Games Datasets
Datasets where each row is a rated chess game
Viewer • Updated • 6.49B • 44.1k • 39Note Standard chess rated games
Viewer • Updated • 30.6M • 1.28k • 2Note Antichess is an eccentric variant where you lose all your pieces or get stalemated to win. Pieces move the same way they do in standard chess; however, kings lose their royal powers - they cannot castle, and checks are no longer a threat. Since kings have lost their royal powers, pawns may be promoted to kings. Capturing is forced. If you can take a piece, you must. If multiple pieces can be captured, you may choose which piece you capture.
Viewer • Updated • 278k • 980 • 3Note The purpose of the game is to nuke your opponent's king. In addition to standard rules, all captures cause an explosion by which the captured piece, the piece used to capture, and all surrounding pieces except pawns that are within a one square radius are removed from the board.
Viewer • Updated • 22.3M • 654 • 4Note Chess960 (also known as Fischer Random) is a chess variant where the starting position of each piece in the home rank is randomized. However, the pieces of both sides will still be symmetrical. All the rules of standard chess apply. In particular, pieces work as if in standard chess, with the exception of castling.
Viewer • Updated • 282k • 1.09k • 1Note Captured pieces can be dropped back on the board instead of moving a piece. A captured piece reverses color and goes to the capturing player's pocket. At any time, instead of making a move with a piece on the board, a player can drop a piece from their pocket on to an empty square on the board.
Viewer • Updated • 74.7k • 984 • 1Note Horde chess is a variant where white has 36 pawns (which will be referred to as The Pawns ) and black (The Pieces) needs to destroy the Horde to win. A special starting position is used: "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/1PP2PP1/PPPPPPPP/PPPPPPPP/PPPPPPPP/PPPPPPPP w kq - 0 1"
Viewer • Updated • 82.6k • 861 • 1Note This variant is similar to standard chess, but it has a very strong emphasis on center play. All the Laws of FIDE chess apply. In particular, a move is legal if and only if it would have been legal in FIDE chess. If you make a legal move that moves your King to one of the center squares (d4, d5, e4, e5) you win. The winning move has to be legal, e.g. you can not move into check. Checkmating your opponent is another legal way to win.
Viewer • Updated • 62.8k • 809 • 1Note The purpose of the game is to be the first player to move their king to the eighth row. When White moves their king to the eighth row, and Black, immediately on the next move, moves their king to the eighth rank, the game is declared a draw (this rule is to compensate for White's first-move advantage). Pieces move and capture exactly as in normal chess. A special starting position is used: "8/8/8/8/8/8/krbnNBRK/qrbnNBRQ w - - 0 1"
Viewer • Updated • 100k • 1.13k • 1Note The purpose of the game is to check your opponent 3 times. This variant is quite simple, but the game play it introduces is sophisticated and games can lead to very many tactical opportunities. All the Laws of FIDE chess apply. In particular, a move is legal if and only if it would have been legal in FIDE chess. If you make a legal move that puts your opponent's King into the third check, you win. The winning move has to be legal, e.g. you can not give the third check while in check. Checkmating