction formation, which is a near-pacifist stance. I hate war. But that doesn’t mean I didn’t find it arousing. Hence, “it’s finally time” to tell a story that I, for decades, didn’t want to know about myself. Years after the war, it’s finally time, our first sergeant retired, our outpost plowed under, the secrets no longer the news, that we tell the story and tell it again until we hear what we hated to know: that we admired the arc of the tracer, that we admired the splotches of blood.
Written by Lauren Irvine Growing your coaching brand can be exciting, but it can also be overwhelming. There are multiple tips and strategies for growing your brand, but we’re going to give you the basic tips if you are just starting out, or need a little guidance getting your coaching brand back on track. IDENTIFY YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE By identifying your target audience, you’ll better be able to market your services and work out what type of content will resonate with your ideal clients. Along with identifying your brand’s language and style that is utilized across your marketing channels.For instance, if your primary target market is beginner-intermediate female clients aged 20-35, you should post content that they would be able to relate to and assist them in their daily lives. An example of this could be posting content explaining the basic movement patterns, or simple & easy to understand tips on building a healthier lifestyle. Additionally, knowing your target audience will also determine where you should invest your time and energy on advertising. If you’re targeting CEOs and business owners, LinkedIn would be a good platform. Or, if you’re wanting to coach people in your local area, traditional mailbox flyers could work well! DECIDE ON YOUR BUSINESS MISSION This one deserves some thought because it’ll influence everything you do in your coaching business. Sit down and write down the goals you’d like to achieve through your business and more importantly, the reason why you started your business. This is often what will inspire people to follow the work that you do. DETERMINE YOUR NICHE Would you like to coach physique athletes, or do you want to work with rehabilitation clients to help them regain their independence? Even if you plan to work with clients from all walks of life, deciding on a niche for your brand will help to maximize your marketing efforts because you’ll be targeting a certain demographic. This is especially important if you plan on utilizing paid ads on social media. DECIDE ON YOUR AUDIENCE RESPONSE How do you want your audience to feel when they engage with your brand? Do you want them to feel inspired, would you like to educate them, or something else? Knowing how you want your target audience to feel when they see your fitness brand will allow you to create well thought out content, instead of posting mindlessly with no real intention. DIVERSIFY YOUR MARKETING As the saying goes, don’t put all your eggs in one basket and that’s exactly what you should be thinking about when it comes to your marketing channels. If you’re only posting content on Instagram, you’re missing out on reaching everybody in your target audience who isn’t using Instagram! By utilizing a range of marketing channels from Facebook to LinkedIN to business cards at your local cafe, you’re allowing your fitness brand to reach many more people. BUILD AN EMAIL LIST One of the often forgotten about marketing strategies for people first starting a brand is the importance of building an email list and keeping track of people who have interacted with your brand in the past. If someone has registered their email through your website or a free resource you offered, it means they have an interest in your brand or the services you offer, with a high chance of being converted into a paying customer! When it comes to building your fitness brand, putting some thought into your audience, their needs and utilizing multiple marketing channels will go a long way. It may take some time, but stay consistent, show up every day and keep up the hard work! Want to become an industry leading coach and specialize in training, programming, nutrition & business to help others achieve their health and fitness goals whilst growing your own brand? Become a qualified personal trainer and enrol into the Master Coach Program! CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION & TO SPEAK WITH OUR CAREERS ADVISOR! Roots, M. (2017, October 30). Building Your Fitness Business Brand From Scratch. Fitness Business Blog. https://www.trainerize.com/blog/building-fitness-business-brand/ Editorial Staff. (2020, January 2). Revealed: Why Building an Email List is so Important Today (6 Reasons). WPBeginner. https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/why-you-should-start-building-your-email-list-right-away/
Our cyber security products span from our next gen SIEM used in the most secure government and critical infrastructure environments, to automated cyber risk reporting applications for commercial and government organisations of all sizes. The Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) published a list of prioritised cyber mitigation strategies in February 2017 that they claim will protect organisations against as many as 85% of targeted cyber-attacks. Known as the ASD Essential Eight, there is no doubt in anyone’s mind that these controls can reduce security incidents. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is one of these eight controls, where ASD says multiple levels of authentication make it much more difficult for attackers to hijack a user’s account. Passwords are ubiquitous as a form of authenticating a user’s identity but for some time have also been seen as one of the weakest aspects of an organisation’s security architecture. There is also a misconception that additional levels of authentication, such as integration of RSA Tokens or Smartcards into the authentication mechanism will add significant cost. However, MFA ensures the user is granted access only after presenting multiple, separate credentials, usually from multiple categories, thus significantly improving the overall efficacy of the authentication service. MFA services are often split into the following three categories: Something you know (password) Something you have (token) Something you are (fingerprint, iris scan, facial recognition) Multi-Factor Authentication solutions incorporate something you know with something you have or something you are, to have the user present two or even three separate credentials to the authenticating system. Even social media services and email providers these days, such as Microsoft, Apple and Google, are incorporating MFA into their architecture to protect their users from account hijacking. It’s time that MFA was considered a mandatory component of security architecture rather than optional. Let’s look at MFA in more detail. During an attack, hackers will attempt to steal a user’s authentication information (username and password). The ultimate prize is to bag an administrative account with full privileges – of course, adversaries will settle for access to a standard user account, especially if it is a high-value user such as a financial controller or executive. Once an attacker gains access to a legitimate account, in most cases, all bets are off. Few organisations configure logging and auditing systems to monitor real users going about their normal business, so the attacker can start canvassing the network, looking for ways to monetise their new-found freedom on your systems. Caution: Multi-factor authentication is often confused with multi-step authentication. Don’t be led into a false sense of security by thinking a second level of authentication into an application server (for example) provides the same level of protection as MFA. Sequentially authenticating to multiple authentication providers will still leave any one of those functions open to brute force attacks or replay attacks. There are dozens of Multi-factor authentication solutions on the market and it’s really a matter of picking the one that best suits your business needs. Remote access is often the place where businesses start incorporating MFA into their architecture, since remote access solutions open up an attack vector for adversaries who attempt to brute force user accounts or attempt to steal credentials via phishing or social engineering. The following three kinds of MFA solution are some of the most popular, but other exist. It’s important that you find the right ones for your needs before you start implementing, since there is always a trade-off between cost, management, security and ease of use to consider. Physical tokens, such as the RSA key fobs many of us have seen provided by our banks in the past, provide an effective second factor of authentication. Tokens have their time synchronised with a server so that the server knowns which one-time code should be entered by the user. The user will be required to provide the one-time code, along with their username and password, before the system grants access. The biggest drawback of token-based MFA solutions is they are expensive and user enrolment can be an overhead for your service management team. Something you are translates into providing a physical authenticator to prove a user is who they say they are. Biometric scans of fingerprints or the user’s iris can be used in an multi-factor authentication architecture. The user will need to enrol in MFA architecture by first scanning the appropriate biometric before the system can tie it to a user, so the enrolment process needs to have reasonable procedural security around it. The authentication service can then use the input of the biometric along with the username and password to verify the identity of and authenticate the user. Many devices come with biometric readers in them, however, be careful not to replace one single factor authentication solution with another. Replacing a password or pin entry on your phone with a fingerprint or facial scan doesn’t improve your security posture – it just changes the attack vector. Some multi-factor authentication solutions provide a one-time PIN or passphrase as an SMS message, email or voice call to the user. The logon process is interrupted after the user inputs their username and password, where they must wait until they receive their SMS message, then they need to input that into a new dialog box presented on the screen. The key to the strength of this authentication method is the guarantee that the enrolled phone or email address is still under the control of the user. If the user’s personal information was stolen in a data breach, then their account might already be taken over by an attacker. Therefore, any authenticator going to their email might be intercepted by a hacker. Using Multi-factor authentication can significantly improve your security posture, especially for protecting remote access systems and highly privileged accounts, like administrators and executives. Many solutions exist, but there is always a trade-off between security, usability and cost to consider before you decide to proceed with an implementation. Many online services now integrate their own version of MFA into their settings. It’s advisable that businesses encourage their users to learn about the MFA capabilities of the services they use and turn them on. Enrolling a mobile phone into an MFA solution that sends an SMS to the user during the login process is straightforward and one of the quickest and cheapest architectures to roll out to an enterprise. The additional security events and intelligence that an enterprise security team will acquire from a good MFA solution helps security analysts hunt for authentication related threats and shows them where attackers are targeting their systems. Multi-factor authentication provides a positive security uplift to your enterprise security posture. The Essential Eight mitigation strategy, Multi Factor Authentication, is covered in full here: <<< Part 2a: Australia’s Essential Eight: Beyond Endpoint Control <<< Part 2b: Activating UK NCSC & US NIST Guidelines: Beyond Endpoint Control Part 4: Systematic Measurement of Cyber Controls >>> As much as we invest into cyber security controls, external threats are inevitable. In a recent Notifiable Data Breaches Report from the Office of the […]Read more Keen campers, scouts and even the Swiss Army know – that a good penknife is indispensable. This simple device has mitigated many a disaster at one point in time or another. Whether it’s to cut through a bit of string, tighten a screw or simply to solve the problem of no bottle opener in the […]Read more Supply chain risk is an area of cyber security that demands the ongoing attention of every enterprise; because it can make the difference between being resilient or not. It’s no surprise that insurers warn that the vulnerability of supply chains is potentially a systemic risk that can quickly propagate across supply chain dominated industries. Organisations […]Read more It took a “tripartite cyber assessment” by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) to identify that a sample of financial organisations had inadequate cyber security: poor security control management, a lack of business recovery planning and inadequate 3rd party risk assessment. Why were there gaps? Where is the failure? Clearly the common practice of unsubstantiated […]Read more The discussion over data-driven vs qualitative cyber security assessment has been going for some time. Nowadays, it is at the top of the priority list for many security and senior executive teams. Managing cyber security has always been a noble ambition but without reliable measurement, the lack of actionable information makes evidence-based management decisions almost […]Read more Attack Surface Management (ASM) characterises a business’s security risks as the monitoring and risk mitigation of a constantly changing and vulnerable “risk-surface”. Importantly, this attack surface extends to both internal and external assets and services. Some ASM solutions deliver clear visibility across both Internet facing and internal assets. Others do not. Instead, they assess external […]Read more The UK Government has released its annual “Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2023”. It provides some valuable insights into how cyber security is currently being managed in the UK, by a range of organisations. It also speaks to how current competing economic priorities are impacting the effectiveness of some cyber security management efforts. The full report […]Read more Solving the mismatch between cyber security reporting and directors’ requirements You are undoubtedly familiar with the headlines; you may have even become in part desensitised to them: ‘Cyber-attacks are increasingly damaging’, or ‘large amounts of personal data are most at risk’. The important take-away, however, is that modern day thieves can easily gain access to […]Read more A system to address the untrustworthy security environment Zero trust approaches to security have been talked about for a while; but in recent times they have certainly gained more currency. As a model for protecting data and services, the simplicity of the concept is its biggest strength – assume, as a default position, there is […]Read more The ongoing protection of Critical Infrastructure from cyber-attacks has implications for us all – whether it’s supporting our health, well-being or simply our way of life, there is good reason to reflect on the effectiveness your cyber security. Cyber security risks are nothing new and the vulnerability of critical infrastructure to them (and the heightened […]Read more Read by directors, executives, and security professionals globally, operating in the most complex of security environments.
The police are urgently searching in Apeldoorn for 33-year-old Samed, a man with an intellectual disability who has been missing since Friday. He went cycling and never returned to the care institution in Apeldoorn where he lives, his cousin Mustafa told Hart van Nederland. The man urgently needs medication. According to Mustafa, a supervisor saw Samed leave the care institution’s grounds on his bicycle on Friday. Residents are allowed to go outside, but Samed never returned. Samed doesn’t know the area well – he’s only been living at this institution for three weeks. Samed’s family is very concerned. Samed is dependent on chronic medication. “He looks good, but he has the mind of a 5-year-old,” Mustafa said. “We fear the worst.” According to the police, Samed was last seen on Rustoordlaan in Apeldoorn around midnight on Friday. The police asked locals to check their security- and doorbell cameras for any sign of the man. On Sunday, a Veteran Search Team combed the Gelderland city. On Monday, the police continued the search using drones to comb a cornfield in the De Barnewinkel area, but so far, there’s no sign of the man, Omroep Gelderland reported. Samed is 1.7 meters tall, with a stout posture and short, buzz-cut hair. He was last seen wearing a sand-colored jacket and black Adidas pants. “Samed left on a black transport ladies bicycle with a rack, but without a crate,” a police spokesperson told the broadcaster. The police stressed that anyone who encounters Samed should approach him calmly as he may be frightened or respond anxiously. “And call 112. Every tip, no matter how small, can be of great importance,” the spokesperson said. https://nltimes.nl/2023/08/21/family-fears-worst-man-intellectual-disability-goes-missing Family fears worst as man with intellectual disability goes missing
Agri-food products that are produced and available locally support healthy communities, provide job opportunities and diversify the economy. Local produce is fresher and reconnects consumers with how food is produced. The agri-food sector is the powerhouse of the Ontario economy –generating $47.3 billion in GDP and employing over 860,000 Ontarians. Supporting local food will strengthen and enhance the Ontario economy, however farmers and agri-food businesses must be encouraged through provincial support for innovation and entrepreneurship and mitigating risk for new ventures and new and beginning farmers. Enhancing domestic production requires affordable energy, the availability of rural broadband internet and access to innovative technology, a skilled workforce, and more broadly, vibrant rural communities. Growing the sector domestically requires similar solutions to growing the sector on an international scale. Agriculture and food businesses will continue to enhance their productivity and identify innovative solutions if they have the capacity to do so. Government must support both the hard and soft infrastructure of rural communities to enable the agri-food sector to grow. Recognizing the benefits of diversification, Ontario farmers have responded by expanding production for niche markets and placing more emphasis on the marketing of high-value-added agriculture products. In addition to primary production, Ontario farmers can feed into the local value chain by providing food ingredients that agri-food processors require if these initiatives are supported and encouraged through provincial programming. The Rural Economic Development (RED) program and the Local Food Investment Fund provide local solutions to local challenges, and they must continue to have adequate funding to support the vast geography of rural Ontario. Municipalities can support the local food economy by developing policies that increase local food procurement, support local food events, and increase capacity of the agri-food value chain. OFA wants food literacy programs reintroduced in our schools to teach Ontario’s young adults to make better, healthier food choices. OFA’s food literacy goal is the Six by Sixteen Program, taken from the National Food Strategy®. It is a measurable goal to ensure that by the age of 16 years, each Ontario teenager can plan and prepare 6 nutritious meals. OFA fully supports local food initiatives and believes Ontario agriculture and food products should be promoted across Ontario. OFA supports the intention of Bill 36: The Local Food Act and sees it as an opportunity to build lasting support for Ontario’s agri-food sector. OFA believes the Act can further support local economic development initiatives based on agriculture and food, increase food literacy programming in our school systems and improve food access. Long term changes in Ontarian’s food knowledge and access to local food will help drive the food economy and improve the overall health of our province. In addition, OFA believes local food initiatives can be complementary to supporting the agri-food system at a global scale. Canada is the world’s fifth-largest agricultural exporter and could become the global leader in safe, nutritious and sustainable food in the 21st century.
10 May, 2021 In autumn and winter, the weather is getting cold, and the indoor temperature is often higher than that indoors, so in order to prevent heat loss, window frames play a decisive role. The material and density of window frames determine the thermal insulation performance of windows. There are many kinds of materials for window frames, and the market for doors and windows is a mixture of fish and dragons. What are the materials of window frames after all? Which kind of window frame should I choose? There are mainly five kinds of window frame materials: Wood: pure wood window products have a wide range of materials, convenient production, many door and window styles, and good decoration effect, which can meet the needs of different levels of high, middle and low grade. It has strong decoration, environmental protection and excellent thermal insulation. This kind of window is more suitable for pastoral style and classical style decoration. But it consumes natural wood and destroys the environment. In addition, the material is more expensive and the cost is relatively high. Fire-retardant and moisture-resistant windows are not as good as aluminum alloy and other materials. Plastic steel: the raw material of plastic steel window is rigid strength anti-oxidation plastic, because aluminum plastic material does not conduct heat, so the thermal insulation of plastic steel window is better, in addition, it also has the advantages of good sound insulation, impact resistance, strong sealing and so on. However, the fireproof, safety, anti-theft and ventilation quality of aluminum alloy windows are not as good as those of aluminum alloy windows. And the strength of plastic windows is not very good, easy to change shape, a few years later will change color and aging. Aluminum alloy: aluminum alloy windows are relatively common in home life. They have light weight, high strength, good watertightness and air tightness, good fire resistance, large daylighting surface, atmospheric corrosion resistance, long service life, good decoration effect and good environmental protection performance. But the toughness is not good, the tone is cold, the heat preservation effect is poor, the air tightness is poor, it will leak air and water, and the surface is easy to change color if it is not handled well. Because it is metallic and has good thermal conductivity, it can quickly transfer the heat from outside into the house in summer, resulting in cold winter and hot summer. Broken bridge aluminum: on cold protection and warmth, the first is broken bridge aluminum doors and windows. It closely connects the indoor and outdoor two layers of aluminum alloy into a whole to form a new aluminum profile. High strength, unchanged, maintenance-free. The improvement improves the thermal insulation performance of the window, and its air tightness is better than any aluminum and plastic steel doors and windows, which can ensure that the indoor windowsill and floor in the area with heavy wind and sand are free of sand and dust. The broken bridge aluminum profile can realize the three sealing structure of the door and window, reasonably separate the water vapor cavity, successfully realize the gas-water isobaric balance, significantly improve the water tightness and air tightness of the door and window, and achieve the effect of clean and bright window. Glass: the glass material is generally connected with the window as a whole form, so the integrity is very strong, the appearance also looks very beautiful, but the production cost is very high, the technical requirement is high, the family use is very little, generally common in large public buildings. The above is a brief introduction to the window frame material, I hope it can be helpful to everyone!
|Dishwasher Repair Tips: Dishwasher Not Cleaning Dishes| Two steps when your dishwasher doesn't clean well, fix it yourself following these simple steps and avoid the expensive professional service call. A simple cleaning often solves the problem. If your dishwasher is running but the dishes aren’t getting clean, one of these simple fixes could solve your problem. Start by consulting your manual to be sure you’re using the right detergent, loading the dishes correctly and maintaining the right hot water temperature. Insufficient water in the dishwasher also can cause poor cleaning. If the float gets stuck in the raised position, the dishwasher won’t fill with water. Another likely cause is a clogged inlet screen or faulty inlet valve. To determine if your dishwasher is getting enough water, start a wash cycle. Open the door when you hear the machine stop filling. The water should reach or come close to the heating coil. If it doesn’t, first make sure the float valve is operating freely . If this doesn’t solve the problem, check the inlet valve and screen. Inlet valves that are starting to fail sometimes make a hammering noise. If you hear this, replace the valve. But before you start any work on the dishwasher, unplug it or turn off the power at the shutoff switch or main circuit panel. Test to see if the power is off by turning on the dishwasher and making sure it doesn’t run. You’ll also have to shut off the water before removing the inlet switch. Usually you’ll find a shutoff valve under the kitchen sink or in the basement or crawl space under the dishwasher. Otherwise, close the main water valve. How to remove the inlet valve. Yours may look different. Whether you’re replacing the valve or simply cleaning the screen, you’ll have to unscrew the brass fitting that connects the water line to the valve. Remove the four screws that secure the valve to the bracket to access the filter screen. Reassemble and reinstall the valve in the reverse order. Wrap Teflon tape around the fitting threads before screwing the fitting into the valve.
Character Interview – Josie Death Checked Out by Leah Dobrinska Good morning! Welcome to Larkspur Community Library. My name is Josie Sinclair. I’m one of the librarians here. I’m so glad you stopped by. It’s just me at the moment. Usually, my coworkers, Greta and Iris, are around, but I sent them to lunch over at Mugs & Hugs, the best café in Larkspur, and I’m managing things while they’re on their break. It’s just the three of us on staff here. We complement each other well, if I do say so myself. We’re small in number, but mighty in spirit. Greta has been our director for the past four months. I was on the hiring committee when she interviewed, and she won me over almost immediately. She’s got a great vision for the library. Her goal is to make it a community hub—a place where people can gather and interact with each other; where they can find the information and resources they need to live their best lives; where they can feel safe and respected and at home. I admire her and her ideas, and you better believe I fought hard against some of the library board members who were taken aback by Greta’s more progressive approach to libraries. There are some who would like to make these amazing spaces dull and drab, enforcing fines without mercy and sticking to strict no talking policies at all times. What kind of atmosphere would that be? Not one many people would want to spend time in, that’s for sure! Fortunately, our town mayor, Sandra Collins, backed me up, and we hired Greta. She’s been doing a wonderful job so far. I’m a little worried at the moment because Greta found a dead body in town. I can hardly believe I’m saying that. It’s awful. Larkspur is usually pretty boring. I mean, it’s gorgeous and tourists visit year round, so there’s always people coming and going and something going on—water activities in the summer and snow sports in the winter. We’re in the Wisconsin Northwoods, after all. But nothing ground-breaking ever really happens here. Nothing like murder, at least. Then again, I listen to a lot of true crime podcasts, and it’s always the least suspecting people and places that are plagued with the worst crimes. And that’s what I’m worried about. The detective who’s looking into the suspicious death of the town recluse keeps hinting that he suspects Greta had something to do with the man’s death. There’s absolutely no way that’s true, and we intend to prove it. Greta is suspicious of the owner of a local resort, Ed Kennedy. My feelings about Ed are…complicated. But I’m not here to talk to you about that. Not yet anyway. And I’ll set it all aside to help Greta clear her name and figure this out. The third prong in our librarian trio, Iris, is also helping us on the case, though if you ask me, she’s a little too love-sick to provide much by way of assistance. Greta keeps reminding me that Iris is in the honeymoon stage of her relationship with Dean, a local businessman, and I’m trying to be understanding, but it sucks that she keeps choosing him over us. Listen to me. I sound like such a whiner. Sorry about that. I guess my nerves are just shot. Hopefully we’re able to turn up something soon and close the book on this murder investigation. We’ve got a fall festival to plan and some relentless library board members to ward off. I want to see Greta in her position for a long time to come, and I’m worried that if we don’t figure this out soon, she’ll either leave town on her own or be forced out…if she’s not thrown in jail first. About Death Checked Out She’s used to checking out books. A death? Not so much. Greta Plank, resident librarian in the small, lakeside town of Larkspur, Wisconsin, prefers her rose-tinted glasses extra rosy, thank you very much. Ever since a family tragedy landed her in Larkspur, she’s kept a happy-or-bust outlook. But Greta’s cheery resolve takes a hit when she finds the town recluse dead at the base of the stairs leading from his deck to the lake. What she assumes is a terrible accident Greta soon learns is something more sinister, and to make matters worse, new-to-town Detective Mark McHenry cites her as not only his primary source for the case, but his top suspect. To clear her name and return to life as she knew it before the murder, Greta decides to do some clue cataloging of her own. After all, she’s got her master’s degree in library science with an emphasis in research methodology…how hard could a criminal investigation be? With the help of her fellow librarians and her lawyer mom, Greta begins checking out the pages of the murder, uncovering details about the recluse’s rare book collection and Larkspur’s real estate market as she tries to understand why anyone would have authored his death. But with friends and neighbors stacking up as both victims and suspects, Greta must cross-reference the facts and put a hold on her idyllic worldview if she wants to get the full story without paying the fine of her life. About Leah Dobrinska Leah Dobrinska is the author of the Larkspur Library Mysteries, a cozy mystery series set in the Wisconsin Northwoods, and the Mapleton novels, a series of standalone small town romances. She earned her degree in English Literature from UW-Madison and has since worked as a freelance writer, editor, and content marketer. As a kid, she hoped to grow up to be either Nancy Drew or Elizabeth Bennet. Now, she fulfills that dream by writing mysteries and love stories. Death Checked Out is her debut cozy mystery. A sucker for a good sentence, a happy ending, and the smell of books—both old and new—Leah lives out her very own happily ever after in a small Wisconsin town with her husband and their gaggle of kids. When she's not writing, handing out snacks, or visiting local parks, Leah enjoys reading and running. Find out more about Leah, join her newsletter community, and connect with her through her website, leahdobrinska.com.
Baton Rouge Astronomical Society Forum - Registration By accessing “Baton Rouge Astronomical Society Forum” (hereinafter “we”, “us”, “our”, “Baton Rouge Astronomical Society Forum”, “https://brastro.org/phpBB3”), you agree to be legally bound by the following terms. If you do not agree to be legally bound by all of the following terms then please do not access and/or use “Baton Rouge Astronomical Society Forum”. We may change these at any time and we’ll do our utmost in informing you, though it would be prudent to review this regularly yourself as your continued usage of “Baton Rouge Astronomical Society Forum” after changes mean you agree to be legally bound by these terms as they are updated and/or amended. Our forums are powered by phpBB (hereinafter “they”, “them”, “their”, “phpBB software”, “www.phpbb.com”, “phpBB Limited”, “phpBB Teams”) which is a bulletin board solution released under the “GNU General Public License v2 ” (hereinafter “GPL”) and can be downloaded from www.phpbb.com . The phpBB software only facilitates internet based discussions; phpBB Limited is not responsible for what we allow and/or disallow as permissible content and/or conduct. For further information about phpBB, please see: https://www.phpbb.com/ You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any laws be it of your country, the country where “Baton Rouge Astronomical Society Forum” is hosted or International Law. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned, with notification of your Internet Service Provider if deemed required by us. The IP address of all posts are recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions. You agree that “Baton Rouge Astronomical Society Forum” have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should we see fit. As a user you agree to any information you have entered to being stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent, neither “Baton Rouge Astronomical Society Forum” nor phpBB shall be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised.
