a a-wave a/j abdominal abnormal abortus abscesses absence absent absolute absorbance absorbency absorptance absorption acarbose acceleration acceptor acceptors accessory accumulation accuracy acebutolol acetaldehyde acetamide acetaminophen acetate acetazolamide acetoacetylation acetone acetonitrile acetylcholine acid acidic acids acini aconitine acquired acquisition acrocentric acromegaly act actin action action: activated activation activator active activities activitrax activity activity: actuator acupuncture acute addition additive addressed: adductor adducts adenine adenines adenoidectomy adenoma adenomas adenosine adenylate adenylation adequate adherent adipocyte admission adrenalectomy adrenalin adrenaline adrenaline-containing adrenaline-storing adrenergic adriamycin adult adults advanced advantages: adventurous aerobacter aerobic aeromonas affected affective afferent african africans after afternoon age aged aggregated aggression aggressive agonist agonists agouti agreeableness aims: air airways akimbo al(2)o(3) ala alanine albumin albuterol alcohol alcoholic alcoholism aldolase aldosterone alert alfentanil all-adenine allele alleles allergic allergy allopurinol alloxan almitrine alone along alopecia alpha alpha-methyldopa alprazolam alternating altitude alveolar always ambulatory amenorrheic american amifostine amikacin amiloride aminoacyl aminoacyl-trna aminophylline amiodarone amitriptyline amlodipine amniotomy amodiaquine amorphous amount amounts amoxicillin amoxycillin amperes amphetamine ampicillin amplified amplitude amplitudes ampulla ampullary amrinone amygdala amylase amyloid amyloidosis an anaemia analgesia analogue analysis analysis, analysis: analyzed: and and/or androgen androgens andromonoecious androstendione androstenedione androsterone anemic anergic anesthesia anesthetized anestrous anestrus aneuploid aneuploidy angina angiography angiotensin angle angstrom angstroms angus aniline animal animals anionic anions aniridia ankyloglossia annulus anomalies anomaly anorexia anoxia antagonist anterior anteriorly antheraxanthin anthracene anthracycline anthracyclines anti anti-lewis antibiotic antibodies antibody antigen antipyrine antrectomy antrum anxiety aorta aortic apex apical apnea apneas apo apolipoprotein apolipoproteins apomorphine apoprotein apoptosis approaches: aprepitant aprotinin aqueous arabinoside arachidonate arches are are: area areas areas: argas arginase arginine arm arms arrhythmia arterial arteries arterioles artery arthritic as as: ascites asians asked: aspects: aspirin assimilation associative assumptions: asthma asthmatic asthmatics astrocytes astrocytoma astrocytomas asymmetric asymmetrical asymmetry asymptomatic asymptote asymptotic at ataxia atenolol atherogenic athletes atomic atopic atorvastatin atracurium atrazine atresia atretic atria atrial atrium atropine attenuated attenuation atypical aubert auditory auditory-alone auditory-only austria austrian autism autoclaved autologous automatic autonomy autumn auxotype available average avian avidin avirulent avoidant axial axillary axis azathioprine azithromycin b b.i.d. b/beijing/184/93 b4 baboon background backward bacteremia bacteremic bacteria bacterial bacteriochlorophyll bacteriochlorophylls bacteroides baicalein bakumondo-to balance balanced balb/cj balloon band banded bar barbital barley barrier barring basal basalis base baseline bases basic basicity basolateral basophils bath bathorhodopsin bcnu beads beans bearing beats becke beclomethasone beef before belgium belgrade beliefs benazepril bendamustine bending benfluorex benfluron benign benignity bentonite benzamide benzene benzo benzoate benzylamide bepridil bermudagrass berodual beta betamethasone betaxolol bezafibrate bi- biarra bias bicarbonate bicycle bilateral bilirubin binding binocular bioaccumulation bioactive bioactivity bioassay biofeedback biological biomass biopsies biopsy biopterin biotin biotypes biphasic biphenyl biphenylene biphenyls birth bisexual bisoprolol bivalent black blackbelly blacks bladder blank bleeding bleomycin block blocked blocking blood blue blunt body bolus bombesin bonding bone bone-marrow-derived borderline boron bosentan bottom bottom-component bound bouton bovine boys brace bradykinin brahman brain bran brassica breakdown breakfast breast breast-fed breathiness breathlessness bregma brightness brodimoprim broiler bromocriptine bronchial bronchitis broth brown broxaterol brushing buccal budesonide buf/mna buffer bulb bulimia bulinus bumetanide bupivacaine buprenorphine burn burned bursa-equivalent bursal bursal-derived bursting buserelin butanol butorphanol butter butyl c c(5)h(8), c(6)h(10), c-peptide c-terminal c57bl/6j ca2+. caerulein caffeine calcitonin calcitriol calculus calorie calves calyx canadian cancer candesartan candida candidate canine capacitance capacitor capacity capecitabine capillaries capillary caprine capsaicin capsid captopril carbachol carbamate carbamazepine carbaryl carbohydrate carbohydrate-rich carbohydrates carbomer carbon carboplatin carboxy carboxy- carboxy-terminal carboxyl carboxyl-terminal carboxylated carcass carcinoma cardiac cardiac-lethal cardiologists cardioversion care carminomycin carnitine carotenoid carotid carrageenan carvedilol case casein cases cast castrated castration casual catabolism catalase catalyst catalytic cataract catechin catechol catecholamines catholic cation cationic cations cattle caucasian caucasians caudal caudata caudate cavity cecum cefotaxime ceftazidime ceftriaxone cefuroxime celecoxib celiprolol cell cellobiase cells cells; cellular cellulose cellulosic celsius cemented cementum cent center centigrade central centrilobular centroid centromeric cephalothin cerebellum cerebrum cerivastatin cervical cervix cesarean cetirizine ch chain chains chance charolais cheese chemical chemically-cured chemiluminescence chemotherapy cherry chicken child children chimaeric chimeric chinese chitosan chitose chlamydia chloramphenicol chlorhexidine chlorination