Pair of Utterance
"Interrogator": "Okay so tell me what was Vicky and Jorawar doing why all this was happening?", "Interrogee": "Vicky was Vicky and Jorawar was also there and Vicky came in the favor of came in the side of Billa it it was it was a plan of the trap one of the plan of the trap then Jorawar Jorawar also put the point the gun on Abhijeet."
"Interrogator": "Okay So how did Billa died?", "Interrogee": "when Billa try to attack on Abhijeet and then other honest officer of the police of the forest officer came and shoot Billa."
"Interrogator": "Why was the daughter worried and what did she tell her dad?", "Interrogee": "The Daughter was worried as there was a strange man sitting in the truck staring at their store while filling his pistol with the bullets."
"Interrogator": "What did the strange man wanted?", "Interrogee": "Stranger man was actually there for revenge, he was in jail for 30 year because some man swapped places with him at the courthouse incident that happened 30 years ago and due to which he has to live 30 years in the jail for criminal offenses."
"Interrogator": "So can you elaborate the incident like what happened and why?", "Interrogee": "The incident was that a man was being escorted by a police officer and they are going through a bus to the courthouse at the courthouse there was a bomb blast and there was Sam Murray, actual Sam Murray was there and he was injured. So the man who was being escorted takes the opportunity and he swaps place with the actual Sam Murray. And then he takes lives the life of Sam Murray and the actual Sam Murray has to be imprisoned for 30 years."
"Interrogator": "Okay, So how he swapped places", "Interrogee": "When the bomb blast happened The police officer who was escorting the man died and the fake Sam Murray takes out the handcuff keys from his pocket and he frees himself and then put the actual Sam Murray and those handcuffs. So then everyone thought that this boy was responsible for killing the police officer than they put him in the jail meaning that he was actual Sam Murray."
"Interrogator": "So their faces are same or different. How could police identify", "Interrogee": "There face was almost similar. And since the police officer was the only guy who remember the criminal, but he died. So they don't know the face of the imposter, so they assume that the man in handcuffs must be the imposter."
"Interrogator": "So they didn't have photo of fake Sam Murray? Didn't Sam Murray try to tell the police that he is not the culprit,", "Interrogee": "the man captured by the police was actual Sam Murray and the duplicate Sam Murray was living his life as an imposter as Sam Murray. So and the actual Sam Murray, tried to convince the police officer by giving different evidences that he is Sam Murray and not some criminal, but police do not pay attention to him and he was imprisoned. No"
"Interrogator": "So duplicate Sam Murray tried to pretend as actual Sam Murray.", "Interrogee": "Yes."
"Interrogator": "Why did he pretend to be Sam Murray", "Interrogee": "Because he was actually a criminal. And if he accepted his actual identity, the police will capture him and he would be in jail. Also, Sam Murray was a wealthy man's son. So by playing as an imposter, he got to inherit all the wealth,"
"Interrogator": "Who was threatening whom and what weapons were used in the process.", "Interrogee": "So the actual Sam Murray was threatening the fake Sam Murray and a pistol was used for that purpose. And yes a gunshot was also heard, his shoulder was injured. The fake Samaras shoulder was injured"
"Interrogator": "What did the stranger tell the man he would do if he lies", "Interrogee": "So, the actual Sam Murray or the stranger proposed again that if he lies, he will stab his daughter and his wife in leg once and if tells the truth he will put up a bullet in his pistol and once his pistol is full, if he's not satisfied with all the answers, he will shoot his daughter and his wife"
"Interrogator": "Who all did the man guess the stranger was?", "Interrogee": "First, the man guess that he is the man whom we sell the tractor and the tractor got snatched due to not paying the loan payments, then he assumed that he is the man whose wife he had affari then he also assumed that he was the man with whom he was involved in a hit and run case. And whom the fake Sam Murray left at the road to die during the incident. And then he actually found the identity of the man that he was the man with whom he swapped places during the courthouse incident."