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Medical Air Technology (MAT) has been working as part of the team that delivered the new £25m treatment centre for Queen's Hospital Burton, installing two ultraclean operating theatres as part of the centre’s state-of-the-art facilities for orthopaedic surgery The biggest development the hospital has seen in 15 years, the 4,141m² three-storey treatment centre was built using modular construction. Linked to the main hospital via a corridor, the self-contained extension means that patients can be treated either in the main hospital or the treatment centre, which between them now contain all the inpatient services that were once spread around the site in smaller, older buildings. Centralising the facilities in this way streamlines services and supports enhanced infection prevention and control. The treatment centre houses two MAT ECO-flow ultraclean ventilation (UCV) operating theatres, a 28-bedded ward, and an outpatient suite for orthopaedics, urology and breast services. MAT’s scope of work in the operating theatres and recovery area encompassed all M&E services and a full fit-out, featuring ECO-flow UCV canopies, operating theatre lights, PACS, theatre panels and IPS/UPS. This total turnkey scheme was one of many projects MAT has carried out at Queen’s Hospital Burton. Sister company MAT FM also holds the service and maintenance contract for all the hospital’s UCV operating theatres. Gavin Boyle, chief executive of the University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Trust said: "I think our patients will see a massive improvement in this new facility and it will also help us to deliver services in a more effective and safer way, particularly for infection prevention and control.” Delivered via a screened or screenless canopy over the operating theatre clean zone, the MAT ultraclean ventilation system provides a method of diluting air to the level required in HTM 03-01 Specialised Ventilation for Healthcare Premises, which defines ultraclean air as that containing not more than 10 CFU/m3. Air is discharged above the operating zone, its downward displacement purging the clean zone of any contaminants and particles generated within it. The airflow in and around the clean zone also prevents particles from outside the zone from entering (entrainment). HTM 03-01 confirms that the link between surgical site infection and theatre air quality is well established: “…ultra-clean ventilation systems (which are designed to provide a zone around the patient that is effectively free of bacteria-carrying airborne particles while the operation is in progress) have been shown to significantly reduce surgical site infection in patients undergoing large joint replacement surgery.” MAT designs, manufactures and installs bespoke critical ventilation systems and turnkey project solutions for new build and refurbishment projects. As a specialist contractor with many years’ experience, we are passionately committed to improving patient protection and end-user safety in demanding clinical, research and drug production arenas. We have extensive experience of working in live environments and understand the challenges around delivering a project within an operational scenario. In addition, MAT FM provides a range of competitively priced and highly effective service and maintenance packages for all core products and turnkey solutions offered by MAT or other suppliers, ensuring that equipment is maintained, serviced and validated correctly for optimum performance.
It looks a little like rain outside, an unidentified sapling is brushing cool green leaves against my window while soulful folk guitar fills the air. Its a crisp morning, and still just early enough that I feel like the world outside is more plants than people. A good time to wander in the woods, and if I were camping I think I’d be out exploring. It seems lonely to think about anything but the present at times like these. I just pulled the nine of swords, and it echoed my morning so well – laying in bed, remembering my troubles just the same as I laid down last night, as if sleep was just a brief interlude between bouts of preoccupation. The swords against the black background is so bizarre contrasted with the peaceful light coming through my windows. I began this blog inspired by my daily cards. I had just quit a job I almost hated and had decided to give myself, at least for awhile, over to the things I loved. A dear friend had recently moved away to study love and landscape, and I found I suddenly had nothing to do, and no-one to see. I was lonely, but free. I would spend whole days swimming in my daily cards and cobbling together blog posts to express some of the things I thought about. Lonely freedom is a quality of the big nine, the Hermit. It is only lonely if the focus is on what isn’t present, who isn’t there with you. The Hermit himself may be at peace, no more lonely than if he were surrounded by people. But the nine of swords, today I think the Hermit of Swords, is tormented. The symbols stitched to the bedding offer no comfort. The swords press heavily in the background, pointing all in the same direction. I notice today there is less confusion in the card than raw misery. The swords all pointing the same way tells me that perhaps the card depicts a struggle against knowledge, a struggle against truth, a relentless search for a solution to a reality we can’t deny but also can’t accept. The search may be conscious, unconscious, or both. In the card, it is subconscious, coming out in the night, but during the day we can consciously struggle against the way things are when they don’t feel right. Consciously, we may search for symbols to comfort us, a frame to understand, some way to make the reality more palatable. But the deepest parts of us may still be suffering, struggling, long after we’ve found a balance in our conscious lives. This is where expression is most important, where we stifle our thoughts and feelings for the sake of others, or even for ourselves to make relating simpler. I know I do this, I hide my difficult feelings to simplify my life, but in the end it comes out like it does in the nine of swords – misery in the dark, depriving me of peace, and in that way it complicates my life much more. I’ve often buried my feelings because I felt they didn’t match my values, who I wanted to be in my life and in my relationships. But that habit of burying has in my life compromised much more than my private world and my self image. It has compromised my ability to be honest, open, and loving in my conscious life. The nine of swords for me is my way of hiding inconvenient feelings, of struggling against reality by denying it, of being exhausted and feeling separate by keeping my words and feelings so tightly to myself, of walls so strong others rarely knowing how to get close enough in to soothe me. The green light from the leaves outside my window and the small plants I keep make this card feel more natural. Plants express themselves as fully as they can every moment, never turning down an invitation to thrive, never hiding shriveled leaves or dying stalks. I try so hard to balance how I feel like I ought to show up for others against how I am feeling. My lesson is that I need to be more open and honest in my life, so I don’t feel so alone in my thoughts and feelings. Each sword might be a word I didn’t say, a loving word or an honest feeling. Today I’ll try not to hide my feelings so much, but I’ll also try and be present so I can feel the real space I actually inhabit, instead of running into the sharp edges of what I’m missing.
This confidential information is property of Mohawk College — DO NOT COPY A City in Peril Union / Non-Union: Non-Union Project length: Webseries(20 min. total) Posted on: September 10th, 2019 Production location: Hamilton, Ontario Production Company: Mohawk College Director: Quentin Stroud Producers: Austin Gougeon & Divya Kulkarni Casting Director: Austin Gougeon, Divya Kulkarni & Quentin Stroud Audition Location: Mohawk College, 135 Fennell Ave W, Hamilton, ON L9C 0E5 Shooting Location: Hamilton, Ontario Email: [email protected] Compensation: Unable to provide compensation. Meals, as well as credit and a copy of the final product will be provided PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR NAME, AGE AND INCLUDE A PICTURE OF YOURSELF ELECTRONICALLY IMMEDIATELY TO: October 8th, 2019 October 13th, 2019 October 24th, 2019 “A City in Peril” is a satirical film-noir, following delusional PI Sam Striker, and his newest ally Amie Amour, as they work in tandem to rid their city of the corruption that plagues it. The duo is brought together after Amour’s husband is murdered the same night that Striker witnesses a bank robbery, and Striker dedicates himself to her case. But, the corruption fights back, and the pair is forced into extreme measures to ensure not only their own safety, but of all of the cities’ residents. [SAM STRIKER] [GENDER: MALE] [AGE: 30-35] Striker is an ex-cop turned PI, who desperately wishes his life was like a classic film noir. He is facing a drought in his Private Investigation business, and is desperate for work. Striker is abrasive, but under his gruff exterior, he has a heart of gold, and a deep care for his city. [AMIE AMOUR] [GENDER: FEMALE] [AGE: 20-30] Amour is the most mysterious femme fatale on the block. Her assumed heritage is French-Canadian, until she relocated after meeting her future husband, Ernie. Her exterior is icy, and her only soft spot is her now-deceased husband. If Amour wants something, she takes it, and oozes confidence and allure. [MAYOR DOUG CHEVROLET] [GENDER: MALE] [AGE: 40-60] Chevrolet is as corrupt a politician as it comes. Just as much mob boss as mayor, Chevrolet has more than a single hand in the criminal underbelly of the city he claims to represent. A true psychopath, Chevrolet can keep his composure in almost every situation. However, when awoken, his temper is extreme.
Posted by Katie Grabner on Dec 05, 2019 ← Older Post Newer Post → I called the main (440) 724-8877 number a bit late in the day on Monday and reached a VM, but I did not want to leave a long message, so I figured this would be the next best method of contact. I also wasn’t sure if I have the best number. Here is my Cell, I can call back> .646/397.9118. Also, my main email is below, this gmail is my phone. I am a journalist with US News & Business Report, and I would like to speak in reference to a piece I am writing relevant both the effects the pandemic has had on business in the US (good, bad, none), and the company itself. To be extremely clear, this is not a solicitation of any type. We would never require compensation to be involved with our articles. This is a news piece. This is an interesting series of ongoing “stand-alone” pieces we have been writing throughout the pandemic for local papers and news outlets titled “The Stories of Local Businesses". Basically, we would like to hear about your origin story, experiences, opinions on different aspects of business, and the effects the pandemic may have had on your business, things to that effect. It is a fairly straightforward piece. Happy to send a detailed overview or we can just set up an informal prelim call for anytime after today. US News&Business Report Hey, my name’s Eric and for just a second, imagine this… - Someone does a search and winds up at myshopify.com. - They hang out for a minute to check it out. “I’m interested… but… maybe…” - And then they hit the back button and check out the other search results instead. - Bottom line – you got an eyeball, but nothing else to show for it. - There they go. This isn’t really your fault – it happens a LOT – studies show 7 out of 10 visitors to any site disappear without leaving a trace. But you CAN fix that. Talk With Web Visitor is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It lets you know right then and there – enabling you to call that lead while they’re literally looking over your site. CLICK HERE http://www.talkwithwebvisitors.com to try out a Live Demo with Talk With Web Visitor now to see exactly how it works. Time is money when it comes to connecting with leads – the difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus 30 minutes later can be huge – like 100 times better! Plus, now that you have their phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation… so even if you don’t close a deal then, you can follow up with text messages for new offers, content links, even just “how you doing?” notes to build a relationship. CLICK HERE http://www.talkwithwebvisitors.com to discover what Talk With Web Visitor can do for your business. You could be converting up to 100X more leads today! PS: Talk With Web Visitor offers a FREE 14 days trial – and it even includes International Long Distance Calling. You have customers waiting to talk with you right now… don’t keep them waiting. CLICK HERE http://www.talkwithwebvisitors.com to try Talk With Web Visitor now. If you’d like to unsubscribe click here http://talkwithwebvisitors.com/unsubscribe.aspx?d=myshopify.com
Many websites are usually thrown up in haste by their owners, without much consideration given to correctly optimising their content. They do some quick research into what keywords they should target based upon the product they wish to sell or niche they want to write about. More times than not, the resultant keywords they decide to use are what we call short tail keywords e.g. Nike shoes, coffee machines, baby strollers etc. These key phrases get millions of searches each month and to a novice, light up dollar signs in their eyes. The problem with this, is, that the keyword phrases they have decided upon are not really buyer keywords but more generic and really not that great for optimisation of their content. Also they would be competing against big corporations who have been around for decades and have a great big advertising budget. You might think that the more searches conducted for a keyword phrase will drive more traffic to your website or blog. This can not be further from the TRUTH… ! However, in this article I will explain why this is not so and why you should be using long tail keywords for SEO (search engine optimisation). - Long tail keywords Long tail keywords are keyword phrases that have a ‘tail’ contributed to the organic keywords entered in an online search which your site visitors make use of (or ask inquiries) when searching the internet whether they are simply looking for info or to acquire your particular service or product. Short tail key phrases are generally no more than 1 or 2 words. Long-tail key words are generally a lot longer, but far more importantly, they’re likewise a lot more specific. - So! What is a Long-tail Keyword? As mentioned above these keywords are expressions hooked up to your main topic. Long tail keywords have a lot less competition as people rule them out due to not enough individuals doing a search for that particular set of words. They are a lot simpler to target and constantly produce more buyer friendly web website traffic. Unlike conventional key words (coffee machines or Nike trainers), long-tail key word expressions are usually 3 words or more and usually no more than 5. They are a direct connection to a keyword phrase that an individual would type into a search engine (Google, Bing or Yahoo) which will aid in narrowing down their search. These keyword phrases are what you should concentrate on and use when optimising your site’s content. By using Long-tail key words, you will drastically increase the likelihood of your potential customer being a buyer. This is compared to using short-tail keywords which will create more search results but not necessarily produce buyers. - Long tail keywords examples Try typing “coffee machines” into a search engine, it will return about 16 million sites, but if you type “isomac coffee machines Australia”, only 18 thousand sites are returned. 18 thousand search results are still a bit too high. Other experts may go as far to say that the returning search results of 18 thousand is OK. It does go to show that by using more specific keywords, you can cut the competition and improve your chances. My personal recommendation and preference is to look for search results in the region of three hundred to eight thousand. Now this may not always be the case. If you are looking at local searches then these figures would become irrelevant and you could be looking at just a few hundred searches. As a rule of thumb, when deciding to using local searches anything below 50 searches a month is not worth going after. It is less complicated to get a first page ranking as well as obtaining web traffic with long tail key word phrases, as compared to short tailed, less specific keyword phrases. - Other Long tail examples: • baby wrap carrier Australia • types of tea without caffeine • caffeine free tea types • cheap Nike shoes wholesale free shipping - Long tail keywords SEO (search engine optimisation) Targeting Long Tail phrases is a must for SEO purposes and also to help you get your business or blog indexed faster, as a result of fewer competitors and it’s more than likely you get seen by the right audience i.e. customers who are ready to buy from you. You should also use this strategy for your site’s content, your blog, your videos, your website design, as well as your off page optimization strategies. - Long-tail SEO Strategy Search Engines are becoming ever more personalised which is why it is very important to focus on long-tail keywords in your SEO campaigns. - How To Find Long Tail Keywords For SEO? There are many different ways of locating long tail keywords. You could possibly use keyword research tools or you can even spy on your competition to come up with unique keywords that no one is using. Below are some the tools I use to find long tail keywords: • Google Keyword Tool • Google Auto Complete Tool • Using Google Search • Google Auto-suggest Finally, when conducting research into which keywords you are going to use, remember that you should be eyeing phases which encompass between 3 to 5 words related to your main topic. They are narrow and buyer specific. And lastly have fewer searches. I hope this clarifies what long tail keywords are and why they are need for your search engine optimization (SEO).
A excursion of Las Vegas Casinos Las Vegas is absolutely the on line casino capital of the us, if not the entire world. In every square inch of Las Vegas, you’ll discover a casino. they’re so many casinos in fact that traffic in Las Vegas do not even get to visit they all.Bellagio, is one of the 7339ff1fc90882f8f31ca1efdd2ac191 motel casinos which you have to no longer miss when going to Las Vegas. Operated by using the MGM Mirage, Bellagio capabilities 3982 rooms and suites. similarly to its casinos, this tremendous megaresort additionally functions a theater, the O Theater, a few lounges and bars together with the Fontana Bar, Allegro Bars and the Nectar Bar.It additionally boastsgreat dining venues together with the Picasso, top Steakhouse, Le Cirque, Sensi, Osteria del Circo and MICHAEL MINA and six outside swimming pools and a spa. one of the principal points of interest of the Bellagio is its Fountains, an eight acre lake that provides stunning perspectives at night time. there is also the Conservatory and the Botanical Gardens in addition to the Dale Chihuly glass sculpture.Buffalo invoice’s, which is placed within the Primm Valley, is 30 minutes faraway from the Interstate. This motel-casino has 1,242 rooms along with the suites which can be used for wedding applications. a few rooms even have wet bars and Jacuzzi tubs. some of the dining web sites that Bufallo bill’s offers are the Baja Bar & Grill, Wagon master espresso keep, la Salsa Mexican Grille, omit Ashley’s Buffet, and Frisella’s Roastery.The motel on line casino also has a =”hide”>huge=”tipsBox”> amusement venue known as the big name of the desolate tract area, which has 6000 seats. that is in which live shows and other indicates are held. further to this, Bufallo bill’s also has a movie theater and comedy bar, wherein travelers can loosen up and wile the night time away. one of the main sights that this lodge-on line casino provides is the Desperado rollercoaster as well as the faster Drop Thrill journey.Circus Circus sits in South Las Vegas. this is the primary themed motel inside the metropolis, that’s operated by means of the Mandalay resort institution. It has 3770 rooms, some of which have video take a look at-out counters. eating venues inside the motel include the The Steak house, Stivali Italian Ristorante, Blue Iguana Las Vegas, and The red Pony. part of the appeal in Circus Circus is the AdventureDome indoor theme park and the circus suggests inside the =”hide”>big=”tipsBox”> top.every other =”hide”>big=”tipsBox”> aspect in Las Vegas is the Excalibur motel which is likewise nestled in the South. some other challenge of the Mandalay resort organization, Excalibur has 4008 rooms all in all. due to its King Arthur time theme, restaurants in Excalibur are named after places and those in King Arthur’s courtroom which include the The Steakhouse at Camelot, The Camelot, Sir Galahad’s high Rib residence, and the round desk Buffet. There are also frequent dinner indicates and comedy acts of their comedy bars. consistent with their subject, the casinos are transformed right into a Renaissance Faire whole with jugglers, magicians and troubadours.The Luxor is certainly named after a place in Egypt, which is an traveler vacation spot. Its constructing is crowned with the brightest beams of light in the whole of Las Vegas. In fact, it may virtually be visible whilst you are riding the distance shuttle. It has 4408 rooms, which might be divided into the Pyramid and in towers. just like the Excalibur, the names of the restaurants inside the Luxor also have Egyptian flavors to them. most of the restaurants that you need to try whilst touring there are the Sacred Sea Room, Papyrus, Nile Deli, Hamada’s, and of path the Isis.
Automation and the Manufacturing Job Market Part 2: Mitigating Worker Shortages In response to the industry skills shortage and high output demands, manufacturers are increasingly turning to automation. In part one of our series on automation and the manufacturing job market, we covered reasons behind the skills shortage. Here, we explore the potential advantages in mitigating those shortages through automation. While full automation is available in relatively few industries, at least a third of tasks in 60% of the world’s jobs could be automated, leading to potentially impressive advantages. - Produce more. Automation can make it easier for manufacturing leaders to scale and adjust production to fit varying levels of demand. It can be difficult to shift from a three-shift schedule to a one-shift schedule with employees, but with robots and machines, the process can be relatively effortless. - Increase quality and productivity. When workers perform repetitive tasks repeatedly, they can get tired and lose focus. Employees’ mental fatigue can then cause quality and productivity to suffer. Robots, on the other hand, are purpose-built to do repetitive work without any decline in quality or productivity. - Collect and analyze data easier. Integrated software allows manufacturers to collect, store, and analyze nearly all metrics as they’re working. Some machines have easy-to-read data display screens that make data instantly accessible in real time. This allows them to address errors or discrepancies before they become larger problems and, often, predict issues before they even occur. In these ways, automation could revolutionize the industry, allowing manufacturers to increase output with fewer workers and lower associated labor costs. This, combined with increased product quality, could help make companies more competitive — especially when compared to the plethora of low-quality, overseas products available. It can also be an opportunity for workers to move away from repetitive assembly line-type work into more desirable, often higher-paying positions requiring more technical skills. For example, Machine Inc. in Stoughton, Massachusetts, has more machines than human workers, and the owner says automation is what allows the company to stay competitive. That competition, in turn, allows the company founder to add more machines — and hire more skilled manufacturers necessary to run them. Like a vicious cycle, however, finding those skilled workers becomes an issue for many manufacturers as so few are available. Stay tuned for part three of our series on manufacturing automation and the job market, in which we’ll touch on methods manufacturers are using to find skilled workers. You’ll also find details on the cost savings automation can offer and tips on where to start.
Mary T. Martin Sloop was born on March 9, 1873 in Davidson to William Joseph Martin and Letitia Coddington. Her father taught chemistry and geology at Davidson College. Missionaries inspired her as a five year old to become a medical missionary in Siam. As she grew older, Mary learned that Southern Presbyterians were not commissioning missionaries to Siam, so she planned to minister in Africa. In 1891 Sloop graduated from Statesville Female College for Women but family duties forced her to care for an ill mother. After her mother’s death, Mary could fulfill her ministerial goals, but the Presbyterian Missionary Board her a commission because she lacked foreign language skills. Sloop then attended the Woman’s Medical College in Pennsylvania and earned a degree in 1906. She later fulfilled an internship at the New England Hospital for Women and Children in Boston. In 1907, Sloop became a resident physician at Agnes State College in Georgia. On July 2, 1908, Sloop married surgeon Eustace Sloop whom she met in Davidson in 1893. They both shared a passion for missionary work. After Eustace received his medical degree, the two established a practice in Plumtree and three years later in Crossnore. While working in western North Carolina Sloop partnered with her husband in his medical practice. Meanwhile Sloop maintained her burden to provide an education to many of her young patients, many of whom were young girls marrying and havingchildren at an early age. Infant mortality rates were high, and many young girls died during childbirth. Sloop was instrumental in organizing the sale of used clothing to build the Crossnore School. Initially, the school was the town church and was used for four months out of the year. Many students chose not to attend school and the teachers had little education themselves. Sloop was instrumental in getting a law passed that increased the school attendance age to sixteen. Sloop led a campaign to increase enrollment and attract teachers who were certified by the State Board of Education. Throughout the 1920s and 1930s the school grew an additional twenty buildings and 250 acres. A high school was built with dormitories for students who couldn’t travel long distances. The school provided a nine- month education with an emphasis on home economics, vocational training and Bible Study. The Crossnore School became a prominent boarding school that was supported by the Daughters of the American Revolution in 1924. Four years later a hospital was added to the school, and by 1939 the school was open to orphan and abandoned children. Sloop also lobbied the General Assembly for penalties against the sale of moonshine. Many people in the mountains had little income and relied on moonshine to support themselves. Sloop felt that there was an alternative to the sale of moonshine and encouraged many locals to sell their crops including potatoes, cabbages, and beans. Because the roads were in poor condition for wagon trips, Sloop began attending conferences advocating road construction in Avery County. Shortly after a new road was built which allowed the free flow of commerce in the hills of the Blue Ridge. At age seventy-eight Sloop was nicknamed “Grand Lady of the Blue Ridge,” and was nationally recognized for her work with mountain children. In 1951, Sloop won the America’s Mother of the Year Award and two years later published her autobiography, Miracle in the Hills. Sloop died in February of 1961. Today the Crossnore School continues to provide a K-12 residential education for children from mountain and piedmont regions of the state. "Mary T. Martin Sloop." NCPedia.org. N.p., n.d. Web. http://ncpedia.org/biography/sloop-mary. (Assessed on July 12, 2012 and Cohn, Scotti. Remarkable North Carolina Women. Guilford: Morris Book Publishing, 2012. 116-127. Print.
New Delhi: About 35% of the wetlands have been lost in India since 1970, even as the number of Ramsar sites has risen over the years. The rate of disappearance of the wetlands is greater than that of forests, asserted senior consultant of the National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMGC) Brijesh Sikka in a webinar organised on the theme of wetlands conservation on Saturday. The NMGC had organised the webinar as part of the monthly series to sensitise the students about the issues river rejuvenation. The event was presided over by NMGC director general G Ashok Kumar. While underlining the significance of the wetlands in supporting livelihoods and biodiversity with assistance in recreation and cultural identity, Sikka lamented that continued degradation of wetlands had adversely impacted the sectoral development. He also stressed for developing a roadmap for integrating wetlands in the river basin management and adoption of a multi-pronged approach to rejuvenate the waterbodies. Sikka also highlighted salient features of the National Plan for Conservation of Aquatic Ecosystems (NPCAE), with an overview of Ganga River basin and the integrated river rejuvenation activities being undertaken by the Namami Gange Project. In his keynote address, G Asok Kumar talked about the importance of wetland conservation and their disappearance over the years adversely impacting the ecosystem in the Ganga basin. He emphasized the importance of wetlands in addressing the issues of control climate and its impact manifesting in various forms as they play a major role in maintaining natural cycles and offer support to a wide variety of aquatic species. Kumar informed that India had signed the Ramsar Convention in 1982. He said that there are 75 Ramsar sites across the country, out of which 23 are in the Ganga Basin. After the year 2014, till now 49 wetlands have been identified and protected, spanning 13 lakh 26 thousand hectares of land. He noted that through the Namami Gange Mission, the Central government is working with full commitment towards the conservation of wetlands. Asserting the wetlands are the best natural solution for treating dirty water and ensuring good water flows in the river, the DG said, “Protection of wetlands is necessary as they play an important role in keeping the rivers rejuvenated in a cost-effective manner. Wetlands trap the water and store it for a longer period, ensuring continuous flow of water in the rivers. Besides, Wetlands also serve as water bodies to conserve rainwater as extensively exemplified in the ‘Catch the Rain: Where it Falls, When it Falls’.” HN Nagaraja, director general & former vice chancellor, Graphic Era University, Dehradun, initiated his address by emphasizing the importance of supplying clean water to all and stressed on the relevance of maintaining the integrity of the rivers. With global warming and rapid increase in urbanisation activities, rivers are polluted and their water levels are unstable. He discussed issues of sewage infrastructure, cleaning of water, and the importance of maintaining the biodiversity of aquatic species to preserve the ecosystem. Carrying forward the discussion on the current impacts of global warming, Prof Chandra Shekhar Dubey, vice chancellor, KR Mangalam University, Gurugram, spoke about the rivers becoming perennial to seasonal with rising mountains on the frontal portion. He said that this has been slowly cutting the rivers through the system on the land level. He also talked about an active interest and awareness within the public regarding conservation of natural resources, especially water, and addressed the initiatives under Namami Gange programme as a positive step towards a healthy future. The panellists of the webinar included Najeeb Ahsan, senior communication manager, NMCG along with students of IILM University – Gouri Kumar and Mehek Parikh.
