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Company chooses not to provide a public response | My wife and I contracted with a real estate agent for a short sale of our home. We notified all lenders, yet the XXXX lender required repeats on many of our documents, claiming they were unreadable or expired. Finally we were told all of our documents had been referred to the committee. After a months wait we were told they did n't have our real estate agent 's email correctly and our file was now paused. Documents were unreadable or expired. We are in our XXXX extension -- expiring at XX/XX/XXXX -- with a viable buyer because of this process.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I am a Bank of America depositor with investments via their Merrill XXXX program. My wife is a joint acct holder on the BoA accts and has an IRA via Merrill as do I. BoA offers a Preferred Awards program for their depositors, which earn rewards at different levels for the different accts and amount on deposit, Gold= $ 20-50K, Platinum= $ 51-100K. etc. ALL of their published literature says the amount calculated is the COMBINED AMOUNT OF ALL ACCOUNTS, ON DEPOSIT WITH BOA AND MERRILL.
Our joint check and MM savings totals avg ( 90days ) $ 25K, JOINT IRA= $ 3K, My IRA= $ 17K, my spouse= $ 38K, ALL of this totals over $ 51K, making us eligible for the $ 50K, or Platinum Tier level rewards. BoA says, not so, I am enrolled in Gold and My spouse is enrolled in Platinum as HER balances, ( which include our Joint Acct ) exceeds $ 51K, but mine do not. And HER Debit card earns rewards at XXXX level and Mine earns at a lower level ( rewards ) The BoA rep says accts can not be combined and ONLY Individual accts count! That is NOT what is published.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | My name is XXXX XXXX and since 2004 I have been paying {$190.00} per month on a loan amount of {$10000.00} to, XXXX XXXX, but now to Springleaf Financial.
My Annual Percentage Rate ( APR ) is 15.99 %. My Account # XXXX presently only allows me to make an ACH loan repayment monthly in the amount of {$190.00} on the XXXX of each month from my XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX checking account. Now I have been informed by Springleaf Financial that my : * Credit Limit is $ 0.00* Available Credit is {$0.00}.
When I originally set up this loan, I was provided checks to write against my " Available Credit '' and make purchases accordingly. Up until Fall 2014 that was still the case. Now I am not able to write any checks or requests any monies against my " Credit Line ''. I was told by a Springleaf Representative that this was caused by my poor credit rating and my inability to make minimum payments to my other credit cards in which I have gotten behind on, by not making timely payments.
My complaint is that I have made on time monthly loan repayments to Springleaf Financial over the years and that I should not be penalized by Springleaf for my inconsistent credit card payments with other companies.
Also, if I do not have a credit line that I may access and I am not allowed to re-negotiate the terms of my loan, then I asking CFPB to give me some guidance and a way-forward out of this non-benificial loan for me.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | Bank of America has no concern for their customers and consistently exhibits horrible customer service.
Today I needed assistance and got unsatisfactory results from : * The website ( due to a poorly-designed customer interface ) * The phone system ( hung up on me ) * An in-person branch visit ( computers were down ; gave me bad information on how to solve my problem ) * The online app ( ca n't fix the problem from there although I was told I could ) * Technical support ( went out of their way to blame me for the problem ) * When I called customer support, my call could not be elevated any further because 'management is on the phone'These are some of the lies Bank of America told me along the way : * " We are committed to excellent customer service '' * " Your time is precious '' Clearly Bank of America has stopped caring about performing competently or looking after their customers. I am lodging this complaint with the CFPB in hopes that Bank of America might listen to them ( they certainly are n't listening to me ).
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I submitted XXXX verifications of debit request to debt collector without a response. They are still reporting to Credit Agencies and I have submitted claims to those agencies. XXXX is investigating the claim at this time. The other XXXX agencies has removed the claim. I would like the agency to remove the debt and to cease and desist all collection activity on this debt as it has not been validated. Remove all remarks from credit reporting agencies.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | Experian has denied me online access to my credit report despite an adverse action against me on XXXX/XXXX/2015. They advised I am " locked out of their system '' even though I am able to confirm that all my identifying information matches what they are reporting. They were unable to provide an explanation as to why I am locked of their system and were unwilling to provide me with my own credit report number. I asked to speak to their escalation department and spoke to a supervisor who also advised she was not able to tell my why I was denied online access. I am XXXX at a business and if I refused to provide my clients with their own proprietary/personal identifying information or was unable to tell them why, my company would no longer be in business.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I had an account with fifth third bank that I had not used in over a year. There was a single deduction still being made from the account that I was unaware of. I was notified by an automated phone call that there was a problem with my account which prompted me to call the bank. Upon making this call I learned that there was an over draft ; informing me that the account -- that I thought was inactive -- was actually still being debited. I asked the individual how I could bring the account current ; the option of just paying the debt via a credit card ( which I later found out would have been an option ) was not offered. He offered no solution other than for the company to whom the payment was made to refund the money to the bank. I have never received any mailings regarding the account being delinquent or overdrawn from XXXX bank. I did, however, receive a mailing from XXXX XXXX collections agency to my correct and current address which they stated was obtained from fifth third bank. I am curious as to why the bank did not send me any notification of the accounts status or its pending transfer to a collections agency. I have subsequently paid off this debt in full to the collections agency but am unhappy that a customer of any bank could be sent to collections without proper notification ; particularly after I had reached out to them to correct the problem. It is also interesting that the collections agency actually obtained my address from XXXX bank per their employee ( name and employee number in my possession ). And, to boot, the account could have simply been brought current and closed over the phone avoiding all of the hassles and headaches thus far.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | Collection Agency Abuse of Powers.
Capital Collections has reported XXXX collection of medical co-payment and both the payments were made in full on XX/XX/XXXX, immediately when I was notified. ( Account # XXXX and XXXX ) Recently, ( XX/XX/XXXX ) I had contacted Capital Collections requesting to delete the collections from the report since, this something that happened due to my unawareness and payment was made immediately when we were notified. I am in the process of buying a home and I spoke to Manager, XXXX XXXX at Capital Collection, he was intimidating and refuses to delete an account that is paid in full 5 years back. This was minor amount my medical co-payments. XXXX XXXX was rude, intimidating and threatening in his tone and cuts telephone during conversations. I have attempted to speak with him several occasions. This is absolutely abusive of power. We have many agencies that are deleting minor accounts that has less amounts and are paid in full. XXXX XXXX representing Capital Collections did not exhibit any behaviors in line with federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. I need help and hence reporting.
Sincerely, XXXX
Company believes the complaint is the result of a misunderstanding | I have a loan with New American Funding with a first payment due on XXXX XXXX 2015 and payable by no later than XXXX XXXX, 2015 to avoid a late fee charge. I checked with the company to be sure that I could submit advance checks for the mortgage amount to be credited each month and NOT TO BE CHARGED AS A LUMP SUM PAYMENT REDUCING THE PRINCIPAL. I was told I could do this and was given instructions on how to ensure the transactions occurred as I wanted. On XXXX XXXX, I mailed XXXX individual checks for each month : XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX with a memo on each check for the appropriate individual month 's payment. I sent a letter of explanation ; reiterating my conversation with the NAF rep. On XXXX XXXX I noticed the XXXX payment was not entered on line. I called on XXXX. XXXX and was told that due to the new payment system NAF " is at least 10 days behind posting and my payment should be posted Thursday and there would be no late charge even though the posting date would be real time. On XXXX XXXX I checked my bank statement and there is a transaction for each month 's check reducing my bank balance. On XXXX XXXX I called and was told that the corrections would be made within 7 days per the instructions I had originally submitted -- that there was an indication of a " notation in the system '' but it is not clear what it is - that the problems with their payment system are now corrected. I asked when would the corrections be made and she said she would call me to confirm the transactions have been corrected. I am skeptical because my instructions were clearly understood from the beginning ( or I was made to understand so ) and it appears they were ignored. I want to be sure the corrections are made, my instructions are followed as indicated in my letter to them and my follow up telephone conversations, that my bank account is reimbursed for the funds taken for XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, and XXXX. I do n't know what benefit resolution could accrue to be because they have debited by account 15 days prior to the XXXX mortgage due date, but if there is any I would like to know. If there is little or nothing in that regard, I will settle for the amount of the check for the XXXX 2015 mortgage due to be properly processed as requested and that New American Funding ensure that this problem is fixed and no customer has to endure this kind of stress of ineptness in the future ; especially when so much is done up front to avoid problems and confusion. ( See uploaded documents for details of this matter. )
Company chooses not to provide a public response | XXXX/XXXX/XXXX we obtained a home mortgage from BofA. We made 100 % of our payments on time or early. Many months we paid extra. We mailed our payments with BofA provided stubs in BofA provided envelopes. In XXXX My husbands business failed and since we were personal guarantors, we filed for bankruptcy to get out of all business debt. Our attorney contacted BofA and the XXXX to let them know that we would honor all personal debt. XXXX sent through the paperwork, BofA did n't. Instead of sending though the proper paperwork, BofA quickly changed our mortgage from XXXX that would go through a bankruptcy to XXXX that would not. Unaware of the account change we continued mailing in our checks to BofA. BofA cashed those checks every month, but failed to credit them to our account. XXXX of XXXX. BofA reported us as being 3 months delinquent to the credit bureaus and began foreclosure proceedings. I only found out about it because I was getting a years worth of free credit monitoring because my financial information had been compromised through a stolen lap top from XXXX. I made XXXX calls to BofA to try and work things out. I sent them the copies of the checks they had cashed ( ironically which included the new mortgage account number stamped on the back ) to prove to them that I had made the payments. In XXXX XXXX they decided to credit my account, but only late and all on the same day - making it look like I had sent in the checks all at once and late. After XXXX more months of getting no where with BofA, I finally filed a complaint with the XXXX and only after XXXX got involved did BofA finally credited the checks on the proper dates for the proper amounts. Then they started sending requests for payment from XXXX different branches. Another mess which required cleaning up They failed to correct their fraudulently filed report of delinquency on my Credit Bureau report though. We continued to make our monthly mortgage payments and sent them in early with extra towards the principal every month. BofA refused to reversed their delinquency report on our mortgage stating it was discharged in bankruptcy. We told them repeatedly that we had requested to get the paper work but that they had refused. They had change our mortgage from XXXX that would go through a bankruptcy to XXXX that would not. We battled BofA for years on this issue. They said if we had asked during that 45 day window they would have. An out right lie since BofA changed our mortgage account without telling us. So the Credit bureaus erroneously reported that we had been delinquent on our mortgage and that because our mortgage had been discharged in bankruptcy we did not even have XXXX. The more we talked to BofA, the more they eventually revealed to us about what they had deliberately done to hurt us - all too late for us to do anything about because we were beyond windows of time for remedy. They were impossible to deal with, so we refinanced our home in XXXX XXXX with XXXX XXXX. They supposedly delinquent loan - we were never late and we always paid the amount that was due and usually extra towards the principal and the mortgage has been paid in full. Today I applied for a credit card, only to be turned down because of this " delinquency. '' I was not EVER delinquent. How many times do I have to prove it to BofA? They refused to remedy because they alleged we did n't do thing on a certain time frame. What they did n't tell us, was that they were deliberately lying to us so as to make us miss those windows and then after it was too late for us to correct anything they told us the truth. If anyone has been through a bankruptcy, it is a difficult time, but to have BofA deliberately lie and commit outright fraud is an outrage. BofA is a company I will NEVER do business with again. There is no level to which they will not stoop to hurt and destroy consumers.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | This company continues to report on my credit report after I sent them a letter telling them that this account was not mine and I have no idea what it is or who it belongs to!
I asked for proof of a signed contract, I asked for a license to collect in my state, I asked for copies of all information referenced for this debt and still to date, I have not received anything but harassment from this company!
