""" |
Provides some extra utilities around torch compile, in particular with a way |
to fully deactivate it easily with a context manager. |
Provides a simple activation checkpointing that is compatible with FSDP and torch compile. |
Finally, provides some utilities for CUDA graphing functions. |
""" |
from contextlib import contextmanager |
from functools import wraps |
import inspect |
import os |
import typing as tp |
import torch |
from torch import cuda |
_compile_disabled: bool = False |
@contextmanager |
def no_compile(): |
"""Disable torch.compile locally. Now Pytorch 2.4 provides a function to do that.""" |
global _compile_disabled |
prev_disabled = _compile_disabled |
_compile_disabled = True |
try: |
yield |
finally: |
_compile_disabled = prev_disabled |
def torch_compile_lazy(fun): |
"""torch.compile creates a huge pool of processes, even when not using the function at all, |
e.g. with Dora. This can polute stderr when doing CTRL+C. So we do it in a lazy way. |
""" |
if os.environ.get("NO_TORCH_COMPILE"): |
return fun |
fun_compiled = None |
@wraps(fun) |
def _wrapped(*args, **kwargs): |
nonlocal fun_compiled |
if _compile_disabled: |
return fun(*args, **kwargs) |
if fun_compiled is None: |
fun_compiled = torch.compile(fun) |
return fun_compiled(*args, **kwargs) |
return _wrapped |
class Checkpoint(torch.autograd.Function): |
@staticmethod |
def forward(ctx, function, *args) -> tp.Any: |
to_save = [] |
ctx.others = [] |
ctx.function = function |
ctx.sources = [] |
new_args = [] |
for arg in args: |
if isinstance(arg, torch.Tensor): |
to_save.append(arg) |
ctx.sources.append("tensor") |
new_args.append(arg.detach()) |
else: |
ctx.sources.append("other") |
ctx.others.append(arg) |
new_args.append(arg) |
ctx.save_for_backward(*to_save) |
with torch.no_grad(): |
res = function(*new_args) |
return res |
@staticmethod |
def backward(ctx, *grads) -> tp.Tuple[tp.Optional[torch.Tensor], ...]: |
pseudo_tensors = [] |
with torch.set_grad_enabled(True): |
for tensor in ctx.saved_tensors: |
pseudo_tensor = tensor.detach() |
pseudo_tensor.requires_grad_(True) |
pseudo_tensors.append(pseudo_tensor) |
pseudo_tensors_copy = list(pseudo_tensors) |
args = [] |
for source in ctx.sources: |
if source == "other": |
args.append(ctx.others.pop(0)) |
else: |
assert source == "tensor" |
args.append(pseudo_tensors_copy.pop(0)) |
res = ctx.function(*args) |
if not isinstance(res, tuple): |
res = (res,) |
torch.autograd.backward(res, grads) |
out: tp.List[tp.Optional[torch.Tensor]] = [None] |
for source in ctx.sources: |
if source == "other": |
out.append(None) |
else: |
assert source == "tensor" |
out.append(pseudo_tensors.pop(0).grad) |
return tuple(out) |
def simple_checkpoint(module: torch.nn.Module, *args, **kwargs): |
"""Custom implementation of checkpointing in PyTorch as the builtin implementation is broken |
when using torch compile. Only supports wrapping a `nn.Module` with a forward with no `*args` or `**kwargs`. |
https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/97436. |
Should be resolved in nightlies, but it is quite fun and simple to code it ourselves. |
""" |
if hasattr(module, "_fsdp_wrapped_module"): |
module_for_sig = module._fsdp_wrapped_module |
else: |
module_for_sig = module |
sig = inspect.signature(module_for_sig.forward) |
bounded = sig.bind(*args, **kwargs) |
new_args = [] |
for name, param in sig.parameters.items(): |
if param.kind in { |
inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL, |
inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD, |
}: |
raise RuntimeError("simple_checkpoint doesn't support var args.") |
if name not in bounded.arguments: |
break |
new_args.append(bounded.arguments[name]) |
return Checkpoint.apply(module, *new_args) |
_in_cuda_graph = False |
_disable_cuda_graph = False |
def in_cuda_graph() -> bool: |