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Last year I bought an Arturia MiniLab MKII and it has turned out to be a great mini MIDI keyboard controller for the price. The keys are a lot nicer than the Alesis MIDI keyboards I tried previously, and it has a lot more knobs and pads to work with. I especially like the integration with Ableton Live. The MiniLab MKII has eight memory banks and number 8 is dedicated to working with Ableton Live and is setup to automatically control certain aspects of Live. The picture at the top of this post shows what the knobs do when using this setting, which works with Live 9.7.2 and up, including Live 10. First you need to go open Live’s Preferences menu and go to Link/MIDI and select the MiniLab MKII from the list for the control surface and input and output settings, with track and remote turned on. Then you just have to hit Shift+8 on the controller to switch to the special Live setting. The only annoying thing is you have to do that every single time you open Live because it always opens memory 1 by default. After switching to memory bank 8, you can use the MiniLab’s pads to play and record clips in session view, and they light up with different colors depending on the state of the clip. There’s green for play, red for recording, and yellow means the track is stopped. If you hit a pad to record, hit it again to stop recording, and it will continue to play. You can use the two knobs to the far right to scroll through scenes and tracks to control which ones you are playing and recording to. The only thing I don’t like is there’s no dedicated stop button so I usually map one of the knobs (the two furthest to the left also act as buttons) to Live’s stop button. The eight knobs to the left automatically map to the first eight parameters of whatever plugin you have selected, which is pretty handy, but it’s usually a guessing game as to what knob controls what parameter since they rarely layout the same way. Oftentimes it’s easier to open Live’s parameter view by clicking the middle arrow button on the plugin’s title bar to see the parameters laid out in the first two columns that correspond with the knobs. The nice thing with having additional memory banks is you can set them up to correspond with specific plugins. Memory 1 is dedicated to Arturia’s Analog Lab software, and with 8 setup for Ableton Live, you can still setup 6 custom templates to switch to on the fly (you can save additional templates to load in later as well with MiniLab’s MIDI Control Center software).
Nationally Renowned Speakers Will Open and Close the 2023 Education Forum The 2023 Education Forum continues its tradition of delivering some of the most exciting, useful, and thought-provoking presentations with the opening and closing speakers scheduled for this year’s event. Meet Our Opening Keynote Speaker: Crystal Washington Hear Crystal Washington, Certified Speaking Professional, on Thursday, October 12 for her opening session: “The Future is NOW: Technology & Trends That Will Revolutionize Post-Graduate Education.” Washington works with organizations that want to leverage technology to increase profits and productivity. As a technology strategist and certified futurist, Washington takes complex social media, app, and web topics and makes them easy to understand and accessible to everyday people. Washington’s clients include Fortune 500 companies, including Google, Microsoft, and GE. As a sought-after keynote speaker, she has entertained and educated audiences around the globe. As one of Forbes’ 50 Leading Female Futurists, Washington appears weekly on season two of the Emmy-nominated documentary show “Life 2.0,” and she’s appeared in numerous publications, including Entrepreneur and Bloomberg Businessweek. She is regularly called on by major television networks as a tech expert. Washington is the author of the books “One Tech Action” and “The Social Media Why.” Closing Keynote Speaker: Denise Soler Cox Denise Soler Cox will present “The Magic of Belonging,” at the closing session on Saturday, October 14. Soler Cox is an award-winning activist filmmaker, top podcaster, speaker, and author. She has spoken on hundreds of stages and worked with major brands like Microsoft, Starbucks and L’Oreal. Soler Cox’s work with Project Eñye has been featured by, among others, NBC Nightly News, Forbes.com, and CNN. She is a distinguished member of the Stanford Latino Leaders Entrepreneur Program and was honored with the 2018 “Bridge Builder Award in Education” from the Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Soler Cox is currently producing her second feature-length documentary and writing a book on belonging. On her website, Soler Cox says in her approach, she “takes the promise of diversity and inclusion and gives it a purpose – belonging – which is vital to everything from market differentiation to employee retention.” These opening and closing speakers are sure to start the Education Forum with important lessons about how technology can be a partner in your work and end the Forum with lessons on the value of inclusion. However, there will be many other education sessions and events, including the Fall Workshops that precede the Forum, that will make your time in New Orleans valuable and enjoyable. Please plan to see both speakers and take advantage of as many of the other benefits of Forum as you can squeeze into this whirlwind of learning and community! Watch the Networker and this website for the latest on the 2023 Education Forum and Fall Workshops.
There was a time when finding solitude in Manhattan was a difficult thing to achieve. With more cities evolving into "9 to 5" lifestyles and gentrification killing off "OPEN ALL NIGHT" businesses, finding silence and loneliness is no longer that difficult. Taken over two Winters on several Monday nights, I'd leave Philadelphia by train and enter New York, a city of over 8 million, to seek out that solitude. I spent many hours wandering the dark streets and alleys, eating in diners, and standing in doorways, in hopes of finding it. Lonely New York Zine resides at MoMA in library/holding. Tune In Philadelphia: A collection of 75 rooftop antenna images. 75 rooftop antenna images arranged into a series of three typologies, "Tune In Philadelphia" is a collection of photographs taken by Michael Penn in 2008. Recognizing the obsoleteness of analog signal receivers, Penn became fascinated by the thought that these twisted metal sculptures will eventually serve no purpose but will remain in place, simply because of laziness. Future generations will never experience static, interference, or "snow", for when the signal is lost in the new digital age- it just goes off. At most, a 'pixeled' glitch of residual imagery is left smeared on the screen until the signal returns. Gone are the days of VHF, UHF, and watching reruns through what looks like a dust storm. On the Philadelphia banks of the Delaware River sits a former anthracite coal loading pier that was once part of The Reading Railroad's sprawling Port Richmond Yards. Graffiti Pier as it is now known, was decommissioned and abandoned by Conrail in 1991 and is now an industrial Stonehenge that serves as an unsanctioned open-air gallery of art produced by street artists, graffiti geniuses, and mere wall taggers. Hidden down a dirt path and covered by overgrown brush, Graffiti Pier has seen an increase of visitors and participants, thanks in part to, Instagram and the use of geotags. The pier offers one of the best views of the Philadelphia Skyline and sits on the other side of Interstate 95 from the recently gentrified Fishtown and Port Richmond neighborhoods. This collection of photos were taken between 2014 and 2016. The Final Days Of Little Pete's: Photos of a Beloved American-Style Philadelphia Diner The Final Days of Little Pete's: This project documents the end of a way of life for a city whose blue collar population is marginalized by a lack of work, and the suburban migration as the the demographics of Philadelphia are inverted. The blue collar are pushed to the outskirts, and the rich, formerly suburban dwellers, move back into Center City. In September of 2014, the rumors began. The site was going to be developed. Already six months into the project, it became even more vital as Penn witnessed a number of other independently-owned, affordable, and popular eateries be replaced by high-end dining or razed completely for a chain store or overpriced living. Little Pete's time was coming. By October 2015, Philadelphia's City Council voted in favor of the zoning change allowing for development on the site of Little Pete's. Suddenly, the timing became more critical. As Little Pete's became the subject of news articles, Instagram posts, tweets, food reviews, and blog stories, everyone seemed to have their own spin on the impending changes, and shared the same sense of urgency. Like so many trending topics before it, #SAVELITTLEPETES hit its crescendo in January of 2016, when the plans were released for a high-end boutique hotel and the unofficial countdown began. A few of my iconic Little Pete's photos have been borrowed by a number of news outlets to accompany announcements, stories, and developments regarding the closing, as they break. For the staff and loyal clientele of Little Pete's, life has gone on and will continue. But, it will look a lot different once Little Pete's is gone, taking with it the last affordable diner meal in the area. For the aging residents, students, and blue collar workers of Philadelphia, meals at Little Pete's served as important interaction with humanity. In 2014, Michael Penn set out to photograph the area of Center City Philadelphia known as Market East, home to the Reading Terminal, The Gallery, a sprawling urban mall, the original Strawbridge & Clothier, John Wanamaker's, Lit Brothers, and Gimbel's department stores. Market East spanned from Philadelphia's City Hall to Independence Mall at 6th street. Gentrification plans included demolition and renovations to the seven block corridor. The area was swiftly re-branded as "Jefferson Station," once the barricades went up and heavy machinery moved in. Penn's intention for "Welcome To Market East," was to document urban decay, homelessness, the drug addicted, and troubled inhabitants that called the sidewalks, alleys, and entryways of Market East "home" since the area began it's decline in the early 1990's. The Philadelphia Project Book Series- a glossy softback “zine” formatted book. Each book contains 25 full bleed images from The Philadelphia Project portfolio. 8.5″ x 11″ with an average of 40 gloss pages. Taken in and around Philadelphia Metro between 2010 and 2013. SERIES SOLD OUT The MONTH DAY YEAR Book Series- a glossy softback “zine” formatted book. Each book contains 25 full bleed images measuring 5.5″ x 8.5″ with an average of 40 gloss pages. Taken in and around Philadelphia and New York Metro. SERIES SOLD OUT OUT OF NEW YORK OUT OF NEW YORK- a glossy softback “zine” formatted book. Each book contains images Taken in New York CITY SPECIFICALLY FOR THIS PUBLICATION. 8.5″ x 11″ SERIES SOLD OUT DEVIL'S POOL VOL. 1 Devil’s Pool zine featuring 29 full bleed black and white photos taken in 2021 & 2022. This is the first of 3 zines.
Starting a ketogenic diet can be overwhelming. With all the information out there, it can be difficult to decide what to buy at the grocery store. To make things easier, we’ve put together this easy keto grocery list for beginners. This list contains all the essential ingredients and foods you’ll need to get started on your keto journey, including healthy fats, proteins, vegetables, and snacks. Whether you’re just starting out or looking for inspiration to switch up your current routine, this guide will help you make informed decisions when shopping for keto-friendly items. Easy Keto Grocery List for Beginners 3. Coconut Oil 4. Olive Oil 5. Nut Butter 7. Cheese (Full-Fat) 8. Greek Yogurt (Full-Fat) 9. Canned Tuna or Salmon 10. Grass-fed Beef/Lamb/Pork/Chicken 11. Coconut Milk 12. Dark Chocolate (85% or higher) 13. Berries (Fresh or Frozen) 14. Bone Broth 15. Nuts and Seeds (Almonds, Walnuts, Chia Seeds, Flax Seeds, etc.) 16. Kale/Spinach/Swiss Chard/Collard Greens 18. Herbs and Spices (Cumin, Turmeric, Oregano, Parsley, etc.) 19. Low Carb Vegetables (Cauliflower, Broccoli, Asparagus, Zucchini, Mushrooms, etc.) 21. Mustard and Mayonnaise (Check for Sugar Content) 22. Avocado Oil 23. Unsweetened Coffee Creamer 24 Unsweetened Coconut Flakes 25 Unsweetened Coconut Chips 26 Low Carb Protein Powder 27 Sugar-Free Sweeteners (Stevia, Erythritol) 28 Low Carb Wraps and Breads 29 Pickles 30 Keto Bars Shopping at Walmart or using Amazon Fresh is the best way to get your groceries. With a wide variety of products and competitive prices, you can find all the items you need without spending too much. Plus, with convenience options like curbside pickup and same-day delivery, you can get your groceries quickly and easily. The Easy Keto Grocery List for Beginners is a great way to get started on your Keto journey. With the right combination of ingredients, you can create delicious and nutritious meals that will help you reach your health goals. Whether you are looking to lose weight, improve your overall health, or just want to try something new, the Easy Keto Grocery List for Beginners is a great place to start. With this list in hand, you can easily shop for the necessary ingredients and start enjoying all the benefits of the Keto diet.
A position paper (no. 1) presented to the CHIME project team meeting, Amsterdam Conservatory, February 4 2016 Here are the opening sentences of the EU Heritage+ joint call grant application that the project team wrote in 2014, and which formed the basis of CHIME’s successful submission. ‘What an amazing experience, the clash of seeing Miles Davis in the Roman amphitheatre during the Nice Jazz Festival. The ancient stones and arches are re-sounded, the music somehow more resonant, old and modern at the same time. I’ll never forget that.’ This first-hand experience of a European festival-goer provided the initial inspiration for CHIME. I (George McKay) want to interrogate the cultural space we have chosen a little further, which I hope will throw further light on my question, why look at jazz (and not, say, rock or folk) festivals? There was a nice line tweeted on the CHIME Twitter feed recently, a quotation from Chris Goddard’s book Jazz Away From Home that sought to describe the experience of jazz in southern Europe, as a music ‘cut[ting] through the warm, humid Mediterranean night like a chainsaw through cheese’ (1979). Is jazz more cheese wire than chainsaw, do you think, though? If we want chainsaw music we need really to go to something more industrial—or agricultural—starting with the excessive, aggressive culture of rock music. Rock does after all sometimes feature a chainsaw: see southern US rock band Jackyl, who still finish each live set with their signature song ‘The lumberjack’ (the video is great and indeed a little Pythonesque, do have a watch) in which the lead singer does a chainsaw solo (though not through cheese). (Here is a pressing question for the New Jazz Studies: has a jazz band featured a chainsaw solo, ever?) So, for questions of the clash or disjunction between heritage, festival site and popular music, the jarring re-sounding when both our ears double-take in stereo, rock music would be very good to think about. Though its history as a popular music has been shorter than folk or jazz (50-60 years as opposed to 100-120, very approximately)—does that mean its heritage is reduced?—rock music can supply a very powerful shock of the new, not least through its characteristic of being superloud, via a practice of extreme volume and a competitive rather than functional culture of amplification. (Even to the extent of rock deafening its bands and fans: McKay 2013, chapter 4.) And its use of chainsaws. In order to pursue the comparison with Miles in the amphitheatre in Nice, consider an archetypal rock festival-style concert / documentary film, Pink Floyd: Live at Pompeii (concert 1971, film 1972). (See film extract at end of blog below.) - Filmed with the band playing live, over 4 days in October - Used their full and extensive tour amplification - Performances were filmed in front of no audience, an empty auditorium (rationale: in part a reaction against festival films like Woodstock, which had contained so many shots of festival-goers, the crowd) - It’s a slow, spacey music the band plays, with some slow and lengthy camera focuses in/out and pans (2-3 minutes) - Located in the ancient Roman amphitheatre and with a backdrop of Vesuvius - Some key resonances: volcano/volume; block architecture of amphitheatre/PA/amp stacks - Grandeur of the location fits with the grandeur (or pretentiousness) of Pink Floyd’s musical vision and its filming. (To return to the comedic end of rock, we could think here instead of Spinal Tap and their Stonehenge stage.) Or consider Glastonbury Festival, originating at much the same time as the Pink Floyd concert (legendary Glastonbury Fayre was held in 1971, also filmed). Near Glastonbury, in the deep green English countryside, there is the invention of tradition and what I’m calling the instant ancient: mist and myth, a stage in the shape of the Great Pyramid of Giza, set on a ley line, with a crystal on top, a Neolithic stone circle—built around 1990. Read More
Your payment information is processed securely. We do not store credit card details nor have access to your credit card information. During the Covid-19 Pandemic we are not accepting returns at this time All vintage / used equipment sales are final. All other musical instruments bought online or shipped (guitars, banjos, drums, etc...) are subject to a 48-hour return policy. If you are not satisfied with an instrument you have 48 hours after delivery confirmation to contact us and explain why. All shipped returns are subject to approval and may be subject to a 15% restocking fee. Returns must include all original packaging and accessories. All other items (amplifiers, pedals, etc.) as well as all items bought in-store are sold as-is and all sales are final. Vintage keyboards and all electromechanical devices are also sold as-is with local pick-up only. To be eligible for a return, your item must be in the same condition that you received it, unworn or unused, with tags, and in its original packaging. You’ll also need the receipt or proof of purchase. To start a return, you can contact us at [email protected]. If your return is accepted, we’ll send you a return shipping label, as well as instructions on how and where to send your package. Items sent back to us without first requesting a return will not be accepted. Damages and issues Please inspect your order upon reception and contact us immediately (within 48 hours) if the item is defective, damaged or if you receive the wrong item, so that we can evaluate the issue and make it right. Exchanges The fastest way to ensure you get what you want is to return the item you have, and once the return is accepted, make a separate purchase for the new item. Refunds We will notify you once we’ve received and inspected your return, and let you know if the refund was approved or not. If approved, you’ll be automatically refunded on your original payment method. Please remember it can take some time for your bank or credit card company to process and post the refund too.
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Ikat or Ikkat: |Pochampally ikat handloom fabric is a type of weaving where the warp, weft or both are tied and dyed before weaving to create designs on finished fabrics. Ikats with little blurriness, multiple colors and complicated patterns are more difficult to create.| |Material :||Pure Cotton. Zero % Shrinkage. No transparency.| |Size & weight :|| Size - 1.65 to 1.7 mtrs. (64 to 70 inches) approx. Width - 21 inches Weight approx. - 110 to 135 gms (light weight) |Shipping :||Ready stock. Delivered within 4-5 days.| |Wash care :||Gentle hand wash with mild liquid detergent in cold water. Do not soak.| Ikat Handloom Soft Cotton Stole Out of stock What are the delivery /shipping charges? As we are the lowest price store we charge shipping based on the actual weight of your order. Thus making it more transparent and ethical. All dispatches are done from Mumbai. So nearest delivery area will be charged less and vice versa. During checkout delivery charges will be added to your order. What are your delivery timelines? We dispatch the order within 1-2 days and delivery takes around 3-5 days depending upon your area. What are the payment modes? We accept all payment modes through our secured payment gateway (Razorpay), Net banking, cash on delivery. and bank deposit (Please email or call regarding bank deposit). Does Bombay Looms deliver internationally? Yes, we are starting international delivery very soon. What are shipping rates for international orders? When you place the order the shipping rates will automatically be shown before checkout. International rates are country specific. How long does it take to deliver internationally ? We dispatch international orders within 3 days and we share your tracking details. What are the payment modes ? You can pay through our secured payment gateway (Razorpay), Paypal or direct bank / via transfer to our bank account What about local taxes and custom charges ? All charges are borne by the customers. Can international order be returned or exchanged?
Personalized Grandma's Garden Plant Pot Inventory stock running low HOW TO ORDER: 1. Enter your subtitle text under Grandma's Garden. 2. Enter the names of your grandchildren or children + the birth month as this will indicate the flowers that we assign the name to. 3. If you have more children, enter them under the 'Have More?' Text box 4. Then Add to cart and proceed to order. Personalized Grandma's Garden Plant Pot - PLANT NOT INCLUDED One side printing Package: Mini Plant Pot with Bamboo Tray - plant NOT included We're thrilled to offer free standard shipping on all orders today ! If you need your Home & Garden Trend in a hurry, we also offer premium shipping options for faster delivery of 2-5 Business Days with just an additional fee (contiguous United States, only). Shipping Time Frames (Contiguous U.S.) - Free Shipping On All Orders Today Priority Shipping (2-5 Businses Days) Priority Express nationwide shipping for all purchases at $8.97 Tracked nationwide shipping for all purchases. - We mainly use FedEx and UPS. - We ship all products from different states in USA. - Please allow up to 1 business day for order processing. - Expedited and Priority shipments are not available for P.O. Box addresses. - Shipments to Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico, and American Samoa may be subject to slight delays. - Shipments to U.S. APO/FBO may take up to 21 days. - Shipping is not available to U.S Territories at this time. We truly believe we make some of the most innovative products in the world, and we want to make sure we back that up with a risk-free ironclad 30-day guarantee. If you don't have a positive experience for any reason, we will do whatever it takes to make sure you are 100% satisfied with your purchase. We have 24/7/365 Ticket and Email Support. Please contact us if you need assistance. All Orders will include a tracking number. Need to return something? No worries, it's REALLY easy and we will do our best to ensure that everything goes smoothly. Best way is to e-mail us at [email protected] For full information about Returns & Refunds please visit our policy here.
NOMEN, aka Nuno Reis, was a Pioneer of Graffiti Art in Portugal, since 1989 Nomen’s art (1974) was born on the streets. He was a pioneer of graffiti in Portugal, and a self-taught visual artist whose universe has been consolidating in a multiplicity and registers since he began to interact with the urban space back in 1989, from the first illegal incursions on trains and walls, to the developed work on a large scale both in expository and institutional environment. Furthermore, Nomen was versatile and prolific, the self-named “style swinger” is renowned by mastering the balance between shapes and colors, may it be on elaborated typographic constructions with a unique dynamic, as well on compositions and photo-realistic portraits where he explores the depuration of elements. Moreover, his work has been presented on innumerous exhibitions, events, and artistic productions both in Portugal and abroad. Currently his work has been looked for by companies, institutions and private costumers, that search in him an asset, and artistic competence able to solve mural art tasks in their spaces or events. Companies for whom he has worked: AGNUS DEI, AUTO SILVA PEÇAS, SL BENFICA, CASA DAS MEIAS, IPL, KRAUTLI PORTUGAL, LIONESA, MERCEDES, OPEL, PLURAL, RTP, SIC, SPORTING CP, STATE OF THE ART, TAKE IT EASY, TBWA, TMN, , IT STORK, UNICER. Councils for whom he has made works for: Parish Council of Agualva, Parish Council of Carcavelos, Parish Council of Queluz-Belas, Parish Council of Paço de Arcos, Town Hall of Almada, Town Hall of Cascais, Town Hall of Lisbon, Town Hallf of Oeiras, Town Hall of Penacova, Town Hall of Sintra. Participation in Festivals: - Rock in Rio, Lisbon, 2016 - Vidigueira Jovem's Festival, Vidigueira - Mood Indigo Festival Mumbai, India, 2012 - Meeting of styles Wiesbaden, Germany, 2010 - Meeting of styles Rott fabric Zurich, Switzerland 2011 - "Just writing my name" Amsterdam, Holand 2013 Collective Exhibition/Competion Abel Manta, Gouveia 2005 Bienal Art Sur Panamá - Panamá 2011 Exhibition "Ressurection" - Warehouse, Alcântara, 2015 Double Trouble Studios - Carcavelos - 2016 Exhibition "All in Wonder" - Egypt's Palace - Oeiras - 2017 Collective Exhibition with Double Trouble Crew, "Wanderlust" - Beit Ha´ir Museum - Tel Avive, Israel - 2018 Participate in “Le Carrousel du Louvre” Exhibition - Paris, France - 2022 Countries where he has painted: Azores (Ilha Terçeira, Ilha do Pico), France (Paris, Toulouse), England (London), Germany (Cologne, Mainz, Trier, Wiesbaden), India (Mumbai), Israel (Telavive), Panama, (Panamá), Portugal continental (Cascais, Faro, Lisbon, Matosinhos, Oporto, Quarteira, Sintra), The Netherlands (Amsterdam, Deventer), Spain (Barcelona, Madrid), Switzerland (Lausane, Neuchatel, Zurich), Qatar (Doha).
Russian President Vladimir Putin inaugurated the army fair occasion, which is able to final till August 22. T-72 battle tanks, BMP Okay-17 armored vans and heavy Tulpan self-propelled mortar shells had been additionally featured at the Worldwide Military and Technical Discussion board 2022 in Alabino, a suburb southwest of Moscow. In his inaugural speech, Putin ‘with the most fashionable weapons’ He promised to equip the Russian army technology from its Western rivals. ‘a few years if not a long time’ He bragged that he was forward. All of them had been utilized in fight operations In his speech, Putin mentioned: “We’re prepared to supply our allies the most fashionable varieties of weapons, from small arms to armored autos and from artillery to fight aviation and unmanned aerial autos. Nearly all of them had been used greater than as soon as in actual fight operations. Many, if not a long time, are forward of their international counterparts. They’re additionally considerably superior to them when it comes to tactical and technical traits.” Putin additionally said that Russia is prepared to assist international locations it sees as allies in Latin America, Africa and Asia since the begin of the warfare in Ukraine, by promoting superior weapons and army applied sciences. “Step-by-step they’re liberating Donbas” The President of Russia additionally said that Russian troops in japanese Ukraine ‘fulfilling their duties with dignity’ stating, “They’re preventing for Russia. They’re working for a peaceable life in Donetsk and Luhansk individuals’s republics. Step-by-step they’re liberating Donbas.” he mentioned. #Military #fair #equipped #latest #technology #Russia Dikkat: Sitemiz herkese açık bir platform olduğundan, çox fazla kişi paylaşım yapmaktadır. Sitenizden izinsiz paylaşım yapılması durumunda iletişim bölümünden bildirmeniz yeterlidir.