Company chooses not to provide a public response | On XXXX XXXX, I paid my mortgage to Bank of America using my Bank of America phone app ( they way I always make my mortgage payment ). At that point it was XXXX days past due. We 've been struggling to make our mortgage payment and are finally in the process of selling our home. On XXXX XXXX, I received the payment back in my checking account and called Bank of America to discuss it. I was told that since we were now XXXX days past due they were initiating foreclosure on our home and the only option for us was modification at this point. No one would discuss the payment, they would only let us talk to our account representative, XXXX. XXXX, by the way, has been completely professional and empathetic through this process, but there was nothing she could to to resolve our foreclosure issue. Again, we 're in the process of selling the property but since it 's technically in foreclosure, I 'm afraid that pulling a payoff or even discussing the final payoff amount is going to be troublesome.
Company disputes the facts presented in the complaint | I have been attempting to make payments to my private loans with Sallie Mae since XXXX/XXXX/XX/XX/XXXX and in each instance the payment I had submitted has been reversed, therefore incomplete. the total payment amounts have been amassing to ridiculous totals since no payments have been processed by Sallie Mae, and because of this, in XXXX XX/XX/XXXX I was forced into forbearance as this was the only solution they could offer me. Now, in XXXX XX/XX/XXXX I am STILL experiencing the same issue after many hours spent dealing with Sallie Mae customer service and reaching no solution. I do not wish to enter forbearance again, I simply wish to be able to make my payments in good faith as I have been trying to do so for quite some time. My interest continues to increase while Sallie Mae can not resolve the issue. Insufficient funds on the payment card is NOT the reason for this. I am a military wife living overseas with my husband and I can not afford to pay thousands of dollars towards my loans each month with building interest because Sallie Mae is unfit to handle and process my loans on time.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I had a Bank of America credit card for about 10 years. The account is now closed and the balance is XXXX. The credit reporting agencies are reporting different information about the account. XXXX reports a 30-day late payment in XXXX 2011 but on time payment in XXXX. XXXX reports a 30-day late payment in XXXX 2011, but an on-time payment in XXXX 2011. I have written to BOA XXXX times to try and resolve this, have submitted inquiries to XXXX and XXXX. No results. Somebody has it wrong -- I want BOA to stop reporting the account altogether since they ca n't get their records straight.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I have written the credit reporting agenecies XXXX and XXXX numerous times in the past serveral months about a company reporting a debt on my file from XXXX XXXX that sent me a letter stating and i quote as it states in the letter " To XXXX XXXX the purpose of this letter is to advise you that XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX has closed the above referenced account and will no longer be collecting on this account including account from original creditor XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX You have no further financial obligation regarding this account. '' It further states that all credit bureaus have been notified ( ExperianXXXX, and XXXX ) to remove this item and correct this from your credit report. I immediately contacted the credit bureaus and they have refused to remove items as directed by the creditor as of yet. As this has brought down my credit score drastically being it was a collection acct.and caused me to to be unable to get loans for cars, mortgages, ect. I demand that you inform these companies of the fact that this needs to be removed immediately.I have an open litigation against XXXX in Civil Court that is pending as of now, as they have refused to remove another XXXX of the accts. on my file XXXX Bank bank loan that has been placed on my credit file that is not mine, they have been asked to removed numerous times and have refused. These companies have cost me thousands of dollars from getting loans ect.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I have a Bank of America XXXX XXXX Credit card ... .they had a 5 % cash back promotion which I registered for for purchases made thru XXXX XXXX, 2014. The ad said 5 % cash back on purchases made at qualifying book, toy, electronics, sporting goods and department stores. I made a purchase at XXXX XXXX XXXX -a dep't store in XX/XX/2014.
I have not received the rebate ... I called the bank 's credit card 's phone # and the agent told me that the reason was that XXXX XXXX XXXX is n't on their qualifying list ... it is considered a " high-end '' retailer unlike stores like XXXX XXXX or XXXX XXXX.
I believe that this is false advertising ... had I known that this was an unqualifying store, I would have used XXXX of my mileage cards instead!
The purchase was for some {$110.00} so the cash back would have been about {$5.00} ... but that is n't the point ... .this bank to me, has falsely advertised it 's promotion!!!
Company chooses not to provide a public response | Thanks for your assistance. I was billed for a medical task that my insurance stated I am not responsible for. I called XXXX and spoke to them about this, and provided the documentation from my insurance company. This was ignored and I was billed and then reported for non-payment.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | We have a loan through B of A ( Bank of America ) already. We received in the mail from them a letter stating that the interest rates have come down and that we could go from a FHA loan that has PMI on it to a conventional loan at the lower interest rate and save approximately {$450.00} a month on our mortgage. We started the process and everything was going fine until the Bank wanted to see EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING that we paid out for utilities, gas, food, internet services, Cable, who we paid and how much and why. When they asked for seeing if we had bank accounts, I sent them the information on the first page of the bank statement which showed deposits, withdrawals and daily balance, which should be enough. But no, that was not enough! They wanted to see how much we paid and to whom and why including my canceled checks. I 'm sorry but that is an invasion of privacy. NO BANK NEEDS TO KNOW WHO AND HOW MUCH I PAY TO ANYONE!!! IT IS NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS!!! When I questioned that I was told that it is the law. When I asked them for the law so I could look it up and read it, the Bank could NOT provide me with that information. So I did my own research, made several calls, including to XXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX, XXXX to several agencies there, and no one had heard of this law. I did find a FEDERAL " GUIDELINE '' that is used, but it is only a " guideline '' not a " law ''. No where in that guideline does it state that the bank has the right to see who and how much I pay every month to anyone. The guideline is found in the Federal Code of Regulations Title 12 section 226 Subpart E in the paragraph 226.34 ( A ) The only thing it states is to verify amounts of income or assets which by providing W-2 's, pay stubs from employers and XXXX info should be enough. When the Bank wanted to see our checking account I was told it was to verify we had a checking account so I sent the front page that had deposit/withdrawal/daily balance and that should have been sufficient. Then I get the phone call back stating no that is not enough the bank needs to make sure we can pay them and the bank needs to see how much we spend on our bills every month. THAT IS NONE OF THE BANKS BUSINESS how much I spend every month!!!!! When I sent them all the pages of my bank statement, which included the copies of my canceled checks they wanted to see, with the amounts and who I paid blacked out the Bank stated that was unacceptable and they needed to see everything. When I told them it was none of their business I was again told that the under writers need to see who and how much I pay and again was told it was the law. When I told them it was only a guideline and quoted the Federal Regulation, they stated they still need that information to prove I can pay back my bills including the mortgage. When I told them I was not going to send them the amounts and who I paid the bank stated then we ca n't do business with you and canceled my loan application. A few days later I received a letter from them stating it was I that canceled my loan application not them. I could see if we already did n't have a loan with B of A, however, we have had this loan with them for 5 yrs and had an opportunity to get a lower interest rate and get rid of the PMI on the loan to save us about {$450.00} a month on our current mortgage payment. I fail to understand how a banking institution can manipulate words to fit whatever they feel they want to see in the personal lives of people when it really is none of their business. Their actions has made us wonder how many other people this has happened to and if other banks are doing the same thing. IT IS AN INVASION OF PRIVACY no bank should have any business knowing for a loan, especially when you provide W-2 pay stubs retirement account information etc.
Company believes the complaint is the result of a misunderstanding | A man named XXXX said that he was a legal courier for XXXX and XXXX XXXX and he was going to attempt to deliver legal papers to my door and place of employment he left me a number to call to stop this effort XXXX when I called that number I spoke to a man name was undisclosed he had the last XXXX of my social security number he did not read me the mini Miranda when I asked him if the call was recorded he said we do not record our calls mop also informed me that I am not being sued and his company 's name is ADR processing I told him that I will not be paying this debt because I have not had any contact via mail and to many scam agencies out there
Company chooses not to provide a public response | In XX/XX/XXXX, I received an email from " Bank of America on Line '' stating that my XXXX mortgage payment was not received. My home mortgage was closed/paid on XXXX. There were no accounts existing in XXXX with BofA. When I called BofA Mtg customer service I was told that I would have to contact " BofA on Line '' since that was different than BofA XXXX XXXX. I asked the customer service agent to correct the records, but they refused. Checking my annual credit report in XXXX on the web, I found that there was a 30 day delinquent record for XX/XX/XXXX thru BofA. I then went to a local BofA branch to process a request to correct the records. The branch did so and gave me a case # of XXXX. I was contacted by an agent from BofA the next day who again told me to email BofA on Line. They did acknowledge the mtg was paid on XXXX XXXX, however, but again would not correct the issue on their end. It is apparent that the " on Line '' entity has the ability to post incorrect data for BofA Mtg, but BofA Mtg. is not responsible!!
Company chooses not to provide a public response | Our auto loan company, Regional Acceptance Corporation, calls us XXXX times per day. They also call our work and they 've been told not to. We set up payment arrangements with them but they continue to call. I also told them I work XXXX shift and sleep during the day. They usually start calling around XXXX I will attach the letter I wrote to them this morning that specifies more details.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | Iowa Student Loans, now Aspire, has consistently called us and our daughter regarding her outstanding loan from XXXX College. As was necessary, she obtained several loans over the period of four years. As her parents, we co-signed her loans. After college we made repeated attempts to consolidate her loans. The response was " not possible ''. The result was XXXX loans, each due on different time of the month, all accruing interest. We attempted to set up a regular schedule, and, new to the workforce, she did her best to meet the loan payments. We helped as we could to offset the payments. Since 2004, we have consistently received letters and harsh, demanding phonecalls, sometimes threatening, even though we know the amount was regularly late, but paid in accordance with her and our pay checks. Had we known a student loan from Iowa Student Loans, now Aspire would be so physiologically demanding, we would never have used them. Even the credit card companies have been willing to work with us on consolidating and paying off a card. We have attempted numerous times to talk with the Iowa Student Loans, now Aspire to consolidate and make it easier for our daughter, and now us, to repay the loans. They are unrelenting, offering no options and constantly sending letters and telephone calls. We know the loans are being paid, however, if they are off by only a few days, even due to holidays, the phone calls and cautionary letters arrive. We have come to simply tossing the letters and hanging up on the calls. There seems to be no solution outside of obtaining a high interest private loan to get them off our back. That is not fair to the intent of education. Something must be done.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I found a ding on my credit report from this company and have NEVER received a bill or any other communication from this debt collector.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | The mortgage lender, Pennymac Loan Services LLC has taken the following steps to ensure that they can file for foreclosure against me:1. They paid past due taxes on the property, to open up an escrow account and increase my mortgage. This was unnecessary, as the home was not under any tax lien, nor in danger of any tax liens with the city of XXXX, NJ. I was making payments quarterly to the city of XXXX. The city was aware that I was behind the taxes and only required me to pay a certain amount before the end of the year, to stay out of danger of a tax lien. I was ready to pay the requested tax amount to the city of XXXX, but the mortgage company intervened, requesting the past due tax in full or no payment at all.
2. After paying the tax bill, that they did not need to pay, the lender opened an Escrow account, to cover the taxes. The lender subsequently increased my mortgage payments from {$1600.00} to {$3200.00} per month.
3. The lender made the payment on the taxes on XXXX/XXXX/XX/XX/XXXX, but retroactively increased the past due mortgage payment for the month of XXXX/XXXXXX/XX/XXXX from {$1600.00} to {$3200.00} and retroactively increased the past due mortgage payment for the month of XXXX/XXXXXX/XX/XXXX from {$1600.00} to {$3200.00}. How can the mortgage owed for the month of XXXX/XXXX/XX/XX/XXXX and XXXX/XXXX/XX/XX/XXXX increase when the Escrow account was opened after these dates? What is to prevent the lender from retroactively increasing the mortgage payments for all the months of the entire year of XX/XX/XXXX or previous years?
