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#ifndef BTREE_H
#define BTREE_H
#define LNEG -100000000
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
namespace iret {
const int order = 5; //Half the order of the Btree that we build.
const int height_limit =12; //Limit on the height of the Btree.
const int ord2 = order*2; //The order of the Btree.
int stc_my(int &,int &,const char *,const char *); //Function used to compare
//two strings. The first two arguments hold information about how much the
//string can be ignored in the comparison.
class Page; //forward declaration
class Btree; //forward declaration
class Partial_match; //forward declaration
class Node {
friend int stc_my(int &,int &,const char *,const char *);
friend class Page;
friend class Btree;
friend class List;
friend class Count;
friend class FCount;
friend class DCount;
template<class Z> friend class BCount;
friend class Partial_match;
friend class Thes;
Node(void); //Sets all points to NULL.
Node(const char * ); //Argument is the string for this node.
Node(const char * ,void *); //Arguments are first the string and then the
//data pointer.
void debug(); //Prints out the node in simple format.
char *str; //String pointer.
void *rel; //Data pointer.
Page *pdn; //Points down to the page below or to NULL.
class Page {
friend int stc_my(int &,int &,const char *,const char *);
friend class Btree;
friend class Partial_match;
friend class FCount;
friend class DCount;
Page(); //Constructs a new empty page. Only happens at the root.
Page(Page * const pz,Page * const pn,const int n); //Constructs a page that
//holds the right half of a full page. The full page is pointed at by the
//pz. The new pages downward pointer is set to pn.
//n tells how much of the full page is to remain or where to begin removal.
void clean(void); //Used to delete without touching search keys in the nodes
//which were created with addp functions and do not belong to the tree.
void insert(const int n,Node * const nd,const int j); //inserts in partially empty
//page. n is insertion point, j is number of nodes on page that are viable.
int search(int &a,int &b,const char *,int &p); //searches for string on
//the page. Returns 1 if found, 0 otherwise. If found p is the index, otherwise
//if p is 0 then the page downward pointer is to next page to search, but if
//p is positive then p-1 is number of node that has the downward pointer to
//next page to search.
int search(int &a,int &b,char *,int &p,Partial_match *btr); //Looks for longest
//partial match.
void debug(); //Prints out the page for debugging purposes.
char ndnm; //Indicates the number of Nodes on the page.
Page *pdn; //Pointer that points to the page below and also lexically below.
//May be NULL.
Node *pnd[ord2]; //Pointers to the nodes on the page. Some may be NULL.
class Btree {
friend class Page;
Btree(ifstream &); //Reads in a Btree in form of list written out by
//list_write() from disc. String arguments mark the path in proj file.
Btree( const Btree & btree ) {copy = true; root = btree.root;} // Actually
// creates another reference to the same tree. Take great care to
// avoid simultaneously modifying both copies.
int search(const char *); //Searches for a string and sets the path to that
//string or its insertion point.
int insert(Node *);//Only to be called after a search has failed to find the
void node_first();//Finds the first node in the tree and sets the path to it.
int node_next(); //Given the path is already set to a node, this function
//finds the next node in lexicographic order.
char *show_str();//Used to show the string after a call to next is successful.
void *give_ptr();//Used to give the data pointer in the current node.
void set_ptr(void *); //Used to set the data pointer after a call to search
//has found string.
int add(Node *); //Only to be used to construct a tree from a lexical list
//as written out by list_write();
void next_empty(); //Only used to reset the pointer arrays when the root is
//split. Used in add().
long list_write(ofstream &); //Writes out a lexical list of the strings in
//the tree.
int iclean; //Default 0, but set to 1 if want to have destructor run without
//touching key strings (if addp used in making tree).
int depth; //Tells the depth in the tree that marks the current location.
Page *root; //Points at the root page of the tree.
