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#ifndef _MPTOK_H
#define _MPTOK_H
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
using namespace std;
#define MPTOK_VERSION 11 // The latest version
// Maximum number of words in a sentence
#define MAX_WORDS 10000
#define MAX_ABB 100
/*! \brief A class to perform tokenization.
* The MPtag class can be used to perform tokenization and segmentation
* of strings into tokens or sentences. It is inherited and used by MPtag
* so if the user is only interested in tagging, this class does not
* need to be referenced.
class MPtok
/// \brief A MPtok object, giving the install directory \p idir where data files can be found
MPtok(string idir = "", const string& cnam = "");
void init(); // Initialize (call only once)
void init(const string& idir) { option_dir = idir; init(); } // Initialize using specified install directory
string option_pretag; // The tag to use on tokens
int option_segment; // Segment into sentences
int option_hyphen; // Hyphens are separate tokens
int option_comma; // Commas are always tokenized
int option_pretok; // The text is pre-tokenized
int option_new; // Use new algorithms, used in development only
int option_doteos; // If " . " occurs, it's an end EOS (new >= 5)
void set_segment(int i); ///< \brief Sentences are broken up during tokenization (default 1)
void set_token(int i); ///< \brief Break tokens apart with white space (default 1)
void set_hyphen(int i); ///< \brief Hyphens are separate tokens (default 0)
void set_comma(int i); ///< \brief Commas are separate tokens (default 1)
void set_pretag(char *a); ///< \brief Use this tag on all tokens (default empty string)
void set_pretok(int i); ///< \brief Assume string is already tokenized using spaces (default 0)
void set_new(int i); ///< \brief Use a previous algorithm (defaults to most recent)
void set_doteos(int i); ///< \brief Ignore abbreviations, and always assume a period ends a sentence (default 0)
void merge_words(int s, int e); // merge words between s and e (idiom)
void split_words(void); // split all merged words
string tokenize(const string&); ///< \brief Tokenize, save (in \p word), and return space delimited tokens
string segment(const string&); ///< \brief Segment, save (in \p sent), and return newline delimited sentences
string save_string(const string&); // save a buffer
string tokenize_nosave(const string&); // tokenize without saving
string tokenize(const string&,int); // do tokenization with or without inserting spaces between them
void print(int); ///< \brief Print tokens/tags with given verbosity
vector<string> word; ///< \brief Vector of words (tokens) of most recently tagged (or tokenized) text
vector<string> tag; ///< \brief Vector of tags of most recently tagged (or tokenized) text
vector<string> sent; ///< \brief Vector of sentences of most recently sentence-segmented text
char *text; // Input text arg
int text_len; // It's length
int *tokflag; // token flags
int *endflag; // end-sentence flags
string option_cnam; // A suffix, for opening variant support files
string option_dir; // Directory to find things
void set_tokflag();
void set_endflag();
void set_endflag_01();
int size_buff();
void init_pair(const string& file_name); // read a file of common pairs
void init_abbr(const string& file_name); // read a file of abbreviations
void tok_0();
void tok_1();
void tok_2();
void tok_3();
void tok_5_6_7();
void tok_8_9();
void tok_10();
void tok_11();
void tok_12();
void tok_13();
void tok_14();
void tok_15();
void tok_15_1();
void tok_16();
void tok_16_1();
void tok_17();
void tok_20();
void tok_20_1();
void tok_20_2();
void tok_21();
void tok_21a();
void tok_22();
void tok_23();
void tok_24();
void tok_25();
void tok_26();
void tok_27();
void tok_28();
void tok_29();
void tok_29a();
void tok_30();
void tok_31();
void tok_32();
void tok_33();
int complex_check();
void map_escapes();
void tok_un();
void append_token(string&, int&, char*, int);
string token_string();
set<string> common_pair;
map<string,int> common_abbr;
int option_token; // Output tokenized text (only use internally)
int tok_initialized; // is it inited?