"Interrogator": "Who was the man actually and what happened on the train.", "Interrogee": "So the man actually was the actual Sam Murray. And when they were coming from the train station to the courthouse, they taken a bus and they arrived at the courthouse there was a blast at the courthouse and at the courthouse they both swapped places. The fake Sam Murray was placed with the actual Sam Murray due to which Actual Sam Murray was imprisoned for 30 years for killing the police officer fake Sam Murray played his life as an imposter."
"Interrogator": "How much time did it take for the stranger to find the imposter", "Interrogee": "after completing his 30 years in prison, the stranger has taken three years to find the imposter."
"Interrogator": "Who was killed and who killed that person", "Interrogee": "So the actual Sam Murray was killed at the end and he was killed by the fake Sam Murray's daughter using a crossbow Okay,"
"Interrogator": "Describe the two people you saw in the restaurant?", "Interrogee": "So there was a black woman and a white guy. The black woman was there on a date with the white guy, and the white guy was waiting there for at least half an hour to an hour. And he was really tired of waiting, and he had multiple drinks. There were many glasses on the table when the woman arrived, and when the woman saw that the man didn't wait for her and started ordering by himself, she said, 'You do not have manners and patience.' And then she became furious and left."
"Interrogator": "Okay, so whose call did the man answer, and why was he in the house?", "Interrogee": "So the man was attending to the call of the black woman, and he was asking her to come on a date with him again at his apartment. He was saying that we can watch a movie and have drinks."
"Interrogator": "So why didn't she get suspicious when the man invited her to his apartment?", "Interrogee": "In their previous date, the man had a terrible experience with her, so she thought that the man might be trying to make up for things and get into a relationship with her, so she agreed to come."
"Interrogator": "So, is she happy with the relationship?", "Interrogee": "They were actually not in a relationship, but they were just dating, and that was their first date. So, she gave him another chance on the second date."
"Interrogator": "Okay, so did you see anyone else in the house? If yes, who was it?", "Interrogee": "So when the man was done with the call, a woman comes out of the bathroom wearing a towel on her hair. And she was the girlfriend of the white man."
"Interrogator": "Okay, so he had another girlfriend?", "Interrogee": "So he already had a girlfriend and was dating the black girl."
"Interrogator": "What happened to that man?", "Interrogee": "So when the black woman came to his home and they were both watching a movie, then suddenly the man's girlfriend came into the house. She became furious after seeing the black woman and she took out a knife. She started trying to attack the black woman, and while they were both fighting, he was stabbed by the knife by mistake."
"Interrogator": "Okay, what did the black woman do to Kiana?", "Interrogee": "So when the black man and the white woman were fighting, they accidentally stabbed the white man. They were both in shock with what they did, but the white woman still was still trying to get to the black woman. And the black woman tried to resist her, and she managed to take the knife from her. She stabbed the white woman and then she left the house."
"Interrogator": "What did you witness had happened inside of the house?", "Interrogee": "So inside the house, the black man and the white guy were watching a movie. Then they started talking about their previous date, and the black woman again became furious. She slapped the white guy. And then she was standing near the couch, then suddenly the girlfriend of the guy comes. And she became furious after seeing her man dating other girls. She took out a knife and she jumped onto the black woman. She tried to stab her, but the white woman and the black woman started fighting, and then the man was accidentally stabbed by them. They both were in shock of what had happened by mistake. And then the white woman again started to get to the black man. And then the black man managed to get the knife from the white woman's hand. And then she stabbed the white woman and she ran away from the home."
"Interrogator": "So how many died?", "Interrogee": "So the white man was injured during this time and the white woman, she was dead. She was stabbed to death."
"Interrogator": "So didn't the white man call the police?", "Interrogee": "So the white woman was not in the condition to even move, so he wasn't able to call the police."
"Interrogator": "So what happened after that?", "Interrogee": "After that, she just left to the apartment. She ran away, the black woman."
"Interrogator": "Okay, so who came at woman's house? And why was he there?", "Interrogee": "So, Ian was at the woman's house's door, and Ian was requesting the woman to give her mobile phone to him because he wanted to call the towing company."
"Interrogator": "What did the woman suggested him to do? And what was his response?", "Interrogee": "The woman suggested that she would call the towing company for him. And the man Ian restarted requesting that he needs to be present at his daughter's birthday as his wife and he has a surprise planned before her and that he has to deliver the gift that he had in his hand to his five year old."
