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implment AutoAugment, RandAugment
Adapted from and modified for token labeling
import math
import random
import re
import numpy as np
import PIL
from PIL import Image, ImageEnhance, ImageOps
_PIL_VER = tuple([int(x) for x in PIL.__version__.split(".")[:2]])
_FILL = (128, 128, 128)
_MAX_LEVEL = 10.0
def _interpolation(kwargs):
interpolation = kwargs.pop("resample", Image.BILINEAR)
if isinstance(interpolation, (list, tuple)):
return random.choice(interpolation)
return interpolation
def _check_args_tf(kwargs):
if "fillcolor" in kwargs and _PIL_VER < (5, 0):
kwargs["resample"] = _interpolation(kwargs)
def shear_x(img, factor, **kwargs):
return img.transform(img.size, Image.AFFINE, (1, factor, 0, 0, 1, 0), **kwargs)
def shear_y(img, factor, **kwargs):
return img.transform(img.size, Image.AFFINE, (1, 0, 0, factor, 1, 0), **kwargs)
def translate_x_rel(img, pct, **kwargs):
pixels = pct * img.size[0]
return img.transform(img.size, Image.AFFINE, (1, 0, pixels, 0, 1, 0), **kwargs)
def translate_y_rel(img, pct, **kwargs):
pixels = pct * img.size[1]
return img.transform(img.size, Image.AFFINE, (1, 0, 0, 0, 1, pixels), **kwargs)
def translate_x_abs(img, pixels, **kwargs):
return img.transform(img.size, Image.AFFINE, (1, 0, pixels, 0, 1, 0), **kwargs)
def translate_y_abs(img, pixels, **kwargs):
return img.transform(img.size, Image.AFFINE, (1, 0, 0, 0, 1, pixels), **kwargs)
def rotate(img, degrees, **kwargs):
if _PIL_VER >= (5, 2):
return img.rotate(degrees, **kwargs)
elif _PIL_VER >= (5, 0):
w, h = img.size
post_trans = (0, 0)
rotn_center = (w / 2.0, h / 2.0)
angle = -math.radians(degrees)
matrix = [
round(math.cos(angle), 15),
round(math.sin(angle), 15),
round(-math.sin(angle), 15),
round(math.cos(angle), 15),
def transform(x, y, matrix):
(a, b, c, d, e, f) = matrix
return a * x + b * y + c, d * x + e * y + f
matrix[2], matrix[5] = transform(
-rotn_center[0] - post_trans[0], -rotn_center[1] - post_trans[1], matrix
matrix[2] += rotn_center[0]
matrix[5] += rotn_center[1]
return img.transform(img.size, Image.AFFINE, matrix, **kwargs)
return img.rotate(degrees, resample=kwargs["resample"])
def auto_contrast(img, **__):
return ImageOps.autocontrast(img)
def invert(img, **__):
return ImageOps.invert(img)
def equalize(img, **__):
return ImageOps.equalize(img)
def solarize(img, thresh, **__):
return ImageOps.solarize(img, thresh)
def solarize_add(img, add, thresh=128, **__):
lut = []
for i in range(256):
if i < thresh:
lut.append(min(255, i + add))
if img.mode in ("L", "RGB"):
if img.mode == "RGB" and len(lut) == 256:
lut = lut + lut + lut
return img.point(lut)
return img
def posterize(img, bits_to_keep, **__):
if bits_to_keep >= 8:
return img
return ImageOps.posterize(img, bits_to_keep)
def contrast(img, factor, **__):
return ImageEnhance.Contrast(img).enhance(factor)
def color(img, factor, **__):
return ImageEnhance.Color(img).enhance(factor)
def brightness(img, factor, **__):
return ImageEnhance.Brightness(img).enhance(factor)
def sharpness(img, factor, **__):
return ImageEnhance.Sharpness(img).enhance(factor)
def _randomly_negate(v):
"""With 50% prob, negate the value"""
return -v if random.random() > 0.5 else v
def _rotate_level_to_arg(level, _hparams):
# range [-30, 30]
level = (level / _MAX_LEVEL) * 30.0
level = _randomly_negate(level)
return (level,)
def _enhance_level_to_arg(level, _hparams):
# range [0.1, 1.9]
return ((level / _MAX_LEVEL) * 1.8 + 0.1,)
def _enhance_increasing_level_to_arg(level, _hparams):
# the 'no change' level is 1.0, moving away from that towards 0. or 2.0 increases the enhancement blend
# range [0.1, 1.9]
level = (level / _MAX_LEVEL) * 0.9
level = 1.0 + _randomly_negate(level)
return (level,)
def _shear_level_to_arg(level, _hparams):
# range [-0.3, 0.3]
level = (level / _MAX_LEVEL) * 0.3
level = _randomly_negate(level)
return (level,)
def _translate_abs_level_to_arg(level, hparams):
translate_const = hparams["translate_const"]
level = (level / _MAX_LEVEL) * float(translate_const)
level = _randomly_negate(level)
return (level,)
def _translate_rel_level_to_arg(level, hparams):
# default range [-0.45, 0.45]
translate_pct = hparams.get("translate_pct", 0.45)
level = (level / _MAX_LEVEL) * translate_pct
level = _randomly_negate(level)
return (level,)
def _posterize_level_to_arg(level, _hparams):
# As per Tensorflow TPU EfficientNet impl
# range [0, 4], 'keep 0 up to 4 MSB of original image'
# intensity/severity of augmentation decreases with level
return (int((level / _MAX_LEVEL) * 4),)
def _posterize_increasing_level_to_arg(level, hparams):
# As per Tensorflow models research and UDA impl
# range [4, 0], 'keep 4 down to 0 MSB of original image',
# intensity/severity of augmentation increases with level
return (4 - _posterize_level_to_arg(level, hparams)[0],)
def _posterize_original_level_to_arg(level, _hparams):
# As per original AutoAugment paper description
# range [4, 8], 'keep 4 up to 8 MSB of image'
# intensity/severity of augmentation decreases with level
return (int((level / _MAX_LEVEL) * 4) + 4,)
def _solarize_level_to_arg(level, _hparams):
# range [0, 256]
# intensity/severity of augmentation decreases with level
return (int((level / _MAX_LEVEL) * 256),)
def _solarize_increasing_level_to_arg(level, _hparams):
# range [0, 256]
# intensity/severity of augmentation increases with level
return (256 - _solarize_level_to_arg(level, _hparams)[0],)
def _solarize_add_level_to_arg(level, _hparams):
# range [0, 110]
return (int((level / _MAX_LEVEL) * 110),)