4. The payment that I sent to cover the XXXX/XXXX/XX/XX/XXXX and XXXX/XXXXXX/XX/XXXX was only applied to XXXX/XXXXXX/XX/XXXX. The mortgage lender increased the past due amount of XXXX/XXXX/XX/XX/XXXX from {$1600.00} to {$3200.00}, after I sent my payment. I did not sent enough to cover the new past due amount for XXXX/XXXXXX/XX/XXXX. Instead of applying a partial payment to XXXX/XXXX/XX/XX/XXXX the mortgage lender applied all the money left from my payment to the Escrow account, without my knowledge. By doing this the lender put me over XXXX days delinquent on the loan.
5. It is now XXXX XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX and I have not received my statement for the month of XXXX XX/XX/XXXX The lender does not send mortgage statements in a timely manner. I fear if I make a payment for the incorrect amount, it will be applied to the Escrow account, instead of the mortgage, which will place me further behind on my mortgage payments.
6. I am a XXXX, female, senior citizen and I believe the mortgage lender is targeting me because I am in a vulnerable position and I can not afford to defend myself against their predatory methods.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | We are having communication problems with BB & T Mortgage, we were hoping you could intervene and get them to help us get our mortgage back on track. We have tried to work with their representatives to obtain a modification on our loan, but they have not responded to our petition. They set us up on a forbearance plan, which we complied to the last payment of the agreement, in the intent for BB & T set us up on a loan modification plan.
They are either purposely trying to take our home away or have a very dysfunctional process. Either way, we would like for you to look into what they are doing so we can get our loan payments back on track and keep our home. We have had some financial challenges, due to unemployment and delicate surgery. This is what caused for us to fall behind the loss of income, and the recovery time of my surgery.
The good news is we are all back on our feet.. Our financial problems were due to inconsistent income and some unfortunate events as described above. We were forced to temporary discontinue making our mortgage payments. Without our income we fell into a financial chasm, but we tried to keep up with the mortgage payments for as long as we could. Ultimately we fell behind on our payments, what we want is to resume making our mortgage payments. Every other creditor that we contacted was very understanding and worked with me through our temporary financial and health crises, but BB & T Mortgage is refusing to come to the table with any tangible solution for assistance. During all of this we have tried and complied with BB & T Mortgage to get some help with our mortgage, buy agreeing with the forbearance plan but they wo n't listen and have denied me access to government homeowner assistance programs. No matter how many times we have contacted them, it has been a futile effort. We have not had a single point of contact nor have they offered any sort of assistance or repayment plan to get our payments on track. They insist that we pay our entire past due amount, but this is impossible and we are left with no options because they will not work with me. We have been given the runaround by them and just feel they are acting as judge, jury and executioner regarding our options without fairly reviewing our financial circumstances. If we truly can not afford our home, then we will move, but we believe that our loan fits squarely within government guidelines. We are hoping you could reach out to them on our behalf so we can save our home from an impending foreclosure sale.
What we want : We simply want a review of our mortgage for all available retention options so that we can keep our home. We do not need a handout or be given something we do n't deserve, but we want the opportunity to be treated fairly. Our financial future looks bright and we will not have any financial issues moving forward if we can get this resolved reasonably. Thank you in advance for any help you could provide.
SincerelyXXXX XXXX
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | For CFPB & PayPal Inc, Thank you for deciding to read this message to help me out in regards to a indefinite suspension which was Issued on my servicing account with PayPal.
On XXXX XXXX, PayPal decided to manually overview my account and believed it was best to finalize my partnership. This was due to a possible violation which may have happened on my account. The permanent restriction was placed on my account causing {$1000.00} to be held at my expense.
The concern was that I was believed to infringe the rights of copyright holders when processing my sales with PayPal. After contacting agents to overlook the decision by phone and email, my request was denied.
The reason being is that the items I sell are not fake. They are legally obtained through liquidations. I have been selling for over 5 years now, never having a problem with any brand owners regarding copyright infringement. We have now started drop shipping from our exporter for Almost two years with PayPal, coming to around XXXX satisfied eBay customers due to our exporters expertise in shipping within handling time, while providing items that are known for there authenticity.
As a last reminder, please note that we have never had to a case opened under the counterfeit category with PayPal. This assures that we as a business never had any related " counterfeit '' problems with PayPal until this indefinite restriction came in place.
Thank you, XXXX XXXX
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I applied for a vehicle loan in XX/XX/XXXX with XXXX XXXX Bank XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, GA. The loan was approved with collateral of the vehicle, however, the loan officer, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX told me that the bank wanted a Certificate of Deposit in the amount of {$5500.00} to be held for 12 months. Within that 12 months of payment history, if I paid on time the bank would release the {$5500.00} certificate of deposit. The CD 12 months period matured on XX/XX/XXXX, however, when I went to the bank today to retrieve my money the bank official stated that the CD for {$5500.00} was to be held for the entire loan period of 48 months or until I paid off the loan.
The CD for {$5500.00} was not to collateralize the loan. I have the executed " Note, Disclosure, and Security Agreement '' that shows that the vehicle only was to secure/collateralize the loan.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | This company, Select Portfolio Servicing , Inc ( SPS ) is a mortgage loan servicer.
The company calls our phone number, a cell phone as early as XXXX in the morning repeatedly. We have asked them to stop XXXX times. We have been patenbtly clear they are calling early.
They claim since the phone they 're calling has a XXXX area code ( time-zone difference ) they do not have to stop. Even though all our account information including the mortgage property address is in California and always has been. On occasion they apologize and say they 'll resolve the issue. They do not/have not resolved it. Occasionally SPS is combative and claim no responsibility to solve the problem.
We need to communicate on that phone but not before XXXX.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | I received a call from a woman stating that they have a " pending claim '' against my XXXX checking account ; some sort of " bad checking ''. No name of the lender or anything is given. She states that I have some charges pending against me as to what they do not give. These people have called my dad as well as my sister under the business name of Integrated Services at XXXX. I looked up this number on another web source and other consumers have had the same issues with these people ; they harass, can be rude, and have multiple numbers in which they have used. I believe they are attempting to fraudulently collect monies from me and/or my bank through old payday loan information they obtained.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I bankruptcy was dismissed in XXXX 2010. Would like for this to be removed from my Credit Report. I have been trying to rebuild my credit for the last 5 years and this is impacting my Credit Score.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I bought new house in XXXX, TX area. I and my family were excited for our first home. We were looking around for good lender with great rate. Bank of America is XXXX of them. they come up with plan mentioning that you are eligible for physicIan loan with 3.75 % apr AND You do not need to set up any escrow account for it. I asked their agent-XXXX XXXX multiple times that are you sure that I do not have to set up escrow account? She answered me that I am 1000 percentage sure you do not have to set up escrow account with 10 percentage down. There are few lenders who were providing me similar rate with XXXX loan with no set up of escrow account. XXXX was so aggressive that we will give you best service and everytime my question was similar that are you sure that I do n't have to set up escrow and she is saying that I am very sure. We decided to go with Bank of America looking at her confidence and promise. She sent me closing cost work sheet/good faith estimate without any escrow account as well. I can show to prove her promise. meanwhile, I provided lot of documents for my loans in timely manner whatever processor and underwriter was requesting. There was only 4 working business days remain for closing and she came up on XXXX/XXXX/2015 late afternoon mentioning that we have to now set up escrow account. I made mistake and please forgive me. I was really upset because not setting up escrow account was only reason to go with bank of America. There are other lender providing same rate loan with out escrow. I was really anxious because only 1 wk remained for my closing. I felt cheated as customer by end of day. I can not understand that loan went through different stages before final approval and nobody noticed or informed me about escrow thing until last moment when only 4 days remained so I can not go any where. I would never go with Bank of America if I am aware about that I had to set up escrow. I had different options for not setting up escrow for home loan. I ended up paying additional XXXX for escrow account and now monthly payment that I was not ready for it. I would totally consider it as a fraud and cheating to customer. I believe that it is customer right to get correct information about product whenever they are buying something. INFORM CUSTOMER ABOUT SURPRISE WHEN THEY CAN NOT DO ANYTHING THAT IS MOTTO OF BANK OF AMERICA.
please help me out with this matter so no one else can get fooled/cheated by them.
Company believes complaint caused principally by actions of third party outside the control or direction of the company | Son ( who is XXXX ) lived at a different address during XXXX of 2014. I am XXXX but we have similar names.
XXXX is looking for money from him and tuned it over to a debt collector. For the last XXXX to 9 months they call XXXX a day and dont say anything ... .they sent a letter to us 3 weeks ago and i called and explained that this debt is not mine that I am current with XXXX and on Auto-pay. They assured me they would take care of it and promptly dinged my credit. I launched an investigation with all XXXX credit agencies and have filed a complaint against ERC, XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX, FL XXXX Phone XXXX, with the Florida ATTY General for Fraudulent reporting to credit agencies.
Company can't verify or dispute the facts in the complaint | A XXXX ' telephone number called my cell phone XXXX times. XXXX on XXXX XXXX which I did not answer, and XXXX on XXXX XXXX which I did answer and they asked what my address was and said I owe {$230.00} and asked for my credit card number. Not to mention, when they said what the debt was for, they mumbled the words so I could not hear them. I asked them XXXX times who they were and they refused to tell me, or changed the subject so they could not tell me who this was. I immediately hung the phone up
Company disputes the facts presented in the complaint | I received a letter from Worth Finance Corp that included a " check '' for {$800.00}. In reality, this is an offer for an {$800.00} loan with an APR of 91.02 % ( {$370.00} in finance charges ). Is this legal? Should n't the CFPB be shutting down predatory lending of this nature?
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I was searching for a loan online and received an email from a XXXX XXXX XXXX claiming to be a Citi Bank Financial represenative. He said my loan was approved but because my credit score was low I had to pay the first installment so I purchased a green dot prepaid card and paid the fee soon after that I did not receive the loan. He then said the FDC was holding it because I owe taxes and that was what the loan was originally for. I then contacted the fdic and fdc.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I have an equity loan with BOA for the last 15 years in the amount of XXXX which will endon XXXX XXXX, 2015 with never a late payment. I now have notice from BOA that my newpayment after XXXX XXXX will be XXXX or XXXX times the previous amount. Is this amount?
fair? I have a XXXX year old father who will be out on the street if this happens.Please adviseme.
Company disputes the facts presented in the complaint | I have been contacted by multiple XXXX party collection agencies stating I have outstanding XXXX 's which were bought by their company.They refuse to give me any information or validTation of debt.The collector stated I was sent a letter and that is my validation.
He demanded I pay him @ that moment.The original creditor was XXXX XXXX XXXX from XXXX/XXXX/12. The collection agency is XXXXCritical Resolution Mediation. I stated I would check with bankand get back to him.The company called me 3 hrs later he wasgiving me until XXXX that night and he was going to call my bank and drain my checking and savings. He kept reminding mewe were on a recorded line. I advised him to move ahead. The collector preceeded to tell me I should not be taking out loans, Iam not going to pay back.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | My issue with Bank of America is in the process of being resolved, however the practice described must be investigated and action taken for BOA to discontinue the practice described for my situation. If other individuals have been charged fees for like situations they should be refunded and BOA penalized for it 's actions.