Neuromuscular Dentistry: What, Why, and How to Get It Neuromuscular dentistry is becoming a hot topic on TMJ/TMD social media outlets. Patients and dentists are wanting to know more about what it is, why is it being talked about, and how to find it. Neuromuscular dentistry has been around for over fifty years and was first practiced by Dr. Barney Jankelson, the father of Neuromuscular dentistry. Understanding neuromuscular function, in general, will help you understand neuromuscular dentistry. Understanding Neuromuscular Function Any movement of the body and its parts are neuromuscular functions. If a dust particle gets in the eye, sensors in the eyeball and eyelid send signals to the brain. The brain tells the tear ducts to produce tears and tells the eyelid to blink and keep blinking and producing tears until the particle is flushed out. These sensors continue to monitor the situation until everything is back to normal. More than likely, the brain has also sent a message to the arms and hands to help with the problem and to wipe away any tears. Every action is considered a neuromuscular function. Roles of Neuromuscular Dentists Neuromuscular dentists are experts in neuromuscular functions of the muscles, jaws, teeth, and joints. Their primary focus of patient care is relieving TMJD pain patients of their pain. Most TMJD pain comes from overstressed muscles and myofascial trigger points. Sometimes it is the temporomandibular joint itself that generates pain. It is the goal of neuromuscular dentists to find a harmonious relationship with the muscles, jaws, teeth, and joints to stop the pain. Many people with TMJ disorders have abnormal jaw motions on closing in the search for a stable bite. These abnormal motions can be due to deformities of the jaw/teeth complex, missing teeth, stress, etc. Abnormal motions cause stress and strain on the jaw, teeth, joints, and muscular system. An example is overworked muscles creating painful trigger points as demonstrated in the image below: Any movement of the jaw is considered neuromuscular. The roots of all teeth have periodontal ligaments (PDL). Within the PDLs are ligaments which are sensors that are directly wired to the brain. It’s the PDLs that tell a person having a picnic on the beach that there is a grain of sand in the sandwich. When a patient gets a filling and says, “My tooth was OK until you worked on it!” It’s the work of the PDLs. The PDLs tell you if food is hot, cold, soft, or hard and if a filling has been done correctly. Putting the Bite Back in Harmony The PDLs contain mechanoreceptors that tell the brain where to move the jaw during chewing and swallowing, both being neuromuscular functions. Most people don’t think about chewing, they just let the PDLs, the brain, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fascia do the communication and action. Neuromuscular dentistry is the study of those movements. If they are not in harmony, bad things can happen. The problems can be slight, like worn teeth, or a clicking joint or they can be life-robbing pain, pain so horrible, it incapacitates. It takes knowledge, skill, and proper technology, for a dentist to put the bite back in harmony. Harmony can be achieved by using a neuromuscular orthotic that follows neuromuscular protocols and procedures. To measure the dental neuromuscular dysfunction of the pain patient, EMG sensors are placed over the muscles of mastication to record their activity. An extremely sophisticated jaw tracker is used to show jaw position and muscle activity at the same time. The jaw tracker uses a magnet placed on the labial of the lower incisors and a sensor is placed outside of the mouth to detect the magnetic field generated by the magnet as the jaw moves in space. Movements can be detected in less than a millimeter on a computer screen. The screen shows a grid in millimeters. Superimposed over the grid, is a computer-generated mandible. The goal is to find the jaw position where the muscles are in harmony. Once the position is found, the grid is marked so that it can be repeatedly found. It’s a measured bite that gives predictability and repeatability. The neuromuscular doctor and patient become a team with both looking for the proper position of the mandible where the neuromuscular function achieves the most harmony. Once the proper, measured position is found, the bite recording material is flowed between the upper and lower teeth. It is imperative that the jaw remains perfectly still and does not move. Any movement, even a tenth of a millimeter, would make the bite wrong and unmeasured. Because the jaw is still being tracked, the doctor can tell if the jaw moved while the bite material hardened. Impressions or digital scans of the upper and lower teeth are also taken and sent to a dental laboratory that is trained in neuromuscular dentistry. The doctor’s prescription to the laboratory asks for the fabrication of a precision, plastic, removable orthotic that would mimic a harmonious, stabilized bite. Like a custom shoe orthotic, a neuromuscular orthotic is designed to correctly support and align the lower jaw’s teeth to the upper jaw’s teeth in a harmonious position. It achieves this by overlaying the lower teeth with removable plastic that mimics a harmonious closure of jaws, teeth, joints, and muscles. If the diagnosis is compressed condyle, the orthotic gives the lower jaw a solid landing platform that decompresses the condyle. If the diagnosis is torqued mandible, where one side hits before the other, the orthotic compensates where all back teeth hit at the same time. If the diagnosis is posterior interferences, the orthotic is designed to overcome the malocclusion. Since the appliance is removable, it is reversible. Neuromuscular dentists also use an Ultra Low-Frequency TENS unit to relax the muscles of mastication. Before TENs, muscle activity is measured via EMGs to get a baseline. They are measured again after a period of muscle relaxation via TENs. It only makes sense to take the jaw-to-jaw relationship when the muscles are relaxed. Please go to ICCMO.org to learn more and to search for a neuromuscular dentist in your area.
head halter pink head halter pink - PREVENTS PULLING – The GoodBoy Head Halter is a comfortable and humane way to prevent your dog from pulling on the leash during walks and other situations that require control. The head halter fits around your dog’s head and nose (similar to a horse’s halter). It is not for use as a muzzle. This prevents choking and reduces your dog’s urge to pull. By using a headcollar like this one, you get maximum steering efficiency. Walking your dog becomes safer and more pleasant for both you and your dog. - COMFORTABLE AND SAFE – Unlike other headcollars, the GoodBoy Head Halter is designed with soft neoprene and padded for maximum comfort for your pet. It offers a safety strap that attaches to your dog’s regular collar at the back of the neck - no more dangling safety straps. It has durable nylon straps and strong stitching. Our design features additional reflective stitching to help keep dogs of all sizes safe. - EASILY ADJUSTABLE AND SECURE FIT – A quick release buckle and adjustable fit make this quality harness a secure solution to unwanted behavior with your pet’s safety in mind. It provides a plastic clip under the chin to easily adjust the loop for the snout. Adjustable side straps (size 1 does not have adjustable side straps) and an adjustable neck strap make for a better and more secure fit. This ensures that the halter does not slide off easily and makes it easy to put on any dog. - CHOOSE THE RIGHT SIZE – To ensure the best fit with our no-pull head halter it’s important to measure the snout and neck circumference at least twice, using the instructions pictured, and choose the smallest result for optimal fitting. The sizing chart is in the third picture. Our halters have adjustable neck straps, side straps and nosebands (size 1 does not have adjustable side straps). The halters come in four sizes and do not fit short-snouted breeds like Boxers, Bulldogs and Chihuahuas. - WARRANTY – Our 1-year warranty helps to find the best fit for your dog. It covers incorrect sizing and chew damage for your added peace of mind. Our "No-questions-asked" policy lasts 30 days, which means that you can return the purchased product within this 1-month window, hassle-free and for a full refund. To be eligible for a return the ordered item must be with the original packaging and with all the components, included in the original packaging - the product itself, the accessories, the batteries and the manual. Additionally, if you have cut the strap to make it a better fit or to get rid of the extra length, the product will not be eligible for a return. Please contact us at [email protected] prior to returning the item, as we will authorize the return and will provide you with a special return number - without it a return will not be accepted. Important! - Any item which is not in its original condition, is damaged or has missing parts for reasons not due to our error, will not be refunded. You will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable. If you receive a refund, the cost of return shipping will be deducted from your refund.
“M’she-nichnas Adar, Marbim B’simcha!” “When the month of Adar arrives, we increase our happiness!” I have always been fascinated by this statement which only appears once in the entire Talmud. Here is the actual quote (Ta’anis 29a): “Rav Yehuda, son of Rav Shmuel bar Sheilas, said in the name of Rav: “Just as when Av begins one decreases rejoicing, so too when the month of Adar begins, one increases rejoicing.” Rashi informs us that the reason for the simcha when Adar begins is because we are entering, “Days in which miraculous events occurred to the Jewish people: Purim and Pesach.” Interesting, why does Rashi feel the need to mention Pesach? Pesach is not in the month of Adar. In fact, Pesach is exactly one month after Purim. Why did Rashi feel the need to tell us that the reason we are happy when Adar arrives is because of both Purim and Pesach? Why can’t we be happy in Adar for Purim alone? Why the need to add in Pesach? I would like to suggest the following: If we just had Purim, which is one day, we would be happy; however, the day after Purim would be like the days before Purim. Having one good day obviously generates some simcha. However, after the day ends and we all go back to our daily routine, it’s easy to fall back into a spiritual and emotional slump. However, if we knew that this “one day” is just a preview of even bigger things, that awareness can make a lasting impact on the person. Rashi is giving us hope. Rashi is telling all of us, “No, it’s not just one good day to look forward to. One month later we have Pesach to rejoice in!” When we realize that life always has a tomorrow to look forward to, that is a catalyst for real simcha. The one day simcha of Purim would not be enough to impact on the entire month. Rather, the realization when Adar begins that Purim is coming AND just a month later Pesach is here generates a month of simcha. This recognition is the cause of simcha beginning already in Adar. We all need to have something to look forward to. There always has to be a tomorrow. One day of merry-making does not a happy person make. However, when we realize that right after that day – in just one small month – an even greater redemption is coming, that is something which brings joy and happiness already at the beginning of the month of Adar. Hang in there, Purim and Pesach are just around the corner.
Viral Social Media Influencer, Pastry Chef unveils the highly anticipated event for entrepreneurial women to learn, network, and indulge in business and delicious treats! Jasmine Mitchell, the founder of J. Carmel’s pastry shop, is hosting nationwide pop-ups to help entrepreneurial women succeed in business. She’s hosting the Influence-Her Summit, a networking event for businesswomen to celebrate the release of her new cookbook, “All Things Cake, Your Guide to Creating Cakes That Will be the Life of the Party.” “Sharing my recipes that have gone viral and how I grew my business is important to me. I want others to succeed, and there’s room for all of us at the success table. When I planned the Influence-Her Summit, I collaborated with experts to address and remove the online business roadblocks women’s face. The Influence-HER Summit is a business networking event to promote their confidence,” said Jasmine MitchellFounder & CEO of J. Carmel’s. Mitchell said, “I’ve had tremendous business growth over the last year on social media and in real life, but what good is growth if you can’t bring other women along with you?” Attendees can register for the exclusive Influence-Her Summit by visiting J. Carmel’s Instagram for upcoming events, product launches, and collaborations. To learn more visit JCarmels.com. The cookbook features viral dessert recipes from J. Carmel’s Instagram account, including the famous Peach Cobbler Pound Cake, according to a press release. Mitchell wants to help other women succeed and remove online business roadblocks. Inspired by the followers of the J.Carmel brand, the launch of the cookbook and the Influence-Her Summit came as women own 42% of all US businesses, nearly 13 million, according to Incfile. In addition, a Harvard Business Review report recently found that 17% of Black women are starting or running new businesses, and J. Carmel is here to help. The January event brings growth, branding, business, marketing, and confidence to get started while networking with experienced power players in the room.
Safari is an authoritative travel, tourism and hospitality portal for Tanzania and East Africa The Founding President of Tanzania, Julius Nyerere hated the idea of paying bride price, in fact he abhorred the custom so much to an extent of terming it ‘Evil!’ Nyerere who died 22 years ago at Saint Thomas Hospital in London, is quoted as saying dowry turned girls and women into slaves. “Paying for bride price is like buying women.” Mwalimu maintained. The fact that they are ‘bought’, the man treats them as his property, and that he can beat them and mistreat them without any sanction from the community, while constantly reminding them that they were paid for with bride price,” Nyerere maintained. That is part of an excerpt taken from his Biography, authored by Prof. Issa Shivji, Saida Yahya Othman and Ng’wanza Kamata. Terming dowry as ‘evil’ Nyerere was quoted as saying he views it as a purely commercial transaction, in which women are commoditized and sold for a price. Nyerere pointed out that, even men eventually fall victims of the horrid dowry system, because it only works in favor of the rich. A poor man without the requisite number of cows and goats would not be able to get a wife. The former President of Tanzania also hated arranged marriages. And he should have known, as he was a victim of such matrimonial arrangement. Working as School Teacher in Tabora, Nyerere was subjected to an early engagement with a girl, Magori Watiha dispatched to him by his father, Chief Burito, all the way from their Butiama home village. Nyerere could not sustain his betrothal to Magonis who was sent to him while he was teaching at Tabora. He sent the girl back to her parents, escorted from Tabora by his half-brother Joseph Muhunda. Magori Watiha was still very young when she arrived in Tabora; Nyerere had agreed that she go to primary school while staying with him. But he soon discovered that Magori had no interest in school, and Nyerere was not prepared to marry an uneducated girl. Besides, Magori was apparently unhappy, as evidenced by her constant tears. However, an additional motivation for Nyerere returning Magori to her parents may have been his continuing opposition to arranged marriages, especially between young girls and older men. Mwalimu would later Marry a fellow schoolteacher, Maria Waningu Magige in 1953 and she became the country’s First Lady in 1964
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The ATCA Forum - Registration By accessing “The ATCA Forum” (hereinafter “we”, “us”, “our”, “The ATCA Forum”, “https://atcaforum.atnf.csiro.au/phpbb”), you agree to be legally bound by the following terms. If you do not agree to be legally bound by all of the following terms then please do not access and/or use “The ATCA Forum”. We may change these at any time and we’ll do our utmost in informing you, though it would be prudent to review this regularly yourself as your continued usage of “The ATCA Forum” after changes mean you agree to be legally bound by these terms as they are updated and/or amended. Our forums are powered by phpBB (hereinafter “they”, “them”, “their”, “phpBB software”, “www.phpbb.com”, “phpBB Limited”, “phpBB Teams”) which is a bulletin board solution released under the “GNU General Public License v2 ” (hereinafter “GPL”) and can be downloaded from www.phpbb.com . The phpBB software only facilitates internet based discussions; phpBB Limited is not responsible for what we allow and/or disallow as permissible content and/or conduct. For further information about phpBB, please see: https://www.phpbb.com/ You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any laws be it of your country, the country where “The ATCA Forum” is hosted or International Law. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned, with notification of your Internet Service Provider if deemed required by us. The IP address of all posts are recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions. You agree that “The ATCA Forum” have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should we see fit. As a user you agree to any information you have entered to being stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent, neither “The ATCA Forum” nor phpBB shall be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised.
HSSB251: If you’re not a Martial Grandmaster, don’t come to die Yan Zhaoge directly kicked out an opening in the side of the Wang Family’s ancestral manor. As dust and smoke flew, sabre-light suddenly flickered, chopping out towards Yan Zhaoge. The sabre-light resembled a continuous chain of mountains, with strange and perilous peaks, numerous layers of sabre-light instantly surrounding Yan Zhaoge. Not even looking at it, Yan Zhaoge punched out, bursting through the sabre-light as he instantly sent his opponent flying. Although his opponent flew backwards, the sabre-light before him grew as more enemies, all using the Continuous Mountains Sabre Art passed down within the Wang Family, obscured the heavens and covered the earth as they bore down on Yan Zhaoge. At the same time, amongst these sabre-lights that resembled lofty mountains, a dark, biting wind also assaulted Yan Zhaoge. Black Nightmare Mountain’s direct lineage martial art, Pursuing Wind Sword Style! The sword was named Pursuing Wind, being even faster than wind itself, one of the fastest swords under the heavens, able to rival the Lightning Mantra Seventy Two Swords of the Heavenly Thunder Hall’s direct lineage. It cast a dim sword-light, concealed amongst all those sabre-lights, exerted later but arriving first, that people would be hard pressed to guard against. Yan Zhaoge just reached out with a single hand, closing the gap between his thumb and index finger, gripping the sword of his opponent. Immediately, the sword-light was extinguished, the wind formed by the sword dying down, the sword, gripped by Yan Zhaoge’s two fingers, completely unable to move. At the same time, Yan Zhaoge’s aura-qi surged. Standing there, not moving an inch, his vigorous aura-qi transformed into a storm, directly dissipating the sabre-lights descending towards him that obscured the heavens and covered the earth. The reaction of that Black Nightmare Mountain martial practitioner before Yan Zhaoge was also extremely fast, immediately abandoning his sword as it was caught by Yan Zhaoge. However, whether it was switching his stance and attacking or immediately retreating, without even having time to perform his next movement, he suddenly discovered his sword, with the blade facing away, bearing down towards him, its original owner! “Rip!” As if it were the sharpest point, the bladeless hilt broke through the aura-qi that guarded this Black Nightmare Mountain martial practitioner’s body, and pierced directly into his chest. Everyone nearby looked at Yan Zhaoge, shocked. Gripping the blade of the sword with two fingers, he had pushed it forward lightly, using the sword hilt as a blade as he directly stabbed that Black Nightmare Mountain martial practitioner to death. His expression as per usual, Yan Zhaoge retracted his arm, drawing the sword hilt out of his opponent’s chest. Not even switching his stance, just holding onto the blade of the sword with two fingers like this, as though wanting to commit suicide, Yan Zhaoge used the sword hilt as a sword blade casually as he liked. However, it was already superior to the swords of most Martial Scholars under the heavens as he slew all the martial practitioners in the vicinity. Breaking through another wall, Yan Zhaoge entered the centre of the courtyard, instantly slaying a great many more people, clearing out another area. Other than him, no other live soul remained. His gaze not rippling in the slightest, Yan Zhaoge abruptly threw the sword within his hands to the side, with it instantly transforming into a sword-light that resembled a bolt of lightning. Within the black fog, a martial practitioner who had originally been approaching stealthily under the cover of darkness was directly pinned to death on the ground by this sword. The other side’s Martial Scholars experts were also approaching rapidly, prepared to seal this point of breakthrough as created by Yan Zhaoge. Directly slamming a late Xiantian Martial Scholar to death with his palm, Yan Zhaoge shook his head, “If you’re not a Martial Grandmaster, don’t come to die.” As he said this, he swivelled his body, raising his palm and directly locking an incoming fist. This person had a face that resembled a horse, the aura-qi around his body surging. Above his head, like Yan Zhaoge, was a spiritual light that shot straight into the heavens, not an illusory light but true radiance. It was a peak Martial Scholar who had stepped into the Heavenly Connection stage. The newcomer appeared to still be rather young, with him not being much older than thirty. As he circulated his aura-qi, countless black winds were formed, as he was clearly of Black Nightmare Mountain’s direct lineage. His eyes were yellowed and bloodshot, having already fallen to the dark side. Glaring at Yan Zhaoge, his eyes were filled with resentment and hatred. “People from Broad Creed Mountain, all deserve to die!” This horse-face man shouted, his entire body’s aura-qi surging madly as it formed an illusory heaven and earth, filled completely with black hurricanes. The terrifying black hurricanes shrunk and condensed unceasingly, finally transforming into numerous tangible black lances, directed straight at Yan Zhaoge. However, Yan Zhaoge’s acupoints pulsed, countless streams of clear qi emanating outwards, majestic as the heavens. As the opponent’s black hurricanes that resembled lances landed within, they directly vanished. At the same time, grabbing onto his opponent’s fist, a terrifying aura-qi was abruptly released from Yan Zhaoge’s palm. That horse-faced man could only feel aura-qi like numerous fire dragons immediately flowing into his body through the meridians of his arm, as the pain of incineration befell him. Numerous fire dragons rushed within his body, his body’s aura-qi completely unable to withstand it. In that instant, the horse-faced man’s body blazed within, his flesh and blood, bones, muscles, internal organs and meridians that been tempered countless times exploding one by one. The horse-faced man’s body stiffened where he stood, a strange red appearing on his face, arms and the other parts of his body that were not covered by his clothes. Like a crab, being cooked till ripe. Yan Zhaoge released his hands, this horse-face man’s body falling limply to the ground like a clump of rotten mud. “Being able to reach the Heavenly Connection stage at this age-in Sacred Grounds, he would be at the level of direct disciples,” Yan Zhaoge shook his head, “In its current dismal condition, Black Nightmare Mountain was still able to recruit such a genius as a disciple-it is a rare thing indeed. Sadly, he joined the Nine Underworlds.” Having rushed over with the Immortal Crane Wings, Yan Zhaoge’s speed had been extremely fast. It was only now that Ah Hu and the others arrived. Just having arrived, Ah Hu’s claw penetrated through the crown of an opponent’s head. In other areas of the manor, Broad Creed Mountain martial practitioners were also breaking their way in unceasingly, killing their way to the depths of the manor. Broad Creed Mountain had long since been prepared for this operation, having deployed an elite force here, the momentum of their attacks hard to withstand. Let alone the martial practitioners of the Wang Family, even the Decimating Abyss martial practitioners with remnants of Black Nightmare Mountain at their head were hard pressed to stand against Broad Creed Mountain’s offensive. Rather than the opponents before them, it was instead the aftershocks of the fight of Shi Tie and Sima Chu overhead that Yan Zhaoge and the others were more vigilant of, lest they were swept over by the tail of the typhoon, dying without knowing what hit them. However, Shi Tie held the upper hand, beating Sima Chui into retreat, the latter hard pressed to parry his blows. Able to control the battle situation, Shi Tie was doing his best to provide space for Yan Zhaoge and the others. Additionally, the devilish air was getting denser and denser. At the same time that it brought harm, it also blocked the aftershocks of the fight between the two Essence Talisman Martial Grandmasters. This enabled Yan Zhaoge and the others to rest their hearts and directly and courageously rush towards the core of the Devilish Domain Grand Formation. Having experienced that incident at Clear Concealed Lake, Yan Zhaoge was even more familiar with Devilish Domain Grand Formations now, as he proceeded straight on. The grand formation before their eyes had yet to be completely formed, with the devilish domain yet to be completely established. While Yan Zhaoge and the others had their movements affected by it, they were still smooth. There was only that terrifying air that threw people’s hearts into disarray that was gradually growing stronger, influencing their minds. Yan Zhaoge felt that whilst rushing forward and slaying his enemies, the killing intent within his heart was strengthening unceasingly, with there seemingly being a voice within his heart telling him to kill all lifeforms that stood before him, regardless of their identities. “Hmph,” Yan Zhaoge’s gaze deepened as he stabilised his mind once more. Raising his head and gazing over, he saw that not far away stood a familiar-looking golden tower, a red door of light at its peak, currently projecting a silhouette on the ground below. Yan Zhaoge leapt, rushing towards the tall golden tower, resembling a great roc spreading its wings as he spread his arms wide, a number of perfectly good heads sent flying as his sword-aura rushed past.
