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"Farewell, Pink Filly of Justice!" called Hurklogmisteriogrammophon the Third as Diamond rocketed past. "Thank you for saving us! Now we shall have all the Giant Cosmic Space Krill to ourselves! Praise the Blubbery One!" |
Diamond simply screamed in response as she found herself uncontrollably flying through space once again. She held her tiara tight as a blue and green ball steadily grew larger up ahead. Could she really be that lucky? |
She shut her eyes as her body entered the atmosphere, the air in front of her compressing until it burst into flame. She held her hooves in front of her face and squinted through the heat building in front of her. The last thing she saw before blacking out was a big expanse of green. |
Diamond awoke to the sound of somepony saying her name, and slowly opened her eyes. She found herself lying in a big bowl of dirt and feeling like she'd just spent a few minutes in a toaster. She slowly got to her hooves and turned to see where the voice was coming from. |
"Oh, thank goodness you're alright!" squeaked Silver Spoon as she jumped down beside her friend. |
"What happened?" Diamond asked, holding her throbbing head in her hooves. |
"There was this huge explosion when the meteor hit, and I got blasted out of the park. When I came back, there was this big crater and you were lying in it. What happened to you?" |
Diamond looked at the crater, the field around it, and the yellow colt roasting what appeared to be a giant leech over an open fire. She slowly pitched her head skyward. "Nothing," she muttered. "Nothing happened at all." |
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[tags: author: Warfire Writing Studios, character: Fluttershy, genre: Slice of Life, series: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, warning: Sex ] |
*** |
CHAPTER: Prologue: To Canterlot |
"Thank you so much AJ and Twilight for looking out for my animals while I'm away at Canterlot! I can't thank you two enough!" Fluttershy says happily as she waits with them at the train station, waiting for a train to take her to the royal and prestigious city. |
"Don't ya fret Sugarcube. We'll have yer animals lookin' as good as when you get back," Applejack replies and offers her Pegasus friend a smile. |
"That's good to know AJ. There's really nothing to it. Just keep them fed, replace their water everyday and make sure they're in their respective places before sundown." |
"Easy enough Fluttershy," Twilight replies and then gives her friend the same smile. "So, if I many ask, why are you going to Canterlot? Is there some kind of event about animals going on there or something?" |
The shy, yellow mare stutters for a few moments before mumbling something in a low voice. |
"What was that?" Twilight asks as she steps forward, also leaning her head down so that she could hear her better. |
"Uh… Um…." she stumbles again before hearing the train pull into the station with it's breaks screeching, stopping moments later. "See you two soon! Good luck!" The shy mare quickly waves to them and mixes amongst the crowd to board the train to Canterlot. |
Twilight and Applejack look at each other with curious expressions as Fluttershy boards the train and leaves the station, leaving them, along with a few other ponies at the station. "What was that about, Applejack?" Twilight asks as she looks over a her friend with confused look on her face. |
"Honestly, Ah have not the slightest idea, sugarcube," the farm pony replies with a puzzled look on her face. "Come on, let's make sure her critters are good to go for the night." |
"Yeah... let's go. I'm sure that her pet rabbit Angel already might've started a rebellion or something," Twilight jokes as she and Applejack leave the station and walk toward Fluttershy's cottage, not knowing the true purpose of her visit to the prestigious city. |
— |
"That was too close... I was afraid to tell them about what I had to do..." Fluttershy says softly as she takes her seat on the train as it slowly pulls out of the station. Moments later, the conductor comes by and takes Fluttershy's ticket to be punched. "Enjoy your ride, miss," he nods to her, tipping his hat at her and moves on to the next passenger. Once Fluttershy's ticket was punched, she looks out into the horizon, seeing the grassy plains outside of Ponyville and seeing the majestic city in the distance. "I have to this for the animals. If this means I have to do this every so often to ensure they have shelter over their heads, then as Celestia as my witness, so shall it be!" |
"Who are you talking to, ma'am?" a stallion asks, sitting across from her with a puzzled look on his face. |
"Oh, just, talking out loud, with myself," she blushes softly, smiling sheepishly as she turns her head again to glance again at the horizon. |
*** |
CHAPTER: Reunion and Preparations |
(Later that Night) |
"Okay Fluttershy. You can do this… It's for the animals…" the shy yellow mare says in a determined voice as she slowly trots towards the Dark Star, a well known, high end brothel in Canterlot's "red light district," lit up with neon lights above the front door and slowly pushes open the door. "H-Hello?" she softly calls out, slowly entering the dimly lit front end of the brothel. |
"Oh, look who it is! It's my favorite part time girl!" The Madam, the only name she was known by in the Dark Star, says as she sees Fluttershy walk in, covered in a cloak to hide her identity from those who walked Canterlot at night in the red light district. "How have you been, my dear?" |
"I'm doing good. It's been a while since I've been here," Fluttershy replies to her, smiling a bit, happy to see The Madam again. "I'm just wanting to earn some extra bits to have shelter for the animals I love." She pauses for a moment. "How has business been doing?" |
