"""Load dataset and save locally in selected format""" |
from datasets import load_dataset |
import logging |
import os |
import pandas as pd |
from PIL import Image, ImageOps, ImageEnhance, ImageFilter |
import shutil |
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split |
import subprocess |
import yaml |
logger = logging.getLogger() |
logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) |
with open("config.yaml", "r") as f: |
cfg = yaml.safe_load(f) |
REPO_ID = cfg["repo_id"] |
SPLIT_SIZE = cfg["split_size"] |
RDM_SEED = cfg["rdm_seed"] |
OUTPUT_DIR = cfg["data_root_dir"] |
RAW_DATA_DIR = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, cfg["raw_data_dir"]) |
CLR_CACHE_SCRIPT = cfg["clr_hf_cache_script_abs_path"] |
DB_RAW_INFO_URI = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, cfg["db_raw_info_uri"]) |
DB_KERAS_INFO_URI = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, cfg["db_keras_info_uri"]) |
DB_AUG_INFO_URI = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, cfg["db_aug_info_uri"]) |
def save_ultralytics_format(dataset_split, split, IMAGE_DIR, LABEL_DIR): |
"""Save a dataset split into the Ultralytics format. |
Args: |
dataset_split: The dataset split (e.g. dataset["train"]) |
split: "train", "test" or "val" |
""" |
image_split_dir = os.path.join(IMAGE_DIR, split) |
label_split_dir = os.path.join(LABEL_DIR, split) |
for example in dataset_split: |
image = example["image"] |
image_name = example["image_name"] |
output_image_path = os.path.join(image_split_dir, image_name) |
image.save(output_image_path) |
annotations = example["annotations"] |
label_name = image_name.replace(".jpg", ".txt").replace(".png", ".txt") |
output_label_path = os.path.join(label_split_dir, label_name) |
with open(output_label_path, "w") as label_file: |
label_file.write(annotations) |
logging.info(f"Dataset {split} split exported to Ultralytics format") |
def create_df(ds, split_name, output_dir): |
"""Create dataframe from dataset""" |
df = pd.DataFrame( |
[[i.size[0], i.size[1], i.format, i.mode] for i in ds["image"]], |
columns=["width", "height", "format", "mode"], |
) |
df["name"] = ds["image_name"] |
df["split"] = split_name |
df["uri"] = df["name"].apply( |
lambda x: os.path.join(output_dir, "images", split_name, x) |
) |
df["annotations"] = ds["annotations"] |
df["partner"] = ds["partner"] |
df["camera"] = ds["camera"] |
df["timestamp"] = ds["date"] |
return df |
def load_raw_data(): |
"""Main function for downloading, splitting and formatting data""" |
if os.path.exists(DB_RAW_INFO_URI): |
df = pd.read_csv(DB_RAW_INFO_URI, index_col=0) |
return df |
os.makedirs(OUTPUT_DIR, exist_ok=True) |
os.makedirs(RAW_DATA_DIR, exist_ok=True) |
logging.info("⚙️ Dataset loading...") |
dataset = load_dataset(REPO_ID) |
train_test = dataset["train"].train_test_split(test_size=SPLIT_SIZE, seed=RDM_SEED) |
ds_train = train_test["train"] |
ds_val = dataset["val"] |
ds_test = train_test["test"] |
logging.info("✅ Dataset loaded in cache folder") |
IMAGE_DIR = os.path.join(RAW_DATA_DIR, "images") |
LABEL_DIR = os.path.join(RAW_DATA_DIR, "labels") |
for split in ["train", "val", "test"]: |
os.makedirs(os.path.join(IMAGE_DIR, split), exist_ok=True) |
os.makedirs(os.path.join(LABEL_DIR, split), exist_ok=True) |
save_ultralytics_format(ds_train, "train", IMAGE_DIR, LABEL_DIR) |
save_ultralytics_format(ds_val, "val", IMAGE_DIR, LABEL_DIR) |
save_ultralytics_format(ds_test, "test", IMAGE_DIR, LABEL_DIR) |
df_train_1 = create_df(ds_train[:6000], "train", RAW_DATA_DIR) |
df_train_2 = create_df(ds_train[6000:12000], "train", RAW_DATA_DIR) |
df_train_3 = create_df(ds_train[12000:18000], "train", RAW_DATA_DIR) |
df_train_4 = create_df(ds_train[18000:], "train", RAW_DATA_DIR) |
df_val = create_df(ds_val, "val", RAW_DATA_DIR) |
df_test = create_df(ds_test, "test", RAW_DATA_DIR) |
df = pd.concat( |
[df_train_1, df_train_2, df_train_3, df_train_4, df_val, df_test], |
axis=0, |
ignore_index=True, |
) |
df["label"] = "smoke" |
df.loc[df["annotations"].isna() | (df["annotations"] == ""), "label"] = "no_smoke" |
df = df.loc[ |
:, |
[ |
"name", |
"label", |
"split", |
"format", |
"mode", |
"width", |
"height", |
"camera", |
"partner", |
"timestamp", |
"annotations", |
"uri", |
], |
] |
logging.info(f"Dataframe saved in: {DB_RAW_INFO_URI}") |
with open(DB_RAW_INFO_URI, "wb") as f: |
df.to_csv(f) |
logging.info("🧹 Removing HF default cache folder...") |
result = subprocess.run(["bash", CLR_CACHE_SCRIPT], capture_output=True, text=True) |
logging.info("✅ HF Cache folder removed") |
return df |
def clean_df(df): |
"""Filter data to keep only necessary""" |
df = df[["name", "label", "split", "uri"]] |
df.loc[:, "name"] = df.name.apply(lambda x: x[:-4]) |
