flgs flgt abrupt flga cyclin a3;1 flih flij a contains potential transmembrane domain; possibly involved in latency putative cyclic-di-gmp phosphodiesterase putative tautomerase fish hook fljj putative nuclear transport factor putative uncharacterized protein flma carcase weight flox putative cysteine proteinase fltc fltd flth fltl fltm flst flrs fltr t(x;12)13rl trh-a t(2;14)48h hypothetical 2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase bacteriophage side tail fiber protein; lambda gpsft (gpn) homolog vermillion orf 76; op84/ac81 fmet fmdc methylation fmdd fmde fmgp putative chaperone protein p6.9; basic protein fmlc cyclin a2;3 groel apical gp163; similar to phikz gp100 putative transcriptional regulatory protein h120 fmnp palla fmrf xact fmtc dna delivery pc-pa warbler via l xapi xenopsin xasa putative papain-like cysteine protease putative lysr type transcriptional regulator external elements; is and transposon functions; dna excision and insertion trela leucine zipper, putative tumor suppressor 2 pan i insab' fnlb putative 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase putative metalloendopeptidase pscad carcass yield putative tyrosine recombinase putative minor head protein; orf284 sag; pres1/s2/s fnrs trigl trica tricc fad-binding putative metallopeptidase shsp; alpha-crystallin type hsp20; orf2 shsp; alpha-crystallin type hsp20; orf5 putative 3'-5' exonuclease focf focg foch fofb putative 2og-fe(ii) oxygenase a1 a6 a7 b' fond b1 b2 b3 b6 aa ab ac ad ae c' af ag ah ai al am c0 an c1 ao ap c2 aq c4 ar as c5 at c6 au c7 av c8 foli aw folk foll az ba bb bc bd be bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo d2 bp bq br bs d5 bt d6 bu d7 d8 bv d9 bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce e' cf cg ch ci cj cl cm cn e1 co cp e2 cr cs e6 ct cu cv e9 cw cx cy da db dc dd de df dg dh di dk fora dl dm forb dn forc f0 do ford f1 fore dp f2 f3 dr ds f5 dt du f7 dv dw f9 dx dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ek el em en eo g1 ep g2 g3 g4 er es et g6 g7 snase ew ex ey ez fa fb fc fd fe h' ff fg fh fi fk fl fm fn fo h2 fp fr h5 fs ft fu fw h9 fx fz ga snata gb gd ge gf gg gh gi gk gl gm gn go gp fosd i4 xcen gs gv i8 gw gx gy gz ha hb hc hd he hf hg hh hi hl hm hn ho j1 j2 hp hq j3 j4 hr hs j5 ht j6 hu j7 hv j8 hw hx hy hz ia fout ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik im in k1 ip k2 k3 ir k4 is it k8 iv ja gp245; similar to phikz gp161 and el gp168 jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jm jn l1 l2 jp l3 js jt ju jv foxm jy ka kb kc kd ke kf kg ki kk kl km kn m1 ko m2 m3 kr ks m7 ku kv m8 m9 kx ky kz la lb lc ld le lf lg lh li lk ll lm ln n1 n2 lp n3 n4 lr ls n5 lt n6 lu n7 lv n8 lw n9 ly n? ma mb mc md me mf xclc mg mh mi mk ml mm mn mo o2 mp o3 mr o4 ms mt mu mv mw mx my mz na nb nc nd ne ng foxx nh ni nk nl nm nn no np p4 nr p5 ns p6 nt nu p7 nv nw p9 nx oa ob oc od oe of og oh ok ol on oo op or os ot ou ov ow ox pa pb pc pd pe pf pg ph pi pj pk pl pm pn po r2 pp r3 pr ps pt pu r7 r8 pv pw py pz xcpy qc lef-8; plxy50; similar to ac50 qd s' qf qk qm s1 s3 qs qv s9 ra rb rc rd re rf rg rh ri rk rl rm rn ro t1 rp t2 t3 rr t4 t5 rs rt t6 ru rv rw xcsf rx rz sa sb sc sd se u' sf sg sh si sj sk sl sm sn so u1 chymotrypsin sp u2 sq u3 sr ss st su sv sw u9 sx sy sz ta tb tc td te tf tg th ti tj tk tl tm tn v1 to tp v2 v3 v4 ts tt tv tw tx ty tz ua ub uc uf ug ui uk ul um un uo w1 w2 up uq w3 ur w4 w5 us ut w8 uw va vb vc vd ve vf vg vi vl vm x1 x2 vp x3 vq vr vs x6 vt vv x8 wa wb wc we wf wg wh wi wk wl wn wo wp y4 wr ws wt y6 wv y8 wx wy wz xa xb xe xg xi xk xm xn xo z2 z3 xr xs xt xv xx putative acid phosphatase yb dragon yf yg yh yl ym yo yt yu yv yw yy zf gp455; identified as virion protein by mass spectrometry; similar to phikz gp303 zk zp putative n-acetyltransferase zw panda snake psatd fpld putative deah snama trophoblastin fppa fpoh fpoi fpol fpom fpoa fprb mucin-like o-antigen biosynthesis protein; glycosyltransferase; methyltransferase fptb fprp fpvi halfway fpvr lessen putative phosphate transport system permease putative structural component orf 128; alk exo op131/ac133 withers height putative nicotinamide transporter ; putative mononucleotide transporter putative galactose oxidase s segment papin ciboulot psbb; photosystem ii 47 kda protein isocitrate dehydrogenase; e14 prophage attachment site; tellurite reductase orf 25; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 25 spatial xena paprs upward xepa cap; viral guanylyltransferase and methyltransferase; viral capping enzyme xers frac formate-dependent nitrite reductase; fe-s centers frcr frca frcb frcc frcd unnamed protein product; orf 3, 216 kd protein fret t(9;10)62h fred putative glutamate racemase frga fris putative hemolysin papas frmc frls frla frlb frpc putative primosomal protein frnd putative transcriptional regulator; putative regulator of acetoin metabolisme frpd rna polymerase, alpha subunit; rna polymerase alpha chain family frsa frts putative isopentenyltransferase unidentified orf8; putative psi-g psi-k psi-e psi-f fsab fsch rimorphin fscc fsce neurotic qin prophage; multicopy suppressor of secg(cs) and faba6(ts) fsgs magainins fshc low power putative transcription repressor protein testes weight cp4-44 prophage; is5 transposase and trans-activator pasiv fslp putative rhodanese-related sulfurtransferase fslg psi 2 fsll putative glucan synthase fsln fspa xgal putative trehalase fsrc fssv fsta polysyndactyly putative glialblastoma cell differentiation-related protein spider igloo polyprotein of retrotransposon tca8; n terminus similar to nonallelic cap19.3522 strindberg parva high fe ftcr beta-mannosidase; beta-galactosidase/beta-glucuronidase mitochondrial ribosomal protein of the small subunit; mrps8p raised similar to acorf81; similar to xcorf120 foreclosed fertilization rate orf2; terl mfreq raisin paras putative proline-rich protein ftls ftle ftns blocker blocked adenylosuccinate lyase (adenylosuccinase; asl) ftsn ftss ftst polynucleotide kinase; pnk paris troll landlocked nil per os cell viability protein; ydr339cp viiib putative abc transporter, substrate binding protein; putative aliphatic sulfonates transporter fuco putative mannosyltransferase unnamed protein product; orf 11 (aa 1-53) d-lactate dehydrogenase (d-ldh; fermentative lactate dehydrogenase) split brain hydroxypyruvate reductase oxidoreductase protein; tartrate degradation fula rpl14; ribosomal protein l14 full fura putative lipoprotein; dlp12 prophage bifocal fuss replication factor c, putative furr translation initiation factor 2 if-2; gtpase xins putative nucleotidyl transferase family protein; putative mannose-1-phosphate guanyltransferase muramoyltetrapeptide carboxypeptidase; microcin immunity protein putative callose synthase putative pre-mrna processing factor warthog similar to acorf2; similar to xcorf159; bro-g putative autotransporter adhesin orf8; ie-0 trp-l adrenocorticotropic hormone trp-i pp2c; protein phosphatase 2c vihar flnms patch ddcdm height orf 40; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 40 putative endo-1,4-beta-xylanase jaundiced sngpx trna' putative translation initiation inhibitor putative membrane protein; permease family trnai trnam trnaa trnag unnamed protein product; orf 6 (aa 1-113) trnas putative abc transporter atpase orf 74; il-8 receptor family spindle a spindle b head width sp-ii gp121; similar to nuclease sbccd, d subunits, phikz gp65 and el gp30 putative esterase/lipase fwda spindle-a clumpy superoxide dismutase; ac31 putative outer membrane autotransporter protein clumsy droplet putative rna recognition coenzyme dihydropteroate synthase; sulphonamide resistance protein similar to acorf77; similar to acnpv vlf-1; similar to xcorf123 verticals putative tubulin tyrosine ligase putative rhodanese-related sulfurtransferase; membrane protein cytochrome o subunit 1; oxidase bo(3) subunit 1 xkid putative sp flrfa gp255; similar to phikz gp169 bro; haorf60; bro-b qin prophage; dna-binding transcriptional regulator for dicb putative l1 putative l2 bacteriophage tail tip assembly protein; lambda gpm homolog putative cam kinase putative c1 apactin putative ci putative e1 putative e2 putative e6 putative e7 adenosine nucleotide hydrolase; ap3a/ap2a/adp-ribose/nadh hydrolase putative lipocalin putative metallothionein xlag putative peroxiredoxin orf25; similar to cryptophlebia leucotreta granulovirus orf9 pax-a xlgb cooking yield hypothetical protein; putative methyl transferase rpoc2; rna polymerase beta'' subunit trpab microcephalus xlpd putative bacteriophage minor tail protein; lambda gpl homolog contains potential transmembrane domain; possibly involved in immune regulation putative 15-kda protein putative cell-to-cell transport protein xlsa snmib sf51; similar to se52 orf21; similar to ebv bxlf1, hsv ul23 putative pectin methylesterase inhibitor virosk xmas putative flagellar protein fysh pistachio orf 57; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 57 putative inner membrane transporter; c4-dicarboxylate anaerobic carrier family protein etm; plxy48; similar to ac48 initiator putative methionine synthase odve-56; ac148 putative esterase rac-alpha cell attachment tennis match putative urease putative neuronal cell adhesion molecule glutamate mutase putative transferase membrane protein; metalloprotease xp-v putative rrna pseudouridine synthase xp11 apolipophorin putative reductase plxy105; similar to ac108 putative rep protein orf-117; alk exo conjugal transfer protein; pilx7 protein; putative t4ss virb7 component svs vi putative alpha-xylosidase truss putative intimin putative oocyte orf 125; gp16 op128/ac130 tail fibers cyclin a1;2 tachy hypothetical gene supported by bc088468; nm_001009712 humilis putative formate dehydrogenase putative zn transporter similar to yp_762527; contains 11 tmhs acmnpv orf44-like protein; orf35 putative baseplate complexed with large tegument protein; involved in virion morphogenesis type 1 membrane protein; similar to torovirus spike protein xopn trunk xopz putative serine/threonine-protein flamingo spikes putative dna repair system specific for alkylated dna virion core protein; tm vip-a delayed recovery ddias fused membrane protein; membrane protein fluff hip structure glycosyl transferase; ceramide glucosyltransferase putative serine/threonine phosphatase mu b; mu 2 t(7;13)7ad corticostatin p33; ac92 putative methyl accepting chemotaxis protein copper ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase (pentose-5-phosphate 3-epimerase; ppe; r5p3e) putative lipoamide dehydrogenase orf3; similar to heat shock protein 70 vp39; sf77; similar to ac89 atfata malate dehydrogenase, putative putative amino-acid transporter xptb xpsr xpse xpsg putative protein tyrosine kinase putative peroxisomal enoyl-coa hydratase putative serine 3-dehydrogenase ; nadp oxidoreductase putative phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (phgpx) putative periplasmic protein putative bacteriophage minor tail protein; lambda gpu homolog putative nonstructural protein ns3 putative secreted serine protease thrombin chi-a; acmnpv orf126 orf28; similar to acorf35 homolog putative ubiquitin-protein orf 98; he65 putative hela tumor suppressor putative chemotaxis protein similar to acorf2; similar to xcorf60/131/130; bro-a/bro-f/bro-e circling spatula alk-exo; sf39; similar to ac133 gp16; binds dsdna putative haloalkane dehalogenase putative extracellular serine protease myosin, light polypeptide 2, alkali; ventricular, skeletal, slow putative olfactory receptor l-galactonate oxidoreductase; l-gulonate oxidoreductase envoloped protein; baculo_74; tm xrac arthrin pres/s; envelope protein phospho mannno transferase; dolichyl-p-mannose-protein mannosyltransferase dna-binding protein; h-ns family protein unidentified orf17; putative putative ferredoxin gulliver putative metal binding protein flavodoxin. flavodoxins tacpd putative glutathione-s-transferase qin prophage; putative tail fibre assembly protein adhesin fimh trx-m trx-o vipar rpob; rna polymerase b vista xsam lethal pstca putative elongation factor mdelta ulna length ableson rr-1; sf143; similar to se139 nrt2;1 protein orfvii predicted lysis protein; holin putative glutaredoxin; nrdh prickly angustifolia putative pseudouridine synthase dunkel toxin component gacc gacd gacg gaba gabc gabg fantom yellowness thermolysin putative glcnac-pi de-n-acetylase visat gaci gack gacl stellar gacp gacu gaia gail gamp egalitarian ham ph protective antigen gank ganr gana gapo gaps gasi gasp gari garm xtef garr gard gatp gatb gatd gate cookloss portal gavi stem cell growth factor; lymphocyte secreted c-type lectin cp4-44 prophage; cytoskeleton bundling-enhancing factor a; cbta antitoxin copper protein t(3;14)28ad xtra sliding clamp gbea slight hypothetical protein ycf39 putative cathepsin putative multitransmembrane protein orf 59; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 59 gp119; similar to phikz gp63 gbpa gbsa gbsb tak-r dna helicase; similar to genbank accession number aaw58920 ghosal putative branched-chain-amino-acid transaminase pbcra strypsin glycopeptide ddpac gcad putative pilin sightless putative p19 protein gcga gcgb gcha putative udp-n-acetylglucosamine 2-epimerase gcka gcmc gclr periplasmic protease; contains two pdz domain essential protein; dna replication; makes site-specific nick at origin of replication aaa+ atpase gcps f pilin acetylation protein; similar to genbank accession number aaw58921 gcst putative telomerase reverse transcriptase gcsa killer gcse gcrf gcrg gcra gcrc putative nickase gctb atpase v slinky sip2;1 sip1;1 sip1;2 adenine nucleotide translocator; atp/adp translocase gdcp spatzle gdhb core gene; 18 kda protein putative farnesoic acid o-methyltransferase putative lexa repressor putative heat-shock protein putative cdc2 kinase putative dna polymerase iii gdtc pp34; pep; plxy127; similar to ac131 orf 63; lef-3 op72/ac67 t(x;17)15rl tc-re k+/h+ exchanger nodulin26-like intrinsic protein 1;1 nodulin26-like intrinsic protein 1;2 sf109; similar to ac53 bordered xrelb shattered putative n-acetylglucosamine 6-phosphate deacetylase gefv gefa gefb gefd geff moorea orf 4; op7/ac5 gema gemi gels gela gelb cherub genr putative heme-binding periplasmic protein involved in iron transport; tat-dependent exported gena monocytes genf relaxase/mobilization nuclease domain; cl01584' hypothethical protein, duf1911 & duf1910 mgeps gest gert gerd germ gern gerq misguided gera gerb gerc xxiv xxii depilated putative chloride channel protein nodulin26-like intrinsic protein 2;1 putative e3 ubiquitin ligase polyferredoxin putative fatty acid elongase sf46; similar to ac117 gfcc gfdt xxxv xxxi gh-b dna biosynthesis vivid gfor xyli putative membrane protease xyne xylp oak gall putative golgi matrix protein gp227; identified as virion protein by mass spectrometry; similar to phikz gp142 rac prophage; lipoprotein ggaa xxxiii preprognrh dna biosynthesis; autoregulated heat shock proteins putative membrane receptor protein nucleosome assembly protein 1;1 nucleosome assembly protein 1;2 nucleosome assembly protein 1;3 nucleosome assembly protein 1;4 vlf-1; sf84; similar to ac77 putative phenylalanine ammonia-lyase core gene; similar to acorf53 putative glycine receptor-tubulin linker protein zmpip1;1 zmpip1;2 zmpip1;3 zmpip1;4 zmpip1;5 t(x;2)14rl orf-89; similar to ac82 putative glycine/d-amino acid oxidase putative p-type ca(2+)-atpase putative nad-dependent epimerase/dehydratasen; putative udp-glucose 4-epimerase ambiguous crack cb154 replication protein; similar to np_862959 take-out novel lectin putative tape measure protein p-mec ghdx methylthioadenosine nucleosidase; s-adenosylhomocysteine nucleosidase abalon dorsal wing putative lipoprotein yajg crash respiratory rate orf8; chitin binding protein enterochelin binding protein; periplasmic component ghmp abaldh ghos ghrp fireworks putative transposase subunit talla protein kinase , putative giap giac gidc satellite crdgf gica gicd next-of-kin rnase-h transporter; major facilitator superfamily protein putative glycosylphosphatidylinositol (gpi) anchor putative vacj-like lipoprotein; transmembrane putative n-acetyl-gamma-glutamyl-phosphate reductase orf 23; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 23 giii enigma gimc gilt orf3(a); similar to orf3(b) atamt1;1 ccsa; cytochrome c biogenesis protein atamt1;2 atamt1;3 gins putative fimbrial adhesin ferredoxin-nadp reductase; flavodoxin reductase hypothetical lipoprotein putative centrin gipa rnase t lesions gish orf 25; ubi op25/ac35 rnase y putative glycoprotein precursor orf-3; pk1 gitp rnase a gita lip-syn; lipoate synthase putative cytidyltransferase sigma38 factor; synthesis of many growth phase related proteins enzyme transporter protein; system n1 na+ and h+-coupled glutamine transporter entner-doudoroff pathway;putative nadp-dependent glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase orf 65; met ac69 spherulin diphtamide biosynthesis; ovca1/dph2 protein-like; ae group fade out gjic spac25h1.04/cg16979-cterm -like; cysteine protease javelin spoiiab putative dna-binding protein er-localized protein; tm glucosidase, alpha; neutral ab penicillin-insensitive transglycosylase; transpeptidase pbp-1c spoiiie spoiiif putative dnaj putative ca2+ channel longevity putative p450 monooxygenase tango sf132; similar to ac137 trna ligase,putative; trl1p sox; p33 unnamed protein product; orf 8 (aa 1-79) pten-induced putative kinase 1 cortexillin putative dna translocase putative nucleotide exchange factor putative molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis protein c oxy-beta t(2;4)32ad gp122; similar to phikz gp66 and el gp31 fimbrial protein lpfd; adhesin putative transcription factor; similar to genbank accession number bab33790 phosphorylase kinase, putative putative ribokinase p-ras miranda bradypneic rbcl; ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit lactoferricin sleepless glbo dna replication glc4 glas glat glde gldf gldi gldj lutc family protein; putative electron transport chain ykgefg component gldm glcr glca glcf glcm crema putative kinase protein glif glim glin glme gln- cream glob gloc orf 105; op111/ac110 glmz glnc glnh glml glmp protein kinase, putative glpo ntpase; dna replication cyclin; possible cyclin a glra mi-pa glue gluh glss gly2 orf8; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf8 glus glyd glyi glyp putative permease of the major facilitator superfamily (mfs); putative oxalate/formate antiporter glyc glxa putative atp-binding protein glyx tapvr crest omega-class glutathione transferase; gto1p gmdh crepe crept novel transposon gmfa golgi transport similar to acorf2; similar to xcorf76; bro-b putative resolvase putative mobilization protein gmhc sisyphus tatat tatay tatac tatcy hear71; bro-d; similar to xc76 tatcd yaac yaae lectin-b yacp yacc yace yabj yabm yabe yabf type 2 membrane protein; tegument-associated yaba gmsa yaer putative glycosidase yadd yade yadh yago yagp yagt yagi yaga yagd yafy yafo yafu gmss yair yaiw yaho tasty yajo gp l yape gp d gp e putative histone acetyltransferase yaph gnar alcatraz gnds gnda pep-protein phosphotransferase enzyme i; gaf domain containing protein gp193; identified as virion protein by mass spectrometry; similar to phikz gp97 vibrator creeper putative serine proteinase putative signal transduction protein putative c-reactive protein e(nos) ybaj ybak yban ybab ybcs ybcl ybco mitochondrial ybbr ybbn ybbf gnsa gnra gnrb gnrh potassium level ybga ybfe t(2;10)14ad mglus cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein; periplasmic heme chaperone adh-psi tarry ybjf ybjg t(6f;18c)57dn vertex putative ecdysteroid udp-glucosyltransferase contains conserved motif of aaa atpase family; conserved in t4-like phages putative type iv pilin goat proctolin goag ybts ybtt zmpip2;1 ybtx zmpip2;2 zmpip2;3 zmpip2;4 zmpip2;5 zmpip2;6 zmpip2;7 ybtp basket-like putative terl product; orf411 apag protein; unknown function tellurite, selenium methyltransferase, sam-dependent; tellurite, selenium resistance protein golf putative enzyme; acyl-coenzyme a synthetases/amp-(fatty) acid ligases domain yccs glucosidase, alpha; acid (pompe disease, glycogen storage disease type ii) ycbx ycbq ycbs multiple rrm domain containing protein; t22e16.120 sc35-like splicing factor ycen yceo ycep ycec gora ycdh sodbi putative agmatinase ycfs ycic ychn ychm xencsa ychd orf 38; dbp op43/ac25 putative periplasmic mannitol-binding protein; putative trap-t transport system, dctp subunit ycnb mycna gpba gpah gpai gpaa gpac gpag gpdb orf 27; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 27 fat-free gpca peptidase t grbnv_gp67-like; ef_hand_1; coiled-coil domain gpgp gpga gr-a gpmc bacteriophage host specificity protein; tail fiber; lambda gpj homolog ydao ydap kel1;kelch repeat domain-containing protein protein orf30; primase chestnut gp28; essential ydcs putative fad-dependent monooxygenase putative dna polymerase type b ydbr gpsc ydel gprs shiraz indented ntpase; tm orf 92; p6.9 op101/ac100 taupe putative terminase subunit ydfl gpte ydfi ydfj ydip chunky ydir ydis crimp putative synthase ydhz gpup gpxa dna binding atpase; subunit 4 of replication factor c juiciness putative methionine synthase reductase putative oxidoreductase; putative flavoprotein monooxygenase p6.9; haorf88 putative coenzyme a transferase orf 21; env-pro op21/ac23 galactosialidosis separated chest circumference gs-m yean year yeah yeak putative lipid phosphate phosphatase yecb mahjong yebc yees yedy yedw yeda yede n-acetylserine-responsive cysteine regulon transcriptional activator; autorepressor putative outer membrane export usher protein rhs protein with duf4329 family putative toxin domain; putative neighboring cell growth inhibitor yefm yeff putative serine hydrolase putative pectin methylesterase yein t(7;12)19ad yell orf 6; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 6 efinal pup88 protein; member of trypsin/a-amylase inhibitors family from cereals grbp yesx gran grau graa grab grad putative phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase c grdc grdf grcl greg putative thioesterase protein grip grit grid oxygen saturation putative outer membrane protein grln grob structural pcp-like grps grou grow vermiform grpa grpd grog gron gros putative nucleotide-binding protein tawny yfcw fernandez grtp grth crkrs grsm grst yfhs yfhv yfkl yfjs ptefb yfmp putative solute binding protein yflg ct-pd similar to hypothetical protein t(5;16)53h gp298; identified using mass spectrometry; similar to phikz gp201 t(5;16)55h gsbp egg albumin mp 4; orf39 putative atp binding protein gsdf gshr gshf adiponutrin and related vesicular transport proteins; predicted alpha/beta hydrolase (iss) putative rna polymerase subunit microcin bac7 uptake protein; outer membrane surface-exposed lipoprotein gska putative gpi anchored protein ygce ygcf gsph gspj gspl gspn gspb gspc putrescine transport protein; permease taamt1;1 ygdd ygcy gstx yggd gstl yggf gstr ygfp gstb ygfo m-sema ygii yghj rac prophage; site-specific recombinase orf 42; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 42 gp161; similar to phikz gp98 and el gp68 bearded gtau gtaw c-factor gtad gtae gtag gtam ndhc; ndh complex (ferredoxin:plastoquinone oxidoreductase) subunit c gtac decay partitioning protein; orf31 gtca zonular occludens toxin; zot putative capsid; similar to major protein 1 n-terminal amino acid sequence silver protein gthi unnamed protein product; gene 17 product putative hydrolase protein batone putative serotonin receptor twiggy e14 prophage; putative sam-dependent methyltransferase yham lcp-f bacteriophage tail fiber (host specificity) protein; lambda gp j homolog nadph dehydrogenase (old yellow enzyme); 2,4-dienoyl-coa reductase (nadph) yhcp gtpx gtpd gtpi yhbc gtpb yhav anarchist gtsa gtrs yhdp yhdg gtra gtrc putative alkyl hydroperoxide reductase alphabet yhfm yhiv yhhx swiss cheese yhhh echinus hear8; ie-1; similar to xc9 bacteriophage virulence determinant; superoxide dismutase precursor a protein pdgfbb guar pdgfaa pdgfab function unknown; putative putative non-structural protein similar to acorf50; similar to acnpv lef-8; similar to xcorf148 s antigen softy gump putative gpi-anchored cell wall protein gumd mercedes gumi yice yibk yibb similar to xcorf178; similar to hagv fibroblast growth factor-3 gurt yidy yidd yigr yigu guts putative carbonyl reductase guse yiii yiim yiid tsr-i etoile putative methyltransferase protein putative traa putative trac yipp hypothetical protein isoform 2 rac prophage; protein putative multidrug efflux protein lipoprotein; dlp12 prophage t(14;16)225dn red ring putative homeobox transcription factor orfiii gvii nod26-like intrinsic protein 6;1 orf2; involved in chromosome partitioning yjch gvpf gvpl t-cup yjbm yjbn calprotectin drug-export protein; multidrug resistance protein yjee putative short-chain dehydrogenase; putative 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase yjgf yjid yjhd yjjx yjjg jaw length hdl cholesterol qin prophage; protein putative bifunctional nuclease decoy putative plasmid replication protein protocadherin 7; bh-protocadherin; bh-protocadherin (brain-heart) t(10;17)11rl crown putative protein-tyrosine phosphatase putative cell wall anchored protein orf7; ep23 pancreatic polypeptide putative molybdopterin oxidoreductase; putative nitrate reductase zinc knuckle nod26-like intrinsic protein 7;1 dna-dependent atpase; membrane-associated protein putative branched-chain amino acid aminotransferase similar to acorf2; similar to xcorf114; bro-d rab11;a2-1 rab11;a2-2 transposition protein b; putative is1 encoded protein tickle ykow ptn-a ykqc nip1;1 nip1;2 nodulin26-like intrinsic protein 3;1 gxcr ykun ykup sf29; similar to se30 putative envelope protein putative proteasome t(x;7)18rl iap-1; plxy26; similar to ac27 atpf; atp synthase cf0 b subunit putative diguanylate cyclase. putative tonb nod26-like intrinsic protein 4;1 nod26-like intrinsic protein 4;2 putative tola ylfa ylif putative guanine nucleotide exchange factor solas ylii ylic ylid mylia baboon orf6; odv-e56 ylmf ylmg yloc motor neuron disease arsa; orf11 putative zinc protease mercuric reductase; fad-dependent pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase real-time nip2;1 ylxr unidentified open reading frame; putative all-trans ymab uromucoid ymca mtrpol orfx; tatc; ymf16 ymea gyri gyro ymdb ymdd putative tetr-family transcriptional regulator putative membrane protein orf1; similar to ac8 and se1 nod26-like intrinsic protein 5;1 brachyphalangy ymjd transmembrane protein 15; cdna sequence bc026973 scarred hyperkinetic nod26-like intrinsic protein 1;1 nod26-like intrinsic protein 1;2 nodulin26-like intrinsic protein 5;1 crumb cabot nip3;1 titania cable gp338; similar to phikz gp224 t(10;12)10rl ynbg putative ammonium transporter cdk-related kinase; crk1 ynes ynhd ynhh mustang putative nudix hydrolase ynje nod26-like intrinsic protein 2;1 elongation nodulin26-like intrinsic protein 6;1 mustard putative neuraminidase unidentified orf10; putative t(2;9)13ad stellacyanin dna gyrase subunit a;evidence=inferred from direct assay putative transcriptional activator pallid putative enoyl coa-hydratase yoag putative 9.5 kda allophycocyanin linker protein yobo yobs yobe nip4;1 nip4;2 yoei crtyc yoec yodb yogi yoga yogg putative cation-transporting p-type atpase yohn yoho yohd putative gpi-anchored protein yoke yojo turnip yoms yomv yomi putative fusion protein yolk yola yold yoku somda putative cellulose synthase-like introverted yona yong yopr yops melting point yopj scribbles nod26-like intrinsic protein 3;1 plexus nodulin26-like intrinsic protein 7;1 yost yoro yore melanized york yora yorb putative xylitol dehydrogenase putative adenylate kinase close down t(6;8)2ad petl; cytochrome b6/f complex subunit vi hypothetical protease lcy-e putative glycogen synthase kinase ck2 interacting protein 1; hq0024c protein putative 3'-5' exoribonuclease mitochondrial branched-chain amino acid aminotransferase; bat1p ypbq nip5;1 extracellular ypgh ypff putative glutathione synthetase yphi nip6;1 orf 117; op121/ac122 spinosus putative ubiquitin-specific protease ypmq putative scaffolding protein; similar to phage p22 gene 8 protein putative lipid ii flippase deltoid ndhb; ndh complex (ferredoxin:plastoquinone oxidoreductase) subunit b putative nuclear binding protein yppf yprs ypra zinc finger protein 313; zinc finger protein 228 putative phosphoenolpyruvate synthase andante gp288; orf288 yqeh caco2 turtle growth hormone yqfa yqev yqey nip7;1 yqjw putative iron compound receptor yqjh myoib myoid betatubulin bacteriophage tail tip assembly protein; lambda gpk homolog putative nadh dehydrogenase gp398; similar to phikz gp266 putative fimbrial chaperone bile acid putative heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein clipper merovingian clipped putative pirin hemocyanin t(2;15)15ad yrbk yrbc yrbh yree core gene; per os infection factor 1 core gene; per os infection factor 2 core gene; per os infection factor 3 yrfb putative guanyltransferase lcytb yrkl yrko cranioschisis putative phosphotransferase system enzyme ii carmine yrrb belladonna putative abc transporter (atp-binding protein); putative dipeptide/oligopeptide/nickel transporter trnl (uaa) precoat atp binding protein associated with cell differentiation; protein 1-4 nucleolar renal amyloidosis ysae similar to acorf60; similar to xcorf102; similar to hagv chab hypothetical gene supported by nm_053561; af062594 major capsid protein; orf 29 falter sphinx ysec ysed sul2; sulfonamide insensitive dihydropteroate synthetase yscw yscx yscm epaulette abc transporter; outer membrane component; similar to np_716543 putative thim nautilus adult-like delta apexin enactin t(x;11)38h muca protein yspb yspc yspd haap ysrs haaf hadc hacp gene-iii hadl micrococcal nuclease inguinal hernia hair bifunctional protein: ornithine acetyltransferase; n-acetylglutamate synthase hale hall ie-1; haorf14 scratch haka hang hank grumpy putative rna pseudouridine synthase (rna-uridine isomerase; rna pseudouridylate synthase) dicarboxylic acid transport protein; alpha-ketoglutarate permease (mfs superfamily) hand gp231; similar to phikz gp147 and el gp177 ytce happ gp382; identified as virion protein by mass spectrometry haor ytaf rpe; ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase hari hara putative receptor like kinase hare ytcj hata hatc ytfm u box yter hase hash ytgp ytjd is(in7;x)1ct haze ytli ytlp ytop putative sugar-binding protein reverse polarity deoxy putative phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase putative transcriptional regulators orf69; lef4 hbba hbbc selenocysteine lyase; selenocysteine reductase ytrh hbaa ytri hbad hbae ytra ytre ytrf bypass hbbn aminidase nb-arc core gene; occlusion derived virus ec42/40 kda protein hblb c4-dicarboxylate transporter, anaerobic; dcus co-sensor sotos yuab hbmc hbmd grase t(2;3)24h solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; citrate transporter), member 1 a solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; citrate transporter), member 1 b grasp grass hbpa yuba hboa yueh grapa grape putative mannitol dehydrogenase carbonic anhydrase; carbonate dehydratase orf; nh2-terminus is uncertain hbsu chlorocatechol 1;2-dioxygenase putative transposase; cog3316 hbvi yuha yugu yukb exodus dwarf yumc grail grain yule yund yung sf9; odv-e56; occlusion derived virus envelope protein; similar to ac148 thermosome subunit 1; chaperonin alpha subunit hcag yuri hcac hn protein dense hcfa hcfc dihydrodiol dehydrogenase 1; 20-alpha (3-alpha)-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase sevenmaker passive cutaneous anaphylaxis dents putative integrase i-connectin hcgc hcgi rickets putative cell wall adhesin hcia carp xi hcnc similar to xcorf129; similar to hagv lef-7 mhc-c putative threonine dehydratase hco3 cc-ii contains signal peptide; secreted protein; binds cc chemokine rantes; involved in immune regulation hcpb hcpc putative pteridine transporter yvad cam-a cam-d zinc finger protein 112; zinc finger protein zfp112 yvdd hctk syndactylism neuroacanthocytosis putative glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase elongated hcsa hcvs des-a hcwt pcra helicase yvqf hdag hdah yvrl t-pet hdda sf42; similar to se44 hdcl hdcp acmnpv orf60-like protein; orf48 hdgc serum cholesterol level hdis probable mitochondrial carrier proteins; pet8p putative small terminase great hdl2 ywaa ywca hdpa hdop ywac betahs hdrs hdra hdrb hdrc hdrd hdre mutagenesis enhancement; dna polymerase; member of dna polymerase y-family tbino ywce putative d-amino acid dehydrogenase ywfe ywfg protein secretion; membrane protein, part of the channel ywhb tumbler if-1; sui1 putative virulence determinant ywmf putative single stranded dna binding protein ywqf hech scarlet hecr hect putative tonb-dependent receptor; c-terminal precursor hebp cp4-57 prophage; dna-binding transcriptional activator putative ascorbate oxidase hega hegc hegg orf100; similar to semnpv orf 52 heic hela helc held hele helf hep2 hemp hemr hems hemw hemy hemo helx arif-1; haorf131 sound heox hepa hepb yxba hero hers yxdm yxdd heps hept m-beta hypothetical protein, conserved; leucine-rich repeat protein (lrrp) heti hets hesb camos chest girth p74; haorf20 labial hexr desma hexc short wing yxld camel cameo putative motor protein hfad hfaa hfab orf-47 rr2b; ribonucleotide reductase small subunit mip3; orf50 cana2 dnahel n-terminal transmembrane domain; lysis protein hfia putative udp-galactose transporter hflc hfld ribosome recycling factor (ribosome-releasing factor; rrf) socius yyaf putative na(+)/h(+) antiporter penicillin-binding protein 1a; membrane carboxypeptidase csadc yyda yycc coitus interruptus yycj catechol hftc hfsg hfsa hfsc hfsd csda-binding activator; fe-s protein leaner cysteinyl-trna synthetase (cysteine--trna ligase; cysrs) dermo putative ras gtpase-activating protein hgdb hgcd hgcc putative 97.9 kda protein; gp54 lewis x hggt pc-tsf desat cooking loss calyx t(11;16)29ad annexin, putative trypanosoma vivax putative sialidase putative fimbrial operon pilus assembly chaperone protein; low similarity to fimc hgps calpc calpd core gene; dna polymerase calpm gp441; identified as virion protein by mass spectrometry similar to rb43orf288c, pgh25p221nc, aeh1orf324c; weak similarity to kvp40.0286 ichthyosis hoover cp4-44 prophage; dna repair protein bristle anoxia bristly putative universal stress protein (usp) caped spastic hhrh membrane sufb; fes assembly protein sufb putative glycogen synthase canoe rubbish putative nitrite reductase rac prophage; putative dna-binding transcriptional regulator putative leucine transporter subunit ; periplasmic-binding component of abc superfamily (livk) head protein; major capsid subunit precursor hick hiba hibd a3; ahv-sema, similar to vaccinia a39 hies gp440; identified as virion protein by mass spectrometry canca high higr csase acx1;1 acx1;2 social epoxide hind putative t4ss virb2 component; predicted signal peptide similar to pilx2 from r6k thioredoxin, putative p-type dna transfer atpase virb11, virb11-like_atpase; protein family hmm pf00437 hitc hisr hisv hisw hisx hisz chloramphenicol acetyltransferase; truncated hitb thiosulfate transport protein; abc superfamily, membrane component hisl deflated gp313; identified using mass spectrometry; similar to phikz gp244 trnf(gaa) cantu putative protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase putative fimbrial operon pilus assembly protein; low similarity to fima sopa; outermembrane protease of the ompp family, involved in cleavage of surface exposed icsa who/how putative mannosidase putative lipase/esterase hl-i orf30; similar to pkjk5_24, possibly transposase qin prophage; putative antitermination protein q glycosyl transferase, group 2 family protein; dtdp-rhamnosyl transferase rfbf hjmd n gene alkaptonuria carci b'delta carba carbe orf30; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf42 cat m cat p cat h teufel putative rtx toxin dcmp deaminase; late competence protein comeb hypothetical gene supported by nm_021262; af171072 renegade bacteriophage side tail fiber assembly protein; lambda gptfa analog chardonnay dna helicase; tm beta-hexosaminidase (n-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase; beta-n-acetylhexosaminidase) capta hkas bloated hkab p12; similar to cpgv orf84; ac102 capos hkbr hkba hkbc hkbk squeeze small body putative repressor ai2 transporter ; membrane component of abc superfamily hm-1 lipase b lipase g capla orf52; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf71 phosphatase, putative putative tyrosine kinase putative formyltransferase pentachlorophenol 4-monooxygenase; pcpb myosin, light polypeptide 1, alkali; atrial, embryonic stalled mhiss palisade ruddle putative glycine-rich cell wall protein t(5;12)31h hlaa hles hlfa orf20; similar to h gene of p2 hlfb putative phosphate transporter caspa caspc hlpa hypothetical protein; putative exported protein protein transport; pentamidine resistance putative arginine repressor orf26; peptidase tektin-a pleiad cathy putative cobalt transporter hlyi putative plasma membrane transporter hmaa hmaf recb-like hmca hmcb hmcc hmcm hmet viability hmec putative ntpase hmed pgazat hexuronate regulon transcriptional repressor; autorepressor hmdc hmdh hmgt hmgc hmgg carri macrostomia tektin c sena; probably secreted by the mxi-spa secretion machinery hmms nicotinamide n-methyltransferase; nnt1p hmma hmpa calcitonin hmoa hmoc homeless hmpx hmta hmus cupcake zaka hmwr hmws hmwb delta(2 orf 74; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 74 rna exonuclease; rex2p zapc putative repa replication protein orf 99; iap-4 putative high-potential iron-sulfur protein pilar cyst bacteriophage head-to-tail joining protein; adapter between portal and gpfii; lambda gpw homolog edematous orf61; parg qin prophage; side tail fiber assembly protein myosin, light chain 4, alkali; atrial, embryonic hnhc qin prophage; cold shock protein hnlf hypothetical protein; putative acetyltransferase putative type iv pilus biogenesis protein pilf; tpr repeat domain hnox hnpp hnsa gpi-anchored cell surface glycoprotein; muc1p iron transport protein; inner membrane component p24; plxy125; similar to ac129 schlaff hoar cavii growl hoac orf 120; lef-7 op123/ac125 eclipse small thin hofq ldhaa hoff hofh hofm gp343; similar to phikz gp229 pcnab spasm hola hold hoke putative topoisomerase hokc putative cell wall hydrolase hole holg unnamed protein product; orf 2, virion associated hopd hope hopf hopg hook putative beta-adaptin hono bobby hopz hopo hopq hops putative phage inhibition; confers colicin and tellurite resistance isomerase, putative orf-27; dbp hots hoxe hoxm hoxn hoxp type 1 membrane protein; contains a signal peptide; binds cell surface receptors penicillin-binding protein; beta-lactamase, intrinsically weak transcobalamin ii; macrocytic anemia ttgas citrate/succinate antiporter; citrate carrier hpai hpat hpax hpae hpag hpcr hpca hpcb hpcd hpce hpcg nonspecific nucleoside hydrolase;with=genedb:lmjf18.1580 hpbk no bone shimmy hpec nph-ii; rna helicase spade hpda hpdb putative phosphoinositide phosphatase putative nadph-dependent fmn reductase; arsh-like protein hpla cu-pd hpna putative efflux transporter hppa hpni hpnn dnaase hisp; plxy33; similar to ac33 mighty hpya putative transcription factor protein hypothetical g-protein coupled receptor chlj; molybdate abc transporter permease protein leader tegument protein; ac80 beta-alanine simple tremor putative nk receptor putative replicative dna helicase putative anti-sigma factor hemerythrin replicative and recombination dna helicase; gtpase; atpase; gtpase; datpase