chloroform chloroquine chlorpromazine chlorthalidone choice cholate cholecystectomy cholesterol cholesterols cholestyramine cholic chow chroma chronaxie chronic chymase cibenzoline cicletanine cilazapril ciliated cimetidine ciprofloxacin circular circulating circumference circumferences circumferential cirrhosis cis cisatracurium cisplatin cisplatinum cisternal citrate clamping clarithromycin class classes classic classical clearance clearances clindamycin clinic clinical clockwise clodronate clomipramine clonidine clopidogrel closed closed-spiracle clover clozapine cluster clustered clusters cm cm. cm/m2 cm3 coactivation coaptation cobb cocaine codeine coefficient coefficients coherence cohesion cohort coil colchicine cold cold-sensitive collagen collagenase colon colonic colostrum colour columbia columbinate combination combined combustion comfort comfortable common community compact comparison compensation competence competition competitive complaints complement complement- complementary complete completeness complex complexed compliance compliances compliant complications component components composite compost compounds compression compton concentrate concentration concentrations concise concordance concrete concurrent condensation condensed condition conditioned conditioning conditions conductance cone confederate configuration configurations confined confinement confusion conjugated connecting connection conscientiousness conserved consonant consonants constant constant-region constants constitutive consumers consumption contact contemplation content context contingency continuity continuous continuously contractions contralateral contrast contrasts control controlled controller controls convection conventional convergent conversion cooh-terminal cooling cooperate cooperation cooperativeness coopworth copulating copyright cord core cores corn corneal cornstarch coronal coronary corrected correlation cortex cortical corticosteroid corticosterone cortisol corynebacterium cost costs cotton coulomb coulombs coumarin couplets course cream creatine creatinine criteria criterion cryia csf cubic culex culture cultures cuprophan curantyl curcumin cured curvilinear cutaneous cyclase cycle cycles cyclic cycling cyclists cycloheximide cyclohydrolase cyclophosphamide cylinders cys cysteine cysts cytidine cytochrome cytology cytoplasm cytoplasmatic cytoplasmic cytosine cytosines cytosol cytosolic d d'man d-loop d-tga dacarbazine dai-saiko-to daidzein daily dalton daltons dam danazol dantrolene dark darkness darkschewitsch daunomycin daunorubicin day days daytime db1 dba/2j dbd-pz-nh2 de-activated dead deafness death deaths debrisoquin debrisoquine decapitated decayed decidua decrease decreases decreasing deep defect defection defective defibrotide deficiency deficient deficit deficits defined definite deflation degenerated degradation degrees dehydrated dehydration dehydroepiandrosterone dehydrogenase deiodinase delay delayed deletion delirium delivery delta deltamethrin deltoides demented dementia denatured denervated denervation denmark dense densities density dentavax dentin deoxy depolarizing deposition deprenyl depressed depression deprivation deprived depth dermatographism dermis dermographism dermorphin descending desflurane desiccation-selected desmin desmopressin desmosine desmosome desogestrel desynchronized detail detection detergent determinant deurenberg deuterated deuterium development deviation dexamethasone dextran dextro dextromethorphan dextropropoxyphene dextrorotatory dextrose dhofari diabetes diabetic diabetics diagnosis dialysance dialysate dialysis dialyzable dialyzed diameter diameters diamond diaphorase diaphragm diarrhea diastole diastolic diazepam diazinon diazoxide dibekacin dibenzyline dichloromethane dichlorvos diclofenac died diestrous diestrus diet diet, difference differences differentiated diffuse diffusion diffusivities diffusivity diflunisal digestibility digital digits digora digoxin dihydrotestosterone dihydrouridine dilantin diltiazem diluent dilute dilution dimension dimensional dimensions dimer dimeric dimers dimethoate dimorphic diopter diopters dioptre dioptres diphenhydramine diphtheria diploid dipolar dipyridamole direct directional directly disability disc discomfort discontinuous discrepancy discriminability discrimination disease disequilibrium disgnathous disinhibition disobutamide disopyramide disorganized dispersalloy dispersed dispersion displacement dissimilarity dissipation dissociative distal distance distances distensibility distraction distribution disulfiram dithranol diuretic diuretics diurnal divergence divergent diversity division dna dobutamine doca docetaxel dog dolichol domain domains dominance dominant donor donors dopamine dopexamine doppler dormant dorsal dorsalis dorset dose doses double down doxazosin doxorubicin doxycycline dp drag drainage draining dried drink drinkers drive driver drivers droperidol drosophila drowsiness drug drugs dry dual-marked duarte duodenum duration durations during duroc dutasteride dwarf dye dyes dynamic dyract dysfunction dysplasia dyspnea dysthymia dystrophic e e(2) e(t) e-wave early east eastern ebony eccentricity ecdysone ecgonine echo echocardiogram echocardiographic echocardiography echovirus eclampsia ecori ectostriatum eczema edatrexate edema edta education effect effective effectiveness effector effectors effects efficacies efficacy efficiencies efficiency efflux effort egg eggen eicosanoids either ejaculation ejection elastance elastase elastic elasticity elastin elderly elective electric electrical electrolyte electrolytes electron electronic eledoisin element elements elevated elevation elimination elite ellipticine elliptocytosis elongation ema embolic embryo embryogenic embryonal embryonic emission emotional emotionality emphysema empty enalapril enamel enantioenriched enantiomeric enantiopure enantioselectivity encainide encephalitis encoding end endocrinopathy endometriosis endometrium endosulfan endothelial