Page *pg[height_limit]; //Descending list of pointers that mark the pages.
int cnd[height_limit]; //Mark the positions of the nodes just above the
//downard page pointer at each level. Thus 0 marks the page's downward
//pointer, but a nonzero value must have 1 subtracted and then it gives
//the node whose downward pointer is the correct downward pointer.
bool copy; //flags copies of a tree with true.
class List : public Btree {
List(const List & list) : Btree(list) {}
void add_key(const char *str); //Adds the string *str to the tree if not already in list
void add_key_count(const char *str); //Adds the string *str to the tree if
//not already in list and counts it.
void addp_key_count(char *str); //Adds the string *str to the tree if
//not already in list and counts it. Uses the actual string pointer instead
//of making a copy
long cnt_key; //Used to count the number of keys.
class Count : public List {
Count(const Count & Ct) : List(Ct){}
void add_count(const char *str,long n); //Adds the string *str with its count
//to the tree if not already in list. String is key and count is data.
//If string is already a key the count is incremented by n.
void add_countz(const char *str,long n); //Adds the string *str with its count
//just as add_count, but also counts number of unique keys in count.
//Does not add count to the total variable, unlike add_count2.
void add_count2(const char *str,long n); //Adds the string *str with its count
//just as add_count, but also counts number of unique keys in count.
void addp_count2(char *str,long n); //Adds the string *str with its count
//just as add_count, but also counts number of unique keys in count.
//Does not make copy of string, but uses the pointer str as key pointer.
void correct(const char *str,long n); //If str is in the tree the count is
//changed to n. Otherwise nothing is done.
//Functions for maximum calculation
void max_count(const char *str,long n); //Adds the string *str with its count
//to the tree if not already in list. String is key and count is data.
//If string is already a key the count is max of n and prior value.
void max_count2(const char *str,long n); //Adds the string *str with its count
//just as max_count, but also counts number of unique keys in count.
void maxp_count2(char *str,long n); //Adds the string *str with its count
//just as max_count, but also counts number of unique keys in count.
//Does not make copy of string, but uses the pointer str as key pointer.
//Functions for minium calculation
void min_count(const char *str,long n); //Adds the string *str with its count
//to the tree if not already in list. String is key and count is data.
//If string is already a key the count is min of n and prior value.
void min_count2(const char *str,long n); //Adds the string *str with its count
//just as min_count, but also counts number of unique keys in count.
void minp_count2(char *str,long n); //Adds the string *str with its count
//just as min_count, but also counts number of unique keys in count.
//Does not make copy of string, but uses the pointer str as key pointer.
long count(const char *str); //Returns the count if a key (in list) otherwise
//returns 0.
long count(void); //Returns the count of the current string. Assumes the
//pointers have already been set by a search or node_next call.
long total; //Holds the total of all counts added for all keys.
class FCount : public List {
FCount(const FCount & Ct) : List(Ct){}
void Copy(FCount &Dc); //Makes a copy of the tree Dc in the current tree.
void add_count(const char *str,float z); //Adds the string *str with its count
//to the tree if not already in list. String is key and count is data.
//If string is already a key the count is incremented by z.
void add_count2(const char *str,float z); //Adds the string *str with its count
//just as add_count, but also counts number of unique keys in count.
void addp_count2(char *str,float z); //Adds the string *str with its count
//just as add_count, but also counts number of unique keys in count.
//Does not make copy of string, but uses the pointer str as key pointer.
float count(const char *str); //Returns the count if a key (in list) otherwise
//returns 0.
float count(void); //Returns the count of the current string. Assumes the
//pointers have already been set by a search or node_next call.
float total; //Holds the total of all counts added for all keys.
class DCount : public List {
DCount(const DCount & Ct) : List(Ct){}
void Copy(DCount &Dc); //Makes a copy of the tree Dc in the current tree.
void add_count(const char *str,double z); //Adds the string *str with its count
//to the tree if not already in list. String is key and count is data.
//If string is already a key the count is incremented by z.
void add_count2(const char *str,double z); //Adds the string *str with its count
//just as add_count, but also counts number of unique keys in count.
void addp_count2(char *str,double z); //Adds the string *str with its count
//just as add_count, but also counts number of unique keys in count.