lef-9; plxy62; similar to ac62 gene-ii putative dna-binding transcriptional regulator; e14 prophage putative alkaline phosphatase putative cation-transporting atpase pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase (p5cr; p5c reductase) orf26; similar to ebv bdlf1, cmv ul85, hsv ul18 hrct hrba hrbc cytosol aminopeptidase (leucine aminopeptidase; lap; leucyl aminopeptidase) hrec zeus hrdc hrgc acmnpv orf56-like protein; orf45 red-beta t(7;15)9h barricade t(4;5)46h hrpo hrpq hrth putative transcriptional regulator; luxr family hrsa putative lanosterol synthase orf12;odv-e18 myosinii hsag hsan hsas hsaa hsab csp-c hscr hscd similar to cog5410; uncharacterized protein conserved in bacteria gp319; member of pfam04446 putative cytochrome b putative cytochrome c hsfa hsfc dfatp disconnected putative aminoglycoside phosphotransferase hslt hsls hslv hsli hspd hsra putative long-chain fatty acid transport protein hspy hspf hspe hsph hspi hspm desert hstd hsss hssr hssa putative antitermination protein congenital hydrocephalus machete putative glucose uptake protein orf2; similar to phage r1t orf38 hsv2 ldlra t(4;19)1ad rele protein; cytotoxic translational repressor of toxin-antitoxin stability system puffy putative 4-amino-4-deoxychorismate lyase putative transcription factor htab htac tensin-like putative protein-tyrosine kinase myotropin orf34; lef-11 htdt htdv glutamine synthase 1;1 htla htlc htlb acmnpv orf69-like protein; orf57 deoxyribodipyrimidine photo-lyase; photolyase htnb htpt htpe htpn neilsen htss endo-1,3;1,4-beta-d-glucanase htrg htrh su(dx) waisted orf1; ters c-cpn gacek gp37; haorf58 putative oxidoreductase with fad/nad(p)-binding domain; exported protein putative rnase h spice woody bacitracin synthetase 1; baca glpt transporter; quinolone resistence nora protein hucl putative epidermal cell surface receptor myosin b myosin a orf40; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf55 putative adhesion molecule ziar dutpase; sf54; similar to se55 cspcp hupe huph hupj hupn huta hutf putative beta protein ubiquitin; haorf28 cox18; cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein aliphatic isothiocyanate resistance protein saxf; acrb/acrd/acrf family t(5;11)542ct zint zinc gabat unnamed protein product; gene 3 protein zipd glycoprotein ie-0; immediate-early gene-0; plxy136; similar to ac141 nadph--ferrihemoprotein reductase; nadph-cytochrome p450 reductase putative prolyl endopeptidase (post-proline cleaving enzyme; pe) hved putative homeodomain transcription factor 1 hvgx skylab pgg/hs c-cam hvlp putative small gtp-binding protein gable similar to acorf126; similar to acnpv chitinase; similar to xcorf103 putative mrna deadenylase ci repressor; cro heme peroxidase c-eyk morgue anachronism sf23; similar to splt106 putative lysis protein; similar to phage lambda rz1 gene protein putative dna primase klef protein; short form snf1p protein kinase activator; snf4p putative nucleotide sugar transporter guanylyl transferase; methyl transferase putative bacterial extracellular solute-binding, family 3; abc transporter protein putative photopigment melanopsin similar to acorf82; similar to acnpv tlp20; similar to xcorf119; tlp20 halley zinc-finger protein; zpr1p kinase, putative spire trap alpha spike word of mouth t(5;11)57h spina spino putative receptor protein putative atp-binding cassette putative beta-lactamase putative short chain oxidoreductase orf32; contains coiled coil motif; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf45 hyaa hyce hycd hyci hemox hybd hyas glucosidase, alpha; acid bubble hyde hydr lost boys putative enoyl-coa hydratase pubescent hymb wrinkle hyla zmax lipoprotein-like unidentified orf20; putative hypo ffh protein hypr hypt hyph hypn tlp; ac82 ribosome-associated protein; putative rna-binding protein putative phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase arm-repeat putative trypsinogen su(hw) rps2; ribosomal protein s2 catalase; hydroperoxidase hpi(i) adenylosuccinate synthetase; identical to phage vp5 pura (yp_024984) gpq; similar to lambda gpq split rps19; ribosomal protein s19 insensitive putative transcription antitermination protein; similar to phage lambda n protein hemes sr-pa sr-pb hemat sr-pe putative lipoprotein signal peptidase merr family protein; protein family hmm pf00376 contains zinc-finger; involved in dna replication; possibly involved in gene regulation unidentified orf33; putative br1; putative contains a signal peptide; related to il-8 guanyl cell division; forms circumferential ring znmp spont gc-beta zntr ventricular putative gtpase regulator znuc putative nuclear protein spovt spoon t(1;13)1wa hydrogen donor orf 21; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 21 dna-pol three rows orf-117; similar to ac53 putative sequence-specific dna binding protein tahiti dnk; dnmp kinase; gp1 icd1; nadp diphthine synthase ; l-lactate permease chaperone protein htpg (heat shock protein htpg; high temperatureprotein g) henna bonus proteinase k senseless zpas zpdc zpcs zpck zpbl rna binding domain fgarat; orf 75; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 75 phage integrase; hypothetical proteinnone putative fatty acid synthase t(11;19)42h glucagon orf 100; op107/ac106,107 punch cortex bacteriophage protein; trna synthetase class ii borea erythromycin putative 13.0 kda protein; gp53 connector dimethylamine putative allergen putative gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase chitinase i pre-rrna processing protein; nop58p necrotic mota: chemotaxis protein; proton conductor component of flagella motor, torque generator corset putative na:h antiporter metalloprotease; endopeptidase m48, ste24p family oligopeptide transporter subunit; membrane component of abc superfamily protein sulfokinase het-c het-e septum formation; peptidoglycan synthetase gale' galce putative neutral sphingomyelinase spadefoot gp442; identified as virion protein by mass spectrometry clubfoot curlicue spr-i photoreceptor zras putative flavohemoprotein molting x-orf putative alpha-amylase neo-pap putative prenyltransferase putative protein acts in dna metabolism; contains flap endonuclease motifs putative lipid transfer protein t protein; tetrahydrofolate-dependent t(1;13)70h headline mannitol eif4a-1; eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4a-1; rna sfii helicase serat1;1 putative protelomerase gsc-b n-terminal fragment; cmb n-terminal fragment; cmd gp347; similar to phikz gp232 orf71; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf90 core gene; 48 kda/45 kda protein verprolin solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; citrate transporter), member 1 putative tail sheath protein ib;c antares acmnpv orf45-like protein; orf36 iaaa putative 19.8 kda protein; gp47 approximated iaci merd; transcriptional regulator iacp x-sal iagb coryne putative aldo/keto reductase; putative 2,5-diketo-d-gluconate reductase b (dkgb-like) serat2;1 serat2;2 sprna sf82; similar to ac80 intrepid iars iatp iata moba; mobilization protein spray moeb; thif purba gamma hernandez gp49; endovii pk-1; haorf3 pdcl2 putative dna adenine methylase; dam putative mfs transporter exfoliative serat3;2 cardiac abnormality putative dna polymerases ibsn ibsa ibsc ibse ibsd mp3; orf6 orf122;fgf sf118; similar to se117 bacteriophage minor capsid protein; forms tail attachment site on head; lambda fii homolog putative trna-his guanylyltransferase; thg1 superfamily ibzm bowel bowed icab icca putative rna-processing protein ical icar icas iced icda icdc icdb peptide l syndet putative transcriptional regulator; repressor, fmn-binding protein icfa spurt corkscrew icet ichs ichg t(5;15)8gso ie-a hex-c icis icmd icmc icml icmm icmp icmr icmb icma dna ligase; minimal catalytic domain icon icms icmv segment 3 icpa little icsp icsb icrf ndha; ndh complex (ferredoxin:plastoquinone oxidoreductase) subunit a at;cdkd;2 at;cdkd;1 putative trna methyltransferase dihydrofolate reductase, putative putative integrase; dlp12 prophage idab putative aldose 1-epimerase putative peptidoglycan binding protein quadro iddm envelope biogenesis factor; duf218 superfamily protein orf 31; op36 efp; envelope fusion protein putative glycerol kinase teat number putative phage lysis protein s; dlp12 prophage idhm idhp idhc if-c shar-pei idlc earthbound c-orf idnt idnr hexim idsa hcf-1; plxy70; similar to ac70 lef-3; plxy67; similar to ac67 putative reverse transcriptase similar to acorf83; similar to acnpv p91; similar to xcorf118 tn2 transposase; truncated c-rfa translesion error-prone dna polymerase v subunit; reca-activated auto-protease putative bacteriophage regulatory protein; repressor; lambda gpci analog n terminal fragment of allelic cap19.313; frameshifted duf843; similar to hagv_gp128, xcgv orf125, psungv_gp129 and slgv_gp099 repeated sequence orf; similar to cap19.80 golden glu-trna rad26 candidate; no helicase domain pdeii saposin hexon dutpase; orf54; similar to ebv bllf3, cmv ul72, hsv ul50 core gene; viral protein 91 kda/95 kda protein putative extracellular protein qin prophage; antitermination protein q putative terminase large subunit; atp-dependent dna-helicase qin prophage; cell division inhibition protein monopole boxer putative clc chloride channel ifap ifar midas liver abnormalities cytochrome o subunit 2; oxidase bo(3) subunit 2 orf3; similar to phage r1t orf39 putative cytidine deaminase ifkb antitoxin for mqsr toxin; transcriptional repressor cd-pa ifnm ifps putative heme-binding protein creatininase isoamyl alcohol acetyltransferase, putative leash putative molybdopterin cofactor sulfurase tonoplastic 2;1-2 aquaporin narrow gatas cp4-57 prophage; putative periplasmic protein temperament putative ring-h2 finger protein spinalin gatac orf60; parg igbl igds igda iggc putative nucleoside triphosphatase; kple2 phage-like element igel putative lipase, gdsl; esterase, sgnh hydrolase-type celtos igic orf73; gp41 ighd calycin igml putative serine peptidase phage integrase; transposase arrest tcmet leanp leant putative scf ubiquitin ligase putative abc transporter putative adenine-specific methylase putative activating enzyme (e1 family) of ubiquitin-like proteins; nad/fad-binding protein cp4-57 prophage; toxin of the ypjf-yfjz toxin-antitoxin system pstair endopeptidase inhibitor orf 83; lef-4 op91/ac90 ihbc putative serine hydroxymethyltransferase magellan t(11;17)202dn nmlfs putative membrane carboxypeptidase/penicillin-binding protein; putative exported protein mariposa buforin i interacts with nuclear egress membrane protein; involved in nuclear egress xtifa balding retrotransposon hot spot (rhs) protein; retrotransposon hot spot protein 4 (rhs4) putative ras gtpase activating protein putative rna helicase orf-151; similar to ac142 putative patatin hypolipidemia bacteriophage head decoration protein; lambda gpd homolog beached orf28; ssb protein hypothetical_protein putative diacylglycerol kinase peptide signal putative profilin costal orf 146; pe38 op152/ac153 convoluta cardiolipin synthase; exported protein tpr repeat flavoprotein wrba; tryptophan repressor binding protein myomodulin kropf putative cysteine synthase orf110; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf135 gauze putative serine recombinase putative bzip transcription factor putative transcriptional repressor putative dnase flanker nucleolin, putative orf1; similar to phage r1t orf37 moonrat hirsute milch replication initiation protein; orf1 gp225; similar to phikz gp140 and el gp108 o-acetylhomoserine aminocarboxypropyltransferase; methionine synthase beltless miles duplin glycine dehydrogenase (decarboxylating; glycine decarboxylase, glycine cleavage system protein p) bristled gp5.1; pfwmp3_14 gustav putative chitin binding protein mckusick-kaufman syndrome protein; mkks protein hoar; haorf4 sheath stabilizer,;connector to gp3 and/or gp19 putative molybdopterin-binding oxidoreductase putative aminopeptidase n-like p10; plxy133; similar to ac137 t(3;11)16ad putative sesquiterpene cyclase cyclind cyclint ileu ilet ilex nitroreductase-like family 4; related to nitroreductase putative gaba permease putative acyl-acp desaturase fe-s cluster putative fe-s protein putative extracellular matrix protein putative paramyosin putative zinc metallopeptidase putative beta-glucosidase jp-pa putative mob protein putative invasion protein fused putative membrane protein ; putative membrane protein interferon, beta; receptor peptidase, atmc; arge/dape/acy1 family protein cyclin d1;1 ilrs putative triglyceride lipase ilra pkip-1; sf31; similar to ac24 putative replisome organizer ilvs ilvd monoplane yield grade ilvm ilvr orf24; similar to e gene of p2 held up rugged dsdna-binding protein; involved in dna replication putative aldehyde dehydrogenase concanavalin-a imap dmrl synthase; lumazine synthase; riboflavin synthase beta chain imab imaa flavoprotein kfrb; upf54.8 wheels putative matrix imdh vlacs imca p/v/w imfa putative a1 protein tangerine transcription factor; mbp1p orf 51; vp1054 op58/ac54 bifunctional protein: transcription regulator; sugar kinase, rok family orf vii minor imma immc white rabbit copg-like; orf3 rac prophage; restriction alleviation protein putative erythrocyte-binding protein impm impn impe putative glycolipid-anchored surface protein impg impk imua wheezy t(6;12)32h u exon gp256; similar to phikz gp170 qin prophage; putative site-specific recombinase orf 72; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 72 trim8; tripartite-containing protein 8 putative cationic amino acid transporter unkempt questionable orf; ca20c1.18 minal inar inaa inab indo inda indf orf 53; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 53 incb ince incf incl xretpos inia inic lectin, putative gp202; similar to phikz gp122 inlf lipid content inps tufts orf3; cp insb inse insd insg insf insi insh insk insj inrs inrl n-glycanase intp into intr intv intb intc intf psbj; photosystem ii reaction center subunit x inte intg intn insv putative o-acyltransferase invi inxs oblique washout coarse foggy elbow a heparinase yiha protein; exported protein lectin-like receptor kinase 7;3 polyhedron envelope; calyx; ac131 hel; ntp-binding horn length iolg iols iolt iole open reading frame iona putative 50.2 kda protein; gp29 dna endonuclease; h-n-h family; relative of mobile endonucleases of filamentous fungi iora p87; sf61; similar to ac104 ipba ipar ipaa ipdh ipex putative peroxidase ipgc ipge ipgf ir-a polyprenyl synthetase; solanesyl diphosphate synthase (sds) sec61p-like protein; ssh1p ipma ipmd ipod ippt ipps ipox ipsi putative core protein orf59; subunit of dna-polymerase; similar to ebv bmrf1 (ea-d), cmv ul44, hsv ul42 iptb iptc minus minte scidx1 melibiose operon transcriptional regulator; autoregulator depressed gp504; orf504 putative zinc finger protein petd; cytochrome b6/f complex subunit iv miron putative calcium channel protein penner emmental t(9;17)10ad transcription factor 2 hepatic; lf-b3; variant hepatic nuclear factor pfaarp kinked mitochondrial integral membrane protein; fzo1p multiple sclerosis undersized a31 a35 a38 a40 a44 a43 a45 a55 a58 a60 a61 putative ndp-l-rhamnose synthase nac-pa a77 iram iras iraa miras irad irfp hale-bopp irel irep irga endo-1,3;1,4-beta-d-glucanase-like iris putative bacteriophage major tail protein; lambda gpv homolog putative aminotransferase irls auxilary protein; similar to taxa from r6k irld irle irlr irla rac prophage; dna-binding transcriptional regulator p143; acmnpv orf95 pres protein putative polyphosphate kinase b'' irpa putative disulfide reductase iron irsa similar to acorf79; similar to xcorf75 b-1 type 3 membrane protein; 4 transmembrane domains b-g b-i irxa b10 b12 b11 b16 b19 b2c dna-binding protein; a trans activator for transcription gst a gst b rac prophage; recombination and repair protein putative methylase b73 gst v mitochondrial translation initiation factor 2; ifm1p receptor binding isab b97 isdc isde iscl isca isfc isea halted sf114; similar to ac43 isis aa2 aa5 aa7 aaa aae aad aai aal aao aas aar aau putative tail fiber chaperone; qin prophage aav aay abb abd abf abe abg abi abk ad2 ad1 abr ad3 ad6 abt abs ad5 ad8 abx ad9 abw abz aca acc acd acg acf ach acm acl putative ring finger e3 ubiquitin ligase aco acn acp acs acu act ae8 acv acz ada add adc ade adh adi adl putative lytic transglycosylase protein adm adp ispb ado ispe adr adt ads adv adu adx ady aea isot aei putative elongation factor g issd aen aep aes ag4 aez afe afl isra afm ah2 isrc afo ah1 ah4 aft afs afx afw aga agc age agf agi agk agm ago agn ags agu agx istr ahd ahc ahf aho ahs ahx aic issx aif aim aio aip putative gtp-binding protein; 106556-109264 (iss) ais air ait al0 al2 aka c-c akh alkanesulfonate transport protein; abc superfamily, membrane component am1 am3 akp aku ala ald ale alh putative protein arginine methyltransferase alg ali all aln alm c02 alo an6 an5 als alv alu an9 alw tremulous ama amc amb ame amd ami aml amo ao1 amn c10 ao2 c12 amp ams ao4 c14 amr ao7 amt c19 c18 amx ana and anc ann anm c22 anp ano anr ans c28 tunen aoa aoc putative glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase aof aoi aom aop aos aor c37 apd apc apf ape apg api apl app apo ar4 apq apt aps c48 apu apy aqr c57 c3v ara arc arf arg arj ari arl arn arm arr art at6 at8 aru ary asa asd c5d asg asi ash ask asj asl aso asn ass asr asu asw asv asy putative anion transporter asx putative pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase mitch ata atd atc ate ath atj ati atl atn atp av3 atq att ats atv atu auk aum aup aus aur aut avd ave avi avl avp avr avt awd awg awh awl awn aws awu axd axf axe axn axo axt axs hypothetical oxidoreductase azh azl azk azr azs acmnpv orf73-like protein; orf59 imp cyclohydrolase ;phosphoribosylaminoimidazolecarboxamide formyltransferase ba2 phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase catalytic subunit (air carboxylase; airc) album bb5 bab bae bah bag baj bai bal ban bam bap bao bar bat bas baw baz itnp bbc bbb bbe bbd bbg bbl bbs bbr bbu bbv bd8 nadh dehydrogenase flavoprotein 1; 24 kda (fp) bbx hypogonadal bcb bca bcd bcc bcf bcg bcn bcm bcp be2 bco bcr bcs itpl bda bdb bdg bdf bdm bdp bdr bdw imp-beta bea bed bef bee beh beg bel ben bem beo ber bey conjugal transfer protein; similar to genbank accesion number aaw58889 bfa bfc bfb bfe bfd bfk bfm bfo bh1 bfs putative mitochondrial inner membrane protein bfw bfy bgb bga bge bgm bi3 bgt bgs lemon bhc bhe bhd bhh bhr bhy bib bic bif bie big bii bin bim bit bis biz bjs misty bka bkd bkh bkj bkl bm2 bks d-x bld blf bli blh blm blo d01 bln bls blt blw bly blz bmb bmd bmc bmh bml bmk bmn bmm d14 bmr d16 bms d17 bmy bna bnc bnb bnd bnf bnk bnl d20 bns boa bod boc bog boj boi bol bon bom d32 boo bor d33 bot bos bou box bow pka-like bpb d2b saposin a bpe bpd bph bpm bpl bpp d42 bps bpr bpt bpx putative beta-galactosidase bra brc brb brd brf brh brl bro d61 zssiia d60 d63 brr bru brt d66 brw brz bsb bsa bsd bsc bse bsh bsg bsl bsn bsm bsp bsr bst bss bsx bta btc btb btd btg btf btm btl d80 d83 bts btv d88 bty btx arginine kinase, putative btz bub buc bug bul buk putative nonstructural protein bun bum bup buo bur but d95 bus bw8 bwa bwd bwc bwi bwl bwm iucd bws t(4;9)45h bxd bxl bxr byb orf 6; bro ac2 byk bym bys bzd bzp bzs bzx putative selenoprotein ca2 thya; thymidylate synthase (ts) (tsase) polyphase cb4 cb3 cb5 caa cac cae cad caf cai cah cak cam cal cc1 fumarate hydratase; corresponds to n-terminus of s. cerevisiae fum1; see cap19.14016 cao can cap cc2 cas car cau cat cax caz cba cbd cbc incretin hormone cbf cbe cbh cbi distracted cbn cbr cd4 cbt cbs cbx cbz cby cca ccb ccd ccf cci cch ccm ccl cco ccp ccs ce4 ccw ccv cdc cdf orf r cde cdh orf v cdi cdn cdm cf4 cf3 cds cf8 orf g cec ceb cee ced ceg cef cei cem cel ceo cen cep cg5 ces cer cg4 cg7 cet cey cex cfa cfd cfc mitochondrial atpase; proteolysis and chaperoning cff short of breath cfl cfk cfm cfo ch4 cfr ch3 ch6 cft ch5 dnapol; plxy65; similar to ac65 cfw cgd cgi cgh cgl cgp cgs orf 78; vp91 p95 op86/ac83 chb cha chd chc chf chh chi chl chn chp cho chr chs abc transporter; permease aldos chz chy cic cif putative hydrolase; haloacid dehalogenase-like family putative dna recombinase cim cil car-beta cip aldox cis cit cja cjd cji e.2 e.1 e.4 e.3 cl6 e.6 cjs e.8 e.7 cka ckc ckd ckl cm1 cko ckn cm3 cm2 cm5 cm8 cobalamin clf cle clh cli cll cln clm clo clr cn3 clt cls clv clx clw cma cmc cytochrome c1, component of the mitochondrial respiratory chain; cyt1p cme cmd cmg cmi cmm cml cmo cmn cmp co2 cms cmr cmt cmx cnd cnc cnh cng cni cnn cnm cno e21 cnr e24 cnt cp6 cp8 e28 cnu cnx cp9 coa coc coe cod cog cof falafel coh com e31 con e30 coq cos e35 cou cot e36 e39 cpb cpa cpd cpc cpf cpe cph cpg cpl cpn cpm cpp e42 cpo cpr cpq e46 orf-a cpt cps cpu orf-b cpx cpw cpz cpy orf-i sf86; similar to se87 cqm e53 e52 cqr e54 tonoplast intrinsic protein 2;2 tonoplast intrinsic protein 2;1 tonoplast intrinsic protein 2;3 tonoplast intrinsic protein 2;5 crd crc crn e60 crm crp crr e64 crq crt crs crv cru cry csa csb cse csd csf csi csh csm cso e71 csq cu2 csp css cst csw csy cta ctc ctf putative alginate lyase cti ctl e80 ctm ctp cto cv1 ctt e86 cts ctu ctx ctw cue cui cun cup ivdh cur cut cvc cvh cvi cvl ivdb ivda ivdd ivdc ivdf ivde cvw cwc cwo cy1 cwp cy2 putative nadph oxidase cwt cxb cxp cxr cxv cya cyb cyf cyh cyl cyn orf5; hypothetical protein cys cyr cyx czc mini-ice transposase for insertion sequence is1; insb mix-a t(11a2;16b3)238dn da2 da1 da3 t(2;4)41dn dab daa dad daf dae dah dag dai dam dar rb32orf146c similar to mobb; not conserved from t4 position dc5 das daw dba dbb dbe dbf dbk dbj dbm dbo dbn dbs dbr dbt dd9 dcb dca dce dch dcg dci dcl dcn dcm dco de1 dcr dct dcs de5 dda ddc dde ddg colanic acid production tyrosine-protein kinase; autokinase; ugd phosphorylase ddf ddn ddp dds ddu ddt ddx deb dea ded dec deh deg dei del den dem dep der det des dex dew putative membrane glycoprotein dez dey dfa dfc dfb dfi impact dfh dfk dfl dfp dfs dfu dft dfw dfy dfx dfz dga dgd dgf dgi dgl orf14; atpase dgn dgo dgr dgq dgt dgs dgu dha dhe dhd dhg dhf dhk dhm dhl dho dhs dht dib dia did dic dil dik dim dip dis div diw reduced eye djl djs dkb f-b f-d f-c dke dkh dkg dki dkl dkn dm2 dm1 dm4 dm3 dla dld dlm dll dlp nuclease p1 dlt dlw dlv dly dma dmd dmc dme dmh dmg dmi dmn dmm do2 dmo dmr do3 dmt tonoplast intrinsic protein 3;1 dms dmv dmu tonoplast intrinsic protein 3;2 core gene; glycoprotein 41 kda dmx dmw dna dnb dnd dnf dnm dnl dns dnr f24 dynamo dob doa dod doc dof doe dog dol don dom f36 dot whipple dos dox dow dpa dpe dpg dpi dph dpj dpm dpo f40 putative single stranded dna-binding protein dpp dps dpr dpt dqm drc drd drf dri drl dro drn drp f4r drt drw dry drx dsb dsa dsd dsf dse dsg dsi dsl dsn dsm du2 dsp dso dst dss dsu dtb dte dtg dth dtl dtn dtp dts dtr dtu dtv dtx dud duh dug f90 dum dup dw2 duo dur dus dvb dve dvh orbit dvr dvt dvw dwf dwh dwg dwp dws dwu dxo dxs dxr dyb dyf dye dyl dyn dyp dyr dyt dys dzy ea2 eaa eac eab ead eai eaj eam ec3 eas ear ec4 eat eay eaz ebe ebh ebk ebn ebm ebo ebr ebs ebx eca ecd ecf eci ech eck ecl eco ecp ee2 ect ecx s-antigen; retina and pineal gland (arrestin) b s-antigen; retina and pineal gland (arrestin) a edf edh edj edp edy eec eel een eep eg4 eg7 efc eff efe efg eh2 efp eh1 efr efs efw egg egf egi egm ego egp egt egy eha ehd ehf ehh ehk eht eia eic eid eig eim ek2 eis ejh ejm ekb eki g-l eko ekn em2 eks em7 em9 ekv elb ela eld eli elk elm elo elr els n-protein ema emc emd g/f emi emk emm g10 emp ems emx enb end enh enr ent ens g25 g27 enx eob orfiv eom g31 eon eos orfii mip4; orf51 epa epd epc eph epg epi epk epn g40 epm epp epr er3 ept g46 eps epv epw g3b eql g50 es4 era erd erc erh ern erp ero esa esc ese esd esi esk esm eu3 ess esu est esw etd eth etg eti etl etm etp ett ets putative phosphatidylinositol kinase putative dehydrogenase euo eup eva evc evl evn evr exb exa exc exf exe exi exn exp ez1 ext exs eyc eye eyh eyk eym mixer eyl ezf ezg ezi g?q lergu fb1 fb2 faa fad faf fae fag fai fal fan fam fc2 fap far fat fas fax fba fbd fbf fbh fbk fbl fd1 fd2 fd5 fbs fd4 fbr fby fbx fbz fca fcd fce fch fcg fci fcl burned fcn fcm fcs fcu fda fdc fdg fdi fdl fdp fdv fdy fea fee fel fen fem fep feo fet fes fev fex fey ffc ffm ffp ffs ffr fh6 fft fgd fgk fgn fgs putative nitrilase fhe fhd fhi fhh fhm fhl fhp fhs fht fia fif fig fil fik fin fim fk2 fk1 fir h-4 h-3 fit h-6 h-5 h-7 fiz fl1 h-b fkf fkl fkp fm1 fks h-x flb fle flf flm fll flo fln flr flu flw flv flx flz fma fmd fmf fmi fmp fmr fmt fms fmv fmu fnc fne fnd fni fno h20 h25 fnt fnz fob fod fof foe foi fol fon fop foo for fov fpa fpc putative double-stranded dna binding protein; dsba fpg fpf fph fpk fpl orf 11; arif op19/ac21 fpp fps fpr h44 h50 h51 h56 br-ph h4a fra frc frg frf fri frh frj frl fro ft3 putative cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor ft4 frr frt frv fry frx frz fsa fsd fsc fsf fsh fsi fu2 fsp fso fsr fst orf46; similar to acorf56 homolog fss fta ftc ftb ftd ftk ftm fv3 ftr h6r fty ftx fuc fue fug fuk fun fut tonoplast intrinsic protein 1;1 fuz tonoplast intrinsic protein 1;3 tonoplast intrinsic protein 1;2 fve bacteriophage protein; prohead protease fwa fwd fwe fws fxh fxo fyd fyr fza fzc fzb fzl cg30; plxy87; similar to ac88 fzx similar to acorf23; similar to xcorf27; similar to hagv envelope fusion protein orf-x putative acyltransferase muscle ph is1 insa protein; similar to genbank accession number cae55752 ga1 putative tape measure gb2 putative nonstructural polyprotein gac gai gah gaj putative glycosyl transferase, family 2;protein prenyltransferase (lgtf) gam gal gan gaq gap gas gar gau gav gay gbd gbg gbi gbl gbt gbs gbu gby gca gcb gce gcm gcn ge2 gct rps7; ribosomal protein s7 gdb gdc gdn gdo gdr gek gem gel gg1 gen ges ger get gey gfb gfd gfl gfm gfp gfo gfr gh4 gft gh8 gfw gfy ggb ggl ggp ggr ggt ggy ghh schizo ghi ghn gho ghv ghy gia gie gid gif gii gik gim gil gio gin gis gir git giv gix stbd family protein; protein family hmm tigr01552 gkd putative mitogen activated protein kinase gki gkt i-t glb gld glc glh gln glm glp putative myosin glv glu held-up gly acmnpv orf120-like protein; orf97 gma gme acid stress protein; putative bola family transcriptional regulator gmk gmm t(3;10)61h gml i17 gmt gnb gnc gnl gnk gnn gno gns gp8 i28 gnu gny god gog gof gom gol gon gop gos gor gou goz gpg gpj gpk gpn gpm gpp gpo gpq gps gpv gpu gpw gpy gqc gs4 gra grc grf gre gri gt1 grr grt grv gru gry gsc gse gsg gsf gss gsr gsu t(9;12)20ad gsy gtb gta gtd gtl gtn gtp gtr gtt gtx gua gub gud gug guf gui gum gul gup gur gut gvh gvi gvl gvm gwd leudh aeroplane gxa gxu putative coa ligase gyc gyg gyf putative branched-chain amino acid permease; azlc family gym gyr putative coa transferase; exported protein gzf putative metalloprotease putative ubiquitin ligase gp4; similar to pfam07087, duf1353 (protein of unknown function) gag-fos ha2 putative dehydrogenase protein lethe hab had hac haf hae hai han hap hc5 has hau hc9 hay hba hbe hbg hbi hbk hbm hbl hbn hd3 hbq hbs hbr hbt hby hca hcd hcc hcf hch hcg hci hcp solute carrier family 30 (zinc transporter), member 4; zinc transporter 4 hct hcx hcz hda hdb hdf hdm hdl hdp hds hdr hdx hea hed hec hef alice heg hek hen hem hep hg2 her het hes hey hfi hfm hfl hfp hft hfw hgb hga hgn hgo hgt hgs foie gras hhc hhb hhd hhh hhm hhp hhs hht hib fad dependent oxidoreductase; 4-hydroxybenzoate 3-monooxygenase hia hid hig hik hin him hip hir hit his hiv hjc hjm hjr hjt hkb hkd hkl hm3 hlc putative monooxygenase hle hld hli j01 hln hn3 hn2 hls hlt hma hmd hmf hme hmg hml hmo hmr hms hmu hmx hnc hne hnd hni hnh hnn hns hp5 hnr hnt hcv polyprotein hoa hod hoc hof hoe hog hol hok hon hop hoo hot hos xcftr how putative antigen receptor hpa hpc hpb hpd putative ion transporter hpf hpo hpn hpp j45 hps hpt hr9 hpy hpx wizard hqp gammatubulin hs5 hrd hrf hrm hrl ht1 ht3 hrp hrs hrr hrt hrz hsa hsh hsg hsi hsk hsn hsm hss hsy htc hte htl hv2 htp hts htu t(10;12)38ad hty htx hub huc huf hug hui hus huy hve jaguar hwr hwt hws hxb hxk redhead hxr phospholipase d; spo14p hyd hye hyi putative aminodeoxychorismate lyase; exported protein hyk hyp hyt hys hyx hzc flagella ia3 nrt2;3 protein ib3 iac iab iad iah iam ial ic1 ias iar iav bifunctional protein: riboflavin kinase; fmn adenylyltransferase ibk ibm ibx iby ica orfvi icc ice icd icf ich ico icn icp ics t(x;7)1neu ida idd idc idi idp idr leu-b leu-a iep iex ifb leu-6 ifa ifc ifg ifl ifn ifr ifs ifx iga igb ige igd igg igf igi igm abc2; anti-recbcd igo putative u4/u6 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein ign igu igz iha ihh ihg ihj ihk ihq iie mirvana trnfgaa iii iio iip k-2 iis k-4 iiu putative aquaporin abstract il3 ika k-f ila ilc ilf ile ilp k01 in3 ima imb img imf imm imp inb ina ind inc inf inh inl inn k21 inr ip3 int ip5 k25 k28 ioa putative tail protein from prophage; putative tail length tape measure motif hugger k30 ior k34 k38 ipd ipi ipl ipk k42 ipp ips ipv is4 irb ira ird irh irl irm irt irz isa isc isf ish ism iso isn iss isr ist k76 isw orf101; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf122 isx ita itg iti itm itp itr its putative permease; putative purine-cytosine permease-like protein crooked putative 2'-o-methyl transferase iva ivd ivl ivy iwr ixl tonoplast intrinsic protein 4;1 similar to yp_762532; contains signal peptide putative relaxase protein type 1 membrane protein; contains immunoglobulin domain t(11;16)53dn ja3 jac jal jan jar jas jaw jay jbg jbo jd1 jbp jbs jdf jf1 ccecc jef jek jen jet chopped jew jfk no eye jgl t(7;16)235dn putative neuropeptide receptor jgw jhe jhf jhy orf 2; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 2 jil jim l-2 l-3 jiv p23; hsp20-like chaperones fold jkd jlo jme jmh jmp jmt jms jmx jmy schmal jnk jnj jog jok jos joy jpd jpl jpx l51 jra jrp fumarate reductase complex subunit c; membrane anchor polypeptide l64 l67 l5b l5a jsc jsr jsx putative head maturation protease l84 l87 l86 dissatisfaction jut juv tonoplast intrinsic protein 5;1 l99 jvl jvs jws putative uracil phosphoribosyltransferase jyx nucleosome assembly protein 1;2-like kb1 kb4 kb9 kac kab kad kaf kah kak kc1 kao kas kay kaz kba kbh kbi kd1 kca kch kcp kcs kcy putative sensory transduction histidine kinase kdg kdn kdu kec keb keg kef kek similar to xcorf134; similar to hagv late expression factor-3 kel kep ker keu ket key kfa kfc kfm kh3 kfs putative phosphotransferase kgd kgg kgt khs all-b kia contains leucine zipper domain; possibly involved in transcriptional regulation kib kid kin kit kiz kjk kjr kka pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, e3 component; dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase kkm kkt kkv klc klf kle klg klo klr klt kls kma kmb kmi m11 kms m15 m14 kmt m16 m18 knf knk m20 m22 kno knr m23 m26 kns m25 m28 knu m27 m29 kny koa koc spoivfb koi koj kom kol ctx-a kpd kpl gp37; slp; plxy64; similar to ac64 kpn kpm kumamolisin m46 m3b m50 ks2 kqt kra krd putative peptide transport protein krk krn krm kt1 krs m67 efp; acmnpv orf128 ksa ksh ksn kst rna helicase; prp16p ksy kte ktg kti ktn kto m86 kts ktu kua kub kug kuk kum kul kus putative sugar transport protein sporulation fimh protein orf1; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf1 orf 36; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 36 nadp-dependent 3-hydroxy acid dehydrogenase; malonic semialdehyde reductase kyp kzp quo vadis la1 lb1 putative exoribonuclease lab lad lac laf lah lag lal lan lam lar las lc5 lau lax laz lba lbe lbk lbm lbl lbn putative c-type cytochrome lca lcc lcf lce lch lcg lci lcl lcn lcp lcr lct lcs lcx cold shock protein; qin prophage lcy lda ldc ldb ldg ldh ldk ldm ldl lds ldr acetyl-coa acetyltransferase; poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate biosynthesis leb lea lec leg lei len lem leo ler les lev lex lew lfc lfb lfg orf-32; late essential factor 8 lfl lfp lft lfw similar to acorf52; similar to xcorf171 lgb lga lgd lgh lgj lgn lgp lgo li4 lgt lgs karma lha lhk lhl lhp lhs lhw lib lia lid lie carnation lil lik n-2 lip lio lit lis liz gp124; similar to phikz gp68 n-b lkd t(8a4;12d1)69dn lm2 lkp lm1 lm3 lks lky prometheus lla llb lle sunburst llh llk llp llt lly llz putative protein-disulfide oxidoreductase lmb lma n/a lmd lmc lme lmg lmn lmp n11 lms unidentified orf25; putative lmx lmw lmy lna lnd karst lp1 lnp art-4 protein; pin+zn ribbon domains. involved in rna metabolism lnr n27 lnt lnv n1a loa lod loc loe lok n30 lom lop lor n34 loq lot n36 los n35 lov n38 low lpc lpb lpg lpi lpk lpp lps lpt lpy lqf orf4; similar to n of p2 ls2 lqt ls8 lre lrd lrk putative periplasmic protein of unknown function lrn lrs lrt lsd lsc lsf lse lsl lsm lu1 lsr lst lss lta lte ltd ltg ltl ltq ltp lts ltr ltt ltx putative laminin luc luh lug lus lva lvm lvl lwf ly2 lws ly8 ly7 lxc lxd t(3;19)25ad lxl lye lyg lyl lyr proteases displaced lyx hold up lzb lzf lzl lzp lzr teflon putative 3-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase putative rubrerythrin ma1 ma2 mb2 maa mac mab mae mad mag mai mah mak mal man pantothenate map mas mar mat mav mbd mbc mbk mbn mbm mbo md1 mbr md6 mbt mbs mbu mbw mca mcc mce mcd mci putative cytotoxin mcm mcl mco mcs mcr mct mcv me8 mdb mda mdf mdg mdi mdl mdk mdn mf2 mdp mdr mf4 mds mdu mdx mdy abc transporter, permease protein; branched-chain amino acid transport protein mea meb gp257; similar to phikz gp171 med mei mem meo men mep mg2 mg5 mes mer mg7 met mg6 mew mey mex mez mfd mff mfe mfi mfl mfp mfr mft mfs mfy mgb mgi mgh mgm mgo mgn mi2 mgs mgr mgt mha mhk mhp mht mhs mhx mia mic mib mid mii mim mil mio min mip mit mk8 mix miz mje mjl lozenge ml2 ml1 ml6 ml5 ml7 mkg mkf mki mkl mm3 mm2 mks mku mld mlf mle mln mlm ccfdn mn4 mlr mlq mls mma mmb mmd mmh bitten mml mms mmt mmy mnb mnd mnf mng mni mnn o20 mnm mp2 o22 mno mp3 o23 mnt mns putative zinc transporter moa moe orf9; rep mof moi mom moo mon mop mot mow fonseca mpb mpa mpc mpf mpe putative histidine kinase protein mph mpi mpk mpn mpm mpp mpr mps mpx mpy mqo ms2 ms6 mrb mra mrc mre mrh mrj mri mrl mrr mrt mrs msa msc mse msd msg msf msk msm msq msp mss msu mst msv msz mtb citrate lyase ligase; [citrate [pro-3s]-lyase] ligase mta mtc mtf mte mth mtk mtm mto mtt mts mtv mtu mtx mua mub mud mug muf muh mul mun mus mur muz mva rna polymerase mvl mvp mwg mwi mwh mwk mws mwr mwt mwx mxd mxf glucose variations mxe mxg mxp mxt myc myg mym myl myo myn myx translesion error-prone dna polymerase v subunit; dna polymerase activity orf 70; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 70 putative plasma membrane na+/h+ antiporter nab nad nah nal nan nap nas nav nax jamm orf 55; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 55 nba nbb nbg nbl cp4-44 prophage; uncharacterized protein nbp nbr nbt nbx ncd ncc nce ncn ncp ne2 nct ncs ndc nde ndd ndg ndi ndl ndw neb ned nec neg nej nei nel nek nem neo net lps regulatory protein; putative modulator of lpxc proteolysis nev ney nfd nff nfj nfs nfr nfu nfy putative blue light receptor nga ngd ngc ngf ngp ngs nhc nhl nhs nht nhy nhx nib nia nid nic nih nii nil orf3; similar to acmnpv pk-1 nim nip nir pearl nk? virion vapsid protein; vp91 nl4 nkh nkg nkl nkn nkt p-v jaws nla nle nlo p01 nln nls p07 nlt jawl nlz nma nmi nml nmm nmr nms p/v nne jaye nnr nnt p29 nob noa nof noe nol nom p32 nor not nov nox now noy putative 2-hydroxy-3-oxopropionate reductase (tartronate semialdehyde reductase; tsar) npa p2a npc npd npg npf npi nph npk npo npn similar to acorf64; similar to acnpv gp37; similar to xcorf107 npq npp nps nr6 npw npx p3b nqr ns8 nrb nri nrh nrk nrm nt1 p61 nrr nru nrt nrv nrz nsb nsd nsi nsm nso anal atresia nst p77 nsx nsy prp8; u5 snrnp spliceosome subunit ntc ntg nti ntk ntl ntp ntt nub nua nud nuh nuk nun nuo nur nuz overflow nvd nvl nvy conjugative transfer protein; relaxosome protein nwc nwk nxn nyo nys nzc putative glutamyl endopeptidase putative endonuclease iv is3000; truncated oac oab oad oaf oap oar oat cytokinesis obd obe obl obk alphatubulin obt obs obv obx orf-90; similar to ac81 oce ocd ocm ocs ocr ocu exonuclease; similar to protein family hmm pf00929 oda odd odh odn ods rumpled ody oed oeh oel oep ofa ofc off ofe ofs ogd ogh ogl ogo gp512; orf512 ohc ohl ohp ohr ohx oih oim q-2 putative dna-binding transcriptional regulator; dlp12 prophage putative poly(a) polymerase gag-env oks okr okt olb old olc ole oli olk olt oma omc ome omd omg omm oml oms omt onr ons oog putative octopamine/tyramine receptor oop oos oor opb opa opd opc opj opm or2 opp opo or1 opt ops opx os3 os2 serrano q54 osteopetrosis ora ord orf org ork oro orr ort orx ory osa osc osg osi osh osk osn oss osr osw osx ota otc ote otm oto jcad ott ots putative deacetylase putative hydroxymethyltransferase out ova ovd ovc ove ovi ovl ovk ovn ovm ovo ovr ovt ovs pad-like oxa putative rna binding protein oxc oxh oxi putative pectinesterase oxp oxy oye alp-s oys orf24; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf33 orf25; lef11 pa2 pa3 pb3 pab paa pad pac paf pae retinoblastoma pah pal pak pan pap pao par pat pas pav pbc pbb pbe pbi insulin i pbl pd2 pbs pbt pby pca pcd pcf pce pch pci pcl pcn pcm pcp pco pcr pct pe6 pe5 pcs pcv pcy pdc pdb pde pdf pdj pdm pdo pdn pdp pds pdr pdt pdw pdz peb pea ped pec pee orf 41; lef-12 op46/ac41 peg pel pen pem pep peo per pet pes putative importin pfc pfb pfe pfd pff pfi pfm pfo pfn ph3 pfp ph2 ph5 pfs ph4 ph7 ph6 ph9 ph8 pfv pfy cyclin b 1;2 pgb pga pge putative replication initiation protein pgl pi1 pgq pgt pgs pgy pha phc phb phe phg phi php phs phy pie pig pik pin r-2 pk1 pio pir piq pit pis piv pjs pkc pke pkh r-l pm1 pkt putative 1,3-beta-glucan synthase r-s pks pku pkz r-z pky ple plf pll plo pls plr plt plw ply plx pmb pma pmd pmc pmf pmg pmi r10 pmn po2 r12 r11 r13 pms pmv pmu r17 pmx pmz png pnf pnh pnm r23 pnp plasmamembrane intrinsic protein 2;1 r24 r27 pnt plasmamembrane intrinsic protein 2;5 r29 plasmamembrane intrinsic protein 2;4 r28 plasmamembrane intrinsic protein 2;6 pnx plasmamembrane intrinsic protein 2;9 plasmamembrane intrinsic protein 2;8 pob pod poc pof poe poh pog poi pol r30 pom r32 pop poo r34 r1r r36 pot putative transcriptional regulator; lysr family pox pow r39 poz ppa ppb ppd cyclin-h ppi ppl r40 ppn ppp pps r44 ppv ppy r50 pqp r52 r56 ps8 r58 r59 pra prc pre prd prf prk prj prm prl prn r60 pt3 prp pt2 prs prr pt4 pru prt prv psb psa psd psc pse psh psj psi psk psn r70 psm pso psr r74 psq r73 r76 similar to acorf61; similar to acnpv fp; similar to xcorf140 pss psv psu pta ptc pte ptd ptg ptf pti ptm ptl pto r83 pv2 r82 pts ptr ptw ptv ptx ptz pub pua pud puc pentapeptide pug pun r90 pup put r97 pva pvf pvi pvs pvr pwd pwc pwe similar to acorf138; similar to acnpv p74; similar to xcorf77 pwi pwk pwn pwm py1 pxe pxd pxg pxf pxi pxl pxp pxu pxt pxy pyd pye pyg pyn pym pyr pyt pys pyv pyx pzg pzf pzi putative polyamine transporter; oligopeptide transport system permease protein oppc (tc 3.a.1.5.1 hb; dna-binding protein ii kavar q`b q`a qad qct qdb gp204; similar to phikz gp124 qdm qed alpha qen qgd too few cyclin b1;1 qhh cyclin b1;3 cyclin b1;2 putative citrate lyase ostrich qik greasy qil qip outer surface protein; putative lipoprotein putative deoxyuridine triphosphatase qjt qka confused qkr putative hydroxylase orf 14; op16/ac17 qme fat free s22 s32 s37 qpd qpc qpp qpt endonuclease iii; dna-(apurinic or apyrimidinic site) lyase s50 qqs qrs plasmamembrane intrinsic protein 1;2 plasmamembrane intrinsic protein 1;1 plasmamembrane intrinsic protein 1;3 plasmamembrane intrinsic protein 1;5 plasmamembrane intrinsic protein 1;7 qsk qsm s6b qtc qua que squat qui quo jeff putative map kinase kinase squid pecan putative endonuclease rb5 jems rac rah rai ram rao raq rat ras rau raw raz ccmfc ray rbc rbb rbe rbf rbj rbl rbn rbt rcb rca rcc rci brevis rcl rcn rcm re6 rct rcs rcw rdb rde rdf rdm rdo rdp rdr rdt