We have an AAA credit card issued by BOA. The card has a rewards program where earned points may be redeemed for travel, merchandise, cash, or statement credit. My complaint is related to an instance where statement credit for the points earned was requested and approved. The XXXX 2015 statement amount was for {$490.00} and the due date was XXXX/XXXX/15. Points value available for redemption was {$480.00}, thus a balance of {$3.00} was due. The points conversion was requested and made via a telephone call on XXXX/XXXX/15 and the BOA agent verified the remaining amount of {$3.00} due. An electronic payment was made on XXXX/XXXX/15 in the amount of {$5.00}, thus overpaying the amount due by {$1.00}. The XXXX statement the following month indicates the payments and credits of {$490.00}, however a late payment fee of {$20.00} was assessed on XXXX/XXXX/15, the closing date for the XXXX statement. No interest was charged.
In a telephone call to BOA, the agent stated the fee was assessed because a minimum payment was not made. Without hesitation she stated it is defined in their disclosure statement that a minimum payment is required. Speaking to a supervisor, she also stated several times that the requirement to make a minimum payment is defined in the disclosure statement. She said the agent making the transaction would have read the disclosure at the time. The agent may have read it at the time but it was not clear the a minimum payment of {$25.00} would also be required. The supervisor then offered to remove the {$20.00} fee but said she could not do so until I made an immediate {$20.00} payment because the account is in errs and locked until I made the payment. I opted not to do so at that time. She said she placed a note on the account and once payment is received the account will be credited for {$20.00}. On XXXX/XXXX/15 an electronic payment payable on XXXX/XXXX/15 was made for the full amount of the XXXX statement which included the {$20.00} fee. The statement has a due date of XXXX/XXXX/15. I assume the {$20.00} credit will be made within a few days of receipt by BOA. When this {$20.00} is credited it will stand as a {$20.00} credit against the XXXX statement and in effect be a forced interest free loan to BOA for that period.
The disclosure I believe the BOA personnel referred to is entitled AAA Member Rewards Program Rules. Under the heading of Cash Rewards - Redemption for a Statement Credit the statement reads " Points redeemed for statement credit will post to your account within 3 days of the date of redemption. Statement credits will generally be applied to your existing balance with the highest priced Annual Percentage Rate ( APR ). Receipt of a statement credit does not affect your responsibility to pay your Total Minimum Payment shown on each Statement you receive from us. '' It statement does not state that funds must be tendered for amounts in excess of the amount owed. Our practice has been and is to pay statement balances in full each month. The BOA requirement to pay any amount in excess of the amount due is totally illogical, and unethical and should be illegal if it not so at present. The fact that the agent and supervisor were so quick with the retort that " it 's in the disclosure statement '' leads XXXX to believe this is not an isolated occurrence.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | Bank of America is my investor for my XXXX mortgage and XXXX XXXX is my servicer. No one seems to be able to tell me why I did n't qualify for the National Mortgage Settlement to lower my principal or get refinanced for a lower interest for my XXXX mortgage that is owned by Bank of America. I would like to be able to refinance for today 's low rates per the settlement agreement. I keep getting the run around and was actually told by a Bank of America employee that Bank of America does not own any loans and that I must be mistaken.
Company believes the complaint is the result of a misunderstanding | I contacted XXXX the XXXX week of XXXX 2015, and asked what the procedure was for getting the PMI removed from our loan. After doing exactly what I was told to do, it has now been 2 months and numerous phone calls by me, not once has XXXX ever contacted me, and now they want to appraise the property again. Meanwhile, they have taken XXXX more PMI payments.
Company believes complaint represents an opportunity for improvement to better serve consumers | In XXXX of 2015, I set up a XXXX month forbearance with Genesis Lending in which they would deduct {$40.00} every month for XXXX months. I received a letter stating what was set up over phone and another statement stating that it was going to deduct on a particular date as I had set up in XXXX and the payment was deducted accordingly. My father, who is a co-signer on this loan received a letter dated XXXX XXXX, 2015 stating that this account is past due and payment was owed immediately. I called Genesis Lending and was told that my forbearance was processed incorrectly and that the last associate I spoke with was wrong in the terms of repayment that they offered me. But because this was their mistake, he offered to fix this for me and to put a new plan of forbearance in for processing that would be {$40.00} for 6 months, {$80.00} for the next 6 months and then {$160.00} for the following 6 months. When asked why I had not been advised as to this processing issue he stated that a representative had called me on XXXX XXXX, 2015 and was unable to leave a voice mail. I never received a call from Genesis Lending. When I asked why I had not been notified in writing he responded with " I do n't know ''. I got no answers, but just an offer to change my forbearance plan to something I did n't originally agree with. This company has not learned its lesson and is BAD business.
I attended XXXX XXXX in XXXX, GA from XXXX
Company chooses not to provide a public response | Dear Sir/madam, I have disputed an item that is illegally reported on my credit file with Eperian, But it has been over 30 days since they received a dispute letter. I have n't heard any result of investigation.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I deposited a cashiers check for {$2900.00} at Bank of America ( BoA ) in XXXX of their atm machines. The next day ( a XXXX ), after clearing, I withdrew all of the cash. I then used the money as instructed from an advertising-wrap agency to send the money to an actual wrap applicator. This all showed up in my checking account XXXX days later on Monday. XXXX days later on XXXX, my debit card was declined. Investigating online in my account, an in-processing debit transaction showed up for the same amount as the cashiers check ( - {$2900.00} ). I called BoA and they said they were investigating. XXXX, the next day, the transaction was fully processed as a chargeback item to me. BoA informed me that I was held responsible and that the cashiers check was actually a counterfeit. The originating bankhad informed BoA of this fact. Also, BoA informed me that they only service their atm machines ONCE PER WEEK. Yes, I agree I was foolish to deposit the cashiers check in the atm and SHOULD have deposited with a teller at a bank counter. Unfortunately, I do not even think about being scammed, used as a " mule '' for counterfeit checks, money, etc. To further exacerbate this problem, I am an XXXX recipient of about $ XXXX/month that was XXXX on Friday, the next day. I was unable to have XXXX, the U.S. Treasury dept, or BoA to cancel/stop the direct deposit so I could pay my monthly bills with a resend of my XXXX ( this is all due to timeline protocols between the Treasury and the banking system ). So, I have currently lost my stipend to my BoA checking account.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | I have been trying to modify this property for years and the lender continuously "lost" our paperwork or "never received it." They have been not returning calls and even hanging up on us before I can reach the appropriate party. They have denied modifications because they say they haven't received paperwork we've sent numerous times. Now there is a sale date on the property. |
Company can't verify or dispute the facts in the complaint | I have an account with Westlake financial ( XXXX ) and they are in the process of attempting to reposes a vehicle which I conveyed in a title loan transaction. The issue that I have is that Westlake has hired a third party agent that has violated the fair debt collection practices act on several occasions. Their agent has engaged in such practices such as conveying information concerning the vehicle make, model and year, parked in the drive way of a private residence for prolonged periods of time ie harassment of a third party and the most egregious act is misrepresentation of their standing or official title.
The agents have stated om many occasions that they are " investigators '' however when pressed on the matter of holding a " validated investigators license '' of any type the third party agent, XXXX XXXX ( XXXX ) XXXX avoided the direct questions and said call " the number '' which he refused to convey.
The primary issue of concern is the continued harassment of third parties who are not obligated in any way to this matter and the conveyance of proprietary personal information and false claims concerning their professional standing which is in direct violation of the FDPCAFalse statements. Debt collectors may not lie when they are trying to collect a debt.
Additionally, sitting in the driveway for extended period of time ( XXXX ) can be construed as an obvious harassment tactic.
Divulging proprietary information of the nature of the attempted contact specifically the Make, model and year of the vehicle which is an obvious attempt and inference to the status of the loan/account.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | This company continues to report on my credit report after I sent them a letter telling them that this account was not mine and I have no idea what it is or who it belongs to!
I asked for proof of a signed contract, I asked for a license to collect in my state, I asked for copies of all information referenced for this debt and still to date, I have not received anything but harassment from this company!
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | I recently opened an account with PayPal. I purchased XXXX PayPal " MyCash '' cards ( PPMC ) for {$500.00} each and loaded them to my account in anticipation of making a few purchases on Ebay, the parent company PayPal. PPMCs are sold at various retail establishments, and in my case, I not only was required to show identification when I purchased them, but I also kept all receipts related to such purchase. Via a website that is, upon belief, authorized and/or maintained by PayPal, I loaded the PPMCs to my PayPal account. Because of limitations imposed by PayPal of {$500.00} of loads per day XXXX and {$4000.00} per month ), the XXXX PPMCs I purchases were loaded to my PayPal account over two consecutive days.
Approximately one day after the second PPMC load ( which was within the guidelines and rules established by PayPal ), I received an email from PayPal that my account was limited due to what was described as " high risk '' activity and that PayPal would be freezing my $ 1K in deposited funds for 180 days in order to make sure there were sufficient funds to cover any payment reversals.
I telephoned PayPal and spoke to a representative in its " Account Limitations Department, '' and was told essentially the same thing that was related in the email. Although I explained, and the representative conceded, that there were no payments made ( and thus there could not be a basis for any payment reversal ), I was told PayPal would not change its position. I also offered to provide copies of my PPMC receipts and other supporting documentation to establish that my purchase of the XXXX subject PPMCs was bona fide, but this offer was rejected.
PayPal 's actions are unjust, unfair and punitive in nature. While I recognize the need to have certain loss prevention policies in place, I believe there is something fundamentally wrong with a system that cites this as a justification for detaining a customer 's money but does not provide a route for appeal or other process that would enable a customer such as myself to refute the implication raised through clear and convincing documentation.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I have received several phone calls about a debt that I owe to Macy 's.
They call several, like XXXX or XXXX times a day. When I answer the phone sometimes they just hang up on me. I have been talking to them within the last 7 days and I asked them to not contact me anymore regarding this debt for at least 30 days. Because in the state of Ohio a debt collector can only contact you once every 30 days, when asked by a consumer. Within the last seven days I asked to not be contacted regarding this debt For at least 30 days. Today, XXXX XXXX, 2014 I have received at least XXXX phone calls, which XXXX of them I have answered and the other XXXX i missed. They are calling from phone number XXXX. Is there anything that I can do to stop the harassment? i have been notified about my bill and when it is due which is XXXX XXXX, 2014. I do n't really think that there is a need to call someone 4 times in XXXX day. The day is not over yet so I am sure that I will receive another phone call or XXXX by the XXXX deadline this evening.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I believe that Citibank erroneously issued me a XXXX, Cancellation of Debt. I sent a package to Citibank on XXXX XXXX, XXXX with the necessary documentation, including my credit reports back to XX/XX/XXXX, but have had no response from Citibank.
In XX/XX/XXXX I received a collection notice from XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX requesting over {$42000.00} for Citibank account with the number ending in XXXX. I checked my quick books records as well as my credit reports and found no credit card with that number. I disputed the debt with XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX In response I received some statements from Citibank showing balances of {$37000.00}, {$38000.00}, etc with interest accruing at approximately {$1000.00} a month. I responded to Citibank with information regarding the statements and the fact that the card does not appear on my credit report. I have a copy of that letter.
I heard nothing from either XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX or Citibank until a XXXX was issued in an amount just over {$17000.00} for the XX/XX/XXXX tax year.
This erroneous XXXX will have serious ramifications for me and not just any potential tax liability. The IRS can unwind any erroneous tax calculation at any time. However, this error impacts my XXXX subsidy and my son 's college financial aid. Our FAFSA will need to be linked to our XX/XX/XXXX XXXX before the fall term. I will be able to demonstrate actual damages that may NOT be able to be rectified, i.e. my son 's Financial Aid which has strict deadlines, if this matter is not looked into and investigated. It needs to be resolved promptly.