"Interrogator": "So, who did Ian asked to dial when the woman was trying to help?", "Interrogee": "The, Ian gave the woman his wife's phone number and asked the woman to call her but but but Ian kept pursuing her to open the door and the woman agreed and opened the door to give him his to give him a phone. Ian forced him inside the house."
"Interrogator": "How did Ian manage to enter the house?", "Interrogee": "when the woman had opened the house to give him her phone Ian just to opened the door and force himself inside. And then he himself kept his gift to on the kitchen stand."
"Interrogator": "Is there anything that the woman notice about Ian?", "Interrogee": "Ian shared that he has some social anxiety problems. And then woman asked him if he has ever talked to anyone about it. So Ian was angry with that, and Ian was behaving very weirdly and suspiciously."
"Interrogator": "So what triggered Ian? Did he attack the woman?", "Interrogee": "I did not see Ian attacking the women. In fact the woman snatched Ian, snatched her phone when Ian was talking to the insurance company and then Ian followed her to the inner room."
"Interrogator": "What happened at the end?", "Interrogee": "At the end, I saw the woman eating a sandwich and I did not see Ian."
"Interrogator": "So, did Ian managed to call his wife or call for help?", "Interrogee": "Ian was about to was about to call his wife when the when the woman snatched his phone."
"Interrogator": "Okay,so what did auto driver say to the woman?", "Interrogee": "He said that why are you here? don't in this place and what you are and what the work you have can wait because it the place is not safe. The place is not safe. But he and the woman said that mind your own work and then I have someone to meet here."
"Interrogator": "This was all happening at the destination where women want?", "Interrogee": "yes"
"Interrogator": "okay, why did the auto driver return to the place where he dropped the women? And what did he see there?", "Interrogee": "when he saw that the the purse of the woman left in the taxi and so, he returned to the place to give the wallet. Sorry purse to the woman. So, then he saw that the woman is Not there and after some time he heard the Loud noise of the woman woman. So he started searching for the woman quickly but he saw that there is a blood on the floor of the building. So he got assaulted is called Cid team but after some time someone attacked him with a knife."
"Interrogator": "So why did the auto driver called Cid and what happened to him?", "Interrogee": "he saw that he heard the first he heard the noise of the noise of the woman. So he started searching for the for her quickly and he saw that the blood on the floor so he got panic and shocked and then he called CID team."
"Interrogator": "so when the CID team research the incidents for what did they see there?", "Interrogee": "These saw they saw the body of the driver and so they they started searching for for everything like phone and then anything belonging to the driver and they found that there is a sandal of a woman so they concluded that there must be a woman who was killed or raped or murdered raped that's why driver called them."
"Interrogator": "How did the driver died?", "Interrogee": "Someone attack the driver from behind and behind and killed him with a knife."
"Interrogator": "what did they initially conclude when they saw auto driver's body?", "Interrogee": "they think they initially concluded that there might be fight between the auto driver and they call they may be they may killed him."
"Interrogator": "Okay, so when they find the woman's watch, then what did Daya conclude about that incident?", "Interrogee": "It was not watch it was sandal as I was remembering. So they found a woman sandal and then they thought that there is a woman who got killed on or or raped. That's why driver called them."
"Interrogator": "Okay, so how did CID team reached karan Kiran how did CID team reached Kiran?", "Interrogee": "yeah, when they follow the instruction of the kidnapper, they reached Kiran."
"Interrogator": "Okay, describe the actions of Cid Team after they reached the incident where auto driver called them?", "Interrogee": "they thought that they thought that it was a spot where the Kiran might be may take may be taken as a hostage so they they want to get out of the car start search searching for Kiran but the gate was closed and instruction was announced that you can't get out of the car as the gate was locked and you have 20 seconds to save Kiren. So they try they're trying to get out or get out of the car. But they were unsuccessful. So Kiran got that. And then when the kiran dead died the kidnapper automatically unlock the gate of the car and then they can get out of the car and they saw their body of the Kiran."