rdw jerk rdz rea red rec reh rej rek rem rg2 req res rex rey rfa rfc rfe rfd rff rfi rfl rh0 rfn rfs rfr rh7 rft rgc unidentified orf12; putative rgg rgn rgp rgt rha rhc rhe rhg rhf psbd; photosystem ii protein d2 rhk rho rhp rhs rhr rib ric rif ril rik rin rim t-2 t-1 rir t-4 riq rit ris t-5 riv t-8 t-9 rje rjg rjs biopterin transporter,putative;with=genedb:linj35_v3.5120 orf09; similar to ebv balf5, cmv ul54, hsv ul30 t-b t-a rm2 rm1 rkr rlb rlg acetolactate synthase small subunit (ahas; acetohydroxy-acid synthase small subunit; als) rll rn1 rln rlp rls rlr rlu rlt rmd rmc core gene; very late factor 1 rmn t10 t12 rmp rmo t18 rmy rna rnc rnb rne rng rnf rnh rnk putative von willebrand factor rno t21 rnn t20 t22 rnp rns t25 rnt rp6 t28 rny rnz rob roa t1a rod roc rof roe rog roi rol t30 rom rop roo t31 t34 roq rot t37 row rpa putative dsrna-dependent rna polymerase rpc rpb rpe rpd rpf rpi rph rpm rpl rpo rpn rps t45 rpr t47 rpt rpw rpy rpz t50 rs4 t53 t56 rs5 t55 rs8 rs7 rrc rrd rrg rrl rro t61 t60 rt3 rrp rt4 rrr rrt rsd rsc rse rsi rsp rsr rst rss rsv rsu rsx rtd rtg rti rth rtl rv1 rtn t80 rv2 rts t84 t87 rtt rtv t88 rty astray rub rua rud ruf rue rug rul t90 run rum putative 6.8 kda protein; gp24 rut rus t98 rux t99 rve orf46; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf60 rvm rvn rvt rwi hnrnp-k protein rws rz+ rz- rxn rya rye nifs-like protein; cysteine desulfurase rzf putative sterol desaturase kayak fumarate hydratase class ii; isozyme orf8; f protein putative chromatin remodeling protein t(10;14)8rk sa3 orf2; tgb; component of triple gene block sb2 sb3 sb9 sac sab sad sai sah sam sal sao san sap sas sar sau sat saw sav sbb sba sbd sbf sbe sbg sbl sbk sbn sbm sd2 sbo sd1 sbr sd4 sd3 sbt sbs sbx sby scb sce scd scg sci pumpless sch scm sco scn keratin a se2 scp scs scu sct scw scy sda sdc calypso sdl sdn sdp sf6 sdt sds carbon-nitrogen sf5 standby sdv sf8 sf7 sdu sdx sdy sea sec seg sei sem sg1 seq sg2 sep ses set sex sez sfa sfd sfc sff sfe sfl sfp sft sfs sfv sfx sga sgb sge sgd sgg sgh sgl sgo sgn sgs sgr sgt sgv sha shd shf she shg shi shk sho shr sht shs shv shu shw shz shy sia sic sib sie sig sif sii sih sim sin sip l(x) sir sit sk6 siw siv six siz sja sjs skb skd skf skl sko sks skt skv sky agglutinin putative odorant receptor slb sld sle slh slj d-ribose abc transporter periplasmic binding protein; ribose chemotaxis receptor sll slm sn2 slo slr slt sls slv slw slz sma smc smb sme smd smf smh smk sml smp sms smt u18 smy smz snb putative copper-activated transcription factor sne snh sng sni snn snm snp snr snx snw soa soc sob sod sof sok soj som sol soo sos sou sot sov soy soz rdrp; orf 3 spd spf spe sph spg orf31; 39k/pp31 spk spm spp spo spt sps spu spw spz sqa sqc contains nsp1, nsp2, nsp3 and nsp4; leaky opal termination codon allows readthrough sqn u50 ss2 sqs ss5 squ sqt sqz srd sre srh srg srl srn srm srp st1 sro srr srs srv srw ssa ssc sse ssd ssf ssi ssk ssm ssl sso ssq ssp sss su7 sst ssv std ste stj sti stl sto str stt stv stu stw stz sua sub sue multicopy suppressor of bamb; outer membrane lipoprotein sud sug suf sui suh suk sun sup sus suv svb sva svd svc sve svh svl svr svs paralyzed swa swb swe symbol swm swl swn swp sws swr swt sww swy sxa sxc sxt sxv sxy syg galactose-inducible d-galactose regulon transcriptional repressor; autorepressor syh sym syl syq syv sza szl szy rna helicase; ski2p putative atpase/helicase gth i ta2 ta3 ta7 orf17; similar to w gene of p2 tb6 tab tac tag taj tai tak tan tam tap tar taq tat tas tc8 tav tau np-pp tax taw tay tba tbc tbd tbf tbi tbh tbm tbl tbn tbs tbr tcb tcd tch tcl smooth tcm tcp tco te1 tct tcs tcv tde tdd tdf tdi tdk tdm tdl tdn tdp tdu tdx tea ted tec teh teg tej ten tem tep ter teq tet tes teu tey tfa tfb tfi tfm tfl tfn tfs th7 tft tfy tfx tgd tgc tge tgi tgl ti2 tgp tgo tgs tgx tgz tgy tha thc thb the thd thg thi thh paralytic thm thl tho putative l-serine dehydratase thp ths tht thw thv thx transposase for is2; similar to genbank accession number aax22093 tib tia tid tic tie tih tii tik tin cucumisin tip tis tiz tl3 tkc tkf tkg v-i tkk tkp tko tkr tks tla tlc tld tlf tlk tlm tn3 tlu tlt tly tmb tma tmd tmc tmf tmh tmi tml tmm alula tmp to2 v/p tmr tmt tms tmx tmy tna tnb tne tnd tng tnf tnh tnk tno tnn v20 tp3 tnp tns tp4 tnw tny afsr-g tod toc tof toe toh tog tok ton top alunc tot tos tov tou tow glutamine synthetase 1;1 toz toy tpa tpc spirit tpm tpl v40 tpn tpt ts8 glutamine synthetase 1;3 glutamine synthetase 1;5 putative ferric siderophore receptor glutamine synthetase 1;4 trc tre uronase putative protein kinase c substrate protein trf tri trh tro tt3 trp trs tt4 trr tru trt trw trv try tsa tsd tsc tse tsh tsn tss tsv tsu tsw tsy ttd tti ttm ttp ttw ttv tty ttx tua tud tue tuh tug tul tun tum tup tur tut tva tx1 twd twf twe twh twg twl twn twm ty2 two twr twt tws twy txe txf txl txn tyh tyl tyn tym typ tyr tys tyv tzf tzk tzn tzp tzs peptide, putative headless al2; putative orf32; lef8 acetolactate synthase large subunit (ahas; acetohydroxy-acid synthase large subunit; als) chloroperoxidase uab uae uah ual uao uan uap uar uat ubd ube ubg ubo uca ucc uce uci uck gp306; similar to nrdc.7 of phages rb69, t4 and rb32 ucr ccono uda udd ude udh udk udp uea uef ues uev uex ufa ufd cp4-57 prophage; putative dna-binding transcriptional regulator putative exporter ufs ugb uge ugl uhl uhr uht uhw w-2 putative oxygen-evolving complex uki putative extracellular receptor ukl ukp bora-bora uld ulf ult ulx putative membrane protein; putative transporter umb umg uml ump ums umt unh uni unm uns uof uoi putative viral capsid qin prophage; lysozyme uph upg upi upl upk upt ups upw bridged urb urd urc urf urh urg uri putative two-component histidine kinase w60 usd usg ust uta ute utg uti arylphorin uup uvi thread uvm orf-130; similar to ac38 uvo uvr putative atpase uxp uxs uyc kenney marbles putative gtp-binding protein ptd004 va3 va5 jing vad vac vag vai val vam vap vao var vat vax vba vbg vbp abc transporter; atp-binding protein; similar to np_716452 pegdh vcf vch vcl vco vcr vcs vdb metalloprotease; cysteine protease vde vdd vdi vdp vdx ved vec vef vel ven ver ves vex vfl vgb vgc vgo dodecin vhp vhx vib via vid vih vig vij jive vis vkg vkr putative rna-dependent rna polymerase vlc vlg vlf vli vlk vlm vll vlp vls vlt vmc vml vmm x14 vnc vng vnl vno vnt vol vov vox vpo vs1 vqq vrg vrf vri vrk vrl vrp vrs vse vsr vst vss vta vtd vtm vv1 vto vtr vtw vur vvd vvs putative alcohol dehydrogenase in ethanolamine utilization; ethanolaminosome vwb vwd vws putative o methyltransferase wac wag wah wam wal wan was war waw wbc wbl wbt wbs wcd wci wdb wda wdd wdh wdl roughened wdn wdm wdp wdo wds wdy wea wee weg weh wek wel wg2 wer wey wex wfa wfd wfl wh2 wfs wge wgl wgo wgn wgr whd whc whh whi whl who wht whs wid wig wif wim wil y-1 win y-3 y-2 wis wit nrt2;2 nrt2;1 wiz nrt2;3 y-c y-b y-e wkd y-d y-g y-f y-h wkl y-y wld wlf wlk wlm wls wly wmd putative endopeptidase wms dna biosynthesis; initiation of chromosome replication; can be transcription regulator wnn wp6 wnv woc ccpii wom wol wor wow wpg penumbra wpk ws2 ws4 putative cu/zn superoxide dismutase putative beta-n-acetylhexosaminidase putative exopolyphosphatase wrd wri wrl wrm wrp wrt wrs wry wsc wsl wsn wss wst wtl wtw wuc wun large orf wvn wvs putative serine/threonine protein wws wwt wwy fibritin wzd wze deacon wzh wzg wzm wzp wzt putative export protein xat xav xbh xbs xcv uncovered xde putative ubiquitin protein xdp bacteriophage dna packaging protein; terminase, small subunit xek xen xez xfb xfs xfy bacteriophage dna packaging protein; terminase, large subunit xgb xgr l-sd xgs xhe xib xia xif xie xih xig xij xik z-1 xir z-3 xit z-5 xix xkh putative glialblastoma cell differentiation-related major tail protein 2; mp2 xla xld xlf xli xlh xlk xlp xlu xlx xmc xmk xmp xmr cdc39p protein-like; c-terminal not1, ccr4-not complex component; not1 tendrils xni nephropathic cystinosis putative oxidase xod calret xpb xpe xpk xpl xpo xpn xpt xpv xri xrn xrs orf; putative xsa xse xsl xti xth xtp xup xvi xvt xwh xy1 putative lipase (esterase) xxx xyz yao yar ybp ycg ycf yci ych jlns yda ydc ydh ydr yea yem yes yew yfv trypsin fpi-f yhg yii yip yja ylb yld ylc ylf yle ylh ylg yli yma ymc ymb yme ymd ymg ymf ymi ymh ymj ynb yna ynd ync ynf yne ynh yng yni ynl yod yok yot ypi lef-11; sf120; similar to ac37 lectin yqe yre yrt yrs ser-pa ysb yse ysg robotic ysf putative single-stranded binding protein yss ysy sb-pb ytr yts yvs transporter; kple2 phage-like element fpevf zab zaa rps14; ribosomal protein s14 zam zar zaq zat zax l100 putative pyruvate kinase cp4-44 prophage; putative membrane protein zec zen zer zet zfr zft smarter pekin zhf zhm zhr zid host-range protein; nfkb and pkr inhibitor zie zig zin zim zir ziz cyclin-dependent kinase b1;1 zm1 orf 16; egt op14/ac15 zld zls conjugal dna transfer protein; similar to protein family hmm pf06834 orf 38; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 38 futile cycle zog zom zor zou zpd zpg zpr putative prostasin zqk zra zrf zrs bulbous corona zuc jncl putative succinate dehydrogenase zws zya zyd zye zyg sf38; similar to se40 oxidase; coproporphyrinogen iii oxidase hgcmb putative trehalose synthase putative traa protein floater cell wall hydrolase; cortex lytic enzyme putative citrate synthase sr-alpha wrapper dgk-iv joey aconitate hydratase 1 (citrate hydro-lyase 1; aconitase 1) vhp2;2 vhp2;1 putative invasin tyrosyl-trna synthetase (tyrosyl-trna ligase; tyrrs). class-i aars putative integrase/recombinase gp73; identified using mass spectrometry; similar to phikz gp42 and el gp14 putative 40s ribosomal protein elbow t(1;8)63h pk-1; plxy10; similar to ac10 eif-5a; hypusine-containing protein l364 zinc metalloproteinase; contains zinc binding region signature femur length putative transposase gene putative alcohol dehydrogenase orf 108; op113 reteplase pes-n putative dna-dependent dna polymerase pillow t(x;7)2neu dna packaging protein; large terminase subunit; lambda gpa homolog pepda sre-1 adenosylcobinamide putative carboxylate transporter; phthalate permease family putative phospholipase a2 gold tip betalactamase l540 vampire phosphoric ester swiss-cheese hypothetical protein; similar to ylf of ti plasmid putative protein kinase domain orf69; similar to acorf75 homolog putative phytochelatin synthase leftover gtrc; putative membrane protein putative oligopeptide transporter apyrase; calcium-activated nucleotidase scan-1-like protein; signal peptide sod; haorf106 rac prophage; putative tail fiber protein l615 similar to acorf96; similar to xcorf97 myristylated membrane protein; tm hypothetical protein orf2 c terminus of cap19.3187/hal91; potential fungal zn cluster domain vestar gp126; similar to phikz gp70 and el gp30 arif-1; plxy20; similar to ac20+ac21 putative udp-glucosyltransferase putative zinc-binding protein crocalbin svs-iv embryo weight ribosomal protein l12, putative essential putative ran-binding protein toxin; putative virulence-associated protein d orf1; major occlusion body protein armadillo/bgr;-catenin atropos perle putative cutinase tropomodulin 3; ubiquitous tropomodulin exotoxin b peril arif-1; sf33; similar to ac20 + ac21 orf 121; chitinase op124/ac126 putative c-myc-responsive f subunit minerva humerus length rac prophage; putative tail fiber assembly protein dna pol; acmnpv orf65 elongator protein; elp2p putative multi-pass transmembrane protein rna d rna i lef-8; haorf38 struthio bjdp; sf112; similar to ac51 putative regulator proc r elfin potage transcription factor; potential fungal zn(2)-cys(6) binuclear cluster domain putative chitin synthase regulatory factor g substrate similar to xcorf29; orf28 putative amino acid permease orf 132; p74 op134/ac138 loricrin-like putative pheromone oscar l segment aircraft putative collagen cupin lipoprotein; surface antigen alk-pa gp159; identified as virion protein by mass spectrometry; similar to phikz gp97 putative fructose-bisphosphate aldolase orf 30; iap-3 op35 ribonucleotide reductase alpha subunit; nrde-like imv protein; sp; tm putative beta-tubulin fgf; sf37; similar to ac32 orf12; similar to acorf145 homolog putative major core protein junc junk juno seedless bifunctional protein: transport protein, mfs; chorismate mutase type ii t(1;6)42ad putative flagellar motor switch protein petit putative hsdm; type i restriction modification enzyme methylase subunit divalent metal ion transporter; smf3p putative protein kinase peste stimulator of rava atpase activity; von willebrand factor domain protein orf 17; lef-1 op13/ac14 genesis testicular antigen orf 56; op63/ac60 putative rna-binding protein putative major capsid protein putative receptor-binding protein polycythaemia putative signal peptidase orf-67; similar to ac110 siglec-f solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; citrate transporter), member 1a st-ag dheas putative invertase curly similar to pectin or pectate lyase-like protein; polysaccharide lyase family 1 long lived putative cytoskeleton-associated protein sticky atpase; ino80p tenured tubule nop15p/nopp34; nucleolar protein with 1 rrm domain slow-phase t(10;18)18h quality grade acmnpv orf57-like protein; orf46 plakalbumin finless becaplermin putative subtilisin-like protease acid phosphatase, putative putative laccase putative multidrug transporter orf1; structural protein hypothetical protein; similar to sfmnpv-nic_gp023, sfmnpv-19_gp022 and sfmnpv-3ap2_gp023 putative chitin deacetylase putative glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase putative pyridoxal kinase nonsense-mediated mrna decay protein 3; putative orf 102; op108/ac108 putative endoplasmic reticulum protein throng massachusetts putative soluble lytic transglycosylase twisted twister orf 52; op59/ac55 dhdps putative isomerase orf8; similar to acorf141 homolog cdaii fac-dex orf34; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf47 orf5; integron celibate putative membrane-associated serine protease orf 40; p47 op45/ac40 af-4; znf_c2h2 putative endoplasmic reticulum membrane protein rhinitis putative progesterone binding protein putative golgi transport complex protein; 67058-70172 (iss) bright putative fucosyltransferase calicin dhh-b term=dna gyrase subunit b;evidence=inferred from direct assay putative vgrg protein ; putative type vi secretion system component curta frayed curvi t(6;10)18ad st-pa milton st-sd putative superoxide dismutase sf95; similar to se96 e3 ubiquitin ligase; involved in apoptosis; host defense modulator bgr;-cat c-terminal, putative putative aconitase prrsvs munster putative actin-related protein ro protein c, putative vmoii sialomucin ldorf-47; ssdna binding protein putative cytosolic protein daedalus hsds subunit putative wrky transcription factor dressa peptidase, putative putative apyrase gp331; member of cog0717; similar to phikz gp214 t(5;11)17ad nascent polypeptide associated complex alpha chain, putative roaming noble hemoglobin sf78; similar to ac88 orf48; similar to phthorimaea operculella granulovirus orf59 bridge bro-d; plxy2; similar to ac2 serralysin vmo-i similar to acorf14; similar to acnpv lef-1; similar to xcorf82 amica putative disintegrin e14 prophage; putative excisionase purine nucleoside phosphorylase; n-ribosylnicotinamide phosphorylase ## possible sputnik t-shirt cropped orf-54 sod; superoxide dismutase bacteriophage tail tape measure protein; minor tail protein; lambda gph homolog chest width orf3;pk1 had superfamily gp207; similar to phikz gp125 putative glutaminase nodal putative integrase; similar to yld of ti plasmid t(6;?)39h colicin m resistance protein; fad-binding protein, putative oxidoreductase uvrabc system protein a (uvra protein; excinuclease abc subunit a) farkas hgpps orbiter putative mdr permease; possible multidrug efflux pump cut wing putative dna glycosylase mermaid sneezy putative helicase loader nocte hydra tecra gene ; so:0000704 m serotype chia; plxy122; similar to ac126 interferon alpha responsive protein; torsin-1a-interacting protein 2 orf109;alk-exo putative cation transporter ornamented casein kinase ii subunit; transcriptional elongation unnamed protein product; orf 6 unnamed protein product; orf 7 unnamed protein product; orf 4 unnamed protein product; orf 5 unnamed protein product; orf 8 unnamed protein product; orf 9 milord guaab trna pseudouridine synthase a (trna-uridine isomerase i; trna pseudouridylate synthase i) cardiolipin synthetase; phospholipase d family tg(p) t(2;15)45ad bacteriophage dna replication protein; dnac homolog fcr1; zinc finger transcription factor putative minor structural protein putative alpha amylase mane-a mane-b orf3; serine protease putative carboxylesterase alcohol dehydrogenase; acetaldehyde dehydrogenase pxapn-a putative s-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferases orf 71; op79/ac76 orf 34; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 34 putative histone h3 kama putative histone h1 kali kala putative maltose permease kape kapb kasb karl karr karg repeated sequence orf; similar to nonallelic cap19.5740/cap19.13162 putative transcription factor containing a zinc finger alpha-d egt; sf26; similar to ac15 udder depth hesitant glucosidase, beta; acid putative thiol protease gp315; similar to arn.3 of phages rb69, t4 and rb32; similar to phikz gp245 putative transposase; truncated putative mads-box protein conjugative transfer protein; dna relaxase tibia length piranha putative calcium binding protein putative hydrolase putative camp phosphodiesterase pfcls conjugal transfer protein; trbb polydactyly putative lysr-type transcriptional regulator brainiac copeptin psbi; photosystem ii protein i thiosulfate transport protein; abc transporter, atp-binding component quagmire putative cell wall protein orf109; sod sable cabbage t(6;13)3gso sabre fat weight ammonium transporter amt1;1 putative c protein kcha kcng core gene; alkaline exonuclease gp98; similar to phikz gp52; identified using mass spectrometry aspartyl-trna synthetase (aspartate--trna ligase; asprs) kcrt vp91; haorf76 putative odorant-binding protein tetrodotoxin-sensitive trap; c2 orf 42; gta op47/ac42 cdk-a pfarp avalanche putative gdp-gtp exchange factor srv-1 putative vesicle transport protein isovaleryl-coa dehydrogenase; butyryl-coa dehydrogenase putative transporter; sodium/bile acid transporter family protein pp31; sf121; similar to ac36 function unknown; small orf protein; method: conceptual translation supplied by author. putative efflux protein t(5;7)30ad rplt; 50s ribosomal protein l20 kdhs putative deaminase kdis type 3 membrane protein; 7 transmembrane domains; similar to gpcrs orf81; telokin protein 20; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf102 gtpase; nog2p rancor kdpa kdpb kdpc cystathionine beta-lyase; maltose regulon modulator kdsc laggard conjugal transfer protein; taxb t4ss coupling protein cervantes inhibits signaling by toll/il1-receptor family; host defense modulator putative translation initiation factor contorted kefb kefa keff gp461; similar to phikz gp5 glutamine transporter subunit ; periplasmic binding component of abc superfamily mod; n6-adenine methyltransferase gene disjointed kelp arn; anti-restriction nuclease gp62; similar to phikz gp40 and dual specificity phosphatases nimrod b mu a; mu 1 unidentified orf27; putative unidentified orf14; putative avocado putative amp-dependent synthetase and ligase; atp-dependent amp-binding enzyme family putative glucose-1-phosphate adenyltransferase m(b) integrase encoded by prophage cp-933k; partial deoxyuridine 5'-triphosphate nucleotidohydrolase (dutpase; dutp pyrophosphatase) m(g) sf30; similar to se31 putative acetyl transferase s-adenosylhomocysteine deaminase; methylthioadenosine deaminase similar to acorf129; similar to acnpv p24 capsid; similar to xcorf80 plutonium brown spots saggy determinate luteinizing hormone kfrb myotonia polyphosphate kinase (polyphosphoric acid kinase; atp-polyphosphate phosphotransferase) ribonuclease, psp-type; translation intitiation inhibition protein twain temps cp4-57 prophage; inner membrane protein cholesterol level osteo snakehead muts family putative dual specificity phosphatase mercury resistance operon mercuric transport protein merp; periplasmic component putative formate transporter putative protein phosphatase 2c putative triacylglycerol lipase gp275; identified using mass spectrometry; similar to phikz gp180 and el gp184 sf101; similar to ac58 + ac59 putative diacylglycerol acyltransferase hlyiii hlyiir hempas pffnr putative abc transporter, permease protein; putative aliphatic sulfonates transporter blanks c17.2 putative adenosine deaminase putative phosphorylase gp125; similar to phikz gp69 kham khap cdmpr a major membrane phospholipid; novobiocin sensitivity r-gene khcs putative alanine racemase non-a putative aspartate toprim he56; haorf61 omega class glutathione transferase; gto3p replication protein; nickase; helicase rangtp conserved hypothetical atp-binding protein putative cancer/testis antigen ile-d putative amastin putative plasma membrane protein kica rac prophage; conserved protein putative cmp-sialic acid transporter cocked kido hypoa kifl orf 46; etm op52/ac48 sp; tm acmnpv orf29-like protein; orf20 p95; plxy83; similar to ac83 kika kime kilc core gene; similar to acorf-68; per os infection factor 6 putative chaperone carboxy-terminal domain (ctd) phosphatase; fcp1p putative ketol-acid reductoisomerase king kind kine putative type iii restriction-modification system mucb; umuc kipa kish kist retrotransposon hot spot (rhs) protein; retrotransposon hot spot protein 5 (rhs5) kira oocyst shedding kith kiwi phytepsin putative histidinol-phosphatase putative transporter; kple2 phage-like element tp; orf06 orf 11; similar to raji lf2 putative head completion protein; similar to phage p22 gene 4 protein qin prophage; cold shock-induced protein putative carboxylase putative ferric-uptake regulator putative pyridoxine-5'-phosphate oxidase hyrax obese hear2; orf1629; similar to xc2 ricin-like putative caspase-2 acmnpv orf11-like protein; orf4 not-a sultr1;1 putative polynucleotide kinase sakca t cell cytokine receptor; cytokine receptor family, class 1 (wsxws), member 1 hd family motionless spliceosome associated factor 3b, subunit 3; 130kd spliceosome associated protein riboflavin biosynthetic operon protein; transtriptional regulator rpos rna polymerase; nonessential primary-like sigma factor orf 93; p40 op102/ac101 similar to acorf106; similar to xcorf50 cycp1;1 puma-g putative quinone oxidoreductase putative portal protein; similar to phage p22 gene 1 protein putative choline monooxygenase twdls gp158; identified as virion protein by mass spectrometry; similar to phikz gp96 klar kleb klec klcc putative nucleic acid-binding protein; e14 prophage kleg klee sfdbeta putative histidine protein kinase klub pepino resolution; recombination samui prpl12; chloroplast ribosomal protein l12 bravo tetab putative dnaa-like protein razorback sultr3;5 trna (gm18) ribose methylase; trm3p; spou superfamily - spout methylase uvsw; atpase triacylglycerol m109 gcra cell cycle regulator; hypothetical protein putative antitermination protein q-like protein; dlp12 prophage putative hydrolase; putative 3-oxoadipate enol-lactonase orf-99; similar to ac66 samba nitrate transport protein; nrtc-like protein pvdp; similar to sp:q9i188; identified by sequence similarity; putative mutator family; transposase_mut salty sf135; similar to agse145 putative nucleotide sugar epimerase basal glucose levels slender sultr2;1 sultr2;2 hn glycoprotein knit sultr1;2 sultr1;3 pfldh putative ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme compressed putative retrotransposon knot bifunctional protein: abc transporter atp-binding protein; transcription regulator, lytr family exodeoxyribonuclease vii large subunit; exonuclease vii largesubunit unidentified orf35; putative putative calcium-dependent protein kinase twins putative sorcin putative spindle pole protein novel bilirubin level putative tropomyosin leonardo apovitellenin i putative holin orf16; early 53 kd protein cycp4;2 cycp4;3 cycp4;1 twirl twist koko putative exoribonuclease ii (ribonuclease ii; rnase ii) korr alk-exo; haorf114 male-killer putative cyclase pap2 family protein; phosphatidylglycerophosphatase b nozzle putative atpase subunit of terminase brcax cck-chr putative myosin regulatory light chain kpca santa santi trimethylamine rambling methyltransferase, putative putative elongation factor tu putative elongation factor ts open field activity cell polarity protein; mesa kpsc kpsf orf 71; similar to family of flip proteins similar to acorf105; similar to acnpv he65; similar to xcorf67 umecyanin putative actin kpta orf 66; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 66 slimmer zeama;cyca1;1 sando sandy antimicrobial peptide transport; abc transport system red wine accordion secretin dihydromonapterin reductase, nadph-dependent; dihydrofolate reductase isozyme amine oxidase; protein small nucleolar rnp proteins; gar1p putative centrosomal protein yield putative lytic transglycosylase sarah hypothetical protein of unknown function putative o-methyltransferase cycp2;1 nackig putative outer membrane receptor knotted putative 2a protein putative seryl-trna synthetase flagellar biosynthesis; regulation of flagellar operons krak cyclin family cinema putative protein serine/threonine phosphatase spase ii t(4;in8)36h putative serine esterase extras cation exchanger krps cycp3;1 cycp3;2 orf 23; lef-11 op23/ac37 kruh orf7; hypothetical 15.8 kda protein sapje dystonia 1, torsion (autosomal dominant; torsin a) agrin-like bm118-like protein; essential for bv production and nucelocapsid maturation. putative neurotransmitter transporter regular ksba one shot putative major facilitator transporter putative integral membrane protein putative minor capsid protein; prohead protease ssdbp putative cytoskeletal adaptor protein ksgc rpl20; ribosomal protein l20 dna thiolation protein; phage protein putative endoglucanase satin enzymatically inactive sandpaper synthetic antigen penicillin-binding protein (d-alanyl-d-alanine carboxypeptidase; dd-peptidase; dd-carboxypeptidase) petn; cytochrome b6/f complex subunit viii pepper gp105; similar to phikz gp54 int; orf1 putative membrane protein; dmt domain hypothetical protein rmt-7 orf 109; op114/ac114 yolk index su(n) knockout su(r) ktra p24; haorf118 hairy-wing glabrous colicin e2 structural protein; similar to genbank accession number aan28373 putative ca2 -atpase diana t(4;8)tp(8q8p)36h sat-m putative nadh-ubiquinone oxidoreductase kudu ysch;lcrp putative endonuclease ii; dena putative ethylene receptor protein non-stop e14 prophage; putative inner membrane protein putative fkbp-type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (ppiase; rotamase) kune putative toxin/antitoxin system kupa kurz weight 2 weight 3 kuru fenestrated-endothelial linked structure protein; pv-1 protein vasotocin orf97; similar to semnpv orf56 and lsnpv p13 putative ornithine aminotransferase nebula putative dna replication initiation protein; similar to phage hk022 gene 55 protein putative lysozyme putative hydroxypyruvate reductase putative arsenate reductase putative tonb-dependent receptor gp87; orf87 without children lightness rna splicing; rna processing/modification putative metal-dependent hydrolase putative ion channel brief orf 130; p26 op132/ac136 putative clp protease orf included in intron; giy-yig orf orf44; similar to ebv bblf4, cmv ul105, hsv ul5 similar to acorf146; similar to xcorf10; ac146 jellyfish uptake of enterochelin; tonb-dependent uptake of b colicins putative homocitrate synthase ancon putative potassium transporter robin t(x;7)3neu putative leucine transporter subunit ; periplasmic-binding component of abc superfamily putative dehydrogenase flavoprotein putative glutamine synthetase putative 27.0 kda protein; gp76 meltdown putative murein endopeptidase; dlp12 prophage putative nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase major outer-membrane protein p.ia (protein ia; pia; porin) exocytosis attip2;3 attip2;1 sim to zfp371; znf gonad protein 1 mutants block sporulation after engulfment; rbl02828 mutants block sporulation after engulfment; rbl02830 lipoprotein protein; outer membrane protein pif-1; sf35; similar to ac119 lacrimal bacteriophage lysis protein; rz t(7;16)67h lysine 2;3-aminomutase sf27; similar to se28; sfmnpv-3ap2 carries an n-terminal deletion in this orf putative pilot protein zf-hit n lobe diego sultr4;1 sultr4;2 pepsin myoglobin-like porphyria, acute; chester type atcycd1;1 conditioned avoidance polymerase, putative hydroxypyruvate reductase; glycerate kinase deformed wing t(1;14)5gso ovarian tumour orf 95; p48/p45 op104/ac103 hypothetical-protein processed into capsid proteins and replicative proteins; helicase; protease; rdrp kyna ferritin fer3;1 ferritin fer3;2 probable flavoprotein subunit; carnitine metabolism orf44; superoxide dismutase; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf59 bonsai superoxide response regulon transcriptional activator; autoregulator morphogenesis putative na+/h+ antiporter putative cysteine proteases putative thiol peroxidase putative gtp cyclohydrolase zinc-binding dehydrogenase; alginate lyase abdominalb similar to rb69orf104c and 44rrorf212c; replaces mobd unzipped caerulein dttp/utp pyrophosphatase; m(5)utp/m(5)ctp/pseudo-utp pyrophosphatase pyrexia zmsir ld-p10; fibrous body protein d-phenylalanine putative lysis in presence of divalent cations protein; similar to phage lambda rz gene protein broad putative dipeptidyl peptidase iv bifunctional protein: transcriptional antiterminator, bglg family; pts system, eiia component ren protein; c3 putative virulence factor mvin tapered putative 40s ribosomal protein s13 late transcription orf 55; op62/ac59 yersinia enterocolitica; similar to m29945 ssmhc putative avirulence protein putative zn(ii)2cys6 transcription factor angel orf 80; p15 op88/ac87 putative formyl transferase cec b angie acmnpv orf74-like protein; orf60 gp120; similar to phikz gp64 putative bacteriophage tail fiber protein; lambda gpn homolog tyrosyl-trna synthetase (tyrosine--trna ligase; tyrrs) psaj; photosystem i subunit ix putative thiolase cease fragment similar to acorf110; similar to xcorf51 gene iii d-ala-d-ala-carboxypeptidase; penicillin-binding protein 5 erratic walker mitogen core gene; occlusion derived virus e25 protein testis weight gtp pyrophosphokinase; regulation of rna synthesis; stringent factor t(6;18)57dn heparin lyase major karyopherin; crm1p athetoid orf 131; p10 op133/ac137 cpftsy pkip-1; haorf130 pappas pappab antitoxin of the yeev-yeeu toxin-antitoxin system; cp4-44 prophage mitochondrial carrier; human : graves disease autoantigen lysis; holin protein efflux protein; mfs family bacchus brown t(2c1-2;4d)41dn lying putative cystatin modulates transactivating tegument protein vp16; rna-binding protein putative endotoxin brood ank-b glycerol uptake gp15; binds gp3, gp19; essential ssoii terraced qin prophage; site-specific recombinase orf 91; lef-5 op100/ac99 translation initiation factor eif-5; tif5p, znr+w2 domains multifunctional expression regulator; icp27 fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (d-fructose-1,6-bisphosphate 1-phosphohydrolase; fbpase) putative rrna methylase; putative 23s rrna (guanosine-2'-o-)-methyltransferase rlmb-like putative phage capsid protein; similar to mp3 n-terminal sequence putative arginine decarboxylase member d t(15e;16b1)60dn putative g protein-coupled receptor t(11;13)41ad orf5; putative exported protein envelope glutaminyl-trna synthetase (glutamine--trna ligase; glnrs) moorish putative dna injection protein; similar to phage p22 gene 7 protein unidentified orf19; putative antigen d prenylin putative chemokine receptor orf 34; op39/ac29 haunted orf13; similar to acorf146 homolog putative trypsin phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase atpase subunit (air carboxylase; airc) transposase and inactivated derivatives; tnpa family; dna replication, recombination, and repair tfecl mcbg like protein; albicidin resistance putative aaa atpase zenzai ap-pa ap-pe ap-pc putative transcriptional regulator new glue selenide nightcap putative beta-xylosidase orf66; vp91 capsid; p95 containing chitin binding domain putative peptidoglycan-binding lysm putative gp41 putative scavenger receptor putative head completion protein; similar to phage p22 gene 10 protein t(16;17)43h thiamines laac ladc putative rf1 protein lace lacc lack lafb lafe laff bruce dinsr lafs laft lafw locomotion o-methyltransferase; caffeoyl-coa o-methyltransferase sf65; similar to ac100 lams lamp lamb mc3; para lama lame lapn putative oxidoreductase; putative quinone oxidoreductase lapb laph larp lars lard lara larb lare conjugal transfer protein; pilx6 protein; t4ss virb6 component lath last orf1ab product; pp1ab lasa lava v-ubi; plxy35; similar to ac35 putative stress-response protein wagro laza short sighted putative peptidase s9a family; putative protease ii putative zinc finger dna-binding protein lymph short-sighted putative nucleotide-sugar epimerase baby boom blind spot lbpl putative type ii membrane protein type 1 membrane protein; binds igg fc; involved in immune regulation lbtr dingo daydream replicative dna helicase;chromosome replication, chain elongation stb4; binds sin3p in two-hybrid assay kugel lcap lcdd tn3-like transposase; truncated ror-c lccl late expression factor 10; orf42a lcca lcgr apolp-ii/i conserved hypothetical protein p protein; replicative dna helicase sf133; similar to macob22 gp114; similar to phikz gp59 and el gp27 lcla lys b p95; sf79; similar to ac83 lcrn lcro lcrt protease iv; endopeptidase iv; signal peptide peptidase gp276; identified as virion protein by mass spectrometry; similar to phikz gp144 lctp lcsd nigrin b antithrombin ii lcyb phage conserved protein; putative endonuclease vii f11m21.28-like; 3 cch rna binding domain protein involved in rna metabolism ldca ldci carbonic spaghetti gifsy-2 prophage; putative reca/rada recombinase ldlf ldlc putative homing endonuclease putative protein kinase c inhibitor npipa antisocial ldrd ldrb ldrh rooty unnamed protein product; orf 1 (aa 1-715) gcn1; translational activator of gcn4 ldtb ldtc ldta bacl2 ldtd orf32;ub/gp37 dipoa putative aldo/keto reductase alanine dir-b putative nuclear pore complex protein xenin putative pseudogene putative e3 ubiquitin-protein orf 17; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 17 leak lean leal lear leaf lect lecr putative potassium channel protein lece lecg sesame hamlet legp legt waldo disco putative small heat shock protein lepp lept lepd lipoate biosynthesis protein b; lipoate-protein ligase b lets nested otsab leu6 similar to acorf90; similar to acnpv lef-4; similar to xcorf110 levr levy kumba leup leuv leuk trl-pk lyt-1 orf 3; contains aspartic protease, reverse transcriptase and rnase h lyric similar to acorf2; similar to xcorf109; bro-c putative enoyl reductase fumble cytosolic lfis t(5;14)2gso putative ubiquitin--protein ligase putative c2h2 zinc finger protein orf5; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf4 cyclin d3;1 th-pb putative replication protein asebia myosin, light polypeptide 1, alkali; skeletal, fast body width bafme lys-c lgii heldout t(6;)39h putative suppressor lgnd putative hydrophobic membrane protein lgot lgpa v-ubi; sf124; similar to ac35 lgre putative ser/thr protein phosphatase putative ascorbate peroxidase similar lgul udp-glucuronic acid decarboxylase, putative putative beta-hexosaminidase putative site-specific recombinase; dna invertase; rac prophage shaw-like oxygen-independent coproporphyrinogen iii oxidase (coproporphyrinogenase; coprogen oxidase) anx v gviii localizes viral dna on er; associates with iv, imv, cores; f10l kinase substrate rac prophage; tail fiber protein dhoase grooved air carboxylase; purine biosynthesis; similar to s. cerevisiae ade2 (yor128c) lhca glycosyl transferase; group 1 putative cell cycle protein oligopeptide transporter subunit ; periplasmic-binding component of abc superfamily vp39; haorf78 cardiodilatin aphakia lhrh mavicyanin varicose veins putative old family atp-dependent endonuclease; duf2813 family protein lhsp dispatched frail chalice eyelid phosphatase; alkaline phosphatase putative autotransporter outer membrane protein; type v secretion cyclin d5;1 lysis liag liai bacteriophage lysin protein; endolysin putative minor tail protein; similar to lambda l lida lich licr lice licc troponint putative receptor-like protein kinase fraxd lign ligd lifo like linc line link limb lima limd lime lipm lipl lipo lire monorail putative hydantoin racemase lird lira lipu lipv lips lipy lipw lipx lish lisk list lisr hc/hcc lisa livp livm livc liva live multidrug resistance protein; permease t(7;19)145h putative ammonium transporter amt1;1 mlgapc tfpia putative exonuclease a; dexa ryamide thermopsin bam-c putative glycosyl transferase, family 4; phospho-n-acetylmuramoyl-pentapeptide-transferase putative mitochondrial carrier protein putative alpha/beta hydrolase putative phosphatase putative hexokinase detached vpx protein putative guanylate cyclase putative serine-threonine kinase putative 6-pyruvoyl tetrahydrobiopterin synthase (ptps; ptp synthase) putative capacitative calcium entry channel pantoate--beta-alanine ligase (pantothenate synthetase; pantoate activating enzyme) lkcf trna ile lkcl tardiness t(5;15)4ad rough oligopeptide transporter subunit ; atp-binding component of abc superfamily actin, putative nadh dehydrogenase subunit; ndhl epsilon tail component lm-a e14 prophage; uncharacterized protein zincin imv membrane protein; sp; tm lkmi n-pa protectin orf16; hypothetical 13.9 kda protein intracellular ph; na+/h+ antiporter regulatory protein umbilical hernia hypothetical cytosolic protein flavin reductase; nadph:flavin oxidoreductase ai2 transporter ; periplasmic-binding component of abc superfamily putative fimbrial protein llda warty warts mn/fe deterin click-i septation process, complexes with ftsz; associated with junctions of inner and outer membranes llir putative anti-proliferative protein kurtz streptokinase putative molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis protein tape-measure llra pll-pa i-tevii sd-pb sd-pc sd-pe rbcl; large subunit of rubisco walrus roulette putative myosin heavy chain lmab lmac lmaa putative molybdopterin oxidoreductase lmca putative lipoate protein ligase lmbe pyruvate carboxylase isoform; pyc1p putative membrane transport protein; similar to genbank accession number cah64817 lmgb type 1 membrane protein; similar to complement control proteins putative spry domain-containing protein large t antigen lmln lmpa lmpc putative o-acetyltransferase putative transglycosylase putative threonyl-trna synthetase lmwt t(7;17)3bkm lnat glutaredoxin-like protein; 2 thioredoxin folds pinscher putative photolyase lnga lngb fring t(6;7)51h orf59;lef-9 putative steroid monooxygenase lnms stara start tail-up stars fried morula organosulfonate utilization protein ssuf; molybdopterin-binding protein mip5; orf52 dopamine loss penguin putative translation elongation factor locs putative enolase loco lobo stall lobe stamp loei logo lef-3; haorf65 gp20; phage repeat-encoded protein loip gp79; similar to phikz gp47 loki orf31; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf43 lond lonh lopd lopa niemann-pick putative nucleoside diphosphate kinase hydroxymethylpyrimidine kinase;phosphomethylpyrimidine kinase deformed lost dizzy lovr sf56; similar to se56 lovb loxb opaque hear11; odv-e18; similar to xc12 reprolysin slow motion conserved putative inner membrane protein lpca putative site-specific invertase; dlp12 prophage lpdv lpdc lpdg giraffe lpdl