# This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org). # Version 1.3.38 # # Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify # the SWIG interface file instead. package CRFPP; use base qw(Exporter); use base qw(DynaLoader); package CRFPPc; bootstrap CRFPP; package CRFPP; @EXPORT = qw(); # ---------- BASE METHODS ------------- package CRFPP; sub TIEHASH { my ($classname,$obj) = @_; return bless $obj, $classname; } sub CLEAR { } sub FIRSTKEY { } sub NEXTKEY { } sub FETCH { my ($self,$field) = @_; my $member_func = "swig_${field}_get"; $self->$member_func(); } sub STORE { my ($self,$field,$newval) = @_; my $member_func = "swig_${field}_set"; $self->$member_func($newval); } sub this { my $ptr = shift; return tied(%$ptr); } # ------- FUNCTION WRAPPERS -------- package CRFPP; ############# Class : CRFPP::Tagger ############## package CRFPP::Tagger; use vars qw(@ISA %OWNER %ITERATORS %BLESSEDMEMBERS); @ISA = qw( CRFPP ); %OWNER = (); %ITERATORS = (); *set_vlevel = *CRFPPc::Tagger_set_vlevel; *vlevel = *CRFPPc::Tagger_vlevel; *set_cost_factor = *CRFPPc::Tagger_set_cost_factor; *cost_factor = *CRFPPc::Tagger_cost_factor; *set_nbest = *CRFPPc::Tagger_set_nbest; *nbest = *CRFPPc::Tagger_nbest; *add = *CRFPPc::Tagger_add; *size = *CRFPPc::Tagger_size; *xsize = *CRFPPc::Tagger_xsize; *dsize = *CRFPPc::Tagger_dsize; *result = *CRFPPc::Tagger_result; *answer = *CRFPPc::Tagger_answer; *y = *CRFPPc::Tagger_y; *y2 = *CRFPPc::Tagger_y2; *yname = *CRFPPc::Tagger_yname; *x = *CRFPPc::Tagger_x; *ysize = *CRFPPc::Tagger_ysize; *prob = *CRFPPc::Tagger_prob; *alpha = *CRFPPc::Tagger_alpha; *beta = *CRFPPc::Tagger_beta; *emission_cost = *CRFPPc::Tagger_emission_cost; *next_transition_cost = *CRFPPc::Tagger_next_transition_cost; *prev_transition_cost = *CRFPPc::Tagger_prev_transition_cost; *best_cost = *CRFPPc::Tagger_best_cost; *Z = *CRFPPc::Tagger_Z; *empty = *CRFPPc::Tagger_empty; *clear = *CRFPPc::Tagger_clear; *next = *CRFPPc::Tagger_next; *parse = *CRFPPc::Tagger_parse; *what = *CRFPPc::Tagger_what; sub DESTROY { return unless $_[0]->isa('HASH'); my $self = tied(%{$_[0]}); return unless defined $self; delete $ITERATORS{$self}; if (exists $OWNER{$self}) { CRFPPc::delete_Tagger($self); delete $OWNER{$self}; } } sub new { my $pkg = shift; my $self = CRFPPc::new_Tagger(@_); bless $self, $pkg if defined($self); } sub DISOWN { my $self = shift; my $ptr = tied(%$self); delete $OWNER{$ptr}; } sub ACQUIRE { my $self = shift; my $ptr = tied(%$self); $OWNER{$ptr} = 1; } # ------- VARIABLE STUBS -------- package CRFPP; *VERSION = *CRFPPc::VERSION; 1;