//Does not make copy of string, but uses the pointer str as key pointer.
double count(const char *str); //Returns the count if a key (in list) otherwise
//returns 0.
double count(void); //Returns the count of the current string. Assumes the
//pointers have already been set by a search or node_next call.
//Functions for maximum calculation
void max_count(const char *str,double z); //Adds the string *str with its count
//to the tree if not already in list. String is key and count is data.
//If string is already a key the count is max of z and prior value.
void max_count2(const char *str,double z); //Adds the string *str with its count
//just as max_count, but also counts number of unique keys in count.
void maxp_count2(char *str,double z); //Adds the string *str with its count
//just as max_count, but also counts number of unique keys in count.
//Does not make copy of string, but uses the pointer str as key pointer.
//Functions for minium calculation
void min_count(const char *str,double z); //Adds the string *str with its count
//to the tree if not already in list. String is key and count is data.
//If string is already a key the count is min of z and prior value.
void min_count2(const char *str,double z); //Adds the string *str with its count
//just as min_count, but also counts number of unique keys in count.
void minp_count2(char *str,double z); //Adds the string *str with its count
//just as min_count, but also counts number of unique keys in count.
//Does not make copy of string, but uses the pointer str as key pointer.
void debug(void); //Prints to stdout a list "i str[i]"
double total; //Holds the total of all counts added for all keys.
class Partial_match : public Count {
friend class Page;
Partial_match(const Partial_match & Par_mat) : Count(Par_mat){}
void long_match(char *,List &); //Finds the longest matches for all word
//starts in the string and adds them to the list.
void local_match(char *,List &); //Finds all matches that start at
//beginning of the string and adds them to the list.
void all_match(char *,List &); //Finds all matches within the string and
//adds them to the list.
void long_match(char *,Count &,long n); //Finds the longest matches for all word
//starts in the string and adds them to the list in Count.
void local_match(char *,Count &,long n); //Finds all matches that start at
//beginning of string and adds them to the list in Count.
void all_match(char *,Count &,long n); //Finds all matches within the string and
//adds them to the list in Count.
int search_long(char *); //Searches for longest partial match to an initial
//segment of a string that ends at a word boundary and
//sets the path to that string or its insertion point.
int stc_my_long(int &,int &,char *,const char *,int); //Function used to compare
//two strings. The first two arguments hold information about how much the
//string can be ignored in the comparison. The last argument holds the index
//or number of the string's node on the page.
int step_one(int &,int &,char *); //Looks for partial or complete match and
//returns 1 if complete found. Partial is reflected in parameters.
//Special parameters used in partial matching.
int depth_o; //Depth of longest partial match thus far.
int index_o; //index of longest partial match thus far.
int cln_o; //String length of longest partial match thus far.
int len; //Length of query string.
int cln; //Current null position in string.
class Str_str : public Btree {
Str_str(const Str_str & Stst) : Btree(Stst){}
void add_pair(const char *one,const char *two); //Adds the string *one to the tree and stores
//the string *two at that node.
char *match(const char *one); //Returns pointer to the string stored under string *one.
class Num_num : public Btree {
Num_num(const Num_num & Nmnm) : Btree(Nmnm){}
void add_pair(long i, long j); //Adds the string for i to the tree and
//stores the number j at that node.
long match(long i); //Returns the number stored under the string for i.
template<class Z>
class BCount : public List {
BCount(const BCount<Z> & Ct) : List(Ct){}
void add_count(const char *str,Z n); //Adds the string *str with its count
//to the tree if not already in list. String is key and count is data.
//If string is already a key the count is incremented by n.
void add_count2(const char *str,Z n); //Adds the string *str with its count
//just as add_count, but also counts number of unique keys in count.
void addp_count2(char *str,Z n); //Adds the string *str with its count
//just as add_count, but also counts number of unique keys in count.
//Does not make copy of string, but uses the pointer str as key pointer.
void correct(const char *str,Z n); //If str is in the tree the count is
//changed to n. Otherwise nothing is done.