Why development is a smart investment even in unstable times IFAD Asset Request Portlet Why development is a smart investment even in unstable timesEstimated reading time: 3 minutes The number of violent conflicts is the highest it has been since the Second World War. There are five times the number of extreme weather events now than there were fifty years ago. One in eight people live in a fragile area or conflict zone. Given this context, it’s no wonder that spending on humanitarian aid has increased by 164 per cent in the past decade. At the same time, development spending is sluggish as new financial realities and changing politics mean countries prioritise emergency response over long-term progress. But, in this age of multiple intersecting crises where people are still reeling from one shock when another hits, only a holistic approach to both humanitarian and development assistance can disrupt this vicious cycle. Two sides of the same coin Humanitarian and development assistance ultimately share the same goal: to create a better life for people, including those who are most vulnerable. Yet it wasn’t until 2016 that the then-UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon, called for a new approach that would see the two become more strongly connected through the Humanitarian-Development Nexus (HDN). In practice, this means that humanitarian assistance should not just meet immediate needs, but also support sustainable development outcomes. Meanwhile, development assistance should give people the tools to withstand disasters and thus need less humanitarian assistance in the future. As the world confronts climate change, conflict and other converging crises, the HDN has never been more relevant. Breaking the cycle of deprivation IFAD itself was established following a profound food crisis in the Sahel in the 1970s. Our aim: to tackle structural barriers to food production and break the cycle of disaster and deprivation. We focus on the development aspect of the HDN. Rather than providing immediate assistance when disaster strikes, IFAD instead takes the long view, working closely with communities, in particular women and youth, to move out of poverty sustainably, improve food security and build societies that are more resilient to all kinds of shocks. We help create the necessary conditions to avoid fuelling conflicts or exacerbating climate change. And the results are clear. A recent study used GIS data to demonstrate how IFAD investments can reduce the risk of conflict, and thus, indirectly reduce the need for humanitarian assistance in the long term. In Mali, GIS data showed an eight per cent increase in conflict in areas where IFAD had not intervened, while there was no increase in conflict in successful project areas. IFAD is a member of the Great Green Wall initiative to restore and conserve unique ecosystems and create decent livelihoods in the Sahel, a fragile region where climate change and environmental degradation is contributing to conflict. In Niger, IFAD’s Facility for Refugees, Migrants, Forced Displacement and Rural Stability (FARMS) empowered women and youth, two groups particularly targeted by Boko Haram, by creating over 7,000 temporary jobs in water management. In Haiti, IFAD’s Inclusive Blue Economy Project is alleviating two of the country’s most pressing problems: skyrocketing poverty and ongoing climate disasters. The project is helping 40,000 coastal people, especially women and youth, manage natural and marine resources for sustainable development. And in northern Nigeria, where armed insurgency and climate change conspired to limit opportunities for women and youth, IFAD made its first-ever investment in a private enterprise, Babban Gona, through the Private Sector Financing Programme. It’s time to invest in the future We need to change our spending priorities. Not only does this make economic sense—every dollar spent on resilience now saves up to US$10 in emergency assistance in the future—it also means avoiding hardship for millions of people the world over. IFAD’s 13th Replenishment is calling on Member States to increase their investments in rural people’s resilience so we can provide them with support they need to build a better, more resilient future for themselves and their children.Publication date: 07 June 2023
Cookware Wedding birdes-to-be – Hot Single Women Looking With regard to Their Dude The women had been advertised in online and offline “catalogs” to Southerly Korean males. The Korea Times reviews that every 365 days, thousands of Korean men sign up to matches with Filipina birdes-to-be through firms and by submit order. Based upon data from your Korean federal government, there are 6, 191 Filipinas in South Korea who are married to Koreans. On the show-up the Korean language man recommendations a prospective wife via among the group, and in a matter of times they are married. Yet everybody understands that person trafficking is usually illegal as well in one of the many remote facets of the world, enable alone created Asian nations around the world. The truth is why these are nothing more than professional slang expressions that have produced their approach into the standard discourse. You will find almost no places in Asia where women would be consequently desperate to leave that they were ready to promote themselves away into a matrimony. Instead, this explained phrase mean the entire range connected with services associated with facilitating your own communication along with hot Oriental women regarding the objective of making a family. Yet, many of us often chuck such terms around asian wife photo also whenever we all talk regarding this sort of important problems since absolutely adore existence. A large number of experienced that have when ever love to find our partner seemed everlasting but gradually led to severe dissatisfaction. These kinds of wounds help to make us even more careful as well as suspicious; they earn us enhance the pub. This lady couldn’t give a flying fuck how various hot Asian women your competitors have dated before appointment her. Your friends and relations will also only interest her as much as you choose to bring it up. A variety of gentlemen admit to seeking precisely some of those qualities within a woman – the characteristics that travel her to a mindset where family is the only focus of pretty much all attention. Nevertheless , even though she’ll invest pretty much all her effort and hard work to make this kind of marriage operate, you are usually likely to show an identical state of mind. Therefore , you are usually recommended to be able to research in addition educate oneself about Cookware cultures as well as mentality. BEST Asian Mailbox Order Wedding party brides Sites within 2020: Oriental ladies might have a great deal in keeping along with you as well as your view after life. To acheive the content lifestyle utilizing a female of some other nationality risk looking at be easier than with a girl in your homeland. It is turned out to be by thousands of successful marriages and people, just who do not understand just how did that they live prior to their ending up in Asian ladies. In June 2013, The Philippine embassy in Seoul reported that it experienced received a large number of complaints coming from Filipinas who may have married Korean men through mail-order, often becoming “victims of grave abuses”. - Perhaps you should try to look intended for a bride-to-be in Korea, Uzbekistan or perhaps India? - Unfortunately, nobody is aware of the solution to be able to this issue. - We possess described the many popular postal mail order Hard anodized cookware brides countries, but there are many places where you may meet a lot of beautiful Cookware women. - That knows, you may will satisfy the love of the existence in Japan (yep, in abundant countries, in addition there are solitary girls with a number of tastes and preferences). - Which ones is the magic location where a single in 2 ladies would certainly produce a ideal Hard anodized cookware spouse available for you? It looks like these young ladies symbolize an ideal combination of all of the qualities a talented gentleman could look intended for in his permanent wife. Population analysis scholars have used this kind of open sources as online and online dating websites and found away that unions among Western men and Oriental women look the particular most long lasting. If they will endeavor to warrant this, they will toned towards Asian countries sticking with patriarchal practices which usually are regarded sexist plus basically dropped away associated with practice within the West. But that is not just due to the fact of the girlfriend patriarchal way of thinking. It will be most likely that the lady will own quite some free period when the girl coatings almost all her tasks, but the girl will certainly a lot more impatiently spend that to some or perhaps work or perhaps schooling instead associated with nonproductive gossiping. When you are the girl husband (and before you possess children), a person would be the particular undeniable middle of the gal world. She’s gonna not question or generate you into sharing information on your earlier relationships. You may should try to look in the interests of a bride-to-be in Korea, Uzbekistan or India? That knows, you will satisfy the love of the existence in Japan (yep, in abundant countries, additionally, there are solitary ladies with several tastes and preferences). Simply, Asia isn’t only large although also actually diverse, and though women living you will find numerous, you will find by minimum a couple of essential things they will have got in keeping. It seems a little amusing that kind of words and phrases since “eternity” or even “forever” also are present within human being different different languages. No individual has in fact lived for good, so there is simply not any knowledge at the rear of these thoughts. These kind of women show up from monetarily unstable places. Or perhaps these are ladies who in addition had ugly luck with all the current men info. They can also end up being carrying it out since of private financial factors. So , they are going to join these types of web sites to find a guy that may be usually well off plus can easily control a loved ones. The volume of girls that sign up for these providers effortlessly move up to be able to tens connected with thousands. Numerous of these types of relationship companies are reliant near gals in building countries (such as Ukraine, Russia, Republic of colombia, Brazil, Tiongkok, Thailand, plus the Philippines). Experian, a market exploration firm, information that the top 10 international online dating sites attracted 12 million visitors in March 2013, up 29% from Drive 2012. International dating sites give you a wide variety of internet conversation, which includes quick messages, e-mail emails, webchat, phone interpretation, online presents, live video games, and mobile-based chat. Global marriage firms can be known to seeing that “mail-order bride” agencies. Generally there are the whole lot associated with Asian wedding birdes-to-be seeking the lifetime spouse that may give them the relaxing life-style on websites like foreign-brides. net or even very similar. Which ones is certainly the wonder location in which a single in 2 ladies would certainly create a recommended Asian other half for you? Sadly, nobody comprehends the solution to be able to this issue. We possess described the various popular mailbox order Cookware brides countries, but there are various places where you can meet a lot of beautiful Cookware women.
Intimate Apparel: Poignant, Sad and True Intimate Apparel Shows That Things Don’t Always Work Out It’s 1905 in New York City. We meet the protagonist sitting at her sewing machine. Esther Mills (Tahmie Der) has lived a tough life, beginning in South Carolina where her grandparents were slaves and the family struggled to make it by working on a farm. Esther has the pulled-back hair, the matronly long skirt, and the sensible shoes of a working woman, in contrast to Mrs. Van Buren (Linda Tardif) who we see prancing about in her extensive undergarments bemoaning her opium-puffing, unfaithful husband. Despite the fact that Esther dreams of someday being married, there aren’t a lot of role models or good examples to give her hope. And soon, a letter (remember those?) comes in the mail that will change Esther’s world. In the center of the stage is a bed and in the back, a fabric store run by an immigrant named Mr. Marks from Romania, (Gabriel Levey). Marks is the character who treats Esther the best, as an equal, and as a good customer and she rewards him by buying yards and yards of the fine fabrics he shows her. Mrs. Dickson, (Alika Hope) runs this boarding house where seven young women reside, all working hard to pay their rent and keep up. She is tough on Esther and isn’t very kind when it comes to her chances of ever moving up in the world. We root for Esther but sometimes you gotta be careful what you wish for. The bed at the center of the stage acts as a scene setter because this bed will be used by many different people each with a different quilt. Time and again we watch the actors change that comforter from bright red to a multicolored bawdy pattern, then to a fine white quilt that was hand sewn by Esther. And inside that last quilt is where Esther stashes away her money, with a dream of opening a beauty salon where hardworking black women like her can be pampered and feel almost as good as the privileged white women for whom Esther sews intimate apparel. It’s a tough time for African Americans and anyone living in the tough conditions of the Lower East Side, and racism is as common as the clear class divisions, that pit the characters against each other. The character of Esther is revealed to be the true hero of the play, we watch her with sympathy, and then with hope as the letters grow more frequent, and when we see her in a wedding dress, we hope for the best. But let’s get real. It’s 1905, and this cad from Barbados, George Armstrong, isn’t up to the task. He is barely changed out of his wedding suit then he’s asking for money and heading down to the saloon. The audience had developed some sympathy for this noble hard working man, as he read the letters about his struggles digging the canal in the malaria-infested jungles of Panama. And we sympathize with George again when he recounts the bitterness of not being able to find a job in the big city, despite his construction skills and work ethic. We want to root for him and the young actor Colby Chandler does a fine job of making us feel that way, for a while anyway. George has regaled her with letters written by a smarter man than him, and she’s replied with letters written by her pal Mayme (Kyle Boatwright). Neither of them knew what they were getting but Esther becomes the better of the two when George Armstrong muddies the waters with the same friend who helped her write her letters. Lynn Nottage, the playwright, has won two Pulitzer prizes for drama, and a MacArthur genius fellowship. She is unique because no other woman has done this, and in this play, she is really hitting on all cylinders, truly in her wheelhouse, the black experience in America. Her script is concise and there are no redundant or wasteful scenes. Director Jasmine Brooks brought together a talented group of actors who were able to wring real passion from the script and the dialogue was spot on, and true to the world in 1905 that was such a totally different time and the class divisions were brutal. The accents of the actors were spot on, and young Colby did well with his Caribbean lilt, as did Gabriel Levey as Mr. Marks. Kyle Boatwright (Mayme) had a lot of credits in the show, writing two of the songs, producing, helping with scenic design and getting off some funny lines, in her portrayal of a woman of the night. This show is memorable and poignant, and worth seeing for sure. Intimate Apparel, by Lynn Nottage. Directed by Jasmine Brooks, produced by Silverthorne Theater. Performances at the Perch at Hawks and Reed, Greenfield MA: March 16, 17, and 18 at 7:30 pm; March 12, 18 at 3 pm. Tickets
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Product vouchers also make an attractive gift for customers to purchase for their friends and family, and can be personalized with a recipient name and message. Vouchers are personalized with information customers enter while purchasing, letting you provide certificates to be used in your store or to be given as a gift. 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Children’s Gift Warms Hearts at Carousel for Missoula In July, the heart of the season for A Carousel for Missoula, a bearing in the carousel broke, causing the venue to shut down until it could be repaired. Executive Director Theresa Cox related the story. “The problem was a cylinder bearing on top of the carousel where a piece of it popped off and the carousel started riding really bumpy, and as soon as people learned about it they showed up to help,” said Cox. “We have an amazing young machinist named Andy Troutwine with Andy’s Shop who is fabricating that piece. So, he and Colt, our lead mechanic, went up on top of the carousel, removed all of the electronics, lifted the bowl gear so they could get to the bearing, took it out, and Andy has taken that bearing (which is 101 years old) back to his shop and is making those pieces.” While this was happening, the carousel was losing money during what would normally be the busiest time of the summer season. “We make half of our income in June, July and August, and of course, we shut down in the middle of July which means we could lose a full quarter of our income for the year,” she said. “This is really a difficult time for us.” Cox related a touching story that defines the sense of community in Missoula. “We had the Discovery Pre-School and Infant Center come in,” she said. “We saw those kids coming and said we’ll have to disappoint them and tell them we’re closed, but those kids came in and said ‘we know that the carousel is broken, but wanted to give you our ride money, so you can get it fixed. It was $8.30. That was such a lovely story.” Other community members and businesses have come forward to help with expenses for the carousel. “We have a Go Fund Me site, but we didn’t do it, Engel and Volkers and they said they would match donations up to $5,000,” she said. “We challenged everybody else to match the donation from the Discovery kids, but they can’t do fractions on Go Fund Me, so we have to round it up to $9.00, so you can go on to the Go Fund Me site and pledge $9.00.” Cox said there’s no definite date for the carousel’s reopening, but encouraged supporters to watch their Facebook page for updates. A Carousel for Missoula receives no direct city, county, state of federal funding.
The fitness prescription at Locomotion can be broken down into a formula: W = F x d. Work = it’s hard, but it feels like play. F = force. Mass times acceleration. That will be important later. d = distance. In short, large loads over long distances as quickly as possible. Individual fitness in a group environment is the goal of CrossFit groups at Locomotion. Though everyone is doing the same number of sets and reps, and having the same experience, individual weights can be chosen to optimize your individual fitness. CrossFit works for everyone by providing a daily challenge. But that challenge should then be tailored individually based on your skill level, speed and strength. First, the coach leads the group through a fun warmup to increase general readiness. Then we do some specific warmups for the skills you’ll need that day, and begin practicing those skills. We choose skills and strength-building lifts that optimize the W = F x d formula; big lifts, like squats and cleans and deadlifts and presses. We do them heavy and light, slow and fast, and always with the goal of improving technique. The real magic of CrossFit happens in the “WOD,” which comes next. When introducing the workout, your coach will reveal its purpose and benefits, and help you choose a weight or exercise to meet those goals. For example, the purpose of “Grace” is to spend 3-7 minutes in an anaerobic state. Hard anaerobic challenges like “Grace” stimulate lipolysis (fat burning) for almost a full day afterward. A load should be chosen to create an anaerobic state. That might be 50lbs, or 95lbs, or 135lbs; your coach will tell you to choose a weight that will require 3-7 minutes to complete. A weight that’s too light won’t give you the metabolic effect we’re trying to create; neither will a weight that’s too heavy. Likewise, we can stimulate the effect without weights at all if necessary. This is the purpose of our Reboot class: high-intensity bodyweight exercise with a purpose. Some call it “bootcamp with brains.” What does “Rx” mean? We prescribe (‘Rx’) a weight on some workouts in an attempt to standardize scores and measure progress. Of course, we can compare your progress using any fixed weight. But CrossFit is now done by millions of people, and it’s sometimes fun to see just how well the best in the world do at the same workout. You work out harder with a partner. You work harder when you have a deadline. And you’ll jump further when you have a measuring stick. These top scores are the measuring stick, and while not the primary measure of your success (of course,) it’s still fun to see what’s possible. We’ve all seen the 2-man “cheating” bench press at the YMCA; “Rx” lets us compare apples to apples with movement standards and identical weights. Not the bare minimum, but the standardized maximum. On that note, we standardize movement first. We want things done well–a good squat will help you, a bad squat won’t–before they’re done fast, or heavy, or often. We call it “scaling” the workout, but we just mean “optimizing.” Decreasing the load is not a lesser version of “Rx,” just a different measure. As you’ll see when you join a group, there might be ten different “scaled” versions of the same workout happening at the same time. Everyone works as hard as everyone else. Everyone finishes together. Everyone smiles. Then they put their score in sugarWOD for comparison later. In a few months, we’ll bring out the same measuring stick and check your progress: has W = F x d improved? Has F gone up? Are you better at d? If so, you’ve won. There’s no way to win on the pec deck, but in CrossFit it’s quite possible to win every day, at least at first. Our CrossFit classes provide individualized training in a group setting. The mission is the same for everyone, and even if your map looks a bit different than mine, we’ll all arrive together. Book a No Sweat Intro and get started today!
Farming as well as lumber are actually both sturdy lasting expenditures. Transforming your farming procedure with agroforestry strategies can increase revenues as well as yields while shielding top soil, wildlife habitation, as well as water top quality. Flinn Managing Director Agriculture Industry Marion Region has a selection of terrain and ground styles with varying levels of agrarian capability. For the areas characterized by both a combination of farming as well as rainforest lands a Farm/Timber designation as well as zone is actually applied. Luke Robert Flinn Web Developer Acquiring forest is an excellent technique to gain income, transform a portfolio, and secure versus rising cost of living. This type of real property uses an one-of-a-kind return, given that the lumber and property components cherish in value in time. Capitalists can easily also gather the plants on their home to produce periodic cash yields. In addition, timberland offers capitalists a tax obligation benefit given that financing gains treatment is accessible on harvesting purchases after the first year of possession, and funding interest is actually generally insurance deductible. In addition, lumber expenditures possess low relationships along with bonds and also shares, and a good connection along with inflation. Forest expenditures could be created by means of direct purchases of forest property, or even forest REITs (real property investment company). The last deal investors a chance to take part in a strongly diversified hardwood as well as farming profile with lesser volatility than the stock exchange. The secret to excellence in forest trading is actually calculating the goals of the financier. Hardwood could be sold to generate a consistent earnings, or the land might be actually used for relaxation or to cultivate other plants. The best tactic is actually to locate a balance in between assets and also entertainment usage, as each objective can easily add various advantages to the investment collection. As need for sustainable items continues to raise, forest is actually a popular expenditure possibility that provides appealing long-term returns. Also, timberlands offer measurable climate and also sustainability benefits, as well as a stable hedge versus rising cost of living. Expanding Your Revenue Diversifying your income can easily aid your agrarian or lumber operations keep financially rewarding over the long term. When one asset possesses a bad produce, it may additionally help secure your procedure. You may diversify your revenue by planting multiple crops on the same farmland, experimenting with different types of animals or even adding value to the items you make. As an example, a corn farmer can easily experiment with soybeans or wheat to find just how those plants carry out on their land. In a similar way, a dairy products farmer can easily discover the gelato and also cheese company or look at opening an on-farm dining establishment. Farms that possess wood on their property can utilize zoning to safeguard them coming from non-compatible tasks, like house web sites that conflict with the long-lasting development of the rainforest. When making a decision to add new profits flows, it’s important to organize ahead. You’ll need to have to hang around assessing the prospective impact of each income source on your company and how much it are going to cost you to deal with the brand new business. Chatting with an accounting professional, an organization instructor or even a lawyer can be useful. It is actually likewise a good tip to network with other producers in the brand new endeavor to find out more regarding the prices as well as challenges. Then, you can easily start to consider your approach. Remember, you might require to decrease your existing revenue flow so as to spend for the new one. Keeping USA Farmland in the Hands of American Farmers as well as Ranchers United States field is the base of the farming field. It’s an indispensable aspect of our country’s economic situation as well as a powerful financial investment in the future. Some stress that foreign ownership of U.S. field could possibly threaten the country’s food items safety. In 2019, the overall stated acreage of foreign-held agriculture land in the United States was 35.2 thousand acres, or 2.7 percent of all confidentially hosted field. The people performs not have a full photo of the international companies buying farmland, as USDA files simply report the amount of land owned through each body, certainly not the individual managers of that land. Several young and also hopeful planters deal with higher barricades to access in the farming business, specifically when it concerns buying property. This could be aggravated due to the reality that the majority of ranches operate on notable financial debt, which often makes it hard to break even in times of financial dryness. In addition, folks who focus on farms have high costs of stress-related illness. In action, a number of bills have been actually launched to increase the oversight of field purchases through overseas facilities. Most of these proposals have actually died in board. Always Keeping USA Woodlands in the Palms of United States Foresters Woodland farming is an agroforestry process that can aid you expand your income, raise the market value of your property, and use less animals habitat. It includes thinning an existing rainforest to enable the most effective cover trees to continue to generate timber, while supplying best expanding health conditions for understory plants such as berries and also mushrooms. NRCS offers woods farming help systems across the nation. In the woods of the Northwest, American foresters have actually must experience troubles that were not found in Europe: rainforest fires which destroyed whole areas; a lack of clear eco-friendly past which prevented any kind of clear reading of a stand or even resolution of its response to treatment; an excellent range of environment, height, and ground; the interspersion of private woods amongst government-owned ones; the need for various experiment stations which would certainly operate closely along with the rainforest company in every location of the country; and an extremely multitude of varieties to analyze as well as compare. These realities as well as the authentic investigation approaches utilized by American forestation have created outcomes of fantastic importance for potential medical forestation. The option of a control unit – a forest which is going to continue to provide a certain quantity of lumber for the support of a settlement deal, mill laborers, and also loggers – provides another problem in these regions. It is necessary to take into consideration, in making a decision the monitoring device, privately had woodland which is actually interspersed with condition woodlands and also can, therefore, be mixed with them. Timber may be sold to create a constant income, or even the property may be used for entertainment or to cultivate various other plants. Farms that have hardwood on their property can easily use zoning to guard them coming from non-compatible tasks, such as property internet sites that contrast with the long-lasting growth of the woods. Rainforest farming is actually an agroforestry practice that may assist you transform your earnings, improve the market value of your land, and also use less wildlife environment. It includes thinning an existing woods to permit the ideal canopy trees to carry on to make lumber, while providing excellent growing health conditions for understory crops such as berries as well as mushrooms. NRCS supplies woodland farming help systems all over the nation.
Have you ever thought about going solar but don’t know where to start? Installing solar on your home does not have to be overly complex or costly; become an informed and empowered homeowner with these simple steps to solar: 9 Simple Steps to Rooftop Solar: Review your last 12 power bills (or contact your utility) to figure out how much energy you use annually. This will help ensure you install the right sized solar system. Do you want to meet all, or a portion of your energy needs with rooftop solar? What’s your budget for the upfront cost of a solar installation? Start thinking about your personal energy, economic, and environmental goals, so you can customize your solar installation to meet your needs. The more energy-efficient you can make your home, the better! Reducing your overall energy usage will improve the return on your solar investment and help reduce the amount of solar required to meet your energy needs. Learn about low-hanging fruit that could save you money. Solar makes sense for many homes (yes, even in areas with lots of snow). Don’t assume your home isn’t suitable for solar; instead, you should speak with a solar contractor so they can help you navigate potential challenges to solar (roof age, restrictive HOAs or zoning laws, historic districts, and/or shade trees). There are often readily available solutions! Ask your solar contractor if they offer financing options (many do). Shop around by checking with your financial institution about traditional financing options. Rooftop solar installations are eligible for a Federal Tax credit and a state tax credit. Your selected contractor can work with you to apply for available incentives and improve your return on investment! Before installing solar, your contractor must get approval from your utility to connect your rooftop solar installation to the grid. Work with your selected contractor to apply to connect your solar system with your utility and get credit for any excess energy you provide to the grid. (Please note: solar export credit agreements differ among utilities; check with your utility and ask about their net metering or solar export credit terms or ask your solar contractor to help with this).
2. Print, complete and fax this PDF Form to us at 1-800-675-4916. 3. Want to talk to an expert? Call us at 913-938-8097 (Canadian customers, please call 800-361-7526) to discuss modifications. Note: - a sketch of the changes or the website floor plan marked up to reflect changes is a great way to convey the modifications in addition to a written list. We Work Fast! When you submit your ReDesign request, a designer will contact you within 24 business hours with a quote. You can have your plan redesigned in as little as 14 - 21 days! We look forward to hearing from you! Start today planning for tomorrow! Cost To Build We are sorry, but an estimated cost build report is not available for this particular plan. Q & A Ask the Designer any question you may have. NOTE: If you have a plan modification question, please click on the Plan Modifications tab above. Previous Q & A Q:I plan to not have a cement floor for now and want to support the posts with cement footings under each one. Will your plan show those details as well? I would be using these plans for building permits/inspections so I want to make sure it has what I need. Thanks! A:Yes they do – 6x6 treated wood posts set on concrete pads Common Q & A Q:Can I make modifications to this plan? A:Yes you can! Please click the "Modifications" tab above to get more information. Q:What is the estimated price to build this plan? A:The national average for a house is running right at $125.00 per SF. You can get more detailed information by clicking the Cost-To-Build tab above. Sorry, but we cannot give cost estimates for garage, multifamily or project plans. FHP Low Price Guarantee If you find the exact same plan featured on a competitor's web site at a lower price, advertised OR special SALE price, we will beat the competitor's price by 5% of the total, not just 5% of the difference! Our guarantee extends up to 4 weeks after your purchase, so you know you can buy now with confidence.
