Pair of Utterance
"Interrogator": "So what did the two men do when they met?", "Interrogee": "So, so they were drinking heavily and smoking?"
"Interrogator": "Okay, so Are they friends?", "Interrogee": "They are friends, and they were having a conversation about the plight of the man whose mother is ill."
"Interrogator": "Can you describe that woman whose mother is ill?", "Interrogee": "It is the same man I described before. He was fat and he was white. Long bronze hair, light colored eyes."
"Interrogator": "okay, so did they have any conversation?", "Interrogee": "Yes, they had a conversation about how this man's mother was ill and the cancer she had survived earlier came back and this time he had no money."
"Interrogator": "So where did they meet?", "Interrogee": "In the in, in like a bar."
"Interrogator": "So it was usual place or did they meet at the new place?", "Interrogee": "They met at the bar."
"Interrogator": "So they came there daily ?", "Interrogee": "I don't know."
"Interrogator": "So what adversity was the man in white shirt going through.", "Interrogee": "So the man's mother had survived a cancer before and the cancer came back and this time he did not have any money to treat his mother."
"Interrogator": "So what type of job they are doing?", "Interrogee": "I don't know. I have not heard about."
"Interrogator": "Okay, What was the suggestion given to the man in white shirt by the man in the blue shirt?", "Interrogee": "So, the blue shirt man who was a friend, told him that he can earn money by doing illegal things. And for that he has to join a gang where the blue shirt man is and there he kills people and extracts money from them and he can do it and earn a lot of money,"
"Interrogator": "What was the reaction of the white shirt man.", "Interrogee": "The white shirt man was startled by the idea of his friend and he was like, I am not going to do anything illegal and he denied to do it."
"Interrogator": "What work did he say he was doing and how did the man in white shirt react after the man in the blue shirt suggested the plan?", "Interrogee": "So the man in blue shirt said that I murder people and I extract money from them and that's what my gang does. And you should do that. His friend was excited about the idea."
"Interrogator": "And how did the man in the blue shirt react when the other man told him that his work was not legal.", "Interrogee": "So the blue shirt man said that through legal ways he cannot earn a lot of money and therefore he has to use the illegal ways to make money."
"Interrogator": "So Did he agree to do that?", "Interrogee": "Yes, he was excited about killing people."
"Interrogator": "So you said firstly he denied and then how you can say he was excited to know t", "Interrogee": "No, I think he was excited."
"Interrogator": "And describe what you observed in the scene where a man was sitting in the car", "Interrogee": "So while he was sitting in the car, he was smoking and he seemed impatient."
"Interrogator": "what happened when he went inside inside the house.", "Interrogee": "So when he went inside the house of his friend, he killed him with his gun. I heard the shots of the gun I did not witness him killing his friend."
"Interrogator": "So the whites shirt man's motive was to kill that person.", "Interrogee": "I don't know"
"Interrogator": "So did he get any money for that contract?", "Interrogee": "No, I don't know"
"Interrogator": "Okay, then how he agreed with that contract.", "Interrogee": "I don't know why he killed him and I did not see any money in his hand. I did not see the dealing of money or I did not see anything with like money"
"Interrogator": "You said that he got excited to to kill people. But firstly, he denied that he will not do illegal work . So how can you relate with all this and And he didn't take money.", "Interrogee": "I did not see him taking money. He like I saw I know that. This man killed his friend."
"Interrogator": "So, did he kill anyone inside the house?", "Interrogee": "There was scream of that woman but I don't think she was killed by this man."
"Interrogator": "So there was no killing.", "Interrogee": "No, only the earlier what I said the white shirt man killed his friend who was in the blue shirt."
"Interrogator": "So, he killed his friend.", "Interrogee": "Yes."
"Interrogator": "Why can you explain?", "Interrogee": "I do not know. Maybe he got a contract. He joined the gang and then he got a contract to kill him only."
"Interrogator": "Okay, so you said you that blue shirt man killed the white shirt man And he got the contract to kill that man.", "Interrogee": "I believe that he could have I do not exactly know."
"Interrogator": "So in these all event how many people were murdered andkilled", "Interrogee": "so only one person was murdered as far as remember."
"Interrogator": "Okay, so why were the two girls standing by the road?", "Interrogee": "So they were waiting for someone to give them a lift. They were coming from a nearby farm, and they had a car, but their car broke. So they were looking for someone to give them a lift."
"Interrogator": "Where they wanted to go?", "Interrogee": "They were going towards some nearby city; they were going for clubbing."
"Interrogator": "Okay so while they were waiting for, did any car come or anything?", "Interrogee": "Yeah, one black car came in which there were two men, one named John and the other named David."