endothelin endothelioid endothelium endotoxin endralazine endurance endurance-only endurance-trained energies energy enflurane english enhancement enhancer enkephalin enoxaparin enoximone enprostil enriched enrichment entacapone, enterobacteriaceae enterobactin entity entropy entry envelop envelope environment environmental environments enzyme eosinophil eosinophils ependymomas ephedrine epidemic epidermal epidermis-type epididymal epididymis epidoxorubicin epidural epilepsy epimerase epimerization epinephrine epiphysis epirubicin epitestosterone epithelial epithelioid epithelium epq-r epsilometer epsilon equatorial equine equipment equivalents erect ergometry ergotamine erosive error errors erysipelas erythema erythroagglutinating erythrocyte erythrocytes erythrocytic erythroid erythromycin erythropoiesis erythropoietic erythropoietin escharectomy escherichia esmolol esophageal esophagitis essential ester esterified estimates estimation estradiol estradiol-17beta estrodiol estrogen estrogen-treated estrogenic estrogenized estrogens estrone estrous estrus etched ethambutol ethanol ethanol-containing ethanol-exposed ethanol-fed ethanolamine ether ethidium ethmozine ethyl ethylbenzene ethylene etidocaine etidronate etilefrine etintidine etiocholanolone etoh etomidate etoposide euchromatic eudragit eugenol eugenol, euglycemia euglycemic european europeans euthanasia euthyroid evaluative evaporation evening evenness evoked exacerbations exam examined, excellent excimer excitation excitatory excited exclusive exclusively excretion execution exercise exercise-trained exercised exfoliative exhaustion exit exoplasmic expectancy expected expenditure experienced experimental experimenter experiments expiration expiratory exponential exposed exposure exposures expressed expressiveness extended extensibility extension extensive extensor extent external extinction extracellular extract extracted extraction extractions extracts extranodal extraversion extraversion-introversion extroversion eye f f/sigma f2000 face facial facilitating factor factor" factors factors; failing failure failures fair fall false familial familiar famotidine farnesol fast fast-twitch fasted fasting fat fat-rich fatal father fatigue favourable feathers fecal feces fecundity fed feeding felodipine female females feminine femininity feminization femoral femur fenfluramine fenofibrate fenoldopam fenoterol fentanyl fermented ferning ferritin ferromagnetic ferryl fertility fertilization fertilized fertilizer fetal fetus fetuses fever fi- fiber fibers fibre fibres fibrin fibrinogen fibroblast fibroblast-like fibroblastic fibroblasts fibronectin fibrosis field filamentous filaments filled fillets film filtering filtration fimbrial final finally finally, finasteride finger finger-like finishers finnsheep first fischer fish fistula fistulotomy fit fitness flagellar flat flattened flavonoids flaxseed flecainide flexed-tail flexical flexion flexor flight floating flobufen flow flow-rate flowers flows fluconazole fluctuation fludarabine fludrocortisone fluid flumazenil flunisolide flunitrazepam flunixin fluorescein fluorescence fluorescent fluoridated fluoride fluoride-resistant fluorides fluorine fluoro fluorophore fluorouracil fluoxetine flurbiprofen fluroshield flutamide flutter fluttering-spiracle fluvastatin flux foam foetal foil folacin-deficient folate folded follicles follicular for force forces forget forked form formaldehyde formaldehyde-treated formalin formalin-fixed formamide formoterol formula formulation fornix forskolin forssman forward fosinopril fotemustine foveal fpd fraction fractionated fractions fracture fragment frame frames france francs free freeze-branded french frequencies frequency frequent frequently/always fresh freundlich friesian frizzle front frontal fructosamine fructose fruit frusemide fsh full function function, functional functioning fundamental fundus furanose furazolidone furosemide fusion fusogenic g g-csf g-protein g-proteins g/ml gain galactomannan galactose gallopamil gamma gaps garlic garnet gas gaseous gastric gastrin gastrin-expressing gastrin-producing gastrocnemius gastrointestinal gastroschisis gastrostomy gastrozepin gauche gauge gauss gaussian gauze gavage gel gelatin gelbvieh gelsolin gemcitabine gemfibrozil gender gene general generalizability generation generations genes genetic genistein genital genogroup genomic genotoxic genotype gentamicin gentamycin gentisate gerbil german germany germinating germination germline gestation gestodene giemsa gingivitis ginsenosides girls girth glandular glass glaucoma gliadin glial glibenclamide globular globulin glomerular glomeruli glu27 glucagon glucocorticoid glucocorticoids gluconate glucosamine glucose glucosyl glucuronide glucuronides glutamate glutaraldehyde glutathione gly gly16 glyburide glycated glycemia glycerol glycine glyco- glycogen glycogen-binding glycoprotein glycoproteins glycopyrrolate glycosylated glycyrrhizin glyoxal gold golgi good gossypol grade gradient gradients grading graft grain gram grams granisetron granular granules granulocyte granulocytes granulocytic granulosa grass gravimetric gravitational gravity grazing greece green grey grip grooming gross ground group groups groups; grower growing growth gtp-binding gtpase guaiacyl guanethidine guanfacine guanidine guanidinium guanine guanine-binding guanine-nucleotide-binding guanines guanosine guanosines guanylate guide guluronic gum gvhd gymnasts gyroid h h2o2 habituation haemagglutinin haematocrit haemoglobin haemolysis hair hairless hairy half-life half-lives halofantrine halofuginone haloperidol halothane hampshire hamster hamstring hamstrings hancock handled handling haplotype haptoglobin harasima hardened hardness harlan harman harmonic harnesses hartley harvey hatched hatching hay hcl hcv-1a head healing healthy hearing heart heart-type hearts heat heated heating heavily heavy heavy-chain heel heifers height heights hektoen helical helicase helicobacter helix helper hemagglutinin