"AutoContrast": None,
"Equalize": None,
"Invert": None,
"Rotate": _rotate_level_to_arg,
# There are several variations of the posterize level scaling in various Tensorflow/Google repositories/papers
"Posterize": _posterize_level_to_arg,
"PosterizeIncreasing": _posterize_increasing_level_to_arg,
"PosterizeOriginal": _posterize_original_level_to_arg,
"Solarize": _solarize_level_to_arg,
"SolarizeIncreasing": _solarize_increasing_level_to_arg,
"SolarizeAdd": _solarize_add_level_to_arg,
"Color": _enhance_level_to_arg,
"ColorIncreasing": _enhance_increasing_level_to_arg,
"Contrast": _enhance_level_to_arg,
"ContrastIncreasing": _enhance_increasing_level_to_arg,
"Brightness": _enhance_level_to_arg,
"BrightnessIncreasing": _enhance_increasing_level_to_arg,
"Sharpness": _enhance_level_to_arg,
"SharpnessIncreasing": _enhance_increasing_level_to_arg,
"ShearX": _shear_level_to_arg,
"ShearY": _shear_level_to_arg,
"TranslateX": _translate_abs_level_to_arg,
"TranslateY": _translate_abs_level_to_arg,
"TranslateXRel": _translate_rel_level_to_arg,
"TranslateYRel": _translate_rel_level_to_arg,
"AutoContrast": auto_contrast,
"Equalize": equalize,
"Invert": invert,
"Rotate": rotate,
"Posterize": posterize,
"PosterizeIncreasing": posterize,
"PosterizeOriginal": posterize,
"Solarize": solarize,
"SolarizeIncreasing": solarize,
"SolarizeAdd": solarize_add,
"Color": color,
"ColorIncreasing": color,
"Contrast": contrast,
"ContrastIncreasing": contrast,
"Brightness": brightness,
"BrightnessIncreasing": brightness,
"Sharpness": sharpness,
"SharpnessIncreasing": sharpness,
"ShearX": shear_x,
"ShearY": shear_y,
"TranslateX": translate_x_abs,
"TranslateY": translate_y_abs,
"TranslateXRel": translate_x_rel,
"TranslateYRel": translate_y_rel,
# These experimental weights are based loosely on the relative improvements mentioned in paper.
# They may not result in increased performance, but could likely be tuned to so.
"Rotate": 0.3,
"ShearX": 0.2,
"ShearY": 0.2,
"TranslateXRel": 0.1,
"TranslateYRel": 0.1,
"Color": 0.025,
"Sharpness": 0.025,
"AutoContrast": 0.025,
"Solarize": 0.005,
"SolarizeAdd": 0.005,
"Contrast": 0.005,
"Brightness": 0.005,
"Equalize": 0.005,
"Posterize": 0,
"Invert": 0,
def _select_rand_weights(weight_idx=0, transforms=None):
transforms = transforms or _RAND_TRANSFORMS
assert weight_idx == 0 # only one set of weights currently
rand_weights = _RAND_CHOICE_WEIGHTS_0
probs = [rand_weights[k] for k in transforms]
probs /= np.sum(probs)
return probs
class AugmentOp:
def __init__(self, name, prob=0.5, magnitude=10, hparams=None):
hparams = hparams or _HPARAMS_DEFAULT = name
self.aug_fn = NAME_TO_OP[name]
self.level_fn = LEVEL_TO_ARG[name]
self.prob = prob
self.magnitude = magnitude
self.hparams = hparams.copy()
self.kwargs = dict(
fillcolor=hparams["img_mean"] if "img_mean" in hparams else _FILL,
if "interpolation" in hparams
# If magnitude_std is > 0, we introduce some randomness
# in the usually fixed policy and sample magnitude from a normal distribution
# with mean `magnitude` and std-dev of `magnitude_std`.
# NOTE This is my own hack, being tested, not in papers or reference impls.
self.magnitude_std = self.hparams.get("magnitude_std", 0)
def __call__(self, img):
if self.prob < 1.0 and random.random() > self.prob:
return img
magnitude = self.magnitude