"Interrogator": "Did the girls make a request to them?", "Interrogee": "Yes, girls first stopped them to ask for a lift, but John and David were drinking and smoking in the car, and John and David said that if you don't have any problem with our drinking and smoking, you can enter the car, but the girls refused. They said that your car is full of smoke; we can't sit in here. Then John and David left, but they reversed the car and said that we will restrain ourselves to drinking only, and if you want, you can get into the car now. Then the women agreed."
"Interrogator": "So did the drivers make any requests to the girls before they enter the car?", "Interrogee": "No, he just specified that we are drinking and smoking, if you don't have any problem with that, then you can take the lift."
"Interrogator": "What was that attitude of the driver and copassenger with the girls?", "Interrogee": "The driver was nice, but the copassenger was harassing towards the girls; he was making vulgar comments to Becky, and he was more drunk than John."
"Interrogator": "Okay, while they were driving, did the car stop anywhere?", "Interrogee": "Yes, while they were driving after driving for some distances, the car stopped; there was some problem in the engine, and then John stepped out to look at what's the problem, and then Stacy came out to talk with John, but John became aggressive, and then he tried to hit Stacy, but Stacy stabbed him, and seeing this, David became scared, and David ran away into the woods."
"Interrogator": "So who among the girls stepped out of the car?", "Interrogee": "So Stacy stepped out of the car, and she was talking to John about how she is single, and she seems to see John as a fine male, and she was asking if he is single, and then he tells about that he is happily married. Then she makes some rude comments about his wife, and John became aggressive."
"Interrogator": "Okay, was there any other reason for which Stacy was being rude?", "Interrogee": "No, there was no other reason."
"Interrogator": "Okay, what did John do after getting mad at Stacy?", "Interrogee": "So after getting mad at Stacy, John slapped Stacy once, and John was going to slap Stacy again; then Stacy takes out a knife from her pocket, and she stabbed John in the stomach."
"Interrogator": "Okay, so did John die or did he only get harmed?", "Interrogee": "No, the knife was quite shallow, so John just got injured, and then he took a nearby stone and hit Stacy with that stone multiple times."
"Interrogator": "Did Stacy die in the process?", "Interrogee": "Stacy, her death was not confirmed, but because Stacy became unconscious."
"Interrogator": "What about Becky? Did Becky witness all of these?", "Interrogee": "Yeah, Becky witnessed all of this, and when John started thrashing Becky, Stacy's head with the stone, Becky ran away into the woods."
"Interrogator": "What about David? Where did he go?", "Interrogee": "When Stacy stabbed John, David got scared, and he ran away into the woods."
"Interrogator": "Okay, so both then what? After stabbing or thrashing Stacy, what did John do?", "Interrogee": "After thrashing Stacy's head, John started following Becky, and he followed her into the woods, but he lost track. Then he found David in the woods, and he asked David to look for Becky with her, and then Becky returned to the car, and then she tried to turn on the car, but John also got to the car, and then Becky stepped out of the car and took a wood, and she knocked out John."
"Interrogator": "Okay, was Stacy carrying any weapon to threaten John?", "Interrogee": "So she was carrying a knife, a small knife, and she used that knife to stab John in the neck, and later when Becky was trying to turn on the car, and John came, and after Becky knocked out John with the wood while she was taking out the key from his pocket, and John tried to kill her, she also used the same knife to stab John in the neck."
"Interrogator": "Okay, was any part of the car opened by the woman or any person?", "Interrogee": "So while Becky was trying to turn on the car, she accidentally opened the car trunk, and while she was going to close the car trunk, she noticed that the car trunk was full of dead bodies, and they were all rotting. Then she closes the car trunk, and then she starts the car and starts getting away."
"Interrogator": "How many dead bodies were in the car?", "Interrogee": "There were two dead bodies in the car."
"Interrogator": "Okay. Do you know whose dead bodies were that?", "Interrogee": "No, it was not specified."
"Interrogator": "Okay. While this incident was going on, what did David attempt to kill any of these women?", "Interrogee": "No, first David ran off to the wood; then he was searching for Becky. And when Becky was taking the car and going away, then David returned, but David tried to stop the car, but he wasn't unable to stop the car, and Becky ran away."
"Interrogator": "Describe how Becky was able to kill John.", "Interrogee": "So while John was approaching the car, as Becky was trying to turn on the car, John approached her, and she stepped out of the car, took a nearby wood, and she struck him in his head with that wood, and John became unconscious, and she was trying to take the car keys out of John's pocket. Then John gained consciousness, and she tried to choke Becky, and then Becky got her hand on the nearby knife, and she stabbed Jon in the neck."
"Interrogator": "So what happened to David at the end?", "Interrogee": "So at the end, David was left there on the road."
