argument type

by Nuclear6 - opened

This is a great model, but I have some issues understanding it. Can anyone help?

The parameter types I saw in the demo are all simple string types. If I want to define complex types or other basic types, how should I define them?

And, how should the mutual exclusivity between parameters be expressed?

A few tips:

  • You can just define arrays or objects in place of the strings and it generally works.
  • Probably using this v3 model is a little easier.
  • For mutual exclusivity, you could provide a list of options for the value. You could also just describe boolean relationships. There isn't a fixed format, but something sensible should work fairly well (although Llama 2 isn't as strong as the openchat function calling model).

Thank you very much for your answer, I will try the v3 version.

Nuclear6 changed discussion status to closed

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