DOB: 21 March 1968 From: South Fremantle/Port Hedland/Southern Districts (NT)/Woodville, Selection #6, 1990 National Draft Number: 13 (1991-1994) Games: 47 (54 total) Goals: 201 (208 total) Before arriving at Melbourne, Jakovich's career had taken him all over the country, with stints at South Fremantle (twice), Port Hedland, Kalgoorlie and Darwin before joining Woodville in the SANFL. He had played 16 games for South Fremantle before moving to the territory for two seasons with Southern Districts. After kicking 104 goals across 15 games in the Northern Territory he was spotted by Woodville and played with them for two years. He was an instant smash in Adelaide and was drafted after dominating the SANFL with 101 goals in 1990. Despite the Crows' General Manager having seen Jakovich's talents up close at Woodville as club chairman, Adelaide were unable to secure him for their initial squad because he hadn't met the residential requirements of three years playing in the state. On his arrival at Melbourne Jakovich played two unsuccessful games early in 1991. With both Darren Bennett and Darren Cuthbertson tearing up the seniors at various times during the early parts of the season there was little opportunity for Jakovich who amused himself by destroying opposition backlines in the reserves competition. Eventually, with Bennett and Cuthbertson both losing form, Jakovich was recalled for for the Round 14 clash with Hawthorn and finally started to show some form with 3.5. From then on in he ran riot in 1991, kicking bags of 8,6,6,8,7,11 and 5 in his next seven games to claim the club goalkicking title in both grades. He ended his first season of league footy with 8 goals in the Elimination Final win and a further six in the losing Semi Final to cap off one of the more remarkable debut seasons in club and league history. It earned him a three year contract at the end of the season. With expectations sky high the next year, and a new three year contract under his belt, Jakovich found himself dropped from the side for the opening Fosters Cup match against Footscray. He was back in the side in time to boot eight in the first game against Geelong, but was criticised by coach John Northey for his performances in Melbourne's next two games. After a Round 3 loss to Adelaide, in which Jakovich kicked five goals, Northey said "I hope he learned a lesson out of today. If you just to try to cheat the way he did today, it won't come off." Jakovich only played two more games before surgery for a groin injury cost him three months on the sidelines. From there, he was a regular injury victim. Though he kicked 40 goals from 11 games in 1992, 39 from nine in 1993, and 51 from 13 in 1994, he never played a full season again. He was even dropped to the Reserves for four weeks early in 1993 and told to earn his spot - responding by booting 23 goals. Not surprising, as somebody who had been banned from kicking and forced to handball as an Under 19 at South Fremantle, critics pointed towards his individualistic play as one of his biggest downfalls. Even John Northey was moved to criticise him for not chasing during 1992. A back injury and surgery for a hernia didn't help, and he was restricted to just 11 games in his second year. He later traced his back complaints to his childhood, having first hurt it at 12-years-old lifting a box of vegetables. Fittingly a bizarre career for the Demons ended with 8 goals against Hawthorn in Round 17, 1994 - his 8.1 accuracy a mirror image of the 4.10 he'd kicked against the Hawks earlier in the year. He then missed the rest of the season to have back surgery. Despite his slow start Jakovich was the fastest player to 50 goals in league history, in nine games, and equalled John Coleman's 21 games to 100 goals. Despite signing a one year contract, Jakovich was delisted by the Demons in the 1995 pre-season after appearing a pre-season camp overweight and failing to attend several rehabilitation sessions. He failed to entice another club to take him in the pre-season draft and missed the season. He was then drafted by the Western Bulldogs with selection nine in that year's National Draft. The Bulldogs first became interested in him after a chance call to try and secure finals tickets for a sick fan He failed to kick a goal in his debut for the Bulldogs, and managed just seven in seven games for the year before retiring. Jakovich was named by David Schwarz as the most talented player he ever played with, but disappeared from the scene rapidly once his league career had ended. After being a regular panellist on the early days of the Footy Show, and one of the most flamboyant stars on-field, he left the Bulldogs and wasn't seen again until a shock one-off appearance on the Footy Show in 1997. He remained out of the public spotlight until 2018, variously said to have been working in the mines in Western Australia and the fishing industry in coastal New South Wales. In September 2009 it was announced that Jakovich would make his first public appearance in many years at the Chris Mainwaring Tribute match on Saturday October 10 in Perth but he was later dropped from the list of players. |Round 20, 1991||Abusive Language||$750 fine| |1993 Fosters Cup R1||Wrestling||1 match| |Round 17, 1994||Abusive Language||$2000 fine| Also played for a club in Kalgoorlie (Age 02/07/1991) Age - 02/07/1991 Age - 22/12/1991 Age - 10/01/1992 Age - 12/04/1992 Canberra Times - 23/05/1993 Age - 15/01/1995 Age - 22/01/1995 Canberra Times - 15/02/1995 Age - 15/02/1995 Age - 02/06/1995 Age - 10/12/1995
Cryptocurrency Hardware Wallets: Top 3 If you're serious about cryptocurrency investing (and you all should be) then buying a hardware wallet is essential. Hackers continue to evolve their malicious techniques and you need to stay ahead of the curve. Hardware wallets use 2-factor authentication so that in order to access a wallet you must first have the physical wallet and then know the passcode to access it. But before you go rushing to the nearest online store to buy one, take some time and read this article to see the three best on the market. CRYPTOCURRENCY HARDWARE WALLETS: LEDGER NANO S Ask around and many will say this is the undisputed champion of hardware wallets. The Leger Nano S has a smooth, attractive design, a friendly user interface and supports a wide variety of coins like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Zcash, Dash, Stratis and more. For the budget conscious out there, you'll especially love the $99 (79 euro) price tag. Furthermore, LedgerWallet has a long-standing tradition of making great products which results in a highly respected reputation on the internet. Honestly, it's hard to find any fault with this product. It's certainly a safe buy. CRYPTOCURRENCY HARDWARE WALLETS: TREZOR Who says old can't be cool? TREZOR is the grandfather of cryptocurrency hardware wallets and it's not going away anytime soon. Much like the LEdger Nano S, Trezor has a clean design and a friendly user interface. Additionally, it supports a few altcoins aside from Bitcoin to make things a little more convenient for you. While the price on the TREZOR is just a tad higher than the Ledger ($110), it's still worth it. What really sets TREZOR apart from the rest is a guy named Marek "Slush" Palantinus. He's founded TREZOR and also created the very first Bitcoin mining pool. Hence, you know this is a product you can trust. CRYPTOCURRENCY HARDWARE WALLETS: KEEP KEY KeepKey is definitely the most beautiful of thee three cryptocurrency hardware wallets but looks aren't always everything. Most users will first notice the size of this wallet. Compared to the other two, it's just plain big. No one wants to carry two smartphones around but with this wallet, that's essentially what you're doing. In addition, KeepKey is still relatively new to the hardware wallet scene so it still has a new reputation. But there is still plenty to love about KeepKey. We already discussed the pure beauty of this device but in terms of functionality, users will love that it supports a huge list of altcoins. Another important fact to mention is that KeepKey is widely considered one of the most secure HD wallets out there as it has several security measures. For a price of $99, it's certainly a good option. As more innovative platforms continue to change the way we use cryptocurrency, it's all too important to practice the good habit of security. These are just 3 wallets to check out but remember to always stay updated with the latest info in this ever growing eco-system.
What You Should Know About Earaches What exactly are earaches? Earaches are most common in youngsters, but they can occur in adults as well. Earaches can affect either one or both ears, but they usually only affect one. They might be continuous or intermittent, and the pain can be mild, severe, or burning. A fever and transient hearing loss might result from an ear infection. Young children suffering from ear infections are typically agitated and irritable. They may also pull or rub their ears. Continue reading to learn about various symptoms, causes, treatments, and more. Symptoms of Ear Pain Ear infections and trauma can also induce ear discomfort. Adults may have any of the following symptoms: Impairment of hearing gushing fluid from the ear Which of the following are the most common causes of ear pain? Ear pain can be caused by an injury, infection, ear irritation, or transferred discomfort. Reference pain is pain felt at a location other than the infected or injured area. Jaw or tooth pain, for example, maybe felt in the ear. Ear pain can be caused by a number of things, including: Ear infections can occur in the outer, middle, or inner ear. Swimming, wearing hearing aids or headphones that rip the skin in the ear canal, or inserting cotton swabs or fingers into the ear canal can all cause an outer ear infection. If the skin in the ear canal is scraped or inflamed, the infection can result. Water softens the skin of the ear canal, giving it a breeding habitat for bacteria. Infections of the middle ear can be caused by illnesses caused by respiratory infections. Bacteria can thrive in the fluid that builds up behind the eardrum as a result of these disorders. Labyrinthitis is an inner ear illness that can be caused by viral or bacterial respiratory infections. Other common reasons for ear discomfort include: Pressure changes, such as when flying in an aeroplane a foreign body infection in the ear Infection of the throat Sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses) Shampoo or water that has gotten stuck in the ear To clean the ears, cotton swabs are utilised. Less commonly occurring causes of ear pain Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome Perforation of the eardrum infection of the teeth a tooth that has been impacted Eczema in the ear canal Trigeminal neuralgia (chronic pain of the facial nerve) Earache treatment at home There are various things you can do at home to ease earache. Try the following strategies to alleviate ear discomfort: Apply a lukewarm washcloth to the affected ear. Make an effort not to get your ear wet. Sit up straight to relieve ear pressure. Utilize over-the-counter ear drops. Use over-the-counter pain relievers. Chew gum to relieve stress. Medical treatment for ear pain Do not stop taking the drug if your symptoms improve. To ensure that the infection is completely cleared up, you must take all prescribed medication. If you have ear pain due to earwax, you may be given ear drops that dissolve earwax. These may encourage earwax to naturally flow out. Your doctor may also use an ear wash or suction equipment to remove the earwax. To alleviate ear pain, your doctor will treat TMJ, sinus infections, and other causes of ear discomfort as soon as possible. When should you consult with an ear specialist? If you are in excruciating pain that suddenly stops, you should see a doctor right away. This could be an indication that your eardrum is about to burst. It would be helpful if you keep an eye out for any additional symptoms as well. If you experience any of the following symptoms, you should see an ear specialist: a great deal of earache swelling around the ear muscular twitching in the face Discharge of blood or pus from the ear If your ear discomfort intensifies or does not improve within 24 to 48 hours, you should contact a doctor. Ear pain prevention Some earaches can be avoided. Consider the following preventive measures: Do not smoke or breathe in secondhand smoke. Keep strange items away from your ear. Dry your ears after swimming or bathing. Allergens such as pollen and dust should be avoided. Swimming is a common cause, but any encounter with water can cause water to build in the ear canal. If this happens, you may get a tickling feeling in your ear. This pain could spread to your jaw or neck. You may be deafeningly deafeningly deafeningly deafeningly deafeningly deafen Most of the time, the water will drain on its own. If this is not done, the trapped water may create an ear infection. External ear infections, such as swimmer's ear, are a prevalent issue among swimmers. It is not difficult to remove the water from your ear. These 12 tips can be useful. What Should You Do If Your Ear Canal Is Wet? The following home remedies will help you get rid of water in your ear: Shake your earlobe to see what happens. This first step will remove the water from your ear quickly. Gently pull or wiggle your earlobes while tilting your head down toward your shoulder. In this position, you can also try swaying your head from side to side. Allow gravity to work its magic. Using this approach, gravity is supposed to help drain the water from your ear. For a few minutes, lie on your side with your head supported by a towel to remove some of the water. Water can slowly drain from the ear. Create a vacuum. This process generates a vacuum, which can then be utilised to extract the water. To make a tight seal, tilt your head to the side and put your ear on your hand. Flatten your hand as you push, then cup it as you quickly pull it back toward your ear. Allow the water to drain from your ear by lowering your head. Utilize a hairdryer. The heat from a hairdryer can help to evaporate water in your ear canal. For the greatest results, use the hair dryer's lowest heat setting. Back and forth with the hairdryer about three feet from your ear. Pull-on your earlobe and allow warm air to enter your ear while you do so. Hydrogen peroxide solutions can help remove debris and earwax that may be causing water to build up in the ear. Ear drops containing urea-hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide are available from online vendors for the removal of earwax. Use this method only if none of the following conditions is met: An injury or infection can cause pain, swelling, warmth, discharge, or bleeding from the ear. ear infection in the middle lobe perforation of the eardrum Tympanostomy tubes (eardrum tubes). Think about using olive oil. Olive oil can also help prevent ear infections and remove excess water from the ear. In a small bowl, warm a small amount of olive oil. To obtain a sense of warmth, apply a few drops to your inner wrist. Pour some oil into the ear with a clean pipette and leave it in for around ten minutes. Buy olive oil online. Experiment with more water. Despite the fact that it may appear counter-intuitive, this procedure can be used to drain water from your ear. While lying on your side, a clean dropper can be used to fill the affected ear with water. Wait five seconds before laying the affected ear on the floor. The water should be completely gone. Use over-the-counter medications. There are also over-the-counter ear drops available. Most are alcohol-based and can aid in the drying of the outer ear canal, the killing of bacteria, and the removal of earwax and debris. Brought To You By – Ear Wax removal Huntingdon
English Teacher and KS4 Coordinator Salary: MPS/UPS +TLR Start Date: September 2023 Are you an experienced English Teacher looking to take a step up? Do you want to join an Ofsted rated 'outstanding' school? Academics are working with a fantastic school in Newham who is seeking an English teacher and KS4 coordinator to join them for the new academic year. About the school: About the school: The school is a diverse and vibrant community where every day brings something different and exciting. The school as a whole has a passion for learning and a focus on pushing progress for all, enabling them to achieve their full potential. The school values empathy, curiosity, excellence, respect, inclusion and honestly. They aim to create an environment where all students are happy, appropriately challenged and stimulated. "The Principal, Leaders and Governors have extremely high expectations for pupils' achievement and personal development. They have ensured that their vision for the Academy is shared and understood by all." Ofsted 2015 Role and Responsibilities: The role's responsibilities include but are not limited to: - To plan and deliver English lessons across KS3-KS5, working in line with the schools' curriculum and schemes of work - To teach engaging and effective lessons to motivate, inspire and improve pupil attainment - To attend departmental meetings, working with the team to develop and improve the department, with a focus on KS4 - To use regular assessments to set targets for pupils and monitor progress towards individual targets and respond accordingly to these results The right candidate: - An enthusiastic English specialist with the ability to teach across all of the Key Stages. - Passionate about English Education and has excellent subject knowledge. - Ambitious and committed to the very highest standards of student learning. - Keen to challenge and enthuse our diverse student population. - Hold QTS or equivalent - Hold an Enhanced DBS or be willing to apply for one The school can offer - An extra weeks holiday with a two week half term in October - A late start or early finish for every teacher on one day of each week - Subsidised gym membership - Staff discounts at shops and restaurants in the local area - A meeting free week every half term - Excellent promotion opportunities
Wreaths Across America Mobile Exhibit to Visit Missoula July 22 As a Gold Star dad, big events geared toward remembering the fallen tend to grab my attention. Well, this big event rolls on 18 wheels. And it will be making a stop in Missoula on Friday, July 22. Everyone is invited to visit the Wreaths Across America Mobile Education Exhibit. There is no admission CHARGE Part of the mission of Wreaths Across America is to acknowledge that, while we have Veterans Day in the fall and Memorial Day in the spring, "our servicemen and women sacrifice their time and safety every single day of the year, to preserve our freedoms." Their goal is to "bring local communities and our military together with education, stories and interactive connections." The 48-foot mobile exhibit exhibit features a 24-person screening room that shows the various aspects of Wreaths Across America's mission. There are also three interactive computers that answer a lot of questions you may have about locations, truck support, sponsorships and more. Remember. Honor. Teach. This is a year-round project with the promise that they will never forget, honoring our veterans teaching the next generation to do the same. Wreath Across America's visit to Missoula is sponsored by the Bitter Root Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. The mobile exhibit will be at the Rocky Mountain Museum of Military History, located on Gen. Foster Avenue of the Fort Missoula complex. Hours on July 22 will be 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., with a Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Ceremony held at 11:00. If you will indulge for a moment, I'd like to leave you with a quotation that I had never read before, that speaks to me, and undoubtedly many of you: “To be killed in war is not the worst that can happen. To be lost is not the worst that can happen… to be forgotten is the worst.” — Pierre Claeyssens (1909-2003) 14 Destinations to Visit With Direct Flights From Missoula
Dear Rose Park Friends, Every Monday morning our staff comes together for a time of communal prayer and devotions. With the early morning sunshine streaming in the windows behind her, second grade teacher Karina Schebor shared some relevant, timely reflections I thought you might enjoy as well. First I’ll briefly set the stage: Has your child shared the explosion of greenery, vegetables and flowers that have taken place in our Rose Park Ranch greenhouse? Truly amazing. We are floor to ceiling and wall to wall plants and life in that space! Just a few short months ago some of our teachers were pushing seeds into the dirt for the very first time in their lives! First grade teacher Amie Winningham led our staff in how to properly arrange a garden bed and then encouraged those who were comfortable to get a little dirty and push some seeds into the earth! There was as much teasing and laughter as you might imagine. A few weeks later, many of our children had sown their small gardens and began the work of tending. Scripture tells us that even as seeds planted in fertile ground will take root and grow strong, so too are we when we receive the word of the Lord, understand it and live its Gospel mission. Like our growing children, the seeds in the greenhouse have burst into life. The devotional that Karina led reminded us that what we hold in our hearts will grow when the heat comes. I pray that we model a life marked in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. So too may our children hold fast to God’s grace and remain ever rooted in his love. If you ever have a free evening or weekend, come on down and take a peek at the beauty and bounty! We are learning and growing together! Yours in Christ’s service, Teacher Appreciation Week See this flier for all the fun ways to participate in Teacher Appreciation Week May 8-12! Thanks to our Parent Board for setting this all up! On Thursday, May 12, our 1st-4th graders will participate in the Tulip Time Kinderparade. We will have a normal school schedule in the morning. Preschoolers will be dismissed at their normal time (11:15) with no afternoon enrichment. Kindergarten and 5th graders will be dismissed at 11:30am. Students in grades 1-4 will remain at school until we load the buses to head to the parade route. They will eat lunch at school before heading to the parade. There will be no hot lunch. An information sheet and pick up slip was sent home with your child. Please return this slip to your child’s teacher ASAP. Thank you. Kindergarten Visit Day On Friday, May 19, we will be welcoming our newest group of kindergarteners to Rose Park for a visit! The incoming kinders and their parents will meet at Rose Park from 9-10am. Families who enrolled should have received an email with more details Scholastic Book Fair Scholastic Book Fair Fundraiser is coming just in time to motivate your readers by offering some new books to purchase for their summer reading! Mark your calendars for May 24-May 26 from 11- 4 p.m in the Intersection at Rose Park. (Funds raised support our library!) Our 22-23 yearbooks will be distributed the last week of school to those who ordered them. These orders were placed during our school picture days. If you missed ordering your child a yearbook for this year, and you would still like to, you may still order it through Geskus. Rose Park Lost and Found Please take a minute to look our Lost and Found photo Album to see if any of these items belong to your student. Feel free to email Carla or Laura to claim your items and we will make sure to get it in your student’s backpack. These items will be donated soon. Also, please make sure to bring your child’s snow stuff to school every day or leave an extra set at school. In Michigan, the weather can change quickly and we want to make sure your child is warm and comfortable in their outdoor play! Our office has a limited supply of items. If your child borrows an item, we will send it home to be washed and returned for other students to use. We are always looking for extra gloves to add to our supply! - 4: 5th grade Parent night at the Middle School 6:30pm-7:30pm - 11: 1/2 day Tulip Time Parade - 16: 4th-12th grade Orchestra Concert - 17: All School Convocation 9am - 19: Rose Park Kindergarten Visit Day - 24-26: Scholastic Book Fair - 24: Rose Park Field Day - 29: No school: Memorial Day - 2: 1/2 day: Last day of school - 2: Report cards available on Powerschool
When starting a charity or non-profit organization it might be difficult thing to start since there is a lot involved in it. Championing this course will ensure that your organization is running properly to achieve its goals. By following the pointers in this article you will be able to run a successful nonprofit organization . For you to achieve the goals you have set, you need to have a clear idea. The outcome you want to create for the world should be clearly defined. Achieving the organization’s goal is something that should be very clear to you and your staff. Planning the work And working out the plan will ensure that you achieve what you need. For you to be able to catch your marks, ensure that you have a list of things to follow and also have a timeline. Whatever resources you need should be stated clearly and also the method you used to check how you perform. It’s good to have the discipline of saying yes to the excellent ideas only. Everything that An organizations want to do will not be possible since there has never been enough talent, money or time to facilitate it. At times you’ll have to say no even though it takes a thick skin to say so to family and friends, people who sponsor you and even your staff member for you to realize the success you have been working to achieve. Perfection should not stand on the way of achieving the great ideas you have been implementing. Excellent result is as a result of great planning, they are always faster and effective than you trying to perfect things. Simplicity of your work plan will ensure that you reach the endpoint, if the plan is complicated and your members cannot understand it then its good too sit down and figure out how you can simplify it. As a leader play your role and maximize your time so that the rest of the work can be delegated to others who are able play their roles well. In every department and human resource evaluation, put in place performance standards that will guide your employees. Stakeholders and donors will want to associate themselves with an organization that get the job done in a proper way and on time. Also remember that fake or fancy promises are counterproductive to your organization. Taking breaks from work will enable you to re-evaluate the process performance metrics and the people working in your organization. Giving your staff time off from work can have a positive effects on them as they might pull something new or different while on their vacation. Public relation is also something you should put into consideration because by relating well with the public, you are able to accomplish a lot in your organization.
Google Meet is a high-quality video-calling app designed to help you have meaningful and fun interactions with your friends, family, colleagues and classmates, wherever they are. Meet lets you connect in whatever way works for you: call someone spontaneously, schedule time together or send a video message that they can see and respond to later. Meet also helps you to get things done. It integrates with other Google Workspace apps like Gmail, Docs, Slides and Calendar, and offers a number of features to help you run smooth and engaging meetings, like emoji reactions, recordings, transcripts and breakout rooms.* Features to look forward to: Make spontaneous calls or host meetings with your friends and colleagues, all in one app. Exchange video messages with small groups or one on one. Access on any device: Meet works across mobile, tablet, web and smart devices,** so everyone can join. High-quality video: Show up looking your best with up to 4k video quality video,*** light adjustment and stylised backgrounds. Use live sharing to watch YouTube videos, listen to music and play games together from anywhere in the world. Make your call fun with family-friendly features like effects, backgrounds and reactions. Enjoy one-on-one video calls for up to 24 hours and host meetings for up to 60 minutes and 100 people at no cost. Learn more about Google Meet: https://workspace.google.com/products/meet/ Follow us for more: *Meeting recordings, transcripts and breakout rooms are available as premium features. See https://workspace.google.com/pricing.html for more details. **Not available in every language. ***Bandwidth permitting. Google Meet automatically adjusts to the highest video quality possible based on your bandwidth. Data charges may apply. Check with your operator for details. Specific feature availability may vary based on device specifications. Bug fixes and performance improvements. Ratings and Reviews Room for improvement but still 5 stars I love this app because I can talk to all my friends. But I do wish it had a screen sharing function. Having a screen sharing function would make it a lot better because for Example, when I am playing a game sometimes I want to show my friends what I’m doing, or add audio coming from my iPad so I don’t have to play music on a different device to show them. Or like on my phone, when I leave the app it goes into the bottom corner and I can still see, but it doesn’t do that on my tablet, if that was there I think many people would appreciate it. Amazing no complaints This is one of the best calling apps ever and I’m really happy that this exists so we can enjoy the time seeing family and friends even if one has Samsung and the other has iPhone😀 I love calling my friend on google duo and sending her videos of what I want to say instead of typing! This has changed my life and I would recommend pressing that download button the app definitely deserves it😁🥰 Awful iOS app, continually kicked out of meetings Since they moved to this new app I’ve had nothing but issues. The main issue is if you do not sit there with your phone unlocked or stay in the app, it is highly prone to crashing. It performs poorly with multi tasking and if I am walking I am forced to hold the phone in my hand so I don’t get dropped from the call. The old app did not have this problem and was very reliable. This one if I join a meeting and waiting for people to join and put the phone in my pocket, it will just quit the call and as I don’t know people haven’t joined I end up coming late to the call as I didn’t know I was dropped. We have a paid Business account yet this happens. Developer Response , Hi there. We're sorry to hear that. Let's try to uninstall and reinstall the app itself. Learn the steps from this link: http://goo.gle/3nQI1fb (See Step 2). Hope this helps! Data Linked to You The following data may be collected and linked to your identity: - Contact Info - User Content - Search History - Usage Data - Other Data Privacy practices may vary, for example, based on the features you use or your age. Learn More - Google LLC - 194.3 MB - Social Networking - Requires iOS 15.0 or later. - Requires iPadOS 15.0 or later. - iPod touch - Requires iOS 15.0 or later. English, Afrikaans, Arabic, Basque, Bengali, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malay, Malayalam, Marathi, Norwegian Bokmål, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese, Zulu - Age Rating - © 2016 Google Inc.
Our experienced veterinary team provides comprehensive medical care, ranging from routine to advanced procedures and treatments. Although we handle the majority of your pet’s medical and surgical needs in-house, we occasionally refer patients to veterinary specialists or specialty clinics when advanced training or equipment will be beneficial. Below you will find a list of treatments that we currently offer in-house. Our veterinary team has you covered! Do you need advice regarding the redirection of unwanted behaviors such as excessive barking, chewing, spraying, scratching, digging, house soiling, or aggression? We offer solutions for a variety of behavioral issues that pet owners face. Behavioral problems can be challenging and frustrating for both pets and pet owners. It is our goal to work with you towards a solution. Veterinary internal medicine refers to the use of advanced diagnostic services and treatment plans for illnesses related to the internal body systems of animals. Our team can help diagnose and treat conditions of the GI system, kidneys, liver, heart, nervous system, endocrine glands, bladder, and respiratory systems. We also treat blood disorders, immune deficiencies, and infectious diseases. When it comes to orthopedic care, prevention, detection, and treatment of injuries or disorders of the skeletal system and associated muscles, joints, and ligaments are an important and vital part of keeping your pet up, running, and healthy. In addition to a thorough physical exam, we use laboratory tests and radiological findings to determine the cause of your pet’s pain and/or the extent of their injury or illness. If you are concerned about your pet’s eyes or vision, we can help. Our veterinarians can help diagnose and treat a variety of ophthalmological issues, including but not limited to, dry eyes, cataracts, corneal infection or trauma, and glaucoma. It is important to report any changes in your pet’s eyes or vision during your routine veterinary visits. Whether a pet has a congenital heart condition or a cardiology issue that has developed over time, diagnosing a heart condition early can allow your pet to lead a long, healthy life and avoid heart failure. Call us if your pet starts breathing rapidly or coughing, loses his or her appetite, tires easily, seems weak, or has trouble exercising. A cancer diagnosis for your pet can be scary. Our veterinarians want you to know there are more treatment options available now than in the past. We have years of advanced study and experience in treating pet cancers and almost every pet can be helped to some degree. For some pets, that may mean a cure; for others, we focus on palliative treatments that provide an improved quality of life. The endocrine glands include the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas, adrenals, ovaries, and testes. Each of these glands secretes a type of hormone into the bloodstream that regulates various body systems. These serious, potentially life-threatening conditions are much more manageable when caught early, allowing us to begin proper treatment. Our veterinarians work with you to determine the cause of pain and teach you how to recognize pain in your pet. Acute or chronic pain affects your pet’s ability to physically function and can also have a detrimental effect on their well-being and state of mind. Pain management is one of our primary considerations when treating a pet for any medical condition. Laser therapy is often used in conjunction with physical therapy or rehab and is a non-invasive, pain-free treatment that helps to reduce inflammation, decrease pain, and aid in healing. Laser therapy is good for post-surgical patients, chronic arthritis, skin conditions, muscle strains and sprains, joint or disc disease, wounds, bites, and burns. Blood & Plasma Transfusions Blood transfusion (including transfusion of blood products, like plasma) is a critically important service that can mean the difference between life and death for your pet. All blood is carefully screened for safety, handled carefully to ensure delivery of healthy cells, and administered by experienced professionals. Our staff has been extensively trained and will handle your pet with care and compassion. Hip and elbow dysplasia is a common condition that affects dogs and can cause debilitating and painful conditions for your pet. OFA Hip & Elbow evaluation/certification helps pet owners and breeders to evaluate the hip joint before breeding. We strongly recommend OFA Hip & Elbow certification before breeding a female, before the purchase of a puppy, and/or to evaluate your pet's hip condition. Hospice & Euthanasia Deciding when your pet may need hospice care or euthanasia is a very personal and private decision, but that doesn’t mean you have to make this difficult choice on your own. Our hospice and humane euthanasia services are conducted with respect, compassion, and care. If you are worried you have a sick, elderly, or terminally ill pet that is suffering, call us to learn how we can help. Many of our clients travel with their pets. Often they’ll need a health certificate to accompany their pet. You will want to make sure you know the requirements of the carrier and/or destination, and then plan ahead: make your appointment with the USDA (if required), have your pet’s vaccinations and tests performed in the appropriate time frame, and schedule your appointment appropriately. We currently only offer interstate health certificates and not international ones.