npy-a lphc lpfb lpfc lpin lpic lphl lplc lpld transport transpose bur &gr; age at first calving lpna mitochondrial aspartyl-trna synthetase; msd1p lpll lppf lppg lppe lpph lpoa lprd lpre lprl putative fatty-acyl-coa racemase; coa-transferase family iii lpqm lppl lppr lppp lppv lppt lptc lptg putative frameshift suppressor; kple2 phage-like element lpse lpsc lpro lprr putative membrane pump lptp lpxd lpxh lpxt unnamed protein product; gene 5 protein putative nitrite transporter cp4-57 prophage; dna-binding transcriptional regulator sf110; similar to ac52 fritz bsk/iyk mlo protein mlpli gip-like two-component response regulator; mrsr2 protein putative glucosyltransferase protein filgrastim gp54; essential putative repb protein endod endoh endor endos lqt2 lqt3 orf50; similar to ebv brlf1 putative bacteriophage minor tail protein; lambda gpg homolog tegula off-flavor t(5;8)3rk ata-like; orf14 foot angle topoisomerase ia; cog0550 lrfi putative cellulose-binding protein lrpb lrpr putative protein ser/thr phosphatase n-terminal region oxidoreductase/2-methylbutyraldehyde reductase; ypr1p entner-doudoroff pathway;gntt; high-affinity gluconate permease (gntp family) replication-associated protein; rep pip2;8 pip2;2 pip2;3 pip2;1 pip2;6 pip2;7 pip2;4 pip2;5 o6-methylguanine-dna methyltransferase; transcription activator/repressor tigara off-limits orf61; similar to acorf105 homolog under-developed barsa astacin putative ribosome associated protein lsel lsdr myheart lsgf baron p-type conjugative transfer protein virb9; protein family hmm pf03524 lsfa putative g protein coupled receptor papain orf 9; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 9 lspd lspg stepp lsrc papase stern lspi putative asparaginase lssb lsse lsrk lsrr upheld lstr fused membrane protein; protein putative oxidoreductase putative dna helicase orf 148; pk-1 op1/ac10 extra bases e14 prophage; putative dna-binding transcriptional regulator putative 12-oxophytodienoic acid reductase translation elongation factor ef-2; 5' exon upstream of intron steel pip1;3 pip1;4 pip1;1 putative murein hydrolase pip1;2 pip1;5 putative calcium-binding protein ltar ltaa sf68; similar to ac150/helicoverpa armigera entomopoxvirus 11k gene dipeptide transporter ; periplasmic-binding component of abc superfamily entner-doudoroff pathway;gntk; thermoresistant gluconokinase (gluconate kinase) orf-118; fgf ltpa echinoid asb125; viral enhancing factor-3; vef-3 ltra ltre ltrc putative spermidine synthase (putrescine aminopropyltransferase; spdsy) spinal curvature ltua ltxd major tegument protein; binds to capsids serine/threonine protein kinase; possibly sporulation specific putative abc protein frost cob.1; group i intron encoded orf2; putative 27,629 kda protein txnpx luci lues macrocytic anemia putative lysyl trna synthetase putative 40s ribosomal protein; contains c-terminal domain (iss) cy216 putative nuclease luke luna lump lulu baton lung luth lusk lust orf5; dna polymerase orf88; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf107 atpase; chromatin remodeling complex luxc luxh putative attachment protein luxo luxu venation arath;cdc25 bacteriophage lysis protein; lambda gprz homolog gp37; essential; similar to t6 orfx; 13kda; overlaps orf3 polyprotein (pmid: 7690503) pygmy lvii aleurain separation anxiety putative caseinolytic protease putative dioxygenase putative very long chain fatty acid condensing enzyme cut1;2 putative very long chain fatty acid condensing enzyme cut1;3 putative very long chain fatty acid condensing enzyme cut1;1 lvpd gp5; pfwmp3_12 tantalus na-cp splash lvre lvsc lvsd lvsa lvsb lvsg lvsf ttg(6;17)1n lvwm orf 36; iap-1 op41/ac27 gp175; similar to phikz gp112 orf1; replication protein lysine lysina orf 62; op71/ac66 p6.9; plxy98; similar to ac100 replicase gene gp154; identified as virion protein by mass spectrometry; similar to phikz gp92 d-alanyl-d-alanine carboxypeptidase (dd-peptidase; dd-carboxypeptidase) cap-pe ly-b ly-c putative virs protein putative endolysin protein; similar to phage lambda gene r protein gp392; similar to phikz gp11 voila putative type iii effector glucagon-like orf 68; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 68 cytidylate kinase (ck; cytidine monophosphate kinase; cmp kinase) putative map kinase putative neogenin putative osmoprotectant abc transporter pkg-ii stich stiff melted putative casein kinase i acmnpv orf117-like protein; orf95 endosomal protein; vps27p arsacs putative hemin receptor raxr ; two-component regulatory system putative chorismate mutase putative sugar permease sting bacteriophage morphogenesis protein; lambda gpz homolog putative muconolactone transporter; major facilitator superfamily mfs_1 putative 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase putative folylpolyglutamate synthase abruptex putative interleukin-2 similar to acorf46; similar to acnpv odv-e66; similar to xcorf149 atypical q-snare gp439; identified as virion protein by mass spectrometry orf 49; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 49 putative peptidoglycan-binding protein; peptidoglycan-binding lysin subgroup well-rounded pfsumo er-golgi transport vesicle protein; surf4 family antirestriction protein; dna replication, recombination, and repair slow phase ets protein kinesin cdka ;1 associated 2 membrane protein; member of the deda of proteins putative molecular chaperone eukaryotic ribosome biogenesis; erb1p jittery mps-iiib putative amidotransferase lyra lysv lyte lysh lysi lysn lyso sox protein lyse xolloid outstretched lytg orf4;hoar rorf148; arginine-rich lyze murein endopeptidase; dlp12 prophage putative histone h2a achyii putative methyltransferase; kple2 phage-like element nearly normal tail pin; interface with gp12 short tail fibers putative abc transporter (permease protein); putative membrane protein orf25; orf348 putative sugar kinase putative multicopper oxidases unnamed firmness orcokinin orf 143; ie-2/ie-n op151/ac151; putative early gene transactivator facet putative endothelin-converting enzyme acmnpv orf91-like protein; orf74 gp47; exonuclease subunit 1 hear7; similar to xc8 putative prefoldin putative sensor kinase nesher putative dienelactone hydrolase zeta toxin; poison-antidote element circler nit1;3 putative chromatin remodeling factor nit1;1 nit1;2 putative histone deacetylase nucleolar protein nop4; rrm domain containing protein capability core gene; viral protein 39 kda halorhodopsin nucleolar protein; nop14p blowout tactile ph[p] orff; part of type i r/m system filarial antigen putative voltage-gated ion channel t(1;16)45dn putative rep a putative rep b putative scaffold protein putative histidine kinase sensor protein cannon dyspneic fabph cfbpa gp259; similar to phikz gp172 orotidine 5'-phosphate decarboxylase (omp decarboxylase; ompdcase; ompdecase) multidrug transporter, member of the major facilitator superfamily; flr1p orf 97; he65 lectin-like protein; type ii transmembrane protein (17.5) small thymus dl-pc melody ns-associated protein; ns2 orf-125; egt putative pyruvate phosphate dikinase lysozyme b body mass index wrong way admckd adherin putative multidrug efflux system putative steroid dehydrogenase putative replication factor c subunit tgf-r sclerosteosis fadh2 gel-a orf 2; op5 faded orf48; similar to vibrio phage vpv262 gp56 putative bifunctional protein aminopeptidase p; xaa-pro aminopeptidase putative peroxisomal catalase putative antibiotic transporter rosario orf 23; similar to btrf1 stopp detour type 3 membrane protein; 8 transmembrane domains; similar to gpcrs stops hydroxypyruvate isomerase // xylose isomerase-like protein tim barrel; protein fused ribosome-associated atpase: atp-binding protein ; atp-binding protein ; membrane protein putative oxygenase orf24; late expression factor stout carrier orf 32; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 32 orf 30; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 30 putative nadh-dependent fmn reductase phacs strum rplpo bite size genea polyergin qin prophage; toxin of the rele-relb toxin-antitoxin system antimicrobial peptide transporter subunit; permease component of abc superfamily transporter schedule-induced polydipsia loopin straw macb maca macf macc mach maba lef-10; sf106; similar to ac53a putative signalling protein maep madb conjugal transfer protein; pilx9 protein; t4ss virb9 component madf putative porin macr na(+) h(+) antiporter subunit a; na(+) h(+) antiporter subunit b magn mafs sf103; similar to se103 mail mait maid spotty strin cell processes; transport of large molecules; protein, peptide secretion mami mamp hisgs mamc mamb mama mali mall man5 man2 malc mala malg male mc38 maox manz maod orf 3; lef-2 op6/ac6 manl manp mano mann many manx mane mand manc mapl mapp hypothetical permease hisat mapc mapb mape mast mass masb masa masc mask mars mare marc marb mark pyrc' maud maue putative guanylate binding protein mats matt matb mata mate baseplate structure; may correspond to gene 3 matd orf 11; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 11 mnt-pc putative maturase maze fuliginosus alpha-fuc mbaa stump rpl16; ribosomal protein l16 faint mbap putative nucleic acid-binding protein mbec mbea mbed siamese leopard mbhs mbic cation transporter; mg(2+) p-type atpase-like protein mbhi mbhb mbka glcnac mbmc mbla mbnp mbpt mbpe cyn2;2 cyn2;1 putative transcriptional activator in heterologous system; weak similarity to l1 element protein mbrc mbtd mbti mbth mbtg mbtl mbxa stubs stuck putative macrolide efflux pump rpoba winded cyca3;3 cyca3;2 cyca3;1 peanut cyca3;4 zn ribbon mccd mcbc mcas gyrate atrophy mced scarf mcdp gp221; similar to phikz gp136 putative abc transporter atp-binding protein late expression factor 5; baculo_lef-5_c mcfs mcfv mcfu mcft mcfc mcfg mcff mcfe mcfd mces mcif mcin mchr mchd mchb mchf me-i mckd mcjd mcmm mcma mcmd mclp mclr me-v mcla mcop mcob putative 61.0 kda protein; gp28 putative sugar transporter mcpm mcpl mcpj mcpp mcpt mcpv mcpa mcpe mcpd mcpb mcpg mcss phago mcsi mcrc mcrg mcrf putative exo-1,3-beta-glucanase mctp mctc periplasmic iron-binding protein; similar to np_753508 antenna scant scape putative 6-phosphogluconolactonase his-asp regulator; ycf27 putative muconolactone isomerase nickel transporter subunit; periplasmic-binding component of abc superfamily protein mdaa mdac scald iceberg putative p-type atpase hyperinsulinemia gammatub rac prophage; integrase mdcc mdcg mdcf mdba cp readthrough protein; putative aphid transmission protein mdea putative conjugal transfer protein; vi component of type iv secretion system mdcm mdcy torpid mdfa mdh- mdes mdhc mdhb putative glycoprotein endopeptidase putative dna-dependent atpase formate c-acetyltransferase 1, anaerobic; pyruvate formate-lyase 1 mdms mdmc mdlc pheha mdoc mdns putative 60s ribosomal protein fakir fc-ii orf8; reverse transcriptase mdsa mdrv mdrf mdrc mdv1 mdto mdtn mdtm gerkb fp; haorf53 mdtd mdtc mdtb mdth mdtg mdtf caramel t(1;12)52h pyy-i glucagon i gerbc poliovirus receptor-related 1 (herpesvirus entry mediator c; nectin) meaa sf83; similar to ac78 gerac mecd mecc shepherd meba meai dna polymerase processivity subunit; early antigen d putative n-terminal acetyltransferase capsid; acmnpv orf89 sh3 domain protein; ysc84p medl meds meda medh mega c terminal fragment of allelic cap19.313; frameshifted meet mehs mdh; malate dehydrogenase (oxaloacetate-decarboxylating)(nadp+) mg-a putative homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase rpob; rna polymerase beta subunit memo melt hdl/ldl ratio memb mell melr men2 melc menx meni menh menc putative protein-disulfide isomerase mepm mepd meso mesa mesc mesh mero met5 pts enzyme ii; involved in mannose, glucose, and glucosamine transport ejected into cell; 9951 da merh merg merf metm mets metp metu mett meta metd meti meth putative iron-sulfur protein metalloproteinase, putative sccms putative polysaccharide polymerase t(5;10)9rl curd firmness orf6; ie-1 succinate pump protein; disrupted by is629 pol gene product mfab mfbc mfdm putative sensor histidine kinase mfcp gp140; similar to phikz gp81 bacteriophage side tail fiber protein; lambda gpstf (gpn) homolog clpp1; atp-dependent clp protease proteolytic subunit putative glycoprotein b phi-r putative e3 ubiquitin protein ligase unidentified orf29; putative tip protein teta(p) putative drug resistance protein doublefoot pre-gh mfts minute fammm putative ribosome maturation factor putative tryparedoxin putative catalase/peroxidase putative isomerase/hydrolase; fumarylacetoacetate (faa) hydrolase putative phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase rpsaa uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase (uro-d; upd) conserved hypothetical protein of mgaa exodeoxyribonuclease 10; dna exonuclease x orf 133; me53 op137/ac139 mgca mgda mgdc mgdg mgct vwfa; zf_ring_2 putative anti-anti-sigma factor mgld dipeptide transporter; periplasmic-binding component of abc superfamily protein orf 74; op82/ac79 putative acylphosphatase gp401; similar to phikz gp268 putative thioesterase mgps mgsr mgrh mgrc mgrf mgre gerpf gerpb double time net merit phesa putative mucin-like glycoprotein mmets putative heme oxygenase putative ariadne-like ubiquitin ligase putative malate synthase mhka sciii hnrnpa unfulfilled expanded mhpe mhpt mhps e(pc) short spindle saicair synthetase; purine biosynthesis; similar to s. cerevisiae ade1 (yar015w) mhrt putative dipeptidase orf46; lef9 mhtc putative cation exchanger derriere hypothetic protein calpain-like protein fragment; calpain-like cysteine peptidase, clan ca, family c2 ercc1 excision repair 1; c-terminal hhh domain miad miac mib- putative translocator mice esrral micg micm mifd mifc orf5; hypothetical integron protein orf5 rac prophage; exonuclease viii, 5' to 3' specific dsdna exonuclease mima mime mimp milt tat-like milk mill va opsin mine mind mini mink minj minp mino mina nucleolar protein p40; homolog of yeast ebna1-binding protein mipd ccr4-not transcription complex, subunit 2; not2. c terminal not2/not3 domains mios color difference misg mist nad(p)h dehydrogenase (quinone); trp repressor-binding protein miss misb mise mirp mira mirb miti mitm mite triglycerides schol dna polymerase; a031l ananain sensor protein; repressor of phca putative internalin putative adomet-dependent methyltransferase; dlp12 prophage us22 gene family; transactivator orf 77; tlp20 op85/ac82 stocky putative response regulator receiver putative membrane-bound redox modulator putative novel protein putative scaffolding dissonance putative penicillin-binding protein cardinal orf 1; ph op3/ac8; major occlusion body protein transporter; acriflavin resistance protein brain hernia duf303-containing protein; maturation/adhesion protein orf59; baculovirus repeat orf; similar to ldmnpv orf 146 homolog mkcc farps hypothetical dna-binding protein mkce mkgr putative disulfide isomerase putative sulfite oxidase ccs1; ccs1p virk; protein mknt mm46 alpha-ngf putative matrix protein inf-g apo-ci putative sensor protein qin prophage; putative s lysis protein nsp1b; orf1b quemao mlaa sortilin-related receptor precursor; ldlra_2 orf60; baculovirus repeat orf mlas mlac mlab mlec nb protein mlce xxiii putative pirin protein mles mler mlic fused dna-binding transcriptional regulator; amino transferase orf 112; bro core antigen hypothetical protein; duf262 putative protein disulfide isomerase fas-i mliv kaleidoscope mlnr dna polymerase; haorf67 mlnl mlpd mlrs mlrc mlrn mltr mltc mltb putative nadph-cytochrome p450 reductase phocomelic caracul ingls flavonoid 3; hydroxylase 1 protein membrane protein; amino acid transporters hypothetical gene supported by ab017801; nm_017008 hedghog rac prophage; potassium transporter subunit putative membrane permease unclear mmcb mmca orf 29; sod op29/ac31 mmad mmdd alpha-msh mmdc mmdb mmda putative trehalose-6-phosphate synthase rps8; ribosomal protein s8 mmcd rabbit ears mmgb mmge mmgc mmfp mmfr tiptoe walking putative type i restriction endonuclease t(10;16)232dn l-threonine dehydratase, biosynthetic; also known as threonine deaminase mmgt serpentine putative replication-associated protein thiamin transporter subunit ; periplasmic-binding component of abc superfamily light probable plasmid partition function; paralogous family 49 protein putative myristoylated membrane protein putative lymphocyte g0/g1 switch ruby eye mmpa mmos mmsr mmra mmtv putative formin apelin; peptide ligand for apj receptor mmyc cinnamon nitrate reductase; electron transfer subunit e(sd) putative camp-binding protein mnba mndr morphological differentiation putative group ii intron reverse transcriptase/maturase; similar to gene id: 2752987 bce_a0034 mnhg mnha helicase; haorf84 mnmc mnmb putative cytochrome c family protein mnmn myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia ; translocated to, 4 mnri orf 49; op56/ac53 disc-large mnte bone density mntp mntb scott pqqc/d scoop mobs mobi moab moad putative selenium-binding protein mode modd modf mocs mocr moch moce moes hermaphrodite moeh mogp mogs fruity moma molt molr mola e14 prophage; putative tail fiber assembly protein mono monc momr moo4 moo3 momo furloss mope mopd mopc mopi bacteriophage protein; major head protein/prohead protease amt1;5 amt1;4 amt1;3 amt1;2 mosc mosb mora mord moro morn motd lyso-pa amt1;1 hypothetical protein; duf1788 movb cp4-57 prophage; putative inner membrane protein vp15; plxy86; similar to ac87 m gene mpaa mpac mpds mpdb mpda mpct submp putative calcitonin receptor mpcb mpca putative beta-mannosidase mpga mpff mpfi mpfh mpfl mpfa umbrous fshmd inhib mphe mphl mpha mpgr toxin; aip56 mplv mpla mr-s kebab mpmm putative toxin-antitoxin system; antitoxin component mppb mpph mppe putative zn finger protein mprd mpri faust cycloartenol synthase;-2,3-epoxysqualene mutase-like protein putative phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase mpts mpta mpte mptp mptn mpxr amt2;1 putative dual-specificity protein phosphatase protein px putative terminase putative binding protein scolexin pe38; plxy148; similar to ac153 protein it putative serine/threonine phosphatase protein; similar to phage lambda nini protein foraging orf1; putative serine-like protease purine nucleoside phosphorylase 1; nicotinamide 1-beta-d-riboside phosphorylase undergoes phosphorylation and proteolytic processing; required for morphogenesis sicily pk1; acmnpv orf10 mqnb phophorylated imv membrane protein; tm orf8; similar to x gene of p2 mqsa blister putative polyketide synthase putative histidine kinase unnamed protein product; orf 7 (aa 1-83) domino humped mt a tolerant mrbc unidentified orf2; putative mras mrar putative zic3 binding protein braided pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate oxidase (pnp/pmp oxidase; pnpox) mrca mrcl mrfd mrfe scaffold putative serine protease; orf1a mrit mrii mt-4 mrln mrna glycoside mrsa mrse mrsb mrsg mrrp mrra mrul mrtb mrta mrtf mrtd mrtg mrst mrss putative nad(+)-dependent aldehyde dehydrogenase; exported protein isocitratase virus assembly rve; integrase core domain putative o-antigen ligase p5; v putative beta-n-acetylglucosaminidase msb1 msal msap msab msda mscm mscr msfa msfi lines lizard mshi mshg mshl mshq msho msgb msga rps15; ribosomal protein s15 mu-b mu-a tic-like msma msme msmc mu-f msna msmr gcsaml putative cell-to-cell movement protein mspd msol msox mssd mssa msse msrr msre msud mstd fugacin lamprey msws chocolate hammer toe sugar orf 64; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 64 putative two component histidine kinase mtbr mtbs mtbc mtad mtac mtab subgenomic rna mtdc iap-2; plxy71; similar to ac71 mtfs mtfa mtfc orf 28; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 28 mthc mthk putative invertase inhibitor mtga limbo sichel putative dna topoisomerase ii mtlv orf6; hypothetical protein mtnp mtmx putative oligoribonuclease putative exonuclease mtpa orf 47; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 47 mtsc mtsb mtsa mtrh tape measure mttt apart putative l-selectin mttd mttc mttf mtsr mtvr spleen weight screw mtya lilra putative mucin putative major facilitator superfamily tctexa pasiii inmap tyler orf57; fibroblast growth factor 1; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf76 mucl muck mucp cranky mucc growth inhibitor dna binding protein, putative putative endoprotease moisture sul1; dihydropteroate synthase muli mukf type 1 membrane protein; contains an ig domain mumm scvcp nuance musc murp poldelta murr mutu orf-59; similar to ac106 mutc muta mutg mutf mute muti musk jacob fragment b fragment a fragment f fragment e fragment k fragment i fragment h putative atp-dependent dna ligase mvas mvad sf62; similar to ac103 t(15;16)60dn similar to xcorf81; similar to hagv p38.7 mvda mvcl putative atp-binding cassette transporter train a furless mvhd ribosomal protein s5, putative mvis mvib mvia rdrp; p54 rdrp; p52 mvlp putative clp protease subunit myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia (trithorax homolog); translocated to, 1 myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia (trithorax homolog); translocated to, 4 myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia (trithorax homolog); translocated to, 3 myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia (trithorax homolog); translocated to, 6 mvpt mvpa mvpd lef-9; haorf55 mvtr mvvs putative dehydratase putative rna-dependent rna polymerase protein putative heptosyl transferase app-ps signalling protein; chemotaxis methyl-accepting receptor fused to a photoactive yellow protein wengen solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; adenine nucleot putative copper/zinc superoxide dismutase putative transporter protein putative tail assembly protein; similar to lambda k putative catalase putative muconolactone transporter; major facilitator superfamily mfs parachute leif b sickly putative nad-dependent epimerase/dehydratase; oxidoreductase protein polh; sf1 reductase, putative kidney weight lef-4; haorf79 putative class ii aldolase conjugal transfer protein; pilx5 protein; putative t4ss virb5 component nucleolar protein, component of the small subunit (ssu) processome; utp14p gtpase; gtp-binding protein of the arf family, component of copii coat of vesicles rna polymerase- and dna-binding protein; transcription terminator on dc-containing dna dieter putative sucrose transporter n terminus of cap19.8806; similar to ymr247c mxie mxih putative adhesin mxij reticent t(5;7)50ad deoxyribodopyrimidine photo-lyase (dna photolyase; photoreactivating enzyme) mirabile antimicrobial peptide transporter subunit ; atp-binding component of abc superfamily transporter mycs mycb ormdl family er protein; orm1 protein putative glucose transporter apela ins-b putative para protein myla myob putative periplasmic lipoprotein rnla; tail fiber attachment catalyst protein thank myox ie-1; immediate-early gene-1; plxy142; similar to ac147 myok myra fstnc peachy acetylesterase allergen kenny intes receptor, putative head skeleton lef-6; plxy27; similar to ac28 lef-5; plxy97; similar to ac99 putative fiber albumin braille tir-like intro orf111; similar to acorf119 putative transcription regulator, lysr family; putative ttua activator double hit rej domain tail spike protein; host range, endorhamnosidase smtn-b insab putative t4ss virb5 component; predicted signal peptide similar to pilx5 from r6k group iid group iic group iii replication initiation protein; similar to repz of colib-p9 xxxii gluriib xxxiv orf23; virion structure orf2; hypothetical 9.3 kda protein conjugal transfer protein; pilx3-4 protein; t4ss combined virb3 and virb4 components putative phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase t(2;6)7ca histidyl-trna synthetase (histidine--trna ligase; hisrs) chaperonin-60; groel subunit of molecular chaperone asb117; inhibitor of apoptosis-3; iap-3 transposon beta-up anosmic iron-sulfur cofactor synthesis protein; nifs family beta-ho orf25; similar to ebv bclf1, cmv ul75, hsv ul22 putative glyoxalase i family protein; putative methylmalonyl-coa epimerase putative metallothionein-like protein in dunce gal-pa putative xylanase translucent orf90; lef4 metaphase arrest rna-dependent rna polymerase, putative apl i rnla; rna ligase thromboplastin pyruvate kinase i; fructose-stimulated amphiphysin-like lipid raft protein; rvs161p ribose-binding protein;mannose-binding protein;fructose-binding protein similar to acorf76; similar to xcorf125 t(15;18)22ad surej putative aaa-atpase putative translocase acmnpv orf34-like protein; orf25 t(6;7)17ad jammed ar1 capsid; putative cell processes; transport of small molecules cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor; electron transport protein sco1/2 hsp60; groel-like chaperone (atpase), predicted mitochondrial cyca1;1 cyca1;2 putative sigma 54 iap-2; haorf62 na-p transposase and inactivated derivatives; dna replication, recombination, and repair t(1;17)190ca non-atpase regulatory subunit of the 26s proteasome lid; rpn6p hangover reductase; riboflavin biosynthesis protein trnl(cun) dm-ms dm-ma chandra orf 134; ie0 op138/ac141; putative early gene transactivator rna-dependent rna polymerase; readthrough protein putative dna polymerase croaker putative acyl-coenzyme a dehydrogenase punctate nrdja cyca2;3 cyca2;2 ignorant cyca2;1 nrdjb pif-1; plxy115; similar to ac119 fumarate hydratase; corresponds to n-terminus of s. cerevisiae fum1; see cap19.6725 galpha i age at first egg colicin e2 immunity protein; similar to genbank accession number aan28374 supp-x(sd) bifunctional prepilin peptidase hopd: leader peptidase; methyl transferase putative enoyl-coa-hydratase putative cell surface protein orf101; similar to acorf106 homolog polyketide synthase; enediyne polyketide synthase putative aspartyl-trna synthetase putative exogenous ferric siderophore receptor; iha adhesin putative efflux pump naap putative tryptophan synthase xanthine oxidase gp178; similar to phikz gp110 whistle naam depleted nadh nadf nadi nadp nadm precorrin-4 c11-methyltransferase ;cobalt-factor ii c20-methyltransferase hear3; pk-1; similar to xc3 nacb nabp ulnal orf17; virion structure nads nadr nadx nahg nahe nahl nahi nagm orf1; method: conceptual translation supplied by author nail nain naic nald nalc nanm nanl nank nanr nanp nano nant nanb nang nama napp napd napc napa naph napl naox narv nary narw nara nare apoda nard outsider natr apoer natc nata nate natk natp nato nast glycogen nasc nasa nasf nase nasd nash aliphatic isothiocyanate resistance protein saxg; acrb/acrd/acrf family apoal apobl putative adenyltransferase acmnpv orf76-like protein; orf62 amanda putative transport protein (mfs superfamily); putative tartrate transporter sponge nbas zeama;rpot;1 sushi hap2; filament cap protein; flagellar cap protein gp20; essential putative alpha-glucosidase frequency nbor nbs2 heat shock rac prophage; putative dna replication protein nbtg nbsa acmnpv orf75-like protein; orf61 xavier flavoprotein wrba; trp repressor-binding protein branch migration; repair putative exportin-t orf 58; lef-9 op65/ac62 sf91; similar to ac66 and desmoplakin acetoacetyl coa reductase; poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate biosynthesis semirough ncad ncah myosin, light polypeptide 3, alkali; ventricular, skeletal, slow ncch baikal putative lytic murein transglycosylase orf 85; p33 op93/ac92 bone weight putative ferredoxin reductase me53; plxy135; similar to ac139 putative sphingomyelinase ncib nclb rush hour thika fatty acid synthase, putative picky ncms ncmd ncpr repr; putative repressor holin; essential for host cell lysis putative protein of unknown function neurla photosystem ii p680 chlorophyll a apoprotein; psii 47 kda protein putative autotransporter protein mystique indefinite pierisin thiot putative pumilio acmnpv orf106-like protein; orf89 ndbb putative reca protein quartet orf61; rrlarge; similar to ebv borf2, cmv ul45, hsv ul39 prolactin thica thick scattered sdcap ndhs putative actin binding protein rpoc1; rna polymerase beta' subunit ndpa ndph putative thiosulfate sulfur transferase gp311; similar to phikz gp206 ndrl ndrc putative pyruvate decarboxylase ndrd cytochrome p450 lanosterol 14-alpha -demethylase; ergosterol biosynthesis putative translation factor phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase 2; formate-dependent gar transformylase contains signal peptide; putative secreted glycoprotein; involved in immune regulation ndvc apple shorter legs dalmatian lazaro secret hrpxct putative transcriptional element putative tail component protein; similar to lambda i gruyere neap neas neaa neac nefa dna packaging protein; dlp12 prophage putative asparagine synthetase biotin carboxyl carrier protein;biotin carboxylase putative toxin nena atcycd2;1 nems nemr nema orf14; immediate early 1 nepi neos nero nera nerd putative plasmid partitioning protein section 5 section 4 nets neta neth neti nest nesd transposon integrase; tn916 orf3-like nesi neut neua neum contains a signal peptide; similar to a family of singapore grouper iridovirus proteins lytic system putative coat protein; similar to apse-1 putative coat (gene 24) protein piezo nfaa mitochondrial group ii intron splicing; transporter sf74; similar to ac93 nfec trnl-uaa replication protein; rep-3 family ef-1-alpha; elongation factor tu; ef-tu p(k) nfls orf 37; op42/ac26 nfns nfna putative integrase protein hypothetical 14.9 kda protein; possible gene fragment dsrna-binding protein; antagonizes pkr; inhibits stress-induced translational arrest pig-p pig-o putative anti sigma factor antagonist ci-ms parvus rocker putative acetylhydrolase nftc bifunctional protein: 5'-nucleotidase; 2',3'-cyclic phosphodiesterase nfsa nfsi nfxc nfxd putative membrane channel protein aprin fruitful orf4; putative movement protein polyprotein of gypsy-like retrotransposon tca3; truncated at the n terminus n-terminal fragment; orf14 protein carrier putative abc transporter permease ni-s ngla twitcher ngps ngrc hypothetical 37 kda protein ngsk putative relaxase/mobilization nuclease moba almond flagellar biosynthesis; lipopolysaccharide layer trnl(uaa) associates with a36r; involved in cev-cell adherence and actin tail formation oleosin, putative resolvase for tn21; truncated nhap nhad nhac ferris overdrive sf-assemblin; low complexity protein cp4-44 prophage; protein nhec putative spermidine/putrescine transporter subunit; permease component of abc superfamily protein embryo survival putative zinc finger domain, rqsox mngie t(10;13)3ad hip width is(13;1)4h cyc-a qin prophage; putative side tail fibre assembly protein nhsa pigmy ssb; orf15 nad(+)-dependent protein deacetylases of the sir2 family; hst3p putative cytochrome p450 binding protein, putative putative integration host factor putative glycosyltransferase protein staring nucleolar rna m(5)c methyltransferase; nop2p nicked niax putative l-cysteine desulfurase erupted putative fructokinase nict nica nife nucleosome assembly protein 19075338; besthit py 23481872 benedict cyct1;4 cyct1;3 cyct1;2 cyct1;1 cyct1;5 cmcase; cellulase; endo-1,4-beta-d-glucanase t(in1;5)44h putative conjugal transfer protein; partial nifr nile niks nike nikd niki nine nind ninc nini ninh ning orf 8; ptp-1 op10/ac1 putative lysyl-trna synthetase nina nimp nilr nirh nirm nirl chordoma nird niti nitb nist phycocyanin alpha phycocyanobilin lyase; cpcf phycocyanin alpha phycocyanobilin lyase; cpce co1; start codon not determined putative potassium channel spoonbill longin putative glucanase putative mitochondrial carrier oscillator t(2;12)47dn beta ca responsible for irreversible adsorption to host cells; can be added after phage completion hair loss early mortality bacteriophage virulence determinant; lom homolog gp36; identified using mass spectrometry; similar to phikz gp32 and el gp13 putative formate dehydrogenase, alpha subunit; molybdopterin oxidoreductase, fe4s4 domain similar to acorf100; similar to acnpv p6.9; similar to xcorf94 putative replicase protein o-antigen capsule forming protein-tyrosine-phosphatase; etk-p dephosphorylase cycii yju2p / cwf16-like; zn finger cycle putative casein kinase ii blebbed nkcd putative histone acetylase raspberry sawtooth dispensable protein; affects expression of atpb nkin p-ib p-pa pin-c t(7;14)2iem late transcription factor; vltf-1, tm nktl pilot pilva external elements : is and transposon functions; dna excision and insertion myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia ; translocated to, 10 half-life orf3; tgb; component of triple gene block putative serine/threonine-protein kinase major head protein; orf348 us22 gene family; ie-b putative flavoprotein monooxygenase nlam nlab contains a signal peptide; complexed with envelope glycoproteins h and l; binds cd46 fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase; phosphoglyceromutase, type 2 phosphoadenosine phosphosulfate reductase; paps reductase, thioredoxin dependent dnahel; sf72; similar to ac95 pilar putative iron permease nlpc nlpb stiffness mp-pt mp-ps nlra putative intron-encoded protein nltp mp1; orf53 putative dna topoisomerase type 1 membrane protein; similar to ox-2; involved in immune regulation orf57;fp pk-pc mtgpat cdka;1 nmba putative -binding protein putative movement protein 3a nmda dmtrxr putative plasmid maintenance protein waddler putative outer membrane efflux protein; putative copper resistance protein b excise core gene; similar to acorf-78; duf912 nmpa periplasmic binding transport protein; periplasmic-binding component of abc superfamily putative two-component response regulator psbf; photosystem ii protein vi nmtr nmta marr family tumorous pinta fused putative pts enzymes: hpr component ; enzyme i component ; enzyme iia component egg number hemihypertrophy orf32; late expression factor thiouridine nnac nnab nnaa ssb; orf45 putative atp-dependent rna helicase major head protein; orf119 n-acetylmannosamine kinase; transcriptional regulator, rok family protein putative peptidoglycan binding domain. crocodile nnip pinch skn7p-dependent transcription; oxidative stress np-a aaa atpase; rara-like recombination factor nnre sloppy nntb t(3;6)37ad t(x;4)1rl dipeptide transporter; membrane component of abc superfamily putative 16.0 kda protein; gp31 putative histidyl-trna synthetase orf50; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf68 putative dna repair protein noan e14 prophage; site-specific dna recombinase noct nocm sep-trna nofd nofa noed noel nucleoside transport nods noec node nodm nohb noha nohd noff longhaired noir nolf nold nolc putative outer membrane porin nha-oc putative regulator protein nonc nonb nona nonf none nomp lef-9; sf97; similar to ac62 kfabp nolm nolz noly nopa nopc nopj nopm p31a nord norf nore norp norn norm nopt coatless n-acetylglutamate synthase ;glutamate n-acetyltransferase rennin nosy nota nosc t(x;4)37h nosh nort norq norv nosa novp nots noxb nowa nadp+ nadph period putative pheromone receptor vn6 npca dombrock splayed pollen allergen npdg protoporphyria npfr npip npht nicotinamide synthase; cyclopropane fatty acid synthase nplt macadamia nprl cdkf;1 vegfab putative initiator protein npta npsc npsb npsa urbain putative 14-3-3 protein aplnrb orf 90; op99/ac98 npyr putative lipase orf-37; similar to ac119 bellwether cdke;1 lef-4; plxy89; similar to ac90 p26; haorf22 glazed putative sensory transduction regulator nacrs nacre nucleolar protein; nop1p protirelin putative dehydrogenase, nad(p)-binding, starvation-sensing protein putative polysaccharide deacetylase associated with biofilm formation; putative lipoprotein (pgab) orf 57; fp 25k op64/ac61 hypothetical protein; similar to spltnpv-ii_gp020 seurat nacal nqra nqrf nqrd core gene; per os infection factor 5/occlusion derived virus e56 protein putative gtpase-activating protein thump putative sheath protein putative dnaj protein is(7;inx)1neu similar to acorf98; similar to xcorf96; similar to hagv 38k cdkd;2 vegf-e tombola nreb nrep uptake of enterobactin; tonb-dependent uptake of b colicins nrdl nanking nrgc nrfd nrfc nrfh putative acetyltransferase; kple2 phage-like element aquacobalamin reductase; nad(p)h:flavin oxidoreductase trfa; replication initiation protein nrna nrln nrpb nrtb upturned putative mitochondrial putative abc sugar transporter (substrate binding protein); putative exported protein nrtr hypothetical membrane protein nafld putative substrate-binding protein cdkc;1 cdkc;2 putative acyl transferase t(15;16)1kl sf52; similar to ac106 + ac107 nsal nsas nsar sm-pac nsda ll-aspartate oxidase (laspo; quinolinate synthetase b) nsmf nspc nstm putative cyclin sunglass ntar ntaa rapamycin orf 45; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 45 ntel ntdc ntdb ntha ntid shorty nthd ptp; plxy1; similar to ac1 ntla ntmt ntpa ntpe ntpd ntpc ntpi putative nitroreductase ntpj ntpp ntpn dna binding protein; translation factor hip height ntrp ntry putative cation transport regulator rps3; ribosomal protein s3 bursa weight rna pol subunit; ac50 putative ubiquitin-protein ligase nuak pseudo putative pheromone receptor nucl nucs galactose-binding protein; gbp (iss) nucg orf59; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf79 nude echinoidin sf119; similar to ac38 cycd3;2 protein nuke teratoma NULL nupa nuoh nuol nuob nuod chorismate lyase;4-hydroxybenzoate synthetase; protein dld-1 thyme hvpip1;4 putative carboxypeptidase glutamine transporter subunit ; membrane component of abc superfamily nusd nagel nuva dna repair protein; cp4-44 prophage orf23; similar to acorf152 homolog modulator of gene expression; similar to genbank accession number aao85913 putative glucose-repressible protein cyp-m putative flippase late transcription factor; vltf-3 late transcription factor; vltf-2 conundrum cp4-57 prophage; uncharacterized protein secreted frizzled-related protein 4; secreted frizzled-related protein 4 putative malic enzyme putative nucleic acid binding protein putative protease inhibitor integrase within cp-933o; partial pfurod putative breast cancer tumor-suppressor polgamma orf 141; odve56 op146/ac148 putative ubiquitin carrier protein orf 27; hisp ac33 putative transcriptional activator protein; similar to phage p22 c1 and lambda cii proteins cell wall hydrolase; n-acetylmuramoyl-l-alanine amidase putative monosaccharide transporter putative 55.4 kda protein; gp52 mip 6; orf56 putative gluconate kinase conotoxin-like; ac3 similar to acorf92; similar to xcorf101; similar to hagv p33 orf111; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf136 smc-cf topoisomerase ii homolog; a039l nucleosome assembly protein 1;4-like putative thioredoxin-like orf 62; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 62 pintail ankryin putative nonribosomal peptide synthetase defaced nwsb viriato divivb somatostatin-like hydrophilic substrate transporter; mfs superfamily contains signal peptide; contains ig domain klippel-feil syndrome solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; dicarboxylate t tufted fimbrial assembly protein; pilus secretin putative abc transporter (permease) wurst putative t4ss virb7 component; predicted lipoprotein similar to pilx7 from r6k essential; binds short tail fiber gp12 gp148; identified as virion protein by mass spectrometry; similar to phikz gp86 iosca orf2; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf2 gp45; tape measure protein putative hydroxyacylglutathione hydrolase (glyoxalase ii; glx ii) putative rna splicing factor short life t(x;4)8rl chaos thymidylate synthase (ts; tsase) chasm gp332; member of cog0272 diphthine synthase; diphthamide biosynthesis methyltransferase shovel orf33; similar to acorf38 homolog champ dorothy putative deoxyribonucleoside kinase antitermination protein q; qin prophage mitochondrial inner membrane citrate transporter; ctp1p cp4-57 prophage; putative