Fine Tuned using dataset:
Epoch Count: 1
Step Count: 6,470/6,470
Batch Size: 2
Gradient Accumulation Steps: 4
Context Size: 8192
Num examples: 51,760
Trainable Parameters: 41,943,040
Learning Rate: 0.00001
Training Loss: 0.960000
Fined Tuned using: Google Colab Pro (Nvidia T4 runtime)
Developed by: akumaburn
License: apache-2.0
Finetuned from model : unsloth/llama-3-8b-bnb-4bit
Prompt Format: Alpaca (
Chai ELO: 1146.84 (
Some GGUF quantizations can be found in
- MMLU-Test: Final result: 41.5836 +/- 0.4174
- Arc-Easy: Final result: 72.6316 +/- 1.8691
- Truthful QA: Final result: 32.0685 +/- 1.6339
- Arc-Challenge: Final result: 48.8294 +/- 2.8956
- MMLU-Test: Final result: 40.4074 +/- 0.4156
- Arc-Easy: Final result: 73.8596 +/- 1.8421
- Truthful QA: Final result: 26.6830 +/- 1.5484
- Arc-Challenge: Final result: 46.8227 +/- 2.8906
- MMLU-Test: Final result: 39.3818 +/- 0.4138
- Arc-Easy: Final result: 67.3684 +/- 1.9656
- Truthful QA: Final result: 29.0086 +/- 1.5886
- Arc-Challenge: Final result: 42.1405 +/- 2.8604
- MMLU-Test: Final result: 40.6441 +/- 0.4160
- Arc-Easy: Final result: 77.5439 +/- 1.7494
- Truthful QA: Final result: 29.7430 +/- 1.6003
- Arc-Challenge: Final result: 50.5017 +/- 2.8963
- MMLU-Test: Final result: 40.8664 +/- 0.4163
- Arc-Easy: Final result: 74.3860 +/- 1.8299
- Truthful QA: Final result: 28.6414 +/- 1.5826
- Arc-Challenge: Final result: 47.1572 +/- 2.8917
Llama.cpp Options For Testing: --samplers "tfs;typical;temp" --draft 32 --ctx-size 8192 --temp 0.82 --tfs 0.8 --typical 1.1 --repeat-last-n 512 --batch-size 8192 --repeat-penalty 1.0 --n-gpu-layers 100 --threads 12
This llama model was trained 2x faster with Unsloth and Huggingface's TRL library.
- Downloads last month
- 15