"Interrogator": "what did they saw when they reach the crime spot?", "Interrogee": "when they reached the crime crime spot they saw the body of the kiran and they thought that might be here it is the earliest he can they can save Kiran."
"Interrogator": "How Kiran died?", "Interrogee": "Kiran it was auto. It was a like a No. Someone attacked Kiran."
"Interrogator": "How ?", "Interrogee": "with a knife and cut his hand first they they tied they they they tied Kiran on a chair and then cut his cut his Vain and gradually she started dying as a blood flowed to flow from the building sorry the flow out from the body."
"Interrogator": "okay, who came to Rana's house and what did they do?", "Interrogee": "Some goons might be four or five entered the Rana's house and they need information so they entered Rana's they start searching for Rana."
"Interrogator": "who was this goon working for?", "Interrogee": "They were working for the for a gang."
"Interrogator": "so who was Manoj and who killed him?", "Interrogee": "initially they the CID team thought that manoj is the is the kidnapper who killed Kiran but when they saw the body of the women they thought that someone else involved in this and they find that someone is outside that house and they start and he started escaping from the place but they chased him and caught him"
"Interrogator": "so who punctured the car and why?", "Interrogee": "that that man who were outside the outside the building, they he puncture the car of the CID team so that they can't chaze him."
"Interrogator": "What made the Cid conclude that Manoj was Manoj might be the culprit?", "Interrogee": "I don't know what"
"Interrogator": "Okay, and where did they found Manoj dead body?", "Interrogee": "in their house only, they found"
"Interrogator": "In Manoj's house and how did he die? Who was Firdurganchi and why the people who came to Rana's house was searching for him?", "Interrogee": "He was killed with a knife, someone someone cut cut his neck, throat and he killed he was killed. Firdurganchi was Rana Rana's brother who had all the information about the about the drug and the and the people who were working for them so they want to find Firdurganchi. who was Rana? Rana was one of the member of the of the drug cartel business and but he but he wanted to escape and he wanted to get out of all these and wants to live a normal life so that's him but the other member didn't want so that's why the goons came and asked what what all the information that they have."
"Interrogator": "So was Rana alive or he died?", "Interrogee": "I don't know what they did with their Rana."
"Interrogator": "So Who Tell us all who have died during all this And how did they die?", "Interrogee": "Anjali, who has died with a kidnapper who attacked who cut up cut the vein of the Anjali and casually hit she died and Manoj who also died and the same kidnapper killed Manoj and cut his foot with a knife. So there were two members total"
"Interrogator": "So what happened with Haz in his cell while all others were praying?", "Interrogee": "While Haz was in his cell, some men entered the room and took him to another room. They first beat him, then placed a bag full of rats over his head and closed his mouth so that the rats could eat his face. Afterwards, they tied him to a chair and subjected him to various forms of torture, such as plucking his nails and slicing him."
"Interrogator": "Who were the men who entered Haz's cell and why did they behave like that with him?", "Interrogee": "They were the men of the jailer, sent to threaten Haz. The jailer wanted Haz to confess to crimes committed during their governance and use those statements as evidence."
"Interrogator": "So Haz was also the jailer?", "Interrogee": "Yes, Haz was the jailer when the Libyan government was in power. However, the Libyan rebel army had since taken over."
"Interrogator": "Why did the current jailer send men to harm him?", "Interrogee": "The current jailer sent the men to threaten Haz into confessing to crimes committed during their time in power."
"Interrogator": "So Haz is already in jail, probably having been sentenced. Why?", "Interrogee": "Politics are involved, and the jailer wanted Haz to confess to crimes for political reasons. And Haz was on trial andhe was in prison, but he was on trail"
"Interrogator": "okay, he was on trial", "Interrogee": "yes."
"Interrogator": "Why was the person in the white shirt in Haz office,", "Interrogee": "The person in the white shirt, he was the current jailer. He was there to talk with Haz during his prison time, which occurred after some prisoners hanged two prison guards and took three prison guards as hostages at gunpoint. He was there to negotiate with Haz, urging him to admit to all that had happened in the past and suggesting they should leave it behind and call it peace. He promised to convince the men responsible for the act to ensure their safety."
