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the way it framed her heart shaped face made her appear much less like jade than he had originally thought . |
`` thank you . |
maybe we 'll end up together . '' |
she licked her lips before adding , `` you know , at the same hospital . '' |
`` i would like that . |
but i 'm afraid that wellstar pales in comparison to grady . '' |
`` surely the suburbs offer some interesting cases ? '' |
`` they do . |
i 've been there since my residency , so i ca n't imagine working anywhere else . |
after all , i would n't be standing here today with you if it were n't for wellstar and your grandfather . '' |
`` that 's true . '' |
tilting her head , she gave him a very alluring smile . |
`` and what a pity that would be if our paths had n't crossed . '' |
he sucked in a breath at the directness of her statement . |
could she really be interested in him ? |
sure , it was common knowledge that aidan and others wanted them to get together , but he had imagined that she had not known their intentions . |
and while originally he had been turned off by aidan 's suggestion of fixing them up , he could n't help but be intrigued now . |
there was something so refreshingly different about megan , despite her physical similarities to jade . |
`` mommy ! '' |
a small voice cried . |
pesh glanced over megan 's shoulder where a fair-haired toddler came bounding over . |
he wrapped his arms around megan 's thigh . |
she gave him an apologetic look before bending over . |
`` what 's the matter , sweetie ? '' |
he grinned up at her . |
`` miss you . '' |
with a smile , she bent over and picked him up . |
when he sat on her hip , she turned her attention back to pesh . |
`` this is my son , mason . '' |
pesh could n't help noticing how megan searched his face to see if there was any judgment or even disgust at her having a son . |
he felt neither of those emotions . |
he had to admit he was a little surprised . |
aidan had failed to mention that fact as well . |
not to mention , she seemed young to be a mother , considering she was just finishing her clinicals . |
`` it 's nice to meet you , mason . '' |
`` can you tell pesh hi ? '' |
megan urged . |
`` hi , esh , '' mason said , with a grin . |
pesh could n't help laughing , and he was thankful that megan giggled as well . |
`` how old are you ? '' |
mason held up two fingers to which megan shook her head . |
`` he 's seventeen months . '' |
pesh smiled . |
`` you must be very proud of him . '' |
`` i am . '' |
she snuggled mason against her chest . |
`` he 's the sweetest and best boy i could ever hope for . '' |
`` you 're very blessed . '' |
`` thank you . '' |
they were interrupted by aidan 's sister , angie , who pesh had met earlier . |
`` looks like it 's time to start . |
come on mason . |
mommy has to go be noah 's godmother now . '' |
mason reluctantly went to his grandmother . |
`` be good for grammy , '' megan instructed . |
after angie walked off with mason , the other family members began filing out of the room . |
pesh turned to megan and gave her a sheepish smile . |
`` i must admit that even though i attended a class with emma , i 'm a little unsure of what i 'm supposed to do . '' |
`` it 's okay . |
just follow my lead , and you 'll be fine . '' |
`` thank you . '' |
once it was only the two of them and aidan and emma in the room , aidan motioned for them . |
a priest in decorated golden robes appeared at the door with a gleaming crucifix in his hands . |
pesh tried not to feel intimidated as the odd man out in the situation . |
music struck up on the organ , and the priest motioned for them to follow . |
before they went out the door , emma glanced down at noah . |
`` please , please , do not scream in there and act like a demon baby . |
be the angel i know you can be . '' |
he acknowledged her request by sticking his tongue out and flailing his fists . |
aidan chuckled at emma 's plea . |
`` relax , babe . |
if he feels you getting all tense , he 's going to get fussy . '' |
emma sighed . |
`` he 's already fussy . |
he was fine until i put him in the gown . '' |
`` i guess he feels that wearing a dress is insulting to his manhood , '' aidan reasoned with a smile . |
when emma shot aidan a death glare , megan and pesh could n't help laughing at the two of them . |
aidan winked at emma before starting out the door . |
at megan 's side , pesh walked up the aisle . |
when they reached the baptismal font , the music ended , and the priest began speaking . |
he informed the crowd of what was about to take place and the significance of all the religious rites noah was about to receive . |
aidan and emma made the sign of the cross on noah 's forehead before megan leaned in to do the same . |
when megan elbowed him , pesh reached over to clumsily follow their lead . |
after he finished , he glanced at megan . |
she smiled and mouthed , `` good job . '' |
he returned her smile . |
he followed through the rest of the proceedings as aidan and emma pledged to raise noah in the faith . |
then it came time for him and megan to agree to stand by noah as godparents . |
the priest took a fussing noah from emma 's arms . |
when the first trickles of water hit the base of noah 's head , he cooed and kicked his arms and legs . |
emma appeared relieved at how noah was n't behaving like a possessed baby as she had feared . |
`` thank god he loves his baths , '' aidan muttered beside pesh . |
once the baptism part was finished , the priest made a final talk , and then it was over . |
just as pesh sighed with relief and was looking forward to making a quick exit , aidan grabbed his arm . |
`` do n't go anywhere . |
we have to do pictures . '' |
inwardly , he groaned . |
he wanted , no he needed , a moment alone to process his thoughts . |
everything had been so overwhelming-being outside his usual world , meeting all of aidan 's family , and then having the prospect of megan thrown in as well . |
awkwardly , he stood around as a photographer came forward and proceeded to take several pictures of aidan , emma , and noah . |
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