antirestriction protein putative fatty acid binding protein chain bumpy hypothetical protein; head-binding domain putative minor fimbrial subunit similar to acorf32; similar to acnpv fibroblast growth factor; similar to xcorf144 chaff putative dna topoisomerase i bulge mobilization protein; p-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase cyt.c pixie granzyme k (serine protease, granzyme 3; tryptase ii) egcase transporter, putative stunted t(x;4)7rl nalcn jekyll lower matrix protein; involved in immune regulation putative cysteine peptidase putative ubiquitin conjugating enzyme asb001; polh; occlusion body matrix protein orf25; similar to t gene of p2 orf61; vlf1 somatostatin l-sign fiber loop nocistatin atpb; atp synthase cf1 beta subunit hemochromatosis similar to acorf40; similar to acnpv p47; similar to xcorf78 unidentified orf7; putative collagen zeama;cycb1;2 fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase; phosphoglyceromutase,type 2 fimbrial usher outer membrane porin protein; fimcd chaperone-usher putative hu-related dna-binding protein; phage spbeta microtubule-associated protein; mitosis and mating orf26; similar to acorf26 homolog dcmp deaminase; dcd1p orf 69; op77/ac74 cytok nanci gp138; identified using mass spectrometry; similar to phikz gp79 fissure iron transport protein; atp-binding component; similar to np_753507 protein bassoon putative ybak-like protein; prolyl-trna synthetases associated domain hypothetical protein; putative exported protein, putative membrane protein ras oncogene zeama;cycb2;1 oligodactyly putative myb transcription factor divers lbp protein; likely ortholog of mouse crtr-1 putative phospholipase a putative phospholipase d putative phospholipase c gp25; essential wellman mc-like orf-101; similar to ac75 ribonuclease r (rnase r; vacb protein) t(15;19)6gso orf12; similar to lysb gene of p2 putative nucleoside triphosphatase i; a025l body length putative holin protein; similar to phage lambda s105 gene protein essential protein; dna replication; required for lagging strand synthesis cycb1;2 putative modular polyketide synthase cycb1;1 cycb1;4 cycb1;3 purine nucleoside phosphorylase 2; nicotinamide 1-beta-d-riboside synthase ticam takahe napaa putative fibroblast growth factor core gene; late expression factor 2 core gene; late expression factor 1 core gene; late expression factor 5 core gene; late expression factor 4 core gene; late expression factor 9 core gene; late expression factor 8 putative penicillin binding protein unidentified orf30; putative putative pilus assembly protein putative oligosaccharyl transferase sf102; similar to ac57 asb137; late expression factor-6; lef-6 m(sd) abdominal ob-a ob-b putative dna binding; transmembrane protein dbp; plxy24; similar to ac25 hypothetical replicase bursa putative bacteriophage tail component; lambda gpz homolog flafviii putative modulator of dna gyrase; tldd orf-82; similar to ac93 hitchhiker strabismus mangled bactoprenol glucosyl transferase; cps-53 (kple1) prophage putative heat shock protein 70 is4 transposase; kple2 phage-like element oadc oadb oada bushy chi 2 putative integral membrane sensor protein; putative ggdef, mhyt and eal domains rt-pa putative thaumatin-like protein radical sam oapa putative peptidase oapb flipper putative nadh-ubiquinone oxidoreductase; subunit rnfa had superfamily hydrolase; putative phophatase narad narac translation initiation factor eif1a; tif11p putative glycine-rich protein orf90; similar to acorf102 homolog chime putative e2 protein gi-alpha gut feeling cytosolic aspartate aminotransferase; involved in nitrogen metabolism mocha similar to acorf10; similar to acnpv protein kinase; similar to xcorf3 putative glycosyl transferase chico putative o-antigen polymerase pointless orf 44; op49/ac44 nshpt oboe gp249; similar to phikz gp164 and el gp117 obpa obst conjugal transfer protein; pilx2 protein; putative t4ss virb2 component chita chito gp81; similar to phikz gp49 and el gp20; detected by mass spectrometry seali cobra venom factor tigra hypertension occm atpi; atp synthase cf0 a subunit ntp-binding protein; involved in transposition of tn1721 kermit contains a signal peptide; secreted protein occt ocim putative diamine n-acetyltransferase ocho putative gdp-fucose transporter alphagalactosidase putative na+/h+ exchanger ocmb iporin orf 135; p49 op139/ac142 gp287; member of cog0125; similar to phikz gp188 ocsp octr octp octc octd putative glucose-methanol-choline oxidoreductase nk-tr protein odba putative peroxisomal membrane protein oded oddd putative adenine-specific dna methyltransferase odfr humpback odin odhl hvpip2;1 ssiiia psbh; photosystem ii reaction center protein h cycb2;1 odpa cycb2;2 parted orf57; similar to xcgv orf 83 homolog ovarian tumor t(8;16)17h putative coat protein putative rhomboid protease putative l-lactate dehydrogenase oegp moded putative 72.7 kda protein; gp59 putative atp-dependent chaperone modin putative hexose transporter capsid myosin, light polypeptide 4, alkali; atrial, embryonic denervated replication protein; similar to genbank accession number caa77820 oepf mocpc solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; oxoglutarate ca t(1;7)40h putative transport protein; putative membrane protein leg tumor myosin, light chain 4, alkali; atrial, embryonic pseudogene acmnpv orf18-like protein; orf10 secis t(1;7)49h solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; peroxisomal mem orf 54; op61/ac57 nogo receptor; nogo-66 receptor dmfpps dnahel; plxy94; similar to ac95 adrift fructose-2;6-bisphosphatase ycf4; photosystem i assembly protein putative pilus assembly protein cpad; putative signal peptide type 1 membrane protein; similar to cd48 skp1;2 linoleic acid orf23; possibly associated in host specificity hemolytic anemia halolysin major allergen 1-like; lacrimal gland protein meat color huntington putative peptide hormone putative bactoprenol glucosyl transferase gp198; identified as virion protein by mass spectrometry; similar to phikz gp119 putative iron reductase cooperates with protein rta; involved in gene regulation putative transcription coactivator pyrokinin angora unnamed protein product; orf 10 (aa 1-67) putative portal protein supernova pitkin ogta putative multicopper oxidase; putative copper resistance protein a matk; intron maturase k putative water channel protein orf 33; op38/ac30 putative dnaa protein pectin body temperature retroactive putative intermediate filament protein subcutaneous fat putative minor capsid protein aaa protein putative rna polymerase deepest i-anii n , putative coats disease moire putative transcription elongation factor hermes laglidadg orf; included in intron moist ohsc twinning bulging chord putative glutathione s-transferase insomniac fun12p gtpase; translation initiation factor if2 caspar ie-0; haorf8 putative periplasmic substrate-binding protein contains a putative zinc-binding domain carboxylyase casper putative transposase-like protein protien gp406; similar to phikz gp282 caspin gp669; orf669 tinal sparkling cathelin similar to acorf2; similar to xcorf60/131; bro-a/bro-f unnamed protein product; orf 3 (aa 1-322) putative glycine-rich rna-binding protein chole chols sf107; similar to se106a and splt47 putative beta-tubulin protein nuclease involved in plasmid stability; similar to family of staphylococcus aureus thermonucleases l-seryl-trna(sec) selenium transferase; selenocysteine synthase egt; acmnpv orf15 phosphodiesterase inhibitor pl-iv pl-ia pl-ib putative bacterial toxin mbd-like antidiuretic hormone hsp70-type chaperonel; dnak septum site-determining protein; cell division inhibitor orf90; p6.9 envelope-associated; involved in virion morphogenesis putative deubiquitinating enzyme tipsy wheeler tetanic psbz; photosystem ii reaction center protein z nonstructural protein 1; ns1 fibrinoligase isochorismatase 1; nicotinamidase 1; n-carbamoylsarcosine amidase 1 putative prolyl-trna synthetase putative farnesyl transferase okra fmrf-amide radar radil radha cyclin-dependent kinase a;1 putative enzyme flavoprotein, mediates positive aerotactic responses; signal transducer putative acetate transporter; bax inhibitor-1 family inner membrane protein dm arm oled olea oldd olfb red cells olpa olpb hladp putative virulence factor partial orf 58; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 58 archipelago phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase; pi3ka plus pi3kc domains telegraph opossum enolase i shifted omcb processing peptidase, putative omar omcz omcl omcp putative methyltransferase castor head initiation complex; connects head to neck omet scorpion orf7; me53 nonstructural polyprotein and structural capsid protein; orf1 plc&ygr; maroon abc transporter; putative xenobiotic-transporting atpase ompg ompq orf 13; op17/ac18 putative beta-ketoadipyl-coa thiolase putative adenylate/guanylate cyclase phage-like protein; phage tail protein (gpu_like) antirestriction protein; ardc chsvb putative fatty-acid desaturase solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; phosphate carri putative acyl-coa synthetase putative lysm c-terminus of transposase; gene fragment putative dnaj protein; 34 (iss) presto unidentified orf16; putative al1; putative putative ribulose-5-phosphate 3-epimerase ballet oodd moody polyamine transport protein specific for spermine; tpo3p polyamine transport protein specific for spermine; tpo2p gly a+ putative arginyl-trna synthetase putative copper transporting atpase nbccs aerobactin biosynthesis protein; similar to genbank accession number caa53707 oord oora senex hexokinase c enzymatically inactive; tegument protein gp68; essential lysostaphin sense protan) putative proliferating cell nuclear antigen opca opbp opad opaa similar to yp_76276; contains tmh replication initiator protein; nicks double strand origin of plasmid to initiate replication opdt putative low molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatase putative farnesoic acid o-methyl transferase monad opda opgd open mondo ophd ophe opha or-a receptor protein; heme acquisition system receptor putative membrane protein with unknown function opmd fickle opla putative nucleocapsid opnp shank length oppg gp34; essential oprx oprr monop opue putative cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase opts opua opto opsx opta optb particle d-arabinose dehydrogenase, nadp-dependent; ascorbate production putative secretory protein rhh_1; copg family borealis borealin franklin putative nucleoprotein phosphotyrosine phosphatase; acmnpv orf1 ac128; envelope fusion protein mystery unidentified orf9; putative rnase le ses b nudix domain d-scar masking putative adp-ribosylation factor putative membrane-associated lysozyme; qin prophage seppa orf141; putative immediate early gene putative inner membrane permease putative amino-acid permease transcription factor 2, hepatic; lf-b3; variant hepatic nuclear factor similar to xcorf133; similar to hagv desmoplakin putative polyubiquitin his-10 oras orf7; hypothetical protein orca orcc orfw orfs orfv septa orfc orfe orff major core protein; vp25k-like orfo transporter; sodium/bile acid transporter family protein reduced size sprasa putative signal peptide delta cop d-alanyl-d-alanine carboxypeptidase; penicillin-binding protein 6a d-alanyl-d-alanine carboxypeptidase; penicillin-binding protein 6b putative cold shock protein putative endonuclease involved in recombination orii orir diphthong ornt orna sepia rdrp; orf4 rdrp; orf1 orta similar to acorf29; similar to xcorf16 amcf-i nitrogen content putative cytochrome b561 osbd osbi putative is4 transposase; kple2 phage-like element putative surface antigen oscs putative sulfurtransferase putative g-protein alpha subunit osho osmf osma gsa-at translation initiation inhibitor; aldr regulator-like protein vsr2;2 vsr2;1 spaced out rna-editing complex protein; nuclease; krepb1 osmz ospt ossa ossb osra ipp:isopentenyl pyrophosphate isomerase; ipp:dmapp isomerase osts putative copper chaperone bacteriorhodopsin lanceolate actin; 5' exon upstream of intron; similar to s. cerevisiae act1 (yfl039c) dmwwox calcium level serph otab otac furled otca moses putative glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase spherocytosis divivas c-terminal fragment; orf13 permase vsr1;1 vsr1;2 otmp otpa t(7;11)40ad otos pkip; plxy23; similar to ac24 peta; cytochrome f fumin orf 24; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 24 set-a set-b otsp to fill in putative beta-amyrin synthase putative rhoptry protein n-pac swift rep; orf16 putative lagli-dadg endonuclease helicase protein swirm zfgcnf obese-like homoserine kinase (hsk; hk) formate--tetrahydrofolate ligase (formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase; fhs; fthfs) hydrolases swirl protein margin putative globin outi spread angina orf6; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf5 crtl-b oval ovcs type 2 membrane protein; involved in cell-to-cell spread probable phosphoribosyl diphosphate synthetase; ribose-phosphate pyrophosphokinase putative l-ascorbate-6-phosphate lactonase ulag putative phosphoesterase you too pm-scl ovod enolase, putative tlp20; sf80; similar to ac82 motor putative sulfate transporter putative relaxase c terminal fragment of allelic cap19.12172; related to cap19.1825 gp222; similar to phikz gp137 slalom arcap putative endo-beta-n-acetylglucosaminidase sombre putative recombinase putative flavin-binding monooxygenase owes putative alpha-2-macroglobulin gp26; essential pinholin fura2 dmerk vt-np contrasted ycf3; photosystem i assembly protein jra-pa oxaa oxab oxdc immunodeficiency oxen swaying oxlt gp333; member of cog0272 putative rna methyltransferase probable 23s rrna m(3)psi1915 pseudouridine methyltransferase; sam-dependent putative cytochrome giacomo gp131; similar to phikz gp75 and el gp40 lef-2; haorf117 buccalin delta iso putative surface-exposed protein constituent of 66s pre-ribosomal particles; mak21p body depth orf 68; op76/ac73 bro-a; plxy30; similar to bmnpv bm22 adenosylcobinamide kinase ;adenosylcobinamide-phosphate guanylyltransferase putative s-adenosylmethionine-dependent putative glucagon receptor oncogene merlot qin prophage; dna-binding transcriptional regulator sf40; similar to ac19 ratap futch ciart putative acyl-coa thioesterase putative hyaluronidase orf66; similar to acorf66 homolog transcription factor; silencing suppressor endoglucanase with zn-dependent exopeptidase domain; kple2 phage-like element na+k+ atpase core gene; 6.9 kda protein hypothetical methyltransferase fly-like putative transporter 2 isopropylmalate isomerase; alpha-ipm isomerase; ipmi orf5; similar to pras1 orf5 orf69;dpol gp49; identified as virion protein by mass spectrometry similar to acorf139; similar to acnpv me53; similar to xcorf180 putative transcriptional regulatory gene putative transport phantom fused p6.9; acmnpv orf100 jeltraxin phosphoglycolate phosphatase 3 (pgpase 3; pgp 3) solitary non-structural; orf1 rhs protein with putative toxin domain; putative neighboring cell growth inhibitor cobblestone somato putative rnaseiii orf 60; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 60 dampened tp(x;y)1ekw putative cell wall-binding protein tfc4p like tfiiic subunit; tpr repeat containing basal transcription factor gp13; essential plucked putative auxin efflux carrier feebly crimpled windpipe putative permeases triacylglycerol lipase; tgl5p t(1;2)5ca yjcz family protein; yhjh motility defect suppressor putative soluble inorganic pyrophosphatase sf55; similar to agse104 raven cell surface glycoprotein, putative apocytochrome f precursor; component of cytochrome b6/f complex putative thiol-disulfide isomerase et thioredoxin ; glutaredoxin protein quicksilver putative transmembrane protein rf replication; viral strand synthesis hypothetical monooxygenase putative mobc sf122; similar to se121 putative capsule polysaccharide export protein putative phosphofructokinase di-heme enzyme; cytochrome c peroxidase/maug domain imv envelope protein; tm polynucleotide 5'-kinase and 3'-phosphatase; t4-like mascot fused membrane protein ; membrane protein endonuclease r scotti shanti gestation length putative lipoprotein; rlpb lipoprotein family gp107; similar to rna polymerase beta', phikz gp55 and el gp44 putative immediate early protein vrnap weary type 3 membrane protein; 11 transmembrane domains homeobox-leucine zipper protein homolog; method: conceptual translation supplied by author peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase b (ppiase b; rotamase b) binding putative bacteriophage host-specificity protein; lambda gpj homolog putative n-acetylglucosamine-6-phosphate deacetylase abruzzi fusion riesling waltzer hlrcc flagellin structural protein; protein putative signal-transduction protein psii-t tonoplastic 2;1-1 aquaporin auricular orf included in intron; laglidagdg orf putative theta replicase early-b putative prophage holin fused mannitol-specific pts enzymes: iia components ; iib components ; iic components core gene; dna helicase 1 aquaporin pip2;4 mp2; orf44 pa-x ru-pa putative apoptosis-inducing factor wedge putative frv operon regulator; contains a pts eiia domain core gene; 49 kda protein orf 106; op112/ac111 p143; ac95 dmkal putative kinase inhibitor putative phage repressor paused putative nuclear transport factor 2 mt-grpe putative ribonuclease lef-3; sf90; similar to ac67 orf 104; op110 ravus glutaminase b bcdase heparan sulfate orf 70; op78/ac75 endoglycoceramidase putative dna replication protein putative rnase iii orf 96; p87/p80 op105/ac104 pabd paar paaf paag paaa paac paal paan paah paai padi padc pacs dmoad pacf pace orf13; similar to r gene of p2 pacl paca hemolysin-type calcium-binding region; rtx toxin pafb pads paha pagk trojan pago conjugal transfer mating pair stabilization protein; trhn pain pais pall palm pals pala pale pake pano pana pao2 pamm pama pamb papn paox paob paoc paod paoh parq parr pars pasa paddle para pari park fuzzy path patd pate pass past pasg pasi pasb pasc pasp paul paxx hypothetical protein x hypothetical protein i hypothetical protein a prosome pawn nbsld un-named beach nadh dehydrogenase subunit c ;nadh dehydrogenase subunit d hypothetical protein 9 hypothetical protein 1 ngomiv hypothetical protein 4 putative amidase pk-1; sf3; similar to ac10 pbab galnac putative methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase serine/threonine protein kinase; (sok-1) (ste20-like kinase) rayon pbfe antireceptor pbii sucker pblt putative bacteriophage tail assembly protein i; lambda gpi homolog putative arsenate reductase; arsc-like protein pbpr putative oxidoreductase (aldo/keto reductase); putative aryl-alcohol dehydrogenase (nadp+) pbpi gp167; contains adp-ribose binding domain; similar to phikz gp104 pbua putative sensor kinase protein pbsa alopecia areata acoc; dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase total bone stretch pca2 similar to acorf36; similar to acnpv 39k; similar to xcorf55 pcba pcbg pcbh pcas pcat pcap pcab pcaa pcag pcai pcda t(5;18)26h pcfe pcfo pcfr pcfl pcfm pcee periplasmic membrane-anchored lps-binding protein; lps export protein pchi pchg pchh pchr pcha pchd pcfs pcfv pcga d-stim pcip pclp pcla pcld phosphocarrier protein (histidine phosphorylation site; pts-related) pcnb pco2 pcma pcmf pcme pcps pcpy tilsit pcpc atnap1;1 pcor pcos pcoa pcob pcoc pcod pcrv pcrd pcra pcrb pctr pcts pctm pcst pcsa pcvi orf120; bro-a pcvf one of 11 genes similar to ca38f10.05; designated ldg for conserved residues c4-dicarboxylate transport system binding protein; secreted protein pcwh orf 28; fgf op27/ac32 unknown hypothetical protein coagulase antennas flanders slufate transporter 2;1 non-structural polyprotein; orf1 pdam pdaa putative dna methylase cabeta pdda pddc pdcc pdca pdcb nucleosome assembly protein1;1 pdcl nucleosome assembly protein1;4 pdbs pdet pdfa pdec pded pdhd pdhf putative 73.4 kda protein; gp75 pdlp pdla pdme pdpv pdpb ghost t(1;10)11ad bects pdsc pdsa pdsb pduu pduv pduq pdug pdxt pdxf pdxr pdxs tilted iap-2; sf87; similar to ac71 nodal-like peba pebc thick legs peas pead pece putative pefc pefi histidine/lysine/arginine/ornithine transporter subunit ; membrane component of abc superfamily shaven crea protein arrow pehr pehb sf137; similar to ac146 peiw peir pehs pen. pelg peli pelf dmsii penn peno putative kinase-related protein n terminus of cap19.3187/hal91; potential fungal zn cluster domain pent penh pena pend pepo pepk pepm peph pepf pers perm pero putative inhibitor of apoptosis peri peto petp petr peth pesc pevk zsyn-γ1 zsyn-γ2 putative outer membrane channel protein pexa orf3; putative coat protein tl-pb glutamine-fructose-6-phosphate transaminase related; cter region putative pseudouridylate synthase pfbi pfas orf2; replicase pfac pfdb pfcs pfes putative pectin acetylesterase vp80; haorf92 orf 41; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 41 tight skin soluble rankl padgem pfic pfhu pfli pflc pfld pfla transporter; acetamide transporter roadblock pfkc ph-d putative bhlh transcription factor sticking pflx pfpl pfos pfra r(s) laminin g vader cad-pa putative general amino acid permease bizarre putative 12.2 kda protein pgal putative ci repressor pgat pgad pegasus aad-a pgca pgd2 nidd/sjl pgi2 pgiv pgia pgli new orf pgls dmtor pglc gp250; member of cog0419; similar to phikz gp165 and el gp118 putative protein tyrosine phosphatase pgmi pglu pgma pgpl pgpc pgrr beige pgtd pgsr pgsc pgse pgsg t(2;16)28h hypothetical protein-4 putative hsp20 hypothetical protein-1 phbf phbh pham phan phai phak phal solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; phosphate carrier), member 24-like phah phad phdi phdd cohiba phcn phcs phca phem pheo phel phdp phdr putative rna polymerase sigma factor phhi phga cashews phid phip phii phlc phnk phnl phni phnr phns phnt phno phmr phma putative me53 phpb phoh putative nucleoside phosphorylase phrp phrs putative mcpa phrf phrc phre putative urea transporter phtl phtd phte phsa phsb phsg phsc phse phsf phut orf 18; op12/ac13 orf69; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf88 putative membrane protein; putative ltra domain (low temperature requirement a protein ) snubnose is(1;11)2h pibd piaa pico pica pich ammonium transporter 1;2 pied putative membrane steroid receptor pigs pigt orf 118; op122/ac124 dexter pilh pilj pin' pilo pill pk-s pika putative tyrosinase pine pinh pinq pins pint pinn pino syndrome pinc pimp pio2 pims pily hypothetical outer membrane protein pips pipo piox pipc pipd pipe pipa pion pirp pith pitc pisp putative metallo-protease cis-4 cis-2 cis-3 drip loss putative myo-inositol transporter putative protease pif-2; sf34; similar to ac22 putative monogalactosyldiacylglycerol synthase ptpbeta su-var nutria phorphobilinogen deaminase; hem3p pl-h protein kinase; dna-damage-induced checkpoint arrest pk2; acmnpv orf123 putative two-component sensor dna-binding h-ns-like protein; chaperone activity; possibly involved in rna splicing carp x polycystic kidney disease 1 homolog; polycystin-1 putative serine threonine protein putative recombination protein; similar to phage p22 erf protein ellipse putative replicase polyprotein putative tetr family transcriptional regulator bellyache putative g protein pkah pkan pkae juice pkbs phnb protein; putative dna binding 3-demethylubiquinone-9 3-methyltransferase domain protein pkdl putative peptide signal putative alcohol dehydrogenase class iii pol-epsilon pkin exonuclease ii pknl pkmb pkps t(2;8)36ad r-pc pangolin putative f-box protein pksh pksi hypoparathyroidism pkss pkse jun a probable regulatory protein; transcriptional activator; lambda cii analog pkws putative receptor protein kinase adp-ribosyltransferase (nad+; poly (adp-ribose) polymerase)-like 1 not available ntrap sh-pc plbd plak plas plac ompr homolog; frame shift on psyma julie plcl plcg plfa plex plea lef-4; sf76; similar to ac90 pled plgs carmen plit plib plif putative trna binding protein; putative trna corner chaperone plnf plni plnb plnc plnd plnn plnk plnm plna plmi plpi plpd plpc plnr mdmc; o-methyltransferase tibial hemimelia pltg plsj plst plsd plum freeze packed cell volume belly gp223; similar to phikz gp138 belle dmxpg pmcf pmec pmgn pmgp pmgl pmgm pmgs pmgf stranded pmgi pmgc epidermolytic hyperkeratosis; keratosis palmaris et plantaris putative lon protease shrimp lef-5; sf66; similar to ac99 pmia gp283; similar to phikz gp186 intestinal carboxylesterase; liver carboxylesterase-2 pmli lopped thymic putative acetyl-coa synthetase pmma pmlp pmlr pmpc pmpe pmpr pmpa pmpb pmri pmrf pmrr pmrm pmrb pmsx pmst pmse photosystem ii reaction center protein h;photosystem ii phosphoprotein rnapol unicorn pnas pnba putative crystal protein pnbc putative adenylate cyclase; cyth family pnaa pnab aaiii pncx pndc pnce pncg pncq pncn pnco pncc pncd pnef pnhd squash junos square pp-v pp-x pnpp probable glycolate oxidase subunit glcd ; fad flavoprotein oxidoreductase putative guanylyl cyclase ear area pnps orf 140; ie-1 op145/ac147; putative early gene transactivator pnuh hiphop pnur pnue bicyclomycin resistance protein; sulfonamide resistance protein; mfs family cell division protease; atp-dependent metalloprotease poaa n terminus of dna polymerase v; triple frameshifted allele putative portal poem luxate contains atpase domain; involved in dna encapsidation mpmat podj pogo pogr pacman asn-trna shroud putative nadh-ubiquinone pold poll pole pond pone ponh putative thioredoxin pols poly polx pope popa popc popn popp pont porh pore porp popz poti potg poth pots potp putative replication associated protein potc putative quinoprotein port porv putative membrane progesterone receptor putative pts permease abbreviated erect ppaa ppac ppc- putative helicase-primase ppcs ppda ppdb ppdc nutcracker putative replication protein, repa ppci ppcd ppce ppbt lacking ppbl ppfa ppec ppgk putative transcriptional regulator protein hypoxanthine-guanine-xanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (hgxprt; hgxprtase; hgprt) putative cation efflux transporter scrambled egg ppic pphn pplb pplc ppnd ppma pplp pppa pppb pppl ppnr lef-2; plxy6; similar to ac6 pprc ppte ppsc ppse ppsm ppsb similar to htgn29 protein; keratinocytes associated transmembrane protein 2 pptt fe-binding and storage protein; stress-inducible dna-binding protein hydrophobic protein on inner leaflet of membrane; inhibits transcription endonuclease v; deoxyinosine 3' endonuclease putative trans-sialidase vanrb septum formation; penicillin-binding protein 3; peptidoglycan synthetase t(11;16)233dn ncbrs bifunctional protein, biotin operon repressor; biotin--[acetyl-coa-carboxylase] synthetase juvenile putative bacteriophage regulatory protein; lambda gpcro analog rnaout cp4-44 prophage; toxin of the yeev-yeeu toxin-antitoxin system pqqc pqqh pqse solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; phosphate carrier), member 3 ndhk; ndh complex (ferredoxin:plastoquinone oxidoreductase) subunit k stature klef protein; long form t(2;14)1gso t(11;16)238dn atp-alpha epoxyqueuosine reductase, cobalamine-stimulated; queosine biosynthesis orf13; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf15 prat pram prct prce t(4;17)2lws prca prbs anisocoria prey pret prep gluconate kinase 2 ; gluconate transport, gnt i system prdr prds putative glucokinase prdf prdd trna-(g10-n2) methyltransferase; trna-(g10-n2) dimethyltransferase prgi prgl prge prgf prgr prgm putative conjugal transfer protein; trbm domain fragment prgp prgd putative movement protein pril pris prib prhi slim body prlg prld heme binding prna pro2 pro4 pro5 prmb prmc prls prpf proq prom prow prob rudimentary proi gp167; orf167 proj prok proh putative signal transducer prrf prra similar to acorf142; similar to xcorf13; similar to hagv p49 mprrp prpo prth prsw prsc prsp prva prur prtr prts prxs prvt dna-j putative beta-amylase putative protein phosphatase hmg-c hmg-e hmg-b ear size psar psan psao psad erg-b psct pscp pscd pscf pscb pscc pscl psco psch psci vas-m n-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor; nsf; sec18p psef pseg psei psec psee psea psde psgd psgp putative nitric-oxide synthase psik psil psif psih psii psir psis psip psic psid psle pslg putative lrgb homolog; regulator of murein hydrolase activity pslb pslc psld putative helicase protein psmr psmc psln psli psll atgln1;1 pspd pspg psrd psrn psps pstf putative cytochrome p450 monooxygenase pstd pstn pssr pssf pssa psro putative plasmid recombination enzyme psut psva hypothetical acetyltransferase putative kila protein; kila-n domain vatpc ptau ptaa hu/elav regulator of carotenoid biosynthesis; transcriptional regulator ppsr putative kinesin-like protein rac prophage; phage superinfection exclusion protein ptcc ptca ptbb ptba ptbi ptes pteg ptel sf70; similar to agse78 ptgs ptha ptgi ptif diminutive quattro gp240; member of cog0328; similar to phikz gp155 pthp pths ptld ptle ptla ptlc glass-like nuclear egress ptna t(6f3;10b2)40dn ptmp elongator protein; histone acetyltransferase hypothetical protein; similar to ylg of ti plasmid putative trappii tethering factor ptls ptph ptpi ptpd ptpe ptpf ptox ptra ptpr ptpl ptpm ptpo ptpy ptpv ptsx ptsc ptsd ptsa ptsk ptsm erice putative lysophospholipase putative aryl-alcohol dehydrogenase signal peptide, putative transposon excisionase; tn916 orf1-like giant fused ribosome-associated atpase: atp-binding protein; atp-binding protein; membrane protein rnaseh putative actin-binding protein putative blue copper protein asase pucd puck pucm betel glucosidase, beta; acid, pseudogene puff t(11;13)56h putative carbonic anhydrase betan betah putative mannose-binding protein putative polyprotein pujo puna pump pulm pulg pulp pupg conserved hypothetical bacterial protein pure putative replicase skeletal muscle push purs puro puur puue origami putative tail completion & sheath stabilizer protein gp3 aap-s class iii salicylate yellow putative antirepressor; bro family, n-terminal domain feed efficiency pvcc pvcd fneppk pvdo pvdl putative cyclase/dehydrase pvfs arabinogalactan pvhh cys-trna hth dna binding domain; putative transcriptional regulator b-enzyme nucleosome assembly protein 1;1-like bacteriophage tail tip assembly protein; lambda gpl homolog putative surface protein flattop diskette pvsa putative sugar nucleotide epimerase rho-like putative secreted protein pwap orf1; mp core gene; viral protein 1054 tail measure protein; tp901 family primase accessory factor; ac6 psbk; photosystem ii protein k lef-8; sf113; similar to ac50 conjugative transfer protein; dna topoisomerase pwls putative pheromone receptor v2r2 undertaker conjugal transfer protein; pilx11 protein; t4ss virb11 atpase component regulator protein; arc-like dna binding domain acmnpv orf5-like protein; orf132 orf 88; helicase op96/ac95 charleston putative transcriptional regulator; rpir family orf44; similar to semnpv orf107 homolog t(10;11)rl otopetrin o-methyltransferase, putative putative cardiolipin synthase orf120; similar to ldnpv orf128; eo-ld128 pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, e2 component; dihydrolipoamide s-acetyltransferase panther orf4; translated via leaky scanning subgenomic rna1 acetylcholinesterase tetramerisation domain protein; pilx5 putative acetyltransferase gp153; identified as virion protein by mass spectrometry; similar to phikz gp91 interferon, alpha; receptor dexa; atpase kinesin cdka;1 associated 1 putative 9.5 kda protein; gp26 golgi protein; membrane protein retention in er sodium calcium putative ap endonuclease hexose transporter; hxt5p pycs pyca squint similar to xcorf88; similar to hagv lef-6 probable transmembrane protein of unknown function; putative anti ecf-type sigma factor methanol dehydrogenase regulatory protein; magnesium chelatase lymphopenia colanic acid export protein; outer membrane auxillary lipoprotein orf55; p49 pypo non-hair pyrz pyrl pyrq gp75; similar to phikz gp43 slipper putative arginine deiminase putative dipeptidyl peptidase rep; putative bifunctional protein: phosphoribosylaminoimidazolecarboxamide formyltransferase; imp cyclohydrolase orf13; lef2 putative site-specific recombinase orf3; pk-1 putative copper-transporting atpase orf 10; similar to raji lf1 acetaldehyde dehydrogenase; acetylating solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; phosphate carrier), member 3, like brain tumor dna transport mal-like transparent sm-b/b' sf13; similar to ac130 putative exchange factor orf5; similar to m of p2 putative transcription factor btf3a type 1 membrane protein; contains an immunoglobulin domain sla/lp a-(1 cp4-57 prophage; protein putative fatty acid desaturase putative ribosome-inactivating protein nucleolar protein; rpf1p membrane protein; transporter orf 22; op22/ac38 cell neoplasm ernst orf2; antitoxin of addiction system egg-pa putative deah-box rna helicase fed a replication pregnancy rate putative autotransporter no ovaries mv-orf50 peptide; desmop scooped psac; photosystem i subunit vii comb size marcel orf 43; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 43 triae;pht1;12 orf 26; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 26 bacteriophage tail shaft stabilization protein; lambda gpu homolog sf53; similar to ac33 hica; toxin-antitoxin system type 1 membrane protein; binds to mhc-i; involved in immune regulation orf25; dna binding protein orf 10; op20/ac20 cdna d group iiia piebald chondrodysplasia ancillary secyeg translocon subunit; putative anti-rcsb factor ssb; single-strand binding protein putative cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein putative amine oxidase flower acmnpv orf72-like protein; orf58a a-pd a-pa a-pb a-pc off-road neuromuscular excitability phosphodiesterase; putative nucleotide pyrophosphatase precursor putative kora protein pruned putative membrane protein; putative branched-chain amino acid permease (azaleucine resistance) insulin level gmichg shar pei alpha5 putative 67.9 kda protein; gp22; contains hypothetical intein alphax alphat acyl transferase hydrolase;albicidin synthetase pebbly cycd1;1 predicted chitinase; lytic protein prunus putative major fimbrial subunit putative gpi transamidase active avoidance learning putative thioredoxin; nrdc neckless putative multisubunit na+/h+ antiporter redness arfgef hmsnl pomegranate sweetie gp21; essential a8; position similar to ebv gp220/350 atdof4;2 t(5;13)264ca putative scaffolding protein cycd2;1 dl-methionine transporter subunit ; periplasmic-binding component of abc superfamily orf5; plasmid mobilization protein putative ribosomal protein regulator of aidb expression; inner membrane protein putative lincosamide nucleotidyltransferase orf60; late expression factor 6; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf80 putative thioredoxin reductase putative urate oxidase erupt myohemerythrin putative atp-dependent dna helicase replication protein; similar to genbank accession number aal72557 orf20; similar to choristoneura fumiferana defective nucleopolyhedrovirus orf145 aspdh asterix putative glycosyl transferase, family 2; protein vbarp t(14;15)6ca nervous replication protein; similar to genbank accession number aar25125 putative lipo putative sortase c terminus of dna polymerase v; triple frameshifted allele plane chromosome structure mirror test putative sulfatase fixc protein; flavoprotein-ubiquinone oxidoreductase gp64; gp67; plxy124; similar to ac128 cg30; haorf77 trna-f trna-a trna-c apoltp trna-t trna-p trna-n portal protein; minor capsid protein [contains: protein b*] from bacteriophage origin patr-b patr-c sxc/ogt apollo ts; tsase qcrb qcrc putative flavodoxin cl-pc putative lactose permease tectonic putative inositol-1-monophosphatase (impase; inositol-1-phosphatase; i-1-pase) putative histidine triad-like protein putative chymotrypsin-like protein putative partitioning protein a; para orf66; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf85 type 3 membrane protein; 2 transmembrane domains; contains a signal peptide putative response regulator antimicrobial peptide transporter subunit ; permease component of abc superfamily transporter spermatheca calcyon; d1 dopamine receptor-interacting protein cp4-57 prophage; integrase cycd6;1 mitochondrial iron transporter of the mitochondrial carrier family (mcf); mrs3p orf31; chitin bind 3 orf48; lef-10 neonatal anemia retroelement t(7;11)64h telomere length regulating rna binding protein; pbp2p chromosomal gp59; similar to phikz gp39, el gp16 and cell-division protein ftsz t(7;11)65h lazarus putative high-affinity nitrate transporter putative adenylate cyclase leucyl-trna synthetase (leucine--trna ligase; leurs) mpha; confers resistance to macrolides aspic luxoid putative acetylornithine transaminase asparaginase talipes acmnpv orf52-like protein; orf41 asb150; ribonucleotide reductase; rr1 putative 3-hydroxyacyl-acp dehydratase putative anti-receptor putative dead box rna helicase outsiders cycd3;3 cycd3;1 cycd3;2 orf16; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf19 putative inner membrane protein t(9;17)138ca putative ferritin orf-56; similar to ac115 sushi domain cycd4;2 cycd4;1 aster femur hypercholesterolemia myosins ii putative tyrosine phosphatase protein nervana putative butyrate kinase putative plasmid recombination protein putative p-glycoprotein qglo feet and legs putative dna invertase putative symporter arsenite-translocating atpase; arsenical resistance atpase; arsenite-transporting atpase cp4-57 prophage; gtp-binding protein wts/lats sf134; similar to ac138 kettle putative lysis protein orf 8; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 8 gp350; member of pfam00303; similar to phikz gp235 doughnut cp4-44 prophage; antitoxin of the yeev-yeeu toxin-antitoxin system atph; atp synthase cf0 c subunit putative abc1 protein nutmeg unnamed protein product; orf 4 (aa 1-146) deadlock abcba orfx; hypothetical protein abcds putative elongation factor 1-alpha penicillin-binding protein 3; peptidoglycan synthetase colanic acid production protein-tyrosine-phosphatase; wzc-p dephosphorylase nuocd manikin bactoprenol glucosyl transferase; glycosyltransferase, group 2 family protein putative taurine dioxygenase putative dna (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase cystathionine beta-lyase (cbl; beta-cystathionase; cysteine lyase) transposase within cp-933o; partial equistatin unexpanded tonoplast intrinsic protein, putative dna repair atpase; protein family hmm pf02463 core gene; 33 kda protein putative virion stabilization protein; similar to phage p22 gene 14 protein aconitate hydratase 1; aconitase a unidentified orf11; putative uridylate kinase (uk; uridine monophosphate kinase; ump kinase) fgf; plxy32; similar to ac32 aconitate hydratase 2; aconitase b; 2-methyl-cis-aconitate hydratase putative cell surface antigen putative snare putative copper-binding protein putative integrase; serine type putative permease; putative membrane protein hypersensitive abeta similar to acorf65; similar to acnpv dna polymerase; similar to xcorf132 putative tonb-like protein putative p protein subito orf2; similar to acmnpv 1629 zuotin n-acyl-l-amino acid amidohydrolase; aminoacylase repfii repfib severin dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (dihydroorotate oxidase; dhodehase; dhodase; dhod) putative abc transporter, permease protein; putative branched-chain amino acid transport permease putative isocitrate dehydrogenase orf101; p24 capsid nsrpot-a nsrpot-c keel length acmnpv orf19-like protein; orf11 core gene; occlusion derived virus ec27 transposase, mutator type; transposase, mutator type mobc; mobilization protein shrunken putative transcription factor; potential fungal zn(2)-cys(6) binuclear cluster domain putative endochitinase ie-2; ie-n; immediate-early