hematocrit hematoxylin hematuria hemisphere hemispheres hemispheric hemodialysis hemoglobin hemolysis hemophan hemorrhage hemorrhagic heparin hepatic hepatocytes heptane herculite hereford heritability heroin herring hertfordshire hetastarch heterochromatic heterogeneous heteronomous heterophil heterophils heterosis heterozygosities heterozygosity heterozygotes hexagonal hexamethylmelamine hexanucleotide hibernating high high- high-affinity high-grade high-yield high-yielding higher highest highly hilltop hinge hip hippocampal hippocampus his hispanic hispanics histamine histidine histidines histocompatability histocompatibility histology histone histones hoagland hodgkin hodgkin's hoechst hoffman hoffmann holland holstein home homogenate homogeneity homogeneous hooded hopelessness hopping horizontal hormonal hormone horse hospital hospitals host hostility hot-iron-branded houghton hour hours hubbard hue hulls human humans humerus humidity humoral hyaluronidase hybrid hydralazine hydrated hydration hydrochloride hydrochlorothiazide hydrocortisone hydrogen hydrolysate hydromorphone hydrophilic hydrophobic hydroxyurea hydroxyzine hyperactive hypercholesterolemic hyperglycemia hyperglycemic hypericin hyperlipemic hyperlipidemic hyperoxia hyperoxic hyperplasia hyperplasias hyperpolarizing hyperstimulated hypertension hypertensive hypertensives hyperthermia hyperthyroid hyperthyroidism hypertonic hypertrophic hypertrophied hypertrophy hyperventilation hyphal hypocapnia hypochromic hypokinesis hypophysectomized hypophysectomy hypopituitarism hypopneas hypotension hypothalamic hypothalamus hypothermia hypothyroid hypothyroidism hypoxanthine hypoxemia hypoxia hypoxic hypsarrhythmia hysterectomized hz i i.e. i/sigma ibuprofen ichthyosis icodextrin icosahedral identification identified: identities identity idiopathic ifosfamide ikeda ileum illuminance image imaging imidazoline imipramine immature immediately immobilized immune immuno immunoassay immunoassayable immunological immunoreactive immunoreactivity impaired impairment impedance implant implantation implanted implantology implants implications: impoverished impression improvement impulsivity in in: inactivated inactivation inactivator inactive inattentive incentives incidence incisor incisors inclined include include: included: includes: including increases increasing indanestrol indapamide independent indeterminate index indexes indian indians indicate: indices indirect individual individually individuals indole indomethacin indoor induced inducer inducible ineffectiveness inertance inertia inertial infants infarct infarcted infarction infected infection infections infectious inferior infiltrative inflammation influx information information: infraspinatus infusion ingestion inguinal inhalation inhibin inhibited inhibition inhibitor inhibitors inhibitory inion initial initiation initiator injection injured inner innervated innovated inosine inositol input inserted insertion inside inspection inspiration inspiratory institutionalized instrumentality instruments insufficiency insulation insulin insulinaemia insulinemia insurance intact intake integral intensities intensity intensive interaction intercalated intercept interchange interest interest: interference intermediate intermittent internal international internists internship interrupted interstitial interval intervening intervention interview intestinal intestine intima intimal intracellular intromissions intron inulin invariant invasive inversion investigated: involved involved: involves: iodide iodine ion ionomycin ions iopamidol iota ipratropium ipsilateral irbesartan iron irradiance irradiances irradiated irradiation irregular irrigated irrigation irritant irritants is is: ischaemia ischaemic ischemia ischemic isethionate iso-treated isoflurane isoform isolated isoleucine isometric isoniazid isonymy isoprenaline isoproterenol isotropic issues: isthmic isthmus italy jacket japanese jejunal jejunostomy jejunum jersey jet joggers joining joint jointless josamycin joule joules jugular juice junction junctional juvenile juxtamembrane k k(+) k+ kaempferol kainate kallidin kallikrein kanamycin kanzo kaolinite kappa karagouniko kassinin keloid keloids kelvin keratin keratinizing keratinocytes keratins keratitis keratometry ketac-endo ketamine ketanserin keto ketoconazole ketoprofen ketorolac ketotifen kidney kidneys killer kilodalton kilodaltons kindergarten kinetic kinetochores kinetoplast kininogen kirschner kirsten klebsiella knee knees know knowledge known komarov koniocellular kooliner korotkoff kringle kringles kubicek kulchitsky kupffer kurtosis kwashiorkor l-692,429 l-ala-d-glu l-leucine l-name l929 labetalol laboratory labour lacidipine lactalbumin lactase lactate lactating lactation lactitol lactobacilli lactobacillus lactose lactulose lacunes lambda lamella lamellae lamellar lamina laminin lamprey landrace langendorff langmuir language lansoprazole laparoscopic laparoscopy laparotomy lard large larger larynx lasalocid laser lasting latamoxef late latencies latency latent lateral lateralis latum layer layers laying lead leader leaflets lean learning leaves lecithin left left-handed leg leghorn legionella legs leiomyoma leishmania length lengths lepromatous leptin lesion lesional lesioned lesions less-soluble let lethal leu leu-m1 leucine leucocyte leucovorin leukemia leukocyte levamisole levcromakalim level levels levo levobupivacaine levofloxacin levorotatory lewis lewisite li liable lidocaine lie life ligand ligands ligation light light-chain light-cured lighter lightness lignin likelihood limb limbal limited limousin lincomycin lincosamide line linear linearity lingual linker linoleate linoleic lipase lipid lipids lipocalin-type lipofectin lipopolysaccharide liposomal liposome liposomes lipreading liquid liquiritigenin lire lisinopril lisuride liter liters litter little live liver liver-type load loaded loading lobe local location locus log london long long- long-chain long-lasting long-lived