from shakespeare_config import (get_config, latest_weights_file_path, get_gpt2_tokenizer, causal_mask, current_directory) import torch import warnings import heapq from train import build_transformer def predict_with_greedy_search(start_str:str)-> None: config:dict=get_config() device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") print(f"Using device: {device}") tokenizer = get_gpt2_tokenizer(config=config) model = build_transformer(vocab_size=config['vocab_size'], seq_len=config['seq_len'], d_model=config['d_model']).to(device) # load the pretrained weights model_filename = latest_weights_file_path(config) state = torch.load(model_filename) model.load_state_dict(state['model_state_dict']) model.eval() output = start_str with torch.no_grad(): start_tokens = tokenizer.encode(start_str) print(start_tokens) input = torch.tensor(data=start_tokens, dtype=torch.int64).unsqueeze(dim=0).to(device) # print(input) while input.size(1) <= config['seq_len']: # use mask otheriwse model may generate repetitive words in prediction mask = causal_mask(input.size(1)).to(device) out = model.decode(input,mask) prob = model.project(out[:, -1]) _, next_word = torch.max(prob, dim=1) input = [ input, torch.empty(1,1).type_as(input).fill_(next_word.item()).to(device) ], dim=1 ) output += tokenizer.decode(next_word.item()) print(f'Model output: {output}') def predict_with_beam_search(start_str: str, beam_width: int = 3) -> None: config: dict = get_config() device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") print(f"Using device: {device}") tokenizer = get_gpt2_tokenizer(config=config) model = build_transformer(vocab_size=config['vocab_size'], seq_len=config['seq_len'], d_model=config['d_model']).to(device) # Load the pretrained weights model_filename = latest_weights_file_path(config) state = torch.load(model_filename) model.load_state_dict(state['model_state_dict']) model.eval() # Initial input start_tokens = tokenizer.encode(start_str) input = torch.tensor(data=start_tokens, dtype=torch.int64).unsqueeze(dim=0).to(device) # (1, seq_len) # Beam search variables beams = [(0, input, [])] # Each beam is a tuple of (score, sequence, tokens_generated) for _ in range(config['seq_len']): all_candidates = [] # Process each beam for score, seq, tokens in beams: # use mask otheriwse model may generate repetitive words in prediction mask = causal_mask(seq.size(1)).to(device) out = model.decode(seq, mask) prob = model.project(out[:, -1]) # Get the top k predictions top_k_probabilities, top_k_indices = torch.topk(prob, beam_width, dim=1) # Generate new beams for each of the top k tokens for i in range(beam_width): new_token = top_k_indices[0, i].item() new_score = score - torch.log(top_k_probabilities[0, i]).item() # We negate because we want to maximize new_seq =[seq, torch.tensor([[new_token]], device=device)], dim=1) new_tokens = tokens + [new_token] all_candidates.append((new_score, new_seq, new_tokens)) # Sort all candidates based on their score and keep the top `beam_width` beams beams = heapq.nsmallest(beam_width, all_candidates, key=lambda x: x[0]) # Optionally, stop early if all beams end with an EOS token if all(beam[1].shape[1] >= config['seq_len'] for beam in beams): break # Retrieve the best beam (with the highest score) best_beam = beams[0] best_tokens = best_beam[2] # Decode the final sequence output = tokenizer.decode(best_tokens, skip_special_tokens=True) print(f'Model output: {output}') if __name__ == '__main__': warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") start_str = 'Now sadder, that you come so' predict_with_greedy_search(start_str=start_str) print('--'*100) predict_with_beam_search(start_str=start_str)