gene-2; plxy146; similar to ac151 portal protein; orf502 conjugative transfer protein; dna primase stasis festa orf 4; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 4 octaprenyl-diphosphate synthase (octaprenyl pyrophosphate synthetase; opp synthetase) putative viral replicase putative apolipoprotein e putative apolipoprotein b cisplatin orf28; contains coiled coil motif; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf39 putative single stranded binding protein bfnis hypothetical rna-binding protein gp292; similar to phikz gp192 putative ion transport qmca bifunctional protein: n-acetyl mannosamine kinase, rok family; transcription regulator t(2d;11b5)4dn putative oxygen-independent coproporphyrinogen iii oxidase maverick iap-3; haorf103 acmnpv orf82-like protein; orf68 putative zinc-finger protein albatross putative copper ion binding protein; heavy metal transport/detoxification protein putative rna-dependent atpase t-protein [includes: chorismate mutase ; prephenate dehydrogenase] putative selenocysteine-specific elongation factor putative pilus assembly protein; putative membrane protein putative signal recognition particle receptor putative nucleotidyltransferase t4 phage exclusion protein; cell death peptidase, e14 prophage bromodomain transcription initiation factor; bdf2p putative microtubule-associated protein weaver putative gentisate 1,2-dioxygenase dna repair system; dna polymerase v subunit umud dna repair system; dna polymerase v subunit umuc t(13;14)69h thymidylate kinase; dna synthesis mitochondrial morphology protein; mam3p neuronal cell death inducible putative kinase pancreatic hormone putative phosphohydrolase slacker type 1 membrane protein; similar to slam proteins irida putative vacuolar atp synthase orf2; similar to acmnpv orf1629 pht1;3 pht1;2 pht1;5 pht1;4 pht1;1 pht1;7 pht1;6 pht1;9 pht1;8 santa maria scaffolding protein; similar to t7 group capsid assembly proteins zator beta-hexosaminidase; n-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase; beta-n-acetylhexosaminidase putative sugar abc transporter escrt putative lipid ii flippase; integral membrane protein; ftsz ring stabilizer orf2; similar to ac9 and se2 redoxin pif-2; plxy21; similar to ac22 plp-f putative transmembrane efflux protein qora dc-hil stigmata gp1000; orf1000 nitrate transport protein; abc transporter atp-binding protein driploss lcc1; ascorbase & cu-oxidase putative er membrane protein putative adenosine triphosphatase souther agnogene putative gcn5-related n-acetyltransferase; protein similar to acorf94; similar to acnpv odv-e25; similar to xcorf99 colorless ad-st groggy dna-binding protein; transcription regulator pht4;2 pht4;1 pht4;4 pht4;3 pht4;6 pht4;5 putative serine protease inhibitor early conjugal transfer protein; similar to genbank accession number aaw58911 conjugal transfer protein; similar to genbank accession number aaw58916 conjugal transfer protein; similar to genbank accession number aaw58915 oligopeptide transporter; ygl114wp conjugal transfer protein; similar to genbank accession number aaw58907 orf-141; similar to ac29 earea t(3;4)5rk putative bacterioferritin putative polymerase period 4 xylose transport, membrane component; membrane component of abc superfamily xylh migraine lurcher glucosidase, beta; acid (includes glucosylceramidase) putative sigma subunit of rna polymerase remc; candidate alpha-glycosyltransferase; glycosyltransferase family 4 putative heat shock protein putative actin protein pht2;1 hypothetical protein orf chihuahua mean body weight orf 16; bcl-2 family member psaa; photosystem i p700 chlorophyll a apoprotein a1 t(x;7)6rl pht3;1 pht3;3 pht3;2 jumper plpcd putative polysaccharide deacetylase; xylanase/chitin deacetylase vitiligo atatr orf-92; similar to ac78 orf110; similar to acorf117 homolog ren; enhances function of rep protein; al3 restless chorismate mutase (cm); prephenate dehydratase mariner abc transporter; efflux pump protein; similar to genbank accession number bac67537 sf131; similar to ac136 putative flagellin tors; sensor protein tors sf138; similar to ac145/helicoverpa armigera entomopoxvirus 11k gene ndhh; ndh complex (ferredoxin:plastoquinone oxidoreductase) subunit h putative lysozyme; dlp12 prophage atahl quiver confluens t(x;7)5rl qsee frequentin mp; p4 putative xylanase inhibitor eater qsrp apospory-associated protein c; apoc (iss) putative calmodulin-binding protein axoneme central apparatus protein; importin alpha-1 subunit exocrine pancreatic insufficiency sitiens anxiety putative transcriptional protein ndh-m cni-related complexed with tegument protein ul37; ubiquitin-specific protease (n-terminal cp4-57 prophage; rnase ls t(x;7)3rl putative multidrug resistance-associated protein hepatoredoxin conjugal transfer protein; similar to genbank accession number aaw58899 dna-binding protein; transcriptional regulator conjugal transfer protein; similar to genbank accession number aaw58893 conjugal transfer protein; similar to genbank accession number aaw58892 conjugal transfer protein; similar to genbank accession number aaw58891 conjugal transfer protein; similar to genbank accession number aaw58890 similar to acorf68; similar to xcorf135 ataat rolling circle putative atp-binding putative protein kinase c hematocrit value putative acetate kinase putative xylose isomerase qin prophage; putative regulator for dicb putative cystatin b ligaseiv putative movement protein (mp) fierce putative tyramine receptor matted frap/tor product hyphen quai putative ammonia monooxygenase lef-1; plxy14; similar to ac14 similar to xcorf164; similar to hagv hear162 large t putative mg2+ transporter quet orf14; hypothetical 27.5 kda protein quib quic abc iron transporter; permease protein; similar to np_793040 quix quit quma uncharacterized conserved hypothetical protein dcsign plume quinolinate synthetase b protein (l-aspartate oxidase; laspo) putative methyl-accepting-chemotaxis protein pp78/83; acmnpv orf9 type 1 membrane protein; contains a signal peptide sequoia putative transketolase yapsin rubic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase , putative probable sensor protein; acting on arca putative pheromone receptor protein mitochondrial peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (cyclophilin); cpr3p orf 54; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 54 vegetable putative cardiolipin synthase; exported protein gemini bronze matrin matrix steeple sec1, putative; tm region mip1; orf33 cryptic phospho-beta-glucosidase; cryptic putative lipid-binding protein putative recombination protein; uvsy putative metal ion transporter sverdrup type 3 membrane protein; 8 transmembrane domains; similar to danio rerio loc569866 ectatic ndhi; ndh complex (ferredoxin:plastoquinone oxidoreductase) subunit i putative ion-channel protein t(4;7)1rl hsf protein metabolic syndrome anthranilate synthase component i; trpe atdrg protein; k11883 rna-binding protein nob1 putative acetyltransferase; gnat family putative pentapeptide repeat protein putative two-component sensor histidine kinase; putative heavy-metal sensor (cu/zn) orf 59; bro ac2 putative cpd photolyase putative cleavage and polyadenylation gp48; identified as virion protein by mass spectrometry; similar to phikz gp34 nicotinamide-nucleotide amidohydrolase; nmn amidohydrolase cargo protein putative high affinity nitrate transporter chorus retrotransposon bacteriophage head-tail assembly protein; lambda gpz homolog orf 39; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 39 hypothetical protein; putative signal peptide putative minor tail protein; contains lysozyme and chap domain similar to acorf9; similar to acnpv 1629 capsid; similar to xcorf2 goblet putative heavy-metal binding protein psbl; photosystem ii reaction center subunit xii velvet ci-syt pp31; ac36 hydrolase superfamily putative immunity protein yolky putative phosphodiesterase putative sulphate transporter; transmembrane protein putative signal recognition particle elastase b scabby kila protein; kila-n domain rhodan d-xylose transporter subunit ; membrane component of abc superfamily putative alpha-1,2-mannosyltransferase putative ecf sigma factor gp203; similar to phikz gp123 and el gp80 tlp20; plxy82; similar to ac82 denuded nuclease inhibitor putative signal transducer protein putative virb4 scruff quivering ppiase; rotamase acetyl transferase; o-antigen biosynthesis undulated colgate hyperk putative hydrophilic substrate transporter; mfs superfamily dethiobiotin synthetase (dethiobiotin synthase; dtb synthetase; dtbs) fused pts enzymes: hpr component ; enzyme i component ; enzyme iia component orf 73; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 73 putative general stress protein putative transcription activator putative repressor protein bantam immulectin strength similar to acorf35; similar to acnpv ubiquitin; similar to xcorf52 labyrinth flat head putative bacteriophage minor tail protein; lambda gpm homolog dribble putative ters product; orf172 hnpcc l-serine dehydratase (l-serine deaminase; sdh; l-sd) putative alpha-galactosidase putative antirepressor acetylglutamate kinase (nag kinase; agk; n-acetyl-l-glutamate 5-phosphotransferase) retained symmetrical botulinum toxin lmw-m icad-s virulence kinky putative replication initiator protein oracle protease doily galactoside o-acetyltransferase 3; maltose o-acetyltransferase 3 putative mfs sugar transporter; membrane protein brorin est-r helix-turn-helix motif atlas kit-b est c est d putative phosphatidylserine synthase orf3; protein kinase-1; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf3 h(ep) jelly t(12;17)9gso comatose ra a rpoc1; rna polymerase c1 b-pb b-pc putative calcium-transporting atpase unknown receptor putative mrt; a raffinose family of oligosaccharides transporter putative serine-threonine phosphatase hmsnib hmsnia endolysin of prophage cp933-o; partial glyoxase; glyoxalase/bleomycin resistance protein putative tail fiber v-erb-b similar to jhp_0321; rna-uridine isomerase; rna pseudouridylate synthase t(7;19)10gso putative endolysin group v ndpkb group i group f group c tintin putative dna polymerase i acmnpv orf78-like protein; orf64 putative tail fibre bacteriophage virulence determinant; gtga gp66; similar to phikz gp41 bacteriophage transcriptional activator; lambda gpcii analog group 6 group 5 group 2 group 1 putative siderophore biosynthesis cloudy probable regulatory protein; putative repressor protein; helix-turn-helix motif mrank gnat family protein; orf5 mrams tip5;1 orf6; similar to l gene of p2 rac prophage; defective peptidase putative hemagglutinin putative discriminator of mrna degradation; dmd putative rna polymerase ii rumpf shade rb50 hadley shark sharp ester shaka kitty valois putative siderophore synthetase b103 rabg rabd rabo rabr rabl type 2 membrane protein; interacts with nuclear egress lamina protein rabb raba racx racu ract racv raci rack race orf1; toxin of addiction system racd racg racp racs racm racl raco raby rabt rabv rabu racc bacteriophage portal protein; lambda gpb homolog rafl raff rafe putative glycine dehydrogenase ragd rain pep; polyhedral envelope raia ralp tip4;1 estra orf 48; op55/ac51 small round rana rang ramp ramb rama raps rape rapg rapd kiser rapn rapp rapi putative kinase rasc rasb rard rarc t(2;9)11h ratc rasi rash minotaur rase rasp rass rasm rava rcr-initiator protein; rep rayl putative secretion protein (hlyd family); putative proteases secretion protein plasmepsin ii rbbb rbba putative host ftsh protease inhibitor; similar to phage lambda ciii protein macromolecule metabolism; macromolecule degradation; degradation of proteins,peptides,glycopeptides groupiv groupii rbck enhancer of membrane protein expression; putative inner membrane protein putative lipid binding protein ushaped photosystem i iron-sulfur center; 9 kda protein rbfc orf 15; odv-e26 op15/ac16 rbla refringent cauliflower rbpc rbpl rbpi orf 122; vcath op125/ac127 rbrb rbtk rbst rbsd young bifunctional transforymlase/cyclohydrolase; purine biosynthesis dutpase; dut1p putative acyl carrier protein (acp) atpip atpir dopey entire putative nadh oxidase bacteriophage prohead protease; lambda gpc homolog rca2 rcba rcar rcad xl-iii rcdp rccr rcda world cup peptidyl arginine deiminase, type ii; pad type ii rclr rcnr putative ribosomal n-acetyltransferase rcnb rcpc rcor shcbp atopy putative arf gtpase-activating protein rctl putative cysteine protease putative dna injection protein; similar to phage p22 gene 20 protein iahsp putative hmg box met-enkephalin casein kinase ii alpha' subunit; potential role in cell cycle control shawl shawn rdcp orf13; me53 vcath rdhd dbp; haorf25 doors interleukin 1 receptor, alpha; type i receptor cytosolic 80s ribosomal protein l39; cytosolic 60s large ribosomal protein l39 acmnpv orf108-like protein; orf90 rdrc rdsa jerky curled ilvasc varicose rebd reba unnamed protein product; orf 12 (aa 1-49) dhhc1 protein; golgi apparatus-specific protein with dhhc zinc finger domain redf redc redn redp redo redi redl redk recs recl rech putative glutaredoxin refi refl putative phosphopantetheinyl transferase redv putative glutathione transferase redu gene-i putative aryl hydrocarbon receptor redr gene-v redy orf81; similar to acorf93 homolog regh shear regd regg regs reli rell relt bouncy rend remg remc rept reps repp ratanf gene a gene w rets reta retm retp reto reti rest resp resa resc revs reva acmnpv orf121-like protein; orf97a related to cap19.5057, cap19.6450; related to cap19.1825 rfbl putative flavodoxin protein rfam putative alpha/beta-hydrolase rfab rfcs rfcc rfca rfcl rffa rfef rfec alspdc orf24; hypothetical protein rfft atrii putative orf2 putative orf1 putative orf4 putative orf3 structure; structural component (phage or prophage related) rfpa interacts with dna packaging terminase subunit 2; involved in dna encapsidation putative beta-1,3-galactosyltransferase orf 24; similar to bcrf1 putative ketoreductase psbt; photosystem ii protein t putative baseplate protein rgap rgaa charybdis rggd rgga polivy orf 43; op48/ac43 allatotropin rgmr orf 71; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 71 rgpi rgpd t(10;11)s1<34h>75h isbat rab11;a1a-1 rab11;a1a-2 asthmatic cadmus putative sulfate transporter 3;4 rhbb acade rhap acadv rhas rhau rhcr rhct rhcn rhcv rhcu l-gene rhcl upset rhea spectacled regulator of ftsi; septation function rhga rhig rhic flacca rhin rhle rhld rhmt rhol dnak; hsp70-type chaperone rhos galactoside permease; lactose permease; m protein; mfs family rhod pili protein attan rhsb rhsd rhsc rhum rhyb asteroid putative type iii restriction endonuclease acana reciprocal translocation, chr 11; and chr 16, cytogenetic band a, davisson 53 gp41; haorf73 ribf ribe shiva rich rife rifa rifn rifm rifg rifi baobab riha rihc gp232; similar to phikz gp148 rige rift rifs rifo rifr t(10;18)21ad rk-d ring rinp rimm rimo rimp rima ripp shwachman-bodian-diamond syndrome protein; predicted exosome subunit ript ripb shk-1 rira sf63; similar to ac102 cut up putative syntaxin rita risp riss n terminal fragment of allelic cap19.4906; serine-rich low complexity orf probable plasmid partition function; paralogous family 50 protein al3; putative motheaten putative methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase orf 113; op117/ac117 atwex putative type iv pilus protein putative zinc finger acche putative peptide synthetase tibia weight putative chitinase protein bacteriophage accessory dna packaging protein; lambda fi homolog phoenix putative rna dependent rna polymerase iron transport protein; inner membrane component; similar to np_753506 wyatt membrane protein; tgf-beta receptor, type i/ii extracellular region putative baseplate hub subunit & tail lysozyme gp5 cda-ii post-doc ie-n; acmnpv orf151 groupv groupi wasted lp(a) t-cc erased desmin-like putative recq helicase smalltalk putative card-like transcriptional regulator rkph rkpi n-terminal putative primase; orf43 cp4-44 prophage; putative dna repair protein putative sulfatase/phosphatase similar to acorf93; similar to xcorf100 mt-tg orf33; metalloproteinase; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf46 putative 24.6 kda protein; gp38 liver color ro(ss-a) orf9; odv-e27 ve-pa acid dnase cell cycle dehydrogenase, putative t(16;17)65dn putative carotenoid biosynthesis protein putative deoxyhypusine synthase orf 87; odv-e25 op95/ac94 rlfa orf57; sod bi-pb putative short-chain oxidoreductase flavinator of succinate dehydrogenase; antitoxin of cptab toxin-antitoxin pair putative regulator of g protein stretched out plasma membrane, putative rlnd rlnl rlmh rlmn rlmm rlma ptp-2; sf25; similar to se26 rlpa downy rloa contains an otu-like cysteine protease domain; contains a myosin-like domain rlrc orf17; polyhedron envelope protein; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf20 polled scream orf40; similar to ebv bblf2, cmv ul101, hsv ul9 rlsm rlsl rlse rlsh rlsg rlsd velcro rlsc jewel hypothetical protein; similar to psungv_gp170, xcgvorf166 and hagv_gp164 rlub dna processivity factor; pol30p contains signal peptide; putative secreted glycoprotein; possibly involved in immune regulation putative hydrolase; putative peptidase domain putative collagenase atxie rmba rmag rmai viking putative abc transporter, atp-binding protein; putative aliphatic sulfonates transporter rmac rmab rmad rmaa rmes rmed contains a signal peptide; involved in immune regulation bgr;-catenin rmil t100 alsftd hear4; similar to xc4 rmpr zeppelin rmsm rmsr sf75; similar to ac92 pmmsa capsid; ac104 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; graves disease icarus meteor duf1187 family protein, rac prophage; putative double-strand break reduction protein scraps hobit rnai putative prephenate dehydratase rnaa rnac glycosidases putative gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase qin prophage; s lysis protein rnca orf25; dna delivery protein rnfa rnfg t(8;16)164dn eptacog alfa membrane protein; drug/metabolite transporter rnga pon2; paraoxonase 2 zinc-binding putative translational repressor; rega rnhl rnla putative fimbrial subunit adp-ribose pyrophosphatase; mutt/nudix family rp18 putative rna 3'-terminal phosphate cyclase putative phosphoglycerate kinase rnpl rnpc rnrb rnra rns' rnsc rnsa transferase; acetyltransferase/acyltransferase stamos texture achap roat roba roam roan rab11;a1b-2 rab11;a1b-1 rock rocf roci roch roct rocc roca putative two component response regulator rofa phosphoglycolate phosphatase 2 (pgpase 2; pgp 2) putative transmembrane sensor oblivious clamp protein rohn roll hypothetical regulatory protein apolipoprotein putative phd putative periplasmic binding protein roma rolt rolo root roof ronu loader of gene 41 dna helicase; ssdna-binding protein rota rost rosb rose rosa putative phosphoinositide 5-phosphatase type ii; c62 roxs roxb roxa psbe; photosystem ii protein v putative ntpase/helicase shout mlc protein rpai rpac triglyceride level rpdd putative sos response nuclease rpfa rpea rpha lef-1; sf18; similar to ac14 orf23; similar to f2 gene of p2 rplc putative udp-n-acetylmuramoylalanyl-d-glutamate--2, 6-diaminopimelate ligase; 54319-51 (iss) e-var rpmd rpmi rpls rpln rplq necap rppn rpox rpog rpok vertigo rpsx rpss rpsn rpsm rpry putative orf type 1 membrane protein; involved in apoptosis; involved in gene regulation streak apha1; aph (3')-ia putative recombination function protein; similar to phage lambda orf gene protein starving orf 89; op97/ac96 rps11; ribosomal protein s11 putative protein-tyrosine-phosphatase putative polyamine transporter; oligopeptide transport system permease protein oppb (tc 3.a.1.5.1 branchy putative cytochrome oxidase assembly protein; cox15-like protein trac dna primase; long form articulin ribonuclease ph (rnase ph; trna nucleotidyltransferase) orf10; hypothetical protein ribosomal protein s23, putative putative bacteriocin is(17;in2)1gso unnamed protein product; orf 9 (aa 1-78) putative ring finger protein rdlac no homolog identified by sequence similarity; hypothetical protein ycf2; putative atpase linked to protein import t3t4 shrew patulous islet putative p24 mutanase putative p26 putative p10 i-tevi rrab mitogen-activated; erk-activating protein kinase (mek) homolog rraa putative ribonucleoprotein t(2;6)97dn putative nss rrfc rrfa g/u mismatch-specific dna glycosylase; xanthine dna glycosylase rrff rrfi rris rrla rrlc rrlj rrle rrnc rrna rrma rrmj rrpa putative aspartyl protease rrpc rrpb similar to acorf109; similar to xcorf53 rrs' putative lectin rrpp rrsi rrsd rrsa orf100; similar to acmnpv 91k twilight rrvd putative type iii secretion system chaperone type 1 membrane protein; derived from tnfr but lacks tnfr domain rsdb rscd rsbx rsbq rsex rep gene rsep translocase, putative rsgi galactoside o-acetyltransferase 1; maltose o-acetyltransferase 1 rsfs rsit rsiv gp280; identified using mass spectrometry; similar to phikz gp184 putative histone demethylase rsla orf 53; op60/ac56 rska four score yellow protein one of two rsmi rsmh rsmd rsmf distantly related to cell wall-associated hydrolase; similar to yyco bacillus subtilis polyphosphate kinase; protein rspf rspa rsod rsoa putative proline racemase mrs-a rsra rstp rstl maben rstb rsse aaae rssa rsvp rsva aadt rsui d-cbll aacc rsts aaer acoas ferredoxin--nadp reductase (fnr; flavodoxin reductase; flxr; fldr) aaid belly weight aakg putative rubredoxin stonewall aamr aamp rtcs aapp pho1;h1 rtcn aapm aapl putative ltp aapa orf-83; similar to ac92 drumstick aarf aard acons scar/wave aass aatp aats aatm aatd rtim eyes closed long hair type 1 membrane protein; contains 3 repeated domains protein this undecaprenyl pyrophosphate phosphatase; bacitracin resistance acheate rtpa xprl-i testosterone level ultimate ph abba abai abab group iv gp510; orf1510 group ii abdf abcg abcd abft abfp abga rtxb abfd abhs abhg abid iso-q abgr orf 103; op109/ac109 putative udp-glucose glucosyltransferase abir ablp abll putative receptor immune deficient putative acyl-coa-binding protein abmm abnc abpt abpr group vi putative ras-related protein rab rubr ruby negro abph rubb abpd abpc abpf abpe abru absp rps4; ribosomal protein s4 abrd imp dehydrogenase 2; gmp reductase stable inheritance; toxin muc2; mucin 2, oligomeric mucus/gel-forming abst similar to acorf80; similar to acnpv gp41; similar to xcorf121 c-terminal phosphohydrolase rulb rula stenosis rump rumt ruma lef-11; plxy37; similar to ac37 interacts with vav oncoprotein; involved in b cell proliferation and differentiation rutf rute rutb ruta rusa acac rush acab acas acdf acdi acde accp acci accf acce accg acda orf 111; op115/ac115 rutr acfd acep acer aceh acfc aces achn achp achi acid lacquered achy putative helicase; a027l putative lysozyme-like acls acln acmd acmc rvat acnr acnm acoa acod acoc acnd acnc dihydropteroate synthase (dhps; dihydropteroate pyrophosphorylase) acpy acpr acpt acon acpk acpm acpc acpb acrs acse acsd acsc acro acre acrf acrc actz actx sf88; similar to ac69 acss actn actp acti acth actd ac29-like protein; late essential factor 6 acxb asc operon transcriptional repressor; prpbc operon repressor putative cystathionine gamma-lyase orf-67; dnapol adbb adam adal adab fathead adaa live weight adat addm addl addh mader putative bacteriophage tail assembly protein; lambda gpk homolog adcd adcf adca adcc adcb adcr adfr adfn adep adei adeh adfa ades ader adht adhp adic angularity nusa; transcription elongation factor nusa adhd adhc adil putative glycerol uptake facilitator admd adma adm1 putative isomerase/hydrolase; putative fumarylacetoacetate (faa) hydrolase adob adps adpp adro adsd adsa putative iap adrl rwdd adre cripple macro adtn adtg citryl-coa lyase (citrate lyase beta subunit; an atp citrate synthase subunit) rwhs painless thermosome subunit 2; chaperonin beta subunit orf 17; protease and capsid protein (n-term); minor capsid scaffold protein (c-term) gp197; similar to phikz gp118 and el gp76 murein tetrapeptide carboxypeptidase; ld-carboxypeptidase a tilted head putative abc transporter protein putative mitochondrial protein aecc glycolate oxidase, putative aecp gp152; identified as virion protein by mass spectrometry; similar to phikz gp90 lemming putative esterase/ lipase aefr balloon macas polypeptide b p-atpase family transporter: copper ion; heavy metal translocating p-type atpase-like protein putative dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase rabbit putative prolidase putative cyclin protein putative magnesium transporter putative lysr transcriptional regulator sigma1 sparse matador aere aesp sparcl head-tilt afb2 afb1 putative galectin membrane protein; atp binding protein of abc transporter putative iron transport protein afcp gp454; paralog of 201phi2-1 gp160 acsns afec harlequin lef-12; plxy41; similar to ac41 pepsin f putative opsin putative dna_binding protein aflt afnd t(3;12)58h orf 22; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 22 fussed rybd putative acetyl-coa c-acyltransferase afro rydb ryge rygb gp443; orf443 aftc aftb gp288; similar to phikz gp189 sf116; similar to ac40 trap; al2; silencing-suppressor putative cytochrome oxidase belted lef-7; sf21; similar to ac125 putative transcriptional coactivator rrf2 family protein; transcriptional regulator agbe asb104; baculovirus repeated orf-b agag agac agae agab agaw agas agao agar ryrs rolled up agca agcs agfe agfd agfa agfb adar-a ethr-a conjugal transfer protein; virb family protein putative tail protein agep hs4; hhas3 aggl aggc aglr aglj aglm agli phosphoglycerate mutase family protein; possible fructose bisphosphate phosphatase agle agld agne agng agnf agna agnc agnb t(10;13)199h agpt agro agra agtb agta xlhed putative inositol monophosphatase rzpa etoms ahbb stripe ahaf ahai ahah ahab ahad ahaa string ahdc ahds ahdp putative dna/rna helicase rok family protein; glucokinase putative hth-type transcriptional regulator ahpf ahpe ahpa ahsa ahrb activ ahra clasp orf2; small basic protein putative immunogenic protein mozzarella clamp nudc-like protein; nuclear movement protein, putative (iss) pol precursor pierre robin syndrome aibl aidd putative gtp cyclohydrolase ii v-cath; plxy123; similar to ac127 aied ibmpfd putative vp1 putative vp2 putative vp5 putative metallo-beta-lactamase orf-16; dbp aint hearty obtuse putative membrane protein; putative channel aipr aipa antitoxin of addiction system; contains hth motif aipc feedin toddler deafness locus associated putative guanine nucleotide exchange factor putative formyl-coenzyme a transferase; caib/baif coa-transferase family iii histidinemia mu ns big bang hypothetical gene supported by ab012133; nm_133421 lustrous p49; haorf9 heat tolerance cldnb cldne hydroxylamine reductase (hybrid-cluster protein; hcp) putative lactate dehydrogenase putative structural protein rabgdi putative cytoplasmic protein putative tonb-dependent outer membrane protein orf50; 25k few polyhedra putative oxidase; coproporphyrinogen iii oxidase freckled gp112; similar to phikz gp57 orf-79; similar to ac96 cleft tip2;1 tip2;3 tip2;2 neppk major hydroxylase putative ssb vp80; plxy102; similar to ac104 i-basi agitans cupola putative sla antigen putative regulatory element rhh domain protein; best hit to the antitoxin pard of the pard-pare system putative dna-binding transcriptional dual regulator; helix-turn-helix, arac type brain tumour cyanovirin-n earmuff akep putative glycosyltransferases rpl32; ribosomal protein l32 gp234; similar to phikz gp150 tip3;1 akra taram-a lef-5; haorf87 penicillopepsin acmnpv orf110-like protein; orf91a holin; similar to t7 group 17.5 lysin proteins albd albc albe alax albs albi alac alab alae alau alat alan alds aldm alcd fused mannitol-specific pts enzymes: iia components; iib components; iic components putative copper resistance protein alco alfa aldy algk algj alga alib allp alle alla alld allc alkk alkd alkt alkr alps alpm alpg fry-like diphosphomevalonate decarboxylase; intron and 5' exon upstream alse alsd putative translational activator alsa alsc alsb alrc altr alto alst alss alsi alte alta tmeda similar to acorf75; similar to xcorf126 delta ca gelded alxa cerebral protein putative subtilisin nercc ambc ambb ambe ambd amba amab amaa aman amal amdg amdp malas amci membrane protein; channel clerc amer amgs grounded amib amia amid amin amkl myopic saac amnh ammd ampp saci ampm ampl amph sact sacs sacp diacylglycerol kinase (dagk; diglyceride kinase; dgk) sacc ampt tip1;2 tip1;1 tip1;3 sabe attopii pulmonary function ampb saas saba amos saes amrf amsd amsf makos amsa amrz sacv amra putative rep sadc sade sagi sagf sagh putative porin protein sagb sagd sagc safe safd safa sair sail bilirubin oxidase putative rap amyl saki samp cliff clift sama salt salo p54; orf1b salz salv saly salx salb salk saos ap a sane sand sang sano sarb sapv saps sapr sapg sapb sape sapm sapl anbc satc sate satd sata halothane sasr sass sary sart sasb sasd sari sard sarg sars sarl sava andr trai relaxase anca anch satp saxa anfg anfd similar to acorf102; similar to xcorf92; similar to hagv p12 anfo anfk putative esterase/lipase/thioesterase;acyl-coa thioester hydrolase protein savi anes anhu angl colibri anic anil ap-m gp3; similar to phikz gp4 anka ap-q opposite strand overlap with cta214; 3kb away from zorro retrotransposon potassium channels annu anmk manno sbca sbcc sbcb anpb anpa xlmtm anrt putative aldehyde dehydrogenase; putative betaine-aldehyde dehydrogenase ansa putative septin ants clint antu anto anth ante sbex n-terminus of transposase; gene fragment putative protamine-like protein toucan electron transfer hypothetical protein 58 hypothetical protein 55 orf81; vp39 hypothetical protein 50 sbpl hypothetical protein 49 hypothetical protein 46 hypothetical protein 15 hypothetical protein 17 sialt unidentified orf26; putative hypothetical protein 28 aoch orf-102; similar to ac76 manet ndhj; ndh complex (ferredoxin:plastoquinone oxidoreductase) subunit j putative aspartic protease manib mania mango putative zinc finger transcription factor hypothetical cytochrome p450 scae scad glycosyl tranferase; dolichyl-phosphate beta-glucosyltransferase scal sccl putative glycoprotease scbp scar scat scba rib fusion putative receptor-like kinase scdp putative zeta toxin; poison-antidote element scda scdb scge scga scft scfa nessy extension putative conjugal transfer protein traf; peptidase scie scih tpr domain protein; von willebrand factor, type a scid schm schi ovulation rate sckl ommatidia aoxc sclp scll sclc sclb dpp-i sclh scop scor scoc scof scob scom scnx scnb scne scp. scs' sprite orf6; similar to pras1 orf6 scpc scpi apba sprint sctc spring scsc scsq apbd apbc apbe apaa scsb scsa scrc scrd scva apds apca apcc sctu sctt sctd sctq scts apcd sctl apcf sctn apex apeb apen apel scyb timp-3 nudix domain protein; mrna cleavage factor-like protein im like, plant+animal group apla apld aplc aplt hiatus apng apnb apna enoyl reductase apma appl appf sdcn appd appc aurea appx sdca colourless apon sdba t(1c2;16c3)45dn sdbc apoa sdap sdar apop apor cp; p3 sded apri aprd aprc apsa white aprv aprb sdcs aptr putative abc-type transporter apte sdgc sdge apsi pyruvate aptb apta apvr rna-binding domain alpha beta apxs putative helicase; 55525-51977 (iss) sf-b ribonuclease t putative tail tip fiber protein; similar to lambda j putative desaturase dopuin methyltransferase; helicase sdpb sdsr sdsp sdsl sdra sdri tmk-1 phospholipase d; pi-tm-pld solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; ornithine transporter) member 2 pickel contains a signal peptide; possibly involved in immune regulation as-a warped seaa seal whims multidrug resistance protein; tetracycline resistance determinant secc secn secm putative aminophospholipid translocase oxetanocin caudal sedt aqrs neuro sedk sect sega segd sefi sefh sefd seff vsr3;2 vsr3;1 vsr3;3 sefc sefb gp324; similar to phikz gp272 putative dihydrofolate reductase seo2 sems semb semg semi semd semc seme sell seor seop seoc seoi seol seof senr oprt; oprtase; omp decarboxylase; ompdcase; ompdecase sena senc senb seps sepn sepz mj0041-family pseudouridylate synthase; zn finger +thump + psusyn mscmj sepd sepi seph arat seta arap sese sesg sesa sesd sesc arbf sesn arbb arba serv serp copper homeostasis protein; inner membrane aram aral arao aran serf sera serl arag arcz seva arcs arct hearsay ardk ardh fmn adenylyltransferase ;riboflavin kinase adenylate cyclase, putative arbx setc arcl arch setp arce arfa arfc area arei argy arhs arhp arhn argo arif cell processes; protection responses; detoxification arir putative nrps at-i arka arko putative homeodomain transcription factor sfac arne arnd arnc sfah armi arms arpn sfca arpg arpd arpc arpf arpe arpa sfbc arol aroi sfba aroc aroa sfas putative abc transporter, periplasmic solute-binding protein; dipeptide-binding protein p26; plxy132; similar to ac136 arre arrh arrd arrc arrs artr artq arth arti martx defense arts arso arsp arst aruf arvd sfhb sh-l msh-b msh-a t(4;6)48ad sfma sfmc siroheme synthase (precorrin-2 oxidase; ferrochelatase ) sifar asbe asba asbc sprout asam asah protein chey ascr vdegs to-pb asdp to-pa asdh asdb asbp ascb asca ascd ascc asfa mirror asfb glutathione s-transferase, putative marcs asha tartrate sfxn gp296; identified using mass spectrometry; similar to phikz gp199 asia aslf aslm asll sieve sgae asnt asmd rac prophage; uncharacterized protein asml sgcc aspd sgbs aspv aspr aspu aspt marmp sgat asra asrc putative metal transporter asrb astd astx assa asta assy asst aldehyde dehydrogenase; nad-linked asud asuc asue vddri si-s sgkb putative large terminase subunit; similar to phage spp 1 terminase hsp-cbf sgmd sgmc putative glycerate kinase hoar; sf4; similar to se4; ring finger protein major tropism determinant; mtd sgsp atao putative nucleoporin atbf sgrs gm637 ataf atac atcs ater putative isomerase; putative ntf2 domain atia athx putative dna repair protein; cp4-44 prophage atld putative receptor kinase ph 2.5 acid phosphatase; periplasmic shac shak atna shae shad shag shaf atmb atma atms shcf shbp atpp atod bifunctional protein: hpr kinase; p-ser-hpr phosphatase shar atos shea atri atrb atra atrp atro shdb shda shdl clock lambdab lambdaa shcn putative oxytocin shcv atto attl attk attg attb attc atua atty attu attt atts atso atsh atse atsd atsg shfp shep similar to acorf127; similar to acnpv cathepsin; similar to xcorf58 mauve shig shif shib atuc atub atue itchy shmp rapunzel shot unpigmented shns putative nucleocapsid protein shpp sprawling shpa alt-pe parched auba shrv shrb shus closs slater auca clown auff aufe clove oligopeptidase b;with=genedb:lmjf09.0770 mater t(10;16)59h sigma matix protein v protein r protein t mav-1 protein n sf71; similar to ac96 siab siac aerobactin biosynthesis protein; similar to genbank accession number cah64814 dptpa sica sick mshal siba sibc sibb sibe sieb siea aurc aura sids auro sidb side sidd sida sidl sidi sidh sicp central complex putative major head protein auto sigh sigo matra aust siii putative ras gtpase sigv sigt putative gtpase activating protein putative gm-csf putative transposase. simp multidrug resistance protein b; sugar (and other) transporter cactus simc putative mads box protein sima sill sils silc sila gilead sini sinh sink sinu me53; sf10; similar to ac139 sine sing sinc putative 3-ketoacyl-coa thiolase sipp sipv sipy sips aval sisd sisc sise sirs sirm sirc siri sire sird sirf sitb sita queuine trna-ribosyltransferase (trna-guanine transglycosylase; guanine insertion enzyme) sivs sivr aved mate. size avil core gene; similar to acorf-81; duf845 adeno avmd fmn-binding retrotransposon hot spot (rhs) protein; retrotransposon hot spot protein 1 (rhs1) contains a signal peptide; contains an ig domain unnamed protein product; gene 4 protein avrf avre orf 73; op81/ac78 avsd t(x;7)2rl rac prophage; tail fiber assembly protein solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; phosphate carrier), member 23 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; phosphate carrier), member 25 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; phosphate carrier), member 24 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; phosphate carrier), member 26 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; phosphate carrier), member 3b solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; phosphate carrier), member 3a putative sulfate permease sentinel twenty-four lung weight g-form major capsid protein; vp5 peptidase m, neutral zinc metallopeptidases, zinc-binding site; protein awol skat awry is6 family; similar to is15deltaii transposase skh1 skin exodeoxyribonuclease iii (exonuclease iii; exo iii) pickwick putative sialyltransferase putative mitogen-activated protein kinase gospel putative gfa orf 37; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 37 axed putative membrane transporter protein putative nuclease/helicase axis clpx' mitochondrial inner membrane transporter; oac1p putative farnesyltransferase slab orf122; egt hypothetical transcriptional regulator testicular feminization slat silva overheated rna-binding protein; dom34p sldc orf11; similar to various lytic enzyme genes slgb putative gata-type zinc finger protein slfs slfc orf6; plasmid mobilization protein slif slim catfa2; sctfa2 slit slip galactose-binding transport protein; receptor for galactose taxis r-value slos slor sr rich slpm gp130; similar to rna polymerase beta' subunit; similar to phikz gp74 and el gp39 slow orf33; egt slra putative beta-glucuronidase unidentified orf18; putative out of step putative dihydroorotate dehydrogenase putative integrase-like protein smcd smcc smbp smbf smei teetering deranged microtubule-binding protein; bim1p smdh m segment mitogenic factor smfa smid putative doc putative phosphatidylinositol transfer protein putative aldo/keto reductase ; oxidoreductase protein msn-1 putative aminopeptidase n putative aminopeptidase p non-aug initiation; exact initiation site not experimentally determined smmd orf71; very late expression factor smla smof smog smos gp18; essential l-arabinose transporter subunit; periplasmic-binding component of abc superfamily p-atpase family transporter: copper ion; heavy metal transporting p-type atpase-like protein pandora azfp putative env sk-pn sk-pm putative short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase sdr; oxidoreductase protein snad adfsp acmnpv orf149-like protein; orf124 snag snar mitochondrial inner membrane protein; sco2p putative cro sncv periplasmic phosphatase; apyrase; atp diphosphohydrolase snep sp-h putative chitinase adirf snip snlb hands off albumen height snop sp20 sp54 kidney snpa snpc jaundice acmnpv orf53-like protein; orf42 snrb sntl orf1780-5; similar to efer_p0055 of plasmid pefer in insd cu928144 pinocchio putative non-ribosomal peptide synthetase putative aldolase tonb-dependent receptor; outer membrane receptor for ferrienterochelin and colicins socd socc soba soap orf 24; 39k/pp31 op24/ac36 sodn meat flavor putative peptidylprolyl isomerase; exported protein sode soci soct soft sofa conjugal transfer protein; pilx8 protein; t4ss virb8 component sofe orf 56; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 56 soho sogs sokc putative pectate lyase soka t(1;7)27ad m-bar soja dnapol; sf92; similar to ac65 gp51; essential solt sola solo soli sone sono sona sopt low set ears adhes sosd sosf sosa sorm sorc sorb sore soul putative membrane-associated protein soti sota galactoside o-acetyltransferase 2; maltose o-acetyltransferase 2 soxm soxw soxa spaa spbs putative cii spat spbc spag spaf spaq spas span spee sped spec spdt putative prepilin spdd spdc spcs mobilization spgb calderon spel spei speh spek protein trap spej spia spid sphm t(10;18)12rl spip spir spin spmd spma spmb spmi splp spld splc splf sple spln carbohydrate/purine