"Interrogator": "what condition did the person in the white shirt put in front of Haz and what was Haz response", "Interrogee": "He was saying that there is no mode of entertainment in the prison, and they must introduce games and other forms of entertainment. He demanded improvements in food and other facilities, suggesting the introduction of a swimming pool and other luxurious amenities. Haz's response was that this is a prison, not your home, and he will do as he pleases, as he is the ruler of this prison."
"Interrogator": "So Haz demanded these facilities?", "Interrogee": "No, the jailer demanded them from Haz, when Haz was the jailor"
"Interrogator": "okay, so then didn't they provide the facilities to them?", "Interrogee": "Haz neglected all the demands and said that taking some prison soldiers as hostage will not give you free pass to demand anything."
"Interrogator": "So why the current jailor demanded all these things with Haz, when he was Jailor", "Interrogee": "so they might have wanted to enjoy things, it was not clearly mentioned why he was demanding such things"
"Interrogator": "What did Haz demand to resolve the conflict and what did the man in the white shirt wanted?", "Interrogee": "Haz offered to release the hostages in exchange for their safety. The jailer continued to make demands, and negotiations failed."
"Interrogator": "And what was the case of the man in white shirt", "Interrogee": "The man in the white shirt was charged with mass prostitution, hate speech, and unethical behavior, as stated by Haz during their conversation."
"Interrogator": "Who mentioned all the charges?", "Interrogee": "Haz mentioned all these charges when he was in conversation with the man in the white shirt. He said, "You have no right to sit on equal footing with me, and you are there with these charges.""
"Interrogator": "So, when Haz was jailor he told the White shirt Man, all these things that you are not fit for this role jailor.", "Interrogee": "No, while the man in the white shirt was there to negotiate about the hostages, Haz said all these points."
"Interrogator": "Describe the living condition of the prison", "Interrogee": "The living conditions of the prison were fairly good. The food was proper, and there were meal trays provided. There were proper seating spots, and there was also an entertainment complex with games and other amenities. Additionally, there was a strict rule requiring every prisoner to work at least four hours a day. Furthermore, there was a library available for studying."
"Interrogator": "What did Haz whisper in the ear of the man in the white shirt", "Interrogee": "Haz said to the man in the white shirt, "You have crossed all your limits by making such rash demands. I am acting nice here. If it were in my hand, I would have killed all your men and you on the spot. I wouldn't be negotiating with you at all.""
"Interrogator": "What happened after all the prisoners were gathered in the ground.", "Interrogee": "After all the prisoners were gathered, a trampoline-like roof ceiling was placed over the entire ground. The entire area was then covered with this ceiling, and subsequently, poison gas was released onto the ground. This gas resulted in the death of all the men."
"Interrogator": "Describe what you saw in the room where the hostages was hold.", "Interrogee": "There were two hanging corpses of the soldiers, prison guards, and three hostages. Two of the hostages were on their knees, and one was by the wall with his hand on his stomach where he was shot. There was blood all around them."
"Interrogator": "So who had attack the prisioners on the guard.", "Interrogee": "There were two prisoners who were rebelling against the prison. They were responsible for all these acts."
"Interrogator": "Okay. Why was Duplo angry with his brother in the car?", "Interrogee": "He was angry because during their heist, his brother killed the daughter of another gang leader and also revealed his face, which was against their plan."
"Interrogator": "Okay, why did Duplo's brother kill the girl from the other gang?", "Interrogee": "It happened in the heat of the moment during the crossfire between the two gangs. One of the shots hit the girl, resulting in her death."
"Interrogator": "Okay, where did Duplo and his brother go after the fight?", "Interrogee": "After the altercation, they stole a truck from the other gang and returned to their base in an old factory."
"Interrogator": "Okay, what did Duplo and his brother observe when they entered the factory?", "Interrogee": "Upon entering the old factory, they saw two bald men and a man whose upper body was naked, with both hands chained to the wall. The bald men were brutally beating him."
"Interrogator": "Okay, can you describe the two men present in the factory?", "Interrogee": "They were both bald and wearing black jackets."