long-styled long-wave long-wavelength long-wavelength-selective long-wavelength-sensitive longer longevity longissimus longitudinal loop loops loratadine lorazepam losartan loss loss" lovastatin low low- low-affinity low-grade low-yield lower lumbar lumen luminal luminance luminol luminosity lumpectomy lung lungs lupin luteal lutein luteolin lymph lympho- lymphocyte lymphocytes lymphoid lymphoma lysine lysis lysosomal lysozyme m m-5041t m412 mackay macrolide macrophage macrophages macula madison magnesium magnetization magnification magnitude magno magno- magnocellular main maintain maintenance maize major malabsorption malathion male males malignant malnourished malnutrition maltodextrin maltose mammal mammalian mammography mandible mania manics mannan mannitol mannose mannozym mannuronic manual maori marcus margarine margin marginal marijuana marker markers marrow marrow-dependent masculine masculinity masked mass masses masseter mastectomy mastoid match matching maternal matrix maturation maturational mature mauthner maximal maximum meal mean meaning meaningfulness means measles measured measures meat mecamylamine mechanical meclofenamate media medial medialis median mediastinal mediastinum medical medium medium- medium-sized medium-wavelength medium-wavelength-sensitive medulla medullary mefloquine megakaryocyte megakaryocytes meiotic meishan melanin melanocytes melanoid melanoma melatonin melittin meloxicam melphalan membrane membrane-associated membrane-binding membrane-bound membraneous membranes membranous memory men meningiomas meningitis menses menstrual menstruation meperidine mepivacaine merino meropenem mesencephalon mesenchyma mesenchyme mesenteric mesial mesodermal mesometrial mesophyll mesor mesothelial mesothelioma messenger mesterolone mestranol met metabolic metabolism metabolite metabolites metabolized metacentric metacentrics metacyclic metal metallic metallicolous metals metanephrine metaphase metaproterenol metarhodopsin metastases metastasis metastatic meters metestrus metformin methacholine methadone methamphetamine methanol methicillin methionine methohexitone methomyl methotrexate methoxamine methoxychlor methoxyflurane methyl methylanthranilate methylase methylated methyldopa methylergometrine methylisobutylxanthine methylprednisolone methysergide metoclopramide metoprolol metronidazole metyrapone mexiletine mg mg/kg mg/m2 mice microalbuminuria microelectrode microfold microg/kg micromagnets micronutrients micropyle microsomal microsomes microsporidia microvillous mid mid-myocardial mid-portion mid-sized mid-styled midazolam middle middle- middle-aged middle-envelope middle-size middle-sized middle-wave middle-wave-sensitive middle-wavelength middle-wavelength-sensitive midlobular midmyocardial midmyocardium migraine migrants migration mild milk milking milkofix million millions milrinone min mineral miniature minimal minocycline minor minoxidil minute minutes miokamycin mirex mirror-image miscellaneous misoprostol missing misty mite mitochondria mitochondrial mitomycin mitoses mitosis mitotic mitoxantrone mitral mivacurium mixed mixture mj ml(-1) mm mmol/l mobility modafinil model moderate moderately modification modified modifier modulation modulator moduli modulus moisture mol/l molal molality molar molars molecule moles mollicutes moloney molsidomine molt moment moments monensin monetite money mongrel moniliformin monitoring mono- monoamine monoclinic monoclonal monocrotaline monocyte monocytes monomer monomeric monomers mononuclear monophasic montelukast month months montmorillonite more-soluble morning morphine morphogenetic morphology mortality morula morulae mosaic mother motilin motor mounts mouse mouth movement moving mu mucin mucinous mucoid mucosa mucosal mucosal- multiparous multiple murine muscarine muscarinic muscle muscle-specific muscle-type muscles muscular music mutagenic mutant mutants mutated mutation mutation, mutations mutator muzolimine myasthenia mycelial mycelium mycobacterium mycoplasma mycorrhizal myelin myeloid myocarditis myocardium myoglobin myometrial myometrium myopathy myosin myricetin mystus n n-terminal n-terminus nabilone nacl nadolol nafcillin naive naked naloxone naltrexone nandrolone naphthalene naproxen narrow nasal nasion nasopharynx native native-like natural nausea nebivolol nebuchamber neck necrosis nefazodone negative negentropy neglect neighborhood neither nematic neomycin neonatal neopterin neopterins neostigmine neostriatum neoxanthin nephrectomized nephrectomy nephropathy nerve nerves nervousness netilmicin network neural neuraminidase neurinomas neuroblast neuroblastic neuroblastoma neurologic neuronal neurons neuropathy neuropeptide neurotensin neuroticism neutral neutralisation neutralization neutralizing neutron neutrons neutrophil neutrophils newborn newborns newton newtons nh2-terminal niacin nicardipine nicholas nicorandil nicotine nicotinic nifedipine night nighttime nimesulide nimodipine nipple nisin nisoldipine nitazoxanide nitrate nitrendipine nitrification nitrite nitro nitrogen nitrogenous nitroglycerin nitroimidazole nitroprusside nitroxide nizatidine no nociceptive nocturnal nodal node nodes nodular nodule noise non-arthritic non-blood-fed non-cf non-sclerotic non-stimulated non-tumor non-users nonatopic none nonlepromatous nonlinear nonlinearity nonreinforced nonreward nonsmokers nonsynonymous nontemplated noradrenaline norepinephrine norfloxacin norgestomet normal normalized normally normals normoalbuminuria normocapnia normokinesis normolipidemic normospermic normotension normotensive normotensives normotonic normoxia normoxic north northern norverapamil noscapine not notch nourished novaron novel november novice noxious nuclear nuclei nucleo- nucleobase nucleocapsid nucleocaspid nucleophile nucleoprotein nucleotide nucleotide-binding nucleotides nucleus null nulliparous number numbers nurses nursing nutrient nutrition nymphs nystatin nzb/blnj o oats obese obesity object objective oblique observed observer