if self.magnitude_std and self.magnitude_std > 0:
magnitude = random.gauss(magnitude, self.magnitude_std)
magnitude = min(_MAX_LEVEL, max(0, magnitude)) # clip to valid range
level_args = (
self.level_fn(magnitude, self.hparams)
if self.level_fn is not None
else tuple()
imgs = self.aug_fn(img, *level_args, **self.kwargs)
return imgs
def rand_augment_ops(magnitude=10, hparams=None, transforms=None):
hparams = hparams or _HPARAMS_DEFAULT
transforms = transforms or _RAND_TRANSFORMS
return [
AugmentOp(name, prob=0.5, magnitude=magnitude, hparams=hparams)
for name in transforms
class RandAugment:
Apply RandAug on image
def __init__(self, ops, num_layers=2, choice_weights=None):
self.ops = ops
self.num_layers = num_layers
self.choice_weights = choice_weights
def __call__(self, img):
# no replacement when using weighted choice
ops = np.random.choice(
self.ops, self.num_layers, replace=False, p=self.choice_weights
for op in ops:
img = op(img)
return img
def rand_augment_transform(config_str, hparams):
Create a RandAugment transform
:param config_str: String defining configuration of random augmentation. Consists of multiple sections separated by
dashes ('-'). The first section defines the specific variant of rand augment (currently only 'rand'). The remaining
sections, not order sepecific determine
'm' - integer magnitude of rand augment
'n' - integer num layers (number of transform ops selected per image)
'w' - integer probabiliy weight index (index of a set of weights to influence choice of op)
'mstd' - float std deviation of magnitude noise applied
'inc' - integer (bool), use augmentations that increase in severity with magnitude (default: 0)
Ex 'rand-m9-n3-mstd0.5' results in RandAugment with magnitude 9, num_layers 3, magnitude_std 0.5
'rand-mstd1-w0' results in magnitude_std 1.0, weights 0, default magnitude of 10 and num_layers 2
:param hparams: Other hparams (kwargs) for the RandAugmentation scheme
:return: A PyTorch compatible Transform
magnitude = _MAX_LEVEL # default to _MAX_LEVEL for magnitude (currently 10)
num_layers = 2 # default to 2 ops per image
weight_idx = None # default to no probability weights for op choice
transforms = _RAND_TRANSFORMS
config = config_str.split("-")
assert config[0] == "rand"
config = config[1:]
for c in config:
cs = re.split(r"(\d.*)", c)
if len(cs) < 2:
key, val = cs[:2]
if key == "mstd":
# noise param injected via hparams for now
hparams.setdefault("magnitude_std", float(val))
elif key == "inc":
if bool(val): # this path
elif key == "m":
magnitude = int(val)
elif key == "n":
num_layers = int(val)
elif key == "w":
weight_idx = int(val)
assert False, "Unknown RandAugment config section"
# magnitude 9
# hparams {'translate_const': 100, 'img_mean': (124, 116, 104), 'magnitude_std': 0.5}
# transforms ['AutoContrast', 'Equalize', 'Invert', 'Rotate', 'PosterizeIncreasing', \
# 'SolarizeIncreasing', 'SolarizeAdd', 'ColorIncreasing', 'ContrastIncreasing', \
# 'BrightnessIncreasing', 'SharpnessIncreasing', 'ShearX', 'ShearY', 'TranslateXRel', 'TranslateYRel']
ra_ops = rand_augment_ops(
magnitude=magnitude, hparams=hparams, transforms=transforms
choice_weights = (
None if weight_idx is None else _select_rand_weights(weight_idx)
) ## None
return RandAugment(ra_ops, num_layers, choice_weights=choice_weights)