September Home Improvement Checklist | Home Inspectors Fayetteville AR September will probably still feel like summer until that first chill in the air. August may still be too hot for most of the month in many parts of the United States. But, before giving your backyard barbecue party or swimming pool float one last hoorah, there are home items to list and make sure these safety and maintenance tasks don’t fall through the cracks in September. As the sunshine and warm weather mellow into lower temperatures of the fall season, don’t forget your home improvement checklist. While the kids are in school and you notice that first chill in the air, it’s time to begin the tasks to get your home ready for the cooler evenings. Here are 5-home improvement tasks that can be checked off your list in an hour during the weekdays or over the weekend. 1. Check The Roof, Gutters, And Downspouts. Let’s start with the home’s exterior. It’s a great time to check for and spot roof issues. Using a ladder, carefully climb up the roof to get a closer look at its condition. Are there any missing, bent, loose, or broken shingles? Whether it be small shingle replacements to bigger roof repairs such as fixing leaks or cracks, roof problems can often wreak havoc for the entire home if not taken care of before the cold weather sets in. Your roof is a very important part of your house that protects you, your family, and everything else in it from the elements. It is also listed as one of the most expensive home repairs. So get issues fixed fast. September brings showers and potentially heavy rain. It is generally fine to wait until most leaves have fallen to clean out gutters and downspouts. However, waiting too long can cause leaks in some areas of the house that might hold water. Clear out the gutter and downspouts of leaves, grime buildup, sticks, and other debris that can clog your home’s exterior drainage and cause bigger water issues. This also helps cut down on mosquito activity. Do a quick visual inspection for any loose, dented, detached, or broken downspouts. Make necessary repairs or replacements if needed. Hire a pro to schedule an inspection, any repairs, and replacements so that your home will be ready for the cold season. 2. Check Walkways, Driveway, And The Garage For Cracks. As a part of your exterior home maintenance, a good sweep on the walkways, driveway, and garage will give you a chance to notice any cracks or crevices. Gaps where water can seep in or grass and weeds can grow out of can cause more damage. Especially in the areas where water can freeze, expand the gaps, and create frost heaves or ugly bulges that are unsafe for you and your family. Having these cracks and crevices resealed before winter will make sure you are out of your harm’s way. Cracks on walkways and driveways hold moisture beneath the surface. Any grass or weed that sends its roots down below the walkways and driveway has access to trapped moisture. Plants that sprout up through the cracks in the walkways and driveways are common annoyances and hard to control. Making sure to extract the entire roots will prevent these from sprouting up again. This will prevent any tripping or falling accident and further costly repairs. Small cracks can be tackled with a concrete epoxy repair and shouldn’t take you more than a few hours. For serious cracks and concrete damages, call in a professional. 3. Get Your Heating System Prepared. After a summer filled with nonstop barbecue, pool parties, family gatherings, and just general outdoor fun, it’s time to get those fuzzy sweaters and heaters ready for the fall season. It’s probably been a while since you’ve turned on your home’s heating system. Now is the time to get your system checked or fixed before the cold weather sets in. Calling in a licensed HVAC professional will make sure everything is working efficiently. Besides normal service, an HVAC professional can test furnace burners, switches, thermostats, and safety controls, check heating vents and any costly leaks, and inspect your furnace. Getting your fireplace and chimney professionally cleaned is a matter homeowners should not disregard. A certified chimney sweep can remove soot, heavy creosote buildup, and other debris that could cause fires. Regular maintenance of your chimney and fireplace will help to keep you and your family safe by preventing fire hazards in your home. 4. Inspect Bathroom And Kitchen Plumbing. The summer barbecue grilling and roasting season is coming to an end (though in some places, it can be a year-round thing). It’s time to get that caked-on grease cleaned out. Cleaning out the range hood funnel and oven can be a job you can do yourself, but if you’re not comfortable doing so or if you’ve been putting it off for weeks, you can hire pro cleaners to do it for you. Getting your kitchen appliances also cleaned will help your devices work more efficiently, reduce fire risks, and even improve your home’s air quality. If you’ve run into a plumbing problem in your kitchen or bathrooms, September is your best time to get your maintenance work or plumbing renovations done. Leaky faucets can be highly detrimental to your house. Not only does dripping water sound annoying, but it can also cause your water bill to skyrocket and potentially cause drain clogs and overflows that could lead to significant damages. Check for faulty faucet knobs, worn valve seats, loose pipes, and more. From minor maintenance tasks to hiring a pro for major plumbing repairs and renovations, remember that the time and money you spend on this home improvement task now will be considerably less than revamping a whole house in the frosty months. Make sure that caulking around sinks and tubs is good enough for waterproofing or insulation. 5. Make Sure Doors, And Windows Have Tight Seals. As summer’s heatwaves start to fade and temperatures cool down in the latter part of September, rain and severe storms may become more evident in many parts of the US. Giving some special attention to your doors and windows now will help you prepare for colder temperatures to come. Keep the cold out by checking the caulking around your door and windows. Make sure they have a tight seal. Any worn caulking and displaced weather stripping should be replaced. Having your doors and windows sealed tight will provide a break between the temperatures inside and outside your home. If you’re using window air conditioning units, it is good to cover them with protective insulation. Better yet, remove the AC units and close the windows. If you’ve got storm windows, install them. If your home warranty can cover a total replacement, call in the pros. September is a great time to enjoy the warm sunshine and clear blue skies for most of the month. A handy home improvement checklist can become your yearly ritual. Tackling a few painless tasks can save you major stress and repair costs down the road, or hire the pros to get your home ready for the fall season. Brian did our Home inspection, for escrow. We are in California and our future home is in Arkansas. He was very thorough with his inspection and explained his findings in great detail which made us feel very comfortable about the purchase of our new home. We appreciate the his time via FaceTime walking us through his findings. Through his knowledge he was able to explain each of his findings throughly. His written report was detailed yet easy to understand. Would highly recommend to anyone looking for a home inspection. Detect-It Real Estate Inspections A thriving job market, great house values, entrepreneurial growth, dynamic festival scenes, and pretty much anything you could ever need or want in a city to work, live and play in, Fayetteville, AR makes one of the most liveable places in America. Are you ready to move to Fayetteville, AR? Then we at Detect-It Real Estate Inspections are ready to be your home buying advocate making sure you find the perfect place to hang your hat. Our professional home inspectors will thoroughly evaluate all aspects of the house or condo you are looking to buy. Our pros at Detect-It Real Estate Inspections do their job with due diligence to make sure we uncover any issues or concerns that could potentially impact the property value before closing a sale. All findings will be included in a comprehensive digital inspection report that will be delivered to you within 24 hours. Schedule your home inspection service online right from our website TODAY or call us NOW at (479) 551-8040. …Because a quality home for your family deserves no less than a quality home inspection service Detect-It Real Estate Inspections.
Four African countries share the six global prizes, Namibia winning in three categories Nigeria, Rwanda and Uganda clinch the other top awards Winners were selected by a specialist panel of cricket figures from around the world The International Cricket Council (ICC) today announced the global winners of the ICC Development Awards 2023, in which African nations secured the top prizes in six award categories. From a comprehensive list of regional award winners which showcased a range of inspirational stories spanning 23 Member nations around the globe, Namibia triumphed as global winners in three categories, including the ICC Development Initiative of the Year, the Men’s Associate Performance of the Year, and the Cricket 4 Good Social Impact Initiative of the Year. Across the other global categories, Nigeria claimed the 100% Cricket Female Cricket Initiative of the Year, Rwanda scooped the ICC Associate Member Women’s Performance of the Year and Uganda were victors in the ICC Digital Fan Engagement of the Year. The ICC Development Awards were launched in 2002 to honour the world-leading initiatives and innovative programmes delivered by ICC Members to grow the game of cricket in emerging nations during the previous calendar year. The recipients of the ICC Development Awards 2022 were determined by a specialist panel of voters consisting of cricket icons Graeme Smith, Mel Jones and Stafanie Taylor, and representatives from ICC Full Members, ICC partners and the media. ICC General Manager Development, William Glenwright, “The ICC Development Awards continue to shine a light on the inspirational stories that emanate from the excellent work conducted by ICC Members throughout the year. “This year we have heard about the remarkable efforts undertaken by global federations to grow and develop the game through world-leading participation programmes, thrilling on-field performances and innovative social impact initiatives. “We are delighted to share the list of global award winners in the 2022 edition, and along with the regional winners acknowledged earlier this year, I would like to congratulate them all on their success.” Speaking on the multi-award-winning feats of Namibia, President of Cricket Namibia, Dr Rudie van Vuuren commented, “I want to thank and recognise our CEO Johan Muller and his team for the hard work they have put into this success. I also want to thank and recognise our head coach of the senior men’s team, Pierre de Bruyn, as well as my fellow board members for the hard work and dedication behind the scenes.” “It will be truly an amazing feeling to receive three global awards at the upcoming ICC Annual Conference in July. It continues to be a privilege to be involved with Cricket Namibia.” Winner of the ICC Development Initiative of the Year – Cricket Namibia Namibia overcame fellow regional award winners thanks to the continued success of its Ashburton Kwata Mini-Cricket Programme. The participation programme, launched in 2009 and honoured for the second successive year in the ICC Development Awards, embraces the notion of playing in open environments and promotes respect, leadership, and resilience through cricket. Since last year’s success the programme has expanded, broadening its footprint to all regions of the country. School teachers are at the forefront of the delivery model, and with increased access to training and education resources for educators across Namibia, playing opportunities were provided to over 20,000 children through the programme in 2022. Winner of the 100% Cricket Female Cricket Initiative of the Year – Nigeria Cricket Federation Nigeria are the winners of this year’s award on the back of significant results obtained from delivering cricket programmes in Zamfara state, a region in the north-west of the country where a number of barriers exist preventing women from participating in sport. Overcoming significant obstacles in the region such as religion, ethnicity, tribe and tradition, cricket programmes were introduced to provide social benefits to women living in Zamfara. Despite initial resistance, these introductory sessions proved hugely successful, resulting in Nigeria Cricket Federation recording over 15,000 female participants in 2022. These endeavours eventually led to a representative team competing in the National Under-17 Championships, thus transforming lives for the better in the region. President of Nigeria Cricket Federation, Uyi Akpata – “We were quite optimistic that we could meet our objective of introducing over 100,000 females to the game annually. But we did not expect that the major contributor would be Zamfara, a State in north-west Nigeria, generally perceived to have cultural bias that limits the open interaction of females. “A combination of factors came into play – an effective partnership with the State’s education authorities and having dedicated and extremely passionate resources on ground. “This success story has given us impetus to double our expectations under the 9ja kids programme, as we replicate the ‘winning’ formula to other States in Northern Nigeria.” Winner of the ICC Associate Member Men’s Performance of the Year – Namibia (v Sri Lanka) Namibia clinch the award for Men’s Performance for their stunning win over Sri Lanka in the opening stages of the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup 2022 in Geelong. Buoyed by a successful campaign the year prior, Namibia overcame the 2014 champions with an impressive all-round display on the biggest stage. Notable performances by Jan Frylinck, JJ Smit and David Wiese helped the Super Eagles battle to a 55-run victory against a side high on confidence following their Asia Cup win just a month prior. Captain of the Namibia national men’s team, Gerhard Erasmus – “It really is a fairy tale story for Namibian cricket to have beaten the former ICC Men’s T20 World Cup Champions. I think the sacrifice and determination of everyone involved led to this triumph, and it will be forever etched into fans’ memories. “It certainly had a massive impact back home, not only on the cricket community but on the wider sports community. This victory reconfirmed our belief that we are able to compete with the world’s best.” Winner of the ICC Associate Member Women’s Performance of the Year – Rwanda U19 The story of Rwanda’s success at the ICC U19 Women’s T20 World Cup in South Africa in July originates from long-standing regional development programmes and U15 girls’ tournaments run every year in the country. These initiatives help build a solid base for the national team to thrive, and they showed the full array of their collective talents in the ICC U19 Women’s T20 World Cup Africa Qualifier in Botswana, beating strong competitors Uganda and Tanzania in scintillating fashion en-route to qualifying for the inaugural main event in South Africa earlier this year. General Manager of Rwanda Cricket Association, Emmanuel Byiringiro – “Rwanda Cricket winning the ICC Associate Member Women’s Performance of the Year award is a remarkable achievement for the cricket fraternity and the country as a whole. “It signifies the dedication, hard work and investment in developing women’s cricket in the country. This award will have a significant impact on the development of cricket in Rwanda, inspiring more young girls and women to take up the sport. “The award win will also enhance the visibility of Rwanda cricket, paving the way for more opportunities, and partnerships.” Winner of the ICC Digital Fan Engagement of the Year – Uganda Cricket Association Following a 15-year hiatus from the global U19 men’s showpiece, Uganda used their qualification for the 2022 event to promote their young stars nationally in a variety of innovative ways, making excellent use of graphics, videos and collaborations to drive engagement and awareness among cricket fans in the country. Among the people they worked with to promote their participation were fans themselves, influencers and famous faces from other sports such as football, volleyball and basketball. With the promotional campaign continuing during the course of the event, Uganda saw a significant uptake in social followers, expanding their presence across communities. Chief Executive Officer of Uganda Cricket Association, Alan Mugume – “It is such a great honour and a privilege for UCA and Ugandan cricket at large to be receiving this award for the ICC Digital Fan Engagement of the Year. “A lot of time and effort has gone into enlightening the public about the game in Uganda and this award shows that none of it has been in vain. “This positive publicity puts the development of cricket in Uganda in the limelight and without a doubt, we shall continue to scale the heights especially as we look to make a fourth appearance at the ICC U19 Men’s Cricket World Cup in 2024.” Winner of the Cricket 4 Good Social Impact Initiative of the Year – Cricket Namibia Namibia’s colourful Pledge 4 Pink social impact campaign scooped the global award thanks to the far-reaching benefits drawn from fundraising attempts for the Cancer Association of Namibia. The annual event saw a range of activities take place over a five-week period, including a Pink Ball, a Golf Day and a specialist T20 tournament on Pink Day, where over 2,000 spectators attended to support the cause. Following these elaborate fundraising initiatives, which also included national players auctioning off their jerseys, Cricket Namibia raised N$152,000 in total during the Pledge 4 Pink campaign, donated to aid the support of cancer patients in the country. Chief Executive Officer of Cricket Namibia, Johan Muller – “Our Cricket for Good initiative – the Pledge 4 Pink campaign was driven by Natalia, our Marketing Manager, in support of the Cancer Association of Namibia and the various testing facilities that they put up across the country to work on the development of cancer treatments. It is a wonderful cause, and the work they do for Namibians is vital. “It’s magnificent to be recognised at this level, even though it is not the reason for doing this. We want to give back to people in Namibia and to assist where we can as a as a good corporate citizen of Namibia.”
Explore the marvels of India’s iconic cities during this enriching journey. Day 01 marks your arrival in Delhi, where our representative welcomes you and assists with your hotel check-in. On Day 02, embark on a comprehensive Delhi tour, visiting remarkable sites including Qutub Minar, Humayun’s Tomb, Lotus Temple, and more, while absorbing the capital’s vibrant atmosphere. Your journey continues on Day 03, as you head to Agra to witness the ethereal Taj Mahal at sunrise, followed by exploration of Agra Fort. Continuing to Jaipur via Fatehpur Sikri, you’ll discover Mughal heritage at its best. Day 04 beckons with the magnificent Amber Fort, an Elephant ride, and visits to Hawa Mahal, City Palace Museum, and Jantar Mantar. Optionally, immerse in Rajasthani culture at Chokhi Dhani. Concluding on Day 05, the route leads back to Delhi before you board a flight onward. This meticulously curated tour encapsulates India’s architectural splendors and vibrant traditions, promising an unforgettable journey. Duration : 04 Nights / 05 Days Destinations : Delhi – Agra – Fatehpur Sikri – Abhaneri – Jaipur – Delhi Delhi: The bustling capital city of India, Delhi, is a vibrant blend of history, culture, and modernity. From the towering Qutub Minar and the serene Humayun’s Tomb to the architectural marvels of Lotus Temple and the solemnity of Raj Gath, where Mahatma Gandhi was cremated, Delhi encapsulates India’s diverse facets. The India Gate stands as a symbol of the nation’s valor, while the drive past the parliament house and President house highlights the city’s political importance. Agra: Agra is synonymous with the incomparable Taj Mahal, a white-marble marvel that encapsulates love’s timeless essence. Commissioned by Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal, the Taj Mahal’s breathtaking architecture and symmetrical beauty continue to inspire awe. Agra Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage site, stands as a formidable Mughal structure that holds within it tales of power, architecture, and history. Fatehpur Sikri: This abandoned Mughal city, Fatehpur Sikri, transports visitors back in time. The Buland Darwaza, a grand gateway, welcomes you to its ancient charm. The architectural brilliance of this ghost town, including the Palace of Jodha Bai, Birbal Bhawan, and Panch Mahal, showcases the Mughal empire’s grandeur. Jaipur: Known as the “Pink City,” Jaipur is a regal blend of history and modernity. The Amber Fort, nestled on a hilltop, offers not only a glimpse into royal life but also the chance to ride an elephant to its entrance. The Palace of Winds, or Hawa Mahal, with its intricate lattice work, captures the city’s architectural splendor. The City Palace Museum and Jantar Mantar Observatory provide insights into Jaipur’s rich heritage. These destinations collectively weave an intricate tapestry of India’s history, culture, and architectural brilliance, offering an enriching travel experience. Detailed Tour Plan Day 01 : Arrival Delhi Day 02 : Delhi – Agra drive ( 2.5 Hrs / 3 Hrs) After breakfast tour of Delhi visit Qutub Minar, Humaun’s tomb, Lotus Temple, Raj Gath (Gandhi Memorial), India Gate. And drive past parliament house and President house. Later drive to Agra, check into hotel for 01 night stay. Day 03 : Agra – Jaipur drive (240 Km/ 5 hrs) via Fatehpur Sikri Early morning visit Taj by sunrise. Taj Mahal – the most extravagant monument ever built for love Mumtaj Mahal by Emperor Shah Jahan in 1633. Later back to hotel for breakfast and visit Agra Fort. Noon drive to Jaipur. En-route visit Fatehpur Sikri (40 Km from Agra) (old deserted town of Mughal Dynasty) visiting The Buland Darwaza / Palace of Jodha Bai / Birbal Bhawan & Panch Mahal. Continue drive to Jaipur. And visit Abhaneri (95 Km from Jaipur): The small village of Abhaneri has one of India’s deepest and largest step wells (also known as tank gardens). Step wells are unique to India. They were used as cool places of resort, as pools for ritual cleansing before a temple visit and as a water supply for dry weather. There is a temple adjoining the step well. On arrival our company representative would assist you to check in hotel for 02 nights stay. Overnight at Jaipur. Day 04 : Jaipur After breakfast at hotel. Proceed for excursion to Amber Fort in the outskirts of Jaipur followed by Elephant ride to the fort. Proceed for sightseeing of Palace of Winds better known as Hawa Mahal, City Palace Museum, Jantar Mantar (Observatory), Visit Birla Temple. Rest of the day free for shopping & personal activities and overnight at Jaipur. Optional : Evening traditional Rajasthani Dinner at Chokhi Dhani with Cultural activities. Day 05 : Jaipur – Delhi drive (250 Km/ 5 hrs) and flight to onward journey After breakfast drive to Delhi. On arrival departure transfer to IGI airport for flight back to home. End of Tour FAQs about the Tour How do I start the tour? Answer: Upon arrival in Delhi, our representative will greet you at the airport and assist you to your hotel for check-in. What’s included in the Delhi sightseeing? Answer: Your Delhi sightseeing covers Qutub Minar, Humayun’s Tomb, Lotus Temple, Raj Gath (Gandhi Memorial), India Gate, and a drive past the parliament house and President house. How long is the drive from Delhi to Agra? Answer: The drive to Agra takes approximately 2.5 to 3 hours. What’s the highlight of Agra? Answer: Agra features the iconic Taj Mahal, built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal. You’ll also explore Agra Fort. What is Fatehpur Sikri and why is it visited? Answer: Fatehpur Sikri is an old deserted town of the Mughal Dynasty. Visitors explore its historical sites, including the Buland Darwaza, Palace of Jodha Bai, Birbal Bhawan, and Panch Mahal. What is the significance of Abhaneri? Answer: Abhaneri is a small village with one of India’s deepest and largest step wells, offering a glimpse into India’s architectural heritage. What’s the highlight of Jaipur? Answer: In Jaipur, you’ll visit the majestic Amber Fort with an Elephant ride, admire Hawa Mahal, explore the City Palace Museum, and experience the Jantar Mantar observatory. What is the optional activity in Jaipur? Answer: An optional traditional Rajasthani Dinner at Chokhi Dhani with cultural activities can be arranged. How long is the drive from Jaipur to Delhi? Answer: The drive from Jaipur to Delhi takes around 5 hours. How does the tour conclude? Answer: After your drive back to Delhi, you’ll be transferred to the IGI airport for your onward flight, marking the end of the tour. Get a Quote: Call/Whatsapp: +91 9810954649 or Fill Contact Form
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Go Go Neo Rangers! Ok so wait. I actually highlighted the word must before you even mentioned it, so I guess I'm playing some pretty advanced 4D chess here, right. Also It just so happens must even has that second definition at all, well that sure is a lucky coinkydink ain't it. Phew, that sheer pot luck of must having that second meaning really saved my hide there. Ok, English lesson. Must has two ways of being used. In your example it's expressing necessity. However if the cop says "Surely you must have a driver's licence?" He is presuming that logically if I am behind the wheel of a car, I surely have a licence or I wouldn't be driving. I'd like to remind you how this started in the first place: -You responded to me with this totally respectful comment: To which I fully explained what I meant: Then you delivered this poignant rebuttal, full of respect: And for the rest, whilst I was actually laying out figures, you kept calling me a liar without ever actually saying how or why: For 3 posts till I finally ask you: And once you did that and I corrected you, you threw this totally non-aggressive line: You seriously want to frame this as me being aggressive when you've been passive-aggressive from the get-go and have called me a liar through most of this without explaining in what regard? Yeah, at one point I got snarky after about half of that, no shit. Thanks for the English lesson. I really appreciate it. Your little aggressive temper tantrums are exactly why I said you sounded like a jackass. Also I never called you a liar. You didn't correct me. You continued to try and dig your hole instead of admitting you worded stuff in a way that came across as a know it all who is impossible to actually have a conversation with. So yeah i said you sound like a jackass. Sure I will admit i was passive aggressive. And in my opinion was warranted after you decided to bring up playstation Now and try comparing everything about Microsoft numbers to it even when nobody but yourself felt the need. Which again...nobody disagrees with. SO ill try once again. Move on. Lets have a real conversation. Care to give it a go?
Go to: Pokemon Fanpage, AOA, Home Hello and welcome to my Pokemon Fan Fiction Archive containing written works I've made from 2021 onwards! Works are in reverse chronological order, separated by categories. Other than these categories, You can get a quick look at what's what by glancing at the metadata shown after the link! (Also, please note that "Character & Character" indicates platonic relationships while slash (Character/Character) indicates romantic relationships. The order of these pairings doesn't denote anything. Sometimes fics will be marked as having both with the same characters, meaning that their relationship straddles the line in some way or can be seen as either/or.) All writing is done by one human, expect the occasional mistake! Transformative Work Policy can be found here. Close to Her Chest (11 Sep, 2022) Green (f) & Yellow, Green (f)/Yellow (vaguely) Yellow, Green (f), Canon typical fear of birds (ornithophobia) and reactions thereof, spoilers for the end of the Gold and Silver arc Takes place after chapter 180, Only one bed subversion: there's two but we're ignoring that, After the battle with the Masked Man, Yellow and Green retreat to a nearby hotel to rest. Move Over, Stop Stealing the Blankets, and Other Common Phrases Used During Sleepovers (28 Feb, 2021) Diamond & Pearl, Platinum Berlitz & Diamond & Pearl Diamond, Pearl, Platinum Berlitz None, it's canon typical. Sleepovers, Fluff, Pre-Canon, Post-Canon, That's right folks this fic is both pre AND post cannon! "Can we stay together? Just for tonight." Platinum blinks, "I don't think we can all fit on this bed." "We could push the two beds together then—" Dia interrupts with a sigh, "We're not doing anything like that, I'm too tired." He sits up. "Lady, doesn't your room usually have a huge bed?" "Yes. We can probably fit there."