Interestingly, I was sued by Citibank back in XX/XX/XXXX for a little over {$16000.00}. Citibank continues to collect on that judgment, issuing garnishments, etc. The lawsuit filed by Citibank states that this is for an account ending in XXXX, however, subsequent exhibits attached to a Motion for Summary Disposition ( of which I do not have copies but the court and Citi 's law firm, XXXX, XXXX and XXXX should have copies ) included statements for an account ending not only in XXXX but also XXXX. Both those accounts are reflected on my credit reports. I believe that the XXXX account number changed when XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX was acquired by Citibank, hence XXXX numbers for the XXXX account. That suit was filed in the XXXX District Court in XXXX XXXX, Michigan, case number XXXX. ( The XXXX is for XXXX XXXX since the court also meets in XXXX and XXXX ).
In summary, I have no records of any credit card with this number. Not in my accounting software nor in my handwritten hard copy back up. It has never appeared on my credit report, at least since I have regularly pulled those reports starting in XX/XX/XXXX. In XX/XX/XXXX all my accounts were reported as current. There is no record of this credit card from XX/XX/XXXX-XX/XX/XXXX. When asked for any proof, all that was provided were some recent statements that showed no activity, just a past due balance accruing interest. I was sued by CitiBank back in XX/XX/XXXX for an almost identical amount. Citibank has a judgment on that amount and their attorneys continue collection procedures.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | I was sued by XXXX XXXX XXXX for credit card debt. All funds in my checking/savings accounts garnished. I was solicited and brought into a binding contract with the original creditor as a minor. Credit report shows false information regarding my identity.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : I am writing in response to recent conversations with Select Portfolio Servicing, XXXX XXXX, XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX and XXXX XXXX, XXXX. For the past XXXX years, I have been in dispute with SPS regarding a Foreclosure Action that commenced in XXXX, at which time XXXX was the Servicer. SPS has adamantly refuted that a foreclosure action previously occurred and the foreclosure action did not commence until they initiated the action, XXXX XXXX. There are numerous phone calls, discussions far and in between the past month.
I spoke to XXXX XXXX of Select Portfolio Servicing Advocacy Department, XXXX XXXX, XXXX. XXXX XXXX advised that she would be sending out a response letter stating that SPSs position remains the same regarding the on-going dispute that a foreclosure action occurred in XXXX. XXXX XXXX also asked what my intentions were with the property and questioned why I was not evicted if the property was already foreclosed upon. For more than two years SPS has denied knowledge of the mortgage servicing deficiencies that were unresolved prior to XXXX XXXX XXXX transferring the servicing rights to SPS, XXXX XXXX. Yet, SPS and its third party Attorney, XXXX XXXX XXXX, formerly known as XXXX XXXX XXXX, now known as XXXX XXXX XXXX attested to having full knowledge of the information filed with the XXXX Courts XXXX XXXX XXXX, Maryland and Maryland XXXX XXXX.
I am vexed at SPSs repeated failure to acknowledge my inquiries and questions regarding the unresolved mortgage servicing deficiencies that were initiated at the commencement of the foreclosure action in XXXX, which resulted in the purchase of the property XXXX XXXX, XXXX, by the alleged secured party, XXXX Bank, XXXX, NA, Trustee for XXXX XXXX XXXX Mortgage XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX. The trust is in fact governed by New York XXXX XXXX. At the time of the commencement of the foreclosure action the note had not been assigned to the trust. In fact, the note was transferred to the securitized trust XXXX XXXX, prior to XXXX XXXX XXXX transferring servicing to SPS, XXXX XXXX.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | When requesting our annual credit reports we also will pay to receive our Credit Score at the time of the report. Experian does not properly disclose ( uses " mouse print '' ) that when you pay {$4.00} for the credit score you will be automatically enrolled in a credit score monitoring membership that the consumer is responsbile for calling within a 30 day window to cancel without charge ( {$19.00} per person/per month ). There is no acknowledgement required on behalf of the customer that you agree to this - other than indicating you want to get your credit score. I have been charged for both myself and my husband in XXXX and XXXX 2015 after pulling our initial credit reports and scores in XXXX 2015. I contacted Experian today and they canceled my " membership '' and after I mentioned I would be filing a complaint with the CFPB they were " able to refund one month of charges '' but that would be all. I work for a financial institution and I find it appalling that Experian is able to do this to consumers without requiring their confirmation/acknowledgement of accepting the service and the associated charges.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | In XX/XX/XXXX I became XXXX payment delinquent on my auto loan with USAA. Upon returning to work in XXXX I called and made arrangements to pay XXXX payment and portion of the past due amount until I was current. In XX/XX/XXXX {$120.00} was applied to late charges despite my intent and misleading statement from the representative who assured me it was their process to apply payments in this manner anyway. When I realized what had happened I spoke with another representative on XX/XX/XXXX who told me this would be corrected my requesting a misapplied payment reversal. Once again the payment I made on XX/XX/XXXX a portion - {$26.00} was applied to a late charge and the reversal that was promised did not happen. After a conversation on XX/XX/XXXX in speaking with a very rude representative and her manager, they basically stated the policy is they always apply to late charge prior to allowing the consumer to pay to past and future payments. I stated this was unfair and deceptive, they stated I had no recourse ; but to accept this. In going through my pay history in order to allow these fees to accumulate there has to be a variation of this policy ; but they would not consider it. At the end of the day applying in the manner that they claim is " policy '' allows the bank to continue to incur fees on top of fees because it would take the consumer a lengthier time to become current.
Company believes complaint caused principally by actions of third party outside the control or direction of the company | I took out a loan through Genesis for an education through XXXX XXXX, XXXX, Oh. Under the sale of the debt there was to be a 40 % reduction in my loan. Nothing has been done. At this time this is my complaint. A detailed complaint regarding my federal student loans will be forthcoming as well.
Company believes the complaint is the result of a misunderstanding | I signed a one-year contract for gym membership in XXXX XXXX. At the time of signing, the XXXX XXXX account manager informed me that I could call prior to XXXX XXXX to avoid auto-renewal for general membership. I signed a one-year contract for training in XXXX XXXX but was never informed that the auto-renewal clause also applied to my training contract, which was signed separately.
In XXXX XXXX, I moved outside of the contractual XXXX mile range. I called the gym in XXXX to cancel early, according to the out-of-range clause. I was told that I needed to send a notarized copy of new lease, via certified mail, to prove that I had moved. In the same XXXX phone call, I communicated to the XXXX XXXX Gym Manager that I wanted to cancel my contract at the end of the agreed 12 month term. I was told that a note would be added to my account and that my account would not auto-renew in XXXX.
I noticed at the end of XXXX that I was still being charged. So, I called XXXX XXXX XXXX Gym to request refunds of the unauthorized charges in XXXX XXXX - XXXX XXXX. They claim not to have record of my conversations with associates in XXXX XXXX and I was told that no refund would be given since I had not formally canceled.
In XXXX XXXX, I was directed to XXXX XXXX for " formal cancellation ''. XXXX XXXX informed me that they are NOT able to cancel my contract because the training portion needs to be cancelled in person. XXXX weeks later, my work schedule permitting, I made the XXXX+ miles drive to the gym location to sign the training cancellation form in person. I then was able to call XXXX XXXX and finish cancelling my gym membership contract.
In XXXX XXXX, I disputed the charges via XXXX Bank. Within XXXX weeks of my claim with XXXX, the charges were investigated and permanently refunded to my account.
At the end of XX/XX/XXXX/Begin XXXX XXXX, I began receiving calls for overdue account balances from XXXX separate entities. The XXXX entity identified themselves as lawyers collecting debt on behalf of XXXX XXXX. Aldous Lawyers are not, however, credited lawyers in Texas ( location of original debt ). They also sent an " attorney letter '' that fails to match the amount due that was quoted over the phone. The associate at Aldous & Associates XXXX threatened to " send my information to credit reporting agencies at any minute ''. He later admitted to me that they " work for '' XXXX 's Gym and are not actual debt collectors or credit agencies.
XXXX XXXX claims to represent XXXX Gym 's personal training contracts although I have never seen or heard mention of their business name in any contracts I signed with XXXX Gym. They inform me that as of end-XX/XX/XXXX my account remains open ( despite having my cancellation paperwork on file now XXXX. This firm will not acknowledge my dispute of the charges via phone or email but refuses to send to me via mail a formal invoice of the alleged charges.
I have been putting good faith effort into avoiding auto-renewal of my contract since XXXX XXXX. XXXX my contract term ended, I made good faith effort to promptly cancel my contract to avoid the unfair extension of the pre-determined contract term.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | The XXXX company have tried to enforce a fraudulent agree ... .I have paid over {$220000.00} on my loan of {$170000.00} ... .I kept my promise an did not Breach the Contract as was done by Suntrust and charge me a very higher interest rate. My hands in clean and will need more protection from these greedy lenders. " " '' HOW CAN THEY ENFORCE AN ILLEGAL CONTRACT TO STEAL OUR HOME? " " '' IS THIS A SCAM ON THE AMERICAN PEOPLE?
Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error | I cosigned XXXX student loans at SallieMae for my son. For the last XXXX years I have made the {$25.00} required minimum payment. Over time as the number of loans grew, so did the payment. I currently send XXXX check for all XXXX loans in the amount of {$100.00}. Suddenly last month they credited the full payment to just XXXX loan and then put the other XXXX loans into a late payment status with extra fees. This happened XXXX other time and they gladly reversed it for me. This time however they tell me it 's just too bad. That I will have to make the late payments and fees on the other loans to get caught up. She said even though it 's their rule I make {$25.00} each they ca n't be expected to know how to credit my account correctly unless I send in XXXX separate payments or detailed instructions on how I want the payment to be credited to each loan. Seriously, it 's simple math XXXX loans x {$25.00} = {$100.00}. Seriously? I should not have to send XXXX checks, nor should I have to write detailed instructions.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | We worked out a loan modification which took six years and the bank refuses to remove what they call late payments. Payments were not made because of a dispute with the bank. Once we signed the new agreement we made our payments timely. The bank refused to lower my interest rate and because they refuse to remove what they called late payments I can not refinance with someone else to lower the rate.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I added Barclay 's Bank as an external account to my XXXX Checking Account. I set-up a transfer on XXXX to be delivered on XXXX of {$1000.00} from XXXX to Barclays. On XXXX I called XXXX because I realized Barclays would reject the transfer. The person I spoke to attempted to REVERSE the transfer and somehow deleted Barclays as a transfer option on my XXXX account. On XXXX it appears the {$1000.00} transfer was rejected and returned to XXXX AS EXPECTED. However on XXXX a transfer was made of {$1000.00} - it appears XXXX was trying to pull {$1000.00} from my Barclays account. This {$1000.00} is missing. I have been working with Barclays and XXXX since XXXX and both keep pointing fingers at the other and claiming it is not THEIR problem. I went into a XXXX branch, hoping to get some help, but basically the person I spoke with called the XXXX # and after wasting a lot of time, received the same response I received from XXXX 's XXXX # - which is we do n't know what you are talking about we do n't see the transaction. I 've asked Barclays for reference numbers but they keep giving me XXXX ach tracking number - which coincides with the ACH transaction number XXXX has used to account for the REJECTION of the funds but Barclays claims that is the only tracking number they have. The ACH number Barclays refers to is supposed to be for the TRANSFER but XXXX calls it a return and Barclays says they have no record for the RETURN/REJECTION of funds - just this transfer ACH - which again XXXX calls the rejection number. However my account at Barclays is missing {$1000.00} and in almost a months time neither bank seems to care or take any responsibility for this error.