obstruction obstructive occipital occlusion occupation octahedral odor of ofloxacin often oil olaquindox old older oleate oleic olein oleoyl oligodendroglioma oligodendrogliomas oligosaccharides omeprazole oncovin ondansetron only oophorectomy opaque open opening openness operator opposite oral orally orange orbit orchardgrass orchidectomized orchiectomy organic organomegaly orientation orientational orlistat orosomucoid oroxylin-a orthorhombic orthostatism ossimi osteocalcin other ouabain outcome outcomes outdoor outer output outside ovalbumin ovariectomized ovariectomy ovary overload ovine oxaliplatin oxatomide oxidase oxidation oxidized oxmetidine oxygen oxytetracycline oxytocin p p-aminobenzamidine p-hydroxyphenyl pace pachytene pacing pacinian paclitaxel paddles pain pair pair-fed paired palatal palindromic palm palmitic palmitoyl palpation pamidronate pancreas pancreatectomy pancreatic pancuronium pantethine pantoprazole papain papaverine paper papilla paracetamol parallel parameter parameters paraplegia paraplegic parasitaemia parasympathetic parathion parathyroid parenchyma parenchymal parent parental paretic pargyline parietal parity parkes parkinsonism paromomycin parotid partial particulate parvo parvocellular passage passages passive pastoralists patch patency pathogenic pathologic pathological pathologically pathology pathways patient patients pattern patterns peak peaked peat peats pectin pediatric pedicled pefloxacin pellet pellets pelvis penetrating penetration penicillamine penicillin penicylinders pentagastrin pentazocine pentobarbital pentoses pentoxifylline peplomycin peptide peptides peptidyl peptidyl-trna percentage percentile percussion perforating perforin performance perfusion pericellular pericytes perimeter perindopril perinuclear period periodontitis periosteal peripheral periportal peritoneal peritoneum peritonitis periventricular permanent permeabilities permeability permeation permer permixon peroneal peroxidase peroxide peroxy perpendicular persistence persistent persisting personal pertussis ph phagocytosis pharmacy pharyngeal pharynx phase phases phenanthrene phenol phenotype phentolamine phenylbutazone phenylephrine phenytoin pheochromocytoma phlebotomy phlorizin pholcodine phosphate phosphate-binding phosphates phospho phospho- phospholipid phosphoprotein phosphoproteins phosphoramidon phosphorous phosphorus phosphorus-31 phosphorylated phosphorylation photosensitivity photosynthesis phoxim phthalazine physical physicians pi pi(hs) pietrain pig pill pilocarpine pimozide pinacidil pindolol pinhole pink pink-eyed pinzgauer piperacillin piracetam pirenzepine piroxicam pitch pituitary placebo placebo-controlled placebos placental plagiocephaly plain plant plantaris plants plaque plasma plasmacytoid plasmapheresis plasmid plasmin plasminogen plastic plateau platelet platelet-type platelets platinum pleomorphic plication plosive plus pmoles pneumonia pneumoperitoneum point poise poland polar polarity polarization polarizations poleward polished pollock polluted poly polyclonal polydispersity polymer polymerase polymerase-associated polymeric polymorphic polymorphism polyneuropathy polypay polypeptide polypeptides polyphenols polyps polyunsaturated polyvinylpyrrolidone pons pontine pony poor population populations porcelain porcine pore pore-forming pork porosity porphyrin portsmouth position positions positive post post- post-natal posterior posteriorly posthatching postnatal postnatally postpartum postural potassium potato potency potential power ppm practice pravastatin prazosin pre-existing pre-pubertal precipitation precision precursor precursors predictability predicted prednisolone prednisone predominant preeclampsia preference preferred preferring pregesterone pregnancies pregnancy pregnant pregnenolone preload premature prenalterol prenylamine preparation preperitoneal prepuberal presence present pressor pressure pressure-loading pressure-sensitive pressures preterm prevalence preventable primary primer priming primiparous primitive principal pristinamycin pro pro-oestrus probabilities probability probe probenecid problem probucol procainamide procaine procarbazine procedure procedures processes processing procholeragenoid product production productive productivity proestrous proestrus profile prog progenitor progesterone progesterone's progesterone, progesterone- progestin progestins progestogen progestogens program progression progressive progressor progressors proinflammatory prolactin proliferating proliferation proliferative proline promethazine promoter promoters promotion prone propacetamol propafenone propanediol properdin prophylactic propionate propofol proportion proportional proportions propoxyphene propranolol prostate prostatic protamine protease protected protection protein protein-rich proteins proteinuria proteolytic protocol protocols protoplasmic prototype protozoa protruding protrusion protrusive proximal pseudoanodontia pseudomonas pseudorotation psoralen psychiatric psychological psychoticism pugh-child pulmonary pulsatile pulse pulses pulvinar pump puncture pupae purified purine purinergic purkinje push putamen putrescine pyramidal pyrene pyridine pyridostigmine pyridoxine pyrimethamine pyrolysis pyruvate q q10 quackenbush quadriceps quadrivalent quadrupole quality quantitative quantity quartile quartiles quenchers quercetin query questionnaire queuine queuosine quiescence quiescent quiet quinacrine quinapril quinidine quinine quinoid quinoline quinone quinones quintiles quisqualate quotient quotients rabbit rabeprazole rac, rac-, racemic, radial radiation radicals radiculography radii radioactive radioiodinated radiolabeled radiotherapy radius rads raffinose rahmani raillietina raloxifene raman rambouillet ramipril rams ran random randomness range ranitidine rankin rapid rarefaction rarely/never rat rate rates ratio ration ratios rats rats, rauscher raw rcc-36, reabsorption reacted reaction reaction, reactions reactive reactivity reagent