"Interrogator": "Did David ever try to protect John?", "Interrogee": "No, David just ran away when Stacy stabbed John, and then he returned to the car after John was killed by Stacy Becky."
"Interrogator": "Did David ever try to protect Becky?", "Interrogee": "No."
"Interrogator": "Okay, so was Becky able to protect Stacy, or did she ever try?", "Interrogee": "No. As soon as she got the car keys, she just left from there; she didn't even check Stacy."
"Interrogator": "Okay, so what were the girls doing on the road?", "Interrogee": "So they were basically hitchhikers, so they were waiting for someone to offer them a lift."
"Interrogator": "What was the real intention?", "Interrogee": "Their real intention was to rob the people who offered them a lift."
"Interrogator": "So What was the driver's response towards giving them a lift?", "Interrogee": "The driver readily agreed to it He did not then deny or anything."
"Interrogator": "Okay, so when they entered the car, did they see something unusual or did they find someone unusual?", "Interrogee": "So there was this man they met, he was being very weird and he was commenting on like, Becky, and also Becky's smells something weird."
"Interrogator": "Okay, so why did the car stop?", "Interrogee": "The car stopped because the car had broken down. So Dave saw it also John. John stepped down with the car to fix it."
"Interrogator": "Who else stepped out of the car?", "Interrogee": "Becky also stepped out of the car to flirt with John."
"Interrogator": "So where did David go?", "Interrogee": "Davi wanted to pee and John understood that and he sent him off to the woods."
"Interrogator": "So while David was away, what did Becky and Stacy do?", "Interrogee": "Becky Signaled something to Stacey and then Stacy used a gun to threaten John for money."
"Interrogator": "Okay, so were they able to get any money?", "Interrogee": "No, they were not be able to get any money as John said that he does not have any money."
"Interrogator": "So what did Stacy ask John to do?", "Interrogee": "Stacey asked John to open the trunk of the car."
"Interrogator": "What did they find in the courtroom? So", "Interrogee": "They found a body murdered by John."
"Interrogator": "What was the response offered Stacy and Becky are facing their body?", "Interrogee": "They were scared and they tried to attack John, but John quickly grabbed Stacy and smashed her head with the help of the guard's doors."
"Interrogator": "Okay, so did Becky manage to run away?", "Interrogee": "Yes, Becky managed to run away to the woods and hid behind the grass Okay."
"Interrogator": "So what was the action of John towards Becky's running away?", "Interrogee": "John actually first went inside the car and thought of running away, but he stepped out and started looking for Becky."
"Interrogator": "Okay, so who found Becky?", "Interrogee": "John's co-passenger David knew Becky was hiding in between the grass But his intention was not to harm him."
"Interrogator": "So describe Becky's action, how did she manage to escape?", "Interrogee": "Becky, with the help of David, knew the direction where the car was, and then she, in turn, drove the car and looked for the keys, but was not able to find it. And then after she opened the passenger seat's door, the door had smashe, John's face and he had fallen down unconscious and she stabbed him multiple times and then retrieved the keys from his pocket and just went off."
"Interrogator": "Okay, so what happened with David?", "Interrogee": "I don't know. David was not seen anywhere."
"Interrogator": "So what happened at the end? Who managed to escape and who died?", "Interrogee": "So Stacey was dead. And also John, the driver, was also dead. And there was a dead man in the trunk and then Becky just left the place. David, I did not see David."
"Interrogator": "So what was the girl worry about being late to.", "Interrogee": "She had an exam to give and she was running late so she was worrying about that. That might be she didn't allot the exam if she was late."
"Interrogator": "So what was she doing while going to school? And who did the girl meet while going to school? And what was she supposed to do?", "Interrogee": "She, as her brother told that delive the drug it's urgent, so she took the drug in her bag and then went to the place where the drug is to be delivered. Then we she waited for some time, but no one came. So as so she left the place as she was running late and she had an exam to give. . So that's it."
"Interrogator": "So what happened while she was she was done with her exam.", "Interrogee": "She, didn't give the exam when she entered the classroom after some time, some two or three persons came inside the classroom and they claimed to be a CBI officer. And they told that they told that they got in and they got a tip that there's a drug in this in this classroom, so everyone could leave the class and put her bag and belongings to the classroom. That's it."
"Interrogator": "Okay, so how many members were in the CBI team? And what were they looking like?", "Interrogee": "And there were two to three members I didn't know exactly number. So they were they were claiming to be CBI officers. I don't know. Either. They were original or duplicate. But they told that they got a tip that there is a drug in this classroom. So they were here to search for that drug. And then.."
"Interrogator": "okay, so didn't she try to hide the drug", "Interrogee": "I don't remember , everyone leaves the place and they're in that panic mode. I didn't saw that the she try to keep the drug at another place or not."