"Interrogator": "Okay, so did they have any conversation? Did Duplo and his brother converse with the two bald men?", "Interrogee": "Yes, they had a conversation. The bald men talked about how successful the heist was but didn't mention how the daughter of the other gang leader died. They expressed their approval of Duplo's brother and considered making him a permanent member of their team."
"Interrogator": "So, the two bald men they met in the factory were also rivals of the gang to which they belonged?", "Interrogee": "The two bald men they met in the factory were actually the bosses of Duplo and his brother."
"Interrogator": "Okay. So what happened when Duplo and his brother met the two bald men in the factory, and can you also describe the conversation between them?", "Interrogee": "When they met the two bald men, they handed over the bag of drugs to them. One of the bald men checked the drugs, and then the other bald man started talking to both the boys. He mentioned that they were doing a good job and expressed the intention to make Duplo's brother a permanent member of the gang. Then, the other bald man informed Duplo and his brother that the daughter of another gang leader had been killed, and Duplo's brother's face had been identified."
"Interrogator": "Okay. How did the men react when they were told that Duplo's brother's face had been revealed?", "Interrogee": "They already knew that his face had been identified but were trying to conceal the fact. When the bald man mentioned it, they offered alternative solutions, suggesting that they would leave the area and never disclose their identities. Duplo offered to protect his brother, ensuring that no harm would come to him. However, the old man rejected these offers, firing shots in the air and threatening to kill Duplo and his brother. The other bald man then aimed his gun at Duplo's brother's head, prompting Duplo to leave."
"Interrogator": "Was Duplo's brother killed by the two men?", "Interrogee": "No, he wasn't killed. After Duplo left, he returned to the factory and shot both bald men. Then, Duplo's brother shot Duplo and took the money from his pocket before leaving."
"Interrogator": "Okay, so Duplo's brother shot Duplo?", "Interrogee": "Yes, he shot him. When he left, Duplo was alive but bleeding. Duplo's brother shot him."
"Interrogator": "Were the bald men dead?", "Interrogee": "Yes, they were. They died."
"Interrogator": "Okay, can you repeat the offer given by the bald man to Duplo and what Duplo insisted on doing?", "Interrogee": "So the bald man offered Duplo two options: either leave right away, or he would kill both Duplo and his brother. Duplo insisted on protecting his brother, proposing that his brother would leave the area and never disclose anything about them. In return, they were willing to give money and perform free jobs for the bald man. However, the bald man rejected this offer and fired multiple shots near Duplo's leg, ordering him to run away immediately."
"Interrogator": "How did the bald man react to it?", "Interrogee": "So the bald man refuse all the offer and he just shot multiple times near the leg on the ground near the Leg of Duplo and said that you should run away right now."
"Interrogator": "What did Duplo do after leaving the factory?", "Interrogee": "After leaving the factory, Duplo took out his gun and returned to the factory. He started shooting at the bald men, ultimately killing both of them."
"Interrogator": "Where did Duplo's brother go after hitting Duplo?", "Interrogee": "After hitting Duplo, Duplo's brother left the factory and called someone, telling them that he had obtained a large sum of money. He mentioned that he was heading to the casino to gamble."
"Interrogator": "Where did Duplo's brother get the money from?", "Interrogee": "He took the money from the pockets of the bald men and Duplo."
"Interrogator": "What was in the bag that Duplo was carrying?", "Interrogee": "The bag contained drugs that they had stolen from the other gang members."
"Interrogator": "Didn't Duplo's brother steal the bag from Duplo", "Interrogee": "no the bag was before all this happened. The bag was sent to some car that was outside the factory and it was sent somewhere else."
"Interrogator": "Do you know Larry?", "Interrogee": "Yes, Larry was the person from whom Duplo was acquiring guns for a job."
"Interrogator": "So why was Duplo at Larry's house?", "Interrogee": "Duplo was at Larry's house to obtain guns for a significant job that he had planned."
"Interrogator": "Then who came to Larry's place and what happened?", "Interrogee": "So, at Larry's place, while Duplo was leaving, Duplo's brother arrived. He said, "You are going to do a big consignment today, and I will be your partner." Our boss, the old man, said, "So said me to do so.""