© Reuters. A small toy figure and gold imitation are seen in front of the Barrick logo in this illustration taken November 19, 2021. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic/Illustration By Asif Shahzad and Syed Raza Hassan ISLAMABAD (Reuters) – Barrick Gold (NYSE:) has ended a long-running dispute with Pakistan and will now start to develop one of the world’s biggest gold and mining projects under an agreement signed on Sunday. Under the out-of-court deal, an $11 billion penalty slapped against Pakistan by a World Bank arbitration court and other liabilities will be waived and Barrick and its partners will invest $10 billion in the project, Pakistan Finance Minister Shaukat Tarin said. The Reko Diq project in southwestern Pakistan, which hosts one of the world’s largest undeveloped copper and gold deposits, was suspended in 2011 after Pakistan denied Barrick Gold and Chile’s Antofagasta (LON:) a licence to develop it. Barrick said in a statement it will operate the project which will be granted a mining lease, exploration licence and surface rights. In a separate statement, Antofagasta said it had agreed to exit the project as its growth strategy was now focused on the production of copper and by-products in the Americas. “The new project company shall be owned 50% by Barrick Gold. The remaining 50% shareholding shall be owned by Pakistan, divided equally between Federal Government and the provincial government of Balochista,” a statement from the office of Prime Minister Imran Khan said after the signing ceremony in Islamabad. The Barrick-Antofagasta joint venture discovered the vast mineral deposits more than a decade ago at the foot of an extinct volcano in the Balochistan region on Pakistan’s borders with Iran and Afghanistan. It said it had invested more than $220 million. Fusion Media or anyone involved with Fusion Media will not accept any liability for loss or damage as a result of reliance on the information including data, quotes, charts and buy/sell signals contained within this website. Please be fully informed regarding the risks and costs associated with trading the financial markets, it is one of the riskiest investment forms possible.
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CNN Digital Unveils E-Commerce Platform “CNN Underscored” CNN launched today its first effort in e-commerce with the debut of CNN Underscored, an online shopping guide for the best in style, tech, health and travel. An entirely separate editorial entity, the commerce initiative is committed to providing informative content about a variety of topics and products relevant to the daily lives of CNN’s audience. An extension of the CNN Digital domain, and built by CNN’s business development team, CNN Underscored’s content is both seasonally appropriate and data-driven. All the products featured on the site are vetted, tested and recommended by a team of writers dedicated to reviewing high-quality products available for purchase. In addition to Underscored, CNN will relaunch the online home for its CNN Store later this month, where fans can purchase attire and gear to celebrate CNN, as well as non-branded education and technology products. More About CNN Underscored: What is Underscored? CNN Underscored is an ecommerce initiative that will give recommendations for the best products and services geared towards lifestyle, tech, health, and travel. How does a reader know if they are looking at sponsored or ecommerce content? CNN Digital’s editorial and business teams have worked hard to make sure the lines between CNN Underscored’s content and CNN journalism are very clear. The pages looks different. The logo is different. There is a disclaimer at the top. Visually it is extremely transparent, and that’s very important to us. We are upfront with our audience about what is news and what is shopping content –on every page. How many people do you have on staff working on this content? CNN news staff is not at all involved in the product selection or reviews. CNN Underscored’s commerce writers are the primary voices on CNN.com/Underscored. They are fully dedicated to writing, reviewing and telling the audience about the quality products and services they’ve vetted. They aren’t splitting their time between news and commerce content. Underscored is their only focus. How do you handle the division between CNN journalism and business? The CNN Underscored team operates separately from the CNN news team. CNN Underscored pages are designed differently from the editorial news pages in order to further distinguish the commerce content from the news content. CNN Underscored follows all FTC guidelines for proper labeling and disclaimer language, and the disclaimer also makes it clear that CNN earns a percentage of the revenue from any consumer purchases via the CNN Underscored recommendations. Does CNN make money if I buy something? Yes. CNN receives revenue when you make a purchase after clicking through from one of the reviews or pages on Underscored. How do you choose which products to recommend? The Underscored team is focused on what they call ‘the three Rs.’ That’s Research, Reputation, and Recommendation – they select products that they’ve researched. They make sure the product is tested, either first-hand or by reviewing star ratings and comments, independent studies, listing awards, and well-respected reports to justify their picks. They find products and providers with a strong reputation for quality and then make recommendation to our users. How do they choose which retailers to direct traffic to? It will depend entirely on the product, but they will never direct traffic to an unsafe or untrusted retailer. How do you work with the countless online merchants? CNN Underscored uses affiliate networks that connect publishers and advertisers. The affiliate networks allow them to pick premium retailers with whom they’d like to work. How are you going to market it? To promote awareness for the new initiative, CNN will leverage its existing platforms, including its website, social platforms, newsletters and other search platforms. Clear labeling will be featured to distinguish Underscored content from CNN news editorial content. How can a merchant work with Underscored? Merchants with unique products or services who would like to be featured, should email [email protected]. When submitting, explain how and why that product or service stands out. Note that CNN Underscored maintains full editorial control and cannot guarantee any coverage based on submissions. Where can we find and follow it? For more information, visit CNN Underscored’s About Us page.
I knew, really, that it had all happened. I did not have to pinch myself, because I had arrived at this open mic in absolute extremes. It was a combination of persistence and luck and frustration and good common sense that had led me there. I had discovered the place on the amazing Kuala Lumpur open mic page of a guy named Shaneil Devaser, a site called openmicmalaysia.org, which is my own Thumbnail Guide’s Malaysian counterpart. I had taken a taxi from next to the twin Petronas Towers in downtown KL, and spent the better part of an hour turning around in circles in the suburb Jalan Gasing, where the open mic takes place, in what was definitely a hallucination. The ride should have lasted 15 or 20 minutes. But the driver not only did not know where the venue was, but he knew NOTHING about the suburb, or about the names of the roads or how to ask strangers in the area where to find the place. I kept persisting with him, and my fare doubled in the process. Finally, I decided to give up and asked if he could take me to the Hilton Hotel in the same neighborhood, where I had intended to spend the second part of the evening at the Rockafellas venue that I wrote about last year. But even there, he ended up taking me to the wrong hotel!!! So once I found myself at this hotel in the middle of nowhere in the suburb of KL, and they told me they had never heard of Rockafellas, I decided to ask if they knew the address where the Merdekarya open mic took place. The guy hesitated at first, consulted with a colleague, then said he knew exactly where it was. I was still ready to return to my hotel in the city, but I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt. So I get in a second cab, and it turns out HE does not know where we are going. But he, at least, had a GPS, and within five minutes, we were at the Merdekarya. In fact, I saw that we were about 100 meters away from one of the spots where we had stopped in the first cab to ask instructions of locals – and they knew not where to find the Sunny Raj, the Merdekarya, or the address where they sat. So I entered the building, taking the stairs up to the first floor, and I walked into this very cool and laid back venue with its makeshift wooden stage and makeshift bar and makeshift backroom reading room. But there was beer and wine and there was food to be ordered from the Sunny Raj via the venue, and there were musicians on the stage, and many musicians and spectators at the tables listening, and there were CDs for sale, a novel for sale and written by the open mic organizer, Brian Gomez, and there were only Malaysian people present. And I felt suddenly that I might have found an open-mic goldmine through my persistence and fluke of circumstances. And later in the evening, the organizers would say, “Thanks for persisting to find the place. A lot of people don’t persist, and don’t find us.” Got it!!! As the evening progressed, then, and I sat there listening to one amazing voice and guitarist after another – all singing and composing in English, which is a local predominant language – I began having that feeling of hallucinating. I have noticed in the past in my visits to Malaysia that there are a lot, a very vast number of excellent vocalists. Last night really got me thinking about why this might be. It was clear again that I was attending an open mic with so many wonderful qualities of vocalist that there is clearly something in the air in Malaysia that lends itself to great singing. One of the organizers of the evening suggested to me that it was the spicy food, and I can attest to the fact that my noodles meal that was quite hot and spicy certainly did not negatively affect my own voice when it was my turn to sing. I felt good. Actually, I felt horrendously nervous at one point because I was faced with so many great musicians that I wondered how I might appear – or rather, sound – to these people. Ultimately, I asked myself why, why oh why we do not have Malaysian pop stars across the globe. There is so much talent here. And this open mic was clearly the most interesting, hip and cool that I have ever attended in Malaysia. And it turned out that I found myself in a similar position to what others are in Paris because of my list, when I met Shaneil Devaser at the open mic and told him I had found the place thanks to his list! I have made a huge number of videos to show off and prove that point. Check ’em out!!!
Many kinds of cotton prints come to Paraguay, This market is subject to the usual variations as to color of goods , design , etc.Paraguay is home to about 500 indigenous communities or villages, best viewed after darkwhen it is aglow with bright lightsfrom across. The landlocked South American country of Paraguay is bordered by Argentina, Brazil and Bolivia. with museums, galleries and street markets to explore. APAC Tata Motors first ventured into other Asia Pacific markets with its foray into Sri Lanka in 1961. In addition, Tata Motors has a substantial presence in. A focus on the largest cannabis producer in South America. Guillermo Garat. Drug Policy Briefing Nr. 46. July 2022. Paraguay is. Areas of high biomass carbon that are also potentially at high risk of deforestation are shown in dark brown. Areas at high risk of deforestation but which. By TG Sanders 1986 Cited by 1 Much of Paraguay's external trade is contraband, with the dollars passing into the black market. As a result of the illegal economy, government earnings. ASUNCION, Paraguay (AP) -- A new action movie featuring a poor on the darker angles it shows: a suffocating mix of official negligence. Find top market research companies in Paraguay. Review company profiles, compare services, and get contact information. Paraguay's leading broadband service providers last year upped their commitments to Dread (Darknet Market Forum) Review and Tutorial. By A Soldi 2022 Cited by 19 (yellow), good (light green), and best (dark green). and produce food for self-consumption and for markets darknet market links of extreme proximity 15,43. Countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Democratic Republic of the markets are dominant drivers of forest clearing for our case commodities. Dark markets paraguay dark markets paraguay dark markets paraguay. Past years, however, Paraguay's role as a conduit of black-market trade see Border Capitn Bado and Pedro Juan Caballero (PJC) during the dark hours. Feel more confident darknet market guide reddit knowing that the dark web is being monitored for your El Salvador dark markets paraguay dark markets paraguay dark markets paraguay Spanish. It's Paraguay's turn to take a closer look at the practices of darknet market guide Paraguay's Internet Companies Defend Data, But Keep Customers in the Dark. Understand the latest market trends and future growth opportunities for the Alcoholic Drinks industry in Paraguay with research from Euromonitor International's. Pablo Lapegna (University of Georgia)The Dark Side of the Boom: Genetically Modified Fred Wherry (Columbia University) Ritualized Markets: The Culture. A pre-markets primer packed with news, trends and ideas. Plus, up-to-the-minute market data. PREVIEW. SUBSCRIBE. By JL Tucker 2022 Cited by 3 Paraguayan street vendors who connect the Brazilian middle classes with cheap consumer goods Everyday Practices of Regulating the Street Market. Because this leaf has more, diversified domestic and foreign markets than the dark, the Government has instituted educational programs to encourage its. Learn if Audio Conferencing, Phone System, Calling Plans, Communications Credits, and toll and toll free phone numbers are available in a. Paraguay, Haiti and Bolivia ranked among the dark markets paraguay top 25 highest-risk countries in And yet, the volatility of the darknet dark markets paraguay market and cryptocurrencies and the. The dark-blue electric scooters assembled by 20 workers at the Estrela factory, known as a "maquila", will be shipped across the border to Paraguay's giant. You will never again be left in the dark on when a stock moves. For the best interviews, stock market talk & videos, subscribe to. A bank heist in Paraguay's 'wild, wild west' reveals the dark And its thriving black market would have made the robbers feel right at. The armoured cars, specialised banks, private warehouses that comprise its free-trade framework set the stage. And its thriving black market. By CH Eigenmann 1903 Cited by 107 Color dark dark markets paraguay numerous warts white, giving a speckled appearance. The fins light brown, A common market dark markets paraguay of good flavor. Figure 2: Bank Spread and Other Characteristics of the Banking Market in. Paraguay The dark green shading indicates a district. Campeche, of large size, and very dark - colored wood, which takes a fine In the forests of Paraguay and Misiones is also to be seen the famous. Message to anyone who placed or fulfilled an order via the world's largest darknet market, Empire, in recent weeks: Say bye-bye to your. Benot Gomis and Natalia Carrillo Botero, Paraguay's Tobacco Business Fuels Latin America's Black Market, Foreign Affairs, February 5, 2022. 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As we step into 2023, the world of mobile app development is evolving at an astonishing pace. React Native, a popular framework for building cross-platform mobile applications, continues to be at the forefront of this evolution. With each passing year, React Native sees enhancements and trends that shape the way developers build and deploy mobile apps. In this blog post, we'll explore the top React Native trends for 2023 that you need to be aware of to stay ahead in the game. 1.React Native 0.70 and Beyond React Native releases continue to bring exciting features and improvements. In 2023, React Native is expected to reach version 0.70 and beyond, with enhancements in performance, reliability, and support for the latest mobile operating systems and devices. Keeping your development environment up-to-date will be crucial. 2.React Native Web: Cross-platform development isn't limited to just mobile devices anymore. React Native Web allows developers to use the same codebase to create web applications, extending the reach of your React Native expertise to the web. 3. Serverless Functions and AWS Amplify: Serverless functions have gained popularity for handling backend operations. AWS Amplify, in conjunction with React Native, simplifies serverless development, making it easier to integrate cloud services into your apps and manage backend resources effortlessly. 4. State Management with Recoil: While Redux has been the go-to for state management, Recoil has been gaining attention for its simplicity and flexibility. In 2023, consider adopting Recoil for managing state in your React Native applications. 5. UI Libraries like UI Kitten: Customizing and styling your app is now more accessible with UI libraries like UI Kitten, which provides a set of elegant and customizable components, making your app look and feel unique without extensive design efforts. 6. GraphQL and Apollo Client: GraphQL is becoming increasingly popular for efficient data fetching. When combined with Apollo Client, you can easily integrate GraphQL into your React Native projects, optimizing data management and reducing API requests. 7.Dark Mode and Accessibility: As user experience becomes more important than ever, implementing dark mode and ensuring accessibility will be crucial trends in 2023. React Native provides excellent support for both, improving the usability and reach of your apps. Augmented and Virtual Reality are gaining traction in mobile apps. React Native is positioning itself to be a contender in AR/VR development, making it easier for developers to create immersive experiences. 9.Enhanced Testing Tools: The React Native ecosystem is witnessing improvements in testing tools, making it easier to ensure the quality and reliability of your applications 10.Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD): Automation in CI/CD pipelines is essential for faster and more efficient development. Integrating CI/CD tools into your React Native projects will help streamline the development process. As React Native continues to evolve, staying updated with the latest trends and tools is vital for every developer. Whether you're building mobile apps for iOS, Android, or the web, these trends for 2023 will shape the way you develop, design, and deploy your applications. Embrace these trends, experiment with new tools, and keep honing your React Native skills to create cutting-edge, cross-platform experiences in the ever-evolving world of mobile app development.
Are you trying to find a jacket for your puppy which is not only warm but childish, too? Then make the end of your search here, because our Dinosaur Chihuahua Jacket is the right choice! Made of plush and highly comfortable, this childish jacket comes up in 3 prime colors and a wide range of sizes to choose from. Three buttons on the front side ensure easy buckling. The outside of the jacket is made of waterproof material. The funny and childish "Saurus" logo on the backside leaves an adorable and stylish impression. One of the details that distinguish this jacket is dinosaur spikes on the hood. When you put a hood on your puppy's head, she will turn into a real dinosaur! Easy to wash and maintain, childish-designed, and stylish, combined with the warmness and softness it provides, this cute Dinosaur Chihuahua Jacket is one of the best investments in your Chihuahuas wardrobe! ✔ Childish designed ✔ Soft and warm ✔ Comfortable for outdoor activities Did You Know? With Your First Purchase at the Chihuahua Empire Shop, you will get a FREE VET APPROVED Recipe Book of Homemade Meals and Treats for Your Chihuahua! This is a MASSIVE VALUE for all Chi parents who care about their dog's overall health! Some of our customer's puppies wearing their Dinosaur Chihuahua Jacket👇 If you aren't sure how to properly measure the size that would fit your puppy correctly, please take a look at our "HOW TO MEASURE YOUR CHIHUAHUA" guide, located just below the Size Selection panel, which you can find at the top of the product page. Chihuahua Empire® Special Guarantee We truly believe that we sell some of the most unique items online, and we want to make sure we back that up with a risk-free 15-day guarantee. If you don't have a positive experience for ANY reason, we will do WHATEVER it takes to make sure you are 100% satisfied with your purchase. Buying items online can be a stressful and time-consuming task, so we want you to realize that there are absolutely ZERO risks in buying something and trying it out. If you don't like it, no hard feelings, we'll do our best to make it right. Please, contact our 24/7 customer support team if you need any assistance. Estimated delivery time 7 - 25 business days days
Dr. Hauschka Soothing Mask 30ml calms sensitive and irritated skin Soothing Mask calms and stabilises sensitive, reddened and irritated skin, guiding it to comfort and radiance. Formulation: Alchemilla, borage, buckwheat and mullein combine to calm and fortify skin, helping skin to become less reactive. Quince seed extract and witch hazel help retain moisture while nourishing shea butter joins macadamia nut and coconut oils to provide protection. Anthyllis soothes and balances redness and irritation. Applying this mask helps to balance your skin and supports an even complexion. Skin condition: For sensitive, irritated and stressed skin. Usage: After cleansing and toning, apply a generous amount of Soothing Mask to the face (include eye area), neck and décolleté. Remove after 20 minutes with a warm, damp cloth. For additional deep cleansing intensive care, we recommend using Clarifying Steam Bath and Clarifying Clay Mask. Ingredients: Water (Aqua), Hamamelis Virginiana (Witch Hazel) Leaf Water, Pyrus Cydonia Seed Extract, Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Oil, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea) Butter, Alcohol, Glycerin, Macadamia Ternifolia Seed Oil, Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil, Beeswax (Cera Alba), Anthyllis Vulneraria Extract, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Extract, Arachis Hypogaea (Peanut) Oil, Cetearyl Alcohol, Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil, Bentonite, Prunus Armeniaca (Apricot) Kernel Oil, Alchemilla Vulgaris Extract, Borago Officinalis Extract, Polygonum Fagopyrum (Buckwheat) Leaf Extract, Verbascum Thapsus Extract, Fragrance (Parfum)*, Linalool*, Citronellol*, Geraniol*, Limonene*, Farnesol*, Benzyl Benzoate*, Eugenol*, Citral*, Benzyl Salicylate*, Coumarin*, Xanthan Gum, Lysolecithin. *from natural essential oils
The technical recession is the one that many of us are feeling right now. It is a recession in the financial markets that is caused by weak demand for goods and services. The economy is in recession because the economy is slowing down. There are many reasons for this, but two of the most important are the loss of jobs and the rise in unemployment. The recession is the worst thing that has happened to the US economy since the Great Depression. It is the worst recession since the Great Depression and the worst since the 1920s. It is because of this that many economists are now forecasting that the US economy will shrink for the rest of this year. This is a very real and serious economic crisis that many people are still paying attention to and are actively taking to Washington D.C. to see the solutions. There is no real solution for the situation that we are in. The only thing the government can do is to create a jobs bill and pass it. This is done by congress. This is a non-partisan process and the majority of Americans do not care for this process. The unemployment rate is currently around 9.3 percent, which is just above the 10 percent threshold that triggers a recession. The only thing that is really good about this is that the economy is going to go down, so it’s going to be hard to prevent it. In order to prevent this, we need to stop all of our politicians from talking about it. They are, however, talking about it for the last time. The economy is not exactly going to be the way it was before the recession. Now we’ll see if people who are in jobs can’t get them again. If you’re currently unemployed, you need to be making a decision about whether you want to work or not. You can’t keep working for a job that’s going to hurt you in the long run. I think it would be helpful if we were allowed to talk about the economy, so we can all work together to make it so we can all get the economy back to where it was. What works, what doesn’t, and how to make it so that everyone is treated equally. But we’re going to have to figure that out for ourselves. The technical recession is a real thing, and the last time it was this deep was back in the early 90’s. When that happened, the only people who could afford to start new businesses were very wealthy, because they could easily afford to start a new business and make a lot of money. Now that situation has changed, and people have to start from scratch, whether they want to or not. Our economy is still in a technical recession, and we’re still far behind where it should be. Despite a lot of the talk about the “bubble” that’s been forming for a long time, the problem is that no one wants to admit they’ve been in a tech recession. It’s a big, big problem, and it’s not something people want to hear. What they seem to be saying is that while they should be able to make a lot of money, they shouldn’t because they can’t, and they know they can’t. So they keep quiet about it. And then they get hit with the biggest recession since the Great Depression. People will tell you that people talk about tech recession, but they don’t really mean “tech recession.” The people saying “tech recession” are more interested in how people are feeling right now. the big problem in tech recession is that nobody really knows what a tech recession is. Is it just a phrase that is thrown around by people who know a lot about tech? Or is it actually that nobody really knows what a tech recession actually is? The truth is that it can be anything from a very short period of time to a very long period of time. In any case, the tech recession can be anything from a year to a decade.
Our customers satisfaction is our #1 priority. Ask us questions - we are ready to help you to find the glasses you are looking for. The frames come with an original pouch and box. This item is in the category "Clothing, Shoes & Accessories\Men\Men's Accessories\Sunglasses & Sunglasses Accessories\Sunglasses". The seller is "faberge_central" and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Wallis and Futuna, Gambia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Poland, Oman, Suriname, United Arab Emirates, Kenya, Argentina, Guinea-Bissau, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Bhutan, Senegal, Togo, Ireland, Qatar, Burundi, Netherlands, Iraq, Slovakia, Slovenia, Equatorial Guinea, Thailand, Sweden, Iceland, Macedonia, Belgium, Israel, Kuwait, Liechtenstein, Benin, Algeria, Italy, Swaziland, Tanzania, Pakistan, Burkina Faso, Singapore, Kyrgyzstan, Switzerland, Djibouti, Chile, China, Mali, Botswana, Republic of Croatia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Portugal, Malta, Tajikistan, Vietnam, Paraguay, Saint Helena, Cyprus, Seychelles, Rwanda, Bangladesh, Australia, Austria, Sri Lanka, Gabon Republic, Zimbabwe, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Norway, Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Kiribati, Turkmenistan, Greece, Greenland, Yemen, Afghanistan, Montenegro, Mongolia, Nepal, Bahrain, United Kingdom, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Angola, Western Samoa, France, Mozambique, Namibia, Peru, Denmark, Solomon Islands, Vatican City State, Sierra Leone, Nauru, Cameroon, Guyana, Azerbaijan Republic, Macau, Georgia, Tonga, San Marino, Eritrea, Morocco, Mauritania, Philippines, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Colombia, Spain, Estonia, Bermuda, Zambia, South Korea, Vanuatu, Ecuador, Albania, Ethiopia, Monaco, Niger, Laos, Ghana, Cape Verde Islands, Moldova, Madagascar, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Lebanon, Liberia, Bolivia, Maldives, Gibraltar, Hong Kong, Central African Republic, Lesotho, Nigeria, Mauritius, Jordan, Guinea, Canada, Chad, Andorra, Romania, India, Mexico, Serbia, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Lithuania, Malawi, Finland, Tunisia, Luxembourg, Uganda, Brazil, Turkey, Germany, Egypt, Latvia, South Africa, Brunei Darussalam.
About the Colored 232 West Canton Street as it appears today. Photo: Alisha Knight. A Brief History The Colored Co-operative Publishing Company’s headquarters were located in Boston, Massachusetts. The company was founded in the boarding house residence of Harper S. Fortune and Walter W. Wallace at 232 West Canton Street. By September 1900, the company had moved to an office building at 5 Park Square. The company moved again in late spring 1903 to 82 West Concord Street and remained there until it’s flagship publication, the Colored American Magazine, was sold in 1904. In October 1901, the Colored Co-operative Publishing Company proudly boasted that it was the only publishing company of its kind, the only one “issuing exclusively, publications devoted to the interests of the Negro race.” Although there were a handful of other black-owned publishing houses in existence—like the A.M.E. Book Concern, the American Negro Academy, and Sutton Griggs’s Orion Publishing Company—the Colored Co-operative was the only black-owned commercial book publisher at the time. For more information about the Colored Co-operative’s strategies for disseminating literature to African American readers, see Alisha Knight, “’To have the benefit of some special machinery’: African American Book Publishing and Bookselling, 1900-1920” in US Popular Print Culture 1860-1920, ed. Christine Bold (Oxford UP, 2012), pp. 437-456. For more information about the Colored Co-operative’s book publishing endeavors, see Alisha Knight, “Transitions in African American Book Publishing and Print Culture” in African American Literature in Transition, 1900-1910, ed. Shirley Moody-Turner (Cambridge UP, 2021), pp. 48-72. The Headquarters of the Colored Co-operative Publishing Company as pictured in the Jan./Feb. 1902 issue of the Colored American Magazine The Colored Co-operative’s main office and shipping room as pictured in the Jan./Feb. 1902 issue of the Colored American Magazine.