Company believes complaint caused principally by actions of third party outside the control or direction of the company | I have received multiple messages from " XXXX XXXX '', Process Server, stating that they have a certified notice of intent to serve papers on an outstanding debit. I know this is bogus because I do n't have any of these. He stated he will be at my home between XXXX-XXXX tomorrow so have ID on hand, put up dogs and remove guns from premises. I spoke with the police department on this.. they confirmed it was a money scam on a former pay day loan, and the phone numbers were from burner cells. Same person has called back using name " XXXX XXXX '' XXXX Now we have a XXXX XXXX who is also XXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX XXXX
Calls are coming from the following numbers : XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX have written transcripts and phone calls if desired.
Company disputes the facts presented in the complaint | I use XXXX XXXX Service at my house. My account number is XXXX. According to my credit report, Focus Receivables Management, along with XXXX XXXX XXXX, fraudulently tried to embezzle {$170.00} and committed other illegal acts such as grand larceny and trespassing on private property illegally. At this time, an unknown party, illegally removed the XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX from my house and committed grand larceny in the process. I have a clear copy of my credit report. I also have a clear copy of my contract with XXXX XXXX. I am ready to consider a lawsuit against all co-defendants in this situation. I have never contacted XXXX XXXX XXXX or its affiliates. I never have conducted any type of business with them. They did not have lawful permission to be at my place of business. I am the XXXX of XXXX XXXX, a small consultation firm. I also have legal representation and I am ready to file a lawsuit against all culpable parties. The information on my credit report is not accurate. It is a result of grand larceny and identity theft. Additionally, XXXX XXXX XXXX and Focus Receivables Management are claiming that the information on my credit report is more than 7 years old, a time period that is beyond the legal statute of limitations in NYS. The Fair Bulling Credit Act does not allow this collection agency to illegally put this false information on my credit report.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | This company calls our home XXXX times per day. The calls are rude, harassing and threatening! We have explained to them, we are XXXX citizens. We have no debt. We have no credits or anything. The only thing we pay each month is out electric, telephone, cable.We have called the number back, and asked for a manager. We spoke to a XXXX XXXX. She was extremely rude and nasty.
This is the company : Commonwealth Financial Systems , Inc .
XXXX XXXX, PA XXXX : XXXX : XXXX are XXXX citizens. We do not deserve to be treated with such harassment and disrespect.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | Received a property tax refund from my county for last years taxes. Check has been deposited into my escrow account and loan servicing center will not return this to me. Escrow balance is currently over the amount i owe for the year 4 months into the year
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I have submitted offical documenation to Experian that they are report bad infromation on my Credit file. CitiMortgage Acct # XXXX, IS PAYED in FULL and was never 'Legally paid in full for less than the full balance ' as Experian is reporting on my credit report. Supporting Documents attached.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | Please refer to my original complaint # XXXX filed in XXXX see your response to me on XXXX/XXXX/2015. Ally 's attorney reached an agreement that I would pay {$3100.00} and the payment would reflect settlement in full. The credit report as of Wednesday, XXXX XXXX, 2015 shows paid in settlement but {$34000.00} written off this is not correct, again they have the car which is the collateral balance so nothing should be show as written off once the settlement amount was sent to them through the courts the balance should reflect as paid and settled.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I used my mortgage company 's website to set up an online payment as I usually do each month. The payment was set up to be paid on XXXX/XXXX/15. I received XXXX emails from Ocwen confirming I successfully set up my payment. They usually do n't take it out of my bank account on the day I request so when it did n't happen right away I did n't notice. When I reconciled my bank account last week I noticed it still had n't come out and got concerned. I logged into the website and it said I still owed my XXXX payment. I also noticed that their confirmation emails did n't arrive until after XXXX/XXXX/15, making it seem impossible for the payment to come out on time. Since it was the weekend I emailed my concerns but did not hear back. I called today and was treated very badly. The Ocwen representative assumed I was lying even when I asked him how to forward the XXXX Ocwen confirmation emails I had received earlier in XXXX. I had trouble understanding him but he finally said that no late charges had been added and did I want to make a payment. I said I would make the payment online so it cost less ( {$10.00} ). He said " so you 've waited 21 days to call and now you do n't want to pay ''. I am upset with his attitude and with the fact that I had to pay {$10.00} for an online payment I had set up on time. I do not trust them to now take the payment accurately and am worried they will take it twice. Ocwen 's communication has always been poor but we are trying very hard to stay current and they are treating us badly.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | My husband and I purchased our home in XXXX 2013 and our mortgage servicing was transferred to BB & T. BB & T has been completely negligent in how they have handled our escrow account and our loan servicing, in general, and has cost us an immense amount of time as a result. They applied a payment incorrectly, only to re-allocate it when we received a collections call and disputed the alleged missed payment. They have also mismanaged our escrow account and, as a result, we believe that they have not given the full refund required under RESPA. They have overstated the premium paid for flood insurance despite our providing them with notice of the error in their records. BB & T has also made a practice of harassing us for alleged insufficient insurance coverage, even though our insurance coverage has always exceeded the XXXX of our loan as well as our property value. After spending countless hours on the phone they finally advised us that BB & T has an undisclosed policy that homeowners ' and flood insurance coverage amounts match exactly. We have corrected the difference and BB & T is still harassing us with letters claiming that we have insufficient flood coverage and threatening to purchase force placed insurance.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I did not receive this service that I am being charged for. I attempted to contact this business to dispute this, but they had gone out of business. I was referred to this agency for XXXX, but they closed business before providing me with the service required. They were not very business minded. This is probably why they went out of business.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | Performant Recovery Inc is trying to collect a student loan debt that is not mine. They have contacted me periodically over the years and each time I thought this issue was resolved because I have paid all of my student loans on time and in full. They are assigning a debt of a person who has a close name to mine but her middle name is XXXX. She was also born in XX/XX/XXXX which is far before my birth year. They are contacting me by mail as well as my cell phone. I also believe they are trying to phish for my social security number.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I was billed {$10.00} for temporary removal of credit freeze on XXXX XXXX, 2015 by Experian Credit Bureau that never took place. The auto dealer could n't get the credit report ( he showed the locked credit report statement ). I called Experian for a refund and they said XXXX is on the way but I never received it. This time I got charged XXXX times {$10.00} transactions on my credit card ( total of {$50.00} ) on XXXX XXXX, 2015, but once again a different auto dealer could not pull the credit report. I still do n't know why I was fraudulently charged XXXX times for transaction that showed error message when I initially tried to place a temporary release via the website. I spent over XXXX hour calling XXXX different phone numbers, on three different days, talking to XXXX different people, and kept getting a run around. I have {$60.00} worth of fraudulent charges on my credit card by Experian and no one over there knows how to fix the issue. I can NOT believe government regulators are letting a credit bureau keep track of credit information when they have committed deliberate act of fraud against me and XXXX of other customers. If CFPB wants to help consumers, this is a perfect place to start with investigation of credit buearu compliance. Checking other internet websites, Experian Credit Bereau has a repution for steeling and committing fraud against innocent individuals!
Company chooses not to provide a public response | On Monday XXXX XXXX between XXXX & XXXX PST, I contacted my Sears credit card to inquire about a charge and a renewed credit card. I spoke to a representative who could do nothing but apologize about not being able to help me. That CSR could not access my account for some unexplainable reason. Suddenly, I was transferred to another CSR in XXXX. That representative immediately asked for my " personal password. '' I was confused by this because they are not allowed to ask for my personal password. They 're supposed to identify me by asking for the answer to certain secret questions, which I previously set up. When I inquired about why they were asking for my " personal password '' I was told that was the way it is. I was feeling suspicious of who I was speaking with after the transfer and believed it to not be Sears Credit Card services at all. Too many hackers and identity thief 's are out there today and after this experience I decided something was wrong. I then ask to speak to a manager, more precisely, someone higher up. The manager whose name was XXXX ( or XXXX ) got on the phone and was immediately defensive & borderline rude. She kept interrupting me & would not allow me to clarify the situation & basically was unhelpful. I never raised my voice or said anything inappropriate. I even asked about the language to be certain I understood what they were trying to ask of me. I thought maybe it was a matter of semantics & language. This manager would not acknowledge that to be the case, which made me feel hesitant to release any information to these " representatives. '' In any case, XXXX refused to neither help me & clarify my concerns nor solve any issues. She was quick to let me know that everyone followed a script and they have to ask the question as it is written. I understand this to an extent, because I worked in XXXX. We had scripts, but were also taught to listen to the customers. After all, they may a reason for their questions. Not everyone calling in is out to scream, yell & lodge complaints. That was not the purpose of my call. All I wanted was clarification about the personal password request & conduct my business accordingly. I did not get to conduct my business. I did not get answers to the questions I had. All I was told by this manager was that that 's the way it was ; reading the script verbatim and asking for customer 's personal passwords. In my opinion, this was utterly ludicrous. This is exactly how identity theft begins. I realized XXXX was not going to assist in any formidable way, which is a shame. I simply said thank you and have a nice day before hanging up. I was not about to get involved in a hacking situation or breach of security issue, especially not knowing for certain who I was actually speaking with. I wanted to report this because I do not believe I was represented well by Sears 's Credit Cards services. And I do not want to see other people have their personal account information compromised toward the possibility of identity theft. These representatives forgot that they are a consumer as well & they did n't provide good customer service. They did not care and put my personal account in jeopardy. In the end, I did not believe I was talking to the credit card company and if I was talking to the credit card company then they should probably go back and review that call center location in XXXX and the practices they have written into their script, which promotes jeopardizing customer accounts. What concerns me is that Sears did not protect me or was concerned with my personal security at all & it brings to question things such as a lack of professionalism, identity theft & good customer service. I also seriously question their business ethics & will consider changing my services.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | Bank of America - Acct XXXXXXXXPrevious Complaint # s XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXXXXXXOriginal HAMP loan paperwork was sent to me that included the name of the original co-signer on the loan. The original co-signer holds no interest in the property, it has been quick claim deeded to me 100 % and the XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX office shows only my name on the deed. The loan re-modification did not take into consideration the co-signer as to income and only my information was utilized. Final contract papers were sent to me in my name solely. However, recent mailings with regard to current operational aspects of the loan continue to contain the previous co-signer 's name. In a verbal conversation with XXXX XXXX on XXXX XXXX, 2015 at XXXX, I was told that : 1. Despite my sole signature on the current loan documents where I accept 100 % responsibility, the original co-signer would still be on the loan ; 2. XXXX XXXX in effect admitted to me that Bank of America had no intention of ever removing the second borrower from the loan, I told him what prior verbal agreements had been made and he assured me that I was incorrect and past information had been misrepresented to me as he had the correct answer and that despite what I signed he would only be removed if I refinanced the loan. This, therefore tells me that the paperwork I have been requested to sign is a willful misrepresentation of fact designed to get my signature and finalize a fraudulent modification. In prior conversations with past customer relationship manager XXXX XXXX a representation was made to me that upon completion of the final loan documents ( that hold my signature alone ) the original co-signer would no longer be on the loan. A verbal agreement was made on more than XXXX occasion and now I am being told something completely different. Bank of America has willfully misrepresented their position to me in an effort to obtain my signature under the guise of the loan modification, tendering only my name and not that of the original co-signer as agreed to by XXXX XXXX.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | Why did I make payments to State Farm bank for the prepaid insurance they got from XXXX XXXX?