"As good as ever! Many kinds of dignitaries, mostly griffons, keep coming here and they pay very handsomely for the night. As I'm sure you remember from your last visit here, my dear," The Madam says with a smile and then hugs Fluttershy close, her wings brushing against Fluttershy's through her cloak. "If you want I can tell you which ones are rumored to come here tonight." |
Fluttershy blushes softly as she hugs the mysterious mare, remembering the last time she was here. "Okay then. I'd love to know who will be here tonight." |
"Then please come with me, I have the files and some tea waiting for us so you may make your pick." |
"Hmmm, sounds interesting. Tea would be lovely," Fluttershy says as she follows the Madam, behind the counter and into a back room with surveillance cameras watching the rooms, some preoccupied already. The Madam ran a tight ship, warning that should anything happen to her girls or boys, swift and hard action would be brought against those who would hurt them. She did not store the video for each room and, if nothing happened to those who worked for her, she would promptly delete the video so nopony from the ponyratzzi else could get ahold of it and use it for mudslinging. |
"Now please sit, we don't have a whole lot of time before the gryphon dignitaries arrive in the district. I assume that you would like your tea sweetened?" She asks softly and then sets out a cup of tea for Fluttershy and then sets one out for herself and then pours their cups. |
"Yes, please," Fluttershy nods, wanting her tea to be a bit sweet. |
"I'll return shortly, please relax and I'll return shortly," She says and then slips away and walks out the door they had come in, leaving the shy but bold Pegasus alone in the comfortable back room. |
Fluttershy grins and puts some honey into her tea, letting it dissolve into the hot, comforting drink, cooing softly as she sips it. "Just the way I like it. The only place where I can get this kind of tea…" |
"Not even back home? How disappointing. This tea is my favorite as well, though I prefer it without honey," Madam says as she comes back into the room with a small pile of folders on her back. "These should be all of them. If I am missing one, then I really do apologize." |
"It's no trouble at all, really," the yellow mare says sympathetically as she begins to look over the files of the gryphons. "How did you get these files, Madam, if you don't mind that is…" |
"Methods that I have been trained in; my little secret," She replies and then slips the folders from her back and onto the table. "Please read them to your heart's content." |
Fluttershy nods softly and begins to read up on each file, carefully looking over the notes about each gryphon. "If I may ask Madam, why are they here in Canterlot?" |
"There is some kind of important meeting between Griffonstone and Equestria. Other than that, I'm not entirely sure." |
Fluttershy nods as she sips her tea, continuing to look over the files of the gryphons, finding one that tickles her fancy. "Hmmm, I like this one the best out of all of them." |
"Oh he's a good choice. His fetish list is pretty simple to work with, but he does demand very long sessions. Are you sure about this one, darling?" She asks as she looks down at the file with Fluttershy. |
A few moments of silence pass before Fluttershy replies, "Yes. I need all the bits I can get for the animals I love the most." |
"Alright then. When he arrives I'll have another of my girls take him to your room. I will say that a few changes have been made since the last time you were here, but I think you'll find they will fit his desires quite well," Madam replies and then gives her a smile. "Come with me please." |
The yellow mare grins, finishing her tea and promptly follows the Madam out of the back room to the front lobby. |
"I'll have one of the girls who knows you come and take you to your room. Would you like her to also help you pick out the toys for the session?" |
"Um, yes please." |
"She will be down shortly, tonight she's going room to room to see if everypony has what they need," Madam says with a smile and disappears from Fluttershy's sight. Fluttershy then hums to herself, looking around the main lobby, seeing that much hasn't changed since the last time she was here a few months ago. The moments quickly pass before the door opens and a familiar face appears in the doorway. "Sun Blossom?" |
"Fluttershy sweetie! It's so good to see you again!" The golden furred mare with a white mane and tailed mare says excitedly, hugging the timid Pegasus tightly. "It's been a while since you've been here!" |
"I know! It's good to see you!" Fluttershy replies, kissing her cheek softly, happy to see her old friend. "You look good! How have you been lately?" |
"I've been good. We had gotten some dignitaries from the Buffalo Tribe some time ago, and Celestia, they know how to really give you a rough fucking." |
Fluttershy blushes softly. "To be honest, I've um… always wondered how they are in… in bed…" |
"You have to try and come here when they are in town. You won't regret it," She replies with a smile and then kisses Fluttershy's nose. "Anyway I'm supposed to take you to your room for the night. Come on, sexy." |
"Oh, you naughty little thing," Fluttershy giggles softly, using her wing to gently smack Sun Blossom's flank playfully. |
Sun Blossom coos softly and looks back at her with a big smile on her muzzle. "You naughty mare you... You're going to have a blast tonight." |
"I'm sure I will, considering the gryphon I chose has a similar taste in kinks as I do." |