kinase; putative tagatose-6-phosphate kinase lacc spoi spoc spnc spno da-pa aquarius spms spmx spps sppm spov spos spor spot cu(i) protein nosl; nos spsl spsi spsc spse spsa spri sprf sprt orf16; transmembrane sprd spud orf 20; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 20 spuf spti sptr spwd orf 127; p25 op130/ac132 m-erg spve spya spxb spxa t(12;16)1cje putative restriction alleviation protein; similar to phage lambda ral protein ss i putative ion channel protein b-type regulatory subunit of protein phosphatase 2a (pp2a); rts1p putative outer membrane receptor protein uninitiated leg weight cell-to-cell spread gp261; identified using mass spectrometry; similar to phikz gp174 mitotic signaling network protein involved in bud growth; rei1p orf 138; op142/ac145 persimmon atpa; atp synthase cf1 alpha subunit rna family sqor dairy form noodle squu similar to acorf148; similar to acnpv odv-e56; similar to xcorf15 orf 84; op92/ac91 amp- ligase ecr-b gp325; similar to phikz gp246 putative small heat shock protein; putative hsp20-like chaperone clamp loader cytosolic protein required for sporulation; rmd8p in excess crf-rb epileptiform porphobilinogen deaminase (pbg; hydroxymethylbilane synthase; hmbs; pre-uroporphyrinogen synthase) m-cup srbc sras srag sraf srah srad sral sree sred putative dynein gp16; plxy126; similar to ac130 srcr srga srgb srfc putative s-formylglutathione hydrolase nph-1; transcription termination factor srhc putative aac sril srlr srlm sroc sroh srnc srms cystatin as tn1721 transposase; truncated outer membrane protein; export and assembly of type 1 fimbriae, interrupted srpc srpd srpb putative mitochondrial ribosomal protein srsa srre srrc srrd srrp br1; nsp putative dna replication initiation protein; similar to phage hk022 gene 54 protein srti srte srtf srtt srtr srtn srsy srst moron gene product; gp23 moron gene product; gp27 transporter, atp-binding protein; bacteriocin immunity protein insect kinin sryb pigeon spliced putative anti-repressor type 1 membrane protein; possibly involved in immune regulation envelope glycoprotein gh; gp85 ssbr ssca sscb glass ssav ssas ssaq putative dna methyltransferase ssag ssah ssaf ssac ssad ssab ssam ssan ssal ssai ssec ssdd sirup putative iron transporter protein sscl orf73; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf92 ssel ssei sseg ssef ssic ssid ssia ssib orf33; bjdp; chch38-like medusa sslp ssle su-w siren ssna ssmt sspp sspg sspe sspc sspm putative bacteriophage tail tape measure protein; lambda gph homolog ssrs sssa ssri ssrd baci badc bact babo babl sstp sstn bacc baes sswr putative atp dependent dna ligase baee bags bagl ssyg adlte baie baic ball bald orf26; orf427 bank banf band balm bamf bamd bame bamb bamc similar to acorf2; similar to xcorf131; bro-f stca bapn stumpy bape bapc bapa star stas stag stad stae stab staa stan barb steb stea barr stdc bari bare barc bard stdb stumps stcc stck batc batd bata stgd stgb stgc stga bast stfr stfp bate basc stex basa stet stfc stfd bars bass baso sted stee step basi basf sten basg base stic baud baue baua sthe sthc baxa stjc fp25k; plxy61; similar to ac61 stim stih stmc stls cki-alpha salivary apyrase; 5' nucleotidase stmp stpp stpy stpc stpd stot stop strp strl stri stud stub stwt stws dihydroorotate oxidase; dhodehase; dhodase; dhod bbds putative il-10 leukokinin component ii bbgd similar to acorf31; similar to avnpv superoxide dismutase; similar to xcorf68 putative tubulin exon0/ie-0; immediate-early gene 0; sf143; similar to ac141 effete adprc subi putative negative regulator chain b, mol_id: 1; molecule: penicillin amidohydrolase; chain: a, b; ec: succ suga sufe glctk suhr putative gtp binding protein putative fad-dependent monoxygenase; putative 2-octaprenyl-6-mehtoxyphenol hydroxylase sugi bbwt suma sulp sulu sulb sulc suny suna suni prickly pear deltad deltaa supp ml protein supv supb supc supm suph supg similar to acorf53a; similar to acnpv lef-10 avrxccc bcal suse susa susp asb041; alkaline exonuclease, alk-exo susi rends sure orf11; p24 capsid orf46; late expression factor bcbd bcca bces bcfd bcfa pif-3; sf49; similar to ac115 suva bchd bcga sumo protein bchq bcie bchz bcla putative phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase renin bcms bclp bcop trar protein bcpm bcpc bcpa bcpb svas bcns putative decarboxylase mstaf svea bcrc bcpr putative glyoxalase ataxia rempd bcsf bcsg putative major facilitator superfamily transporter acyl carrier putative cystathionine beta-lyase loineye bdca bdep bdet bf-2 transcript b bdmr putative basic leucine zipper protein bdln bdmf gleam swap swan putative flavohemoglobin swds mbeta rps12; ribosomal protein s12 bdrq walkabout mu gp36-like protein; duf1320-containing protein gp297; similar to phikz gp200 type 1 membrane protein; probably involved in immune regulation swim putative allantoin transporter neuroblastoma sinuous probable cyclophilin b; cypb beag beat beck beca swty beee rna polymerase beta chain; one of four subunits of the minimal pep rna polymerase putative adp-ribosylglycohydrolase six-a putative nucleoside triphosphatase is(7;1)40h beni benc bend benb belt solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; phosphate carrier), member 3-like bepd bepa bent bera best betp beti repsa beta bert regulation besa bevi lopap putative transcriptional regulatory protein, lysr family; putative oprd regulatory protein betw betr bexa atp-binding protein; putative phoh family p-loop atpase putative viroporin putative adenylyl cyclase giy-yig lens opacity repa' repea cp4-57 prophage; 50s ribosome-binding gtpase family protein orf 67; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 67 putative outer membrane protein; ompa/motb domain repc' bfis bfiv cmasa masquerade endo i bfms fp25k; sf98; similar to ac61 bfmr atpe; atp synthase cf1 epsilon subunit bfnc bfls polh; major occlusion body protein sybc syam mapk /erk kinase putative sigma factor putative small secreted protein bfrb bfrc putative fic; orf2 sycb resta bfrp syme syma putative ca2+ atpase similar to acorf99; similar to acnpv lef-5; similar to xcorf95 syng synd sync symm putative phosphoprotein symr symp sypp syph bgac bgaa icare tbetam bgat putative d-lactate dehydrogenase syte syta sysm putative vacuolar (h+)-atpase varnished putative tonb-dependent transporter biotin carboxylase (a subunit of acetyl-coa carboxylase; acc) bgml bgna guanine nucleotide-binding protein beta, putative orf-1; pol guanylyltransferase and methyltransferase; capping enzyme putative protein ef-hand putative benzoate transporter putative phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase neuronal cell death-inducible putative kinase bhba amikacinresistance protein; aac(6') gp19; essential putative cytochrome c peroxidase nadh dehydrogenase subunit d; nadh dehydrogenase subunit c dxr protein bhpp bhte bhsa bhus cadasil orf 35; lef-6 op40/ac28 v-cath; sf20; similar to ac127 saliva muslin wanderer fat yield bicc bicr bicp orf3(b); similar to orf3(a) bida biga n-myc protein g-protein coupled receptor; rc 56.1.3 bike orf3; hypothetical protein d-15 disorganization putative organic anion transporter bimb bima adult transmembrane protein (n-terminal); phosphatase (c-terminal) bios bion biom bioi bipc bipb biox putative copper resistance protein (copc) bini bioc endoglycosidase bith bite bisd bisc bisa pentapeptide repeat protein; quinolone resistance protein acmnpv orf13-like protein; orf5 elongation factor tu, putative microp gp27; essential wicked stripes stripey putative prostate cancer tumor suppressor striped putative relaxase/nickase putative growth regulator glide putative c4-dicarboxylate transport system binding protein; putative secreted protein tnase thymus weight unidentified orf34; putative lotus reticulated retin putative myosin light chain putative 4-alpha-glucanotransferase andorra m-rep hypothetical protein; putative membrane protein vasotab pigpen disabled cpm; p80 tnf-c putative tail fiber chaperone (assembly protein); e14 prophage bkdf jumonji; at rich interactive domain 1d putative transcriptional antiterminator venula d-pe d-pc d-pa weniger npf-like gp5; similar to phikz gp25 and el gp11 cmdna plasmodesmata-associated protein; mp; bl1 blec ds-pb ds-pa bleo blis kiwellin blms food preference blpb ds-ag blow blpr blpo poads putative transcription factor db1 blse blsd blsa blur glp i blue bluf bacteriophage lysis protein; endolysin; lysozyme putative atp-dependent lon protease; turnover of interacellular proteins function age at puberty atpase domain fatty-acyl bmac fgf; haorf113 gp57; similar to phikz gp38 bmca putative repressor protein; tetr family sasquatch snow white bmdp transporter; itr dsrna-binding protein; pkr inhibitor dna transporter adrenocorticotropin streptococcal lipoprotein rotamase a; peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase bmks gp237; similar to phikz gp152 and el gp173 t((8a4;12d1)69dn tabp bmpc bmpd hptjt tabc tabd tabb d120 p-sult dipeptide/heme abc transporter periplasmic binding protein; dipeptide chemotaxis receptor taac agalsidase alfa tadr tade tadf tacm mtacp taca bmsr taft bmrr flavonoid 3;,5;-hydroxylase tagt tagr tagh tagi tagg tage tail taif talc tald membrane protein; drug/metabolite exporter family protein tala talh hypothetical protein; putative chitinase tamp tama tamo taps tape tapc tapd merc; mercury resistance protein tasc tark tarl tari tars bnai gp59; ssdna binding taud taue taub tauc taua tate task taxa taxi bnhs purpurin hypothetical polyprotein triosephosphate isomerase (tim; triose-phosphate isomerase) tbbp orf-2; n-terminus uncertain he65; plxy103; similar to ac105 tbca bnsp iron export abc transporter permease; peroxide resistance protein hypothetical protein; putative tail fibre fructose-bisphosphate aldolase ;d-fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase putative dna-binding transcriptional regulator; kple2 phage-like element tbmc tbmd tbpf centroid barrier effect co-colonization resistance factor; duf3053 family lipoprotein putative control protein line n boas tbrs orofacial cleft-1 (cleft lip with or without cleft palate; isolated cleft palate) boca pcna; plxy49; similar to ac49 putative translation elongation factor g bofs boit fused dna-binding transcriptional regulator ; aminotransferase bomb raldh(ii) spinner bulldog boly tcbe tcbd mtcca bopb asb149; immediate early gene-0; ie-0 tcar tcba tcaf tcad tcab tcac bond mtcas tcaa bord bora interacts with a20r; essential for dna replication tcdd bopn bopd bops damage boss tcfa tcfb borr borg putative dynamin tchp bowl boxa vermicelli tcia tcic tcnl tcmp mrna capping enzyme; rna guanylyltransferase ceg1p tcps tcpq putative polygalacturonase tcpc tcpj tcof tcsa tcre tcrm contains a signal peptide; associated with envelope glycoprotein h and envelope glycoprotein l nodal b tcte dark eye bpbs tcsr tcss trnaasp tau-pi bpea bpeb bpes bpeo bpeg tcyb bpfa putative transcriptional regulator; sigma54 family bpix gp14; essential bphf bphe tcyp bphl laccase i n terminal fragment of allelic cap19.12172; related to cap19.1825 bpld bpla bpoc bppa fp; few polyhedra; acmnpv orf61 mbp-a mbp-c tdce tdcc tdcd tdcr bppb bppc bppv orf4; tgb; component of triple gene block transposase of undefined mobile element; similar to y4rl and y4rm; gene fragment putative nad-dependant oxidoreductase; putative phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase salmon tdib t(9;11)9ad eosinophils ttg(3;10)1tex sulfated tdpx contains a signal peptide; complexed with envelope glycoprotein h prothrombin conjugal transfer protein; pilx10 protein; t4ss virb10 component fluffy gp423; similar to phikz gp287 tg c putative dna-packaging protein putative drug efflux system putative epoxide hydrolase putative beta-glucanase probable putative dna packaging protein putative viral capsid protein tebp team tech tefr tefa dctpase; dutpase; dcdpase; dudpase antagonist of tele telc tens tent tenn putative alpha-l-arabinofuranosidase tenc tend temp temo tepp t(7;18)50h tepa tepi terw ters tesa terz tere bran tera brae term brac brad cutoff psbm; photosystem ii protein m co-ag tetx tets tetd leviathan teto tetn test tess brbp podor tesl bred brea breb enterotoxin b bret breh bree bref brds alkanesulfonate transporter subunit; periplasmic-binding component of abc superfamily bacteriophage major capsid protein; lambda gpe homolog text texa putative nad(fad)-dependent dehydrogenase bris putative spermidine synthase t(16;17)7gso major outer-membrane protein p.ib (protein ib; pib; porin) bro3 brmp tfbg tfbd tfbk tfas tfar brow tfap tfae tfad putative transfer protein brnp pebbled brpl tfca creased brpa brsk putative metallo-dependent hydrolase; tatd-related deoxyribonuclease brss body height ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase iron-sulfur subunit (rieske iron-sulfur protein; risp) putative baeyer-villiger monooxygenase podca tfld th-a cystic tfms tfma putative primase tfpd eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4 gamma; nic domain containing protein bsan bsal bsam bsac bsaa putative serine-threonine protein kinase still birth acmnpv orf109-like protein; orf91 bscp bscq bscn bsco bscl bsck bsci bscf bscd bsce env protein bscc bsaz bsav bsat bsar bsas bsct bscr bscs antitermination protein q-like protein; dlp12 prophage type 3 membrane protein; possibly involved in membrane fusion bsma phosphorylated vacuolar membrane protein ; vac8p bsod putative global regulator putative leucine aminopeptidase leucine zipper putative tumor suppressor 1 bssr bsss bsvd orf1; similar to q gene of p2 ellsworth ti-b ti-a h3 histone, family 2; histone 2, h3ca1 n-atpase btaa putative elastin btbs tgtc tgta btcc btca tgsa proxenin btda btdd putative rna-dependent rna-polymerase bths psba; photosystem ii protein d1 parathyrin disk large safranin orf 115; op120/ac120 thas cp4-44 prophage; membrane protein sf117; similar to se116 tham thad thag broad head replication protein a2; cprpa2 thcd thbp thbo thes thfa thed thea them btuf iguana putative k+ transporter thfs btts thiv thie this thiq thio thip thin thia thib thmp thma thps gp136; similar to phikz gp77 and el gp47 thor thrt thru thrs thrh putative transmembrane protein; integral membrane sensor domain glu-d thse thsc thsa putative transcriptional repressor protein budr gtpase; multicopy suppressor of ftsj thvd thur microdiscs thua buda buff putative ribosomal protein s18 gtrb; bactoprenol glucosyl transferase thyr thym bulb tnpai tibl tibi tias putative polynucleotide 5'-kinase and 3'-phosphatase; pset bupi tich tied burs buta til' tiif iga nephropathy miniature tilt tilc tila tiki putative antigen putative trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase tint orf 82; vp39 op90/ac89 tims time arsenate reductase (glutaredoxin); protein-tyrosine-phosphatase alk-exo; an; plxy129; similar to ac133 tipt tipb tipf tipc tiny flbd protein lef-10; haorf46 tira stable maintenance of chromosomes; smc4p low ratio tn3 transposase; similar to np_608305 point bp80-1;1 bp80-1;2 edict phospho-chitobiase; general 6-phospho-beta-glucosidase activity gluii similar to xcorf85; similar to hagv fibroblast growth factor-1 mlck-like bvrs putative beta-phosphoglucomutase egt; egt; haorf127 trmh family; group i bwas bp80-2;2 bp80-2;1 wriggle gluon growth regulator unidentified orf21; putative putative gtp-binding domain orf6; method: conceptual translation supplied by author rna-polymerase ii bilir poldi putative transcription repressor polychaetous myb-as tkla sterol-binding probable protease iv; signal peptide peptidase putative membrane associated protein orf52; late expression factor putative serine/threonine kinase pokey dna-binding transcriptional regulator; kple2 phage-like element cytoplasmic unnamed protein product; orf 5 (aa 1-134) p10; haorf21 putative gtp-binding protein courgette putative biopterin transporter putative transport protein transporter; eama family; putative; similar to protein family hmm pf00892 bustling similar to acorf54; similar to acnpv vp1054; similar to xcorf175 midget s lysis protein; qin prophage n terminal fungal zinc cluster domain; n terminal fragment of cap19.9253 mbp-like tn i putative virion protein tlag tlaa orfg; similar to gp1, gp2 and gp4 from roseophage sio1 flytrap putative s-layer protein sf125; similar to ac34 putative carbohydrate kinase tlif tn-y putative glycerol dehydrogenase exported protein; protease tlpt tlps fmn binding chlorotic putative membrane fusion protein tmau tmap tmdc tmca tmcc tmek tmed stambh a cream b putative redox protein tmix to-1 tmlc membrane protein; branched-chain amino acid permease (azaleucine resistance) tmla tmkb tmlt tmpr tmpe tmpd tmpa patchwork tmoa putative polyprenyl synthase tmra tmtr tmsa c terminal fragment of allelic cap19.11551; related to cap19.1825 wiser orf3; similar to o gene of p2 wispy diabetes putative homeodomain protein putative serine protease putative membrane-spanning protein tnal tnac tnab polyb polya bzpg bzps bzpo bzpm arath;bsas3;1 glyrs orf-3; cell division control protein 6 recombination factor protein rara; atpase, aaa family tnid tad-like; orf15 tnmf tnph tnrt polka tnts poliv tnsr polib tnsb t(7;13)43ad bro; haorf59; bro-a sleepy eev glycoprotein; tm swallow thymopoietin putative uracil-dna glycosylase multidrug abc transporter membrane protein; atp-binding protein tobe toba tobb oligopeptide transporter subunit ; periplasmic-binding component of abc superfamily transporter toda small multidrug resistance protein; quaternary ammonium compound-resistance protein tobi putative gr6 protein tofa tofi chitin binding todo lipoprotein e has coiled-coil domain; mitotic nuclear migration lipoprotein b putative methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein tofr solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; phosphate carrier), member 23a solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; phosphate carrier), member 23b told tolp t(11;16a)53dn toki solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; phosphate carrier), member 25a solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; phosphate carrier), member 25b tomb tops topa sakura tori tors tort torr torp histone iia tore torf histone iii tord toto totm totx tote totf totc toss tory sf15; similar to se11 s-antigen; retina and pineal gland (arrestin) bacteriophage major tail protein; lambda gpv homolog putative tropinone reductase stubby gpipld smaller body bp80-3;3 bp80-3;1 bp80-3;2 tpba orf 35; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 35 tpap biotin allergic rhinitis tpda tpcp fransen tphb tpha orf 16; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 16 tpic tpid similar to acorf25; similar to acnpv dna binding protein; similar to xcorf89; dbp putative halogenase sod; sf48; similar to ac31 tpld lenograstim tpkc glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase nadp+; phosphorylating) tpnh tpnb tpms tpna putative 2'-5' rna ligase tppa tprh tpre tpra q-iii tppt tptc core gene; occlusion derived virus e18 protein tpsc mitochondrial inner membrane protein; bcs1p putative phosphoserine phosphatase putative metal-ion transporter ponli putative kinesin alcohol dehydrogenases mtrps putative aspartate aminotransferase e14 prophage; putative integrase putative oligopeptide transporter subunit; permease component of abc superfamily ypsilon putative dna ligase rep44; rep protein; replication protein klett putative multidrug efflux pump ca-p tray tras contains an atpase domain; involved in dna encapsidation trao trap trb@ ca15 mtrab trcs trcr cp4-57 prophage; hypothetical protein trbt trcd trbf trey major tail protein; orf168 trfe tren tres tret tree tref trec tred trhi trfm orf26; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf35 trip trim tria trig trie redeye core gene; 47 kda protein trki trna shoulder width trmf trma trmk trmh trls trlp trph troc trod trpy trpt trps brunette trsl trsg trsh trsf trsm trsa trsb hook-like putative restriction enzyme trus trxd trwm trwk trwg trwe trwc trwd trwa trwb pentagon tryr tryp insulinoma poppy putative modulator of dna gyrase somatomedin-c putative indole-3-pyruvate decarboxylase cb10 acmnpv orf79-like protein; orf65 phosphorylase; s-adenosylhomocysteine nucleosidase tsba putative glucosidase tsae tsac tsaa similar to xcorf33; orf31 tsca putative splicing factor hdac-a tsep tsil fc fragment of ige, high affinity i, receptor for; alpha polypeptide tsif is(in?;5)1h polyhedron envelope protein; pp34 tshl mttpx tspe tspc tspa tsnr cabm cacd caca cacb tsta tssj caar tssf tssg tssd tsse tssl tssm tsrt tssb tssc tssa cadt cadr cads caf2 cadp cado cadl cadm cadi caea cadx caco cacp cacl cach cadd cade cadc tsua cafr cage caes putative cysteine desulfurase cafe cafa cahs cahp simplet caie caic caid caia caha caki cakb calt calu rh123 calo cama putative small gtpase call cald cant canr caob mcanp cams camp cand canc cana capt capr caps ttca orf 1; p1 caot caor capp capm capk caph capd cape casc casd mcasp cart cass cast cash case ttdt cars carp carn carl ttdp carf card care catx matricin ttgv ttgs cats cati catf gp238; identified as virion protein by mass spectrometry; similar to phikz gp153 cavb cava opposite strand overlap with cta218; adjacent to poxvirus-like orf ttlc ttlf ttld ttle bipinnata ttnb ttna drago draga ttmb ttpc chromo chrono calpain-like cysteine peptidase; cysteine peptidase, clan ca, family c2 ttrc cbaa chrome chroma cbbk cbbi cbbg ttsp cbac cbba plasma gpx ttrs cbdc cbda cbdb ttub d-alanine--d-alanine ligase (d-alanylalanine synthetase; d-ala-d-ala ligase) small thorax cbih cbif putative pyruvate dehydrogenase cbib cbic ptramp cd-b cbix cbit cbip cbiq cbil cblg tuag tuad tuaa chianti cbpz cbpp tube cbpn cbpl cbpg cbpf cbpc cbpd cbrr putative chromosome segregation protein cbrc cbrd tuff tuii jesebl putative metalloproteinase tula tuna rgpac; glycosyltransferase transporter; mfs superfamily tuma cbze sf28; similar to ac17 cbzt secapin cp ii orf-22; v-ubiquitin jeb-pa ccbb ccca cccb putative microtubule associated protein ccap tusb tusc ccac turt tusa ccat ccdd cccp ccdc cch2 ccgc ccgd putative glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase cchb cchc transposition protein a; inhibits transposition, dna excision and insertion ccha ccl4 ccin ccii cclp ccmg ccmd ccnu ccns ccon putative g-protein coupled receptor ccog ccoh ccms ccnm ccnf ccnb groupiii ccpr ccos mccph ccoo ccpb ccsq lppab ccsx ccts putative oxidoreductase; short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase sdr response receiver cas-br-m vasopressin tvie tvic tvid exencephaly alteplase cdkb1;2 cdkb1;1 rpos antagonist; putative regulator of flia activity peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase a (ppiase a; rotamase a; cyclophilin a) cdca cdai tvrr cdar putative hydroxylase; similar to clavaminate synthase cdcd cded cdfa cdhs cdht cdib cdgs cdha cdgx cdkd cdkc cdls cdlm cdoa cdmt cdna cdps dsd operon activator; autorepressor lymphocytes cupredoxin inebriated cdsa seizure cdso cdsl orf 149; 1629 capsid op2/ac9 cdsf cdsd cdse cdsc putative non-heme iron hydroxylase cdta rnd multidrug efflux transporter; acriflavin resistance protein cdtr twig twin diuretic hormone cdva gp16; haorf119 cdxx spotted pp31; acmnpv orf36 ihf; site-specific recombination endosome-to-golgi retrograde transport protein; vps35p cebf cebr ced3 ceac ceci cecg cech cecf cecc cecd ceda cecr cega trappc4 protein; sedlin ceie cegt cegf putative glucose-6-phosphate isomerase cels cell celm celk albino celd cenr ceoa cenb cena cept moba; single strand plasmid dna transfer protein cerv cerr cesp cesf cesc cesd orf48; similar to acorf59 homolog cerl ceri cera cest cetb sf93; similar to ac75 putative rna_binding protein txln e(b) e(a) cfbp cfag cfdp e(f) cfds putative transcriptional corepressor cfcd cfcb cfca txtp e(h) e(g) ex-pa cfid orf-66; similar to ac109 putative beta-1,3-endoglucanase ch-b ch-t cfns encore dregs cfnd e(s) e(r) qin prophage; packaging protein cfrt gp141; orf141 head weight dragnet cfss cftd protein cycle no homolog identified by sequence similarity; orf putative tungstate transport system substrate-binding protein vlf-1; haorf71 typh type omp decarboxylase; ompdcase; ompdecase cdkb2;1 cdkb2;2 brt; bordetella reverse transcriptase cgaa tyrt tyro cgas tyrz cgap tyrv type 3 membrane protein; 7 transmembrane domains cgct fiddler-crab pten induced putative kinase 1 putative beta-ketoacyl synthase plc-iii cgld fiber cgnb chloride channel; gef1p ppi-pfk type 1 membrane protein; similar to poxvirus b22r proteins orf 29a; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 29a putative glucose inhibited division protein b chbg putative ferredoxin--nadp reductase (fnr; flavodoxin reductase; flxr; fldr) chbf chbc chba chbb chbr chad char chas chap chao chal cham chdm chch chca chen chel chem ched chee chec chew ches right on chi2 chgn chgc chl- chis chin chio chig chls chlp chlz chle chod orf8; hypothetical protein chps chpt chpr chov chow chor chos choq chol chpi chpe chpc chpd chrs chrr chro chrp chsb chrf impbeta chub chuc chux chut chuu chvh petg; cytochrome b6/f complex subunit v misstep gp299; identified using mass spectrometry; similar to phikz gp202 orf16; ie-1 renal carcinoma cibc ciba at;cdckd;3 ciat cidd cica unnamed protein product; gene 6 protein cics orf109; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf134 ciel cigb putative mevalonate kinase ciip cin2 cima ferrous iron transporter protein b and gtp-binding protein; membrane protein cila small subunit ribosomal rna; ssurna; ssu ribosomal rna cini ciof cimt cimh salivaricin a modification enzyme; amino acid dehydration putative lipid kinase parathormone cior cipc cipa solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; oxoglutarate carrier), member 11 cird cirb citt citr citp citq slowdown citn ciuc ciss citf citd cite citc sod; plxy31; similar to ac31 telescope cjaa putative transposase protein olfactory t(12;17)4rk plaidd putative fiber protein putative diguanylate cyclase/phosphodiesterase (ggdef & eal domains) myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia; translocated to, 10 drive traits orf-97; similar to ac68 levitide hexaptera protein synthesis putative dctp deaminase translation initiation factor eif-1a; [methanococcus jannaschii] putative anti-sigma factor; srd putative alanine aminotransferase zebra orf14; similar to lsnpv xe enolase-like dexa; dna exonuclease a; 3' to 5' dna exonuclease peptidoglycan synthetase; penicillin-binding protein 3 precursor putative atpase/dna helicase orf55; late expression factor 1; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf74 ribosome hibernation promoting factor hpf; stabilizes 100s dimers orf2;acorf1629 ckds e-ca fringe frings putative sugar abc transporter (permease protein); putative exported protein inhibitor ckid ckmb putative killer protein d-ribose transporter subunit ; membrane component of abc superfamily putative transforming protein clpb-m putative transcriptional regulator, arsr family; arsr2 orf 137; odv-e27 op141/ac144 atrccr orf10; odv-e18 putative stress-induced protein putative pcna rrna processing orf 18; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 18 putative coiled-coil protein serine kinase; rio1p clat clan clam orf 69; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 69 putative ser/thr protein kinase clcf clcg clce clcc drmip clcr clcs clcp t(2;5)43ad clic clip cllp putative d-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase clma sf89; similar to ac68 putative tonb-dependent outer membrane receptor protein clpq clot clos clop clom clpd adaptin ap complex subunit alpha; arm repeats clsd clsc clsa clrh clrf clrd clra club putative glutamate dehydrogenase rna export clus putative yeawx dioxygenase alpha subunit; 2fe-2s cluster putative alternative nadh dehydrogenase cmbc cmax cmae cmac cmad cmab cmat putative galactosyltransferase cmdg cmdj putative hydrogenase cmch cmct cmfb cmfa cmee cmec syndactyly cmed cmea feed intake fusion (involved in t(12;16) in malignant liposarcoma) cmlb putative holin inhibitor; similar to phage lambda s107 gene protein cmns cmoa t(4;12)47h citrullinemia inorganic phosphate cie-l* cmpd cmpc cmpa cmrd cmtx cmts nickel transporter subunit ; periplasmic-binding component of abc superfamily putative para putative parb putative myosin ib heavy chain cmtb cmtc cmta uafb misrouted phosphoglycolate phosphatase 1 (pgpase 1; pgp 1) putative paps t(17;18)4gso cp i cnbf cnbd cnbb potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily kqt; potassium channel, vic family orf 52; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 52 putative chaperonin cnca membrane proteins swoosh cnha protamine cnii cnpy ubcb ubcc ubca cnrt cnrp cnrm cnrn cnrg petb; cytochrome b6 cnrd cnra cnrb putative enoyl coa hydratase diguanylate cyclase; ggdef domain; plp-dependent transferase trance cnxa putative mycolyltransferase ublp ubpa putative adp-ribosylase; modb sargramostim putative terminal protein cobe cobb coax platinum cobs cobp cobq cobo coad coat coal coae orf 67; op75/ac72 postaxial polydactyly codv chaperone protein dnak (heat shock protein 70; heat shock 70 kda protein; hsp70) coco putative transposase cofe cofc cofa orf 72; vlf-1 op80/ac77 cofs putative purinergic receptor cohe cohb coha cohr cohl cgloii coil flavor colm cold colb cola coly colt colr cols conn conf cond conc conv cont conu como comn comi come coma comb coms copp copi uccr copf copd coop cool cooc copc mc26; tnpr transabdominal cort corr corn coro corl cosb orf 61; dna pol op70/ac65 cord core corb corc sf41; similar to ac18 cotu cotr cots cotp coto coti dna modification coty cost cotf cotd covx covs uchl ucht cova coxo unsteady putative gtpase protein lef-7; plxy121; similar to ac125 coxe coxa polyphemus zwilling orphan protein ; secreted protein putative dna injection protein; similar to phage p22 gene 16 protein putative membrane transporter apamin putative dead-box helicase cpba cpab cpac cpaa ucsd cpap ucri cpah cpaf cpad cpae cpdc cpdd psbn; photosystem ii reaction center assembly protein cpdr cpdp cpcd cpca cpcs limber cpcg cped cpee cpec cpet cpes cp-rt cphx cpgc putative dopamine receptor cpib cpic cpia cplx cplp cr-b cr-u curved cpne cpnc cpna cpoa putative disulfide oxidoreductase cpmb putative arf gtpase activating protein revolute cppa cprg cpre cpse cpsc fletcher factor muddy bacteriophage protein; prophage terminase large subunit udgb udga cpsn cpso cpsm cpsh cpsg cpta snrnp sm ie-1; immediate-early gene 1; sf136; similar to ac147 membrane protein; regulatory protein tungus putative 103.0 kda protein; gp27; contains hypothetical intein putative solute-binding lipoprotein condensed convoluted tpa: actin-related protein 3; atarp3 (iss) sherry condensin insulin cs-i cation transporter, putative putative calpain coll-iv cqss putative transporter; mfs type ttg start codon; putative psai; photosystem i subunit viii repfib replication protein; similar to genbank accession number aao49616 similar to acorf95; similar to acnpv p143 (helicase); similar to xcorf98 ct a orf16; similar to v gene of p2 i/lweq crax constituent of 66s pre-ribosomal particles; nsa2p crap cram crds crbs crcp crcl crcm crfc malformed cref crgr crib cris crlc crla crlb iap-3; sf111; similar to ac27 arabidopsis thaliana nucleosome assemly protein 1;1 ufam ct26 crmc crpc crpd crpa crpb abc transporter efflux permease; daunorubicin resistance transmembrane protein obelix crom ufap crop crrp core gene; per os infection factor 0/74 kda protein crsa crtt crtq crtp crtn crtk crth putative l2 protein crtf pathologic myopia crtx crtu crtv putative dna-binding transcriptional regulator; qin prophage crtd ubiquitin extension protein, putative orf120; calyx/polyhedron envelope csas csat csbf csbd csbc csap csah csae csab cscs csdp csdl csdh csde cscr csci cscd csft csec cseb p40; similar to cogv orf66 csge csgf csgc csfv csid putative 52.3 kda protein; gp58 csir cslo secretory apparatus cskp csng csnd csne csnb csna csmi csmh csme csmc csmx cspn cspk preptin cspt csor csrd csrs csts uggg uggt csti missing cstt cssr pollyanna cssc cssd csss putative rrna methyltransferase snowballs transcription factor; repressor protein mfs transporter; mfs transporter cyanate permease family p47; haorf35 hector amidated peptide aurorab ctao ugra ctaf ctad ctab ctac ctbs ctcl ugtp ldl cholesterol level rab11;a4a-1 rab11;a4a-2 zenon putative defective integrase; qin prophage bacteriophage tail assembly chaperone; lambda gpg homolog tortured cv-b putative oligosaccharyltransferase ctnb putative acetyl-coa transporter ctpi ctph ctpe ctpd ctpa ctpx ctpv ctps ctpt ctpp ctro ctrp ctrn ctrl orf26; similar to u gene of p2 cttp cttg ctsp ctst dachs putative ferredoxin-like protein t(5;13)5ad short chain crumpled ras family gtpase dacer dacha putative membrane-bound protease tondo t(2;11)4dn rac prophage; putative lipoprotein n-tropic phasin; polyhydroxyalkanoate synthesis and granule formation regulator/factor uhpc putative gtpase putative diguanylate cyclase finer mitochondrial c1-tetrahydrofolate synthase; mis1p putative xyloglucan cuda putative transport atpase cuff cudt glucosidase, alpha; neutral c cula similar to acorf144; similar to acnpv odv-ec27; similar to xcorf112 acmnpv orf4-like protein; orf131 cuph cupf cupd cupc cura neuronal nuclei curt divergent cute cutr cuts cusp cusf cusa cusr peanuts solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; ornithine transporter) member 15a gtra; bactoprenol-linked glucose translocase conception rate solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; ornithine transporter) member 15b ikarus act up capsular polysaccharide biosynthesis enzyme ; n-terminal part of ypqp prismane cvfd conjoined lef-2; sf16; similar to ac6 calamity cvid cvil tiotsh mle protein thiamin transporter subunit ; atp-binding component of abc superfamily contains signal peptide; contains immunoglobulin domain putative nitrate transporter putative mutt/nudix hydrolase family protein; putative nadh pyrophosphatase immediate early t(2;11)30h putative glycosyl hydrolase stillbirth choline oxidase gp35; essential baffled q-enzyme putative udp-glucose dehydrogenase putative membrane transport protein fk506 putative ppiase unidentified orf6; putative skint orf 50; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 50 orf61; dna binding protein; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf81 cwlc cwls cwlm cwlk ras inhibitor; golgi to vacuole trafficking acetylornithine deacetylase; n2-acetyl-l-lysine deacetylase orf 31; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 31 sf19; similar to se15 putative subtilisin-like serine protease dador ppiab fused signal transducer for aerotaxis sensory component ; methyl accepting chemotaxis component skiff putative signal peptide peptidase putative topoisomerase i w-pa w-pb orf 7; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 7 putative acyl-coa dehydrogenase protein s; putative desaturation index myodystrophy cp4-57 prophage; antirestriction protein m protein; membrane protein haemocyanin putative protein phosphatase 2a catalytic subunit branchlet booster t(2;4)13h orf 33; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 33 cnstb ulab putative had-superfamily hydrolase; putative pyrimidine 5-nucleotidase putative phosphotransferase enzyme iia component; kple2 phage-like element tosca ular putative glycerol-3-phosphate transporter subunit ; atp-binding component of abc superfamily putative type i restriction-modification system putative tyrosine phosphatase putative hmg-like protein cyap cyan putative inner membrane protein; compensates for loss in k+ uptake cyag cyaa torso cybp cycl ulta phenylacetate-coenzyme a ligase; coenzyme f390 synthetase muddled om lipid asymmetry maintenance protein; membrane-anchored abc family periplasmic binding protein putative dihydrouridine synthase l-lactate dehydrogenase [cytochrome]; l-lactate ferricytochrome c oxidoreductase; l-lcr cyle assembly cypf cypl putative g-protein-coupled receptor cynx d-amino acid oxidase flavoprotein oxidoreductase; thiamine biosynthesis cyro efendi cytk cyth cytf cytx cyts cysl lef-6; haorf24 cyst cyso pplca triosephosphate isomerase (tim; triose-phosphateisomerase) putative protein disulfide-isomerase umpb sm-b' umur czcs putative primase-helicase umua czcb czca putative beta-ketoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) synthase aman ii gp212; identified as virion protein by mass spectrometry; similar to phikz gp127 churchill similar to acorf101; similar to xcorf93; similar to hagv p40 orf2; similar to acmnpv orf1629; virus replication-essential protein uncd t(2;4)1sn cztr oversensitive tough max-pc cortisol level semen ph ef-tu; elongation factor tu t(2;4)1go putative ornithine decarboxylase seborrheic dermatitis t(2;4)1ca cracked putative protein c putative protein 6 putative protein 4 gnrh-iii orf 86; p18 op94/ac93 rab11;a4b-2 dna helicase; ssdna endonuclease rab11;a4b-1 cntrl contains caspase-recruiting domain; involved in apoptosis totem munin putative permease of the major facilitator superfamily (mfs); putative sugar transporter total cassiopeia mummy putative abc-type transport system orf 81; cg30 op89/ac88 bone index cassowary nucleoside stable inheritance; antitoxin backwards upgc t(14;18)12ad rhinoceros mpka1;1 gp241; similar to phikz gp156 dakar peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase; ppiase fc fragment of ige, high affinity i, receptor for; gamma polypep tower unpaired uppl uppp uppa upsr pten-rs upsa putative phospho-beta-glucosidase upth atp-binding cassette (abc) transporter; pdr11p uptc putative isocitrate lyase pheomelanin putative protein o-mannosyltransferase gp137; similar to phikz gp78 putative kinetochore protein bacteriophage lysis protein; holin putative phospholipase putative dutpase orf-71; very late factor 1 fumarate hydratase; corresponds to c-terminus of s. cerevisiae fum1; see cap19.6724 inflated orangi orange bro; haorf105 putative membrane-bound protein trimmed amethyst putative odv-e66 urcc gp295; similar to phikz gp198 golvesin urap pre-mrna splicing protein; prp31p--like urea nucleosome assembly protein 1;3-like qacedelta1 fusion protein; orf3 urex t(14;18)14ad goliath uric behavior osteogenesis imperfecta ndhg; ndh complex (ferredoxin:plastoquinone oxidoreductase) subunit g p25; acmnpv orf94 colicin ia outer membrane receptor and translocator; ferric iron-catecholate transporter damox e-like putative carboxypeptidase a putative transposase; istb domain protein atp-binding protein (fragment) urtd dance murvy cd3 epsilon associated protein; antisense to ercc1 flutter orf2; similar to p gene of p2 energy yield putative serine threonine-protein kinase body weight akineto usfx murky ribbon waclaw usnp beethoven uspf uspg uspe uspc similar to acorf143; similar to acnpv odv-e18; similar to xcorf12 antimicrobial peptide transporter subunit; atp-binding component of abc superfamily transporter orf5; egt daaa dacs cgs-pde dach pprom vp39; plxy88; similar to ac89 dabp dabi daca murrs dorsal dafe putative repa protein dadh regeneration v-ubiquitin; acmnpv orf35 putative error-prone dna polymerase putative hmg box protein dalm dali orf97; few polyhedra; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf118 alopecia dams damp dana daly dals damn dapa dapr dapl daph dant dara darb putative cellulase dark red dars dart dark darl muraa dare dapx datd data putative tonb-dependent siderophore receptor dati dask dash conjugation dawg daza rybpa persistency putative phosphotransferase enzyme iic component; kple2 phage-like element dba1 dba2 proteasome subunit beta7; ntn hydrolase fold dbct utut small t e14 prophage; repressor protein phage e14 axcam olfactive dispersed orf30; similar to lsnpv el25 homolog dbnd sf14; similar