[0-9\.]+ [0-9\.]+[\W\-\_]+[0-9\.]+ [0-9]+ [0-9]+[\W\-\_]*[a-z] [0-9]+[\W\-\_][0-9a]+ [aA]lexa [A-Z]\. Complex [A-Za-z][ ]*[\(\)\[\]\{\}\\\,]*\.[ ]*[\(\)\[\]\{\}\\\,]+[ ]*[A-Za-z]+ [A-Za-z][ ]*[\(\)\[\]\{\}\\\,]{2,}[ ]*\.[ ]*[A-Za-z]+ [A-Za-z][ ]*\.[ ]*[^A-Za-z\.]+[ ]*[A-Za-z]+ [A-Za-z][\W\-\_]+[A-Za-z] [A-Za-z][^A-Za-z\.]+[ ]*[A-Za-z]+ [A-Za-z][0-9]+ [Mm]ino [mM]ito 1a 1b 1c 3a a a coronavirus a minimum a mobile a virus a[\W\-\_][0-9a]+ a[\W\-\_]+[0-9\.]+ a[\W\-\_]+her[0-9\.]+ about above acid acids across act acta activator activators acts ada adult after afterwards again against age ago aim air aix aka aki ala all allograft almost alone along alpha already also alternaria although always am among amongst amoungst amount amy an anchor and and[\W\-\_][0-9a]+ and4 animals another anova antigen any anyhow anyone anything anyway anywhere aoa ape api april ara arc are arg aria arm armadillo arms around arrowhead[W-_]+scale artificial as as-a asn asp ass at at [0-9]+ at[\W\-\_][0-9a]+ at[\W\-\_]+[0-9\.]+ atv auto axis b[\W\-\_]+dogs b[\W\-\_]+gamma b[\W\-\_]+rats b[\W\-\_]+virus b[\W\-\_]+yeast b[W-_]+cat1 b[W-_]+note b[W-_]+orange b[W-_]+scale b[W-_]+virus back balloon band bank base basic bata be bear became because become becomes becoming been before beforehand behavior behind being below beside besides best beta between bev beyond bias bill biv black blast blocked blood blot blue body body weight bos both bottom box bpa brain breast broad bronchus but by c[\W\-\_]+complex c[\W\-\_]+figs c[\W\-\_]+jejuni c[\W\-\_]+maps c[\W\-\_]+pepo c[\W\-\_]+virus c[\W\-\_]+white c[W-_]+elisa c[W-_]+scale c[W-_]+virus c[W-_]+β call camera can cancer cancers cannot cant cap capability car cardiac cat cav cd [0-9]+ cdna cdv cea cell cells cerebella cfa chain chat chats chela chelator chimaera chip cis civ clamp cm2 cmv cnv co codon coffee coffees col coli collection colon comet comets comp computer con contact cord corn corona cotton could couldnt cpp crooked neck crookedneck cry csv cylinder cys d[\W\-\_]+fish d[\W\-\_]+maximum d[W-_]+1 d[W-_]+elisa d[W-_]+mouse d[W-_]+plants d[W-_]+virus dab damage data de decay del delta describe detail diabete diabetes dialysis did dio dione disease diseases disrupted divergent dmv dna do doa done donkey double down drill drills due during dwarfism e[\W\-\_]+fish e[\W\-\_]+happy e[\W\-\_]+minor e[W-_]+1 e[W-_]+scale each ear early ears echo eg egg eight either electron eleven elk else elsewhere empty end enough enzyme enzymes ero es etc ets eukaryotic eukaryotics euro even evenskip evenskipped ever every everyone everything everywhere except expanded expression[W-_]+vector expression[W-_]+vectors extended extension extra eye f[\W\-\_]+sp f[\W\-\_]+virus f[W-_]+scale face fact factor fas fast fate few fibroblasts fifteen fify fig Figs fill find fire first fish Fisher fishes five flag flash fly[W-_]+strain foa fold folded for for20 former formerly forty fossa found four fp from front full fullback further fused fusion g[\W\-\_]+fish g[\W\-\_]+rats g[\W\-\_]+theta g[\W\-\_]+virus g[W-_]+white gag gal gamma gap gastric gaussia gene genes genome germaria get giant give glass glia gln glu glycine go goat goblet goes great green gst guava h[\W\-\_]+rats h[\W\-\_]+virus h[W-_]+medium h[W-_]+serum h[W-_]+tuba h4 had hand has hasnt have hcv[W-_]+strain he heart heavy heavychain helix hence her here hereafter hereby herein hereupon hers him hip his homeobox homo homolog homologs homologue homologues how however hsv-1[W-_]+strain hundred hybrid hypertension i[\W\-\_]+virus ie if ige ile impact in in [0-9]+ inactive inc indeed indicator indo infant ins insertion integrin interest into ips is iso it its j1 jc[\W\-\_]+virus kappa keep key kidney killer kinase kinese knockout kshv l[\W\-\_]+major l[\W\-\_]+yeast l[W-_]+scale lack laminae lara large large[W-_]+blue laser last latter latterly least lens less lethal leu leukemia lia lie ligand light like lime limited line lines link lips little liver loci locis lost low lpl ltd lung lys m[\W\-\_]+omega m[W-_]+sample m[W-_]+scale m\.