"Then you're in for quite a treat. Now let's hurry. There's much to do before they show up for the whole night." |
She nods and follows the golden mare to her room she'd be in for the night. |
"So just here for the extra bits for your animal friends right?" Sun Blossom says as she looks over her shoulder at Fluttershy with a smile. |
"Mmhmm. I consider them my friends, well, besides my other pony friends I have in Ponyville. I never really had any friends growing up, but I could some how communicate with animals and they became my friends when I was a filly." |
"Interesting ability. Maybe if we could end up together sometime soon, you could show me?" |
"Hmmm okay. That might sound like a plan." |
"We could make it a mare's day! " She says as she leads Fluttershy to the door at the far side of the hallway and on the right. "Here we are." |
"Of course," she replies as she sees Sun open the door and let's her enter the dark colored but well lit room, seeing a bed with black coverings with red lace curtains surrounding it. "It's lovely Sun!" |
"Thanks Shy, but take a look at the new arrangements we made for the visit of the gryphons tonight," She says and flicks on a light switch, flooding the room with red light. |
"Oh! That should give them more encouragement," Fluttershy giggles softly. |
"Go ahead and look around. I'm going to get out some of the toys you might like for tonight." |
She nods and looks around at the spacious room, seeing how roomy it was and what she would do with her partner for the night. |
"Think you have enough room to work?" She asks as she lines up a few toys on the bed and gives her a smile. "I'm actually jealous that you get this one. I like being the pet." |
"Really? You do now?" Fluttershy asks her friend, looking at her. |
"Yes I do. Only got to indulge in that fantasy once before and I loved it!" She admits with a blush on her cheeks as she holds her tail over her pussy and tailhole. "You're a lucky mare." |
Fluttershy blushes as she sees the toys laid out for her on the bed. "I would say I am." |
"Now would you like any kind of help? Or would you want to prepare alone?" Sun Blossom asks with a grin on her muzzle as she looks back at Fluttershy's bright red face. |
"Um, can... can you help prepare me? Could you help me recolor my mane and tail a bit please." |
"Of course, just lie on the bed and let me work my magic," Sun replies as she rubs her hooves together ready to help Fluttershy dye her mane. |
"Thanks Sun. You're a really good friend," the yellow mare grins as she slowly closes her eyes, humming to herself as her friend puts a few yellow and turquoise blue streaks within her pink mane and tail with her magic. |
"You're welcome my friend. I just love how these streaks look. You look so sexy with them in," She replies and then adds the last streak into Fluttershy's tail and steps back, admiring her work. |
"Can I have a mirror so I can see?" |
"Of course!" She replies and brings over a mirror, holding the mirror with her hooves. "What do you think?" |
Fluttershy gasps softly, looking at how well the colors in her mane blend together and compliment each other. "It's lovely Sun Blossom! You know your mane styles!" |
"Of course I do! That's why Madam has me do the manes of each mare or stallion in this place." |
"She certainly knows her stuff, doesn't she?" |
"Of course she does. Otherwise how would she make this one of the best brothels around," She replies and then smiles at her. "If that's everything, I can leave you to do the final preparations." |
"Okay, thank you so much again, Sun Blossom. We do need to hang out soon," Fluttershy coos, hugging her friend before giving a soft peck on the lips. |
"Yes we will," She replies and then kisses her back before holding a hoof to her cheek. "Have fun," She says, forgetting her 'stage name' momentarily. "Zephyr Breeze right?" |
Fluttershy nods. "You do too… Moon Orchid," she winks, calling Sun Blossom by her stage name. |
"Funny how you use your brother's name as a stage name, isn't it?" Sun Blossom asks her. |
"It kinda is, but then again, I'm virtually a nopony here and how are they going to know I have a brother right?" Fluttershy replies. |
"Hmm, true. Point take. Hope you have a blast tonight! Good luck!" Sun replies with a wink in return before turning and walks out of the room, leaving Fluttershy to her own devices while she waits. |
Fluttershy or "Zephyr Breeze," waits patiently at the side of the bed, sitting like an obedient pet would, a nervous, yet confident smile on her face, knowing that this is all for the animals back home to have a roof over their heads. |
*** |
CHAPTER: Time for Fun |
"G-Good evening sir, I-I mean, Master. I am Zephyr Breeze, your loyal companion. I am at your command and will be a good girl for you," Fluttershy introduces herself to a tall, black taloned and pawed gryphon with a light green body along with a white head and silver beak. |
As the gryphon enters the room and then gives the door a gentle kick with his rear right leg so that the door would close and they'd be alone without interruption. "Madam wasn't lying to me when she said she had her prettiest pet waiting for me," He says in a smooth voice, a deep baritone that rumbled in his chest. As he walks up to the bed he smiles at her and looks down into her eyes. "You already know your place for your client. Wonderful," He says as he then turns to the toys spread out on the edge of the bed and picks up the collar and leash. "Such wonderful material but we won't need the leash yet," He says and unbuckles the leash and tosses it to the side for the moment and then walks up to Zephyr and looks at her. "Move your mane for me." |
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