reagent, reagents rear rearranged rearrangement reasoning rebreathing recalls received recently, receptive receptor receptor-binding receptor-regulated receptors receptors, recession recessive recipient recipients reciprocal recirculation recognized recollection recombinant recombinase recovery rectal rectum recurrent red red-eye red-light reduced reducing reductase reduction reference reflectance reflex reflexes reflow refractile refraction refractoriness refractory region regional regions regression regressor regular regulator regulatory regurgitant regurgitation rehabilitation rehydration reinforced reinforcement rejection relapse relapsers relapsing related relatedness relation relationship relative relatives relaxation relaxed relaxin relaxing release relevant reliabilities reliability remaining remember remifentanil remission removal removed renal renin renshaw reoxygenation repeat repeatability repeated repeats reperfused reperfusion repetitive replacement replicase repolarization repression repressor reproducibility reproductive resection reserpine resident residents residual residue residues resistance resistances resistant resistive resistivity resistor resolution resolve resolved resonance respective respiration respiratory responded responder responders responding response responses responsive rest rested resting restrained restraint restricted restriction resulting results: resuscitation resveratrol retard retardation retentate retention reticular reticulocytes retina retinol retinular retraction retransfusion retrograde retroperitoneal retzius reverse reward rewarded rhabdomyosarcoma rhamnose rheumatism rhinitis rhodamine rhodopsin rhombohedral rhombomere rhombomeres rhythmic ribavirin ribose ribosomal ribosomes rice ricin rickard ridgelands rifampicin rifampicine rifampin rigevidon right right-handed rigidified rigidity rilmenidine ring rinn ripe risk ristocetin ritonavir rituximab rna rocuronium rodent roentgen roentgens rolipram romanov root ropivacaine rostral rotation rough roughness round roundness routine rower roxatidine rs14203, rubella rudimentary ruminal ruminant run runners running rupture rural rutin ryanodine rye s s-methyl s-phase saccade saccharose sacrum sagittal salbutamol salicylate saline salinity salinomycin saliva salivary salivary-like salmeterol salmon salt-hypertension-sensitive salt-sensitive same sample samples sand saponins sarafotoxin sarcoidosis sarcomatoid sardi sarsaponin sartorius satisfactory saturated saturation scale scao scar scatter scattering scavenger schistosoma schizophrenia schizophrenics sclerosis scmc scopolamine score scores seated secobarbital second secondary seconds secreted secretin secretion secretory sections sedation sedentary sedimentation segment segmental segments select selected selection selective selegiline selenium self self-concept self-incompatibility sella semiconducting seminoma seminomas semitendinosus senescent sense sensibility sensing sensitive sensitivity sensitized sensitizer sensolog sensory sentence separation sephadex sepiolite sepsis septal september septic septum sequence sequence, sequential ser sera serial series series, serine serine-rich serines serosa serosal serotonin serovar serres serum serum-soluble services several severe severity sevoflurane sex shade shaft shakuyaku sham sham-branded sham-operated sham-pinealectomized sharpness shear sheep shell shift shock shocked short short- short-wave short-wave-sensitive short-wavelength short-wavelength-sensitive shortening shorter shorthorn shortwave-sensitive shoulder showed shunt siblings sibutramine sickle side sigmoidicity signal significant silage silane silent silver silymarin similarity similarly, simmental simple simultaneous simvastatin since single single-stage singlet sinus sinusoids site sites sitting size sizes skeletal skeletonized skin skull sleep slices slides slight slope slopes slow slow-resistant slow-twitch sludge sluggish small small-surface smaller smallest smoke smokers smoking smooth snout social sodium sodium-sensitive softness soil solcoseryl soleus solid solitus solubilities solubility soluble solute solution solvent somatic somatomedin somatosensory somatostatin somatotropin somite somites sonicare sorbitol sotalol sound south southern sows soy soybean space spacer spacings spain spatial specialists species specific specificity spectinomycin spectrophotometric speed spermidine spherical sphingomyelin sphingosine spike spin spinal spine spinnbarkeit spirometry spironolactone spleen splenectomized splenic splenocytes spontaneous sporadic spot spotting spray spread spreading spretus spring sprint sprint-trained sprinters sprotte sr48968 sramek stabe stabilization stable stacked stage staging standard standard, standards standing stanozolol staphylococcus star starch start starvation starved state static stationary stature stearic stearylamine stenosis stenting step stereopreference sterile steroid steroids stiffness stilbenedisulfonates stimulated stimulating stimulation stimuli stimulus stoichiometry stomach stool storage strain strata stratum straw strength streptokinase streptomyces streptomycin stress stressed stretch striatal striatum strict stripping stroke stroma stromal strong strongly structure students studies, study study, styrene subcutaneous subiculum subject subjective subjects submerged subordinates subpopulations substance substituted substitution substrate substrate, substrate-adherent substrates subtilisin subtypes, subunit success successful succinate succinylcholine suckled suckling sucralfate sucrase sucrose sufentanil suffolk sugar sulfadiazine sulfadoxine sulfamethoxazole sulfatase sulfate sulfated sulfates sulfinpyrazone sulfisoxazole sulfite sulfonate sulfoxide sulfoxide, sulfur sulglicotide sulodexide sulphamethoxazole sulphate sulphide sulphur sulpiride sum summation summer superconducting superficial superior superlative supernatant supernatants supination supine supplement supplementation supplemented supplies