//Functions for maximum calculation
void max_count(const char *str,Z n); //Adds the string *str with its count
//to the tree if not already in list. String is key and count is data.
//If string is already a key the count is max of n and prior value.
void max_count2(const char *str,Z n); //Adds the string *str with its count
//just as max_count, but also counts number of unique keys in count.
void maxp_count2(char *str,Z n); //Adds the string *str with its count
//just as max_count, but also counts number of unique keys in count.
//Does not make copy of string, but uses the pointer str as key pointer.
//Functions for minium calculation
void min_count(const char *str,Z n); //Adds the string *str with its count
//to the tree if not already in list. String is key and count is data.
//If string is already a key the count is min of n and prior value.
void min_count2(const char *str,Z n); //Adds the string *str with its count
//just as min_count, but also counts number of unique keys in count.
void minp_count2(char *str,Z n); //Adds the string *str with its count
//just as min_count, but also counts number of unique keys in count.
//Does not make copy of string, but uses the pointer str as key pointer.
Z count(const char *str); //Returns the count if a key (in list) otherwise
//returns 0.
Z count(void); //Returns the count of the current string. Assumes the
//pointers have already been set by a search or node_next call.
Z total; //Holds the total of all counts added for all keys.
template<class Z>
BCount<Z>::BCount() : List() {
template<class Z>
Z *pk;
pk=(Z *)(this->give_ptr());
if(pk)delete pk;
template<class Z>
void BCount<Z>::add_count(const char *pch,Z n){
Z *ppt;
Node *np;
ppt = new Z;
(*ppt) =n;
np=new Node(pch,(void*)ppt);
else {
(*(Z *) this->give_ptr())+=n;
template<class Z>
void BCount<Z>::add_count2(const char *pch,Z n){
Z *ppt;
Node *np;
ppt = new Z;
(*ppt) =n;
np=new Node(pch,(void*)ppt);
else {
(*(Z *) this->give_ptr())+=n;
template<class Z>
void BCount<Z>::addp_count2(char *pch,Z n){
Z *ppt;
Node *np;
ppt = new Z;
(*ppt) =n;
np=new Node;
else {
(*(Z *) this->give_ptr())+=n;
template<class Z>
void BCount<Z>::correct(const char *pch,Z n){
(*(Z *) this->give_ptr())=n;
template<class Z>
Z BCount<Z>::count(const char *pch){
else {
return(*((Z *) this->give_ptr()));
template<class Z>
Z BCount<Z>::count(void){
return(*((Z *) this->give_ptr()));
template<class Z>
void BCount<Z>::max_count(const char *pch,Z n){
Z *ppt,i;
Node *np;
ppt = new Z;
(*ppt) =n;
np=new Node(pch,(void*)ppt);
else {
ppt=(Z *)give_ptr();
template<class Z>
void BCount<Z>::max_count2(const char *pch,Z n){
Z *ppt,i;
Node *np;
ppt = new Z;
(*ppt) =n;
np=new Node(pch,(void*)ppt);
else {
ppt=(Z *)give_ptr();
template<class Z>
void BCount<Z>::maxp_count2(char *pch,Z n){
Z *ppt,i;
Node *np;
ppt = new Z;
(*ppt) =n;
np=new Node;
else {
ppt=(Z *)give_ptr();
template<class Z>
void BCount<Z>::min_count(const char *pch,Z n){
Z *ppt,i;
Node *np;
ppt = new Z;
(*ppt) =n;
np=new Node(pch,(void*)ppt);
else {
ppt=(Z *)give_ptr();
template<class Z>
void BCount<Z>::min_count2(const char *pch,Z n){
Z *ppt,i;
Node *np;
ppt = new Z;
(*ppt) =n;
np=new Node(pch,(void*)ppt);
else {
ppt=(Z *)give_ptr();
template<class Z>
void BCount<Z>::minp_count2(char *pch,Z n){
Z *ppt,i;
Node *np;
ppt = new Z;
(*ppt) =n;
np=new Node;
else {
ppt=(Z *)give_ptr();