[ ]*Scale mac made mago major man many map march mass mate max may MCF me me[0-9\.]+ meanwhile mediator mers met meta midline might mill min mine minor missing mitochondrial ml[\W\-\_]+[0-9\.]+ mmv moira mol monitors mono mops more moreover most mostly motor mouse[W-_]+strain move mrna mscv much multiple muscle must my myse n[ ]*\=[ ]*[0-9]+ n[\W\-\_]*sp n[\W\-\_]+[0-9\.]+ n[\W\-\_]+dama n[\W\-\_]+sp name namely names nanos neither nervous nes neuron never nevertheless next nia nigra nine no nobody none noone nor not not shown not[W-_]+given nothing now nowhere null oat obesity of off often old olm on on [0-9]+ once one only onto ontogeny open or or[\W\-\_]+de org ortholog orthologs orthologue orthologues oscar other others otherwise our ours ourselves out out [0-9]+ over own p[\W\-\_]+abies p[\W\-\_]+mume p[\W\-\_]+rats p[\W\-\_]+sp p[0-9]+ p0 p2 p22 pain pan pancreas par paris part part1 part2 part3 past pat patch patu pca peptidase per perhaps permit person ph60 ph68 phd phe phoenix phos phyla physical planes plants plasmid plasmids please pm pnc1 point pole poly polymerase polymerase chain porcellio prey primer pro prof protease proteases protein proteins prv psd pst puma punctum pup pups put pvm q10 r[\W\-\_]+mouse r[\W\-\_]+rats r[W-_]+pink r[W-_]+type[W-_]+1 r[W-_]+type[W-_]+3 rabbit raised ramp rank rapa rape ras rather ray rays re receptor receptors red reduced ref regulatory renilla retained reverse ribosomal ribosomals rich ring rna rodent rosa rudd ruff rye s[\W\-\_]+africa s[\W\-\_]+cone s[\W\-\_]+cones s[\W\-\_]+eyes s[\W\-\_]+fish s[\W\-\_]+hind s[\W\-\_]+minor s[\W\-\_]+mouse s[\W\-\_]+mutans s[\W\-\_]+salar s[\W\-\_]+smith s[\W\-\_]+sole s[\W\-\_]+sp s[\W\-\_]+trachea s[\W\-\_]+virus s[\W\-\_]+wheat s[\W\-\_]+whites s[W-_]+aureus[W-_]+strain s[W-_]+typhimurium[W-_]+strain sac SAG salmonella[W-_]+strain salt same sars satellites sav scid scl scv see seedlings seem seemed seeming seems semi sense sensless separated ser sera serious set sets several SFV she should show side similar simple sin since sincere six sixty size skeletal skeletal muscle skeleton skiff skin slow small small white small whites snake so soluble some somehow someone something sometime sometimes somewhere sound span sparse spliced spo[\W\-\_]+[0-9\.]+ spot spots starling start stella step still stop stranded stretch striated sub subunits such suppressor swift synapsis synthetic system t[\W\-\_]*4 t[\W\-\_]+angle t[\W\-\_]+mice t7 tab take task tbv ten terminus test test[\W\-\_]+[0-9]+ tests tetra tev than that the their them themis themselves then thence there thereafter thereby therefore therein thereupon these theta they thick thin third this those though thr three through throughout thru thus thymus time tissue tissues tmp to to [0-9]+ together too top top1 top2 top3 top4 top5 tor tos toward towards trachea trans transcription transcription factor transporter transposon troll trp tss tuba tumor twelve twenty twin two type type[\W\-\_]+[0-9\.]+ types tyr ulex un under unidentified unknown until up upon us utr v[\W\-\_]+virus val van variable charge vectors venus very via virus viruses was wave we well were what whatever wheat when whence whenever where whereafter whereas whereby wherein whereupon wherever whether which while white white[W-_]+star whither who whoever whole whom whose why will wingless wisent with within without would xaa y[\W\-\_]+tang year [0-9]+ yeast[W-_]+strain yet you young your yours yourself yourselves yu zeta zinc zipper Δ1 ΔΣΠΙ1 Turkey sheep