support suppressor suprofen suramin surface surfaces surfactant surgeon surgeons surgery surgical survanta survey survival survivors susceptibility susceptible susceptibles suspect suspended suspension sustained suture sweden swedish swimmers swimming swiss switch syk symmetric symmetrical sympathetic symptom symptomatic symptoms syn synaptic synchronization synchronous synchrony syncope synonymous synthase synthesis synthesized synthetic syringyl sysomicin system system, systemic systems, systole systolic t t-cell tablet tablets tachycardia tacrolimus tactile tail taiwanese tallow tamoxifen tandem tap tape tar tarentaise target targets targhee task tau taurine taut taxol taxotere tazobactam tear technical tectum teeth tegafur teicoplanin telangectasia telmisartan telomere telomeric telophase telsa temperature temperatures tempering template temporal tendinous tendon teniposide tense tensed tension tensions tenue teratoma teratozoospermia terazosin terbutaline terfenadine term terminal terminator terminators territorial tertatolol tesla test tester testerone testing testis testosterone testosterone's testosterone, tetanus tetracaine tetracycline tetragonal tetrahedral tetramethylrhodamine tetranychus tetraplegic tetraploid texas thalamus thalidomide that the theca thelytoky theophylline therapy therapy-related thermophilic theta thiacetazone thiamin thiamine thickness thicknesses thigh thighs thin thin-thread thiolation thionein thiopental thiopentone thiophene thiophosphamide thioridazine thiotepa this thomsen-friedenreich thoracic thr threat threonine threshold thresholds thrombin thrombocytopenia thrombolysis thrombosis thrombus thymic thymic-dependent thymic-derived thymidine thymine thymines thymoma thymus thymus- thymus-dependent thymus-derived thymus-processed thyroid thyroidectomized thyroidectomy thyroxine tianeptine tiapamil tibetans tibia tibial tibolone ticlopidine tilapia tilt time time-reversal timed times timolol tinidazole tiny tip tissue tissue-type tissues titanium titer tizoxanide to tobacco tobramycin tocopherol tocopherols tolbutamide tolerance tolerant tolmetin toluene tone tongue tonic tonnes tons tonsillectomy top topotecan toronto torpedo torque torr torsion torsional total toth touch tourniquet toxicity toxoid tpsic tq trabecular tracheal traditional trained traineeship training tramadol trandolapril trans transcribed transducin transection transfer transferred transferrin transformed transfusion transgenic transient transit transit-time transition transitional translation translational translocation transmembrane transmission transmissivity transmittance transpiration transplant transplantation transplanted transplants transport transverse trastuzumab trauma traumatic trays treadmill treated treatment treatments trehalase trehalose tremor trendelenburg trenimon tri- trial triamcinolone triamterene triazolam triceps trichophyton triclinic tricuspid tricyclic triglycerides trimer trimethoprim trimipramine tripelennamine triple triplet triptolide trocar trochanter troglitazone tropisetron trough true truncated trypanosoma trypsin tryptamine tryptase tryptic tryptophan tuberculoid tubes tubular tubule tubulopathic tuli tumor tumor-bearing tumorlike tumorous tumors tumour tumours turbuhaler turmeric turned tuscany twin two tylosin tymidine type tyr1 tyramine tyrosine tyrosol tytin u-0521 ubiquitinated ulceration ulcers ulinastatin ulnar ultrasound unaffected uncertain uncertainty unchanged unclassifiable unclassified unconjugated uncontrolled undernourished undernutrition undifferentiated unfavourable unfolded unfractionated uniformly unilateral uninfected uninvolved unipolar unit united units units/ml unmodified unrelated unresolved unresolved/disorganized unrestricted unsaturated unstimulated untrained untreated up upper upright upstream uptake uracil uraemic uranium urapidil urban urea urecholine uremia uremic ureter urethane urgency uridine uridines uridylate urinary urine urokinase users using usual uterine uterus utilization v v-thread vacancies vaccinated vaccination vaccine vacuolar vacuolar-type vagal vagina vaginal vaginally vagotomy val valency validation valine valsalva valsartan value valves vanadate vanadium vancomycin var variability variable variable-region variance variant variants variation varicella varicocele variety varnish vascular vasculitis vector vecuronium vegetable vegetarian vegetarians vegetative vehicle vein veins velocities velocity venlafaxine venoles venom venous ventilated ventilation ventilatory ventral ventricle ventricles ventricular venules verapamil veratridine verb verbal vermilion verprolin-homology vertebrae vertebral vertical vesicle vesicles vesicular vessels vestibular vetch viability viable vibrational vigor villi villin vimentin vinblastine vinclozolin vincristine vindesine vinorelbine violaxanthin violet viral virchowian virgin virion virulence virulent virus viruses visceral viscosity vision visits visual visual-only visually vitality vitremer vivarium vivonex vmax voltage voltages volts volume volumes volumetric volunteers vomiting vomitoxin vowel w(peak) waist wake wakefulness waking walking wall warfarin warm warm-sensitive warmed warmth washed water watermelon watt watts wave weak weakly weaned weanimix weaning wedge wedged week weekly weeks weighed weight weighted weights well-differentiated well-nourished west western wet wettedness wheat wheezing white white-eye white-spotting whites whole whorls width wiener wiktor wild wild-type wilted wine winter wistar with withdrawal wogonin wollastonite women word work workload workshop wrinkled wrist x x-linked xanthan xanthine xbai xenopus xylazine xylenes xylitol xylose y year years yeast yeast-like yeasts yellow yellowing yield yields yogurt yohimbine yoked yolk yorkshire young younger yttrium z100 zafirlukast zearalenone zeatin zeaxanthin zebrafish zebu zeolite zeranol zeste zeta zofenopril zolpidem zomepirac zooplankton zopiclone zoster zucker zygapophysial zymodeme zymodemes zymosan