Company chooses not to provide a public response | On XXXX, we attended a XXXX workshop. The mortgage opportunities sparked our interest. The ability to close loans with interest rates as low as 0.25 % was described. We spent months prepping and waiting to receive an appointment for our XXXX consultation. On XXXX, we had our XXXX consultation. At this meeting we outlined our main goal to purchase a home with an interest rate of 0.25 %. Over the next several months we had consistent email correspondence and further documentation emphasizing our goal to buy down the interest rate. At no point during the months of communication were we informed of XXXX or the lender 's inability to follow through with their advertised and agreed upon interest rate buy down program. On XXXX, we received loan approval. Contact from us to XXXX was made that day : " Our buyer 's contribution ( with today 's interest rate in mind ) will be {$49000.00} to buy the interest rate down to 0.25 % ... '' We signed a purchase contract on XXXX, and put {$45000.00} in an earnest deposit account. Crucial to our complaint is that specifically written in the purchase contract was, " All earnest monies deposited into escrow account will be used to buy down interest rate for the XXXX conventional loan program to satisfy the conventional loan. The loan will be {$330000.00}. '' This purchase contract was provided to XXXX and the lender without any dispute. On XXXX, we were contacted with a concern regarding the earnest deposit amount. We wrote a letter explaining our confidence in our earnest deposit decision. On XXXX, we were contacted with a list of items requested by the lender ( showing that a Bank of America representative/underwriter had viewed our file in full, again ). In an email chain of communication that day, XXXX wrote, " ... also I need to know how much we are going to use to buy down the interest rate. '' My response was, " We will be buying down the interest rate all the way down to 0.25 %, whatever the cost, we have the funds. '' On XXXX further concern from XXXX regarding the earnest deposit amount was expressed. Again, we responded by explaining that we understood the risk, but were confident in our decision because the monies would be spent to buy down the interest rate. On XXXX a friend who had begun the XXXX process said that it was stated at her workshop that it was no longer possible to buy down the interest rate to 0.25 %. *At no point during the months of communication with any XXXX employee was it suggested to us that we would not have the ability to buy down the interest rate to 0.25 %. Our realtor immediately contacted XXXX. The conversation was shortly ended by XXXX stating that she would no longer be able to assist in the matter due to it becoming a legal issue. The emails were forwarded to me, which verified that buyers can now only buy down the interest rate a total of XXXX points. Days later XXXX explained that our issue was due to the Dodd Frank/Hoepa laws. All lenders were aware of the new HOEPA proposed changes. Our communication of our buy down goal came to XXXX in XX/XX/XXXX, more than a year after effective changes. All parties had adequate time to notify us about the changes to their specific policies and how they would affect XXXX services. The loan we received through XXXX was predatory, fraudulent, deceptive, and precisely the definition of bait and switch. Our chosen standard of living is now drastically different due to a significantly higher monthly payment than was originally intended, which will ultimately cost us nearly {$100000.00} in interest. A more detailed description of this situation is supplied with our complaint in letter format, as well as copies of all above mentioned, and additional, communication and documentation needed.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | Experian is reporting information regarding XXXX BANK XXXX .... on my credit report, and their system refuses to let me re-dispute. No other CRA is reporting it, only Experian. Creditor 's statement : Account transferred to another lender, and Experian refuses to investigate the name of that lender. Moreover, I have no knowledge of the account.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I applied for a loan modification with Suntrust Mortgage. I qualified for an modification option to convert from an ARM to a fixed rate mortgage. I was 6 years into the mortgage. I am a divorced mother of XXXX and ex-husband was on original loan. In divorce he had to quit claim as I did on his property.
Suntrust required him to sign modification application but then when presented with quit claim, allowed me to proceed without his signature. I have completed the 4 month trial period and loan mod docs have been sent to me.
Problem : They are now requiring ex-husband signature now. He is an unfriendly/uncooperative party and is trying to leverage his signature with his lawyers for a percentage ownership in the property and other stipulations.
Suntrust will not let me sign alone even though I made the application alone and the calculations were based on my income alone. I need them to be compelled to allow me to sign alone.
If I ca n't execute this modification I will have to default as I owe 6k on demand to go back to the original structure. The ex does n't care about defaulting he has family money and many lawyers. Please help me compel Suntrust to allow my sole signature on this modification.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | On the XXXX/XXXX/2015, I went to bank of America branch to get my checking account and routing number. A young associate name " XXXX '' asked me for my Virginia identification card and debit card. to process my inquiry. After 5 minute he came back with a small paper which has an account and routing number. I used those numbers in my online tax filing.
After XXXX weeks I call IRS to ask about my refund ; they told me it is already in my bank account. When I checked my bank account, there was no deposit from IRS.
As I went to another branch and verified the small paper the bank associate " XXXX '' gave me, I realized that the number he gave me is someone else bank account. As a result, someone else got my tax refund money. I don t know if he did it by purpose or it was a mistake.
It is really disappointing that Bank provides erroneous information.
Could you please look into the matter and have the money send back to my account as soon as possible.
Thanks and XXXX branch address is : Bank of America XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, VAAssociate name is : XXXXOn the XXXX/XXXX/2015, I went to bank of America branch to get my checking account and routing number. A young associate name " XXXX '' asked me for my Virginia identification card and debit card. to process my inquiry. After 5 minute he came back with a small paper which has an account and routing number. I used those numbers in my online tax filing.
After two weeks I call IRS to ask about my refund ; they told me it is already in my bank account. When I checked my bank account, there was no deposit from IRS.
As I went to another branch and verified the small paper the bank associate " XXXX '' gave me, I realized that the number he gave me is someone else bank account. As a result, someone else got my tax refund money. I don t know if he did it by purpose or it was a mistake.
It is really disappointing that Bank provides erroneous information.
Could you please look into the matter and have the money send back to my account as soon as possible.
Thanks and XXXX branch address is : Bank of America XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, VAAssociate name is : XXXXOn the XXXX/XXXX/2015, I went to bank of America branch to get my checking account and routing number. A young associate name " XXXX '' asked me for my Virginia identification card and debit card. to process my inquiry. After XXXX minute he came back with a small paper which has an account and routing number. I used those numbers in my online tax filing.
After XXXX weeks I call IRS to ask about my refund ; they told me it is already in my bank account. When I checked my bank account, there was no deposit from IRS.
As I went to another branch and verified the small paper the bank associate " XXXX '' gave me, I realized that the number he gave me is someone else bank account. As a result, someone else got my tax refund money. I don t know if he did it by purpose or it was a mistake.
It is really disappointing that Bank provides erroneous information.
Could you please look into the matter and have the money send back to my account as soon as possible.
Thanks and XXXX branch address is : Bank of America XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, VAAssociate name is : XXXX the XXXX/XXXX/2015, I went to bank of America branch to get my checking account and routing number. A young associate name " XXXX '' asked me for my Virginia identification card and debit card. to process my inquiry. After XXXX minute he came back with a small paper which has an account and routing number. I used those numbers in my online tax filing.
After two weeks I call IRS to ask about my refund ; they told me it is already in my bank account. When I checked my bank account, there was no depos
Company believes the complaint is the result of a misunderstanding | This company continues to report on my credit report after I sent them a letter telling them that this account was not mine and I have no idea what it is or who it belongs to!
I asked for proof of a signed contract, I asked for a license to collect in my state, I asked for copies of all information referenced for this debt and still to date, I have not received anything but harassment from this company!
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | This company continues to report on my credit report after I sent them a letter telling them that this account was not mine and I have no idea what it is or who it belongs to!
I asked for proof of a signed contract, I asked for a license to collect in my state, I asked for copies of all information referenced for this debt and still to date, I have not received anything but harassment from this company!
Company chooses not to provide a public response | In XXXX XXXX I experienced a foreclosure in the state of Arizona. I had a XXXX/XXXX/XXXX. The XXXX lien was with XXXX XXXX XXXX and the XXXX lien with XXXX Bank. XXXX XXXX XXXX has reflected the foreclosure since XXXX. XXXX Bank was reporting the {$25000.00} XXXX lien as closed since XXXX XXXX ; however, it came to my attention that my DTI was extremely high. This was odd since I do n't carry balances on credit cards. I have been building my credit back up over the course of the past XXXX years and it was in the XXXX zone if not higher. I reviewed my credit report and XXXX Bank was reporting that I owed approximately {$24000.00} a month in monthly debt obligations. Absolutely not. I disputed this and they corrected it. But when they corrected it they claimed the charge off to be XXXX XXXX. I have already experienced the devastation of my credit in XXXX and XXXX. I am now being penalized again for the same event by XXXX Bank, but today, XXXX XXXX. I have called XXXX Bank and I get no where. Experian says their hands are tied. This is violation of FCRA and I am being penalized for the same thing that I have been rebuilding from. I just received a notification that my credit score, from being XXXX in XXXX is now a XXXX. I have 8 % DTI. I 'm seeking help. I have also inquired with a lawyer if I ca n't get this resolved. Please help me.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | This company continues to report on my credit report after I sent them a letter telling them that this account was not mine and I have no idea what it is or who it belongs to!
I asked for proof of a signed contract, I asked for a license to collect in my state, I asked for copies of all information referenced for this debt and still to date, I have not received anything but harassment from this company!
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | This company continues to report on my credit report after I sent them a letter telling them that this account was not mine and I have no idea what it is or who it belongs to!
I asked for proof of a signed contract, I asked for a license to collect in my state, I asked for copies of all information referenced for this debt and still to date, I have not received anything but harassment from this company!
Company disputes the facts presented in the complaint | This company continues to report on my credit report after I sent them a letter telling them that this account was not mine and I have no idea what it is or who it belongs to!
I asked for proof of a signed contract, I asked for a license to collect in my state, I asked for copies of all information referenced for this debt and still to date, I have not received anything but harassment from this company!
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | Received Stop Release due to garnishment and company Union Adjustment XXXX. XXXX XXXX XXXX, Ca XXXX XXXX. Has submitted a new garnishement same case # XXXX. XXXX County, Superior Court ... XXXX Ca. The stop release was given back in XX/XX/XXXX and XX/XX/XXXX here they are again taking my money. Company I purchased a car from over 15 years ago refused to fix a broken computer chip. Had not been 3 months. So I did vouluntary reposession and I ended up out of money put down and car i used as part of down payment. And had no transportation. Now all these years later these people who I do not owe a dime are garnishing my check for the XXXX time ... Please make this stop.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | This company continues to report on my credit report after I sent them a letter telling them that this account was not mine and I have no idea what it is or who it belongs to!
I asked for proof of a signed contract, I asked for a license to collect in my state, I asked for copies of all information referenced for this debt and still to date, I have not received anything but harassment from this company!
Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error | I set up a date with the collector from ez money payday loans to pay a settlement amount he couldnt do it the same day because they were still trying to collect it from my account the collector called me a day early, then called me the next day. I tried to pay it and he decided to raise the amount by {$50.00} then refused to take anything less which I could n't pay. Now they are calling me at least XXXX a day on the same number which I have told them several times is inconvient to me.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | THIS IS NOT MY DEBT! This company continues to report on my credit report after I sent them a letter telling them that this account was not mine and I have no idea what it is or who it belongs to!
I asked for proof of a signed contract, I asked for a license to collect in my state, I asked for copies of all information referenced for this debt and still to date, I have not received anything but harassment from this company!
Company chooses not to provide a public response | XXXX people are XXXX and XXXX you like a dog. I started trying to communicate with XXXX. My credit limit was XXXX. Why is it XXXX?? No one wants to tell me. I am willing to pay my credit limit as an in full payment and am told no. I am also threatened with legal action and XXXX has sent v this to an attorney. The attorney says that in order to settle for just my credit limit that XXXX wants my income, my bank information, my utility information, my drivers license number etc ... information they are not going to get nor are they entitled to get this info.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I had not intent of applying for this kind of loan but was solicited to do so with deceptive practicesI was told the loan would be easy to get and I would have no trouble qualifyingSoon after I was forced to go through a process that called into question my credit worthiness, my property records, and so on. The process turned from " no trouble qualifying '' to a miasma of official documents and the likeI was sent a letter stating that the loan was approvedI was told the loan would not be approved on XXXX XXXX I received another letter asking for documentation so the loan would get approvedSn email from me : In the end I do not understand why the paperwork relative to the divorce and the deed for my home were adequate for a line of equity from Homestreet Bank and a {$400000.00} refinance from XXXX XXXX XXXX.