"Interrogator": "So where was she keeping the drug?", "Interrogee": "She used to keep the drug in the bag it's in the bag and I don't know the exactly position of the drug but she used to keep the drug in the bag"
"Interrogator": "so was it what was her body language and what was her action when she saw that there was a checking of back coming on from the CBI officers", "Interrogee": "yeah when the CBI told everyone to leave the class and then and then the girl got fear and see started panicking. But she when they the CBI officer told that everyone leave the place in that crowd she also went outside the classroom and and run away from the exam center"
"Interrogator": "so what happened after she ran away", "Interrogee": "when she ran away CBI started that searching process and then they found a drug in a bag and then firstly they asked to the crowd that whose bag this bag belongs to whom , but no one answered then they asked to the class teacher about the bag and they told that it belongs to that girl and don't exactly remember the name of that girl but and then CBI officers asked for the address of that girl and then they went there"
"Interrogator": "what did they found at her place", "Interrogee": "She was not at home and they found her brother in the in the home in the home and they asked that Where is your sister and her brother already know that she got caught she she told they told he told that I don't know I she she she she went for the examination exam and I think she was at the exam exam center and she had an exam to give. So and then her brother tried to leave the place or run away from the place but CBI officer caught the her brother and took her with with him with them."
"Interrogator": "So where did the girl run off to?", "Interrogee": "I don't know where it was not mentioned in the video that we're seeing."
"Interrogator": "So who all people know about the drug", "Interrogee": "Her brother and she and the agent whom the drug is to be delivered."
"Interrogator": "So did she tell her brother that the agent didn't come and what's she supposed to do with the drug?", "Interrogee": "She called her brother that she was running late at her in as she as an exam to give and she already waited for two to three minutes. But her brother still told that wait for some more time but she denied and leave that place immediately."
"Interrogator": "So what happened when she entered the examination center?", "Interrogee": "When she entered the examination center she she sat on the seat allotted to her"
"Interrogator": "Wasn't there any checking because usually there are checking before entering exam", "Interrogee": "I don't saw that part. I don't remember that part. I just saw that. She went in the classroom alloted to her and then she went to she sit on her place."
"Interrogator": "So the policeman killed both of them.", "Interrogee": "Yeah."
"Interrogator": "So what did the dumb man see while he was in the desert? And what was his actions after?", "Interrogee": "So the dumb man saw that there is a car coming towards him, and he thought that there must be some money and jewelry, so they can find something there."
"Interrogator": "So how did they manage to stop the car?", "Interrogee": "The dumb man threw a stone at the car, and the car met with an accident, and that's how the car stopped."
"Interrogator": "So who was in the car?", "Interrogee": "The couple were in the car."
"Interrogator": "A couple?", "Interrogee": "Yeah."
"Interrogator": "What was the condition of the couple after the car met with the accident?", "Interrogee": "When the car met with the accident, the people in the car were in an unconscious state, and the dumb man and one more man came and hit them with a stone, and killed them."
"Interrogator": "So what did they steal from here?", "Interrogee": "Yeah."
"Interrogator": "What did they steal from them?", "Interrogee": "They found jewelry, precious stones, some cash, and mobile phones, that's it."
"Interrogator": "So what happened while they were robbing or stealing from the crashed car couple?", "Interrogee": "They heard that a noise was coming from a distance, and they thought that more cars were coming, so they were in a hurry, picked all the precious things, and left the place."
"Interrogator": "So who came and where was the most coming from?", "Interrogee": "I don't know. But after some time, the police came with a bullet bike."
"Interrogator": "So how many police officers were there?", "Interrogee": "Only one."
"Interrogator": "And what did he do after seeing the crashed car?", "Interrogee": "He knew that this could be the work of the thieves of that area. And then they also knew where they could find them, so they went there."
"Interrogator": "So where did he find them?", "Interrogee": "At a homestay, and then snatched things from them and then killed them."
"Interrogator": "At their home?", "Interrogee": "There is a hotel nearby their home. So they were there, having something to eat. So the policeman went in there, found them, and killed them."
"Interrogator": "Describe the view of the hotel when the police officer arrived there.", "Interrogee": "There was a hotel, and only one man was there. And when the man was serving food to them, and they offered more money to the man, the owner of the hotel."
"Interrogator": "Okay, so what happened at the hotel? Explain.", "Interrogee": "Basically, when they reached the hotel, firstly, they asked for food, but the hotel denied them because they were not giving money for the food. But after some time, they offered more money, saying, "Give me food, I will give you this amount of money." So the hotel owner agreed to serve the food, and he served the food. And then after some time, the policeman came and then snatched both of them and killed them with the help of the hotel owner."