return df |
def format_data_keras(df): |
"""Format data for Keras models""" |
if not os.path.exists(OUTPUT_DIR): |
logging.warning(f"{OUTPUT_DIR} doesn't exist: (re)load data first") |
return df |
if os.path.exists(DB_KERAS_INFO_URI): |
logging.info(f"{DB_KERAS_INFO_URI} already exists: data already formatted") |
df = pd.read_csv(DB_KERAS_INFO_URI, index_col=0) |
return df |
keras_dir = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, "keras") |
os.makedirs(keras_dir, exist_ok=True) |
for split in df.split.unique(): |
split_dir = os.path.join(keras_dir, split) |
os.makedirs(split_dir, exist_ok=True) |
for label in df.label.unique(): |
label_dir = os.path.join(split_dir, label) |
os.makedirs(label_dir, exist_ok=True) |
df.loc[:, "uri_dest"] = df.apply( |
lambda x: os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, "keras", x["split"], x["label"], x["name"]) |
+ ".jpg", |
axis=1, |
) |
df.apply(lambda x: shutil.copy2(x["uri"], x["uri_dest"]), axis=1) |
df.drop(columns="uri", inplace=True) |
df.rename(columns={"uri_dest": "uri"}, inplace=True) |
logging.info(f"Dataframe saved in: {DB_KERAS_INFO_URI}") |
with open(DB_KERAS_INFO_URI, "wb") as f: |
df.to_csv(f) |
return df |
def add_data_aug(aug_name, df_sample, replace=False): |
"""Add data augmentation to a ataframe sample""" |
df_sample.loc[:, "name"] += f"_DA-{aug_name[:-4]}" |
df_sample.rename(columns={'uri': 'input_uri'}, inplace=True) |
df_sample.loc[:, "uri"] = df_sample["input_uri"].str.replace(".jpg", f"_DA-{aug_name[:-4]}.jpg") |
for _, row in df_sample.iterrows(): |
img = Image.open(row['input_uri']) |
if aug_name == "blur_img": |
img_aug = img.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius=2)) |
elif aug_name == "flip_img": |
img_aug = img.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) |
elif aug_name == "blur_flip_img": |
img_aug = img.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius=2)).transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) |
elif aug_name == "eq_img": |
img_aug = ImageOps.equalize(img) |
elif aug_name == "180_img": |
img_aug = img.rotate(180) |
else: |
logging.warn("Wrong data augmentation name: passing") |
return None |
img_aug.save(row['uri']) |
if replace: |
os.remove(row['input_uri']) |
df_sample.drop(columns='input_uri', inplace=True) |
logging.debug(f"\t✅ Transformed {len(df_sample)} images with {aug_name} (replace={replace})") |
return df_sample |
def oversample_class(df): |
"""Oversample an under-represented class""" |
if os.path.exists(DB_AUG_INFO_URI): |
logging.info(f"{DB_AUG_INFO_URI} already exists: data already formatted") |
df = pd.read_csv(DB_AUG_INFO_URI, index_col=0) |
return df |
count_df = df.groupby(["split", "label"]).size().reset_index(name="count") |
count_df = count_df.loc[count_df["split"] != "test"] |
df_aug = df.copy() |
df_aug.loc[:, "augmented"] = False |
for split in count_df.split.unique(): |
logging.info(f"⚙️ Processing {split} split...") |
_ = count_df.loc[count_df["split"] == split].reset_index(drop=True) |
idxmin = _["count"].idxmin() |
min_row = _.loc[idxmin, :] |
min_count = min_row["count"] |
min_label = min_row["label"] |
idxmax = _["count"].idxmax() |
max_row = _.loc[idxmax, :] |
max_count = max_row["count"] |
max_label = max_row["label"] |
need = max_count - min_count |
logging.info(f"Min class count = {min_count} ; Max class count = {max_count}") |
logging.info(f"⚙️ Transforming {need} images...\n") |
for aug_name in ["blur_img", "flip_img", "blur_flip_img", "eq_img", "180_img"]: |
logging.info(f"\tApplying {aug_name[:-4]}") |
if need <= 0: |
break |
df_sample_min = df.loc[(df["split"] == split) & (df["label"] == min_label)].iloc[:need].copy() |
df_sample_max_full = df_aug.loc[(df_aug["split"] == split) & (df_aug["label"] == max_label) & (df_aug["augmented"] == False)].copy() |
_, df_sample_max = train_test_split(df_sample_max_full, test_size=len(df_sample_min), random_state=RDM_SEED) |
df_aug = df_aug[~df_aug['uri'].isin(df_sample_max['uri'])] |
df_sample_min_transf = add_data_aug(aug_name, df_sample_min) |
if df_sample_min_transf is not None: |
df_aug = pd.concat([df_aug, df_sample_min_transf], axis=0, ignore_index=True) |
df_sample_max_transf = add_data_aug(aug_name, df_sample_max, replace=True) |
df_sample_max_transf.loc[:, "augmented"] = True |
df_aug = pd.concat([df_aug, df_sample_max_transf], axis=0, ignore_index=True) |
need -= len(df_sample_min_transf) |
df_aug.drop(columns='augmented', inplace=True) |
logging.info(f"Augmented dataframe shape = {df_aug.shape}\n") |
logging.info(f"Dataframe saved in: {DB_AUG_INFO_URI}") |
with open(DB_AUG_INFO_URI, "wb") as f: |
df_aug.to_csv(f) |
return df_aug |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
help() |