to ac129 orf3; putative rna-dependent rna polymerase putative calreticulin dbsa lef-10; plxy54; similar to ac53a hedera rna polymerase, putative fumarate reductase complex subunit d; membrane anchor polypeptide pp2c; protein phosphatase 2 c, possible transmembrane domain near n-terminus cp4-57 prophage; putative dna repair protein fizzy dante putative ubiquitin protein ligase dcam dcah dcai dcad amalgam dcat dcas dcaa dna-binding transcriptional regulator; dlp12 prophage dccr dccs dccp dccn apicomplexan-conserved protein pf 23619083 and py 23490592; low complexity 1667 aa dap-a dcci dcda python putative matrix metalloproteinase t(13;17)1lub dcbz dcds putative cell division protein rpoa; rna polymerase alpha subunit orf 26; op26/ac34 sheath dcip dcka angelman syndrome adhesion dcmd dcpk putative anion transporter-1 putative head completion protein; similar to phage p22 gene 26 protein gp235; similar to phikz gp151 uvae uvab dcoc mdans uvde dcrh putative guanylate kinase dcts dctq dctm vtnf-alpha bp; sp is, phage, tn; transposon-related functions cephalopod pilin maturation protein; trhf arthritic serine acetyltransferase 2;1 t(16;19)239dn classes i and acmnpv orf124-like protein; orf100 putative coronin ddcp ddch dddc ddct uvsy ddbt smaller dddr dddt contains dna-binding and leucine zipper domains; possibly involved in transcriptional regulation putative malate dehydrogenase putative membrane protein; crcb-like protein dna polymerase iii; dnae-like ddia nrt2;2at nrt2;1at spreadex ddpd ddpa ddra putative 34.4 kda protein; gp8 putative membrane bound peptidase; nefd homolog ddpp ddta limpet sf60; similar to ac110 ndhf; ndh complex (ferredoxin:plastoquinone oxidoreductase) subunit f putative m protein putative transmembrane abc transporter protein dsepi ddxx dsert deaf dead decp deco debc debt trac dna primase; short form dede dego dehd deft defi dega periplasmic mercury ion-binding protein; mercury scavenger protein putative rna polymerase binding protein; rpba truncated transposase; authentic frameshift delf delc cytoplasmic loop putative transporter humeral dena denb dell deot deop depl depa deom deoc putative cytochrome b5 mdcmp desz dest desm desk dexd dexa dexs nadc; carboxylating protein tyrosine phosphatase; ptp putative protochlorophyllide reductase dfaa is protein dfas putative s-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferase plf-rp ren; al3 sulfate transporter 2;1 vacuolar transmembrane protein; tms1p dh-i buckled putative hydrophilic substrate transporter; mfs superfamily protein egt; plxy15; similar to ac15 dfpa unidentified orf15; putative dfrc dfps liver-related putative tumor suppressor immune deficiency orf 63; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 63 putative regulatory protein putative bifunctional enzyme; pantothenate synthetase/cytidylatekinase phosphomethylpyrimidine kinase (hmp-phosphate kinase; hmp-p kinase) agoraphobic d-malate oxidase, nad-dependent; putative tartrate dehydrogenase compact xylulose-5-phosphate phosphoketolase; fructose-6-phosphate phosphoketolase dgca dgda suppressor di-2 dgla putative agnoprotein gp396; similar to phikz gp264 oxidase, putative dglu actvii serum albumin dgot dgor outer membrane protein; tonb-dependent receptor compass putative single-stranded dna-binding protein cftr chloride channel dgta orf11; p49 fertility index dgsh cmk; 4-(cytidine-5'-diphospho)-2-c-methyl-d-erythritol kinase dhal dhah dhad dhas dhap dhcb dhca dhct dhbe dhbc dhbb dhba dhem oligopeptide transport; periplasmic binding protein cocoa putative ubiquitin dhgl putative tail sheath dhit proconvertin putative ntp binding protein nadh dehydrogenase; nad(p)h nitroreductase dhkl dhla transporter; mota/tolq/exbb proton channel jalapeno dhom dhns rna replicase; contains rna polymerase; translated by readthrough gp436; similar to phikz gp297 and el gp95 dhqs dhrd atp-binding protein; putative branched-chain amino acid transport protein dhsu dhsr dhsl dhsa vp14; envelope protein dhtt dhtr codab fused signal transducer for aerotaxis sensory component; methyl accepting chemotaxis component moisture content gp244; similar to phikz gp158 diac dias dicc dica pyc2; acetyl-coa transporter fat area diha argininosuccinate lyase (arginosuccinase; asal) diga diht body size dimp dinh dind dina imv membrane protein; tm dima type 2 membrane protein; tegument-associated; localizes envelope proteins dipi dipa dins dinp dino t(x;16)16h similar to acorf62; similar to acnpv lef-9; similar to xcorf139 goggle dira dipt dipr dipp dipm dist diss disp diti oxidase dirs disd disc disa putative electron transfer flavoprotein putative nucleic-acid binding protein divj dive diva head processing; former name: gene 4 seminin putative na(+)/h(+) exchanger gp695; orf695 gcn2; pk-2; plxy119; similar to ac123 putative lipoprotein quail putative aspartate racemase putative transcriptional element; putative dl-2 putative type i transmembrane protein orf-148; similar to ac145 putative peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase d (ppiase d; rotamase d) dbp; sf127; similar to ac25 putative atp synthase subunit retrofit largen putative lipoate--protein ligase rpl2; ribosomal protein l2 orf 75; gp41 op83/ac80 me53; haorf16/17 adenylosuccinate synthetase (imp--aspartate ligase; adss; ampsase) putative permease putative glucosyltransferase putative eggshell protein dkir putative lyase putative glutathione s transferase dented f-pg f-pc basket cp4-57 prophage; antitoxin of the ypjf-yfjz toxin-antitoxin system restriction endonuclease; r46_003 [incn plasmid r46] t(6;13)6ad shocked t(11b1;16b5)233dn dlam putative carotenoid oxygenase dlcb rap gtpase putative hydrophobic protein exonuclease dldd dlgl periplasmic putrescine-binding protein; permease putative cyclic-di-gmp phosphodiesterase; blue-light sensing protein using fad (bluf) putative signal peptidase ii putative undecaprenol kinase methyltransferase; kple2 phage-like element dlha dllc dlld dlmd goulash dlpc dlpa orf-53; ctl aardvark d-apc sf141; similar to ac142 calmodulin, putative magpie palsied potpourri fumarate hydratase; corresponds to c-terminus of s. cerevisiae fum1; see cap19.14017 slack slacs dltx dlts putative nitrogenase iron protein silver cag; prec/c unidentified orf28; putative tio; similar to tip and stp-c of herpesvirus saimiri c-488 putative thymidylate synthase dmad putative arabinosyltransferase dmat dmam dmcb dmca dsp-4 dmax dmek virulence factor; sp rna-pol; acmnpv orf50 putative sugar abc transporter, permease protein; putative ribose abc transporter rbsc-like dmdp dressing dmim dmib dmia dmhb ring-finger protein; tegument protein m1g-methyltransferase; trna [gm37] methyltransferase dmnd dmlr dmlc dmos dmpd dmpb dmpa dmps dmpp dmpm vacu dmpi vacc dmpy ecast/pdi dmtf contact dmta dmsf dmsa putative transposase; cog2801 vago dmtr dmtp dmtn vagd valv valt valy valg valb vala putative ras-related protein rab-14 vans probable carboxypeptidase; cxp (iss) vapi vapt putative phosphatase. vaod dnad vase vasd portal protein; minor capsid protein dnas dnar vari dnal vart vars dnah abc transporter, putative vatp dnct stopped vath vata vash fleece lambda c lambda b dnll o.c.c. sunspot dnrj orf10; dutpase putative replication factor multicopper oxidase family protein; copper resistance protein a putative s lysis protein; qin prophage putative epimerase sf100; similar to ac60 crescent docc docb doca rpl33; ribosomal protein l33 clip-like dode doda t(16c3-4;17a2)65dn putative atp-dependent rna helicase of the dead-box protein family doka domi dome putative novel doli doma putative zn-dependent hydrolase doom dopa t(4;6)77h dons dorf dora putative membrane lipoprotein dost doss dosp vcfs dotc dotb dota putative iron transporter dorv dorr dosc isochorismatase 2; nicotinamidase 2; n-carbamoylsarcosine amidase 2 vcec dory vcea dotv dott similar to acorf37; similar to acnpv lef-11; similar to xcorf56 vcge cecropina had-1 doxa putative biotin protein ligase acmnpv orf43-like protein; orf34 vcla putative nucleic-acid-binding protein dpab dpaa putative conjugative relaxase dpal dpcp vctp vctc vcta dpbf dpea dpda orf 9; op11/ac11 tetr family; predicted transcriptional regulator protein dpgn putative glycosyltransferase tpi-b dpis dpin dphb dphm dpkd dpml dpna dplf dpld d-cad dpod dppb dpnd d-cam dpoa dpra dppf dppe dppd major capsid protein; ac89 dptc dpta dpsd putative antitermination protein q; qin prophage haesa lid gap thorny putative pathogenesis-related protein putative trna dihydrouridine synthase pin domain q protein vdra putative tumor antigen threonyl-trna synthetase (threonine--trna ligase; thrrs) cataract putative outer membrane lipoprotein p-protein [includes: chorismate mutase ; prephenate dehydratase] tetran classi putative lipoate-protein ligase c-acon enabled vecd gnrhi putative universal stress protein gnrha oda-dc sf130; similar to ac29 membrane pump vegf osiris vein veil kakapo velo velb veli vent gene vi drag draf vera gene ii veto dras terminus dred dreb drdx drep drek hades vexb flavonoid 3; hydroxylase 2 protein drip putative alkylhydroperoxidase drho hear5; similar to xc5 n-glycosidase f drop dros dror membrane transport protein; multidrug resistance protein drsp drsm drrs drum orf 32; op37 crimpy dscl dsci dsce non-ribosomal peptide synthase;albicidin synthetase dsbh dsga glycyl-trna synthetase alpha chain (glycine--trna ligase alpha chain; glyrs) osteosclerotic dsip similar to acorf89; similar to acnpv p39 capsid; similar to xcorf111 t(8c3;16b5)164dn comyc putative zn-finger protein dsmb dsmo aquaporin tip2;1 dsor dsp4 dstd dstc dstb dsta qin prophage; tail fiber assembly protein dsrn dsrm dsrg dssa orf 48; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 48 dsvc cell division; membrane protein involved in shape determination putative t4ss coupling protein; similar to taxb from r6k dsza war1; transcription factor activity comer comet comfc comfa putative sec7 domain protein comde lef-1; dna primase dtap vgre putative polysaccharide deacetylase dtar backstroke dtbp er-golgi transport dtes dtda dtfa putative phosphate permease ii*;g;d putative transcription regulator vhae putative serine/threonine protein kinase vhdl dtph dtpc dtpb rpoc2; rna polymerase c2 dtpa dtpt dtsp dtsc type 3 membrane protein; contains a signal peptide; 4 transmembrane domains dtrp putative glycerol kinase; 69575-71670 (iss) s-esterase hypothetical protein pyruvate dehydrogenase complex repressor; autorepressor dttp mip2; orf36 abc transporter, permease protein; putative aliphatic sulfonates transporter granzyme k (granzyme 3; tryptase ii) comma orfs 1+2; putative rna-dependent rna polymerase putative cyclophilin comgd comgc comgb arc; transcriptional repressor putative acetylcholine receptor phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase ;phosphopantothenate-cysteine ligase vhoc copid putative phosphatidylserine decarboxylase copia family x putative dna-repair protein duch oligopeptide transporter subunit; permease component of abc superfamily dubl putative major capsid vhuu calving ease duet hairy duka dumb vibe vibb maggie viaa vial wombat vick dusf dusc duri dura dusa sf64; similar to ac101 dutp endocut t(1;14)1po slick putative ifn-gamma receptor vila putative sh protein vina vine vipc vipa vipl vipe endonuclease iii ;dna-(apurinic or apyrimidinic site) lyase virl autophagy putative arylalkylamine n-acetyltransferase vitf vito visc visa base excess unextended lef-11; haorf32 pyruvate kinase; tartrate degradation clathrin dna-poly triosephosphate isomerase, putative putative mitochondrial metallopeptidase pare-like; orf4 putative signal peptidase i cyr1; cdc35 dvsb putative anti-sigma factor antagonist dcmp hydroxymethylase; produces modified hydroxymethylcytosine in t4 dna putative enzyme; integration, recombination (phage or prophage related bacteriophage major tail subunit; lambda gpv homolog putative eukaryotic translation initiation factor casein kinase ii regulatory subunit; besthit pf 23508244 coq10 sn-pg putative dihydroxyacetone kinase ps-pt ps-ps ps-po ps-pl ps-pi endovii putative dctpase is(hsr;1)1icg hsa-b cytochrome c oxidase cu chaperone; cox17 putative nucleoside hydrolase coral gasket dwarfism dwarfish concept notchl stumbler notchy protein rop omega sodium phosphate anti-bdnf s-adenosylmethionine synthetase (methionine adenosyltransferase; adomet synthetase; mat) putative lipoprotein precursor hole-in-one putative acyl-coa thioesterase; putative palmitoyl-coa hydrolase abc transporter, atp-binding protein; putative dipeptide/oligopeptide/nickel transporter vldl vlig putative oxidoreductase; putative molybdoenzyme t(2;8)2wa unnamed protein product; orf 1, virion associated putative glycerol uptake facilitator protein dyad putative dna binding protein putative n-acetylmannosamine-6-phosphate epimerase subdued putative acid sphingomyelinase putative bacteriocin immunity protein putative antiviral protein putative zinc metalloprotease cotsa putative insertion sequence niard hypothetical transcription factor orf 123; gp64/gp67 op126/ac128 anorexia rab11;a5b-2 rab11;a5b-1 collier dyne jackdaw dynb dyna cotjc hsc-i dysi dysc dysb upf1p-interacting protein; nmd3p hsc-4 hsc-2 m-acon low cholesterol vmpo vmpj vmpu vmpr vmpe vmpc putative stress protein hyperion dynamin gtpase putative virulence protein putative trichohyalin rab11;a5a-2 rab11;a5a-1 vncs vnfe d-mer ae; alkexon hamsv cp4-57 prophage; antitoxin of the ypjf-yfjz toxin-antitoxin system, eg13212 samuel costa putative major intrinsic protein putative protein-primed dna polymerase classes i and ii sloth moving protein neurohypophysial hormones colicin v secretion protein; similar to genbank accession number caa40744 colicin v secretion protein; similar to genbank accession number caa40743 orf 66; iap-2 op74/ac71 putative head outer capsid protein; hoc cox-c cox-b cox-a nical is(hsr;1)1lub vorg vord vorc vora happy chubby germes rhino streptavidin putative tonb-dependent outer membrane receptor gp123; glycine rich protein; similar to phikz gp67 vacuous orf 10; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 10 putative methionine aminopeptidase half out uvsx; fdsa putative lysin spartan orf1; putative 54,517 kda protein; transcription of this region was confirmed by rnase protection putative valyl-trna synthetase gp33; essential; binds gp45 and gp55 asb146; occlusion-derived envelope protein odv-ec27 sparse hairs vpsc rna editing ligase; rna-editing complex protein; krel2 coatomer complex subunit, putative; 33791-27676 (iss) chaetae dbili slp-c putative tail tptps putative squalene synthase major depressive disorder putative neurotransmitter receptor soy nut hardy tubulin binding putative type cbb3 cytochrome oxidase biogenesis protein ccoi; copper-translocating p-type atpase cema; envelope membrane protein hus1-like; mitotic and dna damage checkpoint protein vs.5 vs.3 vs.2 vs.1 putative nad-dependent epimerase; possible udp-glucose 4-epimerase devenir f-box protein; met30p putative fibronectin-binding protein bplp-i lt-pa putative alpha3-fucosyltransferase harpy putative atp synthase sema g vras vrar bifunctional protein: alcohol dehydrogenase; acetaldehyde dehydrogenase small boy putative single-stranded dna binding protein vret limitin fc fragment of ige, high affinity i, receptor for; beta polypeptide semmelweis falkor type 3 membrane protein; 3 transmembrane domains polypterus flagellar biosynthesis; enables filament assembly putative p-loop atpase vrrb vrti t(8;12)69dn d-ras dasra b putative methionyl-trna synthetase cyclin h;1 putative short chain alcohol dehydrogenase vscm limited putative transmembrane transporter type 2 orf 139; op144/ac146 meatp putative n6-dna-methyltransferase type b type a putative kynureninase sf123; similar to se122 eaaa vsra nitrogenase iron protein, nifh; dinitrogenase reductase gp146; identified as virion protein by mass spectrometry; similar to phikz gp85 beaded putative serine/threonine protein phosphatase putative acyl-carrier protein orf2; deduced rna-dependent rna polymerase; nonstructural protein orf 124; p24 op127/ac129 eama similar to acorf111; similar to xcorf160 eaoh ribonuclease p protein component (rnasep protein; rnase p protein; protein c5) putative dihydropteroate synthase eapa east ears unnamed protein product; orf 61 unnamed protein product; orf 60 hasnt unnamed protein product; orf 69 unnamed protein product; orf 68 unnamed protein product; orf 67 unnamed protein product; orf 66 unnamed protein product; orf 65 unnamed protein product; orf 64 unnamed protein product; orf 63 unnamed protein product; orf 62 unnamed protein product; orf 72 unnamed protein product; orf 70 nap1;4 nap1;3 nap1;2 nap1;1 unnamed protein product; orf 77 unnamed protein product; orf 76 unnamed protein product; orf 75 unnamed protein product; orf 74 unnamed protein product; orf 83 larsen vtim seven extra unnamed protein product; orf 90 unnamed protein product; orf 96 vtna orf 94; p12 op103/ac102 myosin vii putative restriction enzyme; adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferases putative 30 kda protein cp; p28 putative enzyme iib component of pts; kple2 phage-like element ebmd larson putative ras-related gtp-binding protein shotgun gp211; identified as virion protein by mass spectrometry; similar to phikz gp126 gln1;5 gln1;4 gln1;3 ebos hasty ebsc ebsa putative proteinase gln1;1 ebrb ebra putative atp-dependent permease knuckles haspb putative polyamine transporter accd; acetyl-coa carboxylase beta subunit ompdc bro; sf69; similar to maconpv-b bro-d, maconpv-a bro-e, and agsenpv bro-b putative colicin ebvs u-turn orf-106; ac-orf603-like peptide ct1; solute carrier family 6, member 8 ecaa unidentified orf1; putative gamma-lph ecdr ecdm ecdl putative n-acetylneuraminate lyase ecfl media ecfb ecfa represses us3 transcription; involved in gene regulation echp ecgp echc echa ycf1; component of inner membrane protein import complex antiangiogenic agent ecmf ecmc eclc ecla ecnr ecpr mecps core protein; dna condensation ecot ecpn ecpc ecpb ecsc ecsa ecrc putative peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase unnamed protein product; orf 19 unnamed protein product; orf 18 unnamed protein product; orf 16 unnamed protein product; orf 15 unnamed protein product; orf 14 unnamed protein product; orf 13 unnamed protein product; orf 12 ecrh unnamed protein product; orf 11 unnamed protein product; orf 10 unnamed protein product; orf 29 unnamed protein product; orf 28 unnamed protein product; orf 27 unnamed protein product; orf 26 unnamed protein product; orf 25 unnamed protein product; orf 24 unnamed protein product; orf 22 unnamed protein product; orf 21 unnamed protein product; orf 20 ectb ecta ectp unnamed protein product; orf 38 unnamed protein product; orf 36 unnamed protein product; orf 35 unnamed protein product; orf 33 unnamed protein product; orf 32 unnamed protein product; orf 30 unnamed protein product; orf 49 unnamed protein product; orf 47 unnamed protein product; orf 46 unnamed protein product; orf 45 unnamed protein product; orf 44 unnamed protein product; orf 43 unnamed protein product; orf 42 unnamed protein product; orf 41 unnamed protein product; orf 40 unnamed protein product; orf 59 unnamed protein product; orf 58 unnamed protein product; orf 57 unnamed protein product; orf 56 unnamed protein product; orf 55 unnamed protein product; orf 54 unnamed protein product; orf 52 unnamed protein product; orf 51 putative protein serine/threonine kinase sidestep vvpd haunt similar to acorf134; similar to acnpv p94; similar to xcorf21 putative transporter, msf family; putative drug resistance transporter emrb/qaca subfamily putative casein kinase putative multidrug resistance efflux protein total fat eddy edda orf26; ha33-like apeced contains potential transmembrane domain; involved in protein glycosylation putative tonb-linked outer membrane receptor edin t(10;11)75h acmnpv orf30-like protein; orf21 vwfa picasso orf 12; op18/ac19 edrn ms15p; kh + 2 znknuckle (c2hc) gp41; plxy80; similar to ac80 t(8;10)8ad orf4; hypothetical protein polh; plxy8; similar to ac8 sancho putative protamine eecp putative non-ribosomal peptide synthase out of place or 2.3 type 1 membrane protein; similar to tnfr; possibly involved in immune regulation eeoc secretin-like eena laa-a core gene; occlusion derived virus ec43 protein exo i exo v orf16; lef6 conjugal transfer protein; similar to genbank accession number aat85862 putative periplasmic transport protein orf14; similar to s gene of p2 pgrp-l putative mapkkk putative sulfotransferase liporotein efbc mp4; orf37 orf30; dbp effr orf 65; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 65 efeo efem effd gonadal efhd waltzing sssiii efts efta hnrnp-q hnrnp-a similar to acorf35; similar to acnpv iap-3; similar to xcorf137 putative pfkb family carbohydrate kinase; putative adenosine kinase uv endonuclease; rad1p putative restriction endonuclease putative soluble lytic transglycosylase; endolysin nansen egal egea putative rnd multidrug efflux transporter; acriflavin resistance protein putative nucleoside transporter slzip ninja gp49; essential asb143; immediate early gene-1; ie-1 bazex syndrome prolipoprotein signal peptidase; lsp gp36; essential egon egsa egra egtc iron-related hydrolase; similar genbank accession number aan76093 magnesium chelatase; methanol dehydrogenase regulator putative multicopper oxidase putative flagellin structural protein; putative exported protein ehbn ehbm ehbd ehbc ehbb ehba ehbp ehbo eham ehag ehac ehat ehas megbp orfa; hypothetical protein putative dna-binding protein; putative transcriptional regulator putative large t antigen orf-56; peptide gp37 core gene; similar to acorf-96; per os infection factor 4 putative abc transporter family, hlyb subfamily; putative protease secretion (atp-binding protein) dna transfer protein; sosuisignal:this amino acid sequence has signal peptide. putative rhodanese ehrs putative endonuclease iii exnef ehrc ehrb mmp; similar to invertebrate iridescent virus 6 mmp t(2;8)26h nectadrin decarboxylase, putative eibd t(4;16)31ad dromia thymoma orf21; putative lipoprotein mel-b t(2;19)68h croissant dihydroorotase-like protein; aspartate carbamoyltransferase non-catalytic chain gp160; envelope glycoprotein orf6; repressor mitotic exit network regulator; bub2p putative acid trehalase eitb eiva conjugative transfer protein; signal peptidase contains a signal peptide; similar to chloride channel clic-like 1 protein rps18; ribosomal protein s18 leamt1;3 leamt1;2 gp277; identified using mass spectrometry; similar to phikz gp182 and el gp182 putative transporter; mfs superfamily protein putative n-acetylmuramidase psbc; photosystem ii 44 kda protein putative dna-methyltransferase tachykinin receptor 1 (substance p receptor; neurokinin-1 receptor) allatostatins meics h+ symporter vlf-1; plxy77; similar to ac77 orf ia putative marr family transcriptional regulator gta; plxy42; similar to ac42 drongo putative glutathione reductase p30; acmnpv orf88 orf 85; putative chaste rac prophage; tail protein aldred diskless branch putative host cell division inhibitor; similar to phage lambda kil gene droopy chaser putative short-chain dehydrogenase putative calmodulin-dependent protein kinase em12 bone quality g-pa myosin, light chain 3, alkali; ventricular, skeletal, slow fibrillin 2; syndatyly ems lowfat black putative atp/gtp-binding protein fc fragment of ige, high affinity i, receptor for; gamma polypeptide unnamed protein product; gene 6 product fused pts enzymes: hpr component; enzyme i component; enzyme iia component hypothetical protein ;eal domain, partial eye lid elba l-arabinose transporter subunit ; periplasmic-binding component of abc superfamily elad elab elap eldr similar to xcorf146; similar to hagv dna helicase-2 elfd elfa putative uroporphyrinogen iii methylase e set putative l-asparaginase i (l-asparagine amidohydrolase i; l-asnase i) elnt conjugal transfer protein; pilx1 protein; t4ss virb1 component putative nitric oxide synthase elna atpase; protease ca antigen cpg-a geranylgeranyl-diphosphate synthase ;farnesyl-diphosphate synthase phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase; phosphopantothenate-cysteine ligase putative pathogenicity island protein; similar to ybga in psc138 type 1 membrane protein; complexed with envelope glycoprotein m pb-pd pb-pb orf13;odv-ec27 oligopeptide transporter subunit ; permease component of abc superfamily transporter embs embr polyheron calyx; polyhedron envelope; acmnpv o> weaning weight emep myspdz repressor protein phage e14; e14 prophage g1.2 emlp putative eukaryotic aspartyl protease waav waas hhh-gpd cell processes; transport of small molecules; amino acids, amines, peptides nirvana wabh empc waay empa wagr oxytocin putative leader peptide putative lysis inhibitor regulator; ri a subunit 2; translocated to, 2 wake wako extra wals walr wali walk wapa goofy wara replication-associated protein; orf245 unnamed protein product; orf 141 wash wasa smaller eye wart warp ende unnamed protein product; orf 103 mendo wave endy endv endo unnamed protein product; orf 110 putative calmodulin encr unnamed protein product; orf 100 wavy enhc engl engd enga engr waxy small cytochrome c biogenesis protein; heme export abc transporter holo-ccme release factor helix-turn-helix gonzo putative pullulanase a-protein enob mg115 wbac enpp wbci wbcd wbcc enol enog blast wbbc enox wbba wbea ensh ensc wbdo blame bland putative peptidoglycan hydrolase rep; orf1 envy wbip wbic wbia heptose 7-phosphate kinase ; heptose 1-phosphate adenyltransferase sigma a wbje wbjb wbmi wbmh wbmf wbme wbmd wbmb remnants wbqg wbpw contains a signal peptide; glycoprotein; probably not enzymatically active wbph wbpt wbps wbpq hsv-1 wbtc putative dicarboxylate carrier protein sf104; similar to ac55 wbti sigma-c cycd3;3 protein transferase, putative ndhd; ndh complex (ferredoxin:plastoquinone oxidoreductase) subunit d similar to acorf6; similar to acnpv lef-2; similar to xcorf35 wcal wcad eomd wcbf wcbs wcbc wcba aconitate hydratase 2 (citrate hydro-lyase 2; aconitase 2) g361 conserved hypothetical cytosolic protein ps-beta wchf putative nadh-dependent dehydrogenase orf44; virion protein; similar to acorf54 homolog putative helicase adp-ribosyltransferase (nad+; poly (adp-ribose) polymerase) putative immediate-early protein scurvy pex19; peroxisomal biogenesis protein sf24; similar to ac64 orf23; envelope fusion protein; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf31 mepce epad epar epaq epap epao fringed epea ephf ephe ephd epht epig epif epie epic epib proton pump epma myosin, light chain 1, alkali; skeletal, fast qin prophage; small toxic polypeptide putative n-acetylmuramoyl-l-alanine amidase epmr bordeaux epps wdcp eppy rickettsia felis-specific protein; similar to wolbachia repa epox corticotensin eprs epri eprh epsf epsc epsa epsv epsr epsp epso epsn putative universal stress protein related nucleotide-binding protein; uspa family epsi eptc eptb epta congested fluted protein hfq putative amino acid transporter prcii glycyl-trna synthetase beta chain (glycine--trna ligase beta chain; glyrs) orf 46; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 46 putative scaffold protein; orf193 ctl; plxy3; similar to ac3 deda family protein; alkaline phosphatase-like protein putative octopamine receptor striated putative cellulose synthase es-n weak protamine-like adirondack midway translated region; readthrough stop-codon fraenkel unkown welt aldehyde lap/phd-finger; tm early transcription factor; vetf-1 erbr eraa globosa eral eraf erdr ercs putative gata transcription factor invasin-like protein; protein erha met-a eric eria prolixin erkb glp iii rac prophage; putative site-specific recombinase putative hsp70 protein tn1721 tranposase; truncated erpp erpn putative glutathione peroxidase orf60;l rrsmall; similar to ebv barf1, hsv ul40 erpb errg unidentified orf23; putative putative transaminase mertz misshapen eryd sturgeon sf58; similar to ac108 tcpg; probable cell wall-binding protein putative atp dependent rna helicase lsa-1 esau esab wfrs ts-pa esac escd escc esct escs escr escf cps-ii esel danger putative alpha/beta hydrolase; protein lys; orf57 putative g protein-coupled receptor protein esmc esma espl espk espj esph espg espe espz espr wgee gordo essd essc essb essa wgea putative beta-ketoacyl-[acyl carrier protein] synthase chakra esra wggr putative atpase or dnmp kinase; contains waljker a motif unidentified orf36; putative photosystem ii reaction center protein h; photosystem ii phosphoprotein este estd esvi esvh standstill multidrug transporter; qdr2p esxh putative protease maturation protein rolled putative integrase; kple2 phage-like element etaa putative 26s proteasome subunit penicillin binding protein pbp4b; weak dd-carboxypeptidase activity etfd etfs etfl putative lipoxygenase orf 79; similar to op87/ac85 metis metiq etka etnk gourd orf 136; odv-e18 op140/ac143 etpn blind etpi etph etpg blink etpe etpc etpa etre etsc etsa metro whcr pyridoxine whim putative atp/gtp binding protein whir whip putative small protein whmc sf94; similar to ac76 enzyme activator amidohydrolase putative nuclear matrix protein putative site specific recombinase metha gp239; similar to phikz gp154 hematocrit putative antitoxin wich membrane protein; putative msf domain eclair eutp euti kappab-ras dilute ifnac eutb lampa mesta messy orf46; similar to ebv bkrf3, cmv ul114, hsv ul2 wimp wima spore coat protein; exosporium protein terl; terminase large subunit wind wise rna polymerase; orf2 rna polymerase; orf1 wire putative repa with gp387; similar to phikz gp6 thermitase even putative mobilization protein a evgs udder evla sunrise v-snare; cis-golgi membrane traffic putative pre-mrna splicing factor putative reca is(in;5)1h acmnpv orf26-like protein; orf17 putative acyl carrier protein pfeffer cp4-57 prophage; dna repair protein putative nucleotide binding protein n-acetylglucosamine-6-phosphate deacetylase;naga putative rdrp putative flavin monooxygenase prims primo smigg smigm prins p74; plxy134; similar to ac138 oncom prism putative 96.8 kda protein; gp78; contains hypothetical intein type 1 membrane protein; contains 3 repeated elements lapep adolescent vpr protein e-ncam putative kinesin heavy chain giotto dancer iscr2; truncated exaa putative assembly protein excb exca exed rifle exis orf 7; ptp-2 op9 cpsfp bacteriophage dna replication protein; lambda gpo homolog putative serine proteinase inhibitor expl wlbb exod exoz exoo exom exra formate-dependent nitrate reductase complex; transmembrane protein exsf exsy larry putative efflux protein; mfs family putative dna endonuclease gp271; identified by mass spectrometry; similar to phikz gp177 t(5;15)49ad thiosulfate transport protein; abc superfamily, periplasmic and binding component ribophosphonate triphosphate synthase subunit; putative abc transporter-related atpase psab; photosystem i p700 chlorophyll a apoprotein a2 large ring; coiled-coil domain putative cation/proton antiporter puckered testis putative excisionase triplet nobody burgundy orf 61; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 61 putative guanine nucleotide-binding protein cych;1 aerolysin li-fraumeni syndrome ltf; pb1 conjugative transfer protein; orit binding protein bacteriophage tail tip assembly protein; lambda gpi homolog proca grater proae putative l-lactate dehydrogenase (cytochrome); fmn-dependent alpha-hydroxy acid dehydrogenase putative e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase krueppel orf 50; lef-10 op57/ac53a ndr family type 1 membrane protein; similar to tnfr; probably involved in immune regulation s-endo st1571 speedy bloom prnpa putative muramidase orf23; rr1 relaxosome type 3 membrane protein; 7 transmembrane domains; putative chemokine receptor transposase insb2 for insertion sequence is26; integrase catalytic domain pinkish polypeptide putative 40.0 kda protein; gp32 putative thymidylate kinase laspo gp397; similar to phikz gp265 lasso wolf smmci crusher pro-a t(1;9)27h orf9; hypothetical protein qin prophage; putative lysozyme koala c factor putative viral polymerase type 3 membrane protein; 8 transmembrane domains nuclease and atpase activity; binds single-stranded dna, gp16 and gp20 color score t(15;16)198dn putative glycoprotein gravel bl1; putative sf81; similar to ac81 quinone oxidoreductase putative waggler putative carbamoyl transferase lef-6; sf128; similar to ac28 double hypothetical 29.4 kda protein; possible gene fragment putative n-acetylglucosamine kinase midline zinc finger-like; apoptosis is(hsr;1)2icg phage head putative alpha-l-fucosidase pain 1 t(2;10)67gso orf 64; op73/ac68 prohb amputated c terminus of mitochondrial f1f0 h+atpase; two introns and exons upstream methyl transferase; helicase transport protein; drug/metabolite exporter smoky phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, putative vagabond promm prong putative abc1 family protein mrna capping enzyme; vitf saccharopine dehydrogenase, nadp+, l-lysine forming; l-lysine dehydrogenase streptodornase sunglasses nitrate transporter; major facilitator superfamily mfs_1 trnagln wrk1 putative mobilisation protein putative transcription regulator; gntr family small narrow endokinin bifunctional protein: acetyl-glutamate kinase; acetyl-ornithine deacetylase siderophore biosynthesis protein; second copy encoded by pngr234b arsenical resistance operon transcriptional repressor; autorepressor putative cell wall glycoprotein putative methyl transferase wsci victoria putative glycoside hydrolase wsnp wspd wspr wssi wssg wssf wssa pointed faaa fact fadh fade fabr hear72; similar to xc77 face fads fadm orf 45; odv-e66 op50/ac46 fahd fagc putative vacuolar atp synthase subunit fc-i gp83; similar to phikz gp50 and el gp21 famt fang fand orf 47; lef-8 op54/ac50 abc transporter for iron-sulfur cluster formation; sufb fasting glucose fapc fapa faps fapn far' fara farr fath fate fatd fatc fasf fase fasd fasc fasb fast fass fasi cprime neptune abc iron transporter system; permease protein gpbox fd i fbai blunt contains signal peptide; involved in immune regulation prune p40; plxy99; similar to ac101 sarcomere length putative ornithine cyclodeaminase orf 5; op8/ac4 transporter; mfs type fbic fbib fbia lhcii kinase putative peptide transporter tonoplast intrinsic protein tip2;1 c terminus is very similar to cap19.1025; related to cap19.1825 fbmd fbpc fbos fbrs dubai gp226; identified as virion protein by mass spectrometry contains a signal peptide; derived from tnfr but lacks tnfr domain putative ligase putative replication factor c similar to abc_smc_euk; chromosome maintenance putative flavoprotein fcas fcbc wurm marionette receptor dna packaging protein; small terminase subunit; lambda nu1 homolog putative disulfide reductase, tlpa-like family; thiol-disulfide oxidoreductase (resa) pep; pp34; calyx; sf45; similar to ac131 orf33;39k oxysterol-binding protein; osh7p gracile fcho fchl kell protein grapes fcla tonoplast intrinsic protein tip1;3 orf 114; op119/ac119 fcpa spasmodic lef-1; haorf124 fcot fcor tangled fcon fcrb sf36; similar to ac120 putative phosphotyrosine fcsa fcsr grappa nodding ca-pa orf7; mob acmnpv orf114-like protein; orf93 vulcan putative sialic acid transporter putative clathrin heavy chain hear1; similar to xc1 putative penicillin g amidase precursor; peptidase s45 family fdab fddc orf5; odv-e56 orf 126; pp34 op129/ac131 alkaline phosphatase; cell surface glycoprotein paddy fdnh putative endonuclease protein; similar to phage lambda ning putative manganese-dependent inorganic pyrophosphatase fdoi fdoh fdog fdsd fdxb paired rac prophage; dna-binding protein gp118; similar to phikz gp62 blvra feat fear feaa dna-(apurinic or apyrimidinic site) lyase ;pyrimidine dimer dna glycosylase bacteriophage putative dna damage-inducible protein; dini homolog smurf fell putative forkhead transcription factor femr feni fena wrinkled fels ldlr-a femi gp337; similar to phikz gp223 putative 5'-nucleotidase pacer feoc ferc unnamed protein product; orf 437 feps cobalamine operon protein; hydrolase fetc unnamed protein product; orf 424 choline unnamed protein product; orf 430 fesa fers putative carbohydrate kinase; bacteriophage origin bone mineral density feup feun efp; envelope fusion protein; bv protein is911; orfb t(3;12)30rk putative capsid protein artichoke orf90; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf111 putative phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein putative signaling protein flare putative cofactor-independent phosphoglycerate mutase flash chameleon flame putative response regulator (chey-like) type 1 membrane protein; contains 2 immunoglobulin domains acmnpv orf145-like protein; orf120 strawberry flail rmcp-i erecta protein kinase; tegument-associated protein putative ribonucleotide reductase flafv putative carrier protein relaxed structural protein; putative tail fiber protein ash content gifsy-2 prophage; reca/rada recombinase strung out leptin fgdy putative lysyl oxidase putative capsid columbus contains conserved tfiis_c motif; conserved in t4-like phages fgls fgrl putative dna repair enzyme putative mfs transporter; membrane protein ph; acmnpv orf8 jetlag waterproof putative ntp-binding protein sf50; similar to se51 putative histidine decarboxylase qin prophage; uncharacterized protein gpfii putative viral coat protein gpiii putative aminoacylase emapii solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; ornithine transporter) member 15 putative ethylene receptor putative dtdp-d-glucose 4,6-dehydratase traf-like fhii scully gpia* incfii repa protein family; similar to protein family hmm pf02387 coaster ritsu cs protein orf21;p74 barrel barres barren putative purine ntpase trank gp228; identified as virion protein by mass spectrometry; similar to phikz gp143 fiba figf artemis fife figa fiii sos mutagenesis; error-prone repair; processed to umud'; forms complex with umuc putative beta-d-xylosidase ndhe; ndh complex (ferredoxin:plastoquinone oxidoreductase) subunit e file fila nd5; start codon not determined fimx fimt fiml putative transcription-repair coupling factor find fils putative udp-glucose 4-epimerase fipa hypothetical orf putative chloride channel putative peptidase m20d, amidohydrolase; putative aminobenzoyl-glutamate utilization protein firm fire fist fisp ac-sod fish plasmodesmata-associated protein; involved in virus cell-to-cell movement; mp fixt putative oxidoreductase; kple2 phage-like element fixi fiwa reduced fixw nickase putative conjugal transfer protein; similar to virb4 trade pathogenicity jupiter orf17;odv-e56 similar to acorf78; similar to xcorf122 flagellar biosynthesis; rfla activity sf108; similar to se107 sf126; similar to ac26 fleck pten-induced putative kinase protein 1 rpl23; ribosomal protein l23 b protein; d1 putative erythritol kinase orf 39; pkip op44/ac24 flexo inner core il-18bp; sp abc atpase dotted orf7; immediate early gene-1; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf7 attenuated er localization; apoptosis inhibitor putative e1 protein h-ha timeout h-pb orf100; similar to cydia pomonella granulovirus orf121 orf 44; similar to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus orf 44 exploratory activity carboxy-lyase extended hypothetical protein; putative plasmid stability function putative replication protein a2 cheerio igf-i putative 25.3 kda protein; gp60 orf 101; bro ac2 flae flad flax flaw flat flas flap flam flal membrane protein; rsn1p recombination protein; facilitates uvsx and inhibitor of endovii flcl oligopeptide transporter subunit ; membrane component of abc superfamily flca flbc putative response regulator protein phosphoesterase fldl fldc fldb fldx envelope protein; thermoregulation of porin biosynthesis