"""Indicate whether we are in a function that is CUDA Graphed (or will be soon).""" |
return _in_cuda_graph |
@contextmanager |
def _set_in_cuda_graph(): |
global _in_cuda_graph |
assert not _in_cuda_graph |
_in_cuda_graph = True |
try: |
yield |
finally: |
_in_cuda_graph = False |
def _is_cuda_graph_enabled() -> bool: |
if _disable_cuda_graph: |
return False |
no_cuda_graph = os.environ.get("NO_CUDA_GRAPH", "") |
if no_cuda_graph.lower() not in {"0", "no", "n", ""}: |
return False |
return True |
@contextmanager |
def no_cuda_graph(): |
"""Deactivate CUDA Graphing for all the calls in this context manager.""" |
global _disable_cuda_graph |
old_value = _disable_cuda_graph |
_disable_cuda_graph = True |
try: |
yield |
finally: |
_disable_cuda_graph = old_value |
class CUDAGraphed: |
"""Allow simple CUDA Graphing of a function. |
Args: |
func: callable, taking any number of arguments. Its tensors arguments should |
be top level args, not nested in structures (tuples, dicts, etc). Keyword |
arguments are NOT supported for simplicity. |
warmup_steps: how many call to make normally before CUDA Graphing. In particular, this |
allows torch.compiled functions to get properly compiled. |
disabled: if True, just call the func directly, useful to quickly deactivate on CPU. |
""" |
def __init__(self, func: tp.Callable, warmup_steps: int = 1, disable: bool = False): |
self.func = func |
self.warmup_steps = warmup_steps |
self.disable = disable |
self._graph: cuda.CUDAGraph | None = None |
self._output: tuple | None = None |
self._args: tuple | None = None |
def reset(self, warmup_steps: int = 0) -> None: |
"""Reset the state, meaning the next call we get CUDA Graphed again. Useful if some |
shapes have changed, or external state (e.g. KVCache) has changed.""" |
self.warmup_steps = warmup_steps |
self._graph = None |
self._output = None |
self._args = None |
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> tp.Any: |
if kwargs: |
raise RuntimeError("Named arguments not supported for now.") |
if self.disable or not _is_cuda_graph_enabled() or in_cuda_graph(): |
return self.func(*args, **kwargs) |
def _clone_tensors(args: tuple) -> tuple: |
out: list = [] |
for arg in args: |
if isinstance(arg, torch.Tensor): |
arg = arg.clone() |
out.append(arg) |
return tuple(out) |
def _match_values_copy_tensors(args: tuple, target_args: tuple) -> None: |
if len(args) != len(target_args): |
raise ValueError( |
f"Expected {len(target_args)}, but got {args} for CUDA Graphed function." |
) |
for idx, (source, target) in enumerate(zip(args, target_args)): |
if isinstance(target, torch.Tensor): |
if not isinstance(source, torch.Tensor): |
raise ValueError( |
f"Argument #{idx} was a tensor, and is no longer (now {source})." |
) |
if source.shape != target.shape: |
raise ValueError( |
f"Argument #{idx} had shape {target.shape}, but got shae {source.shape}" |
) |
target.copy_(source) |
else: |
if isinstance(source, torch.Tensor): |
raise ValueError( |
f"Argument #{idx} was not a tensor {target}, but is now one." |
) |
if source is not target and source != target: |
raise ValueError( |
f"Argument #{idx} changed value from {target} to {source}." |
) |
with _set_in_cuda_graph(): |
if self._graph is None: |
if self.warmup_steps <= 0: |
self._graph = cuda.CUDAGraph() |
self._args = _clone_tensors(args) |
with cuda.graph(self._graph): |
self._output = self.func(*self._args) |
self._graph.replay() |
return self._output |
else: |
self.warmup_steps -= 1 |
return self.func(*args) |
else: |
assert self._args is not None |
assert self._output is not None |
_match_values_copy_tensors(args, self._args) |
self._graph.replay() |
return self._output |
def cuda_graph(func: tp.Callable, warmup_steps: int = 1): |
"""Just calls `CUDAGraphed` on the given function.""" |
if not _is_cuda_graph_enabled(): |
return func |
return CUDAGraphed(func, warmup_steps) |