SillyTavern patch?
It looks like this replaces a file from SillyTavern. Won't that interfere with people's ability to update ST? Have you considered doing a pull request to make this a permanent change in the ST code?
I have already opened a ticket at ST about make this permanent.
Awaiting word on this.
This is definitely the preferred option.
I did also try the extension route - that was no go due to script/function requirements.
At the moment, if there are updates to "core" script.js at ST; I will update the new version with my code in the meantime.
There are 9 internal patches and a code section.
That being said, the patch updates are very fast by design.
Additional Issue:
There are more advanced systems to be added still (tested, running in different versions).
I hope they add this because i can't, everytime i try ST freezes on lauch... but I'm so curious