You should be very careful about enticing customers to apply for loans without having all of the facts of the matter. This process caused harm psychologically and emotionally and I made financial decisions based on your bank 's words of certain loan approval.
Deceptive practices were used to get to my apply for a loan that I did not seek. My paperwork was kept without my approval.
The paperwork was returned. However, I also received a XXXX day air UPS package from a bank XXXX blocks from my home that was supposed to be sent to me on XXXX and should also include my tax documents. In perhaps the most pitiful part of all of this my tax documents are not included in the package. Instead I received tax documents for XXXX XXXX XXXX whom I do not know.
US BANK cajoled me into applying for a loan I did not seek. I was told the loan was approved but I needed to close XXXX credit accounts. I did this is good faith based on the assurance of my bankerI was told by the banker that the loan was a part of building my relationship with him and US Bank. He did not tell me that he was leaving US Bank even as he had announced this before I applied for the loanMy grievance has to do with the strong arm sales tactics of US Bank and the deceptive parts of the loan process. The banker blamed the incompetence of the underwriters for the delay in processing the loan and left the bank before the loan was denied.
In this case the bank obviously did not work in the best interests of a customer. In fact the bank did quite the opposite. It compromised by credit availability and also put me through a grueling and intrusive process despite promises to do just the opposite.
This kind of banking practice is unfortunate and harmful and banks should not be able to make promises that that can not keep and fool consumers
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I have been attempting to get a Mortgage Modification with Bank of America for over four years. Each time until recently I have been placed in a circle where without explanation by modification has to be restarted without a final answer of the previous attempt. I have a numerous number of agents assist me with this process until recently when I was afforded a Dept of Justice Modification that was part of a settlement with BOA and the XXXX due to the mortgage crisis. BOA has not offered any proof od security in the process in writing and I had to pay a large monthly installments out of faith to ensure the new loan of my home. Now that they have received their money not only has the demeanor of BOA personnel changed towards me but also the timeline to complete the process has been drastically expedited. My rep explained to me the loan would be in underwriting for at least 30 days, at that time I would receive paperwork I needed to sign then given another 30 days to return the information. At this time I have only heard via phone call my modification was approved and I need to send all required paperwork by by XXXX XXXX, 2015. This is gives me less than two weeks to turn around vital paperwork to save my home. It took four years and a 16 billion dollar fine for BOA to get my mortgage right but I have less than two weeks. When I attempted to escalate my concerns to an authority that could better assist I was denied any chance to speak to someone above my case managers supervisor. His supervisor was rude and uncooperative to reason by telling me how they expect anyone above her would respond to my request. This experience with BOA has left me feeling they rather foreclose on my home and sale it at a higher price than what my modification was ordered by the DOJ to be in order to recoup part of the money lost from the previous fine. I served over 20 years and XXXX I 'm confused why BOA would include XXXX in their title. My wife and I are both XXXX veterans and she is a XXXX. Our income has changed dramatically over the last three years plus our flexibility of employment is limited due to high medical demands. We need this modification to go through and our ability to return needed paperwork is important to finalize the details. I pray that BOA would take action not only to allow me time needed to return my paperwork, but adjust their policy to do so when the opportunity warrants. I feel BOA owes it to their customers/ clients to place them in a Mortgage that reflects the true value of their home and should make ample time to ensure all homeowners are given time necessary to salvage their lives do the financial crisis caused by BOA and other banks affiliated with this issue. With extra care to those who have served and lost part of themselves after serving in XXXX protecting our way of life. Some agents say thanks but actions speak louder than words.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | I pulled a credit report and noticed a collection account. It is an amount of 120 dollars. I reached out via certified mail in an attempt to verify debt and even settle since it was a small amount. First Credit Services will not answer me with any information about debt and unfortunately I can barely understand their customer service when speaking over the phone with them.
Back in XX/XX/XXXX spoke numerous times to trainer XXXX. Informed me only XXXX could help me. So after numerous attempts in XX/XX/XXXX turned my key fob in to XXXX as I was unable to reach XXXX.I have been charged up until XX/XX/XXXX. Even XXXX called me to get my new card security info, XXXX numbers on back of card, which I never gave out but they worked around that as I never gave consent to debit my new credit card.
Emailed XX/XX/XXXX via online " email my club '' link asking for membership and contract info identifying myself. That email wentunanswered.
XX/XX/XXXX called XXXX spoke with XXXX who tried to call the XXXX branch but like usual no one was in. XXXX said she would call me back when she heard back but would not give me her extension or direct line to reach her. She never called me back. Several calls later all with no answers I had to cancel credit/debit cards and get new account. Since then it appear as if penalty fees have been assessed.
The cancellation letter and the amount to collect do not even match.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | Our initial mortgage was with Bank of America who offered to refinance, but the payment was as much as original mortgage due to pending mortgage deficiency, they then sold our mortgage to one of their subsidiary 's " XXXX XXXX XXXX ''.
We had sought the assistance of XXXX to assist us with the refinancing. XXXX XXXX XXXX refused to refinance our mortgage telling XXXX they had received our paper work too late. However, this was in correct as all requested documents were sent and submitted within the time frame required. XXXX XXXX simply refused to work with XXXX on our behalf.
In addition, XXXX XXXX XXXX it would appear intentionally caused our mortgage to become default, which resulted in them selling it to XXXX XXXX XXXX.
XXXX XXXX at the time of selling our mortgage to XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX, was negligent in their fiduciary duties in that they did not disclose to XXXX that we had filed a complaint with your agency, Consumer Finance and that they ( XXXX ) had refused to work with XXXX. Their action resulted in the property being sold to XXXX without any consideration for our need and ability to re-finance in an attempt to save our home. XXXX obtain a court order resulting in us having to vacate the property no later than XX/XX/XXXX.
The action of XXXX XXXX has caused not only the loss of our home, but extreme emotional distress and absorbent monetary loss and financial hardship.
We appeal to you for any all assistance and remedy with respect to the issues raised in this complaint.
We thank you in advance for your kind consideration and concern in this matter.
With kind regards, we remain.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | You all have failed to use reasonable care in the course of business and failed to use even minimal procedures to ensure that I was not harmed. You all have also failed to adhere to federal regulations and violated several laws of the FCRA.
*XXXX # XXXX # XXXX {$510.00} Has agreed to delete all accounts you still choose to report. FCRA guidelines a collection can not be past due. You all have not provided me with the verification method you used on this account that you say you previously verified. This Collection Agency has not verified this account. A collection account can not go into collections according to FCRA guidelines ; the Collection company can not report that because they are not the original creditor. Reporting inaccurate negative information ; violation of FCRA.
XXXX XXXX # XXXX {$0.00} : Please provide verification the dates XX/XX/XXXX XX/XX/XXXX regarding late payments listed and provide me with the verification method used. During these periods the military member was XXXX and notified school of her XXXX, but XXXX XXXX released her deferrment due to No Longer Enrolled in School. The memeber was till enrolled, but had to drop classes due to military XXXX. Loan was forgiven because memeber is now a XXXX veteran. Reporting inaccurate negative information ; violation of FCRA. Violation of SCRA. Which is unverifiable and by law should be removed. XXXX XXXX has no information on the account.
XXXX XXXX # XXXX .... {$8000.00} : Reinserted after previous deletion. According to FCRA guidelines a charge off or collection account can not be past due. The account can not be an installment or note account it is a charge off account according to FCRA guidelines. Please verify the said dates of Charge off Lates and or collection. Date of Satus and remarks in status does not match. The information is contradicting. Reporting inaccurate negative information ; violation of FCRA. Violation of SCRA. Which is unverifiable and by law should be removed.
XXXX {$65.00} : According to FCRA guidelines a collection account can not be past due. The account can not be an installment or note account it is a collection according to FCRA guidelines. Please verify the said dates of collection. Dateof Satus and remarks in status does not match. The information is contradicting. Reporting inaccurate negative information ; violation of FCRA. Violation of SCRA. Which is unverifiable and by law should be removed.
Inquiries : You all have stated to contact the reporter about inquiries and I have and they remain unverified. It is also your job to not report unverifiable information. If you can not verify that I authorized these companies access to my credit file then you are in direct violation of the FCRA, because the FCRA states that Reporting Agencies must correct or delete any incomplete unverifiabe information.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | XXXX credit card. I use this card to buy a XXXX last XXXX XXXX $ in XXXX. When I pay it use this card, I choose 6 month no interest, buy I keep minimal payment each month. After 6 months I send a check XXXX $ pay out all expense, but it come out late fee on my statement every month, till XXXX $ last statement after wife write a check pay another XXXX {$.00} 50 {$.00} XXXX $ total more than XXXX {$.00} because she just following the statement wrote another check payout all balance. This month, the statement come to my hand, I found this mis-statement with another 187 {$.00} they still keep count late fee and interest on 0 spend and o balance. the XXXX $ was count from my XXXX purchase plus late fees and interest from every month that should not charge ( I did 6 month no interest with minimal payment plus payout check XXXX $ ), but they just simply ignore all payment even over paid. I just want them to pay me back and close my account, and ask you to do an investigation to shut down their business in case they continue to steal money from people.
Company believes the complaint is the result of a misunderstanding | Thru a company called XXXX XXXX XXXX, they negotiated an amount that was smaller than what was owed to XXXX or XXXX XXXX XXXX and I was able to pay off the agreed upon amount in XXXX payments in XX/XX/XXXX in the time stipulated. I also received new credit cards from XXXX XXXX XXXX with the account numbers that were never activated or used that I still have in my possession attached to the Visa Signature package that indicate previous account ending XXXX new account ending in XXXX valid thru XXXX. Payments were received, no new transactions took place an no payments were returned unpaid. This was clearly an entrapment to void the agreement and when this did not occur they decided to wait in hopes that I would not have documents to prove what actually took place.
I received a summons in XXXX XX/XX/XXXX indicating that the balance of the original amount was due thru the law company of XXXX, XXXX LLC representing XXXX XXXX XXXX who apparently bought the loan from XXXX. I believe under FDCPA my rights have been violated by deceptive and false misrepresentation with regards to modifying the card number to collect a debt that was agreed upon previously. I have provided the relevant information in the allotted time and the above mentioned lawyers are still pursing this thru the court system despite the fact that I received a letter from XXXX XXXX XXXX indicating that they may report the account as charged off to reporting agencies. How can XXXX company accept a payment, then a second company buys the debt and comes after you again. I believed that this debt was paid in full and should not have to go thru this anguish with these large corporations with millions behind them.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I start making payments to XXXX XXXX on XXXX/XXXX/2012 to XXXX/XXXX/2015 on time for the amount of {$100.00} a month, and XXXX funding they said that already report all payments on time but is not in my credit report I want Experian credit bureau to credit my report pay as agreed for all payments I have made ontime to XXXX XXXX.This account was charge off by XXXX XXXX XXXX.
Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error | I was given a message on my job that a man called to talk to me named XXXX XXXX and I was given his phone number. I called him and asked him who he was and he said he could not help me until he knew my name. i said XXXX XXXX. He asked what phone number he called. I said I do n't know what phone number you called, I just got a message to call you. Who are you? What kind of business is this. He proceeded to become very rude and belligerent saying he ca n't help me if I ca n't tell him the phone number. I said I told you I do n't know who you called. He said he had no one by that name and again stated he ca n't help me without a phone number and said call me when you get it and hung up on me. His phone number is XXXX and the name of the company is Critical Resolution Mediation.
Subsets and Splits